Minutes-PC 1980/01/28~~ City Halt Anaheim~ Caltfornla Januery 2$~ 198Q REGULAfI MEETING OF TIiE ANAFIEIM CITY RLANNINf COMMISSION REGULAR - Th~ regult~r meeting of the An~heim Clty Planntng Commission was called MCETIN~ to order by Chrtrwamen 9arnes at 1:3~ p.m., Jenuary 2fl, 19E~0~ In the Councll Cht+mber. a quorum betng prescnt. PRf.SENT - Chai rwoman: Barnes Commissloners: Bu~hore~ Fry~ Nerbst~ King~ Tolar Commisstone,r David ~rrived At 2:35 p.m. ADSENT - Commissloners: NONE ALSO PRESENT - Ronald Thompson Jack White Jay Titus Paul Singer R~bert Kelley Melcolm Slau~hter Annt~,a Santalahti Qean Cherer ~dith Harrls Plannina Director DeputY City Attorney Offlc~ Cnglneer TraFfic Cngiiieer Assoclate Planne.r Deputy City A~torn~y Assistant Director f~r Zontng l.oning Representative Planning Commisslon Secfetary PLEDGE OF - The Pledge of Aitegiance t~ chc Flag was led by Cortmis~ioner Tolar. ALLEG I IlNGE CONTINUED iTENS ITEM N0, 12 PUULIC HEARING. 04ME.R5: CARLTON H~MES INC.~ 1g002 EIdVI ONN N AL (Mi'ACT P,C~OPT N0. 216 Irvinc poulPVarci~ N210. Tustin~ CA q26F0. rev o~s a rode JENN{~~f5-NAL~ERMA~1-N000. 5~~0 Morth Golden Ci rcle Dr., TENTA IVE P OF TRACT N0. 1~713 k111~ Santa Ans~ C!+ 927~~. SubJect property fs an Rev s on No. 1 irregularly-sha~ect parcel of land consisttng of approximat~ly 15,2 acres h~v(ng A fro~tage of app roximatcly 40G feet on the west side of Inperial Htgh~ray havin~ a maximum depth af opproximately 1662 feet and bein9 located approximately 1088 feet south of the centerline af Nohl Rar~ch RoAd is prr~posed as a one-lot. 54-unit RS-A-t~3~000 candominium subdivislor~. it was noted steff has requested tht~t this petition be c~ntlnued to february 11, 198Q tn order to reedvertfse to include an addttional petitlan. ACTION: Comm(ssioner King offered r~ mation~ seco~d~d by Commissio~er Tolar and MOTIQM '~t l~~ (Commissia~er ,~avid beinq abaent). that subJect petitio~ be continued to tfie Plsnnir.g Conr+ission m~eeting of ~ebruary 11, 1q80 in order to readvertisc an edditional pc[{tlo~. SO-38 1/28/8A ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JANUARY 28~ 1980 JO-39 ITCM NQ. 1 PUf3LIC N[.ARiNG. QWt~EP,; JOSCPfI P. AND MADEIINE OS4QRN~ ~ t~k'~'I~TVE DCCL/1R~TION 1402 5. Kn~tt Strect~ Anahalm~ cn 9zAo~,. ~COIIDITIONAL USC ERMIT NO_. 2n~1 Petlti~ner requ~sts pnrmi,ston t4 PERMIT A LIMOUSINE SCRVICE on property des~rib~d ~s ~ rectangularly-shaped parcel of lend consisting of approxtmately ~'~3a(1 squc-e feet havln~ a frontege af approximat~lti• f~; f~et on the east slcie ~f Knott Street with a depth of approx(mat~ly 12~3 feat ancf being IocAtrcS arproxlmAtely 1~~ fc•~c s~uth of the centerline of Brady A~r.nue~ and further d~scr(beci ns 1~+0(~ South Knatt Street. Pro~erty ~resently classifted RS-J7.0~ (RESIGENTIAt.~ SINfLE-FIIMILY) Z(?NE. There we~re approximAtety seven nP_pplC indic++tinn the(r presence In o~p~sltion tc- subJect request, ancl althouqt~ thc staff report to thc Planntr,~ Conr,,ission datcc! January 2$~ 19^0 was not ret+d at thc public hearing~ it is r~fe~rred to a~d n,nde ~ pArc nf the minutes. It was noteci th~ aprlicant was not present nn~l Jeck 4lhite~ Denuty Clty Attorney~ explalned (e Is not neces5~ry for the Commisslon to ~eopen thc ~ublic heAr(nq and c~ke addltlonal test(mony since che piirpose of tf~e hrevi~us continuance aAS to detc~rmine City Council aetion of an op~eal filr~i tn connection with Commtssic,n a~~roval of Che s~me use on the adJoininn ~roperty, Cortmissionr.r T~1<ir stated the Cor.xnissi~n h.is sprnt ~ lot ~f tlrx- h~aring this request; that thc. Ccxnr~f ss ion hr-rf recoumendeA that thc p~t i t ion~r f i le far thi s pcrmi t s i nce the ~dJ~lninq rroperties nre s~~ intec~rated ~nd used for the same purn~ses rnd since the prevlous perm(t was citnl~d hy the Llty Council nn the a~!~ninin~~1 p~rr,r.l, he c.1id not scc any need for addlticmal cestt~nony, ~ ACTIOtJ: Corxnissi{~nr.r Tol~~r offc~e~f ~~ motion~ s~~candc~i !sy Commis,s~~ner Y,fng and MQTION ~D (Comm(ssic~ncr Oavic± bcinr~ rbscnt) ~ chac the Anaheim Ctty Planniny Lcxnmission has reviewsd the pronosal to rciain a lirmusine s~rvicc ;n [h~ kS-77.~~ (Restdential, Slnqle• Famtly) Zone on a rectengularly-s-~~nrd parcrl of Idnd consistinq af opproximately 8350 snuare fect haviny a frontage of Ap~roxim,wtcly G~~ fect en tl~r east siJe of Knott Street~ havinr; a rru~xlmum depth of appr~r.in~tely 12`' fcet .~nd beinq locatcc! apnroximately 1!?0 feet south of tt~e centerline of Brady Jlvenu,~; and does hr.rehy approve -.he Neg~tive Declaration Fram [he requirerr~n[ to pre{:are an environmental imnnct re~.~rt an the basis that there would be no si~n(ficant individual or cumulative adverse envir~nmental impact due to the approvel of thls Ncg.~t~vc Decl~rAtion sincc the Anaheim f,eneral Plan designates the sub.ject property for I~~-dPnsity residentlal land us~s c:rmmensuratc Hith the proposal; that no sensitive environmentel impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submtttec!!7y thi~ petiti~~er inAicates no signtftcant individu~l or tumulativc advcrsc envirnnrxntai (r~~~cts; and that the ~~egative Declar.itian sut~scantiatinq tihe foregolnc~ findin~s is on `ile ~n the C(ty of Anah~im Plann)n~ De~artmr.nt. Commissioner Tol~r offered P,esolutt~n No. PCB~-lE~ and rtx-vrcl f~r its p~issaue and adoption that thc Anahcim C1[y Planntng Commiss6an does hereby deny Petitian for Gand(ti~nal Use! Pcrmit ~to, 2Qr;1 on thc basis that the use is detrimental to the surrounding residential nelqhbonc~x~d and alse ihe c~nAttional use permit fnr thP same use on an adJnining parcel ~ras dsnicci by che C( tv Counci I un January 22~ 59~~, On roll call~ Lhc fc+regotng resalution was passed by the follc~wino vote: AYES: COMM15510-1ER5: QARNES~ L~USIIORE. FRY~ IIERDS7~ KING, TOLAR NOES: LOM~tiSSI0NER5; NO!~C ApSENT: ChNNISSI01~CR5: DAVID Jack White. Deputy Clty A~t~rney~ prescnted thc written r;qht to appeal the ('lanning Co~mmiss(on's dccision wlthtn 22 d~ys to the City Council, 1/7.$/8U ~, MINUTES~ ANAIICIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JANUARY 28~ 19$0 $0-40 ITEM N0. 2 FUDLIC NEARING. OWNERS: BALD411N COMPANY, lT~.~ 16011 ~VT~~~t~l1L IMPACT REPORT N0, 166 HAIe Av~nuex, Irv~~ . CA 92?11~. AG~NT; NUNSACKFR ANO rev r~ua a roved ASSOC. ~ INC. ~ 7' ~t ~dhi 11 ~ Bldq. VI ~ Sul te 21?.~ 11A N E N. 1 reviousl A 7roved) Cost~ Mesn~ CA (,. Prapcrty descrlbed as an . ~ Irregulerly-shAped ~»rc~l of land consist(nh ~f Rev s c~n o. apprextmetely ;6.5 ncres loc~ted southw~-steriv ~f Nohl Ranch RaAd an~i approxtmAtely G~~ feet southwost of the westerly terminus ~f Ridc~evlev+ Road. Tf.NTnTIVE TR!-CT RE2UEST: TO EST118LISH A 6R-LOT~ RS-~nnf1(S) 7~NE SUR~IVISInN. There was no onE indir.at(nn their pres~nce In ~pp~sitl~n to aubject r~auesc. ++nd althnugh thc steff re~ort to the Plnnning Commtsston clat~d January ?.3~ 1!1~'1 was n~t read at the public he~ring, tt ts refrrred to and madc e p~~rt f the minutes. John Mtchler~ HunsAker ~nd Assoclates~ ~gcnt~ stated this (s n r~vise~i tract map ~r~i resubml tt++) of ~' , arca covered (n Tract 9212~ expanding the tr~~ct boun<iary to Includ~ some lots e,cistin~~ In Tr~ct ~121;, a~d tak(nn thosr ~~ts fr~ntinn on Ct~mino GrAndc rnd fronting tl~em unto Intcrlor streets. TIIC F'U13~1 C IIEARING W~S CLOSE~. Chal rwoman tiarnes aske~' yow mt+ny lots wi 11 nc~w front on Cen~inn Grandc, and Mr, Mf chler repiicd eicven anc: ~xp,afned thc lots on the n~rth side have bcen rlimin~tecl~ And p~lntcd out the oren space lot shnwn was ~+ppr~ved uncier Tract ~'112 It r~as noted Cnvlronn~enta) IrnpACt Report No. 1GE wns pr•evinusly cert~fled for subjc~ct propcrty In conJuncti~n w(th Tentatlve Tract Map No. ~?.12 ~n April 27~ 1979, ACTIOt~; CormisslenPr Y,(nq offered a mc~tic~n~ seconded by Canmi~si~ner T~lar and MOTIOtt ~~I~D (CoRxnlssl~ner Devfd A~in~ absrnt), Chat thc Anaheim Citv Plannlnq G~rm~ission dor,s hcreby find ~hAt thc propnsed subdlv151an~ togethcr with itS dPsiqn an~1 lrtx~rovement~ (s conslstent with the Clty of Anahelm Generr) Plan~ pursuant t~ Governmcnt Code 66473,5; and does, thcrefor~, ~pprove TentAtive Map of Trnct No. if1^4~ (Revision No. 1) for a 6P.-lot, RS-~~~0(SC)(Residcntlal~ Single-Family~ Sten(c Corridc~r Overlay) Zone subdivision~ ~ubJect c~ th~ folldwing conditions: 1. That stioulcl this subdivision be developed as morr_ than ~ne subdivision~ each eubulvlsi~n there<~f shall be subr~ittcd in trnt~tive fc,rr, f~r ~p~mval, 2. Thac all facilit(es within che tract boun~!ary shall be s~rved by underground utilltiPS. ;, ThAt [he arigtnal docunents of the cov~nan[s~ conditions~ and restric~~ons~ and a letter addressed t~ develaper's tttle company ~~~lhnrizing recordat~on thereof~ shal! be subm(tted t~ the City Attorney's officp dnA an~ravecl by the City Attorney's offtce and Enrylneering Oivision ~rlar to final tract map approval. Said doGUmen~S, es appraved~ shall be fl~.:d and re~corded in the Offic~ af the Orange County Rec~rder, ~. That street n~mes sh~ll bc approved by the City Planning Den~rtment prior to approval of d finel tract map. 5. That firc hydrent~ shall bc installr_d and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Ghief ~~f the F(re Department prior to c~xnr-encement of struttural frar~ing, ,i2eiso l MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JANU~RY 28~ 1~80 ~0-41 EIR N0. 166 (prevlausly epprove~)~ VARIANCE N0. ~124 (prevtousiy approved) ANO TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. ~o9~4n ( Revislon ~la. 1) (contl~~ued) ~_ 6. That the owner of subJect prop~rcy shel) p~y to the Cicy of Annhelm the app~oprlat~ ~~~rk end recreatlon in-llr.u fnes ~s determtned t~ bc ~ppraprinte hy the City Councll~ aelA fccs to bc ~nid At thc tin+r thc bulld~n~ nermit ts issucd. 7. Th~t drAinage of safd nro~cr;;~ sh~ill h~ dis~oseci of in A m~nner s.~tisfACtory to the Clty En~incer. I`~ In the pre~nr~tl~n ~f thc sitc. sufflclent grading is requlr~d to necr.ssltntc a grt~cling pcrmit~ no work on g~adfn~ will bc p~rmitted betwcen October 15th anA Aprll 15th unless ell re~ulred off-site clrnfnA~le faclltties hove been instnl~~.d ancl are operat(ve. Positlvc rssurance sh~~ll be pravided thc CI ty th~~t such drainagc f~ici 1 f tirs wi 11 bc ccx•~nletrcf prl~r t~ ~ctober 15th. "lecr.ss~~ry rtc~ht-of-way for off-site dratnn~P facllitles shall be dr,dleated to thc C(cy~ or the City Councl) shall hav~ initi.~ted c~ndemnation p roceAdtn~s thcrrfor (the c~sts of whfch shs+ll he hornc hy thc d~velop~r) prlnr to th~~ c~rrxncneem~nt of ~rnding operAtic~ns. Thr.. r~quired draln~ge facllitles shell be of ~~ ~Ire and type sufflcient tn carry runoff w~~t~rs ~ri~(natine~ fram hir~hcr propcrties through sald ~ro~erty to ulGimat~ ~1I5(~nS~I AS anproved by the Clty Enqinec~r. ~a(d drainege facflitics shnll bc thc first ttcm of constructlon ~nd shflll bc com~,lctP<I an~f bc function.il thr~u~~hout thc trrict A^d from the downstream bo-~nd~ry c~f the prop~rty c~ the ultin~~te ~otnt Of ~~SpOSA) prlor to the Iss~ance of nny flnnl bulldln~ ins~ecti~n:. or occup~ncy pPrmits. Dralnage d(strlct rclrrbursement anrcements nay b~r mAd~ ~vai Irhl~ tn th~ dl~4!!IQpPI'S ~f SAId prop~rty upnn thcir requcst. ~. Th.~t grn~linq, r_xcnvAtic>n~ ~nc1 ~11 c,th~r constructinn Activittcs sh~~li bc cond~~ctr.d in Such a n~nnei• s~ ns t~ ~in(r~i~r_ thr n~sSihlllty of Any sllt origin.~tinq Fr~m this nm)ect b~inc~ cArrlcd ln[~ the Sant.~ MA R)ver by st~rm wAter orlainitinc~ fra~ ur flowinq thmuc~h this ~mJ~ct. 9. Tht~t th~ allgnmrnt nnd terminal ~aint of stnrm drAlnS shown on thls [entative tract m~~p shall n~t be considered final. The~e drAins shall bc zubiect to preclsc desi~n conside.rrtlons and appravt~l of the City Enc~tneer, 10. If ~rrr~anent strcet name! siqns havP not he~n installed~ temp~rary Street namc signs st~all be ins~allyd prlor to any occupancy. il. Thac ~I1 re.~uir~ment~ of Fire Zone ~~~ csthenvise (clentifieA As F(re Administrattve Order IJo. 7(~-~t ~ Ni l l b~ ~++et. Such requi re~ents Inclu~le, but are noe 1 imi ted to~ chimney spark arrestor~~ protect~~f attic ~~nd under flcx~r opcnings~ Class C or better rooffny nateria! and one hour ffre resistive construction of horizontal ~urfaces (f within 200 feet of adJacent brushl~nd. 12. Th~t native slupes adJacent to newly constructed homes shall bc hydroseeded w(th a!ow fue~) combustibl~ seed mlx. Such stopes shall be sprinklered and weeded as required to establish 100 fcet separatlon of flarriebic yegetatlon from any structure. 13. That the owner(s) of subJect property sF~all pay the traffic signal asse.ssment fee (prdinAnce Ilo. 3~9(~) in an amount as deterr•iin~d by the City Counctl~ for each new dKelling unit arlor to the Is3uance of a bu~lding permit. t /28/$0 ~, MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JANUARY 28, 1980 80-42 ITEM N0. ~ PUaLIC NEhRING. OwNERS; ATILANO FLORES MONDaAGON, €IR CA~EGARICAL EXEMF'TION - AND NATALIA JACOf10 M~NDRAf,ON, ~+~7 East North Street~ ~~~, Anehe 1 m~ CA 928~5. Pat I t loner rc:ques ts WAI VERS OF V RI E N0. 3130 (A) M1~lIMUM NUMFICR OF Pl1RKItlf SP11CC5~ (8) MAXINUM ' - S ION FENC[. NE I GNT TO RET11111 AN I LLEGAL GARAG~ C~NVE. AND Frr.NCE ~n propcrty descrlbed ~s a r~c.tangularly- shaped parccl of land consisting of ap~roxirtuit~ly ~75n square feet locoted ~t the northe~sl corner of Narth St~cet and Ollvc Strcct havi nq frontag~s of appr~ximntely 11~ feet on the north sid~ of North Strect and ;0 feet on thc eASt s(de of Olive Straet~ and further descrlh,ecl ~+s ~-07 East North Street. Property presently classifl~ci CL (COMME:RCIAL~ LIMITED) ZO~IC. Thcre were three persons IndlcAtin~ thcir prrsence ln opposttion -o subJect r~quest~ and althouqh the staff rc~ort to the Planning C4mmission ci.~l~d Jenuary 26~ 1A~0 wAS not read ot the publfc hcAring~ It is refr.rred to and mAdc a p~ rt of the minutes. Armando Diaz~ agent. stnte~f thesc waivers arc being r~~ur.sterl beceusc the netitioner has hed ~roble~~ with roh~crics, etc.; that thc merket was existin~ when hc ac~ulrcd thc property; flnd th~t he woul~l lt~e to ret~l~ the f~-foot f~nce nnd thc narage cunversion for storege. Ray Nit~mAn~ 743 North Olivc, st~ted hc has livcd thcre for 1'J Y~~+rs nn~1 has no ob(~cti~n to thc opcratfon af thc narkct bcc~usc It has bc~en tt-ere fc~r m~ny ycnrt; h~vrv-~r~ he Is opp~sed to the bl~ck well and thc manner in which it is bcinq bulit; thit It is not beinq bui 1 t accordi nq to Ccde an~i i s rather uns f r,ht ly. 11e as~~.ed why tl~e curbi ~q on [he west slcie of the proper[y has b~en knocked ouc~ pointinq o ut it appe.~rs forms are being put tn on the west in orcle~r to pour concrete for a parE,Irg place. Ne ~xnlalned his res(dence is the fifth hous~ on the wes[ si~e. Rosalyn Nicknan~ 7b3 North Ollve, stnc~d shc could se r n~~ wnnection between the fence and the market; [hat the Market h.as b~-~n therP for many yc~~r~ And fronts ~nto North Strect and the fence is beiny built on Ollve Str~et; thAt othcrs tinvc to havt perm(ts for rr.rt+odeling~ and have to providc n c~aragc ~n their aropcr•ty and fe lt. this ~ropcrty nwner should comnly Hith the same requiren~nts. She stdtc~t this pro~erty Is vPry unsightlv. Th~lma Walker~ 31f, East North Street~ dtagonally across frcxn subJcct property state*' she opposes the fence v~ry much becausc it is very u~sigt~tly and felt since other proNercy or+ners have to provide a single pa~kln~ spACe ~ara~e , this petltloner sFx~uld aiso have tne garege and should can~ly with the rec~ulations. Shc F elt lf thls Illegal fence is permitted, others will do the s~rne type thtnc~, Mr. Diaz stated the petitioncr wrould also li~e to ha vc thc fer.ce because he has stx small children a~+d he p~ans to hAVC ~-~dog on thc premises f or prutectlon; that the market and residence are attache.f; and he has provided a parkin r spate f~r his vehicle on the propcrty. 11e felt when the fence is fintshed~ it wT 11 n-eke a be+tter appearance in the nei9hborhaod. TtIE PUaLIC NEAaI~IG WAS CLOSED. Coernissinner E3usliare asked for clarificatlon reyarding the one parking space to be provided on she property and Mr. Diaz stated it woul~ be provldecf on the east side of Oliva Strett tn Che front of the prop~rty end er.plair~ed thcre (s no driveway there at tht presenc time. ~i2aiao ~, ~!INUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JANUARY 28. 1980 80-~3 EIR CA7EGORICAL EXEMPTION - CLASS 3 AN~ VARIANCE N0. 1 0(continued) Dean Shercr. tonine~ Rcpresentativc~ stated staff is not aware ~f At1y (~Crmlt4 issued far ~ drlvewey; that the Code rPqulres one covered parktng spec~; thAt the current ~onin ca is conxnercfal 1 imited end It would he p~sslble to p1ACe c~ har~ge structure in thc. setback And lt was clarlfied that there will bc no structure - Just nn open parking s~ac~. Commlsslo~e~ Bush~re felt taking the parking sn~ce aw~y wlll create n hardship on th~ nci~hborhood with another vehicle p++rkecl on the strPet. iie Was concerned h~w a veh(cle could get intn th~~ ~~irb;ine~ space proposed wlth thc~ wall constr-icted ~nd Mr, Dlaz explalnsd there is an entrance on the east slde of Ollvc Street betwcen the corncrs of th.. propertics. Commissloncr Y.lny cxplained thc pctitian~r contcmpl.itcs nrnamNntt~l (r~~ hetwecn the pi Ilers of thc fence; th.~t thc ~i llnrs rre about sl x feet hi~th and thr. base is about three fect abovc groun~l level. Ne stated th~ ~+ctltlonPr does hav~ sPCUr(ty nrobler+s wi th robberl~s~ ~tc., ~-~nci tl,c fenc~ wruld ~rovtct~ ~rntectlon~ t~nd also witho~~t thr_ f~nee, the pctitioner would hove ~~n Added expensr. repaintlr~~ thc huildinq wht~n it is spraY't~alntcd wtth gr~fflttl, Com~issioner pus-,~re stnte~l hc has no obJPCtiuns t~ chc f~nce, but want~d t~ he sure no additlonel h,7rdshin wi l l be cre.ited ~n the netnhborhood anri hc would ~ant to be surG the pPtitloner would actually park his vehicle In the spice rrovidPd on thr propcrty. Jay T(tus~ Offlcc Enotn~cr~ stated Enyineerin~ Dep~~rtment Nould ~+ltow a~7riveway on Olive St~eet~ If the prrkinc~ sc~~~ce is legAt end nx~ets the z~ninq crit~ria, Commis~ihner Klnn a5ked that a stl~+~~l~tinn be r~quire~f that the ornament~il iron betwecn the pi l lar~ of th~ fence be Nr.l l-s~ +~eci hrcause r bl tnct cor~cr c~uld he created. I{e also pointed out thc wall on the north ~, +r, from [he f~c~ of the building back runnin q easterly~ ts 7-feet hic~h. Commissioner Talar A:I~.cd why a bui idinc~ permlc wAS not origt~al ly ~ht~ined f~r tu~struttlon of the wall and Nr. Dirz replicd the re~itinnrr v~ras not aware that a permit was requlre~; that [he prevlous ewnc~ did not heve chlldren and ~iid not need a f~nct~ but the petltlc~er needs the fence for safety of hts childrpn~ and he wants to keep a do4 on the premises. Commissioner Dush~re stated he cSi~i not like tf~e petitic~~er qoing ahead and constru~ting the fenGe wi th~ut permi ts and ceus ing hardships on the ne ~ ahbors ~ but the claracle has Already bcen convcrted, And if this request ts not a~~+roved~ the petitSoner Nilt have to reconvert the ~arage and replace the cloor. t1e felt if a p:+rking spacc can be provided in the front yard and the petitloner wili park his car there~ and Alsa (f the fence w~ll not bc an obstruction co trafflc~ he cautd support the rcquest. Mr. Diaz explalned the fenc~ has not b~ee~ finished because the pe;iti~ner ~s wai ting f~r the permits; and that he would have no ~+roblcm removing ~he fence if the reques t Is denitd, but hfs maln cancern is t~e well-being of his family. Commissio~er Tolbr stoted he would s~pport the garage c~nvers}on and the fence~ subJect to the p roptr permics being obtalned and the on-slte p~+rkinq spaca being ~r~vided. He steted a nice ornamental tron fenGe Is not an unec~mmon occ~rrence throughout t~e City wi th fencing on what appeArs to be the fronc of a bull~~ftng, even though lt actuafly faces another screec. ~/za/ao ~ MINUTES ~ A~~A~1E 1 M C ITY PLA~~N I I~G COMMI SS I ON ~ JA~IUARY 2R, 19a0 80-44 EIR CATECORICAL EXEMPTION - CLNSS 3 AND VARIANCC N0~13~ (c~nttnued) ~_____._~ ~ - - - Respondtng to Chalnaomnn Ba~nes' cnncerns~ Jay Titus exrlalned the curb cut cannot be d~ne leqally wlthout ~i permlt~ but a~~rmit co~~ld be obt~~ln~d fc,r constructie~n within th~ pubilc rlc~ht~of-way and ~ne of thc sugctested c~nclttlnns nf ap~rovnl is th~~t the prop~r pertnlts be obt~~~nrd, C~rtmissl~ner 1lerbst refcrrcu t~ the daubl~ rilast~r on th~ cnrner to supn~rt th~ ornamental (ron~ and fclt thc brick work should he rcrmved end .~ SmA~~ stPel corne~ p~st tnsta) led to suprort thc ornancntal i ron hecnusr. i t rloc-s cre.~tc .i vtsibi I i t problem for anyone drtvinc~ dc~wn North Stre:~.t lookin7 to the right. Mr. 0(az aqrec~! to m.~E:e the chanqr as suggcsted by Gornnsssloncr ll~rhst and stated the fencc wlll be finisl,ed ns s~on as ~~ decisio~~ Is mrdr an~f after the apnP~il ~erlod. It w~~s noted the Planninq Direcior ar his authori;ed re.~~resentative h.~s clet~rmtnr_d that thc proposed proJect fAlls within the definiticxi of Cateqoric.~~l Exer~~tic~ns, Class 3, as defined ln p~,ra~r~~+~~h 2 of thc City of Anah~irn Environmental Im~act Rc~~~rt Guldrlin~s and is~ therefore~ categ~r(cally exeihpt from the re~uir~ment t~ c~re~;-re .~n EIR, ACTI~N: Com~+lssioncr Bush~re offer~cl Rcsolutlon No. PCIi~-17 ,~n~1 rx~~:~:1 f~r Its ~~ssAg~ ~nd ac~Ton that the Anahelrn C(ty Planninq~on~rr,isston does hereby qrrnt Petitlon fo~ Varlt~nce t~o. 313~, sub.ject ta [he petitlonar's stipulatinn ~it th~ publlc hearinc~ to remove t`,e existing Lrlc~, pilnstar ncarest thr corner of Ilorth Strcet ~n~~ Olivc ~Cr~et, and rcplace i twi tha sr~,al lcr steel p~~st to sup~c+rt Lhe orn~ment~il i ron to be instr~~ l~d~ said fencinq subJect to ~~proval of Ctty Trafflc Cne~inecr t~ insurc ~raper tr~ffic vislbility; to nbtain C( ty rlc~ht~of-wAy p~rrri [ for al l cnnstruction within publ ic riyht-of-way; that all pr~~-osed ~jnd exlsting tencing shall bc no hl~her ch~~n s'x (G) feet as measured from ground level; that one parking s~ace sh,il) be ~rovided on site In the front setback along Olive Sireet~ subJcct to .it~pr~val of the City F.ngineer ~nd rr.titi~ner shall stl~ulate. in wrlting~ to parl:in~ his personal vehicle in saicl pAr4.in~ sf~ace ; and that necessary permits shall be obtained for all existtng and ~ro~~sed construction ancf structures sha11 mee[ all Clty Cod~s~ and subJect t~ Interdep~~rtme~ntal Cornmtttee recommendations. On roll call, thr. foregoin~~ resolutlon was passe~f by the fallowiny v~te: AYES : C(~11MI S.`~ IO~ICf~S ~ BARI;E:.~i ~ E1U51i0P,:: ~ FRY , fICRUST ~!SI!If ~ Tf1Ll1R ~IOES : Cf1t1M I SS I ON~RS : NOIIE ABSENT: COHMISSI~tICRS; DAVID ITEN N0. ~; PUSLIC HEARING. OWNERS: ROfER S. AtID MARTFiA L. DAVIES~ EIR C E OR.ICAL EXE-1PT1011-C1AS5 2 117q West Vermont Avenue~ Anaheim~ Cf1 ~2~~1.. Petitioner ~ requests WIIIVER OF MAXIMUH 4/ALL 11EIf,NT IN FR~-~T SET- 6l1LK TO RET111N AN EXtSTING 41AL1. on prop~erty described as a rectangularly-sh~~ped par~e) of fand consisting of approxirr-Ately G;17 square feet havin~ a frontage of approximately 71 fee~t on the north si de af Vermont Avenue having a maximum clepch of ap~roxirru~cely 9; f~et and being losated approximately >0~ fe~t east of the centerline of Walnut Street~ and further described as 1i79 Nest Vermont Avenur.. Property pre, ntly ciassified RS-7200 (RESIDC~~TIhL~ SI~~GLE- FANILY) 7.ONC. 1J28/80 ~. MINUTES~ ANAFIEIM CITY PLANt~l~ir, C~HMISStON~ JANUARY 28~ 198f1 80-4y EIR CATEGORICAI EXEMPTION ~ CLASS 2 AND VARIANCE N0. 3131 (conttnued) Therr was no o~e indicatin9 their ~resenca in opposltfon to subJect reques'.~ and alth~i~c~h th~r staff repart to thr Pi~nning Conmtsslon dated JenuAry 2E;~ 13f~~ was not reAd at the public hearinq~ Ic is referreJ to and mt~de a~ert of the minutes. R~7er Davles~ owner~ stacprl he had butlt thls wall because th~ old wall wes complc[ely dr.t~rl~ratcd with rot An<i termites whtch woulcS endnngcr his nroperty; th~~t hc hacl constructed rw,st of the wall himseif And the pl~n was revieweci ~~y A contractor; thet t.he wall hns ?-foo[ f~otings an~1 it Is l~terally~ horlrontally ancl verttcally supported wtth s[eel~ etc. He ~c~tnted out .~ c~rrection to the stnff rep~rt which Inclic~te~i the pilasters are connectPd with woc~den slats. ~nd ex~lained the pilastc~rs ar~ su~~ortrd with clear redwc~od~ ~;iln-dried~ knot-frr..e ?."xh"s ~inc1 ,tAt~•~i that nelghhors h,~ve c~mmented that the w.~ 1 1 ( s a r~ re~~t i rirrovem~n t. TIfF. PUaLIC f~EARINr, WAS CLOSED. It was noted th~ Plannin~~ Olrcctor or his authorl:ed repr~sentative h~is determinr.d thit the prop~seci pro,~ect falls wlthin the definltlon ~f Cate~nortcal ~xPm~ttonc~ Cless 2~ rg deflned in ~ora~rt~ph : ~f th~ Clty of Anahelm Cnvironrr~nta) Imp,~ct Repc~rc Gul~iel tnes and is~ therefore~ cateooricnlly exempt frcx~, the rcquirement tn prepare ~~n F.IR. ACTI~N: Carr~mission~r Tolar ~ff~rnc~ Resoluti~n !lo. PC8'1-l~i and rrx~ved for its p~+ssage and adopt on that the /1n.~helm City Pl~~nnln~~ Commissi~n ck~es herehy granc Petition for VarlAnce No. 3131 on th~ basis that the prevlaus wall was six (6) feec hiqh and w~s c~nstr•ucted before the property ~ras Annexed to the Ctty of Anaheim ~nd that thP ?3" ~dditi~nai hei~ht of the w~~ll aver that allowed by Code ~~iil not be detriment~l L~ thc surroundinq net~hbo~hood, and subject to Interde~+~rtmental Commttter recommendatians. On roll ct+ll~ the fore~~inc7 resal«cion was pnssed hy the follow(nq vnte: AYfS: C~NNISSIONf.RS: BUSIIORE, DAVID~ FP,Y~ NERI3ST~ KING~ TOLAR ~~nES: C011MISSIONERS: NOtlE AQSCNT; C(1N~115510t~ERS : 6ARNES ITCH Nn, 5 PUE3LIC flfARll~f,, OuMERS; AMERICAN NATIO~IAL PROPERTIES~ EIR~ORIGAL EXEMPTION CLASS 3 I!~C,~ P. 0. I3ox 10~77, Santa Ana~ CA 92711, ArENT: M PACIFIC OUTDt)OR ADVERTISING CO,, P. 0. Box 315A, Los ~IT IT t~~20~i9 Angeles~ CA 90051, Petitioner requests permissidn ~ TO RETAIt~ A!~ Exl~ I!~G BILLQOARp IN TNE ML ZOr1E wITH 41AIVf.RS ~F (A) ~!AXIMUM FIEIGliT, (8) MINIMUM SETDACY, on property described as an irregularly-shaped parcel of land cansisting of approxlmately ~.j7 acres having a frontage of approximately 200 feet on the no+~th Side of Katella Avenue having ~ ~ximum depth of ap~~oximately 1'~c1 fePt anci being locat~d ap~roxtmately 3~~ feet east of the centerline of Uouglass Street. P~operty presently classified ML ~Industrtal, LiNITED) ZOtJC. There was no one indicating [heir presence in oppositton ta subJect request~ and although the staff rdport to the Planning Cor~mission dated January 2E, 198~ was not read at the public hearing~ tt is referred to and made a part of the minutes. t/28/80 ~ MINUTES~ ANAHC11~1 CITY PLAI~NINC COMMISSION~ JANUARY 28, 198A 8~-46 EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTIO~~ CLAS5 - 3~ WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIO~IAL USE PERMIT N0. 2049 (contlnued) Jey Kingry~ Pac(fic Outdoor ~dverltsing Comn~ny~ F, 0. aox 315~, L~s /ingcles~ Callfornta~ stated thcy are not requesting a new sign, hut ~r.rmission t~ retain an existing sign at the seme location as provl~usly Ap~roved under Concf(tt~n~~l l-se Permit No. 12~14 In 197~; that there have bcen no complaints by ony of the neiqhbors ~ind the siyn dc~es not advnrsely affect the uses tn the area; th~t the arp.i w~s mc~stly undev~l~pe~l when the siqn was oriylnally constructcd; t~~at thls Is an in~fustrl~~l .ircA and siyns are ~!ermlttPd sub~ect to Approv~l of ~-- condltlnnal usc pcrmit; that thcrc ar~ no residences In the area; th~t there Is an Incfustrl.~l buildln<~ un~ier cc>nstr~ct(on on the site an~1 the nresent ~wners are ayreeable to the continued us~~ of the sign; th~t thr. slrin fs locateci it the eastern boun~iary of thc p.~rc~) that bor~ers thc 5antr~ An.~ Rtver bed~ s~ ther~ will never be any adjacent devclopment casterly ~f thc siyn; that the sinn w rrently I~ins sliqhtly and will he upyradeci tf th(s re~ur.st is a~t~rovcd, Ilc stated the~y fccl this is ~r iJ~al locati~~ f~r this sl~n; that the bacl. of the Or~nge Orive-in Th~~~ter screen In the area laoks much ltkc a billbo~rd wlthnut thc sl~n ~ind refcr~ed to th~ ph~t~9rAphs submitt~ed which show anot~~er si~~n approximately G0~1 feet ~~-wav in [hc County ~irr..i. He state~l their cc~mpany h~s m~ny c~f these signs and rotate them and fc~cl with thc ~l~vclop~~ent (n the Ar~a~ this locetfon is vc ry v~iluable ~nd also ~enerr~tes (ncnnx for the ~ropcrty awner. THC PuE3LIC -1[ARItJG WI1S CLO,E:G. Paul Slnqer~ Trafflc En~lneer~ expl~inec! he had rec~rxnen~lcd the east ~Iriv:~way b~ closed becouse it is located irr~edtately adJacent to ihe blllboard anJ le.~ds ~~ rectly to overhead doors~ ~o ~ny deliverles by cruck into the pr~posed builrllnc~ under con~ ruction woul:i require tha[ thp truck back up on Katella Avenue and he r~conmends that drivewAy be clased or moved substanti~ylly westerly tc~ prevent trucks backing al~ng Y,atella Into the dock area. Mr. Kingry stated trucks backin~ into the doc~, ~rea wnuld back over a c~lanter area, polnting aut thc si~n will be irnhr~d~l~d in the planter area~ and further expla(ned a tree wi 1) bc {~lanted to be as hic~h as tF~e bc~ttom c,f the sic~r to camout'lr+qe the nost. Ile expla(ned th~ sign is 45 feet to thc. t~p~ so it would bc 30 feet ta the bnttom of thc sir~n. Commissloner Bushore stated this sign h,is bec:n at Lhis locacion si~cc the pr~~erty was annexed to the City pointing out the last extension of time was Sept~mber 11~ 1~3~~,. He pointed out the Cade has changed sincc the tirr,~ thr p~rm(t expireci. Jack Whiten Deputy City Attorney, ~xplained .~ con~Jl~tonal use permit was requir~d previously and he would ~;ot comment on whose abligation it was Lo requesc the extensinns of tin-e, (Commissioner E3ushore felt It would bc to t.he pecttioncr's ~dv~ntage t~ request the extenston of tfine,) Mr. ~lhite further ex~~1~i-tied this is a request for r~ new cunditicmal use permit onef is requlred because of the waivers relattng to the setback and height which are nc~w requlred because of the Cod~ chan~e and the Commission could grant thr. use for a time Iimit if they so dec:tr~, Chainvoman Barnes statpd one of the reas~ns far the sinn ordinance is to keep btllboards out of the City~ and every billboard requeste~l has been denlPd by th.- Commtssion; that she was co~ccerned there wil~ b~ more signs requestecf u~ and cawn the street and pointe~a out Chls bEliboard does not even acivertise for l~cal bustness located ln that area and noted that signs for local business have been denied ~r reduced. Sh~e sCated she could noC see any logtcal reason for granting this request. t /28/ 80 MINUTES~ ANAIIEIM CITY PGANNING ~OMMISSION, JANUARY 28~ 1980 g~~~-7 EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLA.SS ^~~ WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENTS At~O CON011'IONAL USE PERMIT N0, zo49 (contlnu~d) Commissloner Bushore steted hc was thinking of ~ ninimnl perlod of ttm~ in nrder for the petltione~ to ~~bate the problr.m. Chalrwoman ~arn~s st~~tec1 this sl~n hAS br_en thare for 1~ ye~irs And the G~~mpany hAS gott~~~ thelr mdney from it nnd lt is leAnln~ And shoul~ be removed, Hr. Kln9ry state:f the ste~ns are rotated and ~ire on a mc~nth-to-m~nth hasis. He stated the s(gn ts v~ry vr~luable doll.~r^wts~. It was noted thr Planning Director or his authorlr~d rFprzsentative h.is determin~d that thc proposaef project f,~lls within the definftlon of CAte~~c~rlc~it f.xemG-tions~ Class 3. as defined !n parn~r~~pt~ 2 of the Ctty of 1lnahefm Envfr~nment~il Imp.ict Rep~rt Guidcllnes and is~ thsref~re, categc-rtc~illy ~xem~t from thc requir~ment to pret!nre an EIR. l1CT1(1N: Comm~ssione~r I3ushnre offered a mot~~n~ seCAnd~c~ by Conmissi~ner Fry ancl N~TION CARRIEU~ that thc An~helr~ Clty Planntng Coim~f~sion docs her~hy dcny requests far w~iivers of maximum hetc~ht ~nd minimum sethack on the basts thit there arr_ no unique circumstances ap~ltcnble t~ the pr~perty~ includin~ size~ sh.~ne~ t~ponraphy, location or surrc?undings~ which do not aprly t~ ~cher pro~~rty undc~ Icl~niicAl zonin~ ci~ssificati~n in the vicintty. Commisslaner aushore offerrd Resolution No, PC80-1~ and moved for its passic~~ and adoptlon that tt~e Anahc.~im Clty Pl~nnlnc~ Commisslon does hereby ~~1Fny Petition for Conditional Us~ Permit No. 20~ig on the basis that subJect sicin was constructed ~~hen the area anA praperty were undeveloped; howevtr. an tn~iustrial devciapment ls currcntly unAer construcLlon on subJect prnperty and thr existinc~ sign would be drtrimental t~ salci industri~l us~ of the property and to the surrounding ~~rea. On roll cA1l, the foregoln~ resoluti~n was p~~ssccl by the follc~win~ vote: AYES : COM~11 SS I ONf RS : bARtJCS, 13U5HORE ~ fi?Y ~ NER[35T ~ KI Nf ~ TOLl1R. NOES: CONNISSI(',tIERS: f~ONE ADS~tIT: C0141 I SS I O~~f RS : DAVI D .lack White~ Deputy Lity l~ttorney~ prescnted the written ric~ht to appe~l the Planning Commission's .1~-ision within 22 days. ITEt1 IJO. ~~ PUE3L1 C HEARING. OWHERS: KURT GUF~IR, PONONA TRUCK. EIR ~IE~ATtVE DI.~LAR~TION ELEGTRIC INC.~ 3204 130th Street N. E.. Dellevue~ 41AIVER OF CUUE RE UIRE E~ITS WA ~P005. AGf.NT: JA11E5 S. PERKINS~ 26130 Miraloma QN I 11 U MIT N0. 20~,f1 Avenue. Anahelm, CA 9280(>. Petitioner requests " permissian ta RETAIIi A TP,UCK REPAIR FACILITY IN TNE ML zQNE WITIi IJAIVERS (A) MINIMUM LANDSCAPED FRONT SETBACK~ (E3) REQUIRED E';Gi.OSURE OF OUTDOOR USE on p roperty described as a rectangularly- shaped parcel of land consisting of approximateiy ~.a6 acre havtng a frontage of approximately i32 Feet ~n the south side of Miralona Avenue having a maximum depth of approximately 28$ feet and being located approximaCely i300 feet west of the centerline of Red Gum Street, and further described as 2E80 East Miraloma Avenue. (Pomona Truck Electric). Property presently classified ML (INQUSTRIAL~ LIIIITEQ) ZO~IE. There was n~ one indlcating their presence in opposition to subJect req~est, and atthough the staff report to the Planning Commission dated January 28~ 19EI0 was not read at ihe public hearin~~ it is referred to and made a part of the minutes. ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIF~G COMMISSION, JANUARY 28~ 198~ f30-4~3 EIR NEGATIVE QECLARATION~ WAIVER OF COUE REQUIREMENTS AN~ CONDITIONAL USf. PERNIT N0. 2050 (cc~ntinued) Kurt Guehr~ owner~ st+~t~d he is re~uesting a condition~) use pPrmlt ta retaln the Lruck rcpalr f~cility and ill c.~mt~~Y with alt City rcgulAtions; that thc bulldir,g is cxlsting anc~ for a numb~r of .~~ars was a b~~cA~(I~anSf~r/ffoureye~rsiAnd hAVCkh~d~nnrproblemsY~ that thcy have bcen nn~•rocin~ at th(s THE PUHL~C IiEA-~I~~~ N~5 CLOSE~. Commissihncr f3ushore stated when he h~id visitecf ~hc sitc, it a~~+enrcd thcre w~s noth~^~g goine~ on ancf Mr, Guchr explalned 9QZ ~f the work is conducted inslde the facillty• they pick u~ and dcliv~r, He Nxplained he h.~~1 nnt knaan a c~ndltl~nal ~s~ p~~it was required until inf~rmed by the 2oniny Enf~rcement Officer, Corsnissioner Qushore felt this use iti comt~atible with th~ l~dustrl.~l ~rea since the operation servlces the industrial communlty. 11e stated th~ ~+tans show landscapin9 is plonned end ~~Int~d out it must bc s~rlnklercd and ~~intnlned. Nr. Guehr statFC1 flar~en c~~xes~ trees~, and shr~bbcry ~~re plAnned an<.1 state~l they try t~ keep the property cle.in, etc. He explained thC trucks .ire standard siz~ ind wil) not be parked overnl~h[ bscausc they .~re in ~nd out in tt-e sar~e ~iay ancf thr only prop~s~~1 parking wtll b~ for er~loyecs. Camissloner (3ushore aske~i about sitc screening~ Pvrn though this is ~ ntce clean o~~eratlon nnd Mr. Guehr replled there is ~ f~nce to the street ~n thr east siAe which is partly blpcl: wall~ and a fence up to th~ buildinn on the wrst side ~~nc1 st~a[ed they would extend that fr.nce to the street ~r instell A qA~~ and would com~ly wtth whatever is requlred. bean Sherer~ Ionin~ P,epr~~sentative, explAinecl Codc t'equir~s a s{x (~~) foot hl~1h fence around thc entlre y~~rd intPrw~ven with s1Ats or a hloc~; well. Chairwoman t3arnes pointed uut none of thc surroundinc~ ~roprrty vwners have site screcninq. Dean Sherer explained this request is the result of action taken by the Zoninq Enforcement Officer aft~r r~cPivfng a comfurthe~~requcsts for ~~fm{tSiff(~m~thl5nareat area and th~ Commi551on Cen expect t0 Sec Cormisslone~tTion~rPwould~beuallowedetotexpandhhlsaoperationninvthc futurc'and~the~~inted out thls pet t screentny w~uld then be nec~ssary. Mr. Guehr stated they had rnoved here from Por~na and are the only el~ctrical truck repatr facility in Anahelm and arc needcd; th~~t the ~peration to the south plans to put up a block wall and the subjecc property (s already f~nced on the east sid~ ~~nd they will extend the fr.ncing on thc west side ~~other T.0 or 3~ feet. ex~laininc~ fPncinct was originally proposed to the rcar of the building and a ~ate will be inscallyd. 1/28/80 ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLA~~NING COMMISSION~ JANUARY 28~ 1980 80-49 ~IR PIEGATIVE DECLARATIQN~ WAIVER OF CODE REQUIRCMENTS AND CONDITIONIIL IJSC PERt11 T t10. 2050 (cont inued) .~_ -~ Ghnirwoman Bernes uffered ~- mation~ seconcled by Commisslonrr Klnq ~ncl MOTION C~RP,IE~~ th~~t the An~~he(r, Clty Plannln~ Commisslon h.is revicwed thc pr~~c,sa) te~ r rain a truck rep.~ir f~~clltty in thc ML (Industrlal~ Lir~it~d) Zone with waiv~rs of mintmu l.in~lsc~pe~1 front seiback n~d ree~ut re~t ~nclasur~ of uutdoor us~s on a r~ctanqul~rly-sh,i;~ed parce) of land consisting of appr~xl~tcly ~.f~6 Acrc having n fr~ntaqc nf rp~roximatcly 7.`~; f~et end b~lnc~ lacated ~p~raxink~tcly e~0 feec west of thc c~nterlfnc of Red Gun Slr~et; ancl does hr.reby .i~prove thp -le~~tiv~ Decl~ration frcxn thr r~c~ulrcment t~ ~+re~,,~rc nn envfronrr,~nt.al Inpact rep~rt ~n the basis that ther~ w~uld be n~ tt~nific~nt in~ivlriu~l ~r cur-ulatlve adverse envlr~~mental Imn~~ct due t~ the n~n m vA) ~` this ~ieq<~tive Daclaratton sinee the llnaheim Genr_rnl Pl,in cias{~nACes th~ subject pm~~rty for cien~rnl inclustrl.il lan~i uses commensurate with the prop~snl; th.~t no y~nsitive cnvtr~nmrnt~l impacts arr involved in the ~roposai; that the Inttlal Study submitted by the petiiloner Inciicates nn siqniftcant indlvldw~l ~~r cumultftive adv~rse envlrnnr~ent.il (m~~~cts; An~1 th~t th~ ~len~~tive Declaratlon substant(ating the forcyoin~ flndinqs Is ~n ~ile in thc Cfty of Mahcim Plt,nnin~ pe p,i r t r-~±n t. Chairwoman DArnes nff~rc~1 ~~ mnti~~n~ s~conc~ed by Corxnissinncr Fry anc! N~TI~-1 G~PpIfD~ th~~t thc M.~hclr~ Ctty Pl~~nni~q Conrilssl~n d~es hcrchy ~r;int the rc~u~st for walvers of minimum landscapec! front sctbac~• ~n the h~5I5 th.~t thi~ str~icture is exisf.ln~~ and w~~s constructed prior to the wi~tcninq of ~~iral~M.i Avr.nue; ind waivcr (b) ls hcreby ~tr~rted~ In part, to pcrmit site screcntn~ nn the e~ist .~nd west propcrty lines c~nsisttnq ~f a six ((~) foot hiqh chainlink fe~ce~ interwoven with rPdwood sl.its ~n the basis th~t th~ petitioner sti~ul~ted ~~t the publfc hearing th.7t only 5[nnd.ird si~e truck.s would be park.ed outdoors occasion~~lly and that no p~~rtion of suhject nro~crty wc~uld ev~r be leased for autdoor storacle of any tyne; ~n~i that strict ~7p~licati~~n of the r.oniny code w~uld deprive the propc~rty uf pi-ivilcycs enjoyr<f by othcr p~opc~ty unciNr Iclentical ~~ninc~ classificatton in [he vielnity. Chairwom~n Darn~s offere~l Resolution No, PC~i~-?~ and rnovecJ for its passacie and edoption that the /lnahelr~ City Planninc~ Cornni~iSlUtl d~es herebv qrant. ~'ctition for Cen~iitlon~l ~}+s~ Permit No. 205~~ in part~ subjcct to interdepartrm ntal Committee reccxm~r_ndation. On roll call~ the foregoing resolution w.~s ~~lSSCC~ by thc~ fo~lawing vote: AYCS : C~NHI SS I OtIE R.S : BARt~ES ~ EiUS~;Ot%E ~ FP,Y ~ Nf R~ST ~ f; I Nf,, TOLAP. NOES : C~N111 S5 I OIJE FS : !J~tlf. AB5E1lT : C011H1 S~, I ~IIE RS : U~V I D Ccx~missioner Bushore cntered che Council ChamScr at 2:35 p.m, t/28/80 ~ ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIbN~ JANUARY ?.8~ '980 8~-50 ITEM NQ. 7 PUf3LiC N(:ARINf. OWNCP.S; f,ALIF~ANIA SCPVICES Cf'P.P., ~t fl. A IVE DELIAitATION 13?.~ florth Tustin Av~nuc~ Annheim~ C~ ~2n~7. ACENT: C N[)ITIONAL U E RH N~. 2~~1. FL~Yp L. FARA~~n~ ATT(1R~ICY AT l.~W, ?5ri~ Erst Ch~ipM~n Av~nuc~ N7~4~ ~ullrrt~n, C~ ^2G31. Pettti~ncr requests pcrmission tn FXPAN(~ AN CXI ;TiN~ l1UTf1~1f1Ril.f AIJCTIQN AI~D R4.CONpITIONIN~ FACILITY IN TI1E ML 7~-JE on pro~erty descrihr..~1 as a rectan~ularly-shnped parcr.l of irnd conslstir+~ of nt~~r~xt~~~tely 24.33 ncrPS hr+vtnci n frnntn~l~ ~f epproxim~tr.ly 14~+2 fett ~n the e~st. si~ie of Tustin .Avenu~,hnv(nn n m~ximum dcnth of n~~rnximrtely 7(1~~ feet and beinq loc~+trd ~pproximr~tcly :'2~ fret n~rth of the centcrl(ne of Mtr~l~ma Av~nue~ and further des~ribed ns 13?~ Tust(n 'v~nue. Pr~~~rty pr~r,~ntly cl~sstfted ~s ML (INbU5TR1/1L, LINITE~) 7~)~1E. Th~rc was no one (ndtr,atin~ thcir presencc~ In O~(~c~Slt.l~rn t~ suhJect r~quest~ and ~Ithnuqh tl~e Stt~ff rep~rt t~ [hc Pl~nninn Conmis~~l~n clatc~l January ?3~ 19"~ w.is not rc.~d At th~ public henrtng~ it is rc~ferrc~l tu and rrwA~ a ~irt nf thr minutrs. Charles Faran~~ ~~ttornry~ 75`.~:~ F_ast Ch~nman, Fullrrt~n~ st~~tPd chis a~rlicAtlon hAS be~n fi led for th~ ~rop~se~l exponsi~~n of the p~~rking lot s~nd holdinc~ faci 1 i ty ~f an ex(stin~ use under an er.istin~ conditlonal use perm(t, Ne wante~l to c.larify th~~t the descriptian of th~ property submltted with the ap-~IIcAt(~n (ncludc; th~~ ~ro~rrty under Con~1{ti~nnl Use Permit No. 15~~~~~ but thr. rc~~licntinn b~fore the Cor~missinn is f~r che ~d~iftl~nal ~~rtl~n of the pro~rrty which was not inclu~i~d ln that permit. HP stat~~i Cnlif~rni~~ Services Corporation is nnw doin~a business As f.alifnrn(a Auto Dealers Exchanqe~ (C.A.D.E.) which is wh~les~iie aucti~nln~~ of Autcxnobi les, Ile cxplAinc~d the Tustin Avenue frci l ity is ~in R?,t1~~ squdre foot buildinct wt,ich contains the ~ffices~ detallin~ and sr+les fACilittes. He stated they have (us~ r~cently (mprov~d thc ~~ro{~~rtY at a cost of a~~rnximately 5;~~1~~?~)~ to 575~~~~~~. Ile clarlfled a nossihle ~rrar ~n thcir r~~rt in th.it the st~+ff report refers to the fac ( 1 i ty as "s korac~r and rec~ndi t f on 1 n~i of Autor-~b 1 I es"; thc C.11. D, E. ~1oes not do any reconditloniny and is n~t In the husiness of st~rA~~~ of aut~mnbilns. f1~ felt "recondlti~nln~" shc~ul<~ b~ clarlficd AS "detnllin~ and wnshinn" ~f the nut~~+c~biles. He stAtr.d the C.A.~~.E. cf~es not have .~ny f,~ci 1 ities f~~ rPnnirin~~ aut~Rx~bi les and is not a storage ft~c(lity but~ tnsteacf, the autc~m~bil~s nre brouqht to the f~cii{ty for the pur~ose of wholesale auc.tinn where they are sold at ~~ucticm tc~ aut~rn~bile dra~r.rs. He stated thc C.A.D.E, does not do any retail nctivity but is sirictly whnles.ile to 1(censed automabile riealers, Fle pointed ~ut chere is ~ siqn in thr auction area which states there wili be no resale whatsoever ~nd dealers only m.~y ~urchasc th~ ~utomob(les. Ile statecl the ~uct(on is held on ~fednesdoy~ 11:~~ a.m.~ to 8:Q~1 p.m. and thP automobiles are removed from the nremises after they are sold. tle stated there atr_ sir,~ations v+hrrr± sor~ of the autcxn~bi les arc not s~ld~ and thiey rnay be kept thcre aiid t~rought out agaln the fnllowing week. Ile statcd the purpose far requesting this usc permit is that the applicant i~eeds mc~re room be~ause he is exp~indtng nncf becnuse they are experienc(nc~ problems at the present time with parkiny; that presently tnere are F2 Iined parking sr~aces~ And the appl(ca~~t wants t~ add ~nother 1t6~~0~) square feet of parl:in~i area and provide ~pp roximately 35~ more perkinc~ spaces so that there will be e~proxlmately 400 par~ing spaces for deaier p~rking alc~ne. He 5[ated the Cormnlssi~n should underst~nd that the owner and manager of the facility is aware of thr. pArking problems that naw exist anci solvin~ that prahlem is thelr highest prlority. 1/28/80 ,~ MINUTES~ ANAk1f.IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JANUARY 2a~ 1980 Aq-~~ EIR NEfJ1TIVl DECLAMTIQN ANb CO~IOITIONAL USE PERNIT NA, 2~~2 (continued) Mr. FerAn~ stAted thc manager hid put grnvel ~n the ar~i sh~,wn on th~ nlans f~r ov~r~lnw dealer pnr~.in~; ~nd that this wnt done ~pn~~~ntlY du~ t~ ,~ mtsundrrstan~lln~ In that he understooa therc was nn c-xistin~ use pcrnit nnd did not thin~: thcre wc~uld be .~ ne~d f~r another because he was mr.rely exp~~ndinn I~is buSineS~; nnci if h~ ha~t kncywn r us~~ nrrmtt was needcd~ hc would have rc~uested nne. 11e statc;l th~~t .~ftrr th~y wer~ rEt~r1 (actually recelved anaticr.oE Vi~l~-tl~n) f~r the cx-+~~nsinn, thr m~nAOCr hA~i t~ikc~i with th~ City .~tnd was asked if thcr~ w~re nny sprci~) n~rmlts re~uired t~ conduct husiness and Mr. NArris~n ha~1 responded th.~t thcrc was a"reta) l ~r.rmit" rr~ulrrd~ which brou~ht ~h~ut tf~c rer,ulrer~ent f~r ~~ cnncJi[i~nal usc pcrmlt. hc~cr~us~ ~f ret~'~il us~s bein~a r~strtcted in thc (n~.iustrln) erci. He st~+t~~1 hr th~uqht thr re[ntl ~rrmit la n mtstAke in th~t un~ier the Vehtclc Codr, a d~aler is r~r~ulrnci to havc a dcnl~rs Itcc.nsc. He In~1lc~itrd he f~lt there Is a ~iffcrencc bctwecn rPcail~ whr~lesal~ nncl nuctlon~ hut th~t nll c.Ar sales in Cel l fornla are ci~nc under :+ dcalcrg p~rr,l t, He fc~l t thr. tcrr, sf,ould hc a"d~~ilers pcr~l t" rathr.r than r "retnll ~crmlt". Mr. Farano explalncd a~~in that this f.~cility cloes n~t sell ~~ny .~utom~hiles ~n .~ retall basis anc~ nothinq is sold to thc ~enern) nublic~ I~e st.~ted it is fneir onini~n that the Uusiness is e pcrmtttcd use withln the (ndustrinl arc~~. He stated Oave Harr(son~ thc manaqcr, wants to ~et the c,,rs off thr strect and is willinq to do wht+tever i~, necess~ry to solve the problem, -ir sc.~ted they hav~ reviFwed the staff corments and rr.coi~en<taCl~ns ~nd arr_ well aware of ihe nroblems And one of the basic reasons for this pcrmit is to correct ch~ problema, fle refcrre~f t~ Itr.m No, 16 r~latln~ to (llegal r.xp~insi~n ~f thc use wherein thc Plannfnn Commissi~n is askecf to considcr the relAtlve merlts of permitting an ex~+ansicm of this use c~nsiderinc~ the nast and current problems rel~tive to ~~ir-:ing and o[hcr adverse iM~,cts on rdJofning I~dustrtal properties~ thc industrlal area as a wholc and ncarby arterlal Nic~hways. He s[atc:d th~t th~ exnansion occurred under a misunderstandinn by the current mana~~c~r ai~cl he Is not [he same ^~an~qer as when the ~rtyinal pcrmit ar+s nranted and this manager dld nat know tht Pxact nature of that cond{tlona) use pcrmit. He stAted this mAn~~qer would lt~.e to continu~ the ex~~inded us~ because if he is unable to use tl~osN speces for deiler v~3rking thrn parkinc~ will be more of a problr_m. Hz referred to Condition No. 7 requirin~ the differenc~ be pafd between the industri~l and commercfal trrffic sl~nal assessment fces And st~~+ted they riisagree wiCh thac condition because they feel this Is ~~ permittec~ use In the area and is not a retail usc. He explalned they have guards posted at the gaLes ~~nd anyone entering must ~rov~ they are a licensed clealer be`ore they can get inta the facility. Ne referred to Conditlon No. 11 requiring th.~t certaln conditions must be comrlted with~ within 9f1- days. 11e stated all these improvements cannot be mRde withtn that time p~riod~ and they would like to request a six-month time or one-ycar lir~it~ because it may take that long to get the curbs~ ~utters, lights~ etc.~ all c~~nleted~ but wartt to rec~uest that they be allc~w~d t~ cantinue to use thc all~cated area for dealer parking s~ thit cars will not have to park on thc street. Ne also referred to Gonditlon No. 13 requiring that the usc consi~ ing of a parking lot and open stora9c area sh~~ll be permitted for a 3~Ye~7r pcriod~ pointing out that they do uwn this pruperty and Conditiona~ Use Permtt Mo. 15~~ did n~t have any time limit. T{IE PUIiLiC HEAR111G WAS CLOSED. 1/28/80 ~. MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CI1'Y PLANNING COMMISSION~ J/1NUARY 28, 198~ 80-52 EIR -IEGATIVE DECIARATION A~1D CONOIT'I~NAL USE PERMIT N0. ~052 (c~ntin~~~~d) Canmissioner Tol~r ref~rred to the statement tt~at only Ilcen~ed ~icalcrs were allowed odmlSSion to this ft~ctllty end t~ske~' the pe~tttioner to explain v~hy thre~e af his s~les people were nllowed entry Into this facllity and were niven pric~s ~n c+~rs l~ss tl~an one- month aga. Charles Farano replird that he h~s bcen told and has observ~d th~t this Is thc w~y thfs business operates anc; he hr~s h<~d trouble gettinn in himself ancl f~lt :h~c th~ thr~c ~enple Lommtssioncr Tolar rcferred to mlght havP mtsrc~~resentPd thems~lv~s to thh quards at the gat~. Floyd FAreno steted (fr~xn the audicncF) that ~1r. Ilrrris~r hes staf.c~l hc eannot s<~y th~t this does not h~p~en nnd thcse ~eoplc could hav~ b~en sent out or hrnu~ht thr_re by dealers, but there is a lar~c r~c~istratinn desk Af1CJ C~PAIpPS r~ust ~r~sent (~ientiflcatlon before they c~n get in and i~ayh~ the three pe~ple ha~1 sn~~~k~d in; tn any casr~ the petitloners ar~ not in the bus(ness of ~s~lllnc~ to anyc,n~ wh~ is n~t A!~•.~ler. fie added they dp not collect s~ales tax. Commissioner 7olar cx~laincd thc three peeple he r~f~rrr~i to h~id becn piven the namc of this auction by ~ car clealer i;~ Newport Be~ch ancl tf~ey hAd aiven che n~me of th~t clealer as a reference~ and thcy wcre all~+ed ta ~n[er thc premises and wc~rc q~oted prices, ~nd they do nat have ~~ de~alers licensc and were lold hy the dcaler t~ just qive hts ~ame. Ccxnmissio~er Tolar askc~i thc_ difference betNC.r.n wh~iesale ~~nd ret~il nrices, indlcating he understood wh~~lesalc is •;omewhat chea{~er and l1r, Farono Indic~te~1 tht~t was correct with Mr. Ilarrison (from the audiencc) stAtino that chFy ~rP a wholesaln autom~bilr_ dealer ~nd prices hove nathi~ic~ to do w3eh ic; thac wholrsaie is basicAlly the price at which any product is sold priar to retall, and that obviously is lower, Mr, ~larrtson identified himself as David flarris~~n, 1;20 North Tustin, Anaheim. Comm(ssloner Tolar stated hc fclt thi, particular orPration probably adds a nreat de~l more traffic to the area, and they st~ouid pay the dlfference In the traffic sinnal assessment fecs and not be a burden to the othcr industrial users. Charles ~a~ano stated there are many uscrs in that Ar~a who have acres of cars and he did nnt I;now whether or not they had paid the inciustrlal ~~r cc~mmercial race, but he d~d not thtnk this is as great a use as r~any other indusirial users in the srea, Commissioner Tolar stated it was his opinion that most of the industrial uscrs had paid far in excess with s~les tax and other cost henefits to the Ctty than the amc~unt of traffic thts business adds to the area, which probably pays only S4pno a year total. Flayd Farano stated that fs a very sensicive issue pnd it is their positlon that cost beneftts to the Ctty are not valid criteria for z~ning but CommissionPr Tolar felt it is a valid criteria in relatianshi~ to lndustrial versus comr~ercial and Comrnissioner Bushore painted out it liad been established that thiS is a retail use in an industrlal area. Fioyd Farano stated he understands whc+iesale in an tndustrlal area is a legitimate use and Charles Fara~o stated all act~vities are conducted inside the buil~inc~ and none of the auction acttvlties wautd be conducx~d outside. 1/2$/80 ~ MINUTES~ ANl1NEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION. JANUARY 28~ 196~ 60'S3 FIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONDITIONAL US.E PERMIT ~lQ. 2052 ~~~tinucd) Jack White. Deputy Clty llttorney~ p~tntc~! c,ut autorr,~biles are St~red outsl~le which is a part of th~ actlvtty ~~nd Flayd Feran~, statrd thry consider this thc staainq area And not stor~ge. Mr. Nhlte steted the nutomnbiles outs(de nr'e still a part of the usP an~1 there wc~ulc~ hr. no c~~r eucti~n without cars an<i Floyd Fereno stnted hc Is lndicattnc~ thAt stnrage ls a r+u~tter of definlcinn and evPryanc uscs thc outside of his premtses in so~~ way~ hut that the prfma~y ectivlty is conducted insiJe thc buildin~, end the carS which Are s~ld ~+re removed from the premises the day after thcy are 5old~ ancf additf~nnl cor, orc hrou~ht In ~nd kept therc unt(I the next week when thc~ auct(on i, h~ld. He stat^d hc did not sce ~ny diffcrence In this and thc parkinc~ lot nt North Amr.ricar• Rockwcli. Mr. 1Jhitc a~ain SkAtnd th~t purtlnn of t~ie use which relates to ste~inn of aUtomc~blles pr~or to auctian Is ~~n Inteqral p~~rt of thc usr. ~nd may no~ he thc arcr whcre thc sale oc~urs~ but withnut the stan(rir~ nf ch~ nutomc~biles~ thc use wou1~1 nat be vlAble flnd from a IegA1 standpolnt this is not a p~rmitted usr. wlthout a condicion~~l us~ nermit. Cpmiissioncr Bushore pointcd c~ut th~ usc ~-crmlt is beina req~ic5ced f~r th~ expansi~n of the exlsting use. f1e as!ceJ when the c~rs arr_ not solcl, can the~y he k~nt on th~ premts~s for another w~ek~ anri also whit ts ~fone with those cars wtilcl; Arc• no[ sold week ~fter week~ wondering 1 f they go br~ck tc~ the dealers an~1 i f there is a charc~e f~r leav(nq them at th is faci 1 I ty. ~tr. Farano stated there is a charge and fhey do have accomodations f~r deAlers to kee~- their cars thcre fn~ a`~w w~e~.s but if they are not s~ld~ nana~~cmcnt would not want to retaln them bec.~usc of tab:ing up space ~~nd Mr, Nt~rr(son ~,int~d nut i f a c~ar is Ieft for over 30 days~ it can be impuunded. Cortmissioner Bushc~re asked if thcrs would ever be a case when~ becauye of thP haurs~ the facility may Impound the cars and leavP them outsici~ to bc ~icked un. ~ie rcferred to the prevlous conditional use permit anci stated he diri not 'Fe~) the o~erntton iS in substantt~l conformance wit-+ that permit. Ne asb.ed about the cars which are outside the fr.nce in front with flat tires~ chalk on the window~ dirty. no license plates or out-of-state llcense plote, wf~~ictt look l(kr_ they have not been moved for a l~~c~ time. Cha~les Farr~no re~lleci those are the cars bein~ ~OACIC~I and brought (nta the staging areA and Floyd Farano s[ated thos~ cars are dlrty because they are brouqht in from other dealers~ includiny new car dealers and that ts thP reason they h~ve the f~cilitie~ eo wash and clean the cars insiar. Commissioner Qushnre pointed aut accordina to thc origina) use pPrmit those types of activities were to be conAucted insicfe thc buildlnc~ and Charles Farano renliect th~y have to get the cars therP and they stay outside in the stAqing area~ but th~t they do not stay on tlie publ ic lot F=~- more ths~n one hc~ur. Commissioner Bushore s[ated his decision wfil be based on the credibility of the pet~tioner and what he believes Lhey are going to do and potnted out he had seen the same cars parked Sunday that were there on Thursday. 1/28/AO ~ MI NUTES ~ r1NAlIE 1 M C ITY PI,ANN I NG COP~MI SS I ON, JANUARY ?.f~ ~ 19f~~ Fi~^54 EIR ~~EGATIVE DECLARATION AND CuNO1TIONn~. USE PERMIT N0. 2~;2 (cantinuod) M~. Nerrisan Indlct~tc.1 thit I~ prabAbly truc hecr~~sc sc~me :~f the cnrs ~urchASec~ by dedlers are pulled out t~ thF front end lrft ;hcre untll they c++n qc~t hacf: t~ t~4c tht:m ,~wr~y~ and thosc wt I1 be tc~wed itwey. CormisslanPr Dushc:,r~ suv~;cst^d thc rcquest h~ ~~~~rovr.rl~ ~n n limlteci time bnsts i~ orcfer to sce If thc~ crr~ltbllity Is r~~lly thcre. Floy~i Fart+no state~f tiir, condl t t~~~ can be 1~~oscd anrt 11r, flerrlsr~n IS wi 1 i inc~ to ncc.ept. thc ~bllyation ~f havln~~ c,~rs tc~wed rwr.~y~ but a time Iimit would place s trenenrlnus financfal hurdcn on thrm btcausc ~hrv nrr {~uttlnc~ ,i lot nf m~nry (nto thc Im~r~ven+ents. fle stAtcd they arc rr.qu~stlny thls ~rrr~it In order to conttnue thi5 busin~ss wlthout the current problems nnd he fr.lt thc fomm(sslr~n coui~l cit~ tl~~r~ nnd c~nsicl~r revor.~tt~n of the Gonrlltlrnal usc p~rmtt r~(th~ut th~ ti~•x~ I(mlt lf ihr ;.~nriiti~~n5 ar~ n~~ m~t. ~le 5;,~'.~rd the ittltude of Che CorTr~isa(c~n wc~ul~1 k~e~ the prtltionr.r on his tnes ~~nd th.~t ~+ thr~e•year tl~c perlod would cre~ate a n~o~i dea) of worry and concern nv~r wh.it IS q~,inq t.~ h,ipn~n at the end of the three-ye.~~ ~~rlo~1, because~ the f.ity could ih~n d~ci~lr it w.incs ~ mnr• I,~nh paying use~ wh(ch is unfilr to a~roperty owne~r wlth .-~ ncr~s, Ne felt this woulC be an exLremt~ neASure wh 1 ch i s unnccc5s.~ry , Commission~r HerbSt st~~*.^~1 he h.i~1 r~a~~e the rr;;~n for a~~rovat for th~ ori~in~~) conditionol use ~ermit i~~ 19J; ~inc1 ril~i nnt r~~nemher flnythinn abou! a st~~~in~ a-e~ and that the motlon indtcott~.' everythlnr~ woul.! he c.cincfucted insidr. the huilcilny ,ind i~thinq w~'-s s~iid about storln~~ ct~r5 c~utsi~ic ~~nd hc did n^t thinl. th.it was cvc~ discuss~~1, Nc fclt th~e orig(n.71 usc pr.rr~it sh~uld h,~vc ha~! ~ tirte Ifnlt heciusc thcrc h,~v~~ bcrn n~th(nq but probleins because of the treffic and parkinc~ ,~nd the usr h~s incre.~!;ed the po11c~ problcros. Ite fclt this usP is dctrfmr_nta) ~o the industriil irc~~ And h~ dtd n~~- f~el thc ~~titionr.r is living up to the conditians af [he orlc~in~~l use prrmit. He exnlain~~~i hr did r~~t feel cre~ttnc~ a s[aginr, nrea for the cars nnd ~+ark.inc~ tt,em outsi~~e is i~~ com~,liance wl;h the orlr~ini<~1 ;~ermit and h~ Is s~rry thc usc: wos CVP~ ,~llowr_d. Flbyd Farano explaincd thc st.~giny ~rea (s where thc c~~rs are br~,u~~ht ~nd kept f~r prep~ira_iun untf 1 sold ~nd th~•y ,ire thcre on n L~m~~ordry hASis. Nr ~:ated nothing is done to the c~rs ou[sidc an~t all dr_teil(n~ is don~ (nsldr tnc buildln~~ expla{r.inq he is trvinn ta ~n~kr a distinctlc~n bctwer.n SomPthln~ nerrnancnt or continuin~ as o~~~sed t~~ A ten-norary u~c, Commtssione~ Tol~~r referred to the Tinute~ from thc Septer.~bcr !9~ 197~ mcetinc~ w~ere(n Warren You~~ stated the corporation hired sFCUrity personnel to check ~e~~o1e beinq admltted to thr. nuction to in5ure tht~y were re~Jist~r~d Aut~ dr~~lers and y~t his salesm,an had no such ic~enttficpfinn nnd wcre .~dmitted to th^ facilitir_s. Also frcxn the s~~mc meettnn, t~r. Hailer statecl fet~s wcrr_ r.harc~ed and ~he auction woulcl be rr~stlY for hi~1h c18ss or late ra~iel ~utomcbilcs~ and ihat tlierc woul~f be na ~dvercictnc~ to thc public and they we re SuppGS~ il to ~n ly h,~ve w~ 1 1 s i gns Hnd us.~ T~) t dev i ces t~ advert i s° to automc~b 1 1 e dcnlers only. Ne statecl th~~ resolutton .`c,r ado~tiur renuired that this developer ~; the time ~f this approval provtcie a bo~c: or pay the an~ropriate fces for street lights, etc., and Charles Farano explained the bon~1 tias been pos[eci and Floyd Far~no explained they were only requesting that the difference betwcen the inciustrtal an~j cr~mmercial rate be waived for 'he traffic signal ~~ssessment. 1/28/8Q ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSIO~i~ JANUARY 28~ 1~On ~i0-55 EIR I,EGATIVE DECLAPATION AND C~I~DITIONAL USC PERMIT N0. 2052 (cuntlnueci) Mr. H~rris~n stnted thcy do not ndvcrtt-,c and he dtd not knc~w hc?w th~t~ ~eople h~d gatten on the pr~mises but chey do not s~l) ~~~~hicles to non-license~i ~ronl~. Ile strtec7 It w~uld br irr,possible te kc~cp pcople out but chey would nnt srll th~ vehtclcs to thrm. Comml~sioner Kln!~ refrrrc~i to steff's comment that the Comr+~ission ~hould scr(nus ly cons(d~r whethcr or n~t th(s lan~1 (s beinq underutill~~d~ Charles Farano r~aintninc~d this ts ~+ permitt~d use dPS~fc~ thc fact a condtttonal us~ pcrmlt is requlre~f r~n~i irieally thr. Ctty would wAnt uses th~~t waul~i he bettrr finrnctally for ci~e City~ but thcy nrc teinc~ allow~d to ~~nderteke th~ir busin~ss rlnht naw r~~d ~re trylnq to sc~lve thc exlStinr~ pmblcros. H~ srAted thes~ ~roplc A~ c,wn thP pro~crty and operate their Lusiness under the existing use perml[ and it would ~e very diffic ult for lhem to continue to operate without the reyucsted usc per•mit. Hr. expla~ned they ~wn the adjoining property and are tryiny t~~ solve the prc~~.crns as soo~~ as possible. Floycl Farnno st~t~cJ h~ hrd read thr.. st~ff rc~ort c~rrnncnt re~lrtin~~ ;~ un~i~r utl l i aatlon of the land .ind ~11d not thinE. he sh~ul~l corri~nt on ti., N~ stAteci b~s~d on nri~r de~cist~ns of thc Co~r~issinn rnc~ thc Clty Councll, hcrr r+any ciollars ~~ nr~pr_rty ~rc~rlucr.s for thP (;Ity has nevfr becn ~ nrovcr zonln~ critcr~i b~causc lt c1~~~s involvr ~con~mfcs an~1 thP Pl~nninr~ Cnrmissian does not explore economlcs. Ne stated this dcAl~rshin dnes prov~dP ~~ lot of aut~mobi les thr~t are sold in Anaheir~ ,~nd North ~ran~e Coimty. Chairwoman Etarnes st~itcd she thin~.s the use is in suhstantis~l confnrmanc~ v~ith the use prrmit but the mAJor prnblem 1, traffic which enclanyeis t~~e heAleh, ~;.ifrty ancl welfare of thc cltizens, Floy~~ Farano pointe~J out they are prop~~s inq Lo cxpnn~' the nubl ic p~r4.inq SnACes from t~2 to sliqhtly aver ~~0~, ~nd Ch.~(rwcxnan t+arnes ~otnted ~ut she is tnncerned about the traffic conges~ion on Wednesddys. 1:;. Narrison stated thcy do ereate traff'~ ~~ohlems ~nd nrt opcn tn any suqgcsci~n~~, Ne st~itr_d thPy wcrc tryinn to get thc parking off thc Strecc by ~xpandln~ the pt+rkin~ area~ and ~ere n~t r.ware they neeAed a use r rr~it. Ne explained they h~ve added 2-1~2 r~cres ~~f parking and are o~en to sugnesttons for other 1r~provFrr~~ts. tie st~ted all chey want ta dr~ is operate the business which !hey have a 1 icense to oper•ate and use the property and wl ll do whatever needs to be done wittiin reason to c~rrect the problems, Chatrwom.3n Barnes pointed out origin,911y thcy were supposed to have 1>3 parkin~ spaces available for ~fealers and nc~w thPy have indlcnt~:i there ~re only F,~ spaces. Floyc' ~arano stated hey are incrcisinc~ the parking available tc~ ciealers to over ~+00~ that there are G~t lined s;~aces currently and the parF:ing area orlginally desi~ned i~ still ihere. Commissioner Dushore stated he would only su~po~t ~he request with a time limit. Ile asked If the CurrMtssion has the rlght to waive thc traffic signal assessrr~•n~ fee ~nci Jack White~ Deputy C1ty Att~rney~ explained that che question is whether or rot the C anmisston considers this an industrial or cortxncrcial use, t/28/80 ~. MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLHNNING C~MM15~tQN~ JANUARY 2R tq8n RO-56 EIR NEGATIVE DECLAaATION AND C~~~bIT10NAL USE PERMIT N~. 20~2 (c~ntlnued) Ccxnmissiuner Uushore stated he would c~~~ ~, ~d~r this morc GOrt1~'n~'-'C~B~ thfln industri.til but th~tit hc cauld not aup~+ort lt with~ut fl~ ir~ 1 imit, Ht f~lt ~~~~ pork.inq spaces would rf~ somethiny ~o ~Ilevlatr. th~ problcr~~ h~it he clid not kncnv hc~w to solve thr. trnffic problem. Chninvar+an aarnes ciarlfic~f slic. Is suggcsting n trnffic si,n~l; that th(s bus~nr55 haS been in operrtlon for ~+ ye~~rs~ nnd thr City t.as hnd t~ n~l ir_e ch~t areo to try t~ qet tlx~ traffic in ~n~1 out c~n w~~+~~s~iay ~~n~1 thcrP it a s~~f~ty fnct~r w(th pF~~pIP wnikln~ across the street, She stat~.d shc• woul~i wa~t n siyrtal ~~nd dld not [hin4 th~ cltlz~ns should h~~ve to p~y for it flncl Nr. Herris~n statr,d thcy would ~~~re~ to n~y f~r th~ trflffic sirynal, F1oyJ Faran~ asF.cd if the Comntssion Is su~~~~stinq that the ,~ctitl~~cr is tn ~ay for th~ ~ntirc inst~llatfon ~f thir, trrffic si~tnAl o~ to p.~y thcir fnlr shrrc, PAU) S{nqcr~ Tr~fflc. Enqlncr_r, stnted du~ tc~ the hr,ivy tr.~ffic in this ,~r~~~~ ~~~ct with the eloscst intersection be(n~~ at Tustln and MlrAloma, the existin~ trrfflc sf!tn~l needs to he up~raded from a twa•nh~sc operr~tl~n to an cic~ht-rhnsr. A(-~rrtinn; nnd th~~t it is very expensive :-nd he would estin~at~ the cost t~ he approxir~.~tcly ;(~^,~1^^. Floyd FerAno state~i thcy woulci likc to discuss p~yln~~ th~•ir f~~ir sharr nnd woulc! pay chN diff~renca betw~en thr inJustr(al and conrn~rel,~l triffic si~r.,~l .~SS~SSr~nt fr~, Commissioner Klnc~ referred to the traffic en ;Inerr'S rrccx~mrn~la[i~n thnt the~ most s~utherly ~Irlveway be cl~secf ,~nd Fl~yd Faranc~ stated ;hcy wnulci ac~ree to cl~s~ that drivewoy. J~ck ~Jhi[e~ beputy Clty Attorney~ pofntcd ~ut thnt ih~~ Cor.~n,issi~n h~s rec~iv~d ~ lett~r from the An~~h~tn Econamir. Devel~pment Corporation lndicstin~~ ~nt~osi[(on and nc>te~f for the recerd th~tt Mr. ~ar~~+no h~d becn ~~iven ~~ copy o~ th~~t 1~~tter. Fl~yd FarAno stntec± t'<~y wnuld li~.e t~ discuss th+^ g~-day cir~e limit Included is one nf the c.r~nditions And feit that was too little timc to Compl~te all the Imrrover~~^nts~ ~in~! requested that the Cornnission c.t~ve [her~ a n,-~re sub~;tantiai p~ric~d of timc. He pointeci out the matter has to go throu~h the corpnrate recl t~pe ~~rJ fe 1 t G to 12-mon~hs ~yc,ul d b~ rx~re appropriate. Ann(ka Santalahtl~ Assistant Director f~~r 7onlnq, sai~1 thc staff had recommrnded thc A~- 'ay period bec~usc the prop~rty i• aircady 5cing uscc' and the petit(nncr should inmediately ccxnmen~e with the oth~~r improvements to t~e proF~rty or not use the property. Floyd Farano ~tate:f the pecltioner will ccxnmence improvements immedi~itely but the 9~-days is not enouqh time for comc~letion, Mr. N~~rison ~ointeci out thcy nrrd to deter'r-+ine what exactly need5 to he clone and that a lot of these things being dis~u~;s~cl do noi mnke a lot of sense to him; that they have to put tn curbs, gutters and lights and he n~,eds to be told haw thi5 wil) be accomplished. He staCed he nas to no t~ th~ corporate off ices tn aet thcs~ improv~ments ap~rovecl; thAt IF they ~ann•~t u:'e the propc~rty~ a biager problem wi11 hc cre~tecl, rlhyei ~arAno stated the (~-month time limit 's acceptAblP and they can reoucst additional time if necess~~ry. Ne stated that Mr. tlarr ison wants to continue using thr. paveci area. ~/28/8n ~ MIf1U1'ES~ ANANt:IM CITY PLANNING C~MMISSI~H~ JANUl1RY ?.8~ 1~Af1 84•57 E I R NEGATI VE DECLAliAT'ON AND COliDITI c1NAL USE PERMI T N0, 20y2 (c~nt 1 r+ued) Cht+inwcxnan Bornes pnlnted out tne s[.~ff report Indicetes the ~ctitir,ner proposcs to expand en exigtin~ nutor~obl l~ aucticx~ and reconditt~ninh fnclllty for aclcii tion~l par~in~ rn<f aut~mobile storc~qe ~n the n~rthern 1~ acres of a?4-ccre pArccl of land ~nd Aske<1 if ~11 the stora~c ar~a wlll b~ asnhAlted. Mr, Ft~r~no ~xpl~lnrcf th~~t ~p~~r~xima+t~ly 2-1/? acre~ hnvc nlrcady h~~n ~s~h~ltcd Anc~ thts request is f~r thc~ r~St nf thc property end It h~s n~t b~en ~sohalt~d. Com~15~,l~ner 11~rbst st..~tAd he would li~,r t~ see plnn~ shciw(n~ sr~ci fi~il Iv wh~t is qoinq to happcn on t' (s pro~e~ty: how n,~ny crrs ~•+(I1 hr (n th~ sta~t(nn :+*ee, h~w many ~erkin~ stalls thcrc arc, etc. ~ and pointc~l out th~~t thc ari~11ra1 nl~ns clid not ~nciw ,~ steginn aren. H~ stetcJ he w~uld nnt w~mt to see this ~~~rnvr.d wlthaut a threP-yc~~r revlew beceuse i t h,is h~~d an ~~~iversr. ~ffr.ct ~n th~ i ndustri~~l nre~~ rnd i f th~ use cont inues to he a problem~ tl~c petiti~nrr shnuld look f~r t~n~fher pl~cc, He s*.ate<I thc C~ty hAS hnd morc com{~leints ~bout this op~ratlnn than t-n~~ ~thc~r inclustrlAl uSCr in th~ Ar~~. Iir. st~ted the submi tCed ~lAns dc~ not s+~<~w [hN snP~ 1 f i~ ~1et~~1 ls he W~SIePS t~ s~~. Crxnmission~r David pointPd ~uG thnt In Hry ~~f 1~7~~, th~ f,ener~l Nan~~rr, Dill Lanq~~ had Salt~ thcre wuuld bc ;'~~ vehiclrs (~ass thrnu•~h this ~uction wec~•.ly and ;~~ d~alPrS attend we~ekly ~~nd nsked if the flna+ of cars wc~ulci be increos~d t~ "`~~ .~s su~~este~i, Ne questir~ned hc»~~ the pr~rkinq r~qulrerr~rnt w~s c.alc~.,l~7ted. Charles Fdrano explafn~~ t!~e dc~lcrs crx~~ and ~n over ~ neric~d ~f ~(mc frc,m 1^:0~ ~,m, t~ $;0~ h.r, rnd dr> not stay tht wholc [ ime, ~1oyd Far~no Stated rhe ~rnblem Is th~~t thr.y rir, nnt h~~v~ ennucth ~~~rkinq spaces for the N~'~ or ~~0 dcalers wh~ c~rne to the auction wrrk,ly~ ev~n thounh they dc, come throuqhout thr cit~y, ile cxplainr.J thcsc cic.~lers wi 11 t~uy fram ;' to 12 vehictc~, ar~~1 ~ftcr thry ~urchasc th~ ca rs they 1 eave the ~rem{ srs . Conmissl~ncr Devid askrd hc~w many dc~lcrs would he thcre ~iur(nn thE- peak and Mr. h~rrtson rc5pancled there would h.~ s~mewhrre :~round 30(~ or ~s0~ clealrrs whr, c~me and go, ~nd s~me of them mFy bring up to 1~ peoplc tu .frivc thc vchicles bACk. Commissioncr Nerbst stated he thouc~ht the ~1an shauld be rrvis~d tc~ shnw exactly wh~t is gotnc~ to t:+ke place nn tl~e ~roperty and Floyd ~arano 5unqestPd tl~i s condltiona~ use permit he ap~rovcd sub.ject to revlew and ~pproval -7f revised r~lnns by the Corxnission. Anr.~ka Santalahti stiied the petit(oncr tias indicated he is usin~ thc r~ortherly portinn aiready and stnff was concerned that thc rcqul-ed Clty improvemcnts be ~ut (n before ~ny more t~riv~~te improvemcnts are madc, and tl~at there should be a sn~eific tim~ limit rnd it cert.'~in1y st}ould not be ~ne ye~r, floyd Farano scated they are usinq the port~an which has been ~spt:alted and fencec} illeqally and are asking that thcy ~ot be proh(bitcd fr~m usin~ it ;~hilc the other imprnvements arc being made. Mnika Sa~ntalbhti explained th~t this paving was put In lllegally and if thP co~dition is chpnc~pd~ tt should read that no more paviny or fmprovements be ~iut in until the City (r~rc.var-ents are made; thaC they could contfnue ta use ttie nortio~ already p~~ved but t~ey 1,/28/80 ~ HINUTES~ ANAN~IK CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JANIIARY 28~ 198~ ~~'S8 Ela NEGATIVE DECL ARIITION AND CONDIT~QNAL USE PERNIT N0. 2QSz (contlnued) cc~uld ~rot chane~e o~ ex~~and It. She stated t1~ls pavtny wns do~c with~ut tf~~ necessr~ry City dppr~val ~nd tltiat ~-taff wauld not want dny more pAVing ~1~ne wlthnut City rcquirect Irr~~ovements having been completed first. Mr. Farano stnted if they c~u1~1 not usp th~ portlon alrearfy dare, then they could not take thc cers off tf,~ str~ct lnwnedl~~tc~'y. Paul SIn~Qr~ Troff ic En~1lne~r.r~ polntcd out tl~at tl,c cars arr~ parN.inq 111e~A11Y on [he strcet~ becausc bo~h sldcs of thc street rre posterl for no perkin~i, but ns s~~~ as ih~ s Ic~ns arc put up thcy nrc r~moveJ. Floyd FArano stated thPy ~~re nsk(nc~ f~r fl~ actlc~n on this m.~tter an~! net ~~ c~ntinuance. Ne indicated thcy waulci brin~ bock s~~c~ific rlanr, for ip~rov.~l. Commiss(oner Vierbst w~intc~l thc nlans tn l,c~ m~r~` 5[>~'C~fif hcfore ~n~ra~il is mnde so therc is no mtsunderstanding tn thr~ future ancl tic woulcl w~nt Cn knc~re thA ~x,~~,t number ~f cers to be p~rke~i in thc sta~ing aree anA the exact numbrr of Jaalrr {~:+rkir,g s~aces~ rtc. Chalrwc-mAn B~rnes stntecl shc would 11~.c t~ k.nc~w Fxw+ thc a~iditionat husincss with all thesc new deAl~rs~ rnc~re proplE t~i~idln~ on thr cars~ nnd r~nrt ,'~O~~E drivinn [h~ ~ awny wnuld atfect thc ar~a. floyd ~arana p~lnte~~ aut thcrc will be ~~~~ t~~+r~inq snaces nnd thcy are not Askinc~ for Any waivers. fic strted th~ pctiti~ner wauld tlkr s~xne indlc.~tion s~~ hP c.~n r~~~rt to the corp~ratc nffice. Ne suagested nga(n that t1~is use be ap~r~ve~1 subJrct to apnravt+l of speci f ic plans by th~~ Cornnis5 ir~n, Camiissiancr U~ ~i cf stntP~3 in nther instanccs th~ CorT+1ssinn his ~nnrove~l r~qucsts 5uh~ect to thc ~~plic..~nt's stiE~ulation [<~ nrovirie ~ ~.{f(c rlins, Lcr'missianer NP.rbS~ statcd hr would w~!nt to kncrii cxactly how marry cars wi 11 bc in Lhc siaginc~ arca~ haw many parkin~~ stalls thtre arc ~toinc~ to br., and '~r. Narrison ~ns,wrred thosc numb~rs wau ld f 1 uctuatc ~ but ther~ wc~ui d be parki na Sprces f~r 1;~~ tn .'~ c~~rs )nslde the fence with 4U~ sc~aces outside. ACTION: Commiss i oner Fry offered a mo!i~n~ second~cl by Cc~~issio~~r Bust~or~ ,~nd MOTInN R IED, that cansidcrati~~~ of th~ aforementionc~~ it~r, bc continur~l to thc rc.qularly- scheduled mertlnc7 of Febr~:ary 11~ ljf~ in order for t-,~ pctit(oner Lo sut>+~it revised speciftc p1anS. RECESS ---_--- Thcre was .~ tcn-minutc -'~Ct55 ~t 3:1-5 ~.m, !'t~COf~VENE __._.._..-.-- Thc; meetinc~ was reconvened at 3:55 P.m• Jack White~ beputy Clty Attorney, ~Cft the mcetlnc~ ~+nd Nac SlAUghter~ Deputy City Attarney ~ os5~m-r_d the Attorney't chal r. 1<18180 MINUTES~ ANAIIEIN CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JANUAaY ?~~ 1980 AO-5~ ITEN N0. B PU(~LIC ilE/!nl-~r. Ot~NI RS; RADIN~T TE~II"nI.~RY C(1RP. ~ CIR NEC,ATIVt DECLIIRAT1l1N 13B~G Dettencourt Street~ Cerrit~~s~ CA 1Jn1, I1f,ENT; A VE-t F~1DE C~UIRENENTS VANOf_R50~I CONSTR,UCTI(1'1~ INC.~ 13~,5 1'~nder uay~ San t~~( I'~tt N. 205-+ Jose ~ LA ~;1 1? . Pet I t i on~r requ~~~, • s pcrmi ss i~n to PFRMIT A TRUf.Y. FREIf,HT TF.RMI~lAL. WITIi WA!\-Ep5 OF ~A) RE~UI RED LnT F~a~IT~r,E ~(t3) RE~?ul R[f~ E-~CLnSI~RE: OF OUT- D~)OR USCS on rroperty dr.~ ri;,ar1 ~s a rectangularly-shaped parcel af l.~nc1 consis~ing of apnr~xlmately l~.~`t acres Iocata~l n~~roxim,~tely 33~1 feec west ~f thr c~ntrrl tne ~~f ~~1i l ler Street br~d arproxim~tely 9<~^ fnrt south of Orangethrir~e llvenue~ ~ncJ furthc~r dcscrtbecl as 13i9 -~111er Strr_et. Pro~~rty pr~sently classific~l as ML (IIlDUSTPI~L~ LINITF.n) 'ONE. There wcre tw~ pe rsons t n;f i cat i nn the t r presenc~ t n ~p~os i t ion to c~~h )ect re!ques t~ ond althaugh thc str`f report tn thr Plannln•t C~rr+iss(nn datcd Januiry .F', 1~~~~1 was not re~~d ~t tl~e publ ic hr~~rinc~~ 1 t is rrfcrreil to .~ m~ri~ ~ r,irf nf th~ minutcs. Georqe Ven S I cF. I c~ ,~c~~n t~ was p resen t to inswr. r any .~ i~~.5 t i c~n~; , Erman Chrlstoffers~n~ 13~1 North Mt I ler~ st.itr~t they rrwn the 3~-fcx,t ACCCSS ~asrr+ent for the Frank Turl~ ~, Lucill~ 11n,1erson Anef ti~elr ~ror~rty; that th~y h~ve ~ conditiona) use pcrmit f~r th~ business en~1 were r~r;uired t~ have an In ~nd nut f~r their truck4~ explAinin9 the:y now have ~~ trucks~ An~~ he f~lt the 3n-f~~t ,icc~s~ would he tc+~ n~~row fior the w(~±c trucl:s wi th mirrnrs t~ ~:~ss »~~~1 ~~ferre~l tn thc lar~~ nur~bnr af truc4:s ~r~p~s~d for thls busine55. Alitc Christoffc~rs~n~ 1?31 North M(Ilcr, txnlnin~.~!thFY own this ci•~emrnt ancl ~,~~y t~ixes ~n it. She f~•it therc will he n lot of trnfflc frnm thls use and nsked that the person wha revlewe<i ihe prr~)c~ct expla(n h~v an FASCr~!n~ can b~ used fnr inctre~ss an ~g~ess. She explAlned ~~hFn they h~~d ~btained thci r u5~ p~r'+~+it~ th~•v wcr~ r~quireci t~ put up an attractive slattrd c~ite ACr055 th~ r_~iser-x~nt nnd are re~~ulrr~d to ~.cen It clnsed at All times. Mr. Van Sickle Siat~d chis is a 3~-foot ~ascnrnt which servtcrs three rilfferent pron~~rties for ingress and ec~r~ss ancf has n~ restrictionc ,~s was set up nt thc ilme the pr~perty was divided anci sald and he df~j nat un~.icrst~nd hc~w thc c~~tc could have brr,n installe~i leq~lly, fle stated they had discusscd th~ access with thc Traffic Cn~ineer and n~ did not 5c^e an,v reason why the access wn~ald noe bC adequate. tl~ frl t the r~at~s ~aere nrobably there for ~ecurity and su~qested ~~ chainlink fence could be i~stalled alon~~ the ensem~nt. He explAt.ied Lhey have ~fone instail~lians on many 32-foot widc streets, curb to curb~ and pointed out there wi 11 be no ~~~rk.inc~ on the ease-•~ent or M11ler StrePt. Hz expl~ilnec! this site is a seconclAry lot for their t~~aiiers; th:~r it nff~rds no exposure to any major thoroughfare ~~nd is adjacent to the Mtllcr basin on the we~st and n: ~~thwcst, t!e presented photographs of typica' fucf lttles. Ile stated thcy h~~ve ~iiscus~cJ th3s pro)rct with the flood control distriet and if there is ~ r.eed in thF future fc,r a<iditional park.ing, they could lease rroperty frc+m then! f~r secondary parkinc;, He ~~i<i r~^t f~et this use would havt any aesthetic expns~re Lo ~ther businesses cominq lnto the ~ire~i. Ne st~t~•A a truck terminal is a nccessity fur a qrowing c-~nmiunity and there +s a trenend~us arn~unt of industriai dr.vclopment ~n this ~re.,. THE Pu~L i C NEl~P, t rir, uAS C L~5 E h. 1/28/80 ~. MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CiTY PIANI~IrIG COMMISSION~ JANUARY 28~ 198ff 80-6~ EIR t~EGATIVE DEClARA71QN~ WAt~'ER AF CODL R~QUIRCMENTS ~NO CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 205k (contl~ued) Chelrwortu~n Bernes ns4.ed the numbFr ~f Pmplnyc~s anci Itr. Van SIcE le rr,p) if~~i lhcre wnuld be up to 1;0 enploye~s includinn the truck ci~ ivrrs an~l I~r ~l neo~l~, workinc~ ~t the faclllty and {ndlceted thr.y hnve submltted ~ br~ak-down to t:he ~In~~nin~ h~~~~~~rtmrnt of the nu~~~bPr u~ trucks~ rtc. Ile st~~ted the nc ivities wi 1) ~c~ ~r on ~i stac~qered basis. Cormts~ic>ner Fry wns concerne~ hnw 1~~ en~loy~es could n.irl; in '"1 ~arl.in~ s~~~ices ancl it was cler) fi~d tha+t ,iat r' i l 15 employres wi 1) be~ work.inc~ At thc s.~m~ t Im~, John Glenn~ Vi~ i~~~ Trucl. Conm ~ny~ CKF1IAIf1P~I this (s an int~a-stat~ OOrr~~tlon .~nc1 th~y piek up thr ~roducts, hrin~ them to the teri~inal~ ~~rt~ frc~i~ht An~1 d(StributF th~ pr~ducts to other [crminals, so their em~loye~c~s wor4: <tf~ferrnt shil'ts~ some startinc~ At 3:3f? ~.m,~ t4 load thc frelyh[ that cpmes in betwecn 3;3~ and ~;3n a.m.~ anci t~~~ ~iriv~rs start arrlvinq at ~:3~ ~.m. ~ anJ ccx~ie bnc~: in abc~ut ;:3n ~.m~ ~ and :-nothcr ~.rr~•r ~,urb5 ~t ni.~ht, Commissioner Fry was concerne;i abUUt the ~10-fr~ot lonq trniler, h~in-~ c~nsid~red in California ancl hnw thcy could SiAY in th~(r nwn I,~ne ~n~' ri~kr ~i t~~r~ nto a:~~-fc~ot e~isement if thcy w~rN r~olnr~ south on Hlllcr S~~cr.t nnrl '~r, Glcnn ~x l.~incd that thcir L~allcrs ~3rc (.!,-fect lon~~ and t.i4.c ~ thortcr ;urniny r~~fius th,in s'~~~rtc~ trnil~rs anc! th.~tt thcir cirtvcrs w~~uld bc ,iblr to s[:+y in thci;- o,,~~ ~~in~.~ pnintinn c-ut r,nst c(cy str~et IrnPs are only t~;-fcrt ~ri ir. Hrs, Christnffcrsnn w~5 Ct~n~crnr.d ahout thr s~~f~ty nf th~ ncn~i~ ilr~^.idy usinn thc eaSr.mant ~~nd Ch,~i rw~nAn Darnes ~sL.~d the ~rt i t inn~r i f the i r trucl s wc~uld inr~r~~re wi t-~ othcr pcople us~n~ the e.~s~nent. !1r. Glenn re~~llr~cl th~y rr~ {~la~nin~ to set th~ir ~Atr.s hncl int~ thc ~r~~~rty which will provicJc plenty nf room Anci thry wi 11 he .~ble to stay in thc Irnc• an~f hr c1i~1 nnt see any rrason for thir truc~s n~~t to hc a~lc to p.~ss on thc r_~15~r~E~n~ nnd ~i~~' no* heli~vP th~ir traffic wnuld confli~t witl~ th~~ ~xistin~, tr~~if;c, Mac Slau_yhcer~ Dc~~~~~y City Attarn~.y~ rc~ad th~ clc~cripti~n of th~ ~aser~rnt fr~xn thA ~reliminary title r~port submltted hy thr. ~~titf~ncr Htiich (nciicates the 3~-foot riqht-nf- way is for rond purnoscs [o bc ~,s~•~ in c.ommon with others. Nrs. Christofferson st~~ted hcr title renort Joes not include ~he wor~ts "and others". Mr, Slaughcer ~tate~i t!~e pettclc~n~~r's ;itle repart shcw~~ Radl~,nt Technoloc~y Corrorati~n as owner of thn propcrty nnd discusses thc 30-foot casem.~r.t and he dic~ not ~:now what thr. Christvffcrsan's title report $hows. Cormissloncr Yolbr ~olnted o:,t that •he pro~er~ty would be land-lncG:ed wi-hout thc easement and Mr. Slnuyhter stat~d tl,c ~uestior ~~f the righ;s over the prope~rty and the res~ective riyhts of the o~r+ncr t~f thc dnminant !~ase^~ent arca ar~ n~thinc~ the Commission is going to be able ta rr.solve anci is ~ le~al quPSticn between ctw pi-ivr~tc partie~ and the o~ly quest~on befnrc the Comr~ission is whether r.l,e usc of the property for the purnoses requested is approRriat~. Respondlnct to o questi~n fram Cha) rwrxnaii 8ernes, Mrs. Ch.•istofferson statec± she fei t the propnsed use would generatt r+~re traffic than sor~ s:rcets in Anahe(m~ t~nd stoted traffic has ~lrcady been ~ problem enJ they had install~~~~ speed bvmps to slvw t~e treffic at thelr 1/28/$0 ~ 8~-61 MI NUTES ~ ANAHC 1 M C IT'1f PLANNI NG COMMI SS I ON ~ JAFIUARY 28, 198~) EIa NEGATIVE DECLARATI~N, WAIVER QF LODF. REQUIREMfNTS AND CONDITIO~IAI P~RMIT N0, 245~+ (continucd) r..~. - She felt thc nJJltlc~~a) traffic wou~ '"flnitely be ~ snfety own expense for a~fety. fnetor. She ~sked rel~in tf the person wh~ r~virwF~~ the rr~n~rty would exnlain hnw thls Qasement could be use~l for this bustnrss~ thc Tu-lcys' business and che proposed business of a truck, t~t'min~l. Sh~ c11d not t~,inl thr COrtM'1ISSI~1r1 s, ~~~-ld makc a dectsi~n wlth~,ut sec i nc~ thc p ropc r ~y . C~IsslanPr Dusl~orc exp1~~~~'~{ thc COnm155iqnel'S h~d h~en tn this sitc and must base their dectslon nn see(nc~ :;~r ~roperty nnd the fncts furnisheci hv the p~titi~ner p~rtalning tu h{s opcratl~n nnd whct ~~ ~r n~~t it would bc ~~ detrlrnr.nt tn thc nr~~i nnd Mrs. Chri s tof ferson S tr+tecl thcy h.ive ~ srna 1 1 bus 1 ness and thry ~rc rcclu i red to h.-~v~ nne w.~y 1 n and nnc wny out ~nd wcre require~~ .o havo ~ clo~ed nAtc f~r scrernin~, Dcan $hcrcr~ Zonin~7 Re{~resr_.nt~tlve~ expl~alnc~! hc h~~s ihe filr ~n the Chrlstoffer~rn~'s con~titi~~nal usc p~~rr~~tt (I~o. lfilO and thr. ~lans dci not shc-w a ~~'+te~ b~.it d~ sh~w n 3~-foot wide cascment anri Mrs. Christnff~,rson re~liecf the na-tc ~r~-s i cnnditinn in ordcr to qc[ thc c~nditionol usc pcrmit. Ch~l-wcxnan Harr,es statc~l ~hc rerK~rnhcrs t.ha Ccxnmissi~n hac; ~s~ed fc,r thc c~~~te~ b~~t did not have thc knowl~dgc~ th,~t tl~ts was ~~n C~S~riCnt and thouqht th~i~ tt,is was th~ petitinncr~s propc'ty and Mrs, Chrlstoffcrson rr~>IIc~1 th~y paY thF taxrs on th:~t nr~n~rty in~1 have n~t glvcn thes~ ~~e'9ttoners the ri~~ht tn iis~• the acccs5~ ~~ncln~t c>ut there is ~~ dP~~'"~^~~ street in front ~f~ the pr~nerty ~~hich rnic~l~t bc utllize~i. Annika ''~nta~ahtl, Assl~~t~int ~irector' for Zoninn, st~~ted the contractnrs storR~ne yird (ChrlStof(crsons) ns~•~~1 for welvers of slt~ scrc~ninn +inr1 thc waiv~rs wcrc d.~nfe~1 and s[ate~ whcr~ver th~•y h~ive outdt~r stnra~~c thcy w~u1d hc r~qutre~l to hivc sitr scr~r_ninn. Chalra+oman Barnes •s~.~~d ~f thc Christoffcrs~~ns ha~1 i~;~'r~•~~ t~ t~~~t un t!~~~ {•itcs {n nrdcr tc~ sc~cen storagr. rt~thcr th~tin provi~finp slaited f~nc~n~. !irs. Christ.nffcrson f~~lt thr.. c~rlr~ary co"sLc~~'~nti~'~Sf~nC~~~~~~Y bctweenethclrCbusincss,~ed~ ~~nd explained thcrc are ap~roxic~ately . thc plastcri~~y con[ractor'~ ~usiness. M~. Van Sic4:le stated this 30-foot casement is shown on ~1! th~° ~• ^~s fnr inqrt+ss and ~gress ~nd hc fclt the~e p~oplr havr_ brcn usin~ n~~~t of th:+t easene~c. f~r thpir o~cratin~ and they had ~nStallecl the ~atcs to preclude having ta orovi~te a frncc 'jO^~ tn~fecc~fr~m easer~ent an~1 he ~el t the gates were i 1 ir_~gal . 11e scated i t ic, anc~roxir~r~;ely 33 the centerline of Mlllcr Avenuc to the Christo`ferson's b:+ct: propcrty li~c and they h~~ve Ins[~lled scxne bloc~: wall fcnc_~ and t~e would sug~est~ if it Is ~~nr~cable with the City~ they ta1:r the qates down wh i ch are c los 1 nc~ the easemer~t ~ and h i s c~r~n~ny +NOUI d h,r I p provide ~ chalnlin4: fence br.ck to the s~uthwest r~~~erty cnrre*. Responcinq to Mrs. Christofferson's concern for safety~ he stated thr_ V1~.irn Truckin~ Compa^~ has a very goai safety r~c~rd. Mr. Yan Sick'e explainc.i he iiad discussed the 47~OJrf.L witl~ Mr. Turiey ~~~ to cooper~t~,sted {n bringing in se~~cr ~~d domestic watcr and the pctltt~~ner would be h.-~~py w) th hi~~. !1r, cxpl ained thcy wi l 1 st~+rt thl s tcrni n,al wi th 20 t~ .~ del ivcry trucks and 20 tn 25 itnc trucks with appraximately 10~ vchicle triQ~a ~~er day over the easern~nt an~' stattd the 30-foot wieitl~ ~s r~ore Lhan am~sle since thc normal tr~ffic lanes are 15-feet 1/2$/80 ~ MI I~UTES, I1~IAHc I N f. I TY Pl.A1~N I NG COMM) SS I ON ~ JAIIUAFtY 28 ~ 198~ ~30-62 CIR NEGl1TIVE DECLARATION~ 1JAIVER OF CODE REQUIRCMC~~TS AND CONDITIONAL USE PERNIT N0. 2054 (continued) w(de for ?-way traffic. He st~+tcd A si~,ilar terminil in Fresno his 2h fcet of ~~~ving, ~Ic~ s[ated th~y h<~vc ~nt?roval from thc Do~tircl uf Su~crv~sors rcl,~tinn to thc I~asinq of land from thc fload contrnl district for ad~tltt~~n.~) ~~r4:inq in thc future. Chairwoman Darnes felt this use would crc,ite ~~ trr.men~l~us aM~unt of tr~~ffic, She wns ~ilso concerncd about the usc of thc pr~pcrty~ ~~iinttng out An~ihcir~ h,,s only ~~b~ut ~~~~ acr~s icft of undevcloped i~dustrl,~-1 pro~c~r~y .inri ~hc was not sur~ this is n rl~~ht use for thls arca. Commissi~ner Oavtd referred t~ a larc~c trucl. termin;,l on ~at.~ '~i in Or.~n~~e which h~~s l~re7c c~irrlers and they ~.1n n~t h~~ve tr~~ffic prohler:,s. Ne st.itr.~' ' us~s Vil.inq Trucl Lines and knvws they ~~re a c~~n~i camn.iny ~n~.i be 1 I eves th~ i n~lust r i a 1 ire~~ n~~c!s ,~ t rucl~.i nq comnany an~ felt this pro~erty ~~nvay from th~ street woul~i bc i~l~ , Cammissioncr Herbst stTt~d trucl., facllit.les are nr.ed~~' i~ the in~lu~.tr1~~) area and Lhey do s~rve thc i ndus t r i~ 1 eornmun i ty bec iusc qoods havc t~ ~e~ r-~v~~~ . -Ir fc• I t tht ~ pr~~r. rty bctnr~ sct back fror~ thc strcct his fts nclv,int.iqcs i• ~ f~lt th~~ :~~~•fc,nt dr(vc would bc ~in advantagr_ fur thc cirivcrs r~nd r~~vinr, thr g:~tc~s wo~,' I rerr,i t tlier~ t~~ net ~~ff thc streFt wlthout backin~~ up and thc faclllty w111 b~~ r~c+rF •~rcurc ~~ncf th~ ~tnriqc is 3~~ fcct back fr~m ~'~e m,71n hl~~hway, !1c stated thr vicw wil) bc hioc_~.ed fro+~ th~ h(~~~ ~v with the flood cnntrol channel on ~~ne si~le. Ilc fele thr usr r~i~;tit creite a prohlr~~ with 1~?~'! tri~s per day on Lhc et~s~~mcnt but fPlt tha[ it would bc 5afcr [h.~n a fac(lity ac!iiccr,t to thr_ ,treet. Ilr. stated in or~fcr [~ have Imlust-'i~i1 ~l-'~+ih~ n trurl f,~c•i I itw~ is n~c!~~~siry. He indic~te~1~ hawever~ h~~ woutcl he concerned ,ihaut tl~e~ '1~-f~r-t l~n~~ ric~s curr~ntiv b~in~1 consi:lcrr~~ fn Callfc~rni~. t1r. Llenn statcd thc ~~~-foot trai Icrs wi 1 l n~t br usccl on Clty str~r, ts an~f wi 11 b~ used wlth br~~k-down Genters <7n.' w~ll only trave) on de5iqnatrd rot+~is, Ne stlc~ulate~l there w~uld be no ~0-foot ric~s on this ~roncrty. Ile st~~teJ th~ Trafftc Cn~lncr.r h~s indicated there would be no problern with traffic ~nd cti~nttoned the possiblllty of a lhf[-turn l~ne an~f Miller Stre~_t p~vin~~ is tnduscrially b.~sr_ci~ 3nd the site is bac~ ~ff the streef, and ls a seco~dary site. Flc r,t~te~l the flrr-~ h.is donr apnroxtnatcly •'~~ tn ~,~ milli~n ~iollars worth ef rescarch in clevclo~rK~nt .ind this low-cxn~sure sitr is ictc,i) for .i trucking !'Irm. Commissloner ~lerb~t was corcerned abc~ut nal~t~n~~nce of the ras~*~ent and Mr. Van Sic~:l~ indicated they plan to resurface the entlre easr_men[. Nr. Van Sick.lc SLdLPC) thcy ~~re planr.in~ to h.ivc o ch<iinl inl; fenc~~ but would re~quPSt a waiver of the r~qulred reJ~~d slats because this is the rear ~-nc1 side yards and no other facllitica in the area have site ~creenlnc~. If~ state~! they ~ra~ose the c;hainllnl: fencinq alon~ the publlc rtryht-of-wpy for s~curlty and with thc~ cholnllnL~. fPncin~ thc nrighbars c.~n watch ~th~r proacrt les ind hr~ fcl t i t w~ould be Just 1 f ir.d bec~us~ th (s pArc~) does not t~ave str~ct frontar~e. ACTi~!I: Cc~~~v~ilssi~ncr Ktng offered a mution~ scconded hy Ct~rm(ssioner Davld and MOT10t! CARRIE~ tliat the Mah~in Clty Planninc~ Corniss(~n has rr~lewe~ n propos•~l to permit i truck term(na' wich waivers of requlred lot frontige ancf requlred enclosure of outdc~or uscs on a rectar.c~ulnrlv~shaped parcel of land consistinc~ of epprpxlrldtPly ~.~R acres lacated approxlmat~ly 330 feet wcst of the centerlinc oF Mlller Street; and does hereby apnrove the Ne9etive Decl~ration frrxn the rcqulrer.~ent to pr~pare an cnvlronmcntal impact 1/28/80 ,~ MINUTES~ A~lAHEIM CITY PLaNNING COp1MISSION JANUARY 2A, 1~8Q ~A-~3 EIR tlEC~1TIVE DECI~itl1TION~ NIIIVER OF CODC ~EQUIREMENTS AN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ~IO. 205~- (cc~tlnu~d) r~port an thc basls th.~t th~rc would bc no si~nlfican~ Indivi~lu.i1 or cur,utatlvc r~dvcrse cnvtronrr-ent~l Impact due to tl~e approval of this NcnAtivc Declaretian stnce thc An.~hcim Genera~ P1An dest~;tnates the sub~r_ct prop~rty for ~eneral industrl~~l lnnci uses ccxnmensurate wt~h the ~r~pus~~l; th~t na scnsitive r.nvlronr+Mntrl Impacts nr~ tnv~lv~~i (n the ~ropos~~l; thnt thc initf~~i Study submltted hy the petltioner inc~tcr~es no g~nnlficant Indivtdual cr curnulat(ve Aciverse envtronmenta) impacts; ~nd th:~t the Ne~Ativ~ Decl.~rnttnn suhstantit~ttn~ thc foregotn~i findfnns is ~n ftle In the City of Anaheim Pt nnin.~ Denr.rtment. Commissioncr I;inr~ offcreci a rn~tion~ sec~nded bv Cornni55foner David and NOTIn~J CI'~RRIEG (Cc,mmisslon~rs Rarncs~ Bushore vottnc~ n~)~ that the Annheir+ Ctty Planninn Comnissi~n does hcreby nrant thc re~ucst for walver of code rc~iuf r~me~nts on the h.isis of thit d~ntal would deprive subJect prop~rty of privile~es ~n}nye~f by ott~er pronFrties !n the S~irn~ vicinity. Ccxnr~lssfoner Y.in~ offered P,esolut(on -lo, PCBO-21 ~in~l moved fnr its n~ss~ne ~nd adoptinn that the Anahcrr~ Cttv P1Anninn Comi~issi~n d~r.s hcrehy ~r~nt 1'etlttnn fnr Cnn~lltl~n~1 !)s~ Permit No. 2~;~+ subJ~ct to th~ ~etit~on~r's stipul~--tions th~it thcy will '~~~1~ nrovi~ic chainlinl. fenc(nn for sitc screeninc~ for thc pronr.rty ~~lunn thc '~-fnot wi-te %1CCl`Ss easemeni and th~~t n~ ~~-f~ot l~nc~ trai I~r trucl. wi 1 1 uti l i re the ~rr,p~rty~ ~nd sut, j~~ct to IrtcrdepartnentAl Carmittec: recormcnd.itions. On roll eall ~ thc forc~~~in~i resc~lution was n.isse<f by thc~ fr•l lc~win~ vo!e: Al'C~: CQH!!ISSIfI!~CRS: GAR!lCS~ QUSIIO~.E~ U11VID~ fRY, IIE-'(~`.,T~ Klrl~~ T(!LAR t~OC ;: C0~!til SS I ~NERS : ilONE J11~SCtIT: CC'tV11 5510~;f:RS ; t~~tlF I f~CN N0. '~ PU6LIC HCAi~INf. O~,r~~cr;; ~IAT~~NIL EMPIRE C~. ~ I!~r. ~ ~~t Z~'P~~RICaL E:x,U~1 f l~-I CLASS 1 1~1.33 Nationil aoulevard~ LAS M~~eles~ cn An~3~~. W.~I E 0~ COOE !~~IRf:-~Eh~'' - AGCNT: FP.AttK Y,.A,~~INURA~ 7~•~11 ',~est Ball Road~ f~naheim~ C~~IlD N U E ERMI '~ . 2`%... CA ~2~~~~~+. Petiti~nr.r rc~u~sts ncrmission t~ PFRMIT - O-I-SA.LE BEiP. AND 1JI~~E IN M~! EY.ISTiNf, RESThUPRN~ WITH WAIVER OF NINIMU!'. !~UN(lE.~ PI,RhItIG SPACCS on pro~e~ty d~sc~ibed ~~s a rect:.jn~~s~l.~rly-sh~~pe~7 parcel of lanci ~nn515CIn~~ ~f ~~nr~xi~+ately 1.13 acres loeaterf at chr. northwest corner of 8a11 Road and Dalc Ave•nuc havinq fronCages of approximately 27`> fect on thc r~~rth sidr: o~ Bal l Ro.~ 1 and approxir,~,tely 1~~ feet ~n thc ~+F.st side of Dalc l-venue, and further describecl :~s ?~f11 West Ball Road. (Pixz, M~chinF) ~ropcrty pr~sently classificd CL (CQfSHEP.Cl/1t~ LIMITE'Q) ZO!~C. There was no one I nc}( ca t i nn thc~ r~+rr_scnce i n o~nos i t i on to sub.ject rr~~~~es t ~ and ~~ 1 thnu~h che staff re:port to the Planning Co~nnission ciateci January 2~~ 1~`'~ Nas nat re~d at the public hcarin!t~ it is refr.rred to and made a pirt of thc minut~s. Frank Kamimura~ 2~?~1 1~est E1e11 Rord~ wt~s (~~E'SC~L to answer ~ny quesi!~ns~ pointing out ht has been aL ttlis sit~ for ~hree yPars and proposes t~ establish on~SA~E` ~f beer and winc In hts rPsteuran:, Ca~mt5sioner 7olar I~ft the Cauncil ChAmber at ~;4c, p,m. TriE PuEiLIC N~ARtIlG u11S CLOSED, t/28/Ao ~ MI WUTES ~!1~lANE I 11 C I TY PLMIN I NC C6MM I SS I ON ~ JAIJUARY 28 ~ 198~ ~'~-~4 tIR CATCGORICAL EXENPTION CLASS 1~ WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENTS AND CO'IpIT10~~111 USE PERMIT N0. 2455 (contlnued) It was note<~ tha Plannfnn Dlrector or his r~uthnri~c~1 r~presentntiv~ has ~t~termined thnt thc proposed nra)cct falls with(n the definitlon ~f Cetegoric~l Exer~~tl~ns~ f.lass 1~ ~is defined in paragraph ? of the C(ty of J1nAheim Envir~nm~nt~~l Im~ar.t R~~,ort r,utd~~t~~>s and (5~ therefore~ ceteg~r(c~~l ly ~~^m~t from thc rec~uircr~rnt t~ ~re.nnr~ nr, E1R. IICTION: Comrnlssloncr Y,(nr~ offereri a r~otion, secanded hy Comr~issinncr UAV{d and M~TI~~I ~ED. thr,t the lln~ihcim Cltv Pl~nn(n~ Cor~ission c1o~s hcrrby ctrnnt ch~ •c~u~a[ f~r mtnlmum number of ~nrking snt~ccs on th~ bnsl~ thzt thc struct~~rc nncl ~~sc arc ~'re~cly ~xisting and havc h:~~i no ~1r.!riment.il ~~ffect on thc surroundinc~ nre~ nnd dcnial woul~i depr(ve SubJect property of ~r(vil~gcs r.nJoy~c! by ~thcr nrnn~rtles in thc sim~ Tonc and viclnlty. Commi~sioner Y,In~ offered Res~lutinn No, PCf3~-?^ anrt m~va~'. fnr its p~ss~ig~ ~inr1 ~c+nptinn, that the Anahei m f. i ty PI Tnni ng Cormi ss i~n c1o~~. f~crchy ~~r~~nt Pet', t l~n fnr Condi t l~~na 1 Us~~ Perc~t i tlo, 2~;~ sub ject to Interclep,~rtr,~entTl Comni ttee reconmen~,nt I~ns. On roll call~ the ft~re~~oln, res~lutlon was p~~sed hy the fnlit»-~inq vote: AYCS: Cr'!!~~i:,S~t~~CRS: t3l~RtICS, t3USII~RE, pAVID, F^Y~ Ilt"(iST~ Yli;r NQ[S: C~M-~ISSIOIJE~S: Nn~tE ABSCIIT: f.UMHlss~nt~crs; TOl.nr ITG~ IlO. 1~ PUEILIC HF~~'I!!;'. 0',~NFpS: L~`~N~ C^~~^RJ~TI~tI~ ?(~11~ Fast EIR tlCGA I~'E DE(,l./1~11TIQN '~~AShi~rtr.~n~ Escr.;r„iidn, CA 'i~~21. 1~CNT: 1'~\iE:STOP,S aECLASSI ICI1T1,~'1 ~~0. J9-~3~-?.r~ DEVEt.^PHC'I~ C~RPOR~TI~!1 OF nP~1`IGf C~"~ITY~ I-I(',~ 13h5 Rrand llvrnu~~ Santa An~, G~ '~27~1. Petitioner requests tf~at ~ropcrty dest.ril.rJ as an irrer,ularly-~h~pe~i parcel ~f I~nd consist~n~ of ~~!~{~roY.{r+.1tCIY O.l~ ~cre havinc~ a front~g~ of aparaximatrly 355 feet on lhr, south side of la falrna Avrnue and a m.~ximurn de~+th of apnroxlmately 1^7 fcet ~nd bei~~ toeAted an~roxiru~tely 35~ feet west of the centeriin~ nf N~~rb~r aoulevard, and furtner described ~s ~,3C'~1~ W~st Lt~ Polr~a Avenu~ be rcctasstf+r.d fror~ the CL (C~MMERf.iAL~ LIHITED) ZQ-•~E Tn TNC R~~-12n~ (RF.SIbEN7~~L~ MULTIPIF-FANILY; Z~;~f. ~here was no on~ (ndicatln~ thcir nrc5ence in ~p~osition to sub~ect request~ and aithough thc staff repnrt to thr ^lannin<a Co-m~issi~n dated January 2~~ 1n~3n N~~s not rend .it th~~ public hearing~ ic ~ efprr~d to and n~~dr a part of the minutes, C~r~rt+issinner Busl,~re ~feclareci a conflict af i trrest AS defined by An~h~;m City~ Pla.~nin~ ~oinnissian Rc~oluti~n No, P~.~f:-1~7 Adc~ting a Conflict af lnterest Co~e frr the '1a~ninq Conmis~ion and Goverr.,~ent Code Sect(on 3~~2.`~~ et sFry, ~ in thAt hr. is a r~~i estate brn~er for <~11 pro~.;:~~ie~ i~voi.e:1 in thfs pet(tion .~nd decl,~rp~t to che Cl~airwoc+~n th~~. hc is wi[h:lrawinc~ from Chn c~~rina in ccn^ection with Reclassificatinn No. 7`~-r~-~'!~ .'~nc' wlli no*, t.ake pArt in eithPr thP cliscussi~m or th~e vot.inq thereon and he had nn. {i~cu~sed *_his matter with any r+e!nber af the Planning Cumnission, Thereupon Co~mis~.'~ner Bushore left the Counc.il Ch~mbcr at 4:5n P.m. J~Gk Davls, 1345 tlorth Gr•anc1, Santa AnA~ Nas present to answer ,~ny ~uestions anci explained thcY ere rlannln~ to bul ici three four{~1Pxes on the prnpcrty ~~d tF~e p~rccl is qulte shaliow but long and nn varinnces are bei~,~~ ie~uested. t!28/Ro ~. MINUTCS, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION~ JANUARY ?.S 1'?8~ ~~•b5 EIR NECATIVE QECLAitATION AND RECLASSiFICAT10~1 N0. 79•~~-24 (c~nttnun_d) ---•----- TiIE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSCD. ACTION: Commissi~ner Kiny offcr~d A mot~on~ s~~.:onded by Corrnlssioncr Davirf ~~r' M(1T1f1N ~0, that the Ant~hefm City Pl~rnln~ Cor~mi~~5lc~n has revleried the prop~sal to reclassify s~~b,lect propc~ty fram CL (Comncrclal~ I.lmited) Ione t~ RN-12~0 (Re~ldcntial~ Multtrle- r'~~ri ly) Zone t~ construct three fc,urplexes ~n ~n f rrec~ul~~rly-sha~eci rarcel af land c~nsisting nf ap{~roximntrly ~.~~ acre hnvtng a frontnct~ ~f a~~raximntrly ;1~~ fe~~ on the s~uth side of Le Palm.~ Avcnuc h~~vlnc~ a mnximum ~ic~th of np~r~xim~~[cly 1~7 f~et pnd bFin~ located ap~-roxlmntAly 3f; fr~c west of thc ~.enterlinc of Harbor Boulcvard; ~n~~ c1o~s hr,reby approve thF Ilec~,~tlv~ Decl~iratlon from th~ rr.~iuirc~nt tn ~~rep~~r~ .~n environr~r.nt~~) ir~~act report on the basls that there woulci be no s.r,nificant individu~~t or cumul~tive ~dversr. Cnvironmental impacr, due t~ chc ~ip~rovnl ctif th{s NQClative D~clar,~tinn since the llnahclr~ Gennral Plan desi~l~~~tes ttie sub_jec! pro~erty for yr.ne~n) comn-~rci~~l l~nci uses ccMnmensurat~ wlth the ~ronos.~l; th.-~t no sensitive environmental imp~icts ar~ involved !n the prnp~~s~il; th~t thc I~:itial Study submitted hy chc pc~itioncr indtcAtes no s~qnifir.ant indivldu~l Cumul3tlvC adverse cnv( ronmcnt~~l Imp.icts; ~nci that the Ne9.itivc Declnratio~ ~subst~~ Che forc9ol~~t findinr~s is on flle in thc City of l~nahclm Plannin~ Departmcnt. Corri(sstoner Y.inr~ offered Resolutton No. PCfl~-73 an:l movccl f~r its n~ssa~~ nn~i .~d~nti~n, that the M~~heim City Plannlrn.~ Conr~(sslun rfnes herehy ~rnnt thc Petit(~n for Reclassif~catl~n IJo. 7~1-~~-21~ subject to Inc~•rd,r~rtmentat f.ommittre reccxnmen~lntl~~s. On roll ca) l~ tl,r~ tor~~~a1~.~ resoluti~n was pzssed by the f~) lrn~in~t vntc: AYES : Cn1~Nl SS I ~IIE ~.S : fiAP,~~LS ~ D1~V I U~ F?Y ~ Hf. "RST ~ K I r;r, ~t0E5: COHHISSiQHCRS: Nf1~lE ARSE~IT: Co-~-~!~°l0!;Er.s: BuS~io~E, 1'nLnr. CcxnMlssioner E3ushore re2urned co the Councll Chamber. 1/28/80 MI NUTES ~ ar~A~~~ i M c i TY P~.n~~r~ i ~~c coMM i ss i ofi, JANUARY Z8. 1 ~~;0 ~~-66 ITEM N0. 11 PUHLIC HE~PIN!'. 0'~ItlfRS: SEAN DEVEL(-~ME-iT Cn,, 11Gb ENVIRGNME~ITAL IMPACT ~EPORT Nn, ?3~~ North Euc) id, Anaheir~, C~ 9~f'~nt, I1r,f.NT; Rnf3f.RT D. VAR111NCE: N(1. 313?. NICY,CL.St1t1~ 1'i-+ South f,l~~ss~) l~ flr~n~c~ C~ ~2(~~,(~. _N A . 1 ~ 7R~c:T N~. 1~~~~1 Pronerty drscrih~c! ,~s a~~ irr~c~ul,irly-sh,i~~c1 ~,.,rcPl of ~ ~ lan~i c~nslstinr~ c+f n~~,roxi~•~it~ly 3,73 acr~s l~c~tr.d ~+t thc southw~s[ c~rncr of Canyon Rlin Ro.~c~ ~in~f Scrrano ~.v~nue hnvlnc~ front.~~~es ~f ~~~pmxim.~tely 7~~ f'~~t on the sc~uth sid~ nf Canyon Rir~, R~~.icl and ap~r~~xira~tcly fi~ fceC ~n the west s(c1e of Sr_rr.~+nn /lvcnu~, f'ro~r~rty ~•.r~•,rntly cl~~s',ificd RS-l1-h3~~~~ (RC.SI~f.t~71P,L~ SINf;I.E-i'~`11LY IIILLSI~f1 7f)'If, vnr.inr~cr. ~~~u:57: (!1) N~YIMUM >TR~;f.T~!RAL Itf If11T~ ((z) PfR~"ITTCn ItUil_~I-t~ l(1CATI~~t. TEI~T~ITIV(: TRACT pE~)UE.°~T; T(1 C;TAE~LISII ~ 0~~E-LQT~ ^~~-t,~'lIT C~~ID~'+II~Il~F1 ;li;;hl'll ~I~'~, 7herc wcre eic~~ht ~+erson5 in~ilc,~tinc~ the•ir ~r~~r~nce fn o~~~siti~~n t~ suhiect requASt~ rin~1 ~~lthou~h the~ st.~ff r~•~x~rt to th~ PI~iRfllllt) Cormiss(~n ~1a[ccl Janu.iry 2c'~~ 1!1'~~i was nnt rc~~d at tha ~ubl(c h„~rinr~~ it is r~ferrcci to ,ind ~~icle a nnrt of the m;nutes, fren (3eam~ Beam Devrloprk~nt Com~my, w~~s ~,r~•~~n! to answrr ~~rv ~uet~t i~ns. (~ob ~lickelson~ f'lannin~i Con,ultant. l~h Sauth Glassrll, nresc~nt~~1 colr~r r~ncler(nc~s o~ th~ pro~rosecl proJect ~~n~i cxpla'ned thc parcrl t~, tri,in~~ul~~rly-shn~,c~i ind is c1c~r~ssed 7~-f~et 5~~low Canyon Rirn Rqa~:. He pofnted ouc thr slo~~s incl the twn .~ccess pc?int5 f~~~pc~s~d and refcrred to thc 15~-fo~t dist~in~e rc~uircd bctwccn ~in~~lr-f~mily rFSidrnti,il unit5 ~nA two-story, mult(-f~mily units an~f thr ;(l-fnot se[h~ick. re~~uire~i ~,~iinc^nt to scenir, arterf~l h i qhways , He exp 1 a t nr.~f the vbr i.~nces ~i re b~ i n~~ renuestr~i on th~ h.is i 5 nf thc s i ze ~ sha~+e, depression ~n~1 t~p~~;raphy of thc ~r<~r.erty <~nd st,~trd th~rre was ?n ad~icd cons[ra(nt in developcxAnt of a ~Inn for ihis property bec.ause r,f thr ,i~~-;Ic•-far~ily hc~r~ks to thc snu[!~. (G.~run~sslon~r Tolar returned to thr m~rtinn ,it r~:4'. ~,,r~,) P1r. Mickelsc~ c~ntinue~i thcy h.ivc tricd ta r~nintain .~n o~cn fccling ind Scxac of thF view. li~ referred to thr. ~ilmensional mc~~~•1 providc~i f~r chc CAft7Tl~S~iir~n's review ~nd stated if this propcrty were zonecl for sine~le-faMily un'ts~ the~~e wnul<1 he n~ lim~trtion on the tw~- sto~y unitS. f!e strited bcc.7usc of thc ~1e~rrssi~~n of th~ ~ro~erty~ the twn-story uni~s would havc thc sar~c effect on thc sin~ale-famii~ r~sidcnces ~s a sincal~-~,tory unit. Ne polnted out the Cod~ was develo~ed for f la[ 1~n~t clevelon^~ent nnd the arc~urx~nts .~rc not valid fhr hillsi~lc ~icvcl~pm~nt. Ne referr~' to the rend~rin~t .~nd ex~~alned one mode) is really a s~lit-1~vF1~ si~cile-story huildinq~ w(t~~ thc nRr~~~c nn onr_ enct~ ,7n~i the tw~-story uni; has [he nastprbedroc~m 3ulte on the s~cr,nA floor~ and they would not cnnsider thit as active 11v1n<; sc~ace. He cxplAine~ ths.re is ~ 1;-fo~t diffcrencc in the elev.~tlnno and di~cussccf ~~lte.rnate proposals. Cor~missic~ncr To~a~ clcclnred a conflict af interest as defincd by Anaheiai Clty Planning Ccxunission Re,olution f~o. PC7E,-1S7 adopting a Conflict of interest Code for the Planning Commissian ~nd Gavcrrn~ent. Codc~ Scc[ion 3(~,'_5, et seq.. tn that his hr~thcr owns adJoining propcrty within 3~(1 fcet of the propos~~l d~vel~nment and decl~red t~ the Lha~rwc~m~~n that hc was withcirawln~ from thc hraring in tonncctton with Tent~tivP Mar of Tracc No. 1~1'11i1 and would nat ta-.e p~~~t in ~i ther the Aiscussion or the votin~; therec~n, and that he had t/28/80 ~Y, MI IIUTES ~ ANIIHE I M C I TY PLAt~~I I NG Cc1MM I SS I 01! , Jl1NUARY 28, 198~ a0-(~7 ~NVIROI~M~NTAL IHPIICT REPORT N0. 234~ VARII1NCf ~~~. 3t32 AND TCNTATIVC a1AP ~F TRl1CT N~). 10~~~ 1(c~n~ i nued) ~~~t -il Scusse~' thts m.itte .,~i th any membcr nf the ~l.~nntn~~ Coinmi~,~ t~n. Th~rru~~n Cr,rmtss(nncr T~I~~r Icft t-~r. C~~inc(1 Chrmh~r. "tr. -~ic~•rlr~,n stt-tcd thF ,~rchit~r.turc ~~f th~, buildinn was Acsi~inrd with thc ~~c1j,~crnt prnp~,rty owncrs In minJ, Includln~~ thP rr, wh~~h :~rc flet-~itch~d~ cui bnc~. nn,i which~ i~• ~ffett~ cren~e r~e4:-thre~uqhs f~r adi~~cent ~rs(rr~ts. (J.icb. ulii~c, Ur~~uty f,ity ~tt~irnc~y~ rcturncd t~ thc r~~•c~tfn~~ it ~:'~~~ ~.r~., ~~nc1 M;~c Sl,~u~,htcr~ left.) ~~n RO~if.~5~ 7'l'i3 Dr,-:~~ 5tit~il hc h,~s s(+<~ke~n with tl~~ nri~~hbnrs, .~n~l th~y w~ul<I likc tn s~~ek lcq„1 c-nuns~) bec.iuse thcy f~~~l thcy ~.-~c bc~n mislr~~1 hY M~ih~~ir lillls~ Inc., .is t~ w`~at is to bc done wi th ,~ih lect ~ro~crty. Ilc st it.ecf e~h~•n [h~^y t~urchas~•~1 th~-r ~ro~~rty ttiry v,c~~re f~ld thcre ~ ris ~ a:~:`, cl~n-ce th., it woulcl hr ,~ pr,r~; nnd th;-t. thcy wer~ fold to ;~~.~t in ~~rounht ir~r fcnecs br_C.~uSC thcfr vlra+ wnulci nev~r hr lost. 11c st~ ted thcy ~li ! not p~y for a vlew l~t, buc ~'1~f piy for a prr.r,l~~~ I~t and ~r•, n~t .~ire^ whrt thit cnc~~nss~•~ anr+ ~rc n~t sur~ wh~ th~ir cor~rlaints nre ~+ith, H~ st.if~~:J it t~. tl,eir un~lrrst~nAln~t thzt the propcrty is ;:enr~~~ RS-A-4~~!1(1~a (Resiciential~ Sin~~ltt-~~m~ly lilllsi~ic), And the maj~rity o` niopcrty s~rroun_11n~t thcir tract is (n th~t ~onr, Hc ~x~lnin~cl tnn c~~~~wners fnund ~ut by accielen! in Octnher thit th~ lard w.is ~a~in~ to he sold ~ncl t-~~v had t~il~ed to Anihc~im Ili l ls ~~nc1 Hr. ~ea~~ ~nc! thcy wcrc noing to worb. wi t`~ thc f~t)r~CnWn~~5 ~ I~ut th~y f3nally hr~rd ~ast Sa2ur~tay w'~r•n [hey reccivcd th^ notiG~ ~f thi~; r,~etinn ~'~nd sincc then thr_y ~iive .i ,~e~ti;l~n si~~ned by ar~rc~xir~,~trly f•; ~F~~~,I~, which is nx~rr thin one-h,~lf ~f the ~ec~pie in the nrc~~. 11c felt thcy hr~! rurchase~i thc(r propcrt•~ with thc tdca that this was a Pirk 5it~• ~nd h~iv~ br.en tolcl by 11n~ih~in Ilills~ Inc., th~t their ar!~umc~nt is wfth t~e rP,~l estate com~any [hey ~{ealt wi th. Ile 5tafed the peti • inner had c~ncact~d thn c~,meown~r's ass~eiitfnn president ~n Tu~rs~i,ry and they hacl trir•! tc, ,irr~n~e ~ mectin~ ~n We~in~s;l~~y nr Thursday ~in~} that was thc ~nly contact th~y h;~•ae ~,<id with Mr. E~cam. He st.~tcd the homeowners w~uld bc in ~~~rcemr.nt with thr altern tc su~~~stlon wit~~ a r~~~d ic.ross the bacl~. bccdus~~ that wr~i~l~l ~~~t th~ hnu5c5 further away `•nn then, !Ic rFferre~d t~ the ?r qucst pari.in~; spices p~O~+c~S~:~~~ an<! n~inir_d ~~ut [he tr ffic for thc La~.e Summit proJect adJacent to thr.r~ f s p:+r~: i nr~ ,~ 1 1 u~ and clnwn thc s t reet ~~. rcarly ,~nd ihey h~~vP 1. ~ par4. i ne~ sp.~cPS per unit; ancl that ~~st r~~rW.in~~ for th(s rrnject is ~rirwrily in unit clrivcwr~~y,. t1r, R.oc~ers stated thr.y want this requ~ct denied hecaus~ the present cwrn~rs ~1o not w~nt the multi-f,~mily unlcs that cl~sc t~ the~ and would prcfer si~~l~.-family residenc.ps. Mlke Murray, 727~ Dra{:r. Drlvc, presente.d a m~~ ~iv~n to ther+ by tfietr snles a~ents which is the An~he(~~ Ceneral Pl~r as of Se~[er~ber 1~7~ and 4ndicate~f f,e w:~s t~1~1 by Anaheim H i 1 ls, Inc. , th,~t thc Gencr~l Plan ch~nryed in llpri 1 1~77, He ~~intc~i out thr_ plan shows the are~~ c~f Cany~n Rim and Se~rano as a~~r~. sf [c, ~nd stated he was tolri thr. ~ro~erty was ta br., de~licated to the ~Ity apnmxir,~atcly two ye~irs a~o ~s a~~r{ site ar,d the City turned it dc~wn due to mainten:~nr_t costs~ etc. Ne ~int~d ~ut his residence ~n thF rendering .~n~i indtcated he woulc! ~refer a sinqle-f~mily ciwellin~. !~e SL~tP(~ he w~ulri h~ve ~ 2~-foot setback from the 17-f~ot wall~ as op~~sed to fillinn thc cra~te and builc!lnq a sinqle- family buildinq wlchin five feet of his ~ropPrty line~ but th.~C hc wauld nrPfer thc sinc~le•family wiLhin five f~et. fle stat~~i they were t~lcl this ts only one of twc~ picces of raw land which has been sold wlthout prfor cfevrloprnent plans bein~ t~irrecl into Aneheim Hilis, Inc.; that the hcxneowners were told [hr, sinc~le-stdry units woul<iact~~ally be 1- 1/2 stor•fes and ~he Cwo-story un( [s woulci actual ly he .'.-1/2 stories. The contention of 1/28/80 ~ MI I~UTES ~ ANAHE I M C I TY PLA~III I NC COMM, SS ~ 011 ~ Jf1NUAaY 28, 1 q8~ t~0-67 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPl1CT REPART N0. 234~ VARIANCE: t~~. 3132 I1ND TENTAl'IVF. hNP OF TMCT N0. 10941 (cont inued) nc~t riiseussc~t this mnttcr wi th any rnembcr ~f the Pl~~nni~n Corm~is.l~n, ThPrPUprn~ Commisst~n~r Tolar lctt the Couneil ChF„nhcr. -1r. Nlck~lsc~n stntrd th~ nrchitecture of the bullc+tnr, was desinn~cl with the ~di~'~c~nt proper[y owncrs In m(nd~ inclu~llnn the r~~fs whlch nre fl~t~~itchrd~ r.ut b~~c~~ ~n~1 which~ In eff~e[, crr.~~tc ~ecG.-throu~hs f~r ~~ljaccnt r~slclrnts. (JacE: 1Jhitc, Qc~~uty r,icy ~ttornc~y~ r~l'urnccf to th~ rirctin~~ .~t ~i:'1~; n. ~.~ ,~n~i M:+c Slau~~htcr~ left.) pon Roners~ 72~~3 Dr~i~;e~ stntr~l hr. h.~s s~~~kcn wltl, th~ nelnhh~~~s ,in~' th~•y w~ulcl Ilke t~~ seek lre~al counsel hec.~use thry feel they hav~ bern r,tslr~:1 hy I'n~hein Hllls, Inc,. .~S t~ wh.it Is to b,~ donc with subject ~ro~crty. Iie stateJ M1Flen chr^y nurthas~rl thc~ir ~r~~crty th~y wcr~• t~ld ihcr~~ w.es i q:t^, ch~ncP that lt would hc .~ pnr~.; ~nc! th~it thcy wer~ t.old tn put in wrau~ht ir~~~ f~ner_s becnus~ thcir vicr~ would ncvcr bc IoSt. Hc y:~~t~d thcy di.i not pAy for i vt~~•r I~t~ but dl~l piy For a preml~~m lot nnd arc n~t sur~ wh,~t th~it rncomp~ssrts an~1 are n~t surc wh~ thclr co~~t~laints ~~re with, He ,[~tc~l it is •hctr ~m~lerstandtn~ thnt the propcrty is ;onc~t RS-A-l~3~n~e1 (Resi~lentl~il, S1n~~~r.-Frmt ly Hi l lsi~1~) ~ and tfie m.~Jnrlty of ~roperty surroun~l t n~~ the i r tract 1 s i n thnt •r~nr, I1~ ~xn I ~i necl thr hame~wners f~unci out by acci~fent in ~ct~her th~c th~ ~An~~ a~n5 ~~~in~ to be s~ld ancl th~y hid t.~lked co Anahelm Ili I15 .~ncl 11r, E~e.ir~ ~nd they w~re ~~inc~ to worl<. with th~ h~r~ec~wnrrs, but th~y finally hr.~,rci last 5aturday when thcy recelv~d thc~ n~ti;:~ of this mcFtinn :-nd sinc.e thcn they h~~ve ~ ~rti t(~n si~~r,~~d hy a~~roxir+~tcly ~; p~a~le~ which is rx~rr thnn one-h:-if oF Lhe penple in the area. He fclt they hnd ~urchase~l thcir proprrty with thc icle~~ thnt this Was a park site :~n~f h<~v~ ber.n ko1J by Anr~hcin Hllis~ Inc, th~t their Arqurne~ni (s with the re!al e5tate comrany thc~y cle.alt with. Hc~ stated the petiti~ner h<--d c~nt~cfrd thc~ hcxneowner's assoc(ati~n presidcnt nn Tuesday ~~nd thcy h, tried t~ .irrRn~e ~~ mc~tir~ on Wednc~s~iay ~r Thursday anci th~~t was the ~nly cont~c[ they hnve h~d wi th Mr, Beam, Ile stited ~he homecxvners w~ul~i be in a~r:~eru~nt with tf~e r~lt~rn.~te su~~estion wi[h ~~ road across the back because that w~7ulc1 put thc houses further away froc~ them, Ile referr~cl t~ the 3R guest parkinc~ s~nces proposeci~ ~incl n~inted ou[ the tr~ffi.: f~~r the La~.e Summit p~oJect ad]acent ta thFr~ ls p~rkinc; ~1) up and dcr~n thr_ strr_et ~~ircaciy ~~nd th~y havc 2,5 par6.ing spaces per unlt; anci th~t ~uest ~irF.lnn for this proJect is ~rir+u~rity in unit cirivewo~ys. Hr. Ro~aers stated they vr~nt this ~Ct~UPSL denied hecause thc present ovm~~rs cSo not want the multl-family units that close ~ chem and woulci prefr sin~le-family residences. Mike Murray~ i%7; ~rake Drivc~ presented a mnr ~iven to theM by their s~les agents which is ihe An~iheim Genr.ral Pl~r~ a~ of Septe~ber 1~75 and indtcatect he was told by Anaheim Ilills~ lnc., tl~at thr_ Generai Plan changed in Aprtl 1~77. lie pointed out the plan shows the are~ af Canynn Rim and Serrano as ~ parG: site, ~~d stated he was told the property was to be dedicated to the Clly a~proximately two ye~~rs ago as a~<~rk sites and the City turned ft down rjue to malnten.~nCP costs, c~tc. He ~oinced out his resirlencc on t'~P renderinq and indicated he would prefer a sinqle•family dwellinq. He stated he wouid h~ve a?.0-fo~t setback from the 17-f~ot wall, a~ opp~sed to fillinn the ~r~~dr. ar~d building a singie- family buildinq within flve feet of his ^ropc~rty ltne, but that !~c would nrefer the s(ngle-family within five feet. {le st~t~ci they were tal~i this is only one of two pieces of raw land which has been sotd without pstor dcvel~prr~nt plans bein~ t~~tned into Anaheim Nilis, (nc.; that the hcxneowners were told the sinc~le-story units wouici actually be 1- 1/2 storles and the two-story units would ~~ctualiy be 2.-1/2 storie~. The co~tention af , iz8iao ~ ~, MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JANUARY ?.8~ 1~8C 80-68 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0. 234~ VARIANGf. N0. ~132 ANO TEN7ATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. ioy4.i (contlnued) the maJorl[y ~t homr_~rrners~ nc~t ~nly ir Fnstriclc~e Est~tc~s~ hut tn t~in~icr. Illlls, Suns~t f~ldc~c~ Stoi~c~t+~tc ~nd the surro~~n~iinc~ sinc~lc-fr~m( ly dcvcl~~~r~erts Is thii ~ nr^icct ~f tliis type dnFS n~t cnn form wl th th~ heim~s i n thr c~~nera 1~~re~i , ar( cl, thr, exc.er~t f~~n of S i n~~ i nq Woc>d . 11r. Murrey r~f~rred t~ nnAhcir~llills~ (nc, snles brnchurFS nnd ~idv~rtisin~ In thc newspApcr whieh st~~tc~ for exari~~lc -"Ulew thc~ now lifestyl~s~ eni~~y thr s~,e~~~inq vist~is~ yaur ~rwn ccmmiunlty ~o~l ~~n~ sn.i~ 11r~ahciro N) 11S ParkS ~nlf coiirse~ c~~~unity sh~~o~inc~, etc." an~f statecf thcir cor~tcnti<~nTs t at. t cre s r~~t ~n~ nnrk th.it is c~nci~,ccivc tc+ faml ly usc ln thc: llnihei~~~ Ili l ls ar~.i; thit thrr~ 1~ [hr n~~l; Ric1~~ n,ittir~-typr G~~rL adJacent t~ th~ equ~strinn c~~nter; howrver, ~~11 thf+ ~ther ~~~r~, SI[(`5 which w~re suppns^d to h,~vc bccn ~fcvc 1 ot~ecl by An.ihc i m H i 1 1 s, I nc . I~av~• nn t bcen ~i~v~ 1 onr~i , Ile s[~ted thr.y wcrr tnlcl by .An~~hcim Hi l ls~ Inc, th.it within th~ nrxt mnnth th~y wi 11 bc de~llc~tln~ ~ schoc~l si[c ~~n tha northc,~st corncr ~it Serran~ ancl f,Anynn Rir~ RuAd wn(ch will n~t b~.~ funcled hy thc St.itr f~r threc yr,~rs; cherefnr~ thc City wf'1 hr h.i~r~y tr~ plant scxnr. ~ir~iss s~~ th~ chi l~lren cs~n crc~ss the strr~t ~ind ~l~y. -~~ ~~t~tr~~ wt~r•n Serrano ~oes throuah to 4kir C~ny~n Rn.icf~ it will hc ~~n~~1~r th~r~unhf~~r~. H~ SLB~C~) currPntly in the nnahcii~ 11{ lls ~rea th~re arr. 1n,~1~~ resiclcnts~ tinrl hy 1~~5~+ the numhcr is ~roJer_t~c! by An~~hclm Ili l is~ Inc, to bc~ 3n~~~'~~~~ Wi th two n,~jnr .irtcri:~~ ro~~.ls, <in~~ th~•rc wi I1 bc a I~t of childt'en ~n thc ar~~~. Hc f~lt the m~~]~~rity ~` thc h~~nc~vn~rs woulr! wish to se~' no variance ~rante~i anri i.fe~lly thcy wo~ilcl 1(~.c tn s~e rn~hcir, Nllls~ Inc, c~rap~nsate the bullcfers. Ne st,~et~'~~ he was told h~ cnu1~1 buy th~• nr~~crty a~:j.~crnt tn t~is pra{'~~rty for a{~proxir~i~~t~ly ~.17';,'1~'`~ but hr. c!ld nc•,t have thr on~,;,rtunlty tn huy it~ sinc±~ it (S .~irrt~~dy 5old ~~nd hc was ncvrr consultc~!. fip stat.~c~ t~r.~ w~s tnlcl th~ property is 7~~~c~1 ~~r n 3"" un 1 t a~~~~~ trirn t emr 1 cx ~ nn~1 f ~ 1 t onc s t rue ture w i t!~ i[ rcm~n~ious mm~un t c~` ~pcn spaec w i t h pockets ~f 1lr~ht w~ul<i b~, het[er than the >ix structures curr~ntly prop~s~~1. Mr. ~lurray st~+tr.~ th~y really have no nu~lms about losiny the vicws or with the buildc~, but arc bt,~ic~lly ohj~cttnn tn •hc rn~nncr in whith this wtts conductc~l ~nd thc fact th~t thcrc is nat sufflcicnt pirk. sitcs in thr. arr.a and evrrything advcrtised ~n ~~urrent brochures~ newsnap~~r advertisc;~rents, etc. ~ incluc;es ~arks, etc. ~ an~! he fel t i f those parks are not qc~in~ to b~ thrre~ they sho~~ld not bc advr.rtiseci. Sii 11 Ashton~ 727~ DraL:e~ stat~d ohviausly this is .i ~r~ving ar~~ and he was c~ncerned aba~t the school si tu~iti~n .anc1 state~~ bec~i~~nin~ in July the chi iclren wi 11 be qoinq to school year round, and he fe' t add 1 na r+ore oeo~l e w i th~ut ~-~d~1 i t f ~n~~ 1 school fac i 1 1 t i cs i s not a gc~od ~lan and p~inte.d out the rlc~nentary school ~urrently is 10~~ chi I~iren over- popul~ted. Mr, Mickelson staLPd thcy c~i~J r~ect w+th the hrx~c~c~wrers nnd ap~lo~iz~d th~t they dld nct have a very lon~ notlce, Ilc explaincd they h,id ch~ngrd thc plan scveral ttmes ind wanted to bu(Id the r~ctel to derionstr~~te more cle~~rly what they Hdnt t~ dc~ and ~;J;LP.~ to set up ~ meet(n~~ unt i 1 af ter thc r.iodel was f Ir,ished. N~ st~t~~~ the parcel was ~~t one time ccnsidered for ~ park site ancl lc w~s offered ta the City and r~jecteei because the flat .~rea r~as n~t large enouqh. He state~f xnc zonin~ is RS-A-43~~1~~ which Es essent1a11y ~ holdinc~ xone an~_i there is a rr.s~lution ~f intent tu FtM-2~~0^ w-;ich is basic~'~lly apariments. He statecl they are pro~~siny About onc-half the cicn,ity that w~uld bc ~Ilowed in the RN- 2~-00 r_one and that if thF resolutton of intent is completed, ttiey will meet the condltions for adoptin9 a condorninium r.one whic~ requlres a greater land ~re~ ~er unit ar~d thPir r/28/80 ~ ti MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JANUARY 28~ 198Q 8Q-69 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPOaT N0. 2j4, VARIANCE N0. j132 ~ND TENTATIVE MAP Oi' TRACT N0. 1094t (c~ntinued) F~r~posnl is far stnc~lc-family avncrshlp att.~ch~d untts. Ile f~lt th~~ rr+rl.ing is adequ~7te and Code is met ~~nd the spaces in th~ drlv~w~y ~rr counte~'; th~t he hnd in~licated At the hcxneowner's meeting the on~•~t~ry unit is ~ctur.lly 1-1/: st~ri~s dnci nn(nteci out ~he rle+ation of thc bull,ilnc~ bcinc~ dlscussed ancl stntc~d thr llvinc~ aren is not on thc sec~nd story. He d15cu55e~1 th~.~ Cwo-story units wlth thr pad elevetions nnd incllcated there is rPOlty ~nly nnc~story above grade. Ile stateca these unlts err hASically intendrd for ,~dutt 1 ivlnc~ nncl rotnted ouc thcr~ is only onc chi 1~1 r~t the Stngtnn Wo~c1 11f I ls ccx~+~lcx ~nd [hcy woulcl not ex~cct an imraci on thc schools fr~m this ~1rvPlonm~nc, Tlli: Pl!(3LIC Hf'/1R1'!G W/15 CL.OSf.!`. C~~mn(ssf~,ner 9usho~e t~sk~d th~ {~i'o~~o5ec1 sellinn ~,rlc~ of thr..5e units end Mr. [ie~em re~liec± the unlts ~~robabty will not bc snl~ for nnoth~r 12 to I(' rionths .~nci they exnect a medlum saies prtcc of ;1~+~~~'ln t~ ;1!~0~~~~, Respnndin~ to Commiss ic~ncr Dushor~'s r~~u~st ~ Mr, Murr.iy rc.id the staternent from thc opp~sitlon ~etlti~n as follows: January 71 , lqfi~ ~ "~~ , thc +inde rs i gnr• ~i hc~--~c~ners i n Anahc i~~1 I 1 1 s~ a~arlen t 1 y opp~~s~ thr n mpnsed Varl~~nce N~, 313: nf thc~ ~~rc~ k~cwrn as Tr.~c.t N~, 1'1~~~1~ th est:~bl(sh a 1-lot .'.h- unlt c~n~lcxninium subclivlsi~n, 41P o~i~~s~ the varinnce chan~e f~r the followinc~ rr.asons: 1,) Thc s.~fcty of our children~ 2.) incr~~.'+sed traffic to ~~r tonccntrated occup,~ncy nre<~~ ;.) concinuity of the ~envirr,~r~r~nt~ ~~.) potential defl~tion of homc values duc to loss of a~sth~tics~ S.) it wa~~lc1 hc c~ntrary t~ thc ex~+ectat ions of th~ ~,1 ~nnecl cpmmun i ty concc~pt ~xh ih i t~~1 by the AnAhe ir, Nf I 15 ~ Inc. ~laster P1An~ ~~.) we feel the only r~as~~n f~r a vpri~nr..r is the economic benefit of ~i select few to the dets'ireent ~,f r*,i~ny," (I~e ~r~s~ntcd thc p~titi~n tc thc. Corwni5sf~n.) Conriissioner Dushorc as~.cd the ~~urchise price of Mr. Murr~y'~ hrnne~ and Mr. Nurray respande~i ~p~roxiriitcly 59~~~0^; and Cormnissloner Bush~re ask~d if th~ homc could be duplicatecl on today's market and Mr. Murray replted that Coar~tssi~+ncr Tolar hac~ excused himsclt because thc hc~use next door tt currently on the market fc,r S1`?y~~~n and h.~d been on the m..~rkei f~r nine ~onths~ and the l~st salc~ in the neic~hborh~c~~i tn June 1~1~ was for ;15n,On~, Corn*~issior~er Bushnre cl~rified that th~ opt~osition is really here L cause of what was ~e~resented to them when thcy purchased thelr homes and Mr. Murray stated that was part of the reasc>n and th~~t he would ~refcr a single-family c)w~lling ta be constructed behind h im~ as oppnsed ta a 3-unit scructu~e, Commissioner 6ushnre ~tated re~nrdless of whnt may or may nc~t hr~ve been represented when thc pro~erties wPre purchased~ he f~lt the o~position should feel fortunate thaf. they naw ha~e the i r home and are fortunate enauc~h to have sane of thP amen i t tes that the peop le who are r~oing to be livincl dow~ thc h;ll do not havc~ ~ointinc~ out thc c~ndcxnlnium unlts praposed wi 11 c~st as much as the existing single-far~i ly hor~es, and s[ated f f a~artment s were built on the prnperty~ the property owners wos~ld have more rroblems selltng their homc~s becausc 1t ls generelly fclt the typc of peopte livinc~ in a~ar[ments are not as g oad 1 /28/80 MII~UTES~ l111AF1~.IM CITY PLJINNINf C~M1'~IISSInN~ JI1N1111RV 2~'~ l~l~n ~~-7~ ENVIRONMCNTl1l. IMPA~T Rf.PORT N0. 23t+, \'ARI~NCC N0. 3t~2 n!~r TF'~TA~ IVF MI1P OF' TRIICT NQ. 10~41 (cnnclnucd) nelghbors ns thosr ~ss~~clAtc~i with hom~-c~wnershtn c~cnusc th~ hcm~c~-vn~r hns .~n Inv~stmrnt ~nd takcs pr) 'cr In chc ciwnershi~. Mr, Nurrfly St.~tccf hc was nn a(i~7rt~'-e~nt <iw~ller for 4CV~~n y~nrs ,in~i rrt ~~ lnt c~f nic.~ pr.nnl~ an~! dicf not r~~re~ with Cornrt~lsslaner EtuShc~rN's opinion, Cormissioner B~~shc~rc c~mt~~~uPd th.~t F1r. Murr~~y h~tid wor6~c1 v~ry h~ir~~ to ~wn hi~~ nwn hnri~ ~nr1 Is n~w ~~SE.inn thc Corr~issi~n te~ deny scwncbody ~15r thc o~~c~~tunity t~ h~vi~ tl~.~t s.irtic privlle~c:. Mr, Hurray clnrifl~~1 th~t h~ is asl.In~J the COnn~IS51~~n tn r~quirF Chc dev~l~~~n:r~~it t~~ he within thr current Cod~~ In thr.t s inglc-f.~mily c1wc11(n~1s cnulc' b~ huilt wlthin ~, fcct of his propcrty Iinr_ which he woul<i nrrfE~r ~~s ~n,~~se~1 t~ ~~ '~+-unit t~wnhnus~ or ccnd~r,lnium d~v~ I~pr•rnt ~ Canmissloner dush~re explalned th~~ RS-l~~•~+3~~~~ lonc is ~ holdin~~ ~c~nE , subject .o pric~r aetlon taken pertalnin~~ to r~ultl-f ~mi ly 1 ivin~ un(ts, ~~n:1 is the sar+c a; when Mr. Murray purthased his hamc. Ile stnted the GenPr.~l Plan (s vc+ry ~cncral ,inct cannot bc I~cld tn s~cclClcs. Ne th~u~~ht the oprosi t Ir~n wou1~1 bc nr~~~s~~1 t~ thc vicw heinc~ I~st and thc praposal for 2~i-unlts. tlc fcl[ ct-~rcr.. ~wners would hav~ ~ valici c~r,ipl.ilnt br..cius- thetr vlew is bcin~~ taken away~ hut fcl z thc clevcl~pcr has rf~nc• cvrrythinn ~' )SSIh~~ ta ~ln(r-+ize the imp,~ct. Nr. Murray polntc~ ~~ut h(s pro~crty on [hc r~~clcrlnq an~i st~ted [he ~iistancc frcrr~. his propr.rty line to th~~ tn~, of Canyo~ Rlr, is ~~~~r~xink~tcly 1?~ fcet an~1 ~~-unit~ 17-fcxyt hi~~h Structure is ~r~nosc~i for that are,~~ nn~.1 ~v~n tF,~uqh thr ,icvelr~n~r ha5 itat~ ~ there will be no winclows~ his nroperty wi1l b~ ~i-iversely Ir~ncted. He stated Nr, Salce~i.~ ha~i st.itecl at the conclusinn of their homenwncr's r^rn_tin~~ that ir his opininn he woulci be ir~.icted the most ~in~1 st~ted if h~ wc~c to s~ll his hc~me f~r rl~i7~~nh~ hr could nc~t rc~la~e i t wi th strni lar '~ci I ities, Cormissioner Dushore stateci thc ric.velcnrr has indicatc~, th~it ar~~~i Is de{~ressAd and Mr. Murray clarlficd tha[ it is on a gra~iual slo~~ ~inr1 th~ ~ar~ic~~ will be loc»tc~~ adjacent tn his property with livin~ sp~~ce above it, clarifyin~t that he was not ~ef~rrin~ to a fence. but a structurc (1-1/2 storirs hi ~f~), Commissioner Herbst ~t~~ted he is vcry r.oncerned about the [yne of c~n5truction~ recog~lzin~ that all the houses acrass the back are existing .~nd the Codc requires a d(stance af 15~ fe~[ between two-story r~~lti-f~~m(ly unf ts ana single-f.~Mi ly development; that at tines ir~ the hi i l are3, that rc-qu( rcment h7s been w~iv~d because. the hu( i~16ngs were belaw nradr. so th~~t people w i th vicw lo[s would not be looki nc~ dc~wn on roofs , lie stAted he h~d ~lready suqgested th~t this ~r~Ject be paiio-type~ le»v-~rofite construction units becausc the neighbors do have homcs wich vl~.wvs of the mc~untains. citi~s, eLr.. Ht stated the only way a developcr ean hlock this vlew is by ap~roval of a varianGe and he dld not think the Commission should approve a va~iancc th.it wi 1) tal:e snmethine~ fram thc ne i ghbors . He fe I t the p roJ ect i s v i ab 1 e and has i ts me r i ts and the e~ r ~und has to be utilixed in aome r~anner but fett this can be accomplished F~roperly witt~out ane varl~neP. Ne stated there may t~e a couple of areas where the distances betwer.n Canyon Rim Road mlght be e~croacheci ~ b ut he wou 1 d have rese rva t i ons about th~~ t because Canyon R i m 1 s he com i nn a very heavi ly traveled road; that he would t il:e to see h~w the noise problem wi 11 be 1/28/80 ~ MIt1UYE5~ ANA~IEIM C17Y PLANNINf; CONN15510~l~ JA~~UARY ?.`~~ tQAn ~'~~~~ ENVIR~NMENTAL IMPACT REPOR.T N(1. ?.~~~~ VAR.IAIICE -IC1. 3132 !',~I~ TC~ITATIVE. r~n~ OF TMCT N0. 1Oq4) (continued) elimint~ted fror~ C~nyon Rim Roacl anrl Serr~~no Avenu~~. NE~ st~~tr~f hr wll) nc~t v~te f~r ~~ varlance on tne two-stary structure within 1~~~ fe~t af an R-1 h~r~r~ ex~.ept under extremr clrcumst~+nc~s, Ch~ilrwomnn f3a'nes stateci the two-story structure ~ictj~~cr.nt t~ th~~ two resiri~nc~s bothr.rs hcr. Shc cx~lnincci the Gencr~~l plnn Is v~ry genrr~~l ~~n~1 dnes not rMnn thcre ha~ to hc ~,.~rk sitc ~t th~it sp~cific locati~n r-n~! tt c~u1d h~ loc.~tec1 inywh~rr withtn ~~~~~ fe~t ~f th~• nre~~, Sh~~ st~te~ the only c~nsl~lerati~r~ is the intr.nclcrf ;nnin~i ~n th~ ~ro~erty •'+~~~ at thc tlm~ thes~ hnm~s wcre rurchased~ thc resnlutlon af intent w~is f~r ~ti ~lannrd conmunlty devrloprxnt. 5h~ st~~tc~1 thc City has c1~n~ ev~rythir.~i hurrwnly {~nSS~h~~' to ~et resl ~st~~tc ~e~~1e t~ te11 buycrs this kin~l ~f lnf~rmatl~~n, Shc fFlt stncr. these ;~rn~erty owners h~~ve not p.~ id for a vlew lat ~nd thcre is a resolution of i~it~nt to a pl~inned cormunity devclap~-r~nt~ the Cam~~,issi~n can only ~n•~4•~~ sur~ n~ huil~iin~~s .~rc constructr~l within l,r,~ fcct. Cc~mmissianer Davi~ nsk~~1 wh.~t h.ir~ened to the ~+rn~~se~cl ~~~r~. sit~ nn th~ GCncr,il Rlan, pc~lntln~~ out thc Nill ind Canyon Munlcin~l ~.dvlsory C~-rr+~ttr.c h.ir? n~rticlr:+tcd ln thnt reviscd pl:~n. Ile st•~ted whr.n thes.r pcr,~,le tind b~uc~f~t their h~me~~ thc ~nrk Sitr_ exist~^d And ~Sl~.cd htx~ thc ~c~r 1 e woul d bc not I f i cd of thc~ ch~~nqc . AnntkaSantalahti stnted IIl1C~1A[ re~rr,scnced nll the r~sidcnts in th~~ arP~~ <~nci thc hrarings were advertised in the new5(~nper~ rtc. Chalrwnman 6arne~ statPd she haci been on the Cr~nyon Are~~ f,e.ner~~l Plan Tas4. Farce, ~~nc~ in her oplnl~n th~ par~: s i cc was supn~se~i t~ he a1~ng th~ rescrv~i r. pan Salcecli~ An~helr~ Ni l ls, Inc,, stat~d there is n 3-1/~+ acre ~~~rk sit~ iust due e~sL ~f th~ reservoir wh i eh w~is ~iedlcated ~incf ~ccented h~,~ th~ Ci ty in 1~'3, Mr. Murray statccf na rx~re thnn 1~~~ feet of that ar~a is usahl~ as a p~~rk site nointinct out thc <f i stancc~ be twecn the cde~c of thP water ~nd Canyon Rf m Roac1 i 5 a 1 1 ,1 opc and I s a~proxiriately 1';~ feet. He felt th.~t should he~ c~nsiclered As a"wilcllife prescrve" because it is nat bulldAblP and ~olnted out therc is ~IsQ ~i "tlo Trespassin~" si~n posted. Commissioner Davi ci questic~ned the nolse concerns And as~:ed i f th~s~. t~nc~rns wcre addrpssed in the environmental impact report and !1r. Mickelson replfed staff had not asked for ~ny ~~dditionai study on noise~ pointinc~ out the r.asterly end ts dc~rFSSed and would not have any r*ie~-+surable noise and thcy woul~i ~robahly have to tak.e mer+sures to mlti~ate the sounds suc.h s~s d~uble-glace windows~ etc.~ o~ the west end, hut th~t thcy would be wi l t i ng to do wh~tev~ r i s necessary. Annil:a Santalahti ex.plained th~ sound attentuation p~licies a~+~lie~s to certain specific streets~ ratiroads. ~nd ~ririary or higher ctassification highways and Canyon Rim Road Is a secondary arter i al hi ghway. Mr. Mickelson explalned the building ri~hc behind Mr. Murr~y's pro~erty is 17~feet high and the pad level is essentlally the same ancl the 17-feet is f~om the grade to the peak af the roof. He stated the dep~ession viries fr~m the t-font heic~ht. 1/1.8/H~ 1~_ MINUTES. ANAIIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS~ION, JANU~RY .'.~~ 1~~~ A~~~2 E~~VIRONnEri7~L INPACT REPORT N0. 234. Vl1RIANCE N0, 313~ NIID TENTATIVE NAP OF TRAC7 N0. 1A9~+1 (conti~ued) Commissi~ncr f3ush~re .~s~.ed Dt~~ SalccdA lf he h~+d he~~n gtvPn thc a~p~rtunity to revir.w this F~lan nnd Mr. Salcedr~ replicd thc An,ihelm Nills Arr.hitecturrl Revlew Cemmittc~ had r~vl~wad thr pli~ns la~t Frlday at ~~reat len~tth ana hacl E.nnwn the fePlinqs r~n<I concrrns of t!-„• aJJ~icent ~ropcrty owners stnce Sertemher. Ile st~tPd tt w~as his imnre.~.(~n thit thr_ developer had trlr.d to ~rovide a c~nfl~Jurr-tinn that woulci mintmire tF~e~ Impaci ~in thc cornmun i ty ~n~i thc Cuinn I t ter th~~uc~h t th i s 1 s a ~o~c1 ~,ro j ec t. Mr. licar~ dlstu55c<I devrlopinq ~ingir,-story units in ecrt~ir ~~rr~5 or c~nstructtnq flat roofs to re~luea che vir.w binek.ac~e and st~ted it is rea!.on~hl~ t~ ~~r~ue~ ch~~t hr eoulcf f111 thc s(tc t~nd hulld sinnlc-story ~~nits ~d)ncrnt t~ thc n~l~hhorx whi~_h woulci cornrlPt~ly destroy thcir vtcw. Hc p~inte~! c,..t Ftr, Murray~s ~+.~c1 is at 72:~ fer.t and the~ pro~nscd unlt woulc! bc ~t ^Q2 feet~ but if the lev~l w~~s al! r~iised tn ~-?'; f~rt And sinc~le-st~ry un(ts constructed~ Mr. Murr~y wc~uld still hav~~ a si~~~le st~ry structur~ next t~ his rrsid~nc~ plus the roof ~~ncj w~uld not be ~~hle to sec anyChinc~. Conmissicmer Nerhs[ stated he did not ll~.e ~i thre~~t. .~ttitucle an~ mnyl~e this ~ro~erty shauld ~~t be ~levclopc~l ~t all, I1~ st~tcd scx~.e of th~sc pe,orlc havc thcir lifc Investments In thelr hon~es and fclt the developer sh~ul~l want to bc ~~ goocl ncighbnr and su<~c~estecJ continuln~ the matter untll the~s~ (~roblems can be worl~d out. Nr. felt thls Is .~ problem parccl and the Jeveloper dcscrves sor.~c consi~le~r~~tf~n, hut nnt at thc~ expensc of otli~~ rs . M~. R~Am SkatPd hc w~uld IIG:c a Contlnuance. /~CTI!lN: Commissioner llust~ore offere~f a motion~ sr.condcd k~y Corr~~isslnncr Herbst ~nd MC~TIn"1 CAPR~CI.~ that consicieration of the af~rer+,~n~ioneci it~^m he contlnue~l to the renula~ly- scheduled mect(n~ of February 7.~~ 1~1E'~!l in order for the petitioner to subr~it revised plans. Jac~: Whitr.~ penuty City Attorncy~ ex~lained that tc_tirx~ry ~~esented at tnday'S m~etin~ will be a p~r~ of tt~c record and wl ll be ta4•.en in[~~ con5lder.itlOn. Lomniss(oncr Ilerbst suggested the op~osition r~view thc revised rl.~ns and have a rspr~sentativc present at the Fehruary 7.Sth mectin~. 1/28/~~ ~ NINl1TE:S~ ANANEIM CITY PLAtlNINf COMMISSION, JAF~UIIRY 28, 19f~~ 94-73 I TF.N No. 1). PUf3l.1 C HC A-` I'~f,, nw!iC r5 : r,n~LT01i ~in~~E S I ~JC ,~ t~n~1 EIIVIRONMF~ITIIL II~P/~.CT R~('~RT M(1. ?1~' Irvin~ (loulcvnrcl~ N21~, Tustin, Cl1 ~?f~^,~, rev ous Aa ~rnve Jf.-J~IIN~S-H~Lt~E.R~~11N•ll~np~ ~;~i~ North ~olclen fircle Qr, ~ 1~ IV ~1 f- RP.CT N~. 1~71't ,"111~ Sr~n[~~ Ani~ C~ '1?7~1`:. Suhj~ct ~rof-:•rty Is ~n Rev si~n No. 1 irre~lulnrly-sh,~~~rc1 ~~~rcrl ~f lnnd c~nsisttn<~ ~f ,~~rroximntrly 1'~.,^ ,~c:rrE h~~vtnc~ ~ front~g~ ~f ~r~~r~r.lr~~~~ly ~~~~ f~~~~t on thc wcst slcl~ nf Im~+~ri,~) Ili~ihw~~y h~ivin~ a mnxirium cJepih of ~~,~,roxir~,nt~ly 1G~7 f~~t nncl belnci I~c<~t~J ~P(~mrin~trly 1~"` f~~t s~uth ~f [h~ centerl Inc of Nohl R~nch R~~r( is (~r~~u>SC:I ~s n nn~•-lo[ ~',-~-uni t R5-l1-~~'~,~~^ c~ncl~mint um sub~fivisinn, ( t w~i5 note~l st.'-f~ has Y(~nU~SLPC1 [h~f. thi5 nrt i t ion hr C~nt inu~cl to ~ehruary 11 , 1^''~ in orcirr t~ r~~~+dvertisc~ t~ inclu~lc en adciicinn.~l ~~t(tion, 11C~ I~N: Cormnissi~~ncr Kin~i offrrecJ r~ m~tinn~ scc~n~l~cl hy Commissic~n~~r 7olnr .~nd Mf1Tl~~~ ,~E:!1 (Conx~,issinnrr tl~ivi~l bcinn ,~h5rnt~„ th;+t suhJrct nc[~ti~n h~ r~ntlnuc~i ~o th~ Pl~nninc~ Ccxnmissfr~n nirrtin~~ c~f F~hru~~ry 11~ ln"!1 in c~rcirr [~ rca~lvcrtisc ~n aclditinn~+l petiti~~n, ITIt~ N~. 13 '~~~ RE' L'~M~~C f1~~f~T I ~~l~ The followin<~ Ra~~c~rts An~t Rcconrxndations st~~ff rc~>carc~ ~r~r~ nrPSCntt~~1 huc n~t read: A. VAR1/11~C[. Nf', 21i~~~ - Rer~uest. f~r rr_tm~ictivn ~y,~!~~5~nn nf tiri~ fr~m D111 llilen~ Jr.~ Vi ce ~residPnt of Thor~nson Po~~l Plumbin~, Inc.~ At. 13~' tl~rth N(11cr Street f~r ~ s~rirtxnin~; p~~~l-nlur^btnn subc.+ntractar's y~~rd ~nd ~ffice, ACTI~N: Corn~i~.si~ner Tol~~r offerr<1 ~ mc~tir~n~ secnnrlecf hy Cex~^is.i~ner Davld ~nd f1~ C~PRICI'~~ th~~C thc Anohr_ln; Cltv Planninn Commitisi~n ~lo~s hereby ~rant a ~etroac[Ive ~xtrnsi~~n of tlrx• to Vari~nc~ Plo, ?r~'.~r~ t~ ~~cnire ~n January f;, ~n}~~ . U. COtiDiTl(!~l~L U5C PER."IT tJ(1. 1G„~+ - Re~uest fnr terr~Ir~iti~n frnm P,ich~~rd 11. Del f,uerc ~~ Ana~eiri Insurance Leaaec~ for ~r~nerty ~t ^1~': Sout'~ Nt~nchPSter ~venue. ~1CTI~~N: Comr~iissic-ner 7oler ~ffcred Res~~lutir,r. No, PC£:~-^4 ~nd mavec! for ics pdss~ne ~rid ac:~»tin~i that the Anaheim City Plnnnin~~ Cor~r~issicin does hereby te.rmin.~te all rroce~ciings in connection with Conditi~na) Use Permit No, if:r:4. On roll call~ [he f~regoinR re,~lutir,r was nassed hy tPi~ follnwin~ vote: AYCS: Cnl!MIS~tnNE~tS: f3ARNC5~ 6USHORC~ DAVID~ ~RY~ N(°DST~ !(I!~~~ TOI.~R ~JOCS ; C~JM~11$S I O~IE ('.ri: ~IONE AUSf.tIT: COi1MIS51~11E:RS; NO~if. 1/28/BO M I NUTES ~ A~IAHE I M C 1 TY PI_APlN I NG COMM i SS I OPI ~ JAfIUARY 2`~ ~ 198n E~- J4 ItEPORTS AND RECt1MMENp T 10~~5 (cont ( nued) C, ?E.taTATIVC M~P AF TRf~CT N~S. 1~4~1 1~409 ~-10 1(-~~1~ - Rcc~u~~t f;~r extcn51An5 ~f tim'~rom Dan c~ A St~lced~, na e m 1~1f~s~ in~c., ~or ext~nsi~ns of time to cnn,~letc~ pr~ees~inc~ of the finAl trnct m~~s on t+rone~ty c~nsistinc~ of ~~(, acres hAV{nc~ A front.ic~e r,f ep~r~r.tm~t~ly 593 f~~t o~ the s:~ucl~ sicf~ ~f I~lllc~wick Drive~ h~~vtnc; a mexlr~um dcpth of appr~~xlmAt~ly 1`;9~ fcrt fl~~~ hcfnn l~c:,~cc1 r~p~~rqxlmt~te~ly $f~; f~et snuth of thc centerllne of Nohl Rench RoA~1. ACTIMI: C~nr~issioner Tol~r offer~~1 n~~rti~n~ second~d bv C~rniiss~~>r~~r ~avid and N(11' I(1N C~Rr t r(~ ~ th.~ t th ~ Ar~he i m C i ty P l.~nn f nc~ Cornm i cs i ~n doP~~ hc rr~by q ran t a onc-ye:,~r extr.ns!«n of ,.imc, for Tentat~v~ Tr~~et Nos, lri~~~1~ 1~4!1~ And i'~~~i7 to expi re on (chruAry ?f-, 1`~~.1 . D. REr.Ll~S51F'IG~TI~t~ N~. 19-tjC-1; ~!IU C~~I[-ITI(~~inl USE PEPrtIT hi~. 2~`~~4~; S~~th', iar~o~ approv~~ n ~~v ~c~. C~ .~ns r~m us ~~A ~. ~t~ ~r ~r~ncrty at Uoulevarcl (-io~lern?-irr~ ~~otel), t~ exran~~ .~n ~xistinu n~te.l k~y c~ng.ructin~~ ~i `~- unit, tw~-st~~ry ~d:litl~n and delet~ thF rrevinusly .~nrrovr.~f new r~an~qcr's unft. ACTIOtI: Con~missioner Y.In~~ o~fcrrd a m~ti~'~n~ se:+c~nded by Cornrni~,sior~er f~~vid .~nd MO~TI~-I C~~RP.ICD, tt~~t the~ Anahcim City ~'lannin~ f.c~mmiti5(nn doe5 h~rtby find th~t subm(ttec! revisr~i plans u~e in substanti~l conf~r~,~~ncr~ with ~+reviouslv A~~proved plans undcr RcclaSSific~tion No, i9-r,~-1; ~n~f Cc~n~iiti~~n~~l U~c Pc~rr+lt No. ?.~1?7. ~:. P,EC011Hf.t1UEO C~Df N1CNl)IIENT - Adcfin~~ r~p~,~ Secti~7n ln.ti'~.'1.'.'.,.'1i~ - rplatinq to Out QO~ Slnrat~C n L ~ • 7GnC. ACTIQ~i: Gommissloner DAVicI c~ffere~d .a motic,n, seconded hv Commi~~s~aner Kinn and ~~J C,1RR1(:~~ tliat the ~1n~~hi~ir City Plnr.ninr~ Corx+~i~.si~n ciocs he-et;y rec~mmend [o the. An~hefm Ci ty Counci 1 that th~• ~rcc~mn~nyine~ clraft ordin~'~nc~ be ad~pted addinc~ n~w Secti~n 1E~.~~';.~Z~',.~7~. On roi 1 cal l~ the foregoinr~ rr5oluti~n wR~s ~assed by tt~c f~~ loa~ing vote: AYE:~,: COFtt+IS~I(?'Ji.''S: DMT.NLS~ (3US~1(1PE~ D41~ID~ FC,Y, NE"RST, ~;lu~, TCL,1P, NOES: C(1M!'ICSIONEP.S: 'l~~~E AfISF.N7: C011MISSIONF.RS; !If?NE AUJ.r,URN-~F.t~T 7here being na further business~ Conxr,issinner Tolar of~ered ~ moticm, sec~~nded by ~omr-,ir.sioner Fry snd ~~~'i I~N CARRIED th~~t t~~c meetinq be ad journed. The ~sr.etinR was ~dj~urned at G:07 P.~+. ReSpectful ly subrni tted, ,~ ~ ~ ~~~~, Edith l.. Harrls~ Secretar•y A~aheim City Plannin~ Comm~ssion ELH~Im 1/28/$0