Minutes-PC 1979/10/08~. C(ty Hall ~nahelm~ Californla October Q, 1~7~ REGULAR M.ETI ~iG OF THE ANNiE I M C I TY PIANN I ~IG COMMI SS I ~N ._.~_ REGULhR - The regular nxeting of Che Anaheim Ctty Planning Commissior, was called to MEETI'~G order by Chai rman Pro Tempore Tolar at 1; 3r1 p.m. ~ October 3~ 197`1, in the Council Ch~mber~ a quorum being presrnt. PRESC~IT - Ghei rm~nn Pro Tem~ore: ...lAr Commissl~ners: Qushore~ Oavtd, Fry~ Nerbst. Ktnq~ ALSfNT - ConY~iss(oners: E~arnes AL50 P RESENT • Jack Whitr Jack Judd annil,a Santr~lahtt D~an 5herer Edl th tiarris Deputy City Attorney Civ(1 Engineerin~ ~ssistant Assistant Direcior for Zoning Zoning Rcrresentat(ve Plannir~g Comriission 5ecretrry PLEDGE OF • The Pledge of ~Ilcgiance to the fleg was led by Commissioner Fry. AILEGI AtICE APPROVAL QF - Commfssioner Ktng offerccl a nr~tion~ ~ccanded by Commtsslaner David and TIIE HINUTES MOTIOt~ CARRlEU (Cor,missinner Darnes hcing absent) ~ that the minutes of [hc merting af Septcmber 1~~ 197~ be ~poroved as submitted. P1E50l.UTIOri OF APPRECIATIO-t ~hafrman Pra Temporc Tolar presentcci ~ast Lommissioner Glen Jo!~nson wfth a Resolution of Appreciatton for his over f:ve years of service as a Cfty of Anahcim Planning Cortr~isstoncr. ITEM NQ. 1 ~.'~tiD RECOMIIE~lpATIONS The following Fteports and P.QCO~ranendations staff reports were prescnted but not read: A. CON~lTIONAL USE PERNIT N0, ~063 ~ Request from L. M. McNees for a one-year. retroact ve extens on q t me~ to expire Ociober 7~ 19$n~ for a hAll far varlety shavs, lectures~ meetings~ dances~ etc., wlth an on-sale liquar astablishr~ nt at 1721 South Manchest~r Avenu~. Camm(ssioner K(ng offered a mc>tian~ secondec 5y Commissianer Oavid and M~TiON~ CARRIED (Comnission~~ BarneS b~ing a~bsent), that the Mahetm City Planning Commisston does hereby grant a ona-year~ retroactive extension of time for Condi tional Use ~'ermtt f~o. 1063. to ex~i ~e October 7, 1~$~. 19' 7~+5 10/8/79 ~ Y ~ ~~ MINUTkS~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CbMMISSION. ~CTOaER 8~ 1979 ~9-7~6 REPORTS AND REC4MMENDATIONS. (continued) B. ~ARIANCC h~. :.~i4~ - Request from Vic Peloquin for a rr.troACtive extcnsio~ of time ~'the^reta~f sales of sandwiches In the ML (Industrial~ Limlted) tone at 31+~+5~C £ast La Palma Avenue. Cortmissioner Kinc~ offered ~ mratlon~ spcondcd by Commissi~ner Davici and MOTION C~RR'ED (Comrnlssloner Barnes bein~ absent), that the Anah~im City Pla~ning Commiss(on cic~es hercby grant a ~ne-year~ retr~active exte~~sion of ttme ~or Variarcc No. 2Fi~~9~ t~ expirc Sept~rti~cr ;7~ 1~18~. C. AE3ANOO~~MLNT t10. 7g-3~A - Rec~uest from 8111 Asawa~ Ric. Devrlopmr~[ Compeny~ to abt+ndon C ty s slope easenk~nt along the wcst side of Falrmont Boulev~rd from apprnximately 75 fPet to approxlmately A7: fect suutherly of the ccnterllne of Santn Ana Cany~~n Road. An cnvironmental review of thc proposal Indicaces it to be categori cel 1Y exempt f rarn the req~l re~nent of f i 1 i nry an E I R, Commission~r King ~ffcred a rtx~Lfon~ seconJ~~1 by Commissioner David and MOTIf1N CIIRRIEO (Camml~sior~er B~r~es leing ahsent)~ that the Anahr_im CltY Planning Comnlssiun does he~el,~ recommcnd to the C(ty Council tht~t Abandonment No. 78"3~A be approved~ subJect [o the con~itic~n th~[ the pro~~erty awner connect thr exlstin~a City's Irrigetion line to h15 syst~m a~d pay costs for the City to cut and cap *_he line from the C1ty~5 Irric~Ation systr~m/or that a bond in e~ amount and form sat(sfactary Co the Clty shall b~. post~d with thc Gity to c~uarantee the instal lntion ancl/or reimbursement of cc~sts of thr above-mentfoned reUUi re~nts. D. VARINiCE !~0. 1~42 - Request frcM+ Jim Turnc~, CA1CoRR~~ to terminate Variance Nc. ~qrantcd January 2~3, 1°6h~ ;o perr,ic two temporary si<~ns identifyinc~ a future development bec<~use thc. siqns havc becn removed fram the n~rthw~rst corncr of La Palma Avenuc and Glibcrt Strect. Comr~ilssioner Kin,t offered Resolution No. PC7`~-2'~5 r~nd rr~ved for its passage and adopti~n, tha[ thc Anahefm City Plannin_y Ca~i~sion do~s hcreby terminAte Va~iance No. 1~~~2 since the. siqns ~iave been r~movcd and the varlance is no longer ~~cessar; . On roll ~all~ Che fortgoinq resoluticn was passcd by [he folla+inG vote: AYES: CUMMI5510-1~R5: BUSHOP.f.. DAVID~ FP,Y~ HERE~ST, M,ING~ TOLAR NOES: COHMISSIQI~ERS: NONE Af3SEliT: COMMI SS 10'~E RS : BARNE~ E. CONDITIONAL I:SE PERMIT N0. 17~~2 - Request f~•<~m James T. Abc for a one-year extension o t me n ~rder [o complete the requirements set forth in th~ resolution appro~ing Condltional Use Permit No. 17~t2, to ptrmit a drive-through restaurant with walver of minimum numGer of parking spaces at the southeast corncr of Oranye Avenuc and l3rc~okhurst Street. Cortmissioa~er King offered a motian~ stconded by Commissloner Qavid and MQ710N CARRfED (Commissloner Barnes being absent)~ that the Anahelm City Planning Commission dues hereby grant a one-year ext~nsion of tlme for Conditlonal Use Permit No. ;742~ to cxplre ~ actober 10, 198rJ. F. RECl~15SIFICATlOtd N0. 77'7~'S4 AND VARIANCE N0. 3on; -' ~y~st from Snndra L. nson. yn y ropert es~ Int.~ or approva a revised plans for construction of A 26-unit~ RM-1200 complex locatcd at 119 South Magnolia Avenue. t0/8/'9 .,. ~ ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNIHG COMMISSION~ OCTOBER 8~ 1979 79'7k7 REPORTS ANO RECOMMENDATIONS (contintxd) Commissione~ King offe~~d a rrotion~ s~cond.•d by Gorrmlaslo~er Devt~1 end MOTIQN CARRIkG (CommlSSloner 9arnes being absent). thnt the Anehtlm City Planntnq Commisslon does hereby fi~d thet the prop~sed plans are 1~ substantiPl conformanCe wlth prevlously-epnroved ~lans and cbes hereby r,~~rov~ the ~evised pla~s. G. iiECOMMEt+DEO COUE AMENDHCNT - SECTION ~;.2t~.C-1~ -~•,elating to hcekc~~~lnq. Commisslnn~r Y,iny offerc~l a mation~ sccondeci Ny Camnissioner David ~nd MOTI(1-~ CARRI~.U (Carm~ixsloner Barnes being ahsPnt), that the Anaheim City '!Anntng Corrv~isslon docS herr_by r~commend t~ the C1 Cy Counc) 1 that th~ recomnx~nded emrndment to 5ection (,.26.'l10 re~~iiny to bceke~p(nq be ed~~tcd. ITEN NO. 1. CONT~NUE:D P~ RLIC -~kARIrIG, oat~CR: GULF OIL CURP, ~ ~ ~ ~ Vi. DECL~RP~TI~~N 1b01 Avcnue of rhe Stars~ L~s Angeles~ CA 90054. RECL ~SI ICl1T1~-! N0. Jq-$~-14 AGENi: HGf3FRT M, TEPPEF~ P.O. Dax 219~ Northrldqe~ YARIANCC N~l. 311~ CA '~~3~4, Propcrty dcscrlbed as a rcctangularly- shapr.d parcel of land consi~•in~~ of approximetoly 0.~~ ~+cre locat~d at the na~ ;nwcs: c~rncr of South Strect~ havinc~ appror.im~tc fr~nt~q~s of 1?; f•~t on thr, north sidr of South Street a~d 1;0 feet on the west siJe of East Strre[. and fur~hcr describcd as 7?.7 South East Street. ~roperty presently clas~sit`ied Ml (INCU.`.Tf!IAL~ LIMI'Tf:D) ZQ!tE. REQUESTEO LLn;SiFICATiOtI; C!. ~COMNERCIA~~ LIMI~Et~) iU!IE. R~QUE~TE:D VARIA~lCE: 'aAIYEP, ~-' NINIMUH NUh'.~EP (1F RCQUIP.E(~ PAf.KI'~G SPACES TO C^tISTNI":7 A COMMERCIAL SN(1PPi~~r: C~}~rER, Sub)ect petlt~on wat c~ntinuccJ fro~1, the mceti~<~ of Scpt^-*ber ?.~~~ 1`)7~ at t~~e request af the pttitloner, It ~+~'ts notr~f the pf~titi~ner has requested a c~ntinuance to October 2:', 1`3J9. A lady in the auci(ente asked how she cou~~' find o~[ whcthtr or not the mecting wt:id bt co~tinued from that ~•cneduled date, and Chalr++~an Pro Tempore 7olar e~(nted out she should cal! the Planning ~epartment ~ither Friday afterncx~r~ or hlonday m~rnin~ to determine whether or not the pctitloner has r~Guestcd another continuante. ACI~ION: Commissicx~er He~st offered a motion~ secondcd by Commisslonr~ Davfd and MOTION CARR~fD (Cammissione~ Barnes being absent) tl~ot considcration of EIR Ne~ative Declaratlo~~ Recl~ssificacion No. 7`~-80-1A ar~d Veriance No, 3116 be contlnued to the reyUlarly-scheduled mcecing of the Planning Commi~3(on on Ociobrr 22~ 197q~ at the reau~st of the petitfoner. 10/$/'9 ~ ' MINUTCS, AtIAHE1N CITY PLIIFINING COMMISSIOfI~ (1CTQaER Ei~ 1~17!? ~~~~~~' ITEty! N0, CONtINUED PUBLI~, HEJ~RIrir„ OWNER: UI-'Cli FIDGE N ~0"IN IlT~L I ItPACT REPORT fS1'ATE.S~ h2b2 C~~m~us Urivc ~ P.Q. ts~x 1f~(~h~ !lewport N0. 12J ~AliDFN[~UN I~O. 1) lleach~ C~ '1?~(^. A~Ff;T: RICII~RD l. ~`JIN~ 424~ RECI~SSI~I~AT10N ~~~.~ '1""~~ Ga~p~~s Or~vc, Neriport I~r.~ct., C~ '-2f~G~. Propcrty R I~G N0. 1', descrihed as Pc~rtic~~ A- /1-~ irre~~ularly-sh~ped !~! A 1 E M O~TRIICT NC~. 10.;~~ parccl of lend c~~~~~isting ~f a~pr~xi~~~.~tely 3,5 acr~~s locfltcd ~,n t-~c~ ncirth~.~cst. sid~~ of ailv~re~ur Tr~il, and bcin~i It~c.~ted '~~~~r~xim~tely 11~ feet cast ~f the centr.rlinc of Covere<t Wa!ron Tr,iil; And Porti~m (f - An irrequlr+rly-shircd pqrCCl Of IAriJ ConSistinr, ~~f A~~prnN.irnAtcly ~.~ ~-cres l~~c,~1~~~1 on t`~c suut~~r.ast Qi~lc o( S i t verspur Tr.~i I, bc inq ip~rox(mntc 1y 21^ fect cnst aF thc center 1(ne of Covere~l Wnqon Tral~. Pro~-crty pr~~s~ntlv clissi~ir~ RS-lIS-1~i,nr~•~(,~} !P.r.sidenti :il, ~inr,lc-Family Ni tlsldc-Seenic CorriJar ~)vrrl;~y) ~~~nc'• aL~~Ul.5TCU CLl,SSIf'IL~11r~N: at~-:~' '~(51.) (r~E.511~E.!ITI~I ~ MULT'1'l.f-F~h•ILY-St.(t~IC COP,P, I U^f' 0\'! RI~,Y ) ZO.IE. , RE:QUi;iTIU V11R1l1~IC(: ~1~i1'E.f', OF' r'l1 XI~~i.t' STP. U~.7uRAl. IIEI~,iIT. TE -1T~TIVf T~ I~I.T P,I..'~,Uk.`.,T: ~~(-L~T, ~~~,-U'~'.T~ R!'-3~)'~'1(SC.) C~t1(~~~'11~1 ::N SUE301~'I51^-~, Subject pct~ t ic~n H~~s r~ontinuc~; fr~~m t,i~• rx•rtir~y of Sentrml;cr 1'~~ ''7`~ in or~lcr '~r ; 1~~;!~ o[ thF trmt,cr ~~ e ~ ` i ac=~omndnyin~, .:onir~y ,~cti~ns tu b~~ f+l~.t~ , ~ .~ n~ ~ anJ fr~~ri the ~•et petiiioner'~., requr.st in ur~1~•r tu ~ut>cnit revised ~lans. Tt~Cft was no on~: in~fict~tin~ their pr~SF:nc~• in c•~~~r~siti~n ie~ sub;ec,t re~~~est~ ~inJ .althour~h Yt'1L• staff rec~ort ~O ttlC ~'~<'1rf11f1~1 Cor~rrissi~~n t;ALCt} QC.[O~'~C=f '.r ~"i ~ W8S 11Ut ~fr1~~ ~t ~hf' p~~bllc hc~~rin~;~ It is rcfcrr~c/ to ., n~~1c• ~y ;,art of the n,lnutes . R ichar~ L. Owen~ i~~~nt, st~~t~c~ t~~~~ ~~~vised ~IAnS w~rr .~!,r~~tted rnd hrr•5ente~l rl:-ns showiny Tract (~(1~ ~~j~ An~i t~1C ~lfCii -~1t•"/ ifrP t'!(;Ul`St~fl(, ~~L' rcrc~•,e~i. ~~C D(~~flt('C~ OUt ~f1C a~e~ [o the ~~orth is d~velc~pe~i wit'~ ~~-~~'~'? ~~n~ the .~rea tc~ the ~ast is develoc~~d as R~~' j~J'~~; th~~t the ent i re .irea was c I. ss i f i ~ c1 it a Genera f ~ Inr, !,ra r inc+ for ~t+'~~ ~m i ts nnJ, S intc th~~t tic~e, :.1,"', urtiits vrrrc .i~nravc~l, ~cavinr~ 1'~7 units r thr rr_ct of thc ~rca; and tf~al [his reyuts[ is for :2 ur~ ~s, +rhic~~~ lrav~~s t-~c ci~~ac+ty ~~ thc in~rAStructure for 1~1; unlts. ~~e st~tcd tii~~ plar,s c~~~+~~ly wi th C-~e :or~in~; ~nc; Ceneral Fl~+n for t~~is ~rea. Ne exp~oined thc lctter frnm W~Il~:im I;unzr~ar.~ 7~affir. En~~incer who vi~~s instrurx~n[al in the ~reparatian c~f the 1:~7; We ton Prir~qle b l~~sc+c.iTtes Tr9ffic Study for Anaheic~ H1115, Inc.~ stotes ths incrcasc~cl traf `~c creatcd by chis ~~ro.ject Is so ini ~ gni f i cant i t is i mmeasureble. He t•~oint~c~ out tt;e in~ir~~ss anel cgre55 tc the pr!~: crty ~n the rtia~+ end state~' e t i 5 1 I L.e 1 y the t ra f f i c f rc,m th i s p ro~~e r ty wou 1 d c~~ ~~c~wn An~he i r~ il i 1 I s Po~d to the inGe~secflan ~f Nohl RAnC~~ Ro~~d which is sic;n~~lize~l. H~ r~ferree! t~ thP c.~ncern of several Commir,sior~urs ~~t the l~~st mcetiny that tf,e cul-dc-sar_ t,a~f i imitcL~ par~:in~ and ppln~ed out tt~c w'-~c-~,ac. has bcen nr.,dlfic~l to provlife ~i ex[r~ rarl in~ ~~acts, He 5tat~d~ ovrrall, tl~cy ~r, providing lilt off-strect p~r{.inc; s~aecs ~+ith roor+ tor'~~ addltlonal spoces ~n tt~e street~ fc~r a tc~tal of .,1 ~~rki~~ry s~s~~ces (77 in excess of ~h~ scrinyent cadc requi r~•r,cnt and a p~irk in~~ retio of ;:1) . Mr, Uwen state~, it w:~s nnted at thc ~~rcvicus he~rin~ that na r~creational fac!titles were provlded ~nc1 thAt thty heve sincr revisect the plans to (ncludr. lo[ n a5 a rccrtat~onal aree; that ~~e hod ~ns~~er.tr.d Ct~e properxy ageln and the loL w~s not as rough as h~ hr~d orlginal ly tt~uugl~t~ :~n~1 po~ntr~f out they can provi~ie two swinQ se[s 3nd a san.bo.. wi th fencing. 10/8/ 79 ~ M! NUTES ~ AfJ~1NC 1 N G I TY PLIWt~! Nf, COMMI SS I~N, QCTOIIER S~ 1~7`1 ~~~~~~ C I R N0. 1~7 (I16UEt~~tiN N0. 1) . RL CLA5S 1 FI ChTI 011 N0. 7`~-~0' 13 ~ VARI ANCC N0. 31 1 y ANU TE1~7ATIVE MAP OF TRt~CT N0. IQG00 (ccmLinued) Mr. Owen dist~'Ihuteu an c~etitL~it which shc~wed n simllar ~ ~Jrct an~.t cor~~nar~d the ~roposecl units w(th Si~ginr~ N~~~~f Ni l i~ wl~ich i s o very sucr.~ssf tev~la~r-ent. He st:+ted the homes ranye fron 1~i/0 Sc~u~~re fect t~~ 2~~~ s~1ur-rc fect ard they ex~ect tl,r units t~~ s~ll fror+ ,il`;,Of1Q to S1Gu,'~0'J; that the units have at le~~st two be~Jroorn e.~ch. with our t~~Its l~avlnq thrce beclronns. 11e slated thev d~ not fccl a~+-~roval of this rrqucst wll) avcrt~x th~ infras~ructure fc;r tl~r. arc.7 end i t wll ~ not nntl~cibly inc.rc~~~~ thc tr.~f~ic an-i wi 11 pmvide ~x~re ~~ffnr~lAhlc• I~c~„sinc~. Ile c~xplainru hc u~,cs the trrm "Atf~r~fal~le• hous~n<~" bccAUsc wh~n s~~mcone buys a ho~isc 7nd nbvcs , cvcn 1 f i t i s nf~ovc th~ 4~1LCC~r~fY ~~f hc i nr~ ;~ffprdoble~ thr ho~!sc '~e rxw~~s fror~ w i l) be nvai i~~l,lc t~n~f wi I1 pmvi~.:e mc~r~ housin~i. Ilr stated they havc providc~l ~~m~lr p.~rl.i ng and t,elirvc it Is cv~•nly clit,trihut~•d nncl th,~t thcy have ~~rovl~fe~1 ~ crrtr~lly-locitcJ nl ~~grv~u~~1 whic.h is ncccssihlr t~> ill unlt~. TIIl. PUL'I.IC NLI~~I'JC WP~S C1.0~,E.D. Gonmissiunrr tfuShurc cl~~rlflrcl ti,at thr. ~~ctitl~ncr h~id indicr+tcd th; prol.rct will pr~v'dc ur.l~; four~ thrc~•-,~c~trc,~r~ units~ ~c~inf inc~ ~ut thc ~~-~vious prn~~os.~l was for F•i~~ht, two- bedroom units, :'1, tlirc~~~~hc~ircx~r~ uni ts, an~1 1~ , thrr_r-h~dre~c~rn unir5 ~iu5 cJr~n~ and afte~ quc;;lonin ~ ~~r. Uwrn, ~o~~is!;ir~nrr E~ushorc J~t~~rrr,lnr~' tF~at t!+r ur~i ts wi 11 n~t h~ S~Id to f~~mllics w~[!, cl~il~'r~~n, hut ,~~:ults o-:ly, ,~~,d as~,!'~~ wt,y t-~c s~•rinc; ~,~~t wc~ul~f he ncrde.~l in thr recrcatiunni ~~rcn f~r ,ic!ult5 c>r~1 r. Mr, lh~en st~tc• th~• r'l~nrl~~; Corr iss ~a~~ ha~: in<iicatcd they riantc~l ~~ t~l~Y~~~~~~n~l f~~r Ghil~lrcn ai thc• E~rcvic~us ~~~.ririn~~~ . <1 (.orr?issi:~ncr ltu5i~orc St~itccl hc did nr~t Lhink thc Plarinin~ C(1f~1f~ISSIOr~ ha~' r,win~~ scts i t~ rilnc; whcn isllr~i <<'r rrcri~ition.il f~~cl litics. Ucdn Shcrcr~ ioninc; Repres.entitiv,~~ expla~nc•.1 nr, revise~l fl~x.~r ~~I~n9 wPre S~~l~~~ICCrd and thc only plar~ sul~r~itte~l w.~5 t.hc rrvi -iun with Lot l1 sh~rwrr, fnr nar~.in~;. l11 Gfls(~, ~~n~~lre•cr~ ~t t~•~1 it is pt?s 51h1~ ihr rUC`r~5 ,hrK n~~n t!~c nri<;in~l {~I.ins .~4 retreats~ JcnS or Stud~us r,crc. cc,unttrd ns 1~~~~irooms; that [+~~ l~rric~~t unit has 2!~'~~ S(~Uc1~G f~~r.t uf I ivin~~ a~~8 v+it'~ Chrec i:ecirc~onrs and 8~1rn, ~~r~f thc ~~St !~f tl~~ unit5 are tw~~ bedroom wlth sc,re~ c~thc~ t.inJ of scrvicc ~;u.~rters~ fof nny typ~• ~~f usc neccssary. Ccxnr~lssioner fSush~~re st.~t<•c; t'~e e«vi runnent~~l i~~,~ct rrt~!~r't w~s ~rr~»recl for ~ much, dens~r proJect, ane: UEan Sh•~rer st~+trd the f.IR h~is nc~t he~en c.han~ed. Commissionnr Bus~~ore statecl tfiis is a c.o+~~lctely diffrrent proiert th:sn a f~ml ly project with chilci~en whict~ '~e wns cc~nsiuerinc~ oriyinally. 11e st.'-te~ he did ncrt see ['~e need for swi ng sccs for an a!;u I t c.c~mr~un i ty . Chairman Pra 'fer~pur~~ Tolar st~~ted t'~e Ic~pnct fr~.~ this ~+roJrct w~uld he much {ess And f~ it the EIR caul:f be c.ertified fr,r a lesser ~~~~pac:~ i~cludtn~ thr. tra~ffic and the numGer of chilr±rer~ into tf~e schoc~l syster~, Cari~issi~anrr Ncrbst stated he r~oulJ llke to sce the floor ~I~ns c,ecaus~ the deveiop~r cculd ea11 th~sc extra m~~~n~. UenS and studles and th~ buycr could use t~er as bedroom5. Comnissioner Bushore lndic~tcd his concr..rn abaut the o~1er~11 den~ity and overall effect on the canyon this proJect ~+ouid have. and even h~ving less impact makes a sfarificant difference in his min~i a~ .S the project wlll affect ihe number of peo~~e in the area and also Lhe services which the Cit~ ~rovldes and thr. nur~Pr of chil~lrcn ln the schools. Ne dld not wan[ t.o act c:n tl~is prcjrc~ lf the whole plan hes been changed. Mr. Owen stated he had revi~~wed th~ credlt reports on Larrlage HI11~ whlch Is a sir~ la~ project being developecl, and !he ave'o9e aye of a fam) lY mcmber was ~~2 years old; that t~r7$ t~/8/79 ~_ ~ NINUTES~ l1tiAHEIM CITY PLA~INING ,OMNISSION~ OtT~-1fR 8. 1^79 7~1-75~ t:IR NQ. 1~7 (AUUENUUN N0, I) ~ R~CLASSIFICATI!-N N0. 79-fif1-13~ V1IRIANCE N0. 3115 AND TE~~TATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. 1~8~0 (co~tlnued? of the f~omes hacf no cl~ i 1~tren ~~d i5:; c~f those who ci ~ d h~vc~ ch i 1 dr~n h~~d on' y ~ne ch 1 1 d~ a~d 15;, had ~re than c~nc• chi 1.1 ~nd nc~ne had morr th.in thrc•c chi l~iren, ond nx,st I~AC.I chlldren ~~ver 1~' ye.~rs ~,I~,; that 5tnqiny 1Jood lilll Is ai~ identfc.Al ~rc~duct in An~~heir~ III I 1 S ,in~~ Che~ ~iv~~r~~<ir ~~gr i s >>~ to ~~'1 ycars ol cf ~ And 3~~`,`, of thc homes h~~ve on 1 y one membcr; y;;o of thc hor•,es htlvc ;ust co.,plcs; encl 1~~, of thc hames havc faml l ics wl th ~hi lciren and one-thl yd of the hor,es wi th chl Idren Iiave G~~( Idr~n r~ver I~> vears of arie, Commissioner Klnr sr,ited thc -.a[lona) Pl.inninct !'~ssoci~tion h~~s renortcd th.it thcre ~re increases in thr nurbcr o( ~nc--~-erson hnuseh<~1d5~ t~ ryc~o~i nercr.~nta~~~ o( twc, ~~r three-p~:rson h~useholJs, anJ a~7rarnalic. ~leclinc in fc~ur-person hnUSCflt)~(IS. Hr, Uw~ti ~tate.l thrrc i5 ~~ rc~~ r4.et for ho~}e fo~ thcse ne<~plr whc~ ,~rr nnt intcr~•st~d in tht IArc~c~ four-ue~~rc~oi~ I~~~~s ~~nc: t~~~t tl~ey irc ~esi~,ninc: th~~sc iinits f~r th~t p<ir2icula~ m~rke[. Cornmissic~nc~ fiusli~re statca tt~c I~st fc~ur ~cvrlo~;c•rs l~efr~re Ghr Pl~inni~~q Can~.,issi~r~ with these sii~i lar (1rf1J~'GCS fl~'IYr t~~.,('C~ ~~~C St1t~P ~~r~~ur,pnt~ .lflc; SfV!'~A) ~'~~O)(`G~S f1lVC ~"E'^fl ap~fOVeJ In thc I~~st f~~w rx~nLF~s fpr tt~c ser~ r~~~15~n5. He f~lt .~~~nitieS Shoulr' l~e pravided for t~~o5c ~~~0{,1~• wh~_ r~ar:[ the~~'. fl<: s tat.e~i hc would 1 i~c tc~ thinl. ~bc~ut t'~15 project ~ct~~us~r thc ~~ lans ~lPr• Lflnl~clCl} ~ his tl~ i~~{~ i rir, 'i.is ch~n<~~~1, Coi~xrissi~,ncr !I~~•bst ~~s~.c~l Nr. Dwcn why hc ha~i nc~t ,~irvrvec: SC1~k~ c~f ttic old~ r project5 in l1n.~helr~ liills r.~th~r ti~:~r, thr ncrw c~nes, Sin~~inc; W~o~ Ilill .~~d Carrla~r H(11. He fPlt thcre would be .~ ~rcistic diffr•rrnc.c t,et+~een t'~c olcfer ~r~ cts :~n<f t-ie~ new on~s becruse as the un(ts yet oldc~r~ rnrr chi Idrrn rnovr in, t-e st~~te~ [he~e lots w~~re ~lesic~n~d fc,r RS- 10~G:)(1 dev~ l~~pi~~i~t un~i hc ~iiv not li{.c t~~ src ~~~is type nf ~~,nversian becausc thc tr,+ff(c fla~ w~s not Jcsi~ined fc~r c~~n~lornirium-typ~~ Ilvin~~, ~n~! hc felt condaminiur~ ~fevelormrnts sh~~ulct br. ise~lut~~~1 s~~ tl~c tr:~ffic fl~x.~ i~, nat thr~,,,e~'i thei~ .ind cuttiny the R~-1!1~~~~ lots (n h~lf clouhles [he dcnsity wit!~+~ut t-~e ~i~r.nicl~~~. c:'~ ~ nvrr~~~~l ccmcloc~inium devriopr+ent such a~ swinr~lr~y p~,ols .~~~d t~•nnis rourts. iIc scatrcl hc i,as votcd a~~.~inst thc~ ~r~~jects with~ut Lhe ame:nlties be•c.ause he livc s in one anc; ~.ncwrs wh.it the people use. Ne p~~inted out there is not n ptay~;raun~f or nari +n thc imr,rai,ite ar~.-~ and thc closest is the schc~ol on Imperlal~ whi~'~ is a lar,n Jist~~nce for childrr_n tc~ travel. Mr. pwen statec! thrrc~ is ar; undeveloc~e~1 ~ar4• c~r 'Ioh~ R~~nch Road, He stateci they are prc,vidinc; rPCrentiorir.l facil ities far chilllrcn with the swinc~ sees and s~ncJ~~x on a 9ood- sizc: Ipt. tic did n~,t tl~inE. a s~finrnin~~ ~~~x~) would incresse the salability of th~ units ~nd he d(c1 not Lhinl. [hc trnffic would he n prohlem. ~cx~xni ss lone r Dush~~r~• s tate~ i t h~~s Le~n esta' l l shc~d th i s i s not a fami ly- typ~ devP lapment end th~'-t swiny s~~ts ar~~ irr; lcvant, and hc~ did not want t.'~ put the Cfty in a p~sition of betng pressure~J into dcvc.lepinc, ,; parE. for [his ~rr~Ject. Hc osked the ~pproximate sfze of the patl~ arc~~s R~r+J ~54.c~i lf t~~cr~• would Se r~om fc~r a hot tub ond borbecuc. Mr. Crisp ~tated tt~e patios are iecntical to the Sin~lny uoc-cl NIII development '&" to 9~ sq~~are feet) and expl~ined Lhcrr wo~l~1 not be ro~m fnr a hot tuh and a b~rb~c~e. Corr^lssioner Bushore st~ted he w~~~ld w~nt [o see some of the emer.ities provided 'o make this ~ nr •e 2ttractiv~ adult prvJc~ct with sor.~e~ indfvldual, ~rivate recreationa) space included for t>>e units. ~le statcd tf he Is c~ainn tn vote in favur of thic eor+versfon from single-fami ly to multirl~r-f~mily development~ he would wanc to spe s~xne ot thesA things answered. ile fclt cher~ are pe~ple wh~ want thesc ame ~tics Tnd nointe.i out no units wil) be provided in thi~ are~i f~r those ~r~~lc as a res~lc of the lest three acti~ns taken by thc: Planninc~ Corr~issi~m. 10/8/79 Y~ 4 MINUTES~ ANAIfE1M CITY PL~NNIt~G C(1MMISSION, OCTOt;ER 8~ 1~~)9 1_'75 EIR NU. 1~7 (AD~ENDUM N(). 1)~ RECLASSIFICATIOtI N0. 79'6~'13. VARI~NCI: N~. 311; ANU TCNTAT 1 VE MA~ OF' TRl~CT 1~0. I Ot~O~ con t 1 nueJ -- f.c-mmissloner -:iny f~lt th~rc ~~ru buyers wr~o d~, nat want these amenitii~s and that thc people who ~o want them wi11 nok l,uy these units. Gonmissioner Uavid stateJ he dici nc,t un~erstand wliy Corx~issi~>ner E3ushore w~nted th~ developer tc~ c rt a[e seirw t~pe of r~c.rc~~~t i c~n wl~ i r.h i s n~t denk~nde~i; th~t th~ un i ts wi 1 1 he 5old to thusc I~c~P1~ w~ic~ W•~~t ~fi~~t typ~~ <>f 1 if. style, ~~nd thc clevelo~~cr is Lhe onc takinq the cha~te. Ile as~:r~1 if Corr~is~~ic~ner Bushore fe It it is not wise [<. ~llpw such develoP^x'nts bec~,~~~•~~ it is pullir~g ir~ ~~ ty~e of' csec~~t~• wh~ d~~ not wnnt any rcr.reation. Commissione~r Eush~rc f~rit thc Plannin~ Commis5iori i; Ae~(~rovin_y c<~U r+~ny of these nan- amenlty-tyPr ~~~oj"'~LS ~n~f C~?c C1CY SufFers because ik is ~ declinin•; ~~r~duct in .7 very orestigious ~re~~. Ghatrman Pro Tem~~~re Tolar state~f thr Clty w~11 F,e ln :~ clPfic(t 5p~ndin~ si~u~ti~n of ab~ut $10-~)';e! per rxm[h a~~ra~'1ectiwi 11Lhave~l~ssrotf'an im~~ct~an1 the~,arca.~~Hehc 'ted h~ is bec8usr t~e fel t an acful t~ l more in favor of tl~is devcla~~mc~nt than hP has hc~n of ~,+st ~ral~~ts. He frlt this w111 not br an al 1-a~:ul t pro.iect ~ t,ut wi 1 1 he ~~,~-r,n ,•,~ x, I~c fc 1 t sarr ot!~er typc nf recreatic~n~l fnci 1 ikie5 shc~uld be prc~vidc:d~ not just s~~lncl s~ts ind sancihaxe5. He stated there is ri need for thir, ty(,e of f~ousin~~ ~nd ~r~edlum-tc~-low-cost hc~using wi 11 I'e ~.re~ted ~~~ other t~re~s, ~n~ in~lic~~tc~d hr re~cc~gnizes thls w~ I1 n~t he meeltum-to-l,x~r-inenm~• housin~. Conunissl~ner Eiushnre st~t~'~ ~~c wants to r~ive tlic n~>plicant a fair op~ortunity ~~nd he is m~ich more in favor uf rhe ~>roject than he w~~s two wePG.s Ac~o, t,ut t~e did not fec~l [his request snould bc vot~ on today bec~usc ~f `''h~tn~l,ncr~.~ecne~~ecicicne~rn~isr~sayisn iteis ~n proposal f1 rst o~pe<~red t~~ t~e a f.~m~ ly prc~Ject adult project~ yet he is pr<,pasiny swlnc~ sets and a playground~ which indic~tes tt will be a fimily projec~~ a~ •' sev~~r.~l Gommissioners fcel it w111 be a r~ixr_d use. Lommissioner Herbat s[atc~i he fclt. t`~is will he a mixc~ use; that since the petitl~ner has agreed to gra~Je Lat A into p small park and c~lant sor*+~ trees ~ind l~wn with a sm~~ll playground~ and if tl~e hor~ec~wners association wis'ies to place swing sets ~n thr playground~ that would be satisfactory and would t,e an improvement to the project; and that tfie matntenanc~ must be included in thF covenants~ ccnditions and res[rictians (CCbRs) for the homeov+ners associat~Un;~ ect5c~+hichearercutting the lntsoin h~ifheand felt approval of RS-1')~0~10 iots and these j thls is ~r~e of thr_ best projects tir, has seen, Ile stated I~e is cor.ccrned abcut any futur~ development of this tyf~e, but since this {~etitioner has n-et Lhe criteria recommended by the Plennir~c~ Commissiun pertaining to p9rking on the c~l-de-sac pnd ~S~~L~the(~pra ect~e Lot A into a par4: aith sp{~ropria[e wruu lit iron fencin ~ he woul~ supp J Chairman Pro Tempore Tolar stated he would support t~~e project cven though he has r_ppnseJ prGVious simi lar projecCS, ~ut incS?cate~ '~E w~uld not 1 ist~n to anather cond~minlum conversion from RS-1~~~0~ to RM-3~~)0 untii :hP Commission has had a meeting with Anaheim Hills, Inc.~ and that he wou'.d not vote on anot.,ier simllar project until thc Commission found out exactly whsre they are going and what is gain~ to be ieft and what has t~een approvPd a1re~ ~N. F~e in~Jicated he agrees wi[h comments made by (.ommissionFr E3ust-ore and Commissioner Herl,st~ but that the Plannlny Com~ission does not havP ~ crystal ball and cannot see wl~at is reAlly ,yoing to happen, tie stated he d~es ~ot have the same concerns reqardin~~ the traffic, etc.~ wt~ich hr. had with tlie other pro.jects anJ felt in terms of aeschetics~ this proJect will not iook any differerit tf~an a 35~~'Stluare foot~ two-story hc~tr,e . Cormissioner tlerbst scated tl~ese lots are largcr tt~an average and some ame~lties can be plaeed on some of tt~e luts. lp/8/79 ~- r~t~~uTES~ ANAHEIM CITY P~~~;~~I~~G COMMt551~'I~ O[TOE3ER ~i~ 1~)~1 7`~'7S'e C I R ~~0. !~7 ;' UUENUUM N0. 1~, P,ECLASS I F! !'!+T ~ ON N0. 7~-80-13, VAR I ~NCE NO , 31 15 AND TENTATIVE. M~P OF TIJICT N0. IU£3Q0 (continued) Commtssi~ncr l3usliore st.itc•d he coul~ not su{~port this rcquest today bec~iusc h~ do~s not l ikc h.~vtiiq one typ~ proiect presented when~ In rcal i ty~ f t is r~ tntol ly di ff~r4nt FroJect thnn what he ho~ studird, even thc,uqh he thought it is prnhahly nlcer. Ile felt It Is wrong fc~r thc Corrn~issinn ta vc,tr. in ft~vor af this rr~f~ct without stuclyin~; it~ even though It laoks more deslr.,hlc~ and felt thc Comnissinn ~~tll no; bc dninn thrir duty effect(vely becausc of ~II the cancerns of what h,~s bef,n hnp~enin~~ in this ~rre, Chnlrman Pro Ten~~~r~~ Tolnr stt~tc~f he has disc~mfnrt rulin~J ~~,~inst thrSP prol~rts wh.~n the plan t4nforms to thc G~~nc r,~) Pl~n in r.~rrrs of zoninc~ and ~irn~ ity and no vnrlrn.es arr~ re~uested, C~mmission~r [sush~~r~~ st~~tcJ r.ven ti~ou~~P~ we c. II ;t~e ~encr~~l Plan "g~,ncrrAl"~ tt~r Commission d~e5 ,yet p(npc,lrit~•d in Situitions such n5 this, ancl Chrirmen Pro Temp~,rc lofer st~icd h~ does not feel that t-~c Gencril Plan is ycncrAl, and it ha~ bern prove~~ timr and time ~gAin becausr. thr buf I~+~rS ~~nu Jrvclc~~~errs s~y Chey nre ~rrs~ntine~ a p~~n in cnnf~rr~.~nce with the Genera~ Plan, AC71(;N; LominiSSlor~cr h:inry off, r~,d a motior;~ secon~ieu hy Cor~r~ission~r Fry r~n~. MOTION CA RIEU (Comr~issionc~r [3ughore v~tin~ no an~1 COmrnlSSi~.~ner pornes being absent) ~ that Addr.ndui~ t~o. 1 to EI~' No, 1'•;' fc~r TentAr.ive Tract Nos. ~7~,; (Revision No. 1) ~n~' 1~~0~~ haviny been considrr~a this dnte by the City of P~naheim Plannin~ Ccxnmissi~n an<1 evidence~ both written and ~ral~ h,iving been ~rc•sented to supplemcnt Add~•ndum No, i L~ EIP, No. 197~ F~nds [h~~[ pntrnti~l envi r~~nr~cr~t:~) irnpacts of r.he ~ro)cct n,ay ,,e r~ducr.d tn ,in insignific~~nt level by c~n~'orr,nnce with Ci[y pldns, policics and or~linanccs~ and Addendum No. 1 tu EIR No. 1~7 is In c~~ipliance wlth thc Galifc~rnie Environr~ent~l O,uali[y Act an! w(th City anc: St,'~t~• EIR G~~idelines and, th~~refc~rr~ ba~,ed upan thc above informnt:on~ the City of Anahcir~ Plannfn•; Cr.~~r~fssion ;:ertifies llddrnd~~m No. 1 to EIR No. t~7, Conmissioner I;inr; offered Resolution N~~, FC]?-"l~~ ~ind mr.~v~d for its p~ssa~~• ,~nd adpption~ that the Anah~ir~ City Pl~nnin~~ Co~~rnission docs herPby qrant Petition for Reclassif(cation ~~o• 79'~'~-13, subJ~~ct t~ Interdcpartr~er~tal CorK,ltt~•~~ rFtnrx+,rnd~~tions. On roll c~~ll~ the foregoin., r~solution ~•~as passed 6~ the follcwinc~ vote~ AYCS: Cnr~-{ISS~~~Jf r.S; UA~~ID, FrY~ IIEP,BST~ hl~~f~ T~LAR. t~0E5: CQI'MISSI01~(.~?~: ESt;SIIOR.C ~E35ENT: COHMI S.`, I ~-.ILRS ; [~ARt1E5 Cormi:sionPr Kin~; ~ffered Resalu[iun No, PC7'~-2!11 ancl move~ f~r its ~855A9E' and adoptio~~, that it~-~ Anaheir~ City Planniny Lommiss~ion does heref~y gran~ f'etiticm for Variance No. 311~ on the basis that dcnial woulc! h= depriviny subJect property ~f a prfvilP~~c enJoycd by other praperty c~wners in tl~is samc arca~ and suhject ta In~crdenart~-~ent~it Committee recommen;la [ i ~~ns . Ch~lrman Pro Ten-porc Tolar indic,iteJ his vr~Le in support of the resolution is because two- st~ry hon~s woulc! be allowecl in the ~rea in [hc~ RS-~rp;~ Tpne and t'iey ~rcr above the RS- 50f1~ developments in the arca, On roll call~ tt~e f~rc~gofny resolutiun was passeci hy che follawinc~ vote: AYCS: CGMNISSIOtIERS; E3USHORC~ D~~VlD~ FRY~ NEP,~ST~ KI~JG, TOLAP NOES; C~Mh'ISSIONERS; NO"!E A35ENT; C4NhlI SS I Ot~ERS ; GARflES t~/~/ I9 ~i ' I MINUTCS~ ANAHEIIt ~ITY PLANNtIJf, COMMISSI;t~I, OCTOIsER. ii~ 1~7~ ~`~"~a~ EI R N0. 1~17 ~~pb~-'+UUM Np. 1) ~ RECI A55 1 f I CATION N0. 79•8n-13~ V,1R Il111GE N0. 31 1; AND TENTATIVE M~P OF TRl~CT IIG. 10(50~) (wntinued) _ Commisstoner Kin~~ rff~•rrd ~~ motlo;:~ sccc,ndc~! '~y C~m~issioner Devid and MOTI~~I ~',RR14D (Comml~sloner Uvshorr v<,ting nc~ .~nd Co~.~missi~nr.r flarn~~s hcin~ ~bscn:) ~ th~~t [h~ Annt~~•im Ci [y Pl.inninc~ Cortx,iss i~~r do~s h~~rr.by f ind ti~,~t thc rr~~osed subdi v15 ion ~ tc~qeiher wi •' I ts ~Icsign ana i~x~rov~m~nt, is CongiSt~~~t with the City of Anaheir, Gene~ral Plin, pursurn! ~ Gavrrnn~ent Co~1e Secti~n (~I~+/3.', dnd c~~,^s~ tf~~:'Ffcire~ ~ipf:mve Tent~~tiv~ M~ip of Tract f~c~, 10~i0~ fnr a~~6-l~,t~ 41,-unit, RM-3~n~(SC) ~~,ndor~inium Subdivisi~,n~ su~,,~c~ct t~ t-.., con~lition that a l,ndsca(~c pit~n f~r Lot A bc subm~ittcd and apF~r~~ved ty thc Planninc~ Cor,x~ission to inclu~lc t'~r_ ar>~ropri~cc wrought Iron fcnclnq~ and suhJ~ct t~~ the f~~llcr~,in~; c~nditions: 1. That ~ri+ncrshi~~ i~r! ~int.rnanc~~ <~f Lots "A" ~nd "L'" sh,7i I!~e rct.~in~~1 hy the hor-ec~wners ~s<<~clntinn, 2. lar~dsc~i~r ;~lr+ns~ incluclin~3 ~~~pro~~riatc r~rouqht ir~n ty~c• fcncin~~~ shill he suhmlttcdYtu r~nd ~pprovrc, hy thc Plt~rinin~~ Ca~~xnissirn prf~,r t~~ the issuance of !,uildinv permi ts. 3, That any mn~ii f i c.itions or c.han~~r•, to the a~~rov~ lans Shal I he Suhm;! c~d [o and epprove~ by thc Plrnninr~ Commission. ,f~.~~ ls ~ r,rnted suh ~t to thc 4. ThAt thr ~pF~ruv-31 af Tentt,[ i v~~ MA~~ ~f Tr~ict tl~~. i 1 1~' ~ approval of Reclas5lfi~.~ti~n No. 7~-E:~-1:. ~, 7het sf~oulcl thi5 subdivlsion be ~evelo~ed ~s r~x>re [han ~ne 5~i!1IV~SIq~~ each sut,~livlsion ihr.rcof sh~~ll be submlt[e~1 in cent.itivc form fnr approva~. G. Tha[ ~11 Ints wl thi~ this trnct shal I c ~~rveJ t~y undcr'nrc~un~1 utl I i ti~s. ] T1iat the orl_yiral doc~nrnts of !hc covenar.ts~ cc~nciitions, a.id rr~stricti~ns~ and a letter addressed to clcvr.lo.^~e.r's titlc~ comp~iny auth.,rizinq rrc~rdation ther~of, shall be 5ubmi tted tc', thc Ci t~y l1tt~~rr~cy's Gf f ice And aG~(~raved t,y tf'~c C1 ty Att~rncy's OFfi ce ~in~1 En~ineering Uivision ~~rio-' to final tr,~ct rn~~p a~~~oval. Snid docuc+ents, ~'-s ~'-pproved~ 5ha11 be f i lr..d and r~~curJecf in tf~e nf f i ce ~f t!~e OrAnge County Rec~rder, $. That drt+inac~c of s~~i~i ~rnper[y sha11 be di,posed of in a ma~ ,~er sat(sf~ictory to [he Ci ty En~~ir~rcr. I f, I~ the nr~{~arat ion of the si tc~ suf f ic ient c~r~~df n~7 is rcqul red to nece5sitate. a ~rn~iiny {~ermit~ no w~rl c~n ~rading will -%e perr~ittc~d t,etween Oct~her t;th and Apri 1 1',t~~ unless al l rec~u( red nff-st ce drain~~c~e fac i 1 i ties h~~ve he~~n instal led and arc ~~pc~rativc. Posi tlve r-ssurancr shal 1 bc E~rc;vi~Jrd the Cf ty that s~~ch dralna~ae faci i f ties wi 1 I ~~~~ cor~~leted ~~rlor to Octa'~er l;ch. Necessary right-of-way for off-si te draina,e facilities sh~ll he deelicated ta the Clty~ or t~:e City Council shill have initiated conderY~a[i~n proceedinys thrre`c,r (the coSCS of wt~ich ;hall he borne by tht aeveloper) ~r(ar to tl~e cc~mrnenc~~~+ent ot' yrac)ing o;~eratlnns. The required drainage facillties sh~ll he of a size .ind type suffic.~cnt t~ carry runoff wacers orie~inatiny from highcr propert~^.5 throuc~h said pra~erty to ultin~ate disposal as approved by the CI[y Eny(neer. Sai d clr~ina!~e f~ci 1 i ties sha~ 1!~e ti~e f i rst i ten of can~.truction and sh~l i be corr~lete~ ancl bc functional tt~roughout thr [ract and from the de~wn5trram b~undary of the prUperty to the ultiru~te noint of citsposal prior to the issuance ~f ~ny finai build(ng inspections or occup%sncy pe~mits. Drainaye ~fistrict rrimburser~erit anreenent5 ~ay be made avallablc to th~~ cievclo~ers of said pro~r_rty upon t~ieir rrquest. 9, That ~~r~dfny~ exc.~vation~ and all other construction activlt(es shall be eonducted ln such A manner so as to m~nimize the possibility of any silt ariginating fr~m this proJect tein~~ car~ ~ed l~t~ the Sant.'~ ~•.na Rlver I,y storm water originating from or flowing throuqh this aroject. 1p, If purnanent strcet narne signs have not t,ecn installed~ tec~oe•ary street name sig~s shall bc installed p~ior ta any occupanty. 11. That all requirer~nts of Fire Zone i+~ otherwise ldentificd as Fire Administrative Order No. 7(~'~1~ v~i11 bc: met. Suct~ requirement5 include~ but are not limited t~~ chim~ey spark arrestors~ protected attic and unrier fioor openings~ Class C or better roofing r.~aterial and on~-hour flre resistive constr~~ction of ho~izontal surfacFs if within 2~0 feet of adJacent brushland, 1~. That fuel I~real.s shal) be prov~cied as determined to be required by the Fire Chief. ~~~~~lc~ ~~ MINUTES~ ANAl1EIM CITY PLANNIt~G COMNISSION~ OCT49ER R. 1979 79'75W EIR I~O. ty7 (ADDENDf.UM NU. i)~ aECLA55IFICATIUN N0. 79-~'13~ VARIANCE N0. 311;~ AND TfNTATIVE MAP QF TRl-CT N0. 10$00 ~co~tlnued) 13. That native slopc~ ed]ACent to n~.~i, construc.ted horws shali be hydroseeded with a low fuel combusttble seed mix. Suc-~ slapes shall be s~rlr c~red and weed~d as requlred to esteblish 1(1(1 feet separation of flar*neble v~qetatlon froM ony structurc, 1~. That th~ nwner(s) of subJect prnperty shall ~,ay the traffic signal asscssm~!nt fee (O~dinance No. 3$9~~)~ (n an amount ~s d~termincd by the Clty Council~ °or each new dw~e11(ng unlt prior to the Issu.inec of r bullding pcrmit. 1~. That tl~e owner(s) of subJcct p roncrty shpll p~y to thc City of AnAhcim thc approprlAte pari: and recrc~~tion in-li~u fr.cs as determ)ned to he a~~ra~riate by the City Counc(1~ sald fces to be pai~i at the iimc the buildlny pcrmlt is issucd. 1G. ThAt fl re hydr.~nts sha) l be tnsttil le~ and charged »s rec~ul ~ed ar,d determined to be necessary by thc Chl~f of the Fire Uepartment prior co cortmence~~t af structural fr~ming, 17. In accord~~nce with the rcc~uirc++x;nts of Sectic~n 13.02.~~+7 1~ertaining to the inttia) sale of r~sidential hor-rs ln the City of llnaheim Plnnning Are~7 "fl". thc seller shall p rovlde each huyer with wri~ten in~ormation concerning thc Anaheim Genera) Plan end chc existing zonin~~ within 3~f1 Fcet c~f the bound~irie~s of subject trACt. ITEM tl0. !~ PUDLIC IIEARING, OW-~EP,: PACIFIC TERRACC APARTHENTS, N,~ UE DECLI~R~fIU~ ltlhl-F Pnr~. Court Pircc, Suitc 1~1, Sarita Ana~ Cl1 VAf!IANCE N0. 311~ '~2701. AGENT: aOYCC D. J~Nf.S~ 1$O1-F Park Court E~! ~'~IVE NA~~TRI1C1' t~0. 1~R~7 Place~ ~uite 102~ Santa An»~ cn ~2701. Property described as an irregul~~rly-shaped parcel of tand consisttng of ~ppr~ximatcly !+3 acres located at the northeast c~rncr ~f La Palma Avcr~~~e and Chrisden Strcet, hav(no approximate frontages of 1t~0~+ feet on thc nortl~ side ~' Lt~ Palma Avenuc an~i Jin fe~et an the east sidc of Chrisden Strcet, and further dE~scrlbed as 5815 ~.as[ La Pa1mA Avenur. Propercy prescntly classifled RS-A-43~~')0 (RESIUF.UTIAL/AGRICULTURl1L) lONC. RCQUE~'~D V~ZIAIlCE: WAIVCR OF REQUIRED 4UILOING SITf FRONTAGE. 7E'ITATIVL Th~.':T REQUCST: TO E:,TnDIISf~ A 3<<8-LQT~ 3~~7-U!~iT~ ~10[31LEIIOMC Pl~Rf; SUBQIVISION. There were thr~e persons indic.itiny their interest in sub}ect request~ and atthough the scaff rcport C~+ the PlAnniny Commisston dated Octobcr 8~ 1974 was nat read at the public heartng~ it is referrc~ to and mac.'e a part of chc minutes. Chairman Pro Te ~ore 7olar dectared a conflict of intc~est as defined by Anaheim City Plannir~g Comcnis~TOn Resnlution t~o. PC7~-1;7, adopting a Confl(ct of lnte~est Lode for tt~e Planni~g Commisslon~ ~nd Government Code Saction 3G25 et se~., in that he is ~ rea) estat~ broker and has a coact~ Ifsted for salc in subject mobilchome park And~ pursuant to thc p rovisions of t11e above c~des~ declared to the Planning Gommission that he was withdrawing from khe hearln~ in tonnection with Variancn No. 311~ and '~tative Map ~` Tract No. 10807 and would not take part in either the discussion ~r thc vo[iny the reo~ and ~as not discussed this mat[er with any member of the Planning Cortmission. TH:f?EUPOt~~ CNAIRMAN PRO TEMPORE 701.AR LE~T TFIE COUtIC I L CIIAMDf.R AT 2: 30 P.M. It was the general consensus of the Planning Commission~ since the Chairman Pro Tempore and tt~e Ct~airwoman werc bbsent~ that Commissloner Herbs, act as Chairman during the f~llowing hear(ng. Jack 1Jhite, Oeputy City Attorney~ recommended th e Condttion No. 10 0+ the interdepartmental Cam~~tttee recommendations for ientative Map of Tract No. 10807 read as follows: t o/8/'79 7~- 755 MI NUTES ~ At~A11E I M CI TY PLAN1~) NG C~MMI55) ON ~ OCTODER L, 1~73 Elft NEGATIVC UECLAal1T10N1 V!-~ RIANCE N0_3119 ANO TENTI+TIVE M!-P OF TRAC7 N0. 1080] (contlnued) ~- roval uf the finnl mnp- aPpropriste d~turrx~nts shall be ~~~ That p~lor to thc npp sub~lttccl by the ~rtltionrr assur(nn (a) pr~vislon for mcthods of fin~nc~ng the purchase of individual lots~ (b) estnAlishment of e rent<~~ proqram for thasc tenants nat wishing ~.~ purchasr thclr lots. and (t) nrocedures whereby displacement ot~ ex~stother~means;m~n~l~th~-ttsuch~clocumc~ts sh~ilsbe,sub(cct reimbursernent~ or y tc~ app rova 1 of thc C I tv Counc i 1. Mr. ,itr furthcr cx~l~~ineJ [h~it sub.ject prc~perty is currcntly (n thc RS-A-~~3~~~'~ l.one anc', due to that f.ict~ evcn though a c~nditi~~nal use pcrmit has bccn approvrd~ t~..hnlcallY. if the property.is t~ rcmain in thAt zonc~ it would be nccec~sary to a~prove arienCeS fram t•ith a~ the S~tc standards i~ the R`-~-~+3,~~~ :one ~ncf sugqe5tc!1 rather than going t-~rouc~h t-~e sevr_n or ci~~ht varlance {~rocedures, tliat a condition bc added to the tract map a~~nrov.l to Orovide that chc ~r~~+erty be r~t;oned frnr~ its ex(stln~ RS-A- 43~00~ desiqnati~n to R~+-3~~~~ Which provid~s that mohilehome par~. suhdivisic~ns are ~er'mittecJ re~iardless pf complfance with the site d~vrlopr~ent stanclards otherwise applic.able to the uncJr.rlyiny zone. He stnted this wouid not mab~ any ch~~nqe In what is prop~sed today~ L, is slmply a technicalitv which w.~s not rcco~r...~d until now and would ellminatc the nr..ed for v~riances. Ne t~xplainecl the Corm1551~~n c~:u~d still ~ct on the kraeC inap rryucst toclay~ but the v~riance would not be neccss~ry. ~le stated [he project would bc in carn~liancc with t~~~ Gencral P1an. lioyce Jones< <iuent, st~t~d hc: f(nds no inriediate f~ult or dtfficulty with the recommended conditlons as hc has read ~hem• -~e ex~lain~~d~ relating to lot sizes~ they vlan to have the existing lots surveyed ar~d m~r~.cd And that sc~mr of ihei~ are piP-sh~ped and they intend to make whatever adjustments are pr--cti~a!. 11e st~~ted s~nce Lheir fir•st meetin~ wltf~ the Commis5~on~ they have made a c~ncerted effurt to meet the recormended conditi~ns ex~rnt for ths request to provlde an exact lot price. He r_xplainh~~wVP~~~befored~akinc~ ~her che park in February. they were facCd wic`~ a rent~'~1 incrPase; incre~se~ they had ~et with everyone and cx;~lained the costS and th.r.n there was a ~,ubstant) a1 i ncre:~se i n ttay ~ but that [hey li~id as5ured tl~e tenant5 that future i ncreases would be wiLliin the cast of liviny for tt~e n~xt two years and the co~ich nwners, on a whole~ had accepted thelr explanation, t1e stated they h~ve ltve~ up to thc conditions and taken care of thE ilst of complaints ti~e tenants of tne park had~ with the exc~rtlon of the strPet lights. tie stated the parE. was built v+ithaut :he street lights origlnally because they were not requlred anc± the liyhtiny is not adeyuate; that they have been experfinenting with various possibilitics trying to improve the li,yhtinc~ and are still expertmenting and wi11 in;tall approxi~~ately 7> lights to benefit the streets and cor~er areas. Ne stz~ted the ligtits o~ the walk areas vrifl bc left becausc the~ seem t~ be satisfactory for foot lighttng. Mr. Jone~ stated he has submitted to tt~c P1a^^1o he°~ne51~fieGSpated if,theeCommisston th~ GoACh owners so that they understand what has t approvc:s this step~ they wi11 thcn applY to the State~ ,~nd have been informed by the Los Angeles office that they are lookiny at six to ei_yht months at bes[ for their actlvities fn approving and writin~ thehrenePbank who giv~edasloa~aonCbothithee otrand~theCtoa~hnedHe that they had not tal4:ed wiC Y stated he had gone to the Ba~;rc~~"~nvolvedilnmthis^kind~ofaloan intPalmhSpringsiandnd that the 9a~k of Amer(ca is . Bakersfield and that the Dank cfha~r~equestedtar3~tYea~n~ any butethe bankehasdonlyemade to be lnvolved. Ne statcd they 7,p-year loans in the ~ast.o~ndOhee~oP~oan~onhthei oach~andrtheelot,which wi tl~spr~aclathe will co~sider either a 25 3 Y p,ayments o~' for the coach a+HcrGOntinued,after~tneyihavehreceivedrapproval on,theamapaand been approved at thi s ttme. to/8/79 Y v. MIIW7C5~ ANAt1EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOElER 8~ 1979 79-756 EIR NEGATIVE DECL!-RI1T1_ONL VARIANCE N0. 3119 ANO TENTATIVE M/1P OF TRACT N0. 10807 (continucsd) f i nanci ng. they wt 1 1 s t t down w( th t 1i~us ing !~tl~or! r.~ to cietermine wt-at the Ci ty ~ C~unty or Stete cen do ta help thosc people who wnuld ~.ke to buy the l~t but do not h~ive the down peynM+nt or financinc~ abl 1(cy. fle stated when they have all tl~e Informatlon~ they wlll giv~ every coael~ awnr.r a fact shert tiiat ~~ill state the prlcc of the lot~ the -~_qu!red dr~wn payment and the financlnq avail ~,~1~~ cither conventlonally or otherr~Isc~ end also they wllt show the dues for che Assaciatic~. wh(ch has ~o be approved, He stated tf 51x of tne coach awners votr ta buy their lats, they wlll proc.eecl~ nn~l tndicated they hoped that 85 to 9t1$ of thc coach c~wncrs wi i l be. w( 11 ing to hw thei r lots and they wl 1) help the b~~lanc~ of the people wl,o are in[erest~d h~at cann~t •~~ford tt find ways t.~ qualify~ and for th~se ~cople who ~1c~ nn; ,~ish to buy for wha•ever re~son~ they will not be asked to mave; howeve~r~ onc~ that arner decid~s to s~ll his .~ach~ thPy will h,nve the ri~ht LO 5~1~ LhC IOC. Mrs. Wric~ht~ President of the current Hameowners /15su~t~tion~ stated t~iey h~ve si~naLures of 53 eoaeh c~,ners who woul d 1 I ke to t,e ah 1 e to ~urchASe thei r lots I f i[ i s feas ib le when al) the facts are in~ but wh~ ~ould not atten~l [his nretinc~. She stated she feels they have excellent communicatic~ns Getween the associ,iti~n ~n~i the owners and tl~at bastcally the assoclatlon Is <;ning io continuc to wor6: wit~~ Mr. ~nnPS evr.ry ste~ of the way on this proJect so tt,at the l'e~ants wi l l know r~hat (s ~iny on and wi ll not bc lisier~in~ t~ rumors. She stateJ tt~ere we~ some conc~rn because there wll) be those who do not wish to purchase their lots and tha; the ass~~ciatlon did not tl~ink those peonle 5hould lose thelr homes and that chey have it in writinq that th~y will not be evicted nor farced to buy. 5hc stated, spca~:lny as a resicient of the p~rk~ Shc has livcd in l,nahelm for 17 years and had awned a hnme for ten years and six an~! one-{ialf years ac~a had decided ta sell the home and had the choice [here of buyin~~ pno:f~er home~ a condominium or a rnobilehon~e~ and that they had chosen a riobilefiomc because thcy h~~d twr g~owing boys r~d wanted ta bc free to spend t(me with them~ and now~ stx and one-f~alf years later~ they dc~ not have that chotce because uf the escalation of pro~,erty velues~ so that her mobilehome ls her home and wllt remain her home, and she fec~s since the p~~ople who do not want to buy thel r lots a~e protected~ she would like to h~~ve thc rtc~ht to buy her lot in the future so that she will have a c:hoice as to whech~r or not she wa~~ts to rema(n ~ rcnter. Mike Namilton stated he had re?ired frcm the Las Vegas Sheriff's Offlce to enter law school and h~ •f purcf~ased hts rrpbi lehome because money was tigh. and he has three chl Idren and he had purch ~sed h i s moh i! ehome when th i s ~ar~, wes cons 1 de rec~ a faml 1 y park; howr, r, the park has now chanc~ed to an adult park and those familics with children can ren• ~ but no one wlth children will be allawcc3 to move in and that has limited the sale for lot of peoplc (n the park. He poi~:ed out right now therc ts a Itmtted number of places for people with chilciren in Ordn~e ~ourty ~nd that mobilehomcs are less expensiv~ and the chances of sellinca a coact, are greatly increased iF you can sell to fami;ies with children. Ne stated the coach loses a lot of it:, value if thcre Is no pla..:: to oark it~ and as long as the coach and property are well-kepL, it is easier to sell, Ne stated he would ltke to see that the peopie in the park ;~ave the rlght to buy thelr lots so they can upho 1 d the t r owr, p rope rty va 1 ues rear the i r f,mi 1 i es ti~e re an d not be tol d who they can s~ll ;t~eir coach and iot to. stated buying a double-w'de rmbilehome i, a sizable investment. ~~rs. Martin staied she lives in the park and has not ~~ad tima to get signaCures of the pec,pl~ she represents, but their main concern is that buying the lot puts the mc~bllehome awne~ inta the sam~ perspective as a home~wner~ because a inoLilehome at today's prices casis between $40~000 to $w5~000 and w~tf~ the price of a lot added Zo Lhat~ ~p to S30,000, would b~•ing the cost to S70~~U0~ 580~000 or $90~OOQ~ and poiiiteci o~t a rR ui lehome would not last for 25 0~ 3~' ye~rs~ evNn if it is well cared fur~ and stated t`~~: mobi ~ehome bullders buiid the coacnes La pass 15-year inspections as of t979. Sne stated the :o~ches 10% 8/7y '~ MINUTCS~ ANAHEIN CITY PLANN~NG COMMISSIOt~, OCTOBER B~ 197~ 79'757 EIR NEGATIVf. DECLARATION. VARIANCE ~~0, 3119 AND TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. IQ807 (contlnued) wauld have to be replr+ccd (n 10 to 15 years and the purchaser would 5ti11 be paylny for the nld coach. She felt tf they ~ell to familics~ there will he n bfc~ger trAfftc h~z~rd on La Pa~mn. ~he stited she could understand the concept of c,~~;~.?n~a hcr own pr~perty, but could r•~t sc~e the conc~pt of puttiny th~se rrc~b(lehomes into the sarne crt~gory with wh~t a home would cost. NowArd Summers indicated he ltves in ihc p~r~. at the present tirnc ~nd tntends to live there for the rest of his lifr nn~! would li~,c to hovc tf,c o~~ortunlty of nurchasiny hfs own lot. Mary purton St~ted she pl.:~s to llve in the par{. for a lon~~ time and t~~,vt shc ht~s a family and has 1 I ved 1 n apart~nts i n An~~~+c i m ancl chi 1 dr~n are not we 1 cnr,icd I n r~~ny F 1~ces ( n M~heim. Shc stateJ sl~e Is currently liv(ny from r~~ychecb. to ~~iycheck~ 5uc~porting her two boys a~d p~iys qui tc a larnr ~mount of r~oncy for 5pa~~ ren[ ~ and f~el t i f sl~c h,ad the orpc~t'tunity to purcl~ese her ~roperty and spreAd tf~c Ioan out for 2(' to 30 Year,, she would be able to ll~e a littl~~ r~ore c~mfortably with her famtly ond havc a 11[tlc hlt of monsy left c+ver at th~ en~! of thc wecN• and nr~t have to v~orr~~ about a larqe housc payment and rent fon c~r spdce. Sne stat~~d she fclt the oppositlon '.s frnm those p~~nle who cio not plan to stt+y In th~ park and it~eir o~apos(tion s~,ould not jeoparcize thc people wh~ plan to stay there who wc~uld likc the op~~ortunity to buy the(r iot. She StBild thcre are st~ll ~ lot of pcople In apartmants w(th young famt!ies anJ in~itcatcd shc ~mdc.rsi.inds that mobllehomes arc bui lt under t~~e samc bui Idin_y v~dcs as housc 5he s[ated if the price is such that Shi• annot afford it~ shc will be ~uarAntced she can continue to rent the ~(~ar.e at a cast-of-1 vin~ increase ~nd she h~s nev~~ scen that ~uarantcc anvwhcrr el;e. Jtick Bur~s stated hc di~ r~c~t thin4, anyonc in thc t~arl: has e~~cr assumc~l that owni~g their own loL would b~~ the nunbr.r onc status quo and~ at t~ie vr.ry ~rcate5t~ that it wil) b~ sec~nd class~ ancl st~~ted they are just trying to survive. (Actir~g Chairmar~ 1lerbst stated h~ d1d not like tlie words "second class" and that a lc~; uf nice peo~le Iive in mobilehomes.j N~. ,.'ones staied the opPositio+, ta •hc adult parl. i3 a Segai (ssue; th~t when t~;e park was built it was approved as ar nd,~lt pork and was convertcd to a family p~rk in ~~73; that approximately one-thi rd o` t,~e ~ ~rk i3 ac'.,) t ar:f two-ct;i rds is far~i ly, anc! presented a plot plan showing the adult and family sectiors~. He stated because of the hlgh cost to operate a famtly pa~~•.~ thc previous owner filcci a~etition and served notice t~ thc coach owners and convcrtee! the park b=ck to sn ~dult park~ an.i when his company had become inv~lved in February, tticy cJid s~ on the h~sis of tf~is being an aciult p+~rk, Nc stat~d during thr, fi rst three r~snths ~.' the( r operation~ tt~ei r b~dg~t triplec! for maintenance of lhe park ;,nd the flgures were s[ayyering to correct vandalism, etc.~ but with the help of the associ at ion and ne ~ yhl~or`~uod watcli wh i ch was started i n May ~ they were ab le to cut the costs And detr,rmf ~~ed i t was possit~ ~~ to run an adul t/fami ly park. N~ stated i f the ma;~ri ty of ~ ~,~ c~ach owners want t. m~i.~tain the park as an adul t/fami ly park when they vote on the flnai change, it wiil be pa~t of the rules and bylaws. TIIE PUf3LI.. NEARING WAS CLOSED. C~rt-iissioner aushore asked if a coach owner ~~ho has not ~nrct,ased his lot decicks to selt hls coach, would che lot be sold befare he sells his co~cti~ and Mr. Jones stated they would hold the lot in so~~,e sort of corporation until Che coach is sold~ and when the coach changes ownership. LhF association has the riyht to sell the lat Lo Yrhomever and~ of course~ the in~oniir:g coach buyer could purchase tt, but if he does not choose to purchase i t~ thPy have the ri yh~t to se i l i t. ~0~8~~9 •~ r ~' MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLAHNINC COMMISSIOf~~ OCTOOER ~~ 1979 ~_~~g EI~R~N_EGATIYE DECInRATlO~~ VARIANCE N0, I) ANp TENTATIV~E MAP OF TRACT N0. 108~ (cc-ntlnued) Commisslnner Bushore stotect he understands at the present tim.: there Ar~ no stetc or federai programs to assist a pers~n wlth e da~n payment~ etc.; hawtvc~~ tf a program does cort~ Into exi~cenco before ail tha lots are sold~ (t woulci pr~bably eliminatc the posstbility ~f dls,,rlmination in not selling to familics wlch children, nnd as~ed if the park would acce~t that typc of fi~~,~ncln~, and Mr. Jonr.s tnritcated hc co~ld not answer that questla~. Mr. Joncs stated the park Is cu~rently operatcd as o famtly/aduit tambinAtlon and tt bppears the m~j~~rity of the coach awncrs prefer that (t rer~nin th~~t way~ .~n~' C~~~nmiss'oner Hushare polnted out thcre would be statc and fedcral gutdeltnr, which would set the procedurQS. Commissloner King as~.e ~th of the extsting streets, and Mr. Jon~s rPrlied they are approxtmately 31+ fect wi, Acting Chet rrnan Nerbst ask^d Nr, Jones 1 f he had eny nro',)ems wl th tltie two changes as recommended by the Clty Attorncy pertalning to t~~e; ogr,ements c~ncerninq the flnanc(ng ancl re2ocation prog~oms being appruved prior ta t1~e final tracl map and the reclassiflc~tion of thc propcrty. Mr. Jones indicated th~rc was no problem with th~,~c c~ian~~es, ~nd Jack Wh(te n~~(nted aut the rezoning would rr.quire a seperate hcacing, hcting Chelrman Nerbst explaincd t'~e rezoninn woulcl elim(nate the need for the vnrlances~ (ncluding the one for today's heariny. Jack Whitc explalned the P1anning Comm(ssion should dcny Variance No, 3119 and add a condition to the [ract map that the property bc rezoned to RM-3000. It was not~ + an EIR t~ryative Declaratfon which was submitted ln co~_ju~ction with Conditional Usc Pern,it No. ?Ot~~ has been previ~usly considered and approvecl fcar ihis project. ACTICIJ: Commissloncr K(ng offcred Resolution No. PC79-202 and mov~ed for its p~ssage and a~~~on~ th~t the Anaheim City Pl~nning Comr~~ssion cioes hereby deny Petition for Variance No, 3119 on the basis that a requi rement of 7cntativc Map of Tract No. 108'17 would requi re that the property be rezone~ to RM-3Q0~~ ti~ereby Jeletin~~ the necessity for this variance. Cn roll call, the fore~oiny resoluti~n was passed by the following voCe: AYES: COMN "SIOflERS: BUSNORE~ DAVID~ FRY~ NERtiST~ KING t10ES: COMr., SS I O~IERS : NOrIE ABSEN7: COMMISSIONERS: BARtJfS, TOLAR Commissioner Kiny offered a motion~ seconded by Commissioner Ua~id and MOTION GARRIED (CommissionerSBarnes and Tola~ betng absent~~ that the l',aheim City Planntng Commisslon does hereby find tr,.~t the propased subdivision~ together with its design and improvement, (s consistent with the Ct~y of Anaheim's General Pla~, pursuant to Gove~nment Code Sectton G6413.5 and docs~ therefore, app rove Tentattvr. Map of Troct Ko. 1080? for a 348-)ot~ 347- unit. mobilehortx park subdivlsion~ subJect to th~ following conditlans: 1. That should this subdivision be devalaped as more than one subdivision~ each subdivlsion thereof shall be submltted in tentative form for approval. ~~/8/79 ~~. MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING CON"ISSION~ OCTOBER 8~ 1979 79'759 EIR NEGATIVC DECLARATION. VARtl,MCE N0. 3119 l1MD TEIITATIVE MAP AF TRACT N0. 108~7 (cantlnu~ .~.._...__ `_ - - 2. That ~rlor to the sale of a~ : lats i~ tht~, devcloprr~nt~ a flnal tract map of subJect property shall be submitted to and epproved hy the City Council and thrn be recordeci in the offtce of tl~e Orange~ County Recorder. 3. That the or(gint~l documents of thc cavenants~ condttlons~ and restrfct(ons~ ~nd ~ letter addressed to devclopcr's title campany authoriztnc~ rec~r<fatt~n thcreof, yl.nll bc submittecJ ta the City Att~rncy's Off'~e And approved by the City Attorney's Office and Enylneering Dfvislc>n prl~r to flnal tract map approvnl, Sald cbcuments~ a!e r~pprovcc~, sl~a) l be f I l~d ~nd reccrded in the of f 1 c~ of the Ornnc~e County Recore;er. 4. That rhe existtng interlor st.rccts ~ind scvrer fAC( I itles sf~al l remnln privnte. ~. That scendard privat~ strr.ct ~arn~ si~~ns shall be Instelled. G. That all loc r,unbers shall be the s~me ~s ~rezencly assigned spac~ numbers (cortmon property rnay bc assigned nunbcrs aftcr hiqhest existing space nurt~cr). 7, That on the recorded rTwp thcre shall he no str~et nanxs shawn far internal streets. C. That a~-foot~ H-tnch hl~h concre[c m~sonry w-~11 for sou~d attenuntion purposes be provldeci adJt~cent to t~~e nortl~ property line of ~ub,iec*. site abutting the Atch(son~ Topek~ and Santa Fe P,a(lw.iy riyht~af-way as stipulate.d'oy th~~ ~~e[It(~ncr in a rep~~rt cated August 13~ 1~f7~- subr~ittc~! ln conjunction with {~rrv(nus~y-a~+provrd Gondltlonal IISC Per~nlt No. 2014. 9. That the pro:,ose.! subd(visinn shall be in ~ccordance o.ith the 5t~~te r4>hi lc Ncne Pork Act. 10. That Prior to final ~ip;~roval o'f th~~ tract map~ subJect DroperLy shal~ be reclasslfled to thc RM-3000 (P,esidcntial~ Multiplc-Fo~^ily) Zone. 11. That prior to thc approvai of the fina) rt-ap, nppropriate <ioc~:ments shal' br: subm~tted to and appr~ved by thc City Gouncil by thc pP.t~tlotlCr assuring; (a) proYlsion for rneihods financtng tl~e purchasc of the indiv(~fus) ~ots; (b) estal,ltshrnent nf ~ r!ntal program for thosr. tenants no: ~ris~~lr~~ to purchase their lc,ts; and (c) procedures whereby displ~cement of existfn~~ tcnants ;nay hc mitfqated throu~~h acquisltlon~ r~inf+ursement~ or by other means. Jack WF~I tc expla(ned there IK a 15-day appcal period rn~`~er than 2:' ~fay~,. aECESS The meeting wes recessrd at 3:05 p.m, RECOfiVENE The rrectin<i was reconvened at 3;1~ p.m,~ all Commisstoners b~tng present except Gc~c.~issioncr Barnes. CNAI RNAt~ PRq TEM~ ORE TOLA~ RC7l;RtvEU TO TIIE COUIdC I L CHR~fiDCP,. ITEM N0. 5 PU(iI.IC HFARI4G. OWNER: VINCE117 C. dRE'dCR~ 4~0 EI C EG ftICAL EXEnPT10!J-CLASS 3 South Ftower Street~ M57~ Orange. CA ~246~. AGENT: ~,`'~'"~jp. Jt~RY MOOP,E , 922~ Te i eg raph Ro,id ~ Dawney ~ GA 90241 . Petitioncr r~quests 4JAIVER. OF MAXIMUM SIGM AREA TO RETAIN AN EXI5TING FREE-STA~~nING 51GIJ on property des~ribed ~s a rettangularly-shaped parcel of lanci consisting of approxlmately 6000 square feet havi~~g a frontayx of approximately f~b f~ee[ on the south sidc nf Ball Road, having a maximum depili o` approxinwtelv 9~ feet~ being loct,ted approxtmately 1QG0 feet east of the cente~l tne ~f Harbor• acsuievard, and further descrit,~d as 30$ West Bal l Road. Property presently classifted CO (COMlIERCIN'_, OFFICE At~D PRO'FESSIO`IAL) ZONF_. t 0! 8/ 79 ~' 7y- 7GU MINUTE5~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C(-MMISSION~ OCTO4ER R~ 1~''9 LIR LATEGORICAL CXE`iPTION-CLASS 3 ANO VARIANCE N0. 3118 (conttnued) ,~.~.~.- .. .......r.~- There Nas ane perso~ present InterestcA in'subJ~cWdSe~ts~e~~~~t~the~publiceheaaingrlltrts to the Planning Lommissian deted Octot,er i~ 1~7~ refe~red to and m.~ck: a t~~~rt of the minutes. Jerry Maarc~ owner~ explaincd he is ASkinc~ for a varlance for his stc?n at 30fi West Pa11 Road which h~s bcen tn exfstence for tt~n ycars. Fran~ R{vera~ 31i; West Uail Road~ Mahelm~ stated he ha~1 recelved a citAti~n f~r h(s slgn ancl had removed t~~e sign anci this act(on Is the result nf a cnmpl~tnt he I~~-cf fI1Pd becausr. hr was thc only one citcd. Nc explain~d he hAd been informed by r~ membcr of th~ ?oning Enforcemenl stnff af thr Pl:.n~ing Departrnrnt that hls sign wns lcyal and that he had later r~ceived o citatic~n frc-m Anut~~er 2oning F.nforceme~~t Of`icer, Annika Santalaht~~ ~ssistAnt Dircct~r for I~~,tn~~ exrlained thc flrsr s[ep on a zoning ylolatlon is thr~t a Notice of Ylol.~tion is given a^d thc per»n can either correct the problem or discuss it wlth thN Plannin9 t-epartment sta~ff. and in some instances they take the slgns dovin and others fi Ic for a variance, ancl sorn~ refuse to do ~nYthtng a~d t.he s 1 tuat i on i s then t~1.r..n to court ~nd the J udc~e m~~:r.s the cicci s I on , She ftated shc di d r~t know what had happcnr:d in this inst~~~cr. an~1 th7c soR~c people wi ll resolve the problem ~ot ~eallzin~ Lhey can pursuc thc mattcr with thc Planning Corxnlsslon. ,1ack Wh ( te , Deputy C 1 ty At torney ~ askr,t f f th i s m~t te r haci <~une to courc ~~and Mr, Ri vera explained their attorneys ha~: settled thc m:~tter ~uc of court. Jack white expl~~ine~f if Mr. Rivcra feels hc n~ecis tlzc sl~n which has been removed~ then he ean epply for a varir~ncc, but L~~ere Is no guArantee i[ wi11 Gc granted. Commissioner lierbst explained an 8-squ~~rc f~ot sl~~n would ;~e allowed wi th no varia~ce ar~d the petitioner~ in this situatlon~ (s rcquesting a sign of 2~ squarc fect. Chairman Prc~ Tempore Tolar referred to inforr~atian which haC beer~ presented by the Pia~ning Departrnent staff concerning notices file+i an tF~e sign ~t 3~~ N~st aall Road (Mr. R(vere's sign) whlch inditatcd the petitioner was ~cid tu rcmove th~ w~ll sl~ns And flags or to obt~tn p ropcr pernits and that the n~*ice was sic~ned by thc ~oning Enforcement Officer who Mr. Rivcra has indlc,ateJ had told im the signs werr legal, -~~. Rivera cxplained that just as socyn as h~ had put his signs up, Sorr~eone fron~ the City had told him to ta~.e thcm down ind the nel<3h:,or f~as ber.n in business there f~~ ten yea~s and nothing ha; happcncd about his signs. Annika Santelahtl~ Asslstanc Director for Zoning~ explo!ned~ in response to Nr. aivera's yuestton~ th~t if the property is zoned far caTxnercia~ office uses and •he structure is ~a frce-standin st ns are commercial structure~ wall slgns would be permitted~ but nc~ 9 9 permitL~d~ and if the structure is a resiJeniia) structure vrhich has been chnveried and does not meet cammercldl requlrements~ then a~ S-square foot sign would i,e pe rn+ltted~ and tht situetion depends upcn l~is speclfic ~utidtng end whethe~ or not it has becn converted to meeL comrnerciai cc~des. She cxplained if the struc~u'e ~oes ~neet commxrcia) codes, hc cauld have 1;$ maxirnum of the face of the buiiding. Mr. Koor~, the petitloner~ statcd they hAVe been at this ioca!ton for ten ycars and that thcti' are "home fl~d~rs" and not "house finders"~ and that that name has follcw,red ihem around and falt. thelr sign 1s nec~essary so that penple rnoving inco the areA who are not familiar with the t+rea can lacate their ~ffice~ THE PUl3LIC 11EARII~G WAS CLOSED. l0/8l79 MINUIES~ ANAl1Elh1 CITY PLAIINING COMMIS510N~ O(,TOBER E~~ 19~9 79-761 EIR CATEGORICAL EXENPTION-CIASS 3 AND VAR~ANCE 1~0, 3118 (contlnued~ --- Cha(rmen P~o Ter~~ore Totar stat~d he eppreciatc-s the fact that the stgn has been there for e long time ard also the fact there are two Zo~fng Enforcpment Offtcers who dc~ not necessarily earee~ but did not think a 23-sc~uare foot s~gn is requlreJ t~ecause there are a lat of peaple who ~lepend upon signing for their ~us(ness. ~~a statrd this areA I~ best descrtbeci as a mrss and ar+ytlme there are r~sidential conversions to comncrclal uses thGre src p~oblems relating to sic~ning. Ne stated thc City of Anahcim is very strlct wlth thc zoning ^nforccme~t reletin~ tc~ the size of si~,ns r,nd he dld not w~~nt to se~ that area alony dal l Road~ whl ch i s a carm~crcl al-recreat lun ar+ .~ close to D1 sneyland~ created i nto another Rroc~khurst Strr.et with mt-sslve s(yning up ~~nd cbwn the strr..et. Ile felt if this larye sign is Fermitted. every onc elsc wi11 be askin~ for a larqcr slr~n. Mr. Iioore st%+tcd their affice Is the only cx-e in the area with a wall whlch obstructs ihe view of the officr, Commi ss loner Na rbs t s ta ted hc had scen the wa 1 1 nn~1 fe 1 t the s i qn ~iQes nnt lool~ gaad and does nut do Chc buslnr.ss any gcx~d. I'c f~•1 t I f thls ~s a) lciwed, r,v~ryonc wi 11 want a larger sign an:! ~olnteci out thc ~etltioner hAS becn i~sing the si~~n ill~~ally far many yenrs~ but wh~n a n~j~rby bu5iness had put a sign~ It had cnuscd tt,c City ~on(ng knforcern~r,t Ufficcrs t~ notlce the. ~rea an~i he dicl nat fPt1 the~" SiC~r15 belon~ on aall RoAd . Commissioner Hushor~ stated he had nat nnticed the s(c~n in th~~ past and .,skcd if the slgn had bcen changcd~ and Mr. Moore st~ted hc rccently hn~i thc si~n repaintcd. Corm~ls5luner ~3ushc.re StAted he could not sup~ort thr., reauest . Annika Santalahti stated when a block wall is c~nstructrd adJacent to the re~,idence, the Planning Commissiom m~y wisf, to lool. At th~~ possibility of allowing a si~n on the wall rather than on the bui 1 di ng~ and i t was p~~nted out thc peti ti.~ncr ~1 rcady has ~ slgn on the wa) l. Commis~luncr ~ushorr explained t~~e prahlem ts that 1f one sign is A~IOWPC~~ t~ien otF~er slyns would havc to be a11o~+eC t-nd a lot of cltizens h~ive worked very hard to make tht~ e t~eauti ful cl ty. Mr. Moore sug~~ested that the block wall cauld be cor,siderecl as ihc hardship~ and Commissioner Herbst clarific~f t~~r petitioner would "~e alloo~ed an 8-square faot sign if the :val 1 s( gn 1 s rcrrr~ve d, It was noted the Ptanning Di rector or his authorlr.ed repr~sentat~ve has determined that the proposed prajact fn11s within the definitlon nf Categorical Exempcions~ Class ;. as defined in ~arAgrap~~ 2 af thc City af Anah~im Enviranrnental Impact Report Guldelines and is, therefore~ categorically cxer~pt from tne ~eq~.' rement to prcparr an EIR. ACTION: Commissiuner King offersd aesalution I~o. PC7?-2Q3 and rnov~d fcr its passage and ado~c~on~ that thc Anaheim City ~'lanning Cor~!:sion ciaes hcrchy deny Petltion for Variance No. 311a ~ Lhe b~Sis that na hardship exfsts. On roll call, thc foregotng res~lution was passed by the following vote: AYES : COMMI SS I ONERS ; BUSi10RE ~ DA1d I D~ FRY ~ HER~ST, K1 NG ~ TOLAP, t~0E5: COMMI SS I ONERS : NOlIE ABSEN7: CONMI SS I OFICRS ;(iARNES to/8/79 M1t~UTES~ ANAIIEIft CITY PLANNING COMHISSION~ O~TO~;ER fi~ 1~79 19"7G2 EIR CATE:GORICAL EX~`IPTION-CLASS ~ AND VIIRIAN(,E NQ, 3118 ~conti nued) Chairman Pro Temp~~re Tolar ~-'ntPCi uut to Mr, R(ver~i the~c the Ccrnmission hAS just denled the request for a larqer slqn tl~An ~ square feet c~n his nclc~ht,or's pr~~erty and sug9est~d th~t hc find c.~,.; wn~~. is AI ~~7WAb~C on t~is proprrcy fro~~ somr.onc i n i'~c~ plann(nq Department anJ th.it hc woul~l have tfie riyht to requcst ~~ var(~intc fr~~r~ thc f I~vintng Comr~lSSipn if he so desires. Jeck 4lhi[e, Uc~~uty City Atk~rncy~ presente~ the t?c[ttiryncr wi ih th~ written rl~h[ to appeal the Plannin!~ Coi~wnissic~n's dE•cision wi,hin 2; ~inys t~~ thr Gity Council. Annika Santal.~l~tl pc~inte~l out this ~prt~cul.~r zonin~.~ wlth conver[cd structures is coripltcateJ relatin~~ tc~ si~nine~ anJ ~,he w~uld r,aG.e sure ti-~~ loninc~ Enfc,rcenxnt Officers Are fami I iAr wi ch t-~r. rul~~s. IYEH N0. f, Pt,E~LlI, i~E1~Pl~1r,. n',~NE_P: EM-.nY UEVCLOPNENT t REIILTY ~~~TVE ULCI.l1Rl~TIUI~ COMPANY~ 1~~1 Ih~ve Stre~et. NewT>nrt (fench, CA 92(,EO. CONUIT ON~L U C P,111T I~O, 2~2-r AfCNT: ai,RNC1T-EIILI~~E PROPER.T~E.S~ igC'1 East Fourth Strret. l~l~(~ SAnta An~, C!1 "27~!;, Pecitloner rec~uests permissi~r, to f.STl~flI.ISN Oi'FICCS I!~ TIIC ML ZOI~C Un ~ro~crty describe~l A~ nn irreqularly-shane~t ~arcel ~f locid ec~n,istin~i uf approxi- mat~ly 1.~ acres ,~aviny a fror~[age c,f a~~~.rox(~~ntely ~~,~3 fret ~~n tl~~ ~r~st 51~!e of Sant.~ Cruz Street~ liavin~~ a m.~xir~~m depth c~f .~p~~r~xi~+ite~ly ;~~ fec~t ~ and ~ein~; located i~pr~xi- r~dtely 3!~0 feet r~orrh of tl~e c.ent~.rl !ne of OrAn~~cwr,o~i /1vc•nue. Pro~crty t>rescntly clasaifieJ ML (Iti:~USTi'.111L, LINf7tu) Z(~tf[. There was no or,e. InJ~c~3tin~~ th~:ir prrsrnce in oppasition t~ subject re~1~~e5t, anrl ~Ithoue7h the staff report [o thc f'linniny Cnrmissi~n d.~tcd Oct~be~r G~ l~j^ was n~,t read ~~[ the public r,eariny~ it is refr_rred tc~ an~1 r~~,fe a ~.ir~ ~f Yhe minutes. Ph{ 1 ip Sclrv~r:zcr~ represenCin<; Ilr, ifurnr.tt~ a~~ent~ wA5 prrsrn t[o ~nswcr ~ny questions. THl PUL~G IIEARI~~G W/~5 CLu~E u. Co~r~missioner Ilerbst st~~te~ ~,ince this pro~erty is a~ljaeent to a ser~l-recreacion~il f~ciliey recentiy approvt~~, I~e felt it wc,ulci be -~c~re cc~r,~ati!.le to that far.llity [hAn a~ure induxtri9l user. Comn(ssiuner Kin~, referrrd tc~ an ~ffice ~ise facility which w~s recently ap{~roved on Pacifica and sta[~d [his is nc~t a prcce.l~ni. ACTION: Cormtissi~ncr Y,ing offere~ a matiun~ seconded by Corn*~iss loner David and MOTIO~i C RIE.O (Conmissic,ncr darnc!. bein~; absent)~ that the An~~hcir, Clty Planning Corm~lsslon hAs revtewed the propasal to perr~it uffic~rs In th~ Ml (Inaus~rial , ~imited) ~onc on an irreyu'arly-shapc~i p:~r~el of l~ind ~,ansistinq of Pppruxink~tely 1." acres hAVing a frontage of approximately ~sS~ fee.t on [he er,st side o.° Santa Crur. Strect. ht~ving a maxlmum depih of approxlr-~ately 3c1~ feei. and betny locar.ed appraxtr~ately 3`>0 feet north of the centerl ine of Qranyewood Avenur; and dcfP, t~cret~y ap~rove the Ncgativr D~-claratian frcxn the reyu) rer.xnt to prepare an envi ronment~! ImreCL report on the bas is that there would be no sig~ificant individuAl or cum~lativ~• adverse environmental im~~act due to the approva) of thls Negative Declaratinn since tl~e llnatieim Generat Plan des::a~.~;^s !he subJect prope~t'~ far gene~el fndustrial land uses cormensurate with tt~e {~roposal; that no senslt~ve envlronmental irp~c~s arc involved in tt,e pro~osal; that the In~t(al Study submitted by the ~~titioner indtcates no siynificanc indivtJua) or cumulat(ve adverse envlronmental t o/ 8/ 79 ~J ~ MI I~UTES ~ ANANEI ~I CI TY PLANNI IdG i.OMMISS I ON, OCTOBER f1~ 1~7~ 73~7G3 EIR NEGATIVE DECl.l1RATIQN AND CONpITIONAL USG PERMIT N0. 2t124 (continued) (mpazts; ~~nd th~~t t~~e I~cgativc Ueclaration suL~stantioting th~ forec~oln~ flndings is on file in the City c,f Anaf,eim Plannin9 Uep~rtn~ent. Chalrn-an Pro Tcr~,~rc 7olar SLACC~ thr. Comr,~lssion has spcnt ~ l~t of tirr~ in the ML .'.anc ~eviewiny thc cor~rci~~) lntrusions int~ tl~c (ndustrlal zon~~~ ~nJ statad if the property is leased anci the uscr dc~r.s not conform c~ the list~ the u~nditlonTl use perMit could bc revokecl~ su nny usus nllowed must he vcry sir~l lar~ and state~ thc .irca wi 11 bc watchcd. Cummissioncr Ilerbst statcu any qucstlc~n~ible use~ c.ould I~e reviewr~d undcr Re~~rt.s ~nd ftr,commc nJa t i ons . Commissioner Y.iny offcrc~ Resc,lution hu. f C7'3'2~4 t~~~d moved for its p~issa~~e anJ ~doption, that tlie Anahcirn Ci ty f'lanninc~ Corxilssion doc~s h~ret~y c~r,~nt Fetttion for Conditional Usc Permlt Nu. 2(i2~;~ tc~ ~~ermit the (ullavlnca types of c~ffic,e uses in thc ML (InCustrial~ Lii,~lted) Ton~~: tne;ineerinc; ard architr.ctural lirns, advert.ising and graphic arts~ insurance agencies , GPl1s anJ accuunt~nts ~ consul tant~, ~ attorneys ~~nd auts i de sales .~nd marketin~~; anu suhjecl t~ Int~~rdeparUx~nt.~l C~~rx~i[tr_e recomn~endi-Li0~5: On rol) eall~ the f~re~olny resolution was nassed hy thc followin~; vote: AYE:;: COMt!IS~~iav~na: NOE5: COMHI JJl011I:1;5: AUSk.~IT: GOf1111 S`.~ I ('?~i!'S: GEtlERAL UISCl;5510'1 : UU`,f10RC, U;~VIG~ F~Y, HE.Rf;~l'~ Y,IIIf~ TOL;~R NOflE Dl1R!i L ~ Annik~ Sanr.alahti t:xpl~~ine~i thcrc is a Llaisun Cor~r.~ittae mcCtiny sch~duicd for Navember ~~ schedulcd ~t 7:3 % ~,~'~. , Ann(~.~~ Santal.~hti explain~•d~ rcyer~Jin~, thc ~~orE. scssi~n renucstcd with 1lnahc•in Hills. I nt. ~ that they ht~ ve an L I F: ~~end i n~~ re l,~t i vc to chc next Genera 1 P 1 a,~ Anendr+~en; and enticipatc filiny withln thc next twa wec~•5~ Lux have. inCic~itcd tt~cy :are prep~~red to mect w i th thc Commi s 5 i c.n any c i rx• thcy aan t. Chai rman Prc~ Te~~p~?rc Tal.~r in~llcatcd he ~uulc; 1 ike to have the r+eetinc~ next wEek because hce wo~~ld not vole. for any utf~cr pro_jects unti 1 after that worG.shop. It -+ras the gcner:.+1 cc~ns~nsus uf tht Go~rxnissi~n that the 17th nf Octaber woulcl be a sultable J~ate for the nect~n~~. ~~t was aetcrmi~ed after the meetinq tha[ Anaheim 111115. Inc. could not at ten~t the r~ectin<a an October 17th an~S .+nother date wi 1 I t~e scheduled.) ACTlGtl: Ghairran Pro Tenporc Tolar offered a notlon, seconde~ by Canr^issioner David and M T C~tl CARRItD (Car~nissSaner darnes bcin<; absent), [h~t the wo~!.shop b~ held w(th Anahclm Htlis~ Inc, iri ~rder to revtew the tiill and canvon area and t.heir ultiir,~~te plans for the arca. NASSAGE Pl1RLQR5: Cor.~mission~r Bushorc asked that Jacl~. ~Jhite~ Dep~ty Lity Attorney. explain what he has found nut regardi n~ I lcsnses of nassage narlors. Hr. Whitr explaine~ massmgc parlc~rs erc req~ired to hAVe a condltios~al use pcrmit reyardless af wh~ thcr or not they have ~ge restrlctions. 10/9/19 ~ MINUTES~ ANAl1EIM ClTti PLAIJNING COMM15510N, OCTODER 8~ 1979 79-764 MASSAGE PARLOiiS (continuecl) Commissioner Uushur~~ indicatect he has nc~t givei~ up on hls investlc~atlon of massaye perl~rs and referr~ed to en article in the newspaper concer~iny ~~ massage ~arl~r In Fullerton wher!~ the operator has to {~~y fnr tl~c ins~ect ions. Jack 4fhite explaine~J the City of ~naheirn has a similar type ayrrement wit.h the County Health Ocp~rtment anJ therc is an inspectlon fec to cover t~c cost. l1ElANGGNE:U VEfll GLLS : Cartmission~r bushore I dic~t~~cl he woul d I(I.e to di scuss abdnd~ned vehicle .~b~~tement laws ta determSne whethcr or not the City woul~i bc entitleri to any of thase funds, Annika Santal~ihti explaincd it is hcr un~lerstancltn9 thac th~~t l~~w is stlll In ~ffect and ff ~ertain regulatlc~ns are rrt re~~ardiny docu~ntc~i vn.hi~.les th~~t havc be~r~ ab~~doned~ the. City wauld bc entitle~! to rcirt.burscment, ancl ~~t~i:~~~1 the C 3ty has never joired that proGram b~~c~~use of thc du~urientc~tion rGC;ulrrd. Cammissioner l~ushore sC~tcd hc felt ve~hicle o~~~nJc,nn~ent i s becoc~inq a proF>1~•m in the city agai n c~nd this shuul ~I bc i nvcst i~~~tc~~ ~nd thc ~oss ibi 1 i cy of rc (mburscn,ent t•hould hc inve~tigated, GAI~.AGI~ SALE:S ; .~_.__,~_.. Ganxniss(cmer ~ushare inclic,~teci anothe~ c~rol~lem whic.h is :-ec~~.•~ing seriaus in i.he c) ly (s geraye sales ~~n~1 e:x~laine~l hc; was not refcrrinc~ tc~ the avcrayc gerage sale wler~ ~ h~.mcowner gets ric7 of exc~ss articlcs, but the ~~rrpetual cJnrnae sales every wee~. sellin~ new merchandl5e or st~lcn r-crchanclise . Miss Santal~~hti explained ~it the present tir~e pcrzons ~~d~~in~~ yaraye s~iles are not requl red to fi le for a business license an~ that i~ninr~ cfor.s not du anything unless cor~plaints are received. Gommi ss ioners Uav i cf anct E3ushore re fe ~ red to a e~z~ ra~e sa 1 c on Santa Ana 5 t ree[ , and Gomrr~lssi~ner Bushorc indicated he fcl t thcre should be s~i~e regulations rr.qar~ing these yaraye salcs. -Ic stoted hr~ waul.f 1 i kc [o r~ffcr a i~~ot(on that staff ~hec~. incc the possibility of rcgulations of yaraye sales~ n~t for chc norrn~~l~ cvrryd~iy clt~zcn. Gut thosc who have perpctua) c~ara,r salcs. Ann i ka Santa t ah t i exp 1 a i ncd tli i s cou 1 d t~e addressc<I 1 n [!~e t.on'i ng code regard i ne~ residential arc.~s ancl wt~ethcr or not tf~ey rrould bc pcrmi tted ~~ses. ADJOURNME~IT There briny nn furthcr business~ Corunfssioner Fierhst effered P~~tion. ~+ seconJec: by Cvrr•~issioner Davi~ an~ NOtIO~i CARRIEG (Cor.xnissior,er i3arnes being abse~t) . Chat thc mcet i ng be adjaurned, The rxetlny was a~ljourrecd ~t ~~:~~ P~~~~ Respectfully sub~nltted~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ Edi th L. ilarris . Secreta~y Anaheim Clty Plannin~ Commission LLII:hm ~ o/a/»