Minutes-PC 1976/10/11e ~- c, ty f,ai i An~helm~ Csliforni~ Octabe~ 11, 197b REGtILAR MEETING 0(' 'fflF AN,INEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISwS1i1N REGUInR - A renular rneeCin~, of ch~ Anahcim Cit~ Planning Commissio~ was called to order by Chairman Johnson ~C 1t30 p.m,~ on October 11, 197~>~ in the Cauncll Ch~mber, a q~wrum befn~ present PRESENT - CNAIk~M~I: Johnson COMMISSIq~lERS: Barnes, Herbst~ King~ Morley, Tular AaSENT - f.OMMISSIONERS: Farano ALSO P1tGSENT- Ronald Thompson M.nowltan Fernald Frank Lowry Paul Sinncr Jack Judd Coulter Nookcr Joel F1 cl: Patricia Scanlin Plannin~~ Ulrect~r Community Development Dcpartment Direr.tor Deputy CiCy Attorney Traffi~ Engincer Civll C•ngineerlna Assistant Nssis'.ant Pl~nner Assistant Planner Planring C~mmisstun Secretary NLF.DGE OF - Commfssioner Tolar led in the Pledge of Alleglance to the Flag ALLEGIANCF oF the Unired 5tates of America. APPROVAI. OF ° f,,~-nmissio~er Nbrley offered a mation~ secondc~d by Gonmissfoner TH[ MINUTES ~~~ng and MOTION CARRICD (Commissioner Herbst abstaining slnce he ~as not present at tlie meeting in questlon; and Commissioner Fara~o ~ein~ ~b~ent), that the minutes of the Planning Commisslon meeting held ~n 5~~~r.embe r 1:, 1976 ~ be ancl h~reby are apprc~v~d, as submf tted. RECLASS ~~'• CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING. TOM T. AND CHERRY HIOE, 133Q East Gates N0. 76- ~treet~ Anaheim~ Ca. 92~i~1 (Owners); S7ATE-WIOE INVESTORS, INC., ~~311 East 17th Street~ Long Beach, Ca. 90804 (Agent). Property vN~,;-•~ 4... , descrihed as a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land conslsting of " ~y ~~ appraximately 1.0 acre, h~vtng a frantage of approximately lig f~et on the north side of Savanna Srreet~ a maximum depth of approx~- ~,•~_ '~~, ••f~• ~ being lacated approximately 546 feet west of ihe centerl ine of Knott Srr~,. ~~• `~,.~tner descrlbed as 3535 ~avanna Street. Property presently classified rt~ -~~_ ~ 'RESIDENTIAI./A~CRICULTUftAL) ZONE, ,~~q,,..,-~ !.A5SIFICATION: RM-1200 (RESlDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-FAMILY) ZONE. REQ.:.~''• ~'/ARIANCE: WAIVER OF (A) MAXIMUM 41!ILDIPIG HEIGHT, (B) MINIMUM DIS7ANCE B£TWEEN BU I LD 1 P~GS /1ND (~) fiEQU I RED S I7E SCREE~11 NG, TO CONSTRUCT A 28-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX. !t Na ;~~ted that ne subject petitions were continued from the Planning Comm(ssion neet~ s of July ~9~ 1976~ for r~are information concerning the environnental +mpact of the pro~r:;~ and from August 16, 1976, for revised plans~ at the request of the petltioner. it ~~~.is further notcd that the petitloner was req~~esting an addit~onal continuance to the P~~~~ing Commisslon meeting of October 27. 19i~, In order to submit tne revised plans. Commissioner Morley ofEered a motion, seconded hy Commissioner OCin9 and MOTION CARRIED (Commissloner Farano being absent), that the Anahelm City Planning Cammission does hereby further continue the public t~earing and consideration of Pe[ittons fior Reciassifica~lon No. 76-77°~~~ and Variance No. 2813 to the Plarning Commission mceting of October 27, 1g76~ as requested by t~e petitioner. 76-478 ~ ~ ..~ ~ MINUtES~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, October I1~ 1976 ~ ~ 7'6-4~9 VARIANCE N0. 28~~8 - COIJTINUED PUnLIC HEARING. EXXON GOMPANY USA, P. 0. Box 2180~ Nouator~~ r Texas 170J1 (Ownar); CONROY GROUP 11~ 1052~~ West Pico Boulevard~ Los Rng~lee. Ca. 9006~~ (Agent); re~que~ting WAIVER OF (A) PERMITTED ENCROACNM~NTS iNTa REQUVR~.U YARDS~ (B) MINIMUM 5TRUCTIIRAI. .°~ETBP.CK~ AMID (C) PERHIT7ED USES~ TO CONSTRUCT A FIOW~R SHOP on prope~ty described aa ari irregularly-shaped parcal of land ~:onsisting of approximately Q.6 ac~e locatesd at the northwest Lorner of Lineoln Avenue and Euclid Stre;et~ hbvinq approximate frontages of 150 feet on the north stde of Lir-cal~ Avanue and 150 feet on the west stdc of Euclid ~trc.et. Property presently classlfled CG (~COMMERCiAL~ GENERAL) ZONE. It waa noted that the subJect petltlon wa~ con'tinued i~~•om the Planning Commisslon rtwnting of Septe~ber 27~ 1976, for a fuil Commfsston since the: resalutlon to approve received a tte vote, M~ one indlcated their presence in oppositlon to the subJect peC(tlor~; however. Assistant Planner Joel Fick acknowledged ~eceipt of a Ietter in oppositian dated October 1~ 1976~ fr~m eill Miller~ F'resldent of NcCuy Ford, 1b~0 W~st Lincoln Avenue~ sald letter urging reJectlon of thP proposal on the basis that, a4 a high-density, problem-plaguad aree, an "in~ ulsive p~rchase" type of drive-in buslness wauid o~nly e~dd to the congeYtion. !t w~s noted that the petltioner was not pPC.crnt ~nd, iapon quostloning by Ch~irman Johnson~ Oeputy Clty Attorney Frank lowry advised that If the Planning Commiss(on so desirnd~ the pendinq actton could be taken at thls meetinc~ ina~smuch ss the public h~artng had becn held and was closed on Se:ptember 27~ 197b~ end that a vote was all that was requl red, Although the Staff R~port to the Planning Comrnission dated October O1~ 1976~ w~s not ~ead~ satd Staff Report is r~sferr~ed to and made a part of the ~~,lnut4:, Cummissioner Herbst noted that he felt it wuuld be detrtmental to the City to t~ave the proposed building right up to the property line nn the ~~bJect corner; that the proposal would e~courage imQulse purchases from tfie, passing v~hicular krafflc and~ since the swbjact p-•operty is located on a cor~ner of a heavily-trave+led Intersectiono it was not deemed appropriat~ for such ~ use since it was anticipated that the type of traffic generated would i~crease the number of t~affic accid~nts tn the vicinlty of said intersectton. In response to questloning by ~hairman Johnson~ Cammisslune~' Tola~ noted that, although he had ~ot been present at the pu'blic hearin~ on the ~ubJect petition~ he had read the m3nutes and was aware of the presentation of the petitiosier ~~nd the discussfon in connectlan therewith, and that he was prrpared to vote; howe~+er, he cauld not support the proposal. Commtsstoner King noted that~ although he had voted in favor cf the propasal on Septnmber 27, 1976~ the Traffic Enginecr had supplied additic+nal information upo~ which he would basc a vate lr. opposition. Commi~sloner Morley noted that he still favored the proJect on the basis that (t would not generate as much traffic as othe~ uses which could be m~de of tFre property. (See *.hc mtnutes of Sc}~tember 27~ 19?6, for the actlan of the Pla~n~iing Commission re:commending a neyative environmental impact declaratlon.) Com,~nissioner Ne~bst affered ~esolutlon No. PC76-192 and movesd for ies passage and adoption~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby dGrtiy Petltion for Variance No. ?.8k8 on the basis of the forego;ng findings in oppasition. (See Resolutlon Boe~k) On roil call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the followtng vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BAI;NES, HERBST~ KING~ TOI.AR~ JOHNSON NOES : COIiMI SS f ONERS ; hiOftLEY A85ENT; COMMISSiONERS; FAItANO ~ • ~ MINU7ES~ CITY PLFW NING COMMISSION~ October II~ 1976 76~~~80 Rf:CLP,SSIFI~CAl'ION - READVERTISF.D PUpLIC ~IEARING, ROYAL C, ANU I.OI~ISE H. MARTEN~ dll Suuth N0. 76-77-11 Western Avenue~ M Ahetm~ Ca, 92a0-~ (Owncrs); JAMES L. BARISIC 4a4$ -" Lakevicw~ Sulte IQ1~ Yarba Linda~ Ca. 9z6~h ~~9ent). Property des- VARIANC[ N0. 2f~3~~ crlbed as a rectangularly-shapad parcel of land consisttng of +~pproxl- mately 1,1 ac.ras locAted at tl~e n~rthwe,t carner of 7eran(mar Drlve VARlANCE ~JO. 2f353 and Western Avenuc, having approximate frontages oP 115 feet on tha ~ nortl~ sldc of TeranimAr Urivc and ~~G5 feet un thc wo~t side of WRStern Avtnue~ and further de~cribed a~ dll South Western Avenue. Property presently classiflecl RS-A-43~OQ0 (RESIDENIIAL/AGRICULTURAL} ZONE. REQUESTEU CLASSIFICATIO~d: RS-5~~~ (RC•SIDGNTIAL~ SfNGI.C^FAMlI.Y) ZONE. VARIAtICE N0, z33~+ Rf0.UE57: WAIV[R OF (A) PIINIMUM B~II.DING SITE WIDT(i~ (B) MI~~IMUM SIDEYARD SET~ACKo ANp (C) MAXIMUM NALL HEIGN'i~ TO CONSTRUC7 FOUR DUPLF.Xf.S. (P[TI7iQP~F.R REQUESTS TERMINATION) VIIRIAIJCE. N0, 2`1i3 fiEQUEST: WAIVER OF REQUI(tEHEP~I' Tr~AT AL.L SItIGLE-FAMII.Y STRUC7URES REAR-OW AP~ ARTER I AL H I rfIWAY ~ TO CONSTRUC'f A'-LQT ~~--UN I T~ RS-500Q SUBDIVISIO~l, It was noted tfiat the subJect Pet(tlons for Reclassit`Ication No, 76-77-11 and Varlance No. 2f334 were continued from the Planni~g Commission meetings of Aug~~st 16~ 1976~ for the pc:tit(oner xo meet wit•h area residents and pr~perty owners~ and from August 30, 19i6, at the request of the petitioner. No one indicated their presenc:e in opposltlon to the subJect petitlons. Althou~h the StaPf Report to the Plannli~g Conmission dated October 11~ 1976~ was not read at the public hearing~ s~(d 5taff Report ts rePerred Co and made a part of the minutes. Mr. Jlm Barfsic~ the agent for the petitloner~ a~pe~~ed before the Plann:ng Commisslon and statei that Inttlally a number af homeowners in the area were opposed to anything but single-famtly ciwellings on the subJect property and, aftcr numerous meeCings and further analyzation of the site, it was found that it wo~ld be feaslble to develop the property with single-family dwellings; that they were. propusing to canstruct four dwellir~gs at the present time on lots which were 6900 square feet in size; thaz three oF the lots (Nos. 5, 6 and 7) were not prop~sed to be devel~ped at this time: that they had requcsted RS-5000 zoning, rather than RS-72.00~ so that they would not havP to rcquest the several wa(ver5 that wo~~ld have resulteci; that the homes wAUld have four bedrocims~ two baths~ and be very nice~ selling in the ~70~OQ~ ptice range; that~ to mitiaate the negattve factor af fronting the home:s onto Western Avenue, they were prflposlny ~ 7-1;2 foot righ, decorative masonry wall along said street since they felt the acoiastical engineer would request it for sc~und attenuation; that said decorae(ve v~ali, with landscaping, would create a vlsual and pleastny separattc~n of the homes from Western Avenue and, ~ddition~lly, they were proposing to set the houses as far back from said street as possible and still maintain 25-fflot deep re~ir yards; and that~ tn response to the Traffic E~g(neer's concern with the homes factng onto Western Avenue, they could design hammerheWd drlveways~ if requlred to do so. TfIE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Cammissioner Herbst noted thaC he could see n~ problems with the proposed tract, as designed, especially since the Planning Commtssion had been lookiny for this type pro~?osal with a higher wall adJacent to arterlal highv~ays to provide visual and sound b~ffering from that type street; and that t~y observing this tract, Che concept of the higher wafl could be proved or disproved as a good solut(on to sound-atkenuation prablems adJacent to arterlal highways. l.~mmissloner Herbst offerad a motion~ seconded by Commissioner King and ;10TION CARRIED !Commissioner Farano betng absent)~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission d~es hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anahetm tha± a negative de~laration from th~ requirement to prepare an environmental in~pact report be appraved for ths subJect pro;ect, pursuant to the provisions of the Califa~~la Environmental Quality Act. Commissioner Nerbst offered Resolut3an Plo. PC7G-~93 and moved for its passage and adoption, that the Anaheim City Planning Corrmtssion doe~ hereby recommend to the Clty Council of the City of Anaheim that Petitfon for Reclassification No. 76-77-11 be approved, subJect to the Interdepartmental Committee recomrnendations. (See Resolution Bookj ~ ~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PIANMING COMMI~SION~ October 11. 197G ~b"~~~ REGLII~SIFIC~~TION N0. 76-77-I1. V,ARIANCE N0. 28~4 AND VARIl1NC[ N0, 2$53 (Cantinued) On roll crll~ the foragofng resolutlon was passocl by the f`ollowinq vote: AYES; CQMMISSIONERS: RARNES~ HERBST, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR, JONNSON NOES: CUMMISSIONERS; NpNE ABSENT; COt1MISSIANERS: FARANO Gommissloner Ilerhst oFfered a motlon. s~~conded by Commissloncr i'olar and MOTION CARRIED (Commissloner Farano being absent)~ t~~at the Anahelm Cicy Plaiin(ng Commiss(on docs hereby termin~te all ~roceedin,rys in connectton with Pecitiov~ fo~ Variance No. 2a3A on the basis that r.he petitloncr submltteci a new propoyal and sald var(ancc (s no langer applicabla to the subJect property, and as requested by the petitloner. Commissioner Herbst affered Resolution N;~. Pi:7G-19~+ and moved for its passage a,id adoptlon~ that the Anahetm Clty Plan~lnc~ Corc~misslon does hereby grant Petition i'or Varla~nce Wo, ?853~ 9ranting the requcsted waivrr ~f thc requiremtnt that all singlc-family structures rear-on arterlal highways c,,~ the basis that an approxlmately 7.5-foot hlgh, decorative masonry wall and landscaping are prop~~sed to buffer the propos~d lots from the visual and noise Impact from Western ~•venue and~ a~ddlt(onally, the homes w(1) be set back 35 feet from the front property lines; and subJecC to the Interde~artmentai Commtttee recommandations. (Sea Resolut(on Book) On roll call~ tf~e foregofng resolution was passed by the following vute: AYFS: COMMISSIONERS: HARNES~ HL•RBST, KINC, MORLEY~ TOLAR~ JOHNSON NOES: COMMISSIONCRS: NONE ABS[NT: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO RECI.ASSIFICATION - PUB~IC I~FARING. @ERNARDO M. AND MARGARET L. YORBA~ 125 South Claudi,,a, N0, 76-77-16 Anahelm~ Cr„ 92803 (Owners); SGPA PLANPlING E ARCHITECTURE, P. 0. Box 33326, San Die~o. Ca, 92103 (Agent). Propcrty described as an CONDITIONAL USG irregularly-sfzaped parcel of land consistin~ oY approximately 6.7 PERMIT N0. 165~i acres having approximate frontsye~ of 38$ feet ~n the west side of Imperial Highway and 335 feet on the south side of La Palma Avenue. Property presently classified RS°A~43~600(SC) (I~,ESIQENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL- SCENIC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZONE. RFQIIESTED CLASSIFICA710N; CL(SC) (COMMF.RCIAL~ LIMITED-SCEP~IC CORRIDQ:'t OVERLAY) ZONE. REQUESTED CONDITIOPJAL USF: TO PERMl7 A DRIVE-THROUGH RESTAURAN7 WiTN WAIVER OF PERMITTFD SIGNING. Two p~rsons indicated their presence +n opposition to subJect petition and forthwith waived the full reading nf the Staff Report to the Planning Commission dated October 11~ 1976. A1*.hough the Staff Report was not read~ it Is referred to and made a i~art of the mi nutes . Nr. Eugene Geritz~ representing the aoent for the pezitioner and the developer of the proposed proJect, aFPeared before the Planniny Commis5lon and reviewed the proposal~ statin~ that the Planning Commission wouid recali that the subject property was l~cluded as cammercial in a General Plan amendment which was pror.essed earlier in the year and che requested zoning reclassification was in accordance with said General P1an amendment; that the site was generally bounded by Imper(a) Highway~ La Palma Avenue, an existing Te~caco servtce statton and restaurant~ ~nd the Santa Ana River channr.l; that dedication was in process for enlargement of the river channel; thet the proposed commercial shopping center would have a combinatio~~ of specialty retali uses~ financial in~titutions and foad servfce; that access was proposed from La Palma Avenue by way of a left-turn pocket in ~.~ left-turn medlan; that there would 5e direct cirGUl~tlon into a rather r,asual grouping oF bulldings on the inter(or of the property; that~ in additton to the zoning applicatlon~ they were requesting a conditional use permit to atlow the construction of a drive-up restaurant facility; tha2 the existing industr!al parking was to the north and they were concerned about getti.ig a location with more than adequate stacktng ~oom for a drive-up restaurant ~acility so that the stac'~cing arza wauld not interfere with on-site traffic patterns~ that, essenttally, the pr~posal was a low-scale development utilizing wood siding~ board ancf batten walls~ shingles~ and boardwalks, arcades~ etc.~ for contrasted interests; that the same architectural treatment would be uSed al) around the site becaust • ~ MINUTES, CITY PLNNNiNG COMMISSION~ Octnbet~ 11, 1976 ~~'"~8~ RECLA551FICATIQN N0, 76-77-16 IW D COND~710NAL USE PERMIT N0,_1654 (Contln~+ed) the total site had ~xposure wlth no rear side; that they hACi in~:lude.i In the basl~ sUl,mltta) the criterla for signing whlch would be part of all of che leeses~ and gald siclns wculd be of the wood-cArved type with Intertar Illuminat(on; that t.hey h~d Initlally requosted t~ have e monument-typa sl9n since~ at the tlme oP mek(ng the request~ there was a pass(ble ordinnnce revislon underway to ~llaw that type of slgn far the subJect type complax !n the Scen(c Carrldor; however~ they would requost 2o wlthdraw the monument ~Ign at thls time; that~ additlonally~ tfierc were exist(ng billboards on the subject property r.ind they werG requesting that said billboards bc allowecl to ramaln for a perlad of one year follaw(ng approval of the sub)act pro_J~ct; tliat they hsd no specli'ic abJe~ctlons to removing the bitlbuards buk therc was a question as to whather tliey could ~emove th~m within Che one-year parlod since the blllbuards wera prnsenr.ly leaseci a- there Wd!i a l~gal d~Cerminatlun to be r,iade ln the matter. Mrs. Mary DlnndorP~ 131 La Paz~ President of the Santa E1na Canyon Impr~ver~~ent A~soeibtlon~ appeared beforc the Planning Commission in ~pposltion and reviewed a sct of plans whicii the developer had Sent ta th~: Assoclatlon earl~pr. She s`ated she had referred the plans to n consultanr. who had made certain womments pe~*.alninc~ thereto. Mrs, Uinndurf revlewed the comments Indlcated on the plans which noted that the trash enclosurt areas woulcl not work~ the 1~-P'oot sidew~lks wer~ ver~• narrow and 15 feet was the minimum~ Inadequate numher of trash areas~ no ineerior storagc~ reversc parking suggested~ narking was minlmal for thc proposed heavy use~ landsca~c buffer to servl~e areas s~~ggested~ problematl~ access~ equiprsent m~st be witliln roofs~ roofs to~ lo~+~ siqns should he no more than 5 to 6 feet high and no mcm ument signa. Mrs. Dinndcrf further noted that a drivc-~~r restaurant was not nc~eded in the Scenlc Corridor, even if rnore strip commerclal was ~pproved In the area; and the Assoc(atton certainly desired the petltloner to adhere to the Sign Ordinance. In rebuttal. Mr, Geritz stated that in the cours~e of various meetings wit:h City staff~ they ht+d revlsed thelr plans to provide acceptable trastti enclosure areas; that the sidewalks were presently ~~ rtilnimum of 12 feat wide and varled to 15 and 20 feet In the arcade and colonnade areas; that they ware aware of the City ordtnance and there woul~i be no externally-mounted equipment or, the roofs~ but said equ(pment would be contained o+• enclosed; that they were trying to keep the scale of the buildings down and that was why they were using the arcades Interconner.ting to variuus buildings; that the parking was ccncentrated in the heavily-used areas and the parlcing h~d b~er~ reviewed b;i City staff; that the proposed parking was presently in excess of the ordinance; that tl~e locatl~n af ti~e drive-up restaurant had baen brought near ane end of the stte and because of the in- and-out type of traffic~ the proposed rocation could more easily separate the two types of traff(c that wouid be on the tota~ site and not interfere ~r~ith the circulat~on patterns; and that the restaurant location, with gond buffaring and landscaptng, would not (nterfere with the properties adJoining the site. Mrs. Jan Nall~ 545 Tumbleweed Roa~~ Fresident of the Westridge Homeowners As:;ociation~ appeared before the Planning Commission and Inqulrcd a6out the hours of operati~n far the proposed restaurant. Mr. Geritz replied thAt the hours of operatlon had not yet been established. Mrs. Hall further statecf that the homeowners were concerned that anyone operating in the Scenic Corridor should adhere td certaln hours af operati~n and lightiny requirements~ etc. H~. Garitz stated that Che~~ would adhe~e to the c~rdinance. THE PUBLiC HEARING WAS CI.OSED. Commfssioner Morley questioned the reasoning for saturating the subject area with so many restau~ants, In reply~ Mr. Gerltz stated therE had been interest from a tenancy ~tandpoint; that the site plan was tha result of studies of the area and (nterest obtained on a preliminary basts fram a specific tenant. 7hereupon~ Commissioner Marley noted that the public demand would decide whether all of the restaurants could be sur.~essful at this lecation or noi. Conrnissianar Nerbst noted that it was not realisttc *.o expect the surrou-~ding industrlal area to suppart thc subJect shopping center. In response, Mr. Ger(tz stated he believed the rest~urant would survlve because the developer was ndt in the speculative bustness af holding {a~d for development by someone p14e; but they were shopping center developers completing 20 to 30 centers p~r year in the States of California and Arizona; and that both the developer and the tcnant felt that the subJect locat!on was viable for the shopping cbr+ter~ or tihey would not have brought the request to the Planning Commissian. ~ ~ ~ MINUTES~ f,iTY PLANNING COMMISSIQN~ Octoorr 11~ 1976 7G-483 RECLASSIFICATION N0. 76~77~1G AND CONDITIONAL ~J5E F'I:RMIT N0. 165~+ (Contlnued) Commisslon~r Nerbst compared the subJect proposa) tc~ tr~e proposat on Mbgnalla and La Palma A~enue~, whtch was a corrxnr.rcia) antity In ar~ tndustr•tal zone and which had a dlPflcult time+ getting off the ~round wlth llralted ac~ess~ elc. In response to questionl~g by Comm(sslon~r herbst~ Tr~ff(c Cngineer Paul :,inger advised he was recommendtng thu~ a medlan island he r,Anstructnd ln La Palma Avenuw~ Icaving e single access polnt with lefC-kurn5; khat the propos~~i shop~in~ center conne~.ted wFth che ad)ace~t se~vicr statton rirtvewry ~nd, in essonce~ provldnd another access tu the subJect property; and that the propn~ed access appeareci to be aclequate for the sub~ect area. Comm(ss foner flerbst Inqui reci i f the drlve-u~+ re:sta~arant trafflc would haWC An adverse effcct an l.e Palma Avenue. Mr, Si-iqer advlsed that therc woulu obvlrusly be a hlgher volume of trafflc In the are.a fn!lowing construction of the praposed proJ~ct and the traffic would te able tn make l~ft-turns in and out of the onc median ~~ck~t on La Palma Avenue. In rPsponse to questlonin~n by Comanissloner King~ Mr. L.:rfC: stated thc existing dralnaae structur~ was locatecl aiong the property llne and tla~ere had bcs~en a request~ w(th acqulsition neAriy c~smple*°.d~ to (ncrease the size of safcl chonnel; that the submttted plans dic~ nrC Include the property that wauld become parC of the channelc and that they had met witt~ the Flood Co~arol District regardin~ the channel approach to drainaye for the subJer.t prcperty with no bNparent problems. 7hereupon, Mr. Geritz stipulated to work closely with the Englneering Dlvisian pertatning to the clrainage of the property into the East Richficld Drainage Easement, Chatrman Johnson Ir.quired if there were plans to butld the proposal. In re~ly, Mr. Gc:ritz stated one of the reas~ns for the rultiple restaurants was that, !n effect~ the proposal was a program to have shops and restaurants~ and not one without the otfier; thax the plan was to build the complex (n ahases with some of the bu(ldings being constructed aftPr others~ however•~ the shop cor~iex would be constructed prlur to the drlve-up restaurant facility; that the on-Site ir.~provemen+t for the tota) slte would be canstructed wit;i the intttal construction phase; and that they had designed the proJect as a total c~mplex which would not operate suc~~ssfully or financially unless lt was completely b~ilt out. Chairman Johns~n then noted that he would have an aversion t~ putting a restaurant on a carner and then waiting a long time for the rest of the propertY to develop. In response to questiontng by Commissioner Tolar~ Mr, Geritz stated they had proposed a lovr-level rrbnurtx~rit sign but i: now appeared to be an inapproprlate request sl~ce tl~e Plan~ing Comm(ssion had not proceeded with a change in the ordinance for stgntng in the Scenic Corridor. In response to questloning by Commissinner King~ Mr. Geritz stated that tne signing would be in accard~nce with the Sign Ord(nance p~esently and in the future~ in the ev~nt there were changes to said ordinance to allow the monument-type s(gn. Chairman Johnson reviewed the stlpulat(ons of the petittoner perralning to the hours of operation~ lighting~ dralnage, ano signing and noted that the rnatter of the billboards had not been resolved. Deputy City Attorney rrank lok ry advlged thaC~ although t~ie pettttoner was rcquesting to retain the btl~boards for one year~ the Planning Commtssion could requlre that satd billboards be removed, as a condition~ ~rior to the time of final butlding inspectlons~ F.tc. In r~sponse to questioning by Cammission~r Barnes~ Mr. Geritz stated they ha~ been unaware of the condition regarding the blllboar~ls until this date and had been unable Co contact the lessr.e. Thereupon~ Mr. Phlllip Bettencourt~ repres~nting Anahelm Hilis. (nc.~ appeared bcfare the Pianning Commission and stated they were the sub-lessee of the billboards in questivn a;~~ th~e lease would run tn J~~uary 1, 1978; that the billbaards were utiltzed as a marketing aid at a time when Anaheim Hills was difficult to identtfiy and reach~ however~ sincr thgt time they had ~onstructed additiona) signs at Impcrlal Highway and~ on that basts, and as far as they were concerned, the billboards could be remaved tomorrow; and that u~der the terms of the lease they w~re obilyated to u5~ the bllibo~rds for a specified period of time. ~ ~ 7G-484 MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ Ocf.ober 11~ 19)6 R[CI.ASSIFICATION NU. 76-77'lu ANP CONDITIOI:vL USE PERMIT NO. 16y4 (Contlnued) In res~+anse to queetloning canc~r'ninq tfie trASh sto~ag~.erers, Assistant Flanner Joel Flck advl~ecl thnt the Sanitntlon Givislon was recomnrndln~ tf~aC addltlonal tra~!.li storage aroos b~ provi~leri on the sitc. Thereupon~ Mr. ferltz stipuleted to complying wlth the requlren~ents per•talninq to sald trash Storegc +~reas, over and beyond those shown on t hc submitte<1 plans, In rAgP ~ma Avenuesto~cortrol ltftftuMn~rrr~vem~ntstiwithconetmecilan~openingnaCGthe~en t rance In L to the sho~ping center. Comml~slo~er Tolr~r noted t1»t there was <z resolutlor of Intent ku commercial zoning ~n the subJect property. Comm~ssi~ner Herbst noted tn~t I~e cuulct n~t support th~ proposed proJect although he recognfzeci that there was a resolutlon of intent tn commerciAl zaning on lhn propert y; that he h~id o deep feeling that the suhject pr~perty wds not commerclal and~ furthe rmore, that the proposal was a"fislilnq expeslit(on" since there werc only sketclies ~f the proJect; and tha't tl~cre would probably be real probiems <levelop when the developers trled Co get l~ssees for the complex since the area ~•rould rsot suprort the type d~velapmen t proposed wiCh thrce restaurants, In addit~on ta the existing restaurant on the co~n ~ r, Cemmissic~ner Tolar took exceptlon~ nnt' ~y~ut~rathcratondeterminetwhc:thernthe p opose<I~land determine the ecanomics c~f the property, use was a viable commerclal or industrlal property. Commiss.oner Herbst nated that~ at least, he wanted the developer [o be aware of his comment.: since the property was very limited for commercial devulopment; that the development would be strlp conmercial zoning; and that the plot plan dld not suppu r t the cl~ange in zonlnq. Commissloner King noted that an~t~nQt~theePlannin9~Commisslona11Y 5uccessful~ that ~u1d be the concern ~f the developer Discusslon pursued regard(ng the length of time the billboards should be allowed a~ d, based upon thesSion determin~:d thatgsald^hillboards sh~uld beZ~emovednpriorStottheh ~~' the Pla~ning Comml issuance uf building permits. Commissioner King otfered a motion, Seconded by Cnmmissioner Morley and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner F~., •ano being absent) ~ tha~ the ^~aheim Clty i'lanning Commission does hereby recomncnd to the City Councll of the City of Anahelm that a negative declarat-on f rom th~ requirement to prepare an envlranmental impact r~por: be approved for the su~Ject proJect, pu~suant to the prov(sions of the California Env(ronmental Q~ality Act. Comnissioner King offered Resolutior. No. PC76-195 and moved for its passage a~d adopt(on~ that the Anaheim City Planning Corm~lssion does hereby recommend .o thQroved C~ubJe ct tothe City of Anaheim that Petitlon for Reclassification No. 76-77°16 be app ~ the stipulatlons of the pet!tloner and subject t~ the Interdepa~tn+ental Committee recommandations. (Sec kesoluClon Book) OR roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYtS: COMMISSIONERS: ~3ARNES~ KING, MORLEY, TOLAR~ JOHNSON N0~5: COMMISSION~RS: h"RBST ABSEMT: COMMI551 ~~"'"•`- ~ ! %~KnN~ Cornmtssioner King offered Resolu~.un No. PC76-196 and movec for iLS passage and a doption, that the Anahefm Cfty Fiannln.y Commission .iaes hereby grant Patition for Conditional Use Fermit No. 16;~,. :~• ,•~::, :~~Y+n~ tne requested waiver cf the permitted signing °in~the basis that the pet+cioner stipulated to comply~ with the requlrements for slgning Scenic Corridor; sub)ect to the further st1P~~~SeenResoluti°negook)ner and sub}a et to the Interdepartmental C~mmlttse recomnxndations. On roll call, the foragolnq r~:solutian was passed by the following vote; AYES: COMMISSIQNERS: BARNES~ K.ING, MORLEY~ TOLAR~ J0~'N50N NOES; COMMISSIONERSt NERBST ABSENT: COMMISSION~RS: FARANO ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PI.ANNIt~G COMMISSION, Oct.ob:r I1. 1~i7~ 76-485 VARIANC~ N0. 2855 - PUBLIC IIEIIRIIJG. DR[N I)EVELOPMFN7 COMPA~IY, SANTA ANA VALLEY IRRIGIITION COMPANY~ F.~NA~ E3f:RN~RUO AND ~ACK YORBA~ I1.,"~ South Clauclina~ Anah~im~ Ca. 2a0S (Owners); SGPA PLANNING F l1RCHITECTURE~ P, 0, Box 3337.6, San Dir.go~ Ca. 9Z~o3 (AQ-~nt); requestirig WAIVER OF (A) PERMITTED SIGN- ING, (E~) BUILDIt~G SETBACK FROM EXPRESSWIIY~ (f,) [3UILUIt'~ SETBAfK FROM LOCAL STREET~ I~ND (q) REQIIIRED LlWDSCAPING on property d~scrlbed as an lrr~~g~ilarly-shapnd parce) of land c~n91sting of ~pproximatcly 5.0 acres loc~ted at the northwcst ~orner• r~f Santa Ana CAnyon Rond and tmperfal Nighaiay, I~oving Hpproxi~nate frontAgee of G55 fect, on the nnrth slde of Santa Ana Canyon Ro~d and 3~~ feet an the west side of imprrla) Highw~y. Nroperty presesntly classified RS-A••4~~000 (RESfQFNTIl1L/AGRICULTURAL) ZONE (wlth a rasc~!ution of (ntent to CL(SC). Approxlmately nine persons indicated thelr presence in opposltion to the sub'ect p~titlon. Asslsta6t andnsaldlStaff'ReportdishrefcrredRto~as if set forth,in fulltinithc~minutestoher It~ 197 ~ Mr. Eugene Geritr., representinq tlie agent for th~: peti[ioner and the cleveloper oP ths proposed F~roJect~ appeared hefore the Planni~~ncl dinS'theaCltycof~Anahelmf the Oranqens with the subJect property was its c~wnershlp~ 9 County Flaod Control Distrtct, etc.~ that a 6-foot high block wall c.urrently exlsted along Old Santa Ana Canyon koad; that Lhe proposed uses included a United California Bank~ which had filed for its charter~ and they were negotiating for a rnstau~ant and a savings and loan at the sub,lect location; and that the plan ha d been complicated because of the conflyuration of the land, Mr, Geritx revlewed the shape and slze of the subJect property~ stating that the required setback line wauld run through the prope~ty ar ~reat depCh and they were trying to devclop the property to the benefit of the dcvelop~ <~nc1 provide for unity in *_~rms of utilization and logis tics; that the shoppin9 tenand would b@ located next to the eucalyptus trees at the a~uthwest corner of the property, that the cause the remaval of two trees which were in the w ay of thep~aposed driveway; Y were endeavo~ing to tie the devplopment of the property together; that they would like to withdraw the requested waiver pertaining to signing and also the requested walver pertalning to landscaping adJacent to Santa Ana Can yon Ro~id on the basis that they were proposi~g tu provide a rninimum lA feet of lan:lsca~iny with a bermMraSGeritzathen~p~esented the full 20 feet of landscaping at one portian of the pro~erty. a renderfng o~ the proposal which I~e indicated was a low-scale proJect, wiCh wood-carved signs that ware front-illuminated with cut-out et Cers, and satd rendering also indlcated the vlsual exposure of the proJect `rom al~ s1~es. Mt'. Flck clarifled that the waiver of the require~ landscapin g would still be required adJacent to Old SanLa Ana Canyon Road. Mrs. Mary Dinnuorf, 131 La Paz. President of Santa Ana Canyon Improvement Ass~ciatton~ appeared before the Planning Commission and inqui~ed whetl;er Old Santa Ana Canyon l.oad wauld be closed or open for traffic. Mr. Geritz s tated sald street would be open t~ traffic which would be exitiny from the subJect p roperty at ~he cul-de-sac but with no access for the en±ire length of said street. Mrs. Uinndorf continued by stating that the develo pers should be made aware of the Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone; and she took except(on to the proposed internal :raffic circulation pattern with a drlve-through bank, noting that th e subject a rea was already badly congested with a~~tomobile~ at all times; that cor+sideratlon sF~ould be given to the existing traffic ana the realistic possibility that Imperlal Highway and Santa Ana Canyon Road would be ~~idened in the future~ at which time a blkelane would be allo~ed; that no leases had been signed in connection with the p ropo.al; that she was concerned about the type of restaurant propos:u and the hours of operation and 1 ighting, the buffering [hat. would be provided f~r tfe adJacent single-fam'ly residential uses, the trash c~llection beh i r.d tl~e propcsed bui l di ngs ad] acenC to th ~ Ol d Santa Ana Canyon Road ~ and that thP deveieper was apparently trying to get too much on the subJect land; that, to her relief, the Planninc~ Corr,mis~ian was the determining body for thehighest and best use of the land and not Just the e~•~nomics of ft; that there were y0~000 people in the Canyon arca, according to the ~~. ~era) Plan, and no place had been alluwed for publlc service buildings, i.e, ~ electri cal substations ~ 1 ibraries, fi re statlons, etc. ~ to compensate the res idents in the area tax-wise; that if there were not eno ugh people to support all of the commercial development~ there would be instant blight; and that the propusal ~ppeared to be a gamble and she would ~ihadtbee~esaldtabout ~nthe Ilghting wouldrlmpactrtheaadJacent further stated that nothing ~ ^w~ ~ MINUTES, CITY PI.ANNIN~ COMMISSION~ Octobe ~ 11~ 1976 VARIAMCt NQ. 2855 (Continuesd) 76-486 slnyle-family re~idences~ as well as thc trrffic; and that If khe developers wa~ted Lo bulld the subJect proJect~ they should p urcliese mo~e iend slnce thts was too much on too Itttle, Mr. Ower~ (3rown, 6611 Paseo Del NUrec (Eas tridge Tract) ~ appeared before the Planning C~mmission and stateci the resldents in t h ~ area would Iike tc- keep tho area the wey it was; that developers w~re rcquesting va ri an~es and havlnc~ them grantcd very often; that it would be appraciated if the quality contR-ol cxperts of the Clty would start putting thnir foot dowri; thet the people dtd not wanC SO-fook sett~acks~ but wanted 10~-foot setbt+cks~ as requlred~ and the dcvclopers could c~n a~ood ,~ob and comply with the ordinancea in the baylnning rather th~n askfng for great v arlances and receiv(n~ half of what thay esked for. Mrs. Norma Cleme~ts~ 556~3 Edgemar~ appea~ed before the Planning Comrnission In oppc~si~ion and stated that she llved ]ust north of tl~e Old Santa Ana Canyon Ro~d adJacent to tha subJect property; that sald road was be~amir-g 1(k~ an alleyway; th~t she I~ad mo~'ed to the subJect area because she did not like b e in9 r,~~~t by a tr~sh collectlon area where trucks cAn~e 1~~ at 3~~~ a.m. and wake everyone up; that the ps•oposal would make sevrn restaurants at the subJect intersection; that anoth~e r shopping c~enter was op~ning up in a couple of days in the area; Chat she malnly objec r ed +~ the use of Old Santa Ana Ganyon Ruad and th~ proposed ACC~SS~ especlally in view of tt~e fact Xhat said road was t~-~e only acceas to her neighborhood for emergency vehicles, ete ., and she did noC like to think of what might happen lf the road was busy with natron s r,f the shopping centerduring an emergency; and that she was also representing the othe r four residents who backed up to Oid Santa Ana Ct~ny, ~ Roed. Mrs. Pam 8errv, '^'2 ~a Paz~ Secre~ary oF the Santa Ana Canyon Improvement Associatlon~ appear•eci be'ore tiie P 1 ann i ng Commi ss i o~ In oppog i t i on and stated she Has concerned abouC the police protection that -+ould be provlded to the area; that the Ctt~/ kept increasing the commerclal de•.elopm^r~r. but nat the police protection; and that the Assoctatlon was nat strlct~y a!ia~nst all variances and she wanted t~ thank the Planning Commtssian for g~anting the variance ~or the Rinker de velopment bWt wan~ed to urge denlal of the subJect proposal. Mrs. kachel H. McManu~, 5SB1 Edgemar, a ppeared befo~e the Planning Commission in apposition and stated that by closing o~f Old ~anta Ana Canyon Road at the proposed cul- de-sac, she was concerned about the schaol children; that, evr,itually. the people In he~ Cract would be fenced in; that they we ~~ Just hard-worN~~g r ple, trying to protect their investmer.t; that the proposed proJect woulcJ have an effsct thei r chl ldren being able to walk freely o the three schools In th e area; that it al~eady took ab~~ut fivc to ten minutes to cro_s tn~ interse~tion and~ with rr-~~e traffic~ it woulcl be more diff(cult; and that the stores ware not really needed in the area and tne Planning Cartimission shouid take her comments into consideration. In r~buttal~ Mr. Geritz stated that thP closure of Old Santa Ana Canyon Road r~as establ6shed as a condition of the zon: ~9 on the subJect property and a new street, Avenida Margarita, was to be created to inte--s ect with Santa Ana Canyon Road; that the closure of Lhe street ~vould cure a dtfficult sltuation which presently existed at the maJor intersection; and that no vehicular aceess was provlded along the length of Old Santa M a Canyon Rc~ad adJacent to the subJect prc.,.erty but there wer~ a se•'es of pedestrian paths thr~~~yhout the pro_Iect~ and the e;cclus ion of vel~Ecular access was to protsct the adJacent single-family development as much •..s passible. Mr. Geritz further stated that if they adhe.red to the setback requirements~ t here would be practically no site left for development and~ if the ~roperty was t o be developed co~nmercial~ they felt consideratton shc~uld be given to the proposal; that. In any kind of development. mass landscaped area~ were extremely effective and the propo sed tieavy landscaping would, in effect, provide a buffer for the visual impACt along San ta Ana Ca~yon Ftoad and the Scenic Corridor wh~rc they could not physically place tl•,e b u ildings farther back from the property lines; that they were alsa prop~sing to have an ae cess poi~t to the west about in the middle of th~- new street; that, regarding lighting~ they a-ould use low-scale~ 14 to 16-foot high~ light st~ndarJs and the ltght wouid Ue dire eted away from the resldentlal a~eas; that tha landscaping and the ex'sting 6-foot h i gh wall~ in addltion to the approximately J-foot gra~e differential and placing the b uildings approximately 65 feet away, would campletely buffer the restdenccs from th~ propos ed development; that they were proposing to util(zG Qld Santa A~~~ Canyon Road ,'or the tra sh collection vehicles to ~each the subJect property; that the r~~ash areas would be completely enclosed a~d~ since Old Santa ~thought~thet~r Was complet!:ly bufferad from thc adJacen t single-family residences~ they had ~ ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PI.ANNING CQMMISSION~ Jctober 1! ~ 1~76 ~~''447 VAiil ANCE N0. 2855 (Cont i nu~ii) proaosal for trash coZ lection was the best. Ne further stated thaC they Nere ~~questin9 15~', ~ovArege of the land~ which was a~bout the lowest coverage in tho Clty~ ond thet t~~e landscaplnq substr~ntlally exceeded lhe buj Iding coverage c~n tha ~tite, THE PUBLIC NF.pRING WAS CLOSEU In rosponse t~ questioning by Commissione~ Barnes. Mr, Gnrltx stated the propose,d re~t~eu~ant w~s mure i n the ordcr of a dtnner house, f-owever, h~+ was not prlvi le~ed to state Nhlch resteurant It was at this potnt in tlme; and that hG ws~ not familtar with tha Keno's rnstdurents. Thereupon~ Cammfssio~er Barnes neted that th~rt seemed to hs a great many walk-in type rest~iurants and drive•tns along the Scenlc Gorridor and ther~ probably v~es n ~eed Por a hlgh-classed reataurant in that area; and chat ~Ince she was noC t~war~ of any ather prouosal for such a hic~h-class restaurant. ShC WAS Interested. Mr, Geritz thr.n s tatecl he agreed that th~re was a neecl for a h Igh-cl assnd rest~uranC i n the arPa, In respon~e to Mrs. McM ~us' cancerns, Chalrman .fohn4on noted that the intersectlon of Santa Ana Canyan Raad and Imperlal Hlghway could no-. exist w(Ch a ff ~`th Icg; and, therefore~ tt waa necessary to close Old Santa Ana ~~anyun R~ad prior to reachi~y the i nta rsectlon, Mrs. McManus then stated she was surprised that the Clty lot the property owne~ havG the abo~doned portlon of Old Santa Ant~ Canyon Road; and that by abandoning the strcet the chi Idren would have t.o go farther to get to schocl Commisslon~r Nerbst noted that the SubJect plans developmant were an example of how plans could change overnight after the z~~ning was obtalned; .i~at the subJect p~operty was sultable for some type of commercial develo~ment and the previous pla,,e Indica~ed tv~+o restaurants and a commercial bullding; that the property had some haids;~~p beeause c~f the canfir~uration of it, howr:ver~ there was some vacant adJacent land whlch ca~,id be added to mak~ a mare desirable developmertit; that whatever was approved and deve~np~.~ on tnc subject pr~perCy would set a precedent for the rest ofi the undeveloped land in the are~; that, as pla~ners, the Planning Commission dio not necessarlly ne~d to get Involved coRCar~ing the economlcs buc shauld protect the City from the creatiun af situationa similar to the overabundance of servlce stations in the City; that the Planning Cortmisslon haid seen n~any ^oerxnerclal propasals which included itnancf~ml instituttons but they turr,ed out to be: plans Lo get commercial zaning; and that with the zoning, the developnrs could pux ~,rhatever they wanted on the land as lany as it ~-et the Code. Ne then questloned th~c traffie :aunt ~t the subJect intersection. In response, T~-affic Enginee~ Paul $Inger aclvised that the average daiiy kraFfic count, includinc~ the last approved proJect In Lh~s area_ was 5n~~~~ S`or Impertal Highway and 3$,000 for Santa Ana Canyon Road. Commissioner f~erbst then noted tha~t the subJect prnperty had good expnsure ~.~~ would ~ u';e many problems i f developed as proposed; and that the subJect property sha~ld ?rob~bly be comb i ned w t tl- add I t i ona 1 1 and to ~he wes t. A questlon was raised pertatnln~~ to the oreviuus iten; on this meettng's agen~a which wa~. gpproved for a conxnerci~'. de~~~~~N~~~er.c in the subJect area~ and Cortmtssione~ Trolar natec' that sald developr ~~~t~ in ef;ect. h~d no w,,ivers froi,i the Code ~equlrements; that, in contrasty the subJact devalopment wa~ rea«ksting waivars due to the slze of [he proper:Y and he did not .'avnr such a pr~posal sin;:o: ~;;c~re land could 5e acquired to make a be~t::r comm~rcial development tf it was t~ be d~vGla~ed cortxnercially; that the hardshlp was af the property owner's own making be~a~~s~ of the proposed density: '.hat the p~~vlouslY- approved project would n~t, impact residentlal zones or trafftc a~~d, in the case of the subJect ~lauelopment, thEre was an impact or~ residentlal uses tn the Scentc Corr~dor; and tt~at (f the subJect development could not stand on fts own feet as a commerci ~al cenker, he would not vote in favor c+f it. Commissioner King noeed that he c,oncurred in Commissloner T~ ~ a~'s ~a~~:,~nts. Chai rman .:~hnso~ notcd that he bel ieved the appl (cant wauld have to remove a row uf trecs to be abl~s to move the proJ~ct farther away from tho arterlal highway~ and i f they aequlred the abandoned pertion of Old Santa Ana Canyor~ Road from the City; that most of the setback prob lems rel ate~ to Santa Ma Canyon Ro~d ~ but he fel t the devel opers had missed the mark in co~nectton with the use of Old Santa Ana Canyon Road sine~ satd straet vdould become an al leyway for trash trucks when i c should he buffered; that, althaugh :he deveiopers were propostng trees and landscaping aiong Old SantA Ana Canyon itoad, the nolse fron~ the trash trucka and ~Char commercial trucks on that street would rende r the scund aCtenuation and vtsuol bufter of no value to the adJecent residanttal uses; that~ althouqh ~J ~ ~ F11NUTfS~ CITY PLANNING CQMMISSIUN~ Oct;ober 11 ~ 1976 76-484 VARIAt~CE N0. 2855 ~~nllnucd) __ ~.r.._,_.___ the devalopera wern cryiny t~ do something wlth a difflcult plece of property~ ~~~ would not be eble to suppo~t the ~~ro~osal; and that normally hc was wllli~g to work with developers with small v~rian ces~ howover~ tne pruposal was tao much for the subJect odd~ shaped plece nf prope riy. Commis~loner Dsrnes noted that she really iik~d Chc propoied lancfscapinq pl~n whicli was an lmprovonxnt avc+r the 1~+ fcet that w~s on tt~e other side af Santn Ana Canyon Rot+d; Anc1 that shc could ~ee proble m~ with the proposed (nterlor clrculatlon pian and doubted the serio~asness~ of the proposal. Chalrman Jahnson not~:d that additlonal landgcapiryg WAS destrable at the back of tnc proposad restaurant t~ provido adequate pr~tection for the adJaccnt residnnces; and tli~~t~ although the proposnl had possibllltles, h~ was nol rcady to support It. Commissloner King Inq ulred what the property avners 1n the arca would llke to see developed on the sub}ect propcrty~ and Mr. Brc~wn stated that a{though he did not llve in the irrmediate area, his neighb~~rs were ~oncerned about the strip commerct~l aspects of the proposal; th~C hfs neighbors haci lived in citles ltke Hewthorne~ Redondo Seach, etc., which were heavlly-trafflcked areas~ and it appet~red that the hnavy can9estion characteristic mlght be following them ta the City of Anr~heim; that there were possibll~tles for c1e veloprt-ent ~f Che sub}ect proFerty other than the type conmerclal proposed; that the area needed servicas; that the Westridge tracC racently had its elghth hurglary anci the policeman who came out stated there was only one of them to handle the entfre area; that, althnugh Che Planning Commisslon p~'obably did not like to hear about the need for par!cs, and he wgreed that taxes could not be towered by tl~e constr-action of parks~ the chtldren in his tract liad to play ln the streets and the 6.5'acre park site that was supposed to be constructed in their area appeared to be going down the draln;, that the children in hls tract were bused to school and~ therefore~ the school grounds were a dlstance away and not evailable for recreatiunal use; that~ additionally, he would not want hfs chlldr~~i playing at the intersection o1` Imperfal Hiqh, andoSeC~aa^aaWUUldon Road; and that thc p eople in his tract would r~oC support the prnn p J ao out of their way to avoid it. Chal rman Johnson noteci for 11rs. Dinndorf that ~n tF~e ore hand she had indlcated thcre would be an adverse traffic impact at the subJect intersection because of the 50~000 cars that were already in the area and on the other hand she had indicated there would not be enough ~Pople to supp~rt ~patrunize) the pro~ect. In response, Mrs, Dlnndorf stated that she thougt~t there were enough shopping centers to service the 5~~000 people; Chat citi~es smaller than 50~000 in p~puiatlon had a post ~ffice; that the area could use a police stati~n, litara~y, or fire statlon and the City could giv~ Che subJect property owners a tax break with relatlonshiF tn the commercial zoning on the prope rty; and that the property taxes had rlseri $547 for the homeowners in the Hill and Canyon Area and they were ent(tled to a Pew services. it was no*.ed that the Environmentai Review Committec had dEtermtned that the proposed proJect would be substanttally in conformance with the proJec73p~4~25~~nythePsubJeCtnder Environmental lmpact Report No. 104 and Reclassification Na. property~ and no further Pnvironmeiital assessment was necessary. Commissloner Morle~ oi'fered Resolution No. PC76-197 and moved for its passaye and adoption~ that the bnaheim Cily Planning Commission doe~ hereby deny Petltion for Varlance No. 2aS5 and the walvers requeste~ therein~ on the basis that the proposal would create strip comrt-erclal development in th~ Scenic Corridor; 2hat the proposal would adversely lmpact the ad]acen t residential uses to tlie north since access to the site f~r sanitatton vehicles is proposed from Old Santa Ana Canyon Road; thar further impacts would be ir~osed upon the adJacent residences and traffic circulation in the erea if sald waive~s were gra~~!ed; and that, bacause of thc number of waivers necessary to develop the proposed commerclal shoppfng center~ It appeared that said proposal is an overdeve~opment of subJect commerclal prope rty. (See Resolution Book) On roll call~ the foregoing resoluticn was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISS'ONERS: BARNf.S, FIERBST~ KING~ MORLEY~ 7GLAR, JOHNSQN NOES : COMMISS I ONERS : NONE ABSENT: C4MMISSIONERS~ f'ARANO ~ ~^ ~ MINUTFS~ CITY PLANNING C011MISSION~ Octt~ber I1~ 1976 ~6"W8q RECESS - At 3:25 p.rn. ~ Cha I rrtwm Johnson d~:cl ared a recoss . RECONVENE ^ At. 3:35 p.m.~ Chalrman Johnson reconvencd the ~ meetlnq wlth Commissloner FArano betng absent. RECLASSIFICATION - PUHLIC IiEARING, INI~IATED BY TNE CITY OF ANANEIM. Property described N0, 76-77-17 t~s a re~:tangularly-~-~a~od parcel of land consisting nf approximatelY 1.5 a~cres lor.al•ed at Che ~outheast corner of Claudina Street ana VARIANCE N0. 2A~5 Chartres Street~ havlr,g app~oximate frontages of 232 feet on tho r.est -'" side of Claudina Street ond 293 feet on the south side af Chbrtres St~eet. Property presently classifled CG (COMMERCIAL~ GENERAL) ZONE. REQUESTED CLASSIFICATION: RM-1200 (R~SIDENTIAL, M~~LTIPi.E-FAMILY) ZONE REQUESTED VARIANCE: WAIVER OF (A) MINIMUM BUILDIPJG SITE AREA PER DWELLING UNIT~ (B) MhXIMUM 6UILDING HEIGHT~ (C) MINIMUM F100R AitEA, (D) MINIMUM S'~'RUCTURAL SETBACK, (E) MINIMUM REGREATlQNAL-LEISURE AREA, (F) MAXIMUM WALL HEIGHT~ (r,) MINIMUM NUMBER OF COVERED PARKING SP~CES~ ANO (H) MINlMUM OrF-STREET PARKING, TO CONSTRUCT A 100-UNIT APARYMENT COMPIEX FOR TIIE F.IUERLY. Chatrman Johnson noted that li was de.cmed approprlate at Chis tlme far the Planning Commission Ser.reta ry to administer th~ Oath fo~ testimony before the planning Commisslon to those persons wishing to test(fy boxh for and agalnst che sub,)ect zontng petitfons. Approximritely five persons r~se~ raised thelr r(ghts hands and took the Oath. Mr. Knowlton Fernala~ Community Deveiopment Department Oirector~ having taken the Oath~ r.oted that thc propnsal was ti,e first proJact to bc InitiaCed by the Anahelm Redevelopment Agency; that the spec(fic proJect was based on an agreement with the An3helm Redevelopmesnt ~~~ency and the Anaheim Housing Authority~ etc.; that the Redevelopment Agency was the ma~star developer for the proJect since it was the duty of the Agency to arganize the land~ acquire it~ clear it, and deed it later on to ~the actual developer~ which was Shapell Government Housing, Inc. in this case; that Shapell was very experlenced in the developrnent of the pro~osed type pro,lect and had been worktng with many cities in slmilar projects which were fi~anced by FHA~ approved by NUD and, following construction~ would be awned and operated by the developer; that the City, through itself and the A9ency, was indicated as the applicant; that the proposal ~,rould meet some of the housing needs, as set forth in the Community Biock Grant Program; that the Housi~3 Authorlty would have a contraet to administrate the asststance program; and that~ as both a City and Redeve~opment proJect~ one of Che reasons for the proposed loCation was to recognize the opportunittes existtng in the aPea to meet the needs fn~ transpofatton~ recreation~ etc., for the ~elderi~~ ~~ople. Mr. Fernald re~~~iewed sketches illustrating some of the desires of the awners and tenants ln the arca and also what the developers felt they could constru~t and market (n thc area. He rcvitwed the City of Anahetm rcdevelop!nent design wtth street alignments~ etc.~ and described the possibility of a commercial conservat(on ar~ea downtown~ noting that most everbody w~s rather fond of that idoa; that some of the present uses c~f existing comrrx:rcinl buildings would coneinue and be rehabilitated to make them safe~ whila fat• othrrs re~abiltrc+ttan wo 'd not be economicaily feasible; and that such a plan may develop over a pe--' ' oF tlme. Mr. Fernald then reviewed Che four-block area surt'ounding the proposed ~- citlzen a~,artment proJect~ noting that the Chartres Recreatlon Center was inciuded ~ d area. and muslc recitals were held there eve ry Friday night for seniar citize~s ta aCtend, etc.; that the subJect property vias presently partly arrned by the City and partly prlvately-owned; that it was the ~espansibility of the Clty t~, maintaln adequate parking in the area for the ~atning uses since part ~i :ne subJ~ct property was presently serv(ng as a par!ctng lot; ~~ that it was the inter~t~ through tha acquisitlon program and through planning~ to arrlve at a plan to provide any necessary pArking in the future. Mr. Fcrnald revlewed the E1 Csmino Bank building prope~ty an,7 noted there had been surt-- discussion with the bank's representattvas concerning rh: status and future use of said bullding which was probably not good to continue as an office ~~tr~cture; that the bank representattves had expressed an Interest ln working to construct a r.ew facillty for their ~ L' ' ~ MINUTES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ Octob~r 1t~ 1976 RECLA~SIFICIITION N0, 7~-77-17 AND VARIANCE N0. 283y (Contlnued) 76-490 use and the City Attorney's Office which occupted the sixth fluor had beo~ requested to look for other quartcrs ns a result ~f the Arthur Young ropo~t; that the bank bullding could undergo substantlal rehabilit~tlon~ under Saction 8(HUU), as a sanlor cltizen bullding; ~nd thrt each phase In the rede.vel~pment prs~gram should be standing on ita own. Chairmar J~hnso~ Inquired if tl~e Redeveiapmei~t Agency would be providing for the parking demands of the exlsting use~ prior to wmmencement of construction for the propoaed senlor Gltizen proJect, Mr. Fernald advlsed that the ownars uf the property in the subJ~ct ar~a were oager to sell; that the Agency would be detcrmining whlch of the propertins were sulteble for parktnq use and each property would be handled on an (ndlvidual baals; that it should bo a~pn~ent that the land dawntown was ~cxperisivs and the need to us~ it efflcla~~tly was import~nt~ and the detatls of th~ proposal wern relatcd to the feasibillty of what cuuld be put together; that, in terms of recreatlo~al xpace. tha proJect had benn s~lected by HUD based strongly on the location belnq close to the Chartres Rec~eAtlon Center~ however, wlthin tF~e prnpase.d f~clltty would be some multi-purpose rooms~ etc.; tha~ the proposal was an important proJcGt and needed to identtfy In the Ctty; and that the height of the proposed bullding w~s comparable to otner two and three-story structures ln Cha aresa~. Mr. Eillott Maltzman, Presldent of Shapell Government Housing, Inc., appeared before the Planning Commisslon and~ having taken the Oath~ stated the subJect proJect ht~d be~n approved for HUD~ Section S~ Financing; that the proposed apartments wauld be for 100$ occupancy by persons 62 yc:ars of age or older and 10~ of satd persons would be handicapped; that the subJect proJect was the only one in Orange County whic:h was granted undc~ the S~ection 8 program; that the tenants would pay 25~ of their income for rent and there would be a maximum income that a parson could h.ave and still 11ve in the proJect; that the building would be three stories filgh, having two elevators, and ali nf t~o un([s would have balcr~nies designed In accordsnce with FHA standards; that a condlttonal c~mmitment had been received from HU~ ta lnsure a mo~tgage Just under $2 mlllton r'or the proposed pro}ecC; that the construction financing was already arranged and th~ constructlon would begtn as soen as the City gave them the site; a that a portlon of Emlly Streset would be condemned for inclusion in the proJect. Mr. Robert Coles, the architect for the proposal~ appeared before the Planning Commission a~d, having tak~n the Oath, indicated he was prescnt to answer questions about the p rOp~05 a 1 . Mr. David Delencyy attorney fnr Stoneman Enterprises, cywn~rs of the E1 Camino Bank, appeared befni•c the Plannirrg Commission and~ havfiig t~ken the Oath, stated that M~. Stonert-an had informed him that he Has not opposed to the proposal~ as presented per sa~ however, the iand acquisition did not go far enough since, if the acqufsition of property would take a portion of the bank's property for this proJect~ it should e~compass it all and, on that basis, Mr, 5COneman was opposed; and thai there was no question that the City had the power of condertnation~ however~ the partial loss of the bank's property wauld have a great effect. Mr. Gant Elchrodt~ 203 South Melrose, Anahetm~ appeared before the Pl~nning Commiasion as a member oP ~he PrrJect Area Comnittec ar+d as an individual and, having taken the Oath, stated he had some questions. although not necessarily in opposttton; that mat~ly he was questloning the number of varianGes being requested to construct the proJect, especialiy sinco this t~ould be the first proJect to be accomplished in thz redevelopment area and would be particularly sensitive, followi~g :he redlt-ectlo~ effarts of the Agency; that the standards set for thts proJect could be verv seriously construed to mean wh~t would be aliowed throughout th~ downtown redevelopm:nt area; that he did not know if the senior cltizans had been pojled as an active graup as tA how their structu~es sheuid bc built or deva~opcd; that he did nut like the idca of using the E1 Camino Bank bullding as a multl- story. saninr cltt.ens structurs~ as it would be a i~ll~ compact use; and that he would question whethar the needs of tlie sesntor c(tizens were betng neglected. Mr~, Janc Cook~ SW1 South Helena Strret, A~aheim~ member of the Downtawn Area Ta~~kforce Association (D.A.T.A.), appeared before the Planning Commission and, having taken the Oath, stated that the proposal would constltute substandard apartrt~ents if they were not being tionstructed in the name of giving someone's homeless g~andmother a place to live~ slnce the units would be stightly l~rger than a two~car garage; that she would have quest3ons such as how many senior cltlz~ns we~e asked what they needed~ were the taxpayers getting the best value for their money~~ etc.; that S300 a month for rent was a lot ~nd the dlfference between 25~ of the tenant's incoma and $300 would be subsidlzed or pald for by ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PLIW NING COMMISSIQN~ October 11~ 1976 R~Ct,ASSIFICA710N N0. 76-77-11 AN~ VARI_ANCE NQ. 28~5 !Ccntinuad) 7b°4g1 tf~e taxpayers; that S;i00 a mc~~th would buy a Getter apa~tment someplace elsawhere which would certo{nly be largcr than 700 sque~r~ Feet~ and tho proposal wes Indfcated as 6Q0 squara feet; khr~t it would ~pFeAr that the tr+xpa~yer wae not gntting the best ddal Yor hls mcmoy; anci thak tha propased proJr.ct~ therePore. dld not tr+edltl~nally came up to the quallty that D.A.T.A. would llke tu see. In rebuttel co connw rt~ by Mr. Delanc~. Mr. Frrnald noted that the aubJect oP acqulsitlon was a yuestlon which +.ould fall wfth~n thcs scape af busl~ess batween the Rcdevelopment P+~ency and thn pro~prty owners; that ~ho Agoncy had Che abllity to spllt property: that t~ie ba~k hul lding I~ao '+een ansly~ed structur~liy end w+~s found to b^ in pretty good conditlan and should be rehabill~ated~ and khe Agency couid asuist the ownar In many ways I,y acquiri,,g lt and selll~g it~ atc.; ~tiat thero were many options av~llable ar,d the Agancy liad the nbillty to proceed with tl~e ownnr on any o~e~ of said optiuny; and Cfiat the bank bullding wen ~t a mat':er to bc r~solvad in cannectlon wlth tho subJect proposal. Mr. Fernald further not~d~ in responsc to qcx~stfoning by Mr. Elchrodt, that pr{marl~y tlie Zoning l:odr wrs nat written for tF,e Cype proJect bcina requested or for tt ren~wAl ;~~oJect; tiiat lt was lmparca~t to have 1~d use efflcte~ncy tn the downtuwn area ared to rolate nrqJ~ects wetl betwce.n one another~ that~ regsrdlny seni~r citizen Input~ tho Comnunlty 4c:vclQpment staPf hao talked with nany of chem in the Ctry offices and mar~y had answered th-e survcys; that the falr maPket r~nt for the units was $23fi per month and tl~e critlcal factor was the lac.+t{o,~ of' Lhe pro)r_ct~ being in closa proximity to recrCation~ tra,i~port~;ion~ shiopp;ng~ c~c. Mr. R~~k M.~tteslch~ Manager~ Housing and Neigh~arhood Pr~sGrvatlon~ Comnunlty D~evel~pment Department~ appc:ared before the Planning Commission to pc-esent evlde~ce and t~;e Pla~nniny ~Ammisston Secretary ac:ministered th~ qath to sald indivldual, f~liv~wing whlch h-. Mattesich r~dviserl that he had talke~i with many senior cltizens who werc fnteres+:ed tn the propased proJect. Ne further ad~'sed that the amen~cles of the proJeut would ~nclude security ~nd no one had expressed oth~r than posttive feeiings about the proJr.cr., I n ~•c~spansr ta quest ions r:~ i sed concern 1 ng s i ze ~f the un i ts, etc. , Mr. Mi+l txnwn stated Ch:+t oversized apartrrr.nts could not be subxlclizod; that the average apartment units were ti00 square feet and d(d not have b~icanies, however~ Che proposed unlts would be awsoluteiy of first°class constructton and design. THE ~UBL.IC HEARIN6 6lAS CI.OS~!!. Commissioner 11orl~y natec! for P~~. Cic;r:.:f;: t~u~ ;he proposed number of waivers would not 6~ pr'~ccdenr.~setting since simiiar waivers ha~ b~en previous!V granted fos a proposa) on Lemon Strect and~ in some tns~ances~ the lemo~i Street proJect had greater waivers. Cammissloner ;ierbst n~ted that at the time the Lemon Street pro)ect was conside~ed, data w~~s obtained trom s~mila~ facilities ln the Ctties of Pasadena~ Long Heach~ San Diego~ ~tc.~ z~nd it was t'ound that the senior c(tizsns w~re very happy t~ small apartments, and tel t~secure and f.C11'-tP.Sli because of the way the bui ldings werc const~ucxed, and many of ckem harl prlv.sCe balconles; that~ as a p~int of informekion~ bachelar-tYpe apartment ~nits wers allowed in the City of Anahaim with 425 square feet of floo~ space; that thert was not r~ 7.oniny C~de for downtown t~naheim and the type wnstruct~on p~oposed; that through the res~aarch in consic!ering the Lemon ~treet pro]ect~ the Ctty had found that many proJccts had very llttle parking space and some had vast amoi~nts of parktng spaze which Was not U~ing used; ihat the Plan~ing Coinmission had revlewsd anc! studted tt~e sttuation to understand the ~ieeds oi th~ senior citizens and the proposa' appeared to be a gaod structura for the intan~~ed use; and that I~e was conce~ned r.bc~ut how the proJect would be buffered f~am Linroln F,venue if satd st~~eet were rerouted as shown on the exhibit. In reply, Mr. ~ernald advi,ed that they reeognize~ the setback would be 5 feet or greater nnd th~ A2-inch filgh wall should be 5 feet. Mr. Coles further resp~nded to Commissioner Herbst's questlon by stat(ng that the bu(lding rrould be w?ndowlASS adJacZnt tc L!n~o1n tivenue; that HUD had ~elso ralsed that qunstlon and~ as ane af the rrquirements~ the balconles would ca~tribute toward the sound attcnuation since th.*. balcony walis would be 4 feet high with pa~tly soltd rail~ and partly glasx ta b~~ffer the livingroom wlndows; that the 4-foo+t hlgh balceny w~ells wauld cut off some of the saund~ since the s~und would strika an angle up te the buflding, and would also enhance the Feeling of security for the people wha arould ba living in the ...~ • ~ • MINUTES~ CITY pI.ANNING COMMISSION~ October 11. 1976 RECLASSIFiCATION _N_0_.__76~'17 ~D VARIANC~ N0. Y8~5 (Continuod) 76-49z proJnct; and that HUO re~llz~d that ~Incoln Avenue might be moved and had pa~ticipated tn discuss(on regardlnq th~at matter. Chalrma~~ Joh~soii took exceptlo~ to the lack of ~tr spacn for thc proposed praJecC. Mr. Colns revlewed the slt~+ plan lndiceting the floor space end lot space~ otc.~ as well as the parking wh(ch he fclt was mare than adequatc, Discussion pursudd regarding the leck of parking space for the comn~erclal and other uses In the areA following the developmant of the subJect property which had partlally served as a parking l~t~ and Commissiane~• harbyt nated that if the s~~bJect proJect wero apR~oved, somn provliton for parking should be made for the other uses in the area. Mr. Fernald stated that the nHCessary parking and adequate access would have to be provtd~d for evcrv~r~a livin~ in the adJa~cent area~ in addltt~n to the comrt-arclal uses; and that it was obvlous tli~~ the Agnncy could not allow the bank to be out of buslness ~ven f~r one day due to iriadequ~tA acca~s or parkin~. Commtssioner 7ular inqulred concorning th~ effect~ of tektng away the ~arking fram th~e bank w(th relatlonshlp to an MA~ appraisal; and noted Lhat he was very much (n favnr of the proJect but was c~ncerned abauk the value af the bank building withouC parking space. In response, Mr. Farnald advistd that all of the buildings In the a~ea •++ere being appraised in terms of tha cxisting cor~ditions. Oeputy City Atto~ney Frank Lowry advised th~t to proceed with the proJect~ as proposed, thz Agency would have to put 4.he bank irs as good shape as It pr~sently was wlth respect to parking before anything could ba done wlth the pr~posed proJec~. Commissioner Tolar made an observatlUn that the bank awners would be automatically protect~d whether a speclal condition For parking was tled to this proposa) or not. Thereupon~ Mr. Delancy st~ted they did not want to oppoee tl~e proposal~ per se, hc,wever, they wanted the bank building to be Included wlthin the proJect as far as acqutsition was concerned; and that [hey did rot. want ta bec~+rne invalved in a five-year lawsult but wanted to h~ve thelr butlding provlded for at the time that th~ praposed proJect went forward. Cortmtsstoner Tolar fnG~~~red if Mr. Dalancy was sat~sfied with the Ciiy's interpretation of the law~ and Mr. Delancy indtcated ln the negative~ statt~g that the bank butldtng shou~d be acquired or other~ise by agreement between the parties before any of the project went forward, M~. Delancy inquired as ta the feasibility of ~ent(ng out office space wlehout adequate parking. Commissioner Herbst inqulrtd if, when the bulldings in the area we re torn down after being condemned for being structurally unsound, parl:ing were provided acrc.~s the street, would that sattsfy the bank owners~ and Mr~ Delancy sta*_ed in the atfirmative~ that r.he intent o~ the law would have been satisfled. Commissloner Tolar then noted that the foregoing discussion regarding the parking facilities should be brought to th~ attention of the Redevclopment Agency. In response to .auestio~ing by CommiSSioner King. Mr. Maltzman scated that the medlum i~come used in campiling thely data was fo~ the entire Otange County a~re:m and pr~sently the 80$ average f~r a family of four was based $~3~500~ and Mr. Mattesich advised that di~crimination was tuvolded by using the first-corne~ first-serve mathod whlch was the recorded dste and tima of appifcation. Asslstant Planner Joel Flck read a memorandum fram the Water Dlvislon which indicated that the subJect property couid n~~t presently be served wate~ at a prassure bnd fluw rate 15AQ6arthepdeveloperstmayibe requlred toiinsta118ma(ns~adequate toddellve~ewater Rn~the~• requlred amount, Commissioner Toier then not~d that he would not oppose ~uch a condttlon~ however~ h~ felt that HUD requir~n~entst wnre rrr~ra stringent than the City would be, with ras~ect to water service~ sound attenuaElon. etc. Mr. Fernalc~ nated that the~~~that HUOeineasuredydifFerently frompthe City,~G square feet excluding the balconies, ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN~ October I1~ 1976 7~-493 RECI.ASSIFICATION N0. 76-77-17 AN_D VARIANCE_N0. 283S (Cantinued) ~oma~issioncr Tolar offered a motlcn, seconded by Commissloner King and MOTION CARRIEp (Gammisstone~• Farano being absent}~ that the An~h~elm City Planning Commisslon ~ioes heraby recomrr~,nd tu the City Councll af the Clty of Anehelm that a negative declaratlun from thr. requlrement to presparo an envlrnnrn~nta) impact report be approved Por the YubJsct proJect~ pursudnt to the provistor~s of the Californle Environme~~tal Quallty Act. Commisston~r To'ar offered ^esoi+itlon No. PC76-196 and rt~ved for its paasage and adoption, that the Anaheim City Plannin~; Commisslon do's hercby ~ecommend to the City Council of thc Citv of Anahelm tha~_ Petltlon t~~ aRClassificmtlon No, 76-77-17 be approved~ sub]ect to ~dequate r~placPment p~rking b-~ing p•ovided for any naarby end fltfected commerclal uses which were presently utilizir.,~ subJect propark~~ f~r vehYtle parktng~ pri~r tu thc issuance af bulldlr~ permlts. ~nd Cha.: the ~'~relopers shall provide for the relocatlon or replacement of ex{sting wat:r maine, as may be requlred by the Dlrector oP Public lltilltles, and subJect to ,:he Interdeparkmental Commlttee r~ecommenclatlons. (See Resolutlon Boak) On roll call~ the i`ore,~ing resolutivn was passed by the follow(ng vote: AYES: COM1115SION!RS: BARNCS~ HERBST~ KING~ MORLEY~ 'T~LAR~ JOHNSON IJOES : COMMI SS I ON,'RS : NONE ABSENTt CpMMISSIONEh": FARANO Commissloner Tola~ offered Resolution No. PC7(~-199 and moved for its passage and adoptlon, that the Anahel~,i City Planning Commission doPs hPreby ~rant P~±.ition for 4~rlance No. 2835~ granttng all of the requested ;~a(vers to construct apartment unlts~ each c:ontatning 576 square feet of mtnlmum floor a~ea, said walver~ betng granCed on the basts that tl~e proposal (s spectfically to provide h~using in the Anahetm Redevelapment P~oJect Alpha for• senior ci~izens. that ther•e is no other suitable City of Anaheim rnstdentlal zone provfding for the orderly deveslopment of this speclftc type of housing~ that the radev~lopment area is transitlonal and the ~ubJect use ln the pro~osed locatton would be in close ptoximity to sultable 4rnenities Par senio~ resldents~ that the proposa) will bc constructed in accordance witli FHA/HUD, 5ectfon 8, requlrements~ and that the Planntng Gommtssl~n t-as granted similgr waivers in the past for the development of senlur citlzen housing, (See Resolutlon Book) On roll call~ the Porgoing resolut(on was passed by the ~Follawing vote: 14YES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, HERBST, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR, JOHNSON NOES: COMMISSIOMERS: NQNE ABSENT: COMMISSIONGRS: FARANQ VARIANCE N0. 2850 - PUBLIC HEARING. THRIFTY REALTY COMPANY~ World~vay Box 92333, Los ~ngeles~ Ca. 9~009 (O~+ner); requesting WAlVER QF (R) MINIMUM FRON'T SETBACK~ lB) MAXIMUM FENCE HEIGHT~ AND ~C) REQUIRE~ ENCL05URE OF OUTDQAR USES~ TO PERMIT ~NE OUTDOOR STORAGE OF TRA!LERS on property dascribed as an irregularly-shaped parcel af land consisting of approximately ZQ ac~es located on the north side af CErritos Avenue between Vernon Street and S~ate College Boulevard~ having approximate frontages of 1240 feet nn the north side of Cerritos Avenue~ 760 feet on the east slde aP Verno~ Street. and 530 feet on the west side of State College Boulevard~ and further descrlbed as 160i East Cerrttos Avenue. Property prese~tly classifted ML (INDUSTRIAL~ LiMI'TED) ZONE. Commisslone~ Morley noted that he had a conflict af (nterest as defined by Maheim CitY Planning Commission Resolutlon No. PC76-15% adapting a Conflict of Interest Code for the Planni~g Cortmisslon and Government Code Sectton 3625, et seq., in that he docs business wlth tha applicant in zonnzct!on with Variance No. 285~, and that he was related to ehz applicant in connection wlth Variance No. 2851; that pursuant to the provisions of ~he above codes, he was declari~g to ths Chairman thaC he was wtthdrawing from the hearing in connection with It~ms 7 and $ of the Planning Commissl~n agenda and would nst kake part in etther the discusslen or the v~ttna thereon; and that i,,, had not disc!assed thts mattar with any member af the Planning Commisslon. 7HERElfPON, COMNISSIONER MORLEY LEFT TH~ COUN,.IL CNAMBER AT 4:35 P.M• No one indicated their presenc~ In opposittan to sub)ect petitton. ~ ~ . MINUTES~ CITY PI.ANNING CpMMISSION~ Octobar 11~ 197~+ V111tIANCF N0. 2850 (Continued) 16•W94 Although the St~ff Report to the Planning Commlssla~~ dat~ed Uctc~er il~ 197~~ w+~s not ~ead :,t the pubilc hesari~g~ sa1J StaPfi Report i~ ref~arred to and mada a p~rt of the minutes. Mr. Myron Kughner~ 1601 Wnst Cerrltos~ Anaheim~ xhc agent far the petltfonRr, appearad befor~ the Plann(ng Commlaston anel explained the rea~on for the requasted walvesrs bning that they had incurred numnrous thePts on their truck~~ including 16 pumps~ duting the past yoer ~nd a half; that tt~ey wanted to pa~~k wlthln the fence Ilne; that th~e propoaal would not preaent any envlc-onme~:al changes due to the amount of landacaping that presently existed, co~sisting of a~proxin~tely 10-toot high olea~nde~s~ whlch would autotnattcelly wvor tha fence line. The Pla~ning Commission 5ect-etary read a 1etCer dated October 8, 1976~ from Donald W. Shaw of Venture 2nd ltd. (Shaw and Talbot)~ said letter in~licating that they Pelt the prdposal wauld be detr•lmenta) to the best Intergst of the entlre commun~tY• THE PUBLIC NEAR~NG WAS CLOSED. Dlsc~i~sion pursued concerning the landscaped setback area~ during whtch M~. Kushnrr steted that the existing landscaping was 10 feet from the property ltne and 23 feet from the curb~ to his understanding. In rcponse to questioning by Commtssinner Ktng, Nr. Kushner stated there wes no Qroblem with thsft in connection wlth the trucks which they parked o~ the east slde of the bullding; and thet the fEnce w~s approximately 100 feet from th~ south side of the building. Thereupon, Commissioner King noted that he agreed that the oleanders and other landsca~tng would hide the trailers and fence frnm pubilc virw• Commissioner King aiso questloned where the employees would be parking if the trailers used part of the employee parking lot. whereupon~ Mr. Kushner stated they had abouC 400 parking spac~s and us~d 140 a~ ~;;,- ~~r ±helr 200 employees~ and that If neednd they could add more parking spaces ln thc resr of t!~e bulld(n~. In respo~se to yuestloning by Chal~man Johnson, Mr. Kushner state:i the trailers would bo parked in the setback area primarily on weekends. a~d the truck~ were bbsically fo~ced to park there; and that normally~ they wer:. able to put the tractors (nside the fence. In response to questioning by Commissioner Herbst~ Mr. Kushn~~r stated tha~ most of the time the requested tratler pa~king wnuld be Just on weekends. Cammissioner HerbsC further noted that the proposa7 cnuld prvbatsly delete the availabla employee parking spaces if not patrolled, whereupon~ Nr. ~;ushner stlpulated that the parking of trailers would be In the frant setback only on weekends and in a manner which would maintain adequate employee pmrking space~, far the property during normal business hours, and he furiher stated that they owned the subjecL property. Commissioner Herbst noted that if the p~aposAl were approved, the petlCioner would bc resquired to move the fence back to its prnpe~ location in the event that the exlsting use or awnership of the subJect property change.~. Mr. K:ishner so stipul~±ed. It was noted that the OirecCor of the Planning Depa~rtment had determined that the proposc~d activity fell within the definition of Sectlon 3001~ Class 3~ of the City of Anahelm Guidellnes to the Requlrements for an ~nvironrreental Impact Report a~id was~ therefore~ categoY(cally exempt f~om the requirement to file an EIR. Commissioner Herbst offered Resolution N~. PC76-20Q a~d moved for tts passage and adoption~ that the Anaheim City POanning Commisston does hereby yrant Petition f~ Variance No. 2850~ granting the requested waivers for the exlsting use and current ownership ef the subJect property or+ly; sub~ect to the stlpulation of the petiCioner that the trallers will be parked in the front setback only on w~u~~n~dn ~alibusinessehourst will maintaln adequate employee parking for the property 9 subJect to t~e further stipulatio~ of the petit{oner that if at any time the existing usn o~ ownarship of subJect property changes, the ~+roposed fcnce will be relocated in accordance with Code standards; and subJect fa the Interdepartmental CommitYer. recanMsiendatlons. (See Resoiution Buok) On roll cali, the foregoing resolutibr+ was passed by the following vote; AYES: COMMISSi0NER5: BARNES~ HERBST~ KING~ TOLAR~ JdHNSON NOES; COMMISSIONERS: NONF ABSE.NT: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO~ MORLEY ~ ~ MINU7ES~ CITY PLA~INING COMMISSION~ October II~ 1976 76-495 VARIANCE N0. 28c1 - PUBLIC HEARING. VALUOUR E. RENNER~ 72y ~rth (:lementlne Strent, """ ' Anahelm~ Ca. 92805 (~v+ner); A!. GOLfriJ`!N ANU OLIVER RICHARf)5QN, 700 North Anahelm 8oulevard, M ahalrn~ Ca. 92f305 (Age~ts); roquesting WAIV~R UF FERMITTED USE5~ TO ES1'ADLtSN AN AU~'GMQTIVE REPAIR SHOP on propert~ dascribed ae a rectanc~u~erly-shaped parGa) of land can+sisting of e~pproximatelY 0.2 acre located at the northeast cornar of AnaF~clm klouleva~d and Wilhelminp Streot~ havl~c~ approxlm~te frontages of 100 feet on the ~orth side of Wllhnimlr~a Street and 104 feet on thc east side of Anah~im Boulov~rd~ rnd further described as 70A North Anahr,im Koulovard. Proparty pr~sently cfasslfled CG (COMMERCIAL~ GEt~ERAL) ZONE. It was nntad thAt~ at the bnglnning oP the public haarlnh Ir- connoction with Varlance No. 2850 ;Item 7 on the agenda)~ Cortmisstoner Morlcy had filod e Canfltct of lnterest Form fAr sald Itam and also in connectlon with Vartance No. 2Fi51 (Item 8 on the agend~t); that hls confltct i~ connection with Variance No. 2a51 was thaC he wes related to the applicant; and thAt Commissioner Morley had left the Councll Charnber At 4:35 P•m~ No one indicated th~lr pres~nce ln opposltion to the subJect pct~t~on. atCCheQpubllcShearingp~said~StaFfPReportyis~~eferred totandamadeca partlof6theaminutcsead Mr. Ollver Rlchard~on~ the agent for the petitloner~ appeared beForc the Planning Commission and stated he had obtained his bustness license ancl later on was advise~i by the Zoning Enforcen~ent Offi~er that he miyht need a chang~ of zoning~ etc.; that the previous owner pumped gas and was doing the same type nf work he was intending to do at this loca'~ir.n; and that he had spent a lot Qf money going through the changes of locatton, acqui~itian of equipment~ etc.~ and had been in epcr~:ic;~ ~t ~`~ s~~~~~~ '~~a~Ion for about three months. THE pUBI.IC HEAFIPlG WAS CLOSE~. CorrKnissioner King noted that the subJect area had many automotlve usas and ttiP applicant had don~ a ~ood Job of palntinn and decorating the subJ~oximatel~e gM~t'Richardsonhstated regarding the canopy, it was enly 3 feet by 15 feet app Y• that the canoay was no more than 3 feet by 5 feet ln sizc and Commissioner Klny added that the canopy was used to house the lighting for the site. In responss to questioning by Commissioner Herbst~ Mr. Rtchardson stipulated to closing the two driveways which were located close~t to the intersection ~f Anat~eim Bouleva~d and Wilhelmina Street and replacing said driveways witl~ cur•b~ gutter and sidewalk. It was noted that the Director of the Planning Department had determined that thP proposed activity fell within the definition of Section 3.~1, Cla~.~ 1~ of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to the Requirements fo~ an Environmental Impact Repu~t and was, therefore~ c;ategorically exempt f;om the req~irement to file an EiR. C~mmissioi~er King offerad Rr.solution No. PC76-201 and moved fo~ its passage ~nd adoption~ that the Anaheim City Plarnin~l Cortmissi~n does hereby grant Fetitian for Variance No. 2$S1~ subJec't to the stipulation of the petftioner ~nd subJect to the Interdepartmental r~~irr~e recommendatfons. (See Resalutlon Book) On rol) call~ the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMP11SS10NERS: BARNF.S, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMNISSIONERS: FARANO, HERBST, KING, TOLAR~ JOHNSON MORLEY COMMISSIONER MORLEY RETUItNED TQ 1'HE COUNCIL CHAMBER AT 5:00 P.M. ~ ~ ~ MlI~U~TES, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, October I1~ 197h 76-456 `lARIANCE N0. 2a5(~ - PUHLIC HEARINC,, IaA n~ip Mnnlori RANNOW~ 1515 South E:uclid Stl'eet~ """"' An~heim~ Ce. 97.f~02 (Owners) ~ SCOTT J. ItAYNONp~ 3~8~%'- Camino CA Istran~, San Juan Ceplstrano~ Ca. 92075 (Agcnt); requesting WAIV~R OF (~) PEkMI'fTED USF.S AND (D) MINIMUM LQT AREA~ TO COtJSTRIICT A PRODUC~' MIIRKET on property de5crlbed ds a ractanqularly-shaped parcel of land consistl~9 of epproximat~ly .96 acre having a frontage of appraximately ?.~~ fe~t on the wast slde o~,~X~'matelSt46QCfeetVSOUth m~ximum dcpth~af approxlmAte:ly 21(~ fect, and bel~~esentledclasslfird ~S~•A-43~000 04 tl~e center~lne of CerrlCos Avenua. Propr.rty p Y (RESIDENTIAI/AGRICULTU ML) ZONF, Chalrman Johnson noted th~t since there was pend(ng lttigAtlon on the subJ~ct property bctween the property owners and ¢he City of M aheim, It was daemed approprlatc that tlie Planning CommisslonSecretary should administer thG Oath for Testimony be~ore the Planning Cammission t.o those pers~ns wishing to testffy both for and aaa(n~t ths subJect zoning petition. Approalmately Yive persons rose~ ratsed thelr right hands and took the oath. Three persons Indlcated th~ir presence. in oppositlon to the subJect petit(on and, thcreupon~ Ass(stant Planncr Joel Fick rcad the SCaff Rcport to the Planning Commission dated October 11, 197~~ and saici StaPP Report is referred to as if set f~rth in full in the min~ates. Mr. ~~ott Raynbnd. the c~ttorney and agent for the petitioner~ having taken the Oath, appeared before Che Planning Commisslon and stated they had gone khrough the recommended cond(tlons of approval autlined in the Staff Report~ whlch were vary lenqthy and included requlrements for street improv~ments~ tree planting~ trash storaqe areas~ fire hydrants~ underg~ound ~,tilitles, drainaae, etc.~ an~ eac.h and every one of said condltions we~e acceptablc ~to the petltfoners; that conc.erninq the request for a variance from th: minimum lot area, they had erred in requesting the rectangular plece of property which was below tht -a3~0~p squarc fcet requirement and could extend the property so that it was 44~440 square feet very easily~ making a possib'e, change for 'the Planning Cammisslon~s Raymond consideratlon; and that the proposed site was 210 feet by 200 feet in size. Mr. stated that~ although the petitioners owned mor~~ larid alang Euciid Str~et~ they should be requirecl to mAke street improvements along only Lhat portlor ~f the property whlch was being requested tu be used for the produc~ market~ and not along the balance c~f the fa~m land owned by his cl ier.,:s. Mr. Ben,jamin LuJan~ 17b~3 West Cris Auenue, Anaheim~ having taken the Oath, appeared befnre the Planning Commisslon in opposition and stated he owned the second house from Euclid Street which abutted the southern boundary of tlie subJect property; that he had oppos~d the previous condittonal use permit application for a produce market at this lacatton~ which was denied by the Planninct Commission and su' ;equently granCed by the City Council; that~ over tF~e years, they had a number of problems and a considerable number of accldents or even deaths which were caused by the subJect use due to the traffi~c congestion from customers and employePs parking in the immediate area; that he was ln opposltion to repc•titi~n of the previous problems; that he would not oppose Lhe proan~aW~uld,prefermthat to another part of the 1~~,52 acres oP land owned by the peti~ioners~ it be located on the corner of Euclid Street ard Cerr(tos Avenue, and not so clnse to the residences; that they had put up with the produce stand for approx(mately el~ht years, with literal prablems; and that ahouC one-half of the Ciiy of Anaheim was very aware of the problems that had been created by the produce stand. Mr, LuJan presented a photograph for the record showing the appearance of the produce stand from his baclc yard as taken 6n 197~~ and stated it I~ad been very unpleasant for the past eight y~ars; that he had many words to use to express the previous conditions of tf~e produce stand~ that he did not admire the City for allowin~ said prevlous conditions to exist ancl he did not admlre the agent ~or allowing it tu happen; that if the agent had worked with the neighbors, he felt certaln that they could have lived with the stand with no problems; that the City had spent many hours fn disc:ussion, costing -nany dollars, and wanting to resolve this to the best solution for everybody; that~ in the event that the proposal was granted~ he wanted to reserve the rlght t~ appear before the Planning C~mm~ssion lat~er on in the meeting to clarify the conditional use permlt requirements (conditions of approvai)~ i,e., trees to tha south of the building within five years. Mr. LuJan stated he d!d nct want to wait five years for the trees to hide the use~ since he had a~e~aWhicht~P~~ibe similar to the~ that the build(ng was proposed to be constructed of plyw prevlous bufldinn and he had spent many hours oF anc~uish and mental torment putting ~p ietfurtherestated thatithe'photograpl~iralsotlndicatedawhat the p~reviousxplywoodestructuee~ looked llke. ~~ U ~ ~ MIHUTES~ CiTY PL-1NNING COMMISSIQN~ Qctober II, 197b 76-497 VARIANCE N0.,2856 (Continued) In res,r,onse to questionin~ by Mr, Lu]+~n concnrniny another op-~~~rtunity during the caurso ~;~ thls publi~ hearing to be heard~ Chalrm~n Joh~ison explatned thc public hear(ng o~•ucedures and Indlcated that there would probably be queetions r~~lsed by the Pla~nning ,ommisslon wnlch would givc Mr. LuJan such an opportunity to be h~ard, Mrs, Elnanor Lu}an~ 17G3 Wast Cris Avenue~ Anaholm~ having Caken the Oath, appeared bafora the Plannln~ Commission In opposltion nnd Inqulred if the street impravements would (ncludo the streoks~ curbs, and gutters along the un~-acrc portlon of che pr~p~rty to ~e used for the produce st~nci, She stLted that the con~tructlon of a bullding Simlla~ to the prev~oi:s building and moving It back only a few feet would anly benefft the ~~ppllcant; ~hat durlny tlie five years requ~red For thc trees to grow large enaugh to pr~vide protectlon to the ad)acent resfdences~ the people would have to puC up wlt'h the noisP, Itghts~ dalivery and trash trucks. etc.; and she inqulr~d how close to the prop~rty 1(ne would tlie use be allowad, In respon5e~ Commissianer Herbst note,i that thc pians shawed Lhe use rlght to the proF~erty line and that he would assure the adJarent residents~ from hls standpoint, tF~at the !~lans~ as submitted~ would nnt be appraved, -1rs. LuJan stated that their fsnce had serv~sd as a backin~ for tlie bushes and weeds that had been ~- to 1C feet hiyher than the fence; that she was a~so questioning whether the applicant would be alluwed to keep th~e plywood and plastic structures up past Christmasttme which were used for their tree sales; and whether trallers covered with canvas ;~ould be allawed around the stand~ since the placement of the stand fu~ther back from the street from its prevlous locat(on would put the stand dlrectly in iine with her llving room window, In rebut~al~ Mr, Raymond stated~ regarding the excessive traffic accldents referrEd to by Mr, luJan~ that he had no record over the years he had represented his cli~nts of any accidents which were caused by or connected with th~e produce stand; that the stancl was over 400 feet away from the intersection of Euclid Street and C~rrttos Avenue where the accidents probably occurred; that there has been an unsightly conditior, exist~o~resstwas area ,~ust in back of the home on the suhJect property; that~ unfortunately~ p 9 gning to do more harm for the adJacent property o~wners than the harm that they had at ths present morrsent with the produce stand since, whether the proposal w~is yranted or not~ the petitloners would bP requesting developn~en~ of the propPrty with restdentlal uses in the future with drtveways, garage doors which might be left open and usisjghtly, etc.; that Che subJect property afFered an opportuniCy for the cit(zens in the Cfty to see vegeCables growing. and also srr-~il and feel them; that~ pursuant to the recommended Cenditlon No. 11, they would be required to put up a 6-foot high ~l~ck wall alon~ Che south property line and he~ persona!ly, felt sorry for anyone having to look at a 6••foot wa17, however~ that wa~ what they would be requirsd to construct; that a b~ilding had ex~sced at one t(mr on the proper•ty which wis constructed out of plywood~ and not too long ago everything was built with plywood, but now fruit st~nds built with plywood were bein~ac~ondemned whtch were once ve ry honored and ~,•ery good; that, althaugh the frutt stano . yrown over the years~ it was in existence when the LuJans purchased their homa; that the aroposed stand would be constructeci accordinq to the Codes and would be appr~priate; that previously the ~tand was small an~7 with small operatiors the emplayees worked outdo~rs, but all of the work done by the e.mployees of the proposed stand would be incioors, even to the point that the loadtng and unloading of the trucks would be done indoors; that, !n effect, they really felt they were improving the situati~n for the nelghbors in the area; that, at the south end of thie property and just in back of the LuJan's property~ the City of Anaheim owned a piece of property that was about 4 feet wide and was one of the real problems that they had tried to resoive~ since this created a vacant strip of land between the LuJan's propcrty and the subJect property; and that he did not ti~ink thar the CItY w°;inerequlre a block wall and~ additionally~ the planting af trees along the south proQerty tn response~ Commis5foner Herbst noted that every comnerclal development was required to provide a 2Q-foot buffer wtth landscaping adJacent to restdential development and the subJect property was no different than others that had been requ:red tr~ do so. Chairman Juhnson inquired if the other end of the subJect property had be~en consldered for the produGe stand; whereupon, Mr, Raymond stated that the owne~s had lived on thp subJect property far approxlmately 90 years and I~ad indicated they wanted to use the property as ~~oposed and that he could not change their minds about their plans for tha balance of the p ropc rty ~ ~ ~ '76-498 MINUTf:S~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSI0~1~ Octobcr 11, 19J6 VARIANCE No. 28~6 (Cantlnued) Mrs. Dorls llpton~ 16~2 Jerlnne StreQt~ Anahelm~ appoared befure ths Plennin<~ ~omntssin in ,pposition and was administered the Oatl~ since sho had not taken :he Onth wlilch was adr~inlstered nt the beqinnln~ of the publlc heariny. Mrs. Upton Inqi~lred if 70 parkl~ g ~pacds w~uld be sufficinnt so that tli~ employees of the procluce stend would no longer h avP to park on thc strcc~ts fn her ncighborhoad. Sh~ stated tliat mAny tlmes car9 had slamme d on khalr brakes to avold cars ~nterfnq and exiting from the .tiubJect property. She further inyuired if the prev{ous unsiyhtly sigr~s on che property alonq Euc:lfd Stre~t would be allnwed and stnted thst sh~ was a homeowner In the are~ an~i was Interested in keepl~g up her praperty alon~ with many others~ and none af them wanted the stgns to be permltted. in rebutt~l. Mr, Raymond seateci that prevlausly they had 24 parkli~g spaces ancl the proposa) was for 70 space!s~ or about 2-1/2 tlmes as many spaces than exlsted In the pa s t; that if It was ~~ecessary or d~sired they would provide an addltlonal 10, 20 or 100 spa c es~ sln~e they intendecl to comply witli ttie urdinance. Mr. RAyrn~nd furth~r statecl, under oath~ thF ~arking for the prop~~sed use wou{d be anly on the applicable portlon oP the prope ~ty and ~f they ~ieeded annthcr 5 c~r 1Q spaces to provide pArkin,y for the employees~ they wo uld not allow that to becomr, a problem, even If r,hcy had to move Khc stand anothFr 5 or 10 faet back, THE PUDLIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. I~i response to quest(oning by Deputy CI*.y Attorney Frank Lc~wry~ Mr. Raymon~i stated that Mra Herman Marguiteux was entering into a lease wirh the property owne~s for the approximately one-acre portlon af che subJnct p~operty~ satd lease befr~y for a term of 20 years; and that salci lease could be amended al any tlme and this date If necessary. M r, Lc-rry advised that a 1~ ~:e such as th~t describd woulel requ(re that a~arcei map be and recorded separating the une dcre from the remain(ng acreage of the subJect property~ that a candttion of approval of the propo:.al involving a parcel map would (nclude tha t the petitiorier Improve Eucl(d Strest the ful) lenyth of the. entire property in accordance with the 1975 S~odivlslon Map Act. Mr. Low ry further advised that he wouid reaearch the Governmer~t Cade 5ection number ancl Mr. Raymond coul~ contact the City Att~rney's~ Office to obt~in same for his informat(on. Mr. Raymond indi~ ~~d tl~at he thought the referenced r~equl rerrsnt for street improvements was a'scretionary and not mandatory~ and Mr. L~wry advised that sald requlrement was mAde mandatory by the City Councll in Lhe adoptlon of thelr ardir~anc~ pertalning thePeto; and that i~a~e of the dcvelopers were happy about having to Frovide streei Improvements fo r unlmproved property which was subdivided off. In response to questioning by Commissioner King, Mr. Raymond stated they ti•~o~ld have 16 employees. Commissioner Herbst nated that he thought everyone recognized ~.hc past problems that th~e subJect parr_el had given the City of Anaheim and the surr•oundi~i~ nelghhorhood; that he did not gQ along withr the feeling that this property should be obroxlous to thf: neighb~rhooc~ Just because it was agricultural and, as such~ a rarity; that~ regarding the suii,,ftte d plot plan~ a commercial-llke atmosphere was beinq created on an agricultural ptece of land and he recognized that the produce stand was a g~~s:.; that f~e believed the property alorg Euciid Street wa~ appropriate for commerc~al~ but r~ecognlztng that certaln amenitles were neceRsary to prat°ct the neighborhood; that~ regarding the block wall required to the south~ the proposal was to abut the property line with cars and new shopping centers or commerclal development were requ~red to provide such protectic~n as berms~ 20-foot landscaped s~tbacks, etc.~ and the subJect proposal should comply with what the otf~e r commercial uses in the City were required to provide; that ap~roval of Yhe proposal would start c~ommercial along Euclid Street for the rest of the subJect property; and that he would certatnly ask the question "why couldn't the building be reversed so t~at the truck traffic would come in from the opposite side of the building~ rrsther than close to the residentlal uses~" In resFonse~ Mr. Raymond stated h.: did not feel that re~:ersin9 the butlding v.~,uld b~ a problem. Gommissioner fierbst noted that th~ backing up of trucks next to a residential area c ~eated problems; thnt there was ens~ugh land to solve all the problems; that the plans could be revised to put in landscapin~ away from the wall ta create a park-11ke sctting alon g the w~ll~ showing an cmployee parking area~ reversing the plans s~ that the truck wells would be on the oppostte side uf the hullding~ reflecting improv~~nents or+ Euclid Street to the i ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY ~LANNING COMMISSION~ Oclober 11, 1976 VNk1ANCE N0. 2856 (Continueci) ~..~...~~+r 76-499 corner of Ce rrlcos Avenue sinct this ono-ac~e p~rtlon of the property created the p~oblems that existecf In the pest along Eucl id Streec anci there wa~ no quest(on In hls mind that thesn improvesments woul~ hav~ to t>~ macfe ~nd thoc they should be m+~de with thls pro)e~:t; that the prevlous dedication along Cerrltos Avr.nue and Euclid StreeC should be reactlvated wlth a nesw doed to allow far ft~rChcr widenin,y nacds If dete~mined necessary in [he future. ssld ection to provlde for e ncw+ deed of accoss to tho City; and that If the foregoing could be +~ccomplished anci revlscd plans submitted in occuriiance therowi~h~ the Plenning Commisslon might be able to mc~vr. forward with thc proposal, In re~ponse. Mr. Raymond xtated that some of tF~e unreasanAble domands of thn Clty becarne so routlne thnk they becamc a way of ldf~; that~ As indiceted by Mr, l.awry~ the developers were screemt ~g abou~ the riew subdtvisl~n re~uiremnnts since in som~ inst~nces they were rQqulred to improve streets for miles wlth no benefit to them; lhat~ although the recommend~d conciittons of approval ~utlined in the Stt~fF Report were ext~nsivC, comprehensi ve o~d expensive to hls cllent~ they had accepteci sald condltlan~; hawever~ it was being s uggcsted khat additional conditions ~e impnsnd and under the circum~tanGC that he had not h ad tinxi to cnnfer w(th hts cllent about thom; that they had felt that the conditians o utllned i~ tha Staff kepor, wc,uld ~e the grounds upon which the prasentat0~n waul~i be ma d e and the Planning Comnisslon was adding to It, putting him In the pnsitlon that he coul d not make a representt~tlan unti l he had cliscussed thc~ addltlanal eirGUmstanc -s wlth hi~ cllent. Comnissione r Herbst noted that the Staff aeport~ betng prepared by the City Staff~ did no t includG the Planning Commission's consideratton of the matter. which was thr, pu~pose of the ~ubilc hearin~; that the surrounding re~iclentlal ne(ghborhood cleserve~i rhe ty~n protectlon b elna recommended and the previous produce stand operatlon had vlalated the ~rea in so many ways thac he would not vote fn Favor of the new proposal u~lass the prope~ buffcring w as provlded. In responsP, Mr. Ray~rnnd stated he dfsagreed with Commiss(oner Hcrbst's opintons about v0olatlons; that he would clase his statements by saying that, having reviewed the matte r of the reec~mmendatlons made by the Interdepartmental Commlttee~ they had been of the opinlon they were not being blaclcmailed between the pravious ~rgumenls of themselves and the City an d had been prepared that~ following Ctty Council actlon on the new proposal~ they v-ouid bury the hatchet, so to ~peak~ with respe~t to tlie prevlous produce stand. Commi ss icne ~ tlerbst Chen Inqui red what wc~uld make Mr, Raymond's cl tent clt fferent frorn any ather dzveloper tn che City of Anaheim and noted that they were only being requested to pr~vtde wh a t was asked afi evc.ry develop~r '.n the City. Commissioner Morley noted that the Plar~ning Corrmission asked for a 20-foot landscaped buffer fo r al) commerctal development which abutted reside~tlally-zoned or ~leveloped property in the Clty. Commtssion~r Herbst e~eiterated that unless the proposed build(ng coul~ be reve;~ec' a 20- foot buffc~ provided~ and the street improved~ to put the developnxnt "i~~ the ball oark." he w~uld ~~puse the proposal. Thereupon. Mr. Raymond stated he could say "yes" x~ all of ±he conciitions outlined by Commission er Herbst except for the street improvements, Ne retterated that the property ow~ers had been on the subJe~t property for 9fl years a~d dld not want to part wl*.h any of the trees. etc „ which surrounded their dwellings. Commissioner Flerbst clarified that his remarks co ncern~ng str.~t improvements pertained to along Eucltd Street and not up into the prope r ty. Mr. Raymond further stated that to go ahead in front of thc h..;.~e or residence of the Rannows, he dtd not know that he could convince them of that. Co-nmission er 1'olar noted that in all fairness to the applicant he 3hould tiay that hc had never seen aR isolated crse where one acre of a 1~+-~:re parcel~ for instance~ was permltted to go commerclal~ setttng a precedent for commercial davelopment ofi the remalnder with no reasons bein~ given as to hardshlp, a1 in this particular case. Commisston er King noted the possibility that this property was a transittonal area since lt was lo cated on Euclid Straet. Commisston er Tolar then noted that he would have no obJectlon to a praposal fo~ comrnercial ~evelopment for the enttre 14.5 acres~ but to extract onc Acre and approve tt for ~ ~ Pt1~Ji17ES, CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION~ October 11~ 1976 76-5~~ VI1RIflNCE PJO, 2dSG (Continued) carr~rclal dld not make sense; and lhat suct~ a prc~posa~ hed never bee~ permlttod (n the City that he knew of~ even with rhe s~igg~sted chr+nges, (n response to questfaning by tl~e Plonning Commisslon, Treffic Engineer Pau) Singer edvlsed that commant~ pertalnlnc~ to the access dri voways had boen inadvertently omlt~ed from the Staff Report; howover~ the plot plan sliowed threo clriveways. none of whlch were located dlrr.ctly across from Cris Avenur_; that his recommendn~ on was that unly onn drlvcway bc constructed and khat it be aligncd wi th Crls A~.~cnuP; thz~t snld drivcw+ay could bc substantlal w(th a center medlan~ curb roturns ,, etc.; ~~d r~,~t he had subslantlating documentat~on that sovaral traffic acctdents along Eucli' Stre~.: we~e dlrectly nttrlbuted to the prevlous pradu~:c stand use of the subJect proanrty. :ommtssloner Tolrr noted that~ atthough the subJect Pro~crcy could very w~ll bc a transittonal area, If anythin~~ !he City of Ana'~e im had en~~ugh cortxne~claliy-zoned ~sroperty; that 1 f the property were zonecl comn~ere lal , I c, would be spot-~oning ar b heavy commerclal use; and [hat slnce produc~ mArkets we rc ~asily r~located, fC appeared that the subJect n~rket would be excell~rit in anotl~er area of the fity. Commissionr.r Kin~ inqul rnd what type of screcning w~:s i~ropos~:d adJacent t~ the wast properky Iine. Mr. Raymond replled that the west property ilne abu:ted the portion of the praperty which would remaln in agr(cultural use; however, lhey w~ulcl agree to anything that would be appropriate other thar a blank wal 1, Commissiuner K1 ~y then suggested a s~atted chalnllnk fence; wliereupon~ Mr. LuJan inguired how hlgh sa-d fence would be~ stating he would prefer a 17.-foot high fence. Commissloner Herbst inquired how much of the prociuce sold at thc stand was actually produced on the property. Mr. Raymand replled tt~at they were rotating their crops renularly on al l of the agricultural ly-useci land , which exccpted those portions occupled by the two farml~ouses; and that about 5 ko 10$ c~f the produce sold was grown on the premises and the remaining 90-95a was grown locally. Commissioner Flsrbst then polnted out th~t the informatian Just provided by Mr. Raymond substantlated the fact that a commercial atmasphere was be(ng created on the subJect property znd, therefare. the pro~osal must tnclude the protecCion requested for tF~~ s~rrounding resldentlal uses, Chatrman Johnson polnted out that Mr. Raymond had earlier indlcated the need to confet' with h~s cllents concerning the easements and oLt~r.r addiCior~al requests being made by the Planning Commisslon~ and that it would be in order for the Pl~nning Commisston to consider a continuanc~ of the proposal. Comm; ss loner Ki n,, .~ui red about the poss ibi 1 1 xy of movlr,g tl~e trash enclosure areas farther to t4~e nortn, Mr, Raymond stated suGh a ch~nge wauld be acceptable and that they wEre not definitive about that type of .tem. Mr, LuJan inquired about the possibility oF a 4 or 5~fs~ot wide al ley or vacant strip of land being left adJacent to I~is property in the event that the 6~foot wall was constructed along the south boundary of the s~ibJect property, 7hereup~n, Mr. L~owry =~vised that there had been some indication from tfie Clty Attor~ey•s Uffice that an easement strip did exist and that during the interlm of the continuance date, sa(d matter eould be investigated. Mr. LuJan then stated that there was always room for compromise~ however, thz proposal woul d have to be someth i ng that woul d be 1 1 vab 1 e for hlm and h I s faml ly. Mr. Raymond requestec+ that a two-week continuanee be granted. Commissioner Klny offered a morion, secnnded by Ccmmissloner 1~Qrley and MOTION CARRIED (Commissfoner Faran~ kaeing absent), that the Ar~aheim Clty Pianning Commisston does hereby reopen the pub l i c he~ri ng and conti nue cons i de rati on of Peti t ion for Vari ance No, 2856 to the Planning Commission meettng of Octobe~ 27, 1976~ a5 requested by the petitloner. Assistant Plan~ing O1 rector-Zo~ ng Annika Sar~ta lahti advlsed that the comments made by the Planning Commisston concerning the proposai would be wr tten o~:c for the convenlence of Mr. Raymond and made avatlable immediately. ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION. Gctober 11~ 1y76 76-501 CONbITIONAI USE - PUBLIC IIGARING. AMRUTL~I. D, I1ND JASNUHIITI !1. PATEL, 2123 Wnst Lincoln FfRMIT NQ. 165~ Avcr~ue~ An~helm, Ca, 92~n~ ~Owners); GORDON D, ~~C MILIf.N~ 1155 North Cltran Street, N7~ Anahelm~ Co. 92801 (ng~nt)t raquesting parmisslon for a MQTEL E xP A~~SION on proporty de~crlbed eK e rcc..~ngularly~shapnd parcel of land cansist~ng of appro xlmatcly U.7 acre havtng r fronta~a of apprnxirt-~tely ~6 faet on the nortl- side of Lincoln Av~nue~ havinq a maximum depth oP approxlmately 312 feot~ a~d be1~4 l~cated appro ximritely 928 feet east o} the centerline of 9rookhurst Strael~ and further d~scrlbe~ ns 2123 west Llncoln Av~riue. P~operty presently clesslfled CL (COMMERC111L~ LIMIT~u; ZON[. No one Indlcrted thelr presonce In flppos~tion to thc subJ~ect pctltlpn. Although the St~ff Repurt ta thc P1aRning Conxnission dated Octobar 11~ 1y7bo W~s not read at the publtc hearing, sald Steff ReporC is refer~ed to and madn a part uf r~~e minutes. Mr. Gordon McMlllen~ the ag~nt fo r the petitloner, appear~ed before the Planninq Camm(ssl~n anu stated they were propnslncl to expand the exlst+~~g rnotel to a total of 22 un(ts. 7HE PUBLI C HEARING WAS CLOS~D. In responsP ta questloning by ~ommi~sloner Kiny, Mr. NcM111En stipula~ted that tha two parking spaces I~cated c,losest to llnroln Avenue would be deleted to avoid trafftc backtng out onto sald street. Commissioner King offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Morley and MOTIO~ CARRIED (Commissio~ier Farano bein~ absen t) , that the Anatieim Clty Planning Commission docs hereby recommend to the Clty Council of the City of Anahelm that a negatlve declaratlon Prom the requl rement. to prepare an e.nvi ro~mPntal impact report be approved for the subJect proJect~ pursuant to the provlsions of the Californla Environ mental Quality Act. Commissioner K~n~ offcreJ Resolution No. PC76-202 and moved tor its passage snd adoption~ that the AnaheiM City Planning Cortxnisslon does I~ereby yrant Petitlon for Conditionai Use Permit P~o. 1658, subJect t~ the s tip'aiation of the petitloner and aub~ect to the Interdepartmental Committ~e rec~rm~endationso (See Resoliitlon 9ook) On roll calt~ the forcgoing res~lution was passed by the followirg vote: AYES: C0~IMISSIO~IERS: BARNES ~ HCR~ST~ K~NG~ ~10RLEY, TOLAR~ JOf~NSON NOFS: COMMISSIONERS: NONE A65F.tJT: COMMISSIONERS; FARANa ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT - DEVtLOPE R: OAKTR[E DEVELOPMENT COMPANY~ 1151 Dove SCreet~ Sutte REPOR7 N0. 187 205~ Newport Beach~ Ca. 9266a, ENGINEtR: TOUPS CORPURA71t1N, - 1010 No rth Main Street~Santa Ana~ Ca. 92711. SubJect Qroperty~ TEMTATIVE MAP OF consist3ng of approximat~ly 33.8 acres loc~ted north af Vta TRAC7 N0. 952~+ Arbol~s, approximatclv 1g50 Feet east of Anahelm Hilis Road~ is ~"~ proposed for subdi vi s ion i nto 49 RS-HS-22 ~000 (SC) lots . Although the StaPf Report to th e Planning Commission dated Octobar 11~ 197~, was not read~ it is referred to and made a part of the minutes. Mr. Lynn Buff~~+gton~ representing the developer, appeared before th~ Plannino Cortmission and reviewed the proposal~ noting that the utiiities were avallable; that they would preserve as many of the avocad~ trees as possible; that there would be 49 residentlal lots~ with at least 22,000 squa re fe~t or larger, and the avera~e lot s(ze would be about 27,000 square feet; that the de sign of the lots was to minimize the g~ading; that the Gommunity would ba equestrian- o~tented and one approx~matcly three-fourths tlcre lot would be set aside as a ridtng arena to be maintained by the homeov~ne~s assotlatlon; that the homes would have a custom appea rance, being one-story and split-leve! to talce advantage of the tarrain; and that there wo uld be na c~rbs, gutters or sidewalks~ and there ~vouid be tree-lined drives. in response to questloning by Commissioner Barnes, Mr. Buffington rvie~ed the t~ee presprvatton pian and stated th at there were 399 existing alive eucalyptus trees~ of which 124 would be rnmoved~ and the re were aiso 89 ~xisting dead eucalyptus trees whlch would be ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSI~N~ October 11~ 1976 ~NVIRONMFN7AL IMPACT REPORT NQ, 187 _AND_TF.NTATIVE MAP__OF 7RACT N0. Szk (Contlnued) 76-502 remuved; that following his revle~~ ot kha onvlronmental Impect report ciocumer.~~ they had reconsidered the troe ramoval plan and, therefore~ the Staff Repnrts were incorrect in using the cfata whlch was included In the EIR document; thAt they wouid replaco the 124 treas wfth the ~ype speciflad in thn Trr.e Preservation Or~ilnance; and that by retalning ea many ~f thc avt+cado trees ~s RAl3IG~C~ th~y would be able to market somo of thp homes as avocadn ranches, In respanse to further questioninn by Commissloner OArnes~ Mr, BuPfington stated thelr Intentlon was to grade for tha strects and wr,uld determina t~ie best house for each oP che Ic+ts; Chat Cho gradiny program wauld be In line wtth the cor~tour-grading concept and would involve araund 55~~00 cubic ynr~s of dirt. slnce about 50~ of Che total sltes would be natural; rhat the maintain(ng of the natural sltes would req ulre some creative consldcratlon of haw the property would Jraln; that some natural dralnage caursea exlated, and that they dld not Intond to increaoe the ai+nunts of wate r atcepted by ~aid courses; that to achieve the natural contour r.ancept, there was no wa~ that all of th^ lats would dr~ln to the streets and~ addttionally, some af the lats would be lower than the str~et~ and th~t there wesre lagal way~ of handling kh~ ciralnage over adJacent lots and sald ways wauld inv~lve CCbRs. In s•nsponse to questloning by Commissioner Nnrbst~ Mr. Buffington seated they w~ere provlding tmargency t+cce~s to the su~Ject propertY that wc-u!d tie tnto an existing prlvate road~ wl~lch wos simllar to a small Nuhler Drive concept; and ttiaf the property to the sauth was zoned for residentlai lots. Cc~mmfssioner Herbst then noted that the~e appeared to be no s~lutlon ta the fire en~ergency access problem, and Mr. Bufftn~tan stated thet the access could be from Anahetm Htils Raad~ whlch waa paved, In response to the foregoing discussion, Deputy CBty Attorney Frank t~,~ry advtseJ that thn City Council c~uld consider the aFproval of conditional exception <~~ thr. Nillside Grading Ordina~ce for drainage ln their consideratt~n of the ~inal tract map for the subJect subdivision. Commissioner Herbst noted that the proposed proJ~ct was sometl~ing 2hat th~~ Planning Commission had bee~ loak(nc~ forward to with raspcct to contour gradlny~ and Commissloner Barnes noted that this was the happiest she had been about approving a proJect Sn a lang t(me. Commissioner Ilerbst offered a mntion~ seconded by Commissioner King And MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Farano betng absent), that Envlronmental impact Rcport No. 137~ having been considered this date by the Anaheim City Planning Commissio ~ and avidence, both wrltten and orml~ having be~n prescnted to supplemcnt said draft EIR No. 187~ the Planning Comnission beiieves that sald draft EIR N~o. 187 does conform to the City and State Guideltnes and the State of California Environmental Qualtty Act and~ based upon such information, does hereby recommend to the City Council that they certify sald EIR No. 187 is in compltance with said Environmcntal Quality Act; provtded~ hawever~ that tha developer shall submit a supplement indicattng the final determinatton cf ex(sting trees and the tree remaval and repla~emenl actuaily propo~ed~ as presented et thts meeting. Commisslaner Herbst offersd a motion, ie~:onded by Commissioner King and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Farano bei~g abseni)~ that khe Anaheim City Plan~ing Ccmmissian does h~ereby find that the pr~posed subdivision. together with its design and improvement~ is consistent with the Ctty of Anshelm General Plsn~ pursuant to Government Code Sectton 66473.5; and~ thcr~fore, does approve Tentatlve Map of Tra ~t No. 9524 'or 49 RS-HS- 22~OOOZSC) lots, subJect to th~ following conditions: 1. That should this subdivlsien be developed as more than one subdiv(sion~ each subdiviston theraof shall be submitted in tentativ~ form foP approval. 2. That subJect property sliall bc served by underground utilities. 3. That a ftnal tract map of subJect property shail be s ubmitted to and approved by the City Council ard then be recorded in the Offize of the nrange County Recorder. 4. 7hat any proposed cov~nants, condttlons, and restrlrtions shall be submittod to snd approved by the C,_y Attorney's Offic^ prtor to C(ty Council approval ~f the final tract map ard, further~ that the apprnved covenants~ condltions~ and restric*_ions shall be recorcfed concurrently with the final tract map. ! ~- o MINUTES~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ Octobor 11~ 197b 76-503 ENV I RONMENTAL ! MPAf T REPOKT N0. 187 AND TENTt~TI VE M.4P OF TMCT N0. 9524 (Cont I nwd) y, Tl~a,t prlor t~ fllinq the finol tract map~ the eppltcant shall submlt to the City Attorney for approval or denlal a complAte sy~opsls of khe proposed functloning c~f che opernting corpora~tlon Including, but nat llmitcd to~ the articles oP incorporatlon~ bylaws~ praRosed methods of manaqement~ bandln.~ ta insure mAlntenance of ccmwnon property and bulldtngs~ and such othAr inPoinwtlor: as the City Atkorney m~y desirc to prc.:ocC the City~ Its clt(zr~ns~ and the purchasa~s of the proj~+ct. 6. That strnet names shall be approved by the City Planning DeporLmenx prlor to appr~val of a final tract ma,~, 7. That the owner of subJect praperty shall pay ta the Ctty of Anahelm tt~e approprtate park and recreation in-Iteu fees as determtned to be approprlato by the C(ty Cour~cil~ said fees eo he pald at thn time the bullding permtt is Is~suad. 8. Tnat dralnage of sald property sha~l be dlsposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. If~ in the preparatlon of the alte~ suffictent grading is required to necessitate a grading permit~ no work on grading wlll be parmlttRd between October 15th and Aprll 15th unless a~l requlred off-site drafnac~e facilltles have been tnstalled and are oparatlve. Positive assurance sh.i) be provided the City that such dralnage facl!tties wli) bn completNd prior to October 15th. Necess~ry right-of-way for off-s(te ~ralraga Facilities shall be dedicated to the Clty~ or the City Councll shall liave initiated condemnatlon proccssdings therefor (the coats of whlch shall be -•orne by the developer) prlor to thQ commencament of gradtng operattorys. The requlred dralnage facliltles shall be of a size and type sufficlent to carry runoff waters orlgtnating from higher properties through said propertY to ultimate dlspc~sr~) as approved by the City Englneer. Sald drainac~e facllikies shall be the first item of constructloas and shall be completed and be functional thraughout the t~ACt and from the dawnstreem boundary oP the property to the ultimats potnt of disposal prior to Che issuances af any final buildtng Inspectlons or occupancy ~ermits. Dt•alnage dtstrlct reimbursement agre:ements mny be made avallable to the developers of said prnperty upan Lhelr request. 9. That grading~ excavation~ and all other construction activlt(es shall be conducted iR such a manner so as tU mintmize the posslbiltty of any silt originattng from this proJect being carried into the Santa Ana River by storm watcr orlginating from or flawing through this proJect. 10. If permanent strPeC nAme signs have not been lnstalled, tempora ry street name sions shall be installed prior to any occupancy. 11. Thet the ownPr(s) of subJecx property shall pay appropriate drainage assessment fees to the City ~f Anahetm as determined by the City Englneer prior to approva~l of a final tract map. 12. That maxtmum street grade allowable shall be 1~ per cent. 13. That fire hydrants shail be installad ~nd charged ~.3 requtred ar.d dat~rmined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Dcpartment prtor to commencemen: of structural framing. 14. That all structuras in subJect development shall be constructed in accordanC~e wlth the requlrements of Fire Zone 4 as required by the City of Anahe(m Fire Departmnnt. TRACT NOS. 841II ANO 8647 ~ Request for waiver of Nlllside Grad{ng Ordinance re~uirement that !ot Ilnes ba located 2 to 3 feet from top of stopes~. The C1~"y Engtneer's rt+emorandum datcd October 1, ty76~ was p~ese~ted. Said memora~dum indicated that the subJe~t require~sen2 was placed in the Hillside Grading brainance so thet the cntire face of slopGS would be the respansibility of the owner of the lower lot In thm belief that sald owner would be more ~pt to malntain the slope than the owner of a lat at the top of a slopc; howcvar. in the sub)sct t~acts, nll of the slopes in questlon would be malntatned oy a homeowners assoctation and~ thartfor~, the request fo~ waivar of the requlrement shoutd be granted. ~ w^~ ~ MINUT[S~ CITY PIANNING f.OMMISSIUN, October 11, 1976 76-504 TRAC1' NOS. 1~+18 AND 46N7 (Continuad) Gommissluner Kl~g o1'fered a motiun~ setondad by Commissloner Morley and MOTION CARRIED (Commissionnr Farano belnn nhscnt) ~ thak t-,C l+nahelm City Plsnning ~ommtssio~ cbe~ hareby rocommnncl to the Clty Council of tlie C~ty of Anaheim that the requesr for walve~ af the Hlllside Grdding Ordlndnce requlrament chae lot Ilnas be loceted 2'to 3 feet fram the top oP slope~ t,c grAnted fur the slopcs which are contour-graded in T~act Nos. 8418 end 8b47~ a~ recorm~end4d by the Ci ty Eng~ neer. REPORTS l1ND - iTEM N0. 1 RECQMMENDATIO~~S ND NAL USE PE.RMIT N0. 13~Z ~ Rnqucst Por an extenston o!` t~me - ""-""-' Property conslstln,y of approximately 0.41 acre, having a fro~~tag~ of approx. 112 }'eet on thc south side of South Street~ and b~tng located appraximately 270 fcet west of the centerllnn of S:ate College 9oulevard. The Staff Report to the Pl~nning Commissiun dated October 11, 1976~ was presented and r~wde a pdrt of the minutes. It was noted that Condit(onal Use P'ermft No. 13~~2~ to establish a child nursery with walvers cf minimum front yard depkh and mini~num number of parktng spacAs~ w+~s app~oved In part by the Planning Commtssion on Septei,~bor 1~, ~972; that satd approval was 9iven subJect to severa) condlti~ns being compited with w!thin one year, of whlch one condition had been mct; that~ typically. the rematning condittons were required to be satisFied pr(or to final bullding inspection rather than commencer~Knt of the app~ov~d use; that three previous extensions of time had baen granted~ the last one expiring Octaber 10~ 19)6; and Chat the appllcant ~Paul Bandy) was requesting an ~ddltional one-year extension of time in order ta complete the c4nditi~ns of approval. Commissloner 'ie~bst offered a motton~ seconded by Commissloner King and MUTION CARRIED (Con~missioner Farano bei~g absent)~ that the Anahelm City Planning Commission does hereby grant an adGltlonal one-y~ar extension ~f time for Conditional Use Pe~mlt No. 1342, said time extenslon to expire Octobe~ 10~ 1977~ as requested by the applicant, ~TEM N0. 2 GENERA P AN AMENDMENT N0. 141 - Requ~st to set for publtc hcaring. It was noted that the third General Plan Art~endme~t for the calenda~ year 1976 had been tentatively set for pubitc hearing o~ November 1~ 1976~ sald amendment to consist of two items: Area I- Center City (do~antown redevelopment) and Area II - Orangewood Avenue and Clementir~e Street; and that in response to Planning Commission directlon~ the audltorlum of Fremont Junior Nigh School had been reserved for Novemk-er 1~ 1976~ at des~ire~totattend. evening rneeti~g arsd sald auditorium would accommodate the people who may Co~~xni~sioner 7olar offered a motion~ seconded by Commissioner Herbst rnd MOTIUN CARRIED (Commissioner Farano bei,ig absent)~ that the Anaheim City Planning Co~rnision does hereby determine that Ganeral !'lan Amendment No. 141~ and EIR No. 188 perta'ning theretn~ be set for public hearin,y on November i~ 1976~ at 7:30 p.m. in Fremont Junio~ Hlgh Schaol Aud(torium, ITEM N0. 3 7~M I~LLS~ INC. OPEN 5PACE EASEMEN?S - Request for determination of compliancs with the City of Anaheim General Plan• It was noted that a communication had be~n recelved from the Orange County Environmental Management Agency ~oting the pending grant of open space eas~ments by Texa~o Anahetm Hills, Inc.~ to the County of Orange; that said lands were located throughout Anahetm Hills over approxlmately 100 a~res of land and were the result of the agreement to cancel the Nohl Ranch Agricultural Prns~~ve contract; that the sub,ject 1~0 acres was the first incrament or' a total of 5QQ acres to be eventually offered; that~ ir+ accordance with Secit,i 65402 of the Governmant Code, the Agency was raquest~ng the Anah~im Clty Ptanning Commlsslon ta detarmine if the propo~etePfar@an ~nvironmentalmimpacttneqative~declaratlon; Anaheim General ~ian and was app op ~ ~ ~ MINUTES~ CITY PLANIdING COMMISSIUN~ Octobnr 11~ ~976 76-505 ITEM NQ. 3 (Cnntinued) ------.- and that the prop~sed granting of the c~pen spacn easements wa~ not In wnPll~t with the Anal~elm f,en~ral Plan, Commissloner King offerod fcr,7olutlon No. PG7~~~03 and moved fur Its panse9e and adoptlon, that tha Anahrtm City Planning f.omm(sslon ck-es hereby flnd that the acceptgnce by the County of Oranc~e oP thc grant of open srace oasemcr,ts In the locak{ons proposed (s in conPormance with the Anahelm Genetal Plan~ and that seld proJect conforms to the requlrement3 for the filing of a negativc declaratlon From the requircment to prepa~e an envlronmental Impact roport~ pursuant to the provts~ons of the Callfnrnia Cnvironmcyntal QualltY A~t. (5ee Rnsolutton Baok) On r~ll call~ thc tor•egofng resulution was aessed by the follawtnc~ vote~ AYES: COMMISSIONE.RS: BARNES~ HE~IBST~ KING~ MORLEY, TOLAR, JQHNSON NOES: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: FARAIJO I TEM N0. 4 ~~~R EiR N[GA1'IVE DECl.ARATION - For a grading permit at 295 South Chrisalta (Grading Perm(t No. 541). It was noted that an appllcation had been ftled for a yrAding PPrmlt at the subJect locatlon to constru~t a sinnle-famlly residence; that an evaluatiAn of the envlronmental impact of grading at thi~ location wss requirecl under the provisions ~of the Cal(fornia Environmental (1,uElity Act and the State EIR G~~tdelines b~cause the proJect was located in the Scenic Corridnr and the siope of the land was ~t lease 10$; and ihat a study of the proposed grading by the Planning bepartment and the fngineer(ng Divislon indicated that tt would have no significant envir~nmental impact. Commissloner Barnes ralsed questions concerning the observatlon and contral nf the drainage by the City~ and Civil Engineering Asslstant Jack Judd advl~ed that dratnage plans were regulrec{ prfor to the iss~ance oF building permits. Commisst~ner Toiar offered a mation~ seconded by Commissioner King and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Farano beiny absent)~ that the Anaheim C1Ly Planning Commisslon does hereby recommend to the City Council nf the City of Anahetm that a negative declaratlon from the requirement to prepare an environmentai impact repc~rt be apFroved for the suh)ect proJect, pursuant ta the provisions of th~ California Enviranme~tal Quality Act. ITEM N0. 5 '~~,'~J~"'f"~"SR E I R NEGAT I VE DECLAkATiON - For a aradi ng p~rmi t at 125 Peralta Htlis Drive (Gradi~g Permit No. 54~)• It was noted that an application had been filed for a gradtng permit at the subject location to construct a single-family residenCe; that an evaluatton of the environmental impact ofi :~rading a:~ this location was required under the provlslons of the California Environmencal Quaitt.~ Act and the State EIR Guidelines because the proJect was located ln the Scenic Corridor a~nd the slope of the land was at least 10~; and that a study of thQ proposed gradlr: by tha Planning Department and the Engineering Divisio~ indicated that it would have no signific~nt e~ivironmental inQact. Commissioner Tolar offered a mation~ seconded by Cnmmissionar Morley a~~d MOTION CARRIED (Commission~r Fa~rano being absent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recorranend to the Clty Council of the Clty of Anaheim that a negptive declaration fran the requirement to p~epare an environmental impact report be approved foi the sUb,ject proJect~ pursuant to the provisions of the California Environrt-ental 2Uality Act. i ~ ~ MINUTk:5~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN~ Uctober I1, 1976 7~+~506 ITEM N0. 6 ~~`f~0~t EIR NEGATIV~ OECLAH{~TIOH ^ For a gredtng permit at 773 ~~r+~lta Htlls Drlve (Grading Pcrmit Nu. 544). It was note~' that ~n appllcatlon had becn flle<i Por a groding permlC to construct a tennis court addttlon to a single-famlly residence at the subJe,ct locaClon; +that en eveludtlon of tho envl~anmental Impect of gr~ding at this Incatlon was requlrnd unde~ the p~ovistons of khe Callfor~la Environmental Quallty Act and the State E!R Guldelinea bocause thn proJect was iocetad ln the Sconlc Corridor and t•he slope of the land was at 1r~st 10$; end tht~t a study o1` the pruposed g~ading by tihe Plannln~ Uepa~tment end thtl Enginearing Divislon indiceted that it would have no sigr-I~Icant environmer~tal impact. Commissloner Toler offered a rnntlon~ seconded by Commissfoner King ~nd MOTIAN CARRIED (CcnMn(ssloner Farano being absont)~ that the Anahatm City Planning Commistiiory does hereby recommend to th~ f.ity~ Councll of the City of Anaheim the~t a neg~tlve declaratlon Fram the requl!-ement to prepar~e an envl ronmental Irnp~ct report be approved fo~ Che subJ~ct proJeCt~ pursuant ta the provlsl~ns of the California Cnvironmental Quality Act. ITEM NU. 7 ~R EIR NEGATIVE UECLAitATi0P1 ~ For a grading permit at thn northeast corne~ of Nohl Ranch Road end Serrano Avenue. 't wos notcd that an application had been flled for a grading permit to construct a shoppin,q center ~s approved under RGr.lasslficatlon No. 71-72-4--(14) at th~ subJect lACatlon; that an evaluation of the envlronmerst~) i~act of gradfng at this location was requlred undEr 2he provlsions of the California Environmental Quality Act and the State EIR Guidelines because the proJect was located in tha Scenlc Corridor and the slope of the land was at least 10~; and that a study of thc proposed g~ading by the Planning Department and the Engineering Divlsion indfcated that it was In compliance wlth Qrevlously approved plans and would hav~ no slgn(ficant environmental impact. Commisstoner King offered a motion~ seconded by Comm(ssioner Morley and MOTION CARRIEU (Commissioner Farano being absent)~ that the Anahelm City Planning Commissfon does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anai~eim that a negative d~claration from the r~qutrement to prepare an environmental impact report be appr~~~red for the sub;ect proJect. pursuant to the provisi~ns of the California Environmental Qual(ty AGt. ITEM N0. 8 EQUES OR EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - Fqr improveme~ts to Oak Canyon Nature Center. It was noted that the Clty of A~aheim Parks~ Recreatlon and the Arts department was proposing to improve Oak Canyan Nature Center~ whlch was a 5$-acre site adJacent Co Walnut Canyon ReservoQr and the CICy Golf Course~ both to the north; that~ assuming successful grant application, the proposed ltmited improvemGnts to the nature center would include trrlq~tion, planting, structura) modiftcations and the additlon af a parking lot and security fenc6ng; and that a review of the i~itial envlronmental study and plans for the proposed stte improvement fndlcate~ that the proJect would have no signtflcant adverse envlronmental impact. Conrn~ssloner Tolar offered a motion~ seconded by Cortmissioner Marley and M07i0N CARRIED (Commissioner Far~no bei~g absent)~ that the Anahelm City Plannlnq Commission does hereby ~ecommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that a negative declaration from the ~equirement to prepare an envif~~mental Impact report be appraved f~r the subJect proJact, ~~ursuant to the provlsions o. the Celifarnia Environmental Quallty Act. ITEM N0. 9 EQUES OR [:IR NEGA7IVE DECLARATION - For tmprovements to Pelanconi Park. It was not~d that thes City of Anaheim Parks, Rescraatton and the Arts Department was proposing to irnprove Pelanconi Park which was a 20-acre site bounded on the north by the f~~tura alignment of Avenida Margarlta~ c'~ the east by an extsting condominium complex, on ...~ ~ .... • MINUT~S. CITY PLANNING COMMlSSION~ Octobar 11~ 197b 7b-507 ITEM N0. 9 (Contlnued) _____.__.---- the south by single-fbmlly residences and hy Westridge Circle; that~ ass~~ming e succeasful gr~nt ++pplieatlon~ tl~e proposed ImproYements wauld Include stresm bed (mpruvements~ a natura tra~ll system, restrooms~ e 26-spacn p++rking loe~ and nlcpe pla~~ting and Irrigatlo~; and that e revtew of the inltlal envlronmental study and plans incilcated that the praJe¢:t would liave no signiPicant advcrse environmentel tmpact~ Commi ss I oner KI ng ~affered a mot ion ~ sec:onded by Co~Rnl ss loner Morley and MOTION CARRI ED (Commissioner Ferano being absent)~ that the Anahelm City Planning Comnlsslon does hereby recamm~nd to the City CouRCll oP the City oP Anaheim th~et a negativ~ d~claration from the requiremont to propare an environmer-tal impact report be approved for the sub,ject proJeGt~ pursuant tu the provlsions of the Califarnla Environmantal Quality Act. ITEM N0. 10 , TREE REMOVAL - At Santa Ana Canyon Pe~rk Slte O~e - Plnney Drive and Ge~da Drive. A memoran~lum Prom the Parks, Recreation and the Arts Dapartment, Parks Dlvislon~ dated October 11~ 1976~ was presented and made a part of the minutes. It wa4 noted that the Parks Dlvtslon was requesting permisstan to remove three Gucalyptus trees at the Intersectld~ of Pinney And Gerda Drives in connection wlth development of the subJect park site; that the tree removal would have neqltgible (mpact on known physical aryd environmentat processes and a mtr~imrl l~npact on aesthetlc factors; anJ thAt tha Division p~rsonncl c~nsnnsus of opinion was thaC aesthetlc trede•off for safety assurances was advisablc at this tlme. Camr,Issloner King affcred a motion~ saconded by Commfssloner Morley and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Farano being absent)~ that the Anahelm City Planning Comnisslon does hereby recommend to the City C~uncil nf the City of Anahetm that approval be granted for the remuval of the three eucalyptus Crees ai the intersectlon of Pinney and 6erda Drives~ as recommended. ITEM N0. jl R~ACrT N~k09 ( REVI S I ON N0. 2) - R~sques t for a+nendment to Conditlon No. 14. 1~ was noted that tt was in order to correct a clerical error In connectlon with the conditlons of approva) of 7r~ct No. 8409~ Co~ditlon No. 14 should be corr~cted as follaws: Frnm: "14. That the completton of Reclassiftcation No. 72-73`~51 sh~ll b~ to the RS-7200(SC) Zone.01 70: "14. That the completion of Reclassification No. 73-74-11 shall be to the RS-72~0(SC) Zone." Commtssioncr Hcrbst offered a motion~ seconded by Commisstoner Kiny and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner ~arano being absent)~ that the Anahelm City Planning Commission do~s hnreby recomr-end to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Condition No. 14 of the app~oval of Tract No. 8409 be corrected~ as set forth abuve. 17EM N0. 12 K~ 00 0 E AR£A IIMITP.TIONS - Proposed ordinance amendment. The Staff Report to the Planntng Commission dated Octobcr 71, 1976~ wos presented ~nd made a part of the minutes. Asststant Planning Director-Zoning M ntka Santlahti reviewed the proposal and ru~ted that ln 1973~ the City Council had madified the wordtng of the otdinance to ciarify the intant that the "open space" in the sub)ect zone was to be level area~ suitabin for nutdoor li•ving and recreatlan; that the modificbtion changed the words "open space a~ea" to "building site and building pad area"; that du~ing the recadlfication og the Mahelm Munictpal Code~ the ordtnance was tyritten tn a way whtch did not include the revised wordi•;g; and that the IRtenY of the praposed amendment was to ref ect the intent of the Ctty Councl! to require ....~ ~ MINU7E5~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSI~N, October 11~ 19~6 76-508 !1'EM N0. 12 (Continued) an Increesn In the amount of level outdoor erea far hamea with more thrn three bedrooms ln ;he RS-5000 Zone, by 850 squar~e f~et fnr e+rch •ddltional bedraom. . Olscusalon was hnld concerr~fng the subJect proposal~ during whir,t~ Commisstoner Herbst noted that perliaps thn r~~~juirement should perteln to lot coverage -- noC las~ than 35~ a~ the pad b~+ expa~dAd; and that ha felt the intont ot the ordtnance was to prcvlde mo~e open space or bigger lot and not pad area, sinca xhe lc~t covnragn with four bndrooms o~ the c~round would be siqnificantly less than four bodroom~ in a two-story structure. Mr. Jtm Chrlstla~sen~ representing a daveloper, appeared be1'nre~ the Planning Comnilsslon and steted that the present ~cading af the ordinanca wes opcn for interprctatlon and he was prc~ently involvod with a tract map which wa~ ready to record but which may or msy nAt be In cc~mpllaroc~ wtth the ordinance being dlscussed; that hn agreed Nith Staff and also with Commission4r Herb~t; and that he felt that tha change which had been made to thA ordinance In 1973 ~~AS for flat land developmsnt~ to pravlde room for the familles to play. Cammisstonar Herbst noted that if the ordlnance wex wrltten ta reflect the 35$ covarag~ sclutl~n~ Plexfbility wou'd be lost. Chairnx~n Johnson noted that the ordinance would apply only to the RS-5000 ZUne~ and Commissloner Herb~t Incticated that more study was necessary bnfore concludtno on the matter. ThC Plan~(ng Cummisslon generally can~urred to conttnue consld~ratlon of the subJect ltem to the Plsnning Comm(ssion meettng of October 27, 1976~ for further study. ADJUURNMENT ~ 7here betng no furthe~ business ta discuss, Canmissioner Morley offered a motion~ seconded by Cc~mmissioner He~bst and MOTOON CARRIED (Commissianer Farano betng abscnt)~ that the meetfng be adJourned to October 2.6, 1976~ at 7:30 p.m.~ at the Anahelm Htlls Public Country Club~ for tfie pu~posa of meeting in Joint session wlth Che City Council of the City of A~aheim and Canyon a~ea cttizens to discuss planning conslderatians in the Hill a~d Canyon area, including the Scenic Corrid~r Overlay Cone~ va~lances and exceptions, tree preservation ordinance, roadway setbacks, grading, and solutions to problams related thereto. Tt~e meeting adjaurned at b:55 p.m. Respectfully submltted~ ~s ~e.~/~ C'~~~'~~ Patricla B. Scanlan~ Secretary Anaheim City Planning Commisstan PBS:hm 0 R C 0 hi11CRUf ILMING SERVICE. Ir~r