Minutes-PC 1977/08/29~
City Hall
An~heim~ Califurnia
AuQUSc 29, ~977
REGULAR - The reguler m~eting of thc Anahci~i Ci~y Planning Conxnission was calle.d
ME~TING to ~,•der by Chai rman Pro Ternporr.. Nerbst at I:~0 p.m. , Auc~ust 29~ 1971,
i~ thc Council Ghamber, ~~ quorun~ being prescnt.
CpMMISSI0NER5: David~ Johnson Kin~7 b linn
ABSENT - Chairman Tolar and Cc~mmis~+ianer Barnrs
A1.50 - Fra:ik lawry Ass i Stan[ C i[y ~t.torney
YRcSENT Annika Santalahti Asst. F'lanning Oirector, Loninq
Jav Titus Of!'iCe' Eng~n~nr
Paul Si~~yer Tr~~ff lc Engi~eer
Ronald Smith Ass~ciale Enyincer
J, ,), T~~shiro Assistant Plann~>r
Edith Narris Planninq Commission Sccretary
P~.EQGE OF - The Pledge of l~Ile~aiancc tQ thc ~lay of thc United States of America was
ALLEGIANfE 1E~J by CCnunis,~,ioner I inn.
APPRqYI~L AF - Commissioner pavid arf~red a maticn, seconded by C~mmiSSioner Linn, and
MfNUTE MOTIQN CARRIEQ (CommisSian e~rs BarneS ~~nd Tol~ir being absent). th~t the
. rnin~tes of the F~ugus 15, 1977 me~tinq be approved as submitted.
ITEM Nb. 4 C6NTINUEO PUBLIC NEARING. ~wner: Fred W. b Patricia
~IH NEGATIVE DECLA{~ATION B. Morgenthaier, 5Q1 Hermosa Dr., Fullerton, CA 92635•
RECLi4551FICATION Np. 77-78-9 kequet.t t~ aermit a rollcr-ska[ing rink with waivers
LONDITIONAL USE P~RMIT N~. 1733 of minimum number of parking spaces and required block
wa11 an 1.9 a~res at the soutt~east corner of ~incoln
Avenue and Oranye Fr~eway off-ramp.
Cha+rman Pro lempora Ner•bst noted the petitioner had subRiitted revised plans and an
additional waiver is being i`equested; therefore, the additional waiver must he advertised
and a tw~-week c~ontinuanc~ is beinq requested.
ACTIOM: Comr~-ssio+ner David ~ff~red ~~ motion, seconded hy Conmissioner King and MOTION
CARRlED ~COnNn~55~bnprg Barnes and Tolar being abspnt) chat consideratic~ of the afore-
mentioned itern be continued to 1~:: regular meeting of the Planning Commission on
September 12. 191i, in arder t~ advertise adciitional requested waiver.
RECIq$SIFICATIUN NQ. 76-77-63 2935 E. Vine Street, Ste. C, Orange CA 92669• Agent:
VARI~~NCE N0. 29 JAMES KINf,ANNON, 3931 MacArthur Blvd., ~206, Newport
Beach, CA 9?_660. Reclassification reyuest from RS-~-
43,U00(SC) to RS-72U0(SC) on approximately 1.8 acres located northeast corner Santa Ana
Canyon Road, east of Pinney Drive to establish an 8-lot subdivision with waivers of
r~quired ~xpressway dedication and requirement that all lots rear onto arterial highways.
Chairman Pro Tempore Herbsk noted the pet+tt~ner has requested this item be continued
for an additional six weeks to the Planrinc~ Commission meeting of October 10, 1977, j~
order ta s~~bmit revised plans.
8-29-77 77-546
~ .
EIP, NEG. DEC., RECLI',SSlFIC11TION N0. ?6-77-53 ~ l~l1P,IA~lCE. N~. ?946 (centinued)
AC710N: Commissioner Oavid offercd ~a matlon, seconded by Commissianer King, and MOTION
CARRIEU (Camnis~i~~ri~rs BArnes and Tolar beiny absent) that c~nsideration of the aEore••
n~entlaned item be c;<~ntinued to thN re9ular meetiny of the Planning Commission an
Qctober 10, 1977, and due to the length of the requesled continuance, the property
owners shal) be notifi~d ~nd the cost of renotification will be paid by the petitioner.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMFACT REPORT N0. 202 TUSZEWSKI, 1126 River Lane, Santa Ana, California
RECLASSIFICATION N~ 7-77- 9 9Z706. Aqent: GEORGE ADAMS, 37.00 Fr~ntera,
CONDITIONRL USE PEkMIT N0. 1703 Anaheirn, CA 928~6. SubJect property is an
~~ ~-' irrcyularly-shaped parcel of land con5isting of
approximately 6.4 ar.res located at the sautheast corner ~f Frontera Street and Newkirk
Road, having approxima[e frontages af 726 f~et an the south side of Frc~ntera Street and
500 ieet ~n the e~7st side of Newkirk Road, and furthcr describecl as j20d Frc~ntrra ;lirrt.
Property preSent~y CItISSIfICC~ as RS-A-43~000(Residential/Agricultural).
REQUES7ED CLASSIFICATION: ML(Industrial, Limited) Zone.
REQUESTED USE: To permit a resource recovery and rec•ycling operation with waivers of
minimum front setback and required block wal1.
There was no oneindicatin9 [heir pre~ence in opposition to 'his request, and althouyh
the staff report to the Planr~inj COmmi55ion dated August 29, Iq77, was not read at the
public hearing~ i[ is ref~rred to and rnade a part o` the minutes.
J. J. Tashiro, Ass[. Planner, r~ad Ietter5 of opposition deted August ?.4, 1977, from
Mrs. Jeanne L. Bertrand, Auvust 23, 1977, from Mr, b Mrs. Ja~~t•S R. Iverson and
August 22~ 1977, from Joni Kodimer. Thesr. letters are on file in the Planning Department.
f~loyd L. Farano, Attorney for Orange County Steel and Salvage Company, presented a model
depicting the praposed use of the property and explained the background. He explained
this is basically a reclamation business; Orange County Steel and Salvage has a cantract
with the County of Orange to withdraw from fou- dumpsites and dispose of reclamable
materials; the rnaterial is sorted and clr'-ned; there will be no garbage or edible materials
at this site, only salvagable materials such as lawn chairs, automobile parts or anything
of a ferrous or non-ferr~~as metal ma[erial; new5papers will be withdrawn at the salvage
sites and will be cleaned and separated as dirty material~ waxed paper or anything with
a coating cannot be sold, so the newspaprrs are sorted and cl~aned before they are sent
to the subject site; the sortPd material is load~d onto trucks and brouqht to the
site via the Riverside Freeway~ basically using the GlaSSeil/Kramer an-ramp;
onc~e at subject site, material is taken off the trucks~ sorted into ferrous and non-
ferrous nature; conzpressed and put into trucks, bins , etc. and taken [o various locations
for sale.
Mr. Farano stated Orange County Steel and Salvage Company pays [he County uf Orange
$84,000 a year for this contract~ and as volume and sales increase~ ehis amount will
increase~ possibly doub'Iing to 5150,000 ;o S20(~,000 a year; that the operation at its
inception will consist of no more than 10 trucks, and at its maximum~ it is anticipated
no more than 40 trucks or vehicles will transport saivage to and from this site.
The buildings will be concrete, tilt-up~ with the one fronting on Frontera consist•ing
of 13~000 sq. ft. which will house the sor[ing operation. When the material comes in,
it is sorLed and placed in large bins and kept inside the building. The structure on
the back portion of the property houses and protects the paper operation. It will also
8-29-77 17-547
EIR N0. 202, RECLASSIFICATION N0. 76-77-49 6 CUP No. 1703 (continued)
be concrete~ t~'t-up and 13,000 sq. ft. It will have a top ~nd back, but tf~e sides
will be left op~n. This is where the baling opcration is done, nothing is shredded.
cut or proces~,ecf in anyway,
The uriginal proposal was for a 4-foot landscaped berm and 6-fc~~t chainlink fE~nce~, but
Mr, Far~~no expl~?npd, Yhe -~etit~pnpr h~~h aqr~ed to incr'Pase tt~h h~iqht c~f thtr fenc~~
to 8 feet, and will densely landscape; that the two crane boorns arc the only equipment
wh~ich will be seen fr~rn acrass the frePway or from Frontera aft~r the improven,ents have
been c~mplet~d~ and he is willing to paint this equipment or do wh~tever is necessary
to n-ake it less obnoxious.
Mr, farar~c~ pointed out the tw~-story c~ncrete, tilt-up prpposed stru~ture on the west
SiAe of ttie property. He explained chis is the location of ihe truck scale and bottom of
!hc; prri;~r•~Sed structure wi~l house the instru,nentation for the scale and the top half
witl tiousc [hc otfices ot Oranqe Cuunty Steel and Salvage, approximately 1~8UU sq. ft.
I~h als~ explained the east side of the property will be landscaped.
i~1~•. Farano explained Oranqe Cc~unty Steel had used the property withouc the proper zoning;
th.~t the c~r~tract from the County N~as obtained by bid, awarded in October ar November,
~~~ch a starting date e~rly in February or late January . At that time so~~e questions
wcre raised concerning [he capability of Orange County Steel co pe~form ar~ ~dequate metal
recylcing business at ehe State and County level. Mr. Ada~ns and his ernployees
were investigated and it was dptermine~ that Orange County Steel was the most competent
contract~r who had hid on thi5 job; that. he had to begin operations in February ; that
when it was determined an Elk would have to be p~epared, Mr. Adams could not retain [he
services of a Frofessional because of other reasu~~s, and because of the notoriety given
him due to [his project, he couldn't even hire a lawyer; that this was the basic reason
for the 135-page Environmental Impact Reaort which should have been done in 35 pages;
that a lot of things in [he report may not have been dc~ne in a professional manner
because they were not done by a professional~ ~ut that hr had revie~•,ed the report
and although it is lengthy and cumbersome and contair~s a lot af unnecessary information,
it ~.1oes give a fairly decent description of the project
Concerniny the impacts, Mr. Farano felt tfiere would be no visual irtipact after the improve-
ments have been made; that there are no odors dealing with metals, certainl~~ no more
noise than from the Riverside Freeway and estimated the sound level at the property line
would be no nx~re thian 60 decibels; that the 4-foot berm and 8-foo[ fen~e with dense
landscaping will mitigate the vieu~l and noise impact.
ftegarding the traffic, Mr. Farano stated there should be a correction to the report,
in [hat the report states [here wi11 be a total of 50 trips per day, and that studies
show there r+ill he 141 trips per day. He explained the maximum truck triFs per day wi~l
be 44, that this locaiion will ernploy approximately 20 employees with 20 cars for a
total of 40 trips per day; thiat outside sales of paper from churches, Boy Scouts, etc.
will be accepted for a total of 5 per day; that therp are abour. 28 employees at the
landfill sites who would be coming into the office for another 56 trips per day, or
a total of 141 trips per day for the site.
Mr. Farana stated there should be a correction Q~page 60 regarding the total number of
trips per ~'ay on Kraemer~ north bound aver the Rivers~'~ Freeway. This figure should
be 26~90U rather than 17~000 as sho-vn. He explained their figures were obtained from
Orange County and a traffic consultanc.
8-29-77 77-5kg
EIR N0. 202, RECLASSIFICATION N0. 76-77_-_49 L CUP N0. 1703 (continu~d)
Commissioner King referred ta the lanciflll operattons and asked if the I;~ndfill operation
at the southeast corner of the propert.y had ceased and Mr. Farano explaineci hr. was
referring to four County-owned sites and not an this site; that the traffic yenerated
from these sites would be those employees coming to t~e ~ffice of Orange County Steel
and Salvage Campeny.
Commissioner Linn asker what were the anticipated hiours of operati~r~ and Mr. Fareno
explained they were F:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., five days a week.
Commissioner Linn a~l;;:,: Mr. I'arano to stipulate that a 4-foot landscaped berm and an
8-foot slatPd, chainlink fence would be provided.
Mr. Farano stipulated to this and explained that this would make the heiqht 12 feet
from yrade and that no equipmept is tallcr than 12 fcct and didn't think any of
the cantainers ar equiprtient would he visable frorn the outside.
Commissioner Linn referred to the fire hydrant requir•ement referred to in C~ndition
No. 4, pointing out there~ is no city-wa[er service to this si[e and that the praperty
is serviced by a private well or we~is.
,l~y Titus, Office Engi~eer~ stated he had discussed this matter with tt~e Water and
Fire Departrnents and it was their desire to have a fire hydrant pr•avided which is
necessary for fire protection and that chey had indicated che developer would have to
provide a water line.
Mr. Farano explaineci there ~s no city-water east of Glassell on Frontera and the
property has its own well. He felt sure the City of Anaheim and Orange County 5tec1
and 5alvagh could work toyetl~er; that fire protection is nec~ssary, but they hoped tne
City would not require them to put in a water line for 1/3 of a mile, but they are
willinG to work samething aut witFi the City.
Commissioner Kiny reier•red to the truck scale which encroaches into the right of way
and asked what would be the alternative if [he Encroachmen[ Permit is not g~anted.
Mr. Farano stated he is optimiscic that the permiL will be g~anted; [hat Newkirk ends
about 1Z5 or 150 feet ~outh of the scale ano ic doesn't encroach i~tc> the travel lanes
but into the dedicated right of way.
Chairman Pro Tempore Herbst asked if the proposed structurc on the west side will encroach
into the setback and there was a brief discussion concerning which building h was
referring to. Mr. Frano expla+ned the structure housing the scale instrumentation nn
the lawer half and offices on the top half should be as close as possible to tl~e scale.
He ~ointPd out there is nobody else on that street and it would be terribly expensive
to r~locate the structure away from che scale and run the instrumentacion underground.
Chairman Pro Tempore Herbst was concerned abo~~c. further encroachment into
the right of way and felt the structure should be moved.
M~•. Farano expla3ned that a)1 existing structures wil~ be removed from lhe property.
Commissianer Johnsan stated ihe proposed building on Frontera is still less than 25
feet and Mr, Farano stated the building is set back 12 feet because it gives better use
of the property and moving the building back 3nother lZ feet cauld change the visual eff~ct.
8-2~-?7 17~549
FIR N0. 202. RECLASSIFICATION N0. 76-77-49 F fIIP NQ. 17~Z (~nn~iniiP.ll
Cornr~lssione. Jehnson conx~-ented that every owner along the freeway could use that same
argument. Mr. Farano stated that Frontera Street is only .6 of a mils long and there
isn't ever going to be anybody else on that street and It is a former dump site.
Comm(ssionPr Johnson polr,ted ou[ there are a h~if million people travelinq the
freeway who can view the site.
C~nmissioner Linn suggested the problem with the scales be approved subJect to City
Council approval.
C~~mmissioner King asked how soon thc petitioner would start upgrading the prpperty, if
'.he request is approved and Mr. Farano replipd that ~taff has asked that the improvements
be completed in 90 days. He stated the petitioner would like to have one year because
y~ day5 't5 not CnOUyh tlrne to get platl5 end tiie NClii~ily dnu lidvr. Ll~c; wnsllu~liun
comple[ed. Ne stated Phase I would be the landscaping and building the berm in the front
of the pr~perty to provide the screening and that the other cnnstruction wc,uld be after
Chairrr,an Pro Tempore Herbst asked that the landscaping and berm bc~ completed within
t.he 90-day period and Mr. Adams indicated from the audience that he felt this could
be accomplished.
Commiss+oncr King stated he felt it was wise to take care of the front of the property
first since the c~mplaints have becn fram thc pcople traveling the freewa~.
Commissioner .lohnson expressed his feelings; that he had studied this request and had
been ane of the main rratestors since its inception; thac h~ felt Mr. Farano had done
an admirable joh in his presentation and had donc a terrif;c amount of homework; that
he had come in with the background and knew the riqht things to say and knew this was
a hard case; that he fe{t this situation falls into th~ Same category as the solar panels,
the generator down at San Onofre, etc. and by the exped~ency of our times,the purpose
and i~tent of the project is necessary, we~ need recycling plants, but he felt it would
have to bP in an eniirely different approach than the traditiona) trash yard collection.
He further s[ated he did nat know what approach shauld be taken butthese sites should
either be buried so they can be landscaped and hidden from view or will have to be done
inside a building. He stated he did not feel he could vote for a trash accumulation
plant on the gateway to our City; tha[ even though there was nobody protesting the
request in person, this is not :he type ef Zhing individuals pro[es[, but is the cype
of thing a citizen driving down the freeo+ay sees and becomes o~traged and he will writ~
a letter; that this is what has happened here and there has been a lot of controversy
and felt the Commission must respand to that action from the public.
ACTION: Commissioner Li~^ of`ered a motion, seconded by Commissioner David and MOTION
CARRIED (Commissioners Barnes and Tolar being absent) that the Anaheim City Planning
Commission hereby finds that Environmental Impact Report No. 202 for the proposed
resource recycling center south of Frontera Street, east of Newkirk Road, having been
considered this date by the Anaheim City Planning Comrtiission and evidence, both written
and oral, having bzen presented to supplement sa~d draf~ EIR N0. 202, finds that potential
individual and cumulative adverse environmental impacts associated with the proJect have
been reduced to significant levels by appropriate mitigation measures as follows: a)
the adverse visual impact of the autdoor stnrage of machinery and scrap materials will
be mitigated by fencing and landscaping; and b) the noise andf~mes associated with pro-
ject-generated truck traffic will be mitigated by the site location which is situated
where it is accessible to meJor highways, yet isolated from residential and commercial
properties. Therefore~ based upon such infvrmation, the Anaheim City Pla~ning Commissian
8-29-77 77-55~
MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY P~ANNING COMM15510N, August 19, 1!j]'7 77•551
EIR N0. 202, RECLASSI~ICATION N0. 76-77-49 a CUP N0. 1703 (continued)
does hereby cr.rtify Environmenta) Impact Report No. 202~ including the currect.io+is
made by the Traffic Engineer and petitioner concerning traffic, is in compliance
with the California Environmental Quality Act.
Cnrrxnissioner Linn offered Resolutian No. P~77-I84 and ~-x~vc~d for its passac~e and adoption,
that the Anaheim City Planning Commissi~~n does hereby c~rant Petitian for Condltional
Use Permit N~, 1703, iri part~ granting waiver (a) In part~ allowing the existing truck
scale and proposed truck ~cale instrum~~ntation structure to Nncr~~ach into the ultimate
public right-of-way along Newkirk Rt~ad on the basis that Newkirk Road is a short street
ter-ninating at the S~nta Ana River levre and prnviding th~t an crcroa~hment permit
is obtained; and aenying the requested minimum front setback on Frontera Strect to allow
a Ghainlink fence and earthen berm ,otaling I'L feet in height and a proposed building
within the :~~foot sctLe~k ~rc;a ur~ lhe basis that this would be setting an undesirable
precedent alony Frontera Street, a frontage road alonq ttie Riverside Freeway; and
c~rariliny waiver(b), subject to th~~ petitioner's stipulation t~ provide a four (4) foat
high landscaped eartlien berm~ with an eight (A) foot high woud-slatc~d chainlink fence
with trees or other plant rnaterials of sufFicient height to effectively screen the
outdoor use planted outside the fence and that the landscape plan shall be submitted
to and approved by the Planning Corrmissinn; and furthcrnx~re, that. said berrn and
landscapin~ shall be completed within y0 days of the date hereof, and subjecC to
Interdepa~tmental Commi[tee Recommendations.
On roll call~ [he foregaing re5olucion wa5 passed by the followinq vc~te:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Linn, ~'~avid, lierbst G King
Chairman Pro Tempore stated he fel[ ti~is Site woul~ bc as acceptable as any site in
Anaheim fur a reclamation center since it abuts a river, and abuts a freeway from which
ii can be screened; and this pr~perty is a dump site which lias heen filled and could not
be u[ilized for much othr_r than this; and that the location will mitigate the traffic
impsct due [o its proximity to tF~e freeway on-ramp.
Cornnissioner David felt the soci~l im~act should be considerPd; that the possible
employment of 250 unskilled laborers, possibly 250 heads of families could be workin9
at such a place rather than beiny added to the welfare rolls.
EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION 106 N. Claudina Street ~305, Anaheim CA 92805• A9ent:
VARIANCE Nd. 2 5 INCO"1E PROPERTY SERVICES, 1095 N. Main Street, Orange CA
92667. Subject proper[y is an irregularly-shaped parGel
of land consisting of approximately 5.3 acres located north and west of the +nte~~ection
of Crescent Avenue and Loara Street~ having approximate Frontages of 475 feet on the
north side of C~escent Avenue and 250 fee~ on tl~e west side nf L~ara Street. Requested
waiver of minimum floor area to cansider revised plans for a 150-unit apartment complex.
There was one person ~ppcaring in opposition and although the staff report to the
Planning Commission dated Augusi 29~ 1917, was not read at the public hearing. it is
referred to :,nd made a part nf the minutes.
Dick Broadway~ Income Property Services, 1095 N• Main Ste. D.~ Orange, stated the
revised plans are reviaions of plans approved approximately three years ago. He
noYed these plans show the traffic circulation problems solved with a complete loop.
8-29-17 77-551
Chairman Pro Tempore Nerbst clarifi~d that. there are no exits or entrances on
lnara an~ Mr. Broadway replied the emergency access onto loara had been eliminated.
f'atricia Bailey, 801 N. Laa~~~ indicated she lived in ~n apartment compl~x Jus~ north
of the flaod cont~al channel and stated she was concerned about the increased traffic
flow on f,rescPnt and pcrhaps Loara. She was concerned there would be insuffitient
parking provided and felt the addition of more vehicles to an oversaturated traffic
and parking problem is disturbing; and that all the traffic g~~inq onco Crescent is bad.
She referred to the buses to and from tl~e An~heirn Plaza, th~ present post. office exlt
adjacent to the F~roposed apartment site; the safcty of the schr,ol children and the
handicapped in th~: area; tfie traffic situatioii at the Security Bank and B~nk of
Chairmar~ Pro 1'empore Herbst explained this hearinr~ i~, f~r th~ {~rim<~ry purpuse of con-
sidering 150 units inste~~d c~f 130 units on this ~~ite. N~ asked Mr. Singer if he
had anything to add to the traffic situatio~ and to explain the conmon driveway for
the post of~ice and [his project existing onto Crescent.
Paul Singer, Traffic Cngineer, re~lied there is a cUmnqn driveway which exits onto
Crescent and he faresees no prnbl!~m; that it is far bette~r to have the main exit at
that location rather than have i~ on Nortf~ S[reet across frorn the school.
Conxnissioner I_inn stated the ariginal plans c:alled for 26 bachel~r units and the revised
plans increase that [0 36 unir.s, which increasc. thN density from 26 to 32 units per
acre; the recreation area is reduced from 520 sq. ft. per unic to 275 sq. ft. per uni[.
He fel[ the developer was overbuildin9 the site. Ne referred to a recr~nt fire in the
area where three ct~ildren were burned to deaih and felt anartments were allowe~i with
inadequate facilities which could have been a con!ributing factor.
Mr. Broadway indicated the original approved plans proposed 417 sq. ft. bachelor ~nit5,
and this plan shows 504 sq.ft. per unit which is an increase and that the property
will taKe 36 units and only 32 are proposed.
Dave Stone, also with Income; Property Services~ stated that conr~ercial use would increase
traffic more than residential; that these units were designed for the market in the
downCown area where units are smallerand this is the type of tenant who walks and often
d~es not own a vehicle. He indicated the project would be densely landscaped and would
provide many on-site recreatianal facilities.
Commissioner Johnson was concerned about visitor parking and felt there would be
insufficien[ parking.
Mr. Scone repl~ed that as important as the numbe~ of spaces ~rovided is how they are
used and ir is the responsibility of management to see spaces designated for visitors
are utilized by visitnrs. iie indicated studies show the nur~ber of spaces provided
will be sufficient. He statc~d this project wil) be a weil-maintained apartment complex
and will be desi~able and will provide pcople with a modPrate cost living unit.
Commissioner David indicated he was having ~~~ riculty finding a hardship.
8-z9-77 77-552
ChairmAn Pro Tempore Nerbst explaincd it has bt•rn LnmmiS~icm policy to allow up to 25'x
bachel~r apartnx~nts af 425 sy. tt. or mare.
(rank L~wry, Asst. City Att~rney, stated hc rcalir.ed it h,is b~cn Planninq Commission
policy in the patit tu allc,w hc~e b~+~.l~rlur unil5. but s(r~ce thi5 is fr~r ~~ v~riante,
o hardshin is rec~ui red.
Commist,io~~er Johnson felt Since this has been allowed in athPr inStdnC~S~ a hardship
has be~n created c~n the applicar~t by demandiny of' him Sonx±thiny we did n~t r~qulrr cif
Mr. lowry replicd w~ may have huilt c.~ur own hardship into the Code; howevcr~ the property
i~ irrF•~ularly-sh~rPd ~n~t dc~~~, c~u;~~ ti~~me pr~tlems.
Corrr~i5sion~r Linn a-~kcci if othcr v~ri~~ncr.~~ c~f' thi, type~ havr hec~n allowe~ Sinc~ ,.~anuary
of this yr_ar and Chairman Pro Tempore Hcrbst r~plied hc~ lhnuqht there have b~Pn some.
Commissioner Linn stated he still could n~t find ~~ hardship.
ACTiON: COmm155iqner U~Vid offered a n~tion~ seronded by Gona~~i~,sioncr King .~n~ MOTION
~ CARRIFD,(Conunissioners Barnes and Tol~r beinq absf•nt) tha[ Anahcim C~ty Planning
Conx~~ission has reviE~wed thp subject rr~ject cnn5i•;ting af a 15U-unit ~~~art~»ent complex with
w,~iver of minimum floor area on approximately ~.3 acres located north and west of the
intersection of Crescent Avenue and Loara Strect, h~~viny approximater frcmta9es of 475 feet
on the north side af Crescent Avenue and 2~0 f~~et on the west side of Laara Strcet, and
d~es hereby approve a Negative Declaratian from the rerui~•ement to prepar~ an en~~ironmen[al
impact report f~r the subject property on che basis !hat ther~~ woul~l be no siy~ificant
individual or cumulative ,~dverse envir~nmen[al i~ipact due~ t~ the approval of tl+is N~gative
Declaration since the Anaheim General ~lan det.ignates tl~e subje. property for yeneral
cornmercial land uses conunensurat~ with the prop~sal; tha[ no sensitive rr~vironn~ental elements
are involved in the propc~sal; and the Initial Study 5ubmitted by the appiicant indicatas
no significant individual or cumulativa advc~rse environmental impactc; that the Ne9ative
Decl.,~ration substantiatiny the foregoing findinys is on file~ in the office of the Planning
Commissioner Oavid offerec' Rnsolu[ion No. PC)7-185 and rnovrd for its passaye and adoption~
[hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby 9rant Petition for Variance Na. 2665
on the basis that the pecitioner demonstrated [hat a hardship exists in [hat subJect prc~perty
is surrounded by commercial dev~lopment and that waivers for similarly-size bachelor-type
units have been previ~usly approved in similar areas in Anahcim to prc~vide maderately-
priced liousing with easy access to cc,nxr,ercial and c~ther services. and subject to Inter-
departmental Conmittee Retommendaticns.
Or roll ca~l, the foreqoing resolutio~ was passeci by the following vote;
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: David, Herbst, Johnson~ King
Commissioner Linn indicated his negative vote reflected his feeling that the density was
too high and the traffic problem which already exists wo~ald be inGreased.
Commissioner Kiny stated the only way to stop traffic increases in Anaheim would be to
s[~p the growth.
Commissioner Johnson stated he agreed with Commissioner David's idea r~garding moderately-
priced housing which is needed. Concerning traffic, he felt the time to make the decision
b-29-77 77-553
was before the last project in the are~ i5 to be built ~~nd nat deprive the last individua)
af h(s r(ghts on that pr~perty.
RECLASSIFICATION NQ. 77-78-3 Subject property is a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land
VARIANCE N0. 2 5) cunsistiny c,f ,~pproximaicly 0.5 acre, having a fr~n[age of
approximately 13~ feet on the souih side of La P~Irna Avenue,
being located approximatcly 13?.Q feet east of the centerline of Euclid Street. and further
described as 1334 West La Prlrna Avenuc. Property presently classificd RS-7200(Residential,
Single-Fam(ly) Zone.
P,EQUESTED CLIISSIFICA?ION : RM-I?QQ{Rc:identi~~l, Multiple-Fi~~ily) Zone,
REQUESTED WAIVERS: Minimum '~uildinq site area, m~xirnum builJiny heic~lil, minimum ~,ide yard,
minimum distancc bctween buildinqs.
Therewere four pcoplc in~licat.iny thr.ir pr~ticnce in c~~~po~it ~un to this rc~que5t and
elthoughthe staff r~E>ort tc~ the Plerning Conmission dated Auyust 29, 1977, wa5 not read
at the public heariny, it is referred to .~nd rnadc a part of the minute5.
Stanley L. RUSen, owner of the pr~perty, related the hi~rr~ry of the parcel; that it
was purchased in 1965 and containpd an old structurt~ I~cated in the middle of the parcP~;
t.he prc~perty has become an eye sore ar~ due t~~ the dangerous situatien and appearance
of the structure~ it was ~ecided i[ sho~ld be derTM~lished; that this is a larc~e parcel
dnd does have singlc family charac[criscics ~ince it is located nert to single famiiy
residential devela~~ment; that the area is chanying; thcre i~, an Assistan~e League struc[ure
acro5s the street ~7nd a nursery to thc west; that the pr~perty does not lend itself tu
development of a p rof'~s~~ionai-medical building since a larc~e medi~al buildiny was con-
structed adjacent to Anaheii7i Memor•ial H~spit~l; eior ta a board and care facility. since
a sirnilar facility was con5tructed on the corner of Narbor and La Palma; and that there
is a need ror a smal~er compl~x of inulti•`amily residential unfts.
Mr. Ro~en referred [o the staff report and indicated he felt there had been some math-
matical errors; that tt-e area +nvolved is 21,3~2 sq. ft., just slightly under 1/2 acre
which is 21,780 sq. ft.; that the staff report indicated tliere are 927 sq. ft. proposed
for the minirrum building Slt~_' area but the minimurt~ is 1,188 sq. ft. and the minimum
requireci is 1200 sq. ft.; tha[ the number af units per acre is 36.6 proposed, not 45,
and 36 required. He statedthere are a lo[ of variances being reques[ed.
Chairman Pro 7empore Herbst asked Mr. Rosen to please explain tho variances requested
as there are chings being requested which the Corm~is~ion has never granted.
Mr. Rose~~ replied he had explained the r~quest for waiver of minimum builCing site area
with the mathematical error; that the waiver reyuested for the maxir^um building height~
I-story maximum with 3-stories proposed~ was because the structure that was on the prop~rty
was approximately 2-1/2 stories in height and if a single family residence was proposed
with two stories that there probably would be no objection and the three stories proposed
is to ;~rovide the most desirable~ attractive type of apartment house and to utilize the
property to provide the largest amount of recreational area possible.
Chairman Pro Te-~~pore asked Mr. Rosen if he had been made aware of the requirement that
a two-story unit w~uld have to be ~50 feet away from single- family residences.
Mr. Rosen replied that he was awa~e o` this requirement and he is aware tha[ La Palma is
8-29-77 71-554
t ~ rc N~~AT I VE DECLAFAT I Ot~ ~ RCCLII~S f F! CIIT I ON Nn 7]-7A-'i F VAR I ANCc NO , z957 ~ c~n t i nued)
s heav(ly-traveled straet and t.here is a nursery on one side and that hc had discussed
the mein concerns of some of tlie nelghbors on the east and their meln concern s Nemed
to be the type and he(ght of t`~e wall t~ scr~en the property; that there is n-~ way
this parcel can be develaped single-family residentlal because of the danyero u s,ituation
of La Palmt~ and a variance is being req~iested to try and accumplish somethinq othe~ than
single-famlly residencial. Ne pointed out that La Palma is beinr~ devcloUed wit h u~Ps
ather than single°family, as approved by the Planning Commission,
ConCerning the rninimum side yard waiver requested, Mr. Rosen stated thc~ one pa rt of the
structure involvcd with the side yard exception relatcs to the east side abutting the
residence~; that they could t~ave taken th~ 2Q-f~ot driveway and placed it on the east
side creating noi~e, congc~stion and vehicular traffic with fumes, etc, adjace nt to the
residences~ but their chaice was lu ~,ul ti~i garden; or patio area~ •atiutt in~ the re-
s~dential properties; that discussions with the n~iyhbors ind~cated they would prefer
that as lony as thcre is ~ high wall t.o s~parate the lw~ areay.
Conc~rning the minimum dist~~nce between buildings, he noted the courtyard dis t ance
is 2Q teet. He stated he has tried co design an attractive unit devclopment a nd would
rcquest the waiver for minimum distance betwecn buildi~gs as well.
Jean Koehler, 1063 N. Nermc~sa Drive, presented a petition dated July 22, 1977 , conta(n(ng
16 signatures. opposing the projett as follows: "I am ayainst the constructio n of an 18-
unit apartmen[ c~mplex to be built ~n la Palma Ave., appraximately 132Q feec e ast~ of
Euclid Street. Variance N2951~ owned by: Myron b Kayle Simon and Stanley Ras en.
Ms. Kaehler stated she was o;~posed to this pr~~~ :cause she fclt the thre e-story unit
would bc ~n inv~sion of her privacy with the apar[~~.ents lookinq into h~r• bac k yard and
that aven a 10-foot high fence wauld nut hetp that situation; and tha[ she wa s concerned
abo~%t the traffic ~nd parking problems, feeling visitors t~ the complex would be pdrking
an Her~r~osa.
Darrell Amer•d, 1414 Glen Drive, noted tf~at on July 19~ 1977, the Anahein, City Council,
by a 5-0 vote~ had denied a request to rezone the property west of the subje ct property,
next to the mortuary on La Palrr.a, with 3 Councilmer.~ber, feel ing the density of the praposed
developmei~t~ with 1?.4 units on 5 acres, was far too dense; that Councilmembe ~ Seymour
was concerned that if more h~gh density dPV~lopments are approved in this ar ea, we will
soor~ see unpainted homes and unkept grass. Mr. Ame~d stated a petition contai~ing 240
signatu~es had been presented to the City Council and that a pet;tion for the same number
could be present~d against this development if neede~f, as the same people ar e still
c-pposed; that it is the desire to keep the area a well-kept, single-family r esidential
Mr. Amend asked when consideration af a previ~usly apprcved it~m (Item No.?) would be
before the CitY Council and Frank I.owry. Asst. City Attorney, aointed ~ut th al actiors
by the Planning Cornnission are final unless appealed and this item ~uld go to the Ccuncil
under the Consenr Cal~ndar in approximately 22 days.
Eleanor 6ay, 2i4E W. Gr~yson, stated she traveled La Palma frequently and h:~s lool:ed at
the .5 of an acre subject parcel. that there is a nursery school which is two stories,
but the addition is one story; that there is nothing else cornmerci~.l until y ou get to
Anaheirn Memorial Hospital to the east or down to Nlpha Beta on the weSt. S he felt this
proposal for• 3E units to the acre is far too dense.
8-29-77 77-555
Bob McGowan~ 1059 Hermosa, voi ced his concern regarding his liability bec.ause of the
swimrt-ing pool on his propert~. afraid of children cominyo uver the fence.
Mr. Rosen stated the concerns of the people regarding an invasi~n of theii~ privacy we~e
serious, but felt the idea of the homes in the area becoming unkept or that therp are
too many units on the parcel wer~ un(air. He stated he would 1 ike Co request time to
sit d~wn wilf, his arch(tect arsd desiqn a two-sto~'y u~~'t ind resubmit that to the PI»nning
Chairman Pro Tempore Nerbst st,ited he. felt it was wise to redesign the project, but
wanted Mr.Rosen to know that F~e w~uld not vate far anytning over a one-story unit.
Ne stat~d [he Commission does not al law multl-(ami ly uni ts abutting sinyle-fami ly residentlal
develapment within 150 fect. tc~ Ur nx;re than onc-;:ory. HP st~ted he has been on the
Conxnission 13 y~~rs and it has h~en ~i hard and fast rule; that these peoplc's homes arc
[heir cas[les ond in his opin ion, he would nnt a1 luw an encro~chment of this ty~e on
those re~idents. Ne stated Mr, R~sen has ignored c~very condition of the rrulti-family
zone and has pravided no prot~ct ion far those s i~gle-farni 1 y homes. He stated the
prop~~rcy is zoned RS-7200 and tf~erQ is no rc~ascm why twa humes cannot. be built th~ere.
Frank Lowry, Nsst. City Attorney, sugyested the Commission take ac.tion on the request
for withdrawal or a continuance in orcle~ [hat •any subsequent application r_ould n~t be
possibly pre-judged.
Mr. Rosen stated he would appreciate heariny other Commissioner's views in order to aid
him with the redesign of the projett.
Gha i rman P ro Tempore lie rbs t~sked Mr . Rasen hnw rt~uch o f a c~~n t i nuance wou 1 d be requ i red ,
and Mr. Rasen repl ied that he w~uld need six weeks.
Curr~~~issioner King pointed out the Sanitation Department h~s nc' been satisfied with the
present plar~ and Mr. Rosen staled this has been amended, that there is a hammerhead
located at the rear of property which will ta~ce care of the problem. He also stated
it is difficult to mect technical compliance with City requir~ement~ and desires of tr,e
~TlON: CommiSSioner King offered a moti~~n, seconded by Commissioner David, and MOTION
CARRIED (Commissioners BarneS and Tolar being absent) tt~at consideration of the afore-
mentioned item be continued to the regular meet~ng of the Plan~ing Commission on October
10, 1971~ and that lhe prope rtv owne.rs be re-not ified of the continued hearing and that
cost of said renotiFication be borne by thP pet i tioner.
EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION 3~~ Anaheim H~ 1 ls Road, Anaheim~ CA 92807. Subject
RELLASSIFICATION N0. 77-78-5 property is an irregularly-shaped parcel of land con-
sisting af app~uximately 1.6 acres having a frontage
of approximately 1100 feet on the north side of Canyon Rim Road, a maximum depth of 520
feet and being located approximately 3070 feet west of the centerli~e of Serrano Avenue.
Request is for reclassification of sub}ect property from RS-A-43~000(SC) Zone to RM-1200
(SC)(Resident~al, Multiple- Family) Zone.
The re was no one i nd i cat i ng the i r p resence i n oppos i t i on to ch i s reques t and a 1 t haugh
the staff report to the Planning Commission dated August 29, 1917~ was not read at the
public hearing, it is refer~ed to and made a pa~t of the minutes.
g-29-77 77-556
EIR NEGi+TIb'C OCCIARAT101~ .ZtlO RCCL/1JJIFlC~~TIOM Nn, 7J_7R~5 Irnntini~P~11
Frank Lowry, Asst. City Attorney, expla(ned that Tentative Tract N~. 9933 in conJunction
with Variance No. 2956 (waiver of required front and side yard setback) to es[abl lsh
a 24-unit 25-int RM-40Q0(SC) condominimum development~ was approved by the Planning
Conxriissivn on July 18, 1971, w(thout the underlying zone.
ACTION: C ortmissioner David offered a motion~ secondrd by Gc?mmissioner Linn and MOTIQN
CARRIED (Lommissioners Ba r~es b Tolar b~ing absent and Commissioner Johnson voting no)
that the Anaheim City Planninq Conxnissfon has revir.wed thc suhject proposal to reclassify
the property fiom RS-A-43,000(Residential/A9ricultural)(Scenic Ca~ridor) Zone to RM-1200(Sf)
(Residc~ritial, Multiple-Fa mily)(Scenic Corridor) zone on approximately 7.6 acrc~s having a
fruntage of approximatel•y I100 feet ~~n th~ north side of Canyon aim R~ad, a ~r~aximum depth
of 520 f eet and being located approximatcly 3070 (ee.t west of thc centerline af Serrano
Avenue, and does hereby ~pprove a Neyative Declaration from the requirement to prepare
an envirqnmental impact report un the l~~yi~. that there would be no siynificant indivi~l~i~l
or cumulative adverse ~nvir~nmental impacl due to the approval of this Neyative Declaration
since the Anaheim General Plan designates the sub.ject property f~r~ luw-denyity residential
land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental elements are
involve d in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petiti~ne~ indicates
no signiFicant individual or cumula[ive adverse environmental impacts; ~nd that the
Neyative Declaratior~ ~;ubstantiating the foregoing findings is on file in ehe office of
the Planning Department.
Commissioner David offere d Resolution N~. PC77-186 and movcd for its passage and adoption
that the Anaheim City Pl~~nning Commission does hereby grant Petition for RPclassification
No. 77-7$-S, subject to Interdepartr~ental Committee Recommendations.
On roll call, the foreaoing resolution was passed by the followinc~ vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: David, Herbst, Linn b Kiny
ABSENT: COMMISSi0NER5: Barnes b Talar
RECESS: There wac a 10-~~~nute recess called for at 3;15 p•~n•
RECONVE NED: The meeting was recanvened at 3:25 p•m., with all f.omrnissioners except
Barnes and 7olar,being present.
ITEM N0. 7 PUBLIC HEARING. Qwner: HELEN K. DE WARS, 11191 Wakefield
RECLASSIFICATON N0. 71-7 -~5 12434 Br~ckhurs[ SCreet. Garden Grove~ CA 92640. Subject
VARIANCE N0. 295 property is an irregularly-shaped parcel ~f land con-
sisting of approximately 1.0 acre, having a frontage of
30 feet on the nort.h side of Lincoln Avenue, having a maximum depth of approximately 290
feet, being located approximaLely 272 feet west of the centerline of Maqnolia Avenue,
and further described as 2611 West Lincoln Avenue.
There was no one indicating their presence ir~ opposition to this request and although
the staff report to the Pl~nning Commissio;i dated August 29~ 1977, was not read at the
public hearing, it is referred to and made a part of tlie minutes.
Kenneth M. Ter Borch, 2647 W, iJoodland Drive, Anaheim, agent, ~tated he had read the
staff report and had nvthing further [o add.
8-z9-71 71-557
MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM15510N, August 29~ 1977 77-5~8
EIP, NE~.ATIVF. DECI_AqATInN, R~CIASS, 77-78-15 6 VARIANCE N0. 2958, (concinued)
Commissioner Linn asked thc petitioner if h~~ was anticipating any problem~ with the
Dairy concerning the 30~faot easemc;nt.
Mr, Ter Borch replied that the 30-foot easerr~nt will be removed~ concreted and lined,
making a definite separation between the dairy and Color• Tile.
ACTION: Commissioner King offered a motion, scr_onded by Conm~issiuner l.inn and MOTION CARRIED
~ Commissioners 8arnes and Tolar beirig absent) that the Anaheim City Planninq Commission
has reviewec~ the subject propos~l to recias~slfy the property frorn CG(Commercia~~ General)
to RM-1200 (Rrsidential, Multiple-Family) wit~i waiver of buildiny site width to construct
a 20-unit apartrnent complex on approximately ~.0 acre, having a frontage of 30 feet on
the north s(de of I.incoln AvenuP~ being located approximately 272 feec west ~!' the center-
line of Magnolia Avenue, ~3nd does hereby appr~~ve the Negar.ive Declarat?cr, trom ;he require-
mcnt to prepare an envirnn~,~entnl im~,a~t rp~~rt ~n the basis th<~t. ther~e would be no signi-
ficant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this
Neyative Declaralion since [he Anahcim General Plan desiqnates the subject properfy for
medium-density residential land usc~s comm~nsurate witf~ the pr~posal; that no sensitive
environmen[a) impacts arr_ involved in the pro~~osal; that thc Initial Scudy submitted by
the petitianer indicates no significant individua) or cumulative adverse envirc~nniental
impacts; and that the N~gative Declaration substantiating the foreyoing tindinys is
on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Departir~cnt.
Commissioner Kiny uffered Resolution Nv. PC77-la7 and moved for its passage and adoption
that the Anaheim City Planning Corrrnission does hereby grant Petit~on for Reclassification
No. 77-78-15,subject to Interdepartmental Committee Recommendations.
On roll call~ the foregoing re;olution was passed by che following vote:
David, Herbst, Johnson b Linn
b Tolar
Commissioner King offered Resolution N0. PC77-188 and nx~ved for its passage and aduptian
that the Anaheim City Planning Comrnission does hereby qrant ~'etition for Variance No.
2958, on the basis that the iubject property is an existing legal parce' of retord and
that the existing 30-foot wide lot width will be utilized for access purposes only ond no
residential development will occur withir, that area.
On roll cail, the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Kinq~ David, Herbst, Johnson E Linn
EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION 3901 Myrtle Ave~ue, Long Beach, CA 90807. Agent:
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1739 R b R INVESTMENTS~ 316 Main Street, Huntington Beach,
CA g2648. Subject property is a rectang+~larly-shaped
p ` land ronsisting of approximately 2.3 acres, having a frontage of approximately
IE ~n lhe west side of Blue Gum Street, and be~ng lacated approximately 330 feet
sout ~~ the centerline of Miralama Avenue. Request is for approval of a conditional
use permit to permit a skateboard park.
There was no one indicat.ng their presence in opposition tv this request and although
the staff report to the Planning Commission dated August 29, 19?7, was not read at the
$-29-77 77-558
pubilc hearing~ it is refcrred to and made a p~rt of the minutPS.
J. J. Tashiro~ Asst. Planner, read letters frorn the fotlowing: R,.~bert L. Benner,
Benner Sheet Metal~ Inc., 2811 Easl La Cresta, Anaheim, dated August 22, 1977;
Anaheim Chamber of CommPrtp, signed ~y Ge~rqe Giese~ Chairman of Industriai Cummittee
and A. E. "Rrd" Patterson, President, dated August 26, 1977; and Anaheim Industrial, L[d.,
by Occidental Land Retiearch, G~neral Partner, signed by John H. Decker, dated August
26, 1917• These le[ters are on file in the office c~f the Plannin~ Department.
Robert Bolen, of R b R investments, 316 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA, stated he
had read the statf report and fiad just I~eard thc Ictt~rs read in opposition. He also
stated the pPtitioner is pursuing a proJect using the same guidnlinc~s prEViously used
by the City aF A~aheim for recreationa) developments requiriny a conditional use permit.
Mr. Bolen stated the proposed site is near tht+ intersection of two freeways and is on
the fringes of an industrial zone; th,ac this inrersection could use a traffic signal
whether the skatehoard fa~ility yoes in or not. Ne referred to a study done by the
Huntington Beach Pplice Department regarding skateboard parks and it was his understanding
this study hasshown skateboard parks h~ve a positive affect on the neiyhbarhoods, with
no lo~tering or unnecessary problems.
Chairman Pro Tempore Herbst stated he did not feel this parcicular use is compatible with
the industria) dev~loprnent in thc area; that ~ndustrial property is maving out of Anaheim;
that other a~eas would allow a skaceboard park, but felt it would be a det~iment to this
area; that it is quite a distance from any residential areas and that the uther successful
facility in Anaheim is adjacent to a re.sidential are~ and not an induscrial area; and that
he is opposed to any use that is not compatible to the industrial development.
Mr. Bolen pointed out [he miniature golf course surrounded by a~ industrial area.
Chairman Pro 7empore Herbst replied that he had voted against that project for the same
reasans and that facility has caused some problems with signs~ etc.
Commissioner linn stated he agreed with Chairman Pro Ter~pore Herl~st [hat this is not
the place for e skateboard park; that he would prefer to see a f~cility such as the
miniature golf course developed next to some other similar recreational facility such
as a golf course or driving range that would tie in.
Chairman Pro Tempore Nerbst pointed out one of the arguments for allowing the miniature
golf c~urse was that it would be used by the industrial users and he just couldn'; see
a sl~:ateboard facility being used by the commercial users.
Commissioner Kiny point~d out the subject property is =ompletely surrounded by industrial
ACTtON: Ccmmissioner Johnson offered a motion, secor.ded by Commissioner King and MOTION
CARftIED (Com-~issioners 9arnes and Tolar being absent) that the Anaheirn City Planning
Commissian has reviewed the subject proposal for a skateboard park on approximately
2.3 acres, having a frontage of approximately 16~ feet on the west side of Blue Gum
Street and being located approximately 330 feet south of the centerline of Miraloma Avenue,
and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an
8-29-77 77-559
Pnvironment~~l i~ipact re~urt on thc basis thAt ~I1C1'f. would be no significant indlvidual
or cumulatlve adverse environmental impact due to the approval of thls Negative Declaratlon
since the Anaheim General Plan deFignates tfie subject property for general indust°ial
land uses commensurate with the proposal; tl~at no sensitive environmental (mpacts ar~
involved in the proposat; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates
na significnot i~d(vidu~l or cumiil~tive adv~rse environmental impacts; and that the
Negative Decl~ration substantiating the forPyoing findings is on file in the Planning
Canx~iissioner Johnson offered Resolution No. PC77-189 ~~~d moved tc,r it.s passage and adaption
thai the Petition for Conditional Use Permit No. 1739 is d~nied <~n the basis that the
proposed use would be incompatible witl~ the existing ML(!ndustri:-l, Limited) zone.
Or rull call, th~ faregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONEKS: Johnson, David, Herbst, Kiny 6 Linn
Frank Lowry, Asst. City At~orney, presented the pe[ition_r.r with his written right ta appeal
thc Planninc; CoR.~ission's decision within 22 days.
EIR NEGATI'JE DECLARA~ ti34a w. Olympic Blvd., Los Anqeles, CA 90064.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1740 l+gent: NAUGLES, INC.~ 120 N. McPhcrs~n Road~ Orangc~,
CA 92b69• Subject property is an irregularly-shaped
parcel of la~d consisting ~f approxi~•ately 8.7 acres located north and west of the
northwest corner of La Palma Avenue and State Colleye Bouleva~d, and having approximate
frontages of 264 feet on the n~rth sidE of La Palma Avenue and 783 feet on the west
side of StateCollE~ye ~~ulevard. Request is for approval of a conditional u5e permit
to permit a drive-thro~~gh res[aurant with a waiver of n~inimum number of parkiny spaces.
There was no one indicating their presence in opposition to the request and althouyh the
staff report to the Planning Conxnission dated August 29, ~977.was not read at the public
hearing, it is referred to and made a part of the minutes.
Jim Lee, Vice Presiden[ of Nau9les, Inc. stated statistics show that 75~ of the business
is through the drive-thru and because of the proposed drive-Chru less parking is required.
He also referred to the. Traffic ~ngineer's reco~1xnenda~ions that the drive-thr~ugh traffic
be routed from the wCsterly driveway extending ir+to sub.ject proper[y 60 feet or more prior
to turning toward che restaurant to providP a minimum back-up starags for 8 cars. He
stated there are actually two entrances that allow drive access into the site itself,
but even if the westerly driveway happens to be scacked, cars would not Qark in that
lane, but would get into another driveway; that all stacking will be on-site ar~d not
on the street.
Chairman Pro Tempore Herbst referred to Item No. 18 in that the Sanitation Division
indicateb the trash enclosurps are not io Lity specifications and Mr. lee replied that
the petitioner woulci comply with all the necessary requirements For
the trash enclosures
Commissioner Joh,~son asked Mr. Lee to clarify his statements concerning the parking
requirements and Mr. Lee replied that less physical parking spaces are required than
far a sit-down restaurant.
5-29-77 77-560
r~. .
Chafrman Pro Tempore Herbst noted the site itself would have enough parking if it were
not connected with the shopping center.
CammissionerLinn stated the right hand turn really cc~ncerns hin,.
Ch~irman Pro Temporc Hcrbst pointed Qur thcrc will bc a m~dian in the strcet wich
no right turns and Mr. Lr.e replied that he was ~aware of chis.
Mr. Lee stated there is a problem because of the photo st-•uctur~ and if the two traffics
are interJected together, the photo slructure would not be able to be used. Ne stated
that rather than stacking and getting a problem on the yuick right-hand turn~ ~iOfT1C
•~~ the parking could be moved and some of the corner could be reduced making a
different radius.
Chairman Pro Tempare H.~rbst star.ed a prohlern could be created with three cars stacked
upwhi~hw~~ild block the driveway. Mr, l.ee stated he could agrr.e with Chairman Pro Temporc
Herbst if there was one control savint into the drive-thru lane, but there are thr~e
separate ~ccesses comi~,g into that drive lane and this is a different situation.
Chairman Pro Ternpore Herbst stated cars coming fr~m La Palma would have no pl~~:r. to go.
Mr. Lee repl~Pd they could continue on up thP lane, malce a riyht turn, then makc another
right turn and come right back to th~ acc.ess to the drive-~hr~.~, Ch~airman Pro Tempore
~ierbst felt this would not be viable.
Paul Singer•~ Traffic Enyineer, felt every effart should be made not to 5[ack traffic
on La Palma and to reduce the tight "U" turn for riyht turning vehicles. He suggested
movlnq the northly parkinc~ to [he south, forcing cars further onto the property before
entering the drive-thru.
Mr. Lee suygested moviny the two five-foat planters, adding ter~ feet. providiny 20
feet from the property line to the beginning of the drive-[hru lane.
Mr. Singer replied this would solve the proble:~ with the tight right turn, but that
every eff~rt should be rna~ie f~ not stack traffic on La Palma Avenue.
Chairm~n Pro Tempore Herbst agreed with Mr. Sinqer and pointed out this has been a problem
in An~heim with previously approved developments; that La Palma is ane of the heaviest
traveled streets with fast moving traffic and wich tF~e proposed median eASterly traffic
will not be able to enter the property.
Mr. Lee stated his r.ompany has been involved with this type sit~atic~n in other cities,
but felt this is an unusual siruat~on with three accessibilities f.o ihe drive-thru;
th.~t peaple do not like to s~p on the street if they have the ability to do otherwise;
that this plan was ciesigned to provide the m tiimum number of parking spaces; thaC the
request is for less than the required numb~r of spaces and asked if the plans were modi-
Fied~ how many additional spaces could be lost and still have the request granted.
J. J. Tashiro, Asst. Planner, stated 40 spaces are required~ based on the building size.
Chairnian Pro Tempore Herbst ~tated the fommission has approved lesser parking for drive-
thru restaurants many times and asked Mr. Lee how many employees there would be. (Mr.
Lee indicated there wauld be approximate~~ 7 employees).
~Ir. Tashiro indicated that 35b less than Code requirements have been approved in the past.
8-29-77 77-561
Conmiissioner Linn suggested thc petition be granted, subject [o revised circulation
plans~ allowfng the developer some flexibility.
ACTION: Cammissioner David offered a mcition, seconded by Comrnissi~ner King and MOTION
CARRIED (Commissioners darnes and Tolar being absenc) th~t the Anaheim Cicy Plannin9
Conmission has reviewed the subJect proposal for a drive-t'iru r•~staurant with waiver of
minimum numbe~ of parking spar,es on approximately 8,7 acres located north ~ind west of
the northwest corner of La Palma Avenue and State College Boulevard~ and havinq approxi-
matefrontage ~f 264 feet on the north side of La Palma Avenue and 783 feet un the west
side ~f State College Baulevard, and does hereby approve the Negative D~claration from
the requireinent to prepare an environmental impact. report on the basis that there would
bP no significant individual or cumulative adv~rse environmental irnpact due co the
approva) of thi, Negative Declaration since che Anaheim General Pla~ designates the
subject property for general conunercial land uses commensurate with the proposal; that
no sensitive environmenta) lmpacis are involved in the rroposal; that t.he Initial Study
submitted by the petitioner indicates no siyniFicant individual or~ cumulative adverse
environmental impacts; and that the -~ngative Declaration substantiating the ~oregoing
findinc7s is on file in the Planniny Department.
Commissioner David offered Resolution No. PC77-190 and rnoved for its passage and adoption
that tt~e Anaheim City Planninq Comrtiission does hereby gran[ Petition for Conditional Use
Permit No. 1740 and waiver on [he basi5 that similar waivers have been previously qran[ed
for drive-thru restaurancs having sit-Aown facilicies and subject to tt~e petitioner's
stipulation to submit a revis~d interior circulation plan for Plannin9 Cummission review
and approval prior to the issuance of building permits, said plan showing adeq~~ate
back-up space for vehi~les entering the property and lining up at subject drive-thru
restaurant, and subject to I~terdepartmental Cnrnmittee Recommerdations.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the folluwing vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: David, Herbst, Johnson, Kiny fr Linn
EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION 13z0 Ridgeview T'errace, Fullerton, CA g2631. Agents:
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NQ. 1743 RYVERS G. REEDER, 163 E. Liberty, Anaheim, CA 92805 and
TRANS CONTINENTAL, INC,, F. 0. Box 411g, Anaheim, CA
92803. Subject property is an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately
2.6 acres located at the cul-de-sac terminus of White Star Avenue~ having a frontage of
approximately 10 feet on the north side of White Star Avenue and having a maximum deptPi
of approximately 685 feet. Request is to permit a tractor and trailer s[orage facility.
There was one pers~n indicating their presence in opposition to this request.
J. J. Tashiro, Asst. Planner~ presented the staff report to [he Planring Commission
dated August 29, 1977•
Ryvers G. Reeder, 163 E. Liberty, Anaheim, indicated the proposed use is primarily for
a company wf~ich hauls produce and n~~ds an inspection facility which this will be. He
stated he agrees with the staff recommendations.
a-2~-» »-s62
Carl Sator, 9361 Hazel Circle~ Villa Park~ indicated he owns propprty ~n Coronodo and
has two buildings, toteling 50~000 sq. ft. H~ stated he was opposed to another truck
storage facility in the area and referred to past pr~blems with the truck stora~~ yard
across the street (Truck HAVen). He felt this use would b~ devalu~~tln9 t~~ the property.
Mr. Recdcr indicated he also owns property in thc area wich in~ustrl~) huildinga and
agreed wlCh Mr. Sator in some respects. He stated this facility is not tl~e type of
storage facility gcnerally referred to; that [he proposal is to drivc tractors and
trailrrs into th~• building, (nsp~ct the brake°~~ fill the refrigeration eq~ipnient witl~
freon~ chanye a tire, etc., and any rnajor repairs necessary will be r~n~ved to an
appropriate locatian and nc~ mechanical work will ba done on the engines; no service will
be Avai lable to the publ ic; no sale aF diescl fue) , beer c~r (c~od on tF~e prem(,Ps; ar;d
that only inspections anci min~r repairs wiil be done and thie unics dispatched from
this facility. Ne poin[ed out this is a landl~cked parcel, approximately one block
off la Palma~ with ingres5 and egress off the freeway at Kraemer/Glas~,ell to La Palma
~n~1 l.~ P.~+Ima fn Whi te St~r.
Commissi~ner Johnsc~n asked if this type operation -vc,uld be allawed in ~~ny zone without
a conditional use permit and Annika Santalaht~, Asst. Planning Director-Zoning, replied
that heavy Pquipment st~rage would be allowed in the MH(Industrial, Heavy) Zone, but
that there is a restricted amaunt of ~reaqe in that xone just north of downtowr~.
Conrnissioner King was concerned about the vie~~ of this property from the freeway and
from La Palma and suggested a row of trees on the wes[ property line and along White
Star Avenue.
Mr. Reeder replied that the petitioner would stipulate to providing the necessary trees.
Conxnissioner David asked the average turn around tirne for a truck to be 'n the facility
and T~m Stratton of Trans Continental replied the averac;e time is 24 hour•s. Mr. Stratton
explained this user is an interstare Conunerce Commission contract carrier and the
eGuipr!ient is only kept for about tt~ree years.
Chairman Pro Ter~pore HerF~st pointed out the mini-warehouse i~: not su{~posed to be there
without screening. H~e stated he 9oes past this location everyday and that t.he parcel
is very visable but with a row of trees alang the freeway propPrty ar~' acro~s the fro~t
to break the view up so you are not looking at a stark cruck yard~ planted on about 15-
foot centers, it would give the appearance of a well-maincained yard; that storage ya~ds
are necessary somewher~ in the ML zone; that thP parcel is lendlocked to a point and
he felt the use would be compatible.
ACTION: Comn.issioner K(ng offered a motion, secanded by Corm~issioner David and MOTION
CARRIED (Conmissioners Darnes and Tolar bcing absent) that the Anaheim City Planning
Con~niission has reviewed the subject proposal consi,ting of a tra~tor and trailer storage
faciiity on apprcximately 2.6 acres located at the c~l-de•sac terminus of White Star Avenue,
having a frontage of approximately 10 feet on the north side of Wtiite Star Avenue, and
cioes hereby approve a Negative DeclaraCion from the requirement
to prepare an environmenta) impact report for the
subject property on the basis that there would be no significant individual or cumulatlve
adverse enyironmental impact due ta the approval of this Negative Declararion since the
Anaheim General Plan designates the subJect property for general industrial land us~s
' comrt-~nsuratc with the pr~posal; that no sens+tive environmenta) elements are involved
in the propasal; and the Initial ~tudy submitted by xhe petitioner indicates no signifi-
~' cant indivtdual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negativ~
8-29-77 77-563
Declaration substt~ntiating the toregoing findinys is on file in the ofFice of thp
Planning Depa~tment•
Commissioner King offered Resolution No. PC77-191 and moved for it, passa9e and adoption
that the Anaheini Cily Planning Commisslon docs hereby grant Petition f~r C~nditional
Usc Permit No. 1743, sub.ject to the follow(ny stipulations by the petitir~ner: a)that
there will be no mechanical work done on the engines at this facility; b} that the
anticipated hours of operation will be 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., 5 days a week; c) that a
6-foot high woad slatted chainlink fence shafl he provided alang the westerly property
line and along the White Star Avenue frontage, with si~able trees ~lanted on IS-foot
centers to visually buffer the site from the adjacent street and feeways; d) that this
permit is granted specifically f'or this narticular use and this petitioner and may
becnmo_ n~.ill an~1 vni~1 if pPtitioner [erminates the leas~ on [he site~ unless a written
request ~s submltted co and approved by the Planning Cornmission proposing a similar
replacement use and tenant, ~nd subject to Interdep~irtrn~ntal Committee Recomnendations.
On rall call, the for~going resalutiun was passed by the following vote:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: King, David, Herbst, Johnson 6 Linn
ABSENT: Barnes 6 Tolar
Mr. Sator stated that the Coi~unission had placed the same rPCOmmendations on Truck Naven~
that trees be planted and a block wall he put up, but these thinys hav~ not been done.
Ch~irman Pro Tempore Herbst stated this •~ermit will be tied to a particular user and the
final permit won't L~~ g~•anted until conaitions have been fulfilled.
Mr. Sator stated tha~. trees have been planted and then removed, a~~d that slats have
not been put iiito the fence after the variance was granted for wood-slatted chainlink
fence rather than the bluck wall.
Commissioner Johnsor. stated the Commission now has thz authority to review a conditional
use permit and rescind it if the petitianer does not live up to the stipulations.
Chairman Pro Tempore Nerbst asked staff to have the Zoning Enforcement Officer inspect
the property at Truck Haven.
Frank Lowry~ Asst. City Attorney, clarified that the Planning Commission would have the
authority to rescind a conditional use permit after ttie proper public hearing.
ITEM N0. 11
R~nald Smith, Associate Planner, presented the staff report to the Planning Commission
dated August 29, 1977, noting the following:
No. I- North and South sides of Vermont Avenue between Harbor Boulevard and
Lemon St reet .
8-z9-77 77-564
It +~as noted the Planning Commiss(on had inttiated the request for tliis study (nvolving
8.6 acres, three acres on the north side of Verm~nt and 5.6 acres an the south side of
Vermnnt, ~7 individual parcels; and th~t should staff be instructed to conduct a G~neral
Plan Amendment study on the subJect proprrties, various potentlal residential land use
alternatives would be considered and presented at a public hearing for Planning Commission
No. 2- North side of Simmuns Av~nue, east of Ha~ter Street and ~enerally
west of Vern Street.
it was noted that this request to amend the exlsting General Plan from Medlurn-D~nsity
Residential to l.ow-Density Residential has heeri initiated by two property owriers
in the subject area which encompasses 5.55 acrt;s, involviny 9 parcels.
The C~nwni55iun JiSC.usye~ [I~e hearing c~riing up for consideraLios~ of i project on this
pr~perty scheduled f'or• the September 12th meeting a+~d it. ~yas felt this matter shvuld
be continued until that tirne.
No. 3 -Anaheim Nills Area
~t was noted the applicant, AnaheiRi Hills, Inc. has requested an amrndment to the
Santa Ana Canyon General Plan for the 296 acres of vacan[ land south of Nahl Ranch
Ruad, east of Imperial Highway and north of tl~e riJgeline and the 90 acres of vacant
land east of the intersection of Car.yon Rim Road and Seranno. Hn stated the appli-
cant has indicated a desir~ to reduce the potential maximum density shown on the
General Plan and for the inclusion of a conxnercial site and different residential
density categories than the adopted ~lan ~resently designates.
No. 4- Request for Open Space General Plan Element Study and Open Space
Zone or Some Other Similar Rlternative Zone
It was noted the Californi~a State Law (Section b5302e ~~F thP Government Code) requires
the adoption of an Open Space El~ment tc~ [he General Plan by each city; in May 1913,
the City of Anaheim adopted an Open Space and Conservatian Elemen[; on March 8, 1977,
the Santa Ana Canyon Lan~ Use Clement to the General Plan was adopted with over 3500
acres of designat~d "GenEral Open Space" land an~ tl~is Open Space is not now included
in the City's Open Space Element.
ACTION: Commissioner David offered a motion~ seconded by Commissioner King and MOTION
CARRIED (Commissioners Barnes and Tolar being absent and Commissioner Johnson temporarily
out of the Council Chamber)that the Anaheim City Plannirg Commission has determined
General Plan proceedings f~r the areas indicat~d '+n Items 1 and 3 are appropriate at
this time and should be considered at a publi~ hearing set `or October 26, 1977; that
the requc~t for a study propo,al for the Open Space General Plan Element to consider
an Open Space Zone or some ~•her appr~priate alter•native land use zone shnuld be considered
at a public hearing set for Octobe~ 26~ 1977; and that thc area described as the north
side of Simmons Avenue east of Haster Street and gener~lly west of Verr Street (Item No.
2) should be continued to the regularly schedulpd meeting of SPptember 12, 19'7.
Commissioner King asked staff the cost of processing these General Plan Amendment requests
and it way reported that no fee is charged fQr this at the present time.
ACTION: Commissioner King affered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Linn and MOTION CARRIED
Conrnissioner Barnes and Tolar being absent and Commissioner Johnson temp~rarily out cf
the Council Chamber~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby direct staff
a-z9-» »-565
ItEF'UkIS b KE(;UMMENUAlIUNS, Item N- ~ENtkAL F'LAN AMENUMtNI hU. 144 (continued)
to determine the cost for processing General Plan Amendrnents initiated by anyone olher
t~~an the Planning Commission ar City staff. This evaluation shall include an ~ppropri-
ate fe~ structure for Planning Cammission consider~t.ic~n.
Itern B- VARInP~CE N0. 2849 - Request for an extension of time.
Th~ staff r~port to the Planning Commission dated Au9ust 29, 1~77, was presented.
It was noted t.he subject property is a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land con-
sisting of approxirriately 0.4 acre located at the northwest corner of La Palma Avenue
and Fountain Way, haviny approximate frontages of 125 feet ~n the north side of
La Palma Avenue and 150 feet on the west side of Fountain Way and further described
as 3445 "C" E. La Palma Avenue. The applicant, Vic Peloquin, requests a one-year
extensian ~~f time for the retail sale af sandwiches in the Ml.(Industrial, Limited)
Z~~ne. V~'lri~~nc~ N~. 2849 w~s gr.~ntFd ~n SP~itAmhrr ?7, 19,76, suhjecr t~ c.~nditions that
therP will be no cooking of fo~d on the premises; chat there will be nc~ sit-down facilities
and no food will be consumed on the premises; and that the hours of operat~on will be be-
tween 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. It was also noted that inspecticin of sub.ject property by
staff indicates conformance with [hese conditions; that no previous extensions of tirne
have been granled; that no complaints have been received about tlie subject usN and that
the variance was granted for a period of one year subjecf tc~ review and consideration
for extension of time upon wri[ten request by [he petitioner.
ACTION: (:ommissioner King offered ~ mat~on, seconded by C~mmissioner Linn and M0710N
CARRIED (Commissioners Barnes and Tolar being absen[ and Comnission Johnson temporar~ly
out of the Council Chamber) tha~ the Anaheim City Planninq Commission does hereby grant
a one-y-~ar extension of time for Uariance No. 2849, to expire September 27, 1978.
Item C- VARIANCE N0. 2847 - Reyuest for Termination.
The staff report to the Planning Cammis5ion da[ed Auqust 29, '977, was p~-esented.
It was noted the subject proper[y is an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting
of approxima[ely I.?. acres, having approximafe frontages of 149 feet on tl-~e ,puih side
of Lincoln Aver~ue, 100 feet on the west sid~ of I.axore Street, and 100 feet on the north
side of E~nbassy Avenue and further described as 2960 W. Lincoln Avenue. The applicant,
Ken Doi~ requests the termination of Variance tJo. 28~~7. This variance to permit 8
"picnic-type" tables in front of an existiny delicatessen/convenience market was granted
for a one-year period by the Planning Commission an September 29, 1976, arid d~~e~ to a
change in tenan[s, the use permitted by the variance is no longer established. There
are no f~~ture plans to re-establish the use.
ACTION: Corrrnissioner Davio ~ffered Resolucion "~o. PC77-192 and rnoved for its passage and
a option that the Anaheim City Planninq COmmiSSiOn do~•~ hereby terminate Variance Na.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vate:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: David, Herbst, Johnson, King b Linn
8-2., i~ i1-566
Item D- TRACT NU. 8560 (Revlsion No. 4) - ~Zequest for approval of s~ecific
floor plans and elevations.
The staff report lo the Planning Commission date*.d Aug~st ?.9, 1977, was ~resentcd.
It was noted lhe subject pro;.erty is ~in irrec~ularly-shaped parc~l of land consi;ting
of approximately 5p acres luc~ted southerly of SAnta Ana Canyon Road, aUpruxirnately
7$00 feet east of ~mpcrial Highway. The applicant requests ~pproval of specific
floor plans and elevations. The tc~nt~~tivc map of Tract 8;~0 con~.isting of 80
RS-f~5-22,000(SC) Singlc-family lots was approvPd bv City Council on October 5, ~316,
and Environmental Impact Report No. 186 for subject tract was certifi ~ by the City
Cauncil on Octobcr 5, 1916, Approval ~~f tiuhj~ct tract included the cc,ndition that in
order to preserv~ the vicw from homes on adjacent parcels to che west of S~an.iE~~c rraperty.
t,~.: petitioner shall submit final spe~cific floor plans and elr.vation~a on Lots 22 through
'[o the City Coun~.il for apprvval.
ACTION: Commissioncr Linn offered a motion, secondcd by Commissic.~ner Cavid and MOTION
CARRIED, (Commissinnsrs Barnes and Toiar bcing absent) that the Anahei~n City Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to th~e City Council of the City ~f Anaheim that the
submitled speciflc floor plans and elevations fc~r Tract N~. 8560 (Revision No. 4)
Lots 22 through 27~ be approved.
The Memorandum to tht~ Planning Commission from thc City Attorney's Oftice dated August 4,
197%~ recommending an amendment t~ Section of the Anaheim Municipa) Code
requirin~ conditiona) use permits for r•oof-n~ounted solar collector panels in the Scenic
Corridor Overl~,y Zone was pr•esenied.
ACT10N: Commissioner King oft~ered a motion, sec•.nnded by Commissioner Linn and MOTION
CARRIED (Commissi~ners Barnes and Tolar being absent) that the Anaheim City Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to :-~e City Council of the City of Anaheim that the
followiny prnposed amendn~ent to Section i~.R4.042.012 of the Anaheim Municipal Code
be ~~nade :
".012 Roof-mounted equipinent including exterior-mounted and ground-mounted
radio and television antennas shall not be permitted, except solar collector
panels and related equipment shall be permitted provided a cnnditional use permit
in accordance with the p~ovisions of Chapter 18.02 hereof is first obtained therefor."
Annika Santalaht.i, Asst. Planning Director-Zoning~ referred to a mern~randum dated
August 26, 1977, suggesting four choices of ineeting date for a werk session to consider
minimum lot width anc! frontage (residential zones)~ maximum structurat height (church
stecples, etc.), structural setback and yard requirements (frorn private streets and
vehicular access easements). and conxnsr~ial business signs.
ACTION: Chairman Pro Tempore f'erbst of`ered a motion, seconded by Cumnissioner David
and MbTIUN CARRIED (Commissioners Barnes and Tolar being abseni) that the scenic
corridor work session be held on October 17, 1y77, at 7:00 p.m.
8-29-77 77-Sb7
MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CIfY PI,ANNING ':ONMiSSION. August 29, 1,'~7 7 77-568
There being no further businwsa~ Canmissioner• Johnson off ered a motion~ seconded by
Commissloner Ca~~fd and MOTION CARRIED (Commissianers 8arn e s and Tolsr being absent)
that the meeting ~e adjourned,
7he m~eting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Edith L. Harris
Anahelm Ci2y Planniny Conmissiu~