Minutes-PC 1979/12/17~ 'A~ ~ Ci ty Ilal I An~hcir,, C~11 fornt.~ D~c~mbc~r lj~ 1'1]'~ RLGUL~~R NCLTI'IR or 7~~~ n~~n~~ci~~ cin F'L~"~'11'~G f,0'!ttlS~ln'' i~C~l:L1R -'f'I~~ rr~tul~~t' i~Mr~tin~,~ nf the Anahcir~ Clty f'l.~nninr, CU~nr~155ion ~•rr5 C~l lcd 11f:lTl ~~' t~, c~rJ~r t~y Chai n~~~~~~r~ t;~rn~~s ~t 1: i'~ ~~.ri. ~ ix~c~~r~J,~r 1 J~ 1~~ J'~ ~ tn tf~r Cuun<:i 1 t,l~n~~~~~~•r~ ~i .~uc~r~x•i hc•ln~; ~>r~~srnt. f'Rf:~[~IT - (.fi~i r,.~.~r,~r~; .'•~irn~.,; Gor„~lssioncr5: ~~~,hurc, .~nvi,!, Frv~ lii~r'~;,, >;1nr, (.or~~~,(s5i~,nrr G.~vi~! ;~rriv~~ ' ~~t 1;^' ~.r,. pIISC'I;T - ~t~Mr~i,si~~r,cr: Tal;,r l1LS" ~'R; ai.'T - Fr~nr Lu~rry Jny Ti tus Pa~~.~) S I n~:~~ r llnnll.,i ;,ant:ilr' ti U~rin Sli ~r~•r l~~ it, ~Iarri s ;~r,i~~r As~c~St•'1~I Cfty ~ttnr~~-~y (!ffir~ Ln-~in,~~ r ~rnffic, Ln~;ii~~~,:r l~s~,i~,t;~n[ ulrcc.t~~r f~~,r ~onin•; :r;rir,~, Re-~r~s~,nt:~rlv~• f'I,~nn(n~~ (.c,rir,IGSI~>r~ Se~.r~~t,-~ry PLE'~Gl. Ui' - Thr P~c~ur~c Uf All~:,j,+nc;^ t~~ Lh~: Flt~r~ ~~~~, ~~`~! ,~y Cu~miSSir,nc~r 13usl~nre. ~11.Lf_f;lA!!CE APF'^OVAL U~ ' ~O~t115~,ic,n~~r Kin~, nff~:rc~! ~ ~r~tii~.n~ ~cconuc~J hy Cvt-~-nissi!~n~•r Herf,sL Tlif. It1II~;TC.:; ~~n ± t1~i I~'I C,^,t;°.ll~ (Co~~r^i„i~~nc~ Tol.ir anct G.~vid `,i~iry ,~h5r.nt) ~ t4~~~t tiir ,.inuC~'S ~~1~ [t~r ~~~rti~r ~~ ~~~vc•r~hc~r 1~', ~n~l Detcmhrr ?~ inJ^ br• ~i~~pr~~vc~i ~s s~ti~m~ t L,~,i, - iTr.r~. ~~o, ~ ._________._ RCP~RTS l1'IG (tC(:0!11!E11~+,',~ I('-,~ Th~ follo~ain, Rc;,-~rts ~nJ ftecoi~r~r.:r~i;,+tic~~s St~]rf r~•~~urCS wrsrc nrrs~ nte~' 's~~t nc't rc,d; A, TC!~7,~71Vf. 11A.t' OF TRJ.CT I,O. ~~~~:' - F~er~ut~st f<~r ~~r rxt~~ns(a~~ of Lir~R~ fro~~ aAniel A. a C~.a, na,c r~ ~I s~ nc.~ n ~rrS~r tc, r_c~n~,lctr ,~r~~cessing nf tht~ final trACt rwi~ f~r a!~'~-lo[, ft;-IlS-l~t~'1~~(~Ci sul,dlvisinn ~n 1~.'' c~cr~s~ havin~t An ap~r~xir~ate frunta~;~~ ~f 1't"~~ fcrt ~n tlic snuth s~ dn of Noh' Ranc-~ Road, loc~itr~! ap,~roxi~-~~tcly~ h~~ f~~~~t Y+es[ of the eent~~rtine of Anc~ovcr Drtv~. i3. 7f:tITl,T1VC t1,1f' Q(" T?l1CT N~~. ~F~~t~: P,equest for extensic~n nf tiinP frc~r.~ !)aniel A, a ce~a. n~~eim s, Inc.~ tn cor,picte processin~ of tho~ f1na1 tract ma~ of trnct m~p fnr a 3~'1ot~ R.S-IIS-1(1~~~3~(5C) suhdivisic~n on anpr~xtmAte{y 7.7 acr~s lnc~3t~d at thc~ soutfleast corner af ;~ohl Ranch Road an.i Meats Aven~~~. ~~CTIOtl: Corx~issir,ncr Fry off~rGd ~ mntion, secc,nJed by Comrrtssio-~~~r Il~rbst and Ft I~il C~RF,lED (Ca~mis~iuners Uavid and T~IAr bein_y absent) that the Anaheir~ City Plannin~J COrrmiSSlcm does hereby grant a on~-y~ar ~xtcnsion of tim~ for Tent~tive Map of TraGt c~o. ~U'?7. and Tentative~ hiap ~f i ract F~a. ~rb4 to expi re an ~ebruary t;~ i~~1. 79•858 t2/11/79 : ~ ~ .:r NINU7E5~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMNISSION~ DECEMBER 17, 1979 79'~59 REPORTS AND RECOMMENOATIONS (CONTINUEU) C. C~lI.'IT1~~'i";l. USE PCRHIT I!(1. 1'~~' - IZequ~~st fc~r extt~nslon c~f tfrx, Fror~ Ch.~~lrs !1. .~r.~n~~ n ~rcr•r to ~I~t~ n cc~n,tru~.ti~~n !'i u,~nciri~) f~~r .in ~~~itor•x~hllr ;~nrkinc~ lot on a~~~r~;xi~~~:+t~~ly ~,~ ~C~r l~~c,~t~~~.1 ~~t t-~c sc>~~tlwrrst cnrnrr nf Snufh Str~ct nncl Helenn Slrr~~t, l1f,Tl~1!!: Co~~r,~l~ai~ncr ('ry c>ff~,r~,l n~x,ti~>n, s~~c.nn~f~~~l hy Coru~issi%,n~r li~rhst ~~n~l IL~i I!"; Gf~^,^,IC~ (Cc»r•~is~;i~n~~r~~ l~nvi~+ r~r~1 Tc~1.~r br•inq ,~'~srnt} t~+~it tt~~~• ~nr+h~~i~+ City P I inn i nc~ Lcu~~n1 ,5 i nn r'~~~ , h~~ r~l~y ~;~~nt ~~~n~•-y~', r r;<<~~rs i nn nf t ~rtr f~r Con~li f inrZ.~l l;s~• Pcr•~nl t ~~o. 1'„ ;, tn exri rF- rn ,I,~nu~ry ?~ 1^';1. ~. C~!'',171~'!~l_ U:,! PCn!'IT 'i;?. 1~, ~~' - i;c~;~~t`, i~nr ~~xt~~n;i~n [;f tirx: frnr~ G. J. Lin~.i~uisf r~ Ge~n f,~n„1 ~nr! ~~SS~~eirt!~, f~r ~~ i~~te•I•r,,~,f.~~~r~7r,t-erffr~~ Sh~~-~ tn~+~l~x c~n ~ir~(~rt~xli~rtrly ?.~' ~tcrr~5 lnc~itr~l 5<~uth nf thi• {;fvrr5l~lr F~~~r~~~:.y~ h~vl~~~ ~ frnnt,i~~~~ ~~f ~~n„rnx(~~~t~•ly ~~';"~. fr~t ~,n t''~•~ ~•:t~~t Si~1r~ nf Tustin ,1v~nu~. i1~~~ ~~~~ I ~C)~"M?1 SS I OI1~1f ~ YV rtf f~: Pn~~ ~1 ' K~I 1 c'~!1 ~ SI~C(~,'~1~`~~ f)`/ CU~YtIi SG t hRCr !icr},s t Af1C~ ;! r.~ C!'~"!'If.il (Co~~ir.~,ic~nr~rs ~i,~vict ~'+~~~1 Tc~l,ir hf~l~~~_~ ~ihsr~n[) thnt t~~~^ M~~hPi~ City Pl~nni~;~~ Cr~rrt,~,i~,n ~!c~..,; h~•r:.-,y ,~rt~nc ~~~nr-y~nr ~~ct~~risini~ ~~` tir~r fnr Cor,clitic~nal Use Pe~mlt ~Jc>. 1`,?3 tc. ~~~f~ir,. ~,r f'rhru;~ry 1",, 1''~"1. ITCN 'l~, li ~'U'~LI~ il( rCl"~. ;~''tlf ^~ CII~f'~'/','! £ C^,~~~rf71{~pPF CIP. ~;c-~,",TIVC ~t~lr,P.~TI~~'~ ~~~S^f,InTC~. , c/~~ F~NII; TRI1N1. -~:,`) W. Seventh Stract, ~•~~~-, r r ~ i~^' i If „L S~I ~ IC,',~ 1!~', i~.;. -~-'~^-1~ S.~n Pc~.r~,, L'. ,.,1. ,~f, ~T: ,~ Etl„tT, A51i'fllL- ul,'',::. 1.~. ~~,'~ 5. l~nil ~.ir. 1~'~ Ur',in,ir~ G!~ ~~~f°,. ~'et i tic~r:~ r r~.~quc~sts 1~~~~t pr~ F~crty ~.f~.scri!~ec~ ~5 ar, irrcyulr~r~y~:i~i~:~)C~ (~~lfCt:) Uj ~~7lICj Cu~1~15~111'.~'~~ ~J~~~t^~~Ylitil~l'~y ~„r, ~C'rC5 ~~~~~liC:~ ~~ Lf1C nortliw~•s; cor~~~~r or Gr'nn'.~cthr,rn•~ 11v~~nu: in•: Im;~e~i~~l Hly'w.~y b~• 1'CG~t+ssiflr.cl rt'rx~ tn~~ RS- A-t+~~~n~ (Ri::;l;il:'!?I~"~,L/A~~RIC~;L~l~i/!•!.) T'.; T~fC GL (Cf711!'.E.RC;~'~L~LI".li';'UJ ZQ;IE. (C was not~:~1 Chc~ (~c~titi~>n~:r has r~~q~est<'u ~~ Go~~t ifiu.lnCC of this ~»t[er ur,Il ~hc. rneeting uf Janu~3r•y 11+~ 1?'~~. i,CTI0i1 : Goctmi s~. i~n.;r ~ry ~t'f~~rr.c a,~vt i cn ~ sc~cc~nclccl by Corr:i ss iar~er 1{erbs! an~i M~Tf ~~! Ll1RR~EL (Cor~xnissi~mcrs Javi~! anc+ 7o~~r t~cin~~ al.scnt) thut thc An~hci~~. City Pl~nnlny Coifr~issl~n dves liercl,y ;rar~t ~~ fc~ur-~.~rc~k conLinu<~nc~r t~~ thc r~yularly-sche~iule~l meetinry af thc Planriin~,~ Goiti~~ission on January 1~~~ 1~~')~ ~t thc rcquc•st of thc~ pc:tlt(oner. 12/17/73 ~ MINUYES~ ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMHISS~ON~ UECEMEiER 17~ 1979 79•f360 ITL~~ .,-,~~o,~. ,~~' PutsLl~ iit^~I~~~,, o~.~iiCr,; Ari,~iit li~ R~.ut:VC.I.QP-^,E.~~T AGCt;r,Y~ E~ f~f.~fi~TIVC Ut_CLAR.1T10; 1nf ~;, C1~-tu~llna Strect, Suitc, ~~'1~. Anahe~lm, CA `?2~!1~,. ,, , ~! I1p, •;.'~-1J A~{.;iT: NORtWIi J. PRIC.ST~ F.~CCU7IVC. DIRCCT~R~ A'IAI~CIhS ^ RC1~f.V,.LO-'N! ~,~r nr~I;~CY~ l~i N. Cl~~udina, Sui~e 1~'1'1~ M~+I~cim~ CA ): ~, ~;. P~ti t ic.~rcr rr~~u~sCS that propc rty descrlbr.~. .is a rcct~~+nyulr~rly-s a~!r.u c~~rurl of l,in~i c~~nsistin~~ ~~f at~~rur.lr~atc'.y 1.1~ acres Ic>cat~c, at th~~ ~~~rt'~r~st c~rncr uf l.r~.~a~lway ,~n<! 4n~~hcim Uoulevnr~l~ I~avinc~ .i~~~mxir~atc f run tr~~~es c,f ;"`7 f~•~~ t c.~n t~~~c. n~~rth s i~1~- ~~f Grr~.~~lw.~y ~incl 1 J', fer,t ~~~~ ti~r r.~st s I~Ie of l1n~h~ir~ E~oul~v~r~l ~~e rt;cl.~ssifir~l fr~~m C('~ (f.~'~;tr~.E.RLll1!.~Gk.t;El?~L) 7~~I1[ TU T!!C C^ (C'.01111LRCI~IL,O~FIC~ l1,J.: f'R;~f'E S`~I~~'I;~1.1 7.~,~L. I t was nc-te,1 th~~ ~iet i t i ~~ri~•r h~~s ri~r~ucsC~~~1 n ccmi i nuanc,e~ c~f lhi s in,~t t.~~r ~int i I t`~r r~etln~~ ~f January 1<<. 1'I;;). ACTlnll: Corr~isr,l~~~~~•r ~ry off~~rc~ a ix~ti:,u~ scci.,ri.1~~J hy C<~r~r,iitisi<>ncr Ilc~r~~St and ~1~~1!)'I C~1r'.If:U (f,om,:s;ssi~~n~~rs uavi,! ,~n,l Tol~r brin~~ nl~s~~r~t) [hat. tl~~• An~~l~cir~ C(ty Pl~nr~ing COrrnissiun clc~es horchy ;r~~nt ~~ f~~ur-w~~nE. cunlin,.~inc+~ l~a [hr rc~~ui~~rly-,~.hcclu'.c~~ ~~e~king Of ihe P1s~ning Com~~lsstof~ c~n Janunry 1~~~ 1'~""~ ~ t~~c: rcr~u<,st ~f t~~r prtitic~rcr. ITE.'1 t10. ? PUGLIC ~it.-',~~~~~~. U~l~~E.R: LUt:lli~ 5!10PPIt~G CEIITER~ ~~ . L,.~I C~1LLY E;:l_.'~i T CLl~~.'. 1 :.?'1:, '~Ir_:t E.~i 1 rortrf, i,n,~h~ii'~~C.,1 ~1)~!(14. AGEIlT5~ vr~r~n~~cc I;; . ~1"1 lUt'IIIiu?T ,Ii 0'~ C!1. ~~~''~,'~ E..~lvr~ic ~31vc1, Los l~n~elPS~ C'~, '~1~;? ancl N,TtI ~,JE.~T I'if./A'.~IY~S~ ~,^"'^ Cam~,us Drivc~ 11~•w~ort Eic~cf~, ^''.~' ~. f'a[iti ,:r rcryuc~~t~~ '~d/11Vi.R c~f (~~; PC+;",I i7L~:' '~U„"f~ Or F':^,~C~T~~IDI~!G (L') P~i;t~ITTL.G L~C~~I~),~~ SI('~'!S !~';U (~~ ~~I ~I;li'" „I'_',T,".',CL LCTJ('C ~ f^i: ~T^~~;.,i'~~ :;I~"S T^ ~ PFP,'11T A Ff,L~;Tt,'I'?I';C 51c',', ~~i~ ;~rr,-,cr*.v ~!r~;cri; r:~~ ~s .~r~ i rr~~- i.il:;rly-si,;~~~r,! ;,,~rccl ~f l,~n ! consisttnr ~>f .~rpr~~r.i~~ntrly ~!. '~ ~~~:r, s h.~v~r~.~ i ft'~f1i~l~r of ap~+r~xir~Atcly 1+7.5 feet ~n thc south si,!c ~f K~~t~ il,~ llv~nuc, h,~vir~,; ., ,.,; fiiur ;:c~~tl~ nf ~r,; rnxi,~.~•r,ly f^°, f~~~t~ 6~ ing iocatcc! aE~pr~~xi~~r~t~.iy. 1~"~ {,,~ ~ ,~;~yt r~f t'~~ ccnCcrl inr c~~ Cuc:l i.~ Strr~.~t~ .:~~I furtt~~r describ~;! as lf'i( '~fest lu~c<~11,~ P~v~~n~.e. f'rn;~crty ~~r~s~r~tl~; r.i~iss(fi~~! Cl. (Cpt;Nf.RCI P~I..L 1 P~IT''.C~) ._0';E., .SU~jCGf ~C'~~ L IUfI 'ilc'1:~ Cnfl~ lil~l(~~. frnr., ttl(.' "k'Ct11}~j fl~ ~iGVCI?f'l'f ~.'~ ~~/~'~~~ l~ t~l~' rl'<~UC$~ Of thc prti;i~~nc:r in r;r'rr t.7 5ubi^it r~vi:,i:.: ~~lans. 1'hnre was no onr. In~~ieatin~; th~~ir prc~scnce in c~~~^c~sitinn t~ s~~' j•ct re<~ucs'', ~~nri althou~~h t:ie 5 taf f r~~~,rt t~ t!~~: P 1:~,~n i r~~ Core ~i ss icin d,~tf~c: }ec~~r~.>er 1', 1~ J~ wa, nc~t reaci ~~t tiie publi. hcarinn, i[ f~ rcfcrrrJ tn nn~i r;~~c1e ~~ part ~f thc ri(nutc~s. Chue~: Paz~..-~n, rc~~res~•ntii~, RTt~~ ,t~~teu thi5 n.~tt~•r ~~~~s ccmtirucci f~ori tt~c ~revioi~s i:~etin~ in ord~~r faf tl~c dcv~~l~~;~~:~ t~. ~ct with Lhc shc~p~:inq tc~nttr rn~~ncr .inc; thr. Opcrator of thc pro;~~scJ heal tt, cluh ~~~' ic' is uncler c~nstri.~ction (n order to suhmi t a nx~re complete ancl ccwr:iinate~l si~;n pl.~n. Ite explain~~1 t~iey roet ti~~i[h the Sho~pin,+ centcr o+~ner ar,d have also explorcd thc pc~ssil~ility of loc~tin~ their sic;r on the r.xls;inc Sav-~n si~n and was informed th.~t w~is n~; pos~i!~1~~. C~'~t!115SI~t~CR D'~VIG A~.''.IV4:D F~T 1:3; ~.in. 12/ 1'//79 ~ :~ MINUTES~ RI~AIIEIN CITY PlAN111NG COMNISSION, DCCEHaCR 17~ 1~7.`1 79"8~1 Cla LATEGORICALLY EXCMP T CLASS 3. VARIANCC N0. ;12_1 (CONTlNUCO) Flr. Pa7.cr~an st~~tr.~l lh~y h,i~f rK~t wit!: th~~ P1~-nnin~~ Dc~~.irtrr~nt stiff ,7n~1 ~~, , rrs~ilt~ Jeci Jcd tU Ch~~nc~c thc `,~rr,.~t t~a thi s rx.~r~unx~nt ~ ty lr ~ ~roun~{ s i~r l~c~~t~~~! 1 n th~~ f ront plantcr aren ~•;~,iCh ~h~y f~~lt t•~o~il~.l hc rn~~r~~ f~vc~r~t,ly c~nsi~'rre~l `~y th~• Pl;~nni~~~ Gorr~I551c'~n, an,f [h~t t!~~~~;~ f~lt t.~iis ,~-~;~rnrich w~~ui~l nx7rr spr~ific,illy rM~rt thcir r•~r~nr~5. fle st.~t~~d tlic si~~ri a~lll I~,~ l~c:~ttr.cl ~lc~~,c lci lhc hui l~iin~1 :+n~' ~!n~~s nr~~ ~rrsrnt cxc~ssive s i!~n.~c~c and thc ~~v~~r;~l 1'~i: i,I~l ~nd si : c~~f t!~c s i~~n i s Ic•ss th~n tl~~ nri~.;f nil .u'~r~i ttil . ric 5~;~•rrl thry ~~1nul~l Lir~ ~;c~ttin~i n,c~cc~~,J U~~n~ fit in t!~~~t ti~c• 5ir~r~ ~•~rni1;1 i~'~,ntify t`~~ ~lrtve~~~y~ cx(~lc~lnl,~r~ thc cirfvc~,r,iy, ~n -:atcll~ c..~rn~~t hc ;r~r~ hc~r_;u,~:~ t}~~~y ~r~~ nh5c.urrd by c'~~ hcci~c, Mr. PaZr.~m,~n stit~' ris ~~ r~.~;ult „f t!•c~ir r~rctin~, a~itl~ thc '~Ii~~~,E~in~~ ci~r~t~r o~~i~,~•r ,~n;.: o~~r~~t~~r c~f tlir. h~~alt'~ c' 1 ut, ~ thc s'~c~pninr~ crntrr ~~•m~~r hn-, n~~r~,c~~ t~~ 1 iri [, ry futur~ f rce5 tan~l) n~~ 5 ~ r~~5 ~~)L~ iL` f C~1 <lfl t:~~ ~°~ S~~jf ~1f ; C! C~)~~C 7r~?~~CiSC,' ~+Y th~• (1~~,1~ C~~ C: ~ U~, f lC 1 ~ ~~Y which wi 11 co~~t>inr ~~ f~iturc t~ r~~nt t~~ t~~~.: rrir in~.1 ~~r~•c:lu~;c ;~r,y c~th~~r siyns. iIC exjsl~~lnc~f ~ rrndr.rin ,~~rnul~; I~r .~v~~i la'~lr cit'~+~r !ntcrr~ lurin~, t.i~i , hrnrir~~ c,r tum~rrcx.~. TlIC PU~'~LI C fiCP~^I'I~ 1l1~;; CI_('i~C~'~. .~.OITIf~1~S5I~1~1(`r i~C~~~S~ \•1!]S (,~if~i.:i t"fti~;~ !'~'.lt C?t.~',('r ((`f10f1tS ~r1 tf`f ; snr~~• :~uil:!in~~ 1-J11~ F/~7('~t ~l si~Zn rtnd I?r. ('a~~:i,~m c:;~l~lr,r~c: t-~c~ir ,i~;r~~c,,x•~ t wit': c-,, ~.',c~nr~in~~ crntr•r ~~.~nrr ~~~~::1~~ p!'CC~udr ,.r~y c lir~~ ;~~•n~. ile furth,~P ~•x(~~:llnc~t~ ~~,. ~•~•1 '1,~uSSCc~ cli~nir~~ w~ih Lh~' E~~-~~~:in~ Robbin5 rc{~r~~~cn,~iti~~~~ ,-~n~' th~y ,~r~ rot c~~ntrr>>p~~~ti^-i nny ~,~~c~~i fr~r ;t;~n~, ,in~! th~t th~- vwnCP of the Cerntcr ~•»~s 1 r! nnt .~' lch ihr.~ t~s !,avc :+~~•y 5 f~i~.s. tlc rrf~,rr~~; t~, thr le,t~r sul,mltt~-: ex~~1,.1n1n~~ t',~. e~~r•~~,itr~c~nt ~,f c'•~ ~~+•~n~~r. Resnonr~inr, t~ ~ qurstic~r, ',y C~~~~~ i~~sir~rrr hu,h~~r~~~ 'tr, f'~Venr~n e;<E,lain~•~1 th~, {1r:lIC~'~ club 1/~~~ ~f! ~crr~ittc~! ~1 $''1-~ ~ ~I~i'1 r'lllr! b!/lll~~~ 1'~'r'f)n~.t !! 'J~tl'll~'G^ ~O 1'P~OCBtC tfl@ sign. VE%'!~1 Shcrcl'~ .'.~nin~ ~Cf`T'~'S~'~1C%'L~Vt~~ P/,{~~~ll/'•~'!! L~'~~' (~~^f'r'~.~i f~r L'i~'' f'~'~~i~~ C~U' t•11~~ i neludr. i f rrest. n 11n~; s i~;r, ,in~1 t~~~t a vr~ri ~~~r.•~ ~.ii 1 1 hc~ rr•~:~i r~~~!. Conr,lssioncr 1>U;II~~~r f't2fi`rrc~~~ t'• .l C~N'~~ nt 1(' t~l(+ ~~'~t~'r t•:f11C,h Sil;~lr~+t5 t~~t' Cn~'~11~51(1~1 5!tauld rer~ve thr,n,~l.ir~ fm•i t!~~~ nm~,i~r~~, c;f ~•+<ii' inr, t ~ i~;nin~~ f~~r nth~-r ~~~n~nt5~ 7n~1 askr~l tf the ~;~~titi~,n~~r t•~n5 n,~f n1,1r t„ r~•~r.'• ~r, ,~~'r~r-,rn* ~.~it`~ fh~~ „t`~~r t~n,nt5. i;r. f'az~rn~n rF{~llecl he f~nd mc:t wi ~li r_he st;~f~ ;.in~; ~f[~~r th~ i.,ecCint;, {<•It :~ s~~~~l ler 1<~v frecs:8~l:~1:!!, 51~111 W~>U~.; ~~~• I'tVf(` 1~5~~~;'LIC~I~~Y ~]CC('l1tA~•~~` t~t~'~ ,, _~-(~''n~:~ ^,~l' SI!~fl. COflf1J SSIOf1C ~ uUS~I~!I't_ 5 C: t~ .~ fl(• Jc7f~`i•~i~ ~~UL ~ C~ L CFi:' f1~'d) 1:'.~ C~ v~! O~)CI'u~0~5 \~ll ~ ~ GC aS~:Tfl~l fQr a Sl~fl 3fli.~ ~IC wanLr; U t0 f'41~,u C~1C :~~.5~ ~~CG~S Ic)f~ i:f7t1 WOi:I!'. ~ 1~.(: ~O ~ec. wl~~~; IS ~M~)OSE°(~ for tl~c wtu,lc ccntcr an~' ~li,: n~:>t wmt to hurt .inyc~ne's business l,a,ed on to~:ay's ~icclsion. hir. Pazr_~~as~ stat~:cf e~eh requr.st i'~,r ,i~ns shc~ule! be revlew~.~J or~ its aw~ rnerit and st~[ed thclr ~uilclin~~ ls quit~~ sep~ratc. (Cnrnmis: ioner Iiushu°'e p~~ir~tc:~f o~it !lrby's alrc:ady has t~•~c~ siqr.s.1 Anni{:a ~ant~ luhtl ~ ~~ssi s?_ant Di rect~r of ;.oniny~ expl,~inecl the other pa~ccl cSo~s have frQntaye of ~bout ~7 fcet an Katclla wl7lch technical ly would per~-~it ti~~cnz to have about a 40-square f~ot frecstan~Jir~~~ sisn, ~~~ith thc requiremPnt thak they place that siyn in [he eenter of thc 2'1 feet. Shc explain:d the hcalth club petittoner lia~' indicate~ the freestandln~ pole sig~ ~~ou1:1 be for tiie majur tenant a,i~ [he he~lth club is the major tenant and there Is an unclrVC~G~)CG portion whicl~ will be inclucled. 12/17/19 ~ '~ nINlITES~ ANANEIM GITY PLANNINC COMMISSI01~. DECEMBER 17~ 1979 ~~'B~Z CIR CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT CLASS 3. VARIANCE t~0. 3121 (CONTINUED) ~ 11r. f'azeman stated thcy had felt It would (~c nx~r~~ acceCtot,lc n~t. only to thc Commission~ but to them~ to riot ~~o on anc 1 orgc pale s i~~n hec~iuse 1 t wuul d bc ov~rcrowdecl. I'vnas Jahnston~ 11hU 1lest if~~mp,hire~ ~naheim~ prr..sentec! a rcn~iering of ch.r, prUpc~s~d si~~n showiny the cxistiny Ian~iscaNiny~ a portio„ of thc bui 1Jinc~ anJ lc~catlon uf thr. siqn in relatiu~~si~ip tc~ the l,uil~lfn~~ .~n~! the sho{-~pin~~ cent~r. Ile ~ointed ~~ut the 3-f~x~t wide by 8!1- i nch li I yh I~eclyc wh i cl~ i, a 1 1 thc~ ~~ay arc~un~i thr center wh i ch they cc~i~s ( ~creel a5 natura 1 IanJscapiny, .sri~l cx~~l<iinecl [hr. sic~n at `~ fret ~ incl~ hiyh wi l l ;~roj~~et abovr. the heJc~e and 5ti11 l~e in I,eu~~ing ~~i~l~ the r~onuraent-sRvle si~~n .tncl Chat thc 5iy+~ is ~! f,~ut 1~ incti ~vl~le; that it is vcry su~ti~ ~~nci i rr~l~~tlvcly sr,al l coi~p~irr~l r:i tl~ or.~,cr ;l~~ns i ri thc cc~ntcr. iic stalcu thc si ,n's unly ~~urposr is tc~ i<Icntify thc bul I.lin~~ sincc thc drivi.~w~ys cannut I~e S~c~i l~ec.ous~r c~f tl~i~ IicJye. ~Ie fcit tlii, is l~~c orly sc~luliun .hat woui~l no[ ~estroy thc ac5thrties c~f tlie~ ecn[cr ~~ncJ y~~t ~~ru~,~~rly idcntify a f,~5t-f~x~cl rc•s[aur~int. (:c,rr~iss3oncr i,ushurc as~.c~S chc li~ny~!~ c~f tl+c Ic,~sc, with Flr. Joliricton re~lying the 1~~~C is for ~'~ yea~s~ I.~ut puintec~ aul thcre i~, nr~ w,~y l,~ {~re~'ict what will I~ap~en nconor-~iGally ir, th~ futur~r. ~h~~ i rwoman tsa ~nr_y pu i n[c~'• c~ut tl~c 1 c~ t t~~ r tu [hr. f' 1~~nn 1 ri~,~ Ccxrrn ( SE I On wa5 s i gned by J~mds F~e~n3tcin; hc~wevar~ r~:cur~ls in,~ic;ate thc ~r~ncr JS I~rnc,l~.! F'r.rnstc~in. It w~sa no;r.d the Pl~~nning '.;ir~~ t-~r c~r hl~, ~utl~ori:~ .i r~~~,r~se~ta~iv~ tiRS ~l~t~rmincd that the propc~sed pr~jer.c Palls ~•~i:hi-; c'~~• ~.'- ~~ni ti~ ^ ~~f C~?f~9U1'ICd~ Exempitons~ Cless 3~ ba deftr~ed tn pr~Agroph 2 of t' ,. C1 ~y ~f ',n.~~,,~i , Lnvi r~~r,r~ncal Impact Repc~rt Gutdel ines And ~5~ Lh~•rc:f~iYr~ r,~~t.~•~-.iYlc;~ly C;.r.(,: t'f~,r: ti~r r,c;~ilrrr~•nt '~~ ^r~~p~r~' .^ EIR.. ~1~,~~'~~: C.!)IUilS` I~-fli'f ~~~il•. (l~~rr('~: F~CSO~1lfl~~~fl ~iO~ F~~7 .'.i,. ~~f~: :'(~VCC~ f~,r It5 ~)il5$iS~~C ~1f1.~ r3"~t1~~Llflfl Cf'1~L t!~r~ f,lln!1~_1! ~~L}' {~~~~~1i1!;'; ~U", ISSIt~~~ :!f)'•5 ~1Cf•r' Y~ ~';~~)r1~ c~,~ f'etltlnn f0~ V~rlr~ncc Iiv. 31; 1, subj,~~.t t~~ ,',~ ~•~~ri:i~,n.~r'~, Stl~~+il,~ti~,n t~~ su`,r~it i r~~vi5~-' rrnperly siync;~ ~Cttf'f frfl( 1,~1~~ ~~;n~•~' rlf t~i' S~1(:~,~?j•-~ C+`(1~~'f ~3~t1'!~(•11~'.i f.<i ~If!1'. ~-'c!ition,~l i~~Jt15~ an~! ~~nrr,v~l is. ~~r.intc~~! or t' ~~ '~;~sis of thc sl;c ~r~! s~~.~r,~ nf chr• ~~rn;~~rty ~ind denial w~~ulc c1c~~;rivc 5~1bji;CL pr~;~rrty nf n nrivile•;~, r•i~jnyc.! t;y r,t`~cr ~,rn;,rrty unc!~r i.lr.ntitil zatn<; el.issiflc,~ti~i,~~ in c~~iir.inity~ a~~~., sub.jc•ct tc; i+~tcr?~E~~rtn,~~~c~il Corr-~iti~e ~; e C.OC1 f 1(! ft C~ ~i C~ C~ r S. ~Il r0~ ~ C~i!~ ~~ t~~r' f,~r~~;~ ~ f?r~ f~'S:.+~ 1::~ I'l~l ~:7~1~~~ '~F155~~~: ~)'f ~t7~`. fnl I~w~l (1~; VOtC: ~1Yf.r r ~~i~ rc ~i ~. ~ ~, ~.. ~ : ,.~~ i.,. i ~ t r,., . ur,~~,~~t ,, ~,A. t ~, ^.'r ~ ~;i ~~r,, i~f;,:~~ ~ !i~E.'.,. C'?;"'I~•$I^'lE~,~, i;~_'S~i~rr !'~DSE!;T: C^",~I'~`.;I~':C~'S: T•~-L'~. i2/17I79 ~ I ~. ~ _ ~ MINUTES~ ANAHCIN CITY PLANNING COMM ISSIQN~ f)ECEMDCR 17~ 1979 79-p6; ITC!i I~O. ~r E.I~ I10. ( rc~vin l PUCLIC IIE:~,RI' !~. ~~,l,JCP: IiALf~.JI'! C~I~Pn!IY LTC. ~ 1G°11 u~ v ;i,~rnvc~i . 4; I II "' Ilal~~ ~iv~•nuc~~ Irvinc•, C~, J1-~, ~riC ~~ ,JT: Ili~~~^ • o ' !~„I,C A'1"'~ , . ~ TC'IT, 71VC 11:~(` Of T~~1CT 'l~~, 1,~!n ~ ~ - A~S~C. I':C. ~ '„ ,,..~~ ~~ i C Rc,~~ I I 1 (i 1<1~ r ~ 1~ VI, ~ ~ ~~ . ,uitr : 1. , Cos ~i --- s , ~, . . . f r~~~~rt ~!~~~ri~. Y ~.,~ I n~ in 1 rrr..~ul~~rly- i tifln(~t~rl (~:iri.rl uf l~-~~~i Cnr~5~5tinr~ ~I ~ n~ ~r~~nrlri.lL~Iy ?~,~. tl~~~ we,trrly t•,ri tnu~, ~,f f?I~t.;i~ Vic~.•~ (~C'' I~F ~fcr~~s ln~::~l! ~• i~c~,,~l. f'r~;~>crtv ' SciuC'•~ nf 'loh) "<~ric.'i ;~r~,~~ntl~,~ c.l,s;ifi~,! Ro~~~l ~1n~1 wr5t nf R~-iiS-'~; ~1~'~(SC1 , 1TIl~I.~SI,J~I C-F~t'll_1' i~Il L.~l f} ; C';[.. ~ V'i~~,lAttf,[ ~;!''.UfST: ~,1/1IV~~` (!f 11~~~~~~i~~~ ;1UIL'~I'I~ SIT! tll"T,, 'TC'IT~",T~vC i~~rCT i;'",;,'r~T; ~' l_',T':;1.1',~i p~ !i'-~!,T~ 1'~',-'~'~^(;['1 ?^~if ;~:i'"IVI51~'I. I~l 'U~I~+~~iri, L~~) !~•~in Cc~~~~,~~•vr i-r,.,;rrt,~,' ,~ nr~; rrvi~..~~! ~I:~n ~•rhic'~ h,~r! n~~ h~•ri rr ~ - c ~ ~-r~•ti;~~~f ~~~ st~iff .~n<I s[.~t~~1 th~~y ,irr~ r~r;;~r;tir~, n ch,~n~,, f~,r ,;rn'in~: r~~.7sr,r5 a~n;t ~• L ~ n~~y rr~vist~rl pl,~n U~~.1I1'("~ ~}lh ~~CI:I A1~ ~ f 11 ~~~~ L~i,i~ C~.~ ~r~ 1•!1S J+ ~'.,~i~~r 5~n~ii~ 5/!~If~~ I1,15 ~tr r.f~ r(':~U~n-1 f~(11n ~1f1 ~'n f~t CUt [(~ !1 ~'~ ~, , ~~~t c~,t; t~~.it [',, Inc ti ~~~~ ,~r„ i.•., ~;•,i~,,., .~r ,v,,• ~n ~,f ~'1', 5nu~rr ff!l`t ~ Tflll< <f~f' (1VF~l) ~ ~)~~lf' •i!'~•~JI ~i.r. ~lfl II~( f ~~'~1`~!' !~~ .~~' ~)lf~ t r~i~~ ~~i1~'~,.~ ~ ,~rl;~ T~l~l! r~~~~' ~~rojrct i~ currrntl„ ~„~„ ;.r.,~~,.~ nn;+ t'- r~:5~, ,:~~,~,,,;,••. ,~r~. ~,,..in r~r, .•~. ~ ~, ~ ' u r. ti~ t ~y ,,r nnt il1Vi ~!1 ~t'~'~~' !)rAi~~ti~•. ~~C ..'~~,}~I~n~1 1~ i` n~ ~yn ~~ n.~ •.. ~ Cf P.r~n~ ~~` ',C:~ ~~~~5 Ch.n ~,i ~~ ThP ~1 t r~l nute c1w• t~ ,~ r~.,..,,,,; r f r„~ ~ r^si~~•ntinl 1 ,•• f ,'.n ~I~~ f~- ,~ i ~ 1 ' ti~ ~ t~C. ~.~.~ :~ ~ ~•c~, r,.~ ,. . 5 Y '~t ~~ fl~~t `.~l,~.1• 11)•, ~,~p-~{~n r -,f , , ~,• „~ r~,n~i are nc+a, f ~ i r,~~~ir,~, rr~~r,,~, i,~, r~•, -.~, ~ . , , ~. , ;.,~; , :,,it .~.,, ~r,iis~~ I~cs r~nt n nn .. ~tr ~[s ~; i , wit fi, c i~~ ~~vclo~,~, ~ n! r.~':~~ r t! ~~ u~, Ca~~irc, Gr,;nJc. Ca~~•~issi~nrr ~ier;,•>: •~~,I ' ~ ~ . , ~ ~,,.,~r ~„i•.. ~:~ ~ ;,;, , , ~ti i ..i,~, ~~ ~.lu i• •' i~ - ~ i ' i ~ ~ ~tn Anr ' ~ I ,1 ~~~,'.~l ;i',Ci ~ ~~S' ~ ,, !' C ~1 r ~.f~~r ~t:!' ,c ~• . ;~ i , , + . x,, ~ r~ i , a: , ~ , _ ,3.. i ~~.~ ' ; ~ r,r~,i h~~ i'c ar ~'~r,. '~~ i ~ r i th stre•.•t ~~li ;~t'~"~t; th.,t ~' . st i 1 ,~~ ~,~,r: ,~a: ;,,~,..~,~ r, ~,; r.i~,~ . ~ ; e i,.isi~, ~;f ~ `tn L'1C J I' Ir I ~ t l i 5~ 1 n r~~~, r~n :h~ ;>1•,r•: ;.,u,~; ' u•~ frr>nt~ tl,, l,o~~n..i 1 Gh,;r,;,rr a;.'il 1 ;+;~;~ , ~/t ~ ,, ~~r.•;~tcr ~~.u~~,~~r of lots ng on Car~in« fr~u~,;, ~e~d a rcduction uf ~,nr, 1„c Fr,,,, ., r, ,, t (1'hr Cu~~~~i i I~rlcfly rc~vi.rv~? ;I,,, rrvi•,~•~ ;,1 ~r;.) . ^~ ~s ~I~. l~~lcti~ir~ SCnt~•~ th,~y li.ii ~i~7:.'c t;~ ~;~~ l~?St i~ir~utu cha"~~i5 qulc.kly ~~i~J ~"1t~t~tc1 UuC C!'~[~ propcrty is curr,.r,ijy t;.,.in ;~r,,,~ ~,~, t.~.~; ih~~y I,~~~~• ~~~J tc; r,al.c tt~esr c'~a~yr.s by incrc~sin~~ th~. tr~ct boundary which necessitates a r,~w puG1;c n.~tlFicaci~~ ,~r,~; ['~c Currii55iori will nnt t~c mrctinr; a~;nin unti i J~~nunr 1! 1" ;" ~ - Y ~ -,~ th.it ;:h~_Y ~-,~~,ul:! 1 f~:e, t~~ ask th.7t tnc [raet boundef y oti Ch~~ n~:t~ r~vi sc '. ~~;~~~ '.;c ~ xiv~~~+ C~~ Car~i r~r~ Gran~.i~: i n cc~nfurr~.~~<-_c wi :it Ch~ pul~ 1 i c notlec subject Lc^ thci r r<+;~~;~r„i ~~in~ t~~~ ~~rts o~~ t~,~~ n~,rth sid~~ of Camino Grande for [h~ Jenua~y 1' th rxycii n~1, (~; ~',~,ti,r, p~i tt~c, r,an c~n i.l~c• Ch<~r~',cr w~~) 1). Annik:~ Sant~l,~h;) ct~t,~~~; tt~~: nort~~c~~sterly lu~s rc~prescr~t an incrrase fn t'~c blue a~rder of tf~~c Lr~et nvur what ~i~r_ st~~f~ rc,~c~~[ an~1 aJvertise~nent wc~e for ~~n~: st.iC~~d ir, tryinr~ Lo re~duca the rur~~•r of lots fron[in~; or~ C.~nlnc~ Gr,?n~fc, t~~~ devci~~pfr inc:ludcd a pnrtlon of 8nothcr tract arc~n but ;hc Cvi~iiz;jon c.~nnu' inc:lu~ir. [h~t pc~rtion tc~;ay but they C~n att on the ori~~in•:I blucr l~~u~aary, John Niehler~ Nunsal.er A„oci,~[~:s~ enc~ire~cr~ statcei cl~ere 1, z rccordecl Trnct ;lo. ~'1^ over which this tract h,~s br~en !'i te~J zntl su<~;este~l ~p~,r~,~~i~ ~,c~ hc:Ic1 to chc ~rea of Tract ~. q?.i:! ano ti~cn the n~t+`ic:;i;ir~n wi11 bc carrrct ~~nci this would bc a re-subcliv;sion of that tract. T11C Pl:.r.'LI C tdC,ARIr;G i~l;S CI.O;;(:7. 12/t7/79 ~ MINUTES~ ANAHElN CITY PLANNING COMMISSIbN~ GECEMk3ER 17, 1~79 79-~64 EIR 1~0. 166~ VARIANCE N0._ 3124 At~D TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. 10940 (CQNTINUEO) Ros~,~,ndln~~ t~~ a c~u~:stivn hy Cc~~~w~~~issi"rcr ltushc~rc~~ ~1r. Michl~,r ~•xpl:tine~~' nt'lqin.ll~y A tot~~l of tcn ( 1~) clri vrway , nn~l ~ rnr~d h,~~' ~~~:c~~ss c~n[o C3ini no Grnn~k, ~~n~i t.!i;~t thr. r~~a~ ~n the Wal~~ r@OI'a:S'_'f1i5 A I'~`~~Uf:tl~~tl tO ~1~f1C ~u~S ,lh~~ lf~(` 1'Q,1~~ ~1A5 f1Ct!~~ r~x~~!ifi~~c1 ~<~ 1 C.lr^i'rill clCCQSS ~lrlvr.w:ry far (,;) lc~t:s. Anni~:,l Jiillt~i~il~l~~ C~:~)~llll~'l~ ~~~~' ~.Of~1~'~1551f7f1C1'5 CliU~l~ d{>~I'f1Vl' ~~Il` ~1'I1~c7~~VC lilrl(1 ~7$ $flOWIl l(1 th~~ will ininus th~~ n~irth r~tastcr'ly unrtiui~ (1:' locs) nc~rtl~crlv ~,f Car+in<.~ Gr~n~lc~ which p~,rtl~,n i~; <~uCSicJ~~ tt~c ,~c.lvcrtlse~i '>luc• `~~~unJnry uf Tr,ict ''~1;'. Sh~~ st.+tc~i ~,h~~ ~11~~ nat cnnsl~lcr ktil5 ~~ r,i.,jn~• rrvisi~~n Sinc~~ th~~r~~ ,-rrrc ~ri ~in~il ly il ~'rivc~;;~~}~~ on Chis sc~~;rrnt nf (,a~nllni~ ~if;1;1.~C` ~l!ii~ f1~V! ~"l'f'~ 1•l~ ~ ~ f C ~^'~ Pr~~y~(~C,~ L~i:ll il rcvis~~~" ~1'.lf.~ ~S SU~:f11~ ~LC'~ FS1P tf1P 1") lc>ts nurlh c~f Ca~~i;~~, Gr;~n~f~: ~•lirnin,~t.in~i :ill ~Ir•iv~w~y, t~, s.~(~; ~tr~c[ fr•or~~ any ~~f the 1~ ~f.)~S. ~fl~'. ~t:~t t~~l' S~f'^~L ~7~1~)I1~'1~'ll~ S~~'1~1J11 I(1 fi'u I`'i ~~IC r,nly SU,)'i~illl~ll) C~~~ln~ii`. 8~1~~ t~lf.' rc5 t nf t~lf' C~1;11 ~)l 5 ~]rC tKll''' I!i il ~?'~S I ~ 1 V~` fl<lj UI'(' . Cfl~lll"~'!O~'.tAll Uilf~lt•5 l'.~i,i~~~ 11 t~~~ ~I~1 ~ SI.'!`S ,~I'~' `l~i~ 5~~1t1L1~1~~`,r L~~~~ S~)I?C ~ln.~ 'If. ~!ic'ilcr rr_~•~1 ic,i th~~y arr~, ;,~r•i~-,tsl~,ner iicr;~~;' f<•lt t`~is is : v+~rv c,~,~~r i~.~,i~;n ~,i:'~ t!,r,,.' 1~~t~~ c~n ~~~~ ~Irivr•~•,ay m~i ~ ~• ~l~ i ~ 1~~ )l' ~..1 f~~ : I fl ~~~~~ ..~i~~~~,~ ~~ nri.. .`)fll'. .~Sl:~t~1 ,i~~ff Clic (irrt: nt 1~ ~~ f 1~1., 1~ ~- F , ~ Flfltli{ ~l ~tJ~it.i~.l~l~~ CY~)~,I~f~C~~ i) :lcl.` I~ Ui •,!' ~"', ('~,-~ ~ ~1~(ti )~ ~~~~. ~i)~i)~ llUl~t ~~r C1~ ~r)t5 IS rPi•t~tL.(~c~ li, ~I~r~ ,~i-:i,-1"!~^. `~ 7i~Itt~~ .lr~;; t`~1: ~'•,• (:O'~ St.~lr•~ „rJt ~r,r!~ fh(1^ t~r~~ 1nt5 5~11~1 ~ ~ fr~~nt c~n ~ cul-~1~•-aric in c.i~li i~,.;i~ii ~u.~l ~. -,~ . I ~ 1; n• , ~~•r ,, ~1,~. •. M': I~~Il.°i ~ V J'1~~ r(lVi't~ t'r. 11i~.hl~~r si~t~~~1 l~~~ ~f,~n r'~ 1~•ct~~ .'t . it,i .il "1; I~~t~, ' ~ l~iyout; !i~~,r~•v~.~r, L',,.,~ ~,~,,,~~, 1.,',~, ~~tr~,.( ,i. iir ~ti, ,.. ~,,,,rr~vi~mr~nl5~ ~~nr1 larc~er ~otS w~th the .3VC~~~r~±~ ~,:1 ~ 5~: l' F)i~ 1 ~ ~ tir P~,15~,.~ ~~~,~ t ~r, r+r, '. [ rr~. t.:i~~ I ii~:i ~~~,1''i ~:~.~f.~. 1 P~ P~'~lSr„~ ~,1f1~! Lh.~t thcy I~~V<~ p~rivi~'r~! .,-f:,r~t , L' ~c;.~, ,ri:` ~rc:•r :.ir':.,i•~, r,r~ (!.t• ~JnICS ~rn+~[ir,~ ~n t'~t'. Strt.rei. Lfl~11r1'!rN"c1f1 Udf~~!'S :i:~ T.i'li 5~~, i`~~:U'I~t. !~~1~ "rv.~'_'(,t ~v, <<•.j "i~l~.~~ ~~U~ W.'i5 conccrn~ rl 1J~1Pt~1Pr ~ar rioC Staf f Ii.+J ~.lrru:+t~ c i;w• i~: r'~vi ~w•: t'~c r;~~ ;~1,~~ j~~~t si;l~~~i tti`c1. Slt~~ ferl t f: ~c~ Ic~t~ add to the project and are the first lots to sell. F~'~]~k Lcx~ry~ ~1~111~~~-' f~Sil~itll`t l.~tY F~t~l)flll:y~ 11i15 f'll,'~(.1'r!1C'1 t~l?i ~f~l" ~.O~"M-l~'iS1C)!1 cj(~ S f17~ h:~ve ,~ prrci s~r crxh i!: i t fcr ~~~~t~r~,•.~~1 . ~ie su~~~,~~~ c< ~' i f t~,r Corx~~i ss ioi~ +!i shcs to a(~~rnve t`~e t,i~p~ .~~+~t'oval 5lic,i.tl~! br~ 5~.~`~j~~~t tc~ ~CCCipt ~f ~i ~c~rr~~7~ ~~~,ic,~•, rirr• ,irt~•~inc; whiCh a~eur<~tely rcfle~er.s t'~_~ strec"~ nurber r~f l~ts~ !•ie. Paul Sin~~!±r~ Trhf~'ic. Cn~~i~l~~(!~ r~~vi~~~~~`! thc• revisc,! ~>~ai~, 1•1~. ttichler St<~Lcd t~~t`y Goulrl IdBY~ ~hC (C'V I S~'~.~ ~~ ~~1 On Cfi~ W~~) ~"~X~1 I~~ ~ l %+~c~nc~ SUI;t~11 f a c~~rr~ct r~vi srt~ r^d^ fC f ~ E'Ct 1-1~~ the approv~l. Lumml~sioner 4tu~.:h ~re ~,titr'.1 ~s lc~n~~ is t~,~rr is ~ny ecmf~jsi~~n hc. wi' 1 not vn~r~ for any ~lianr,~<~~ and in~3le~t~~~! i~c ~•rante~~J st~~ff tc, r~~view, thc pl:~ns to na~c sur~~ it is all ~r~~pcr. Ne f~lt oPProy~-1 ~roulr' t,c srttiny a prece~;~nt. Anni~n Sant~~lahti scate:.: tv~icaliy stafF clocs want t~ sce thc r,ap in adequate t~r+x~ for the St~ff r~p~rt to reflc~ct t~~c ~lans t!~~c. Canriissi~,r~ revliw+s; t!~~~t Lh~~ +°•aj~r chan~r.. in thi , staff re~ort woul~! be ch..~n~~in~~ Itcr; 1; in Che st~ff rFport indiciti~~~ 1? lots front c~to Gamin~ Granck~ to read 1~ a~:cess~s c~nt~~ Ga~ain~~ Gran,.ie anci shc• wou1-~ not exp~et ~,ny majc>r nur•~crieal dtff~rc•nces in the r~•nc,rt. 12/17/79 ,~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM! CITY PUINNING COMMISSIO~J~ bECE:M$ER 17~ 1979 19-a~S Ela N0, 16b~ VARIANCE N0. 312A AND TENTATIVE MAP OF TRAC'f N0. 109~~A (CONTINUCD) Mr. Michler stated they wtll not bc submitting t~nything d(ffercnt on the lot confi9ural'ions thAn what is being submitted todny nnci the dlfference will be fn thc blue bordcr of thr tr.~~t. Ftc~;~~~n<!(n•~ t~, Gc~~~rnissi<~n~r Efusl~orc's qu~,sttn~ ~s t~> v~hcther thr eli~in~~es nrc cln,cr to t-~r.. nri~~inal tr~ct ri~~~~r,~vn) ~ ~1r. 1'ichlc~r stntc~d this 15 :+ Su~Stc~ntl~1 r'~v151<~n :r~ ~lir. r~ri~_~in,il s~~~~r~'~v~l~ !~ut tnr ni.u~hcr ~( l~~ts fr~~ntin~~ on C~~rnino Gr~in~c nre ar,tu~~lly fc~~r~~r. ~~nnll a)clfl!~]~ilf~~~ 5~1~~` ~ t}~1~~ I'!l~ 11i /'~'.~)Ct~Y C(+U~VA~1'flt li~ ~)~U~• ~~UUfl~~~ll'~!`S ~(~ Ir•1Ct ~.~~~ .:If1t~ =~I~t tf.lCt w,~5 f~,r fllt~Y '!~ ~~`:'.1'~~'I~liil~ ~~)~5 ~(1~~ t~~(~ S~~~f YCl'n~t ~'~ ~~~lS~?~! C',ft ~~fl resi,fcnti~) ~~!tf~ V!(lFl ? C(~nilr?1~ ~(t15~ ~1fi ~IiCf~•:1~(• Y~~`I(~I f~'tiU~Yr`i %1 P~ 151r1n. C.UfI(~~.~i~i~~Cl~`.r i~ush~~r~~ ~15~.~ '~ 1 ~ (~lf~, c!~.~r~a~ cnnf~il' IS t(~ ~~fl•1~1~'~'! (~~ !~S ~ ~f1C. ~115I 1'CS A~IC~ '~~'~ ISichlr.r re~11~~c1 that (t ~~,,~.~•,. F'aul Sin~~~~r, Tr.iffi~ (:n~iin~ rr, s[;~t~•~: t.lii ; nr•w ~I,ir .;h~n~~ 11 ~lrivr~•~,~ys nn t1~,~ Sn~.ith 5ic1~ of Gar•~inn (:rnn~+~~ nr ~ t',rr~~ nr~• ~~~~i~~~i t~~ !~c tr;-~fic ~~r~'~1~•i~s I~c~~ius~~ Car•~Inc~ ~i-nnci~~ is ~a~inc~ t~~ se~rvice th~~ rntir- nr~.i n5 n<.nll~ ::t~~r ~frret. lic~ :,~, c~~rcr~rrr,: t-~.it the• publ(c ~)JYIt1ry C~'1P.5C ~1C1tISrS ~ll' fh~t~rr'N, t t~ ~:t. r.!,is TS ~~~~Iil~~ f~~ ~)r ~ ~)f~l}•~^C. I~t', {~`~~ ~~~'" fUCUI'^ hcrr~±c~•rnc•f$ 141~~ 11~1i1~ t~li• CTtY ~n ~~~~ 5 ~~~~f~(~1~~~j ~1~1C)t)t Th~• Lf~~fTf :I~.Il~ltlr~l', (SI'. fllchler f X~~~:i1'~~'~i •';1C.~~ O1'n"(:1't'r fr,~ntll~,) Clf~ ~ilf fll~) ~~I':ln~~r 1.,~ ~~ ~1~?V(' :~ ~!J~~l~~~roun'~ lr^.l utl t:.1Ch ~<~t St~ thr~ v~!;1 C1~~, ~~~r~ hn;i~1 n~;~ r it! c~r lh~~n 'i.~r1 ir ~ ni~t. ~~f. ~J~'}~rl~fl ~!~li~~t~~~ ('~'1: ~~'I'~ I': tfl(' S~l'~' ;~1.1l~~tln. ~S (1f~•y~~I~l~.~`/ .l~~nf~)Vf`c~. '1~. Sin ~:e~r ~+1~+ nn~ t~,i~•~ it w~~ul '!,~~ t,r5~,~~, 1~ r~~ r,r~~,~ri '~ c'~~~ tur•~-ar~~,n~! -~,~ t~,r• fl~i•i lnts 1 ~tr. an~ Iti c'~Ic•r ~^xr,lii ~~~! t' ~~ turn-~~r~,,,r,; .i r~~;~ c:,~~ !>f• nr~,vi~f,~~: wit'~ ~~,~~,r,,~ r--,~~~5 . situ~'tti~~n. I!r. .`,in.,.r {..It t~..r~~ ~•~~,~il ! b,• ;~ ,,r„~.~~~~, ;ri~.~; ,,,,~,~1,• ~„r~ j,,., .~~, ti.,, i~n~,~r- ht.~~!. ~iu sC~[r~~ t~~~ fnrr•,,•,~~. ,r+~,1~.~,5 ~.,~t~. ~~,i5 nr~tirr.t an~1 t~ i. ..rn~~~~r!~, ~~.~ r~rr~; ti.~ill !~~ as~ inn f~r str~•~t r.t-~~„r-•s. ttr. ~!ic~~ler sta'~~i rh~•y h:-v~• redu~~J tl:e nu~~~~r ~;' l~;ts `r,~~ Ein_; r,•~ Carir•~~ Gr:rn.:c~ to une 1•~SS tlinn tli;~ pr~~ ri u~;'~y :~; ~~r~~v iur~t.~ki ;~ t1~~~, '.: 1. . f~e ~,'~;~c , ih~ y wi 1 ~ {~r-~~~i„c turn- ~roun 1y c,n ~ a~h 1- t ~'~.,• ; i •• C~~!,i nc, Gr• ;~ :c ~~ ~1 ~~, ~ t unt i~ Car~i rti" Gr,~nJt ';;`~~•s tliri~u~~h~ ti1C ~lO(~1<CX'~t1Ul' 4/~ ~ 1 U(''~'1,7 i1~~ EIJt~i I;li('~ CiiC S~rCLL~ ~11:~ YrI Z~f t~14 i.Ur°~'~Ir(~,U~l~.; nr~Vil~C'C)~ ti~(.' horx;r.»~~nCr v:i 11 ii.~v~ ;hc ~ n!~~~rt~,~tii!.y tc> rc~fuc.r~ tht I ~.•ir:1. ;~es~~an~iin, tu (,~r~~~~ssi~,~~cr iier~,st~ !tr. Hicl~ler cx~ l;;inc•.l in t'tie rcvisic>n thcy are tacin~; ~~ nu~~er oi lc.~t: ir, t'~c n~~rt'~ e~st~•r1y portio-: ccx:ar~l, thc cul-~.ie-s:~c so l~,cs are no*. takinn aC.~$$ ~O ~.t7(~Ifl~: CirilfllSC: fru,, t,c~t!~ S~CjI'.S Uf t~l(: $Cl'Ct`~ l!`.Ci (~1^ tUtt~~ !'Llf~l~]CI' ()~ ~ntS IS lcss than t'~e previ-~u~ ly ~~>G~rnv~.c; n~p. (t ~+as notr.~ Envi rc~~,r~c~•nt~l Ir~~~act Re~~nrt tlu, t(~ w~~s ~~r~~viuusly ~~'provicef for su:>ject prop~erCy (ir~ r.onj~,nr_tiu~~ rrich 7encativ~ Tract ~la~ 1~0. ''~41~.) c.~r, Aprl! ^7~ 1^J'~, Comrrtissluner i~usl~;;rr~ a,F.c~.? :~ar~ Salceda to a~cplain Anai~eir7 Nills~ ~nc, p~siti~n on tl~is reyuest anc; Gar~u~issioner Iferbst was roricernc~~1 wi~ct~~cr or noC they stl i1 appo5e thc p~ans bseausc Ct~ey h,ici submittc~~ ~ l~tter inJicating str~nr~ o~~ositiori. Jan Salee~l~, rc~rescr.tin~~ Anat~etr~ Hi I ls~ Inc. ~ expiaincd tl~is r~rning thr~y t~ad revicK~~ed this revlsed mar an~i arr not ~~pposina th~ ~ian. Ile stated iheir c~aJor c.onccrn was safety end beeause therr. is n<~ eSoubl in~,~-loa~i~~y, tl~e ,ituation has been ,yrcatly mitigated. He r~ferreA tp tti~ir area rna-~ r,iounted on ti~e wall of what Anrihcl.n Hills, Inc. thouqh[ the p~~file of Car.~ino Grar~de was yoiny to be for 12 o[hcr future tracts. ~z/>>~~ ~ MINU7ES~ ANAI{EIM CITY PLANNI~IG GONMISSION~ U'tCEMBER 17~ 1~7~ 79-866 EIR N0. 1G6. VARIANGE N0. 3124 AND TENTIITIVE MAP OF TRACT NQ. 1f1940 (CONTINUED) ~.~.~ - AC~T ON: Commfsslcxier ~ierbst offered `csUlution ~,o. PGJ_1-,^.:i-~ an~, moved for (t• p~is~fl~ and •daptlon thst the i-n~~',ci~, City Pl,+nni ~~i Cc~rx~,issi~~n ~1rn~s h~•rrl,y ~,rent the netltlon for V~riance No. ~1<<< on t~~~~ b~~~is r~f t'~~~ siz~~~ sh,~r~c ,-~n~! tc~~~o~;r,~~!~y nf subJ~tt praperty And Sut~)w.Gt to the petitinn~•r~: sti;~ul~iti~~n to ~~r~,vi~f~• ~; rr.cis~~ tr~ct r~t~~ ~n~' su~~J~~ct to Int~rde~•~rtr~~~nlril Coi~r~iitC~~r Rc~i~~v~n~!~itlnn~. nfl f~)~ ~ C.l~ ~~ t~~~~ f(~Ct!~ini n;, rc`S 1~ U~ ~(lf` ~•l~75 (ll5'.~r~l ~~Y tl,~• ~~1~ ~('>I~~ n~j y~~1f~ 2 i~YC~: C1~'"~I~`'~I~lil(~',J: lil~'~,I~.`~~ ~iU~iiO~~~ ')~1V1``.~ F{'.Y~ IICf;C~T~ ~~I'I(', ~ ' 1' • 1 1 ~" ~ n~1 h/' . ' I~ ~n~.., , C~1 ~ I J I' 1• t~ ,,. A"Si.IIT; C~"'~I~,',',I~'!f."'': T„~~.. ~c)P11~Issiuncr Hcr!~:L r,ff~•t'~~~i .l ~Y~i~~~n~ SCC~,1~~)P~' ~~y Cc>~n- fSSi~~~,~~r C~.IV~~i ~ln! f1CT~^'i 4i~~'~~FD ~~OCli~~f SS ir~fllt f i0~ ~11' ~ir l i~~' .~~~5('.!1 C~ f fl~lt L~~i• /~fl~ll~[! ~~~t ~ T Cy' ~~c~nri ~ 1`~~ ~Omf+i •,3 ~ rlfl ~~O('$ hrr~by fin;1 t.hnt th~~ prc.~nr>s~^~~ su~~cl(visi~~~, t~~~~~'thrr witl~ (t~. ~I~•5i~~r~ in~! im~,rvivct•~r~nt~ i5 c~msistcne ~•;ith t'+~~ City nf t~r~~~ieir~ Gen~~re) P~~ri~ {~urs~,•~nt :r~ f,c~vc•Pnrv~rt Cc~-'tt Se*cti~~n ~'~'~~73.~ :lfl~~ ~~O~~S~ C~tr~rrfr,~t~~ ~1f~{~MV(` TCItt:l~lyr, ~1d~~ t~~ 7r~r.~ :~c>. ~n„r~ ~f~1' ;t ~~r-~(~~ ~~.ri~ a~~~(;rl (r~~ai ~~ntl:~l, Sin~~l~•-F'~~~~~ily -~t~~ni~ Curri~J~~r Qvcrln~i) ~'c~nc ~~ih~livis(on .~ts shnwn ~n thc ~,a~~ r~ounic! or il~. Gltiirt,~~r ~vill .~~~~1 ~u!•j ct t~~ t'~~~ ~i~titir-~r~cr', ~,ti~ulitlnn [o SU~1'~t AOI'CC1;(~ frVl5~~~" :~;•~•:In~; t}iiT ;,rc,prr Sir~•~•t ,~~1~!'~'-n15~ ~1U~'thi~r nr ~nC~,~ ?`tC. for a~,~rov,~l tc> thr. fr>11~•ariri ~ cnr li' i~~n5: ~. 'Ifllt .~1C.• n4,~,r~~v,~1 ~)~ iC~1~ttIV~, ~~i~., n~ Tf',l~.t i~O. ~~~~{^ TS ~'f.~t'C~`~~ .~,~i.~~,C~ t0 ~~'C' ~ip~~rc~val ~f Vari,u,,.:c !!n. ',!.'~ . ~. T~IAt $f1C~~1~'~ tf115 'SU~!l~:V~$I~~fl ~?C• r~ny('~(i'%Ct: .~S f~~f'~' t~~r1f1 ~flf` fi:l~:~.~iV~S~~)rl~ ~•clC~l suhdivisl~~n th~•rcnf Sh~~l l I~c 5iibiii! t~ ,f ir t••r,t ~tiv~• f~~ri~ fr>r ~;~(~rnvnl. ?. Tl~is tr~ct ~;'~.~1 I!x~ ~.~~rv~•~i '.y un. ~~r~~r~,~:r,' t i 1 it.i. ~,. 1~, ~~1iL ~ft~• OI'~~'li,~'1~ 1<)~:~1''t~nLti nf ill~)' OP(~~~US~'~~ CUVt`tllnLti~ C~Jn.!ItI~;f1S~ .'1~r~ rfStf~f.t~Of15~ an~f 19 ~Cttf`f d.:r~rf'1,'i(`r~ ~r~ ~'CV~~~i~~~~.r~~; fi~~~• C~~r~n.~f~v ,lill~!O1'I!ifl~~ ~~''Cf)I'(~11~I~~n thrrA~>f~ S~ll~~ t!t Sll~)I'i~ t tt~(~ t~~ L~t~~ ~ ~~}' %~[ t!~('!:t~~' ~''i ;i f f i c.r :-'lc~ ~r~, ro~~•~,; ~•y ~}'~r~ C ~ tY At tnrnry t 5 of f i c~ dflc~ En}inecrin~~ ~llvisi~~r+ •~ri~rl' C~~ C~~t' f~rl.t~ Cf~')C.2 tk~~t ~1~F~PnV~I~, .ri8i~ ~~t~C!li't~1P~~t~i~ l5 ~nnrovec!~ sh.~l l b^ f t Ic;f .~n ! r,~cnr~'r~~ ir~ t-,~: Jf f i cr r~f th~~ ~rr,r~~;r Cc~ul;ty P,rc~r~!c•r. 5. That strert n,rv~s sl~nll t,t~ i~,~,rnv••~' t~y thr City Plar~nin,; i~c~artr~f•nt nrinr to :+~pmv~l of ~ final trACt r~~~~-, G. 'fl~?i the• ck~r~cr r~f ~;ut~i jcct ~~n;~~rty sh;:il 1 ~~,iy rn t'~cr Li ty „f ..ri~~•~eir t!~r ~~~ronri~t~• ~i1fk 7f1(~ 1'PCPPc'1C~'~~ I(l~~~t'~t frrS tl5 {~~C"rr`!'1('~! Lr~ f,<~ qn~,l'n~~l~lt~~ f~Y Cf'n ~IC)' ~C1U'1C1~~ S~~f~ fees tc~ br p~1~1 ~t t~~r~ ti~•v~ !~~~• huil,~in~? ~rrr~it is is5u~~;, 7. ih~~t drain~ac~r c~f saiu ;~rc~rcrty 5~.~~11 hc ~li,~n~cc nr ir~ ;~ r-ti~~~ner s,.iti~f~etory C~, t-,~ City L~i~~tncr.r. I`~ in th~~ ~r-~^:^r<~tion ~f t'i~ stt~~~ sufficl~~nt ~•r~~lin~~ is t'~~uir~~i t~ fl/!CCSS~t?t(` .l ~)I'~3c~7'1.: p~'~t~~~t~ ft~' 'rMl'~ Ofl ~ir.~~'in'1 Y~1~~ ~`r' (~('P''~TttC'~ ~~P~b/Pf"1 ~1Ct`~t`r~ lrth an~ I',;:ri 1 lrt'~ unt~~~ nl 1 r.•~~~i r~ ! ~ff-s i t~ dr~inn ;e f:+ci 1 i tles have t~cen instal ted an~i 811't? (~~CI'~l~l'Ji:. ~US~f1YC ~1S`i~lY1t~..~: $~~:1~~ !~c. {,P~~yj~~t•~: [f~t' C;ty tfl~~~ SUCtI ~~rill~~')n,n faeilitl,-s will be c~;~,,.1••t '~ri ~r t~ Act~~'~c_r 1"tt,. lcr.~~ss,iry riyf,r-~''-~,~~~y for off-site ~lraina~jc facilitir~, ~,i~ill t;~. ,!~~J(c?t~~~! t-., ['~c: Gity~ ur L,~c City Gouncll sh~l~ '~avF, t 2/ 17179 ~ ( MINUT~S, l1NA11CIN CITY PI.P,ti-~ING COMNISSION, OFCCME3ER 17r 197~1 79~8~'~ EIR N0. 166, VARIA"JCE NO 3124 AND TENTATIVE MAP OF__TRAC7 N0. to94o (CONTINUEO) ~,n ,r ~•~,~in~ t tl~i•rc(c~r (t'~~ t.u515 ~}1 whlcli 51i~i11 !~~: bc~1'ri~'. by !iic~ initl~~le~: e~nclc•rn~.~ti ~ .1. • Jrvr.l~>~~~r) nric,r t~.~ [!~~~ c~~~u.~nc~~~•-~nt uf ,~r~,+i ~, , u~~uratic,ns. 1'h~_~ r~qui r~~cf Jr~lnacl~~ ~ I Lyr~~~ s,i~fici~~~~t Cu c:arry runoff w~~t~~r5 r~rlc~l;i~itin; fr~~m fucilllies sh.,ll Lc o~ ,•, si.~c ~,~~~ hi~Jh~•r pra~~~rtic~; [hro~r~~h s.,j~l (~~V~~~ rCy tu ulti~~;~t~ ~JiKC~~~s~il ,is ~i~~-,r<,vc~~ I~y tlic ~Ity ln~.~lrn:~r. Sai '_r.,in;~ ~~• far lliti~.s sh,~ll t,~~ ti~c fir;t it<rri ~~f cnr,struction ,~nd Sh.~ll bc Cc,i,~~letc~~! ~~n~' l1r• fu~i~.ti~~~~.i~ Cl~ruu~~i~~~u[ '~~a tr~~t nnJ ~rori th~ ,;u~~nstr~~ar,~ l,c~und,,ry c~f Lh~: ,. 1 r` .ii ~,~~r~,ril ~r iur t~, tl ~• 1 s~,u;incc c~f ~~r,y f i ~~al ~ul 1 c!1 n~.; pr~~prl'iy lU th ult{ri,~L~~ ~~~~ rii ~ 1 ~f1Sf>~'Ct~11nS UY ucc~~;~~n~:y F)~ fl~l!S. ~~:l1'~.~~;C ~il:~~rl~~ 1'i'111~~Uf5CIK'tlt i1c~Pf~(`t~ti~f~t5 I,li]`~ ~ L1iJ~.~C av~~ilaul~~ t~~ thr ~~:,~~~~lo~~i,rs c~f :,~i~1 ~~f~){~~~'fy uf,~~n thcir r~•c~uc~st. u. Y~1~11 ~J~J~~~I~~.~- ~'r~,l~rJClOr~~ ~1~',~~ ~1~~ Uf.~t~11' Ct,nstru~.ti~rn :~C.~~V111(:5 S~~A~~ i)!.~ GClf1~~UCt('~i in suc.l~ .3 ri;~i~nc~r 5~~ a5 t~ ~~i~i(~~~i.:~: Ch~~ ~u',Sit,il~ty uf ,u~y silt nrl~~ir~,itin~; f~'i~i~ [hl~, ~r~jcr.t ~rir~c~ c~~rri~.~d intc~ lhc Sar,ta An,, Riv~ r l~y :.,l~~rr; ~+~it~.r c~ri:Jln,~~in~, fr~~+~ ~~r fi~~din~~ tf~rr,uyh Ll~is prc.~Jeet. ~. If F~rrms-n<~r~t sir~•~~t ~;,~i`~ ~,j.1~,, 4,,~v~~ n~.~t b~en inst,~llr.~i~ t~~r,~~>nr~iry str~~c~t n:~i~e Si~~ns Shnll L~~ ~nsl~~llc~.1 {~ri~~r i-> ,'tny nC~u;,nnCy. 1'~. Th~+t .~11 r~~c;uir~~rk:n;s ut Fi r~• ;:~~nc~ '~, o:l~i nii ;c i~!cnti f Ic~~J ~~5 F1 rr Ad~~•~1ni5tr~~t1'~~~ 01'~Gr' No, ;'/~n1~ wi11 bc ~~~'i. ~~~c'~ r~~c;uir~~;tcr,i5 in~luoe~ I,ut ~~'~.~ nt~C lii~it~'~1 Lc~, chi~,mcy S~~r~. ~1'I't~5tor5~ ~.rnt~ Gti~ ~~itti ,,n~1 ~;tti_~~.r (1~,<ii' uc~~~rin,s~ C1;-55 C ur !~rti~•t' ~n~finc~ ~ ~p:lt('f~c1~ ilfl~i i1Plt: ~~!~~:r `irr: Pt51StIV~! t:C)f1!~tfUGt~O~1 Uf ~1(,lf'~~<)I~t~l~ 5'!('~~t(".i`S ~F Wl~l~in n^ fC~:C 'J~ ~lt~),~~rni l~l'u5 ~~,itf~. 11. That naCivc slc:;,~~s ,~~Ijacr,nt tu n~.~.~.ly c~,nstrutcr~; ;~o~~~~s sh~ll b~~ hy,lrvseeJcu w(th a low {11C~ GO~J~US~it)~~~ S~t~t~ ~~I,.. ~UC~i S~c~~li~S S~l~l~~ ~1.: 5~~rin~.1!'PC~.: :1(1:7 ~li~rt~C(j r75 rcqulrcd tC? CStil~i~'.i`1 ~^~~ fCCt S!`~~ilf~l~il~l'~ Of ~~•IlYi.l~.~~' Vt'~~i'~lLlfift frnr~ :l~lyl StfUCtUr(`. 1?. Th;.-t ~i re hy~lr~~nts sl~,~l l I,~~ i+i.t.il Ic;J a~,~1 cl,~-ryc~ .is re~{ui r~~ f n~,~1 dc~tc•rriine~! t~ b<• nctess.~ry Gy t`~~: Chic:i ~,t' t~~e~ Fir• 11c~~art,~,:~~c ~rior t~ cr~~:,r;~e•nc:r.rxne ~,` scr:~ctur~l fran~inq. 1". Th,~t tt~c a~,{~cr(s) <~f sub i~~~ t{~roP~rty s~~311 ~;~y th~~ tr.-,ff i ~ s i;nal assessrx~nt fec (~;r~iinanec Ilo. 3;~' ) i~~~ ~ir~ ;~'""~t'~t ~S '~~<<,rr,ii,.-'d by thc Ci ty Counci l~ `or edGh new clvrcl l ing ur.lt prior to tl~c i5s~~?^c~ vf ,~ buildiry ;•crr~i;. ~z/~7/79 ~,~».w~=. ~.,,.~~.~.~. ~ 79°868 MI NUTES, AtJAl1E I M CI TY PIANN I P~G COMMI SS I Otl ~ UECENDER 17~ 197`.l FIAG POLE LOTS Commissioncr Herhst offered a motion, seccx~de.d by C~~mmissioncr David and MOTION CARRIED that the Anahelm Cit}~ Pl~nning Commisslon dc~es herehy instruct staff to evaluate the RS- 5000 and RS-720~ zones retating to the number• of flag lots permttted In comparison with the aS-HS-l0~OQ0~ RS-NS-2Q~000 And RS-NS-43,000 .ones. AnnikA Sancalahti explalned when the hillside z~~nes were amended to allow flag lots~ the one acre lot projects werc allowed to have 1!3 tn fla~ lots~ the 22~~00 (1/2 acre) lot ^~oJects wera allowed to have 25~, and thie 1~,00^ pr~jects were ailawed to hav~ 1~$ in flag 1 ot~ . CommlSSioncr Herbst felt thc Cocie sh~~uld be amr.ndcd so these variances wll~ not be necessary . ~an Salceda~ Anahelm t1111s, Inc. ~ stated cluring the past six mor.khs sevcr~il revisions of tentativ~ tract ma~~s havp been submitted within thc arca of thc Anaheim Hills P1Anned Comrtwnity and In some Instances An.ihelrn I~llis~ Inc.~ was not aware of these revtslons. Ile steted they would iike La bc notified whc~ revtsed tract maps are submitted within their confines and askcci to bp included on the distrlbutlon tist so thr_y will have adequete tlrtre to review the plans in or~ler to determine whetl~er theY wil) c~Pose or supaort tlie changesw Ne felt [heir c~~ncern is that withoue thac control~ when they submit thetr 10 or 12 tracts in thr near future aitid tell the Commission what t~~P dcnsities witl be~ th~ Cormission will be ve ry concerned because the builder 1ncSependently c~in come back wlth revised plans and this does frustrate the notion of a planned c~ur~(ty. He stated their new escrow Instructlons and sale contracts with bullders will inciucir an ad~ltional parayraph pertalning to tt,is lssue. Chairwoman Bar~~es stated slie haped staff wi l l naw send notices to Anahelm 11111s. Inc.. as soon as they knc~w a revisian is submitted, She stated the Commission is vcry interested and cbes revie.w+ the pla~s from ~naheim 111115~ Inc. ~ in qreat detai l. ITEM N0. 6 PUDLIC NEARING. 041t~ER: ABf3CY SERVICES CORP.~ P.O. EIR- NrATIVE DECI.ARl1TI~N BOX 295~~ ~~~+~+{~~rt Heach~ CA ~2b5~. AGEtaT; GEORGE ~ , RM N0. 20~+3 W. SEIT1 AIA~ I!~C.~ 1$n2;y-A Sky Park Circle~ Irvine~ CA 91.71 G. Pet i tianer requests persnlss ton ta ESTABLI SN A MURTUARY UIT~i A WAIVEP. OF MINIMUM LAt1DSCAPED SETBACK on propGrty d~scribed as an irr~gularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approxlmately 17.0 acres located at the northeast corner of aro~ciway and Anaheim Boulevard~ having approximate frontages of 5~0 feet on rhe southvrest sidr. of Menchester Avenue and 69~ feet on the east slde of Lewl~ Street~ and further d._scrtbed as 2303 South Manchester Avenue(Flelrosc Abbey). Property presently classified RS-~.•43,~0~ (RESIDENTIAL.StNGIE- FAMI LY ~11 lLS I OC) I.Q~JC. Ther~ was no one indicatinq their presence In appoSition t~ subJect requeSt~ and aathough the staff rc~pc~rt to thC P1~-nning Cammissi~ dated Uecember 17, 1379 was not read at the public hearing. lt ls referred to and made a part of the m{nutes. George Seitz, AgenC. prescntcd a rendering of the proJect for a mortuary ~ddition and stated the proJect ts consistent with the xoning and current use of the ~roWerty and t2/t7/79 ~ t MINUTES~ AI~AHEIM C1TY PLANNING t,QMMI~SION~ UECCMdCR 17, 1979 79-8~~9 EIR_NEGATIVE DECLARATI4N~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2043 (CONT1r1UED) explalned the landsceping setback vari~,ce i~ requested at the front of the proposed additlon beceuse they feel the existtng buildinc~ is af ~omc hlstorlcal architectura) significance end tl~ey wished to preserve Its characte~ es much as posslble. He stated allowing them mo~e flexibtlity with the front setback will c~eate mare open space and the entry of the sddition wtll allg~ with the prlmary access of the landsGaped Island in front of thG cxlsting abbey. Ile stated the location ~f the proposed martua~y will provid~ a posittvo vlsual buffer between the front ot the abbey and the boatyard to the west creating a courtya~cl effect around the front of the exlsting abb~y. He stated if the curb were continued across the property~ tf~e 2~-foot setbACk could still be ma(,talned and Is consisLent with the setbock yranted t~ the DeMolay Duilding to the east. TlIC Pl1DL I C H EAR I t~G WAS C LGSE D. Chatrwoman Darnes p~inted out thc plans ahow ~,arking in an .~rea whlch h~s already been ded(ca~ed to the Clty for the widenin~ of Nanchester, Thc Commiss(on revleM~ed [he plans ~nd Jiscussed tt~e widcning of Manchestr.r and It was noted the declic.~ted area c~nnot be used fflr parkl~g. Jay Tt tus ~ Off i ce Engi naer~ statecl the ul timote d~di c~tlon for 1~ anct±ester 1 s 3~ fe~t instead of ~2 fcet nnd it has been dedicated, and the Gurb will bc ?~ feet from the ccnterline. CommlSSioner fiushore was concerned about the parL.inc~ and ~isked the rPqu1 rement5 f~r the new addit~on, Uean Sherer~ Zo~ing Reprtsentative~ stated the code coes not specify narking for morturiries and Nr. Seitz c:xplained vlsi;ors to thc mc~rtuary will park in front and Comnlssioner Bustior.r. qucstlonGd wherc they would park if therc ~re other services 9oing on at the abbey. Commissloner Kiny potnted out no variance is belny requested for parking. AnRlka Santalahti, Asslstant Dirertor fo~ Zoning~ ststed when a use does not have a specific parking requirement~ the Plann6ng Conxntsston certainly may rcquire the number of spaces they feel is adeyuate. Canmtssion~r 8us~hore st~ted he did rot feel the exizting uses havc been take~ tnto consideratlon and it Is posstble there would be a funeral yoing on tn thc chapel at the sart~ tlme cernetery and mortuary pa~king is needed and the spaces p~ovlded )ust would not be adaquate. tie stated thc chape! is existing and the existing parking has been appited to the ~ew butldin~. 11e potnted out athcr funeral homes use these facElities arf the one entranc~e wi11 create traffic prohlems. Mr. Se(tz stated ti~~y have room on the turn•a~ou~d for double loading and would not antlcipate the aislCS betng block~d. No stated they f!~It th$ clasure of one af the drivew ays would enhance the interna) ~ppeara~ce end if the Goim-ission finds lt unacceptabie~ the driv+eway coiald te left opesn. F1~ stated thcre will be four stumber ~oans In tha addition. ~z/~7/79 ~ M I rWtCS ~ A-IAfI[ I M C I TY PLANN I NG COMM i SS 10~1 ~ D[CEMBER 17 ~ 197) 1~"81~ ~~R NEf,ATIVC DECLAMTION~ CONDITIONAL USE PERNIT t10. 201~3 (Ct1NTINUFD) ~hain~+an Darnes asked why this addition was located rlght out front and Mr. Seitz Rxclained most of the reer partlons of the rroperty are dedlcated to grAVe sftes and they fRlt bac.ause of the enclosed effect of the bullding at thls locatton whlch would screen r.he boa~yard to the west~ end pravide an enclosad courtyard that wpuid create a sens(tlve Ar•.~. C~issioner Bushor~ dicJ not feel five ndditi~nal parking sper.es for the add(tl~nal risi[tng ~ooms~ plus the chape) and other existtng facilities would b~ adequf+te. ~f. S~itz stated khey could provide additlonal pArking by realigning the (nternal clrcle. ~~e stated they would prefcr to kcep some l~ndscaping in thc front to screen thc freeway ~~ise and create trr~nquility wlthln the property. Conrissloner Dushare stated there is no flow for funerAls coming in for burial servlces ~nly~ur people coming ta the chapel for services from other mortuaric~;~and no flow for 'unerals from thls ~rtuary to the cemete ry for int~rment. Mr. Seitz indicatcd he thought only o~e service wnuld bc schcduled at a time. ~es~ondinc~ to Chariwaman (3arnes' question~ Cammissioner 8ushare stated hc felt thts wll) create add(ttonal traff(c problems poiiiting o~t there ls a~r~blem there nc~w and he felt ciasing the dr(veway wlll create additlonal problems. ~o~:r~ission~er King stated he was not concerned ~~bout the parking~ but was cpncerned about thc closeness of the building to the strect. 11e did not fPel the petitianer would make this sixable investment unless ihey fclt parking wo~ild he adequate. C~missioner Bushore feit wlth the p~ice of lanci~ oroperty c~wners tend to overbulld and felt the property will be overbuilt causine~ thls encraachment into the setback and he dld not feel thc c~ther srrvice~ caning tnto the facbl(ty have becn considered. ~cspanding to Chatnv~man I3arnes' qu~sticxi~ ~avld Schwanz~ of Melrose Abbey~ s[ated he has been Chere for 1-1/2 years and has not secn any parking problems wlth 2a or 30 spaces behi~d tha martua ry. Ne explained traffic i~ cantrolled with the roadways through their property from Manchester ta Lewis Street and simulteneous services can be canducted and thc streets elimina*.e any parktng or traffic problems. 1ie ex{~latned people attending services enter through l.ewis Street and ~ark in tl~e rear. Ne stated the e~trance to the cemetery is on Lewis Str~et and the entrance to the mortu~ry and mauSAleum is an Mancheste~ ; and that tl,ey conduct 30 to 40 services per mor~th. Corrmissioner Bushore felt elirnlnating one of the main entrances to the rr+c~rtua.-v and cemetery and adding only five parktng spaces to the ~ear of the mc>rtuary wi~h [he three uses going on would not be adequate. Hr. Schwanz stated at le.:it 5~~ ~f the services enter th~ough the Lewis cntrance; that the rnortuary services wtll be held In the mAUSOleum; that visitatio~ to the mortuary ls mintmal and is A~ dlfferent hours through thc day, r+iostly during evenings~ and he could not foreser. any iraffic cc~ngestlo~ at the cexnete~r whetscxver. t2/~7/79 ~ t MIt~UTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLAt~IIING COMHISSION~ DECEMBCR 17. 1979 73~810 EIR NEC.'1TIVE DECLARl~TIqN. CONOITIONAL_ USE_PCRMIT t10. 2043 (C~NTINUED) .._.. Chatrwoman Barn~s asked why this addition was lacated rtght out front and Mr. Seltz axplained most af the rear portlons of the ~r~perty ere dedic.ated t~ grave sltes and they felt bec~uae of the enclosed effect of the bullding at tl~ls lucatlon which would screen the boatyard to the west. and provide an enclosed courtyard that would create a sensittve a ree. Commisston~r Bushore dfd nat feel fivc additlonal parking spsces for the addtclonal v(sitinq raams~ plus the chepel rnci other existing facllitles would be adequate. M~. Seltz stated they could provide addlttonal pArking by realigntng the interra) clrcle. Na stated th~y wauld prefer to keep some landscaping In the front to screen t-•e freeway notse and create trenquil(ty within the property. Commtssioner BushorP statr_d there Is no flow for funerals com(ny tn for burlal services only,or people coming to the chapel for servtces from other mortuaries~and no flow for funerd~~ from thfs mortuary to the cemete ry for interment. Mr. Settz indtcated he thought only one service would be scheduled at a tlrn~. Responding to ''.hariwoman aa~ncs' question~ Commissioner ~ushore statcd he felt this wil) create addiklonal traffi~ problems potnting out there ls ~'+ problem there nc~w ~nd he felt clostn,y the drlveway will crcate acidit~onai problems. Commisslaner King stated he was noc co~cerned about the parking~ ~ut was cc~ncerr~eci abaut khe closcness of khe buliding to the strret. Ne ciid not f~el thc ~±etttloner would make this slzable investment unless they tclt p;~rhing would be a~equ~tc. Commissioner Bushore felt wtth the price of tand~ property awners tend to nverbulld and felt the property will be overbuiit caus:ng this encroachment lnto the seCback and he dld not f~el the oth~r services roming Into the facility have bCen cr~nsi~ered. Responding to Chalrwaman Oarnes' questlon, Oavid Schwanz of Melrosc Abbey~ siated he has becn there for i-1/2 years ~+nd has not seen any pa;king problems with 2> ar 3Q spaces hehind the mortuA ry. lie explained trafftc is controlled with che roedways through their property fran NanchestPr to lewls Streat and simultaneous se~vlces c~n be conducte~ and tt,c SCree:ts ~liminate Any parking or traffic problems. Ne explalned people atte~ding services cnter tl~raugh Lewis Strcet and park in the rtar. He stated thc entrance to chc cemete ry is o~ Lewts Street and the entrance to the murtuary and mausoleum is on Manche5ter; a~d that tliey conduct 3~' t~ ~+0 s~rvices per month. Canmissioner Bushare fe;lt eliminating one of the main encrancc~ to the mort~ary anc, cemate ry and adding only five parking spac~s to the rear of the mortuary with the t~~ree uses goi~g on wouid not b~ ad~quate. Mr. Schwanz stated at lans~ S~~ of the. services enter through the Lewls entranca: that th~e mortuary services w111 be heid in th= rnausoleum; that visitation to Che mortuary is minlmal end Is et differe~t hours through the day~ mostly during evenings, and he could not for~see any trafflc ~ongestlor, at the cemetery whatsoever. t2/17f79 ~ MI NUTES ~ ANAHE I M C ITY PLAtIN I NG C0~~1M1 SS i~~t~~ DECEMDER 17~ 197~ 79~871 EIR NEGATIVE OECLARATION COND!TIQIJAL USE PERMIT N0. Z04 (C~NTII~UED) Comnisslone~ IlerbsC was co~fused because the plans show two entrances off Mancheste~ and Mr. Schwanx p~lntnd aut the drivewey to be closed and the ~arkina areas th roughout the p rupe r ty . Commlssianer Bush~re asked Melvin Htlgenfeld. owncr of Hllg~nfeld's Mortua ry~ If he has ever encountered eny prnblems when using this cerrx~t~~y. Melvln Hilgenfcld stated there a~c two types ~~f scrvices~ onc ~Jirectly to the gravestte and they could come in through the Lewls Street e~trbnce wlth no problems ~nd the ath~r wauld be sQrvices ~ the Chapel and he frlt with one driveway ~~d no flow~ there woulci be a tr~fftc p~oblem. 11e stated they have n~~ver come thro~gh the Lewis Street ent~Ance. feli the situatinn should be s:udie!~1 r~ow becaust there is no way to anticipAte these types of services~ and r.verythin9 tends to happen at once. He stated peaple coming in strictly for burial could use th~• Lewis entrance. Commissiarer Bushore pointed out the users ~~ the cemetery would be drlvlnc~ th rough the residential Areas. Ne felt the community as a whole shoulci he served and rolnted out no parkiny ls allc~weci on Manchester Street. Commisstoner Kiny atAted he -,as had to walk ~t leest 1-1/2 biocl.s to the last two funerals hc has attended and felt gcncrally speaklny pcople will I~~avc to walk. somc distance to most funerals taday. Commissioner Dushore was c~ncerned that people wi11 t~ark ~n Manchester because they cb not knvw parkinc~ is availablc in the rcar and Commls~ioner King nointed out agaln no parking is aliowed on Menchester. Mr. Scnwanz stated ln antlcipation of a fun~ral servlce~ they have adequaee people on the premises to dirett peoplr. comine~ (n ta not c~bstruct hSanchester and parking Is avallable. Commissioncr Bushorr, statPd Mtir.lrose ~,bbey is weil-known by pcc~P~e ~n ~his business for not hevinq people there to di rect trs+ff ic. Mr. :~wanz statcd they are put:ing npproximately two ~+' ~~ iOh~~'~hersa~e nawrwel l~staffed Chis property and tlicre may heve been nroblecn~ tn the pasc~ Y and p~epared to handle any situation. Commissioner Fltrbst fel t[he plan can bt r~vised to e~ ~mi~a~wl Lheadaquatzrdriveway~hr~cgh the mlddle of the prope~ty. ar~~ providc eddltional parking fQlt they can doubl~ losd in some areas for funeral parking wlth people directing traffic end felt thtinCQtodelimi~na eeuse1ofCClty prrpcrtYeand'~felt~landscApingf~or the~longnrange thc laRdscap g futu~e i~ far b~tter than pavir~g. Commiss9~ncr Bushore stac~cd there wlil de 3~ 4 or S scrvices there at one time and wi~h doub le parking r-nd cx:e ~rl veway cl~scd, there wi 11 be p~ob lems. M~. Schwanz s[ateJ they have 6 acres of unimproved prnperty at the present t~T--e where peo~le can park. t2!~7179 ~ir MiNUTES~ ANA~IE:IM CITY PLANIiING LONMISSI QN~ DECEMBLR 1 J~ i~J9 7~)-R72 C 1 R N~GATI VE: DECLAR/1T1011. CUNGI T IOtIAI U5C PERMI T l10, 2043 (CONTI NUEU) .~ Chalrwomen Barnes (ndtcated shc cauld not undcrstonJ wlth all thet pmpcrty, why the bullding has to encrc~ach into the ~etbsck and shr. ~Ild not set~ e h~i~clshlp for qranting a varlrnce, Comn{ssloncr Ilerbst stnteA hc ha~f orlgi nel ly obJccc~~+ to thc reKlu~steci wai vcr~ buc after revlrwing the plens~ felt wlt~~ ~rr~~er l~in~lsct~~iny~ lie c~uld see no pr~blerns ~nd Chalrwcxnen Barnes a,yre~d. Mr. Seitz state~l this deslqn wos not to utilizr es much or~perty as possib le~ but Is to preserve the arch t tect ~re of the exi st i nn ahbey; that the ~r,tl ti oner needs a certal n number of square fc~•t for certaln typPS of services; nnd tn~~t th~-y h,we tr ieci to keep thls bullding away from ehe existin~~ F,uilding, He state~l a v~rlance of the se[Dack. gives them more flexibi 1 I ty ta providC ihe park(nc~ and landscApe the front of the but ldings. ACTION: Commisstoncr I;ln~ cffered a mc~tion~ scGOndcd by f.omnissloncr Fry ancf MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Tolar bcing absant) that th~ Anahcim Clty P1Annlny Gortmission has revlawed tt~c prnposal to ~~crmlt a mnrtuary in thc RS-A-~~3,~0(1 (Resldentlal /Agricultural) Zane with walver of rninimum landscaped front sethack cm an Irre~~ularly-shaped parcel of land conslstin~ of approxlmately 17 acres, haviny a fronta9e of approxlmately 50~ feet on the southwesc side of Manchcster Avenuc an~ a fronta~e of G80 fect on [he cast sld~ of Lewts Street~ approximately 304 f~rt south of thc ccnccrline of Oranqewaod Avenua; and does hereby apprc~ve the Ncgat i ve Ik+cl arat 1 on f rcxn the requl rement to prepa re an envlronrr~ntal impact report on thQ bas~ s that thcre would be no significant indlvtdual nr cumulative adve~rsr.. environmental impact du~ ta r.he approval of [his Neqs[i ve Declaratlon since thc Anahetm Gcneral Plan desiynates the suhJect nropcrty for medl~r-~-density Innd uses commensurate wt th th~ proposa) ;~hat no sens i t i ve envf ronmentnl (mpacts are 1 nvolved in the propasal ; that the Inlti.til Study suhmi ttcA by che pctltloner indicates no signi f ic.ant i~dividual ar cumulat(ve adverse envire~nmental impacts; and th~t the Negat lv~ Declaration substantlatinc~ the foregoing finclings i s on fi le in the Clty of Anaheim P i anning Departmen t . Commissloncr Y.Iny ~ffered a mation~ seeonded by Commisstc~ncr Fry and MOTIO-I CARRIED (Commissl~er Tolar bring absent) thac the Anaheir~ City Planning Conmission does h~reby grant the request for waiver of r~Inimum landscaped front setback cxi the basis that denial would deprive property of privileges enJoyed by other property under identlcal zaning classification in the vicinity. Gomm(ss(oner King offcred Resolutlon No. PC7'~-235 and mcved for tts passagc and adoption that the Anahetm Ctiy Planning Comnlssion dcyes t~nret,y c~rant Petiti~i for Condltional Use Permit ~lo. 2Q~i3~ subject t~c the r_~nditton that revised pl.~ns are submitted to thc staff elim(nAting parF.ing on dedicated Clty prnperty and subject to Interdcpar[rr+ental Lomm(ttee Recanmendn t i ons . On roll cal 1, the foregoing resolution was passed by thc fol lowing vote: AYES: CQMMI551~'lERS: BARNCS~ OAVID~ FRY~ NERBST~ KING NOES; COMMI5510"~ERS: NOHE AaSCNT: ~OMMISS IONf.RS: TOLAR AQSTAIN; C~JMMI SS 1 ~t~ERS ; BUSNORE t2/t7/79 ~ ~ ~ MINUTES ANAl1EIM CITY PLANNING GOMMiSSION~ DCCEMBER 17, 1379 1~-a73 ITEM NQ. 7 PUULIC f1EARING. OWNER: NEU EI~GLAND MUTUAL LIFE R~Nf GA.T~V~ UEG LARAT I UN I NSURANCE COMPANY ~ 50 I Boy I s ton S t r~c t~ Bns ton ~ Mas s, COIIDITIO-~AL USE PERN~ f IIO. 2044 02117. AGCNTS: PYROTRqNICS~ CORPORATION~ 2349 W. Le Pelma Ave, ~ Anel~e(m~ CA 92f~01. TRAMMEL CROW CO ~, ~757 Peachtree Street~ CI[y of Commerce~ CA 9~bb0. Pet(*_loner requests permisston to PERNIT FIREWORKS STOMGE an property descrtbed as en Irregularly-sl~aped parcel of land cc~nststlnc~ of approximotely 5.(1 acres located approxlmntcly f>9~ fcet west of thc centcrlinc of Lawls Street~ hAVtng an a~proximate frontage of 240 fecc an the sout~~ sidr. of Hall Road~ and having a maxlmum drpth of epproxlmatcly 5A~7 fect, and f urther descrlbed ~~s 710 E~st Hall Roed. Proprrty presently clasaifled ML (It10USTRIAL.LINITE~`' ZONE. There wes no one indicnting their pr~sence In c~pposltlon to sub,iect r~quest, and although the s taff rcp~rt to thc P 1 ann i n~~ Commi ss(on datcd Dec~mber 17~ 197~) was not rcad at the publlt hearing~ i c Is referred to and ~~~ade a p~rt c~f the minutes. AI Nole~ ret~resenting Fyrotronics~ st~te~i thelr cc,mpany m~nuf,actures safe and sane flreworks tn Rialto And starting (n February througl, July 1~, thr.y need additional wnrehous~ space and propose to use ~i4,~~~1 squ~re f~ct of an existing 1~~,~~~ s~uare foot we~ehousc at 71~ East Hall P.oad, He expla(ncd evc~n Lhough safe nnd san~ "ireworks technica) ly are Class C fi rr_works, they are somewh~~t Iess than thit bec.iuse by Cal f forn(a state law, they cannot exolvde or rise Into the aly durin~ their discharqe; that they produce an audihlt and visual effrct thruuyh the use of various pyrotro~ic com~ounds. He stoted the natcrials stored at thls facility will bc fism~ble but no! explosive; thet the building lends ltself to th~ir needs in that it is the rcar p~rtion and ls remote from th~ 5'''@C~ anc ~s protected by a hydraulically-calcul~itad sprin~.ler system fur ~xtra hazard locattons. t~c explalncd starting about the 15th of February for thc next [hrec vcars~ they would bring nroducts in cases on pallets into the warehc~use ~~nd stare them; that there will be no employees on thc propcrty; that it ls protectc~l by a pcrimr.ter and interior alarn~ system~ and about the 15tti of June, emr~ay~es wauld be therc to start qetting the mattrlals ready for dictrih~tion ~~n June 28th to the firewarks stands in the surround(ng communities. tie dld not feel th~y wuuld be crPating an unusual hazard. tle explained they would be out of the builciing by July i;th of each year and~ ~roviding this appiicrtion is granted~ Chey propose lo let Knott's Berry Farm usc that portion of thc bull~lny for storage of thei r Jams and je 1 l ies f~r the Chrlstrnas season from August thrnugh Qecember~ and Pyrotr~ntcs ~~ould use 1 t from February throuqh J~ly. TI~E PUtILIC NEARIt~G NAS CLUSED. Garth Men9es~ Anaheim Ocpu[y Flre Marshall~ stated they have inspected the bu) lding and i t ts adequate for the type of storage prauosed with no open cases of ftreworks. except for a short perlod of time; that af ter the 4th of .;~~ly~ tt~e ft r~works wi 1) b~e repaclcaged and shipped out~ ancf as far as the Fire Department is conce~ned~ the operation is good. ACTION: Commtssioner Devid offered a motion~ seconded by Comnisstoner Ktng and MOTIO~i tt D(Conunissioner Talar being absent) that the Anahelm City Planning Commisston has reviawed the proposa) ta permit firew~orks storage in the ML (Industrlal, Ltml[ed) Zone on an irregularly-shapCd parcel of lanc' c~nsisting of approximately S acres~ having a 12J17/79 ~i MI NUTES ~ ANAI~E IH C ITY PLAt~N I NG COMMI SS I 0~~~ DECENBER 1 y~ 1979 79-87~~ EIR WEGATI VE OECLAMTION~ CONDITIQNAL USE PERMIT t~0. 204l~ (CONTINUED) frontayc af approxtmately 2fiQ feet on the south s{de of (lall RoaJ~ hevinc~ a maxtmum depth of approx imataly ~'i~ feet and bPing Ir~cated epproximately ('l~ fce~ west of the ccntcrl(ne of Lewl~ Street; ond clocs hereby a~pr~vc the ~I~~etlv~ Ueclaratlon from thc requlrement co propare sr~ anvironmental Impact report on the basis thdt there would t.~e nc~ signiflc~nt indivtd~a 1 or cumulative advcrse envlranmcntal impnct duc tn the npprova) of thls Ne~<a~tlve Uoclarati vn slnce the Anat~eim G~~er~l Plan dcsignates the sub)ect pro~+erty f~r gene~~~l industrla 1 land uses commr~surate wlCh thP prop~sel; cl~at na s~nsttive environmenta) ImpACts a rc lnvnived in tl~c ~ro~osal; that th,e Initiai Stu~iy sut,mitte~! by the petttioncr tndicntes r~o sf~nificant inJivldual or ~umulative a~lverse environment~l impacts; and that thc Negat Ive Dcclara~ion sul~Stanti~~ting tl~c fnregoing findinqs is on fi le in thc City ~f Anat~eim P lonnfn~~ Depr+rtment. CommISS lor~cr pavf d of fcrec! Resol ut ion I~o, PC7`~-[3< a~d nx~ved f~r ( ts n~-ssage a~d Adopt ion thet thr, Anahcirn City Planninq Commis,ior docs f~crcby grant t~ic Petition for Condition~l Use Permi t No. 2Qh4~ sub.ject to Interd~~r,~~ tmc~ntsl Corxni ttee Recomrtx~ndatluns. On roll e~711, tl~c foreyc~inq resolutlon was ~nssed I,y the f~llowinq vote: AYES: COMNIS510NCRS; Ii/1RNE5~ t3USHORE, DllVl-7~ FRY~ IIER(-ST, KINC NOCS; COMHISSIQNCRS; ~IONE AUSEN7: COMMISSIONCRS. TOL~R RECESS There was a ten-Min~tc~ recess at 3:~5 ~.~~ RECONVENE Thc: nueti~y was rcconven~d aL }:2; p.m. iTC-~ t10. ~~ PUIsLIC NEARINr,, ONNEFCS: IRA L. At~~ PATRICIA A, ~R Ncf,ATIVE DECLARl~TION t1EWMQ1~~ l~~r, North St~te Coll~qe Dlvd,~ Anaheim~ CA ND I N ' f 0. 2~1t~~ ~26~G, Pet 1 t ioner rr.qur_sts pcrmiss lon to E?(PA~lQ AN EXISTING SE:RVICE STATION ~11T11 A NAtVEP. OF REQUIREO LAN~SCAPI~if; on pr~~erty desc~ihed as a rectanc~ularly- shaped parce) of land consisting of a~proximAtely n,3G acres located at thc nc~rtt-west carner o~ Vis Burton Street and Statc College E3oulevard~ having approxir~ate frontag~s of 125 feeC ~n the north sid~ of Vie durton Street and 125 feet nn the we~t side of S!ate Golleye 8oulevard~ and furtr,ei• descr(bed es 1;0> North St~te Colle~e Eioulevard. Property p~esently classtfied as ML (INDUSTRIAL~LIMtTED) 20!IE. There was no one inJicating tlleir preaence in oppositlo~ to subject request~ and although the staf f ret~ort io the Plann(ng Commisslon dated Uecember 17~ 197~ was not read ~t the pubt ic h~~ring, i t is referred to and made a part of the minutes. ; 1 { ~ ~2~~~~~g ~ ~ ~ HII~UTES~ ANlIHCIM tITY PLAIINING COMMISSION~ OCCEM4ER 17~ 1979 1~~875 E I R NCGATt VE DECL~RAT I ON ` COl~pl T I OIIAL USL PC PHI T N0. 204~ (GONT I NUF.O) Ira Ilewman~ ~rtit(oner~ stated the drlveway ~ecnmm~nde~i fc~r cl~~surc is the nnst us~d drtvc~wey and ~~co~+le ~olny west and sauth wauid hAV~ to ~ n.~st the ~t++tlan and make a 1H~ dcgre~ turn in orJer tc~ get In r~round the rum~s~ or (n fr~nt of the servlc~ bnys; tfnd that i f a y~sol i nc tankar nakes a~Irl iv~ry~ I t wruld havr no wAy uut wi thout bt~c~:inc out ont~ the street and presentcd ph~togra~hs tn subst~nti,~te that strtemc~nt. Ile rxpl~ined the tanks llr_ ir- frnnt ~f tl,e s~rvicc~ h,~yg so tlie t~~nker hAS to 1(ne u~ wlth the flller s~outs ~n~l comin<~ in off State Cnllegr w~~uld be tl~e wr~nn Ar~q~e And if n difsel truck w~s gassing up at tllc d(cscl island~ ncithcr one c~ul~1 get out. Iic strted Stnte C~Ilege poulevard has a hi~h [r~ffic cc,unt and fclt it would bc cl~nqcrous and difficult to back out onto St.~te Coll~ge, Ile felt tl~fs driveway closure woul~~ he creatinq A tr~fflc hazard. He st~ted Texaco buflt this stat(~n in about 1'~~J and ~~ssumc~d they qot the n~cessary perm(ts ar+cl ft w~s clesi~ned tn he sofe ~~n~i (s mc-~st convenlent f~r c~rs le~ving and entering, lie f~lt clc~sin~~ tlie dr(vPway will affect his Income adversely. THC PUI3L1 C HCARIIIf, b!!1S CLOSEU. Conmisstoner Klr~~~ <'154.r..d if thcre have been any accidrnts at this locAtion ~~P.C.3USn of the driveway and Mr. Ne+~rtn~n e~xplained there wer~ n~, r~~orted ar.cidents in the first ~3 ~anths of [his year at Vla Uur[on; that hc has been ~t thnt intc:rsection f~r 12-1/2 yr_ars ~ind there has never been a fatal accldrnt since he h,s been there; [hn[ there have bcen "fender benders~" hut they are rmstly south c~f th~ Intersecti~n close to the freeway, Responcliny to Commissioner tlerbst's yucstion as to the pcrcentaqc of truck diesel sales, Mr. Ilewman replicd currently he is sellinc~ ah~ut 12~'1n~ ~.~allons ~f ~~snline ~er month~ and the percent~~ge is about 5~/~~~ becr~use there are nnc very many places SPlliny dicsel `uel and It fs convenicnt for the dfesel uscrs. ~1e sta[r.d with to~lay's allocations, he punps about 17_,0~~ of diesel fucl and hc i; only altowccf to buy an averagc af 7'1~ gallons per day for resale, Commissioner Fry as~.ec1 the locatlon of clie flller v~~ives~ with Mr, Newman res~onding they are near the thi rd bay~ and ~re ~rohably 1~ to 12 feet fror, the bui luing, Ile explatned 2hc City is proposing closur~ of tt~e driveway where the tankPrs come in and they leave on St~te College and exn~alned the tankers cannot gc~ under che canopy. Annik~~ Sanr.alahti~ Asslstant Director for Zonin~• stated one of the concerns and reasons the drtveway closure ls not considered unr~:asonauie is t~~at tt-ey are increasing the ~ise with 6 addition~~l service bays~and ttiat a servlce station is (ntended to be a gasoline servlce st~tion ~~rlmarily under the Code ~eftnition and if this were a regulAr service station~ there probably would not liave bcen any corrxnentary about the driveweys~ but with that many service bays being added with greater coverage than before~ there was some staff concern ttiat tliis is not exactly a~aso! ine station primari ly~ wi tfi accessory automobi le service~ but rather that perhaps the ;+:aintenance work will become the prima ry functl~n and tha gasoline sales will be secondary .~nd~ therefore~ the need for the driveway is not as great. Commissinner Ilerbst suggested granting the permit for a one-year period (n order to review the affect of the driveway and if it is a problem~ the CommlSSion can require closure at that time. (Mr. Newman stated he would acce~t that condition.) Annika Santalahtt, sugc,ested a condition be lncluded that a bond be posted for that one year period t~ guarantee the installat(on lf closure ts recommended by the Commisston because the petitionsr will be daing a large amount of construction work. t2/17/79 ~ MINUTES~ AfdA11EIM CITY PL/WI~ING COMMISSION~ DECCMBER 17~ 197^ 79~876 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATIOi1, CONDITIO~~AL uSE PERMIT NO. 20~-~ (CONTINUED) Commissloner ~!erbst stated the Conmi~slon has thc rlvht to revokc the permit et the end of the year and did not feel a bo~d would bc ncccssary and Commisatoner Fry dld not fee) the pet(ttoners should yo to thet kind of expense far something that may or may not take placc in thc future. ACTION; Commissioner Ilerbst offcred a motlon~ secanded by Commissloner Fry and M0710N A~` Rt~I~U (Commissioner Thlar being r~bsent) that thc Anahe(m Clty Planning Commission has r~vieweJ the proposa) to permit thc expansinn of an ~xisttn~ service statlon wlth A waiver of required l~ndscaping on A rectangul.~rly-sha~ed parccl of l~inri cunsisting of approximately 0.3G acrc 1~-c~~ted at ct~e nortl~vrest corncr af Vla Durton Strcet .ind State Colle~~c Doulevard~ liaving a fronta~~c of approximately 12; fect on the north stdc of Via Burton Strcrt an~! .~ fr~nt~~~~~` of 17.~ feet on the west sidc of State Colleqe BoulevArd; and do~s hereby approve the ~~enacive Ueciaration frorn the r~~ulremcnt to pre~+are an envi ronmr_ntal im~act report on t1~e basis thot t-~cre would 1>e no signi ficent tndtvidual or Cumulative advcrse environment~l im~act duc tn thc arnrnval of this N~qative Decl.~ration since the Annhelm f,ener~~l Pl.~n desig~ ~tes tht subJ~ct property for ~e~nera) Industrlal land uses corm~ensurAte with the nr~~~sal; thnt nn s~nsitiv~ environrm~ntal Im~,~cts r+re invalved in che proposal; th~t tfie Initial Study gubmitted by th~ pr.tittoner indicaces no sic~niflcant indlvl~lual or cuMU1~~clve ndvrrse environmr_nt~it linpacts; an~ th,~t the Negative Declarati~n ,ubstentia;in~~ tlie f~re~oing findin~s is on fi1~ in thP City of Anaheim Planniny Departrnent. Commissi~ner Herhst offcred a motlon~ seconded hy Carmnis~si~ner Fry and MOTI0~1 CARP,IEO (Commissioner TolAr beinh absent) that the Anaheim C(ty I'lanning Cornmisston does I~ereby grant clie requesc for watver of requireJ lAndscaninn on tlie basis that the butlding will be abutting thc pro~crty Ilnc an~i will not nrovi~ir ef~cct(ve buffer ta dA~~C~nt industrail property. Conxnissioncr Nerbst offered Resoiu[ion I~o. PC7'~-2,~7 and rx~vr.d f~r its passag~ and acio~tl~n thax thc Ar.,~heim Gity Pl~nninr~ ComMlssion doPS hcrr.Ly grant the Petltion for Conditlonal Usc Pe nnlt ~~o. Z0~~5~ for a period of onc year after commenceme~i of conStruction sub)ect to review to detcrmine whethr.r or not the drivew~y on VI~ Bur[on Strect nearest State Colleye Eiouiev~r~1 is causin~ a trafflc hazard and to dcrtern~ine whether or not said driveway should f,e clesed anci suhject to interdenartmental Ccx~mitte~ Recommendations. On roli call~ the foregoing r~solution was passed by ths following vo[e: AYES: COI~MI a5 fONE:RS : E3AP,N~S, 1iU51lORf. ~ QAVI D, FRY, fiEROST~ KItJP t~AES: GaN-1I SS I ONERS ; r10!~E Al3SEtJT: GOhtM l SS I O~IERS : TOL~1R ~2/t7/73 T~~ ~ J NINUTES~ AIIAHEIM CITY PLl~~~NING CQMMISSION~ DECEH4ER 17~ 1979 79-877 ITEM 1~0. 9 PUDLIC NEARING. OWNER: AtIANEIM 1NSURANCE LEASEC4. tl A,TVE DkCIARATION n01 W. ~Ifth Strcet~ Sulte 12~~~ Los Angel~s~ CA COIJDITIONAL USE PCRNI7 1~0. 2~4G y0~1~, l~GCNT: LCROY p, 0'.JE!J COMPl1NY, ~Q~ $.M~In St., Suitc ~OQ C,T.~ Orangc, CA 926h9, Petltloner requests permissic,n to ESTADI.ISII H[iUS TCRMINAL WIT11 WAIVERS OF; (~) MAXIHUN FENG: NEIGHT~ (fl) MIP~IMUN 5TRUCTUfUI SETRACK~ (C) MI'11~1UM LANDSCAPED SETaAGK~ (D) REQUIREU SITE SCRE:NING on pro~erty de,crihed as on lrrecaul.~rly-shape~i parce) of land consisting at ap~~~xlmatcly 0.7 acrc locat~d Approxfniately 2~10 fect southea4t of the centcrltne of Qr~nqewood Avenue~ having ;~n approximnte fr~nt~gc of l~y fect on the west sidc af Manchester Avenuc~ and having <~ maximum cScpth of a~pmximately 2;1 fcct~ and further describeci as 21C5 Sour~ Manchester Av~nue. Propcrty presently classtfied as CL (COMNCRCIAL,LINiTf.D) ZONE. Thr.re was no onc lndicating their presencc in opposltlar~ ~o sub.ject r~qu~ ;t~ and although the steff report to thc PlAnninq Gommission J~~tcd Qecemh~r 17, 1~7'~ was not rcad at Chc publlc heertnq, it Is refarrcd t~ .~nd m~dc a part of thc minutes. Gene Rc~llins, agent~ ~vas prescnt to answer any qun..stiuns. THC PUC1L1 C HCARING 1IA5 CLOSF.~. Cammissloner K(ng clar(f(ed that ther~ shall !~~ no mech~nical re~air wark or fuel(ny of vehicles on site. Commissloner Nerbat st~~tr.d in vicw of thc beautiful mortuary buildinq ~+rUposed ur th~ adJacent property ~ he w~: cnncernr;d about the chain 1 in4. fcnce proposed and suqvested a block wAl1 bctwEen properties. Mr. Rolllns clarifl~cl th:3t a p~rtion ~f the existinq fence is chainlink and a portion is block and stated a~c~a;f screen is p~ovided with the 5firubbcry and a block wall wauld bc an ~~iditional ~xpense thac would n~t serve ~nuch purpose becausc the bus~s a~e hl9her than a~-foot bl~ s wal!. Ne stated che operating hnurs fpr the tours would not be In conflirt wfth an.~hin; qo(ng on at the mortuary. Gommiss(oner tlerbst asked if the parkiny spaces adlacent to the chainltnk fence wtll be for emptoyees or buses and Nr, Rai~ins replied thc ~~~~!1 ypaces are for thc employees. Commissioner Herbst pointed ou[ tlie plans shc,w Z~ buscs betn~~ stored on the property and asked whcre ihe drlvers wiil le~ve thcir vchicles. Rot,ert Colleyeman~ 12Q7 West 37th Strcet~ Los Angeles~ stated th~r would providt a centrai meeting point for the dr(vers and they wauld be brought [o this ~ m perty by ~ne of their own buses~ recognizing they lack adequate parking space tn the nrighborhood. t~e could nat say where that central meeting place will be~ Uut all the drivers will be coming at the same tirne (n the morning and they will not be parktng o~ Manchester. CommtsSloner Bushore felt it woul~i be unr~:asonable to ask tF~is petitioner ta provide a block w~i) and felt since this use is bacl:ing up to a en4rtuaryp if they can see anything they wiii put up the wal) without the Pianning Commission acfding that condltian. Ccxnmfsstoner Ktng stated the existing fence Is well-butit. 12/t7/79 ~ ~ MlNUTES~ ANAHEIH CITY PlANN1NG CONMISSION~ DECEMdER 17~ 197~ 79-87$ CIR NEG11T1~~~ UECLARATION~ CONDITIONAL USE PERNIT N0. 20G6 (C~ ~Tit1Uk:D) ~..._._.__ .. IICTIOt1; Commissl~ncr Klny offered ~~ rnotic~n~ scconcSed ~y Commissloner DBVId and NOTION Z7~(EU (Cnmmissin~er Tolar betng absent) that thc Anahelm Clty Plan~ing Comm(ssl~n h~~s rcvlewed the praposal [o perml[ ~~ bus termin~l with waivcrs af m~~ximu~ fence hetght~ minimum l~ndscaped setl~ack and required site scr~ening on an irr~qulnrly-shrped parccl of land consisting of approximatcly 0,7 acrc having ~ frc~nta~c of Apprnxlmatcly 145 fe~t on tha wcst stde of Manchester Avenue~ havinq a m~ximur,cfcpth of approxlmately 251 ieet, be(ng located ,~ppruximatcly 2~0 fcrt s~uthen~t of the cent~rlinc of Orangewrx~' iwenue; and dues heroby approve the Ncgativc Declaration From the rcqulr~rrx~nt to preparc an environmental Impact report on the basis that tf~c~~ would be no si~nificant ind{vldua) a~ cumulative advcrse envirnnmental (m~act Ju~~ to thc approval of this Ncgative Dcclar~tl~n slnce thc Anahelrn Gen~ra) Plan designates the subject property for mr.dtum ~lensity residentia) land uses commensuratc with the pro~osal; that no sensltlve rnvironmcncal impatts arF involvcd in thc nroposal; th~t c~,c Inttial Study submittcd by the petltioner (ndicates no sic~niflcan[ indivtdual or cumulative adversc environr~ental (mpacts; a~d that th~ Negt-tive Declaratl~~n subst~ncintinq thr f~rcy~ing ftndings is on file in th~ Clty of Anahcim Plannin~~ DepArtmcnt. Commissioner t;ing offered a rrx~tlon~ sccondc~i by Commiss(oncr Dr~vld n~d HOTI~N C~RRIED (Commissioner Tolar being absont) that tl~c Anat~eir~ C(ty Planning Comm(sslon ~iors hereby grant waivers (a). (t) and (d) duc to th~e limited sizc~ and unusual shape of the propcrty. Commissinner K(ng offcrcd Fcasolutirxi No, PC7~-236 and mevc~ for its ~r+ssaGc and adopt(on that thc Anahciri City Planning Cormission dacs hcrcby qrant thc Petition for CondittonAl Use Penn(t No. :0-+f,, in part, subject t~~ Interd~epnrtmental Ccxm~(ttr..e Recommendattons, On roll cail~ the fore9~in~ resntution was passcd by the following vote: AYES : C0~1M1 SS I ONERS: aARNES. ElUSNORE ~ U/1V I U~ FP,Y ~ IIERE3ST ~ 1'.I ~IG 1~0£S : COMI~ I SS I QNCRS : NONE A4SEHT: C01111 1 5 5 1 0!ICRS: TQLAR ( TEM N0. 10 EIR NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION C t L S C~H '~~0 . PUDLIC IICARIPI~. 0~~lNE': SC~UTNERN PACIFIC TRAHSPORT- AT10~~ CO.~ Onc tlarket Plaza~ San Francisco, CA 9W105. ~~~~7 AGENT; WILLI/1M H. Nanvick~ One Market P1AZa~ N20~, Southcr~ Pacific 61dg,~ San Francisco~ CA 941Q>. Petitioner requests permissic~n to EST/i(3LISN A TRUCK TRAILER STORAGE YARD AI~D REPl11R FACILITY on property described as an (rregularty-shaped parce) of land consisttn~~ of approxlmately 4,02 acres lotated approximately 1025 feet north of the r.entcrline of Kat~ila Avc~nue~ having en approximate frontage of 28~ feet o~ the west side of lewis Street. Property nresently described as ML (IIJQUSTRIAL~LIMITED) ZONE. Thera was no one indicating th~ir presence in opposition to subJect request~ and although the staff reporc to tihe Planning Gammisslon dated December 17. 197~ was not read at the public hearing~ it (s referred to and macie a par[ ~~ the minutes, Car! Hilqulst~ Southern Pacific Industr(ei DevPlo~nnent Conpany~ Fi1~ South Main Street, Los /l~-qsles~ explained thls property is owned by Southern Pactftc Transportattan Company. H• r~P4rred to Parag~aph 6 of Lhe Staff Repo rt~ ~evelopment Praposal~ which (ndicates the property wlil be used for Pacific iransportation Company trucks and stated that is not correct~ but ft w111 primarily be used by Superior Fast Freight whtch brings trucks f~om the "piggy-ba~ck" yard in Los Argeles and services the entire Qrange County area. 12/17/79 r- ~. MINUTES~ ANAfIEIM ClTY PLANI~ING COMMISSION, DCCEMBEP 17, 1'~79 79-Q~~ EIR NEGATIVC DECLAM TION~ CONOITIONAL USE PERMIt'N0. 2047 (CONTINUED) TIIE PUBLIC HEARIt~G WA; CLOSED. Cha~irwom~n Barnes asl;eJ If the petlttoner has a,yrced to providc screr_niny along Lewis Street and Mr. Illlquist replled tl~~t Chay wil) pr~vide a 7~-foot landsc~ped sethack as shawn c~n the prop~~s~~) and exnlatned this candltlor~ Is required by the rallroad because of thelr AdJacent (ndustrlal proper[y. Ne ex{~laine~i tliey Are providtnc~ cht~inllnk fencing to thc north~ but would likc thc requlrcm-~n[ for rc<1woc~d slats walYCd~ polnting out the Euealy~tus trPes, Ccxnml~~foner I3ushore stAted a p~rson driviny da~n Lcwis 5treet would hr able [o see thc site and f. 1t rrovidin~~ l.indsca~~lnq on Lewls Srrcet (s rroot. ~1r. Hiiqufst stat~d the m~~in reason fc~r not wantin~~ tl~e reclwood slats is that the trucks wll l be backiny up a~~ainst the fence and the rr.clwood sl~ts w( I I brea~ and lo~~ b~id. He ex~lalned Soutt~ern Pacific does have its c~wn security fprcc wh(ct~ ~mtects their propertles and tf~ey Jo nnt want the sl~ts b~caus~ security can look from the ~d.Jacent truGk y~rd dlrectly into th(s s[oragr_ yard and sce if therc arc any ~r~blems. Commissloncr Bushore stated hc aqrer.s there would t~e na nced for scrcening along the ratlroad track on the west ~nd alsa to the south bec~~usc of the buflding~ but thp easterly port(on of the s~uth property li~~ would ne.ed scre~ening, Ile explained the slattin~ is not tc hinder thc operation~ bu[ to beautify the arca. He SCA[P.c~ he would ilke to see better screeni~g In the front beyond t~~e r~orthern boundAry tu the existing foci 1 i ty bec.ause it Is ~ot a vr.ry pleasant sight. Mr. Hilqulst felt 70 feet is ~uftc extensive for landscaping and Comnissioner Bushore stAted that he was not talkir~~ about la~idscaping~ but siie screeniny for the r.xisttng faclllty G75 feet tn ttic north~ and he dicl not s~~ any noint to requlrtng streening in the front wlicn you c;.^ see i i travcl ing south on Lewis Strect. Chalrwoman Darnes asked about thc existin~~ truck husincss and Mr. Hliquist explaine~i that is a Paciftc Motor Trucking terminal. t,ut they are not expanding that use and this is an entirely new facll~ty; tl~at all :he trucfs and trailcrs should be out during the day~ and this faci 11 ty wi 11 be used just for overn i-,t~t starage. F1~ clari fied they cannot load or unioad from the trains at this s'ts; that tt~is is a wide-track operat(ng track and the Hoerner Waldorf plar,t ta tf7c sou_ ~ has tw~ snurs, and [he Anaheim Qulletin has its own pr) vate spu~. Commissloner Ilerbst as-:ed the pr_titioner if they would screcn that portion between the Hoerner 4laldorf property around the cornef~ approximately ;~ feet t,ecause they would be able to aee tt~e siie from thcir parE.ing lot. 12/t7/79 ~ `~' , MINUTES~ 11NIUIEIM CITY FL.AN~~II~G C~MHISSIOt~~ DF.f,f~1t3~R 17~ i'17~1 E I R NEG~?I VE DECLAFtl1T I 0~1 ~ CONDI T I ONAL USE PEaMi T N0. 2~1+7 (COHT I tIUC D) ~ 79-88~ Nr. Hilqulst stnted that parking lot ls the Hu~~ncr Wald~~rf tr~c~.ing ar~n but thcy would havc no ob)ectl~n to praviding tl-~t scr~cn(n~~ and wauld put rc<laroocl siat~(n~ tn that little ore,~. Ilc s[eteci [hat is an~th~r ~l.~ce whe~rc thc security ~,~uards cAn physically spot anythln~ unusual yoin~~ on~ and reciwooc: sl~its woulci ~mhlbit the r~u~rds from srcin~ i n, Commissloner Ncrl~st pointed ~ut thc Commission Is r~akin<~ .~ recaim~endation th~~t the Code he amc~dcd t~ prrn~it hc~~vy aluminum slittinq and Ann(E.n St~ntalahtl c~x~~laineci thAt would be possihly h~^ rr.acfy for the next meeting ~~ January 1~~~ 1'13^. Cormissloncr Bust~orr. pc~inted o~it tlie rr~pcrty to thc• north ~oes have Eucaluptus trces whlch act as ~i screen, ACTIGI~; Commissioncr lierhst offere~i a mvtion~ sccondcd I.~y Cormi,stoner Y.ing and MOTIQN ~ t CD~ (Cumrnissionc•r Tolar belnr~ absent) that tl,e llnaheim Cley f'lAnninq Commiss(~n has revlewed th~ proposal to pcr~,it a trucE. triiler scora~c yercl and repair facllity In the ML (Industrtal, Limite~l) zone wi [h waivcr of rcr~ulr~d enclosed out dc~or use on an irregularly-shaped parccl of 1~7nd consistin~ of a~pr~xim~tcly 2`1~ fect on thc• w~st st~ie of Lewts Street and havinc~ .i maximuin Jepth of Ap{~rnxim~itcly ~~75 fr.et and beinq locate~.i approxirnately 1n2; feet nc.~rth of thc c~ntcr) inc of IC~tel l~~ Avenue; and does hereby ap~mve the Ider~ative Declaration from th~~ requir~cx~nt to {~repar~ ,ir~ environmen~al ir~pact report on the basis that therc woul~l be no stgniflcant in~ividu.~l or c~imul,itive ~~oc:vcrsc environrnental im~act due t~ thc appr~v.~) of this Negativc Declarati~n since the AnahFim General Plan desi~nates thc sub)cct rro;,erty for ~~enr.ral industrf~~i lan~i usr.s cammensurate with the prop~sal; *hat no sensitivic environrx~ntal impacts nrc invalvad in the proposal; that the Initial Stu.~y submitte<i by the petftioner indicates no si~nificant ind(vidual or cumulativc adverse envirnnmental irnn~cts; and chat the ~Jeg~cive Geclar~~tlon substantiaL.ing the fare~aln~ findin~s is on filc In che Clty of llnaf~~im Plannin~ Departr~ent. Commlssioner I~erbst offcred a motion, seconcied by Comm(ss(oner David and MOTION CARRIED that the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission d~es hereby ~rant the request for waiver of code requlrement~ excc~t for thc a~proximately 55 fcet of the south property line at thc southeast corner~ on the basis that r.xisting [rezs p~ovidc aAcquate screeninq on the north. and the adjacent property t~ the west is a rallroad operating yard. Comrrlss(oner lierbst offered Resolution 11~. PC79-23~ and rr~ved for its passagP and adoption that the Maheim City Planning Cammission daes hereby grant the Pecitiorer far Conditlonal Use Permit tdo. :n47~ in part~ subJect to Interdepartmental Committee Rec~xTwnendatians. On rotl call~ th~ aregoing resolution w~~s passed by the following vote: AYCS: COMMI551(1~JERS ; BAR~~ES ~ fiUSFiORC ~ DAV I D, FRY ~ HERdST ~ KI NG NOES: COMNISSIONCRS; tiONE AaSErIT; CON~1i S510t~ER5: TQLAR 12/17l79 MII~UTES~ ANAHCIN CITY PLA~INIIIG COMMISSION~ DECEHBER 17. 1979 19'88~ I1'EM N0. 11 PUDLIC II~ARING. OWIICR: MAUa1CC PI!~TO. P.~. Rox 342t~ E~l~~IE DECLARATIOtI Anaheim~ CA 92~~1. AGENT: At~tl T. NADISn~I~ ATTY. AT CONUITI~NAI ~Sf: PE.RHIT N0. ?.048 LAW~ ~~0~ S~uth Flarhor lilvr.i. 11, A~aheim~ CA 9?80;. !~~ P~titloner reque~ts pr,rmission to ESTAf3LISN A COCKTAIL LOUIdGC 411711 WAIVERS OF (A) MIt~1~1UM I~UMBER OF PARKIfIG 5PACES~ (El) MAXIMUP' ;TRUCTUR~L HCIGIIT~ (C) REQUIaf.O SITC SCP,F.CNIriG on property descrlhed ~s an Irreyularly-shopcd Na~cel of land consistin~ of ap~rc,ximately c1.GE acre located south and cast of thc southeast corncr of Vcrrx>nt Avenuc an~J Ilarbor Uaulevard, having ap~aroxl t~te f run tac~es of 7'; feet ~n the aouth s 1 dc of Verm~nt Avpnue ~nd tnn f~et on the cast stde of Harbor Uoulevard, Prc~~erty presently classifled as CL (C~MNERGIAL~LINI7EQ) ZOr~C. 7herc we~rc five persons indlcatin~~ their ~,r~~sencc in oppo5ition [n subjcct reyuest~ and althou9h thc staff report to the Plannin~ Commisslan d,,tcd Decemhcr 17~ 1~l7~ wAS not rr~d at the p~b11c hcoriny~ it is referred t~~ ~7nJ i~ade ~~ part of the minut~s. Mn Madisnn~ Attornr.y~ (>0~ South Ilarbor, representiny tt~e rn~ncr~ stat~~i they feel the proposed u5e will be compatihie with the area; that this will be a hl~h-cIa155 r.ocktail loungc ancl wiil be an up~~r.~dc Co thc huildin~~ in the arca. She ~HS~r..d ouc an exhihit sh~~in9 Lhe proposed loungc and parkinq area and statc~l thcy fclt [his wi l l remove a bli~~ht from thc area; [hat thc area is zoned CL which perr,its c:ocktat) loungr.s wlth approval of a c~nditional use permit an~! hy riyht they coulcl have a restaurant or othPr commerclai uses; and t1~at the cxfsting buildin~ was f~,rmerly used as a r~tatl store. She st~te:d they do not fee) a coc4,tai 1 lounye wi 1 I hive a yrc~it impact on the arr,,~, and~ in fact~ feel it will have less irnpact on traffic than a cc~mmzrr_Ial office ~se or small shopping eenter beG~~usc of [he hc~urs of operatian, She exrl~~ined currently the morning peak traffic hours are 7:3~ to E:3~ a.m, ~~long Verrmnt~ and th~ cocktail loungr_ wou{d n~t be open ~ntil 11 a.m.; that the aftcrnrx~n neak hours are currently 3:3n t~ 5:3~ P•~^• wiCh people ~oinr~ home from work~ .incf an office use or another conYnercial use at this loGati~n would confl ict wi th [hat traffic~ k~ut thr pea~ hc~ur, f~r t',c cocG;tai l lounge wi l l be in the eventng when thc traffic flrn~ alon~ Harbor wil l be at a rrinimum, She stated the p~titioncr vri 11 instal I sCop siyns at the exits on Ilarbor aoulevard anrJ Verr~ont Avenues and will install a biock wall or chain link fence on the two residenti~l p~operties across tfie strect fronting onto ttie parking lot on Vermont; that the parking area has be~:n redesigned to meet all the staff recrnm~endations and they I,ave ccoperated wlth stnff in meetiny all Code requiremencs; th~t the waivers are~ tr_chr,ical iri nature; that the structurat neiyht limitation pertains to an existing s[ructure which was under an old non-conform(ny ~se; that it is adJacent to RS-A-43~~0~ v+hich is presently used for commerci~l purposes and is on the City's General Plan for commerciat tn the future; that the request for waiver of site screening is a technical request because the property Is adJacent to existiny cammercial and a block wal) nr heavy screening would be a safety hozard ~nd other commercial uses in the area are not required to pravide a~~-foot black wall adjacent to other commercial use~; that the parking waiv~r has been deleted due to rede5ign of the par4:iny ar~a and seatin~~ areas; that 2~ spaces are required and they are providing 43 spaces and the surrounding residents need not be concerne:d about patron s parking in their area; that the cocktail lounge itself will be far enough away from any single-famity restJence and will not be a noise fattor; that there wltl be a 6-foc~t block wall set back about ~-~ feet behind the landscaped area~ which will also be a screen for the res(dents across ti~e street; that closing off Vermont would not be practical from the 12/17/79 ~ ,~ NIHUTCS~ ANAl1EIM CITY PLANt~ING COMMISSION, DECEMB~R 17~ 1~17~ 79-882 EIR NEGATIVE DCCLARATI0~1. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2040 (CONTINUEb) __...._ _. C(ty's stanJpoint and would nnt be compatible And wo~iid be a safety hazarci for trash and f 1 re veh 1 c) es . Shc s teted they fce 1 they h,~ve .i good des i gn and I ayout ~nd thr~t I t ( s A vcry comp,itible use wl th ~~ther comm~rcial uses (n t.t~e ar~a. Robcrt Mclntyrc, 3'~~ West Hampshirc~ presented a petition contain(ng enrr~xiM~it~ly b7 signatures ~f pc~plc in tl~e ~rca a~posing the rr.~u~st. 11e rc~id the fc,lla~tng st~tement from th~ petitlon: "Ws the fnllva~in~~ residents in thr vicinity of Ilarbqr (~aulev,ird and Vermont. Avenue are ag~inst this requcst co perm(t A cr,cktall lounye ~n che p roperty at thc~ carner of Vernc~nt and Ilarbor for the fol ic~~(nr~ reasans: 1) Present he.~vy [raffic at this (ntersection would be incre~sed. .'.) Poor acc~ss tnto nrop~rty off of narraY section of Ilarbor I3oulevar~f, incre~stn~~ possiblltty uf morc eccidents (n ~~n iiitersection that has already h~~d very many ~ccidr,nts. (addin~ that rncist uf these accide-nts are in the veni~c~ or I~tit~ at n(qht,) 3) Cxit an Vrrm~nt lnt~ residenttal er~a creating cxcess naise for homern+ners. ~-) l1 eockta( 1 lounyc ls not necde~~i in this arca as there arc .~-dj~ining are~~+s that have cockt~E 1 lc>ungcs. (adding he is not a tec-tot.ilcr.) 5) ~~joinin~ streets h~ive residentlal homcs with fan•ilies ~~n~i children. ~~) It is essentia) to ~rceerve nefghborhoods and h~~r~es fc~r modc rate inc~me f.~mi 1 ies an~i cocktai 1 lounnes are not c~mpatlble. 7) Ilarbor Boulevard is one of the enLrances to Disneyland, a f~mily entert~iinmcnt centcr~ and cocktail loun~es arc not fnmilv c~rirnte~l," Mr. Nclntyre continucci, there are between 1+~ and S~ signtitures and ad~iresses from ilampshi r~ and Verrnont and one on Ilarhor. Hc~ statr.d every~ne contacted was ~pposed; that thfs area has single-fami ly homes for rtu,derate-income peonlc: and th~re are. three new yc~~~n~ families on Har+~s~~irc who th~ught they had hought intc~ a stable, ryuiet, f~r~ilv- neighborhood. Ile po(nted out Anaheii~ has had a Int of bad publicity recently with the street walk~rs~ ctc.~ further south~ and {c doc3 not seer~ reasonablc te encourage bar acttvtty (n this nei~hborhood, He str~ted pe~plc would re~illy like to 5ce an area where familics r+ill feel comfortable for walk(ng end shopping anri that thts a~ea has been improving and there is a ~lrugstare~ travel agency~ furniture stor~~~ dc~ctar• an~1 dentist offlce~ antique sl7ops and a cAnvalescent f~on-e. fle as~cr.d fc,r the Pia~ning Commission's cansiderat(on in pratecting thts environment for families. Tom Smelser~ ~+13 Vermc~nt~ state~l his property will be directly opposlte the parkinq lot outlet of Che parking lot for the coc!:tai 1 lounge. H~ rea~i a letter frcxn hIs next door neighbor wFu~ c~ul<i not a[tend the meeting and !s apposed to the requcst as follows: "Planning Commission: De~r Sirs: I~ Clifford A. Potts~ residing at 409 41. Vermont 1lvenuc~ am opposed to the qranting of Conditional Use Permit t~o. 2~48. I am opposed to pereiitting the cocktail lounge in our ne(ghborhood for the following i-easons: t. Currently there is too much traffic on Verrtx~nt Boulevard for the safety of the residents. At certain hours I cannot enter my own driveway due to lines of traffic. A cocktail l~unge would only increase the number of vehicles entering i2/17I79 ~ .. +~ ;? MI~IUTES~ ANAIlCif1 CITY PLANNING COMMI~SI01~~ DECEMEiER 17~ 1979 19-883 EIR NEGATIVL DCCIARATION, C~NDITI~NAL USE PERMI_T N0. 2~~~C (CONTIIIUCD) nd leaving the Immcdiate vicinity com~~ared tn the businesS genrretr,d by the current co-rnnercial activity. 2. Addltl~nally~ thc noisc and lighting would incrrase which servNS to lessen the aesthetic value ~f thP nei~I~bonc~x~ci. 3. ThC presence of a cacl:tail lounyr. wlll not attract tf;~~ type ~f ~eople to the ne i ghborhood th.~t I wi sl~ my grandch I 1 dren ex~x~sed to ~ nor myye 1 f. 4. The presence of a coc{:tai 1 Ic~unge ~~1 [h i ts pnrl.iny lot di rectly r~cross from my housc~ ccrtainly ~.. , I not r~.~t.c my hrn~r morc ~iesf rahle Sor another faml ly to purchase. As you considcr gr~nLin~J this ~~crmit~ parking lot with its ott~endcd problems y 1 ve us thc s arne cons 1 de ra t i on ," 5(ncerely, (Clifford A. Patts} ask, 41~u1d you want .i cockt~~l loungc across frori your homrl If no~ then ~leasc Mr, Smelser added that h~ has two dauqh[crs nnd certainly ~.ioe5 not want hls daughters exposed te the clientele that frequents a cot~:t~~il lounge; that they have t~ie right to a cocktail launge; that the pet~tioner has his ricaht to an investmcnt on hls prope~rty~ hut he dld not belicve a cocktai) loungc Is compatlulc wlth thP ncighbonc~>od; that they have 1 ived there for three years and al Clic~ugh thcy mi~ht prefer to 1 ivc sor~ewher~ else, this was affordable housing f~~r thcm and they havc cnjoycd Ilving there; that there are a few attendtd probiems beceuse Vermant is a narrvw strcet and traffic does build up in thc rtarning and evenin~ wf~en pcople arc going to and from work; tliat tw~ weeks ago his nelghbor's truc4~, parked o~ thc street was stdc~s~.•+ired; but they prefer to inc~nvenience themselv~s by switchtng cars rather than parking on tt~c street ancl enhance thr. posslbility of damage to one of tl~eir vchlcles; that they do not care for ttie lights th~t wou{d shine into their bedroom and living room windm~5 through~aut the ~night ~s many cocktail lounges stay open untii Z a.m.; and they would not care for thP noise that the traffic would generate; enct they d~ not feel a coc{.tai I l~une~e is comp~tible wi th the nelghborhood, IIe stated he recognizes they front on a conmercial area (I~arbor [~oulevard) and it does hr+ve traffic and they accept that~ but wisl~ no increase in the e~rohlems that a cockta~l loun~e would bring ~o the ~~rca. Ann Nadison~ stated she uncierstands Mr, Mclntyr~ lives on Nampshire~ and a gr•eat number of the si~n~~tures on the petition are people on flampshire or Nelena; that Hampshire is the first black north of Vermont and ther~ is no way possible a cocktail lounge south of Ver+nont Avenue coulJ interfere or ln inyway be de[rimental to thcir residential neighborhood; tfiat as far as accidents at Verm~nt .~nd tiarbor are concerned~ the T~afflc Department cauld answer those concprns because she did not have any SLALI5CIC5; that replying to t1r. Smclser's comments~ the traffic problem at Vermont and liarbor is existing and Is due to people going to and from work and the hours of a cocklat! lounge would not conflict with the existing traffir. pro.~em betause their peak hours would be in the evening; that the traffic prohiem will not go away if this request is denied; that Smelzer's bought their home three years ago knowing there was a traffic problem and that has not changed,and buying in a fringe areais a risk knowing that other ad,jacent propertles will event~ally be zoned commercial; that they boughr, their home adjacent to a dantal lab~ ~2/t7/79 ~ MINUTES~ AN'~HEIH CITY PI.ANt~I"~G COMMISSION, DECEMBER 17~ 1~7!~ 79-Q84 EIR tJEGATIVC DL•CLARATION~ CONQITIONAL USC PERMIT ~~0. 20A8 (CONTINUE~) .-.~....__ ..._._.__..~_ acro~s the streec from ~~ srrvice sta[ion, within a few hun~ired fe~t of other commercial uscs such as restaurants~ hotcls~ rnc,tels, ~ind ret~iil stares; tn~t Mr. Plnto offc-red to screen thcir fr~nt la~•~n arca wlth a block wall or ~hai~ tlnl: fcncr. in c~rdcr to insure the safety of thc ch( Idren and also e~ffered t~~e sar~e for ~1r, and ~1rs. Potts; that this tr~ffic probler.~ is one of lon~ diir~~tfan an~ it ls ~nrtially caused hy closure ~f the access t~ Mahctm boulev~'trd fram thc fr~~ay and rtx~rc rc~ccntly thc rcdevelnpr,+ent of ~owntown ~nahefm and thc recilignin~~ of l.inculn Avenue and rec~nstructinn of Maheim tioulevard; nnd once thosr. projects arc cnmpleted~ the ~roblr.ms with tr~~fflc conqcsti~n at Verrtx~nt and liarbor will be much reliev~,:, She felt they I,ivr ~ c~c,ocl pmject with a cocktafl lou~ae on Ilarb~r Uoulevr,rd across frar•, rest~ur,~nts ancJ rx~tels and f~l t i t~•~ou1 d c^rtnf nly c~mplement thc other comrk~rcial uses alony Ilar~or; Chat tl~ry are s~rry thrse peo~le ~re acr~ss the street From a comrtxrct~l r.c~rr_ anJ pointcd out a,~iin ~y ri~ht they could hevc a restaurant and stf I) havc thc 5amc traffic~ c~r a 2~i-hour o~rr.i~lon ~~~(th liqht~ in thc parklnc~ lot, etc. She pointcJ out th~ ll~~l~tinq is ~ropascd as ~1~~~~n-lighting ancf Lhr_y dc~ nrcipose screeninn and a l,locl, r~all in tha front of thc parl,incJ Int arca fzcin~~ onto Vcrr~nt ~venue. TIIC PUUI.IC IIEARIIJG Wl1~ CLOSCU. Ns. Madtson rcvicwcd the ~etitic~n suhm(t[e~! ancf Mr. Mcintyrc cxplaincd thc signatures on the netition werc ~~ll within 3~~ feet nf thc prorfcrty. Ms, Nadison staced sor~e of the addresses on Verr~ont are in ihe :'^0 ancl ;~^~ bl~cG. and subject pranerty is ~il~ Wes[ Vermont and state~ one siynature is frc~n `;~~~ South Harhor which Is a comne~rcial ~roperiy. Commissioner Gushorc asl.e~ the propc~sed lic,ur, of c~peration and Ms. Maclison replied 11;~~ a.m, t~ 2:OJ a,ri. She expl~~in~d the opc~ration at the present tir~e will be akrictly a cocktal l tounr.~c inJ thc cl ient~~le ~~i 11 bN control led with the envi ronment anci price of the Jrinl:s an~i this will not !~e a bcer bar or gn-~~~ establishmcrt and~ ho~efully~ in thc future when [hr. lease on the watcrbed storc ;~rminates~ a restaur,~n; can bc estabifshcd. She explained tr~e plan cal ls for a blclc~. wal 1 e~n thr_ east wi c'~ landsc~~pinq; Ehat the pr~perty to thc easr is ~urrently in escrr,w with the petitioner for nossible future en,~ansion. She stated tttey hav~ redestyned thc park,lnr; to conform with rcquirer~ents of the City for e driveway in the center of the ~roperty far convenlence of the flre and trash trucks. Commissioner Nerbst sta[ed this propercy aas zoned c~.imerclally because expansion of the fireplace store~ was planned. tle felt this is the wrong locat(on fo~ ~ cocktail lounge becausc lt is abutting a residentia) area and with the hours of o;~crattan and the nolse and traffic exitinq onto V~ermont latc ~t nigt~t wi ~1 da,~ngrade the residential Reiyhborhood. Ile state~ the residential property c~wncrs heve rights and he would not war~t this use across the street from his hornE~ and felt this will incerfere ~olth Lh~se residents' sleeu. Ms. Madison stated tf~ey co~ld control the traffic t~y having a gate with traffic only out to tlarbor after a:ertain hour and C~mmissioner Ilerbst siated ;here is n~ way to police that type thiny. Commissioner l~ush~r~e stated he hesitates because t~c~ knows future expanslnn is planned, with Hs. Madison clarifytn~ ;here is no future expansion of thts particular property ~nd expansion would come about in 3 or 4 year; 3rd tf~cy wiil have to file for rezoning at that tlme. ~2/~7/19 ~ ~. , N~NUTES~ ANAl1EIM CIT; PLAf~N1NC COMMISS1011. DECCMDER 11~ i~79 79'~85 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATIUII~ COND1710I1AL USE PERMIT NQ. 204" (CONTINUEO Ghalrwoman (larncs stit~d she realixes devclop any conxnc~rcial usc as long as p~ssiblllty tht~t the olhcr Int may bc~ Into thc resiJentl~l ncl~~hbonc~x~d and cocktall l~unges in r~~sidential nr_iqhl in the nciynbori a~. the prope r ty 1 s roncd cortxnc rc i a 1 I y an J the owne r ean it cJocs not hurc the resld~nts~ but felt wlth the d~~vcloped~ that this would he a further ~ncroachment ths Commt ss t on has scen thesc [y~e: reques ts for ~orhoods in tl~~c nast and they havc crcate~l problr.ms She feit dum{~in~ all the traffic onM Ilel~na +oul~f be as much a h~~;,ird as du~pinq it onto Vernx~nt. She pc,inted out a lot of h-11 ~lub mr.mt~crs rxet in the Department ~f Ayriculture t~uf Idfng to Chc sr~uth and was conccrr,,•~ ai~uut thci r safcty and wclfarc, She ex~lnined t`iese I;1 ds r~ee t c~n w~ekeneJs ~ and i n the cven i nr~5 and teenac~r d:~nces and p~r t i es ~~ re he 1 c1 .!~ e r~ . ~ Commissioner Busharr. state~l ~x~ans~~n a, nropuseJ would be hackinc; right u~ to a church schoal ar~1 Ms. N2dts~~ ,ointed ouc that prnperty is no longer useJ AS a church s~ho~l and 15 used f~r res;derit~al pur~vscs. Gamriiss~oner Gus~iore felt al i~~winy this use wlth ttic rx~ansic,n of thc ,,~1}~icent ~+ropcrty wuuld cllriin~tc one sitc whic?~ wuld bc JevciopeJ as a pre-scr~ool in the future whi~h is needeu in to~ay's s~c.iet tie rxpl~~inr.d it is very difflcult to ~~et ~~pproval of a pre- schc~al becausc uf nci yht,orhuoJ c~ppos i tion , Hs. Madfs~~n sta[c:l the ~~etiti~~ncr -iacl ~~urchasc~ tl~c aclj;-cent Ir; Sr~ '~c coulJ havc a buffer far thls ~:sc ar•.! cli~I not fccl ~nyunc shnuld ac conecrnec: about ~'~c~ .~dJaernt propcrty nt Chts timc becausc nc~~t;;n7 h.-~s bec~ subnittcd un th,it ~ropcrt.. Cornnlssionc:r IlerGst ,~oinccu c,ut thc r:etltic,ncr could dec~ . t~ Sc~ll [h.it property for resfdentl~) uses in the future anef he (s cur~cerne.; becaus~ sut>ject prapcrty cf~es ~~but reslJential prc,pr_rty arici p~tirons fror~ a c~:_>c~;tai I luunyc ten~! [o c~.ngrc~»t~ outs(de and talk late at night. Hs. Madisc~n stateJ ~nyon~ t~uy;n!; t~,c ~~dj~ccnt propcrty would ~.n~.~w it .i'~uts a cocktail lounge. Shc ask.~ed for a ca~ntinuanc;e in or~!~ r to redc~'qn the parl~.ing lot showinq Access to Harbor. C~mmissi~ner lSushore felt i t wr~uld be to the ~~ctf tianer'~ actvantagc to rwdestgn the par!.ing, 11e str-te~ it is t'~e Corm~icslon's responsihility to took to the future ~nd the affect af usc.s on chc futurc c~s thc nclqhborhoods, Hc statec! thc Conm(ssion Is alrcady a-.~are that a requesc wi 11 be fc,rti~coming for rezaninyo uf tt~e adjacent property and further devclopn~ent wi 11 incrc~s~ the narF.ing rr.quirements. Gortenissioner King c.ornpared tiarbor f3oulevard to !iorth NAf~ Stree[ in Santa Ana and pointed out the property owners along Itarbcr who sold this oroperty for ccxxnercial uses pro~abiy macle ~ good profit. -4e s*_aic~ if Mahelm is t~ graw a~r1 ~rospcr~ •!,~~re ~~as to be an ~~crease in traffic. Commissianer Uavlcf :.tated he has a probl~m wlth tr~e nature of tl~e Lusiness and not cnc parking and did not feel the use yoes han~l-i~-hanJ with c-~r neiyht,orhoo.f, 11t statecf he does not oppose commercia! here~ but d(J n~L feel ihe neiyhborhood should chnnge unii 1 thns~ people are rcady and wi 11 ing to move, ~z/~?/79 -, ~ ~~ N111UT[S~ AtiniiEl-1 CITY PLANI~II~G GOM~tISSION~ pC•CC1~CR 1J~ i9)~) 73-~~ CIK NEf~TIVE DECLARATIQNy CON_ D~ITI_ONAL JSE PERMIT !10. 204~i (CONTINUEO) Ms. Mr.di,c>n stAt~~l thc C4Ck~AIi loungc actu.~lly fpces ontc~ Narhor t~~ulcva~d ~nd it is 1;~ feet from Ver~~~nnt ~~ncl o~ly the p.~r-.ing lot fronts c~ntc~ V~rr~ont ~nd su~tn~ste~f closin~ thc In~~ress nnd ~car~~ss to Ycr-n~~nt. Commissiancr David p~inted out the cantinuance ~•~ould bc for f~ur wcekS and suqryest~.~d the petl tinncr mePt wl th thr. homcrnvncrs and convi ~~ce~ thrm that thei r screni ty and way of 11 fc would nc~t be chany~~i~ and then he would he in f,7vnr~ but now h~ is rrs~~n~ing t~ th~se pFOple who Il~ic therr. bcc~~use t-icir ro~ts ~~~~ v~ry -.1cep. Dor(s Smelzrr~ 413 W~st Vermont~ st~itcd thc pctftlnncr h.is contacted them~ but has n~t be~n able to rc:«Ive ~~ny ~i the rroblems; thit Mr. Plnto has off~rcd to !~ull<! a f~•foot wall In front af th~:ir ho~~~ but s~~e u~ie5 not w~nt [o I~oV, out h~r fr~.nt w(ndc~w to a wall; that shc has a:,-ye.ir <~ld ~fau~~htcr and thcy h~a?~. t~ .~nd from 9anj~~r•in "ranklin Schcx~l and thc cotk.t~ll lounyc wou1J tre ~~~~n when shc c~r-cs h~m~r. 5hc stat~~~i thcy d~ not fecl a cocktail loun~~c is c:c~mtiatiblc with ~rhat thcy as ~~~~rr.nts want to ~10. 1'S. Mndlson st~itrd chlldren walkin~3 ir~ school ~+ould yr~ north ~n Ilarbor and f~lt a~ith a G- f~ot block wal l un Verrr ~~t ,he cockt~i~ 1 l~~ungr c~ul~! I~e dcv~~lopcd on Hart,or. Shc explAinc~1 hc h~d ~>urch<~sPd the Ve~rx~nt ~rc~pcrty in orricr tc, I~avr a~1e~c~u.ite ~arkin~;. Shc state~i there was no[ ,i<icqu~tc E>.~r~ In~~ f~,r thc rctni I s[~re thnt w-~s th~re~, Shc r~qurstr~l a 1r-wec:k con t i r~uancc . Cor+n,issiUner Nerbst s[~ited he has nn c~hjection to a continu~nce, hut w~nted to still vaice h(5 opposition to a u~t~.t.ill loun~~~ in that arc.~, c~vcn if t-,e traff(c 5ltuation is ch.+n~ed. Chairwvman Eiarn~s stat~~: shc ~i~ar~es wit'~ C~^n~~sslonrrs 'rir.rhst ai~d Uavid, but would suppc+rt a cockt~+il loun~~r with a rest.~urant beciuse it hrin~;s in .,, ~ntirely ~fifferent clientele and ~erhans wi th [h~ c,losurc tc~ Vtrmont~ it might he ~~ ~a, tblc. Based ~n p~st erpertrnces and thc ~act this i~ even cluser to resl,ences than o[hPrc I.~ve heen, shc did not think it is a aoo;1 thin~, fc~r th~ residrntia) nciqhi~orho~~~l. Cormissiuner Kinq offcrcci a rnc~[inn~ second~d y C~~~~issioner Bushore and N(1T1~1N CARnIF.D that the Anaheim C'ty Pla~ninc~ Conmisslon d~>es her~hy ~rant ~~ c~ntlnu~ncr of the above- rncntioned r+~;tter tn the regu~irly°schedulcd mect~~~~: of Janu~ry ih~ 19f?~ in order for the petitionr.r ;c~ s~hnit r~~vised perkin~~ ~~ILnS at tl~, r~•~u~SL of the ~~~titioner. Commissloner Dushorr stated he w~,uld I t{,e to see a COt1tI-1iaAr~CC because nf the act~~cent pro~erty and fclt there could h!: ~ way to .~ork ~1ut ~ solutic,n. Comr~fssioncr ~r~ sta[e+.i he ~~oc~s n~~c 'uelleve thts fs the ~I~ce for a cocl.Cai~ lounge and the Conrnisslon is being a5kecl to approve this as a pl,ice ~rher~ ;.eopie can st~p and have ~a f~wv drinks and Lheh get in their cars ~nd drivc away anc; f~~lt sc~m~c•body wil? end up in the front yards .~~ rc •s Vtrm~xit Street. Ne cc~~.~td nc~ tl~ink of im,~thin±~ that wl l~ change his mir,J. Chairwort~n Darnes exploinec! ~n new mtICFS wil! he se~nt rotifying YCS~c~P!1L5 of the January 14ih hearinq, t2/t7/79 ~ ~~ ~ NINUTES~ ANAI~EIM CITY P~ANNING CO MMISSION~ nECEMB6R 17~ 1979 79-8A7 OTIIER ITEMS OISLUSSCU RES_ 10_ E_NTiAL BUILDIt~G ACTIVITY Anniko Sa~talahti~ Asslstnnt pire ttor for toning cxplainect thu informatlon requ~ested by the Comrntssl~n relating ia ~esl~fenti~l bullding activitv h~~d been Included In the C~mmission's packet. niaking surc all Commissioners ha<! recrived (t. UECE11F1ER 31st NEETI~IG Annika S~~LalAhtt ex~lained a wo~k sessi~n wlll bc ~eld .~t 1~1;00 a,m. December 3fst to dlscuss t~e t~ortheast Indusirinl Arca Land Use, hut na public hearing wll) be~ heid. CI~A1 rwoman Darnes asked tiie Comni ss (can to revlew the rrcently oc!o~ crd ordln,ince pertain g to uses in thn lr~efustri,l area a~ci [~ m~ke suggostions at the work session on Oecember ~~, 1979 of what thcy feel would be compatible uses. A~J~URNMCNT Therc beiny no furcher business~ Com.~iss~oncr Fry offered a motlan, seconcied by Comn~issiAner Davic! a~J ~tOT10~1 CARR~E:D (Cormissioner Tolar betnq absent), that t~ie rrx~ctinc~ b~ adJourncd, ~ ~he n~eti ng was adJ ourned ac ~~:2; p,m, Respetcfully submitted~ Edith l. Nrrris~ Seeretary, Anahcim City Planniny Cnmm~sston ElN:lm 1?./ 11~/ 79