Minutes-PC 1980/01/14C i ty Ile 1 I
Anaheim~ C~Itfornla
Jenuery 1~~~1~8~
REfULAR - The regul~r m~~ting of th~ Anahefm Clty Plannin~ Commiss(on w.~s called
MECTINC tu ordar by ChA(rrnAn Pro Ten+~++orc Toler nt 1:'i~ p.m., Jenuflry~ 1h~1qA~,
in the Councfl Chamher~ A qu~rum bctn~ pr~s~nt.
PRESENT - Gommissl~ncrs; f~ushorcr Revtd~ Fry~ Herhst~ King~ Tol~r
LhAinyomnn Bt+rnes arrived at 2:55 p.i~.
AE35CNT - Commissloncr; NftNE
ALS~ PRE5EN7 - Jdck White
Jay Tltus
Paul Sin~~~r
An~l~a Santr+lal,t~
Jo~i F(ck
JAy Tashi ro
SusAn Sch I cE.
Lis~ Stirkr~vich
Rpbert t;clley
Oenn Shcrc-r
Editl~ Flarrfs
De!puty C(ty Attnrncy
Office Fnqinccr
Trnffic Cnc~ineer
AssistAnt Director fc,r Tonino
AsststE~t Olr~ttor ~or Plnnninq
ilssoctatc~ Plonncr
ReJ~v~iopr+er.t -lanae~~r
Housinc~ dn~1 Preserv~tion ManAe~cr
AssociAtc Pl~nn~r
2anlnc~ P~prhs~ntAtive
Pl~nnlnq Con~r,issta~ Secr~tary
PLEUGE OF - The P1eA~e af Allegi,3nce ~n tt,e Flan wAS lpd hy Ccx~misSinner Herhst.
APPROVAL OF - Conmiss(oner Kin~ ~ffcr~d a rnc~tion, scc~nd~d 5y Commissioncr Ncrbst
TNE MINU7~S end M~TIf1t~ CARRIEU (Con~missioners B~rnes hein~ ,ihSr.nt and Tolt+r absta(ning),
thet the minutes of th~ mceitnry c-f D~cPn~rr 17~ 1~7^
bt Approvetl as subMl ttcd.
~~TZ~~~SRICAL F.:Er~P ~~N-CLASS 1 MAfI-~I~ ;i~03'N. Thornton Avenuc~ Anahetm, CA 9?.ti~~.
.,3 . ~ Petltinner requests W~IVEP OF (A} PERMITTED PRIM~-RY
EXISTING DuP,_CX Ar~t! ~LLE~AI GARAfE C(1NVER510~1 on property de!scr:bed as e rectengularly-
shapcd percel ~t land consisting of apE•r~x{mi+trly 7425 aquare fe~t having a fro~tage of
approximately 55 feet an tiie ncirth si.ie or Thornto~ Avenue, :.avtnq a msx(mum depth af
approxtmetely 1;~ feet~ being located apDroxlmatcly J30 feet e~st of the tenterltne of
Knott Street. and furtt;er described as 34~3•3~+~5 West Thornton Avenue. P~operty presently
~0-1 1/14/8Q
M) NUTES ~ A~Il111E I M C I TY PLANN 1 NG COMM I SS 1 ~11 ~ JANUARY 14 ~ 19F30 $f1-1.
SubJect pc•t 1 t lnn ~N,~s ccnt inu~cJ f rom thc me!et In~ of NovAr~htr 1~, 19Jq nt the request af
the petitl~nr.r in arder t~ Include enother patitl~n. It w~~s n~te~i thAt the petitloner has
reyuestcd th,,t this itcm l~e cantir-ued to thc r+~etin~ nf F~hru~+ry 11~ 1~1F.n in ~r~f~r to
re~dvertlsr t~ Include ;in r~ddittonal ne~tttion,
l1CTIf1N: Cornmt5slonFr K~nq offered r~ mc~tl~n~ seconded hy Corn-~(ssi~n~r Ilerbtt and Mf1TI0N
~~Q (Commtssioner Darnes bein~~ ~hsent)~ that th~ A~Ah~tr~ City Planninn Ccx~r~,lssion does
hereby c~rAnt cont l~uanc~ of the nforerr~~t (~ned i[~m t~ the Mert i nrt ~f F~bru,~ry 1 i, i~f~~, 1 n
order to ~dvr.rtise nn Rd~Jitlon~l ~etltlr.~,
F~{ ~~VE DCCIAP.ATI(1P1 P,(1. E1ux 3~~11 ~ Anr~heim~ Cn ~7'~~11. AGF~~T:
Nl~l ~N/1 U E~ CP,111T Nfl. ?.~~ili AN1~ T. M/IUISON, ATTY. AT L~~~1~ (,~~1 Harh~r E31vd. A~
~nahc i m~ C~ ~-21,~~;, Pet f t~ ~~r,c r renuests ~ermiss lon to
CsTnKi.is-~ n Cnr.r,TAi~ L~Uft~E. WIT-I WI+.11~ER5 ~F (1-) MINIMUM
property descr(he~1 ~is an i rrequlnrly-sh~p~d parcel ~f land cpns i s tinq of np~~rc,xlmatr.ly
0.63 acre locate~d s~uth nnJ e~~st of thc s~uth^nst cnrner of Verrrx~nt /lvenue an~i H~rhor
Uoulev~rd~ h~~vin~t arrr~xim~te~ frontanes of 7~ fc~t on thP so:ith s ide of Vcrn-~nt Av~nue .~nd
100 feet on the eos t s i r.1e of lidrhhr E3ou IevArci, t'r~p~rty ~resei t I y c 1 nss 1 f tecl ~s Cl.
It wss note~l thnt [he ~et~ti~ner has rc~~ucstr~f th~t subj~ct ~ctitinn he wtthdrawn,
ACTION; Commissioner fkrbst off~rrrl A r±oti~n. ~econdcd by Co~nissl~ner FrY ~nd MOTI~~~
C~D (Gan~m(ssi~n~r fiArncs Geinq ahsentl, that tl~e ae~t(ti~ra for Conditinn~l Use Pcrn+f t
No. 2040 he withdrawn at thc rec~uest of the ~~ti*,f~n~r,
ITCH FIO, 11 PUtt~.lc NFAr,INr., p1n~ERS; F~FTUN~IT~~ AN~Ct.INA A•~t~
~, ~1`'RTIE DtCI.AP,ATI~-~ RU(3~~1 A~UAYp GUTIfPRC; ~~17 I3alsam "C", An~heim~ Cl1
A~: , ,-80-?~ ~2f;~;, A~EtIT; THE H~HTI CEI.I.(' CONPIINY, 12~22 Brook-
hurst Slreet, "6~ frrden Rrovw, C~ '1 2Fi~~~, Petitloner
requ~sts th~t ~roperty described ns ~ rectangula• ly-
~haped parcel of iand consistln~~ of a~+prox(maiely ~."1 ncr~ liavln~ a fr~ntaqe of
~pproxtmatrly G~ fAet on the sauth sidc of [lr+ Str~ct. havin.~ a r,~xir++um d~~th of
approxli,ately ~:Z; feet an~i beiny located ap~rnxinu~tely ?_2; Peet er~st ~f thp ccnterline of
Helcna Street. and furth~r dcscribed as }iG 11cst E~~ Strcet, t,e recl~ssiftr.d from the P,M-
2i+0~ (RESIDENTIAL, !!ULTIPLf-FAMILYI ?nNE TO Ti+E Rr-~2nn (RESIbC~tTlnl ~ nI;LTIPLE-FA~i~v)
i t was notPd thAt [hc pe[ t t 1 onrr h~s rer~uested that th i s ~r~ I t f On be cont i nued to the
regularly-schedule~! meeting of February 11~ i~-E.~.
Commissioner Y.tng offered o nx~tion~ seconded by Co~missi~~ner 1lerhst and MOTI01~ CARRIEU
(Commissioncr Ua~nes bcin~~ absent)~ tf,at the Anahetm City PlAnninct Corrr~ission does herehy
yrsnt a continuancc af tl~e above-mentinncd item to the rzgularly-schedut~d r-eeting uf
February 11 ~ 1~~,0 at the request of the peti cian~er,
MI NUTCS ~ ANAl1E 1 N C I TY PLAFlN 1 Nf, COF1M1 SS I ON ~ JANUAR.Y 14 ~ t~-Rn ~~- 3
CI N GA VC DCGL/1PAT1(~N AGCNCY 1~(~ N. f.laudlnn St.. Sult~ ~~nn, Anrhetm~
RECLl15 IF GA IOM N0. 7~-~~-1 J CA ~?f~~5. Petit.toner renuests thrt prorerty dr.scrlbed
As ~ rE~ctanc~ul~rly-5hn~rd ~~rce) of lnnd ec~nsistinq
of ep~~mximAtcly 1,1; acres l~cflted at the nc~rtheast
corner ~f Broaclwoy an~1 AnAhctni Fioulr:v~rd l,e reclassificd frc~r~ Cf, (C(1MNCRC111L, RFNERl1l)
ZONC TO TIIE CO (C~MNE:RCIl1l~ Oc'~'ICf Ai~n PROr~55f~)~~Al.) Z(~yC,
There wns no ~me Indicetiny their presencr in ot~~«s(tion t~ suhjcct re~uest~ ~m~i althaugh
the staff renc~rt tc~ Chr Fl~nnin~~ Conmissian ~latc~~i Janui+ry 1~+~ 1~~~1 w~is n~t read at the
publlc hearing~ it is refer~rd to an~1 mecls ~ part ~f thr minut~~s,
Gomniss ioncr klushr,rc dccl ired a conl`1 ict of (nt~rest ns def(ned by Anaheim CI ty P lanning
Commission Rescilutfc~n No. PCJ~~-1~J a•~ontin~ t1~e Conflict ~f Int~rest Codr for th~ Planninq
Cc~mmission r~n~J fovernmernt Codr ;rcticm 3(>25~ ~t sc~.. in th~t th~ ~ronerty is fn The
Redevelapment Proj~ct /11~h~ er~n on~l he ,~cts .~s an rc~uisition .~gr.nt for the
Re~fevcla~nent llqency an~f ~ursu~nt tn :hc prov~si~nS ~f thr ahove Co~1c4 ~1ccl~recf thet he was
withJrawinn from th~ hcnrin~ in canncctian with Recl~~ssificrtl~n No. 7~-~'~-17 nn~ would
nt~t teke part (n cither the cliscussinn or thr, votinq th~rron nncl th~~t h~ had not discussed
thi5 matter witli any ment~cr af thc Plnnninn Comn+issinn. Th~rcunon Ccxrnnl~5sl~n~r E3ushore
left thc Council Cha~~er et 1:34 p.r~,
Susan Schic~•.~ renresr.nting thr. An~t,rir+ Re~lev~lo~+mnnt ~~~ncy~ staterl they h~ive nn Owner
Partlct~atic~n llgr~rrn,ent br.tw~• n thr Anaheir~ Pecieve~l~~prne~nt Aqency an~i the dr_veloper for the
canstruttic;n u` a l~~~~~~ square foat off(cc huitdin~ ~n thls site; chnt th~y wlll nrovide
SG parking s~aces on-sii~~ anJ 13~ par~.(nc~ s~aces in Che c~ty ha11 ~ar4.inn c~ararye.
implemented throu~~l~ e IrASC nRr~erient hetween th!~ netitioncr inci the City of Maheim, She
state~f ~ne of the c^r~c.iiti~~ns ~f tl~is Owner PArticf~~tion Agreerment ls thrt t~~~ b~ild(nq be
cornpatible with the City Hall ~i~~e~~n~~,c~ anc! in m~k,inc~ it cc~mpatlhl~ th~y have deslqned
A Gontretc bui ldin~~ wi th tr•xturpd wol ~s anc! tem~rred hront.r. ~lass tliat wi 11 mt~tch thr.
exterlor f~-cade of th~ Ci ty fla i 1, Shr ~xnl,iinPrl thAt th~ l~ncl5c~~nin~ of the Ci ty HA) l
wi 11 Ge cnntinuecl to Bros~lway witl, c,ne large s~tazn in fr~nt of the Clty Flall,
Commissi~ner ;~erbst askc~ i f the ~~arl.inq enrr.emr.nt shoulv be r~ condlt(on nf Apprc~val t~
thc Reclassification and Dean Sherer~ It~nin~ ~te~~rescnative, explain~d that the Parkln!~
Agreerrwnt ha~f becn submitted !,y the p~titioner anJ the docum~nt will he recorded shnwin~
this number parkiny sF~aces wi 1 1 be reserved (n the parl~fne~ structurc for this of f Ice
bui ldinc;,
ACTION; Commlssioner Kinc~ offered A rnution~ seconded by Corr~issione~• F;y and MQTION
RRI~U (Comnissioners E~brnec e~nd Bushorr being absent)~ that the Anaheim City Planning
Cammission h~s revierrec! tl~~e pr ~• ~sal to reclassify subJe~ct property fr~om th~ CG
(CarNnerciel~ GenerAl) Zone to e LO (Conxnercial~ OfficP and Proftssionnl) 2ane to
canstruct ~n office bu'.l~yinq on a rectangularly-shape~i parce) of lArtid consisting of
approxtmetely 1.1; acres lacaeed At the norih~ASt corner of Sroacfway and Anaheim Boulevard
with fro~tages of Apnraximecely 2~7 fer.t on the north side of Broac.~ray and 175 feet on the
east side of Anaf~eim Boulevard; and daes hercby approv~ the Plegatlve Dtclaration from the
requlrement ca prepare an ~nv~ ronrtx•ntal impact re~nrt on the hasis that there wc~uld he no
t / 14/"~~
EIR NCGATIVE DECI.APATIQN~ RECLASSIF'IC/1T1011 r~~. 79-5~-12 (conttnuc~i)
slgnlficant Individual ~r Gumulative Adverse environmrntal tin~+~ct du~ t~ th~ .ip~rov~+l of
this Negative Dr.elnrfitl~n since the /•.nal~ei~ ~~neral Plan desiqnflte~s the sub~ect property
for genaral cc~mmercial lr~,d uses commensurate with the pr~p~sAl; thnl n~ sensltive
~nvlrann~entAl Irnpicts ar~ (nvolved In ihc nro~~sal; that thr. Initlr~ Study Submittcd hy
the petiti~~ner indicates no slqnlficr+nt fn~livid~al ar cumulative ndverse envimnmentel
IR(~AC~Sj and that the Ilc~~atiac Declaratic,n suhstnntiating the fornq~ing flndings (s on
file (n the Ctty of Anaf~ci~n F1Anninc~ D<~pnrtment.
Conxnissic,ner Klnc~ uffere~~ Rnsoluti~x~ No, PC~i~-i and mnve~l fr,r its pass~gr_ And ack~ptl~n~
that the Anoheii~ City Planniny Cammissi~-~n dc~es here-,y grant Petition f~r Reclasstficati~n
No. 79•a0-17, sub}rct t~7 Int~rciepartn,~ninl Committee recommendnt(ons,
On roll ca) l, the fcrey~ing resc~lution was ~,r~s!ted by thr fol lawin~~ v~te;
rloES: CO-iNIS510NERS : r~qr~E
Cortxnlssi~ne~• ~ush~re rr.turned t~ the Counc i 1 Chami~er,
~~f~~~ DCCLIIRA.TION ASS~CI~TES, c/c FR/-NK TRANI ~~~!;n W. Seventh Street,
RECL 1 C QI1 110, ~-?f1- 19 ~an Pedro~ CA q~731 , Af,E~1T: R~NAL.D EiURT~ ASM~IILL-
V NC NQ, 31.'.~f ~URI;.E CO,, 171 S. Anita Drivc~ N1~~, Oranye, CA 9iG~8.
Suli.jqct property descrlb~cl as an i rrequlerly-shaped
parcel of land consisting of apnroxir~at~ly l.R~ acres I~avtnc~ frontnc~~s of ahnroximately
292 feet ~n the north si~fe of C'anyetharpc~ -,vc~nur and approximateiy 1'17 fret on the west
stde of ImperlAl Highway and locatc~l At the northwest corner ~f Orannethorpe llvr.nu~ ~nd
Imperial t~ighw~y. Property presently classified R;-A-~~3~n~n (R[510F.~ITIAL/AGRICULTURAL)
'fhere was na one Indicatiny their presence in r,pposition to subJect requegt~ and although
the staff report ta the Plannin~ Commission d,ated January 1~-~ 1~t30 was not read ot the
public hearing~ i[ is referred ta ancf made a part of the minutes.
Comnissioner Bushc~r~ declared a confllct of interest as defined by Anaheim City Planntng
Cortmission Res~lutian t~o. PC7G-157 acfaptl~g ~ Conflir_t of Interest Co~l~ for the Planniny
Commi ss i an and Gove rnmen t CoJe Sect i on 3E:: 5~ e t seq .~ f n that the C i ty of Anahe I m
Comnunity Nousing De~sartment is neyottating with tliis property trade and he acts
c~nt~acturally as an ag~nt for the Comnunity Nou5ing Department and that pursuant to the
provisians af the abovr Codes~ wes dcclaring to the Chairman !het he was with<irawing from
Che hearing in connectian with Reclass(fication No. 79-8~-19 and Variance No. 312g and
would not take part in elther the dtscusston or th~ voting thereon and has not dfscussed
this roatter wtth any member of tlie Planning Canmission. Thereupo~ Conmissioner Bushore
left the Counct 1 Chamber at 1;3f~ p,cn.
~ }
FIR Nf.GATIVE DECLI~RATI~h~ RECLASSIFICATIO~! H(1. 7~1-80-1A~ VAR111NCE N0, 31~~1 !con~lnued)
8111 Hurk~ Genera) Partnr.r of Or~ngethorpe b Im~~rla) Associak~~, was nresGnt to answer
any qucstions.
Commissianar Herbst nsked what is proposcd f~~r the ?3nn Squ~~re foc~t shop on thc c.o~ncr and
Nr. Burk repliec! th~t there is no speciffc ~+lnn f~~r thAt structur~ and th~t the purpose of
thts plrn was tc~ lay out the pro~erty (n the rr~st AI`SL~IPL~C ~nd practlc~~) w~y.
Cemmissi~ner flerbst Indicated his concern beca~ise of the limlted access to thP propprty
and suggested that tl~at structure be maved over becausP thr vlew cnuld be bincke~! for
veh I cles c~m) ng out wi tl~ th~~ s t ructure bui 1 t to the cnrnAr and he di d not sce any use
suttAble for tl~At Incntlon,
Mr. Uurk incflcA[ed they would not ellori anythinn in tt~.~t buildin_y exce~t wh~t the zoning
would perm(t. He ex~l~~fned thcy have gone [hrough sevcral ~hases of consid~rati~n for the
plot plan and have rx~t wi th tl~~ Staff n~nn~rous times ancl this hrc! not been r-entloned
prevt~usly~but i f it can be moverl to fnci 1 i tnte~ vision, thry r+ould he wi l l ing to comply.
Chalrman Prc~ Tem~ore Tolar inciEcrt~r~1 that hr has not su~~+~rtrd t~~is pra.ject in the past~
but recocjni~es tiint tl~~•rP Arc trade-offs and ielt thAt this is scx~~et.hinq h~ could llve
wi th becausc of the hous i nr~ that would he nccc-m~~l ished thmugh tl~e HUU Sectlnn £; Proe~ram
on the ad,jacent property. fie stated anpr~vnl ot` thls rccla~sffication r+nd varlance would
he tlcd tc, t}~nse trnde-offs~ ns well ns s~+ecific ~~ninn anri H110 Sect~on E c-iterta.
Jaek Whitr.~ O~puty Llty Attc.>rney~ ~~xploined that the epproval would he tted to th~
exchange of p~0(~P~Ly an~i that an addition~il r_onditian shnuld br ~Ad~d that would provtde
theL ~r(~r to the lntm~~uc[ion uf an ordlnnnc~ reroning th.-. ~rr~nertv, an .~c~r~ement shall
bp entered lnto bErtween i!~e CitY ard th~ 9~n11cAnt ~n terms ac,:~nta!~1~ to the City for the
mutual conveyance of ~'~e nrr~nerty tn create tt~c p~~rcrl heina rezo~eJ,
Chatrman Pro Tr.mporc. Tolar indicAted that he would n~~t sut+port thc proJect unies~ th ~
petittoner sti~~ulatcs and ~~~7r~es to pravid~ a medir~~ In the center of Or~nqetharpe Avenue
with right tur~s only out af the pro}ect and also hP wAntcd t~ knew Nhat is ctoing to
ha~pen on the praperty bcl~ind tt,is varcel with IIUD Section R~ 1c~ar to mc~dr.rate housing.
Lisa Stipk~~v(ch~ Housinca t~nd -detghl,orhour~ Preservatio~ Department. City ~f Anaheim~
explained thqsc 9uar»ntees have bcen made in the terms of the anreemc~nt with the StAte for
the purch~sc of tt-e property which does s~ecify that p+~rt of the pro~erty wi~) be
developed for low•incc~mP housing,
Mr. Bur~. felt makin~~ a com~itmc~t for rig{~t turns only ~ut ~f the pro~erty w~uld n~t ~niy
be inconvenien; fer them but Hlso for Che penple living in tf~e low-incone housinq units.
Chatrmen Pro Tcsrr~c~re Tolar tn~ic.ated he reco~a~izes that rigt~t turns only would bc
intonvenienc but before he would support a ca*~r--ercial proJect an this property~ he would
waRt to see the access prohlerr~c solved aecause of imperlal 111ghway ancJ C~rAn9ethorpe access
and the railraad trac~s. tle felt thtx is an lnconvr.nience the xh4ppinc~ ce~ter would have
to live with because he would rather deal with tnconveniences naw than a fAtality lat~~
on. Ne felt with the Ney ihe tr~Ffic backs up and the hazard at that Intersection~ he is
MI NUTES ~ AlIAl1E I11 C I TY PLA~~~~ I NG COMMI SS ION ~ JANUARY 1 ~- ~ 1~3$~ ~'~`~~
~~ --
not wl 1 1 1 ny to run ttiat rl sl:. He fe 1 t a medi nn shoul d be consc ructeci t~nd the pet 1 t loner
should ztipulate t~ ri~t7t turns ~~nly even ch~ugh it ts ineonvrnient.
Mr. Burk st~terl he understands and respects Mr. Tolt~r's positlon. Nr further ex~lained
t~at they hnve been worF:ing (n qooJ fnlth wf tl~ the lc~w-cos[ houstnn rr_presentatives fc+r
the C i ty for 2 Lo 3 ye~rs ; thr+t he I1AS not ~~ade fl t raf f i c s tucly hut that th~y h~ive
observed thc property under v~rious canJitlons nnJ there cfoes not appPar to b~ Any mAJor
problems, Ile state~l if the C(ty has mflde e traffic ~tudy. thcy would Itke to take a look
et it~ out based on their ohscrvetion of the ~ro~erty inJ thc~ location nf the railroad
trt+cks, 3~~ fcet eway~ ther~ does n~t App~r+r to I~e .~ scvere ~mblem. Hc stateci Any
development on any Street (s an opp~rtunity for nn accldent.
Chairman Pro Teripore To1Hr exrlAined hP bASes hIs eoncern on the fact th~i[ he lives fn
thls are~ and travcis [hrough that intersectinn sever~l t~~s a ciAy. Ile stat~d he dld not
khlnk. there was a worsc in[crsection in thc Clty extc~t nt L.~ P~lnu+ nnd Imperial ancl that
the Planning Commission fn all their infinitr wisdom has somf•timcs trP7tPd mc~sses and he
dld not Intenci to bc a party tn anothcr mess, II~ fel[ that unless the stinulatlnn 15
maJe~ he (s at an in~passe as to what ~~ctir,n he woul~ rA4e. He stated he recogn~zes that
the develo~cr h~is been working Nith the City and th~it therc ~~as been sor~e obvious trade-
offs wt th the C1 ty wh(ch liave br.en vr.ry benef(c(al to the develo{~er~ but he is not wl l l inq
to support th.r. project unlr.ss the stipulatl~ns can be madr.
Commissioncr Kiny aske~l Paul Singer~ Tr~ffic Engineer, whether or n~t he felt this was too
close to the intr~sectlon to the east to instali a trafflc signnl,
Paul Sinc~er explAtned that [he cllstancn is ahout 3~~ feet ~nd only rarely are left-turn
pocke[s for maJc~r intersections m,~ch longer than 30~ feet; that there sh~uld be sufficient
space to provide left-turn rrotPC'i~n fnr vct~icles turnin~ in and out and sttll prov!de
suffictent 1Pnes for storage of left-turn veFiicles ~oing n~rthbound on Imperial at
Orangethorpe. fle stated t-~ts intersection will be ve ry sinilar to other Intersectlons
along Oranc~ethorpe and explaineu that OrAngeth~~rpe Is A prir~ary ~rterial highway. He
stated hc would no[ say that all egress trafffc onto Orangethor~e shnuld 9o west only.
Comnlssloner Tolar explained he woulcf tikc Lo sec a right turn only nut of che proJect and
a left turn oocE:et into the ~roJect with eccess lnto the --ight And out to the right and
inta the left ~~in~ cast on Oranc~etharpc.
Mr. Sinc,er stote~l anytlme any turning movements are climinated from an intersectlon, the
potentlal nurber af confl icts riould be reduceci~ there~~re, rendering a safer intersection.
lic explolnc~~ Commissioner Tolar's recommendation is possibie, but th~~t it would require
the constructfon of a raised medfan and would prohably work and be ~referable over a left-
in and lefit-out occess.
Comm(ssioner King suggested ext~ndi~y thc lefi-turn pocket further west so [hat ~eople are
forced to turn right ~nly and mak,e a U-turr. .~nd Mr, Sinc~er ,tated that obvlously if any
traffic wishes to exit this par;ic~~lar street and make a left turn or go eastbound, thEy
would have to exit thraugh the left turn off the street on Orangethorpe.
Mr. Burk state~ agnin they have not maci,e a formal traffic siudy t~ecause this is a very
small commercial proJect campared to othe~s they havP devaloped; that this is only 1.8
NIf1UTE5~ /1N~HCIM f.ITY PLl1NNI~~f C~MMISSI~N~ JA~~UARY lb~ l~n~ s~,~_~
EIR NCGl1?IVF. DECLARATIOtI, Rf.CL~S;'FICATI011 N0, 7~-A~-1~~ VhRIA-If.f N~, 312~1 (cnntinur.rf)
acrPS end Just ov~r ?.~~n~1~ squ~~re rect of fl~or spac~. He stAted 7;;'; of thei r business
would be coming from th~~ nortl, ancl enst and would n~t cross the rallro~~e± tracks~ r~nd felt
precludtng the lPft-hand turn from the sit~ would be precludln~ 75v of th~ir market,
Lommissioncr Kinc~ nsked ~baut thc rrference In the staff renor[ th~t nn restnurants are
proposed for thls site and ASW:r.d if th~~t tncludes drlve-In resttsurants.
Mr. Burk. stAte~i tl~at hP would Itkr to include a sm~l) restaurnnt (n the centc~~ pol~ting
out th~t they do havc adequatc ~~rklr~.~ w(th iG spacr.s in excess of thc requlrement. Ne
statcd hc wauld Iike to lcavc ch~t option opc~n, suhJcct to ~pprnval at a futurr dat~,
depending ~n thc type of restaur~nt~ etc,
f.ommissi~ner NFrhst ~sl~e~i the l~ngth of the left-turn ~oc~:~t from thr cc,rner turninq n~rth
on Imperlal nff Or.'~n~Pth~rr,e a[ the pr~rsent tlme, wtth Mr, Sfnqcr explalnin~ that it Is
currcntly 22~ fcet long,
Commissioner Ilcrbst IndicatFd hr. felt If the lcft-turn ~,ockr_t werc cxtcnded, the traffir_
would nnt have t~ swinq tnto thc fiow of the tr.iffic lanc, but could casr. over f~~m the
turn poeket, and it wnuld be s~f~r, lie cxpl.~ined ther~ ts 3~~ fPet of nr~p~rty and thc
Icft-turn lane from OrAngeth~~rpr to tmpcriAl At thc ~rPSPnt timc ts ?2t1 f~•ct long r~nd
addtng ~Q feet w~uld givc traffic nn o~nortunity to ~,winn into the tr~iffic lane~ and Mr.
Sine~er statrd that that would bc n very l~nq turn pc,cket.
Cormissioncr Y.in~i st~~ted that athcr nroJects d~v~lr~p~~ alon~ Oranqcthorpc have not been
required to provide right turns only an~l felt tl~is woulcf be dlscrimin~tion. Ile felt
the vnrtance c~uld be Ju~Stified because pf the ~~~-foot e~sPment.
ACTIf?N; Corrm~issioner Herbst offcred a motion~ SeCnnd~d hY Commissiancr Kfng a~nd M0T10N
CAP,R D(Commissic-,ners aarnes and Bushore being ahsent) that the Anahefm City Planninq
Commisston leas revi~wed the p roposal to rr.classify subJ~ct ~r~perty frnm the RS-A-43,~0~
commercfel shopping center w(th walv~r of rnAximum structurAl hei~ht on an irrequ{nrly-
sh~iped parcel of IanJ consisting of apr roxin~tely l,fi8 acres l~cated at the northwest
corner of Orangethorpe Avenuc and Imperis) tiighwAy; having a frontac~e of ~pproximately 292
feet on the n~rth sicle o~ Orang~thorpe /lvenue and a frontage of epproxtmately 1~7 fe~t on
the west side of Im~erlal Hfgh~aay; and does herehy approve the Nec~ative Decla~~tion f rom
thc requi~ern~nt to prcparc an envtronmental imnact report on ths basis that there would be
no significant lndividua) or cumulatfve adverse environmental impact due to the approva)
of this Ne~~ative Declart-clon sincc the ~naheim feneral Pla~ designates the sub~ect
property for mc~di urrdensi ty general corn-erciAl land uses comrt,cnsurate wi th tt~~ proposal ;
that no s~nsittv~ environrr~ental irtpacts are involved in the propnsal; that the Initial
Study submitte~i by the petitioner in!iicntes no sic~nificart i~idtvidual or cumulatlve
adverse envirnnn~ental impacts; and that the Negative Qeciaratl~n substantiating the
foregoing flndl~gs is on file in the City of Anaheim Plannin~ Uepartment,
Cnmmissianer Nerbst offrre~d Resolution No, PC80-1. and rn~ved for its p~ssage and adoptton
that the Anaheim ~fty Planning Commission does hereby grant Petition for Reclassificacion
No. 79-f3f1-1~ subject to eF~e cc~ndition that pr(or to the Intraduction of ~n ordinance
~ezoning st~ject pr~pe~ty~ a property exchan~e ac~reement shall be entered into between the
I~I NUTE.S ~ AIJi~~HE I M C I TY PIAr;N I NG C~MNI SS 10~1 ~ JANUARY t h~ 1~ °~ ~n- ~t
CIR I~EGATIVE DCCLARATIOt~~ RCCLA`a,°i1FICATIO~~ I~(1, ]!1~F~-1`~~ VARIl1NCC !~0, j11.!1 (cont~nuecl)
Cfty end tl~c p~titioncr on ecceptahic terms af mutua) conv~ynnc~ of prnperty bcing
~azoncd; a~~d subject to Interdepr~rtmentsl Conmlttee r~conxnenc!atlnns.
On ro) l c~il) ~ thr, f~re~~oln~ resolutlon was passed hy th~ f~l lowing votr;
A~s[riT: C('MNI SS I ~NF.RS : HARNCS ~ Ei1:5110RC
Cornm) ss loncr ficrbs t of ferecl Res~l ution No. PC80-3 an<t rmved for ( ts passagc ~nd adoFt i~n
th~~t tr~r. Anaheim Ctty Planninc~ Corrnissian dor~~ here~by gr~nt Petltlcm f~r Variance No. 3129
on the i~ASls that adjacpnt prope~ty t~ the w~st Is dr.stgn.~-ted ~n th~ gcneral plan rs
medium-dcnsi ty la~d uses an~1 wi 11 ~~e ul timnte~ly ~i~~~~o~~~i as A u~mrwn ACGCSS to
resldentl~l property to he dcveloped nort'~ of eub~ec.t property and to thc shopplnc~ cent4r
to bc :feveloped on subjPCt property ancl sub.',~ct to Intcrde~artrxntAl Lc~mnlttce
On ral) c.~ll~ thc: for~~qotn~~ resolution ~vr~s pnsse~! by thc fnit~.ring v~>te:
AltSENT; C~MM1551~NER5: BAF,r~ES, BuS~i~RC
Car~niss loncr Elusf,ore returnec! to Counci ! Chnrnhcr.
IT~N N0. 5
~ETa7A~l'i MAP OF TMCT N0. 109~g
Avenue to thc south and Valley Str~ret
ii~ookhu~5t Strr.et. Prr,perty prescrtly
I.oar~o St, ~ 1lnahcim, CA ~?t~~?.. Af;FtIT: JOI1N D, ROSE
77J S. drea Blvd.~ Sulte 23Q~ Brea~ C/1 ~2~21, Prop~rty
described es a ~cctanc~ularl~~r-shared p~rcel r,f land
consis[ln~ of 3.~U acres bnunded by arowrn~ood ;1venue
to [hc north~ Aaad~i~ Strtet to the east~ CAtallna
to the west~ And east af the centerl(ne of
ctessified RN^120n (RE.SIDf.NTIAI~ MtiLTIPLE-FAMI!.Y)
There was no one in~iicnting +;helr presence ln onpositior tn SUb,iCCL rFquest~ And although
the staff report to the Plarnin~ Cqmmisston cfated January 14~ 1~1~'+~1 w~s ncat read at -.he
publlc hearing~ ~t ts ref~r,~ed ta And mad~ a pArt of thc minut~-s.
1; 14/8~
~ 4. ~f
EIR NCGATIVC. DCCLARATION~ VARIl1t~G: f~Q, 3t13, T[t~T!-TIVE I~,AP OF TRACT N~, 1!-~1~'~ (c~ntinued)
~~. ----~-----
Ccxnmissioner Dushor~ decl~red a conflic.t of in<<:re~st ~is d~flned by An~~heim Glty Plannln~
Cornr~lsslon Resolutlon ~lo. PC7(~-157 ndonttng n Conflict of Intcr~st Code f~r the plan~ilnq
Comr~lsslor~ .~nd Governmrnt Code Sectton 362;, ~t se~i.~ in that thc 1lnahctm Ccxrmunity
tlousln~~ Ucpartr,cnt is nc~intiatinr~ with~ t~-~ Dpvcl~~per f~r lrnv-cost housinct and tfi.~t hc hAs
a cc~ntrartural ~iqreemcnr ~~s an ~gent nnd nur5u8nt tn thc ~;r~visions ~f thc ab~v~ Codes,
declared thAt he was withdr~wing fror~ the he:~r~nn (r t~nnectton wlth Varlance No. 3113 and
Tentr+tlve Tr~ct No, 1~`~~^ dnd woul~! not t~4.c ~»rt i,, e(ther th~ rltscussi~n or tt~e vottny
thercon an~l he hed nnt discussed this mattcr with nny mr,n!>~r of the Pl.innlnn Co~rmission.
Thereu~on C.ortunisslunrr [iushore lcft thr Counc.i I Chnr~hcr ~~t 2:Q~ p.m,
Comm(ssioner Talnr d~clnrcd a confllct of interest as dFfined hy Anaheim Clt~~ PS~~nning
Gommission Rc~s~lution Na, PC7~~-157 adopt(n~~ ~i Confl ~ct c-f Intcrest Cadc for thc Pla,nninq
Comm(sslon And Govcrnrtx~nt Ca~ir. Secilon 36.'.~;~ r.t sf~n. , ~n~1 that he was wi thc'r~wincl from the
he~irfnq In conncccion wl[h V~r(anc.c No. 3113 and Tentr~t(vc Tr~~+ct No, 1~~~'^ and would noi
takr. pArt (n c(thr.r thc ~tiscusslo~ or thc votinr~ th~r~~n. Thcrc~u~~~n Ccx~x+~isstoncr Tolor
left the Cauncil Charit~er at 2:O~ ~,m.
Jock White, Denuty C) ty At[or•nr.y, exnlainc~l that t~r Chat rmrn r,n~i Ch~~lrm~n F'ro-Tem~ore
wcrc~ bntl, absent ~nd the COmmIS'loner's .i~~~inte,~ Commissi~ner Nerbsr tc? act as Ter~p~rary
Paul ~h(avntti ~ oarner~ explafneci thaL ~~e has wc~ri•.ed wf th the Hous ~ng ~in~~ Nc(ghborhnod
F'res~ -watlon J,e;a~rtnient and h~~s ~rcpar~~i the Tc~~tative Tr~ct Map ~~nd has cor+r to an
agrw=~ment wl,ich ~~ppartntly mects the criteria nf the r_~n~~omini«m ~~rdln~nce praposed. Ne
s~~: ~i thr nrojcct c~nsists of ~~~ units~ of whith 21 w~~uld be s~t~f at ~ ftxed price~ 12 units
~•~r ~ re~,ein in the renta) r~arket for ~r, yPars, and Lh~t thr r~m~lnder of the untts would
~-~d .7t tne F~ir markct valuc, Ile stateu th~t they hav~ c:ome to ~n ac~reemcnt as to thp
~=~:n • c:' rehab i 1 i t.~t ton work to he donc ancl thnr they have ~s ta61 i shed the tenar~ts'
~~~~ ~ - relocatl~m,
' ~ ~ _ ~ C IiEAP,ING WAS CLOSf.D.
~--~~~,rery Chai rm~n Herbst clarl fle.d that the ASs istance fnr che ten;~ntc t~ he relocatPd
~.~,~: ~i ~mc,unt to S15~)'~ and expl»ined that this ha~i hGen o~e of hls concerns previously. He
~~~~ted out th~t there would be 1? unlts ret~ine~1 and avatlrblt to those people who want
-~ remaln in thls pro}t~~t. Ile further ~ninted out th~t a new pl~nn has been 3ubmitted and
:4~:pd S[aff If they had had time tn revle~+ the second ~,lan.
.r~ran Sherer~ Zoninc~ Representative~ explained that St~ff t~as reviewed the plan but thase
c7anges hacl n~t been incorPorrte~d in the staff r~~ort and that the mdJor dtfference would
':e the pAr~.in~ spaces~ the revision rliminates 10 park.ing sp~~ces and pravicks bddttlonal
recreation-~•isure sr~ce. Ne ~xplainec! the orlgin~l propasai N~s for F75 square feet of
leisure spr~ce and with the r~erx~val af th~~e t~ parking ~,pBCCS~ chey arr able t~ provtda 714
SqUArC feet. of leisure spacc.
Mr Chlavettl exptatned that thcy ar~ proyiding 1.~? on-slte p~rkin~ sp~t~s per unit, and
Lhat the p~~rking spece, near tt~e poc~l area had been rernr~ved to p~ovid~ more playr~roun~
a~ea for th~e ch( ldren.
J ANUARY 1'~ ~
1'! 3~
"~1-1 ~1
7er+~,~rary Chalr'r~an H~rbst nalntPd out ~h,it the curh-si~1c pirkin~ could nnt bc c~unted ~s
part of thc p~r~.ln~~ rec~ul rc~ment; end pr:~lnterl out that ~Art hf thr Ci ty's assi st~nce m~y
not bc av,~llable ~~nrf nsked if thet wr~uld havc any ~ffPr_t r~i the rroject,
Mr. Chl.~vattl explnlneci thcy wer~ Informrd that somc of th~ rss(stancc r~ay not h~
evAllt~hle .~n<1 If thAt werc to ha~+p~n, thc 12 rrnt~l units vhich thr City would retaln fpr
rentals fr,r Secticin f? h~us(n!~ wauld he rencec: ~n the op~n n,~r~e~t.
l.lsa Stlpknv(ch~ Clty of An,~hcim Nous(ny and tlciqhhonc~xiJ 'rescrv~tlon Ikpartment,
~~xplalncJ thc~sc units would bc~ suhj~ct to thr ft~(r m,ir{~et r~nts nnd th~t subsi~'y may n~t
t~c ovall~hlc but that thc ren[~1 r~~+te would rer•i,iln thr S~~'e.
Tcriporary Ch~ir~,~n -ICrhsc ~~ +tPd hc fecls a llttlr unc~mfcrt~~l+lc tryln~ to a~~provc the
prnJect beforr. thc: ordinance h.is h~•en wr(tten and felt th~t this is ^rem.,~ure, but does
appcar to mr.r_[ the criterla snellc~l out f~r th~L ~r~1ln~incr,
,lack tilhlte~ Qr..ruty City Attorney~ ~x~l,~ined th~t currently the Ctty ~i~rs not h~ve
provlsians existing wi,~~r~hy they coulci i~^c~~lly ~r.r~,it ~r~~~~tin~~ th~ vr~ri.~ncr.s even thour~h
we are in ti~e process o( writinr~ th,it nrovisir~n. He st~atel if the Plannin~ Commisslon
~(shes to a~pmvr the v.~riinces on the bnsi, thnt thry ck~ meet thc int~nt of the praposed
ordlnance, there woulci he a risk th,it a~, o~~c~nrrt c~~uld o~~~nse the ~r~~ject on that hasis
ancf that (s a der.ision [he~ ~~~~1 icint would havr to ru1~.C, 'ie state~f if the Piannin~i
Co~+~^issian dPsires t~ proceecl~ [he only rt•,~ woulci l,e~ thr~t the ~~rmv~l c~uld be delayed
i~ Somcone appeal~d the ~'-ction~ bi~t tht~t risE would prr~hahly bn r~inimi~l, 11~ st~'tted if
the developer rlecide, to proceed wf th ttiat und~rs[an<+inn A11r,i on thr.t b~is1 s, th~n i t 15 up
to the Planning Corr*~ission to deterr;tne tf thcy w(st, to rrocced.
Comm(ssioner F~~~ asked e+bo~~t thc laundry facilitlcs wiih Mr. Chlav.ittl exnlalninc~ that
eath bufl~fing has it~ own w~sher nrcl c!ryer units.
ACTIOfJ; Corriissionc+r Klnc~ offerc~d a rrc~tion, secondrd by i;ommissinncr David rnd MQTIO-I
~tt ~1"c0 (Commixsioners aarnes~ Bushore and 1'olar being ab~sent) ~ that the AnaheiM City
Plarning Commissfon hos rcvlewed thc propasal to conv~•rt an existing f~0-unit apartmcnt
co~iplex inco ~ one-lot~ ~~J-uni[ cnndomini~~m a~ith waivcrs of (a) minimum wldth of access
drives~ (b) minimum buildinq site area per dwelltnq unit~ (c) rr~ximum site coverage, (d)
minlmum flnor er~a~ (e) minir~um landscaped srkbac4: abutting a publ+c street~ (f) ml~imum
recreation-leisurc arr_a per unit. lg) minirnum discancrs bFtwccn buildinc~s, (h} mir,imum
nurtber anci type ~f park.i :~ spaces on A rectangt~larly-shaped porcet of irnd co~sistin4 of
approximately 3.03 acres .,oundcd by Br~wnwond Avenuc to the no~th~ Al~iddin Strect to the
east, CatAlina AvPnuc to the south and Valley 5ireet. to tfie we~t~ and east of the
centerline of Iirookhurst Strcet; and does herehy arprovc th• F~cgative Declaratton from the
requl rement to prepare an envi ror~mrnta! irnpact report ~n t`~e basis that there would be no
significc+nt tndlviduai or cumulative ~dverse enviro~mental im~act due t~ the .ipprova) of
th(s Ne~attve ~eclaretion since the Anah~im t;eneral Plan designates the subJect property
for rt~edfun-density residenttal land uses cc~nmPnsurAte with the proposal; that no sensitiv~e
environrn~ntal ir~pacts are (nvolved in the praposal; that the Initial Study submitted by
the petltloner indtc~tes no significant inciividual t~r cumulative adverse environmentai
impacts; and that the ~aegative Declaration substantiating the forecoing findinqs is on
file {n the Ctty of Anahelm Planning Depa~tment.
~ ~
~ ~ ~
EIR 11EGATIVE Df:Cll1R~TI~N~ VARIA~ICE N0, 3113. TEIITATIVE NAP OF TRACT ~10, 1~~13a (continued)
CortunlsSlonrr Y.ing offrred Resolutton No. PCB~-~~ And mov~d for tts passn~r a~d ndoptton
th.~t tl~e l~nahetm Ctty Planntn~~ Commtssl~r~ cic~es herr.by ~r~nt Petttt~n for Varlanc~ Plo. 3113
on khc basis that the An~~helm City Plannin~~ C~mmtssl~n an~1 Clty Council wi11 be
cr,ns(dertng a new c~ndor~tnium c~nversion orcffnancc whtch~ If ,~clopted, w~uid al l~v ccrtaln
slte dev~l~pnknt waivrrs fnr ~ro(ccts whieh me-~t ee~rtnin crlterla. (.e,~ hAVinq an
agreemPnt with [he An~heim Comr~uniiy Hous(n!~ lluth~rity srttln~ asf~lr_ n ccrta(n percentage
uf unlts f~r low anci mc~derate hc~usinr~~ nnd sub)ect to Interde~artr-e~ntnl Ccx»mlttee
recomm,~ndat i rns , ~
Dn ro) l ca) l~ the f~rr.qoin<~ resolutl~n was nasse~i b~~ thc f~) lcx~iin~i v~tr:
~YF:S: f.OMNIS;I~~lERS: p11VID~ fRY~ t1ERa5T~ KIN(;
'~~~~: COHMISSI~NCRS; 11011E
Temr~rary ChA(rm~~n Ilerhst as~.e~i Nr, ChlavAttt tf hc und~r,ccx~d tt~~e ~fxrttqPflLS madr. e~rller
by the C( ty l1t tarncy re~;a rd i nn t he pos s( h i l i ty ~f l e~.~~ i nc. t I nns by Am~nne ~r~os ( ny the
pmJect which would Jelay the pro)rct and Nr, Chiav,ttti tndlciteJ he underst~o~i.
ACTI01~; C~rx~~i5,ioner M,tny offc~rr~i ~~ m~tion, seconc;ec! by Commissi<,ncr Davi~1 anc; MOTI0~1
A~ED {Commissione~rs Darnes~ Bushc-r~ and Tolar beinc~ absrnt), that t-~r Anahelm City
Planninc~ Commissic~n dnes hereby find th.~t the pron~sed subdivision, tc~raether ~vith its
deslq~ and (mpr~vcrnc~n[~ is c~nsiste~nt wich the Ctty of Anaheim Gener~~l Plan~ nursuant to
Governrnent Codr. Section GGh73,~;; and does~ thrrefor~~ a~nr~ve a Tenta[lve Tract -!ap No.
1~9u9 (Revision No. 3) subfect to the cond(tian that thecieveloper st,~il enfer inta a
~C~OCACIOn assist~~nce anreen,ent with the C(ty of An~hcim !4ousing an~, Neighborhood
Preserv~~ti~n Oepartmrnt to prnvide relocation assistance t~ tenants, and
Lo lnsure maxlmum selling prices of units in ~~ca'~rd~~ncr wlth a sch~dule apnr~ved by [he
City Nousing and i'resNrvatian Neighhc~rhood ~epar[ment~ and suhject to thc following
1. Thet thc approv~l of Tentative Map of Tract No. tn~f~~ is grantr.ci subject to the
ap~rova) of Variance No. 311;. ~
~. That sf~ould this subdtvisio~ be developeci as more than one ~ubdivisicn, each
subdivlsion ihereof sh~il be submitted in tente[tve form for approval.
3. That the or(gfnal documents of the cc~venants~ conc!itians, and restrtctions~ and a
letter addressed to developer's title cornpany authorizing recordatton thereof~
shal) be submitted to the Ctty Attorney's office and appraved by the City
Attorney's offtce snd Englnccrtny Dtvfsion prior tc final tract r^~~p Approval.
S~f d~focurr~nis~ as approved~ shal l be ff )ed and recorcied in the Offlce of the
Grange County Recordpr.
l~. Prtc,r t~ ihe sale or ftnai bullding and zoninq inspect!on of any residential
condominium unit, the owner(s) of subject tract shall present evidence
sati5facto ry to the Chief Duilding Inspec:tor that the u~tt is In confortnance with
the Noise lnsulatlon Standards specified in the Californi~ Administrstive Codt.~
Tltle 2~, Chapter 1~ Subchapter i~ Article ~.
5. That prlor to thc approvai of a ftnal t~act m~p~ the dev~lapr.r shall enter I~to a
relocatton assistence agreerr~nt to provide reloc~tlon assistance to d6splaced
tenanCs and an agreement to Insure r~ ximum selling prices of units tr, accordance
wlth approve~ schedule wlth the City of M ahcim Nousing and Neighborhopd
Preservation De;par~tmcnt.
_._._. __._.~_..r......._
6. That prlor to the opprava~ of a ftnat tract nu~p, the develo;~er shell enter
(nto en egreement with the City of An.ihetm tlou~ing and ileighborhood Preservatton
Depertment to insure maximum setling prtces of unfts In accordance wlth npproved
Cortimissioner Bushore roturned to the meeting,
ITE~+ ~~0, ~ PuD~.ir, f~EnRi~ic. OWNER; Jf15EP11 r, A-~n MAnELt~~E OSBOR~~~
EIR NC ~~ IVE OiCIAFATIQN 1~~~2 $, N,nott Strcet~ Maheim~ Ch ~230h,
~'_ ~ ~• 2~5~ P~t(ti~ner re~qu~sts ~ermts~sl~n to PEPMIT ~ LIN!-USINE
SCRVIfE ~n nro~erty ~'escrthe~l is a recf.engularly-shAped
pArccl of l.~nd c:onsisting of c~ppr~~xima[ely °3~0 squar~
fe~et hhv(ng a front~~~~ of approxim~~t~ly f; fc~t an the cast s(dc of Knott Street wtch a
depth of approxlmAtr.ly 12f3 f~ct fin~1 bein~ locAted ~~proxlm~t~ly 10~ f~et s~uth of the
centerl tnc of ElrA;ly ,1venu~. and furthrr destrtbcd as 11~~(. S~uth h;nott ~trect. Property
presently classlfie~f RS-7"~~ (RESinE'ITIAL~ SIt~GI.E•FANILY) 70'!E.
There were ~~~roxim~tely twelve (1?) pe~nle lndic~tinq thetr ~rr~;rncc In op~ositl~n to
subJect request~ an~i alti~ouc,h thc stAff re~ort to thc Planninc~ Ccxw~issi~n Cated January
1~+, 19t~11 was not rcAd; It ts refrrrecf tc~ and ~n.~de a oart of thc minutes.
Joseph P. Osb~rn~ 14~? Soutfi f;n~tt Strect~ state~~ th's cnncitl6~na1 use permii (5 reqursted
In c~nJunctlon Nith Gonditic•nal Us~ ('ermit No. 7~~~1 ~ranted on Uecember 3, 1~17~,
bonna We,tbury~ 34;t~ Thornton Avr.nue, s[itcd thcy hAVe a stahle~ nei~hb~rhood and wish it
to stay tht~t way~ an<i felt enprovai of this husiness would set a precedent fc,r others;
that Lhey have lt~rge inv~stmcnts tn their hor~es ond do n~t wA~t ihe zoni+~g changed, She
presented ~~ petltion contr~ininc~ a~?proxlrn~~trly ~i~hty-three (L?) sinnatures and ~~ad the
s tatenx~nt on thc pct i L ion as fnl Irn~s :
~'~!e ~ the unJe rs i~n~cl~ do ~~crehy o~p.~sc thc Usc Perm1 t No, 2~~;1 tQ p~rm( t a
limous(ne service (n thie P.S-7~0~ '~ne. It was stipulated in the minutes of the mceting of
March 1~ 1977 th~t the RS-720~ Zoning a~as to stay the sr~me and there was to be no change.
We feel this variance wi 1I seri~usly af~ecc th~e enttrP residencial neighborh~~od."
Ms. Westbury also prrsent~d a col~red map s~howing the locatton of the rPyidents who hod
sign~d thP petition,
Dean Sherer~ Zoninq Represcnta~iv~:~ explaine~~ Conditional Use Permit No. 2041 relattnc~ to
the adJacen[ property to the north has been a~~peaied to the Cit~ Council ~n~i a public
heartng is set for January 22~ 1980.
~enjemin Corbran~ 3f~41 8~~dy Avenue, stated his ~~roperty ts located diagonally from
~cubJect property an~+ that he has llved there for twenty-seven (27) years and stron~ly
opc~oses this limc~usine service cm tl,At co~ner, He felt this would 1eopArdfze his property
value and c:reate ~ big mess (n the ne(ghborfioad.
Mr. Osborn stated he has conformed with a!1 of the rec,~ulations and obtained all the
permlts and spent ~ver SS~~.~O i,i fees for A City bus(rtess licensp~ perm!ts for each r,ar~
building permit~ etc. He stared he has been operating chere since May and that he really
e~n't believe h(s buslncss has aff~ctcd the llfr-style of the^ nel~hbnnc~x~d. Ile dld not
bel lev~ the f~ur c~~rs hc o~cr~~tcs crc,~tc any tr~7ff tc haz.tirds.
"ir. Osborn stated he has had nroblems kcr.ping the youn~ childr~n 1~rom thc~ neiqhborhood off
h l s property ; th~t he hAS put up s I c~ns And I S ~repared tn aut up 1~ences and c~ates to ~:ecp
thc children from using his property to cut thr~u~h from I~rA~i}~ to Kr,ott Stre~f. becnuse it
is pav~d ~nd th~y ridE h~CYCICS~ sk~ceho~rds and roller s"K.Atr..s ~n the nAVement. He
ex~lalnr.d hc woulcf relocntc If the ncighhors cnn convtnc~ hlm th~t his business Is in any
way affect!n~ their life-stylc or is h~zardous t~~ thelr chi~ciren,
Chei rmt~n Pro Temp~,re Tolar explained that tf~cre is no zonc chanQe requcsted on this
propcrty and the petitioner is merely askinc~ f~r a can~iltlon~l usc rerr,it. I~c further
explained that Condttt~nal Use Per~~il No, ~~~~1 on thr. ad)olnin~ pr~pcrty has becn appsaled
to the CI ty Counci 1~~nd whi le he al~Preciate~i the f.ict that a lot of pcople have e~iven
their time to ccxne to this r-CCLI-~~~r felt th~t ap~+ro~rnl of thls request would be an
exercise in fucility because if the~ AdJoinlnc~ prop~rty p~rmtt is denled;lt wll) clPfinltelY
affect this pfoncrty. f~~ dfcf not f~e) thc Pl~~nninq Commission should Act on th;'s requcst
at thls tl+ne.
Hr. Osb~rn exrlained when he had orl~in~lly filed f~r ~ ~crn+it, It was for both
propertles~ but hP did not have the de~d of trus~. for this p~operty end had wlthdrawn thts
request at that ttr~r; hut that at thc r~etin~~ of Decembcr 3~ 1~7~~ It was declded that a
petirion shouief be filed f~~r a conditfonal use ~~rr~~it ~n both pieces of property. He
indieated he would not have any ob;rctlons to contlnuin~ th~s matter eintil after the City
Council he~-+rin~,
hCTION Commissi~~er David offered a notinn t~econc~ed by Commissloner Kin~ and MOTION
~U (Commissfoner aarnes being absent)~ tha[ the -lnahelm Clty Plenning Comnission does
hereby gr~~nt a continuance of Conuitional Usr. Permit No. :~51 t~ the meeting of January
2~~ 198Q in order to asc~rtain the de cision of the City Counr.il on the adjacer~t p roperty.
Chalrm~n Pro Temp~re 7alar explained that this m~tter has been conttnue~l and that no new
n~tices wiil be senr to t.lie o~positlon and that it wt11 prohably be one or ;he first Items
on the January 23~ 1?~0 agenda.
ITCM N0. 8 PUk3LIC HEARIt~G. OWNER; JOYCE FORR~ST~ 1824 Palisades,
CONO t~ J CRM N0. 2053 1*vine Blvd.~ Sutte 214~ t~ewport ~each, CA 92660.
Petitioner request permission TO PERNIT Afl AUTOMOBlLE
SERVICE STATIOtt I~~ T~IE CL ZO~~F. on property described
as a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approx(m~tely ~+.5 Acres having a
fronta4e ~f app~oximately 330 fePt on t.he south stde of Lincoln Avenue~ having a maxfmwn
depth of approximately f,00 feet, being l~cated approximately 650 feet east of the
c:enterl lne of Gt lbert Street~ and further described as 2300 West Lincoln Aven~~e (Gemco).
Property presently classif(ed CL (COMNERCIAL~ LiMITED) 7.0"1E.
NIt1UTES~ Atll1N~ !~~ CITY PLANNItiG C~HMISSION~ JAI~UARY 1~~, 1~3tI~ ~~-11+
~......~,.~.~ J .~..~-~-.-
There was one person lnd~c~ting her pr~s~nce In n~~~~sitlon to sublect re~uest~ ancf
elthough thc st~ff rc~ort to thc Planning C~rtr-isst+7n clated January 1~r, 1'-P~ w~s not read
at the p~lfe henring~ it Is r~fPrr~~+ tc~ .~nci made ~ pArt of the mtnute~s.
Wl ll iam Nona~ 3~+Q~ I rvin~ Boulevard~ Newpc,rt aeach, Archi tect~ st~-t~~1 ihe staff rr_port
(ndic~~tes 5?7 p~+rkin~ s~a~es~ Lu: therc Ar~ ~n1y '~?-~ sp.~c~s whi~h conforms to CodP ancS the
plans also sh~ the front r~is~ewcry ts ?p fr~t and (t is 35 f~~t widc.
Jan Pet~rson~ Pivcrsifie-l Invcstrnent Cnm~any~ 27~ S~utt~ I-ristol ~ Costa Mcsa~ referred to
thcir letict .~ 'hr, Planning Comn(ssion datcd JQnu,~ry 11~ iqn~ whlc~ ^^Ints out thclr
concerns r~lati~~~ tc~ the architecturnl loak. ~f the service stntion And asked that the
Planning Lnmmissl~r~ review the archttectural elrvations. Shr. stAt~d the{r c.~mpAn~• was
requlr~d t~ provic;c imenttles in order t~ c~nstruct ~~ nice sh~~rino center wh(ch ls next
r3aor to sub.jc^et prope~rty. She stateci they wantr_~i this servicc stati~n tu b~ eompattbl~
with the whole street. She str~tecf they are conccrned ~hout th~ l~c~ition ~f the tlre
servlce bays openinr~ dircctly anto L(nc~~ln and did not feel ~hat would be ar_sthetlcaily
pleastng. She suggested tl~~t they be reloctited t~ f.~c;e soutn. She st~~-ted ih~y fr.el there
s!iould be some kind of ~rr.hiteetur~l tr~atment tyin~ the cano~y t~ th~ buil~iing and that a
l~~ndscape buffer Should be provid~c~ on the wc~sterly sici~ of the buf l~iinn between the two
t1r. Nona state~~ that it is thcir desir~ to m.~kc [his ~ervlce st~+tion con~atible wit~ their
shoppln9 center and not the ~dJacent shoppin, center, Ne did not feel an ~r~hitect sh~uld
arbitrartly criticize and r+~akc suc~grsttons for d~velonrtx'nt on nroper!y other then their
oa~rn and that they should not arhi Crari ly suggPSt extr.nslons ~f the canopy~ etc. He felr
this project should be consl~lere~7 on its c~wn basis and not on wh,~t h,~r~ened next door.
Commissioner tle~st refe~red to ~enciled changes on the Arawin~ shawfng a drlveway being
biocked and ~sked lf the a~~plicant had mAde thcse chan~es ~+nd Mr. N~na state~i he had made
those tharges ~t the Traffic Engin~er's recommenrfatton to provide th~ stacking area with(n
[he shopping cent~r itself.
Chatrrtian Pro Tempore Tolar as~e~ the merits of turning thP service bays south and lt was
po~nted out th~C it would not make any diffe~ence becaus~ these are drive-through t~ays.
Commissioner David ref~rred to the limite~~ avatla~le gasoiine suppty and the fact that so
many gasoline service stattons are being closed at the present time anci asked why anothtr•
one is being proposed and pc+ii;ted out he dtd not want anoL.her closed cervice statton tn
the near future and Mr, tlona r~splied there are na r~ssurances of what will happen tn the
Annika Santalahti~ /lssistant Otrector for Zoning~ r.xplaineci there fs a provtsian in the
Code prav;ding that i` a service station is closed for a certain ~eriod of' ttme, the
tondltional us~ permit terminates an~+ the structure must be removed froro the property.
Commtssloner Herbst aSGed whr.re the o~~~siti~n woul~t llke to se~~ landsc~ni~g and Ms.
Peterso~ exrl,~inn~1 thry would 11~:~ landsc~ping next t~~ the ~xistin~~ chAtnllnk f~ncc end
exhl~tned that they hev~ prc~vldecf l,indsc~~+in<~ which m~les r nr~At ~i~:-1 ~f Alff~r~nce for
thei r proj~c.t.
Cor~m( ss 1 one r 9ush~~r~ I ndt C.ite~1 hc fc 1 t D) v~ rs t f i ~c1 I nvcst~ni Corr~nny Aocs hnve ve 1 i d
c~ncerns becausr. they hnve ~r~vl~l~d a quelity sf~o~+plnry ar~n ~nd nr.tc~hhorho~d center. Ne
felt thcir fears are wcll takr.r by thc Plannln~ Commission,
C~mmlssionr.r Nert.st p~IntcA out th~, Plannirtiq Conxni~sinn has rr.c~ntly np~rove~~ an enormous
t i rc cent~r on F.ucl i d in n slK>r~) n~ cent~r rnd thnt t t. iti not a had fr~cl 1 1 ty ~nd th~ bAys
~io f.~cc the str~e[. He .is4:r.d whit c:+n bc dc>nr ,~l~nn thr nro~+crty llne with thF ch~lnlink
fence out t~ thc street, su~»cstin~ landsc.~plnc~ fr~r~ th~ hACk of th~ ~dJacent prop~rty~s
bullding to the front of th(s bulldln~~su~ih~sting rr.mnvA) nf the f~rtt~. He suqq~sted ~
dec~retlve bl~c.~. wall ste~~~~c1-~i~~+n t~ ihr strert to mike it r~or~ tnmpntlhl~ for bot~~
Mr. Non~ st~t~d hc ~'I~f n~t hr.llevc t-~e fencin!~ IS nec~l~ci nnd is there f~r ~~nn~~+ranees~ but
landscnpln~ agninst lanil5cn~ln~ s~rvcs no nurn~se anci would cut ~ic~wn thrtr alslewny wld;h
anJ that thr.y wcrc cnnc~rnr<1 nho~t t raf f I c f lrx.~ ~rab l~r~s.
Commissianer Dushor~~ polnteci out th.~! Llncoln ~vcnue is ~~ maln artery lnto the City and
somcthin~ sh~uld bc c1on~ ehout th~ bayx f~~c(ny th~ strect.
AnniF..~ Sant~lahti~ Assistflnt q{r~ct~r for 7oninq, ~x~+litn~rl in answer t~ Commtsslon~r
DAVi.!'s questlnn th~~t tn each zcme whr.r~ ~ut~rx~hilr. servicn stntl~r.5 ar~ alle~wed there Ig
a reryulremrnt that the a~~IfcAnt shAl1 agr~e In wrltin~ t~ rer~ve the structures tn thc
event the stati~n Is cl~:eri f~r o pcrl~d ~f 1? r~onths And n sr.rvic:e stal(~n sh~ I) be
c~nsldered clasecl fnr any rmnth in whf~h it h~~s hcen ~p~n for Iess thr+n 15 ri~~ys. She
s u~ges tPr1 th,~t c~n!f I t 1 ~n hc r,dcled and Mr. -~ona 1 ndi c~~tr~i that v~oul ~i bA ncceptab 1~.
Co-rmiss(nn~r I~usnore as~.e~f if 1dnd5Gapin~ .~s Su~n~5t~~1 is ;~ccPptnhle t~ the petitioner and
Hr. ~~an.~ (ndicated hc dl d not scr_ what pur~c~se i t wo,~l d scrve nl~n~ the wcst property 1 ine
and Commissic~n~r Elushore pointcu out t!ic Planninq Commissi~~n cfoes try to beautlfy the Lity
of Anaheim wherevcr ~ossible.
Mr. Nona ~sked wh,,t size landscapc arc~ is bcing dlscussecl and Conxnisslon!~r flerbst
explalned hv_ was thinl.ing of f.he dlst~nce of 35 feet anct that it c~uicl be done with a
stepped-down decor.~tlve t~locG wall wlth scme plAnters in the front or stop the block wal)
at thc edgc of thr bui lding. Flc stated the nrr_hitect slioul~i provide .i pl~n the Commtsslon
could approvc, an~l the area size would be up to thc architect.
Mr. Nona asked if this could be handled at sisff level and Commisslaner Tolar indicated he
would want the plan brought back to tltie Planni~g Commissi~n for approval.
MINUT[S~ !1Nl1N1.11~ C17Y PLAIINtIJ1~ COMNISS1f1N, JIINUARY 14~ 1~~'n ~J~-1G
f.lft NfGATIVl: UI:CIl1RATI~N. C~NpITIONl1L USC t'fRMIT N0. 9~!',3 (contlnu~d)
ACTInN: C~.~mmissi~ner ~evld aff~r~~d n mc~tlon~ ieconcl~rl I+y Cor~rnl~.,ln~r.r Kin~ .tinci MOTI~N
~D thnt th~ Anehelm Clty Plnnning C~mmissicsn h~s revlrw~d th~ prop~s~l to pennlt nn
+~utomc~i I~ sc~rvlc.e stetl~~n In thu Cl.(Conu~rrclal ~ Llmite~!) l~nr on ~ r~ctnn~ulerly-sha~ed
percel af Innd c~nalsti~~~~ af aprrnxin~ately ~~.; ~c~r.s hrvin~~ n Fr~ntn~~~ of np~r~xlrrMtely
33n fe~t an th~ sc.~uth si~f~ of Lincnln llv~~r~ue~ h~vtn~~ e ~Aximum c1e~,th of approximet~ly 6~0
feet nnd b~lnr~ l~cntccl arprpr,lmately 6!~~ fret ~ngt of thc cent~rl ine oP Gi lbcrt Strect;
And due~a herol,y ep~+r~v~ the N~~~itlv~ U~clnr~~tlon fr~m tl~~ re~ulrenx~nt to preparc nn
aiiv) ronmcntnl ImpACt rcp~~rt i»i tl~r ~AS I S chot thcrr. woul ~1 br. n~ s I~~n) f i r.~nt 1 ndl vl dua 1 or
tumulntlv~ ndverse ~•nvlrc~nmentA) (rnpnr.t du~ t~ thr r~rr~vn) ~f thl~ ~iagAt~v~ DeC1Art~tlOn
sinc~ the Mal~olm Gencrnl Plnn ~icsl~~n~~t~s tl~r SuhJrc:t pr~~erty f~r ~enn~el ccxnmrrtlal lanci
uces cc~irt+~•nsur~t~ wlth the ~+r~i~c~s~l, th~~t nc~ srns(!iv~ r~nvtr~mm~r,trl im~,ncts nre! Involved
In tho ~+rn~osal; thnt th~ Inltl~~l Study sul,mittcc.l hy th~ ri~t(tioncr Indl~atr.s no
sl~~nlficnnt indt~il~lu~+) or cumulativic e~~vcrsP envir~rn*icntel Irnpncts; nnrl thnt th~e ~I~c~~tive
peclart~tlon 5ubstAflL~~1~.~n~~~1 tl,~ f~rc<~ciln~ fln~iln~•~ is on fil~ In th~ Clt.y of Annhclm
Plnnnln~~ Dr.~nrtr~nt.
Cormi ss lannr flnvl ~i ~~f fcrc~! Rc+;ol ut Inn !~~~. Pf,~'rt-(, nnc! rx~v~~~ f~r I t S nass~iqe anr+ ado{~t i~n
thnt the Anelie(m City Plnnnlnr~ CAmnISS~~n ~1nc:5 hrresGy ~lrant P~titl~n f~r Gcm~!itl~n~l Use
Porr~~(t No. 2~S';, subj~r.t t~ thc c~~,nditlc~n thnt lf thc R~rvtcc st:~tlon is closeci for ~nc
ycAr, tht~t thc ~tructurr.s sh~~ll hc rrn~vr.~l ~nd ~Isc~ t~ tt~r.. ~[(rul~~tinns of th~ ~r.tit.toner
thnt 1pnJscA(~(ny shr,l l h~ provi~lrc', Alon~~ th~ west pr~n~rty 1{nr fr,r 35 fe~t from the
str~et An~l thi~t r~vfsrd 1nr~1gG~lrinq jlIR115 shnl) hc rrvirwed And r~~~t~roveci by th~ PlAnnlnq
Cc~mmISSIOn An<~ SuGJett to (nterele~~artnx~ntnl Ccxhmittee r~cc>~endnt(nns.
0~ ro) l cr~l l~ the forre~~in~~ resalutic~n wt+~ pr5sed hy the fol Ir in~ vate:
A~ES ; C~MMI S51 nrICRS ; EIUaHORE ~ nnvi o, FPY ~ 11F RI~ST ~ K I ~IG, T~L~R
NOF.S : Cc1MM1 SS 10'ICRS : -I~tJC
A[~SCFIT; COIiMi551~11[RS: ttARNI.S
Jeck Whi tc~ Deputy Ct ty llttorn~y~ present~~l [ho writtrn right t~ n~~e~~l th~ P1Anr-in~~
Commtsslon's ~feclsic+n wf tfiin ?: dnys tn anyonc n~t~tricv~d wl th t~ie decision.
Cvmmissl~ncr He;rbst ~iske~f the petitiuncr to initiol thc~ penciled changes ~~~ thN drawin~~.
~RICAL CXCM-'TIO'I-e~.ns5 3 7?~13 W. Uall Re~d~ Annhelm~ CA 9?ii~~~, AGfN'f;
. ,, iiUD 5 I G~a CQMPANY ~ FRED QOYLES ~ 2f~51 Seam~n ~ E 1
Monte~ CA 91733. Petition~r rpquests WAIVEa OF MAXIMUM
SIGN on property desc~lt:e~i as an irregularty-sl~eped pt~rcel df lan<i conststing of
approximetely 2.0~~ acr~s havtny A frontoc~c of apprnximaLely 2n fect on the south side of
Katelle Av~nuc~ havtng a moxlmum ci~rth of approxlmeiely 600 feet~ belnc~ located
ap{~roximately 910 fee~t eASt of the centerl ine of Euc) id Street And further descrlbed as
1(~20 Ketell~ Avenue (Adam b Evc Hee!tt, Club). Prope~ty presently clr~sslflecl CL
The~e wes na one i ndi cot I ng thei r p~esence i n opp~s 1 t lan to sub,ject rr.quest . end al th~ugh
thr s taf f report tn th~ P 1 ann i ng Cummi ss ian daced Janua ry i~~ ~ 19t~0 was nat read nt the
public hoaring, tt is referred to and mt+de a part nf thc mtnutes.
- __._
0( 11 ~oherty ~ 2211~ N. RI cihewoc~d~ Senta Ana sYntcd this vnrtAnce i s req~bst~~l for a sign et
the Euclid Shopring Center for thc haalth cluh; thdt they hevP n hnndicap with the
butldin9 setbacl: 30~ fe~t fror+ F:atelln t~nd that this fs nne o° the maJor buslnrss~s in thc
center wtth 2~ feet af strcet fr~ntAc~r ond r~ 1.O~~QO s~uarc fr_et bulldlnq,
Mr. Doh~rty furthcr explatncr! that ;h~ hu(Icftii~ has 98 fcct of butl~itn~ front~+c~c on
Kate:IlA~ but Aue ca the lot size and conffe~urntion ereat'na nrrrc~w frontacl~s~ a vartenc~
is neccssary. Ne ~rxr~l,~tnccl thc owncr ~f thr centar has ~s1:ed th~m tn Includ' room on
thcir slgn f~r ~i futurr tenAnt s~~ thFrn w(il be no futurc rpq~ies[s tor sl~~n varlances in
this cent~r r~nct thet this stqn wi 11 take car~ nf the(r hul lctinr~ and nlso the ~+roperty on
the west for .~ fut~ir~ [ennnt.
~' ~mmtsstoncr Ilcrhst L.e~1 thc SI7C of thc SA1~E-Q1~ ~n~1 ALaERTSnN s igns, pnlnt(~c~ out
visibllity is from botl~ s(des and nthrr hulldinns are IqCA~!'d 3~n f~ct fron the street and
ancJ Mr. Coherty explai~ed thr_y arc tryln~~ to m~~lch ~ther i~aJ~r '~n~inis' signs in the
ten Le r,
Chat rwaman aarnes ,~sl.~J hc~w many ~acr~ncies tF~ere arc~ in th~ shc~~~ inc~ center And Nr.
Doherty replle~J the only vncancy is thc propc~rty to tt,c wrst.
Cormtsslcx~cr Herf~s[ ~xplatnr~t thttt the 11rhy's rcpre5entattve ha~ used thn s~r-e• argument~
but thcy hAd becn rc~ul rc~d tc- comc ur wi th a smel ler monument-ty;~e s i~n,
Mr. Dohcrty feit that thc confi~7uratlon of the lot with t~~e narrc~w strcet frontagr. w~rrant
thc varlonr.e and Comnissio~er Bush~re exnl~+ine~i that hc had cxprc-s5ed hls oplnio~ durfng
th~ Arby hearing ~and tf,at hc tf~ouqht this pr~~+erty w~c~uld prohably have n hards~l~.
Can-misst~ner Kinn referred to the ritnutes of the mr_eting ~f Uecer-iher 17th of the Arby stc~n
wariancc hearin~ wherc'n Mr, Fezem~~n exr~lained tt~e hcalth club wi 11 be permltted a small
si~n and would requcst a vartance to relocatc the si~n And Asked lf this is Mr. Doh~rty's
understnnding of .i sma) ~ sican.
Frad Boyles~ representine~ the 11ub S(gn Cor~~any~ explained he was at the meeting between
the sh~pping center owners~ hr.ilt~ club re~resentatives and Arbys nncl at that time Arby's
hAd not pronosPd a~nument-type sign and thc concluslon rrachr.d a[ that mecttng by Arnold
Finesteln was that ~nch tenant sh~uld file for A sign variance ~nd there were n~
restrtctlons made on thetr pola sign excepx that they were to provlde space for a fut~~re
tr_nant on the pole and [hat anythin; else impl fed by Arby's Nas incorrect.
Com~nis~ioner t~erbst (ndtcnted he still felt this proposed sign is too lAr~e coripared to
Arby's sign and should be reduced to be rnore cur-~atihle because he did not want to see a
siyntng p~oblem siml lar to Harbor t3ouievard.
Mr. Aoyles ex~lt~(ned th~y hod discussacl the r~RSlhll tty ~f ,~ re-~fuc.~~ s eqn wi th the
shoppinu cent~~r c~wner ~~d that the nwncr had SuqqrSt~d if the sizr of the hralth club sl!~n
had to hn r~~tuced thot thc siqn far tha future ten~nt be r~~lucecf, He explnfncd Lhey want
to match the existin~~ shnp{~In~~ cent~r s(gns .~esthr_ticrlly it Is n~ree,~hle wi r,h the Eucllct
Shopping Center own~rs Ln reducc the sl~e of the sl~n for thc fucurc tenant.
Comnis~lon~r C~sh~re f~ 1 t th~ pr.ti[Ic~ner (s ~ff~r(nc~ t~ rrmov~ thr bactan sign and
i•~t thr, futurc tcnant f i yht for hir~salf tn sce what sl~~n vrr(nncr hP c~n get approved and
Mr. (loyles ~explalnr.d he (s su<~c~~stinc~ rrd~.icln~ thr si~~n, not rl imin~~tlne~ It.
Comr-Isslon~r Nerbst suc~~ested reduc(nr~ the 5{7.C of hoth signs b~c~~usc therP s g~o~1
vfslbtlit,~. He felt pAtrons r.irMinq to a hralth club would not bc those pr~ple driving
dawn the street an~i onc~ tf~ey havc been the~c~ wl) l kn~rw wher~ it (s locAt~d and d(d n~t
hel ievc o s lyn I~ir~~er th~~n at Ic~w~ci by Co~le, Is neccssary. He point~d ~ut the Code ~ermf ts
a~+~-snuarE feet 4(e~n an~ thr proposed sign is 221i-squ~+re f~~ct wh(ch is n~re than five
ttmes the o~~-~unt allowed, He (nd(t~~ted hc would n~t support [his rcqucst unlr.ss it is
reduced t~ e morc reaso~ah lr s ize,
Dcan Shcrer~ 7.oning Re~~PSentativr~ responded t~ nn r.~rlicr questlo~ th~~t thc size of the
Arby stgn ts 23'•squor~ f~Pt an~l thr. SAVF-ON si~~ Ig 11~-1/?. squarc fret,
Mr. Eioyles explalnrd (f fhey wcrn requestinr~ A s(r~n SpCCIfIC(II~V for thc health ~:lub, thcy
would bc rrqucsting a 1"'~-square fc~ot siqn wl~ich is thr_ sa~~ a~s the SAVC-Q~; siqn.
Cammissianer Herhst pnl n~rd ouc the Plann(nq ;.orm~f ss ion warts shoppin~ cPnters to
coordinate thel r s ignln _y nnd others have been r~~ui red to ~1o that for Lh~i r cen~e.rs. Ne
st~~te~i therr. will only bc ~ne rx~re si~~n permittP~i nt this cent~rr• r~nd they legally could
hava 4!1-square feet and he would not supp~rt anythin~ ovcr 1?~-squ~~re fe~~t for a tota) far
both signs becnuse then th is petititmcr would t,avc rx~r~ 5icinar~P th.in anyone else in the
Commissionc~r t~ushore asiced the pet(ttoner if he would iif.e a continu»nce in order t~
rr.desi~n the siyn and M~, E3oylPS repl fed that t irnc~ is an issue in this si tuation. He
stated he would be wlll in~ to accept 12~~-square feet and nllocate ?1~ square feet for the
futurc tanant end el imi nate 1~f1 square feet and that hc ls speaking fo~ the shopping
centcr owner.
Lhaf rw~man ~A~nes pointe~l aut that others have becn speaG:ing for thr shapp(ng centPr ewner
and she would Iil.e to see the Euclid Shoppin~ Center owner sc~lve the problem, She did n~*,
think (t would be in the best intcrest o` ihe future tenant to lfmit them 4~ a:.~~-~:~~,are
foot 5ign.
Mr. aoyles painte~i out t~e cild not thin4: tl~e Pl»nning Commissfon is ~o,ically eonstd~ring
the sign and explatned ~~nin thac he had talked to Arn~ld Flnestein of the shoppinc~ center
and that he hod indicate~l ihe ? frwt by $ fr~o; sign un~icrneath would be given ta fhe
future tenant.
' / 14/8f1
ComriTssioner Ilerbtit indicAted hc would b~ willinq tn ~ff~r .i res~lutic~n ~ivtn~ enth tennnt
4Q-square fcet ~~n~7 felt that wa~ld be a f,itr solutinn beciuse hr did not thln`, the
Conx*-ission shc~uld r~ducc thr~ stze af the future ten.int's si~~n,
Mr. Dof~crty cr~rn~~~~red Arhy's butl~ilny tc~ thcir ?n~~~~ S~~u~rc fool buildin~~ wlth a(ronta~e
of almc,st 1~^ f~~t on I;atell~~ ind setbACk. 3~~ foet fr~~m thr strr.c~t ancl he f~lt th,~t
f~ont~ig~ sl~ould bc talen tnt~ c~nsid~r~tlnn, (Conr~is,sinnrr Herhst suc~~r.st~~i ~~~ sq~~re
fceY far c~~c.h ic~n~nr ) . ~
Chai rwor~an E1arn~s statcc~ s(~~ns f~r this Sr,~n~,r~~, cent~r h~~ve turned int~~ a rr_a) mess ~ind
fr.lt thc petiti~npr n~ust have ~;nown thcrc w~r~ si~n r~strictions (n thc City and the
hurden sl~puid n~t be put on thc CI[y but on the cxvner of the sfi~f~~in~~ ccntcr; ~~nd th~t 1 t
ls the Plennln~ Commisslnn's r!~s~~~nsihillty ta pr~~tect ~very~,n~ in the Ci[Y. Shc stated
she wou1;1 brr In f,nv~r ~~f thc nro~c7sa) .~s su~~ci~,te~i by Co~xnissl~+n~r N~rhst f~r ~,~ spuAre
feet for r.~ch tenant,
Comr~issinnc•r Ilusl,~,rf Askc~i If P11 thcs~ t~uilcltnc~c ,~rc~ ~wnrd by thr sr~mr cx~,ner and It wos
not~d they r-re, fle st~~te~l he I5 n<,t ~»inu to sup~~~rt nny v~rlr~nce c,f th,n Si~~n (lydtnance!.
Hc felt thc si~~nin~7 ~r~~c~sai f~~r thc entfrr, sh~n~,inr, center thould hnvc b~~n seen ~t one
tlmc And f~1t thc Stc~n Ordinar,cc sl7oul~i h~ unhel~i.
Cornmtsstnncr Tal~~r stnte~l thc f inesteins h,~vr <1~v~l~~Pd mAny sl~~n~~inrt centers ,~n~! ~io take
Ch~ attit~de thAt thc ten~nts c~in try t~nd sr_e ~~h~~t ty~e of vttri,~ncns thc•y can qet f~r
5i~~ntn~7. I!e fr,1t ([ i~~ rr.~s~n.~blc th~3t A t+~n~nt wit1~ lnn fc~~~t ~f huildinr~ fo~te~c shc~uld
hAVC a l~rc~er s(~~n ~~ne1 fe1 t f t shr~uid hivr h~en ~1~nr w1 th the nv~rnl l pr~ject wi th on~
ma~Jor sigr. Ile S~FlL"~! I[ ar~e~rs there Is sr.m±c: just~fle~tlon fnr ~~~n,ic+~ratl~n of ~
I~ryer si~;n wi th the sc~u~~+r~ foota~~e ir~v~~lved, He as~Pd the si zc ~f bul ldinn for the
f~t~~rc 'enant, with hr, Lbhcrty rcply~nq (t wnul!! prn~ ~hly hr nF>out f~~~'1^ c~uarr. feet.
~ornmissinnc~r (i~sshar~ stAt^~1 ihe Co~issiar h,~~+ *.h~~ o~~~tunity tn r~puirc ~~n overall rlan
a^~1 ~~w ;~~c nK,r~~ ci~~~~ortu~ity has bc~• cllm' ~f nn~1 ~hls tcnnnl hAS ~~~t th~ blgc~est
prab ~r,~, of ,~l I ar+~ :,,~rer~c! that h~ does ittlr considcrntion. Hc stated that he
knvld n~~t wznt •~~ rn,~t;r a futurc •enant s~,t a~iecision th~~t ~s m~de today, Ne
itatr: hc co~,l •~,~*_ ~~~pnor: thi ~P~ur_S[ Aid t. ~ felt that sn overt~)1 plan fo~ the
en;i rc ccntr. r is rcAde,1 rathcr ~, n this I~od~c-p~,d,e oF si~~nin~,
Nr. Boyies sta*~ •c cn~:ld supply a let[er from the sh~nptng c~ntrr owner th~t [here will
b~ nomorr. s(~an viri ancr_s re~ucsted. Ne e~x~l~ined h~ understands that the siqn laws are
besed oe ~~ to 1 r~~rir~ on tti~r front fcx~tage of the lot frc-nt~g~~ and this lot
confiy~rotii>n wit-, ,~ strcet f•~ntflge of 2n f~~t is vPry rarr_,
Commissior.r.r ti~:rbSt ~,ointF~i o~.it chat therc is a requirc~me~nt to have 3~~ feet between signs
on onc 1~t and tne way thFs nroperty has ~ecn divided creat~s the problem,
The Cc~-~isslon brtef~y discussed A l~t:er which hed been recelved from the shopping center
own~r ~n~! (t was noted the lecter basical~y staied that this would be che last sign
proposec! for the sliopping cPnter wlth rex~r le`i on this palc for the future tenant.
Commissionc~ Tolar Asked why this size sign would be ncc.essAry pointin~ out thAt thts type
of use ciocs not get drlve-IR trafflc ~nd eskr.d what tt~ty ho~,cd t~ acccxnpltsh wlth a sig~
this lerge,
~~ , ~
Mr. Boyles ~xpt~lned the advertlsl~~g potenttal of the slgn with 22~(l~fl vehicles trAVel inc~
the aver~ege strect ~nd those are ccrosidered as exposures or forms af Adv~rttsl~,g and thAt
cven th~ugh e pcrsnn m~y nat stop at [ha[ mc~mcnt~ they wlll rem~mher the 5~'~n at n future
date and s•.rclstics show 6 to 11:, of t.hr. gross snies Is from this typc of advcrtistng.
Hr. Boyles rrferred t~ the hirlcfen bullt-tn cc~sts ~f st,~rtin~ a new~ business an~i the tlme
IC takes t~ ~vcrc~rnF thc: initial stert,u(~ cost Anci wlthout si~ns F~ buSlnc*55 mus[ count on
ycllc~i pa~PS~ brochurr.s~ word of mouth~ ptc. Ile expl~~ined h~ 1{ves in th~ Clty of Lavcrne
which h~s conscrvativ~ sl~.~n l,r~s and In ~ shc~~~i(~g cent.,r cinsc to his ~~onx~ with 17.-
uni ts ~ thcrc ar~ ~~ vr~cancics ~in~1 thcrc hav~ heen a fAi lurrs 8nd h~ fel t ~.~rt ~f this
f.~ilure could br. beseJ an built-in hiclden cr.sts and th~ sinn laa~s not ellowing sl~ns to
advcrx(se to thosc 22~~~n c~~rs p~ss(ng in on~ day. He~ stated th~t they flre esking for
what th~ Sav-~n and Albcrtsons f,~cilltles hav~ becaus~ they arc ~lsn ma~~r tenr~nts. Ne
pointed c.~ut ~ic~a(n [hnt he coulri nrovide a I~tter fr~m ihe Arn~ld Construction Campnny
indlcatiny that thcre w~uld bc no futurc rec~uests for varianc.es.
It wAS notc~l thc Pl.innln~ Q( rer_tor ~r his auth~rizcd ret+r~s~nlatlve has determined that
the ~roposea ~,rnjrct falls within the definitiun of f,atecl~ri~al Excm~t.lons, ClasS 3q ~'~s
def i ned in p.ira~raph ? of [h~~ C 1 ty of ~nahelm F.nv i ronm~ntal t r+x~act Repcirt Gui d~ 1 1 ncs And
is, thcreforc~ catcg~rically exerpc from thc rr.nuirc~rrnt tr~ ~~rc~~~re rn f.IR.
~CTIOtJ; ~om~isslr~ncr Her~~st ~~fferecl RtSOIutS~n tlo, PCP,~-'; and nK,ve~1 for it3 pASSA(~f` .~~~i
ac~tTon~ tha[ thc An,~heir~ City Planniny Corr~l•,Sion dc-es herchy ~rant ihe Petition for
Variance ,Jo, 31:f, in part, ~rantinc~ r~ 75-squr.r~ frx~t si~r f~r che tenants ~f subJect
prorerty and 4;-sc~u~+re fret si~;n to thP futurc t~nant ~f thc ~ro~erty to the w~•st; subject
verl~~nce bcing yranted on the basls of thr. unusu.il sha~e c,f suhject nrop~rty~ wlch n~rrow
strec; fronte~ic and or thr hasls Ch~[ drninl wo~~1d ~ienriv~ Suh.jr.ct ~rnp~rty of ~rlvlleges
cnJc~yeJ by othcr pr~~wrtics on Iclcntical tnnin~7 c l~~ssifi!;atl~ns in the vicinlty .ind
Sub.jeCt to Intcrdepartr+x~ntal forrnitt~~• reGUmrx~nd~lti~n5.
On r~ll call, the fore!7oin~~ resolutlon was pa5s~c1 hY the f~llnwln~ vnte:
AYF.S : COM~tI SS If1I;EFtS : ~AR!ICS, t3U5~~ORE ~(1~V1 U~ FRY ~ HEPEIST ~ Y.I NC ~ T(1L~~R
tiO~S : COMNI S51 ~NCRS : I~O;~E
ABSE'~T: C!!Miil`.,SIG~IF~~S: ~~~'?~
RECESS Thc meet(ng was r~ccssed nt 3:1~ p•m.
qECf?'lVCNE The rneetln~a was reconvened at ~:3> P~"~•
E I R N~ IVE DCCLAMTIO!: 23 drookhal lpw ~, Santa Ana CA 9?.7~?. A~FNT:
~ 0, zn3J LUTHEP. IIA'.~ARp ~ ~ ~~,~VIt~S~ "?4 Cslle Venado~ Anahetm~
CA 97.t177, Petl; ~. ,~r renuests pertnlssion to PFRNIT
A-~ AUTOMOBIIf i',EP11iR FACILITI' 1~1 Tf1E Ml ZOMF ON pro~erty
described as an trre~ul~~rly~shaped parcel of land consllting of epproximately ~,," acres
ht-ving ~ fron!age of ~pproximatcly 1~0 feet on the w~est side of Sant~ Cruz Str~• ', having
a maxtmum depth of a{~proxim~t~ly 125 fe~t. and beiny locc+ted approxim~tcly 17t1 north af
the centerline of Paclfico Avcnue. and further d~scrtbed as 18Q~ South 5anta Cruz Street.
Propcrty presentiy ct~~sslflcd as ML (INUUSTRIAL~ I.IMtTED) ZONE.
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,~: ~. _. ., . ., ; ,,., s i ~~~, i r i , a~~ ~ i ~~.~! ~ii ~;~ 1 ~
` ~~~ .r c~x~~~~lative ~31~P~SC environr+rr.;al imr~ct
• 1i ~~ ,. ~. •••~~ ,~f Ili~;, (IC~~rJ~ I •/~. JU~ IH/t!t ~~~n sfr..n (hM I~r1,~~!!If" ~,enerai ~~(1-1 CjNS~QIIAtCS
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: t. .~~~~~:~ ~.~~1•~~ ti.~~.u~ l~ .lfr inv~~lv~d ir~ Cl~r ~rO OSA1• h~
P , t t Lhe lnitial Study
' •_ ~ .. ~~i~i,~~~-~ I~„II~„t~s r~~; sf~i~ific.r,nt in~i(vl~iual ~r cumul~tiv~ ~dv*~sr
' ' ' ~+. la r al~~) 1~~r~1 (f~~ !1!!ijef ~ VP f~rc.lar~-t lon substant tatinq t~1~ f'~fr@(1C1~~1cS
,,. : , • ' ~.. ~., -1~~~ 1 ~~,~ ~~t /~~i,ihr.lr„ Pinn~~ii~r~ nepartmrnt.
: ,,,, ,~ _;,~r. r..., i~~:,r~l~,tl~~n N~~. f'(.iS~--1 and rr~v~d f~r its p~ssage nnd ndc+ptian~
. ~ ~~~. .~.~ i' ~:s~~~ I l~~{ ( uuM~i~ SS ~i~ii ~1~ieS -It~l"P~~Y qr~int thC Pet ( t ton f0~ CA11(~I L I0111S)
~ "'- ,,~ ~ ,, ,.a j: ,~ t;, ~i~~: ~~e~t I t I~,,,rr'w st I~,ul~ttnn that al l work. wl 11 bP
, r ~. '• ~. ~ . 1.~..1 ~~(}' di~(~ ~!~t:lC 1v~ ~ ~ ~~R' l~~1 C>ll~(~(X~f SZf1~8QP and SUh_jPC< <n
, . . . . , ~ i t t;::: rr.c.i~c~.~;ui~~l~it 1 ~~i~a.
~ ~ ~ , , ~~ ,, ,~, i~,y t.•s~~l~~ti~~r~ way ,aw~~~~1 b
I' y the• f~! lc~wtnq vote:
' . : , ~ , ~ ~ ~;~ . •~'.• : «AKNE ~, HU`;fli~Rf ~ UAV 1 U, F'RY ~ NE RE?ST ~ TQIAP.
~ „ :, . . , ; ,.. ~ ,. .', . ';~~ :k
, . . , . : , '„ , , ~;.~. ~:, , . I '. ~
:~~,, . . „ ~ . .~, ~~ :..•c~~s., t~~ Lh~~ a,a4 in~
MINUTES. Af1ANCl11 CiTY PIAN~~itlG C~MMISSIO~I, JANUf1PY 1~~~ 1'l~~ ~~"71
Ther~ waS n~ onr i n~11 crt:) ng thcl r~+r~sencc I n ot~-~~~s i t i~n tn giih ir.ct rc~urs t~ ~~nd al t1~~uqh
[hc stnff rtC~rt t~~ thc P1~nnin~J Co~mi~5s1~>n d<~te~1 J.~nuary 1~~~ 1~"~ was nnt rc:~d .~t the
publlc hcarlii~, it Is referr~cl tc~ anci M~i~1c n~.irt of t-,r minutcs.
Commissloner Klne~ d~clared n cc~nfl ict o1 inter~st r~s de~finec+ hy An~~h~im L(t~ Pl~inntne~
Commisslon Res~~lutlo~~ Ilo. F'C7r~-1'>7 a~foptfn~~ ~~ Confl ic.t of Intcrest GodP for the Planning
Commissi~n and Gc~vcrnmc~nt Codc ~cction 3r?~;, rt se~i., i» thnt hr. cywns P~r_Iflc l.t~ihtin~~
Corporntlon Stoel: .~n~f ('acific Li~~htin~~ o~•ms Dunn i'~~,prrties ~in~~ ~ursu~int t~ th~
prov~ sions af thr .ib<~ve f,n~les ~ dccl ~irc<! t~ tl~r Cha( rr~.in th,it hc was wi th!1r~~wing f r~ thc
hc.irln~; In tt~nnr~ctir~ri wlth Can~litic~n~il Usc Pr.rr~tt No. 2~3I rnd ~~il) not take t~~~rt In
elthr..r the di5cussion or t~~t: vr,Lin~i th~~re~n nn~l f~ns nr~t rl{SC~ ~tic~~ th(s r~.ittcr wlth any
membcr of Lhe Pl,inn+nc, C~~~~~~i~~Si~n, Thcr~•u~nn ;,~rm,i~sinn~~r 1:lnn 1~*`t tl,c C,ounell Ch,~mhe~~
~,t 3:3~~ ~,.~.
Sam [tevlns, peti t1~>nrr~ wa5 rrr~:rnt to ansoicr ~nv ~~u~^st.i~~n5.
THC PUElLIC 11EAR1};~, ut15 C:.O~E`1.
CommI551c~n~r lierl,st r.l,irifir~l t.'•:+t .'-11 wc~rl. will hc c~~n~fuctc~l irisl~!e tF~~• f,~cll{ty with nn
outdoo~ Stor~~~r and -ir. Cr.vin5 Inc~ic~t~~l Lhcy h:~~l r~,~<1~~ ,irran~~eMC~ts wif-7 i tciwln~~ S~rvice
to tcw thc vchi c'r.s .~rcl st~'~rr thcm ~~t anc~ta,rr l~c~~t i~~n. Ilr rx~l,~inc~1 ,~i 1 wc,rt~ wl 11 b~
done Insidc. ~IF ~xniain~~! t.~at thev will havr ~ ch:+~n-lin~ f~n,.~ wi;~i r~ciw~c+cJ SlAts And
pres~ntc~~ ~hntrir~rArhS ~~,f t+~~~ ~rc;~~rtv.
l1CilON: CnrK•~15sf~,nt~r :t~.i;No!'e ~ffere~l a rxition~ 5econ~lr•~1 hy Corxnir,~;l~~nrr !l~rbst and M(1TION
'~]~p"{?'i'~b (C~r*ril ,5ic,ncr Y,in<: brin~ r+l'~5~nt1 tf~~it thc !`~nahcir•~ Clty Pl,innin~ Commissi~n has
reviewrd the p~r~n~•,-.,~1 to G~c~n..it ~n a;~tc~~x~hilr rc^~+.~Ir facility in the +11. (Industr{A1~
Limited) l.r~n~~ r~n an firrr.,r~ularly-sh~i~cd ~~~rr_rl ~~f l~r~c1 cr,ntistinn o~ ~Pnr~,xiMaxely ~.25
ec~e h~ivin~.r a 4rr~ni~`ir~ r.` ~~PE~rc~rirn.it*~1'/ 1~^ fc•rt c+n th~• w~st 5~~1~ ~f Santa Cruz Street
having i7 f~1-.7:IP"U~I ~ir.nt"~ cyf ahpr~~r.im~t~•ly 1?`. `~~ct an~1 hcin~ t~c:+tr~1 ippror.ima•ely 17~ feet
n~~th of th~~ ~entr!lln~ nf P~cifico ~ ve•nui~; .r~1 c1r~r=, hcrc4iy .~nprov~ the -le~etive
Dcel~~ratlc~n frrr•~ ch~~ rrcauircr~~~nt to pr~~,ire ,~n cnviro~rx•nti~ irn~ar_t rc•rort on tht b~si5
th~t thrrr. woulrf b~^ ric~ SI~n1fICAnt ind~vid~~%•~1 or ~~m~l~itive adver5e cnvlronment~l impact
dur_ t~ th.r. a~t~'"~~y~ "~f this Nr.c;~~tiv~ Drclar.~tic~n slnc~ the An,~helr.. ~eneral Pl~n desi~nates
thr S~+b jr.Ct ~:~rc,~r,rty for genr.•r~il t~~d~~s* ri ~! I.~n;t usrs ccrnmensur.'~te w~ th thr. proposal ; thyt
no scnsir.ive envfr~~~r~c:nt~~ im~,~ttS ~rr. fnvnl~~cd in thc rrn~o5.~1; that thc InltiEl Study
subrhitt~d by tfie netf-.tc~ner indfc.~~t~r, rtio s~~~nific~~nt inAivid~uol ~r cur'!ulativ~ adverse
enviranrnrnt.~l ir~nar;t~.; Anci that the -~~r„atlv~ Geclar~tican subst~~~t.i~tinr, t~+A fore~oinc~
~'indinc~s is on fi Ic in chc ~lty of Rnihri~~, ~'l.~nning Drnartment.
Cparr~issi~rnFr E3u4`~~>re offrrr~i PP~ol~itlr+n hs~, PC4~-7 ~nd mnv~d for its p~ssnc~e rnd adoption~
[hit the An~helr~ 4{ty Pl~~nr~lny C~"iSSioiz cioes herr.bv ~r,~nt the Petitic~n fo~ Co~ditlonal
tlxc P~ermlt ~~o. 2~37 suhjhr_t t~ t.hc Cekiti~~rr'S StipuZ~tinn th.at ~~l w~~~: w(11 b~
tqnductrd insi d~ the fAC.i ~Tty ar~~ *.herc wi 1) hc nc outclcx~r storrc~r ~nd 5uhjrct to
Int~~:rdrn~~rt~^~~nt•~l Lo-m'tttec rr.eomr~x~nd.ytions.
Qn rol l ca11. t~~e fcsrr+}~~i~~g resoluciun was nassc-d by thr fot Scywtng vale:
a~rJF.S : C~rth~ I SS I o~~~RS : 7~4'~C
Cornmissic~ner Y~inc~ ~eturne~1 to th~ rr-~etiny.
1TCN N0. 1~ PUfil.ll: HEARING. OWIIER; P11UL T, ~i~rATn~ MOt~ICl1 F~
Cir CATEGORICAL EXE:Mf'TIQ-~ CLASS 3n t~l1Gl1T~, 2`3!~ Pasen R,1~ Dl~inc~~ Anaf~elm~ CA 9~~07.
~ ~ . , AC,CNT: EII,UE RIB130N OUII.DERS~ I'iC.~ 113; W. Katelia
Avcnu~~ ~~ane~~~ CA ~?E,G7, Petit.loner requests wAIVE.R OF
pr~perty described as a rcct,inyularly~5F1A~~~I parcPl of land consist(nq ~f approxlmately
5~00 squorc f~et having ~ frontage of np~r~xirnntely ~~ fcet cx~ tl~r. west sidr. of Pesea Rio
dl,~nco, having n m.~ximum de~th of apnroxim~itr.ly ln~ f~et~ hefn9 lotatecl approximatt~ly 10~
fce~ south of the centcrline of Camina N~inT,~n~, ~nd furthcr dcscribed ns ?ft~ Paseo Rta
D1Anco. Property presently classific-l aS-~~?~C(`,C) (RF_SIDENTI~L~SIt~fLF.-F/1HILY) ;0~lE.
Th~re waf no orir. i n~il cat ing tlie i r prese^nce i n Q~~OS I L I Of1 tn sub i~ct request ~~nd al though
the staff re~ort to thr_ Planning Comr~is~ lor~ dated „anu~~ry 14~ 1~38f1 was not rwad at thc
publie heAr(n~~ it ls referred tn ,~n~i m,~c1~ a p~rt ~>f the minutes.
Paul laagot~i~ c'~wner~ was ~~resent t~ ansv-rr any qucst(ons.
Commissioncr Elarnes ~~sb:~d the sizc of thc house at the ~~resen[ timc and whether or not the
nci~hbors obJec[ tc. this requcst with Mr, Ne~ata ~o(nting ~ut tt~e huuse is 14SG square
feet and tn~llcate,l that his r~eighh~rs e1~~ not ohject.
It was notec! the Pl~innln~ Dircctor or his nuth~rizrd re~~r~~sentative has detcrmined th~~t
the proposcri pro.ject f~l Is wl thin the def ini ti~n nf Cate<anrical f.xen~tians~ Clas~s 3, os
def I ned in pnragr.~~~h 2 af the Ct [y ~f Anahe~i m Envi ronn~ntal I mnact Report Gul de) i nes and
ls. thcrefore~ catc~toric~lly exempt fre^~ the re~~ulre~-Fnt t~ nret~arc an EIP.
AC1'I~1~: Commissioner Klnq offcrcd Ftesolutlan No, FCF~-n ~nd mnv~d for ~ts ~assage and
a~tTon that thP An~~hcir~ City Plannin? Comr~tss{on cioes her~hy qrant Petition fo~ Verl~nte
lla. 31?8 on the basis of the I imi tcd s i r.e of t~r. nronerty ~~~~i cornt+ar~c± wi th other lots, in
the area the percentage (s insigniftcanc, a~,c1 subJeci to Interr!epartmrntal C~rrxnittee
Chairwc.~tnan Barnes indicate~.1 shc wouid lit~e [he str~trrncnt that !he requcst ls instgnificant
removed f mm the Resolution becausc there could be instances wtyerc (t wc,uld be signlflcant
end Cormi551oncr lGin~~ a~reed t~ rer~ove It.
On roll call~ the fore~oin~ rt~,olut.fon was passcd by thc falla~ing vnte:
AYFS; C~t~1tIS51~'~f?S: DAR'IES. BUSNf^E, UA\'ID~ ~RY~ Hf.R05T, F;I~lG~ TOLAP
IiGES : C(?MNI ~5 I O~IERC ; NO'!E
HI t~UTlS ~ ANAIIE I M C i TY P...' Iltl I ~JG CQMM) SS I 0~1 ~ JAIlUARY 1~~ ~ 1~8~ $0-?.3
ITC'~ N0, 17. Pl1E3LIC 11EAPINC'., Ob!'~CRS: onvin a. Il~lU NA~lCY C~ MELLO~J~
~(`~ C~1'C~ICAL EXCMPTION CLI155 3El PA~L A. AtIU N11tlCY J. 1J/1Tf.R-~A~I~ ;33~' E:ast 1lcst~ldc~e~
RE:CIASSIF~Cl1 ~nri ~lp. 7'-- ~-2~ Ornnc7r~ CJ~ ^2(~F>~', ~~CNT; P11UL !1. WATERMAN~ 1`;t~ WP;t
ChanmAn Avenue ~ Ort~ng~ ~ C~ `12~~(~~~, Pet t t loncr requcsts
thnt r~rc~~~rty described as a r~ctangulc~rly-shaped
p~~rccl of )and c~nsistinc~ ~f ap(~roximatcly 17.~;~~ snuflre fcct locitc~l rt thc s~uthwest
corner of North 5trec:t end Cast Strr.et, I~av(n~ frnnt~ic;~s of apnr~xtmotc~ly 157 feet on the
s~uth s(dc c~f t~~rih Str~~et~ r+nd flnrroximac~ty 8n fe~~~t on thc west sidc of East Strect~ and
furthcr rtcscrihed as J>i Nortl~ E~-St Strr_et he reclr~5sifie~i fr~~ PS-72nn (RE517Et~TlAL~
There were four ~ersnn5 In~!lc.~itin~i their ~resence (n on~~sit(c~n to suhj~ct request~ and
alth~ugh the SCeff renort t~~ th~ f`lannin~ f,or~is,i~r, d~~teci J~nu.~ry 1~~~ 1~"~~ w.~s not read
at th~ rublic he.~rin~, it 1~, rrfcrre~f t<> an~! m~idc a nar[ ~f thc -*inutr„
P~iul WaterMnn, llqent,, w~s ~re5ent ta ,inswrr ~iry ryu~stl~ns,
Larry Turr~>.n~ J' J horth East atree:~ exnlrin~~c! hr (5 not r~~lly o~~~~5~~1 to h~~vinq
sornethln~; r.!4:,ve ic;T~~•d in the n~ iqhbonc~-ad to ir~rmvr i t~ but F~e wa5 CnnCr~rne~1 ~bou~ trafflc
con~~esti;~n .~t L-~.~t c~rn~r sincc it is Hlrc~d•y vr.ry d~nqcrous ~~ith EaSt~La Palrn~n,and North
Greatir~iry bnsi~~lly five intc•rs~~cti~~ns. Ite w~s rlsci c~ncerned ah~ut eddl[lont~l pron~rtles
in thr. ,~rea hcin~ rMZnncd~ ~~~int(nry out his nro~crty only ht,s one w~~y in ~nd onc way out
ond th,+t L~~~ c.urr~ntly rn~~krs n u-turn in his frr~nc yflrc' t.<~ qet out. Ile stAtcd h~ would
lik~~ tc~ ~c~c ,~ much l.~r~~~r-~c.alrcl ~r~~(~•ct for d~v~lor>inc~ ttic ~ntirP hloc~. Simllla~~ !o wh~t
is 5+~(n~~ dc•~nc downtown by Redevclopme~nt. He refc~r~~: tn the dPdicAtinn re~uired for
w~.lc;,~inr~ E,S,t Street and w~±~s concernr.d hec.iuse hi5 residrnce is anly 3~ fcet from the
stor~~: .~t th~ pres~~~t tir~ ih~ tr~~ffic noisc is horr~nclous and h~ fr_lt wiCh the 5treet
wi~lenc~c; ir. the future, thr.rr woul~! he even Iess dist~inc~ hetwr.en hls ~r~p~rty an~ f.hr
strcet Incr~~s (n~~ ;h~ nnISC,
M~, CuAdro, st~itcd hr owns pr~~erty nt 733 -~orth East Strr.~t which his st~ns~n rcnts and
h~~ has a 1nt nf tr~uhle ~~~ttinn in aret out of his ciriv~ bec~-us~ of the traffic. fie stated
hr. has nc, objecti~ms to imprnvcr~ents~ but felc the whr>lr area needs to he rezonea to
comnrrci,~+l uscs or multipl~-far~ily USC'S.
Corriissiorcr lir.rh,t p~intrd vut thc sub}ect nrorerty hes a ncnerAl ~lan designatton af
law-nedium dFnSity ~~n~~ De~~n Shercr~ Zonin~ Ret~rpsent~t~ve~ exnl~ined the fencre) Plan
desi~natfc-n ~r.[cnds al l thc way down f.ast Strcet an~.i t`~at the pronertics to Che south
w~~ui~f requlre ~~ ~~r.ncr~~l ~,l~n ar~rnclrxnt fo~ rr.znnin~.
Carm~(ssic,n~r Nerhsc ln~:icntcd I~e felt that [he wholc ~r~a iS ~ssi~ty rc2dy f~or a general
plan ar-~ndment 5o that Lhis w~uld not be spot zonin~.
J Im Luccy ~ 1: 1 J Et-st La Palrk~~ stated he is sp~'~~.in~ for reo{,Ic whci l ive on La Palme and
thc arc~~ tu the north c~f sub ject {~ra~erty. Ifc r~ferred to th~ e~A~t~'~nt5 tc, the south and
wCSt al~ng the rAilroeu tracG, betNr.~n tlorth ~nd Sycamore which have turnrd into slums~
polntl~~g out that sin~1P-f,ir^i ly ciwci l ings betwcen thr.r~ are a buffer and ehat thcy would
{I~;e ta ~.eep thc area Chat way; tha[ the are.~ has a hiqh cri~ rat~ with A lat of po~ice
MINIiTE:S, ~NANEIM CITY PLA~iiiING Cl1MMISSI0t1~ JI1t1Ul1RY 1~~~ l~~t) Rn-24
FIR C!+TE~~P,ICAI. f.XEMPTIOr~-CLASS 3a, P.CCLIISSIFICATIOt1 It~. 7~^"~-23 ;cnntinue~l~
actlvi ty; tht~t he h~d henrd thcrc is a probleri wl th i 1 l~g~~l .~1 {ens, etc. ~~~nd thcy f~l t
this prc-Jec:t w~uld cncourr~ct~ slmillr~r ty~ac activ(t(cs.
Nike Nolfln~ 1'1?K G~st Ilarth Strcr:t~ inme~Jl.~tc•ly adjacr.nt tc~ suhjrct ~r~~erty~ reFerred t~
thc r.oninq ~f thc Gener~~l Plan ++nd ~is~:c~t -~hat this f~r~i~~ct would do [o th~ valuc of his
praperty wl~ich ts ~ sinhlc-f~imiiy dwc111ng. Ilc was Als~ c~nccrn~d Ahnut the ~nrages
prcinased to facc ~lorth 5treet with Add~ci traffic n~ise nncl r.xh.iu~~t fun~e5 which t~uld
po5slbly d~iM~gc his fruit trccs and nthcr ve~~rtatlon, fle felt thc proJect wnuld h~~ve ~'+
Jetrlrx~ntal eff~~ct ~~n his pro~erty~ As wcll as ~tl~cr h~uses In thc neiqhh~rh~~d And stated
f r~~kly hc does nc~t w.~nt t~ bc I~catr.~1 adj.~cent t~ a~~-unl t~ip~'~rtm~nt c~mrlex ~~nr1 1 f I t Is
approve~d he• wc.~uid likc t~ s~c s~~m~ typc of f~nein~ to SPp~r~tc th~ prrncrtics.
Nr. Lucey st•it~~~l thc Com-~is~.i~~n should cc~nsf~ler thc~sc ~~r~~crtv vwners who wAnt to ~tav and
ilvc on thcir ~ra~~rty ~~nd wh~~t this would dn to th~ir pruCcrty vilue and pofnted ~ut that
sub.ject pro~~erty Is, n~t wcl l' c{~t ~~: the {~res~~nt [iric.
Mr. W~~term~~n 5t.itecl Lhe ~c~lnts br~~unl~t up by the i~pp~sition wer~ very v~~lid and he aqreed
that the area ~r~ the 1~n~~-r~~nc~r nicturr ~hould l>~~ ch.~n~iec~ to «~U~LI~IP-family. He polnted
out a lot of thr ~r~p~rtias in th~• ar~r+ currc~ntly are. rentecl; that it is not f~,~sible t~
eonstruct a sin~~lc-f.irii ly homc~ on thr ~~rc~~erty hc~c~'-us~ ~~ th~ cona[ructl~n c~st, thc
traffic an~l the .~lre~.i~ly encroacF,inc~ dFV~loprient5 such is thr service st.~tinn ~-nd [he
eonvenicnce stc~rc, Ilc st~+tc~7 tliere Is a nccd f~r cux~cl rent.~l c~r c~ndnr~ini~m-ty~c~ h~usinq
and [h~t this ~rc~p~~s~il (s a Cownf~ousr ty{~c-dc~sir~n for -~~rm~nrnt h~usin~~ wI[h twn-c~'+r
c~Arac)rs~ It~undry :~rcas, ctc. Ne s[Atcd thcy ~~rr t~yin~ t~ maint<~in ~~n ~xistin~ ?~-yeAr
old h~~use .~n~i u~nrade It in~t tie (t In nrchitcctur.~lly with this nr~)cct; [hrt therc is
alsci ~'- trcc c~n this slt.~ whic:h thcy honc tn n~~+int~~ln. Hc fcit this 15 ~~ood ~+lannin~ for
this net~ihborh~~oci .in~i is ~c~t an ex[rer~ riaximur~ use uf the n~~r~rrty. Hc ~lici not think
t~afflc wi ll bc increased drasiic.illy and ex~+~Ained tf~r.y .irr ~1cclicitin~ eascnTents to ease
th~ traffic conqestl~~n nn E.'+st Strr~~t whicl~ Is ~~ rrohl~r~, anL *,he str~~t wi Il be wid~~ned
~o n11NVlake pedcstriin '~ar.~irds. Ile st~~trc~ t-~Pr~• 15 ~m cxistinr) w.~11 c~n nnc si~1r ~~~ !:~c
pmt.c~rCy and that they wc~uld crnStruct N8II5 ~~s rcc~uir~~1,
Comnl,sioncr fli~rhst ~s~•ed if tl~err was anY nr~hle-r with the helghc c~f the builclinq and
Dean ;herer, ic~nln~i P,erresc:ntative, cxplained that thc ;%ctitic~ne~ is ~~ro~nsinc~ <~
sub[erranean-ty(~c: n~'~rE.ing 5ltuiti~n ~nJ half ihc hei~ht wil) br G~low the existin~i g~~de
and th~it this woul~l be considered e on~-st~ry structurP and wc~ulc! not requtre a variance.
Commissi~ner Qusl,c~re was concr.rned t-~ac the ~radr eoul~! he lc~wrred simi!Ar t~ ~n~ther
proJect on E~st Street a~d Llncnln. He ~'so ~7s~e~'• if windows ~~rc prop~seci on the west
5 i dc .
Annika 5antal~hti ~ ~SSistant Ui rnctor for 7aning~ r~xplaine~i th~-~t t+~is could be h.~ndled
Hith a eon~fition that [hc ~~rad~. sh~uld b~ caleulatcd at t~e ~ro~~riy linc•s, ~~~ that thc
property would not be bu11t ur ~~t the crntr.r of the ~roject.
Mr, usterman~ statc~% th^rc ar~ no windows on the wes[ anJ ex~lained the garages are 1/2 a
stery bclc~w !11'Adr.S ~nd the 1/2 l~vel r~~rtiuns of ttic unlts will he ovcr the gar~ges and
will fACe Lhe street and not overluok the adjacc*nt t~ropertE~s AncS will c~m~ly with all
MI NUTES ~ 11NAHE 1 M C I TY PLANN I f~G COMM I 55 I Ot! ~ Jl1NUARY 1~~ ~ 19R~ ~10-25
EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMf'TIO~_ ~-CLlISS 3D~ RECLASSI~ICA~'1011 tl0. 7°-~'~-23 (cantlnucd)
requlrer~ents; thot the lot ts currr.ntly built u(~ appraxlmAtr~ly thrcr. f~rt and w:~l be
graded ciown three feet; onci thnt thr drsign is tu m~~.e the pr~i~~ct lnok Ii~.e a ntc~
tawnh~uss apnrtrrx~nt; +~nd each unlt wtll hav~ tts owr, ~ntry an~l thr untts arc deslc~ned for
permanent livin~, Ile st~tc•~1 therr. ls n n~ed for this ty{~c ~f unit fn th15 arc~,
ChAirw~~man 4Arnes ~~sl:ecf ~hnut the existin~~ wall nncl it r~as notc~~! frc~m the audience th~t
the w~l) un tl~c soutl~ is apprar.tmatr.ly f(vn f~ri hi~f,,
h1r. W~tcrm~~n fclt they wi 11 b~ u~~yr~din~ tl~c area c~n~1 that ~~any of tl~e reSidences in the
area ar~ nicr ~,Innle-f,~mi ly ho~es~ but m.~ny nf thr_r~ ~~r~ bcinc~ rPntcci ~nd not bcin~ well-
kept and tl~r. nci,ht:onc~~a~i (s c~rrently in n cnnriitlon ~~f ch~~n~~r,
Jay Tasl~ir~~ llssocf.~t~ f l:~nner~ r.x~l,~fnr.d thc~ General P1an ~si~nat~s th~• ~~rea frontinc~ on
East anci Nc~rth Strcets a5 r~clium denslty r~sldr.ntf~) and it is nnt fe~sihle to develo~
slnc~le-frmily hcx~~as frontin~~ c>n ~sn ~rtE~rial hir~hhroy~ .~nc1 nl~,~ i ~rx-imerci~l off(ee propasal
h0d her.n a~rroveJ ~in Eest Str~et souih of this mm~erty.
Jay Ti[us~ Office En~iinecr, c•;c~l~ir-ed Cas[ Str~e:t is c.urrently ;' feet wid~ ~nd the CiCy
wi I1 t.~~;e ~~1~~fict~tt~~n In ~~rdcr ta widr~n f t t~ ~i~ fc~et And t'~at therP ~~re ~o wrrent nlans
for movln9 thc exiSrin~~ ir~~r~vcrrnts. (It w~~s n<itt~~1 th~t ~.~r4inq 1S linited on East
Street at [h~• ~~rrs~ t tir~c,
Cc~mmiSSi~nr.r Sushc.,rP ~~sG:c~i thc merits of the driv!n•~ays fac(nn North Stre~et and Jr~y Titus~
Offi~e fn~inc~r~ ex~~laln~~d Cn~ic rer~ulrc~5 ACCt~ss to 5c t.~+k.cn off thc nuhlic alley lf thert
is ~n allry .~v~~il~bl~~ hut thrr~ is nn ;-llFy av~ilrk~lc at this l~catinn,
Dean Shernr, Zoninc; Renrr.sr.nt~tivc~ stat~d thcre are instAnccs where ~~ulti-fnmily unlts
with front.~~~es on ~~,cdlca~c~l c,11ey~ taE:c access to ~r.rE_ing froc~ thc allcy~ ancl cArport
struet~res would h;~ve side entr~nces~ and in this tnstance the petlti~mer is propasfng
four tndfv(dual cir~,orts or driveways off I~ort.h 5[rr.e[ becaus~ there is nn other access to
the p~irG.ing an~i the Cod<~ is +~rt in this ins[ance, but It was Staff's desire to alert the
Comtnl5sion t~ [I~c si [uafic~n of the four driv~weys onto Nor'th .`,[rrFt,
Cc~mMis~ioncr IlerbSt w.is cc,ncerned with the nd~iitt~n nf ~~ un3ts and nn street ~ar~ing ~r
1 imi ted parkin~~ i i front, thc residents Nould be par~.in~ in the surrounding ne(gh5~rh~od
cret~ting problcros far th~se resi~ents.
(CONIilS$IOtIfR 011VID P,r".TUR~lEf) AT ~+;(~ p.ri,)
Cor~missinner Herbst c~~tir~ued t~~at hc felt the General Plan drsiQnati~n was made with land
~ssembly i~ minci sa property c~wners cn~ild develo~ Lh:: area~ hut felt Lhis wauld be ~-urely
snnf zoninc; ancl would bc detrimental ta the ~re~r+; that ~'~partments have to havc street
p~~rktng and there i5 none At this l~cation,
Commtssic,nr,r E3ushore felt without the s~t~rranean ~arW:ing prc~paseci~ the ~etitio~er would
not he able t~ develo~ this ~*.~ny units and fel[ pr~hahly one unit to~ many is being
M I NUTES ~ ANAHC I N C I TY PLANN 1 NG CON~t I SS I OF~ ~ Jl1NUI1P,Y 1 h, 1~6(1 ~t~-?(.
C I R CATEGORI CAL EXEMPTI ON-CLl1S5 3bL, RECLASS I FI CAT 101! ~10. 7~-~1-23 (Con' 1 nucd)
Commissloner Ilert~st st~ted this h~~5 b~cn a pr~blem r.~irn~r f~~ ,~ l~nq tlrx~ An~1 one nf thc
worst c~rners in An.ihclrn with basicAlly flv~ corncrs ~n~l this pr~je~r.t w~uld hc addtnry rrore
11r. WatermAn rc~ln[F~1 ~ut r~~r~.in~~ 15 permi ttrcl ~n ~~c+rtf~ Street ~nd th~ nlArS Sht7W thr~e
aJd{ tic~n~l p~r~.in~~ sp,ic~s ~nd thc drlv~~rny ap~~rnachrs h~iw~~ br.cn cr~mhinrcl wi th only threr,
ont~ Nort~~ Stre~•t and the .i~f`ro.iches were des~qne~l tc~ ~rovi~fe the tl~r~e acldlti~n~1 turh
s~~icr.s on the s[r~r.t. I~e rxniiineil wlth the desiqn ~f the ~ar~r~~q~+ n~~rhanc~~ etc., ~t least
L p~+rF.lnn 5-~~~ces .~rc t>roviJc~.l~ In acl~fltl~~n t~ thr two 5{)~'1C('S (n ~~ch ~~nri~~ for c~~eh untt~
c,r a toC~71 ~f f~ur .~v~ilable~ s~~ac~s f~r ~.ic.h urit~ Mrl,ich i5 ~i, rta,ny ~~s the avera~c sln~le-
f Am 1 I y hcxnc ,
ACTIn~~; Co~r~issioner F;i~+y off~rrd a nv>tlan, ;ccon.l~r1 hy Comr^issinn~r I'rv anri MQTI'1~)
f+, EO (Comrilssloner Ilerbst v~tin~~ n~) that the ~nal~e(r~ City Pl,~nnln~~ Corir~t5Sion has
revl~we~' thr. ~+rnp~s,il t!.~ reclassify s~hjer_t ;~r~n~rtv frnr~ RS-7;'~~ (Resi~lc~ntial ~ Single-
Fai~~l ly) Zone tc~ the RH-2~~~~1 (Rcsid~n[ial ~ 1lultic~le-Far+i ly) l~~n~ ~n n rrctanr~ul,irly-sh~~ed
parca) of land consist(n~~ of ,~~pr~~xi~nnt~~ly 17,j~.0 s.~u~~rc f~r.t I~citE•~1 at th~ s~uthwest
eorner of Nortl~ St~cct an~i fast S~rc:ct, h;~v{nc~ ~ frc~nt.i~~e of npnr~xlm.~t~ly 151 f~et on the
s~uth s(dc of ~lcirth Stre~t .~n~1 i frc~ntac~e of ~'~~ fret c~~n the we~at sic7c~ of E~st 5treet; and
does hcrchy ap~~rovc tt~c Ne~~~~tivc Declaratlc~n frc~r•~ thc requlr~~rm~nt to Nrc~ar~ an
enviranrncntal irnp,ict rc~,nrt on the b~sis tl~~t tl~crc would bc no Sir)niflc.~n[ Indivtdual ~r
cu~nulatlve A~Iv~~rse envi r~nrm~ntal imp~ict du~.• t~> the a~prov~~l c~f this t~egat.ive Declaratl~n
51nce the Anahrin~ Ge~~cral Pl.~n de,ign.~tes th~• Suhjr_ct t~rc~perty fc,r medlum ~;ensity
r~s identla) lan~f uses e~nx~wnsur.ite wi th thc ~r~no~.al ; that no sensl tl vc Pnvf ronment.~l
irnpacts ~~rc involved in the ~,rc~po;al; th~~t Chr Initi~l Stucly sut~rii[t~'d hy thc petltloner
In~iica[~es no si~iniflc.int in~ividu~~l nr cumul~~tivc ~i~.Jvcrsc cnvi~onmental imnacts; and thr~t
the I~e~~~~tive Dcclir.~tion suhst~~ntiatlnr~ the fnrc~~c~iny fln<iinr~s is on file ir, thr City of
llnaheir~ Pltinnin~~ Jerarti•x~nt.
Commi ss ioner ~;1 n~~ of f~~~~ti ~~ r~ s~1 ut i on ~~nd rinvc~i for i ts t~as~<~qe nm.! »clopt i~~n that thc
tinehelm Clty ~'I~nninq Com~,ission dc,es hcrehy ~ran~ thc Petiti~n fnr Recl~ssification ~~o.
]'~-F,0-23 5ub jrct t~ thc const~uction c,f a w.~i l ~n thc w~st ~~rnpcrty l inc ~~n~+. suh j~•ct ta
Interdepartmrnt~31 Corx~it!cr• ~cGO~n~nd~ii~~ns,
Chalrw~~man t3arnes st~'+t~d t'~crr is ~Ir~~dy ~i ~r~bler~ on East St~ect and felt »Drzroval ~f
~ulti-f~mily uni;s wou~d ,~ffect thiy wholr irca for a lnn, tlr~ ard s~~n~iestrd thr rrk~tter
be co~tinued in ord~r tn revlrw at tt•,-~ whole ~re~~.
Commissloner Herl~st felt the General Plan st~nulri he revirwe~i taecAUSC he f~lt this wr+uld be,
spot xoninc~ with R.5-7:~1~ on b~th sides~ with this change in the mlddir nf the bl~ck~ and
the wicSpnlnc~ of East Strcet wl il create mc~re Sl1b5LAn~1~--r~J lats and ~he cn,rnPrs would have to
assemble land to r~akc 1[ usudl,le, Hc fclt the rr.st of the {~r~~crty c~wners Ae~erve further
study to sce Itic»~r thr change will aFfec.t their pro~erty hefore ~~ declsinn ts made.
Chairwanan l~arnes polntec! ~>ut at least two nf the nr~~erty o+~ners havc tndicated an
interest in rez~nin~t thelr pr~pertirs.
On roll ct-11, th,t fnre~c-ing re~c~lution failr.d to carry by the folinwin~ vote:
AYES : C~IiM 1 SS I f1tlE RS : FRY, Y.I !If
AdSENT: C(1Mt11SSIQ-;E~'$: NOi~C
E 1 R CATERORI Cl1l EXEMPTI ON-CLASS 3E3. RECLASS I FI CATI ON f10. 79-8r1-1.3 (r.~~t i nucd)
Camr~issloner Nerhst scAt~~~t this wauld h~~vr ~~Ils.~strous ~ffect on All properties unlest
th~ othCr awncrs g~ ~l~nc~ with this cyn~ pro~+osal ~nd su~g~stcd ~ r,tucly of thc r+rer+ wlth
thr pro~~~rty c~mcr4 nlving th~lr (nput, Ile state~l hc wou1~.1 likr to h,~ve thc^ prevlou~ly
App mved f,enc rA 1 P 1 an rev i cwrcd to de te rr~) ne why th I s ch.inc~~ w~»s rn~dc 1 n th~ d~s 1~nnt i on
and ComMissioncr Tal.~r (n~iic2tnd hc f~~it in l1r~~~ Ocvelo~mcnt Plnn wnuld br in orde~r for
this nrc~.
Mnit.a Santa~~htl ~ ~ssistant DI rrct~r F~r Tonin~~ st<~trd this ~~rri w~~s ~roh~bly l~st
studi~d wh~~ thc /lrtrrlal Frnnt-~n Stucly wAS rnt+clc in the 1~~-~'s~ ~el~~tlnn t~ thnse I~ts
fr~nting on .~rterlal hi~tiways ~~n~t cert~~in nr~~ertles wc.~uld h.ivr h,~d n res~lution of intent
as a rc.sul t nf that study becnu5c th~y ~vcrc~ ~letcrr+lned t~ ~e ~m~ropri.~te f~r snmcthiny
othrr than sin~~lr.~-f,imily dcvcl~pm~nt.
Jay TaShlrp~ Assocl.it<~ Planner, replled he f~lt ~~ r~~~~~rt c.ould h~ presented to the
Cortxnission in ,~~~,r~ximatcly f~ur a~ect.~.
Carm~isslnn~r I~erhst ~ffcr~rl ~~ motic-~n~ sec.ondcd hy Ler~mission~r T~lir anci M~T10'~ C~RPIf.G
(Cor~rnissi~n~r Kin~~ votln~~ nc~} th~~t c~nsi~ier~iti~n of [hr aforementlone~! it.rm he ccmt(nued
to Lhe re~~ularly-sc.hcciule~ rx±c[inci ~f Febru~iry 11, 1'~~'1, in nrdcr f~r staff t~ pr~sent a
report nn p~st ~cti~ns rcl~tlnc~ t~, tf+is ar~~~-,
Ch.~i rwcxnan Barnes s t~ted 5he woul d 11 kr the rr,pnrt t~ inc 1 udr, i nnut f rrxn the r~s i dents and
ex~lafnec~ th~i[ n~ ner+ notices wi 1) b~ sent r~rtiinin~ tn thc Fet,ru~ry 11, 1?~?0 rmcting.
I TCM N0. i 3 Pu~l t C ItEAP I tiG, OW~~E P; '.J. F. REALTY COPP(~RAT I ON ~
ENVIRONM -I ~L IMPACT REPQPT N0. 22r 1-3`S Cast Y,atcll~ ~9vcnue~ S~fte 2~1~ ~ Orange~ CA
RECLASSIFIC^Tl~ri tln, 7~-.n-21 A~Cr1T; TERPI~ FIRyA P~nP~rTIFS~ I~I [,~ ~~3~' East Y.atelta
V,IRIAN '~0. 31.-, Avenu~~ Suit~ ?~~~ Or~nne fA ^?.~~~7 , Prop~rty !lesctibed
t;/1CT I~O. 1~'l;f ~s a rcctangul.~rly-sh~pcr; p•~srccl o f 1an~ cansisting
of appr~~xir~trly 1~.~ ~c.rrs ~~vin~ frontagr. of
approxirnately l~~~~ fr~~t on t he South Si dc ~f Wilbcn Wav~ havin~ a naximum Aen[h of
approximatcaly C~t fre[~ and bcinc~ locate.d aDProximatrly 7J~ feet e.ist of the centerline of
Ilarbnr (~oulevard. ?ropcrty ~~rescntly classi ficd Cf, (COMMFP.CIAL,f,E!~f.RAL) 7.onr.
There wa~ one pcrson indleating their presence in oop~sition t~ subJect request~ anc!
although the st~iff report Ca the Plonning Corn+ission dated January it~~ 1~~~ was not read
a[ t1~e pubilc hcarlnq~ it is refcrr~ed tv and made a p~rc af che minutes,
~ 0~ TMCT -!0. 0~,, cont nue ~~
JIM Arton~ t~3~~ Cast Y,atc11A~ expl~iinr.d this ls thr. "old 1lhi t~ Front" f~roprrtv and the
pr~p~snl Is for ~ c~,nd~>minlun cor-~ptex ~n A!n-acre pnrti~n c~f the -~nrcel ~nd p~titlons are
submltte~ for r~cl,~sslftcatic,n, thc tentative tr.ict mnn .inc' v~~rlnn~e; thnt the ~ro~~ct
neets All (:~~I~ r~quirerrr~t,~ incluciinc~ ~nrG.lnc~, II~ ~,~,~t~•rf the olcl White Front bu(Idinc~
wi I1 hc dr.mnl i;hc~l hcr.AUsc it 1i,~s bcr.n ~rnctic.~~l ly dPstroyrcl by v.inr~Alg nnd Is not usnhlP
for eommr.reini Spnc~; thnt a publlc str~et thrc~unh thr nr~~ArtY t.ikes ahnut 1~.' uf the
prophrty and thnt is b,~51c~~lly thc r~ns~n thc vnrianc~ is n~cras,~ry; that thc, nlAn t~
scl) thr unlts in tt~c r~ic! ;A~,^~1~ to ~1?~~~~!1 nriu~ r~nr~r ~n~1 ~t tf~ls is basicnlly tl~e
same varlance !~r.~ntecl to the Sand Uollar drvrl~prnr,nt fnr ,i ? ir.;-u~iit c~ndn~+tnium pr~s.jeet.
Ne refe~re~i to tli~~ staf'f r~pc~rt cc~m~,ori5c~n ~ the ~re~ii~cts ~nr; st~~ted thr C~~1~ h~~s hc~n
eh,~nqed si~ce tl~at ;~roi~•ct was ~~~r~vr~f,
Uc~n SherPr, :~nin!t Rc~~r~~Sent~~tivc~ st~~tr~~f th~r~ 15 a corr.~etinn t~ th~ Stnff Rc~+~rt on
pagc 13-C; whcrein thc wafvc~r rr.~ix~stcc} f~r t'~r r~ininuM hui 1 di~~ sit~ ir~~~ ~~r rlw~lling
un i t 5hau) <; rc;~~j ? it~( s~luare feet ~~,r~;~~~sc~d~ ins[<•n~.f nf ;' 31~: ~s sh~~vn,
Fern Cal I~ 1271 An~~f,r,l ~ Gar~~~•~ Grc~ve, c~rnc•r of ~~r~~nerty at ~ 3? 4/~st Wi Iken 41ay ~~isked
whcrc the ~irivcw.~ys ~ir~ ;~r~~p~~scd lr r~~l~~ti~_inshin t~~ thc nr~~t~c~ti~s ,ir.ro55 th~ sc ~t and
St~'-ted shc dld n~t ~n~~ why the r~ccrss on Wil~en ~Iay ~iis eve~r ~er~itt~~~l for th~'.1h1•e
Front st~r~, (Chai rwa~.~n f'sarncs revicwed thr_• pl ~ns ~~i th Ms . Cal 1~~n~1 ~c,inted oi~t the
dr(veway5 pro~~~sed ~n Ma~lric~,) M5. Call statc~; sc~vr_ral ~ar{~e~' v~hicl~s havr. br~n hit ~n
111 I ken 1Jay .
Commissluner Ilerbst ~x~~l.~incd thr p1:~n nr~p~ses 3.`: pir~;nn sr~c~s pr.r unlt on sit~ And he
dtd not tf~ink p,i~F in~~ woulcl he n ~-ro-~lr.r~. Ne alsc~ cr.nlninec~ chere ,~rF n~ c' ieways on
Wi lken Way.
Ch,~rles Uearborn~ ''.2~~1 S. Ucrtlcy~ M,ihrir,, st~t~~ci i,is ~rO~C~tY i~ dircctly adJ~scent to
subJett prnpcrty ana tiwt sub.jPCt pronerty is turrently ln a ba~i stot~ nf rrnilr ~~-nd water
stands on thc propcrty wlir.n (t. r~iins and tr.~sh 15 thr~w~rn ~~1 ! over th~ `ro~+erty; tha~t th~
nelyhbors h~ve cor~{~lain~d ~~nd cnllec+ the Pallce bec.~u~e ~f v.inei,~ls~ etc.; nn~+ h~ h.is also
heard rumors th.it srxm~ ~~c~~ple hav~ s~en rits nn th~ ~rn~crtv. Ite 5tatr~' lie h~s op~s~d
orevious projects ~n this prrnerty. but after revl~.~inr~ thesr nl.~ns felt this w ~lc! be
~~o~d fnr thc neighborhuo~~ and he ho-~es fin~lly aftcr six y~~rs of h~ivlnn lt vac:~nt,
samethin~ will be don~,
Commissinner ilerbst stated the petitioner's cnmments rel.atinv to the variances beir.~
necessary because af the street ~rc not v~~l id; h~wever~ in hfs o~inlcm, this is ~~ well-
desic~ne~i proJect~ hut c~uld e~~s11y bec~r~e a blick.-t~~ Junc~lc- with~ut the proper
landscapin~ n~8~11'~C~j in the parkinr~ areas. Ile stated hr unc!crstan~ls tirt+es have ehanyed and
he Is nol opposinr ;hr project~ but d(sagrces with the ~~rgur+rnts prr,sented.
Chairwoman Darncs statec! this Is one of the nice,t nl~ns she has seen,
Commissioner K.ing quoted the Constructir~n Ir,dustry Rese~~rct~
than 15~; of Cal~fornia households c~n :~fford [hc me~li~rm-p~i
Coday. Ile fett the variance shoulcl be granted on the basis
p~nperty in thac 10$ of ;hc total pr~perty sl~all be Ihst 1n
strr.et, efficient use of the property should be consiclered.
arem pe~ unlt ls ins(gnific~~nt when compared w(th pmviding
Board ~stir~atcs ~hat fewer
eeci nPw hnmes bpinq bu~t
of the I Irnited s i ze of the
de~.ii catlon f~r a publ I c
and the difference ln nct land
A maximum number of liv(ng
EIR N0. 228 RECLA551FICATIQ~I N0. '-El(1-21 VARIANCf. N~. 1?.; AND TEr17ATIVE
M p~~~ Il . 0~1 cant nuod
Unlts fc~r those tn n~od (retirert~nt~ Ic~w-Inccxne~ etc.)~ And c~rantinq the vnrlanco we~uld
not cansticute specla) privllcgcs hec~iuse other proncrtles in llnahicm havc the srmr_
privileyes, and the generr+l publlc's int~rest ond welfAre should I~a cnnslrierr~l~ and this
Is thc highest and b~st usr of thc land relntivc to thc surroundinqs.
Co~~mtsslon~~r Kiny offere~i ,i rTx~tlnn~ seccmd~d by Corx+,ISSinn~r Dnvld ~n~1 ~1~T1~tJ C~RRIE~ th~~t
Cnvi ranmcntal Im~nct Rc.~nrt !lo. 71~• for th~ ~~ro~~~srd clrvclorment of 1~~^ tc+wnhousc
iesldenti~l units on ~~ sit~ of ,~~rr~xlmat~ly 1~ ACr~'r I~~cat~rl ~n thr Snuth sirlr ~f Wlikrn
UAy ~~pproxim~t~•ly ;T`, f~c~t ~~st ~f IlArhor Houl~v~~r~1, h~ivin~~ hcen ennsl~l~re~l th15 dnte! hy
th~~ Anah~lr~ Ctty Plnnnin~~ f.~mr,lsslon ~n~.i ~•vtd~nc~ h,~vin~~ ~~ccn prnsrnt~cf t~ sup~lenrnt
drrtft E.Ir, ~~o, :ZF'~ f(n~!s that ~~tentlal ~nvlmnrrnt.il im~,~cts of the c~r~~c~ct mny be
rcduceci t~ ~~n InSl~~nl (ItBnt l~v~l hy cnnfnrr~,~nc~ w(th City (~lins~ nolicirs ancl ordlnnnces
and dr,ift f.lf' Ilo. ;2~ is (n cc~r~pll,~nc.e with thc C~lif~rnl~~ Envlr~nmant~l Qu~lliy llct ttncl
with the City ~'+nd St.~t~' E.I~ Gul~tcllncs rn:l, thr•rcf~rc~ h,~s~d u~~~n such lnf.~rr~~tl~n~ thP
Anahcini Ctty Plinnlnry Comr•,t53lon ccrtifics EIR No, ??~~.
I1CT1(1N: f,omml~,siuncr Y,in~ of~erc~l Rcsolutior~ No. PCf'n-~ ~~nd r~vr~+ f~r tts p~~ss.~ge nnd
~~d~ptlan that thc An.~h~lr•~ City f'lnnnln~~ C~~xnisston ~1~~cs h~r~'>y ~~r~nt thc Petitlon for
Peclasstf(c~tinr~ flo, 7~!-1~-21 suhJect. t~ Int~rd~~artrtxntr+l f.c~mr~(ttec r~c~rxn~encl,~tl~ns,
On ra) l cn! I~ thc fnrrc~~ln~i res~luti~~n wns n: Sscc1 by thr f~l l~win~ vnc~:
l1YE.5 : C~la-+I SS I ~'IE rS : ~AR!IE:S ~ BUSHORC ~ p~V I D~ F'P,Y ~ HER[15T ~ KI tlf ~ TnI.~P
NGES : C 1~11f~1 ~S I ~N! R.S : ~lOt~l
AEiSt'IT: C!1M1"I SS 1 ~~IC ^.5 : tl0!JC
Corrx~issinnrr Y,In~~ offere~l P.esolutlon ~lo. PCA~-t~) And m~vcd f~r lts p~ss~~c~ r~nd adoption
that th~ M~~h~lm Lity Pl~~nnin~, Gomnissl~m ~~rs herrhy ~rAnt Pet~ti~n f~r Vart,~nc~ Ilo. 3125
on ihc basi5 that Ilvinr~ q~•rt~•rs ar<< n.•ccied f~r Icy+.i tn mc~der~~~~ inc~u++e f~~ml ll~s ~n~
denin) would <!~~riv~~ ~ro~+erty ~f ~rivil~~~cs hPinry enj~y^d hy ~Lh~r ~+roperty in th~ samc~
zon~ ~incf v(cinity ~~n•i sutijrct t~ Int~•r~1~~,~rtrMnt~~l C~mmirt~e rec~rr~endation5.
On r~ll c~~ll~ thc f~r~~;~~ln~ rPSOlutl~n was n.155P.t1 hv the f~ll~win~ v~tP:
!',YES: C~1"t11~SI0NER5: E3ARNE5~ UUSHORr:~ D~VID~ FRY~ Nf.ftt'ST, F',1-~G~ TnLnR
'~OES : Cc~t11~1 SS I b~~L RS : rinNE
Cam-~issioner KIn~~ offered a mc~tion, secnnd~d hy Corm~issl~ner Tular an~1 MOTIO~I CARRIED that
thc Anaheim City Pl~nniny Cor,wnissi~r+ clous hcrrby find that the prop~~sed suhdivisi~n~
togecher with its desiqn on~1 improvernent~ is consistenc with the City of Anahr,irn General
Plan~ purs~~nt to Govcrnm~nt CnJe Section G6i~~)3,';; and ~fues, thereforc~ approve tentative
m~~p af Tract tlo, 1~'~5(, for o 1-lat~ 142 unit cnndominiura subcfiv(s~on subJect to the
follawiny condlCi~~ns.
1. Thac the ap~rov~+l of Tentative M~~ of Tract No, 10~15G is e~ranted subJect to the
approv~l of Reclasslficatior, ~~o. 79-8'~-21.
?. That the ap~roval of TentaCive Hap of 7ract -~o. 1~~56 is gr~nted s~b.)ect to the
epproval of Veri<nce t1o. 317.;.
3. That should thts subc:lvision b~ ~eveloped as more than one subdlvlslon~ each
sub~ivislon ~f~p~COf shall be suhmt[ted in t~ntetlve form for approval.
E I R NO. 224 RE CLA551 F I CAT I ON t~0. 9-$0- 21 VAR I ANCE NO . 317.
HI1P Q R C_ N0. 1A7S cont nue
Rn_ 3~
4. Th~t thc orlgln~l documents of the covcnants~ conditions~ An~1 restrlct•~o~s~ ~~nd ~
letter addressed to developer's tttle ccxnpeny euthoriztn~ r~cordAtlon thPreof~
shal) be submltted tn thP Ctty Attc,rney's affica and approved by th~ City
Attorney's ~fflce nnd Enyinecring plvision p~IOr to fin~l tract rn~p npproval~
Said d~curnrnts~ ~is approveJ~ shrll hc filed an~f r~corded In the Office of th~
Orang~ C~~mty Recordcr.
5. That str~et nrmes sh;~ll be ApprUVCC1 !,y the C(ty Plann(nq Uenartment prlor to
apnrov,~) of a flnal [rict ma~,
(~. Tliat trnsh stora~~e nrens sl~a! I bc ~rnvi~l~;1 fn ,iec~rd~ncr with rp;~rov~d plans on
fllc with thc Offiec of thc Cxccutive Dlrcc.t~r of Pubiic. WorEs,
7. Th~~t fi rr hy~lrnnts sl7al) t~~~ ins[nl le~t in~1 ch,~r~c~f ;~s ~en~i(rr~i ,in~1 drterminecl to
bc necc~ss~ry by th~~~ Chief ~f the ~ fre Department ~rior f.~ corxn~ncemcnt of
struttur~l frtlminc~,
~. That suh jcct ~r~i~crty sh~il 1 hr scrv~~i hy urtc!cr~round ut i 1 i t Ics.
~. Th,it dr,~in~g~~ of subj~~ct pro~~ rty shill br dls~~oscc~ of (n i manncr s~~t(sfact~ry
tc~ thc City Cn~ln~er.
10. That the rx•~ner of subJect ~ro~erty shall nay tc, thc Ctty of M~ihe~lm the
appronrl,~[e {~irl. ~nd recre~tfcm fn-lieu fees es determin~c! tc~ he a~~ropriAte by
the City Councll, saici fcrs tn b~ ~ald .it thc tir,c~ thc builc!ing pPrmlt (s Issucd.
11 . That .~ rno-li fic~d eul-de~-sar. sh~~l ! t,r pr~vidPd ~t the tcrr~inus ~f Tl ller /lvenuc
subjee~ t~> thc a~~prov.~l r+f thc f.ity Enc~lnerr,
12. ihat .~11 rriv~~te streets shall 5e devrlo~ed in acc~rn~, •,~Ith thF f,(ty of
AnaF~elm's St,in~l~~rd Det~~ll ~I~. 122 f~r ~,rlvnte strects~ includlnq inst~llati~, of
strect namc~ sir~ns. Plans f~r the Rrtv<it~ 5treet I(ghtlnc~~ as renuir~d by the
standa~d ~!etail~ shall be submitted to ~n~J .approved by the Electrical ~ivlsion.
Approved p~•iv~te stre~t li~~htin~ plans sh.ill then be suhmitted t~ the I3uIldinq
h(v(sf~~n for lnclusi~n with thc building plans prior to issut~nce of bulldtng
perrtiits. (('rlv~'~te streets are_ tfiose wr,fch ~rovide primary atcess and/or
circul~tion within tt~c project.)
13. !f perr~anent street namr signs hav~ not bePn Installed~ tcmpornry street name
stc~ns shall be Installed prlor to any ~ccupancy.
1~~ 7hal an ordtnance rpzonin~ the subject nroperty sha11 in no ~vent becort+e
effc~cc i ve excepc upon or fo) 1~,1 ng thr. r~cordat ion of Finai Tract Map No, 1~956
wlthin the time specified tn G4vernment Code S~ction <,6h6'~,5 or such further time
as che advis~ry a~ency or City Cauncil may ~rani.
15. That the owner(s) of s~Ject prc,perty st~all poy the traffic stynal As~essment fee
(Ordinance rJo. 3~9f~) (n an amnunt as det~rmtned by the Ctty Council~ for tach new
dwelltnc~ u~it pri~r to the issu~~nce of a building permlt.
ITEM N0. i~+ PURLIC III:hPI~IG, 7o c~nsid~r ultimof.c I,7n~1 usC to
F. NCGA IVE DCCLh~l1Tl~-~ rrMCllur~ d~nsity r~sid~ntl~~1 for A~proxlratcly A,?. Acres
N~ l N N I ;~ i 0. lrf, I~~cr+tccl i~n~ic~fi.itcly north ~f tl,c on-rnm~ to ihc Santa
Ana Freew~y frrx~+ Uall Ron.; nn~1 ext~~ndincj n~rth ~n
both sid.r.s of Cttron Str~~~[ 'to Vernont Avenu~.
Thcrc wns ~nc prrs~~n indltntlnq thctr nrrsenc~ in ~ppnsitl~n t~ suhJ~ct requi-st~ ~~nd
al;houc~h the stnlf rep~~rt to tt~e F'lannin~; Commissinn d:~t~~d JAnut+ry 1~~~ 1~-°~ w,~s not re~id
~t the publ ic, hc~.~rln~i, It is referrr~l to ~nd mr~dc a p,~rt ~f t'~~ ~lnut~s.
Conrnisslunc~r UuSh~re d~clare~l n co~flict of in[rrest as clefined by /lnnhclm City PlannlnQ
Conr~ISSinn P.eS~~luti~n !io, PC7~-1r~7 ~ido~ttnq ~ Can`lict ~f In[~rr5t Cade fc>r the Pl~inn(nr~
Commissl~n ~ncl ~ovr.rn~nc•nt Ca~1c Secti~~n 3(?',~ et sc~i.~ (n that hc is ~~r~rx~tin~a property
adjacent t~ thls sit~~ f~r c~r7nx~rci,il-r~creatlon utie nn~1 decl~ir~~1 ~r~iu~11 ~ of vot~ to his
efforts Ir~ this aren an~1 tr, thc ~ff~ct it a~i ll h~~vr en~f ~ursu.~nt to thr pr~vlsinns of the
ab~vc Co~es. and witlic~rc~i fr~ro thn c~,~rin~ in connc~cti~~n wlth f~r_neral Plan Artx~ndn~~cnt 'I~,
15~ anci Recliss(f(e.ati~n F~o. 7~~-R~-1.: ~n~f V~r(ance ~lo. 'i12J ~~n~l wo-,1d not take part in
elther tl~e di5cu551~n or the vc,tin~i ther~~~n ~nd (ndic~ited he h,~d not discussed th(s r~att~r
wlth ary r~c-ri~rr nf tli~ Plannin~~ Corr-ilssi~~n. Ther~u~~,n Cormiisslcinrr 3ush~r~ lcft the
Councl 1 Ch~~r-~,cr at ~+: ~+~'~ r.m,
Jay Tashiro, Assoclate Planncr, pr~srnte~l Che st~iff rennrt t~ thc Plannin~ Comr+lssion
dote~l .;an~,ary I~i~ 1~~~ and pointed ~ut this is ~~ prorerty owner/City -inlcl.~ted f,en~ral
Pl.~n Micnd~nt tn ch~n~~e the current commerc,iil rc•cre~tlon d~s(~natton tn ~+^!tum denslty
residPntial. The prn~E-rty ~~nc~-Initi~~t~<! ~r~cnd~nt Involv~s ~~ ~s~rcel eonsi5t(nn ~f h,<<
~aeres an~! the CI ty-i n i t I~t~d p~~rt ion c~ns ists nf 3,f'. ,~cr~~, Ila rnf~rred t~ th~ Exhtbl ts
dlsplaye~l ~~n th~ w~i) an~.f ~xplr~ine~1 Exhif>it A dc~icts r-c~11um dcnsity residentlal on the
City-Initl:,tcd p~rtinn an~{ the balanc~~ for Irnv-r~e~llur, d~nsity r~~sidentl,il; ~n~f Exhtblt E3
prop~scs a r~~d(um dc~ns i ty rFSid~ntial ~ir51<tn.~tl~n ~n 3.~~ acres (C(ty-(nitiatc~l) ~,iich ts
intendecl to brlnq thr_ eurrent gen~•r~l rlan dcsiynation into conform~incc with thF ex(sting
zoning and lan~~ use ~nc~ the balance for r•rdlum density residentia) in urder to permit the
applicant to ccrostruct 3(~ "afford~iblc c~ndor~inturi units", rlc cr.~lain~d a lc~w-mrdlum
denslty des i~~natinn would al lcx~ 1< unf ts ~er ~crc ~nd thc petitioner 15 proposing 1o,r,
uni ts per aer~ ,~nd ch~ ul t ir+ate request wi 11 he fnr a zonlnc; des i~~n~~tion of RM-3r~0.
Jim Rarisic~ partner~ 1~:~~2 Sky PArk Circle, Irvine, st.~tcd ther~ wa5 s~me concern about
havin~a [he General Plan Amendment and the p~titlons f~r the proposed development diswssed
at the sarnP h~ar(nry~ but he had wantAd to discuss the entlre project th~~t t.he whole thrust
of the prop~5a1 ts to build a brand new unlque affordahle housing dFVelo~ment; thit this
wlll not be a conversion of an existlnc~ comptex, but will he a ne~w quai(ty pro.Ject to meet
some of the di re hous i ng needs; and that they havc ~one on record and ccxnmi tted to a
r~aximur~ se.i lin~ price. in writing.
Jack 1Jhlte, Deputy Ctty Attorney~ Fxpl~ined this hearinc~ ls seric.tly relatinq te the
Gencr~) Plan /lmendment and thc foll~win.^, hearinc~ t~ be d(scussed ~.rill be thc proposed
developmen t .
The rersnn present indicated he had no a~mments reyardtne~ the Ge~cral Plan Amendment.
FIR IIEGJITIVE DECLARATIOtI ANU GCNCRl1L PLAt~ l1N~~lI"~F.~~T -~f1, 1;( (contlnucd?
Cnmml,si~ncr Ilcrbst rrfrrr~~f t~ a n~w tt~t~ 1~~~ whcr~{n with l~w c~st h~uSln~~ ce~rtrln
dcvlatlana r,ay bc m,.~~ fmm th~ Cadc• (Cha~rwo~~n Bflrnr.a fclt th~s~ Tr~ MAtt~rs f~r
cliscus~slon ~furing thc~ ~,~xt hcarln~~ ond t~e Comr~isslon should iiscuss whrthrr ~r n~t ,'+
ycr~crAl ~!I~~n ar~n~nx~nt w~uld bc in orclrrj~ ,~n~i J~ic~ `~hit~~, Dsputy Clty Attnrnry ~•x~It~InPc~
th~re la; nc~ way to tlc• i Genera{ f'lan iv~.:;;~lrx~n[ t~~ ~ s{~~•c.lfl~ ~mject.
.ioel Fick., ~ssistt~nt Ulrect~r fc~r Pl~innin~, rx(~l~iin~•d the Pl~~nnirri Cor~mis,f~~n will have a
handl~ on t1ir. situiclc~n !,y lr,r>L-in~~ nc t'~c s~<~cific cfr_vc•l~~pmr~r,t ~m~o5~~1. Ile ~x.plAlned
apt>rova) of Cxhlhit fl aioul~J hrin~; thr. nc~rthcrly ~urticin of thc ~+roprrty into cc>nform.~ncr
wi th cxlstin~~ tc~ntnu and 1 ind usi~s and pcrmi t thr ~~etf t ic~nc~r to r~~~crPd wl th thc oropo5~~!
devclopment of thc 1~-~-cust C«n~iom(nium units.
A1;T1011: Cor~missi~mcr Ilcrbst offcrcc: n riotlon, scc~nd~~f h~~ Conrnisslnncr Y,in~ and M~TI'~t~
-?~D [h~~t th~ Mahe i i7 C 1 ty P 1 ann 1 ng Comrni ss ion has rev i ~wcd the rro~+~s~'+1 to thanqe thP
turrent Gen~~ral Plan ~iesi~~nc~tlon frr~r~ Cunrnercl.il^Recrc~atl~n t~ ~~~~~lum Den~ity Residenti.~)
on ~~i-~ 1 rrcyul ~rly-sh~i~c~1 ~nrcc I ~f 1 ancl cors i st i nc~ of ~~p~~mximit~ ly `' <~crr.s ic~c.~tecl
immed(at~ly n~~rth of the Santo Ann Frceway on-r.ir~ from flall Poad ~xt~ncilnq n~rih on both
si~ies ~f Cltrcm Strcet t~ Verrx~nt llven~N; ~in~1 docs hr.ret~y ~~~rnve thc Ne~ative Declaration
from Clic requi rcr-~ent tn ~~ren~irp ~in Anvl ron~ncnt~l imp~ict re~~ort on thc b~sis th~~t ihcre
woulci be nr sl~~nific.~nt in~llvidu.il or cumul~t.ive ac!vcrse ervirc,mm~nta~ ir~~,~ct du~ to the
approval ~f this tlen.~tivr Ueclir.iti„n sincc~ thc Mah~ ~r,~ Genrrr~l Plan ~icsiqnate~s th~
Sub ject pr~pet'ty for n~c1i um dens i ty 1 ~n~ uses Gommen5ur.~t~ wi th Lhe proposal ; that no
sensittve cnvlronmrntal im~acts .~r~ involved ln thc c~rr~~s~i1; that thc Initi~il Study
sul,nitte~~ by the p~titioner inditates no si~~nific.~rt (ndiv(~1u~1 c~r cumulatlvP ~dversr
envi ronc-en[al ir~~~~Gts; ~in~1 th~it thc 'Icy.itlvf~ Decl.iratic~r 5uhst.~ntlakinry thc fareq~lnr~
flndlnc~s is un filr. in thc City of A.n~tiheir+ Planninc; UeV~irtment.
Commissi~nPr Herbst off~rc~~ Res~lutl~n ~lo. Pf,tj'1-11 ,~-nd r~ovF~l f~r it~, n~~ssan~ nnd adaption
that the An~licin Clty Pianning Corrr~ission docs herc~hy rc~orr~cn~l ,~P~roval of Exhihit a for
f,encril Plan Amendrn~•nt '!o. 1~~~ to thc Ctty Councll,
On roll call, thc foreqoin~ resolution was nasse~~ by the folinwing v~te:
AYES: C(1!1!t1;510-~ER5: Bnari[5~ D11VID, FP,Y, 11CRRST~ Y,I'l(',, T~I~P
~10LS : Co11Ml SS i o~iE RS : NnrlE
A[iSE!IT: C~M1115SI~tlERS: OUS11^RE
~, D~CLAP,ATI0~1 Qf -•NAHGIN~ 173`~ ti~est Katclla llvenue, Orange, CA
P,CC:.ASSIFICATIO~1 -lo. 1~-aa-22 <~2f,f~~. 1~rf!IT: ~~Ir,IiAEL T. COLLINS ~~iD Joll~l J. Y.o~,LER~
VARIA~~CC N0. 31~7 t4no t~orth (l~istot Street,5uite ?~~~>, Newport f3each~
Cq ~2G6~. ProDerty described as an irre~ularly-shaped
parcel af land consisting of approximately ri.~f acres located at the s~utherly terminus of
Ci tron Street approximately >(~0 fFet south of Vermonc Avenue, havin~~ :+ ~rontage of
approx~p i~~a~~~7c'~a~efeet.thFroperty5pr~sentlyEClassifled,RS-A?~+3,~~~i ~P~SIDE~lTIl~L,SI 1GLE-
ot ap~ Y
, ' ~ . . .' :~r i ~• ~, 1 :.~ h .
.~,., . , ~~~ ~ „~.~
. . . ' , l ~ ~' ~ ~
, . . . .. . . ~' ~ ~ _ . V ..'1`~
' ' ` ~ ' ~ ~ ' ~~ S • r ~ j , ~.~ ~ ~1 r •.~ ~
, ~ ' . '(" 1 ~ r ~ ~./1f~.+~..J • ~l:
, . r , ~„ , , .;, r•~ r ,~ ~+~Q ~rc-I~~ut~t~
. . , . ; . , , . ~ , ~„e •,,, c~nr~crc! a I
~ , , ~ „ ~ I ~~,i ~~••r~~ for
MI f1UTES ~ ANAl1~ i M C I TY PLANN I NG f.OM~11 S 51(?N ~ JIINUARY 14 . 1~1R~ f~~- ~ 3
EIR NF.GATIVE (1FC',ARAtIQN~ RE~CLASSI~ICATI!1" !It~, ~q-;l(1-27. VARIANCf ~1~. 3127 (c~ntlnued)
(N) M1111NUH DUILDI'~r. ~(TUAC1:~ TA CbNSTPUCT ~ 1'~•10 1-LOT, ~(.-U'.IT CnN;~MiNIU1~ C~NPLEX.
Therr_ was on~~ ~ePSC~n (nciic:atin~.~ his ~~rv~senc~ tn ~n~~~isiticin t~~ suhjrct. r~qu~st~ .ind
alth<~uqh th~ stnff r~~c~rC t~ t~~~~ Plirtnin~~ Corr+isslon dntc~~t Jan~j;iry 1~~~ 1~"~ w~~5 not read
at tlie pub1lG r~c~ir(n~~, it 15 rcfnrrr~l t~ ind ri,i~ir ~~ ~~irt of tF~~ ~•~inutc5.
Comr.iEssi~~n~r bus'~~rc ~lccl~~r~~f n cnnfl(c[ ~>f int~~rc,t ~~s ~iefin~r' hy M~~h~lm f.ity ~l~inniny
Cc~nmis~ion Rc~r~lutl~n Il~, PCI~-1'.,7 ~~1~ntinn ~ Conf I ict nf Intcr~~,c C~~t~~ f~~r th~• Pl,inntnq
lommissl~m and ~~vrrnmrnt Co~lc Sr.ctiun 3~?.',~ ct «~~,~ in [f,,it he• i5 ~~rorr~tin~; ~ro{~cr~y
~,.1j,icent t~ thls sitc for ec~r.inercl.~l-rrrrr,~tl~>n ind drel,~rr~! ~~r~j~,ci~r~ r,f v~t~ to his
t~ff~rts ln this ~ir~,a ,ynd t~~ thc~ ~ff~ct it wlll ti,ivc~ ~n~1 nursu~~nt t~ t-~r rrnv~,(on5 Of thC
ab~vr C~des~ wlthcfrr~•~ fr~n th~ h~:~rin~~ In e~nnr.~:tion ~•rith ~en~r.~l Plan Amcn!ment No. 1Sf~
an~i Rcclassiflc,,ti~n tJa, J'1-!?n_~~ Ancl V~r(.ircc tl~. 31'7 ;m,i ~ii~f n~t t,~l,c• ~,irt (n elihc~
tht~ ~~1,~;U55i~~n Or thc v~tin~~ L~~crc~r~n nn~l (i~c!1C~t~~1 hr hF1~l n~it II~fUS~iI`r~ thiS m,~t[~r w~ih
any rnert~cr ~tf thc f linnln<~ Cc~n~•~Is~,i~~n. (Cc~rK•~iss(nnrr Dushc~rc~ lr`'! thc mc~tlnc~ prtor to
th~~ previ~~us h~nri nn. )
Jtr~ Dari~,ic~ stntr~d thc~ s!,~ff r~~~~nrt i, v~ry thorr~u~ih; ;h~it t!~rv h.-~' s~,c~nt r,:~ny h„urs with
cc~nsult~nts .~~cl C) ty st~~ff, In~luc!inry Ilou:,inc~~ t~~ ~~~G~ surc t`•cy ir~ r,n [h~ ri~ht tr~ck in
putting tc~c)ethi~r this ~~+`fr~r~f~~hl~ I~ousin~~ ~rnjr~Ct; t'~it th~y w,inir,l t~~ m.~le 5ur'~ they can
liv~ up to thc ~tu~~rnnt~~~• thcy h,~v~ micir tc~ nrc,vEd~~ .iffor~iihle h~~usinr~ at a naxir~ur, scllin~
price with tr~el~iy's inr.reasinq c~~sts nf c~ns[ructinn .in~.f fin~ncir,~;, lie state~' ~i~nrova) of
the wnivers pr~~+os• '~~i I 1 hel~~ kcet~~ thrs~ units .~rtf~~r~l~hln c~~~.i~ in~~. 'le i~riefly d(seussed
th~~ requeste~l waiv~~~s nn~i thr rensc:ns they ~ire nrc~ssnry, Ne ~+t~~ted ^, J ~~~rl.inc~ s~~tes
rcr unit ~~re ;~rr~videcl ~nd ex~~l~~in~~dtheir research sh~~s thc nur~l~cr ~f vchicles per
hr~uschc,ld de~encls on thc cc~~nru~iic c~roups ~~nd thr hi~~her d~n:ity r~rojc~r_t ts clc.~rly for
youn~ fami l ics wi th y~un~~ chi ldren and t'~ey ci„ nnt h~vc h~ ~~h incc~cs. He nointr~l out tin
arca is prc~vidrd f~~r stor~i~~c ~f recrc;~+ionil vchiclrs,
Lyn Th~r~sen ~~3~~ So~lh Euc! 1d~ statc•d a~, a co-own~r of thc nr.hi l~ tr.ii ler ~~,rk adJacent to
subject pro~crty hc is n~t .~bsolutcly o~p~sed tn thc r~~~uFSt~ but ir, cnnccrne~i ht~w thls
proJecc ~s residenti~~l uscs wi 11 affcct the future d~velop~~cnt of his ~+r~~+~rty for
comrnerci~~l rr.crc:iti~n~~l ~s~s. Hc statect [he Ctty Council has ~x~ressec' ifs desire th~t
the Integrlty of the ro~,nx~rc(al r~creational ;one be nr~t~ctcd ,tin<I referrPd to the minutes
from their~ r~c.r.tinc; rc~~~rr1(n~ tfie nx.it~(lc~home p.3r4; zone ch~rqr just s~uth acm55 the strect
on Ilarb~r, wl,erein [h~ Ci ty Councl l felt tha[ the best us~ f~r that nrr~perty w~s not
residential, lie was cancerned at,out the sewe~ which service~s his t+roprrty~ ,~oirting ~ut
th~~re was a~~,arently ncvrr an ~osec~ent or ~!ocur~nt~7tion rclatinq t~ thit sewcr.
Jack IJhi t~ ~ b~~uty Ci ty Att~rne:y ~ explained the sewer prohlems are not rel evan~ to this
issuc an~i thc rnattcr wc>uld h~~ve Lo bc res~~lvr_d b~[wec.n thc p~irt(cs inv~~lve~i.
Conway Norris~ Jitol'r~Cy~ i,~l~ North Euclid~ f~lt it mi~ht be usefu) f~r the Commisston to
at least be ewr~re that there ts ~ending i itig~tian between the Ctty ~f /1n.~hefm and thP
prospectivc r~ew c~wncrs of thts ~roncrty r~lativ~ t~ thr~ sewcr.
Michael Collins~ A<)r.~~~ stated they are aware of the se~~c:r action, hut a~rc~r_,1 the
Conmisslon is not th~ Farum ta lltiga~e that si[uation; that permlts were issued by the
City to install thc ser~cr in 1~G5when thc property was owned by the State of California,
but the permit ;ic', not specifically aut~~erize placing of thc sewer on the property. ~Ie
stated tt~e sewer problem does not c~catc a nk~Jor impediment to Gevelopment of the property
and is a problem tl~at wt 11 have tn be solved. Ile stated this property h.-is no commercl~l
access and is contiguous to res(dential property and thcre is a pressing need for
affurdable housing. 1/1~/80
MI NUTES ~ ANAHE I H C I TY PL~NN I NG COMM ( SS 10~! ~ JANUARY 14 ~ 1'14~ P~- 3~i
ChAI11~IJridn Ciarnr.s indic~~tc~i shc 11kc~.l t~ic prnj~ct and felt tl~is ls ~~ ~ioc~~1 loc.~tlon for
Cf1~5 ~1rp)eCt ~7f1C) y~.~tr.d ll5semf~ly B1~~ ~~0. ~~j~ ~j~VrS LhC ~AfT1iS5~c1r1 pe~P~tssion t0 ~JPAt1C
hi r~h~:r d~ns i ty for low-a~s C-~ous in~~ ~n~i thr r~ai vcrs coul ~1 hc qrnnl~c7 duc !o thc s t ze r+nd
shape of the nroperty.
Cormissluner li~rbst qucstio~r~i thc~ hirclshi~~s f~r tl~e wniv~rs ~thr.r th~~n the density~ ~nd
St~'~ted p~rrnittln~~ J~?~ syu~re fuc~[ units woul~i dnfinitr..ly set a rrece~lrnt ar~d 5uryqe5~Cd an
~rdinanc~ bc writtcn to clarify Ic~~ •cc,st or nff~~r~!~~f~l~ h~usin~,
Camissloncr 7ol~~r fr.lt thc size~ shapc ~nd t~~pa!1r.~phv c,f thc ~roperty .ir~ ju5tifications
f~r ap~raval c~f tl,~ varianu•s. He st~~tc~i hc has ~~ lot of discomfc~rt in wrttinq ~ new
ordin,~nce~ but felt this proj~•ct fs ~Iiff~`~(t(T(. I)CGcIU!'i(r of the ic~catlon in;f che,e untts
undcr different circumstanccs at annth~r l~~c~iti~~n ~4iy n~t bc acce~tahlr.
Jar.6, uhltc, De~uty City 1~tturney, ex~l~iin~~d thr Asscn~l~ly Eiill hcinq Giscussed ~irovtdes
th~t i f a min imum 2;',: c~f the nmject is dev~ic>r~d fnr low ~r r~c~~•r,~t~ Incrn^~~ h~usin~~ the
Ci cy shal 1 provt <Jc dens i ty bc~nu,es of n„[ l~ss th~~n ?,~'.; or nnt IrSS t.h.~n tw~ other
de~~elopment bnnu,es. I!e ex~l~~~ned t'~fs rroj~~ct woulef not include t~~e density bUnus
b~_~cause of the recl~issific:~[i~,n to f~,~-3~n~ in,1 fr~~~ ~ lr~~,~l stancinoint~ the other
varl,inces coul<i be ju5tificd undNr if~c~ ~thcr typc uf ri~veln~,mrnt l~onuses, 7n~1 th~,t the
devc~loper would be requlrecJ to c~n[~r intc~ an ac;r~r:n,ent with the City to r;i~ara+nte~ th,e lrnv
anJ mc~dcratr incor~e r,~~usin~~.
Commtssioner Tolar asl,e~l how r~~ny of [he units c-rc [e hc sold ir~ th~ S;?,~1~~ prlcc range~
with Mr, Collins replyin~; 1~-units. Cartrnissi~ner Toiar cnntinue~l that h~ was concPrned
that thcr~ wnuld be windfall prof(ts with p~anic s~llin~ thc ~nits after the initlal
purchasc~ and want^d t~> scc sor,r sort ~f ,~iar~~nt~c.
Llsa Stipk.ovich~ tJcigl~b~nc~x~d and Communlty F'rescrvation De~~rt~cr.t, ~xplatned the
developer's a~recrx~nt +~rith thc Cicy f~r r~s~le c~ntml will prevcnt any windfall profits.
ACTI011: Cnr,missicmrr Tolar nffered , rx,tfon, seconded hy Commission~r Y,ing ancl MQTIOW
C~RRIEO (Corrn~isslunc~ Dushore beinn at~sent) th.~t the ltnaheir~ City Planninn Commission has
reviewed the pron~sal to recla,sify subject propr.rty fra~i the RS-A-1~3~~~~ (ResideRtlal,
Agricultural) 7.onc to the Rh!-;i'!~~'1 (Residential ~ Multinle-Far+) ly) Zonc to construct an 86-
unit condominiun c~m~lex w(th waivrrs of minimum bulldin~ site ar~,~ ~er clwelling unif.~
maximum builcling he(~ht~ maxin ~~ sit~ coverare~ minir~~xn floor area~ minir~~rn rer.reatlonai-
leisure ~re~~~ minimum number of parkin~~ spaccs, re~uired ~arE~ine~ S~AGP. loc~tl~n r~nd
structural setbac~: on An irregulariy-shaped ~a~cel of l~nd ~c,nsisting of approxlm~tely
4.49 acres l~cated at the southerl~~ Lerminus of Citron Street ap~rox6~at~ly ~6~ fect south
of VermonC /lvenur, h~vinc~ a fronta~~e ~f approximately 37^ feet on thr_ south side of the
publlc alley ~nd ~ maxir~um cJe~th ef a(~proxt,n~~tely G$0 feet; ~~nd dc~es herehy ap{~rove tht
f~egative Declarat(on froc, the rec;utremm~nt to prepare an enviranmental impact repnrt on the
basis that thcre would bc no sic7nificant tndividuai or cumulativ~ ndverse enviranmental
in;pnct due to the approv~l of tf~is ~legative~ Dectarati~n since the Anaheim General Plan
designates the suhJect property for commercial recreation lancf uses comr~ensurate with the
propusal; however~ a genera) plar amcndment is cu~rentty under ca~sideration for mediur~
density residential land uses; that na sensittve environmental irt~acts are invotved in th~
proposal; thAt tfie Initial Study submitted by the petttioner lndicates no signifteant
._.__... -
Indlvidual or cunulative edv~srse environmentel tmpects; ond tl~at the Negative Declaratlo~
substentioting the forcgoing findings is on file In thc City ~f Anahrim Planning
Gommisslnncr Tnlar offrre~'. Resvluti~n No. °CR~-11. .~nd moved for Its pnssage and adoptlc~n
~hat thc Annc~lm Ctty Pl~nnin~~ f.onr~lsslon docs herehy grant tl~e recir.ion fo-•
Reclassif(crtnn ~lo. 7~~~~~)-7.7, subJect to thc conditlon thet prtor to intr~duction of .~n
oralnAnce rezon(n~ suhJect prot+crty, t'-e n~plicant shall enter tnto ~n ae~r~er-ent~ on tcrms
acceptnb le tc, thc C i ty of tlna-,~(~ ancf the a~pl i cant ~ that pu~5uant tc+ ~overn~++ent Code
Scctlr,n (~5~1~, ~~t seq.~ the t+nF~11c~-r,t si~ali ~~u~r~ntce t~~e s~~l~ of the low ond mode-'ate
incc~me hnusin~; ~or nnt I~ss thnn 1~ units~ Ond Sub~PCt tn Interclcn~~~tr~ent~ 1 Comm it tec '
rec~n~ndnt i ~ns ,
On roll call ~[hc forc~~~>in~~ res~lution was ~~~ssec! by thc followln~ vot~:
/1YF.5: Cn11-11",S'~"~RS: UARilE'.'•, D1~VID, FP,w~ Nf'R115T~ Y~I!~C, T~L~~P
t10( ;: C~11111 ~~ I ~~IC!'.$ : IJ~I~C
l105U~T: COHI~! S~ I ~1t~f.RS : QUSIIQRC
LISa Sti(~knvieh Stite•~! the: aCulicant h15 indiC~'-tcd [he c~ro(~e~st~l w~e basr~d on e:~rt~iin
kin~15 ~f fin,incing~ an~i it wss hcr und~rst•'~nclinq th~it thc sa~c priccs should hold
rcgardlc5s of thc f(nancln~~ an~l Mt~:c Cullins rr.~licd tha[ hr.r undcrstanc!inc~ w~s carrect.
Comr,issloner Tol<~r ~ffer~~i c?esotutinn 110. PC~~-13 and mc~vid f~r lts nassa~~e and adoption
that th~ An~~heim Clty Pl~~nninr~ Con~-^issl~~n dor~s hcreF~y grant Pr.tltic~n for Variante No~ 31?7
f~r al) requcsted waivers on thc basis of tl~c unusual sirc and shape anci t~po~raphy pf
sub_ject pro~erty .in~.1 ~lso rursuant [o ~+rovisir~ns of Gpv~rnmrnt C~cle G~~~S w!~creln the
applic.'-nC has agrer..d to ~~nt<~r tn~o ~n agree~ne ~~1th t-,e City ~f Anahclm to ~rovlde 1aw
and mnderatc incor~e• housing, ~~nd suhject to Interc:epartrnental Cex+r+t*.tee rec~mmendatiflr;s.
On roll call, tR~c f~rFyat~q resolution was p~zsed by thc follcn~,in~~ vote:
AYES: C'1tIM1551(~~IER;: EfAf!IlCS~ DAVID~ FRY~ NER~t57~ Y,ItIG~ TO!_AR
N~)f.5 : Cc~MMI SS I(1'IE_ R~ : ~dO~~E
A85E~~T: C~NMI55I(1~IER5: QUS1i0R.E
Jack 1JI~ i te ~ De~uty C 1 ty At torney ~ ~ resented the wr t t t~n rl ght ~f arpe~~ 1 to the P 1 ann ( ng
C~mmissi~n's dccisit~n wlthin 1.^ dAys to ti-e City Council,
Commissianer Bushnrc r~turnr.d ta the Co«ncil Chamber.
Commis5lnnc~r ~Javid state~! he Nas concernrd t1~at no City Cauncil minut~s have been rec~ived
fo~ qui te sor+e t i mr ,
EIR NEGATIVE DfCLARATIO~ REGLASSIFICATIf1R N(1,7y-$~-22~ VAP,IANCE ~~fl. 3127 (contlnu~d)
Indlvidual or cunulatlve advarse envlronmental impacts; ~~nd that the tlegattve Declaratlon
substa~tiattng the fc~regoing ffndtngs is on flle In t1~e Clty of Anahelm Pl~nning
Gonxnissi~ncr Tolar ufferc~i Resolutt~n I~o. PCfn-12 ~~nd r,ovcd for tts ~nssanc and adoption
~hat thc M.~hcim City Plannin~~ Corxnissl~n cbes hcr~lry c~rar.t thc ('etition for
ReciflsslftcAt<~n Ilo. 7"-~'~~-22~ SUh~CC~ to [hc cnnaiticm that prlnr tn Intr~cluctfon of an
ordlnancr_ rcz~ninc~ s~d,Ject prorerty~ tt~c Apr11C~~nt shall entcr Into ~~n ~qrcer+ent~ on te~ms
acce~table t~~ [hr. City of Aniheim anci the .~+~t~lic~~nt, thAt nursuant tn f,overnmsnt Cod~
Sectinn f~;~l';~ ~~t seq., the an~iic~~nt si~all ~iu.~rant~~~ th~ s.~le~ ~f thp lnw and nx~derate
(ntnme~ housin~~ for nc~t less th~~+n 1~'~ unlts~ r~nc1 Si~b,j~ct to Int~rcie~.irtr~ntal Ccxnmitter.
rcconxnen~at ( nns .
On ml l cal l~ chc fc,re~~oin~i res~,lut(on was ~~~ssc~! tsy thr f~l icnvinn votr;
AYCS: C~"~tv11~51~~!CRS: DlIRt~C''~~ fil+VlU~ FRY~ 11ERC,ST~ Y,1!~f'~ T~L~P
t10f: ;: C~t1!1 I ~; I ~'~C -',S : !~~~~C
A('Sr11T: C(~-1~!I S~ I(1tICR ~: dUSNI,Rf
Lisa Sci~k~~v1e~~ St~t~•~i t~~e a^ulic:ant h15 in~~ic~it~•~I the ;>r~po5~i~ ~aati t~asecl on c.er[ain
kinds of fin~nciny, ,~n~i i[ was hcr und~rStan~linc~ th~~t thc s~~lc nrices sh~uld hold
req~~rc?lcss of the fii»nc(nc1 ~~tn~l 1~ike Col l ins re~~l ic : th,it her un~fersta~~~lr,q was eo~rect.
Comr~SssionLr Tol~ir c~fEcrre~l Resoluti~n t~o. PCC~~-13 and m~ved f~r its nassa~;c and adoption
that th~ An,~h~im Clty Pl~nnin~~ Co~~x~issi~n ~~~~es here~t,y yrant Petiti~n for Varlance No. 3127
for all rf~qucsted waivcrs on thc basi~s of thr, unusu.~l sirr artd shan~ nnd topography of
subject pro~erty ind nl:o rursuint tc~ ~r~vi51pn5 of f.ov~rnrnc~nt Codc G~n1j whereln thc
ap~l(crnt has .~gr~c•~i ta ~•ntcr into ~~n agrcrrwnt ~~ith thr. City ~f M~hcim to ~rovlde icxv
and rnc~der~te incnrx~ housine~~ ~nd suhjpc[ to Interclepart^~rntal Ccx~r+ittee recommendat~ons.
On roll tall, t-~e forrgotn:~ resnlution was passed by tt~e follc,wiln~~ vat~:
AYES: C~1-~NIS51(1~lER5: l~Ar,itC5~ D/1`JID~ FRY~ NERRSi ~ Y,ltlt;~ T!1t_4P.
N~ES: C~MNIS;I~'~~R`: ~I~~;E:
AHSEt~7; CoNr~lsSin~~Cr~s: E+uS~~Ar.[
Jack white, Dr~uty Ctty 1lttorney~ pres~nted the writt~n rlght of ap~cal co the Planning
Corronissi~n's dreisfon within 2:' dflys to the City Co~~ncll.
Comit~lssioner dush~r~~ r~turned io the Counci 1 Chr~r~er,
Commissl~n~r David state~i he was u,ncerned that nn City Council minutPS have bcen re!c~ived
f~r qulte sor~e ti~rx~.
ITEM N~. 1(
Thc follciwin~; f~epc~rts An~l qecormx~nciationr, st~ff r~~orts ~ve~rc rr~srnted btit nnt re~~d:
!1. FECL,~551FIC/1T1011 N0, 7"-7~1-1~~ VARIA!!CE 3n;-, - R~qur.5t frnm 111vfn F. Siewert
ewert anc Of'1~AflY or ~~ ~n~-y~•ar~ r~[rorCtive~ cxtensi~n ~f tlrM fp~
propcr[y locatc~f at 1'~~ Sout.h I+tnth Strr~t.
~CTI(1~1: Cor,xr~is;i~n~r 1;fn~a ~~ff~~recl ,i r~cic~n~ sec~n~lr:l by Corm~issi~ner D,ivid And
MOTI~~!1 C/1RRIE~ (COr~m(SSi~mc•r [lushurr ~hstain~n~~) ~ th,~t thc Anah~im C(ty Pla^n~ng
C~rx-lssic~n d~~es her~l,y ~_~rant ~~ ~ne-yc~~r~ retrc~~~ctlve er.tension of ~ir,e fnr
R~clc~s~,ificati~~n Ilo. : i-7~-1~~ ~~nd V~ri~~nc~ No. 3~~1' tn c~p(r~ ~n Ott~ber 23.
R. C~NUITIi~IIl1L ~J;C PE.P.t~IT !!0. 13'.~`,' - P~uur.st. froi~ Leo Frcr~lr.ian~ c~wnc~r cf Hy~-tt House
otc ~ or ~ ret r~~ncti ve cxtens ion of t Ir~r. for Condi Cinnal !Jse Permi ['!o. 1 3;9
tor prorerty 1~c.itr~d ~~t 11~'~ Soutli HA~bar [1oulFV~rc1 in c~r~ler to complete
negoli.it(ons wlth t~~e• Llty of M~ih, ir~ fnr a h~~t~~) at tl+r• f,~nvcnt(on Center s(te
which cc+ulc! h~~vc A bcarin~) ~rz subjcct ~I,ins.
ACTI~~l: Cor-r~issinnr.r Kinn offcri•d ~ mc:~tinn sec~~n~!c~f hy Cc~nissioncr ea~r~ and
~I cnr.ri~.c tt~at ct,~ ~~n~~-,rlr~ City I'I~innin~~ C~rr~ission ~l~As hcreby qran; a onc-
,y~•ttr r~~irc>~~ctivr exte'nsi~n of tim~ f~r C~nditlr~n~1 Use P~^rmit ~lo, 1?~'1 tn ex~lre
D~crrt~er ?/~ 1~^n,
C. RCf,L~S5IFICAI'I~'1 IJO, 7~~-7`'-2~ C~'if?ITIO'lhl. USE: PE.RNIT N0. 1~?~, - David A,
Sa c~~l~-~ An.~hc r+ H s~ Inc.~ rcnur5t5 ~n ~xt~nsi~n n t rx~ ~r propcr~y
cc~nsistin~; ~f ~~,~rc~xir,atrly 11~ acre, on thc pn5t s;de of Imperl~l IliahwAy~
~p~~nximf~i~ly 1~~~~ frct s~uth ~f thc ct~n,rrl in~ ~f ilohl P,snch P,oad,
ACTION; Corr+issioner M,ln~~ oFfcr~d ,i rx~ti~~, s~cond~rci by Ccx~mi5sioner D~-vid end
~t-~('~TI C.+IRRICD that thr An~tihr_ir, Ciiy Planninc; Cc~-nmisslan dc~es hereby nrant a one-
year extension of tirne For Reclassificatl~n Na, 7~~-7'l~?5 and Conditionat Use
Pernit tJo. !'~3~ to expire on Janu~ry 2'~~ 1~1°1,
U. '~JAIVEh, OF H I LL51 UE GRA~I Ilf, (~P;!f 1~~'~CC FOR T~/1CT h05. ~)~~~~ AND 97~5 ~ Request f rom
An.~hPim f1i Ils~ Inc, for watvFr of requirement of the City of Anahci~ Hillside
Grsclln•~ Ordinrnc.e as it relates t~ thr_ locattng of lot lines at the top of slopes
fa~ pro~i:rtY 1~cated ai thc nortt~c:ast corner of Fairrnont R~ulevar! and Srrrano
Avenue .
ACTt01l; Cor*~,is~siontr Y.tn~t ~FfAre~i ,~ r,nr.i~n~ scconcl~d by Corr*iissioner Dayid and
~~ CARRICU tl~at the: Anahrin~ City Planning Corm(ssion do~s hercby recommend to
t-~c ~Ci ty Caunci 1 th~t tt,c Waiver of 111 I Iside f,radinq Ordinanc~ be granted far
Trnct !~qs. 97~~~~ ,ind ~7~~5.
1 / 14/E3~1
.~ -
E. RLCl.A`SIFIC/1TIi~t! NU. '9-1~ ~ Nesolutian t~ re~cincl nck~~tc~~ Resolutton No.
PC 9-~?1 ado~~tr.d qrnnt n~~ Recl~ssiflc~itl~~n ~f 7,~ acres, loc.'+tec1 e~~st of thr.
nA~thenst And Sc~UtheASt corners af ~rcl~,~r<I f'rivc an~~ L~~+I.evic~w llvenue due t~
onf5sic~n5 fn scvcril p~~ri~rn~hs rcl.~~in<a t~ zoniny ~Msi~~n~~ticm and typngraph(cal
error pcrt~inin~~ ta date of ~~untic hc,~ring.
AC71A-1: Comr~issl~incr Kln~~ nffercd Resolution tlo. PCr~-1~+ r~sclnciin~ Resnlutl~n
~~~'~; p~]~-~~7 ,~nd ~tr~ntinc~ Petltion fc~r Reclassifi~~'ti(~n rl~, 7'~-~~-1".
On ro11 cil I~ tl7c f~~rcyoln~~ res~~utlc~n w~s ;~.its~~d hy the f~l lnwinc~ vate:
~YES: C~~1t~1 ~ 51 ~!IE f?5 : [~AR!~f.5 ~ E3U~II~RC. ~ UAVI D. F~Y, ~ICPnS? ~ 1;1!It' ~ T^Ll1P.
AUSC~J1': COt~'~I SS I~~~CfiS: N~1J(:
F. VARIl1tICF. I~~. 3~~3 - 1lunc Pr~~ Tunc r~~s~lutlcm ~iu~ to a ty~~r~r~i~hicAl error
rc ~7t ng [~ Atc ~of {7uh l i c hcari i~y i n R~sol ut lc,n lio. rr.7`1-;':~~ .,dn~ce;{ qrant i nq
Varl~~ncc on ,i~~~r~r,ir,~,te~ly ~+.'; ~tres, h.win~ i frnnt.tinc of ;+nnmxim.,t~ly 321 fect
~n the nurth sic!c c~f NI r~l~~r~a llvenuc, i~{~r~~x(M;+t!~ly '~!'`~ fect wrst ~f thc
cent~rllne of Reci ~urr Strect.
ArTIC~!1: Corr~issloncr F;inc~ nffrr~~' ~'~soluti!,n No. P~~n_1`, ~nd rxivrd f~r f[s
pass~~~a~~ .~n:i ~i~lc~ption t'~at thr l~nahcin City ~l~~nninc~ ~~rv~issinn dncs her~by grant
~ nune ~~ro tunc resolu[lr~n in corinccti~~n +~+ieh Vari;~ncc Ib. 3»3•
On ~oll call~ th~• f~~rcqoln!~ resolutiun a,n~, ~~ns5cc! hy thc fnllc~wlnq vo[r:
AY[5: C~Hf!15SIn!!EPS: (3ARNES~ E3USIIO~C~ G~~'1^~ F~Y, HCnBST~ i:l'1~~ 7~L11R
N^E5: CDt~MIS.r,I~'ICP.S: 110'lE
ADJOUF~IIME',T There befnr~ n~ fu~thcr husinc:ss, Comr:issinnrr Fry nfferc~d a rx~tton~ seconded
by CO~nm1551c~ner David and NOTlnll C~P°ICD !hat thc rM~tln~~ he adj~~urned.
The mr~ttny w.'~s adjourncd at ;:2~ p.m.
Rest~ectful ly su- ni[tcd~
~~ ~ 7~~~.~~.,
Edlth :.. Narris~ S~cr~tary
An.~helm Ci[y Plnnning Cornmtssion