Minutes-PC 1980/10/06~. Ctvfc Center Anahetm~ C~lifornia Octaber 6~ 1980 REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION aEGULAR - The regula~ meeting of the Anahelm Ctty Planning Commtssion was celtad MEETING to order by Chairmen Pro Tempore~ Buchore et 1:30 p.m.~ October 6~ 198Q In the Council Chsmbnr~ e querum be~ing present. PRESENT - Chelrmen Pro Tampore: Bushore Commi:sin~ers: Ra~nas~ Bc~ues~ Fry~ flerbst~ King ABSENT - COMMISSIQNERS: Tolar At,SO PRE5ENT - Jock Wh t te Jay TI tus Annika 5antalahti Joe) Ftck J~y Tashiro ~ean Sherer Edlth Harris Assistant City l~ttorney Offlce Eng(n~er Asststant 0lrector tor Zoning Asststant Director for Planntng P.ssoclate Plenner Assistant Planner Planning Comm(ssfon Secretary PLEOGE OF - The Pledge of Atlegience to tha Fleg was ted by Comnissloner Bouas. ALIEGIANCE APPRO~'AL OF - Commt ss ione~ Kt ng of fe red ~ mo[ 1 on ~ seco~ded by Comml ss (oner Herbst TH~ MiNUTES and MOTION CARRIEQ (Chatrmsn Tolar being absent)~ that the minutes oF the meettng of September 22~ 1980 be apprc,ved ss submitted. CaNTINUEp ITEMS ITEM NA. 4 PUBLIC HEARINC. ~NERSt E041ARD ANO CHERYL L. ~~VE DECLARATION PADiLLA~ 4702 Cedar~ Yorbe Linda, CA 92686. ~ • -81-12 Property described as a rectangularly-shaped perce) C DI 10 L U E ERMIT N0. 211 of land conststing of epproximetely 0.89 acre~ N N0. 1 6 havt~g a frontage of approximately 220 fert on the narth side of South Street~ having a iaaximum depth of approximately 115 feet~ and being located approximately 200 feet west af the unterltnn of Anaheim Boulevard~ and further descrtbed as 115-129 ~lest South Street. Property presentiy classified PD-C (PARKING DISTRICT, COMMERCIAL) IONE. RECLASSIFICATION RE~UFST: RM-3000 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST: TO PERMIT A 22-UNIT AFFORDABIE CONDOMiNtUM COMPLEX. TENTA7IVE TRACT REQUEST: TO ESTAaLtSH A 1-LOT~ 22-UNIT AFFORDABLE CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION. It was noted the petitioner has requested a two-week continuance of the aforement~oned metter. ACTION: Commissione~ ':~g offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Herbst and MOTION ~TE'0 (Chairman Tolar oeing absent). that the A~aheim City P{an~ing Co~ruission does hereby ~continue consideratio~ of the ararementioned maCter to the regularly-scheduled meeti~g of October 2Q~ 1980 at tha request of the petittoner. 80-557 t0/6I80 ~ L NINUTES~ q~E1M CITY PLAMNING COMNISSION~ OCTOSER 6~ 1980 80-558 ITEM M0. 6 PUBLiC HEARINQ. O~bINERSs NICNOLAS AND MA~Y URSiNI~ ~~II~~A~~RItAL EXEMPTION • 1;3a Pacb~l~~ Whtttier. CA 90603• ACENT: JOHN H. CLASS 1 DAW50N~ 4650 Von Karmsn~ N~rvport 8each, CA 92G60. ~~ONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2117 Petttioner roquests parmission TO RETAIN AN AOULT ENTERTAINMENT SUSINESS IN THf CR IONE on prnperty described a~ • ~ertangularly-shapsd pa~cel of land consisting of approxtmately 1.03 acre having a frontage of approxlmately 150 feet on the north side of Katella Ave~ue~ havtng • maxtmum clepth af approxln~tely 300 fset and bciny loc~ted appr~xlmstely 830 feet easC of the centerltne of Harbor Boulava~d, and further descrtbed as 401 west K~talla Avenue~ /C. Proporty presently ciasstfled C-R (COMMERCIAL, RECREATION) ZONE. ~: was noted th~ petitioner has requestod a four-week conttnuance. ACTION: Commisston~r Ktng offared e m~tion~ sacond~d by Commlsatoner Herbst and MOTION ~~~ (Chatrn~n Tolar being ~bsa~t)~ thsi the Maheim City ~IAnning Commtssion does he~eby conttnue consideration of the aforementioned matte~ to the regularly-schaduted meeting of November 3, 1980 at the requcat of the petitioner. frontage of 220 feet on the clsssified RS-A-43~A00(SC) PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: TEXACO-ANAHEIM NILlS, INC.~ 380 Anahelm Nills Road, An~f~etm~ CA 92~07. AGENT: ERIK 6ERG~ ANAHEIM HILLS, IkC.~ 380 Anaheim Hllla Road~ Anah~im~ CA 9Z807. Pr~aperty descrtbed as ~r~ trregularly-shaped parcel of land conststtng of ~pproxi+nately 7~.0 acres at the southwest corner of Avenida de Santiago and Hidden Canyon Road havtng approximate frontages ~~f 2~75 feet o~ the aouth side of Avenida de Santiago and a west side of Hidden Canyon Road. Propert~y preaently (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL - SCENIC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZONE. RECLASSIFICATION REQUEST: PORTION A- RS•A•43~004(SC) TO RS-HS-22,000(SC) PORT~ON 6• RS-A-43~000(SC) TO RS-HS-b),000(SC) TRALT REQUESTS: TO ESTABLiSN 3 TRACTS COI~SISTING OF: 22 RS-HS-22,000(SC) LOTS ANO 14 RS-HS-43,000(SC) LOTS. TREE REMOVAL REQUEST: TO REMOVE 6 5PECIMEN TREES. SubJect petitten was conttnued from the meetings of Sept~mber 8, 1980 and September 22~ 1980 at the request of the petltlone~. There were app~axtmately etght (8) persons tndicating their presence tn opposltton to subJect request~ and although the staff ~eport to the Planning C~tnission dated October 6, 1980 was not read at the public hearin4~ it is referred to and made a part of the minutes. Dan Salceda~ Anahetm Hllls~ Inc.~ 3a0 Anaheim Hills Road~ Anaheim. Caltfornia, explained Anahefm Hiils is a planned community of approximntely 43,000 acres in the northeast portion of the City of Anahelm. He st~ted one of the goals of both the Anaheim and Canyon Area Gen~ral Plan is to foster a variety of ltfestyles and housTng styles within the planned community and this request iR for approval of these three tentetfve tracts with 10/6/84 1,., ; ~ • MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CONMISSION~ OCTOBER 6~ 1980 80-S59 EIR N0. 236. RECI.ASSIFICATION N0. 80-81•9 AND TENTATIVE MAP OF TMCT NOS. 10~~6t 10~9]~ 10998 AND REQUEST F_Oll RE,MOV_Al. OF SPECIMEN TREES (CONTINUEO) thet goal in mind; that tha sub)ect araa is •pproximately y$ ac~~a zaned RS•A•43•004 end the re~uested zoning Is the RS•HS-22~000(SC) and RS~-HS-~3~000(S~); and that the Gena~al Pla~ alivws a denslty of 1.5 units pe~ ac~e end this aaplic~tlon ts fa~ denatty contisting of i/3 of what Is approved. Mr. Salced~ polnted out the exfiibtt showing ~he open space p~oposed end explslned the~e will be mtnimsl q~eding to insure balanc~ between the goals of the development snd setit~fying the concerns of tho ecology of the e~ea. He felt this ts one of the most scruttntied proJects that has ever coma befo~e the City of Anah~im and we~ diacussed as far b~ck as 1978 when the subJact ~rea was being suggested fo~ I~corporation Into the City of Aneheim by o sphere of i~fluence cha~ge and aubsequent annexatlon. Mr. Sslcada stst~d e ve ry pronaunced Envlronmental impact Repo~t wss done tor the area and subsequentiy GPA 155 was ~pproved and public hearings were conducted b~fore the City Council and Planntng Commission and these tracts are s culminatlon of that whola procesa ~nd they ara ssking the Commission to revtew this proJect tn Iight of whet happaned at thosa heartngs. Mr. 5alceda presented a smal) portton of the •nvtronment~t impect reparts and thetr supplements which have been prepared and submttted for this parttcular area~ and requested that they be incorporated tnto the mtnutes of thts meettng~ as wel) as the t~anscripts of the prevfous Pia.nning Commtsston and City Councll hearings. Mr. Salceda re.auested that further comments be defer~ed untll after the op~osltion has spoken. R. A. Bonder~ Attorney~ 16152 Beach Bouleva~d~ Suite 279~ Hunttngton Beach, CA 92647~ steted he haa a lot of [hings ta say in oppc~sPtion and noted the petitioner has said he is holding tn reservc some rebuttal inforrt~tion that he wlshes to preaent; that th~ oppos'tion only ~,as ftve minutes to present thetr information which is rather a short time to protect the life of the Ca~yon. He explained there are ffve indivtduals present who would like to prese~t Information to give the Commisslon a better understanding of what fa gotng o~ in this proJect. He stated these individuals have worked in the ~rea and understand the btology and flora and fauna of the Weir Csnyon and will show how thts pro~ect presents a severe danger to the Canyon and thetr obJecttve is to protect Wetr Ca nyon . Pete Bloome~ graduate student at California State U~iversity Long Beach, representtng Saa and Sage Chapter of che Audubon Society~ 13611 Hughes Aven~e~ Santa Ana~ Callfo~~ta, 92705~ presented slides oP the Weir Csnvon a~Cae He e~lained his specitic area of tnterest is ornithalogy~ particularly predacory birds. The slides showed current develapment~ Coast Ltve Oak t~ees~ birds of prey~ water shed~ proposed County park area, bottom of the Canyon~ flowers~ g~ound squtrreis~ roadrunner~ bobGat~ g~ey fox~ ~aptors. toc~per's hawk, raven, crow, red-shoulder hawk and explained one pa~r has been nesting there since 1965~ red tail hawks~ nasts and s~cplained nests ere already disappearing becaust of the human lntrusion~ great-horned ow1s, barn avls~ sandstones~ white-tatl kytes and explained one is ~esting ap~roximately 100 yards fran the proJect stte~ scraech awls, Aaiertcan kestrela, ane-palr of goide~ ea~gle and explatned golden eagles neat in the area~ rwt speciftcally Weir Canyon~ smell rodents~ tree f~dg~ gophe~ snake, untque rock hendmade by Native Aa4ertcans, ft~st dlscovered in 1q31 but not recorded as an srchaaologsciai site unttl 197a or 1979 cortunanly referred to"A1ta~:tone"and tts stgniflcance in unknewn~ a 10/6/80 ~4 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITV PI.ANNING COMMISSION~ Or,T~dEa 6~ 1980 80- 5b0 E 1 f1 N0. 2 36 ~ ItECLASS I f I CAT I ON H0. 80• 81-9 ~ TENTAT I VE MAP OF TMCT uec_ ~naa~_ ~eov~_ ~e9q8 ~.H~ REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF SPECIM~EN TREES (COHTINUED) ~prin~, bed rock morta~s about 150 y~~d• oft proJ~ct sits, grooves in ~ock with unexplained oriflin: and pectin• from c+ysters. Ha staLed they fear some of this evidenca w111 be destroyed hefore It can be docums~t~d end they feel if this pro~ect Is developed this are~ can be forgottan at being consid~red as o County park. He steted S~~ end SaQe Chapter ~` going o~ ~acord as oppost~q thi• p~oJect. During the slide presentation he stated th~ dominsnt fe~tu~e of the C~nyon Is the Coast live O~k T~ees; that this is b~:ic+~lly a pristen untouched area and ts what tha Saa •nd S~qe Chapter proposed as a State/Lounty park end tha srea has been naninated on the U. S. Fish and Wildltfn Se~vice as a unique rca-system progrem~ and the treea attract e lot of wiidlife a~d birds Uf prey. Tho proposed developmsnt would conttitute •n invaslo~ of th~ watershod and eliminate tha possibility of thia area being preserved ss a vlable scoto9t~.a1 area. He expleined some of the slldes were t~ken off the stte~ but do represent meny of the sights seen In the Canyon. Tho proJect area it hunting habttat for many b i rds of prey . Mr. Bander statod the developer~ themselves ~~e using soms af these slidas to advertisa and entice people to b uy lend in the area end by doi~g thts are actuaily destroytng the lend. Cathy Nelson. 9091 Holder~ p33~ Cypr~ess~ Californta~ 90G3Q~ steted Californta ts presently tn da~ger of iosing an Impo~tant part of its blotic herttage•-the Oaks. Botanists over the t~st decade have becarr~ lncressingly concerned that these trees are nat reyenarating~ and that raptd u~banlzAtion Is dest~oying remalntng trees. 1~Ihile the rogeneration probiems varlr with eech particular species of Osk. Just abaui everywhere a~d especlally In ~aµiMly ~ev4lo~itiy; OrBnye Caunty~ urbanizatton 1~ tha most Immedtate thr~at. The th~aat is n~it only the direct elimination of Oak trees~ 6ut aiso the potenttally dfsa:terous tmpacts on the Oak woodland of Metr C~nyon occurrirg both Inside and outsida th' oroJect area as a result of the alteration af grade, dtsruption of natural drainage~ alteration of the ~atural w~tering regiman~ inc~sased surfaca r~ofts~ siltatlon and soll co~npactlon~ atc. Only if the conditions necessary for the survival of tht: Oak v+oodland are tdentifted and studied a~nd all the signiflcant fsctors exami~ed, can a plan be davised that matntains the balance necesssry for the survival of this Oak woodla~d. Eve~ when developers~ including Anahalm Hiils~ Inc.~ have incorpo~at~d Oaks within thsi~ p~ajects~ impropar h~ndting oftan means thet these Oaks alll dia. Ns. Neison continued that the Oak aoodland under consideration here~ both on and off the proJ::~i area, has been dcemed so signttiunt tn ter~ of wildllfe menagcment as to ba listed c~ the U. 5. Ftsh and Wildiife Ssrvice Uniqua Eoo-aystem Program snd provldes foo~, hebitat~ ~-!elter~ and ~esting for hundreds of species ot wildlife. Thesa Oaks pa~forai an tmportant function In modnrsttng neighborhood climete~ detoxifying the alr~ reducing noise and stabilizing siopes. This is important in this proJect area where air q wlity will deteriortata below Federa) and State standa~ds and whera houses butit on hilistdes often experlencn slides aftar heavy ~ains. Sha stated additionally~ this Oak woodland i~ considered an important cultura) resource due to the historic and ~rchaeolagical associatio~ and their tnherited significance to California Nat~ve AnK rtcans~ particularly tha local Juanena Indians. She suba~itted a report on the culturel factors as pa~t of the reoord and stated historically thts Oak woodland has bean the scene of actlvlties which encompass the entire ~s~ge of Orange 10/6/80 ~'' d ~ 1 MINUTES~ ANAMEIM CRTY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOBER 6~ 1980 80•561 EIR N0. Zj6~ RECLASSIFICATION N0. 80•81•g~ TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 10 6 10 10 8 ANO RE UEST FOR REMOVAL Of SPECIMEN TREES (CONTINUED) u~-t1~ •tory en npres~nt nun~rou~ commerc ~ enterpr se~ an traditlon• of particula~ Int~rsfC ts the old ox-ce~t tra11 throuqh tl~~~ q~yon ove~ whtch htdss ~nd tallaw from the ranch~ro~ we~e tr~n~ported to San Ju~n C~plstrano. Ox-ca~t tra(ls can be observed ,just (mmedi~t~ly off th~ proJect sito ~nd • po~tlon of ths t~atl did extend throuqh the Anahalm N111• pro)~ct~ Ms. N~lson state~f secondly~ the assoclitton of numsrous archaeologlcal sites with these O~ks ii bec~use the acorn was a nyjor dletery stspla of the C~Iifor~la Indlans end thi• Is t nd ( cated by the presence of bedrock mortar• and hsb 1 ta t ton s t tes such ~s S( te 321 w( th f n this p~oposed praJect. The assoclatton of bedrock mortars Nlth the unique grooves In the altarstone lacated immedi~taly adJacent to the proJect mey tndicate rellglous or caremonial signific~nce of these Oaks trees. She added, flnelly. the Oaks ere of herttage stgnificence to Califa~nia netive Americans becausa exami~atlon of its role In thelr lives dtscioses msJor •spects ot their culture. For e~umpi~, understending of the Oak Is extremely tmportent to an unde~ttsnding of mtgratton ond 'ettlement patte~ns (n revidv ot ritusl. dtet~ equipment use~ divlslon of labor~ status ofwomen~ medicine~ games~ track~ sx lal/cultural camplexity ownership e~d warfare. She felt the fact th~+t so much culture can be understood from thoae trees, tndtc.~te thai r persmount (mportance in the Ilves of ths Indiana and preservation Is tmpo~tant to the Ju~neno Indian banci. !t Is hoped the Pla~ning Cammission wlll conside~ the outstanding biologic and cultural stgniftcance of these Osks and ~I1 the potenti~lly destructian imp~cta of thls proJect before making any declsion. Fred Estr~de, 2833 Cedar Rtdge~ Ont~rio~ CalitornlA~ 91~b1 stated he Is a member of the tribel counci 1 of the Jwneno band of Mtsston Indt~ns e~d read a five page statement requesting that e Ju~neno monitor-observer be requlred durtng any bulidozfng, grading~ dttch-dtgging or other cy{~e of earth ~emaval on the proposed developmene. q c~py of the stetement Is on fite tn the Planntng Depa~tment. Or. Charles Collins, Department of Biology, Californfa State Universtty, Long Besch~ 90840~ stated hnwouid like to discuts certsin aspects of the anvtrorwnental 1 perticularty che faunlatic mP~ct report~ po~tlon. He re~d letters fran the follcwing: Stwrt L. Marter~ PH.D.~ Profe~sor of 8lology~ Californls State Univ~erstty~ long Beach; Robert C. Ciover~ PH.D., Associate Professor~ ~ioiogy~ GI State-I.ong Beach; Cevid G. Huckaby, Aasociate Professor~ Department of Blal4gy~ Ca1 State-~on, Beach. (Copics of these letters are in the Planning Oepartment files in addttion to Dr. Chartes Colltns' statement.) Dr. Collins a~d hla easociates felt the environment impact report is inadequate beuuse the investigationwss conducted withtn a stngle ten-day perlod during one seaaon of the yea~ and incomplete information is provided~ and aiso there ia mlatdentificatian of certain antn~is. Dorothy Mansfield•Jones~ Plant Ecologist~ Cal State-long Beach. stated she read the nvtes of the btologiu) field reccmnaiss~nce mede by the Daipes and Moore btologists. aa weli as the flora snd f~una survey and consistantly throughout these ~epores has seen the tern~a "on the proJect slte" or 'lvtthin the l imits of the p~~Jects" and tn Or. Tho~na=~ report~ "In tF-e •~ea surveyed" or "tn the proJect ar~a" and felt thera seems to be an impllcatton thi t in soa~e way thi s proJect area Is separate a: a untt from the rest of the Canyo~ and that anything done to tt will in ~o way affect the remaindar of the Canyen~ even though t0/6/80 ~` S MI NUTES ~ ANAHE 1 M C 1 TY PLANN 1 NG C011M1 SS I ON, OCTObEa 6. 19~0 E/A N0. 236~ RECLASSIFICATION l10. 80-81-9, TENTAt1V~ Ml1' 4F TMCT NOS~ 10 6 10 10 8 AND RE UEST FOII ItEM~VAI Of SPEC I M~N TaEES 80•SG2 (CONTIMUEQ) t ha dewlopmsnt w111 bs on the rid9sltne of W~Ir Canyon and ext~nd Nell upper slopes. 'T1~e vs9et+~~~°^ of Wa~~ Canyo~ itself is the ~esult of an ~wltltude of t~ctors snd no o~a of thete factors can stand elone snd yo d~e~tie cha~ye ln any ane of thet~a factors~ and expect the ramslnd~r of remeln the s~me. She felt urtal~lY the constructlon ~f houstng on the s lopes is • drastic ch~~ge. darn i nt4 the I~t~r~ctlo~ of a u unnot consider a the Canyo~ to upper part of th• She stated both of these repo~tr correctly state th~t on the proJect site there (s l imited r~unbdr of Coast llve O~ks anJ •long the Inte~mlttent ttreams are a fea Tayo~s with Elderberry bushes as well ~ and a ce~tal~ emount of chappa~el and sage or scrub bush~ but as yau get to the bottom r'' the Canyo~~ the flora Is much more i~teresting ~nd becon~s aiuch richer; th pient communities tn taltfornia a~lopes do not stmply start and stop and there is e graou~t chsnge and upon reaching tho strranr~. the chsnge Is trom the typiesl C~lifo rnia graseland Coastel sege to an excepttonslly well developed bettomland of Celifornia Live Oak~ The bottom of Welr tenyon could ~er:•y be called a~n Oak forest or O~k grova~ because it is not )ust scattered trees. Ms, Manstleld•Jones continued that the pre~ence of thase Oaks makes the vdriety of wlldlife in Wei~ Canyon possible and the O~k t~ees must heve proper tempe~atu~e~ water, propa~ soil chemistry end texture~ proper siope and an91e and these fmctors hav~worked together over the y ears to produce this typa vegetation and unique ecosystem. anvironmental fectors that brought about the existence of thls type of vegetation are not thase that ~re l imtted to the erea immedtately i~nder the Oaks snd they go ~11 the way from the b attom of the the Canyan to the ridgeln.ne and from ridgeline to ridgallne this Canyon must be wns 1 dered ss Ane un i t. She felt there fs no question Lhat the develo~nent in the upper part of the canyon wil) change the Canyo^ itself and there is nc~ n~-sterious line belaw wfilch the grading. housing and rt+eny more pe~ple are not going to have an effect on the bottom of the Canyon and they will also change ;he environman*. that produced the Oak groves and lf the development ls done carefully~ msybe tt will not change the are~ very much~ but If it raina during cansiructioi-~ mo~e soi) wi11 be washed down to the bottom of che Canyon anJ Oak trees are extremely fragile, pa~ticularly with motsture at the wrong timc af the year snd their reectlon to soll piled on their roots. Erosion would probably mean more development of the "root rol fungus" and evtdently lead to dest~~+ctlon of the groves. Sh~ steted development of County lands Is the responsibility of the elected off;cials, developers and land owne n and any park construccion is certainly up to the taxpeyers an~ allowing an undavelnped~ rrountainland area such as thts Lo be develop~d with housl~g is ectuatly meking a decision thst tha area beneeth is going to be cl~anged as well and in ellowing such davelopment, It is ludZcrous to asswne that the envi~onmental effects are restrlcted to the parttcumu~ar~ea~Q't~angei in heEecflsystem,breaching the watershed of this Canyon wi 11 bagln a g Mr~ 8ender p~es~nted a~ map sha+ing the ri dgel lree~ development area ~rod the area they a~e (nte~estnd in prokecting. Ne st~+ted the oppositton has pointed out the effect o~ the Can~-on if the ridgeline Is cut and polnted out in prior meetings the ~"~"stated thst wlil alrear)y heerd that Anaheim Htlls~ Inc. tntends to cut the ridgetine. effact t~~e entire Canpon and the Canyon v+i1) be lost snd they have fought vigorously to prv~ect that Canyon as ~ natural prese~ve for a park. 10/6/84 ~ MINUTES~ IWAHEIM CI~Y PLANNIN6 COMMISSIQN~ OCT08ER 6~ 19~ ~•563 Ela N~. 236~ RECLASSIFICATiON N0. 80~81-9, T~NTATIVE MAP OF TMCT NOS. 10996. 10997. 10998 AND REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF SPECIMEN TREES (CONTINU~p) ~~ ~~~~~~w~.i ~n.~~.~~~~.r M~. B~nder ~tated during the hurin9s p~rt~ining to EIR No. 231 and (ts ~uppiemsnts~ Dr. Thomas tatkad •t g~eat lanflth o~ sc~ub bush and rats with fleas. but never got to the point af what Is rsally in th~ C~nyon{ ~nd that he had disc ussed the ~Idgelins; th~t h• h~d not discuased tha p~ed~tors cycl• ~nd notad th~t at differant seasons snd timee of the yeer ~hay ~re i~ diffar~nt placet; thai Or. Thom~s' roport cove~ed 1A or 12 days In Ap ril and other exparts from Ca) State-Lonfl Baach h~ve satd if ~ p rod uctive ~urvay Is to be accompltshed. it must start sometin~ at the end af Febru~ ry and be completad tomettme in Nay and then there woutd a~1y be a minor crosa-~ection at whet really exists In that Canyo~ and that other batantsts say If the ridgeline is cut. the Canyon ts go~a. Mr. Bender state~i EIR No- 231 •nJ Its supplements and EIR No. 236 h~ve never addreased what wlll happen in W~ir Cenyon if this construction takes plac~ and have not looked at the overal) proJect ~nd heve isolated Welr Canyon. Ne felt tt is incumbent upon this Commtssion to fo~cn the petitipner to prepere an adequete E IR encompassing Weir C~~yon and othe~ canyons that will ba involved by their pre sent transtructlon plans. lie falt unless that ts dona~ ev~eryone will be negllgent in their duttes as citizans and gavarnmentel offtcials because s anething ts being allowed to be destroyed wlth a startied developmiant tn ~ highly prqtectad environmental erea. Jack White~ Assistant City Attorney~ potnted ouc th~ oppasttion taol: 47 minutes to pre sent their informotlon and Chelrman P~a Tempore 6ushnre poln~ed out the Planning Commtssion always ellows as much time as necessary. Mr. Bonder stated the petlttoner hed requested a chance fo~ rebutta) and he would ltke an equal npportuntty. Chai~man Pro Tempore Oushore explaincd the petitlo~er will h ave an opportunlty to ~ebut~ the publlc hearing H111 bt closed and the~ cmly the Commissio~ers wili be allowed to ask questlo~s. ~an Salceda st'ted he made his inltial coe~ments briaf In the intorest of time. At the Mo pub l i c hear i ngs •nd one pub 11 c ao~kahop for Genera l P l an Aiwendment No. 155, these aa~ne comn~nts aere ~~fe by the opposltion; th~t both he a~nd Mr. Tide~riants wore pre.sent at the trial court and the court upheld the decisio~ of the Pla~ni~g Conrnissio~ an~' City "e~r-cil regardtng GPA Nc-. 155 and at that tima they listened to Mr. Bande~'s ,:u~nr.~nts and arguments and i nstructed tfiei ~ consul tants ~ Dames and Moore ~ to aa~end the repo~t ta address those ooncerns and thaL is principally the reason for the two continwncea. H~s stated four tl~ass they have providad sdditional Info~atTon to tl~~ Canmtssien in ord~r to have a very coiapleta and caniprahensiva anvi ~onmentai impact res.ort fo~ this proJect. Mr. Salceds explsined that Or. Bsrry Thanas ta the hesd of a depa~tment at Csl State- Fuilerton and !~ s PH.D. and is pro~ni~e~t in hia fleld ~s tt partalns to Wei~ Gnyo~ and is t,he expert they consulted as to tfi e biological im~~cts a nd parttculariy as it pertains to the concerns of the opposttton; that Or. Ttwmes made the s urvay I~ approximately 10 to 12 days In order to gst a complet~ ~epo~t to the Coan~t=sio~ a~ud staff as soon as possibie for subsequent distributlo~; th~t the surve~r was mede at a ttioe when tollage was st its ayxtaaun~; thsrofore~ there was prob~bly an sbundsnce of ani~.+al wildiife. Mr. Salcede :tated in acco~danco with cha ~acent C~lifornia use of Woodland Hilis~ staff prepare~d a"Notice af Prepa~etion" with adeqwte tla~ s~d o~ly ti~~ee people respo~ded - tha Envl ronma~tal Aganry vf Orange C~nty, the Flsh and 6aw~s Departaie~t of the St~te a~d 10/6/80 ~ t,. H~ MINUTES~ ANAMEIM CITY P~ANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOBER 6~ 1980 80•56a E t R NO. Z36, IIECLASS 1 F i CAT ION N0. 80-81-9 ~ TENTAT IVE MI-P OF TRACT NOS. 10996. 10997~ 10998 11ND aE UEST ROR REMOVAL OF SlEC 1 MEN TaE6S ( CONT 1 NUED) th• S~a snd Sige Ch~pter of Audubon Soct~tYi ~lthou9h a11 other partlas pres~nt today w~r~ ~otl f ted et th~t tl ms. Ha ~tated the upposl tion h~s m+~de • y~eat Issue ot the datinitton of a canyo~~ suy~ssting • u~yon Is ridgellne to ~idgellne •nd that ~ breach of that ~id9elina becsuio of tha d~velopm~nt will dastrvy th• cenyon. He referred to Tract No. 75a7 due north of this p~ajeat end st~ted that was tha ~tdgaline and thera ha~ bean no detrTn~ntal fmp~ct from those 3~ it~esin~Janua~nl9~ and he•felt~wtth the supplements and,thatastudy~tha the p ropos e rY conce rns have been adeq ua te 1 y cove red . Mr. Salceda continued ~hat a hydrology report was do~e by VTN, engineering consuitsntt~ and the rtwp h~s b~e~ shavn to staff and It Is VTN's cansidered opinlon thot thls p~oJect w111~n~~ He'statedsthsthmepcP~ Pa~~dn5 ptembar~tOpr1980~Ishav+~Ileblerfo~rComnissian In the Canyo . ~ev 1 ew, ( f ~ecassa ry. Regsrding the Oak trees~ ha atdted the largest single foe to the life of the Oek is siltation; and that they are seking to ramove six treos~ but posafbly will oniy remcve three depending o~ th~ road dlignment and 153 trees will be left on thts pro)ect slta~ Mr. Selcede pointed out the arch+~eoi~gic~l site (ORA 361) is the oniy archaeoiogical site on Anaheim Hills propeRrty and is clearly located wtthln the green po~tio~ o~ opan spaca orea end Chare wi 1 1 bre no development on th8t s i te. He st~ted an erchaeotogi st and peleontologist wi) i be retalned to be on tha site during any grading operations. Me rafarred to cammen ts reo~rdi ng '~ ~esed vande 1 t sm resul t i ~~ f rom the deve lopmn~t of these 36 u~ita- end 1`elt, ln .`ac'. ~ ~le buying these $600,000 to S1•~~~000 honiea wfll be qul te pr~,ud of thel r homes ~n4 .. ' . ai 1 theY can to protect the srea, whe~ees, curra :{Y e~vane ~~ g into the ~p • ~s ~ deprecate the property. Mr, S~1c:A~~ felt the E~tt Nith the four addendwris, p~rtlcularly the one dated Septeabe~ 4~ 1980~ w•.:h Kere ai so distributed tn ihe general publ ic~ regarding the ~ne~~otvthe~cts of the the Daugless. Wallace and Bauer Ranches and the Irvl~e~ Comps~y. p~prrty to the soutt~west which is prasnntly i~ the ag~icultu~el preserva which cannot be developed for dt H~fe1 tQthaYrhave been very sensitive inethei rtconcernawi~~thtt~ey ars al i qulte ackGuete, acolagtcal bal~nce and are very proud of chis develop~nent. He stated the open s Pace i s 1 n total wnforn+ance wi th the County open space n+ap spp~oved 1 ~ SapteniDnr by thQ go+~ ~d of Superv i so~s . Mr. Selceda statcd he~ !b Tiden-~nis snd Ho~st Schor are present and aii l answer any queattons end also v+~~uld requnst thst tha EIR be certifled for grsding, elthough the Caramisslo~ mey wsnt to t~ake that up lai~r. 7NE PUBIi C HEAAIMG VAS CLOSED. Commissta~er iss~LtheL ~o~outdratfect~thetteschtrpigsto thetbottomkof the~Canyonf floo~hat is a~ important 10/6/80 ~ \ ' ~ MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY P~ANNIN6 COMMISSION, OCTOBER b~ 1980 8Q•56S E~R N~. Z36. ItEC1.AS51FICATION N0. 80-81-9~ TENTATIVE MAP OF TMCT MOS. 10996. 10~7. 10998 ANO aEQUBST FOR REMOVAL OF SPECIMEN'.TREES (CONTINUED) ..,~.,.....~._..... _ - M~. Salceda •tated the~• iti • possibility o} septic tank• becau~e the •l~vatlon of Tract No. 10998 is low~r the~ !he oth~~ two tracts~ howsve~, subsaqu~nt studies are •ugq~sting that they will ba doln9 somsthing othar thsn saptic tanks. Ho~st Schor~ Anahmim Ht11s~ Inc.~ •t~ted th~ir proposa) is reelly ta utitize a s a+age Iift stetion to lift the sewaga back lntn the g~avity system c-n the A~ohetm stda of the ~td9elin• bauu~e the sotl doas n~t lend itseif co leach fields. Ha stated fo~ about two hundrad year~ cettla has roamed rha Irvine end Noh1 ranchea a~d their pollution has not dons much danNge. Commlssloner Herbst polnted out the ~eptic tanks were one of the oppo:ttton's fea~s and asked thet they be elimin~ted completely. M~. Scho~ stated thoy w111 stlQulete to using a sew~ge ltft stetlon~ with no septic tanks at a11 on thm preperty. Camnlastoner Herbst stated anathor wncern ws• the tose of the trees a~d felt ~ny tr~as that can be saved would help the sltuation. Mr. Salcede polnted out 153 t~ees wlll renMin~ and they ere conservattvety requesting removal of six, but will probably anly ~emove three. (Mr. Tidtmsnts potnted out !he location of thc trees Oh the oxhtbit). M~. Salceda stated Anaheim Hilis~ Inc. has always trted to show the worst case and that any Lrees renbved (whethAr it be three or stx) witl be re~lacad on a or-e-to-one basis and the property owners then~te) ves w 1 1 I 1 andscape thei r yards and th is proJect wi 1 1 not be a • ca r to th e commun I ty . Lommissloner Herbst asked for clarfficatlon ot Mr. aslcada's con~me+nt that tht~ pro)ACt w) i 1 lasse~ the ameunt of water dralnln~~ to the 1 J~;~r of the Ca~ycx~. Mr. Saiceda repliad all the northerly portlon of the proJect w(il drain !o the existing sewbr lines along Avenida de Santta~qo an4 there are additional desilti~g basins and slso that vegecation caused by the development wi l i slow dc~+~+n the si ltatlon procaas. Commisalo~er Fry asked apprAximately ha+ ~nny ot these ho~+s wiil have ~ vlsual intruslo~ ta the f toor of We i r Canya~. Mr. S~icada ~cpllad that 6 to 12 rooftops M, ~+~ via+yed frdn Lhe floor of Welr Canyon; that a ~ecent Damc: and Ibore ~eport su99~sted thst Trsct No. 10998 wouid have lots 10~ 11~ 1~~ 13 and 14 whtch rroulc~ have soa~a visuat Impact~ but that would probsbly be nofihing but rooflines and that v+ould be softe~ed as the trees a~d vegatation ~~~~•v~e. Responding to Cammisslone~ Fry~ Mr. Ttde~ents pointed out th~e t~+o unya+s and explalnad tha floor of Welr Canyon is approxi~aetely 700 feat from the bou~da ry of thia tract. ~an Saiceda stated the~e Is a~othar 330 feet of open space (tho Ediso~ easems++c) which is dedluted to the County. ;:t e ~J~RI ( MINUTEB~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTObER 6, 1980 ~~566 EIR N0. z36~ RECLASSIFICATION N0. 80-81•9~ TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NOS. 10 6. 10997. 10998 AMO REQUEST FOR REMOVA~ OF SPECIMEN TREES (CONTINUEp) Comnisstan~r King ~tked the dlstanu+ betN~en th• top edg~ of the Canyon and th~ n~ar~~t hane and M~. Tidum~~is polntod out th• locatlons o} the p~opo~ed homas and M~. Salceda ttated han~s are sxlsting o~ tha rtdyellne (Tract 7587). Chal~nwn Pro T~mpore Busho~e pointad out ~~e of the stipulatlont or conditions of approva) is th~t a quallfted •rchseolagist wtll be on th• site durfng gr~dt~g. Mr. S~lceda stated conststent wlth ths way the t~ects In A~ea 19 Nera handled~ a q w llfled s~chaeologist wtth cradanttals will be pre~ent. Ne stated~ however~ they rrould have a problem rvtth allavi~g the Juaneno I~disn rep~esentativa to chooso a nwnttor. Ne stat~d eva~ since thls p~oJect beg~n and the pubiic was notified~ no one except Fern Coha~ f~an khe Sea snd Sage Society ha~ ever contactsd their otfica ~agarding a t~ip out to the prop~rty end naw at this lata date to suggest they went to be part of the s~chaeolo91ca1 and paleontological monitoring tnam is of great concern. Chairmen P~o Tampare Bushore noted the pettttonars h~ve offered ta work with these peopls 1 n the pas t. Mr. Bender .sked to rebut N~. Salceda's comments +nd Chal rman Pro Ts~npore 8ushore exnleined Mr. Bmnder wss out of orde r afnce the publtc ho~ring was clos~d. (Comnisstonar Barnas steted he wauld probably get a chence to speak). Commtssioner 8arnes asked sbout stte ORA 321 and Mr. Salceda explsined thst is an acorn milling process site and the EIR suggests that the~e ts no way to determine that thet Is actuslly that type site~ but it could bo becauae of the stgniftcant desilting p~ocess that haa accurred over the many y a+rs, but it is addressed snd because of its locatton there is no way th~t it is gofng to be impacted~ •nd that is not the locetion of tha sltarstone. Chairman Pro Tempore Bushore sugpested anyone wishing to ask a question shoutd wrtte the q uestton on paper and pess tt to the staff. Commtssloner Bsrne~s stated she had Ilstened very u refully to Dr. Collins and M~. Bloome beuuse she is and alway: has been axtremely inte~ested in flara and fuana ~nd has observed those kinds of things in Weir Canyon a~d would likc to see Weir Canyon p~ese~ved, but belleving •lcrost ev~erything that has been satd~ sha simply hes a problcm wtth seeing the total effect that Chis devalopment would have o~ Wei~ C~nyon and that has bean her problem from the very beglnning. She falt. hawever, if no ~Slt or water are addad to Watr Canyon and mltigatlon n~easuros are teken so that no nescing sttaa are dast~ayed~ ro~lising dev~elapaient doea come close~ the overall effect would not be drasttc. She noted nwny of the species n~ntioned that nest thera do ~olocat~s and do not just die. She stated sha ~eaiizes some vrildlife witl be lost~probably not because of this de~..lopme~t. but beceuse there Is going to be development all around Weir Canyo~~ if not ~Ignt daw~~ the center of it. She did not see hvw this develdpn~nt is gc~ing ~o affect tha totsl over~ll ecologic~l system in Wair Canyo~ and thet (f t~e reason sh~s vated fo~ the Genera) Plan Amendaient. Commiasloner B~r~es ~teted she would like to see ail c~t Weir Canyan ~~ese~vad and has tsiked to the Count~r a~d to the Itvine people about it becausm shs doas think it Is one of the nwat beautifui areas uhm has ever seen. She stated she has v+alkad tn the Canyon nr ny tinies end knows what It t~i llke, ertd knaws she is probabiy t~espaasin9. She stated she would like tQ see, Anaheim help pre~erve the Canyon. She ~elt thts fight is going ta be e 10/6/80 ~'~, MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PUNNINC CONMISSION, O~TOdER 6~ 1980 80-567 EIR N0. ~36~ RECLASSIFICATION N0. 80•81•9~ TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NO;. 10996. 10~31 10~8 I1N0 REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF SPECIMEN~TREES (CQNTINU~O) ._,_ ...._.~,._.~ long one beG~use theea will be propoted development to~ meny yee~s to come. She thought~ t~kinq everything into constde~atl~n~ that these t~~cts should be approved beca w e sha Jutt did not see that they ara going to hava a daleterious ettect. Commisslo~er H~rbst felt tha Commlation hes given the opponent~ enpla ttme to try and get sorne Input from the State~ Fedar~l or County regard~,~~ pr~serv~tlon ot Weir Ca~yo~ as • park, but to dat~ have not hea~d anything concr~te He ststed ho would ve ry much Iike to ~o~ lt p~es~rved as a park beu use he tht~ks it Is a beautitul area~ but It belongs to the I~vine Conrpany snd they hava not come torth with sny steten-ent as to what thelr plans ar~. Ne st~tAd he certainiy wtil look dow~stresm far some long renge P~a~~~ng~ but it It ts not pre~erved as a p~~k by son+e entity, then it ts 9oi~g ta be developed because Irvtne Company owns it and h~= the right to develop it. Ha agreed wlth Cammtssloner 8arnes regarding the impact of -his development on the Ca~yon •nd fmlt ~o~ of the questions about siltatton~ sctirr~~~tatlon and se~wage whtch the petftlone~s have egraed to mltig~te solves many of the problems; thst h~ Is a resident of the Canyon hfmself end his ~eatdence backa up to an area that la open end he stitl sees qua11 end rodents and did not thl~k deve{opment to data hea hed any dr+astic effect an soma of those anlmals that are still beln~ prese~ved. Ha thought to deny An~heim Ht{ls thalr right to develop thetr property witfi the mltl~eCing ci~cumstence~ they arQ propo~ing is not tn the best interest of Anahe i n~. Co~nlssioner Barnes Indicated sh~ hAa one othQr concer~ ~nd does sympathize with the Jusne~o Indian tribe. She asked thet Anahel~n Nllls~ Inc. notifY thGm of any finds thef~ ar~chaeolagists cliscover duriny grading so they would k~ow what is being found. She added also she would like to see the archseologlst ar experts who are retai•:ed be uomeo,~e who is very lamili~r rrith these klnds of thlnys. 5he stacad sh~ wouid like to see the Juaneno represcntatives notifiad because we do have r rsspansibility to tuture 9enerattons. Cprtmtastoner Kiny a~kcJ if the Sierra Ciub hes shown any interest in the Ganyon and Commissioner ~Herbat repllGd that the~~ hava I~ prev~ous hrerings. Jack Whita~ Assistant City Attarn~y~ suggnsted r~vised language fo~ the nwtton of approva) of the EIR based upon the testimony pres~ented here todtry es follows: "That Elti No. 236 for the praposeci development of Ten*_atlve Map of T~act tioa. 1099b~ 10997 and 109;'8 having been considered by the Maheim tity Pianning Conm+ission and evidence both wrttten and ordi having been prasentad to suppien~nt Ela No. 235~ the Planning Commisston finds that: (A) potential eclverse enviranme~tal tApa~ts of the proJect shell be reduced to an insignifttant level by contorn~ence with (ic~r plans. pollcies and ordi~ances end by the follcwing additianal mitigation ~+tisssu~e•.: i. Thet ~o develapment shell occur 4n the on1Y kn~rn •rch~eotogical aite within the proJect. 2. Thit a professional archaeoloqist wili be pres~e~t st all times durtnq development operatians and a Iist o'P srchaeological tinds shaii bc submttted to the Juaneno Indisn rep~esentatfvRS; and 3. That a sa+age ~wap statior~ will ba utilized rather than septic tsnks ta avoid potentisl danw ge to the w~ter ~ystsm in the area. 10/6/80 ~ ~ MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIkQ COMMISSIOH~ OC708ER 6. 1980 80•5b8 EIR N0. 236~ ItECLASSIFICATION N0.80-81•9, TENTATIYE MAP OF TMCT NOS. 10996. 10997. 10998 AND REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF SPECIMEN TaEES (CONTINUEO) (B) fist draft EIR No. 236 is in compllance wlth th• C~1ltornte Envtronn~ntal Qwllty Act and wtth the City and State EIR gutdelin~t end that th• fin~l e~vt~onmental tmpact report shai~ include th~ commants and reepon~as p~ese~nted durtng the public hearing beto~e tha Planning Commisston a~ this date in the form of the mtnut~= of the mseting~ as approvsd by the Planning CommTss~oCommfsslonecertiflesdE R No.h236tas i~iPartatnsuto t~~ctnm~p the A~ahaim City Planning approval for the threa afo~em~ntio~ed tracts. ACTION: Commissioner Barnes of~ered a motton, seconded by Cortimissloner Fry and MOTION '~~ (Chal~man Tolar being absent)~ for certific~tion ot Ellt No. 236 as suggested by J~ck lrhlte~ Assistant City Atto~ney. Dan ~a~~nt anduaakad thetCommissRonetoen~ake~e~separstedmotio *~1that etfect~~t devc op Commisslaner Ba~nes statntosthehCa Aon andeevlde~tly,theeEng~~eeringnDepartmenttwou9da11ka is the silt goiny down I ~Y rtarc informstton before grading pe~mfta +~re issued. Jsy Yitus~ OffiGe Englneer~ stated the Enqlneering DePartment has ~ot seen sny g~ading plans yet so did not knvw th~ extent of the grading. Conmissioner Barnes stated the ho~s a pralalem bacouso whe~ the Commtss(on discussad the Gane~al Plan Amendmant~ this ls one of the things they promissd to watch very carefully snd she intends to k~p the promise. M~. Salceda statad in the past th~y heve subMitted qecetechntcal reports as a part of the EIR whi~er exhibit,a~dtanybchange4would be~b~o~~+tHbackaand dtd otdsee anY,p~ob1~"Seen ~ the cent spproving the EIR for g~ading ss shown. Jay Titus felt the City Enyinaer has t~ carttfy the EIR f~r g~ading {f he approves the greding plan and greding pe rn-it. Jeck Whica stated ~ormelly the City Engincer has the )urisdictton for the issuance of the gradi~g perenit. NvwTMc~-rsdlnhtplanRappro e-eunderythe Code~rgoesnto~theaCity~Enginear~ b~ the sarae document. 9 9 Comanissloner HnrbOeL~Q~^~SdandtAprtiplSRln accordancenwith City ordlnances'eding is not to be done betwee M~. Salueda repll~d that is gen~rsiiy the ca~se, but if~ in fact~ they provide appropriata a+ltigatlon measures as has been the case tn the past~ they would come ba~He sta adiitfhasd shoa those mitigation measu~eE and aould grede during the rainy season. bean allowed in the past and Tracts 9212 and ~215 are the mest r~cent o~es. Conimistto~er Herbst was ooncerned about what would happen durtng a 25" rain like tsst yea~'s wtnter. Mr. Salceds stated it the Commi~sior+ wouid certify the EfR far purposns of grading~ then thay wiil subsaquently go back to the City Enginear and provide him with thosa v~nry deCallcd qrading msps snd allow hi~n to approve the grading operation and then would nat 10/S/&) ~r ` ~ MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C014MISSION~ OCT~9ER 6~ 198d gp~S69 EIR l10. ~~i~ RECLAS~SIFICATION N0. 80-a1•9~ TEHTATIVE MAP OF TMCT NOS. 1099b. 10997. 10998 AND aEQUEST fOR REMOVAL OF SPECINEN TREES (CONTINUED) ,.r~. _.~_- - ----.~....~...~. h~ve to come back to tha Commission~ recognising that the grading wil) accur a~ evidanud on the exhlblt. He not~d he (s o~ly a~kl~g for ce~ttfi utio~ of the EIR~ snd not to~ apprav~l of the 9~ading pian •~d feit thera ts a dttference. Commtsslonar Marbst fnit thst is whet the Commisslon has dona and J~ck Whito stated rega~dless of what the Commisalon does with the Elft~ thet prtor to the •pproval of the grading plan~ tha Ctty Engineer will have to taka an actlon upan the environmenta) document for the 9reding plan~ bo it this document or enotho~ docume~t. Commtsaioner Narbst :tated the Plannl~g Commisston would like to see the final greding plana o~ anything tn the Canyon are~. Jay Titus expla~r~~d he Pelt when the greding plen has be~n reviewed and the Enginee~ing Department fQ~1s it meats ~11 the ordtnsnces and la ready fo~ epproval, the Commission would want to revtew tt. Jack Whtte expidtned there Is no prucedure existing in thr Cede today that would ellow the Planning Commtssion to usu~p the power of the City Enql~ee~ with ~egsrd to approvsl of the 9r~d~ny pldn; that they may well want t~ revtew it end if they do not Itke it~ then they can (~divtdually or collectiw;ly appeal the dectsian af the City Engtneer to the City CQNnct;, but the Planning Commisston does nat hsve eny direct input (nto the grading plan ander the current p~ocedures in the City ordinances. Conmtssioner Herbst stated the Commission has dtscussed this at length before snd there have been soma problems with gradtng (n the area and he thought thit Commisalon Is entitled to look at the grading plans and are not going ta usurp the City Engineesr unless they see something that they fcel is detrimental or contra ry to whet they have told people thcy ere going to do. Commisstoner Barnes statoc+ aha wants to sr.e the gradtng plans. Mr. Salceda ~eferred to the condttion of the ataff report suggesting tfi at they would be responsible for in-lieu pa~k fees and potnted out this pa~ticular area is already encompassed within the Perk Service District which is ar. agreement entered lnto by them end the City and~ the~efare~ they wculd be exempt. Commtssioner Ba rnes asked if the gradtng pians should be included as ~ condition of the reciasstfication and Jack Whtte repiled that was requested in approval of Gene~al Plan Amendrnent No. 155. Jay Titus noted there Is slso a p~oposed conditton on the tratts that the grading pians be raviawed by the Planning Conmission. Commissione~ Bsrnes nffered Resolution No. PC80-169 and movad for (ts passage and adoptton that the AnAheim City Piannfng Commisaton does hereby grant Reciassificatton No. 80-81-g~ subJect to the conditlans that no development sha11 occur em the only knavn archaeologicfal site and that a prafesslonal archaealogist shall be present at all tin~es during grading operations and th~t • list of a~y archaeologctel finds shall be submitted to tho Juaneno India~ repreaentatfv~ and that a sewega lift statton shail be utlllzed rsthe~ than septlc t~enka~ and subject to Interdepartmental CaMnittee recoma~endations. 10/6/80 q.~r ~ ~ MINUTES~ ANAFiE1M CITY PIANNING COMMISSION~ OCT08EIl b~ 1980 80•57~ EiR N0. 2;6~ RECLASSiFICATION N0. 80-81-9~ TENTATIVE MAP Of TRACT NOS. 10996. 10997. 10998 ANQ ItEQUEST_FOR REMOVAL OF SPECIMEN TREES (CONTINUED) On roli call~ the fo~egoing r~solutlon was passed by the follawing votes AYES: CpMMISSI0NER5: BARNES~ BOUAS~ BUSNOitE, FRY~ HERBST~ KING~ NOES; COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERSt TOIAR Commtssioner Barnns offared s motlon~ seconded by Commt~slon~r Fry and MOTION CARRIEO (Chalrme~ Tolar being ab:ant)~ thot the Anaheim City Pi~nning Commtssion does heraby find th~t ths p~oposed subdivtsions~ together with thely dastgn end tmprovements~ are conststent wlth the Ctty of A~ahcim General Ptan, pursuant to Governm~nt Code 5ectton 6b473.5; and does therefore~ app~ove Tentattve Map af tract Nos. 10996~ 10997, 10998 for twency•two (22) RS-NS•22~000(SC) lats and fourteen (14) RS-HS-b3~000(SC) lots, subJect to the followl~g cvnditio~s: TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. 10996: ....._...~.~-__ 1. That thc approval ot Tentetive Mep of Tract No. 1099b is g~s~ted subJect to tha app~oval of Reclasslficatton No. ~-81-9~ 2. That should thts subdivision be dovclopcd as more than one subdivlsio~~ each subdivision thereof shall be submttted in tentative form for appraval. 3. That a11 lots within this tra~t shall be scrved by unde~ground uttlitiea. 4. That the ortginal docur~nts of the cavenants~ condttlons~ and rast~tctio~~, and a letter addressed to developer's titie company •uthorizing recordation thereuf~ shall be submittad to the City Attorney's offtce and approved by the City Attorney's office and Engineeriny Divi~ion p~tor ta ftna) tract map app~oval. Said documents~ as approved~ shali be filed and recorded in the Offica of tho Orange Cour.ty Recorder~ 5. That st~eet namea shall be approved by the Clty Planning ~epartn~e~t prlor to approvel of a final t~act mep. 6. That d~ainage af said property shail be disposed of in a manner satisfscto~y to the City Engineer. If~ in the preps~ation of the site~ sufficient grading ls requirad to necessitate a grading permie~ no work or~ grading will be permitted be Ma~n October 15th and April 15th unless all required ot!-site drainage facillties have been installed and are operattve. Posftive aasurance ~hall be p rovtded the City that such drainage factilxtes wilt be complatad prior to October 15th. Necessa ry right-of-way for off-site drainage facilities shall b~e dedlcated to the City~ or the City Council shall have inittated condemnation proceedings therefar (the costs of whlch shali be borne by the developer} prior to the comme~cement of grading o~rations. The required drainage ~acilities shall be of a size and typa sufficient to carry runoff waters o~iginstie~g from ~ ' . > MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION, OCTOBER 6~ 1980 ~'S7~ Ela N0. 236~ RECLASSIFICATIOH N0. 80•a1•9, TENTATIVE ~IAP OF TRACT .,..~ .,.~~t ~nee~ ~neeQ ewn ~FnuEST POR REMOVAL OF SPECIMEN TREES (CONTINUED) hiqher propertles through sald property to ultimete disposal as approved by th• City Englneer. Said dralnege factllttaa shell be the first Itam of constructio~ and shall be completed and be tu~ctlonal throughout the t~ect and from the dawnstream bounda ry of tho property to the ultimete polnt of dispotal prio~ to th4 tssuance of any final buildl~g Insp~ctlons or occupancy parmits. Dralnaae dist~ict raimbu~sement agree.ments n-ey be nrde evsilabla to the developers of said p~operty upon tholr ~equest. ~. Tha: a sewage pump statton shall be uttliznd rathe~ than septtc tenka to avold potential dama9e tc the water system in the area. 8. In the event that subJect prope~ty is to be divided for the purpose of sale~ lesse~ or ftnencing, a parce) map~ to record the approved division of subJect property shal) be sub mitted to and approved by the City of Anahetm and then be ~ecorded in the office of tha Orange County Rocorder. 9. If permsnent street nan~ signs have not baen installed, temporary street name signs shatl be Instailed prlor to accupancy. 10. That the devalope~ of subJact tract shall enter into a speclal facititles agrecment with the Ctty for water facilttles In the High Elevation System~ as ~equired by Rule 15B of tha water Utility Rates~ Rules and Regulattons prior to approval of e ftnal tract ~p~ ~s stipulated to 5y the petitloner. il. That all requtrements of firc Zone 4~ oth~rr+ise Identifted as Ftre Adminlstrative Order No. 7G-O1~ wtil be mec. Such requf~ements include~ but are not ltmited to. chimney spark ~rrestora, protected attic and under floor openings~ Class C or better rvofing materiel end one hour fire resistive construct0on af horizontal surfaces If Nithin 200 feet af adJacent brushland. 12. Tha*. fuel breaks shall be provided as determl~ed to be ~equired by the Fire ~hief. 13. That native slopes adJacent to newly constructed homes shall be hyd~oseeded with a law fuel combustible seed mix. Such slopes shall be sprinkie~ed and weeded as raquired to est,bilsh 100 feet scparation of flameble vegetation from any ~truetu~e. 14. That the awne~(s) of subJect property shall pay the trafftc signal assessme~t fee (Ordinance No. 3896) in a~ anwunt as determined by the City Council, for esch new dwelling unit prtor to the issuancc of a building permtt. 15. That the vwner(s) of subiect property shatl dedlca~tt and lmprove a 10~•foat widE cquestrian and hiking tral) as shaw~n on the Equestrtan and Htking Trails Component ~nd that improvement plans, tn accordan~e w(th standard plans and speciftcations on fiie in the OfPice of the City Engineer, shall be submitted tn conJunctlon with the greding plan; and/or that e bo~d in en anaunt and Form satisfectory to the Clty of A~aheim shal) be posted with the City to guarsntee the installatton of the above-~ne~tioned roqulrements p~tor to occupancy. 16. in accordance wtth the rQqutrements of Section 18.02.04~ pertaining ta the initlal strle of residenttel homes in the City of Anahaim Planning Area "B"~ the seller shali provids each buyer vrith written informstion conce~ning the Anaheim t0/6/80 ._ .~ ~~~ . r MINUTES~ ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSION, OCTOBER 6~ 1980 ~•572 EIR N0. 236~ RECLASSIFICATION N0. 80•81•9~ fENTATIVE MAP OF TRACt NOS. 10996. 10997. 10998 AND aEQUEST_FOR REMOVAL OF SPECIMEH TfIEES (CONTiNUED) Genera) Plan~ on-streat parking on straet sweepi~g days, and the existing zo~ing within 300 feet of ths boundaries af subJdct tract. 17. That "No Parkiny for Street Sweeping" signs sha11 ba installed prior to final street tnspectto~ a~t ~equl~ed by the Pub11c Worka Exocutive Director in ~ccordance with spiecificattons on fila with the Street Malntenance Division. 10. That s quallPied paleontologist and archaeologt~t sheli be retatned to monttor the selvage of fossils on subJect p~operty at the ttme ot on-stta 9~adtng~ and thst a list of any arch~ealogical findings shall be p~o~tded to the Jueneno Indien reprnsentatlves. 19e That grading plans ahalt be submitted ta the Planning Gommisston for revtnw and epproval prlor to tha issuence of grading permtts. T~I~TATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0. 10997: 1. That the approval of Tentativn M+ip of Sract No. 10997 is granted subJect to the approval of Raclassificatlon No. 60•81-9. 2. That should this subdivlsion be developed as more than one subdlvlston. aach subdivislon thereof shali be submitted tn tentative form fo~ approval. 3. That atl lots within this tract shail be ae~ved by underground utilttles. 4. That the ortyinal documents of the covena~ts. condittons~ and restrlccions, and a lette~ addressed to develnper's title cumpeny authori=ing recordatton thereof~ sl~ail be s~mitted to the City Attorney's oFfice and approved by the City Attornay's office and Engineering Oivisfon pria~ to final t~act map approval. Said documents~ as epproved, sha11 be fited snd recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. S. That streGc names shall be approved by tha City Planning Depa~trnent prlor to approval of a fina) tract map. 6. Thst drainage of sdtd property shall be dtsposed of Tn a manner sattsfactory to the City Engineer. If, ln the prep~ration of the site, sufficlent g~adtng is ~equirad to necessitate a grading permit, no work ~n grading will be permitted betwee~ October 15th and April 15th unless all ~equtred off-site dra(nage facilities have been installed ~nd are operattve. Pos~tive assurance shall be provlded the City that such drainage facitittea wi11 be completed prior to October 15th. Necessary right-of-way for off•aite dr~inage factlitles shall be dedicated to the City, or the City Councll she11 have inltiated co~denMatio~ proceedi~gs therofor (the costs of whtch shall be borne by the develop~r) prior to the commencemeRt of grading operatfons. The requtred drainsge facilities shall be of a size and tYpe sufficlent to carry runoff wate n originating from htgher properties through aaid property to ultimate disposal as spproved by the City Engincer. Ssid d roinagQ faciiities shs11 be the first item of constructto~ and shal) be canpleted and be 1`uncttonal throughout the tract ar-d from the doMrnstream boundary of the p~aperty to the ultimete ~i~t of disposal prlor to the isauaRCe of any final buildi~g inspections or occupancy per~nlts. Dratnage 10/6/80 ~F: MINUTES~ ANAHEIM C17Y PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOBER 6, 1980 80•S73 ~IR N0. 236~ RECLASSIFICATION N0. 80-81•9~ TENTATIVE MAP OF TMCT wes_ ~eoo6_ ~eq9y_ ~e498 AND ttEOUEST FOR REMOVAL 0~_SPECIMEN TREES (CONTINUEO) district retmburs~msnt ~grsamsnts mey be msde av+~lleble to the developers of sAid propsrty upo~ thelr request. 7. Thst e sewer pump ttatlon ~hall b• utilised rather tha~ septlc t~nks to aroid potentta) denage to the w~ter system (n tha srea. 8. In the avent that sut~)ect property is to be divtded fo~ the purposa of sela~ l~ese~ or ftnancing, a p+~rcal map, to reco~d the approved dtvtslon of sub~ect prope~ty shall be submitted to end epprc~ved by the City of Anaheim and then be recorded In the office of the Ora~ge County Recorder. 9. If permanent street nama stgns hava not been tnstalled, temporary street nams aigns shall be tnatalled priar to xcupancy. 10. That tha developer of ~ubject tract shall enter tnto a speciel fscilities agreem~nt with tha City far watar fscilitles in the High Elavatton System, as required by Rule 158 of the Water Utility aates~ Rules and Rcgulations prior to appravsl of e final trdct n~eP~ as attpulated to by the petittoner. 11. That all ~equiremencs of Fire t~ne i-~ othenvtse identtfted as Fire Admintstratlve Order No. 76-01~ wi11 be met. Such requl~ements tnctude~ but sre not limit~,d to, chtmne~y spark arrestors, protected attlc and under floor openinga~ Class C or better roofing materlal and one hou~ ftre ~esisttve canstruction of horttontal surfaces tf withi~ 200 feet of adjacent brushls~d. 12. That fuel breaks shalt be provided as determined to ba requtred by the Fire Chtef. 13. ?hat native slopes adJacent to newly constructed hon+es shsi) be hydroseeded with a low fuel cambustlble sead mix. Such siopes shall be sprtnklered and weeded as required to establish 100 feet separation of flam~ble vngntation from eny a L ructure. 14. That al! privste streets shall be developed in accordance wlth the City of Anaheim's Standard Detail No• 122 for prtWate straets~ including installstion of Street Na~e sign. Ptans fc;r the p~ivate st~eet lighting, as requirod by the sts~dard detsii~ shall be s~~bmitted to the 9uildtng Dtvlsion for app~oval and i~ciuslon wlth the building plana prior to Issuance of building permtts. (P~ivate streets are those which provide primary access and/or ctrculatio~ within the proJect.) 15. That the owner(s) of aubJect prope~ty ahall pay tha traffic sig~ai assessment fea (Ordinance No. 3a96) in an amount es d~stermined by the Clty Council, for each nav dwelling untt prior to the iasuance af a buildtng permit. 16. That the owner(s) of subject property shsil dedicate a~d improve a 10 foot wide equestrlan ~nd hiking trail as shawn on the Equestrian anr, Hiking Tralls Component a~d thst imp~ovemnnt plans~ in accordance with standard plans and apecifications on file in the Office of the City Engl~eer~ shall be submitted t~ conJunction with the grading plan; and/or *hat a bond tn an ameunt and fo rn+ satisfactory to the Ctty of Maheim shal- t~c posted wTCh the City to guarantae the installation of the abova-mentioned reyui~emer~ta prtor to occups~cy. l0/6/84 c.- ~.~ MI NUTES . ANAHE 1 M C I TY PLANNI NO COMM 1 SS I ON ~ OCTOBER 6, 1980 80' S7~ E I a N0~ 236 ~ REC~IISS I F 1 CAT I ON 'N0. 80• 81 •9 r YENTATi VE MAP OF TAACT NOS~: 104~6. 10997. 10998 At~D RE UE~ST FOR REMOVAL OF SPEC I MEN TRE ES ( CONT I NUE O) 17. In accord~nce with the requi~sment~ of Sactlon 1$.02,04~ psrtaininfl to the initt~l sa1• of residentl~l homes tn th~ City of A~~hei~ Plannin~,~ A~ea "8", th~ ssller shall provid~ esch buyer with w~itten Info~ ~~.~tlo~+ wnc~rning the Anehelm G~ne~e) Plan~ on-street parktnq o~ street sw~eping doys. and tha exltting toning within 300 feat of the boundar'~s of sub~ect t~act. 18. Thet "No P~rking for Street Swe~pin~" signs shal l be Inst~i led prlo~ to final street inspectian As requtred by tha Pub11c Works Executive Dlrector tn accordance with spectficstions on file with the Strobt Melntenanee Oiviston. 19~ Thet a qualtfled paleontologist snd •rchaeologist ~hall bs reta~ined to monttor the selvege of fos:ils on subject property at the time of on-site grading~ and that a iist of any archaeologtcal findsc shali be providad to the Jua~ena Indlan representstives. 20~ That gr~ding plans shal I be subml tted to the Planninq Conmisston for review and approvol p~lor to the issuence af gr~dt~g permits. TENTATIVE MAP OF tRACT N0. 14998: 1~ That the approvel of Tentative Map of Tract No. to998 i~ granto.i subJect ta the approval of Reclassificatlon No. F30-81-9. 2, That should this subdivtsion be developed as mo~e then one subdivisio~~ each subdivlslon thereof shall be submittec! I~ tentative fo~m for ~pproval. 3. That all loes withtn this tr~ct shall be served by undarground utilitles. 4. Tl~.c ~~a ~riyi~~ei uuc.unwncs af tne covenents. conditio~-s~ and restrlctto~s, and a letter addresaed to devaloper's title company authoriztng recordation thereof, shr 1 1 be submi tted to the Ci ty Att~rr ey's off i ce and ~pproved by the CI cy Att~rney's offic~ end Engineertng Divisien prio~ to ft~e) tract inap spproval. Sa t d documen ts ~ as app roved, sh~ 11 be f i i ed snd recorded i n tha Off I ce of the Orange County Recarder. 5. That aC~eet names shall bz approved by the Ctty Pldnning Department prior to app~oval of a finai tract map. 6. That drainage of said ~roperty shall be dispc~ed of in a manner sa~tisfsctory to the City Engineer. If~ In tha preparstion of the site~ :ufficient gredin9 is requ( red to necess i tste a gradi ng parmi t~ no ~ro~k on gr~di ng v+l l l be pe~mi tted batween October 15th and April tSch unlass all rsqulred off-site d~~inage facilities hsve been t~atall~d and ~re operatlve. Posittve assura~ca shell be provided the City that ~uch drainage fecilities wll) ba oompleced prto~ to October 15th. Necesaary right-of-wey fo~ off-site dratnag~ f~cilitfes shalt be dedicated to the City o~ the City Council shall have inttlated condamnatio~ proceedings therefor ~the costs of which shal l be borete by the developa~) prior to the connKsncement of grading oparations. The requf ~ed drainage facil itiea shall be of a size and type s~fficient tn carry runof! wsters originatl~g froa~ hlghe~ properties through sA1d property to uiti~nete disposal as approvsd by th~ Cit~r En~in~ar. Said drainage facilities shall be the flrst item of constructio~ and shall be canpleted and be functionai throughout the t~~ct snd fraa the l0/6/84 _ __ _ ,.,..., ~ ar ; MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSIOH~ OCTOdEII 6. 19~ ~'S7S F I Il N0. 2~6. lIEC~ASS 1 FI CATI ON N0. 80-81•9 ~ TENTAT 1 VE MAP OF TRACT wes. ~e996. 1099]. 10998 AND REQUEST FOa REMOVAL OF SPECIMEN TREES (CONTINUED) downstream boundery ot the prope~ty to the ultimata point of dlspos~l prlor to th• is~uance of any f{n~l bu{Idin9 inspactlons or occup~ncy permits. Oralna9e dtstrict reimburs~ment a9r.e~nents nwy b~ ~nade available to the developer• of sald property upon thal r request. 7. That a sewage pump statlon shall b~ uttltsed r~ther than septic t~nks ta avotd potentl~) damage to tha water system in the erea. 8. In the event that subJect prope~ty Is to be dividad fo~ the purpose of sale~ lease~ or fl~ancing~ ~ pa~cel map~ to reco~d the approvnd divtslon of sub]oct property shall be submltted to and app~oved by the City of Anaheim and then be ~ecorded tn the offtce ot the Orange Count~ Recorde~. 9. If permanent street neme stgns heve not baen Installed~ tempor~~y etreet name signs shall be t~stalled prlor to occupancy. 10. That the developer of subJect tract shall enter Into a spacial facllittes agreement wlth the City for wster facititles in the High Elevetlon Systam~ as ~equlred by Ru1e 156 of the Water Utility Rates~ aules and aegulation: p~tor to approval of a final tract map~ as stipulated to by the petltloner~ 11. That ell requlrements of Fir~ Zone 4. otherwise tdentlfled as Flre Administrative Order Nu. 76•O1~ w(11 be met. Such requlrernents tnclude~ bue are not Ilmtted to, chinney spark arrestors~ p~otected attic and under floar or~enings~ Class C or better roafing material and one hour fir.: resistive constructton of horizontal ~urfaces If withln 200 feat of adJacont bruahland. 12. Thet fuel breaks shall be prov(ded as d~termined to be required by the Flra Chlef. 13. ~hat native slopes adJacent to newly canstructed homes ahall be hydroseeded Hith a 1ow tuel cambustible seed mtx. Such slopes aha11 be sprtnkiered and weeded es requlred to establish 100 feee separation of tlam~bie vegetation from any structure. i4. That al) private streets shall be developed in accordance wtth the City of Meheim's Standard Detsli No. 122 for private streets~ including installatton of Street Namn sign. Plans for the p~ivate street lighting~ as required by the standa~d detail~ shall be submttted to the Buliding Divista, Ror approvs) and incluslon with the buildtr~y plans prior to issuance of buiiding permits. (Private streets a~e those which provide primary access and/or circulation wlthin the proJect.) 15. That the owner(s) of subJecc property shall pay Che traffic signai assessment fee (Ordi~anc~ No. 3a9~~ in an amount as deterni~ed by the City Council~ for each new dweliing unit prior to t! tssuance of a building permit. 16. That the awner(s) of s~bJect property sha11 dedtcate and improvQ a 10 foot wtde equastrlen and hiking trail as shown on the Equestrian and Hiking 7rails C4mp+~ne~t and that improvement plans, in accordance with standard plans and apeGiftcations on flle in the Office of the City Engineer~ shail be submittad in conJunction with tha grading pla~; and/or that a bond in an amount and form 10/6!80 ~~ ~ ~ .~, NINUTES~ ANAHEIM CItY rLANNiNB COMMISSION~ OCTOtEa 6~ 1980 80•S76 Ela NQ. 2j6. RECLASSIFICATION N4. 90•81•9~ TENTATIYE MAr OF TMCT NOS. 1~96, to997. 10998 ANO It~QUEST FOR RENOVAL OF SPECIMEN 'rREES (CONTtNUED) satisfsctory to th~ CitY of An^halm shall ba post~d with the City to qw rant~e th• inst~llatton of the abow-+nentlon~d r~qutraasnts p~lor to occupa~ay. i~. In accord~nc~ with tho requireaients of Sectton 18.0~.04~ pe~t~ining tA the tnitlal sale of r~sidsnti~l haes~c tn th• City of Anahetm Plannin~ A~ee "B", the se11e~ sha11 provlde e~ch buy~rr with v+~itt~n Into~natian cone~~ning the Anihelm G~neral Plan~ an•streot parkin9 on sCraet ~eepin9 ebyt, and th• sxisting zonin9 withtn ;00 fe~t of tha bound~ria~ of ~ub,ject t~act 18. That "Ho Pa~kinp for Street SN~~ping" sig~s sha11 be instell~d prio ~ to fin~) ttre~t inspectton as ~equlred by the publlc Works Exscuttve Director tn accord~nca with ~pociftattons on ftle with the Street Malnt•nan~e Dtvislon. 19. Thst e q wlifled paleontolo~ist and archaeo1o91:t shall be retatn~d to mo~itor the salvage of fosstls on ~ubJe~t property et the tirne of on•stta g ~adtng~ and thst a list of any ~rchaeological fl~-ds sha11 be ~rovidsd to the J w ~eno Indi~n representatives. 20. 'Th~t grading plans shall be submttted to the Planntng Comnisslun ro~ revisa ~nd approval prtor to the Isswnce of gradinq pe~mi ts. .lack White~ Asststant City Attorney, presented the written right of sppeal and expla(ned the tracts have a 15-day appeal period. to/6/80 ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES~ ANIWEIM CIT~f PLANNING COMM~SSION~ OCT08~R 6~ 1980 ~'S~~ (Tt ' N0. 2 PUBLIC HEARING. ONNERS~ CLIfFOa~ 0. ANO OORIS ,iEAN R DECLAMTION BECKLER~ NORMAN E~ KEUr ANO GOROON L. SLATER. ~ C/0 12k2 East L~ P~ima Avenue~ Anahalm, cn 91805. AGENTS: URBANITES, IN C.~ ATTENTIONtALI LA81B~ 16152 Beach 9oulsv~rd~ Hunti~gton 9~ach~ CA 90680 ANo MALTER K. BOWMAN~ 7936 C~rritos Avanue~ Stanton~ CA 9oG8o. Petitloner request~ WAIV~RS OF (~) MAXIMUM STRUCTURAL HE16HT~ AND ~b) MINIMUM DISTANCE BETI~IEEN BUILOINGS TO CONSTRUCT A 48-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX o~ prope~ty dascrihed as ~n (~regularlyshaped parcal consisting of 1.75 sc~ea w~th frvntage of 258 fee ton the south ~Ida oP l• P~l~e Av~~ua~ having • ayxlmum depth af approximatoly 360 faet, and b~ing loc~ted approxlmately 550 feet eett of the centerlina of East Streat. and fu~ther described as 1242 -125~+ Eest la Palnw Avenue. Proparty p~~santly classifled RM-1200 (RESIOENTtAL, MUITIPLE-FANILY) 20NE. Sub,j~ct request wss contir.uecl t~on+ tho meeting of S~ptember 8~ 1980 at the ~equest of the petitloner. There wera seven (7) persons tndicating their presenca In opposl tion and five (5~ perso~s Indlcating thelr presenc~ in favor of s ubJect request, and slthough the fteff ~eport to the P18nning Commission d~ted October 6~ 198o w~s nut reed at the public haaring~ (t ts ~eferred to and modo a part of the minutes. Walter Bavman~ agent for owners and pu~chasers of the prope~~ty~ stated they hsd met with the naighbors twlce as suggested and he felt the meetings were ve~y productive; that the arigl~al plans were submitted on Septnmber 1B and after res.~eiving the neighbors input~ on September 22nd~ a revised plan was presented with thrae-sta~y u~its along La Palma which are 24 feet h i gh ~ accomp 1 i shed by gred 1 ng down. Ha s tated s twc~-s tory comp ~ ex has a I ready been approved o~ La Palma and thi s proJect wl 11 be lowor; thet there Is a 15-f~t wtdo l~nd:ca~pe buffer area between the gorages and edJolnin3 single~tamily p~operties; and a waiver for minimum dtstance botwe~n bui ldings has been rem4ved and the only variance ~cquested i~ the helght varlance. He pres~nted a letter f ~om Joan Clamp, 706 Popular~ withdrawing oppositlon if tha hei ght is kept under or near the units siready being developed. Rlchard Eme~d~ 706 Juniper~ abutting the wast side of prvposed proJect, read a letter from Dannis No~man~ 720 N. Juniper Plaee~ indicattng his concern rega~ding a precedent betng set for three-story apartn+ent projects higher than this proposed 24•foot high complex and indicating he would not oppose th~ proJect as long at the t~ight restrictton is kept at 24 feet and no precedcnt is set. Mr. Emard statad he was impressed with the Comrntsaio~'s co~cer~ for the hanecwners at the previous hcartng; that he reallzed when he bought the prc+~~rty it would probably be developed into apartments; that he felt the developer h~s eomp~omised with tNe three stories and has provided a 15•foat wide lendscape setback with trees between the carports and the~ with streets in th~ project feit there would be quite a bit of prtvacy. Mr. Emard stAted he was not su~-e ~hat effect the density would have on their living environment and would leave that up to the Commisslon, Ne wes, heweve~, concerngd that a precedent for thr~e sto~ies would be set and referred tn prop~rty behind him zoned for spartme~ts. He felt the prope~tr should be developed as p~oposed as long as the 24-foot high restriction Is maintained for this property and su~rounding properttes. 6/80 10 _.,,.-~~ ,- , ~` ,i ~ MINUTES, ANAHEIN CITY PUINNING COMMISS101~1~ OCTGBER 6~ 1980 ~•578 EIR NEGATIVE QE~LAitAT10N AND VARIANCE N0. 3170 (CONTINUED) Jack Thampton~ ~14 Hemlock Place~ st~ted his p~operty is at the end of tha cul-de-sac •~d backs up to the p ~oposed deve lapment; tha t he, 11 ke every~ne e 1 se ~ v+ou 1 d 11 ke to 1 I ve i n the country atmosphera but realtzee that la not posslble and that th e property behind him hes baen s weed patch with gaphers~ etc. for a long tima and he would prafer not to have that; thet the developer has wo~ked hard with the n~~howevert~heawouldt~ather~notnhdve pro~ect for them and ha is not opposed to tt at all; ap~rtments there but would rather have th~t than weeds. Jack Whita, Assistant Ctty Attorney~ explainad the only Issue before the Pianning Commisslon I: the verla~ce for the halgh t limttation; that the propertY ta currently zoned for apertmants and the Gonmisslon is no L constdering whether or not apertments ~re suitable for the property. will Bertach~ 70 3 Namlock P1ecQ~ steted he is opposed to thls prpJe ct becauae tha p~ecedent was set for the two-:tory bullding without a~y notiftcatton ta thc prope~tY owners end now the patitioner keeps referrtng co that proJect which they feel was put over on them. He dld not understend how ~i8 units~ w(th 84 parking ap~ces an three lots woutd not affoct the d~nstty. Another concer ~ Is che congestion that w111 be caused on La Palma a~d the t~affic that will be routed pas t thelr streets beceuse traffic will not be able to make a left turn on Ls Palme. He state d tha devetoper worked wlth the immedlste property owners as far as the details were cance rned~ but the denaity (s stttl proposed a~id accomplished by the height; that he wo uld be willing to have the two-story units on.the f~ont, with single•story apartments on the rest which would reduce the denslty. He felt 48 t s e lot of apa rtrr~ents 1 ~ th) s res i dent i a 1 ~rea and suggested that condomi n i ums be dovelopec~, and ~eferred to other rental units tn the area which are not well•maintained. He dld not see how three-sto ry units ca n be built within the 24•foot height limltstio~. He atated egain he is opposed to tha denstcy of these epartments which Is cauaed by the multiplo stories. Carri~ Beeson~ 1219 E. Wilhelminie~ stated she hae besen a resident here since 1954 a~d this ls an R-1 tone and she a~d her neighbors enJoy the R-1 Zonc; that shc does not obJect to improvement or developme~t of sub3ect property. but does ob)ect strenuousiy to a three- story unit. Sh e stated she drove in atl directtona oP thls prope~ty and found no three- story apartmants t n the area. Ann Dunlavy, 728 Juniper Place~ stated ahe lives at the end of tht tul-de-sac and was concerned that allowing three stories wauld set a precedent for throe story-apartments all across La Pain~a behind her; thet there Is vacant prope~2y to the west and the owner has tried to get it zoned comnercielly and she felt if this proJect ls allowed~ there would b~ nothing to stop the development on other streets which would completely box her property in. She stated shc ts not oPposed to two-story unit: and realizes the lend has been idle and has been a ftrc trap, but is opposed to three-stories because there are no other three-story u~its in the area. She feit tt is time Anahelm sticks to a pla~ and does not a11ow two~story, then three-sto~y units to be developed giving an up and down appearance. Mr. Bowman pointed out property locations of those both in Favor and those opposing the p~oJect. Ha stated his insurance age~t has Indicated that the lnsurance ratas would not tncrease. He dtd not have any control over a precedent being set. but pointed out the lots towa~d Eas t Street a~e approxima tely 1/3 the length and the~e has bcen no land sssemblege. He referred to the oppositions' comment th~t the p~operty owners were ~ot nottfied of the hea~ing for the veriance at 1260 East La Palr+a artd stated Mrs. Bartsch was prese~t at previous heari~gs. 10/6/80 ~,. MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNINQ CONMISSION, QCTOeE~t 6~ 1980 EIR NEGATIVE OECLAMTIQN ANO VARIAHCE N0. 3170 (CONTINUED) . .__........_, 80-579 Mr. ~ownMn explained ~elattny to tr~ffic that ~11 in9~ess and egress w111 be to L~ P~1ma and polnted out th~ra are othe~ three~story apartment proJects In the City ot A~ehelm. TlIE PUBLIC NEARtNG WAS CLOSEO. Conmissio~er Ktng polntad out tha itructure hetght Is proposed at 24 feet which does not excead no~mal two•atory bui ldin~s. M~. Bawm+in explalned Code permits Mo-story bulldings to go co 35 feet and the two-story structure next doo~ Is 25 feet high and the height 1'or the proposed p~o)ect •t 24 feet has been achtaved by grading dewn. Commisslo~ar Nerbst stated the Commisslon haa been studylnq apa~tnent standsrds for some time and has had Joi~t meetings with the City Counctt; chat he has been one of the p~oponents for meintalning the 150-foot setback~ but tirtws do change and due to the cost of construction and lack of housing~ they are evelueting the Codes and trying to compromise. He felt the developer has compromi~ed with the i5~foot buffer~ but tn turn we~ts three-stortes~ ~nd ls willing to keep them within two-story hetght limits. Ha felt tho desig~ of the u~tta wtth the carports for p~otection wili lessen the tmpact o~ the natghbors obutting the proparty and felt the project~ ~s redesic~ned~ is as good as any he has seen and the (mpact ia minimal which is what the Commission is t~yfnq to sccomplish. Ne asked what type trees will be pionted to qtve a softness co the garsges snd how fast they w111 meture. He wanted the opposftton to realtze that the proJect is within Code regsrding size and denstty~ recognizing that could not be accomptlshed wlthout the varianr.c. Cortrnissi~ner King poinced out a5~ oP the households in Caltfornia cennot afford to buy e medlunr priced home being built today. Mr. Bowman responded to Commissione~ Herbst's questfo~ regarding trees and explained Mr. ~abib stated the trees would be bushy~ long-stem type trees. Commissioner Herbst asked if staff could recommend a tree that would graw high enough wlthin a reesonable length of time to buffer the wall. Annika Santalahti. Assistant Director for Zoning. explained stsff has asked some d.*.velopers to propose speciftc tree specles whlch a landscaper has said will mature within a five yea r perlod to a reasonable hefyht and breadth to buffer adJacent aingle-famtly p~operttes. Occesianally a developar looks at a p~o~ect the Cemm(ssion ts famtliar with and uses the same techniq ues. She stated the CitY does not have a particula~ lfst but uses nnamples such as the apartment proJect on Romneya a~d State College or the comnercial propsrty on the southwest corne~ of Sunkist and Ltncoln (Ralphs) where the trees a~e 20- fe@t tall and are bughy. Responding to Commissioner Fry. Dean Sherer~ Assistant Planner, explalned six-foot masonry walls are required adjacent to single•famtly residentlat. ACTION: Comnissioner Herbst offered a motion~ saconded by Commissioner Kl~g and MOTION RR ED (Chairman Yolar being absent)~ that the Anaheim City Planning CanMntssion has ~eviewed the ~1 to permit a~~•unit apa~tment canp lex with rr~ive~s of maximum structurai h~ ,d minimum distence between buildings on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land co~sisti • • of approximately 1. 75 acres havin9 a frontage of approximately 258 feet 10/6/80 ~ ~, ~~ NINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION~ OCT06ER 6~ 1980 EIR NEGIITIVE DECLAMTION ANO VARIANCE N0. 3170_ (CONTINUEO~ .~....~.~.~~.n..~.~..w eo•58o on ths south side of L~ Palnr Av~~w h~vtn~ ~ maxtnwm d~pth of 360 tset ~nd bei~9 locat~d approxtn~t~lY S5~ fe~t •ast ot tha c.nt~rline ot East Str~~ti and does her~by approv~ th~ N~9ati w D~cl~retlon f~om the ~~qul~~ment to pr~p~r• ~~ envlronn»ntal Impact rspart on th• basis that ther~ would be na sl9nittunt i~divldual o~ cunMUtatlva ~dvarse envira~n-~ntai tiapact due to tha approval af thi~ Neg~tive D~claratton since th• Anah~im Gen~r~l Plan d~signatss the •~jsct property fo~ nr dium-density rastdentlal land we conmensurete aith th~ proposel; thet no sensittve enviranmantal Irnp~c~ts a~~ tnvolved in the p~opos~l; thet the Inittal Study submitted by the patitloner t~dlcates no signif(cant indtvtduai o~ cwnulative adverse e~vt~oninantal (mpects; ~nd th~t the Negettve Declaratto~ substa~tiating the to~agoing findinys in on flle fn th• City of An~halm Planntng Depa~tme~t. Commtssioner Harbst otfered Resolutton No. PC80-170 and movsd }or Its psssage and adoption that tha Anaheim City Planniny Canmtssion daes heraby g~a~t Petttlo~ tor Varlance No. 3170 on ths ba~ts the petitio~er stipulated that the overAll haight for the three•story units would not excAed 24 fset and denisl would dep~ive ~ul~Ject p~ope~ty of a privilege enJoy~d by oLhe~ p~operty in the erae and sub,ject to Inte~dep~rtmante) Commtttee ~ecommendations. On roll call~ the foregoing resolutia~ was pessed by the followtng vote: AY~S; COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ BOUAS, BUSHORE. FRY~ HEaBST~ KING~ NOESs CONMIISSIONERS: NONE ABSENTs COMMISSIONERSs TOLAR Jack White, Atslstant City Attorney~ presented the tho written ~Ight to appeal the Planning Commis~lon's dectsian withln 22 daya to the City Counctl. 10/5/80 l ' MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CIT11 PLRNNING COMMISSION~ OCTOdEa 6, 19$0 84'S81 ITEM N0. PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS= PHI~IP AND ESTHER E. ~T~~VE DECLARATION SCHUMNKER~ 810 Jade Way, Anahelm~ CA 9280S. AGENTt NT B089Y T. PETERS~ 241~ East L• Palma~ Aneheim, CA .2i14 92806. P~tttioner request• permission to RETAIN AN AUTOMOTIVE BODY SHOP WITH WAIVER OF MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKINC SPACES on prope~ty deacribed •s a rect~~gul~rly-shaped p~rce) ot lend conslsting o~ •ppraximately 5320 square feet~ having a f~ontape of appraximataly 50 feet an the east stdo of Anahelm 9oulavard, hsvi~g a m~ximum depth of approximately 11Q feet end being located approximately 24A feet north af the centarltne of Mllls Drive~ anJ further descrlbed as 916 North Anahetm Boulavard (C 6 D Auto Cltnic). Property presently clsssifled CG (COMMERCIAL, GENERAL) 20NE. Thare waa one perso~ indicattnfl hts p~esence tn opposition to sub)ect request, and although the steff report to the Planning Cammisalo~ datad October G~ 1980 wes not read at the public hearing~ tt is referred to and mede e p+irt of the minutes. John Zttney, 8081 Stanton Avenue, Buena Park~ ~eprese~ting Mr. Peters~ stated this a~ea obviously ts daveiaped with automotlva uses simtlor to this request. Doneld Stnin~ Anaheim 8~ake end Wheel~ g12 North A~ahelm 8oulevard~ stated his business Is locat~d (n the same comptex and the only oppositton he has (s to the dust and nolse which both~ers hls customara; that he has been there 1S Yea~s and thts is affecttng his business; that thelr bulldings faGe each other with 20-foot htgh dnors and he can~ot tslk to his cuatomers on the phone or tn persan because of the nolse. Mr. Zicncy stated an aut~nabile body shop is e Stein cannot talk to his customors. He stetad only psinttng his cllcnt does ts a ilttle spot •utomoblle would be done at another lacatlon. noisy body shop a~d polntad out there are othe think anything could be done s~out the noise. noisy use and it ts unfortunate tf Nr. tha orposltlon mentloned painttng~ but the patnttng a~d the paintln~ of an entire He did not know how there could be a non- r nolsy uses tn the area and he did not TNE PU~L1C HEARIHG WAS CLOSED. Cortmtssioner Herbst pointcd out there was a coniplaint flled regarding s~ray palnttng being done outside. Mr. Zitney explalned painting is done at anath~~ iocatlon and this complaint v+ould have been for touch-up paintiny~ but this action is for approvsi ot a conditional use permit in order to retein a paint a~d body shop in thts zone. Commisslo~er Herbst felt there is a two-fold problem with paint blowing onto othe~ people's property and nolse and dust bothe~t~g the neighbo~s, He felt the noise muat be exceeding scceptable levels of 65 decib4ls outsfde the buildtng~ pointing out there have been previous problems Ntth body shops and the operators have taken a~ttenuation n~easu~ea by putLi~g insulation on the daors and dotng the sanding instde. He felt if this use is bothering the neighbors~ then it may ba the wrong ptace for a body shap. Chairmsn P~o Tempora Bushore stated he has no abJection to a body shop in this zone, pointing out thQro ar~ other similar uses in the area, but thoae owners have come in s~d esked fo~ a permit end subJectrd themselves to the stipulattons which the Commtssion has roquired to p~otect the neighborhood; howeve~~ this is a uniquet situatio~ wiCh the 10/6/80 ~> `~ NINUTES~ ANIWEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOBEIt 6~ 1980 50~582 Ela NEa11T1VE QECI.ARATION~ WAIVER OF CODE RCQUIREMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2114 (CQNTINUED) businas~as tacing e+ach othe~ u+d tha oth~r business ha: bean there for a long ttms with no compl~InRS. H~ stated h~ had observad • lot of autanotive Dady parts laying right out tn the sto~~ge ar~a and they were unslyhtly and stated thls is one af tha things the Conmitalon trtas to control and if a permit I• gra~ted~ tha petittonar will have to abida by certein rule: a~d regulations. Commissioner Ba~nes ask~d Mr. Steln about che noise p~oblem ~nd he replied the petittoner use: tilgh-pitchad dir sandera far four or five hou~s at e time. Ne explalned lately a11 the palnti~g has been done Inside~ but the wind biows the sprsy over to his pla~ce and his customera sre ca~cerned about thair c~rs. He expl~ined he has had no complalnts about patnt aett!Ing on his custome~s vehicles yet~ but they have indicated concern. D~an Sherer~ Assistant Ptannor~ expletned the Fire Code ~equires that any spray palnttng must be conducted inslde an approved paint booth inside a building end he unde~stands this compleint was the rssult Af some minor spray palnting done outalde thu buildtng~ but the subrnitted plans do not ahow rnyular spray patnting ~t thts location. CommtsslonQr King sugg~sted that the doora be closed and M-•. Stetn repited cloaing the larger door end leaving the smaller one open would help the sftuatton. Mr. Stein eiso explained his operation fs nc~t noisy. Commisetonmr King feit with the dours closed~ the petitioner mtght not be able to operate. Mr. Zltney explained tha petittoner has e spray bc~oth in FuilerCon and takes vehicles the~e for complete painting; that h~ does baiy and fender work for a local Fiat dealer and has new Flats on the premises so would not be spray petnttng a~d takinq a chance of damagtng those cars. Mr. Petcra~ petitioner~ stated he does a lot of naw car work and does the Nork Inside and the mino~ paintTng does not affect tt~ose cars. Ne ateted he could work tnside with o~e door closed. He stated the fire Depa~tment checked the site and he operated each tool o~d then received a letter from the Fire Oepartment indicati~g everythtng meees Cc~de. He explained the Flre Code perm+ts spot peinting inside the bullding. Chai~man Pro Tempore Buslx~re asked the length of the tease and Mr. Peters replied he Just signed for an~ther ynar. Chairman Pro Tempore Busho~e stated he has no objections to the use and felt lf these two gentleme~ try to get along together thot some of these prc~blems csn be taken cere of, especially if the petitoner wo~ks inside with one door closed and clea~s the place up and keaps it clean. He felt the petitioner does deserv~e an opportu~tty to take care of Che netghbor~s concern. Commissloner Ktng suggested some of the JuRk cars occupying the parking spacas be raneved to provida rtore parking and M~. Peters ~~pl~~d only one of the cara can be renaved and the othe~s wi 11 be ~epai red. ACT ION: Camni ss tone~ Barn~es oPfered a mot ton ~ seconded by Comini ss toner Ki ng and MOTION RR ED (Chairman Tolar being absent)~ that the Anahelm City Pl~nning Commission hss reviawed the propoasl to retatn an automotive bady shop in the CG (Commercial~ General) Zone with a waive~ of minimum number of parktng spacas on a rectanguta~lyahaped parcel of 10/6/80 ~" MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY PLANNING C4MMISSION~ OCTOdER 6~ 1980 EIR NEtiATIVE DEC~ARATION~ WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT ANO CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2114 (CONTINUED) 80•583 land consisting of approxtmately 53~0 squara feet~ h~vtng ~ fro~tage of ~pproxtn~tAly 50 fest on the ea~t side of Mahaim Boulav~rd~ hsving a nisximum d~pth ot •pproxtmstety 110 feet and betng lacated •pproximet~ly 240 feet no~th of the centa~llne of Mills nrlve; and doas hereby •pprove the Negatlve Decla~ation frnm the requi~enwent to propare an snvtronmantal Impsct report on the basis that there would ba no ~Igniftc~nt tndividw 1 or cumulative adverse environm~ntal impact due to che +~pp~oval of thl• Negative Decla~ation sinc• the Anahetm General P1en deal9nates the subJect property for general ccx~n~erclal land uses conrnensur~te wtth the praposel; thst na sensikive environmsntal Impacts are involved In the proposal; that the Inittal Study s~bmitted by the petitioner Indlc~tes na slgnificsnt indivtdual or cumuletive adverse environmente) impact~; and thet the Negative hecla~atlon substanttattng the foregotng findings la on file In the Ctty of Maheim Planntng Department. Comnilslonnr Barnes offered s motlon~ second~d by Commisstoner Fry and M0710N CARRIEO (Cheirn~n To1er being absent)~ that the Anahelm tity Pianning Con~ntsslon does hereby grant welvera of Coda requtremont on the basis that the natu~e of thts parttcular use does not raqulre the requlred number of parking spacas nnd denial would deprive sub)ect p ropa~tY ot a prlvtlege being enJoyed by other arop~rttes in tha same zane and vicintty. Commissione~ Barncs affered Rasolution No. PC80•171 end that the Anahetm City Planntng Conm(ssion does he~eby Permtt No. 2114~ for e ane (1) year perlod subJect to time and subJect to the pettttoner stipuletlon st the lnside the butidtng with one la~ge door closed at al) being conducted and khere shall be no outdoor storege Interdepartmental Committoe reeommendatlons. mcvQd for its passage and adoptlon grint Petttlon for Condittonal Use revlew for posstbie extanaton~ of publtc haaring to co~dutt a1) work tin+as whtle noisy aperattons are of automottve parts and aubJect to On rQll ceil~ the fa~egoi~g resolution was pessed by th~ following v~te: AYES: GOMMISSIONERS; BARNES~ BOU11S~ BUSHORE~ FRIr~ HERBST~ KING, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TOLAR Cammisstone; Herbst stated it would behoove th~ petiktone~ to work with his nelghbors snd solve arty prablert~ and pointed aut the petittoner must abide by the stipulations and con4ltians of thfa p~rmit. Jack White~ Assistant City Attorney~ presented the written riqht to appeal the Planning Commtsslo~'s decislon within 22 days to the City Council. 10/b/80 i 1 ~ MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION~ OCT08ER 6, 19~ 80•584 ITEM N0. PUBLIC NEARING. OWNERS; WINSTON INDUSTRIAL ~~~E 0 RATION PROPERTIES~ 2x01 E~st Win~ton Road~ Anahetm~ CA D M NT 9~~6. AGENTt JOHN K. YOUNG, BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH~ M . 2116 6149 C~mino Manzano~ Anaheim~ CA ~2807. Petittonar "" ~""-" requasts permtsstan TO PERMIT A CNURCH IN TNE ML ZONE WITH WAIVER OF MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES on propert~r described as ~ rectangularly-shsped parcel af land conststing of epproximataty 4.7 acres~ having a Frontage of approxtmetely 330 feet on the north side ot Wlnston Road, havtng e msximum depth of approxim~rtely fi20 feet~ and be(ng located approximately 980 faet sest of the centerline of State Collega Boulevard~ and further descrtbed es 2201 East Winston Road. Property presentlY classified ML (INDUSTRIAL~ LIMITED) tONE. Thera were three perso~s Indlcating their presence ln favor of subfsct requast, snd slthough the staff report dated Octc~ber G~ 198Q w~s not read at the public hea~ing it is referred to a~d madc a part of the minutes. John K. Y4ung~ Pasta~ of Blble Bapttst Church~ hi4~ Camino Manxano, stated the church has been meettng in the area a~t the Jart~s Quinn School on South Su~klst and wish to st~y I~ the area. He steted the owners of the complex heve assured them that there v~tii be ample parktnc~ b~cause of ttielr hours of use when the other businesses ere ciosed. T-IE PUBLIC HEARi~~G WAS CLOSED. Commtasioner Barnes asked how le~g the chu~ch pl~ns to meet at this locatlon and Pasto~ Youny repllecl they do not plan to use che facility any longer thsn Mo years. Commissinne~ Ba~nes stated she sees no probiem wich this particular use in thts particuldr industrial a~ea and did not fnel it will have any detrtmental e~fect on the othe~ industries in the ne(ghborhood; but aanted to p~int out the Commtssion may not feel that way about stmilar epplications in ather locations. ACTIOK: Conmissioner Barnes affered a motlon, secoRded by Cammlssioner Fry and M071QV ~i1~T~'U, (Chatrmin To1ar being absent). that the Meheim City Planntng Commisslon has ~eviewed the propo~ai to permit a church tn the ML (Industriei, Limited) Zone with watver of minimum n~mibtr of perking space~ on a rettAngularly•shaped pa~cel ot land consisting of approximately 4.7 acres~ having a frontage of approxiinately 330 feet on the north side of Winston Road~ having a maxlmum ck pth of approximately 62b teet a~d being located appraximetely 9$Q feet east of the centerllne of Stete Caltege Boulevard; and does he~aby approve the Negative Declaretion from the requtrement to p~¢pare an environmental tmpact report on the basis that thora would br na slgnificant tndlvldual or cumulatiwe adva~se environmen~a) impact due to the app roval of this Negattve ~acla~etion slnce the Anahelm General Plen designates the subJ~ct p roperty for gencral tndustrtal land uses; thst no sensitive envtronmental ImQacts a~e involved in the proposal; that the Inttial Study submitted by tfi e p~tlttoner indicates no significanC individusl ar cumulat~ve edverse environme~tal lmpects; and that tha Negativn Deciaration substdntiating the foregoing ft~dings is on file in the City of A~eheim Planntng Depa~tmant. Cortrnissione~ Barnes offesred e nwtion~ seco~ded by Commissioner Fry end MOTION CARRIED (Chat~man Tolar being absent)~ that the A~ahsim City Planning Commission does hereby grant Petition for Candittonal Usa Pnrmlt No. 2116 1`or a period of one (1) yea~~ subject to reviaw and sub)ect to Interdepartmentel Committee racomnendations. 10/6/80 ~~ ,~ MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMNISSION~ OCTABER 6, 1980 EIR NEliAT1VE DECLARATION~ WAIYER OF COOE REQUIREMENT AND CONDItIOWAL'USE PERMI ~NO. 2116 (CONTINUED) .~.n~.~wr.~...~.~~ ^ ..~w~~ On roll ull, che fo~ec~otng resolutlon was paased by tha follawing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ NOES: CO~M11S'~IONERS; NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TOLAR ITEM N0. N G VE DECI.AfWTION R DE E U E NTS 0 . 2118 BqUAS~ BUSHORE~ FRY, HERBST~ KING, 80-585 PUBLIC NEARI~JG. OWNERSs BERNARD NAGBY, 5~50 Santa Monlca Boulevard~ Hollywaod~ CA 90029. AGENT: HAL N. HIBDARD~ 102f1 E~st ltncoln Avenue~ Mshetm~ CA 92805. Petltioner r~quests permiaslon Ta RETAIN A RA~IATOR SIIOP IN THE CL ZONE WITN WAIVERS OF (a) MINIMUM LANDSCAPED SETBACK~ (b) REQUIRED SITE SGREEWiNG on prope+rty dnscribed as a rectangularly-shaped p~+rcel of land consis~tnq of app~oximately 0.3 acre~ located et the southweat corner af Lincoln Avenue and Rose Street~ havln~ a frontege of approximately 100 feet on the south stde of ltncoln Avenua, and a front~ga of approximately 125 feet on the west side of Roae Street~ and furthe~ described as 1020 Eaat Ltncoln Avenue. Property pre:ently classifted CL (LOMMERCtAL~ LIMtTEO) ZOME. Commtsstoner Bushore declared e conflict of intereat ss deftned by Anshetm Cit~- Planning Commission Resolution No. PG76-157 edopting a Conftlct of Interest Code fo~ the Planning Gommisston and Government Code Sectton 362y~ et stq.. in that he ects as acqutsition agent for RedavelapmAnt P~oJect Alpha and subJect property Is located within boundaries of Alpha Project Area end pursuant to the proviytons of the abov~ Codes declared to the Chelrman that he was withdrinving frc~m the hearinq ln connection with Condttlanal Usa Permit No. 2118 ~~d did rx~t tak~ pert In elther the dlscusslon or the vottng thereon. Thereupon Chairman Pra T~mpore Bushore left the Louncil Ch~rrber +~nd Commtsslo~er Barnes sssumed the Cheir. Nal Hibbard~ 73~9 Paseo Ganeda~ agent, stated thls ststion lost its gasollne eilocetion from Exxo~ and is in vlolation af the existing conditional use permit; that it has been suggested that the gasoline pumps be eliminatad, the trash enclosure areas medtfied snd the drlveways deeded to the City. Ha did not think the avner would be r+illing to comply with thes requirements. He did not thtnk he would n~ve up the driveways until fofced to do ~o when Lincoln is re-aligned. He requested that those requireanents be deleted. TNE PUBI.IC NEARING WAS CLOSEt~. Commtssioner King asked if the petitione~ is wllltng to remove tha gesoline pumps and Mr. Hlbba~d replied that the owner wauld like fior the pun~s to stay because gasoline msy be sold agaln in the future. C:mmisaloner Herbst stated the Flre Department has requested that the pumps ba ramcved withqut ftiling the storage tanks and expialned they co~ld be replaced very easily~ if necessary. Ne felt tha tanka should be removed because o~ the danger. Mr. Hibbard s~tat~d he would remove the pumps if gtven adequate ttme with the stipulatio~ that thery couid be rep~aced when he gets the gasollne allocation. 10/6/80 ~~. 1 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOBER 6, 1980 8p-586 Elli liEGATIVE DECLARATION. WAIYER OF CODE REQUIREMENT ANO CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT NOw 211$ (CONTINUED) ACTION: Commtasioner King offered w m~tion~ sacondod by Commlasioner Ne~bst and MOTION ~1RRI~D (Commissloner Pro Tampore Busho~e being absent)~ thet the Mahoim Ctty Pl~nning Commisston has revieried the proposai to retain e radietor repatr ~F,op in the CL (Commercial~ Limited) 2ane with walvers of mtnimum landscaped setback •nd ~equtrad sita sc~eening on a ~ectangularly-shapad parcel of land consiseing of approxtmately 0.3 acre~ located st the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenun and Roa~e St~ee~ having a t~ontage ot •pproxfmatnly 100 feet on the south stde of Lincol~ Aven w end a f~ontage of approximataly 125 feet on the west side of Rose Streati and does hereby app~ovo the Negattve De~laration from the requiremient to p~epare en environmental Impact raport on the ba~is thdt there would ba no slgniftcant tndtvidu~l or cumulative edverse envtronmental inr~act due to the approval of thts Ne9ative Qeclaration sinca the Anaheim General Plan desig~at~s tha subJect property for generai open space uses~ however~ subJect use is cur~ently developed with mixed comrnercial uses, thet no aensitive environmental Impects a~e tnvolved In the propossl: thAt tho In{tiel Study submitted by the petitloner Indicates no slgnificant tndividual or cumulative advarse environmentai Impaccs; and that the Negattv~: Declaratlon substanttating the foregoing findings is o~ ftle in the City of Ar-at+eim Planning Department. Prlor to voting on the resolution the Gommtssion dtscussed the proposed conditlans end Mr. Nibbard tndicated the property awne~ does not want to comply witf~ Co~ditton No. 4 and Anntka Santalahtl, Assistant Director for Zoning, explained ihese oid permits should not :emaln on tho propewty because City st~ndards do change and this givea the Commission and staff en opportunity to review the proposal under arry n~r r~gutations and leaving the p~srmits in effect would permit e scrvtce stat:on, trailer rente! operatlon and r~diator repair shop o~ the same proparty. Tamporary Acting Chalnroma~n Bar~es pointed out the owner could request a npv co~dltional use permi t i f ha wishes to have a trai le:r rental operatto~. Jack Whtte~ Assfstant City Attorney~ suggested a 90-day period fpr ren+oval of the gaaoline pun~ps . Commissioner King offercd a motion~ se u.nded by Commtssloner Ne~bst and MOTION CARRIED (Chairman Pro Tempore Bushore and Ch~irman Tota~ being absent)~ that the Anahetm Clty Plen~ing Comraiasion doea hereby grant waiver of Code requlrement on the b~sls that the statlon is existing and dental wouid deprive the p roperty ot privile~es enjoyed by other pro~ertias in the same zone and vtcinity and the uso ts an inte~im use because subJect erea is located in the Redevelopmer~t ProJect Aipha. Commisatoner King offered a Resalutton Ho. PC80-173 end mave~ for tts passage and adoption that the Ansheim tity Planning Commission does hereby grant Petttton for Condttional Use Permit No. 2118 subJect to the pettti, 's stipulation thet the axtsting pumps ~halt be renqved as approved by the Fire Depa~tmant and subJect to Interdepertmentsl Commtttee ~eccmNnendstlons~ delettng Conditions No. 1 and 2. On roll r.all~ the foregotng resolutton wes p~ssed by the fiollo~-ing vote: AYES: COMMISSlONERS: BARNES, BOUAS, BUSNORE~ FRY. HERBST. KING~ NOES: COFWISSIONERS: NONE ABS~NTs COMMISStONERS: TOLAR Chal raian Pro ien~o~e Bushora rztu~ned to the Counci 1 Chant~er. Coamiasioner Fry left the meeting et 4:~ p.~n. snd did not retu~n. ~0/6/SO ~~ `. i MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISStON~ OCT09ER 6~ 1980 80-587 ITEN N0. 8 PUBLIC MEARING. IN171ATE0 8Y THE CITY OF ANANEIM ~R~FJ~TT~IE DECLARATION TO CONSIOER A~TERNATE PROPOSALS OF ULTIMATE lANO JSES QEN RAL L N MENDMENT N0. 160 (SINGIE-fAMII.Y, MULTIPLE-FAMILY ANO COMMERCIAL OFFIC~) AND COM8INATIONS OF THESE for an aree of approxim~tely 7•6 scres lcxated north of Centar Street extending on both sldas of Coffn~+n and Cyprosa Strents. There we~e appproxima~aly 25 persons present t~ a~positlon to sub.ject request~ and aithouyh the staff report to the Planning Commtssion deted October 6~ 1980 wat not read at the ~ubltc hearing it is referred to and mede pe~t of the minutea. Jay Taihlro~ A~soctste Planner~ prese~ted the steff report to the Plenninc~ Commisston datad October 6~ 1q80 not~~g thts Is a City-I~Itlated accton to consider alternate propasals of ultimete lond uses on ,~.G acres locsted north of Canter Street exte+nding no~therly and southe~iy o~ both si~:es af Coffman and Cypresa Streets. He slso pointed out exhibits ahawing the current zoning and two alternatlvQS and stated whatever alternt~ttve is seiected by the Planning Commi~tsion and City Counclt~ subseyuent zon(ng a~d pe~haps tract map acttons will be necess~.rY to implement the Gdneral Plan. Reuben De leon, 110~5 Meads~ Orangn~ Californla 92G6y~ stated he vwns four lots on Coffman and the areo is curr~ntly zoned for ~esidentlal and agricultural uses and he did not see anythtng to be gained by what the City is proposing. Chalrman Pro Tempore Oushore explained thc Planning Commisaton has pr~tlal pc~we~ to sdopt zontng on particular propertles and people con~ !~nfore the Commission and make speciftc requests and there have been people frcxn thls area requesting chanqes; that the Commission looks upon th(s area as a possible transitlonal area and today are looktnq at curre~t and future zoning and want Input fram the pr~perty owners as to what they want on thetr property. Co~m+lssianer Harbst steted tf~e exhibits sho~wn are merely proposels which staff hss come up with, but the Commission can make anY chenges they desire. Ne expleined thC proposals are diffarent because some of tha properties back up to single•familY dwellings. Mr. De Leon stAted on the aast side of the p~operty there Is a nbtel and tt (s a mess and there are constantly arrests far drugs. etc. He stated they are co~cerned with cleening up th~t mess. Commissioner Barnes asked what Mr. De leon would want on his properties and M~. Da Laon replied they do not want it changed (f the prop~rty avners are rwt gotnq to gain a~ythi~g. Chalrman Pro Temnore Bushore explained stnce there are people there who want changes, the Conw~ission is today hearing from the property owners as to what they want and ta determi~e whether o~ not apartments (1-story~ 2-story or 3-story) are acceptable or whether condominiums or some nther typa use is acceptable bacause there sre ell kinds of alternatives. He felt there are thosa who we~c no change, but for those who do want chenge, the Commisaion wants to give them that opportunity so long as it does not affe~t the ownars who remaln. Chris Ssndaval~ 224 Evalyn D~ive, stated he wants co leave the area as it ta; tha~t he ha:~ lived there nine years snd ilkes thla qutet nrca, even rvith the traffic on Coffman s~d the 3~/6/80 ~ ~ ~ MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY PIANNINC COMMISSION, OCT06ER 6~ 1980 80-Sgs EIR NEGATIVE OECLARATION ANG G~NEMI PIAN AMENOMENT NO 160 (CONTINUEU) ~otel. H~ did not think this Is tha tirna or plata tor a ht9h density conrnunlty. M~ ttat~d the a~ea Is nice •nd they havo no need to ul~ the pollce and he wants to k~ep tt law-density reside~tlal. Sutan Huntcr~ 153 Evelyn Orfve~ stated she moved her~ ~~ yeart aqc~ ~nd picked thts ~r~a baceusa (t did ~ot have street ltohts and (~ qulet~ even though they do hova fast traffic •nd the~o have been scctd. ~ts. but sha doei nat want to see •nything done to tha area to change it. She felt the only problem {s the rs+~tel and tf that is not gotng to be changed~ then nothing should be changed. Sheron Otten~ 170 Evelyn D~Ive~ 'tated she h~s Ifved here twelva years end loves the qulet~ ctean neighbarhood; hvwever~ she understands that p~oparty owne~s o~ the other side could make a nlca proflt If the area is chenqed~ but polnted out traffic is bad and the~e have baen two severe accidents rec~ntly. She suggested leaving the area as It ts a~d barric~ 'l~g Cypress where It comea Into Evelyn to pe nnft pedestrisn trstfic only. Bob Te~nplaton, 1~i52 E. Almond Orive~ presented a petltton contat~ing approximat~ly 30 stgnatures asking the Commissiun to consider that the area to the ~orth and west sldes of subJect property is singie-femily end they went to keep tt low-density; that meJor streets tn the srea are alreedy overlaaded at Aeak tirtres~ and the seconcla~y ~esidentlA) streets are narroN and the nelyhborhoods are qutet and wh~ther naw access streets are conatructed on nxisting ones used~ the problem will be the same. Hc pol~ted out Center Street (t the only access and there a~e no trafftc signals controliing traftic. He referred to the apartment complex in the ~~rea witl~ n-~n~ pollce cells~ graffiti~ oid cars, etc. He stated llght commercial already exists in the area a~d they hope eny further comnerctal development tekes into considerati~n that familfes with or without chlldren~ live cloae by and do not wish (ncreasc~ in notsa~ trafftt or pollution, Evelyn Simmans, 121 Coffinen~ stated she wants the area left )ust as (t ts. Ms. lester Way. in4 Coffman~ stated she does not want the density increased becausn they have had accldents. She felc the area should be kept single-family or condomi~ium so the owners heve to be responsible. She refer~ed to the only access off Llncoln and stated It is a bad Intersectton. Margaret Ennis. 11e Coffman~ felt the area should be cleaned up, but left as It is. Tany Velargas, 1909 E. Cypress. stated hc would ltke the area to rematn as tt Is; that he has co~structlon equipment stored there and though it may be an eyesore for some~ tt is part of his llvllihood. Joaeph Rtckman. 2047 Rainbow Drive. TusYin~ Californis~ felt if the area is left as it is~ it will get worse and worse and the only way to get it cleaned up ts approval of E~chibit B and felt it Is a good plan and wcw id be fal~ to everybody wtthout increASing traffic. He agreed this is not the right place fo~ high density. Fern Robinson~ stated she is interested in the property st 223 Coffinen, and felt the area needs a cha~ge and aventually tl~ere wiil have to be a change, but not immedtetely~ that thn are~e has large lots which would e~ceurage duplexes, but not having apartments would keep the area rural. She pointed out this action is for the iand use and not zoni~g. ~' 10/b/SO ~ ; r _. ~ ;:~ ~~ '~INUTES~ ANAMEIM CITV PLANHING COMMISSION~ OCTOgER 6. 1980 80-589 EIR NEti11tIVE OECLAMTION AND GE?IEML P~AN AMEN~MENT N0. 160 (COIITINUED) Chairma~ Pro Tempore Bushor• stated the C011~ItIf{IO~ M~f1~t sonia gutdelines •o whe~ peopl~ do ~ke reqwi ts . th~r w t 11 knaw wh~t the n~ t qhborhood vrou I d 1 I ke and • 11 the chenges wou i c: be proparty o~-ner changes~ Ms. Robinson st~ted nn ona would have to move If this •nnendment is made and this Nould be for future develapment of tha •rea. Chsirnwn Pro Tempore duah~re 1t~ted nrybe the ~eighborhood woutd sgree ta permltttng a propo~ty c~wner ta bulld another house behlnd ~+n existinq house ~n the large lot~. but the Commtssion dae~ not went to create any impact that wouid ha~m the neighborhood and msybe this ts a possible way to make the trensition and gat rid af the storsgc yerds, etc. Cerrie Coyke~ dall~ 1;332 E, Le Palnw, steted she owns aroperty on Coffma~ end if Coffman has to be rezoned ot this tTmo so people can develop, ~the fclt It should be xoned for the highest land use value for tha future; thet change is ~ot Just fo~ one year but forever and Coffn~sn has access ta med(cal offica~ freeways~ etc. and is a very valuable prope~ty for those who went to Jevelop It inta more then a home; that mcst people there have had their propo~ty for a long time and it (s a nice straet~ but she felt there is a lot to consider bafore making e decislun of such megnitude and studles should be dane as ta what ls best for the whalc erea, TIIE PUl3LIC HEARING 1dAS ClOSEO~ Commlssioner King Indicoted if any chenges are mede to condominlun-s~ spartments~ etc.~ it would be done through the property owner's Inltiative and not throuqh g~vernment. Commissioner 8arnes wondered (f the property awners on Coffman understand what ca~ happen when there is e mixture of uscs such aa this. Sho st~ted the area needs cleenlnq up; that whe~ a GE:~era) Plan An+endmant such as this (s approved~ the p~operty owRers on that particular s treet ~eally profit bmcause property values lncrease and people can contfnue tc live tn thRir homes for as lo~g es they desire And thelr property values tonttnue to increese. Sh a wanted to be sure they understend that just because ~ GPA Is approved~ things wil) nat start happening ~ight away; that the opposition talked about not wanttng apartmants, but no one discusscd condominiums which are avner cxcupied. She agreed with the concerned property wvners on Evelyn~ buc stated if she Itved o~ Coffman~ sha would want the prnpert.y zoned for as high a dcnsity as posslble. She stated she would vote as the property awners want; hoaever~ In her opi~lon Exhlbit "B" wuuld be the best pls~, strl~tly f~oan e land planning standpoint. Cammisalone r Herbst stateJ he had d~iven through thts •~ea thls weeke~d trying ta evaluate what he wouid want for the area tf he owned property there and he felt this is a transltionai area with olde~ homas abuiting s newer aection. He feit the only way that prope~ty is going to be cleaned up and developad is to retone it because af the cast of building a home todby. Ne stated there are qulte a few undeveloped lots in the arna. but deveiopers would not construct a singie-famtly $100.000 home on these lots. especially next docar to a:torage yard. Developers nced somc incentive that tha whole ~~ea will be cleaned up a nd he fait the only way it wlll happen is wlth a GPA to rnedium and Ivw-medium density, pot nti~g out condominiums cou{d be developed with assembly of lots. or dupl$xes or trlpiexes couid be developed. He stated if the General Plsn is amended (Exhibit B)~ development would b e instigated by the properxy owners by brtng(ng ~re a plsn and then a public hea~ing would be tieicl and the ~eighbors would be notifTed. 10/6~8Q ~t ~e'. ~ MINU~ES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ OCTOBER 6~ 1980 ~•590 EIR NE~iATIVE OECIARATION ANO QENERAI PLAN AlIENOMENT N0. 160 (CONTINUED) Commissloner H~rbst st~tod evory parcel developed tn An+~haim in the future will be for hlghe~ denslty end tht• h~ppons to ba ~ transitlonal araa wtth older hon~a. v~ u nt lots~ storeye y~rds ~nd commercial us~s ~xtsting. He ststed it the General Pla~ Amendms~t is not appraved, the area wlll remein as tt is and tho street wlll not ba widened or sewers lnstalled. Me expleined the Planniny Commisslon Is trytnc~ to glve the property cwner• • tool fvr davetoping their property, polnting o~t the property values will not Increase backi~g up to a storsge y~rd. Commisslone~ 6arnes stated tf this General Plan M~endment is approved for higher denslty~ ~ny devaloper who v+ants to bulld anything would h~ve to present plsn~ ta the Planning Gommtaslon and the Commisslon would pratect the neighDa~s. She stated the Cammtsston is faced with these decisions a lot e~d are probably all thlnking that thla would bensfft all the property ownars~ even though they reallse the property owners do not want s change. She suggested dolsying this dctlon Fo~ saveral mc~nths so the property owners u n find out what the Commisslo~ is talki~g about. Jack White, Assistent Cicy Attornay~ suggested dtsapp~ova) of the GPA rather than e continuance, pointing out the Commlsslon can have staff bring it bsck whenaver they like. J~y Tashiro explained this metter wili be t-eara by th~ City Council In aPProxtnMtely one nanth and the property vwners wil{ h~ve an opportunlty to review the situat(on befora that hearing, polnttng out they ai11 be notifled of chat Council hearing. Marga~et ERnIs asked witl happen tf the oppositlon is n~t p~esent at the Council hearing and asked if the request wauld be dented and Chairman Pro Tempore Bushore said~ "1 think so. What the City Council would normslly do on s rtwtter Iike this~ we maka e recomme~datlan for them ~nd ;hny ~re going to reslize that we made the inlti~i stap and we also taok the fina! step in recann~ending that It be left as Is and I think that the words that we are saying hare rtght naw a~e gaing to go down on tape r••d go darn as p~rt of the minute~ and there has got to h~ve been over 30 people here stleast a~~d that the msjorlty ef the concensus exp~essed today is that we le~ve things as they are untti a Future period whe~ the neiyhborhood feels it wants it and that you sre the property owners speaking and ( think that you coutd be rest a~sured thet they wli) not meke any changes without it~ but at the same time I would not Just say to sit home and nieybe if two or three of you couid come down hare and re•emphasixe thot, wp are making It~ ~e~t of the records a~d aaked the Secretary to make this portion of the minutes verbatim". A~nika San talehti, 1~ssistant Directr~r for Zoning~ explained if no one shows up, the Council will normally take Commi~sl~ns rec~mn~en~atlons and the City Counci) public hearings us wlly begin promply at 3:~~ P.m. and suggested if they do not wish to attend~ s letter should be senc to the Council indicating support of Planning Commtssion actions. Gommissioner Herbst stated the City Counctl recently reconM+~ended that the Planning Comntssian ~evlew this area on Coffn~en Street for a General Plan Miendment when they conaidered one of the storsge yards. Jay Taahiro explained the conditio~al use aermit for the storage yard was appealed and tha City Cou~cfl concurred with the Planning Comaaission decisian to have a Ge~erai °lan study. Commissione~ Nerbst suggested the opposttton sttend the Ctty Council meeting because the Council recogntzes this Is e t~ansttional area. ~o~b~eo __.._.~~__W.~Y::~ ~ ~ ~ MI f~JTES ~ ANAHE 1 M C 1 TY PLAt~I l NR COMMI SS l ON ~ OCTOBEA 6~ 1980 80-591 EI R NEIfAT1VE OECLAMTION AND GENERAL PLAN AMENOMENT N0. 160 (CONTINUED) Con~nissione~ Barnas ~acommended the proparty owners reelly find out wh~t they wa~t fA~ the arsa be~ause thls GPA will benefit them frwn an economic stsndpoi~t. ACT I ON t Cornmi ss i aner B~rn~s of fe~~d a mot ( on ~ ~~conded b Commt sa i oner Herbst and MOT I ON ~~~D (Chal~n-Nn Tol~r end Commissione~ Fry beln~ ebsant~~ that tha Mshelm City Pia~ning Coa~i~aton hes revtewed the propasai tor ~ genc~e) pl~~ ~mendment ro~ 4he ractdngularly- shsped a~aa constsciny ~f ep~roximately 7.G acre~ located north ot Cante~ Street exte~dtng no~therly ~nd aoutherly an both sides of Coffrt-~n end Ce~tor Street:; snd does hmreby ~pp~ova the N~gative Decl~ratlon from the requlrement to prepare an envi ronrr~e~tal imp~ct rsport o~ tha basl~ thet the~e would be na significent tndividual or cu~wl+~tive adverse •nv t ronmental Impact due to tt~t ~pprova 1 of th I s Naget 1 ve Decl eret lon; thet no sens t t i ve environmental tn~pacts •ra involved in thc proposalt thae the Inltial Study submitted by the pattttane~ Indicatea no slynificant ind{vldual or cumulativc adverse envtronmental lmpacts; end Chat the Neg~tive Declaration substantleting the foregotng flndings ts on file tn thc City of Anehelm Plan~ing Dapertme~t. Can~nls~taner Barnas offered Reaolutlon No. PC80-1~N ~nd moved ~ar tts pas:age •nd adoption tha t the Anahe i m C I ty P lenn i ng Commt ss (on does hareby d i sepprove Gene~a 1 P 1 an Amendmsnt No. 160 - Land Use Element - on the basls that th~ mA)ority of the property owners pre~ent at the publ ic heartng expressed des t res to heve the prnp~rty ~emeined u~ehanged. On roi l cal l~ c~~c foregoing resolution w~s pas~ad by the fol lavtng vota: AYES; COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ NOE St COHMISSIONERS; NONE ABSEUT: C~INMISSIQNERS; TOLAa~ ITEM NO.~ E~R NEGATIVE DECLARATION N lAN M NOM N N0. 161 BOUAS, UUSIIORE~ HERBST~ KING~ F RY Street spproximatcly 270 fcet sauth of PUBIIC NEARING. OWNERS: RBSALIE M. MEYZGER. 19081 Mathew Clrcle~ Nuntington Beach~ CA g2646. AGENT: KIRK EVANS~ IG371 Beach Bouleverd~ Sutte 240, Hunt i ngton Beach ~ CA 9264 7. TO CONS I OER ALTERNATE PROPOSALS OF GENERAI COMMfRCIAL fo~ approxin+ateiy 5.0 acres locsted on the west stde of Alo Vista the centerline of Llncoin Avenue. Thare were three interested persons ~ndicsting thelr presenco at the pubi ic hea~ing~ and altfiough the steff report to the Pl~n~ing Commisslon datnd October 6~ 1g80 wes not read at th~ pubi 1c heertng~ It is referred to and madc part of the minutes. Jay Tashiro~ Assoclate Planner~ presantad the staff report ~ating thts ~s a praperty owner ini tlatec! General Plan Amendment to change the current Low Density Reaidential designatton to General Conmercial. The property vwner proposes to develop e comr~e~etal office eoiapiex whi ch would be subdlvided end sold as office condomini~ms. Sub)ect property conststs of app~oxima¢ely 5,0 acres loceted an the wQSt aicb of Ria Vlsta Street epproxtmetely 270 fe~t south of the centerllne of llncoln Avanue. Ki rk Evans, agent for Rosal i~ M. Metzger~ explainnd this General Plan Au~e~dment is being processed t~ ord~r to subdlvide the property in order to offer the offices for sale as eondan i n t un~ . He exp 1 a I ned the s i t e p 1 an was ~pproved o~ Ju ly 28 ~ 1980 ~and there a re no cha~ges to that pian. 10/6/80 ~~W v ! MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITif PLANNIIIG CdMMiSS10N~ OCTOBER 6~ 1980 60•592 EIR NEGATIVE DECLAMTION ANO OENERAL PLAN AMENOMENT N0~ 161 (CONTINUED) J~ck Wh ite~ Asststant City Att~rney~ e~cplained the u~e ~f the property wi i l nat be chanyed; th~t the law provides th~t the property cennot be subdtvided or sold as lndivtdual units unlets it conforms to tha Gane~~l Plan~ The property cu~rantly Is being us a d(n s m~n~er fo~ which zoning w~s approved which does not technicelly conform with the City's Gensrsl Plan. The awner wants to setl on paper tndtvidual commercial davelvpmentt~ but not change the developmrnt of the prqperty. Ida Burns~ 2718 Puritsn Place~ asked what exactly will be developed o~ the property. Commtssloner Herbst expl~tned those plans had bean revi~ed at ~ publtc hesring before the Pla~ning Commission. An~ika S~ntalahtt~ Assistant 0lrecto~ for Zoning. expldined Reclssstftcation No. 80-81-1 wss the matte r before the Comnission and those pl~~s ere availabie in the Planning nepartment and cen bo I'OVIaNAd. ACTION: Commtssioner Harbst offered a motion~ seconded by Commisslo~er King and MOtION RRIED (Chalrmen Tolar ind Conmisstoner Fry being absent)~ that the Ana~h~elm Ctty Planning Commission haa revtewed the proposai for a gen~ral alen amendment for a i~ectangulerly- shaped pdreel wnststtng of approximetnly 5.A acres tocated an the wast :cide of R~o Vtsta S t ~eet appraximately 270 feet aouth of the centerli~e oP Ltncoln Avenue; and does he~eby •pprove the Negatlve Decldratlon from thr requtremcnt to prepare an envir~nmentel impact re port on the basis that there would be na slgniftcant individuel or cumulative adverse envi~onmentsl impact due to the approval of thts Negetlve Declarecton sirn;e the Maheim General Plan designates tha subject property for commerci~l. 1 imt ted land uses~ thst no s ensitive enMt~~nmental tmpacts are lnvolved In the propos~i; that the inltta) Study submitted by .ne ~-etltioner indicates no stgniflcant indivldual o~ cumuiative adverse e n vironmental tmpacR; and that the Negative Declaratto~ s ubstantiating tha fnregotn9 findings ts on file in the City of Anahetm Plannfng Department. Commissto~er Herbst offered Resolution No. PC80-175 and moved for its passage and adoption tha t thn A~ahe i m C i ty P 1 ann I ng Commi ss i on daes he reby recommend ta the Anaihe I m C i ty Co uncil approvat of Genersl Plan Amendment No. 161 - Lsnd Use Element E~tbtt "A". On rolt call~ the foregoing resolution was pasaed by the Pollowing vote: AY ES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, BOUAS~ BUSHORE~ HERBST~ KING~ NOES s COMM I SS I ONERS : NONE AB SENT: CQMMISSIONERS: TOLAR~ FRY t0/6/80 ~ }' MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLIWNINC COt~IMISSION~ OCT08ER 6~ 1960 80•593 ITEN N0. tOs A~~ t~ RECOMMI~NDAT I ONS The followin~ Repo~ts ~nd W comns~datlons •taff reportt were presentad but not read: A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1 • Requast from Richard L. Pterce~ Po~ te~m nat on o n t ona s• ~rmit No. 1973 for a racquetbsll facility located on the south ~ttd~ of Ls P~Ims Avenue~ 365 feet west of the centerllne of Herbor Bouleverd. ACTION: Cortrnisslonor King offered Resolutto~ No. PC80-176 and rtaved for (ts passage end adoptlon that thn M ahel~ City Planning Commtssion does heraby termtnate all proceedings in connectlon wlth Condttionel Use Permtt No. 1979• On rol{ w il~ the foreqc~ing ~esolution was passad by the following vota: AYES: CQMMISSIONERS: BARNES, BOUAS. NERgST~ KiNG, NOES: COMMISSi0NER5; NONE ABSTAIW; COMMISSIONERS: BUSHORE ABSENT: COMMISSIOHERS: TOLAi~FRY 8. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0~.,~1 0~ - Request ~rom R. A. Dukelav for terminatlon of on t o~a so erm t . 1907 for a drive-thru r~staurant at 1023 west Lincoln Avenue. AC_ION: Commissioner King offered Resolution No. PC$0-177 and mcved for (ts paasege and adaption that the Anaheim City Planni~g Commisslon does hereby tarmfnate all proceedings (n connectlon with Candttional Use Permtt N0. 19Q7. On roll cail~ the foregoing resolutton was pasaed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARHES, BOUAS~ BUSHORE~ NERQST~ KING. NQES: COMMISSIONCRS: NONE ABSEN7; COMMISSIONERS: TOLAR~ FRY C. PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT - Permittin vaterinarv hospitals in the CO (ComMe~ci~l~ ce an ro esa ona and Cl-HS ~Commerctal~ Limtt~d•Hitiside) Zones wtth the approval of a Conditiona) Use Pe~mit. ACTION: Cortmtssioner Ktng offered a motian~ seconded by Commissioner Bouas •nd ~N CARRIEO (Chatrman Tolar and Cortmissio~e~ Fry being ebssnt)~ that the A~ahetm City Planning Commission does hereby recomme~d to the City Council that the attached Code amendment be approved. t0/6/80 ~ MINUTE~~ IlNAH~111 CI?1f PLANNING CONMIS~ION. OCTt1dElt 6~ 1980 : 80• 59M OTHEiI CONMIiS10N CISCUSSION: An~lk~ S~nt~i~hti ~xpl~ined • r~po~t Ni 11 b~ pMS~nt~d p~rt~ininp to •ftordabls housin9 b~uu~e staff has tome co~urn• o~ tha whol~ conupt b~cause ot the ^umb~~ ot watv~r~ th• dswlop~~• •r~ r~qwst~n9 a~d e~ch on• w~nts to try •nd Qo one ~t~p furthar. ADJOURNMENT There batnq no furth~r busine~t. Con~nl~slo~a~ B~rnes atfe~~d a m~tlon~ •econded by Commis~toner Bow• and MOTIdN CARRIED that the n+s~tin~ ba •dJourned. The meating was adJour~ad et 5:20 p.m. Re'pectfully submttted. . ~ . ~, E th l.~ H~r! s~ Secretary Anahelm City 't~nning Conaitsslan ELNtIm ~or6/so. `", 1~ ~ -