Minutes-PC 1977/04/25~ ~,j ~
City Hall
Aneheim~ Celifornta
April 25~ 197~
aEGULAR - A regular rnee~ttnc~ uF the Analielm City Plenntng Cammisai~n was called to
MEE7'ING order by Chairman Johnson at 1:3~ p.m.~ on Aprtl 2,~ 1977, in the Counci)
Chamber, a quorum being present.
COMMISSIONfRS: 6arnes~ Dav(d~ Herbst. Y.Ing~ To1ar
VACANCY - One seat
AL50 PRESE~~T- Frank Lowry
~ Annika Santalehti
William Oevitt
Paul Sin~cr
Phillip Schwa~t~e
Jay Titus
Joel Fick
Ron Smith
Lhris Garlock
Coulter Nooker
Patrici~ Scanlan
Assistant City Atto~ney
Assistant Plannfng Director-Zoning
Asslstant C{tv E~~ineer
Traffic Engi~eer
Assistant Planning Dl~cctar-Planning
Offic~ Englneer
Associate Planner
Associate Planner
Planning Aide
Assistant Planner
Planning Commission Secretary
PL~DGE Of - Commiysioner Barnes led in the ?ledge ~f Allegiancs to thE Flag of
ALLEGIANCE thc United States of America.
APPROVAL QF - Commissloner King ~ff~red a motion. seconded by Cammissioner David and
TNE MINUTES MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Johnson abstaining since he was not present
a*. thP meeting in question; ancf one 5eat neing vacant), that the minutes
of the regular meeting of the Planning Canmission held on March ~8~ 1377~
ba and hereby are approved, os submitted.
Chatrman Johnson acknowledyed receipt of letter dated April 20~ 1977~ ffom Patricia B.
Scanlan resigning as Secretary of the Anaf~eim City Planning Commission~ effective
May 9, 1977.
The Planning Commission expressed thcir geod wishPs to Mrs. Sca~lan in her new work as
Clerk of the &~ard of Direccors of the Orans~ County Transit Diserict.
77-277 ~+/2S/77
, ,,j
~ ~
NuS. j7~+9. )lS~~ 975~
AND ''S2
(TRACT N0. 9150)
- GuNTIN~Ei,. DEVEI.OFfH: AI~AHL' IM 111LL5 ~ ING. ~ j30 Anahelm
Nills Road~ Anahelm~ CA ')2$Q7. ENGINEER: VTN C~N50LIOATED~
IIJG.~ 23Q1 Campus Orive~ Irvine~ CA 92G64~ Sub)act property~
consisting ~f oppr~ximately 100 a~cres loceted between Imperi~l
N i ghway anci Anahe I m ~I 1 I 1 s Road ~ I~sv I ng a f ron taqe of app~ox i-
n~tely t0y5 feet on the east side of Imperla) Fliqhway and being
(ocntcJ Approxirtuitcly ~2; fcet south of thc ccntcrllnc of Noh)
Rancti R~AU, is praposad for subdivislon As follows;
TRACT N0. 974g - 5~ RS-NS-10~(?OU(SC) lots
TitACT N0. 9)~0 - 7~ RS-IIS-I~,OOA(SC) lots
Tit/1CT NQ. 9)51 -~-f,~ RS•Il5-10~000(SC) lots
'fRACT N0. ~752 - G?. RS-NS••10~U00(SC) lots
It wes noted that the subject items were cuntin~~wd from the Pla~niny Commissian meeti~gs
of March 14~ 1~J7~ for revtscd plans~ and from March 2~ and Apr(1 11~ 1977~ at the request
of the petttioner.
Une person indicat~d hier presen~s in connection witl~ the s~~b,jr_ct ltems~ noC necessarily In
opposltion; anu waiveJ the full rcadin~~ of the Staff Reporc to th~ Planninq Commissiun
dated Apri1 25~ ~911. Alt~~ough the ~'aft Report was not rc~ad .~t the meeting~ it is
referred to and madr. .~ part of thc m,.~u;r.s.
Mr. Phtlip 6ettencourt~ V(c.e PresiJent of Public Affairs~ Anahe~m Nills~ ~nc.~ the
petitloner, appeareJ beforr_ the Planniny Commission arid indicated ttiey had submttted a
letter for Planniny Gommissiun review settin.~ forth thc key features of the revistons to
the subjecc tract maps. f~e f~rtl~er stated that~ since they were most anxious for a
decislun on the tracts at this m~etiny~ Mr. Nors[ Schar was pr~sent to address the
quest(on of the r~~id-t~lock plazas or cul-~' -sacs wh(ch was af primary concern to the
Planniny Cormiission a~t the previous meetiny.
Mr. ~lorst Schor. Vice President~ Uevelopment~ M aheim Hllls, Inc.~ aopeared and stated
they were trying to be innovetive in tfiis project with a unique des(gn not incarporaced in
any prevtous projec:t in Anaheim Hi 1 ls; that tl~e houses were beinc~ designed individual ly to
fit the contours of the lots, creating a unlque architectu~al desiyn; that they were
dasirous of breaking up the strect pattern w(th the rnid-block circles~ with stop signs at
fither end bringiny the traffit to a complete stop before p~oceediny; that (f possible~
they would like to try at fedst one of the mid-block circles in the subJect development,
wt~ere the residents would not be looking out onto garages~ b~t onto the circles which
would be landscaped with low-r~~aintenance shrubs, rocks. etc.; that the proposed path of
the streets was an effort to preserve the natural ridgeline of the property; and that the
revised pians indicated increased lot fro~tages and 1ot areas.
Mrs. Jan Hall, 545 Tumbleweed Rr~ad~ Anaheim~ P~e~ident of the Westrid~e Nameowners
Assocfation~ appeared before the Planning Commission and stated that, since she opposed
the proposal at the previous mecting~ sh~ wan[ed to acknowledge that she I~ad studied the
plans more tharoughly and had chanyed her mind regarding several matters; that~ at first~
she thought the mid-block circles were ratsed planters~ but now realized they ~Yere street
heiyht and weuld be officially maintained by the homeowners asaaciation~ with stop signs~
etc.~ wl~ich she felt was preferable to what was existing in the area and in her own tract;
th~t ehe grade in the subject Lracts was far more severe than in the Westidge Tract. or Sb
opposed to about 12~ gr.,de; +that one of her main concerns related to drainage, and she was
E1R N0. 197 AND TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 9749. 9750~ 75~ AND 9752 (Continued)
assu~ed by Anahelm 11111s that drsinage measures would be provlded as neGded tn the subJect
tracts; that the proposed lot sizes end pod sizea wera large ~ than (n Westridge~ with the
p~nh~ndle lots being 30 fect wide, while exiatir~g panhandle lots in Aneheim Hills we~e
considerably narrower.
In response to questioning by Commiss~onar Tolar~ M ~s, Hall str~tod thet the City Counctl
had referred the school problem to NACMAC; and tha t the Schoo) District had (ndicated a
des~re to n~et wlth the indtvidual homeowners reyA r ding Che m~ttor~ wht~h was decllned.
Tl~areu~on~ Commissioner toter requested to be kept informed of HACMAC's progress.
Mr. Schor stated tha!. be~ause of the problems the y had enco:~nt~red with the Westrldge
Tract~ they had yone to a progrom of Installinc~ dreinage at the rear on critieal lots wlth
substanttal slope dra~nage; thai. for thc lots with marglna! drafn~gc prablems~ they mtght
have the bui lders insta) l i~~^ dratnage; and that they trled to learn from each proJect and
Improve upon thr, next ones.
Chs I rrrwn Johnson acknav I sdged the t i me and ef fort s pent by Mrs, Na 1 1 I n~epresent i ng the
hameowners ti~ her Area.
In response tn yuest(oninq by Gliairmen Johr~son~ Mr. Bettencnurt stated he was not sure he
could provide a dircct "ciuse an~i effect" in relationship to thc ~evlsions for thcs
widening of th~ luts; however~ the elimination of t hc ~lazas cauld add six lots to th~
proJect. buc they were unabie to s~rnply cxtenci the {ot Itne s of the lots adjacent to the
plazas since sald lots would have resuliecJ wlth srnaller lot frantages; tnat the revised
plans were substantially similar to what was reviewed at the ~revious mceting; and that
the street configu~ations had noc changeei except far the possible elimtnation of the mid-
block plazas, and that the Trafftc Engineer had requested a la~ger street section.
Commissioner Barnes indi~ated that~ after heariny the Traff ic Enqinee~'s comments
concerning the mid-block cul-de-sacs (plazas) she was not a galnst that street
conflguration; t~owe~~er, she wondered what thc conf i quration of the locs at the plazas
would be if the plazas were eliminated.
Pursuant to discussfon regarding the streGt r,onfiguratlons and the number of lots~ Mr.
Bettencourt ~sti u~lated~ that~ reyardless of the str~et configurakior~,, they would not
increase the number of lots (216 lots~ 214 units).
Commissioner f3arnes noted that the Traffic Engineer had in~i icated a preference ta the
circular mid-block islands. as oppc,sed to the elongated tsl ands~ for traffic safety.
Commissiuner Herbst indicated that he was ayreeable to the c{rcular mid-block islands on a
trial basis~ as long as the st~~p signs were instal led at the time the streets were
provided and not later on. Whereu~+on, 7raffii Engineer Paul Singer stipulated tha[ the
Gity would instal l the stop signs irnm~diately upon completi on of the stre~ts in the
subject tracts. The Planning Commission ~en~rally concu~red that Alternate 1 was
acceptable as it related to the pravislon of mid-b lock pla zas In Tract Wos. 9750 and 9751•
Discussion ensued regarding the gradina for the d e velopmen t,during whtch Mr. Bettencuurt
stated that Anaheim Hilis~ Inc., would bulk grade th~ proJect, includ(ng the bullding
pads. Comni55loner Herbst questioned the posslbi 1 ity of tF~c tracts being sold pr(or to
the grad i ng be i ng accomp I i shed ~ and subsequen t cha~ges be i ng made to tF~e grad i ng pl ans .
Asststant City Attorney Frank Lvwry advised that d eed restrictlons would be the only
cont~ol in t:~e event that the property was sold prior to tt~e grading being accompl ished.
M I NUTE:S ~ C I TY FLANN 1 NG COMM I SS I ON ~ Apr i l 25 ~ 1977 77~280
EIR ~~A. 197 ANp TENTATIVE MAP Of TaACT NOS. ~~49, 915d. 9151 ANO y7y'l (Contlnued)
.~~ ~ .~~~~~~.rr.rr~~~.
Commis~ioner Herbat sugqegted thst a work scsslon be scheduled to study thc RS-NS-10~000
Zone ar~d the estate zone~ since he folt that the zo~er~ we~e more dense than they should be
In the hill and cenyon orea; that for general housing~ tha RS-liS-10~000 Zone should
reflact the bottom 1 tne For denslty. for the reason thet cc,ndominiums wtth high densitl~s
would be constructed. (ncreasing thc~ ove~all dnnsity in tt~e area to mare than was planned
far the "Plenned Corcmunity"~ evan though preaently the de~stcy was lowcr; that the
proposed lot widths dIJ not reflect the intent of the RS-fIS-10~040 Zone, especially when
extremcly largo lots with a yreat amount oF unusable land wcre used to increase the
averege lot sf xe to acceptsble; ttiat, al though the subJeet tracts had been (mp~ovad upon
slnce the orlglnal proposel. they stil) did not meet the Intent of the zone~ in his
opinlo~~ since the tot wfdths were narrawer than in the RS•7200 Zone; that. in '~is
opt~lon~ the proposed tracts would look Ilke RS-SQ00 tracts when completed; and that the
developer shniil~i an~lyrP thpir nPxk RS-HS-1(1,0f)Q ~ro~e~cc moro closely to prevent problems
wi th the overAl I dens( ty in the Planned Communi ty.
Ccxnmissioner Herbst referre~l tu the letter subm(tted by Anahelm Nills~ Inc.~ dated Ap~il
18~ ~971- and requested tl~at sald letter he madQ a part of th~ ml~~utes~ ~s follows:
"C i ty uf Anahe i-n
Planninq Commi ss ion
P. 0. Box 3222
Anaheim~ Lalif~rnia 92803
Re: Canyon View: Tantative Tract Maps and Zone Aeclasstficat(on
Ladies and GenClemen .` '.~ie Canxni~sion and Staff:
Situetion. On March 14~ we Qresented four tentative tract maos fo~ ou~
Canyan Vfew, Uni t XVI planniny a~~ea, After substant ial testimony and
Commisslon reconwnendations~ we stipulated to a continuance so that we might
prepe~e addlt ional lend plan al ternat Ives.
Mondey, Apri 1 25 ~ wi I 1 mark tl~e fourth ; ime i n the past forty-f i ve days that
th i s developmen t proposal has been on the Cammi ss ion agenda. we have made
siynificant revis(ons in our original destyns to responci ta your co~cerns.
Nr are hopefu 1 that the rev ( sed Canyon V i ew p 1 an w i 1 1 now meet w i th your
Ori inal Pro ect. The lU~ acre Canyon Vtew planning area origt~ally
nc uded 2 residentia) building sites and a peti[ion for reclassification
to the RS-HS-10,000(SC) zo~iny desiynatfon.
The four tracts origlnal ly yielded ~ net dens i ty of 2.55 dwel I ing u~i ts per
acre. The zvne permi ts a dens i ty ~r 3, 75 dwe l l i ng un( ts p~~r acre, That
designationwauld technically have permitted a total of 38i bullding sites
whlch would be ~+3 percent (165 lots) more lots tha~ o~c:~ ~rlgtnal proposal.
Maximum lot coverage permltted under the zone is 40 pe~cent which would have
permitted a 6,536 square foot single story house. 1~lhf le such a structure
would obvlously not be built, this calculation does demonstrate the
unusually large lots proposcd.
EIR N0. 197 ANO 7ENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 9~49, 9750~ 9751 AND 9752 (Contl~ued)
- -------- • -- -
A 3~000 squere foot stngle story house would cover only 18 p~rcent of the
typlcal iot. A two s[ory house the same slzn would caver only ebout ninc
percent of the lot, Naedtess to say~ ya~ds and open spaces o~ the lots
would be extansivc.
Revised Plan. Whnt nr~ i'•~ signiftcant features of ou~ latest p1Ans:
1. I.ot Size. All lots are now in ~xcess of 10,OG4 squarc feet. In
ec~ t, t~ie average lot s i zc i s ~ow 16 ~ b97 squa~c f~et. ThAt's
s i xty percen t I aryer than the ord ( nance mi n i mum end that's mare
then twice as large as the di scret ionary Ard inance minimum of
8.OU0 syuare fe~t.
2. Pad A~ea, A 1 though the zone does no[ requ i re a spec 1 f i c pad area,
t~e~ave~age pad aree far the t racts~s now 8~5) 1 square feet . ~ n
fact~ 40 pe~cent af the pads are in sxcsss of 8~500 square feet.
Twenty-twc~ percent af the lots are tn a split level conflgu~atlon.
This helps to r~duce grading~ mitigate slape maintenance
requi rements and redur,e excess ive terracing.
3. Lot Frontage. The subjcct of iot frontage came In for intensive
c~scuss~on.'- 1 nG I ud 1 ng f 1 ay 1 a s~ tfie averaqe lot f rontage for the
four tracts is now 84.~ 1 ineal feet.
Agaln, thcrc Is no minimum lot fron[age requlrement withln this
tone nor sl~ou 1 ci there be ~ t n ~ur op i n i on . Recogn 1 z i ng ehe un 1 que
constralnts of hillside development and the te~rain end elevation
differenc~s involved~ larger iot frontages obvlously require more
extensive gradlny--and, more typical terrace development. We
belteve yc~~r awn gradinc~ oroinance discourages that sort of land
p 1 ann f ng,
4. Lot Yleld. It was not possiblc~ to maintain tne lot yield as
or g na y proposed given the Cormission's design restraints. We
have~ tl~erefo~e~ lost four bui Iding sites in revising our plans.
At t~Jay's land dev~lopment p~tces, this is pa~ticularly
significant . We estimat~ the lot vatue at 5~+~~0~0 each for a
total loss of nearly 52QO~OC~J in dcvelopment potenLial.
Please rememb~r: even at the new yteld figure of 21b lots~ :hat
(s stlll 16~~ lots less than the densicy pe~mitted w(thin this
5. Hiliside park Plazas. There has been c~nsiderable discussion
regari~ng t~ie~esTyn meri ts of the hi 1 ~side plazas. Ne presented
evidence to you of use of these plazas in hillstde developments
which were st~ictly regulated in the cities of Irv~ne and ~~ewport
Beach--two Orange County )u~isdictions known for particularly
tough hillside developnent standards.
Yn~u also received testimony f~orn your traffic engEnee~ at your
hear~ng of Apri 1 11 . E3ased upon consul tat ion wi th hf s
EIR N0. 197 AND TENTAT~VE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 974g ~ 975~. 9751 AND 9757 (Continued)
- ..._.. ^_._.._
profssslonal catleaques~ he dld not discover eny particular
traffic safety concern~ with use nf these islands. In fect~ they
were proposed tn the interext of trafftc sefety to control trafftc
flow so that lonyer hilltop streets with ten to twelve Fercent
grades would not encourage unsafc spceds.
The Ccxn~~~t s s i o~ was s t( 1 1 ap~~rehens I ve abou t us i nc} th i s des i gn
technique. Therefore~, wc have eliminated one of thc plaz~s and
incorporated (nstead a c:onvencional cul-de-sac. This was tn
accordancc wtth the proposa) which you rp~carPd to favor at the
Aprll 11 h~arin~~, We hAVe also substantially modifled the desiqn
of the ~econd plaza so that the configuratlon Is more in the arder
of ~ typ i ca i parkwey mc~1 i di~,
E~. Flaza Matntenanc_c ~Ex en~se. It was suggested that these plaz+~s
pote~t a y represente3 a-flnancial burden to the communicy
association. We have presented evidence that these same des(gn
features are widely used In ott~er successful proJe~ts. We have
not rpce(ved any documented evldence c~f the trafflc safety
dlfficulties ~r laisurance liablltties when such a small isolat~d
neighburhood is involved. We do believe this conc:ern Is sincere
but overstated.
Of the Cotal i~ndsc~peJ and open spece maintenance areas provided
within the four tracts, these plaras represent less than twa
percent of the area to be association matnta(nrd,
This revised land plan re~uired reciesiyn of the conflgu~ations of nearly 20 percent of the
lots orlginally prop~secl. You will now flnef that rnore of the lots are of a conventional
rectangular configuration. We learned that sevc~al of y~u were uneasy rcga~ding the
extens i ve use of d i amond o r p i e sha~ed liame s i tes .
_S,u_m.m_a,~~r . Ladies and gerstlemen~ we f~ave prepared an immagln~tive land plan that is
complPtely responsive to ordinanc:e requiremcnts, No discretionary act ts requlred by the
Commfssion to approve any lots less than 10,000 square feet since none are proposed.
Our con cern fran the begtnniny has been adherence to established city standa~ds. Thls
program was the product of rnore than six months of extensive study by envtronmental,
engineering and land planning consultants. IL exceeds the stbndards for tracts of other
landowners wt~ich this Commission has already appraved and which have been approved by the
C(ty C ouncil. It is in full conformanse with your own zoniny standards and requires no
Our revised proposed development is in conformance with a zone particularly tailored to
the hillside. We hope yau will measure the merits af the proJect by that standard, and
recommend to r.he City Councti your approval nf this d~evelopment proposal which has ~een
rev(sed to meet your cuncerns.
Very truly yours~
EIR NG~ 197 AND TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 9749. 975Q. 9751 AND 9752 (Cantinued)
/s/Phillp F. Bettencourt
Vlce Prestde~t
Publtc Affairs
cc: Ms. Anntka Santalahti~ Plinning Department
Mr. Joel N. Fick, Plant~In~ Department
Mr. J. Tftus~ EnginQCring Uepartment
Mr. Paul Singer~ T~affic Engtneer
Mrs. Jan Nall~ wastridge Cammun(ty Association
Mrs. Mary Dinndorf~ Sarta Ana Canyon Improvement Assn."
Cocm~iss(oncr Fierbst noted that paragrapf~ 4 on pa~~e ~. ~~ th~ ~h~vP-referPnced letter was in
bad taste~ since it was not possible to lase somethlnp you never had ln Che first place~
namely, four additional lots ac a v~luc of ~ppruxlnwcely 5200~OQ0. Chairman Johnson
Office Engineer Jay Titus advised thax lie had talked with Mr. Schor who aqreed that if the
mid-block plszas were approv~d~ the street s~ctions would eliminate the an-street parking
on the inslde of the circles~ reducing the strer.t width Co 3~+ ~eet fram curb-t~-curb
around the c(rcles. Mr. Bettencourt su stipulated.
Chatrman Johnsan also wanted agsurance that there would be only one-way trafflc around ttie
In response ~o questioning by Commissianer Tolar, Associate Planner Joel Fick advlsed that
the tracts~ as reviaod~ totaled 226 lots and 214 units.
Commiss(oner Barnes revirwed the foregoing d~sc~ssion on the subJect tracts, noting that
it appeared appropr(ate to requ(re that specific plot plans~ elevations a~d floor plans be
subniitted to the Planning CommissIon for revtew and approval; that the developer
stipulated to accomplishing the bulk gradiny and bullding pad grading prior to the sale of
the land for actual development. a~d that deed restriction~ would be ~ecorded to guarantee
that the grading was in accordance with the discussion of the Planniny CoaMnission on same;
that stop signs wouid be installed by the City at bo~h entrances to the mld-black
circularly-shape~f plazas at the tin~e of completion of the streets; and that the developer
stipulated to a maxlmum of 22G lots and 214 units in the proposed development.
Commissioner Barnes offered a motion, seconded by f.ortmissioner Tolar and MOTION CARRIEO
(one seat being vacant), that Environmental imp~ct Report No. 197 (supplementing Master
EiR No. ~0)~ discussing the propased grading~ reclassification and development of a 226-
lot, 214-unit residential developrnent on thp iQ~-acre site _yenerally bounded b~~ the
Southern California Easement, Imperia) Highway and Planning Unit X1f~ having been
considered this date by tf~e Anaheim City Planning Cortmissio~ and evidenc~~ both written
and oral~ having been presented to supplemeni said Draft EIR No. 197, the Planning
Conmission Finds that the potential project-generated individual and cumulative adyerse
environmental impacts from the prnJect will be adequately mitigated by the pla~ned
extenslan of existing utility facilities and efficient traffic cont~ols for ci~zulation;
and that the Draft EIR No. ly7 conforms with the City and State Guidelines and the State
of California Environmental Quality Act, provided~ howevar~ that the Planning Coim~ission
does not find that the EIR adequa~ely discusses the mitigating measures with respect to
schools; anJ~ therefore~ based u~.on the foregoing information, the Anaheim City Planning
EI~ N0. 197 AND TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 9749.~75~, 9_7_S1 A_, ND 975Z (Conttnued)
Commlaslon does t~ereby reconxnend to the Clty Counci) that they certify s~id EIR No. 197 Is
In compllance wlth the Caltfornla Environmental Quality Act.
Chairmen Johnson noted that he wou1J not support a motion to approve the subJect tracts on
the basls that~ In his opinion~ the praJect waa too J~nse~ although It might be within the
parametcrs of thc intcrpretation ~f tl~c current RS-NS-10~000 Zone; and tha[ he was putting
the subJect Jeveloper and others on natice that re:sistenct would lncrease 1f inere and nwre
concantrated packages (developments) were proposed in the future; and some of lhe proposed
lots wou1J have very concentrated livinc~.
Commissioner darne5 offered a motivn~ se~~nJeJ ~y Cormtssfoncr Tolar and MOTlON CARRIE~
(Commi551onPrc Ilerbst ancf Johnsan vot(nq "no"; and ore seat being v~~cant) ~ tliat the
Anahelm City Planning Commission does hercby find that the prop~sed sut,divls(on~ tagather
witti its Jesiyn and improv~rnent~ is conslstent wtth thc City ~f Anaheim Genera) Plan and
Government Code Section 6E473.5; and do~s~ tnerefore~ approve Tentatlve Map of T~ac~ tJo.
97W9 for ;7 lots and 51 units~ subJect to the following conditions and stlpulatlons oF the
1. That the approval of Tentative Map of Tract No. 97G') is granted subJect to the
approval of Reclassification No. %G-77-41.
2. That should this subdivision be developed as more than on~ s~~h~iivtsion, each
subdivision tl~ereof sl~all bc submitted in tentative form for approval.
3. Th~t all lots within th(s tract shall be served by underg~ound u~illties.
4. That a flnal tract map oF subJect propcrty shall be submittccJ to and approvcd by
the City Council and then be recorded in th~ Office of the Orange Caunty Recorder.
~. That the covenants, conditions~ and restrictions sfiall t,F submitted to and
approved by the City Attorney's Office prior to Ci[y Council approval of the f1na1 tract
map and~ further, that the approved covenants~ c~nditions, and restrictions shall be
recorded concurrently with the final tract map.
6. That prior to filiny tlie final tract map, the applicant shall submit to the Ctty
Attorney for approval ~r denia) a complete synopsis of the prop~sed functioning of the
operating corporatio~ includiny~ but not limited to, the articles of incorporatlon~
bylaws~ proposed methods of managenent~ bonding to insu~e maintenance of common property
and buildings. and such ctfier information as tlie City Attorney may desire to protect the
City~ it~ cttizens~ and tt~e purchasers of the praject.
7. That street names st~al~ be approved by the City Planning Department prior to
approval of a final tract map.
8. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the
appropriate park and recreacion In-lieu fees as determined to be approp~iate by the City
Council, sald fees to be paid at the time the buildiny permit is issued,
9. 1'hat dra6nage of said property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to
the City Engineer. (f~ in the preparation of the ~ite, suffl~lent grading is required t~
necessitate a grading permit, no work on grading will be permitted between October 15th
and April 15th unless all required off-site drainaga facilitics have been lnstalled ~nd
are operative. Positive assuranc~ shall be provided the City that such drainage
facilities will be ca-npleted prlor t~ Octoher 1~th. Nacessary right-of-way for off-site
drainage facilttles shall be dedicated to the City~ or the City Councll shall have
inltiated condemn~t~on proceedings therefor (the costs of which shall be borne by the
devel~per) prior to the commencement of grading operations. The required drainage
f~cilities shall be of a size and type sufficient to carry ~unnff waters originating from
higher properties through said property to ulCimate disposal as approved by the City
Engineer. Said drainage facilities shall be the first item of oanstruction and shall be
MINUTES~ ~ITY PLANNING CAMMISS~QN~ 1~afti ~5~ 1977 77-x85
E I R N0. 197 AND TENTATI VE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 9`74g ~7~0 ~ 9751 AND ~j52 (Cont 1 nued)
~~.~.r~. w~.w~~ ~.~ ~~ ~.
completed and be functtonal throughout the tract and from the dow~stroam bou~dary of the
property to the ultimate potnt of disposAl prior to the issuance af any final building
inspecttons or occuponcy permtts. D~ainagc distrtct reimbursement agreements mey be made
avallable to the dcvelQpers of sa(d property upon their rnquest.
10. That g~ading~ excevat(on~ and ell otl~er const~uction aGtlvities shall be
conducted in such a menner so as to minimize the poss(bility ~f any sllt origlneting from
this pro)ect bet~g carrioci into the Santa Ana River by storm water orlginating from or
ffowing through this proJcct.
11. If permanent stree~t name signs have not been installcd~ t~mporary street ~ame
signs shal) be lnstallcd prior to any occupancy.
12. That maximum street gradcs sF~all not excecd 12 percent.
13. T~~et fire I~yJrai~ls sl~all !;e instalied and charged~ a~ requlrGd and dGtermined to
be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department~ prinr to commencement of structural
14. Th~t the property owner(s) of Track Nos. 37~i9~ 9750~ 37~1 and g752 shal) Jotntly
particlpata in the payrnent for the installation of trafftc signals at the tntersections of
Imperial ~Ilghway and Nohl Ranch Road (5~~ - estimated to be $20.00~) s~d Anahetm t~ills
Road and Nohl Ranch Road (50a - estimated to be S20~AQ0) for a total estimac~d cost of
$40,000 (exact cost tn be determined by the Traffic Engine~r at the time of payment) to be
pald prior to the issuancc: of a building psrmit or Such further time as the City Counci)
may grant.
15. That any flag locs shall havc a ininimum street fron[age of 20 feet.
16. In accorJance with the requirements of Section 1u.02.0u7 pertalning to the
Init(al sale of resiJential homes in thc City of Anaheim Planning Area "K"~ the seller
shall proviJe each buyer wttt~ Nrltten infarmatiun concerning the Anaheim General Plan and
tl~e existina zuning within ~00 feet of the boundaries of subJect tract.
17. That any ~pecia-e~ trees removed or destroyed shall be replaced on a 1:1 ratio and
subject to the reg~lations pertaininy to tree preservation in the Scenic Corrldor Zone -
tb. That the bulk gradiny and builc+iny pacl grading shall be accompllshed by Anahe(m
liills, Inc., prior to the sale of the land for actual development, as indicateri by the
submitted plans and represented hy the ~eveloper; provided~ howeve~, that deed
restrtctlons shall be submitteci to the City Attorney for revi~w and then bc recorded in
the Office of the Orange County R~corder ta yuarantee that the grading of tf~e tract shall
be in accordance with the subrtiit[ed plans and representations in the event that the
property is sold prior to said ~,~rading being accanplished, as stipulated to by the
19. That specific pl~~t plans~ elevations and floor plans shall be submitted to the
Planning Commission fo~ review and approval prior to issuance of butlding permits.
Commissioner Barnes offereJ a motion~ secondecS by Commissioner T~lar and MOTION CARRIED
(Commissloners Herbst ar,d Johnson voting "no"; and one seat being vacant), that the
Anaheim City Planning Commission does t~sreby find that the proposed subdivision~ together
with its design and improvement~ is consistent with the City of Anaheim Generat Plan and
Government Code Section 66473.5; and does~ therefore, approve Tentattve Map of Tract ~la.
975~ f~r 68 lots and ti6 units~ subject to the follc~wing conditions and stipulations of [he
1. That the approval of Tentative Map of Tract No. 975U is gra~ted subject to the
approval of Reclassiflcation No. 7G-77•kl.
2. That should this subdivision be developed as m~re than one subdivision~ each
subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval.
E~IR N0. 197 AND TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 9749, 3750._ 975~ ANn 9752 ~GontinuCd)
3. That all lots wlthin thls tro~t shall be scrved bY underground utillttes.
4. That a final trect map of sub)act property shal) be submitted t~ and approved by
the City C~uncll and then be recordod in the Offfce of th~ Oranye County Record~r.
5. That the covenants~ conditic~ns~ ~nd restrlctlons shall be subm(tted to and
approved by the City Attorney's Office prior to City Council eppr~val of tt~c f(nal cract
mep a~d~ furth4r~ that Che approved covnnants~ conditions~ and restrictions shall be
recorded concurrently with thc f(nal tract mAp.
6. That prlor ta filing ti~c final tract map~ tlie applitont shall submlt to the City
Attor~ey for approval or denial a coinplete synopsis of thc prapused functloning of the
operating corporation intluclinq~ but nat Ilmited to~ the articles of incorporation~
bylaws~ proposed methv~s ~I' Rianagement~ bonding M insure matntenance uf cammon property
end bu1l~~in~JS~ And such other information as the City Attorney may desi~e to pratect the
City~ Its cltizens~ anci thc purchasers of tf~e proJect.
7. That strc~t names ~hall hr. ep~roved bY thc City Planning Dep,~rtment prlor to
approval of a flnal tract n~ap,
8. That the owner(s) of subject ~roperty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the
approprlate perk and recreation in-lieu fees as determined ta he appropr(ate by the Ctty
Council~ said fees to be paid at tlie time the buildi~9 permit is issued.
9. That dralnage of sat~f propcrty shall bs disposcd of in a manner satisfactory to
thc City Enylneer, If~ In the prepar3tion of the site~ sufficient g~ading is reyuit'ed to
necessttate a gradiny permit, no wurw on yrading will be permitted between October 15th
and April 15th unless all requirGd off-site drainage facilitles have been Installed and
are oper~~ive~. Positive assura~~ce shall be provided the City tliat such drainage
facilities will be completed prio~ to October 15th. Necess•iry right-of-way for off-site
drainage facilities shall be dedlcatrd to the Citv, or the ~.ity Council shall have
initiaked condemnallon proceedin~s therefor (the c.~sts of ~+r~ich shali be borne by t.he
developer) prtor to the corm~enc~rnent of yrading oper~y~io~is. The required drainage
facilities shall be of a size and type sufficier~t to carry runoff waters arig(nating from
higncr properties through said p-'operty to ultimate disposal as approved by the Gity
Engineer. Sald dralnage facilities shall be the first ttem of construction anci shall be
completed and be functional throughout the traGt and from the downstream boundary of tiie
property to the ultirnat~ potnt af disposal prior to the issuanca of any f(nal building
inspecttons or occupancy pcrrnits. Drainage district reiiaburscment ac~reements may be made
avaifable to the developers of said propcrty upon their ~eques[.
10. That yradin9, excavatiun~ and all other construction activit(es shall be
conducted In such a manner so as to mi~~imlze the possibili[y of any sllt orlginating f~om
this proJect beiny carried into the Santa Ana River by storm water originating from or
flowing through this proJECt.
11. If permanent street name siyns have not beer. tnstalied, temporary street name
signs shall be installed prior to any occ~~pancy.
12. That maximum street yrades shall not ~xceed 12 percer~t.
13. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged~ as reyuired and determined to
be necessary by the Ch'~f of the Fire Department, prior to commencement of structural
14. That the property vwner(s) of Tract Nos. 97~-9~ 9150. 9151 and 9752 shall jointly
particip~te in the payment for the installation of traffic signals at the intersectlons of
Imperial Ilighway and Nohl Ra~ch Road (50$ - estimated ta be S24,~00) and Anaheim Nills
Road and Mohl Ranch Road (50$ - estlmated to be 520~000) for a total estimated cc~st of
$40~000 (exact c^st ta be determined by the Traffic Engineer at the tirre of payment) to be
pald prtor to the issuance of a building permit or such further tim~ as the City Council
may grant.
15. That any flag lots shall have a minimum street frontage of 20 feet.
E1R N0. 1~7 ANn TENTATIVE MAP OF TMCT MOS, 9749~ 97yo. y7y1 AND 9752 (Contlnued)
1G. In accordonce wtth the requiremcnts of Scctlon 1~.Q2.047 partaining to tha
inltlal sale of resldential Iuxnes in tha City of A~ehoi~, Pl~nning Area~ "d"~ the seller
shal) ~.rovida each buyer wlth written informatlon concerning the Anahelm Gengral Plan and
the existinq zoning within 300 feet of tl~e boundariss of subJect tract.
17. That any specimen trees removed or destroyed shAll be reClaceJ o~ a~:i rail~ and
subJect to ttie regulatlons pertair~i~g to trec pseservAtior~ in the Scenic Corric:~r Zone -
18. That the bulk yradiny bnd bulldiny pad grading sl~oll be accamplished by Anahelm
N111s~ Inc., prlor to thc sale of the land for actual dcvclopmcnt~ as tndtcatad by the
submtttsd plans anJ represented by the developer; providcd~ hawever~ that deed
restrtctlons shall be submitte~ to the City Attorney for review and then be recorded In
the Offtca oF the Orange Coun~y Recorder to guarantes that the grnding of the tract shall
be in accordance with thP suhmitted plans ancf representatlo~s in th~ event that the
property is sold prlor to said grading being accomplished~ as stfpul~te~l to by tF~e
1~. That speciflc plot plans~ ~levations and floor plans shal) be submitted to the
Planning Commissiun for revic.~w and approval prior to issuancc of buildtng perm(ts.
20. That Alternate I, indicat(ny pne (1) circular-sl~aped micl-block plaza~ shall be
Incorporated into this tract; and the street section surroundlny t!~e plaza shall I~e 3~+
feet from curb-to-curb~ permlttin~,~ on-s[r~et parkinq on tl~e outside of the street only.
21. That~ upon cornpletion of tlie streets in tliis tract~ the Clty of Anahelm shall
instel) stop signs at the two (2) en[rances to the mid-black ~~laza (cul-de-sac).
Commissioner Barnes offered a motion~ sec~nded by Gamnissloner Tolar and MOTIOi~ CARRIEO
(Commissi~ners Ilerbst and Johnson votin,y "no"; and one seat betny vacant)~ that the
Anahetm City Planniny Ca~mission Joes hereby find that thc proposed subdivision~ together
with its des(gn and irnprovei~~e~it~ is consistent witi, [he City of Anah~im General Plan and
Government Code Sect(on GG473.5; ancl does~ tt~erefore~ approve Ten[at(ve Map of Trect No.
9751 f~r 41 lots and 40 units, subJect t~ the followiny conciitions and stipulattons of the
1. That thc app roval of Tentative Map vf Traet No. 9751 is _yranted subject to khe
approval uf Reclassification No. 76-77-41,
2. That should this subdivision be developed as more than ~nc subdivision~ each
subdivision tliereof shal) be submit[ed in tentative form for approval.
3. That all lots within this tract s1~a11 be servcd by unde~ground utilittes.
4. That a final tract map of subject property shall be submltted to and approved by
the City Council and ti~en be recarded (n the Office of tlie Oranye County Recorder.
5, That th~ covenants~ conditions~ and restrictions shali be submitted to and
approved by the City Attorney`s Office prior to City Council approval of the final tract
map and, further~ that the approved covenan[5~ conditions, and restrictlons shall be
racorded concurrently with the final tract map.
6. That prior to ffling the final tract map~ tf~e applicant shall submit t~ the City
Attorney for approval or denial a complete synopsis of the proposed functioniny of the
operacing corporatinn includiny, but not limited to, the articles of fncorporatlon~
bylaws. proposed methods of management~ bondiny to insure maintenance of common property
and buildings~ and such other informaCion as the City Attorney may desire to p~otect the
Gity. its c(tizens~ and the ~urchasers of the project.
7. That street names shall be approved by the City Plan~ing DEpartment prior to
approval of a final tract map.
EIR N0. ~/ AND TENTATIVE lil~F 0~ TMCT ~JOS. 9749. 9~15~~51 AND 97~2 (Contlnucd)
~~ ~. ~~._. .~.,.~-~_...
$. That the owner(s) of subject property sholl pay to the C~ty of Anahelm the
approprlate park and recreatlon in-lieu fees as detcrminrd to be approprlate by the City
Councll~ satd fees to be paid at the time tlie bulldiny ~ermlt Is Issued.
9. That•dralnage of sald property shal) bc disposed of in a manner satisf~ctory to
the City Enylneer. If~ In the preparation of th~ sitc~ sufftclent grading is requlred to
necessltate a grading permit, no work on gradlny will be permitted between October 15th
and ~pril 15th unless all required off-slte dralnage facllities have been installed and
are operative. Positive assurance sh~ll be provided the City that such drainage
facilitles wi11 be compieted prior to October t~th. Necessary right-of-way for off-site
drAinage ~acil(ties shall be dc~dicated to the Clty~ or the City Council shall have
inixlated condemn~tion proceed(ngs therefor (the costs of w;~3ch sha~l be borne by Che
dcveloper) prlor ta the commencement of yrading operations. The req~ired drainage
facllittes sholl be of a size and type sufficient to carry runoff wat~:rs oriyinating f~om
hiyher properttes through said proper•ly ta ultiriatc cil5posal as r~nroved by the City
Engincer. SaiJ drainage facilities sFiall be the firs[ item of construct(on and shal) be
completed and be functional ttiroughout Che tract anJ frum cl~e downstre~m boundary of the
property to thc ultimate ~int of disposal prlur to the issuance of any f(nal building
inspectlons or occupancy permits. Drainage district reir~bursement agreements may be m~de
available to thc developers uf said p~operty upon thelr requesi.
10. That gradlny~ excavatian, and ~11 other construction activlties shall be
conducted in sucfi a manner so as to mintmize the possibility ~f any silt origlnating from
this proJect beine~ carried into the Santa Ana River by storm water ori2inating from or
flowing througi~ this proJc~ct.
11. if permanent s[reet name si~ns havc not been installed~ temporary strePt name
signs shall be installed prior to any occupancy.
12. That maxlmum street grades shall not exceed 12 percent.
13. That ffre hydrants shall be installed and charged~ as raqufred and determinsd to
be necessary by the Chief of the Fir'e Department, prior to cor~nencement of structural
14, That the property owner(s) of Tract Nos. '.37t+9~ 9750, 9751 and 97;2 shall ,jaintly
participate tn the payment for thc installation of traffic signals at the intersections of
Imperla) Highway and Wohl Ranch RoaJ (SO$ - estimated to be Sz0,000) ~nd Anahelm Hi{ls
Road and Nohl Ranch Road (5~~ - estirnated to be $20.000~ for a tocal estim~ted cost of
$40~000 (exact cost to be determined by the Traffic Enyineer at the time of payment) to be
pa(d prior to the issuance of a buil~iny permit or such further time as the Cify Council
may yrant.
15. That any flay IaCs shall have a minimum street frontage of 20 feet.
16. In accordance with the requirements of Sectlon 18.02.047 pertaining to the
inttial sale of residential hanes in the City of Anafieim Pianning Area "B", the seller
shall provide each buyer with written information concerniny the Anaheim General Plan and
the existiriy zoning within 3~0 feet of the boundaries of subject tract.
17. That any specimen trees removed a~ destroyed shall be replaced on a 1:1 ratio ~and
subjetl' to the regulations pertaininy to tree preservation in che Scenic Corridor Znne -
18. That the bulk grading and buildiny pad grading shal) be accomplish~d by Anaheim
Hills~ Inc.~ prior to the sale of the land for actual development~ as indic.ated by the
submitted plans and represented by tha developer; provided, however, that deed
rest~ictians shall be submitted to the City Attorney fo~ review and then be recorded in
the Office of the Oran~e County Recorder to guarantee tl~at the grading of the trac+t shall
be in accordance with the subniLte~ p{ans and representations in the event that the
property is ~old prior to said gradiny being accor~plished~ as stipulated to by the
E I R N0~ 197 AND TENTAT 1 VE PWP 0~ TRACT NOS. 9749, 975~ ~ 975 ~ AN,_„~Di9_752 (Con t i nued)
19. That spaciftc plot plnns~ elevatlons and Floor plans sh~ll be submltted to the
Plen~iny Commisslon for rev(ew and approval rior to issuance of building permits.
20. That Alternate 1~ indicatiny one (1~ clrcular-shaped mid-ulock plaza~ shall be
incorporated into this tract; ancl tl~e street sectton surrounding YhG pleza shall be 34
faet from curb-to-curb~ permitttny on-street parkiny on the outslde of the street only.
21. That~ upon compleClon af tl~e streets In this tract, the City nf Anatieim shall
lnstall stop signs at the two (2) entrances to the mt~J-t,lock p1AZa (cul-de-sac).
Commiss(oner Bernes orfereJ a nation~ seconded by Commissioner Tolar and NOTION CARRIED
(Comnissioners iierbst ancl Jahnson votiny "no"; and one seat bcing vacant)~ that the
Anahetm City Plannlny Camnission does hcreby find that thc pruposed subdivl$ion, together
with its de:slgn and irnprovement, is cansistent witt~ thc City of Anaheim Genera) Plan and
Government G~d~ Section GA~i73.5; and does~ therefore~ ~~~p~ove TentativP Nap of Tract No.
9752 for GO ir~ts and ~J units~ subject to [he followiny conclltions and stipulatluns of the
1. That the approval of 1'entative Map of Tract No. 97>2 is yranted subJect to the
approval af Reciassificat(on No, 7G-77-41,
2. That sl~ould tl~is subdi~~ision be developed as more than one suhdivisfon~ each
subdlvtsion thereof shall ~e subrnitted i~ tentativc form for approval.
3. That all lots within th(s tract shall be served by underyrounJ utllities.
4. That a final tract map of subJect Nroperty sh~il be submitted to ar+d approved by
the City Councl) and then be recorcJed in thc Oftice of the Orange County Recorder.
5. That the coven~nts~ conditions, and restrictfons shall be submitted to and
approved by th~ City Attorney's Off(ce prior to ''it~ Cuuncil approval of the final tract
map and, further, tf~at the approved covenants~ condit(ons, and restric!ions shall be
recorded concurr~~ntly with the final tract map.
G. That prfor to filing the final tract rr~ p, the applicant s'~all submit to the City
Attorney for approval or denial a Gompletc syn~~psis of the proposed functioning of the
operatiny corporation includi~~~~, but not limited to, the articles of incorporation~
bylaws, proposed methods of management, bonding to tnsure maintenance of conmon property
and buildings~ and sucl~ otlier inforn~ation as the City Attorney may desire to protect the
City~ its citizens, and the purchasers of the proJect.
7. That strPet name:s shall be approved by the City Planning Department prior to
approval of a fin;,i tract map.
8. That the awner(s) of subJect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the
appropriate park and recreation in-lieu f~es as determine~f to be app~opriate by the City
Council, said fees to be paid ac the time the building permit is tssued.
y. That drainage of said property shali be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to
the City Engineer. if~ in the prepafation of the site, sufficient grading is required to
necessitate a grading pcrm~t~ no work on g~ading will be permitted between October 15th
and April 15th unless all required off-site drainage facilities have been installed and
are operative. Positive assurance shall be provided the City that such drainage
facilities will be completed p~io~ to October 15th. Necessary right-of-way for off-site
drainage facilittes shall be dedicated to :~he City~ or the City Council shall have
initiated conciemnati~n proceedings therefor (the costs of which shall be borne by the
developer) prior to chr_~ commencement of grading operations. The required drainage
faci{ities :hall bN of a size and type sufficient ta carry runotf waters ~riginatiny f~om
higher propert(es through said property to u'timate disposal as approved by the City
~nginee~. Said drainage facil(ties shall be the first ttem of constructian and sha'1 be
completed and be functional throughout the t~a~t and from the downst~eam boundary o'F the
property to the ultlmate po(nt of dispusal prior to the issuance of any final building
EIR N0. 197 AND TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 9749. 9~ 0. 9751 AND 9752 (Continued)
~~~d`.~~ ~..~ .~~+..~ ~~~ r
inspections or occupancy permits. Drair~ayn J;~ti-ict rcimbu~sement agreements mAy b~s made
available to the developers of said property upon their requcst.
10. That g~ading~ excavatton~ anJ all othar conscructlon activtttes shall be
conducted tn such o manner so as to minim(ze the possibility of ~ny silt orig(nating from
this proJect beinc~ car~ied into the Santa Ana River by storm water ortginating from or
flowing through this proJect.
11. If pe'manent strcet namc: siyns have not been installcd, temporary street name
styns shall be lnstalled prlor to any occupancy.
12. That maximum strect grades shal! not exceed 12 pcrcent.
13. That any flag lots shall have a minlmum dimension of 20 Feet.
14. That fire hydrants shall be Installed and chargcd~ t+s requlrPd and de~e~mined to
be necessary by tlie Chief of the Fire Depertment~ pr(or to comnencement of structural
15. That che property owner(s) of Tract ~~~s. 97~~9~ 9750~ 9751 and 9752 shAll aointly
participate In the ^ayment for ths Installation af trafftc stynals at the Intersections uf
Imperiel H(ghway anc: Nohl Ranch Road (50~ - astimat~J tA be ~20~000) 3nd f~nahetm Hllls
Road and Nahl Ranch f~oad (5~~ - estimaced to be $20~000) for a total estimated cast of
$40,OA0 (exact cost to be determined by the Traffic Eng(neer at ti~e time of ~ayment) to be
paid prior to the issuance of a building permit or such further time as the City Councl)
may grant.
16. In accordaiice with thc requirernents af Section 1k3.02.0'~7 P~rtaining to the
initlal s~le of residential homes in the City of Anaheim Pl~nnin~ Area "B"~ the seller
shall provide ~ach buyer witt~ written intarmation concerntng the Anaheirn General Plan and
the ex(sting zonlny within 300 fect of the baunclarfes of subject trac[.
17. That any specimen [rees remaved or destrayed shall be replaced on a 1:1 ratio and
subject to the reyul~tions pertainin:~ to tre~ preservation in the Scenic Corrido~ Zane -
18. That the bulk grading and buildiny pad gradiny shall be accomplished by Anahelm
Hills, Inc., prior tu the sale of tht iand f~~ actual develoRment~ as inJicated by the
submitted plans an.l representeci by tlie developc~; provided~ however~ that decd
restrictions shall be submi[te~ to the City lltt~rney fo~ review ancl th~:n be recorded in
tt~e Office of the Orange County Recorder tn yuarantee that the gr~~dinc~ of the tract shall
be in accordance with the submitted plans and repre~entations in tt~e event that the
property is s~ld prior to said yradiRg being accomplished~ as stipulated to by the
19. That specific plot plans, el~vatians and floor plans sl~all be s~bmi[ted to t12e
planniny Comroiss(on for revicw and approval prior to issuance of buildinca permits.
TRACT N0. 9750 - Request for tree rernoval.
Cammissioncr Barnes offered a n~tion~ seconded
(one ~~:at beiny vacant)~ that th~ Anaheim City
tree removal plan submitted for Tract No. 9750
trees~ as defined by the Scenic Corridor Overl
Preservation~ shall be rer.x~ved and rEplaced on
replacement Iist.
by Commissi~~er Tolar and MOTION CARRIEp
Planning Conxnission does hereby approv~ the
specifyiny that a maximum of thr~e spetimen
ay Zone standards p~rtaining to Tree
a 1:1 ra;to witF. trees from the tree
MINUTCS~ CITY PLANNING COM~4ISSIC;~, Ap~ll 25~ 1977 77'23~
EIR N0. 1 3 AND TENTATIVE MAP OF TMCT NOS. 974g. 915~ a 9,~51 AND 3752 (Conttnund)
TRACT N05. y/4y, - Requnal for waivcr of Nillstdc Grading Or~itn,~nce requirement
q~5d, 9~1. AN0 97~? that lot lines be located 2 to 3 feet from top of slopes.
The City Engtneer's memorandum dated Aprll 21~ 1977. was prosanted. Satd memorandum
tndicated that the subJect requ(ren~ent was pl~cad (n the Ilillgide Gradtng Ordtnance so
that the enttr~ face of slopes would be the respo~sibilit~r of thc owner of the lownr ',~t
in the bellef that seld owner would be more apt to maintain the slope than the owne~ of a
lot at the top of the slope; f~owevar~ in the subJect tracts~ all of the slopes in question
would be malntoined by e hon-eowners' association and, therefore~ the rPquest fur walver af
the requlrement should be granted.
Commissioi~er Barnes offercd a motion~ seconded by Cammissioner Tolar end NOTION CARRIED
(on~ seal' being vacant}, that the Anahefm City Plannfng Commission docs hereby recommend
to thc City Counc(I of the Gity of An~heim tf~at the request for walver of the Nlllside
Gradiny Ordlnance requiren~ent that lot lines be locateJ 2 to 3 feet frem thz top of slopes
be grantcd for Tract I~os. 91~F9~ y7yU, y7~1 and 9)52.
FIR N+i7C~AiNF DFCL,ARATTON - PU~I~IC HEARIIJG. Ml,R ~iiAI,L i'. :~TUP1F~.",^t}~E~~F;T, F i' AL~ lEi3n West
l.,inr,oln Ave. , Aneheim, Ca. 92EiU1 (Owndr•s?; DFW1'1"P E~. AND
-` ^te,~,e Co11~~gy Plvd. , Annheicn, ^e. 97bUE. (Agents ); proposing
reclasr~if'ir.e+,ion t'c.,r• prapnr',y dASCribod e~ a rect,anWU;arly_
3hAp~d percel ot~ iRil(~ ~~on:;ist,inFr. of epproxime?f,l.y ~..,.`, R~~z•~~, t:r,~~iur~, apE'~'oxima'o fr~~nta~~ ^f
lUU :'e~t, on +,',F :~~~at,h sid~ of I.,incolri Avc~nue, e max.im~air~ d~p~-n of Rpprox'~me~i~ly 21.~ i'eet,, Rr~d
~.~~'1T1J7 ZO~P'fftj AFProximai:~l;~ C:1~ 1~f7H~ WH:3~. C1i 1,}~~~ r,~i'i'llr•~if:(i +~}~ I.i9t'Cf! ,~}.f'~tFl~, ;~['OCD t,~16 ~.'L
(CnNfluIERCTAL, LIMI`fH~p) t,o t.},A ~~M.1;~:!.! (RF;;'TDF.t~:':AI.,, ".!'JI;''TP?~!;-~'A!.47L~'1 ;,O?1E.
~;o onq ln~;icA+yd '1:F~i~~ prry3enc~ in upposi~,ior: 'a t„~e ~ut,',~r,! itom~; nnd, n'thwgh the ;~taff
peport to t,he P1.Arining Comrnis~lo:: d~s~,ed Aprii 1:~, 19i~i, was nut i•end a' i.he p:~l•~lic he;~rinK,
it is ~ef'erred '.o pnd mede A per'1. 0?~ {,716 minut.e3.
~tr. Jdck Tesler, onc- oi' the ay;en+.s ior tt~s pNti+;ioner, appeered he;'o-•e ',he Planning Commission
~nd 3t,Q±.ed thoy we~o r~questiru approvnl i'or multiple-t'emily development on the sL•bJect property
in 19eu of commercinl on tt,9 ba^is t.he+ t,l~e pr~pert;~ had t;eec~ on the merket as co~n~erciel for
e oeriod uf' ±.hree or four year•s ar~d hnd not sold; tha', t}iis arda on Lincolci Avenue was not th~
best for aouunercial developme::t; ~.hat other epartment~ were i'airly close to the subjoct
property, as well as a:no'el that wa~ sc~in~ as an aFartr.~ent complex; and that +.hey were in
ap;reawont wi+.h the ;;teff itepor+..
In re9ponse to que3l;ioriing by Coma~issioner ICir.~r, h!r•. T~3:ier ~tated tho;~ wec•e awt-re of the
concerns o1' the Tr•affic Enginevl rerlerdlrig the locetion nf the dr:iveway; that the Traffic
Engine9r hed 3L1~~95t6(~ reversinc~ ~ha plans, however, the+re K~ore advantages to loe~~iilg the
drivoaray as ~hown cn the plens :~inc;e it wes an existing ~l~•ivewey; and that, if the plans wore
reversed, the power ~ole would havo to be relocatod or removed.
~oymissi~ner King sugge:ted leaving the drivewa;~ at i+.s ~reaent looatiori and combininq it
with the ad,jacont dri~~ewey; whareupon, Traffic Engineer I'eul ~inF~er took exueption, advisir.g
that the drivei•s in the two driveWays, side by side, ~uuld not see eoch othor and, with t,he
ono on the right possibly meking a left tuT•n and th9 one on tho left, possibly e~aking a right
turn, t,hey would collide befor~e seeing ~+~~~t~ oth:r~; i.hat there were serious problems in having
taro driveways witrin a f'ew :eet of ea~ ` *.: ~• •... `hat the reversnl of the plans would be
preferable from a traffic se-fety stea~~!
.,'•191 4/25~77
MINU'1'~' ~~ CITY 1'IJlN1VIlV(`r CONU4lIS ~ION~ April i'~ ~ 1977 77-2~2
R~CT.,A3SIFICATION N0. 76-77-4G (Continued )
Uo-~~~eionAr H~+rLal, yue~tloned Lho Conorcl "lar. do~la;tld~.1~~ t'~r ~Rn~1 >»~ ~n +.he sub,jeot,
propert;y nnd not,ed thet 11, eppeared thet the pr•opoaesl would t~e int,er,~eoting e re~identinl.
developmez~t between t,wa aommorcin'_ devAlopment~. rti: roaponse, As~~oiete Plenner Joel riak
edvised +hnt tho (ierierel l'~nn d1d nat addre:;s i±,~elf' tn :>peo~fln proF.erl,y 11nes end t,he
eub,jea~t, ; roperty wos nenr the division lirie of' aommeroiel. end nnilt,iple-femi'ly re:~identiel
land u3e~; thet,, nlthuu~rh 11, we~ oorr9ct t,hdt the proport,y wns r,omp7et,ely r-urroundecl by
oormnero.lel, e General E'lnn t~meridme~nt would not be requ.tr•ed in th1:3 in~t,ena~. A:~~istent City
At,torney Frenk I,owry edviAOd t.hn~t t.he ;ity':s 2oning did no1. heve t.o contor~~ 'ui~~ t,o the Gor~ernl
E'lan ait~cti this wes e ahertei• oit.y.
Cormnissionor flerbst pur:~ued the rnottor of' zoning ~~i~ the sub,}ect property , notin~ t,hei, if it
wes a'lreddy developed residentiel and ~rc~~~or~.ie.; ad,jocdnt tu ~ t, tr:fed t:o develop commercinl,
i.t would ba dii'i'ioult ';o do ao; +.hat epPr~oval of tt~A Propu:~ed {~ro;)ec'. would perniit the enoroeoh~
tn9ttl• nf rAqic~Anti~1 on exl~i,inr? com-nerciel developmoni,; t}~at pc+oi~lo would bo living in the
epartmont~ day aiia ni~ht end, therof'ora, neodc~cl : ome protf~otion Cram Lhe cocm~ercie-:l; that
uummercia:l devolop encrueul~i,~-; u~~~~~ ,~u.~idei~;ial 1oi;:: u::c:; u~a:: F;enera!.ly !'~~.luire~ rn ~,rn.rl~iA
~etback:~ r+nd ot,tier pr•ot,ective btii'±'er•].r~~, an:i t,ht~ ~~ropu,.al dld r~ot, pr~~vid~ ai~,y buf fer•ing and ,
in hia opinion, wol~ld con::cltut~ "::{+ot" zunin~?,
Chairu~en rohn:~~~n tioted that, al~thou~h the :~ub~oot arc~e~ wa:. not, a"l~oomin~~" r,ommerciel area,
the ::ub~sct pr•opor-ty wao ~robably ric~s, c•os:l:l.y ePproprigte 1'oc• r~:~idont~el. land u:le~ ,:~ince a
' afier ares i:~corporated within the pr~~jt~ct ~r, ~3i.t,her :~idra would not leavo much land for
,~ tructuro:~.
Commi::~ioner• To1er noted the.i; h~ 9~r•eed iti cor:co~~' wit,h i;ocnc:ii.:~:;i~~nnr lierb~~t;, hovrev~r, he did
not, tot.e~lly a~re~ in rals~:iu~~:.~}~il~ to ?.he arc~a; that an;~ono coQii::~.~ ~.o ~ ive in ~ho propo^ed
rr•o,ject would be awaro o:' the ex:i:~i.inF cc~~runercisl u:~~s; t,i;at l~o would su~por•t t.he pro,ject on
t,he basic t,hat, t,he Genere~l. F'].an nl'l~we.~ '.hi~ typ~j tx:;o arid, t:},~r•efor~c~, would be a compatible
use in t:ho arva; and t,Y,e+, he would af•r•ae t}~at , if thore wa.~ a r~vor:,e :,it.~nt,ian with re3iden•-
tial existing nn1 cocnmerciel pr•opo:,ed, n~?!•adt. deel mor•e wouir~ be req~.~tred ti~ C~uff'er• ttfe
Co~unissior.er Herbs+, no~.ed '-hac, in hi~ opi:~ion, it did r:of, met,t,er ~•~ho was ',hore first and
thet Lhe r•esiden'~iel st;ould be propP ;~~~a`'f'ered. Ha :'•~irthet• no',~d thn'. he f'elt some
protecti.on shu,ild t~e viven to the intPKrity of +:he sxistir.F- coaunercisl in ti~~e ~-ub~jec*, erea
sinae ttiey mivYit ~an'• to wor•k !.i~ere st rii~i~t,, ertc. , causinP problEims i'or the residants.
Comr.~i:~sior;er• Talar tt:en r.ot,ed theL ho wee r,o' ::ure the': the ar•ea ::hould heve commerciel.
Irz response to quest,icnin~r by Cc.~em,Issiuner• Berne~, tdr. '~eslor stated tiZat e berm aas proposed
in thA f.'ront ai' t.tie project, and he st.~lpulated 'o providing 9"drip" irrigatlon systeu~ in
said t~er~! in eocordec~ce with the „'.ate's 119bG ?.o conser~~e we-`er.
Mr. Lowry questior;ed the ~uwer• of h!r•. Te:;le~~ t.o :~tipulat~ 9.n behalf of the proper•ty; wY:F,roupon,
~lr. Tesler stated he was t.he purchaser of the prop9rty.
In response to further quesi,ionin~ by Commi:,si ~ner Barnes ~ Mr. Te~1er ~ti~ulated to providin~
a:landscape pl.an to the Plenning Depsrtment for• review rtnd approval, showing trees alor~g the
property line adjacent to the potios, etc.
Discu::tiian ~nsued r•eQerding the narrow perael ad~anen'~ tc~ th~ ~•~th property line , and 0dr. Fick
advised that ho believeci '.,he peroel iii que: tion wes owned by ..e ~chool Di~tr: ct , although it
wa:: z oned C L.
77- 292 4/ 25 / 77
MTP1U7'~u~, CITY PLAM1It1G C(iMM2S9I0N , Apri1 25 ~ 1977
~CLASSIF'TCATION N~. 7~~-l7-df~ (Contirnied )
77- 293
Choirman J'ohr.aon reiterdted that he 4id ilut, i'e„1 ~,l,al, t,l~e ~~euicler,tie.l u~o uac appropriat,c
Uvi;ween tvro aommei•oie:l. Luildln~s encl oc~peaielly sinoo the area we3 no1, in e 3tnt,o of trensi.ti~n
to rosldentiel. wit;hir~ tho next ].c.~ yoQr~ ur :so.
Commi.naionor King noted ~ha~; Ana2zeim noeded apertmonts and tha' ttic~ City should do ~omethinq
to get apartmdnt,c. i'r.,r• *he modoc•ete iriaoma re:iidenta; and ~ furi.hormc~r~ , thore wd^ no oppo3ition
to tho proposel.
rommic~si.oner }Une nfferod a rn;~tion, aeaoncled t~y Commi.s:~ionc~r De-vid, end MO'1'ION CARRIR;D (one
seat~- being vacant) ,'liat. tho Ane-heim City Flatii~l nf,*, Comm :;sion has rovlewt~d t,he 9ub,~eot propo~al
to reola3sify the 2ori:in~ from comimoroiel. to nn~ltiplo-f'amily resident;iel on epproximately 0.5
e~r,re of lend loceted on t,i~e aouth :~ide of 1.,~1100~.21 Avenue approxiaint.c~ly ?..55 fec~t west of the
c;entArline af' Lerch ;;t,reet, end doe:i h~reUy rduuuuaac~d to tlie Cit,y Counail of the City of'
AnnhAini thet e lvogel,:lvr Geo1Mt•eLl uu fi~uiu t•Le i•oqutramor,` '.o p,•opa:~o tsri onvironmantel. impset
report be epproved f'or seid pro,ject on the besi:> thn~. t,here wrnild be n~ signii'iaant indiv9due2
or cumu7etive RdvAi~sA ~nvi~bn~nental impact si.nae t,h~ Annhvim Generel I'lan dr~:signetes thH
~ub;Jc~c~ proper+.y f~:~r oommt+r!`ieil nn~l/rn~ r~-^ider~t,iRl lend ~~s~s r,ommAn^urate wi.t,h t.he proposel;
thet. no senei.l,ive ar~vir•onmer:t,al al~~mer:t,s ere involved iii t.he pr•opo3E'_; end T~hA~. t,he Init~iel
Study subroitted hy tl~e pe+itioner i.ndica'es no :~ignit'icen' adverae environment,el im~ncts.
The TJeqdt.tve lleclerat.lon subs~ar:tiet.in~; t,he t'cref;oinu find.inE~s ia on f'i1e in the Office o1'
`,, he Plenni.ng Depertcnen'.,
Commissiorier KiriF of 1'ec•ed Eiesolu'..f c>n 1Ju, l C7 7-~~~ atid moved :'or i ~~ pase-e~re gnd adoption, thet
tl~o Anahelm Cit,y Plar,nirE; Co~unisslon doe~ hc~reby racammoi;d t,o the Cit,y Council of' the City of
Anahei~l thet peti±ion for Reclassif'iretion ,Jo. '7~--i7-df~ t,c, t~pproved, sub,jACt; t.o the stipulel;ior.s
oi' t.h~ petiti~~rihr• that a"dt•ip" irr~iga~iori sy:.+.em ~hall be in~t,alled t'or• watering of the
propor~ed berm ad,jncer.' to Linr,olr, A~renue , that land :caping p1an:; ~Fe11 ba submitted t~ the
P1e,nnin~? Deper•tmoci± i'or• revfew dr,d appr~~vel pl~ior~ t~ the i~suar~co of buildirlg permits, end
thet th~ pi•oposAd dev~lopmer~t plaris shsll be rever•:sdd ir; ot•der ' o reloaete the oropo:,ed drivo-
wey ecr,ess to thv ea~L ~ide o: 'tho proporty; and .ub,jsct ta the In~.~i•dopartmec~tal Committoe
recommendation~. (::ee fier,olution Brol:)
On r•oll oe11, thp f'oregoinE* i~esc ;uLio:i was pa:~:~ed by tkic~ Pollowirig voto;
AYE~: COt~II: ~IOATf~.3l~;
AEiSENl': C~n~[IS;~IONE;f3,~;
fiEFt~3:~T~ J~HIV~C~1
rd OIv'F,
~NE ;FA'i
77-293 4/25/77
itreot, Room :~05, Ansheim,, Ce. 928U1 (0~-nec•); 'rHUMA:; CAKT~R~
P.E:CLJI: s.rzcnmzori r~o. ?~..??-~7 ~.073? l~i,~~r~idR l~r, , N~rt,h Fiollywood, Oe. 916U?. (Agent );
proposing realos:~iftoetion f'or prope.rty desoribed As a
reotes-gulerly-:{reped paroe] of lsnd oon~isting of epproximetitely
G,U53 equere 1'got et tho northwest oorner a2' I3roedwey end M lro~e :;treet, heving appt•oxlme-te
fronl;egea of `.~U feet, un the north side of }3roedway and 1:1 foc~t on tho wo3t sido of Me].ro~e
~tr•oet, from the CL (CUt~Au(~1ZCIAI~, LTl~1TI'I~;D) t,o the Rl,~-1'LUU (itE;>IDETV`I'TA1.~~ MU1ii'IPI~-FAMIL,Y) ZC1NE.
No uno indiaat,od their pre~ence in oppo::itlon to the :.ut~,ject iten~:i; end, although 'the ~tel.'i'
Roport to the PJenning Commi3si~n dated Apri7. 2~~ 1.977, wa.~ not read at, the pub].io hearing, it
i~ referrod to e-nd mado a~3r~t oi' thc minut,es.
Mr. Thomas Ct~rtor, t;ho e-~ront f~r tho pei,itioner, appaar~~d b~if'ore 1:h~ P. ~ nin~ C~~mmi:~:~ion snd
~te~ted thoy would be ~omt~ininR t;h~, ;;»r,,ject rropr~c•t;r wit,h ad,jacent FtM-l~:~U 'L011dd proporty i'or
de~+FlJnpmQni, ar, a rm~lt,iF,"Ic~-family ~r~o,,loot,, a~; ^~;bmittod; that t,he ~i•n,i~ct wo~i'ld heve loa~ then
tho pac•mi:.~iblo number• of tint t,;; , much 1o:~c .1i to covvrahe than permittod , dn~i more 1.e1: ure eroe-
then roquired ; and ?,hat , in E~Hl~Hrdl , Ll~ey I'~,:: ~ t,l~dy l~a~ a'.cE~ d~ve~ opmo~: ~ whic`, ~uould provide
1ow-cost rs~artmen} unit,^.
TI~Di F'~Jt3LIC :ib;ARZidG WA., CL,O:;FD.
Commi~~ioner• 'i'ul.oi• off'eryd a rnet,ion, seconded l;y Comcnissioner IIart;es, ar:d !~OTION CA}ZRTFD (one
.~ee-t, being vecant), the', tY~e Anrsheim Ci+y f'lenninp Commission hd:~ reviowed the aub,ject proposal
to reole~3ii'y t}ie zo-tinP from commerai~l t;o rrnilt.iple-fernily re~idoril,ial on epp:~~~ximately ~~~,~.~53
squnre feet, oi' 'lar:d luce',~d e! the no~•Lk~wo:a1. corner of fic•oa~wny anu "6e.i,•u~d :~',t~aet, ar~d dces
hereby recom.~nend t,o t,he C9 t:y Counr,il ~f' t,he L'i';; o'.' Annheim t,ha'_ a'Iegaf.ive L`eclerat.ion from
thA requi.remnnt to prepere er~ Hfl'J'ST't!11fU~jt;f,a1 .tmpact T•epoi•+. t:,~ appr~oved i'or aaid pro,ject on the
t,asls t,hAt. there woLild be no siqnif'iret. iridividuel or cumulat.iv~ edver"e envirc>nmer~`el impect
since i,Y:e Anahe.iw Gan~ral ?'lan desiE.na',F~s !..:~~ :Tlti:~iect, propert~ :'or rasi.dozitial l.and uses
oommensura+,e with ~~t.~, propo:~el.; 1;hn?. tiio ~,.a:,jer.,+., propor~,y i~ 5~17•round~d or: `hree side~a by
zoning/devol~pmen' similer t~ t.Y:e pi•upo::al; t.he' no se:~~i+,ivo or.vironmental ei9men}.s ere
involvod in Lhe p:•oposel; end thdt, t,ha T_nit,ial ;!',~c~y submit*.e:i Y>y tt~e ~ot,i'.ioneT• indlo~t,es no
sigciii'icent ~~iv~:::n environmental i~apacts. ':'ho Negative Ueclars~loi; substantia~;ing i;he fore-
goirig f'indin~: ls on Cile~ ir the Ut':'ice of' t,t:e f'lar:nir:g Uopat•tcnent.
Commissioner 'I'olar oi'i'e~•ed E;esolation Idc. C'C77-93 and moved for itJ ~~KJ~e~;e end adoptian, that
the Anaheim City Plen:iir,g Corn~c:irsion rioe:~ horety recommend '~~ '~Yie C; ty Counc i 1 of' t'~e Ci~~y oF
l~naheim that, petition f'or Reclssaif'ica?.i.on t:o. 7~:_7'7-47 be approved, :~ubjoct to the Zntordopart-
mer,;al Committee recommetidatioil~. (.lee Re~elution I3ook~
Qn roll call, the 1.'ore~;oinF resolution wati pas~ed by tl~~e follov-;n~, vote:
AYT~S : COtv4~ll~:>IOI~lEF3~ : I3AftIVN~:; * UAV ID, 3-i~]RF3:'T , r:L'IG ~ TULAR , JO}~i.;GPJ
1'dU~;S : COt~dI;:,~IONER:~ : tl0t~
i~3;:uPTf : CUt~l~JfI~:;IONER;' : NONY;
~~_29q 4 /25/7"I
RTUCLA~;,InYCATI0i3 W0. ~ i~-77-4~
o!' epproxim~t.f~ly 219 f.'eo!, or~ ~,h~3
~,ertninus of ll~l].e Vlst,a "l.re~t,
tho ~,ent,~rline ot' Kno#.1, S1,raet.
P1TRL7C I-iF~iZINC3. F~~.S.A. 2NVF"TN~NT CO.~ A15 North Citrus,
Hollywc~od, Ce. 9UU3G (Owner ); THOMA~ CAK'I'FH, 10737.. Rivc~rside
Di ., ".or'„h lloll;;atood, Cn. ~'7_r:n~~ ~p~.ent:!; Ft~qT'n~1na r.,~l~~n~fi-
aet,ion for proper~t,y de~ari.t~ed ns a reai.nngulerly-:~haped paroel
oi' ldnd aon ~i~ t,:inR of approximnt,ely 1. 2 saros , havina f'rontage
>outh sic:e of Lincoln Avenuo and 13U t'~~et a~. Lha cul-de-oec;
und hevinp a inaximum depth ci' epproxj.rnal,~ly 99f3 feot eest, oJ'
It, we~s not~d t,hat no ono was pre3ent in aonnoction with t,he ~ub,}ect n~•oposal; and that t:he
pei,itl.onor }~ad requo~ted thrjt t.he sub,}act public h~erinE*, L.~ aont.S.nued f'or two woe~CS for the
stibmission of rovi.,od p1er~:~.
Comtni~3iuner Tolar~ of1'erud a motioii, ::~sconried by lorruni:,.,ioner Ki.ng, ar~d MC1I'ION (;AItEtII~O (<~iio
3oat be~ing vocant), ttznt, t.'t~F Anaheim C~ty Plannin~? Commi^:•i~m dae., herehy continue tho publi.c
honrin~ and cen~ide~ra * ion ~!' +h~ -,~h,jant. i t.nm;, '„o the f'lr,r~i~9.ncT Ccrrunission mc~c+tinp, of May 9,
1977, a~ roquH~ted by the~ pot,ii,loiirir, fu-• revi:,~d plar~:~.
PIR CP+'rECSO(iI(;Al, L~XF~;tvtl'~.IOiJ - PU~iLIC l~!~ARTPIG. !~IftA-1.,OMl1 A,',~(.K-I.A'.i'I~;~, `J:iu ;~ou~~h k'laac~ntia
Avo. ,:~uit;u A, P1occ~n~.ia, Cts. - l'~ (Owner); E.D.i. RI;ALTX~
VARIANCI. IJU. 29?_7 ITJC. , 1;.~:1'~U C,ardon Grove Blvd. ,/~11C~, Gr~rden Grove , Ca. 92643
(Agvn t); roque:~ f,inp WANF'r'. OF F'EfiMTJ'ITD U: E,, ~ TO FSTAIILI:aH A
i~H~Ai.~ F,~TATE OFI~'7Cf?, on j~r•uper;y r.la:~cribed as an irrewlarly~-
:~hriped parc~l of land con~i,~f.i.ng of approximate!y U.`~ acre . hc~vin~ J'rontag~ of approxime~tely
3f, f4o1, on t,l~io nnr~+t~oer,t ~ide of ;;un:~hine ~9ay, a ~na>;irnum d~~~,h ot' appi•nxima?.ely 3Gii i'eeL, au~t
laoated app~oxima~.ely 11U i'oe', south of ',hn reclterl.inc~ <,f ':Sira.lom9 AvenuE,, Propar'.y p^e:;ently
cla;;~ii'ied i,~I~ (TPJD?J:~'i 1~fAL, l.,Ih!I':'P:D) :~,r~;JFI.
No ono indir,ated thQir p:•e~!~nce ir. upPosi'iori 'o +.he siit,jyct i`omrs; ttr~d, elt,hough `..he :~taff
Report to `t:o f'1.an:iir.F Coeimission da'.ed April 2`:~, 197;', wa~~ r~o± read r~?. the public hearinQ, it
is r9ferrryd '.o and mado H Far'~ o~' 'hn ;ninu~.es.
!dr. E?obc~rt G. P.4r;Comt:tir•, repres~c;',ir~~~ t,hf~ ag~n' _'or ',hc~ pc,'..it,ior:or, appear•~d befure '!ie Platir,ing
Co~rmission and :~tal.ed ',t;a~. f.he;; were R?,wo-;nan op~t~et.ior: ~~•~eciir:g o f':'i~;e fscili'.ies: aad Lhet
!,ttiey would not be s~xt.lensi!~c* an;; o;' 't~f~ propo:~ed bui'ldi~~~,.
T~~ YUiiI,IC i~IEA~=,7iitl IFlA;~ CT.~;:H~D.
In re~pori;~e to que:,t,ion.irl~? t,y Cou~miJJioiier iolei•, ldi. P,4c;(%o~~ur~c• :~tated 1.hey hed no specific
plans r~t this '.im~ t.o erpenc~ ?}ie propo~e~ t~2`~ square foot, of'f:ce bu.ild.irip,; and t,ha~ he woul~
say the;; would never nued mor~+ than 7:~U square !'ec~~. Thareupon, ASS13tESlt City At*_arney Frank
Lowr;; advised that, only t•re nlans submitted could be consider•od at this pub?ic hoaring siiice
expansion plans wor•e no'_ onsidor•ad ici the preparation of the S2af'i' P,epor'. arid !here would be
some conc~rn re~ardinE coci,plxence wit.h t,tie parking requir•ements i.n re7.atiunship *o square
foataEre if more buildin~r square f'ootage was proposod. Mr. McCoraber ~tipulatect t,hat the
propo~c,d i'acilities wouid CUIltain a maxiar.~m t'loor area of f>~`_~ ;quare ?'eet, as i.ndicated on
the :,uLe.itted pl~ns.
Upon :'urther quostioning by Co~nmi~:~ioner Tolac•~ Mr. McComber stipulated that the number of
employees at thi:; ~i te would be ~ maximum or thre9 JfJ~~Jper~ons and Qno ~eoretary, and
r,larified that the tr~ird salespor:;on we:, a partner who was out ui' ctate presently. Comtri~sicner
Tolar then not.ed that,, f'.rom his oxperionce as e real estate br•okor with rspproximately 25
salespor~:ons, it wa-s pos~ible Lo have a greal, number af ::alespc?r~on.~ at the subject location,
but if the opera-t i on was confiried to industriel ~:~ co~erciel t~rpe roel estate sales , tlier~e
77-295 4/25/77
MINUJ'IC°,~ CITX PLANNING CUI~SI.3SXON~ Apri1 25, 1977 71-'l96
VAFtIANCF Nfl. 7927 (~ontinued )
shuuld nul, l.e a~,~ ~~l.~lein l.u '.L~„ ;~e:.peaL; 1~owo•~or, if 'ho potitianer docided to expand ~h~~
u:ae, it nould beoama a re~identiel re~ale affioe in n hurry, i.t' nu contru7s were impoaed at,
thia time. Theroupor~, Mr, MoComber ~tipul.ei,ed thet rio tiome:s would he :~old et t,hi~ loaat10I1.
Mr. McComber fi.irther st,etnd tha`, t.h~-+r9 was so~no Axt,re lend available et. i,h~i~ loantion, if'
t,hey wented it; hotrever, ~hey dl.d r.o1, need ~t, f'or i,helr nperat,~on.
Commissioner Herbst, review-~d ~,he prop~~sed use as 1t, wouid rAlatfi ~,o t,he indusf.ri.nl zone,
not,in,u ~-~~at~ '-1~~~ vnrinnoe , i f approved , would run wi t,t~ f-he lend . rommi s;;f unor I3nrr.es nat,ed
t;}~~t, as such, any ~ignir,p, in r,onnc-ct,ion wit,l~ 1,1•,o u~~ wou7~3 1,e reauired ',o ~~~~nform t,o the
st.~nddrd:z of f.he ucir.iAr•lyin~ zone.
I~, was ~~ot,ed '.hat, tl~o lliro~;?.or• o:' '•ho l'le~nr.icig qepartmont, tiad de!er•ir~ir,ed 't:a?, ~.he pr~por~ed
ac',i•,ri',y :oll wi',hi:: ',!~o do!'1.:it,ier. ef :'ec?.ien :~.~~1., Cla~;~~ .1., ~f' ,he riiy r,t' AnnhAim f",,~i~lAlinAg
to t,he Fieqi.~lremen~:, f'or• an F~r~vir•or~menLn7. Impact Rapor?. er~ct wee:, therf~l'ore, c~atoF*or:iaall,y ~~xe~mpt
f'rom the requirem~nt, r,~~ t'il.e an t~J.-t.
Commis~ioner 119r~bst ofi'er~od lio:~olution Nu. C'C77-~ and moved t'ac• it,;; pr~:,;;sge and adoption,
that tho Aneh!:LiII Cit,y PlanniiiE; Cc,ma:i::sion duc~:, hAi•et~y t~rant pe?,if.i.o~~ t'or Varie-Zr,o No~ ?`~2.7,
~ubject. to t,he ntipul~t,ion~ oI' the petitioner 1,i;at t11v {~rc~pu.;od b~.l:ino:,:~ :,ha]1 be 1i~nitod
to indu.~tritsl and conuc~~rc~al real e;tat,e :;es1e:~ only; t,hat, th~ ufi'ico ~?r~~s3 flnor area :;he11
can~i:~t of ci maximun~ uf ~~`Z'~ ~quar~e f'det, a:~ prup~~:,ed, with nu provi:,i~n:~ for i'utur•v expanslon;
and tha{ t,he number uf' omi~loy~u~~ at t,hi: :~i.te :?ha:11. con:.i:,t. uf.' a maxi.mum of t}:re~ :~ale~pore~nns
and u~i~ ~ecc•oteiry; and ~uUjoct t,c th~3 IntordeX,t~r•t,menta.l Cc~r.ur~it?,eo r•oc~n.vc~endation;~. (~oe
Rosolutior~ Dook)
On ro11 ca11, ',kie fc~rc,~oin~* r~~::oi~.i',.i.ot; wa:: ;~~..:,ed by t,he fU11')W1Ilf'* VOt,~:
AYF~ ~; C:Oh4ulI:.:;'I0~1F;Ei; : IiAP,TlI:,'~ DA~'ID, fiT~,f~B:"i, KIiJG, 'J'OI,~iR~ J~?ti1:.~OP1
Nors: c~t~ei;;;~io~t~;t~;;: r~or~~,
~R^~tsr: cor~z:~;~IOr~rH,:: p~arn~,
vncnrjr,Y: or ~ ;,Fn~r
EIP, CATI~GORICAL EYEF~F'?'ION - E'?JDLIC }iF;ARITJG. TAb{F;:' h~. NdU Ivl/~FtTClT1 E~. }~;EI.~ER, A1~D JC~iN Vv.
~ ATJD K~:Rf1Y D. ~.r,'EI~f,, P. 0. :sox ~~31, And~heim, Ca. ' S(Owner~);
VAfiIA,~1CE N0. 29~8 Ei~GET7F :~+~?:I1-(AtI, 17'lU Pdorth Templo, ~1U2, Acial,eim, ~e. 928G6
(Agent); ruquesting Y~AIti'ER ()F' PERMITTED ~JSE'~, TO E~'rADLISH A1~
AtTi C~ld(7i IVF I'ATPIi'ING FACI.LITY ori pr•oper`y d~3cribc~d as a
r~ctangularly-sheped pRi'CHZ o, land oon3i~t,inW of' epproximately U.4 ACrfy, ha~~ing ;'rontrsgc~ of'
Approxima',ely 1~~~ f'eF~'., on 'he nortri sido of' 4Sgnrhe::ter Aventte, a max..imuui ae~+r. of' approximately
19~~ f'eet,, enci t~yir:E; loc~at,ed Rppror.imntely 3~c~ 1'aryt ea~t ot' t,}~o ceriter•lino ut' I.oara ~tr•eet.
Proper'.;; ~r~~• ~:itly clnssif'ied Cu (CU~Y4~1[E;RCIAI~, Gl~~tdERP.L) 7,OPJE.
No one ir.d.icated their pres~3r.ce in opposit ion '~o the subjec'. itecn:;; ar~1, altho~. n the ~Leff
i~if,~,ort, *..o the Plannin~ Cocnmi;;sion da±.ed April 25, 197'/, was not, read at Lhe public hearing, it
is r~ erred tu and made a parL oi' the minutes.
Mrs. N~ugene ~ei?.h~n, the c~gert ior Lhe ~etitioner~, appeared befer•e the Plarining Commi::51UI1 II
and sta~.ed they wero proposinE to e~tabli~h a van repeir ;hop arad would be dealing witi. dealei-s
and r~ot ~usto~aer•~ at the ~ubject sit~.
77-256 4j25/77
MINU'.P6S ~ ANAf~IM CZTY PLANNIN(} CON4uI2ti aTON ~ Apri 1 25 , 1~! i 7
VP.ItIAIdCE N0. 292Et (Coi~t,li~ud~l)
Disous;~ian en:zuod regardir~p, tho parking layou'. on t,he :~L~b~eat, property, wherdln Lhe plc~ns
indioated tnat the oar:~ btscked out onto Man~he~tor P~venG.~, and Mr~. :~ilhan stated that,
althougl~ ~h~ hfld ohte~iiiod t,ho plnn:~ from e~n arch.ltoct, ::ho did not, £eel that the parking l~yout
(axi~ting) wa^ a:: :.howri on tho planr;.
Mr. Jim Keeler• ~pp~ar~ed befor~o t;he Planni.Ti~, Commi~:ljOil e.n~l stat~d he wt~~ Lhe ovmer oi' t,he
subject, propert,y and knew t,hat, thc~re wa:: no di.eE~onal parking exi:3ti~i~r and that, t,}~o car:~ were
not requireri ta back out onto Manah~:.+,er• Avenu~,
A:~~istar~t Cif.y At;tor`T19~/ ~'~r~r~k I,owry advi:+ed t.hat as lori~ a~• 'he parkiri~ we3 ~.il accordanoo with
the Code f'or Lhe number c~C ;~aoe~, t,hA t'ron~, po-~tion ot' !,he prop~rt~ r,ould be, ignored and the
Commis3ion could r,orlsiclr~r ~:,ly ~.I~nt, port.ion of t,he propert.y o~it1121OC~ in red, wh:ich wac; ~,o be
ut.iliz~d t'or ~,h~ :sut;,j~ct proposnl; howc+vRr, he su~rc~sted Lhat t,he pe'•ltionor be roquired t;o
sutnttt A revisod ~~arking p1r~Ti ~.o ',}l9 F'lanni~l~ Depnrtmer~?, for review and e~proval, seid plan to
~ri~ll!q1.q !}in n~,lr~rrat,l qrl~ uY.~gf !ni? lEt~^'.1'., Q~:C~ ~.~:8 F~G':'~:^.^ ::. ^'JC::'Onmgr,Cfj W~~1: 41;n f!OL~li
3 t. N 1 Ci'f I' C13 .
Commis:,i onor '1'oler ind ice+-Fid cior:oerns ~•.~Ne~rd.iii~? e.ppruval oi' f,i,e :-ub joc,', variance, `o llmit any
expan3ior~ 'o Kt~o~.iier us~~ r~~:;ult,ir.F~ iT~ p~rkSnF; problrytn:>, ~ifc.
Tn ro~po~lse t.c~ que::t,ior~icif.: Ly Commis~ioi~~r• Hurb~~,, Mr. Ke~~1f,r r,tetyd 'Y~et t.h~ epplicar:?,:~ had
onl.y taker~ a six-rnon!,h lea:ae, p~iidir~g npproval of ',}~y ~~ibje:L variar~un. TForo~spon, Commi~sioner
Herbst :,u~.*,gec'.~3d a'.,hroe-;,fcfar 'icne limi! !'or approvel ui 't:i:> variat:co, ::ubjoc', 'o roviow for
posc~ibl.e timc, c~xteri:;ior;:,.
It was riu+,ed the'. tYie Uirector• o: +.tio E'lat~~ninf; Uepar•'.~»r~', F~~ad d~t4rm:Iri~d t.haf, t.tic~ propa.;ed
ao+ivity f~,ll wi.hin t}ir~ Sef'ini~:io:~ of' :;ec'.ion 3.u1, Cla.~;, 1, af tt:e Clt,y of Angheim Guidellne~
~o thc~ ftoquiremants ; or• al; 1~.nvi r•unruotrL~l Impar,! Ke{~or•t, nr.d wa:. ,',here~!'or•o , r.atepoi•:~callv exempt
from t,~~e rc~q~.iirement f.o i'ilo r~li L.:Iit.
Coa~nissioner Herb:>', o:'iero~ Rc~sol~.iticm 11c,. f'G77-95 and movc~d i'or it:. ~e:s:;age and adoptior., that
thu Mahei• C9.ty Planninf~ Corrurii:;:;ior. doe~ hereby ~!~ant ,~otiti on I'or Varit-nce Nu. 292~5 f'or a
poriod n~' Lhree yoar::, :~ubjoct to review and con~idora~..ian by thF! Pl~nning Co~uni.:si~n .for
po~sibld '~ime oxtocic.~OII::, upc;n writteu r•eyue::t, by tho ,~~ t,itioner; sub,ject to +.ho cotidition that
an "up-t,o-u~te" par•kinc,- plail, ir.dicat,in~ tl:at. th~ er.' ,ting ari-•:.i'.e pai-king i~ in compliance
with Code requirAmont~, ~hall be filed with the P~!annin~ De~artmunt for review an3 approval;
and sub,jo~t to tho IIlt,erdepartmental Commit;?oe ~~ecomm~r:dation~, (;.;ee Re:~olution Book)
On roll call, +hc~ 1'ore6uinF resolution wa~- pa~aed Ly ?•he followin~,~ vnie:
AYF~: COtv4AI; :~IOt~~R:.~: F3ARNE:~, DAVTD, HERt3~`~i , KIP1G, `:'~LAR, JOHP130t1
NOL:;: COiV4v1I";'.IOi1ER^: P10NE
AB;.;Eh°I': COt+M~fI,~;~I~IVER;~: T~101•!F
RECEa~: At, 3:2U p.m. , Ctiaii•man Johnson de~~lared a CeC~JJ.
RECONVENE: At 3:3U p.m. , Cheirman Johnsun reconvened t,he meo ~ing with all COQBI113a1OT192•s
bAinq present.
77-297 4~25/77
MSNiP"~ ~~ CI'I'Y PLATlTJIAIG COMMI:~"IUN ~ AF,r S 1 25 , 1977
EIR CATbX30RICAL FXI~MI'TIUN - f'U~iLIC HFARI~JG. AP~'I'H~tJY J. AND MAI~Y C~~. P~I~;1'u, 19tits Wo:at
~ f'hant.ir,lAC~r iioe-d, AnaheSm, Ce. 97ESC~A (t~xn6r;~); requesl,inR
YARU ;;FTi ~~L'K, 'I'~7 CON,,":'f3UC'C A TlifiN:F~-fi00M ADD('1'7nN on proport,y
dF+scr~bnd a~ n i°9C'.R11F?li181•~ly-shr~pAd parc~n'1 ef' lttn~f ~c~n ~i~t,in~
u!' np{~,roxiuiatf~ly 7'l.ii~~ ;~quHr~+ t'r,F,?., hev~r,P front,~gu oC t~pF~roximo!nly /2 f'uo!, on t,}~e sout,h :zide
of L'hAntlcl~ier I~uad, ~ m~xim~irn dupth ai' npproximetely 1'JV f'n~it. ttnd locrstf~d a{~pror.i;nately :'S3
t'eef, east ot' ~.hr~ oent,yrlir~e ot' Uallc~s L~rivc-. f'rop~~•ty Pre:~~~,i~,.ly cl.ar~sifi~ci Ft:'-72UU (fu~.:~IDFtNTIAL~
,^.,I1JC]LL+'-FAMII.Y ) ZU1J1?.
w'our~ per3ona indir,atr,d t,t~di r pr~3raR~,c~ iii opUc~:c.l ~ S ut~ t~~ ~.he :;uL,]«~i;'. p~1,z',iur~.
A:.:aaieste Fletiner• Joiil I~iak reec~ tho ;itaf2' Repor•t. 'c~ !hH 1'.lanrii ; Cut~uni:~:~lon ci~-t,~~i AT~ril ~`.~,
1~~'77, and aaid ,;t9f1' Iteport. i~ r•ot'orred to e:, i;' :cnt i'ort,h in t~ll in t.h~i :nit~u~.c~~.
Mr:?. Mary 1~~~it.o, t,hc~ p~~t,it~ionor, r~~~j ur~red t~~~i'uro tYifa I'7.anni.n~? ('umuii:::;.ton ar~d r~ntpd that the
~ ~ . • ~ •~: ~~ ~ ,u .~1 n 1 a.. ~' ,r~ 1 .rn..i gnr{ 1 h ~ n 5 ,
:~Uv~Gi:,, ~~l"Gj)fii ~.'y' ~iai~ fl ...i-.00., i`p~^., j:li Li;. ~' . ... ~ . .. ~ n ~ r• n~lt•!~ WR" f1RA~A('~
to permit t.hk, can:;truc!,:ton al' ado<~~int~~ .;i::f,~i ;~o ~,:;; n~id t.hnt,~th~~ :;itu~l.~i_;:t,o,•y ndd:ltf on wa;,
(~1'UpU.:~(j ~ :lil .~.l~JU Q1 ~.WO-:"-ary ~ t..U (T191i1t,H1Ci OI'1V9~;y t~~I' ~11~1 Ilt)~.f;11Uv1'~l.
Mr. FT•ank ~Vc.~c~~iy ,]`3`-~`-~ HftC'^1~. ?~9119 , Ann}ieim, ~i{~j;ea~•ed t,o t'ur~ t,h~ F'1al~nin-; Commi~:d on ic~
oppo;:: ;,1021 nnci :,trstr~d t.hr~t, 1ii:: propec•'..y at~uf,',~d '.ho :~~_ib,Je+ct p;•cF:n~•',y; '.ht~t he had l.iv~d a!,
thi:. 1or,at:ion 1'or apr~r•oxirnntc+'ly ]`? yr~nr:~; and 'hnt. he f'oL+ Lh~+ propo:.~d rnom additiun would
invada hi:, privacy (i11~ :~9t n j~recode-,i•. h:r~. Wuurly y~.~e:;'.ioned wha',her• ?he r~~q~ii~•ad :~et,back
wes from the ~ittve project,iuti ur f'r~c~ !.t~t, i~v~.i~,~, wal i.
In t•e;:poi~:;H, !dt•. i'icf :Li_dir,e'o~; ~,}~r~• '.1~•a .;o'.2;a~~1: wa:: ;r;~ .. ;r~,d fr•o::~ '.h~, ~~o~.i:;e w91] t.~ 4tie
proport,y 1 ine.
lA:~. I;illy b;lrnar, 19~3 l~Ar•rie, 1,ts.,~, ~lnestiei;a, e1,poared !~,f'r,t~• ~.he }'Lflil!llfli' CU1;1Q'ii:~:,i~n in
opfositinn at~d ^t,a!.ed !t;e! e.he li /~~:i ' u t,ho ea~' anc? :~~.>~•'.h ot ~h~ c.~~lb je~;' prooer',y; '~ha~ '.he
~ub,j~c~. pe',i',,:oners' a}~i.lclr•e;i m.al~ t,~j p'.FSyir~j." S1': ~~Ylii t'r•or.' yat~ci or• !n 't~e :'~~t~eet .ff '~„
proposed addit.io:; wes per~~ni''~d ~i.r;c~ '.he;• wu~.~lci r.o lur;E.~~r h,flVP eriuu~*t, roocr, in ',he r~ +c~ .
play; eud t,Y~~', t},~ ~r,•,i+.i or~~ r.; ;lic~uld have !.aken in'_c, car,:,id~~ra' ion '.}iFi :;izo of' •,he: •:'e;rr.il:
bc~;'or~~ buyir;~ ~uct: a ~mr+ll 1:ar,^
In reb~~t.t,e"l, P11rs. ,li~~'o ::tAt,ed 'Y~e~- '}le 1~~-i'oo?. ~~'.bacl: areQ served no purpose 31riC6 i~ could
no' t,e usc,d; ~.i~~.'- hf+-• ct~ildror~ (>ix F,ir•1 ~ etid or~a bo~~ : ~'_ayrid nnd stayed In the 1'ront. yard
wi'hi.r; '..he 1'~irtc~d aren; '-he~ t~or ~'h:tl.dren i:HEf(~~i~ L'IUr9 room:~; t,1ie~! !.hey had p~rchnsed the home
At~ou' foi.~t' ,y9R!'a eE,o when '.h9~ did r.uf. i~,ave :~~ ,:~an;~ c:hildreri; '.llot ~he did no! have any objec-
'..ions ' c~ ',ulr•. ~tiood;~':: r•oom additior.; tt;e`. , '.o metke ',ki~ ~ooms ad~quatc+ ::ize , '.k~ey needed :he
extra f'oar faet; and Lt~et t.}iey did r,o+, wi::!: !o impo:;e ur: ar.yone else':. privacy but wanted t,o
jus', take uare oi' 'hc~i:• owc: prop~rty ~•.roperly.
Mrs. Woody, 1959 Harric~?, Lsc~e, Anahei~n, appearc~d betore the E'lenriing Comrni:,:lon in oppnsition
and :,tated that ti;e subject propert-y uwnar movod into th~ neighborh~od long ai'ter her own
roo~: addition had been cccl::tr~~c?.ed and, f'urtherv~o:•e, thei•e wer~ ?.rr~e~ +:o .~creen her roam
addition from rdr•s. ;Jieto':s :~i~~w.
Cummissioner Barnes iriquirod if the petitioner had con~ider~d building towards the front
of the pT•operty rather ~hari the r~aT•, to which 6drs. Nieto ~tated they could not add ot~ too
c:uck~ to tne ;'ront due to the fc~ont setback requ3r~ment~.
Di~c,ussion ensuod r6garding alternatives to the pruposal, during whicta I~Ars. Nieto statad tk~ey
77-298 4/25/77
~ • j
MIM1'I'~^, CT.TY P]~A1JNItJG C~N~ulIS ~ION ~ April 2~~ , 197 ) 77-299
VAhSANCb7 N0. 2929 (Cw~Lluuecl )
could r~ot build a two-otory additian aince there were de~d re:~l,riu~iun::~ un har pi•oporty
pi~ohibltir~g that Lyp~ conntruai.iun, however, there ware :some two-3tGry addltions in t1~e
rieighborhood -snd :he wan not awsre how t!iose humoown~r•:~ woilt ~~bout ~*e~.ting apprcrval; tliet,
the propos~d room addiLiun wa:: i1Gt In ex,~o;~:~ af' the ove-r al.l p4rmit,t~d lot, coverage of 4U~;
nt~d t.liat r~arre~ciF;ing tho dir•ootion of t1~f, e-dd.it.ion would hind~r L}~o liF~h~in~ of the ro~~m~,
In rou~on~~ 1.o que.~tionitip Ly the r].anr~ir~~ Comrni.:~:.ion, Mr. Tick advi:~oct 1.hnt t,lie plan:; appeared
Lo ii~d~c~tod t,hat +.,hn aion.:urAmantr, were from Lh~ hou^e wa] 1!.o th~ ~roperty ~.1119, and noL from
the eavF~ overhnnq; and t,h«1, Lhe Code woula ~er~nit, a~~~~ :~qunr•e f'oo1, roocn arlcii~.ior~ n~t requiring
a varieno~j.
Commiu^ioner E3arne: no',od t.hai, t.he propo:?Ad room addition wou.ld bo det.ri.mAntn: t,u Ll~e nelgl~~bor3,
in her epinior„ and yo', the petitlor.~r we:: not, willirtf; •.o Ki~~e ~iN ur ci~ai~~!e ',l<<, wic.dovr~, ct.c. ,
,u ~~~, al'1p~.IP1e ~-,~, ~rnt~lam~• t.~ t,hA nf,ivht;ors.
'1'he ~.,~~t,i~ion«?r indi~;aiti~l 'i~ey ~1i~1 r,o!, wi:;t~ ',o al',o;• 't;e p:•opo;~~,!~ pl~r~r,.
T~. was notc~d ',l~A~ t.t:•~ Uirect,or of t.he i~1Ar.ninF~ [)epert,mon'. he~i dnt.ermir~e~cl ?-he-t the proposed
ar,t:i.v91.y !'el.l w!'hin 'l~e ~.1F~1'i:iit,lan ot' ;;~~r,tioi: 3.u1., Clr~s:, 1, of' t.r;y Cit,y of Ane~h~i.m Gu1~~lines
Lo t,he ?tnqui rmm~nt, ,:'or an F,nviror,men' a~l Impnct, Repor~. ar;~ was , ther•ef'ore , ca1.e~;orirally exompt
t'rom 1.h~ reqairom~~:'. !.u Cile (ifl E1H.
Cou'~mi3sioner HArbst, uf1'yr~d Rn:,olution tl~-. f'i'7"/-.~.+'-~ and mo~~e~' ;'or i!:- pa:~:~ave and sdop+ion,
t,tiat, tll~, Ar;Rh~.im Gity i'lnr.ilit~e Comcni:~:;ioc~ da!+~ };c+i•eb;, de~~y p~`i'ior; for Var.iaric~e No. 2929,
d•,r:;;inF; ell of' ~.1~ti wnive~r~ or~ ',lia betsi:; t,ha'. ',hy prj'_.I'.onor ~ici i~ot demon:~+,res',e tha', e hdrd-
s}~:p wou.l.~ be ~reated if' sni.d waiver:: were no', f?ra~~'•~d; ',ha~. tha proposed addition would
encronch ~nt,o tha privac,Y oi' :~u-•~•o~xndinF; r~~i.ti-ht>or•~; rind, :'urt.her•more, '.}~a? '.here ar•~ altec•na~e
tne'.hod~ o`.' expai~din~r 'he ~ixi:,tin~ r~~~:~dor~tiel. :,~ruc'.ure ir, ~~onipli9ric~.~ witii Zonir.g Code
star~dards. (;=e~ P~y:~olul.lOf1 13~~~~~:)
On roll ae1:1, ~.tie :'or~e~oirif? ra:,olutioii v~a:, pas:~ed ~;,' the :'c~ilowinE t~ote:
l1YE;,: CORr6~dT::.,IOTTL:I~;~: BAfudE:;, UAVID, }i~,F:B:"i~ KTNG~ ':~JI.Ai~, JOHN:;(7I~1
NOE:.;: CON4dZ~:;I0;1~:1t;~; IJO,~'r;
AB:FP~'P: CO"~+AI::~;;IOIII~:It"; NU?JE;
V'ACANCY: 0?7E ;T~.A'I'
F;IR CATEGORICAL ~XEMffiI01d - PU33LIC kib;Af~I1dG. it~1Y A;JD F~i ~'~~LI.E :~PF~EiAR AND MARCIA ADiPd
HALLIGNI, 913 E'elor~a Placd, PL1lurton, Ca. 97_635 (Ownei•~1;
VAI(IANCE iJU. 2~)3l~ F'P:,U:[CI2dI-BELL D~V~;LOF'i~~M?' C0. , 44G~ iliver:?ide Drive , Burbank,
Ca. ~15U`~ (Agent ); roquestir~g WANER.~ OF (A ) FdINIMIJ~ ~RUCTURAL
3HUPF'1NU CENTEEi otz propert~y de~cribed a~ an ir•regularly-~haped percel of land consisting of
approximately 11.1 acros located north and east of the northeast corner of' L,a Palma Avenue ~nd
Imperi.al Highway, havi.n~ approximete front,age:: of' 63U feet on the nort,ti .^.ic~e of I,a Palma A~~enue
and 372 feet on the oast side of Imperinl Highway and located approximate7.y 1~~~ feot north of
the aenterlitie oi' La Palma Avc~nue and 380 fedt canst of the ceriterline of Imp~rial H3 ghway.
Propc~rty is preser.'.].y clessi fied CL(;~C ) AND R"d-1200 (S~ ) ZC''ES.
iv' ~ne .:ndic~+'~od thoir presence in opposition to the subject 3tems: and, although tho S±af£
Ei~por? to the P1Anning Cocr~m:ission dnted Apr•i~l 25, 19'J7, ~as not read at the public hearir.~, it.
is referred to and ¢iade e part of +he minutes.
77-299 4/25/77
tAI1~I17'ES ~ CI'i'Y PLANNING CONpuII ;;;IOV ~ Apri 1 2`~ , 19 7"I '17-3~0
VAftIANC~ N~. 293U (Cont.i.nued)
Mr. John Bell, rtiprHaentinK the n~ent for th~ petitionor, appeared boforo the Planning
Comn~i~:~ion and decoribed the propo~sal, c,tatin~ Lhat, t.h~~y neAdc~d t,he t.hree drive-up teller
stntion3 for the 3~2H bnnk branah th~.iy wdre proposinf;; t,i-e~t they el:zo riee~clE.~d ~n 8-foot, varianoe
on t.he required 1Q-foot buf for arc-a on L-iA ea3tar~ly ai~1e of' l.ho pr~nperty to allow a t>-foot
bufter e~rea for a di~l.ence of about. 1U~~ 1fi9L; the~t ?~t~e `:; fool of ],o,at lnnd:,caping in tJ1e
buff'er aree w~uld be madc~ tip cliroctl;; ln t,he i'ront ui' ',hv {~ro,jaot; Lhat t,he prc~pc~aed p~rkinR
oanformod ±o t,he :~it,c~ d~vo]op:nont .,t.nndard:,; and th+~t t,ho propo; ed el~~v~t,i~~ns wuuld conform
to thu~o in tt',e re:>t ot' tt~c+ cont.or~.
'I'HE: ('iJF3I,TC ti~AliIP1G WA:. CI.,(); F,P.
Commi:;cione:• fIsrb:~~ '~nd.tcat,~ca t.t:nt. ±,hore wa:~ -io ~vidc~nc~ oi' e 1~csrd~~hip invo.lv~id wlth the
^~1~,~N!`1: pI'Oj~4:>N1 ~'•fl!it. t1~~ ~,r•,~rn~-~ir1 r{nv~lnrmFlrit wrntl~i ~;irrnly n~~~rl~tt4l~l thn ~-j fH~ qprj t.F~nt
th9 I':lannin~? Commi~^9 un r,o~~l.d no'. cc~n,~idor tha r~conumi~~.. of the rf tuatiun.
In r•espcn;~e , Mr. I3a11 ind:icst.od ! horc~ war~ cio s.ltern~t.i.vf, t,o t~h~ plnn c.alnce movr~mrint. o'' tho
propo:;ed building would cau:~e :'~~r~.hor encrue,r,hment:, int,o th~~ .~OLI~Ar.,~ 4rer~:~ and ?he pc~r~kin~;
1ot.; and 'ne :~t~tori '.hat, t.h~y cotilc3 r~o~, r~~~iuco t,ho :;i.~o o~' i,t~e pr•opo~od bu~.ldin~; and f,har, i.t
wotild ~e a hardship ',c, t~uild a t-~uildin~; !hn' was rio'. biF; c~c:oup,h ~or the proposer~ u,e ~:: it.
Therc~up~n, Ass.is!c~nt City At,!orr~~y ~'re.nl: Lowry read ~,he applical,lc, he~r•ci~hip findinfTJ from the
An~he.irn Municipal Codry, rsncl no':ed t,hR',, t,l,F~ Fiar~,:i;;i;i~~ wo>>ld havr~ '.o r•eir,~.e `o 'ho lnnd in ques-
Mr•. fie.ll th~n st,Rt.e,d t.hr+~ ',h~~ hard~hzp w~:~ at, i:i^~.:rj ir~voivi;~g '.h5 barikin~:, opor•ation it:elf'
;~inr,e, if' +hr~ra, werF, no', f~r:ouc:}~ '~illnrca, i' wcr~ld not tnekfi ~vnse to bc~ ':here; and thet lf
t,r:A l,;.ii]d in~• wa^ rev~iC5r~d o~i ! I,F~ ~,].+~ti;; , f hF~ pnr•kin~; wo;il~+. by r'tit•'.t~er congest~,d.
hdr. I,owr;~ 1'urt,}ier edvisr,d '}~R' t:he Code required e"'~.,_foo~ wide lan~i3cspc~d aetback~ however,
if. provided t'or +.r~F~ :;ui.::~,i',~,.~'.ia~; o:' a 1~-;'00'. wider ].arid:iCFZF)FJ(j se'.t;ack wl±h a 3-foo~. borm.
ldr. Hell. `.hr~n 'ec:t,ified '.ha' ~,hey n~+eded ~.t;g '.hr~~e '~~ller st,a~~OCI`J BJltj, o'';erwise, '..he~•e
would be a ~c~-~ere parki,~Fr prct;lom; Y~ow~,ver, '.he•,• cnuld -;ut t,ar..l; ~1.~• roof ~ir.~ of '..,he tiuildirig.
Discus:>fon ensued r~igardi.nF: mudif'ic:atioT~ oi' t.he plai~:~, ~.o elir~ir~a }~t~e wa.ive: .; whereupori,
Comtnissiorier 'P~lar alar•ii'iod tha', a drivewe;~ wi•Fiiri a royui~•ed letic •ct~pod area wa:~ a vioiation
of' tre Codo;and tY~r,~. ;he :'~'.ate had dater~rined '.ha~. V8i'18I1CA~ had bee:. grat~teci ic~ the pn<:t
beyorid Lhe li.mit~ of' ~h~~ Code pr~OV1JlOI~J and wer•e now ~•equi:~ing defi.i;.' te h~.:•dsh; p. r•e~lated to
the la.~d itself'.
Upon questi~r:in~, i~y Chairman Jot:r:::on, Mr•. Boll reque<.ted tn be able to ta?co a con..inuance t.o
revise the plans,
Coe~,i:~sioner David z•oquested that t.hy petitioner also provide ir.fora~ation pertaining to the
tr•asti ~torage area~, ~ss uutlined in the Utaff Keport, with the revisad plan~.
Commi~siarier Herbst off'or•ed a Motion, ~ecanded by Commi~sioner Kinfi, and MOTION CARFtIED (one
soa+, being vecant), that the AnKheim City Plannin6 Commis;ion does hereby reopen the public
hoaring and continue con::ide:•etion of the sub~ect i*ems to tho Plannin~ Commission meet3ng of
May 9, 1977, for revised plans, es requested t~y the petitioner.
lr. response to quostioning by +he Plannirig Commie.a.on, Mr. Loary advised that the revised plans
should be stibmittc~d ta the Planning Department st,e.ff by 7'hur•sday, Apri]. 28, in order to allow
Rdequate time :or evaluatioii of same; and that if the Code was satisfied and no violations or
waivers wero i.nvolved in the revised plans, it w~uld not be nAOessary for the petitionei• to
appear before the Planning Commission on May 9, 1977.
77-300 4;`25/77
MINVCE^ ~ CITY P1~ANNtN(3 COPr4~iI.~4 TON ~ Apri 1 2~. 1977 77-3U1
~, IROIJMF;NCAL ?MF'ACT ~ i'UT)I,IC FiI!~ARING. To aan~ider Lhe Anvironu~ont,nl impect, report
iu~,PUi" idU. 2~0 an ',he pro~.`^ed nqw C1„~^ ran~er !'rniAnt,/F;ronnmin f)AVAIo~,ment:
"'"" Adrninistr•at.ion Grant Appllcat.ion. T'ro,~eo~ to Pront on ensi,
a:l.de of Aneheim B~ulf~vard bn~•ween F3t•oadwny and Lin~~o'ln Avenu~.
T;c~ one :1nd9aetRd t.hei-~ pre3encr~ it~ opp~sit,lan t,o }h~ 3ut,,}oot, er~v:lr~~Tirner~~e1 impn~~t r~eF>oc•L.
F'].annin~? Air1Fl ('hr~3^ C~t,rlor,k prasonted t,he :;ta['f Report Lo t.hc~ !'lnnnln~ Co~~uni:;:.ion dat,ed
April I~, 1971, and snid report i:~ rc~i'erred tu «:~ if' :;ot. :'Qrt.h ir~ 1'ull ici !,h~ cairiu'.oc.
THf~, i'[JnLTC }~ART.IJG P~A~ CI,~)::2~~U.
Conuni;,sior~er• l~c+r•nf~:; que:~tioiied whc~t,h~r al~y cor.:,id~~ra' iun tia~l L~oc~:i ~^.iv~~r. Lc, ~ov:inf, >>he 1'~~ur
aerriphu~• 'ra~,~ on Clnudinn :'t:,r•o~`. wh~.ct: ware ~ii^a,~..~~c~d nn f'aFR ~:3 ot' 1•he F;Tft cioournc~nt..
Iri r•enpon:~~ t,o tho t'i~r~~goin~r , Mr~. Dar~ Rowland , Ac•chitec t, 1~~~ ~~.~ ~4~:~ t L.a E'alma Avc~iiuo , Ariahei~n,
g(}~pi3I'6(j ~01'U!'~ '1:I1C3 I~.Ld~T1i1~CIFT, (iU[MII:::'lOTI QltQ ::t~8!,ti(~ ~~I1H~, lltl ~.SVUt~'.~!tl LI~Et~ ~~~ic~ ~.i'~~ci„ ili ~{J0:%'~~.OT'.
wc~i~~ 7.UU Y~~ar.~ oJd: t,ha' }ic~ f~311, c•o:;poci:~I.t_~1~ 1'u•. t};o:~e t,r•c~c,:; t,oln~? ln ex:l:.;+,otic~ :.inr,e he hed
ltltrociuced t,o t1~~ Cii,y'~ 1'arl:way Mnic;t;ennr~co Di.vi::~.u-i t.tie p~•ir.c~F~.lt~ of' r•oot. pr•~ii~i~~; t,u ~nable~
retent,ion of maturci tr~oo:; and, prior to thc~t ?,ir.~e, ?ho Cit,;~ Y~nc9 ~~f~p].aced a{>proximn+~ely 121iU
:ur,ti tc•ec~:,; t,hnt ttic~ c~+mphc~~• t,r•o~ wa:~ z~~:t. .;iii',aLle for• ~art~nT~ ar•e~~ ~!~nd wa~; pr•obRb~y impo:3::ible
',o rol ocr~+ r~ ; and tr,at. ,~?ivon thc~ ~~roposod :~ i te , i t.;; uwner~:h i ~: , nnd CtlG '~~llA (:,rr~-:t~ Program ' o
work under, ~hore wa:•. no ~>o:.:>i.t,ility t'na' t,};e 'roo~ in ~~lin;;',icr, wuulct ?':t, within 'he parameter::
of' the pro~,.;_ed City Ha].1 C~mplex a~. thi:~ 1.o~:a'.ion. fle fi.tr•'t~o~~ :sta'.ed ~,Y;at the~ pr•uvoced
pro~F,'', rorrformed '.o th~ new Ce..lii'ornie Ad~nini:>':•~~ivc t,odr~, 'i'i',1r~ 2~, Ch~p?n~• 4, pe:'t,aii~iutl
~o ortier~~; con:~ervntiot~.
Commis:;ioner KinF~ o`.'t'er•F~d a n;<~t,ioi~, :~ecor;ded b;; Coma;i:~:;i:i:~~r ']'ola:• ar;d t~1~/?'I~1?! CA13E~lED (one
39fit. beinF vace.nt), '.'tiet H;nvironmen?al Iu:pact Iieporr, t+o. 2'Ji, ror t,h~ propo::ed Anaheim Civic
Cent,er, havinr~ b05I1 r,on::idered t,hi:- da?.e by ',he Anaheim, Ci',y E'lannin~ Commission and evidence,
k~ot.h wrlt+;en and ora' , hevir.g boer~ ~~rer~en',od t.o ~~lpplemen* :~nid Draf't F,T'Z ?~lo. Zi>~, th~ Planning
Commissiori doos hAreb;~ i'ind t.hat (e? po?.Hritie'1 G~~roj~ '.-Relle~•e~t,ed ~lr~dividuel dnd cumulati.ve
advor:~o impec'.~ .RV4 t,een reduc~d to an ir~:>i ~?r:ii'i oar:t, lr,vcjl and (t ~ t,he sub jec'. Ura: t E7R. No.
2UU cor,`'orms !.o +he Cit;; HS1C~ :~'~n+.o Guidelino:~ and +.Y,e .''a',e af California Fnvironmentel Queslity
Ar,t; and, '.}ierei'orc,, besad uper; sucY~ ir~f'or•matlon, ~hn f'lenriir~~? Cauunisaion does hereby rACOmmend
+.o tl:e Ci?.;1 Cnunci~l oi' 'he Ci.ty of~ AT15Y1NJ~ t-~nt, t.hey cer'i1'y :;aid b",IR No. 2UU is in compliance
witn seid Envi.i•onment,al QuQli+y Act. The 3uojer.t P~I;i donumen~. is .~~ !'ile a~ Cit,y Holl.
CO~RNII~ ~IUNER TOL,AR IEF^.' TE~E C~iJ1~CII., CHA~v[f?P;c:. 'I'r MPOi~kRILY ~1T 4:~;~ P. M.
EiEF'Of~'C3 AND - ITEhi A
Request f'or terminat.i ori - Proper? y consi:~~.inF~ of approxima'.ely 0.9 acre
locatod between Topar.ga Dr•ivo ar~d Hardin~ Avenue, ~spproximately liJ fec~t
south of Lit~c;oln Aver.ue.
It was notad that ~he applicant (Irvine B. hfargole~e , Vice-Chairman oi' t.he F3oard of' b~ini- ~kools ,
i,t.d. ) was requesting termination of the sul~jec?: petition3 to satisfy a condition of' approvml of
Eteclassification No. ?6-77-42, CY19Tlf;~21~ the ~,onir~g on the property from CL to RM-40VU.
Commi~sioner King uffeT•od a motion, ~eoonded by Commis~ioner Herbst, and GAOTION CARRIE~J
(Commissioner Tolar baing t.emporai~ily absAnt; and one seat b9ing vacant), that the Aneheim
City Planning Commission doa:: hoi•oby recommend tc the City Counail of the City of' Anaheim
thot all proceddings in corinaation with petitions for Reclsssi~'icatior No. 59•-6U-1U5 and
Conditional Use Fermit No~ 1718 be terminated, as reque~ted by 'he petitioner.
77-3U1 4/25/77
-- -- .~,.w.... - ----..-~__ _ __ ~
~iIYUAi3~J ~ li~ f LY1I~lVi1Kt V Q~M.li)JI~I~ ~'1~)C~ 1 [~~ 17 ~/
1 L i11110 ~
RFCLJIS"IF2CATION N0. 7f>-7']-1;3 - Royue:,t for approvel oi' hpecifio plen3 -
F'roporty oonaiat,ing o1' dpproximaLAly 1.1 ncre ~n the north s1dA af Aell.
Roed, approximatoly .1135 feet oaf;t of B~ech F~nulevnrd.
7.'he ~taff Report to the Plctnninp, Commi:~siun dated April ?.`~, ]977, on t.he :~ub,~c~ct m~stt,er, wea
ref'err•sd to and mado n rart af tho minutes.
Co~rnnis;~ioner Uerne:; of'fdre;l a moti~n, s~conded by Cummis~ionet~ Kin~;, and M07'ION G:+RFiIF~D (one
3eat being vdcan~, ), tha'. t,ho Aneheim C.i t~ {~l.nnning Commis:.ion doe:. hereby approvo the ~it.e
plancs, floor plans, Al9va!.ions, end 'landsr,~pinK p1an:~, ::a+.l:~i'yln,? (;on~iit,ion 1Jo:~, 1.U and 11 of
t,he approval oY f~~clasaii'ic~tion A1o. 1(~- ll-l:i.
e ~ ^ r, •~n~. •Ifr~i~ ~~~1'lri ~. ~ . ~ ...t ~ • 1 .
'Y~f111.1f11VVL'i Iv'J~~~ Ll~i;i.: Q1~~ a.v~_~, - ~F~a'u6:i~, .~vl' 9's~. 6X ~,5S~1c,aOi1 'vi~ ~.,iG16 - 1 I u~l~1't~y
c;~nsir~t.in~; of nppr•oximRto].y ?2U.% 3q~.tnrf, fe~+ loce.t.ed nt, t,he suuthwe:~t.
corrier• of 1.,R E'elma A~~eriuo end AriaYiHi.m fiotilo~rqr•d.
T}19 ;'taff' Eteport, t,o ~,he f'lenr~in~~ Comwi~:~ion dnted April 2`.~, 1'.~/7, w~,~ ~r•e:~qn~.eci and made a
pert ut' ',he :u~.nu t t+s.
t,dr. Ted 7'odoroff', 't~o applicarit., e~ppearad t~efor•e t•h~ i'lann:r~g~otani3sion to nnswer• quf,stiotis
~ eN,ardin.N, 'he proposal.
Associate E'lar::~~r~r Joot ?~9.ck ::c:ted '.Fia'_ .he npplicar.t wa:~ roquc+ct.inF +.hat, ?tl~ ::ui~ject variarice~
bc- granted on c~ permanen~ ba:~i.:,; tY,et i" YIRq c~eon tho policy in t,he pa:~t t.o approvo time
extension:: t'ur Ltie cnmo amount of' time g, arn:: uriginally ~rantyd and, in tY18 ')U~1,~9Ct crsse, it
was• f'or two yenr~, subj~ict, t.o review, otc.; ?.h~t t,he Cit:y had re~cc~iv~d nc> coa;plainta ro~;arding
tho subject operetior., ~~t,1i~r than f:}19 complrsint, t,ha'~ r~st:itod ir, +.he i'ii.ir;p of tha seoond
variance invr,lvi.r:p t;hc~ outdc~ur hoi:~t::.
In re~port:.e to yuac,ti.onii,;. by° Co~mr.i:,::ione:• Iiei•b:~t., 02'f~co Er.~,inee~r• 3ay l.l±.u:~ sdvised that he
knew :.~'.1:inF~ new re~;ardint~ t,t;o widc~nin~? ui' '.fio adjecent a+rc~e+.c .~in^o the put 1~ic hee~ring ~n
the :,ubjoct varianco:,.
Commi...~ioner Hert>,~t +,hnn no~ed thst tiie roa~on for the tim~ l.ir~i' wr~~ to re: o~ve the proUlem~
be~.weon t,he neighbarc end the po.^,:;it~ilit.y of' tlie ~rideninF~ of La Palwa Avenuo; and, tharefore,
he would suggest that, a five-yoer er.t,dnsion of !.ime t,o E'!'9i1t9Cj , ~ub~ieo ;' c~ roviea.
(;n~unissiorior `.i'olar notAd ?•htst sir:ce t,lie epplioan'~ av-med *he ~~roporty he would favor the five-
year time e~ct~nsion.
Discussio:, ansu9d regarding t}ie conditlons of approval of +.he sttU~iect variances, during which
it wns clari.fidd tha+. , e~lt.hou~~h t,he rolc,cation o!' ~he curbs and ~ut,+,ers, etc. , was required
at the time of tho future s:reot widening, dedication had not bsen required 3lilr,g i+ woulc
pr~babl;~ de~3m th~ pc•oper'y useless.
In rosponse ~o qu~stionir.g by Conmissioner Herbs~, Assis~:ant City A~torney rrank Lowry QCiV139C1
that the r,ondition settingfbrth tin~e li.mits oould no?, be deleted irom the origi.nal approval of
the sub,jyct varianr,es wit,hout ari additional public hearing on t,he matter.
Commissioner Tolar r,oted that he did no'. see why the appliccnt wa~ unhappy with the time
limit ~ondit,ion, especinlly sinoe tne Plenning Commission had traditionally required other
service station conversions in the City to make con~iderably moro improvements to the proper-
ties in order to use them f'or other than service s1,aLions. Commissioner Herbst added 1;hdt
five years would be a very lenient time extonsion.
77-302 4/25/77
:~1INi1TIf:;, CTTY PI ANPJIPdQ COW4dT ~::ION, April 2;, 19;7 ~7-30:3
TTFM C ii.ur~i,it~ued i
Commia::ioner H~rcbs~t offered o moti~n~ :}eaonded by Coc~uniaaione+r }:inq, and MO'TION CAltF~IrD i~ne
:~ee~t bein~ vaoant ), thet the AnahAim Cit,y PlsnninEr, Corntni:~:zior- doe:~ hereby ~rent, a five-yeer~
exten3ion of time for Veri.anco PJo:s. ?_F,fl~ and ~'t~2t;, :~aid t,ima oxten.^~Uil:: t.c, bc~ retraaativc~ to
Marah 31, 1977, and to expi~e on March 31, 19E'."l.
CONU1'rIONAI~ U"~ P2;RMI'I' N(.~. .1":~U` - R~rquc~~..t i'or an exten:~iun o£ time -
t'roperty oori:,i;,t,in~:, oi' e~pp-•ux.imat.oly .~l acr~e l~~avinK f'r•ontage oi' appr~~x i-
mate7y lFj7 f'o~t, on t.}~d east ^ido of Anai~~~irri Hi~!1:~ Iioad, lOr,gt6d approxi-
mat~:ly n~SU t'e~~, i~urt•h of t•hc~ roritorl.ine ai' iJoh.l f~t~nc•h Fioacl.
Tho "taff Rencrt, to the !'1c+nnir.:r Comrri^::ion dat~d Apri1 Z`,, 1977, wa:: pre:.~ented and mede a
part of the minut~s.
In r•9aponse t.o yue:•t,ioriinp, l,y Cocmnis ~ionA-• F?ernc~~,, A:~sooiete i'l.enner• ~o~l. Fiok arivised !.hHt
the ,ubject, prop~rt.y we3 lncated in the ;'oenia Corridor.
Cocunis;~iont~r Elerhst, nufed ~.hst it appaar~d i'rom th~+ p~•c~viau:~ mii~~ut~:, e-ppr-ovinF; ?-he 3ubject
stiopp:ing cenL~r arid sfir•viae st,e?,]OIl t.ha' 'tiA roriditior~~ hed i~o' been ab.ided ti~; !.hat., du~ to
t,hA ]o~Rt,lnn o!' t.hn r,~~,r~~•1,y Rnd '.}~ti amo•~.tr~t et' t.irne wtlich F~nr~ elnpsed slr~aA th~ service st,a!.ion
wRS origiriAlly Approved a'• 1-hi:~ locc~~.ioi; and , addi' l or:~il. ;, dt.if~ ' o f riF+ mariner in whi r,h t,t~e
dHV91U~.1R19I1~, wan '.RkinK plec•~, i.n r~el.e+lon:.3hip tc~ 'he nnw ;'r6fl.~; Curridor :;on.~ C?ver•ley, it
e~~reared appropriR`~~ '.na'•. }.nn ~u1~,}+ict, ryquest s}~auld t~e riani~d ~o •h~t a new npplication
coiild be consider•ed to ir.clud~+ t,ho requiremen'.: u1' t,hn ;~cenlc Cot•ridor :~ona OvArley; and thrst
F~e wa~ ~~o+, Int9icatiriF, 'i~e~', tza •~rot~ld na', lii:e ',o s~~ ~ se~rvicc, stet,ic,n on ~.t~e su~ject, cornar.
Comcnissioner Fiert,s': of't'ered a~no'.lor,, ::f~conded '..y COiDQL~SF'ilU1lBI' ~~OIBP, nnd AIUTTOt1 CAE~RIED (one
3eat bain;- vacar,t t, tF~nt f.he Atiah~im Ci t.;; E'lanriir~~, Comcr.a. ~sion doe:. F~c~r~e~y tieny tt~e roqtio~+
f'or an ex~.ensio:, of' Limd f~or ~'6ria:~ae ;,o. :~`.~~,~t', oci ?h~+ Ln::i~ of ?he '.'oroKOing f'indir~gs.
I`I'F`.: E-1
RF.qUE:;T F'OR GrIJFi~F1L F'I.A2d Al~PJDtv~1d: -!~'oc• proper•ty lacat.ed north ~~f
;;y~•~ -~ore ;~irer;t, i;ener~sllv oe::t of tho At.cl~~i:,on, Topeka and :iantts Fe
..,:~oad ti•ac~:.>, and we~L of th~~ aile;; paral.lelirig we~terly of Eayt
A~soci.at~ Planner Ron :,mit}i preseT~te~d i,t~e ;.~taf.' i;opo:~t to Lhc~ P].annin~.: Commis:;ior~ dsted
Apri1 25, 1977, and tho :,oune i:, refoc-red to and mede a pert of t.he minui,es.
Commi~sion~r Tolar noted that, in hi:, opinicn af't~r rQC~valuatin~ Lhe suk~,joct study area, a
General F'lar~ e~n9ndm~nt was not appropriate at, thi: t.ime bu~~ rnay~ be required ir. the next year
or so.
Commis:,ioner Herbst offered A m~tion, :.econded by Commissiorier I~.ing, and M~7I'InN CAF~RIED (~ne
seet being vacant), tl~at ':he Anaheim City Flanning Commissi~n does hereby determir.e that the
s~.~b,,ieot study areB. not be scheduled for a GPnerel I'lan amendment study dtiring thA year 197?;
ai,d t,hat the Plgnnin~ ~epart;ment is hereby direote~~~ to present said request +,o the Plenning
Commissior~ for review durin~r ths year 1978.
77-3U3 4/25/77
MIM)'I'~~ , C:L'rY PLANNIIJC3 COMMI ,.~tON, April 25, 1977
77- 304
R~Q1 ST T'~fi C3E;NP~RAL YIJ1N Af~11PMfi;NT - For• propnrty l.ocni~ed at the ~outhweat
cornAr of I,Snooln Aver•~uo e+nd f;io V13La ::~tro~1,, ext,etiding wASt,erl.y ~,o the
OrnnRe ~'reewc+y i-~'i ).
As~oointo Plar~ci~ir• Rori .:mit,h presented tho ;:tnft' Repor•t to ~.Y~e E'lenning Commis:~.ioti dntAd
April 2`.i, 1971, and thc~ seaie is reterred to srid asedo e pert of 1,hR minute.~.
Mr. A'red MorgAnthaler, 'r'ul:l.F,r•ton, appHnred bei'oro tha k'larining Conuni.>:.lon niid irid3ot~ted th~'
he we~ t.he co-o~rner oJ' the •~~.~b,ject land having front,e~o af' anpruximately 1~4 foet un Li.ncoln
Avenue; and that he ha~i a T~ro.:pective t~uyor int,erert~d in cu~r,truatin~? a ro'l'Ior :katinE rink
whioh wuu7c~ r~quirc~ r~ ~~hnn~re of zonin~.; on Lhe p:•oport,y t.o co~iuc-~raiel.
Couanisaionor E:er•b: t, u1'.'ered a motion, :~e~condo;i by Cunu~ii,:~:,i.onor Ki.r~g, and MO'I'70N CARRI~.D (ono
tJ e .~ t n;~:id'iliC,l.ivi~~ ~i~i(i.~ }"iGi Qu :~!:~Q:':::.^•C ~.~1f1~ R
:;dtsl, Le~it~L v~sutiti i r Li~Ot Llin 1'ii~el~ri~u C1Ly i 1&~~t'~~1~~, U ~
Genoral P~an a~nendmen' :~1:udy i:, appronr•iat,e f'or tho c+at~~act :lt.udy c~rea; csnct doe^, !.herefc~re,
direct >>he F'lanninq UeF,artment to :~chc~dule :aid emondmonl, i'c~r K;ublir, !;eari.nK on Juno Zv, ]~~7'].
TTf'JM lJ~ ~J
f~FQU~:.^.•T F'UEt GN~TI~,i~AL I'L111~ Ab4:Idi)P.SFTTI' - t~'~~c• ts "~e-:e~,y ~;l.ernc~rit" to the Anaheim
("renaral 1'i an.
As~ocia~te Planner Ro~i ,tmit;t~ pre~~dn~.ed the ;'~ caf'; Etc+j ~~rt Lo t,he f'lannir.~C C;ouu~is:~ion deted
Ap,•il ~~.•, 1977, and t.he sESme is r~~i'~r•r•eu ~.u e~~c~ ;u+~;:~~ a E~Hr~t ~~!' f.l~e min~at.es.
C~~mmise;zoner Tolar offvrr~d a mot,ion, ~~conded t,y Comnusr~i~~n~+i• Ki~iF:, and Ma.rz~r~ ~AF;RIF:D (or~e
,ent, bei.ng vacan~. ), ~,hat ttie AnahHim Ci t,y- ?'1anr~iriF C'o~rvni.:~si.on rioe^ h~reb,y de~~ormine t.hat a
Gen~ral i'len ~me-~dmA11t. •~~.udy is app~•oprie~,~ 'o ~,r-o•::de foT• A",'ai'~t.;: Flemont" to 'ho Aneheim
Gon~iral Pl.an; Ano doF~e, f.her•ofore, direct, ttie Plt~nning Depar•tm~n!. to ;,~hed~alo saic3 aiuyridmer~t
i'or publi c i~~arin~- on Jun~ Z~ ,'.l'~7 ?.
7•r.~t 1 1~
. l~
~ APJTA A~7A CA'~'Y01•1 AR;~;A G~t+'ERA'.: ?~~/1t1 "'F.X'i' - t10C~119:it, for approval of go82s
and polir,ies.
Associate Flaru,er Ron :'aii'.h prc~sen'.ed the :~taii' Report ?o ~he i'lanning Cc~mmis:,ion dat,ed
April 2~, i577, and t,},e same is c•oferred tu arid made K prsrt o; 'he :ninute:?.
Commis~ioner Tolar Uftar9d Resolution Plo. I'C77-97 ar:d movf~d ior i's pas:~aga end adoption, that
the Anaheim City Pl~.nning Commi~sion does here'py a~ ~~rG'J~ ar.d rer,ocnmends *o the City Council of
the City nf Anaheim approval. of tY-e toxt to anoou~pa:iy Area TII of General I'lan Amendwent
No. 142 relating to the ;:~anta Aria Car~yor~ Area. (:'9o Resolutior: Book?
Ozi roll ca17 , t.ho forep,oing re~olution we.., pBJJel1 by Lhe f'ol.lowin~; vote:
77-304 4/=5/77
V RZAhC~ Nn~ 2689 - R~,que~t for Lerminat.ion - Propnrt,y r,onsis~,in~ of
npproximntely 3.'L ncres loo~zted or~ t,he nor~.heast :aide of Anaheim Boulevnrd,
approximat,ely 14U feet nort,i, of KntA7.le Avf~nue.
'It, wea no!,ed t,nef~ the nppl~loorit, (,7uhn Iimermen of Ameri cse,n-F'ec9 fic Roalty , actin~ on behnlf of
Davis Developments) aes reque~t,in~r !.orminstlon oi' Ve~rianoe No. 2f~H9 on the bnsica that• :iaid
ver:dnoo was no 'l.onF;er neec'.ed.
~or.~missiunqr Tolnr off'ered a mot.ior~, seoonded by Comm1~31on~r Kin~r, end M~7I'tON CARRTh;D (one~
seat being var,~nt), t.ha+, the Annhoim Ci.ty Pl~nriin~ Commi~sion cloes hereLy recomn~end to t,he
Cit.y Counail uf' th9 City ~~(' Anqheim the.i. n]1 pi•o,oedirlan lci connoct.lori with Variance No.
7~~H~ hFl i,erminated, ns requested hv the epplioant..
I'I'FM fl
CUPJUI.'IUNAI~ U.~l~ 1'l~~f~{.1'1' f~~~. ~~~1:~ -{te~atteat i~~r ~.er~ainati~~n - I i•uperl,y uun-
:~ist,ing of appruxicnat,ely U.~ acre lor,Ated at tho southwe:.t corner oi'
Droadway and ~Aagriol ie Avenup.
It, wa~ riot;~d thet tha appiicant, (C. F. ~uir~et,te, pr~opdrty owner) wac~ -•equ6::tin~ t.~ r•minat,ion of
tho ::ub,ject petition to ~at,i:~2'y ~ conrilt.ivn of nj;pr•oval of Cond~t.ion~.1 U::e Parmit No. 1672
whlch wa: ~3rented to p•~~rmit: the :~a15 uf Laut• auc! wir,e in a~;rapo:,od re:,taur~nt on the ~aub,joct
proporty, a former• :~drvic~~ station r,ito.
t;ocnmis ~i.onc~r Kinp, cffAred a ~. t,ior:, ^acond4~l t,;/ Co:nrni:~:;iutic~:• 'I'olar•, and MCII'I(7N CA~t}2T_H~D (one
:~oat ~eing vacant), ttiat, t.he An9hoicn City rlannin~ Conm~i~:~;on doe:. her•eby reoommend to the
Ci+.,y Councl.l of' the ^ity oi' Ar:aheim tha+, ~tl proceodir~~;a in connec±.ion wit1~ pet•it:iun for
Cr~ndi'•ional iJse I'ec•mlt *70. ~~3 b~+ ~.crrninat~3d , a:, rf~-~ue:,ted t~y t.ho p~titionar.
RElQL1F'T t")R 'r',IR tdi~ :,'I'Nb: DF.Ci:I,~tA7'TOr: - For Grnding F'len No. 6U7 et.
5(~7 Cyr•-•o Vist~ Vle;-.
It waa noted '.hat, er~ epplicatiun had been filed b;; Fiarrisor. Dev~lopment Ccrporai.ion to grade
appror.imatoly ~:3(~ r,uLi~ y~rd: oi eartF~, wi'.;~ no ic;~or': or expor'., :'or one R:-Fl~-~3,UOU 101,,
in conf'ormance wi'h City standards and pol..iciys; t•i.at, an evfilue~'.ion of the er.vironmer.t,al tmpact.
of ~radint? at. '.he .~ubjec-, io,e'.ion a~as req~~i.red undar tha pr~visiot;s of t,2:~., Californie
Fnvironm~~n+e~7. Quelil,~ Act. er~d ,?tete TIfi Guidelines t,ece~use ?•h9 proj~ot wes loon*,ed in the
~CRi1~C Corridor; 9nd that qn Init:iel "t.udy ovaluation u: +:he proposed gz•~ding plan by tY~e
°lpnning Departmc~-~t qnd Engineering Divis~ on indioa+,ed `,~~at thc~re would Ue no sigr;ificant
individual oi` CllQ1U~.6t1V9 edverse environmental impgct as a r~esult of this minor grading.
Commissionsr• I~~trnes ufferod a motiot~, secanded Uy Cociunissioner• Kin~,, and MOTTQN CARRIED (one
s9at being vacant), that, pur•suan'.; to the provi;ions of the Californie Environmental Quality
Act, the Anaheim City Plnnning CommS.~sion ~'~e~ hereby find that the proposed gradinp, glan
for the single-family '!ot ~3t ~>E~7 Cerro Vista Wa~ wili not ha~'e e aignificant i.ndivi3u~1 or•
cucwlativs edverss environmer.tal impect becau:. thA Initiel at~uCy indicates the ri•o~ect will
iz~volve oz].y minor Krading as ~itigated by conformarioe with City standards and pol:aies and,
thereforo, recommends to the City Counoil of th~ City of Anoheim that the IJegative Declaration
frow the reyuirements tu prepare an envi^onmental impact repor•t be approved. Tho iVE~ative
Declarat.i.on is on file at the City Hall.
77-305 4/2~/77
M]'M1TF;1, C27'Y PLJ.~~fN7~J~ CONAAI:~;;Iv,J~ April 7_`~, '1.9"- I 77-30(,
I'['~!~M J
i~F~Uf~~:>1' F01'. ?~;Il~ '11~~}A7'11~: 1)I~1CI.AI~AT'Il?Sd - Nor 1'ar~cc~l Map TIo. f~3`.> at ;'47`.~
La !'nlo~ Avenu~_~ ,
Tt we;; riotAd ;.hnt, an applioe~.ion had be~n f17.ed by nurobuilt Cnrp~-•Mtion ~n :3liLdivide
a 7.A~,1-c+cre pnrool intr two par~~+l ; ai'.h acraa~;o o.' :~. ::~1 And ~. ~:iU; thr~t an ~valuR+,lon of
I.he env±ranmAnt~-]. lmpec~t, ui' parcel meps we:s rAquired undf~r t,}~R prc,v:t:~:ton~ ~f ~.he Celifornie
I~,nvirunruen~.el ;~uA]ity Ar,t end :''Rte F1IH Cui~lc-1inFlr~; r~n~i "~,es~ an 7 r,iel "~udy AVR~.U17„ion of
th~ proposnci E,Rrcel mnp by t,ho F'lannin~ D~pa~ ~,merit Rr~ Fr.gin~erinK I~i~~l;;i.on in~ii.~at.~~1 that
f,her~g aould t,e nc~ ~:i~~nif'icar~+, indi~:lc,~~e; o~ c~~m,.~int.ive R~SVPT•se er~v!ror~monte] in~par,t es n
result, of' ~.hi7 pro,lr~~t t~r~~~,RUti~~ nu :~~n~~i~ivA Al1V'.1~1i1I09TlLAI r+lnm~itit.:~ wer~ involv~ci e~~d t,hei
pro,}A~~ , aes ~,ompA t~ t~ l~ wl ! h nurraur,cll n~~ l~rid ~.~;~~~;; , Ci ~.y pleil^ f~nd ordinnnaeci.
Commi;:~ion~~r Kin~* cf~'ernd R mo~.ior~, r,~io~~nd~ci -~Y Ctc rn1-':;ioner 'Cole~r, end Mc~cIOlv CARIZTFC (one
oee~. t~einr~ vncPn~ ~, t,t,et , p~~i•:>uan!, t~~ ~,he provt:~iur~:~ v!' t,ho Galit'orni.e i~n~.~ironaiante.l ~~unlit,y
Act,, 'hn fln~h~:rr ('i'.;, !'ler:r:i!i~~ C~nul;i:,~i~~r, !to.~s hnrnt;r F inci 't~a' 'h~ F,r~~~,?Ad ~wo_1~~} ~n~lnst,rt.~1
aut~divi3i ~.~n l('arc~al t~fap "~o, ~~3:~ ; e~ 'Z4I'~ [,n f'dlme Aver~~~~ will not, have n~31~ni fiaen~
individu9l or c~.~~n•~la~-ivFi ad~ n,•;~ f~nvironu~er~t,el im~o.cL b~ca~.: -~ t,he znit,i+sl ; i,udy indicRtos
1,1~at t,he pr•o,ic+r.! i:~ ~~oNpa?.it~le w1~h ~'i+,y F?an:,, ordin.r~ncec ~r~! :~urrounding le~nd uso:S and no
;~on~itive, envi:•orunr~i;t,el elomc~n'::i nre ir~~~ul.~ c+d end, !.herf~:'or~, ~~E~conunenris to thA City Co~.incil
of t,h~ C,it.y ot' Anehr~i.m ~,h+~t, !.h~ N~F-af 1vo Dr~ ~lat•a~,ior I'r•om !he rnyuiroments t,c prr.~pare an
envirc~nment,el fcnpn~•' ro{~oi•t bo a}!F~roved. ThF~ 1t~~~~a~.ive peclarc~tlon i:• un f~ ~ r~t. Cit,y Na]1,
T_'P~;!~1 h
VAf~IANCE iJO. ~,..;'~t - f~oyue.•t. fur aF;Pro•rn! of' rc>vi::ed plan:, - 1'rupert,y
cvrs:.i:•.tln~; of' H{,;;roxim9tc,l,y .I.~~ acro;' c~~. !.hc~ nc,t•t!; .;lde of Lincoln Avenuo,
iocatc~d a~,E r~:~ic'_~~u~'~, i; ~l~l,. 1'f~et, au~.;', o!' tl;t~ cr~;ter•l.it~e ot' its Plnzts.
A:~::oc;ia~:e ~']an,ior• Juc;l H'i;~i :~Hod tt~~ .'~ R;'.' fieE~c,r•t t,o T:;~~ ('J.ai,ntiir•- Cammi ::.ic~~ d9t,ed Aprii 25,
197~i, and tl~~~ :>r~n~e i:: r•~~fe~~red L~~ .^~nd r.v I~: ~;,~+r~!, r~:' ',ha tn.Itvit.~~:~. H~ tto`.od thst tY~e propouc~:i
~i~rn would meot, e~l] c~!' '.he ~it.e dC~ve.lU~~r.ienl :,'.9t:dnr~i:: 1'cr t.he ..or.e, «,xcept. for the perwittod
,~i~;n locotiou w};i^h wri: c~{~proved >>t~cl~r 1.1~~-~ ;; ~t:,jtict verianco; t.hn'., tho Flenninp_, Comr.,i ,~icm
should detHr•~.ir~o wl~ett~Hr t.l:~~ i:._~roa~ed :~i~n arf,a Pr•opoc,~d i'rom 1:4 tn 3J.~ ~yt:are feet. would
be iu .~ubsl.ar~ti.e1 ro:.~ara:anr~.~ wit.h the ~~lan:~ or•l,~inai~y appr~~••~d, or ~Hhe'~hr,r a puhlic heering
w~uld lie c•e~ui re~~; and thnt '.ho Intc,nt of !h9 ::~ut jec*_ •iarisi:ce at t,}ic~ t,i~nA c~:' lt~ a~;proval we~:.
tc rc,c~o~~e i. ~ ~'.he Jacy_i::-the-fior. vaceted t.he F,r•ymic~.^,.
C~mm~s:.ion~r lie~~b:t ~~fi'ered e mo',ion, ;econded by Co;n.;..~~:;ioner Kiti~, an~ MiTI"Oi~ CJ',itRIFD (ont~
99fl1~ ~.i .I,E', 'JHC9Tlt )~ ~.fint, 4,r:9 F!r.Ahelm C~';i ~1911I11S;E; ~~Ci:lIIll:;sion dr.e_^. 11HI'P,~y det.~~••;njne t~:$~ the
revised plaii^ ir.crF.~asirig ±he Q~pr•oveci .,irn ArE+n f'r•om 1~:4 ',0 31~~ square i'eet i~ in subst.ential
conformar.co wifh 'Y~o ari~irie: approvel oi' pe`_itioti f~r Vai•iarice No. 2824; a;;Q cloes, tliorsfor-e,
approv e t,he rev i sc~d pians , n~ .'~t!mi f, te~ .
ADJOUF~,PdN~IJ'" - Tt,er~ heinF no f'ur`,her btisiress t,o di~~;uss, Coc~miasioner Tular• uf.':ored ~a.
mat,ior,. ,econdea i,y Coaunissiundr Devid, and '~ArICT~N CARFiIED (one seat bein,;
vgoh• f, t.hat t,he rneet.in~ be ad j ourr.ed.
'"he m~etir,g ad jourried st 5:'~' p. m.
Fies~ uct~ally submi:?•ed,
' ~j /
F'atricia ?3. Scanlan, Sec.~etary
77-~30h ~': / 25 /77