Minutes-PC 1979/08/13Ctty H~I1 M ahetm~ Caltfornta August 13~ 1979 REGULAR NEETING OF TME ANAIIEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION REGULAR - The regulsr meeting of the Anaheim Clty Plannim9 ~Aumi~st113~w197~alindthe MEETING order by Chalrman Pro Temrorc Tolar a~c 1:3~ P• ~ 9 Councl l Ch~rtber, a quorum baing present. PRESENT - Commissioners: Oev(d~ Fry, Nerbst~ King. Toler ABSENT • Commisstoners: Ba~•nes~ Bushore ALSO PRESENT - Ronald Thort~son Jack White Jsy T) tus Annike Santalahtl ~ay Tashiro Dean Sherer Edlth Nar~is Plsnning D~rect~~ Ueputy Clty Attarney Office Engtnecr A~sistent Dlrector for Zoning Associate Planner Zoning Representat~ve Planning Commission Secretery PLEDGE OF - The Pledge of Alleyiance to the Flag was 1ed by Conmisstoner ~svid. ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF - Commissl~ner F:iny offcred a motton, snconded by Commissloner David ond TN~ MINUTES MOTION CARRIEp (Commissloners Barnes end Bus~ ~vedtas submittedthat the minutes of the m~eeting of July 30. 1979 be ePP ITEM N0. 1 '~'E'~~D RECOMMEN UAT t QNS Cheiranan Pro Tcmporc Tolar explain~d that the Reports and Racomme~dat(ons Items are listed as Item No. 1 0~ the agenda and that those items whtch need to be discussed wt{1 be heard at ~tlebE^dtscussedpafter therpublicc ear(~95furTM~~follc~wing~RelportstandNRecommendations wou staff ~aports w~~e p~esented, but not read. D. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. sas~ - Request for term(naiicx~. Jerry L. Poe requtsts term nat on o Co~ t ona Use Permlt No. 1881 which was granted to permlt an auton+obf le detslling shap at 816 North Maheim Boulevard. ACTION: Commissioner KOng offered Resolutton No. PC79•167 and moved for Its passage and adoption. that the Maheim City Planni~g Commission does hereby grant te rn-inatton for Condttional Use Permit No. `881• On roli call, the foregoing resolution was passed by xha foilowing vote: AYES: COMhSIS~IONERS: DAVID~ FRY. HERBST. KlNG~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NUNE ABSENT: COMMISSIONEI~cS: BARNE5. BUSHORE 79-579 8/13/79 ~ , rfi_ MINUTES~ ANANEft~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, AUGUST 13~ 1979 79'S~ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATION~ (continued) E. CONDITIOI~AL USE PERMIT Nn ~(,2 - Reque~t fo~ terminatlon. C. D. Conrad~ Mennen Industrles. Inc. requ~+sts terminatlon of Conditional Use Permlt No. 1625 which was g~antad to permlt on-sale alco~~oltc beverag~s 1n a ladge at 2131 East aall Road. ACTION: Commissloner King offered Resolutlon Na. PC7!~-16a and moved for Its pas ge and adoption~ thai the Anaheim City Planning Cortimisslon does hereby g~ent terminatfon of Canditional Use Permit No. 1(>25. On roll call~ thc foregoinq resolution was passed by the follawing vote: AYES: COMMI SS 1 aNERS: UAVI U, FaY ~ ~~ERI35T, KI f~G. TOLAR NO~S: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE Af35ENT: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, kiUSHORE F. Rf: UFST FOR GENERAL PLAH AMENUMENT HEARING DATES - 1- A 70-ecre parcel loceted on t e sout s de o Senta Ana Canyon Road~ southwest of Welr Cany~n Road; and II - A 2JS~acre parcel on the east and wost sides of uelr Canyun Road~ north of the Rtverstde Freeway. ACTIO~~: Commtssloncr Herbst uffered a rrx~ti~n, secondad by Commisstoner King end MATI tl CARRIEU (Comm~ssioners Barnes and (~ushore being abs~nt)~ that the Anahcim City Planning Commission does hereby aet the public hearing date of September 24~ 19J9~ for both requr~sted General Plan amendrn~nts. ITEM N0. 2 CON71~tUE0 PUBLIC I~EARING. EMKAY BUSINESS CENTRE/ ~~~E '~VE DEGLARAT I ON ANAl1E I M~ c/o Emkay Deve 1 opr.tien t ConPan; , P. 0. CONOITI~NAL USE PERMIT N0. 2001 Box z39~, -~ewport Reach~ CA 926G3• Petitioner requests E~ermisston to ESTAGLISH AN ~FFICE USE IN THE: MI. ZONE on propGrty described as an irregularly- shaped parcel of land consisting of approxim~tely 1.5 acres having a frontage of approxi- mately 25~ feet o~ the south side of Pacifico Avcnus~ hevtng a maximum depth of approxi- mately 317 feet, and beiny 1oc:atc~d approximately 312 feet cast of the centerline af Anaheim BoulCVard. Property presently classified ML (INDUSTRlAL~ LIMITED) I.ONE. SubJect petltlon was continued from the meetir~y of July 3~, 1979~ in arder for the pGtltioner to be present. There was na one lndtcating their presence in oppos~tion Lo sub}ect rtquest~ end although the steff report to the Plannin4 Commission dated August 13~ 1979 was not read At Lhe public hearing. (t iy referred to and made a part of the minutes. John Albers. 20d1 Buslness Ce~ter D~ive~ Irvine~ stated thc intended use of thts faciliCy is the State of Califo~nla, Emplaymcnt Uevelopment Uepartrt-ent~ whlcl~ wlll be available for informatlan relating to unemployrrent claims ~s well as various types of counseling for differant candidates s~ek(ng employment, and explained similar facillties a~e currer~tly located in the cittes of Santa Ana~ Garden Grova~ Fullerton and TustiR~ and thai this f~cttlty w111 ~elleve spnee of the load which they are cur~ently ebsorbinc~ for the City of Anshcim. Hn dtscussed the flow o` pc~aple relating to ih~ use of the parking and explalned there will be approximately 8f1 available parking spaces at the facility; that they anticipa4e having 50 emplayees and~ from past experience et thelr othe~ locetions~ typically ~O1 of their employees drives thnir own vehicles and thG others car-pool or use p~ltc t~ansportation so that 3~ to 3~ spaces v+il1 be used by thelr employees; that 8/13/79 ~ ~ ~ ~~~g 79~581 MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ AUGUST 13~ Efa NEGATIVE DECLhRATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2001 (continued) lndividuals vlsitin9 the facitptihQe^9ocess~of~fijing~~ cleim~oraseektng~Job-~elated~ dre seeking informatlon relatiny P information~ whlch takes from five to ten minutes; thAt there are two counseltng aress avstlable for Job-relatcd intr.rvlews sn~J that ti,ose are scheduled for one couns~11n9 sesston par hour; that tl~ere are 20ae) ~g~%bfi~l Ce~Y4 ~OOrpeoP ~pPe~hd"Y ~o~' ~^tohtht faci 1 I ty spaces requ) ~•ed for that use; that pp in order to file claims for app roximately a 3~~-mfnute perlod and. calculated on an hourly basis~ +:pproxirt-ately 6 spaces sre necessary; that those people comin9 ~n for na+v claim information N1 I1 taf~e epproxlmately ten minutcs, or 3~+ P~P~~ an hour over e nine-hour pc~tod requlres ~+ spaces. He felt the ~equ(reme~t of 3G to 40 spaces for the employees ~nd 3~+ to 3~ ~Paces for the peuPfe~vP~e~~n~~e`~statedtthelr~other facilitles,inbchegcounty be adeq~ate with the 80 spaces p are nat exp~rlenciny a park{ns probl~m. 7NE PUBLIC HEARING wA5 CLOSED. Cummissioner iierbst r~fionGaf~thehproperrtyse dithat the adJoin~{ngupropertyEr+ou~dhhave no wi 11 be for only a port accoss and would be landlock~d. Qouglas Ande~~on~ Emkay Business Csntre/Anahelm~ P.6. gox 2390~ Newport N~ach, explafned approximately 1.5 acres of the property will be used for thls proJect. He explatned khe access p~oposed for thc ad)oininy propercy. polnting out on the plans that the property would not be lendlocked and that circulntlon will be provide~ ort-site. He explntned they own the entlre p~~p~~ty lncluding the edjoining parcel. Commissloner Totar asked Mr. An~erson if the parking woul~ be adequate late- if this p~operty is used for some °u~rcmentelsfoncaspace per 250 square~fe~t~,1whlch would b~a office bullding parking req requlreme~t of epproximately 60 to 64 parking spaces. Commissloner -ierbst refer~e~ withimarkingabeingiasprob~~er citles where he has seere large masses of peop ~e i n the ere P 6ob Tompkinson~ Manager of the Gard+en Grove Employment Development Department, explained their procadure was cha~geS ~~~Fnorlo gernsurrounded byacarst checks are mailed to clatmants and their afti Cumml ss ioner Herbst wss ~~~ `~°~xt r~sged ~S and Mr~uTornpki nso~e i ndl catednhe~di dnnaththink heard there has been oppostt P tho decision would be changed. Commlssioner Oavld asked ~~" '"a^would'Ge fi ledi indcxte vr~~ekeandathatrtheywouldaexp~e~tiad ~pproxlmately 500 ~0 70~ claim~s larg~ portlon ot thelr clalms to came from the Fullerton and Orange o~fices~ and that the Anah~eim people would be bette~ served. ACTiON: Canmisstoner KI~g offsne~dgus~re~being absent~Y that'the~Anaheim C~tyµPlannfng CAk IED (Cammissloncrs Ba m as Commtsslon has rEViewed~t$e Pf~~~ Bfly shapedtparcelfofcland iconsis~ingiofuepP roximateiy Limited) tone located o 9 1.5 acras having a froncac~~ •~•f approximately 250 feet on the south s{de of Paci Ico Ave~~Ue, heving s r~aximum dep*h ef approximateiy 317 fcet~ and bai~9 ~°~~t~ovapt eXN gative 312 feet east of thc centerline of Anaheim Boulevard; e~d does fiereby app ,'1ec~aratton fram the requirement to prepare an envtronmentai impact report on the basis 8/t3/79 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING GOMMIS510N~ AUGUST 13~ 1979 79•5A1~ EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONOITIONAL US~ PCRMIT N0. 2Q01 (conCtnued) that there would be no si9ntficant Indtvidual or cumulattve adverse envi~onmentel Impect due to the approval of thls Negative Declaration alnco the A~~helm ~~~~ra) Ptan deslynetea the subJeGt property for general industrial land uses •~mnensurnte with the proposel; thst ~o se~sitlve enviro~mental tmpacts are (nvalved in thc ,m posel; that the Inftial Study submttted by the petltton~r indica -s no slgntflGa~t Indlvidusl ~~r cumulative adverse envlronmentAl impncts; anJ th~t the Neg~tlve Decleratlon substentlating the foregolnc~ ffndfngs Is on fi1~ In thu City af An~~~eim Planning be~ertme-nt. Cornnissioner Kiny offared ResolutiAn No. PC7~t-1~9 end mc~ved for Its passage and adaptlon~ that the Anahcim Clty Planning Commisslon dc~es hrrehy g~ent Pett[lon for Conditlonal Use Permlt No. 2001, subject 2o Interdrpartmcnta) Comnttt~c recommendatlons. On roll call~ the foroyoiny resolution was passed hy the f~linwing vot~: AYCS: COMM15510-~ER;: pAVID~ FRY~ HrR1iST, KING, TOL/lR NOCS : COMN 1 SS 10'~ERS : NONC AUS[NT: GOMM15SIc)NERS: uARNf5. UUSIIORE ITEM N0. PUl3l.IC IIEAfIING. 0'~NER: H. fi. CQRPORATION~ Sy2Q ~~ ~ VE DECLAMT101~ L:~rtio+i Avenue~ Lon~ Beach~ C~ .,~fZ07. Petltloner 1 . -$0-10 requests ~eclasst~icatl~n of property described as '-`~' a rectangularly-sha~ed parcel of )and consisttng o~ approxin~ate!y O.E' acr~ heving r frontage of approxt- mately 11~ feet on the s~utl~ siue of 9ali Rood~ having ~ maximum depth of approxtmetety 277 fcet~ being located epproximatcly 529 feet west of the centcrline of Beech Boulevsrd, and further descrlb~d es 3040 West BAII fb ad~ frcxn thc RS-A-43~bU~ (RESIDCNTIAL/ AGRICULTURl1L) ~O~~E TO TNE CL (CONMEaC1AL, LIMITCU} ZONE. There was no one indlcatiny their preaence In oppos~tton to subject requast~ and alihough the staff rep~rt to thc Planning Comrnisston dated August 13~ 1~79 was not read at the public hearlny, (t Is refe~red to and made a part of ihe mtnutes. Bnb brown stated they propose to b uild a 1C.~250 square foot ~fflce butlding; thst the property is current~y occupied by two homes on Ball Road and Heach anul~vard and they feel thls wtl) be a si~~nificant upgraCe to the area; that one of the homes (s cur~ently abandoned; thet thls will be a nice development and the adJacent pro~erti~s are developed as commercial at the present timr_; and that the proJect will be well landsceped and rt:ests cade requirementS and wI11 pravide needed off(ca spaces. T~1E PUBLI C 11EAR1 NG WAS CLOSEO. Commtssioner Herbst pointed out ttie mobi lehome: park adJotntng subJett property and the trash dlsposel area adJace~t to that property~ and referred to the fact thet only one to two fcet of landscaping are proposed, and Mr. Qrarn stated there are two to th~ee feet of landscaping proposed. i.ommissloner Herbst stated he did nat aant the cars abutt(ng the fence and pointed out normally tn residentlal areAS a widcr landscaped buffer is requi~cd~ and the mobilehomes a~e residenttal u~its. He stated he recognizes the hours of operation are limited to daytime use. Mr. srown steted they could look at the plans~ but when he had presnnted the. plana, that subJect had nnt been dtscussed~ but thrt he wauid be willing to stipulate to provide at least one extrs foat of landscaping edjacent to the mobilehome park. 8I13/79 MINlJT~5~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMNISSION~ AUGUST 13~ 1'~79 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATlON AND RECLASSIPICATION N0. ]9•80-10 (continue d) 79•583 AC~TIO,N: Commisslo~er King otte~ed a motton~ ~econded by Commissloner Davld end MOTION CARRIED (Comml~sioners Darnes and Bushc~re betng ~bsent)~ that thr Anahelm City Plannfng Commi:ston has revtc+ved thc proposal to reclessify the property f~om the RS-A-43.OA0 (Rresldenttal/AgriculkurAl) Zone to the CL (Commercial~ Ltmlted) Zon e ~n a rectsngularly- sheped parcel of lond conststing of approximately 0.8 acre havinc~ e frontage of appr~xim+~tely 118 feet on the south sicie of 8~11 Rusd~ havtng a maxtmum depth of approximetely 2)7 feat, end bein9 located epproxirt,atsly ~28 fect west of the c~nterline of Beacl~ E3oulevard; and doas hareby epprove tli~ Negativc Uoclaration fram the requlrement to prepero •n envlronmr,ntal lmpact roport an tf~e Dasis that there would be n~ st9nifieant Ind(vldual or cumulativu advr.rse environmentel impact due to the ap prova) of thls Negative Declaratlon since che Anahelm Genc.~al Plan cksi~~nate~s the subJeGt p~o{~erty for genere) conxnercla) lsnd uses conlrr~nSU~Ate with thc proposal; lhat no sensltive envlranmenta) impacts s~e involved in tl~e pro~-asal ; that the Ini ttal Study suhmt tted by the petl tianer indicatas no stgnlftcant individuai or cumulativc odverse envtronn-ental Impacts; and that the Nagative Declaret(on substantfating thc fareg~iny f(ndinys ts on filc (n the City of Anahelm PlAnning D~partmcnt. Commissloner Kln~ offered Resolutfon No. PC77-1G~ and mnved for tts passaye end adoptton~ that the Anaf~elm City Plenniny Commisston does hereby e~rant Petttion far Reclasstftcation No. 79-d~-10~ subJect t~ the petltlaner's stipulntion At th~ public hearlnq to provide three feet of lendscapinq adJacent to the rnobi Ict~ome pc~rk on the east property l lne~ and subJect to Interdepertmenta) Committee recommencfat(ons. On ro11 call~ the foregoing resolution was passad by the following vote; AYES; COMMl5510NkRS: DAVID~ FRY~ NERDST~ KING~ TOLAft NOES: COMMiSSIUNCRS: ~~ONE ABSENT: COMMI SS 1 C~t~ERS : DARNES ~ DUSNORE ITEM N0. ~+ PUBLiC f1EARING. OWNER5: LAKEVIEw PIAZA INVESTMENT ~T~,'1~~~RICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 1 C0. ANO CANYON PLAZA DEVELOPMENT CO.~ 161 Town and I ~~.~- Country~ Q~anqe~ CA ~2f~6~, AGEN7; WILLIAM J. JANANT~ 444 NorCh Lakevla+~+ Avenue~ Anaheim~ CA 92807. Petitioner requcsts ON-SALE BEER AND WINE IN AN EXISTING RESTAURA-~T on prope~ty descrlbed as an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consistln~ of approximacely 3.1 acres located north and east af the northeast o~rner of McKtnnon Drive and Laiceview Avenue, havtng approximate frontages of 119 feet on the north side of McKinnon Drl ve and 248 feet nn t~ie east side of Lakevte.w '••enue~ ~nd further descrlbed as 444 No~•th Lakevlew Avenue. Property presently clessiried CL (COMMERCIAL, LIMITEO) ZONE. There was no one indlcating their presence in opposi~tan to subJect ~equest~ and although the staff report to the Pianning Comm6sslon dated August 13~ 1979 M+as not read a~ the pubtlc h~a~ing. It is referred to and made a part of the minutes~ Nilti~m J. Jah~~it~ a~e~t~ was prestnt to answer rn; questions. THE PUBLIC HEARIWG WAS GLOSED. It was noted the Planning Dtrector or his authorized rep~esentative has determined that the proposed preJect falls within thd deftnltion of Categor(cai Exempttens~ Class i~ as deflned in paragraph 2 of the City of M aheim Envtronmental Impsct Report Guidelines and is, therefore, categorically exen~pt from the ~equirement to prepa~a an EIR. 8/13/79 ~ 4 MINUTES~ ANAHEiM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ AUGUST 13~ 1~79 7`~~5$~ ~Ia CATEGORICAL EXEMPT'ION-CLASS 1 11ND GONDITIONAI USC PERMIT' NQ. 2005 (c~ntinued) ACTIO~~c Gomrnisslone~ tiorhst offcrcd Res~lution No. PC1~'lf,l and movcd for its p~s~age ~end a~t~on~ that tlin Anaheim Clty Pla~~ning Commission does hereby grant Petitton for Co~ditlone) Use Permit Na. 2~05• s~,b]ect to the petitioner'~ stlpulation thr[ the hours ~f operatlon wlll typlcally ba i..3~ a,m. tu 1~):QO p.m.~ MonJay through ~hursday; 6;3~ a.m. to 11;p~ ~,m.~ FrldAy and Setur~iey; and 7:30 ~~.m. to 10:00 p.m.~ Sundey; and subJect to Interdopartmental Commi ttc~e• recommen~iatlons. On roll cell~ the foreyoiny resolutlon was passed by tho. following vote: AYCS: CONMISSIO~IERS: OAVID, FRY~ IIER(3ST~ KIf~G~ T~LAR NQ~S : COMHI SS I ONf. RS : NONE Af35E.NT; C011MI SS I Ot1ERS : 6ARNC5 ~ OUStiORF. ITEN N0. ; PUBLIC ~IEARING. OW'IER: LA PfiLMA BUSINESS PARY., E I R t~ ~'~ E~GA VE DCCLIIRATI ON P.0. [~ox f>348 ~('renge ~ CA y2667. A~~NT; JOSEPr~ t ~ ~ a p~ ~,~(, DO`~tiLUSON~ 25~~o Jeronlnx~ Road~ A100~ Mlsston VleJo. CA 92691, Petitloner requests permission to ESTABI I SM A fYM1i115T 1 CS ~1CACf.HY 1 N TNE ML ZONE on property dcscrlbe~f fls a rectang~:larly-shaped parcel of lAnd cansisttng of approximately 1.2 acres I~cate~l at the northwest corner of 1lhlte Star Avenue and Arrian~~~~ Strcet~ heving approxlmatc frantayes of 1~2 feet on t~~e northeast side of Nhite 5tsr Avenue~ and 275 Fcet on the northwest side of Armando Street~ and fur[her ~icscribed as 1Q1; North Armando Street. Property presently clossified ML (INOUSTRIAL~ LIMITED) ZONC. There wns one person ii~~(catin~ hrr presence in o,^~sttton to sub}ect request~ and alth~ugh thc staff raport td the Planning Commissi ~ '~d August 13~ ~973 was not re ad at the public hcaring~ It is rr.fcrre~! to and ~ode a part ` the minutes. Jaseph D~naldson~ A~Cft~~ stated the ~e~uesi is to allow a Cathy R(gby Gymnastics Aca demy in Anaheim to train younq athtietes tn gymnastics on a local~ nettonal~ And international level at lOla North Armmnda Street~ wi~lch ls in the La Palma Business Perk adJac~nt t o the Rivers~~ic• Freeway; that the facility is a 12~>(10 square foot buildir.g anr+ tha~ Approxtmately 2;ci0 squ~re feet would be used in office space~ with the rcmalnder betr.g used as a yym witt~ a pad under a carpeted area, He explained they currently nperate e facility tn M(ssion VieJo and have bcen there for ~pproximatcly two ycars and have b een very successful in Gonducting a safe and praductive operetlon; that ihey have hand- ptck.ed coaches and train five-year-ald ~irls and ~lder; that th~y offer a beginntnq pragram as well as an advanced pragram and they have a competitive team of a~proxirnately 2Q ~irls who have co~peted for ap~roxlmately one year ana have been very successful with twc,~ Cla ss 11 state champlons and a second place~ Class 111 state team champtonship; that the Hission vie,jo facility is open primarily in thc evenings and Saturdays and they plan the samG hours for this facility; tliat the eight training groups ar~ limitcd to eight scuden t s~ for a total of G4 students at the facllity at one time; that the students arrive ~t the stheduied Glass Lime and are limitcd Co twa-hour workouts; tht+t th re is 3 30-r~inute break between sessions to relieve the traffic congestion; and that thEir training is prima rily for school-a,ye chimdr~n~ 8n3~[Pemt;e~nda j throu~Fi3Thursdayftandton Saturdayst fromc8~i hours from 4:~0 p Y `~ ~ a.m, to 3:3~ ~.m• Mr. Uonaldson explained on June 18~ 1979~ a request was denied by the Planning Commission for this u~e on property located at the corner of La Palma and Tustin Avenues prima ~Ily because of the traffic sltuation; tliat they have reevaluated their needs wlth the carrnunity needs and feel this facility is much better suited For both; and that this property has already been approved for mixed ~ommercial and industriat uses under 8/ 13179 ,,:,~ .,.:, , ,. .,. . . ..- ~ ,..:,n;. . - - _ .,r,y..~.~.~ . ««z~x;~,,... . ~ 79-585 MINUTES~ ANAt~EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN~ AUGUST 13~ 1~79 EIR NE:Gl1TIVE DECLAMTIO~~ AND CONDITIOt1AL USE PlRMIT N0. 2006 (co~tinur.d) Condttlanal Usc Permit No. 1~I31 app~oxlmately one ye~r ago~ and there is ~ Ilmlted amount of commercial usa in the proJect and there are two lats of the b usiness park tnv~tved (lots 7 and 2)~ snd thls ~articuler bulldiny is located on the f ~inge Area of the. industrlal zone. I~e stetc~l ~~enlal of th~ origlna) request wes on the basis of the existinq zonln!~ and extsttn~ and futurc trafflc In the arca~ end thay fce) the proposed slt~3 wil) not creatP any problr.ms In that re~nrcl. Ho stat~d th~ oriylnal re~uest ot La Pelma and Tustin had 1G prrk(nq spaccs prepoSed ancl thts site has 2~ spaces. 11~ statQ~i it has becn thclr experlen~e that after thc flrst c~r socond traininc~ session with new stu~lents~ tha parents wlll drup tho chlld off and pick hlm up whrn thc session I~ ovcr~ ~nd [hey feel no problems wi l l bc encounterc~l and have hed no traffic or p~rkiny ~roblan,s where they are presently located t~nd have only 1~+ parking sP+~~~'•Si ~~~un(t~,~~n~iewo~ul! li~kcito requrst Pla~nn(n~~Cnom~isslonrapp~oval.s tyP~ for the Anahel n Y Cathy Rlyby Mrson~ P.O. E3~x i;OhF~~ San Bernar,iino, st~tPd she has been involved in gymnastics fo~ 17 years as a competitur~ a coac~-~ an~~ televislon cammentator enci as she travels around the ~nited Stncr.s~ as we11 as Californi~, she finds t.here Is a qreat demAnd for thfs sport and people ~~e'•~Skin!~ ha~r and where tahi ~er yf~themr,asticciclubsnvolved; that there are a lot of gymna,ts aroun~f the country Y 9Y ava( laGle; t-~ac the benef) ts ~re c,hvlous - t~~c d{sclpl ine ar~ci ~~~t~uttall ov~rdthe~worldCe to trrvel t~~ ~iifferent gy~nastic rncets~ nut only in thl; country because tl~ey nvw have a natioi~al sponsor that qives ov~r Sl mi 1 llon to 9Yr~nestics; that no matter whc,:her the gym~ast is a[ the heglnninr c~r a~7v~nced lev~:l~ t'~~re Is a great mn~stic to become to[~lly involvc:d and tfiis keeps b ~OL of children out of tro~ole; that gy rneets have onc of the hi~~h~:gt ratinns on television; f~~r example~ the biggest tennis match had seven mi 1 I ion people watching an~1 35 rni 1 I ion ,~e~~F>le watched the biggest gyMnasti cs pr~gran~; that it is not a sport ~eople watch to sec who yets a gold meds) or who wlns. but ~hey watch (t because it is an artistiG event as weli as an athletic event; and that a recent benefit for wom~n tias been college an~i universlty schc+larships. She stated in the future they would like Lo build fivr_ of these trainin~ fac:ilities In thc Oranc~e County ~nd Los Angeles areas~ especially by the 14'ti4 Olymplcs, anci hope to offer ttiese new fecilities to various worla class vtsitin~ tc~drn5 for the nurposc of nre-Oiympic warkouts just ~r~o~ to the Olymp(c yames, lncludfny the United Scatcs women's gYmnestic team~ and this would b~ing a great deal of publicity to the City Uf Anaheim, especially if soneone like ~~adla walked inio tt~e gym. Sh~ft~~fi`kGOmmunity~canSbenP~ovidediwith a bettcrienvironmentrforest f n orde r that tt~e yout thei r future. Carrie CQykendall~ 1533Z East La Palma Avenue~ Anal,ez~n~ stated sf~e had revtr.wed thc plans and felt there wi11 not be enaugh parking spaces ~nd ~~cople wi11 park o~ the other stde of the street where she lives. ShC s[ated also there woutd be an 7ncrease in the traffic on White Star where there are quite a few large trucks, and felt it would be inconvenie~t fur ihe truck driver~ and for h~n Pfor,children't~andhwllletake the ric~htiofewayndandeshetfelt are not accustomed to watc g it would be a safety hazard. Dick Broadway. IPS Lompanies~ stated they are developfng this entire park and tt~ey will be managing it. 11e stated there are 900 parking spaces in the entire park and if this 25 portian ~f the bui lding were to be uti 11 zed for a manufactur~~ or assembly facl l i ty, spPCes would be requlred. Ne statecl tt~ey are convinced from lo~ktng at the droximatelyhl4 petitioner's Mission VfeJ~ faci 1 i ty that this operation wt 11 onl - requi re app to 1? spaces and fel t adequawi ,Pan~~ dro~pedroffdand plckedPup~ sodthat hererwt l l i be not be walking to the bullding and children walking through the park. 8/ 13/79 ~ .. ~ ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMiSSION~ AUGUST 1;, 1979 79-5g6 CIR NEGATIVE DECUIMTION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0, 2006 (continued) TNE PU6LIC HCARING WA; CIOSED. Chalrman Pro Tempore Tol~r asked the hours of ~~ncratio~~ end M~. Donaldson expletned the hours af ope~ation are from 4;~0 p.m. to 8;3~ p.M.; that the flrst scxstan fs from 4:0~ p.m. to 6:Ot) p.m. ~ wi th a ha) f~hQUf bree~. ~ anci the seco~d sess (nn begins et 6; 30 p.m. an~1 rnds at $:30 p.m.; that there ~re F~4 studcnts ~resent at one tirne and most of the pMple tend to come from the res(dentiel sectlons and a l~t live in the sartws ereas; and that they usually have ca~ pools of un to faur or fivc• students sa they have n~ver had a traffic problem. No explatnecl thcy opcn at f3:3fi s.m. on Srtur~i~y ~nd have tlirce sessions~ endtng at 3:3Q p.m. Chatrman Pro tempore Tolar aske<.1 if th~re Is an obsc~rvatton arco where paronts can watch the~r chl IdrCn, And M; , Donaldson reol ie~i tt-at in th~i r r,xisttng faci I ity they h~ve space for tcn spectators ond pres~nted photonraphs of thP orea which ts on the sCCand Icvel w(th ten se~ts, and stotcd they have vcry seldam had more th~n ten peaple who watch. Mrs. Nason ~xplr~~ned ihey c~~ not recomr~cnJ pareni~. staying to w~~tch becaus~ parents c~et very tnvolvecl and tend to conch their ch(Id from nb~ve. She stated pArents do come to wntch certoin meets; however~ they cics not retommend watGhing on a daily basls. Chairman Pro Tempore Tolar asked ah~ut tl~c meccs~ how often thcy are held~ and hnw rr~ny peop~e attend. Mr. Donaldson replled any lar~c meets are usually held at a htgl~ schoo) where there Is ava(It~ble seattng becaus~ thcir gym fs used for crain(n~ ~n an every~lay basis. Ne stated normAlly the meets are t~eld un wee~.cnds~ preferably on Sundays~ and that the d(fferent clubs in t~ie areas host the mect and tfiey have hosted ~ne in their existtng faciltty. He stated the r~ee[s arc not lield during school hours. He kxpla(ned ev~ery three months students arc put thro~yh ~ test~ng pro~~rar~ And aft^r the testtn~ is ov~r, .ertt~tn ones are moved to a hlghcr levGl and tl~~rc is an awarcls pr~yram when the parents tan come and obscrve tt~elr child being moved to the hlgher level. Ne s~ated these awards programs are alw~ys held on Sunday end t-~e businesses in th~: »rcos are not aprretfrn3 on Sunday~ and that thny would usually h~ve approximately 40 chtl,lren with tl~eir parGnts at these awards programs , Bon P~uett, represen;ing the Industrlal Committec ~f the Chamber of Gortn~erce, Anaheirt~~ skated later on today's a~,7enda therF is en issue involving the problCms wh~tch have haen enca+j~*_red tn tl~e tndustrial areas~ and r~c~mmr,nded that the Planning Commission Cnns(der that item bsfore n decision is made on this requsst. tie stated he rccognizes the fact that wfiet is t ry inq to be donc here ls cr~od becausc many thlldren ere getting (nvalved (n gymnastics, but felt it wauld be best to hold off or~ thts decislon. f~e referred to An tncick nt in the Clty Af Uronge wttl~ a cont(nuAtion high schoo) beinc~ placed in an tndust~ia) erea and somcthin~ unh~e~lthy fo~ t,oth partles had arfsen as a resutt of that sttuatlon, Ne st~ated the Chember of Conrnerce's position regarding the industria! arees has been we 1 1 es tab 1 i sheJ and Lha t~he are not o Y pposed to conditlons! uses In en industrial ~reo~ but arc icx~kin~ for cor~atible uses ahich dc~ not confiict with the goals and objectives of the fndustrial areo. Fle stated Anahelm does have strcxi~~ first-class industrial are~s and industri~lists are attracted to Lhis area becouse ~f those ftrst- class areas. He pointcd out the Planning Commisslon has been undercaktr~g e ttudy of the probl~ms and a recommendation ts on the agendr later tod.~y Nhicfi wtll be settin~ a policy whlch affects this declSlvn, and felt it ts too bad it i, at the end of the meeting rather than at the beginntnc~. tors~misslcx~er David asked Mr. Pruett tf he would say this use would present an intrusien into the lndustrial orea. 8/13/79 ti ~ .. MINUTES~ At~A~IEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ AUGUST 13~ 1Q79 1`1'~61 EIR NEGATIVE DEGLARAI'ION AP~D CONUITIOi~AL USE PERMIT N0. 200G (contlnucd) Mr. Pruett stetcd the Gomr~~ittce has not looke~.i at tl~is part(cula~ ~arccl ~ but based on sume af the things brouqht up at the study sesslon as to whether or not the economlc base of this use is depencient u~on the industrial communlty~ -~~* could honestly answer that it would be an intru!+ion, tle 5tatea th~ ~ses allc~red shoulci be campatihle us~s which scrv(ce the industrlnl c~mmunlty,sincc: tliay hove to Iive together. ~ie felt if the Planning C~xnrnisslon were t~ poll tt~c fnduscr(al usprs tn t~~c area~ tf~ey would flnd industrlallsts are cc~ncernr.d sbout tl~e uxcs which would tnvolve chlldren in che area. D(c~. ~roaciway stated thls usc Is part of a?S-acrc ~~v~r~~ll proJcct Ana thr,y arc comfc+rtab le w( th this use ~n~ do not feel i t intrucfcs onto the( r other tenants. 11r. stated he bcl(evcd a 9Ymnasclr_s facillty is pcrmltted with e condltlonal use p~rmit In thls zone~ and the only zon~ wh ich speci f( col ly al laws clii s usc I s th~e C11 (Commerct nl ~ Neevy) Zo~e end it IS his understn~~~ne~ ttiat thr.re is no vac~int CII zoning In the Clty of Anaheim. Chafnnan Pro Tem~orr 1'olar remtnde~i the Commisslon the~e Is no speciflc r.one where thts use wou~J be alluwe~! an~i R conditional use permii would be required In t~ny zo~e. Commissloner tlert,st stated a conditi~nnl use permit is usually all~wed in an industriel zont whcn the use: would servicc tl~~ Industr(al cc~mmunlty. I~e stated h~ would appase this r~:quest and that hc feels tt~erc is a ~l~ce in Mul~~im for this use~ but would p~efer to see lt in the ~ireo with ott~cr attiletfc facilliie~s in the already developed area rr~und ihe stadium. Ne statc~i this would be an lndustr{al bu(l~.fing used as a school. Hc 5tated thls praperty was primari ly 1~~r.~rd for a furnt turc r~rt wl th furni ture m.~nuf.~ctur~ng~ and that was thc applic9tion before thc Plannin~ C~mmissl~n~ and nov~ other types of uses are be(nq ~eyuested by the oppit~ant. f~e did not thlnk it is right t~ intrudc thls typc of developmen[ inta an in~.iustrial are~~ whcrc^ we arr, tryin~ to pro[ect mi I1 ions of d~l lars alre~dy invested. 11~ felt tt,e use would breo~. de~wn the integri[y of the industrlal aret~. He poi nted ~ut al so t~~~a[ '~Ihi te 5tar Avenue hes v~ry i im( ted access and traff i c probtenr~ ~ and pulnted out this use ~Joes not in any way service tf~e Industriai ccrtmunlty. Ghairman Prn Tempure 7olar staced hc ayc•ecs In conccpt with chG com-nents r*wde hy CoRxnissioner 11e~'t~st regarcJing tt,c Intcgrity of the industria) c~mrr,unity. f1t pointed out, hawever~ studi~s hav~ been done in tl,is area and It is a ciefir,ite qur+si-conmerctal area whlch has been establls~~ed by the natural boundaries f~nm la Palma to tt~e Rlve~side Freeway~ polnting out the miniacure golf course~ the batting cage~ and ~ther faclltties tl~ot are cansidered quasi-conxnercial. t1e stated he does not like t~ s~ee the breokdown thAt fs happening in the (ndustrial ~one and ts gotnry to take whateve.r steps are recessary to correct scxne of the inequiti~s of the spot comrrr.rcial zoning~ particularly on Kraemer Boulevard. He stat~~d~ hawever~ he ha5 a lat of empathy and ~ Zot of concern for the fact that this partlculAr usp from 4:3~ p,r,, to A:3~ p.~• W111 provide less traffic In the industrtAl zone than a pure industrial usc~ and the praperty 1s ~bucting anc! adJoining Lhis quos(-commercla) zone. Ne s:ated he did nat tl~ink thls use would !-urt. viatate~ or dlrect any further reduction of the pure industriai zone and he felt~ in facf. tC would bc a comple~ne:nt to tl~r_ industrial zone. He stoted he had supportcd the gymnestics facility request at 1~ustin snd La Palrtia~ recognlr.inq thrre would be a tr~+ffic circulatton pmblem~ and felt thls locatiqn would be even less of a trafflc problem. Ne stated he dld not see with the hours of operati~~n ttiat this would be a brcak~wn of the indust~ial zone and felt i t might be an eas tar way to stop sar+~~ of th~e traf f 1 c prob lems i n that g~neral area. ~~~ r 1lerbst statcd thc industrlal trafffc in that ar~a (s breaking at ~+:30 p.m. and ~ i already a treme~rbus traffic problem at that time. Chairmen Nro Tempore Tolar statcd the fi rst group of f~t~ Students would h~ve to be ihere by N;O~ p.m. and that some of t~~e students do car-poo! as ind(cated by the petitioner~ and at 6:00 p.m. when the first sesslon Is over, the traffic In the area Is much lighter and he 8/13l79 t MINUTES~ AIIAHEIM CITY pLANNING COMMISSION~ AUGUST 13. ~379 19'S~g EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION MJD CONDITIONAL USE PERMiT N0. 20A6 (continued) dld ~t see thet as a problem. lie felt a pure Industrtal user would Impect thQ area more than thts use. Commissloner Qevid stated tl~e traffic is not thc only portian ~f the cunsideratlon and Is even less ln~~~rtant than other considerati~ns~ such as campettl,illty with the Industrlal users, thr. tax base~ etc.. and felt It was vr..ry loud dnd clerr at thr meetings thet there is a fintte emount of industrial land left and it was pr~determtned tn the Gener~l Plan by ou~ foref~sthers that thts is the tndustrlal hase r~nd that clement in thc Ctty of Anahelm whtch (s very tmportant. Ile stnted from lc~oktng at tl~e pictures ~resented, he se~s a yreet bi<3 yymnaslum or bax~ flnd as~:ed whcre else It woul~i fit end indtcated he did not th(nk it would fit next dnor t~:, a furntt-~re store~ but the overriJing factor is the integrlty of the arca. Ile S~ALC(~ hC sees tlie devrlopcr wanttng to ~et e use on tl~e propr.rty and i~idtcated h~~ has e lot of sym~atl~y for the petitloner~ and stated we do want thls frclllty In the City of Anahelr,~ but did not feel thfs ts the r(e~ht ploce, Chairman Pro Tem~urc Tolar statcd thls type fac(ii~y doe~ nut fit in any place In -lnahelm end wc do nat havc a zone for this type ~f usc~ snd asked tf we arP going to say we don't want the faci 1 i ty ! n Anel~elm bpcause we ;k~ not have a zortie for i t. Commissioner Nerbst st~ted thcrc arE~ lndustr(31 bu(Idings on State Co11Pge~ Dall RQad~ Katell~i~ OrA~~G'+vooel~ etc.~ whlch are def(nitely developed quas(-caRme~rc(al~ ~nd a beautiful h,m dball faclilty wns recently appraved tn that area ancl feit this facility belongs in that ~irea whlch is betn<~ developed for [he athletes because tt ~s alrcady going through a chan~e wt~lch was nnt aniicipated~ and lie di~i not w~nt co sec this happeninc~ to the Northeast Industr(al Arr~a becaucc thc t~us(nesscs there are requesting and dernanding Plenning Com~nissl~n protectl~n of thac area. Chatrman Prc~ Ten-pore Tolar stated we cannot deny tnat we have extsting quasf-canr++~rcial uses alonv La Palma divlded by thc Rlvprslde FrerwaY. Ca~ranlsstoner lierbst strted later c~day th~ C~issi~~n v+i l l discuss ways ta st~p this type of thi~g, Lommissioner Davl~ asked Chalrman Pro T~m~~are Tolar to explain h1a comment regsrdtn~ the exlstiny quazi-cor•m~ercial, and Chairman Pro Tenpore Tolar explained there is a miniatu~e goif course, thp barting eage~ ca~ tr.atk~ etc., tn thAt are~. tie stated he would agree that the are~~ a round the stadium refcrred ta by Comr*isslvner Herbst ts changin~~ but that this ~+rca already has quast-commcrcial uses. Commissioner Herbst stated thc~ question is hav are we goina to stoo tt~is intru3ion and that is the question that wiil be dlscussed lacer c~day. Nc sugycsted this disr.usSfon be continucd until after that matter has been c.onsiciered. Chatrman Pr~ Tempore H~rbst asked the applicanc if he would like to have the matter tabled untll latcr in the heari~i5, M~. Uonaldson stated F~e would have no obJecticx~ t~ waiting unti 1 later in the hcartng, indlcAting they are anxious to iocate a factlity in Anaheim. Ne staced he has heard comrx~ncs releting to the industrial use and stnted he felt we have a responslbiltty to the chlldren of ths cammunlty As well as to the industrfal. tle stated he had evaluated the •rea a mund thc stadiwn. but~ unfortunately~ the majority of ou~ bedroom commimity (s not located in th~t area. 1~e refcrred to the treffic probiems being discussed and p~inted out there are mare iraffic probtems around the stadi~on than in the proposed area and indicated he did not sec trafffc as bctng a problem. H~ stated he sees some people who do 8/13/79 ~ F: ~ ~~~ ~ MII~UTCS~ ANANEIM CITY PLAN~~IN~ COMMISSION~ AUGUST 13~ 1~79 79-589 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION ANU CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO_. 2006 (continued) not want the industrlal land usedfor commerc(al uses~ but felt we owe tt to the chtldren and the tnmmunl ty to al low this typc~ use. ACTION: Commisslonar Herbst offcred a motion~ seconded by Commissioner David nnd MOTION A~RR~I~p (Cormtssioners darnes ~nd Dushore being absent) ~ that the llnatie(m Clty Planning Ccxnmission cfoe~s I~ercby coneinue cons iderati~n of Condi tional Use Permi t No. 2006 unti l thc end of today's ogenda. ~TE~M N~O; 6 PUEiLIC I1E/1P.ING. Ot•lNER: RO4EkT P. WARMINGTON~ EIR NEGATIVE DECI.ARATICN iG532 Nale~ Irvi~e~ Cf~ 9271'+. AGE!IT: ~L TORITO- NT LA FIESTA RESTAURANT~ INC,, f,GG west Daker Street~ ~~~~~~~~T ~~, 20~7 M4~1~ Costa hk sa~ CA 92G16. Petitioner requssts O-~-SALE ALCOHOLIC aCVERAGES IN A RESTl1URANT NITH 1~AIVER OF MINtMUM NUML'ER OF REQUIREO PARKING SPACES on property <lescr(bed as an Irreyularly-shaped parcel of lAnd conslsting of approxlmately 1.4 acres havtng a frontege of approxtmotely 2N~ feet r,n thc south sfde of Ball Roec1, havtng a max+mum depth of appr~xlmatrly 2F>$ fee.t~ being located e~proximat~ly 256 feet eASt of thc centcrline of State Collcge Boulevard~ enJ furthcr described as 2.~2f1 East Eiall R~~~d, Propcrty presently cl.issificd Cl. (GOMMERCIAL. LIM~TED) 7.bNE, There was no one Indicatiny their presenGC in opposltic~n to sub~ect r~quest. and although the staff report to the Planninq Commission datccl August 1'~~ 1~79 was not read at the publtc hcarfng~ tt is refcrrc~J to And madc ~ ~art of thc minutes. Ku~t Evar~s~ repre,cntln~ The llarmin,~ton Co~pany~ aske~i about thr exhibiCS menttonecf (n Conditlon I~o. ? of Lhe (nter+~epar[mcn:al Cammlttce reco~mendaci~~s~ rolnting out that conditlan would be acceptable If those are the pla~s as originally app mved in connection wfth the reclassificatian, Dcan Sherer~ Zonin, Representatlvc, ~~ointed uut the referenced cxhibits are those plans submitted tn conneetic~n wit~~ this appllcation. Comnissi~ncr Herbst p~inted out ttie Traffic Engineer's contern reaarding the drlveways, and Mr. Cvans reviewed t1-P plans with the Cdrtxnisstcxi~ explatning the restaurant Is alreacfy cons[ructsd anci t'is requesi is for on-sale alcohol(c beverayes. A~d pofnted out the approved driveways would bc ~ bettcr s(tuetlo~ ttian thosc r~commend~d. TIIE PUOLIC IiCARING IJAS CLOSED. ACTIOh: Ccxnmissiane~ King affercd a matton~ secor~cfied by C~nr-isslon~;r Oavid and MOTION ~T~D (Cc~mnissioners Barnes and Bushorc he(ng absent)~ that the Anahetm tity Plenntng Comm(ssion hds r~vfc,wed the prpposal to perriit on-sale alcofiolic heverayes in a restaurant on an (rrtgul~+rly-shaped parcel of land consisting Af approxtmn:ely 1.4 acres having a frontage of approximaccly 249 f~ct on the south ~id~ of 9e11 RoAd, hevtng a maximum depT.h of approximr~tely 2c~ fr.et~ and ~eing located appraximately 256 feet east af the centerline of State Colleye do~levard; and cloes hereby approve the Negative Ueclaratlon fram the requirement to prepar~ en e.nviranmentnl impact report on thc basts thet there woutd be no styniflca~t tndivtdual or cumulative adverse environmcnt,~l Irpact duc to the approva) of this Negattve Decla~ai~~n slnce the Anaheim General Plan destgnates th,e subJect property for general cam~rctji land uses commensurate wtth the proposal; that no ssnstCtve environmental impacts are tnvc~lved in the pro~osal; thac the Init(al Study submitted by the pettti~ne~ indlcates no siy~iftcant individuai or cumulative adverse envtr~nmental 8l13/79 ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ AUGUST 13~ 1979 EIR NEGATIVE OECLARATION AND CONQITION!-L USE PERMIT N0. 2007 In~acts; end that the Naaatlve Declarntton substentiating the f11e tn thc City af Anshefin!'lanniny Uepartment. (cantlnucd) ~ 19-590 for•cgoin ~ findings (s ~n Comm~sstoner Klny offe~ed Resolutlon No. PC73-163 and moved for lts passnge ~nd adnptlon~ thAt the Anahctm City Planning C~nmisslan does hereby grant Petitton for Cnndittonel Use Pcrmit No. 2f10~7~ in pr~t~ denying the request to walve mtntmum numbef of parking spnces nn the basls thst pldns suhmitted subsequent to the adverttscment delete~ sald waiver~ and sub~ect to Interdepartmental Committee r~commendations, clarlfying Co~dttton No. 2 relates to th~se p:sns p~evl~usly ap~roved in connectton witF~ Reclassificatio~ No. 7~~~77'~~• On rol l crl l~ che foregoing resolutlon rras pas~o~i by the followtng vc~te: AYtS; CO~UIISSION~RS; DAVID~ FRY, N~:RBST~ KING, T~Ll1R NOES ; COMMI SS I O~~ERS : NONC AiIS~NT ; COMNI SS ! ~Ml: RS ; (iARNE S~ 9U51fORI: ITEM N0. PU3L(C HEARING. 01~IER5: KIRANCIIAtIDRA TULSI[1fiAl C NE ~ VE DCCLAR.4YION DIIAKTA At1U TAa~ E1NAY.TA~ lE3b South Anshclm ~oulevard~ W IVER OF OUE REQUIREMENT~ Anaheim~ CA ~2f~~;. PeGltlonPr rrquests a TWO-UNIT GOMDITIONAI USE PERMIT Np. 2~~~ wAPVEP.'OF oA)AP,E2UIitED'+NUMDERLOF"PARK~WG SPACESIAFID (B} RCQUIRCD LAt~DSCAPE'r SCTBACY. an propcrty described as an Irregularly-shaped pnrccl of land conslst{nq of npproximataly 0,~+ acre h~ving a frontayr ot approxtirwtely 1~4 fec~ on tt~e ear~t side o( Anahelm ~oulc~vard. having a maximum depth of app roximately 1~^ fect~ being locate.~ approximately 1~35 feet north of the certerllnc of P~cifico Aven~r, and further describcd as 1F,3G South Anaheim doulevard. Property presently ziassifled ML (i-aou~rain~, LIMITf.D} lOtl~. There was no onc indtcatir~9 thelr pr~sence (n ~ppositian co subJect request~ and althou~h the staft report co Lhe Pl~nnin~ Commissior~ dated August 13. 197^ wes nat read at the put~lic hearing, It is referred to and made a parc of thc ~Inutts. K1 ranchandra ahskta, Ck~~1f!~ steted he wtslres to .:xpand the existin9 motel by two uni ts and is rcyuestiny walver ~f the required n wnber of par~.t~g spaces und requireci landscaped setback. THE PUGLIC NEARI'IG ~IAS CLOSCG. Commissloner Herbst lndicated his conce~n regarding the reduced n~er of parki~g spaces, and the petitloner stAted he has bPen in bustness for over five years and has parking spaus in thc rear whlch he has been usiny and therc have been no prablems~ even though th~ engineers say it is tc~o narra+. Ne stated guests ei~e~efU~ anbancroachmenttpermitand less p~rking spaces are requira~. t1e stated he has app nnar the sign which wtil provid~ three or fou parking ;paces and expects it to be approved. Commissioner Fry asked haw many of tfie uni;:; would be used r~s ap~rtments with kitchen f~cilities and would ~e rented by the month~ pointing out the sign indlcates these are apartr.~ents. M~. Bhakta replled tht~: during the surtrne~ ~11 the units are ussd as motel units and durtng the wintcr some are ~ented by the week. S/t3/79 ~ ` ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSI()N~ AUGUST 13~ 1979 7q•5~1 Ela I~EGATIVE DECLAKATION ANO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT t~0. 2008 (continued) Jack White~ Deputy Clty Attorncy~ responded to Cammissioner Fry's ~uestlo~~ that the units cannot be rentecl for more than a seven-day perlod~ and if they are r~nted for mare than ~ wenk~ they are classlfled as apertments and that is not parmtttod. Chalrman Prc~ Terr~ore Tola~ stated thts motc~l has been ther~ fur a lan,q time and with the newer requcsts tl~e Comm(sslun has t~ied to contral this pmblcr~ w(th thc typc of constructlon and typc end slzo of unlts. f1e state~~ he does not see ~nythfn~ wrong with this requcst, Mr. Bhakta state~i people do not stay tl~er~ pe~rmAnently and sone: peopic use thei r f~ci l i ty as a trflnsitlon when thcy are in tl~c process of moviny f~om ~nc I~ouse to an~ther. Conxniss(ancr King referred to thc landscaping for the front and steted he did nnt feel more Chan 3 fect cuul d b~ provi ded wi thout remavi ng tl~e pavi ng anJ los I ng some of the parkin~. He polnteci out thc property next do~r tu the south (s a new pro.Ject with greene ry~11 the way to the curb. Chalrman Pro Te~nporc Tolar indicnted hc did not sec tl~c landscaping as a problem bec~use other pro)ects In the ~rr..a do not have the required lnndscaping. He felt If this pro)ect were a new requesc~ then it cc~uld be handled, but lt Is existlny and ihe petltinner only wlshe5 to add two unlts. ACTION: Gommissionr_r Kln~ ~~ffered a r~otion~ seconded by Corimissloner Uavid and MOTION ~D (Commissloncrs (larnes and Cushure being e'~sent)~ that t~~e Anahelm City Planning G~mmisslnn hAS r~vfewed Ch~ proposal to permit a twcr-u~it expansion of ar, existing mote) {n the ML (Industrial~ ~Imitr.dZ 2one wltt~ waivcr of requlred num;~er of pail.ing spaces and requireel tandscapeJ setback on an irreyularly-st,a~e~i parcc~l ~f land ccx~sisting pf ap(~roximatc•lY 0.1+ ~icre having a front~yc: of ap~rnxlmatcly ih~~ fcet on the easc side of Anahetm Boulevard~ haviny a maximum depth of approxima[r.ly 10~ feet~ and being lo a~+ted app~oximately 1~3a feet no~t1~ of Cl~e centerl(ne of Paclfico Avenue; and ~ioes hereby approve the Neqative ~ecl;~ration frorn L~~e reau) remcnt [o pre~>are an nnyi ronmental fmpact report on the basls that thr_re woul~i t~e no sl~anificant indivldual or cumulative adver3e environmenta` impact duc to the approval of this !~eqattve Gecl~~ration slnce the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property for qe~neral industr(al land uses ca+xne~surAte a(th the propasal; that no stnsitive cnv(ronment~l impacts are lnv~lved in the propos~l; tF~at the Initial 5tudy submitted by the petitioner indicAtes no slg~tftcant inclivldua) or cumulAtive adverse envlronmental impacts; and that the Ne9a:IvP Declaratlon substantlating the foregoin~~ findin~s is on fllc in the City of Anaheim Planning Departme~t. Commisstoner F:i~g offered a motion~ s~conded by Ccxhmissioner David and MOTION CARRIED (Commissloners Barnes and Dushore being absent)~ that the Anahetm City Planning Co~mission does hereby gr~nt the rrquest for aalvcr of required nun~ er of parktng spaces on the bas(s th~t e certaln percentagr of the guests arrive by transportation rtn des othe~ than private automobile and thst srtiallr~ cars are gaining in use~ and that 74$ of the requtred parking is provid~d, wherr In the past G~'3 has been adequate; and granting wa(ver of required landscaped setback on i'r~e basls of the (rregular ~hape of the property. and denial wAUld he de~ri~rln~ thr, ~ropr.rty of privi ieyes enjoyed by other properties under identical zanlny classificatlon in the viclnity. Commisstoner Klnc~ offered Resolutian No. PC79-164 and moved for its passagc and adoptlo~~ th~st the Meheim City Planniny Commisston does hereby grant Petitior~ for Conditional Use Permtt Na. 20~8, s~b)ect ta interdepa~tmental Commlttee reca~xne~dations. On roil call. the forec~ing resolution was passed by tha following vote: AYESt CAMMiSS10NERS: DAYID. FRY~ NERBST. KINGo TOl.AR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 8/13/79 ABSENT: C01l~1~ 5310NERS: BARNES, BIISHORE . ++~r. ~ ' .~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COhWISSION~ AUGUST 13~ 1919 79~`~2 ITEM N0. 8 PU4LIC I~EARING. OWNERS; SUZANPlE AND ALDGRT SPfNCER E R NEG VE DECLAMT) QN PORTER~ 42G Wes t Taf t Avanue ~ Orange ~ cn g26h7. p. 2~11 IIGCNTS: Tf~Or1A5 AND LILLIA~~ EASTON~ 327 South Anahelm -'-"~ ~"~' ~3auleverd~ Anaheim~ CA 92$0;. Petltl~ner requests p~~mlaslon to ESTl18l15F1 At~ AUTONOBILC REP~IR F~CII.ITY 1~1 TIIC Ml T.ONE on prope~ cy dPSCribed ea a rectangularly-shaped percel of land conslsting of appror.imately O.G acr~ having a fr~ntage uf ~pproximAtely 138 feet on the wc~st slde of Kraemer D~~ulevo~d~ havlnL~ e maxtmum dcpth of appmximatcly 1~0 fect~ befn~ located approximattly 1;1 feet soutl~ of the centerlinr ~f Ceena Court~ and further descrlbed AS 1351 North Krac~mc:r Boulevarcf. Prorprty presently classificd ML (INDL'STRIAL~ LIMITED) ZOIIE:. There was no one indicoliny thclr presenc:c tn oppo~ltlon to subJect request~ end although thc staff ~epurt to the P1enr,lny Cornmisslon d~ted August 13~ 19J~1 was nc~t read at t~~e {~ubllc ti~ering~ It Is resferrecJ tu and rnadP a part of tl~e ml~utes. Thomt+s Caston~ ~c~ent, statecl It Is t-(s plen to occupy the buildl~y at 1351 North Kraen~er f3oulevord tu rebuild automatic tr~nsmissions and raJiat~rs in Autcxx~bll~s. TIIE PU(3LIC HCARING WAS CLQSED. Commiss(oner Hcrbst asl:e~i If any vchicles w111 be stored or workcd ~n ouiside~ pointinn out that has been ~ne of tl~e condi[lons ~f ~+~;proval of other similor uses ln the area~ and Mr. EasCon replt~d th~t norm,~lly rmst of tl~e vehicles erc in and out (n one day and are stored inslck. He stated ~~n occasion he miyht check the tr~~nsmtsslon fluid r~hlle the vehicle Is outsicfe~ but no actual work will be done outslcle. Chalrman Pro TemPOre Tolar stated any work done ~utstc±e~ even if rtot o norma) routlnc~ would be e vlolation of ihe cunclittonal use permit, and Mr. E:astun indicnted thr.y plan to be an assct to thc cor~xnuni ty and tl~at there are pcoplc in thr. area who nced thci r services. Chai~u~n Pro Tempore Tolar asked for clarification reyarding the traffic signal b55~55tTl~llt fee~ and Commissioncr Kiny pointed out the staff report Indicates such uses have been spproved prcvtousiy by the Planning Commisst~n on thc ba~sis that the servt~es prov~ddd may be claxslfled industrial In nature. Uean Sherer~ Zoning Representativc~ expiained the conditi~~~~ I~as been Included that the awne:r shal? p~y the differenca: betMreen the inJust~ial and comn-ercisl traffic s(gnal asaessment fces. and that the Planning Commission may Nish t~ find that the usc is i~dustria) In nature and then that ~onditlon wouid be deleted. Conmfssfoner K1ng pc+inted out the staff r~port pertaintng to staff's proposal re9ardinq tfic e~croachmeni of commercial uses Into the 11o~theast Industriel Area states, ".G~1 Autanoblle repalr and/~r overhaul, including~ but not 1(mited to: m-rcf~a~icni, body and fonder work or painting of automobiles, boats. trUCks or motorcycles." Annika Santalahti~ Asslstant Dlrectur for 2oniny~ explaincd tt has been the Traffic Engi~enr's policy to include this condttton when a conditian~l use permit (s requlred tn the industrtat area. Commissioner David stat~d he felt the use ls Industrlal tn nature a~d the fee sl~ould not be requt red. S/13/79 ~ w ~ ~~. MINUTES~ A;~At1EIM CITY PLAPINING COMMISSION, AUGUST 13~ 191a 79 ~`33 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND COt~CII'IOIIAL USE PERMIT N0. 2~11 (contlnued) ACTION: Com~fsxioner Ktny offr.r~d a rtx~tlon~ seconded by Corrmtsstaner p~vld and MOTt~PI C1IRRICU (Cortr~lssionr.rs l3a~nes and Dushorc hetng aGsent). thAt the Anahetm City Pl~nnlnq Cammissiun has re~vi~~-e:J tl~e propoSAl tu perml t~n automc,bt le rec:ri r fn~i I t ty ln thc Ml. (Industrial, limite~l) Zane on a rectangul.tirly-sf~a~ed parcel of land consistin~~ of approxlmntely ~.E~ acre havinq a frontrqe ~f apnroxlmAtely i~F? feet on tt~r.. west sicfc of Kraemer ISOUlavarJ~ havln~i a n-~ximun, cfep4l~ of a~proxirnately 1'+0 fect, und bein~ locAtcd approxink~tely 151 fer.t soutf~ of th~ centerllnc of Cr.en~ Court; ~nd dots hercl,y approve thc Negt~tivP Declaracion fr~r~ the requircr~ent G~ prepare an r.nvironn~cntal Impoct rep~rt an thc b~-s(s that thr.re w~>ulJ bc no slgnificant Individual ~r curnul.7tlvt: ,~dverse environmental i mpact du~~ to the approva 1 af th 1 s Nec~at I ve UPc 1 erat i an S ~ f1GP. the Ariehc i ~r, Gene ra 1 P 1 an designates thc suh)~ct pr~p~~rty for c~~ner~l industrial land uses corn+ensurate with the propo5ai; [h~~t no sr.nsitive envirc~nrnentel (mpacts ~re l~vulved in the nroposal; thnt the (nltla) Study submitted by thc recitlunr.r lndlc~itc~s na si~~nificant InJivi~lual or cumuletive advers~~ environment.~l Impacts; and thax the Neyative DeclArati~n ~aGst~ntlating the fUregving fin:ifn~s is on fllc in thr. Clty of Annhcim Planninc~ Departr+ent. Coirmissionc~r Kin~,~ offere~l 4tesolution No. PC7~3-1(i~ ~~nd maved for its ~ass~gP and adoptlon, that the Anahefri Citv Plannin~~ Commission dues hereby grant Pecition for Conditlanal Use Psrmit I~o. ?.011, suSJ~ct to t'ie petitionpr's sttpulation at the put~ltc heariny th~~t all work will be conJuctecl Ins{dr ihe f~~ility and thcre wtll br no outdoor stor~+~e of vehlcles on thc slte~ an~. suhJr.c:t to tl-e drletion of Cond(tion No. 1 re.~uiriny tf;e payu~ent of trafflc siynal assess~xnt f~~es, o~~d xubJect to Int~rdep~~rtr~nr.al Ca:riittec recomme:nJa t 1 c~ns . On rall c.al', the f~~cyuin~ resolutlon was passc~l by th~• fullawinry votc: AYES: C011N15;1(1NLRS: DAVI()~ FRY, ~iEReST. iCl!aG~ TOLAP NOE:S : CO~~M) SS I ^!~CRS : !I~'IE AftSL~~'f: GQMMISSIO;IEFS: l~hR!~ES~ aU51lORE ITCI± N0, ~1 PULLIC -iEAP,It~G. 0'.ardCRS: Fi~.rnR~ n. AND DIAf~E. R. E k Cr 'GOkICAL EXEnPTI~tt-CLAS5 ; FPIEOt~AI~ ~~r~D uILL1AH C. A~IU CY~iT~,~l~, L. TAOP,MINA~ VAP,IANCE N0. 310. 721 North Nelene Sireet, Anahcim, Cl+ ~2F'.~~~. AGEIIT: ;/',ME~S P, FdEEDt~AN~ ?H^2 Sandra Ci~tle~ Ville Perk, CA 9;~Fi(,.7, Petitianer rc~u+~sts 1JAIVER OF (A) MINI1!UM BUILi)I-dG SITC ARLA PER D'r~E.LLINr, t,IJIT AI~U (L') MINIMUI! DISTAtIGE. 6E7NEEN 4UILDING5 TO CONSTP.UCT A THRLG•UtJIT API~'~TME'~7 on property described as a ractan~ularly-shaped parcel of land c~nsistln~~ of aP~rox(raately 71h~) squr~re feet I~aviny a frontage of approxirtv.~tely 47 feet on the east sldc of C13udlna 5trcet~ having a a+axlmu~~ depch of approxim~tely 152 feet~ being lacated approximately 17'; fee[ north of the cent~rline of Vermont Avenue, and fu~thsr cfescribr.d as ~87. South Clr~udtna Street. Property presentfy classlfied RN-1~On (RE;I:~ENTIAI~ MI,LTIPLE-FAMII.Y) ZO'~E. There were Five persr;ns indic.~tiny ti-eir presence in ~ppositian La sub)ect request~ and althouyh the staff report to the Plsnnino Commissi~n dAted Augu~t 13~ 157`? was n~t read at the public hearing, (c is referred t~ and r+-ade a part of tf~c minutes. Elrt-er Meagher~ 1321 Wes~ Park Lane~ Anaheim~ co-purchascr of thc property with Mr. NeeJham~ stat~d th~y arc requ~stie~g permission to build a duplex ~n thc rear portion of the property and leavlnq thtic existiny dwcllin<~, ar~d pointed out therc are several existing resider,ces in the area with duplexes In tt~e rear, Otck Oickerson inclieeted !~e owns the property ~t 832 South Claudina Street, Anaheim~ which hes twa smal! houses ono pofnced o~c t~is mz+in obJection (s the traffic probiem existing in 8/13/79 ~ MINUTES, ANANEIM CI1'Y PLANt~ING COMMISSION~ AUGUST 13. ~97~ ~y"~~'~ EIR CATI:GORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 5 AND VARIANCE t~0. 3148 (continu~d) thc a~ea bc~ca~se botli I~usbands and w~vcs usual ly hAVe a cnr flnc:. 1 f tl~ey have chi ldren~ i~~eir v~hicles are parked on thc strret~ creaclny c~ngosii~n. I~e point~d out the lots are only t+7 fcst wicfe by I';2 fcet long ~~nd a~~ zoned for maybe two snn~ll units~ but felt three untts would crcate traffic ~'+nd parking rroblcn~s. Minnic Ti~tz, 37f~ South C1a~adlnA St~~ct~ Mahcir~i~ staterl shc kn~ws of no other prop.r.rtics (n the area which hbvc thrce units and th~t the cxtstin9 house on this pronerty (s not tn very c,~od ah~pe And nc,edt ~ n~•w fencc. Shc asked 1 f ttie ncw+ unl ts wl l l havc n~~r~g~~s, paintl.ng out they can~~ut pr~r~. in the allcy bc~c~usc it Is illc~aal. She strted the existtn~ h~use 1~ very smal) and shc did not t'~In{. cwo Addltional units wlth ~~~rn~3es coul~.l be constr ~cte~1 on this pror~rty becaus~ of ics si~c. Duke V~nd~t'werth~ ~`.iC-1/'l. 5outh Claudina Street~ MahelM~ awncr~ lndicatPd hls cantern regar~flne~ the pt~rk.ir7!; anJ pc~intrd vut [he staff report lndic~tes therc is an exist(nq 6- foot high fencc, and expl~~tne~1 thr fence Es nut G fcet high~ but more like 4-1/2 to ~ feet hl~~h. 11e ask~:d about the traffic clynal aSSeSS~nt fee, in~icating he dld not thlnk ~ siynal should b~ Installed ~-~t this ~O~JLIAII, Chairman Pro Temp~rc Tolar rxpl~~inc~~7 th~it cc~nJitlon Is a gtar~~lard renutr~mcnt +~nd does n~t mean ~ sl~,;nal wi 11 tic instal Ir.rf at that corner~ but that thr. fees ~~re part of the ~ener2l fund for installin~; signal5 all over [he ctty. Mr. Meagtir_r stated he has bcen tc~ !hc site fc~ur or fivc diff~~rertit t(r,es et i:3~ to F:3~ in thc cvPning and bc~t~NCrn ?:3~ and 3:00 in the aft~rnoon and has n~,t h~ci a probicm parki~~ on ttie street <.n~ has not seen a p~rking prot>len. f~e expiatnec; thry are E~rovidin4 three parktny spaces a~d yarages for three c~rs~ and rPg~rdlnr the ferCe~ sttpulatpd thcy will do whatever is reryulred by t~tie CitY. -{~ e~P~~ined ther~ is a pr~~~rrty wh~ch wAS r~cently sol~i in the area wt,lch is a triplex. TIIE: PI:~L I C IIEIIRI NG WAS C LOSf D. Chai rman Pro Te~~ore Tol ar exn 1~ i ne~' s i x park inc~ spACes rre proposecl on-s i te and they are shc~wn on ti~e p 1 ans , Three gentlernc:n from the audlenc.e revieweci the plans with the applicant At the podtum, and Mr. Meagher puinted out the proposed parkln~~ spaces~ and ihc gr,ntlemen indicated they did not think tt~e plans are correct and Jid noc think the u~its could be constructed as shctiwn. Ghairman Nro Tcmporc Tolar exptuined the proJect wlll ti~vc to L~e built as indicattd on the plans submitted, Mr. Dlckerson was concerned bGCause there wlll be no piace for chil~ren ta play~ poi~ting out mast families (n the ~rea do '~avc chiidren. ~ie feit a srroall unlt on the rear portion of the ~~roperty woul;i he acceptable as lang ~s th~re is an area left 5stween the existing hause and thr_ new unit in order far Che chlldren to have an area for pl~y. Ilc felt thts many ~mits crann~~:a c,n the s~.~i l lot wi i l create a trafftc and safety problemy es~ecial ly with chtldren pla~riny in the area. In rrsponse to Commissi~ner David'~ question~ Dean Shcrer~ Zoning Representative, replied that 3S0 square feet is the requlrement f~r rccre~tio~al area and the proposal mects the code. Chairman Pro Tempare 7olar explalne~i the Comrnission is curysid~rin~ tNO rGauested waivers~ one pertaining to tl~e m(ntmun butlding sit~ area per dwelling unit with 2339 sguar~ feet a~~ 3~~9 ..~ ~ ~ MINUTCS~ ANIINEI~1 CITY PLAt~~~ING COMNISSION~ AUGUST 1'~~ 1~?79 79-595 EIR CATEGORIC~L EXEMPTION-CLASS S ANU VARIANCE ilU, 310$ (c.~nttnued) .~_ - proposed anJ 2~-00 syur~rc feet required~ and tl~e minimum dlstance bciwcen t,utlJ'ngs~ with 13-1/2 fect ~srapose:d and 1~-111 fect required. Onc of th~ ~,entlemen t~dicatGd this proposal is fur three dwelliny u~iits on the lot and the other lats in the aret- ore developed with two ciwelltng units~ an~l if the people who livr tn the exlstin~~ hpuge havc thre:e cars~ hrif of thc p~,rl.in~~ s~+~ces will alrcady be use~i an~ thcy w~u1~1 be thre~ short in the beglnnlnq an.1 if the occupants have any vtsitors~ they would havc no placc t~~ park~ an~ ^ointed c~~t ~ther rropcrtieS iii the area do not have y~ra~~es for ea~t~ house and t;ic~se peoplc have to perk on the st~eet. Ghalrman F'ro Temporc 7olar ex~~lain~J that 7~~ o` thr.. p~~plP livinc~ in residenklal h.,mes toddy do not p~ir~. their cars in thcir ~aarages~ and you can drfve ctown ~ny street In Anahelm and see the cars parl.eJ an thc strect or (n the driveways~ and there Is na wey peopte can be fprr.~c1 ta p~rk tlieir cars in the garayes. Onr of tl~e gentlerrr.n resp~nded tf~ey arc tryiny to stop tt~is sort of thiny from happentng and the Cormission dc~es have the chance to deny the vari~nce becau~e (t ts too close on this particular lot~ and pointec; out thr, bulldtng is under cecie alrrecly and if these varlenc~s are pcrmittcd~ ~~veryanr_ in the nctc~hborhoud wil~ be w~nting to add ~nother unit to their propcrty. Mrs. Tiett askcd lic~+ C~OSN t.~~fs wil) bc t~ her hausc~ and it was respondeJ lt wili be about 9 feet to hr.r praperty iine. Mr. Oickerson askecl if the property is zQne~~ fpr two small houses, an~i Mr. Sherrr responded it i~ reyulated by t~~e ninim~x~ sir.~: c~f the ~f~+eilln~~ urit~ an~l the pro~osal comes in Just u~der thc i~i ~~(r~um squ.,re font~nc per uni t. Cemrn(ssioner Kinc; indicated hc was rea~y to r ake a motion ( f thc rn~tte; co~cerntng !he wal! cuuld be clarificd~ and ic wa~ nuteel thc petitione~ is williny tn camt~ly with C(ty recaul rcn~ents. It was nuted thc Plannint~ Uirector or his authorized representative h~s determined that the propose~ project falls within tl,e definition of Catcgoricat Exer~~tic~ns~ Class 5, as defined in parayraph 2 of tfit C(ty of Anahr.im Environmental Im~act Fleport C,uldelines and is~ r.here~forc, c,~~icyorically exe~~~pt Frorn ~:he ~equtrement to prepare an EfR. ACT{Ot~: Go~m~issioncr Ktn~ offered Resolution No. PC7'~-16b and movea for (ts passa9e and acTopt~on, that thc ~+nahei~ C!ty Planning Camr+isslori ~ioes hereby qrant f'etttion for Variance Nn. 310~~ grantiny .~aiver (a) or~ the basts of the lir~ited s(xe of the praperty and the dtfference ts i~significant. end granting wafver (b) on the basis of tfie li~ited slzc of the prope:rty~ and denial would be deprivinc; the pro~erty privileges cnjoyed by other p•opertics undcr id~ntical zoniny in the vic6nity; and subJect to the petitianer's stip-~:ation tl~at a G-foot high~ rw~so~ry block, wall wlll constructed surroundtng the pro~erty; ~nd s:~bJec.t ta Interde~artmental CortwntttP~ reco~tx-x:nJations. Prtor to votiny on tl+e resolutiar~~ Comriissioner tierhst p~inted out chere is a d(re need for this type of ho~siny in the Clty of Anaf~eim. 0~ ~oll call, the foregoiny resulutio~ was pessed by the follc7wing vete: AYES: CQf1MI5510NER5: DAV{0~ FRY~ HERBST, KING. TOLAR t~OES: CANMIS510-1CRS: NONE A[3SENT: CpMMiSS10t~ER5: BARNkS, D;.~SHOItE 8/13/79 ~ ~ MINUTCS~ ANANEIN GITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION~ AUCUST 13. 1~79 79'S96 ITE11 1~0. 10 SubJcct propcrty is e~ i rreqularly-sh.inpd parcel of kt~VIRONMCNTAI IMPAtT KEPORT N0. 227 i~nd c~nst!cting of dpproximately 1~~~9 ++crr.s located on the north sidc of Ca~yon Rim Ro+~d~ a~.proximetaly G00 feet wcst ~f the centerlinc of ~~crano Avenue. I t was nate~ tl~e petl tloner had ex~ertencrd df ff i cul ty In f l l ing the z~nf nc~ act ions in c~nJunctlor~ with Envlronmentnl t^+pact Repert Nu. 21j ~nd they coul~f not be advertiseci in tlrr~e to be heerd at tn<loy~s h~~r.ng. ~nd It is recommende:d thnt trls mr+tte:r be continuecl to bc considered et thc~ n~ceting ~f nuy~sc 27, 1~79. AGTION: Cormiss~tonar Herhst offered ~ motlon~ secondca by Cammisslnner Qavid ~nd N~TIQN CARR ED (Conxnlssioners liarncs and bushorc being ah~tent) ~ that consi9erAti~~n of Envlronmental Impact RPport ~lo, 227 be continucci to the r~yulnrly-~c.hedul i meetinc~ of the Pl~nning Gonxnisslon o~ Aw~ust :7~ 1')7~. RCl:ESS Thc rnectinq evss recesseJ ~t ;:1; p.m• RE.GONVE'~C 'The mceting was rec~nvenud at 3:25 p.m.~ Go~~lSSloncr Dev(d rrturntnci at ~_ 3t3~~ p.m. (TLM 1~4. 1 ~"~~p RLC~MMEftDATIQ~~S A. Adl+t~UONMFNT N0. 7'~-'l2A - Requ~st to ahondon th~• Ci ty's roed and publ tc uti 11 ty ea~emrnt ov~r a~ort on of L~ Jal1a Strcet frUm Yraemcr l3ou-~vard e~+st to fts present l: rr~(nus. Corxnisslaner Kln~; in~llct,ted he hac~ a cc~nflict ~f tnterr~st as cJe~fined by Anaheim City Planning Comr~ission Resofatfcn No, PC7~'1~7~ acioptinn r~ Confltct of Interest Codc For the Planning Cornr,ission~ nn~! Governr~ent Code Secci~n 3625 et seq.~ in that he owns Paclftc Ligt~ting Corp~ration stnc-, r~hict, nwns Southern Calif~rnia Gas Company &nd~ pursuant ta the provisl~ns ~f t'~~• abov~: c~~des~ ~~~clured tn the Chairnb~ Pro 7empore that he was wltt~drawtny fr~m tl~e hearing in canr!-ctl~n with Abandonment "~. 7~~27.A and woutd not ta~Ce part in e;lther the ~iscusslc~n ~r the voiing thereun, and has not discussed this matter with any r~ember of the P1<~nning Corm~-~sion, Comnissloner Hert~sc i~ointed out there is sa~ qucst(on regarding thc mr-tntenancc af the landscep!ng along the perimeters of thc property and he wou'3 like to knc~w why tt is n~t being r~intained~ end Chairr+an Pro 1'empore Tolar su~J9ested continuance of this ~+atter untll the enswers can be ohtatned from the 41Ater Disirict. Mntka Santalahti. Assistant Ulrector Tor Zoning~ tndicated staff wo~ald Krlte a letter t4 the Wetcr Ulstrict asking fhr lnfarm.~t.ion. ACTION: Commtssianer Fierbst offered a motto~~ seconded by Con,rntssioner Fry and MOTION A ED (Commtssioner K(ng abstalntn; and Commisstoners 3arnes~ Dushore ~h~~ David beinc. a~bsent), that consideration af Abandonment No. 7~'>-22A be c~ntinued t~ the reqult~rly- scheduled mceting of t!~e Planning Cqrt~missi~n on August 27, 1:~7°. 1n order for addttional information to be obtained c~ncernln, 1t~ndsGape naintenonce of sub)ect praperty. $/ ~ 3/79 ~ MINUTE.S, H~~AtiEIM CITY PLAyNING Cf1MMISSIQN~ AUrUST 13~ 1`)7~ I9-597 B. COfJUITl~N/1L USE_PkRNIT N0. I~J;: - f~equest f~~r an extenslon of timc. Thn staff reporc M th~~ Plannl~ig Commisslcm dat~•' Auc~ust 13~ 1~)7'? was ~resent~!d~ notin~ tho +~pnllcant (Rev. Robr~rt l.. Edwards) (185 re~}ucst~~i r~ ~nc-year extenslon of r.(me for ~~onditl~nal Usc Pe~m~! No. 1~.7x whlch was yr~,nte~J i>y thr. Planninq Commission on Auqust 14. I!!]$~ [o rctAin ni~e be~l (v~s at 1;~" ~lest Br~~nc~~ay. Annt I:n SantAlat~ti ~ llssistent Di r~~ctor for Zonlny, expl~ilned tF~crc was ~ ~ersnn tnterested In speaktny iri op~oSltlc~n~ Gut tould r~ot st~+y for thc: mretin~ and that the petitioner 1s aqretob le t~ a contlnuance (n order that everyone ccm he henrci. Af,T10N: Corn,~issfoncr Y.In~~ offc-'rJ a rrx~tiori~ sac~ndcci bY Conr~issioncr f'ry and MOT1~11~ ~1.~ (Corru~ilS5~OnC~S d~+rnes~ Uushore and Dev1d be.in~~ ahsent)~ th.it co:.sid~ratlon of ConJltiona) Use 'ermit ~~o. lt;/2 br contlnueJ tu tl~e rc~gul~~rly-scheduled m~etinc~ ~f the Plonnln~ Comc~isslon un Au~~ust 2~~ 1'17~~ in or~ier for ~~~posf tion to bc present, C. STAFF PROPOSl1l PLRTAIIIIIiG TO ENCP.CACHMf.NTS OF CONMERCIAL USf.s INT~ TIiE NORTIIE~ST I NUUSTRI Al. l1P,I.11. Anniko Santalaht( ~ Assistant Ulre•ctur for Zon(ng, presentec, thr stafg renort t~ th~ Pla~nin~~ Co~nmissi~n dated ~u~~ust 1~~ 1`)74~ end c~xpla(ned this repart summarizes the lssues end concerns ex~ressed during several wor~: sess(ons pertalnln~ t~ cnmmercial encroachmcnts Into [hc (nuustrial ar~~~s and the prohl~ms whicte have resultad frnm ex(sttng quasi- toi~~mers.lal uses~ and that Staff reconr~crn~ls a cun~iitinnat us~ pern~it for cnmr~rcinl types uf uses a~ spccifieJ bc permictr.J tn all arcas ~thPr tha~ thc Northeast Industrial Area~ an~1 that tl~at areA be retainud s~lcly for in~fustrial us~s ancl ccrCa~n conditianal use perrnits whlch dlrc•ctly servr_ the in~ustrial conmunlty~ such as res[aura~ts~ automotiv~ repalr~ ^tc.. and also th~,t ccr[ain code sections t~c dcleted which rel~te to retail-type u~es whlch coul~i t,c cc~nfusinq. Ola~e Anderson~ Com„unity Relations ~nd ~ontributions ~dminfstrntc~r for Rockwell Intcrnntional in Oranyr Cnunty~ state~f she I~~~ perr~iisslon from th~eir cnrporate offices to r~ad tne follawing letter frorn Tom Shulsr, Vicc Presldent ~~nd General Manaaer of Autonet.lcs Stracc•yic Systems Dlvisio~: "Roc!cwell International iias been l~c.at~d in Anahelr~ for ~~early 2n yeors. We own approximately 1::0 ~cres nf inciustrial land north of thc Rtverside Freeway and eASt of Kraerxr aoulevar,i, `,~e erplay mare than 7~5~~i neopl~ in 2~ bulldings covering 2~4~~~0'~~ syuare feet of space. Our pavroll is in excess of $1!'i~ ~nillion per year. The whole thrust of an lndustrlal c~rtplex in a city is to encouraye the influx nf business~s whtch noC only significantly add to tt~e tax base~ but als~ draw from the city'S lobor ponl by I~aving high empl~yment intensity. Ne realize it is important ta put idle land to use~ hut ~t the same time, there is not t-~at much remaining land av~ilable. Witti undeveloped l~nd so preclous~ ic is imperative for the Planning Commission to ptace exacting controls on tf~e use of it. It is crucial nut to approve use of land Just for the nea~ term expediency of rer~oving tt from the idle category. This is especially true when the use cleerly does not fit the theme of the area. 8/ 13; 79 ~ ~, }~ MINUTES~ ANAFI~IM CITY PI.ANf~ING COMMISSION~ AUGUST 13~ 197~ 79-59R STAFF PRUPOSAL PERTAINING TO ENCROACIIMENTS OF COMMERCIAL U5E5 INTO TIIE NORTNEAST INOUSi'RIAL ARCA. (continued) In an InAustrfol corry~lcx~ business builds upo~ new bus(nass~ which In turn attr~cts mc~re new butlnoss in a cheln of logical yro~•rth. To dpprove commerctal use of the now exlsting Industrial arca will only se ~ve ~+s a negfltlve Tnfluencc on autsicie bus(nesses consldering this pertlculer ere~a f~r a new locotlon. The R~ckwell Anaheim stte Is c~pable of supporting conslderable addttl~.nat dnvelopment~ but I am sure the co~nerclal intrusfoi~ cou1~1 Influence our declstan to expand. Thank you for thts opp~rtun(ty to exrress our conc~r~ about th~ future Industrinl developr~r.nt of the ll~ahcim C~ny~n Industrial D15tric t." C0~1hISSIONER DAVE D ENTERED TIIE COUNCI L C1IAMDER AT 3t 3~ P.M. Larry Si~rk, Executive Vlce Presl~fent of tha Chamber of Conxnerce, complinented the stoff on the staff report~ especidl ly page 1-c(3) ~ and Indicated th~t says It al 1, anJ read perayraph (c.) a, follows: "Large and dlversified industria~ use with a gc>ad industriel b~se provicies many Jc~bs ~n Ant~helm and tends to stabi llte the local economy. Large Industrial users can and do move thetr factlities if they a~~ not provlded with e suitable envirnnment. In fact~ thr. history of irdustrial cfevelo~ment in los Ane~eles and Orange Counties Is a history of Industry being forced out of communttles by no~- inJustrlal ~ncr~achments. Ifi this were to happen in Anahelm, [he City would lose thc industri~l be~se It t~as spent years developing." He stated even tliough we have broken down thc inte~rl ty of the industrl a) xone In sart-e places, that is no feason to continue allcwing others to rnc~~~e nto tl~e area that cb not belonq there. He stated he did not personaf ly 9et to spea~. regarc:ing thc Svnnasium proposed in that a~pA~ but he coulo not see any reason for chat b~tng de:veloped in the tndustrial area. He stated there was an Itam on [he ngcnda for setting a~ublic hearing date to p~ovlde 72.5 acres of land for commercial deve~ opment, and there is no reas~n ta use the industrt.~l land when we can approve 72.5 ecres for retail and cortmerclal uses In the canyon. N~ compllmented the sta'~, again~ on a fin~ staff report, George Kilishek~ Warner Lambert Company~ expressed his support of the staff report and steted lt is a good docur,~ent as amendcd and the steff is to be congratulated for a lot of harJ work fn comin_y up wlth somettiing that m~+kes the best that can be rr~de out of a very dtfflcult situa~ion in the Northeast Iridustrial Area. Jne Campbell~ Chairman of the Industrial Committee for the Chamber of Ccx+nierce voiced his support of ihe staff reconarier~dation which reflects very cleariy the theme and phtlosophy of the type• ~f concerns the ir.dustrial sector has relafing to the ~~se of the industr~al propertyo and felt staff has dono an excellent Job sumrr-srtxino those concerns a~d coming up with a reasonable pr~~~sal. Chairman Pro Temt~ore Tolar asked exactiy what the impaeL would ne If the Planning Commission ma!ces a motio,, to suoport staff's recommendatfon~ wondering whether ~r not the industriat zone would be left exactly as It is. Annika Santalati~ Assistant OiPector for Zo~lr~g~ ext~lai ned the proposal would bbsically be to leave the industrial zone the way it is, ~xcapt tt would put in exceptfons fo~ the Northeast Industrtal Area~ and state in that area the o~ly ~pp~oprtate conditional use pcrmits are those which directly serve the industrial eommunlty or are tndustrial in nature. end the rest of the code r+ould be appltcable to oth~r industrial areas in A~aheim. 8/13/79 ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM C1 TY PLANNING COMMISSION~ AU6UST 13, 197~ 79•5~:1 STAFF PROPOSAL PERTAINING TO ENCROACHMENTS OF COMMERCIAL USES INTO THE NORTNEAST INOUSTRIAL AREA. co~tinued She explalned the Cammission could recommend edoptlon of the wording es It appeArs in the staff report; I~ewever~ the presentation at the work sess lon dld include ~n indu*triol CUP subsectton wh(ct~ talked ebaut cercain typ~s of quast-con+~~~ercfal ~ses~ such os terqe squere footage ten~nts sueh es furniture stores~ etc., whtch mTght be approprlate wtth a condlrlonal use pe~mlt tf specificAlly located In certain ereas~ end that the Corrmission r~ay atill be interested tn that subscctlan in other lndustrt~l areas. Cheirman Pr~~ Terr~ore Tola~ stated I~e felt the Indust~ial ists are saying thcy would be upposed to that proposa) And are (n favor of tl~is steff recommenda:lon (n reletionship to na Gen~ral Plan chanc~e rr.latlny to the lndustri~l zone. Mlss Santalai~ti explalne~ that apt~raval ~f thls rccommenclatlan would tiqhten up ih~ regulations ln the Noriheast Industrial A~ea. Commtssloner Frv askeci if this rec~mmendatiun would pc~mit offlce buildinqs ten stortes or h 1 ghe r. Miss Sant~lehtl ~xplained an office functlon In the inauscrlal area wauld requtre a va~lance unless i[ is en acc~ssory use to the primary tndustrial manufecturer~ ~nd then A t~n-story offlce bu(Id(ng would be allaoe~l far offlce end administratlon purposes. Chairman Pr~ rPmpo rC Tolar stated we da need tl~e North Ame~ican Rockwel) type operetlons in our ind~stri~l arP~~~ and referred ta their e(ght to ten-s~ory h(~h office buiiclfng~ p~inting aut thAt is a tremencious amou~t of office space. Ne was co~c~rned thet this proposa 1 w~,ul d c 1 i ~nlnatc the poss (b i 1 1 ty of chet hanpen t ng ac7a i n. Commissloner ~I~rbs t stateJ that office space taG.es care of the Rockwel l operation. Ronald Thompson~ P lennln~a Otrector. explaine~d if someone wsnts to develop a"spec" industrial office buildinq chat w~uld have only bona fide (ndustrlel use~s such as reseerch fi rms. a~cfil c~ctural fi rrm and al 1 those fi rn~s that +~rc pe~ml tted in th~ Industrial area, they could hui l~i t as a matter of rlyht or they could bui ld 1 t as en Incl de~tal or accessory use to thef r tnousirlal operati~s wi thout a condl ttonat use parmit. t1e stated (f sorncor.e }~es a five-acre sitc a~d thcir office s~ace woutd servfce only the industry ln the area~ they could still request A conCitic,nal use permtt. Chai rman Pro Tcrnpor~ Tol ar statcd h• does not want to 1 imi t this type faci 1 i ty coming tn. Rob~rt Go) l~ repr~scnting tlockwel l internattonal ~ st~tcd al l the activities that go nn tn that Rockwell off ice bui id{ng are reiated to thelr othe~• mctlvitles ~x~ the slte, and that (t is purely admi c~istrat io~. Chai rman Pro Tempore Tol ar stated t~c is not opposing North M+crt :an Rockwel i and wanted to see na~e of that type industry In the area. Mr. Thompso~ sta~~d the Planntng Commisslon could recomrnend approva) of the staff recommendatlons to Clty Council f~~r thelr ir~lemenGation and adoption, ~nd the Commission docs not havs to hold a public hearl~g; ihat this is a muitt-phased proposal and the enforcoment would ~o fro+n e"sc~ueaky-wheel" type cnforcement proqram to A comprehenstve enforcement program. Ile stated the Counci 1 coulci review the proposal and if they want to move in tt~t~t Girection, could set it f~r a pubtic h~earing sn~ direct staff to immediately move An implementa~lon of the rest of the program. 8/~3/79 ~ M 1 NUTt.S ~ ANANE 1 M C 1 TY PIANN I 11G COMM 1 SS I ON ~ AUGUS T 13. 19 79 79• 600 STAFF PROPOSAI PERTAINING TO k.NCR0AC11MENTS OF COMMERCIAL USES INTO TNE NORTHEAST INDUSTRIAL AiIEA. cont I nuad Commissfon~~ I~erhst felt t~~r. only way to pratect thc industrlal zone is to lerve It llk.e it Is and take out some of the uses we do ~oc want in ,.he conditlo~al use permit sectlo~~ and to enforc~ thr. zoning code and to make It as pure tndustrtal as poss(ble. ACTION: Commisslor~er Herbst offered a mc~tton~ secondad by Lommissloner King nnci MOTION ~t D(C~mrnissl~ners Darnes and E3ushorc being ebsent), thAt th~ Anah~tm City Pl~nntn~ Cortwnission cioes hereby recommend to the CICy Council thet the ML (Industrial. Llrnited) Zone code b~ amended to rcad as sha+n In thc staff report to the Planning Conxnlsslon dated August 13~ 13~~ pages 1-c(4) and (y), nnd thet a Northeast I~dustrlal Aree code enforccment program be cstabl Ished as recortn~nded on pe~c 1-c(5) . Ch~irma~ Pro Tem~ore Tolar indicaied hc had supportr.d the motion ~nc1 his suppor~ Is tn rclatie~shi~+ to thc inte~~rlty of the Industrl~l ar~a as discussed by the Chember of Co~mie~ce and Comml~sioner 1lerbst e~rlier~ but chat he is concerned ebout the are.a along Le Palma south t~ t.l~e RI v~rside Frc~w+~y wherc therc ~~re cncroAChments exlsttny~ whether they are right nr wrong~ and he dld not thlnk you cnuld sto~~ p~ple from lookin9 at tho~e ct~rnncrci~~l-r~crealianal Jevelopments and thr. furniture mflll~ ~nd thet this daes demonstratc there is a quasl-conrnercial zane~ hut felt he w~uld surport thls ~ecommendetlon because IL Is the inten[ of wh,~t we have trled to accomp~~sh In thP ~~en. Ccxnmissloner lierbst polnted out tEils does not st~p peuple from cominq in and asking for dlffersnt uses. H~ steted 1t is up to che industrfal ~eople in thc breas to be watchdogs and come to the public {~caringg a~d voice their obJectt~ns~ pa(nting out times do thange a~d Cvmmisslons anJ Counci ls chsncye~ and I t is very important that they do come In and opposc the reyur.sts. Mr. Sierk s~ai.ed It is very dffficult f~r a businessmt+n to take time off fram his business and attend .~etin~~s. He stated i t is a constant battle dnd~ I~opeful ly~ when these items are o~ thc agenda~ they wi ll be alerted and can have sc~neone attend~ but somettmes the aycnda sl ips by, and they do expect the Planning Gommission~ as rerr~stntativ~s of the communlty~ to 1c~ok nut for thelr interest. He stated he would apprectate a phon~ call when there is a crlt(cal item on the ayenda. Commissioner 1lerbst polnted out thls item wiil he yoing befare the City Council and ha felt (t is very irt~iort.ant t~iat ttir.y attend that meeting. Mlss Santalahtl stated the last report to the Planning Cormissl~~ included delr.tion of certain uses under the conditlonal use pcrrnit sectlon~ such as mobtlehome parks~ pl~~ned residential Aevelopments~ planned unlt com+rercial shopptnq centers. and assumed the Commission sti l l agreed those sections should be removed from the cond(tlonal use permtt section~ and Cortmissloner Nerbst (ndicated he would agree and stated the uses the Planning Commisslon wants to look at ere those which servfca '. t(ndustrial comnunity purely. 8/i3/79 ~ ~ ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ A~JGUST 1~~ 1979 79~~~~1 I~TEM N0. ~- CONDITIONAI. USE PERMIT N0. 2~06 (continued) Chalrman Pro Tempore 7olar REOPENCD TIIE PUDLIC 11EARING. Uick Uraadway~ rep~esenttng IPS~ stated that the approv~~l Qranted ap~raximately one ~~nd one-half ye~rs ego was for two lots for quasl-commerclal usPs such es furnlture-rel~t~cf type uses, and that the r~maindcr of the development is zoneci Nl. and any use permltted In the ML T.one. Ne stated hP strongly belleves thet this r~~u~st Is not f~r a commerclal use and hc did not thinl: It should bo classified as retAll~ and thet thcre will bc no drive-in or walk-ln trafflc; that these arP students wha Are sreci~icolly co~ing to this bullding for a pcrtod of two hours to parttc(patc tn the cry rnn~stlcs pr~nrem; that this use Is closer to the otl~er uses in the industrlal perk t~~an .~ cormx~rclal us~; that cormxrclal huildinys~ because of thetr c~nstructlon and des(~an, do nat lend themselves to the functlons that f~avc tu be performed tn the bu(lcifng as well as thls (ndustrla) butldtnc~; th~~t they nePd a H?.•foot by 42-foc~t~ cnrr~letcly o~e~ area; that thc entire huf lding is sp~nned with no steel posts Instdc:; ancl that they need a 1G-foot hel~ht for vaultln~, etc.~ and th~ butlding has a 17-fcwt cleor under beam~ and he dld not belir.ve they could find thts ty~e requironx~nt in a cormx~rcial structure in a c~mmerciAt area. He stated about onc yrar ago~ on July 3~ 1~7u~ at 1~0~ East South Strect~ Anahetm~ a condltlonal use permlt was approved for a 10~~00 square fc,ot !iymnastics f.ic(lity (n an Ml. Zone wtth elght parktng spaces. He stat~~d he understands there i~ a differcnt ~hllos~phy today with the ConYnissl~n~ Counct I.~n~f community. ~nd tl~ai I~e had refer~nceci that recent approval to note it hes b~en Jonr before and he undcrstands there have becn no problcros Hith that exlsting use. He err~hasi:~d the traff(c wl l l he lc~wer than with a m~~nufacturtng-type use. Georye !(i lishek frrxn t-~e Warner Lambert Co~nany rcact fr~m thc staff rcport to the Planning Commission relatln~ to the proposal partatntng to encrnachments of cor.me~tlal uses Into tt~e Northeast Industrial Arce as f~llciws: "For the above reasor~s~ thc Northeast Industria) Arca r~epresent.s a valuable~ limited and fast-dtminishiny asset ahich provides thp Ctty with numeraus bzneflts. In thc vpinion of the Planni~g staff~ the yoals and obJectives of the Creneral Plan with respect to (ndustrit~l uses are still vnlid anci should be vigorously supported. These goals and oi~Jectives can be Implernented by preservfnc~ the Northeast Industrial Area for high-qual~ty industriel develo~ment. Uncievelopeci Industrlal IAnd is .o scarce end valu~ble that A~ahe(m is in a positlon to be selecttve ab~~it potential users of the Northeas~ Area." He stated he fclt since the Planning Commission has cleariy steted thfs (s wh.rt they want to ~io in that area, a c~ymnastics facility does not ftt int~ that category; ~ven though it would be less disruptive than a shopping ~enter, it clncs not r+eet tl~e criterl~ set for what has been discussed and ar.reed upen and v+hat should be approved by thP C(Ly Cou~ctl. He stated he ls oppr~sed to th 1 s pro~osel and aske~i the Ccxnmi ss lon to oppose i t. TNE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSEU. Commissioner Herbst stated comments have been made that we r~ust look after our ch(ldren ancf he weuld agrec wlth that cance~t~ but that there is a p:ace for them and n~t tn the (ndusirlal area. Fle state~ che petitioner has sald lt wo~ild be toc+ far to t~avcl to some other area, but he couid ~ot agree r+ith that cancept. elther~ and th~t certatn gymnasium- type uses in the industrial area have been apprav~d because they do service the industrial cunmunfty and are not bringing in outsid~ students and are there for che people in the area fpr thetr h~alth programs. 8/~3/79 1_ .•t' MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY FLANNING COMMISSION, I-UGUST 13~ 1~73 79"~~~Z ITEM N0. $- CONUITIONAI. USC PCRMIT N0. 2006 (continued) ACTION: Camm{ssioncr Herk+st offered e mntion~ seconded by Conanlssloncr Ktng and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioners Barnes r~nd Hushore~ being absent), that the Anahclm City Planning Commtssion has revieNed the prrposal to pern~it a gymnnstlcs acader+ry In the ML (Industrlal~ Limited) tone an ~ rectanyularly-shap~d parce! of lend conststing ~f approximt+tely 1,2 acres locntr.d et the northwest ~orner of Whfte Star Avenue And Armando Street~ having dpproximate f~onteges of 1~?. feet on the northeest stde of White Star Avenue ~nd 275 feet on the northwest si~ie of Armnndo Street; end does hereby epp mvc the Neqattvc Declaratlon from the roqulrement to preparc an envtronme~ta) impact report on th~ basts that th~re wauld b~ no siqnificent tncltvtdual or cumulr,tive adverse onvtronmental irnpact due to the approva) of th(s Ne~etivP Occlaration slnce thc Anahcim General Plan des(g~atF~ the subJ~ct property for ,ycncrel lndustrlal I~nd us~ss a>mmensurate with the proposAl; that no sensitive environmental Impncts are Involved In thc prarosAl; that the Inttlt~l Study aubmltted by the petittoner indtcates ~u slc~nificant indlvidual ar cumulati~ie adverse envlro~mental tmpacts; and that tt~e Negativc Declaratton substantletiny Che fore~atng findings is on file 1n the City of Anahelm Plnnnln~ Department. Commtssioncr Ilcrbst offered Rcsolution No. PC1°'1( onA movcd for its passage and sdopt(on~ that the Anaheim Clty Planning Commfss(~ does hereby d~ny Petition fo~ Condit(onal Use Fermit No. 20~6 on the basts that .he usc does not servtc.c the tndustrlal area and would nnt be torrp~tiblc with thc inciustrl~l areA and woulcf brinq chtldren tnto tFte arca whlch could crratc traffic and sufety ~~azards. On roll call~ [he forcr~oing resolutton was pas~ecf by the follawiriQ vote: AYES: CQMMISSIOt~CRS: OAVID, FaY~ HFR85T~ ~CiNC~ TOI.AR NOES: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSENT; COt1MIS510NER5: EiAii~aES~ BUSIIORE Chairman Pro Tempore Tolar stated he has supuo~ted :I~e r~x~tfon for denlat because nr. had Just supported a concept rrla[~ng to thls type use in the lndustrtai arca; however~ he strongly supports the Stie~ o~ thls faclltty con;ing to Anati~(m; and that maybe thts (s the wrang place and~ in all clcar r:c~nscienc~~ cannpt support it at this tecation. He~ steted he does not knaw of any p1acP in tl~(s city Hhe~e v+e could h~ve thls type use. but wanted to be su~e che petttioner knc~ws ct~~t we do want this facility, and he felt most of the indust~tal(sts would w~~c it. He sug~ested the pet+tinner rucet Nith Jtm Ruth of the Parka and Recreation pepsriment~ explatning in the last ~ew years we havc becn able to develop some of ou~ park ~ites int~ t~nnis fa;.Iltti~s and othcr faciiittes using City land in conJunctfon wlih private enterprise rroney and even som~^ f~deral granes~ and felt rnaybe that would be thE: right approa:;f~ sinc•e th(s is the typc of use that would certai~ly fit int~~ our parks and recreatinn f~cilities. 1ie stattd there is land available in our parks that has nat been clcval•~ped. ~{e felt even th~ Chartt~er of Commerce members wuuld be ha~ppy to offer any assi,tance t`~ey c~ulu~ and he fe?t anybody ln tF~e -:tty of Anaheim would welcome this type of ectlvlty for the youth with c~pen arms. Jack Whitc~ Ueputy CI[y Attorr!ry, presented C~~~ petltioner with the wrltten rlght to appeal the Plannin9 Loirmis~~(or,'s declslon within 22 days to the Cfty Counc?1. ai ~ 3~ 79 ~. . MIf~UTES. ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ AUGUST 13~ 1979 79'~~3 OT11ER ITEMS FOR DISCUSSI~N C~mmisaloner David asked the status of the letter rccaived from Holden 6 aevtns~ Attorneys~ pertalning to thc Heitmen sltuatian. (Condltl~na) Use Permit No. 1922) Anniko Santalahti~ Assist~nt Direccor for Zontng~ explafncd the lettar was glven to the Commlssic~ners slmply bccause Ot had been s~!nt to them; thet the p~ocedures were dlscuss~d and tf the City had filed e criminal compialnt~ the c~u~t would hAVe questt~n~d whether the app~oprlate adminlstrative prc-cedures haci be~n follawed. She stated there was e court hearing about onc montl~ ~go and he wes given 30 days to mova out bccause hc had Indlcated he had a dtfferent locatton; and thet tw~ weeks ego hc wes In th~ process of mdving and thc Clty (s walt(ng for the tourt to con~l~te tts work with hlm. She stated there is nothing the City wlll do at tl~ls time. Chalnnan Pro Tempare TolAr statpd he was gotny ta "red flag" thts type of thing and wtl) nat look favoreb ly upon a s i x-month reques t agai n. Jack White~ Deputy Ctty Attnrney~ explained the requeSt was that the Ctty bring e civii actlon~ and that has not been Aane prrvtousty~ and usually the crimtn~l court hendles It. Ne statcd u~less ~he Plannt~g Commtsston has any athRr comments, th.~t is the w~y the sltuatton will bc hAndl~d. ADJOURNMENT There bQing no further business~ Commissfoner Fry offered a motlon~ seconded by ~omnisslaner Osvtd and MOTIO~~ CA!RRIf.O (Comm~aslone~s Bernes and Bush~rc being absant)~ that the meeting be sdJourned. The mecting was edJourned at ~+;05 p.m, Respettfully submitted~ ~ ~ ~ Edith Le liar~is~ 5ec~etary Anaheim City Planning Commisston ELN:hm 8l13/79 ~ ~ ~