Minutes-PC 1978/12/18~~ City Hall Anah~tm~ Caltto ~nia Dec~mber 18~ 197~ REGULAR MEETING PRESENT ABSCNT REGU~.AR MEETING OF THE ANAIiEIM CtTY PLANNING CONMISSION - The ragular meeting of the Anahatm City Planninq Commisston was called to order by Chairman Herbst et 1:32 p.m.~ December 18~ 1g78, (n th e Counctl Chamber~ o quorum being p~esent. - Ch+~t rman: Flerbst • Conimissione~st 9ushore~ R~vid~ Johnson~ King Commissioner B~~ner~ arrived at 7;Q2 p.m. - ~ommissione~rs: Tolrr ALSO PRESE~~T - Jack Wh t te Jay Tt tus Jart~es K~wamura Annika Santalahtt Jay Tashiro Pam Lucada Pam St~rnes Qeputy City Atto~ney Office Er ~tneer Tr~fftc l.~g~neering Assistent Asststant Direccor for Zontnq Associate Planner Asststant Planner Planning Camnission Secrotary Pro Tempore PLEDGE OF - The Plt;dge of Aliegiance to the Flag was led by Commissl~.~ne~ Davtd. ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF • Commissio~er Ki~g offered a mc~tion~ seco~ded by Cammissloner David end THE MINUTES MOTION CARRIED (Commissloner•, 6arnes snd Tolar betng absent and Cammiss(onar Johnson abstaining)~ that the mtnutes of the meetin g of November 20~ 1978~ he approved as cu~rected. ITEM N0. 1 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: ROBERT 0. ETCHANDY, ET Al, ~~T~VE OECLARATION 650 South Wsstern Avenue, Anaheim. CA 92804. AGENT: C NDIT 0 AL USE ERMIT N0. 19f~2 ELUEt~ W. BAINBRIOGE~ GOLD KEY FURNITURE C0. ~ 6161 Sepulveda Boulev~rd~ Van Nuys~ CA 91411. Petitioner requests permission to ESTABIiSH RETAIL S ALES OF FURNiTUitE IN THE ML 20NE on prop~rty descrtbed as an irregularly-shaNed parccl of land consisting of approximately 5.3 ~cres having a f~ontage of approxtmately 800 feet on the east side ~f Tustin Avenue~ hsving a maxirnum depth of appraximetely 360 feet, and betn~ located approxlmately 565 feet south of the centerline of La Palma Avenue. P roperty presently classtfied RS-A•43,~Q0 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) 20NE wlth a ~esolu tion of intent to the ML (INDUSTRIAL~ LIMITED) 10NE. SubJect petitlon w as continued from the meeting of October 23, 1918 for f urthe r gtudy and f rom the meeting of December 4, 1y78 because of a tte vote. It Nas noted the petitioner had reque~tad a co~ttnuance. Commisstone~ Ki~g off~red a motion, aeconded by Cwnmissione~ Dayid and MOTION CARRIED (Commtssioners Barnes and Tola~ being absent)~ that petition for Conditional Us~ P~ermit No. 1092 be continuad to tl~e regularly-scheduled mee~ting of the Plsnning Commission on ,January 3. z979. 78-1A6~ 12l18/78 ~.. DECEMBER 18, 1978 78-1A65 MINUTES, ANAHEIM C17Y PLANNING COMMISSION. p~pTKIN ROSEN DEVELOP- 17EM N0. 2 f.ONTINUEO PUBLIC HEARINf,: ' ~('~L'ICTTyE pELLARA710N MENT C0. ~ 133Sx Washington Bouleva~d. Los Angele~s~ d 0. 1~20 CA 90066~ AGENTt FRANCHISE REALTV IN7EaSTATE CORP. ~ 10960 Wilsh) re Boulavard~ los Angeles~ CA 90024. Patitioner requesta permisslon to ES7ABl,ISH a DRIVE-TMROUGH RESTAURANT on property di~~~~bfr ntageroftapp~oxin-etelyp125pf et,onf xhend eonslstinq of spproximetely 0.8 ecre hav 9 roxlmetely 272 feetr and betng east si de of Euelid Street~ having s n+aximum depth of app loceted approximatf:ly 995 f~~ERC1Alh LIMITED)~ZONE,i~a of Crescent Avenue. P~operty pcesonclY classifled CL (COMM . SubJect petttion was continued from ths meeting of December ~+, 1978 at the request of tf~e pctitlo~er. It wes noted the petltloner had requested a continuance. Cumnissio~er King offered a motionin~cebsa~t)bythatmPetition fo~iCond(ttona~l~UseRPermit (Commt ssio~ers Barnes and Toler bd g No~ 1~20 be contlnu~d to the renularly-scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission an January 3, 1977 • I TEM N0. 3 E NE . VE OECLARATION ~ N USE RMI 0. 5~5 Crescent Avenue. P~operty presentlY CONTPNUEq PUBLIC HEARiNG. PLOTKIN-ROSEN DEYFLOP- MENT CO.~ 13352 W~shington 8oulevard~ Los Angeles~ CA 90066. Peti tioner requests APPf,OV~1L OF aEVISED plans on prope~ty consisting of 4.6 acres on the east side of Eucl(d Street, norti~ of the centerline of classified CL (CONMERCIAL~ I.IMITED) ZONE. SubJect PGectaratlon andtfromdthe~meeting ofiDecembervW,~i97a at Negat i ves petl t i one r. tg78 {n orde~ to file a tih~ request of the There was no o~e tndicating their p~esence in opposltion to subJect request~ fhe s taf f report ta the P 1 ann i ng Commi ss 1 on dated Decembe r 18 ~ 1978 was not publ ic hearing~ it is referred to and made a part of the minutes. anc! although read a~ the Paul Plotki~ af Plotkin~Rosen Developn+ent Company, ~ner, tequested that the plans be epproved as submitted. TNE PU8L1~ NEARING WAS CLOSED. Ccrns~issioner Bushore asked if the Flre Department was satisfied with Lhe proposed plans. Cha i rnan Herbs t t ~d i cated he was s ure they were ~ otherwl se ~ i t wou 1 d have been noted i n the staff repo~ ~. Conimi ss i oner Davi d noted the Traf f i c~E~u9~~berrenavedern vrI th the rea 1 i gnment of the exl t and inquired as to whe~ the theater Mr. Plotkin stated hopefully it wauld be within a one•year pe~iod ot tin~e. Chairmen Nerbst askcd if :hey would ha;~e,fowith PaulaSi~geratCitytTrafficaEngi~neer,~oir,in responded that thery fiave worked very c Y ~7~~a~~a ~ti MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION~ ~ECEM~ER 18, 1978 78-IOG6 EIR N~GATIVE OECLARATION AND CONDITIONAL .USE PCRMIT_ NO.~ (continued) tl~is issue. It wes :he~r Intentlon to put a four-lane eccess Inta the property, two lonos in end twa le~es out, and coordinate this with Glen Oeks~ which ts d(rectly across the street. They also p1~9n to h~ve a traffic light at the i~t~rsectlon. Commiss ianer Ki ng asked tF~e appl icant i f he was fami 1 lar wl th paragraph (10) tn the staff ~eport, ++nd Mr. Plotkln sald he was. ACTION: Commissloner David offercd a mution~ seco~ded by Cortmissio~cr Kinq and MOTION C R ED (Commiss(oners Ba~nes a~d Tolar being absent)~ thet the Anahetm City Planning Commtsston has revlewad the ~evised plans tn construct two~ two-story afftce bui ldinqs on a rectanqularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approxlmately 4.G acres havinq e frantt+ge of approxlmately 332 feet on the east side of Euclld Street~ havin,q a maximum depth of approximately 6Q7 feet~ bei~9 located app~oxlmately 9$1. feCt north nf the centerline of Crescent Avenue; and does here~y approve the Negotive Declarat~on from the requirem~nt to preparc an environmenta) (~~act report on the basls thet there would be no significant individual o~ cu,nulatfve adverse environme~ta) impact due to the approve) of this Negative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan deslynates the subaect propnrty for general commercial land uses c.omnensurate wi th the p~oposal; that ~o se~sitive environmental imp~cts ar~ involved in the p•oposal; tliat the Inittal Study submitted by the petitionpr ind(cates ~o significant Indlvidual or cwnul~tivP adverse environmental impacts; and that the Neyattve Declaratian substanttating the. foregaina findings Is on fi le In thc City of Anah~im Planning Department. Canmtssioner David offe~ed a motfon~ s~conded by Commissioner Kinq and MOTION CARRIED (Commissi~~ers aarnes and tolar bel^a abser~t) that the Planning Commisslon does h~reby dpprove the revised plans as submit.~ . Chairman Herbst noted for the audience that the applicant ho~' an ariginal approval for a ten-storv bui lding baGk in 1963 and has now dectded to construct two smal ler bui ldings of two stories ~ach on this particular parcel of property and the conditions of approval are to remain the same except there w( 11 nc~w be more parking spaces. I7EM N0. 4 CONTINUED PUBLIC NEARING. ANAHElM HILL5, INC., ~'~~~VE DECLAR4T10~~ 380 Anaheim N(lls Road~ Anahetm~ CA 92807. AGF.NT: ~ . INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT CQNCEPTS~ 17942 Sky Park~ CN A IVE MAP OF TRACT Suite A~ Irvine~ CA 92114. Prope~ ty descrlbed as an NOS. 10585 ANU 10586 irregularly-shaped parcei of land consisttng of approxim~tely 2~ acres having a frontage o~ approxi- mateiy 5$7 faet on the v~rest side of Nohl Ra~ch Road, having a maximum depth of approximately 1914 feet, and being locatad appoximately 271 feet south of the centerli~e of Canyon Rim Road. P~op~~ty presently classif ied aS-A-43~n00(SC) (RESIDENTIAI/ AGRI CULTURAL-SCENI i. CORRIDOR OVERLAY) 20NE. VARIANCE REQUEST: WAIVER OF MAXIMUM STRUCTURAL HEIGHT. TENTATINE TRACT REQUtSTS; TRACT N0, to585 ~ ~~e'~Q~- 51'untt condominium subdiviston. TRACT N0. 10586 - One-lot~ 37°~it condominium subdivision. SubJect peti tion was co~ti ~uied from the meet ing of No~ember 20~ 1978 at the request of the pet i t tonc r. 12i 18/78 MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ DECEMBkR 18~ 197a 78-106~ EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION~ VAaIANCE N0. 3457 AND_TENTATIVE_MAP OF TRACT NOS. 14585_ Ar~o 105 ~ Thvra wes o~e person indicating thelr presence in apposition to subJect request, end althnugh tho staff ~eport to the Planning Commisston datad Uecember 1$~ 1976 was not read at the public hearing~ tt is referred to And mode a part ~~f th~ minutes. Wally Gee~~ President of I~navat(ve Development Concepts~ a~gent~ stt~ted they dre requesting two one•lot subdivisions; thst between the tw~ lots there is epproximately 21 acres; end thet they felt they are in compli~nce wlth all City ordinances on thls proJect and that there was onlY one issue today and t:hat was in regarci to the varience th~y had requested. He stated the City lias an ordinance in respect to multiple-un(t houses, two- story st~uctures cannot be built within 1~Q feet of R-1~ and si~ce thelr two-sto ry structures were down the hill~ they felt the most crltical conditlon was the highest roof polnt which is 18 inches h~lc~w the adJacent R-1 pad~ thus the vlew was not broken. M~. Greer we~t to tl-e board to shc~w maps of the property. Ne stat~d the stte plan shows the devalopment of duplexes and trtplcxess; thr~t they h~ve tried to give e flevor of large~ singlc-family dwellings; and that 1~ their ;1-unit~ vne-lot section~ they had extensive recreetional facilities~ a large roc~~ation room~ paol~ sauna ond Jac~which is onadis laey would like to submit as a condlttan to Tentative Tract Map No. 10585~ P Y• the deletlan of one unit~ na+ maktng lt a 50~unit~ one-lot subdivtslon~ and they would appreciate it If these ep~rovals were made on the grounds ~f thP 50 units. Pr(or to thei ~ drapping the onc unit, they h~ed a cul-de-sac concil~ton end a retalning w~ll that they fe lt would be aesthetically unpleasi~g from Anaheim Nills Road. Hans Gow a~ Vice Chairman of the Hfll and CAnyon Municipal Advlsory Comnlttee (NACMAC). speaking on behalf of HACMAC and hlmself~ stated the Co~~mittee had ~ut thls item under advisement. One of the things that very much concerned HACMAC w~s the private, 28-faot raad with v~ ry limtted visitor par:cing. They felt it was a carbon copy of Lake 5 unmit where parking Is a tremendous problem and the recreati~nal facilities were too far from the unlts be(ng construct~d; tha~ the appllcant had taken minimum standards set by the Ctty es thetr maxim~m standards. Ne stated HACMAC respectfully requests the Commissi~~n to ~e)ect this particular offer. ChaO~man Herbst asked Mr. Gowa if their main obJection was to the parking rather than th e condominium type of development. Mr. Gowa stated it was the parking and the ~act that they were trying fo put tno much dedelopment in the aree; that HAGMAC had nv objections to the condominium type of devel~pment. Mr. Greer then addressed a few of the comments that werc made. Ne stated that parking vras in compliance with the City ordinance; first~ that between the trects they are providin g app roximately 2.SS parking spaces pe~ unit, Secondly~ as for the development bei~g too much, thts is an $k~-unit proJect and this site was originally master planned for 40~ units. They felt 4f1~ units wcre excessive~ howcver, evan within the RM-4000 Zona they could build 200 units and felt building 22~ of what is allowed is definitely within reason. He stated they felt they we re qoin,q to be building quality units. TNE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissianer David stated the rccreation area on tht first map is very far removed fram the other part of the proJect. Mr. Greer asked if the Commisston wes addressing the upper pad, And Commissioner David responded yes. t1~ Grcer stated there wes a very extensive walk system ~own to the low~ r area which has been displayed graphically~ and they would be happy to take it as a 12/18/7a MINUTES~ ANIWEIM CITY PLANNING CAMMIS510N~ DECEMBER 18~ 1978 78-1068 EIR NEGATIVE DECIARATION~ VARIANCF N0. 305~ AND TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 10585 ANO 1~6 __ __..__ _._._.._._ _ condition that tl~ey comply with steff epproval of the proper eccess from thet pa~d to the racreatl~nal faciltty. Commissloner Bushor~ ssked h ar far would he ~stimate the dist~nce to be. Mr. Greer stated the furthest point would probably be between 70n to An0 feet. Commtssionor Bushore asked if n persan could not walk ciue to ~ med(cal condttto~ and his doctor advistd him t~ hav~ a therapeut(c sauna or Jacuzzi~ or even If tt was due t~ a heart candltlon and the person needed tc drive a car dvwn to the recrertiona) taclllty, whcre was he gotng to park. Mr. Grear stateci they have provided parking adJacent to a very short path system leading to all the fac(llties. He sald he felt this was a valid point and they would be m~~e than glad to put (n a few handic•~pped parking stalls. Commissloner Bushor~ asked how many stalls would there be. and Mr. Greer satd there were 11. Commiss(oner Bushore noted there was no parking along the maJor streets ~nd asked if those 11 parktng spaces would be the anly vlsitor speces for the entire camplex. Mr. Greer sCated they dld have ~ther parklny spaces throughout thR cc~mplex and he had Just been addressing those imrnediately adjacent to the recreational f~cility. Cammissioner Bushore asked haw many ~nits would there be tf it was developed to its meximum~ and Mr. Greer stated It was origin ally master planned for 40~ units and he belteved they could get over 2U4 units on the site. Commtssi~ner 8ushore inquired if that was book units rather than planned untts and if they had taken into consideration the slopGS an d terrain, Mr. Greer responded that planning studies we~e done on this and he, personally, was a party to tf~e stud'-es ea~ly on tn deal ing wi th Anahetm HI 1 lx, Inc. ; that boch he snd Ana~heim Hills felt it was very inappropr(ate on that stte. Chainnan Herbst felt they should clarify the planned comnunity dtvelopment that was antictpated in the originr~l master plan; that when this was ~ut on paper~ they did not take the terraln into consideration; that they have found over the years Anahrim Hilis' anticipated density has dropped because of the terrain and thc reason for thc drop (s they have realized you cannot ge[ the original density without massive grading; and that this particular proJect t~as the hlgt~est density they could get on it and stay within Code requt~ements. Chairman Herbst indiCated ~evelopers go back to the original map in order to put thelr development in a more favorable light. Commissio~er Bushore stated~ from his v(ew of the property~ he could not see 400 units u~less they builC them on stilts. Chatrrt-an Herbst stated he had to agree with HACMAC in regard to the parking; that there is not enough parking on the upper pad, and ~nly by combining the upper and lower pads did they meat the Code requlrements; that there is very- limited off-street parking and there is no on-street parking in this area. Ne stated before he could conside~• a pro)ect ltke 12/18/78 ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, DECEM6ER 1(3. 1978 1g•1069 EIR NEGATIVE DECIAMTlON. VARIANCE N0. 3057__AND_TENTATIVE MAN OF TRACT N05. 1458~ AND 1 ____-., _. - thi:~ they would heve to show at lea~t one additlonal parkin~ stell per unit for guest pa~king. Mr. Greer stated he would be happy to teke a 3s1 parktng ratio os a condttion. Chairman hlerbst indicated he wentad to know where the eddittonal perking was going to be since thay have not plenned for guest parking nor for enouyh parking tor khe peop9e who are going to live there~ and that the parking spaces should be within a reasonable walking distance from the units served. Mr. Greer esk~d if a condit(on could be adJed requtring them to pravide parking ~+t a 3:1 ~atlo and raqutrlny that no guest pa~king stalls be located in exce~ss of "X" foetage of tl~e un 1 t served. Chairman Herbst felt that was a start and that each parc af this Jevelopment should stand on its awn~ Canmission~r Bushore suggested thp applicant request a continuance to revise the plans. M~, Grenr statecf he was looking for some guldelines. Commissioner Dushore noted the Commission had ~~iven him guldclines as to what they would Itke to see; that lhose guldelines would satisfy HACMAC's concerns~ as weli as the Commisston~s. Mr. Greer req uested a few mi~utes to decide on a contfnuance. ICOMNISSIONER BARNES ENTERFD TIIE COU(~CIL CHAMBER AT 2:02 P.M. Mr. Greer stated he would like to request a continuance. He also requested guidelines so they would be able to cooperatc. Constderable discuss(on ensued with respect to the recreatlonal faciltties being prlma~ily lec~ted on o~e end of the site; the fact that the two crects are c,~mpletety separated by Anaheim Hills Road; and that the Commissian felt recreationai f~cilities were needed on both sites. It was noted that condominiums are alm~st the same kind of development as RS- 5000~ single-family homes~ except for being attached~ and RS-5000 zoning requires five parking stalls per unit; and that the Commission was finding the condcxninium ordinance too lax~ especially since d~velopers ara developf~g to the Ctty's minimur. standards. The Cam~ission notad they have the p~eroga¢ive to require adcquate parking because the City, not the developer. w(11 inh~~it any problems dwnstream. tt was noted one additlonal off- street parking stall should be provided for each unit fc+r guest parking~ totaling three and one-half spaces per unit. Mr. Greer asked if they provided one additfonal parking stall per unit, eppropriately placed~ would they be g~tting close to what the Gommisston felt was necessary? Chairman Nerbst ssated he has no ob,jection to this type of proJect because there ts a ieflnite n~ed; that co~daminiums are one of the fastest-seiling units in ~he Canyon ecause the price ranqe is lower tha~ for singls-famtly dweilings. Hawevar, developers ere gotng to have to put in certain amenities to meet the needs of the people wha live there. He asked Mr. Greer how much time wou;d they need and noted the ~ext regularly- scheduled meeting would be in two weeks, on January 3, 1979, and that it would be necessary for the plans to be in the Ptanntng Oepartment this Friday if the item is wntlnued only two weeks. 12/18/~8 s~.u~.~:F.~•.rr.r+e.~±r~a~r~.a - ~ ~ ~r a MINtITES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ DECEMBCR 18~ 1976 78'~p70 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION~ VNtIANCE N0. 3~57 AND TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 10585 ANO 10586 Mr. Greer felt they would be ready for the Jonuary 3rd n~eeting and esked far ~ two-week contlnuance. ACTION: Commisslonor Johnson offered a motlon~ seconded b;• Commissioner Bushore a~d Ra1~R~ CARRIEO (Commissioner Tolar ~eing abs~nt), that Petitton for Varience No. 3057 and Tentative Map of Tract Nos. 105a5 and 1o58b be contlnued to the regularly-scheduled meeting of the Plann(ng Commisslon on January 3~ 1979~ at the request of the petitloner. 1TEM N0. 5 PUBLIC HEAP,ING. OWNCR: CANYON PLAZA SNOPPING CENTER~ ~'j~lT~6RICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 11 P. 0. Oax 725~~ Newport Beach~ CA g2663. AGENT: , JACK BR17T0~1, 6H49 Live Oak.~ 9e11 Gardens~ CA 90201. Petitloner requ~sts WAIVER OF (A) TYPE. OF SIGN~ (B) MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIGNS~ ANO (C) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA TO ERECT A SNOPPING CENTER IDENTIFICATION SIGN on praperty descrfbed as en irregula~ly- shaped parcel of land consisting of approxfmately 4.2 t+cres located at the northeast corner of Santa Ana Canyon Rosd and Imperia) Highway~ having approxtmate frontages of 320 feet on the north sidc of Santa A~a Canyon Road end 280 feet on the eaat side oP Imperial Highway, Property presently classified CL(5C) (COMMERCIAL~ LIMITED-SCCNIC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZONE. Jack Brltton, agent~ noted they had previously been grantad a v~riance for a 25-foot high pylon sign (inc~rrectly idrntified as 3~ feet by Mr. Brttton);that they have sirice decide,d on wall s(gns with illuminated lettering, one to be plACed on the tower facing Santa A~a Canyon Road and the other facing Impertal Highwdy; and that the maJortty of the tenants have been requesting s si9n for the idr.nt(ficatlon of the Plaza. Nans Gowa~ Vtce Chairnan of the HI11 end Csnyo~ Municipa) Adviso ry Committee (HACMAC) was present to represent NACMAC. He st~ted it was NACMAC's decision that the signs on the tawer would be a ~cpltca of the pylon sign~ and he felt people do not have a problem findtng the shopping center and a sign identifying the center as "Ce~yon Piaza" would be confusing as the people thtnk of it as the "Albertson Center". Chairma~ HerbsL polnted out the 25-foot stgn was approved beck in 1972 before the Scenic Corrldo~ O~dinance wa~ passed. Ile felt the propasmd signs wcre the lesser of two evils. M~. Gowa ftated NACMAC was of the op(n(on one s(gn would be enough as the center was dAing s fantasttc business and identity did not seem to be a problem. Mr. Britton indicated thc tenants felt Just th~ opposite as they wish to be identified as Ce~yon Plaza~ which is the name they use for advertistng purposea. He steted the Plaza needed (dentification for traffic on Imperial and Santa Ana Canyon Road. Chalrma~ Herbst noted the stgns are shewn belaw the roofline of the tower and tnqulred as to what type of sign lighting they werc planning to use. Mr. Brttton stated it would be indirect, self-contained lighting wlth no exposed wiring. Chalrman Herbst infarmed Mr, B~ittan that Griswold's was violaxi~g the Sign Ordlnance with thei~ banner. M~. B~~itton indicated he did not have anything to do with their particular sig~s. TNE PUBLIC HEARIN6 WAS CLOSED. ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNINC COMMISSION~ DECEMBER 18, 1978 78"1011 EIR CATEGORICAL EXE_ MPTION-CLASS 11 AND VARIANCE N0. 3067 (continuad) Commisslone~ Dav.d asked tf they could still execute the originAl varla~nce for the 25-foot sign~ a~d Chat rn-an Harbst indlcated that was correct. Commissioner David stated tf this varience ts approved~ the Commission would want them ta egree not to utillzn the free-standtng sig~ w~iver in Veriance No. 2310. M~. Dritton ~ndlcated they would be happy to do so. Commissioner Barr~es tndfcated she dld not ilke the bell tower. but did fe~l they needed some tdentificati~m ~ at least on the In+perlal side. Commisstoner Bushare also indicated he Felt they neaded some type of identiflcation for advertistng purposca. Considerable discusslon ensued regarding various atternatives for the placement of the signs snd the fect thts proJect faced two maJor streets~ so they may be entttled to twA signs. It was noted the Planning Directar ~r his authorixed representative hes determined that the proposed pro;~ect falls wlthln the definition of Categortcal Exemptions~ Cl~ss 11~ as defined in paregraph 2 of the Ctty of Anahetm Environmental Impact Report Guidelines and is~ therefore~ r,ategorically exempt from th~ requirement to prepare an EIR. ACTION: Commissioncr Sarnes offered aesolution No. PC7b-Z88 end mc~ved for its passege and a~op-tTon~ that the Anaheim Clty Planniny Comnisslon does hereby grant Petitlon for Variance No. 3067~ subJec~ to the condition that the appltcant sign a Haiver rel~asing the extsting Variancr No. 2310, ~~nd subJect to Intr.rdepartmental ConmiCtee ~ecommendattons. On roll cail. the foregoing resolution was passed by the follawing v~te; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ DAVID~ HERBST~ JONNSON~ K1NG NOES: COMMISSIONERSs BUSNORE ABSEt'T; COMMISS IONERS; TOLAR Cortmissioner Johnson asked Mr. Gawa if he aould please carry back to HACMAC the informa*tan that the 5~gns }ust app~oved wouid be better than having the 25-foot pylon sign originally approved. Mr. 6owa indlcated he wauld be happy to do so, and also noted NACMAC aas ~ot aware of the orlglnal varisnce. ITEM N0. 6 PUBLIC HEAR(NG. OWNER: TEXACO-ANAHEIM HILLS~ INC., ENV ONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0. 196 38~ An~heim Hilis Road~ Anahtim, CA 92801. AGENT: V R E NO 0~ ANAHEIM NILLS. INC., 380 Anaheim Hllls Road, Anaheim. RACT CA 92807. Property descrtbed as an irregularly- NOS. 9744. 9745 AND_ 9601 shaped parcel of la~d conststing of appraximately 22.5 ac~es located at the north~ast c.arner of Canyon Rim Road and Fairmont Boulevard~ having approximate frontages of 995 feet on the north side of Canyon Rim Road and 20t1 feet on the east side of Fairnbnt ~oulevard. Property presently classified RS-HS-43,000(SC) (RESIDENTIAL~ SINGL~-fAMILY HILLSIDE-SCENIC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZONE. VARIANCE REQUEST: WAIVER OF l11NIMUM LOT WIOTN. T~NTA1"IVE TRACT REQUEST: 30-LOT, RS•HS-22,00~(SC) SUBDIVISION~ 17/18/7g MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANIJING COMMISSION~ DECEMBER 18, 1978 18-1072 EIR N0..196~ VARIANCE N0. 3068 AND TENTATIVE MAP 4F TRACT NOS. 9144~ 974y ANO 9601 (continu~nd) It wes notad subJ~ct Petitlon for Varlantie No. 3068 wr~s deleted by revised plans. There wes o~e perso~ Indtcating hIs presencQ ln oppositlon to sub)ect request, end although the stetf r~port to the P1anning Commisston dated Decerrt~er 18, 1~78 wes not read at the public h~aring~ it Is ~eferred to and made a psrt of t:he minutes. Uan Salcedo~ representing Anaheim Nills, Inc.~ property owner~ stat~d this Is ~ 22.S~scre~ three-tract parcel ta be zoned a5•HS-22~000(SC). Ne stated they ere proposing 30 unlts on the p~apnrty; that back In April 1977~ they filed similar trACt maps th+~t were approved by che Planning Conwntssion~ a~d that they failed to request the neces~pry ttme axtensions and the trects expi~ed. Conseque~tly~ they are brinc~lnq them back egaln, He stated there are only two changes that have occurred slnce 1977: Code amendments have been made and because of that~ Anaheim Nills~ Inc. has changed two or three lot Ilnes to comply wtth the. current Code (therefore~ they do ~ot necd a variance) and, although Lots 8 and 11 orlqi~ally showed a proposed riding and hiking trail~ the ~ve~ants, condtttons and restrlctlo~s ere going to preclude eq uestrtan use on the prope~ty~ and~ therefore, those tratls are baing deleted (paragraph (10) of the staff repo~t refers tncorrectly to that subJect). Chairmen Nerbst stated that paragraph (10) indtcated the trails will be connected with the proposed horse trall system in the area. Mr. Salcedo noted he (s suggesting that that will not occur. Jay Tashtto, Assoclate Planner~ stated the Planning Department hed received a letter to ehat effect~ Mr. Hans Cx~wa. Vlce Chairman of the Hill and Canyon Municipal Advlsory Conmittae (HACMAC)~ stated their concern wlth respect Co the horse trails and the completion of the horse tratls in the general area. Ne satd HACMAC understood that the t~ails ~rould not be a problem because they would not pass through the property but around it; and if Anaheim Hills, inc. wents to eliminate the horse tratls, then HACMAC would be in opposition. Chairman ke~bst no~ed the Commisslon had prevlously approved the tracts wtth the horse t~slls going through the prope~ty. Mr. Salcedo ~tated he had presented the tract maps to aIACMAC and that he saw two problems: 1} the vsr(ance (which has bee~ elimfnated~ and 2) the trails going through Lots 8 snd 11. He stated Anahelm Htlls, Inc. was not concerned with the horse trails, but was concerned with the fast thev werc invading paoples' p roperties. He felt it would bc a simple matter to eliminate those horse ~rails i~ llght of the 1~act that therc would be no equestrian use on the p~operty as wa~ anticipated when the first trrct maps were filed. Chairman Harbst stated thot even if ~.;.auestrtan uses were prohibited by the CCbRs. th~ prohibition could be voted out by the residents at some time in the Puture. Mr. Salcedo concur~ed. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Chalrman Herbst stated eveyone Mho has horses tn Anahetm Htlls expects the trails system to be completed and that at the present time the trails are be~ng cut off and going ~owhere. He felt this item si~ould be c~ntinued until the trails can be reviewred. He stated this should go back to the frail~ Commlttee and HACMAC. 12/18/78 ~ ,w. : ~d'. ~+` ~r ~i . ~~~a'. ~ M1 S~ ANAHEIM C17Y PLANNI EIR Nd. 19b~ VARIANGE NOi 31 ^ rG MMISSION, DECEM6ER~18~ 1978 p TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 9144 ~ ~ 78-1013 5 AND 9GOt (co~tlnutid) Mr. Sa~lcedo askecJ if the Commtsslon wauld.0lve hlm thetr opinlon of these tr~+ct maps; then ,.p when they ga back to HACMAC and the Tra ~~~ Committee~ anly the equestrtan and hlking '~` treil• aspect of the trACt would be rev T ewed. Chalrman Herbst gtated the prop~sel met all the Cit•y ordlnances end he was not opposed to the tract maps; however~ Anaheim Hllls~ Inc. had ortginelly furntshPd horse trails And now they want to dalete those trails. At approxlmately 2:5~ p.m.~ there was a power failure and Chalrman Nerbst suggested a ten- minut~ ~ecess. The motion was seconded by Comrnissioner Devid and MQTI(1N CARRICD. Approximately ten minutes later the electrictty was sttll off and the meeting was re~onvened at 3:01 p.m. In the Counctl Conference R~m (whlch has windows) adJointny the Council Ch~mb~r (wt~ich has no windows). Jay Tashtro noted chat a letter in Environmental impact Report Na. i9G stated the Trails Committee had reviewed this development and the trails system as sh~wn on the tract mep; that they found It to be in conformance with the adopted Master Plan; and that they were pleased to see it added add(ti~nal tralls serving thts estate•orlentzd tract. The Tralls Committee.~ therefore, endorsed tl~at proJect at that timn. After cons(ckrable dtscusslon by the Cammtssion of the ovcrall riding and htking trail system~ Comm(ssioner Ktng offered a rrotion tu approve all three tentative tr~cts~ subJect to the conditlon that Anaheim Hilis~ Inc. revie.wv wlth the Riding and Nikiny Tratis Cortmittee whether or not it is acceptable that no trails are being proposPd on that property. ~ It waa noted the EIR was prevlously approved and the variance was dcleted by revised plans; that the Commission would Ilke a letter from the 7rails Commtttee stating they are in agreement with the proposal; and that the Commission would also llke to have it reviewed by HACMAC. Therefore, a condition will be added to show riding and hiking trails. if needed. pcr Cfty standards, A gentleman in the audience wish~d ta register a complaint regarding horse trails that had previausly been approved. Chairman Herbst suggested he register the complalnt with the City Council because ex~sting h~rse tralls we~e out of Commission hands. Conunissioner Davld seconded the motion (previously offered by Commissioner King)~ and MOTION CARRIED (Commissionsr Tolar bei~g absent} that the AnaheTm Ctty Planning Commission doe~ horeby ftnd that the proposed subdfvision~ togethe~ wtth its deslgn and tmprovement, ts consistent with the City of Anahelm's General Plen~ pursuent to Government Code Sectton 66473•5, and does~ therefore~ approve 7entattve Map ot Tract No. 9744 for elaven (11) RS- HS-22,000(SC) lots, subJect to thc following wndttlons: 1. Th at the spp roval ot Tentative Map of T~act No. 97u4 is gra~ted subJect to the approvai of Reclassiftcation No. 76-77-40. 2. 7hat should thts subdtvision be developed as more than one subdivision~ each subdivisipn thereof shall be submttted In tentative form for approval. 3. That in accordance wtth City Cou~cil policy~ a six-foot~ open~ decorative wall shal) be constructed on the south property line seperating Lot Nos. 1 and 5 through 9 f rom Canyo~ Rlm Road and on the west p~operty line sepa~ating ~ot Mos. 10 a~d 11 f rom Fairnant 8oulevard, except that for corner Lot No. 1. said well shall be stepped down to a height of 30 tnches ~n the required front ysrd setback and except that pedestrian op~anings shall be provided (n said wslls where cul-de-sacs abut the pianned htghwey right-of-way line of 12/18/78 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ DECEMBER 18~ 1~7$ 78-1074 EIR N0. 196. VARIANCE N0. 3068 AND TEI~TATIYE MAP OF TMCT NOS. 9744~ 9745 AND 9601 (continued) thc arterial highway. Rerso~eble landscaping~ incl~id~ng Irrlgatlon facilities~ shall be instailad tn the u~cemented portlon of Che srterial highway parkway the fu1) distanco of sald wa11s. plans for sald l~ndsceping to be submltted to snd subJect to the epproval of tho Suparintendent of Parkway Malntenancn. Following tnst+~llation and ecceptance, the City of Anaholm st,all Assume the resp~nslbllity for melntenanc~ of said landscapinq. 4. That all lots within this tract shell be served by unde~ground utilities. 5. That a final tract map of subJect property shall bt submtttod to and appraved by the City Council ond then be recorded in the office of the Qranq~ County Recorder. G. That the covenants, condttlons~ and restrtceions shalt be submitted to and appraved by the City Attorney's Office prior to City Councll approval of the f1na1 tract map and~ further~ that the approved covenants~ condltlons~ and ~estrictlons shall be recordad concurrently wlth tha flnal tr~ct map. 7. That prior to filing the final tract map~ the applicant shall subm(t to the ~ity Attorney for approval or dentol a complete syn~psis of the proposed functlon(nq of the operaLing co~poration includtng~ but not limited to~ the articles of (ncorparation~ bylaws~ proposed nxthods of management~ banding to insure maintenance of conxnon property And bulldinys~ and sucli other Informatian as the City Attorney may desire to pr~tect the City~ (ts c6ttzens~ and the purchasers of the proJect. 8. That street names sf~all be approved by thc City Planninq Department prior t~ approval of a f(nal trect map. 9. That the awner(s) of subJect propcrty shall pay to thc City of Anahc(m the approprlate park and recreatlon tn-lteu fces as dete nnin~d to be appropriate by the City Counctl~ sald fees~ to be paid at the time the bullding permit is issued, 10. That drainaye of said property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. If, in the preparati~n of the site~ sufficient grading is requtred to necessltate a grading permit~ no work on gred(ng will be permitted between October 15t~~ and April l~th unless all requi~~d off-site drainage factlitics have bnen installed and are operative. Pos(tive assurance shal) be provided the City that such d~ainage faciltties wil) be completed prio~ to October 15th. Nececsary right-of-way for off-site drainage facilities shall be dcdicated to the C(ty~ or the City Counci) shall have initiated condemnation ~rocer:dings therefor (the costs of which sha11 be borne by the developer) prior to the co+m~encement of grading operations. The required dratnage facllitles shall be of a stz~~ and type sufficient to carry runoff waters originating from htgher properties through said property io ulttmate disposat as approved by the Clty Engineer. Satd drainage facilities shall be the flrst (tem of construction and shall be campleted and be functional •throughout the tract and from the dawnstream bounda ry of the property to the ultimate po~nt of disposal pri~r to the issuance of any final bullding inspecti~ns or occupancy permit~. Drafnage district retmbursement agreements may be made available to the developers of said property upon their request. 11. That grading~ excavatfon, And all other construction activtties shall be conducted in such a manner sa as to minirnize the possibtlity of any silt ori~inating from this proJect being carried into the Sant~ Ana River by sto-~m water origlnattng from or flowing throuyh this project. !2. If permanent street name stgns have nnt been installed~ temporary street name slgns shall be lnstalled prior to any occupancy. 13. That ftre hydrants shall be installed and charged~ as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Ftre Oepartment~ prior to commencement of structural f rami ng. 14. That any flag lots shall have e minimum frontage of 20 feet. 15. That the property owner(s) of Tract Nos. 974b, 9745 and 9601 shall jointly pa~ticipate in the payment for the lnscallation of traffic signals at the intersecttan of Fairmont Boul~vard and Canyon Rim Road (25$ - estimated ta be $10,000), fo r a tota) estimated cost of $10~000 (exact cost to be determined by the Traffic Enyineer at 2he ttme of payment) to be patd prlor to the issuance of a building permtt or at auch further time as the City Counci 1 may gr~+r~t. 12/18/78 :; , 78-10 75 MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ DECENBER 19~ 1~7a 196~ VAaIANCC N0. 44 N AND 9601_ (continund) E~~N~~ ~~. 3p68 ANU TEN7ATIVE -U1P OF TMCT NOS. 97 ~ 97 5 16. In occordance with the ~equlrerr~nts of Section 18.02.~47 pertalning to the l~itlal sele of rnsldential homes In the City of Anaheim Planntng Are~ "S''~ the seller shall provicie each buyer with written informetlon cuncerning the Anehetm General Plan snd the existing toning wtthin ;00 feet of the boundartes of subJect tract. 17. That the daveloper of subJect tract enter I~ta o Speclal Facilltits Agreement with the Clty for water faciltttes ln the High Elevatlon System. as required by Rule 15~ of the uatcr Ut i l i ty Rate~ . Rules ~ and Regul at ians. 18. That equestrian and hlking trails shall he provided in occardance with ~he Equestrlan and Hiking Trails Elament of tlie Anaheim General Plan~ and that the trails shal) be co~structed In a~c;~sashallibe reCOrdedSCOncurrentlycwlthnthenflnel tracttmapClty Englnetr~ and that satd t a Commissioner King affered a motion~ saconded by Commissioner Uavid and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Tolar being abaent)~ that the M aheim City Plenning Commissi~n d~es hereby flncl ~hat ths proposed subdivlsion~ tagether with its dcslgn end tmprovement, is cons(stent ~+ith the Ci;y of Anaheim's General Plan~ pursuant to Governrn~nt Code Sectlon 66473.5. and ~io~ss~ thsrefo~eLhepfollawingtconditMons~f 7roct No. ~745 for ten (10) RS-NS- 22,ooo(sc) lacs, suN1ecc t 1. That the approval of Tentatlve Map of 7rect No. ~7G5 ~s grant~d subJect to the ~pproval of Reclassification No. 76-77'~+~• 2. Th at should thfs subdivision he developed as more chen one subdivtsion~ eech subdivlsfon thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for a~proval, 3. That all lots wtthln this tract sha11 be served by unde~ground utllities~oved b 4. That a final tract map of subJect property shall be submltted to and epp Y the City ~ou~cll and then be recorded in the office of the Oranye County Recorder. 5. That the covenants~ conditions, and restrictfons shall be submitted to and approved by the CityeAt~hE~aYp~o~edj~ovenentst~condltions~tandprestrictianseshall'beract map and~ fUrther~ th t P recorded ..oncurrently wlth the final trect map• ~i4a~t shall submit to che Clty 6. That p~lor to ftling the final tract map~ the app Attorney for approval ar denial a complete synopsis of the proposed functio~ing of tha operattng corporati~n (ncluding, but not limited to, the arttcles of incorporatlon~ by~~,vs~ p~eposed metiiods of management, bonding to insure rnai~te~e~c~eS`~e~^Y'^~~oieGLethe and buildings~ and such other tnform•.tion as the City Attorncy may City~ its c(tizens~ a-id the purchssers ooye~~bYrthe`City Planning Dapartme~t prior to 7. That street names shail be app approva) of a final tract ~P• ro ert shali pay to the City of A~ahelm the 8. That the owner(s) of subJe ct p p Y the Cit approprlate park end recrcation in-lieu fecs as determined to be app~opr~ate by Y Councii~ saia fees to be pald at the time thz building permft is issued. 9. That drainage of said property shall be disposed of In a manner satlsfactory to the City Engtneer. If, ln the p reparation of the site~ sufficlent grading is required to ~ecessitate a gradi~g permit, no wark on grading w111 be Pe rtnitted between October 15th and April 1;Ch unless all required off-site drainage facilities have been instalicd and are operative. Positive assurance shatl be provid~d Necessarytrightuof-waytforeoff-site facitities wi11 be completed prior to October 15th' or the City Council shail have drainage fecilities shall be dedicated to the Clty~ initisted condertnation proceedings therefor (the ~~rat~onswhiThesrequiredbdrainag~the developer) prlot to the commencen~nt of gradinq op facilttizs shall b~ of a size snd type sufftcient to carry runoff waters ortginating from higher p~operties through said proprrty to uitimate disposal as approved by the City Engineer. Said dratnage faciltties shall be the first item of construction and shall be completed and be functio"~oint of9disposal prior todthe~issuanceoftany final buildi~yhe property to the ultimate p 12/18!76 .. f w~ MINUTES, ANAMEIM CITY PI.ANNING CUMMISSION~ OECEMBER 18, 1978 7~~1076 EI~R .NO. 196.~VARIANCE N0. ~068 AND TEWTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. ~L4~~. 745 AND 9b01_ (cantinue~d) Inspectlona or occupancy permits~ Dralnege district rcimbursement egreements may be made av~Ilable to the developers of sald property upan their rnqueet. 10. Shat grading~ excavatlAn~ and all other constructlon activtties sliall be conducted In such a manner so as to mtnimtze the passlbility ~f any stlt originating from thts proJect botny ca~ried into tha Santa Ana Rtver by storm water ortginattng from or fla+ing thraugh this proJect. 11. If permanent strcet name signs have not been ;nStalied~ temporary street name signs shell be installed prior ta any occupancy. 12. That fire hydrants shall b~ installed end chargcd, as requi~ed and determined to bp necessary by the Chicf of the Fire Uepa~tment~ prior to commencement of structural f r•ami ng. 13. That any flay lots shall havc a minlmum fr~nta~e of ?.0 feet. 14. That the property owner(s) of Tract Nos. 971+4~ 9745 and 9G01 shall Jolntly participate in the peyment for the installation of trafftc si~;~~als at Che (ntersection ~f Fairmont Baulevard and Canyon Rlm Road (25~ - estimai.ed to be S1~~,~~~)~ for a totel estimated cogt of $1~~000 (exacr, cost to be decermined by the Traftic Engineer at the time of pay ment) to be patd prior to the Issuance of a bu(ldtng permlt or at such further tlme as the Clty Council may grant. 15. In accordance with the requirc~ments of Section i$.02.047 pcrtaining to the inittal sale of ~esident(al homes in the City of Anaheim Plenning Area "H"~ the scller shall provlde each h~~er with wrltten infarn~ation concerning t~e Anahelm Ceneral PZan a~d the existing zoning witn~n 300 feet of tlie boundartes of subject cract. 16. That the developer of subJect tract enter (ceto a Special Facillttes Agreement wlth the City for watcr facilities in the High Elevation System~ as required by Rula 15g of the Water Utility Rates~ Rules~ anci Regulatlons. Commissioner Kiny offered a motion, seconded by Commissloner David and MOTI01~ CARRIED (Co;rmisstoner Tolar being ebsent) ~ tt~a~t the Anahe(m City Planning Commisslon does hereby f(nd that the p~oposed subdlvislon~ together wlth Its design and improvcment~ is consistent with the City of Anaheim's General Plan~ ~ursuant to Government Code Section 66~+73•5~ and does~ therefore, approve Tentative Map of T~act tdo. 96h~ for nine (9) RS-HS- 22~Q00(SC) lots~ s~Ject ta the follawing conditions: 1. That the approval of Tcntat3ve Map of Tract Na. 9601 is granted subJect to the approval of Reclassification No. 76^71-40. 2. That should this subdivision be developed as more than nne subdiviston~ each subdlvisivn khereof shall be se~mitted in tentative form fdr approval. 3. That all 'ots wlthin this tract shall be served by underground uttlities. 4. That a flnal tract map of subJect p~operty shall be submitted to and approved by the City Council and then 4e recorded in the office of the Orange County Recorder. 5. 'fhat the covenants~ conditions. and restrictions shall be submitted to and approved by the City Attorney's Office prior to City Council app roval of the flnal tract map and~ further, that the approved covenants~ condttions. and rest~ictions shall be recorded cancurrently with the final tract map. 6. That prior 'o filing the f(nal tract map~ the applica~t shall submit to the City Attorney for approval or dentm) a complete synopsis of thz proposed functioning af the operating corporatiun lncludfng~ but not limited tu~ the articles of incorporatlon. bylaws~ p roposed methods of management, bonding to insure ma~ntenance of canmon prope~ty and b utldings. and such ather informaclon as the City Attorney may desire to protect the City~ its citizens~ and the purchasers of the proJect. 7. That street names shell be approved by the City Planning Department prior to approval of a final tract map. 8. That the awner(s) of subJect p~operty shall pay to the Clty of Anaheim the approp~iate park and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be approprtaYe by the City Council, said fees to be paid at the ttme the butlding permit is issued. 12,' 18/ 78 x MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMM155101~~ DECEMgER 18~ 1978 78-1077 CIR N0. 19G. VARIANCE N0. 3068 ANp TENTATIVr MAP OF TR11CT NJS. 9744~ ~]45 AND 9(~0) (co~tinued) ~~~-~~.~~ ~+..i~ ...~~~•..~ 9. Th at drelnaye of sald property shall be disposed of (n a manr±r satlsfactory to the City Engtneer. If, In the preparatton of the stte~ sufftctent grad(ng is ~equlred to necessitato a grading pRrmit~ no work o~ grading will be permitted between Octaber 15th •nd April 15th unless all requlred off-site drainage facllltles have been i~stalled and are operattve. Posittve assurance sha11 be provtded the City that such drainage facilities will be completed prior to October 15th. NECessAry right-of-wey for off-stte drainago facilitius shall be dedlcated to the Clty~ or the City C~unctl shell have lnitlated condemnatton proceed(ngs therefor (the casts of whtch shall be borne by the developer) p~lor to the commencemenc of ~radiny operattons. The requtred dratnage facllities shall be of a size and type sufficient t~ carry runoff waters origtnating from highe~ prop~rttes through said prdperty to ultimate dtsposa) as approved by the City Engineer. Satd dratnaye factlities shall he the first Item .~f construction and shell be compleked and be ~unctional th roughout the tract and from the downstream boundary o! the Qroperty to thr ulttmate point of dlsp~sal prtar to the issuonce: of eny final bulldinq i~spectlons or occupAncy permits. Orainage district reimbursement agreements may be made avatlable to thc developers of said prop~rty upon their request. 10. That gradtng~ excavetion~ and all other construction sctivities sh~ll be conductnd in such a manner so as to minimlze tlie possibt!(ty of any silt ortgln~ttng from this proJect being cArried into the Santa A~a Rtvcr Ly storm water oric~inating from or flw+ing through thls proJect. 11. if permanent street nanse siyns have not been installed~ temporery street name slgns shal) be lnstalled pr(or to any occupency. 12, That fire hydrants shall be Installed and charged~ as required and cJete~mined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department~ pric~r Co comnencement of structural f rami ~g. 13. That any flag lots shall havc a minimum fra~tage of 2(1 feet. 14. That the propercy awner(s) of Tract Nos. 974'+~ 9745 and 96t)1 shall Jointly narttcipate in the payment for the Installation of tra~fic signals at the interse~tlon of Fairniont aoulevard and Canyon Rim Road !2S~ ~ esttmated to be S10~000)~ for a total esttmated cost of S10~~0~ (exact cost to be determined by tl7e Traffic EnginRer at the time of payment) to be paid prior to the issuance of a butlding o~rmit or at such further time as the Ci ty Counci 1 may grant. 15. In a:.cordance Nith the requirements of Sectton 18.02.047 pertaining to the initlal sale of resid~ential hames ln the City of Anaheim Planning Area "B"~ the seller shall provide ench buyer with wrttte~ informatian cancerning the Anaheim General Plan and the existing zonin~ wtthin 30f1 feet of the boundaries of sub~ect tract. 16. Th at the developer of subJect tract enter into e Special Fecilities Agre anent with the City for water facilittes in the titgh Elevatlon System. as required by Rule 15B of the Nater Utiltty Rates~ Rules, and Regulations. 17. That equest.rian and hiktng trails shall be p~ovided in acco~dance with the Equestrian and Hiking Trails Element of che MaheEm General Plan, and that the trails shall be constructed in accordance with standards and specifications on flle with the City Er~~lneer~ and that said trails shall be recorded concurrently with the final tract map. ITEM N0. 7 PUBLIC NEARING. OWNER: NILIiAM W. LANGE, 1546 West EIR~ NEGAT'TVE DECLARATION Embassy~ M aheim~ CA 92a02. AGENT; CLIFFORO 8. 0 A USE RM N0. 1'321 LAI~GE ~ 1546 Wes t Embassy ~ Anahe i m, CA 97.802. "~'-"` Pctitioner requests permission to ESTABLISH AN AUTO- MOBILE DETAtLING FACILITY on property described as a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.6 acre having a frontage of approximetely 124 feet on thr. south side of EmbassY Street~ having a maximum depth of appraximately 205 feet, being locatAd ~ppraximately 440 feet east af the centerline of ~oara Strnet~ and furtt~er described as 1536-'S38 West Emhassy SLreet. Property presently classified ML (INDUSTRIAL~ LiMiTED) ZONE. 12/18/78 ~ 78-1078 MINUTES~ ANA!lEIM CITY PIANNING LONMISSION, DECEt~ER 16~ 197a EIR NEGATIVE DECIARATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERNIT N0. ~ Z~s~ Q`t~'Qqu~tt, ~~d aithough The~e wes ~o one indicattng t'etr p~ssence tn oppasitton to ~ tho st~ff ~eport to the Plannin9 Commissio~ dated Oecemb~er 18~ 1978 was not read at the publlc hearing~ it is refarred to and med~ s part oY tl~e minutee. Cltfford L-^nge. age~t~ Indicsted thAy haVee~acus~~rs ~ni~9~~~toathftrYplacetofhey do not do any ~+ork out~of-doors snd thoY ha buainess. TNE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CI.OSED. Chalrmen Herbst t~qulred as to the terms Af their lease. and Nr. Lenge ~aspo~ded tt was yea~ly. Chairman Nerbst noted the Zoning Enforcemen'e~f~ocbe aa~umberrof~ca~sms or~d outsidat of- doors at that lecatio~ and that there appea Jay Tashiro~ Associdte Planne~~ indicated it appearcd that sltuetion was no longer taking placc. Mr. Lange stated thcre would be no more storege of cars outside of the bullding. Inqul red as to whare thC car washing wbs cione~ and Mr. Lbnge respondad Commiasioner King it was done inside the bulldtng. Commissioner Johnson felt the parking of vehic~es ~utslde would deftnitely impa~ct the neighborhood. Mr. Lange stated the tralle~ truck would PhE~ ~u~d be takenalnslde.dwashed~~anddd~ive~nto approxlmately 3~ ~o ~+~ minutes . and chen t y the c.~er lot. tommissioner King asked haw the situation would be handled it two or three of the trailer trucks ari ived at the same time. M~, Lunge stbted ihat had not happPned during the time they have be:an at this loc~tto~. Commissfoner Bushore asked if theyLan~~as~ated~they~didnunlc~adfintthe frontua~dthe public the side of the b uilding~ and Mr. ~ street. AfT10N: Commissioner King offe~ed a"qiiO"that~the~AnsheimCitytPlann~ngnCommission'has ~p (Comntssioner Tolar being abss ~ ~ reviawed the p roposal to permlt an automobiJe~deG'e~havingcalfrontagc ofcapproximatelya124 paru~ of land consisting of spproxin+ate y feet on the south sfde of Embassy Streft~ciheast of theice terline ofaLoa 8tSC1'EEL~2aRd fett~ betng losated spproximstely 4~+0 a~e an ~es hereby approve the Negative Declaratton from the rcquirement to prep environmental impact rppo~t on the basigdueatottheeapprovai~of~this~NegativeiDeciaratio~r ~u~u1at;ve adverse environmental impact ne~ai industrtal land si~ce the Anaheim Ganeral Pian dsal9nthat noesensitivePenvtro~n~+ntal~impacts ara involved uses commensurate v+i th thE propo in the proposal; that the c~~~stiveuadvt~ejenvl~omm~ntalEl~npacts; andithatsthe Negative I signtftcant individual or ~eclarstion substr~nttating the foregoing findings is on fil" ~~ the City of Maheim I Pla~ning Departn+ent. ,~„Q~~A ~ MINUTFS~ ANAHE IM CITV PLANNINR COMMISSION~ DECEMBER 1A~ 197~ 78-107~ EIR NEGATIVE DELLAaAT10N AND CONDiTIONAI USE PEitNIT N0. 1921 (conttnued) Commis:ioner King otfered Resolutlon N~. ~C7~-289 and moved far ita passage and edop~lon~ thet the Anaheim City Plsnntny Commtsston dc~es he~eby grant Petltlon fo~ Condittansl Use Pe nntt No. 1921 fnr a one•yc+a~ pertod~ subJect to sttpulatlons ot the pettttoner the~ ali work wnuld bo done lndnor~ sn d tl-at there would be no outdaor storaye after closing time~ end subJect to Interdepertn+e~tal Commtttee reco~m+endettons. 0~ roll call~ the foregoiny resolut(on v+es passed by th~ following vota; AYES: COMMI5SIONERS: ~ARNES, BU5110RE~ OAVID~ NEROST~ JOHNSON~ KING I~OES : COHMI SS I ONERS ; NONE ABSF.NT; CAMMISSIONF.RS: Tf1LAR ITEM N0. a PUIILIG NEARI~~G. OWNERS: F~EOERICK R. AND RUTH E. ~~VE DECLARATION SACNEa~ P. 0. Box 518, San Juan C+~Aistr~no~ CA 92675. ON E RM T N0. 1~ 23 AGENT: CURT15 KINpRED~ 1120 South Brlstal, 5anta An~~ " CA 92704. Petitinr~er roquests perm(ssion to E5TABLISH RETAII SALE:S OF FUft~~ITURE IN TIIE ML ZQNE on property described as an irregularly-s haped parcel of land constst(ng of approximately 4.4 acrss having a frontage of appraximatoly ;20 feet on the east stdn oP Kraemer Place~ having a meximum dopth of approxlmrtely 3J2 fcet~ belnq located approximt+tely 25~ feet south ef the ce~terline of La Palma Avenue. and further destrlbed as 10~~0 Kraemer Place. Property presentlY classifie~i Nl. (INDUSTRIAL. LIM17E0) ZONE. Ther~ wes no one indicatinq their presence In apposition to suhJect requeat~ and althuugh the staff repart to the Planniny Commisslon dated December 18~ 197$ was r+ot read at thc public hearing~ (t is rcferre d ta and madc a pArt of [hc minutes. Mr. Ken Hines~ 119 East Dolphln, Santa Ana~ was present representtn4 the prope~ty ownQr. Mr. Hines stated thcy were in concurrence with the stoff report and noted they had letters from several of the tonants in thc complex statin~ they wcre nat creating any parkDng problems. He stated thcy would be happy to correct any problems with respr.ct to their signs. THE PUBIIC HEARII~G WAS CLOSE D. Chatrman Herbst asked hav they had gotten into the industria,l area to beqin with. Mr. Hines stated he felt the owner was not awarc this was tn violation of the Code. Com~nissloner ~ushore asked i f he was ewa~e that retai 1 salcs were not al laved in an industrial area. Mr. Hfnes stated~ bas{cally, the building was used for warehausing and furniture assembly; however~ since people could qo through the wa~ehouse to make their selectton~ it wr.s also considered as retatl sAles. Chatrman Nerbst nated that while there are qutte a few furniture sCores tn the industrtal areas~ this hr~s created a furor wtth t-~e Chamber of Conxnerce and the Redevelopment Agency. He felt peopl~ were going tnto these areas~ establishing their businesses~ and then coming into the Commission for a variance. Mr. Hincs asked~ why did it hurt to have e furniture store in che industrtal area? 12/18/78 MINUTES~ ANAN EIM CITY PLANNiNG COMMISS~ON~ DECEMBEa 18~ 1978 7$-1000 EIR NEGA7IVE O~LIARATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMiT N0. 1923 (contlnued) Commiaato~er 8ushoro statad there were saparate aroas to~ corm~ercial use es well as i ndus t r i a 1~ aa~d the re wss no need to c.omb i ne the twn. Chalrman Herb st noted {ndustrial areas help to fur~lsh Jobs for meny ~coplc tn the Anahelm a~ea. He stated there ebes need to be e place for thts typa of fur~iture store I~ Anaheim and that the Anaheim Chember of Commerce~ tha Redevelopment agency~ and the Pla~~tng Commission a re going Into ~n In-depth study ot this ve ry prualem. Conmissio~e r David suggested the applicant may wlsh co ask for t+ contlnudnce unti) the study is cornpleted and t+ declsion is made es to where these types of furntture stores should be lo eeted. Commissione r Bushore noted this item should be cont(nueJ for nt least one month to allow the aforemen tloned study to be completed~ and the petitio~ar's sgent agr.. i to such a continuance. ACTICN: Commissioner David offered a motlon~ seconded by Commissloner Bushore end M(1TION ~EO (Commissloncr Tolar being absent), to continue Petltton fo~ Condittonal Use Permit No. 1923 to tlie regularly-scheduled meetiny of the Planning Commtssl~>n on January 29~ 1979~ fo~ f u ~ther informatlon c~ncern(ng commercial development in Industrial areas. At 3:30 p.m.~ Chairman Nerbst moved to ad)ourn to the Council Chamber as the electricity had been res tored. The meet) ny resumed et 3: 32 P.m• ITEM f;0. 9 PUBLIC NEARING. OWNER: 91LA FAMILY TRUST~ 761 E R C ~EG RI CAL ~XEMPTION-CLASS 1 Teakwood Avenue. La Habra, CA g~631. ACENTS: FRANK WAIVER OH COOE_REQUIR~ NTS A AND aUT~~ B~LA. 1511 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, ~~'~ . 1926 CA 92805• Petition~r requests pe rtnission to ESTABLISN AN OfFICE USE IN A RESIOENTIAI STRUCTURE WITH WAIVER 01' ~A) LOCATION OF PARKING SPACES AND (B) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA on property described as a rectangularly-shaped percel of land conslsting of approxtmately 665~ square feet l~catr.d at the northwest corner of Lincoln Ave~ue and Larch Street~ having ~~+proximate fro~tages uf 70 feet on the north s(de of Lincoln Avenue and 95 feet on the west side of Larch Street~ and further describPd as 1511 East Ltncoin avenue. P rope~ty presently classificd CO (COMMERCIALo OFFICE AND PROFESSIONAL) ZONE. There was no or.;; indicating thelr presence in opposition to subJect request. and althouql~ ti~e siaff r~po~ t to the Planni,g Commisslan dated Decemb~r 18, 1978 was not read at the publlc hea ring~ tt is referred to and made a part of the minutes. Frank Bila. agent~ was present and indfcated he was in agrcement with the staff report~ a~d noted there were no structural fences. TNE PUSLIC HEARING WAS CLQSED. Chal~man M e ~bst stated they wantr_d :he applicant to dedicate vehicular access rights onto Llncoln Ave~eue to the City snd that he felt it would be bctter :o have the parktng in the rear o~ th a buildiny with access from the alley. He then asked what kind of shops were being proposed~ and M~. Otla stated they were offices such as marketing, insurance, reat estate, an d acc4unting. 12/18/7~ :" ~i MINUTES~ ANAIIEIM CIIY PLANNING COMMIISSION. DECEMBER I8, 1978 78-108) EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CIASS 1 ANQ C(1N OITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1926 (continund) In responae to a comment by the Commisato~~ Mr. ~tle Indicated they dtd not went to encroach upon the res i den t i~ 1 ne I yhborhood by ut (1 ( z 1 ~g the a 11 ey to the r~+ar of h t s bullding. Commisalancr Busho~e asked if the buiidin g would h~ve to be brought up to Code~ a~d Mr. Bl la stated he thought i t wes al re,edy up to Code. The Commissian expressed its concern wtth rea~pect to the emount of blacktopped erea and the ex(t onto Lincoln Avenun and suqgestc d Mr. ~~la ask for a continuence to ra-evalusta the p roJect wtth ~espect to redesigniny t he parking end to talk wlth the Trrffic E~glneer rega~ding the ingress and egrass to the p ~operty and the possible dedlcetlon af accass ~Ights to Llncoln Avenue. Mr. Bila askcd about the proposed stgn and Chalrman Herbst tndicated the sign should be made smaller tn conformanc~ with Code ~cq ui~ements. Mr. Bila then agreed tu a two-week eontinuance. ACTION: Commissioner Bushore offe~ed e motian~ seconded by Gommissioner Kiny and MOTION t ED (Commissioner Tolar being absent)~ that Petition for Conditi~nal Use Permtt No. 1~326 be: conttnued to the re~;ularly-scheduled mecting of tFee Ptanning Canr-iz~ion on Jsnuary 3~ 1979~ for subreittal of revisad plans. ITEM N0. 10 t~E 0 ND RECOMMfNDATIQNS A. ABANDONMENT N0. 7a-1,~A ~ Reques t to abandon a portlon of a dedicated roadway cortmon y known as R ista 5~ reet~ south of Wagner Avenue to the Rancho line. The staff report to the Planning Commission dated December 18. 1978 was presented, noting subJect request wss to abandon a portion of a dedicated raadway comrt~only knawn as Rio Vista Street~ south of Wagner Avenue to the Ra~cho 1 ine; that it is reconNnenckd the Planning Commission approve this request and recomn~nd approval to the City Council, subJect to the reservation o1' a public utility easement as requested by the City Eiectrl wl Dtvlsion; that this request has been reviewad by all d~partments of the City and affected outside agencles and appro val Is recommended sub~ect to the above-mentioned reservation; thet the Orange County Wa t cr Dlstrict owns the prop~rty along the east side of Rio Vist~e Str~et and th~y have approvcd the abandonment of this portion of said street; that the extension of Rio Vista St~eet southerly of Wagner Avcnue ~as removed from the Anaheim General Plan by General Plan Arwendrr~nt No. 146; that the appl icane desi res to ut111ze the area comprised of sa(d dedi cated right-of-way for the proposed expansi~n of related church facilities; a~~ that an environmental review of the abandonment of this public street indicates eh s to be catago~Ically exe~t from the ~equTreme~t of filing an EI R. ACTION: Commissioner King offered a motion. seconded by Commissioner David and MOTION ~TEp (Cq+nmissioner Tolar being absent) ~ thet tha Anaheim City Planning Commission doe~~ hereby recomme~d to the City Councll tt+at Abandonme~t No, 78-10A be app~~ved. 12/18/78 78-1 Q 82 MINUTES~ 11NAHEIM GITY PLANNING CONMISSION~ DECEMBEP 18~ 197~ B. CON DITIONAL USE PERHIT N0. 1 - Request ~o~ an extenston ot ttme. The staff report to the Planning Commess~i~opa'GEidoP°ia~°con8lsting ofsspp~aximatelyo8!59 subJect prope~ty is an Irregulsrly p acres located southe~ste~ly of thetansia~aot timeeforfCondit onel~UsenPe~rmlt~No.~1359~~~~ that the petitlone~ requests an ex order to camPlete cur~~itlons~andnalltconditionsthavndbeennsatisfiedimthetdCodeastatess thes aubject to several con proJect autharir.ed by a cofdc~~the1dete of approval'oresuchufurtherF~tlrn~f esrthe,Planninq sdvsnced before o~e year a t Commisslon ~Y gront~ end sa « m~ haveubeenngrentedt sFurthermorehcat~the tiwmerof~initlel five prevlous extenslons of tf conaideration of sub)act conditionat use permit~ a request Por exemptlon from the requir~mant of Piltng en envlroninentA) impact report w~sA'edm~~hat thetPlenningiAncr end it was staff's recommendetlon that an EIa should beexp~essed slmlle~ concern~ but ~ction Comnlsslon. at thei r meeting ~f December 11 ~ 1~72• on subJect condttional use Pe~'^~~~nted vrnwhe heruaniElRishouldnbelrequlredetandith thCityr an exemption statu. should b g Counct 1~ on December 19~ 1972~9ranted sald request for exemptlon and the Planni~91~7~~ and Commisslan su~sequontly approved Conditional Use Pa~'^~~ ~oved 'an~~ddlitona e140~rooms have that the applicant fndlcates since the project was app ~ bee~ added~ plus complete renovation of alf existiny rooms and doubling capecity of all pub 11 c areas . ACTION; Commissioner David offeradbs~~~iOthe~cthedAnahtim Ci~LygPlanninghCSOnmiss~lonodoes, ~D (Commissioner Tolar baing e ~ for Condltional heroby grant a o~e-year extenston of time~ to expire Decembe~ 27. 1`37`~~ Use Permit No. ~359• C. TENTATIVE T MCT N~. 10163 - Request for an extension of time. The staff report to the Planning Commission dated December 18~ 1978 was presented~ noting subJect property Is an irregu~~oX(mately~200rfeet a~1the southssldc of R1orGra deEDrlve, acres haviny a fro~tage of app approximately 185 feet northeast of theea'^extenslonf f~time fardTentativehTracteNo. 10168 petl ttoner requests approval of a cne-y since the preparation of the final rt-~p and imp~ovement plans was deiayed due tRSvHSious pr'ocessing and scheduling r~asons; that subject trsct (to e~ovediby the~Planninq 10,000(SC) subdiviston) end a NeLote xpireCOnrJunen5wE1979Pp~~~ that no previous extensions Commission on December 5. 9~7~ of time have been grante~. ACTION; Cortmissioner King offer. a motior~, seconded by CommissiP~anninhnCommi~sionT does ~D (Commissianyr Tolar being ab sent), that tie Anaheim ~it$o gor Tentative Tract No. hereby grant a one- ear extension of time. to exp re June 5~ 9. 10168. 12/18/79 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISStON~ OECEMBER 18~ 1978 78•1083 0. CQ~~DITIANA~ USC PERMIT N0. 16J4 - R~quest for clartfication of Conditldn No. 4 of eso ut on o. - . The sCaff report to the Plannin~ Commtsslon dated Qecember 18~ 1978 was p~esented~ noting subJect property Is a~ Irregularly•shaped parcel of I~~d consisting of epproximataly 3.2 ecres having opproximete frontages of 14A feet on the n~rth sldc of Ell~worth Street. 405 feet nn the sauth side of Sante Ana St~eet~ 150 }e~t on the east side of Cleud~na Street~ and 130 feet on the west side of Olive Street; and that Condltion~l Use Permit No. 187A (to permit ~ lumbe~ yerd wlth Ndiver of (a) minimum lAnJscaped setback, (b) mexlmum fence height~ a~d (c) mtnimum site screentng) was approved~ in part, by the Planning Commisslon on August i~. 1978~ wtth no Actio~ by the City Council. Condition No. 4 of Resnlution No. PC78-135 reads: "That the proposed wafve~ (c) is hereby granted~ ln part~ permitting G-foot hiyh fenc~s elong only the property lines which abut the othe~ (ndustrial propertte~ and the Southern Paclfic rlght-oP-way at the northeast and southwest sides of tl~e pro~,erty; but in order to protect ad}acent anci n~++rby ~esident(al uses~ 12-feot hlgh chelnlink fencing witt~ woodan slats shall be provid~d to fully screen the stored lumber from Claudina~ Santa Ana~ and Ellsworth Streets; and thet the 12-foot htgh fencing shall be extencled approximetely 10 feet easterly from Claudine Street alang the south propertY llne~ approx(mately 110 feet northerly frorn Elisworth Street along the westerly lfnc~ and approximately i40 feet northerly from Ellsworth Street alony Oltve Street~" anJ the applicant has reviewed the fenc(ng condttion and takes exceptton to those conditions as published~ spec(ficolly the requirement fo~ a 12-foot high screened fence along Santa llna Street and tliat the applicant feels the conditian conta(ns a typographical error regarding the requirement for a 12-foot high fence along the east property line from Ellsworth Street nortli In thet it should read 10 feet and not 110 fect. The Plann(ng Commission reaffirmed the requirement of a 12-foot h(gh chainlink fence wtth wooden slatS be provlded to fuliy screen the stored lumber from Claudina~ Santa Ana~ and Elisworth Stre~:t~. ACTION: Commissioner Johnson offered Resolutian No. PC7~i-29~ and moved fo~ its passage anc~optlon~ thet chc Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby amend Resolutian No. PC73-195~ nunc pro tunc~ to change only thc footage along Olive Street~ north of Ellsworth Street~ to read 10 f~ec instead of 11~ feet. On roll call~ the forego(ng resolution was passed by the follvwing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, BUSHORE, OAVfD~ NERBST, JOHNSON~ KING NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEFiT: COMMISSIONERS: TOLAR APPOINThiEN7 OF MEMBERS TO TNE TASK FOitCE Chairman Ilerbst appoinCed Cnmmtssioners Barnes. Tolar and hlrnself ta tl~e Task Force. The ot(ner Commissioners present concurred. PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONfiOMINIUMS The Lommtssioners had a general discusston regarding pa~king needs in condomintum pro,jects and agreed five parkiny spaces per unit (like the stngle-family residential zones) secros desirable: two in the garage~ two in the driveway, and one off-site. Th~y felt this 12/18/78 ~.: ` ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ DECEMBEII 18~ 1978 78-10$4 ~ PARKINO REQUIaEMfNTS FOR CONDOMINIUMS (eontinuad) ~ would encour~ge developers to put In longar driveaays ~nd help taka cans of soms of th~ pa~king probl~ms which aro being cu~rantly ~xparto~ced. ~ ~ , ; ADJOURNMENT Thern betng no fu~the~ bu:iness~ Conn+issioner D~vid otfered a motlon~ seconded by Commtasloner King and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Tolar baing ~bsent)~ ta adJourn th• meeting to a Jotnt meeting wtth the Cfty Cauncli~ ! Clty Redevslopment Agency~ and Housing Commtsston on December 19~ 1978~ at 7~30 p.m., at the Matn Libra ry. The meeting adJou~nad at 4sQ2 p.m. .: PSshm Respectfully submltte~ , ~ - % ~. i `._~ ' , ;, , ~ %~; ~ ~ ~ l~~ `. %;! ;> ~ ~<f ~ .,..- ~ Pan~ela 'S'~ta~~es ~ S~ecretary P~o T~mpo~e Anahel~* City Plannfng Commission 12,~ 18/ 78