Minutes-PC 1976/11/17~ ~ City ~lall Anahotm~ Californla Novomber 17, 1976 ADJOURNED REGUL~R MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI5SION ADJOURNED - An ariJourned regular mcoting of thc Anahatm City Plenning Commisslon REGULAR was celled to order by Chalrman Pra Tempore Tolar at 4:30 p,m. on MEETING Novcmbrr 1')~ 1976, In the Cour,cll ChAmber, a quo~um being presr.nt. PRESENT • COMMISSI~NCRS: 6arnes (who cntered the mepting at 4:~+5 p.m.)~ Farano, He~rbst (who entcrPd tho Reeting at ~~;35 p•m.)~ K1ny~ Morley~ 1'ular ABSENT - COMNiS510NERS: Johnson ALSO PRESENT- Narman Priest Knowlton Fernald Frank Lawry B111 Cunnlnyhani Coulter Hooker Patrtcla Scan'lan Executive Di~octor-Community Oevelopment Director•-Cormwnity GeveloQment Assistant City Attorn:y Assaclace Planner A~sistant Planner Planntng Commisslon Secre*_ary ENVIRONM~NTAL IMFACT REPOR''f hJO, 1$5 ~NO pROP05ED SECOND AMENUMEN7 TO 1'NE ANAHEIM RE~EVf.LOPMEN7 P~AN - PROJECT ALPHA Asslstant City Attcrney Frank Lowry presented the Staff Rep~rt materfal and exhiblts to the Planning Commission for review. noting that the matertal was substantially the s~me as was viewed at the Pianning Commission meeting of Novam~er 1~ 1g76~ but was prasently in a different Gontext~ being the RedeveloFment I'lan Amendment, COMMISSI~~ER HERBST ENTERED THE COUNCIL CHAMBER AT 4:35 P•`1• Community Development Dtr~ctar Knowlton Fernald reviewad the 14 different amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for ProJect Alpha, as outlined in the proposal, It was noted that Messrs. Ben Bay and SCc:art Moss~ m~~~~bers of the Conrnunity Redevelopment Co~mission,were present; that Mrs. Lorie Hearn wes present from the Anaheim Bulletin; and thzt no mernbers of the general p~~biic were present. It was further noted that no one in the audience wlshed to address the Planning Commisston either in favor or in opposition to the proposal. Thereupc~, Assistant Ctty Attorney Frank Lowry read the tttle of the proposed resolution being~ A RESOLUTION OF TNE ANAIIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTING ON THE PROPOSED SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE REQEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ALPHA~ AS CHANGEQ, AND RECOMMENDING THAT TFiE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE AND ADOPT SAID PROPOSED AMENDMENT AND FlNDING THAT THE DRAF7 SUBSEQUENT EIR N0. 189 IS IN COMPLIANCE W17N THE CEQA OF 1q70. Commissloner Farano offered Resolution Mo. PC76-238 and ,~ioved for its passage and adoption~ that the ~'lnaheisn Ctty Planning Commission does herAby find that the draft subsequent EIR No. 18g is in compliance with the California Envlronmr,ntal Quality Act; that the Planning Ccxnml~sion reports that the proposed Second Amsndment to the Redevelopment Pl~n for Redevelopment ProJect Alpha, as changed~ is (n conformlty wlth ~he Anahetm General Plan; that the F'lanning Commisslon recomnends Chat the City Gouncil of the City of Anaheim approve and ad~opt said praposed Second Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan~ as changed; and that the Secret.~ry of tF~e Planni~g Corrmission is hereby authorized and direc4ed to ftle this report and recomnendation with the Anaheim Redevelopment Rgenr.y. (See RGSOlution Book) COMMISSIONER BARNES ENTERED THE CaUNCII. CHAMBER AT 4:45 P.Me On rolt cdll~ the faregaing rzsolueton was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO, HERSST, KING, HORLEY~ TOLAR NOrS: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABS'.:NT: COMMI SS I ~NERS :: i~NNSON ABSYAIN: COMMISSiONERS: BARNES 76-582 • ~ ~ ~. MINUTE5~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSIaN~ November 1]~ 1976 ADJO'JRNMENT - Thcre be~lnc~ no fu~~nor bust~es• to dtscutt~ Cammlystoner King ofPered e motlon. socondad by Commtssioner Mo~ley and M0710N CARit1E0~ (Commiseloncr Jnhnson being ebsa~t)~ that the meeting bc adJourned. The meoting adJourned at ~-:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted~ ~_.... li.c t~l,-C <.-ct~~j/J~Cl -sZ ( Ct.~~/ Patricta B. Scanlan, 5tcretary Rnah~Im Clty Planntn~j Commis~lon 76-563 PBS:hm 0 R C 0 MICROFILM!NG SERVICE, INC