Minutes-PC 1979/02/26i~ . Clty Nell Aneheim~ Ca1lPornia F~b rua ry 26 ~ 19 79 REGUI.AR ME.ETING OF THE ANAII~IM CITY PLANhIING COMMISSION RECULAR - The rngul,~r mee.ting of thc Anaheim Clty Planninq Commtssion was celled ta MEfTING order by Chai~man Herbst at 1:30 p.m.~ February 2G~ 1379, tn the Gauncil Chemb~r~ a quorum betng present. PRESENT - Chairman: Nerbst Gommiss(oners: Ba:~nes~ BusharP~ Uavid~ Johnson~ King Comm~ssioner Tolar arrived at 1:3; p.m. AaSENT - Commissioners: Nonc ALSO PRESENT - Jac!: Whit~ Ueputy Gity Attorney Jay Titus Office Engineer llnnika Santalahti Asslstant Director for Zoning Robert Hennirqer Assistant Plann~r Edith Narris Planniny Gommisalon Secretary PLEUGE OF - The Pled~e of Allegianc.e to the Flag was ied by Cammisstoner Jc~hnson. ALLEG I At~CE ITEM N0. ; Pu~LIC NEARIr!G. OwNER: TEXACO-ANANEIM NILLS~ IN~., fIR VE DECLNRATION 3$0 Anahelm tlills Roed~ Aneheim, CA 92807. AGENT: NO 0 E ERMI 0. ty5o AI~AtiEIM HILIS. iNC., 3~ Anaheim Hl i ls Road~ Anaheim, CA 92807. Petitioner req uests permission to ERECT AN OFF-SiTE TRACT IDENTIFICATION SIGN on property described as being on either side of and in the medium betwaen the oppostng lanes of Hidden Canyon Road, approximately 210 fPet southeast nf the centerline of Serre~o A.venue. Property pr~sently classified RS-A-~3~000(SC) (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICUi.TURAL-SCENIC COF:RIDOR OYERLAY) ZONE. It was noted the petitloner had requested a continuance. ACTION: Commissioner King offered a motion, seconded by Commissfane~ Davld and MQTION A R ED tCommissioner Tola~ being absent). that consideration of Petition for Conditional Use Permlt No. 1950 be continued to the regularly-scheduled meeting of the Planning C~mmisslo~ on Ma rch 12, 1979, at the request of the petitioner. 79-141 2/26/79 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY 1'll1NNING COMMISSION~ FEBRUIIWY 26~ 1~79 79'142 1 TEM N0. PU~~.I C NEARI NG. OWNER: AR~ELL A, wN ITWER, E R RICAL EXEMPTIQN-CLASSES 1 b~ W19 Jeanlne Drlve~ Unit B~ Aneheim~ C!1 92Fi0G. VAR ANCE N0. 30 Petitlonrr requests WAIVER OF MINIMUM NUMBER AND TYPE OF PARKING SPACES TO RETAIN A ROOM ADOITI01~ IN AN EXISTINf, GARAGE an property descrfbed as an irregulnrly-shaped parc`~ of land cnnsisting of dpproxtne+tely ~.6 acres loceted et the southeast corner of Jackson Avenue and Heth Street and thc southarly cul- dn-sac term(nus of Jaaninn Drive~ having spproxime~e frontages of 20~ feet on the south side of Jacksan Ave~ue~ ;~~9 foe[ on the east sid~ of Beth Strcet, and 274 f~~t on the west stdc of Jeanine Drive, an~i furtl~er descrlbed as G1~ Norlh Jeanlne Drive, Uni t D. Property presontly cla~sifled RM-120t? (RESIDLNTIAL~ MUt.TIPIE-FAMtI.Y) TONE. It was noted that the petitioncr had requested a four-wePk continu~ince. ACTIOti: Commissloner David offcred a mocion~ 5econdecl b~ Commissioner King and MnTION ~t E~D (Commissloner Tolar be(r-g absent) ~ that considerAtion of Petition fo~ Vert+~nce Ilo. 3077 be continusd to the regularly-scheduled n~eettnq nf the Planntng Gomm(ss ipn on March 26, 197~~ at the request of che petitioner. 17E:M NQ. 1 READVCRTI SEU PUEiL I C NEARI NG. ONNERS : I RENEO G. ~C~LGORICAL EXEMPTIQI~-CLASS 1 ANU EMELITA A. MUNOZ~ 1303 Jasmine P1 ace, Anaheim~ WAIVER OF CUDE. RE UIRENE-JTS CA )2~>O1. Pet(tioner requests permis sion to CONDITIONAL USE PERht T NO 1~45 ESTAEiLISfi A HEALTFI SPA hND fMSSAGE PARLOR 411TN WAIVER OF (A) I111dIMUM NUM8ER OF PARKI t~G SPACES AIJD (a) LOGATION OF PARKING SPACES on property described as a rectangularly-sl~apecl parce) oF lend consisting of approximat~ ly b15Q square feet located at the soutl»vest c~rner of Lincoln Ave~ue and Bust~ Street~ h~vi ng approxlmate frontages of 50 ~eet on the soutf~ side of Lincoln Avenue and 125 teet on th~ west si~ie of Bush Street. and further describe~i ~s y24 East Llncoln AVP.IIUC, Pro~,erty pr~sentty classlfled CL (COMMERCIAL. LIM;TEU) ZONE. SubJeet petitlon was continueci fram the meeting of February 12~ 1979~ to edv~rtise the correct locatlon of subJect property. It was noted the appllca~t was not present, but later determineJ that the pr-operty vwner was nc: present; however~ the operator of chc Proposed use w3s prese~t wi th her real estate agent. This item was heard follawiny Item No. 7. There we~P approximately 2!; persons indicating their presence in opposition to subJect request~ and although the steff report to the Planntng Commission dated Feb ~uary 26, 1979 was not ~ead at the pub l ic hearing, i t ls referrecl to and -rade a part of the m(nutes. Corrmissloner 9ushr~re Indicated he had a possible conf) ict of interest as deflned by Anaheim City Plar.n(ng Comm(ssion Resolutic,n No. PC7F-157~ adoptiny e Confliet of Interest Code f4r the Plenning Comm(sslon, and Government Code Section 362 ~~ et seq., In that he has a contractual relationship wlth the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency a„d su~Ject property is located within the redeveloprnent area~ and~ pursuant to the provisions of tt~e above codes~ declared to the Cha(rman that he was withdrawing from the hearing in connectlon with CondiYional Use Permit Na. 194~ and would not take part (n either the discusslon or thc voting there~n~ and had not discussed this matter with any mcmber of the Planntng Commisston. TIIEREUPO~l. COMMISSIONER BUSHORE LEFT THE COUNCIL CIiAMBER. 2/26/79 MINUTlS. ANANEIM GITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ FEURUARY 2G~ 1~)79 79•143 EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 1 ANU GONDITIONAL USE PCRMIT N0._ 1945 (continued) 1lurlcl ReeJ~ (,121 Euco~y~tus Drive, 1lnaheim~ rcaltnr• rcp~esentlny the bvyer~ stated It was her f~c~iny most people I~avc the usual viow of m~5sage parl~rs and he~lth clubs, but that lier clien~ Is a reflned I~idy and is nc~t ~iilnking in thr,se s.~r~e tcrms of e trouble-ms~kin~ mnssaye parlorandplans to have a nice he~ilth spA wlth st~am room and Jecuzzi~ and thAt this arca is a business are~i a~d she did not fccl this usc would bc detrimenta) to the area. Suncha Ob~ rt ~ o~eratar oi` the p roE~o~ed bus i ness ~ stated shc woul d 1 i ke ta purchasc the subJect praperty to o~erate a health spa en~l m.~ssegr.. ~arlc~r w~th Jac~~~zt and seuna. Sha expla(ned she ~~~+t a Ilc~nse for massa~~e and also coshetolUC~y in order to ylve fnclals. etc. ~ and that shc has ov~~r t~n years' experie~ce, Earl Rhoads, 121 North Vir.c St~cet, A~aheim. ;~iemher of thc Project Area Committee lF'A~) and inrnedi~~l'r. Past Preslrlent of the East Central Anaheim Nelghborhood Im~rovernent Assoclation, stated that .~s •'~ ~*+~~~r of PIIC they had rr_vicwed the dr.s(~n for developmen[ of downtvwn Anahelrn ProJcc! Arca and r:a~f thc follow(n~~: "Thcre are Some residential ne ( yhborh~od parce 1 s e~~st r.~f the ra i I roacl t racks i n the Pro ject Area and these areas seem to be qui te hea'thy and 5hculci be rstained an~ strenychened," Ile stated further than that (ena [hi s Is the reasun for thc two hats) ,"the des i ~n far deve lo~ment 1 dent i f f ~s for the planning that there r~k~y be ;ur~c~ c~mmr.rcial aites alor~g East Lincol~." IIP stated~ hnwever~ In ttie deslyn for ~evcloprne~~t, tf~osc areas are identifie~l as being cast uf Dush and not west of E3usl~. Ne p~lnted out thls area is shurt nf h~using and this is a nice rrsidence~ and suggested that {L be retairie~l for resider.tial use. Mr. Rhoads state~l there w~s supposeJ to have been a letter submitted to thc Cormnission from the netyhbonc~~od i~q~rov~.me;nt association indicatin~~ their o~p~sitiun and apologized that it had not been recPivP~i a~d point~~ ouc there iS a letter included from the Pr~ject Area Committee indicatiny tl~e~i r opp~~sltion, f1e stateci the neiyhborhood improvement assoclation lias ~one to ~~reat lenc~ths to improvc tl~e area and want~ to keep it on the upswiny. and felt reyardless of ~•ihat the petitioi~er I~as stattd. an undesir~~ble element wi 1 I be b ~ouyht into tlie nei yt~~,c~rhooci, Don Sherman~ 12~ South Uusl~ Strc.et. Anaheim, stated hti lives approxlmately one-f~alf block frori sub ject property and has two chi ldren whu ~~lay frePly up and down the sidewalks and in their yard. Ne ~~resented two l~[ters from neiyhbors opposing the vro,j~ect who eoula nat attend the meetin~~. fle felt --ega~dless of what tf~e peti tioncr has indicated, he did not want the ~lemc:nt that may be t•rouyht lnto the r,elc~hborhood hy ~ massage parlor. He also was co~c~erned about the a.~ricin~g an Kush Street and inclicated the parking sttuatlon is already bad and felt thc overf lai from this busines~ would add more parking and traffic (nto ttiei r neighborhood. Ile stated there is a great n~nber of small children in this neighborhood and they do have a tendency to occasinnal ly rur+ into the street, and for this reason he felt v~ry strictly opposed to th(s use. He stated he agrees with the prevtous speaker ~eyarding the quality of the nei~~hborhood and pointed out he has seen it slowly upgraded ln the last two years and wouid 1 ike to see further improvements. Mr. She~man referr~d to the co~mients in the staff ~epo~t concerning crime and Indicated there have not been any crimes in thelr area i~ the Itast two years~ and he would like to keep it that way, and fe{t this type af use would set a bad precedent far this type bu,iness in a residentlal area~ even though it is c~mmercially zoned property. EdMrard Mino~, 220 North Vine Street~ Anaheim, former member of the Alpha ProJect Committee, stated he ag-'eed wi th Mr. Rhoads and added personal ly he felt this use should not be al lowed because we are redeveloping Anahelm on the west side of this property and It seems this use would seart tearirg down the east side, He referred to the housing problem and suggested this st~ucture be r~~aintained for residential purpases. He felt this 2/26/79 ~r9• i aa MINUTES, AI~AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ FE4RU!-RY 26~ 1973 Ela CATEGORI CAl EXEMt'TION-CU1SS 1 ANO CONDITION11L US~ PERMw I.___T N0._ ~~~+.~ ~continucd) use would tc~ar da+n`property values af the propertles surrounding it~ thercPura~ affectfng the entlre city f~om a t~x sta(eP~is<<on~structedrand~Lircol~rAvcnueais reallgnedut that when tlie proposed shoppl ny cen •ddttlonal traff(c W>>>rb~eb ~°zi~willtbetputainaat ~~~~~e~t~Ateuand1lndlcnted~this could menttcros th~f the spa o he pointed out mean It mlghC never bc installed. Cnncer~ing tl~e Pallce Depnrtn~cnt report, the Police Denortment Is alreadY c,verburdened and tt~ls use would further ~'-d~i ~Q t{etalso burden. tie agree~ t,hat tl~e ~se woulcl n~t be good far th~ chlldrr.n in tt~e nrea. asked if the employees of tlils facility would be liccnsed hasical~therapi~t~~ He men~toned would prescrfbe treatment at tliis facility racl~er than a p y. that Anohclm h~s 1~1 rnassage Pn~~ersro j`d'~iPronenarca~.c He('stAt~d~l~e thought~itswauldtbe a thAt theY might eventually a11 ~ p~ h,• P~lice Department ar+cl taxpayers of the Gity mistake for the are.i anJ ~ ui5scr•.lcr. t. t of Anahcin. Nancy Renzo~ 111 South I~usl~ 5trect, Anah;;~Linc~~uuttthat slieitiadnobtained~thesc~signatur~s slgnatures and Icttcrs from nelclhbors~ P .~ on the previous day and all the people sl~e had contacted were ~pFiQSeand I~aseaufevexyear- three. She stdted shc lives directly next door to subjeGt rropc~~Y and she did not think old daugfiter who plays {n the frunt yarcf apnroxir~atclY 5Q feet aweY, this type use bclon,ys in I~er neighborlioodSedstiilscrequestto She~askedethc sizenofgthcer Indicating tI~P Folice Departn~ent had opp structure. inclicating she tl~ouyht lt was ap~roxim~-tely thc same size as hers~ whlch is appraximately 900 squarc feet~ a~ie~~~h~~p~ansWShow'~the~structure ast1;00isquare,feet anda structure of this sizc: (lt was that It was previously a durlex), Mrs. Kenzu pointe~f out thls area i~ in the redevelopment area ard durin~, tl~e next year the adult h~°uset~hould~bchallowediat thts relocated frorn thc~ area. an~ she di~J nut [hink this tYp location. Gr. Warren I~ol l i ngsworth st f ~em sub 'ecti p~opertycand~ t`~att~he E i vcsLatc201 ~NorthhRose ~ directly acrass the street 1 wliich is in the same ~eiyt~ba~rl~oovid`N12ePa~king~spaceshwhhch wassqui teeanhexpenSecand that bullding. lie was requlred t p the other professional offiuewhenlthei~ ~otshareefulborhepfindsetheirttenantsbarerparking ordinance was effective, an in his lot an~ it is ~~a~~iii~ilU[.P~HeGSt~tedshc"was~adJressinyitfieeissue~on thatnpoin~t re pe~~le parking in hls p y o~ly and not on tlie rnc~ral aspects. Ms. Rced, represent(ng Mrs.e~ba~ ~'tfieaemployeeseat this~establ ishment wi l tt~eyqual ifleds~ in th~~s instance. She stat licensed masseuses. She felt the is~ue of using thisWasrzonedecortmerciailyncandeitbw u{d settled by the Planniny Commisslon w1~en the property on the be impos~ible having a far~ily liviny tn tf~e ~esidence and having childre~i P~ay She did blacktop ya~d, explalnin~~ that the entirP back yard 1~as been paved for parking. not fe~l tt~e parents of the chiudr~enotr~bella prob'lerrrh~CAncernan91the spambaingefPstalled n Lincoln Avenue~ so felt that wo located in the structure at a l~ter date~ she pointed out currently there Is a t_..uty shap She explained the building is wl~ich must be relocate~ befure the spa can be instelled• 1~00+ square feet and thanewithetherexistingcbeautydparlorelt there would not be any m~re traffic with tt,is use t TNE PUBIIC HEARItJG WAS CLUSCD. 2/zb; 79 MINUTf.S~ ANAMEIM CITY I'LANNING COMMISSIAN~ FCEiRUARY 26~ 1979 7~'1~5 CIR GATEGORILAL EXEMPTI~N-CLASS 1 I1NU CUNDIT~ IOt1AL USF. PERMIT N0. 1945 (contlnued) Commissioner Tolar stated that a c.onditlonal use parmlt goes wlth thn praperty and not tlie operator~ anJ evci~ thou~~h thc pctitianer wauld operatQ a unlque bus(ness wl~icli would not be a cletrimant to the nelyhbarhood~ ff 9I1P. elected to mc~ve, another aperetlon c~uld go Into the property which could become a public nu(sancr,. Ms. RQed sCated lt was t~er underst~ndtny that if A use becort-es a nuisance~ the permlt cen bc ravol;ed. Gwrnnissianer Tolar state~d that waa cor•rect~ but it (s difficult to palice these typ~s of thinc,~s and that the Clty is trylny dtllyently to revitalizc the downtown area and Lincoln w( 11 be real igneJ and wl l I be an Intrlcake Nart nf thc inyress .~nd e~ress ir.to th~ dawnCawn area~ ana he felt somc of these businpsses will became pASS~. Ne statad hc would llkc to belleve thlc City (s procaressive an~i will put some of these spot-toning type situatio~s toyetl~er. Ne statad the parkin,y would be A problert~ on kiush Street an~' ll~~ traffic impact would be~ a maJor i~sue If tl~e operatur decided to move or trted to supplement hr.r income by adding ~tf~cr uses and advertising for mar~ business and the parking situattun could not be cantrolled. Ne statc~d he could not supporK the use because of the traffic anJ parkln~a pr~blems which could be creaCed. Ms. Reed stated she un~ierstood what Commissloner Tolar was saying an<f pointed out the existiny beauty shop coulci n~c~ve out and a(aryer operation could yo fnto the structure. Cortxnissioner Tolar ~.~inte~l out tl~e beauty shop Is regulated as to xhe number of operators end size of ~peratian by the number of parkiny spaces~ etc. He statpd evtdently thls car~er was not conJucive enough for the beauty shop or it would not be moving~ which proves there is a limited anx~unt of conrnercial use w;~icfi could ya Into this siGe, and f~lt th(s use would be a mistake. He felt if this corner were canduc(ve to the walk-in type t~affic, thc operator of the beauty stio~~ woul~f be cryiny to purchase the property rather than relocating. Ms. Reed ~ointed out the beauty sl~op opcrat~r will be asked to move if the property (s sold to M~rs. Obert ano is devcloped into a health spa and massage parlor. Commissioner k~ernes referrEd to the letter from the ProJect Area Committee recommending that this use be denled because of its incompatihility with the proJect area plan. She stated as pianners tlie Planning C~mmissicx~ is suppased to try and dectde if this is true and if they feel in the interest of c~ood planning that this use belongs at this la~ation. She stated [here are three thinys against ~pproving thls request: 1) the letter from PAC, 2) some of thc Commissioners feel it does not belong ln this arca and is rot compatible~ ai~d 3) the parkii~g is not adequate and there would be potential (ncreased parking on Bush Street whi ch is al ready a ~najor pr~b lem. It was noted tlie Planning Director or i~is authorizr_d representativz has determined that tlie proposed project falla within the definition of Ca[egorical Exemptions. Class 1~ as defined in paragrapti 2 of the Clty nf M aheim Environmental Impact Repo~t ~uidelincs and i s~ therefore ~ cateyor( ca 1 ly exempt f rom the requi rement co pr~pare an E I R. ACTIQN: Commissioner Barnes uffered a motion, seconded by Commissianer King and MOT10~~ CA~ R~tIED, t~~ ~t th~; Anaheim C1ty Planning Commission does he~Gby deny the requeat for waiver of Code requirements on the basis that there are no special circumstances applicable to this property and sOmilar requests have ~ee-i denied due to the lack of parking on other properties in the same vicinity and zone. Commissioner Johnson asked Mrs. Obert if she had operated other massage parlors, and she replied that she aperated one at Ma~i~a del Rey. 2/26/79 ~ _..______~_~ - X 79-146 MINU1'fS~ ANAIIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, FE6RUAaY 26. 1979 EIR CA"~EGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS i AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0._1945 (continued) CommisAloner Johnson polnted out It Is hls feeliny thut n-assogc parl~rs in thr U~ited States have a~flffcrent conn~t~tio~ tt~an In other countries and he wanted the petltloner tn be ar+are th~t the Commission has to consldRr the Informatlon tht~t Is presented. He asked whet the hc~urs of operatlon would bo~ and Mrs. Obert repl ied tt~ey would bc from 10~0~ a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Commissloner aarnes offerrd Resolution Na. PC73-37 a~c1 ~vcd for its passacie and adoptlon~ that the Anahelm Clty Planning Commission dnes herc~y deny Pekitlon for Condltion~l Use Permit No. 1945 on tl~e basls that the site is lo~atecl in the Alpha proJeCt aree and thc Project Area Committe~ has dtterr,iined tha use would not be competibie with the surrounding area~ and an the besls that add(tianal traffic and parking in the are~ would have a detrimental lmpact on thc surrounding residential arca. On roll call~ tI1C (urnyulny rc~olutton wA~ na4ct+d bV the foliawiny vote: AYtS : COMMISS I ON~:RS : BARtik:S ~ NOES : COMMI SS I ONERS : NOf1E Af3SCI1T: GQMMISSIOPIERS; BUSIIORE: UAV I U~ ~IERBST ~ JOHNSO~~ ~ iCi UG ~ TOIAR Jack White~ Deputy Cicy Att:~rncy~ presented the petitioner with the written r(ght to appeal the Plannlny Commisston's decisio~~ within ?.2 days ta the City Councii. Chairman Nerbst stated there arc otl7er arcas in the City of Anaheim which he felt would be conducive to this type of use wtiich cb not abut r~sidential areas. RECESS There was a ten-minute recess at 7.:>5 F•m• REC~tIVE11E 7he rneettny was reconvened at 3:05 p.~n, ~ anJ Commissioner [3ushore returned. Comn~sstoner David indicated his concern regarcling paragr~pf- (ln) of the staff report in connectlan with Condition~il Use Permit No. 1')4~ in that ttie Anaheim Pol(ce Departmen! indtcates ttie Gity curs•ently lias 19 licf~nsed massage ~aflars and that these uses generate many enforce elt penteralsstatcrr-etntsesucl~~asethi~s~are~t~tallyf irrelevanioto'tl~nal use permit. He f 9 deliberations and should iiot be considered. It was noted the Comrntssion I,ad not discussed this state~nent end did nc+t cansider it in their deliberations. Annika Santalahti, Assistant Uirector for Zoning~ staced this issue has come up befo~e and comments were made that tf~eir c~rrespondence was not read and introduced into the minutes and the reason is ve ry clear~ and that is that thr. writer is not present to ansv~r questions. She explained staff does encourag~ anyone who gives the Commission any correspondence to be presen: to answer any questions. Chairman Herbst stated the Commission had not mentinned tliat particular item~ but it is a part of the record because it is mentioned in the staff report, and he felt the Police Departme~t should send a rep~esentative ta thP meeting to dtscus$ ~esentttsuchnstatement fatrness to the applicant. Ne felt if thc re re3entative is not p ~ should be left aut of the staff report. Commissioner Bushore felt a motion should be made that if the Police Department has anything to add to the presentation, they shoutd be present. 2/26/79 MINUTE5~ ANAItE1M CITY PLANNING COMMlSSiON~ FEBnUARY 2fi, 197~ 79'1~~1 FIR CAT~GORIGAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 1 ANO CQNpITIONAI USE PCRMIT NQ. l~~i~ (continued) Commissloner Johnson fclt that wo~rld bo treadtng on dange~ous ground becau~e if the Pulicc Department had been present to reaJ the letter and had t~tken e posltion against the petitiqner~ It would bc t:erribly bia~ted. Chalrmen Nerbst stat~ci iC was hts feeling thet lf thc Pollce De~partrnnnt has any:hing cri tlca) to adct~ thsy shc~ulJ be hsre~ but not )ust to make a ger-k~ral assessme•nt of other m~ssaqc ~arlors. .lack White stake~l whetl~e~ the report is written or a police represeniat(ve Is present~ they us~.~ally refer t~ a~~urvey of oth~r n~assaye parlors and ~ceivlties chat are takiny place there dncl It has n~~ relever~ce to the prospective Applicant. He felt if they have snmething that pertains to this part.Icular applicant and w1iaC [f~c:y wuuld be doinc~ at this locatlon or ~+nother I~cation~ chat may have son~ relevanc~~ but he felt to say that we I~evr 19 iiid55ey~ ~.ar~ora ~snc' illiclt attlvttiNs +~t 1? ~r tf:.,f rh~~m ~in~c nor F1AVP. any bP.~rin~ on the requcst and, thcreforc~ t~ hav~ them st~~te that would probably ~nly be inflart~t~ry and have no ~~alue. ~ie tclc thcy should nat ylve any tnput unless they have knowleefge c~f a specific i~idiv(dua) c~se. Ccxnmissioner ~ushore offercd a ~~x~tion~ seconded by Gonvnissloner David end MQTION CAItRIED, that i f the f'ol ice Depa~•tmcnt ~r any ather depa~trr-~~t h~s anv speci f t c I nformat lon reyarding a specific ap~licatlun or applic~nt, tl~en tt~c~y shc~uld personally present that (nformatir~n at Che pu5iic hearinc~. Conunissioner UaviJ as'Recl th~+t that ~artic~lar ~rtion of the minutes be forwarded to the Chief of Police for I•,is Inforr,~atl~n. 17EM N0. 2 CONTItiUEU PUBLIC HEARI~~G. OWNERS: JOI~AT'HAN 1'. Y. EIR t~EGATIVE pECLf~:tATiOiJ YEN~ ET AL, 420 South Beach Boulevard~ AnAfielrti, CA N'~;~7~'Z7 92b04. ProE?erty describe~ as a rectangulArly-shaped ~~T)~~iU CMLN parcel of lanci cons(stiny of approximately 138 feet on CONUITIUNAI USE '~'ERMIT N0. l;i3f~ the east side ~f Geach Uoulevard~ hav(nn a maxlmum deptli of approximately 23~ feet~ being located approxiniately 52II feet ncrth of the centerline of Oranca~ Aven~~e~ ~nd further described as ~~20 South Beact~ Boulevard. Property presently ciaxsifled RS-~~~~+3,0~~ (RESIUE'~TIAL~AGRICULTURAL) 7.ONE. REQUESTED CLA`~SIFIGATIOF~: CL (COMMkRCIl~L~ LIMITEU~ 20NE. REQUESTEU CO~JDITIONAI. USE: TO EXPAI~U AN EXISTING M~TEL WIT~H WAIVER OF MAXINUM STRUCTURAL ~IC Q GHT. Subject pe~ition was con:inued from the r~etinys of J~nuary 2y and Febr~~-ry 12, 19J9, at the request of the petltioner. There was no one indicatiny their pfesence in oppnsit(~n to subject request, and although the staff r~port to the Planning Commissian dat~d February 26, 1979 was no: read at tfie publlc hearing, it is referred to and made a part of the minutes. Jonathan Yeh~ rep~esenting thc Ar~na) hbtel, 420 South Beach Boulevard~ stated this is an existing 11-unit motel and they ti~ish to add more units; that the original plans were submltted two woeks ago and the Planning Commtssion had made su~Gestians and the modif(ed plan is being presented, and f~dicated he wished to thank the Commisslon for thei~ suggestions. 2/26/79 MII~UTES, At~AllCltt CITY PLMINING CQMMISSIOH~ FEE3RU~RY 2G~ t~79 79-148 EIR NEGATIVE UECLARATIOti. RkGlASSIFiCATICN N0. 7~3-79-27 Ai~O COFIDIT101~AL USE PER~!IT N0. 1~;6 TNk PUULIC HEl1RING 41AS CLGSEU. Ccxnmissianer King rE.ferred to the Traffic Lnc~(necr's rec~~mmenci~tic~n that one driveway be close~~ and Mr. Yeh Indic.~ted they coulcl do that with no problem. Commissloner Etarnec~ Indicated she felt th(s plan is a constd~~rable improvement over the orlylnal plan. AC710N: CornmisSi~mer Darne~ c~fferecl a motion~ secundcd by Commissioner King and MOTION C RR~ED (Commtasioner Tolar bainy ~bsent)~ that. thc /1nah~efm City Planning Commisslon has ruviawed the proposal to rcclassi fy subJr.ct property frc~r,~ the RS-A•1+3~'l~n (Residcntial/l1c~r(cult~~ral) to tf~e CL (C~mn~erclal ~ Ltmit~~d) zane to expand an existlnq motPl with waivfrs of rnaxiinum wel i heinht. maximum structural I~eight. permitted encroachments liito required yarJ, and minimum l.~ndscape:d are» on a rectangularly-shaped parr,el of land consistin~~ of approximately ~.8 ~cre haviny ~ frontage of approxlmately 138 fcet on thP cast siJe of aeach F~uulevard, havtng a m~,ximurn cleptti of appraxlmately 23~ feet, and beiny located approximately ~2ti feet nortt~ ~f the centerllne of Orange Avenue; and does hereby approvc tl~e Negativc Uecla~atio~~ from t~~e requlremcnt to prcpare an envtronmcntal impact report on the basis thet therz would be no signiftcant individual or cumulative ~dverse cnvironmental imp~~ce due to thc approval of thls Negative peclaratlQn s(nce tha Anaheim General Plan desic~nates the subJect property fo~ genernl commercial land uses commensurate with the prop~sal; that no senslttve environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; ttiat the. Initial Study submitted by the petitioncr indicates no signlf(cant individual c,r curnuiative adverse environr,iental inpacts; ancl that the Negative Declaration substanti~tiny the toreyoiny findings 1, c~n filc in the City of Anahefm Planning Depart~nent. Conmissioner tiarnes offered Resalution N~. -':7~-3~ in~i muveJ for its passayt and adoption~ that the Anahetm City Planning Co-rrnissiar~ does hereby grant Petttion for Reclassificat(on No. 78-79-27. subject to Interdepartmental Cor~mittee recomrtx~n~iations and subJect to the petitfuner's stipulation t~~ close one Jrivc~way. nn roll call~ the foreqoiny rc:salutio~ was passeJ by tt~c following vote: AYCS : COMHt SS I O~IE RS : BARNCS ~ 13USI~ORE ~ DAV I D~ NER(35T, JOH1~50~~ ~ K I t~f, NOES: CUMMISSI~;~ERS: I~O?~E AB;EWT: COt~.-11 SS I OIIf:RS : TOLAR COf4MISSIONER TOLP+R AP,alVEU AT 1:3~ P.M. Commissioner Barnes offered a motlon~ seconde~ by Commissioner King and MATIOtI CARRIED (Commissioner Tolar abstatniny, havin~~ not been present far the enti~e hearing)~ that the Anaheim City Plann(ng Conxnission does hereby grant waiver (b) ~n the basis that the property to the north of subject ~,roperty wilt eventually t,e reclassifled and developE~d as corm~ercial property and tf~e walver wauld no lonyer be necessary~ and denyfng walvers (a) ~ (c) and (d) on the basis that revised plans deleted tne requirement for said waivers. Commissioner Joi~nson asked if the recommendation that ~ne driveway be Glosed was included in the orig(nal proposal~ and Robert tlenninger~ Assistant Planner~ explained ihe original plans show~d only one driveway and thc plans presented t~day are the existing conditiari with no modtfications to the front poriion of the property. Comm(ssiuner Johnson stated the petitioner has bee~ ve ry cooperative and has modifted the plans extremely and he was concerned that addinc; another condition today ~vould hurt the 2/26/19 MINUTE5~ ANANEIN GITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ fEfiRUARY 26~ 1~7~ 7g~1~~9 EIR NEGATtvE nECLARATION~ RECLASSIFICATIpN 1~0. 18-79-27 AND CONDITIONAI. USL_PERMIT NO. 1 6 ~._...__ - ~ --- ---- - proJect~ ~nd asked the {~Etitionar (f he fclt thc ciosiny of the driveway would hurt hl;~ praject~ and Ilr. Yef~ re~pl(ecl that it would nat. Commissionor ~a~nes offcred Resolutlon No. PC7~•3~ and rmved far its passa~~e and adoptlo~~~ tl~at the Aneheim City Planniny Conanisslor~ ciucs hcrQby yrant Petitlun for Conditlonal Use Pe~mft tJo. 133G~ in pArt~ subJect to the petitioner's stipulation to close one of the extst(ng two ariveways. And subject tA Inkcrdepartmental Lommtttee reconnnendations. 4n ratl :ell. the foreyalny resoluciv~ was ~+~ssed by tl~e fotlowing vote: AYESt COf~M{SSIONEaS: BARI~ES~ ~USIIORE~ DAVIU~ HLRLtST~ JOIINSOt~~ KIl~G NGES: COM-~II SS I OIJERS ; NONC At;SC"T: COt1"lS~lO!lEP,S: NOt~lE ALiSTAI t~ ; CONf115S I OtJERS : TOIAR I TEM NQ. 3 CONTI NUEQ PUBL I C ~IEAItI NG. OWNERS : ER4E57 A. AND tlk~ N~GATIVE UECLARATI011 DUNNA aRGWN~ '1'12~+ South Lewis Street~ Anahelm~ CA RECLASSI ICATION N0. 7-79~2~ 92go~. AGENT: INVE570RS U~VELOPMEt~T OF QRANGE C01111TY~ INC. ~ 13~-~ t~orth Grnnd Avenue~ Santa Ana~ CA 927~1• Pcti~ioner requcsts reclassificat(on of praperty descrlbed as an Irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisttng of approxlmately 0.8 acre having a fronca~e of approximately 19(1 feet on the east side of Le~is Street, having a maxlmum depth of approxima~ely 217 1'cet~ beiny loceted approxirt-ately 1160 feet south of the centerline of Orangewood Avenuc~ 7nd further described as 2224 South Lewis Street, from the RS-A•43~Qc)0 (RESILENTIA~/AGRICULTtiRAI) to the RM-120~ (RESIUENTIAL, MULTIPLE- FAMII.Y) ZONE. Subject petltlon was cantinuec from the ~neeting of February 12~ 1~79 at the request of the pe t i t f one r. There was n~ one lndtc~~ting their presence in opposition to subject request, and althaugh the staff repurt to th:: Pla~ning Commission ciated February 2G~ 1~7~i was not read at the publ+c hearing~ it is referred ta and made a part of t`~e minut~~s. Jack Davis~ Investars Development of Orrm ge County` Inc.~ agent~ was present to answer any qu~st(ons. TNE PUDLI C NEARII~G WAS CLOSED. Commissio~er Kf~g referred to the 7~°foot, "n~ parking" area along lewis Street adJacent to subject pfope~ty and esked the petitioner if he understnod less {~arking would be provided on the street~ and Mr. Davis replied that he understood, point(nq out that 75 feet wouid have a red curt,. He stated he would prefer to forestall that condition until the property to the nc~rth is dedltated and improved with curb and gutt~r. He poln[ed o~~t the trash could be picked up ou: nf the: traffic lane un L~wis Street until that property is develaped. Chairman Herbst asked if the City could designaee the area f~r "no parking" on trash pick- up days only~ a~d Commisstoner Johnson felt that would be difficult to poltce. .lay Titus~ Office Engineer, explained the prnperty to fret~ but not improved. Ne explained Mr. Oavis will be the ssme as the property to the north and he wi 11 devr'ops. the north has been dedtcated to 35 dedicate a~other 15 feet and it wtil be pu~ttng in curb and gutter as he 2/26/19 MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY PLAN~~ING COMMISS~ON~ FEdRUARY 2G~ 1979 C I R ~~CGATI VC UECLAMTI011 ANO RECIAS~ ! ~iCAT10~~ Chairman Herbst petltlo~er try lowis Str~et. felt everyth(n7 has bsen done t~ work out some~hin~ with the that could be done end suygested !he Clty reyardinr~ the na-parking erea alonq ACTION; Commissloner JoF-nson offe~ed a mation~ s~condsd by Commissioner King and MOTION CA- RRIED~ tt~at the Anahe(m Gity Planning Cornr~ilssion hAS reviewed the proposal to reclossify subJect property from the RS-A-43~000 (Residentlal/Agricultural) ta the RM-11.0~) (Residentlal~ Multiple-Famlly) Zon~- on an irregularly-shapeci parcel uf land consisting of approxlrnntely ~.~ acrc haviny a frontaye of ap~~roximately 18~ fect on the east slde of lewis Street~ haviny e max(mum dcptl~ nf approxlmately 217 feet~ and be:ing lacatnd approximatcly 11(~~l fa~t suuth of tl~e ccnterl ine of Oranyewood Avenu~:; and does hertby approve the Negative Ueclnration frprn the requirem~ent to ~repare an environmental impect ~~CNurl un liie: i~ayi~ ll~~t ll~~rn wou1.J l,~ ~~o s(ynlfteaiit lndtvlc3ual or tumutatlvc advcrsc environnx~ntal lmpact duc to tl~e approval of ttiis Wegatlve Qeclaratlon since the Anahelm General Plan deslgnat~s the subJect property for medium density residentia) land u:ex commensurate with the proposal; ti~at no sensitlve P~vir~nnMnt~l imhacts are ~nvolved in the propos~l; tliat Ciie In(tlal Study submitted by the petit~oncr indicates na s(ynificant indtvidua) or cumulative adverse envlronmentai 1mp8Ct5; ancf that the PJegative Declaretlon substenttating the foregoiny fincfinys Is on flle in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. Commisstoner Johnson offered Rnsolutlon F,~. PC7'1-~+4 and moved for its passar~e and adoption~ that the Anahr.im Clty Plannin~; Commission d~es herPby gr~nt Pe:ition for Reclassificatton No. 7t~•73~Z3~ subject to the property being develo~ed substantially in accordence with prec(se plans as presenteJ, and ~ubJect to the co~dition that a minimum 75-foot, "no parking" area be provided along Lewis Street adjACent to subJect property to effect trash ptck-up unless the petitioncr is able to wo~k out a suitable arrangemenC with the Streets and Sanitatio~ Ue~artment, and subject [a Interdepartmental Committee recommendations: On roll call~ the foreyoiny resoluti~n was passed by the followiny vote: AYCS : C011M1 SS I O~~E.RS : BARI~ES ~ BUSiiUitE ~ DAV I ll, ilEF~iST ~ JOIiPi5011 ~ KI tIG ~ TOLAR NUE5 : COHMI SS I ONI: RS : NOt~E At3SEtIT: GOMt1155101JER5: NONE Comm(ssioner Kln~ statec~ land isscarce and property is expensive and tl~ere is a shortage of housiny in tl~is area~ an~l pointed out the petiti~ner in this case h,~d ~equested only 1$ unlts per acre and 36 units per acre are allowed. Ne felt efficient wce o~ this property calls for more density. Choirman flerbst felt density of projects should be discussed at a wark session and poi~ted out the density depends Upon what the developer wants to develop. Fle stated he did not feel this particular property lends itself to hiyh density because of its sizc and shepe~ and pointed out alsn that circulation must be provtded. Commissioner Y.fny felt the Commission is always aware and cautious of putting too much development on propsr[y and felt maybe they should be leaning the other way when there is an opportunity. Ne asked if tiie E~etitioner was aware of ttie fact that he could have put 36 units o~ tlils property and pointed out law-to-moderate fncame people do not have a cha~ce t~~ vwn a home~ and also the elderly on fixed incomE:s are losing the(r homes because of inflaticm. Chairman Herbst potnted out Lhe Commisston wlil be receiving a very precise document far th~ Housiny Elemenk in the near future. N0. 78-73-2~ (canttnucd) 79-15~ 2/26/79 P'INUTES~ ANA~IEIM LITY PLANNING CONMISSION, FEBRUAf~Y 2E,~ 1979 19'151 EIR NEGA'IIVE UEGIARAT101~ AND RECLASS1f'1C~,T10~~ t~0. 7~•7a'27 ~~ntinuQ~') Rabc~rt liennin,yer~ Assistant Planncr~ pointed out that a housing stuciy for the enklre clty hag Geen c.ontracted and slrould he avallablo some time In the spring. ITCM N0. A PUULIC NCARING. OtiJNCRS; DOUGLAS A. GJERSVaLD~ ET EI NEG TVC DLCLARl~TIpN AL~ ',~21~ Vfa Visto Drlve~ Duena Park~ CA ~1~620. R CE LAS~ SIFICAT'IOtI N0. - 2 Property descrihed as an irregularly-shaped parcel ~~~~p~ of land conslstinc~ af appr~ximately 270 feet on the s~utheast stcie of Santa Ana Canyon Road~ having a maximum depth of approximately 4~+n feet~ being locatod ap~rax(mateiy 40G feet nortr~r.ast of the centerline of Mohler brive, and further descrlbed as 21052 Santa Ana Canyc~n road. Property presenciy classlffed i,OUt!'flr o0^AR- t0,UQ0 ~AGRICUITURAL /R~;IDEtITiAL) DISTRICT, H~QUESTEU GLAS5IFICATIO!d: RS-HS-22.~0~(5C) (RESIDENTIAL~ SINr,~.L'-FAMILY IiILL51pF.) ZONk. REQUES'fED Y11RI~N~.E: WAIVCR QF MINIMUH LOT ARE~ TO ESTA4l.IS11 A TIIREE-LOT, RS-N5-22~00~(SC) SUBUIVISION. There was no one inJicat(ng tf~elr presence fn opposttion to subJect request~ and although the staff report to the Planning Cammission dnted Fe-~iua ry 26~ 1~79 was not read st thc public heoring. it is referred to and made a part of the minutes. Douglas Gjersvold~ owner~ ~Nas prese~t and pofnteJ out they are requesting a viafver of the 22~000 square foot minimwn t~ecausc they do meet the min(rnum lot requirement oF 19~000 square feet ~nJ Jo n~t neeJ to use. any of the property for access. Ile stated the existing $0-year old dwei 1 iny would be torn down. TI~E PUBLIC IIEARING WAS CLOSED. Commi ss I one r Da rnes as keel i f the re had been any comnun i ca t f on f rom the res 1 dents i n thc Mohler Dr(ve are~ or the homeawncrs associations. Mr. G}ersvold replied that they had met with the Mohl~r Drive association and the tlill and Canyon Municlpai Advisc~ry Committee C~ACMAC) and the Mohler Orive associatlun had not wanted to submit a letter; hawever~ they were nat opposed to [he project. Tony Barksdale. 181 Passum Hollow, Anahr.im, stated he had becn at ttie associatlon meeting and the association felt this was in aGCC~rdance ~ith what is being done in the area because the ro~d will always be a road and the iots mcet the minimum 19~000 square feet. but that the association diJ not fecl they wanted to write a letter supporting the request. Commissioner Johnson askeJ ths width of Martin Place, and Nr. f;Jersvold repiied it ts 40 feet wlde. Chairman Herbst referred to City Council Policy No~ 5~+2 regarding sound attenuation and indicated those properties along Santa Ana Canyon Road c~ould have to be properly atter.uated and asked if that co~dition would be aclded to the conditions of approval. He explalRed that attenuation miyht be ~rovided with a fence, b~ra~ or a combinat(on of both. Commissioner King painted out in the past similar requests heve been denied on the basis that to grant such a w aiver would establish an undesirable precedent. zizbr~9 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM15510N~ FEBRIIARY 26~ 1979 79-152 EI~NEGATIVE DECI.AMTIQN~ RECLASSIFICATIO~~ N0._ 78~7~-32 ANO V1IRIANCE N0~3478 (continued) Commlssioner BArnes indicated she remembered long hours of work put in by the task Force, incluJing homeowners from the Mohler U~Ive arna. conc~rning the gross acreage and the mintmum net acreaye, end explained that was why she was sur~rtsed none of the r~sldents were prosent; that she romembered a stmllar r~roJect and tl~e residents were out In force. She steted thls plen does not meet Code and does not meet ;hc dl~ectton the Commission has had from the City Council. Commissioner Talar inJicated he felt thc maJor difference in thts request is dedicatlon of roads. Fie ex{~latned the ~b-fo~t easen~ent is a perrnanent easement and if thot area had been counteri~ tl~ey would exceed the 22,OQ') square feet; thAt ht would be reluctant to approve and break down ttie ane-half acre ~state zontnq~ but feit th(s was an unusua) plece of property and the t~nc~c~rarhY ic .~Iffer~snt and. :•:itt~ the -i~-fnoi parn~i,es,~~ easenwnt~ would not be setting a r.~recedent. Chalrman Nerbst pointed out thts is a t.riany~la~ly-sharecl, flat piec~ of ~roperty and ha; more useful area. Annika Santalahti~ Assistant Dtrector f~r Zontnc~~ stat~d she would like to r-~ake a correctlon to Conditlon N~~. 1~~ of the Interdepartrnental Co~rntttee recomnendations~ addtng thot a bond shal I be post~~d to yuarantee that the improvements wi I1 be made to tl~e 1Q-foc~t wide eq uestrian and hikinu trall becAUSe In the past the Clty has had d(fficulty enforcing the Improvement of the trails. Mr. Gjersvold asked if the trail wc~uld be in front of the property~ and Robert lienninge~ explainad the equcstr(an and h(king trail would be adJacent to Santa Ana Canyor~ Road. Annika Santalahti explained tfie petitioner is required to honci for improvements on Martin Pl~ce in any case~ and tl~is would he added to that bond amount. Mr. Gjersvold referred tU the bond for Hartin Place~ indlcat(ny curr~ntly there is a uond to improve that property throu~~h the County~ and asked if it wiil I~e necessary for them to post a bon~i wiih the Gity. Ms. Santalahti cxplained the bond for Martin Place h~s not been posted with the Ciiy af Anaheim and the City has no control over it whatsoever. Chafrman Nerbst was concerned that there could be a problem concern(ng the sound attenuatto~ along Santa Ana Canyon Road with the trail through ir.. Ms. Santalahti replied that the trail could very weli be outside the fence. She polnted out this is a maJor trail. Mr. GJersvold stated he wnuld post a bond to cover the tmprovements ~f the trall. ACTION: CAmmtssioner King offcred a motion~ seconded by Ca~missioner Tolar and MOTION ~~ CARRIED, th~t the Anaheim C(ty Planning Commission has reviewed the proposat to reclassify subJect property frum the Qrange Cau~ty 80-AR-10~000 (Agricult~ral/Reside~itlal) District to the RS-HS-22~000(SC) (Resldential~ Single-Famil~ Nillstde•Scentc Corridor Overlay) Zone to establlsh a three-lot, RS-fiS-22,000(SC)~ single-famTly subdivlsion with waiver of minimum lot area on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land const+ring of approxim~tely 1.4 acres havinq a fror.tage ~f approximately 270 feet nn the southr.ast side of Sa~ta Ana Canyon aoad~ h~ving e maxim~im depth of approxlmately 440 feet~ and being located approximately 40b feet northeast of tt~e centerline of Mohler Drive; and does hereby approve khe Negative Declarati~n from the ~equtrement to prepar~ an en~~ironmental impact report on the basis that there wauld be no significant individual o~ "mu~ative adverse 2/?.b/79 b ~- MINUTFS~ /1NAN~IM CITY PLA.I~NlNG COMMISSION, FCUftUARY 2G~ 177~ 7~-1~3 EIR_N~GATIVE 0_ECLARATION,_RECLASSIFICATION N0. 78-79-32 AND VARIANCE 1~0. 3078 (contlnued) envlronrnentnl {rnpacl clur_ to thc aprroval of this Negativc Gecl~ra-.lon since the Anahelm Cenera) Plan desiynates the subJec.t prop~rty for 1-(llside estate denstty resldontlal land uses comrnensurate wlth the prnposal; that no sensitive envlronrnentnl inpacts are involvdd In the proposal; that tl~e Init1A1 Study submltkec~ by the petitlo~er Indicates n~ slgnfficant ii~dividual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the ~~cgative peclarati~n s~~bstantiatiny the foreyoing findlnys is on ftle tn the Ctty of M ahe(m Plar~nin~ Uopartn~ent. Commissioncr Y,iny offered Rcsolutton tJo. PG7~-41 and moved for Its passage and acloptlon, tt~at thc Anohcir~ Clty Planniny Cornmission does hereby grani Petit(on for Rccl~:ssificat~on NO, ~~]~1~'jI~ 411h~P~t tri In~~+r~lp~~rt~ntal ~^I~1^?~CC^^_' r~comr~end3C~Of19 ~ Includ(ng thr. add~tton to Co~ditlon N~. 1!~ that a bon~l be posted to guar,~ntee Improvemer~t of the equestr(an anC f~iking tra(I~ and the condition that City Council Pollcy for sound attc:nuAtion shal 1 be compl ied wi th, On roll call~ tlie foregaing resolution was rassed by the follaving vote: 11YES: COMMISSIONERS; DAR~~E_S~ E3US11UR~~ JAVIU~ IIER~57~ J011NS0~l~ KING~ TOLAR NQES : COMt11 SS t ONE RS : I~QNE ABSENT: CONMISSIOtJCRS: NONE Commissioner Kiny offered Resolution Na. PC79-42 and nx~ved for tts passage and adopt(on. that the Anaheim City Plann(ng Corronission doe~ hereby yrant ?et(tton for Variance I~o. 3078 on the basis that there are; special circumstances applicable to th~e property, includin, the size~ shape and tupo9raphy~ location or surroundings~ which do not apply to othe! propertles in the same vicintty and xone and on the basis that the road easement is a permanent easement; subject ta the condttion tl~at sound-attenuation measures in accordance wi;n Cou~ci) Policy No. >!i2 sl;all bc complied with unless otherwise approved by the Clty Council; and subject to Interdepartmental Gorn~~ittee recommendations. On roll call~ tt~e foreyo(ng resolution was passed by thr. follo.ying vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: DUS~~ORE, DAVID~ f~ERt3ST~ JOIItISO~I~ KING~ TOLAR NOES : COMMI SS I ONERS : BARtJES ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: tIO~~C Commissioner kiar~es indicate~i breaking dc~wn the minimum squ circumstancPS and eve~ though least one person shoulJ go on st3ted if the Commission does should be revi~+ed. her ne~ative ~ate reflected her feeling t1~at this would be are footage in the area~ even though there are spccial sl~e felt this would probably be a good pro,ject~ felt at record as be i ng opposed to b reak'i ng dowrt the orr~) nance. She not feel this is the proper square footage~ the ordinance 2/26l79 MINUTC5~ .4NAIiEIM CI'~Y PLAI~NING COMMISSION~ FE' RUl1RY 2(~~ 197~ 79-15~~ I TEN N0. 6 PUEsI 1 C f1EAR I NG. OW!~~R t CONNCCT 1 CUT MUTU~t. L I FE R C CGQfi1GAl LXEMPTION-CLASS 1 I NSURANCF. CU. ~ c/o Keystone Mortgnge Co. ~ Property ~VE~R~F COb ~ _E ~U_ R,E_MLN Management Dept., 113~~0 West Olympic BAUleve+rd~ Sutte ~ ~IA~J~~IE PERNIT t~Q. 1~26 '2~. los Angcles~ CA ~l(tOG4. AGENTs KUANC YOU WU~ 4722 S~ntlago Orivo~ Ls Palrna~ CA ~OG23. Petiti~ner requests ON-SALk UEER AND WINE 11~ AN EXISTING RES1'AUkN~T NITII WAIVER OF MII~IMUM NUM3Ef', OF PAHKING SPACES ~n property desc~ibed ~a an irroyularly-shepecl parcnl of lbnd consistinq af approxim+~tely II.,7 acres located ~~rth and west af thc northwest corncr of L• f'alme Avenuc and St~tc Collr.~c Cfouleverd~ hrvtng appr~xi~nete frontages of 't~4 feet on the nurtl~ sicfe of ls Palme Avenue and 783 feet on the w~ss[ side of Stale C~Ilcyc E3oul~verd, arid furthar dr.scrtbed es lAG1 North State College doulcva~d. t'ropcrty prasr~~tly t,ie~bi i IrJ ~L (COIIi~IEFCiAI ~ L11~iiTEu) %dtiC. There was no one tndtratlny th~tr presence in opposltton to subJect re~uest~ and elthouyh the steff repurt to the Planniny Commtss ion dnt~d February 26~ 197~ was not reod at t~~c public hearing, it Is refcrred to and made a part of thc min~~tcs. Marinda You Wu, representin~~ Londcindalc Ftsh b Chips, was present to answ~r any questions. TIIE pUBLIC NEARING WAS CIOSED. It wes noCeu the Planniny Dtructor ur his authorizad represantatlvc has detcrmined thet the proposed proJec.L falls withln the definitlon of Categorice) Exempt(ons~ Class 1. as defined In parc+yrapli 2 ~f the Ctty of Anaheim Envi ronmental Impact Repurt G~~idel ines and is~ therefore:, cateqorically exerr.p; frorn thc reyutrement to prep~re an EIR. ACTIOtI: Coiimissloner t3ushore Off~red ~ motion~ seconded by Conxnissi~ner Barnes and MOTION C~RRIEU, that the Anah~im City Pl~nniny Commission does I~ereby grant thc request for waiver of ti~e Code requiren~nt on the basis that there are s~ecial circumstanccs applieable to [he s~bJect pror ~rty~ includiny the s~ze~ shnpe~ topo9raphy, I~cat(on or surroundlnGs~ whlch do not apply t~ other propertiea in the same vicinity and zone. Commissioner Bushore uffered Resolution No. PC7')-43 and maved for its passage and adoption~ that ttie Analieim Clty Planninc~ Commission does herPby grant Petition for Conditlonal Usc Perrnit No. 192~ on tf~~ basis that the use has had ~o detrtmental effects on the surraun~Jlny uses. a~d subject to Intcrdepartmc~ncal Corrmtttec recorimendatlons. On roll call. the foreyoing resolutlcm was passed by the foiloNing votc: AYCS: COhIf115S IOt~ERS : BARNES ~ BUSHORE. UAVI D, HERc~S7 ~ JOiit~SON ~ Kl I~G ~ TQLAR NOES: C011Mi5SI0Ni.RS: IJO~~E AI3SENT: C~MMISSICt~ERS: NONE Commissioner Uevid asked I~ow the Commission could contr~l the number oF parking spaces at shopping centers to prev~nt si tuatior~s such as tl~is. Mniica Santalahti. Assistant DErector for toning~ stated the buildiny p~rmits are ch~cked except when there is a partition planned~ and sometimes the plans do come in as interior modific.ations; that tlie Building Oivision is aware of our concern regardtng parking and~ i n th is case ~ ass umed the p 1~ns went th rough wi thout anyone rea 1 1 z i ng wha'. was happen i ng. She stated there is an effart maJ~ ta vet-(fy that modificatlons are consistent with the plans. 2/2b/79 MINUTk:S~ l1N11HEIN CITY PLANNING COMhi1S5IQII, FEURUARY 2G~ 197~1 79-15~ ITEM N0. PUdLIC ~IL'ARIt~~. UWIJCItS: JUNC L. ANU KELLY M. IE C DCCI.AR/1T10c~ NQORDHP.~l~ 17;1~ f3alfern~ Uollt'lowcr~ CA 9f17Q6. ND 0 i iiMl N0. 19~+3 Patltloner ~equasts permisslon to EST~BLISI~ A PFL-SC1100~_ on ;~ropcrty descr(bcd aa a ~actA~gularly- shApad parcel of land consistlny of Approximetely 0.3 acr~ hav(n,y e frontape ~.~f approximatcly G6 feet on thr east alde ~f Knott Street~ having a maximum depth of ~pproximatc~ly 2QJ foet. baing locnCed opprpximately 5,34 feet north of the centerlln~ of 9~11 Road~ anrl further clescrihr.d as ~10f1 South Knott Street. Property pres~nt ly cl ass i f(ed it5-A-43.~~Q0 (RCS I QENTI AL/AGRI CI~LTURAL) ZONE. ' There was no one (~Jicatin~a the:tr presFnce in opposition t~ suhJect rnquast~ end although the s taf f rep~rt to the P 1 r~nni ng Comrni ss lon Jated Feb ruAry 26 ~ 1779 wos not read at the public hearing~ It Is reterred to and madc a part ~f tf~e min~~t+• June ~~a~rdmnn~ petlttcmrr~ indicated I~er doslre t~~ establish a pre-schoc~l in an axlsting b~,ilding. She statE.d the lice~nsiny a~c,ncy Is the OrangF County Ilcnlth Oopurtmcnt and they are reedy ta issue a license if this permit Is ~7ranted, TIiE PUBLIC HLARING WAS CLOSED. Commiss loner Uavid ask«~d i f the ~ran~3e County Nea 1 th Department f~nd consl der~d the plrysica) locat(on of the property~ partlculerly th~ aree proposed for dropp(ng off and picking up Che ct~i 1Jren~ end Ms. Noor~rnan re~~l led she had show~ tl~em the plans. Cwnmissloner Johnson asked t f the nei 9hb~rs had been cor~sul ted regardinq thi s proposal ~ (ndicating there was na ot~posltlon present, and Ms, tloordnan replied tt~e neighbors' reactlon had been favor~ble and indlcated one next-dnor neighbor was present In support of the appllcatlon. She also explalned this is a larye parcel of land~ approxlmately one- thi rd of an acre. Commtssioner Tolar stated his only concern was the p~ssible reactior~ to the dropping off and plckiny up of the chlldren for ~pproxlmately one fiour In the morning and one hour in the evening. Ms. Naordman e~lained that the hours wauld be longer; that some child~an would arrive at 6:00 a.m. and others would arrive from 9:00 ta 1~:00 a.m.~ so that the (nfiux af traffic is really strung out and everyone does noC arrive at the same ttme. She felt It would be unusual fo~ more thc+n one car to be there at any one time. She explafned this -rill be a ~.hild care center and the hours are the parents' worklny hours and are not the same as regular school hou~s. Commissioner Johnson referred to the 66-foot~ cu~ved drlveway~ (ndtcating it would be :.hort for drapping off the cht Idren~ and suggPsted tfie passibi 1(ty of a curb relief similar to what busses ~~se rather than a cfrcular driveway. Commissioner Tolar felt xhat wou1J be a dangerous precedent a~J would nut be acc~ptable since thi, Is an arterial hiyhway~ pointiny out circulation is usually encouraged on the property. Ns. Noordman e+cplained the circular driveway was the suggestion of the Clty Traffic Engineer. Commissioner Bushore aske~i tf the two parking s~aces proposed were (n the garage and if the gar~ge would be used for parking. 2/26/79 MINUTES ~ At1AHEIM CI TY pI.ANNI NG COMMISS 101~ ~ FEDRUARY 2b ~ 1') Jy 79' 1 S~ Ela NEGATI VE DEtLARA710N AND CA~IUITIOrtAL u5E PERNIT NO. 1943 (contlnued) Ms. Noordmon raplled tt~e two speces arc ln front of thc yr~ra~~e and the gt+rac~R wi I1 not be usod far parkiny, Gommisslonar Buehorc ask~d how m~ny children per adult would be present~ and Ms. Noordman ~eplted th~at ono adult is reyuired for evcry 1?. chlldren and thcre wtll bc. 'wo ~~ three adults p~~sant on thc premises. Commissio~er t3ushorc indic~ted hls contern had heen w) th tha parktn~ and Ingress and eyress~ but that he had no real problern rc~~~~rding usc of t.hc prope~ty. AG710P1 : Cuuunis~lui~rr Tolar offcrcd a inet ~~n ~ gP~~nnd~~1 hy Comniss foner Davi d and MOTION ~U~ that the Anah~im Ci ty Planninc~ Cr~mmission has ~evlc~red the pmposal to perrnit a p~'e-school on a rectanqularly-shaped ~arcel of land consistiny of approxirtk~tely 0.3 ecre I-aviny ~~ frontogc of ~pproxtmstPly r~6 fept ~n the ea~t sido of Knott Street~ having a maxtmum depth of appraximately 203 feet, an~i ba(ny tocatPd approximately 53~ f~et narth of tlie cente rlin~ of Bal l Road; and docs hereby ap{~ruvc the: Pleqative peclaration from the requi reme~t to prep~~re an env) rorn~~ental irpac[ rr.port on the bbsi s th~t there wnul d Ge no aignlfica~t individual or curnul~tfve adverse envi~•onmental impact ~iue to the spproval of tiils Negatlve Declaratinn since thc Anahcim Gene~~l Plan designetes the subJect property for law Jens(ty residentlal land u~es commensurate ~~+ith thc prop~~sal; that no sensi tlve environrne~ta) lmpacts are involv~' in the proposal; that the Initial Study submittad by the petl t tontr' indicat~rs no sl~nif(cant individua) or cumulattve adverse anvin~nmental impacts; and that thc Neg~tive Declaration substant(atln~ the fore~oiny findings is on file tn the City of Anahetm Planntng Departrnent. Commtssioner Tolar offered Resolution No, PC7~-~<<~ ~n~ m ~.S for its p~ssaye and edoption~ that the Anahclm C i ty P 1 anni ny Ccmmi ss ion dc>es hereby grant Pet i t lun for Condl t lona I Use Permit No, 1943, subject to ti~e property bei~~~ substantially Jeveloped in accordanee with plans as presented~ and subJect to lntercfenartmental Cortriittee recomme~dations. On rol l eal l, the fureyr~i ng resolution was passed by tF~e fol lawing vote: AYES : COI~INISS I ONERS : BARNLS ~ BUSN~RE ~ OAV I D, NERflST ~ JOHNSb`I ~ K I r~G ~ TOLAR NOES : COMMiSS 10'~ERS : I~ONE ABSCNT: COMMISSIONERS: 'aOf~E ITCM N0. 8 PUbLIC fIEARIi~G. OWNERS: C. ANTHO~IY AND ESTIIER R N ~VE DEGL~'~RAT1011 51LVA~ 1557 West Lincoln Avenue~ Anaheim~ GA ~2g01. I R OF ODE LQU1 E~'ICt~TS Petttivner reyuests perrnission to ESTAI3LI~Ii OUTDOOR CONDITIONAL_US~ PERMIT N0. 19l+9 STORAGE OF NE1J AUTOMOaILES WITH NAIVER OF (A) REQUI REO SET3ACK ANU ((3) REQI;I P,ED ENCLOSURE OF OUTDOOR USES on property descriGed as a rectanyuiar ly-shaped parcel of land cansistiny of a~prcxin~aCely 0.3 acre liaving a frc+ntage of approximately 110 feet on the south sicie of Manchester Avenue~ havin,y .~ maximu~ depth of approximate ly 131 feet. be ing located approximately 90 feet east of tl~e centerl ine of Loara Street. and further t~esr,ribed as 273 North Manchester Avenue. Property presently classified ML ( I NDUSTR IAL, LIM' TED) ZONE. There was no one Indicating thef~ presence in opposition to ~ubject request~ and although the staff report to the Planning Commission dated February 26~ 1779 was not re~d at the public hearing, i t is ~eferred to and made a part of the minutes. Tom Buntin stated the avner of Anahelm Subaru had purchased the property where the body shop and yara~a are located and that there is a Int of parking. He explained 2/26/79 MII~UTCS~ ANAHLIM CITY PLANNING COM11155ION~ FEQRUAaY 2(~~ 197h ~7"~~? EIa NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONDiT10NAL USE PER141T N0. 1~~+4 (continucd) approxlmatoly six tlmes o year they gat a boatlaaJ of Subarus from Japan and hove been parkt n,y the new automob ( les on tl~c pr~{-crty beh i nd tl~o sorvl c~n depa rtment ~ but that i t I s muddy tl~ere and now wl th tliis exGess pArkinc~. they decided to perk th~srn on 'rmttQ~+ndnnow refll i ztng 1 t was 1 l legal. Ne statcd they ha~l f I led for a condi tional us~ ~ the stuff ropart rer.ommends that street lightiny be Nald and it Jusz does not make scnse for them ta pay ubre mc.~ney~ an~i he did noi think l lqhting would hel p, He stated they could pa~kntL~1cCbA~ tshop.if Ilehstated there aretnomauta~obilesethercaat the~presentQtims~e repa i re 1( Y and that the n~xt I uad wl I 1 be t n 1 n March. Chal rmrn Nerhst stated the I ight f ny fGe is e standarcl procedure wh i ch yoNs wi th al l permtts snd thc lights may a'.reacty have ber.~~ Naid for~ an~.~ 1Ark Whi tA. DeputY City Attorney, explained there was nu r~ccrd ~e fee was ever paid. Mr. Duntin stateJ if this Is a requlrc~i~~ent~ they riill Just ht+ck off and ~ark the vehlclas up front because this would c~st $3~`i• f~e stated they have ~oom on their lot~ but wanted t~ use thf s area because they have to move the vehlcles around whe~ tfie service department is very busy. Commissloner ~u~ffmlt isadesired~,`thehfees~wi~ilpbevlncluded.t~HeCStatedrhe~washnatrupposed stated i f the p to the use. Jack White ex{~lai~~eJ theandrthe applicantymaytchoose,not tc~ exerci scnthe aermltwwhich~y be the paymen[ of fees~ means it would be t~rmin~~ted. Annika Santalahtt ~ Assistant DI rsctur for Zoning, explaineG the Ci ty wi 11 rP.~uest Lhe 1 ighting fees i f anythl ns! is done to the property in term~, ~~` otF>~._r usc ror',ni ts or a bui lding pernit; that It is a or :e-only fee which has neve:r bern _-ald and ~tiar,~:~ ~r later the property will be charged for it. Chairman Nerbsl statec~ Al) properties that are developed in Lhe Ci ty uf Ana':eim pPy f~r lighting and thP fPe< <'o (~+~rease. Mr. Eiuntin stated he did not un~+~rstand about the slatting in the fonce becausr the proper*.y 1s used for a parking 1c~t for the yar•ag~ and body shop. Cortimissioner Bushore stated tt~e slattiny would be requlred and asked about the garaqe to the south of the property~ and Mr. Buntin replied that p~~perty i S leas~d by someone else, and Commissioner B~~share asked if a conditiona) u5e permit was reyuired for that use. He stated the Cortxnissioi~ would l ike to see the property owner use th Iy property as I~e desi res and is not trying to put him througi~ anythiny. Mr. Buntin stateJ he realiz~d that, but it Is just the ldea that they have the prcaperty wtiich is never used wi th 15 or 20 vacant parkiny spaces and that they want to be able to put 20 or 3~ cars tt~ere for two or three days unti l they can get them processed through the shop~ and with their rate of travel at 4Q to 80 cars per mo~th, the cars would not be the~e any longer than a week. He stated they only have cars on that location five or six t i mes a year. Commissioner Toiar stated Anahand hebwould nottsupportethe use i~,those4feespwerehe lighting fee sooner or iate , el iminated. He stated he has ~o objection to the use~ but that ~creentng is r-equi red on 2/26/79 MINUTES~ A'~IWEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN~ FEf3RUARY 2G~ 1~7~ 79~1~~ EIR NCGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERFIIT N0. 1~4 (cc~ntin~ .,:~ all outdoor storac~e in Anahelm and this petltfoner Is cmly bein~ e~sked tn do whet everyonc else has to do. Commissioncr l3ush~re stated there has been e b(r~ investma~t in Chc rroperty and polnted out this would be beneflcia) tu the prope~ty and would protect that investme~nt. Mr. Buntln steted he c~uld take the cers gcross thc street and rent s~ACP In an lndustrlal COf11p I C X~ Cha(rman tiCrbst su~~~e5te~i approvln~ the reryuhst subJect to the condltfons as proposed and i f tha appl ( cant d~~es ~~ot wen t to pay the fee, f.hen the perml t c.~n be termi neted. AG710N: Commissiuner Barnes offered a ~rot(on, seconde~i by Commissi~ner Klnq and MOTION ~AfiRTU, tt~at tlie Mahelm City Planniny Comm(ssl~~n has revtrwed the prap~sal to permlt the autcioor storage of new autonx~bi les wi ch waiver of requi red sethACk t~ncl rPqul red enclosure of outdoor uses on a rectan~~ularly-shAped porcel of land consist(nc~ ~f appr^c~xim~tely 0.3 acre having a frontage of Appr~xlmately 11Q feet on the south side c~f MancheRter Avenue~ haviny a maximuri clcptti of ap~roxlmately 131 fect~ and being located :+pproxlmately 9~ feet east of the centerline of Loara Street; and does hereby approve the Plega[ive Declaration from the requirement t~~ pr~~arc an environ~nental (rnpact rarort on the Gasls that there would be no s(~nificant indivlJua~ or cumulative adverse environn~entai impact due to the approval of [his Negative Declar~tion since the A~al~eim General Plan desic~nat~s the subJect property for ye;neral industrlal land uses commensur,~t«~ wlth the proposal; that no sensitive onvironn~:ntal ir*~acts are inv~lved In che proposal; that tt~e Inltial Study submltted by the petitlon~r indicates no sic~nifi~.ant individual ar cumulative adverse eiivironrnental Impacts; an~i thr~t the Negative Ueclaracion substantiattng the foreqotng ftndings is on file in the Ci~y of Anaf~eirn Planniny Gepartment. Cortxnissioner Barnes off~r~cl a motiori, second~~~ by Commissionr.r Tolar an~i MOTIOIJ CARRIED, that the Mal~eim C I ty P ~ anni ng Commi ssic~n does heret:y grant wai ver (a) for the requ) red setb~ck on tf~e basis tl~at oth~r pro~ertles in the area are set back anci deni~l would be deprlvirig subject pro~er[y of a privi le~ac beiny enjoyed by uthers in the same vicinity and zone~ and denylny waiver (b) f~r required enclosure of outckior uses on the basis that there are no unique circu.~stances .~p~licabie to the propArty, incluuin~ size, shape~ topography ~ locat ic~n or s a~rroundi n~3s ~ wh i ch ~o not a~pl y to [he prope rty. Comm(ssl~ner barnes offered Resolution Na. PC7~1-45 an~i moved for its passage and adoption, tliat the A~ahelm City Pla~ininy Co^imissian c1~es hereby qrant Petition for Conditional Use F'ermit No. 1y~~9~ in part, to permit the storaye of 'L~ new automobi les, subJect to Interdepartr-ental Committer. reconnrx~nciations. On roll call~ the fore~oi ng resolution was passed by the follawing v~te: AYES : COMMI S51 ONERS : BARNES ~ BUSIiORE ~ DRV I D, HERDST ~ JONI~SON ~ K I NG ~ TOLAR NOE5 : COf1Ml SS I ONERS : ~dONI' ABSEtJT : CUMMI SS I OIIERS : NONE Jack White, Ueputy City AtC~rney~ presented the petitioner with the wrttten right to appea) any part of th~ P lanning Commiss(on's decisfon within 'l2 days to the City Council. 2/26/79 MINUTCS~ ANAH~IM CITY PLANNI~~G CONMISSION~ FEbRUARY 2G~ 1;~79 ]q-~;y I TCf1 t10. 10 PUOI.I C I~EARI P~f,. ONI~LR: COFISF.RVATI VE BAPT I S7 A5S~C. E C CGU~ICAL EXC11PT10~1-CLA55 11 OF SOl~T11ERN CALIFl1RNIA~ 2;2~i West La Palma 11v~nue~ 11AtIC , j07, AnAheln~ CA 9?.~t)1. AGEYT: F~ ANK E. KENIIE:DY, 252~ West La Palrn+a Avenuc, Annheim~ CA ~)2f~01. P~titluner rc~~ue~s ts WAI V!: R OF PL R111 TTC'~ S I ~,t~5 TO RETA I N T~10 CXI:~iI~IR SIGt~S 11t1U IN5Tl1LL A TtIIRU Str,w an propc;rty dcscrlucd as n rectanuulnrly-shc~ped p.~rcel of 1nnJ eonsistin~ ~~f approximetely U."L acre havliig a fr~nta~e~ ~f approximetely 7~ feet on the south side uf Lt~ Palmr~ Avr.nue, haviny a moximum Jepth of apprax(rnately lsl~ feet~ balny located approximately 770 feet e~st ~f tf~e ceiiterl ine of Mac~~ol IA Avenue~ ai-d further descrlbccJ ~~s 2~2:5 WN~:r. La Palme Avenuc. Pro~~rrty pres~ntly cless(fied RS-A~~+3~OOU (Rl:S I DEI~TI AL/AGR I CULTURAL) ZCtl~l. There was no dnc (ndicatin~~ thcir ~rrs~rnce i~ oppositi~n ko subject r~~uest~ and although the staff rcpcrt to the ('lannin~; Ccrir;(s;lc,n d~.~d Febru.~ry 2G, 1^,;^ was not read at ihe publlc liearing. it is referreJ t~ ancf rn~de a part of thc m~nute5. Mark Holbrouk~ 1JUt; No~th Glenvie~~~ !-naheim, mana~~Ar nf the ~onserv~~tivc 8?-rt~st Credit Unlon, explained there are twa siqns extstin~ on the bulldin~ which have been therc• sincc ly~Jl and apparently no vari.in~e w~s grante~ for ltiose siqns; that Conditional Use Fermlt No. 11~33 was yrante~ in May uf 1~1J~ for an ad~1t[fonal ;~)~n squ~re fcet to the exlsti,~g church ~ffice and a varianc~ shc~uld have l,een re~uested at tnat time for the slyn. IIc st~tec! thE~y are requesttny approval of an a~iditional siyn f~r the acidition whicli f;as just been compi~tcd, TIIE PueLIG NE~PI~~r, WA; CLnSEU. Commiss(oner Davla asked if all the clien;s of che cr~dlt ur,ion are memhers of the church~ and Mr. Holbrook explalneJ they are n~eml~ers of the Southern Qaptist Churches in the western Unitecf States ana the credic uni~n services np~roximately h~~ church~s and the ~'~ssoelation has about 1~~) ehurches. ~-~nissioner Uav(d asked if cust~n~ers w~uld be caminq to the credit unton who are not acryualnted wlth tt~c esiablishn,~nt and asked if tl~e cred(t uniun wauld be drawinn people f rom tf~e s t ree t to c~n~e I n an c1 ue~oy i t thc i r money . Mr. Holbrook expl~~ined they draw fr~~m a closed mer~bership and over one-h;,lf of Che rne-rbcrship comes frorn thc imr+x~~iate yreater Southern Cal(fornia area and they have a ~eas~nablF arr~ount of people GOinl~lq to thc ~ffice. ~ommiss(oner Uav(~ asked if the purpose of the siyn would be Just to let those cllents who !~avr never been to the office before know where they are located. Mr. Holbrook stated the primary reason would be t~ !~c people know where they arp lacated; that they do h~~ve a I of people asking if this is the creJit union office~ po(n;ing out they have an exist(r •,,-,~11 si~~n in tlie winduw. ~le p~~inted out [he design of the bui iding and ttie addi[tonal sign would make it appear belanced~ r~ith the association siyn on one side and t!~e credit union sign on the othe~ ;(de. Commissinner Tolar asked if ti~e cre~it unior; is par; of tl~e Ghurch, and Mr. Ilolbrook replled the credit union serves tE~e samc pen{+le. Commissic~ner ~'olar aske~i if the credi't unio-~ f~as the same tax-free status as the church~ and Mr. Nalbrook replied th~t the credit union pays property taxes on the partlon of the building which they use an~i ttie ct~urch does not pay taxes. 2J26/79 ~ 111 NUTC ~~ A~~AHC I M C 1 TY PLAN~~ I NG COMM I 55 I ON , FEI~RUAKY 26 ~ I ~ 7`.i 79' 1 UO EIR GATCGORICAL EXLMI'TIQN-CLASS 11 AND VARIANC~ N0. ~074 (continued) Commissioner Tolar fndicate~l he f~lt th(s Is a cUmrnercial VUS~1ICSY. Ne stated tha Commisslon has been tryin~, to ellminate the cxcr.sslve vi~latlons c~f the Slgn Ordlnanc~ and there are a lot of businessc:s whlch would like to have iarqer end r~~or~ signs. Ne dld not faal signs make th~ business tiiet muc:h better ~nd thAt the ~~~ople wh~ can-~ tnio the credtt unlon k~ow of Its existence and he did n~~t sc:e tlie purpose for thc si~n. He stAt~d he ra~~~errbered when the conditional use perr~(t w~s rPquested for [he church offlces. signln~~ was dlscussed ~~n~l no a~idittonal st~~ns were proposecf ~t tl~nt time; in fnct~ ne th~ur,ht he rer~ienbered the cllent liaci stin~tatc:d therc wr~uld be nn additional si~lnlnc~, Ile stated he fQlt thc City ~~f /1~a1~c1~ Si~n Ordinence is very libcral and lie did not see th~ ne~ed f~r additl~nal siynine~ and tli~~t tt~is Is a coim~ercl~l bu,(ness no Jifferent th~n ~~ny other commerci~l busin~ss. Mr. Holbrook stated it was their oriqinal Intent to pl~cc enc~ther sl~n on the wall when the condttlona) use permit wns requested~ end he di~i nat knc~w wlieth~~r ar nat thc appllcanC stirui~ted therP w~ulci k~e no addltlonal slgning. 11e further indlcaked thPy were ~c.~t aaere a veriance wou1J be necPSSary f~r the slyning. Cortim(ssloner Tol~r stated he probably wc,uld iIOL IiAVf. supnorteJ the reauest for the original conditional us~~ permtt if additio~ I sl~ning had becn propo9ed. Mr. Holbrook expl.~lned ev~n thaugh th~ area ls zoned reslclentiAl~ it is almc~st enf.lrely commercial and (ndus[rlal along La Palma and no residents wc~uld be ablr tc- 5ee the sican, Conxniss(oner ~arnes sta[ed the CoJe allows onr. 2~)-square foot sign end tt~err. are ~lr'e~dy tw~ existing ~~-square fc~at ~i~~ns~ and ncnv the re~uest is for an additionai si~n which is ehovc and beyund what has bee~ ~~ranted to ochers. She stated she did mot se~ haw thls s(gn could be necessary ar-d was not i~ favur of ornntinq tlie~ veri~nce. Mr. Halbrook asked how this siqn would be consldcred det~imental ond steted he th~ugkit tt wauld be compatiblc with the area. Cortmiss(oner Elarnes stated the siyn would be detrimental because thr.re t~re sa many signs~ and explalned tiie reason for the Stqn Ordinance ls because of the mRny r~nuests for larger and rmre s i qns . Mr. Nolbrook aske~d if the Commission would consider allowing tt~em [o ~liminate the sig~ faeing La Palma anil addin~~ the credit uniun sign. ile patnted out therc are .umero~s siqns In the area. Commissioner Tolar asked the purpnsG of the sign~ pointing out the crcdit union hp~ : locked-(n client~le~ and unless they are t~ytny to attract a different c1ientele, he couia not understand their objectives. Mr. Nolbrook steted *.hey need the sign for those people who are cominy to the credit union for the first tin~e. Conanissio~cr I~ushore stated the Commissiori h~d recently denieJ a request to permit a church (n a~ industrial zone an~ indicated he would not suhport thi~ rr.quest becaus~ this is a commercial use in a church zone. Mr. Nolbrovk sta~ed a credit union and church are synonymaus as tF~ey serve the same clientele. Commissioner Davtd stated slnce they serve the same clientele, the sign is not needed because the cllentele would know where the church is located. 2/26/79 I ..... ~ MINUTES~ ANANLIM C17Y PLAIJNING COMM15510N~ FE~aUARY 26~ 197N ')~-161 ~1R C~T ~GORIC~L EXEMPTION-CLA5S 11 AF~D VARIANCE N0. 3079 (contlnuod) Mr. Nolbraok statecf all thc Gred(t unlon members do not necessArily helona t~ this particular church, tndic~tin~~ ef~ey serve othe~ churches in the denominetlon. Annika Santalahtl~ Assi~tant Direccor for lontng~ explained Code would ellc~w only one 20- SquAfP foc~t sic~n. Sh~ furthcr ex~lained thc, Code spnciflcally strtes if Chc use ls oppro~.~d Ir conjunction wfth a Gonditlonnl use permit and is allawed by ~Igl~t in s~me other zone~ that huildinq slso has the rights~ whether ~r not mcntloned in the conditlonal use permit~ t~ the sic~niny of tl~e ~ther zonc and~ (n thts Instance, th~ corporate offices diJ cane In tn connectlon witf~ the cl~urch and thAt is why str+ff made a dectsion th~+t this ls nnt uxactly an office bulldir~q, She p~InteJ out they could rezone this ~~roperty tc~ uxnne~cirl an~l then wc~uld have th~ ri~aht to commerciel siqniny. Chalrman Merl~sc A3k.P.d whethcr c~r nut the peti,lonr.r c~ulJ eliminate slyn N~. 1 and use s i~~n N~s . Z an J~. A~n(ka Santalahti stated that tt~e existinq slgns are 1~-square fcr.t CACF1 .~nc~ only one 2Q- square foot siyn woulc~ t~e al lc~wed by CoJe. She explained if thP prorerty were zaned tommerclally, Chey woul~l l~c allowed siqning t~ 2~7, ~f each buildinc~ wall. Chairman 1lerbst statcd tl-ese signs are small con~are~i to comMerciAl st~ns~ but he did nAt rcmember an outsl~te credit union hcing mentloned when the arfginal conditional use permit was requesteci an~l f~~lt tt~is Is actually crcatln9 a business. Commisstoner Johr~s~m st~ted tl~ese credit unions are prone to be identified with churches btcauSr. ~f th~ cl ientclc tliey serve~ but th~t they are private corporations anci are In no way cannecteJ witn the church except that they cJn get their busl~ess from the church; that they are a dlffrrenC entity dnd should be dealt wit-~ as a business. Mr. Holbrook state~f the credit union is a non-profit buslness crx+~prised of church members only and all profits yo back to the rr~mbers~ but that it Is not governed by the church. CoRmissionpr Tolsr asked if any persons other then r+ churcti member could became a member af the c~edit union~ and Mr. Nolbrook replied that they could not, a~d explalned they are ga~verned by the State of California Departmcnt of Corp~rations. It was noted the Planning Uirec:tur or his authorized repre4entative has determined that the propose~ proJect falls within the definition of Categorical Exemptions~ Glass 11~ as defined in paragraph 2 of the City of Anah~im Environmental In~act Report Guidelines and is~ therefore, cateyoricaily exen~t from the requirem.nt tu prenare an EIR. Commissioner Bushore stated he as ready to offer a resolution for denial on the basis that permltted signing would be one sign and they alre~~dy have two signs and he felt that woufd be more than sufficient, and added he felt thts is a cortKnercial use for the property which he d(d not think needs to have any more pcople drawn to it, Chainnan Herbst ~ske~J what tl~e status of tl~e existtng signs would be if the vartance (s den(ed, and Robert Mienninge~~ Assistant Planne~, explaincd if the variance is denfed~ they wtll be permltted one 20•foot sign and the existtng sigr-s are 2h-squarp feet each. Mr. Holbra,k stated this had been d(scussed aith staff at length and there was a questlan whethe~ or nat a varience would even be necessa ry. He questioned how the existfng signs were ever alla,ed in the first place. Jock White~ Deputy City Attorney~ explaine~ building permits were issuad for the sxisting signs. 2/26i7y MINU'fkS. ANAMEIM GITY PLANNING CQMMISSI(1N~ FEBRUARY 26~ 197~ 79'162 EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS il AND VARIANCE NQ, 30Zi (co~tinued) .__._~. -- Commisslnnar Bushare indicated he would offer r~ resolution t~ allvw the two existinq 28- sq uere foot slgns and de~Y the r~squested third sign. M~. Ilolbrook asL:ed (f they could be permitted to move the sihn facin!~ Le~ Palm~~ and Commissioner gushore In~iicated he would not affer the mc~tion If th~t si~n is to be moved. CI~Atrman Herbst addec+ th~t th~ words "credit union" could he adde:d lo tt~e~ existin~ sign. Jack Wh(te clarifled that the capy on the slan could he changcd. Mr. Nolbr~ol. as~<eci why Cortwnissloncr Bushore would ohJect to thc si~n heina moved from facing ~a Palma to thp si~~ .-f rhA h~~i1~11n~~~ ~+nd Commissioner Bushure reolled bec~use of whaC ls existing; tt~nt morr. siqnin~ Is exlstlnp than Is allc~we~i and mor~ than he would normally support, an<1 added that he is +~ stronq ndvocate of IC54 signinq iri the City and for more beAUtliication~ whethcr it be for a church~ credit union~ day school~ etc.. an~! very seldom would h~ ever support a variancc from thr. Sign Ordtnance. Mr. Nalbr~ok incitcated he w~s wondering about the logic and explained he Is not a~kirg Ror morr. si~ns, but simply osking to bal~ncc tlic sic~ninq. Co-m~l ss i onc r Bush~re siated he h~s seen the s i gns anc! that thc~y ore qoodl o~k f no s i~r~!~ and ~ in his opinlon, look better ~pread a~art. Commissloner Johnscro st~~ted it seems the petitioncr is yettin~ a lot r>f a~,im~sicy from the Comrnlssian because of the twa existlnr~ si~~ns an~i ~eminded tr-e Gomnission the church could go ahead and rezone thc pr~perty to co~mxerclal and put up laraer s(c~ns thar~ the extstfng sic~ns~ and h~ thau~h[ the Commisson should be negotiable. Chairman Nerbst stated the si~~r~s are reasonably smAll and on .~ buildtn^ c~f this sizt are hardly noticeable~ and statcd he wauld support the rrsalutlan t~ aliciw the two existing signs~ but thougtit they should be allvwed to move onr sia~ tf they desire. ACTIOIJ: Cammissioner 6u~horc offered Resolut~on No. PC7~~--+6 and moved for its passa9~ and a~tTon~ tliat the Anahei~n Clty Plannin~ Co~tssion d~es hercAby grant Petitlon for Variance No. ~'~79~ ~n pArt, to permit the existtnq two 23-square foot siqns on the basis that denial woul~i de~rivc thts property ef a prlvilege enJoyed byotherProperties in [he sarie vicinity anci zone and permitLin~ the si~~n identified Aa si<~n No, 1 on Exhiblt No. 1 facing La Palma to be relocated to ttie west sldr_ Af the builcllnq~ and denying ihe request for the proposed third siryn on the basis that there are no unique circegnstances a~ppllcable to subject property, and subJect to Interdepartmental Conx~iittee recommendations. On roll call~ the foregoing resolution was passed by the followtng vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ BUSHORE~ DAVID~ NER9ST, JOHNSO~~~ l:ING, TOL11R NQ~S: COMMISSIONCRS: NONE A~SENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE Jack White presenteci !I~e petitioner with the wrltten right to appea) any partion of the Planning Corm~ission's decision wlthin 22 deys to the City Council. 2/26/79 MINU7E5~ ANA~IEI11 GITY PLANNlNG COMMISSION~ FEf3RUARY 2G~ 1~79 19'~~3 ITEt1 N0. 11 Request fc~r ap~raval of resmoval of 1Q aCeclmen E 11~VE DECLARATIQI~ trees in order to construct a tennig court on " - approxlmately 1.~ ac~e at !,2~ Peralte Hills~ Drlve. There werP seven persons tndic~tinq thelr prr.sence in oppns(ti~n to sub)ect r~quest~ and although the staff report to the i'lanninn Commisstan dated Fehruary 2~~ 1~7`1 was not read at the pubilc hearin~~~ lt Is ref~rred to ~~nd made A pnrt ~f thc r~inutes. Chsirman Herbst stated he understood there is ~~ l~t of animoslty involvecl In this itsue~ but that the Planntn~ Commiss(o~ Is only goinn to c~nsl~ier tl~r.. removAl of 10 specimen trees an~ any comments int~~ th~ pcrsonal issues will nnt he heord. Dr. Nawerd Garb~r~ ll~r, p~:ti[lor~cr~ t~ls wlfc~ Jcon, ~nd nttorney~ Dav~ Aht, w.ro rrPa~ni, and Ur. Garber s[ated Jan flall~ Secretary nf the NI11 and Cenyon Municip7l Advls~ry Committce (NACIIAC)~ had been out to the pronerty on several o~casions and would hrve appearRd ~n hls bchalf but hau to att~~n~J a meNtinq in Santa Ana~ but t~ac1 lnd(cated she would appear at any futurc fiearinc~s tf It would be nPCessary. ~le st~ted thts Issue basicelly has developecl as ktnd of an on~oine~ tliln~ and Lhat reference was made to anirrpsittes thot hnvc been createJ by thelr attcmpt to devclop their property in a particular manner~ anJ tt~at !~e wAntcci to avoid tl~~se issues. t~e stated the issue here ts clear and s(m~le: [hEy hive a ve ry ur-usual strip of 18nd ~nd patd ovrr 5100,~0~ fnr thts acre whlch Is opposite their res(dence and that rn~st of it is in the berrenca; thAt Is~ tl~e b~+rranca borders the cestern part all tt~e way down [hc property And tt is a very narrow scri~. He statpd that right on the edqe of the barrance slde thGrz is a 1(ne of eucalyntus trees and lie I~~s rh~togr~phs of the ~ite. tte statpd this ts a wtde berrance~ probably 65 to 7Q fect wide in c~~rtain arc~s~ and very deep, pr~bably 45 to 5~ feet daep in certain ~~reas. Ne stated he has a pmpused qredin~ plan from lln~cal i:ngtneering which gives tlie Lopographic information and shc~ws the trees. Dr. Garbcr referred t~ the water situation because thcre were references at the NACMAC meetiny relatinq to th+e drainage throuc~h the barranca~ whlch is an extraneous issue~ but polnted out tl-at there had been a heavy rain last v+eek and h~ had inspected the barra~ca and it essentially carrie5 no water. He St~ted the Lusk development had constructed water transfers ar guttcrs that cArriec' khe water the other way. He referred io the ~rel(mina ry gradinq pl~n which h~~d been pre.sent~d to NACMAC showing the llne of eucalyptus trees and the fact that they are nat par~ilel with the w ay the r~roperty runs and ar~ at a diagonai acroas the property. I~e refe~red to th~e grading plan looking east to the cul-de-sac which is the beqinnir~y of his property and ~ointeri out hts nelghhors have an easer~ent for the use of the turn-around. He pofntec! out the strfp of prope~ty bordering on the west and the proposed recessed~ lighted tennls court or recreatlonal area whicli will be used for basketball, etc.~ plus the area in the back which will be developed. Ile stated the tennls court could be utilized by their family ar.d the residents of the propo~ed residence. Chairman Nerbst asked if there wuuld be a retaini~g wall around the area~ pointing out it looked like a s~vimming pool when he had viewed the site. Dr. Garber replicd there would be a retafning wali. lie explaineci the slte has been drained, but that rhe gr.adcr had made one portion a It[tle deeper and it should have be~en level~ but it would drain nff inta the barranca. Dr. Garber pfllr~ed ou; in the I'eralta Hills area many~ many tennls courts have been developed and same ar~ currently being developed. He stated Jan Hall has tfie figures on the number of perm'ts issued for cutting trees, so he did not think tF~ey woul~ be setting any precedent. Ne presented a district map and pointed aut the two parcels with a p~ivate roadway going through which gives access to the res6dents and his nefghbor, Mr. Joseph~ to 2/26/79 MINUTES~ A~IAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ FEORUARY 26~ 1979 /y-If,4 FIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - ~23 PERALTA HILIS Qa11L (continued) ---~----~..,-_ ~ tho ~oar. fle stated this Is one~ long percel anci more thrn half of it Is In the berr~nce~ so it Is difflcult to develop. Ne polnte~l ~ut the hi~her qround where the propose~: res i cience woul d be lnok ing dc~wn on tha recossPd tenn ( s court and Todd f3rown's property which Is b~:ing devcl~pcd (rm~ediat~ly to hls west and tndtcatr~i thPy had ;eke~n dawn approximatc:ly 20 to ?.5 euc~lyptus trees. He stAted he hed a~t+eAred before the Council oppasing that matte~ bacause the lusk developmFnt h~ci ~areded on ille~al~ steep cliff~ which has yct t~ he dealt wttl~, ancf th~+t those eucalyptu3 tr~e ~o~ts held that hill ir~ place. He indicated th~y h.~ve hed threr. or four mud slides~ one recently~ sfnce the trees wcrc removed. Ne stetcd his m~in c~h)ection at that r.ime was th,it the eucalyptus tr~es provided securlty In terms of lioldin~ the hill In plmce beca~is~ they wcre rlyht b~:low It~ and there was ~ swimmin~~ pool obove~ them whi~l~ ~drrie:~ aNNroximately h;,0~^ 9allons of water and he w~5 conr.ern~d Chat the hlll would glve way and all the wat~r would end up In his back yard. He stated a reprasentAt(ve of tf~e Enaineerinc~ Department ha~1 been out to sec tht property and he has photo~araphs of the are~, nn~l thAt the c~n5trur.ti~n ha~i s(nce been complete~l with a larye retalninca wall cJiverting ~~il tl~e wat~r down. Chatrman flerbst puinted out tc~ Dr. Garber ttiat he was qettinn aff the sub,Ject of the re~~ioval of these 10 treas. Dr. ~Garber lnciicat~~d he was dlscussing this matter only because the cucalyptus trees were cut cbwn and nothinc~ was ever donc to Mr. T~dd Brc~wn anci it places h(m in a very dlfflcult situatlon. He stated no pcrmit was obtai~ed and the inJtvidual was not cited and a rPpresentotivs of ti;e City Att~rney's Office and the City Council had indtcate~l It Is n difficult thinq to enforce. Ilc felt hi~ situation is a~oad exanmie of selective enforcem~:nt and pointeci~~ut on the corner of S[rad~ and Peralta N(lls Road~ at least 15 eucalyptus trees were cut clc~;m alongside their prnposeci tennis court and no ~ollce cars were out and n~ citations were ~aiv~n and no issucs werf raise~i. }1e stated th~y were not cut to 10 feet, but t~ '~ or ~ feet, and they never qr~v beck and were stumpeci. He stated he had made it ve ry clear ~~t the HACMAC meeting And to the pollce officers who came out and to Mr. and Mrs. Bell that he was merely topping tf~e trees as others in the area had done~ p~rticule~ly th~se who are developtnq tennis courts, Ile stated he felt pers~nally ther~ is a vendetta here, Cli~irman t~erbst stated thc netitlon~r was getting into something he did not want to hear and that he could either talk about the trees or the hearing would be closed. Dr. Garber stated ttiat the trees whicl~ were remc~vecl on Strada Place wo~~ld be photographed and he could present that at a later Plannin~~ Lo~ronission mcetin~. 11e pointed out that further dor~n on Crescent they were in •'~c process this mornin? of Gutting tt~etr trees to 8 ta 12 feet riyht alon!~side the tennis cr~urt where Crescent ryoes ir.to ^~ralta Nifls Urive. He stated khcre were no police cars thcre an~~ ~:f~is did not hit tlie front pages of the Anaheim Dulletln~ so evidentiy tl~ere are no c~b,iections to athers doing what he t~as done, and stated again he cansidered this selectlve ~snforcemenC of a ~ertlcular ordinance. Dr. Garbe~ stated the issue is~ as he sees it~ cioes a homeawner have tiie right to develop propert~~ in a reas~nable and acceptable ~~ay in the terms of the Jesign if he has promised to rep~ace those trees taken out? He stated l~e had t.old Mr. Christensen who had attempted to be a peaGemaker that he would pruvide a br~n~ to back up his promise that he wiil replace ~ot only each a~c1 every one of those :t•e~es~ b ut would put in a few more because they were ir~egulArly placed. He stated he and Mr. Christensen had attempted to dl~cuss the matter with the E3ells, but they w~re noc home on Saturday, an~i Mr. Christensen did nat get back +to him, so eviciently they did not want to diseuss it in an informal way. He stated apparently the remai~ing tree.: are alsa an issue because the neighbors feel they ere going to be sneaky and start topping those to 20 feet. Ne indicated Jan Nall had said 20 feet was the averaye for topping trees and that they grc~w back with a lush growth, but 2/26/79 MINUtES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION~ FEDRUARY 2G, 1979 79'1~5 ~IR NEGA7IVE DECLARATION - 523 PERAL,TA HIIL D_,~(_,I~,E_ (continued) ~__., thc nQlghbors fccl this Is thelr flrst ste~ In r~n~vln~ thes~ trees. He exp atned thet thd band would cover thosc trRes and they will nat be removed. Ho st~ted the anly reason they went the trees removed is to develop e full-size tennls court~ ancf pointecf out thn trees to be removed on the ~+lan. Or. Garb~r indlcated tree exp~rts who heve becn out to Ja thls work hacJ sald e clood number of troes arc derd and some are cl(seASed and should have been rc:rnoved a lonq time a9o becAUSe they can lnfect tt~e other trees. Ile stated he wished to strPSS ~gain that he was prepared to write r~ check fur i band to back up his pr~~mise tliac hr_ wlll replace every tree, And he has Indic~ted directly and indirectly tc~ Mr. E3e1! that he w~uld contribute to Mr. 8~1) plantinc~ trecs on liis sidc of t~ic barranca. Ile stA[ed Mr. tiell h~d been there far lonycr then he~ and he did nut knaw why~ if h~ wAnted tf~is trPe bArrier~ he did nnt plant eucalyptus +:rces himsplf on I~is sidc. fln fclt ~ssentlally Mr. UQ11 wants t~ use his ~roperty and the pxisting trees as a barrter. Ilc! stat~d h~e would be happy t~ contrll,ute a ~e~~sonable amount to the plantin~ of trces on Mr. Hell's siJe of the barranca and that he will ret~lant every onr. af hts trees. Dr. Garber presented photagrrphs of the site to the Commisslon. Commisslaner ~ushnre asked Jan Nall's position~ and CF~a(rman Herbst explained that she is a member of HACIIAG and that she Is an insurance a~ent. Dr. Garber explained that Jan Hall had SAIt~ she had cut a number of trees on her property in 1g74 to that short heic~ht and s(nce then they have been toppAd once end i~~ed to be topped agatn. Ch3irman Nerbst indic~~ted he realized thax in order for eucalyptus trees ~o be safe they need to be toppeJ, and Dr. Ga ~ er added they do c~me back with lush grc~wtfi after th~y have been topped. Davld Joseph, 5.'_~ Peralta Nills Urive~ Anaheir;, indicoted he lives next door to subject property and he wc~ulci ltke to discuss tfie yeneral development of this property and the overall plan. Jack Whlte~ Deputy Gity Attorney~ explaine~i that the Planniny Commission is mcrely dlscussir,c~ thc removal of the crees. Nr. Joseph stated he diJ not see hc~w they could talk about the tree removal for the purpose of a tennis court unless they looked at the overall n1a~ for development of the lot. Ile explained if the tennis court is constructed~ the only access to the proposed home sfte wil) be over his (Mr. Joseph~s) prapertv and he ;iid not see how the Commission could dis cuss one thing wtthout the ~ther. Jack White stated tt~e Piannl~g Commisslon is not going to adJudtcate property rights here today as far as access goes; that they will only bt discussina whether o~ not the petittoner should be allowe~ to remove 10 eucalyptus treas. Mr. Joseph stated the purpose of removal of the trees is for butlding a tennis court, and Jack Nhite indicated that has nothiny to do with access rights or any other type of development plan as far as he could see. Sam Viglione~ 551 Peralta Hills Drive~ Anaheim, stated Ur. Garber had mentioned the Strada Orive incident and pointed out th~y had n~t done anything at the time the tree cutting had started because they were not aware oF it~ but as soon as they had noted the trees were betng cut dawn or when the workmE:n arrived, they did~ in fact, call the City and did call Mr. ~hris[ensen and have the police out~ but, unfortunately~ nothing was done at the 2/26/79 MINUTLS, ANAl1EIM CITY PLAI~NINf, CONMI55ION~ FEdRUARY 2f~~ 1~7~ ~-1 fifi IR NE~ATIVk DECLARATION - 52; PERALTA Ii1~LS URIV~ (continued) tln-e. He stated in rESponse tu Dr. fe~t~er'~ reference to the dra(na~e fram the b~rrance, about three years ago they had h.~d a sevcre weter ptpe breakac~e on this serne parc~) and that water plhe use~l to provtde irrigatt4n water to sPVeral othnr p~rc,el~ as well as tl~eirs~ and th~t the water plpe had run for ~ lonq ttrrK, Chairmen Herbst pc~it~tcd aut this ts en (tem that hAS no nertinence to the remav~) ~f th~ iQ trees an~ Che Pl,~nnlnn Commiss(on do~s not want t~ heAr it. Ne did nni want to dtscuss water lines~ ~ipc lines~ ~raements~ etc. Mr. Viylt~ne indlcated he was mwrPly mpntfoning thls li~ rc:butt~l to wh,~t Ur. Garber h~~d mentloned. He stated his commenr rec~ard(ng thc~ tree Iine Is sim~,ly that h~ h~~, An easement for w~ter rights whitch is riqht und~rneath thesr~ trces~ t~nd if Dr. Garb~r removes tltese trees~ he is vlolating this water easerrx~nt, HP stated Dr. Carher had Alren~iy once torn uut about Gi) feet oF the weter line iri hl~ c~radin~a ~r~cess. Dr. Gerber Aske~ if he coula rebut those statements, anc! Chairman Ilerbst pointed out he would have a chance for rabuttal after all o~-positton is he~rd. Herbcrt ChrlstensPn~ 51f1~ Crescent Ortve, Anah~im, President cf Peralta rlllls Non,ecnvners Aasoclatlon~ statecl he has been trying tn rrMdiate this little feud that has been developin~~, lie stated remc~val of trces by [he ordlnance requlres a hardship and tn order to !~rant a varlance, I~e bolieved a hardshin must he praver. ch~t it is necessary ta remove the trees for some pur~use, and ti~At Dr. GAI'f~C~~S purpose in wanting to remove the trees (s to build a tennis court, f1e stated at tliis point ln time the discussion of [ree rtm~val is a waste of time because there are some iegal problems he h~s disco~~cred existing wi th tliis property, such as water 1 tnes and other easements~ that meke the bu(ld(ny of a tennis court irnpossible. Ile stated ttiere are attorneys lnvolved n~ra between the neighbars trying to resolvc some boundary ~~roblems snd water easert~ent problems~ and until those are resolved~ he did not see how Dr. Garber could huild a tennfs court~ and if he could not build a tennis court. then he doe~s not have a hardship and does not have to remove tt~e trees. F1e stated it has been difficult to try ta find the truths and not emotlons since this has been a very ernottonal Situation and he can understand Dr. Garber's feeltng in want(ng to develop li~s property. Ilp statcd this is a very odd-shaped piece of property and In arder to put a tennis court on it~ ft will requtre some yrading and a lot of earth movement. He stated concerning the testfmony of Jan ~iali~ that she is the secretary of HACMl1C and that he had reviewed the minutes of the last meettng at which this matter was ciiscussed and she had abstained fron voting; that ev~ryone clse had disapproved thts request and she did not vote. 11e s[ated from the information he had been aL•le to c~athcr~ she did not vote because sl-e is personally inv~lved wlth Dr. Garber through his insurance, an~ he felt Jan Hall s testimony wouid be blased because of he~ personal association witli the petitloner which is~ of caurse~ why slie did not vate at the HA.CMAC meeting. He stated at this point in time he would have to tade a position for the homeowners; that they stlll llke the tree ordtnance and support the t~ee ordinance and~ !n fact, a week ago at the City Council meeting had petitioned the Cfty Council to try to ~et some teeth in the ordinance so that residents of Peralta Hills and other areas wt11 not have to be the enforcers of an unenforcea~,le ordfnance which puts neighbor against neighbor; that the poltce come and say there is nothing they can do and the Zoning Enforcement Officer says there is nothing he can do, and it ts left up to the netghf~ars to fiqht against each other and this has created sume very difficult situations. Ne stated he had been advised that the City Council has tnstructed the City Attorney to proceed and try to develop sor-~ teeth tn the ordinance, so the City then becomes the enforcer of tfieir ordinance and the neighbors will be out of each other's hai~ as far as betng the one standing over thetr 2/26/ 79 T MINUTES~ ANANEIN CITY PIANNING COMMISSION~ FEBRUARY 2G~ 197~1 7`~'1~7 f.IR NEGATIV~ UECLAiWT10N - 52} PEMLTA HILLS DRIVE_ (conttnued) tre- es, so to spea~k~ gun 1n hand~ tryir-g t~ do what the Clty should be riolnc~. He stated that may resolvA some prablems~ but in the m~eentimc~ hc really felt Dr. Garbcr ne~ds to rasolve his legal problems on thP property beforc the Plannin~~ Cc~nmisslon should gv~n be lnvnlved tn trying to resulve the trce re~oval problen~ Nhlch docs not oxlst until he is able to bulld a tnnnis court. Louis C. Bell~ ~,55 ParnltA Hills Drive~ Anaheim~ stat~d his property is directly east of Dr. Gerber's pre,prrty oncl tl~r..ir property 1(nes meet ~t tha bottom af the herranca. Ne stated it seerfs like onc nf thp trees was ki', ed duc tc~ sorrK Sunday bulldozing and qrAdinq hy or. Garhrr, ancl that If Jisr.~sed tre~s is the criteria for cuttinn ci~wn these trees~ then every tree (n Per~~lta Nllls should come ~+~iwn. N~ stated th~se trees have txsrn tl~ere Just as lanq ~s hc has been allvr.; an~J Lhet Dr. Garl~er had asked why h~ ~1ic1 not no ahead and plent trces when ha mc~vf~d (n. Ne explain~~i it was his understandln~ when he bouc~ht the pro~prty th~t ~hc City protectcd the euc~~lyptus tr~es r~n~l therP would ha no need t~ plant addltion~l trpes, Ne stated th~;se trc~:s f-rovide A very nlce sound and visua) barrler to tl;e hillside behlnd him nna now the trees liavf~ been topped. and he fel~ that is somethiny thAt rcally needs tc~ be defineJ so that in the futurc the other residencs of Peralt~~ Ilt I Is c~n be protc~c[ed fror» pco~~le wiio havc a thlnci ~bout topp(n~1 trecs. He staied top~ing trecs shouid he at a heignt to preservc the tree, n~t to ktll it, and t~pptnq at ~ to 1~ feet from tlie ~round leAVes a stump~ and he felt Dr. GerbPr has killed several trees in this manncr which w(11 nevcr c~row ac~ain. Dr. Gtarbcr obJectecf to that st~item~.•nt fmm thc ~~udience And Chairman Herhst painted out hc would have his ctiance for rebuttal. Mr. ~e11 continued th~t tlie tree I ine provided them wi t-i ~riv~cy ~nd shelter in the Pe~alta Hills arca whi~h is the only one-acre mini~~um lo[ size arca in tlie Gtty; that tliPre {5 ~o way tu ~e{~Ince that type of ae5tt~etic beauty .~n~1 it is unfortunate that Dr. Garber went al~ca~l ancl dl~i i*. in sp(te of thF unanir~us recommerid~tlon from HACMAC ta this C omrn i s s i on . He stated that until tc~Jay hc was not xw,~re that Mr. Christenscn and Dr. Garber had atter~tr.d to speak with him~ hut that he i~ac1 talked at some~ lenqth ovcr the phane with Dr. Garber~ and indicated his willingness t~~ dlscu>s the matter is certainly sti11 there. Ne stated he wes not sure ahout [he expcrts who had insp cted these trees~ but he knew those wt~o were hi re~f to cut the~~ ~~~n and have been hacklnq avay at ther+ would ntver cal l then~selves tree experts, that they were simpiy working for pay. Ma~+ Ruth Pinson~ 5~~~~~1 Crescent Drive~ Anaheim, memher of NAGMIIG~ indicated she was not here on behalf of HAChU~C, but was here as a resident of the Peraita Hills area. She stated she had been at thc HACMAC meetinct and would like to add ~ 1lttle input as to the m~nutes~ potnting out that a great portion of the rneeting of February 13, 1979 was spent discusstng thls sub)ect. Shc; reviewed the vo*_e and stated the reasons for tt~e d~ctsion were, first of all~ that th~y support the tree ordinance. She indicated tliey had looked at drainage problems and erosion with the tree rc.~moval and ~,erhaps a redirection of the water flow; that Mr, Roland K~ueger ha~' been at the meeting and, as a long-time resldent and the President of the Water District in Peralta lii lls~ had fndicated there was sti il a t~eavy flow of wat~. (n the barranca. She stAted they had questioned somp of the legalities occurring between the neighbors and the possibility th~t perhaps this request was prior to another needc~ request, and pointed aut there werP about 10 restdents present at that meeting and they had i~ad calls fram many other residents. She ststed that out of ni~~ ~iembers present, eight Jld not want the trees removed and would recommend that to the Plans~ing Cc~mmission, and there had been one abstention. 2/26/79 r. MINUTES, ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING CQMMI~SION~ FEDaUARY 26~ 197`.1 79-Ih8 EIK NEGATIVE DECLAkATidN,• 52~_PERALTA HILLS ORIVE (contlnucd} Dava Abt~ ettarney fo~ Dr~ GArher~ refu~red to Mr. Vl,yl ione's comment ~ indtcetinq he hed cor ' a i ned about the t ree cut t( n~~ Un St ~ada F 1 ace ancl thnt no~h 1 ~q was dhne end fe 1 t tltl s ls t~rthar evidence ti~at this ~rdinance I~s not er~forced and nc~w there ls an attampt to enforce i: aPter it has been waived numerous tfines~ and he felt this is hic~hly selectiva. He stetncl as far as the water 1 ine Is concerned~ lt ~lnes n~t affect the tr~es as thAt is e~ water llne easem~nt rurming underneath th~ ground ~+nd remavel of trees is ab~ve ground, He referred t~~ Mr. ChriatGnsen's discussion re~arcfin~ the rPnsun the trees can be removed Is because oF the hardship on the prnperty owner ~nd indicate~i thls is not. necessarlly true~ thrt scxn~~ of the crees ere diseased nnc+~ acc~~ding tc: the Scenie Corrldar ~lan~ thusr. lr~n~ can bc rernove~i, An~i Ir spells out other re~sons why t~~es cnn be removed nnJ It also states they should be replaced wi th other specimens I isted. Ne state:d i f tho trees Interfere undul~.~ with thc prvperty avnrr's rigf~t to enjoy hls p~op~rty +~~~ to use it at least to ~n ext~nt ~s hr. sces fit end altFrnatc provislons .~rc rnadc, the ordlnancc does provlde for an exceptio~. Ne st~ted h~ would furthar Ilkc C~ {>oint out cucalyrtug trn~~ are not n~+c ive Cal i forni~~ tr~~s; that thcy were planted As hqri eultural tracs dnd he dl d not knaw wt~,y they ere included In this ordlnnnce~ t~ut app~rently lt ~as strictly on An aest~~etlc ta5fs anef has littlv to ~l~ witf~ ecoloyy. fie puinted aut % number nf peoale have Jr.~elaNed t~~nnis courts in tl~~ area and~ In fact. they are qulte ~r~rnon, and Dr. GarUcr is proposing t~~ ~fo the sanre, yet h~ is running Int~ an obst.ACle, He stat4d titlc pr~blcros or easements are not an issU~ tirre and tConcerning outside the scupe of this hearinn and F~e felt thase problems c~n be resolved. the englneerin~i ~~~n~t thastrees happen~toebe`in the,'waysofethtn~ennis cou~t~With removal of the trees; and th Mr. Abt referred to Mr, Bel 1's dl scuss ton and i~ (s cri ti cism nf the t ree report because i t mentlons diseased a^~i ciying trees, ~nd K~. eell tiad said himself that all the trees In the area are dise~~sed a~~d dyi ng and he di d nar know whether ar not Mr, Bel l was a tree expert~ but that Dr. Garber ci~es h~ve a report from tl~e tree survean that indicates ~i~M of these trees are dyinn or are diseased. fie pointed out these are relatlvely tall trees and eucalyntus trees grc~w rapidly and would he a ~~azard to anytl~inr~ but 1 t ther~.; that they slt on thc edge of the barrdnca a~d obviously or.ly have one-half the root systPm and~ therefare ~ a gnod wt nd coul d e.~s i ly toppl ~ tl~em, caus i n~ a lot of dama!7e, ond the whol e idea ~f the ordinance Is to prevent pr~perty damane to othPr people anci t~ improve the qual 1 ty of thc area. He stated he fe 1 t the real i ssue boi ls dva,n to wf-ethcr the neighbors' aesthetic desires and wants can ~reverit a property owner frcx+i his own Inharent property r(ghts as to what he cz+n do wi th his property. Ne ~tated Dr. Garber has nat proposed anythin~ outiandish or a proi,Ibited activi[y and that a tennis court Is a fa~ rly cor~man thing In this particular area. He not~:d also that the staff re~ort to the Planninq indicatino there is ~pparently no ne,yative Commission recommended a neyative declaration, envtranmental impact from the propose~ cuttiny. Ne stated there are ~~He.rstatedcthe~staff trees in the area and tl~at Dr. Garber is leaving almost half of them, has recommended it ~~i~~~e~V31hea~d~~tiat~engineerinqnorelegaljproblemsnare~welltbeyond problems regardin, tlie cxtent oF tt~is heariny. THE PUnLIC HEARItJG UAS CLUSED. Corsenisaioner Tolar stated hc ~~ould keep his remarks to the tree removal, but felt thi s is ,~n exercise in futility until the other legal aspects in relationship to ea:,ements,etc.~ ar~ resolved. Fle referred t~~ the Ci ty Counci 1 minutes of tdovember 7~ 197~~ concernlnc~ an action on July 10, 1~7~~ ~n which Dr. Garber had indicated he was opposed to the tree removal onrthec~oW~ Sh°"~^ hi ~osophy had~cl~anged~so m~ch concer~ningpthe remc~val ofntreesein asked Dr. arb y P 2/z6/79 a MINUTES~ A,NAHE IM CITY P~/1NNING COMMISSION, FEBRUARY 26~ 1979 19•169 EIR NEt'aATIVE DECLARATION~._ 5z PEN4LTl1 HI_Ll5 DR1VE (continued) ~,_,...... _._.._____ ..,.._., four months when he h~d been violently op~osad to tree rer+~vAl. Fle askccl why he starte treG remov~l ~nJ cuttln~~ back. the trens wi th th~ c~rading wl thout perml ts. Dr. Gerber statod thc other trce remnvol by M~r. ~rown had bcen ~ totelly different sltuntic~n; that ther~ was no re.rson for il~e r~nbval ~f those trees for co~struction or lierdsl~lp purpos~s; t~~~t the traes were removed ta create en ~penin~ ancl give a better vir.w of the hllls. Ha stated he h~d ob.jected to thc rer~oval of th~sc trees fnr two reasons, the primAry renson t~ein~ thot thc ruots of the trecs ~Itd hol d the hi 11 In plac~~ pnd naiw that the t ree s have br.en rermved ~ tl»y hove had two muds I i des . He st~+ted the Enc~t ne~r I ng Dcpartr~nt k~~~s of this t~rohlcm and Mr. Jack Judd has been to the property and three ~ !!^ s tAt~~ ~he~re i s no one rmnths ago as ked lhcm to ~~ut a watc r i I ne beh i nJ lhe: [ rc.cs . around the t~ees he propuses to reirx~ve and that they arr. s l~nte~l I nw~+rds and ( f the property ia c3evsloned and the trees were kert ~t 10~ feet~ thP resldence would be in imrne~late dr~ne~er. Ne stated they F1AVC no plan ~u t~ikc thasr. tr~e~ out .~nd merely want to top them. I~r exp 1~ i neci that wi~en lic nod appro~~ct~ed th i s s i tu~ t f nn h~ fiad ta 1 ked w i th M~. Mr. Todd Ed Gundy in Llie Plannin~a Depertment anc~ that hc did n~t proc~ed ~~ i~formedathe City and Brawn I~ad cton~:; that Mr. (~rawn had remnved hIs trees aften c~ he` ed. He stated he is thc City ~(~ not come out until aftcr thcy were c~.t dvwn, nGt topp proceediny i n a reasunablc and leyal n~nner and tl~at inittal ly the trees wcre topPed to 2~ or 30 feec o~ Satur~~nY . C~mmissioner Tolar r~kn~,eWhDrhisapf i~osophyhhastchanqedain r~litionshinttortree~removal. trees, but ~~ anted tc~ Y Dr. Garber s Coteu he haJ talked wi tti Jan tlal l and she f~ad mention~~ the average topping helght was about 'LO feet and hi, trces were topped to 2> feet~ but th~t he had hr~ld off unti) after h~ hac: tal~ed with Mr. Gun~iy on Tuesday~ explaining to Mr. Gundy that he did not want to proceec! f 1 legal ly and asked what Lt~~ toppin4 si tuat(on has. He indicated Mr. G~nJy had ct~ecked wi th the Ci ty Attorney and I~~ had tnformr.a Fand hh~rtalf•ednwi th~thectree on the toppt ng and tliat he had tticn cor-~e out to the property expert d~inq thc worl: and had sa1J 10 feet woutci be ftne. }It state ! his philas~phy really has not changed wi th respect to li~rdship; that if Mr. Todc1 drawn had tiad a harclship and could not d~velop his t~nnis court ur hls residence as he has done~ then it would be a different ~ ituation; and that he wuuld not be unreasonahle and try to prevent him fram dpveloping his home, tennis court, or horse stahle, H~ indicated he ha~ 8 9Withnnothi~q showing Mr. Brown's enti re layout and the trees were Just on the periphcry. elsc mxcept his home close to it. -le state~ he has photographs which would show that was a totally cil~'crent situation. Ne stated the barranca situatio~ is a clear area with no residences arourcl an~i that i~ a resiclence wer~ developed~ the flther trees would have to be to~~ped. Ne stated there ls one blg~ dead tree that has be~n there for ycars and Mr. Gundy has confirmed that tt~e ones they wanted to take out were dead. Ile refcr;•ed to Mr. Krueger~ Pr~siJent of the Water Olstrict. who F~ad been mentloned previo~sly, indicating that he had lndf cated at the NACMAC meeti ng that Lhe water through the barraneergaandery definitcly raduced and that there was vcry llttle flow compared to previ~us y explained that was th~ result of tl~e Lusk devei~pment. Ne stated M~. Y.rueger wants the water I ine brought into the Vigliane property at the front and he is yotng alonq wi th Dr. Garber's recor~nendation so that they can have a fire hydrant. He pointed out there are other issues, s~~ndaMra Krue erdagreesnandhindicatedihe~wouldtbetpresent~at thisert-eetEng'j of these i ssues a 9 i f poss i b i e, b ut tha t he was cut of town . Commissioner Tolar asked Dr. Garber why he had ~ot requested a grading permtt beforc he had started grad3ng. 2/26/79 MINUTES~ At~AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSI,~N, FCUftUARY 2E~~ 1~7!1 79-170 ~IR NEGAtIVC DECLARATION - 523 PERAITA ~~IL, S DRIVE (contlnued) D~. Gerbcr replted th~k I~~e had nevpr ~icvclopad a piece of pmperty I{kc this; that they had 1 I ved i n e~s t Ar,e~ie i m 20 yeers and wh~n he moved to Pc ral to N I 11 s~ the rea 1 tor f rom whom they hed purchesed the prc~pertv ha~ seen thel r nlr~ns. Ile explntn~d tli~e other acre had be;o~ usad for horaes and It was fenced In with r~ stable~ and that was ell taken out when they had nxive~. F~e stated he was a~ Inr.xperienced owner/builde~ ~nci his prevlous attornQy had refc~re~ liin- t~ o,yra~ier~ The (ily Yel iow Mac.hine Cort~any. Ile ex~lelned thc grading plon was drswn up by hls brother who was a 1 icensed civ11 enqineer in the State ~f Californla~ and expl~inrd his brother hsd llveJ c~n tho property arevlausly end was devaloping A yrading plon anJ a ~~naral ~1nn, includinq A tenn(s cau~t for the property~ h~~t, imf~rtunat~ly~ I~ad dled last May of eonc~r ~ncl was strickcn with cancer b~fore he completod the work he was dolny on the grading plan. ite explaineJ i~n I~aJ procacded to call the grader and shawed them th~ plan w(th his hrotf,er's s(ynnturc ~nd englne~ring 1 lcens~ nunfier on i t a~d as~ od 1 f that was adequate to hc approved by thc C ity. He statcd it was Incltcated to liim by thn ~aradcr tl~at they would qo to City I~all and talcc care of anythi ng that was necessAry ~nd he haci ts~ken thci r word for f t. Ile stated he assumed the grode~ had donc ~~Ii that wAS nf+cpssary ~~~d had gr~~dc~ th~ pro~erty~ anci that he was left r~iCh the burden of dcoling wlth the new _y~adln~~ pl~~n situ~~tlon. Ne explained he h~d retained A~acal kn~~(neeriny .~rd was sure Mr, Titus would su~port his cl~im that tf~ls grading pl~~n has b.r.en ~nuther ordeal f~r him ond has bcen ~oing on for four months. !Ie stated Maeal C~iyinPeriny was unahle to completr. their grading plan, s~ he was cc~mplete:ly hpld up on so many thin~is nnJ wantcd to cc,~~~,letc one thin~ at a t1~ne. He statcd he hrd incllcoteJ to the City AtC~~rne~/ tt~at it was not int~cntional o~i his part to eircumvent any k;nd of ordinances whcrc a permit was reryulr.r,d; that it was his fcellna the nr~der an~l ~-~~tractor had vi~l~tE~d ~~ trust. He ~~xpl~ined !~e had not torn ~~p the secti~n of the water ~ ,, as nu~ntioned; that the ~~rader's tractor had donr it; that he dicl not waRt to d(srupt the ater line; an~l th.~t he was ~1nin~~ everythinn he could to rer,edy the situaci~n and create a real nl~e dcsi~~n for his property tl~at would t~enefit the otF~er ^rupertie5 around. Comnissione~r Barnes in~flcate~l she woulcl 1 ikc tn answer Mr. Abt'3 ciaim that the ordinanee is waived haphazardly and stated i t mi ght appear that way to a newcomer to Anahetm~ but that the crlteri~ is usually for the re;asons as mentioned by Dr. Gart~er~ anJ if the trees interfere with a buil~fing in any way or i f they keep so~ec~nF fram using tiieir property. then the renr~va 1 t s app roved. She i nd i ea ted shc wau 1 J 1 t ke to exp I a i n why euca 1 ypt us trees were includeu in the ordinance; cha[ thase c~n tf~e Task force had workeci an the ordinance fnr two ycars and tf~ere was a lat of Jebate ahout wliether or not ~~ eucnlyptus tree slioul J be incl udeJ~ b~~t i' was fe 1 t in the Seeni c Corri:ior one of tt~e mc~st spectacular and rnhst observable [ltifngs goinq ~cx~m tt~e canyon werc tl~e raws of eucalyptus trees ~ so the Task Forcc~ had fel t s i nce that was ~art ~f the scene they shoul d be included; and th~~t the euc~lyptus trees yive a uni~ue character to Santa Ana Canyon. She stated (t was also cliscusse~! that sometimes they are dangerous so the toppin~ issue had been included, She stated sfic fc~lt the ~eal Issue today is whether or not this matter shuuld be ~ostpone-~~ but sl~c: felt it is a li[tie laie because she had vtewe.d the property and noti ced the ~rading that had tak~en n lace on e~ch s 1 de of the trees and the barranca on the other side. She stateJ those trees have stoad for quite a lonq time with the barranca ~n one side and hav~t not blos~+n over, but n~w there is a different situation because the bank tias becn cuC away and there is substant(al ~aot damage to the t~ees at the present t ime and the ~e i s nokh i nq for them tc~ ho 1 d onto, t n add i t ion to the fact that the t rees have been topped [0 10 feet. She stated, quite frankly, she dtd not knaw what expert tree people had been consulted~ but thauc~ht most would agrec that if you wanted to eliminate some trees~ this would be a good way to go about ft. She strted~ secandly, she would ltke to say [hat any testtmony Jan Nall t~es to give should be given in person. She painted out the City of Anaheim tree trtmmers were asked for their opinion, which has been generally concurred wlth by the lanJscape archit~ct in the Parks and Recreation DeparZment, and that is that the reasonable height for a topped tree is about 40~ to 50$ shorter Lhan the original height; for instance. an o0-foot tree should be topped to 40 to 50 fePr, bnd that 2/26/79 MI NUT~S ~ ANAHE 1 M CI TY PLJ1N~l1 ~!G CQ~~1M I SS ION ~ FEBRUl1RY 9f~, 1979 7~1- i J I EIR NEGATIVE DEC~ARATIOt~ - 523 PERALTA HILLS_DRIVE (cniitlnuocf) ~ometimes toppad trees cnn yr~-v frstr.r then trces th,~t hnve n~t hr,en to~pcd. She stetcd she dld n~t see hc~w the trees In quest(on are q~tncl t~ r,a~:e it. ShE stoted even if th~ Planning Comrr~iss irm ~1ocs aaree to thei r r~rrx~val ~ thcy woul~f pmbahly die eny~~ey, and stntad sh~ h~ped thls was An ncciJent. She hop~d the Ctty would t++ke this situatlon to hcArt and anforce tl~e ord(nance nx~re stronqly tfi~~n thPy ever t~ad. She statccl she reallr.es thera are somc lenal qu~stt~ns And thc questlon ~~s t~ whether or not the tennls court can and sl~ou 1 d hc b u 1 I t on tl~c pron~ rty ~ but shc d i d not want t~ p~s tponr thc i ssuc . She stated she woul<f like t+~ sE:c the tre~s not be rertx~ved bac.'use of prevfous er.ti~ns; and thr~t (t Is r~,~l ly an unfortunatc thln<~ heca~,sc shr felt the trees ore qotnc~ to dle Anyway. Dr. Garber statcd the 1 inc c~f trecs was menti~ned an~J ~:xpl~InPd~ ag~~in~ t1iAt he w~nts to malntaln the Ii~~ of tr~es anci werits li~r. L~mmission to un~lcrnt~^d thnt hP W111 ~,net A h~nd (n an adeyuatc amc~unt [o ~ovcr thc cost of plantii-~~ cach and evcry trec. No st~ted he wlll mainta(n each and r.vary tree and is ~ust es{;inq that thc trpes be moved over 10 or ly fe~!; and that he is nnc yoin~~ tu e:liminete tha lir7c of Pucaiyrti.-s trPes. IIe stated he wants the tsnnis e~urt thr.ra wi th thr. trer.s bordcrin~ it. Cha( rman Herbs t 1 ndi cated hr. th~~u~h t the Commi ss (on i s act i n~~ ,~f te~ the far,t here and that the trees hav~. been ruine~f al rca~iv ~ but the Commission has to l~ok .it thc s( tuatlon reallstically. Ile st.~tr.d hc thouqht wi th the p~stinq ~f ~~ b~nd thnsr [rer.s would be repl~ced and th~+t wou1J be better than Ieaving t`~e situation ~s it ls~ recoqntztnq this has al I been donc .inc1 there ( s ncsth i n~~ ~~e ean d~a nbout f l at th I s poi nt ~ nnci even i f i t has bcen dnn~ 1 1 1 eqa 1. v~ i t h~s bcen d~nc. Hc thou~h t the P I nnn i nct Cortmi ss lon ean recnMmen~i that the cc>nJiti~n be rectified to represent th~ area inci also protect the adci(tlonal pruperty vwners. I!e statecl what they see nc~w is ~i ~ess ~~i th stumps and the troos may not qrow bacl:, 11e state~i hc would r~ther sec the stumps takcn oiit and Or. Garber immediately replacc thc trecs w(th scxnethin~~ that Is c~oinn to be renresentativc of the area. He s tateu h~ d( d rx~t 1 i ke what has hap~ene~1 And he was sorry he has been so abrupt in his reactlon to sorr~ c,f tt~e personal pr~blc~ms invnlved~ but [~iat he realized it is an emc~ti~na) issue :~nd felt ct» Planniny Corrcnission cc~uld n~t get involved in emot(~nal problems becausc~ they have a problem nf ~iecid(ng what to do. ile stated he felt the thing to do now Is to put th~e propr_rty back as C'InSC to thc original condition fls pvssiblc. Ne stated that t f Dr. Ganc~r v~ants to put ir a tennis cc~urt wi th the~ way the tree line qoes acros5 the corner of his pronertyo h~ woul~l t,ave fiad a har~iship and feit if (t had been done properly, nrobably thi~, Commissinn would have approved tf~e tre~ removal with re~lacement so that he could put in a tennis tourt because it hes been dr~ne for ~ther people. fle f~l L thc legal ity of the water 1 ine and easemrnt is somethinq the a::orneys will have to work out. Ilc stated i~e real ized evcrybody cannot be satlsfi~d and that he thought this was a bea~tiful area, but rinht now a part af ic has beer~ destroyed. He explalned Dr. Garber ~~as o`fFred to post a bond to replace thc trees any way the Cummission wants it done and if he has done a wronr~~ he is tryin~ to c~rrect it and It cann~t be corrected by leavir~g i t the way it ts. Commissioner Johnson indicated he ap~reciated the f.hatrman's factful position, but he is very close tu this problem and to the area an~i whuld perhaps reflect some af the emotions of same of the otlier reslc~ents. He stated Dr. Garber in his own sxatFment hras said he is acting i n a reasonab le and 1 egal m~nner, but that I~e (Commi ss ione ~ Jolinsan) coul d not accept that a~d feli he is not acting in a reasonable and lega) manner. Ne stated Qr. Garber has talked about h~rrendous ordeals and yet he personally felt tl~ese horrendous ordeals are beeause he is going counter to the ordlnances and conttnues to go counter wiCh them~ not only with trees but in other problem areas. lie stated ~f there was a way to exact the greatest penalties fo~ Dr. Garbe~ to re-establtsh the area sortiethlnq like it was, he woul d be agreeable. He fel t there miqht be an answar, but he cs~tainly would not be a party to ieav6ny (t in D~. Garber's hands. He explained Dr. Ga~ber's idea of what is reasonable ,just ts not reasonable to him or to anyane else i~ the area. Ne st~ted if 2/26/79 Fr Y ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIH CITY PLAt~NING COMMISSIOtI, FEBRUARY 26~ 1979 79'~72 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION - 5~3 P~f?ALTA HIL,~__~llY~ ~continuGd) thare is eny w~y tn car~ rther damagehtonthepare~cCheiNOU~ldtgotalongbwithn~tAnd protect thr residents from any Chairman Nerbsc~neXbutithntthe dld no[iwant~to~seeQthetareatleft thchwaybitnjsbeck u lsndacaping P1 ~ Commiss{oner Barnes indicated sho pssumed the ma.~or problem is that the people across the ba~ranGa and other people want thc trees anc! wsnt the samc kind of trecs be~:ause of the screenina~ but there ls no way hc is qoing to plar~t 1Q~-fnot trces or Pven a 7~•foot tree, one heln~ the euc~lyptus tt'ee~ but that he eould plant trces that would yrow vc ry fast~ but that nothiny is goin,y to Ce es qood as the orlylnal trees And she did not aee whatSfie gooJ d ~ond would do bec.ausP A bond c~uld be posted and the trees planted ~ext year. felt If anything Is ~~o~~~ Wceks.~She statedSShe,wo ld~ilkeytohsec the 1~n1dsC8pln~~Plan. the approval ~ such as two Chalnnan Nerbst IndlcatcdWttn~ A°i~ncisc~p(n~uplan~~bec:.ausei It woul~d~te~.egsome,[im~e for the time, esppci al ly i f they a a~chitect to draw thc plan, Canmissioner Barnes polnteri out Ur. G~rber really should not remova any oF tl~e eucalyptus trees until this issue Is scttled. Cortmissioner Tolar indicated he agrees witl~ Commissione~ Johnson anc! stateci it is hls philosophy that all pain is self-infl(cted, and felt to a larc~e extent Or. GarH~rreferred responsible for ary problem5 he has because of a conxnent or two he has rnade. to the cocmienL by Ur, Garber thak he did not feel It was ri~ht 1`0~ a ne(c~hbc~r to Ge ber other trees because that nelylibor diJ not want his view blocked, which seems Dr. thinks it is alrictht for him to qo ahead and remove his trees because he wantS a tennis court.. yet 1t is not rlght for another nPi~nbor to remove his for valtd reasons~ whatever those valid rGasons are, fie stated the Commtssion is bound by ordinances in relationship to tree5; ~nd that he finds it di{'ficult to belleve these trees have ta~ftP~ri~theimat(on eondition far remova) by accident. 11e stated he personally would not supp to remove these trces if it dld not cause a~ything but a delay, as far as he was concerned, until the rest of [he prQblems are resolved and hc could~ne~e ~a~Pn~~f~~ns,haven relationship to the replacement of all those tree, and landscaping 9 9 P been approved. He stated he agrees the trees w111 probably die; that he was out there and looked at them and thau9ht they we re c~r~ded for that purpose and found (t difficult to be~ieve it was by accident. Ne staied he would went th~se tw~ things resolded and would want to see a full landscape plan in relationship t~ the tennis court. Ne stated~ in defen5e of Dr. Garbcr. he agreed ~verybody should be able to develop thetr pronerty in the manner they see fit~ especlally a piece of property such as thls which they obviously paid a tremendo us ar-o unt for; however~ hc did not see that anybody should be able to develop • their property at the expense of their nelghbors~ and felt to soMe extent that is what as gone on in this area, maybe by people other than Dr. Garb~r~ but tFiat he would not support this or any other motio~~ until th~se Nroblems are solved and it can remain in that horrencJous stat~ until they are solved. Commissiuner Bushore stated Commissioner Tolartiad indicaeed exactly tl~e way he feels; that he I,as not sDoken and he is not as tactful as the other Commissioners; tl~at '' ~ believed although tend,hetwauld likelto say totDreeGarbe~athat heawashgladthetdi. 1ve had been violated, next cbor to hi m. 2/26/19 h11NUTCS. ANAFIEIM CITY PI,ANNING COMMISSION~ FEE3RWIRY 26~ 1~)79 7~'173 EI~ GAT~VE DECLAi~ATION -~23 PE~~T~ IIILLS DRIV~ (c~ntlnued) Commisstaner David ask~d if the replacement of the ser+nd of sper.lmen tre~s will be with trees from the speciflr.d llst, poin[ing out st~+ff has a preroyattve to approve s~~ch r~smoval . Commissloner Dern~s st~ted the Plannln~~ Commisslon has t~~~Atiron hasrc~onegbeyonde~h~he plans, end Chairn~an Nerbst expla{ned thts particular app prerogative of staff and they do nat want co take th(s upan themselves~ ~nd felt r~ public h~~rfng would be nncessary because of tl~e animosity of the neighhors. Robe.rt Flenninger cxplainpd thc staff is permittcd to approve the remc~val of dead ar diseased trces~ but somc uf these tre.:s were perfectly he.iltl~y. Dr. GarL~r explalncd oniy twe tr~.~a wPrA affected 1n tiie gradinh and thc rest of the deed Lrr~s werc~ not affected. t~e stated t~e dc~es have a hardsliir; that they purcl,ased the property which was built on graded land ancl the builder cli~! nat have an approved gradtng plan and the prop~rty was developed with ~~ cliff behind it and t~undreds of yards of dirt hav~ to be rernaved. wh I ch i s Che cause c~f the s 1 i~>p~+qe. He s tated he i s e yuod ne 1 ghbor and tries to work wl kh otf~ers. Cha) rman Ne rbs t s tated the I and bchi nd the prope~ty has notht ng to cio wl th the tree renx~val. Ile statecl 1t appears the maJorlty of the Cummission wants o continubnce unt(1 tlie easement and yradin~~ problems are resolveJ. Commissloncr ~arnes stated no other trees should ba touched unttl ttiis issue I~as been resnlvcd. Chalrman Herbst stated if this applic~tion had been handled properly with Dr. ~arber submitting the request prior to cuttin~ down the trces ~.huwln~l the necessary hardshlp without creatlny hevoc in the ~ieighbarhood~ and hacl presented his plan for the tennis caurt with praper landscapin~ shawn, the request probaLly woulci have been granted without any problem~ butiihc~eh~a~°"'rresolved5sincetthe~reasonrfor~removr~ltafnthehtreesQisgthehould be r~ontinued unt y tennts court whlch may or may not be built. Dr. Garber explainecl~ ac~ain, thaC t~e had proceeded legally; that he had topped the trees ta 25 feet and after talking wi~h Mr. Gundy~ had topped them to lA feet. Cliairman Ilerbst stated further documentation is nceded thet th~ tennis court is going to be constructed tn arder ta justify remova) of the trees. Commtsstoner Tolar stated he would be greatly affected by tl~e fact that the petltioner had trted to cooperaCe wlth the neighbors~ and it would help him in making a declsion when the g~ad~^ofPthe reduesterather~t ancoppc~singeft,~ mHetstatedSmany~times the~Cbommission has favo q asked the neighbors to qet togeCher. Dr. Garber stated he had cantracted to have the batance ~f the trees topped to 25 feet, which is legal, and it is his intention to havc this done so that the trees will b~ uniform and the one dead tree wllt be removed. He stated he woulc~ like ta get along with his neighbars. Commissioner Barnes noted the reaso~able height as recomnended by the Parks Department for topping trees wo~ld be app~oximately 40~ or 5p$ of the original height. 2/26/19 ~. MINUTES~ l1WAIiE1M CITY PLANNIWG COMMISSIO~a~ FCaRUARY 2t~~ 1~7~ ~`~'»~~ E I R f~EG~1T I VE pECLARAT I ON •~23 PERAITA 11 I LLS~DR~1 V;(con t i nuod) Chairman 11er1~st asked Or. Gs~er haw long hc would need tu submlt landscaplnc~ and qrsding plans which show the tree removal ns pre~areri by o ccrtified landscapc architcct. Dr. Gerher explained chis has been a very time-consuminc~ ~ra~ect end has heen going o~ fo~ e Inny tlme. Ne stAted he w111 try to keep thr property a~~wid the area ns clenn as possiblc. Clialrman Herbst statesd thr. Comrnlssion has no ob)ectlon to the prop~rty beln~ cleaned up~ buC d1~ rrat want to see any more treeS cut dawn nr stumps made ~u: of the ones that are tliere~ and stateJ if any m4rc trees are cut~ t1~e pet(tionPr would probably be tn morc serlous trouble. Ile suggested thai he ,yet together wtth his nelghk~ors wlth the l~ndscaping plon~ whcn th^y rr~ r,r~n~l~iclr~l so that the~e wi 11 be n~ Arc~uments at the publlc hearing level becausc the 1(nes of communication at this point have been broken down. It w~s determin~d th.it May 7, 1~~1~~ would t~e an <~pproprt~tc dAte for this matter to be considered~ and Chairman Merk>st noted there wlll be no further notites. Ur. G~rber raminded tf~e Plannln~ Gommisc,ion t~iat ri~iht now thcre are buzzsavs goin~l and ttic trees arP bcln~ cut tn 8 to 10 feet on Crescent privc. Commissioner Johnson state~! th~rr. are seeds of misundcrsianclin!~ pl~ced here already and that Ur. Garber has stateci he would like to continue topping trees ~~s l~nn as he st+ays w(thin the 25-font limttation, anci requeste~ thPt tf~e motion for continuance be very clear that there will bc no rrnrr_ tonpiny of trees. Jack White statea tl,at as he interpets the existinq ordinance, it is nc,t Illegal to top trees unless it results in the descructian or cleath of the tr~e; that there Is no ml~imum height requirement and ttiat tlie r~:cortmc:ndation by tlie Parks Qepartment is an internal procr.dure and has nothin~~ to do ~~ith the tree ordinancr_ that has a legal~ bindin~ effect. lie s[ated if thc tree is topped and someone fcels tl~c tree is destroyed~ they could m~ke a repc~rt and It would be revlewr_d by ttir, legal Jepartmer~t for possible c:rirntnal action, but the toppln<~ of a trec does not anp~ar ta a~ prohibited by the existiny ardlndnce. Chai rman tlerbst state' he felt i f ar~ Commiss/ion f~1st.,nHet feltttopping somedofethettrees h i s own th ro~t s i ncr he kn~ws how th to a reasonable heighC would be beneficial ta ev4~ryor;e, Commisslorser Tdiar stated if he elects to eop tl~e trees ~e55 than 4n; to 5~`6~ W~ eould not stop him and he is within his riyhts. Commissioner Barnes stated if our urdinance Commission eould go on record as stating It 40$ to a0$ oF the i r o r( g i na 1 t-c i ght . does not state how htyh to top a tree, the is their opinion the trees can be topped to ACTIOPJ: Gommissloner Ba rnes offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner David and MOTIOtJ ARRIED (Commissioners Johnson ancll~ushore ve~ing no). that consideration of the aforementioned icem be continued to tf~e requldrly-scheJuled meeting of the Planning Cummi ss i on un rlay 7, 1~ 79 • Commissioner Barnes statcci st~e would str~nyly urge th~ petit(oner to get together with the netghbors with the c~mpleted iandscapin~ plan and get the ~~eighbors' approva) if possible. Chalrman Nerbst indicated he would li6ce to offer a motion to recommend ta the Clty Council that the tr~e or~inance be corrected~ and Jack 1~lhite replied ttiat the Council is already 2/26/79 ~% .... MI-~uTE.S~ ANANFIM CIrY PLANNING COMMISSIO~l~ FEBRuARY 26~ 197~ 79-175 "q u~,r_.eTivr. nFC~ eaATiON - 523 PERALTA HIL_ 1._S,.DR_ IVE (conttnued) .~.......,.~sta. srt looking into that and that the ttty Attorn~y's Office wil) rtwke recammendattons to the CaunGll on what they thlnk ts legel. Comnlssfoner Johnso~ stated he strongly obJectod to topping more trees; that thls petitlonar'~ detinitl~n of tup~tng s tree Is comFsletely difforant th~+n hla definltton of tppping e tree. 2/26/79 MINUTES, ANAII~IM CITY PLAtJ!lINQ CQMMISSION~ FE(lRUARY 2G~ 1~79 79~~~~' IT~M N0. 1Z E OR ANG REGOMMEtlUATIO~~ ~ A. WAIVFr, OF tI1LLStUE G~ADINr, ORUINANCE - TMCT NO__^_,_~!1e ~_._.. Tlie staff rcpo~t to the Planning Commission dated Februnry 2(i, 197~) was prese~ted~ natlnq thot John D. Lusk 6 5on rcquested watvcr of th~ rec~ulrement ~f the City of Anehetm Hlllsicle Grading Ordinance as It relates to tl~e locatinn of lot lines at the t~p of slopes within Trect Np. 8~~1+~; that Tract ~lo. d41$ is locateJ north of Nohl Ranch Road~ east of tha Nowpart Freewey. and th.~t the f1111stde Grading Ordlnancc re~quires that lot lines be located 'l to 3 fect from the tc~p of slupe•s; that tl~l s requt rement w~s pl,iced In the Gradiny Ordinance so that the entirc: facc af the ~,lopc would hc the ~esponsibil(ty af th~ c~wnnr of the lowcr lot tn thc bcllcf that he wo~i1•1 hP ~~r~rP A~t tc~ mnintAtn the slope than th~ awrner of a lot at the top ~F the slope; hc~wever, in these tracts all of the slopes where they have req~~estcd a walver of this requlrement of the Grading Ordinance will bc malntetned by a home~wn~rs Assnciatton. ACTION: Comnlssioner Klnc~ offered ~ nx~~.(on~ seconded by Commissioner David and t1~TI0Pi AR IEO~ that the Anah~im Glty Planning Commissi~n does herehy recommend co the City Counctl that the request for waiver of the tlills(de Grading Ordinance far Tract No. 841R be appr~vsd as recommendecl by the C1ty Engineer. t3. A[iA1~WNME~~T IIO. 7&-1E,A - Rcqucst to aband~n a portion of existing pub11G utillty casem~:nts y ng w th n a portion of Lots 56 and G3 !n iract. No. 975~ to permtt thc installation of a retatning wall. The staff report to thc Planning Commi~~sion dated February 2(>~ 1~17~? was presented~ noting subJect r~quest by Robert P. Warmtngtori Company (s to abandon a portion of existing publtc uti 1 1 ty easements lyi ng wi th I n a portic>~ oP Lots 5~3 and G3 i n Tract ~10. 9750 to permi t tht installation of a retaining wall; that this request has been reviewed by al) departments of the City and affectecl outside ayencles and apprnval is ~ecomnended; that the appltcant desires to tnstall a retaining wall approximately 6 feet in height along the west side of Lots 58 and 63 of Tract No. 97S~~ and the City Electrical Dtvision indicates that they have no present or future need of this portion of said easement and recommend approval; and th~i an envi ronmenta i review of th is request i ndi cates the abar-donmenC to be categorically exempt from the requirement of filin~ an EIR. ACTION: Commissluner Klny offereci a motion~ seconded by Comm(ssioner Johns~n and MOTIOtI CA-RR1ED~ that the Anaheim City Plann(ng Comntssion does herehy re.commend to the Clty Counctl that AbanJonment No. 7s•16A be approved. C. ABANDOI~MEI~T N0. 78-20A - Reyuest to at~andon the Clty's existing road and public ~t ty r y ts over a portion of a frontage road located on the west side of M aheim Boulevard~ south of Cerritos Avenue. The staff report t~ the Planning Commissian daced F~ebruary 2G, 1~'7~ was pres~nted~ noting subJect ~equest by Y.-M North is to abandon the City's existiny roaci and public utility rights over a portion of a frontage road located on the west side of Anaheim Boulevard~ south of Gerritos Avenu~; that on DecP.mber 12, 1978~ the City Councll by aesoluttdn No. 78R-7q5 app roved the sale of surplus City property to the applicant and authortzed the Gity Engtneer tn initiate and process the abandonment of the Clty's existing road and 2/26/79 MI~~UTCS, ANNIEIM CITY PL~UNING C~NMIS` IOi~~ FCURUAfiY 2G, 1:37~ '~~-~ j] R~ORTS NU RECOMMEN_DATIONS_,-. _I.TEM C (continusd) public ut(lity ricahts and tl~e t~pplicant has met [lie reyutred conditton set forth in the above-menttoned ~esol ut iun end h~~ cleposi ted wi th the C1 ty the reryul re~J sum of muney to cover the purchase of the fee ownurship; tliat the fr~ntage road fs currc~ntly used by British Motor Car ~(stribuc~~rs for ~ccess tc~ thcir dcalershl~; that thP a~ntt~a~c will provtde a new acc~ss to Ertttsh Mot~~r Car vla the extFnslor of Cerritos Ave~ue to the west and n private eascmr.nt through thelr pro~,erty, and thak ar(ttsh hbtur Car is In total agrcement with this chanye of acc~ss; ~nd that an envlronmental review of che request for abandonment (ndicates It to br categaric311y ~xemnt from the rr~uirement of filinc~ an EIR. ACTIOI~: Commissi~ncr Kinc~ offered a mc,ticm~ seconded by Cornmissioner Tolar and MOTION AP,R CU~ that thc An~lii:(r~i Cily F'lanr~ir~y Can~nission J~es hereby recommend to the City Counell that Ab~~ncionr~nt No. 7fi-2~A bc Approv~•cf A!: rr_~.c~mmrnde~f by thc Clty Englncer, D. At3At~U0rIMEt~T N0. 7~-_21~A - Requcst to abandon tha[ portion of 4loodland Drive ae~caie or pu c usc lyiny approxim~tcly 'l00 feet north of Le P~lme Avenue~ easG of Magnolia Averue. Tf~e staff rapart te the Planniny Comr~issirm dated February 2(~~ 197~) was prescr.ted, noting tf~e request by Dlck Ketteriny tu abando+i that portion of uoodland Drive dedicated for public use lying anproximetely )UO f~et nortii of 1,a Palnx~ Avcrue, cast of Ma~anali~ Avenue; that thls request has been revicw~d by all departmen[s of the City and affected outsidc agencles end approva) is recommended; tl~at the subject roadway~ in its present locatlon~ was dedicated fr~r public use via record~tion of a parcel map and is to be replaced in a nav al ignment ~~pon the recordation of a new Parcel Map No. 73~; tt~at the ownr.r of the land adjacent to the existing dedicat~d Woodland Drive is re-subdividiny two large existing parcels Into 3d smaller industrial sized lats, tfsereby creating tF~e necess(ty of abandoning tlie existing Woodland Drive as dedlcated [o provide street frontaye to the newty-crsated parcels via the re-~edication of said roadway vta recorda[ion of the new Parcel Map No. 73~; tf~at the subject roaciway presently exists only as a dediGated right- of-wey and does not physically exist as an inproved s[reet at tl~is point in t(me and wli) be installed and Improved upon approval c~f Parcel Map No. 7j9; and that an environmenta) revicw of the p ropos~d abandonmrnt and re-deciication indirates thts proposal to be categorlcally exr.mpt fron the rec~uirement of filing an EIR. ACTIOH: Cornr~issl~ner King offered a nr~tion~ seconded by Commissioner Johnsc~n and M~TfON ~t U~ that the A~aheim City Planning Commission dnes hereby recommend tQ the Ctty Ce~unci 1 that Abandonment t~o. 78-21~A be approved as recommended by the City Engineer. E. CONUITIONAL USE PERMiT N0. 1593 - Request for extenslon of time. The staff report to the Planning Comm(ssion dated Februar•y 2b~ 1979 was presertted, nottng subject property is an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of app~oximately 2.8 acres located south of the Riverside Fre~.w+ay~ having a frontage of approximately 1+55 feeC on the east side of Tustin Avenue and having a maximum depth of approximately 479 feet; tt~at the applicant requests a retroactive extension of time for Gonditional Use Perm(t No. 1593 which was approved by the Planning Cortmission on Februa ry SE~ 19)6, to permlt a motel-restaurant-coffee shop comp)ex with Na(ver of m;,ximum allowed buildi~g height~ SubJect to several conditions being satisfied prior to the issuance of a building permit or within a p~riod of one year~ whlchever occurred first (payn~ent of tree planting fees, bonding for engineering requirements alnng Tustin Avenue, deeding to the City of the riqht-of-way along Tustln Avenue~ and filing of a parcel map if the subJect ,~roperty were 2/26/79 MINUTCS~ ~N~NEIM CITY PLAf~NING C~MMISSION~ FEBRUARY 2G~ 1h79 79-17~ NO RECOMMENUATI O-IS - 17CM E(cont Inued) to k~e divlJed) ~ and nc~ne ~f Chr, prtc~ding cond(tions I~eve ber.n satlsfied; tl~at a~+rrvtous twc~-yea~ rutroact(ve exte.nsi~n of time was granted by the Pl~nntng Corrntsslon on Oecembesr 5~ 1977~ to explro February lis~ 1`)79; ancf th~t the applicant st++tes thc conditlons have not been n~t because of difftcultic*.s encounte:red In corn~,leting constructlon plans~ IAnd trensfers And eas~~munt .icdlcations. ACTION: Cnmmissioner King offe.red a irx~ti~n~ seconded by Commiss(cx~er Tular and MOTION CI~1ftRIED~ th~3t thc llnahctm Ci ty Pl~nninq Commission cSc~eg herehy grAnt a one-year extenslon uf time for Conditlonal Use Pern~lt Na. 1~9}~ to ex~~frc February lr;~ 1~&1, F. RECLASSIFICAT1011 NU. 7.~-7G-~;(9~ ~ Request for approval of speciFfc plans. Commissloner Kln~ dEClared t~ the Chairn,an a poss(ble conflict of interest as defin~:,d by Anahcim Clty Plannin9 Lomrnisslon Resolutian f~o. PC?6-1!;7, ad~nttng A Confltct of Interest Code for ;he Planniny Corn~nission~ and Government Code Section 3625 ct seq.~ tn that he owns Paclfic Lighting Corporatlon stock and Paciflc Ltghtlnc~ owns Dunn Propertles, and, pursuant to thr. E,rovisic~ns pf the abave cocles, declared to t~~e Chairman that he wa~s wlthdra~ing fr~m the hearing ~nJ would not take part in either the disGUSSIon or the vating thercon and that he ha~f not discusscd this matter with any member of thc PlAnntng Commission. Tl~e staff report to khe Planning Comrnisston dated Fehruary 2G~ 1~7~~ was presented~ noting subject property is a rectangularly-shape~i parcel ~F land con5lstin~~ ~f approximately 0.3 acre fiaviny a fronta~;e of ~pproxim~Cely 1!i~~ feet on ttie nort-i sldc of Le Palma Avenue~ having a maximum clepth of appr~~xin~ately 230 feet. and heiny located approximat~.ly 23?. feet west of the centerline of Ma~~nolia Avenue; [liat the apt~licant requests approvAl of specl~ic plans; ancJ that {taclassi ficatl~n No. 73-7~~-55 was anproved, in part. by the City Council o~ June 25~ 1`?7; on tl~e basis o` submitteJ conceatual plans which proposed a unlfled comr-ercial cent~r and subject to the condition that final specific plans be approved, Subsequently~ specific plans were submitted and f~und to be substantially different fram tt~e ori~inal plans; t-~us the reclassification was readvertised for the Plannln~~ Commission mecting of January 19. lg7~i, an~i at th~[ meeting the Planning Commissiun approved ne~~ conceptual plans which pruposed 11 separate commerctal lots and also approv~:d s~~~:ctftc ~l;,ns f~r three of the 11 l~ts; that Resolution No. 76R-65~ adopted by the Clty Co~encil in corjunctlon with the advertised reclassiflcation, includes the conditian that f(nal specific plans be submitted to the Planniny Co+nn,ission and Gity Council for review and approval; and that specific plans have been submitted dnd approved for seven of the lots under Reclassification t~o, 73~7~+-55. (t was noted submitted plans (ndicate a propos~.l to construct a two-story, 12~544-square fc~ot office buildin~ with vehicul~r access to be provlded via prevlously-approved~ 25-foot wide rectprocal access easements alony the northerly and westerly buundaries of subject property~ with primary atcess at La Pelma Avenue; that submitted plans indicate 51 parking spaces in c~nforrnance with Codc standards; and that suumitted plans ind(cate conformance with all CL site developnrent standards and no details relative to ~roposed signing have been s~mttted. ACTtON: Commissioner aarnes offered a motion~ seconded by Ccxnm;ssioner Oavtd and MOTION G~D (Cortwnissianer King abstainPrg), that the Anaheim Gity Planning Commisslon does hereby recortxnend to the City Council that specific plans be approved far Reclassification No. 73-74-5;(9) . 2/26/79 i 1, MINU'fES, AI~Al1E1M CITY PLAI~NING GUMMISSION, FEBRUARY 26~ 1979 7~-1)~ G. A~P,MdONMENT N0. d-2iiA • Request to aband~n the City's exlstl~g r!ght to llmit veh~cu aT rc ess ram 9e11a Vlst~~ Street to appl{cant's pr~perty locatad at the northerly terminus of Bella Viata Str~aet. The ~taff report to the Pldnntng Gommission dated Febru~ry 2G~ 19~9 wes submEtted~ noting the roquest Ia to ab~ndon the Clty's e~xlsting ~lyl~t to limlt vehlcular access from della Viste St~eet to the eppltcant's property loceted at the nortl~erly terminus of Bella Vtsta Street; that thls rsquest hes been revlewed by ol) conce rned depertments of the City and approval is recoms~ended; tf~at the appl icant hes requ~sted the ebandonrtx,nt baseJ on his requlrement ta meet Condltion t~o. ~ of Reclassiflcation No. 76-77-4a wl~ich scates that the awner shall apply for~ and puy all co,ts of, an abandonmcnt by thc Cicy af thc vchicula~ access rights to Belle Vista StrPee; tliat he must have the access rlghts because he has extended Bella Vista Street into hIs property and the er,tension includes dedicatlon and constructton of a standard cul-de-sac~ whEth has been comploted; and thAt an envi~onmenta) reviav of the request for abendonment Indicates It tc be tateqorically exempt from tha requtrertwnt of filing an EIR. ACTION: Commtssloner Tolar offered a motion, seconded by Commissloner Kl~g and M071QN R ED~ tliat the Anahelm Clty Planntng Commission cbes hereby recommend to che Clty Councll that Aband~nrr~nt Wo. 7a-2G/1 b~ approved as recommenJe~l by the City Cnglneer. ADJOURNMENT There being no further buslness~ Commissioner Tola~ offered a motion~ seconded by Commissioner Y.tng and MOTION CARRI~U~ that tl~c mneting be adJourned to the work session scheduled for Marcii 5~ 1~ 79~ at 7:0~ p.m. in the Cauncil Chamber. Yhe meeting was adJourned at 5:20 p.m. Respectfully subm(tted~ _J ~,/1 ;, , ~i~t~f~ ~'l ~. .....,~ Edi th L. Ilarris ~ Secretary M aheim City Ptanning Cortmission ELIi :hrn 2/26/79 ~ . ,` j .. . . ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' . ~ . . . ' . . ~~' . .. .i. ~. . ..~~~ _ -_ -