Minutes-PC 1981/04/06~ j Civic C~nter Anahetm~ Caltfa~nia Apri l 6~ 19$1 REGULAR M~ETING OF THE AHAHEIM CItY PLANNINR CO~IMISSIOtI REGULAR - The reguler meeting of the Anahelm Ctty Planning Commisston ws~ MEETIN G calied to order by Choirman Tol~r st 1:3A p.m., Aprll 6~ 1951 tn the Cauncil Chamb~r~ a quorum being present. PRESENT - Chairn+en Tolar Commissloners: Barnas~ aouas~ dusho~e~ Fry~ He~bst~ King ABSENT • Comml'fioner: NONE ALSO P RESENT - Annika Sentalehtl Jack White Jey Titus Peul Singer Dean Sherer Edith Narris Assistanc Directo~ for 2oning Asatstant Ctty Atcorney Office Enginoer Traffic Engineer Asststa~t Planner Planning Comm(ssion Secreta ry PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG LEO BY - Commissloner King. APPROVAL ~F THE MINUTES: - Commissioner King offered e motlon~ seconded by Commissloner erbst an MOTIOt~ CARRIEO~ that the mtnutes of the Msrch 23~ 1g81 meating be approved as subm(tted includtng the addttion of paga numbe~s ~?1-171A and 81•1718. ITEM N0. 1: EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMCNT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERM~0`. 2~g3; PUBLIC HEARIt~G. Ou-1ER: CRACE CHAPEL OF SOUTN GATE. 9G41 Virginla Avenue, South Gate, CA 90280. AGENT: TFIOR HOLMES~ 1330 Ridge View Terrace~ Fullerton, CA 92631. Property described as a rectangularly-shaped parcel of lend conststing of app~oxtmataty 0.3 acre~ located at the n~rtheast corner of Broadway and Helena Streets~ 325 West B~nadway (Church of His t~oly Presence). Property presentiy ciassified RM-1200 (RE5IDENTIAL. MULTiPLE•FAMiLY) ZONE. CONOITIONAL USE REQUEST: TO PERMIT A PRIVATE SCHOOL IN AN EXISTING CHURCH WITN WAIVER OF MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES. SubJect pettCion was conttnued f~om the meeting of M~rch 9 and 23~ 1981 at the request of the petitioner. It was noted the petitioner has requested that subject pctition be withdrawn. ACTION: Commissioner Nerbs: offered a motion~ seconded by ConmissToner Ktng and MO ION CARRIED. that the~~e:~uest for Conditia~al Use Permit No. 2183 be wtthdrawn at the req uest af the petitione r. 81-184 4/6/81 M,INUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION. APRiI 6~ 1981 81-185 DECLARATION. WAIVER OF COOE REQUIREMENT OWNERS: RAYMOND G. SPEHAR~ 69;7 Aventds de Santtaqo. Anahsim~ CA 92807. ACENT: CARL KARCfIER EN~ERPRISES~ BOB NOIDEN~ 1200 North N~rbor Boulevard~ Anahetm~ CA 92$01. Property descrlbed as an Ir~egularly-sheped parcei of land consisting of •pproximately 0.9 acrQ~ lacat~d at tl~e narthaast corner of Le Pelms Avenue and Imperlel Highwuy, 57~1 East La Palrt-~ Avenue (Carl's Jr. Reateurent). Property presently classlfled CL(SC) (COMMERCIAL~ LIMITEO SCENIC CURRIOOR) ZONE. CONDITIONAI. USE REQUEST: TO EXPANO AN EXISTING DRIVE-THROUGH RESTAURANT WITFI WAIVERS OF: (a) MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES AND (b) MINIMUM LENGTII OF DRIVE-TNROUGN LANE. SubJect patitlon wss continued from the meeting of March 23. 1981 at the request of the petttio~er. Comrnlasto~er Bushore declared e conflict of Interest as defined by Anaheim C-ty Planntny Commissian Resolutio~ No. PC76-~51. adopting a Confiict of Intereat Code for tt~c Plenning Comml~sion~ and Gavernmesnt Code Sectton 3625 et seq.. tn that tn his capacity as a real estate brak~er~ he has Norked with the Karcher orga~izatio~ recently end~ pursuant to the ~rovis4ons of the above codes. declered to the Chairman that he was withdrawing from the hea~ing in connectlon wlth Conditiona) Use Permit No. 21a~~ and would not take ~art in elther thn discussion or the ~•oting thcreon, and has not dtscussed thia matter with any n+enber uf the Plsnnt~g Commission. Thereupo~. Commissloner Bushore feft the Counci) Chaniber. There wag no one indicating their preaence in opposttton to subjact request~ and although the staff repo~t was not read~ it Is referrcd to end made a part of the minutes. Dan Glenn~ Carl Karcl~ar Enterprises. stAted upon the suggestton of the Planning Commission, he met alth staff and the avner and other t~n~nts of the sltop~ing center to try and work out an acceptable plan for eve ryone; that they have agreed to atden the existing main drtveway Into the shopping center so there alll be two lanes of Ingress and eg~ess and also have agreed to design~te the exlsttng drivewey approach ta the facility for right turns only and to place e"one way only" sign in the center of the median so that n~ left turns can be made out of th~t drivdvay. He stated until CALTRANS instatls a signal at the intersectlon~ they have ag~eed to ranove the bump an the extsting median so that cars caning through the intersection wil) be abie to swing back tnto the left turn lane and enter the main driv~way into the center nw re easily. Ne stated this pian meets with the Tra~ffic Enginaer's approval. THE PUBLIC HEARING ~lAS f,L05E0. Chairman To1ar stated wtdening the main drtveway witl not rectify the oxisttng p~oblem; thst tne probiem is wtth clostng the medlan in the street becsuse lef; turns off La Palma from traffic going west to east are a maJor part of the problem snd he felt closing that median will give more control and make the trafftc fiow much easler. He stated he hss no probiem wlth the expansian and it is certatnty needed a~d that he has no probtem aith widening the existing maln entrs~ce but sttll felt the ~aedian in the st~eet ahouid be cinsod. 4/6/81 ~ ti ~ __ ~: j MINUTES~ ANIWEIM CITY PLAHNING COMMISSION~ APItIL 6~ 1981 g~.~g6 Mr. Glenn steted the Trafftc Engineer ~uqgested the median be closed at their ftrst meeting~ but they could not get the agreement of the reat of the tenanta. Chsirman To~a~ stated he can appreciate the dlfficulty getting the tenant'a dpproval snd ststed he did not think it la fair to pass thts enttre probiem onto Carl's but thet the owner Is prasent and he ts the one who hes ta desl with the re~t of the tendnts. He ststed he did not thtnk it would be pos~tble to gQt a11 the tenanta to agree on anything ~nd he felt the Planning Commisslon should exercise thelr Jurtsdtctton gettin9 the problem resolved. 11e stated he ca~ understend why the tenantt would be unhappy with the closure~ but felt it is because they do not recognize that the closure of the medtan a111 (mprove the existing situatton. He pointed out ho felt a lot OF pQ0~1IE avold ustng this center beceuse of the traffic and ctrculation problems and that thls ts an opportunity to rectify a lot of the prnb lenn. Commfssioner Herbat stated he fclt pert of the problem is that the cenants do not recognize clostng the medtan will alleviate the probiem of cars backing up un Ls Paima end wil) help their busines~es beceuse customers have r~ hard time 9ettiny In a~ -+ out of the center naw. Chairman Tolar stated if the ow~~r of the sh~pping ccnter w111 stipulate Lo closing the med(an he will support the r~quest at thts time. Peul S(nger~ Traffic E~ytneer~ respanded to Comm(ssioner King's questlon that this sttuatlon was discussQd at Mo seperate meetings and that the owner, Mr. Spehar~ had Indlcated he woutd contact the property ormer and motcl operator across the street and they h~d no objections to the med(an be(ng closed end~ In fact~ preferred tt ciosed. Mr. Singer stated~ havever~ at that time tt was determined that many r~f the tenants of the shopping center wera ap~osed to the r.losing of the media~. He stated betwnen the meetings he had observed the traffic at th~ shopping center and noted that the main cntra~ce w~s restrtped to delineate twa exlt iana~ and one entry lane, however, tMe restriping caused a restr(ction of the entry lane by making It rather nerrow and nat ve ry efficient to enter the shopping cent~r. ~le stated~ therefore, at a subsex~uent meet t ng tie reca+wnended th~t the dr t v~ray be wi d~ned 1 n order to accommodate adequate access and that the main road through the center be! rest~iped with a dauble yellow csntertine. Me stAted also the problcm of the closure of the medlan was discussed end s(nce there ~ss no ooncensus an+ong the tenents~ the situatlon was not resolved and it is left up to the Plsnning Commiasion to make the evaluation as to whether or nut the medtan should be closed in spite of tha non- canse~aus af the trnants. Chetrman Tolar asked Mr. Singer his optnion aS to the clrculation and safety of the closure of that medlan. hlr. Singer stated clostng that median witl p~ovide longer and greater storage for left tur~ing vehtcles and less impact of turning vehlcles wishtng to go westbound on La Palma and make the operatlon of the street safe~. M~. Glenn stated they could not live with the tlasure of the median partlcularly since they do not knaw ahat wiil happen wtth the signal; a~d that they know how the extsting t~affic patterns operate and they propose to alleviate sa+ne of the problem and feel the solutia~ of the entire p roblem Is beyond the scoue of this spplication. ei~iA~ t MINUTES, IWIW EiM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ APRIL 6~ 1981 81•187 Ch~irman To~..~ stated the solution ts not totally beyond the •cope of thla ~pplication and tf the applicet!on of C~rl's is not ailawed~ the problem wi11 still remain~ but expanston of the existtng faciilty Nill tncresse the problem and the p~opaae) for ~wo storage lanes does not negete tl~e f~ct th~t the t~sffic has to cros~t over on-yotng trefflc to get into those storage lanes. Ne ateted he will not support a~ expansion of the f~,cility into a woraened conditlon and will nat support the request unlesa the medlan is closed and he felt that closure wti) be a very posttive thing for the entire shopplnc center. Mr. Spehar statad closure of the medlan will create a prohlem wtth the other t~nants and that they would not be in favor of the closing It because they prefer a dtrect epp~oach to their faciltty. 11e ststed he feels thts (s e very good plan and he dtd not believe there wtll be the probiems aa anticipated. Chairman Toler steted thc prc~btem exists and he did not think widening the driveway 8 feet wil) eltminate the problem, Ne stated the entire problem ts not Just caused by Carl's and is partly causnd by the traffic attemrting to turn into the smali drlveway. He stated he rea)Izes the Commission was Involved In the origine~l desic~n of the center and a mistake was made but he wouid not support another mistake. Mr. Spehar steted he felt the two drtve-through lanes to accommodate 15-17 add-tianai vehicles wil) hcip and he did noc thlnk the siiuation ls that bsd, potnting eut the~e have beeii no accidents et this location. Commisslone~ Barnes staced sftie waa In favor of widening thc maJor approach, haM-eve~ ahe agrees with Cammtssi~ners TolAr and Herbst; and that the frequents that shopp(ng center and does not knaw why there havr. been no accidents beceuse It Is a dangerous situation with people swerving to mtss each other. She stated Carl's is very cra~rded and needs to expand but not at thc expense of other people whp shop at this center and who travel on La Pelrt-a. She asked Mr. Spehar if he had contscted all the other paopic (n the center. Mr. Spehar replied he had oontacted every tensnt and they All favored the present plan snd Mr. Glenn addcd he wanted to make sure the Canmission understands that thls expa~slon wlli not affect any fucure expansion plans for other tenants In the center. He stated Carl's basicelly wsnts to becomc e p~rt of the shapping center a~d be lncluded in thetr CC6R's and if eve ryone daesn't agree or If the plans affect future ex~ansion~ then they have no applicatlon. Commissioner Barnes stated she understands that no one wants change and Chairman TolAr stated the prob)rm is that the drtvaway wes Allowed in th~ flrst place and ~av th~ tenants are accustQmed to lt being the~e and fee~ clostng the n~dian will affect their business, while he felt tha easier Ingress and egress wEll increase thatr businesses. He stated he did not shtnk tt is up to each tenant in the center to decide what is the best circulation for th~ shopping r.enter and ~t is the Commission's reapansibility. He pointed aut traffic coming off Impertal is blocked also because of that onc driveway. Comnissiener Herbst asked if the Citr of Ansheim could Just c1ASe this accass If they determine thai it Is unsafe without app~ovai of to the p~ople on the prnp@rty, and fir. Sing~r replied that legally the city could cinsc the median~ but normaliy prefer nat to do tt that wey. ai6ia~ MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ APRIL 6, 1981 81-188 Commi:alo~ar Harbst ststed he felt If the clty makea tha date~minetfon thet the situatlo~ is unsafe~ then tha avner has a reason to give the other tnnants fo~ the medtan being closed. Ne stated he would n+eke A matlon tor epprovAl aubJect to the medien being closed. M~. Gienn suggcsted that approva) be given far 6 months for the plans aa proposnd to see haw It works a~d tl~e~ ba revlewnd at the end of th~ six rnanth~. ACTION: Commissioner He rbst offered a motton~ seconded by Commissioner King and ~ CARRIEU~ thst thc Anahaim Ctty Planning Commissto~ hes roviewed the proposal to expand en existing drive-through restaurant with waiver of mtnimum number of pmrking spaces and minimum length of drfvc-through lane on en trregul~rly-shaped parcel of lend cnnsisting of approxlmately 0.9 acre located at the northeast cc~~ner af La Palma Avanue and Imperiol Htghwsy (5701 East La Pelma Ave~ue); and does hereby approve the Negatlve Declaratlon from the requl~ement to prepere en envtronmental impact report on the b~sts that th~re wouid be na signlficant I~dividuat or cumulativo edverse environn+onta) tmpact due to the approvsl of this Negattve Declaretlon since the A~aheim General Plan destgnetes the subJect ~roperty for gennral commerclal land uses conxn~nsurato aith the proposai; that no scnslttve environmental impects are involved in the proposai; that the Initiel Study submitted by the petitioner indlcates no s(gnificent indivtdual or cumul~tive Pdverse envlronmental imp~cts; end thet the Negative Decleratton substantiating the foregoing findings Is on file In the City of Anahelm Pl~nning Department. Lommissioner Fierbst offered a rnot{on~ saconded by Commlssioner Fry and MQTION CARRIED~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission daes hereby grant wsiver (a) on the besis that the restauranr,. is tocated at an exlsting shopping c~nter whe~e adequatc parking spaccs are providcd In the gurrounding area end granting weive~ (b) on the basis that the proposed changcs wit! provide additional stacking area in an additional drive-through lane and on the basis that dental would deprive sub,ject property of prtvilcges enjoyed by other properties In the same zo~e and vicf~ity. Commissioner Herbst offered Resolutton No. PC81-67 en6 moved for its passage and adoption that the M ahetm Clty Planning Commtsslon does hereby grant Conditiona) Use Permit Na. 2164 subject to the condition that che me~ta~ on L~ Pa1ma Avenue located at the maln entrance be closed off completely and the left-turn pocket removed on the basis that the traffic flvw in and o~~ of the shaoning center is excessive and the stacking blocks the trafflc and La Palma Av~nue is one af the longest cul-de-sacs in the city a~d sub}ect to Interdepa~tmental Committee recomnendations. Jack White. Assistant Cicy Attorney~ added thai the conditlon should inciude that the clostng of the median will be done at the applicant's expense. On roii ceil~ the foregoing resoiution was passnd by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ BOUAS~ FRY, HER95T. KING~ TOIAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMNISSIONERS: BUSHORE COMMi5510NER BUSNORF RETURNED TO TNE MEETING. 4/6/81 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION~ APRIL 6~ 198t 81•199 FICATION H0. 8o- 8t-2a OWNERSt TERM FIRMA PROPERTIES~ ATTENTION: J~M MARTIN~ k34 East Ketelia Avenue~ Sultn 209~ Orange~ CA 92G6~. Property described as an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consiating of approximately ~.9 ecre~ having a frontage of epproxtmately 180 feet on the south slde of Wllken Way~ 430 feet eest of the centerline of Harbor Boulevard. P~o~erty p~esenttY classifiod CG (COMMERCIAL~ GENERAI) ZONE. RECLASSIFICATI01~ REQUEST: RM-3000 VARIANCE REQUEST: WAIVERS: (a) MINIMUM BUILDING SITE AREA, (b) MAXIMUM SITE COVCRAGE, (c) MINIMUN LANOSCAPED SETBACK, (d) MINIMUM RECREl1TIONAL-LEISURE AREA AND (e) MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPAC~S. SubJect petitio~ wes co~tinued from the meeting of March 23~ 1981 at the request of the pntl tloner. There was one person Indicating his presence in oppositlon to subJGCt request~ and aithough the steff report was not read, it is refcrred to and made a part of the minutes. Jim Martin~ Terra Firma Properties~ stated the steff report shows the minimum recreatia~al-leisure area as a~+9 squere feet and they are provTding 982 square feet. Dean Sherer~ Assistant Planner~ stated staff would have to verify th~t fiqure. Mr. Martin contl~ued that they have reduced the density and are proposinq 2295 squa~e feet per unit compared wlth 2594 square feet for a pro)ect epproved last year for the Sand Doll~r ~velopment f..ompany and thelr own proJect for 142 condominium unlts on ad,jacent p~opprty. Theodoro J. Wagncr. stated he lives et the Westwinds Trailer Lodge and asked if these wtll be family units and it Has indicated that they wtll. Ne asked why there was no referencc n-ade to that i~ the staff report. He ststed he felt thts is important becausa of the ~umber of children, pointl~g out tl~ere wili be no place for them to play except on 1~ilken Way which atll present an addltional traffic haxerd. ~!e stated his n-ein concern~ however~ Is where ihe chlldren will play because chtldren need a iar~e place to play ball, rid~ thelr blcycles or skateboards~ etc. kr. Ma~ttn explained a large area wtl) be provided on the southr+est co~ner which v+ill be ope~ tu~f, trees. etc. and stated the~e witi be 13,750 square feet of open space throughout the whole praJect. Chatrman Tolar pointed ~ut thn open space on the plans to Mr. Wagner. TIIE PUBLIC HEARIM~ aAS CL05ED. Gommissioner Nerbst clarifitd that Mr. Martin had not attended th~ )o(nt sessions between the Planning Commissio~ and the City Councii regarding code amendmants to the RM-3Q00 code and pointed out A new CO~E M~II ber.ome effective in appfoxin+ately 30 days. He stated, however~ accordt~g to the staff report this proJect will exceed that naw cflde by approximately ~. Ne stated the City Counctt has directed the Commlssion that u~less there is a pu~e hardship~ no variances will be grented. ~e potnted aut this is a racisngul~rly-sh~ped parcel of land wlth no hardships. Ne stated the pro}ect is stilt overbuiit and there is a shortage of parki~g, pointing _ ._., __... , ~ 4/6/81 . MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ APRIL 6~ 1981 81•190 out W9 spacas arR required with only 3~ proposed. Ite felt the pro]ect sttll needs wo~k to bring it into canformence with the naw cade. Mr. Martin stated 2.y parking s~ece~ arn propased which does maet the new code. Ne ststed he is oniy ~equesting verlancea stmilar to thos~ granted to the ad.~olninq property. Commlasioner lie~bst statod the~e ore 3~bedroom units which will requtre mare perking and he dtd ~ot thtnk e varlenc~ should be granted end thet the proJect should meet the praposed ordinan u~. Ile explwined tha new ardtnance wiil reducd the requirement~ and thore is no Justification far granting varlances on thts property bacause there is no hardship. Mr. Ma~tin agreed thcre is no hardst~ip on subJect ~rnperty~ but thet he ls requesting equa) varl~~nc.es t~ what is dcvelopod on adjoining propertles. Commtssioner Bushore statcd th~e •dJoining property provided 3.5 parktng spaces per unit ond ncyw thc petittnnor ts requesttng the some consideration for thia property and is only proposing 2.5 p~rking spaces. Chairrro n Tolar stated cne ar~3ooa code Is bainy revised ofter many long hours of work. end study and according to staff this ~ro,iect compared to the proposed ordinance w11) not comply end would resquire e I$ denslty banus. Fle stated thia seems to happen cvery tirrm tlic ordimm~ces are changed to mAkc it easier for the devetopers to provide m~~e I~oustny enci even befo~c the new ardinance is ectually cffective~ raquests sre made fo~ furthcr r~duction. Ile stated h~ feels the opposition's pol~t is very valid and that there are no recreetlonal facilitles provided and ~educing tl~e denstty w~uld provic~ add(tionat recreatlonal areas and a1levEate some of those concerns. Mr. Martin stated there ~re recreatlonal facllities right bchtnd this proJect ln thQ lk2-untt p~oJect which wlll be a~v~flehle to these unlts and that there wtll be a wrltten agrecrt~ent beMeen the two p~oJects. Jack Whlte, Ass(sta~t CiLy Attorney, stated he supposes it is prassibte to have a wrltten agreement between the Mo proJects. but no agreeme~t has been submitted at this tim:. Comn~tsstoner Barnes stAted sha would 1 i{ce very much to approve thts proJect, but the Commiasion's hands ere tied; that In the past bonuses have bee~ grantcd for afforde-ble housi~g but that thls project does not meet that criteria. She stated sha personally would bc Inclined to approve the proJect because of the need for housing. Commissioner lierbst suggested the petitioner requesst a continuance and be presant at tom~rrar's City Councll rnreting when the new ordina~ce is edopted so that he will understand the new ordinance. Mr. Martln indtcated he would probably not butld the units because ef the prices and reducing the size of the project would ~aise the cost but ~sked for a 6-w~ek cuntlnuanca. Commtssianer fierbst offered •a nqtion~ seco~ded by Comnis~loner Bushoro end MOTI0~1 CARRIED, that consideretian of the aforementioned item be continued to the regula~ly- acheduled ~veating of May 19, 1g81 at rcquest of the petitioner. Jack Whtte polntdd out that nn furthar notices will be a~nt perzsining to the continued haa~tng. ~/6/81 ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ APRIL 6~ ig81 g~..19~ ,< ,• T~ ITE~M N0~ 4; EIR CATEGORICAI EXEMPTION-CLASS 1 AND CONOITIONAL USE PEaMIT N0. 2189: ~ PUBIIC H~ARING. OWNERs ALAN SEGAL, ET Ai.~ P. 0. Box 193~ La Mtr~da, CA 90637. AG6NTs CYNTf~IA 90GAN~ 2~22 West O~ange, F~ Anahelm~ CA 928~4. Sub)ect property ts descrlbdd aa a rectangularly-sheped pArcel of lend consisting of approximately 156 fect on the south side of Oranya Av~nue~ 2222 ~~last Orange Avenue (Btg Daddy I~Izza). - P~operty presantly clessifled CL (COMMERCIAL~ LIMITEO) 20NE. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST; TO PERMIT ON-SALE BEER AND WINE IN AN EXISTIYG RESTAURANT. Thore waa no one indtcating thei~ presence t~ o~positton to subJect request~ and although the staff report was rwt reod~ it is rnferred to and mado a pert of ths rni nutes. Cy~thla Bogan~ repr~senting Btg Daddy pixza. was present to dnswer eny questions. TNE PUBLIC NEARING WAS ClO5E0. IL was noted the Planning Dircctor or his authorized representattve has determined . that the p roposed project falls wlthl~ tha deftnitlon of Categorica) Exemptions, Class 1, as defined in p~regraph : of the City of Aneheim Envt~onmental Impact Repo~t Guideli~es and is. thereforc~ categortcAlly exempt from the requirement ta prapare an EIR. Commissionor King offered Resolutlon No. PC81-6a and naved for its passage and adopt(on that the Anal~elm City Planning Commisslon does hereby grant Conditiona) Use Parmlt No. 21F3~ subJect to Interdepartmental Committee recortrr~~dations. On roll call~ the faregoing resolution was passed by the foilowing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, BOUAS. BUSHORE, FRY~ HERBST~ KING. TOLAR NOES: COMMISSlONERS: NQNE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE Ms. 8agan asked that Conditlon No. Z of the Inte~departrt+ental Canmlttee recanmcndatio~s be explai~ed and it was polnted out that stnce the bufldtng is existfng~ this ts a normei condition. Ms. Bogan stated she feels there is a trafftc hetard because af an existing curb i~ the parking tot and Chsirman Toler expl~ined the tenants would have to talk to the center owner in orde r to have any modifications, but that is not the Planning Cammi~sion's responslbi iity. 4/6/81 >~ 4 1 ~ i . MINUTES~ ANIWEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ APRIL 6~ 1g81 $1'192 s EI AIVE s PUDLIC NEARING. OWNER: DOROTNY D. AND HOMER 0. WILOURN, P. 0. Box 5611~ Mc~have Valley, Arizone BG~skO. AGENT: ANN DARMANIAN, ~421 Skylark Bouteva~d~ Garden Grove, CA 926<<1. Prope~ty described as a ~ectangularly-shaped parcel of land consiating of appraximately O.S bcre~ 1675 we~t Katella Avenue. Property presently classi`led CL (COMMERCIAL~ LIMITED) 20NE. COI~OITIO~iAI USE REQUEST: TO PERMIT ON-SALE BEER AND WINE IN A PROPOSEO RESTAURANT W ITII WA1 VER AF M IN 1 MUM NUMDER OF PARKI NG SPACES. There was no one indicating *' Ir presence in oppositian to sublect request~ and althouyh the staff report was not read~ it Is r~fcrred to and mede a parc of the minutes. Ann Dsrmanlan~ agent~ w~s prese+nt to answer any ques~tions. THE PUBL IC NEARI NG WAS CLOSED. Commisstoner Bushore ststcd th~re is a parking probicm et thts locatton and he did not feel a varlance for parking should be granted. Chairman Tolar stated he has been Co thts site several tin~s and has ncver seen a parking problem and Conmisstoner Ktng potnted out the butiding ts existir~g and he did not kna+ hvw it could be ch anged and he saw no problem with approvel. It was nnted the P1anning Dtrector or hls authorized representattve has determtned that the proposed oroJect falls within the deftnttion of Categoric~l Exemptions~ Class 1~ as defined in paragraph 2 of the City of Anahetm Envi~onmental Impact Report Guideltnes and is, tharefora, categorically excmpt from the requtrement to prepare sn EIR. Conxnisstonor King offered a motion~ secanded by Conn~issioner Fry and MOTION CARRIED, that the waivar of code requlrement is granted on the basts of the limited alze and shape of the property and on the basis that the nature of tha business does not require additionai parking spaces. Conrsis~fontr King offered Resotution Ho. PC81-69 and maved ~or it16 passage and adoption that the Ansheim City Planning Commisstor- does hereby 9s.-nt Conditlonal Use Permit No. 2190 s~bJcct to I~terdepartmental Committee recommendattons. On roll cail~ the foregoing resolutlon was aassed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES. BOUAS~ BUSNORE, FRY~ NERBST, KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMI SS I OFIERS : NONE 4/6/81 -~ \. ' , MINtJTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINR CONMISSION~ APRIL 6~ 1981 81-193 ; EIR NEGATIVE OECI,ARATION WAIVER OF CODE RE UIREMENT AND CONDITI 21 s PUDLIC HEARING. OWNER: TEXACO INC.~ 335~ wilshire Boulevard~ Los Angeles, CA 90~10. AGENT: PORT•A-SLOPE CORP.~ ATTENTION: GERALO MITTM!-N, 1011 North Harbor Boulevard~ Anah~:im~ CI- 928~1. Property de~cribed as an i rregula~ly-shaped parcel of land consistin~ of approximately Q.3 acre~ located at the no~thwest corner of La P~lms Avenue and Harbor Boutevard~ 1Q01 North Harbor Boulevard. Property presently classifted CL (CAMMERCiAL~ IIMITED) ZONE. CONDiTIO~~AI USE REQUEST: TO PERMIT AN OUTDOOR SKI SLOPE IN THE GL ZONE WITH WAIVER OF MAXINUM FEIICE HEIGHT. There was no o~e Indiceting thelr p~esence In opposltlon to sub]ect roquest~ a~d al though thr ataf f repart was not rcad~ i t ls refe~red to and made e part of the minutes. Gerald NitCman~ ac~ent~ was present to snswa~ any questions. THE PUQLIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. Commtssioncr ~ierbst statQd he has a problem with this request because La Palma and Harbor is one af the busiest corners In M aheim ~nd he felt this use could dOstract drivers and croat~ a dangerous sltuatlon. , Commissioner BarnRS stated she felt this would be a good way to eiiminate the vacent gas statton o~ that carner and have a nicaly landscaped corner~ but shared Commissioner Herbst's cancern for traffic safety wtth people driving by looking at the skt slope. She su99est~ed campletely screening the a~ea with trees. Mr. Mittman stated they plan to develop the property to look similar to La Pelma Park across the street and want it to be a beautifui looking corner with tush qreenery so (t look• like a forest. He enplaincd the 23-foot high skt stope will be agatnst the building and will go down tA 10 feet bela+ grade and peopte drtving by will not be able to see anyone sk) ing. Chairman Tolar stated traffic going north on Harbor and west on La Palma wit) be able to see the oQeration. Mr. Mtttman answered Commtssioner King that he would be willing to piant trees to screen the oper~tlan and stated the whote area wi11 be landscaped with treas which wiil hicie the whole operation in a few years. Commissloner Barnes seated sha would be interested in complete screening v+fiich would probably Riefeat part of the petitioner's pu~pose. but that the concarn is fo~ traffic safety~ with drivers slawi~g down to watch people on the ski slope and she thought t~ll trees would be adequate. She pointed out staff wili work with the petitioner as to hat kind of trees Nill be acceptable. Mr. Mtttman stat~ed thare wi11 be no ingress or egreas of trafftc at this p~operty but any other uae that would be developed woutd have Ingress and eqress creating a bigger traffic problem. N~ stated people using thi$ feciitty would have to pa~k at their W/6/81 MINUTES~ ItNANEIM CITY PLANNIN6 CONMISSION~ APP.IL 6~ 1~81 81• 194 presant bullding. Ha stated meny ttme~ there are c~rnl~i~is at La Palme Park aith 1~rga ~errls wheels and oth~r ~Ides which are certelnly t~ller than 23 feet end that they dn have car shav• snd other aYants at the park whi~h attrsct the attenticx~ of people drlvlnQ by. He :tated elso tha skl tlope wili noc ba open all year snd wil) be closed be Meen May 1; end August 15th and it ts thoir Intention to have trees~ g~dss and f lcwers on the property. Commissi~aner' Ba~~es stsied she felt the uec would benefit thet u~rner end Comnissloner King stated as l~nq As trees will be pla~ted to screen the property~ he wou 1 d h ave no ob J ec. c 1 on . Conxnissioner flerbsi wa~ cancerned sbout tre~s blocking the view fo~ the traffic. Mr. MittmAn state:d another one of thelr concerns was to have a waiver of the maxtmum fence hetght because children using La Palma Perk would be intrigued with the a.:tivtttes of this property and a 3-112-foat hlgh ienr.e wc~u~,. not be affective. Ne stated this proJect would not ba under supervlsicx~ durtng certaln ttn+~s of the year and the chlldren woulcl be climbinc, over the fencr and sllding down the hlil. Ne stated they want ta roise the height ~f the fence~ but tt -~+c~uld not block the vtew of the treff ic dri ving u;rwn Ilarbor because I t wl i 1 be e wrought i ron fence. ACTIOt~; Commissioner E3arnes offnred a rrotl~n~ sec~nded by Cammtssi~ner Fry and MO N CARRIEO. that the Anshetm City Planning Ca~nisslon has revtnwed the propose) to permit an outdc~or ski slAne in the Cl Z~ne wtth waiver of mtntmum fence helght on an irreyularly-shaped parcel of land consiscing of ~p~roximately ~.3 acre locatrd at the northwest a~rner of La Palrw Avenue and tlerbor Bc~ulevard (1A01 North tiarbor Doulsvard); and does hercby approve the ~k ~stive Declarailon fron+ the r~qulren-ent to prep~re a~~ envi ronmcntal tmpact report on the b~sis that there would bc no slgnificant indtvidual or cumulative adverse environmente) imt~~ct due to the approva) of this Nega~tve Decleration since the Anaheln General Plan destgnat~s the subject property for grneral commercial land uses cnmmensur~te wtth the praposal; that no sensitive environmentai impacts ~~re involved in th~ propos~l; that the Initial Study s~b mitted by the Nctitioner indicares no significar~t tndividual or cumulativa adverse environment~l Impacts; and that tlie Negative Declaratio~ subst~nttating the foregoing findings is nn file (n the City of A~~+aheim Planning Departr-Fent. Cortml~sioner Barnes offered a mctlon~ saconded by Commissloner B~uas and MOTI•.~1 CARRIEG (Commissioner Her~+st •iating na), th~t the Anaheim City Plenntng Commission does hereby grant the waiver of code requlrement or- the basts that the proposed fence wt 1) be wrought i ron and wi 11 not obstruct the ~~lew for traf~ic and wi I 1 provide security for the facility and o~ the basts that denial would deny subject property of p~ivlleges enjayed by other properties tn the same zone and vicinity. Commisslaner aarnes offered Resolution No. PC81-70 and moved for its psssage a~d adoption that tf~e Mahetm City Ptann(ng Comnisslon does hereby g~ant Cnnditicx~al Us~: Permlt No. 2191 sub)ect to the stipulation bv thQ petitloner that the ~roperty will be adequatety screened wlth trees as approved by the Planning D~partrnent staff to p~~vide ackq uate and comp{ete screening and subject to Interdepartmenta) :Ammlttee r~commendations. 4/6/81 t .~ MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION, APRIL 6~ 1981 81-195 On ~oll c~ii~ the foregoing ~esolutton was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ 60UA5~ BUSHORE~ FRY~ KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: HERBST ABSENT: COMMISStONCRS: NONE Commtssioner Herbst was con~erned about the traffic flaw wltli treea planted d~ound tha cornor and Mr. Mittme~i explained the landscaping is proposed far enough back on the property not to obstruct the vicw at the corner. Jack 4fhite explained thla conditlon requlres that the petitioner meet with the Pl~nntng Dapertme~t st~ff to determine the type tree that will be required and t he petitioner can then price tha trees end detarmine whether or not tt ta poastble to go ahead befure the 22-dey sppoa) pcrtod t• over and can then ~ppeal the conditi~n to thc CI ty Counci I i f des i red. ITEM N0. 7: EIR C"tEfORICAL EXEMPTIQN-CLASS 1 AND ~ONQITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 219 ,~_. _.__ _~._ ._ .. __._ PUdLIC HEARING. ~WNEP~: KWANG HOOD CFIANG Ar1D OGKSUN CNANG, 1060 Downing Strect. Anahetm~ CA 92805. AGENT: YASUMI MIYAHOTO~ 189;~~ Fbunt Cimmaron. Fountaln Valley, CA 92708. Property described As an Irr~gui~rly-shat~e~d parcel of land consisting of epproximately 0.9~+ +acre, 821-4 North Eucl id Street. P~operty pre~ently classtf i~d CL (COMMERCIAL, LIMITf:p) 2QNE. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST: TO PEaMIT ON-SALE OF BEER M1p WINE IN A PROPOSED RESTAURANT. There was no ona indiceting their presence in opp~sitton to subject request. and although the staff report was n~t read, it Is refer~cd to end made a part of the minutes. Yasumt MiyeR~t~~ agent~ was present to answer any questicx~s. I t was .~oted the P1 anning Di rector or t~ts authori zed representati ve hes determi r-ed that the prnposed praject falls wiihin the definitton of Categorical Exemptians. Class 1~ as deflned in paragraph 2 of the City of Anaheim Envi~onmental Impact Report Guide~ines and is, the;~efo~e~ categoricall;~ exempt from the requirement to prepa~e an EIR. ACTION: Commissioner King oFfered Resolution No. PC81-7~ and moved for fts pas s age and adoption that the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon doss hereby grant Conditional Use Permit No. 2t93 subJect to InterdeQartmental Committ-ce recommendattcns. On roll call~ the foregoing ~esolution was aassed by the tollvwtng vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ 80UA5~ 6USHORE, FRY~ tIER85T~ KING. TOLAR NOES: COMM;SSIONERS~ NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NO!'~ 4/6l81 ~ . ) ~` MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION~ APRIL 6~ 1981 81-1q6 ITEM N0. 8: EIR NEGAYIVE OECLARATION AND CONGITIONAL USE pf.RMiT N0, 2194: PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: ANAHEIM WEST CENTER. L1'D. , GEORGE A.ESHE, 13309 Artesia Boulevard, Cerritos~ CA 90701. AGENT~ ~OHN G. RATTENNI~ 182;2 Biscayne, Garden Grava~ CA 92641. Property described as an irregularly-s~apc~ percel of land consisting of app~oximat~ly 4,57 acres~ 3~Sb-1/2 an~ 3158 West Lincoln Avenue. Property pr~sently classified CL (COMMERCIAI, LIMITED) ZONE. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST: TO PERMIT A COCKTAIL LOUNGE. There was no one indic~ting thetr presence in opposition to subJect request, and although the staff report was not read~ it is referred to and m~de a part of the minutes. The pr.Citloner was not present and this matter was heard foliowing Item No. I1. THE PU9LIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. ACTION: The A~aheim City Planning Commission has re~iewcd the proposal to pe~mit a cockteil lounge on an Irrrgularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 4.57 acres located ~uuth and east of the southeast corner of Lincoln Avanue and Western Avenue (3156-i/2 and 3158 west Lincoln Avenue); and does hereby approve the Negattvc Decl++ration from the requlrement to prepare an envirc~rn~ntal impact repo~t ~n the basis that there would be no significant indiv(dual or cumulative adverse environmentat impact due to the approval of thi~ Negative Qeclaration since the Anaheim Gene~al Plan designates the subject propercy for gen~eral commercial land uses commer~urate with the proposal; that io sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposai; that the Initial Study subniitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individ~al or cumulAtive adverst environmental irnpects; and that the Negative Declaration substan- tiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City af Anaheim Planning Department. Commissioner King offe~ed Resolution No,PC81-72 and movcd for its passage and adoption that the~ Anahelm City Planning Cortmissior dc~s hereby grant Conditionat Use Permit No. 2194 subject to Interdepartme~tal Commi[tee recommendations: Un roll ca{1. the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, B~I;i+~, BUSNORE. FRY, HERBST, KING, TOLAR NAES: COMMISSIONf.RS: NANE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NUNE tTEM N0. 9~ Ela NEGATIVE ~ECLpRAT_ION~ WAIVER OF COOE REQU~REMENT AND CONDITIONAL I;SE PERMIT N~~92: PUBIIC HEARING. OWNER: lAiiRY R. SMITH, 17046 Marl~a Bay Dribe. Huntington Harbor, CA 9264g. AGEIiT: CHARLES L. HOHL, 14731 Golden Nest St~eet, Westminst~r~ CA 92683. Property descrided as an !r~Ct,~ule~ly~shaped parcel of la~d consisting of app~oximately 3.14 acres lacated north and west of the northwest c~rner of Ball Road and Knott Str~et. Property presently classified CL (COMMERCIAl.~ LIMlTEO) ZONE. CONDIYIONAL USE REQUEST: TO PERMIT A RACQUETBALL FACILiTY WITH WAIVER OF MINIMUM NUM6ER Of PARKING SPACES. There wes no one indicating their presance in opposition to subject request~ and although the staff report was nat read~ it is referred to and made a part of ttie minutes. Peter Hahi, agent, stated their company has five of these fac+litles~ one in the City of Ilna1-eim on Dale St~eet; thet thts facility will provide a sound ;:a~rier to the 4/6/81 ~. MINUTES, ANANEIM CiYY PLANNiNG COMKiSS10N~ APRIL 6~ 1981 81-t97 property to the no~th; th~t no men+b~nhips are requlred and a~yone can use this facillty; th~t there will not be arsY adverse trafttc; that no reservatiQns for use •re required; that they havo operated a similar coln-operated factllty for the past year very euccnssfu) ly; that the raqui roments have been for four parktng space~ per c,ourt, but that is not necessery here because thore are ~o oth~r accessory uses auch as thowero~ bar, atc.~ a~d In addi tlon~ there will ba reciproc~l parking rlghts in the leass, THE PUBIIC HEARING WAS CLQSED. Commtss toner Nerbst rsked if an em~ployee wI ll be on site at al l times; noting the feci l 1 ty wl I I ba open 24 hours a d ay. Mr~ Ndhl rnplied there woui ~ notivinanlimhtotimeoandult has beenesuccessful8with ~oe eourts are aperated by tokans~ g g 9 vandal i sm prob 1 ems ~ etc. ACT104 : f,omniss loner Barnes of fe red a rtntl on ~ sPCOndc-d by Comml ss loner KI ng and MOTION CARAIED. that the Anaheim City Planninq Commiss(on has reviewed the proposal to pe~'mit a racquetbel) faclltty v+ith walver of minlmum number of parking spaces on an Irregularly-sheped parcel of land consisting of anProximatety 3.14 acres located north and w~st of the ~~~~~tF~west corner af Bal l aoad and Knot' Street; and does hereby approve the Negatlve Declaratlon from the requi rement to prraare an env) ronmental impact report on the basts that thcre would be no slgnific~nt indivldual or cumular i ve adverse env) ronmental impact due to the approv~ 1 of th 1 s Negat j ve Declaratian sinee the Anaheim Ganeirai Plc dasignates the subject property for gonerai commerclat~m~edtum density residential land uses canmensurate with the proposal; that nc sensittve environmental impacts are involved in the propnsa1; that the I~iClol Study submitted by the petitioner tndicates r-o slgnificant individuai or cumulattve adverse envi ronmental {mpacts; and that the Negative Dec1aration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning pepA~tment. Commis~loner Barnes offcred a n-~tlon~ seconded by Commissioner Bouas and MOTION CARRI ED, that the Anahetm C) ty P1 anniny Commission does hereby grant watvcr of cod,~ raqui rement on the basis that reelpracal parking is provtded and on thra basts that statistics presented by the peti tloner at the publtc hr..aring indicates that two spaces per caurt are adequatc fo~ the use as ;.roposed. Commissicx~er Barnes offered Resolution No. PC~1-73 end moved for its passage and adoption that the Anaheim City P lanning ~ommisslon does hereby u,rant Conditl~ ` Use Permit No. 2192. s~b,ject to Int~rdepartmentai Comm(ttee recommc:ndations. On rol 1 calt, the foregoing reso lution was passed by the foi lowing vote: AYES : COMMI SS ION~RS : BARNES. BOUAS. BUSlIORE ~ FRY ~ HERBST, KI NG~ TOLAR NOES : COMMI SS IONERS : NONE ABSENT: CQMMISSIONERS: NOqE 4/6/81 r ; ~ MINUTES~ ANANEIM CIT1l PLANNING COMMISSION~ APRIL G~ 1981 81-198 ITEM N0. lOs EIR CATEGORICAL EXEIfTIQN. CL~S_S 5~AN0 VARIANCE N0. j207: PUBLIC 11EARING. OWNER: LARRY R. SMITH. 170W6 M~rina gay Drtve~ Hu~ttnqton Harbor~ CA 92649. AGENT: CNARLES L. HOHL~ 11+731 Golden Wast St~oet. Westminster~ tn 92683. Propa~ty described es en Irraqui~rty-shaped parcel of lend conststing cf approxtn~ntely 3.1~ acras locsted north and west of the northwest corne~ of Nall Road and Knott Sc~eet. Property p•esently el~ssifted CL (COMM~ItC1AL~ LIMITED) ZONE. VARIANCE REQUEST: WAIVER OF REQUIR[D LOT FRONTAGE TO ESTABIISIi A THREE-LOT SUBDIVISION. Tl~ere was no ono i nd 1 cat 1 ng the t r presence i n oppo~s 1 t I ~n t~ sub j ect reques t~ and :lthough the steff report wss not read. (t is ref~rred to and n-ade ~ part of the mi nutes . Charles Hohl~ age nt~ was presont to s~swer eny questt~ns. TNE PUt1LIC HEARING WAS CIOS~D. It was noted the Planning Dlrector or his authorized representative h~s ~ietermined thet the proposed proJect falls within the defi~ltion of Categor•ical Exempttons, Class 5~ as deftned in paragraph 2 of the Clcy of Anahelm Environmental Impact Report Guldelines and is~ therefc~re~ categorically ex~mpt from the requlrement to prepare ars EIP,. ACTIO : Commissioner King offered Rcsolutian No. PC81-74 and maved for Its passage a~aaoptior. that the Anshelm ~ity Plannl~g Commisston does hereby grant Varlance No. 3207 on the b~sis of the I~regular shspe of the propercy and subject to Int~~departmental Committce rcconwnendations. On roll call; the fo~egoing resoiution was passed by the followlnq vete: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ 80UAS, BUSMORE. FRY, NERBST~ KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISS IOIJERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSi0NER5: NONE N0, it: EIR NEGnTIVE DECLARATIO-i RECLASSIFICATIOr~ NO. 8~-81-2 VARIANCE NO N~NTAT E A F . t : OWNERS: ~DWARD AND CIIERYL PAOILLA~ 7~~5 South Brea Boulcverd~ Sutte 1~ Brea~ CA 92621. Property described as a ~ecta~guiarlyshaped parcel of land conslsting of app~oximatety 2.8 acres~ located at ~he southwest cnrner of Katella Avenue and Ninth Strcet. lE0 3 South Ninth Street. Property presently clesslficd RS-A-43,OOA ( RES I DENTI Al/AGR I CUl.7URAl) ZONE. RECIASSIFICA710N REQUEST: RM-3J(10 VARIANCE REQUEST: WAIVERS: (a) MAXIl1UM FENCE HEIGHT, (b) MINIMUM BUILL~ING SITE AREA AND (c) MAXIHUM STRUCTURAL NEIGHT. TENTATIVE TRACT REQIlEST: TO E57ABLISN A ONE-LOT~ 33'UNtT CONDOMINIUM S~UBDIYISION. 4/6/81 ~ MINU~ES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, APRIL 6, 1981 81•199 There wes no one Indicettng tholr pressnce in oppositlon to subJect request. snd etthou~h tha staff ~eport was nat read~ It Is referrad to and made a part o` the minutes. Corm~fsstoner Busho~ decls~ed e canfitct of tnterest es deftned by Anahetm City Pianntng Commiasicx~ Resolutton No. PC16-1~~~ edopttng a ConFiict of Inte~est Coda for the Planning Commlsslon, end Government Cude Snction ;C~25 et soq.~ In th~t he aa a real estate broker hss been involved in business trsnsactlons on subJect proporty and~ pursuant to the provis(ons of the above cudes. declared to the Chairman that he was wtthdrawing from the haering (n connectt~n with ab~ve petitio~s and wauid not take port In ottlier th~ discussion ~~ th~ voting thereon. and has not discussed ihls mattnr with eny membe~ of the Planning Commisalon. Thcreupon~ Commisaloner Bushore laft the Councll Chambe~. Edward Padilla~ av~~er~ was presant to a~swer any questions. THE PUBLIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. ACTIOIJ: Comnlssluner He,-bst offered a motion~ seconded by Commissloner King end k0~10 CARRIED (Commissioner ou~hore being obsent). that the Aneheim Ctty Plenning Commisslon has revlewed the proposal to reclassify subJect property from the RS-A- 43~000 (Restcfentlal~ Multtple-Famlly) Zone to cstabllsh a 1-lot~ 33•unit condomintum subdiv~ision with w elvcrs of maximrm fence he(ght, mintmum buiiding stte area~ and maxlmum structurrl helyti~ cx~ e r~sctangulariy-shapcd pe~ce) of land c:cinslsting of appraximet~ly 2.8 acres locacca at the so~thw~st corner of Katella Avenue and Ninth Str~et (i~i03 South Ninth Str~et); ~nd does hereby approve the Negatlve Declaration from the requ( rement co prepar~: an envi ronmental impact repc~rt on the k~asis that there would be no stgniflcant fndividual or cumulative adverse c~vtrc+r~mental lnpact due to the approval of thts ~k getive DeclarAtlon slnce the Anaheim General Plan designates the subJect property for medium density residenttal Isnd uses comme~surate wtth the p~oposal; thac no sc~sltive environmental Impects are tnvolved in the p roposal; that the initlal Study submitted by the petttione~ indtcates no signiflcant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the NGyetlve Decleration substantiattng the foreqc-ing ftndings ts o~ flie In the City of Anahetm Planni~ig lkpartment. Commisston~r Ne rbst offered Rasolutian No. PC81-75 end movcd for (ts patsega and adoption that the M aheim Clty Pl~n~in~ Commisslon does ~ereby grant Reclassiftcatian No. 80-81-29~ s~bJect to Interdepartmcntal Conmittae recommendat(ons. On roll call~ the foregaing resolut3on was passed by the foilawing v~te: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: nARNES~ 80UA5~ FRY, IIER85T', KIHG, TOLAR NOES: COHMISSIONERS: MONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BUSHOR~ Carnmissioner Herbst offered Resolutlon No. PC81-7~~ and mov~d for its passage and adoptlon that the M aheim City Plsnning Conmisslon does he~eby g~ant Vartsnce No. 32Q6 watver (a) on the besls that a higher m+asonry wall along the s~uth and w~st p roperty linea will provide a better saund berrler and yranting waiver (b) c~ the basis that the request is minimel and granttng wa(vers (b) and (c) o~ the basis Lhat 4/6/81 NINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COh1MISSIONr APRIL G~ 1981 8~•2~0 :he propos~l w111 complY wit.h the revised wde for RM-30Q~1 zonln9~ subJect to intnrdepartmentsi Cdmmittea reconmendatio~t. On ~oll calt~ th- fore~oing ~nsoiutton wss passed by the folla~tnc vete: AYES: ~OMMISSIONER5: 9AP.ti~S, BOUAS, FRY~ HERBST~ KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIOHERS: NONE ADSENT: COMMISSIONER5: BUSHORE Commisstoner Nerbst offerod a motlo~~ seconded by Commtssiancr Bouas and MOTION CARRIED (Ccrtmiss~a-~r Bushore betnq absent)~ that the Maheim City Planning Conxnission does hereby fi~~d that the propose~d subdivislon~ together wlth lts dasign and improven+ent, ts consistent '"~and~does~tthereforei~apprQ~e~TentattveuMap of 7~ect Government Code Sacticx~ 6G473•5i No. 11466 for a 1-loi~ 3~"unit condon+lnlum subdivlston. subjoct to the followin9 conditicx-s. T~NTA71 VE MAP OF TRACT NQ. 111+66: 1. That the approfal~c~ess~ficationailo.f 80r8~t29~ 11~~~r ~s 9ranted sub)ect to the epproval o z. That should this subdtvtsion be developeo as more than onc subdivlsion, e~ch subdivisian thereof she1) be submitted tn tentattve f~rm for approval. 3. That thc original dncuments of the covenanis~ condltlons~ and re~ccA~dation and a letter addresscd to devclopcr's tltle tampa~Y authorizing there~~f~ sl~all be~submltted Pu~~~c UtllitlesrOeParimentCe Build1ng Divislon, thc City Attorney s Offlce~ and the Englneeri'g~v~a~ishall~be~fi ledf and, rccor~d inathe Officesofdkhe doc~men[s , as pp Orange County Recorder. 4. That str~et nan+~s shall be aparoved by thc City Planning Ocpartment prior to approval of a f i nal tract ~+aP • 5. That at l private str ~at; ~s~~ ~ 122 f orep~~etenst~ etsanln ~~d~~9he Cl ty of Anaheim's Standard Deta installatinn of street name slgns. Plans for the private strr.et ltghting, as ~equt red by the stsndard d~tai l, sha) i be submttted to thc Bui lding Divisiun for approval and inclusion with the building plans prior ta the issua~ce of building permits. (Private streets are tlwse which provfde primary access and/or clrculatlon withl~ the pro~ect. 6. If permanent sllebe instelledSPrio ota yEOCCUpancyed, tnmporary street narn~ s i gns sha ~. That the avner(s) af sub}ect property shsli pay the traffic signal assassment fee (Ordlnance No. 3~96) in an artaunt as cMtermined by the Ctty Councfl, for each new d~e111~9 unit prior to the issuance of a building permi t. a~bis~ MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION~ APRIL b~ 1981 81•2Q1 8. That th~ owne~ of s~~h,ject p~ape~ty shall pay to the City of Aneheim the aNproprlats park end recre+~tion In-' ~u tees ea dctermined to be appropriate by the City Cour,cil, s~id fees to be paid st the time the bulldl~q permlt is t asued. 9. The seller shall provtde the pu~chaser of each condomintum unlt wtth wrttten informetio~ contemtng Anaheim Munictpal Code 14.32.SOA pertalning to "p~rking restricted to facitttete street sweeptng". Such w~itten lnformatlo~ will clearly tndicate when on•street p~rktng ls prohibtted and the penalty for vlolatlo~. 10. Th~t s~b,ject proper~~ shall be served by underground utilitles. 11. That d~alnage of subJect property shall be disposed of in a mnnner aatisfactory to the City Enytneer. 12. That approprtate water assessment fecs as dere~rminsd by the Offlce of Utititiea General Manac~er shall be pAld to the City of AnaP~eim prlor to the Issuance of a butldinq permtt: 13. That the petittonor shall prasent cvidence that the proposed subdivtsion shal) provide, to the extent feasible, for future passive ~r netural heering or cooling o~•~ortuntt(es in the subdivtslon prior to the issuance of b utidlny permits. 14. That the petftlo~e~ shsi) p~esent evidence that the proposed subdtvfsian conforms to Council Policy No. S42 pertaining td sound attenuatlon in resio~snttal p roJects priQr to issuance of buildtng permtts. COMMISSIONER BUSNORE RETURNED TO TNE MEETING. ITEM N0. 12 ~T1ND RECOMMENOATIONS The follawtng Reports and Recommendatlons staff reports were prescnted but n~t read: A. CO~IDITIONAL USE PER~SIT N0. 1812 - Request for extansian of time from Danald L. a er or property ocate at 12(13 West Lincoln Avenue to permtt a cocktail lounge and dance hAll. ACTION: Commissioner King offerm.i a motlon~ seconded by Commtsstoner Herbst an~c '~Aa'TION CARRIED (Commissioner ~9ushore abstaintng) ~ thst the Anaheim City Planning Cortmisslon dces hereby gr~n~ a one-year exte~ston of time for ~ondttional Use Pe rmit No. 1812 to exptre on noril 10~ 1982. B. VAR ANCE N0. 26~4 - Request for extension of ttme from Noward Farrand for propertTte~c at 518-526 South Rose to permit the outdoor storage of shiQping containers. ACTION: Commissioner Klnq affered a motion~ seconded by Commissloner Herbst and MO ION GARRIEO~ t~+at the Anahe(m f,ity Planning Commission does hereby grant a two~year exten~i~n of time for Varianca No. 26~4 to expire April 23~ 1983. ~r ~ i 4/6/81 1~'~ .. ~ ^ _ 1 A MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLIINNING COMMISSION~ APRIL 6~ 1981 81-202 C. RECLASSIFiCAT10N N0. -80• 2- Request fo~ rotroactive sxtenston of tlms rom char . uston or propa~ty locsted on the west alde of Harbor Boulev+~~d~ eppraximately SS2 feet north of tha centerline of Romneya Drtve. ACTIOH: Commissioner King offered a motton~ seconded by Commissian~r Nerbst anT~OfION CARRIEO~ that the Anaheim ~ity Planning Commission does hereby qra~t a one-ysar extensian of time for Rect~sstficetton No. 79-80-32 to expire on Ma~ch 24. 1g82. 0. VARIANCE N0._2349 ANO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ~IO. 1G08 - Request for ~ - - ---- extens ons o Te"~rom av . rn~s~or property located at the sauthwest torner of Broedway end Adema Street (Pepper Tree Fetre) 1514 West B roa dway . ACTION: Commlssioner King offered a matlon~ seconded by Commlssioner Nerbst and MOTION CARRIED~ that tho A~eheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby ~rent twA-year ~xtensions of ttme for ~.~r~ience No. 23~+9 to expire on Apri l 17, 1983 and Condittonal Use Permtt I:o. 14Q8 to expire o~ May 28. 19a3. E. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 20 1- Request for terminetion from Geraid E. r t or property at uclid Way to permtt an auto body end uphoiste ry shop and office use of e residentlal structure. Commfsstoner K(ng offe red Resolutton No. PC81-77 end moved for its passage and adaption that che M ehetm City Plenntng Commission does hereby terminata Condltlanal Use Permtt No. 2031. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the foltawtng vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, BOUAS~ ~USHORE~ FRY, HEkBST~ KING, TOLAR NOES: COMNISSIONERS: NONE A~SENT: COMNISSIONE~S: NONE ADJOURNMENT There bei~g no further business~ Commissloner Fry offered a motton, snconckd by Commtssloner ';erbst and MOTION CARRIEU~ that the meettng be adJ ou rne d. The meeting was adJourncd at 2:55 p.m. Respectful ly sub.n) tted, ~ ~ . Edith L. Harris, Sacretary Aneheim City Planning Commisslon ELI~:im aibia~