Minutes-PC 1980/02/11.~
C-tv tIA11
11n~~hcir+~ Callf~rnin
F~hru~-'y i l ~ 1 ^`'n
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AL!',~ {'~C~~f'~T
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ApF~~n~~ni n~
Tllf I~ICC'ilt S
kfr,i ~~.n -~f[TIII~ n~ 7,i[ A~~r,iitl~! r..I1Y Pl.ni~~~i~~r, ~n~~i,t~~l~~i
- Th~• r~~~~il,ir rr~tin~~ of thr l-n~~h~ir• Citv Pl~nrin~ C~rH^i~si~n wrs call~*~1
tn ~~r ~rr f~v Ch~ii rw~mAn tlarn~s ~~t 1;:',~~ n.r~, , ~chruAry 1 1 0 1'~' ^~ in th~
Cnunci I Ch~r„h~r, ~i ~tu~~r~n^ I~Pi~~i r,r~te~nt.
- Ch~ i n•~~~~~.-~n: lti.~rnrs
~0~11~~~Si~~n(~~5. nU~f~(~~C~ ~1:IV~~~~ ~~I'~~ Ilrr'`~(~ ~~~~1~', Tr.lnr
- f'(~nA I r! Th~ir~rS~~n
J~~cl 11hi lr
Jav Tltus
P,~u 1 ~ i n~~~ r
Jocl Fict
Mnil~~ S,~nt~lrtl•ti
Jt~y Tns~~ i rn
(?r;~n Sh~r~~r
Roh~^ r t I:e I 1~•y
EdTC~~ IierPiS
- The f'Irc~~e •,~ A1 !.~ri -
- CA~nr^i55i~~n~•- ~<~vi
ar~; N~TI~'I C~^~If .
h~~ :~~nrrvc ~' n5 S. ,
F'lnnni~~ci (~irrc r,,r
~S~,ist•~nt Cit~~ ~'tt~~rn~~v
~f`ir, E.nr;tr,•, ~.
Tr~~} ' c E~nnin~•~~r
AS~:'~'ar~i f~i~~ct~r r~r Pl,~nnirn
^~s~ ~ i,~nt '' i rcC C~~r' f~~r jnn i n~
•',~ i~t~ Pl,inr,rr
n~i Pr•f~rP!.PI~L~~C 1vr
. , ~nt• P~,~rlnrl'
i-„ Corx~iS~;i~n ier.r~~t~rv
-I,~n rr~~, Rr.~~ hv Ccr~ni4ti~n~r Tnl:*r.
~•~n[ icin , S~~crm~ir~~ I~v f.qririts i~ncr Ki n~l
. .,in~~t~•5 ~,f ti~~ n~.tinn ~` ,I~~nuarv 1'~~ 1^~~
~YEM Nc~. ~ y~f'TI~,F!,~ P~ r~.t.tr ~~F~r~i~~r. Iinvl( P, ni~n
EIR NCrA1~l~'~ Uf.f.LAr~''~I~~~~ ~;C,Y C. MfLI.~+~~ Pft;l F~. ll~l~ N/+!ICY J. ~~I4TF.PMAt~,
,+E:f.,~~'~.,.:~F~I .~~1~~1 P~(~. '~-`~~-'; ;9 E. Nestricl~e, Oran~~e. Cn ~1:'~.~7. A~E"!T:
",~.~L /1. '~1',TFP!!1~`I~ 1~1" 1.'. ChAnr,fln~ t?ran~le, CA q2bF•$.
''etitionrr requ~st5 prnperty d~scr~bed as
a f('CL811[tUI<^~~y~:,~t8(~C•' ~~,~fCF'~ ~Jf '•~~ ~fl5isiinq Uf ,~p~r~r.imately ~~~j~1 square fCt~
9ocated at thn sc7~,tl~w~~sr c~rnrr -~ '~ ~_h 5t~- ~i anci Cast Street~ fiavin~ frontnoes ~f
approximatE~ly 1!;; °f~~•r ~~n the s~ ut~~ -~ 1e o~ ~lortt~ Street~ an~! ApnPOximately ''n feet on the
west si~~e of East Str~~•~~ z~r;.l f~ :-~ -,ies< ibed as 7;7 Nnrt-~ East Street be reclassffied
~rom RS-; ?~ ~ (~.E `., I ~tt ,;~ ~ °,l ~ ; I';"lf.-F: ~+I LY) tOtlE T~ PF!-~~~'-~ (?ES t ^L'iT 1 ~~~L ~ IiUtTI PLE-FAM { LY)
I.ONE. TO COt~ST~~~~ ? Fn~ - ~n, ~,TNC ~i ~ l!• ~ TS.
Subject petirior was cn~lc~n~1~;' from thc meetiny of Jenua~y 11~, 1~~,~~ in orde~ for staff to
Subnit a rP••.~rt ~ertai~i~~ry tn nast General Plan Artu~n~~mrnt ~Ction.
There we~re twc~ nt~•~~,n< inelic.:ting thPir presence in oppositi~n t~ subJect r~quest, and
althUU~h ~^~• st~ Ff rennr~ tn the Planninq Cammission rlated FebruAry 11~ l~+cn was not read
et the public h~~rin~~, it is ref~erred to and r~ade a part of the minutes.
Paul WatPrnean~ c~wnrr, SC1CAc LF9@ proposal ha5 not been cl~anged anc~ tF~e matter Has
continuea in order for staff to mak~ a report and they concur Hith staff's
re cc-nxne n cia t i c~ns .
80-75 2/11/fl0
Hll:r. Ilolan~ 1Q~:~ EASt North S*.reet~ strtFd his Rr~perty ts mc~sl irn~,r~ct~ri by thts project
and h~~ w~,uld Ilke. t~ hear str~ff's prop~sAl befor~ further oppusiti~ri I~ madr.
U. F. Cua~iros~ t;~'; F~st Bmar)way~ stated he c~wns ihe propr.rty nc 7~~3 North E,~sc Street
which he purch~se~1 t~ r,~~~~+lerxnt his reti rerxnt incortr; [h~t h~ is o~" ~sed to thls ~raJect
beca~.ise of the trrfftc cannestior~ And he has sr~kr.n t~ same of thr i~hmedi~te nel~hb~rs and
tt~ey n~e Also c~p~os~~f be~~us~ of the traffic cnnctestion .~ncl ~I~vnluFitinn of thr prorerties.
Jey Tashiro~ lls5nciatr fl~nner~ prrsente~i thr Stnff re~c~rt to the Pinnninq Commission
pertainin~ to thr_ Gene~r~~) Pl:~n hist~ry of F.ast Streci .ind n~tPCi in 11ay, 1't~~F ~ Plannin~~
Commisslon ~lirec[ed stflff t~ rrep.re n stuc.fy ~f the ~ro~erties fr~nting onto East 5treet
from thc P,ivcrsidc Frecw,~y to Llncoln Avenu~ r~ncl ifter revicw tll~r~C_[Cr~ st.~ff to nrenare
General Plan Amrndment:s to .~~Id A nciqhhorhooci sh~~~~(n~? crnter c!~sl~nntion nt Syc~m~re ancl
East Strect to reflect il~~e cxistiri~ i)P.V~IOpnK~nt, r_ommcrci~l-~rnfessl~n~l ~lon~ thc• west
sl.1e c~f East Street fr~~m Sycsm~rc to F;orth t~nd r,e~c:i~xn-~l~n,(ty resi~trntii! alon~ th~ east
side of [:AS[ Street frnm Wilhelmina Strcct t~ La Palm~ llvcnue ancl nn thc s~~utfi sid~e of La
Palma Avenue from East Strr.et to tht• vicinity ~f Hti-~thorne Streei, Ne st.~tec; in NUVember~
19GC,~ Commission consicicrTd GPA ~~~i An~l r~commcnclcd ~ Icn~-dcnsity resi~frntinl ~~esi~nation
for thr. west st~ie ~f East 5[rcet~ betwec~n Syc~mnre .~n~f tlorth~ exce~t: N~her~ ri~velopm~nt or
zoning is c~ther th~n sin-~le-f~r,ily rrsirlential; thnt East 5tr~rt w~~s ~ir,l~n~t~~ ~~s a~?0-
foot s~cnnaary <~rterial ha~~hHay .~nd 1^. f~et ~f ~Irdicatian Is r~quireci ~nc~ s~ccind~+ry ~ccess
Cou1J bc provi~led; th~it w) th th~ history of »ninr~ petitians~ r~c~uired dedlcation ~~nd
existinq ancl pro_~ecte~l tr~ffic volurnr.~ a chAnqr from low-density to a h-eavirr lan~+ use was
indicat~cd and thc Genera' Pla~ti shnulc! reflect cnmrr,ercial rnfes5i~na1 ci~v~lopment; th~~t
the e~st sicle of Cast Str~ct~ brtwer.n 4lilhelrnin~ Anc A r ma venue~ ~nd the snuth side
01` La Palrna Avcriu~ b~twceF East Strect Ancl 1~'1 feet wcst ~f flarrthorne Strcet was
desic~n~teci far loa-J~n~,ity rc•sidential due to th~ history of ~~ninn nPtitions anc+ the
d~c,icati~n rPqulremc~nt~ ~~ chanqc ln the -.1ev~lopment fr~rr~ l~~-density reside~tial to
heavic~r lenc' uscs was tndicated and thr General Plan shnuld r~flect medium-~tPnsity
Ne ex~laine~.f subs~quent to t`~e reco~xnendati~ns~ City Council exnresseci co~cern rec;~rdinq
the irpact ~~f the tntal co~w~ercial r.terrrnt, anr~ thc.~ pi~ssihility that both sides of East
Street m(nht be ~ievelo~e~f for cor,mc~rcial-profr.sslonal uses; that in July~ 19f.7~ Commissior+
reca~rnended to the City Louncil chat finciin~s ~f the front-on study necessicated an
amendn-ent; to General Plan A~ndment No. 90 to incl~Je deleting the ccxnmercial-~rofessional
designatiun elong the west stde of fast Street south~rly of Narth 54reet to Syr.arx~re
Street and retaining thc existing low-density resiclentigl desi~n~tio~. The Commission
cancludFd a low-density residenctal desiqnation along t1-e east ~id~ of Fast Stree[
p~ovide~i a mnre desir•~ble livinn environrtx~nt and on Au~ust 1~ 1q67~ City Council adopted
GPA N~.~R whirh dr_sie~nnted rr~e~iium-density residenti~i on both si~les of East Street from La
Palma Avenue to Wllhelmina Street, basecl on the fincllnn that the ciwelltng untt ~iensity on
each parcel wc~uld be relatively low~ given the sin~le-frmily heiqht limit~tion withln 150
feet of adJacent R;-72~n pr~nerty.
He ~olnte~l out Reclt+ssiflcAti~n No. 7A'~~'~3 is th~ first re~iuest for multiptc-fnr~ily
znning on the w~st slct~ ~f East St~eet sinc~ thr. ec~~ption of the desirynati~n; h~~ve~~
Conrriissi~n inltlntccl R~c'.asstflc~tion No. G7-(~`~'F~ t~ cht~n~c the r~ninR fr~m RS-72~0 t~
RM-1^'1~ Inv~ivin9 tNenty lots loc.~ted ~n the ~ast sidc of Cast Stre~t betvreen La PAI('RA
Avenuc Anci Wtlhclmtnn Str~~~t An~i ~n ttie south side nf La Palmr Avenue~ suh)ett tn A
eondltlon th~t ~-c.r.ess drivr.s be ~rnvid~d f~r )oi~t usa by Adloce~nt pArc~ls; th~~t to ~iate
f 1 ve prapcrty ciwnr_rs h ive f 1 nt~) i red the RM-1?~~ zon in~ but none ~f the ~+ro~+~rt ies have
b e e n d e v t~ l o p r. d~ Ile stat~c~ Planninq stnff conducted r t~leph~ne survr_y with ~r~F^rty
awners frontlnc~ on thc west si<1r oP Eest Stre~t ~r~<1 on t ~ie s~u t h s i ~ 1 ~ ~ f N o r t h S t r e e t end
was able to c~ntrct nin~ of ~-,e twelve prop~rty cwm ~rs rnd five res~~nd~nts indicated
subject ~~rea sh~ul~i rF~t.ain the sincll~-fami ly resir.ientir+l chAr++cter, two ind~c~+tec1 a
preference fc~r ~~~ultinl~-f~mily r~5iclential and one indicated interest in a c~mnercial
desi<~natl~n. Ne sint~~i thr. P1Ann(n~ Commissi~n mAy wish to ~nitiate e reclassiflcati~n
for [hc ent i re artin t~ F!~~'?~+Q~ an{~ ~~x 1 nnut f rom res f c1~~ts tn ~h~ rreA an:! coul d 1 imi t
aetess and cons(der land a55embl.~~e~ or le~v~ ihe ar~r+ Sinryle~f~~r~ily an~f chan~e the
GenerAl Plan b.~c4: t~ lc~w-density.
Answrrin~ Ch.~irw~mar Rrrnes~ que5tion~ Jay Titus~ ~fflc~ Enc~inPer~ ex~ialneci ff Anc~ wh~n
East Street is widen~d~ th~ de~llcntf~n N~ulc' t.~+ke -~fi fe~t from e~~ch sid~ ~f the cen'~rline
an:l ~,ointe~~ ~ut sc,rk. af thc ~ropcrtlcs hAVe ~1rPbut ulrtimAtetld~hic~tirnrv~muld~be~reyuired
stat~~' there ~ire no nresent plans f~r wi~ienin~~
far ~ny development.
/lrthur Ya[es, 72° Nortl~ fast Str~et, stateJ he h~s 1 ivcd t-~ere sincr 1~~1 nnr.! ~~)ected to
the reclassificatic~n and f~lt the area shoulci re~in sin~le~fAm~~Y f)CCAIISP nf the traffic
c~ndltions and ~roperty va~ues.
I. J. Botow, c~v+ner of t~~"~istwidPncd7a,ndrst~tedtsn~cPnf~thes~~pr oer'ti~s arenliveisin,by
be affecte~' if the strret
the awners and sc~me arc~ inc~me pro~erties.
Mr. Waterman stated thcre ~s no reaso~ for a~y of thr ~+~lr+c~nt propcr~y values t~ be
affected by Lhis proJect ~+~d p~int~~1 out n~ny of these are ~+bsente~ c~wners who do not itve
on the property. ~~e sttlted East Street is alreadv ccx~c~ested rr+c~ the City's proposil to
widen *he street will i~~:E: Place Nhether this property is re.classified ~r not. Ne
explained ~ff-strect parki~q will be provided for nll unsts~ ~+1us the pPrking ~n North
Strer.t not ~ffectin~i East Street. He telt this prol~cc wi11 u~~rr,de th~ area~ ~ointing
out the existinn structure neec's rehabilitation baclly.
Ch~irw~unart Barn~s felt A public hearin~ should be ccheduled to discUSS reclassific~tion of
the en[ire arca so ttie Com~~ssion c++n have ril the tnput from the pr~perty owners to
consider alter~ativ~s.
Jay Tasht~o explained tt~ere are 10 property arner'ojerties~are 1nvc~lved andeonfthesnorth
Street and ~n tha south slde of North Strcet~ 3 p P
sicJt, of North Street~ ~~ propcrties ere involveri.
ACTION: Commissioner Dushore offered a moiion, seconded by ~~nnin~nC~iSSionndoe0TI0N
~~P,IED (Con-missiuner King voting no)~ that the Anaheim City 9
hereb~ directi~cie~~of E~stestreetband southnand northusi.~e otSOO~th~Street~tbetween La~P~lma
on the west s
Avenue and Wilhelmina Street.
Conxntssloner King rxplnined hls neg~ttve vnte on the ~revious mntlan ~~flect~l hls feeltn~
thnt proplc ln Anaf~eim n~ed hcwstnc~~ espcci~+lly young nnc,pl~ r-nd retir~PS~ ~nd apartrr,~nts
and condomtn~ums are one nnswer and thts prn)PCt meets those requiremPnts anci can provid~
housinc~ through priv~~te cnterprise~ nnd the Commlssion should PX(1P.C~~tC the proceedings.
Cartmissloner Herbst po(ntc~i out Counctl had thour~ht this nrea would not be too dense
b~cause af the h~ight requtrement adJacent to R~-7200 z~nin~ And askeci if this pra)cct
mects thc hcight restrlction.
Dean Sherr.r~ Zonin~ Rep~rsent~lLIVP_~ cxplaln~~i this pro!ect has ~ubt~rr~neAn parkln~ and
docs mect Cod~.
It w.~s noted the EIR t~e~Atlve Ueclaration was npprnvcd in connetti~n with this p roJect on
January 11t, 1~1~0.
AGTI~N; Commisslon~r Ktng offerFd Res~lutlon No. PCfl~-2; r~nd move~~ `~r i[s prss.~ge anci
a'~~~ptTon that tf,~ AnAheim City Planninc~ Commiss(an cloes hereby grnnt -'ekitlon for
Reclessific~aticm No. 7~-ffl-?.t~ yubJect t~ thr p~titl~in~r's sti~ulation to pmvidc a+Ix-
foot h1~1h masonry wal l al~n!~ the wcst and s~>u~h nroperty 1(n~s~ r~nd sub;ect to
Interdep.irtmental Committ~e ~PCOnr-enclatlonS,
On roll call~ the fnre~t~ing ~csolution was pas5~~1 by thc^ followlnn v~te:
AYCS : C~M111 S$ ~ ~'~EP,S ; BARNF.S ~
N(lE5 ; tOMNI .r,5 i O~IE-?S: N~'iE
Atl$C'll': COM1115.° I O~;CRS: NO'JE
Jatlc Whit~~~ As~lsLant Clty A.ttorncy~ presrnted thc written ~'ight to
appeal thr: Plannin~ ~c~mmis,inn's d~cisian withln ?2 ~tays to ch~ CEty Council~
Chainvcxnan Barn~s explalned the propr.rtY ~+ners wi I) he notificd c~f the retlassiflcatien
publlc hcArinq to be held in ~ppror.ims~tcly f>0 dr~ys And the Commis5inn wc~uld likc to have
their input at that ti~~.
Mr. Botvw i~dicated he had not receiveJ a notice or this hearing anci it veas noted that a!1
awners withln 3~0 fe~~[ will t.~e ~otified and anyane with questions, shouid contact the
Planntng Departmenc anci Jack Whtte, Assistant City Attorney, explained the propr.rty owner
1 ist ts taken fr~M tl~c rnc~st re~ent T~x Assessor 1 ists.
Co+~~missi~ner Qavid surt~~ested an evenfn~ meeitna for the convenience of the ~ro~+erty
Commtssioner Bushorry explained he I~~ci ~bstained on this resolut~on because he did not feel
thc opposittan's questions had been answcred; that he dicl nat oppose the~ proJect~ but fel;
the~ opposit.ton deserve~J some considerattor~.
H~. Guedros asked why the deve'ioaer is ollowed to speak agatn a~d the citizens cannot ask.
further questions or b~ing out points c~yey may hAVe foryotton. Nc stated he did not
approve of people getting sl~ut off wtthout h~ving the opportunity ta say what they wr~t to
(TEM N0. 2 COt1Tl~lU~.~ PUnLIC IIC/-~i~l~: OWNfRS: FqPTIi'111T0,
EIR~N~Ef;ATIVE DECL~Rl1TI~~J AI~Gf.IINl1, AND R~1pE:!! ARUAY~ GUTIfP,F~C,'~ ~1] BAIsNm "C'~~
RLCLllSS I FI C I ~N N(1~J~_~$~-?.n Annc~ i r~, CA ~?.80;. AGC'tT; Tllf NQ~IT I f,f 1.10 C~MPANY ~
12>22. Drookhurst St. /~~~. ~~rclrn ~rovc CA 41.(40.
Petitioner r~~uest. that ~r~pc~rly :ir,scrib~~~1 as a
rectAnqulArly-shn~c~1 nnrc~l ~f l~an~1 consiscinr, of A~1~?~OX~r~AtP~y ~..'? ~~r.rF hnvin.~ ~
front~ige ~f npproxl~~,ntely G~; f~et on thc s~uth si~ie of Eim Strce~t~ havin~ ~~ mnximum depth
of aprroxic~.3tcly 1~~.'• f~et r1f1~ beln~a loc.~t~d Ap~~rnxin~~t~ly ??~~ fc~t east oF the ccnterline
~f t(elena Strewt~ nn'. furTh~r dcscrihcc! as 31-~ West Elm Stre~t~ bc recl~ssifie~l from the
RM-?~~nn (R~Si~~f-171P~L.~ Mi.1l.7if~Lf-F~M~LY) I(~'~E T~ T,1C P,M-1?~~ (PfSID~NTIIL~ MULTIPI.C-FAMII.Y)
$ubjcct pe~tlilon ~~rAS c~ntinuc-f frhr~ th~ m~r.t(nry nf Jt-nu~ary il~~ 1~~~, t~t t.hcr rer~ur.st of th~
petiti~ncr t~ submlt r~~visc~l ~l~~ns.
It w~s n~te~! thc~ pctikinnFr hAS re~~ucst~~i sub)~•cL (~rtlt.lc~n h~ with~ir~-wn,
Af.TI^N: Comr~,l,si~nPr K(n~ off~red t~ nH~ti~n~ secc~n~i~c1 hy Commissioner Nerhst and MOTI~'I
CARRIC(~~ thr~t thc l1ni~~ein C~ ty Plannin~ Comml~si~n cl~e~s herc~hy c~r~nt the ~etit(~ner's
request to witt~draw the Pet~tt~~n f~r Rec1A55IfPC;tiln!~ yo. /'?-"~-~~,
tTCM ~In, z C~NTI~~UCfi PUt~LIC NEI`~?IN~, O~,~R~F.nS; CnLIFnR"Iln.
CI~ NEGA VE D~CI.'+R',TI!!II SFR`,'1('FS CO~.P, ~ 13?~ -~. Tustin ~v~,, 11nehPIM~ Ch 9?.~1~J,
C~~ID171~1~11L USF PERMIT ~J~. ?~^~;? Ar,CrIT: FI~Y~ L, F?1R~-!'~~ nT0^,~[Y AT LA~~'~ ?55 ; E,
Cha~m.~n AvenUe~ N)~S~ Fullert~n~ C!~ ~7.f31. Petitlaner
requ~sts pcrmission tn CXPI',-1D A-I f.XtST~~~i` AUT^Mrf31l.E
A1;C71'~!I A'J~' 41:C^'~CITi'i';I'~~. FACILITY I~I TIiF ML 1~tJE on ~,rc,nerty ~1c~serih~~1 ~s ~
rect~~n~ularly-s' ~~~~i p~rccl r~f lan~i c~msisttng ~~f n~nr~xtm.~~ely .'.-~„3 Aer~s h.~vinq n
fronka~e of .-~nproxirn~~tely il~~~: fc~et ~n tl~e ~:ist s(ri~ of Tustin llvr.nu~~ h~vinn ~~+aximum
depth af nppror.i;~:~te:ly J~; fe~=t an~+ beinn I~cntcd ~~proxirnntely :Z~ feet north af the
ccnterline ~f t'iral~n,,i Avenue~ and further dcscribed ~~s 13?~ Tustin Pvenue. Pr~vcrty
pr~sently classific~; 3s HL (I'tD' ~TR!l+.I_~ LIMITf D) Zb~~t..
Sublrct p~tition wAS cantinueci frori thet rMCtinp ~f January ~f~ l~~n~ in ~~rcler Ror the
p~tlt.ioner c~ submit. nretiti~. plans.
There w~s n~ one, in~'ic~ting thc~ir prrs~~nc~ tn onc~~~siti~n to 5uhfeCt rec~ueSt~ an~1 alth~uc~h
the staff re~art tn thc Planninq Comnis5lnn ciatc-l Fchru~ry 11~ 1'-"~ wAS no[ read at the
public I~~~irinc~~ 1? is r~•frrrc:i to and rade r+ part of Lhe minutrs,
F1c~yd Farr~no~ Attr~rney~ :~;; E:. Chapman, ;!7~;, fullertnn, stated revised plans w~re
submltted anc! r,~~v~ rrsuits of a survey conductecl of ttie number c,f vehicles and persons
pres~nt r~ ~I~4~CSct3y when tf~e auct 1 ~,n was t ak i nc; ~ 1 ace a t v~+r i nus t ir~PS dur i nc~ the day .~nd
indicnteJ thc rinxiMUr~ numbpr 3t ap~roxim~tely 1;~!1 ~,r~~~ thc~ rcnk~ r~,qs ~~~1 VP.~IZC~PS on the
~roperty anc~/~r [hF strr.rr., wi th 330 penple in thc auction ar~•a. fle ex~+laineu the
pe[itioner ha~i in-+)cated somc ~~f the v~l~icles on the lot were th~se whi~ch had been
purch~se~1~ but not rcr~x,v?~-i, ~~nri thcy were r~rmvrd hy thr ancl ~f t'he day; that the dealers
h~ve one hnur to rermvc the vFhic)es which the~y have pu~~hased~ Ne statecl the petition~r
is w(lltnc: to d~ whnteve~r is nec ss~ry to qrt the cars aff the strtet an~.1 r~~ognizes there
is a proble~•~.
~ean Sherer, I.oninr, P,epresentatlve~ ci~rified the drive.+ay recorrv~ended for clc~sure by the
Trdffic Cngtneer Is the sc~uthcrnmost driveway of thc newly ~level~pc~d portion and the pl~ns
~o sh~a,r that drivPwAy close.d ~n~i staff helieves the recnmmendation has been satisfied.
~1r, Farann stntr_d the reti Cinncr Is wi 11 in~ to instt~l l sl~lc~walk~, hut ~~nPS nnt fecl th~Y
wauld b~~nefit thc~ ~~re.~ becr~us~ there Is no f~,~t tr~ffic In th~t nrP~~ nn~1 r.he~ petltioner
w~ulcl ltl.e to b~ r~~lievA~i ~f that ranuirr.rnent. N~ ref~rr~c~ to th~ cnn~litlnn th~c che
rerriit b~ issue~l f~r :~ p~rind of thrrc ye~~rs an~ ~ointe~l out this will he a siz~+ble
inve~tr-ent for thc r~tition~r An~+ thts tl~nr limit would c:rc~.~te prc~hl-~ms invr..stment~wise
and aske~i that th.~l c~n~1i t(~m be am~ndecl t~ shnw th~~t thf• u~;e~ wi 1 t b~ r~vlewecl in three
yrnrs .
TIIC PU~sl.l C HC~1P I~Jr, WAS CLO~E~..
Conrnis,i~n~~r Busl~ore w~s c~nc~rn~d wh~ther the cars ~nr~:~d in the front ~re still thPre
and Gommissi~n~r Ilerhst In~1i~,~tic~f s~me c;f th~ vchitl~s wFr~ sti 1) therc on SaturdaY.
Mr, FArann ~~1~1 n~t thint the cars .~rr. sttll there hec~-+u~,e ,~I1 cnrs on thc rl~aler lots r'II'P.
M b~ rerx~ved by thc Pn-i ~f the~ cl~~y ~in~l the c.~rs which ~rp there arF nrnbahly th~s~
brou~ht in by thc tirri~rs ~~n~~ m,~ny tirx~. thcy nrc dirty or du5ty with chalk m~rks on the
windc~ws. Ile stnt~~~ thc• n~~r,ition was not vr_ry well ~r~<iniT~~i~ hut wi 11 be imnrove~' in the
Commisston~•r Dush~rc~ ~,ni~,te~~ ~~ut cars ~ir~ nc~t s~~r~~~sP~1 t~ he unlo.ided :m th~ street and
shnuld be unlo~icle~cl insidc the fencc~~1 Are.~ ~~nr1 Mr, FAr.in~ ansarerec~ ther~ wAS no s~ecific
place fc~r the c.r+rri~crs c~ unlc~;+~i, but it ce,ulci be ~ir,ne ~t the north ~ncf wtthin th~ fenced
Corn^~issi~ner aush~~r~~ fclt the tinx~ limit sh~o~~ld bc n.~rt of thc ~nnr~~val because -nenaqement
dOes ch~nne ~n~l ln~!ic.itFd hr• cnulc! nnt su~r~~rt ap~rGV~I with~ut th~e tim~ 1imlt. Ne StAted
he reco~~ntres thc pc~:itl~r~er haS a subst<~ntial investrrwnt in rhe operhtion~ but the
Cornmissi~n has ~~ subst•'nt1~~1 inv~5trn~nt in the rntirc City. Ne r~~s n~t sure th~ sidewAlk
requirer~ent shoul,! hc~ w,ilve~i becn~,se rf thc 1ir~ir.. amc~ur.[ of trA~fic thi, usP ~enerates.
Nr, F~r,~no stat~-I the ~~ti[i~n~r wnulrl !;e. wiilinn [~ construct si~ipr~A145. }le stated hr
hr~ revi~wc,~' th~~ ~~in~!tcs 3n~' ~thcr inf~rnu-tic~n on thi5 o~+ryrati~n pnr) therr. is n~ doubt the
pet I t toner t~as no[ 1 i ved u~+ t~~ t.ne cor+dl t ions of the permi t~ hut thrt he (rr. Faran~~ has
be~en qiven ~~erson•i~ ~s~~~rancc•5 f~or~ th~ Prestclent nP the Corporati~n that [hr eondltions
an~i stipulPtions wi i l I,e ~~iherc~f t~ in the future ~nd khe City ~P Anaheim is reqwsted t~
nc~tify nis (Mr. Far,nn's) officr if thcre a~~ any furtl~er nr~hlcros,
Comrnissinn~r 9ush~rP f~lt r~art ~f the problem coul~i be that thc Pr~sident of the
Corpor.~tir,n ts mi les ~ey end therr has been ~ontinuous prohler~i with vahiclcs t~arked
outst~±~. fle felt t.his tyn~ ~f situacinn has rccurrr.d before in that after thc heartnc~s
arr. over~ th~ r.oncliticJns or sti~ulat~ons Ar~ n~t takr.n sertously.
The vehicles p~~rkc~d ~utsi~~e the f~ncrd area ~t the ~~r~~t~nt time were discutsec+ and M~.
F~rann stated t-~i~ is a n~i ictn~i prnblem which th~e manaaer~ent wi I 1 hAVp to h~andle.
f.ortw^IsSioner iierb,t st~ted he I~a~1 no[iced quite A fPW vehicles p~erk~d in th~ area
desi~nAted fc~r de~ilcr ^ar•kinct durin~l the wf~~^t,r.nc1 and f~lt this coulr be one of the ma.inr
problems an~i oncc n v~F,ic)e has her.n ~urthased~ tt should bc rem~vr.d from th~ stte. Ne
pointed c,ut accc~r~-ing t~~ the orl~~in~) perr~ft alt business must be condUCted inside the
buildi~q rr behine! the fenc~ includir~~ la~~ding anci unlaadinc~. Ne felt conciit!ons shauid
be irr+~o5e~1 J~;si_~nating a c:ertain ~urnber of ~arkiny sp•~ces fo~ dealers only anci a certain
number far the st~,~'~~ ~re~i, lie stated cars are Gurr.:.~tly being unl~a~ed in Ch~ wstomer
parking area which has alsc~ create~! ~roblems. He stRted hc would wsnt to revicw the: use
in onr, year because nf the lack ~f ~c~operatio~ rn~ 2f~e ir*.pact this use has had tn the
Cammisstnn~r T~lyr st~ted he would have no p mblem wriving the stdew~lk r~qulr~+nent
because~ they wvuld n~t servc the areA, He exrl.~in~d hc h~~d discussed the lack ~f ~~ wrtty
with thc r~anaur.r and unclerstood thcr~ t~re rid~rs ~nd drivcrs wh~ nr~lv~ with thr ~IcAlr.ra
end It IS o~ssibi~ s~~e ~re slm~ly custon-ers ~Icklnc; nut A vehlcl~ ~nr~ t~t l in~ th~ d~ile~r
to purch,~s~ i t ~inr1 I~c wAnts n sccuri ty SY$LPM Jevel~peci to e) irn~n~~te thi5 kin~1 of thl~a.
He w,is c~nr.erned c.t,nt ~~v~n during f.hese henrings there~ h,~s b~en no renl +~ttempt ta clear
up the problems, He f~lt this tync husiness c~nstttut~s ~ tren,end~us amount of trrffic
esspecl~lly on Wednes~lny~ .~n~l ~~ tr.~ffic •~iqn.~l (~ rec;ulred an~i thlS busin~ss cl~es noc
gener~~ta ns much rev~nuc~ t~~ tF~c Ctty ~s othar In;luStrl~1 users; th.~t th~ sian~l ass~ssmcnC
fees are base,J ~~n the~ sirc nf the bulldin~ in~1 in thts ~nSt~inc~, th~ butl~!(nq is nnt thc
I~rqest p~~rtl~~n c~f the ~r~~~~rty br.In~~ us~c1 f~~r thc ~~~ert-ti~n; that thr in~+ustrinl
assessrrnt w~~uld bc ~„~h~'.~ ~n<1 thc cc~rr+crci~~l ~ss~ss~~cnt woul~f be 51n~~~~,~ An~! to upqra~le
tlie St~~na) wc~uld e~st ;6'1~~~~; nnd that thtS huslntrss eontrihute5 r~t l~a~t ~~ to ~~nx of
th~ traffic ~roblrm in thr ~+rFi and should nny fl l,~rn~r t+~rltcm of th~ f~e. Ile st~tf~t he
enuld su~~~rt the~ us~ i f thesc pr~blrms cnn be sc~lv~d, He w~~s n~t c~~nc~rned Ab~ut
irposin~~ ~~ tinH~ li~~~it bc~~~us~ th~ ~~rn~lt can be rev~kr~~ if tfic c~nclittnrs nr~ vi~~lated.
He st~t~~i~ if rn-~r~vrcl, this usc~ wf 11 hc watchFd vrry <;Inscly.
I'r. Farano dl~.i n~t t,~~licve ihis o~~ritton (s thc sol~~ ~~a5~~n fc~r thc tr<ifflc prnblems on
Tustln Av~n~.ic~ stntii~~~ thls ~~o~rrty woulrl only h,ivr. ~~ tr,,ffic ~rnbl~m ~n W~dnesdAy
ditcrn~on b~twc~n n~nn ancl };0~ p.ro, ~~nd thc nur,ber nf ;+Filers ~tt~nriinr~ hAS not ch~n~7ed
muGh in fivc y~•,~rs. He felt ~;e~tttn~i th~ cars off thP strPet will h~l~ ~~ll~vintf~ the
Coranissl~n~r To1.~- .tec~~~ hpvtnc~ th~ c,~rs r~~r~~veri fr~r~ th~ st~~inry AI'rA t~ the strcet
after they h.~v~ b•~~n ~urch~s~•~' i~ a I.~r•ne pnrt nf th,, nr~h1~M t~nd Fl lininAtin~ that nroblem
wi 11 help rel ieve thr. Si cuatic~r.
Mr. Far~~nn st~t~~~f h~ woul~+ hc willinn cn :~cce~t r~rr~v~i ~f thc ~urchasc~l vchicles as a
con~Jiti~~n of n~~,mv~l; tizat n~~n-dr~l~rs ~~~Ctin~~ int<~ ihr nuction ~r~a is a S~cur-ty
proble~~~ which they a~il l have t~, rPSOlve. He ztat~~' [h~ "~uctl<~n Poltcy" hr~chur~ has b~en
given t~ the st~ff f~,r !he fil~r ~,xrlainin~ the rulc~s, ~~ut he c~ul~1 noc s~y n~ c,nc has
~ott~n in p~ist th~• s~curity ~u,~r~1s, but cnulr~ say th~+t nc~ nn~~ ~thcr th~^~n n de»ler~ h,~s
ever purch.~s~r~ ,~ v~hiclr, I;e Stit~d Mr, fl~rrisnn :-nc! othe~r ~ff(c.ers ~f th~ corn~ration
'~~~ve .~ssure~l hi~~~ thry ~vill review thc nrocedure; th.~t thr.y c~ul~~ iner~aSr security and not
let anyr~ne ~n t.he ~rr~~erty durinc; the rest n~ th~ r.ee•6~., t>ut it +vt-S his ir.mrr~sion the
traffic. proble^~ arf~ on uP~.!nesday,
Co~r+~ission~r Tolnr w,15 conc.erncd tha! this use c~uld vrry ~~sily br.car+e ~ reta(1 outlet.
fle stateJ thc~ ;~~:~~piP hc ~•~a~! referrc~d t~ et the lr~st hParin~ wcre Allawed on the site and
were quote~' ~ ~rice; hr~vNVCr, he ncwN understAnds pec~~+Se cnu1~1 ca~P tc- th~ auction with the
da,aler as ~ rider ~~r -Jrfv~r anrl asked Txn~ th.~i c~~~ld be ~lirninated.
M~. Faran~ st~~ted h~ c~~:l~+ ~ssure the Comr~issio~ that this is n~t ~ ret~~i 1 autlet because
(t is a f~lony tc~ ~voi~t ~~~yfnc; taxes in this ^-Anner; F,ut thai he could n~t assure the
Commissinn th~~t nn nne -+ill ever ~ct on the site ~t~ docs not belonct thcre~ but the
~+anagem,ent will tt~~hr.n u~ che sewr(ty. N. stated the petitioner it willina to pay the
dl Fference bctween ir:iustrtat and comrr~rclal ir:-ff ic slgnal Asse~ssr~ent fees.
Commissloner Nerbst sug~ested a compromisc ~f the traffic sic~nal ass~ssnxnt fee since the
2A.33-,~cre warc.el ls zrned fc-r industri~i) uses and could be developeA reith a mi~imum
25~~0~'` squrrc~ fc,c~t ind~str~dl bu~ldir~~;. He sua~est~d the fee be bd~ed ~n th~ ultim.ate
developrncnt of the ~roperty~ at 51.3~ per square foot or approximatcly S32~O~n fo~ thc
entire sitr, which would be pald na+ for r trafflc signal, si~ce this expanded use ~rill
compound th~ traffic probl~m mo~~ now thAn when lt is ultirrwtely devPloped.
-- .. .~._.._
Nr. Farenn ,~,{;rd the C~nxni ss Ic+n to lohk nt the fAi rnPSS ~f r~n nssessnx~nt of S32 ~~~n s tnce
the largest Amount ~~f trafffc is on 1~lednesdry~ ndmitting on Weclnesdnys whrn the ructton
1s he ld. tliere i~ n trnff ic rroh Irr~; hc~-+ever, he fclt rc~l lcvlnc~ thc pnrkin~ ~roblem wt 11
h~lp tl~e~ trnfflc pr~hl~~~s.
Commi sainnpr Nerhst nskecl t~~r.. futurc nlans f~r thc pr~~e~~tv ~n~1 Nr. FrrAno st.~tr..~~ thls ls
r ltfrc~c c~rp~rnr Inn ,inrl hc d1~1 n~~i knm~ a~hnt wnuid hAp~+en in thc futut'c~ hut th~y ~rc not
lookl n~i ot nnythin~~ ~~lher thnn thr. ~~uctir~n ~t th~ nrr•~ent t{r~~,
Cammi sSi~nei- Ilerh,t st~~te<1 tf thls pnrticul.~r c~n~litinn~l us~ ~~rm1i wAS not Allvw~~i~ they
coulcf dcv~l~n ~~n in~l~.i5cri~1 I~ui Irlinn an~! would h~v~ t~ ~r~y thr f~es at th~t tir+e; but
with this ty~~' use thr.y shn~il~+ c~ay n f~ir Sh~~r ~f the cosi.z incurred by th~ City~
pr~int in~ ~ut this t5 ,~ l~~r~i~ ~arct~ 1 of ~rn~crty~ wlth nnly nnc hui l~ttn~,
-1r. Farnnn st~t.r~i t f t~~is ~r~n~rty is drv~~lo~~eci Anr1 ut i 1 i~ed in An ~; ~~ni ~e~' w+~y, i t wl I 1
not crcatr ,~s riuc.h ~{f5turb,incc ess it h;~, until nc~w ~in~i hr c!1~1 not ihink it w~ulcl h~ f,~ir
t~ r~- ~ c th~~m ~~y rr,re th.in wh,it r~~y be ~i fn) r~hnre,
Chnlrwnr*in Darnr~, ,t~,lc~l hrr_nu~e tf~r ~uc.ticm tS therp~ thPr~ h+~s bc~n ~~ tr~~ffic ~rabl~m
anr.f th~~ eriskin~~ ,i~;n,~l Is nor r;uit~ cap~~bl~ r,f trikln~ cnrP of che ~+mblem <~nc1 if the
~iueti~n was nnr thnr~, the rxi~tin~~ sl~~nnl could h,i~~11e tt~c irnffic; thrr~for~~ the~
auct =~~n ls c.+usf nn the nee~i f~r the u~c~r~clr_d si rm~~l i z,~t l~~n of thr. lnter~,ect i~n ~~nd Pnul
Sfn~ter~ Trafflc Fn~~inrer~ ~xrt~inc~~i the c~~st f~r ~l~nrncllr~ th~ ~1~nA) ~yill be
ap~rc~xim~tcty SF~n~'`^l~ with Ch.~irwnm~n f~ernes :,.itir~r~ S37~n~n ~y~i~-~+ 1e ~iist .~ little nore
th,~n h~lf~ nn+ ~,~~~• '11 n~~r rl~lni. [he City ~~n~~ othcr in~lustr(al uters sh~ul~! h~v~ to p~~y
for L~lIS sir;ri?,
"Ir. ~aran~ Stt~[E~~1 ~~c• tr,~v~•ls thF Riv~rsl~fe Fr~•cwray ~~~sthounci ,~nd occaslnn~liy ma~:FS nn
exic ~n Tustin 1lvrnu~~ 6~~~rr ~,;n~ a,r~, 3nci thrr~ Es nc nn~ ~r~unc' th~ auction arc~~ ~nd
thcrc is s[i l l n trnffic ~r~bl~r•~,
Ch.~i r'r~nn~n I3arn~s ~~~I~~t~~c' out thc f~•~s r~rc !~~~tc~' ~~~ thc si-re c+f thc hulldin~ and therc is
har~ily c~~~y bu11~11n~~ rn t~~i~, ~rn;~rrty in rrl~if.it~nshi~ t~ th~ si •c oF thr, np~ration. Sh~
fclt this p~~titirmcr's fPir sf,~rc of thc sir~n.~l c~~t shnuld h~~ ~c~rr thAn khc cnmmcrcirl
rate bc~cause the size of the bu ildin~~ ~'ocs nut C!M^rr-r~ t~~ th~ trAffic ~3r_nFrate-1.
Hr. ~ar~no stflt~~~' thc~ n~titir,n~ r woul~i hc willfn~, to ~,~y thc S~: ~n~n si~nal nssessment
Cor:ar,issi~,ner Bu,h~>re stated t!~e Corr~ission r~CU1rY~P~c~S n f~e Nhich they Pee) i~, falr to
everyone; thr~[ hc~ rcalizes the auto auc[ion is tre~itinc~ a pr~blem nn 4ledncsd~y~ ~ut hc dld
not thinb. it Is qulte f~ir pc~n.~ llT(n~ this nc•titioner by setting a fee this h!~h because
other people 4~avc n~t ~~id thci r f~~ir sh,3rc; and hr_ Felt thc fce should hc based on thP
squA~e fdotn9c ~f th~ buildin~~ _just like Pveryone ~lsc~, Hc felt the tir~r limit issue
st,~ulr1 b~~ setklr~!; and tha[ th:~ Corx~issl~n should bc .ilscussinq the lnrtd ~sr_ an~i not the
dot 1 ar a~unts.
Chai nuornon Barnes statc:: the Conr,ission is char~~~d with looF.inq at issues sueh as this and
Comr~issioner Herbst stet~~1 he as~uid aqree with Comnissioner dushore if this w~cre the
ori;; inal pr,rcel~ but thiS re:~~~sk (s to arid 1f? Acres of pari.ing for ~G?. vehl:.les with no
buiidlnc~. He fnlt rhe fer is fair because of the size buitciing hhtch could bc developed
in the future anr± thc f~e wi 1 1 eventua) ly have to be ~aid.
Commisslnner Dav(d wAS c~ncerned ~bout the sun~~sted fee b~cnuse thi ~ propprty rn+ner wants
t~ develap his awn rr~nerty for ncic1ltionnl ~~~rl~:ing. He ~ilc! not fe~~l the Conmission shr,uld
br. lnvolve~l tn th~ Pinr~ncl~l tm~nct r+nd r~f~rrecl t~ nrrvl~us hrarinc~s ~n I:~rr~~r ~ro(~cts
(tisucr Ranch) ~~nd fclt this f~~ woulci o~~crst~~ Council ~,~licy re~nut~tnn tn<iustrl~l fees
basc~l ~n bull,~in~ s~unrr font.~ryc~ ~~intin~i ,~ut th~ rctil) rate wciulc~ cmly h~ ti1~~~~6~~ Ile
fnlt th~ C~inmisston ts tr•kin~ n~rivilegc thry h~ve~ n~vcr t~~ken ~,efc~rr.
C~mr+l,si~-~ner I3ush<~rc• ~~l~rifi~•~~ his concprn th~~t Cor~iissi~~cr Nerhst hn~1 inrllcntA~i thP !'ee
woul~l hr~ rr~lc! whc:n thr ~,rnn~'rr•,~ 15 ~levrlo~~c1 nn~l it ia n~t {na•m wh~n ~~nri if thr
clevPlo~+rx~nt: w) I 1 ~ver n~~.ur ,~n~.i wh,~t th~ f~es wi 11 hr nt ih,it tlr•~~.
J.~ck Whi[~~ Asslstant Clty At~~rn~y, st~tr•d thr. C~mmis:inn c~~~i tm~~sr. c~,n~lltlc~ns u~~n th~
ecn~li[tanal ~is pcrMit whfch re~~5onably reltitr t~~ thr usr. tn thr extent chc USr riiffcrs
from ty-~icr) ~~sc~~~~ in thr in~lustrt~l ~onc ~m~l r_,,n n.,4~.c thc fincllnn ch.~t the tr~ffic will
l~c ~,jrent~r thnn th.~t nnrm,~l ly f~un f iii thr in-.!ustrl~~l z~~r ~n~1 thit th~ tyoc ~f
clr.velOprx~nt ~Itff~•rs frnn, th~• st~~n~l.ir~f In~~ustrlil usrrs i~ that th~~ ~~CS will br
51~~nlficnntly lrs~~ th~n nt.h~nvi~c woul~l hr n~nerntr~c~, Ile frlc thr eon~fitt~,n wnuld b.r
C~nissi~n~r Uu~h~~r~ ~clt thc f,ormil;5l~7nt-rs nl) A~arrc~ thfs usc Is r-~rc ret~~il than
inclustrl~~1 ~ bu! just w~ynt~•~1 tn cl irl fy th,it t~~e~ f~•,~5 wou1~1 I,c a~nl iF-d ~~~7inst ~~ny fces
impos~d ~n siabJ~~et ~~rr+perty (n the f~.~ture nn~1 JACI. Whitr stntf~c+ any fees patc! will he
C~e~ilted t~ ~ny ot~~~r f~rs rr~~utrecf in thc futur~.
Resp~~mdinr~ t~ Co+~x~~is~i~~n<•~ fiavl~i' ~ c~ncrrn~ C~c*-~issi~n~r Tol,ir ~t~~t~~~1 r~ r~rr~t ~Jr.~l of
c:c>nsi~+err+tl~n h<~d b~•~~,~ ~ivr~n t~~ fin,~nclal nsrrGts of thr~ f'nu~r ~ane~~ ~~~vc~l~~n~cnt an~ th~tt
i~roJect wns ~~prrov~•~I b~c:~USe ~,ic.h ~nrtt~n ~f that ~1e~rl~~pr+ent woul-' ttvnd nn it5 own nnd
provi~'~~ r'evr~u~•r, t~~ fh~, Cit'y~ ~`5!~~•G1;1~1y thrt+unh thc~ c~rr•~r~.i~l ~~~vFl~~~nt ~t ue(r CAny~n
an<1 this bu5iiics~~ (thr aut~~ ~iucti!~n) ~h~s n:~t nr~vid~• ~ny inc.cxn~ tn th~ f.ity,
Corv~~issic~n~~r D~+vi~! ~.l.~riftc;; h~ w,is thlnkin~, of thr init~~~l cnsts ~f th<• clcvelorr,cnt tn
the CiCy .~n~1 Paul ~i•~~,~•r s[atr,' nc~ tr:+ffir. sicin,~l rr,~clifi~~~~nn wr~~sli' c~st Sf~,~'1~ ~nd
woulci ~robrbty ~,c, int~ rf`rct I~~ Ju~~•~.
Itr, Far~nc~ n fcrrP~1 -,rz Con~iiti-~n '~o, ~~ rc~uirin~ com~~lt,~nc:~ within '~~ ~1~ys an~i c~xnlalned
tF,~~ ir~r~vcm.•nts wi 11 hc~~in wlthin i~ daYS ~snr br c.~~~~•nl~t~,1 is s~~nr. ~S ~~ssiblc, but w,~5
ct~nc~^rnrt~' thnt r~iny we~the~r or s~xnethin~ elsr ce~ulrl ~i~l,,y cmm~ic•ti ~n.
Jay Titus~ nffic~, i.~nfn~~r, r.x~~l.~lne~' r~~rnv~lly c~n Clty c~ntracts~ act5 ~f G~J c+r ather
probl~~~5 woulcf br ,a!.rn ir[c~ C~nSIcIP-'Ati~n an~1 Fxtr:~nsiryns c1r.~nt~rf.
Jack 41hi te state~~ thE~ nrly way th,ls could n~se A nrohlem w~uld bF th~t the Pianntn~
Cr~mnission coul~! ~+•ecide t~> terminitc thc• prrriit ~nr nan-c~nmliancc~ of the c~nditinns r+hieh
wnuld rrqul re a publ i~ hearin<~ nnd cert~inty evid~nce c~~ul~.i be orrsQntP~~ substAntiating
thr ~~Alay wh~~thc r i t be. ~T~!v~rsr wcather, contract~~r's crrike;~ laeir of mAtPrtAl ~ ctc. ~ and
th,~t w~,uld bc t~~.r.n Ir~tc~ c~~nsi~ler•Ation,
Jay Tftus su~c~est~~i if thc Cor~nissinn elects to +;rr,nt thc nermit ~nd r~~quires the
ir~>rovcixnts L~ be com~.lrt~~,~ within ~~ days, th~~!. thc ~<~rtiun nf Condition No, 1 requiring
a bnn~i b• postt~d guArdnt~Ci r~ thr im~-rcvrm~nts should bc ~i iminatr~_',
2/ 11 / P,0
EI R NEGIITIVE DECLAR11T1(1N AtID GnNDIYtONAL llSk PCPMIT Ii~. 2~y2 (c~nt tnued)
AC,Tt~fl; Camr~iSSic,ner H~rhst ~ff~rrd fl rx,tl~n~ sec~n~lr:1 hy f,~r~ml~si~ncr ~nvl~i nn~~ M~TI^-!
~r,~lCh, th,~t thc ~n,~h~iM f,i ty ~'l~~tnnin~ Cammissl~>n h.~c revte~-rr1 t.h~ ~r~~~snl tn ~x~~nc1 n~
uxisi~n~i nuc~rx~hil~ ~uctt~n ~7nrl r~c~ndlti~nin~ fncllity in th~ Hl. (In<lustrinl~ l.ir,it~cl)
ionc ~n n~•ectnn~~uln~•ly-shnnerl ~~rc.~l nf l~~n~l cnnslStin~~ n~ nn~rnxtmnt~ly ~~~~?? ,~tr~S~
h~vln~~ n frnnt~~ry~~ ~~f ,~~~r~xir~~t'ely l~~h? fc~t nn thc• a:~st si~lr nf Tust in llvrnur~ hfivin~ n
maxln~~~~ ~1e~th nf n~~~-nxii-~ntcly 7~1 f~~~t ~~n~i h~in~ Ir~c~trrl ~nnrnxi~~.~t~ly ^?~1 fn~t nnrth ~f
Lhe centerl ine t~f 1~t r:tlnra~ flv~nur; nnd cf~~~ h~r~hy n~~rnv~ th~ -le~~t ivr Decl~~r,~t i~n frnm
tne r~~uir~rw~r~t tn nre-~Arc an ~nvlmn~nt.~l ir~~,~ct r~~~rt ~n thr b~isis th~t thc~rF w~uld be
n~ si~lnlficAnt ln~fividu.~l nr c~~nul~~tivr r~iv~rsc ~nvlrnnr~nt~il ir~~art rluF tn ~hr ar,~mv.i:
of thts Ile~;nt lv~~ Declnr~~ti~n slncc~ thr ~nahcim ~rnrr,~l Pl.tin ~1~St~nnt~s thc suhi,~r t
~rnp~~rty f~~r ~irne•r~l inriustrinl lan~i usr~ e~rx~rnSUrntr with th~~ ~r~~~Snl; th~it n~
s~~nsttivc ~nvirnnrx~nt~l ir~±ntts ~~r~ inv~~lvecl ~n th~ ~~~n~s,~~; th.it th~ Initi~l Stu~1y
subriitterl bv th~• ~~~titi~,n~r In~1ic,~tr5 n~~ Sir~nific~nt in~livl~!i~:+l nr curwlntivr n;'verge
envimnru~ntnl irmn~ ts; ~n~f that rl~c `le~.~tlv~ h~cl~r.~~ir7n suhSt~nt(~tin~ tti~ ~~rc~n~inn
f(n~~inns iS on fil•~ in th~~ ~ity nf ~nnhci~+ Pl~~nnlnn De!t~nrtrnrnt,
C~rr~l~~~inn~r (1er~,st •~ffrr~„1 n~~~luti~,n No. ffi'.~-'?( nn~! rx~v~~~ fnr (t~~ ~:~SSn~~• in~l ~~rlnrtinn
thnt thc llnihciri Clty Plannin~i fn--~missi~in Jnrs h~•rrhy nr~~nt ~'~titinn f~r Con~~iti~n~il 115r
Pernit 'I~. ^~',?~ ~nr ,, ~~nr-yn•tir ~~•rincl~ •,uhjc~ct t~~ ~r~ii~~~~, nn~! Suhjrct l~~ n~titi~ner's
stl~ul~i i~~n t~~ n.~y n t r.iff f c ~ f~inn) ~~~Sr~sSMC~nt f~c r~f ~'~; ~~nn hi5~-1 nn t~~~ s) •~ nf th~
~rp~~rty t.~ b~• ~i~rrf f~~r thc^ rr,~.in~lc~i usc~ ,~nd •,uhj~ct t~~ thc ~,r~iti~~n~r'S 5tlrul~-ti~n thnt
ifl) l~;i~!in~~ ,~nc! urln~~rlln~~ of v~•hiCh1~5 ~~ill h~c rltir~ nn-SIt~ in~i<Ir thP fnncr incl n~~
purch,~sr.! vn'•,ii:IrS will h~~ rnrl~:! ~~n lh~ strrrt c~r nutti~!~ th~ frnc:r' ~~nS~ry~~tr~1 nrc+:~ ~~n~!
nl) l~i~~ ,Icsi~~n.~t~-1 ~'~,il~r ~nrtin~~ S~.lC.rS will hc r~Srrv~~~ nt ~11 tir~cr f~r ~{~~il~r n~rlinn
hnly, ,~n~l Suhj~•ct t~~ lnt~~r~~c~~rt~~cnt~~l C~rr~itt:•~ rrcrrrr~~•nr+~tit~n5,
(ln r~ll cnll~ t!+c f~,rc~~~,1n~~ rrs~~luti~n wc~~ ~,iSSrcf hy thr fr711rw~in~ v~t~:
l1YC~ : Cf"~111 ;~. 1^'~f ^~ : fl~n~l<<~ ~ ii;!~~11^t?f ~ f~~~Vl ~, ~~Y, 11E RE;ST ~ Y.I'~~ ~~'^Li1~
N~FS; C~N!tl~~, I~'tf~~,: ~I~NC
!1(l~E:!1T : C~„~~~ ~r I~IIC ~`, ; II(1~~F
Jny TiC~;s exnl~iin~•c! thc ~c~ti[i~r~er r~.iy rPnu~st .~ a~niv~r ~~ th~ Si~'~w:tll rr~uir~r-w+nt frnm
th~ Clty En~tir~~~r.
ITEr~ ~~n. ~+ RF.l~D!~f'~TISF.h PUE3LIC HEARt~~~. OWtt;.P;: G~.PLTn~t
LIR IIP C REPt~i~T N!`. Z1L Ii0ME5~ I-lC.~ 11.0~2 Irvinr tilvd.~ "~!~ T~,rin,
a ~rov~,,T-
~ f.A ')~("!1. EtlGIt,CE:^: ~.'~NIt~GS-Iif1LDF^Nll"~-l1f1t~", ~',~
0'I~iTI~~lAi. U~ RItl7 ~a0 , 1~~73 t!. G~1ci~n Ci rc l~ Dr, ~~'i l l~ Sant~~ Ana, CA ~27'1;,
~1 , ~, RAC N . 1 J? Pronerty ds5Cr16ed fls an (rr~~ulnrly-shnpPd
(Fkvision ~1~~, ~~ (~?r~P~ Of ~~~fl~j CAn515tin~ A~ npnrnximrtr.ly ir.~
acr~s~ havinq »(ron[age of apprnx.imately hn~,
feet on the wr.si sicie ~~~f Imp~riAl Hiqhway~ hAViny A nk~xtmun r!epth of Ap~+ror,lr~~~tely 1~~G2
fcr,t~ ~~~~ t,cing locatc~i ,~p~roxi~~,at~ly t~Pf' fe. c s~~uth of th~ ccnt~rl inc ~f Nohl Ranch P.~ad
13 propcsc~i as r ~nc-lot~ ;4~untt RS-A.-k3~OQ!1 G(1P11)pP1~IlIUR1 su~division.
C~'~CITI^N11L USE PCRNIT RE~ZUf.ST: To perr~lt a 5~+-unit cunclnminium subd(vist~n.
TC11TA?IVE Trr,.T RE~t1(5T: Ta rstahiish a t-lot, 5~-unit c~ndc~minium,
Sub]ect petitin~ was continucct frvm the meetinq nf Jmnu~ry 2"~ 1~1°0~ for advertlsemeni of
en nd~iltional petition.
There wss nn one Indicating their pres~nce (n op~osltion to suL~,Ject request~ ~nd althc~uc~h
the staff rep~,rt to the Planninq Corm+ission datcd Fehruary i l~ 1~~~f.1 was nof rea~i at thc
publtc hesring~ it is referred to and madc part of ~he minues.
EIR INPIICT RCPART N0. 21A (~+rcvlously approved) ~ CON[~ITI~!IAI. USE PERMIT
tt0. 1973 (Readverttsed~A~JO TC~ITATIVC N11p ~F TRACT Nf1, 1~713 (Revislon N~, 1)
- .
Rob~~rt ~Ibhs~ cr.mcr nf Crrlt~~n Il~nx~s~ rxDlr-in~d thr. ~r~)ect IS r)~~iqn~~ f~,r ~nc-lev~l
livinc~ S'or '„-units nnrf on~ bulldfno waul~l hr~ve ~ Secnnd sC~ry nnri th~ nrr,)~ct wtll hnv~
mn~e ~1r~cn bclt nrrn with thls ~lesl~n,
T~~C P~!~l~.ic -~,:,~.r,~~~r. uA~ Ct ~srn,
Answr.rir~~ Comm(rsl~,n~r Tol.ir•'S tontc~rns r~~.~rdinr~ t~~r ch•rnrrshin~ -~r. ~lhhti rr,nln(n~~' nl l
owncrs wi 11 ~~~vc• ~~ cor~rY,n own~r~hir ~f 1/~~~tF1 ~f th~ uncilvldrei lntcr~st.
It ~y15 nnir..~f Cnvir~rn~cn~nl Im~,nct Rc~~rt ~lo. ~1~'(~~) -,.~s h~,~~n !~rrvic~u~ly n~~rr~v~~' hy ~he
Plarnfnn Cor~riEs*.irn ~~~ Junc •'~~ 1^7~.
AC11~1l; Ca~,r~,is~i~~ii~r T~lar ~ff~r~~r+ f'eS~~lutir~n !~o, i'C°~-:'7 ~~n~1 r+~vci f~r iis nis~~~~n~ .~n~J
d~1~pt on [h~it ~~~~ ~n,~hcir+ City~ r1,Snninr; C~nrii~,ti~n t~c,c5 hr.r~~hy ~r~nt Petitinn f~r
C~n~iition.~l Usc fernit ~1~. 1~7~, sut~j~ct tn Int~r~ir~,~rt~^ntnl C~~~r~itt~f r~cnr~~cnrl~~tl~ns.
On r~~ll c~ll~ t!tr °nr~•r~~(n~• rc~c~li~~i~~n w~5 ~•~SSC~I hy thr f~~l-rn~~in~ vnt~:
l1Yf;: C~11-~15;1~'!f"~: ~,'1^'IC~.~ ~3U5f1f1~L~ DA~~1:~~ F~`Y~ fICPI'ST~ kl'I~~ T'~l~^
~i~l~~~; ~n'~-1~"~ ~n~~[ R~; t~n?II
Al:'~L`lT: C''-'t!IS~ I(,~if ^S: fInNL
Cc~crr~issinnr.r T~lar ~~ff~~r~-.1 .i rc~ti~n~ 5ec~ridcc' by Cnr~r,issi~incr Herhst ~nri M~TI~~! cn~r~r'~~
th~'t thr An~hi~ir~ City i'I~v~nir Corimi5sinn c'q~5 hcrrhy flnr+ th~t fh•~ nr~n~s~~! suh,!ivl~inn~
t.r~a~^thc~r with its ~I~Slgn an~! i~~nr~vrr~+~nt~ f~s cnnsistent with *+,c City of An~~hcir^ ~cneral
Plan~ pur~;+~~nt t~ ~~~vernr~nt Co~ir ~e~:t I~~n ~<~.73, ;~n~' c1nc5, thcr~f~re~ ~~~~r~ve Tent~~f iv~
-~an nF Tr~~ct '~a, 1'1713 {~rvisi~~n 'lo. '~ snr a 1-i~[~ ';1~-i~nit c~nrlcu~lntu~+ suhcllvi~l~~n,
r,ub)~ct t~ t~tit~ ¢~ll~win; c~ 'itio~
1, Th;et sh~ui~l tl~~-. sub,iivi~ ••vrl~~c<! a~ nnrr than ~n~ suh~!ivisi~n~ ~neh
s~~t 'ivisyinn tl •~nf ~t;~l' -, ~,,.,,r,i[trrf in tentativc fnrn f~r n~rrnvnl,
7.. ''hR~t sub~~ ct f~rc,perty sh.~! 1 he servrd Ay un~tPrqrnu~c' uti 1 ities.
3. ih,~i stree' n~~r.~CS 3h,i11 bc ~ppmvr~i hy the City Pl~nninq De~~rtmPnt prior ta
~~pr~r~v.71 c~; ~ fin~l tr7ct r~an.
1+, Th,it drain:-~r ~~ s~id ~ro~~rty sh~~ll hc r!isp~se~i ~f in n r+~nner Satisfnctory tn
the City fnqincer. If~ in the prep~r~~tton ~f the sit~, sufficient gradinq is
re~ui r~d t~ neccs~ i t~~te .i ~~r:~di ny ~crmi t~ na work un nracf in~ wi 1 1 bc permi ttcd
betwe~n ~etoher 15:h ~ind ~1pri1 O;th unless all ~equir~d off-sitc dratnaqe
f~~cilitirs havry b~en inst711ed nnd nre ~perative, Postiive .iss~ir~nce shall be
providc~i thc City that ~~ch ~irainae~e fatilTties will he c~r~plPtcd prtrr to
Oet~bcr l;~th, Neccss~iry rlgP~*-of-way f~r off-sitc c+rainr~qe fACilitles shall be
der+lcated to thc City~ nr the Clt; Council sh~ill ha~~e (nittate~l conciemnati~n
prnct~e<!in~g theref~r (the costs of which shall be borne hy the d~vel~~er) prfQr
to the c~r,mrncement of ~r.idinc~ oper~~tions. ThP requirec~ c~r~Znage faciltties
sh<}I) bc nf ~ stze ~nd tynr sufficienc tn c~~rry runoff wat~rs ori~lnatin~ from
higF,cr pr~pertie~ thr~ugh said ~m~crty to ultirtiatc disnosa! As approved by the
City En~ineer, Said drain~ge f~+cillties shall be the first item ~f construct3~n
t~n~+ sh~-~11 bc* r,~r,~tetc~d a~d he func[ional thrc+ughnut the tr~ct r+ncf fr~m the
c!c»~rnstream bound~iry ~f the pro~+erty to the ultir~t~ ~o'~~! ~P disnosal prior to
tlte issu~nce of Any fint~l builriTnc~ in5pectlons ar r.ccur~•~ ~:Y ~rermits. ~rainaqe
district rcir~burser~ent ~!~rPemc~nts mt~y bP ruide av~ilablr t-~ the d~v~l~p~rs of said
property up~n thcir request.
wu: ~;:. ~..._, . .. _
( .
M) NUTF.S ~ ANANE I M C I TY PLAN~~ I N^ C~MMI SS ( f1N, FEBRUIIRY 1) , 1~R~) p~-RI,
EIR IMPACT REPORT '10, ?1~ (orevieusly approvr.d)~ CONDITIONAI. USC PF.RNIT
'~'~. 1q73 (Readvertisod) ANn Tf.IJTATIVE MAI' OF TRACT N0. 1~71'3 (Pevision No. 1)
-- ~ ,. ,~_
~. Th~t nrn~+in~, ~xc~tiv,~tlr~n~ nnri ~~11 ~thcr ~nnStrutti~n t~ctivttirs sh~ll h~
C~nduGtr~ in Such ~ r~,~nnPr Sn ~s tn r+tntr,t~r th~ ~•,ssihilicy ~~ rny sllt
~rl~in,~tin~~ Frnn~ this nr~icct hein~ cnrr~r~' intn th~ Srnt,~ Ann Riv~r hv stnrr~
w~t~r nriq'n:-tin~ fr~r nr flrn~lnn t`~r~,unh tht5 nrnl~ct.
f, Thit ,711 nriant~ str~cts sh,~ll bc dFV~lonc~+ in ir.c~r~lnnc~ wit-, th~ City ~f
~n~h~l~ 's Stn~ i.ir~t D~t.i) l~lo. 17~ f~r nriv~t~ str~~ts~ inclu~iin~ instni l,~tinr, nf
strc~t n~n~• ~,inrs, Pl~~nS f~~r th~ ~+riv~t~ Str~~t liqhtin~~ ,~S r~~uir~-1 by th~
St.in~,~rr! ~~~cai I, Sh~l l he suhmittr~l t~~ ~~nd ~~nr~~v~d hv th~ f lcctric~l Divisinn.
Ap~rov~~J {~rivnt~ siri~~t llnhtin.~ nl~ns shnll thcn hc siih~ltt~cl t~ t~~~ f~uilr+inr~
Dtviai~~n fnr inclu5i~,n wl th th^ huilclinn ~Iar,S ~rir>r tn issu~ncr of hui l~~inn
~. That th~ .~~ innri~nt ~nc~ t~rr^(ni) n~int ~f stnr~~ ~fr~ins th~wm ~n thit t~ntr~ttvn
tr~ct ~+n~ s;,~ll n~~t bc c~nSirl~rrc; fin~l, Thcsc drnin5 sh,,ll hr s~ihlect t~
precfsc c;~•5(nn r~~nsid~•r~ti~x~5 nn<1 ,in~,rnv,~i ~f tl~r ~itY En~ine~r.
~. If ~~•rm~nnnt st-'ret n.i~-~r Sl~;nc h~?v~ ncit h~nn in5t~11Pr1~ i~~~t~~r.iry Str~ct ~~.~r~r
si~~ns shill he installc~d rric~r t~ .~~y nccu~~incy.
~. Thit the nwner(5) nf subje~ct ~rn~erty Shrll p,~y rnr~r~~ri~tc ~tr~~ina~r assessr~ent
f~~r.s t~ ti~e City of ~n~--hr_im ns ~~~ternin~cl hy thc fitv f.n~incrr pri~r fo Issuance
oF -+ huil~'in7 n~rr~,lt.
1~. That ~ir~ hv~irint5 Shni) h~ inst~llyd and ch:~rgpd as r~nulrrci nn~1 rt~trrr~in~~! te
be nec.es5~~ry by th~ Chlr{ ~~ the Flrr Derart~~nc ~rinr t~ cvmn-enc~r,ent nf
structural fr-~min~-,
11, That thr ~wvncr(s) ~f suhjrct ~~r~~~~rty ~`~ ~~ ~7Y thc tr.iffic si~n~l ~~ss~ss~ent fec
I(1f~It1~-1rr No, 3"~~) in an :~r~~irt .~s ~~!~^ ~ In~~1 hy the City Courcil~ f~r e~c-~ near
d-irllin~~ unit ~r!~~r t~~ th~ i,sunnc.~ ~~ ,• -;uil !inc; p~rr~tt.
12. That thc r~~n~r ~~f suhje~ct e~ro~rrty sha11 nay t~ thc City nf ~n~hcim thc
a~~rn~riat~ ~~ir~' ,~n~1 ~c+C~r,~tlpn in-lleu fe~s ~~ ~~etPrminrd t~ hr_ Appro~riate by
the ~ity Counci 1, 5:~i~1 fe~s [n he ~~~~1 at thc tir~ thc huilclinc~ ~~rriit is iss~~erf.
13. Thai thr~ ~~ri~~in~l ~~~eumrnts o~ th~ ~~~~rreFnts~ e~r.iitinnt~ nnel rPStricti~n5~ .in~1 ~
let*cr a~idr~sse~'• tn <~eve lnner's t f~ ~ •~~.~ny nuthori zln~ rcc~r~,.it ion thereof ~
sh~ll be submitted tc~ the City Att ~'~ ~ffi~~ and ep~rovc~: hy the City
Att~rn~y's offic~ ~n~i En!-~in~crinn U~:,~ic,n prtar t~ fint~l tr.ict m~~~ a~prov~il.
58ir7 dnc~, v~nts~ ns a~~roveu, sh~l l be fi I~c1 an:f rrcc,rd~~i in th~ ~ffice nf the
Oran<~r~ Cou~ty Rec~r~lr_r.
itCCC~~ Th~ r~~•ct ing was rFCC55c~~f at 3: 1'1 ~.m,
REC~~IV~'"E. The ~e t 1 n~~ was r~convened at 3: 25 p. m.
. . ' ' '',~
ITF~+ Nn, ~;
E ~Er,~TIVC DF.f,LnRnTlo~a
(prcvt~us)y Ar~ rove~l)
~i''~'~~R''Tc7~l ~J'~', 7~-P~-?.2
(prevlously n~rnvcd
VARtn-iCE Nn. Z127
(prPVtously n~(~r~v~~~)
~CNT11Ti~/f MI1P f1F ~R11~ T N~, 1~1'1S1i
fe~t. Pro~~r~rty (~rescntly cl~sstficcl
1135 ~~. Katel le ~ve~ur~ Orr~ng~~ C~ '~~(~/,1. AGENT;
NICIIAFL. T. Cf-LLI~It~ 11+n~ N, prtstc~l St. Suire ?.l~a~
NewPort Qeach~ C!1 ~~f~(~~. Prnpc~ty ~1~~crih~~1 As an
lrre~ularly-shAreci pnrcPi of lnnd consittinq ~f
~~~,r~xti~tc~ly ~~.~~~ Acr~s l~c~~t~c1 nt rh~ s~uthcrly
termtn-is ~f Citron Str~~t nnnmxir~ntPly ''~~^ feet
so~ith nf Verm~nt f~venu~~ hnvin~ n Prnnt~ne ~f
~~~r~~xi~tely 37~ f~~t ~n thc s~uth st~fe ~f th~ ~uhlit
r~i l~y~ r~nc1 hr~vinc~ n mr-xir~un ~i~~th ~f An~1~f1X~R1A~~`~Y -~°0
R-~-3~~n (aFs l nf!~T l nl. ~ MUI.T I F'l F-~~~~ t l_Y 1 7n~iF ,
RE~1!CSTF.f~ Tf'!ITl1TIVC N^,P ~F TR11CT Il(1, in~;h; 7o rstnblish ,~ ~nr•l~t, ~~-~~nit cnn~i~mintum
Thrre wns nn n~i~ ln~tic~~tin~t thr.ir hretenc~ In o(~~~~itlan tn 5uh~~ct rP.~u~tt, nn~' Atthnunh
the stAff rr.n~rt tn tl~r~ Plinnin~ CnrtrilSSl~n dAt~~1 ~ehru~ry 11. 1~~~ w~t n~t r~nc1 ~~t the
public h~nrin~t~ i[ I~ rrf~rr~~l t~ ~~nd m.id~ ,~ ~~rt of th~ ninutrs,
Commissi-~nrr Duslic~rr ~1~c~r+r~cl ~ ci~nflict ~f int~rcSt r+s r~~fln~~l -,v Annh~im City Pinnninq
C~mmissic,n Res~~lutinn No, PC7~~~1'~7~ ~d~~tinct n C~nflict ~f IntPr~tt C~~1~ f~r th~ Pl~nninn
Com~lssinn~ ~n~l ('~ovrrnrrx~nt Co~tr ~cctton 3~~?~, rt s~~q. ~ in th~t h~ ls mAr~~tin~ a~iJrcenr
n~nr~~rty f~~r cn~m,rr<.i~~l rrcr~~tion nn~i r'~~clir~ci nr~j~~ciir,e ~n chis u~P ~~nri ~~urtu~~ni to th~
pr~visic~ns ~f t.ht -~b~~vr Codes~ d~c.l.~r~d t~ th~ Ch~irwrrnin th,~t hr w~s with~lr.~win~ frnm the
h~~~-rinr, (n c~nnc~ctic,n with Recl~ssific~~tio~ No, 7'~-~~~-^:'~ VArinnc~ No, 311;~ nnrl Tent~~tive
Map of Tr,~rc -10, 1~^~,~~ .~nr1 would nr,t c~ikc ~~rt in ~tthcr thr ~~~SCUSSJ~)n ~r th~ v~ttnq
Lhere~n~ ~n~1 h;-s nnt ~!iscusseel tt~IS r~~ftcr with ~nv ~+w^~hrr ~f t~~r Al~~nninq Crnr~ission.
Jir~ n:+risic~ 1'(1~ tl~rth t~rist~~1, ~uite :'~~~~ !lewp~~rt f1e~'~th, f,P•.~ N~is ~r~sent to answrr rny
TI1E: i'Ui'1_IC HC:1~1tt~' ttl1~ CL^S[:~.
It w.is n~tr~! thc• ~'linnin~ Comr~issVon li~s previously ~~t~rnveci ~ ~~eq.,tive beclAration f~r
Subject r~r~J~r_t nt their Janu~~ry 1`;~ 1~~'~ me~tinc~ !>aseci ~n the findinn tN~at no SinnificAnt
environr~ntnl irit,:~~ t rxisted,
1 t was note~! Rtc Inss i f ic:+t ir~n tlo. 7~-f'1-2~ ~~nd VariAnc~ 'lo. 5127 were grnntc<1 by th~
P1Anninrt Co~~rnissinn nn J~n~nry 1-~~ 1~1`%~1 t~ f~~rmit .~+n ~,(~unit r.~ndnminium comrlPx.
hCTl~1t~: Co~r,i~:sioner lierhst ~ffer~d A rrn~tiOn~ secc±nciPd hy Cannissinner Kinry anA Mf-TION
+.R I1 (Comr~issinn~r aush~rt br~(nq ahs~nt) ~ that the Ant~heir~ Citv Planning Commfssion
does herr.by fin~9 th~t. the pronosecl suhdivision~ togrther with lts d~siqn ~n~1 (mprnveme!nt.
is a~nsistc~nt with t~~e City of Anahr.tm Gener~l Plan~ pursu~nt tn Government Co~i~ Secti~n
66~~73.+;; an~i d~,~s~ theref~rE~ ~~pprove Tentativ~ Ma~ af Tract No. 1~q5h~ for A 1-lot. R~-
unit e~ndominiu~rn com~lex~ subJcct to th~ f~11 ~in~ cnnditi~ns:
1. Th,~t shoul~i this subdivisic+n be ~~P~i~loped ac nmre than one sub~iivisi~n, eACh
s~-bdivi,inn the~r~~~f sh.~il be submitted In tentativc~ form for annrnval.
(prevlously ~pproved)~ VARIANCE f10. 3127 (prevlously appravad) N-JD TEMTIITIVE
MAP Of• TMCT t~0. 1f19~
2. ThAt thr ~ric~inal c.focumer,ts nf th~ G~VP~Ants~ c~nditions~ ~nci r~strlctic-ns~ s+n~t a
Iettcr .~ddrpss~~1 to d~~rl~~+cr's tttl~ company aut~h~rl~tnq r~c~rrlr~ti~n fh~re~f~
shnll he suhmltted th the Clty Attornev's ~ffic~ nnd nonrnved bv th~ Ctty
Att~,rn~y't offic~ ~n~1 Enqin~~rln~~ Divisi~n ~rfn~ t~ fin~~l trACt r+nn ~pnr~vt+l.
SAi~i ciotunrn[s~ ~+s anrr~v~c~~ Shr~ll he filea An~i •ec~r~l~~t in th~ lfficr. ~f th~
pr,~n~~~ C~~unty Re~cnrder,
3~ Th~t str~~~t nnm~~s ah.~ll hc +~~nr~v~~c' hy thc Clty Planninn Dr.~nrtmr.nt ~rl~r t~
•~~~~rovnl ~f n fin,a) irac.t ~~iP.
4. That s-11 ~~rlvnt~ streets sh,~11 hr~ ~I~veir,~r.r} in ~~c.cnrAt~nc~ Nith tl~~ f~ty ~f
An~hr.ir~'S St~ir~~',ird 7e[Nil f~~. 1^1 f~~r ~riv.~ttc~ Str~~ts~ in~luclinc~ inst'+1lntin~ of
st rc~t nanx~ s 1~ns. PI ans fc,r the ~ri vat~ st rrr! 1 I~lht inq, ~~s r~~~,i re~' by ~he
st7n~f~rr.l cl~t~il~ shatl hr suhmltted t~~ .~n~i irrtr~v~ci by the> Electrte,~+l ~ivisi~~.
Ap~rovrca nriv~tr. 52r~et yltlhtinr~ ~I~~n~ Shnll then b~ suhmi,t~*~1 tn th~ Ruildinq
U1viSi~n fnr tnclusi~~n Nith thr t?u(Iclinct ~1~~nS pri~r f.~ iscuance ~f bull~iin~
p~~ rrti ts .
,`~i, If ~~er~~nn~nt strr..~t n~rr~ si~ln5 h.~~•r nc>t hr.en instnlled~ tcrnpc~rory stree-t nAMe
5i~~ns sti+ill I~e inst~illec! nrir~r tn ,~ny nccun~'tncY.
fi. 7h~t zhr oNner(s) nf sub,ject pr~~erty s~iill ray ,he trrffic signa~l Assrssme.nt fee
({~r~!inr~ncc~ tlo. ;~i~~•) in an nrx~unt .~s d~t~rmin~<1 by ihe Clty Councll~ for r,ach new
ciw+•lllnn unit ~rlor tr tht I55U:~f1Cf nf 2 huilding ~r.rmit.
7. Th,tit tr,~s!~ stnr.~g~ ~rc~~as sha11 hr pmvid~ci i~ ~~ccnr~lanGe a~ith ~~nrc,v~r1 p1Ans ~n
fil~• with the ~ffice ~f Lh~ Fxeeu[iv~ !';lrpctor caf Publie 1Jor~s.
$. T}w~t fi r~ t~v~.ir~nts sr~~il l be instal icd an~1 ch.~rqed ,is r~quire~i inri detc~rminccl to
er necess~iry by r,h+~ Ch i ef ~,f t-~e f 1 r~ pCpArtrte~t ~+rl~r r.~ cnmmrnc~ment of
5t:ructurAl f;amin~,
9. Th.~t ~il l f,ici I i tics wi thin ihe tract t-aund~ry ~hal l be served by undergroun~!
10. 7hat drain~~~e ~f SUh~f~Gt propcrty shall be clixn~sed ~f in A r~nn~r satisfactory
t'o th~ City En~ineer.
11. Thit thr ,~wnr.r of subject pr~pe~•ty sh»11 ~ay to tht Cfty ~f Anaheim the
ap~roprf~te n~rG, :~n~+ recre~tt~n in-1 icu f~es ~~s detcrmin~d to he apt~roprir~te hv
tnc City Cr,uncil~ sAtd f~es to be ~Aid at the time the ~u3ldinq oermit ts issuPd.
~/ 11 /8~
M I ~IUTCS ~ N~II1f1E 1 M C I'I'Y PIANN 1 N~ COMM I 55 I f1N ~ FE EIRUARY i 1~ 1~~~1
ITEM N~. ~ PUQLIC IIC.A^III~. ~'1tICP~: /1-~r,Cl.n A~I~ 1RE-IF' M~~I~II~
f.IR N~C/t IVf. ~CCL/lR~T1~~~1 3~~~3 11, Th~rntnn ~venu~~ llnohelm~ C~ ~7f'~-~ A~1f~
RFr,I.~ ; C.~ ~t! I~O, -9~-~1 ffQ~~C II. /1~1~ Lllih~ L. S~~l1~111111t~ 7~~ ~1. Nnrhor f31vd.
~ . ~.~. Reicvcrt s~,i) ~r+,ahcim~ CA ~)':~!-. l~~F-!T: LFSTf ^ l.. CAp~F~I~ J~~ ~ •
^1l~ W. I.tncnln ~v~nu~~ Annhrtm~ C~ ~?^~;. Pr~n~rty
dcscribc~J r~s ~ rrr_t,~n~ul~rly-sl~.~ped nnrc~l r,f lan~~ c~nslS~~flf~ nf n~nrnxir~ntrly 1~~~^r~
S~u~~r~ f~rY~ fi~vinn n fr~ntnr~A nl' n~;,rnxim,~trlv 11^ f~et ~n t!,r n~~rth si~+~ ~f Thnrntnn
Avenue~ h,ivln~ ,~ ri,ximur~ ~ie~~t~~ hf nnprcixirv~trly 13r f~c~t nncl h~in~ Incntr~i ~i~nrnxtinatrly
~,1, fPCt enSt nf th~ Ccntrrl in~ nf KnM t ~t r~c! ~.~nr1 fi~rthPr ~ir5cri-~rc1 ~s ?1~~~~ ?1,~i~~
11~~~~ '~~n^ ~nc~ ;~~11 11~St Th~irn[~n ~vc~n~~~.
t?CCI.I!S~ IFIC~~T~~v! Rf.~Uf ~~T~ ~~-7?n~ Tn i~~~_~~,~n~
U.~~It11lC~ Rf'~I1C~T NJ111~-~~ (~~~ (r,l MI~IINI!M FIOrR !1^Ft~ ((`) ~II!1-~~~~1~ L~~~^''~C/'~~" FP^!~T
S~TRl1f,f:~ (C) -Ii~lli~~'~~ ~I'.~C Y~~'~~. (D) H~~;~-~~i~~ 'IU'~f'f'~ ~'If` TY-'f ~f P~pl;l'I~ ;~~ff'~~ (f )
Pf:^~'ITTf:':~ Vflllr.t.llA!' ACCf 5",~ (~} ~I iUIRf': ~IT[ ~C.rfC~:l'J~~ (rl F+F^.MITT~"i 11~~1_I Hi I~IIT T^
RET`I'1 ~'t E;'ISTI'i~ ~i'~l.F'X, Trlf~!fY~ !!'Ii~ t~~r~~~. r•,"R~~~! C~-1~~[~'~~~~l~,
SUbIt•c.t ~~r~titi~n W.~S cnntir~~n~+ fr<ir~ fh~ ~•~~t~tinn r~f .l,~r~~~,~r ~1 ~n~n
,;i~i~t c ti~n:~ ~ ~~t i t(r~r~, Y ~ ~ tt~ n~{~nrt ~ 5~ ~~n
Th~rr w~•rc c•Icvrn n~rtr:ns in~+ic~tin~ thrir nrr~<•nc~ in ~rnn~.iti~n t~ su~~1~~~c rr~urS~~ .~nr±
alth~u~~h tht• Staf~ r~~~c>rt tn ~hr P;,~nnin~~ f.r~~,r,i~,~;ic~n -!,~,~~~1 ~rhr„nry 11, 1'~~^ w;~s nn~ r~~d
.it thr.. rublic hc•nrjnr~ it is r~1'rrr~c' t~ ~~r~rl i~,n~i~, ,~ ~~;rr( ~r ihr r~{nut~^5.
lr,!tt~r Car~IPri~ ,~nrn~, ctnt~~l ~hi5 nr,~p~•rty ar.7s ~~ri~~ir,,11y nwn~•! hy nn~ nnr~.y, hut ncry thc^
twc~ ciuplcx~s ar~~ rx.~nr~) I•~y tw~~ ~iif~~r~nt ~~~r.nrs; th~~t nC~hP~iin~ tn thr T:ex /1s5!~ss~r'~
PCCc~~ti5~ tflt• i~Ur~rX~~S Wt'~r CnnSC~tif.tC' I~l ~n~~ ~,1Rri thr ir~rnv~rrnts ~t4`1'~ f~l'St ASSt`SSCr~
in March~ 1^`~~~ ,~n~' tl~c nrnn,•rtv w.~S ~nn~r.r~ tn ~h~ f(tv nf ~~,h~i,.. ii~ Jul~~ 1^r~~ ~nc~ thr
(lU(~~('XCS WCf'F~ n011•Crlnfr~~i i^,. f'I`P"('x~St~n~7 ;:SfS; Ch,~C t~lc C)n~y r1~ih~ :1~tC-~1[~,~nS ~1~~[IC ~O
thr ~+r~r~rty w~re .~ frncr c~rS~ruct~~i in the c~nr~r nf thP r~rhr+~rtv in !^7~ whn~ a p~rtinn
Of thr nr~f~•~t ai,~s S~~l~f .~n~+ .~ n.~rl.inn irr~ ~~nS c~nstruct~~~ in t~~~ °rnnt ~r~.~~ nr~vi~llnq ~
p~~rG.in , 5n•iC.~S.
~anna '~lestb~rry~ 3~~3-~ Th~rntr,n, st~-+tr_ci th~v ~~r~ n~nnSP~! t~ thr recl~ssificai~nn !~~caus~ ii
w~~ulct sr[ n ~recc~~!•~nt `~r nt~~rr narcrls in thc irroecli~~~ ~r~•-~ ;F,~ r~n~1 ,hc• fnllcxvin~
5!~tc~rrn~ ~rnr~ th<• H~r~•', 1~ 1~177 City Council Ninu[~5;
"Counci lwor,t-n Kayriun~l ~nP~tFtJ ~ut th,at [he Vlanninn Comnissi~n r~z~nirtn nn suhlect
reclassifict+ti~~n~ -~s w~ll ~s thr_ next it~m on thc ~~~~nr!~~ ~ccl,~ssific:~tinn 'lo, 7!-77-]~~
w~~s thnt [hc5r ints frnnt nn Y,n~~tt and th~rrf~re~ would n~,t h~ r+~nronri~~te f~r sin~le-
f~~Mily resi~!rnti~il us~~ hut woulci bc ,~rc+r~nrl~tirp f~r dunl~x~s; thcr~f~r~~~ ihPSr
recl7ssificfiti~n; w~uld nnt est~blish ~ rr~ccc!ent hecnuse thesc lnts fac.r .~n ~rterlrl
hi~thr~iy; wl~nrc.~s. *.h~ la;s on Th~rntnn an~i (~rady d~ nnt."
She c~ntinue-l thcy f~rl ~n~"~v.~l nf this reRU~st wc~uld he sr+ot rnninn and ~ls~ th~re are
not F~nough p.ir{~ in!~ s~'~cr•s anc! n~~ nl.~cc f~r cF,i Ic.iren t~ r~ iy. She st.~stc~~ wticn Mr. Manr.i
bnu~ht the prqp~rty, t!~~~ ~7.~rir~~ wAt n~tit ,~n ar.--rtnent ~~nd thsrr_ w~s nevtr r trinlcx.
M( ~IUTES' l11JAME I M C I TY PlAtll~ I HG CAMN I S51 AN ~ Ff.URUARY 1 1~ 1'1~n E~~-~!~
FIO. 312~ (Readvcrtised) (continur~d)
Sh~ StAt~~l Sh~• i~ S~r~l in~i f~r M~, nnd NI'S, fclw~r~1S wh~~ Cr+nn~~t ~tL~nc! Anr! ,ir~ nh~nSr~1 t~
thls re~~i~st; th~~~t th~y arr trylnq t~ s~ll th~ir nrnncrtv in~~ nr~sr~~cfivr huy~rs inc!ic:atc
Coric~rn ~vrr si~hj^ct ~rn~~rtv s+nr1 thr fdrr~tirrl~ f~~~) fh~• usc ~~{ this ~+rn~~rtv hr5
d~rrec:l~t~~! thrir nrc~~,rrtv v~lur,
Fl~r;~ I'ct~rs~~r~ '~~;'7 Th~rnt~~n~ st~tr~1 sh~ 15 Stl'n!i~~ly ~nnnt~:~ t~~ this r~clrStif~catl~n
b~•c~'tu5~ fh~•r~• rr~ t~~ri~r• 1~25 fr,r Sn1~ in thc ~r~~~ .'+r~l Shr waS ~~ncrrn~~1 with rhic nr~~~rty
I'@70f1f'~!~ 1~i~~SP ~n15 Cf)il~~l f1P i~~'VI•~~~rCt) ~15 ninr ~r~~1I~~N''~~L Unit~. ~f1r SC~tr~! t.h~rc APC ~1
lnt ~f rhi 1!rrn ~n th~A Strt~~•t.
Il~len ~luc.l.irs~ "''~~'~'~ Thurr~tnn, ~r~~~erit~~1 ,~ nl~r,tr,nr,7~~h ~f suh1~•ct ~r~~n~•rtv nn,' St~te~~ th~
yaft~~l~g W'.'rn C,~ISY~`~'if~') ~~~~~ Y~'~fS il~lf~~ S~I~Ct` f~lf` ~1~'~f111jS ~'1~~VP~~ ~h, ~f1P' lnr~ir,~tr~' flfr
qp~~n5f t 1r~•~ ~~r. ";SC t!1~• ~ ~ ~ncXr1~ thi r~~ •1~~7~~f~K•nt nNf~i~S rx~1'P nnrE ln~~ Anr1 ~1(~~lt'ihrntS A~WAVS
brin~i ~M'i~r c1i~ l,irrn,
~OS~`i~~~ ~~St~"'fr`~ ~~~n,' ~i. I:f1~'if~~ S~~t(Pt~ ~t(~ w~1S f~P~Srnt ~S .l CnI1Cr1'11r~~ ~'~tjZl`ft (lf t~~~5
n~i~~4~hnr~~~~~i~!; t~~~~ t'~e Coi~x-~~'~Si~n hi' he~n f~ir in thcir tr~~~trx~nt nf hi~ r~nu~Sts in th~
p;~~;~ ~n.` ~v. I«,~r~' ll~~~y wc?i~l~' I,e -~S f~1 r wi th thi , ~~t i t ir>n~r. fl~ ;~:1in~1 hr h•~5 wl tn~SSec{
jr, tl~r~ S~~~S~. a•i ~~,t „r ninr, r,~~rit~~a tnr~rthinn h~• ~.~n flrrt h~) if~vr ~nr! th~t i5 ~ f~~n~iful c~f
n~•<~pl.~ >>hn a,ill n~~+ l~t +hrir nci~ahlor5 ~1rci~+.~~ f~,r th!•~~S~lvrS; tl~it n~iitir~r~t wrr~
S~r~.,,.~~t~, ~;,t t,rrvi„us h,,,rin~i~, i~~ri hr• Hat t~~l~i ~~iitinns r~e.~nt v~rv litfl~ tn thr f'lannin~
C~ri~i~•j~~n, fnf ~•il~ir:!+ hr w~S t~~:-n{titl, l~rc_1u5~ CF~~~SC ~~~[iil~~n~, ~uh~~lttr~l [nnt~incr~ ^~rlnY
f r:~~~i~ilent n~,.,r~ .
Cl~iirw~,ri~n ~3Rr~~~s rnin~~~' nut Yh~• C~Rx^is•,ir~n I~;~S n~~ r~tit~~~n•, in frr.nt ~f th~r^ f~r
Cf~ll$I~~Nfr1t1f1f1 Flfl(~ i1S~t!i:'~r, 15~~Uf~1 tfl ~jl'~J( f}jq •••I.~~1rG.~i ~~` <<1~S 1'~`I~11!'St.
~~1'. ~sl,nrn SL1tP') ~`C ~~~~PS f1f~! ~thJ(~CC f.~~ ih~S 1'l`~!UPSt~ ~~tl[ f!nT5 h~~jPCt C~1 :hr KI'All(IU~P11L
n~rx•5 nn ~i,~tlti~,ns .~n~i 4~~~r.i~~in~; nf ~i•nnlr tryirr, t~~ ir.~~rryv~ th~i~ ~rn~~~rty ;~n<i hP ohi~~Cs
to th~ yn~m~~ 1.'+r~Y brin~;in~~ h~r c.hi i~'r~•n tn thc r~e~rtinn tc~ 1~'k`I'n55 ~r~~l~,
~h~( fWnf^%lT1 ~dl't~(`S 15~ t~~~ N~, ~5horn A~111f1 tf~ l(i'~~(~SS Chl ~ r~rt icu1.9~ lSSUP.
1!r. f1Sl~~,rn St.~te~% COnr~~issic~nnr Y}n~~ haS S[:-t~d t-» CitV '~ ~n.~ht:ir•i n+~ec15 l~w-CnSt housinq
~n~l th~•sr. clontl~r~n nrc tryln<~ tri ~r~vic'.c~ lrw+-c~s[ I~nusin~~ .~n~1 hc tn~~ in tf~~^ futur~~ will
pr~bnbly hN in [h~•ir s.+r~c ~~~sitinn nnd want~~~ tn htt rtSUrec) thP f~~iSCinn wt11 h~ ~'~s f~ir
with this ~~~~(~lic~~nt C~,dny as th~y will be with {~i~ in the fut~ir~.
Nr. Carden ~li-! n«t think i t~~ccedent wil) he set ~~ this ~ituatlnn bec~us~ th~ dupiexPs
h.~vc bccn Lher~ f~r "1 yF,~rs An~i the petitinncrs ~rr n~rrly ~~Skin~ th.it tf~c ~ro;~~rty be
~ec:l,~ssiFiFcf t~ r~ulti-f,~r~tly. He ~xplain~~c1 [her~ wfl) hP nt~ ~r~ditinn~l children becauSe
1[ is a~m~•~<•~1r~c-r~ a.h~rtnxrnt ~n-! it w~>uld b~ Imnrrctic~l t~~ h~vc chilr~ren thcrn. Ile
st~'-te~~ hnth th<~S~• n~ir~7~rs h.ivc heen use•' as resid~nce5 ~rlor tc nurch~~s~ by th~ ~rrsent
owners and thc 11Enn i g.i r~igc~ wAS be i r~~~ 1 i ved i n c:v~n thc~uqh i t w~s in r,n stnt~ to be used
as llvin~ ryuart~•rs and I~r. !~enni has i~~+q~rnve~l it and th~re s-r~ ; p~rkin~ sr•acr~s in front
of Nr. Nanni's prn~erty an~.1 3 in frc~nt of Hr. Sa~1~i~hianl.
TIIC P~f;1.IC IIf "~I'l~ 4A~ CL^SE~D.
MINUTES~ A-~~f1El-~ CiTY PLANNING CnnnI551a-~~ FFRRUARY 11~ 19Rn Rn-q1
N0. 3122 (Readvertisad) (conttnued)
Commissi~n~r Y~in~ ++~re~~i Yhere Ar~ eight (A) ~+.irkin~ s~.1C('S~ Anci Commisst~n~r tlavi~l
clartfl~~1 th~~t th~ n~1~!itl~ns wer~ nl) don~ wliile the ~r~n~rty wAS in th~ County and Mr,
Carden state~l thc ~fu~lex~s wcr~ c~nstrutt~d tn l~r~' ,ind t.he ~r~hcrty hns br~n usrr~ f~r
resi~lenti~~1 nu~~~xes mAnY ye:+r~. He ~xplAin~d Mr, Mnnni ~~nd his broth~rtn-lna h~~uqht the
pr~~perty In 1~7( ~inr1 solrl ~ne ~f tl,e c1u~Ir,xeS t~~ Mr. SAdr~clhi~ni lnst ye.~r ,,n~i cnnstruet~d
thc fencc bctwPCn the two ~rorertics.
Cor^r~issinner DAVi~1 f~lt *'~.• ~^salt~r shr~ul~i h.~vr i+lscl~s~d this inf~rm,~tinn tn th~ nrw
awncr ,~n~J Commisslonrr t~~~shr~r~• ~~~,k~ci if nny ~f the ~wnc~rS Hr~ iic.rnse~l in r~•~1 FStA[r,
Anqeln Mannl, Z1~!1; Thc~rnt~~i~~ rxnl~(n~c1 he w.is n~t n r~~il ~stntr ,ti-i~nt when ~~~ purchase~l
th~• pr~~~~rty ~n-' hec.tim~ ,~n nn~nt in 1'177. I1~ ~x~lnin~rl thc ^~~r~~F wi~, usc~~! n, r~si~~nce
wh~n h.r. ~urch~sr~' th~ nr~p~rty~ hut th~ ~.~r~i~i~ c~r~rs ,+c~r~ thrr~ ~nc1 h~ hn~? r~r~,v~ci th~
garagr dcx~r nn~~ rri~x~~leled th~ wh~~l~ nl~ce w(thout ~ermltS, Ile tt~~tP~~ he wnul+l h,~-ve t~
ta4~.e .~ whnle Sectir~n n~it in or~i~r tc~ ~ut thr ~,~r~~~ 1~nrs 1~~~~~ ~n.
Cor~r+iss~~ner (lushnrr st~~t~c1 r~~rl~clnn the n~~r~~q~ ~~~~rs w+~uld hrincl th~ ~rn~erty h~ck t~
thc~ arl~lin~1 c~n~iiticm with twc~ ~iu~~lcxes whtch ~,ci~t~~f ~rior [~ ~~nnexntion, H~ stACPcI thc
Fence w~~5 construct~~i cnvr_rin~t thr riutu~) n~~r~ In~,
Mr. Manni st~ite~! h~ h~ci cr,ns;ructecl th,r f~nce heC~luSn c~ w~z h.ivinn trnu~l~ ~~~rkin~~
ex~lAinin~i h~~ 1 iv~s ~n the nrnnrrty.
Commis.ioner QuShnrr. stAt~d Nr, NAnni's dreisi~n t~ s~lve ~,r~ (nn nr~hlPnrs nr n~a c~wn
proprrty his c~use•i ~ ~~r4.in~ ~mbler~ fr~r [hr rPSt ~f thc nriqh~~nc~x~~l. i!e f^~r the fence
51~~•uld b~~ rr.rnvc~:i in~l thr ~ira~~ d~~rs put hack„ Hc s[ate~1 Nr. Manni 1 ivc~i with thr
SltuAtion fnr [wn ye,~r5 .inc1 ~+.~, -lnnni st~[Pd hF c~~ul~ cnntml thc sltunti~n unt(1 hc S~lc~
[hc propcrcy,
Cor~~~i ss irm~r llush~~re .i~l.ed i f n ~,~r~~<~r c~u~ d hc c~~st ructe~l ~n thc b~ck ~+~rt 1on ~f the
prop~rty .~n~1 f!~in Shcrc~r~ ,'.oninry Renr~sentnttvP~ f~lt thc ~~O~P~fy is t~x+ narrr~w An~
stAted i t is c~~nc~ i vnh le• tn ~r~vi d~ ~ne c~v~r~d n<~; 1. i n~ s;~.ic~ ~n F~~rt i~n A, hut r~ccess
would t>~ intiib+tecl by tlie fence.
Cor~missi~ner t3ush~rc• ~s~.ed if q~ra9es c~uld be constru~[eci in thP frnnt ,~n!1 -'r, Sherer
StAted they woul:l hc in the fr~nt setb~ck, inci ~~ waivrr woul~l Ms renuirc~l.
Ccxm~issl~ne-' Tolar stitr.d thc two dui~iexcs werc qr.~ndfathered int~ thr~ City~ but he is
op~~~sc~d Lo recl ~ss i f ic~t ir,n of ~~ny ~roperty (n th.it ~re,~ and fe ~ t the hr~rac~e sh~ul d-
reconverted ~in~; thc p~r4 inn ar~a in front c~l(r~in.~ted ~nr1 l~ndsc~~~~n~ ~rnvi~le~{ s~ the
property gives an ~~~titude~ ~f residrntial USP..•,
Dean Shcrer stated there arc no d~r.um~nts (huil~:in? pern~ts) ir. the file Nhich establish
thesc ~s le~ai non-c~nf~rming units; that n~rmally buildin~a permits arr. fnrwarded to the
City of An~iheim frnr+ the Cou~ty when ~r~pcrties are t~nnexed. He sCrt~d oriqinally it wr~s
staff intenti~n tc~ m,~tnt~~in the RS-7.'.~~ zaning anci caii c-ut waiv~rs. but the City Attornry
adv) se~~ berause thc usF~ are m~~l t( n{e ~ i t was nec~ssary to reci ass i fy the property int~ ~~
multi-ft~mily ~~ne,
MI!IUTfS~ A~IAIIEIN CITY PL~-~N~N~ Cf1MMISSION~ Ff.[~RUARY 11~ 1!-~~ ~~-~2
N~, 3122 (Reedv~srclsed) (contlnucd)
Cor~nlssi~>~~•r Tninr in~fi~~ted o~(~~>Sltlon to rrcl~~ssificntlon t,rcruse nth~rs w~u1~1 p~lnt to
th~sc t~c:ticins An~' wr,uld r~~uest r~~classific~~tlnn. He 4tr+t~~~ ~~e ~t nlso ~n1~~4P~' to the~
qar,~n~ ~:~nVrl'Sl~~n .~nd hl~c~can r~rr,n wherr lan~l~c:~~inc~ sh~u1~1 hc. Ile titrtPd h~ w~u1~1 not
br~ rrr~r~s~~~1 t~ th~ ~furl~xc5 brtinn ~'+11cri~c~l thrnu~h scr~e ~~~tinn~ h~it nnt. r~tlnSSific~tl~n.
Corriissi~~ne•r I3USIinr~ r~fPrref t~ Chc fence h~twrrn thr ~r~~ertirs nn~i th~ nnrrci~ ln the
mid~tlc~ stts-lnri it wr~ul~~ h~ rlifficult t~ ~l~t ri c~~r in An~i ~~.it ~f th~ ~~nr~i~r. if it is
r~c~nv~rt~~1~ rn~i th~rr is n~~ rir~.inn ~ut ~mn[,
Gorx~is~;ion~~r Tol.~~ ,1iiJ nnt thin{. the trn~~nissir~n Sl7nulcl try tn rr_~,olv~ thc5~ ~mhlem~
~~r,nuSr thnt 1, ihc n~~ti tinncr's r~S~~onS(bi 1(ty; th~it thc f~rc~ ~-nn h~ r~mnve~i ~~nd n
cor~rxm :lrivew~iy Crnvici~;i. -le f~lt tl~e m~tt~r Shnul~i h~ c~ntin~ie~1 untll t.h~ rrnhlem i~
re5~~l ve~l.
Mr, Cnr~{~~n st~tt~~l t,l•.in~~ nut. thr f~nce woul,l cr~:+tc ~+r~r~ in~ ~rnh1~~~5 wit~~ nnly tw~~ sn~tcs
in Cttcl~ qnrncar f~~r n t~~t~l of fc~u- An~l t~~cY r.urr~ntly c~n ~.ir~ rin~~t vrhic:les ~n ait~.
Carn~.i~Sinn~r T~lnr frlt thr_ ~Ar~in~~ ~~uC ~r~nt rhnn~~rs the whnl~ fac~~~f~• ~f thr
n~~i~ihb~rh~~~~'. ~ie St,~t.eci h~ r~•~~1(tes yo.i crinn~~t fnrc~ ~rr~lr t~~ r+rr~ In th~tr n~rAcle, hut
f~lt with ~h,• fr~ic:c rcrxivc•~i nn~l lan~l5c.~~,inr nr~~vl.l~~1~ the ~iu~irrr•R w~ulrl h~ ~ec~(~tablr.
C~rttnissic~nrr ilrrbs+. f~~lt this rc[iti~ner hni c!rwm~~r~~ie~', thr w~~~lr nri~~hhnrh~~,1 ~-m~ if
prnprr pcrr•~tts h~~f b~•en r~r~ueste~l, th~ ~rtitt~ncr woiil~l h~ve ~~nnNn tf~~t this iti r~~~x
accer+r.,ibl~, Ile f~•It this tllr~~l cnnv~rsion F,A~ heen ~i.~n~ rt t-~r. ~•x~~~ns~~ nf tnr
Hr. CA~~~Cr. ~+ie1 n~~t thin{ thr n~•ic~l,horhn~,r1 h,~~1 h~~cn ~~cwrr~-~r~~~1ec1 r~i~f ~nint~cl ~ut n~ ~ermits
are rr~ulrc•,I f~~r thc bl,,c~ t~,t~ ,'~nc; thc~ ~nly rrrr:it ~~~luire~' ~•~,s f~r the sir{ewalk. He
St.~tc~1 thry r_nul~! r~r~,v.~ thr hl~cl.t~~{~ nncl ~rr~ in t~~~ mi~l~lle ,,~~in,
COmmIS' l~~nc • Tolrr sts+t~•.1 the ~f~~blrm is fF~~t tl~c ~r<>nerty h~~es hcrn ~v~rhui lt ~nc1 ~S Mueh
~s h~~usin~ ig ne~Jcri in e~~i5 ~re.~. he did n~~t thin~ it sh~ul~f h~ ~rnvid~~~ (n this m~nner;
th~t he• fs t~tally iri f~v~,r ~f Gl~r frrc-entrr~risr. sy3trr+ ~f lettin~ ne~p1F do~ wfthin
reas~m~ble restr:~ints~ wh,~t~•ver they want with their ~rn~~rtv, hut shu~ldrr~~i t~ think wh~t
kind ~f f.ity w~• wouf~' h.~vn if everyone ~~v~d thrir front are~s ancJ huilt tr(plexPs an~i
dunlexes wf thou[ an~ro~nl . Ha wanted the b1.~c4:ton remnve~i~ I~ndsc.injnr~ previd~d in front
and tl~e prape•rty eorvertec! hack. t~~ the r~r~y i t w.~s ~+urch~sed.
Mr. Carden exn~~'+~ned the n~~rane was use~l ~S livin~ ~u~-+rtc~ri when Nr. Hanni purchase~~ the
property; th~~t nne p~r[ic~n has ~ triplex~ an~f [he othcr is still A~IU(1~PX an~l the garaqe
is usPd r+s a f~~^.i 1y r~~-~.
Comriissi~ncr Dushc~re statecl he would not Sup{~~rL r~clASSificAti~n: that he felt the
blacktnp sh~uld he rcrnve<f and the retiti~ner shn~~l~ stipulatc t~ rer-nvP th~ fence An~l a
recinmct+l ~~ark.inc~ Agreer-c•nt ~rovi~lPd.
Mr. CarJen st.~ted they are Willing t~ remov~ the tence ~n~1 nr~vicle prrkinq in the midcile~
but it w~uld nc-t be c•cnn~mitally feASihle to reconvert the g~ra~r.
N0. 3122 (Reodvertised) (contlnued)
Cor~missinnrr Tolar felt thc, cwiner hAS cre~te~l the h~rriship anci st.~t~~i he w~uld supn~nrt th~
ltvlnq quart~rs wlth th~ !~~~racJc ~io~rs In t,~ct~ Indlc~tin~ ,nri.~in h~ f~lt th~ nr~pr.rty is
Mr. Cer~1~n st~ited th~ petl ti~n~r I5 wi 1 I tnc~ t~~ r~r+x~v~ thc blACktnn t+n~l f~ncc~ hiit ~1(d n~t
Agree thAt cnnv~rtin~~ f.l~e livin~~ qu~rters tn r~,~r~~c~~ wn~ilcl f~e fnir. !Ie st~~te~~ ther~ w~uld
bF ~cccss prnhlcrr~s ~~c•ttin~~ ini~ the ~aracl~.
Commissi~n~r Tol~r• f~lt Mr, CarclPn is wcll-v~rs~~.1 In thP :~nin~ I~ws .ind clid n~t
un~krStend his ~,nsiti~n l~ttin~ ~veryone ~±~ ~~nvthin~ th~y w~~nt~ n~intinq nut thc+re is no
plnce for chil~!ren t~ ~l:rv on these rr~~~~rtl~s, etc. nn~! nslecl wh~re* t~ cir~w thrt Ilne with
th~ next ~~~rson re~~i~5tinq i simil~r v.~rlance. He stitr:l t~r wnulcl ~ff~r ,~ mnti~n for a
continunncc~ nr •~ ~IPni~l,
Mr. Car~~en contene'eci t-~is woulci not srt ~'t pr~c~d~nt h~c~~usr, thry rrc nnt te~~rinq c1c»vn ~
singlc-faroily residFn~c t~ cnnstruct thc ~u~l~xcs~ h~,t ar~ askinn f~r ~~~rnv.'-1 nf .~ usc
whi~h h.~s b~cn in ~r.i~t~nc.~ fc,r .^1 ye.irs.
Co~~missi~n~r Ilerhst [~~inte~l ~>ut ,ill units wc~ul~i I,;-ve tn h~ hrni~~ht u~ t~ City C~~~~~.
~1r. Carden r~~{~l ie~l they hn~i chec~:ecf intn th~se C~dc~ :+n,l i t cnul~i hF ncc~~+n1 ishe~~ .;t a
Gt~st of ~rrr~xin~t~ly 52~~`~^ nn thr ~~~nni nr~~crty.
Georc~~ Sa~~~~ihi~ni stAtr~! he bou~ht this ~+rn~r~~t~~ ~ tn f r~nths ~~tr An~! ~~is irnnrc,ve~1 (t to
an ar.ce(+tahi~~ st.in~iarc! ~f livin~~~ hut he ~'id rr~t I.n~w~ ,ih~ut hrin~inh it u~ t~ Coc1c and hc~w
muCh i t wi i 1 c~st; th.~t 1~e~ is nc,t hui 1 ty af ~nvtf~ln~ i i leq.it ; th~t thr fence w~s
con~tructe~l bcc~use Hr. 1!anni fe~t f~~ woul~ have morr rrivacy hecaus~ he liv~5 there; th,~t
thr ds~~lex~~s d~ have a backyar~f whc-re the ~ i~:s nlaY• N~ ciid not think it fair t~ ~ake him
suffer f~r mist.~~.~s n~c1e :'~ y~.~rs nqe.
Conmis~i~ncr Qusi,nrc~ expl~inr.cl thc Conr.issinn is tryinn c~ consi~l~r thc circumst~ncss i~c~
protect Lh~ intec~rity of thc• nei~f~horh~d .~nd went tu c~nr= u~ with ~ solutinn i~ allevia[e
the probfer~ th~t exists.
Mr. Sacl~~ghi~ni in~lic.•+te~~ he woul<i d~ ~nythin~ in his ncx~cr tn impr~ve the situati~n; an~i
th~iL he h~s s~+~nt i lnt ~f rx~ney to imprnve the ~rc~rcrtv and unnr~de the nei~hborh~d,
Comrissioncr dushnrr su~~~sted a c~ntinuance sc~ th~~sc two pro~crty ownPrs can wnrk out a
Mr. S~daqt~iani st~tecl he h~s had n~ ~~isAnreemr_nt with 14r, M~nni; th~t Mr, flanni nut the
fr~ce un b~•causc he h~~d n~ controi nver the SHdaghi<~ni tenant. Ne ~lici not think any
prob 1 ems w~u 1 d bc~ snl ved by r~convr rt i nn the 1 1 v i nc~ rc-c~m i ntn a ar+raclr. hecause then the re
would be~ ~ duplex ~~ith~ut ,~ livin~ rn~r~ .~nr! cars could not t.~e p~~rkrd in the q~~r~~e anyw~y.
Contmissi~~~c~r E3ush~r~ st~+ted he would he wi l l in~ to 1 isten to Mr. Sad~c~hi~~ni's testimony
because his situati~n existecf f~r many ye:srs; hut Hr. Manni to~k off the qar~~~c daor on
his unit. Ile want~d revisc~' ~lans submitted with thc~ fFnce an.c~ ~sphalt re~ve~l.
NIt~UTES~ AHAHEIM CITY PLAN~~I~~~ COMM1551f1~~~ Ffl1RUARY 11. 19A~ 8~-94
NQ. 3122 (Readvertis~d') (continued)
Cormi~ ;ianer Tolt~r r,t~~t~d the r~vis~d ~Inns r~ust show tNO du~lex~S (one on ~ach lo[} ~~n~i
he would consicler the one c~nrn~e t~s Ilvin~ ~unrters if lt rx~ets City CA~nS but tt is un
t~ th~^ petiti~ncr tc+ resolve th~ ~mhlems r~nc1 Hr, Sadighitini stAted his unit is v~ry nld
nnd l,~ wis n~~t sur~ this could hr_ nccomrl ishc:i.
~nnilc.~ Sant~~lahti~ /lsslst~nt Dlreet~r f~r lonlnc~~ stnt~d nnc ~i~ldttlnnal waiv~r ner~d5 tn b~
Advcrt i secl ~ b~iscr~ ~~n the Conrnl 5S I on ~ 5 su~lc~rs t i ~ns t~ n~t rec l nss t fy ihe nrn~~rty.
Mr. Sadiqhi ini ~sl c~1 for n clnClS i~~n t~dny ~ stnt tnn th~r~ is r+ cnnnl+~tc unrlerst.~ncfin~
b~twccn h~ nn~i Hr. 1~~inni,
Jac:k Whic~~ Asststnnt City ~ttnrn~y~ ~x~lnin~d ar ,~dditlr.n,~l wniv~r ne~riS t~ b~ ~dvertise~i
an~1 rv~~n if ~ill ~artie, ,r~~ <i~rc:e.~bl~ tn~l~~y, th~ r~ct~est c~uld n~t hc ~nnroved.
ACTI~t~; Co~~r~is~,t~~n~r Tolar c~ff~red ~ rx~tl~n, Secon~irci hy CormiSStnncr l~ush~rr :+nr1 MnTI~~!
CARRIE!~ tf»t rnnsidcrnt~on ~f [!~c afor~rx~ntionec~ itcn br_ cnntin~i~~l rn th~ rP~~.~l~~rly-
sth~rlulcrl mrctinci ~f M~rch 1(1~ 1^"!1~ tn ~i~lvertisc ,~n ~~icllfinnnl w.~ivrr nnrl fnr th~
patiti~ncr [~ subr,it rcvi~;ed ~~I,ins.
ITE:M N~. J PI;t~LIC HCAFI-lf. 0`,/NErS: C. H. P~,T~L~ 13^~ S West
E R NL~GA VC GE~L~RhTl~tl Strert, An,7heir~, C~ ~2`<n;, Petitinn~:r requcsts
VA^.tn°It:f N~. 313~ wAIVE~. 0~ MI~~IMU-~ NUNRE~ OF Pr~pr,l~~r. SPnCFS T~ EX^A-~D
A'~ EXISTI!1C M~TFL ~n propcrty clPSCribf•c+ AS a
rect~n~uiarly-sh~ped ~~rccl ~f lnnd conslstinq ~f
ap~r~xir~~tely '1.~ ~~cr~, havlnc; ~~ front~i~ie r.f npprortr~ately f?7 fer_t on the west side of
We,t Strect~ h~ivtn~~ ~~ e,nr,im~r, r;~_pth ~f ~~pr~xtmAtcly 3'1~ feet. .an~i bei~a locatPd
~~p~roxinli~tcly : 1~ fect north of th~ centprl inc of Y.atel 1:~ ~venuc~ ~nrl furt.h~r dPStribed as
17F,9 South West Strcet. (rrincess Motel) Property 1-r~~scncly classi fi~d C-R (C~'~MFRC1111-
Thc re r~as no orie i nct t c~~t i n~~ the i r p r~sence i n np~os i t f c~n to s ub J ~c t re~ues t~ and ,a 1 though
the staff report to thc Planniny Cor~rnission riate~ Februa~y il~ 19;0 w~s not reacl at the
pub 1 i c hr,aring, ~ t i s referred tc~ r~nd ma~ie n nart of the r,l~uc~s.
John Swint~ agent~ stt~teci this !s his seventh requcst f~r waivcr nf nar~:ing since 1^71 and
the argumcnts are thc SJ~'1P..
TIIE PUIiLIC NCA?i-ar ~rns c~ose:..
~esnc~ncling to Corrnnissi~ner Davi~!'s question, Mr, Swint explained Variance No. :'2!•1~ was
grAnted for , waiver nf ~,~>.~~7 ar.d this request i:c for ~;~~.
-- - - •- -----._ ' ' ~
ACTIf~t~: Corx~~t~slc~ner' Kln~i ~ffrr~cl a rx~tl~~n~ S~c~nd~~~l hy ~~mr~l5sl~n~r Fr~~ an~1 Mf~T1~N
Cl1RRI(.I~. th;~t thc M~~fici~r~ City Pl~~nninu Co~+r~lsst~>n h~15 r~ ~c~~cd thc proc~c~s~l t~ expan~i .~n
exlstln~ -nnt~l with w~~iY~~s of n,lnimum number of pnrkin~i ~,~~ices n~ A r~ct~n~ularly-sh~pe~d
~a~tel nf l.~n~1 c~ns~5t(r~~ of ~~~~i~roxlri 'ely ~.E~ Acr~ 1•~;-vinn r, fmntnn~~ ~f ~t~l~r~xi~v~tely ~'~7
fect on Chc~ we~t si,-c• -~f Wcst .`.tr~~t, n~ving t+ mt~xirwrn ~ir~>th of ~1(1~+f~XlmAi~iy '~~~ fe~t~
and bctn~ l~cnted in{~r~~x1',ateiy 21~ fcct north nf thc c~nterl ine ~f Kat~l lr Avenusr; nnd
docs hrrebY ap~~rov~ th~~ ~le~~tiv~ Dcclarntl~n from th~• rcnu~remcnt tn pre~~rr An
env(ronment:+) ir,pact. roF»rt on the bostr, th~~t ther~ w~ulcl be n~ sinnificnnt Inctividua) ~r
eumulativc a~'v~rsc~ envlrnnnx~ntol impact ~luc t~ th~ a~t~r•~~y~~l of t-~i•, 'Je~ativr, DPC~t~rot(~n
S~tiCE'• Cf1~' ~n1fiC~r+ Gencrnl f ~Af1 desi~~~ntes Lh~ SUhJ(`CC t~mrcrty fn~ COfMnt'~C~~~-recr~at(ni~
land us~•S c~mrrnsvratr~ with th~ ~mp~sal; thnt n~ sensftlvr. environmentr+l lmp~'-cts Are
involved in th!~ ~ro(~~~5a1; Lhat. t.he Initi~l Stu~{y ~uhnitte~+ hy the ~r.t~ttnn~r inciicntes no
sl~mlfic.int in~+lvlciu.~l nr cumul~iiv~ ~~~1ver5~• Fnvimnn~n~~'+1 ir~~,~c.ts; ~~n<' th.~~. ttie NP.nAi~Ve!
UeclarAtinn s~ibs[.inti:~tin~~ [hc fc~rc9~inq ftn~llnqs is on fil~ in tF.c Clty ~f A~,~hE`im
Pl~~nninc~ Uen,irtmrnt.
L'~mmir~sinncr Kin~ ~~f~erP~l P.esolution No. P~Q~(1',~~. ~~~1 rx~~c~1 fnr its prssa~r fln~i ad~ption
that thr. ~n~hri~; City Pl~annin~~ Ca~~~n~l,sir~n docs herrhy ~r~~nt PPtitlc+n f~r Va~ i~neP N~. 31'iZ
with ('~~; ~,f thc~ t~tal rc~n~~ir~'~; ~,irkinn b~~in~t nmvld~d nn th~ b~sis th,~t ~~ c~rt9in
pcrcent~~c of thc c~uest5 nrrivc hy a transn~rtatinn cx,~te oChcr than ~ v~te ~utor+~oh~le and
d~ni;+l ~r~ ,:1 1 dc(+rivc s~il,ject pro~crty of ~~ pr(vi lrn~ acinn enj~ync' bY ~~ther nr~p^rt;es In
thc sane :nne an:i vicinity anrl sub_j~•~:t ta Int.er'!f(~ditr'C.nL~'1~ Cc~mmltt~e rr.corr+r~rnc!~~t1~1f1S.
On rall e211~ tlie f~~rec~nin~ r~~ol~itian was (~~SS!'(~ by the f~llowinr~ vote'
AYES : C^"-11 c~ ~^~Ii'^5 : (lA.~llE:S ~ NUSH~P.C ~ DA~~I D, f~'.Y ~ HF "~)ST, Kt'~~ ~ T~l.~."
P10E~i : C^HI11 SS I!~!1C ~~ : I~^!iE
AF35E!JT: C~r~-~,I~~I^'iE.f'.S: r~o~tC
ITfM N~, ~' PI~F~LIC HC1~~111!'. 0'~'NEP>t DUI+!I[ HI.A.~1t~1rKA~ 1.(,u^
E~R' C%1TC~,~^IC/1l f.X,CMF`TI''~!I-CL~S~ ~ R.ussell ~venuN~ Anaheim~ f,A ~1~;~1. Petltioner
V~^I~`~CC N~. 3;~ r~ctuFSts ~IAIVEP OF Mt111~11)-t SI~CYApf~ SCTC~l+CK T~ C~lISTR~CT
A R~~t! ADDITIO-i ~n prnoerty d~sc~ih~ci .~s
a r~ctenqul~rly-shaned ~.ircel ~f lAnc+ r.on~istin~ of
ap(~roxir~ately 1~~~!9'~ squ~~rc fect havln~~ ~ fr~ntaqe o` .~nnroximF-t~ty ~r~ f~et ~n t~•e south
Side nf Russcll Avenuc~ havinn a nar.im~~m dcpth oF ~~t~nroxinatrly 1~'~ f~~t an~1 beinq located
aprroxir~~trly !~3' fP~t eas[ nf the centerlinc nf La "eina Stre~t~ and furth~r d~scrih~9 as
2Eh" Russel l ~v~nue. Prr;perty prrsently classi fiPC+ P.5-77~~ (RESI~~'~1TInl ~ SI'I~1_E-fA.MIt.Y)
Z~NE .
It was notc~~f th~ p~titic~ner was not nresent .~nd f~llnwinc~ Iter~ No. l~~ ~fter staff's
contact wi th th~ '+n~l ic~nt~ tt;e f~l lc~win~ moti~n w~s mt+~ie.
l1f.T10N: Corn~is5lc,nc•r Davic! offerf~d a rtx~tfan~ Sr~(1~rjf!c1 hy C~r+mis~i~n~r Kinc~ anc~ M~TI~N
AR..I _n~ th~~t cor.siclerAti~m of the af~rementioned m~tt~r he cuntinuecf to the rer~ularly•
schec{ule~l ~~eetinn ~f Fehruary 2i~ 1~'~~ at tt~c re~~uest nf the ~~titi~nPr~
N 1 yuTES ~ AtIAHC 1 N C I TY PLANN I NG CnMM I SS I(1N ~ Ff.DRU~RY 1 1~ 19Fn R~-~1h
ITE.M ~I~. ~1 PU!ll.if ~ICl1P,It~~, ~~lNErs; LIICI~ ~ITT~ Cf1I;P~R~Tl~~1~
F1lrC7R'~`~Rlr,nt. EXF-+rTl~~l-Cl.l1'S ~~ ln~~l Eluxin~ss f.cnt~r Orivc~ Irvinc~ ~l~ q?71~~, A~F`IT;
1~1'I I1(.t ~~(1. ?1~~ VICTf1R A. ~I~SSAR~ ?n~~l [lusin~sS f.~•nr~r 11riv~~ Irvin~~
C~ `~'.71 ;. Pr.titl~ner r~nu~st5 W~I~'F~ ~F NI'!I-~u-1
STuUCTI!R~L SCTf~~~Y, t~ C~'~~~T~Uf.T ~ TC'Ra I~ f,~~I~^T r,n
prn~~•r[y clP~,crih~,c1 ,~c nn irrc~ulr-rly-shr+nc~ci ~.~rc~l ..f lnnrl r:nn~i-t.inn nf ~pnr~xtmntrly 1,~
t1cr~ hnvln~~ ~~ frnr~t~qr nf ;~~,~rnxlr~Atrly lh~ frnf ~r t~+e nr~rth ~,i~1.• ~f ~r~Sr.~nt flrlve~
h~ivin~~ n r~~~xir*,um r~r~th ~f n~,~•rc~xtr+v~t~ly ;-~1, Fc~rt~ .in~i hcin~~ l~~~c+~te~l ~nnr~~xiMr-trly ll~n
fr.et ~MS< <~f thr c~~~t~rl lnr nf R~y.i) f1nE. Roe,l, ancl furthcr clFSCri~~~ d as ;'~?1 CreSCrnt
driv~, Prn~r_rty -~rrs~~ntly cl,~ssifi~~1 R~-HS--~'t~~'~~1(.SC) (RfSIDf'ITI"L~ SI'!PL!-i'~~~IIY
II ( Ll.~ I'1E' ) i ~fJf .
Th~~r~~ w~S r~~ c,ne in~lie.~[in,~ t'~air nrrs~nce in nn~~strinn t~~ suhjrr.t rr~u~st, .in:1 .ilthnuqh
thc st:~ff rc~n~~rt kc~ tl~~ Plrnnln~~ Cnmr+issinn r1,~trci Frhrunry 11~ 1~"''1 w,~5 nnt rc~~l ~it. th~
puhlle he,~rlnn~ it is rrf~•rr~~1 tn nn~1 n~~1~ ;- ~nrt ~f tl~e~ min~~t~S.
Ch.ii-wnr~nn IIArn~S ~i~~ l~r~~1 ,~ r~nfllct ~f int~~r~st n~ A~~firic~l hy M,~hci~~ Cfty Pl~innin~
Comnissi~~n P,cs~~luti~>n ~I~, F'C7F-1~,7~ ,~c1~~~~tinc~ ,~ C~nfl(c- nf Int~r~st ~orir fnr ~h~ Pl~~nnin~
~(M1~`1~SS~f1f1~ Rfli~ ~OVC•rnrncnt ~O~~fiCC'i~n 3~.~~i (`~ SC~1. ~ in r~lti ~.~1I~ ~(V~S r'1CMS5 Chn SLI'Cf`I
fr~r~ Subjrct ~~r~nrrty .~nc1, ~ursu~nt t~~ ihe prnvir,i~ns nF thr ~hc~vr c~~~1~5, with~rrw frnr~
Lh~ hearin~i ln cnnn~~cti~m with b'Ari~~nC~ 'I~. 313~ in~~ ~~i~l nnt t.~y~~ n~rt in ~ithnr thrt
dl5cut5i~n rir the v~~tin~~ t`~c'renn~ ~n~1 h,~ci n~t d15c.u55t~~1 thiS ru~ttrr with .~ny r~er~h~r of th~
Pl~innin~• Corv~is~ irn. Therc•un~n~ Ch.~irw~m,~n I'rrncs l~ft ~f~~ C~ur~c i l Ch~mh~r ,vt 1:3~ n.M.
Ch~~irrn.~n Pr~~ Tcr~~,r~ 7olnr ASSUP~r~I th~ C.hnir,
`t~~ve Rosr., ~feti~;n~~r ~f Thc r~nj~~Ct, S[ate~~ th~y ~~rc hm~~,tinq t~~ s~t t~i~ t~~ni5 c~urt
within thr r.xtstin~~ sr•th~c~: rn~f t:h~t ~[~ff h~s :+~'visr~l him tf~r Pl.inninn Co~misti~h h:~s
r~eor~rrm!c + th~ ~rdinnnc~ h~ eh~ngrd ~~hich is currrntly hefnr~ th~ City Counci i,
Annit;~ SarCilahti, ASSistAnt Glrc~c[nr fr~r 'loninri~ st~-tr~i thr Cuuncil ,i5{~~1 str.ff L.~
eont.~ct th~~ h~~r~r~~w~i~r'~ s+ss~~ciit(nnR r~<i~r:finn ~he nr•n~~iterS ~rc+innnc~ An-~ ty.'-t iK bein~
dpnN ~t. th~• ~~rc*5~~nt ti~K~ ,~n~1 thia ~rr,irr.t ~'nrs cr,r~ly wit~~ fhr• Co~rniss~nn's rec~r-rn~ir~
C~de /1mcn~lr~rnt.
T11C PUi?l.lf HC,'1f 1'1~ 41~,~. CL~';E:".
Res~~~n~{ing to Cor~r~is5ic.ner Il~rhst's ~u~sti~m~ ~~r, Posc ~x~1.~incd thcrr will h~ dciwn-
l i~htlnc~ wi [h tcnnis c~urC l i~~~t~s.
Mr. Rose siate~S hP u~ntac.tPd ~ne nei~7hh~~r whn ~1.~ns t~ hulld ~ te~nnis cour!; that one
nei~~hb~r w.~s n~t h~r~e ,~nd hc ~tid not r.~ntict then ~r the neiqhhc,r in thc rear,
Julius f.be'1~ nei~hbnr~ st~tc~9 he 1iv~•s t~ the~ northwe5t~ ~nd w~s cnncerne~l ~h~ut th~
depth which wi 1 i b~~ nradAd~ ~xplai~inq hF h~s .~n existtnca ~-fc~t~t hic~h f~nee ~n~1 Mr. Rosc~
explai+ie~l thcre wi I1 hc ~ 7' ~~" ~~' I~, rctaininci wal l and (t wil l hc hel~w his G-fn~t fence~
Mr. FbNll rcvi~~w~r: [fi~ nlaiis ~+nd stated he would a~ree as l~nn as ther~ ~rc no chan~es to
these plans.
2/ 11 /&f1
Chnirr,c~n Prc± Temr~ire Tola~ st.~ted anv rnc~ificetions w~ulc~ hov~ t~ be r~vtcw+eri bv thr
it w~s notcd thc Plnnning Dlreet~r or his ~uthort~~d re~rescntntive hAS d~trrmino~f that
th~ ~rap~seci proJoct Fnlis wtthin the deflnlti~n ~f Cate~~ric~+l Cx~r+~ti~ns~ Class ;~ +~s
definc~~ ir, p~rr+~rarh 2 of the tity ~f 11n~helr~ Envlrnnmr.nt~l Imp~ict Repnrt ~utd~itnes .~n~l
Is~ thc~eforc-~ cntc<I~~ricnlly excr~t frnm the~ r~~uirPr~x~nt t~ ~rcpr~rc nn Elp.
11CT1~-:: Corr.ilsSloncr Kinct ~ffcrc~f Rcsolutl~n N~, I'f,l~~-^^ And rxivrd f~r ~ts (~ASSd~C and
A~T~m tht~t the ~n~~heim City Plt~nn~nct Cortr~is~.l~n does her~by nrAnt Prtltl~n f~r 1-erinnce
No. '113',;~ ~~r+ the b,~sis thnt ~~eni~l woul~i rlenriv~ ~uh)ect nr~~+ertv c~f a~ rrivilrn~ b~ln~
cn)oyP~' hy oth~•r -~ro~ertic, in th„ sAn~ :onc and vtcinity~ nnd y~h~r.ct t~
Interdepnrtr.~nt~~l Committcc r~r.~~mnendations.
On r~l l c~l l~ tlic f~rcr~<~inri r~~5~~lutton was p.~ssrd by thr. fal l~winq vc,t~:
AYCS: CONMiS5f~1lCf,~: [;U`.;HnPE~ DJ1V1(~~ FNY~ 11[RDST~ Y,III~~ T^L~~.
NOC~ : C~~M-~ I ~S I~-~C45 : '!^Nf.
/1I35C'IT: C~-11~~;~~nllf.?'5: ~11~'IfCS
t/1~lUTlS. ANAHEIM CITY PI.I~Nt~ING C~MNISSIO'I~ Ff.f3RUARY 11~ 1'~El'1 ~~"~~
! TCN ~If~. 1~ PUElI.I C li[~,RI'!r•, ~~,nlE u~: TFX~f,^-Afinll( I'" HII t.S ~ INC. •
'l! M'I~ ~L If1P,1r.T RfP^''T tl~`. 23a 3'~~ llnAhc~Ir. IIII~S p~n~l, r,n~hrtr~~ C^ ^?r~7. Pr~•c+~rtY
9- ~="~ ~~ d~scrih~~' ns ~~n irr~~ula~rly-~~hh~e~{ n~rc~^1 nf l~nri
~~"I N~
vnrin~ir~ ~1~~. 313, c~nslstin~; r~f ,~n~roxir~~rt~ly ?~~( .~cr~t l~~c~ted ~~uth-
~ P~~T e~~~St~rlv nf th~ irtrrsect ir+n nf C~~nynn Qlr~ PnA~+ end
+~nS. 10'1(7-1~~Jf' (nF~'ISIrN N~. 1) Noh) Rnnch Ronci~ h.~vin~ r+ frnntr~lr nf ~~~nrnxlr+~+trly
REn~if,T F~~ nrr'P^~inl ~~ ~2n f~rt ~n th~ Sr,~~th Si-~~ ~f 'I~hl R~nch P.n~~+~ hAVin~
RE-~nVAL (1F Sf'f CIt~C!! TP,E.[~ ~^~ar.imur~ ~~~~th nf nn~r~~xir,nt~ly ~'1^' Pc~t Anci hein~
'- I~c:nt~c~ ~~~~resxir+nt~ly :~'~`~ feet s~-ath ~f thF c~-nt~rl ine
~f Ceny•~n Rlm Ron~!. Fr~n^rty ~+~-~scntly c:l,~esifl~cl Cn~ ~iTY f1r ~t~~~ ~r l1-1
(~~I;If,!!lTl~^nL/~E t~E'rn~) 7r~Nl A'I'~ PS-A-~~i,~n~(~,C1 (~f'SI~~!"~ITI "I ~ S I'~~I f-F~ItILY) ~n~~F .
Rt'~I~S~I~I(A1'I^t! P.E'(~~~1.:~7: P,~'-''l~n~l(SC) (RE~~~f'l~dTihl~ NUI.TI^I.F•Fr~~11Y-Sr(:~Jt(' fn~rlD~P nVCRI~Y)
;O~If~ ~.!;~i ~;(~f,~ ('~I'ft; S~~f.C-SCE`llf, ('^RrJn~R ~VCnI.~Y) 7~~IC (P~RTI~N ~)
PM-3~1~'~(~,Cl (~f~If1f~IT1~1.~ -'!!LTIf'!F-Fr.t11lY-Sf.E:~11C C~~'"II)np nVF.RI.AY)
7n-1C AtIG ~~(S~:l ((~Pf:~! S^ACf SCf'tIC C^^~If)^n n~ifhl ~Y) ?~-If f~'n^TI~~I ~i)
R~-HS-'",n^'1(SC; (?F.SI~~C'~'it^,I.~ ~~~'t.Tl-'I E Nli l~t~~ SCE'~IIC ~~PP,ID~N~ONE
!~'!U ~`•(~C) (~~'I'1-SP^~f,t-SCf-~IC Cnnr~;-~~ ~!!F~'l.nY °NIF (Pn^T1~~1 f.).
~~(S~) (nPk'~ St'ACf-SC:'!IC C~^.rt~~F ~~'E:?.l.l~Y):^'If (P^PTI'~~I 0).
V/1"I~I;~'f P,f',~~~~57: (~l Pf.'~UI~Ef~ l.^'f F~'.~-~T^,rF~~ (~i) ~'Irtl~lU-~ ~i~ll_'~I'Ir SITF WI~Tf+,
(Ci MAYI,~~,N -Ilf~1l~E~• nr t_OTS n~: 1 C~!I-Df-rf~~,
T~'ITATI~~f TPT•('T R.I~Uf57S: T~ F~T~`hl.l'`,il 1~ Tp.1~CT~ Cn~t'.;~TI';~ n~ .^~'
~? J Q'~-~rl'1^ (Sf,) UNIT~ ~ ~r q~_I{S_;~?~r~'~~1(~
~t~D ~'14~ ~` (SC} TP.I1~T.
Thcrc was n~ nnc inc!icntin-: thrir nr~s~ncr in ~n~~;itir~n in ~uhi~'ct
th~ st~~ff re~nrt tc~ [lic Pl~innin~t Cc~r~ri~cir,n dRtc~1 Fcl~ruarv 11, 1~~^
~ublt~. r,P~rin~, it i~ r~F~rred tn ~t~~1 m,~~'r ~ n,~rt r,f the r~irut~S.
n-~_~hn7(tr) tPIIT~ ~
li~~"T~ ~l.l Ilp~!1-~f 0~(SC)~
r~~u~sc, ~-n~i ,~1 th~unh
W~y ~r~t ren~J ,~t thP
D~n SaTce~'a~ ~~ii~~ni~, Ni I 1~, Inc., ?~'~ M~h~ir, Hi I ls R~AC~~ l+n~hc•ir•~ rxnlrin~<! ~uc~ t~ t~~St
experiFn~~ aith th~ Plflnnin~~ Cc~r.,rnissinn t-~~se• twelv~ trAttt ~-re hri•~n nr~sr.nt~~1 hecaus~
th15 is n+~lnnn~r' r.nr~~uni+y r+~•1 ihrv Ni•,h to Show the~ ~~~tirp ?~~?-++cr~ Pl~nnin~ f-rP~ 1~,
Hc stn tcd thc5c~ t r:~ctS ~ r~ thc .~+ccur~ul ~! t~n nf n l~t nf ~f f~rt f~r~ween Anah~ir+ Ni I 1 s,
{nc,, C i:y st<~ff :~nrf v+~ri~~~~s c~nsul t~nts s ir~cr A~nu~,t ~ 1^7^; t~~~t *hr, nr~icct r+eets Coc~e
and th~ intcnt ~,n ~ s~iri[ r,f ihe GC!tefAl Plan; that thr nm-~ci hAS thc Irr.~ct ~!~nsi ty Qer
atre (1.~1) he h~s evrr be~~n +~SS~~ci.~[e~i with aT M~h~ir•~ -1i115~ In~,~ ~nc~ the pr~)~ct
reolly prrSt~nifir4 the w1~~~le s~irit an~i nc~tic~n ~ clu~[~r-h~ustnn; th,~t they fi~ve
mfnimi:ed the nrrd(n~ ,nsi ~~e prcyvi~..finq n nx~rc 7ffc~rd~blr hnusin~ procluct nn;~ art trYinn
tobrina thc E~lancr nf t~~c hn:,sinq mAr'~'et t~ J~naheim tllllq, -ie strt~d thcy tfrt t~ld hv
thcir denr>ur~phics chis [y^c r+ro~~uct i5, ~ah•~t ttir ~c~o^I~ wh~ ~rr buyinq in An~hniM F1:115
wrnt; th.~t the htry~~5 w.int s«uarr.• f~»ta~;~s frnm 1~~~~ tn ~~'~~'~ s~u~re fert; th~y wAnt
vlews, O(~Cn sp~ce ~nr1 ~bvinusly a re~s~n~bly prfced nro~iuct anci th~se ,~r~ t~+e noti~ns rn~i
ob~ecfive~s th~y hrvc trie~` t~ ~cc~r'x~lish with C~1P.SP, tHe~vr. tentntlv~~.. NP state~~ An~ther
reaSnn far hrin~inq the twelvP CC~tl~iVeS was beco~sr thrv t-,inF~, it is nuit~ in~~rtant to
show the tr:-ffic tircul~ti~~n ~nc1 h~r~r lt c~r~iinntes Kith e7th~r trrcts, Hc recAll~~~ in
August ~surin~ c~nsi~±cr;~ti~n ~f :+ recl,~ssificAtlRr~ on~~ n~ thc Cos~+isSl~n~rs w~s cc+nc:c~rned
tfbnu; si~glc-fnr+ily trr+ffic ^~inn thr~~~h r+utti-family trmcts a~~' multl-f~mi~y trafFic
qo(nq throu~h sinctle~fnrnily tr~cts An~i In thi5 n+rtieular inst:+rec~ all the traffic is
2/ I 1 /80
N 1 NUTES ~/1~IAlIE 1 M C 1 TY FLAPIN I ~IG ~C~NN 1 SS 1 ~II ~ FEDRUARY 1 1, 1 A8~ R~-~~
ENV 1 ROIIMf.NTAL I MPAf.T Rf Pf1RT N0. 235. RCGL~SS I F I C~T I ON ~I~. 7^-f3~-22 ~
TEIITATIVE MI1P Oi' TRACT NOS, 1~967-1f197H (Revtslc~n tlo. 1) ~~~~ Rf.c)UEST
~c~1nr, thr~u~~l, thc 9~nltcnhl~ tvn~• ~f ~~nin~, stnnl~~^frr~~lv thr~un~ stnnic-fnr~ily r-n~!
multi-fnr~ily thrnu~lf, Miilt(-f~r~ily,
Ile s~Ate~l th~y h~v~ ~^ct ~~I th Chr PnrL,s Uep.irtnx~nt .~n~l r~cc~~~ni r~• thci r r~~n~nR i ~-,i 1 i t 1~•s
~ur~u.~nt t~~ th~• ~ulmhv Act ~~nd wi I1 wor~ a~it~~ thr P,~r~s ~~n~rtmrnt t~ ftn~t ~ mutuAllv
ar_cc~~[nl~lc ~~,ir{, sit~• wlYhln ~nnhetm I~Ills~ ~~r tl,cY ~~il) ~~y th~ City ;~?~~~~^ f~,r p~r{~. in-
1 i~u feer .
~~r st~t~~1 th~~y h.~v~ me[ wit-~ thrir TrnFfic Fn~inr~~r, th~ CI[Y ~~ ~r~~n.~r nn~1 vr+rinu5 Si~ff
mer~bc-rs ~f llnnl~~(r~ in~l h~lirvc~ tl,cy h,~vr ~ vi~ihlr :+It~rn:~tiw• tn Vt~~ fSC~l~n~ witl, nn
CASt~NCSL cr~1l~Ctc~r Stt'~rt ~~n th~ Snuthr.t'n ~~~rtion (ih~~ SLrr~t Nr5 ~n-n~rr! ~ut ~n thr
exhihit ~~n [h~ w,~~l),
RC1:1L~11~' tn ~~~~rs[ri,7n tr:~i1S, I~r st~t~~~! th~• s~af~~s[ ccirK~~•nt tn ri,~l~ 15 t-~++t thFv •irr
c~r~rlyir~n with th~~ ~~n~•r~) Pinn l1r~~n~lrrnt is th~ tr,~ct5 ~r~ c1~v~ln~cd,
Mr. Salr.~~1.i st~ic ; th~y r~~t wi[h thc FI r~ Dcn~r[n,rnt ~m srv~rr~l ~ccnslnns; thnt th~ ~irr
Dc~~rtm~nt hns ~~~n~~l nf ~MViJinr~ fi~r r~~5f11)f1~iC w(thin fivr minu~r5 ryf ~ny ~+rvPlo~~~rnt
which IS .~ vrry r,it<<~n~il nn~1 rr,is~nnhlc ,~n~,r~,,~ch t~ firr nrnt~cti~n; thnf thr f:itv C~uncil
h~5 f~~rth~r ~!~rinc~~i th~ r~~•,tic~n ~f ,~cl~nus~t~ ~ir~ ~mtt'c:tlrin ~n~1 t1~~ir r,ntt rpc~nt
dCf i niti~~n su~~~~Sts tl~<i! f i rr nr~~trct(~~n ~hni~l~i ~~~ ~rnvi~!cri wi thin f(vr min,~~trs In ~~: nf
th~ ens~•s, f(e ~~i~l in this ~nrt icul~r nr~jr~t, ~r_c~~r,llnn t~ ~~r, !,~n~nhl~v, FirP M~irshal ~
tl~rrc ,+re 1(1 nr ;'~ l~,r.s whf•rr ~rntr.cti~n 15 n~~t ~rrvicl~~l witi~in n fiv~• minute r~s~+~nsP
iirx•, fie nnintcrr~ ~ut th~ nr~,~ hein~t r~~frrr~~i cn ~n rhr rxhihi~ nn~i nnint~~1 ~ut ~~ (7,
c~-'~~de; ~nr! th~t hb frlt wi th n~~ n,~rLi-~~ nn thc Str~c•t frnM [h~ ~,-••ini:~~ onint, th~ rFS;~~nsc
t1r-r iS Ic55 t~~~n ~~ne n~l~litic~nr~! r,in~~t~' tn th~• wurSt cnSr, Ile n~in~~~f nut fh~ I~cntinn of
the• fir~ st.'+ti~~n ond Ir~r~~ ~hat ~~~int t~ th~ furth~rrtt lnt iS ~.~^~~ f~~e~ wlth nb~ur '~~~' of
the lnt5 .~t ~~+nrr thr~n 1~1'.: ~lri~lc~. Ile rrfrrr~~! to Stnne~ntP, L~~~•~ Summit nnrl E~~Stri~!~P
ESt:~te5~ wh~~rr th~ urit5 Ar~• r~nr~xir~itcly 13,~^^ f~~~ ~N~y, nn~~ thnt thrsr n~~~~t~~' unit5
arc~ half ~s f,~r m•,ay ns th~~ nut~i,i~ units nr~5e•ntlY i~xtstina in ~nnhrir+ fiills An~~ it i5
hi~; if~~pres!,ic~n thnt fi~~ nrntecti~~n iti :lc~PryU.I~~ in th~~se :~r<~~~t.
Hr st~tt•~I rh~•y nr~ a,{.in~, f~~r ~~•~,~iv.~r ~,f the r,~xiru~i nu~hcr nf 1~~t5 ~n c~~i-de-SA~S
b~.~causr thry hnvc~ I,~en t~~1~1 hy the cnnsur+rrs t~~~~t tF~~y r.~.~lly 1 i{c ciil-~1~~-SJrS SC~P~LS~
thinF. th~~y .~rc S~~rr fnr thc(r t i~;s~ ,inrl tF~inl, th~•y r.~~iuc~ trrffic Sn~~~~' ~n~? rrnvi~fe f~r i
little •x~~~. int~~~rity ~f thc nFi.~hborhnn~t; th,~t s.il~~, ~1~^r~rr+nhics ~f th~ ~r~A shrw~ thc
n~>ti~,na bc•in~~ ~reS,~ntc~-f ~nci <i~ rFa{ ••st~t~ ~i~v~l~nsr5 fnr rr•>i~!rnti~~l nurnnsr~s~ thr.v try
to e;_:~ct w~~;~t thr r~,-+rl.~•t~~1,~ce rr~urSLs.
Ne s tt-+t~~.1 ;,! r+i 11 ic>n cub(c yardti ot ~!i rt wi 11 I,c nc~v~~d ~n this ~ i ir ~n,f I~nL in~ at i i in
[c~r~s of tfir r;r;'1 rr~,;dcnrinl unit5 brinc~ rr~~cst~d, If~iS in nne ~f [h~ inw~5t ~er lot
qrAd i nr~ ~ lans they F»vc~ subril ttr.cl whi ch r~nFf i r~+s the nnt ions ~nci ~npd ~~ints nf the
cnnce{~t c~f cl~,tstrre~.f Itn~ISlfl~t,
11~ s'nte.! s~~~~e r-!r~nths ~~~~ s~r~e of ~he~ Cnrr~issl~n~•rR ~xnr~sseci e~n~~rn a~bc~ut air
cirr_~lati~~n; tt.nt he c.~nt~ctc~J Mr. Alr.x B~~ler~ n m~teor~lor,i,t in SAnta Qarhir.~ ~n~f nave
hirn ~he ~lnnS anci I~r, (3r~+lcr Studie~S ~hP~ ,inc1 in~!ic~~te~l hC•C~USC theY ~~re nnt cuttln~ inta
the ri~l~eline and arE n~nir~ally 1~~'1 f~et away fror~ the ri<inelinc~ (h~ ~nir~ted out the
ri~Jgellr~e ~~n the ~xhibit) therP w~uld n~c he Tny m~chanica turbulrnc~ ~r tumhlinq caus~~~
by the: devr.lapr~cnt~ nncf~ if ~nythinq~ the Imn~ict miqh~ r+inir+i~~ the turbulc~nce.
MI NUTES ~ AI~A~IE I M C I TY PLl1N111 Nf, C(1MM1 SS 101! ~ FFt~RUARY 11 , 1~R~ 8~-1 nn
TCtlTATIVE NAP ~F TMCT 1105. t0aG7-10q7$ (Revl~ion f~o. 1) l1-ID REQUF'ST
11t~ stated he h.~c1 ~iscussr,~1 the ~mlcct wi th the ~~u~erint~n~l~nt of ~ran~~ Uni f1~~1 Sch~~l
Distric.t nn•! nlsn pOb LArsen frRm the ach~~~~l ~IIS~f ICL~S Plnnnin~ f~ennrtmc~nt ~nd h~ snys
ovrr th~• ncr.c fiv~ yr~rs th~ ~r~~nqe Unlfi~-1 Sch~al Olstrict ~~(11 h~vr n~ incrc~r-s~ in
st~ident p~t+ul:+ti~~n; th.~t fnr t%-e An~~he~im I11115 rre•n~ thcr~ will h~, ~ Shift nf stu~lc~nt
~S~~pul~tlon~ hut thr~unh„u~ th~ ~Istrict~ therF is nn imr,nct; th~t they hive r~cently
subr~ittc~l n c.nrrnr~~tc clrnnt ~1~ecf t~ thc ~rnn~~~ Unifie~~ SGh~) btstrict fr,r ~ 17-~~cre
~.~rccl Inc~tit~~~ nt CRny~n R(r~ ,~n~! ~errt+no f~r n•~ch~~l sit~; nn~f t~~r dc~-~ wi1) b~ trn~+~r~d
ttt th~ ncxt Dor-r~1 ~+f Tru4t~~es r~a<~ttn~i ~~n~1 lir wns fnirly c~~t~~in it will h~ nce~nt~~' ~nc1
~r~rb~hly in th~~ n~r.t thr~~c~ yc.~rs~ th~~ sch~~l ~fistrict. ~-ill huil~~ ~n th~t. sit~,
In terr~s ~~f 5(~t~r~.ir~n t~~~rr.~ th~rr (5 ~~ r~~nu~~5f fc,r ~2 5(x`Cini~n f.r~e~ ~~ b~ rcr+~vc~~ frnm
thr. s i t~; th~t hc h,~5 bc~•n t~ the 5i ~e scv~r~~) tim~•s .~n~1 hns ~vrn tal en Cornmis~ i~n~rs nut
t~ tlic~ ->r~~~r.t; thnt. hc hns t~4.c•n ~icturr5 ~~ (h~ t~~~•~: tn hr~ ~r~5<~rvr~.i which h~ think5
are thr br•~t tre~s ~~n thr sit~• ~n~f hc h.i5 ln~ti~r~! scv~r~l tinr5 fnr th~ clur~n ~f nA~:s
hrcaus~• thcre ~ir~ su~~ ~s~~i t~~ ~~~ ~2 ~ncl this wat [h~ h~~,t h~ cnuld c~~ u~, I1~ felt there
ls a sir,riiffcint cliffc~rrner. b~~twca~n thr ~n~z +n hr ~±rrsrrvr~l .in~i thc ~n~s tn t,e rc~~vr~c+.
IIP st,~te~' th~y wi 11 rr•r~l.~nt nn ~~ nn~-fnr-on~ h~95I5 .~n~' r~i 11 nn wc~l l hcy~nd th.~t h~•cnus~
many of the ~~r~i5 slx~wn in ~r~c•n ~n thi~ wnll c~xhil,it -~+il~ h~ re~+l~nt~~1 sln~es .~nd within
th~s~~ 5!~~n~~S, th~rc wi fl h~~ ~~ Si~nific.~nt ,~r,,nunt nf S}~ri~l~h~ry nr v~~~rt.~tinn .~n~ trc~s, 50
the~re wi 11 h~~ rx~r~ vr~~~t~t(nn nnee• the ciFVC•lr~ni~rnt hns h.irl timr t~ m~turr.
f~C' CXp~B~fIPCi C~11•Y ~1r1!~C :15~".r~c! fnf t~~Yf'C u~~riancrs: lc,t fr~ntnn~, ~''~~ 517f` 811(1 n~rcc~tPl~ll: (lrt
hnus~~ on r.ul-~i~•-Sne~; Thr r~~,isnn f~~r thr rul-~Ir-snc w~ivrr is thnt t~,is is wh:it the~
custc~mrrs ire S~yinr; thcy w~int. Thry want i vcry ucuaf,l~ n,~r'~ ~nc1 frr~~d~n t~ n~ mr.~y ~~n
wcrekem~ls: thnt n ln~ n~ nen~+le r~rc ~it th~ vounr~ ~~ncl ~f t1~c t~~ctrur+~ cvi~~ence~i hv thc~
nurnb~r of chilc!r~n in An~~hrin Nills~ ~~hich i5 v~rv n~r~.lnil; th,~t h~ hn5 ~ rec.Fnt survey
taken c~f ~~e~~~+lc 1 ivin~, in rn:--, ~i~, iii l ls nn~! ;l' h,~v~ ~nl~ tw~~ ncr~nl~ in thc h~us~h~~l,~~ ~~nr
thr next bi~~~~~t nunh~r is f~~ur ;,e~~nle s~ th~v hr~v~ ~ rx>~1~Sc nu~+h~r ~f n~nnin i ivinq in
th~ i~~~u3r~hn1~i5 rihi~i, ,:~•nns ihrrr i~, ~t~~in~~ [n ~~~ r mininnl i~~n~rt nn th~ Sch~ols; ih~t
f~n~~he~ir~ Nilis, ine,~ h~~ t~~~cn si~;nifieArit St~nS tn r~ennni~r t~~~ir enrw~it!^~nf tn th~
Schr~) 5ysitrm :~nd hnvr ~n~~mnri.~t~d thr~c schno! sitrs nt ~~ti c~~st tn t~~~ sch~nl5.
Tllf Pl;~L9C IICl1^I'!~ 1~l1S Cl.~~f'~.
Annil~.~i SantalaF~ti ~ l155ista-nt Rl r~ctor f~r 'c~ninr,~ StALC~~ thr st~ff r~n~~rt stAtF~ Chnt the
c~n~.fiti~n5 arr nc~t th~• ~~nro~riatc f~nilPti~nS w~nt~~l ~~y t~~~ City~ hnC%1USe r~vi,~~! tract
maps wi•re fi lec! r,n Fri d.~y ~n~l h,3vr n{~t been r~cl~~~ur-telv revirw~_~i; that sh~ has revise~l the
rec 1 Ass i f i ct-t i ~n c~nd i t i nr~s an~~ ,'+ cr~~y ~~f t`~c~sc u~nc1 i t i ~ns h~~t hrcn n t vrn tn Mr. 5t~ 1 ccd~, ;
thatstaffl~ns s~r~~ cnncern~; rn~! ~ r,onditian ~~AS been ~~Icie~' rr.f~rrinn t~ :hr. sn~cific
dtve~opmenr. ~~f ~~ct- tr.~ct~ n.~m~ly thc {.inds nf ~lans Zt%-ff w~~u1d Ii~e t~ ~e~ in tPrms ~f
hous~.~ r+lans, elev~~finns~ flnc~r ~lnns, an~i a clear inclir.~~ti~n ~f th~ useaEsle rPcr~nti~~
ere~~ on e~SCh l~t. She n~ted, ~5 s~~hn froM ttti~ st~ff r~~n~rt~ a numh~r nf thcSC lat5 ~re
rAth~r n~~rrc~w cn~~~+,7rccl t~ wh.it is n~rnk~lly swen in 11n~,h~i-~ 11111s And it 1~~ ~ucsti~nable ~s
~o h~-~ much u5e:+blr recre~tiona) s~ice therr Fri i 1 hc~ And st~ff r~.'-nts tn he Sur~ of Code
eomplianc~ brf~~r~ thh ffn~~) r,~ps arr .~~nmve~f, There is ~ls~ •'~ new~r cnnrlitinn ~ertaininq
to th.• ncrP++~~ nss~.~ssnxnt fee f~r Hater in this p»rticular ~~r~A~ Th~-t the conrliti~n is
si~~~ilar -PCtuire~cnt fr,r the Etaurr Rench, that tyni~ally the w~trr »ss~ss~nent
aerc~~nc • ~Ilccced at thc tir+~ nf buil<11n~ ~crrnits for ~(vcn lnts anci in this
inst~nce ~~ •^~tial ~-cre~ne (~ in onpn spacr in whlc~~ there never will he ar.y butldin~~
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 10967-10978 (Revision No. 1) l1N0 REQUEST
b~t the 1Jetcr GiviSi~m px~~cts t~ cr)l~ct mciney ~n fil) ncreA~e+ Rnr1 thr.y wAnt out-(ront
tha ~mqrt+m settinci un ~.~ymrn~ nf the wat~r nssessrnnnt fers ~n 1~1~1:` of th~ ~r~~erty.
Sh~~ st~ted thcrc~ is n is~ncltfie~f ~~nditic~n fnr tl~e~ ~c~u~Strinn tr.~ils~ Inclu~lir~~ imnr~v~rxnt
of thc tr~lls, hnnclinn fnr thc i~r~vr.m~nt nf thP irnils, insi~ll.~+~i~n ~f th~ [rAils ~rlnr
ta ncCUn~ncy, r~nr1 nls~ th~t tl~r rr.,f Is crnssinc~s ~v~r ~uti11c ,trP~ts h~ S~~cificAl ly
adr~rr.s5~~' s~ tlint i t is cl~.+r wh~t h.,~~~ns whc~n n[r~i 1 c~mP~s t~ .~ nuh) ic Strert: i.c,
d~es it just Stnr ~~t th~ si;1~wA1~. nn~! ~ick un s~rx~rrh~r~ ~ls~; th~t t~~ern iS ~~ n~w ~~ri~s
an~1 rrcrentinn c~ri~iitl~n H~I~ich ~I1.~•,s th~ ParGs inci Recrratinn Dtr~ct~r tm m~kc the fin~l
decisi~n ns tc~ whet.h~rpArk in-1 ieu fr.es nr~ t~ he c~l lr.ct~ri, whc~th~r l,~nc1 it tn he
dc~llc.~t~r~~~ nr wh~th~ r thc~r~~ c,in hc s~m~ romhinition nt thosF thin~S; ~nc{ th~[ the~ri~ i5 a
ner~ concliticm rr~~~irinu cr,7ffir. si~tn,71 inst~illaci~re ns rE•c~nx~Mncl~rl hv the Trnf<ic Cnnine~r
~~t thr int~~rsrcti~~n nf f~ol~l C~~rch Ro,~~1 in th~ nc,rth~~~st~rn ~nrti~n nf ,he ~mn~rty, She
st~~tecl it is hrr unrl~~r~t~n~'In~~ thit si~~n~il Intt~ll~tinn a~oul~~ h~ in-liru ~f n~~yrne~nf nf the
dSSC~ssr~n[ f.~•~~, ~rr un i t, huc shr h~~~' n~~x vcri f i~~i i t. Sh~ strt~c! the c.~nrli t inns for the
revisrci tr~irt rinn~ N~~ul,l he Sir~il~r tn ~~h,it ~rr~nr~~1 in thr r~~l,'15S~f~C1LI~,n cnn~liti~ns~
ancl ,~;i~lili~m;~lly stnff ~~,ny lil.r sor++~ r~fFr~•rr.~~ ~~~~dr t~ c~hle t~1rY15~hn e•AS~~n~~tS tn thc
nrivat~ ~~tr~•,~~ rinh[S-o`-~~~y hne~~i~e~ thF~ Cour~ci I r~cr,ntly aee~ntc~~l e.jhlr t~IcviSinn fc~r
l1n~~hrir~, ~urth~~rr~~~r~, thcrr w111 hr ,~ cnn~iiti~n t1~~t .~1) ~f-~icllinn i~nit~ in th~ r~uiti-
t~nily tr~~cts shnll t~~~ ntt%+chc-: hec.~us~~ ih,• Cn~l~• rc~~uir~s tt;nt ~I1 J~t7r.hr~' uhit5 Sh.iit h~
c!cv~~lnn~.l in ~eer~r~l~rc~ wi th t~,~ RS-~~~~~ c,r re,_~~nr, 5-;,n,!~rc1•, in,~+ , nur^h~r n~ thr l~ts ~~rc
5r~~11~; th,n ~~'11 ti~tu~r~• f~~~t.
Shr state~l ihr ~ire ~?e~ir[cn~nt ha~1 7 nus~t~er ,~F sn~~rific cnn,}itl~-,s nn ~h~ Fi~u~r Rane~~~
incluitin~t ~~n~• r~rnti~>n~~; in t~~~~ stiff rr~rnrt; if ~nv StrrF~t nrn~l~s ~xc~•~r~ i'~';;~ thry w~n[ to
5~rci~icnlly n~,~,m~i~ tf,~,SF ~~~rtir.ul~r strc~~ts ~n; ~~rr,~1r 1nc_~tinns; ,~n;! ~1s~ that ff~erF
r~,ssibly h~~ fir~~ hrc,~ts ,~nl v,~ric,us otf,~r itr~+~. thF st~ai~r! th~r~ i< <~ n~rti~n nf lttn~l ~t
thr r-~icldlc •7f th~• ii~utl, ~rc~t~cr[Y linP whicl~ th~• ~lin~ inc~ic.~~t~ ~S "n~t ,~ n~rt" of LhP
C~~~Ct, thnt this i> un.qcCcnt.~blt• ,-~n~! it h~~s t~~ h~ ~~ In~ ~~hi~h iS c'~na~n Mrit}~in A tr~Ct
Shc sta[c~l whcn thrrr ,~rc• narrnw 1!~is~ fn nr.!c~r L~ re~!ucr th~ numb~r ~f ~~rivrwvnys ~r
p<•nple b~c~:inc~ c~ut ~~nt~~ •7 r~~lic str~ct~ t-~~ Tr~~fic Cn~iner.r h<ZS r~~cnrr~~nrfP~' ih;~t Cli~
n~rr~w 'ots ~th,irc~ r.i rculnr :irivew~iys S~~ nc~~nl~ c.~n actual lv c'rivP thr~u~h rat'~er ttran hack
out i~*~ ,~ busy Strc~~t,
Paul Sin~~ r, Triffic f.n~iineer SLaterl I~e is requc~s[ino ac.ct~s5 th<7C w~ulr! ~~rr~it v~hicle~s
to cr,mc ~ut hca' first in~,te,ic! nf h.~vtnry t~ h~r~ intn thr• str~~t. Ne st~t~c1 ~rihinally
therr whrP 1'; n+~inrs ~f concc~rn which he r~~urst^' hn~~hcirn Hills, (nc, tn correct~ .~ncf all
h~ive br~n c~rr.r.ct~~'. Th~ ~nly th(nn l~ft ,inr~s~lv~-I i5 the w~ivPr ~f ihe t~SSetSmcnt ~ee:
anri c~nstructinn ~f t~~i• tr,iffic si~nal ~~t 'lohl RAnch Road ~~n:f Stane Cnach Road, ~nc+ that
he rec~rrtc•n~1s thit ~~11 the ~arc~rls wi I I he ~xFm~t fr~r Lh~ Sinn~l .~sse55r+~ni fPPS f~mviciPd
fh~ sir~n~l fs inst~~llc~d,
Ftes~~~n~l1n~; to Chainocr~~.~n Barnes' c~ncerns ah~ut the e,st/west c~llectnr s[re~Pt~ Mr. Sinqer
statr.d he be I i~ved they h~vc worked that ~r~hlc~r^ ~ut an~1 ~ointed ~ut the roacfwr~y which
will t~'~kP thc~ ~+I~cc nf Via E,collo an~f rve~tuilly c~n~ riuY int~ Imncrial nnd then to
Ncar,s~ ~~n~i st~~te~~ thi5 would nrrtty Nell c~nf~rm to the VI.~ Esc~llo rppuirements shcnvn on
l•he Gcn~rr) Plnn,
+ ,.,
IEMTATIVE MAP pF TaACT NOS. 10)67-10978 (Revlsion No. 1) AND REQUEST
Conxntssi~ncr Il~rhst AsE;~d ahctut Lot r;~ In the middl~ of StA~~ Cot~ch RnAr1 ~nd 11r. Singer
st~t~J th~• ~~ly tt~~ h~ ~x~resses conc~rn nbout thc~se 15 whrn rh~y h.~ve mnr~ thAn r tw~-
1ery~~~i intersr.ctt~n nn~l if th~rr~ was r+ thr~~-l~nne~l intcrs~cti~n~ thc-re wnul~~ be ~~ ~r~btcm
wtth p~~~p~e sh~rtcul'tin~i It; nnr! that ~ rAi5r~1 m~~iian in A str~i~ht lnn~ ttr~tch ~f rnad
It t~ contrnl tr't-ffic !~y st ~~ Sl~ns. Hc stRtr~l hc h~s nc, fP~linc~s fnr ~r ,~an.~ins~ th~
r~~isr~{ me,ti,~n circl~s in cul•dc-s:-cs,
JAy T1 tus~ Offic~ f:n~~inc~^r~ st~i[~~ hc• h<~S ~ine r+nj~r ~nnc~rn H~t th tl~r ~nrt i~nS nf f.t~Minc~
Gr~n~1P :-n~~ Cov~~rrr1 IJA~~nn ~•ihich h~~v~ heen in~+icAtr~t t~ Srrvc~ AS ~ mn(nr r•ast/wrst collPCtor
~irtery~ (rirlic.~tinn he w,~t c~ncrrne~i ,ih~ut the ~lrsinn sn~r.cf Sinc~ it wi 11 he A m71nr
r.oll~ctc~r ~~n~~ cnrry quit~ .~ hlt nf tr.~'fic, He r~cnrr~cn~l~c1 A minlmum c1~s;:~n sne~~1 nf ~~
mi les An h~~ur. 11e nnint~cl nut th~ r~:+~lw,iy un L~~e ~xhihi t wfiich r~i i l 5~rv~ .is the
enst/west c~llectnr SySIt`r~~ in~l nnint~~1 o~~t the 2ttn-f~ot rAC~tus curv~ ~ind indicnted it
r,~uld nnt r~ivF ~, ?r ntn-t r1~si~~n Sn~ec1~ ~~nci ~~int~~l ~i~t trrt~ nth~r ,^rn-f~~t r~~lius curvr5 And
stat~~1 th~•rr ~rP three~ r,~lnr c~urvrs ~n th:~t r•irticul,~r nrrery, II~ st.~te~! thPr~ is nn~ther
c~nt~rn on Prr(~fol Pl,~ce r~it`~ ~~nroxirintely 1n~'1 f~et nr rwirr of 1^:' r~rncl~~ with A?~,n-
foc>t r~i+liu5 cloln~~ int~ n:;~-f~~~c r~<lius curvc at thc+ hc~ttnr~ nf thc r,rAC1~ r+n~f stiie~l tli~i~
is a rath~r :l~n~~~r~us situati~>n, A~ain~ h~ r~c~r+rtx~nciFd ~ m~nimur~ ~f '}~, mnh drsinn s~~e~!
on this rut~li~ str~.~t, Hc st,it~~~l If ;hcr~• ~.,,i5 n~ s,u~~r ~I~vatinn rit all~ ,'1 ~~~-fo~t
ratfi u5 eurvc, w~~ulcl I~e rr,~~ui r~•i ,~nd wi th n:':, sunc~r ~)rv.~t ir~n, ;- ~ ~'1-fnn~ r~rii iis r.urvF
w~ul~f b~ rcnui r'~~1,
CommiSSirn~rr Talnr :-s4 ~~~1 wh~•n Imhcrial r~i 11 trF rl~vcln~rd ~nc} i f it wi I 1 hr. s ix lanes ~11
thr w~y ~~cr~~s, thc ri~+c~rlinr• ~•,hcn finishcc~ r;,ci ~~r, Titus r~•~lic*~I h~ hc,li~vc~1 th;~t ic the
ultir~.~tc ~l,~n.
Ccxnmissipnrr Tol~ir ~~S!.~~i Lhc nrn~.~sccS timin~ f~r this ~lrvcin~r,x+nt ~~c+ ti,r .xt~nSi~., ~f
Irr~e~rir+l Hint;w,iy.
Utfn SAlc~d~~, St~~te~l, hn~rfu) ly, thr_y c~~n h~~iin qr~~!inn in FPhru.~ry 1~n~i thet ~r.~c+in~ woulcl
uccur nrnbibly fr,r t'~e b~•tter n;~rt ~f i ye,~r an~i it wcy~,ld nr~hihlv t~F.~ r+inirnrlly ~n~ther
Six or c~i!tht rx~nths tr~ 5~~11 vari~~is tr~ctS :~nd then it r+t~ulrl ',e Rn~thr.r 1-11~ yP~rs fc>r
constructi~~n b~~fc,rr ~~~~,rlr ~mv~~ in, Nhich is ~ t~t.i) ~f Ah~ut 7-1/? vears.
Carr~issinncr Tolar w~s c~nccrnc~f tt,~t t`~~ nnly r~i~r .~CCrsS nut r~f thi< <!ev~l~pmrnt is
Sta~e CoACh F:o.'-~1 ~+nd I~r, S~lce~d~~ st~tc:d thr,rr~ wo~ilci .~isn h~ C~min~ Grand~ which wnul~! t~ke
e qnc~d n~~rti~in nf thc tr:tiffic nu[ throuqt~ th~ Keldwin ?rrCt Ln Moh1 R~n~h Ror-i,
Cor~missinn~; N~rb~,t wr~s c~ncerneri Nhy one str~et h~,, t~ cliffcrrnt nam~s ~nri Nr. Titus
st~-ted n~rM~~l ly n~on~~~ wh~ n~~mc strrets 1 ik.r ~~st »nd wP,t t~ br_ ~n~ n~r~~ And north ~nJ
s~uth t~ be~ An~thnr nAm~.
I{orst Seh~rr, Ar-~hc~ir~ N1 I ts, Inc. ~ stAted (t is nro;~ose~i that Im~erial Flic~hway wtt f bA
complete<; in 1~?~1 ~r 1^~:,?.
Corxnissinne•r Tolar iy~.rd f~r ihe tir~fn~ r+ctain because hP Nas n~t t~t~lly tAtisfird the
other Access at the t~n of [he hili thr~u~h the l3roadmanr devel~pn~pnt will ~+ecomplish what
shnuld bc ~cc~mnlishe~i r.n~f f~ lt trafflc would gQ dcrvn t~ fJohl Ranch and wAn; to qn e~st
an~i ~elt this No~.il~- h~ A lnt ~f develo~rx•nt ~n onc: r~~~~i~
TENTATIVC MAP OF TRACT NOS. to967-to978 (Revisiun N~~. 1) AND REQUEST
Nr. Singer sts~trci ~ventu~lly the tr~~ff~c will rlumq int~~ Im~eriil .~nci SLn~A~) t~~~« trncts
wi 1) br incrcrw,nt~~l clcv~lo~rnrnt.
J~y T1 tus st~~trd ~vrn wh~n Im~+~riAt n~PS thr~unh~ the eunn~ctl~~n ('~-i.~ Fscnl l~ nr wliitPV~r)
fror~ thesc trar.ts ~v~r Im~cri~l is ~rohahly s~miPttnr ~~~~y tn~.
Hr. Salccd~ st~t~<~ as5uminr, thny c~~t ^~~mv~l rf futur~ t~ntPtiv~, r~nns t~ be ~ile~1 in thc
next fcw rx~nths, 1 t wi 1) he 1 tn 1-1/." Y~'~irs h~fnr~ Im~eri~l ~~i 11 h~ hui 1 t. He stat~~1 thP
major contcrn I,~st Ne~lncyrl~y mnrnlnn whc~n th~y mrt with Mr, Sin~er .-en~i ,~n~in nn Thurs~l:~v
wh~n th~y h,i~i nc,ne ~ver thr tr~~ffic c'~ncerns w~1t sinht ~listnnc~ ~'+n~i thPy recnnfinure~! the
strcrts S~~ they wou1~1 h~+v~~ r+inim.~lly 3~^ ~~~t ~f sinht ~il~t~~cr; th~t t-~~ e~1lFCtnr stre~t
definiti~n sun~~~~st5 t!~~t you nnly h~v~ tn ci~5lnn it tn S~~r~1 li~+it5 ~f ;'~ mi1~5 .~tn hnur
,~nd thry h~~vr .!e51~~n~r1 i t t~, '~ mi les ~~ri I~nur.
Ile state~' this it n r~~,i~i^nti~1 tr,~ct ~n~i t~11 in~~ tn ihc h~rx~~nFrs At th~ir nas~~ci.~ti~n
mee~t~nns, the~ir r~ii~~r e.~ince•rn w~5 the S~r~r~1 in t~~r ir,t~~rni) scr~et 5true.tur~. Hr st~thd
we are ~liscussim•~ i~~ s~,~~r inst~ncrs, 1~ t~•, 1~:` ~r.~~irK~ nnrl if n fatt~r Sr~r~l i5 des~red
si~~nific~~~t: rn~! cxtrn~iv~~ ~irn~linn is rrr,uir~~~ ,~n-I t!~~y ~~~1 th~t n 3~" f~nt sinht clistan~P
Wou1~! h•~ ~1~1C~Unt~~ 7n~1 Lh~t iS thc c~nfic~ur~tion niv~'n.
Jay Tit~t stit~~l if thi5 strr~t i5 n~~inn tn t~~~ th~ hl.~c~ ~f Vi.~ Csc~11~~, it wi11 b~ ~
majr,r c~ll~c:tcir ~n~! i~ nnt srrictly r~si ~rnti~l :-nd t-~t•r~ ~rc vc•ry fr~~ hniis~5 ficinn nn
tF»t it~~~~t, s~~ it i5 ~nf .~n int~~rir,r rrsi~l~+ntial strc~t. fle rx.~ininr~! t~~~rc nre tw~~
crltr.rin in clesi~;nin~; SiYrPts~ thr si-i~it c+iSt~ncr which w~~s ~IPSfUSSr~!~ nn~ s~Fe sreeJ on .~
hnri»nt~1 curvc•. Ile st<~tr..~1 this crncern was ~~cntinnrd t~ -'r, ~re~r nf An~hei~~ Hi115~
Ine. l~~st I~on~',ay :+C t1i~~ Ineer~:cn~rt~~~~tn1 C~rr~itt~r r~~~tin~i ~n 1 It~~ ~~a~ t,r•~r~' nntl~inn sineF
th+•n nn~i h~• is Sti 11 cnnC~'rrc~l ~h~~ut tf~nt hnri ~nn.~l turv~•.
flor~.t Sehnrr Sir~trd t-~~~ cnllecf~~~ rr,~;i~ al[~~~~~:~~'' it will ~r~vi~1~ tn~+~ cl~rn~inh tr~ffir.~
will stlll rrt~in th<• r~•siclenti~ii char~cY~r ~nd th~y ~+~ n~t ~-~~i*~t t~ crc~t~ ~ hinl~ s~pP~~
rn~~i thmunh t~,i ~'•~~^~'•~~~'Y'n[ h~c~usc it wnulri nnlv Sc~~:e this tr~ffic ~n~t will nnt C~rrv
[r~ffic fr~~r~ ~any ot}~~r t,r,usinr~ ~i'~~Ir~ts nutsiclc Unit ln ,an~i t~~P;r ~nain~~rs tAll thFin at
[he prescnt tir~c• thcy ~~a~c i'h r•ms~ Apsiqn st~ec<1 ~nc~ th~y heliev~ fnr ~~ n«rcly resic~ential
developr-xAnt, Lt~~t iS .~drnuate; ~n~1 1'~Ey r~i I 1 h~v~ t~ fni~r-l.ine ~~i<th~r~y nn ~~oh) Ranch R~~~i
wh~~re ~~~~I~le can trnvrl ~~~~> ~~h :~nd th~y d~ ,tiCte~~nt t~ Sl~w+ ~~cw~~ tr~~ffic whFrevPr th~y c~n
w i th rt-e~l i an :-n~1 s t~~~ s i qns s~~ thcy r1n nrt ~~~vc h i nf~ sneecl t r~f f i c hFCnu~r s~~ner c~r 1 Ater
th~, Planninn Co~mis~ i~~n ~~r Ci ty C~unci 1 wi 1 1 hr~r frcx~ th~ hnr~rnwnPrS c~~+~I~Zinin~ ~hout
f~st tr:+ffic thrnun'1 their r~sidc~~~ti~1 dPv~l~t~rxrnt. ~~e st•~tec~ t~~~5 is purPlY rPSidential
developrrnt with no su~n~rtiv~ c:~m~erci~~l that woulc- invit~ i nrrat:~r ir~ffic v~lex~ L~
justifY hi<lti~r s~Prcis ~~n~f~ as ~ir. Salce~l~~ r~ntionr.~1~ wlt~~ .'- f~strr r~r~4a~y~ thc~ ~lradinn
w; 1) h~v~ t~ hc~ subst~'~t1 ~~ 1Y incre~sed. He st~ted thrv have~ iri~<I t~ ~alAncr t-~e ~rrdin~
and ot~_~n s~~~er_ nreser~i•7tinn an~i clusterinn wlth rn,~' in~_f f{r5~c!n5.
Jay 7i tus stat~d i f tf~is str~et extenc3s al 1 t~~e waY c~v~r tn Irn~pri~l ~ obviously ther~ is
gpin~t to b~' ~rp d~vP~^~~~eryt and it Nill c~~r~y ~~~~~•jtF n hit nf tr~~ffi~ r~nc1 3~, mph is not a
h i qlti s~eeci h i nhway bv any rM•~~ns .and ~ 2;n•f~c•~t racl i us turve c~ul d nn ly hP a 3n m~h des i~n
with F`L sure~r ~•lev.~ti~n nn~1 we ~'o nat want that ~ind of su~cr elevati~n on public sLreFts.
Nc st~te~t f~e is pfnpnSl~q th~ thr~c r.urve~ be r~~ ~ larger which Irr_ did nnt thin~ wau1~1
ir+~r+c:t thci r qra~~ing th.~t Much beceuse t~lk.ing n• ~~ut 3.~ mi 11 i~n cuhic Y~ {PSStated} ~hPhe
did not thinl it w~u1~i ~ven mak.e a n~tic~ble differenc~ in th~ qr~c.ing.
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS, to967-10978 (Reviston No. 1) AND REQUES7
threP curves sh~ul~l he m~~~1~ l~r~er in ordcr to s.iF~~ly carry 3S mnh tr~fFic, Ile st~+te~!
wlth G~ su~er ~Iev~ticm~ their drsiqn coul~f carry 3~ m~h but w~ ci~ n~~; w~nt ~". su~~r
e1PV<~tion, Ile ~x~lAin~d su(~er elev~-+ti~,n fs Sir~il~r t~ thc b~hslr~l run with ~n~ st~1~
bank~~d~ ~nd str+ted t~~~ m,~xir+um ~n ~ubl ic str~ets sh~u1~1 hr ?:~.
Iir. C~IcPCI~ stnte~l the bar~r~ctrr thry uSed t~ ~~F51qn thr str~et ai,~~~ th~ 3fln f~nt ti~ht
dist~~nce ;~n~! th~unht t~~c r~c~~~rrnclc~d chAnqrs fnr l~rqrr c.i~rv~5 woul~' ts+k~ Sf~ntfi~.int
gr~~lfn~~ eh,mqe5 rn~1 5t.'~tr~l n~:+in thC horMrwmer5 nr~ nuit~~ c~,ncernecl ~~h~ut t`~~ sn~ec~ Anci
they are tryinn to c~~ntrnl ~~r~~rcl,
Cor~r,ics{nner Flush~~rc St~~t~~i th~ f,ftv ~ffie~ Ennin~~r 1s snyinn I,e w~ul~l lik~ th~ ~!esir,n a
littic f~stcr rin~l th~ 'rv~ln~,~r wAnt~ it sla.~r_r,
M~. Ti tus stnt~~i h~ is nnt ~~ayin~~ wh~~t S~r•ed h~ wAnts t'~r r~nn~~ t~ tr~v~l ~ hut w:~nt~~ the
stre~t :fesinnc~i fnr f7stFr sr,f~~c1 sn i[ will hP s~f~r wh~n tt~ry ~1n tr,iv~l f~tt~r, fle
re•ferre~! t~ curr~nt St~~~ed nn !lohl R~neh R~~ ,
Ile referre~~ tn thr nra~'~ nrJ St.~tcci ~~p~~ciilly w(th 1~ ~~r 1^'r ~r7~l~s~ 'hr v~hlclet wi I I he
trnvclin~ f~st~r ~~nri th~• ~tr~~~~t ~h~ul:± h~ ;1~.i~7nr~1 sr, thry c~n st~y ~n the rn~~~+s, ~Ie
c~r~~irc~l t~ii~, Str~~•t with ~airm~~nt rd~ich (5 h~•tt~r ih~~n ,-~ i^:. ~r~r1r wit-~ r~+rsi~~n 5n~rd of
3'; r~ph rn± ct,~t~J it SI1rlUI(I II.IV~' b~cn d~51~nr~~ fnr !~~1 nr ~.~ m~h .nn~~ nxnl~ine~1 FAinvint ~s
a sec~i~~lnry .irt~ri ~1 r~,i~~ ,~n~f 1~~5 "~^-fn~t r,~~ius CIJ~VPS <~n,i t-~e~c ;-r~ nrn~~s~,+ it ?~~-
fc~t. Vle st.it~~i h~ n~~rsc~r;~lly G:n~~•r~, nf scver,~l ncci~icnts nn ih~~~r Fair~nc c~irvrs .~n~i he
w~tirts this str~~~t -'~~~i~~~~~~1 n hi t s,ifrr s~> th~ drivrrs h.ive ~~ h~t[~•r c~~incr ~~f m~t inn thc
curvr. wi thin thni r tr,,v~l t.in~.
Cor~u~ission~r E3ushr,r~• st,~tr~i it Ir~n~S 1i{.~~ , t~ss of tti~ cnin fnn c~~th :+rni~r~nts.
Dan SAle~r),~ st~itrd ~~nr ~f thr. nrir,cin.~l rFASOnS fnr th~~ -lesinn nf ('~,r,inn f'r.~nd~ w~s tvh~~n
Da 1<iwi n eame i r w i t~~ th~ `i v~• t~n t~t i ve~s they ha~f s~~r e~nc~rn becausc t-icv ~1 i~' no[ w~nt
any unfts ~,n Car,in~-~ ~r,~n~i~~ ~n~~ t-~~~t in its~lf Su~n,~~,ts A Cert:~in s~f~ty ~ACt~r, Ne st~ted
this IS not .~ ~.oiiect~~-' Sirrt•i '~~1th hnus~s on it.
Jdy Tltus fi•It v~hicles wi 11 I,e tr,~vPlinry ~ve•n ~ast~r o~ith n~ clrive~~~v~ t~ tlr~w th~m ~i~rrn,
AnnikA Sant~l.~hti st~it~~1 nl~ns l.ih~lyd Pevision N~, 1 c.~r~c in ~n Frtd~y and nn nthrr
dc~+:+rtments h,~vF• sern thesc planc, She expl~ined norma! ly wF~en a tr~ct ma~ is fi leci~ ~
dep.irt-~entif iner•tin~; fti hrlri I~ef~r~ it is accurlly filerl becnuse inevit~hly 4~ethin~ is
misse~! c~r ~lcrirtrnrn~t h,~ve c~~nfl ictl~n in~ut .-+nci lot nf thP nrnbler~s arr r~s~lve<{
beforch,~n~: but in this (nst~~ncc, thc ~rigin~l tr~~cts rx~re ftled aRd thP first
de~~irtment~il rrPtin~i wa5 th~• Int~rriernr~mr.~t~~lCarr~ittee n~etinq l~st Monclay which w~s only
a w~c~: ag~. A n~r-br_r ~f ~SSUr•5 wer~ raiscd ~t th.~t m~•~ttnry And thh chAnqcs try th~ m~~s
anri r~s~~n~tr.s to th~~ c~~ncerns were fi le.d on Fridt+y hut th° chanrtrs h~ve nnt hrc~n rPViewed
by s:~+ff.
Ch.~in~r~m~~n Elarncs pnin.e~1 ni~t the street drsizn nrablem Nas not m~nti~n~~~ in the stAff
~erort and Mr. T( t~.is ex~lAined he t~lkeri tn th~ A~velo~er on Monday~ nncf he~ un~l~rst~~
they wPre r,oinn t~ c~rrcct thc problem~ sn it rv~s n~t includ~d Tn th~ stAff r~•~nrt anrl th~
Ch1n~e wr+s Su~1~~n5~ tn hp on the ne~w -na~s wf~ich hr hAS n~t tren but assumes the
ch.~n~c i s not ~~n tf~~~r~ f r~~ what the ~et i t ioncr i s sayi ~g.
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 1o967-to978 (Rev(sion No. 1) AND REQUEST
ChAltWOr^1n Elarn~5 r~fPrrrcl t~ th~ st~tement that th~ streets ~re n~t in c~nfnrmanc~ with
the Genr,r,) P1 in ~~m~ ~~~inte~' ~ut Nr, Stnqer h~~s in~lic~ted th.~t they ~~rr n~w tn Acc~rdAnce
w( th thc f;cn~r~l P1 ~n.
Joe) Flcl:, Assist~nt D1 r~~ct~r fnr Plannin~~ st~tcd it is St~ff's ~nini~n th~l th~
exiensi~>n ~f thr. ~uhlic ~trcet t~ the w~~~t t~+ard Im~eri~l thr~~~nh che City c~f ~r~nne~
wnul<i c~nform with th~~ ~:~st~~•~~~st circul~iticin shc~wn ~n th~ fenerAl Pl~n,
Re,Ei~n~~inq tn Ch~invmm~n Rnrncs' cnnc~rn, f1r. Flcl~. ~xnlAinccl ~~ l~tt~r w.~s suhmi!t~~+ lASt
F~ic1.~y rpnnr,lin~i thc ~rChe+n1~~~Ic~I survPy whith in~iic~t~c1 th~r~a r-~rr nn :~reh~~l~~~ticil
Sites within Unit 1^; t+i~t %+ I~tter re~l~r;lin~l thr ~~lr~nk~ln~~ist iStu~ w~S suhmittec~ t~~1,~y
whieh in~iic:~te5 th~~~ wi11 hc ,~ n~lc~nt~~l~c~ist nn tf,~ Sit~ .it !h<• ttrx~ ~f c~r:-~in~ an~i ~hat
thc sit~ hi~l hr.~~n survcye~l .7n~! n stu~iy woulcl 1~~ f~>rthc~min~, A cnny nf thr rrfrrencr.~1
letter r~as revi~wv~~1 hy thc• Cor•mi5sic~n.
Uan Salcr~i.i statc~cl h~ ~~~~rs~n:~ily t~il{~c~~1 t~ tl~e n~~nl~ frRr+ ~e~~ ~n~+ S~~e, C~1 St~te
Fullertnn, ;,n~l thr EN', rrr,~rcfinn thc ,~rchcol~~~ic.~l r~n~rt, II~ st.ic~cf th~ ~~rntl~rhPn
suhr~ittinn th~ n.~l~c~nt-,I~~nist rrr~nrt is rrrtirti~cl ,~nci h.~t Tnclic:+tr~1 ns f~r ~~S h~ w~5
concernc~i thr•rr wi I 1 hc n~ "i rrrnar~ihlP h:-rr~" 1 f thrSr tr~cts rr~cP~~i; th.~t [h~y 1 i~~ t~
~ctually n~.~n ,~ c~vity in tt~c nrr.i r~hich is wh~rr tF~~y c1~ thc• ~!i~~inn, }~P h~li~vn-~ they
h~ve 5~~tisfir•~1 tF~~' r~~n~l.~te5 nf t' ~ FiR r~~nu'r~n~ents.
Joe Fi~l; St~~tr.~{ rr~^~ ~t~~~f''• stnnd~~~ir~t. '1~ w~ulrl .~nr~•c~ th.~t t~+r CIP rc~u:ri~ripni5 h~'tv~
h~~n s~~tiSfi~~1 in rr~~,n~n !inn t~~ th~ iSSUFS th,~t hnvr h~~n r,isr~i; hnwrv~r, thp lc~tter
subr~~itte~l inrl~y refrr~~ncir~q t~~r. f~irtlict~m?nr~ t~ur±v h,i~ n~t hecr~ ~ulir~i!t~~~! t~~ th~~sr
ori~iin~lly c~nc^rr~~i,
Conr~~i5si~~nrP r~8~~i~! 5!..lC~'c1 C~~r fiscal rc;,nrt If1f~~C.1~/~5 C~H '~r•yr~n~f~'nnC ~~1~~ Gc1US1` ~~ ~'~Pf~CIL
to thc City nf `7"~`',^'~~ t~~ ~~t~~~~`~'~ p~•r yc~~r, which inc~u-lr~ incnr,inr~ r~v~nu~5 vrrsus
costs ~~n~l Jo~l Fict ~x~,fair~~i n r~~,~rt ~~~s cuhmlt.trrf hy t1~~ ~•~nSult~nt which indic.~trs
Chnt is an ~innu~l ~;rfic~t,
CI»irw~an E;~rn~~~ ~Slr l wh~t w~s the ~rc~.lictrd ,innuFfl ~t~ficit whrn th~ ~~st hcnrfit study
w~s dc~nc• f<•r thr ~P.n%f~'lI Pl~~n EunFndrwr~t f~r this irca anci Nr, F(c' ~tntc:' tF~~s arca w~uld
not h~ve been sinr;ir~ ±~~uL. w~~en t'~c^ cost henefit study was c~~ne,
Ron Thc~n~S~n~ Plannin~ Directc~r, st~te~1 hP Lhnu~)h[ it w~5 ~~~ ~,illi~n ~~oll~r5 ~nc~ with the
ad~ptinn of Prn~~,iti~ns 1', ind <<~ ihat fi~ure rrould ~+rohahly ~lnuhle~ hut thc finure
Cann~t b~ ~tiril,ut~~l tr~ nny (-~rtiCUlar ~rc~a. ~~nd ther~ wi 11 f~~ ~ drficit,
Cor-missioner• Tol~+r felt this is ~ v:~lfc1 noinC~ hu[ !c-~k.~nn it thc~ nvPrall ~iensity ~~r 1.~1
units f~er s+cr~ an~i r«~C~~nizing th~re is noinq t~ be dFVel~f~~ent ~n that nm~~rrty, he did
not thinL. th~ ~Icficit r.o~~ld ht~ ~ny l~wer,
Corm~issionhr bavi~: sunn+~ste~1 rmre density to ~iecrc~~se thc dPficf*..
Ch.~lrwnm.~n k3arnes stated clustcr housin~ fy one of the l~~st rr.~ensiv~ waYS t~ c1o.
Ron Th•xn~s~m statc~! [h~s p mb~hly is r fnrm of cluster housinn~ hut rF~l tlust~rinq wnuld
not r~~uirc n~arly t~~e ~..~unt of strePts ~nd the need for the inFrn-structure. 41e StAted
TENTATIi-E MAP OF Ti~ACT NOS. ~0967-1p978 (Revision No. 1) I1Np REQUEST
it wnuld bc v~~ry !iarri t~, s~v whrtlt~r thesr. unit tv~~s ~~r~ rr-,rr ~xnrnsiv~ th,~n rstnt~
density~ '~ut ~r~~bnhly ~St~t~ -~c~~~FS wnul<i h~ r+nr~ ~xt+rnSlv~ nn~l th~ ~'.~vrl~~~r IS tryinn tn
hlt •i Ce~t,~in r»rl.~•t ~n~l it is h.~r~+ tn ii~~~~ n r~r~n~ritinn.
Chiirw~r~t~~ 13Arnc5 st~~te~1 nll ~1c~v~•lo~rta,nf in th~ c,iny~~n nrrn ~~ill cnst tlt~ C(tY m~nry~ 5~{n~~
1e55 th~n ~th~•rs~ incl this i. ,i Semj-Clust~•r• ~1~~v~~lcit~rtv~nt. Shr st~te<1 th~• 1•,~re I~~c~ c~st~
thc City r,~ney.
Cor~missi~~ncr' Or~vt~l f~•)t th~ ~~rxnissi~n Sh~uli! nt l~~~st ln~k ,~t A~~v~ln~r,~•n~ whirh hrc*~kt
ev~n; rx~l~ininn ~~n ~xn~ns(vr SCwrr linr conn~ctin~~ 1~ uni[t is ~~~~rtiz~~i nv~r the t~n
units~ or if it t~~nnects tc~ ?~ un(t5, is .--nnrt(ze~1 ~vrr :^• uni[s, Ile ~~s~;~d ~•~h~ ~nys :h~
Cor-missi~nrr HcrhSt sc~~t~~~~ nn hr~usin!I ~1~~v~1~~~,r~nt n~ys fc,r ttt~lf ~in~i f,~~,in~rc~man El~rn~~5
5t.'1te~1~ hc~~eful ly, tlir C1 ty wi I ~ ry~~t t~~cr ir~cluStrl.~l ~1~vnl~nrx~nt,
Cor~r~isSi~ner Tol~r sf~tr;i tlie c:nSt rrflrct~~.' in nnP ~It', dnPS n~t r~f~~.~t t~ th~ lab~r the
proj~ct brin~~s in~ nr [r~ the ec.on~ry ind f1f.t1C~ f,y~:tn~5, tuch <7s 5%1~~5 t~xFS~ ^tr..,
Joel Ficl: st~~tcd tf~i , r~~~rt ~~~s submitt~' hy t~~F• annl ic.~~nt nn~1 tynic~~l ly ~uch i re~~rt ~f
cos[ revenur study MlOU~C. %`d~lr~ss s~~les tax~5 :~nc! ~~t.her -~nrrn<<rint~ r~vrnu~ Snurces. lie
ex~l~ine~i th~ ~~th~~r issu~•r such ng I~ih~r, etc., 7rP se~.~rntF is~.u~s in~1 this r~n~rt w~s
desl~~nc~! tn c~valu~tr th<• FiSC.~I n~st~~r~ t~~ t~~P Ci[y.
D~~n Sale~d.~ Cn~^f~~Cfl((•~I the~v cli~! suhr~it thF fisc.,~l in~,~et rc~nrt ~nd use•r+ ;h~ City'S m~rlPl
an~1 Fqu:ttir~n. Ne ~t~tr~~i t'~r.y ~•~c~~~1~1 like t~ thin~: rk~yl~e it is nnf in ir•inrr.t nf S7~-n~n~~ or
$$0'1,~'`~~ b~~cnu5~ thry heliev~• tt~e ~ron1F in ~n~hr.ir~ Nllls h~~vN ~~ nr~~.~trr npr un~t ~nnu~l
in~:aric~ nn~1 thrrc~f~rr~ huy 'tr~rr.. Ne fcit in fut~ire yenrs~ ,vll citi~s a~ill hr vPry
denendent u~nn s~'+le~, tnx~~s ne~ner~tion :in~i h~c~usF nf tt~e ~r~iter ~115c:~etinri~rv ir~comc~s~
thc ~e~ple in 11n~hein~ fli l ls v+i 11 crear.r rnr~ sal~s t~xes ~nr1 ari tl~ the nror~S~ + c1~v~l~~t~r~ent
pf D~uer Ranch nn~~ thr re~iic~nnl shc,~~inn rr.ntFr~ they wi I1 Sn~n<1 the r~nev ir An~heim.
f.or~~~issioner Tolar st:-t~~J t~~is dr,vel~prnent will creatr ~ situ~ti~n nf fr~rinn u~ h~usinn
in ~thcr ~arts of thc County~ which will hrin~ ~eo~+l~ intc~ t~~~ CitY ~•~-~n will hc snP~dPr~n
in Annhrim ~~n~l th~rr jr~ Inm~,i5ur~blc nrnjcc[ions which c~nn~t hc ~~~tprnin~~1 hy .~n EIR.
ile 5tateci I~e h~s scFn ,, specific st~i~~y d~ne by Walker f. Lee nh~u[ 3 yc~~rs a!1~ whic~~ shc~ePd
apprc~ximately 13 f~mi I ies ~re :~ffpctrd econc~~lc~il ly with th~ r.,~nSt~uCtinn of nnP n~w '~c~me.
He di~l n~t thinl: thrr~ w~!uld he t~~at much ~lcficit with this ~I~vcl~n~r~nt.
Corm~issionrr Davi~f f~~lt the FI' sh~iilcl inclu~ic such inf~rm~7tinn,
Joel f ic~: stated the ec~n~r~ic repnrts ty~icr~lly suhr~ittP~l by ransultr+nts very
st~ecificially rl~ ~~ddrr,s th~ incomes of ~ron~~sPd residrnts and ~CCAUSP of cc+ncerns. City
5[aff looks at inc~r~es~ s~~les tax, exren~iitures ~X(~4~cted~ ~tc., an~.i enc~ura~-e consult~nts
to ri~ the simc. Ne stated he c~uld nc>t st~eAE: ta t.his r~port dc~ne by the c~nsultant~ but
that is a very comimn ~roce~lure whF•r~ aver~~e figures ~r~ us~~l.
Conxnissioner Nerbst st~ted he is c~ncerned ahout these condominiun ri~vel~t+ments ~er_tinq
all the requlrer~r,nts es~~cially rPCre~~t'ional area. He st+~ted he c~n see some are~s which
do not n~ct the recrt~at.i~n~t renuirements.
~~ .
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 10967-10y78 (Revlsion No. 1) ANQ REQUEST
Hr. Salced.~ st~ted Tr~ct 1~^7h ~lon~ f.Aminn G~~~nde (I,nts 1~ ?~ ' F~~) ~~~s A nrni Iv
r~l l Inn sl~~~ whi r,h ~rovi ~1rs ~~ rl.~y ~r recrcr~ti~nil .~r~~; .~nc1 rls~ ~pen SnAe~ l.~t !~~. '~'
In th~ s.~~ tr,~~t nmvi~l~ti r~cre~itinn f,~ciliti~s; Tr<~ct 111~72 .it th~ rinht turn nn
Tourr~nltn~ ~butttn~ tf~e ~nr~ inn 5~1cr~ hrs ~lrxisC ~ trirl~ l~t ~~~~i.:h r~~ul-1 nr~vt~i~ ~~~n
s~~~ec nn ~ t~t-l~t ~rr~; 7r.ict 1~'~71 r, 1~1'~73 hot}i h.~v~ r~~c:r~.~tinn~~) cent~~r5; ,~nd Tr~ct
10~(~J ~~n Concnrd h~~s snncc ~iclj~ccnt tn thc ~~~rki~n ~rA~ fnr A t~t-l~t; Tr,~ct 1^~t(" alnn~~
f,~nnSta~a h•~5 N ~~t-l~t (7',~ x f~~~). I~P Sf.~~t~r1 thr~tP 1n~5 wcr~ r~~st~nr~1 t~ nr~virl~~ ~n
opt i~~n t~ tl~, hrr~e b~ry~r, r i thrr wi th ~~r wl th~ut rccr~nt ion~ I fnci I i~ ieS; thr+t Eiob lynn ~f
Walkcr f Lr.r~~ c~nsultints~ rcpnrt~~<I ch~~t wit~~ ~ 1~cuzri ~+n~t s~~~imminn h^~1 .~ ~!~v~l~(~men[ vf
~etwr.~n "!, ~inr1 ~;~ unlt~,~ h~15 An incr~~ase~1 ,r,cf5t ~f 5~~.'1~ n~r r+~nth ,~n~1 th~ ~ntinn will h~
given tn the h~~m~~huver t~ sr~~~nd th~c '~'~ ~n r~cr~rti~n. In c~nr~iriSnn~ he ttnt~~t thr o~~n
sn~~ee c~t-Ints w~~il~+ n~t h,~v~ ,~n imn~ct .in~.i woul~i onlv r~~uir~ r~in~ the ~r~ss At ~~ c~sst
to thr hnm~rn~n~~rs •~f ~I,~rnxim~trly ~:i.~~'~ pcr r+~rth.
Com~i~.sir~nrr ~lerb5f. St~'+t+~d h~~ is very c~~nr_crnc~l ~~hout thP ~ISn~~~'Fr~r~nt rrl.itin~ tn the
rn~~~~ ~1e51nn ,n~i .~s' ~~~I w~,,,t t in~+, nf cnrq~rnmiSe c~+n be~ r~.,c.h~ri tc~ Sntisfy th~ (nnineerina
pan Salce~'~~ st~~tcd thF [C~n!~L c~ul~f h~ n~st~~~~ f~r nn r~~rV inn nn<1 JAy Ti[us r~nl fe~~ th~t
w~ul~~ nnt helr t~~~~ situnfinn very ri~ch,
Cor+r~issi~n~r Elu5linr~ stitrJ the er~ncrnts nf hc~w t~ r~r~ucr S~c~•~i ~~n~i rhilnSphlzin~l on how
fast ~~~~f~1~' ir~vc~i in niven Situ~tinns nrr h~in~ ~~i5cu;scrl ,~n~! h~• aS~~ci f~,r f~~ets t~
suhst~7ntintr the ccinc~~~ts b~~ciu~,e !his is a fl i~; nf .~ cnin,
Ch~irwnm~n E3arnrt ~c~int~*~.~ ~ut thcrc• ir.~ .r~ns in f.,~lif~rnii such ~~ N~lihu f,~nvnn which dn
very wel l~n~~ n~,~b~~hly h~vr th~i r sh~re~ ~f iccid~n[s~ hut *.-~cr~^ nrF nrnh~ifily mc~re
acci-lents ~n thF• ~lew~c,rt Freeway r~hict~ i•, ~tr~~i~~~~t. Sh~ f~1t ~~ ~~t nf th~ City str~ets
have ~rc~b~~hiy br~n ~wc~r-•lesi~;nr~i,
Canmissi~,nc~r Tol:~r St~tr~1 thc hill ~nd canvon lffestylc clict~t~~ SAMr• h~i~~r~l ~f livinn
ihere~ but it is :+ ~rl~ctio~ r~a~fc by the ne~~1~ wh~~ 1 ivr thcrr; th~~t hc rPal i~es anrl
a~,preciatcs wf~it Hr, Ti cus is ~..~+yinc~, but r+e~~IP wi 11 c~~ ~~: r~f+h in n ~,~ mnh znn~ ~n~! th~t
Cannnt bc 5t~~~t~r•d~ ih~it ~~~PIF ~~~~~'c accirl~nts t~n .i strit~~ht frP~ay~ ,~n~1 -~~ docs not fPe)
re~fuci n~ thr qr~~ie wi 1 1 st~~~ sr.c~din~~ nncJ i t iS ~~ari ~~r Chr 1. i f~stylP.
Cor-vr~isSi~,n~~r Fry scate~ if tf~c Stree[ ~s dFSinn~~cf for ',i n~nF~~ n~~r1r' will !rivf~ rr mrh,
Dan Salce~la st~~ird ~~e hns nn~ic~••! at the h~mt~~winers ~ssnciati~n mretin~s~ the hnmeowner5
are t~okin~ ~~ v~ry active inierr_st in the ~nf~,rcerx•i~t nf th~ CCE.~s with~n their trac.ts;
th~t thPr~ is + sinnificant pe•er pressure in the t,i 11 and canyon are~~ ,ind th~~t nre•ssiires
are brou~~ht to be~~ir +~n sn~~edrr5 by *heir hor~eorme~rs as5~ciation.
CommiSSinnrr Tntir asb.E:ci the cstlrnateci tir+e Sav~d in qr~ttin~ the~ nrn~'uct t~ the crn~sumers
anci the r~ney s.~vrc! bv Pl ir~in~~tion ~f burr_r~ucrat(c r~d t.i~e by :+nnrnvin~ ~+11 tarlve
traCtS~ as o~~~sed Cc? an~mv~i nf indtvidu~~l tr~~cts.
Hr. Salced:- re~~l ied ~ne ye.~r ~f tlmc s~~ved wcsuld be ~n ~stirnate. He stated they r+~ntee+ t~
present ~ cc~mprehensive rrngram~ tellinr~ the Cormr+csi~n that this is the entire ~+icture
z~i »ao
TENTATIVE MA° OF TRACT NOS. 10967-1Og78 (Revision No. 1) AND REQUEST
hec~~us~ w!ien n~~~r~~vin~ trc~cts nt <1tff~r~nt tirx~s~ thr Commi~a(nn woulci not kn~w whethPr
thc~y A~r_ cc-mp~tiblr.
Cor~mi5sion~r T~l~tir isE~•d wl~en these tr.icts wauld he c~r+pl~t~~1 ~~ncl ^ tc~ 3 y~r~rs wa5 th~
r~rly. Ne ~sl.c~c1 if th~rr Y/AS r-nywny t~ ndrl th~ pr~~Icctorl c~st ~iclcl~rl bY in~~ivi~ju,~l
-!r. ~alcc~l.~ st~t~~! if thc5e unlts w~rr ;~v~il~~hl~ t~~i~'+Y~ ~re arc~ul~l 5~11 f~r ~1~~~~~~ an~i
nr.xt yrar tt wnulcl ~~c•11 for S1'~5~~~^ t~~ `'2nn~~lnn~ ~~n incr~~is~~ ~~f ?~ tn '"~'' mintmum h~~s~•d
on infl~ti~n. H~ ~t~t~~1 r+hsrlutrly, UnCr-nciltlnnAllV, wli.it thf~ +~rm~issi~~n S~'PS is wh.~t
th~~y wi 1) yrt nnri ~~~ w~ulcl sti~~ul~tw th~y wi l i n~f crnM hAC~ ~~~~~ r~qu~st incr~~s~d
densitl~+s. NP ~t~~t~•~1 thr.y aril) c~ntrr~l that with thclr r•SC~~~w inStr~.ic.[(nns,
Jay Titus restALE`c~ FA~Ym~~ni I3oulev~~rct h~~s 7 12'' !)r~idr with ~n '~~'1-f~~t r~~lius curv~~ ~t thF
boit~i~ oP thr ,~r'~~1r nn<1 he kn~~ws ~cr5on~~lly ~f ~arr~ ,~ccicf~ntS thrrr clurin~ thr ~~5t y~~r
And M~yh~ thrrF wcrr r,r,rF; th~t ~~~hl RAnch ~o~d hy th~ nnl f cnurti~ hAS i 1''`.` c~r~ ~e and
Lh~ curvc~ nrnb~bly h,~5 a 1'1'1~-f~nt r~cliu~ ~ni1 tf~~Ye hetv~ heen n~ itciclrnts th~r~~; C:tn~,~nn
R1m with ~ 1''" ~+ra~fr, f~irly str~i~~ht .~liqnrrnt ~in~1 l,irn~ r~.!iu~ curv~s, h,~s ~i~ci n~~
acc i ~fen ts .
f.oMniissionrr (1u~~h~~r~ St~frd ~aith th~ ~+~.'sc~nt d~~inn, tr~ffic ~~+ill nn Sl~wPr~ hut it will
bc r,w7re ,1 ~n~~~ rnus .
CommisSic-ner Ilcrhs[ s[.'+tr~i hy 1'1~~ i`,rr~ wi 1 I he f~ur cYcl inrl~r ~utnnv~,hi 1Fs which ~~-rc
Slnw<~r. 11~ r+~~intr~l nutthr. st~if~ rc•t~:~rt rcC~~•xrN•n11S ~hr CoRr~iScinn nn~ errtify the• EIP ~nd
aSG.~~I i f St ~t f st i 1 I r~al•c~s tt~~t rr cnri•~cn~lnt inn,
Joel Fick st~~tr.~i St~iff fc~ls tt~t• inf~r~~~tl~n i5 c~r~~letr~ hut thrr~ ~re s~r~e q~~estions
whethcr thr inf~,rr,ati~.n Itr~~ hcrn r~circulaied cr~ ~11 the c~ncrrnF{~1 n~rt~ps,
Oan Salee~ln sc~te~ h~ pcr.;nnally c~~nt.~ttect ~~11 th!~ ne~nG~l~ Nt~n Nr~te lctte*rs rect~rdinn tl~e
arch~~lo~icil c~nc~rns,
Jt+ck Whit~~ 1~5sistnnf C,ity l'~ttnrr~c,y~ st~ttecl Ma++ei~ !~1115~ Inc,, h.iv~ res~nnclPd t~ the
c~nccrns Subnittri, hut hf• dir~ n~t t-~ink it is neccssary tt~ rcr.~ntnct tf~~5~ ~rn~1P with
res(~on,es ~nc1 fclt the~ Ic~~~~l r.r.snnn5ihilites h<~ve brhn t~-ti~;fi~~±,
Ch~~irwnr~An Iiarn~s .~s4FC1 if Anaheir~ 11i115, Inc, wrn.~lc+ hr r~.~~nSi~,lc f~~r ~r~y larrsuiis
relatinc~ to th~ fl'~. nn~l Jac~ uhit~~, ~ssisL~~nt City ~tt~~rncy~ e~xnlainrd th~ City w~uld be
thr, resp~~~cient ~~nd pniheim N111s~ (nc, would br. thc ra~~l p~rty in interrst an~} in the ~ast
thc City h,~5 placcd thc si~~nificant hurd~n of ~.fefense u~~n thc real ~+~rty in int~~r~tt qncl
frcxn Hr, Salced~~'s crnm~nts~ thcy underst•~nd thcy ~ir~ tiavr. rh~-t ~bligatinn and thcy want
th~ Cor*~~iSSi~n to nroc~ed n~ the ba~s15 that the informai+~n i•• ~d~RUntc.
Mr. Salcerta statrd f~r thc st~tut~r~y peri~d of timc in wF~~ch this EIp c~~ald br ~ti~c'r~~l~
Lhey Woul d hc+l ~i the Ci ty harrni~ss of ~in;~ 1 awsui t that ~ccurr~~t bec~i~is~ of the• ~-der~uac.y of
the EIR.
ACTI~~iI: Cc~+issi~n~r Ilerhst offcred ~~-otion, s~condr.d by Conmission~r Kin~ an~i MnYlrt~
l~h~,h~D~ tF,it Environmrntnl Impac.t Rrpc,rt '!o. 2?5~ sut+pl~mentinct CIP 'I^. ~^78 w~ic--
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS, t0967-t0978 (R~vir,ion N~~. 1) AND REQUEST
c~~~rc~i thc~ .~cl~iitir,n nf Pl.inninn ~inits IX nn~1 XIY tc~ th~~ Annh~i~~ Illlls Pl.~~nc~t Cnmmunlty
~~na nn~! wA~, e~~rtifi~~~l hy th~ f.lty C~~inctl nn ~~ccmh~r ^~~~ 1^??~ °~r th~ rrnrn:e~1
devrlonrxnt ~~f ~~~^ r~~j~f~~ntinl ur~its c~n ~n s~rcA nf Rn~rnxir~Ac~•!y 3~~1 ~~cr~t l~cntr~l
A~,~rnxlr~~~trly 1~'~n frrt 5~iith rf thc int, rsc~cti~n r~f N~hl Ran~h Pn,~~' ~nct ~n~hrir~ HI11S
ro<,~i, I~avin~ br~n c~n~,i~i~~rr~i t-+i~, ~~~~t~ hy thr~ 11nA~~rir~ Ctty ('linnin~ Crn~miS~,lnn ~nci
ev i~}cnc~ i n~ 1 u~! t n~t c~i~x•rnt5 r~c~~ i v~~1 inci r~•s~~~n~,~~ ri i v~n nt t h~ ~uh 1 t c h~nr in~ ~ h~th
wrliten ~n~i nrnl~ ~~avinn he.r..n ~r~~tirntc~l tn sun~l~~r,rnt Snic1 EI~' 'In. ?'~~~ ttir Pl•nnlnn
Cormii55inn fin~l; tl~,it notcnti~~l ~r~~)~ct ~;~`n~r~+lr~! in;!ivlclu~) ~~~1 ctimi~litiv~ n~1Vr~5~~
inx~~~ets h:+v~ he~~n rrri~~c~~~ tn nn (nsinrific:ant lcvrl; ~~n~~ thnt t~~r SUf1jPCT ~{r~~~t ~'" '~~.
^3', confor~s t~ th~ C i t.y nn~1 ',tttt~~ E I R ~ui ~t~ I 1 rn~s ;.in +~ has~cf nn thc fnre~nlnn I~}~~rr+nt inn
t~n~+, trctlrv~ny ~~ivrri nl tl~i5 r~~hllc h~,~rinn~ tl,~ ~l~nnin~~ Cnrx^is~i~n ~1nr~ hrrrhy c~rtifv
s,~i~i EI~, N~. ,
Cc-rxiissi~n~r NcrhSt ~~1'f~~rc~l res~luti~n -1~~, Pf,~^-~'~ ~n~i r~~v~ri f~r its ~~S••~'~~i~ ~~nr1 i~l~nfion
th,~t [h~ ~nnhFim Clty f l,~nnlnn Cnrr,issf~n cf~~~s I~~~r~hy ~r~~nt F'etitinn fnr RPCIASSj~ICA[~nf1
flo, ?''_~'n-:"~~ h~i~~~~.1 ~,n thr ~~t~~~n ~,n,icc ~r~ns sl~~~rin in ~trrcn nn th~• rxhiF,it suhr~itt~~~ thi5
d~y ~nd ~11snl.~y~~~ ~~n th~~ f.ounr_i 1 ChA~tho~ wn! 1~ ,,nc1 th~ r~•viticc! tr~r_t n~nS suhr~lttrr~l nn
I'ri~lt~y, ~n~~ ~~n il~^ b,i,is nf the ~~~titinnr.rS ~tinulrti~n tn I~rnvi~l~ ~~ rxl,ihl~ ~n~~ 1~~A1
~lrscrin!irm Pnr th~~ n1~~ns submittc~d nt thc ~uhlic hrnrin~~~ r~n~~ suh)rct km m~difi~~~
Int~-~r~~c~}irtrnrnLnl Corv~i trnr r~~cr~rr~ienc;~t ions~ .~5 r~view~cl ~t th~ ruh) ic hr~rln~,
Pr(or t~ vn~tn~i ~n t~~c ~t>~vr r~solution~ 11nn11.~ Sant~~~hti Pr.nl~ilnrri tlic inf~rr~~'stlt-~
~ri~itn~~l ly c~iv~•n st~'~ff int.lu-1c!1 r~n~ np~n 5[rAf.l' tr~ct shn~•m ~~s thr 1 irr nr~~n .~r~A in thc
u~,n~r ri~~ht h.in~! cnrr;er ~~f thr ~xhihit disnl,iye~~ .~n~1 fn~iic~t~•rf It wrs hcr unrl~rstandinn
th~~t nnw tli.~rc ~~f~~ ~~~•n 5^AC~ l~ts in ~thcr tr.~ct5 ~lth~u~th th~ sfs-ff rF~nrt ~!oes nt~t
covr_r th~~sc,
Jocl F(ck ct,~t~~rf th~~ e,<hibit ~iisnlnv~~ ig n~t •.he sarie~ ~~s thp r~v(s~~1 nl~n- sub~^ittec~ ~n
Fri~fiy An~i th~~ ~~r.F~ihit ~>n the wa11 wa•, Submittrd t~d,~y t~~ ~le~i~n~t~ th~ norn s~icn are~s
whieh woul~' be r+~int~in~~1 hy thr l~cil ,nci Ma~[er Hor~r•rn~ner'S Associntinns,
Cor~nissionrr Herhst ~nint~ri ~ut t'+~e r~cli~si~ icTtior .~ill `ie For n~~n s~~c~ mninn ancl it
cann~t h~ chnnnrd unl~5s r~mned in the fut~re,
Mr. Flc4. st~+tr~1 th~ chnnn~5 on this m~n lnclu~~cd ~'e~~~iowvicw LAn~ which wAs a}~riv~'~t~
street chan~~~1 t~ i ~ul~lic street t~~ s~~tisfy thr. Vi~~ Cscoll~ conc~rns and a street is
Shrx~n to ultir~atcly cc+nnc•ct t~ ~~o~~l P<~nch Poad C~ thc n~rth~ which strc~t wfls orininally
Mr. Salcc!~ state~l ',~~ w~~ulri col~r thc r~~st r~cnnt plans subr~i!tc~<i t~ the CcMmissinn an~~
pr~vide a le~t~l c+~scrit~ti~,n for the rr.~onin~,
f,orx~issinner tlerbst st~t~~1 the r~snlution wlll include all thc r~c.lASSificatic,ns,
i ndi cat i nq the U~rn sn.ice ~ ind any rmd i f i ca k i ~ns r,r ch~inrye5 noi ~I SCUSSC~~ wi 1 1 h~~+ve to be
revie~+e~1 by thr Commission,
Annika Sant~lahti stited she s~ssumeci the r~s~lution includc~rt thr rx~difie~l r.~n+itions ac
revicw~cl ~ncf tt~~s~ crnditi~ns arc includcci in th~ r~cl,~ssificat~on and tr~cts in ~rdr.r
th~~t n~ one can s~y l~~ter that they did n~t undP_PSt~7nd that all ch~se c~ecisi~ns fiav~ tc be
made before final tract ap~roval.
f.orxnissinnrr flr..rhst rsl r~1 ~` thr rrti ticnrr ts in ~qr~~~~~~nt with th.~ Trafftc Enc~in~rr's
rec~mrncn~l~ti~n ~~r [h~ tnstnll~~tl~n nf ,ti tr.iffic sinnnl an~i Mr. Sr+lcn;1,~ in~iicatc~l fr~r+ th~
Au~fience ~h~~t thry ~~nr~•e.
H~~ i'icl~. isb~~cl r r.r~n~fit(~n h~• ndcie~l thot al) the tr~~+ls wrn~l~i he in c~nfnrm~nC~ with the
Genernl P1~n.
On r~l) c~l l~ thc' fnl'rcli~ln~ r^S~~luti~n wa5 hnssc<1 bv tf~c f~1lnNrin~ v~t~;
AYCS: C~I!HIS~I~'IC~~; (311R~~c.`,~ IiI,I~,N~!rf~ (~1~~~1(1~ FPY~ N~Rn~T~ 1:111~~ T~l.~~
~I~~ ; : Cn-1~!I `~ I ~'iE^S : f!~t1E
l1~5r'IT; ~~'+M1;~,1'"'~!r^'', ~I~'!(~
Commissinn~r Hr.rhSt ~~f~rc~' R~snlution No, Pf,~n-Z1 nn~1 r~v~~1 Fnr tts ~ntc,inc .~n~~ rrln~,t~nn
th~t th~ An.iheir~ f,ity P1.~nnin~ Coun~lssic>n cio~•s h~rchy ~r~~nt P~titi~n f~r V.~ri~~nc~ tl~~ ~13f~
on thc bnsis ~F the hi 11y t~rriin ,inci t~ru~~r.,n-w of suh)rct hr~n~rty~ sub-~ct tn
Int~r~{e~~irtrrnt.il Cor7mittcc ~rc~rmc~n~i:~tior,~.
On rnll c'~all ~ th~~ f~~rec»in~i r~s~lutlvn w~s (~ti55tr~f by thc f~~l l~»+in~7 vnt~^t
tlYf~: C~N-~I~~,I~'lEnS: E1AP'1f5~ 0'J~H~^C, ~A~'iD~ FFY~ N~P(;~T, Y,I',~~ T~I.~P
~I~E:~ ; Cn-~~~~~~ I~IIf.~S: F~0'IE
!1l;~ C'~T; C~MMI $S 10';C^S : ~I~!:E
~nniE.~ Santatahti r~frrrr.cl t~ ~ recent trnct (Troct ~i~. 1~^~~^) ~nnrov~il ~c~j~r.ent t~ this
pm~rrty whic.h di•~ n~t inclucl~ the hc~rs~ traii Shc~wn on the c~RSterly side of the dis~layed
exl~ihit an,i ,~,t,ed th~t :- ce~n~fitir~rt be addrel thit thc~ t~~~~se trails syst~r~ shal) ineluc~e~
thnt It!~r5r trail an~7 thF• r~aint^nanc~ th~r~nf~ -~r. SAlceda sta~c~1 thos~ tr~ils exi5t
Corx;issi~n~r Herh~t st~tec! t-~c t~t-l~ts shoulcl he clepictcd o~ .~11 th~ tricts as ~1lstussed.
f!e stAte~l h~ w~uld 1 ik~ t~ 1.now ~ihy the nam~ Has chan~c~i nn the ~ne t-+r~~u~hfar~ street and
fclt it wnul~~ f;c r.nnfusinn.
Annik.~ Sant~~l~hti stated thcrc~ .ire n~ 1~ts fr~ntinq ~n t!~e rlnuhly-named strc~t ~n~i it t~n
be one ~i~r+r.
AC~I~!7: Co-~r.~iss~~ner Herhst off~~ed a rx~tion~ sec~n~lPC! hy Ccxronissinn~r Y,inc~ .~nc' M~TIr~N
~~~ that t!~~~ Anaheim Ci ty Planninc~ Commi~,sinn ci~rs herPhy ftnri th~t the pr~n~sc~c~
sub~livision, c~r~~ther with its design and lm~rovement~ is u~nsiSte~nt with khP Citv of
Anaheir~~ f,cr.cr~l Ptan~ ~~ursuant t~ Govcrnr~r.nt Cocie~ Sectinn 'G~~7i,S an~i do~s~ th~rcfore~
ap~mv~ tt~ ~ follc~v+in~ tent~it-vc r~Aps subJec:t tn retitinncr's 5ti~ulati~ns At thP public
hearin~ an~J mo~dificatior, by staff of the cnnciitions of ~nt~rovnl of the oric~inal tracts;
TEt~TnTIVE. MhP 0-' TR~r,T ~In. 1~~G'1 (R~viston tlo. 1) - 1~^ R~',-3^,n'1(SC} lnts, 1 OS(SC) lnc;
TEt~T.~TIVF: N11P OF TRl1~' NQ. 1~~F,n (Revision No. 1~ - 39 RN-3~n~(Sr) lot.~ 1 OS(SC) lnt;
T'Et:T^Tt~/f' ~7AC OF Tr.n.rT ~i~. 1~~~9 (Revisi~n !lo. 1) - I2 RM-2t+~'1(Sf,) lots, 1 OS(SC~ lot;
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 10961-1097a (aevlslon N~. 1) AND REQUEST
TF-IT~TIVE: M/1P OF Tr,nr.? -~n~ ~n~7n (!ievlst~n No. 11 - ~1 RH-~1+nn(SC) lnts~ 1 OS(SC) lot;
TE~iTnTlv[ NAr ~r TnnrT ~~n, ~n~71 (P~vict~n -ic,, t) -~~~f~ rtr~-3nnn(sc;) I~~c~, t ns(s~) lc,c;
TC~ITnT1~lE -~^r 0-' TR~~~T rt~, 1~^)? (Revlst~n ~io, t) ~ 17 R~~-3n~~(Sr,) l~cs~ t nsfSr..1 1nc;
TfI~T11T1~.'C M~(~ Ot' T~Ac'T tln, ~n~7; (IL,visinn "~o. t) - ~1 PN-3nnn(Sf,) locs~ 1 ~5(Srl 1~t;
TC~tT1~Ti~~f M,1p ~r T~11rT tJf1. 1~^7~~ (RPVlsir~n tlo. 1) -~? rh~-3~n~('~C) t~ts~ 1 ~5(Sf.l 1~t;
TC'lT11TIti.`E 11,~P (1~ TR~CT 11^. 1~^7~ (Rrvlsion tl~.l) - `'3 n -!-~'~~~n(SC) I ~ts~ 1 ~Sf~,rl 1 ~~;
TfItTRTIVF r!np nr T^~rT N~~~. 1~'~7( (R~v(ai~n Il~. 1) - 1(~ RS-HS-^?~^^'~(SC) I~ts~ 1 nS(S[)
TF.r~T~T IVC Hnf' f~F T~l'~CT !I^. 1~'~77 (P,cvl s inn '10. !) -~ RS•N~-^? ~'1nn (~f ) 1~tS ~ 1 ~~ f Sf.l lnt ;
Tf.!IT,~TIVf MhP f1~ Tnr,~~T •~r, in~rJA (Re•vi~,tcm -~~. 1) - 1 ~!' (,S(') I~t;
~~n~1 s~lb(ert tn Clic fnll~r•~in~~ conciltirms:
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS~ 10967-10978 (aevis(on N~. 1) AND REQUEST
1NTE~'~E~1!',T-'E~:TAL CO'1'11TTEE RCC~"'~F'!?AT10-~~ IF Tr~~T„I"r T^r•cT '~C. ''~^''
j1t l Ib'~ ~;C. i) APPROV[D:
1, Thac ttie approval of Tentative -'.ap of Tract -1c,, 1^~'~ (~'~viston '~o, 1) i~~
granted suh,ject to the a~>prov~l of feclassiflcit~on ';o. 7^~~^~:'r an''
Veriancc ~lo, 313~.
:., That s',u~li this su!~!lvision he C~P.VCIU~!!'G ~s nc;r~~ c~<~^ cr- ;~~~ !ivlslnr, c~~c`~,
su:~~iVISSOr, thcre~f ~hall be submlttc~i in tec,tatl~~ fnr~~ ~~r :~°rrv~l.
, T at 3~~ ~JC~~it~(`S f~~t~~•~ tl~ tl'1:1 4C1~1'~'~~:f,~ .I,~~ir i~~ ~~,r`., i ~,+~ ~J~ ~~,rnl'(lU~!1
~ , ~1
~~, Prior L:~ fin~l LP.IG~ P'J~~ aonr~-~val ~ L~ (. OI'I'!~n7~ GU~ 1'~~ r~S !,~ t~ ^ G~VCr~~nt5~
eon.~itlc+ns~ anr.! restrletlons. an~ a l~ttPr ~d•~resse ~ te devclr~~r's tltle
COm~~ny a:;ttiori~in~ ~~Cn~~~tlOn ttier~~f~ sh,,ll h~ s•~!• itth~' •~ t'~~ Clty
lltt~rnry'S officr an~1 a~'~r~~ved by t~~c Cir,y Att:~rncv'S ~f~ic~ a~' Enc~lnrcrln~
r~~V~ilUfl. ~d~~ C~UCU"'CIltS~ .~~ AD7~OVC'~~ 5~1,~11 ~~n f~ ~~~•l a9-~~~ r~r_or~1~+.~ I^i ~~1C
Ofrlc~ o~ t'~c. Crancc Coun;y 4ecnr~_ic~-, ~ai~f c^v~nrnc-., rrn•'Stlcns ~i~'
restrietion~ shall inelu~'c prov(si~ns {~r t'~^ ~~'r'".~'~~"~~ r,.~i~t~~^~~cc of ~a11
C~ ((~~+en 5~~ •) ~oncd lots a~~J recr~atio;,.~l l~ts.
~ ~~13t S~fPI`~ r1]~1C5 5~~1~~ f?C df.(~~~lVl''~ ~'V ~~~r ~f~'i p~3'1^1~ ~1~'!'~ll't~~n•t ~~Inr t0
,~ .
approval uf ~ final tract m~~.
F. ~f ~cr^~anc:~t SCf~t~ f1A~~` S~~f1c ~',AVC t1Gt ~'CCn ~I1St]~ ~~'"~~ L^•,-'~~~"!rv S~~!!nt
nanc sic~ns shal! h~ i~st.~llP~ crior to ~CCU~Rf1CV,
7. 7hat ~raln~c;e r,f sal:; rroacrty s'•~1) t~ dis~os^.~' o` ir a:n3nrcr s~ttsRactcrv
to t`~e City Cnyinecr. If~ in th~ nrcparitlo- o~ t'•r s=tf•, t~if`icic~t
g~~:!inr, 1s reauire~ tn nrces~itnt~.. :- c~~~d1n~ !1CI'••it ~ no ~•~or- ~, nr: r'in~ ~~( 11
bP ~er:~itte.: t,et~~een Octo~er 1>tt~ and Aprit 1~tti unless all rco~.,ir~~•' o~f-
sitc~ drainace facilitics have been tnstallcd an~~ ar+~ opcritlvc, positivc
assurance s` al l he provtded t'~e C t tv that suc~ dra i nace fac I 1 1 t les +•~~ I1 he
Gomplctc!! ~rior to Octot~er I~th. "Iccess~~ry right-of-r~ay for off-sit^
drainac~e fac(littes sha11 be dedieat~d to th~ Clty. ~r t~~ Clty Council
shall have initiated condc~+natlon procee~fincs theref~r (ttic costs of w~lch
shall l,e !~orne by the devel~per) ~rior to the commencerent of arading
operatiens. The rcquired drainage facltities sh~ll be of a size and type
sufficient to r.arry runoff r~aters eriginatinc~ frcr^ hl:~her ~ropPrties throv~ti
said property to ult1~^ate disposal a~s a~prov~~i hy thr_ Clty ~notncer. Sald
drainagc facillties shalt be the first It~~~ of ~,onstructi~n an~1 sh~ll t~~
co~~leted and t+c fun~tlonal throughout the tra~__ an~~ fro^ t~e ~a~n5trcaM
bou~dary of the ~r~perty to thr ultlnite noint nf dlsposal prlor to thr
tssuancp of any flnal hutlding fnsp~ctions or occup~ncy perTits. t`ralnagc
dtstrict retm~ursement aorePm~nts may be madc~ availahle tn th~ devetopers af
said property upon thefr request.
n. That grading~ excavation~ and all nther cc-nscructian activities sh~l1 ~A
conducted tn such a manner so as to mintntze the passi'.?Iltty of any sllt
orlginatin9 fron this project being carried tnt~ tfie Santa Ana ^.Iver by
storm water originating from or flo~+ing through thts proJect.
2/ 11 /80
TENTAT I VE MAP OF TRAf,T NOS . 10967-10978 (Re v i s i on No . 1) AND REQUE ST
9. That all private streets shal) b~ d~veio;~^J ir ~cc~ 'anc~ witti th~ Clty of
Arahein's Standard Detail No. 1~2 for private str~~ts, Inclucltn~
Installation ef street nnne sic~ns. Plans for th~ privatc strcAt llqhtlrq~
as rcqui r~d hy th~ stand,~rd detal 1~ sha 1) hr. suti~,i t t~d to an;' l17n~nN~ ~~y
the Elc~trical Olvl~lon, Appr~vc~1 privatc strn~t 11n~tlnc~ nl~~s ,h~ll t~~n
bc suhr~ittcd to thc B~~tldlna ~ivision far incluslon ~rlth thF hulld~n~ nl~~,ns
prtor to Issuanc~ of huildtng per~+lt~. ~
1;1. That the dPV~loner of su!~Ject tr~ct sha)) ~ntrr int~ a sn~cial ~,iclliti~s
aarcenent ~~It~ thc Citv u° Anahcir^ fcr ~•rat~r far.ilit(rs i~ ttir ui~~~
Clevat (on Syst~~^~ as rrc~ulrrc{ ~,y Qui~ 1~n of t~~ ~~,~r~r ~+t ( 1 i t~- Ritps ~^-.I~s
an~ 4egul~tlc,n, prl~r ic apnrr~va) oF a fi~,~l [r~r_t n,~, :~~ y~ laul~tPa ~Y thr
pctlt Inri~~r,
11. Pr{or to the a~~r~val of any fin~l t~aet ~+~~n. t-,P :i~vcln~rrs of t'~~ 4n.ih~l^+
~Illls ~'lanned C~nnunity (An~i~~ir~ N1115~ (nc., or tti~lr gucc~ss~rs~ asS(c~rs~
or tr~~nsfcra_cs) s"~il) suF~n(t a par~s ~nd rr.Cre.~tion~l <<1CI ~ iLll'S ~l~n to th~
Pdr-s and qecre~;lonil and Corr~urlty Se~rvtc~s :'1r.c~,~rt•~~r~t f~r r~vl.rw ~n~
ap~.roval, Said propos3l sh~~ll dcter tn~ thr s~rciflc ^~fi~s Ny t;'~Ich th~~
clevrlo(~er orovides par~ an~f recrretin~ faclliti~~ f~,r tti^ °utur~ rrsi-~ents
of th~^ arra (Trac~ '~o~. 1^ur7 thr~uc~~ 1 ~n7~, (nrlu~.iv~). Suc~ ^+ra^~ ~~v
inc;lude~ '~ut need not hr ll~^ited to, ~~~ follo~~irc: ~ay tu t'+e~ Citv ~''
Anahrir~ Fark and r~ercacior in-Ileu fr.cs as ~1~tPr~inc+ t~ '~~ a~prr~,rlat~ 'y
th~ Clty Council at the tlr+c of huildina perr~it issunrc~~ ~r ~ie~lc~~t^ ~ar~
lan~ic ~cce~ta:le to tti~ Clty of Ana'~ei~-;; or a cor~i~~atior ctiFreoF.
Accc~tanc~ of t'~c SnCCPfIC ri~ins sti~i l he 4U~'I(~~t t~ thr a~^rov~l ~~ t~.
~ir~~ctor :,,' '~rls an:! 4eere,itian an-~ Co^tl,~.,nitv Servic~~~,.
12. That n~icr t~ ttic an~r~val of a fi~a~ tfac't ^~~~, !~~rF S~~! 1 h~ Su'"ttie' tn
thc Clty Plannin^ Cor~^+fS51on for r~vie•.~ an;' ~~~r~vnl, c~~cific ~la~c ~~
dev~~~~)Qr~n~1~. F~1ll~ 57P'C~f~C I'~~1~5 5~'.:~~ jnrlu'!C~ ~'i~t M,~! h~ ~~'^~TPi ~C1~ thl.'
a. Topogranhit nap.
b. Site nlans anc' elev~tions Shcxrin~ t~~~ pl~c~ren•. cf thc~ ~~1ilc'ines ~nc'
structures; thc front, sicie an:! rear elevat i^n~,; ana -'~~ ~r-~rl~r
building materials incluc!iny roo°in~,
e. Lc+t di~+~nsions anu pa~J size of al l lots sufficirnt t~ i^~'ic,~t~ t'~F
rtlatiAnship ~f thr. proposal to t`~e ndtur~ an~' ext~~~t ~f ttie Cut-~r~-
f i 1) or eartlri,or4. (nvolvec+.
d. Landscaptng plans indicating t'~c eatent anc! tynt~ nf proposr.~1
landscapiny ancl including any eristiny veo~tation,
e. Vehicle circulation and parkin~ ptan tndicatinr~ ;h' nature an~` er.t~~t
of p~~,lle end private .r~ets~ or pu!:Itc access~rays for vetiic:ul~r
circ~lation, off-street parking and vehic)~ storasr.
f. Equestrian and h~ktng trails plan sho~~ln~ tl~c placenent an:~
(mprovenents of the trails easer,ents for the ReSloral Trail t~~. 3
(An~heir~ Hllls Traft) and Dacl:bone T~aii !~o. 1~ (Oa~. Canyon Trail) as
2/ 11 /$0
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRAGT NOS. 10967-10978 (a~vlsion No. 1) AND REQUEST
dcsignated by thc Equestrit+n sr~~! -~I~;ina Tr~i 1~ Componcnt ~~s the /lnntiri~
Genera) Plan Tralls Elrr,ent; inclu~inc, tti~ sper.lfic ~P4I0~ for any
location wherc a trr~11 crosses ovcr ~~ pul•11c or prlvat~ stre~t; an~'
also inclucilny th~ off-si tc trai 1 easpr+enL as shc~wn ~n Exhi- i t'~o. ^ ~f
aeclassiflcatlon '~~, 7~-Q,^-2r„
g, Fertce and/or wall ~l~ns Indic~yting t~~~ tvnr ef fcrcin~ Alnn~ any lot
line ~f a sltc ~huttln~ pu'•lic or nrlvatc ~,trP~ts.
13, In accc~r~f~ncr wltti ttic prc>vlSlOnS oF ~~nlnc Codr Sc:ctt~~ 'I~, 1".z1,^^'~~ all
d-~el I ing units ln the ?"-~~^'? ~aPSlilrtlC I,il ~"uttt; 1~-~a~~i ly1 lon~ cti;,l l hc
~ttac'ir f unlts; provldr r~, hn~rcvAr, t'~•~t drt.~c'~~. ~ ,,.•fn-,l ly ~!wrl l irqs ^~~~v ~~r
built su':jPct t~ all rrstrictii~n; anc~ rco.,l~tl~n~, u° citticr [hr '~•-;^~'` or
P,5-~~~~ (~ccldc~tit~l~ Sinyl~-F~~n(lyl 2on~s,
14. Th~~t ~rior to any w~tcr tanncctions In thr. Anaticir ~Illis Planne•~ Co~'x~unity~
the dev~l~pers o~ s~~~ pl,innrc' ~o^•~~u~i~Y ~.",ntti~lr :;(Ils~ Inc. or th~ir
successors~ assl~ns~ or trans~~~r~cs) stiall s~h~lt t~ tti~ ~ircct~r of Pu:;lic
l%t i 1 i t les f~r hi s revie~~ anc' ~nnrr.vnl ~ a~rr~os~ci plcin for the acr~~gr
p~ymnnt of ~~,~te~ rialn ~x!cr~lc~n ~~~s. Sai~' ~l,~r stia71 consi~cr all lAr:'
W~t~1T(1 tF~n Jft`3 ~T~ifCt Ii05. ~^n!7 t~~~C`U~~~ ~nn'f~'~ ~f1f7UStV~'~ ~11C~U~~f1r^, O~rR
1;. That fir~ !~ycirants shall tc inst~lle~ An~~ eht~rr~~~+ a~ ~t~~ui~~-I an-1 !'et~r^+lnc,:
tG he necessary `~y t'^.~ Chicf of t'~c F-rc ~enart"+~nt ~rinr t~.~ C~^-mPn~~!~Pn[ o~
5tructural far~-Inr•,
1~. Tt~at atl requirP~~,er;s of Fir~ ?a~c ~~ (ot~~~rti,isr. i~'~nti`ic~i a5 Fir.~
Administrattvc ~rdrr '~~, 7~-~1 nn ~(lr_ in t-~,e~ ~f~itr ~f ttie Firr Chlef)
Shall hc met. SUCh~ f~qui~c~'~~nt5 inelu~r.~ hut ar~~ n~t lir~,itr~' to~ Chi~~r~ey
spart arrest~rs~ pratectcc! attica anc' unr!~r slc>Ur ooc~ln~_;s~ Class C or
bettcr roofinc mat~~ria) an~ o~c. h~~~.ir flrr resistiv~ c~„s•r~~ctlon of
hprizoneal surfaeFs laeatcd wit' ,"^^ feet ~F ~ij~CCrt ~rus~l~r<~.
17. That ~u~) brcal.5 stiall !,e nrov~dr.1 as dairrrrin~;i ~~, '~r re~~~iir~~! '~y thh Firc
1~. That ~o puhlic or private strePi grades shall exc~^~f ten oercent (1^')
except hy prlor approva) oF ttie Firc ~e~~rt~ent an ~ thc ~n;;inc~prtnr,
1Q. That In accora3nce wit'~ t!+e pnl icies of t`,e Firf ~enartT~~t~ r~ativc slo~rs
(as ~liseussed ln Chapter 17.~r "~rading~ Fxcav~tia-~5 ~nc: Fills in !'illside-
Arcas" of th~ Anaheim t~unicip~l C~de~ located adjac~nt to n~v~ly ta^structe:'
honcs shail bc hydroseeded ~rit~ a la~ fucl contustive see~i mlx. S~cti slopes
shall bc sprinl;lered an4 -~ee~lec' as requlrc~ tn est~!'ish 1^^ fect SfA'!r.]iZOr'
of flar~ma~le veyctatlon fror, ary st~ucture.
2C. In the even~ that Suti~ett prop!~rty is t~ be d1vi~1~±~1 fnr ttie nur~os~~ ~~ Sale~
ledsc. or flnanc(ng~ a parcel r~p~ t~ r~cnr~1 the a~r~~~ve.! ~Ivision n,'
suLJect property shall be suhr~itte•f to and apnrnved h~- thc f'Ity o` ~na~,ei~•
and ih~n he retorded in the office o~ the Oranae Cu~inty Recorder.
TENTAtIVE MAP OF TRACT NQS. 10967-1097A (Revislan No. 1) AND REQUEST
21. Prior to epproval of ~ flnal trnet ma~~ r,~~e o~m~r(sl ~f su!+t~et pro~^rty
shall dedteat~ and Im~~ove ten (1~) fr~t r-''c1a c~ue-st~l~~n end hfl inc~ tr~115
as shc~wn on ths Equesi~ian oncl '~iklr~, Tro! IS Conpo~ent o~ t`~~ ~~a',~i~-
General Plan Tralls Ele~+ent; that Ir.~,rovenent olans, In acc~rdance wtt~
stoncl~rJ plar; and specificatlons on file in the ~f~icc of t!~~ City
E~~in~cr~ shal) be su~mittc~l in con)unctl~n wit', th~~ grrcllnr plan; an:f/or
that a hond tn an amo~nt anJ for~+ satlsfacto ry t~ thr City ~f Anah~l-+ sti~ll
bc posceJ wlth thc City nrior to ftnal tract r~ ~ anpr~vA) or Iss.,~~nce o~ n
g~~ding p~rrtiit~ ~~htc'~ever oecurs flrst~ to ~~~iranter t~c Ir,stallatinn of t~~
abovr-r~entione,i re~utrcnc~nt5 prtor t~ octuo~ncv, S~Id de,!Icati~n a~~i
IriprpvGn~~~t sf~,il l inclucie t'ie o~f-sl tc Pacl „~~r~c Tr,ii l t~r,. 1~ (~~~ Ca~y^r~
Tra11) loc~tc; tn Tr~tir_t -:o. If^~^.
2^, Prior tu fin~i) tract mac- ~~Droval~ a ~ro~ra~ f~r t~~• ^alnten~~r,
responslbllity and esttmat~d cast Lh~re~f of ~iil n~cn-snn-~ ~0~,~:1 I~tS ,"all
h~ suhmttted to anc~ apnrnvf~i hy th~ City o~ Ana ~.) .
23. Prlor tc~ final tr,~ct map approval~ Tract N~, 1^ 7"~ A wh~11y r~^r sn~c~
t ract ~ stia I 1 be recorded wl t'~ thr Of f i e~ o~ the Or.~nc ~ C~~.inty °ec~r;~c r ~na
aeec~~teJ hy thc~ l'~n.~'~cir~ -~Ills `tast~r No+~~c~~~nArt Ass~r_iatlon.
'~+. in accord~nce wit~ t`~~ re~uire~nis o` SPCtio~ 1",^^.^~7 n~r~ainlnn tn tti~~
Iniftal sale of restdcntlal ti~~+rs in thc City ~~ Ani~,ciT Planninq RrP•~ "~"~
thc s~ller shall provlc~e eac'~ huy~r ~;it'~ ~~~itt^r infr>r^ntl~n cnnce~~ l^r• t~c
Anahcir~ ~ener~) Pl.~n and thc rxisttn~ ro~'~~~ ~+~t~ln ?^^ f~rt of t~e
houndarics ~f ~u'>jcct tract.
2~. That the o~~n~r(s) ~f s~i! ~ect ~~rnn~rty (M~'~ei^ ~~il'~., Irc., ~r t'~rir
succc.ssors. assinr,s~ nr tr~nSfc~rPcs~ sh,~l l in,t~l' ,~ Lr~~f ic. si7nnl at Lh~
int~rscctlon af '~~ht R.vncti ?on~i ~n~J ~tan~ Coar~ ?~n~1 (t~ h^ re~~^e:' Ca~~•inc
Gr~~ncle) as r~equ ( rec! hy t~~e C 1 tv Traff t ~ En^ ~ nc~er ~~~+ in ,iccor:iance wi ~h
s{~ecificatlans on filF• in t~~ ^~fic~ of t~~r. Citv En~-ln~~r; ar~ t~~t nri~r t~
i ssusnee of a gr~e±ing ~,er°~( t~ a boncf ~ eert t f I eAte of dN~•o, i t~ I~tter ~f
credit or cns'•~. in ar~ amount and forT sbtisf~~t~rv t~~ t~~ Clty ~f AnahntT
shall be postc~d ~~it'~ the C(ty to ~uarante~: inst~llatlor n' saic' sirnal nrt~r
to oecuparcy of ,any d~~~e 1 1 f r.c~ un i t I n t he area (Tr~r:t '~ec . i ~~~ ~ throti~~
1~;7";, lnclus3vr.}.
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 10967-~G978 ~nevision No. 1) ANp aEQ~EST
INTERf~EPA?T-~E!~Tt,~. C~`1-~ITTEF REC~'~"1~';~~+T~~-~~ I~ TE"'P,TI;'F T^nrT -~n~ »~~^
'~ I, , `~ ~ ;
1. That thc~ approval of Tcntativc M~n nf TrACt No, 1^~~'i (".evtslan ~~o. 1) is
grantccl su:>Jrtt ta t-~~ approval ef Pcclasslficitl~r N~>, 7o-q^-~~ anci
Varlanc~ No, 313!.
2. That should this suhdlvisinn he dcvc~c~pci ~s ~nnrr than onA su~divl~lon~ •ach
subdivlslon thPrc~f sholl be su~^~lttr~' in ~rn[•itivn ~~rr~ for ~pnrnv~l.
;, That al) faciliti~~s ~~lthfn thr tr~ct -•o:~~dnr~~ sh~ill F~ srrvr•! ~; ur,~~r~r~un~'
<<. Prior to fin~il tract mn~ ~~~nr~,va'~ t~e oric~{n,~l ~hc r~^ri5 nf th^ covPn~~ts~
cOn<fitir~~;, ancl r~strlcti~ns, an~i ~ l~ttcr ,~dclrnssc•1 t~ c~~v~lon~r~s tltle
co~nany authorir.ln~ record~ci~n th~rnof, sh.~11 -•~ s~i-•^~itte~ tc tti~ City
1'~t tarney ~ 5 ~f f i ee ~nci e~; rnvr.cl by the C I tY At t~rnny's nf f I cc an~l Cna ( ne~r I n~
Alvision, Sald docu~^ents, as a~~rovpcl~ stiall hc fil~~' anr+ rcc~r~t~-1 I~ t~~
Offlc~ c~f thc Orangc County pPc~r~i~r, Sai.i ccv~nrnt.~ con•'itions and
restrictions shall (ncludc provisions fc:r t-~~ ~cr^anr~t ^~~i~r,(~nincc n` ~11
~` (~~en Space) Zonec: I~ts and recrcation~l lots.
~, That str~et nar~es sf,~ill tr a;~prov~~' l,y tti~ Clty Plnnnin~~ 1en~r~r~nt cric~r to
ap~roval of a fin~l trac! ^+a;~.
5. If pcrr~anent street na~e.. si~~s hav.~ n~t hr.•~r in~,tallr'~ t~^r~r,~ry stre~t
na~nc sians sh~ll he inst.~ll~c' ~rior tr nccun~nCy.
', That drainagc of sa(d propcrty stial~ te :'is~osP.l ~f in a^~inr,er satis~act~rv
to the Llty Cnginecr, If~ in thc Ar~par~~ticr, ~~~ t~:r site, Su`~ici~rt
grac~ing 15 r~quireC to necessitate a oraiinc perr~(t. 7r ~•;nrl. on nrafinc; ~ril'I
be Nerni tted ,'.~et~recr~ ~ctaLer l;i'~ ~r~~ f,pr i 1 1;t`~ un lrs~ ~ 1) re~~, i rr.~' of f-
stte drainage facillt(es have been lnstall~d an~i are c~~er,~tiv~. Fositive•
assurance shall be provie~ed the City that suc'~ dr~ininr f~cilltir, ~ril! bc
complet~d prtor ta Octu'~er l~th. Necess.~ry r(gtit-of-~•ray for off-site
Craina,ye Facilities shall be dedicated t~~ tt,e City~ or thc Clty Coi,ncil
shall h~ve iniciated conde~mation proceedings therPf~r (thr costs of w'~ich
shall ~e borne by the developer) prior to the cor*r~enc~nent of grac'In~
operations. The requircd dralnace facilities shal! I~e of a size ~nd typc
•.~fficient to carry runoff waters originating frcur,liigher orop~rtles througti
satd property to ultimate disposal as approved by thc City Enginzer. Said
drainage facilitles sh~ll be the first iter-, o~ construction an+ s1,a11 5e
com~leted and be furctioral throughout the tract and from the do~instrear,
boundary of the pr~perty to the ultir~atc point of disposal prior to thc:
(ssuance of any ftnal buildinc~ lnspectionS nr occupancy permits. Oralnage
dtstrict reimhursement agreements may be made av~llatile to the dNVeloac~rs ~f
said property upon thetr reauest.
8. That g~ading~ excavation~ and all other cc+nstruction activictes shall he
conducted in such a manner so as to ninimize the possitllity of any sllt
orlginating fr~ thfs proJect being carrled into t`~~ Santa Ana River hy
starm water originating from or flowing through this proJect.
TEN?ATIVF MAP OF TRACT NOS. ~0967-10978 (Revlsion Nv. 1) AN~ REQUEST
~. That all priv~te str~ets shall he develo~ec In accord~nce with th~ Clty of
llnahelr~'s Standar~i ~ctail ~JO. 121 for privatr strr~ts~ Includ(nc
(nstAllatlon of strect nam~ signs, Plans for tho nrivat- stre~t iichttn~,
As requlred by thc stendard d~te~il, shal) hc suhnitt~' t~ anc' ap~rove.! hy
th~ Elcctrica) Olvislon, Approved privatr strr.~t lic;F~ting pl~,~s sh311 thr_n
be subnltted to the Bulldlnct Divlsion fo~ Inclusion with the bulldlnc, plans
prlor to tss,~ ..~ of bull~iina per~its.
1^. That th~ d~vclopcr of sut.ject tract sh~11 Pnt~r Int~ ~ sn~ci,,; f~cilitl~•s
a~~rPC^~ent ~~1 t'~ the C! ty of An~hc i^+ f~r wat~r fee 1 1 ~ t i ~S ~'~ t` '~i~~h
El~v~~,ion Syst~~~~ ,~~. r~~uirP,i ~y Rulc~ 1~R ~f thr t:a-~r '.1tiI1tY °~ ~, ~.ul~~,
ancl P,~gulattons prior ta aaprc~va) of a f;r.i1 tract r~.~r as atlrul~,c' ty t~~•
pet 1 t fnr,r_~.
1~. Prior to the approval of any flnal tract r~,-,c.~ the '~(!YC.IC~~C~S oF th~ 4n,ih~1~
Ntlls Plannc•c: C~r~munity (~'.na~,e(R flills, Inc,, or [~~ir sueeessors~ d55Ir.n5~
or transfernes) sh~11 su!.~~i; a Wart.s and recrcatir~nl ~acilltlPs plan to tti~
Parl~s and Racreatton~il an;,' Cornunitv Services D~p~rf.r^rnt for r~vie~4~ :-n-
apprnval. Said ~,ropos~l sha11 deter~^inc t`~c sn~•ci ~i ~~-cans L•y v~'~ic~ th~
develo~cr ~rovidrs par{. ~n~+ recrr•atlon f,i~il(;ics fnr th~~ futurt~ res(.1cr.ts
of t`~c area (Tr~et !los. i`~^~? thro~~~7,. 1~^7", inclusivc). Suc~~~ •~c.~ns R~av
inclu~l~-~ ~u-. n~ccf nu; ~c lir~it~~a tc,, th~~ fcllo~~inc: pay to t~~ City ~f
Ana',ci~ parl. an•~ rtcrc~~tlo~ in-liru fces ~~s 6r.t~r^~inc~' rr, ~~~ ~ir,~renri,~~r• ~~
the City Cour~c~ I at t!~~~ t i~~~~ c>f '. ~i 1,'ing p~r~~it issu~nce•~ or dedicatr. park
lan,is actc~~~ta':1c [~~ t~~~~~ ':ity a` Ana'iei°•; ~r a cn~~•tn,~f.ic- iticr~nf,
~.CGC:7t:1f1C~ nf t1,~- 57C'::I f iC f~~•Jf ~ 5~1.~~ ~ ~~ SJ~. jI`Ct t!? ~~1C a!1;~~nY]1 nf t~,.
^~rector o~ Parl•s ~~.; ".~rC~CJiIUn ,~;,J C!~`rurl!v ~vC~VICCS.
12. T!i~t pri:~r to t`iP ancrnval of a~I^al t~ict ~+i~~ ihcrr s'~~11 ~~ su~-itte~' r.~
thc City Fl,inninc~ Cnm^ission for r~vic•~~ a^,! a:~~r~vil~ 5n~cl~ic ~I~rs ~~
:.~IVn~pn~^~~~t. F~'lcl~ Sf~^CIFiC A~]'?5 5h1~) ~-+(~'.1~~`~ ~,'1! fC~ ~~P 11^itP~ tC~ t~lt'
fol ln•;inr :
a. To~oc;r~inhiC ~a~.
E•, S~te pl~ns and elevatio~•, ,'~o~:in~ t'~r_ pl~cr,~^ent of ttir~ ~uiljlno~ or,;~
structures; the front, stdr ~nd rear elcvitions; ~ni ttic r.xtcrl~r
building rsatcrlals tncludinc7 rnoflr,r,
e, Lot dinensions and pa~! slze o~ all lots susfi~;en; t~ Ir~lcatP thA
relatlonship of thc pr~~osal to th~ naturc an~ e~-tent ~f t~A cur.-~n~-
f i 1 I or earthr~art; tnvolved.
d. Landscaping p1an5 fn~icating the extent anc: typc of prnpos~~~
landscaping and lncluding any existing venr.tati~r.
e. Vel~lcle clrculation and par~ing plan in~icaiinc, the n~tur~ and extent
of publ ic and private streets ~ or pu~ l Ic access-~,ays ~c~r vehlc~!l~r
clrculatien~ off-street parking an~ vehitl~ storace.
f. Equestrtan and hiking tratls ptan showinq th~c nlacer~~nt ard
lmprovements of tt~e tralls easements for the Regia~al Trall No. ?
(Anaheim Htlls Tfall) and Backtone Trall ~~o. 1~? (Oa~: Canyon Traill as
TEN7ATIV~ MAP OF TRACT NOS. tp967-10918 (Revlsi~n Nu, 1) ANQ REQUEST
dcs(yndtcd hy ~~~c fqucst~iar and ~~It inq Trrils Cor+po~cnt o° ttir ~rn~~l~^
General alan ~rails E!~n~~rt; inclu.fi~c~ t'~e S~~c.i`ic ~iesi~n ~or ~ny
location -~hcrc a tratl cross~.s ovcr A pu~~I14 or nrlvate strcct; ar~'
also Includlnc; the off-sltr trail e~ser~ent as r~~rn~n on fx'~ihli '~~, ? o~
Recl~ssiflcation P,~. 7^-R~-2r.
g, Fenc~ An~1!or ~~all plans (ndtc~tlry thr ty~~ of fcnclnr, ~Innr; any lot
11~~ of a sitc a'~utting {~utlic or prtvate stre~;s.
13. In acr~rdancc~ with thc provislnn5 0~ ?oninn Co~r S~ctio~ '~a. 1".?1.^"1~ ~1)
dwelling units In thc RN-~~~^ (°,csic!fn•,(al, ~'uli1G1~-F,~rilyl 'on~ sh,~il -.,
attached u^~lts; ~rovided~ ho~•~~v~r~ t'~~~t elet:~ch~~' r,•n~-f~i^(ly c~~rrllin~s riv 4F•
tui„ su'•ject to all rrstrlc:tiors an' rc~ulati~nt o~ rith~r tti~r p.~-,'^~^ ~r
R~-~'1'!~ ('.eside~ti,~l~ Sinrl~-Faril~;) 7on~s.
1~~. That prior tc+ any water eonnecti~ns In t!~e Anatie+tT '1111s Planne~ Ccr~^+~mitv~
the Aevclo~e~s of sald pianne~! C~x'»+unitY (~'nahel~^ }'ills~ Inr, ~r thelr
successors~ ASSI~InS~ or tran,fereesl shail s~~`:~it t~ t~e ^lrect~r of Putilic
l~t 11 i t irs ~or hls ~evlc~+ an•1 ~i(~Pr~val ~ ~ pr~nos~~' nl ir for the ~cr~:+c~
pay^ent f~f ~~atcr M~~tn rrt~nsion fec~,. S~~id P1~~n sh~l? cnnslc!~r ill l,~n~'
rrithin t'~~ ~rc~~ (Tract '~05. 1^'~~,' t~+rnu~ti 1^^?"~ ~~c~~~siv~l tn~l~~~linr cDcn
lr. Th~t flrc hyc+r~nts shal ~~.~ lnst~ 11~c, ~,~,! ~-.~~rr,c .! a•, r~~~,ir.,~' ~~a c:et~~"in~~.'
to bc nPCCSS~ry tiy t-'~c Chltf o~ t`~~ Flrn ~P;,irt^cnt ~ri~r to cn'r"cncc^~^t ~f
struc:ural far~~in;.
1~. Th~t a!1 reauire-+rnrs ~f Fir~ ."or~~ ~• (Othrr•,-~i5r 1~~~!i~iP~ .,- Ffrc
Ad^~inis*.rativr O~~1Pr '~o. ?~-'`1 ~n f~l^ in t`~~ o`Fic^ '~f tti~~ ~ fr~ C~i~')
sha!1 ~`C rtrL. SuCh fP~'.JifC^e'f1i5 ~f1C~U~!r~ -Ut 01'f f1~lt ~1~'~!P'' S~~ C~i^'n~V
sparL. arrestors, p~otectc~~ at[lcs a~d und~•r flr~~r o~e~i~-~s~ Cli~s ~ rr
bettcr ro~finc nat~rl~~l and ~r~P h~~ir fire rrsistlv~' C~!r`SYru!tin^ ~~f
horizor.t<~1 5urfaces loe3tec' ~.~rithin 2^~'' frct or a~ija~c~~t : ris~l~nl.
17. Th~t fu^I hreak.s sh~~ll he providc~! is dct~r~ inc~1 co hA rc^ iirr•~ !^y tti~ ~irc
1 ~. That no p~~hl ic ~~r priva;e street ara~'cs sh~l i ex.c~e•~ ten p~^rcc~t (1^`'~
~xcept Fy prior ~;+~r~v~l of t~~ F(re D~~art~^~~t ah~ t`,^ EnolneFrinn
1^, That t~ aGC~rd~nce ,rttti t~~e n~liclps o~ thc Ftre pe~~rtmcn*, ~~tive slo~c~s
(as dlsc~~sscc; in Chantcr 1?.^f. "^radiny~ Excavations a~c+ Fills in hlllsi '
Areas" of tl~e Anahcir~ ~u~icl~al Cocle) locatc~ d~~j3C~nt to ne~.ly corstructr~
humcs shall he hydroseeded ,~tt~: a lrn~ fuel co~+!ustlve see~' rix. Suc`~ sl~pes
shall bP s~rlnt;lercc~ and wee~ed as renuire~' to esta`~lis~ 1^^ feet sP~~ration
of flamna'.,le venetatlor fron any siructure.
2~. in the event that subject prooerty is to l~e divtc+e'' for the pu~~osr of salc,
lease, or financing~ a oarcel rk~p~ to ~ecorc' t~P a~~rcved divisi~n ~f
su5~ect propcrty shall E~e subr,itted to and approved t.y thc Clty of Ana~ei^~
and tfie~n te record~d i n t!-t of f 1 ce af the C'range County Recar~'er.
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 10961-1097a (Revision No. 1) ANU REQUEST
21. Frlor to ep~rr 1 of a final tr~ct n~p~ tti~ awnPr~s) c~f subjcct prop~rty
sha11 cledlcat~. and imnrove tAn (1i) foot wide e~~~estri~-+r ;~n~! hIG•ln~ tr~lts
as shor~n on the Eq~estrian anc: f~lking Traits Lo~ponent of thr 4nah~t^
General Plan Trails Element; that Inprovcrr~,c~nt piAns~ In accordanc~ ~~itt,
standard plnns an,i speciflcatlon5 or filc tn chc ~f°icc ~f thr Clty
Engineer~ sholl be suhr+ttte.l In conJunctior r+itti thr yrac'I~e plan; an~i'~r
thot a bond In An ar+ount and form satlsfactory ;~ th~ Clty of ~notici~ shall
be posteJ with the City prlor to f(n~l tract nap ~nnr~val or iss~~ance ~f a
gradino permit~ r+!,icti~v~r occurs first, to ctu~f,~nt^~~ thc installation of t'~c
ahove-ment l oned requ i r~, ~ent s~;r i pr to occupancy. Sa l~l c'e~~ i ca t i nn an l
Inprovemc~nc shall incl«de the ~ff-Site Rac-.h~~~.~ Trail '~o. 1^ (~a- Ca~y~n
Trall) loc~tcd In Troct -lo, 1^"~~^.
''^ ~rior to final traet ~+ap aonroval~ a prograT fcr th~ r;~int~na~ce
res~onsi~llity an•.i estl~,at~_d co~,t therer,f of ~il onen-snac~~ :or~c: locs s~all
bc subr^itted to and apprvvc~l by thr Clty ~f qna-;ci-:,
23. Priar to final tract mn~ a~~rpval~ Tract ~~o. 1~~7"~ a w~n11y oc~en soacc
tract~ shall !.,e ~eeorJ~~f r:it'~ Lhc OfffGr of t'~e Qranc;c Ca,n;v p!'corder an~'
OCGCpt~~ f)y t'1R af1~3~ir(^~ !'T ~ ~5 '''BSLrI' HO~CCa•~ni.t'S A55~~~ 1A: TOn.
2~. In accorclancc h•Ith t'~e rc~~~lrcr^~~~ts of Sr_c[ion 1~.~'.^!; p~rtai~tnn to i~i~
lnitial sale of resi;en;ial h~r~s In t~~e City of Ana',ci~~ Planrin~ ~rei "F"~
Lhe sc 1 1~r s~ ~ 1 1 prov i~c cac'^ ~•uy^ r~:1 t'~ ~+~ i t tr~ i r~°!,r•~•~' i o~ e~ncrrn i n^ t h.^
Anahcin General Plan and t'~e ex(stinc~ zonin~ o~ithir 3^' fnnt ~s ~h~
~oundarles of su4,jrct cract.
2~, Thai t~~c o:•mrr(s) c~ sut j~ct p~o~~rtv ('+nahci~. ~~117~, In;. ~ rr th~ir
sucer.ssors~ assi~ns~ or transferrces) shali i~st~~il a tra~''ic si:r~l at t'~e
tntcrsectian of Nohl 'taneh °•oa~' and St~i^.e Coac'; Ro; .1 (t~~ '~^ r~~~,~~.,,~ Ca~,ino
~rande} as rcauired hy thr ~ity 7raffic EnainNer an.~ ir, ~CCC~r.'1n~~ ,~it~
5prci`ications on filc ir. t'~c Cfficc n` ih~ :.i[v En~;i~~cr; a~' t`i~it ^~i~~r to
15suance of a r,ra~inn perr.it, a bon~.:~ certificatr o` ~e~osit~ ietter of
cr~Att or cash~ in an arount and form satisf~ctory to t~r. !'ity ni n~ahci~•~
Shall Fe ppstc;' wit!, the City to gu,~rantPC lnst~~llatior cf s~i;: sinnal c+ri~r
to occupancy o~ any da~eltiny unit in the area (Tract -los. 1^~"i t~rough
1^~7~•~ lnclusive).
2f, Lct `lo. 3^ shall bc nodiflcc! so as to adjoln an~t~+cr rc~si;cr;i~l lot ir.
c~nti'orm~nce witti the aforementianed Co~::itior 40. 13.
INTER~EPART~1f'NTAL C~JM",ITTEE P,fCC!"!'~f't^r,Tl~"'S IF TFtITuTI"i TnnrT N~, 1n~'"
i• ,; ~~F.~,
1. That the anf~rov~il of Tentntlve NAn ~f Trnct Ilo. 1^~~r^ (R~visl~n '!c,. 1) is
granted subJcct to the approv~l of Retlessifit~tinn No, 7^-r^-''~, an!
Variance No. 313~~.
2, 1'hit sh~,ul:l this subdivlslori hc ,1~vcl~nr.•'. ~~~; ~or~ th~~n onr s~ih,'(vision, c~ic'~
suhdivlston thcre~of sh.~ll be suhmttted fn tentitlve for^~ fc~r Ap~roval.
3, That all facllltir~ ~•rit~in thc tr~c*_ f.ou~.'•~ry s-~~11 '~ s~rvc~ `•' ~~n:;crcrnu^a
li. Priar ~O f in~l Lf~]CL n,3~~ ~i't~~fnV,~~ ~ L~i~ U~~~'TI1.1) C~OC~!"~~'~LS Of Lh^ CbVi~~,;.i'if i~
c~ndiilons, an:i restrictic~ns~ an~' a I~itrr ad:iressr; to ~icvrlop~~r's tit~~~
com~any author(~inc rceorcatlon t`~erpcf~ s~all hr s~i'~ritt+~: t~~ '.-~r• City
Attorney's officc and apPr~ved by thr City Attorncy's of~ice ~~J Fnalnerrin~~
Division. Saicl doc~~ents~ ~s annrov~d. s!~~~11 ~~r filr-' an! rec^rdc' in t`~~
Of,'iee of the Orange County Recordr.r, ;at<1 c.ovenan;-,~ eon,',iti~ns an.:f
restrictinns stial) incluc+c prnvisic>~s fnr thc ~~rr-i~r~t ~•ai~~t~r~nc~ o` ~11
GS (~pen 5pacc! Zone•.f lcts anc'. recr~ation~l I~,tS.
~,, That Stree• ~~"`c'S shall ;~c a~~;?~•~vr.'' 'Y t'~~~ City ~~~~'~~irr. ~e~~r',~~:r~ pri~r t~
apnrc,v~~ 1 of a f 1 n~~ 1 t ract ^~an.
(, ~f ~CI'r~0.^.(!~t SL~Pr~ 111',C S~~Ir.S h~y~ n~~' -'CCt' I~SL~~~~,'i~~ tC"f'~~;)t'~~ Stfrr!
na~~~~ sicns shai l l~c insta? lc~± ,~r i~r t' o~cu~ancv.
7, That rlr„ina~;c ~~ saic! ;~ro^erty s~~all ~'~ ~ISI'C~Sr.ri r~ ir ~~ ~~~r~er satis`actery
tc ttiP City Enainirc~r, If~ in the ~~~cp~~,ition o` t`~~• sit~, su~ric(nr!
~ t~ to r~cCeSSita,e •~ _ :ing pcr~ ~t, n~ ~~~~' o~ ~r~~~i~~ wi ll
cradin is re:~uir .1 ~:r<~- ,
be ncrnitted ;~e.t~•~een Octoher 15t~ and Apri 1 l~;t` u~i~s~ ~11 requirc:.' ofr.
sitr. drainac!c f~cilities h~ave t~ecn installed anrl arr o;~cratlve. Posltiv~
assurance shall be provided th~ C(ty that such ~r~inaar f,icilitlPS will Fr
tonvleted prior to Oct~~er i;th,. ':ecessary rlaht,o`-way for off-site
drain,,~~e f4~cillties shall bc dedicated to r• CitY~ or the City Council
shall h~ve ~n(tiated condennatton proc~~d~ ;~s therefor (thc custs of which
shall be borne t~y thc develoaer} priar to the conr+~nce^ent of graciino
operatian;. Thc ~equtred drainage ~aciiities shalt he of a size an~a tyoc
sufficient t~ carry runoff water4 originatine frn~~ hiah~r nro~ertles th~rou~~
said pro~erty to ulttr~atc d(sposal as approverJ ty th~ City Enginecr, Sal~.i
drainaye facillties shali be the first iten of constr~ctlrn an~1 shall hr
carpleted and ';,e functtonai throu~~'~out the tract ar,;! fror: ttie downstrea~~
bound3ry of the property to th~ ultimatc p~int of disposal prlor to thc
issuance af Any final buildina inst~~ctions or occupan~v pe~mits. Drainage
district rel^ehursec-ent a~reemcnts may be ~ade av~ila;7le to the developers of
said p~aperty upon the(r request.
6. ThAt gradine+~ excavation~ and all otF~er canstr~~ction activitles shall hc
conducted in suc~~ a manner so as t~ ~inl~ize t`~e possihil(ty of any silt
originattng fron t~is pro)r.ct bring carried into the Santa Ana River by
storm water origtnatinc~ fror, or ftarinq through this rroject.
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS, 10967-10978 (Revlsion No. 1) ANO REQUEST
9. That all private str~et~ shall be devr.lc+neJ in acc~r~f~~nce ~~ith ti~n Ctty ~f
Anaheir's Stan~ia~d DetAll `~o. 12? for pri~~~tc stre~ts~ inclu~llnq
inst~~ltation of street nar~~ slans. Plans f~r thf nrivatc street lighttn~~
as requ I red by th~ standara ~eta 1 1~ sh~, l 1 he ~~~~^~1 tt~c1 to anc' ~p~r~ved h~
the Electrical nlvislan, Approved nrivate stre~t ll~htino c~lans ~h~ll th~n
bc suhmitted to the Euildine~ t~ivtslon for tncl~ision a,it-~ ttie hu11-!ln~ plans
prior to issuanc~ of butidtn~ ~S~~rrits,
1^, That t~e d~vrloner of suljrci tr~et shall ent~r int~ a s~ect~~l facilitins
aorec*+cnt ~•rlth the Clty of Anah~l~^ fc,r „~trr f,~~ilitles ln th~~ Nt~;'~
Clrvntton Syste~^~ as rc^uirr~! !•~~ o~i,~~ ~r,n ~,f ~i,~ ~.~~t~r I~tiilty R~tes~ ~•ulcs
BfiC~ RP~•ul~tions i>riC1f [t1 ~l~n~OV~I~ Clf A f in~il tr'1Ct ~'11^ .l5 i*~^'l~~~TC;~ ~+~/ t~1~
11, Pri~r t~ Lhc anprov~l oF any final triCt ~~; ~ th~ dr.vFlcncrs of t~,c• An.~h~i-~
Ili l~s Plnnnecf Co~~~~urlty (Aniheir ~~i l lc, Inc„ ~r tti~ir SUC~PS~O~S~ essi~ns~
or transferees) stial) suhr~it a p~~r~s .inc' recrc~~~t~nr.~il f~cilitie~s nla•• t~ t`~~•
Par'r.s and r,ccr~atinr.~l ~nd rer,~,~.~r ity Service~ ~ephrr~,~nt <<.r revic~~ an'
a~~^rov~il. 5.3~:~ pr0O05.7~ S~IA~ ~ r!etc~r•i~c tf•r y'~rr ~ ~jC ~L'~l'15 E y' ~.~I,(C~ iF~~,
devc~ln;~c•r pr~vldc•5 ~^art ,~n-i r~~r~,~tic~~~ f~cil'tir. ~or t'.c• ~i tiire rnsi~~Ftnts
Of t'IC ar~~, (Tr~ct ~:OS. ~~Ql~ tF~r~i~.,~, ~^f~7'~ ~nC~'~G1\~C`~. ~;1C1' f~hi~f`S r1A~i
~nClUl~f•~ ~'U~ nC~=(: r1Ui ~~l' ~IFtltt!~ C~,~ Ch^ f~.i~~n~'In~: ~]'~/ t'~ ~~1~ ~~t~ ~~
l~na'~eln 7(!1'~. At1d r~creatic,r ~f1~~1^U ~f!f5 AS i(`LCf"In~~~ t0 ~)~' ~~nnr~nri'':~ !•;
L~1P Clty Councll at t'~~ ti~~r• o° ~,uil~~in~i ~~r-~it issu~r~~~ ~r ~c~'icit~ ~~~rt
lan~15 acCept~`.1~ to t'~c C(tY ~f l~n~~ri•-; or a e~~~'~ inatic~ t'~erc~iF.
~CCnnt,~nCr ~~f 1 I•c sncc i`( c r~nJf~S i~la7 ~ ~ ~.!C SU' i CC? C{i ~ f`C ~~`^ ~pV 1 ~ pf t~11
^irc~ct~r ~f Par~ s a~~cl ".ecrc~t~~r in~! Co~,«n+t ~ Scrvic~~..
17.. That pricr to the anr>rc~val o~ ~~ finil tr~~ct na'~~ t'~~~r~ ~+~~il bc sub•~itt+~i to
the City Pla~niny Cor~>>ission fcr r~~vi~•w an' a~nrnv~l~ sppcific plans of
devcl~~~^~~nt. ~in~l s~r_cific nf~~ns s~~Tll ir,cl;~''~~, '.~~~t nct ' ~ li'~it~' to, t'~~,
fCi~ ~01'~fl~):
a. Topot~raphic ~a~.
b. SiL.c plans a~d elevations s~~a~in~ t'~e placc'~^nt of t`~~ ~~~il~!in^5 an:'
struttu~~s; t-~c front~ slde anc' rPar elcvitl~n~; an~l th~~ r.~tPrior
building Matcrlals includln~ r~ofS~~.
c. Lot dtnensions and FaS s~ze of all 1~ts sufficient t~ jr~~ic.atF the
relatlonship of t~~e pro~~~sai to th~ naturn an~i ertent ~f t'~r cut-~~nc'-
fill or earttn~ark lnvolvrd.
d. Landscaping plans (nd(catlna the extent an~ ty~e of prop~se~f
landscapln~ and lncluciino any cr.istinr~ v~~etattnn.
t. Vehicle circulatlon and part~.ina plan indicatinn t!~e nature anc' er.t~nt
of pu'~lic anc' prlvate strGCts~ c~r public acc~ssways tor vehicul~r
circulation~ off-strr.et par4ing and vehicle st~rage.
f. Equestrlan and hlking Lrails plan shov:ln~t thr place~ent aRC1
improvernents of the t~alls easer-ents for ehe Reglonal Trail ~lo. 3
(Anahelm N(lis Trail) and Backbonc Trail No. lA (Ca~. Car~yon Trail) as
des I gnated by the Eques t r I an and H I I: i nr~ Tr,~ 1 1 s Component of t~,c~ Anatie I n
Gen~ral Plan Tralls Eler~ent~ includ(no thr s~e~:iflc dr.sipn for ~inv
locatlon where a trail cr~sses over a pul,iic or private street; an~+
also Includina thr off-sitc tratl easenent ~s ~.h~m on Exhll;it 'J~. 1 of
Reclassification No, 79-~i~~-~r,
g. FGnce and/or wal) pl~ns indlcatin~~ the tyo~ ~f f~nciny alon, any lot
line of a sltc abutttng public er private strer.ts.
~3. In accordancc wit'~ thc~ pr~visicns of 7.onfnn Code Scct(nn 'lo. 1',?;,~^~~ i11
d~;e~l l in.r, units in thc ~''~-?1~'`~ (Rosl~rnt(,+1, 'lulti~l~~-Fa~• i l'/) 7on~• sh<~11 t~~
att3c'ied units; provideJ~ hcrnrevcr~ ttizt drtac'i~~l on~-f~;~-;1v ~1w~llinns ~~,av hr
built su~~ject tn all restrietions and r~gul~tinns of Ffchnr the 4S-?^^^ or
R`-5!1~^ (ResidFnti,~l~ Slnc~l~-Fa~ily) lones.
14. That ~rior to any ~~at~r c~nnection5 In th~ AnahPlm III!ls Pl~nr~~~' C~rr~unity,
the devcloncrs ~f said plannPd e~~r inlt; (Ana'~r.t~+ N111s~ Inc. or fh~~ir
successors~ ass(~n5, or tr~nsferees) ,h~i l su'~~it t~ th~ nire~ctor ~f ~'uhl ic
Ut 1 1 i t irS fnr hi s rcvie~ ~ and aonr~v,-1 , i nrnn~sp-I hl.in f~r t`~c acrc~~r,c
pavr^~nt of water r~ain r.xt.r.nslon f~es, Sair' ~l,i~ sti~~ll c~~•,,i~t~r ,~11 1a7+
WIC~II~ C~'C ~)~f!8 (Tr~ct ~~OT~. ~~QF7 C~~~LI~,~t ~^~1'~ j+1C~i~~~'/r~ ~nCjUt;~n^ C~p~''r,
S(~AC^. .
1~. That fir~ hydrants sii~~ll !:c (nstn~l~c1 ~n~1 e~,ar~nd ,i, rP~uir.r inr' r~otC~'^(ne•~'
to be ncG!`SSAry hy ihc Chle~ of t-,~ Fir~ 7(`DA~[r"`^I1C nrir,r t~~ r,~ ~~mrnGe'~e~t ~f
structur,~l fnr~iirr;,
1'. T'iat all require~~nts ~,f ~1-',~ 7c~ne !(ottirr~ isr icl~nti~ic-' i5 f irr
~1d~..inl5tra'ivr ~~~!rr No. 7~-~1 ~n fllr in t'•n nf~icn nf th~ ~irr C~1~~)
shall he m~t. Suc!~ re~uire~r.nts lntlude.~ hut are n~st 1l~^i~~ -~ t~~~ chi~^~r.y
aparl, arrestors~ protectecf attics an~! un~'er fl~,nr ~n~r:i~:s, Cl,~ss !' r,r
he[t~r rc•of(nc, natcri~l ~n:! bnr hou• firc rG,istiv~~ c.onstr..~tin•~ cf
hcriz~n,al surf~{c,, loC~tr_d V:~~`~'1 i^~ ~Cr~ Or ilCijii::t"l~ ''.fUS~'~'.?l1•~.
17, T'~at fu~l hreaks sh~+ll be providecl as Jecer:~~inc' t~~ ;~^ r.~c;uire: !-v t!}c ~ir~
1'. Thac no pu~l ic or ~~riv~t~ s.reFi grades s',al l ~xc~P~i ten ~Prc~n! (1^' 1
er,ceryt hy priar ,~pprov~l of thc Firc Denart~rnt an:' th~~ Enyinecrlnr
^ivisicn, ~
1~'. That in accor~ance wtth t!~e p~l ici~s ~F t!~c Fir~~ ~er,~rt^~nt, nativ~ slopes
~as dtscussed in Ct,a~,ter 17,~r "~~adin~~ Excavacio~s ~n:' F(lis in 1~illsi•:e
Areas" of the 4naheir~ 'lunici~+a1 Cociel l~cated a•lJacPnt to ne-•~ly canstructe~t
hones she~il he ~~dros~cded ~rit`~ a la, `uel ear~hustivti c~ ~rf rtx. Suc~ slqoes
shall be s~rinklrred and wr~ded as reauir~cc! to esta-~lish 1^^ feet seoaratio~
of flannable veoctation fro~ ony Structurc.
2~. In thc even, that suhJP.CL pr~pert~ is to he c~ivic'c± for the nuraose ~f sale~
lease, or fin~ncing~ a parcei mao. ta record t~~e ap~roved divlslon of
suhject p~op~rcy shali 5e su~r+'tt~d to and a~proved hy t'+e Clty ~f Anal,~•1~,
and thr.n be recorded In c1~e office of thc O~angc County 4ecorder.
TENTATIVE MAP OF TP,ACT NOS. 109~7-to978 (Rev~sion Na. 1) AND REQUEST
"1. S'ri~r to approval of a fln~,l traet r~~p~ th~ cr~n~r(s) oF 5ubjcct ~~r~rerty
sh~11 ded(c~te ancl Improve ten (1~) font ~~Ir+~ ec,uPStrlAr~ anc! tiikln~ trails
as shc+~•~r ~n thc Equc~strl~n an~i flikin~ Trails Co~pon~nt of thc An~~hci~~
General Plan Tral15 El~r~ent; thot Improvement plans~ in accordanc~ a;ith
standard plans anc+ speciftcatlon~ on fit~ in thr Of~lr~ ~f thc Clty
Engin~rr~ Shall bc subr~itte~~ (n t~njunctl~r with th~ ar,~cllnc p1an; ~n!/or
that a bond in an amount and for^~ satisf~ctnry !~, thc Ctty of /tn~h~t st,all
bc postcrl wlth thc City prlor t~ final tract r,.~p ~~~,r~vnl ~r Iss~~~+ncF ~f i
graJinc; ~cr~~tt, wl~ichev~r occurs first, t~ gu;~rantr~ t'~, ~ ~st.~llation of th~
~hov~-nent I^~~ed r:~au i rrr*c~nts pr ior i~ occun~~iicy. S,ii ~~i~~ i cnt i~~n ,~n +
tmprovc~~nt sh:~ 1 1 Inc 1 ucic thc of f-s 1 t~ 6acl ~•~~r~ Tra 1 1 -lo. 1'' (^,~~ ;'~inv~n
Trai i) lr,c,~tc~1 in Tract '!o. 1 ~~~~~.
2; . Frior to fin,~: t~~ct n,i~, aoaroval~ a pr~qr~-~ frr t-~r~ ~nint~~~,~~ncc
res~~nsihllity a~A esttr~~~ted eost thcr~of ~f a'il ~oe~-crac~ T~n~d lnts s`~all
Lc subnitt~d to ancl appr~ved hy t'~A ~1ty c+f An.~h~t-,
23. Prior t~ finr~l tr3c.t ~ac~ aa~rov~il~ Tract No. 1'-~7~ ~ a~,h~lly up~n spacc
t'act~ s'~~11 Fc r~eor,ied 1-r(th ttic ~fficc c;~T tf~e Orin~~~~ fountv R~c~r;;nr ~r.'
Accn_ptr.u hy the Anahcir^ Hi l is -!a~t~r No~+~cn~~~r, ~ssnr_ i,~t (~n.
-'1'. (~" oCCOrdance tirit`' thc r~~c~ui~c~^u~n~a r~` SeCtiGn lF,^;?,^~; •~~rtainin~ to !tir
iti~l salc of resi!ential hc~~~.>s in :hr Clt~i of An,i!~cl~ ~lan~inn ~.re:~ "~"~
thr sellrr 5ha11 prr~vi~J~ ~.~c~. kuvr~r ~~it'~ ~-rittrn ln~or^~atir~~ concrrni~r, t-,~•
Anaticir~ ~~en~r.71 Plan anc' ctic e:<istin~~ r~nin^ ~~1t'~in 3'~^ `n~t of t'-~~
boun~l~rics ~>f su`•jcct tr•~ct.
~~. Th~~; t-,,, ~m~r(s) o~ Sll~.)CCT •~r~nrrt~~ ~rnlhrl^ ~'ill-,~ I~c,., r t~~ir
Sur_r~55or;, ~~SSI.r,nt, or tr,lnSfA~PC`!`5) S`~all in~t~l1 n tri`~ic s~~.~n.~l ~t th~~
inters~etior, ~.,~ '!~'~1 °,anc' ~o~~:' an~' Stic~~ Cc~~~' Rp.i' (t' tir' r~n-~r•~,. r,,°.~n~
Gr,~n~1c,1 ~s r~~uir~~~; ~.v t'•~~ Ciiv Tr.'fic 1'rit;inr~•r an' i~, vc~rr<<i~r~ ~,Ith
s.+ccifir.,~!ir.ns -~n ~ilr in t`~~• ^f~i~.~ c+~ Z'•~ ",i;~~ Enr;inn~~; ,~r~ ~~~~t r.~rinr tn
ISSU~nCc of t] r~A%~~f1G Dt~frijt~ e~ hOn ~ Cf`~!I~iC'`~P O~ '~['^f~St!~ ~~!t^~ nf
credit or c; ch~ in an a~~r,unt anc: f~r• satisf:~ct~r~; t~, t~.~ rity n'~ An~tici-
$~cl~~ f'P (~~'..~^ ~ ~'ith ~11~` C~t'~ ~n ~^~73r:1f1~~'^ ~~litt~~~At~~>f• ~~~ S;~i•l ql~flll !'.~r~r?r
to o~cu•:•a~cy << ~lny dwrll in~~ u~~it ln t~~~ ~r~~.~ ~T~~1f,~ 'lo~. 1'~^'~ thrn~,q'.
1^~7~, inclu•.iv~).
2~ . T~,at all l~~t~ ~s'+vinq wi~t`~s o~ 1<~5s t~an fifrv (~^) fPCt ~e ^e-zsur~' at the
pu' li~ str~c~ fronta~;e~ sh~ll shnrry a circulir urive~~•'+y ~,~it: ,~n a~.~cer~
lot. .
TEIaTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS, 10967-10978 (Revlsion No. 1) AND REQUEST
1 NTER~f PA(tTMC-~TAL CO'1'l l TTEC Rf CO'1'~F"~' T 1(`"S I~ Tf.'IT!',T I V" T^~ ~T `!~, 1^^"^
EV 1 ~ I~;! s~~. ~t~ti'EC :
1. That thc approv~l of Tcntatlvc '1a;~ a!' Tract '~o. 1n~;'^ (Revlsicn ':o, i) i~
granted suhJec.t to the ~pnroval o° 'trtcl~s5iilc~~tior. t~o, 7~-^,^-;~~ anc'
V~ri~nc~- IJ~. 31~<~
2. That shoul~.1 t~~i~ suh~livision bc dr.vr_lope:' .is ~or~ t~~an onP suF~'Ivlsi~n~ ~ar.h
su--d(v(sion t~~er-~of shall 1~~ su--itt~~" In t~r-,it~v• fc~r- °or ,~„~r~,v:-1 ,
?. Th~c ~~1 ~ fici 1 it ics ~•~1 t~~ir. ttir tr:,ct ~o,~n-~arv ~~~:~! 1~,~~ ~~rv-, ~~,~, unc'Prnrr~~~, '
~. Prior tO fin~~l '.I'i1Ci "1~1~ ~~nruv,l~~ tFll` Or1~71n,7I ~JC~I"~^(lj: ~)f ~~1(• ~(~V'_'~11!1t5~
COrJ(tlOr~s~ ar~„ re5tr(ctinn5~ ~n~' a lrttrr "~ff~55~!.) t~ :'~v~~l,n~r's t itle
ccx~in~nv ~~uthori.in~ rcc.ar-f~iti~n t~crrof~ s~~ill hc s~.i'•~ittrc' tn ~'i~ 'itv
Attornry's uffic~ ~n! in~r~v~ci FY ttir Cltv Att~rn~y'~, offic~ an+ rf. i~~~~c.rir,7
~llvi~,in~,. Sair.' dncur~~nts, at ~c~t~rcv~d~ s~~~li ~~ fi1„' ~na r~c~r!~+ in th.
~1f ~~Cf~ nf thc• f)r~3nar~ ~OtiI1~V RCCC'+~ ~r~. 5,~ I~ Cryr~l,~'t'S ~~r~r•! i t ~!i~5 Allt~
restricti~ns s`~all Includc• nr~visi~,•,s f~r t'~~• ;,~r~in~~rt ~ iinicnanrr c~f .~11
pc (~~~,~ Spncr! 'o^c;! I~tr• an:' r~•;.r~atic~,~l lnt;,
:~. Th~~t Strr_ct n~~^c. ~.h.~ll ~~ ~~~hrc~vrrl 'v t~~~• Cit~: ~'l,^nrin~~ ~c~~a~~~.~rt nri~~r to
d-i~-'-~v,~1 ~.F ,a fir ~1 !r,-~C~ '".1'),
~.. ~f per•,ar~eni SLfCCI ~1J"il' S~r,r~~~ 4,~V • 11Qt ~~~~I~n i'tSC:I~ ~~~~'~ Lt+^~~rary S~ r~`n•
na..~c sl;,ns ~n?) '~~ inst~llc! ,ric~r t~ c,cc~ir.irc~~,
7, Thit drainacc of sa(c.' •~rc~~~rtv 5'~~11 ~.F :iPSr-,.~~~ c~ ir .a n~nr~r 5atic~~r.tcry
to t'~~ City Enninc~•r. If~ in ttic ;~re~~;sritio~ of t'~~~ rit~~~ s~f~iCicnt
~I'•l~~inr iS frr~Uif~~; L~~ nC~.~55it~~iC ~ Q~;l~~iry~ n~~^~~~ nr tMr' nn ^f1'~1n~ r'1~~
~C ~cr...((t~.' ~.~t,~f`~~ )l't~~~Cf ~~L~' d!1~1 ^n~i ~ ~~~t~. ~n~~~.r, 't~ ~ ~nr ~rF• ' !,~~~
sit~ Clf.~ln;7r`r f~cil;tics '~av~. trc^ instc+llrcl a~:l ~~r~~ or~r~tlv~~, Posi!(v~
~SS~rar : S'~a11 ~c rrovl~tcd the C1!v th~t such dr,int^~ ~~cllitl^s +••~ 11 !~~
ccr~-,I••t^~? ~rior ~c~ ^ct~~'~~r l~t~'~, NeCe55arv ri~F;~-~`-ti~~.- fc~r pf~-.,iTe
~lrain.i,~c rar_Ilfti~~s sh~~l) ~~~ Jc+:ic.it~~t to t~r Citv. ~r th~ ~itv Co:~r.cll
Shal) ~,~~vc initi~~r.J C~ndcMnatinn ^~nC!'CC;In^S th~rF~~r (t ~~~ c~Sts ~~ ~•~'~ich
Sh.~~1 he '~or~~e tiy ttic d~vel~s~cr~ ~ri~r ~^ th~ cr-~-~^~~c-c•r•c~t nf ~~ra~~in~
opcr~tion,. Thc ~Pr,Ul~n'~ dr~ina-~r~ facfliti~s shall h,* p~ ;~ sl~e an~' ty^r
suffieitnt tr~ carry runc~ff wat~~s orl~in~t?r~ ~ro~~ ti1nh~! nro~~rtiec throu!~~
sal-f prc~erty t~ ultir:st~ dis^os~) ~~ a~or~v~,' ~v t~,~ ~ity ~n^Ir,•~r•r. Sitc'
dra(r,~~ facilitics sh.ilt '~~ t~r f1-St itr~• c~ cnr~;ruct~nn ara s'~..-11 h~
COr'~7IC.•L(`~1 an;; h~ funCtton~l thrtuntiout t~~ tri~~ ~n•! fr~~~ th~ ~own~tr~nr
;~n~in~;~ry of G`~~ nror~,.r•v to thc ultlr^atF n~+n! ~f ~+i5~rs~1 ~rl~r tc+ t`,c
Issu<~nc~^ ~f ~,n~- final ~uitciin-, ins{~~ctt~~ns ~r ~ccupancy pernit.,. Dralnaq~.~
di~;~tct rci~*!-,~r5e-~cnr ~~rner,~~ts ~+iy h~ ~:~c'c iv~il~',tc tc~ L'.,; r1P„^1n~rra o~
sr- ic' ^rc~p~rt~; upon t'~ci r r^~u~•~ t.
. Ti,at gr<~:~in~~ exc~~vation~ an ~ all ~t'~er constr~ctic~ activittes sF~~~11 ~~r
t~n•iuct~:' 1n sut~i a manne~ sn ~~s t~~ riniri2e the ~oss+hilitv of any silt
erioinatinn frc~ this proJect heing carried in*o iti~• SanLa ~.na ^.ivr_r hy
starr~ „aier oric;inating fro~ cr flc~~~inr t~~r~~~n'~ t~is nrc;ce*.
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. t0967-1og78 (Revision N~, 1) AND REO.UEST
?. Th~t all prlvat~ streets s'~nl) 'c c1~v~lo^r~' in ,icc ~r~'i~c~~ arith tti~ Clty ~f
Anahei~'s Standir~l Detatl `~o, 1?^ fer ~ariv~~t~ Sfr!~CtS, Incluc!in~;
Inst,~llation cf street na^+~ s'qn,. Plan, fnr thc nriv~+t~ strc~c 1 i~htinn.
as rc~au ( red I~y ttic st~7nd~ir-i dct~ i I~ Shal I',e suh^ i ttcr' to ~n~' an~r~v,~ i~,~.
the Electrical ~Ivision. Ap~,roved ~rfv~ir~ strnt~t li-~!it(n~ rt,ans sh,~ll th~n
be 5uhnltt~d tn thc D•~ilc'iny ~(v151~r fnr (ncl~isinr ~~It~ th« F~.iil~lnr~ r~l~~rs
prior tc, issu~~ncc:~ of -.,ui1~11nq pcr~~,its.
1~• T;i~t t`~e dr,v~l~~~~~r of su!~jcct tr~iGt s'~ill ent~r Irt~~ ~ sr~~i,~l f,~c_ i!itl~•s
oqrecrv•~t ~~It' t~,r City of An,~tirir~ fcr ,~,aCcr fae.iliti~,~ 1~ ttir ''i~ '
~~!`V1~1~1'~ SySt^~~~~ t75 I'r"`:ll~t.;l 1.~, ~U~!' l~i (~~ t~1C' .~]t~~~ l-~t~~~~Y ~,~l~I$ ~V~CS
anl ?cnul~tir,•s ~~rirr ~r, ~i~~r~v,~l nf ~~ finr:l tr.~ct •~.i•~ .i~, sti~~l~.-,.'~~,v t~•~.
~~. Prior tc~ the an:~~OV~I~ qf any fln~~ i-'~~Cti r1,~n~ ~'ir c;~vr~[~~~,r5 of ~~.~ ~n~~',C j.,
~~~ ~ ~S Plann~ci Conr•~~~nity (~1n~hr_ i~ I'~ ~ ~;~ (f1C. ~ n~ i`~'~i ~ St~CC~55t^f5 ~~^SSIc't1c ~
UI' tr~lt~Sfn~~•~S~ 5~1i~~~ SVf•r~(~ <~ p.]1'~:5 ~1'1~ r~crc~ti~n,l~ f~]C~~1tiP.; nI1'1 ~~: Ll~i,
P~r,;; anci '~ecre~tlon~l ar,e1 ~c-r,~.,nity Services 7e~art~~r~nt for revtc~~ a~~
a^Prev~l. S~~ici prc>{~US~'~1 5h.~11 ~'~ter~~inr~ tl~~~ S~`~~ci~ir. r•~~n< <•~,~ ~.~~ i~~ ~h~•
drv~~l~ncr provld~ s aark an~! r~~crcit (c>n f~r i 1 i t ic~s 'r~r L~~ fut~~r~• resl~lc~,t s
of thc ~re:~ (Tr,3et ~~os. 1':',7 tr;r~u~E• 1^~7`~ incluslv~), S.ie~ ^~-~5 ~,~y
InCluin~ but ncc~f n~t '~c li~^ite~' to, thr follo~!ir~c: p~~ t~ t-,. r( ty ~f
:.n~'~ci~ ~arl. ar~~_f f~CfpJCiC~n in-licu fec. a< <fc*.~r~ ;~ir~! t~~ ~'P Apn~Ut+l'Iatc hv
thc C(ty Guu~c~l ~t th~^ ti^~r of bull~tn~ ~rr~•it iss~~~~ncc, or ~'e,+icatr ~,r~
lancis ~et~nta' 1~~ tn ttic ~ity of Ano~~l.°~ nr ,~ e~~,- in.~ti~~ t~.r.~~••~
~'~CC('~1~~1nCi' Of t~?C' S~?(ti:IFiC ^N:'.lhi 5f1J~ ~ h[' SU~ iCC! ~(~ Y~'~• ~~7'~rOV.I~ • ~if t~~n
'~lrec~ur ef P.ar:.s ~rr! ~'ecr~•ation an! Crv~^,~.,~it; ~~r,,i,,~,.
1~. Th;~t ~r i~r Lo L~~^ ~~^~r~~ ~1 0~ 1 fin:?1 t~,iCt ^:'I~~ t'~~~~ 5'~ill ~~ cut~ i!t~~' L~
t~l^ ~t" P~A^r`i•tr ~C...,.tj~ .In11 f~r ~i~'if'" :111'~ ~'i'i~^V~~~ S^i'rlrlC D~'„lq ^C
liPVn~O7f't("~! Fj;~,fl :.-,~~~fic ~IlnS 5~:1~~ 1^~~'I,In~ ~•~J~ flnt •,r ~1 '~Tn~ ~.' tti„
fC~llt):;1nn: .
~~, Tono~.+ra^~,ic r,~,,.
51 tc ~lans 3n~: ~l~v~ii ions s~o~~in ~ t',~ ~1.~~~r•Fn*, ~f ~tir ~ul l~~ i n,~5 ,-~n;~
strucLu~es; the front~ side ard r~-ar r.levatic,ns; an~i thr ~xt~rlor
bui 1~!ino ^tiat~riels inclu~+Ino rro~in~~.
c. Lot Cfr~,cnsions ae~t pa~:t slzr> nf all lot5 su~firi~n- t°~ ir,,'ic~t•• t~~~
rel,itions'-ic, of t~,c proaos~i to the n~yturF .inr' rr.t~nt of [',^ cut-~n~'-
f i l l or eartFhmr:; involvcr'.
~. Lar,dseaptnr~ plans indicatin~ thc er.Lent ana tyn~ oF D~'^n~?5^~'
iandstapinn and ineluc:In~~ any e~xistin~• v~~~~t~ti~n,
e, Vehlclc circul~ition an-1 p~fkln~ n17-, I11~lG]~I~1~' C~l! ndt~~rF a~-~ rrce~t
of pu';lle and priv~tr. scrP~ts, o~ ~u~~llc atcessr~ays ~~r vrhieul~ir
circul~tt~n~ off-strer.t ~ar--.in~ an~1 vrhicl~ c~~ran~,
f. Equ~strian and hiki~g trall, ~ian s'-a~+l~~a ttic n~ac~^rnt an~'
Inprovenents of the trai Is easer~nts f~,r t~c !?~nicrnal ~r~i 1•:o, ',
(Anatie l~ N 11 1, Tra 1 1) and B~tk~,one Tr~ 1 1'!~, 1 ~ ('a- Ca~v~n T r~)1) as
2/t t180
TENTATIVE MAP UF YRACT NO S. ~096 7-10978 (Revlsion No. 1) AND REQUESI
dFSlan.it^~1 hy t'~c EqurStrlnn and ~~II•In~ Tr~illa Ctx~~~nFnt ~~f Lh~~ J1n.~tiri~•
~eneril Plir Trall~ FiPnnnt; lncluri(n~ t~,~ ar~~i~ic f~NSI~'n f.r ~~~y
1~ct~tf~n wher~ .~ tr~ll crots~~ ~v~r ~~ {~u' lic cr nrlv.ifF strer~t; ~in~
~~lsc~ Includln~ the off-slt~ tr,~f 1 c~~scrk•nt ns sha•m on Exhihit !~o. ? ~f
Reclassification '~o. 7~-~~_'r.
o. ~enc~ anc.'/or w~ 11 pl~~ns in~~ic.~tln~ t~,~~ ty^c ~f F~~cin~ ~lc~r,~ r;~v lc~+
~~~t? Of 8 S~~( d~'uitin<~ ~U~ ~~C f!~ priv: t~' St~~'~•L`•.
~~. ~ll ~7CC^P.~~3~IC~ 1:~t~` t~l!` pr~vialon5 l~F (1f11/1^ ~O'~~' ~C!.tir~r ~~n~ ~~~•,~••~^~ ~~~
~~\'~' ~ ~ ~f'I Uf1~~5 in L~~C ~~~~'~t'^, 1nr~•l,~f'(~~ 1~1~ ~ ~!~1 ~f'~t`~Ci~ I~Y% ,~0•1~' .~~.~~ ~ i
~tt~~C,~ '~.init5; p1'~~`.l,;r.,~~ hn„~,;~rr, t`~at I~,~;,~,~,~..~ o^r-~.i ilv •{,,,,~11!r; "',~',
~ltll ~t ~U~ ~^Ct ~I~ il~ j ~CSt~I~~~~.'f15 ll :.~ rn^i~~.it 1l~r~C r~~ ~•~t~~rl' Z~;~ RC~; ~^^ ~~r
FS-~~"" (~,rsidcnt(al , Slnnl~-Fa•~11/) T.on~~~„
1~ . Th~~t ~r(or• to any w~t~r eonneet ions in tti~ ~n~'~~ir +~i l ls Pl.i~n~~ ! ~~~~^ mftv~
t`~~• dcvr.lon<~rs of s~s ir, plannr~' G~~•~ur~itv (~ n~'~~i• 1;f ! ls, li~c, nr tf~~ir
Suc:c~~ssor~,~ ass<<t~s, or t~insf~~r~~~) s~~all s~~'.,^it in •~.~ ~ircrtcr o~ f~i'•1i-.
i't i 1 i t it~s fr,r hi s rc-vic~~.~ ar ' anart~v,~l ~ i ~r~~:~os~ '~l.in f~~r t'•r Acrr•,-
~~i,~ ~nt oF ~~atcr ~~:~ i n cr.trn5lor f~c,. Sai~' nl;rr 5~..~11 c~,r~~,i-'~r ; i l lin'
1YIt~~ltl t~IC 11ff•A (Tr~ct '~US. ~^I',• ('~fC',t1•~~, ~~~~ ~~rl~ ~Util'Jr~j InC~1!.~i!' ~ln!"i
1~. Th3t flrc hy~lrants shall h~ (r,sc,~llc' o~~.! c!~r~~~r~! .i~ r~-~~.~ir-~:' t~ni .'r-~~rr~inc~
to ti~ n~c~~sary „y L'~r C'~ir_f c,f Ch~• F~~n r,nr,~rt; ~~t •,ri~~r t,, cor.~~rc~~e~~t ~`
~tru~! ~r.il f~r~~in~;.
1~. Th~t all rr,~,:ir,. ~~~nzs c~ firc 7t~r.r ~~ (ot'~~r~isc ic!~~iti`i~~' as ~'r~~
Ad ~inist~'~jtiv~~ OrJer 'lo. ~~-'11 0~, fi lcr ir~ t`c ~fFicc ~~ t'•< <Ir.~ 'I~i~`ti
5`~~ill hc mett. Su.~i ~c~uirc~r;~rtS inelu~:c~ ~ut :~rc i~~~* ii'•it~' to, e'`i~m~v
Spar' arrc:`.(C1f ,~ ~r0<<•C~F %.1tC iC5 c7fl(~ Uf1'Inr f l~iof r~;~~+r,i,^,~'',~ ~~ }S' ~^~
t~Ct~P~ f'OC?finr f1~tCt'~J~ dfll C~RF ~lOlf firc ~!~'15~IVC Chrc•~~r!j~~• r~
hor i z~~n[31 Su~f:ic~s loc~t~d t•11 t~i n?^^ f~rt ~` ac' i ar.,.~t hra5~ 1~;~ 1.
~~. i~1At furl til'Cc7~.5 5~:aI~ ~)C ~rovEd•.~ ~S ;jC!i/!f''i~^.~ ~n ~~ rr_~uir~_i h`~ I~1^ ~~1'C
Chi ef.
1~ . 7hat no puhl (c or ptlvatr: Strect 9r~~~1~, s~nl l c•r.ce~~f t~n pcrr.~~t (1^ )
exc~nt '~y ~rlnr an~rpv~~l af t~~r Fir~ '?e~irt°~c~; ~r~,' t`~~ Enni~C~`~I~~~
1;'. That in ~c^ordan~<~ +•rit~~ th~ polic!cs oF t'~~• Firc ^e~.irt^r-+t. ~~t~ve 51~n~•s
(as discusse~! In Ch~~~ter 17.~~ "~ra~lin~;~ fr..:rv~ti~n; ~~• Fi1lc ir i~illr,i~~~
Arens" of the Ana'~c im 1'unicipal Codci l~sc,ate~1 t~1j.~~ent to nc~~ly c~nstructe~.!
hones shall be hydrqr,cr_d~~c+ ~;tt'~ a la•~ fu.~f c~~+~+ustivc sc~c~~! mlx. Suc~~ slo~~s
shall he s{~rint~.lcr~d and wec~~~;! as ri~qu~re~ to est~!~llsh !^^ f~et s~niration
of ftarr~a!~Ic ve~~tatian fro*+ eny structtir~~.
2^. In tlie event that su~jec! Dr^nerty is tc, h~ divide~' for th~ r+urp~s~ ~f sale~
leas~~ or flnancln~- ~ a p:.. cel map~ t~ record tl~e anp~oved dtvlsion of
suFject pr~perty shall he s~'~~+tttFd to an~1 anprove~! -~~ ttie Clty ~f r,n<~h~i~*
and then be fCCGfdr~ in the officc of the Oranqe Countv Rrcnr~ier.
TENTATIVE MAP 0 F TRACT NOS. 10967-~og78 (Revision No. ') AND REQUEST
21, Prlor to aoprova) af n final tract r•an~ ~~-~ o~~m~•r(s) o~ s~~!~j~~t rr~~~rty
sha11 ~edicatc and I~~r~vc t~n (1^) f~nt ~~~Id~ rnucctr(1n an~' hikinn tr~ila
as s'~rn~n o~ thc Cqucstri.~n an~ I'1~ In~ ir,~ils Co~+p~~~nt ~f th~ An~~,~IT
Gencr~~l Pl~r Tr~~lls Elencnt; thac I~~,rc~v~r~nt (~l~nS~ In acr.~rc'~r~~n 41J~~1
stancfircl plans and ypr.cifiCOtlonS on fil~~ in t~~r Of°ir.~ of th~ f.ity
Enr,In~er~ shnil ~c s~.ihri(tt^I in e~n;unetlon r~lt' tti~ nr~~!In~ p~Ar~ ,)f1~!~ •
th:It d~)Orl..~ ~ n ~fl E1nOU~L A~:~ fO~r SCI~ ~ Sf,irinrv ~f` t~1^ f I LY t`f ,111J'~t• ~'~ S~tA~ ~
be aratrJ ~~If~ th~ Clt~~ prior to f?n~~l tr-~t ~~,ir a~nrnvnl c~r ISS~i,~nc~ nf i
grAdin~, ~ernit~ whic~~~vAr occur~ fir~t, tn qu,ir~^t^~ t~~~ InSt~ll~il~~n n~ ~hr
A~~ov~-ri~ntion~~d re~~uir~r~~nt~, ~rior !~~ ~cci:j~t~ncv. S,~I-i d~,,i~,t1^~ ~r'
~f'1~1'r1V~C',.n t S~l,l~ ~ ~r1G ~'1'~(' ~'~(, nf ~.~ ~ t~' ~1~lrl - 7n~' T~~l i ~ ~~C~. ~7 ~~'•~I ~~•~~/~~n
Trall) ~~l~.i~tl• ~ i~~ Tr1~. ~if1, ~~~~~,~ `
2.'. Pr lur t~ ` i n^ 1 L ract ~~~~~ an•~r~v:~ 1, ~. nr~7 ~r.i- <<,r t`~ ,.;; nt~rn^-•,
r(:S'1fiI1!i i~ i 1 I: ~3f1(~ ~r~ • ~I~~~t^~~ C(lSt ~' ~ 1'r ;~ nC • ~ ~ n~rn•s^ lC~' .'~nn~~ ~n~$ Shrl ~~
hF su:~r^ i t t ~J to an,! ~~,nrnv^:! !~, t' ~ ~ i t y ~ r ~n ~' ~ i .
~'. ~ric~r t~ f in~~ 1 tr,~c: ~.~ ; nr~r~v„1, ~ r,-~c: ';c~. 1 ^^' , , ~ , 11 ; , ; ~~. s~,-,~,
Cr,7ct, sh~ 11 'r rr~c~~r'.~ .1 . i t'~ :`~~~ ~Ff 1cc „f t~,,, Cr,~n~,,, C~;,.;~.~ r~.., r,,.,~. .~n '
.'1CC!'r~i~` ~ tiy' I:~i~ ~f1J!i~ lr' (~~ ~ ~S ~~JG[ r t~pnnC)•:il!~~S r5~~r,r.:l ~i i.?'„
.~.~. ~fl ~C~"~f,!1~1C~ C'. t1'~ rrnuir~~~~nt`'~ ~:~ St~tti~:~~ ?. .~~•' i,r~i~i^ir~~ ;7 f~~
tni~i~l 511~ I'CSI.~CI~L1,1~ hr)r~~ , ~i~ (' ,^~~~f ~l~ ~~r1~'~~~i'I ~~,~r1~ f11~ . ~, ~i~~~
. ~ ~~ ~
t~'r s,-1!~~ Sh~ll nrr.,vi~~~ c~.ic' -•.~vrr .~it' ,~ritt~~~~ i~t,.r--~tir~n ^~~•ieerr~i~~~ ;~:i~
~,f~<~~~(`I' ~en~r,:) P~JL d'1', ~~'~'' `X~StI Z' T~~ , (t ^ f~'~'1 'v~ t~'+'
t10Uf1'~i:l'~/+5 0~ SU~ )P(,~ (1'%ICt.
.'~. TF,at thr ~~•.~~~.~ ~ ~f ~ ., ~
5, 5'i' ~•_. ^r • r v~'n.~' ~ 1- ~ i l l•,, Irr,, ~ r t',~ ir
Suc~_~~ss~r~ ~ ~s5 i~~ S, ~r t ~,... ~, rrr~ ~) s'~~' 1 1.t: l! ,i i r.i" i c a i ~ r, , ~ ,~t .~,,,
interscct (Oit ti~ ~iO~ ~ ~i'!""~~ ~O~) ~ .lR'~ ~t.i'7^ ~O•lC~ r0? ~ ~tn I•~ i P~)f^l~~~ r~~~..~.~~.
ri~il(1(ii.:~ L~S I~~_'t:il l ~I~~ ~~~ ~~'C i ~~'.' ir~ifr IC .~.f1P 1(`f~~f a^ : in .1C~!',r.~J'1~( 'I t~`
snccif ic•~•_ ion~ -~n 'i 1~• in t',c ^ff ic~ ~` t' ~ Ci t•~~ fn~,i~~r~ r; ~r ' t'i~~; nri~r ±~
~SSU~3~~~' ~F J f;f~l'.;Illf~ 7if: !t~ cl ~flfl ~ Cr~[1'~I::~~:r (7~ ,,•••,-~91:~ ir~c~r f'~F
CI'C~ I t C~~ Ci.S ~~ I R J~t AC10Uflt An~~ f! f~ 58! I S f 7C ~('~v t'~ ~' ~: ~ i t y ••{ r,'1J~~r ~t
shall Fe post~ +~it!~ ttic City t~~ quaran;ec instilli:ic~r nf ;~i~' si~nal r.ri~r
to or.~u^an~y ~>f ~n•,- ri~~ellin~ ur,it in thr ~re~ (Trnct 'los. 1""•' ~'.rou~~',
1~?7' , (nC lusivr.).
2f~. That all t~~ts havinc .~i•!:hs af less t~~ar f;fty (r~1 fcct as nens~~rc~' at thr~
pu , str~*~t fr~nta,c, s>~alt sh~rc~ a clrcular ~riv~~~,ay ~:it~• ~,n ~c+jacrnt
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N05. 10967-10978 (a~'•vision N~. 1) AND REQUEST
IN'E~t~CP~RT~'C-ITaL COy~~ITT;E RCC~M~~Eri~~Tlo~~S IF TEy'rnTlvF TRI:rT ~i~, 1~^~1
EU I I'; t,~} APPQ~ :1~~!E~_
1. That the ap~r~v:-1 of Tentativ~ Hap o~ Tract Ilo. 1~~'1 (Pev1~l~onrH~,,1) is
granted subJect to the ap~rovil of Peclassiflcation 1!0• 7n-' ?, nn
Var i ~nc~ ~~o. 31 ?~~.
2. That slioulci t`•-s suh~^fivis~^n hc (~P.VP~ODP'~ is MAfC th~n one suhc!ivls(o~. ~acti
subdivislon .•~rco~ sha11 b~ suhnlttPd in t~ntitive f~f~ f~~r aooroval.
~, Thet ~~11 ~:~c i l I t ~~~5 ~~1 t~~ir thc tr~Ct hnuncl~r;~ sti~~i l hr s~rv~c' by un~l~r~;roun~f
~,, Prior tr f inal troct n3~ ePproval ~ th~ oriqinal (~OCU~'1Cr`~S o~ th~ c~venants~
conditions, and restriciions~ and a!ct[er aci~fres5~~1 to ~levelo~+er'S tIt1P
eomnany aut`~orizin~ reeordatlon therr.of, shall hF suh^,itteC t~ tti~ Clty
llttorncy's off icc end i;~;~rov~d hy th~ City Atlc~rney's ~fficr :+n~i Fncin~crin~
Div{sic~n. SaiC d~cum~n* , as a~prov~cf~ Sh~l) :,e fll~~~ am! r~rordc:! in th~~
Office rf th~ Orangr Courty Recor~ier. :~aid coven~ints~ con-iit+ons an~~'
restrlctlc.~ns shall include nrovlsions for the pr.r^~anc•~t melntr~~~nc~ ~f ai~
OS (Opei~ Space) Ianed lots an-i recreat ~~n:~1 lr.it~..
;,, Th ~ t st rt.et na~cs sha 1 I h~ ao~rove~d hy th~ C I t.y P 1 an~ f nr. ~~P~r t^~rnt c~ 1 or t~
approval of a final tr~ct man.
f. If per~~~ncnt strcet ~~r~c sic;~s hav~ nat ~CP.h instal ic~~;, '~~~^rary Stl'^(`L
na~e sinns shall 5c install~~+ Dri~r tr, ~ceup,~~cy.
' That draina~~e of sAid prar,ertv s'~al) br dlsnosed of ir a r+anner satis`actorv
• to th~ Clty Engineer. If~ in the orcn~ratior of ttir s'tr~ suf~iclent
aradino Is rcnuired to neccssitz~tr. a ~rac~tm~ per~it~ no ~ror~ on nr~~~lno ~~i 11
be• ptr~ltted between OCtober l~t~ anu An~il I~,th unlrss al) rr~ulrP' ~ff-
site d~ainac~e f.~cilitir.s have be~n irst:~tled and are o~+e•'ativ~. Pnsitivr.
assurance shall h~ provtded t~~ Ci~c~~ss3rsurt4~taofawayffnrioffesit~~~ be
c~pl~ted pr(or to O;.to~~rr l~th. Y
~rainag~ facilities shal) he. d~:llcated to t!,P City~ or thp f,ity Council
shatl have Initiat~d cond~r+nation oroceedin~s thPr~fnr (the costs of whlch
sha l l he borne -+y the deve l or~ ~) p~ i or to the c~±^~-e~c~men[ of orrc' i ng
op::ratlons. The requlred d~ainag~ ~acilltie~. shall he of a size and ty~e
sufficient to carry runoff waters originating fra^ htgher oropPrtirs thrauc~h
said prot?crty to ultimate disposal as appr~ved bv the City Enalneer. Said
draina9p facilitles shall be the first it~~+ of c~nstructlan and shall hr
co~pleted and be functlon~l throughout the tratt an~i fro~^ the d rn~mstrear+
bounCary of the ;~roperty to the ultimate point of dls~os.il prlor to the
issuante of any final t~uilding inspectians ar occupancy permits. 'Jrainaee
district ~elmburser•~ent agreer~ents may he nade availAhl~ to the developcrs of
said propr.rty upon thelr request.
8. That grading, excavatlon. and all other constructic~n acttvities shall be
conducted in such a manner so ns ta minimize th~ possibilitv of any silt
orlyinating frqm thls pro,ject heinq tarried into the Santa An~ Rlver tiy
storM water originatinq from or flaving thr~uc~h this proJ~et.
2/11/' '
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRAC7 NOS. ~0567•10978 (Revision No. 1) AMD RFQUEST
9. That all prlvote street~ sh~~l) be develo~red 1n accordancP wtth thc City of
Anaheim's Stendard Oeteil No. 12? for prlv~te ~tr~cts, Inc:~~~ing
Ins:allatlon of screet namP slons. Planc fc,r thr o;lv~-te strr~~~ itc~,;in~,~
as requlre~i '~y thc st~ndard dete(1~ shall he suhTltt~,1 to and nnrro~~.-i Nti
the EleGtrleal Dlvls(on, Approved nrivite stre~•t lic~htln~ ~,lan; sh;-11 chen
be sutx~itted to the Building Dlvi~,ic~n for incl~~sinn w(th thc hull~iinn nl~~s
prior to issuance of bulldln~ p~r lts,
1~. That the d~veloper of su!)ect tract shall enter Ir~t~~ ~~ s~Pr_ial f~cl'itle~
ayrccncnt wlth thc Clty ~f An;ihc(~^ F- w~~t~r fac111tirs in ttiA ~Ii~~
Elev,ltiAn SySt^^~~ 85 r~ ~IrC1 -,y P,,, , 1;'i nf t~r w,~t~r '~[illty P.~tcS, 'u1~5
~n.f Recul~;ic ~ prlor t~ Ap~rov,il ~f a~(n;~l tr~ct n~~ ~c ,tl~ulat~ hy th~
11. Prior tr t',e a-~nroval of any final tract r~.~p~ t~~F drvPlo~crs of t~~f Anah~l~
hfills Planned Co+~mu~ity ~Anahr..IR !1111s, Inc,~ or thn.ir successors~ ~isst~ns~
or t~ansfer~es) shat) su!~mit a p~rts an:± recrE,~tir,n,i f~clllties plan to ih~
Parks anci RPCrration,~l an~ Cc~munity ScrvlcrS D~n~rt~~~nt for rcvirar an.f
approval. Said propos~~i shnl ~ drt~rr~fn~ thr spccif;~ mc~ans t~v w',ir.h t'•~•
d~velop~r provides parl, and recreAtlan ~~ciliti~s f~r th~ futur~ r~si~+ents
uf thc .~r~3 (Tract Nos, i^?<.~7 throu~f; 1^^7', inclusfvr). Suc~ ^+~;ln5 r~av
includc~, ~~u[ neeci not be Ilrite~: te, th~ foll~i~•rlnc: pay to the City ~f
tina!~eln par~, and recreatian I~-1(eu f~es as d~tcr~,in~~i to he anpro~riat~ -,;~~
the City ~ouncll at ;he tir~e nf t~uil~'ina pprr~it iss~i~~nc~~ or ~te~1(cat~ ~.irk
lands acce~tatile t~, chc Clty of Ana',ei~+; or a cor+~i~atl~;n ttiPre~f,
Acee~tanc~ of the s~ecific neans sha11 t~e su~ject t~ thr ~poroval of t~h
Dlrect~r of Par~s and Recreation em1 Co^+~un(ty Scrvlc~~s.
12. That pr{or to th~ a~or~v~) o~ a ffnal tr~ct ~an~ tti~rn s~all hp subn~itt~cl ta
tt~e C(ty Plannin^ Co~,.~is~ion r-r r~vlew~ an~~ aanroval~ Sf~PC1~iC pl.~n~ of
devrlo~r~ent, Fina) spcc fic ~~lans shail ir,,.lud~~ hut n~t hc 1+~1t~± tn~ th~
fol in~~~i ng:
a. Topographic map.
b. ' 1te nians onc~ elrvat ions ~ho~.~ino c`~~• olace~^er*, of the bui ldinas an~!
structures; the front~ stde end rear elevations; an~i thr extFrior
build(ng naterials Including rooftn~.
c. Lot dtm~nglons and ~a~ siae of all lots suffictent to indlcate~ t'+A
relation;hip of tihe pro~osai ta t!~e ~aturF an~i ext~nt of the cut-an~1-
f i i 1 or earthrrorE; in~olved,
d. Landscaplnn ~ldns indi~~ating the extent anc: tyne of propused
landscaptng and t~cludin~ any exl~ting ve~etati~n.
e. Vehicle circulation and par~ing plan tndicatlnq th~ naturr and ext~nt
of publ ic an-. nrivate strerts, or ou!~11c acces~~,•ravs fr.r vehtcul~~r
etrculatton~ off-street par~:ina and ve`icle storae~,
f. Equestrlan and hlking trails plan zi-oa~inq the plACtment an-i
Improvements of the tralls eascr+ents for the Re~lonal Tratt No. 3
(Anaheim Hills Trail) and Dackbone Trail No. 1~ (~ak Canyen Trail) as
TENTATIVE M,1P ~ TRACT NOS. 10967-10978 ~aevlston Nt-. 1) AND REQUEST
designet~d by the Equ~strlen ~n~1 Hlkli~~ Tr~~lls Ccx~+poncnt of th~ Anahelm
Ceneral Plan Tralls Elene~~t; includln~ th~ s~ecific desinn for ~ny
lncatlon wherc a tr,~ll crosses over a nuhllc or prlvate stre~t; an~i
al,o (ncluding ;h~ off-sit~ tr,,il e!l4e~~nt a, shovm on Exhihit No. ? ~f
Rcclassificntlon No, ;o_(?r_2,,
g. Fence and/or ~~all plans indicattn~ th~ ty~~ ~f f~nc.tnn t+len~ any lot
line of a sitP at~utting pu!~lic or priv~t~ Str~~ts.
13. In accardancr with the prc+vlsi~ns of Zonin~ Co~t~• Sectihr t~o, 1~.'t.~'^, .11
da~elling units In thc R"-j0~~ ~F;esld~nt~al, "ulti~le-~nr~ilv) io^~ s-~.a11 h~
att<~c`~eJ unlts; provided, ha•~evrr, th,at dFt,ic'~rc' nn~-~~~rily dwctlir,as ~+ay hc
buflt su:,ject t~ 011 rFStriettons and r~a~il~ti~nc ~` ~if`+~r t'P RS-7'1~~ or
RS-;n'1~ (R~sldential, Singl~-Far,ily) Zoncs.
11. Tl~~it prior to anY ~:atcr tonnr.ctian; In the Anahelr I+Ills Pl~rncc! Ccrx'~~nity,
thc~ d~velop~rs of said planned ca~x~+urity (Anahel*• Hi 115~ inc, ~~r th~~ir
successors~ ass(qns, or transfere~s) shill suh^+it tr~ t',r '?(r~ctor o~ Putlic
Utilitir_s fnr his rcvi~~•r and a~nrov,il, a propos~ci nlar f~~r t-~~ ~icrc.~4~~
piy~+^nt of ~~~tpr ~ai~~ extensior. `s!~5. ':ni:.~ pl~~~ s'~il~ cor~i~~er ~11 lan.'
~~it'~in th~ are.~ (Trnet '~o~. 1~~'7 ttiroue~ 1^~7•', inclusivf) inci•~c'inn nn~n
1~. That f(rc hydrants 5h311 bc Inst~~lled ~r+~f ~.hirn~d ~is re: :'r~~' an~l dPtc~r~+inc~:
to hP necessary by the Chie; ~~ ttir Firr ~c^art~~~nt r,r(or t~ co~nPnce•~~nt of
structural far~in;;.
1~, that atl rec;ufre~~~ntC, of F1rr• ~~n~ ~~ i~.~`~erv~ise lde~ti'ie' ~i5 ~Irr
Ad~inistrative Orc:cr '~~. 7~-~1 ~n ~il~ i~, thc o'fic~ ~f th~ Fire ChiPfl
shall t~ ~et. Such r~qui~Pm~nts InC~ut~r~ hut are nnt li^~it~~' to. chi~+ney
spari. arresturs, protc:.ted ~attics and un~l~• ~inor o~eninr,S, Class C or
h~tter roo`Inn natcrial anc! qn~ hour fire ~cs~stivc C(~~S~rUCti~n ~~
hertz~ntal su~faces iocated withir 1^^ fre' af aAi.~cent hrus~l~n~~.
17. That `ucl hr~~k5 shal ~ hr nrovidcd .~s dtter,.in~r~i tc hP rfquirea hy thr ~Ire
i(', That no pu~~lic or pr~vate street grades shall exceed ten Dercent (1~`%.!
ezceat ty ~rior approval of the Fire Departm~n! and *hc En~inE~rina
lo. That In acc~rdance with the polities ot` the Flre ~e~artment, native s~opes
(as discussed in Chaote~ 17.nf "G,rad(nq~ Excavations and Fltis in ulllsid~
Areas" ~f the AnahPin "unicipa) Code) loc~ted Adjacent to nerrly constructe~i
ho~es shall t;e hydros~eded with a lrx~, fuel cam~+ustive seed mix. Such slopes
sha11 be sprin~lcrPC' and weedcd as requir~d to establish lnn feec sPn~ratlon
of flarr~able vegetatlon from ~ny structure.
2n, fn the event that suhJect prop~rty is to hc dividc~l fc+r the purpos~ of sale.
tea•~~ or financing~ a parcel map, to record th~ aprroved divislon of
su ~ct property shall he suhmitted to and approved hy t'~e City of AnaheTm
ar then be recorded In the offlce of the Orange County Recorder.
C ~31
21. Prlor to approval of a fi~al tract map~ thc owner(s) of sub.j~cc proo~rty
shall dedl:~te and f~provc ten (1~) foot w'dc e~ucstriAr an~ hikina tralls
as shown on thc Equestrian and Hikin~ 7rails Con~onent of t~c Ana-~~1~
General Plan Trrils Elenent; that t~(~rove~ent nl~ins~ In accordance witl,
standard plans and speciflc~tlona ~~~ filc ln ttie Officc of the City
Englneer~ shall he submltted i~ -~n)unction wit', the ~radino plan; ani/or
that a bond tn an amount ~+nd f~ •~ satlsfactory to th~ Clty aT Anahcln sh~ll
bc. postPd tiaith the Clty pric~ to final tr~ct ma~ anpr'ov,~l ~r lssuance of ~~
gradina perr~it~ whlchever o~ urs Ftrst, to ~uarnntee thr (nstallatton ~f thc
above-m~ntioned reaulrer+~~• • prior t~ «ccun~~~~y, S.~ic1 dr.dic~tlon Anr.1
I^~provc~ent shall includ~ [he nf~~SitF !'.ac~hc+n~ 7r~i1 Nn. 1^ (~a- Canynn
Tratl) loc~tcd in Tract o. 1^`~~~^~.
2i. Prior to final tract -_~o a~pr~val, a ~ro~rn~~ frr th~ ~~i~t~n~ncc
rPSpon5l~Illty and estir+?:ed c~st th~reof ~>` 3~1 ~rr.n-s~ace ion~d l~ts shall
hc suhr+f tted to and a~proved hy the C I ty of ~~ ~ti^i'',,
23. Prlor to fin~l tr~ct mar ~norov~l~ Tr~ct ~~~. 1n^'~. a wti~lly UPrn s~ace
tract, shall he rr..eorded ~~It'~ the ~ffice o~ t`~~ (`r~inn~ Cnuntv R~cord~r anc;
acce~t.ed hy the Anah~ir, -i) l is '1a~,t^r NO~~~`C„%nf`rS ~~ ~~<<~t ior.
21~. In accordance ~•rit'~ th~ re~uirnr~cnts ~f Secti~~ 19.~?.^~7 P~rta;ni~~r, to !h~
initlal sale of r~sidcnti~l hon~s In the Cltv c-f Anahci~ Planninq A~ci "F",
thc s~iler shall ~rovidc eac', buycr 1~•ith ti+ritten infornation C'~~rpYnlnr~ t~c
Anahelr~ General Pl~n anc{ the txistinc mninr ~~~it~in 3"~ feet o` thr
hound~r?es of su';jrc: tr~~ct.
That tl'c o~mer(5) ~f su~~Jcct arop~r!v I~n~h~ir, I~llls, Inc.. nr th~ir
SUCCC5501'i~ assiyns~ Of ~f3^SFPf~CCS~ S~~d~~ ~ry5t~~~~ ~~ tr~~f'ic signal at Lh''
intersection of '1~~f~1 ~tanch P,oa~ an-; `ta :i~ ~o~C'~ ~.o.~;! ~to !~e renar~;! C~^ine
Gr~nde) a5 re~u i rc~d ~•y the C 1 ty Tra~f 1 c Cn7 inc~~r ~n,i in ac:.ordar .~• wi Lh
spccifieations on fi1~~ in t-~c Office ~f th~ Citv ':n~~inecr; in_' th~~t ~ri~r to
issuai~c~ nf a gradinq permit~ a honc+, certificate of derosit~ lctter of
credit or cash~ in an ar-our+t and forc^ sat~sfactorv to thr~ City of Anatiein
stia' he postPd w1'~~ the City to auarant~e in5ta11.~tinr, of 5aid s'~n~it ~+rlor
to occ+~pancy nf ~ny dwclling unit in thc ~rca (?ract 'los. 1;~^'7 th~ough
1~~7'~ lnclusivc).
2F, The ar~a indicated as "Res~~voir Site. Not a part" -.ha11 he shrn•rn as a
se~arat~ lot on the f Inal tract ma~ t•~i [h the ab~ve-r-e~t lonec' wordinc~
A'' ~ 32
(NTERpEPAr,T~1[~iTAL COMMITTEr RCC^`I"1E-lJ~1T101~5 Ir TE^~TnTIVF T~nCT N~, 1~^,?
~; N !
1. That thc approval of Tentativc Map ~f Tr~ct No. 1~~7? (Revls(o~ `~o, 1) !s
grantcd sut,ject to thc apnroval of Reclassificat~on -~o. 7Q-?~-?~ ~nd
Varlancc t:o. 313F~.
2. That 5hould 41i15 Suhdivision he devclo~~d os r+orc th~r+ onp suhdivi~lon~ rsch
subd(vision th~reof shall he SU~'~'1jLCP~1 in tentatlY~ f~r^ f~r an~rovil.
3. That all f~cllities wit!~In th~• trACt ~ounciar,; ~,hal) hr S~rv~' hy un~^rnroun~
4. ~rtor to finr~l tract ma~ apnroval~ t~P ort~in~~1 docun~~nts or thr c~vrn:,ncs,
condlcions, and restrictions~ ~nd a lettrr acldress~•r1 ~~ devclopcr's title
ccsm~any author t z Ino recordat (on therc~r,f ~ sha 1 1 hc s~:hrt tted t~ ttiP C I ty
Attorney's office an~.1 a~prove~i '~y the C1ty ~ttnrnay's ~ff1c~ ~n.i Enuine~rlnr
Dlvislan. Satd daeum~nts~ as a~~iroved, 5ha11 be file~i ~n~i rr.r_~r-ln~l in the
Offlc~ af thc Ar~~ngc County Qecord~~r, Sal~! COV~~dni5, con~!Itton, ard
restricttons shall lncl~de provisi~ns for th~ pe~r~inr.nt r+afnt~~ance of ,,11
OS (Opcn Spa~e) Zon~d lc,ts anr; rccrcati~~nal l~ts.
S. That street n~~es shall ~e an!+rov~ri ~~y the City Pl~~nnlnn U2p~rt"+ent nric+r ;c~
approv,~l of a fin~l tract m~n.
',, If ;,~r~anent Strr_et nar~~~ stqns havr~ not he~n inst.~ll~d, !~n~~ra~y stre~'_
na~+c s1~ans sh.~l) h!~ installe~i i~rior ta occup~ncv.
7. 7hat driinayc of said prooerty sh~11 bc JiSD~sec1 ~~ in a~^.inner satlsf,~ctory
to thc City Enyineer. If~ ir thh prc~~~ration of thr sitc~ suf~lc(ent
grading is requ(red to nrcr_ssitate a aradinn nermit, no wor~ ~n nradinc ~~ill
be perritte:l heiween O;.t~Scr 1'~th an~i April l~th urless .~11 require:! of~-
sitc dralnaae facilittes have heen in5tallc~ and ar~~ r~-,Pratlve. Pasitiv~
assurance shall he providEd the C1tv t`~at such 'raina~~ f~i~.'ltties ~•~ill `~^
ccx~sp~eted ~rior to Octo'~er 1Sth. Necessary riqht-of-way for ~f~-site
drainane facilitics shall be dedicat~u to the Cltv~ or the City Louncil
shall ~lli/P initiated canclennatton oroceedines therefnr (f'. costs of ~~I,icti
shal l tic borne hy the develonrr) prlor to th~ cof-*~pnce-^ent of ~~a~+in ,
operations. The required draina~e facilittes yhall hc of a size anc+ ty~F
sufficieni to carry runo~'` waters originati~~ fro~+ htnher ~~c+pnrfie5 thro~,~~
said property to ultimate dis osal ~s a~Rroved by t',e Cliy Enetne~r. S~i'
~iraina~e faci l ities shall bc thP `irst ite~+ of construction an~~ ~'~al l l~~~
Cor'~let~d and be function~il throug~~out t'~~ tract an~i frar th~ dc tr^.ar~
boundary of ihe nr~nerty to ttic uliir^ot~• point of dispos:~! pri~r ~o thc
Issuanr.e of ~ny final huil~iina In4pPCC10n5 or otGUpincy perr(cs. I'ratna~e
district reln'~ursement aoreer^nts may nr na~'e av~i 1~~!; ie to ihe devel~ners of
saicl property u~on their re~ucs~.
e. Th,t grading, excavation, and all othr.:r construction actfvitirs shal' be
conducted in such a T~nner sn as ta mtnimize the p~ssihiltty of anY s?'It
ariginating from this project ti~ing carri~d inta th~ Santa Ana P1ver by
storn water originating f~or~ or flav~lny through tF~is ~ro)rtt.
9. TF~~t ell prlvatr. ~tr~ets shall he dev~lc~~ecf fn h(;f.nf ~r'1~CP with thr Clty of
Anaheim's Str~nd.~rd ~etall No. 121 fo~ ~riv~+,~, strr~ts, Includ(nc,
installatlon of strcet nar~~: slgns. Pl,ins f~r th~ ~rtv.~te strect lic~htin„
~~ rcqulred hy ihr. SLAndard detall~ stiall Ne ~ul~nitt~cl to ~+nd flDnl'OVP~I hy
the ElectriGa) Dlviston, Appr~vecf ~rtv~t~ strn~t ;~~htlnq ~l~~ns shall t'+en
be 5ubmitt~d to thc Buildinq Division for inc1u51~n ~;ith t'~r ~~~ ~Ic'ln4 olan5
prior to issuanc~ of bufldinc~ ~~rr•its.
1!', That th~ developer of su'.j~ct trict Sh.i11 ~-r,!~r fi~t~ ~i st~rci~~l ~~~cllltirs
agr~enrnt with thr Clty of Anahei~+ fr.r w~it~-' facllicl~s (n thc I~I~~~~
Elevation System, as re~auire~.i !~y Rulr i~,f? ~~~ t'~e 4'~tcr t!tility ~tatrs, P,~~lr~
~nd Rey~~l3tions nrior tu a~orov~~) of .i fin~l tr~~t ~~~~~c~ as stl~~~l,~t~~' hy th~•
11, Frior to the ac~~r~~v,~1 pf any f1na1 tract man~ the dr•~rlppcrs o` th~ ~'~na~ici^~
Hllls Planned Com~lunity (Aniheir~ Nllls~ Inc,~ or •~,r~ir SUCCrS57r5~ as~inns,
or transferces) shall suhmlt a parl•s and recrc~~' ~on,il f~ci Ittics plan t~ thc
Par{.s and Recre~~tl~nil encl Conr,urlty Services ~e~art~~ent for r~vte~•~ ani
approval. Satd proposal shail de!errntn~ th~ s:~ecific r~e,~nc ~y w~ich the
developcr provldes parl: an{i recrr.ation f,tici 1'ties Fnr t~~c fu!urr resi~irrts
of the ar~a (Tract !~~s, i^4F.7 throu~ti 1~~7'~, In~.lusivr). Such means ~~~y
includc~ bu[ need not l~e lir~lted to~ thc fo1 ~r~in~: ~ay tu thP City ~F
Anahei~+ park. anci r~creatton in-lteu fe~: as ef~t~rT(nr~f to h~ a~~ro~ri~te h~~
t'~e Clty CGUncll ~~t the tir~~ ~~f t:uildinu perr~ii issuancr, ~r (~p(~~G~~Lr narb
lands aeeepiahle to the C(ty of Anahei~-~; or J G[~rFln~ltlOri tti~r~nf,
ACCeDt~nCr of thc s~~cific McAns shall ~c suhj~ct t~ .h~ an^rev~~l nf ~~,~
Director of Par~, and Recr~atlc~n ~nr+, Co~~~unltv Services.
12. That prior t~~ the a~+nr~val af r f(..,il tr.~ct r~io~ th~rr sh~11 ~~ snh~ itt~~+ to
tlie Clty Planning Cor~r^;,Sion for review and ao~roval, snr.ci`ic ot,+ns of
devel~n~+ert. F1na1 sp~clflc plans ~ha',1 Inclu-f~~ hut ~ot hr IiTit~.: to. the
a. Topogra~h i c r+ap.
t~. Site plans ind Plevations sho~r,inr, thc placenent of ttie hulldin~s a~~i
stru~:Cures; the front~ side an~! r~ar ~alev~ti~ns; a~:i the exter~ur
building materi~ls Including r~fin~.
c. Lot dimensions ~nc! pad size of all 1~~t~; su*ficicnt tc~ lndica'~ t~~•
relationship of the p~oposal to thc ~~~Lurc~ and extent nf thc cut-and-
Ttll or eartFn~ork Involved.
d. Landscaping plans indlcating the enient and ty~e of prop~sed
landscaping and including a- ~~xistinc+ ve~ptation.
e. Vehicte circ~lat<<,n and parking plan indicating t~-.c nature anc' extpnt
pf publtc and private streets~ or puh~ic accFSSw.~ys fc~r vewicular
clrculatlon~ off-streQt parklnG and vphicle stnrao:~,
f. Equest~tan and hibing tralls plan :hrn~in~ the pl.icenent an~l
lmprovcm~nts of the Lral)s eassments for the Reginnal Trail ho. 3
(A~sahelm Hllls Trall) ~nd Backbone Trai1 40. t~ (~ak Canyon Trail) ns
6o-i 34
dcsiynated by t-~~ Equestrlan anc; 1114•1n~~ 7r~,i 15 Cc.~++p~nnni of t-~e M~~ticl~
Gcnr.ra) Plan Tra~ls Element; inclu.lin~ t'i~• ~,n~r.ific desi~~n for .~~y
lacation wh~rr• ~1 L~.1~ ~ f.~055^S OV^~ ~~ n~1' 1 i~ ^I' (11'~Vt1~e SLfCCi; anc'
also Incluc'In~~ thc off-sit~ triil easer,cnt as sho~,n on Extiit,it !~o. ~ of
ReCl~~,si f Icat ~'~n No. 1~-"^-7r.
g. Fence and/~r wall plans indtcating the tyt~~ nf frncinn alen~ any l~t
Ilne of 3 sitc abuttin, public or nrivaic. ~trrecs.
1?, In ~cc~rAancr with t`ic prov(slons ~f Z~ninn Co~i~ Secti~~ .^'~, ~11
dwcllin~i unit~ in tl,~ R~'-?~~~ (aesldr.ntial~ '~ultl~l,~-~a~ll shafl ~r
~ttacf~~c1 units; ~ rovici~ci~ ho~.~evPr, that ;~~•t~-che~l on~-~,i^~i ly ~;, ~ 1 i~as ~ay h~
t~utlt suF~ject to ~1! restrictio~~s anc' rr<~~il~~ttons of Pith~r t~~ ~5-"?'~" or
RS-~~^,^ (Rcsfcfent tal ~ Slnc;l~-i'ani ly) ZonA~..
14. That prlor to any wat~r tonneetions in t'~c Ana-,~ir~ -~-11s Pl~rnc.! Co~^r^unitY,
the drvcloptrs of sald plann~~) eo~unltY (Ana'~~*ir Nllls~ Ine, or thci~
suceessor•~ assiqns~ or transfprees) shall suhnit t~ t~.e ~1rec.tor ~f ~utitic
Utillties for his revie~: nnd .i(~prpv~'f~~ ~ ~ropncec' ~lan f~r che acre~~~~
paymc-: o~ wate~ main extension fcc~~. Safd nlan 5'~~;ilt consldc~r ;~11 lan~,
~~1;.`~in t'~e area (Tract '~os. 1^^~7 t~~rou7h 1^~7`~ inc.l~~~iue) inclu~ilrq onen
! rc'1rC.
1~. That fire 'iydrants shall hP instr~lleJ a^~' charn~-1 a, r~~ufr~~' in~i dPter~inc~±
to '.~c necessary hy the ~hief ~f th~ Flr~ ~er~rt~ent nrl~r to coM^+cnce~.ent of
st~uctural farming.
i(, T~;at .i11 requlrements o~ Flre Zone ~~ ~otherwisr i~7r~i;~`ie.! a5 Firr
Adr~inistrativP Ord~r '~~. ~F>-~1 or file in thr of`icc oF t'ic Fir~ Chi~f)
~hall be r+et. Sucl, re~uir~^~ents Inclu~ie~ t~ut ~r~ nnt li~^ite~! :o, cFi~nev
snark arrestors. protectrd at;lcs anc~ ~,ncier Fl~nr o~c~ninnS, Class C~~r
tettcr raofing matc, ial and on~ ho~:r fir~ reststlv~ car,str~,cti~~ of
horizontal surfaccs IoCatec! ~:it-,(n :'~~ frct of a;'.jr.cent tiruShlanl.
17. That fuel hreal<s shall be provided as deterr~inec+ to hr rP~~ired hv thc Firc
1E', ihat no puhli~ or privatc strcr.t grades shal) ~~c~re,i ten perrPnt (1('~:)
except by prior npproval of the ~Ire De~artme~ and the Enqir~erln~
1~. That In accordance with the poticies of th~ Ft~e R~nart~+pnt~ nativ~ slop!'S
(as d?;cussed in Chapter 17.0!~ "Grading~ Excavation~. and Fills In i'illsi~'e
Areas" of the Anahelm 'tunict~al Code) locatPd adjac ~t ta ne+•ly constructe~~
hor~es ~' ~~1 be hydroseeded with a la•r fuel com'~ustive seed mlx. Such SIOpP.S
shalt be snrinklered and weedr.d as required to ~stahlish i'1~ f~et seoarAtion
of flanmable vegetation fron ~ny structure.
2~. In the rvent thdt subJect prnperty is to !~e d(vided f~r th~ purpo~.~ bF sale~
tease~ or financing, a ~a~cal map, to record the ar.c~roved dlvislor of
s~~t•jeet property shatl be submitted to ~nd approved hy the City ~f ~nahPir+
and then he recorded tn the nfftce of the Orange County aecorder.
21. Prtor to approval of a final tr~,ct ~~~~ the own~r(s) of sut,iPCt pr~c+~rty
shall dedlcatc and (mnrovc tt~n (1^) foct widc ~aur.strtrn ar~d hl~'~~ trails
as sha m on thc Equestria~ and Hlkira Trall~ Cor^p~ne~t of the An~h~l~~
General Flan Tr~i is Elcr+e~nt; that Impr~~~er-cnt plans ~ tn accord~nce wi th
stan~arci pir~ns and specificattons on f11e t~ t~~ OfFtcc of thc C(ty
Engtncer, shall he suhr,ir.te~f in c~n)unctlon arith th~ r.ra~±lnn plar; ancl/or
th.~t a bond In an ano~nt an~i f~rr s~~tisfactorv t~ ti,e CItY ~f Anah~l^~ sh; ~1
b~ posted r,i t'~ t',c C t tv pr ic~r to f i nal tract r~a~ rn~~r~va 1 or lssuancc ~f ,
oradinc, ner~it, whichPV~r occurs first~ to guar~nt~~ thP InStillatl~n of the
at~ovc'~'C~tTQnPr~ requirnnents prlor tc ec~up~ncy. Sal-'. ~i~~'ic~~tl~n ,ir'
Ir~pr~ver^ent sh;~ i 1 inc 1 u~lr t!~e of f-s i te 9ac'.!~o,e Tr,, i 1 ~,~. 1'' (~~~I !' ~~~vr,n
Tr~~ i I) locate~ in Trac: tJc, 1"^~ ".
2?, Priar t~ fin~~l tr~ict r~a~ ap~roval~ .~ pr~~r.~n f~r t`~~~ r~airtena~cr
re5~onsitillity and Cstirated GciSt tlic^reof o` al) ~nnn-s~ac~ Zone:1 lots Sha11
bc suf;~ltted ta anc; a~provcc! by thc City ot An~~,eiT,
23. Pri~r to fin~l tract r+aa appr~v~l~ Tract f;o. 1^^""~ ~ ti,hollv on~n snacc
tract, 5h3II be rFCO*ded r~lth the Officc of the Oranyc C~urty 'ie~or~cr anr'
acce~ted hy t~•~e An~hei~^ tilils '~tastpr Noe,e~~ners ,Assoclat~o~,
2~,. In ac~ordance ~•~Ith t`~e re7uirer,ents ~f Section 1~'.~?."47 pertainirr te thc~
initial salc of residenrial hoc~~s ln t'~e City ~~ Annhr(r~ •'.~r,~,inc Gre~ "E"~
ttic se~lcr shall providc eacti huy~r ~~Ith a,ritt~n lnf:~rr~ti~n conc~rr,ln~; c~,r
Ana~eir~ ;eneral Plan and thc ~xistinc~ zonin~ ~,+ithin 3''^ feet ~f th~
houndariFS of su~•~-•ct tract.
2~. Thac thc a.mr.r(s) '' su', jccc ~ro~erty ("~•n~hrin Nillc~, I~~c.~ c~r th~ir
suecessors~ 8551rtr5, or trar,sferrr.es) sti~ll inst~ll a traffic sirnal at the
intersection of '~ohl ".anch Raad and St~g~ Coac'i Roa~1 (ta be rena^+e:f Ca~~ino
Grand~l ~s re~utred hy thc City ?ra`fic Enrinec~r an~i ir acc~~~iance wit~
s~ecifications or file tn the Of~ice of th~ ritv En~~ine~r; a~~' that csrtcr to
lssuancc~ of a gradin~ pcrmtt, a han~i~ c~rtificatc• af -Ir.Rcsit~ lett~r of
credlt or cash~ tn an ar-ount and forn sati~factory t~~ the City of Anaheir,
shall be posted ~~ith thr_ City to gu.irante~ installation of sal~j sinn3l ari~r
to oecur~ancy of any d~~~ellinn unit tn the area (Tract -:os. 1~°~7 throu~h
1(.1^73~ inclus(ve).
80 - ~ 36
INTF.r;1fFA^,'"ENT1L CO'~"IT'EE RCl'~M"f.~i~nT10~~5 IF TF'!Tr*1\'f T~P.Ci !i~, 1~~,7'
. EJIS10'I NG. 1 A r 7V .:
1. That the approvai a~ T~ntativ~ "ao ~f Tract No, 1!!^?? (Revlsion No. 1) is
grantP~~ Suhject to thr apnroval of ~',ec1~~55IfiC~1i14~ FIO. 7~-°^-?5 ~in~~
Varianc~ No. 313G.
2. That sh~uld thi~ su!~divistan be d~velopccl as mor~ t!i.i~ on~ s~ib'ivfsi~n~ ~ach
subclivi,~on the ~of shatl bc sut~n.it!ed in teni<~tive f~r^~ f~r a~nro~~al.
3. That a11 facl 1 it ies wl t~in t'~c tr~~t houndarv 5'i,~l l h~ sr~rv~^~' `~~y un~'crnroun~
~+. Prlor tr. final traet nan ao~roval~ the oriyin~71 doc~ir~ents of ttie eoven.ints,
con~itions, and restrlctions~ t~nd a iNtter ~rid,-essr-1 to devel~p^r's title
com~any authorizing recordation thereof~ sha11 hP suh~itt~:i t~ the Ciry
Attorncy~s offlCe an~' eppr~vrd Fy the C~ty Attorncy~s ~ffiec ~~n•1 En~inerrir•
Division, Said documents, as apnrovrl~ sha11 F,e ftl~d nnJ rPC~r:Jed in Lh~
(lffic~ of ~he Or~nge County Recorder, Said covenanis. co~~~iti~ns .in~'
restricttons shall includr nrovisions fr~r the nerman~nt ~airtenanrP nf :~11
0; (~pen SpacP) 2onecl 1~ ~ s an-~ recrr_at ional lot~ .
~~. That SLre~t name5 Shal' be ~~^~bved hy t'~e Cltv Plannin~i ~e^~rt~ert ~~inr t~
ac~pr~v~~l of a fin~l ir ~ct nan.
~. If rer:~anent strr.et n°~c St~nS hs7v~ not h~cr, instail~cl, ier~nc^rary s~r~~t
nar~c~ si~,n, shall he (nstall~*r! prior tc~ occupa~cv,
7. That dralnac~e of sairi proc~erty shall be disposec' af in a~ann~r sattSFactory
t~~ th~~ City En~i-~r.er, If~ i~~ the pre~~~ration n~ cf,e sit~, sufficlent
cradinr~ ts r~~uired to necAssiLate a ara~finn ner~~it~ n~ w~r~ ~n nradl~c wi'1
be perr~itt~:i bet~.reen Octubrr 15th ~nd April t~th unl~~ss ,~11 requirec' off-
site dralna~e Yacllities have been (nstatled and ar~~ operative. Positive
~~ssurance shall be pr~vided the City that such ~irain~qe fa~;11t1es +•~ill he
tor^trted prio~' co Octoher 15th. Mecessary rlnht-ef-•~,ay for ~~f-site
~lrainae,e facllities shall bc drdicated to the ~ity~ or the City Co~ncll
shall have initiated condemnati~n proceedings thereFOr (thr costs of ti:l,ich
shall f~e borne hy the develoner) Frior to the conmence~ent of gradino
operat(ons. the required drainagp facilitie~ shall be of a sl~e anc' tyne
sufficient to ~ar~y runoff waters originating fror^ hiq!~er properties through
said property to ultimatc dis~osal as approved hv thc~ Clty Enyi~~ecr~ Saic'
draina!~e fac111ties shill be the first item of construction anJ sh~ll b~
completed and he functianal t.hroughout the tract anri froR, the drn~mstrea~
bounAary of the property to the ultimate polnt of disposal prior to the
issuancE~ of any final building insoections or occupancy permlts. Dralnaec
district reimbursenent ac~rr.er^~nts may be made availahle to the develcocrs of
said praperty upon their request.
6. Tl~at g~ading~ excavation~ and all other construction activities shall he
conducte~i in such a manner so as to minimize the posslhility of any silt
origlnatin~ from thls project beinq carried (nto the ~anta Ana River hy
storm water originattn~ froc~ or flowing througt, t~is ~roJect.
9. Thet ell p~ivete streec~ ~hall be dnvelooed ln eccardanca with th~ ~Ity of
Anahel~'a Standa~d Oetall No. 122 tor privat~ streets~ includin~
install~tlon of street .~an+e signs. Plans for the private street ltahting~
as requlred hy the standrrd detail~ gtie11 be subnitted to ond approve~ ~,y
the Electricol Dlvtslon. Approved privat~ str~et 1lghting plans sha11 then
be submltted to the Buildtng Division for incluston a~lth th~ Auil~in~ elans
prtor to tstuance of hullding pe~mits.
10. That the dev~loper of suh)e~,t tract +h~11 encer intu a spectal f~ciliti~s
aaroement with the City of AnAhcim for wat~~ facilities tn thP Hi~h
Elevation Systpn~ ~~s required hy Rulc 15B of thc ~!etcr Utiltty R~tes~ ?u1~s
and R~~ulatl~ns p~ln~ to A~^ruvat of a final trnct ~an as stlaul.~t~~ hy the
11. Prlor to the appr~vol ~f any flna) tract rr~ ~~ the ~evelap~rs of the An~heim
Ntlts Plannecl Co~unlty (Anehein Iltlls~ I~c.~ or ~h~ir suecessors~ as~tgns~
o~ transferees) shs11 suhmit a part~s and r~cre,atton.il fdcilltles p1An to th~
Parks and Recreattona) rnd CoMmunlty Serviccs Oenartnent for review and
approval. Ssid procosal shall deternine the soecift~ r,~ans hy which the
developer provides pAr~. and recrcatlon facilities f~r the futur~ resicients
of the ~~rea (7rACt '~os. i~t~~~7 thr,aur,h i^~7r~ lncluslv~)~ Such means r+ay
(ntlude, but need not be ll~lted tu~ tht follalln~: pay to the Clty of
Anahe(m park end recreatlon In-licu fces as det~rr~ined ~o be eppro~+riatr. by
the Clty Council at the time of -•ullc'iny permtt tssuance~ or dedicete park
lands Acceptahle to the City of Anahei~+; or a cor+>inatlor, thrreof.
Acce~tance of the speciftc neans shall be su~ject tc~ the apnrovai of the
Directar of Parl;s and Rccreation anci Cca~nun(ty Servic~s.
12. That prior to Che approval of s final tract rnap~ ttiere shAlt he sub^lttec' t~
the Clty Ptannin~ Co~x*+ission for revle~•~ and apnr~vAl~ sprcific olans of
d~veto~ment. Final specifie plans shall includ~~ b~,t reot he~ it~itrd to. the
fol lo~;~i nn:
a. Topo~raahic ma~:.
h. Site ~lans and elevations shor~tne~ the alacPn+ene c~f r!,~ huildlnas an:i
struct~~~ ~s; the front~ side and r~ar ~l~vatic~ns; en~! th~ extprfor
buil~inn materia'~ Inclu~in; roafin~*.
e. Lot dimensions and pad stze of all lots suffici~nt to inclicate thc
relationship of the prorosal to the nature An~' extent of the cut-and-
fi 11 or earthwor{; fnvolvcd.
d. Landsca~ing plans indlcatin, the extent and ty^~ of oroposed
landsceptnq and tncluding any existinr ve~etatinn.
~. 1'ehicle circulatio~ and parktny plan indicatinn the nature and extent
of pul~ltc and private streets~ or pubtic access~~~ays fo~ vehicular
ci~culation~ off-st~eet parE:f~~ and vehicle starage.
f. Equestrta~ and h!king tratls plan showing the ptacement and
improvements of the tralls easeme~ts for the Renional T~ail Na. 3
(Anahelm Hil!s Trail) snd Bsckbone Trail ~lo. 1'! (Oal: ~any~n Tralt) as
dasignated hy the Eque~trian ond Hlk,in~ Treils Canponent of the Anah~im
GOnerol Plan Trails Eitlment; including the specffic desiqn for any
lucatfan rfier~ a trail cro;:es over s puhllc or hrivate streot ; anu
~lsa Includii~g the otf-sfte trell Qasem~nt as shnwn on Exhiblt -lo. : of
Racta:stfication No, 79-8~-2y,
g. Fence and/or wall plens Indfceting the type of fancin~ e1on~ a n y lot
line of a slt~ abutting puhlic or prtvate stroets.
13. In acc~rcisnce with the provlslons of Zoning Code S~ction '~o. 1^..~1.C?~~ all
dwe111ng units ln the RM-3~np (Residentlal~ Multl~ic-Family) lonc sF,all h~
attscl~ed unlts; provided~ ho-~rever~ thaC drtached one-faMt 1y dw~111nos nay hr.
butlt suh)ect to all restrictlons end regulotions of either the P.S- 72^'? or
RS-5~1~r (Resldenttel~ Sinale-Far~ily) ton~s.
14. Thet prior to any water connections tn the .4naheiM Hills PlanneJ Con,rnunity~
the developers of said pl~nneJ comr~unity (Anahel~^ Hllls, Inc. or thelr
successnrs, assigns~ or transferees) shall suhmit to the ~irector o f Puhltc
Utilttles for hts r~vie~~ anJ approvel~ ~ proposed pl~~n for thc acre age
payment of water r~uln extens~an fees. Sald plan shall consider all lan~
wlthtn the area~ (Tract 11os. 1~~~7 throu~h 1~9j~, Inctuslve) in~luding op~n
15. That ftre hydrents shall he (nstallec! ~ncf charged as reouirPc' an~i d~tr~rninrd
to be necessary by the Chief of the Flre Depart~+ent ortar to camn~n eement of
structural fa~min~.
1F, That all requl~ements of Flre Zone ~i (otherwise identifle~~ .~s F1re
Ad~nlnistrattve Qrder I~o. 7~•O1 on filc In t!~e office of th~ Fir~ Chief)
shall be met. Such requtrements lnclu~ie~ hut are not 1lnite~~ ta, ehlnnry
spart; arrestors~ prntected attics and under floor opantnas. Class C or
better roofing mat~rlal and one hour fire r~sistiv~ construceton of
horizontal surfaces located wtthin 2^0 feet of ~dJac~nt brushla~d.
1~. That fucl bretks shall be provided as deterr~ined to be requlred by thc F1re
1~. That no pubitc or prtvate street grades shall exceed ten perc~nt (1^ti)
except by prlor approval of the Ftre Department and th~ Engineerino
1g. That in accordsnce with the poticles of the Fire Oepartm~nt~ nstive slopes
(as discussed in Chapter 17.A6 "Grading~ Excavettons and Fliis in K illstde
Ar~as" of the Anahe[m Municipal Code) located ~d,jacent ta newly c~n structed
homes shsit be fiyd~aseeded ~~ith a lc~~ fuel combustive seed mlx. Sueh s~~apes
shall be sprinklsred and weeded as required to establish 1~~ feet s eparation
of ftammable vegotatto~ from an~- structure.
20. In thQ event that subJect prope~ty is to be divided for the purposG of sale~
leas~~ or financing~ a pa~cel map~ to record the approved div~sion of
2/ 11 /80
~ , ,~
:uhJect property ahal) he subnitted t~ and appreve~d by the City of Aneti~IT
and then he reco~ded In the office of khe Or~n~e Cou~ty R~cordar.
21. P~ior ta •pp~ovel of a final tract map~ the owner(s) of subJect prop~rty
shal) dedtcete an~1 tmprove ten (1~) foot ~•~id~ equest~lan sn~ hl~-tnc, tratls
ss shoam on the Equestrian and Hlklnc+ Trat ls tor+ponPnt of thc± An~~cl~~
Gen~ral Plan Tr~lls Element; thot Improv~,mrnt plans. In acc~rdance wit~
stan~fa~~ plans an~i spcctficatians on fllc in t'~~ Offlce of t'+c Ctty
Cr~flinrer~ shall be auhmitted In ~onjunctlon o~ith th~ gradinct ~tan; Ana.1~r
that a bo~d in an ar~ount and for~+ s+~tisfact~ry to thc Clty of Anahelm sha11
bc poEted ~ri th thc C t ty pr i or to f i na I tract r+n~ ap~rovA 1 or i ssuancc of a
ura~iing perr,it~ orhithev~r oecurs flrst~ t~ ~uarante~ thc Installotl~n ~f thc
obove•mcnt toned rea~~ i renent s prior to accupancy. Sa Id de:licot iar and
tnp~c~vemenC shal 1 includ~ the off-s) te Bacl hone Trai 1 ~~o. 1" ('1~~. Cany~n
T~ai 1) locat~d In Tr~ct No. 10~~i~.
22. Prior to ftnai trect map approv~l. a progran fo~ thn maint~nonce
resoonsibility and estimated cost thereof of all open-s~nce ~one:! lotg s~ai)
bc subn i t tcd to and apprcveci by t he C t ty of Anahe i r+.
2~. Prior to final tract nap approval. Tract 'lo. 1~~7"~ a K~hnlly QQCn space
iract~ shall be recorde~i wi th tl~e Office of the Oranqe County Recorder And
accepted by th:~ Anahelr; I11 1 ls 1laster Flac-eamers Associat lon.
2~+. In accordance r,~ith the reQuirer+ents of Sectlon ir.~7..~~7 ~~rtalnlnc~ to the
Inltle) sole of residcntiat h~es in the City of Anahri*+ Plannlnn Arei "t~"~
the seller shali pravldc each I,uyer rrith written tnforn~~tton concerntnn thr
Anahei~ Genera) Plan and thc ex~sttng zonin~ ~iit~+in '~^^ fe~t of th~
boundarte: of su~.j~ct tract .
25. That the owner(s) of suhj~ei ~rc,pcrty (~naheiM !±ills~ Inc.. or their
successors, assi~ns~ or transferrecs) shal' Install a trrf~lc signal at th~
intersection of Nohl ~anc~~ Road and Starc Coach Roa:f (to he renar,-ed Ca^+in~
Grande) ss rcouired by the City Traffic Engineer anc! in dcc~rdance wtth
specificattons on file t~ the Officc ~f th~ City Envtneer; ancs ttiat prtor to
issuanGe of a grading pernit~ a band~ certifitate of dep~sit~ 1~tter of
credit or cash~ tn an emount and form satisfactory to the City uf An~hPir^
shall he posted wtt~ the City ta guarantee installacion of satd slonal prior
to occupancy of any dwell' ~ unft 1n the ~~r~P (Tract ~:o. 1'~~(7 throuoh
l~~~f~ inclusive).
~ ~ ..!
SO ~ 14A
1. That the appraval of Tentativeiiap of Tract No. 1~~74 (Revislon N~. 1) Is
9ranted suhject te the approval of Re~iasslficatton No. 7~•p~•2.5 an~i
V~riance No. 31 ~~ ,
2. That should thls subdivision he dev~toQe~ ~s n~rP thAn one subcitvision~ eacti
suhdivislon thereof shel) he suhmlttrd In tentAtive forn for ap~~~v~l.
3. That atl feclllties M,Ithln the tr.9ct ho~inAary shelt hr. servec' by un~erqroun-1
W. Pr(or to fln~l tract map anoroval~ the O~Ir~nA) doc~,^~~nts ef thP covenants~
condittans~ and r~~trictlons~ and a l~tter ac+dressel to d~vrlo~~r's titlc
co~pany authortzi~a recorda4lon th~~r~of, shall f.r suhnitteel to th~ Clty
At tornay's of f( ee and approved by tl~e C i ty At torney' s of f Ic~ ~nci fno 1 neer I ng
Division. Said docun~nts~ as appr~vr.d, shdl l b~ f f lc~ and r~cordc~ Tn th~
~ffice ~f the Orrnge County Recorder, Said e~v~nanrs~ cc+nditions An~i
restrictians shal l i~clucit nr~visinr~s fo~ the permanent r+alnt~nance of all
OS (Open Spac~) Zonecf lots ~~nd recr~:~t ional l~t~.
5. That strect names shall h~ A~proved '~y the City Planni~~ ')enart~r~t n~ior to
ap~roval of a f i nal tract nap,
C. IF pernanent strcet nar~c stgns havn not ~cen tnstall~~r'. ter,p~r~+ry strc^t
na~ signs shall 6c installPd prl~r ta occupancy.
7. 7hat ctrrina~e af satd pra~erty sh~-11 he ciist>osc~' 7f in a~^arn~r s~~tlsfir.tory
to the C I Ly Eng i n~cr, t f~ tn the preqarat icn of th~c s t te, suf f i ~tent
yrading Is re~uired to neCessitatr a~radlnc pc~nlt~ na ~rort on ~radln~ ~lill
b~ perr~itted bet~1+~een Octof,er I;th and A~ri 1 1~th u~l~ss al l rc~~al~e~' ~ff-
slte drainage facilitl~s have heen instailecJ ~nd are operr.tive. Positive
assurance shatt be prAVided the City that suc`~ drainane facillttes wi11 be
completed p~ior to Octo!~er iSth, Necessa~y rlght-of-woy fer off-site
draina~e fastltties sha11 be dedicated to t-+e Ctty. or the ~ity Councii
shall heve initiatcd conde~netlon proceedings thercFOr (the costs of w-+tch
shall he 5orne hy the devcloper) prior to the tommencr.n+ent of gPaclln~
operatians. Tt-e required drainage faciltttes shali he of a slzc and tyne
sufftcient to carry runoff -vaters originating fror, hi~he~• properttes throu~'~
s~id p~operty to ultimate disposal as +~pproved by the CttY E~9i*+eer. Said
drainage fact! it i~s shal) be the fl~st iter~ of construet(on and sha) l bc
Gonipteted and be functional throughout the tract snci fror, t'~e da~mstrean
boundary of the prop*rty to the ulttrr~~c point of dfsposal prior to th^
lssuanc~ of any f lnai bullding tnspectlons or occupancy permtts. ~raina~~
district reim~ursem~ent agree~~:x:nta nay ~~e made avat l3hle to the ~evelopcrs of
said pro~erty upon their requeat.
E. That gradtng~ exeavatton. and ali othcr const~~ct{on bctivities shall be
conductad i n sueh a manner so as to mt n Iml ze th~ poss i~ 111 ty of any s i 1 t
originattng froin this proj~Gt belrag tarried into the Santa Ana River by
storm r-ater originating fro~n or flowtng th~ough thts proJect.
TENTATIVE MAP OF 1'RACT NOS. 10967~10978 (Revision No. 1) AND REQUEST
F0~ RE ~Al~, OF SPE~IMEN TREEST. (cnnctnued)
9. ThAt all p~ivate st reets ahail he d~velo~ed tn accordance with thc City of
Anahelm~s Standard Detall 1~0. 122 fer private streets~ Includlnc~
tnstallatton of street nar+e stgns. Plans for th~ private street liehting~
as reQUtred by th~ standard d~tsil~ shali he suhnitted to ~nd approve~ hy
the Electrica) Diviston. Ap~rove~l privatc strr.et Ilqhtl~q plsns shrll th~n
be submltted to th~ Buildinc; Qivtslon for inclusion with thr bulldinq ~l~ns
prior to tssuance of bulldino permtts.
1~. That the develope~ of suf~Ject tracc sha11 enter int~ o speclal faclltties
agre~ncnt wlth the Gity of Anahetm for water ft~c111c1c5 In thc I11~h
Elavatton System, as required by Rule 1~B of the Wetar Utillty Ret~s~ Rules
and R~gulatlons p~ior to epprovrl of a final tract naa as stt~+ulat~c' hv thc
11. Prior to the ep~rovAi of Any ftral tract r+a~, the developers of thf Anahei~+
Nllls Planned Community (Anaheim Hitls. Inc., or th~fr successor,~ assinns~
or transferees) shali suhntt a parks an~i recreatione) faclilttes t~lan to the
Parks and Recreation~l and Corm~unlty Services Dep~rt^+ent for revl~w and
approval. Seld ~roposal shell deternin~ tl~~ spectfic menns by which the
developer pravides p~rk and recreatton facilitics for th~ future resldents
of thc ,~rca (Tent~tivc Tract "Ios. 1~^~7 throuc~ 1^~~'•~ Inclusivc). S~ch
r~~ans rwy Include, but ncc~ nat ~e limltrd to~ thc fntinwlnq; pay to thr
Clty of Ana!,el~+ par! and recr^Ation in-lie~~ fe~s as ~iet~~mine;: t~ t-c
apnro~rtate hy the City Councll at t'+e tirne of huilcltnn pernit issuance~ or
dedicate paric iand s~cce~cahle to the City of Anahein; or a conhlnation
theraof. Atteptance of th^ spec(fic means s!~all ~e su~~ject to thc ap~+roval
of thc :?irPCtar of Parlcs and R~~r~atlon ~n~' Cor-~unity 5ervices.
1.. That pricr t~ th~~ a~~roval of a fin,~l tr.ict ~ae~ ther~ sh~il he s~~b~itte~i to
the City Plannl~+~ Corr~isst~n fcr revle~.~ a~ct ~n~rov~l, sar.~i~ic elans of
clr.vclop~+~nt. Final s~eclfic ol~ns st~alt tnclu~'c, h~it not "~r. Il~+itn~ cn~ thr.
fol ta-,rinr~:
a. Topographi~ na~+.
b. Slte ulans and elrvations stioti-~1ny the placer+e~t of the huildin~s and
structures; the front~ sicle and rear elevatlons; an~ the cxterlor
bui191ng mate~tais tncluding roofin~,
c. Lot dimensions and pad size of all lots sufficirnt t~ indicate t!,e
~elatlonsf~tp of the pro~os~l to the natu~e and extent of thc cut-and-
f 1 i l or earc~+work tnvolv~ed.
d. Landacaplne+ ptans indicating thr cxtent and type of proposeci
landscaptng s~d includinc~ any existin~ vegetation.
e. Vehtcle cOrculation and parking plan indicatirsg the nature and extent
of public and private streets. or putlic accesswAys for vehicular
circuletlon, off-strset pari:ing and vchicle storage.
f. Equestrian and hiking tr'aila plan shc~r+tng twe placrment and
improvaments af the trails aasements for the Regional Trall ~lo. 3
(Ansheim Hliis Tratl) and Backbone Trail No. 1~ (Oal: Canyon Trait) as
TENTATIV~ MAP OF TRACT NOS. 10967-10978(Revision No. 1) ANO REQUEST
designated by the Equestrtan and Hiking Tratls Component of the Anshein
Ge~eral Plan T~ails Etement; includtng t~~e specific dRSign for any
locatlon where a trail crosses over s putilic or private street; anc!
alsa Includtn9 tha off-site t~afi essement as shown on Exhihlt !~o. ? of
Reclsaslficatton Mo. 79-8n•25.
g. Fence ind/er wall plan~ Indtcating the tyne of fencing aiong any lot
ltne of a sttc abutttng puhllc or p~ivate stre~ts.
13. !n accordenc~ wtth the provtsions of Zoning Cod~ Sectlon -~o. 13.31.~2!~, a11
dweiling units In the R~t•300~ (Residentisl, Multiple•Far+11y) 7.one shall be
atte~'~ed untts; pravided~ ha•nver~ that d~tectiaJ one~-femlly dwe) l in~s nay he
built suhject to all restrictlons and regu~atlons of etth~r t~+e RS-72'-n or
RS-5A01 (Residential~ Singl~-Fam11y) Zones.
11+. Thet prlor to any water connectlons In the Anahnim Hills Plenned Con,nunity,
the developers c~f said pienned comnunity (Anah~tm Hills~ Inc. ar thcir
successors~ assigns~ or tr~nsferees) shail subn(t t~ the Oirector of Pualic
Utilttles fo~ his revie~•, anJ aperovnl, a proposed plan far the acreag~
peyment of water main extension fees. Said plan shall constder all tand
withln the erea (Tract P~~s. 1~QE7 throuqh inQ7a~ inciusivr) Including open
15. That fire hydrents shall be inst~lled an~ charc~ed as re~utred and dccerntned
to 5~ necessary by the Chief of the Fire h~pa~tr~r.rst ~rior to ca~nencenent of
structura) ferr~ing.
1C~. That all reputrer-ients of Fire 7one ~+ (otherwtse Id~ntifled as ~ire
Adnlnistrative Order 'lo. i~-~1 on file In the offic~ af the Fi~e Lhi~f)
shall be net. Such requlrencnts includ~~ hut are net limtt~~l ta~ chinney
spar~: a~~cstors, protectcd sttlcs and und~r floc+r oo~nin~s~ Class C or
bette~ ~oofing n.~tertal end one h~ur firc reslstlvc Co~Stru~tlon of
horizonta) surfaces loeatrd wit'+in 2~r fret of adjac~nt ~rust,la~~i.
17. That fuel breaks shal) be providcd as deterninecl to be ~eauirec: by thc Fire
lc. That no ouhlic or prlvute street q~ades shall exc~ed t~n percent ~t~~)
except by prtor appreval of the Fire Dep~rtn+~nt and the Enhinearina
1^. That In accordance with the poltcles ef the Ftre Oe~artmtnt, nativ~ slopes
(as Jtscuss~d in Chepter 07.Af "Crading~ Excsvations and Fills tn N111stde
Areas" of the Anatieim +lunicipal CocJp) iocated ecijacent to ~ewty constructe:;
hones shail be hydroseeded witf~ a lo+~t fu~l ~ombustive see~ mix. Such slopes
shalt -~e sprfnklered and weeded as rcquired to es;ebitsh 1~~ feet separation
of ftarmable veget~tian f~om any structure.
27. In the event that subJect prope~ty ls to be~ divid~d for the purposc of sate,
itsse, or financino~ a parcei map~ to ~eGOrd the approved diviston af
sub~ect property shal) be submitted to an~ approve:d by the City of Anahein
and ihen be retorded in th~e office of tf~e Orengt Caunty Reco~dGr.
TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS, 1096~-10978 (Revlelo~ No. 1) •nd REQUES7
FOR REMOVIII OF ~PECIMEN TRE~S. (contlnued, ~ ,~
Z1. PrPor to approv~l of a final tract mep~ tho o+~mer(s) of s~ib)ect prope~ty
sha11 dedlcate and tmprove ten (10) foot wtde ecsuestrian and hik,ing trails
as ~hown on the Equestrtan and Hiking Trails Component of the Aneheim
General Plan T~alls Element; that tmprover+ent plans~ tn acco~dance with
standard plans and speclfications on file in the Off~ce of the Ctty
Engineer~ shall be submitted tn conJunctlan r~ith th~ ~radino plan; and/or
that a bond in an emount and form satisfectory to the City of Anehcim st~alt
be posted with the City prlor to final tract mAp apprAVa1 or issuance of a
gradinc~ p~rMlt~ whtchever occurs first~ to guarartee th~ Instellotton of the
above-mcnttoned requirements prtor to occup~ncy. Said dedicatlon and
improver~~nt st~n 1 1 t nc 1 udQ the of f-~ i tr Eackbane T~m 1 1 ~~o. 1^ (Qak Canyon
Tra I 1) located i n Tract t~o. 1 ~~`~~^.
22. Prior to final tract map approval~ a prograr^ for ttie ruiintenance
~esponsibillty and est(mated cost thereaf of all opan•spece zoned lota shall
be subnitied to anc! approve:d by the City af Anaheim,
23. Prlor to final traet map appraval~ Traet !10. tOQ75~ a~•rholly opcn spaee
t~act, shatl he recorded wlth the Offtce of the Oran~F County Recarder And
accepted by the Anaheln Nills -1~st~r Homea m ars Assoctation.
24. In accordance with the reQUlrert-ents of Sectton ip.~2.~1~J pcrtaining to th~
lnitial sale of restdcnt(al homes in thc City of Anahctm Planning Area "Q",
the sell~~ shal) provide each huyer ,yith w~ttten infornatton cancerning the
Ana-~eln ;eneral Plan and the exfsting tonin~ ~~,ithln 3n~ feet of the
bound~rles of su~~,ject tract.
2~. That the c~wner(s) of suhJect property (Anaheir Hllis~ Inc.~ or th~1r
successors, assigns, or transferrees) stiall instal) a traffic slgnal at the
intersection of Nohl P,anch Road and Staae Coacti Roa~i (to hP renarx d Ca~^Ino
Grande) as requt~ed ~y the City Traff(c En~lne~r and in aeco~~'an~e witti
specificatlons on file in the Offlce of the Ctty EnqlnP~r; and that orior to
issuancc of a grading p~~r+lt, a bond~ certificat~ of dPpostt. latter of
credit or cash~ tn an amount and forr~ satisfactory t~ th~ Ctty of An~hetm
shal) be post~d with the City to guarantre instatlation of sald stgnal prior
to occupancy of any dr,cl l ing unl t In the ar~a (Tract tlos. 1~~!7 th~ouc~h
10~7"~ inciusivc).
INTEaf1~PA~?T'tEtITAL C~MMITTEE RECn'~!1ENa~T10-l5 IF TE'!T'~,TI''E T~A~T N~. 1~'"
1. That the a~proval of Tent~tive -1ar of Trnct t~o. 1^^?s (Revisicn t~o. 1) is
granted su~~,j~ct to the approval of Reclassificatfon tlo. /Q-~^-2~ an~
Vsrlance No, 313~.
2. That should thls sul,divislon bc d~vclo~ed ,~s r+or~ t'~an onc su~divisinn, ~aeti
suShcvlslon ther~of shall he subR,lttcd (n tent~~tivc f~rm fc.r BGFr~val.
3. Th,~t al l faci 1 f t ics wl thtn thc tract ~:~ound~~rv shal l b~ s~rve~! hy un~ernroun~'
4. prior to flnal tract Ma~ apprnval, the ori~ini) c1Rr_u-~enTs of t'+~ coven~nts~
conditians. and restricttans, and a lett~r ~~;,lress~~1 t~ dev~lon~r's ti-1c
ec~nnany auth~riz ing rccordat ion lhercof ~ s`+,~ 1 1 hr suhri tte~+ t~ t`~c C I tY
Atiorne;~'s offlcc and a~+proved by thc CitY ~ttarn~Y~s offlc~ An.i Cnc.l~~crin~
Divlsion. SAId documcnts~ as apt~rovecl~ sholl be filcd an~i record~~ (n t~c
Offlee of the Oran~~ Caur~ty Recor~ler. SaJ~i cove~nAnt;. c~n~iltic~s anc'
restrtctions sh,~11 include rro~~fsihns for th~ ner~~nent ^~alnten;,nce af ,i11
GS (Opon Spacc) Zoned lots anc+ recrr..~tt~raal lots.
~. That strcet nar-es sh~il be ap~rov~~i :,y ttic Ctty Pla~~nin•~ pen~r~~+~~nt nrior to
anpr~vai oF a ftnal tract na;~.
f. If per~~nen+~ strect nanr siyns have not !~~en inctalt~d~ t•^nar~ry stro~rt
nane sihns sha11 hf in5tal'r~ pri~r tn occuoa^~y.
7. That :!ralnar,~ of s~id pra~:~rt~~ shatl he +!fspnsr.,ri o° in ;. ~aannr~ s~;isfactory
ta thP City En~inc~r. If, in t~e ~rcp~rrtlon ~F th~ stte~ s~~~~iclr_nt
gra~iin~ ls rectuired tc, n~~c~ssitate ~ ~r~dinr nAr~~it. no ~ror~• ~~ nr~~~tin~ wtll
h~ ~er~itted het~~reen Ottr~'?r.r i~tti a~d April l~t'~ 'ln~~'S5 ,~1~ r~r~ilr~.f off-
sit~ dr~inac~c faciliti~; tiav~ hcen inst.allcci ~n~ ~rr ~nrr,tivc, P~sitivc
assur~nce shall Gc providrA the City that sucti dr~inanr fACSliii~s ~nill ~P
corpietcd orlor to Oct~:~!~cr 1;th. -Jecessar~• rt~~t-of-~r~y f~r off-sit~
drainaqe faci)ities stnli t~e dedtr.ated to thc Ctty, or th~ City Councit
shall have tntttated ~oncle~nnation proce~~'in~s tf,erefor (t'1~ cests of ~-~'~ich
shall bc bornc by the dcveloper) prior to t'tie cn~n+c~,ce~^~nt of ~rartn~
operations. The required drainagc facititi~s s`~rPl Fe o` a slz~ an;' ty~c
sufficient t~ carry runoff watars origina;tr.n fru•:ii~"cr prnpcr~ics thrc+unh
s~id praperty to ultimate Jispo33l as a~Rrov~d hy tt,~ City Encine~r. Saic'
~r;e^~~• facitittes shait be~ the first ite~ of eonstruction an•~ sh~ 11 L•~
Com~leied and be functlnna) throughout thc tr~ct an:! fraT t~r. do~~nstre.~r
aaundarY of the prr~~erty to the ultimate point ~nf disnos~~l prior te thc
issuanee of any finai building tns~ectfons or oecup~~ncY pc~rits. Dralna~e~
disirict reim~,urs~nent aar@ernnts r-ay bc mec+e avai l,i'tle to the dev~lopers ~f
said property u~an t-~eir request.
$. That gradins~~ excavatton. a~d ali othpr constructior activicies stiall 5e
Gonducted in such ~ mr~nncr so as to mini^+Ize thc nnssihiltty ~f any stit
ortgin~+ting fror.- tf~is proJect beincr carr{ad into the Santa Ana R~v~r by
stonn water orlginating fron or flcx~ring thro~i~t, this proJr.c~.
~. Thnt ell private streets sholl be develoneci in accordance with t-~e Ciky af
Anahetm~s Standard ~etail No. 122 for privatr strreta~ including
tnstallatton of strcet nar~e a~tgns. Plans fc+r the private street lig',ting~
ea requir~d by the standard cletall~ shall be submlttecl to and approveci by
thc Elect~tcal Divlaion. Approved private street iighttng plens shel) khen
be submttted tA thc Butldtng Dlvision for tncluston Yl~L~~ L~1P builr,tng plans
prior to issuance of butlding pe~•mits.
1~. That the developer of s•~!~Je~ct tract shall rnter int~ a spec:iol facilities
egreer~enc ~atth the City af An~hctr~ fnr watP~ faclltttrs in the lll~h
Elevat~an Syste~-~ as rrsquired by Rii~e 1~9 of tf~c 4!ater ~!tility Ratcs~ Rules
and Re~ul~c~ons prlor to epprovaZ of a final tract ~+y^ as sti~ulatpt `+y the
il. Prlor to the approval of any ftnal trnct na~~ th~ dev~lan~rs ef the Anah~'r.+
fillis P{anncd Comr+unity (Anahei~+ Hills~ Inc.~ ~r thelr SIICCPSS~I'S~ assinn~~
or transferees) shali ~uhmit o p~rl:s an~i recreatiunal facllttles plan to thc:
Perks and Recreatia~al And CoMmunlty Services De~artnent for revier~ an~i
appr~val. Said proposal shall dP.tQT/^If1C the aCectftc ~+eans by whlch th~
dcvc~loper p~ovid~s parl; anrl recrcation facltitics f~r the future restdents
of the ~re~ (Tratt `~os. 1~?67 through 1~'~7"~ tncluslvc). Such ~eans mey
Inclu.:r~ but need not he IlriitcA to, t~e f~lla•~Inc+: Day t~ t`~~ Clty ~f
~.Anahein par1~ and ~ecreatlon in-licu fers os d~termined to b~ apnropriate h~~
the City Council at the tir.~~ of k~uil~lin~7 permit issuancc, or de~IcetP p~rb
landc accepta~ 1~ to th~ C i ty of Anahr.1~+; or a ccx^F i nat ion thcreo~.
11CCentanee of the speeif(c ^+c~ns sh~sil hc su~J~et t~ tt~c ar+nroval of the
Directo~ of Parl:s and °ecr~atfon ,~nd C~unlty Sr_rvlces.
1:. Th~t ~rior to ttic ~nprov~l of a ftnal tract ~+a~~ ther~ shail b~ s~ah~itt~r~ !o
the City Planning Corx.:ission for ~cvieh•~ and t~~+nroval~ snpei~ic olans of
develop~ent. Final s~PClfic plans shall tnctuc~e~ 5~~t n~~ hr~ l init~c! to~ the
a. Yopoc~raphlc na~.
b. Stte ulans and elevattons sha-~lnn the ~iacement ~~f tfi~ hutl~+tncs and
structures; the fro~t~ side a~cl rear cl~vattons; and tfi~ extpri~r
buitdinn macerials lncludtn~ roofinq.
c. lot dlr~enslons and pad size of all lots sufficient tn in~ficate the
relationshl~ ~f the ~roposal to the nature and extcnt of tti~ cut•an~-
flli ar eartht~ork invo0ved.
d. Landse~ping plans indicattng the ext~nt and ty~e af nro~osed
landscaptn~ and Includt~+c~ anv ext~ting vegetatlon.
e. VQhicle eirculation end parNin, ptan ln~icating the na~ture an<' extent
of pu51(c and private streeis, or pu~11c access~rays for vehicutar
clrcutatidn~ off-street parklnn a~c! vehicle stora~r.
f. Equestrian ~nd htking trrils plan shor~inc; t`~e olace~-en~ and
trt-prove.ments af thc t~a~ls easer!ents for the Re~tonai 7rai1 P;o. 3
(Anehei~+ Hills Tratl~ and Backbone 1'~atl No. 1~ (CaF. Canyvn T~ail) as
2/i l/SQ
60-~46 . `
deslgnated by the Fquestrian anc! ~+tl.in~ Trnils Go~+~onent of thc A~ahclr~
General P1an Trells Element; Inclucitng c;~e sn~ciFtc desi~n for any
lacation wfierc a trail croases over A puhllc or nrtvate at~eet; and
alao l~cludlnc~ the off-sttr trail easem~nt as shcri~n on Cxtii-,it '~o. '' af
Rec lass i f icat lon I~o, ~'~-~IO-T.;,
o. Fence end/or vro11 {~1ans indlcatlnn th~ ty~e of f~ncln~ alonn ~ny )pt
llne of a site a~uttinn puhltc or rrtvrte stre~ts,
~3. In occordance -•~ith the provisions of Zontng Code Section !~o. 1?.~q.~~~~ e1)
ciwelling ur+its in thc R-1-2h~1 (R~5ldenti~l~ 'lultiplc-F~r,j~y) 7on~ s~all ~,e
att~3CIlP.;i units; p~ovlded~ ho~~ever, that detachecl one-feri ly dwe) l irns nay ~,~
built su'~ject to all restrlctions and reg~tatt~ns of Pit~,~r the RS-??n~ ~r
RS-;!1^~ (Restdential~ Singie-Far,Ily) ?ones.
1~-. That prior to any ~~ater conneGtions in the Anah^irr, Hi l ls Planne~! f'on^+untty~
the d~v~l~pers of seld pl~nned eo^snunity (!`•.na~hel~ -1111s~ Inc. or their
succcssors, asst~ns. or transferees) shal! submtt t~ tt,c ~irector of Puh11c
Utilities for hla revte~•+ an~ approvai~ a proposed pit~n for thc acre~~ar
paynent of ~~~atcr matn extension fees. Said plin sh,~11 consi~i~r al) lan~{
witti(n tf~c a~ea (TratC Ilos. 1~1~~7 throu~F~ 1~^~~', i~clusive) fncluJlno o~cn
spaee, -
1~. That fire hydrents shall he tnstatled and c~argcd a, reouir~:l an~i dr_!~rminn-J
to ~e n~cessary Fy thp Chtef of the ~i~a ~Q~,artnrnt prlor to corrience~+ent nf
str~.ictural f~r~~ing.
1~. That all requiren~nts of Flre Tone •'~ (ot'~erwts~ ldentlfie<' ,~s ''irc
Administrative Ordcr 'Io. 7F.-01 ~n Filc in th~ artficc ~f thc Fire Chicf)
shali ~e e-et. Sucf, requtrerx~nts inciuae. Fut r,r~ not lirite~' to~ c!~+1~+ncY
spar~; a~restc,rs. ~rotected attics anc! un~~er flou~ onwnir,~s~ CI~SS C or
better roofinr, ~, iterial and o~ie hour fire resistivp conctr~~ctton nf
horizontal surf»ces loceted -rlthtn ?.~'~ f•_et of t~djac~nt brus~~lani.
17. That fucl breaks shall he provlded as clcterr+(ner' tc+ !~e rec~uir~~' h`~ t~c~ F(rc
1~. Th~t na publ(c or prlvate street qradcs shall excecri te~ pe~cent (1~~}
exce~7t by prior approval of tfi~ Flre Denertme~nt an~ the Enc~inerrinn
C-1vt~:sian. ~
10. That in accordance wtth the ~olicies of thc Fire Departrh~nt~ native slo~es
~ (as rfiscuased in Chapter 17.~r~ "G~~dinc~, Excavatlons and Ft11S in Hlllsid~
Areas" of the Anaheim Munttipal Code) located adJacent to newiy consCruct•_~;
home- shal) be hydroseeded with a lo+~~ fuet ccr+FUStivn seed mlx. Such s1~p~s
sha11 be sprinklered and Mraeded as requir~d ta ~sta!:itsh lr^ feet senaration
of flammable vegetatlon fror+ any structurP.
20. In the event t~at subJezt p~onr.r~y is to he dtvided for the purposc of sale.
leasc. ar financfng~ ~ parcel map, te reccrd tt~e approvcd divlsio~ of
subJe~ct p~opa~tY sha11 be su~+mitt~d to and approvGd hy the Clty of AnahPin~
+~nd then be reco~ded tn thr offlce of the OrsnQ~ County Recorde~.
s~ :. _ _. . .
~,_.~ , ~l
21. Prlor to aoprova) af a final tract ma~+~ thc own~r(s) of SUhJPCt prop~rty
s!iall dr.Jicate r~nd I~111'OVr ton (1^) foot ~~-tdc e~uestrlnr i+n~! hil<In~ tralls
as sh~~ ~n r~n th~ Equ~s t r 1 an and H t k t nn Trn 1 1 s Ccr+pn~n~r+t of th~! An~~•r.17
Ceneral Pt~n Trails Ete-nent; th~t tm~r~ve~+e~nt DI8f15~ in ecco~d+~nce with
atand~~rd plan~ and specificatlons on file 'n the Affice of the City
En~in~cr~ shall he su>>r~ltted in cnnJunction ~•rit'~ t'~~ clrac'inc~ ~lan; ana/~~r
t'ia; a~on~l ln on anount and fhrr.~ 5attsF~etory ta the Clty of An~-~el^~ shall
hc ~ost!~~! ~•~It~: t'~c City prl~r to fin~~l tr~~ct na~ ap~rqval ~r Iss~+anc^ nf a
c~ra'i+~~• ~+~r~it~ :v'~iehevcr ouurs flrst~ t~ ~u~r~nte~ thr in5talint(or, cf t'~~
~t,~v~-r:cnt(nr,c~! rectulrencnts nrtor to oct~~Rncy. SAt:! ~ic-•licatlon ~n'
i~.,;~ovr-~~:nt 5!'~I1 inclu:c ttie off-sit~ Cat!~~n~ Trail t~o. 1^ (~:~' Canyon
','r~ii) 1^;:.,tc~' In Tract ''n. 1^~~'~~.
"~, pPiar t~ fin.~l t~aet n~~p aD~~oval~ a pro4~~r frsr the r,aini~n:,nee
~espo,~si:,~E l ity anc! cstlmated cast ttiercof o~ al l open-sp.~cc zo~^d l~t~~ sh~ l l
hc s,tti~itt~d tu ~nd an~r~vecl hy thc Clty of An~!~cl^~..
?'. i`rior co final tr,ict ma~ a~proval~ Tract '~o. 1~^1~'~ a rrhollv ~~en snacc
tra.t, sh~il !~e recar~.fc.i r~ltti Ltie Office of t~~e Jran~~c County ~e~~rder ~nd
acc~pt<<' !~y t'~c Anaf~ci~•ti Ni l ls '~aster ~~oraea~ners.
21~. In atc~rd~nct ~.rit'~ the rc~ulre^+c~ts of Sectic+~~ 1".~:'.~17 t~ertolninr to th~
initi~l s~le of ~esidential hcx,+cs In thc CitY of Ana'~eir~ Plannin~t ~re~. "L",
t',e sctler s'~311 pfovi~c: eacti buyer ~+it!, ~~ritten inf~rm~t~on cencerntncy the
/,na'~e i~- "ener.~ 1 P 1 an ~nd the ~r. i s t I ng zon 1 n~ ~~i t~~ 1 n~^^ fr, rt of thc
Eaoun~c,ries af su'~jcct tract.
^_' 7f,,:: t'~.~ c,:ncr(s) ~f su~.}cct nrapcrty (Ane~`ni~ l,il~s, Inc., ~r t!~clr
SUCL~550~5~ ~ssi^~s~ or transfcrrecs) s!~all tnstall ~~ traFflc sinnal at t~a
int^raecti~~n nf 'lot-.1 Ranc'~ 'toad ~nd Stahe Co~c'~ Roa~l (to h~ rena~cc' Ca~ino
t'r~~,d~) a~. rc~^~irr~~f ~y t!-~ C1ty TraPfit Fnnincr.r an~~ in aceor~'ance v~it-~
sr~eciftc~tions or, file in t'~e Offier. of t!~e C(ty Enc~inerr; ana ttiat prier ;o
ly,uince of a nrac:ing perr~tt~ a hond. eertific~tP of de~aeit~ lettPr of
creJit ur eas~, in an amount and forr s~tisfact~~y t~ t'+e City oF l+nahci~~
s'~al! !,e neste~ ~~~~it!~ t!•c City tc+ guarant~P installatinn af saT~f sianal arior
to occur~ncv ef any d~:rci l inn unit in t`~e ~~ea (Tract ~~c~s. 1^~~? thrau~~
1'-~?"~ inclusivc)e
2~. That ~li tots havlno ~~ic~t`+s !sf less tha~ ftftY t5^) fc:c~t ~s ~+eASUre-c' at the
p~.,'.lic strece frontage. sh~ll share a circular driv~~ay vrith an a~Jacent
~ITF.R~EPART!!f'ITAL CQ'1'! ITTEE RCCO'1'!C'1~~T I~"S I F TC'~T,~T I~.'F T^~''T 'd~, ~~~7~
---1_' J .. . ,
1. That the •pproval of Tentetivc "1a~p of Tract No. 1^~+7~ (Revis(on ~lo. 1) is
g~anted sut~)ect to the a~p~oval of Reclassificatfon t~a. 7q-f•~-2G end
Var f anre No, 313(•,
2. That should this sul~divlslon he develoned as r~o~e thAn one subcitvision~ each
subdivistrn thereof shall be suhmitt~d in t~ntativ~ forn for ap~roval.
3. Thet all fac•ilitles wlthin chs tract houndary shAll I~a s~rv~d by unc~erqround
~~. Prior ta final tract ma~ ap~roval~ the origina? docu~,~nts of ~he coven~3nts.
cond(tions~ ond r~str(ctlons~ and a lett~r addresS~cl to develoo~r's tltle
company authorizlnc~ recordation thereof~ shall he s~~hr~ttted to the City
Attorney's office and approved hy the Clty Attorney's offic~ and Engineerin~
~tvtsi~n. Sald documents~ as onPraved~ ahall b~ filr~t an~± recorde~l In th~
Office of chc O~anq«~ County Recorcier. Satd covenants~ con~iitlons and
r~striettons sh~ll inGlud~ provisions f~r th~ ner^an~nt malnt~nancF of all
OS (Oprn Spac~) Zoned lots and recr~~tional lrt~..
5. That strePt names shall he epproved hy the ~itv P1~nnlnc, n~enartnent nrlur to
approval of ~ f inat trac.t ~~ap.
C. If pern~nent street namt signa heve not l~ecn inst~licci~ te^~p~~~ary stre~t
namc si,ns shall bc installed prior t~ oeeunancv.
7. That draln~yc of satd pro~ert~; stiall he dtsposed of I~ ~~ ~anrer satisfactory
~o thc City Engineer. If~ in che prcnara2ton of the sltr,~ sufflcient
grad tng i s reGu i r~d t~ necess i cate a g~ad tn~ pcr•~i t~ nc r.~rl- ~n arad tn~ r1i 1)
be pemitted tet+~rc~en Octot,er 1''t!~ anc+ April 15th unl~ss n11 r~quirec~ off-
site drainagc facilities have beer, installecf an~f arc operativ~a. Positivc
assurance shall be provided the CiCy th~t such drainag~ fa;,ilitles wil) be
completed prior co October 15t1~. l~rce!sary right-of-aray f~r off-stte
draina~c facilities shall be ~ledicatr~ to the City. or the City Council
shaii heve initiated cordemnation proc~edings therefor (ttie costs of which
sh~il be borne by the develoDer) prior to the cor~r+encen~;nt of gradin~
opsrations. The required dratns~e faciiitles shell he of a size anc~ tyoe
sufficient to c~rry runoff waters originat(ng frr,rr: hlRher proprrttes through
sald property to uitimate dis~osal as ap~roved hy th~ City En~tn~c~. Said
dratnecte factlities shall be the fir5t iten of G~nstruction an-1 shall De
completed and be functionat throughout the tract anef from thr downstream
boundary of the property to the utttMate polnt of disposal prt~r to the
issuance of any ffnal bulldtng inspectlons or occupancy permits. Drainaqe
distrfct retm!.ursert+~nt agreer~cnts R+ay be made avai la-.le to the devplopers of
said prope~ty upon their requcat.
3. That grading~ excavation~ and ell other constructlon acttvittes shall be
conducted in such a manner so as to minimize the pc~ssibiltty of any stlt
origt~ating from this proJect being carried into th~e Santa Ana River by
storn water originatfng fron or flawing through this proJect.
2/ i 1 /80
9. That all private streets sha11 be deveioped in accord~nce with the Ctty of
Ansheim's Stand~rd Detai) No. 122 for private streeta, inctuding
Installation of street nar-c signs. Plans far the private street 1lohtlno~
ss ~equtred by the standard detail~ shall be suhnitted to and ap~rave~l hv
the Electrical Olvision. App~oved Qrlvat~ ytreet 119hting plans sh~ll then
be submitted to the Buildtng Divislon for incluslon ~~ith the huitdin~ plans
prlor to issuance of building permits.
10. That the developer of suhJect tract shall enter lnta e spPcial factllties
agreement with the City of Anahei~ for water faciliti~s in the Hiah
Elevation System~ as r~qulre~ hy Rule 15~ of the Wat~r Utility 4at~s~ Rules
a~d Rcgulattons prior to approval of a finsl tract na~ as s[i~ui~ted hy che
11. Prior to the approval of any finsl tract rsap. the developers of thc Anahel~
Hills Plenned Cortr~unity !Anehetm Htlis, Inc., or their succ~ssors, asstgns~
or transferees) shell suhrnit a pa~ks ~nd recreational faciiltles Alan ta the
Parks and Recrestlonal an~ Conr+unity ~ervtces DepartMent fo~ revlew an~f
approval. Said proposa) shall detern~in~ the specific means by which tho
deweloper provldes park an~ ~ecreation faciltttes for the future residents
of the area (Tract ~los. 1~!~f7 throueh 1^97Q, inclustve). Such m~A~S ~ay
include~ but nee~ not be linited to~ the folloa,ina: ~ay to the Ci!y cf
Anahetm park and recreation In-iteu fees as determin~d to he approprlnt~ l•y
the Clty Council at the timr of huilding permit issuance~ or drdtcate park
lands acceptat•le to the Clty of Anaheim; or a c~n+binatfon there~f.
Acceotan~e of the specific mrans shal) he s~~hj~ct to the ap~rov~l of th~
Olr~ctor of Parl;s and Recrea~ton and Comr+sunity Services.
12. That prlor to thc epprova) of a final tr~cL map. -hcr~ s!~911 :~e submitt~~' to
tht City Pta~ning Corr,iss(on for r~vlea~ an~1 an~+rov;~l~ sp~ciftc aians of
develapr~ent. Flnil specific p1Ans shall include~ but n~t br lir+tt~~' to~ the
a. Topogra~hic map.
b. ~Itc plans and elevations sho~~tng the ~tacement of the buildinns an~
structures; the front. ~tde end rear elevat~ons; and the exterior
building matertals tncluding roofing.
c. Lot dtmenstans and pad st=e of all lots sufficient to indicate the
relaLlonship of the prnposal to th~e naturc and extent of ;he cut-anc~-
fill or earthwork ~nvolved.
d. landaGaping plans indlcatina the extent and ty~e of proposed
landscaping and lncludtng a~y existing vegetation.
e. Vehicle circulation and parking plan indicat~na the nature and extrnc
of public snd private streets. or publlc acces~aw+ays for vehicutar
tirculation. off-street parking and vehici~ ~t~rage.
f. Equestrian and hiking tralis pl~n showing the ptacement and
tmprovements of the trails easert+ents for the Regional trail t~o. 3
(Anaheim Nills Tratl) and Backbone Trail t~o. 1~ (Osk Canyon Trail) as
80- ~ , ,'
de~ignated by the Equestrian and Hlkl~g Tratls Canponent of the Anahelm
Genersi Plsn T~alls Element; Including the spectfic design for any
tocation where a t~ail crosses over a puhtic or private st~eet; and
also Includ~ng the aff•site tr~,i) ea~ement ~s shown on Exhihit No. 2 of
Re~tassification ~lo. 7g-8A-25.
g. f~nce endlor wa11 plans IndltAtin~ the type :f fencinc~ atong any lot
line of a site ebutttng public or prtvate streets.
1~. I'hat prior to any water con~ectlons in tlie Anaheim Hllls Planned Canmunity~
the developers of sald ~lanned cor,xnunity (Anahein Hills~ Inc. or thetr
successors. asslgns, a~ trensfer~es) shali subr+it to thc ~ir~ctor of Public
Utilittes for hts reviea~ and appraval~ a proposed plnn for thc acreage
payment of water r,iain extenslon fees. Satd plan shall consider all i~nd
within the area (Tract Nos. 10QG7 through 1~~7Q~ inclusive).
11~. That fire hydrants shAll be tnstalied and charcyed as required ~nd deternined
to be nsc~ssary by the Chief of the Flre Department Frior ta co~+~mencement of
structurat farming.
1~. That all requirements of Ftre Zane G(otherwisc Idc-nt{ftecl as Fire
Adninistrative Orde~ No. 7~-01 an flle in the offtce of thc FI~e Cht~f)
shall be mei. Such requlrenents tnclude~ but ar~ nat linlte~ co~ chir~ncy
spark arrestors~ protecteu' attics and undcr floor opcnings~ Class C or
better roofing material end one haur flre res(sttve constructlon of
hortzontal surfaces loc~ted within 2~^ feet af ad,jACent brushland.
1l. That fuel brea!<s shall he prvvided as dcterr~ined to he requirc::i +ay t`~e Fire
17. That no pu5lic or private street grades shalt exceed ter ~ercen2 (1^:f)
except by prior approva) ~f thc Fire Depnrtment and the GnninF~rin~.
13. That in accordance with the pol(cies of the Fire De~+artment~ native slopes
(as discussed in Cha~ter 17.Of., "Grading~ Excavations and Ftils i~ Hillside
Areas" of the Anaheim ~lunicipal Code) located adJacent to newly construct~d
homes shali bf hydroseeded ~~~ith a 104~ fuel comt~ustive seeci mix. Such slopes
shall be sprinklered and weeded as required to estahlish 1~~ feet separatlo~
of flamr~able vegetation from any structure.
19. in the event that sub~e~t property is to be divid~d for thc purpose of sale~
lease~ or financing, a parcei map, to ~ecord the approved divfsion of
subject property shall he submitted to and approved by the City of Anaheir~
and then be recarded in the office af the Orange County Recorder.
20. Prior to approval of a final traet ma~~ the owner(sj of subi~ect prop'rty
shall dedicate and improve ten (1A) foot wide eGuestrian and hikinc trails
as shorm on tf~e Equestrian and Niking Tratls Con~oncnt of the Anahein
Generai Plan Traiis Element; that improvement plans~ in acc~rdance with
standard plans sn~' specifications on file in the Office of the City
Engtneer~ shall be submttted in conJunction with the g~adinc plan; and/or
that a bond 1n a~ amount and fo~m satfsfactory to the City of Anaheim shali
`_ )
4 '
~0~~5~ ~.
be po~ted a~ith tho City prlor to 1~ina1 tract n+ap approv~l or issu~nca of a
qrading psrmit~ whichaver occu~s flrst~ to quar~nte~ the Instailatten of the
above-mentloned ~equtrements prlor to occupancy. Seld dedication and
improvament sh~lt include the off•site Bsckbon~ Tralt No. 1n (~ak Canyon
Trali) located In Tr~ct No. 1044~.
21. P~lor to fl~a1 tract map appraval~ e prog~am for the maintenance
responsibility and estlnatad cost thereof of ail open-~pac~ zonerl tots sha11
be suhnitted to and approved hy the Ctty of Anah~im.
22. Priar tu finai tract map approval~ Tract No. 1~Q7f~~ ~ wholly open sp~~ce
trect~ shall be ~ecorded witl~ the Office of the Orange Caunty aecorder and
accepted by the Anaheim Hills H~ster Mo~-GOwners.
23. In ec~ordance wlth the requlrements of Section 1P.02.~1~~7 pe~talni~~ to the
inltlA! sale of restd~ntial hom~s i~ the Clty of An~helm Planntng Are~~ "I1"~
the seller sha11 provide each buyer wtth wrltten informstlon concerning thc
Anahelm General Plan and the existing zoninq wlthin 3~~ f~et of the
boundarlos of aub)ect tract.
24. That the owner(s) of subJect property (An~heim N111~~ Inc.~ or thelr
successors~ assigns~ or transferrees) shali tnst~+ll a trafftc signal at the
Intersectlon af f~ohl Ranch Road ancf Stac}e CbACh R08d (to he ~enamec~ Ca~+tno
Grande) as requlred by the City Traffic Engin~er an•f in accardence with
specifications on ftle in the Office of the CItY Engineer; and that prtor~ to
lssuance of a grading permit~ r bond, certificate of deposit~ letter ~f
credtt or cash~ in an ~mount and form ~atiafactory to the ~Ity c~f Anahetm
shall be posted with the tity to ouarantee instailetian of sald sign~l prlor
to occupancy of any dweiltng unit in the area (Tract 'los. 1~^R7 throuqh
1~~70, Inclusive).
1. That the approval of Tentattve M~p ot Tr~ct No. 1~977 (Revislon No. 1) i~a
qranted subject ta the epproval of Reclassificatfc+n No. ~4-A'--2; and
Varlance No. 313~.
2. Thet should this subdiviston he developed as r+ore than one suhdlvislon~ r.ach
suhdivislon thereof sholl be s ubmltted in tentntive farm for approval.
3. That all fecilltles wlttiin the tract houndrry sholl be served by unde yround
4. Prior to final tract map approval~ the orlginal docur+ents of the covenants~
candttlons, and restrictians~ snd a l~tter addr~sse~l to developer's title
compeny autho~lting reco~datton ther~of~ sheli b~ suhmttted to th~ Clty
Atto~n~y's office snd epproved by the City Attorney's office and Engineerin~
Divislon. Seld docur-+ents, as approved~ sha11 be fite!~i enc rc~cordecl tn the
Office of the Or~nge County Reeorder. Safd cvven~nts~ conditions anc!
restrictions shail i~clude pro visions far the permanent matntenance of all
OS (Open Space) Zoned lots and recreatlonal tots.
5. That stre~t naMes shall bc app ~oved Fy t;~e Ctty Planntna Denartnert prlor to
a~proval of a final tract map.
f. (f perManen! street nam~ slgns have not tieen installed~ temporary str~et
name signs shall he tnstalled prior to occuaancy.
7. That drainage of said property shall be disposecf of tn a manner satlsfactory
to thie City Enginecr. If~ In the preparntlan of tl,e sltc~ sufficient
g rad i ng i s requ i red to necess i tatc a gr~d i ng pcr~+t t~ no worl•. on grad I ng wi 1 1
be permitted betwaen October 15th and April i5th uniess all ~equired off-
s(te d~alnage facillties have been Install~d a~nd arw, operative. Posltive
assurance shall be nrovided t he Ctty that such d~slnagP facliities wilt be
comoleted prior to October 15 t h. Necessary right•of•way for off-slte
drai~age facilities shail be ded(cated to the City~ or the Ci~y Councii
shall heve tnitiated co~demna tlon proceedirtgs therefar (the costs of which
shatl be bnrne by the develop~r~ prlor to the ccxnmencee+ent of grading
operatio~s, The rtqui~ed drainege facilitles sha11 be of a stze a~d type
sufficient ta carry runoff wa ters orloinAting from htgher properties throuyh
sald property to ultlmate dis posal as ap~roved by tF~e Ctty Engineer. Sald
dratnage facl~ities shall be the first item of construction and shall be
completed and be functlonai t hroughout the t~act and fron the downstream
boundary of the p~operty to t he uitimate point of dt:posal prlor to the
(ssuance of ~ny final building Inspections or occupancy pe nnfts. Drainage
district reimbursement agreements may ber~adc avalleble to the devetopers of
sald property upon thei~ ~eq ue5t.
8. That gradtng~ excavatton, a~d a11 other construction activitles shal) be
conducted in such a manner sa as to mtnimize the possibiltty of any silt
originating frcxn this project being carried into the Santa Ana River by
storn wste~ originating f~cxn or ftowtng through this pro~ect.
} ,
9~ Thet all privete streeta ~hall be developed In accordence wt th the City of
Anaheim'a St~ndard Detall No. 122 far privste streets~ Includlnfl
Inst~l latton of street nam~e :i~ns. Pt~ns fo~ the private st rect 1 i~ht inc~~
~s ~equ t red by the stendard deta 1 1~ ~ha 1 1 be t~uhmi tted to and apprcved by
the Elect~ical Divi~lon. App~oved priva te streec ltghtin9 p1Ans sheil then
be submitted to the Butldinq Olvtslon for (ncluslon with th-~• bullding plans
p~lor to Issu~nce of bullding permits.
10~ Th~t the developer of subJect tract aha 1 1 ent~r tnt~ a spec i a1 facl i I t ies
ag~eemrnt wi th the C I ty of Anahe im for water fact 1 I t tes I n the I~tnh
Etevatton System~ as requl red by Rul~ 1 SB of t~~~ Weter Utt 1 i ty RAtes, Rules
and !tcquietions nrior t~ app~oval pf a f Inal tract r+ap as st inuieted by the
11, Prlor to the approvai of sny flnal traet ma~~ th~ developers of t1,e Anehelm
Niils Ptanned Communlty (A~ahelm Hills. Inc.~ or their succ~ssors~ assta~s~
or transferees) shal l submit a pa~ks and recreattonel fac11 1 tles pla~ te the
Parks and Recreatlonal and Community Services Depart~nt fa~ revlew and
approval. Sald proposal ahall det~rmine the spetific r-eans by which the
developer provides park and recreatio~ faciiltles f~r th~ future restdsnts
of the area (Tract ~dos. 1~~3y7 through 1~~7?, Inclusivc). Such mcans r~ay
incluJe~ but neeci nct he itr~itrd to~ the folla~tng; pay to the Clty of
Anahe(m park end recreatfvn in-iteu fees as det~rr~in~~! ta hc approprT3te hy
the City Councll ~t the time of bulldinq permit Issuance. or d~~icat~ park
lands acceptable to the Ctty of AnahGim; or a cank~ination c~,er f.
I1GCCpt~nce of the specific neans shall be su'~Ject to the ap^rc.ra) of the
Dtrector of Perks and ltecrcation ancl Cor-nunity Scrviccs.
12. Thet prior to the :+pproval of a final t~act map~ there shal l be sub~itt~d to
the City Planning Co~r+lssto~ for reviev: ~nd approval~ speci~'Ic plans of
devcloprent. Flnal spcclfic plans shal l Include~ but not L; lir+ltc+~! to~ th~
fol torring:
a. Topographic map.
b. Site plans and elevations sha.+tng the ~:lacement of the butldings and
structu~es; thr. front~ side and rear elevations; and the exterlor
building n~atertals including ~oofing.
c. Lot dimenstens and pad slze of ell lots sufficiant to inc'tcate the
relatlonship of the proposal to the nature and extent of the cut-and-
fill or earthwork tnvolved.
d. landscapi ng pl ans i nd 1 cat t ng the ~xtent and type of proposed
landscaping and inctuding any existing vegetation.
e. Vehicte circulatton and parking pian indicating the n~ture a~d extent
of public and pr:vate streets~ or publtc acc~ssways for vahtcular
circulation, off-atreet parking snd vehicle storage.
f. Equestrten and hiking trai ls plsn showing the placer~ent and
improvements of the trsiis essert-ents for the Regional Trall No. 3
(Ar~ahe im N t 11 s Tra i i) and 8ackbo+~e T~a I 1 No. 19 (Oak Canyon Tra i 1) as
2/ 11 /80
deslgn~ted by tho Equestrian end Hlking Trai ls Canponent of the AnahelT
Generat Pl~n Trails Element; including the sRecific design for any
location where a t~et 1 cros~es over • puhl Ic or private stre•~t; an~
aisQ inciuding the off-site trali easer~ent a~s shown on Exhihit lJo. 2 of
Recl~ssiftcatlor, Ho. ?9-8f~-25,
g. Fence •nd/or wall plans indicatino the type of fencin~ elonn any lot
11ne of e site abutting puhlic or privAtc stre~ts.
13. That prlor to any water cannections In the Anaheim Hilis Plannr.d Canmunity~
tho devatopers of sa id plannod comnuni ty (Ana!+etr~ Hi l is ~ i nc, or thei r
successors~ essigns. or t~a~sferees) shail submit to th~ nirecte~ of Public
Utiltttes for his revle~i and approvol. a pro~ased plan for the acre~+~c
payment of water main extenslan fees. Ssld plan shall consider all 1»n-1
wi~hin the area (Tract Nos. 1~Q~7 through 1n~7$~ Inclusive) Including ~pen
1W. Thet ftre hydrants shall he InstallPd and charoed as reR~~red en~ determi~~d
to be neceasary by the Chief of the Flre Depart~nt prlor t~ ccx~r-encrnent of
atructural farming.
1;. That all requl~ements of Fire 2one 4(athera~ise identified as Fire
Administratlve Order No. 7~-Q1 on filc In the office of the Fire Chief)
sha l l be met. Such requ i rements Incl ude, t~ut are n~t l l r~ i tn~ to ~ ch 1.-~Rey
spark dr~estors, proteeted attics und unde~ floar openinus~ Class C or
bctter roofing r~aterlal and one hour fire resistive constructl~n of
horizontal surfaees loeatc~l ~rithin 2~`^ feet af ad]aeant brushlena.
1C. That fuel bresl;s sha+l) be pravided as determinecl to he ~~quired by tM~ Flre
17. That no pu!,ilc or p~ivate street gr~des shall ~xce~d t~n percent (1^-~)
except by prinr app~oval of the Fire Department and thc F_ncllneerin~
iC. That in accordance -rith the ,~olicles of -.ne Fire ~eparcment, native slopes
(as discusstd in C!~a~ter 17.~~ "rradin9. Fx~~+vatlons and Fills tn Hi I lside
Areas" of the Ansl+~im Munieipal Code) IQCat~~l ~dJacant to n~wly canstructed
homes shall be hydfoaeeded wlth a lo~r fuel cornbustTve seed nfx. Such slopes
shal) be sprinklered and weeded as r~ouired to estahltsh t~^ feet separatlon
of f larrima!~tc vcgetatlon frar~ any structure.
19. In the event that suhJect property Is to be divide~ f~r the purpos~ of salp,
lease~ or financtng~ a parcel nap, to record the approved d(vision of
aubJect prope~ty st~all bt suhnitted to snd approved by tfia City of Anahetr~
and t!~en be record~d in the office af the Orange Caunty Recorder.
20. Prior to approval of a finat tract map~ the owner(s) of subject property
shsll dedicate and improve ten (S~) foot wide equestrian and hiking tratts
as shavn on the Eqaiestrian and Hiking Trai ls Component of the Anahetm
Ge~eral Plan Trai 1s El~ment; that Improvament plans. ln accdrdance wi th
sxandard plens and specificationa on ftle in the ~ffice of the City
Enginaer~ shall be sut~miited In conJunction with the grading plsn; andlo~
2/ 11 /80
that a bo~d in an amount a~d form satisfacta~y to the City of Ansh~tm sha11
be posted with the City prlor to tinal tract map app~oval or issuance of a
qrading pe~mit~ whichevor occu~s first~ to guarsntGe the Inatallattan of th~
•bove-mentioned requlre~Qnts prlor to occupancy. Said dedic~tton and
Improvement shatl include the off-at~e Bac{:bone Trell No. 1~ (~ak Cany~n
Trall) located in Trsct No. 1Q94~.
21. Prior to final tract map approval~ a pro~rem for the malntenance
responsibility and estimatcd cost th~reof of eli open-spacc :oned lots shall
be su~mttted to and approvcd by the City of An~!,ei~.
2?.. Prior to final tract m~p approval~ Trect No. 1~~7^~ s wholly open spscc
tract~ shall be recorded wlth the Offlce of tt,e Orang~ County Recorder and
accepted by the Anaheim Nllis Master Homeowners Assoclatlon.
23. In sccordancP wltf~ the requ(rements of Sectlon 1%.^2.n~,7 pertatntng to the
Initia) saie of residentia) hortics in the City of Ana!~eim Planning Area "3"~
the sell~r shall provide eact~ buyer r~lth ~-rttten Information concerntng thr.
Anehein General Plan and ttie existtn~ zonlnr ~~ithin ~^^ fe~t of thc
baunda~les of suhJect tract.
2~~. That the o-~mer(s) of sut~.ject proper[y (~nahcim Hills~ inc,, or their
succ.^ssors~ assigns, or transfe~rees) shail install a traffic stgnal at thc
Intersectlon of tloht Rancl~ Eto~d and Stage Coach Road (to be renamed Ca~tno
Grande) as required by the City Traffic Engineer an.i in accordancc~ with
specificetlans on file in the Office of the City Engtneer; And that prior to
issuance of a grading pcrmit~ a bond~ certificate of depusit~ l~tter ~f
credit or cash. in an ar~c>unt and for~- satisfactory to t!+e City of Anaheln
shall be postaJ ti~ith thc Clty Lo guarantcr install~t~~r, of sai~' signal p~ior
to occupancy of any d~rc 11 i ng un i t ( n tl~c a rea (T~act -I~s. 1^^'7 throu~l~
1~~7°~ lnclustve).
t ~
rt . :
1. That the approval of Tentativc '~ap of Tract No. 1^Q7~+ (Revision '~o. 1) ts
grant~d sub~ect to the upproval of Reclesstficatton ~Jo. 7°•"~~"%.
2. Thut sh~uld this su~diviston ba developed as mere than onc! subdivisi~n~ each
su!>diviaion thercof ~ha11 be submitted In tentative form far aporovel.
3. Prlor to approval of a final trae~ r,ap~ a pro~rAr~. for t~~ maintenance
~esponstbllity and est(nateJ cost t'~ereof of all o~en-spac~ ronel lc+ts sh~ll
be suUnitted to an~ app~ovcd i~y thc City o~ AnahriR.
w. That prior to any wat~r eannections in any of th^ Tract '~os. 1~^'.7 th~ou~h
1077~~ lnclustvc. th~ develo~ers of the Aneheln Htils Plannec' Co~r.+unity
(Anaheir~ Hlils~ inc.~ or their successors~ assigns, or t~ansferees) shall
submit to the Airector of Puhlic Utilltles for his revtew and a~nroval~ a
pr~posed plan far thc acreage payr+ent of viater maln extenston fces. Said
plan shall consider ~11 land ti~~lth(n the twelv~ (12) tr~cts (!los. to~r7
th~ougl, 1097c~ incluslv~) lncludin~ o~en spACe.
5. That fuel hreaks sh~l) '~e provided as deter~ine; to hc requlrP~' hy th~ Fire
6. Prior to final tract r~ap aparoval~ the folla•rina sha11 hc sub~ttted to the
Planning Conx~ission for rrvie,~ and approval: an cquestrian An~i hlking trails
plan for the area (Tr~ct -~os. 1~9~7 ttiroug'~ 1~~~7", inclusive) shoalinc+ the
placenent and Improvements of tl~c trails r_ase~+r.nts far the Regton~l Trail
tio. 3~~na!~eim H111s Tral t) and 6ackl,one Trat l tlo. 1^ (Oal: Canyon Tra! 1) as
desig^~ted hy t'~~ Equestrian and Hit•In~ Trails Co~ponent ~f thc An~tiein
Ce-r:°°:•~ Plan ?~atls Elenent. Sald plan shall include th,e spe-ctfic desl~n
for a~,y locatlon ~rfier~ a trall crosses ov~r a pu!~lic ~r ~rl~~ate stree; ane+
shall also includc the ~ff-site trail casec~ nt ~~ sho~rn on Exhlbit !~o. ? of
Reclassificatlon i~o. 7^-P~-25•
7. The a•mer(s) of sut~ject property sl~all dedicate an~' ir~prove ten (10) foot
wtde equestrtan and hii:ing trails as sha+n on the Equestrtan an~i Iliktng
Tratis Compon~_.nt of the Anahetm General P1An Treils Element; improvencnt
:',~s shall be tn a=cordance wiYh standard plans and specificatlrns on file
:j~ ~'~c Office of the Ctty Engineer; and/or a bond in an ar~ount and form
a~:~~sfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted wlth the City prior to
final tract map approval or issuanc~ of a grading perrit~ ~.~hic~ever occurs
first~ to guarantee the ~n4taliatton of the above-R+er+:ivned ~equtrements
prior to occupancy in t` ' i.rea (Tract '1os. 1^p~~] through 1~?7~, inclusive).
Satd dedication and improvement shali Inctude the off-site p~rtions of
Backbone Tral) No. 1? (Osk Canyon Trail) loce«d In Tr~ct No. t~~~~~.
8. This tract~ a wholly open spaee tract~ ~holt b: accepted by the Anaheim
Htlls Master Horiea~rters J4ssociation and then be ~ecorded with the Office of
the Oranga County Reco~der.
2/ 11 /80
1 ~i !
w r.
ti ~~
TENTATIVE MAP OF TR10.CT NOS. 10967-109r8 (Revision No. 1) ANO REQUEST
Artnikn S~ntnlAhtl asked thet tha street desl~n s~eed of 35 m~h he clartfi~d and Jey Tttus
stated Mr. Schorr hns ~gr~Gd to ~at,e Another itudy end sugqested ~ cendittnn b~ nd~ect thAt
the street d~si~n be apr mved by the Clty Cnglnecr.
Mr. Schorr stated th~y would make an honest eff~rt and loo{c nt son+e~ ofthe curve= And show
Nr. Titus an ~vcrlny destc~n for the ~-reas Nher~ thcy f~cl there Is a p~ssihillty ter
irr~rovern~nt, but r.onnot ~unrentee +- 35 rnph desl~n speecl~ but n~s!atbly r~et cl~s^r t~ 3~~ mph
an~f thcy will n~ke c+n t,o~est effort, ond w~nt it infc-~eliy nnd do nc,t want to be
con~lttioned~ ~nd th~y guarantee te shc~- a design t~ N~. Tttus t~ revtew ancl examTn~ t~ see
It they c~n trnprov~ it Nlthout rGciesic~ntn9 th~ trect subst~+ntlelly becaus~ they belicve a
3y mph d~sign would be a signiflcont cheng~~ but c~uld n~t ~et tc- ti~~-fo~t curv~s with~ut
totally redesi~nin~ the mi+ps.
Mr. Tltus stnt~d staff will wor~ wlth them ~nd c~nic ur with s~rthing Aqreo~ble~ but felt
thera should bc a conditlon of npprc+vnl.
Cammissioner Herbst stated a condltion could he nAded reauirirtg the dr.vel~per tn try to
design the safest road ~~ssible without Any nu~jor chan~cs i~ th~ trrct mrn~
Commisatoncr Herbst offcred a rx~tion, secanded hy Conr*~tsstoner Fry rnd M~Tt^-! Cnrr,lEO,
that the Anahetm Clty Plnnninry Ccxnmission dc~es h~r~hy grAnt the re-r~urst for r~mnvel of
sixty-two (h2) sp~cimcn ~ak trces (2ur.rcus dumc~s~) within Tract Nas. t~g~7~ 1ngtF~ t~hf,9~
Id~71~ 1Oh73~ 1~97h And 1~~75 to ~~ccomrlish rough gradinc~ end spe-clmen r~placemcnt trees
witl b~ planted in accordance with Code re~uire~nc at or ~rior xo the ttmc ~f residential
~. ' ~
~ ,
ITEM N0. 11
'If~1~T'~'1C-i~ Rt'conMt~innTi~~is
Thc follc~-in~~ Re~+orts and Recommcndetions st++ff ~ep~rts r~re p~esented but r-et read=
A. COr~OITtc~!iAL USE PER~~IT Nn. 17~~ --'equrst fr~xn Oaniel J. Neber~ Rov1 Pectfic
orpar~tT , nr n retrdact v~ cxt~~clon of ttc,e to p~rmlt en-sain bc~r end wlne
in a propesed sen+i-onclosed ;~~stau~ant nn rro~erty 1~cAt~A ~t ~5~1 East Serrano
ACTI~~Is Cemmtssionr.r Tolar offrrnd a mc~tlo~~ seconded hy Comntssianer Davic' and
~~i 1T CARRIC'~~ tfiat the Aneheim City Plnnnin~ C~mmlsst~n dc~es herehy gr~nx two
1-yerr ratroactlve nxtenS~nnS of ttme for Ca~rlltlonal Use PermlL ~lo. 17~19~ to
ex~ire on Ja~unry 3~, 1~R{.
B. VA,RIAt~f,F f10. ?.21+7 - Requrst ~mm ~sther D. Nunoz fer A thrn~-yeer extensi~n ~f
t m^ to r.nnt nue o~ertstln~ A beauty solon ~n en existinn sln~l~-fnmily
resiclentt~~l structur~ 1~c~ted ~n the et+st stde of SnhlnA Street.
/~f'Tt~fl; Corimissioner Tolir offered n r+~tton, soc~nd~d by Co~misst~nrr DAVtd and
F1~T' ~ I C~R~'If.~~ that the Anehtim CItY Plnnning Commission ~1ne-s herrby nrnnt ~
thrr,e~ye~r ~xtensi~n ~f [ime to V~rl~ne~ Na. 1.?~+7~ to exnir~ nn A~ril 1~~ 1!~g3.
C. Atl11ND~'tINEF~T t~4. 79-~~A - Neyur~st from Thomas ~qaryer, to abandon ~ pc~rtlon of
~nco n v~nuc, Y~~ntAg~ road frnm Bel Air StreGt Fasteriy 2~1~71 fect.
AC:1(~"I: Coranl,sionrr Tol:~r offerr~l t~ m~otion~ secondEd by Cammtssl~ner Dt~vid and
~ i cnr~icn, th~t the Anahein~ City Pl+~nninc~ Conr~ission d~~s hereby recommend
to thc City Council that Abandonment tlo~ 7~~~~A be gr~nted.
D. AQAi1D~1'~1"C!'T tin, y~-5~ ~ Rer,ucs t f ror~ Anahelm Met-~r t~+1 IIoSP T ta 1, t~ ahandon e
port an o-~ermc,sa Drivc~ I~c~tPd nc-rth of La PAlma Avenue~ wcst nf West Strert.
ACTI~tI: Commtsstc~ner Tot~~r ~ff~r~d A rmtinn~ seconded hy Cor.missioner Davtd and
M~- TI~tJ C~RRIE~~ (CorxnisslonPr Fry ~hst~tning) ~ that the Anahcim City Planninc~
Conrhitsicn c~es hereby recortrnend to tl~c City Council thrt Abandc~nnKnt No. 7Q-SA
be ~ranted.
ADJt1UR'iHC'IT Ther~ beinq no fu~ther business, Camntssioner TalAr offered A rt~ttc+n,
secnnded by Comrnissioner Fry ~nd MOT1~-~a CARRIED that the meetinq be
The meetin9 was adJourned at 6:1K p.r+.
Respectfully submttted,
/~~,~, °' "
Edith L. H~rris~ Secretary
A~aheim City Planning Commission
?/t t/8A
, ~~ ~ ! ; i..,.