Minutes-PC 1980/04/21~i ? ~ ~~ w C1 ty Nal l Anahelm, C~lifornia Aprt 1 21 ~ 1~80 REGUTAR MEETING OF THE ANANEIM CITY PLAIINING COMM15S10N .~w~r^ - RCGULAR - The reguler mnetin9 of the Anaheim Ctty Pienntng Commlsslon was cailed MEETING to ordnr by Chairwumen Barnes at 1:35 P.m.~ April 21~ 198~ In the Cou~cii Chamber~ a quorum being preaenc. PRESE~~ . - Chat rwoman: Barnes Commts~loners: Busho~e. David~ Fry~ 1lerbst~ Ktng~ Tola~ (Commisslonar Bushore arrived et 1:A~ p.m,) A150 PRESENT - Ronald Thompson Jack White Jsy Titus Joel Fick Annika Sentalahti Dean Sheror Edith Nsrr(s planning Director Aisistant City Attorney Office Enqineer Assistant O) roctor for Planning Assistant Dlrector for Zonfng Assisca~t Plan~ar Planning Commisston Secretary PLEDGE OF - The Pledye of Allegiance to the Flag wes led by Commisstoner King. ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF - Commissloncr F ry offered a mation, seconded by Commissfone~ King TliE MINUTES ~nd MOTION CARRIED (Commissloner 8ushore being abs~nt and Commissio~er Tolar abstetn(ny)~ that the minutes of the moeting of April 7~ 1980 be app~oved as submitted. ITEM N0. 1 PUBLIC HEAaING. OWNERS: DE~~NIS C. AND ERIN E. FRY, ~'t'~VE UECLAaATtON 9W~i East Cor~cord Avenue~ Orange~ CA ~2667. Property R CL C 0 N0. 9• ~-35 descrlbed as a rectangularly•shaped parcel of land 1~ I E 0 CODE REQUIREMEPI 5 consisting of approxin~tely 0.67 acre having e ~~2070 frontage of approxlmatcly 161 Peet on the west side of East Street~ having a maximum depth of approximately 150 fcet~ ~nd being located app~oximately 430 feet south of the centerline of South Street~ and further described as 837 South East Street. Property p~esently ciassified RM-1200 (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-FAMILY) ZONE. aEQUESTED CLASSIFICATIOt~: Ml (iNDUSTRIAL, LIMITEQ) ZONE. REQUESTED CONDlT1aNAL USE: TO RETAIN A CONTRACTORS STORAGE YARO Mi1TN WAIVERS OF (A) MINIMUM LANDSCAPED SETaACK, (B) MAXIMUM STRUCTURAL HEIGHT, ANO (C) MAl(IMUM F~NCE NEIGHT. There was no one (ndicattng their presence (n opposition to subJect request~ and although the staff roport to the Planr,ing Comntssion dated Aprf) 21~ 1980 was not read at the public hearing, tt is referre~i to and made a part of the minutas. Dennis Fry~ 837 South East, awner~ stated he wishes to change the zone from residential to industrtal to permit a contractor's storage yard~ explaining he (s using the p roperty for a storage yard at the present time and received a nAttc~ of violation; that the residence is 78 years old and he had made many improvements on the property. He presented an enlarged photograph of the pr~perty shewing the exiating oid wood fence and another enlarged photograph showing a new 6-foot high slatted fence in the front and explained without the fence~ the property is not usable. THE PUBLIC NEARIHG WAS CLOSED. $p_253 4/21/80 ~ MINUTES~ ANJWEIM CITY PLANNiNC CQMMISS~ON~ APRIL 21~ 1980 80'254 Elft NEGATIVE DECLARATION~ RECIASSIFICA"ION N0. 79°84'35~ WAIVER OF COOE aEqU1REMENTS AND CONDITIONAL USE P~RMIT N0. 20~0 (CONTINUED) -- -..._~...........__.-- -.~..~.._, ..~.......~~. Commtssioner Herbst suggestad satting the gete back further so that vehicias could be d~ivan o~to th@ property wlthout hAVing t~ open the vste, If it happened to be closed. Ne asked tf tha petitlonar plans to park vehiclas in the fro~t yard. Mr. Fry reepllad he has hts constructlon vehicles In the rear a~d does not heve room to move them around and that he plans to park some of his salcs vehtcies In the front. Ne pointed out the area on the photograph. Commissloner King asked if the proposed fence is on the property line and whether or not the petitloner had constdered a block wall conststent wlth th~ o~e across th~ street. Mr. Fry explalned the fence will be 10 feet from Che walk and (ndicated he wauld consider a block wall. Ne steted the Ctty dtd not want a solld block wall whlch is the reasa~ he is propasing the slatted chainlink fcnce. Responding to Commission~r Herbst's quastlon~ Mr. Fry explained he has 17 vahictes and steted the property is 181 feet by ty0 feet. He st~ted all th~; vehtcles are locdted in the rear at the prasent ttmc and oxpleined che t~ack area Is nat developed~ and there is a storage trailer locAteJ there and wtth Mo dump trucks~ tr~ctors and trailers (40 fe~t long) the aree Is f(Iled. Ne e~tained that Commisstoncr Herbst's suggastcd change would be just the same as it is at the present tlme a~d Canmisslone~ Nerbst indicated he liked that better than the proposed change. Commissioner Barnes stated the plans do not show parking in th~ front encJ Mr. Fry felt the plans had been misinterpreted and the parktng spaces shown have nothing to do with the way he Is golny to park thc vehicles in the rear. Comrnissioner Harbst was concerned that the gates co. ~d be closed and a vehicle 3Q feet lo~g would heve to back up on East Street and Mr. Fry stated L. A. D~ug Company has given him an easanent to use their propcrty and they are currently using that access. Commlssloner King stated the homes across the street are nice and have a nlce block wall a~d he felt a block wall would be consistent wlth those homes and Mr. Fry responded he would be wiliiny to const~uct a block wall (f necessary because he can not move hts business. I~e explained he has been there ebout 2-1l2 years. Cammissioner Fry felt a block wall would create a graffitl probiem. Desn Sherer~ Assistant Planner~ explained the City Clerk's office received a letter thts morning signed by nlne propcrty arners a~ Opal Avenue protesting this particular zo~e change. Commissioner Bushore stated he has no problem with the zone chan<;e~ desptte the letter~ as long as the plan enhances the area. Mr. Fry felt grafflti will not be a problem and noted that the property was a mess when he bought it and he has improved it end if the property is not rezoned he will re~t it. He felt the neighbors are much safer now than the/ were before h~e moved in because he has somebody there all the time~ pointing out there were robbe~les in the area before. (Cammissi~ner Fry notad for the record that he is not related ta the petitioner.) 4/21/80 ~} i ~~ MINUTES~ ANIWEIN CITY PLANNING CONMISSION~ APRIL 21~ 198Q 80•2y5 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION~ RECLASSIFICATION N0. ~9-80-;5~ MAIVER OF CODE REQUItiEMENTS ANO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2A70 (CONTINUED) The ronn~it~lon revlewed the petitlon submtkted encJ Chatrwomen Bar~es notmd the opposition la cor ~rned about Incraesed traffic~ the parked trucks~ the nolse from cleening equipmant and activities afto~ the ond of the workdsy. Mr. F ry at~ted htf~ cleening equlpment consists of a hose wlth no spray cleantng ~qulpment. He state~J tha onployees leave at tf~e e~d of tha day and do not cause any trafftc problems. Two y~ars ago an employee unloaded a mochine at five ln t1-e morntng and th~t hAS not happened since. No felt thc netghbors are afraid he wlll dcmollsh the house and bulld an officm~ but th~t ts not a consi;leratlon. Chairw oman Barnes askad if there tY any noise efter working hours end Hr. Fry did not feal the noise even during the dey would be ony worsc tha^ the t~afflc notse from East 5treet. Rasponding to Chalrwoman Barnes~ Mr. ~ry explained the property wil) be landscapad. Dean Sherer explalned a conditlon nf approvAl has been roconmondad th~t the improvements be made withtn GO deys bacausa thc use has b~e~ In r.xisrence for 2-t/2 yeara. Flr. Fry explained he undnrstands na~ tl~at thase improvements arc necessAry end he will do them~ but fett it would be difficult to cc~mplcte in b0 days. Gommisslonor Busharc dld not want a fence higl~er than 30 (nth~s on th~ front of the property and wanted a gaCC on thd north s~de nf the property. CommlRSioner Tolar stateJ fcnces arc allowecf for converslons of resiJent(a) property~ particularly on arterlal streets and he haci no obJections to this fence. Mr. Fry stated he wants the fence tn frant because he would have a theft problem otherwise~ axplalning the trucks are pick-ups wlth tool boxes~ etc. Commisstoner Herbst pointcd out the request ts for e zone change ta Industrlal~ and an tndustrlal setback is fifty feet~ and AISO a varianr.~ is requested for a six-faot fertce. i~e felt the request is ~reasonablc. Ne saw no problem with the use, but did nat want to comp romise the whole aro~ and folt the landscaptny would have to be tmproved. No stated he would not vnte for the zone ct~~enge, unless more tAndscaping (s pravided. Cortunissloner Bushore was concerned if this request ~s grant~d. as proposed~ in a few years {t Wilt become unsightly. tle stated thc petitioner has been in business 2-1/2 years kna+tng tha proparty was nat properly zoned. Chatrwoman darnes felt thls is a transittona) area and she had no obJection~ to the zone cl~an~e, but was concerned that someone in the future could develop the property to the induatrial standards and wahted to be falr. Mr. Fry felt tlie Commission was concarned about vehicles being perked in frone af the structure~ end pointed out theso would be the smaller vehicies and would '~e hldden by the six-foot fence. Commisstoner Nerbst stated he would support a six-foot high fence ar wail but not ln front of the house where he fett there should be landscapi~g~ with a 30-inch high fence; snd thet the gata shoulJ be set back ao the vehicles can swtng in out of the street. 4/21/80 ~:,' MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, APRII, 21~ 198U 80-256 Ela NECATIV~ oECLARAT1oN, aECLASSIFICATION No, 79-80-35, wAIVER oF CooE REgUIREMENTS AND CONOITIONAL USf PERMIT N0. 20_70 (CONTtNUCD) Mr. Fry suggasted brtnging the narth ~ide of the fenca out Ju~t liko the south atde and reviewed the plan wich Commisitoner tlerbst •nd Commissloner Flerbat explalned a variance gaes with tho p roperty and anyona else could have a starege yard whtch may be cort~pletely diPferent. Commtssloner Fry stated he is w(lling to grant tlie~ request and did not see anything w rong wtth thn fence. M~. F ry sta~ted he is trying to keep this buaincss going ond wents to operate in the best manner posslble. 11e explained he has 13 enQloyees and 20 sub-cantractors. Chelrw oman Ba rnes stated ather businesses oper~te in their proper zones and do not need walvera or candittonal use ~ermtts. She asked if Mr. Fry would be able to ~ark the sales vehtcles In the rear. Mr~ F~y repltod he cou1J find room for these v~hlcles and respo~dlne~ to Commtssioner 6usfiore'a concern, explatned the sub-contracto~s da not park equlpment here. ACTION: Commissioncr Kiny offered a mution~ s~conck d by Commissioncr Devid and M0710N C~ED~ thet the Anaheim City Planning Canmission h~s revlewed the propos al t~ reclassify subJect p roperty from the RM-1200 (Restdential' Nultiplc-~am(ty) Zone to Lhe ML (Indust~ial~ ltmited) Znne on a rectangularly-sh~+ped parcel of lend consisting of epproxirt-etely 0.67 acre, having a frontege af app~oximately 1C1 teet on thc west side of Eest Street~ heving a maximum dcpth of eppr'oximetely i~o feet and being tocated approx(mately 430 feet south of the centerline of South Street; and does hereby approve the Negative Ueclaration from the requirement to prepare: An environmental tmpact report on the basis that there would bn no slgnificant indlvldual o~ cumulatlve adverse enviro~n~ntal Impact due to the approval of this Negative Decla~acio~ slnce the Anahefm Cenere~) Plan deslgnates thc subject property for n~dium denslty residentlel land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive ~nvironmentai Impacts are involved in the proposel; that the Initlal Stucfy submltteJ by the petltioner tndicates no siqniftcant indlvidual or cumulative 8dylfSt environmentel impacts; and that the Negaiive Declaration substantiating the foregoing f(ndings Is on file in the City of Anahetm Plenning Departrt~nt. Comnisstaner King offered Rcsolutfu~ t~a. PC30-66 and rn~ved far its passage and adoptton that the Anahetm City Planning Commt~ston does herrby grant Petttlon for Raclassification No. 79•a0•3S, s~blect to Interdepa~.,nental Committee reuonmendations~ dalettng Condttion No. ~. On roll call, the forec~oiny resolution was pessed t~y the following vote: AYESs GOMMISSIONEkS: BARHES. BUSHORE, DAV10~ FR1', HERBST~ KIt~G, TOIAR NOES: CUMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENY: CQMM I SS 10l~ERS ; t~ONE Commissio~er King offered a motion, seconded by Commtsstoner Fry and MOTION FAILED 70 CARRY (Commisstoners Bernes~ Bushore~ David and Herbst voting no) that the Anaheim C~ty Ptanni~g Commtssion does hereby grent waiver (a) on the basis that to ae~s~alish a portton of the existing buildtng would harm the archttectural value of th~ buiiding and grnnting waiver (b) on the basia that approval would not have the effect of a specisl prtvllege since other two-stary strucLures currentiy exist tn the area and granting weive~ (c) on the basis that a stx-foot high block wati exists across the street. a~z,iso ~~ MINUTES~ ANIW EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ APRIL 21~ 1980 80-2ST EIR NEGATIVE DECIARATION~ RECIASSIFICATION N0. 79-80•3S~ WAIYER OF CODF REQUIREMENTS ANO CONpITIONAI USE PERMIT N0. x07U (CONTINUEO) .~~----------- Commisslone~ Tolar statod there are fences in othe~ arees on arterisl highways and he dld not sne the obJection to the fencc and felt this would be one of the best looking developmnnta along East Street. fla noteJ thia property owner is willlnc~ to spend the money necessa ry to (mprove the property and that other storege yards nro requlred to provlde fencing. Chalrrvoman Barnes felt sure th{s ~etltloner would have a good proJect~ but was concerned what futurc owners might do, notiny a walver yoQa with the lAnd and fcit approval would have m~ny ramtfications. Commisstoner David felt the issu~ is really whather the p~tit(aner can park all the vehicles (n the reAr tnstcad of the front~ and I~e h~s Indicated that f~e n. Chatiwanan Barnes felt the real issue is the fencc~ noting hc could use ~he front aroa for parking for custon~ers and hls own cars. She was concerned about the future and wanted to be fai~ to ~thers who have asked for watvtrs in the industr181 zone in the past. Mr. Fry felt the Ctty should have checked the property whe~ it went throuc~h escrow and felt he ls bcing penalized for sornething t~ future buyer might do 15~years from now and it was clarified that the Gity is not involvCd tn any escrow. Chainvoman Earncs stated the petttloner is not beina penalized~ polnttnc~ out he estsblfshcd his bus(ness in the wrony zonc. ACTION; Conmissi~n~r klert~st offered a motion~ seconded by Cortr.,issloncr 8ushorc and MOTION CA-RRIEU, that the Anahelm Ctty Planning Commtssion does hereby yrent waiver (a) an the basis that tt~c petitioncr sttpulated to complete thc landscaping in the front and on the basis thAt the structurc is exisifng~ and grantiny waiYCr (~) on the basis that other Mo- story structures ara existing in the t~rea; and granting waiver (c)~ in part~ pe nnttting a six (6) foot hi~h chainlfnk fence with ~e d+ood slatting along the east property line approximatiely b9 feet from the south p~operty line~ and denying the requesC for a six (b) foot high fence for approximetely 92 feet In fronc of the existing structure from the perking spaces north to the north property line and subJect to the petttioner's sitpulatlan to locate the ~orthe rn access gate app roximately forty•one (41) feet from the east p roperty line~ and subject to the condicion that no consiruction equlpment shall be parked outs i de tl-e fenced area. Commissioner Nerbst offered Rcsolutton t~o. PC80-G7 and noved f~r Its passagt and adoption tfiat the ~lnaheim City Planning Comrn(ssion does hereby yrant Petition for Condltiona) Uses Permit No. 2070. in part~ subject to thc condition that no construction equlpment shall be parked outaide the fencad area, and subJ~cc to Intardepertm~ntal Commlttee recommen dat 1 ons . 0~ roll tall, the foregoing resoluti~n was passed by the followtng vote: AYES: COMMISSIQt1ERS: BARMES~ BUSIIORE~ DAVID~ FRY, NERBST, KING. TnLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMIHISSIONERS: NONC J~ck wht te, Assistant Ci ty Attorney, presented the petl tioner wi th the wri tten ~ight to appeal the Planning Commission's ckcision wfthin 22 days to the City Council. Choi rwoman Barnes cor~nded Mr. Fry o~ the ni ce pro,ject. 4/21/80 ~: MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ APRIL 21~ 1980 8~-x58 ITEM N0. 2 PUDIIC -IEARING. OWNERS: SELECTIVE INOIVI~UAL '~~VE DECLARATION INVESTORS~ P. 0. gox E34y. Anahelm~ CA 92~02. CADE RE UIREMENTS AGEtIT: DqNALO ~. LIlJl1~ VOCATIONAL NURSING SG1100L L M N. 206y OF CALIFORNIl1~ 2fi20 Wost O~ange Avenu~-., CA 9280G. " ' Petitloner requests permission TO RETAIt~ AN EXISTII~G NURSING SCIIpOL WITH WAIVER OF MINIMUM NUMBER OF P ARKINC SPAGES on {~roperty descrtbed as an IrregulA~ly-shapcd psrcel of land canslating of approxirn~tely 0.8 acre located south anci west oP the s~uthwest corner of Ora~ga Avenun and Magnolla Avenue~ havtny approxim~te frontages of approxtmstely 114 feet on the aouth side of Orangs Avenue and approximA~clY 77 fecet on the west stde of Magnolla Avenue~ and further Jascr(bed ns 2G20 We~t Orange Avcnue. Property presently cla~ssifled Cl, (COFIM~RCIAL, LIMITEO) ZONE. Tha~e wes one person tndicating her presencc t~~ opposition to sub)ect request~ and although the staff report to the Planning Commisslon dated April 21~ 1J80 was nnt read st the pub i i c heari nc~, i t i s refc rred to end mad~~ a part of tl~c mi nutes . Dc~n~id A. Lilja~ ayent, scated th(s locatton Is ideal for thetr situatlon and for the genere) welfare of the nalghborhood ond he felt tt~ey confo nn to tha context of previous Co~+~misston ~pproval; th~t thcre seeir~s to have been a corrplaint regarding pa~king~ but did not belleve It is warrante~~; tt~at the north st~ie of the street h~+s bcen pr~sted for "no pat'king" end they are wtlling to comply with that; that there are block walls abutttng the houscs on the soutt~ sido of the street and ttiere are no chtldren walking in thts area becausc they cross at the crosswalk and there Are relat(vely fRw pedestrtans in the area; that there ts ~ complatnt about the strAet sweeping on Wednesdays~ but with their normal schedule there are na students tliere on Wednesdays. He dld not think parkiny on thc street wo~ld bc any differertt than any otl~~r parkin~ situation n~e~r a school~ Ile explained the nursing schc±ol hes a p~rking lot across the at~eet for thelr students ana thay have been instructcJ to park there~ but they cannpt control the public parkin~ and hr has asked hfs students not tc~ park in the street~ but aa citizens they do have the right to park in the strect. He ~xplalnad thelr prosent schedule is for 32 stuclents on Fbndey~ none ~n Tuesday and Wednesday~ 40 students on Thursday and ~2 students on Friday. He stated chcy wlll never have morc than 90 students in thts school; that cu~rently they dv not fill t- parktng lot assiyned them~ and the a~rangdnent they orlgtnally made wit~~ the lessor was to allvw no parking In the tnmediate area. Ne stated they would be hsppy ta sce the area posted for "no pa~ktng" for the two blocks vrest nf che school. Barbara Vernengo, 2G17 Westhaven Drive, steted since the nursing school started its pperation~ they have been faced with constant parking up and down Westhaven Dr1ve, Kenmore and Hagnolla; and that when the pro,jecc waY o~iginally approved shc brought in 55 signatu~es stipulating they did nnt want to s~e a waiver grented. She st+~ted alsa the ~~te Is supposed to be kcpt shut behind those buildtngs and it is elways apen. Mr. li1Ja stated ha was n4t a~~are af thc perking p~oblens on Nesthaven and stated pubitc parking is not something he can control and he has no control over the gate. Ne suggested 4/21/60 ~ MIN~1'ES~ ANAMkIM CITY PLANNING COMI!iSSION~ APRIL 21~ 1980 80•259 EIR HEGATIVE DECLARATION~ WAIVEit OF CO~E REQUIREMENTS ANO CON01710NAL USE PERMIT t~0.~ (CONTINUEO) the straets ba postod for "na p~rking" ~nd statec. ~f~ey will try to meke their stud~nts perk In the deslgnated area. TliE PUI~IIC NEARI~~G WAS CLOSED. Commissioncr Dushorc clertfled Nith Mr. 111Ja tha~ the schoo) h~-s ~n agreement with the i1~~dtord not tu im~act the other businesses~ ycc ;f,oy are perfectty satlsfled wtth fmpactl~g thc nefghborhood. Mr. Li l)e stated they are ~rovlcling a pa~4.ing lat wi :1~ adequate pa~king. Conmisalonar ~~sh~re stato d posti~g the streets for "no parking" would cause the residents ~'~ardsiitp 1~ order to force th~e scudcnts to park on thQi r perking t~,t; that he wes there this morniny and the students were alreedy ~+arkin~ on Orange which do~s cr~ete problems oven tt~ough they do havc tha rigl~t to park thGre. lie statod not all chi~dren cross at thc c~osswalks and was concerned tf~at sooner ar later cx~e of thwn might run out baMeen th~ p~rked c.ars end c~ct hit, Ne felt the pctitla~cr has to show the ~ommission ~~ way to force the nurslnc~ students ta park on thc parking lot and that the lot has adeq uate snaces. ~le askad wl~ere the lat is located cnd hao many spaces there are and what ar~anyements have been mede to use it. N~. Lilja responded the plan shows the perking lot in roletivn to the church and the tehool and indicated they hsve made an agreement with the church's pascor fo~ use of the church pArking lot; and that the lot is locked dnd the ~tudents have keys. Commissiuner Tolar steted when :his property wes rezoned fo~ cemmerclal ~ses~ tha~e. was some q uestlon about parking. end the rcquested park'ng variance was Jenled by the Cammissinn and Council because it backs un t~ residentiel property; and chat the developer stlpulated ta restricC the types of uses so a parking ~~risnce wauld not be nted~d. 11e added .bc~ttonal schools hlstn rically have cr~ated Farki~~~~ problems. Ne stated unless the ~arking p rovi;led on-site for this use is adequate~ he will nat support tht usc because L:~is was a bad conxncrcial propcrty and the Comntssion has spent e lot oF tim~e reviewtng ~his particular property and fe:lt this vocationnl school is In the w~~ng plaee. Cc~mr~isslo~~r [3ushore wanted the petittoner to satisfy for him that the parking is adequate anc thot thr a~.udenr,s will use ch~ lot. He presumeJ the parking ag~eement is verbal a~d i f the students cause a probtem~ chc agreen~nt Hi S 1 become nul ! and vol~f, end if the parklny lot Is lost, lhe neigt~bo~hoa~d wil) be !mpacted more. Commissioncr Tolar could no! understand an owncr/developer telling a tenant they cannot park on the property impacting other businesses and felt that proves the school is in the Wf0~19 r IBGC. Commtssioner 8ushore did not think students would park one block awey and wt11 park on streets as close to the s choal a~ ;.ossible~ referring ta the parking situatian at Long Beach SCate where he atte~ded school. Coinmisstoner Tolar polnted out this is a commercial property which roqui ress a certatn amount of parking on-site for users of the complcx and thls complex obviously does not ha~ve that requlred parking. ~+/z ~ iso ~ . MINUTES~ ANA-iE1M C1T11 PLANNING COMMISSION~ APRIL 21~ 1980 ~'~b~ EIR NEGATIYE QECLARATION~ WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENTS AND CONOITIONAL USE PEaFII T N0. 2065 ( CONT 1 NUED) _~ Mr. Lt1Je felt with affice staff~ visltors, ond with students carpooling~ thera wauld ba laas than 3p cars therc at onc time. Commis~toner ilerbst stated 90 spaces are required to meet Code and this la not even cloae. Ne notad stnce this school has been cstablishcd~ the neighborhood has been Impected with ~tudants pdrking ln front of tho ~csidonces and eccording to orlglna) plans~ businesses In this complex would be restrtcted to thase which would not impact the area. Mr. LI1Ja stated they made the stipulattan when they moved tn nnd thought the matter had been rosolved and thn restrictfons were not made clear ar~d they had not reviewed the mettor until a cc~mplaint w es made~ Ne explained thQy have been in op~ratlon there since Dece~er 5, 1978• Conmisslcx~or Nerbst pointed out tf~e opcratlon t~as bcen thcre lltegelly ond if a permit had been requcsted origln~lly~ the5e facts would have tecn dl~cus~~~i. Conml~sioner Toiar statad this was a herdship parccl of ;~~~~~rty and the Commtssio~ wsnted sortbthiny that would be palatable to the netgl~bo~ho~od a~d •he arner cleerly understood that no parking waivers wnuld eve~r bc granted and It was atipulet~d that the uses would be rastrictad. Ile ststed he never would have supp~rtod this request in che bc~inning~ but 1-1/2 years of opere~tlon hos proven It is in the wronc~ place bcceuse there is a defintte pa~king problem now. Commissiv~ar Bustx~re detGrnined that tt~c leasc is for ftve ars with 3-1/2years rert-aintng and Indiceted he cyuld not support the request even tempo~erfly for thet long and felt the schAUl oould be relc+cated. He asked M~, lt lJa to clari fy the landlord's restrlcti~s regarding the parking. Mr. Lil}a ateted part of the orlgtnal agreement tncluJed the limited number of spaces ~~d the nur~ber of spaces is allocoted per squ~r~ foc~t, but it would not be agre~able to assign spaces, so have made an agreement for the students to par+, at ti~e church parking lot. one `~ lock away . lie stated he was concerned with bremking the lease; that he has no qualms searching for anothar location because he does not want these prvblems a~d th~y wc~uld like to be in an appropt'~ste spot~ but could not say at thls ttme how long it would take to find tfiat locatio~. He expialned the school ts contt:~uous with one class starting in March and one in Septenf~cr anc eaCh goes for an entire year. Commtastoner Toier suggested thc petir.io~cr might hav~ some leg~! recourse wtth the owner because this zone does not allaw this uae. «nd he was a~ware of tha parkinc~ ~equtrement in the beginning. Cvmmissiona~ Bushore suggested e six-mo+~th period with review fnr ~elucation an~1 Commfssioner Toter stated he would not support ar~ything longer than ~(x-rn4nth~. Cammissloner Eushore stated the pctitlaner arlli probably have a difficult time ftndtng a locatlon becausc no matter where he goes he wlll have th~ same requirements. 4/21/SO ~/ MI~IUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION~ APRIL 21~ 19~ 80•261 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATIOt~~ WAIVER OF COOE REQUIRCMENTS AND CON~ITIONAL USE PERMIt N0. 2Q6S (CONTINUEO) Mr. L) 1Ja Asked if the use would ba f~esibi~ If thay cen get the ~tudents to park (n the parking lot. fle noted they are the largost tennnts and ststed he would work o~ he problem for six months and try ta resalve the p~oblem and either move or work uut an arrangemnnt with the lancflord. ACTION: Commissioner Dsvid offercd a motfon~ secondcd by Commissloner Bushore and MOTION ~C~ thet ttic Anahetm City Plannt~~ Commtsslon hes reviewed che proposal ta retaln en extsting nursin~ schn~l wlth waivcr ot n,intmum number af parking spaces on an Irregularly- shaped parcal of lend conslstiny of a~praximetely 0.~ ocre located south end west of the southwest corner of Orangc llvenue end Magnolla !-vcnue~ ~nd having approximete frontages of approximutcly 11-i foet o~ t-~e south s i de of QrAnge Avenue nncl epproxir.~ately 77 f~et on the wcst sicta of Msgnolla Avenucs; end docs I~ereby approve th~ Ncgative Declaration from the requlra~ncnt to prcpare an environmenta) impact report o~ the basis that there wauld be no signlf(cant IndividuAl or cumulativc ~~dverse environmental impact due to the approva) of thts t~e~~ative Uecl~ration since the Anahelm Gencrat Plan designates the subJect property for gener~l comn~ercial Innd uses co~m~ensuratc with thc proposal; that no sensitive environi~-ental inpocts ~re Involve~ in thc proposai; tt~at the In(tial Study submitt~d by the pet(tloncr indicates n~ signiflcant IndlvtJuol or cumul8tive edversa environmental lmpacts; and tf,at thc Negatlv~c Declaratlon substantleting the f~regoing findings is on file In the C(ty of An~heim Plunniny Dopprtmen:. Commisst~rer Uushor~ offored a matinr,~ scconded by Commissioner Nerbst and MOTION CARRIEO~ Lhat the Anaheim City Planninc~ Corr,~tsslor~ does hercby cieny the r~qurst for waiver of Gode requlrements on the basis th~t thc existinc,~ usc -7as had a.lctrirr~ntal impact on the surrounding resicientia) nciyhbortiood with studcnt parking on the residentlal street5. Jaek WhICe~ Assis!ant Clty Attorney, pxplaincd the Commission :ould approvc or deny the permit~ and if denied~ recommend to the City Attorney th~t no stringent enfo~cemant ~ctivitles be taken for six montl~s. or it couls! be a~proveu for a limited period ~f time. Cor.missioner Tol.~r preferred the permit be grantecl for six r~bnths, but only if the petittoner suppli~;s a w~itten agreemenC for the off-site parking at tl~e church. Mt'. White explalned the parking walver has been denied so thc petittoner must arovide on- site psrking immedlat~:ly. Commissioner Bushore ~fferad Resolution t~o. PCBQ-6~ and movecl for its pessagt and adoption that the Anaheim Clty Planninq Commission does hereby deny the Petitlan for Conditlona) Use P~rtn(t No. 2Q1,5 on the basi~ that the cxisting it;egal use has created an adverse Impact on the surroundtng residential neighborhood wlth student parking o~ tht residential strects. and the Cummisslon hereay rc~cortxriends to the Ct ty Attor;~cy ;hat no stringent enforcement activittes be cak.en f~r six-manths, if possible. On rotl call, the foregotng resaluti on was p~sseJ by the foilowirg vote: AYES : COMMI SS tONERS : QARidES ~ BUS~fORE ~ DAVI D, FkY ~ HERBST ~ KING~ TOLAR NOES: COr~MISSIONERS: u0-~E ABSEN'f: COMMI~SIONERS: NONC Jack Nhite, Assiscant City Attorney , presented thr~ petitioner wlth the wri~ten right to appeal the Planning Conmisslan"s decisio~ within 22 days to the C~ty Council. aiz~iso ~~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMWISSION~ APRIL 21, 19~0 80-+26Z IT~M N0. PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: RIOS b RIOS CONSYRUCTION ~~~RICAL EXEMPTION CLASS-1 COMPANY, 253G West Lincoln Avenuc~ Anaheim~ CA g2801. V AGEf~T: HANS J. LINDNER~ nl1VARIAN GRILL~ 2524 Wast . 206f3 Lincoln Avnnuc~ Anaheim, CA 92801. Petttioner requests permtssion TO PERMIT TIIE ON-SALE OF BEER ANU WINE IN Ahl EXISTING R~STAURANT WITI1 WAIVEIt OF MiNIMUM NUMaER OF PARFL111G 5PACE5 on proparty described es a rectdngularly-sha~ped p~rce) af land consisting of approxirnately 1.12 acres located at the aouthwest corner of Lincaln Avenue and Gain Streat~ having approximbtc frontages of mpproxlrrM~ely 208 feet on the sauth slda of Lincoln Avenue and Approximately 1SS fcet on the west side of Gain Street~ and further described ea 252~~ Nest Lincoln Avenue (tsavarlan Griil). Pruperty presently classlfled CL (COMMERCIAI, L1~11TEU) 20NE. There was no one Indicatiny tti~tr presence in opposltlon to subJec request~ ~nd elthough the staFf report Cn the Planning Comnisslon dated April 21, 19~0 wax nat read at the public heering~ lt is rafcrred to end mede a part of the mfnutes. -lans Ltndnc~~ part owner of the Bavarlan Grill. steted this is e smalt so up and sandwlch shop, saat(ng approximately 20 people~ and tl~ey find they do need to scl) bee~ and wlne. T~~E PUBLIC NEARIr1G WAS CLOSEQ. It wus nated thc Planning Di recto~ or hls nuthorized representnttve has determined th~t th~ proposed project falls Nithin thc i~ffnitir~n of CategoricAl Exemptlon.•,, Class 1, as defined in par~graph 2~f [he City of Anahrim E,~vironmental Impact Report Gutdelines and is~ therefore~ categorlcally exempt Fr~~m the reauirement to prepare an EIR. ACTIO~~: Commissianer King offereJ a motlon~ secandcd by Gortmissl~ner To1ar and MOTION CARRIEU~ that tl~e Anaheim Gi ty Planniny CdTMnisslon cbes hereby grant the rcquest fo~ walver of Codc requi~emcnt on tl~c besis of the limited size of the property and on the basis that deniat would deprive the prop~rty of prtvi l~yes enJoycd by othcr property under icfent(ca1 ionln~ ctasstficatic~ in the viclnity. Commi ss ioner Kt ng of fercd Resol uti on Na. PCB~-b9 and mov~d for t ts pass:~ge and aciopt lon thdt Lhe M aheim Clty Planning Commiss+on docs hereby grant the Petitlc,n for Conditional Use Permit No. 20Gn~ subject to Intcrdepartmcntal Committec ~ecomnendatlons. Qn ro?1 call~ thc foregoing resolutton was passed by the following votc: AYES : COMt~11 SS I(91:FR5 : BARNES ~[iUS1i0RE , DAV I D~ FRY ~ tiERaST ~ KI ~iG ~ TOLAR NOES: COt1t11SS10~lERS: ~dOflC ABSEN7: COMMISSIONf R5: NONE 4/21/80 ~•+ V MINUTES. A1~11HEIM CITY PLANNING GOMMIS510N~ APFi1L Z1, 19E30 80-263 IT~M NU. 4 PUBLIC tIEARING. OWNERSt TERR/~ FIRMA PROPERTIES~ INC. ~~~'TVE DECLARATION 436 East Katolla Avanue, Suite 20~~ Orrnge~ CA g266]. ~ M 0. 2069 AGENT: J. WAaD DAWSON~ AIA INC.~ 15012 Red Htll .~...~_.. _..__. Avenue~ Tustln~ CA 92680. Petitloner requests permisslon TO PERMIT A MOTEL IN THE CC ZONE on proporty Jascrlbed as an irreguler',y-sl~aped parccl of land co~sistinc~ of opproximately 1,12 ac~es locoteci et the soutf~c~st ca~ner of Wi ~ken Way ~nd Harbor poulevard~ having appraximate frontage~ of eppruxtmately 372 fr.et on the south side of ~lllken Way and epproximatelY 115 feet on the east alde of ilarbor Boulevard, and further describod as 2000 South Na~bor Boulovard. Propcrty presently classific~l CG (CQMNERCIAL. GENC~iAL) ZA-~E AND CH (COMMfRCtAL, NEAVY) ZOIIE. There w as na one in~licating tt~elr prescnce in opposition to SU~jCCC rcquest~ and although the staf f report to th ~ Planninq Cornnls• ion d~ited Aprl1 21 ~ 19a0 was not reac~ 9t the publlc hearing~ !t is referred to ancl mrdc a parG af the minutes. Nard D~.+son was present to answer any questions. TNE PUBLIC NGARINr, WAS CLOSED. Cnmmissione~ IiarbSt reforrc~ to thc easement and asked lf a~ll thc traffic wi ll be out onto Wllken rlay and Hr. Dewson explalned that ls an extsting drivcv+ay. ACTION: ~+~~isstoncr King offsred a rn~tio~~ seconded by Cam~isstoner David and MOTION R IC D, that thc An~heim Clty Pl~nntny Commisslon h~s rcvlewed thc proposat to permlt e motel in thc CG (Gomnx:rciat~ General) Zone on an irregularly-shaped pa~tel of land conslst3 ng uf epnroximately 1.12 acres locete< <~t [1~e southeosc corner of Harbor Boulevard and Wi iknn Wey~ having a frontagc of approximatcly 372 fect on the sout~~ slde of Wilkc:n Wey ~+nd a frontaye of app~oxlmately 11~ feet on thc esost sid~ ~f Herbor Ooulevard; and does hereby approve the tlegative Uaclaratir.+~ from the requirement to prepar~ an anvironmental innact re~ort on the basis that thcr-e would be no signiftcant tndividual or cumulativc adverse envlronmental inpact due t~ the approval of this t~egative Declaratlon since the Mahelm Ceneral Plan designates the subject property rtor ge~eral cam~erclal land uses eommen«~rote with the proposal; that n~ sensitive env~ronm~ntal tmpatts are tnvotved In t~~c propnsel; thot the Inittai StuJy submitted by the petitioner indicatcs no s(gnifi eant individual or cumulativr_ adversc environnMntai impacts; and that the Neg~tive Decla ~a Lio~ substantiacing the fore~ot~g findings is on fllc in the Ctty of Anahclm Plenni~g Clepertment. Commissioner King offertd P~esolution t~o. PC80~7o and moved for fts passage and sdoption ~'~at t h~ A~ah~tm City Planning Comnission does hcreby grant the Petition for Condltiona) ,u Persnit Ilo. 20G~. subJect to Interdepartmental Com~ittee recamiendations. On ro11 call, the toreyoing resolution was pessed by Lhe foliowing vote: AYES: COt4MISS10NERS: BARNES~ 9USI10ftE, DAVID~ FR,Y, NERBST. KItiG~ TOLAR NDES : COFIM! SS I ~NERS : t~ONE A9SENT: CONMI5SIONER5: NOi~f 4/21 /SO ~'~ MINUTES~ ANIUiE1M CITY PIANNiNG COMMISSION~ APRII. ?.1, 19E30 a0-264 ITEM N0. P~~~LIC HCARING. OWNCRS; ROCIC~IELL FARMS~ INC. ~~+t ~) ~ ~~1~VE OECLARATIA~~ P. 0. dox ~-51~ Sur~ City. CA 92381. AGEtJT: IIAROLO CQNUI IONAL U~SE ~'ERh~ IT N. 2071 WIiiG1iT~ 2G13 Shelton Avonue~ S~nta Ana~ CA 92707. ------ Pnt(ttoncr rc~ucsts permission TO PERMIT AN AUTOMO IV TRUCK REPAIP. SNGP IN TI1E ML ZONE on property described as en lrregulorly-shaped percel of land consi~tlny nf opproximately O.G acre located at the southsast c~rner of Mtraloma Ave~ur, and Sun~t~ine Way~ having approximete frontages of approximately 173 fset on tl~e southeast aldc of Mirnloma Av~nue and approximately 4~~2 feet on the east and northwest sides of Sunshinu Way~ c~nd further described as 1290 Sun3hlne Wsy. Prop~rty {~resr.ntly classificJ ~iL (IriousT~in~~ LIMITEU) ZOIIf.. There wer~ tw o penple inclic~tlny their presence In onpositio~ t~ subject rcquest, and elthUUgh thc staff report to the Pl~nning Commisslnn Jatecl Aprll 21~ 1~.",A was not read et the publlt liet~ring~ (t is rcferred t~ and ~e~e a p~'~rt af the minutes. lisrold 1Jright, egent~ w~a present to onswer any questions. Robert 11cCoven~ rcpresentiny owners of elyP~t small industrtal buildlnys along Sunshine Way~ adJ~cant to sub)act prope:rty stoteJ they are uancerned relative to parking in the area; that these a~e InJustrinl builcling~ far industriAl uses with largc industrial trucks in and out of thc a~~a anJ ;10;; af thom do ~~ Jir~ectly t~ Che pr~pcr location~ but occas(anally one will need to turn arou~d and it c~uses •~ Iot af chaos In the perk. They felt r truck rep3tr facility ~nl~ht t~riny in dJditional trafftc. creating ma]or problmns. Ile asked if a conditionnl use permit is necessary for this use bccause it Is not a normally accepted type of us~ for Lhe arc~, and if it Is a he~vlcr uac than light industrial~ felt it woulJ be mnrc compotibl~ In a I~er+vy industr(a~ zone~ noting the~e is thc possibt l i ty of al 1 an~J gasol inc spi I lac~e. fle was also co~ccrned eb~uc thc othcr tenant in the same buflding encl passibilitles of confllcts with truck traffir,~ etc. Peter Swensvn~ owner ~f thc bui Idln~~ at 12G~ Sunshin~ 1Jay. ~nd tenant renting approx(mately ~i500 squ.~rc fcet of the building in ~uestion, was concerned about potentlal nazards. lie explnlned the portion t~e accupies hes two doors and thr.y are us(ng the area to perk tfietr trucks in tlie eveniny and have one or two full-timee warehousEmen and use l'he area for sl~ipping ard ~eceiving; and that tt~ey also have e peint baoth for pai~ttnq parts. tie did n~t thin~: these uses could be compatlble. esp~clally wlt~~ additional traffic tn the srea with custome~s not knowiny tl~e area, stopping anJ creating trafftc problems. tle felt the use wc~uld deffnitely a~'rect fils busin~ss, Ile stat~d hls lease expires In .lanuary; and that it~c use might be c.ompatibie if ha was not already th~re. He stated It wouid be a tremendous exp~nse for hlm to move; chat this is a limited access park and alnx~st all vehicles are ke~t off' the street whlch rt~akes it Nork; that there is an adJecent tenant whu ~oes not hav~: to have ~ condltione) use permit and otcasionally has prlvate trade which causes trouble a~d friction. lie steted he is conr.erned about additionai traffic and consumGr treffic because of the ecc~ss and noted the c~ns wner traffic which has been aliowed~ lega~ly or illeyally~ I~as p rovcn unsatisfacto ry. Hn did not chink this ~e rniit ahould be granted becruse his err~loyees o~casic+nai~y want to leave the buflding end rroulJ he unjuaCiftably penallzed. Ne did not think while he is leasing this buildin~~ the uses would be compatible. 4/a~/8o ~. ~ MI NUT~S ~ a1~ANE I M CI TY PI,ANN I NG COMMI SS I O-t. APR i l. 21 ~ 1980 80-26~ EIR NEGATIVE ~ECLAMTION AND CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT ~~0. 20~ (CONTINUED) flr. Nrtght statncl thoir busincss does not includc trailrrs end (t is specifled in writing thet it Is tractors, trucks ~nd ca~i~ mnd rher~e would be n~ drop-in trade and there is not much vialbtlity from tha freaways. Most of thelr euseomers would be informed by telephc~ne of the locstlon end tald not to bring A traller tn and no~ed these tractor~ requtre only twa-fect more width tha~~ a~ aubom~bil~ for p~-rkiny and they .~ilt be capAble of workinq cx~ twelve vehlcles at a time, compl~tiny five or six per dey. Ile ~'d not think he woutd eeuse any problems for his nelghbors. TNE PUtiLI C HEARI tlf WAS CLQSED. Commissioncr Ilorbst referred to t1~e northern drivewey and locatlon nf the outdoor sto~age end asked (f the norchern driveway (~ the only ncceas~ with Mr. Wri~,;tit replying It Is the dnly vohicular access. Commtssloner I~csrbst felt thts ~ roperty would be tatally unacceptable for a truck r natr faclltty because trailers are considerably larger than an automc~blle and access 1;.hrough the nelqhbor's parking lot with na access through the fron+t. t1e felt six or sever, tractors in and out in a day would cause pfoblCm5. Ile further ~xplalned the Commissian was very Concerned about this problem when the proJe:.t was epprovecl an~ th~t a canditional use permlt (s requlreJ fur a truck repalr fac111ty In all zanes. Mr. Wrf9Pit stated if tl~ere were any questtons tn his minci regarding the acc.ess~ he would not evcsn be rec~uesting the permtt. Ile explained ~~,:; of his businegs wili he repalr of tr~ctors and there wlll be no ~~ork. donc nutsidc and they wil) complcte approxtmately six vehfcles per dt~y and hc has stx er~l~yc~s. He explainc~f the divider tn thc buildln~ fs framewar!:~ with shc~etrock and he did not know whethrr ar not it is soundproof. Commissianer tierbst felt starting the enytne of diesel trucks would be a ioud dtsturbance to others in the building and N~, Wright stated r~tth an exhtiust system the tractors would not be ~ny noisier tt~an an auton~oblle. Corunissi~ner David nated the apQlicant is confidert he can park thesc vehicles inside the buiiding wlti~ no access problerm but he wc~s concerned about the neighbor who has pe rn~i~sion to be there. Mr. Wriyht felt thc opposition vlsualixes trucks t~ the st~eet tryinc~ te get in~ asktng directions~ etc. but he does not think tt~is will be a problem because he has been afflliated with a major trucking compan, for several years and most of his customers will probabiy bc f~or~ that company and w111 know the location. aesponding to Comnissioner Bushore~ Mr. Wrfght explained the outdoor storage araa would be used fpr impounding a vehicle for n~n-payment, etc. and they would be there for app roximately seven days end thet the outdoor storage does nok include the 24 perking spaces. Commissioner Bushcre asked Mr. Swnnson I~aw many spaces he uses for employe•• parking and Mr. Swe~son replied they use ~11 the spaces ad)oining 12Ei0 Sunshine Wa~y. He pointed out t.;tie door thcy use hourly anJ felt it would ba difficult for the ~etitioner to get his trucks in and he was not sure whether his lcase alloaed him co use all the spaces he is using. 4/21/a0 ~-; MINUTES~ ANAHE~M CITY PLAII~~ING COMMISSION~ APRIL 21~ 1980 80-26f~ EiR NEGATIVE O~CIARATIUN ANO CONOITIOI~AI USE P~RNIT N0. 20~1 (CO~~TINUED) ~.... ...,... .. . ~,. ~ . Mr. Swcnson ~x{~lalne~d the build(ng ls being used wlth no electriciry or toitet taclitttes. Ilo potntcd out the paint area and stnted thcre is rr~ ft rewei l. ilo fel t(n a common t~ ant buildiny~ the Fira dop~rtment woulJ have more stringent regulatinns for a truck repeir facility. ~ommissioner Busl~orc asked Mr. Swonson if t~is petnt booth has been appr~ved with no electricl ty. Ilo suggeateJ ap,~rr~val for a one~ycar pcrlod. Fir. Wrtyht statcd he has been told F~~ can have thc whole building the first of the year and fully intends to lease it. ACTION: Commissloner fiushorc affereJ ~ rrotion~ seco~ded by Commissioner Fry and MOTION CA~ED~ xhat the 1lnatieim Clty Planning Corm~iss(on t~as r~viewed the proposal ta permit an automobile and truck repair shAp In the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone on an irregularly- sfioped parcel of land cansistlny nf Approximotely O.G ocre located ~et tt~e southtast corner of Hiralomo Avonue end Sunshine Way, havin<~ r~pproxlmatc frontages of 173 on the southeast side of MI rAlom~ Avenue and ~+~i2 fcet o~ ttie cast and northwest sldes of Sunshtne Way; and doos hereby ap~rove [hc Ilegative Declarptlo~ from tl~e requirPment to ~reparc an environmentol impact rep~rt on the bssis that the~e would be no signtficant Individual or cumulative advers~ envtranmanta) impact duc ta tl~e ~pproval of this Nag~t(ve Declaration since the Anahe(m General Plan destgnates the subJect property far yeneral I~dustrlal land us~s commensurace with the proposal; t1~at no senstttve environmenta) impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initia) Stu~y submittr_d by the petltioner indlcates no significant individu~l or cu.~ulative aciverse cnvi~onmcntal Irr~~cts; and that the Neg~tive Declaration substantiating tl~e forcgoing fin~finc~s is on file in the Ctty of Anaheim Piannlr.~ Uepariment. Commissioner Bushorc off,~red Ra~olucion t~o. PCuA-71 an~~ nwved for its passAge and adoption that the M oheim City Planning :ornmissi~n does herei~y grant Pctition for Condttional Use Permit No. 2071~ f~r a period ~~ ~,~e-year~ s•bJPct t~ r.;view~ end subJect to the p~ttttoner's sclpuldt(on tc~at there ~`~all bc no autdoor storage and all work shall be conciucte~ wPi~lly Inside thc facllity ar,~ that no trailers shall be brough[ to the fecllity~ and subJect to Interdepartme~n~al Committae reconxnendattons. Chairwoman E3ernes wa~ conce~ned about Flr, Swenson's use of the area and asked when he tntends to r~ove with Mr. Swcnson indicat'ng his leasc expires J+~nuery~ 19~1. Chatrwc~man Da rn~:s was atso concerned abo~t the traffic problems end Cortn(sstoner David did nat think tt~erc w~~id be that much of a pr~~pim. Mswerin~ Commissioner Buahorc~ Mr. uright pointed out thcr~ is one othe~~ truck facility in the are~ and three facilities in Orange ancf he Nes not a+~+are of any problems caus~d by them. Commtssioncr Fierbst felt the use belongs !n an industrlat ares~ but felt this is the wrong lacation wi th tt~e 1 icnf ted acccss and iecatio~ of the bui l~ing. Commisxloner Bushore ftlt tha use se rvices tl~e area end wi~h the sLipulation rQgarding no trollers~ ih~re should be no problems and ~clt It should be e llvable situatlon for both bustnesses. 6/z t /Ae ~•; HiNUTES~ At~ANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ APRIL 21~ 198~ EIR NEGA7IVE DECIAf~ATION AND CONQITIONAI USE PERMIT N0. 2071 (CQNTINUED) ..._f.~~~.....r.~..._.....__..~_....._~. Mr. Nrtght explatned the tractors cen be pa~ked In automobile parking spaces. On rol) call, the fo~cgoing resolutlon was passed by the following vote: HYES: COMM~SSIONERS: OARNCS. BUSHORE~ DAVID. FRY~ Kit~G~ TOLAR NOCS : COMrII SS IOt~ERS : NERE35T ABSENT: COMMISSIONCRS: NONC Jetk Whito, Assistent Clty ~ torney~ presented the wrltten rlght to appeal the Planning Commission's deci~~un within 7.Z days to tl•~e City Councll. 80-267 ITEN f~0. 6 PU4LIC IIEARING. OWNERS: AK,IFIE111 MATEL LTb., 2535 €'~~RiCAI EXEMPT .~tJ :LASS-3 Martcopa Street~ Torrance~ CA ~0503. ACENT: S MI VARI At~CE N0. 31 ! PI:ORO S I Gt~ COMPANY ~ 1I2~- M1 raf lor~ns Avenue ~ San Pedro~ CA y0731. Fati tione~ r~quests 41l11VER OF MAXIMUM AREA OF FRCE-STANDING Slf~lS TO ER[CT TWO FREE-STANOING SIGNS on property ~escribcd as a rectangularly-shaped parce! nf land cex~ststing of approximatcly l~.8 acres, havlny a fronta5~~ ~f approximately 35~~ feet on the north side o` Katolla Avenue, having a mAxlmum depth of apf%roximate.ly ;95 (ect and being located approximately 131~ West of the centcrline of Statc Collcge Boulevard~ and further Jescrlbed as 133t East Ketelln ~venue (Remad~ I~n). Praperty prescntly classifled ML (IiJDUSTRIAL, LIMITLD) ZOt~E. The~e was no one tndtcating their presencc in oppc~sit(on to subJect request~ and although ChE staff report to the Planning Commtssion dated Ap~il 21~ 1990 was not read at the publlc hcaring~ it Is referred to and made a part of th~e minutes. Paul Taylor~ agent~ S~n Pedro Slgn Conpany, st~teJ the plan:. show thc aamada Inn stgn on the left slde of the drlveway and tt~e motel entrar.ce sign on the ri~ht anci they would like to reversc thosc two s i gns . THE PUt1L1 C HCARI tIG WAS CLOSED. Commlssioner Oavid potnted out chis request is double the sign parmttted ~nd Mr. Taylor sald this size woul~f bQ allowable if it were back 50 feet and there is less tha~ onc square foot of siyn per lineal foaL of frontage. Gomm(sstoner King asked if the sign cuuld be recfuced to 1~2 squ.~re fdot as g~anted f~r~Mr. Stox'~and kr. Teylor dld not think his tlient wauld want the sign reJuced that much. Ne notad the size of the motel ~roperty was much larger than the restau~a~t property a~~d stated thts is one of the stendard smalier motcl siyns. Commissione~r Hefist referred to the large wal t sign~ the larger sign out front a~nd the entrance sign which all read "kamada Inn" and felt the entrence sign sl~a~ld confo~m to the Ordtnance of three syuare feet and fclt the other siyn is toc- large, and he had no problem with the hetyht. Fle suggested reducfny the sign Co 182 square fect~ wl'h the 3-square foot entrs~ce sign~ requiring only a parttal watver. Mr. Taylnr potnt~d ouc a" Ramada Inn" siyn rcquires morr i~tters than "Mr. 5tox" and felt that shou'.~ be consfdered. It was noted the Planning Qirector or hls auth~rized representative has determin~d that the proposed pro,Ject falls wtthin the definition af Categorical Eaemptions, Class 3. eR defined tn paragra ''' of the Ctty c` Anahetm E~vironme~tal Impact Report uidelines end is, therefore, cr ically exempt from the requlrement to prepA~e an EIR. ~/21/80 i~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANIIINC COMMISSION, APRIL 21~ 1980 8p-268 EIR CATEGORICAt, EXEMPTION-CLASS 3 AND VARIANCE~1~0. 3146 (CONTINUED) ACTIOt~; Commisalc~ner Hyrb~t offered Resolution No. PC3~-7: and moved for its passaqe snd aToptfen that the Anahair~ City Planning Coaxnisston does hereby g~Ant Petitlon for Varlance No. 3146~ in part~ ailowtr;~ a free-atanding sign of 182-squ~re feet an~ an entra~ca aign of 3•square feet on the b~sis that denial would d~prive sub}ect proNerty of e privilege enJoyed by other property owners in the aer~e zone and vtcinlty and subJect to Interdepartmenta) Committec recommendations. On roll tall~ the forcyoing resolution was passed by the fallowt•,;; votc: AYES: COI~-~ISSIO:ICRS: DAV1U~ FRY~ HLRbS7~ KI-~G~ TOLnR ~IOCS ; CON'!I SS I OIIEI',S : 9AR~IES ~ BUSr10^f AeSE~IT: COf1t115510t~ERS : NO'IE J~cl: White~ Assistant Lity Attorney~ presentcd t!~c writccn rla~~t to ~ppea) tt~e P1an~ifnq Cortris5ion's decisior wit!,irti 22 ~1~ys tc~ the Clt~ Co.,ncil, ITFIt Nr,, 7 ~ P. S ~i:; RECOrr~~~,;~~~TI~t:S The followinc,~ Rep~~rts and Recomnendations staff reports werr presented but not read: A. TE117~,TIVE Ml,P OF TF.'~CT NOS. IOS;;7 and 1~5~t - Fec;uest for extension of tlme. by .lanes .~. McCartt~y~ VT.~, in orucr to completr processing of the ffnal t~att naps for p~operty locatec! on tl~e west side of Not~l Ranch Roed~ e~~roxir~ately 271 feet south of tf~e centerline of Canyon RIM Ro~J. ACTI~i~: Commiasioner Kiny offered a motlo^ seconded by Cormissiener David and M IGt: GhR~ICJ~ that ti~c Ma~~ei~~~ City Planninq Ca~mission ~oes he~cby grant a one-year extenslon of time to expire on July 3~ 19;;1~ for ?entative Map of Tract I~os. 105~; an:i tO;LG. li. COC;JITIUt~~.L USE PCP.ttfT k0. 1"1'. - Request for termination from William C. aurm na~ aor~,,~na ndustr es~ for p~o~,Grty at 301 N~rth Anaheim ~oulevard. ACTIOt~: Comr~issioner K1ng offe~ed Rcsolution t~o. PC80-73 and moved for tts pas:aye and adoption that the Maheim Ctty Planning Ca;u~issiun does hereby terminate all proteedinys in connection v+'~n Conditional Use Permit No. 1uib. On roll call~ tlie foregoing resolution was paised by the foliowing vote: AYES: COnni:SIQ~~ERS: BARNES~ BuStiORE~ ~AV1o~ FP,Y~ NER85T~ KING~ TOLAR NOES : COIStt I SS I OI~ERS : NONE A8SE11T: COt1~115510!IERS; NONE 4/2t/&0 ~ MINUTES~ ANAl1E1M CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION, ll~'RIL 21~ 1960 f30-269 REPORTS ANU RECOMMENDATIONS (CONTINI:~D) ..._ C. CQNUITIONAL USE PERMI_T_N0._ 1~~b - Rcqurst for one-year extension of tlm~ from HeZen~i o~n,~rv ne 'ntcrprltes~ to permlt a t~nt cemping factlity In an axisting racreAtlonal vel~icie perk et 333 d~d 1~75 West Dall Road. AGTIAI~: C~mMissione~ King affered t~ inotion~ seconded by Comr+~isStoner Qavid and 1~~1 CARRIkD, thc~t tl-c Ana~helm Clty Plnnntnn Commisslon does hereby c~rant th~ request far ~ one-year extenston of time ta ex~ire ~~n May 2i~ 1~81~ for Condltlonal Usc Permft No, iL~;;. U. Af3~liU011MLNT N0. 7'i•27A - Requcsst t~ aba~idon e~ortlon of the "Qld" 5ant~+ AnA Cany~n Road, lying southerly of chc Santb Ana Canyon Road and west of the S.I1.V.1. Canal from M. C. Nic~:le~ Classtc Develop~~nt Corp. Co~imisstoner lierbst oske~ whetl~er the access ta Y.uby's Garden ~enter wlll be aff~clcd if this rcyucst is denie~l nnd Jey Titus~ Officc Ene~ineer~ explained thc~ir access weuld be protect~cf tl~rau~li deni~l. ACTION: Cammissioner Kin~ offered n nx~tlon, secondec! by Cartinlsstoncr U~vid and MOTION CARRIED, that thr I1nAhe(m C;ty Plenning Commisslan does hereby recommend to the Ci t~ Counci I that the rec~uest for Abandonment t~o. 78-27A be denied as ~ec~mn~cn~ed by v~rious City departments. E. GONUITIONA~ USE PLRMIT NU. l,t' - Request for retros+ctive sxtenslon of time frvm lbna~ d L. Sha ar~ to pcrmit tf~~ expansion uf a cocktail louny. And dance h~+ll at 1203 West Linc~ln Avenue. ACTION: Commissioner t;ing offered a motion~ secc~nded by Co~missioner Oavtd anct MQTIOM CIIP,RIEU. thr.t the lln~hcim i.ity Planning Commission does hereby gr.tnt the requcst for a one-ye~r~ retr~active extension c~f timc tu exp:re on Aorl~ 10~ 19i,1~ for Conditional Usc Permit No. 1~1?. F. CUtIUITI('' 1L USE PERMIT N0. 1~i25 - Request for a onc •year ext~nsion of tirr-~ from La~ry W. ates~ Robert Sch- uTfer Ministries, t~+ permlt a cemete ry on prC~~erty loc~ted on the east sicie of Lewis Street ana th~ southwe~t sidc of Manchester. ACTION: Commissioner Kiny ~ffered a motion~ seccndcd by Commissioner Davld and 1F`~p iQN CARRIED~ ch~~t the Anaheim :Ity Planntng ,;omnissian does hereby grant request for a onc~year exten;ton of ciric t~ expire on Jun~ 6~ 1981~ for Cnnditional Use Pcrmit No. 't~2;;. G. R_EI~UEST FOR RECLASSiFICATION OF P ARCELS LOCATEO ON THE t~ORTN SIDE OF LINCOLN AVEI~UC-EAST flF WESTERttJ AVENUF. - by the Ctty Plann~ng Dcpartment due to reguests ~'ror^ 13 o the 1~ Nroperty ~ners in the 31~0 blocl. of west Lincoln Avenue. ACTIO~J: Commissioner Kit ~ffered ~:~otion~ se:.~n~ed by Commissione~ Dav1d and MOTIO CARRIEa~ that the ~~naheim City Planning Commtssio• cnnsiders the inltiation of recl-,ssification of property located at 3-~3-31F5 tJest Lincoln Avciu~ from RS-7200 (P,esldential, Singte-Femily) 7.one to the CL (Comrnerctal, Limited) Zone appropriate at Chis r.ime. 4/21/8@ i~ ,~ r MINUTES~ Af11WtIM CITY PLANNING CQMNISSION, APRIL 21~ 1984 ~•z7~ REC€SS Thrra was A fifteen•mtnute ~ccess at 3s35 P•n~ .,......._ RECONVkNE Thc meeting w~s r~conv~nod at 3:5n p.m. _.....~._...- PUC3LIC WORK SESSION ENVIRQNMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0. 231 'v~N'~A7CL~ L~JCN ~N D ~I N 0. a~ - ---- 1. ANENDMENT TO 1'HE LAND USE EIEMENT: Alt~~ ~posAls of ultimate land uses nc uding. but not mlted to li ll~i~e Es ~iliside Low-Nedlum~ Hillside Medlum, General Commercfal ~nd Gencral Open _,ace far en A~CA ~f approx(mately 9y0 acres generally located souch of the Bauer ae~ch. wr.st of the Wellace snd Douglass Ranches~ northwcst and north of [he sauthern Californla Edlson casement and east of th~ present An~helm Nllls Planned Comnunlty. 11. A~IENDMENT 70 Tt1E CIP~CULIITION CLEMEt~T; Praposal to Jelete Monte Vista Road between 5anta Ana Cenyon aoad end Weir Canyc~n Road as a Hillaide Arterlal Highway. Followiny a lengthy discussion, the Planning Comnlssfan Indtcated no additlonal alte rnatives need be presented at tl~e continucd publl~ henring an May 3, 1g~0. AUJOURNIIENT: Commissioncr Fry offcred a motion~ seconded by Ca-xnissfoner Qavid and MOTION CARRIED that the meeting be adJc~urned. The meeting was ad,jnurnr_d at 7~0(1 p.m. Respectfully submitted~ ~~. ~ ~~...:. Edi*.h ~. Harris, Secretary Anaheim Gity Planning Commission ELH:im 4/21/~