Minutes-PC 1979/09/10~ ~ ~
City Nall
Anahelm~ Caltfarnt~
September 1Q~ 1~79
REGULAR - Tha regui~r meeting of the Anahelm City Plsnning Cammis~lon was c+~lled to
MEETING order by Chsirwomsn aarn~s at 1:35 p.m.~ September 10~ 1979~ in the Counctl
Ch~mber~ s quorum being presen~,
PRESENT - Cha~rw~non: Barnes
CommiYyloners: Bushore~ David, Fry, Herbst~ King, Toler
ABSENT - Cororni~slonPrs: No~e
ALSO PRESE~IT - Frenk Lowry
,~ack Whl te
Jay Tttus
Fau) Sin~er
Annike Santalehti
Jay Tashtro
Dean Sherer
Edith Har~is
Assistant Ctty Attorney
Daputy Clty Attorney
Office Englneer
Trafflc Engineer
Asslstant Director for 2ontng
Associate Ptanner
Zontny Rapresentative
Planning Commisston Secretary
FL~DGE OF - The Pledge of A) legtance to the FIAg was led by Commlssione~ Bushore.
Chaln~vwnan BA rnes explained thc Repo~t and Recomme~datton items are listed as Item No. 1
on the agenda and that those ttems whtch necd to be discussed will be heard late~ In the
meeting. ~nd further explained Item A would be dtscussed ldter.
1 TEM N0. 1
The following Report and Recommendattons staff reports were present~d but not read:
B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1558 - Request for retroactive extenslon of time.
Ray Siagelc req ucsts a retroective extension of time for Conditlonel Us~ Permit No. 1558~
to expiro Au~ust 1a~ 1980~ for property at the ~outheast corner of Santa Ans Street and
Atchlsan Street~ for a metel reclamation facility and outdoor storage of rags and metal.
It was noted Commtssioner Bushore had inspected the site and indicated the petitioner has
complied with the conditions of apprnval.
AC7!ON: Commissioner Ki~g offered a natton, s~conded by Commisstoner To1a~ and MOTION
CA~a ED. that th~ Anahetm C~ty Plsnning Corn~lssion does he~eby grant a one-year~
retroactiv~e extenston of time for Condition~l Use Permit No. 155$~ to axpire August 18~
79-6~7 9/10I79
10 1_0 ~ Requeat or approva o rev sed p ans.
19 79
Richerd A. Broadvsy~ IPS Companlea~ requests epprovel of revlsod pla~s for construction of
a ana-lat. 44•unit. RhF~3000 condominium subdivislon at the southwest corner of Crescent
Avenue snd Magnolla Avenue.
ACTIt1N: Comnissioner King offercd a motian~ sccondcd hy Commisstoner King and MOTION
~~D~ ~hat the A~ahetrn Clty Pl,;~r.~nq Commisslon docs hcreby grant the request f~r
approvsl of revised plens for Rerlassifi~ation t~o. 78-79-40~ Varlanc~ No. 3~9a, and
Te~tati ve Map of T~act No. 10~10.
D. VARIANCC N0. 254G - Request for Cerminatton.
~_ _~_
l.azare F. aernhard requests termination of Variance No. ?.5~~6 c~ranted on Snpte~ber 5~ 19?3,
to parmit en autorr~bile and recreatlonal vehicle storage facility tn the ML Zone wtth
walver of minimum front setback located at [he nartheast corner ~f aroecfwey and Loara
Street Inasmuch as thc usr. has be~n discontinucd.
ACT1011: Gamnissloner King offe~ed Res~lution No. PC7~-18~ and moved for Its passagQ and
a~on~ that the Anahelm City Planning Gommissian daes hereby grant the request for
termination of Varlance No. 2546.
On ~oll call~ che foregc~ing resolution was pessed by the folic~wing vot~:
E. RECOMMFNDED CODE AMENOMENT - SECTION 18.$4.042.Q12 - Deleting requirement for a
cond t o~a use perm t or roo -maunte so e~ to ector panels tn the Scenlc
Ca~ridor Qverlay Zone~ since legislattve scclon p~ohibits ordinances whtch
prohtblt or unreasonebly restrict the use of sol.~~ energy systems.
ACTIO~~: Commissioner King offered a rrotton~ se conded ~y Commissioner Tolar and MOTION
~t D~ that the Anahelm City Planning Commission does hercby recommend to the City
Councit that an ordinance be ~do~ted amending Sectlon 13.34.01~2.012 pertaining to roof-
mounted solar collector panels In the Scentc Corridor Overiay Zone.
I ~ITRL IMPACT REPORT N0. x27 AI~AHEIM HI LLS, It~C.. 380 Anaheim Ni I ls Road~
~ ~ ~ -- Anaheim~ CA 928Q7. Property described as an
N E M N0. 10784 (rrCgularly-shapNd parcel of land consisting
of approximately 14.9 ac~es having a frontage of
approximately }00 feet on ihe north side of Canyon
Rim Road~ having a maxEmum depth of approximately 1135 feet~ and b~ing lacaced approxt-
mately 600 feet west of the centerline of Ser~ano Avenue. Property presently classifted
,~ q.
. .1'
Elil NQ. 227~ RECLASSIFICATION N0. 79-80-8 AND TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. 10784 (continued)
- .~_._
Subject pecitlon was continued from the m~reting of August 27~ 1~7Q at tho request of the
Planning Comm(ssl~n due to [he absence of thre~ Commissi~ners~ with the petitioncr's
Thnre was no ane indicating thel~ presence in opposition to subJect request~ and although
the s tt+f f repart to the P 1 ann t ng Lommi ss I on dateci Septcmbe r 10 ~ t9 79 was nat read at the
publlc hearing~ It ts referred to and made a pert of the minutes.
Dan Salceda~ representing Aneheim Ilills~ Inc,~ stated basically they concur wfth thc staff
recommendations; that thay think the proJect ls not only consistNnt with the Generel Plan~
but when the Canyon Area G~neral Plan was adoptcd in March 1'177~ ~reat emphests was placed
upon trying to provide modest development conslstent with the ecolo~tca) balance wlthtn
the cany~n sreo; that 1G untts wlll be built o~ thls 1A.~ acre parcel. or approxlmately y$
of the enti re area wi ll ~ctually be devclopeJ~with 957~ nf the property remalning (n tts
natura) state; that ttie Canyon A~eo General Plan statr~s the poltcy of the Ctty Louncll,
the Planniny Commission ai~d those varl~us citizens groups whith made up the Canyon Area
Genere) Plan was tc t y and promote a clust~r-type housing pr~Ject; that the pro,ject ~neets
al l the Ct ty reyui rements and total ly conforms wl th tt~c law and spi rt t of the Canyon Area
Gener~l Plan; that this Is the ftrst developmr.nt Anahcim flills~ 1nc, has p~esented in a
multi-famlly settin~~ which does nat rcquire a varfance from the 150-f~ot hright
restrictlon; and that the near~st residentlel untt is in cxcess of 3~~ feet. Fie stated they
have met with the residents of the SConegatc oroject on thrce differe~t occ~~sions ~nd felt
it is a fair statement. since there is no oppc~sitio~ present today~to say th~t th~y are (n
eompliance with the p~oJect; that the residents did want A~ahelm Ilills~ Inc. to sttpulate
that the open spaca area wtil remain as open space~ and stated they are williny to make
that sttpulatlon If the Ptanning Commfssion so desires.
Dan Salceda potntecf out~ in respc~nse to Commisstoner King's ~uestion~ th~ yreen areas on
the map dtsplayed w~~icf~ wt 11 remain open spece~ indicating c~nly S~ of th~e area wt 11 be
developed wit~i structures. He explained~ in response to Lhsirwor-an Barnes' questinn~ that
the zoniny requlras that they not bulid in excess of 1.5 units per acre and that this
praJect is 1.1 units per acre; that if that area were to be subsequently developed~ a
General Plan amendment wauld br_ requ(red; that on thls part(cular pr~j~ct the ~pen spacc
wirl be deeded to the liomeowners ass~ciation and Anaheim Hills~ Inc. would no longer have
any legal ownership on the property whlch would guarantee that the p ropPrty could not be
de~veloped in the fueure by them, lie suggestec! that that be added as a conditic~n of
Cnmmissioner Tolar stated the only way to get to the estatc denslcy zaning was t~ provide
this much open sp~ce and if any more of :he area were to bc developeci~ the General Plan
would be violated. Ne asked wno wtll maintain the landscaping of the one large comnon
area and what planting is p~onosed for the graded areas, potntiny out the Enviranmental
Impact Report po(nts out the proJect would require extensive gradtng and modification of
the natural topography~ and asked haw the hill wiil be rebuflt afte~ the dirt has been
remove d.
Mr. Salceda stated they would not cut any hill ar ridgeline~ but will take a portion, and
pointed out thc top of thc rldgeline on the map and explained they will be takiny about 35
feet down and cutttng into it aaout 200 feet and will be manufacturing the upslope. and
that the maintenance will be the responsibtlity of the master associatTnn~ nut the 16
(ndivtdual owners. tle pointed out the ingress and egress of tF~e proiect and the school
stte to the east~ and ~~lained tF~ey a~e currently deliberating whether or not they wtll
EIR N0. 227, RECLASSIFICATION_N0. 79-80-8 A~~Q TENTATIVE MAP OF TRAC7 N0. 10784 (continued)
r..~.~ ~.~..~i+~~
give the 180~0~0 cublc yerds of dfrt ~o the school site for the~ ~rAde, Ite explained~ in
response to Commissioner Telar's questlon~ tl~at the area fron the pads down to tlie
Stonegate proJect wi l l n~t be altered.
Commissloner ~lerbst stated it appea~s Mahelm Iltils~ inc. will be cutting completely
throuyh thr~ rldgellne~ .ind Mr. Salce~da presen~,ed another exhihtt shawing a better vicw af
thr. rtdg~line~ polnttng ou~ they wlll not be cutting throuyh the ridgeline.
Moe Ti demanis, representing Anaheir~ HI l ls~ Inc. ~ statr.d (n terms of s~rAdtng the ridgel Ine,
(t exte~ds appr~ximately 12~0 tc~ 15~0 fcet~ starting near Canyon Rim RoA~i to Weir Canyon
Road, and comr.s to an end and slopes ~iown to Canyon Rlm Road near th(s proJPCt; that they
wil) be sl~avl~g off the last la0 feet of that ~ortion where it u~mes down to Canyon Rlm
Road; that the main r(dgeltne wtll stay and be a huffer f~r th~ sch~ol sitc ~nd they wlll
be grad t ng 1 n to thn s I de whc re the r 1 dye 1 1 nc corx~s down to Canyw, R i m Roed.
Commissloner Tolar statcA he persc~nally dn~s not sharr C~r-mistloner Nerbst's concerns
regardtng ~the rldgeline after review(ng the site; t!~at he has bcen opp~sed to con~mtnl~m
developments In the hill and canyo~ area being put tn thr. resiciential tracts~ but felt
thts more closely mcets what he wanted ta see regarding clustcr housing and fclt it
relatas more t~ the topography of the land, and pointed out any reduction ~f the riclc~eline
Is an the westerly cnd of the slope.
Commisstoner Ilerbst stated his argumc~nt is tl~at 8rt~cnii~*5 of the canyon are starttng to be
cut down and this (s the first tlme chey have cut thro~yh a mountAin~ .~nd that Is what he
is obJecting to because hr_ is concerned that cuttlny through the hills will change the
winJ currents drastically th~rough tt~e canyar. !ie f~:lt this tssue has not been properly
addresseJ in the EIR and fclt it sf~ould be addressed. Ne stated he agress with the
clustering concept. He pointed out this hlll has been rebuilt once already when Canyon
Rirn Road was dev~eloped and now lt will be cut dawn again~ and that was one h{11 which was
supposed to rernai n.
Dan Salc~da stated tt~e Ganyon Area General Plan alweys depicted this area as a developable
arca for ttS-A-~-3~000~ whicl~ was Just a holding patte~n; chat they are cutting inCo the
hill approximatcly 35 feet and these will be two-sto ry units approximately 25 feet htgh~
so there will be a delta of 10 fecc. Ne stated the ridqcline will remain and shortly tn
the east there are elevations at 1180 and 1183~ and this developmr.nt will be at 975 fect.
~artmissioner Herbst stated the plans shaw a 75-f~t drop in the ridgeline and pointed out
the EIR does state there is some concern regarding the posstbility of ptanting the slopes~
and I~dlcated it states there could be rocks ex~osed and it (s qu(te posstble plantings
wil) not srow betause hills which have been manufactured in the past have not grown.
Mr. Salceda stated they are spend(ng a stynificant amount of money working with two
la~dscapl~g compa~ies and ve ry shortly wll) be making a presentatt~n to the Planntng
Commission anc: City Councii p roviding lnformatton on seedtng mixes which will put these
hills back in an indigenous state. He stated they will ma~ke eve ry effort ~nd spend a lot
of money putting the hills back into shape a~d not have them in a scarred cor~ditlon.
Commission~r Tolar stated he usually disagrees with what Anaheim t~ills~ Inc. does. but in
this particuler instance he sees this as accanplishing one of the things h~ wanted
accompiished all along~ and that is for tho hftls to remain intact, and thP large open
spece lot vt~tually lnsures the City snd the residents that there can be no more
dovelopment easterly of this proparty to thc school slte and ebov~ that is the
and there can be no development thare.
Commtssicxier Herbst stated~ again~ he Is not agatnst this typn of clu~tertnq~ but felt It
Is up to the Planntng Cortrnissto~ to preserve the amenlttes of the canyon, and pointod aut
tho G~s~e~el Pl~n also states the htlls are not supposed ta be cut and the canyons ar~ not
supposed to be fllled~ and felt that Is what is happ~ntng her~ and peopic who huy tn th~
erea a~~e entltled t~ the vla,it,illty of the hllis and canyoR~. 1~e stat~d tf~ere or~ certnln
areas thet can be develope~ and certain arees that have to be left bcceuse they Are tha
pure emenitfes of thp canyon wtthout sllctng througl~ ~nd cutttng down the hilis~ and felt
mora ts bPiny cut in thts casc than Is beinc~ represented.
Mr. Salceda stAtcd he had spent m.iny hours with the residents nx~st proxirk~te to the area
end thetr maJ~r Zonctrn was th~at more units could br. dev~loned tn the fueure~ and felt
that conce rn cculd be alleviateJ by n~a{.(ng IC a condition of th~ tract mop ep~roval.
Frenk Lawry~ Asslstant G!ty A[t<~rncy, stAtcd therc arc+ approxirnately 1~ acres in tne open
spaec aroa and ~c.lntc~! out thc homca~ners a5soclatlon could butld six units tn that ~rea
and st(1) be within the densi[y confines SlnCe they will ccw~eratlvely awn i[ and wll)
have the Dower [c> subdlvlcie (t uniess it ts Cu~en care of leqally at thls point. He
suggesteci that the c~nditton be incluc+ed in [~~ts particular trACt's covenants~ cnnd(ti~ns
and restrlctions thot that lot bc p~ m~nently designated as open space.
ACT14N: Cortmissioner Y,(ng offered ~ m~ti~n~ secon~ed by Corx~t.s~oncr Tolar and MOTION
RR ED (Commissioner flerbst vottny no), thAt Environment~l Impac~ Rep~ri f~o. 227 for the
proposed deve)opment of Tentative Trac.t No. 1078~+, havlnq been con:•ldered this date by the
Anahelm Cit~+ Planntng Comm(ssion and evidence, both wrttten and ora~; having been
presented to supplement draft EIR No, 227~ finds that potential envtronmental fmpacts of
the proJect may be reduced to an insignfficant level by conformance with City pl.~ns~
policies and ordlnances and that draft EIR No. 22) is in complian ce witn Che Californla
Environmentnl Quality Act and wlth C(ty a~d Sta•e ~IR Guidclines and, therefore~ based
upan such tnfarmation~ tfie Anaheim City Planning Commission does he~•eby ce~tify EIR No.
Commissioner King offered Resolution No. PC79-178 and moved for its passage ~nd adoptian
that the Anat~e(m City Planning Commission does hereby yrant Petition for Reclassification
No. 79-~-8~ sub;ect to tt~e condition that Lot tlo. 17 shall be pern-anently desl~nated as a
non-butldable lo[ for open space purposes, and subJect ta Interdepartmental Committee
Commfssioner Tolar asked if these {~lans will be in corr~lia~~ce with the estate density
holdtng zone on the General Pla~ for t~Is area.
Dean Sherer~ Zoning Representative~ explained these plans :+1 th the densi ty pro[~osed
conform wtth the GenerAl Plan and~ therefore~ a General Plen amendment is not needed.
On roll call~ the foregc~ing resolutlon was passed by the following v~ote:
Commissioner Y.ing offered a motian~ seconded by Commlssioner Tolar and MCTION CARRIED
(Commtssioner lierbst voting no)~ that the Anahefm Cfty Planning Conxnissian does hereby
find that the proposed subdiviston~ together with its design and improvement. Is
EIR N0. 227. RECLASSIFIGATION N0. 73•8~'b ANp TENTA7IVE MAP OF Ti~ACT NA._ 10]84 (contlnued)
conslstent with the City of Anahelm Gener~l Plan. pursuant to ~~av~rnmr.nt Codc Sectlon
6G473.S end cic~es. therefore~ apprnvn Tnntet(vc Map of Trect No. 1~7~~~ fo~ a 19-lot~ 16-
unlt~ Rr1-~Q~~(SC) condnmin(um s~dlvlsion~ wubject to the folic~win~ co~Aitlons:
1, That the aprravAl ~t Te~ntetiv~ Map ~f TrACt l~o. 1~7R~~ is q, "ted subject to the
ap-~rovd) of Reclassiflcetion No. 7'.i~AO-8.
?, That should thls s~d~vislon bc dcvelop~.1 ~s mor~ than onc subdivlslan. each
subdlvlsl~n thereof shall bc suhmitteJ in ~rnt~~tive fnrm for t~n~rovrl.
3, Thst all tots wtth(n this trect sliell be scrvrd by un~irrqround utllltles.
4. Thst thc or(ginai docunrnts of the covcnants~ condlti~ns~ and restrittlons~ And ~
Ictter addresse~i to the d~vel~~cr'x titlc cnm~Any authoriz(ng rceordaci~n thr.reof~ sh~ll
bc submitteJ to tlie City ~ttorney's Offic~ and a~pr~v~d hy th~ Clty Att~rnr,y's Office encf
Englneering Divisicm prior to final tr.~ct mep appr~~v~l. ~ald ck,cuments~ as nnrroved~
sfiall be flled end recordcd fn the office of the Oran~c County Recor~i~r. Said covenAnts,
conditl~ns~ anJ restrictions shAll include the restricrinn that Lo t~o. 17 be permane~ ly
retalneJ as A non-bulld~~ble lot for open space ~urposet only,
~. That strcet names shall be approvcd t~y the C~ty Planning Ocpertrtx~nt ~rinr to
approval of a final [~act rnap.
G, That dralnag~ of said ~~roperty sh~;l bc dfs~~~scd of in a mnnne~r settsf,ictory to
the City Fngincer. If~ (n thr_ preparati~~~ of the sitc~ suffir.ient ~~rAding I~ r~qulred tc
noc~ssltote a~arading ~~ermi!~ no work on graciing will t~e pcrnitted 5e~wecn Oct~hrr 15th
and Apri 1 15th unless al 1 requi rad off-x I te ciraln~ge ft~ci 1 i t. ie~ havr been instal d and
arc opcratlvc~. Positive assurancc sha~l be p~ovided the City that such drotnac~c
feci l i ties wi 11 be corr~let~~d pri~r t~ Octoi~er l;th. Necessary rlght-of-way for ~ff-si te
drol nage facl 1 f t ir. s shal 1 be Je.dl c~te~i to thc C i ty ~ or tt~e C I ty Counc I 1 siiel 1 have
inittetea condmm~ation proceedlnys tlierefor (tti~ COSLR of whicl, shall be borne by the
dcvelope~) prior to t',~~ commencer+~ent of c~rading operacions. 7he requi red drainage
facilities shalt b~ of a slze and type suff(cient t~ carry runoff watr..rs or(glnating fro~
htgher prc~pcrties th~~uyh said propcrty to ultimatc ~1lsposal as approved by the City
Englneer. Sald dralnsge fac(litles shall be the first item ~f c~nstruction and sha; be
completed and be functionel throughout th«: tract and fr~m th~ cfownstream boundary of the
property tn thc ultimatr. pai~~c of dlaposal prtc~r to t.he iss~~ancc of Any finat building
inspettians or occupar~cy pe~mi[s. Drainagr dlstrir,t relrrburserMnt a~reements may be made
aval lable to the devetopcrs of sald property upon thet ~ r~c~ucst.
7. That gr.~-ding~ cxcavaclon~ and all othcr constructiun ~ctiv~ttes shal) bc
conducted in such ~ manner ,o as to minir,ize thc possibility of any silt origina~tng from
this proJect being carrted lnto the 5anta Ana R(ver by storm water originating from or
flowln~~ through this ~~roJect.
$. That the developer of subJect tract shall enter inta a spcc(al facilities
agreerr~nt wi th the City f~r wster faci l i ties tn the High Elcvetlon System, as requi red by
Rulc 158 of the 4later Ut i 1 i cy Rate~ ~ Rules and Regul at ions pric~r to approval of a final
tract map~ as stinulated by the petittoner.
9, That ..11 private streets shall be developed 1n accordance with the Ctty of
Anaheim's Standard Detail No. 122 for private strects. Plans f~r the private street
1 t~hting~ as requi red by the. standard detai 1~ shal l be submt cteci to and approved by thc
Electrlcal Division. Ap~roved private street ligt~ting pl~ns shatl then be submitted to
thc ~utlding Uivislon for incluslo~ wlcti tl~r building plans prior to issuancc of building
10, That thc alignment and terminnl point of storm clratns shown on this tentatlve
tract ma~ sha) l not be censidereci flnal. Thesc drains shal l be subJect to precise clesign
considrsratic~ns and approval of tho City Engineer.
11, If permanent strect name s(nns heve not been installed~ temporary street name
signs siiall bc installed prior to any occupancy.
EIR N0. 227~ RECLASSIFICATlQN N0. 79-80-8 AND TENTATIVE t1AP OF TRACT N0. I(t7g4 (continued)
~~~r ~ ~.~~ ~
12. That thc c~wner(s) of subJr.ct prUperty shali pey apnroprlat~ drelnaqe assessment
fees to the Clty of An~~helm as dGtr.rr,in~~d by the Clty En~lnecr prlor to issuAnce af a
bullding permlt.
13. Thot all ~equlrer~nts of Ftre 2onc ~i~ otharwlsc identi fl~c1 es Fire Administrntlve
Qrdor No, 7G-~1~ wll) be met. Sur,li requ~remr.nts Includr_~ but are not limited to~ clilmney
spark nrrestors. protected att(c and under floor openings, Class C c~r bettr_r r~ofinc~
matorlel~ and one-hour ftre resistlve tonscructic-n of horixonc~l surfaces if wlthtn ?.~~
feet of adJocent b rush 1 and.
14. That fuel break, ~hall be p~ovldcd as determined to ba rcquir~d hy thP Flre
15. Thac nattve slopcs ndJaeent to nrwrly-c~nstructed homes shall be hydroseeded with
a low fucl conbustlhle sc~ed mtx. 5uch slopes shill be sprinklefeci and we~ded os requlred
to estahllsh 1~~ feet se~r~ratto~ of flammablr, vegeteticx~ frum a~y ~tructur~,
1G, Thnt the nwner(s) of subJcct prop~rty shall pay the traffic signel assessment fee
(Ordlnance Na, 38~6) ~ in an arn~unt AS cieterm(ned by tf~e City Counci 1~ for each new
dwellln~~ unit prlor to the issuanca ~f a buildfrg permit.
17, ThaC the owner(s) of suSJect praperty shal l~ay to thc Ct ty of Anahetm the
appropr•lote park and recr~otf~n in-1 teu fec~s as detcr•mined to be appropriate by the C(ty
Councll ~ sald fces ta be pald at thc tirrx~ t1~e !~u( I~fing pcrmi t i s issucd,
1a, That ftre hydrants shd) l t~e tnstA!led and charyed as requlr~d and clet~rr,ined t~
be necessory by the Ch(ef of tfie Flrr. Departmr.nt prlor to cc~mmr~cer+x~nt of structurel
f rAmtng.
13. That nny speciman tree removal shal! le subJect tn the re.auiations per[alninq ta
trea preservatlun in the Scenic Corridor Ove:riay tone.
20. In accordan~c with tt~c requirer-~nts of Sectlon 1$.~2.~?4] pcrt~ining to thc
inttlal sala of resi~kntlel hornes In tt,e C(ty of An~hr.im Plinni n~ Area "0"~ the seller
sh~l l provld~ eath buyer wi ch wri tten Informati~m c~nc~~rning t~~e Anahe(m f,enera) Plan and
ttie existing zanin~ within 30~ f~et of the boundaries of subJect tract.
Comntssicmcr Herbst offcrod a motic~n~ secondcd by Commissinncr Tolar and MOTION CAPRIEO~
thot the Anal,ein Cicy Planning CommiSSion docs hereby instruct stbff to co~duct a revlpw
to pof nt out the ~.nen 1 t 1 es of the canyo~ ~ s uch as what hI I I s an d wh i ch c~nyons are go! ng
to rcmaln.
Chairr+oman E3~rnes asG:ed Mr. Salcedn if Anahelm Nills, Inc, c.~u~ d h~lp the City staff by
Po(nttng out th~ ridgelines whieh wi l i b~ left anc.~ elso what th~lr ultlmate plans are
because things are chenging so fast in ttic arca~ and Mr. Salccda st~te~' they would need
four ta six Neeks in ordar t~ provide that tn'farmation.
Conmisslcx-er Talar msked if th~re are any plans comtnq before ehe Pla~ning C~rtn~tssion
beforc the six weeks. and Mr. Salceda stated LherP Is ane troct map for estate denstty
just to the south Irs flidden Canyo~ and Lhat there wi I I be no qradinn there~ and sti~,ulated
that he would not brtng that tract map in for aF~proval untl l the Cemmission has scen thts
s tudy.
Commissioncr Bushore asked i ~ the cnvtronmerral i~act report should be updated to address
moving the ~idgelines and the potenttal ch«, ;es in wind currcnts, i+nd Mr. Salceda stated
ne would think so an~ explained h~ had research~ed thcir library because Commissioner
ilcrbst had mentioned thi~ ear) icr~ and the only thiny he could fi~d was an ei r quality
study whtch reelly does nc~t address alr circulalion. Ile stated he wi 11 laok into that
prob lem.
R f. 1A 73f1 Ths rd Av~nue~ New York~ I~i. Y. 1Q~17. HGENTS;
ELLCTRICl1L PRODUCTS CURP., 111A North Main Street.
Los Anc,e 1~s ~ CA 90012 and Cl1L I FQRN I A C OMPUTE R
PRODUCTS~ INC.~ 2411 Nest La Palma Avenuc, Ani~heim~ CA 928~1. Petittonor requcsts WtiIVER
irregul~rly-shaped parcel of land c~nsistlny af approximatrly 16.2 acr~s locat~d north and
west of thc northwest eornor of La Palm~~ Avenue and Gi Ihert Street~ hAVlrlg appr~ximatc
frontagss of 60 feet o~ thc north sidc crf La Pelm~ Avenue And S~+G f~et an the wost side of
Gtlbcrt Strect~ and furthcr describcsd as 2411 West La Palma Avenuc, property presently
clessifled ML (INOUSTRIAL~ LIMITfD? 20NC.
SubJect petitlon was eonttnued fram thc m~~et(ng of Auyust 2J~ 197~ ~t the request of the
There Nes no one Indie~ttrtg xheir presr_nce In onnnslti~n to subJe~t r~~uest~ an~1 although
the stafE report tn Lhe Plannfng Cammisslon dated Septr.mbcr 1~~ 1~17~ was not rc-rd at thc
publlt hea~ing~ It Is rcf~rrr.d to and mnclr_ a part o` thc minutes.
uilllam Barkar~ Eleci rlcal Products Corporatlan~ a~acnt~ stnted th~fr con+pany cksigned this
dtsplay for Cal (forni a C~~uter Products, tnc. ~ whlcli (s on a lnrge parccl of land. Nc
prosented a gQn~,~ral artl~itectural vicN of the stg~l in re~~tio~sl~i~~ to thc butldtnc~. Ile
stated the sizc of the sign was establ(shed by a 3~-Inth letter which hives proper
vlsibi l i ty and the hei yht was estahl ished bec.~suse of existino trees; that the rnr~Jor
Frablem is th~ resl~lcn4(~) areA 22r, fect +~wa~ across the frcc, ~, +nd that thcre was one
objoctton by a resic3ent at tl~e prevlouz hee+ring and ~~e h~sd satls. thelr concern.
Jim Turner, represent i~~g Cal(farnia Computcr Pr~ducts~ Inc. ~ rcferrGd co the
Irrterdepartmencal Co-~~Ittee recomm~ndation cc~ndition requiring street lightlnq on Gilbert
and s tate Ch i s has noth i n9 ta cSo w i th the s 1 gn,
Chei rwoman Eiarn~r5 5 ta te~1 I t i s pos5 1 b le the fee has al rcady bcen pai d, and pean Sharer,
Zontng ikpre,entative, stated this is a ~tandard c~~ditlon and Is narmally includeci when
th~ fee has not been patd encJ thet che inittation of the vArir~ncr caused the conditi~n to
be ( nc 1 udr d.
Anntka Santa{ahti ~ Assis~ent Dtrector f~r Zon(ng~ staCed the applicant would have to
contact the Electr(cal Division in ordcr [o d~termine the amount of the fee,
Mr. Turner srAt~c he undr.rst4c~~ this is a requfrement for thc impmvement of street
115~iting to be instal led an~ he was not familia~ wtth this requi~crn~r,; and it was not
brought up at the prevlous hearlny.
Chalrwor~an f3arnr.s st~Led this (s a general nssess~ent fet a~d it is paici by evcryone in
the ci ty and wheneve ~ anyone comes be fnrc thN P~ ann 1 ng Commi s s I on , the fee t s i nc 1 uded and
ttie fec must be pai d i f i t has not al ready been paid.
Mr. Turner stated he would n~t c~ ject i f thi s ts a c~neral fee, but he~ weutd ob,ject t f i t
is for thr ~ctual (n~pro~cmcnt of xtreet llghting.
Annika Sentalahtl st~+ted the Elnctrical ~Ivislan is bsking for the actual Imprc•~ement
because af the ~+mc~unt of frontsqe Involve~i~ which (s over yf1!! fee~t nf fron:ege on Gilbert
Commissionor Tolar esked how the pror~rty was Improved ~riginally wtthout the street
lighting br.in~ r~qutred~ and Annika 5antalahtl explained the zoning occurre:d (n the carly
I')~0's and the Ci ty wes not essess(~~~ fcc, at that t(rx~ ~nd {~robably any tmprovements have
elways bce~ done under cada ~nd therc h3ve been na public t~4arings. Shc ~teted if the
Cor~nlssion fcels thr, fe.e is excessivr.. the condition can be drleted, rnd explr~tned the
condi tlon wi 1 1 come up jgain I f,iny Improvrrr~nts are clone in the future.
Mr. Turne~ explaincd thc f~cility was butlt in 19G~3.
Chalrwoman Ba~nes asked the petitioner (f he would ilke ~ continu~nce in ~rder to flnd th~e
d~swers~ and Comnisstonr.r Tol~r stated if ~thc fees were npt paid~ he~ did not sce any
re~son for a eontinuance because every develc~pment in the city (s a5sessed and soon~er or
later thc fces wi 1 I have to be pald. He stated the peti tioncr has the prcragattv4 of
rrquesttny that tl~e con~itci~n bc waived, but hc would not support waivinq tt.
Cormissioncr Ncrt~st staicd [he petitioncr wants to put up a siqn an~+ he felt requlring
that conJttlan wi th the request for a sl~,~n could almost bc canstder~d black.m311. 11e
s tated he w~s not s urc the var i ance w i 1? even ba approved.
Mr. Turner stated 1ie had submitted a lettcr to ti~r City requcstinry t~erm(natlon of JArl~~nc~
I~o. 19~+z as requi red ?n CondiClon I~o. ?..
CammisslonPr King as4e~i Mr. Elarker If he had tontacted Mrs. Clayion~ and Mr, Barker
~eplted that he had and clarificd that she has no objcctions to tt~c stgn and was happy
that it will not be Seen from her property.
Comm(ssioner dust~o~e questioned thN size of the requested slyn~ nnd Nr. Qarker explalned
the electronic portton (s 14~+ s<auarr. feet~ or 4 feet high hy ~!1 feet long~ and is utillzed
to advertisc employmcnt c~~ortunitics and the tor por~ion is 9 fr_et htqh by 3~ feet long.
Comm(ssicner Bushore asked hoN hl~3h thc exist(ng trees an~{ croin boxcArs are~ and Mr.
8arkcr rtplted t~ie [reas ar~ approxlmetely 27 fcet high ar~d the sign t3 32 feet to the
to~~, o~ apprc~xlm~~tely G-1/2 Ar ; fcet above th~: trees. lie state.f thls siyn is not large
if compared +~.•ith othcr signs in the a~ea or with signs ln thr. Disneyland area.
Cor~vnlsstcner Bushore asked Mr. Elark.er if he had knawn a variance would be required when
tl~e ptens we re draiwn~ an~i Mr. Darker indicaced he ts farni i 1ar wi th the code and knew Lhe
dcstgn would nnt conform.
Mr. Turner statecl the primary rcason for installing the sic~n is to increase thc(r
"opportuniti~s"' pc~sition; that they have over 1~~ vac~nt positio~s at the prese~t tlr-e and
h~vc had that n~xnber for over a ycer and are having a difficult time obtalntng qualifled
persnnn~i, and fel e wi th Lt~e people tn the freewsy t~affic whi ch is stop-~~~,1-go )n tf~e
mornings and eveninys~ the slgn wo~ld give theri a grcater opportunity to exp.~se these
posl tlons wh i ch i s not avai lab le [hruugh conventional saurces. He stated th~/ have
removed an ol d~ plywac~d bt llboarcf which was put up at insta) latian of tt~e b~! lding.
Commissioner Tola~ asked if thz electricaf portlon of the sign Hould br. used for
adverttsing other than job opportunit(es.
M~. Tur~er stated more than 1(kely ~he sl,yn would only be use~' for em~loyment
opportunitlos~ but ha could not guarantee that; that th~y havr no Intention of advertlsing
for eny~no else and thet 94Z of the messages would be for Job opportunitlcs~ and hc woutd
astiume thet othernx+ssages would be fo r the Red Cross~ United Fund~ etc. He stAted their
product wl 11 not be edvertlsed; that they mastly sel l thel r services to heavy users. -le
stated he would assuir~ eny mCSSAqeS other than employnwnt opportunities would be fo~ non-
proftt type groups; that thelr principal push Is from their personnel de~artment bacaus~
they are spending a lc~t af ttme and rmney advcrtising for qualifled personnc~l.
Cammissione~r au5horc asl:ed if CAl Comp edvertises these positlons nacionwidc or out of the
country. sn~f Mr. Turner replled tliey do advcrtise natlonwlde, but h~ ciid not know if they
advertised out of thc country. 11e state<i the total cost to them for this siqn Is
approximately S4p,~00.
ChainNanan f3arncs ttatect si~c has strong objr.cti~ns ta the sign; that thc Gommisslon has
besen try(ng for a long time to reduce thc size af the signs; that ~he can apprec(ate the
prc~blcm Cel ComE~ has in trying to find quallficd pcrsonnel~ but finds It hard to belleve
they ca~not attract tlie I;ind of people they ar~ lcx~kinq for and fett if this request ts
grented~ ev!~ry campany cbn 5ay the sar~ th(ng ancl wi 11 hr. askinq f~r ~~ variance. She
st~ted shc ga~s by ttiis propcrty evcry ciay and alweys notices thc Cel Comp slgn and that
it ts well located, anJ that she has secn the "help wanted" st~n and 3tated she dld not
see the noed for this siyn an~; would not vote f~r it slnce the Commtsslon ts trying to
clean up thr_ slyns In thc Ctty af A~aheim.
Mr. Turncr stated they have not had a"hnlp wante~" sf~n in the past.
Commissloner Bushore stated the ~revious Ca) Comp sic~n was very conspicuous and very
dlstesteful, Ile stated the swi tching of the r.ii lroad cars is not done tn this area and he
di d not s~e wh•y thcy ne~dGd to go f rom an unappeal i nq s i gn to an over-app~al i n~ s I gn.
Con+missloner Y.Ing eskcd how far thc sign woul~i be loc:ited from the freeway right-of~way,
and Mr. Turner replled ap~~roxim~,tely 40 to 6~ fcet.
Carxnissloner Nerbst as~+ed if GalTrans' appr~val has becn received~ ar,d Mr. ~arker replied
in the afflrmative, w(th Dean 5herer explairi~g staff du~s nnt have a r~py of that
Commissioner aushorc did not sec a hardst~ip and Chal n+oman Barnes felt the sign should
conform to thc City ordlnances.
Cartmissioner Nerbst stated ihe heigh[ of the sic~n (s restrictPd because of the residences
within 25~ fsnt and could ga to 75 fieet if the houses were not there. f~e stated the sign
is not exectly a flashing sign and 3ecordlny to evi~ence proscnted~ the sign is not
visibin frc~m che residences. -le pointed out this 1s a large conpa~y with 970 feet of
f reeway f rantac~e wl th a ra I 1 road t ~a ck and t rees betNean the comp~~ny and ths res 1 dences,
and stated hc did nat think ths sign wou)d be that vistblc.
IC was noted the Planning Otrectc~r or his authorized rep~esentativ~ has determined that
the proposed proJecc falls within the definltlon af Lategorical Exempttons~ Class 3~ as
defined in paragraph 2 af the City of Mahelm Envtronment~l Impact Report Guidelines and
is~ therefore, categorlc~lly exempt from fhe re~uirement to prepare ~n EtR.
AGTION: Cornnlss(oner Nerbst offered Resolution tto. PC79-179 and moved for tts passage and
~t~on~ th:~t the Anehelm Ctty Pla~ning Commisslo-~ does hereby grant Peiition for
Variance No. 3110 ~n the basis of the angle of thc sign on the property and the existing
,~ ~
rallroad trac~. end t~ees wt~(~h bleck vlalblllty to the reslde~tial area across the freewr~y
to the north~ subJect to thc petitloner's stipulation thet the stgn will not bo used for
any edvertising other than employme~t opportunltles and public Interest me:ssag~s and
messages for rccogntxad~ non-profit organizatlons. and subJect to Interdcspartr-~ntal
Cortx~ltto~ recommondAtlons.
On roll eall~ the foreg~ing resolution was pasaed by thc followtng v~te:
AYES : COM~11 SS I ONC RS : onv i o, FRY ~ IIERU5T. Y.I ~aG ~ Tf1LAR
It was noted the condit(on requlrtng street Iights on ~1lbert Street ts incl~ded in the
resolutlo~ and thet thc request for welver coul~! b~ submltted to the Clty Council~ but
that the varlance witl become final unless it ts ~ppealr.d to the Clty Council within 22
i TEM f~A. ~~ CONT 1 NUE D PUIiI I C IIEARI !~G. O~IhERS : CnSMO v ~ ~~C~~iT
~t I P L U E .RMIT N. 2~04 t~orth P.nalielm E3oulev~rd~ Anahoim~ CA. g?~~.
Pctltfdner re~~uests perm(sslon t~ ESTABLISH At~ ELKS
l111~iMUM DEPTri OF SIDE YARb on property dcscribed as an irregularly-sha~ed parcel of lond
consisting oS` approxiinately 1.~ acrc having a frontaqe of approximately 150 feet on the
sauih side of Vermont Avenuc~ having a maximurn cieptl~ uf apprnximately 4ng feet, bctng
located apprnximately 35;1 feet west af the cent~~rlin~ o~ Narbor aoulevard, and further
descrtbe~: as 52G°523 West Vermant Avenuc. Propcrty presently classified RS-A-b~~0~0
( RCS I DEN71 I1L/+1~R I CUITU~AL) ZO'~C .
Subject petlt(on was cuntinucd from the mecting of August 27, 1979 for the advcrtiser~ent
of aJditiona) ti~aive~s.
There was no one indicatinc~ their ~r~esence (n ~~pposition to subject reyuest~ and although
the staff repcrt to tlie Planning Commtsston dated September 10~ 1979 was not read at the
public hearing, it is referred to and made a part of the minutes.
Charles A. Elobb~ Sr, cxplaineJ a cony of thr plans has been submitt~d and that the waiver
o` the side y~rd ls bcing requested in order co allvw them to place the building in a
position [~ utilize thP drive~ ay and, if it were co be moved to the ~pposite side ~f the
property~ It would be tmpc~ssil~le :o ne~}otlate tnto the back parking lot; and that the
v~~iver of nurtt~er of parkiny spaces has been requested for the approximately 12,~0~ sguare
fout b ufiding l~caced on the northcast cornGr of th~ L-xhaped property.
Cortr~~sstoner Herbst ~ d h{s concern regarding the walver of number of parking
spaces~ noting the El., .ye does have functions Nhith require a lot of parking spaces.
Mr. ~obb statrd there would bo approximately 200 people at thet r functions. whl~~ would
requlre app roximat~ly 100 spaccs, and thet they have 88 spaces on-sitc and the rest would
be on-strect parking.
~ ~'
Commission~r Nerbst nsked ab~ut the reciprocal pArking ~greement with the aciJoininc~
n~lyhbor~ and Mr. Bobb stated the Carpenters Loclge next doo~ I~as a large parking lat and
have indlcated cl~ere would be no problem; howevcr~ they would h~ive first prefcrence on any
nlyhts when they hove p rogrnms whtch colnciJe~ and in order to ma~,e sure thPre is i~o
problem~ they would i~evc to schecluie their ~rogrems so that th~y do ~ot colnc(de. He
stated tF~ey cia nat hr~ve a wrttten ~~greemrnt with the Car~enters Lodge at this time~ but
felt it would br possible [a ~et a wrltten ac~recmen[.
Gommissloner Nerbst stated he would be vcry reluctant to vote for a fac(lity such as this
even though he recognizes It is nui:ded, pc~inting out there ls a Z!,~ Ei.~rkfnq sh.~rt~~ge in
the be~,innin~~~ and felt it woulJ create a pArking ~vcrload on the r~slJential strects in
thr_ arca ~nd that (t would not t,e fair t~ thc residents.
Mr. Eiobb stu[ed a written ayrearxnt coul~! be oht~~IneJ, but he had becn told brforc he
cou1J get a wr(tten ogrcer~ent. it wc~uld havr to he determin~d whrther or not (t would bc
acceptable to thc Planniny C~mmisslon.
Fr~nk Low ry~ Assist~~nt City Att~rn~y, statcd the written ~~qr~ement Is fine~ but (t would
have Lo yuarantee thc defitir.ncy c~f parkin~J and woulu h~7vc t~ bc ;i min(num lcase term af
ten yPars; that the ~„J~e requires a fixcd I~ind Ir.ase .incl it must ass(qn a certain number
of parkiny spoces to thr deficiency~ othPrwis~ if ([ were Icased on an optlon of excess
s~~aces~ (f availablc, it w~~uld leavr, the Elks Lodgc in a position of notliing,if n~thing is
lir. Uobb statrJ thaL is true if the p royrans a~incidc~ and the only thinr~ they could do is
scheJule thcir programs so that [hey do not coinciJc. He st~ite~1 hc was sure a partion of
thc big parl;in~ lot wnuld br, avail~~bie at any linx•. Ile clarified thA[ this would have t~
be a parl.iny ac~recr.~e~~t pernittinc~ them to have 33 spaces at ~ill times for ~t least ten
ye~rs. !fe statr.d he wuuld have to checl. with the Carpenters L~dge to ser. if that would hc
aeceptoble and explained tf~e Corpenters Loci~e parking l~t Is kept locked at niyht.
Commissioncr Herhst asked whv the var(ance is being reQUCsted for thP 25-foot minimum
landscaped front setback~ »nd Mr. E3obb stAted the p rnperty ~~ould n~t he usable far parkinc~
spaces, nar aJeyuate fnr tr~s!~ collectton turn-ar~und. pointing out ti~e building has been
move~3 forwar~l to provi,:e mnrc area in the rear,
Cortniissione.• ~{erbs[ askrd if th(s is a largc enouc~t~ parccl for thls use~ pointing out this
wi 11 be a perrr,anent bui lding wi th a park(ng s~~ortayr~ and~kn~~Ing the types of functions
the lll:s LoJgc wi~l hold, felt more par~(ng spaces will be requlred~ a»d Nr. E3obb stated
they wauld ltke to have a la~yer parcel and stated they coulcf Iimft the n~a~,er of people
attendtny ttici r• functions.
Mr. t~obb stated h~ was under the impre~sfon tl~at ttaey I~ad 88 parking spaces and t~ie staff
repvrt indic~tes J~ spaccs.
Oea~ Sherer~ Z~niny Represcntatlve. Fointed out most of the snaces sh~h-n on the plan were
cpunted. but that two or three werc eliminated to provide a turning rodius for the trash
trucks. 11e stated t1~e parklny ratio for this kind of facility is based on the n~in
assembly area and dc~es not includc; game rooms, ct+rd roams, restaurant~ etc.
tartmissioner David esked haw rr,~ny merr~ers the lodc~e iias~ and Mr. Bobb renlied chey have
1~000 membcrs.
Gcmmissioner King indicated he was co~cerned that the membership woulci grow and they would
want to expand tl~e building and felt they nceded morc acrebyc.
Mr. Bobb polnt~d out there ts n~[ very i uch avAilAble acreage 1~ ehe Clty af Anaheim~ and
Comrnissi~ner Y.ing sugr~csted that he che~:~, with thc Ch~~mt~er of Cammercc regardtng
avAllab111ty of land.
Mr. t~abb stetc~i he felt surc Lhe Dulidtng C~mmtttee I~ad done that ~ind Indir.atPd thcy felt
tl•.ey are very fortunate bec~use Mr, TAOrmina is provldiny this lAnd wlth no c~st to tliem
and they wlll h~~ve the opt(~n ~f 1ea51nra it back~ and state~i th(s is thc only way they
could t~fford a new locl~~e.
Cor,Ynissianer Ilerbst st~~ted he coul~l accept the waiver c~f tt~e setback~ but is conr.erned
about the p~rkin~~ witl~ only 7b s~>aces w(th this largc nx~r~bershi~~ ~~n~f stated he rrould like
to s~e An ng reemcn t wi tli the ad j acen t c~ ro~e rty ownr. r fc~r p,~ r~: ( nc~.
Mr. Uobb st~~tt~d he woulJ stipulate to pr~~vldiny a statr..rx•nt~ in writing, frr,m the adjacent
property owncr b~~fc~re thls matter ~oes to the City Council.
Chai rw~man aarncs stated she (s also wnccrncd abouL the p»rl.ine~; that there havc becn
many complaints in thc clty reg~~rdin~~ •~arkin~~ ancJ thcrc arc ~i fe~•~ problems with this kind
of es[ablis'iment an~ shc r11d not +vant [~ add to thc 4~rohlcm. Shc askcd what the !od~c
woul~ do when thei r rn~•mbers are pnrG.In~~ in otf~cr penple's Aret~s and p~inl:ed out the
Com,~i5sion w~s juyt c~ntacted coday aGout this s~~r~r: 1 ind of ~~roblem, She ssked if the
merbcrs would be co~pcr~~tlvc ahout it~c p,~r~.iny~ an~i Hr. Etot~b s[~ite~i for thc most ~art thr.y
are very caopcrative. fic stated he -•~as nnt surr_ ~f thc type of neir~hhors [hcy have~
polntiny ~ut hc does not think t'icre arr. ~~tny I~oiY,cs in [he irc~.
Chairwnm~n Barnes inJicated she w~s concernud abou~ the other E~usinesses~ and Mr. aobb
statec.' the businesses arc usu,illy closeJ wfien C~~e loc.l~c is opcratin~ in thc eveninc~ h~ur5.
Nc stated the other restaurants havc ~ral ls .~round thura so thac r~cr~hers could noc park
there unless they wanted to walk t~~ nc~ lo~lgc. He stated ilicy have not had a problem with
thcir mer~c~rs parking on othcr peoplc's pr~perty in the past. Fle st~ted at the present
timc their exlsting facility !~as becn sold to t~~e C~lunial Fun Club and that th~y havc a
prc~blem wi th peuple pa~L.iny al !~~ver tl~e place; that thPy h~ivc~ about r~~'~ Co 5~~ pcople
downstairs playine~ bin~~a at one tfine:; ~nd that tf~e Elks rnemUers cannot ~ven qet close
enouyh to ~ark fpr their meet~ngs.
ACTION: Cemmissloner iierbst offered a mosiqn~ seconded by Commissic~ner I;ing and MOTION
A R Ep~ thot t~-e Anal~eim Ctty flannin~ Commisslon hex reviewed tl~e proposal to permit an
Elks Lodge in thc RS-A-~+3~~O~J (Residentlal/Agrlcultural) Zonc with waivr.r of m(nlmum
number of p~rkiny spaccs, ~axinum structural h~i~ht~ mini~um landscaped front setback~ and
min(mum depth of side yard on an irr~qularly-st~aped parcrl of I~nd conslsting of
ap~ro~cir,wtely 1.~ atrc hav(n~; a fronta~c of app;~uxiMatcly 1;~1 fcet on the south stde of
1'errrxmt Avenuc~ haviny a rnaxlmum depth of approximately ~+~~ fcet~ and being located
approximately 3~~ feet west of thc ccnccr) inc of Narh~r Boutevard; an~l does hereby apprave
the Neyative Declaration from the requirencnt to pre~are an environme:ntal impact report on
thc basis that th~re would he no si~~~ificant individ~al or cunulat(ve adverse
envlronmental irnp~~ct due to the arproval of this N~gative Oeclaratf~n since the Anaheim
Genera! Plan designates the sub}ect propert~~ for canmercial-recrcation land useS
coi~mensurate wlth the proposal; th.3t no sensitivic environmental impacts are involved in
the proposal; that the Initial Stuciy submitted by the petitioner indtcatps no stgniflcant
indtvidual or cumul~tive adverse environmental impacts; and that the N~gative De~laration
substantietiny thr foregoing findfngs is on f(1~ in the City ~f Anaheim Planning
Comm(ssi~ner Herbst offered a r+otton~ seconded Dy Cortmissloi~er Fry and MOTION LARRIED~
that tha Anaheim City plann(ng Camnission does herehy de~~r ttie request for waiver (a) for
~ ' ~
__ ~...- -
minlmum number of parking space:s on the basis that the petittoner stlpulated at the publtc
hearing to provlde a permanent writtPn perklnc~ agreement with the adJacent property owner
to thc west~ providing 33 parE;ing s~aces at ail times for a mtnlmum of ten ye~rs ~n a
flxed l~nd lease~ ~nd yranttny waivers (b), (c) a~d (J) on the hasts of the lonq~ narrc~w~
L-sl~aped property.
Cornmissloner Ilerhst offcred Resalut(on No. PC7~-13~ ~~nd moved for its passa~e and
adoptlon~ that the Anaheim Clty Plr~nning Commisslon does hCreF,y grAnt Pctitinn for
Condltt~na) Use Permlt P~~, 2Q~4~ in part~ denying waivcr (a) and granting w~~ivers (b}~ (c)
and (d)~ subject t~ Intnrdep~rlmental Comml[tec recornmendatians.
On roll cAll, the forego(ng resolution wes passeJ by the following vote:
NOCS : CQI~I1155 ! OtlE RS : NANC
AI~SENT; G01'IM1 SS I ONERS : 110;~E
Comm) s5 ionc r k~ushorc I ndl cated he had .+!~s t~ i ned because he 4 s a dues-pay f nc~ membe r of the
ITC11 f~0. ~ 0'~INER: WI~LIAM N. CLOW. 2 Rue Valbanne~ Newport
CtJ ATI VE NM OF 7RACT CORPORAT I~)t~ ~ 1? 15 Eas [ Chapman Avenue ~ 0 rangc ~ CA
NA. ~31!; (R.~.VISION hiQ. 1) ~2GGG. SubJect propcrty, conslstinn of a~+proxl-
mately 4.1+ acres lacated north and east of the narth-
east carncr of Sirtmons Av~nue and Haster St~e~t,
haviny .~pproxima[e froneages af J0~ feet on tl~e north s(d~ of Simmons Avenue and 4~3 fcet
on th~ east siJe of Ilaster Street~ bein~ locacf~~1 approxirnaccly 2',); feet east of the
canterl(ne of Ilastcr Street and appmxim~tely 213 feet north of the centerllne of Sirnmc~ns
Avenuc~ (~ prop~scd as ~ one-lot~ 35-unit~ condominiu+n subdivis(on.
There wcre approximately 12 persons indicating t1-eir prescnce in oppositton to subject
reyuest. and althoug~~ thc staff report to tha Planning Gommiss{on dated Sentemb~r 10~ 1^79
was not read at the public hearing, it is ~~ferr~d to and made a pa~t of the mi~utes.
George Kerns~ 5alkin Engineering Gorporati~n~ ex~lained suhject tentattve map i~ submftted
in cAnformance wi th previous approvals (Reclasst f)cat(on IIo, 7II-79-6 en~d Gonditional Use
Permi t ilo. 1866) an~! indlcated tliey cio concur wi tli staff r~commendations.
J i r~ The i s~ 2131 South Sp ( nnaker, Ana~~c i m~ s tated the res f dents have been veherr~nt 1 y
opposed to t~iis proJ~ct for three yea~s and are still oPposed. !ie explained the notice af
publtc hea~ing indlcated thc hearin~ was to be held at 8:00 ~~.m. and that the property
conslsts of 4,A acres~ while the staff report stat~s the s~bmitted reviced plot plan
indic~tes an arca of ;,02 acr~s.
Dean Sherer~ Zoning Represe~tativr.~ apolagiZed for staff's error relating to tt~e tirie of
the f~eariny, and Fr~~k Lowry~ Assistarit Gity Attorncy~ ~xplained consideratton of a
tentattve cnap is not a publlc hearing and no natificetic~ is requtred legally and this
~otice was sent and publisheJ in the newspapcr merely as a courtesy. inviting interested
perso~s ta the meeting; however~ the notice was published in the ntwspaper fo~ the correct
time and cons!deration of Tencative Hap of TrncY !lo. ~1815 would be heard ac this time.
~ ~.
~IR M0. 212 ANO TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. 3815 ~REViSION ~~~~ 1) (continued)
Rose 111ndman~ 5~1 ~est Wilken Wey, Anahelm~ explalncd the prope~ty aw~er af SubJect
property has purchased edditlanal propcrly and incrcasod the number of apartm~nts in the
last year~ polnting out adci(tiunai apartment units arc currently being c~~nstructed on
Lewts Strset and no onc was notified. She stFted the ~re~ Is Inundated with apartments
and condomintums and residents have tn use~ Lowis Strr.Gt for •~ccess to tlaster Street. She
steted thc oxtsting hc~rnes on subject praperty are nice and inJicat~d sh~ ls opposed to
aper'tments or candominlums; that Mr, Clvw ts no lon~,~er u51n~~ thc ~~ropcrtY he b~uc~ht ycArs
ag~ as an (nvestment~ but is buyinq mc~re property ancJ addinc~ more units; and that they are
proud of thefr are.~ and want t~ k~ep It as sin_yle-family~ privatc-ownePShl~ honx~s.
Gerald Gelphi~ ~i5~~2 West SimrtKms ~venue, Oranye, stated they arc concerned because th~y
havc h~ard that the Pondemso ~4obi lc Ilomc Par~, ~.ossibly woul~l t>e develo~ed tnto
apartrne~n ts .
llnnl~;a Santalahtl ~ ~5515tAnt Dircctor for Zc~niny~ stat~~d tliat property is curr~ntly zoned
f~r ~yrl cul tural uses and bef~,re i t could be convcrteJ~ t-~erc woul d be a t~ubi ic hearing~
but the urea is desic~nated la_~-n~edium rr_sldential on th~ Gencral Plan and apbrtr~e~ts would
be allawed. Sl~c stated s1~e hos not h~:ard ~f any plans for ~Sevclopment of ttiat particular
p rope rty .
A gentleman from [hc; auJience (Planning Gommission Secrct~ry coul~.i n~t identify) st~ted it
(s -iis opinion that tlic oppositi~~n ls not always wronc;; that this propcrty wes subdivicicd
for single-family ciwelltnr.~s but~ because of poo~ planniny or qreed, thls pr~posed chanye
does not Justify tl~c disreyar~i~ investrr~nt~ anci rightg af tt~e resldents In the area; tha[
the two ntce ~xisting houses wl 11 be dernol ish,ed and tf~ci r cost adde~i Co t~~e nro~~ct, whtch
adds to inflatian.
Douglas Campbell~ 13112 Simrnans Avenur:~ Orangc, referred [o the 1~terdepartr»ental
Commietee recommendation requir(ny the owner to ~ay a traffic si~nel ass~ssment fr.e~ and
aske~i if a traffic signal Is pl~nncrd fc~r iiasier just nortf~ of Simrmns~ (ndicating fie felt
a s~~~a) at tlils proJe~t entr~nce would nut help an already bad traffic Situatlon.
Jay Ti[us, Office Enginecr~ explained tt~ere ls no trafflc signal t~ropo~ed for thts
locatlon and that tf~is is a g~~ner~l assessmpn[ fee which aFplies to all development.
Mr. Y.erns~ en~~ineer~ stat~d tl~ey are not as4.iny for ~ny changes fram the approvPd plot
plan and ap~roval of the t~ntative map is requcsted to ir~lement the proJect as approved.
i1e explAined the acreage shr~~n at ~~.4 is tl~e net acre~qe and 5,2 as shown on the
architect's plan is the gross acrcr~9c.
Cormissioner Ilerbst stated this is the plan tt~e City Council approved, except it has been
improved with the r~orc archit~ccurally desiyncd fencing~ etc.~ anci stated the density
fa~ls wr.lt Hlthin the ~ensity ~riginally planned. and pointed out an RS-5~~~~ proJect would
allow 7 un(t~ and felt thls would be tt;e Ilghtest denslty condraminiuri proJ~ct (n Anaheim.
Ne folt this p~oJect is a good co~prc~mise~ from 30 units to the acre originaily proposed
t~ 7 units per acre.
Cam~issioner King p~inted ouc tt~~ proJect meets those racomr+~:n~atlons for c~arden-type
It was noteJ Environnental Impatt aeport Nc~. 212 was previously certified in conJunction
with Gencral Plan M~endment No. 1~+5,
ACTION; Commissioner King offerec~ a motton~ geconded by Commissionr.r Fry and MOTIAN
~~D UtaAtJIM0U5LY, ttiat the Anr~helrn City Pianning Commission does he~eby find that the
EIR N0. 212 AND TENTJITIVE NAP QF TRACT N0. 9815 (REVISION t~0. 1 (continued)
proposed subJlvlslan~ t~getlier w(th its des(~~n and tmprovement, Is conslstpnt wlth the
City of Anaheim Gencral f'lan~ pursuanc to Govcrnment Code Section GG~~73,,r, and does~
tlierefore. ~ppr~ve 7entative Map of Tract No. ~101; (Revisi~n t~o, 1) for a ~ne-lot~ 35~
unlt~ condomintum subdtvts(on, subJcr^t tc~ the fc~llc~wing cond~t(ons:
1. That the apprav~l of Tentattve Nap of Tract tJo. ~fi1; (Revislon No. 1) is granted
subject to ttK approvol of Reclassi(icatfon t~a, 7~-7~-6,
Z. Th~t should thig subdiv(sion be developed es mor~ than one subd(vision~ each
subd(vision thercof sholl t,c submitte~d in tcntativc for~ for a~p~oval,
3• Th~t the or(ylnal aacu~nen[s ~f the coven~nts~ condicions~ and restrlctions, and a
letter addresscd to thP dev~loper's title~ company autl,orfzlny recordatlon tliercof~ shal)
bc subm(tted ta the City llttorncy's Officc .~nd ap~roveJ by the City A;torney's Offlce and
En~~tneering Uivlsion prlor to f(nal tract mA~~ approval, Sai~1 documcnts, as approv~d~
shal) be flled ancf recarded in the office of the Orange County Recorder,
4. T}iat strcet ~artr~s sha) 1 be apprc~ved by thr C1 ty Planning De~artmen[ ~>ri~~r to
approval of a f(nal tract map.
5. That all ~r(vatr str~ets shall be develr~ped (n aec~rdancc with the City of
Analieim's Standard Uecai 1 No, 122 for private strr_cts. Plans for [I~e private strcet
lighttny~ as requtred by the ,tandard det~~il~ shall hc submit[c~f to and ~i~praved by the
Clr_c[rtcal Uivlsion. Approved Rrivate str~~ec li~~htin_y plans shall then he subr~ltted tc
the E3ui ldin~~ Divi~l~n fnr inclu,ton w( th the bul lding plans prtor to issu~nce of bui ldlne~
pc rml ts .
6. If permanent strcet n~me siyns have not betn installed, ter~porary street name
slgns sfiall bG installed prior to any o~cupanc.y.
7. Ttiat t1~e awn~r(s) of subject pr~p~rty shall e~ay ttic traff(c slynal asses~ment fec
(Ord(nance No. 3~;9r,) in an amount as determined by the Gt ty Lounc( 1~ f~~r each new dwel 1( ng
unit prlor to thc issuancc of a bullding permit.
i3. Tl~at fire hydrants shall br_ installe~: and ci~arqeJ as requlred and determined to
be necess~ry by the Chief of the Fire Departme~nt prior to cor-rtx~ncement of structural
f ras~i ng,
9. That subject pru~;erty shall br. servcd by underground utilities.
10. That ~lrainage of subJect prQperty shall be ~TS~SCd of in a manner satisfactory
to the f,i ty Cny(neer.
11. That the owner(s) of subject property shail pay to [he Clty of Anaheim the
appropriate park and reereation in-lieu fees as deterr~ined to bc appropriatr. by the City
Cnuncil~ said fees to t~e ~afd at the time thc b~ilding permit is issucd,
12. That a rnodtfied cul-de-sac shall be pravideJ at tlle t~rmi~ius of Mountain Vlew
Avenue subject t~ thc approval of the Clcy Engineer.
13. That appropriate wa~er assessment fees as determined by tt-e Office of Utilitles
General Manayer shall be pald to tfie City of Anahcim pr6or to thr issuance of a b~~ilding
14. Tt~at subjecc property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans
and specifications on file witt~ tlie City of Anaheirti marked Exhtbit No. 1(Revlston No. 1).
1~. That Condition Nos. !~~ i~~, 12 and 1a~~ above ~entioned~ shml~ be com~slted with
prior to final building and zoning inspections.
RECESS The meeting was recessed ax 3:~7 p.m,
RECONVE-~E The meeting was reconvened at 3:15 p.m,
~t~'~~('~"VC UCCI.ARAT I ON I15S11. ~ 11 11 ues t La Pn 1 ma Avenuc ~ ~nahe I rn~ CA ~?.801.
G NO ~ II L U C M N.~23 Anahetr~ Ilenx~rlai Ilosp( tel , 1111 Nest La Palma
-.. .~_...
Avenue~ Anahel~~ CA ~2t3~1. Propcrty describcd as
t'ortion A- An Irregul.~rly-sha~eci parcel of land
consistiny of approxirnately 1.. j ecres hav(ng a fr~~n~ay~ of a~proximatcly 350 fect on thc
north and west siJes of Ilern~osa Drivc~ h~ving a m~ximum deptli of approximatcly 12~ feet,
ond bri,~y lacated approxfmately 1G~ fcet nortfti of the centerlinc of La Palma Avenuc; and
Portion U- An irreyularly-shaped parcel ~f land cons(stln~ ~f approxim~~tely O.G7 acre
loeated at the nortfieasf. corner ~f La Palma Avenue~ and Ilermosa Urtve~ h~vtng ~pproximatc
fr~ntages of 13~ fect on the north sl~ic of La Palm~i Avenue and ~i~~ feet on the cast and
south s(cies of Hnrn-osa Urive. Prc~perty presently classified aS-720~ (RESIUENTIIIL~ SINGLE:-
There were ~pproxirn~itely seven persons lndicatinq tlie(r presence in opp~sltion t~ 3ubJect
rec~uest~ and altliougfi t~~e staff report to the Planninq Comriission ~ated Septcmber 1~, 1~Jg
was not read at th~ pub 1 ic hcariny~ i t is referred tc~ anJ madc a p~rt of thc minutes.
CArnmissfoiier Fry declared a conflict of (nterest as defined by Anaheir~ City Planninq
Commtssion Resolution No. PC7G-1~>7~ adopting a Conflict of In[Prest Code for the Piannfng
Commissicm~ and Govcrnment Codc 5ection 3G2; et seq. ~ in tttat he is on the tl~ard of
~irectors for the Analieim Mc~~orial 1lospital and~ ~ursuanr ta the ~rovlsions of the aba;c
cod~s~ declared to th~ LhUtrm~n that he was withdra~yin<; fror~ the heartng in connectian
witt~ Reclassification No. 7)-~0-11 and Conditsonal Use Permit t;o. 2~23 and wou1J not take
parL In either clie discussion or ttic v.~tiny tliereon~ and has nut di~cussed thls matter
wtth any membcr af th~ Pl~nnj~~ r~r~issior~. Tl1EREUp^N, C~!!~I~~I~tlCR I'RY LCF', THF COL'tiCiL
CNAMUCR /1T 3:15 P.M.
Randy Bosch~ represer.ting Dan L. Rowiand 6 A,sociat~:~~~ st~~tcd thls request is for
expansion of the Anahcim Mer,~orial fiospital parl;ing lot; [hat the hospltal has noL grown as
to the number of beds, but ttiat it is currently in a maJcr reconstruction proc~r~m ard the
incre~sed use has increased tt~e demand far parking and they are gradually acquiring the
single-family resldences to the west of the hospltal for parking lot exnanslan. He
refcrred to paragraph (b) in the staff report pertaining to landscaped setback and pointed
aut the act:ial setback along La Palma Avenue is 25 feet, which is in keeping with tf~e
landscapiny sEtback thcy have provided along La Palma for the rest of the hospital al) the
way to 41est Street.
Morris Nylander~ 1107 ~Jorth Hermosa Drive~ Anal~etm~ stateJ f~is residence ts the secono
house from the corner; that he move~i i-eto ttie area about 17 years ago and It was a nice~
quiet, ~esidential neiyhborhood; and that this development ~~til leave four homes isolated
from the residential dfstrict. He asked why they have not Included these hcxnes i~~ the
parking lot expansion and purcf~ased them. Ile explained about three years ago he had gone
to the hospital administratlon and spoken ~rith Mr. 0'Neill and that he had leveled with
hi~~ and sa(cf very ciearly that this ts a ffve-phasc development program and they were
about f(ve years away from acq~iring all the ho~ses en l~ermosa Urive, and that he had
p~esur~ed tliis was a pretty-well established fect; that about one month ago he had gotten a
call to comc over and talk witi~ Mr. 1larrott at the hospital about the potenttal plan and
to possibly sign a watver permitting them to use the street in front of hfs house as a
driveway to and from the parkiny lot. Ha stated hc could ~ot agree to that because this
EIR PlEGl~71VE: DECLl~RA1'IOt~~ RCCLASSIFICl1TIOf~ l10. 79-$0-11 AND COt~DIT10NAL USE PERMIT t10. 2023
Is a resldentlal area and there wlll be a tremendous traffic pr~blem anci thc street is
narrow and tie felt backing out of h(s drivewoy int~ Ll~e flow of traffic wi ll be haz~ardous.
Ile stated the othcr ne~lghUors werc not cuntacted and asked to sign tl~is wAlver. Ile statc~f
tliey were eonfldent sc~n-ethlny would happen ev~ntually Lo their pr~~erty~ but ~hat to ciAte
they have not been approached reyardiny purct~astng thc property. Ilc felt tf~is wi 11 bc a
devaluation af the{r property.
Ve rnn L. HenJcrson ~ 124~ Nest Lo Pa lrna Avenuc ~ Anahei rn~ s tated shc has 1 1 ved at th i s
adclress for ovcr 22 yeArs; that shc has been aware of thP crecpinc~ h~spl tal parl<.In<~ l~t
for somc tlme and ha~' seen che othcr houses c~o; that she knc~ws the pArking lot ex~ansi~n
is inev(table and shc ls not trying ta f(~,~ht th<~t; thnt tha hosc~teat cfld not contact her
tc~ pcrmlt hcr to revicw thc plans~ nor ask her if thcy c~uld do ~inythin9 t~ m~~ke this
easic:r~ etc.; that she did rev1~.•w the plans in thc Planniny Depnrtrnent and detcrmined
thetr bedroom window is ~ feet from tl~a I:~t line and~ accor~f(ng eo the plans~ the parkin~~
lot will bc riyht ay~inst the fencc; that thc parking lot~ ~ccording to Mr, Marr~~tt~ will
bc usr.d far empluyces and [het thcy havc threc shift chan~~c~s~ an~f polnted ~ut employces
wil~ bc parkln~ thcrc at 11;00 p.m, anJ at 6:3~ a.m,, and relnted that the em-~loyecs arc
currently parking ln front c~f har h~~us~~. She stated she wa5 toncerned about the naisc~
the amo~, etc. f rom [h i s parki nc; I~t slnce [hey wi I 1 be removtng houses ~ trces ~ shrubs ~
etc. She st~ted Chese ~ire the cwo hnuses 1Pft an La 1'alrna ~venue and~ .,cc~rdlnr, to the
plans sl~e had seen~ the curbi nr, wi 1! be recessed on the c~ther sicle of her pr~perty ann
their pro~crty will be extcnded out onto La Palma Avenuc. `:~he statecS thcir property wlll
be virtually sittinq in thc mldJla of thc parkin.~ lo[ extendin~~ ~ut onto La pA~m~ Avenue
and 5hP was n~t vc ry h~ppy about that. She asked that therc be at le.7st a 1~-foot~ yreen
buffcr against the fence on thc sid~ Y~nd re~r of her property~ with targc trecs to help
protect from [hc s~~y~ noise~ etc. from [he norkiny lot.
Lilltan Polzin, President of the Assistance Lr.a~~ue, stat~~i she could not speak (n
op~~ositlun for tl~e group because they had not t~a~ a mee~tin~~ since June~ b~c that she woutd
1 tke to express thel r concern; tt~at 5he had be~.n cal lecf by Mr. Nylander arnroximatcly one
month ago~ ast.lny If the Lcague had been cont~c[ed by the hoshital l,ecause he had been
informed that plans were reaJy for ex~ansion of the par~.ing Ic~t and that thc~ hosp(tal !~ad
purchased the last tY+o hc~mes they needed to go ahead wf th the rxpt~nslon; that she had
eontaeted Mr. Mtrrott at the hospital and had s~en t~~e ~l~ns and it luoks as if Lhey Jo
intend to usc tlermosa Grivc as the entrance to thei r parl;in~~ luc and that [hc two homes
wnuld be left thcre~ and they do not unJerstand why they werc not approached rr.~~arding
sale of the homc:s. She statr_r! fhcy h~vc a tenarzt in the hoi~~ at the present time with two
sr~al l dtii ldren .znd this c:cpansion r~( l l r~~c~n a traffic flow in and out fror~ rnorning ~mti l
5:0~~ p.m. every day~ and asN.ed what happens tu the tra5h collection~ rnail delivery~ etc.~
pointing out this is a residential arca. She stated ttiere arc a lot of qucstions which
havc not becn answered.
Mr. Iiosch stated on bef ilf of nimself and the huspit~l, they appreciate the concerns of
the netghbors; that tf~is has been a continuing ex~s~nsion of t~~e parl;ing lot and has been
before tFtie Conmission tl~ree or four times o.~r thc past number of years as lots have been
assumbled in ordcr to allu,.r fairly eFficient expansion of [he parklnc~ lot; that the
hospital has talked witt7 somc of Cl~esc people in che past and the reason thcy are
d:veloping tl~e proposel with Lhe land that is available is because it can work as an
efficient parkiny lot lay~ut for the hospital and thcy are in desperate need of parking at
chis time because of thc expansion; that they +rill pr~vide lan~sc~piny throughout the
parking loL, meetiny the code requirements~ and stated he was certain the hospltal wouid
work wiCh Mrs. fiendersan~ Mr. Nylanckr and tf~e Assistance Leaguc to aileviate whatever
constru~t~on problems might occur because they are interested in being goc~d netghbors.
Regarding the setback on La PaIMa Avenue~ he s*.ated ihey are ncecing the City eng(neering
requirements and dedication and impravement of La Falm~1 rlght-~f-way a~d sta~ced Lhey wauld
be wi 11 Ing to work wl tfi tl~e CI ty to al Icvir~t~ thnt sl tuation,
Ccxnml551oner Tolar stated hc IS no! opp~~sed tc~ the ex~an~;ion nf the p~~rkln~ lot~ but wrs
curious why thc hospital has not ma~c any atten~,t to acquirc these other prnpcrtles en
Hennosa Drive. He statecl he could nc~t sup~rt thr re~~uest unti i he h:~s an~w~rs to th~'~t
questlon and felt these residents have justifi.~ble concerns.
Ghai rwom.~n barnes st~~ted she was also cc~ncernc~l ahout those two houscs on Ilermosa Drive
and the hospital sh~?uld not ~E~ allc~~c~l to expand .it a~~yGody clsc's expense; that there Is
no doubt this wi l l create a f~arJsh ip o~~ thuse ~r_s ISents anel i[ loo4:s l ike a grc~ss lack of
forasfylit on thc ~~art af the hospital in not acquiring these proper[les before rnaking this
reyuest. She asl~ed 11r. Nylandcr if he has evr.r bccn contacLc:J by thc hosPital.
Mr, Nylander stni'e~J his only contact with the hospital in the past [en years was three
ycars ag~ when he ha~1 yone ovcr to talk with Mr. 0't~e1I1 r~ho was then in the
administratlc~n~ but thnu~~ht he ha~i si~cc retirc~l and was n~t ava~lablc~ an~ that Mr,
0't~ei I1 liad Gold him C!~at he h~is about fivc years unti 1 thc t-ospi tal w4uld h~ve to acqu( re
~11 the pro~~crties on lierrrnsa Urivc because the City wi 11 hc ruttin~~ a s(gnal at the
(nters~ctfon of Hermose ~nd La Palmp and that will hecome the ma~n drivhway into thr.ir
p~~rking lot,and ~t that tir-e thcY would have [~~ own all those houses. I~e stated he had
not been approached on ary basis exc~pt an inv{tat(o~i t~ come avr_r to the hospf:al to 3i,yn
a waivcr, which he had ignored corplctciy.
In respc>nse tc a questi~n fro~~, Chairwoman Dar~~c~:, Nrs. Polzin state~f there is a questlon
in her mind regarJ(ny ri~e possit>le wldeniry of La Palma~ in wtilch case it wauld mal;e sense
that the hospital not acquire these homes~ and wanted to l:naw that happF~ns to the
Assistance Lea~ue:. She stated they were not approache~ regardin_y purthase of cheir
Commissioner Tolar statcd he knows the hospital wants to expand, but he wanted some
representation fron the hospltal in rclationshlp [o tl~e future disposition or acquisiti~n
of these lots or thei r intention tawards ttiese t-~ra tots. tle stated he can~ot re~l ly say
wl~ether it will or will not affect property values,but. in his professional opinf~n, he
felt it would have an adverse jm~ack on thesc pro~ertics bciny icolated abuttinq a parkinq
Commissioner Herbst stated one of the things ~~e is Ic,oking at is [hat Hermosa Orive at
thls tfi~e is still a public street and~ in reality~ with the exception of these two
houses~ it becomes a prlvate drive and the entrancc to thP parkiny lot for the haspital
and Chere would be no fu;ure rieed for a publlc street, and felt since this w111 be a main
outlet for the traffic pattern, tiiose two t~ouses would be affected with a tieluge of
traffic. I~e stated [he Commission has always tried to protect the inteyricy of the
residentla) areas an~ was surprlsed these plans do not show a buffer zone between the
houses facing La Palria, pointiny out the houses arc witl~in 5 feet of the park~ng stalls.
iie stated it is tt~e Planning Commtssion's normal procedure where a conr~erclal venture is
abutting a residential area to pruvidc a 20•foot landscaped buffer, and he stated this is
one of those instances where he would inslst upon that buffer~ and lf these houses are
going t.o rematn, they must be pr~tECted. H~ stated he did not think they should be
allowed to use 6~ermosa Drive as tt~P mai~ entrance to tF~e par4~.ing lot until something is
do~e about tf~ase two houses on Fiermosa Urive. He referred to the houses facing on La
Palma which are also isolated and stated if thase property owners are not willing to sell~
a buFfer zon~ must be provicied so that they do remain a resldec-tial area~ ar~' that ~s uu
_ r ~9
------•-- -
to the property owners and the hospitai aJministratlon~ hut tfiey mu5t be~ ,~dequat~ly
protecteJ frorn thls intrusion.
Mr. lioscl~ s ~~iteJ they we re w 1 I I i ng tp
ab utt(ny thc prope~ty lincs~ whlch is
would cert~(nly becor-~- a ~~eJor access
securi ty personnel o-id i s wi 1 I( ny to
Hcrrnos~ Urivc t+s (nyress fr~a~~ La Palm
from q;0(1 ~.i+~. to >:00 p,m.
stipulat~~ to H 1~-fo~~t wlde landscnped buffr.r
require~ in chc C~ Zonc. He stated Hermosa Drlve
po(nt ~nc' ~~o) nt~cf out the hospi tal d~es heve 2~~-hour
cunsl~cr an arrAngci~nt contr~l l inq utl l izatic~n of
a/1vr.nue~ and that [hr prlncipnl hours of co~ccrn are
Conxnission~r H~rbst statrJ he would makc a rccorw.~er,dation~ if ~his is an~roveci~ that th~
parking spaces abuttin~a tl~c residcntla) arc•as wuuld ~nly be. used durtn~7 thc dayti~ne shifts
so that thcre woul~! bc nu niylit shlft personncl p~rl lny chen~~cs abutting thc hor+~es whcre
thc pcople ar~ sle.epiny, Ile st.itr..d he recoyr,izcs f~osritols have a sertous nrohler, ~m
shi ft c:hannr bet~iuse t•v I~avr. tc~ physic.al ly r~ 1lcevc anc .~notlicr and there is a<k~uhle
parKinq rcyuircr~~nt~ h,~[ fc•It tl~e~ resldents descrvc th.~(r ~~riv~~c:y,
Ccmunissiuncr 1'al~r ~t~tr.d hc wantr.J to hcar fror~ sur+xonc at thc h~~spitnl who hrl5 the
authc~rity ta spcab: re~~ar~l(~~y the acquisi[(on of thcs~ E>rop~rties or thr dispasition of the
prc~perty hc~~~us~: he woulJ I il.c Lc~ L.nu~ thci r intent. ilc ~tate~l hc is n~t talkinc; about
crcatin~~ a situatiun whcrr. it waulri be unfair t~~ dctcrr~ine o reasonnhle marE,ct v~lue just
on what th~: property uwncr sres f( t~ and he fc~ 1 t thcr~~ h.is t~~ I~e sanx~ b~~l ancc, anJ 1 f the
I~osp(tal is intr.rested in acquirin~~ ihc propcrty, thc pr(ce should bc dcterr~ined as a
r~ascx~able market valuc ~vid ncat .i ~ituatir~~ wlicrc thc ~ro~~r.rty ownrr says~ "'ae have the
last ptece ~~f property so wc~ arc ~~~~iny t~~ do extrerY~ly wel l." ile :tate~l h~ is talkin~~
~l~out ney~tiotions un the rcasonal;l~ r;~r4.ct valuc detcrr~ine~.1 t~y S~~me tyt>e of apt;ralsal
systcr~ If it is thc pra~crty c~wners' desirc to sell the pr<~perty. He stated (f Lhey d~
not wish to sel I thei r propertie~s~ a lariJ~ca~u buffer can be provided,
Mr. klas~h statcJ :I~at [h,~ rr.mari.s arc apprccibted ancl h~~ is plc~sed to 5~y that thc
hospltal will bc contactiny t.~os~ pronerty c7wners who may wish to seli,
Lomnissionrr Tolar sug~~ested a iwv-wr:ek. co~~tinuance in arch~r fnr the hospita) to contact
the pro~,crty avncrs. Ne statc~ he wuuld likc to havc re~rescntation from the hospital
when this matter is continucd.
Comrtiissioner Herbst statecl i f a r.c,ntinuance is rcc~ueste~~~ he would 1 i~e to sugyr.s[ that
[he plans be revi~ed to show ihr_ landsc~ped buffer in relati~~nshlp to ths hc~uses on La
Palrna Avcnuc.
Mr. Bosth stated they ~+oulci prefcr not tu have a~_ontinuanct and would bc will;ng to
stipulate that t`~e 10-foc~t ?andscopec~ buffer would be ~rovided~ and thac revised pla~s
would be submicted.
Cor~missioner 'fol~r stated this would not accom~+lish what he would ilke to see~ the
property owner~ being cantacted.
Hr. (ioscli s[ated he would contac[ che haspital ac~mi~istrator~ Mr. Marrott~ and have him
c~~tact the property nwners, but there is no way to guarantee that cither pbrty will be
ab le [o arri ve a[ a rnutual ly-ayrceab le sol ution.
Chairw~xnan [f~rnes stated sh~ could not vote for this ~eyuest until something has br.en done
about thos~ p~operties.
'~r ~
MI f1UTES ~ ANAl1E I M C I TY PLANN I NG COMMI SS I Otl ~ SEpTCMtIER 10 ~ 1979 73-6G~
Corr~nistlonc~ Tolar statcd he has a l~t of dlscomf~rt wlth appr~~~in~ th(s requ~est ~ubJect
to Che hospl tal's cr~ntoctt n~ theso property owners nn~i stnted he coul~i not support the
request unless the hor~e~wnQrs havc been ~approached.bl3GdUSe thcy wi ll !,e isol~ted.
ACTI~tI: Commissloner Tolar offrrcd a rnot i an. seconded hy Cainmissi~ner Herbst ~nd NOTIAN
~U~ that the 11n.~hetm City Planning Cc~mn+ig5lon does her~~by continue constckrotton of
Rcclass(ficatlon tlo. ]~-a~-11 an~ Conditio~iat Usc Pcrmic I~o, 2!123 tr~ thc r~gul~~rly-
scheduled meetin~~ c~f the Plann(ng C~mmissi on on 5~ptembc~r ;h~ 1~]`~~ ac the requcst of the
petitloner in arder for the hosplt~~l to cont~ct thc two propcrty owners ~n 1lerrr~s.~ prive.
C0~1111SSIt1ltLfi FRY RETURIlEU TO Ti1F. COU'~CIL GE~Af1pER AT .;:~+; P.M,
'FTR'~LL?C'TVE UCCUIR,~1T10'1 UU-~~RT~ 7i;ti South lerr~n Strect~ Anaheim~ CA ~28~a.
VI1RI~~~E,_„~+0~,31~~~ AG~MT; HOI~ARU R. POL'll~~ 12~~ Connccticut Av~nue~
Anaheir~. CA ~)2~I~1. Petition~r re~uests WAIVER f)~
AP~1RT11E:IIT UUIi.DIil~ on prc~erty descril,eel as a rec-,anyul~~rly-shapecf p,ircel ~if I~nd
consts[iny of approxir+ately t),2 acrc loc<-~ted at the northe~~sc r.c,rner af Vsrmont Avr.nue and
Lerx~n Strcrt, I,avin_y ~ipprc~ximate frontayes c~f iQ0 fce[ on thc nqr[h siJe of Vr.rmcmt Avrnue
and 17.Q fcet on the cast slJc ~f ~err.x~ St rcet~ and furthcr JescriGed ns S~G South Lemon
Streec. Property presently classified RM-1i4~ (RESiDCNTfAL, ~'ULTIPI.E-F/~NIIY) Z~-~E.
There was no one I ndi cat i r~ th~ i r presence f n oppos i tiort to sub jett reques t, and al though
thc s t~ff report to the P 1 Ann i nr~ Con~,i ss ( on dzted Septerfier 1~) ~ 1~ 19 was not read at the
publlc heariny, (t is ~efcrreJ to and ma~fe a part of thc ininutcs.
Ncnrard Poizin~ a~,~t~nt. st.~ted thr_y i~~~vr., proviJed a 4t;-foot buffrr to the pr~perty line And
statea thc only house affected by thls is awncd Gy thr. :an~e ~wner.
AGTIOra: t;or.triissioncr F.iny offercd a-~otion, second~,d F,y Commis5toner Tolar and MOTI011
-k~ ED. th~t th~ Anahetm Ctty Planning Commission has revier~ed the ~ropo~al ta eonstruct
a six-untt apartment buildi~iy with waiver of riaxiMUm structural height on a rectangularly-
shaped parcel of land consisting of ~pproximat~ly ~.2 acre located at the northcast corner
ot Vermont Av~nuc; and lcr~xm Street~ having ~ frontage uf appraximatcly ln~ fret on the
north sidc of Vermont Avenue and a frontac~e af 12~ fett cx~ the east stde of Lemo~ Street;
and does hcreby approvc the t~eg~~tive Declar.~tion from the requiremenL to pr~pare an
envlronmenta) irnpacc report on tlie basis that there would br. no stgnificant indi~idual or
cumulative adverse environmcntal ir~act due to the approval of tt~is Negative Declaration
since the Mat~eim Gener~l plan des(gnaces tht subjec[ property for mecitum density
residential land uses commensurate orith tt~e praposal; that no sensitive environmental
lmpect5 are tnvolved in tt~e proposal; t~~a[ the initiol Study submitted by the petitioner
indieates no significant individual or cur~ulative adverSP envtronrrentnl tmpaets; and that
thc ~~egat(vc Declarasion substontiating t'~e foregoing findin~~s is on file in the City of
Maheim Plann(ng Department.
Cortmi ss loner K1 ng of fe red Resol ut i on IJo. PC7~- 1 SI And mo~~ed for i ts passage and adopt ion.
ttiat the Anahcim City Plan~ing Commission do~s hereby grant Petition for Variance No. 31CE
E I R NEGATI VE: DECLAR/1TION A~lD VIIRIANCE N0. 310f, ( cc~nt i nucd)
.~ ___,_.._.
on thc ha,ls thet d~niel wou1~1 deprlvc subject property of prfvi legrs enJoycd by oth~r
propertt~s undar the same mnlnq clnssification i n thc viclnity~ nnd SubJect to
Inturde~r-rtmentol Cornmittcc recorxn~~n~latinn5,
On roll c~ll~ the forcgoiny resolutlon wes pASSCd by thc folla~ing v~t~~:
I~GE:S : CONM155101~E.PS ; 116l;E
Comnissioner tlerbst ~~oint~~d out :i v~iriar,ce was apc~r~ved by chc I'l~nntng Gorm~iss~on i n 1~71
t~ prrmit two-stary apart~rn:nt un(ts on thls pr~pc~tY.
(TCH N0. ti PUU;.I C 11CA~1'~G. 0'~~I~LaS; MAl1EL J. ~~AUE R AtID UIIITEb
Cik 'I G TIVE UCGLAMTI0,1 CALIFOR'tIA UAN-:~ 701 tlilshi rc tioulevard~ Los Anqcles,
~ , CA 'i~~~l. AGLItT: KCIIT Ll1tI0 CONPAt1Y, 1~39'12 Bardern
Wny~ Irvinc, CA ~271;. Petitivncr requests 1JAIVER
QF M! N I NU!' SCTl3 4C6:5 fflON SCEN I C il I G!14111Y TQ GO ~ISTRUCT
A Siinpf~li~r, LE~+TtR un prupcrty dr.scribed as An i rr~gulArly-shApc~f ~~arccl of land cons isting
of approxlmatr.ly 1G.1 acres located at the nortliv+.est corner of SAnta Ana Canyon Road nnd
Ueir Canyon R~aJ, havi:~y approximatc frnnt~~~cs of ?.3;~ fr.~t cx~ the n~rih st~ie of S.~r~ta Ana
Canya~ Ftoad and 4C~~ fcet on thr,. west si~le ~f t~lcir CAnyon Rond, Propcrty presently
classified RS-A-43~~~~ (P,LSIUF.'~Tl~l./AGRICULTURAL) ZOIIC.
Thcre was no one (ndicatin~~ N~eir ~~rc~s~ncc in c~pposition tn sub.ject requcst~ an~ al though
thc: staff rcpurt to the Planninq Cor-missic>n datcd 5eptember 10, 1`~7~ was not read at the
public hearin~3~ lt is refc~rr~d tu and macic: a part of the minutes,
Kelth Murdpch st~~ted he rtpresents thc: develuper of the k3auer Ranch ~Kent Land Compa~~y)
and the devcloper of the sf~~Upping c4r~er ~~r thc two ~ommercial Islan~;s which lie betwceR
Santa Ana Canyon Roac1 and the Rlversid~ Frecway at Weir Canyon Road(H~ughin p~v~lop~-nnt
Conpany~ which devcloped ttic Yarba Shopping Ce~t~r at Imper(a!). Ile sta[ed thcre is a
proposal befare the Enyineering Uepartment which has been rev(ewed in coneept which shc~ws
a realignmen~ of Santa Ana Canycx~ Raad~ requir(nq sorrm ,,~andonmenL, whtch ts in the
pr~tess~ and addltional dedic.ation of Santa Ana La~~yo~ Road. 11c presented a map ard
pol nted out the Ri versi de Freeway anJ Ue i r Canyon Rqad i ntersec ti on and Santa Ma G anyan
Road whtch was real ir~ned when tlie Ri vcrsi dc Free+-+ay was constructed and current ly i s paved
as a~[wo~ lene street; tf-a[ thr. proposed real ignment wi I1 be primari ly wi[hin the ex i5ting
right~of-way ~nd would re:r;ulre iv~vinr the tntire right-of-yi~y to the so~~tt~. in order to
accr~~p 1 i sh thot ~ they are propos i ny that p~rt f on of the ri gl~t-of-way be qui tcl at med by the
Cit~r as obtained fram the Statc thrnuyh che Caunty through a relinqulshr~ent action and
also dedicatlon of po~tions fran the Dauer Ranch . He stated h~ mPntioned this beca use
wi th thi s k, nd of ahandc~nr~nt and ae~:i cat ic ~~ dcvz iopment of th is property becorr~s much
rnnre feaslble~ resulting in only Mo variances~ onr_ for setback on a scenic I~1_yhway , end
pointed out the 10~1-fioot setback is equal ..r exceedGd in ~1) tt~e rest of the areas. lie
s tated they fee 1 tf-ey are cvmp I y i ng wi th the sp i r( i of the setback i n the scen f c co rrl dor
and almost wi rhout excsp[ion a~ree wi tt~ staff's recommendatlons.
Mr. Nu~docF referred to the analysis of the perk ing r~quir~rnents as contalned In thc staff
report and polnted out a restaurant is shaaan on the northe~st corne~ whtch- is noc a part
of this variance, but is a part of the enti~c developmeni, Ne stated the rPStaurant
proposecJ wiil i~ave a bar .~+nd they reco9niz~ it will require a condltional use perrni L and
EIR I~LGA7IVE DE.CLAMTIOt~ A~~Q VARIAliCE P~O. 3107 (co~tlnucd)
will be heard at a later date and stateJ~ even wi th the ber~ the parking requtrements will
bc rne t .
Nc~ stated on ti~e northwest portion a tl,entcr Is shown whfch wlll rcyutrc a c~nditional use
permit. 11e statcd u~til they gct furtlier olong wi th the lcasing act(vitles~ they do not
know the actual size~ ~tc. f1o stated tlie theater wil l very llkely requlre a variance for
tho siyn becausr. the si~~n ordinance d~es not contemplat~ any klnd of marquee. He statrd
both of these U4C5 are allawed in tlic CL Zone wi th the apprnvn) of e condi[lonal use
permit and stated he wentcJ the Gommisslon to F,now that these are tentetively planned.
Hr. Mur~foch refcrred to ttie InterJepartmental Corrnnitcrr_ RecamnenJatlon No. ? and fcl t this
actlon would prob~bly be subsequen[ to tl~is parti~ular act(on. Iln referred to Condltion
No. IZ and stated they understo~d from staff tliere could be some varlatian so long as ttie
aver~ge is dt le~st 2!1 fcet of IandscApinq, and pointed out thc plan shows three areas
less than 20 teet. Ne felt because ~f the slopes anc: conflgur~~t.i~n, tt is almost
lrrpossible to eomply specifically wlth the 20-foe~t rPr~ulrement. He referred [o Condition
NA. 1G~ pointing out thc t~ieatr.r mar~ucc prevlousZy discussed could rec~uire a variance and
stated. for clarificntion. ~ddicional r+ording could be added to the conditfon~ "...unless
a subsaquent va~lance is grantPd." lie rcferrc~d to Landition No, 10 and statecl condi tion
Nos. 2 and ~ shvuld ba part of Condition No, 1~. Nc stateJ representatives are present to
answcr any qucstions.
Annl{ce Santalaht~' Assistant Oirector for ,'.oning. referreci to the condit(on requiring
landscaping and state~ staff cuuld enlarg~ on th.~t conditton and includc that a 1~+-foot
widc landscapcd arca wlth ~ j-foot bcrm be provide~l; that Condltion No. 1G regardtng
corr~liance with slyning requirements of t~~e CL zoninq sh~uld hove the addlti~nal wording,
"..unless a vartance is approved by tt~e Planning Commission or City Council,"; thAt
Condit(on No. 1~ shc~uld delete Cnnditfon t~o. 9 b~cause it turns out Chey t~ave a parcel map
anyway and Conditlon No. 2 requ(rfng ~on~'Ing for strcet improvements requlres payment
prlor to the building permit being issued as a yuarantea th~C the improvemr.nts wi11 be
made prlor to ocGUpancy, and stated that ~s a standar~l condition.
Cornmissioner tierbst s~c~gesied that Condltion No. 1G inctude the scen(c corrldor signiny
requi rements .
Referrlnc~ to Conditlon No, ~~ Annika Sentalaf,ti ex~~lalned she belleved those two lots are
leyal I~ts of rccord.
Mr. Murdocl~ clarified that the parcel map he is referring to is for the le~ses~ and Annika
Santalahti further exploi~ed that condltlon wi 1 1 be left in and It wi 11 pertain ta leaSGs
and not be tied intu any construction~ etc.
Commi~stoner Herbst statcd It appears wlth the median in the middl of Santa Ana Canyon
Rrad there wi 1 1 be only o~e left-turn lane out of tl~e tenter of eacli parcel wl~lch is
suF~sed to ai ign w( th some future streeC and stated ha assumes the future street wi I1 90
Into the other shopping center, and Peul Singer, Traff(c Cngineer~ stated that is what has
been shown on all the plans he has secn. I~e state~i bAth of thcse perticuiar entries will
mandate that anything that goes acrosS the street w) l l have to enter at th~t p~int.
Gorrus~issioner 7olar referred to the ingress and egress of this cortrnPrcial development as it
aligns with the property south and asked if that had bee~ taken into consideration tn the
event thet property to the south v+ere to eventually develop Into a regi~nal shoopi~;
MI t~UTES ~ ANN{E I M Ci TY PLANNI NG COMkI SS 10~~ ~ SEPTEMB~R 10, 137~ 79'670
E I R NEGAT I Vf. DECLARATI ON AND VAaI AtICE N0. 3109 (cnnt 1 nued)
centcr~ and asked if Mr, Murdocti sees this comncrcial dcvclonmr.~t es e support facility
for the f~~cure dsvelopment to the south.
Mr. Murdoch steted the Gene~al Plan Amendment for tf~at property hes been set for publlc
heartng and stated he seea tltils as a support facility and pointed out there ts a certain
dagree of control by tl~e developer of the anti re r~ncli.
ACTION; Conxnissioner Nerbst off~•re~ a motlon~ seconded by Gommissloner King a~d MOTION
CARRlCD~ that che Anahelr~ Ci tv Pl~nniny Commisslon has revie+~red the pmposnl to construct
a shopptn~ cer,ter wf th welver of minimum setbatk from ~ sc~n ic tilghway on an 1 rreyul~rly-
sh~ped parccl of land c~nsist(ng of approximntely 1(~,1 acres located at the n~~thwest
cprner of Santa Ana Canyo~~ Road and Wetr Canyon aoad~ h~~vi~g a frontage of approximately
2j;i~ squares feet ai tfx nc~rth sldc of Senta Ana Canyon Road and a frontage of 460 feet on
the west sicic of Weir Canyon Road; and does hereby approve ttiQ Negatlvc Declaration fram
the rec~ulrament tU pre~~are an environmcntal ir~~ct rep~rt on the basts that there would be
no si gn ( f I tant I nd( vi duai or cumul at i ve adverse envi ronment~- 1 i nq+act dur, to the approval
of Lhls I~eyative Declaration since t~~e Anat~eim General Plen deslgnates the subi~ct
prop~rty for yeneral com~~ercial land uses commensurate w(th the proposal; that nn
sensltive unvironmental (mc>acts ere inv~~lvcd in the proposa~l ; that th~ In(tlal Study
subrnttted by thc petitloner f~tidicates no slc~nificant inJivi~iunl or cumulativc adversc
envlronnx:ntal frrK~acts; and that !he Neyatlvr. Declaration substantiating the foregoing
f{ndinys (s on fi I~ (n chc CitY of Anaheim P1annlnq Uepar[r.tie~nt.
Commissionr.r ~Ierbst offered Resolu[i~n No. PC73-lti2 ond cnove~l for Ets passage and
adoption~ Lhat the Anah~(m CI ty Planniny CommisSlon docs I~er-eby grant Pet(t(on for
Variance No. j1Q9 0~ thc t,asls of tt~c unusual trlanyular shape of tt~e ~ercel, subJr.ct to
InterJepartmental Commictee rccommend~tions.
On rol 1 eal 1~ the~ foreyoi r~g rec ' t i on wos passed by the. fa 1 Ivwi ng vote:
!~O15 : COMMI S5 I OtlERS : NONE
ITEM N0. 1
A. CO(~UtTIONAL USE PERNIT N0. 1~I72 - Request for an extcnslon of tir~e.
Subject requcst was continued from che Pl~n~~iny Commissl~ ~ceting o¢ August 13~ 147`3 at
the requesc of the petitioner and from the rrrc~ctfng of Augus L 27, t'179 because of a tie
vote af th~e Planning Commission.
There were approx(mately eight persoris lndicating their ~re~ence in oppasltion to subject
request~ and althnugh tlie staff repc~rt to the Planning Cc~mmi551o~ dated Septernber 10. 1979
was not rea~ at the p~bl i~ hearing~ it is rcferred ta and ~.ade a port of che minutes.
J~ck 1lhites~ Ueputy Gity Attorney~ ~xplalned tftiere was d(scussion at the prevlous h~aring
regardtng whet~ier ~r not thts use is a legal ~ n~ .conformt~g use on the property and stated
he had researcheJ the n~et te r and faund i t i s not an exi st t n g 1 ega I~ nonconformi ng use and
a conditivnal use permtt is requtred to centinue the nperat lon because tne code requirtng
e conditional use permit fo~ this use went into effect ebo~t ten years ago and ihere was a
nonconf~rming use pravision which provides that the use of the pro~+erty as a legal ~
REPORTS r1NU RELONMENDAT 10~15 - I T~M A(conC i nued)
nonconformin~~ usc ca~ be tontinued for e mnximum period of thr~c years~ ond that pcrtod
hes ~xpi~od.
Commtssioner ~larbst stat~d~ (n otl~er• words~ tha "grandfather rights" have expircd~ .~nd Mr.
Wh 1 t~ agreQd.
Reverend Edwards~ 343 South Uevid Street, ~ndheim~ stated he hclps Mrs. Scliafcr malncain
hcr bees; that at one ttme she awned 1~ <~cres cf pro~erty Nith approximately 30Q hlves and
naw has nlne hlves on I~er ~,resent acrcayc~ of appraximately ~-1/7. acres; that it has been
esiebllshed that the grandfathcr r(qhts have exp) red; that they fee~) thesa bees are not
cAUSiny anybody any problem; that a neiyhbor is pr•r.se~~t who ~robably lives closer than
other pcrsons present in oppaxttl~n~ wFx, can statc thc becs around her property are no
problem and explain t.~cir fliyht pattcrn; thAt they are concerncd that people who have
been stung heve not comc t~ thn meeting and nttcr the lest Rreting, ' s. Schafer had y~on~
to the adj~tent property vwners ~~nd asked (f thc becs had bothered them and th~ awn~rs had
safJ tl~ey ~lld not even I:nvw shc hacl becs~ so thcir cc;ntent(on is that thesc l~ces are not
bothcr(na r3nyone~ and stated she needs these bees for pol ! Inattc~n end for her (nc~e.
Mrs. Jol~n DleJgoocl~ Uortx>n Avcnur., Anahairn, stated she Ilvcs Iess than on~-quarter mile
northw~st of Mrs. Schafcr snd rlyht bchind her [herc are severel peoDlc wti~ hav~ beehives;
that sl~a is vcry happy about that becausc they pol I inece I,cr trr.~s; ihat [hese people are
nat b~ekeepcrs and Mrs. Scl~afcr i, a bNakeeper and 4:ncars how to regulate the bees and keep
them within her property t~ecausc she will n~t lct them swarm; and that she has secn her
nciyhbors' bees swarr, end they go in a norttwvcsterly dirrction over Ehe rallroAd tracks
tawerd 11rs. Scr,afcr's propcrty and the new tract. She state~l shc has watchcd this for 20
ycar5 8nd a5ked who knows whose bres ~re doing thc sttnginq.
iCrith Reitz, liSQ Sou[h Gilbuck~ Anaheir•,, stated his house is approxirtu~tely one-quarter to
onc-t~a~f mile away froM Mrs. Schafc~'s property anc~ referred [o I~ls letter to thc Gicy
I~all dated June 3~, 1979~ whicli stated tf-ey arc opposed to che beel~ives remaining in the
residential tract; that the bees are a public nuiss~ce as far as he Is concerned and also
the ocher people present; tliat they circulated a petition (n the tract and it was signed
by G2 out of 4G prople~ stating they do not want the bers in the trar,t; and that he knows
it (s ic~;.~ssiblc to say wh~se becs are stinging~ but t~~at they are there and are creating
a nu(sanc~~ and chi Idren and adults are being stunq ~.~~i ly.
Mr, Reitz stated his wife is allcryic to bec stings and e bee sting could be really fata)
and he must have proper medica) attent.ion irrxnediately aftcr a sting, and stated the bees
do scnse if someane is a!lorgic; that thcre are appr~ximately 50~0~,~ to 10~~~~~ bees per
hlve~ with 2~~0~0 to 30,0~~1 wo~kcrs ftying at all tlrr~s~ and ninc I~tve•, on Mrs. Schefer's
property multiplied by the small averaye of ~0~'l00 dees comes out to ~+',~1,0~0 bees flyinq
wi thin an avcra,ye of three mi lcs of the pr•operty and do not stay on hcr propercy and
polllnate her trces. He stated peoplc closest ta the hfves are the ones being boChered
thc m~st; tha[ a winter worker bee l ives five to six manth~~ and a swm~er worker bee llves
five or six weeks~ and that Che stinger of a dead beA (s just as paisonous as a llvc bee
snd you cen bc stung walking In the c~rass. He stated his father-in-law was and is a
:eekeeper~ but not a~ hts own property. He stated they a~c not asking that thc bee~ be
destroyed. b ut ere asking that they be nx~ved to give them a lictle peace of mind~ poi~ting
out he wafrtes et work ell day that his w(fe or children might be stung~ and (ndtcated
they dc~ not I:now whether the children are allergic to bee stings and the cx~ly way to find
out ts to sting them~ which could be fatal. lie stated the hives do not necessarily have
to be under the trees ln order to poili~ate them.
Shirley McClane~ 4~~ South Gilbuck Drive~ Anaheim~ stated she ltves app roximatcly five
houses fram the grove and poinLed ouL her main concer~ is for the safety of the chiidr~n.
REPORTS ~lt~D RECOMME1~0.4TIOI~S - ITEM J~ (conttnued)
She stated her dQUqhter was stung tlirce timcs yast~rdoy on the leg and h~r son stepped on
a bet; tt~at they havc been stung as meny as five times (n cx~e dt~y and her husbanri was
stun~ on the ear when he welked out tha back dc~r. She stated as a cht Id she usecl to
catch beos and insects rnd thet she has baen watching tf~r beh~vior of thes~ bees rnd did
not fee) thoy arc n~rr.w~l. 5he steted shc cbcs not knc~w wt-~ther it is becausr the~ havc
bcen exposed to lnsact(cidos or whether tt is another br~ed, ar a l~ck of food supply~ but
they arc aygresslve and sting on body contact and thcy pursuc a~d sting; that thcy start
coming ar~und 11:3Q A.m. and the numbers incrcase~ ana thc pc~~. hc~ur is betwe~n n~on and
3:30 p.m.; end that tl,ey come from the nurth side ~f her t-ouse~ which Is in the directi~n
of the orchard, Sha stated iast niqht she :,~uyht ~vcr 1~)0 bees in her back yard and
presente~ them nt the mreting In a jar, She stated shc cauqht these bees between (~:0~ and
6;30 p.m. and they we~e the ~tra~~glers. Sl~e state~ t~~e re~-~son she was able to c.'+tch them
was because hcr back yard was wet anc! thc bCCS were inv<~Ived in getting Into the water.
She stoted when thcy are not involved in the watcr~ shc cann~t catch them becausc the~y are
cxtremcly nervous; tl~at normally the honeybcc wi ll fly frorn flawr.r to flowcr and sway in
order to sec t~~e flvraer and then buzz cfown and ~~~a 1~ and wr~rl. [he fln-ver~ and y~u can
catch a regular honeybeQ wf th a jar~ but felt there is sun~[h(n<~ wr~n~; with these bees
becau~e they Jerk f r~m s 1~c t~ s i~lr and arc narvous and arr. vcry .~ are ~f you 1 i 4;c a
burrt~lebec~ statin~ a bumGle'~ee wlll hovcr in frc~nt of your facc ve y ag~resstvely. She
st~~t~d hcr children and hr.r famlly h~vc bcen stung ~nd, fr~~m hcr vr,se~vatl~n~ fclt thc
bees arc mc~rc a99ress i vc and sens i t i vc than chcy shou 1 d hc .~nd chey have rrx~rr_ thnn thc i r
s~iaro of bces in thc arc~; and that they are in the ~~r~55 ~n~f shr has haC thr.m go u~ her
pant ley.
Rev. f:~•rards stated ecrtainly bees havc to I~avc watr.r, but Hrs. ~~c~~afer provides water for
her b~es ~ but evident ly these bees f rc,m surn~; otl~er place havc co f i r,d a pl ace to get water
and he dl ~i not re•~ 1 ly thl nk they were Mrs. Schafer' , tfees tl~~t arc caus i nq Lf~e prob lem.
Mrs. 6lcdqood statcd shc was rca) ly con~crned about thc younc; lAcfy wi th th~ ~ees and was
con~ccrn~;ci that Lhe bces h~~f swarme~l ;+nd cc>uld be bctwcen tlie eavPS an~S t~~e hous~.
Nrs. McClane st~ted the bees are ~iot swerr~inc~; that they orr. individuals n+caving and
wark(ng and that they returned north tavar~s t'~e grove and shc fr.,lt unless therc arc other
beehlves in the area~ they are definit~ty c~c.~iny bacE. to Chat ara~.
Cormilssloner Bushorc.~ as~ed wh,~i kinJ of shrutzt~ery is located in llrs. flcClane's yard that
would attract the baes. and M~S. McClane was nac surr. of the names of r.k}e shrubs~ but
explalne~i the flowers have alrc;~dy sec~~e~l.
Cor~rni ss 1 ane r Busftiore s uq~es ted tcs Mrs . McC 1 anc th~ t she send the bc~s and a s~p 1 e of he~'
flar+srs and shr~bs to the Oepartmr~'~t ~f Ayriculture in Sacramento for analysis~ pointiny
out if there is samc:thing attractin~~ the bees tc~ th~ arPa. it does no[ matter and the bees
w(I1 come ~rom anywherz, and even if t1~is extenslnn c~f t1mr, is denied~ it would not solve
thc p rob 1 em. Ile s ta ted f rom what he `~as hcar~~, bees be ( nq tfi i s ag~ rtss 1 ve 1 s not norma 1.
Corrxr,Issioner Tolar refer~ed tc~ che numb~~r !~f Ge~s caugl,t hy Mrs. NcClane in her back yard
~etween G;00 a~d G:3~ p.m,~ and asked if otrier nel~ht.~ors are .~ttracting the s~emc number of
be:es .
Patty Currier~ 15~~7 West 'fedma~ Avenue~ Anai~elr~~ statcd st~e ha~ mcvcd from a hUUSe wlth a
swimn~ing pooi and they had wasps and yellvwJ.~ckets at chat h~use.~ but they did not have as
rnany honeybees as they heve naw. She explafn~~d her hau~P is about slx or seven house~
from Gllbuek Drive. (Mrs~ McClane stated she !ivPS ffvc houses f mm sub~ect property).
~ ~
REPOR75 ANO RECOMMEt~0AT10NS - ITEn A(wntinu~d)
Jennifc~ D~own statcd she lives next doo~ to M~s. McClanc and haa eil grass In her ,
ye~d with ~o sl~rubs or flowers and she hes )ust a~ many bccs.
Linda TietJen~ 1~Q4 West Tedmar Avenuc~ An~l~clm~ statcd she has no flowers or shrubs and
wt~en her son has his sw{mminy poal In thc ya~d the bees are s~~arming all over the pla~:o~
and thay do n<,t heve any flavcrs nc ali.
Cha) n•~arhan [larnes s tated 1 t sounds I i ke the rv are more bees tl~an nt nr_ I~) ves i n the area.
Shn s teted st,c has a swarm of bces i n her f ron t yard at tt-c present t i me hang) ng I n hc r
almond tree and that she can maw her I~wn or do anyth}ng sl~e wants to c1a and she hardly
evrr sees ai~y bees and s~~a has i~o: bean bothcred by t1~em. Shc stAted an acre away from
her property ha~ about 1-~ beeliivas and 511C hardly ever sees nny ~f thasc bees ~ and fet t
tttiere fs a biggor problem In adJltton io thesr bers and wondered lf therc are m4rc hlves
in the arca.
Mrs. aledgoc~d statecf therc a~c other hives next to t~cr propcrty Iinc and explalned most of
the nei qhbors have bees .
Mr. Ra1 tz statc:d they have watche~f the bees and they are coming from that d{ rection and
ti~~y havc not found any othc r h i ves.
Rev. EdwurJs stated he felt the problem (s the lack of watcr and that pe~ple wlth bees In
thcir back yard do no[ provide water for them~ and felt that is the ma~~r problem.
Corimissioner [iushorP asked how many ticrs tliere arc in thc nine hives~ and Rev. Edwards
explalned thcre ar~ four wi th cwo tiers high a~d two wi th tt~rce tiers high.
Comnlssioner Qushore asked if thr.re is a processor to take the honcy~ and Rev, Edwards
rep 1 i ed M~s . S c~7afe r h as a honey tiouse .
Cnmmissloner Bushore clarlfied that Mrs. Schafer is not doing th(s on a largc scale where
she is trying to raise bees for thc honey~ and asked how she keeps the bees from swarming.
Rev. :~awards replfed that during Harch and In the Sp~ing they go throuc~h the hives every
ten days ana pinch off the q~een bee cells so there wlll be no new queens. He exptained
[hts is tt,~ only method they nract(ce.
Cortmissioner ~ushore stated he used to keep bees and periodically you do have to watch the
queen cells ~~.i break tliem open. Ne suggested that Rev. Edwards try clipping the wings of
tha queen bee. Ne asked Rev. Edwards lf he wears a mask~ gloves and uses sr-oke when he is
around the hl~es, ~~nd Rev. Edwards replied that he does, and Cortrnissloner a~essivereferred
to Lhe picture whe~e he is not wearing a mask and asked if the bees are agg
Rev. Edwards replied ttiac the bees are or-~y ~ggressive when they are Lrytng to sxtract the
honey when lt is ctoudy or overca~t.
Commissioner Bushore asked what ttme the bees normally return to the hiv~s aL ntght, and
Rev. EdwArds replied Chat they are all in by sundawn and he Lhought they would be
returning end nat very active at 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. and would be very active from 10:0~
a.m, to 4:0~ or 5:00 P.m•
Wmmissioner Bushore stated people with pools will have trouble with bees and wasps and
thera is nothing you can do about it. He stated the bee behavior which has been described
is not a normal boe behavtor. He stated he had gone tn the property but could nat find
ar~yone home~ but did obsarve the bees~ and thetr flight pattsrns mean noth~ng because they
~" ~
REPORTS M~D ., CoNFitNDATI011S _,IT`EN ~ (co~tinued)
c~n chan~c from dey to dey~ but generally they were nat (n a direction tu botl~er the
homes .
Rev. Eciwards stated this is what they cannot undcrstond beeause the flight p.~tcerns arr.
normally not ovur tl~is a~ca,
Commissionesr Busho~e stated from what hc f~ad obsPrvecl~ hc did not think these bees are
caus~ng this klnd of rrpblem. }~~ stated therc ls only one house thet is basically withln
1~0 feet, and that (s the hou•a; directly behlnd at 36~ Sout~~ Gilbuck Drive~and he had not
seen thot lady's name on the petltlon. He Felt if anybqdy is (n the fllght poth ~f th~se
bGes~ it would be the resldents from that ~~ddress, Ile Stotcd somc of the pcoplc who
stgned the pet(tlon were from tlie other direction, Ile stated he J1cf n~t think thos beeS
arc ceusfng thc ~roblem and pointed out tf~e becs werc thcre l~ng bef~re the honw_s. 1!e
s taLed he woul d n~akP a mot ion t~ s~~pport tt~c beas as long as thc pet 1 t ionc~ waul d
sttpulate to keeping no mor~~ than nine h(ves~ four tiers hfgh.
Mr. Rettz stated thot was t~ic stipulation last ttme and the pctltioner had violnted It.
Conrnissioner f3ushorc pointed out tt~e con~ition~il use p~rmit can be rescinded at any ttme
by the Commisslon and that he wtll f,e c~bserving the arca. He titate~f he thaught thcre is
an underlyiny problem here and tt~ac cveryone has a natur~l fear of bees~ anci it (s tri~e
bees can sens~~ this fcar, but he did not ihink it wes tl~esa bees causing the prAblem~ and
from what Rev. Edwar~IS had told htm, hc felt tt~osc bces were acting i~i a perf~ctly nornal
manner. fle stated his father Iives in ti~(s area and he w(I1 bc going (nto thc area and he
will watch the area and repc~rt any vivlations to the Zoning Enforcement bfftcer.
ACTI011: Commi,sion~;r Eiushore offered a motion to grant ~pprov~l af tf~e request for an
ex- tcnslon of ttme for Condittonal Use Permit 110, 1~'72 for a period ~f one year to permit
nine bechives~ four tiers h(gli,
Corxniss(c~ner Ilerbst stated he wauld secnnd the motion slnce Mrs. Shafer has boen
t~~ere for rr~ny years. tle stated he would like some sort of survey ta find out -~here the
other bees a+re located.
Gommissio~cr Tolar statcJ he undcrstcx~d what Commissianer ~ushore was saying and (t
appears a lot af people have done a lot of homework. tie stated he cannot bellev~ the
existing hivcs are not at least contributing to che recognizable prohlem, 11e statzd hN
cc~uld not support something wi~en hc knaws th~rc (s a problem in an arca~ whether these
becs are the problem o~ only a part of the problem~ and he did r.ot knaw how t~ snake that
cletermtnatlon. He stated because of the health and safety of Lhe oeople~ he could not
support the request because he believed tl~ey ar~ at least coneributiny to the problem.
Cha(n•roman Eiarnes stated chis is a hard decislon and she really thtnks the problem is from
othcr hive5 in thc a~ea and that this may be contributing some~ and thAt she would also
I i ke to have a survcy on other beef~ t vts i n [hc arPp and sugges ted that tt~e homeowners
could help wi ch that survey.
Commissioner King tndica*.ed he could suppart the motion sinc:e Commissioner E3ushore has
lndicated he wil) be watching the area and that h~ is a man of his word.
Commissloner Tolar stated by grant(ng thls request for one more year~ the Comrr,ission may
be runniny the risk of sacneane belrtg seriously hurt and he was not willing to t~ke that
Commissloner Oushores po(nted aut every person in the Councll Chamber takes thc rlsk of
be(ng a potentlal vlctim of t~ bee sting~ regardless of wh~ther or n~t they heve an
Commtsslonnr Tolar stated therc is obviously a worse potent(al in this neigliborfiood
becruse of tl-e mass number of bees. He stat~d he dIJ not knc~w wtietf~er tt~e bces are coming
from 11rs. Sehercr's property or not.
Chairwortwn Dernes pointed out Nrs. Schafer sells honey for at least a part of h~r IncoMe.
Mrs . B ledgood i nd) cated sl~e wes s t I 1 I u~ncerned that the becs have swarrm~d somewhe rc i n
thc neiyhborl~ood and could bc in a trcc or hidden whcrc the nei~hbors havc nat secn them.
Commissloner Bushore s atcd normaily e person has to be vcry close to the bees for them to
t~c as agg~essivc as described by the neiyhbors an~1 (nd(cat~d hc will he looking for a
swarm I n Lf1P, nci yht,orhood.
Mrs. Reitx~ 450 South Gllbuck~ Anaheim~ s~ated Mrs. Scliafer only h~s about 20 trees on
less than an acre ~~nd 1+50~~0~ bees are too many bnes for the nurrher of trecs. She staied
she under~tand~ thdt Paceseiter bouglit the land from Nr, an~i Mrs. Schafer~ so the h<~ney is
not her only incon~c.
Commissioner Bushore st.~~ed he felt properly-malntaineJ Gees can be controlle~l.
Ch~lrwoman aarnes ca'.led for a button votc on Commissioner t~ushore's •vt~on~ secc~nded by
Commissfoner IlerUst~ tl~at a onc-year extcnsion of time be granted for Conditional Use
Permlt t~o. 1$72~ t.o expire on Auyust 14~ 19~~ ~~1lowtng nine hives, four tiers hlgh.
The MOTI01~ PAS5EU by thc follc~winy votc:
yp°I ICE Np, j112 Fulle~con, tA ~2G3;. AGE11T: GEORGE l,. BEAUREGARD.
! 1265 North Chrisden Street~ Apt. A14G~ Anaheim~ CR
y2307. Petitianer requests WAIVER OF PERMITTED
S1GN5 Ir1 T-~E SCCNIC COaRIDOft TO COI~STRUCT ONE FREE-STAf1DII~G SIGN on property described as
an irregularly-st~aped parcel of land consisiing of approxim~tely 3.0 acres lacated soutth
and east of [he southeast corner af La Palma Avenue and Imperial Hiyhway, havtng aPproxi-
mate fronteges of 1J5 feet on the south side of La Paima Avenue and 35~ feet o~ the east
side of Imperial tilghway~ being loCaked approxlmstely 32y feet east of the centerllnc of
Imperia~ Nlghway and approxirnately 300 fect south of tht cenT.erl ine of La Palma Avenue~
and furttier describnd +~s 511o East la Palma Avenue. P~opcrty presently c~assified CL(SC)
9/ 10l79
There was no ~ne indtcating their prescncc in oppositian to subJect requcst~ and although
the staff repnrt to thc Planning Conunission Jated Soptember 1~~ 1~17~ was not read at the
public hearing. it is referred to ~ 1 madc a part of the mtnutes.
Gaorge L. De~urega~d~ ngenr ana owner/ope~ator of the motr:l~ st~ted this rnc~tor inn is 45
days awaY from conpletlor and, unlike other businesses ~ a mntcl f~red~minantly dcpends
upo~ f~ighw~y visibility anJ ne~•ds nropcr slyning; that thcy recoynize in somc areas~etther
becaus~ of the hclyht or sizc standards, varlances are required; that they havic employed
two or threc different slyn cor~anies :+nd havc submitteci two different nroposals and dld
not th1n1: this siyn woulJ offend anyoric in thc area; ancl that they are appr~xlrnotely 10~0
to 1~00 feet fro~n tho frGeway an~1 the si~~n has ta bc visible (n or~lcr co bc ~ffective from
a considcrable distancc.
In responsc to Commissioner Herbsc's qucstion~ Mr. E3eauregard ~ointed out thc nrop~sed
s i c~n an the pl an and s tateJ onc of t1~e proposal s~ 1 aces che s i gn 2~~ the south A~ the
bu(I~ing on the east ~ropcrty llne and the other propasal involvr.s ane slgn on each of the
gabled ends of thc buildin~~ to tlic cast and NeSt. "
Chairwoman Uarnes scat~a the only pro~lcro sha has is the fact that this 1s the sce~ic
eorriciur and no variances heve been allowe~i; tl~ac tl~e '~urseryla~d slyn ne.~t door can be
seen from the freeway for a~~proximatety three miles .~nd shc dfd not sec any problcmwith
identiflcatlo,~ because thers -.i 11 be a siyn ~r~ the cast and wr.s; ends af ehe bui ldtr~g~ and
asked what the frec-star~diny si~~n (s SUp(>USC~1 to attract.
Mr. Beaurc~.~ard statc~i he had subml Ltcd two nr~posals bccause i t ~5 qui [e urgcnt to havc
adequatr. si~~niny for this faci 1ity. Ile scatr.d the aropo,al ch~t r^iqht br preferred is thc
onc sign to Lhe soutl~ of the builJing, someti+herc near th~ easterly property line,which
wlll be (ck~~tificd from bot~~ tt~c east and west~ provictinq thc sign is high enough )n the
alr. t1e stated the two signs wcre sl~own cxi anathrr prnposal and thAt either praposal will
be acce~~table, an~.i clarified he is not as~ing for approval of bott~ proposals. Iie stated
tliey woul d l l ke to yet thc s l~~n h( yli cnou~~h to be scr.n f rom t~~k shoppi ng center and. i n no
event ~ woul d i t g~~ abovc the roc~f I i ne and woul d be on thc 5outh S I dC of the bui 1 di ng and
not facin~ any ott~er area exce~t [he freeway +n an easterly and wcsterly dlr~ction. Ile
5tated they have driven past the slte and taken photoyraphs from the freeway which have
not corx out because of thc distance Involved~ and are Rx~rely asking that the sign bc of~
sufflcient fieigti~ to be seen in both directions. f~o stated an~ther fattor to consider is
that Yhe baek of tl3cir propercy (s clevelope~ with parking spaces in or~.fer to meet City
requlrarnc:nts and occa,ionally there w(11 be ~i vehlcle hie~her than an autcx~bile~ and they
thcy have been advised thcy sh,ouid ge[ the ~i~~n off thc ground a reasonnble distance so
that Ch~ parked vch(cles wiil noC hlock tha visibility.
Chafrwoman E3arnes askrd i` there arc any other s(~~ns on the building~ and Mr. E3eauregard
repliad there w) ll bC or~e other s~yn on the buildiny to identtfy [hc~ business. and fu~t~er
explalncd 1 t w( I1 bc: on the front of thc c~rpor[ »~cordin~~ ta co~ie t~ i~fentify them as the
A~ahelm Ni I is -'btor Inn~ a~d that ttie requestr.d sign fs to identi fy them wl Lh Best
~ies te rn .
Chainnoman Uarnes asked if the o~~ rtre~e-standing sign would be a monunent sign.
Mr. t~eaureyard reatied ttie small icl~~tification styn would not be a monument slan and
would be ~tteched t~ the carport pc~~tio~ of the building so pedr.stri,~ns or people in thelr
cars at the stiopping center could ~dentify Cl~e busine55, but. more important.lY, with
pcople corniny off the freeway arovnd the corner~ in order to prevcnt any mo~e confuslon,
~ w~
EtR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLA55 3 AND VARIAh~i: ~l0._~112_ (continued)
they would need to De At,le to see th~ name so that thQy would knaw when to egress. Ne
stated thcy had pald for che median in the +nl~~dle of the street to Pllmina~e trAffic
problems and would not want to create traffic wngestion~ and that there will be ~ 3f,-inch
~~ ~~
sl~n whicli rreroly says Qntrencc co dircct the. flaw of trafflc without hesicatlon into
thctr placc uf bus;ness. Ilc statad tlzc only sign whicl~ nxans a great deAl ra them (s the
hlghway sign~ because a nx~cor tnn c~f this type deG~ends upon traffic off tf~e freeway for
approxirnatcly 70 to :i0:', of thcir busin~ss.
Commissi~>ner Nert~st stated the Comrnission h~as Ge~~n denying requcsts for variences (n the
scenic c~rriJor; t~~at rt L~~e time tt~c origin~l aoplicatlon was before thc Plonninc~
Comrnlssion the siyn wos ~fiscussed anJ thr_ Commission st~~t~d exactly wh.it the signin9
slwuld bc~ and naw a v~~riancc Is requeste~~ statin<~ since thc bui l~Jln9 Is construeted
there ( s a hardsh ip ; tf~at thc C~mmi ss ion I~os r~~~ui rcd i 1 Icg~l s 1 gns to bc removed 1 n the
scsnic corricSur and he fc~lt ~pproviny a ii,-fout high si~~n on the border af the property
would ~festruy everything t~~e Commiss(on h~s been tryin~~ tn acconplish; and tha[ he
recognlzes thls is a business which requires c~rtain types of ~dvertisiny and he thought a
wall si~~n was allowed so it cou1J be scen from t1~e frceway. I~c felt the signing should
camply with the ordinances becausc of the previc~us rcquests which hava been deniecl and
illegal signs wh(ch have been rr_moved~ and ,[ated he coutd not vote for a request like
tf~is because evcryone elsF: wi 1 I be wrnting si~,l lar signs. -Ic: stated the scenic corridor
is c~ desic~nation by tne Stace of Califc~rnia nnd cercaln res[rictions were ploced on the
Mr. Beauregard referrecl to r~ectings in July and August of t~7~~ and stated he was well
eware of the fact [his was in the scenic corridur~ and ~uring ane of tl+ose meetings when
he had explaineJ LhP fact thati if ther~~ cUUld bc sorn~ variancr. cc~nsldered by ilie Planninc~
Gommi ss i~n or Ci ty C~unci I~ that iie w~u) d sti 1 I pursu~~ tt~c pro jcct, hut 1 f i t caut d not t~e
consldered~ then he would n~t pursue the davc~opimnt any furti~~r; an~ that he was ~ivcn
grcat encour~igcrn~nt :~y somc mcr~hcrs of this Cor~misslon ~nd other pcoplc ~t that timc that
e varlancr. could bc yruntPd.
Commissi~ner tler~st statc~ the Con~~is~ion had indicated at that tinc: that they would
consicier the posslbi IItY of a monu~ent•type sign which rio~,ld be a law-profile~ free-
standin9 s(~n sir,~ii~r to what has been allowed in somr. of the st~opping centers in thc
area, but nothing like cF,is.
Mr. tleaure~~ard stated this (s t~is inter{~retation of a~-~vnument siyn to conform with the
heigh[ and sire requl rements. Ne sta[e~ he has worke~ on tliis s(gn for several months and
explained hc hos bui 1 t thrc~ rnote is 5 i nce he startr.~i thi s onc an-' ~gs 51 gns 50 or 60 fect
in the alr~ and to hir~ this would be consldered a~nument slgr.
Commissloner Hes-bs[ stated the C~mmission has nevcr considered a monumenc sign 1G feet
high and usually [tie type of monur,~ent slqn tlzc Commission considers is law-profile on a
b c rr,-.
Mr. Deau~e9ard sta~ed he is rec,uesting visibility fron, tl~e frce~vay so that people can
idencify th~; rnotel ir~ time ta make th~: prnpc:r turn-off,
Gommissionrr H~rbs: stated tfi~ nursery cic7wn the strec~t had requested bigger signs and that
rcquest was ~er~ied and Lhsy wcre ~nly permittc:d the one wal! 5lgn.
Mr. Deaureyard stated he understoad he. couid not hAVe signs stmi lar to Nurser~land and
Carl's Jr. because t~tiey would not rneet th~ code. Nr stated he thought tna Commission
would find~ if they resoarctied the record. that he has done everything in ~is pc~rer to
stay within the confines of thn Commission's chinktng in order to get a decent design with
~_._ .__ ~ - - - -- ----
aasthotlc value fc~r tho arca which w111 nat disturt, anyonc. Ne statr.d Cho only c:xposure
the sign has is to kho ea~t and west. He stated if he had Chought anyone in this room
would der,y hirn the propcr ldentification for this kinJ of facilit;~~ hc w~uld ~ot bA I~ere
today end was sure he made tl~~t remark whon the ~riginal requcst was macfe,
Commissl~nGr Tolar stated the only wm~cnts he has cv~r heard sin~n hcing on the
Conmisslc,n for six ycars are discouraglny anyone from thinking they wlll gex a fre~-
stendiny siyn In tha scenic corriJ<~r, an~i was ccmcerned tlie p~titi~ncr would mAke this
ktnd of Investrnent nredicated an one sl~~n.
GhainNOman I3arnes st~~ted she rerner~l,ers the sign that was pr~pc~secl for thls pmject on the
aes t s t de of thc buI 1 di ng and had r-~aJe the conrnc;nt that the s t~n was the mc~st h 1 ~eous s i gn
sh~: had ever seen. She st~ted she likcs thc tdc~~ of [he srnnller signs and polnted out tt~e
prc~b lem i s that f re~c-Standi ng s(gi~s a~e not al lowed i n tl~e scenf c corrl dor. She stated
the Comrnlssion has trieJ very h:~r~1 to kecp th~ sic~ns I~w key ln th(5 area. She askcd iP
this siyn c~,ulc! be put on t~~c sldc of the bui lding.
Mr. ~ie~iureyard statc~.! his ~ther ~r~posal {:rop~,sP~i the slyns or, the ~~ablcd en~is of the
buildin~~ one to th~ east And o~ic to the r~est,
Mnika Santalahti~ Assistant Ui~ector fc~r Zonin~~ explained that prc~posal would con5ist of
Mowall si~,~ns~ ~~nr_, on eath en~i of the buildin~~ an~i thAt wc~uld require a different codc
vari ancc than be 1 ny requc~ t~~d. She s tated one wal 1 s i gn woui d be perr~( t ted and indi cated
shc had s~c.en a t~~tal ly dl ffr..r~~nt ~rn~~osal .
Mr. Eieaurcyard s tAted one of chc s 1 ~ns i s 1-~~ squarr. fcct, and thc other s i yn ( s
appr~xi mate: ly Z2~ S~~UAr~ feet ~ a-id he woul d be pcrmi t ceJ a s i gn c~ns i st I ng of 1~7, of the
area nf ona build{rzc~~ which woul~ be ~~(~ squarc fe~~t, a~d stacecS he had tried to modify
and repusltion th~ sigri so that it wi I1 be pleasing to evcryane. 1~e stated th~re had becn
o~~osit(on to ihis facillty ori~~inally and ic is cvtdent~ duc ta the f~c[ thai there is no
ona present oppc~Sin~J it tod3y~ thcre i, no cmpQ,i*,ion since they have scen that it IS a
nicc factlity.
Corn~issloncr Bushe~rt~ stated he rr.al l res the c.Anyon is sacr~d to a loc ~f people and 1 t is
becom(ny Chat way to `~i~--~ but he c:ould nc~c support a request f~r a frer.-stancfinq si~n for
th~ sartie reason hc cc~uld not supp~rt i~~c ~equcst for th~~ Cal Comf~ sl~~n c~~rlicr. Ile st~ted
most of thc~se s~rne Corxnlssloners wh~~ are onpnsing this rcquc~st hed allowed a blgqer sign
earl(er in another are.~ ef Anaheim and there arr_ Mo stanclards sometimes~ which he feels
is M:rony. Ile st~~ted hc woulci ,up~art n reyucst fur a smaller sign on che building And
felt therc fs roc~r, for cr~mpromise; and that ~~~otct riecds a b(~ si~~n~ much more than a
multl-million JUllar cc~r~any a~lv~rcisinq .;~b o~~x:rtu~itics.
Mr. E3eaurcgar~ statr.~J he woul~J call this ane si~~n ~nd that he cuuld cut it right dc~wn the
middle and put on•~ siyn on e~ct~ end of tMe buildin9~ but pointed out it would not even be
visible. He shvwed che propo~al for the twa vrall-mounted signs to the Commissi~n.
Annike SantalAhtl ~~plained the code reads that wall-mounted signs are c.onsiciered as those
vislbl~ from Che strect and lf he cuts t~~e o~e siyn in half and rr~unts ~ne on botl~ sides
nn the building, they would be c~unted as two wall signs and the mattcr would have to be
rcadvertised because chcse woulc; tre two wall signs which could be reacf from the strcet,
freeway or anothcr pfr.ce of pr~perty.
Commissioner Ilerbst askcd how the tw~ siyns on the Garl's Jr, building wcre pcrmitted~ ~nd
Miss Santalohti state~i those signs were supposedly attached~ with Con:nissioner Nerbst
clarlfylny ti~at thern was a technicallty In that the slgns~ even thougf~ vlsiblc from twa
sides. were attachod at the corrcr.
Chalrwoman Barnes felt It would be morc aestl~et(cally {~1r.ASIng to h~ve the signs on e~thGr
end of the bullding and Chat it wauld more closely rr~:et thc ordfnance, and Commlssloner
Herbst statr.d lf the petitlonr.r would rat!~er have a lr~w-profilc~ monument st~n Iri front
rather thnn the two wall signs~ he would support that request.
Annika Santalahtt stated if the petitioncr could br(ng rc~vised plans In by tomrrrow in
order that the walvers could be advcrtf sed, thc mattcr r.ould ba heard at the nex[ meeting;
othc~wisc It wi 11 be ono rnc~nth,
Mr. Ueauregard stated he thought he was in the propcr pc~sitinn with h1s alternatives~ plus
he haJ talk~d with certain indivlduals ard was nc~t trying to dc~ somcthiny to oppose the
whole Clty. !Ic ex~~lalnr,d originally on the south en~ Qf the building they had plastcred
tl~c name "Motor Inn" and It lcx~ked rather thi rcf-class and was about 3~+~ fect lon~, and
after gettiny clarif(cation reg•3rdinq the scenic c~rrt~ior requlremenis~ u~derstcx~d they
could ~c~t s~»ce 1t out~ and chat hc was tryiny to tra~f~ ~amcthinq hr.~e~ polnttn~ out hc
could c~et a buil~i(ny permit ~~~ith ~ 4G11-squ~7re foc~t s~.;n .~:,d fasten it to thP south side of thE
it wa~ pointed aut one sign Is allowed under the cnde and r~ rrqur.st can be made for the
ad~itional sl~~n, an~i it was explaincrl a watvc~r would iiavr to be advcrtised.
Anntka Sancalaf~ti statc~d the exhibits ~nd pl.)n5 ~hawiny thc wall sign on either t•nd~ plus
wl~atever is beiny cione on tl~e n~~rth sicls towar•ds La Palma~ Nould havc to bc submitted, and
Mr. Beauregar<: s[ated hc understands that right nr~ he qualifics to havc ane s(yn on one
end and state~ ~~e wi 1 1 ~~o ahea~l an~! instai 1 th~ one si~n and c~o whatev~r is necessary to
gcc p~rr~ission for tl~c s~cor~d si~n.
ACTfO~~: Co~~r~isslo~er dushorc offered a rnition, secundeci by Co~issi~ncr Fry ,na M~TION
C RRIEQ. that c~nsi~fer~tion of Va~iance I~o. 3112 be Gontinu~d to Lt~c regularly-scheduled
meetln~ of the Planr~jnq Gor~ission on Ssntember 2~i~ 1~!7'l~ at thc rrq~~st of thc nc~t(Lioner
in ~~rder to submit revised plans and in ordcr to advert(sc additlonnl walvers.
~ ~ ~/E U~CLARATIO~~ Pflinsatcla Uri +e. auena Park. GA ~~f,20. AGE~IT;
U ~M !~7 REV. JOE It~M/~N~ 2G~e Qaisy Avenuc~ Lo~g aeach~ CA
COIIUITIO!IAL US- E PERIIIT N0. 2~)12 903~G. Petitioner requescs permtsston to RCTI~IN A
SPAf,tS on property described as a rectangularly-
sf~aped parcel of land consist(ng ~f approxi~~ately 37~~ square feet located at the
northeast corncr of Lincoln Ave~ue and Philadei~hia 5treet~ having Appraximate fr~:ntages
of 3'~ f~et on thc nortl~ s i de of L i ncoln Avenuc and 12> feet on the easY s i de of
Ph( iadeiphia Strect~ anc! further eiescribed as 3~3 East :.incc~ln Avenue. Property prese~tly
Thc;re was ~o one indl cat ing thni r presencrs i n oppos f tion to sub jcct reyuest, and at though
the staff report to the Planntng Comrntssion dat~d September 1~. ?g79 was not read at the
public hear(ny, it is referred to and made a part of che minutes.
Co ssicaner Uusl~c~re de:clared a canflict of incerest as defined Gy AnaheiM City Plar.n(ng
Commisslrn Raaolution I~o. ~'(./~-1;7~ ~~doPting a Cunflict of Interest Codc for tl~e Plann(ng
Cortxnlsston~ and Gavcrnmcnt Co~ie 5ectian 362; et seq.~ in that he has e tontrnct~sal
egraement wt th tlie Mahelrn Redevelopmunt Aqency and tl~is ts In the P~o)~~ct Alpl7a ond~
pursuant to the provisions of the .~bove codes~ dr.clare~f t~ the Chairman thAt he was
withdrawlny fr~m th~: h~flring in c~,~~nection wlth Conditlonal Use Permil I~o. ?.~12 ond would
not take p~rt in either the diswssl~~n or the v<~tinc~ thereun~ and has not CII5GU55CCI this
mat:cr with any mcrnGt~r of the Planning Commission. 1'NCREUP011~ COHNISSIOIICR l~l)SIIORC LEFT
Rev, Joe Inman, agent~ state~t presently hc is the mints~cr of thc Phi l.idrlphia Ghrlstlar~
fellawship at f'thiladclphia Strr.et an.i llncoln !-venue; th.it this ~eyuest is for ~i tcMp~rary
loeotl~m arid thcy ~xpeet t~~ bc tl~ore: Icss [h~n on~~ ycar ur +mti l thcy enn purehas~
proprrty ~r take up a church alrcacly in ex(srence, Ile sta:e~i Since thcy have ~~een thNrc,
they havr. palrtr:d th~ bui l~fin~~ lr~side and out.
TIIC PUI~LIC HE,~ni~~r, wA5 C:.OSED.
G~rrx~~l5sioncr King asked i f ~p;~rovat fur onc ycar would rticct ~'i ih th~i r anpmval ~ and Rav.
I r,r7an r~~~ 1 1 ed that I t w~u 1-J.
Denn $herer, 7.onin~~ Re.presrnt~~tivc, explalne~i the ~ictlon by the Zcnin~ Enforcer~ent Offlccr
was the result nf a routin~. f1c1J inv~st~q~tion slnce churches arr_ not allowed wlt}»ut
a~prov.31 of ~ condi ti~nal use pcrr~i :.
Comr*iss:~~~t~r David ~s~.c~: dbo~~t parl:in~~~ ari~i Rev. Inin.~n stit~~d tl~cy parW. in ~ront of the
butld(ng and along Lincoln~ and otc~si~,nally In thr~ puhlic par~.lny ~r!~a acrc~ss thc street
whlch is for th~~ 5eni~ir Citi~ens. r1p St~~tr_~! the~r t~c~urS for ~ervices ~~'c at low traffi~
times on Sund.~ys ar~1 .~t 7:3^ ~~•~"•
Coixnlssioner t{ert~st as:.ed about thc Frid~~y ~r.etingS. and Rcv. Inm~n rr~IIP~: th~ l~dl .:
have m^ctin~s at ?:3? a.R~. ~ntil a~~•~.~xin;ately 11:'1~ a.m. and an~thc! mectir,~~ is hr_Ic '.n
tl~e evenin~, .~t ]:3~ P•~'• ~It was nutcd thc S~Jft rcF~ort s~~ould re~ad 1f~:~~5 a.m. ~n Sunu~y
r~~ther than 1~):~~j n.~,l
Co~~i551uner Ilerbst ~sb,r_J i f tl~~• cliurch intends !~~ have bir ~o yamcs 3t ihis loc~tti~n, and
R~v. I nm~c rep 1 i csci Chat they w 1 I 1 r.~~t havc b i ngo garryes .
ACTIr~~; ~p~r~ISSiUne1' f;ing offe~+~;C a~.ntiun~ seconcied by Conmissioner rry a~d MQTIO'~
C' /1RRj~U (Comnis~,~oner Uushore t~~iny a5sont)~ that [he Maheim C1[y Flanninc; Ccn~~ission haa
) 2one wlrh a
revfeweu the pr~posa~ to retain a church in th~c CG (Cc~nmercial~ Gen~rai
aaiver of minir~un~ ~,~nt,er of park:n~3 spacr.s on a rectan~~ularlwshaped partel af land
wnsistiny ~f approxima[cly ;'7;) square fect locatcd at the narthcast corner ~f ~Incoln
Avenu.~ and Philadelphia Strect, iiav~r~~,~ a frontayc of af~pr~xim.~te~y 3~ seet on the north
sicle~ of Lincoln Avr.nue ~nd an{~n~xim.9t~~lY 1~', fcet on thL c~st side cf Philadelphis Street;
and dacs hereby approve tl~e Neyati ve De!claration from the requi rement to preparc an
envlronmc:ntal irn~~ac[ rej~or[ ~~r t-~e ~~asis that ttiere ~+ould be no siqnlficant Indlvldual or
cum~.,iative adverse envi~on~V-entat impact due to the approval of this Negative Declaratio~
yince thc Anat~eir~ Genert~l Plan deslgnates the Subjecc property for yener: comrnerclal land
uses corin~ensurate Nith tha pro~osal; *.hat n~~ sensl*.ive envlr~nmental ;.pa~.ts are i~ivalved
In the prop~sal; that thc Initial Stucfy subnitteci by the petltionar indl~atea no
5ig~tfir.;,nt Indivi.jual or cumulative advrrse enviro~rtwnt~l impacts; and that the -~gativ~
~~lAration substan!iating the `~~regoing fi~dir~-~s is on fil~ in th~ Lity of Anaheim
Planning Department.
~ ~ ~
Elft NEGATIVE DECLARA710N ANO COt~01TI0NAL USE PEP,MIT N0, 2012 (continued)
Commis~loner Klny offere~l A rnotion~ seconckd by CorTMnissioncr Ilerbst and NOTIO~I CARRIED
(f.ommissionor I~ushorc being Absr.nt)~ tliat thc Anolielm f,lty Planning Commisslun does hcreby
grant the request for weivor of code r~.yuirement of minlmum numt>er of pnr~:ing s~aces on
tt~e basl s that the use is tcrrpprary rnd thara i s aval 1 nb le puf~ 1 1 c parkt ny i n the are~ nnd
that denlal woul~J dcprlvc pros~erty of privlleg~es cnJoycd by other ~~opcrty under (dential
z~~ning classiflcatlun ~n the vlclnity.
Commis~lo.~er King offcred Rr.soluticm No. PC7^'1~;3 .ind rrx~ved f~r Its pass~i~~~ dnd ada~tion~
that tho Analictm Clty Planning Commission ducs hcreby ~~rant Petition f~r Condltional Use
Perm(t I~o. 2012 f~r ~ pertud of o~,c ~~car~ to exp(re Septr.mhcr 1~~ 1~)8~~ an~i subjcct to
( ntei :lQpartnrntal Gu~nmi tte~ r~comrmndat ions.
On roll call~ t~r_ foreqoiny resolution was pnssed by thc foi~c~in~, votc:
NOCS: C~)I~t115SI0NLRS: IIOt~f.
All5f:l~T: ~OIIMI SS I~1NE RS ; flU5110RE
~ TCM I~O. 1 1 PUE~L I C tIEA?I ~tr,. ONI~C R~ : CHAP,I_ I tlC A-~0 S I Q';EY
~!R N G IVC DECL~1MT10'1 !-lLl'1 CRq~SL~Y~ 1~~~ Rose ^.•:~nur,~ Palm Springs~
'~IAIVER p~ COUC RE UI RE-!E-IT CA ')2?r~i. Af,ENT; C30b Pl~RVI" SAIDI ~ 1?S~, Mt.
, ~~ ~ -~1T~; ~~17 tlolly l~riv~, Whittier, Cl1 't~f>~1. Petitioncr
rr.yuests QN-SALE 111C(1HOLIC flCVERAfE.S I'! A EiAR b11TN
propertY ~1~scribe~l as a rrctAng~,lnr ~y shr~t~ed P~rcr) of lnnd consl~,tin~ of .i~~,roxiMately
1.r1 aere~ I~eat~d at the nurttn~est c~rncr of Rowlanci rna Nagnolia Av~nues. having
approxir~ate frr~nt~anes of 1'+7 fc~.;t ~m tht north siclr of Rowland Avenuc an~.i 31? f~~t on t+~e
we~t s(dc of 11ayn~~lEa Avc~nue:~ a~~d further describ~d .~s 31;~ South htaqnolia Avenue.
Prupr.rty prescr~tly class~ficcl CL (C~rt~tE:r.rIAL~ liNfTlUI zONL.
Ther~ were nin~~ ~>crs~~ns indir.atiny th~ir nresencr (.~ c~pp~~sit(~~n to s~~~jec[ request, and
alth~uyh the staff rc~~c>rc t~~ [h~ Planning Comnissf~n JatAd September ~~1~ 197`~ was r: read
a: tl~c public he.irir~y~ ic 1 r•~'crrcd to anJ r~adr_ a part ~~f [he minutrs.
~d Pisanu~ nan ,~er of chc pro~erty~ refr.rrcd to the narking waiver r~qur.sted ond explained
a resteur~rst~ a:~ecr i~ar .~nd .~ yult~~r stor~~ are ~~en in the cvenings and thcy teel G9
pa~kin~~ spaces are sufficient. -~c ex~~lained tLis wili bc a beer bar~ and it w~~s noted the
petitlc~n was fo~ on-sa~c alcoholic bevr,r~yc•s in tt~r CL Zonc. Mr, Pisan~ stated orlginally
thcrc w~ a 40~~-squ~rc foor. arca br~f:ig use~~ ~~s a res*.a~rant whith served becr~ but~sincc
thcn~ t!~nt are~n has bccn reduc~d to 2300 square fcet and the dil~,°~rcncr ~f 170q square
fcet (s the parti~~n n~w k~einy requested as a br.er bar with essent~ally the same nurtber of
gcatin~7 and thc same ki nd of busi ness. Ile state~ the propased lease statas i f there arc
any cnntinuln~~7 prc~b~ems s~~ch as ra•~dyism~ Lhe lease can be brc~i:cr,.
Jack Whice~ Dzputy Cl-~ At•.arney~ c~ilained even thoug!~ tf~r_ anplicati~~ was for on-sale
alcvholic beverages~ i; c~uld bc r~duced to or~-sale bee~ and wf~e.
Mr, Pisano stat~:+t oriylnal ly Sloney Cross~cy had m,ade the a~plicatton and 'n~ had an on-
sele 1 iu:ns~ but nas si nta turntd 1 t (n. a~:f the terant wants ~nt~ beer an~.~ wine and the
us~ can be lirn(tcd.
Cal Swal ley. 2;6; uost tiowland Avenuc~ Anat~e(m~ stated tt~ey liavc had r~dy icm v.i th the
p~evlous uperation wP:icle has been a rery heavy concern b~c~~~g~ it is lacated right in the
Rath of thc elementary sc.hoo) ~ tf~e par~.~ and thc i ibrary ~r~d these are natrani ~ed by the
- ~__
youny p~ople ln the netghborhoo~f~ and the rr.sidents fr.el tf~is typc of estahllshment w(11
I~ave a detrln~ental cffect, point(ng out there is a family-typ~ restauront next door which
scrvas bc~er an~i winr.. Ne stated thcse are non-Orr~nye County p~ople caming in wlth thts
rcquest for a bccr bar r(ght In tha m(ddle af the(r qutet nci~ht,orhoud and dirf not feP) (t
is something thr.y sh~ul~f have to stanei foi and that (t cic,~s attract uncieslr~7blc people t~
tfie area~and they Jo nat fc^c) this is ~i slcuar.fon ;-~at i; in keeping witF~ thot area.
Robert Maore statc~~ he llves directly ~cross the strr.c:t fmm th~ proposed nroperty and
IndlcateJ he a~r~e~i with everythiny Mr. Swalley had said. plus thP fact that the
restaurant there now Is ~fo(ny a t,ettcr bus(~~c,s~and in the eveninr~~ it is qulte busy and
thers (s n~ excess parkin~t av~ila!,le~~ ancS he f~~lt the rxcess cars would r_nd ~ip In his
front y~r~.
Willy Van Dor Made stateJ he liv~5 L•chind thc har and pr~sent~d a petltl~n with 22
si~~natures of ~~ers~ns in opposition incJ ~~ointe~i out there is a scho~t an~f .~ park Ir, the
11yrna ArmStron~~~ 2;31 P,rn~land Avenue~~ Mahcin, st,it~~f she lives ~!irectly across the st~eet
ancl Stnt~d ttiey have r~nne thr<~ur~h the bar slcuati~n I,efo~e with the tl~r~~vin~~ of bottles
and e~~ns over the frnc~~ ~n~; the noisr .~[ al I hours ~~f the ni~ht~ and stated It wns a
Con[inuo) probl~m ar~d thcy werr ccansta~tly call(n•i t'~e police to quiet ~l~m [he nolse.
She stateJ thcy arc proud of thei r nei ,I~bor~~oca:s and ~~ not wAnt to sce lt detroycd. Shc
(ndlc.~tc~! shi• h~is sr.en ~hi Idren str~nc'lny in front of thc bar ~i~~~r.
Minuel llende: ~:.'S;6 llest Rowland llvenue, Anaheirn~ statecl he is an archicect practicing ir,
Anahcir~i anJ is a forr~er rner+,ber of [he P,edevclopnr_nt Con~ission nnd has sc~entmany years tryinc~
t~ improve the community and has to tal.c a~c>,ition when h~ sees 5~~mething that he
~ons(ders detrimr.ntal~ and fclt a bar~ wlicth~~r ir sells liqur~r ~r b~er an~i wine~ would br
an uncJesirablr business~ especialiy at thi~, l~~c.~tion~ because it would l~ave a neqativc
irnpr~ci. 11e statcJ they ar~: askinq f~,r a v,~r f.~ncc and n~~ harJship has bren shown; ihat the
residcnts had o~+pc~sc.f a~ec~ucs : lasi year f~.r 1 i~~uor sales which was denle~i. Nc stated tie
hopes ihe Caim;l,sian wi 1 ~ ~~~riy thi5 requcst md that the c7wner wi I 1 be convinced (t is a
vcry castly procc~ure t~: try and ~~et ~pprov~ of sa~et'~ing that docs not r~cet the c,ode.
Mr, Pisano state:: he was not ~warc~ therc were any qucstlo~s posed by the; orpo5ition, but
thcy h~vc ~rxpress~~~ their fcclinys and indicatcd hc th~u~ht thc Corrnission would havc Eo
act wi chin tt~e l~w.
TNE PUl3LIC IiEARIPI; k','-., ;,l~;SlU.
Comn~;sinne:r i+ert~st stated he was c~~ncerne~i ah~ut thls part~cular usr. a~id the inadequate
p~rkin~ and f~;t ;h-s typc u` usr_ addcd to a small sh~~ppinq centtr woulc! probably ir~patt
i t a~;.~ i;~~ did nr~t ~~e~ i t shoul~ be al ivwed, lie statc~d lie fel t the lac~: of parking spaces
is rcasa- enoug!i for denlal,
ACTIO~t: Cortunissioncr iterbst offrrr.•c~ a rnotion, 5etonded by Cor-riisst<~ner Davtd and P1~T10'I
ARR ED~ that the A~,aheim City Pianning Conmissinn has revicwed the proposal t~ pcrmlt ~n-
sale ~tilcohol lc :~evera~.r.g wlth waiver of rniniMUm nur~t,er of par~ ?ng sDaces in th~ LL
(Co,mmcrtial, Limlt.eel) Zone ~n a reet~~~gui~rly-sfiapNd pareel of lared consisiing of
ap~roxirr,~tely 1.~ ac~e at [he i~orthwc5t corner of Kc~wl~nd Avr.nue and Magno) la Avenue~
h~viry a ~ronta~~c of appmximately 11+7 f~ct on the n~rth stde of Rowland Aver e and a
fronty~e of 312 fect on the wes~ side of Magnol ia Avcnue; and does hercby apnrovc th•~
PICgALIVC Ucclaration f.~m che rrqufrrment to prcparc an environmental impact report ~~r~ thc
basis thet there would be no si~nificas~t IndlviJu~1 or cumulativ~ a~verse envir~nmental
tmpact d~e to thr approval of this tiegativr_ Decl~~ratio~ sincc the Anaheim Gener~l Pian
deslc~nate5 tha sub)ect property for genera) commr:~clal land uses commensurate wtth tlie
propos~l; that no sensttlve environmental impacts are invc~lved In the propnsAl; that the
Initl~l Study submitted by the petit(oner IndlcatCS no sic~nificant Individunl or
cumulativo adverso envi mnrtx:nta) Im~<~cts; nnd that the Nehative Decl~ration substantlating
cho fo•egaln, findings Is on fllr. In th~ City of Anah~ir~ Planniny pepartment.
Comntasloncr Nerbst offcred a ~mtion~ seconded by C~ir+x-ilssi~ner T~la~ nn~i H~TI011 C~hRICD,
that the Mahe i m C 1 ~y P 1~~nn f ny Commi ss t ~n dc~es '~ere~,y dcny tho reques t for ara i vc r of eode
requirernent on tl~c basis that na t~ardst~ip ~xists.
Comrnissloner Herbsc c~ff~red Res~~lution ~lo. PC7~-1.1~~ ar~d moved fur its passage and
adoptlon~ that th~ Anaheim City ~'lanning Conxnission c3oes t,crr.by deny Petitlon for
Condltional Use Permit tlo. 2~17 on [hc t,asis ~f insuffictr.nt pArl.(n~3 anJ the possiblr.
detrimen[a~ cffect on the surrounding ~~rra.
On r411 eall, the foregulny rr.solutiun was passcd Gy tl~e fallowing vote:
Jack ~lhl tc, Deputy Ci Cy ;.Ltorncy~ presented the peti t ioncr wi th the wrltten ri~,ht to
appaal thc~ Plannin~~ Commissic>n's deeision wirhin ~?. .~ays to thc City Council,
~ft - A E UCCI.ARAT 1011 LTD.. 12~1 Scuth Eicach Bo~~icvard~ Unit 102~ l.a
CUNPa'~Y ~ 1205 Lomt twenuc ~ L~ng (3each ~ CA 30~304,
Pet(t3aner re~ucsts pcrmission to CSTAE3L1 ~H Atl
E~TCRHI-1/1TI~IG SE:RVI~i on Nroperty d~:s ribed as ~in {rr~~gularly-shaped ~~~reel of land
eonslsting of approx.~ ,~kitcly G.G ac-es h~viny a frontayc of approxim.ately 745 fcet o-i the
south siJe of Howetl Avcnue~ havin~~ a m~ximum deptf, of ~nproximac~ly 7F~ fcet. being
located appraximatcly 3~+•'- faec east of thc centcri inc ~f State Gollegc Boulevard~ a-+ci
further described as ?1?~ East Ho.~,ell Avenuc. P'r~~perty presently classifie~i ML
There wr~s no ~ne 1 ndi cat i ny the i r~~ rese~ce 1 n oppos i t lo~ to sub ject requ~st. and al though
th~ staff report to thc Planning CommTssi~n cfateci Septcn~er 10~ 19]9 was not r'ead at the
public hcaring~ it (s refcrred to and rna~!e a part of tlie m~nutcs.
it wes ~~oted thc applicant was not prescnt.
AG710t~: Commissioner David uff~red ~ motion~ seconded by Comr~issianer Y,in~ an~+ MOTIOPI
t E0~ that tl~e An~~helm LI[y Planniny Commission has revirwed the proposal to perrnit an
exterminating service (n the ML (lndustrlal~ ;.imited) Zone on an irre~ularly-Kh~sped parcel
of land conslsting of approxir-at~ly b.6 acres having a front~ge of approxim,itely 74y feet
on ttie south side of Ilowcll Avcnue~ having a maximum depth .' approxirt-ateiy 760 feet~ anJ
being Oc~~ated approxima;ely 3~-2 feet east of the cr_ntcrl ine of State Cot legc 8oulevard;
and does hereby approvr. the tleg~tivc Oaclarat~o~ frQm the requirement to prcpare an
environmenta~ Impacc report on th~ b~sis that there would be no slgnlficant Individual or
cumul~tive ae'~erse environr±~entai tmpect duc: to tt,e appr~val of this Negative Declaratic,~
sincc thc An~~hclni General Plan designatos thc subJect propcrty for general Industrlal land
us~-s commensurate wtth the prnposal; that no sensitiv~ environmental lmpacts arr_ involved
(ri the proposal; that ths Initiai Study submitted by the petitionr.r indtcatcs no
siqnif(cant indlvldual or cumul~~tive adverse envlronn-ental Impects; ~~nr+ that the Ile~,atlvr.
Deelarati~n subst~~ntiatiny the for~9otng findings ts on fiic in the City of An~~h~Im
P) anniny Uepartrrr,nt.
Cornrissioncr Davl~l offercd Resolutlon No. PC7~1-1~3; artid rx~ve~f f~r its ~assac~e .~nd adop,ton~
th~at the An~hr.im Ctty Planning Commissi~n Jocs hereby gr.~nt Pc[ition for Conditlonal Use
Pc rmi t ~Jo. 202~ ~ subJcct t~ Intc~dcpartrr~cntal Commi ttrc reec~rxnendations.
On roll eall~ the forec~oing resc~lution w.is ~~asseJ by the folicxrfnq vote:
NOE.S: CQM111 S51 OIICRS ; t~O;~E
I T Ct1 N0. 13 Pu~)l I C IICA~ ~ I1G. OWf~CR; EL~C~~ W. aAI NaRI DGE ~
t NE: ~l I C U~CLIIR~T10't ~ 300 South Me i n S trcet ~ Un i t K~ Senta Ana ~ CA 92 J07.
~iI ~A U. ~1~0. 2U21 Petitloner requests permissi~~n tc~ ESTl1aLISH A WNOLf-
pra~crty descrit>e~ as an i rrequl~~rly-shaped parcel
of land consistiny of ~nproxinately G,2 acres haviny a frontage of approximacely ~i0~ feet
on the east siJc of 1'ustin Av~RUC, haviny a maxiroum ~f<~•~tt~ of appror'~~nt~•ly 3G0 feet~ being
loeated approximatcly ~G5 fcet south of the centerl tne c~f l.a Palr,a ,~venue, and further
d~scribeJ as 1~0(.-101G Tustln Av~nuc. Provr_rty prescntly classified HL "IIND~5TR1Al~
L 1 t~ITED) ZU~IL.
Thcre was no onc indicatinr~ thei r pre~enc~• in o~position to su'~j:~ct rr.q~st~ and aitt,ough
Lhc staff report to the Planning Co~~r,isslon datcd Scntcr-~ber 10~ 1'~7'~ Was not read at the
put,) ic hebrin~~~ i t is refe~red t~a an ! n-a~~e ~ n~~rt af [hr. minutes.
Eidun W. Eiafnbridye, owner, referred t~ the rr_fPrence in the 5taff report that the Trafflc
Engineer has indicated t'ie suhJec: site Is not desiqned to acconr-oJate traffic and parking
demands creatad by conr~rcial uses and stated he wouid disagree~ pointint~ out the property
is gross~y over-parkad for industrial uzcs; tliAt tl~(s is ~pproxlr~ately 30~~ square ~~et
and Lhe parkiny rr.quirer.r.~~t woul d be 30 spaces~ r+hich leaves th~ conplex with G7 spatrs;
that thc sanclw(ch shop rec~ulres abouc ?^, spaces~ Icaving !+7 sp~ces for the rer~aln~ier of
tt~e 11~~»-squar~ fc~c' in-Justrial buf I~iny.
Dean Sherer, Zoning Re;~resentati ve, stat~d that khat camrn~ent was inciuded at tf~e Traffic
Englneer's reyuest and he wos ccx~cerncd with the: tr~ffic flow shoulci this use be ap~.roved.
Nr. E3atnbri~Jge st~3tcd the traffi c would bc the sarr~ as `or an industrial use. He stated
only a~~ti l l QercentAc~e of this fac( 1 ity -+i 11 be uti 1(zed fur c~xronercial and the hi~lk v~t i 1
be warch ~siny or w~iulessiing.
E 1 Dcan ~.~i lson~ Cranco Developmen[ Inc. ~ 433~+ -ast La Palma Avenuc, Anaheim~ rcferred to
~hc GAfflfr'f1C Ir~ the staff reporC that the peti:ionc~ nroposes to estabiish wholesale and
~~•all s~lcs of househol<1 appiiances and exoiainecf the term household appliance5
e7nnata tes taas te rs ar sma I I app 11 ances ,~h i ch i s not the c:ase ~ and e~cp 1 a i ned thes~ a re
ail hcavy appllances. ti~ sC~ted he has purchascd ~~~ a1~-~c:on~+itianiny units fror+ this
oFeratian during tl~e last ytar, 8 stovcs, 8 elec.trc,nic ovens~ etc.~ at wholesale ~rices.
Ft~e ststo~! thc petittoner is a cl ient of l~is and is a ma~ af his word, and referred t~ the
refcrence in thc~ s `~f r~~~ort th,~t the petltl~nPr will enc~ny~ in ~3{iproximately ?;: rlnltar
vnlumc uf reto 1 l~uslness and indieated that stntemcnt ts truc. 11e r~ferre~j to thc
eorrnnent in th~ staff report ralating t~~ thc glass frc~nta~e ~f indust~ i,~' bullJin~~s and
explaln~d about l~t) lir~ea) fcet of c~lass woulct t,e elir~inat~d in this bull~.iln~~. Ile stated
tltey ayrcc with the ~nt~:rclepartrrnt~il Comr~ittec r~_er~mr-endatipns If ,~nproved.
Corrcnissic~ner Tolar pointed nut '. utls~~n ha5 been involv~~d in ,i lot of ~iiscusslons ar~d
ha5 bc~r.n attcnJiny all the rx~~•~ iny; r~.•I,itin~~ to Lhc viul,~t~ions ~~nd encrq,~~hmCniS Of
eomr~ereial uses int~ the in:fus! ri~l area. Ile stated he recc~yni:es Ch~~t ~ir, Wi lson ts a
man of t~is w~~rd an~i is a speclalist in th~~ industrial flcl~~ an~~ asked hir~ if he would
consici~r ti~is ty~~c of cii~nt a c~>rH,~rcial or an Industrial user.
Mr. ilson repllecf r.his is .+~.vhc~lesalc o{~cration; thatwhen he had first yonc to the
nor.~~~st Ariah,~im nrr.a, he was vcry much a~~ainst thc ~njectic~n c~f tr.~(IPr prrks or
condc~miniw~n int~~ that are~ ~~n~' cli~1 not likr. t:~e i~ca of tt~e rmvie stu~.fia that was
suppusca to ~~o in; that thc tcrrn "quasi-cc~~~+r~,rcia) uses" was us~~! and stated hc w~s nc~t
5urc wh.-t Chr• tern ~~~c~rins, t,ut that 1~~~ ;h~n5 a lc~t of ~~r~ner[y and has a lot uf tenants in
th.~t arc~~ an~ that peoplc do u~m~_ in un,i, r f;~1sc pretens.~s c,c.ces(onr,lly, s~yi~,,,~ th,~y arc
c~Jo(riy Co opcratc. a ccrtain typc of business which is leg.~l and lic~ finds ou[ later they are
repairin~~ au[nnob(ies in tt~a rcar~ a+,c! when they ar~ apprc~~~checl, tF~ey (ndicate this is a
hobby-typc business and lic always ~~ivcs them noticr c~ rx~vc. He stated hc rPaily fecls
that cornrr~rci~~) establishrnentti arc chanqi7y 1~ naturc and sor+c of thes~~ peo~le se~lin~
lorye ite~~s or in ,~ heavy wholesale busincss have tu~ by the n,~cure uf th~ m~rk.ctinr;,
appe.31 to sar~c rr [ i i l cus t~~~*x~ rs . He s t~ tc~ he 4 nc.•+s th~sc pc t i t i one rs ar J they havc th ree
stores n~~w; that they hav~~ a 3`,"~~-squarc f~~t !~ui 1~1iny ln liuntinyton Eie.~~h and 7;~~
squarc fcct is for ~~isplay area and tfti~ rcrnaindcr is thc warchouse operat(~~n.
Corxnissi~aner Tul~r ~~~ ~~~i Mr. Wilson~ arain~ if he wo~~ld vie~~ ttiis opcr.i~ion as industrial
or an industrially-r~late~~ Gusiness~ dn~' Mr. ~ilson rrplied that hr_ would say lt is an
(ndustrtally-relatc~~f usc; tha; he buil~fs a I~t of c~rn~,crties .~nd has '~cen buyin~ equipmcnt
fran these ~^u~le for years and he ~for.s p~iy wholesal~~ ;~ric~;.
C~rv~fssioner t3ushc,re asl.ed wh~t pe~rcentaye of re[ail an inc:ustriat ~s.rr can ~~ave by rie~ht~
and ~~nnika Santalahti ~ Assistant DI rector fr~r Zoring~ r~~, I ie~f thz only tiric. retai 1 sales
ar~ per~itteJ ~n an indus[rl~1 orea is wPi~~n the produc.t is manufac[urc~i at tt,e sitr and
the user would be all~rircd cr, have an accesse,ry funccion of retai I sales as long as 1t is
not thcir sole or pri~,ary outlet~ and th~~[ the c~~Je dc,es not y~ve a p~~rcentay~~, and if the
use is whulesa~in~,~, reta(I sales are not a perr :5~>~h'~ accessorY usc without a a~nditional
usc pcrmlt.
Cor~mi~sioner .:ushorc askcd whcre t~~c ~~ther stores are Ic~c.ite~i, a~d Mr. Wtlson renlled th~y
are in Southyate~ Cerriius~ :~n.f th~ r~ain store is in Iluntin~!on t3each.
Cvmmission~r Elu~l~ore askc~ if all t~~e att,cr st<~res arc In ir~dustrial areas. and Nr. Wilson
replle~i that tt~ey arc in coimi~rcial ar~as an~i that is on^ of tt~c reasons they want to get
inio a warel~ouse,because they cannot afford ta war.~house their merchandise in the
comnerclal area.
Carxnl ss (~ner Y.i ng asked ttie name of tt~L f( rm~ and Hr. Ni lson ~eRl i cd that they are cal led
Phi i L Jlrt's.
# _ " ~.
MIIIUYCS~ nr~~t~[IH CiTV Pl.Aa~r~l~~r, C~MHI;SION~ ~ PTEMUER 1~)~ 197~ 79-G86
EIR N~GA7IVE DCCLAi'1T101~ ANU CONDITIn~1/1L U~~ PCRMIT t~0. 2021 (contlnuc~~)
Gornmissic~nor E3usf,or-~ st~tcd hg dtd not think phil b Jim's :rou1~1 havc~ the 25~ retr~il
business becausc t` ~y a~lvcrttse hc;~riily and he seF~ thcir ~~~ivr.rtistr,~~~ all [he tlme for a
~et~~il-typc busin~5s.
Gornmissioner Herbst stat.^.d hG has a problem with th(s requcst and referred to a not~:~ in
the ncwspapcr i n~fi cat i ny thi s carty~l cx I s~~xpectcc~ to b~ comn lete~ i n t~l'~ for the Go I d Y~ey
Plazawith lOj,O~~ square feet of comrr~ertfal and ret~~il office torr~lexes. (I~r. 1lilson
5tate~~ hc h~c1 n~th i ny to do wi tli that not i tc. )
Comrr,lssiuncr Herbst stated thcrc is A~SQ a sl~.~~~ post~~1 nn tl~e pr~perty indicating this to
be retall/c~rnm~rcial offices. Ne stated he has a!i.~rd tir-., be! ievin~ this typc uf requrs:
because this is what {ias h~pr~nr_:1 t!~roughout thc Indust I area with pcople cumin~~ in
un~ier thc ,yulsc ~f wh~lcsale and •~.i~ are se:llirr, to thr nuhlic. Ile f~lt wtth thls tyn~
business next to thc Gold h;ey Furnitur~~ the p~titloncr is l~,o~,in~~ for a lot of retal)
buslness, evun th~~uyh they Say It 35 wlic~lesale. He 5t.~tec; thc Plo~ininr~ Cor~nission dcnied
that part 1 cu lar com, I r.x hecause i t was obvinus ~~hat was be f ny d~~ne s i r~ce thr, buI 1 eil n,s
wur~~ ~JeslyncJ for retai! sal~~s us~~s. Ilc statcd the City Council ovr.rrulcd thc Pl~innfng
Cnnmisslan's aetion and n~r~ her~• (s thc rc~ucst fc~r retai) s~les.
Cum,,issi~ner liush:~re s[at~d this pecitioner is s~~fferin~~ frc~m previc~us acti~ns. Ne stated
hc was bey(nnlny [o believe that this woul~f be a whulcsalc opcratlon, but as soon as hc
hc~~rcl thc narr~c of [h~ f 1 r~n and w i tli [hc tync of ~~1~•- rt i~( ng thcy do ~ hc wou 1 d not s~~~~rt
~I~c rr.qucst.
Mr. Wi lsor st~~ted 1 f this re~~~~est ~s n~t approve~l~ the wincic~ws wi 11 be install~d and
instcad of b~~i~~y onc 1-~~~~~-square. foot nit~ tnerc wi11 hc fiv~ or six sm,~llc+r unifs, an~1
5tttted U~e m?~c fact [h9C [hey are t,~'•iny tf~e win~ka~~s ~ut indic~tes [hr.y w{ I I be uSinV the
bui Ic~ing for a warehousc,
Comr~issiorier `~ushorc~ stat~~~i they dc~ nc~t nced r- lot of stic~ rc>on <~nd nee,~ to SLJC~. Lhc_
merth.~n~isc u{~ so they can vc~lur~: i~ c,~ut the S r~r~' .i~~ur, Ne Stated he woul~i rathrr srr_
windnws an~ thcr h~~v~ a s~~y later on ahout w' at is .il low~d,
Gl~ai rw~~an l3arnes stat^d wh~rn thi, propc~sal c~mc Ucfore the Plar.ning Cammissi~~n~ thr
pctttioncr was tr~ld spcr.ificdlly tt~at the drsi~~n ~~f thc huildin~7s indicatcd what hc had in
mind ~n~1 that tf7c Conxni:.sltin would no; support any futurc cz>r,r~ercial dev~lopment on that
property or anythin~~ rcr~c•cly conrectc-! to rctail salcs~ anJ 'c was suc»este~' that he
dcsi~~n thc huildings so tt,at thcy werc• rnore conducive~ to ln~lust~iat uses. Sh~ stated sh~~
had to1J him at that tir~er thac shc would nevcr supt~ort any F.ind of retA~i business. She
Stated thesc rct~~i 1 bui I~;inu5 hardly have any roon in tl~e bact. In ordc~r io ~~et merch~3ndi5~
in. Shc statc.d shc gr~e5 by Chcrn quiie often and wi 11 se~ t~ i t that there arc nn retai 1
sales~ an~l falt chis probahly mi~.~t be the flrst tirnr the Clty exercises ics preragative
ana cont~ols that sec:ion,
~onmissloner E3ushur~ indic~itcd he ~~;rPCd wlth Chairwoaian tiarnes ~nd i5 beginning to
believz that a lot of petici~>;~ers ~~r~~ tryin~~ to hpOdw~nE, th~ Plannis~y Car~!sslor and their
cre~ifbil(ty ~s roally ,uffert~q because a` the things that have h~ppened in tha~ area.
Mr. iial nb ri Jgc s tated C~~a( rr-anar. narn, s has accused h im of !y i n~~ and that he had heard
wl~en Che saneLrich shop pcrmlt was re<~:lestc~d she had ac.cused him of lying then~ <-~nd stated
if the ~ecords werc checkeJ~ tl~ey wou1J ~hcaw whe~ the parcel map was requested~ one of the
Carx~l~sl~ners had asL:ed hir~i what typP of ~enants are p'anned and hc had respanded that :he
~nly tenant t~e had at that time was the sandvich sl,op.
~ ~'w ~
MI NUTES ~ ANANC I H C 17Y PLANN I NG COMN! 5:10~1 ~ SE~'TEMBER t'1 ~ 1~7~ 79-G67
Chairwan~an Barnes ASIGCt~ i f Mr. UainbriJge had said tl,ls was industrtal ~ nncl Mr. Uainbrldn~
stated he t~,d s~tu it was Industriallv zone~i and (f there are going to be zny commerci~~l
uscs. tn~ C~ission will I~avc a l~ok at then t,ecause they will have to have e condit~~nPl
use pe.rmlt. 1~~ stnted nc~ retuil u~c could ber establlshed in the back building whl~h do~s
n~~t face the s tre~~t .
Corn~~issloner aushoro st~ted Gold Key is a vcry t~e~vy advertiscr because that brin~~s ln
business anJ that Phil b Jim's Is a heaW advert(scr and they are go(ng ta beneflt f mm
each other's advcrtisinc~~ and hc fclt ~ mcss will !~e crear,ed. He stated the Industrlal
co~nnuni ty w111 be the one Cc~ suffer bec~use af the ccmc~:sti~n.
Ccxn~~~issloner Tolar stated he had sup~~ortc~i the Gold I:cy rc~ucst, sorhewhat to his Jismay
noa~, and as onc Commissl,~n~r who has been su~pe,rtlnc~ the quasl-cc~mmerr.ial uses~ hav(ng
taken a lony lo~k at it, woul~l n~t support anythinc~ that is not pure i~cfustrlal (n that
cur~~ I c x .
Mr. tiainbrl~lqe stete~ t,e has had a lo[ of requests which were stric:tly retai) and h~is
refus~d to ncgotlate with Chem, but that this petitioncr ha~ s~~i~1 thclr business would bc:
]a:; ~rhole5ale~ sc111ny to cnntractors~ an~i he G:naws that is true hec.ausr he 15 a
Coemissi~ner Tolor pofnted uut their otl~~:r 1c~catlons a~e in c~nriercial tones and if this
type op~rati~~n supports a cucxn;rcial-tYpe concept~ then they ~~eed to be in a como+-erctal
typc ~nvi ronrtr.nt.
Mr. uilson pninted out thc rr_nt is vcry hfyh for a w~rch~use in a corxrwrciat :~~nc, and
Corn~~lssioner Tolar stated they are surviving in o cr,mroerclal zonc now or [hey w~uld not ba
loc~king for anc~thcr s(tc.
Mr. GainbriJge referred fo Lornrnissior+er Hert~st's concer: ~~iatinc~ to the s1c~n and s[ated
that was put up over a year ayo and he had chec~.c~~~ with thc. ~ity an;! was told cormerclal
uses th,~t c~~ter tc~ ir.dustr'i~1 areas are Accc:pt.a:~le with a coniitionai use permlt.
Comr~issioner Nerbst stated he woul~i not support this kin~i ~f ~nD~~~ant next door to the
Gold f,cy Furn(t~~re wfih Lhe massive ac:~iertising betause he has been burnt too many Clr~es
over thfs yers with ~eople saying Ehey arc 9oing to do one thir~? and then doing another
thing, and he fclt thf s~ uuld be just o`~~ot-in-the-dac)r.
Cor~r+i~sic,ner 7olar potnced out 25v of ~~~ i~~dustrial ccsmplex woulu ~~rr+~lly be allowe~ to
havc industrialiy-related retail uses~ :~ut felt if this compiex is nc~t even advertised f~r
tr,dustrlat uses~ t!~en ther~ wauld be no industrial uscrs requestinca to lcasr. the premises.
Gammisslon4r Bushore st~'~ted hc would not say he would never vote for a us~:, but that every
time Mr. Oainbridge walks te c!rv cime he mal':c5,a5presenCatienefhe,fpels like hte~is~trytng
1c~ok far the snc~w~ becausc v,
to scll the Planning Cor~r~issian a"snciw j~~b".
Commissioner ~lerbst stated a petit~~n~r t~as the r9ght to requcst anythinq he wants.
Chai rv+arnan Barnes stated she does not have to defend her state~ent regarAing the 1 fes
becausc she w~s not referring tc~ Hr. ~3ainbrldgc.
ACT1011: Comnissloncr erbst offer~J a motion, seconded by Commis~loner King and MOTIUta
RRIEU, that the Aai; :i~r G ty Planning Conmissian has revt~wred the proposal to permit a
wholesale and retail appliante facillty in thc ML (Industrlel. Limited) Zone on an
9 J 10/ 7g
irregulnrly-sl~a~ed ~arcel of land consisting of ap~roximatoly G.: ncres havtng a frontags
of approxlmately &1Q feet on tl~e e~sr. sidc of Tustin /lvenuc~ havtny ,~ ~~aximum depth of
approximately 3G0 foet. end belny locatea approxlmAtely ;~~5 feet snuth of the centerline
of la Palma Avenue; and do~s heraby ~~~.;~rove the I~egr~tivice f3eciarattc~n from thr, r~yulr~ment.
t~ prepare an envlrnnment~l imp~ict r~pc>rt on the basis that there wauld be na si~anificant
in~fivldual or cwnulative a~fversc environ~~ental Inl(~ACt duc t~ th~ a~~roval of this Ne~~ative
Declaratlon sincc thc Mahei~~ Genr.ral Plan d~slynates ~~~ suhject pr~pcrty for gener~l
industrt~~l l.tnd uses commt~nsurate v~ith tlie pr~posal, ~at no sensitive envtronr~enta~
Impacts .~rc involved In thc prc~nosal; that the Inlt' ~1 Study submiited hy tlie netitlonr,r
indicates no Slgnlflcrnt ln~iividual c~r cwnutativ~~ avr.rse envlr~nmrntal (mpacts; anct th~it
the Ncyativc Ueclaratian substantiatiny tha farr ~ing flndinqs is ~n filP in thc City of
Anahelm PlAnniny Uepartment.
Comr~tssioncr Hernst off~~rr.d Resolution Ilo. Pr ~-1C~~ and mc~ved fnr its p.'15SA~)~ and
adoption, th.it kl~c A~aliQim City Planninq Cb~ i{SS~Uft ~oes her~hy ~Icny i'et~tlon for
Condttlon~~l Usr_ Permit I1~. 2~7.1 ~n ~hc hasi, th~it the usc is not comp~~tl:-le wit~~ the
surroun~ilny industrlal co~rnunitY.
On roll call, thr_ fore~aoinq resolutic~n was ~~'+s5~d hy the f~,l l~nrinq vetc:
AYES : CO-1t11`~S I D'IF RS : L'A!~'t~E`.~ ~ t3U;IlORE ~ UAV I D~ FRY ~ IICREiST ~ 1;1 IIf; ~ TOLI~P
t~~)E:5 : COMMI SS IONERS : '10'~E.
Jack Nhite, Ucputy Clty Atturncy~ presen[cJ thc pet~tioner wtth the written !iyht tc,
appcal thc F'lanniny Gorir~ission's ctecisi~~n wi thin :'~ ~1ays to the Ci ty Counci l.
C01111155 (OIICR TOLl1R Li.f'T T:iC MECTI I~G A,~J U1 0 NC!T RC?l,R';,
E!R NCGA !VC UECLAi:ATI~t; 55~~ East La Palma Avenur~ An~~~e~m~ CA ~Zc3QL,
" lJorth Grove Street~ Anahein~ CA ~!2~~G. Petitl~ner
re~ucsts nermissi~n to ESTAf3LIS!~ A PRECIOUS META[.5
PRQCES51!1G AI~U REFI~tI'~G F..~ILITY on pru, erty c~~scribed as an irrec~ularly-shaped parcel cf
'and consisting of ioproxir~.~tcly 2.3 acres t~avir.<~ a f~ont~gc of approximately 1; feet on
thc south sidc of La Paln:, 1lvenue~ having a rr~ximwn depkh of approximatcly Gt-2 fe~t. be(~C;
loc~tcd a~proximately 950 fect west of [he centerline of Impertal ilighway~ and further
des.rib~:d as 55~~-~ East La 'alma Avenuc. Pr~percy presently classific~! Nl(SC)
There was no one inJicating their presencc~ tn a~~~sition to subject request, and although
the staft report to the Planning Comrnissiun clated Septembcr 1~, 197`_) was not read at the
public heariny, it ts referrcd to and made a part of the minutes.
Ric;ha~d Searle~ 8b1 Bluebird Clrcle, Anaheim~ petitinner~ was present t~ answer any
Conxnissioner Eiushore asked if there would b~ -~~y retai! in cc~neetion with this use. and
Mr. Searie replier! that th~:re w~uld be no I.
~ ~
MI NUTGS ~ At~AHE I M C I TY PI.AIIN 1 f~G COM11! SS I ON ~ SEPTE:MDER 10 ~ 197~ 7~-G1i9
Commissionrr Herbst askcd if thr applicant has met all the environment~l standards for the
State of Cellfornia~ end 11r. Searle replied that ~^ had,
ACTION; Commisslc~ner King offered a nx~tion~ sewnded by Cnmmissloner David and NCTtON
CARR ED (Commiss~~ner 7ola~ being ahsent)~ that the Anahein Ctty Planntnq Commission has
r~vttwed the p~oposal to permit a metals ~roressing and refin(nq plant in the HL
(Industrlr~l~ Lim(ted) ZonP on an trreqularly-shaped parcel nf lnnd consistinq of
approx(mately 2,3 acres havin9 e fr~ntaqc~ of apprc~ximately 15 fnet ~n the s~~uth side of La
Palma Avcnue, having a mAxirnum Jepth of e~,proximat~ly ~~h2 fePt~ ,~nd b~lnq Ic,c~ted
apnrAximately 95~ fer.[ west of ttic centerl inc of tmperial tlinhwey; And .1nes Iiereby approvG
tl~c; Ilegative Declaration f~cx~ the rec~ulremr.nt to pre~~are an r.nvironmental imp~ct re~rt on
the bests tli~it there would be n~ slr~nificant indlvidual or c~~mul~~tive odverse
envlronrnontal Inpact due to the approval of this Nec~etive Decl~rati~n slncc the Anahelm
General Plan designates tl~e subJect ~ropcrty f~~r general industrial land us~s~ cu~7~mensurate
w) th the pruposal ; that no scns i t 1 vr envi ronmt~ntal i rn~acts arr i nvc,l ved ( n the proposal ;
that the Initial Seudy submitted by the pcr.itioner IndlcAtes n~ signi ~ic~~nt (ndlvtdu~~l or
cumul~t(ve advnrsc rnvlronmental imnacts; anJ that [hc Nc~at(vP Ucclara:l~n substentiatin!7
the forcy~iny finclings is on fi lc in the City c,f llnnheim Pl.~nninc~ nep.-+rtment.
Carnmisst~mer King offered Resolut(on No. : C79-147 and iooved f~r its nass~~~e and adoptl~m,
that thc Maheirn City Planninc; Co~rrn(ssion does her~by grant Pet(tion for Conditiona) Use
Permft No. 2022~ subJec[ to Intcrclepartmental Coircnittee recom~endatic~ns.
On ro) l c.~11 ~ thie furec~tng resnlutior, a~as t~ass~•d by the followin~~ votc;
AY~S ; COMMI SS I., 1( i?", ; itARNC$ ~
AUSENT: C~~~rtIS510'~CRS; 7~~~r,R
I TF.11 t10. 1';
GEtJER/1L PLA~: AMEI~DNE~aT t~0. 1;2
PUIS~IC NCARING, To consider altcrnate proposa) of
ult~matc land use co hills(de medium density
residential for appr~x rnately ~i acres having ~
frontage o` approximately '8~0 feFt or~~ the north
sicfe of La Palma Avenue and I~cated approximately
1~25 fPet east of Imprrial Nlghway,
Jay Ta5hlra~ ~55ociatc Pl.~nner, presented thc stt.ff repo~t to thE: Planning Commission
dated September ~0, 1979~ r,otinq tf,fs ts a property owner•/Ctty-inltiated Gener~i Plan
Arr~ndment cvnsistiny of ;l acres n~ving frontages on h~th the north sldP of La Palma
Avenue and thc ce~t side of (rnperial Itiylnvay, :~d that the pr~perty owner-lnitiated
port~on of ttie fenE~ral Plan Amendcnent is befng requested fn connection witti a perm~~ tn
~) law a nol~i lehome park subdivision whlch was consiclered ~~r, Aue~ust 27, 1!179. He ~ ~te~
out the City-init(ated portion of the Gencral Plan Amendrk•nt wfll bring ihe General Plan
designation lnto canformance with existing z~ning and land uses.
Boyce Jo~es. the applicant~ was prssent to answe, any questfons.
Raiph Smith, 581:, Cast la Palma Avenue, Anahelm, stated he fias live~l at the Frl~ndly
Villaqe Mobile 11ome Park since Fei~~uarv af lg7?. and that he has been there through five
different owners and pointed ouL t1~ey were told orig(nally they would have recreati~nal
facilities to handle all the tenants and the rccreati~nai faciiity tada;~ is no :arger than
the Gouncll Cha~-+ber~ and that they ~:ere told the~y would have a stora~e ~ard~ ~:hich they
~riginally did have~ for thei r r~• ~eational vehtcles, but because of thlevery around the
recreatlonal vPhicles they were +.:en out and coaches were moved in; and that this has
M I NUTF.5 ~ AN1111E I t' C I TY PLl1NN I Flf, COMH I S~ I ON ~; EPTE:I+l3C R 1'1, 1'~7~1 J~1- G~n
L I R NEGAT~ VC OkGLARAT I ON ANp Gf:Nf RAI, PLAi~ ANf.11pMC11T 110, 1~2 (cc~nt 1 nu~d)
alwoys bcen a n.~rl, th~it ~~+llc~w~d chl l~lrr.n unti I recentlv ~~nJ it h.~s hc~n m<i~lc .in all-ncfult
n~~r~:~ wliich h~~s eau•~.J LhnSC r~ol,s leh~rx~ ~»-+n.r.rs whc~ wish~•ci t~~ ~ci I t~ie~ r ec~aches t~ ta4.e ,~
terrific ~<~ss, Ile st~te~1 hc is t~~llfn~~ the Co~x~~iss(~n tl~ls is l~~r.~us~~ th~rc is a l~t rx~rc
tc~ tnis ~e~~uest thir h~~s f~oen 51-c~wii, II~ state~.1 ~5C ~~f th~• r~t~unle ii, the r•~rl. ~irr Senic~r
e i t 1 zcns 1 1 I,c It i rn,r. 1 f~ ur thr. r~ a rc w 1 ~~~~•~5 w I th ch I I c1r~~n nn~i t' ~~y w~~u 1 ~1 not I~c~ nb 1 e t~~
dffc~l'r.1 Lhr Ic~ts unless lhcy arc r~•osunably ~~riced~ ~ind nointe~~ ~ut t~-r.Y li~vc never ;~ren
c~iven ~~ p~ icc f<.r [!ie fct5. ~Ir, st,itr~ tl~ey .~rc ~~ntt[l~~~i c~, I.riow wt~.~t i•. ~~c~i~~~~ ~n; th~~t
they havc b~•en ihre,~t~~~ecl tl,rnuqh ~fiffcrent peo~lv~ th,at th(s a+lll he turn~~~~1 int~
cc~neloi,~ir~iums ur .ir;•ii tr~r~nt h~~uses. ~~!• st~~ted he is fnmi 1 i,~r ti~i ti~ ,i~»rtrmnt ~~ousc s lhit
havc~ bcen [urnc~ ;nto corclon~lr~lur•r~, f~ut tfzat ~i ~~~l~ilc-~urr. n~rF~, is cliffcrc~t; th•~t you h~vc
ta r~~~e yuur rio;,( lcliorx~ tinu titiat th~~ owners c.~n t~~l I th~ c.~~.~c!i ~r•+ners t~~ lPnvc wh~~n tl~~y
are tirc~~ r~f th~~m. ile ~;t~'~ted he w~nt~~c1 to t~l.c th?~, ~r!>ortunl ty t~: tr.l i Ch~~ fi.il 1
Gu-rriis~, i~~r7 thi~i r~rc~hlems ~inJ SCn[ed they are ~•~i I 1 iny to Ui~ ~ilnnn wi th ,~nve~n~: whc~ wrint5 ta
maG:e ii,prover~xnts to th~i r~»r~., but that tr~cy arr c i rr.d ~f thc: "fr~rF.rc1 tonyuc" ~~nd thit
tlic ~evelo(~r.rs wi I I I~,~vc tc~ put in ~+ri[in~ what lhcy ~~I~~n C~~ •i~~.
C~'.~~~~~iSS Uf1L'r IIC~IrSC ~`X;~~.l~fll`~ ~~115 I'll~f)1 ~C~1(?r1i• {~JfL. ~,U~i~IVISI(lfl ~1~?J hr.~:n C~TSI'USSC~j ~lt L~1C
previc~us Pl,inriin~~ Cor~r~~issi~~n hr_aririr~ arith ~~n~y fuur Cor~~•iiss(~rr.r5 resent aticl thc
conJition,al usa pcri~it WA!'i ~~c~~rov~~d, ~~r:~nt~n~~ Mr, Jones thc ~c~~~~;unlty t~ ~1~~ ahe~~d ~~nJ
mal.e plans, subject to thr. cc~ndit~~~n t~~al he will h;~vr. to sunnly tlie Cunr,i~;si~n with a
t~oct m~p ~~I~ich will cir~;i~n~~tr. thc erxact s~lit ~f ~11 th~ l~ts, inc~ he h.is a<;+ee~1 to r_o~*~e
up wi th a~rice of Sonx~ [y~e hv that t i~~r, Ile SC.IC~c~ fic h~~~l ,~Ic the statrrr.n[ th.~t i f
this sub<iivisic~n is :ioinq to ru~ h,~lf of t~+e p!•c~ple c,~~t ~f tlti~ n~~r~., he r~ill nc~t v~~te for
it Fec;dusr, hc di~J nc.~t [hinl. it is ric~ht, l~ut th~~t it ~~~ 5or+et' inc; nr.w t<~ th~ f,or~rni55ipn
an~i ihr_ City uf M.iiieirn .~n~ ~!cserves the ol~~~rtuniLy t~ hc ex;~lc~reci, !Ie felt a 1ot of
pzople agrcc th~~c [hcy wc~ul~1 y~~ ,~l~~nq with thi, tv;~c ~r~n~~s71 if t-,~ ~~ricc i~, rl~~ht, tsut
thcy 4ri 11 no~ ~.nc~~ unti 1[f~ev ~.nc~v+ wliether or not they can aFf~,r~? i t. 'Ir. su~~n~•ste~' th~~t
covenants, con,fitic,n5 an,; restricti~ns ~e esL.ll~IiSheJ wherein everv Co.iCh c~wnrr is a p.~rt
of Lh~~ associ,ition an~; shares in tlie cast of the r~aintr.nance~ ctc. He is~.e~t if Che plans
Subr•~itte~i reflc~ct. tlie r~creati~~nal f~~ilitir~. ~nd if they rr.et c~~~fc rrc~uiren~•nts.
Mr. Smith cla~ifie~i that [hey wcre tolcl c`iey a~o::l~1 ,eC .~nother recreatlonal fnc ~1ity as
socm as ten~r~ts fillr_J u~~ L~1P ~,ark~ and Ue~n Sh~rc~r~ '~ninn Reprrs~ntative, ~r.~~'~rned
t~~ese reerN.,t' ~n~l f:~ci 1 ities ci~> r,eet c~cJ<~ re~~uirer~nts.
Corx~issi~ •r lierh5t sta*.ed a~+~~roval c~f tliis General Pian Ar~cndnrnt is nx~rcly aprrovinq thf~
usc cxistic~+i toclav an~ has notliin~, ~o do~ in r<~~I~ty, with t~~A subdivisio~~. 41e state~i Lhe
Gencral Plan c1~es n~~t reflec[ thi5 as a riobi lehonH~ ~~~r4. ~c rhe r,rescr,t ti~~.
(....~,irwc~r~~~ri i3ar.~es as~:cJ if anv ~~ry.ision lias been ma~fc~ for reloc~itlon ~f thr tenants r~ho
eann~t ~~~y thei r lots.
Mr, Jones s[atc~1 th~t they hav~ }iad a mass nuetinc~ with al' ifle r.~ach cr~m~rs and he
belicve~l ~•~cll over L~;, of thcr+ erc ir~ favor of the suh~i~.~ un; Chat therc are a Int of
rurx~rs goin~j Chrouqh th~ parl: rh~t they are c~r~ing to cvi ~ eLc.; t~~3t they LooG. anr~,ther
s tep 1 as t wer_;_ and sen [ a 1 e t te r to the c~~ach cr•mr, rs (arid w i i i send a copy to the C i ty
Counci 1). tryin~~ Co eliriinace the fears an~ anxiet. ~s and had ma~?e the fol lcwrinq comment:
that whrn thr lots ~re suf~;:ivi:i~ .1~ t:~e c-~ach owners rri I1 have tf~e first rinht to purch,ise
a-id w;l! not he evicted if they ~io noc +:ish to buy or cannot afforc: to t~~~y, and [hat they
wi I 1 continue tu pay rent and when they sel l the coach~ th~ lot ~~i 11 al sc> ~e s~ld. He
_tated if anyone does not want t~ nurchase the lot or cannot ~ffor~+ to rurchase the lot~
they .~~ve guaranteed them, in writinc,, that they can st~y thr.re as t~nq ~s they wish as a
rental; that a separatc c~rnor~ti~n wil) be ~P[ up, ccr,trotle~i hv them, that wi11 hold
ti-ese lois in 1 ic~bo unti I the existing c;oac~~ aamer deciaes to move and sel l; and th~t he
thr_n is obli~;nte~ cc~ sell the lot either [o ~~is buyer or someanc clse.
MINUTf:S, 111Jl1HEIM CITY Pl.l1~lNING ~ONMISS'011~ ~LPTEMUCR 1~~ 1'17~1 79'~~`~1
Gorwnlssi~ner -:tn~~ askr.d Mr. Jon~s tr, ~•nrl~~ln haw th~y ere contrc~l l(n~~ thc incre:~sc in
rent~~l fees.
I~~r. Jones s tatecl wl~en ;hey tool u~r r t~~c: r,~r4. ~ they ha~ to s te~ i n.~nd s~l ve sor~er prob I ~r~S
ancJ thcy liad StarCrcl ~ut initlallY wit~7 •~ ~ubst~ntial incre~isc in thr rents~ but Lh~~t thc
[en~lnts had thc ~{~~~urtunit.y t~~ h~vc a t~•+o~ye~r Irasc which rrc~ul~1 ~~uc~rantcr~ in r~ritin~~,
that futurc ir~,c,ru,~,es a~i 1 i hc ha~,e~~ on co~t of 1 ivino.
'1C71O11: Comr,issiuner• liert~st offrrc~l ~i mutic~n~ setc~nJe~l by Conr~,iss(~ner Uavid an~f MOTInt~
~A~tItILU (Gummi:.siuner Tol~r l~eiiic; ,ih.ent)~ th.~t ih~ An.~helr~ City Plannin~ ~ ~ h~is
revt ewrJ ~~,E pro~osal tn el~anqe• the ~ urrrnt li i I 15 i ~!c lcnv-rk Ji um dE~ns I ty rc ~ r,n~l
y~~n~:r~~l e~rnrx>rcial ~i~.rs(~~n,~ti~ns t~> I~illsidc• nr.diur•~ ~fens~itY resid~nti~~l nn t-. ..cls, c~nr
cansistin~~ ~~f appr~~irn,itely !~'~ or.res .~nd the ~~tf~er ~cm5(t.tin~~ c>~ ~~proxir~:-trly ,.`, acr~s~
for a total of ',1 acr~~, havin~ front~~nr. on t~o[h the nort`~ 51=fe ~f La Paln~i llvcnuc an~l th~~
e.~st 5i~!~ of Im~icrial II(glw~ay~ »n~! tli,~t t1~~~ La Ptflr~ llven.~c fr~n[.~~e is l~c~itcd
apnroxlraetcly 102', f~et cist o` [hc in~crs~ctic~n of Im~,erf.~) Hi~ln~+,iy end th~ linpcrtal
liiyhwt-y front~~r~c i5 1c~caCr.d .~pp~oxim~~tcly ~7O fr.et i~nrt'i ~~f thc LA Pelr~a l1v~•c.,.~
(ntcr5c~.ti.~n; a~d Jo~~s hcrc~l.~y recc>rv~c~~d to th~ Ctty C~u-~cl l a~p;~~vr~l ~f tl~r ~Ie~.-~tive
Dccl~r~~tion fror, tl~~r rr<~ui,~en~•nt t~~ t~rc~~,3re ~~n r~nvir~~n~•x~n[~~I ir~~~ct rcrnrt on thc b~~sis
that there woul.l I~c no si~;nlfic~~nt inclividu~~1 or cumulntivr ~-dvr~rsF envir~~nrnent,i) ir,~r,act
duc: to Ch~~ apnr~vr~l nf thi, Neyative t)eclaration; tliat no SCnSIi~Ve envirnnmental ii~~acts
are• involvcd in thr ~ro~-~sal; th;-t [-~c Initi~l Studv s~aGmitted b.~ th,~ ~etitioner indi~ates
nt~ Si~ nf ficant Iric±~vi:t~~ ~l ur wrnulntiv~ Advr~sc r.nvircanrx~ntal im~~dc.t5; ~~nd tht~t the~
Ncq~ztive L)eclaration ~.~bstantiatiny ihc f~rc~~~in~7 finJingg i5 on fi le in the City of
An„~eirn Planr~iri; Den,~r[men~,
ComM~ssi~,~f~r H~~rbst offr~rr.c+ acsr~l~tion ~lo. PC7'~-1''~~. an!i mnvc~' fc~r it5 n~~ssa~ie an~l
adop t 1 ~ Lh~~ t the ~1n~il~e i m C I ty P 1 ann i nq Co~~rii ,s i ~~n d~>cs he r'e:~ rc~nnr-icnrl Lo tf~e C i iv
Cvunc~ ~..U~tion c~' Fxhihit I\ f~~r Gencr~sl Rlar~ /1mrnJrn~rnt I~o. 1~,?.
On rol I cal 1~ thc forcyoin~, resal utiun w.~s passed by th~ fol ;rx~,in~~ v~tc:
~1~LS: COt1t11 ;51~~ ILRS: N~tl~
Ai;~c.~1T: GUr~I~IS~t+.~~I.R;: 7CLh~~
~7~r~ i~o. i~:
L~.V 1 ROIt-1EiiTl~L ( r~YtiGT RE.F'U~~.T
r~~, t~7 (~ou~r~our+ -~o. ~)
Re,(denti;~1 lo[ ~~~velc~prk:nt - Tentative. Tract Nos.
''ll+^~ `~7.~~~~ '7;.1 ard ')~;"' `or Eiurct~ Ridqc Estates.
Thr staff report [o thc P1~7nninq Lorn~*•ission datcd `.,cpteriher 1'1~ 1~7~ was presented~ notin~
that the State re<,ui rFs a lc~nger ~cJvert+s I~ti~~ reriod for Cnvi ronr~erital Ir~r.act Report
a~ldendums anci tl~at s~bJ~~.'. adclenaum oia~ adver:ised befare conjunctiv~ zonin~~ actions wcre
fileJ an~i thN petitic~n~r experience~ diffieulty in filiny the ~onin~ .:tions; therefore~
they coul~f not be tzdvert' ~~.' ir~ tir~c to be heard at today's r+eet~nq,
AGTIOil: Gomrii~sioner t;ing c~ffered ra motion, sec~nde~: by Gormissic~~~er David an~f f-t0710l~
CA~tRIED (Comn,tssioner Tolar yeinq absent} ~ that consideratlan of Envirnnr~ental !r~;~ict
kep~rt t3o. 1~7~ AddenJum tlo, 1~ hc cnntinue~! to the re~gulAryy-scheduled mectin~ of thr:
Planning Conuniss'son nn Septemf~er :b, 197`?. t~ be consldered in conJunction ~rith
a~pro~riae~ zonirig 3ctions.
~ ~ ~
MI fIU7L5 ~ AIIA~If. IN G! TY PLAl1'~ IItG LONNI SS I pi~ ~ SLf'7CMfiEa 1;) ~ 1319 ~~ -~'~3~
Gommissioner Ncrbst rcfr.rred to a~i~~s{,apcr adv~rtisen~ent f~~ e Canyon Gymnast(cs f~~c( 1 ity
ac 1271 Ulue Gum Street fo~ bays and girl~s two yAars ol~t tl~rou~h adults~ i+nd as~:ed tha* :.
be researcheJ by the Plnnnin~~ Dept~rtme~t to determine wf~cther or not a permlt ht~s bc~r~
grented and whether or not the use is as represented.
Commiss~on~•r Bus.~ore indicated hc felt the Clty of Anahefrn has a tremendous ~~roblem wlth
studias~ massa~e ~Arl~rs~ or wl~atever ti~oy are called~ ond he waulcf 11F.e to offer a motlon
that steff will continuall•,~ upgrade the urdinenc~s regardln~ *.hese tyrp!s of facilitles, to
roquirc a condltlonal use pcrmit. and as SGOn as a w~~y is faund to sklrt thc ordinances~
thot thcy he ainended, lir stat~ed if therc is any indlGetlan tFiat thn pecitionr.r wants to
establlsli this type of use~ whet-~er they call It a hu~~se. scudlo~ Ganc~: ~~tuclio~
phnto,yraphy stucfio~ rtmdtling studia~ etc,~ or if they r~fer tu rap SeSS1~n5, models~
18dles~ girls~ or any d~~rivitfve ~f the edvertised sex~ or advertis~ that customers can
come In for phutogrophy sessions, ~~aSSA~~. touch~ prlvacy~ nudity ~r ser~I-nudity~ mirrored
or buotns~ or if there Is anytl~ing tfiat wcul~ indicate that thls is wh.~t they (ntend to do
when they y~ ln~ such as chc area haviny curtains~ walls or ~artitions r~ore than necessery
for J~st normal l,usiness, and they ar~ ~artftioninn f~r priv~~cy~ and that they must post
"e~e restrictlons" or "na aye res!rictions"~ in writincj~ or if they cover the win~~ws in
sorne m~nner or percentayr., ~ cc~ndl tional use perr~) [ wi ! 1 be requ( red, flr. stat~°d he wents
anythiny lncluded that staff ~an cone up with to skirt this p~oblem. Ile handed a business
c.~rd to Uean Sherer, Zon(nq RepresentAtive, frcx~ the R.P.T, Studio and st~ted they had
told hin, verbally thcy do hav~ a~e restr(ctions and tha[ it is a massage parlor and tt ts
not a dance studiu; tt,:,t he haci gane in ond !'iP.Cil tl,e t~ooths ~ the massaye tables ~~1 -~~~
machines~ etc.~ ai7d they Just went intu business. He sta[ed he had passed twc other
massage parlors wl~ich have just opened (n Anet,eim and was concerned Anaheim is not only
yoino to be thr_ bingo capitol of thP world~ but r~ill also be the m~ssage s*_u:t(o ~aoitol of
Lhe world. Ne s[atNCi the Police Uep~~r~rnenC co~ld make recomrnrndat~ors~ but th~t ,ie would
like as part of the r•,otio~~ that this b~~ ,~ c~n[inual process for upgr~ding th~ ordinances
and codes.
Commissloner King asked Jack uhitc~ .:eputy Gity Att~rncy~ what is now rcquired to open a
massage parlor~ an~ Jac~. Whitc explai~,ed a conditional use oermlt is required if they have
a massa~~e permit or age restrl=tlons and explaine~i the zoning aspect is anly one parC of
the req uirements.
Ct~a 1 rwornan t~a rnes fe 1 t th 1 s i s a po I i ce p rob l er~,
Gommissloner Ktng asked if all massayc: parlors have Co come before the Planning Comnission
for a permi t. ancl Jacl. Wh 1 te i ndi cated they da.
Gommissioner Dushore seated they do not all come before the Plannin~; Commfssfon because
some of them are c~lled "d3nce stuJiua", etc.~ and indicateo if they do not indiGate they
have a~ age restricti~n, they can get a buslness license. Ne stated v+e wl11 never get r(d
of these things unless we kee(~ on the problem. fl~: su~ges~ed dance studios be required to
-+avc a conditional use permit.
Chatrwoman f,arnes felt the petitioners would then say the us~ is a book ~torc~ pizza
parlor~ or something el5e.
Uean Sherer explained staff tries to get the applicant to stipulate in w~itfng exactly
what is going to be cione on the premi;;.~~ includiny Hhether or not there woulci be any
n~des~ ag~ restrictions~ or whatever~ but that the petitioner will stipulate to anythiny
to get a license,
`~ * ~
MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COM!115510N~ S.r'TEN6ER '~1~ 197~ 1`~-h93
Chafrwom~n Bernes pnln[ed out prostitution and tFiose types of ttiings are not ~err+ltted
uses and resally felt tt~ls is a pullcr. matter,
Commissloner Elushore strtcd tl~c Planning Gammissi~n~~rs ::re part of thc community and it ts
tlte) r ~esponsll~i 1 i ty to help the Po) ice Depa~tmen~ b~cPUSe they cenn~t be everywhere ~t
on;.e, ancf ttiat we shou l d no'. makc I t _ gsv fo- Cl~esc tyE~cs of bus i ne5ses 1 i l e wc made 1 t
~asv for binga. Ile stdted he has F-e~ple calling I,ir~ wanting fiim co sr.ll their massnc~E
parlor business for a~ out-'a~.~eous • un~ 1 ike S75~~~0, because they can oFen a new or,e In
Anahcim for $'L,OQn, which tnl.es car~ of the lawycr's fees and everything thcy need to k~ow
~o get thr.tr liccnse~ an~! they o~~en them and tl~en sell tn someone e~se who does ~ot hAVe
•he education t~ get tl~e business licensr,
Conrnissluner Ilerbst stated hc would sccond the mction to upgrade thc ardinances.
Jack IPubte potnred out the Pl.~nnin~ Commissinn would have to mab.e a recommen~iation to the
Gity Cn~,ici I, .~nd Cornn-ssioner aushore stated I~is mo[ion would be to recommend to the Ci ty
Counc' i ~;~at :I-~e prol i fcr~tion of thts typc of use be stopped, Iie st~ted i t is getting
out oS ec~ntro~ a+id alcr~st evcry Ilttlc strip has a massaqe parlnr in it and it !s creating
p-~blems for other buslnesses bc~cause thcy c1o not want to loc~te next to the~ and they are
taking spac~ eway from other n~eded servlces tc~ the ~>ublic, and felt tt is a.~ning
p rob 1 em.
Jack White patnted out the City Council rc~ently adopte~ a comprehr.nsive ordinance
cc~vcring rr~rssagc and th~t type of thing, ut i t was more reiated to the pr~l ice pa,yer.
Commtss(~ner f3ushore rcoffered his rmcior ~ secc~ndcd by Con~missioner Herbst and MOTION
CARRIEU '~omrnissio~er Tolar bcing absent), that the Anaheim Clty Planning Commissl~n does
herebY re;,,,,mmend to the City Councll chat the ordinances be amencied on a continuing ba~sis,
requiring a conditlonal use ~ermit for any studio~ modeling studto~ etc., or any
establishment offerinc~ ~h~tog~apt,y sessions~ r.~p sessions~ dance sessions, massa9e, tnuch~
prlvacy, nudlty or semi-nu~iity, mirrors~ booths~ etc.~ and that the place of busines~ must
be posted witt~ "llge Limit" or "No Age Limit".
Commissloner Qushore; stated he woulei like to discus: one way to eliminate bureaucratfc red
tape and that is when a person applies for a bual~ess address change which is across the
street, he shoul~~ nut have to fill out a whole new application.
ADJOURl~MEN7: There being no furthe~ business~ Commissloner Fry offPred a motior~, seconded
by Commisstoner Herbst and M4TION CARRIED (Commissioner Tolar being abscnt)~
tl~at the meeting be adjournrd.
The meetiny ~dJourned ~3t G:50 p.m.
Respectf~lly submi[ted~
~~~ ~ ~~~
Edith L. Narris~ Secre[ary
Anaheim City Planning Commission
Eltl :hm