Minutes-PC 1979/11/05(
c{Ly -le~l
Anaheim~ Caltforrla
Novemher ;~ 1~7~
REGULqR - The reqular nreeting a~ ~hc MHheirn Gity Plannin~ Conxniss(an wa~ called
MCETit{G ta arder hy ChnlrwomAn Ilarnes at 1:3f1 p.m.~ November 5~ 1~79~ In the
Counct I Ghamber~ a qu~r;,m bc(nq Crc~cn[.
PRCSE:N~ - GhAirwom~n: fl~rn~s
Comr~tssloners: ltushprr~ Davtd~ Fry~ Hr.rbst~ Y,inc~~ Tolar
AaSEh~T - C~n~rnissicx~ers: Tolar
ALS(` Pi1t:SEt1T - Jack Whi te`
Jsy Titus
Annika 5ants~t~hti
Edith Harris
D~nuty Ci~y Acc~rn~y
Officc En~lneer
Assl~tc+nt Qirectar f~r Ionlnc~
Pls~oiii~g Commission Ser,ret~ry
PLE:UG~ QF - The Ptedge of Allcyian~~ to the Fing was led by Ccxnmissi~ner K(nc~.
APPP,~VAL Of - Commission~er Ktn~~ affered A motfc~n~ secondr.ci by Commisslaner Nerbst
Th1F. ~ItMUTkS n~rl M071f1A~ CnRRIF.O (Conn~isslci~,er Tolar bcing sbsent) ~ that the minutes of
t',e mretlr+g af c~ctober 22, 1~f79 be approved as submitted.
I TE~M N(1, 1
~~~1 D aE COMME~i~E~T I 4N5
The fpllawing Reports ar:d Rr.comrr~endatic~~~ staff reports were pr~Yented but nc-t reaci:
A. TEMTATIVE: M~IP OF TRAGT N0. 1qti31 - Request from leon Batrd~ La Solana
Corporat on, or a one-yesar extens.lan of time. to expire December 5~ 19$4, to
estsbltsh ~ threr loc~ 95-unit candominlum complex on approxinately 7.7 acres on
the wesk sicie of h4~gnolla Av-nue, nort~ of lincoln Avenue.
R. COP1G1 i tONAI. U">E PE:RMIT it0. 1~iQ7 - Request from Narold W. Rudn~ck :~r approval of
rev sr. p ans n~ a r ve-t.rough resta~,rant on approxim~ntely 0.5 ac~e at the
nartheasc vorne~ of I.tnto~n Avenuc and West Street.
C. AfiAN~30NNENT 1~Q. 79-9A - Rtquest from L~berbel-Meheim~ Ine., to abandon a road
And pu~TTe utYlTty rasement over a pc~rtion of 41dc~dland Drive from ap~~oxlmai~ely
the a~sterly line of E1~ccr1~ Way to its p~esent terminus. The land i~ che area
is presently beirg dcv~laped by the applicant and the developer has declded to
rearrang~ the parcels on tt-e easte~ly end of his d~vel~pment. Since the pi~ystcal
str~et has not been constructed yet~ moving the easement area crea+tes no problem.
An environn~enLal review of the pr~posnl indlcates it Lo be categorlcally exempt
from the filing of an envir~nmental tmpact report.
79_7g1 ~ t/5/79
79- 782
tommissionor lierbs2 offerr.d a motlon~ seconded by Cortxnissloner King and MOTION CARRIED
(f.omml~sioner Tolnr betng ~bsent), that Item ~ be removed from the consent calendar
for discussion.
ACTION: Commissioncr Nert~st offered a motion~ scconded by C~rxnissioner fry and M071AN
~ED (Cammisstoncr Tolar belnq r~bsent)~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby approve Rcports r~nd Rceommendattons I terrs A~ D~ and C t~s recommenJed by
D. RECLA551FICATION N~. 71~7~-22 AtID VARIA~~CC. ~i0. 297~+ - Rec~uest froM Mercury
Sav nns 6 Lo~n ar approv~) ~f revised plans to construct a savinc~s and loan
Mel Karson~ representine; Mercury Savinc~s L Lo~n ~155oc(ati~n, 7K12 Edinger~
Nu~tingtor, Beach~ was ~resent t~ .inswcr nny qu~st~ons.
Cortmissloner Ilerbst po(nted out the plan~ n resented shaw an nccess off the
ad,jolning pronerty~ end Mr. Kt~pson ~^x~lalneci thc: access is not less tt~an 35 feet
wide Chrou~h the Y.nullNaoci property and stated the lectal documents granting the5e
access rights F~AVe been ~,resenteri t~ thc ~'lanning Departr+~ent ~nd thet th~
aqrcemcr~t ~rovldes a(~~-faot wicle c.isement. 11c cxplained thc exterior
architecturnl rr~en(tles anci thc cies+~n ~f the hulldin:,. Ne ~xplrined the roaf of
the structure will be fla~: rrith thr. fascid cx[ended abovc to proviae an equlpment
5creen for thc builciing,
John Sporer~ Robert ~arnect b Associates. architect~ stAted t~~e prelim(nary
elevatlon c:rawin~~s we~c submittrci ovrr A mr~nth aqo and that they hav~ slnce heen
re f i ne~t.
Corxnissionrr Nerbst noineed nut the prr~pr.rty {s locatPC~ i~~ the Scenic Coe ridor
an~1 ony ~aaf-mounted e~uipr-ent must b~ fully enclosed and a ~arapet surraundtny
the eyuipreni wculd not be adequate~ and st~tec! the plans c1c~ not show how the
equlpr.~ent wi 11 be enclosed.
Chainvo~an Elar~es stated the Planning Corx••.issic,n is very carcful about what ts
allowed ln the Sce~~ic Corridor ~~nd she dl~~ not fcel the ~lans are cc-r»~lete enough
to show wh~t t S p 1 Annc~l.
Mr. Kapscx~ statecf they havc not ~rovided a definitive set of plans end that the
p!ans were Intended t~ ciepict the typical eff~ct of th~ building and since the
property is (n the Scenic Corrloor, if ~t is reyuir~d that the rqui~mPnt he
totally h~used in~ they v+ill do that. He stat~d they are concerned with public
ima~e and tliat chey havc only b~ en involvcd in this proJect for a counle of
months snd havc no knowlyd~c of the actton taken in 1917. He cxplained they had
not seen the plans Lt,at were anproved until after thcy ha~ submitted their plans.
Commissloner t~ert~st steted h~ ti~~s no obJaction to this use~ but the plans
previous!y approved in 1A77 shawed a tlle rc~af witti ehe equi~+mcnt c.ompletcly
encloscd~ and stated hc woul~i went ta see the revtsed rlans.
ACTION: Cnmr-issioner Fry offered a mot(on~ secondeQ by Conmt~stoner Qavid~ that
~ie er qutst far Approval of revised plans be spproved, sub,ject co the condition
that t1+~re be no equlpnKnt on the roof of the structure!.
Chairwoman Darnes statcd sl~e would likc t~ sec the rcvised plans and nat qive
blanket approval of thts proJect. Sha st~ted t~,e Planninc~ Commissinn ts doing
everythln~ posstbl~ t~ encourt~gr. pe~ple to upc~rad~ their bulldtngs tn the Scenic
Cnrrtdor SInCC it is thc gAt.ew ~y tnto Anahefm.
Mr. Kapson st~tc~d they would t~e h~~~py t~ ~rovide th~ revisPd ~l~~ns ond that wh~n
th~ plans arc pr~sentcd~ they would provlde colored rr_ndcrinqs t~ 51~ow the
Plannin~i Corunission what is pro~osed~ ~~r,d that they are in total ~~qreement with
the i'l~~nning Commission's desires,
Tnc fore~loing motlon was CAR{tILD UtIANIHOU~IY (Conmissl~~ncr Tolar bcinc~ ahscnt).
1TE~ti ~~C~. ; C~-lTINU(.D Pl!BLIC i1EARINr. OWNf.RS: MASnt1D DAP,KHOR~
itR ~,~ YE UECIARl~1lON C7 /1L~ 73'-1n t;(tc Drtvc, Anaheim~ Cl1 ~2E~7. AGE.NT:
n,,,)1 I NAL USE CR111T NQ. 2~2'1 JOSEPH J, TI~ORMA~;~ 17F~;1 ;ky~ark Circle~ Irv(ne~
fA 9271H, Petitionr_r reques[s permtssion to
E STA3 L I Stl AN AUTc1M~E3 I LE SALES AGENCY on ~+rope rty
des~ribed as a rectengul~~ly-sh,~~ed ~~rcel of l~nd con~istin~ of a~nroxi~~ately ~,f~ acre
iac~ted at thc south~~est corncr uf ullhclm(na Street ~~nd I1n~hPlm I~oulevard~ h~vinq
approxlmate frontages of il', feec on ~he south side of uilF~elmina Street and 20~ feet on
Che west slde of Anaheim Boulevard, and further des~rib~d as (-1~-(31 Horth Anaheim
aoulevard. Property ~'-rc5ently cic,ssifted Cr (COMHCRCIAI., GClIERAI.) 20r1E.
SubJect peGition was cor,tinued from c~~e ~etinc~ o! Octoher ?7.~ 1979 at the request of the
Therc were four persons present in ~pposition to sub~ect renuest~ anri althou,ryh the staff
report to the P 1 ann i ng Corxni ss i cxs dated November ~, 1~37^ was not read at ~he pub 1( c
heartng~ it is referred to And mAdc u part of the r,inutes.
Joseph Thorman. agent, stated I~e has revid+ed the cond(tlons in thc~ stAff renort and ask~d
thttt the Plannin, Cor+mission cansider the condition reyuirin~~ thc blor_~, Nell~ explAfning
they had submitted ~lan, for a c!~ainlink fence on thc alley and staff had requeste~ a
block wail, I~c refcrreci ta tt,e c~ndit(on requlr(nc~ undcrnr~und utillttes and ~xplainad
there are averh~ead 1 ines ex(stin~; t1~at the ~resenc ornperty owners wtsh to uti 1 ize thls
prapcrty as a holding ~iattern for thc next two or three years because [he sice is not
large enouyh for a nic.e commercial ctnter and they plan ta build somethi~e~ comprttble with
redevcluped Anah,cim. 11e stated a black wall woulci have t~ be torn ciown in two or *.hree
yea~s. fle fel t onr a+ner wi l l o-~n tlie enti re t~locb, and wf i l want to construct a nice
office building ar somecr,ing campaeible wit-~ the .~rea.
Larry Muncey. 630 tlorth Zeyn~ Anaheim~ stated he is speaking ~n behalf af a graup of
home4wncrs whn are cilrectly affected by this development, and prescnted pet(tions sig~cd
by 40 homc~vncrs. Ne stated the arcA is presently a peaccful~ Iow-density~ single-family
residential area end they understarsd the strip alo~g AnaheiR Boultvard is presently ~oned
far general com~rci~l Uses; that thfs arca is one af tl~e few rc:maining areas !~ Qran~e
Couniy which is ve ry typical of early Caitfornia archite~~~re; and th~t the ~red is quite
Kell-pr~se rved from Anaheim Boutevard to the City parl and characterizes hisCorlcally what
the area used to lank like. Ne stated t.heir baslc IsSUe is thac they feel the
establishn~ nt of a used car frcil+ty would be incompetahle with tne p~esent uses in the
area; that th~y are approximately foUr blccks from the northern boundary of the G~aJected
redavelapment erea and da not fee) the ~stat+lishr+~ent of a used car fectltty is cons~~tent
with che spirit of racyevelopR~ent; that M ahelm Bouievard (formerly Lo~ Angeles Strert) is
one of the ~~aleways to An~hcim from Fullerton and the Rivcrside Frecwny and will he onc of
the prlme gAteways to the nc~lr.vel~pment Arcn~ end fr.lt skfrting t1~c redPV~lopment area
wlth this type of buslness is not ccxnpatlblc,
Ile st~ted the t~eic~hbonc~x~d Preservatton Uepartn~cnt of the~ P.edevelonrt-ent ~gency ts
presently Invc>lved (n ~ housinc~ And urben dcwc~l~~prnent rehabi 11 catlon rrogrnm in the area
whereby they are adcilnist~rinq feGeral funds to rch~ibi l itatr. Chat .ire~~ .ind thc a) ley is
slate.d wlth(n thc next two ycars ta recc(ve Abc~ut ~ S1 milllnn rchabilitat(on~ and felt
this tyne facil(ty ~~':;h~ cll~c~ura~~e the ~e~ner~~l prlncinle of rehabilitatlon. Ne stated
the Ne(ghborhood Prescrv~it~~n Departr~ent was nc-,t av+arc of t:his ~e~UPSt ~ind would likc [he
oppurt~nity to lovk ~ncu it furthcr.
F1r. Muncey SLAL~`(i hc was conccrnccl ~~bout thc ~resence in the ~enera) nrea of busiresses
that would bc su~portlve of this typc of used r_ar facllicy' ~ointlnq out used car
establ i shrt~ents r~r~~ ~fe~~endent uc~on f low-l~y traff i c ancl thi 5:~rea has low traff 1 c; that
outamabi le a~encies are concen[rated toward the s~~~th end ~,f t~wn ane! r.hey dld not thtnk a
person wc~uld drlve t~~~s far cr~ huy ~ use~i car.
He reviewed thr r~aJor conc~•rns 1 i5ted in t'~ei r cover lett~r ~:rrsentecl wi [h thr pet(tlon as
follows: residential ~ropcrty volucs in thc Area woulc! he rrduced; investers would n~t
want to invcse in tne Are~~; an increase in nci_yhb~rhood traffic; ~euplP wnuld bc
encaurayed to t~st their vehicle•s on ieyn Strcet aiherc [~ere ar~ a l~t ~f chfldrrn and
cld~rly peopie; repair of the t~~ency's r~ucomohilr~ would be pc~rr,fttrd, crc~~ing an
lncrease in nc~ise levcls fn what Is now a rathcr qu~et nClq~;Sorhood, -,hi;'i w(!1 bc
offensive to thr. yencral screnity ~f thc~ neiqhborhood; one of the rrsi~~c-~t.~'s garagc wll)
be blocked lf ;he wall (s constructecl since th~~ Alley Is n~rro~ and thc ~arage was
constr~~cted prl~r to currer~t znnln~j ar~llnnnces and there (s not edeq~nte roar~ for back!ng
out of thc qarac~e hnd he wi I1 losc [hc use of his gar.~ge; there ls ~~ ~roblcR, with par~.(nq
on the strect. ~<~intln~~ out r,ast of thc resicJenr_es hnvc r-ore th~n ~nc vehtclr ~nd there ts
a constrnt parFinq prphlem alrc~c!y; that signs snd advert(sinn ancl al'-night lights of the
busintss would bc a detrincnt to tt,e ncic~hbonc~x~d; that the n~iqhhorhoc~d ~s clnse to a
h(qh cri~~e area~ and they were cr,ncerned tt~i•, [ype busin~ss coulc' twssibly attract
juvenile vandelisri and crlmc; nnd that they :u nc~t fcel this lypc ~f husincss is
approprf ~te an~~ wi l) not flouri5h .~nd wi l l bec~c ~in cyesore, Ne st.itrd tt-e hancowners
are not op~oscd tc~ cornrtx•rci~l devrlopr,~.nt, but are op~~osect to this eyre of commercial
developmenc. and felt it would crcate sufficicnt advr.rsc lnp~cts tr r~~~.~irc an
cnvironmental irpact rep~,rt. I~c r~•quested that this r~.~ttcr be wntinued for further
Mr. ThormAn sLa[ed tl~e pro~erty wa~ 3~ very bad co~~fition f(ve rr~nchs anc>; tf~at there were
three abancJoned ~roperties which became a publfc nuisance; that one of the b-,Ildin~s had
becn burned arscf at or,~ timr therr werc 1~ tr~ 2~ tran;ir.nis livinq thrre~ and poinied out
those bui ldings t~ave been clemol iai~ed; tFat the us~~t ~ar facl l ity cic~es f(t into the gencral
cc~n~merclai usts of the are~+ and he did not fe:el thry arc ask.inct for anythlny unusual since
most af thc praperties br.tween tl~e subJect ~ronerty and the nc~ra civic c~nter ar~ devel~ped
wt[h car repeirs~ br~ke repairs~ transmission rena(r f.-~ciliti~s~ ~tc, fle stated this wlll
not be o repai r faci 11 ty~ but wi 1{ be a used ca~~ lnt wi th a nlce st,c~wrnom ~~n~! v~i l 1 be
upgre~k~ wi th lanciscapinh, atc. He explainecl they are providinq addi t t~n~il park.ing {n the
arca ~vith acleyuatc parkin, uff the street for atl their cmployees and customers~ and
stated mast of the parkiny on Anaf~eim Boulevard at the preseni ttme is from the Western
Union offtce. Ne stated if they wefe ta construct a fer;.~ on the nr~perty ltne At thc
arescnt tin~e~ thr prvp~rty avner rrith the .~ccess prohlem Into his geraye would stil) have
the probl~m, and ex~lalned tt~ty ~r~ dedlcal.ing an additional ; feei which ~ivrs hlm 2~
feet~ ~+htch wi ll not al levietr. thc problem. ilt stated the orrner of subJect property
wented a nice tamnerclal center, but cl1~ not think that w~uld br the highest and best use
~ t/5/79
79- 785
~... -
of the property because In the near futurc Anohclm will want somethinc~ more c~n~atlble
with the ~-rea and st~ted~ egain~ this Is the holdfng pat[ern.
Commtssloner fiusliore askcd (f the petltlnnc~ w~uld be agrecahle to a timc lir~lt, end asked
(f the petltloner would stipulate therr woulcl he n~ testtn~~ of vehicl~s at any timr on the
residenttal strects an~ thAt tlie situntlan Gc controllcd by ma~ing sutr the employee
Accompanying the test drtvc Is tnvare of the condition~ and aSked whAt ty~e of c~rs wll) b~
sold at this l~catlon. Ne asked for e stt~uletton that no rcp~~ir or b~dy work would be
cione at [hi s faci l i ty and whnt typc of I lqht i ng thc ~arl~ t n<~ lot woul d havc,
Mr. Tharman stotecl hc would Ag~CC to a tlme l imit and woul-1 m~~kc thc stlpul~tion regdrdin~j
t~ie testing sincc mnst people would wz~nt to tc~st xhFSC types of c~rs on tt,e freewoy~ snd
explained thc cers to bc sold wi 11 be M~~rce~J~s And OM1Js. He r..xpl~~ine~1 they wi 11 be
weshlnc~ the vehicles on [he s(te~ t~ut therr wil; b~ no rrp~~lrs of any kind done on-slte.
Annfka SantAlahtl~ Assistant Dircttar for lon(ng~ ~xnlained one of the c~n<11tf~ns of
approva) would br_ thnt Any parking lo[ lightinc~ c~r~posed shall he down-lightin~ ~f a
moxlmum hei~~ht of 12 fcet a~d saicl lighting sh~~ll he dirccte~i away fror~ the propertv lines
to prc~tect thc residentlal intr.grtty of th~ ar~a,
Commissloner k~ushare es~.ed thc hours anc! ~1ays af operation, encl Mr, Thor~^an rcplled the
hours of operotlon would bc '~:0~ a.m, to 1~1:~'1 ~,n, ~ seven days a aree.L.. Nc exnlalned the
1(ghting would be os reconxnendecf by staff and would be law-~~rade Ilr~hting used for
CArmisstc~ncr Bushore lndicate~u he was cancerned about che haurs of operaticm and suggested
that the hours of opcratio~~ be until a:0~ ~r 9:~~ ~~.m, He p~inted aut [hc pet(tioner h~d
indic~tted thry probahly will ac<~uirr n~re ~roprrty to d~v.~ln~ in the future end aske~ the
ultimate width c-f thc allcy.
Jay Titus, Office Cnginacr~ expl~(ned thc ultir,Atc elley width would be to 20 feet and
ihat thls property awner will ~iccl(cAte nn additi~nal 5 fect on his side of thr alley~
which wi 1! ~~rovide 1; feet at tt~1s tlme, and that ; f~e. is sti 11 nercied ta be dedfcated
o~~ thc aCher sidc of [he Alley. I~~ state.~ che cnndttion rcUuirin~~ the 5-foot d~dication
wAS lcft out of the conditfons and shr~uld b~ added.
Commissioner Bustior~ st+~te~ ~:c did not t~iink tl,e City would be spendin~ S1 milllon on the
rchabilltatton of one ellr_y end felt that figurc wouid be the ~-ount allowed for all the
allcys for that ycar. Refarring to tt~e comment rcgardiny ~the~ Ctty agencies betng
invoived~ he stated thr tl~ighborhood Prescrvatic~n Department has tn d~a) with ne(ghb~fiood
presNrvatlon an~~ would ltkc to lcwk at cverything, whtch is not elways possible. 11e
st~ited In~ividu~+1 property avners down[own arc being encouraqcd to develop thelr own
property. He stated since the anplicant hzs stipulatoa to a timc limit and hours ~nd days
of operat(~n ~nd it is a temporsry use with ~o body or rPpalr work~ he pe~sonally dld not
xee th8t the usc~ with controt~ wouid be en adverse impact o~ the are~~.
Mr. 7harman stated ~:07 p.m, would be s setisfactory clc,xtng time for the petltlon~r.
Comnissione~ Kiny stateci he felt the Z-foot high walt shc~~~1d be constructed end felt it
would be us~ful fnr future development.
Hr. Thorman stated the code permits ~ comr~rcial buildfng to be built on the property llne
and stated if t~~ey hava co construct the wall~ he would like permission ta submit plans
79' 78Ei
allowing the wall to be utllized as the well for the co~ercial building. Ile ex~lAtned he
would have to work this mattr.r out witl~ the propcr depArtnx~nts~ t,ut wanted tt ta b~ a part
of the record.
Anni4~.~ Santelahti steted tl-e code for the CG Zonc does not have the same hci~aht
limitattons es other zoncs r~n~1 chat a one-story butlding would be perrt~ttted on the
property lln~~~ .i,suning tl~cr~ (s a 70-fc~ot alley~ end that the code dues not requlre a
block wall, but when there is an ~iley which serv~s os Joint eccess f~r both reslcientle)
and cc~mrnercinl ~ a block wall m~iy be re•qulre~l anci~ (n this instence~ tlie Planninc~
Ucp rtrt-ent staff recomm~nde~1 the wall because ~f t.he resi~entlel uses end tlie nalse and
tra~fic coul~ become botl~ersamr to the ~esidc~nts.
Cortxnissloner aushc,r~ indle:et.ed he would aqree that a~vail is nccessary. Ile statGd he
would t~e opposed to ~i p~!~ing systcm w( th l~~u~isp~al~ers ~ nncl htr. Thorm~n indic~ited they
could have a pey(ng system with li~~hts.
Chatrwoman Uarnes st,ited sf,e fclt thc petttlon suhmltteci by the oppositi~~n makes sane very
vallc! points and tl~at onr_ of tier qrentc~t cc~nc~~rns is thc li~hti~g, ancl felt it would
create prab le~nz f~r thc ne( ~ahbors .
Mr. Thorman state~i the nei~~hbors havc acl~r~ua[c screr•ning with their g~rages to chc rear of
thelr properties ancl the trccs~ an~! hc dld nat fecl thc lighting would reflect into the~r
hor+~s ond stntc~f there will he mc~re ll~~htiny in th~~ fr~nt th~n tl~e rear ancf th~ lt~hts ln
the rear will be fe~r security purposcs~ en~l st.~trd they will n,eet the liclhting conc!ition
as recomnx~ndPd in the stnff re~ort.
Chairwoman darn~^s ste+te~1 she ~rou1J li~,e tc~ {.nr~w the type of ir~ndsca~ing propos~d ~nd how
it will br maintr,ined~ end Nr, Thorrian re~~lied [t~e nIA~, did n~t rcfli~ct [hc landscaping~
t,ut that thcre would br_ ~ fcr.t of landscapin~~ alcmy Anahctr,, Uoui~v~rcf en~J siatcd they also
have to sr.t beci. 5 fee[ alc~n~ Wilh~•lr~,jna, anef suc~UCSted addin.~ a tn~dition that the
landscepiny plans be ap~r~~vrd by thc, P1.~nnlnq [1e~~~rtrx~nt.
Commissi~ner Nerhst statcd thc plans s~~oul~ shaw the I~n~lsca~it,g o+, both AnAh~im Uoulevard
and 1~Ji lhetrr~tna~ and Go~rniss(oncr ~ust~orc pc>(nted out the arc.is wi 1) !~ave to be
Commissloner Iler!~st stated tl~is prupcrty fs zoneJ for ~enerai cormcrcial uses~ which means
any usc allowed in tl~e comr~ercial code would be per-nitted and as In~_y as the plans cnnform
to the coJc, the matter would not he sec~i by the Planniny Go~+mission and that therP would
be usPs more intense as far as trafflc is c~ncerned. He pointeci ouC ac'e~quate parking is
being pravickd and felt this usc woulJ he lighc compar~d to a[hr_rs an~; [hat it Is an
interlm use. He sLatNd t~e dld nat understand hc,w a garage was constructed whereby th~
property c~rner w~u1d have to drl~re onto another a-~~nrr's property in orcier to get into the
garage~ and scatcd tl~e Gommission cannot IRQOSN cond(tions that will prevent tl~e property
owner frori clevelcpiny his proDcrty in ordcr to allar ~nother ~roprrty owner eccess to his
~vmmissioncr Bushoru asked what timr limit wfluld be apprapriete and suggestcd a two-ye~r
tlme 1lnic wtth review In two years~ and P4r. Thorman asked for a five-ye.ar ~~trlod.
Commissioner aushor~ stAted he Hould not e~bject to a five-yPar ~>ertod since the Pla~ning
Commdssion c~n revakc tlie pe~m(t if the pctltionet vlalatts the conditions or the use
becomes a nuisance. Hc aointecl out to the oppusition that If the conditions ~~e vlolated~
they ~hould call the P18nning nepartrnrnt er~d the Zoning Enforcert~ent Officer will enforce
thc conditions.
__.___- -
1lnnike Sant~lahti rcfer~cd to Cond(tion ~lo. 3 rcl~ttln~ to ~_inderc~r~un~i utilitir.s ~nd
exnletned tf ther~• ~~re exi,tln~~ u[lllty pales t~~~it can rrnvid~ s~rvtcc, it is not
necessary to put thi~ utllitles un~ier~~r~un~l; hcywever, If servic~ ~s require~l co ~ny partlon
of the pro~erty whcrr anothcr p~le ts rc~u( r~~d~ then i t must bc unclerqrouncf,
l1CTI~N; Camn~issiuncr Ilus~~r~rr ciffcrc~l ~ mc-ti~n, s~c~ndr<i by Conunisslon~~r Y,(n~1 ~~nd MOTI(1~~
R f~ (Comr,(ssioncr Tolar l~cin~~ ~~h5ent) ~ th~~t ih~ lln.ihclri Ctty Plannin~i Carrnissl~n h.~s
revic.w~red tiie rra~os~il to {~er~~i t an aut~mx~bi lc~ s~~lc~s a~rncy on ~~ rectin~iulnrly-sha~~d
parccl ~f lan~ consistin~; oF ~~~>proxim~~tcly ~,1, ~cr~ lo~:atc~! nt thr_ southwcst c~rner ~F
'.Jllhclr~ina Str~et ~~n~l lln~hci~~ (toul~~vnr~l, h~vin~~ ,~~{~r~~ximatr fmnta~~e5 r,f 11; fret c,n the
south siclc of '.~f Ihclr~,lna S[rc•et ~in~f ?U~ fect on cl,e v~~st sicle of Analie(m ao~~l~vard; ~~nii
does hcreby aprrov~ thc N~~~ti v~ Uecl ~r~t i~~r, f rr.m thc r~~~ui r~ment tc~ ~,r~~p~r~ .in
env(ronnk~nt~il Irnr.icl rr•~c~rt rm thc hasis that th~rc omulrl I,r nc~ sictnific:~nt lnc{Iviclual or
Cumulativr. adver5e ~~nv(r~nrn~n(,il im~ac.t dur., tn the ap~rc~v~il nf thiS ~leqatfv~~ Der.laratl~n
s(nce the An~~heim G~~nrr,~l Pl~n ~fesi~;n,ites tl•~r suhj~c:t ~rnnertY for nen~ral c~rr~ercial l,~nd
usc5 cor~t,x~nsur~~t~• with tl~,~~ ~r~i~r~sal; that n~~ scrSitivc• ~~n~~imnrn~•ntal ir~~.icts arc Involved
in the ~ropos~l; that thr Initi,~) Stu~ty su'~mlctc~; hy th~• prtitioncr in~fic~~tes n~
siynificr-nt (n~livi~iu~il or cu~~ulativc odvcrs~ ~nvirc~nr•,cnt.~l I~'~pACtS; ~~n~l thnt thc NcgRitivc
U~~~lar~~tl~~n si~bs~anti,itin~~ thr. forr.~~oin~~ fir~din~~s i, ~~n fi lr in t~~c• Cltv ~f Anahcim
Pl~~nninc~ Uc{,,~rtrnr~nt.
Corrii,5ic~nc~r UuShorr of ~~rr.~i iti~,c~lution I~o. I'CJ~-Zl% ar,d r~r~vrci fur itS p,is~a~~c and
adc>pticm that thc ~.n,~licir~ C(ty Pl~nnin~~ Corr~is5i~,r d<~r5 hr.rc~~y ~rart f'ctiti~~n f~r
f.ond([ic~n~il Usc P~rr,(c !!o, '_~Z~ fc~r ~ perio~! of fivr. ye.~r5~ sub_j~ct tn r~vlew~ ~-~ncf ~ublect
to thr f`oll~~win~~ sti~,ul,i[irn~s ~~n~1 eun~litinn~;; ,i) t',ot there sh,~ll hc~ n~ t~•stin~t of any
vehicle un the rrsi~fenei,il strcccs (n che .~r~n anu .~-i ~r,nlnycer~; wha wc~uld he ,iecor,~panying
tcst c~rivcs sh,:~ll ~~e ir(rriic; nf t~.is Stipul~~tior,; I,j tl,it th~r~ sl~all hr. no outc~oor sc~und
systri^ f~~r f~:;r~in~; nr r~usic; c:) t!~~~t thr.r~ sh,~ll ~:r rc> ,iut~<<,',ilc~ r~~.~i-, hr>riy rc~;air or
p:iintin<~ ~C~~,duetc~l ~'~t thi ; lu<:atic.rn; ~1~ Lh~]t. i'~-fc~~~t .i~c~~ 5~t~11 I;e, ~t~n~~SC%1p~c1~
sprinklere,f nn~~ ~,.iintain~ ~1 air~r•~c,, llnit,cir~ E3r,ulev,ircl a~,~.f tili Ihr.lmin,~ SCrci~t ~nd t~}at subjett
lanc;sc~;~e plaos 5'~all hc~ ,i~~{~Cnvr~f by tn~~ f'l~~nnir,~~ 7Fp,irti~x~nt Direet~~r; e) [ha[ :, 1~-fuor
:Srclic~~ti<~r~ from tl,c ccntcrl(nr ~~f thc al lcy shall b~~ ~,~~!c t~ th~• f.ity of ~nahc(r~; and
subJect ;c~ I;,c~•r-3e~~~~r[~~x~nt.+l Co~•d~~itt~~e r~~ce;n,nK•nc1,~t~ons.
On rol l cil l~ tl~c furcynlny rrs~~l ,tior, 4,as ;~assc•d by thr fol l~win~~ v~tc:
AYES: Cnr~1~15~1o~~l~S: E;l1~.?lES, ausEinP,C~ D1,vID, F'RY~ fir.R~;;'t~ Kl~~r,
N~ES : CQ11!1f SS I ONE~ R~ : !1G';E
ABS~IIT: C~111'I~SIO'1C~~: T~L^~R
.lack White, i~eputy Cit.y Attorney~ ~~rescnted thr~ wri[ten rl~ht to anpc~+l the Planning
Corxnl55i~>n's dreision wi~hin 2:' ~f~iys t~ the Gity C~uncil,
IT~M ~10. 3 PI;GLIC NEAP.II1~, p'dfIERS; Pl,UL C111AV/1TT1 ~ ET l1L~
EI NECl1~ 1V~ fiECI.~P.'~TIO!~ G3t~ Snuth Loara S[rccc, Anahcim, CA 9?.L~2. AGE~1T:
VAR A,'~CE ~~0. )t 13 J~NN D. R~~Si. ~ 770 South Brca no~~~~~~~~i, Sui te 230,
firca~ C!~ ~2(21. Pet'ttoncr requests '~lAtVER OF (A)
tiN CXlSTING ~~-Ut11T !1Pl~R7Mf:t1T C~~IPLEY I~iTO A,i~-U~i1T CO'I~OMlt11l;M COMf'LE:X on property
describeJ as A rectangul~~rly-sh~~~e~i p~rce) af land consisting of appror.imately 3.A7 acr~s
bounded by L'rc~rnwc,ocf Avcnuc to [hc r,orth~ Alac:~lin st~eet t~ the east~ Cat~ItnA Avenue to
the south~ and Valiey Str~et to the west~ and bcing loc~ted approximately 700 feet east of
1 t/S/79
7~- 7A8
tt~e cente~line of Qrookhurst Str~et. Propcrty pr~scntly cl~~sslflcd RH-12~~ (RE~~IOC'ITtAI~
Thare were four n~r5canS incficatiny th~ir prc~~cnc~ ln or~ositlan to subject request. and
elthouc~h the staff re~~ort tc, thc Plannlnq Commission ~1~te~1 -lovemb~rr ;~ 1'-7g w.~s not read
at thc ~ublt~ ho.~rtnq~ it (s r~ferrcd !c, ancf n<i~1c a part ~f thc minutcs,
John Rose~ agent~ stAte~i currc•ntly thcr~ ;~re (~ w~its at .~s I~c~~tion ,~nd n11 unlts .~re
four-unlt~ ap,irtnx•nt-Style c.c~r~iplr.xes M~ith seve~ ~.fif(erent oam~rs involved; th~~t these are
absentee~ ownrrs ~nJ thc unit~ f~~~ve nr,t ~ecn ~~r~,perly m.iint~~lned; that the -~~tltloner has
gotten thc ~evch own~~rs tonrthr.r t~ c~rr;vicl~ a tntal t~ac~.agr whic'~ wi l l clc.~n up the wh~lc
bloek and ut I 1 i: c thc c~r,-s i tc ec,nrK~n ir~~as ~ such ,~s the s~~ i r~i ny n~~~ I, ,aun~i and opcn
SpeCC e~e.~s; tf~at U~ese un I ts were bu i I t t~ co~1e when const ructec7 ancl th~ pet I t(c~nrr
proposes tu re~~x~ve f~~ur units (n ordcr t~, ~~r~widr i hettrr par~in~ rrt(c~ of :;~~ th~~t this
is an unusu~l sitc I~~ that th~ ~ro~~crty tn tf~r sr~uth is ri rr,5icicntial cr~~ct which hacks up
tA thr. street with a concretr blc~cG. !vall th~ cntlr<, lenqth ~f ih~ 5[rer~t, wh(c', r~~l,e5 it
ova(l~ihlc for curh p.~r~ inr~ $incc thcrc~ f s n~ w.~y ~hc ~co~l~• from [I~c tract c~n park on thc
sLr~c~t bceriuse o( thcir w~~lls; anci ~h.~t this i~; ~~t tt~c ~~Sual way of provl~fi~~y parG.ing~
but with thc ,iv~~ilnhlc curbsi~le p:~r~,~ny, the tot~il ratic, Is 3.5:1. Ile refr.rrc+A to paqc 3-
d, parac~raph (2~:} c~( th~_ staff report and p~,in~~~d out a typo!~ra~hic.~t err~~r In ihat !he
subJect petltlr~n pro~~oses 7~(, ,quarc fcct ~f rec.rr~itior~al-Ic(Surc area per unit rethrr
th~~n 5~ sgu~re frct ~~s Sha•~n, 11~ .tatrd this urajc~ct is I~ c1<~s~ confor~~~.~ncc with other
units previou5ly o~prov~cJ t,y the Pl,~nnin<~ Lorr,i5sic~n; that tt~erc ls a lc~;al contr~vGrsy
relatine~ to e~nelor~~tniums~ but e'~er~• Is not r,uch ..tirqument c~ve~r the vilue c,f condom(niun~s;
and th~t it h~~s b~~en prc>ven thev do worl. ~nd [hcy ire n v~ry Inm~rt~nt ,ne of housinra in
the community; th~t c~nc „f the benefit5 i5 that thE~ prnject ~S m~intainec', by the
homeowners nssr~~(a[Inn and the State rcquirt; Chat tf~c assc~ciat(on start off with money ln
the bank to cover the u~st of inefntcna~~cc•, and thac condor,ini;~ms usually do remaln in
good repair with pronerly ma(ntained lanclscapiny, erterlor paintiny ~n a reyul~~r
mafntenance scheclule~ etc, fle state~J a four~lex unit is ve~ry hard to nalntaln as a rental
unit; that the,e units arG 1G ycars o1J and havc ~l.~tcrioratec: considerably~ ~ven though
the wrrent owncrs havc attemnted to t,r(nq them Into good sharc durinq the nast eight
month5. Ne ~xplalned in the pr~cess of convr.rtin~; t'~c apartments to ~ondon,n(ums~ they
N111 renovate thc intcriors and exteriors, pruvid~ landsc.~piny, and re~alr anyth(ng that
t s damaqed.
Mr. Rose explaincd a~prox!rnately sevrn mr,nths ago the tenants were given a notice of
intent and a questionnaire asking for their ccxarmnts as to whether or not they would be
desirous of purchasing a unit; thae G~ notices were givcn and 1n repiies were rece(ved~
and unly three lndicated a negative r~spanse; that t~~c devclopcrs will give the tenants a
120-day notice aftrr it has been determined the conversi~n will be pPrmitted; that they
will offcr the tenantx four months of rent to be applled ta [he down-payrnent for purchase
of thc: units. and those tenant¢ who chose not to purcf,ase will be Givcn two months' rent
~nd all deposits rexurned In order to seek anather place to llve~ ar~d the developers will
provlde maps showing available apartment locations ln the area, together wtch information
a5 to rents~ whc~ther or not cf,ildren or pets are allorred, etc.~ and that a full-time
employee will be provided In Anahe(m at e conveni~ni location to asstst the tenants. I~e
stated this project has about ~ 1>ti vacancy factor and there are oniy about 20 tenants who
have t~ecn tt~erc for longer than one year. Fte stated toge;hcr wi th [he seven months'
notice the tenants have been yiven~ thc devcloper feels they have had ample opportunlty to
make themselves awere of what Is available.
Robcr[ tJews stated he llves in San pfe,yo, but until two years ago had llved tn Anaheim for
20 years; that he is an absentc~e owne~~ but not In this group; that hls youngest tenant
has bean in his project for one year~ witt~ fou~ years as the long~st, and his vacancy rate
~ y~- 78~t
E I R NE Gl~T I VE UECLAMT I ON. VAR I ANCC N0. 3113 ~ con t 1 nued)
1 s ebout 1~. Nc fe) t the f lyurns p~esent~d st,ould '~e reviewed nnd i f they a~e accurate~
are based on absentee l.~n~1 ownership wh(ch h~s promc~ted pcxir moincen~nee of the property.
and felt this shaul~l be monitc~rcd, 11e asl.ed fur ~fenlal of this co^verslon whlch hc felt
Is being made s~ilcly by mnnlpulatiny ownership ~~nd lnv~stmcnt. -Ic stated a proftt in
oxcess ~f ;2 mi 1 I 1 on ~ or 1~Q~O'~ ~ woul d be ach i ev~d ~nd at the sar.~c t 1 mr. thc rc wl 1 1 b~ ~
messlvc loss af r~:nca1 ~~rr~pcrties bccausc renters c~~n~ot aftord the c~sts end w( 11 he
dislaeated; thAt they w) 1) be askecl ta come up wi tl, ,i ~1rn~rn-payment o~ 51;,~)!~n to $2;,nnn
minlrnum anJ thclr p~yrt-rnt w111 then rlse to Sf~~O per month~ t+n~t the ca.rrr.nt rental rates
and [hc tenant's
are S235 to 5400 per mc~nth, [hat many arc~ f10u51nc~ lluthority supportecf
o!rlk~~tlun 1~ ~4',• to S2~~ ~er monih ~nd hc dld not knrn+ wh~re those c~cople will ~~. flc
~eSt u~ s unpr r~cipled~ run~.,ay a~~pr~val c~f varianccs must be stc~ppcd because it lets
unscrupulous realtors dcstruy large. blocLs c,f re~~son~ble rcnca~s tu sa t~ s fy e~ r eed s~ and
f e l t i f a p p ro v c ~l Is goin g t~~ c.oi~tinuc, Iecitslatian sh~uld be ~rc~pc~scd t~ c~mpel converters
t~ I~vest at least S~Z ~f t~~eir ~~ro~~s protits in the construction o f nr.w ~ 1 w e 1 1 1r~~~ u ~ l t s;
and that further noticc shuul~l be ~iven to n11 peu~te In the ~irca, not Just thc owners~
slncc~ the impact ls nec.essarlly <m the non-a~ners or rentcrs In the area,
Cathy {'arsons ~ ~ 1~G Browrn~a~d, Apart~xnt 1~ Anahclm, stat~d she k~ows what t t i a 11 kN to
have to flnd a ploce to liv~~ with children; tha[ she has h~d to live +n her car~ motels,
etc. wi th her chi tdren and that there ar~ not many ~~laces that clo takc chi ldr~n. She fcl t
~he i s pay i ng on c~.h~~rh i tont emount fon c~r apartnx~n[ ~~+~d rskecf whe re she coul d go 1 f
the5t units Are conv~rte<l. 5h~~ as~•.e~7 when plac.es wi l l bt~ constructed th~it wi 11 .}cc~pt
children and state~7 therc (s a lc~t of d(scrimination and she Is sc~red and indie~ted she
i 5 opposed to th i s req uFS t.
Paul ChiAVatti ~ ownr.r~ stitcd tl~ese bul ldinc~s wcrc in very ba:.' ciisrepalr bc.c~use of the
absentec owners; that thcy do I~ave onr r.~n,~gcr ta'..ing care of thc w~~~lc bloc~. and tt is an
imrntnsc jot~ wh(th cann^~ bc contrulled. Hc fclt this is z unfc~ue si tu~tlo~s for
con~lominlum cunversions bec~use these are four~~lex buil~)ings a~J arc All separnte~
indlvidual buildlnys; that nlne of the t,uiidin9{~~'St~t~d~When~thenetaok(~~erhthe unltsery
sir~ilar ta threc-bedroon,~ two-bath dweillnc~s. Y
the place was iikc ~~ ~.~~~ ~~uncl rrith many pets and through attritton t+~cy have phased out
the pets and any new tenants c~~nnot have {~ets. He alsa steted stnce it has n~t worked out
with chlldren~ if tl~ey Jo not gf•t a-~prc+val for con~~minium conversion, they will be forced
to y~, to ~~ all-adult comt~fcx tl~rouc~h attrition tt~e flrst af the year because of tht
des::ructlon to the laun~lry area~ thc saunas, and recrcatlona~l halls.
He explatned thcy will assist t-~e tenants In relocation wltf~ a full-tlme employee who 1s
c.urrently doing pro~erty man~~~eRCnt worE: anci that tf~ey wi11 assist thnmwith at ieast twa
months' rent for th~se wt,o do not r~ish to purchase and four months' rent for' those who
wish to purchase. 11e st~ted they wi 1 1 try to get ~S~z mortyag~ mcmey and expla(ned there
is a representative present wha wf I1 discuss tt~e financiny~ and explalned itnancing is
avallable and they expect ~~ti of t~~e tenants can qu~lify to purchase. He stated slnce the
questionnai rc was sent out in Apri 1~ tl~ey liave r~oti fiect al l r~r.~ tenant~ of ttiis pending
request, s~ ~veryone ts aw~re~ and in~itcated the vacar.cy factor couidbe hl~~her because of
tfiis. tie stated the area ts very runcio~•~n and felt Gy renovating the units for conversion
and withu'fch.~sin~~,themtwillybe~buildlny aniequitye af{eaexplained9MratJahn on~ (sdavailable
people p 9
to d(scuss the finarclny.
Chai rwoman Darnes asked the propos~cJ price of t~~e uni ts ~ r~nc; Mr. Ch i avc+tti staced i t is
hard to put a fic~urc an the units at this timc~ but that they woutd bc lc~w-cost housing,
probat~ly ln the ~an~~e of $5~.~00 to SG0.000.
t t/5/79
79- 79~
Cha(rwoman Darnes statcd she Is concerned brc~iuse developers of new eondonlnlums would not
bc allowec.' any of thesc variancr.s. She stateJ she reallz~s thcre are few plac~s where a
persnn can buy ~ untt for thls rricr <~n~1 very few places ~+(th 5~ doa~n-payment, wh(ch w11)
en~ble a lot af ~e~le tu be able to ~,~~rchasc thcm, She Indicated shc Is ~o[ opposed to
tondamintum co!,vc•rsl~ns~ but ~ersonally fr.els therc~ are toc~ nany varf~~ncQs requested; th~~t
she is c~ncernecl t~bout th~ stre~t ~~~rkinca which woul~i not be allc~wed nny other place. [he
rec-eotional-leisurc• arr.~a~ the <~r~n spr~.c arc:~is~ .in~f thc maxi~num slte cnv~~r,~•~c w,~iver.
She felt the CO~TIISSIc~f1 has t~ consider the {~eo~~le whu wil) live thcre in th~~ future.
Hr. Chlnvatti (ncllcateJ he Is n~t concc~rne~1 about the ~Arkinrt bec~use he h~is drtven
throuc~h tl~c ~re.~ .~n~i [hc ~xistlny c!~v.rrr~1 ~arllnc~ is nev~r ftllecl and there are vcry few
cars part;cd on th~ strect, ~--nd indlcatcJ h~ ha~ bc:en ther~ at niyht.
CAmrt~isslor~er tlcrbst 5[A~C~1 r,orc p~~rtln~~ Is rc~~uir~d fn condon,inlums bccause thr,. Corrn~isslon
has found pe~~plc wh~~ ~r~n thci r own hc>mes h~iv~~ mor~ au;omr~bi ies end uswi) ly the p~rking
spac,es et condc~miniums are full ancl th~~re is an ~vc•rflnMr. Hr. 5tated there are diffr.re~t
ordtnances for a~>,~rtr~nts nnd c~nck~miniums and this rc~~ucst is to convcrt apartmcnts Into
tondomfmiums usinci the wron~~ set of rules. Ne ~ficl not f~el they t~re s.~crlfltinq en~ugh to
mect thc stan~lards by ellminetiny ~nc butlrlln~~; that thcre )s n~t enuuc~h recreatian.il
area, park(ny~ landsc~~pin~~, dfsia~cr hetwcen buil~ilr~gs~ etc., and felt hc,r,e-uwnershlp (,
different bccc~use a person in an ap,irtmc•n< <An rnqve if he~ dc~es r+ot IIG,e ~ situdtl~it~ hi~t
nnt wlth ho~c-cx~ncrs,h(p, Hc stated t',e buil~linc~s M/f`~r constr~~ctcd 1(~ y~~ars ~~~o and askec!
hdw thc the party wal ls wi 1~ nrc t the new st•inoard~ , fle ~~~as cc~r~cerncd about fh~ vACancy
factor and fcl c 1 t is hi~;h bec<~us~ thc~~ have hcen pl,~nning this convrrsion for 5even
rt~nths. whicf~ has scared off [he ten.~n[s~ 6ut ihat /~nahr.im~ nn a whole~ has a vaenney
f~ietor of abaut 1;,, He stacr~J thr City~ ~~ccordiny tu the Ilc~usinq Elenent~ is sup~osed to
providc ali ;y~e, ~f h~,us(ny t~~ includc apartments~ condc~miniums and lndlvidu~l houses~
and that the f,ommfSSi~m c.innot 4~cp eoRVCrtln~~ ~tcx~d apartn~nt nuuses ~nt~ c.ondanlnlums
that Jo nat mrct thc st~in~!:-r~1s br..c~usc •herc is a requ ~-nt fr~r a bol~7nce~! llving
community. He feic this nr~icct Is rundc~wn bec~use of t~~. ~,•ntec: a~vnership~ but tfiat it
ca~ bc brou~~ht ur, tc~ stondar~!s fc~r yood ,ip~rtr.-ent livtn~. I« statcd he would or'y look at
a cundcxninfum convers(on ~it this tinr~ if the pr~~jec,t cernes very .Ic~se to mceting the
condominium st:+n~ards and if thcre fs some way f,nr t'~e pr~sent t~na~its Co continue ~cnting
th~ property until they rr~ve and then the units be cc.rnvert~d. Hc c~lained the Ctty has
rec ~ntly b~~en lookinc~ at Drqposal5 for awnirg yo~r own rrbbi leh~mc• lot and one. of the
conditta~~s was that ;he tenAr~ts woulc; be a!~Ic to continue to live there and rent until
they decided to ~~ve~ ,7nu then the lot would be suld. He felt local c}c~vernmcr,t is ~oing
to have to lao~. .~t this tyne cc>ndttion ln or,:ler ta protect t-,r renters in the area so that
thcy art not fc,rcecl out i~~to the strret because of 1imlted a~artment c~mrlexes in Anaheim.
Ne stattJ th~~e condo^~iniur; ur.1(nance wa~ .~dopted becausP w~ dn nnt want the renters put out
into the strc:et hy uns:rupul~,us -~eople. Ne felt tt;e situatlon ls ~lettlny bettcr becaus~
~wners have to loak out fur the tenants, He ~ic: not think th~ pr~ject is offering quite
enough and he wc~uld have a l~ard tirn~~~ accc:rdlny to the Callfornia stat~ Gocte. justlfying
this proJect.
ltr. Chiavat;i st.atcd [herc are othrr recently-approved projects in the City of Anah~im and
they dU not fecl they are aS`treg fc~r anythin~ rnore than wh:.it has been aprroved befurr.
Commtssionc~~ t~erbst staccd the Commission rtvtcws these requests on an f ten-by-Item basis
and most have ~ecn ~enled by thc Conmisst~~ and a~proved by f~~e City Councll, ~nd
Gor~mi5slonc:r tiusf~orc pointeJ out tl~c Corrr~i;si~n revlews these projccts or- an individua)
basis and those list~d in tt~e staff report arc furnished for thp Conxnissinn's tnformation.
Ca-~:ifsstoner k3ushc,rc as~:e~f Nr. Chiavatti haw long ht has a,rne~; this propcrty and if he
owns th~e wtx~lc blr~<<; and what he has done to improve the apartments sinte he has c~wned
79- 7Q 1
~hem, Mr. Chlavattl re~lled he has owned the wFx~l~ blocl. slncc Janunry of this Year and
t~t I t was I n a 1 ot w~rsr. d I s r~pa 1 r wl~en thry took I t ove r than I t I s now and tha owne rs
h~ve ng~eed~ If there Is no converston becouse oF the n~gat(vc cexh flo~~ nnd lnterest
retP, they Indlvidually wtll eltF.cr sel) their bulldings or ~efu~b~sh thc~m~ hut that the
group will spllt~ whic~~ tA4:c~ ~rvay thc centr~~l man.i~~ement. Ilc s tatecl thr. or191n~~) owncr
for about 1 a y~ars l ived tn Los Anyelea anci never saw the ~~roJee t.
Canmissloncr aushore st~ted hr, a~~rces thcre are sor,~c prohlr_ms. Flr, f~lt at 5~~0,~~~ or
SGy,Q!10 per unl t av~~raqe thcrr~ woulc! not bc very much room for p rnf I t~ nnd as~•ed what
t mprovertx~nts w 1 1 1 be made f n t~~e un i ts to r~~aG.e a sAl ab 1 o p ra~uc L bec~use he fc 1 t ( f the~
price 15 taa htyh~ the buyer will lc~o~ at new e~~rn~lexes with al l che amenltles,
Hr, Chi avatti statecl they wi l l refurhish thc lan~isce~inc;, ~~aint the exterlors And
interlors ~ repai r al l wal 1 ~ as necdccl, repa( r any defcct t vc pl u~~b( n~, and bring the
electrleal u~~ to cc,de; tl~at the ro~,f is new ancl sh~uld be ~~o~d; ancl that they ~~rr
c~~ntemplatlnq Ch~r•~qin~~ ,,Il ftr.tur~r5 8nd a~~~~ll~~nces~ r~surf~~cln~ the c~hinrts .~nd
recarpetiny. Ite fe;l t tl~c f i~~ur~~ c~f SGO,~~~ or ~(~ ;.'~~1~ i s hir,hc ~ than wl~at thcy wi 1 1 have
to 5e11 thc unlts ft~r in ordcr t~ turn o pr~flt.
Cormissl<mer G'ushore state~i the Coru~issl~m is tryln~~ tc~ ~~voicl another flx-~~p,
ri~habi llt~~tiu~~ 4~~"~~J~'ct whicf cannn[ b~~ sol~l, ~~nil ~~c~lntr.cl nu; thcr't• ,~~e stlll ~.inits for
salc in tr~c ot-,u~• cc~mplcx~rs refcrred t~. Ilc st~~trd hcfnr+~ hr we,u~d support tf;c project~
he woulci want tu sec mc~re (mprc~vc Ms~ts. ~~c statcu op{~~~rently onc yroup of ~:,eople have not
been ~b!c t~ m,iintair, thc unlts adequ~~tely ~md Jiu ~}ot sec how. ur~less it i. done frorn the
St~rt, a horne<~wncrs associat(on tan take ~vc~r som~body else's p'~o~ menac,err+~nt and kee~+ f ts
head above watcr a~ithout chorying hic~l~er as5oclnti~~n fees. Ile <!i:i rot +Yant tc~ see th~s
turncd li~t~ ~(~ individual owners who tannot cc~ntrc,l the pr~jctt .
Ile stated he would 1(ke t~ se~ th~ plu~inq and electric~~l brought u~ to 1~Ob code; that
the new roof shoufcf !~avc a fiv~ or tcn-ycar guarantce; ttfat th~ si,lewalks necd to be
replacec' and wiJened (n ~~rFas; tha[ a~1 the asphalt shouid be replaced on the ~arage areas
rAther than repat rcd because tl~e homcowncrs asso._iation wouid have a larc~e repat r bf 11 in
the ncar future ; th it the garage arc:as woul d tiavc to he upgrad~ ~1; that fcnces woul d have
ta be up~lraJec: arc~ur,d the indivldual patios and that Lhe patt~s shaulci be larger; chat the
wlndows arc in a statc of disre~air and hc did not thinG. they would even meet the safcty
code~ so felt proba'.~ly 50;, af the winda~s woul~ have to be rep tacecl; that the central
heating sys[em in all thc units should bc guarantecd and if ttit wa'I Air-con~iltioning
unlts are left~ tf~cy should bc rCpla~~d; Lhat [f~e units s1-ould be palntFd tnside and out;
thAt new ar~ 11 ances shoul d br provi ded; tha[ the uni ts prot,at~ i y need new cupboards ; that
most of the ckx~rs to the uni ts nceci to be rcplacc~i, not repai r~d; that the unl ts must he
sound-proafed; and that the garbage dlsp~sals shu.,ld be re~l~~ercl, etr.. He asked whether
the home~wners essotiatlon rules would allow cliildren arj ~>ointed out this is a children-
ori<~nted nr_ighborhoc~d. f!e fCit scsn~e of the carp~rts sh~~ul~i have garacle doo~s and
~ddlttonal guest par4.ing shoulcl be prov(ded; and tl-at the conxrc~n recreational and play
areas should b~ improved. H~e state~i hc would Itke somc sort of sti~ut~tion made that
pos~i~1Y 20;, of the u~iCs wuuld mcet the law-to-mocfe~rate incomc hauSing need because there
Is a~+roblem~ cspectally tn this area. Nt asEed if the p~titioner would llkr, to have A
contireuance in order ta look inta these matters.
Mr. Rose asked wt~at the Caim~isslon would consider Iow-tv-mode~at~ incorr+e housing~ and
Cor~m(ssioner Dusfwre siated he would tonsider iow~aast housing be~ween ;5~~non and
Conmissioners Qusl~ure and King Indicmtzd they would be wt~ling t~ co~.slder granting the
request for walvers of minimum width of access drive an~ minirnum bul lding s(te area p~r
I 79• 792
EIR I~EGATIVE OECLARATIQ~I. VARIAt~CE h10. 3113 (continued)
ciwelltng unlt~ but fc~lt the landscaping ond lelsure ,~r~as s~~ould be up~Iredcd and irr~r~ved~
and Comrniss(~ner dushore lndicated hc would not like the bt-lcontrs t~ t,e cauntrd as
leisure snace and that additi~nal par~ing must al~o U~ nr~vlded.
Annika Sent~ilahtl ~/1~s1 ,t7nt D( rectc~r for Zon(n~~, state~i this m~itter would not have to ba
readvertlsed as lony as it is continued to a dat~ ccrt.~ln nnd cvc~vonc pr~sent is ~iw~~re of
that ncw hcarlnq dat~~.
Conrnisaioner Dush4re st~~ted the ~+etitlc~ncr shoul~l rec~ucst .i C~ntinuanCc .m~l suhmit
reviscd plars ~nd m~kr stipul~itlons ns to r~hat he would du to brin~~ thc pro.iccl closer to
the condaminiurn sc~inclards,
Jatk Whl te ~ Deputy Ci ty ~ttorncy ~ ex;~la) ne~l [h is ~~~p' (c~it Inn c1i ffers fr~~r~ thr tyFical
condaminium tonvcrsion ~ipE~lic~[la•~ 'n that thc variances ~rc hc~inc~ requc,sted hetore the
tract is subr•~l ttr~d~ ,~n~f that thr. Cr~r~r~Iss ion wi I 1 have anothr.r ch~~nr.e to rnvlew the pro.)ect
when thc tract i s sut,mi t tc~1.
ACTION: C~nx~issioncr Efushc~rc c~ffereJ a r--utlc~n~ sccondrd hy Cormissinner I:inc~ .~nc7 MQTI!1N
CA~EU (CUmr•~issior~er T~lar f~ein~~ absent)~ t~~~j~ c.onsider,~tion c,f Varianc~ `lo. 31t3 be
coniinuccl t~~ t~~c re~~ularly-schc~ule~i r,Metinc~ of thc. Planninr; ~or,mission on Ucccn~er 3~
1^73~ at th~ reryuest of the petitioner.
Commissloncr Davic: asked Mr, tlcws to bc nrescrt at thc Decemher 3rd he~rin~~~ tndicating he
would Ii~:c ti~ furthr.r disc~~ss his opp~sitlon.
Commissioncr Y.Ing asb.cd tl,e petitioner i f hc undcrstooci what Commissioncr flerhst had
discussed relatinc~ to [he mobi lnc~.~mc• lots, and Ilr. ~?osc rc~l led that hc undcr:,t~oJ.
Chairwoman Darnes poinle~f nut to thosc present in np~~osition th~t thc~y should telr_phnne
the Planning Uep~3rt~nt off(cc on the day of che hearlnc; an ~ecertt~er 3rd to ~ake sure the
pctitione~ has nc~t rcqucsled anot-~er e~ntinuante.
RE L SI ICI~T~O'I ~a0. ~-80-16 3~ Sout-, SLate Street~ Suit•_ 1430, ~alt Lake City~
UL~~~~ r~i1~1, AC,C.I~TS: TfiOMAS L. MULKEY~ 3; Century
Par~. Way ~ Sa 1 t l.r~,c Ci ty ~ Utah ~411 ; AN~ JANGS L.
CNRISTEtISEt~. Chris Devc~lapn~nt Consultants~ 3II~2 Cam~us brive, Sulte 2~11~ Mevrport atach.
CA 9~6(0. Peti tioner requcsts tf~at property dcscribed as an 1 rrequtarly-shaped parcet of
land consisting of approximately 1~+ ac~es lo~athd at the northwest corncr of Medical
Center Jrive anef Cuclid Street. havinc~ appmximatc f-c~ntaycs of ~80 feet on the north side
of Medical CentLr Drive ar~d 4;0 f~et on ti~e west sidr ~f Euclid Street be reclassifled
There was no one indicating their F~resence in oppo~itto~ to suhject request, and Although
the s taf t report to tt~e P 1 ann i nc~ Gommi ss i un datcd -~ovrmt~er 5~ 1979 was not read at the
public hearing. It is refcrred t~ and madc a part of the nlnutes.
Jerr~es Christensen~ agent~ st~~ted thc Anoheim Sha~es project came bcfore the Commission in
l973 and the Conmisston was aware at that time of th~ ultir.~atc possibie use of the
p~ope~ty; that therc is a mcdian strlp ~-(ch a tr~ffic stgnal which was a st~arcd-cost
installation which was the first time in the history of Anah im that a developer shared in
thc coat of a traffic sianal; that the traffic situatiQrs is nothing new and thcy realizc
EIR ~~EGATIVE DECL11RI1T10~1, aECIl15SIFICATION N0. 7~-80-IG (cantlnued)
...-.._ ._
it Is not thc best In thc worlci~ bect-use of thc traffic ~n Euc11~1 Stract~ but thc
Commisslpn talked about thc prohlem (n 1~7b wherein thc trAffic medlnn was contlnued rlght
nn through to MeJI c.i 1 CentPr Dri ve. r~nc1 ~ subsequent to that ~ they h,id work.ed wl th the C I ty
on th~ clevclurrnrnl ~f thc ~roperty: nnd tl~at th~ CI ty f1f`C~~C~I .,n e~~s~ment for contro) ~f
fluou r+~3t~rs oCf Cucll~! ar~c1 thc dralna~l~ was a m;i)or prohlem hrc~usn the l,inel r~AS fl~~t~
Gut tl~dt It was r~~,trr ~l~nne~i and tc~Een core of yr.~~rs .~go. Ne state~l they are lookin~
f~n•r~~rd n~w to an ultlcir~te dev~lo~n,~nt of tlic ~~roperty and are prrpasing a i(mited
corrnertl ~il ty{~e cicvc lo4,rrx nt ancl ~~~ive had the benef I t ~f the a~, i I I ty to recogn) ze whei had
to bc dc~nc ln thc past In ordcr t~~ ~lr.v~lo~, th~c prc>pcrty. 11e st~~trd o hiqh-(ntens(ty usc
such as ~ m.~rl.ct with t',c traffic p,~ttcrns would not bc sulta~lc for this t~r~partY. He
fclt thc uses ~r~p~~secl Arc n~~t intcnsc tr~Ffic uscrs ~~nd onc of th~ m~ijpr huildings wlll
be t~ ccxnbin~~tlon rct,it 1/a~archc~usc and ~,nc ,~ furniturc ~,arehousc (Rest Cor~,any with eat~il~ag
or~kring end a Lcvit.• furnitur~~ stor~~). I!~ statc~l they -ievr h~id a difffc.ult tlnr ~etting
the rtc~ht tcnants and they coulc' havc h~id c~thcr types of uscs, t~ut wcr~ restricted bec,ause
of thc prc~bicr~. Ile ~c~lnt~cl out nc~ vari~nces ,7rr h.r.inc~ rcqu~stc~1 anc! ~xn~~;ned th~rc arc
othcrs prc5ent in t~~c au~ticncc to .~ns4,cr r~u~sti~ns.
Chairwoman Darnes as~.r~1 if nr,y f~~st-~oud rest~ur,ints arc ~~~t~osr.~f~ and Mr. Christensen
clarified no f~st•f~ud res[nur~~nts ar~ ~ro~~o~e~; in tt~e wholc lr~ ~icres.
CarxniSSi~~ncr Hcrbst ~is~.c~f what is nr~>poscd f~~r th~ unit clr~se [o Eucll~'. Strcct Identlfied
as F~ referring to th~ congest(on that caulc~ be caused.
Nr. Christensen st~~t~.d t-~c l~~cntion nf bui ldin, F rras ~~rcdic.~tcd on exFSting openinqs and
expl~tinr.d th~it ~pcnin~i was cFtAblishcd and canstructccl by tlic City at C(ty expense
ane, statecf they d~~ not have a ten.~nt ~[ this tic,e ~ncl that it ~~~ay not be tauilt rl!;ht aw,~y.
Nc stated the use wi 11 !,c rr_gul~r conYncrcial anci [he part:in~~ re~uirertxnts wcre based on
that (~fc~rmactun,
A~nika 5antalahti~ ~ssistant Olrector for ;uninc;~ expia?ned the City Tr~ffic En~~ineer w~s
not avallablc; howcv~r~ ciur(ny Octc~bcr thc petitic~rcr presentcd a trafflc analysis and a
response was prepare~i by the Traffic Englneer's ~fflce~ an<i the rne cor,ment thry made was
that the drivcway on t4cdicri Centcr Drlv~ should allgn with che er.istin~~ drfveway across
thc sGrr.et.
Nr. Chrlstensen stated one of thr. major ~p~osltions ln thc p~st had ber.n the owners on the
south side of khc stre~t who did not want a t,i<~}x~ay through [heir pm~+erty and diJ not
want the driveways located directly azross the street.
Commissioncr Herbst was concerned about [he ~bi lehoRx~ park ~n the adjncent propcrty and
the cfoc~;inc~ facllltles ahuttin~~ the ferce~ and felt ~n P-fc~ot t~i~h fence would n~t buffer
tlic sound of the cilesel truck.s.
Mr. Christensen stated the rrc~bi It~homc p~rk wa, dcv~,loped with the t~nowiedge that this
property would be devcl~p~d as commercial and that it could be a~roblem; hawever, thc
saund borricr of the a-fo~~t hlgh wall wlll rn(tlgate thc problem to same degree~ and
explalned this is thr_ same type sound barrier wall constr•ucted adjacent ta freeway~. lie
explained the back yards of the mnt,lleha*~c park ar~ approximately ; feet but the stzc
would vary~ dependfng upon the slr.e af the cvac~~, and stated thcy do meec code
requtrements fnr •hts develapme~t.
Conanlssione : felt code shauld address mobilehort~e par~:s specffically and indlcated
concern, aga~~ ,'~•gar~ing the deltvery hours a~cf ~skeci Mr. Lhristensen if he could
79- 79~+
stlpulat~ f~r thc tcn~~nts that al l dcl iverles would be madc durln~i norr.~.~t opcrating hours.
Ne cxplalned there hav~ bcen problems In the past with lnrg~ m~rket~ ~~bu;ting residenCla)
propertles and dclivcrics beiny madr. at h:0~ a,m, And the park(n~ lots bcinq swept Rt
nlght~ c~•catln~ noisc t~~ the adjacent neiqhbars.
Mr. Christ~nsen Stota~i if tl,is were ;~olnq to be a marlet~ ther~ a!uld bo ~ll-night
dellvr_rtes~ but that this facillty ~:I11 not havc c1e11vertes at nt~~ht !~ecnu,~ thrre wlil
not be anyone at thc f,ict l lty to ~~cclvc ttie r~erch~indlse.
Cartxnlssioncr F'ry naln~ecl out if thc usc mcets cc~d~ ih~rr. nr~ no lr.ynl c~nccrns.
t1r. Chrlstc:nsen st.~ted the p~•o~,o5r.c1 usc ls for ~ E3cst Conp~iny wtal~~ ordcrinc~ faciltty
and~ in respc~nsc to .i c~u~~stiun fr~r~ ~urx~iSSi<'m~~r pavid~ st.itrd he would Ge wllling t~
Stipulate ihat ~~11 ~1~livcrl~:s woul~l br ~~ac1e d~.~rin~~ normil o~cr~~ttn~ hr~urs.
Annika Sa~it.ilahti r<f~~rr~~1 to Concllti~~n -~,~. 1~ rcr,uirinc~ the ~~~yn~ent ~f strret 11,htlnq
fees along Euclici Strer.t~ an~.1 c~x~~l;~lne~i the Llcr.trlc~~l Dep~irtmrnt is reQUestin~
fnstallation of strcet li~.~hts alonr~ Euclfd~ which i; s[~inclard frr a ~ro~,crty ~~f this ~ize.
Mr. ChristCnscn statc~l this r~,,~tter wl I) h~~vr c~ bc workc•d aut with thc City Council
because of past ~igrecr~ents. f1r referr~•d to Cc~nditior~ No. G, rcqulrinq that huilrltnqs !1~
q~ U and II br, fully sprinb.lerccf~ ~nd cxnlain~•d buildin!~ tl is a restaurint an~ will not be
built at this tir~e~ and Miss Santalahtl explainrd if [hnt bu(ldinc~ is not bullt, this
conditi~n vrauld not tiavc tu t,c sati~ficd fur th~~t k~uil~fing,
An agcnt for [hc ten~~nts st.itcd thcir drm•~in~~. ~iiri not sh~+ [he signing and that they are
presently doinc~ sl,ht-1(ne studics and rictcrr+inin~; whcr~ thcy woulc: li~e to placc thc
siyns~ and wil l bc Crc,entinr7 that pr~,posa! to thc F'lanniny Departm~~nt for rtview~ but
that thcir sl_yn(nc; wil) rTn~ct thc cocfc.
ACTION: Corimiss(oner Y,in~~ offere~i a rx~;ic~n, scce~n~led by Corrnisstoncr David and MRTI011
CARRIED (Commissioncr Talir t~eing abscrt), [hat the An~l~ciri City Planniny Carn~ission h~s
reviewed the ~~roposa I t~ rec I~ss i fy s~~ j~~t prot~~erty f rom the RS-l1-~+3,'1^~
(Rcsldenti~~l/Ayric~ttural) ta thc LL (Cortr~crcial~ Limite~d) Zonc to construct a corm~ercia)
shopp(nr~ centcr on .~n i ~rc•gul.irly-shaped parcel of land const,ting of approximately i~~
acres located at the nort~~west corn~r of -iedicol Centr_r Drive and Euct (<i Street~ having
maxirnum frontac~es of !l~b fret on the north sic;r. nf Nedicil Center Dri~e ar,d f~5'1 feet on
the west side af Cuclid Street; and does hereby aG~prove the !Ieg~~tiv~ Qecl~r~[lc~n from the
rec,virement to preparc a-, environment~~ imnact rFport nn tl~e aasis that thcre would be no
siqnificant indivtdual or cumul~7tivc advcrsc cnv{ronrr~nta! im~+aci due tn the ~~pnroval of
this ~teyativc Declaratlon sinr.e thc Anat,e~r~ fener~~l Plan clesic~nates Lhe subject property
for general camriereial land uscs commensurate with the propasai; that no sensitive
environmentai ir,pacts arc involved in thc proposa~; th.~t thc Initial Study submitted by
the pattticmer indic.~trs no siynlficant indtvicf~;al or cumulatlve adverse environmental
irtpacts; and that thc Neyative Declaration substantiating the foregoing finding5 i~ on
1`1 le in the Ci ty of M~hcir, f i.inning Depar[ment.
Commissioncr Kinc~ affered Resalucicm No. PC73-~1~ and rrove~ for its ~ass•~gc and adcption,
th~t th~ M~-,heim City Plannin~} Cenr~ission does hcrel.;y gr~nt Petitian for Reclassificatic~n
tlo. 79-~'A'1f~~ subject to the petitioner's stipulatian that ~-+11 del iveries ~•ri i 1 be made
during norr~.~,l operating hours~ and subject to Interdepartrtx,ntal Cocmittee recor~mendaticx~s.
On roil cail, thc forpgoin, resalutlon was passed t~y the following votc:
~ _
t' ~.
79- ~'15
ITf.N f~0, " PUE3LIC IIEARIIIC. ~WIJEP,S; MARI~11 R, l11~D R, JA?ll'lC
CIR C/1 CGORICAL EXCNPTIOtI-CLA~S 1 I,I~LS~ ~~f South t~utwcx,d Street~ Anahcim~ CA ~1~8~4.
VARI ~ f. N0. ~1~1 !~ Petiti~ner r~quasts Wl11VER OF MININUN Nl~NfICR f1F
CCIJVf.R510!1 an pro~erty clcSCrlhFd as a reccanr~ularly-
shapcd portcl c~t lancl cansistiny of at~proximatcly 7Zf,~ squarc fcct hav~n~ P fro~ts-ge nf
approxlm~tPly ~G fect on t~,e east siJe ~f Nutwoo~l Strcet~ h,wlnq a m.~ximum depth of
approxlmately 11(1 f~ct~ being located approxic~atcly 72~; fect north of the centerlinc of
(3a1) Roed~ end furthcr dcscribcd ns `~OG South Nutwaod St rer..t. Property ~+resen[ ly
classiflcJ RS-720~ (Ft:51I)CNTI/lL~ SI~~GLE-F~HILY) Z~'1~.
iherc was no onc I ndi c.~t i n~~ thci r~resr.nce i n c~~~~os i t l~~n to suhJcct rc.ryurst ~ and al tliough
tlies Steff rcp~,rt to tlic ~lanniny CUr~mis5lun datrd Novemt~cr '~~ 1^]^ wes not ~cid At Ch~
public hcarin~~~ it is ref~•rrccl to a~~d mad~~ a~art af thc~ r~lnutes.
Narfon Itills~ ownCr~ wa~ pr~ser~t tr~ .inswer any quest~ans,
TIIC PUaL I C f1EARf tIG 1Jl1;; CL~)SCU,
Commtssioner Bushorc ~isG.c~l thc lenyth of thc ~Irivcway and if the ~~nrt~~c door is operablc,
and Mr. MI1ls replie~ that ~t is 3;. fert ta thc ~i.iraqc. and that the door is opr_rable.
CummI551oner Efushorc fPlt thc pctitionar wllt havc to s[Ipulatc t:~ `ar~ the v~hicles on
thc drfveway instead of the streat bec~use thcre is ~Iready a problem wich p~~srk(ng on the
strcet In that are~ and thls svuulJ comc~ound th~t ~~r~~blem, Ile stateJ this candlt(or, was
exlsting when the I-or,~ was purchas~d ~nd hc fclt thc pet(tioncr ~hould s.ipulate to
retonvert tfie garagc when tlic property is sold.
Jack 41hi[e~ Uepu[y Ciiy ~~ttarney~ state•: the only way to accomplish t.his would bc ta
record deed restrtctions on tt~c pruperty or a covcnant ~roviding tl~at~ subscquent to sale
of the property. tht yaraye would be c4nv~ rte~~ ancl uti 1 ized for autormbi le ~arking and not
used for ad.fi tlunal l i vi ny sp~c~~,
It was noted the Plann(ny airect~r or his authorized representative has determined that
the proposed proJect falls within the definitior r,f Cate,yorical Exemptions, Class 1~ as
deflned In paragraph 2 of thc C~ty of Anahelm Cnvironmental Im~,act Report fuideltnes and
is~ therefore~ cate}arically exenmt from the requtrPnr.nt to ~rep~~re an f.IR.
ACTI ON : C~rxni ss is~ner Bushore of fr.. red Resol ut ion tto. Pf,79-22n and mc~v~d for 1 ts pASSage
an ptian Chat thc ~nahetm City Pla~ning Commission ctoes hereby grant Petition for
Varlance 3101 on the basis that the property offers adec~u~~te on-site parking spaces with
an extr~ luny driveway and the garaye door is operahle~ and thc petitioner stipulatcd to
convert the garage back tc usable aut~mobilc narkiny spaces wl~en the praperty is sold and
that a deed restrlction or coven~~nt will as approved by the. City Attorney's Offtce w(11 he
recorded~ and subjctt to InterJepartmenta) Commictce rewmmendati~ns:
On roll catl, tl~e forec~uing rr_solut~on was passed by the following vote:
Commissl~ner Qushore pointEd out there is a large church tn the area and parl.~ng is a
deflnite problem in tt-iS ne(gf~borhood. Ile indica~ed he had counted Eight cars which have
been parked for over 72 t~ours aRd felt that r~ust bc looked into. He painted out Mr. Mills
F11 NUTCS ~ l1NI1NE I ft C I TY PLAtIN 1 I~G COt1M I SS I O~t ~ ~IOVEMdER 5, 1979
E:IR Cl.TECORICAL CXENf'710~?-G1.A55 1R VARIAI~CE N0. 3101 (continucd)
79- 79G
ht-s a dAUghter whu is h,md(ca~~rcd nnd when th~ hu~ cvm~s to ~+1c1. hcr up, thc arivcr has
troublc flndlny ~- pl~~cc to p.irl, anu su~~yrStc<1 that ~1r. Mills wor~. wlth thc Lity uf Anahcim
to hAVC th~ curb palnte~d to ~,ermit part.lny fnr t~~~ bus.
M~(ka Sonte~~~ht i~ /lssist,.nt DI rect~~r far Zunin<~~ pc~(ntrd aut th(s would ~rnb~blY he
pos~ible with the pro~~erty c~wner ~~aying thc cc>st.
P,ECtSS Therc wa5 o f i vc-mi nutc rcccss ~it ;: 3n p,r~,
RECOIIVEtJE Thc m~_e~ing was rcconvcne~ at 3:3`.. 1>•~~. Wi th n11 ConM(s5~~nc~s ~rescnt
excr~~[ To1.7r.
IT['1 N0. (, PUL'LIC 11f.A~'.ItJG. 0',1NCR: NER~tA~; II. FI_U-~~ 11~2~5
CIR NCf,1 IVL DLCI,AR~1TIGtJ Ilatterns Street~ Van ~~uys~ CA ~1~+~1. Pe[ltloner
~IAIVCR OF CODC RC~UIREIIEi;T rcquersts pcr~•~iss~on to EST4E1L1~11 A 3^-UNIT M~TEL WITII
COtJI~IT O~L- ~SC ~RHI~ t~0. 2'~:i2 4lAIVCR Q~ I~l1X1 MIiH STrUCTUf Al. ilE! f,IIT on prnFerty
descri!~ed ~is a rc•ctanc~ul~rly-shaned parcel of IAnd
cunsistlny ~f anpruximately '~.! acre laeated at the
northwest corrier uf Y.ateila Avenur ~~nd '~lalnut Strrct~ havinc~ ,~n~+roxlr~~tc fr~ntaqes of 127
fect on thc north siciP c~f }:atcll,i Avr_nue ~~nd 2:3 :`cet c~n [hc west sidc of 4lalnut Strcet.
Property presently classlfied CL (CnMNERC111L, LIMIif.4) ~Ot~C.
There were three ~ersons indicntinr~ t~ ~.•ir pre5ence in opnositicm to sul~ject r~~r~uest, and
al thou~~t, che st~ff rcp~~rt t~ t!~e Planniny Lormissfon dat~d Novrn~t~er 5~ 1^7^ was not read
at the public heorin<~~ it i5 ~efcrre~i to and m.ide ~~ p.irt of thc r~inutes.
flermari Flum, ownar~ rx;~l~li~ecl it was his intrnt t~~ dev~lnp a minl-rnarket and nein!~borhrod
shopping centcr abUUt onc and onc-h.~lf ye~irs aga; h~wever~ one of the c~ndtttrns of
approval was a dedicati~n of 2~ feet on Y~atella Avenue for s[reet widening and tt~at a curb
cut on Y.atclla w.is denied ~~nJ he hos not been able t~ ftnd ~ tFn.int interested in the
developr~ent because of the ~ccess and is naw rec~u~~sting appraval for developrtr_nt of a
rtiotel~ which hc feels would hc marc in kec~iny with tne re+yhbonc~x~d bccause it is a qutet
use and would not eiistu~h Lhe adjacent property owners and has 1lmited traffic generation.
Ile staced thcre will bc no windoa,s fatinc; adjacent 5in<~lc•-family pro~crtie~ so that their
privacy wouid n~,t be inv~~led. Ile :.t~ted it is !~is desirr. to construct a~-faot htgh wall
on the praperty lincs; however, he was informed hy the Planniny staff the wall would have
to be set back~ so they fiavc worked out a pian to reduce the height of the wall to 3 feet~
but in spea4~ing witt~ the nelyhbnrs abuttiny the propcrty. thcy are ~equesting that the
fence contlnue at 6 feet co the property lines, ile asked far a variance of the buffer
zc~nc to 17 feet or le~s, rather than 20 fcet; that the co~c requires twice the bu(lciing
hcight an~~ in tl~l, casc, h~ is ~r~~nosin<~ a two-stury development ~•~!~ich wn~~ld riake this
set~ack 40 feet; that tt~e b~~i 1 di ny I~as an overal 1 he3 ght of 2I feet or less wt thout a
gabled roof; and tl~at the l~n-f~ot setbac{: would pr venL hin fram ckveloping the property
as a matel since he already t~as haJ to dedicate th~ 20 feet al~ng Y,atella and provide a
17-foot buffer zone. Ne statE~d many of the neighhors hav~ expressed a desire to redute
the buffer z~ne to 1~ feet because it would rec•.:ce tlie opporcunity for vandallsm and would
help cut down on sone of tt,e nuisances t}~ey are naw e~erienctng~ such as neon lights and
noise. 11e presented two petlttons to the Comr'sston, one supporting the motel with
~pproximately ten property ~x~vners' signatures, ith three of the ten betng immediately
adJacent, and the second petition supporting ~c:uction of the buffer zone. Ne refer~ed to
.. -
thc Int~•rdcr~~rtn,e~nt~l C~mmlttec rccorrx~nJ~~tions ~nd stAted he hR~d fulflllccl .~11 those
obllgatl~ns ss o~tlined In thc ~rlylnal ~One chang~,
Jos~~ph Rlhertelll ~ 1 Jl~'~ S~uth Ileathcr Lanc~ ~nahrlm~ state~i hc w~~s o~~c,scd tc~ th~
constructlen Uf 8 ttlf)~~~~ ~~ f.h~5 AI'C.'li t.~1~lL thcr~• AI'r nur,crous f11[~~P~S If1 ~hC AfCa~ h~ +~`VC~~
thare Are nunc ~~n t~~a wcst si~.ie o( tiJ~lnut nnd that this corner is a h,ir.arctous corner. 11e
stated he was not awarc thc Comm(sslnn h~d nut grnnte~f their acecss to Kat~lla, which
mcans all thc trAffic wlll ~.cx~~c off ~lalnut, ~nd that ~lurinq thc ,unr~r r~,ontl~s therc Is ~i
lot of tr~iffic to Uisncylin~i ,ind ~~c~~plc who arc 1cx,Ginq fur rrx~tcl~ crrate trrffic hazards
and that are.'- Is ~rlniArily rr~sidentlil~ and hc ~lid nnt thlnE•. th15 would hc t!~c best use ar
In the best interest of [he ~r~~pcrty a~n~rs wh~ Iivc th~~re at thr ~r~s~nt time a~d felt it
will decre~~sc thcir prr,~crty v~~lues having ~ tr~~nsicnt tYpr c~f husines~ in the area. Ne
was ilso concernc~d about tf~c safrty of the chi Idren In thr. are~~ hec~use of the h~7ardous
Ceci) Stowers, 1212 -'ol~~~itc Urive~ P~nah~ln~ st,itc~1 hc has nwncd his ~yro~erty for 2) years
~~d when hc he~ purthasecl Chc pr~apcrty hf~ thourtht it would n~t bc a very lon~1 t(n~ before
that corncr we~uld bc dr_velc~f~ec1~ a~id that lt is ~n unsightly area wlth gophers~ etc.~ whlch
create probler~s for the a~Jaccrnt prc,perty or{ners. -Ie stacecf hc Is ti red of l lv)nq (n this
bod-loAkinq ~rea at thc corner af Walnut ~~~f l;ate) l~+ ~in~~ h~id thouqht last yr_~r !t would be
developed~ but recoqnir.cs that k•ithuut the .~cce~s anto ~atell~~ it would b~ dlfficult to
gct tr.nonts. f~e st~~tcd hc woul<i r~ot chosc. a two-st~ry mc~tel if he had i ch~ice. Ne
indicated hc haJ talked with h(S ncir~hhors ~~nd n~ne of thcm .~re ~~~~pos~d to thc motel as
long as there Arc• n0 win~fa•~s or ll~hting on that sldc. ~f tt,e buildin~~, Ile stated he wnuld
be vcry pleased to h.~~i~~ t-~e ratr_I conscructed at tt~ls location. .
Mr. Flum st.~tcd it is his onin~c,n n motcl would gcncr~ite lcss traffie tl~on a mini-markct
bec~~~se the customers only cor,e in once or twice ~i day~ parttcularly in this area wh~re
the custo+ners are patronizin~ Dlsncyl~~nd or thc Conv~nti~n Ctnter. Ne stAted he h~s
seldom scen cars d~irting in and out of mc~tels ~~lonr, Katclln. but that thcy do drlvc in and
ou[ on the opposite corner fror~ this proqerky whc~rr therc are ~eighhorhood sho~s. riP
5tated it is a mattcr of' c~pinion ~•~hether c~r nut prorcrty values are deereas~d. Ne wa5 not
concerned about tFie safety of tl~~~ c`~i 1 dren becausc therc is a tra'f i c s ignal at that
corner. ilc explai~~ed there wi ll hc no Iighting or windc~~s to the rear of the property.
Mr. P.ibertelli as~:ed what type of ilqhting will ;;e available ir~ [he rc~~r of the r~otel
along the back walls~ anci ([ ~•+as pointed out there would be no liyhting, ~nd he felt that
would increase the pusslf_,ility of crime hecause of thc ~ccess to the residenttal areas (1t
was tlarifled 11r. Rtbertelli's home was not adJacent tc~ this property).
Commissianer l3usl~ore stated he was cancerned about che 17-foot buffer scrip and asked if
the matter would have t~ be rcadverctsed tc~ allow the narrower strlp~ ard tt w~s noted lt
would not have to be rcacivercisecl.
Corrmissioner t3usl~ore indicated he had originally felt it would be ntce to have the motel
reverscd, but that would creatc~ a problem wlth ligt~ts shi~ing inta the resident(al hames.
Ne potnted out the ~~roperty owners are in ayreement Chat there should be less landscaping.
Commissioner tlerbst dtd not thtnk the property owners had considere~ the fact that the
further away y~u move that Z1-foot wall adJacent to thetr propcrty, Che further away it
would appear, b~~t having It closed would block off their air circulation~ sunlight~ etc.
He pointed out this would be a 17~-foot long~ solid black wall~ 20 feet high~ and felt
having th~ landscaping strip with trees properly planted would be more suitable. He
EIR tIEGATiVE DCCLAftAT10~~ COI~pITI0f1AL ~SC PE:RMIT N0. 2032 (c~ntlnued)
-- - - ~ .L ~ . , ~
1~- 798
stated h~vtny .i 1~-fcx~t strlr wo~l<I ~crmi t mnr~ f-ccess f~r v.~n~fals ~CCAUSP. thcy wnuld br.
more htdden. Ilc feit thc 2~1-fo~~t strin pro~erly landst~iped wit~~ trces would ~r~vide ~
better shleld bec.~use thc trees could be ~l~in[ec1 with a~1~c~uat~~ r~M f~r grc>wth. Ne
th~ugl~t .ilso there shoulu bc sorx type of low-profi lc I(ghting tn the re~ir s~ th~~t I t
would nut bf: so dt~rl, beh(nd t-`c~sc butldin~~s, He stnt~d In the pnst t'~e C~rm~lssion has
allowed g~~royrs tc~ hc built r~~~ht edj~~c~nt to thc pr~~erty Ilne and nftcr scein~~ t.his in
the fleld and h~w thc eir ~ind llyhtarr blucbed off~ ctc.~ h~ woul~l nevcr votc f~r anothrr
~~nc. Ht fclt hc w~uld nc,t Jc~vi~7[c fror, thc 1J fcct .~s sli~v,n,
Comnslssioner (fush~,re ~u~~~~~~ste~f .~ ~;nte at hoth Nnirantrs to f,~lp tf~~e circ;ul~tion an~1 to
prevent pcurlc fr~~c~ ~~„In~~ bchin,t kfir I~uil~fing,
Marjori~ Ilalcy. 1J71 tle~~t`~cr ~ane~ llnahci~~~~ state<1 hrr ~!rnprrty Is rt!~ht In the middle t~n~1
sh~ now h~s M.atclla llyl~ts ~~hinin~~ Into he~r h~uce and enn r.~ic! w(th~ut any a~1~11ti~n~1
l l~~ht in thr l lviny roor~, She stateci [he Jrvelp~>er cnulcf t~ui I:~ twc~-st~ry hOmeS which
couid bc h1~~hcr than th is bui Idin~~ anJ th.,t othcr r*r~t~l~ cr a[h~_r two-story but Idinc~s
caul~l bc much hi~.;her [h,~n ;'~ t~~ 7.2 sect. Shc ~x~~lnined shc has Cy~~ess trres to buffer
[he sound; th,~t shc has bFren hr_re 1~, years and in~ficnted she is sure Mr. F'luM wi 11 do
everythiny ir~ r,ts ~ca~rer co build t~~is caiplex ~,o [h~it it fs ~~l~astrc~ t~ thN ncighbnrs'
cyes. Sl~e stat.r,c1 she dors n~~t want op~irt~rnt~, ther~ dn~i fcft ,~ ~~~otel woulcl t;e much mar~
quiet and n~st e~isto~~ers woul<1 h~~ ther~• f~r ~~ne~ rveninc~ rrn~i ~~one~ anci t~ii; ts why th~y
felt thcy woul~! r~c,c c~E~~ ~~sc a t4•ro•story r~x~tcl on th~t ~ro, crty in ~rdcr tc> !;~c thc rro~crty
cleveloped nnct ~lin.in~~tr t;hc ~~ycsorr. Sh~ `~~It thc ~atcs a; suygr~,t~d ~~roulrl be a vrry ~~cx~d
i dea.
Mr. Flum st~ted this prc>per[y ls tc, tlie r~5t af t'~c re,ir,~~r~~:cs ,nd thF sun r*~oving w~uld
alwey5 bc Shinin~.; in ai~d tf,c hui ldin; ~auul~i nr~t crr.itc ~~ sh,~d~w, f!c S;a[e~1 he would
stipulatc to provi~!c wrc~u~~r~t 1 ror~ c~r ornarnerntal y~~tes. flc as~:r.cf tf~at thc wall br_
~nni~.a Santalahti st~trd tlic Ll~ck rrall issue I,os not !~ecn aJverti~P~!: h~ever~ th2
pctitit~ner cduld c!I~~cuss the specific d~~sign ~f Lhe wall ~~1(t~~ tne Pl:-n~inq Denartment
staff and work aot a satisfact~>ry so~uti~n, Shc rcfcrre~c: co the pctittoncr's comments
~e~ard i n~ thc paymen t of fecs anci exp 1 a( necl i f ~ny of the fecs have hean pa i ci ~ the
cleveloper wi 11 not bc rcqui reJ to ~~ay ther~ ~yain~ but that the Planninq De~qrtment reeords
show the fees as reques[cci havc not t~een paicl. She refcrred to Condition -~o. ~ of the
Interdep~rtmental Cor~rnitcce recor,mendations rryuiriny that Variance Na. ~1~ be termtnated~
anci IndfcateJ she woulc.' 11E:e to add to [I~at conditian that Variar ce No. ~~?.~, for the
convenience cent~r also I,e terminatecl.
Commissioncr B~~shore clartfieJ with Mr, Ribertrlli that he !ivr.s in thc area but ~ot
adJacent to t~ie property and Ch~at his main concern was with [raffic~ and Mr. Ribertelli
stated he was concerned t+baut tf,e traffic and alsa felt this typc of ~~se wo»ld be
detrtrn~ntal to the property values.
Commissioner ausharc pointed out thcre is no aGCess off Katslla and that the access is on
ualnut and that this property ha~ been vacant and an eyesure for a lon~ tim~~ and~
relating to property values~ the property st~ouid be utilized to its maxlmum and cc~mrared
to other uses whicii coul~l be developed on the propert.y, this could 6e the better of the
ACTION; Commissioner Kin~ offered a motion~ secondsd by Commissioner Davld and MQTfA~~
C~1 RIED (Cortmissiorter Tolar bcing absent)~ that the An~heim Clty Planning Commisston has
reviewed the proposfll to permit a 32-unit motel with waivp~ of r~aximwn structural height
on a rectangularly-shaped p~rcel of land consisting of appraximately O.G acre loc~ted at
thc northwest corner of K:,tella llvenuc t+nd Welnut Strcr.t~ I,aving app~oximate frontag~s of
127 fect on the north sidc ~f Katella Av~nur_ ar~~! 223 fect on the west sicl~ ~f Wfllnut
Strcet; and docs hc~oby a~prove tt,c Nr,gative Dccl~r~t~~~n 1'r~M the rcqul rerx~nt to prep~irc
an environrx~~tai irn~~act repo~t on the basis tl~a; ther~ would be no sic~nlficant individual
or tumult~tlvc adversc cnvironr,x~ncal lmpict duc tc~ thr. ~pf~r~v,~l of this N~~~civA
Uecla~-atlnn slnce thc llnaheim Ccn~~r~~l P1An dCS~qn.ltc5 thc subJect propcrty for ~eneral
eomn~erclnl land uses coctt,x:nsur~Te with thr.. pre~E~~sal; that n~ sensitivr environmentAl
ImpACts erc involvc~l in thc prcposal; that thr Init1,~1 SLuJy suhmittr.d '~y thc pet(ti~ner
indicotes n~ st~~nific~in[ ir~clivtdual or cumulative advcrsc environr+~nt.~l Ir~~~cts; and that
the tle~ative Ucclarattc~n subst~~nti.~tin~.~ the fr~r~c~c,ln~~ findinr~s ls c~n fll~ in the City af
Anahr.in Plannlnc~ Ucpartr~c~r~t.
Commissloncr Y.inc~ offr.rc~i a nx~tic~n, sccnr~clcd by Cr~rr~issi~ncr David ~~n~+ M~TI~`~ Ch~RIC!1
(f.ommisslnncr T~lar bc~inc~ ahscn!) ~ that tl,c Anah~im CtcY Pl.~nninq C~Mr^155i~n ~focs hr.reby
grant thc rcquest for waiver of codc re~;uircrrn[ c,n thr. bosis of thc lir~ftecl sizc of thc
pro~crty whlch ma~.es it und~ sirablc f~~r A homc anc! th~~t th~c propcrty is undcsirablr to~
rr.s(cfential structures b~~c~~usc.~ of chc tr.~ffic co~,cr_rrs.
Comn(sstaner I:inc; offc:rr.d Rcs~~lution tlo. PCi7-2?1 arcl r.x;vcd f~~r its pissa~c and ado~tion,
th..--t thc Anaf~etm City F'Innnlny Com~~lssian docs hcrcl.~y nr~nt f~titir,n fnr Con~lltionil Usc
Permit ~Ja. 2~32~ sublect to the netitluncr's stipul,itinn to E~rnvidc wmu~.ht irc,n~
o~namcn~al ~ates E~arallc) ta :hc Southcrly and c•astcrly str~c~t fmntac~es and subject to
Interdepartmcntal Conrii ttec rec~nxx~nd~~tlons ~ ~~i t'~ Conditi~.~n 'Jo. ~ bcin~ rxacli fted to
inciuJc Variancc '~o. 3~~(.
On rol) ca11~ the fur~yc,iny rrs~lutiorti was p~53Cd L~Y thc follc~win~, votc•:
AYES: C~f+MIS~I~t1I.R5: 1~ARNCS, [~~J~IIORC~ D~1V~D, FP.Y~ HCa.CST~ Y,I~;L
NOC5 : C(`MHI SS ~ ~t~E:RS : t1~'IC
!-liSEt~T: CO~+'115510'IEf.S: T L,~!'
Jact. Whlte~ Ueputy City ~Liorn~~y~ prc5entr.cl [he ;etltir~ner with the written rlqhx to
appc~il Lhe Flanning Conv~issi~n's decision rrit~~in ~? Jt~ys ta thc City Councll.
ITEr~ r10. 7 PJEtLIC 11CARIt1C. O~fttERS: EDWhPD G. Ai~DERSQ~l~ ET AL,
~'~1' ,/ VE UCCL~+RATIOt~ f,-,7~+ Surry f;oa~. 1.0~9 Bcach~ CA '-~515. AGENT: DO!II:LD
~IAIVER OF CODE Rf:QUIRE-~E!!T N. URO~ff:~ 2~!1~~ Easi La Pa1na Avcnue. Anahcim~ CA 923oG.
COIjGITI~tl/;L USC PEI',~tiT 1~0. ~0;3 Pecttioncr rcc~ucsts pcrnission to EXPANa t.N EXIS7ING
SPECIAL AREAS or pr~perty described as an lrregutarly-
sl~aped parcel of lar~d c~nsisting of a~proxir~ateiy ~.; acres locaced s~uth and east of the
southeas: corncr of Lincoln Avcnue and Dalc AvCnue, having apRroxir^.~ce frontTges of 21(:
fcet on the south s~de of lincoln Avenuc and 37~ fc~t on thc east side ~f Dale Avenue~ and
furcher descr(bed as 277~ West Llncoln Avenue. Proprrty p~esercly classtfled CL
Ther~ was no or~e indicatin~ their presence in nppositton to suLj~ct request, and althouyh
the staff report to the Planni~g Commissto~ datcd Novcrt~er S~ 1~7^ was not read at the
public hearinq. (t is r~fcrred to ~nd made a~art of the minutes.
aonald Brown~ agent. was present to answer any questio~s.
79- Qo~
Gommiss(oncr Y,ing refcrred to thc petitioncr's st~~tem~nt th?-t thr walver ,hould be granted
on the bas ( s th ~t S t mf 1 ~r proper[ i et~ t~avc bcen dcva loped i n t~~e arc~i i n tl~e pas t~ and
polnted out he was 1n thc~ drea anc~ was unabl~ to find any stmilar prn~erttes with the wall
on the propcrL.y 1 ine,
Hr. llra~~n cxpl~iricd hc was refcrrin~~ to pro~~crty h~twccn ~i lbrrt and Ha~~nnl la on 1:he south
sidc of Lincoln withln onc rn11c of this prorcrty.
Lorriis5lc~ner Dushore st~~t.ed th~~se horr.s were construct~cl befr,re Lincc~ln ~~~as wiciene:~ and
beforr chc ca~1c requf rcr•~cnt fnr t~~is setb~~cl..
Conmissiuncr Ilcrbst cr.~,lnine.f thr Comr~issl<m y~,es by curren! cr~dcs and f~lt thls would bc
sctttng a precc~icnt.
Comc~issioner Uavi ~,I st~tc~i hc was conc~rnec: abouc the cl~~scness of thc h-ro trni iers and
~Skcd haw t~~at caul~l ~ar~~vic:c~ ~dcquat~~ ! ivlnc; yu~rt~rs.
Mr. 6ru~:r~ statcr~! thcr~ ~~~as -~r!'viously a rest~urant on that ~~rtion ~~f tl~c proncrty and thc
restaurant ha:, Lc~n ~i~~~r~lis',c~d~ t>rnvicfin~a edditiunel l.~nd, .m~' ,h~~ tl~~ ~x,rnr.r w~~t~lc; lil:c
tq f`X~7a~(lfj ~!1C f'K7t)I ~~'ft'~t'Lr f,~l'1'. tO F•r~vi~~( tWn dc~(~1 ~ir.~r~;il S~iC1CC5. ~~~` SC~I~C!~ thr reascin fU~
thc bluc4 r~~ll ~~-1/2 frct off the ;,r~pcrcy lin-~ i~, bcc:~usc It I(n~, up wit!~ thc ornanenta)
blc>C~'. wall on thc w~~,t 5i~'r of thc cn!r~ncc ~~rivc. Hc stat~~! `,r. fclt .~ hl~ck. w~ll on [hc
propcrty Iinc would nut bc c:c~,ira',lc anc± chcy ~ire scttiny it !~~ac~~ In ordrr to providc
landse~ipin, whieh r,oul~: rnh~~nee thr scenery alonc; Llncoln. Ite p~inted out wi [h the angle
~f Lhc rx~bi lchoric5. I t i, qul tc Li~~'~t o~~ onc• c~rnrr, !~ut o~rns out for a ~atin ~~n the
otl~er sidc.
Comr~issiQncr ~ushc,re statcci r~blleh~~~e:s usually h.~v~ tl,c bc~irnc>rx in ihc rear and this
would put the b~drooms clc~scr t~~ thr_ strcr.t.
Commissioner Elus~ic~re st~~ced hc woulcl lite tc~ scr r,orc m,bllnc~_,r,c spaccs provic+ed because
thcy do affcr an ,iltcrn~itivc lifes[ylc, but did nr~i kncr„ if s~~~cone would w~nt t~ Ilv~~
next to b~sy Lincoln t'wenue~ an~! ;uyycste~t n~7yhe that space enui.i be ~r~vided for the
manayer'S unit. (Mr, Drc~wn explained thc~ manager is in Space 55.)
Chairwonwn Garnes indicatcd shc did not sce ar;y rc.ison f,~r ~~r.nting t`~Is particular watvcr
because there is nc harcJsh?p in this c~se~ ~eintiny out tt,e Pla~~nine~ Commtssion is t~ytng ~o
matntain the setbacl.s t~~ ~~~a~:e ilnal~eir.~ a morc ~~ttractivF and better place [o live.
C~rrxni5s(uner M.iny statcd traffic nc,lse does not neccssarity hother everyonc~ and that the
Planniny Convnis5lun shoul~f t;e cifscussiny whett,er or not the pro}ect mcets the code.
Ch~l roroman Darnes asG•ed oihy the ~~ai ver is necessary. Shc: stated thi s!s an establ ished
mc~bilehone par1.~ 'ut that the Planniny ~onmissl4n has not grantcd any walvers of the
seibacks alony Lhat sCrcet un!ess thcr~c has bcen .~ definite hardsl~ip.
Mr. Etrvwn pofnted out rrnviciinc,• the wall would aliow them to have Lwo units (nsceac~ of
Commissiuner Nerbst staied the G-faot hlgh wall does nqt provldt adequate sound buffering
and that the Cormission ls concerned becausc thls is a llving environment.
Mr. 9rown state~ they couid reducr the sound by (ncreasing Lhe height ~f che block wall,
a~~d Cor.xntssioner Herbst stated ~~ variance would be needed in ordtr to increase che helght.
and Ja~c~: White~ Deputy C1~y ~lttorney, e~lained the hearing wos noticed of a deviatto~
79 - 801
EIR NEGATIVE DECLAMTIO!~~ rnyDiTION~L USE PER~~IT ;~0. zo33 (cc~itinued)
- -_-_._...- _._.._....~. ,
Into the required sotback encl that the heic~ht c~uld be e•xtcn~i~d wlt~•uuL furth~r n~~tite.
Ne s tated for the record that he has hren ~dv i scd the P l~inn i ny Conmi s51 or~ has ~~r. rr~i t f.ed
othcr variances In this area.
/lnnila Santalahtl ex~l~lned l.Ine~in ~~vcnue has A s~eci~~l 3~-fo~t butldin~~ tctbaek and
several years aqo anothr•r m%~bi lehcxnc ~ark c.irx~ In on thr nc~rth ~ide and did construcs some
untts in thc 3!i-f~xat setb~~c~ ~ hut not as clr,se ns h-1/2 fect~ proba!~ly .it 1^ feet.
Commiss(oncr ;lushc~rr, su~~~~~~ste~f thr c~•;~ches be anqleJ diff~rently to provl~fe ~r~ ro~m or
that <~ sm<i) ler ch,ich hr. al ir~.,r.d ~n th~it pnr~fon.
11r, Brex•~n st~ited thie cn~c!~es ~rc ~~n,lyd !Iqht .it c~ne enc1~ which w~uld hr. thr serv(ce nart
of tl;c cuaeh r~ithcr th.~n thc l ivinc; part of the eoae'~~ tn crcatc rx,rr ~at(n area~ an~1
realic;niny the co~ch~:> ~nr,~llr.1 t~~ the f~r~ce ~,youl~l he enCrc~;lChlncj intn the~ setbtie~ .~nrt
redueing the sp~~ec l,etw~•en th<~ conches, wh(ch hr frlt wc~uirt he less dFsir~hle~.
~c~mr~IsSir~n~ r Ncrbst f~_~lt [hc ~~c~itinncr Is try(n~ tr~ ~'~ut to~~ ^~uth dc~vFlopr~n~ pn the
Edward Andcrson~ a•~ncr~ SL~LC~~ Lf~(` ~~CI;~Ff'~y vr~~5 t~CVC~Qj~tT~~ A~ ~~ rest~ur.~nt ~C:~ .°~ y~•al'S c~ll(~
i t had deteriorate~! to ~i , oint wii~re It w~~~ a~.letrir~nt to t-~e pnrl .~nci *.hc ~~rr,~ and that
i t h~,s since !~een deru,l isheel an,J ,~cx•~ thr.y .~int to u~c~ratle thc rK?bi Ichor-c~ t~ar~- a~d
especial ly the er~trancc off Linc~~ln, .~nd suc~~ est~d t`~~it. ttr. [trc~wn co~aid worN- out s~~me:thin~
whcrcby a srwller c.o.~ch wnul.f hc pcrr~(tt~~d in C`~at s~~acc fhat wo~.ilri `,e satisFr,ct.nry wi[h
him and rxplaincd Cha ,~drb. con5iSt5 uf 1~-fUC~t~ i?°f~~t .~nd u~ [o '~-fc~ot wldc c~acfirs.
He st~ted fror .in ~con~x~ic standp:~in~ hc wa5 rc•ccivin<; ;~:~1 a r~nn(I~ rcnt f~r thc
res.aurant an~ r~ill proba~,ly !;e gr..<<inc; much ~cs, tt~an h,ilf f~~r thc cuach s~aces and it
would br a finane(~1 l~~ss [o hin.
Comn,iss loner ~lerbst statc~t i c ~~~,~,ct~rs thcy ~,i ,ht t~c a`~ I, ta r~~•~t thc 1~-fcx,t setb.ict~ and
e~plained the Cur.inission I~as all~~cd ~revious viri~inc<~s fnr rmbi l~h~mc (~Ar-.5 f~r
approxir•~ately 1'1 fect, ~nc.; indi~~te~f hc would bc (~, f.iv~r of this rrquest If thc
petltio~er woulcl stipulrte Go m~;~cing tl,e 1~-foot sctb~~ck.
C~xnr~lssioner Bushurc asb.e~1 i f' sc~al ler, c~l~lcr ty~c tr~ii lcrs are al loa~ed in this park and
suggesteJ there is a pos:(!.ility this coul~i nrovlde SpaCr for son~; dis~?laced mabilehc~me
owncrs from otl~er parF.s.
Ai.Tl~~1: Commissinnr.r Ile~st ofr~re~i a~o[ir~n~ secondccl by Corr~issi~~ner pavid and M('TI~!~
C.'~RRIED (Comnissioner Tol.zr beiny absent), that chc Anaheie~ City Planr~in~ Conx~issian has
revlewecJ thc pr~poaal to exp:~~d an r_xiscln~ ex~bilehome nark with ~a waivrr of requ(red
,etback 1n specla) areas an an IrrFgularly-s~~~ned ~arcrl of land consistin~ of
approxir+ately '..; acres lncateci soutl~ ond east of the sauthcast cornc.; of Lincoin Avenue
and Uale Aver~uc~ havlnc; apprnxi~~,~te frontages of 21L feet on the south sid~ of Lincoln
Avenue and 3%'~ fcet on th~ east sidc of Uale Avenuc; and d+~cs ~~erel:y anprovc the Negative
Declaration fior~ the ~requiremenc to pr~pare an cnviranrr~ental in,~~~ct report on the basis
that there would be no signif(cant ~ndividual or cumulative ~ti~ive~se em~ironmental impatt
due to the approv~,l ~f this ~~eyattv~ Der,laration since tt~c Ai~,~heim Gener~~l Plan de~st!~nates
thr subjeet property for general c~mr~erciai land uses corx~ensurate with thc propnsal; that
no sensltive envlronr~ental iRpacts are lnv~~lved in the proVosal; that the Init~al S~udy
submltted by Che petiti~ner indicates no siyniflcae~t indivldual or cur-~lative t~Jverse
envlronmental impacts; and that the Negattve Deciaration substantlatinq the foregoing
findings is on file In the ~ity of Mahelm Planning Deparcment.
NI NUl CS ~ Al1AllC 1 N C I TY PL~N1! I NC CQMNI SS 10'! ~ NQVE ~1aER ~~ ~ 1~17~
Commlssloncr Ilerbst ~ffcred n~tlu~~. s~t~nrfe~l hy Cn~'• ~ S~~ner D+~vid nnci ~~OTION G~R-~If~
(Ccxnnlssl~.~cr Ilarnea vutinU no ond Lortu~itisionrr Tol ~• ' In~a ,~hs~nt). th~t thc An.~h~im City
Pl~~nninc~ Cvmn+issian docs h~:r~•by yr~~nt rec;u~st for w' r ~f rcr~uir~d sotLac4. in sprela)
arcas o~ the basls thrt t-~c pro~^rtv (s dcv~•I<,nr.d wi th ~n ext~,tln~1 nx~bi lthnr~c pnrk. .~nd dUC
to thc slrc end st~a~~c uf thr. ~r~prrty~
Com~r1551oncr Ncrh~it of(rn ~i Resr~lutir.n ~10. r~7~'i~i r~~~ ~~V~'~J f~~~ ~~~, ~j~5''iA~~C i1n~
~~dn~tinn, that t-~e M~hr.im Clty ~'lannlny Corir~i ,Sinn ~1nc~s hr~ehy ,.r,int P~tltfnn f~r
Condltlon~~l Usi• F'crrryit II<~. 7^~'~3. suhj~ct t~~ (ntcr~l~•partmc•nthl f.orr~itirc r~cc~~xn~~~~at~~^`.
includl~~~~ confuri~an~r ~•ri'h .ill statc~ ir,J lncnl r~qulation, fc,r m~~bi li~h~~rw' r>arks.
~tt roll c;.ll~ tl~c farc ,ni~~,; rr.~~~l~:ti~,~, was -~,~ssc~~ ' y thi~ f~ l lrn•;ir,~~ v~~t~::
~YES: C~'ll"I:,510';CP.>: Lili~l~~i'.C~ ~!1V1?~, FRY~ ~+Er;(t:>T~ !;I'IG
,IC`~.5: C~`M!'I~,SI(1~'E_f5: D~P'IC~
~Ei,f'IT: CO~n!I S; 1 ~'~E. n5 : T~IAr
Ch~~l rwa'~~n Garn~•5 I ridl c,~t~~d hrr nc•r~iti v~~ votc r~•flc•ct~ I~~r ~i~~ ( r~ to ~.e~V d~~vnl~~+~r.ntt
wi th I n co~1c as r,~ch as ~~ss ib lr. .
NOQ ( LL{~( MF P11~1; O., I ~IM A'1 ~C(.
Corxnissioncr i1~r' S: ir,dic~cc~l hc ~~au~~' 11-cr siaff tc~ u{~~~r.~cfr chr or<linanccs t~ lnclude
mubi lchcmr ~ark~ as r~,si~7~~nt1~~1 nrr.as; that thc pr~sent c~~u~s consi~lcr r~p~~I ~Chpr~c pnrb
c.lwellcrs ~~s scccin~l~cl.~~~~ c:itizens who ~rc n!~t <1iv~•n Lhc sar•~~~ ~ riv(le,c~~~s as sln~~lc-f~mlly
re5ldcnt5~ ,inc! hr. wuuld liLe~ th~ code u~~3~r+~ler! to c~ivc thcm tl~~ s~~mc ~r•otecti~m a~ ihc
reslcJcntf.il ~~rc~is.
Annfk~i St~nt~1<~h.l~ Asal,t.~nt Girect<~r f~~r Z~nin~~~ rxpl~~ir.Fd in 1^7i t-~e P1Annin~
Corr~ission had op{~~rc.~vcd a nx~b11~•hur~~~ nark ordinanc.c, 5ut that t~~e City Council had dcemed
it not ncer.ssnry~ an-a s[~~~f coul~l revirw h~vin~~ thit Urc4in~nc.c rcintroducc<'.
Corrx~lssioner Gavid w,~s tanccrned that apnr~vinc~ ,~ mo:~i lelx,m~ par~, or~Slnant~• woulcl increase
the cost of th~: 1r~ncS ~nd there~~y thc space rentals wuulc! g~~ up•
C~~mr,issio+~cr I!c~bs~t did nr~t f~~~l the ~r~!inanccs wc~uld c~usc [he costs tn o~ up and felt
thr. parks cle,ervr. thr s~r~~ protec[iar,
Ce~rmissioner Davic: tndic~ted he wa~, sti 11 Go~±c~~r~ed ahout thr. increased costs which would
perr,ft fewer units ln tf~c mobilchanc~ par~:s to prov(de the prctection~ and Corxnissioner
Nert~sc e`xpleinCtl mol;ilehu~~e t~~+r~.s arc tonsic:rred as interim uses ~nd furthcr encroachments
are al iow~d wt~i c.h do not ~~~ t 1,yate che saund a~A n~lses ~ and hc fel t mn:;i 1eh~rt+c parks
should be consi~:Grc~ resi~Icncial property. Ne fr.lt It ~~ust be clurlfie. nnu spelled out
in th~ ardinancr.s and indic~ted hc i~ LhinG.inq of e,orrriercial cievelop~e~t abutting
mo~ilehor.~ par~.s after thc~ r~bil~har~~ ~ark has been estat~lished~ r-nd the c~rr~rcial
dcvcloprmnt shoul~, hc rcyu) red to h~+vc a Za-fnoi buffcr.
ACTIOtI: (.onmissioncr flerbst offerecl a mot(on~ sec:ondeci by Conxnissianer Bushore and N~TIO!!
~D (Gor.missianer Tolar being ahsent} ~ that the Anah~im City Planntng Comn-(ssion does
ttiereby inst~uct staff to study thc p~ssit~tlity of reintroductng thc mahllehome part~
ordinances to prov(ck the sa~~ tlvtng envir~~ne~ent os for residential property owner~.
~g- 80 3
thare balny no further bustness. Corn~lesianer Fry nffcrcd a motlon~ secondad
by Commissloner Oovid and M0710M CAAP~ICO (Commisstoncr Tolnr h~ing absen;)~
~haC thc mertiny be edjourncd.
The meetf~~~ wes ad,jaurncd at ~~:25 P•m~
Respectfuily s~t>mitt.ed.
. ~-d~~ .~° ~.~...~~.
Edlth L. 11nrr1 s, Secretery
A~.ihr.(m Clty Plannlnc~ Commissl~~n