Minutes-PC 1978/10/23City Hsl) Anehel~.~~ C~I tfor~-la October 23, 197E REGULAR MEE:TING OF Ttll AIiA11E1M CITY PLANt~~~~G COMMiSSION RCGULAR - Thc reyular meetiny of the Anahetm City Planning Ganmission wa~ called to ME~TING order by Chairrnan Hert~st at 1:30 p.m.~ October 23~ ty7`3~ in the Counci) Chembcr~ o qu~rurn bcing present. PRESENT - CHAIRMAN: Herbst - COMMISSIqNERS: (~arnes~ Busfiorc, Da~,d~ Johnson~ King, Tola~ ALSO PRES ENT - Jack Wh(tc Jay Tttus Paul Singer Rona I ~i Thompsdn Annika SantalahCi Jay Tashiro Robert Y.elley Edi th Ha~ris Ueputy Ctty Attornev Offtce ~ngineer Traffic Engineer Plenniny Uec~ertn~ent Directar As~;:tant Olrector for ~Aninq Associate Planner Associate plann~r Planninn Conmiss~an S~cretary~ PLCpGE UF - The Pledge of Alleg(ance t~ the Flac~ was I~d by Commis~ione~ t~~~~horm. AI.LEGIANCE APPKOVAL OF - Commissioner Tolar offereci a motion~ secondeJ by Cc~mm(ssiur~r Kyng THE M~NUTES and MOTION CARkIEU UIdAtJIMOUSLY, that the min~:tes of :he meet~ny af October 9, 197n, b~ approved as submitted. ITEM N0. 2 CONT{NU~p PUE~LIC Hf:ARING. OWNEP.S; MArsEL J, BAUER ~TT~T~IERTAL IMPAGT Ri~~i;~j N~,. 216 Ar~o UriI1E0 CALIFOR~aIA BAr1K~ ?07 Wilshire Boulevard~ ~ ~ . ~j~~'~ Los Myeles, CA 90051. AGENT; KENT LAN~ fOMPANY, 1?A`:l Sky Park Narth, Irvine~ CA 92714. Petixione~ requests reclassification oF pr~perty descrlbed as en irregularly-shaped parcel ot` land consisting of ~pproximately 37a acres loc.eted south- east and southwest ~f the tntersection of the Rive~side Freeway and Neir Canyon Road, having a frontage of approxtmately G920 feet on Santa Ana Canyon Road~ having a maxtmum depth of approximately 3400 feet, and further described as the 8auer Ranch~ frcxn the County A1 (GENERAL AGRICULTURAL) DIS1'RiCT to the PC (PLA-dNED CUMMUNITY) ZONE. SubJect pPtition was continued from the meeting of June 19~ 197C for revised plans. ACTION: Commissioner Barnes offered a motion~ secanded by Commissioner Johnson and MQTION C RI D UNAWIMOUSLY~ that consideration of the aforementianed item be continu~d to the regularly scheduled meeting of November 2U~ ~97ti, at the request of the petittoner. ~a-844 ~oiz3~~e ~ ~ ~_ _.. .~..~.~,m .,,~m ~"' _ ~ . MINUTFS~ ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNINf, COMMISSION~ OCTOBER 23~ 1~78 7a-84; ITEM N0.~ CONTIIJU~D PUQLIC NEARING. pWNERS: RAYMOND C. ANO t N,AfIV~ DECIARATIQN ESTELLE K. SPEHAR AND MARCIA AMN NALLIGAN~ 913 Pal~ma R OD U R M'NT Pl~ce~ Fullerton~ CA 32~~35. AGCI~T; CARL KARCHEa k' M . 1E;b~i ENTERPRISES, IIdC.~ 12~~ North Harbor Boulevard~ An~heim~ CA 92301. Petttioner requests permission to EXP MIU A DRIVE-TIIR~UGH RESTAURANT WITN WAIVER OF MINIMUM NUMB~It OF PARKING SPACES on property described as an (rregulerly-shdped parcel of land conststtng of epproximately O.g acre located et the nortlieast corner of La P~lma Avenue and Imperia) Highway~ heving approximntc front~ges of 25~ feet an tl~e nnrth slde~ of la P~lme Avenue and 15Q feet an the eest stde ~f Imperial Highway~ and further ~1esc~ibed as ~701 East La Palma Avenue. Propcrty presently classified CL(SC) (LONMERCIAL~ LIMITED-SCENIC CORRIUOR OVERLAY) ZONE. SubJect petition was contlnued from the nKUttngs of July 17 end 31. 191ti ae thA r~quest af thP ~+ptitioncr. ACTION; Corunissianer Tolflr offere.d a mot~on. seconded by Commisstoner K(nc~ and MOTIQN CARRIED UNANIMUUSI.Y~ that Petition far Canclitional Use Perm(t No. 1+,(,h be withdrawn at the request of the {~c;ti ttaner, ITEM N0. 6 N N•t~ ~1L E IMP~C1' RCPORT Np. 2~~ CQNTIt1UCD F'UBLIC 11EARING. DEVELOPER: SANb DOLIAK DEUELOPN~NT Gn. ~ It•~C., iF,371 Heach aoul~va~d ~24U CLASSI N Fp, -~)-^ Nuntington Beach CA 92G47 ~ ~ ENGI ~ . NEER; PANCHAL ~~ - TRACT NQ Io~,~G EfJfINEERING, fFIC., 5?_3 North GA Grand Avenue, Senta An~~ . -~27~1. Pruperty describecJ as en trregularly-shaped parcel of land consist(ng of approxtmaiely 17 acres havin~ a frnntage of appraximately 510 feet nn the north side of Chapman Avenue~ having a rnaximurn denth of approx(mately 327 feet and bcing located approxlmately classlfied CG ~0~ feet east of tf~e (COMMERCIA centerl ir~e of tiarbor poulevard. ~ Property present!y L, GENE.RhL) ZONE. REQUESTEU CLASSIfIC/IT1At~; RM-12~~~) {RESIUENTI~L~ MULTIPLE-f11MILY) ZONC. REQUESTEU VARIANCE: WAIVER OF ({'~} MI~IIMUM FLOOR AREA ANU (B) MINIMUM NUMBER OF P/tRKll~(' SPACES. TEtlT~T ( VE TRACT REJUCST : R~0-LOT ~ 2t+9-UN 1 T, RN- j 200 SUBU I V I S I 4~~ . SubJect ;etition was continued fra» the meeting of Septenbcr 2y~ 1q7ES at the request of the petitioner. ACTION: Comm(ssioner Tolar uffered a R~o[lon~ seconded by Gommissioner David and FSQTION CARR ED~ that Petitions for Reclassificat(on No. )b-79-9 and Variance No. 3~39 and Tentative Map of Tract No. 10-iJG be wf[hdrawn at the requesL of the petitioner. 10/23/78 MINUTE5~ ANAHEtM CITY PLANNING COMM~SSION~ OCTODER 23, 1~78 78-846 ITEM N0. 13 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNEaSt HOWARD D. AND JEAN GARBER IR NEG=l~'FR~ DEGLARATION ANQ HAROLD S. AND ~ETTY H. PROTTAS. 200~ East Ltncoln WAIVEN OF COUE Q tJTS Avenuc~ Anaheim~ CA 92806. AGEN,: TNOMAS C. COCHRAN~ p ~ 838 2325 Sequota Stroec. Anah~im~ CA 92801. Petittoner ""--""' requests perm(sslon to ESTABLISN AN OUTDOOR CONSTRUC- TION YARD WITN MIAIVER OF (A) MAXIMUM FENCE IIEIGHT AN~ (B) MiNIMUM LANDSCAPING on property described as en trregularly-shaped percel of lend consisting of ~pproximatcly 0.3 acre having a frontagc of approximotcly 3h5 fcet an the north slde of Soquoia Avenue~ having a maximum deptf~ of approximately 85 feet~ being located approximately 244 feet s~uch of the centerline of La Palma Avenue~ and further described as 2325 Sequola Avenue. P~operty presently clessif(ed CL (COMMERCIAL~ LIMITED) ZONE. ACTiON: Commissloner King offered a motion~ seconded by C w~M»i~sic,ner Davld and MOT10~1 ~D UNANIMOUSI.Y~ that constderr~tlon of the aforeme~tioned item be conttnued to the meeting of November 6~ 1978~ in order for staff to advertise sn addttlonel watver. ITEM N0. 1 PUBLIC NEARING. bWNERs MAGNQLIA SC11001 DISTRICT~ EIR-NE~GATIVE QECIARATION 2705 West Orange Avenue. Anahetm~ CA 92844. AGENT: CONDIT ON l. USC ERMIT 0. 1897 CITY OF ANANEIM~ c/o Jtm Ruth~ 63Q North An~heim Boulevard, An~heim~ CA q2805. Petttloner requests pe~mission to ESTADLISN A MULTIPLE-PURPOSE FACILITY FOR PARK, RECREATION, AND PROFESSIONAI SPORTS TRl11NING USES on property described as a rectangularly-shapad parcel of land conststtng of approximt~tely 10 acres having a frontage of approximatcly 536 feet on the west side of Ventura Street, hdving a maximum depth of approxlmately 660 fe~t, being located app~oximately 26G Peet north of the centerline of Lincoln Av~nue. and further described es 215 North Ventura Street. Property pr~!sently claaslfied RS-A-43~000 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURNI) ZONE. ;•t~e were 11 persons tndlcating their presence in opposition to subJec; ~Eqwastnot~read a~:i~~ugh the staff report to the Pianning Commission deted Qctober 23• 97 ~t the publtc hea~ing~ it is referred to and mac'~ a pert of the minutes. James Ruth~ M aheim City Parks, Recreatio~ and The Arts Oepartment~ stated this requ~st is being p~esented on behalf of tt~e City af Anaheim to permit the use of subJect property for a training ~Ite and recreational facilit(es for the community; that the City has been in negottatlo~,~ with the Magnolia School Dlstrlct since April i9. 997$ and the School !~istrict has conducted flvs public hesrtngs reg~rdtng this matter; that a survay regerding kn~act was conducted by the Schaol Dlstrict ot the residents in the school dist~tct; that .~~e School Board has unantmously recommended that they enter into negotiatlons with the City to devnlop an agreement to provide a ten-year lea~e wlth a five-year optlon to use the Juliette Low ElemRntary School site ag the P.~,s` training site and a recreatlonal feciltty for seven mc••.':~ out ot the yea~. He stated speciftcally the request tod~y is to utilize the fectllty e~s descrlbed; that cer!ain improvements are to be mede under a laase agreanent which would involve the City of Praheim leasfng this prope~ty from ihe Schooi District and then subleasing it to the Rems: that tt~e Rams have tndicated through the cooperative ag~eement that they would utiliae the facillty approximately five months out of the year for a training site, after which time the fecility~ including the impravementso wouid be avaflable to the community. Mr. Ruth stated nu~nerous concerns over the past three or four months have been expressed by the cltizens; that their department~ the Ctty, and the Rams have all Gooperated in trying to mitiyete these concerns. Ne pointed out the aerial photograph shavs acce~s to the prop~rty from Lincoln Avenup ~~ross an easement granted by the adJoining p roperty 1a/23/78 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSIQN~ OCTOBER 23, 1978 ~8-847 EIR NEGATIVE DECLAtWT10N AND CONDITIONA~ USE PERMIT N0. 1897 (continued) .~..~~- ,-~..-.- owner and the aase~ment el tmtnatee the necnssi ty Por cars to go througl~ tt~e ~•eslefentlal nelghborhood; thet there will be no nlqht lighting ot the f~ctltty; that thn Rams would be utilizing the fecflitles approxtmately ftve days a week t~om 1QtG0 a.m. ~x~ttt ti:00 p.m., after whtch tlme the facillty would be closed; that they would also have thetr adminlstrative offices loceted at the frclltty; and that there would be ~o on-site sale ~f tlckets ao there would be na comnwrcte) uttlizatlon, Mr. Ruth stated the Improvements that are propoaed would be to ~ir-conditton all the bulldings~ make certatn m~difics~ttons to some oP the existing buildings so they can us~ them for admtnlstr+~tive s~rvlc~s~ And ths Rams heve agread~ sub)~ct ta ~p~rc~v~l by the Schooi Board~ to bulld a couple of tennis courts Por the communltY to use an~ posstbly a publlc swlirmin,y pool, if nrcessary. Mr. Ruth stated the School Board sent out a survey to the residents oP that eree which showed overwhelming support~ approximately 69~ of tfie resldents su~veyed who respanded favored leasing this property to the City; that the School Distrtct did cramply with laws4f the Educational God• ~y getting twofair market appraisals; that thc City~ through their lease to the Rams. would ~ay th~t fair market value for the use of the property and recover those costs from the R~ms. Mr. Ruth Indicated that this Is o good utilization of the praperty and that the con~erns of tho communlty have been dealt with; that this has bee~ atred (rr five publ(c meetinqs and those concerns have ~een pursued and have beCn miti~ated in the best l~terest of the communtty. Ne stated certatnly in terms of the Ctty's beneftts~ that we would be abl~ to utilize this school facillty for approxlmately seven rnonths out of the y~ar fnr recreation for the young people in the cammunity and also clct the benefit of the use af the bulldings at that locatton should the community so deslre to use them at niqht. H~e stated t1~e use for the land does cnnform with existing codes; that the Ptanning Departmcnt ~-a5 revicw~sd the tntended use and Is of ttie opinton that it will have no negat(ve tmpact on the: netghbarhood and thc improvernents thak will be developed there will be of heneftt to the enttre community and certainly will preserve this area as open space for communlty usags. Ron Mullen stated he has lived in the area of the Juliette Low School for the last ten years and Is opposed to the Rams organization utiltzing thts facility. He s~tated on s number of occasions he has written tl~e City Mayor and the School Board and other organizatfons~ such as the Rarrts~ who actually want to proceed w(th t'he leasing af thts school facillty; that this sc~ool was placed in the c~mmunity for educational ,urposes of the chtldren in that district an~f there h~ave been other private educationai orqanizatlons who would like to lease this property and malntaln it as an educational facility and who heve actually rt-ade offers to the Magnolia School Dtstrict and have been completely ignored; that the survey that was taken of the community did not really show u~mprehensive acceptence of the R~ms organtzatton leaslnq this property; that this survey had a rery •mal) number respond; ti~at It was slanted in that it affered the commur.ity either the Rams organizatlon or an organization that would bring in the mentally ill, and rnany peop!e ln that nelghborhood were very much opposed to having that school l~ascd to an organtzation that wo~~ld bring in the mentaliy ill~ and tf~is was a misrep~esentation nn thc actual survey. Mr. Huilen presented a petitlon to the Commission which he indic~ted was a survey of the Immediate area which surrounds the Juliette Low facility and included those in ~esidenttal areas and the apartment complexes, and that 112 c~tizens stgned thls petition which says. "As a resident in the vicinity of Juliette Low School, t definitely oppose the Rams' organization using this school propcrty for their executive a~d genera! officea and tratning site. I do not want the Rams in m3r neighborhood." 10/23/78 MItJUTES, ANAHE~M CITY Pl MINING COMNISSION, OCTOBER 23~ ~978 ~8~8~$ EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND f,ONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1897 (continu~d) Ne ststed the community is already surrounded by recre~tfanal facllities. the new An~heim reereation facility ~ear the D~ookhu~st Jr. High School a~d che Savanna Ntgh Sehua) swimming p~ol open to th~ chlldren of the community Just one-half block awey fram where the Rems have prop~sed to put their ~wimning pool; and that they heve a private~ non- proftk orgenlz~tlon which prov(des a private park and swlrtmi~g facilittes for the resldent~ ~n that community. and he did nox feel the City could Justlfy having recraational programs thera ot thp Juliette low fecility. He stated in h;s letter to the Mayor on July 7th he asked specifically for an environmont~) ImpAC.t report; that thero are many conflicting statements which have been mede by che R~ms nrganization~ stating thAt their o~ganlzatlon would be as quiet as a lfbrarye gessionsearenenything butnqui~t,eandFthe~re~ldentsada~not~went1thatnkind f~~r practi envl ronment in thei r comnuni ty. Mr. Mullen stated althougl~ the City has wisely constdered the traffic flow prablem through Che commu~tty, they stlll fee~ there has been nathing concretc presented to keep out those indlvlduals who would want to watch the Rams white practicing. Fle stated many people on Venxura Street were promised by the City that tt~eir view across the school yard and goif caurse would not be blocked~ ~nd naw they are facing the potentia) of a wall of canvHe fencings or ather detrimental environrt-ental effects that might c~o up tn that area. atated thc ~i+m-s h~ve stAted rep~atedly that they would have no nlght practice sesslo~s. but there will be other night-time activttles~ es{~~cially with a pool and tennts courts which thelr players would utflize~ and there Is also the possibility of securlty tight~le9 around the perimeter which would be detrime~teoses thesutiltzotion~ofithatnfac111cy~for a stated he, as a citizen of that cemmunlty~ ~pp Raras training area. Bill Fortune, 208 Nortt- Monterey~ Anaheim~ stated he is a resident af the tmmedlate area to Jullette Lvw Sthool and that the community does nat feel they have gotten satlsfactory answe~s to their concerns. which is the reason for the petition with 112 signatures o~ it; that sources who have been affiliated with a natlonal foc~tball league aro te111ng them that their conce~ns are genuine And thai they wlll have some of the problems anticipated or even sc~me they do not knav about. He felt they are being dented an ~nvlronmental impact report and there are no other sources af lnformakion~ and they heve only what they feel is e btased position of the City which they do not really feel they can trust; that they have tried to talk. with the Rams and the Rams came to the community once and never came back; that the Rams wrote a letter (n ~espo~se to Ron Muilen's letter~ but that was directed ihrough the City to the School Board; that the conmunity never got the response and then the City has changed thinys stnc~ the Initial proposal; that they sta~ted with a five-year lease anci stated tF~at the 5chool District would get the facitity back if they needed it~ but naw it is a ten-y:ar lease a~d the Schoal Board is telling the R~ms nrgantzatlo~ the facility will never be opened as a scho~l again; and that now they are also sayinc~ there will be other physlcal changes wt~ich were nat originally planned~ those being the swi~rnfng pool and te~nis courts~ which were the Rams' ideas~ not the communfty's o~ the School Board's ideas. Ne stated they do not know what is going t~ happen and they do not have the s-nswers they requested and they have tr(ed to bring out thcse polnts in the other meettngs~ but they still feel they nced at least the only other source avail~ble which is an pnvironrnental irnpact report to let them knoneware in a~resfdentirlecommuntty. He sta~ted of 28 NFL training centers in the country, and asked vehy they have to be the first? Fernando Galaviz, 2451 Trsnsit~ Anaheim. stated he kna,rs th~ Planning Commission is bastcally (nvolved with apf,roving plans when someone builds something o~ wants to expand; schat in this particular issue, he has been involved (n most of the hearings and pointed to/23/18 MINUT~S. ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCYOBER 23~ 1978 78-849 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PEaMIT N0. 1497 (co~tinued) out he felt at first whe~ the Perks end aecrestio~ Department came to the heartngs they were put under e lot of pressure to right ~way bring lnformAtion to the School Board because the City Management wanted to make tts proposal As qulckly as posstble; that during those hearinqs, unfortunately~ there was a confrontetion wlth the Psrka and Recreatton Depertment beceuse tt~eir informatlon was incompiete and tncorrect; and that at no tlme have they seen any kind of drawings. He st~ted they learned at ftrst that there was )ust enough space to work wtth~ but now they are going to ftt tn a tennls court and a swtmming pool; and that f~r awhile they were saytng they had to expand the parkl~g spaces. Ne stated he did not knaw if the Commisslon hes recetved any actual drawings ~n hc~w al) these chenges are goiny to take ~lace and hc~w they are golny to fit~ but that they had not seen any pl~ns. tle stated hc wondcrs tf thcy arc ~oing to have enou~h room to pract{ca or if maybe there Is sone privat~ arranc~ement far thern to take some space oFf the golf course in order to be able to practice. He felt that during the preliminary hearings the School Board and the Parks and R*r.~e~tion Oepartment did not do thelr homework and it was an emberrassing situation; that he p~r~onally wrote five letters address(ng specific Issues~ and two were sent raglst~red mAi1 ~and~ to this datc~ he has never received an answer and felt the qucstio~ here is~ '"~Ihere is the pressure coming from to push this issue7" He asked why it i, ~o: p~ssible to sie d~vn and discuss ell these chsnges and how they are going to take pl~~~~e. He stated he personaily is tn fav~r of the Rams c~ming to Anahelm, but dld not want to s~e them get the property fa~ $1 a year as originally proposed. He stated they !earned there was an ar~angement (n wrltiny in which the rent of the stadium was to incl~d~: the tralning site ~nd the oFFice facilities~ but they were not told; and that in all the.se deliberatians the citizens had to dig tnformation little by little and ~rwws: of it by force of gotng to the press. Ne asked the Commission~ in whatever thcy do~ to please be ~espo~sible and Iet staff present a Qlan that wtll includ~ an envlro~ment~+l impac*. study. 8111 Uber~ 201 North hbnterey~ Anaheim~ stated he dId not think they need the Rams tn their n~ighborhood because it wtll lower the evaluation of ~heir praperty~ that they have a good~ quiet neighborhood and that is why he bought his pla4e to begln wtth~ and he dtd not want somebody coming in and tear(ng up the neighborhood and felt that ts what ts go(ng to hapRen. Ne stated the people on Ventura will have to loal: at that fence which Is rtght a~ross the street from their houses~ and he would not want that and knew they dtd not want it. He referred to the percentage oF the res(dents in fAVO~ of the use mentioned earller and stated that Is n~t true because they did not consfder the ones Kho are going ta be affected~ but the whole school dfstrtct. He felt the people in this location should have the say about whether the Rams come to this area or not. Ne stated they~ in this parttcular area, do not like the idea and do not think it should be pushed on them and he, for one~ signed the petition. He stated over 51$ of the on~s affected, nat 51$ of the school dlstrict~ do not think the us~ should be allowed. Marcia de Jah~ Batista stated she lives ecross the street at 204 North Ventura Street and severa) months ago when she wes informed the School Oistrict was thinking about closing Jullette Law Schaal she was upset; that she has a son and felt it would be ve~y ntce to have him go to a neighborhood school; that they formed a committee and ck cided Schweitzer would be the best school in the district to close, but the School Board lgnored the committee stucfy a~d closed Jultette Lav and she was noc pleased about that~ but asked them to put in a prtvate school or anather e~iucational facility; and that they do not need more recreattnnal facilities and they do not need a professiona) football tean+, but they have been ignored on that, tao. She stated she would like to go on record as saying she is really upset at having the Rams acrass the street P~om her house and she would llke to see her son go to the Jullette Loar School~ but instead she will see him bussed to another schoo) in the distriet and she thought sight is being lost of the fact that this is an t0/23/78 i MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOBER 23~ 1978 J8-85~ EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1837 (continued) educetlonal fectlity~ not a raGreatlonal facility~ ~nd she would Itke to go on record as saying thet she thought It should rematn en cducatlonal facility. Mr. Ruth~ the Anaheim Parks and Recreat(on Director~ stated the Schooi Dtstrict did contact the Cfty of Anahelm after they voted to close the schaal~ so the Clty wes ~ot tnvolved in that process. He s ated the City was contacted by th~ School Dtstrict to determ-ne if they were interested In uttllzing that proparty for park and recreatton purposes fo~ the communtty; that the City's assessment et that time was that the negotlattons wlth the Rart~s were proceeding and we dtd nat hav~ an Idea whether these would be successfu) or not~ but as those negotiattons began co come fnto fruition~ the Clty tndicated to the School District that, yes. we would be interested~ R~gardtng thn ref~rence of misinformation that there were cnncern~ exprCSSrd Ly tl~e residents at thase vartous meetings and the City did not alweys have some of the answers to the speclfics~ but they dld pursue those and made every slnce~e effort to mittyate those concerns. He stated the School Oistrict also conductecl five meetings in which this input wAS receivcd and weiqhed end evaluated by the Boerd of Trustees and~ In addition~ in conformance w(th the Celifornia Education Code~ thc ~oard of Trustees did establish a cttizen's adviso ry committee which conducted A public hearing at which they had a slgnlficant turnout. Mr. Ruth stated fie represented the Clty at that publfc heering and there were two other prospectlve church yr~ups who wanted to also lease the property end they presented thetr proposals; and that these were all weighed by thfs advtsory commlttee and they~ in turn~ made e recomn~endation to the Board of Trustees~ who once agatn confirmed their intent to lease the proper•ty to the City. He stated the survey that was done by the School D(strict indicated there were 104 responses from around the Juliette Law School ftself and even thcugh the :ntire school dtstrtct was surveyed~ they dld have a a-ay to single out those responses that came back ftom arouna the area of the Jultette Low School, and the 69,5A$ figure for thc d(strict was almost identtcal to the Jultette Low School area (tself. He felt the petition submitted was prlor to the time that the people really had s~me options to consider. N~ thought for the most part,after these opt(ons had b~en alred (n the newspapers and at several meetings~ many s~f those people who had tnitially expressed concerns felt thelr fears had been pretty well mitigated by the Glty. He stated there has been some comment made about a canves wall; that the Rams have indtcated if the property on tlie north p~esents a problem to the residents and they dtd not want to be looking in a trsining stte~ tfiey wauld be glad to put canv,.s up; that the Rams do not narmally Intend ta cb that unless the residents really want to obscure their vfsibflity. so it ts an optional thing. He referred ta the comments regarding secur(ty a~d comments that they did not want a lot of people coming to watch the practices and attracting a lot ~f out-of-towners to these practires, and that the Rams have thetr own security system and the practices are not open to the public, that they neve~ have been and never will be; and that tlie Rams have tnditated sf~oulci the City want to have a clinic or something for :he youny pc:ople in the community, they would be heppy to provide that~ and ff that presented a prablem for the neighborhood~ those could be conducted at La Palma Stadium. Regarding lighti~g of the facilittes~ he stated whether tt i~ the training stte or che tnnnis courts~ or eventually a swimning pool~ they would not be used at nlght; that we respect the integrity of the community a~d we would use these facilities for daytime usage only. He refer~ed to the lease terms and stated originally a ftve-year terr~ was discussed bscause the School Dis~rict had indtcated they were still tn the process of evaluating the posslbility of reopening that school at some tirt~e in the future; and as far as their studies and evaluation of this proposal~ they indicatec+ to the public in these meetings tnat they did not feel it would be ~eopened; and also because when the Rams indicated they 10/23/78 a , MINU1'ES~ ANAI~Ei~I CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCT09Ea 23~ 197a 78-851 EIa NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONDITIONIIL USE PERMIT N0. 1897 (cont(nued) - would llke to use tha~t s(te~ atter the determinatlon by the School Board to make tt surplus~ they came up with a proposal thet wouid cast a half•mlllton doliars In improvnments to alr-co~ditton el; the buildings~ put in the ftelds~ etc.~ so when you look at trying to amo~tfze a half-m~llion dollars over five yaars. It is not reslly p~ecttcal~ so they esked for en Increasr.d perlod of time~ from five to ten years. H~ referred to a comment made about some possible deel for the use of the golf course property and stated he can honestly say that had never even been dtscussed end thet we never intend to infringe in any way into the golf c.c~urse property; that~ ftrst of all~ It is not needed since th~~e are ten acres of property~ sevan acres of which ere open space, and three acres ~f buildings~ and the Dad Miller Golf Course is a ve ry flne opcratton and vnry ~rofltable for thc Ctty. Mr. Ruth was of the o~inlon that the School Boaru haci adequ~tely reviewed these concerns expressed on numerous occasions and they re~rPSe.nt the community also and they are very concerned ebout protecting the tntegrity of the neighborhood~ and he felt they have been sincere tn thelr neyotlattons dnd felt the City has been fatr In thc(r relattonships. He stated the lettcr fr~m tfie Rams whlch had bcrn passed out does enumerate their response to scxne of the concerns expressed by the citlzens. He stated the Clty does not want to do anything that (s gotng to disrupt the nefghborhooci~ butfeels th(s is a compt~tible use and did not seP how a Ram practice sesslon from 10:00 a.m. u~ti) 4:00 p.m.~ with at least half of thet being Inst~ie tn reviawlny training films~ would be inconslstent with 300 to 400 children out un the playground playing and screaminy a~d having a good ttme. He stated the Rems would be a q uality tenant~ a tenanc who ls ce~tatnly gotng to p~y thetr bllls~ a tenant who fs going to be en asset to the Ctty of Anaheim and is going to be ablc to prese~ve the facilltles for community usage durtng seven mcmths out of the year~ which could certs(nly be looked at as an asset. Ne stated this is a proposed tenant who is wllling to pay the fai~ market value and also to mak~ impruvements to the facilittes from wh(ch the City wil) benefit. He stated he would hope that the Rlenning Cortimiss~on would give fsvorable consideration; that we have ltste~ed tc~ the concer~s expressed and felt this should be approved sc~ we can proceed with the uttlizatior~ of this area~ and polr.ted out thak tn the event p~oblems do come up and the cit(zens are concerned~ those problems would be dealt with ve ry hastily; that it is n~t the Ctty's tntent to be a b~d landlord and c~oate a problem in the community; and that they feel thfs is a quality utiiization of that land and certainly an asset to the community. TNE PUBLIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. Cc~mntssloner ~7avid a~ked Mr. Ruth if the survey discussed did givr the residents only the optlo~s of elther using this property for a Rdms training facility or a n~ntally-I11 type facllity. Mr, Ruth expletned there were two church groups who had presented proposals verbally at the mneting end on the basts of the City's proposal and the two church groups' proposals~ the ac~~isory comntttee R~ade the determinati~n to prepare ~ survey~ and he had not personally seen th~ survey~ but the comment was made that they dtd refer to the mentally- retarded per~ple using the facility~ and o~ th[ng ~ot included in the survey was that one of the groups had indicated it would be used as a rehabilitation tenter for alcoholics and drug addicts. He stated the City has no right to enc~oach on a Schoot Board decision; that they are ~lected by the people and are gufded by the educational sode ~nd the educattona~l code is very specific as to ha+ they have to deal with surp~us property tn Lhat thny have to get an app~aisal rar the fal~ merket value and e citizen's oommittee must be formed and ~ public hearing held, and the School Board does have the prerogative of negotlattng with the government after the property is determined surplus a~d leasing it to/23/78 ~ r' 1' MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANN~NG COMMISSIQN~ OCTOBEa 23~ ~`~78 78-852 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION ANO CONDITIONAI USE PERMIT N0. 1$97 loontinued) to the City~ and they elso have tha optlon af selling the property or leasin~ tt to privata enterp~tse. Ghalrman Nerbst askad where the cenvas fence would be lc~ceted~ and Mr. Ruth replied that tt would bc elong the golf course side oP the property; thal sane of the rasiden~s have indicsted they were concerned ~hnut people watching the Rams precttte from the ~olf course~ and sane rasidents indlcated they dld not want to vtew the training site from thatr homes. Commissfoner Herbst steted tt eppenrs that ail the homes along Ventura ectustly face the buildtngs and a~e app roximately one-ha1P of the property length away from the practice fietd, and he did not think they would be Abir. te see the proctice fleld from that locatio~. tle askpd what thp other practice field (40 yards by 1f,~ feet) w~uld be used for and pointed out tt appears tt Is a cor~siderable distance from even the opartment complex. Mr. Ruth explalned that flcld would be used for linemen working on exesrc.ises. Commisslone~ Barnes asked if the people tn the audience had seen the plan being discussed (the aertai photogrrph) and asked that it be display~ed. Mr. Ruth exptained the photograph merely indicates the location of thlnr~s being discussed in the meetings and there ts nothing on the photograph that hes not been discussed at a publlc meettng. Chairman Nerbst asked Mr. Rutl~ If they plan;~ed to close ~ff thc existing driveway to the parking ~ot and only take access off Lincoln~ and M~. Ruth replied the drivewry would be closed~ and also fndicated if tfie resfdents want a pedestrian walkwAy through there~ that would bc provlded. Commlssione~ Tolar asked Hr. Mullen to return to the podtum and then referred to his mentlon that scxne of his questions had not been answered and asked if he had heard the letter addressed to Mr. Ruth from the Rams dated Septen~be~ 12th~ and Mr. Ruth polnted out that letter had been read at a public ~eeting~ and Mr. Mullen replied he had hea~d the letter~ but had nat received a copy of It. Jay Tashira~ Assoclate Planner~ reed subJect letter Into the recard. "This letter is written tn response to a July 7 letter wrttten to Anaheim Mayor John Seymoc~r by Ron Mullen. In his letter~ Mr. Mullen raised A number of questlo~s of Goncern to him regarding the sultability of the ~Juliette Law School site 1`or tt~e future Rams generai offices and practice field. At the outset~ we want to reiterate that the R~ms would not have wanted to co~sider the Jullette Low School slte unless the Schoal Board had dectd~d that the school must remain closed or become a burden to Anaheim taxpayers. However~ stnce the f3oard's dccision was that the school was to remaln closed~ we respectfully submit that tfie Rams would be en ideal tenant and netghbor at Juliette Low. We elect to res~ond In Hriting so there is a record of the Rams' intentions. Hr. Mullen raised six speclfic tssues in his letter to the Mayor; (1) Mr. Mullen expressed concern that entrance to the schoal site by Rams personnel would be via Monterey Street. Our plan would be to place a locked gate at the current entrance to the Low parking lot snd to enter and extt ~onl ~vi~a a road f~om Lincoln. Mr. Mullen stated that, "It is doubtful as to whet ~-h r tT:e - c ty cou ta n an easement th~ough the property at the point of the propased l0/23/78 . MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOBER 23~ 1978 78•853 EIR N~GATIVE DECLARATION AtID CONDITIONA~ USE PERMIT N0, 18~7 (continued) Gemco traffic light on Lincoln." It should ba noteJ tl~et writtcn permisslon fvr suct~ An ea~ement has been gra~t~d and heartily endorsed by Mr. Tom Rlley~ President of Shomrock Contractors~ Inc.~ owners of tho vocont lot ad,jecent to the Low Schoal parking lot. Mr, Riley informs us you h~ve a cop•~ of that wricten permisslon. (2) Security of Rams pr~cttces is anotlier "pro6lem" ralsed '~y M~. Mutlen. The Rams believn that the netural shield provided by trees~ schoul bulldtngs, and otl~er bulldtngs solves this probtem. If a canvas is r~ uested on the f~nce dtviding Low property from the yolf course~ the Rams wtll be res~~nsible for installing and melntalning that canvas. (3) At peak times~ during thc fo~tball se~ayon~ th~~ Rams ti~ould require no mnr~ then 5G-b~'l Ndr4.in~~ spaccs In t!1c parl~.in~~ 1~~ nr l.~w, City traffic enc~ineers assure us tl~at there is sufficient lot area to e~,slly accommodate 80 cars in the lot. NormA1 parkiny rnquirements for the Rams during the months of January througt~ August are sp~ces for 2~ cars o~ly. Our Rarns' ticket office will be loceted at Anahe(m Stedlum~ so there wtll be no need for tFie general public to vlsit our offices. (4) 7he only maJor alterati~n planned at the law 5chool 1s the ercctlon of a shower room focillty between two currently-existin,q bu(idings on the Lincoln Street side of the property. Thls building wouid be bullt In the samo style of architecture as the existiny buildlnns. It ls our hope~ too~ thar tl~e Rams would be allowed to bulld a large sw(mm(ng pc~ol An thc siCe and to make that pool available t:~ .~li resldents of the area during the summer vacation months af July and August. Wt fcel the swimming pool and other playground equlpmeRt would he ~f great benefit~ especlally to the children of the Low School area. If desi~ed, we elso will bulld two tennis courts an~ maintain and improve the current playground equlpment. (5) Mr. Mullen expressed concern over pedestrlan traffic across the school. Ills letter said~ "For more than 12 years elementa ry~ Junlor high and hlgh school children have been using the pedestr(an waikway which p~a~~ides acccss to Gilbert via P~lk through the (Low) schoc~l property." The Rams will not only ma(ntain the current walkway~ but wtll f~nce lt and lengthen it sa all children wlll heve safe access to the shortcut across the property. (6) Finally~ Mr. Mullen raises the questton of the tranquility of ;he neighborhood bei~g disturbed by "looky loos"~ who will want to watch Rams practices. Since the only access will be off the Ltncoln Street stde of the property, persons who wish to watcl~ practice will have to be cie~red by the Rams. We will not have "open" prac[ices unless the City of Anahelm spect-`ically requests it for youth or charitable groups. In addition to those listed i~ his letter to Mayor Seymour, Hr. Muiten has, from time to ttme, ~aised some other que~tions. ~~e polnted out that the Magnolia School Board has a responsibtlity to demae~d fair ma~ket value for the lease of Its facilities. It should be potnied out tht~t two 10/23/78 ' 78- 85~~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOBER 23- ~y88, (contlnuod) EIR NE611TIVE DECLAttATION AND CONOITIONAL USE PERMihQ~~•~gt9mdtes of on ennu~l "fair Independent flrme have wr{tten th~ city wlth t ~~~ end the ~lhc~r S4~~~~~• The and eq~'Qtwb;;'inge~o~p~Y~theOhighermofuthestwo figures. Rams Another posslble abjection raised bY sevcral~u~i~9°~heimonthsnof9September~s that of e"t~+er" betng erectcd on the prope~ty October~ November and December for use by a photogrThecRams usemanhydraulicnlift sessions. No tawer will be used ~nothan eut~mo I1~• whtch lowers to roug y t e e 9 Accordingly~ It is our feeling that the Rams WO~nveatigatingeourcLong f3eachhe property. As Mr. Mullen learned first hand by o~f course (RecrAatlon practice slta~ the Ra~ms have been housed next door to 8 7 ~A~eful r~sldcntial P a rk), a sch~ol (Long Beach Wtlson High) and In a quiet, p neighborhood for more than 12 years and nut one~ ~ i n gl~ c~m~laint has been raglsternd about no(se or the behavior of ~ur Rams famtly. Qur offices are as qulet as a school or a public 1lhrary. We are~ afttr all. stuctying our buslness...which happens to be footha~l. Far purposes of camparisan~ a school recess ~~ f~o ~°3~~Prmt'~to 3n3~ P•murfive~dayssa weekh(four normally lasts for 9~ minutes, days ~ week when we are scheduled t~ plaY a road ga-nc)• it should be p~lnted out that our P~~~mr~~Cingseatci~a~~ a~m!eee~hrdaY~and and gentleme~, Our players arrive for t return to thei r homes bY G:~Q P•'" If we can answer further questians~ please do not hesltate io call us." Commissioner Tolar asked wliat questicns fedeni~issuesatnWhlsdlett~rctoakhe Mayorrandnther. Mull$n replled he had addressed five dlf e Rams' letter had clcarly coverc~ t~ironme`ntal~impact`onhche ciomn+unitycand ha~ speclfically commun i ty ~ they shou I d kncyw the en asked that an extensive environmentala~mPu~~oses~rthat theeRams~haddsaidSCheyhWOUld be t e site for any use other than educatlon p P willing to bring thelr archito~t e"fferedatoysetkuPathls,meeti~genatton of what the modifications would be and he had o fauna~ Commissioner Tolar stated an environinental ~~Pa~u~~~~°WOUldulikedcovered~infthat~report. traffic. etc., and asked what speciffcally Ne statsd a lot of conditional use permits do not ~n~~thisausenisrnotegoingitoechange~the because they do not change or modify the property property. Mr. Mullen steted this p~operty is zoned as recreational/agricultural land and this would a rofit-making business and a corporate entity into the community and they wi11 be moving P thP Cit over the next ten have the right to r~odtfY the facillty as it Es approved by y sa they are goin9 years. Ne felt the modtficat~ons are goi~g to be extensiv~ii~hichhis dfrectlY ac~oss the to invest one-halfi million dollars and that the swimmtng p street from Mrs. Batista's home wi11 create ~thinprsheedoesfnot wantpeand pointedbout any st~,•=.~- months a~t °f ool isaexcessively neisY~ far9m°rs noisy chan a schc>ol yard would be cortx~,~nity swimming P at r~ccss. 10/23/7a ~ ~ r .. F MINUTES~ ANAIIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, OCTOB~R 23~ 1978 78-8y5 Ela t~EGATIVE DECLARATIQN ANp CONI)ITIONAL USE pERMIT 110. 1697 (continucd) Commissloner earncs askad tho locati~n of Mrs. Oatl~xa's hame and pointed out the pool area (s behind the bu(ldings and the butldin~s seoerate the pool ares from her house. Comm~taloner Y,Ing asked what othor points Mr. Mul lcn wouid l ikc to ses covered In en environmenta) impacl re~ort. Mr. Mullen felt the z~ntng requlremr.nts should be looked Into and alsn the nolse factors that would be assoclated with the training site, and stated there ere plenty of nolse lev~sls that could bo addressed from thc currcr~t sitcs; th~t they would likc to know about the security meASUrc~ that would t~P impnsed arc~und the factlity~ pc~inting out that at Cal Statc Fullerton there Is a 1~-foot hlgh, chalnlin{: fence drAred with c~~ves and with three strands of bArb~d wlre enJ locked getes snd st~ted they dfcl n~t went L o view an armed camp; an~l th~t l' • Rems hea said they would provide a securtty guard far that faci 1 ity. Ile stAted therc is go1n~ ta bc cqufpmcnt (n that area ~n~l a~k~J wiiat kinJ uf effect that would I~ave just ~n thc visual environment and pointed out the ap artment ccxnplex would be looking down Into a foatba{1 fteld th~t hes some of th~~se larqe dummmies~ tackles~ slcds, etc., where nnw tF,ey ~rP I~~kinc~ cic~wn int~~ a nice~ green,grassy area. He felt traffic shoulJ also be addressed; that tf they clase off thet streeG an d they create c)tnics. where woul~i those partictpants park~ and if they Invlte the public to view the precticn sesstons as they do at alair Field twc days out of tFic year~ ere th ey gnin~ to ask those people .o park in that cr.~mE~ed rre~ or would they overflvw (nto their streets. He stated basic~lly he is askin~~ the Cammissicm to do an envlronmentel Impae t report end meke the rssuits of tf;at study known to the community which ts yolny co be s eriously affectcd. Mr. Nullen 9AVC the CorrmissiUn a copy of his letter to the Miyor datea July 7th~ (n whlch he stated that they~ as t~xpayers~ w~uld Ilke an equftAblc return on the val ue of that prop~rty; that the Ra ~ have tendered a$40~~~0 offer and another organizati on which w(I1 use that factlity for elementary~ junior hi~~h, and hlgh school facil(ty has tendered an offer In wrfting for $67~;00~ and asked if the taxpayers arc going to be ripped aff for S27~5~~ just to yive the property to a preferential organtzatlon such as the~ 'iams. Ho stated he would 1 i~e 2o sce thc taxpayers get a reasonable return on thet r i ~vestr-~nt of that school. Ne stated he also asked the Mayor to Inv~stigatc alternativc u ses for the schoo) that wouid service the best interesx of the school children~ taxpaye r s and lccal residents; that they cia not need a recreational factlity in that comnunlty s i~ice they already have the Anaheim recreational area nearby and a pr~vate pool at Sava nna High Schao) and they do not need another puol and tennis courts In thei~ cort~mu~it y, Ne stated he would also Iike to icnaw what the planned recreationai uses for that prop~ rty wos~ld be; that the Anaheim Perks and Recreation Department have waved their arms and i ndtcated it would be open to the public for seven months out of a year~ but wanted to k naw what they are going to provide. He stated tn 1lght of Proposition 13~ he wanted to know how the City is going to pay to expand recreational use af this proae;rty that the co*mnunity does not want, and felt thts should be addressed in the environmental impact repo rt. Mr. Fortune tndicated he had served on the committe~ E~oointed by the Schoc~l Board to study tFe clasing of the school and he personally felt thp whole thtng was j ust stacked and there was no way around 1 t; that t~e made ttivo of tt~e meet i ngs and one was a pub 1 I: meeting~ end it was at that public meeting a proposal was presented in writtng by another organization; and that he had gone into the committee to vote and the commii tee had said basically that to h~ve ope~ bidding would be opening the use to the church g ~oups for the ment~lly ill~ etc.~ and that was what was indtcatGd ~n the surv~ey card. He felt the peoplo contrfllling the survey were blased tn favor of putting the Rams in th e facility~ so he dtd not feel the survey was valid. Hg presented e capy of the survey ca rd used by the Schoal Board. He stated the church groups were o~ly given a short notice to prepare their presentation and he was told by Mr. Fox that hc at least had the mechanics s et up to 10/23/~6 1 MINU7ES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOt~, OCTO~ER 2}~ 1978 y8•856 EIR NEGATiVE DECLMATION AND CONDITIQNAL USE PERMIT N0. 1897 (conttnued) . .. prepsre the survay cerds brford the Ccrnmi tlee wes forr~cl. Ile st~ted he felt open biddtng shpuld havn taken plsce~ bue the committeo hacf not wanted opon biddir~c~ aince It would open the use up for the churc.h g~oups~ so thny had voted in favor of the aams end he was the only vote aqaln~t thc rropossl. Mr. Fortune was also cnnturned ebout the security problem. polnting out he is 6 feet~ k i~ches te11 a~d csn walk up to the fence and look over It~ rnd felr. there would be paople wl~o would llke to see e n~tlonal leegue football tedm practice who would be ettracted to the ar~e. He felt those pe~ple wlll con•~ (nto their n~elghborhood when they cAnnot gat In to wetch the Rams prectfce And indicated tlits Is why they dre concerned about the traffic. He statud (t (s danger~us now to try an d get out onto Lincnln from Monterey and w{th more troffic In the area~ more problems w) 11 be crentPCi, Ile stated~ An~ln~ thnt out of 28 NfL pr~ctlce ftelds~ n~nP Are in a retidentia) area and as ked tf any of the other 13 sitas considered fn this city were in a restde ~tlal erea. Mr. Fortune explalned the Rems had n~et with thr; comnunity a~nd had Indlcated tf thG comnu~ i ty does not want thern the re ~ they wl 1 1 not come . t1e s t~ted 1 t was I nd i cated earller that the School Board hrs made a recomnendatlon ~nd wanted the Commisslon t~ know that the Schoc~l Board has n~t voted on t his proposal a s yet. H~ felt the commu~lty is not getting complete ond accurate inforn~atio~ fron ±.he Schoal tioard ancf the City wants the Rams here so he did not fr.el thcy get praper answcrs from the City. Ile Indlcated he felt the anly opportunity the communtty has t o get at Icast some of ~he answei's about the klnd ~f Impect a commerclal businoss venture such as a national league feotball teem~ with al) the ceslebr(ty attractlon, etc. ~ wi 11 hav~ on the netght~orhood is fr~m a~ envi ronmental tmpact rsport. Ne stated if the facilit y I~es easy Acc ~ss~ the people wll) b~ attracted to it, and if It does not have easy acccss, they v~ill ~o into tlie cc,mmuntty ~n an overflow situntlon~ anJ stated the community dne s not have that problem new ond thcy do not went tl~at prob lam. Commiss(aner Bushore referre~l to the survey alluded [~ that the Sehoc~l aoard hed conducted and the petitlon submitte~f at today's meeting~ and asked when those sig ~tures were taken. Hr. Fortune rep 1 Icd that cwo pet 1 t tons ware submi tted, onr. rf ghC after the act ton w~s started when the residents learned the property was be ing o~fered for $1 a ycar. I~e stated the petitfon presented today had slgn ature3 of 112 pcople who live in the immediate area to the school and i t was taken p robab 1 y seve ra 1 weeks a~n, Commissioner Bushor~ asked if a~l 112 people whc had signed the petition are still opposed~ and Mr. For tune repl ied he bel i eved they were and, (n fact, there ~re two more persons who have recently moved into th~ neighborhood who are willing tu sfgn the petltion. Commissioner 9arnes indicated she felt ~he petttion subm?tted has little worth because it does not give any reasons for not wanti ng the Rems at this facility~ and she stated she would not gfve it any credence at all if [hese peopie were not present. She suggested that any future petitions ~fiould state =he reasons. Mr. Fortune explained thls petltion was In response to the Rams saying they would not came to thc area i f the res i den ts di d not want them. Commtssioner Bernes repl(ed Lhat the Cvs,~ml3sion does not knaw that~ and stated people would sign anything by word of mouth an d this petitlon could have been signed, even though she was sur~ it wos not~ in relationshi p to lies bein g told and she felt if those people prnsent were noC hare~ the petttion wou ld be absolutesj worthless because someane could 10/2~/78 A ~. MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNING COMHISSION~ OCTQBCR 23~ 1~7$ 78'8S7 EIR NEGATIVL DECIARATION AND CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1897 (continue~l` have gone around the neignbo~ho~d and ssid tha Rams would be hring in 3~~~~~~ peopla A day to the facility and, of course~ eve ryone would sign. Commissloner Tol~r eddecl that a church requtres a condlttonal ~se permft and the Planning Commisslon has had a lot mo~e opposltion when A church is being praposed In a re:sidentlnl a~ea than they have hed egainst the Rams. 11e stated everyone want~ the churches, but nobody wants them around thelr house. Mr. Fortune stated the church had ~ffered to o~en their ecc~unttng recc~rds and show thetr estebllshod cr4dlbiltty becaus~ when the comnittee went in to vote~ the leadership directed them that they should not vote in favor of churches becnusc they have .~ track ~ecord of being ffn~nclally unstable, and the economic issue helped to sw~Y the eight members of the comm{ttee. Commisstoner Toinr atateJ traffic Is usually a bigger problem than e wnomics and pofnted out that a church would brtng in A lot more traffic tf~an thls traininc~ site. Ne stated this Is not an endorserrent of this use~ hut he wanted Mr. Fortune to know neople liked churches a lut less than they Ilke this use. Mr. Fortu~e stated the churct~~s were llsted an thr. survey carci fnr schoo) purposes. Commissloner Tolar agaln stated that if a church was being discussed for this site. there would be e lot more oppositlon from thc resldenes in the arca than there ls for the Rams' trdining site. He stated he has been on the Plenr.ing Commissto~ for ftvc years ancl expe~'~ence shows thet churches r~present a bigger pa~king problem. Mr. Fort.:~ ~ asked if a more extenslve environmental stucfy would have be!en done lf a church was being proposed~ and Commi:sioner Tolar stated that as onc Comrnissioner he would nut requtre more study for a church; that~ tn fact~ churches have not been requtre~! to have an an environmental impact report in the past. Canmissioner Johnson reviewed several points being discussed: a) the dectslon of the School Basrd as to whether or not to close the school~ potnttng out the City has had nothing to do wlth that decision and inditated h~ did not know r~hethe~ or not the residents had had anything to do with thet decislon~ noting that dectsion has already been made; b) after that decision was made, a decision was made as to whether o r not to lease the factt(ty~ sell it~ etc.; that dectsion has been dlscussed pri~rately and he ha~ some persone) bitterness in Chat he does not think a School Board should be in a prlvate enterprise of l~aslreg buildings out to corporations or churches; that the School Board should be t~aching the children~ but after discussing the situatlon, lt may be their dectsion could be Justified since there is sane questton as to whether ar not the scheol wil) be needed as a schaoi slte in the future; and c) the final decision as to whether or not the sita shouid be leased to the Rams for a trai~ing faciltty is before the Planning Conmisslon In relatlo~~hip to the land use~ zoning, etc.~ and h~ felt the arguments should be limitad to those aiscussions. Chatrman Herbst indicated he agreed with ~o-missi~ner Johnson that the land use is bcfore the Planning Commisston~ and the land use only. tle pointed out the zoning is for a recraattonal facllity on this property so the zoning is not being changed. M~. Fort~m e indicated the oppasitton fett th~ ?lanning Comn-ission is their last chance to get any information~ and Chai~man Ne~bst pointed out the City Cour,.S) will have the last word lf the oppo~ition requests that it go to the City Council. ~0/23/7a NINU7LS~ ANAHCIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOBER ~3~ 1918 78-858 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PCRMI_^18g7 (continued) Commisslo~e~ 8~rnea r~ferred to a letter from the Rems discussed eerlier end ssked Mr. Fo ~tune If she was correct In assuminq thst he did not belleve enything the Rem~ stated tn th st letter regarding th~ hours of operatton~ ~~affic~ etc.~ and Mr. Fortune ~eplled thla was correct. Commla~ lonor Ba~nes s tated shc fo 1 t an envt ronmontAl im~+~ct re~ort hes to teke into aceount what tho user of [he facl 11 ty states w! I I be che use and they would look at the fa ets as stat~d in the lettar as to the hours of operatlon~ numhers of cars per day~ etc.~ tn additlon to other (n~ut~ such as extsting trafFlc. She felt the report would not show anytl~ing. She indicated, however~ she did feel maybe furthcr study should be c~iven ta the trafflc sltuation. Mr. Fortunr, askeJ the mechanics involved for getting that study ~~nd stated they do not havc any tdco ha, big a vulw~w uf traff(c wouid be ottracted int~ the area~ ctc. Cotrrnlssioner Bernes statEd~ accordi~g to the Rams' manAgement, they are not going to ellow people t~ come (n ~nd watch the practlces~ and Mr. Fortune felt then the traffic would be t n thc i r ne i ghborha~d. Chairma~ Nerbst steted he felt tl~c Rems had answerod the auestion~ In port~ and polnted aut thoy I~sve ha~l no cumplalnts in th~ 12 years where they are presently practicinca. Mr. forLune stated that slte has a 2~-foot, cinder block wall around the property an~f tt was already butlt ther~ ~nd therc ar~ no restdenti~l communities adJacent to that site~ and the closest residents ere a block and a half away and are apartments and duplexes. Commissioner Barnes Indicat~d she felt Mr. Fortune is really concerned that this use wlll cornpletely change the environment of the netghborhood~ and Mr. Fortune replted he is concerned becausP the atrmsphere is gotng from an educational factlity w(th a park-1(ke atmosphere (and pointed aut this is one of the best schools in the districL) to a commercial business enterprise~ whicf~ tie felt would chanqe everythinS. Mr. GAlaviz asked if (n the negoti~tions with the Rams whethc~ they wil) agree to the fact that the tence wi 11 not be any hlgher tf.an tt (s today and indicated he was referring to the fence that wi 1 I be covered wi th canvas. Chairman lierbst explafned the fence referred to that will be covered with canvas 1• between the site and the golf course~ and Mr. Galavez indtceted hc was referring to the feneo across the street from the houses. Mr. Ruth explain~d that fence would not naed to be any htgher, and Chairman Herbst explalned tt~e Planning Commission could make tF~at a condttion oF approval If the permit is approved. Mr. Galavtz stated he persnnally feel5 the Rams are a good thing f~r the CitY of Anaheim and stated there are a lot of emotioRS invotved in this issue, Ha stated this (s a team that has treme~dous popularity; that he has young boys who drive cars and they are definitely lool:ing forward to seeing the I~ams and he felt tt is ludtc~ous to say ali the your~g people in Orange County who a-e proud of the Rams are not going to makc every effort to see them practice; that he has lived in Green 8ay~ Wisconsin, where the Green B~y Paekers are located and he knows tf~e kind of activlty that will go on; that it is healthy and he did not feel the Parks and Recreation Oepartmert a~e talking about five or seven young people who w~il try to sneak in and see the Rams pl~y is accurate; that he felt the Planning Comnission is being put in a bad posttion; that a lot of activ(ties developed by the Schonl Boerd we~e cione in executive sesslons and referred to the School 8oard telling 10/23/78 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIHG COMMISSION~ OC1'OIiER 23~ 197$ 78•~59 EIZ NEGATIVE DECLARATI011 l1N0 CONDITIONf1L USE PERMIT N0. 18~]_ (tonttnued) them thers would be no cttizens' cartmlttee~ and oniy after arother School ~istrfct sued and wont to court was the committee fo ~med. Ne stated he dtd n~t feel ell the concerns had been revlewed professlonally snd ha dtd not want tha Planning C anmissipn put In thAt posltlan~ and felt eventuelly thcre wtll be a lot of court activity in order for the op~osttlon to provc thetr polnt. Mr. Ruth steted tt would be tf~elr intent that any aesthettcelly unplcasing equipment be kept In the matnten~nce yard nf ttw golf course whlch is at tl~e v+est end ef the property. He steted raga~ding security~ tC was nev~r (ntendec' there would ho a 12-foat, barbed wlre fence; that the Rems will have thelr own sec.urity patrol inside the facility and they do nat antlctpate large numbars of people coming to the site. Ho statad tf tha resldents are concornod about thc clinics~ those could be hcld at Le Palrt~ Stadlum, Ho referred to a stet~ment made by the o~posltton regarding en offer rr-~de to the Schcaol Olstrict by another organ(zation to lease the facilixy ~t SE~7~Oi)~ a year and felt even tl~ougf~ It (s not s(gnlfitant to this hcartnq~ he should explain the School Otstrict would metntaln thQ facllity because thetr experience of leasing focilittes wlthout provlding malntenance has proven negative~ so that figure i~cludes the malntenance of the fecllity. He stated the City lease to the Rams for $40~000 does not include the maintenance by the Schao) Dlstrict and tt is (n the netghborhoc~d of $2Q~~00 to S25~~~~ per year wtth the current level of malntenance. He felt the negotiations have been fair and they have responded to the corcerns of the c(tlzens~ And if any problems arise~ they will be mitigated. Chalrman Herbst stated there havc been severa! comnents regardinc~ the fenco olong Ventura Str~eset~ polnting out tt ls a chatnti~k fence~ and asked if there would be any thought to provlding a decorattve block well Instead of chainlink, wh(ch would ston pe~ple from looking (nto the site from that location~ and Mr. Ruth indicated they would be willing to guarencee a block wall should tt be necessary; however•, he felt the r~sidents probably would r.ot want a block wall because they aant the visihlllty. Commissioner Bushore asked scveral questions: (1) Do the Roms tn thelr lease agreement pay possessory tax ~r would they pay taxes above the $4()~000. and Mr. Rutt~ replied they would. (2) If there are traffic probtems along Ventura Street~ which I~e felc sure chere would be~ could the Planning Commission make a recomn+endation to the City Council that the area bo p4sted for no parkinc~, and Jack Whtte, Deputy Ct[y Attorney, stated the actlon of the Plann(ng Commisstnn is to conslder the approval of the condittonal use permlt and if they act favorably on that perrnlt~ they could make a recommendation to the Clty Council that a study be done on the possibility of instatiing some sort of traffic control. (3) Ne asked the Commission to recommend that any cllnics be held at La Palma Stadtum~ and Jack White replled that could be a condition of approval. (4) He asked if the n~ise level gets above a certain decibel reading~ what action would be taker~, and Jack White explained we have a noise ordinance and the Rams would ' requir•d to comply with that ordinance. Ne explained further that we also ha~ o~dinance which allows any conditional use permit ta be brought back to the P1~., :.•~ Commission for ~evtew and possibin modiftcation or revocation if any activity betng conducted becomes detrlrn~ntal to the neighborhood. eo/23; 78 MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY PLANNiNG COHMISSION~ OCTOBER 23~ 1~~8 78•860 [IR NEGATIV~ DECLARATION At~D GONOITION L US_L_Pf.RM1T r~0. 1897 (continued) - (~) He esked if ti~e School Board roconxnandcd thak the City c1o ai~ng with chis request~ and M~. Rutt~ explalned that the School Board has dlrected their ettornPy to dreft en agreement to be submttted to the City. Chairman lierbst asked whet types of recreatlonr~l activittos are being plenned for this facility. Mr. Ruth explained the Clty gave thc Scliool Board an nutline of suggested programs~ the hours of op~ratian~ and estimnted c~sts; that it would be our objectivo to work with the community to determine whbt their recreational needs ~nd interests ere and then deslgn a progrem tn -r~et those nPCds end int~rest; and that there wlll be no increASe In the budget~ but tl~at {f tlic residents do not want a program, nonc would be provlded. Comnlsstoner Tolar clarifled that the costs for installatl~n and maintenance of Che propased pool and tennts courts would be absarbed by the Ram~ organlzatlon~ and Mr. Ruth replied thts was correct; thaC the Rams would provtdc frec use and all malntenance of these facllitles. Mr. Ruth explaincd that the pool fs not needed for the canmunity~ but the City does neve a ne~d for e pool for therapeutlc~racreational programs. Comrc,iss(oner Johnson asked if the cUSt for gruunds mafncenance woutd ~lso be pald by the Rams, a~d Mr. Ruth cxplained the City has the exper[ise wttf~ their cre~rs and the golf course malntenance cr~ws ta maintain the grounds~ and whatever CnSLS there are would be charqed back to the Rams. Commissioncr Johnson stAted (t appears thc citizens arc "up in ~rms" to an alarming degree because they do not feel they have bPen I~eard and he felt unless time is of extreme (mportance~ he would like to see tha matter cont(nued because he would not want to see the Planning Corrnntsslon gullty of the same thing and try bulidozing something through before the facts are all consid~red. He stated hc thought tha packaq~e is great and thc effect on the netghborhood would be leSS detrimental than a school, but he was concerned abnut the fact that at least 112 citlzens are upset. CommlSaloner David stated he w:+uld agree and he thought there are some questlons that should be addrGSSed. ' Mr. Ruth stated he apprtciated the Conmissi~n's cancerns; however, he i~dicat~d that In his 21 years of publtc service he does not knaN of any issue~ that has been aired as thoroughly as this issue~ and he felt the issues have bce~ dealt with and pointed out that time is important since this agreement must be tied in with the rt~aster agreement wtth the Rams. Ile stated thc procedures h~ve been properly follaaed and the requirements of the educational code have been met~ thP public hearinys have been held~ and the concerns have been aired with the City Counct) and the Planntng Commissfon and he felt thc people have been gtvnn a fair chence. Ne did not feel their views and opinions could be chan9ed; that he has heard all Lhese arguments bofore and nothtng new has come up at th(s meeting. He stated he would like to get this before the 5chool ~oard on t~~vember 6th and gtve them time to advertise the matter~ and Chat the City intends to wrap up the master agreement by the third week in November. Cammissionar• Barnes stated she understood the citizens' conce~ns and polnted out she felt they are t~ying to find out for sure how this ls going to affect their are~, and if she thought an environmerital inpact report would answer those concerns, she would be the first one to vote for tt. She was of the opinion that a complete ~- vironmental impact repart on this proJect is not warranted~ but a traffic study and nolse study may be warranted. She 10/23/78 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLAI~NING COMt11SSI0N. OCTOBER 23~ 1~18 78-861 E I R NEGl1T1 VE UECI.l1RATION AND CONDI TIONAL USE PERHI T NO_ ._ 97 (ccmt i nu~d) stated the statoments in the Rsms' letter cnn be Included in the conditiona) use permit aa conditlo~s. She asked if thare was any way to Include a Gondlticm concerning n~nitorl~g of the t~afflc so that if there Is an unusual smount of traffic attracted to the area~ something could be done aoout It at that time (Jack Whtte repl(ed he did not knc~w of a way to tnclude that). Commtssloner Bernes stated the Clty would he getting a compiete recreattonal facillty for free~ pointtng out there is no moncy to do a~ything in the Farks and Recreatton Dopartment budgat a~d that all thc monr.y thcy are getting ls from grants and personal monies raised, and this (s one way thc City cen have a new facility. Also, wtth a conditlonal usc pormtt, et the end af ten ye~rs it could be reverted to a sthool site. She steted she unders tood thc concernx ~ but ~f 1 d not th 1 nk they wou) d beu~me a re~l i ty. ACTION: Comrnisalaner Uarnes ~ffered a motion~ seconded by Commissl~ner King end MOTI0~1 '~D (Commtssloner Davld voting no)~ tFiat che hnahalm City Planning Conxnisslon has revlewed the proposal tn permit a multiplc-pu-'~~ose fecility for park~ recreatlon and professlonal sports tra(ntng useS on a rectengularly-sl~aped parcel of land constst(ng of approximately tan acres having a frontage of aprroximat~ly 536 feet on the west side of Venture Strcet~ hoving A maxlmum depth of approximately f,fiQ feet~ being loct,ted approx(mately 26G feet north of the centcrlfne of Lincoln Avenue; nnd does h~reby app rove the Negativ~ Declaration from tl~e requirernent to prepare an environmental Impact re~rt on the basis that there would be no signifi~ont indivldu~~t or cunulative t~dvcrse enviranrt~ntal Irt~act due to the approva) of this NegativP Declaration stnce the Anahelm General Plan clesignate~ tt~e sub,Ject property for an elementary school sitc corm~ensurate wlth the proposal; that no sensitive envir~~nmental impacts are involved in the propost~l; that the Inltta) Stuc:y submitted by the petlti~ner Indicates no signlficant ind(vidual o~ cumulatlve adverse environmental lrt~acts; and that the Negative Oeclaration substanttattng the foragoing findings is on file in thc CiCy of Anahelm Planning Departrnent. Gommiscioner 6arnes offered Resolution No. PG73-23`.~ and moved for its pass~ge and adopCion~ t~~at the Anaheim Clty Planning Commission does herehy grant Pttiti~n for Condttlonal Use Permit ~~o. 1897, subJect tc the c~nditions as stAted in the Rams' letter dated June 12~ ~978; subject tu thc: condition that the fencc along Ventura Street~ if It becomes a problem with spectators, would be co~structed with a 6-foot high, decorative block wail to preclude crc~wds frcro standing tn the area; and subject to Interdepartmental CommitlCOe rRC.~mmendations. Commisstoner Tolar indicated I~e would like the stipulation added that the property be developed as shawn on the aerlal photograpn pre~ented at the meeting And if there are any changes made. that plans be brought back before the Planning Conxnission. Commissioner Barnes added that the condition stiould be added aid also that there will ba no clinics conducted at the site. Commissloner David indicated h~ ts agalnst the pr~posal because of Yhe real concern of the titlzen5 regarding the matter and felt th~e matter should be cc~ntinued; that the Planning Commisslon has held aver hearings for a lot less than this ~ind he felt this ts an important m~tter; that there Is no expe~lence from the staff concerning a professionai football team and the Planniny Commission should tread slowly and deliberately and possibly ~equire an environmental impact report. Chalrman Herbst Indicated he would disagree with Commissioner David; that he was of the opinion the Planning Commission has heard all facets that they could pass~bly hear end the people do have the prerogative of appea!ing the matter to the City Council. Ile stated the ,ni23i~a ~ k MINUTES~ ANA~~~IM GITY PLANNINC CoMMISSION~ OCTODER 23~ 1~7$ 78-862 EIR NEGATIV~ DEGIARATION ANQ CONOITiONAI. USf PERMIT N0. 1897 (continued) Pl~nning Commtssion is conce rned wtth ths land use only snd the pla~ meets the criterla of the zonin9 and Is p robably aa light a use as could be put on that property. On roll call~ the foregoiny resolution was passed by the fnllowl~g vote: AYESt COMMISSIQNERS: BARNES~ BUSHORE, NERBST~ JOHNS~N, KING~ tOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERSs DAYID ApSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE Jack Whlte~ Deputy Ctty Attorney~ p n sented the written right ta appQ+~l rhw Pi,~nnin9 Commisslon's dnclslon wlthin 22 days. to/23/76 -~ ~ ~ MINUTE.S~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OC708ER 23~ 1978 ]Ef-863 ITEM N0. 4 DEVEI.OPER: BEAR DaAND RANCi~ CO.~ 250 ~Jerwpo~t Center EIR NfGATIVE DCGIARATION brlve~ Newpo~t Deech~ r,n gzGGO. Et~GIt~EER; IIUNSAKFR TENTATIVE MAP OF b AS50CIATES~ 30~1 Rcd HI11~ Coste Me~a~ CA 92626. TRACT N0. 1015~ Pr~perty dr.scribed as ar~ Irreqularly-sheped perce) af land con~(sting of approximately 5.2 ecres located west and southwest of the s~uthwest corner af Sante A~a Cenyan Raad ancf Avenida Mergorita~ having approxirrbte frontages ~f 231 feet on thc south si~e of Santo A~~a Canyon Roa~i and ;3~ feet c~n tl~e north stde of Avnnid~ Margar~t~~ bning locet~sd epproximately H7~ feet west ~f the centerlfne of Avenida Margarita ar~d 50~~ feet southwest of the centerltnc of San~a Ana Canyon aoad. Petitioner requests AMENUMCtIT OF COIdDITI0N5 OF APPROVAL. SubJect petlxian was continueJ from the meettn~ of October 9~ 197t3 at the reauest of the petl tioner. There was no one incJtcating tfielr presence in opposition to subJect reqi~esc~ and although the staff report to the Plannlnc~ Commisslon date~l October 2a, 19'JR was not read at the public hearing~ it Is referred to an~1 made a part of the minutes. Dick Hunsaker~ Ene~theer~ 1lerrnan Kimn~l, Traffic E.ngine~r, and Bob Mtlls were present Co answer any quesl•ions~ and Mr. Huns~kcr explained the origlnal tract was approved with a stub street pravi~leci into tl~e adJ~cent Yorba prope~ty and they arc rtquesting that stub street be eliminotcd~ and presented an exhibit to show how tFie Yorbe property could be developed in the fuCure and wouid provide propcr circulation between the existing hon-es and the road. Chalrman Herbst r~xplainecl thc Planning Camniss~on hacl revietived the proposa) and the Traffic Englneer had reconmendeJ the street st~oulci be aligned dlr~ctly with Aven~cia Felipe. THE PUBLIC HCARItJG WAS CLUSED. Paul 5inger~ Traffic Engtneer~ st~ted tF~at should the offset street be allawed~ any addittonal str~ets on Avenida Maryarita be not less tlian 250 feet when measured from edge of property line to property line, ACTION: Gommissioner Johnson offered a matlon. seconded by Comrnissioner David and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission doe5 hereby find that the proposed subdiv(sion, together with its desiyn and improvement~ is consistent with the City of Anaheim General Plan~ pursuant to Governmeni Cocfe Section E~6~~73.5 and does, therefore, approve the request fo~ deletlon of ~Condit(on No. 2 of Tentative Map oP Tract No. 10155, subJect to the ccncittton that any addition~+l street on Avenida Margarita be not less than 250 feet when measured f~om edge of property line t:~ property line, and subJect to the following condltians: 1. That the approval of Tentative Map of Tract No. 10155 is granted subject to the completion of Recless(flcation tlo. 77-7a•34. 2. That should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision~ each subdfvision thereaf shatl be submitted in tentative form for approval. 3. Tt~at in accordance witf~ City Council pol(cy, a 6-foot high~ open~ decorative wall shall be co~structed at the top of the slope an the north property line separating Lot Nos. 9 and 10 from San:a Ana Canyon Road. Reasonable la~dscaping, tncluding irrlgation facilities, shall be installed ~n xhe uncemented portion of the arterlal highway parkway the full dis tance af said wall~ plans for said landscaping to bQ suamitted to and subject to the appro~•a) of the Supe~intendent of Parkway Naintenance. l0/23/78 ~. ~ MINUTGS~ ANAHCIN CITY PLANNING COI~MISSIQI~~ OCTOOCR 23, 197a 78-8G~+ EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION ANU TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT tJO, 1O155 (conttnucd) .,._.__,. _ ._... __..._ . .._ FAllawing installat(on and acceptance~ tfie City oP Anahelm shall assumc thc rosponsibility for mAtntenancc: of soid lendscaping. 4. That al) lots wltl~i~ tf~is tract shall be served ~y under~raund utiltttes. 5. That prlor to tlie Introduction uf an ordlnAnc~~ a final tract map of subJect property shol) be submltted to ancl approved by the City Counctl ar.d then be rncorded in the offlco of the Oran~~e Countv Recorder. 6. That any propuseJ coven~nts~ conditions~ ~n<1 ~eytrictions sl~al) be submlttPd to and approved by the Ctty Attorney's Office and City Enyincer prlor to City C~uncll approva) of the flnal tract rnap and~ furtlier~ that ttie ,~pproveel c:ovenants~ condltlons~ anci restr(ctlons sl~all be recorded cnncurrently with the final trACt map. 7. 7hat stroet names sha11 be .~p~,rovcd by the Clty ('lanninc; Ucpartrcnt p~lor to approval of a final tract map. 8. Tnat dratnage of said pro~~erty shall be dls~oscd of in a manner satisfactory to the City En~tneer, If~ in the pre~+ar~kion of t~~e sit~~, suffici~nt ~ra~lin~ 15 re~uired to necessitate a yraJtng p~.rmit~ no work on yrading will !~e permitte~i between October lyth ana April l;tl~ unless all requtred off-sitr drainaqe facilities have been instelled and are o~e~ative. Positive assurance shall be provlJed the City that such dralnage facilities will be campleted prior t~ October l;tfi. Necessary rl~ht-of-way for off-site drain~-+ye fa~ilitics shall be dedicateri to tfie Clty~ or the City Counctl shall have tnttiated cc>nJermati~n proceed(n<~s therefor (the costs of which shall be borne by the Je;veloper) pric~r t~~ the commencement ~f c~rading operatlons. 7he required dratnaye facllities shall bu of a slze ~nJ type sufficient tc~ cerry runoff waters oriyinatln~ from higher prop~~rti~s t~,ruuyh said prope~ty to ultimate dtspos~l as approved by the City Engineer, Said drninac~e fac(lities shall be tlic first (tem of con,Cruetion and sh.;ll be cornpletecf and bc functi~nal thr~u~hout the tract and from the dvwnstream boundary af tt~e property to tlie ultimat~: point of disposal prlor to the issu~nce Uf any fin,il bullding inspectiuns or occupancy ~~ermits. DratnAqe distric.t reln~bursement agreements may be made avatlablc to the developcrs of sald property upon their request. 9. That grading~ excav~~tion~ and all other construction ~ctivitles ~hall be conducted in such a rt-anner so as tu minimir.e the pc~ssibility of any silt originating from this p~oject being carried into the Santa Ana River hy storm watcr orl~inating from or flowing throuc~h this proJect. 10. That reasanable landscaping~ including irriyation facilittes~ shall be installed in the unpaveci partion of ~fie south ~arkway anci in tl~e median of Santa Ana Canyon Road right-of~way in accordance witt~ the requirements of the Superintendent of P~rkway Maintenance. Follo~win~ installation and acceptance~ the City oF Anahetm shall assume the respansibility f~r maintenance of said landscaptng. 11. That the C~ty Council reserves thc riyht ta delet~ or amend the assurr~tion of lendscape maintenance in the event Council policy changes. 12. If permanenC street name signs have not been installed~ tempora ry street name signs sh~ll be instalied prior tc~ any occupancy, 13. That all structures shai) be construc:te~ in accordance with the r~quirements of Fi~e Zone ~+. 14. That any specimen trPe rernoval shall be subject tc~ the reyulations pertaining to tree preservation in the scenic corridor overlay zone. 15. That the owner(s) of subject property shall ded(cate to the City of Anaheim easements rtor r~ding and hiking trail pur;~oses pr(or to ttie approval of the final tract map. 16. In accord~nce with the requirernents of Section 13,02.01+7 pertatning to the Initial sale of residential hc~mes in the City of Anaheim Planni~g Area "[i"~ the seller shall provide each buyer witti written informatiun concerninq the Anaheim General Plan and the existing zontng within 300 fect of the boundaries of subJect tract. i7. That the vehicu:ar access rights~ except at street and/or alley openi~gs, to Santa A~~a Canyon Road shell be deciicated to the C~ty of Anaheim. 10/23/78 J ~ MItIUTES~ A~IAIIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, OCT~BER 23~ 1918 7a-8G5 fTEM f~0. 7 Co~iTirruea PuallC NEAR~r~G~ OWHERS: ALBAN AND BERNADINE EIR tJEGA7IVE DECLARATION tiULT~ ~ 1~+51 Cest Irv1nA Qoul~v~rcl~ Tustin~ C1~1 92G40 RECLASSIFICATIQN N0. 7•79'a and FRED W. AND PAT'P,ICIA D. MORGANTIIAIER~ 2245 West CO~~UITIQ~IAL USE M .~L5 Droadway~ Anoheim~ CA 92804. AGENT; TIiE ROBERT P. "- WARMINGTON COMPAPIY~ 1fi597. Flale Avenuc, It'vlnc~ CA 9271~~, P~operty descrih~d as an Irre~ularly-shapod parcel of Irnd cans(sttn~ of ap~roxlm~tely 4.7 e~cres locdted south and west of the south- west corner of Llncoln Avenue and Rfo Vtsta Strer_t~ having app m x(mate front.ages of 4t38 feet on the sc~uth slde of Lincoln Avenue anJ 7; fect on the west stdc of Rio ~Ista Street, being located approxlmately 195 Feet west ~f the centerline of Rio Vista Street and 1f30 feet scuth of tl~e ~entcrltne of Lincoln Avenue. Property presently classified RS-A-A3~~0~ (RESIDEt~TIAI/ AGRI CULTUP,AL) ZOIJC. RE~ZUES7EU CL~S5IFICATInN; CL (COMIIEP,CIAI~ LIMITfD) :ONE. RfQUESTED CUtIDITIONAL USE: T~) PERMIT !1 URIVC.-TIIROUCII RESTAUP,ANT, Sub~ect petitf~~n was contlnu~d fram the rneetinys of July 31 And August 1~+ and 28~ 1978 at tlie rFquest of tl~e petitlr,ncr, anci fr~~m the rt-eetin~ of Sertember 25~ 1978 for re:vised plans. There were two persans tn~lic~~ting thcir presence in opp~sitian to sub~ject request~ and althouyh thc staff rep~rt to tlie Planninc; Conimisslon d~ced October 7.3, 197' was not read at the public hearin~~ It is refcrred to and made a part of the minutes. Walter Coursen~ representing The Robert P. Wa~minytnn Com~any, presented the revised plans and indlcoLed they have tak~n the suggestions of tl~e Planning Commission and the homeowners and have mltiyat~~1 the concerns. He referred to thr left-turn access ir~to the property from Lincoln end indicated they felt it would he a necessity for the feasible developmc:nt of a commercial enterprise and stated they are not asking far a left turn out of the property, Just t~ left turn into the property; that they agreed with the Traff(c En,y,lneer that this (s not the ultlmate In ga~d planning to have a left-turn lane~ but dld not see a~y other alternative; and that they have used the Traffic Engineer's turn•lane design into the property and felt with that design thcy would have a safe and eFflclent turn onto the property. He stated they could comply with a11 other conciitlons of approval. Chairman Nerbst indicated tt apresrs all traffic and deliveries have been eli~inated from behind the hcxnes~ that ttic trash disposal has been moved away from the homes, and that they have provtded a 2~-foot landscapPd buffer~ and he felt the plans mect the conditions mentioned during the previous mectings. Mr. Caursen pointed out the 2~-fo~t landscaped buffer and trash containers on the revised plan to Mr. Kuba r~ho was in ttie audienc~ and was interested in seeing the plan. Henry Kuba~ 2711 Puritan Place~ Anai~eim~ asked what type of stores are proposed for the development, and Mr. Cnursen replied that nothina ts definite yet~ that there would probably be something similar to a dress shop, ice cream store~ etc., but the area ts not large cnough for a market. Mr. Kuba asked if his wall would be exCended~ and Mr. Coursen indic~ted he was not sure what would happen w(th thc grades and if they have to elevate their pad~ Mr. Kuba's property wouid be belav that~ but the wall would be a minimum of 6 fe~t at the top of the highest grade level. t0/23/78 F~ ~ .i L MINUTE~~ ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTODCR 23~ 191~ 78•aG6 EIR MEGIITIVE UECLARATION~RECLASSIFICATION N0. 7~-79-0 AND CONDITIONIIL USC, PERMIT tJ0.~18~ Chal~man Herbst Asked Mr. Coursen If the 6-foot wall fror~ the grede on his prop~rty is higher~ would he replace the homear+ner's wall wlth anotiier block wall, end Mr. Cou~sen replted that if they could get the neighbors ta agree~ (t wc-uld be much oesier, but if thet (s not p~ssiblc, they wtl) have tn budld a sepor~te wall~ and pointed out sometin~es it is difftcult to gat all the nelghbors to agree. Commissioner King referred ta the G-foot wall on thc west property line and tndicated he felt it weuld bP a waste of rrqney since there (s an existlnq cl~dlnltnk fence along the property 1 1 ne and tlie he i gh t f s be low the ramp and ove rpt~ss of the f reeway and i s loca"ed In a gulley. Joy Tashiro~ Ass~ciatP Planner~ explained that a minimum 6-foot high block well is a code requirement when any praperty fs adjacent to a freew ey~ and Chairman Herbst explatned the extsttng fance Is thc frcea~ay fcn~e. Mr. Coursen stated It was not their d~sfre to heve the block wall on the west slde, and Jack Whtte, Deputy Clty Attorney, explained that to elimii~ate the wall r~ould rrqui~e a vm~lance and the ~natter wouicl have to be readvertised and the varlance would have to meet Che requtrements of the code as far as findtng a hardshtp~ and that it could not be approved todey. Commissloner Tolar ref~rred to ttie left-turn pocket turniny south~ comtng from the east to the west on Lincoln, and stated he could not support the project with that left-turn lane; that he thaught the plan ts feasible and he ts in complete ~ct~rd wltho~t the left-tur~ poGket. Ile steted the trAffic is fast ~nd dangerous at that location at all times of the day; that he recognizes economically it may be a problem far the tenants getting people in to the property from east to west~ but felt once a pcrson had entered the property in that fashion, tf~ey woulcJ not return. ~ha(rrnan Herbst stated he ~~reed; that he had watched the traFfic on Saturd~y and the traffic from the off-ramp on Lincoln is ve ry dangerous~ and felt a lPft-turn pocket would be compound(ng the p~oblem anu he did not want to he a party to creating a real hazard fo~ the traveltng pubiic. Mr. Co~~rsen indicated he did not think the pr~~perty could ba developed without the left- turn pocket snd agreed ~t is a problem~ but did n~t tt~ink it is a biy problem. ACTlOt~: Commissioner King offered a motion, seconded by Commtssioner David and MOTION CARRiEO~ th~3t tl~e Anaheim Clty Plannfng Commission has reviewed [he proposal to reclassify the zoning from the RS-A-43,000 (Residentfal/Agricultural) Zone to the CL (Corrmercial, Limited) Zone to permit a drive-through restaurant on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of 3pproximately 4.7 acre~ located south and west of the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Rio Vista Street, having approximate frontages of 438 feet on the south side of Li~coln Avenue and 73 feet on the west side of Rio Vista Street~ being located approximately 195 feet west of the cente~line of Rio Vista Street and 180 feet south of the centerllne of Llncoln Avenue; and do~s hereby appPOVe the Negative Qeclaration from the ~equiremcnt to prepare an environmental i,npact report on the b-+sis that there would bc no significant individual nr cumulative adverse e~vironmental impact due to the approval of this Negetive Declaration since the M aheim General Pla~ designates the subJect property fo~ general commercial land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental lrapacts are i~volved in the proposal; that the Inittal Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individual or cumul~tive adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Dacia~atian substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Pla~ning Depertment. t 0/23/ 78 ~ . `~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI5SION~ OCT09ER 23~ 1978 ~g_g~~ EIR NEGATIVE DECIARATION~ RECLASSIFICATION N0. 78-79-8 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1885 Commtssloner King offered Resolutton No. PC7$-2~1 and moved for tts p~ssage +~nd adoption~ that the Aneh~tm City Planning Cortmission does hereby grent Petitlon for ReclessiFlcation No. 78-79~8~ subJect to (nterdepartmental Committea recommendatlons. Qn roll c~ll~ the f~regoing resalutton was passed by the following votet AYES: C4MMISSIONERS; BARNES~ 9USf~ORE, DAVID~ HERBST~ JOHNSON~ KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONCRS; NONE AfiSENTt COMMISSIONERS; NONE Commission~r King offercd Res~lu~iur~ No. FC7n-242 and movcd f~r It~ passegc and edaption~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby c~rant Petftton Far Conditlonal Use Permit No. 1~85~ subJect to the condition that there will be no left-turn pocket from east to west on Lincoln Avenue inc~~ tl~e prc~perty and subJect to Interdepartmental f.ommtrt~e recomme~dations. Paul Singe~~ 1'refft~ Engineer, asked that the cond(tlon bc added that the medtan island be constructed from the end of the existing medisn isl~nd, and !t wes noted that condltion is already Included. On rol) cell~ the foregotng resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSiONERS: BARN~S~ DAVID, HERBST~ JOHNSON, KING~ TOLAR N0~5: COMMISSIONEaS; BUSHORE ABSENTt COMMISSIONERS: NONE Jack White~ Deputy City Attorney, presented Che wrltten rtght to apneal any portion of the Planning Ca~nission's dec(sion within 22 days to the Clty Councfl. Commissioner Bushore fndicated he did not vote negatively on thls proJect because of the left-turn lane; that there are a couple of other th(ngs that bothered him about the proJect. RECESS There was e ten-m6nute recess at 3:35 p.m. ~_... R~CONVENE The n~estiny reconver~d at 3:4, p.m.~ with all Comn+issioners being present. ~~ 10/23/78 ~.. MINUTES. ANAFi~.IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCT09ER 23~ ~97h 78'8~~ I TEM rro. 8 CONT I NUEU PURL I C I~EAitl NG, owt~ER: s I EwERT LAtro EIR NEG VE U~CLARATION CQMPANY~ 1803 Ninth Street~ Anahelm~ CA 92802. AGENtt ~;'~ . •' •14 TUMANJAN b TUMANJAN~ INC.. 21515 Hawthorne 8ouleverd~ ~ ~. Sulte 980~ Torrance, CA ~0;03. Property dnscrlbed as a rectangularly-shaped percel of land consisting of approximately ?.6 qcres located at the sauthwest corner of Katolla Avenuc and Ninth Street~ having epproxlmatc fro~tages of 572 fesc on the south side of Katelln Avenue and 2?.6 feet en the west slde of Ninth Street~ and further descrlbed as 1FS03 South Nfnih Street. Property prasently clssstffed RS-A-43,OOQ (RCSIDENTIAI./ AGRICULTURAL) ZONE. REQUESTED CLASSIFICATI()N: RM-12~0 (RESIDENTIAL~ MULTIPI,E-FAMILY) ZONE. REQUESTED VARIA~ICE: WAIVCR OF (A) PERMITTFU EMCROACHMENT INTO REQUIREO YARD ANO (3) MIIXIMUM STRUCTURAL HEIGIiT~ 1~0 l:(,NSTkUCT AN 85-UNIT APARTMEN7 COMPLEX. SubJect petitlon was continued from thc mecttng of Octnber 4~ la7i, at tl~e request of the petl t toner. There were two persons indicating their presence in opposltion to subJect rea,uest~ and although the staff report to the Planning Commtsston datPd October ?.3~ 197A was not read at the pubilc hearing~ it Is referred to and madc a part of the minutes. Nelen Sweet~ representin~ Tait b Assoclates~ 900 4rangcfair Mall~ was prese:nt to answer any questlons. Jay Tashiro, Assoctate Planner~ pointed out a correction to the staff report: paragraph (2)(3~ che petitioner requests a walver to construct a 7~~-untt apertrr~ent compl~x tnstead of a 75~ur~it apartment complex. El~zabeth ~arker, Att~rney representing Mr. and M~s. Joe Vi~na~ 15~G Nest K~Cella~ Anaheim~ stated their o~position has narrowed tonstderably stnce the last meeting, but their ma)or contention is that th~ staff report tndicntes all units have been relocated tn excess of 15~ feet from the single-family residential rone. She tndtcated she disputes that since her client's property ts shawn as having a conditionai use permit and according to Cc-de Section iB.13.09~~ any reclassificatton or conditional uge permit becomes null and void atter o~~e year f f any ~Oftb~ CIOr15 piaced on the araperty have not been met. She stated she had a copy of tt~e conditional use permit and it lis[ed two requirements which have not been met~ therefore~ the conditional use permit is null and void after one year from the date of the perr~tt~ which was Februa ry 22, 1977~ or on Feb~uary 22~ 1978 the property reverted to the original zoniny and the 150-foot sctback ls a requirement for her client's property an.i that requirement has not beer~ met. She stated she has applied to the City Council to officially terminate the ~anditional use permit as long as thec•e is any question. even tt~ough she feels the permft has died a natural death. Chairman Herhst pointed out there are many instances where the applicant does not fil) the conditions and asks for a retroactive extension of time. Ms. Darlcer potnted out her ctient had not applied for the condittonal use permit; that the prior ~wner hdd obtained [he conditi~ ~~al use permit, Chairman Herbst stated the properties are on the other side of the car~al and the petitioner 1s going to provide the 8-foot walt requested, and Ms. Darke~ replied she realized that~ but hr~ citcn. :t;lj wants the 150-foot setback even with the wall. to/23/78 ~ y~w Y~.. ~ MINUTE;~ At1Al1EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCT09ER 2~~ 1978 78-OG'~ fIR NEGATIVE DECIARATION~ REC~.~SSIFICATION N0. 78-79-14 ANO VARIANCE N0. 30~4 (continu~dj Jac~ Whtte~ Qeputy CICy Attorncy~ explalned the informatlo~ rec~erding the code ~s Indicetecl Is corr~ct~ that I' the condltlons have nok been complied with wlthln one year, the permlt is null and votd; hnwaver. It g~es on to state th~t the owner of thc property hes the r~ght to apply for r retro~ctiv~ extenslnn of time and the condition~~ use permtt docs pass with the prop~rty awner and not witti the ~ppl(~snt~ and the City re~ards the condltlonal use permit as "not boing doad" unttl such time as tt is te~rminated at the request of the property awner ~nd anyone who is a success.~r in interest has the right at eny ttme~ even if tl~e one year t~es cxpi~ed~ to reactivate the permit by making applicati~n to the Planning Gommtssiun far an extenslon of time. Ne stated tn orci~r for the permit to be compietely ktlled off~ It has tu be term(nated by an actlve reqUest of the prope~ty avner~ and untll the G(ty ~cts on th~t ~equest~ th~ permlt (s nat deed. He statcd when the condttlonal ust permi~ is terminated~ the prnperty reverts to its underlylny xone. Ms. Barker tndlcaCed she wAntect to ~o on rec~rd thet If the permit Is not nul) and vold es of FAbrua ry 22~ 1978~ there is a request before th~ City Council that thP pe rmit be tarminated; tl~at the develuper was on notice that the ~-roperty i~ us~c1 as a ~esidence and that ls the only us~ it has eve~ h~d, anci shc feit~ if only in che Interest of Justlca~ her cltent should be ylven the 1~~-foot setback requirement conslclerat(on or the height of th~ bu(ldtng should be lowered to tl~e onc-sto nrv Ilmttatio~. She added also thiat thc mezzani~e areas rrop~sed with no wtnd~rws and a skyllght should be condltloned that there be no windows at ~11 or the privacy of the surroundln~ property owners would be affected. Lynn Med~tn~ 177t South Nintt~ Street~ Anaheim~ stated he felt thls aroJect would create a hazard at the intersection of Ninch and Katglla and stated he had noC seen the updated plans. He stated there is an elementAry school in the area which has quite a bit of traffic with the chilciren going to school on Ninth Street. Ne »sked if Ntnth StrPet would be widened to ~our lanes and askcd what effect that would have gofng into twa lanes north of Katella. Cortmissloner Herbst state~ sidewalks would be canstructed in the area and the entrances to the proJect would meet the Traffic Engineer's approval~ and Ninth wnu)d be wide+tied to four lanes an~ the corner would be drastically i~~roved. Jay 1'itus, Otrice En~lnFer~ explained there will be focir lanes on the south side of Katella ar~d two on the nortf~ sid~~ wtth one through-lanc and o~e rtght-turn lane northbound~ and there ~ould be no probicm w(th southbound t;affic. Nelen Sweet i.~dicateu they had checked .:c late as Friday afttrnc~on regarding the ca~ditiona) u~e perroit and were informed it ts still valid and the plans submttted do comply. Shc stated there will not be any wlndaws added to the !nezza~ine area at a later date and that tould be adcied as a conditian of approval. THE PUBLIC NEARIF~G WA5 CLOSEJ. Commissioner 8arnes asked the width of the canal and how far it Is from the property line Lo the buildin,q, and Jay Tast~iro replied that the canal is approximately 50 feet wtde and (t Is approxlmately 11o feet from the bu(lciing to the residentt~t property across the canal. Hr further ~ex~laired tf tl~ere is residential zoned property without any other ~ses~ such as a conditional use ~ermit on the property, the requirement is 150 feet; hvweve~, this property has a c~nditional use pertnit for a nursery school. 10/23/78 ~ `' t MINUTE5~ ANANEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION. OCTOBER 23~ 197g [IR NEGATIVE OECLARATION RECLASSIFICATIQN N0. 78^79-14 ANU VAkIANCE N0, 3n 4~' 8~8~n Commissioner Tolar stetcd tht, 5( nt inued) provlded, end I~ hfs optnlon thelp~~hectbhes beenCbrauqhtAlntofthe Intenth~f whet h~ ilke to see dev~loped ~m thls praperty. w~uld ACTION: Commissioner Tol~r r~fferecJ a motton, seconde~ by Commissianer King end MOTtON ~~0~ thnt the Anehetm C(ty Plenntng Commissian has reviewed thc the zoning from the RS•A-43,pq~ (ResldEntlal/A ~ n~O~~sa~ to reclesslfy (Reslclentlal~ Multtrle-F~mlly) Zon~ to construct(au7qu~nlt epartmenchccxnplex~with waiver of maxtmum structura) I~etyht on a rectenc~ul~rl~-shaped parcel of land consisting of approxltnat~ly 2.fi acres located at the southwest cornor of Katella 11venue e~d Ninth Street~ havln~~ approx(mnt~ frc~ntoc~cs of ;72 feet on thr.. south side of Ketella Avenu~ and 22$ fR~•t on liie west stde of I,Inth S~reet; and docs harc~by approve the Neqat(ve Dec'eratlon frcxn the ~equlrement to prepare an envlr~nm~ntal ir~pnct reporC un the besis that therc wuuiJ be no slr~nlf(cont indivldual or cumuletlve adverse e~vtronmr.ntel fmpact due to the ~rrroval of thts Negative Decl~r~tton slnce Che Anahe(m Genern) Plon destc~netes the subJect property for med(um dcnslty r~sfdentl~) lenci uses comnk•nsuratc wlth the praposal; thot no sens(tfv~~ environmental impacts are: tnvolvc~.1 ~n the ~ror~osal; that the Initl~l Study subm(tte~ by the petitfoner (ndicates no si~nificant indivldu~l or curnuletive adverse envirorn~~ental tmpacts; and that the Neyetlve Declaration substant iating the foreqoln~ findtnr~s is on file in the C~ty oF Anaheim Plannin<a pApartmen[. Conmtssioner Tola, uffered -tesolut(on No, PCJt3-1q3 and moved far its that the Anaheirn City Plannin„ Gonnnission does i~ereG Passaye and adoptlon~ NO• 7S`79'14~ subJect to tlie condit~~n tliac thpre willQbenno~windows inrthe~~asslfieatlon m~ezzan(ne ar~as~ and suhJect f.o the condition that the property wi I1 bc subat~nflally developed tn accordance with specific plans presented~ ~ncl sub.ject to Interdepartmen tal Commi ttee r~commendat tc~ns. On roll ~~11~ the foreqoinn rCSplution was passrd by the folluw(nv vote; AYES: COMMIS5IQNEItS; BAkNES~ HUSHORE~ DAVIU~ HERIiST~ JOHNSO~, KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMIS5I~NERS; NONE ABSENT: CONMI SS I Gf1ERS : NONE Co~nmissioner To)ar offered Resolutfon No. PC7~:i-144 and moved Fot i~s that the Anaheim City P'anniny CAmmission does hereby grant Petition forSVa~lanceeNo,:tlon, 3~51+, in part~ grantiny waiver (a) on the basis that the proposed mezzanine arcas wiT 1 have no windows and the h~tyht of the struc~ure will not exceed the two-story limitat ton, and subject to Interdepartmeneal Commi ttee recomrr~endations. On roll call, the foregoing resoluti~n was passed by the folla•ring vote: AY£S: COMMISSIOWERS: t3ARNES~ BUSHORE, DAVID~ HERBST, JOHN$~N~ KING, TOLAR NUES; COMMtSSI0NER5; NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIOI~ERS; NONE Commtssioner Tolar stated he f~ad not offered the ~esolution fc+r approval on the basis of the tethn 1 cal 1 ty a~id wauld I~~ve af fer~d the same m~t ion I f the condi t iona! use permi t h~d already been terminated by the City Council; that hls motion was based on the uniquen~ss of the property and the faGt that the density has been reduced and the properttes are div(d~d by the canal~ and he did not feel this project would be an intrusion into the privacy of tha surrounding p~operty awners. Jack White present~d the written right to appeal the Plenning Commission's decision within 22 days to anya~e a~grieved with that decision. 10/23/78 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN, OCTOBEa 23~ 1~7$ 78-871 ITE,M N0. ~ CQNYINU[D PuBLIC NEAR1Nr,, OwNER: WS-ANANtIM~ EIR ~ATEGORICAL EXE:NPTI01~-CLASS 3 31~ west ~sll Roed~ Anal~elm~ CA ~2~Q;. Petttioner ~ ~equests WAIVER OF PE RMITt~D STRUCTURES TO PERMIT A MOEIILE SNACK BAa on property ~inscribed as en irregularly-shaped pa~cel oP land consisting of app~aximately 3.~ acres having a frontage of appraxtmately 3t+a teet on the east side of West Street~ havfng e maxlmum dupth ~f approximatr.ly 5S5 f~e t, h~iny located approximately 775 foet north of the centerlino ~f 6~11 Road~ and furtlier d~scribed as Qa8 South West Street. Property presently class(fled C•R (COMMCRCIAL-RECRE ATION) ZOh1E. SubJect petition was contlnued from the meeting of September 25~ 197A at thP request of the petttloner. Ther~ was no ane Indicatlny their presente in oppc~sitlon t~ 'ub,)ect req~~~+t~ and althouqh the staff report to ~:he Pidnnin.,~ Cona~lssion datt Ott~~~~~ ~'~, 19~8 was not reed at khe publlc hcaring~ (t Is rrferred to and made a part of the minutes. John Kogler~ representing wS-An~hr.lm~ petitinner~ stnted th ~y are seeking a permlt to continue~ oparatlan of a m~bi le sn~ck trai ler ~n a seosonsl basis. whlch they remc~ve from the premises during thc off•season. He staced th~ reason thcy do not want to bulld d permanent structu~e ls ~eceuse thci~ business is seaso~al a~d becnuse of the tapohraphy of the property; that if they were to bulid a perrru~nent sCructure, it would require an expenslve retatnlny wall and the import of a lUt of dirt. tie explatned he had started their operatlon wtthout fo~d servfce~ but h~d a lot of ~eq ue~t~ trom customers for soft drinks ~ etc. ~~+nd they were also haviny sever~~l 1 1 censed ca terers going thrnugh thei r parkln,q lat and into the streets, etc. ~ causin~~ traPfic ~r~blems. Ne stated economtcally the mobile snack trailer does not make money for them~ but prevents people from meking dangerous turns across Ball Road to go to convenient food r~estaurants in the area. 7Nf PUBLIC NE~1R~~~G WAS CLOSED. Commlssioner To1ar stated he did not see any reason for no t allowing this use since this type of use is allawed in City facilities an a sea4onal b a sis and he thought the r~ASO~s for not buildtng a perman~:nt structure sound valid because LhEs is a sens~na) ~peration. Commissioner Barn~s indicated concern with people thrc~winy the soft drlnk cups and trash on the ground and it blawina to adJacent properties~ an~f asked what provision will be mads for trash disposal. Mr. Kogler replted that they have their awn trast~ disposal area whtch complles with City codes and they pick up trash almost hourly, and potnted a u t the property is developed wlth a berm and block wall. Cortmissioner David ~sked what caused tl~e 7oning Enforceme~t Off icer to c(te the tral ler, and Mr. Kogler replted the locdl health officer checks tho waqon regularly for health regulattuns and he called it to the attentton of the Toning Enfarcement Offictr and felt since it is gotng t~ be there regularly~ it should requir- a variance. ~afwnt~sioner David referred to the 7raffic Engineer's recommendation that addittonal pa~king be provided, and Mr. Kogler repiled he ~hought th at was "old news"; that when the facltity had first opened he had had parking problems, b u t during the last summer they had no aroblem with overfilling their parking lot. Ne pointe d out there Is a car dealership in the area and the cars on th~ street are not their custome~s, but employees of the car dealership. t0/23/7a MINUTCS~ A NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS510N~ OCTOgER 23. t918 78-a72 EIR CATEGORIC/1l_EXEMPTION•CLASS 3 AND VARIANCE N0. 305~ (conttnued) Comml~siones~ 8usho~e (ndlcetod he would a~ree with tl~e parkin~~ but hr. had gone to thls faci l ity during thc summer and had remarked thdt he did not see how they could al lc~w that trai ler. .~nd hc ~IJ se:e problerns with trash~ paper~ etc., and also with somethtng dra~ni ng from the trai ler~ and It takes up perking spaces ancf tie could not suprprt tl~e use f~r heal th reasons, yarbege reasons ~ etc. Chat~rnen H~rbst potnted out the City sllows these snack bArs in their awn recreational fectllttes, and asked if they were tn flxed bufldings. Curtmi ss ionc r To) ar rep 1 i ~d a lot c~f tl~en, arc on whcc 1 s; tl~at he h~d worked on che Parks and Recreatlan Cortmission for two years and hed found out a lat abouc how we support the_ Pop Warner Footbal) LRa~uc. LiCtle Leaqucs~ etc.~ by all~~winq these ty~e USES. N~ stated if this werc a Year-around c~perAtion he would be havc so~ dlsc~mfort supportfn~ it. He felt lt is a clean c~per.~tion anJ well kept anel he did not sea a tremendous arrnunt of problems. Ile palnted out hc was awarc~ `~ar4.i~i~~ prublPms arr i~t causeo uy this fac.ility, but by the car dealerslilp next do~r. rle felt it wo~ 1c1 be a rroblem lf this use were denied when ( t is al lc~wed in City parks; he dfd nc~t f'rel we should have double stan~lards . Commissioner Bushore r~sked if the C(ty allc~ws this tyoe usc In Ctty fac(littes for n~nth4 at a t(me or a tcmporary baSis, and Coromissloner Tolar ex~laine~~ m.~ny of thcm are for tF~e season. Ne indicated if he offered a n~,tion for approval, ([ would be tied to the seasona) ba,is and the hc~urs~ with a t(me limit. Mr. Y.oglc:r replied they wo~al~ be happy to cumply with a re~isonable time limit to cor,~e back and see if any problems havc arisen~ end tliey would be willing ta stinulate the use will only be du~ing tl~eir season, pc~intin~~ aut their sr.ason fur aperatlon is March, April and May~ weekends only, excent for spring vacat(on; upen dur(nc~ June~ July~ August and Septerober; and during the months of October ancl N~vember on weekends~ c~ependin~~ upor •' ~ weather; and that the hours of operasiun In tlie sunm~er are from 9:0f1 a.m. to lO:OQ p.m. and on wee~cends duriny the fall from 10:00 ~.m. to G:00 p.m,~ but normally not beyond 9:QA a.m. to 10 :00 p.m. ~ and that thei r conditlonal use permit limits them to those hours. It was not~d that the Planning Director or his authorized re~resentative has dete~mined that the p~oposr_d proJect falls wEthin the deftnitlon of Cateyorical Exemptions, Class 3~ as def ined in parayraph Z of the C1 ty of Anaheim Envi ron~~~ental Impact Re~ort Guiclel Ines and is, th~refore~ categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare an EIR. ACTION: Gommissfoner Tolar offered Resolutio;i No. PC7ii-2h5 and moved far its passage a~d a~opt~Ton ~ that the Anahe im C i ty P 1 ann i ny Commi ss ion does hereby grant Pet i t i on f~r Va~iance No, 3050 for a two-year period of time, subject to tlle stlpulatian that the operattona i season is Narch, Apri 1 and May~ weekends only; ,lune~ July~ Auqust and September, dally from 9;00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; and the months of October and November~ week~nds dependtng upon tlie weather; and sub)ect to Interdepartmental Committee r cortn~en da t I ons . Commissioner Tolar explafned to Commissioncr Bush~re that thc Planninq Commission does have a han dle on this situation; that if there ts a violation of the health and safety code the P lanning Commission can review this permit at any time they d~sire. Cammissioner Dushore indlcated he v+ould support the use on that basis. On rol l ca 11, the forego(ng resolution was passed by the following vate: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, BUSIIURE, DAVID~ HERBST, JOHNSON~ KING~ TOLAR NOES: C OMMiSSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 10/23/78 M I ~~UTE5, ANAHE 1 M C I TY PL~~yN 1~~G COMM I SS I ON ~ QCTOBEa 23 ~ 1978 78-g73 1 TEFI NO '' PUHL I C HEAfII ~~G. OWNER: LAKCVI CW PLAZA I~JVESTMENT R EfORICAL EXL'MPTIOI~•ClAS5 1 CO., ITD.~ 1G1 Town and Country~ Orange~ CA 9266~i. ~, . , AG~NT: K11ENG L I M ONG. D.V . M. ~ 10~i0 Bur Iwaod Dr t ve ~ ~"'~" Anehelm~ CA y28n7. Petitioncr ~equests permission ta ESTAffLISli A VETERIItARY HOSPITAL on properly described as an irregularly-sl~oped percel of land conststina of rppr~xtmately 2.6 acres located north and east of the norchesst corner of McKinnon D~Ive a~d lakevlew Av~nue, hsving approxlmate frontag~s ~f 113 faQt on the north side of McKinnnn Orive and 21~8 feet on thn esst side of Lakevtew Avesnue~ baing located approximately 21~ feet east of the centerline of Lr~kevl~- Avenue and 1~~ fe~t north of the cente~line of flcKinnon Drtve~ and further describcd as ~~2E> Lakevicw Ave~ue. Propercy pr~sently classlfied CL(SC) (CONMERCIAL~ LIMITE.D-SCENIC CORRIDOR OVERL~Y) ZONE. The petitioncr apoingized for being absent earlier~ explainfng he tyad understood hls itern was being contlnued ~nd h~ had left the i~-eeting. There was no ane indicating thelr presence in opposition to subJect request, and aithough the staff ~eport to the Planning Cvrrrnisslon dated October 23~ 137'~ wes not read at the publlc heariny~ It is refcrred t~ and made a part of the minutes. Dr. Kheng Lim Ong~ a~ent, indicated tliis would be a small animal ~ractice with all Indoor activitics and no outslde kenn~ls. TNE PUai.IC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Johnsan aske~ if this facility would board pets while people werc on vacetton~ and Dr. Ony replied they would only treat small animals at this facility nnd it is not a kennel. Commissioner Davld asked how many anirrwls he woulci expect on the premises at any one tlme' and Dr. Ong replicd he would estimatc 20 pe~ day in-and-out; that he woiild not be able to do more than five surgeries per day. Ne explatned there would be no problcm with odors~ pointing out he and his staff woul~ be working Inside and the animal cages would be in an I so 1 a ted rocxn. Commissfoner Tolar askeef iF the facility wos~l~i be inspected reqularly by any agency~ and Dr. Ong explalned he is a rnember of the Southcrn California Veterinarians As;ociatton. !t was noted that the Planniny Director or hls authorized ~~~resentative has determined that the proposed proJect falls within the definiti~n of Categoricat Exemptions~ Class 1~ as defined in paragrapl~ 'l of the City of Anaheim Environmental Impact Report Guidelines and is~ therefore, categorically exempt from the requiremert to prepare an EIR. ACTIOH: Cortmissioner Barnes offered Resolution No. PC7~~-24U and moved for its passage and a~optron, that the Anahe(m City Planning CommissiQn daes hereby grant Petition for Conditfonal Use Permit No. 1899, subJect to Intr,rdepartmental Comnittee recommendatlans. Qn roll call~ the foregoing resolutton was passed by th~ following vote: AYES: COMM(SSIONERS: BARNES~ BUSNORE. QAVID~ NERBST~ JOtiNSON, KING~ TOLAR NOES; COMMISSIONERS; NONE AaSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NOfJE t0/23/78 ~~ ` MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOSER z3~ 1978 7~~~7~+ ITEM N0. 10 PU6LIC HEARING. ObMERs ;AUL F. SCHLUE~ 2758 Parkdale C E00 ICAL EXEMPTION~CLASS ; Orive~ Anahetm~ CA 92~Q1. AGENT~ TIM07NY B. VIRUS~ V_C N0~ 181 West O~sngethorpe~ NC~ Piecentta~ CA 92670. P~t(tloner ~equasts WAIVER OF MINtMUM FaONT SETBACK TO CONVERT AN EXISTiNG SINGIE-FAMILY RESIDENCE INT4 AN INDU~TRIAI USE on prope~ty descrtbed as s rectangulariy-shaped p~rce) ot land constst- ing of epproximdtely 78~d squdre feet having a}rontege of approxtm~tely 78 feat on the sast stde of Kraemer aouleve~d~ heving e meximum depth ot opp roxin-stely iQ0 feet~ baing located spproximately 650 feat north of the centerline of La Palme Avenue~ and turther described as lly2 North Kraamer Bouievard. Property presently classttted RS-A•43~~Ci0 (RESIDENTIAL/ AGRICULTURkL) ZONE with a re~olutton of inte~t to the ML (INDUSTRIAL, LIMITED) ZONE. Thare was no o~e indicating thelr prnsence tn opposition to ~ubJect request~ end alchough the st~'f rcpur~ lu ti~~; Plan~~in,y Coirnnisston ~ldtu~l O~tubar 2j~ 197u wss itiul t'abJ et [h~ publlc hearing~ it is referred to and mad~ a part ot the mtnutes. Timothy Vlrus~ ayenc, referred to the trash storage erea located on the south property Ilne and lndicated he had dlscussed this wlth the Santtat(on Dtviston and the p~oJact was designed with what they thought would be the besc location because there ts an industrtal park dlrectly to the south~ wtth an atieyway along the Clty easement arhere the trash is currently plckeJ up. He stated he has tried u~successfully to dlscuss this situetlon with the Sanltetion Division sinca he received the staft report. Mr. Virus referred to the condltion that sldewalks shall be installed olany Kreemer Bouleva~d ~~nd pointed out the existtn,y commerci~l develapments both to the north and south and on che opposite side of Kraemer do not heve sidewalks. Chatrman Nerbst explatned the Planning Ccxnm(sslo~ cannot waiv~ the sidewalk requtrement~ but thet he could apply dtrectly to the Ctty Engtneer for a sidewalk waiver. TNE PUBLIC NEARING WAS CLl?SEU. Chairma~ Herbst referred to the Clty Traffic Engineer's recomnendation that the existing curb cut be reconstructed to a mintmum of 20 feet, and Mr. Virus indicated that would be ~o problem and he would compiy with that recomenendation. Chalrman Herbst asked for clarifl~atlon concerning the trash, and M~. Virus explained the ortgln~i locati~n was for thc ~ase of the Sanitation Dtvtsion to eliminate the posstbility of having to brt~g their trucks lnto ttie property and turning a~ound. Annika Santalahti~ Assistant Dtrector for Zoning~ explained that an access easement would have to be obtat~ed from the City and the City Council ~ould have Ca grant that easement, and she believrd that ~ould be directed through the Real Property Oivision. M~. Virus indicated he had discussed this problen-.with the Reel Property Division~ the Engineering Divtsion. and the Sanitation Diviston~ but that the problem would be solved. Chairman Herbst stated the permtt could be approved subJect to the condition that approval from the Sanltation Divtsion would ae obtained. Chairman Herbst asked how long the residence would be used~ pointing out the staff report indicates a n~w office will be constructed. t0/23/78 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN~ OCTO~ER 23~ 1978 y8-875 EIR CATEGORlCAL EX~MPTION-CLASS 5 AND VARIANCE N0. 3055 (continued) Mr. Vlrus explalned that the office will be constructed p~obably within a year~ end Chairmsn Herbat sugyested that the use for the residenco be allowed for a one-yea~ p~rlod. He stated he would bc concerned that the new bullding must have the proper setbacks. Mr. Viru~ stated the new structurs would heve the p~oper setbacks and explained they are requesting e permenant variance on the extst(ng bull~tng and upon completlon of the new bulldtng~ thelr architectura) offitce would be moved t~to the uppr.~ floor of the new butlding and the lower floar ~t the new buiidtng wou1J b~come a warehouse; that they have two tentative occupants~ one a wh~~l company whtch is strictly a wholesale operation which selis to locel service stactons and the other Is a picture PramQ manufacturer~ and both wil) use the existing rAsidAnce which will be mod(fied as office space for thelr offtces~ a~d also there is e possibility of an enginer_ring f(rm who has expressed tnterest In moving into the restdence. Commisstoner Bushore tnd(cated he had a lot of questions since the waiver is being reque~ted permancntly and they are going t~ bu(ld a new buiidiny in e yeer. Jay Tashlro, Associate Planner~ explained the applicant Is referring to the new bulldln~ which (s to be located at the northeast corner oP the property ~nd they are propostng to maintatn the extsting res(dence for office spaces. Canunissfoner King noted the extsting structure wili never conf~rm to the 50-foot setback requlramant. Comrnlssioner Tolar was concerned that there would be parking problems with the~t much develapment an the property end lndicated he wauld not support building tn a hardship. Mr. Virus stated there are nine spaces currently and he sees no need for nore parking; that at t{~e present time their office uperates on tr~eo pa~king spaces and the new structure will posslbly need one space for e~ch office. Jay Tashiru explained the code stetes the oPfice use requtrenent tti one space for every 250 square fe~t of gross floor area and, furthermore~ the petitt~~er indicstes there will be quite a bit of wa~ehouse space and that requirement is one space fo~ ~very 1000 square feat af grass Flaor area. He further explained the existing single-famlly residence 1s approximat~aly 1000 syuare feet end utilizatlon ef the st~ucture tor c~fftce space would require four parking speces and~ in addition, the 2000-square foot structure would require an additional four park.ing spaces for the off(ce space and ane spaca woul~ be requlred for the tOQO•square foot portion to be used as a warehouse~ for a totaf re~qu~rement of ntne spaces. Commissionrr Johnson expleined the problem aitt~ this request Is that the petitioner wishes ta roalntain the existl~y residence on the property after the new structure Is constructed and the normal procedu~e would ba to continue the use of the existing structure until such times as the new structure is built, and he dtd ~ot think he could support this ~equest. Comnissioner Tolar exp{ained his concern would be that wh~n the nea structure is cortpleted there will be a shortage aE parking and fic would be wiiltng to support a vac~tance on the axisttng stfucture for e pe~iod o~ one or two years; that he did not believe this much structure should be allowed on a 7800-square foot lot because circufatton would definitely be s problem; that tenanxs of the facility could posstbly need bdditional parking and felt they would be uttlizing the ca;mercbal prope~ty next door for parking. Chairman Herbst ~tated a residential structure in the industrial zone is not conductye to the improvaments hc would like to see on the industrfal properties; that normally the to/23/78 MINUTES~ pNAHE1M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, OCT09ER 23~ 1~78 <<~,~~~ EIR CATEGORtCAI EXEMPTION-CLAS5 5 ANO VARIANCE N0. 3055 (cont(nued) extstl~g rosidentiai :,.ructures ar~ allaved to remein on a temporary basts only~ to be repl~crd by new industriei struccu~es. He steted he would n~t be in tavor of gr~nting a permanent vartance on the extsttng structure. Commtsato~er Barnes Indicated she would be wtlltng to support the vartance tor e llmtted perind of time; that thts was the }irst tlme she rernembered a request ltke thts on a permanent basis and she dtd not thtnk the Planning Commisslon had ever grantod such a vs~lance. Commissloner Nerbst suggested grant(ng the verianc~ far a two-yeer period and thet the new ~tructure must be ii~ conformance wtth the codes~ including the setb~cks~ to conform wtth the bulldtnys thbt are gotng to be constructed (n tl~at erea. Mr. Vlrus stated thAt he did not think tt would be feaslblo to remove the exlsting atructure and butld a tQtalty commerclal development because of the restrfctlon in the size of the property~ but (f this is the feellny of the Plenning Ccrnmission~ they would a~'ept It and discuss tt w(th the owner of ttie property and prospectlve tenants. Chairman Ne~bst polnted out parktng would be ellc~wed fn the 50-foot setbeck wlth landscaping provld~d~ and Jay Tashiro expletned the first 1c1 feet must be landscap~d and the ~est could bc uttlized for parktng. Canmissioner Tolar felt the biggest problem ts that the petitioner is Just overbuilding the property and that a hardship is being created. Commissioner David potnted out the proposed development, except for the existing st~ucture~ is within the code requirements. Commtsslonar Bushore asked if this is betng discussed as e commerclal use or an industrial use, and Mr. Vlri~s stated the proJect was designed in accurdance with the current ML (Industrial~ Limited) code. It was noted that the Planning Director or hfs authorTzed representative has determined that the propased proJect falls within the definition of Categorical ExemQttons. Class 5~ as defined Tn parayraph 2 of the Ctty ot Anaheim Environmental Impact Report Gs~idelines and ts, therefore~ categorlcally exempt from the requirement to prepare an EIR. ACTION; Commissioner Johnson offered Resolut(on No. PC78-246 and moved for its passage and a~doptlon, that the Anahelm City Planning Comrnissi~n does hereby grant Petition for Yariance No, 305S for a period of two years. subject to stipulations of the petitioner that the naw structu~e will be in accordance with the code requirements of the City of Anaheim, includtng ~il setbacks~ and subJect to Interdepartmental Committee recommcndations. On roi) call~ Che foregoing resolution was passed by thc following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARIJES, @USHORE~ QAViD~ HERBST, JOHNSON~ KING~ TOIAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMt11S51pNERS: NONC CommissionCr Johnson explatned tha intent of the Planninn Commission is to remove the existing residenttal structure from thc prope~ty; however, if the petltioner is not ready to rer.~ove tt at the end of the two-year period, he can apply to the Planning Commisston fo~ furtt~er consideration. 10/23/78 MINUTES~ IWAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOBER 23~ 1978 76"$~~ ITEM N0. 11 PUBLIC HEARING. aWNERi BADALIAN ENTERPRISES~ ~R C~CGb~ CALrCXEMPTION-CLASS~S 1 6 r I2a~Z.15qGENTithHAlrC~rTANui730rNorth~Euc~j~CA VARIANCE N0. 30~ 9 w Street~ Anehnlm~ CA 928~1• Petftioner ~equests WAIVER OF MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES TO EXPAND AN EXISTIMG MOTEL AND A RESTAURANT on property doscribed as e rect~+ngularly-shaped parcel of land consistlny of approximately 2.3 acres having a frontage of a?proxtrr~atQly 170 feet o~ the east side of Nerbo~ Boulevard~ having a maximum depth of epproxlmetely 601 feet~ bei~g locHted approxtmately 865 fe~t south of the centerllne of Menchester Way, and further dascrlbed as 15~+0 South Harbor Beulevard. Property presently clessified C-R (COMMERCIAL-RECREATION) ZONE. There was no one indicat~~g thetr presence In opposition to subject reyuast~ dnJ although the staff report to the Plonning Commission datc~ October 23~ 197a Wes not read at the public hearing~ it ts referred to and made a part of the minutas. Kenneth Krause. representing the Tropicana Motel located at 1~~i0 South Harbor Boulevard~ explelned they are requesting a variance of the parktng requlrements for the constructlon of naw untts and a restaurant; that the code d~es not clearly identify a"hotel", but that effecttve today they would be constdered a hotel; that they plan to construct a restaurent and hotel across from D(sneylend which (s greatly needed; that they plan to co~struct a conference room for smal) meetings of businesses nnd individuals attending th~ Anahelm Convention Cente~; that tliey wlll be const~ucting 109 ncw units (removing 32 extgting units that have become outdated) and that the p~oJect wlil upgrade the property and wil) be sort~thing across from Disneyland that the City can be proud of. He explained they are requesting a parking varlance for several raasons; thet the operatto~ of a motel or hotel has changed greatly du~ing the past 20 years and they hAVe been working taaards this and have made ch~nges by addtng mare units~ etc.; that tod~y with the prlces pevple have to pay for rooms~ one must give them a product worth the amount they have to Ray; that they have toll-free telephone lines which reach 12,400 travel agencies throughout the United States; that they have their own in-house packayes and their own associatlon with tour wholesalers throughout the United States; that tt~ey work wlth g~oups such as Greyhound~ TCI from Hawati~ Canada~ and Mextc~~ and those groups fly in or coma in by bus~which does not require as many parking spaces; that they also work with Gray Line~ Orange ~oast Sightseeing~ and the Fun Bus which also suggests to the guests that they leave thpir Gars at home an~ fly in; that the airltnes have reduced their a~ir fares and that taxis and buses in the are handic the gucsts; that the Anaheim Conventlon Bureau books large blocks of rooms~ all of which fly in; and that they offer service by picktng up the guests ~t the air terminal. He thought the code requirements for parking might have been good in the past and might be good today fo~ those businesses which ere leaning towards th=~ type of business, but they have gone through the Anaheim area and want to keep their business in line with other businesses; and that according to the sLaff ~eport, two other propertiss have been gra~ted variances nn parking. He stated lnstead of building iip over existing old units,givi~g the people the same thl~g, they would be gotng to a great expense tearing dawn some of the existing unlts. He pointed out the project is dlrectly across the street from Diseyland and they are spending a lot of money on the appearance of the front of the units on Harbor Boulevard. He presented an exhibit of what they are pla~ning ta do and stated they want to build something in the city that they can be proud of~ and somethir~g they feel will be fAir to the guests fo~ the ratas they will be paying. ~0/23/78 ,~ ,. MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOnER 23, 1318 18-678 EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASSES 1 b 5 AND VARIANCE N0. 3056 (continued) ... ------•--- He explalnad thny wanted to test themselvns end find out how thay were doing reqardtng tha parking; that he had gotten compartson figures of the number of people flytng versus the number of poople driving and stnce .lune~ during the summer months~ they had c:ounted the cars every nlght and atteched that ftgure to thelr ~oom ltst to see how they would fare when they came beforo the Planning Conwntssion ~equesting a va~tance. He presented a calculetion whlch listed the number of rooms occupl~d nn eech night and the number ~f vehicles in the park(ng lot; that at thelr peak in August they hed had ~9$ pa~k(ng t~nd a low of ~1~. and that they were asking for a varlonce far 6E$ parktng. Ne pofnted out new properttes have been granced vartances for parktng upwards to 25Z tn Anaheim. TIIE PUBLIC H~ARIN~ WAS CI_AsFD. Commissioner Kiny referred ta the reference in the staff report that a minimum drive width of 2Q feet be required for access by the sanitation t~ucks. Mr. Krause Indicated representatlves from the Sanltation Otvision had been out to the property and they had t~a~f t~ make some adJustments to the pian to incrcese the driveway to 22 feet and they have satlsfied the Sanit~tion Dtv(slon. He polnted out trash areas behind the pool area on the plan and indicated tl~cre would be enclosed bins. Commissioner Johnson asked if the car caunt included employaes' cars~ and the petttloner nxplained the count did nat include the one car fu~ the manager; thrt at the prasent tlrr~e they have six matds and anly one drives a vehicle to work and there is no othcr help on the propcrty; that the parking for the new addltlon and the restaurant w~re included in the calculattans. Comm(ssioncr Johnson stated he wanted to make sure employee parking was ~ot ~ncluded in the 135 spaces provided~ and Jay Tashiro explained the code requires rtatels to have one space per unit and there is no refer~ence made to employee parktng. Cortmissloner Johnso~ stated ~~ appreclated the pa~•king figures provided by the petitloner; that he has no t~ouble with the proJect~ but felt it is a little close on the parking; that the averages come out nicely~ but that the guest who is crowded out on Frtday needs the space that day. Mr. Krause stated they do not want to construct anythi~g that wtll cause them problems; that their key is service and they itve there night and day and have t~ take care of the people coming in. He stated the idea of building the new units is to be able to go efter the lat-ger groups. Ne presented a snapsh~t of the present facility~ pointing out the whole area basicelly looks like this, and stated he would like to see everyone in the area improve the(r properties. Cunxntssloner Bushore askec. if th~~ parking study presented was taken of the spaces utilized or the number of vehlcles, and Mr. Krause explatned thet only vehicles had been counted. Commissloner Bushore po(nted out the most ever gra~ted had been a 25$ walver and this request is for 32~~ and asked if the petitioner had considered tucked parking under a portion of th^. units. and M~. Krause stated he had considered that possibility~ but that would take away from the appeara~ce of the p~operty and woulci be very expensive. He potnted out those vartances up to 25$ had been g~anted on b~and new properties that are not working as a hotel and pointed out hotels ere requl~ed to have one parking space far every Mo units~ and they are asking for this variance bas~d on their 20-year history iR Anahetm. t0/23/78 ~ ,~ MINU1'ES~ ANAHkIM CITY pLANNINf, COMMiSS10P~~ OCTOBCR 23~ 1978 79'819 EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASSES 1 S 5 ANO VARIANCE N0. 30~6 (continued) .._.._.....~__..~._._....._.._ - - Commfssioner Johnson statcd he dtd not want to see the Planntn~ Cammisslon get hung up an thQ parking and try to hold it at the 2S$ Itmit~ that he thought the p~tttlaner had done hIs hortiewo~k and he has a lot morc on the ltne than the Plannina Cam~ission stnce he would be investtng a lot ot money a~d he did not think he would Invest it wronq~ and he did not think It would hurt the city if he did invest it w ron~~~ and hn would be wtlling to go elong wl th the roquest~ Commissloner Tolar indicated he thought tt~e trend dooa validate the points the petitioner is trying to maka rogardtng the flying-in type guest and in that area he felt maybe n study of the ordlnancc reyardiny parl.ing should ba done. It wes noteci that the Planriing Dtrector or his authorized representattve has deterrnined that the proposed proJect fells wlthin the definltion of Categorical Ex~mptlons~ Classes 1 and ~~ as deflne~f tn parAgraph 2 of the City of Anahelm Environmental Impact Report Guideltnes and is~ therefare~ categc~rtcally exerr~t from the requirement to prepare an EIR. ACTION: Commissioner King offered Resolutlon No. PC7a-247 and moved for (ts pessagc and a~optfon~ that the Anahetm City Planning Commisslon does liereby grant Petltion for Vartance No. 30~iG on the basis that a certain percentage of guests arrlve by transportatir~n modes other than private automobile and that other variances hnve benn g~anted (n tlie same vicinity and zone, and denial would be deprtving thi, property of privileges being enJoyed by other propertics, and subJect to Interdepartmental Commi~tee recomnend9tions. On roll calt, the foregoing resolution wes passed by the followtng vote: AYES; COMMISSIONERS: DARNES~ BUSNORE, DAVID~ HERgST~ JOHNSON~ KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS; NONE Commisstoner Herbst nskeJ If the clrculation had been revi~:wed and approv~d by the Fire Department~ and Mr. Krause replled that they had. Commissioner Uavid asked what tln~e of day the traffic counts were taken~ enc3 Mr. Krause r~plied they were taken between 11:OA p.m. and 12:00 p.m. 17EM N0. 12 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: AMELIA P. WF11TE~ 1311 EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 1 Mltchell, Tustin, CA 92680. AGEi1T; JANET DE CEW, VARIANCE N. ~ 522 C1lffwood Avenue, B~ea, CA 92G21. PetltionP~ requests WP,lVER OF PEttM1T'FO STRUCTURES TO PERM17 AN OFFICE TRAiLCR on prAperty described as an ir~eguiarly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.5 acre havtng a frontage of approximately 166 feet an the north side of Ball Road, hAVing a maximun depth of approxi- mately 260 feet. betng located approxi-nately 662 feet Hest of the centerline of Knott Street, and further described as 3605 West Ball Road. Property p~escntly classi~ted RS-A-43~000 (RESID~NTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZONE. 1'here was no one indicating thei~ presence in opposition to subJect request, and although th~e steff report to the Planning Commission dated October 23, 197~ was not resd at tfie public hearing~ it is referred to a~d made a part of the minutes. Janet De Cew, agsnt~ Nas preser-t to answer any questions. ~0/23/1a i MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, OCTOBER 23~ 197a 78~8R~ EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 1 ANO VARIANCE N0. 3~58 (continued) ..r......._..~,....,_.._....~ . . TNC PUBLIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissio~e~ King rcferred to the ~ecommendation that the extsting dirt driveway be closed~ end Ms. Ue Cew repitad thet when the sidewalks are put In~ the dtrt drivewey wlll bc closed. Commisatoncr dushoro asked if lt would be falr to ask for a cin-a limit~ even though they are asking for this amount of dedieation, and Chairn~an ~lerbst asked if the property ts dw~ed or leased. Ms. De Cew replted that the property avner owns thc propc~ty where th~y wtsh to put the oPfice trailer~ but thcy lcase tt~e pruperty nnxt door which is the hospital f4r khe dnvelopmentally disabled. Chairman Nerbst asked haw lang they plan to use this tra(ler stnce lc ls narmally eansidered a tempora ry use. Ms. De Cew replied thelr lease has nlne years left~ but that regulations of the Scate Department of Healtt~ and federal regulations change consta~tly; that they hed this property meinly as a play yard for the residents~ but naw they wish to put tfi e traller on tt es an office and the awner did not wish to build e permanant structure on the prope~ty at thTs stage s(nce she would not want to have it on there after the lease expires~ and they did not want enything bigger than a trailer because they need the area for a play yard. Canmissioner Herbst ask~d thc type and size of the trailer, and Ms. De Cew ansv+ered that it is the woaden slding tratler shown and that the slze is 12 feet by 44 feet a~nd they will use the tra(ler only for office space and no one will be living in the trailer. Cortanissioner Johnson indlcated this looks llke an unfortunate chatn ot c(rcumstances and he dtd ~ot sec any resason not to grant the request. It was noted that the Planning Dlrector or his authorized representative has dcinrmined that the proposed proJect falls wlthin the deftnitlo~ of Categor(cal Exemptions~ Clsss 1~ as defincd in paragraph 2 of the C(ty of Anaheim Environmental Impact Report Gutdelines and (s, therefore~ categoricelly e~mpt from the requlrement to prepare an EIR. +CTION: Commissianer David offered Resolution I~o. PC78-248 and moved for i*.s passage and a~ron~ that the Anahetm Clty Planning Cornmlaston does hareby gra~t Petition for Variance No. 3058 for a period of nine years on the basis thet state and federal ~egulattons have chanyed since the use was established and the slze of the property daes not warrent buildtng a permenant structure~ and subJ~ct to Interdepa~tmental Cammlttee ~~commendat i ons . On roll call~ the forcgotng resolution was passed by the fqllowing vote: AYES: COMMlSSIONERS: BARNES, BU5NORE~ OAVID, HERBST~ JOHNSON~ KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSlOt1ER5: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 10/23/78 ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CIlY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTQBER 23~ 197~ 7a-At~l ITEM NQ. 1~4 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERSs AR1~0 H. STOVALI~ JR. AND ~$ C91~G0,_,_RICAI.`EXE(~PTIQN-CLASS 1 QORQTt~Y M. WILEMAN FULLER, 1b1S Sa~nta Msrgarita Drtve~ WAIVER OF CODE RE UIREMENT Falibrook~ CA 9202~. AGENT: FRANCIIISE REALTY INTER- kRM . 1900 STATE CORP.~ l~g6f1 Wilshtre Doulevard~ Los Angeles~ CA y002~+. Petitioner requests permi~ston to CONVERT AN ENCLOSED RESTAURAIJT INTO A ORIVE-TNROUGN RESTAURANT WITH WAIVER OF MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES on prop~rty described as a rectangularly- shapGd parce) of land consisting of app~oximately 0.5 acre havtng a frontaqe of appraximately 16y feet on the south side of Lincoln Avenue~ havtny a maximum depth of approxlmately 135 fect~ being located approximately 175 fect wcst of the centerllne of Western Avenue~ and fu~ther described ~s 321~ West Lincoln Avenue. Property presently classlfted CL (COMMERCIAL~ LIMITED) ZONE. Thera was no one indicatiny their pi~,,Cnce in oppositton to subJect r~quest~ and although the steff report to the Plannin~ Commisston datcd October 23, 1~73 was not read at the public hearing~ tt is referred to and made a part of tl~e ~ninutes. Chairman Herbst declared that he has a conflict of interest as dePtned by Anaheim City Plenning Commission Resolut(~n No. PC7G-157~ adopting a Conflfct of Interest Code for the Planning Commisslon~ and Government Code Section 362a. et seq.~ And that pursuant to the provtsions of the above codes, he is hereby declaring to the Commission that he ts withdraHing from the hearin~ and wlll not take part in either the discusslon or the vot(ng thereo~, and that he had not discussed this matter wlth any member of the Planning Commtsslon. TtiEREUPON~ Ct~AiRMAN HERBST LEFT TIIE COUNCIL CHAM[iER ANO THC CHAIa I~AS ASSUMED BY CHA1 RMAN PRO TEMPORE BAR~~E.S. Gilbe~t Reyes~ lOyF,~ Wilsh(re Boulevard~ Los Angeles~ stated the staff report indicates the subm(tted plans show approximat~ly 35 feet of stacktng area between the wln~ow and the proposed outdoor ordertng device and lhat they have 6~ feet; that the staff report indicates 25 feet between the orderiny device and [he start of the drive-through lene and they liave 60 feet; and that the staff report indtcates one parking space is required for each 50 square feet of gross floor area~ or 49 spaces required~ and their grass floor area is 2160 square feet~ requiriny 43 spaces; that the new sta~dards proposed call for one parking space for every 60 square feet~ or ~il spaces~ but that with the 2160-square foot gross fioor area~ parking space -egulrements would be 36 spaces. He stated they are proposing to add a d~ive-through windaw to an existing MecDonatd's located on Lincoln Avenue; thae their experience with other restaurants~ not in the City of ~nahetm but in other cities of Orange County~ have shown the stackln~- is quite adequ3te; that one of the unique thin~s about MacDonald's is t!~at they ~ffer fast fa~d servtce and all the food is prepared ahead of time; that during peak hours they can serve a custom~r~ from the time he places his order untii hE picks it up at the wtndow~ in 30 seconds; that the thing that slows the se rvice down is the handling af money; that one of the comments made by the City TrafFic Engi~ee~ is they do not have endugh stacking and that stacking will conflict with traffic on Lincoln Avenue; that with the ne~v propos~ed requirements of 100 feet of stacking between the ordertng device and the start of the stacking lane~ they cauld eliminatc four parking stalls and be able to meet th~t requirement and be withtn 40 feet of Lincoln, but do not feel they need the 100 feet ~rom the ordering device to the start of the stacki~~ l~ne because there ts a median along Lincoln Avenue with no left turns into the restaurant~ so they are only getttng one-half the customers off Lincaln Avenue. Ne stated they have an easement around the back of the property and approximetely 40Z of the customers come in through that way, ancl thev feel if they split the difference and ~~ave 30 feet of stacking along the easement and 30 feet of stacki~g on the lot dtself~ they would comply with the intent of tne code; and that 10l23/78 ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY F'L'~NNING COMMISSIQi~~ OCT6DCR 23, 1~78 7g-882 EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLA55 1 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0,_1900 (contlnued) ~., ... ~ compsred with other drfve-th~ougl~ restaurrnts tn the C1ty ot Anshetm~ thny havc adequata stacklr~y. Commlasioner 6ushore indtcated he would li~e to have tha inconsiste~ctes clartfted wlth the staff report a~d the petit(oner's ftgures. Jay Tashtro, Assoclate Planner~ explained the st~tf ineasures the dtstances and if the~e we~e no dimenslons on the plans submittad, then they weuld h~ve to base it on their meaaurements~ and they had measured the square footec~e of the bulldtng to be 2k0~ sque~e feet. Mr. Reyes explained th~e buildinq slze is 30 feet by 72 feat. TNE PUBtiG HEARING MIAS CLOSED. Commisstoner Johnson asked staff if with the rcvised figures there would stlll ba a parking problen~s~ and Jey Teshir~ replied that there would be a substanttal reductian in the numbe~ of raqutred parking spaces, that there would be s(x addit(onal spaces with the revised figures. Commissianer ~ushore ref~rred to the comment that the slowest process In the serving of food would be Che handllne~ of money and asked if there would not be a problem wtth peoplc trying to dec(de what they want to orde~ at the ordering device. Mr. Ray~s replied that narmally peoDle com(ng into MacDonald's know what they ara going to order~ and if a housew(fe COrt1e5 In with a lot of children~ she usually goes Inside. Commiss(oner BuSho~a Indicated he felt the stacktng would be blocking some of the nxisttng parktng and polnted out since most of the traffic comes tn off Lincoln in the first driveway to the east, there would be some stacking problems on Lincoln without the drive- through, and Mr. Reyes indicated he did not know of any stacking problems et the present time. Scott Dunkleman~ owner of the restaurant~ 91G Ridgecrest~ Anahelm~ indtcated presently they do not have any sort of stacking problems; that there ts a m~dian in front whtch only allows 50~ of the people coming by to get into their property~ but they do have an easement tn the baGk which allows 5Q$ of thelr busi~css to come into the re~taurant. Commissi~ner Bushore indicated he had been to the facility at peak hours and has seen problems and he has waited for someo~e to back aut whtle someone is waiting to get (n, and Mr. Dunkleman indicated the~e would be a problem if there was saneone welting to back out~ but he did not see it as a maJor problem. Ha stated he did not belteve there would be n prc~blem for those people pa~ked on the west end of the lot as the drive-through lane is cramm~d on the left-hand side of the property. Commtssloner BushQre asked if the ultimate proposal is developed~ h~w many spaces wouid he be requesting tn the waiver. Mr. Reyes tndicated it would be dc~wn to 34 spaces as opposed to 36~ which Is one space f~r every 60 square Yeet. Commissianer 7olar indicated he hes a lot of discomfort with siternate plans betng presented at Lhe meeting which staff has not had an opportun~ty to review. to/23/78 v~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COhWISSION~ OCTOBER '23~ 1978 7~•883 EIR CATE~ORICAL EXEMPtION•CL~~SS 1 ANp CONDITIONpL USk PERMtT N0. 1g00 (continuad) J~y Tpshiro explalned that if the gross floor erea is 21h0 squere feet a~ Indicated by the petlPloner~ then they wuuld meet the proposad c~de requirements of o~o space far every f+0 square feet of gross floor aree. He indicAted staff would Itke to request a cont-nuance In order to evaluate the alternete plans presented et today's meeting. Chalrman Pro Ter.~pore Oarnes po(nted o~~t t~~e Planning Commisslon will be havinq a lot of req~~est:: ccn~iny in whlch do n~*. agree wit~~ the ncw proposeci stend~rds of 100 feet Af stecking lane, a~d Cammission~rs Joh~son ,~nd Tolar Indtcated they wer•e not sure the 100- foot stacking I~ne Is necessary, Mr. Reyes pointed out that under the n~w propnsa) lhey w~ould need 100 tect from the pick- up point to tiie orJrrtny device artd they have Fn f~at, And they usually expect the cus~on~er to walt longer in the stacktng lane: than in qetting his to~d and he dicf nat feel the 100 feet from the steckinq lane would be necesaary. ACTION: Commissloner Osv(d offered L motio~~ scconded by Comm(sstoner Talar and MOTI0~1 ~~D (Commissioner 1lerbst be(n:, tempor~rily e~~sant). that considerdtinn of the aforement(oned item be continued to the regularly-scheduled meeting af the Planning Comm(ssion of Navemt,er 6~ ~97a~ ~n arder for siaff ta evaluate alternate plans as presented at thc meetiny. Jack Whtte~ Deputy City Attorney~ pointed out the ~rdinance was prepared with all drive- through type restaurants bein~ considered~ not Just MacDonald's with the food aiready prepared. Commissioner Tolar asked staff to please clarify the meaning of the ne.w; ot'dtnance because it was s~~gested by the petitioner that thm nunbers had been reversed and that made sense to him. C1IAIAMAN HER6S~f RETURNED TO TIIE COUNCIL ~HAMBER ANO ASSUMED THE CNAIR. ITEM N0. 15 PUaLIC HEAitI~G. OWNER: LAWRENCE W. ALLEN~ 2028 EIR NE VE DECLARATION South Flippen prtve~ A~ahelm~ CA. 92802• AGENT: WAI~VF._R 0~ F CODE REQUI~ENENT PURU PATEL~ 2Q29 South Harbor Boulevbr~~ Anaheim~ CA LONDITIONAL USE ~tE Ift~- 1gC~l 929Q2. Petittoner requests permission tc ESTA8~ISH A RECREATIONAL VEHICE.E PARK !N CONJUNCTION WITN AN EXISTING MOTEI WITH WAIVER OF REQl11RE0 SETBACK on property described as a rectangu)arly-shaped parcel of land cansisttng ot approxtmately 3.7 acres having e f~ontage of approximately 272 feet on the west side of Harbor 6ouleva~d~ havtng s maxtmum depth of approxisnately 525 feec~ being located approximacely 655 feet north of the centerllne of Orangewood Avenue~ and further described as 2029 South Harbor Boulevard. Property pre~ently clessified C-R (COMMERCIAL- RECREATI~N) ZONE. There was one person iRdicating their presence in oppositfon to subJNCt reguest, a~nd a'.houqh the staff repo~t to the Planning Commissio~ dated October 23~ 1^;8 was not read at the publtc hearing, it is referrad to a~d made a part of the minutes. Puru Patel~ agent~ was present and pointed out he wtshes xe esta5li~F. a recreatlonai vehicl~ perk ln connection with the existing motei with waiver of requi~ed setback. He stated the minim~ park site area recommended is 3 gross acres and he has only 1.4 acres, end hi~ site will be deveioped exactly like Tra~velers' World cn Ball Road whic:h ~as deslgned by John Swint. 10/23/78 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ UCTOBta 23~ 197~ 7~-'f'~ EtR NEGATIVE DECLARATIQN AND CONOITt~~'~AL USE PERMIT N0. 1~01 (c~~~~~ued1 Oale Atchay. 970 Lanu+rk I.an~~ A~ahetm. Manager of the Quality Inn ~t che corner of Harbor Boulevsrd and Co~vG~tlon Way~ (ndiceted he was representing the Quelity Inn and they obJect to the propossl because they are concerned about tho eesthetic Imp~c+c es It ~elates to the vlew from the back side of their property lnto tha proposed recreational vahicle perk~ potnting out thern is no proposed lendscaptng. Nn stntod they +~isa ob)ect to the request fnr ck viatlon from the parking requlram~nta end It is thelr feeling motels cb need nne parkl~g sp+~ce for eve ry available guest room~ partlcularly this type of buslnesHewtth an addition propased and alio as it rclates to the r~creatlonal vohicl~ facility. steted it Ia safc to say In this type facility that at least 90$ of the people who stay there drivo there~ and thls ma~y vary from tlmc to time, but during th~ summer lt is very heavily used for parkiny. He tclt the RY faclllty raquirerrMnts of one perking space per unit would be a minfmum becauae many ttmes people travel wlth relatives end drtve seperate cers. He did not feel the parking would have a substantial impact on their property, but It would have an effect on the adJ++cent g~ocery stcr~ and the ovPrflc„w would perk there. Chafrman H~rbst polnt~sd out a telephone cal) had been ~eceived from the Marrlott representattves indi..ating their oppositiun to the visual Impact from thcir new hotel which is to be sevp~~~ st~ries hiyh. Mr. Patel Indica~ed thr. Disneyland Hotal which has 150Q rvoms ~olso has two recreattonal vehicle parks adJacent to it. Chairman Herbst aointed out those pa~ks were developed In ~ccord~nce wtth code requirements. Tt1E ~UBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSEO. Commisslo~er Bushore a+'~d Mr. Patel tf he had been inside those recreattanal vehtcle parks referred to~ and ~~e replle~_' that hc had. Ne stated this pa~k is designed exactly like the Travele~s' World on Ball Road by John Swint. Cc~mmissi~ner Tolar slated the design maY be the sa~ne~ but thls ts a differe~t locaci~n a~nd the use~s of thts factlity will have to go p•-st a restaurant and through a mot°1 Paclltty to get to the p~rk an~i~ in hls opinian~ lt is completely different. Chairman Ne'bst indicatecl he would considcr CQrnnissioner Tolar indicat~d he could see a with a du~l use. this as dual use on one prc+perty~ and lot of problems ln developing this proRerty John Swint~ the developer, stat~d most RV parks in Anahe~m are quite lerge and accommodate large traliers~ buc that Mr. Pate) is geared to the smell~r vehicles that are driven rather than towed~ vrhich (s the reason there is no; the need for parki~9 stalls. Conmissioner Tolar asked how the petitiorer v+ould cantr~l wi~~ pulls onto ti~e property a~nd after they are on-site~ how he wtil refuse to accoc;modate them. He statnd he did not think if someane pulleci vn':o th~ property and the spacps are not filled, thc petitto~er will turn them Away. Mr. Swint be~2Lefeet~wide and,he has desi~nedakheeaisles at 2dt~ 32~feetdsorthereew~ulc~ aisies to 7 be no problem. Cnmmtssioner Tolar indic ~ed the problem here ramtnds him af the first pian that was resented i'ar t:ie faci: _ ^ Dall Road which haid to be redesigned gor the same rcasan, p~ . an~ tnis even cor~~pounds it by the fact tt~at they have to get beh~nd ~ restaurant an a to/23/78 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COM~~ISSION~ OCT06ER 23~ 197a 78'8n5 EIP. NFGATIVf DECL~RATION AND CdNDITIONAI USE PERMIT N0. 1901 (contlnued) motel with thelr vehtcles~ and this Is a worse locati~n~ in ~is opinton~ thnn th~ on~ e~ Ball Road. Ne stated tho facility ~n ~all Road Is e nice aV facillty~ but we al) racog~ize it is an interim use. Chairmen Nerbst pa~ntnd out you seo many recreationnl veht~les towing ~nother vehicle behtnd them~ and John Swint pointeci out thcy have an exccss n.Mnber of park(ng stalls at the motel~ with 125 spaces when only ~Q~ ere required. so there w~uld bc ample space fo ~ cars to pa rk. Chairman Herbst indicflted he would not have any opposltlon to the expansfan af the motel, but he coul~J not sec pullir~~~ tr9tlers through a motel and bchtnd a restnurant to get in t o the park and felt this ~vould be a poor use for tt~e property~ And pointPd out there is a multi-mllllon doll~r li~tel ~~oing ur ncxt door and thPy would be lookin~ tnto a recreatlonal vchicle park, John Swint ~olnted out that now they w~ul~ be looking at ~ vact~nt lot. Commts~loner Tolar polntecJ aut the Planniny Commission had spcnt a lot of time placing restrictions an thc Marriott ~fevelopmme~nt to protect r~~e surrounding neighborhood ~nd if thls were allawed~ we would not he offering them the same protection. tte indtcated he~ would have no problem with ~xpansic~n of th~ motel~ but ~~c was not sure he would even be In egreement that the recrPationt~l vehicle par{. would be the best use for this land. Canmissloner Johnsun ststed if thc pctit(oner had a lar~e enougti ~iece of grounci dnd a plan far a recreational vehicle parl. was presented In accordance with code requirements . he diJ not think [he Planning Commission cauld cleny it~ but thAk he could not 5upport t his use because the~e are toc many problcros. ACTION: Cornmissioner lsushorP offered a motion~ seconded by Commissioner Qavid and MOTION CAaRIED~ that the Anah~:im City Pl~nniny Commission has ~eviewed the propos~l to pe nnit a recreatfonal vehicle p~~rk in conJuncti~~n ~~(tt~ ex~+ansion of an existing mote) with a waiver of required setback on ~ ~ectonqularly-shaped parcr..l of land cansistin_y uf approximate ly 3.7 acres haviny a fronta~as c~f auf~roxim~tely 2')2 feet on the west side of Narbor f~oulevard, having a meximum de~tf~ of approximately ;2> feet~ bein9 located approxlmate ly 655 feet north of the centerline of Orangewood 6lvenue; and does hereby approve the Neyatlve Dtclaration from the requirem~mt tu prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there would be no significani individuat or cumulative adverse envi~onmental impact due to the approval of this Ne~aative Declar~tion since the Anaheim General P1aR deslgnates the s~bJect property for comnc:rcial-recreation land uses commensurate with the proposal; that .~o sensitive environmental impacts are involved ln the pro~osal; that t he Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individual or cumuiative adverse envirc.nmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaration suhstantia t(ng the foregoing finc+tngs is ~~n file in the CTty of Anaheim Planniny Department. Canmissloner Barnes offere~' a motion. seconded hy Ccxrrnisstaner Tola~ and MOTION CARRIED~ that the M aheim City Planning Commissian does her by grant the ~raiver of required se t back for the expansion of an existing motel on Lhe basis that the proposed addition shoutd line up with the existing motel for aesthetic reasons. Commissiene~ Barnes offered Resolution No. PC7~-249 and moved for tts passage and adoption~ that the Anaheim City Plar.ning Commission does hereby grant Petition for ConditionAl Use Perrnit No. 1q41~ in part~ to permit the expanston of an existing motel and denying the reques, for a recreatio~al vehicle park~ and sub}ect ta Interdepartmental Cortmitt.ee recc+mmendations. l0/23/ 78 ~ +, . MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNINf CONNISSION~ OCTOBER 23. 1978 78•8$[• EIR NEGATIVC DECIARATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1901 (continucd) On rol l cal I~ tf~e forc,ryoing ~~~•~ulutiui~ was passcd by thc follc+w( ~~~~ v~~p' AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: CONNISSIONERS: AOSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Jack White~ Ueputy City appeal any port(on of t Counc) 1 . 9ARP~E:S ~ DUSNORE. DAV I D~ HERBST ~ JOIiNSQ!J ~ KI t~ G~ TOLAR NONE NONE AttornQy~ presented thc pet(tioner with thc w rittsn rlyht to he Plann(ng Commissi~n's deciston within 22 days to the Clty ITE1~ t~ G PUULIC NEARING. 011NERS; ROBERT D. ETCIIANDY~ ET Al~ EIR NEGATIVE DFCLAR._ ~. TION 65Q South WeStern Avenue~ ~nt~heim, CA 92804. GONDITI~NAL USE PERMIT N0. 1902 AGC~~T; ELDEN 4/. BAINIiRiDGE. GOLU KkY FURNITURE CO.~ 6161 Sepulve~la Ooulevard~ Van Nuys~ CA 91411. Per.ttlon~r requests permission ta ESTABI.ISN RETAII SALES OF FI;RP~I TURE I tJ TNE ML ZONE on F~ro~erty descr t bed as an i rreg~ 1 arly-shaped pa~ce) of land conslsting of approximately a.3 acres havtng a f~ontage of aR~+roximately 800 feet on the east slde of Tustin Avenue, liaving a maxtmum ciepth of approximaiely 360 fret~ end being located approximat '~ 5G~ feet south of the centerl(ne o1` La Pelma Avenue. Property presently cl ass 1 f I ed RS-A-43 ~~UO (RES 1 UENTI AL/AGP,I CUL7URAL) Z^ IE wi th a resol utlon of i nt~nt to the ML (INOUSTRIAL~ LIMITED) 20~~E. There was no one indlcating their presence ' oppasition to subJect request~ and aithough the staf f report to the P 1 ann i ng Gommi ss i on datecJ Oct~er :3. 1978 was not reAd et the public hearing~ it is referred to and made a psrt of the minutes. Floyd Fa~ano~ represcnting Gold Key Fur~iture Company~ agent. presented an exhiblt showing ~he proposed signing and inciicated tt~is ~s a request for a quasi-retall use in the indust~'ial zone; that the first sl~c~wt~,g ta establish Justification for a conditlonal use permit is that the use is authorized by the code~ as indicaccd by the staff report; that the third showing is that the size and shape of the property is adequate and there wi 11 be no parking or spacr problems; that the fourth shawing would be that the tr~ffic woul~ not affect tht health 3nd safety of the citirens of Mahelm end wi 11 not have an adverse impact on adJolning land; and that the third and f~urth showings would be that subJect property is on the fringe of the industrial are~s and adJoins comme~eial uses. He steted Gold Key Furniture was founde.d in 1972 and they have three storas~ one in Van Nuys~ one Tn Costa Mesa~ and one tn San Jose, and the ~osta Mesa store would be the store most simtlar to the c-ne to be established i~ Anaheim; that it has 16~,Ob0 square feet. wl th app~oxim~tely 100,000 squarc fret to be used as war~house sp~+ec and 50~000 square feet as a warehouse/furniture shawroom. He preserted copies of trafftc custQmer counts for an eiyht-week Qerlod which were prepared by ths store management ln order to exemplify the type of husiness thls Is. Hn explained Gald Key is not *_he conventio~al furniture store~ such a~ The Sroad~~~v~ Wickes~ RB Furniture~ etc.; that it attracts very iittle foot traffic; tha it does r~. offe~ lead~er 6tems, bean bays, a~pliances~ elect~onics~ etc.; that its average sale ~s S600 per sale and they clase between 3B to 40$ of the sales; that people who come in are chere to buy; that the dally t~affic or custome~ cou~t presented depict~ t!~e actual cnunt of customers who came (nto their three locations and the counts ht+~ • been tota~led and ave raged at an ove ra 1 1 ave rage of 51 peo~ 1 s i n the s tore. He s ta te d you wi 11 see furniture in the Gold Key showroom in sets and presented photographs of group settings; that there is also another aspect which makes this different from other furnlture stores 10/23/78 MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, OCTOgER 23- 1978 7~-887 EIR NEGAT{VC DECLAaATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1902 (c.ontlnued) ~_ ,_.__ ... ... _ ~ .. in thst there will be no pick-up facilttie:s; thst ony furniture sold here may : delivereJ o~ plcked up f~om the Costa Mesa store where the real warGhause ft~cllitfe~ are, and that the we~ehouse fectlttlos In Anahelm will be for turn-ove~ merchendise~ nrw dlsplays~ And sccessortes. Ne tndicateci tf~ey woulJ be wllling ta stipulatP thet there wtll be no close- out salas; and that they dn not ltke to sell one plece of furnltu~e at a tlme ~r~d ere trying to s~ll rooms full of ~urniture. 11e ~r~sented pliotogrAphs of the int~rior of the Costa Mese and Van Nuys stores showfny how the furniturn would be d(spl~ytd. H~ stat~d one thing that presents a problem rs far as Gold Key ts concerned ts thot they are going to use 40~~40 square f~et of warehouse displey ereA and AP~ rrea that large for warehous(ng in AnahPim is a problem; that ti~ey haci tri~d to go into the location at tha lnahelm Plaza in Nhat w~s tl~e Ralphs store wl~ich has 37~~~~ sc~uare feet~ but because of pressures from ~ther tenants ~[h~y JI ~.1 nut want thc~m tf~ere. Ne stated bulldin~s [o the north arc Industrinl huildings and ~~ rppltcrnt is willinq to sttpulate to anythin~a that would protect the City from encroa~~,ment of any ktnd of retat) facillty into the industrlai area. suc:h as no furniture pic~.-ups or deliverles out of this facllit~~ no close-out sales~ etc.~ and Indicated he thought the conditional use permit cauld be conftned to this ~~erticular tenant. Jack Whlte~ Ueputy City Attorney~ explaineci the Commissior~ could not restrict th~ use to one tenant~ but thcy cou~d put a timc: restrict{on on (t. Mr. Farano indicated they would be a 4~-year tenant ancl on a volume basi~~ they expect the lniti valumc to bc between S2-1/:'. and $3 mlllfon dollars a year~ probably building up to $4 to $5 mlllion dollars. Nc s:ated the proposed Anahetm cuscomcr figures will be less ihan t`~P Van Nuys or Cost~ Mesa fiyures because these fac{lities are selling around S5 millton cbllars a yaar and the Anaheim store will be about one-half of that~ and they are not goin~ to create a lot of foot traffic since tl~is is not ~ location that will draw the attEntlon ~f someone driving down tlie street and the building t~as a smatl displ y windaw. and coming dawn over ti~~ 7ustin Avenue crossiny tr~ey are down in a well, and he was not sure the showroom would attract the attention of customers. 1~-IE PUBLIC H~ARIt~G WAS CLOSED. Comnissioner Tolar st~ted he did not agree with Nr. Farano's last remark; that he was rlown the Newport Freeway on Saturday and felt this property probabiy has the best vistbility af any place alany the freeway gofn~ frcxn east to west. He indicated he dtd not knaw Fiow the Commission could Justify putting this size comrnercial retail fac(lity in the i~dustrial zon~ anci stated furniture storss goiny (nto the industrial areas seems te be the thing these days~ and referred to Curtis~ ~~r. Jim's~ etc.~ and indicated he understar~ds Che economics of this, but wanted to Ecnow how we can )ustify this type retaii going into tf~e industrial zone. Mr. Fareno replied that the idea of separating the commercial from the i~.dustrial i, because of the traffic and peo~le conflicts a~d undue influei~ce an each other in situattons where one use impe~i~4~ restrlcts, or interferes with the use of another p~operty whether it is commercial in th~ lndustriai area or industrial (n commerclal a~ea5. He staCed he did not t;~ink they have that sltuation here because of the f~ct that this p roperty basically is isolated with the Riverside Freeway on the south. the Metropolttan Water Distrfct holding basin on the east, and industrtal buildings to the north to be constructed~ and ~n industrtal slte across the street~ but thls use will not draw that kind of traffic. 10/23/78 MIIIUTCS~ ANANFIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOdER 23~ 137e 78•~8& EIR NEGATIVE Uk,GLARATION ANO CQW4ITIOI~AL USE PERMIT N0. 1902_(conLinued) Commissioner Tolar asked how he can Jetermine tliat this store will not draw the sdrt-e traffic and rePe~red to clie stetement thet thts store will sell groups of fur•Icure and wtl) not sell pieces of furn(ture~ and polnted out once the condtt(onal use p~~rmit qoes on the property~ It wtll be there forevcr or for the tlme period granted~ and (f the petitlo~er elects to chonge the operation and sell furnitu~c piecc-by-piece rath~r than groups of furn(ture~ there is nnthing the Commisslon can do ebout it. lie stated the second polnt he would Ilke to make (~ thFt Tustin Avenue Is going to be 125 feet wlde at Its ultlmatH width and it ts e heavily-travele~l street end there are no funds allocated for thc imp~ovament of TusCin Avenue,and (t Iti a disaste; ereo now. Mr. F~rano stated t~e realizecl you cannnt control the accivities of •he petitionar after tt~e conditlonal use permit is ~r,~nted, unless there is somc type of stinulatlon or c~n~ilti~n tltiat could be put on Lhc permit; that tlie rt+~rkettng style of Gold Key Is not to offer the leodcr items~ bri+~ylny in tremendous numbers ot people~ and thr:y ~~ave l,acn very successful, And unless [hcre is a change in the economy or a ch~nge in th~ buytng habits of tlie publ(c~ he doubted vcry much thet they wouid change their style of marketing; that th~y are going t~ be caterinq to thc people in the easterly dlrection~ Anaheim H(lls~ the east end of Qr~n~,~c County~ Rlverside County~ etc.~ which is a different group nf people with spendable money or a higher level of incame who are moving up in housing; tl~et thls is not a conven~ent place and it Is difficult to get there; that Anaheim was chosen because of its income strata an~i the ratlo of ~eople wF~o are on sociai securlty or welfare to the peoDle who are not; that thts is not a corner wlth blaziny Iights and does not have huge shavrooms facing the street and is not deep in the Industrtal xone~ It Is right on the fringes of the ir~dustriT) tone~ t~nd the custon+ers' traffic in the beginning is going to be somewl~erc a~ound half of [he fic~u~es shown f~r tt~e Costa Mesa or Van Nuys stores. Chairman Hr.rbst stated I~e has hcard this same argument for 14 yea~s and he hes yet to see one of thesa furriture stpres live up to wt~at they have said; that Gold Key might~ but referr~d to places~ sucl~ ~s Wickes~ who seid they were c,~oing to be manufacturing furnixure there; that if this ts yolny to have a 40-year lease and times change and business Is poor~ they are yoing to survive and do whatever is necessary; [haK he d(d not feel this is the place for a furniture s[ore; that he ha~ fougt~t to preserve the industrial arees and this is one of the main entrances to our ind~~strial area anJ trafflc Es tremendous a!ready and is goin~ to get hcavier~ ~n~ he felt if we are going to allow buginess there~ it has to remain (n,iustrial; that he tias heard this argument ttme and time agatn~ partlcularly about furniture stores; that we have furniture scores tn the industrial areas ri~ht now and even have warrants out for arrests because they have gone in tltegally or have not llved up to the canditions,and this situation is going to be corrected; tha~ the Cammission is yetting all kinds of pressure from the Chamber of Commerce and other people in Anahelm to preserv~ the ind~strlal integrity and meetings are planned a~d furniture sto~ts wil) be discussed et great length. Mr. Farano replfe~f that this application was revtewed by the Chamber of Commerce and they a~e not opposed to (t. tie stated if Gold Key were to change their marketing techniques~ thetr bus(ness would be an utter failure because they do not have the area; that there (s not another place In Anaheim in the commerciai zone where they can locate; that this is an open area with only 6-f~ot separators to sepa~ate the group settings and he did not feel this use would create as much traffic as the industrial uses in th- 2wo buildin~s to the north. He sCated this (s a quasi-comnercial operation and asked tf Anaheim wants a 40,000 to 50.000-square foot furniture warehouse facility, pointing out tt does not flt in a comnercial zone because n~body goes out shopping fo~ the type of items they buy he~e; that he was in Gosta Mesa at 1:Q0 p.m~ Saturday~ and there were approximately 3~ people in the storo. all of them not buyers because they were husband and wife teams, so there was probabiy not more than 15 people actually looking; and that they discourage lookers. which is why they have a 40~ closing rate. ~0/23/7a i, MI~IUTES~ ANIIHEIM CITY pLMINING COMMISSIOM~ QCTOQER 23. 197~ 78-8n~1 EIH NL•GATIVk. D~LLAkAlIOfJ AND LONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 19~2 (c~ntinu~d) Commissi~ner 6ushore stated hc~ did not feel he w~s guin~ to suppc,rt r.he request; that the traffic count Is nlcs~ but thnre are a lot of blank spaces (M~. Fr~ano Indtcated those were days the store wAS not apen)~ and Commiss(aner Bushore asked , they were only ope~ twa days a wae-, as shown rn one ~f the counts~ pointing out thts request ts for e seven- days-a-weak operat~~n. He stated it looks Ilke a Nickcs Purntture store, but h:causc they could not ffnd a plac~~ they a~e going to squeeze as close to tlie industrtal area as they can. 11r. Far~no replieci tt~fs ts not ~ Wickes furntture store and that thA count did not tnclude wcekancis bc~ause tl~c in~!ustrl~il are.~ businegse~ are closed on week~nds nnd the buyers come basically on weckends ar~d in tt~e eveninys. C~mmlaai~nnr [)avid ctat~~~ unf~~rtunAt~ly thp Planntnr~ Ccxmntatil~~n~a v~rk sPacinn t~ ~Ilsruss the industrial areas is scheduled for N~ ~mber 1~, and sCoted thr.re Is no ptace in the conrnerclal ares~ wherc~ you could find a ~0~~-square fuot t.si Ic1(ng. Nr. Farano indicated h~~ has heard several references to the Wlckes tu~niture starp and felt there is no way he can tell the Commisslon thi~ operati~~n (s not like that~ becausc he had to see it for hin~self. Ile suggested that r~ther than acting on the appllcatton that a continuance be grant~d so the Commtssian cen tai.e a look aC the Costa Mesa store~ and polnted out thc traffic and c.~stomer counts piesented are about tw(ce what this facility would be to start put~ :~ut wtien the store develops~ it wi~l draw S4 to $5 mill(on a year tn ,ales~ and the~ these dai ly t~affic. counts M•111 be val id. Mr. Flynr; Vtce President of Gold Key~ explained the figures were taken right from tF,elr accounting records for that particular day and~ fo~ some reason~ those stores did not report theEr trafflc co~nt fo~ those days. Cortmissio~er Bushore asked if thE otl~er Gold Key stores are located adJacdnt to a freeway off-ramp~ and Mr. Flynn replled that they are. Chairman Herbst referr•ed to the approval earlier today of a 4-1/2 acre site at Rto Vtsta and Lincoln~ rtght at tt~e off-~amp of the freeway, for cormiercial bui ldings and the developer was questtoning whether or not the ~roJect would be built because the Commission dtd not allcyv a l~~ft-turn lane~ aneJ s:.~ggested this would be e beautiful location for thts use. (Mr. Flynn ask:ed if that particular property has freeway f~ontage.) Commisstaner Johnson statrd he could not support the request as presented today; tF~at the Cammission has been hurt by furniture stores and there is going to be a study session on this matter; that he could go down to che Costa Mesa store and would vote Just the same way two weQks from now, but after he has had a sesston witn the City Cuuncil and asks if we want to have this type business in M aheim or do we want to send It to Santa Ana, Fullerton~ ar one ot the other ctties and decide whether we want to violate our industrial areas, but rtght naw he does not think it should be violated~ he felt he couid be bent ay the City fathers. Mr. Farano stated he dtd not belleve this is a commerciai operatlon and there is nothing in the zonsng ~ode to cover this kind of operation~ and pointed out there is a furniture store do+vn the sereet from this locatton and they have a lot more traiftc than t-.is ~peratton will create,and encouraged the Cammission to see the Costa Mesa operation to get the feeling that this is not the conventional retail storA and compare it with tlie wickes store. He polnted ~ut this is not ext~emely expensive furniture, but is upper- ~iddle-line furniture and is good furniture which ds sold at a fairly reasonable price b~c ~se they have the volwne and space to w~rk w(th. 10/23/78 ;~ .} MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLIINNING COMMISSION~ OGTOHER 23- 191$ 78-890 EIR NCGATIVC DCLIARATi~N AN~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1902 (continued) Commisslu•ier Totar atatcd once a parmlt ts ~ the property~ tt will not change what can happen leter and if it ts allaved end next month competttion dicta~tes that they go ta this kind of oporation~ the Con+mission wl~l not have any handle. Ne stated this Commisslon could not evon police the stipulatian of not ptcking up t1~e furniture at this locatio~~~ end suggosted that markettng wil) dtctate that marketing concepts be changed and (f the wh~le•room snttings are not doing as profitable n busfness as the petitioner wouid 11ke~ then ho couid slmply sell the furniture plece-by-ptece. Mr. Far~no stated he could not tcll the Comnission thts Is not a possibllity and suqgested a conditlon or stipulation ba written into the resolutlo~ becausc the rtu~~agement of Gold Key hes a lot of c~~fidence (n their markGting techntques whlch h+~ve been very successful In a very sho~t perind of time~ and pointed out they do not need the ktnd of exposure e retatl sto~e needs. Commissioner Tolar ask~d if they do not nced the visibility~ why Nr. Flynn had askcd speclficelly if the praperty mentioned ~arlier had freeway vislbillty. Cha~rman Herbst stated he is opposed to the request~ but if che patiti~ner wants a continuance until after the work session~ tlien he wa~nted to give htm every opror[unity and stated he stlll felt this is the wrong locatton in the industrl~l zone for thls type buain~ss. Mr. Farano stated ~e wpuld ltke to have a continuance and would like the Commfssion to see the Custa Nesa operattan. Chairman Herbst stated he does not have to look at the Costa Nesa store; that a furniture store is a furntture store and this is a retail cortmerciel outltt and tt can be changed at any tlme In the future~ and he is opposed to it because of the fact that it is on the matn entranco t~ the Industrial area. Mr. Earana stated maybe some of the other Cortimisstoners wauld 1(ke to look at the Costa Mes+~ store. tie statcd he is n~t in favor c,f prostitucing the tndustrial area elther~ but wanted the Conx~,ission to campare this operatton with the Wicke~ operation and tell hlm lt is a retatl s~ore. Chairman Herbst stated the Comm(ssion had just turned dawn a furn(ture store two wceks ago in the i~dustrlal zone and did noC think they could Justify alla+ing thi~ use because it ,; a~ furniture storc, and they could not Justify the argument that Gold Key sells diffe~ently than other stores. because it is still a furniture store. Mr. Farano st~ted there are about a half a dozen furniture aperattons in this area rlght nadr that create a lot mor~ traffic, and Ch:.~;man Nerb~t stated those have gone in illegally. Mr. Farano stated that Cold~,ell Banker is going ta advertise "furnit~~re row" and the butldi~gs are being built about three-quarters of a mile on t'~e freeway west of this pr~perty, ~+hich is more deeply imbcdded in the indusirial zone than this property. Chairman Herbst stated the Commissi~n d~nied that use and statec' the Cortmission could deny this request and thr petittoner could take the matter to the City Counctl. Ccvnrnissioner Tolar stated~ in fairness to tF~e applicant, he would suggest Yhat a continuance be granted tn order tiiat tiie matter can be discussed after the meeting with the Ci~:y Councfl~ because the Council and the Commission's attitude ta~~rd the i~~dustrial zone are not in harmony; that there is camme~cial-recreation in the indu ±~•tal area end 10/23/73 MINUTES~ At~AIIEIM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOBER 23~ 197A 78-R91 EIR NEGATIVE UECLAlWTIUN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERNIT N0. 19G2 (continued) retai) (n the comne~clal which have been dented by the Commtsslon and later approved by the Counctl~ ~nd felt (f the Counctl has decided that retail usage shouid be allowed on the fringe of the Industrial xones~ than the petttioner should be given thet consideration. Ne statad ~~e would support a resolution for denlal of this condittonal use permit bacause the Planniny C~mmisston has f~ught to keep comrne~cfal from the IndusCrla) z~nes; hawever~ if the attltude or style of dev~lopment of tndu~trial along tt~e freawey routes has chanyed and we do want to allaw s~ne type of yuesi-retall or wholesale stores~ then the Commisslo~ should consider thet p~ilosophy. Commissioner B~rnes In~lcated she would llke to see e continuance because thare has been int~rest expressed in the way the (~dustrfel areas at Laguna Hills and Irvlne are developing with retail along the freeway and industrial uses on the other side of the retall USP.R~ fln~ that Is bccoming quite a n1~C in~ustrial area. ACTION: Cormn(ssloncr darnes offercd a motion, scconded by Commissloner Tolar and MOTION ~~U, that the afu~emcntioned ttem be coi~:!nued until after the work session to be held on November 2II~ 1~78~ or to the regularly-sctieduled meeting of December 4~ 1978, Mr. Farano steted he w~uld like the Commtssion to make A determinattqn whether or not they would consider thls use as a retail storc~ and Comntssioner Iiarnes replied there is no doubt tn her m(nd that tt is a retall st~re because people go in and buy a prociuct. Mr. Flynn indicated as a business man ttiis is very dffficult for htm to cumprehend because there are other similar facilities in the ~rea, and p~tnted out ~.everal fu~niture stores. (Chat-'man Herbst replled some of these operations have corx tn for a bustn~ss llcense and started their operatlons illegally without e conditfonal use permtt,) ITEM N0. 1J RE~ S t~0 RECAMMEt~DAT101a5 A. ABANDOIJMENT 7~-3A ~ Request :~~ abamdon the Ctty's existing road and pubiic ut ty r~s over a portinn of a~ frontage road located on the east s(de of Tustin Avenue~ north af tlie aiversi~e Freeway. 7he st~ff report to *he Planning ~ommisslon dated Oct~he~ 23, 197n was pres~nted, noting the sul~ject repart was continued from th~ Plannfng Commission meeting of October 9 for further revtaM by staff; tha[ the request has been reviewed by the Publtc WArks Department; that on August 22~ 1~7~, the Anaheim City Counctl by Resolution tio. 78R-519 approved the sale of surp~us Ctty property to th~ applicant an<1 authori~ed the City Engineer Co tnitlate and process the abandonment; that thP appilcant has met the required condittons as set forth in the resolutiun and has deposited the sum of S71~895.00 to covar the purchase of the fee ownersh3p ond has provided the Clty ~rith a properly executed easement deed for ingress an egress ove~ the east 10 fePt of his existing Nropcrty; chat an environmental impact revirw of the request for abandonment indicates tt is catego~ically axempt from the requiremcnt of an EIR. ACT;ON: ~ommissioner Barnes offer•ed a motf~n, seconded by Commissfoner Jc+hnsan and MOTION ~D, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby rccommend to the City Coun~il that Abandonment ~~o. 78-3A be approvsd. to/23/78 ~~ ^ ~' n MINUTES~ AMAIiEIM CITY FLANNINC COMMISSION~ QCTOBER 23~ 191a /6~8`~2 REPOR'I'S ANU RECOMMENOAI 101~5 (cont i ~ued) B. dAUER RA~1CH/VtSTA OEL R10 ~ Filings with Locat Agency Formatlon Commis~ian. Robert Kelley~ Assaciar.e Plann~~r~ presented the staff report to the Planntng Commissfo~ dated Gctaber 23~ 1~7E3~ not(ng th,~+ the ucvelopers oF Dauer R+~nch have prep~red r~nd subriitted to the Local Agency Formatlon Commission (LAFCO) an appltcation for annexation to the City of Anatiaim (Santa Ana Canyon No. 1 Annexation); that the resldents of the unfnco~parated Eucalypcus Ortve areA have submicted to LAFCO an appl~catio~~ for lncorporation of a proposed city called Vlsta drl Rto which consists of app~oxtmatsly 11,575 acr~s exCending from the present ctty boundary eosterly to tl~e Riversid~s County line; that LAFCO has nut yet formally accepte~~ the appllcatton for filing~ pending receipt of a setisfacto ry draft environmental Impact rrport (EIR); that the cJraft Elft is being prepared and is sGhedulec! for submittal r~> LAFCQ staff by October 7y~ 1y7~~ and if rhe draft CIR is satlsfactary~ the he~ring on the inco~poration wuuld pruGdt,ly l,C scheduled For Janua ry'.7~ ~919; and that if the ap~llr,aticn for incor~oretion of the City cf ~isYa del R?o is accepted, LAFCO (s expected to nes:pone actinn on any annexatlons withln the araa un~41 ofter the hearin,y on the inc -n~ration. The Planning Commisston acc~pted tti~ staff report for information oniy and no action was taken. G. COIiUITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1d,3~, - Request fnr approval of prec(se plans. Th~e staff -'eQo~t to the Planning C~.rmrission dated October 23. 197~ was presented, noting subJect property is an ir~eyularly-shaped parcel of land consistiny of +~pproximately 707 feet on the eAst side of Magnolia Av~nue~ hav(ng a max(mum depth af apE.roximotely 1650 f~et~ and being located approxirnately 51~ feet north of the cenCerline of l,a Palma Avenue; that the applicant (tloward Thompson) requests apNroval of precise plans; that Conc1ltiona) Use Permit Wo. 188u (to petmit business uFfices and restaurants (n an industrfal camplex) was approved by the Plan~ir~~ Commiss(on on September 11~ 197a, subject to the stlpulations by [he petition~r that ti~e trasl~ e~closures and parking space plans wil) be approved by the Sanliatton Divisia~ and the Clty Traffic Enyineer, and that a fina) spec(fic plan be br~ught to tl~e Planning Comm(ssion fe; cheir review; and that a neg~+ti~~• declaratton was approved by the Planning Commission in conJunctlon with subJecc con ~onal use permit. ACTION: Cornr~ssioner Kinc~ offered a motion, seconded by Commisstoner Tol~r arid MOTION ~TED, that the Anahe'm City Planning Comm(ssion cioes hereby approve p~ecise plans for Co~ditiona) Use Pennit No. 18iS~. D. CODE AMEN 'ITS - Gradiny, excavation~ and fills in hillstde areas and site eve opmen~ sLandards In hillside res:dentfal zones. Ann(ke Santalahti~ Assistant D(rectar for Zon~ng, presented tl~e staff report ~o the Planning Commission dated October 23~ 1978~ potnting out that zoning amendments have been p~epared by the City Attorney's Office following Planning Commission wc~rk sessions~ ~nd Chat the wording is bei^g submitted fo~ reviav prior ta City Counc6l cqnsideration. She polnted out po~t(on (a) covers Sections 1).06.1'.0.02~., and pertaining to the locttion of .ut and fill slopes o~ one or more lots. 10/23/7~ ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOBER ^~,r 1q,78 74'891 REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS_- ITEM D(conttnued) Chalrman Herbst ~PCOmrtwsnded that thls portion of the report be cantinu~d until aft~r the Plenning Commisslon meeting wlth the Clty Councll and the HIII and Canyon Municipal Advlso ry Commtttee (HACMAG) to resolve thcsc problems. Nn actlon wa~ taken on porCl~~n (e). Annika Santalntit( explalned portion (b)~ Sectton 17.4G.180.030 pcrteir.ing to the f' ~1 lot dreln~ge certification~ and Jay Tleus~ Offlce Enylneer~ f~~rther explalned this is the result of the discussions and recommendatlons by tl~e Plannlny Comrnisslon for the wldth of side yards ~nd the final l~t drainage r.erttftcation~ ~~~~1 tiiAt an tnsp~ctfan Is ~equt~~~l after the butldtng ls con~lr,ed r+t nn cnst t~ th~ City. ACTION: Commisstoner Tolar of~cred a motion~ ~~conded hy Commissioner Barnes and MOTION CAR ED, thet the Anahelm City Planniny Commtssian cb~s hereby recammend to the CiCy Counct) that Sectlon 17.U6.1~0.03a be amended by adoption of the attached code anendment. Por~ion (c) was discussed and Annika Santalaht( explained variuus secttons in Chapters iR,r~1, 18.22. 1a.23~ and 18.24 pertaining ta the stte develapme~~~.t standards tn hillslde residential zones were the result of the work session. ACTION: Commissioner Barnes ofi'ered a matior., seconded by Commtssioner Davtd e;nd MOTION ~D, that the Anaheim City f'lbnniny Commission does hereby recomnend to the City Cqunc.il that the attached code amendments for various sectlon~ in Chapters 18.n1~ 18.22~ 1$.23 and 18.24 nertatning tn slte development stAncJards tn hillside restdential zonGS be adopted. E. REGLASSIFICATIO:' N0. 73-/4-55(8) ~ Request f~r appro~ ~f specific plans. Commisslon~r King irdiceted he has a confl(ct of intereat as defined by Anahelm Clty Plenning Coi~Tission Resolutfon No. PC7u-157~ adopting a Conflict of Interest Code for the P18nning ~ommissian~ ard ~overnment Code Sect(on 3625~ e[ seq.~ in that he awns Paciftc Llghting Corporation stock and Pacific L(ght~ng Corporatton owns DuRn Properties~ and Du~n Properties are developers of the tract~ and~ pursuant to the provtstons of the above codes~ he ts her.sby dECla~ing to the Chairma~ that he is withdrawinc~ from the hea~ino in connecttor with Reclassifi.;ation No. 73-74-55(8) and will not take pbrt in the discusslon or the vc,!ing tiiere~n~ and he has not discussed this matter with any member of the Planning Comm~sslon. The staf~ report to +he Planning Commtssion ~vas presented~ noting subJect property is an irregularly-shaped Narce~ ~f land consisting of approximately 0.7 acre locaced at the southwest corner of Woodland Orive and Magnolia Avenue, having approximate fro~tages of 190 feet ~n the sout', s~ de of Woodland Ortve and 16; feet on the west side of Magnc,~ i~e Avenue; that the applicant (fundi•;g Resources, Ltd.) re~~uests approval of spec(fic plans; that Reclassification No. 73-"'4-~5 (ML to CL, to es.~bllSh!'~ a plannecl commercial pa-') was approved, (n part, by the Cit•~ Council ~n June 25, 1975; that Variance No. 2598 ~to walve the minim-~m number ef parking spaces~ maximum building height~ and temporary display of banners) .+as ~appraved~ in part; that Conditional Use Permit No. 1462 (to permft four restaurants with on-sale liquor and a 1200-s~at theater) was approved; that Tentatfve Tract No. 8660 (proposing 36 ML lots and one CL lot) was approved for 35 ML lots and one CL lat; that Environmental Impact Report No. 123 was certified by the City CouRCil; and that the above actions wsre approved on the basls of submitted conceptual plans whjch proposed a unified cammerciai cent~r and were sub,ject ta the co~dltion that ftnal specific plans b~ approved. to/23/78 MII~UTES, ANANLIM CITY PLANNIWG COMMISSION~ OCTOB. R 23~ 197a :PQRT_S_ANU RECOMMEHDATIONS - ITEM E (continued) 7a-894 AGTI01;: Cor,~nissloner Tolar offered a motlon. seconded by Commissloner Devid d~d MOTION R ED (Commission~r King abstatning)~ that the Anahe(m City Planntng Commission does hereby reconrnend to the City Counctl that speclfic plans for Reclasstficatton No. 73-7~~- 55(8) be +~pproved. F. VARI~INCE N0. 3n41 - Request for app~oval of revised pi~ns. The staff r : the Planntn, Commission dated October 23, 197~ was presented~ noting that subJc: :rty ls a rectnngularly-shnped pnrcel of land consisttng of appraxtmatel~ 2.9 acrns h.. ~ frnnt~+g~ ~f Aprr~xim~tPly ~Qf1 fP,Pt on ihe ~n~,t side of H~rbor Bnulevard~ having a maximum depth of approximately 250 feet~ being located approximatoly 160 feet no~th of the centerllne of Or~nge~wcwd Avenuc; that the appllcant (Lee 0. Webb) requests approval of revised plans; and t at Variance No. 3~h7 (to pe nnit a motel wtth wa(ver of mtnimum front setback and minimum number of park(ng spaces) was approved, In pert~ subJe~; ;~ revised plans showing the modifled trasli l~catlons being submitted to and epproved by ttie Planniny Commtssion prlor to the i.auance of building permits. ACTlUN; Commissioner King offered a motion, seconded by Cnmmissioner David and MOTI~N ~D, that the Anaheim Gity Plennir~y C~mmtsston does hereby approve revtsed plan~ for Variance No. 3047. G. ALUMINUM Cf~l~ COLLECTI011 - Request for clarificr~tion of permitted accessory uses an structures. Jay 7ashiro, Associate Planner~ presented the staff rsport to thc Planntng Cortmissfo~ dated ~ctober 23~ ~97~~ noting the appllcant (Richard W. Thomas of Goldcn Goat~ Inc.) requests clarification of permitted eccessory uses and structures to dete~mine If ~luminum can collection machines are p$rmltted ~n certain cammerclRl zones; that the applfcant proposes to lor.ate can coltectlon machines in various shopping centers and supermarket parking lots; and that therc is nothing in the zoning code pertainine~ to this use. ACTIOH: Comrr~ssioner Tolar offered a not.ion, seconded by Comnissioner David and MOTION ~Dr that the Planning Cor+mission does .~ereby determine that a conditional use permit be requtred for aluminum can collectlon machines. ADJOURNMENT There being no further bustness~ Commissioner Tolar offered a motlon~ seconded by Commissioner King and MOTIOtI CARRIEp~ that the meet(ng be adJourned. The meeting was adjourned af 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted~ ~ ~ ~~ ~' f~~ti~. Edith L. Narris~ Secretary Anaheim City P18nning Commission ELH;hm