Jotnt Work Ses~ton
May 29, t96t
The public work session of the Pl~nnfng Commission and Iloustng Commisalon wAS celled
to o ~der by Planning Commisatnn Chairmsn Toisr et 7:1~ ~~.m., May 2$~ 1981~ tn the
Council Chsnber~ s quorum of the Plsnntng Commission beinq p~esent.
Plan~tng Commlasione~s present:
Housing Commissianers pressnt:
Iiouaing Commisslc~ners absent:
Oth~rs present:
Chairn~n Toler
Vica Ch~trpe~son:
dernes, Douas~ dushora, Fry~ I~erbst~ King
Gardner~ Gaslo
Qvormn~~ ~rsek~ Sandovsl~ Cummins
Joe) Flck~ Asslstant Director for Plenning, John Anderson~ Associate Pianner~ Llsa
Stlpkovich~ Ilousi~y Ma~agor~ Elizabeth Chinn~ f,oi-~nlty Developrt+ent~ tbrm Priest~
Executiw "'rector Cummunity Development, Rnn Thompscm~ Planntnq Dtrecto~~ Edtth
t~arrls~ f~lennfng Commtss(on Secretary.
Cheirmen Talar statQd to the Ilaufing Commisstoncrs and to staff that he felt they h~d
dono a~ excellent Job in preparing this ~~ousing Ciement and thAt he thinks thts clty
has been vQ ry progressive and hes already acconpiished a lot af the obJectives set
fo~th in th's elen~~t. fle stated he feels the City of An~heim ts far more advanced
than other ritles tn reaching thel~ housing gaels. lie c~mpiln+ented the Nousing
Commisston~ as well as the Cttizens Advisory Committce for a!I their tnput in pu~tinq
Logethe~ what he felt is one nf the finest r~parts he has seen.
Joel Fick~ Asststant nirector for Planning~ explalned the purpose af thts wark
se~si~ is to informelly consider the Amendment to the City's ~lousing El~ment of the
General Plan and th~t the Planntng Commission wil) formally hear and co~sider
Envtronmen~al Impact Report No. 244 and the draft tlousing Element at the1~ regular
meeti~g on June 1~ 1981. tie stated the~ City's Ilousinq Elert~nt was adopted in 1973~
a~d tn November 1q77~ the Californla ~epartment of Noustng and Cortmunity Developnr.nt
adopted revtsed gu(deilnes and suhsequcnt to that~!h~ Roos bill was passed iast year
which codified provtsions of the gu1dQlines and ~equtred compilance by October 1,
1~81. He stated in July 5979~ in an effort ta updatc the adopted Nousing Element,
the City Counc~l approved en agr~ement with tastansda-Berg ~+nd Assoctates to prepare
an arae~dn~n t and E I R.
Ralph Castanada stated thts report has heen unde~ prep~aratlon for twa yea~s; that the
Advisory Conmittee was eppointed ~spresenting verious groups and eu-nanic segn~e~ts af
the city and ~hey met with t;~e consultants and citY staff and reviewed a number of
topits end dealt with needs a~d constraints and --~aluated Alternative progrtwns and
recommended some for inctusion in the doc~ment end their work was completed to a
certein degree eeriy in 1980, Ne stated then an environmental anelysts was d~ne and
revieaed by the Cor+mtttee; the~ s study sesslon was held in mid-19$0 witl~ the
Plan~ing Commissian to submtt the propo~al to date; and then a moeting was h~ld wtth
the City Counctl in September 1g80, s~d they authorited submtttsl of the draft to the
stete. tle •tated e lettar~ m the stete to tha Ctty Ma~sger Indicating that the
Steta Depa~tment of Housing end Community ~eveloprtient finds the Mousing Element ts In
confarmance with guidelinea dev~eloped by the state providln~ the ftn~1 element comes
back substantialty tha same as recetved. H~ st~t~d Octobe~ 1~ 1981. Is the
Mr. Cast~nad• ststed baatcally tha Housing Element ts en assess+nent af the housing
needs in terms of households rastding in the commu~ity. es well as those pre)ected
and the housing stock and Its conditlons~ and mn~ket constraints, price~~ rents~ new
housing prices and yovernment constreints such ns lAnd use~ density, etc.
Iie stated the document contaln~ a teries of go~ls ++nd policies conveytng the gener~)
dlrectton and intention In terms of housing; thet there is elso a~erles of proqrams
which w11) be revtawed and aiso haw the city Intends to address the ner_ds ~+nd whnt
actions th~y Intend ta tAke~ r~coc~niztng that wichin the context of the Ilousing
Elament~ n~t everything can be enslyzed tn detnll; and that ce^t~inly the Planning
Commlsston snd Clty Councl) needs to look tn rrore det~ll at those proc~ram~ to be
tm~lemented ond those they intend to study Further before dacldtng on the actlons.
Ne atated many of those it~rts will be coming beck to the Conwnisston and Councll.
tie stated thcre are (tems Included from a conttnulty stendpotnt nncl Internal
canalstanry on how th(s olement relates to other elements of the Cenera) Plen n~d
alao there (~ a process for upAt+ting the eiernent.
Commtasloner Fry aska~d haw the flgures wcre derived p~rtAining to the number ~f
households and nsked the d~flnitio~ of a heusehol~.
Mr. Castaneda replled a household Is thAt ~roup of people who o cupy sepa~ate housing
or ltving unlts~ and It does include ap~rtn+ents and any~ :ype livinq unlt.
Commissioncr F~y questtoned the 1y~72S nouseholds in need ~( assistance. palnting ~ut
that means 19.6Z of Anehetm's population is qoing ta need essista~ce of some nature
and askud how thet figure was derived.
Mr. CastAneda explsined the~e are guidelines provlded and that figure included those
who now rostde and tl~ose p~ojected; that the current calculsttan is 16$ for those wh~
need housing asslstance and those needs ere defEned ss those ~Ith low to mod~rate
income, and those expending 25~ or rr~re of thelr tncc~n+e for houstny. !1e explatned
thts ftgure is taken from the census data of 1q76 and they would not expect the data
from the 19 &1 census t~ be ve ry di~fferent. Ne stated the infornu~tion w~s teken from
th~ responses given to questions on thst iq~6 census. He niso explalned that deta
wes updated end yiver, the fact thet incomes hav~e not risen at the sama pace as
housing costa. they would axpact the current estimetp to be hiqher. hle explai~ed
they also looked at oche~ c~tegorles of need such as overcrc~wding~ larqe famities.
minorities and the aiderfy ane son+e ma~y ~ot have A housing assistance need.
Mr. Cestaneda revinwtd the progrems to be tmplemented portion of the ~eport noting
the issue la realiy the intended actto~s which Nill guide futu~e reference !n terms
of housing needs. Fle stated the guidelines call for camparinc~ progrsms in five
P •q ,
(1) prose~vatlon af exixting housing; (2) standa~ds ~~d plan~ for adequate housinq
sites such ~s how much Iand i~ aveilable~ the denstty~ etc.; (3) sd~q wta provlston
for housl~~ assistance •nd yarious way~ of addr~ssing that need f~r ~11 segments of
the commw+ity; (4) presentatlon of sffordable housing; (5) p~ovlalon of ~ccetslble
housl~g in t~rms of having accsss to housing for the handicapped~ and fanilli~s with
chiidren. Ha stated tha City oF Anehelm hni already Implemented three ef the
ceteqorles and has indicated those whlch it tnte~ds to get involved with 1~ the
futuro and also those too prenieture to meke e commitment on which req~iire further
11e stated tha city did not wait for the Hou~ing Element to Impiement some of the
programs and the city hes a more co~nprehensiva set of p~og~ams atth nore wide
reeching approaches to addresatng neQds. I~e ref•~red to the p~ograms to be
implemented and noted this wa~s a larx r set of pro~~ams ~~d lest year some of those
actions wer~ im~lemented. Ife refe~red to the ~rogram to be cc~nside~ed further by the
ctty and noted in al) tnatances~ those pro~rams would he re:viewed hy the Planning
Commiaalon ~nd City C~uncll.
Ne at~ted basicaily the lntent c~f t1+e N~using EiQment is to develop a logical
sequence of rr~thdds to meet the housing needs. lie stated the ~+reas that need f~~rthar
study prlor to a~y other ectlon to be taken by th~ city aree these d~aling with
const~uctlon loans~ and rent atetili:ation or rent control. He clarified that dc>es
not meen rent ccx~trol, but n+erely taking a look at th~t parttcular policy and hc~w tt
has been handled In other cttles and reporttng back t~ the Planninq Commtssicx~ and
City Council.
Mr. Castanada stated up [o now the prlnb ry discusslon has been what is ~eeded tn the
Element, but the other aspect ts perforn+anee and the state quidellnes are not sayi~g
hew a conrriunity must address those housinq n~eds es much as they are saying deve)op
methoda and means ot addresstng thera and th~yr are not mandating any particular
program as much as seying that the outcome should be to n~eet a certaln percentege of
need (n the ly to 25Z r'ange.
Ne steted ;n summary, the initial need figure as glven was abeut 15,70~ households
snd needs to be mct era oucitned as about 6~90Q households and those needs to be met
are through ~ousfng asststanc~ to renters~ houstng ~eheb101tation snd new
M~. Castanada stated tfi e reason for the update process is to ranitor progress end
slso to mo~ttor how an individual development nu~y affect ove~all need figures.
Ik statod whet goes into the proqram Ts reAlly at the descretion of the city~ but it
must address the need and addre~, tt in e certain percentsge.
Commissloner Ile~bst asked what percentaga of housing needs arc betng met today wlth
present n~s~ketinq progr~ms and the high (nterest rates. indiceting he thought it
would be interesting to see if Anahelm is even keeptn~ pace.
Page 3
Joel Fick reptled nothtng has b~en dene In that regard stnca stsff h~~ been working
to get thls document adopted and the only tnformatlon evatlable Is the 1~76 Speclal
Ca,sus Data and the 1980 Censut data is not yet ev~tl~ble.
Commissioner Nerbst stated he was thlnking af the constructlo~ af the low cost
housing which haa been •pprovad and the new construttlon gc+ing an tn the htl) ~~d
canyon aree and he thought those figures should b~ avellable ~rom the Qulldinq
Joel Fick stat~d figures are avalieble on all proJ~cts epproved and efter thls
lioustng Elemont Is adopted~ staff will be reviaving that informstion end ~epo~ting
b~ck to the Plannlnq Comnissi~n end Ctty Council m~difying the Ilousing Element as
Ralph C~stsnade stated tne conslstency and ha~ this element compares wtth other
elemnnts ~f the General Plan Is covered In some detai) and als~ the document
indicatas th~ degree of government coope~atlon and the terms of polictes~ qoala and
needs and flnally the updste pr4cess is c~vered with an ennual revtew of whet has
been b uilt~ price rsnge~ etc.
Joel Fick stated the state has expleined they are In a posltien to certify the Clty's
Nousing Elen~~t rrhich is unlque beceuse they have only certlfled twa clttes in Orange
County er+d 28 ctties tn the entire state, but are In position to certify thls
document with twa minor provisions as presented in the report: one Is e statement
regerding an fncorporatlon by referen a t~ a vacent land ~tudv which has beert
completed and Inciudes alternat~ resldentlni sites suttAhle for houstng. Ile
explatned chat study wes dane about Mo yeers ago and has been updated and is
complete. i~e stated th~ other provisions cancern proqrarm presented ahlch have
already bcen complled with Since the Nousing El~ment cbcument was printed.
Mr. fick stated the ln;.k of problems thQ Gity had in revlew proce~s with the state
exempllfies the work of the Hous~ng Commisslon~ Pl~nning Commisston and City C~unctl.
Thtodore J. Welgmtm~ 21r3 South ~la~bo~ 9oulevard, Space 1~ (75ff-0548) asked that the
CitY Cou~ci) buy property for a trailer park whlch would qualify ss low cost houstng
for about 30Q familtes to be displec~d from westwtnds T~~tler Lodge.
Atice La Bakey stated she llves In Westwinda and ts being evicted and there Are 20
sentc.~ citlzens who helang to An~heim Senior Cltizen's and it hss always been sald
that the seniors of ARahelm we~ dc~ing ve ry well~ but they can't find apa~tments.
She stated she is on a ftxed Incrome and cannot pay the hiqher renC and the maJority
af the eiderly parsans at thts park go to doctors and cannot be moved. She stated
she has an older mobi lehc~ ar~d hes l ived In i t 15 Years and she wll l be 75 years old
in Septerfi er and has no plsce to go. She stated she csn take care of herself arnd ts
not resdy for the n1d folk's home. She stated she has not faund c~ne sultable
apartment that she can ~fford.
Ns. U 88kay steted thero are people working in the park to locete housi~g because
the Council instructed the buye~ of che park to provide that assistance~ but they are
not nice people to dea) with and she h~s nev~er been treated in such a manner in all
Page 4
har lite~ Sh~ stated thay ~re sup~sed to f~ea that all tl~a residents have a pl~ce to
yo~ but the re~idents are el) Insulted and told thair mab 1lehanei are not wo~th
•nythlny sven though they have nave~ seen insicb. She staCed the outside of h~r
co~ch need• petnt ~nd sha w~s plenntng to hsve It pstnted but when she got the n~tice
to rrove snd csnw 1 led those plans. She etated they are at the mercy ef those peoAle
and thny do not k~aw haw to ha~dle thc»e paor elderly sen lors. She steted she is
spo~king for 20 of tham and thel~ tre~tment is a disgr~cc for An~helm end they feel
discriminated +~gainst. She stated reside~ts ot the park h~va heen t.reated Ilke
gerbege of the ea~th by the manager and he ~~as toid by the Commisslo~~ te see th~t the
rssidents are tekan csro of e~d ~teted she does not went to ~ea the nu~n alone. She
*ated they h~v~ pald taxas and havie wo~ked and gave to the city ~nd t~y to help al)
th~ organlzetlons such es dla~hled~ nentnlly il) chlidrers~ ~tc.~ and stetec' this is
the) r weiy of gi vt ng of ourselves. and asked wh~t Is betrsg cbn~ to them?
Chatrm~n Tolar stated this psrt(culer work sesslon tonight is tn ~elattonship ta the
liousing Element ar~d the Commission will not t+~ke eny action toniqht. but p~imarily
will Just revl~w the Hou~ing Element and the meny proqrrRn that are suggested which~
hopef ul ly ~ w 11 1 overcome some af these proh i ems . Ile exp 1 a i ned the Comnl ss lan I s not
i~eartn~ thet speeific mobilehome park~ but deeling with !he 11o~~~ing El~n~nt which
will help eliminste this type thing not only her~~ but evorywhcre Decause of housing
ahort~ges. I~e st~t~d thts ctty Is n little more pregressive end wllt be able to
~vercome some of the housing ne~ds, Concerning the city huying proc+erty, he thought
that haa e) ready heppened to some e!xtent wl th the senior ci t) zen hAUStn~ nroJect tn
downtown A~ahalm and the ctty is certalnly ewere af the problem end w~nts tu do
somethtng sbout i t. F1e statcd the Cor~rnlssfon Is trying to lc~ok to the future by
revtewing Ct~ls eleme~t and thls type thinq and are tryln4 to ernploy progr~ms so we
won't havc this manY probl~ms in thc future and doRS ~e~cognl~e the ~esponslblitty and
~equi rements and wents to try snd accar~+) i sh aome of thase concerns . Ne st~ted the
residents at Westwinds have to rccog~lrr, the people who crim the lAnd do want to
devel~p It and h~ understends ~is. Le 6akey has been there 17 years~ but the
Commisslon must t~~k ~t the lend use In terms of ~ctt~ng hihher and more denslty and
gcttiny more housing on that land which ti+o~~ld r~soive san+e of the l~ousinq ~eds.
Ms. La Uakey staLed the:y w~nted ta m+ike ihelr p~obl~ns kna+n.
Cha 1 rman To 1 ar repl i ed the Comml ss lon appr~cl etes thet r c~~~I ng to the nr.et t ng and
p~rticlpating. Hc stated he wlli personally check into thls s(tuatio~ hecause he
reme~e~s when the reclassiflcetion wes spproved for that m4bilehon+e ~ark, the
deve lope ~ sa ( d Lhere wou Id ba a caunsalor the tenants coul d work w i th and f rom scxne
of the comrnents. he wau{d 1 ike~ to find ~ut why they are not helptng the t~nants
instead of scari ~g them E,eGduse it wes made clear what M.ds expetted 3nd that was made
a part of the co~dtcions. 11e stated he ~ecog~Tzes n~oving wi11 be difficult, but
cauld be made easle~ and he wouid pe~sonally csli the sgent.
Conanissioner lie~bst suggested It might be helpful t~ have sameone f~om City staff sit
i n on meet i n~s be~twee~ the c~unsalor and tenant to f I nd out whAt's goi ng on.
Coarntssio~er Busfiore stated he certalnly appreclates the ccxn~nents ~d fe1 t same
conme n ts e re ve ry va 1{ d.
Page S
Mr. Waigman st~t~d there sre ahou~ 3A0 f~mlller between thra~ mabllehome psrk~ to be
Commissloner Bushore stated the Ci tY ~ust declar~d e b.5 are~ site es access for
sentor citizen's cente~ which hopefuliy wit) selve some of the problsm~~ He st~ted
hs i s nat fsmi l t ar w i th I aws conoa ~n 1 ng the 1 and for mc+b t 1 ehon~e parks ~ but the c 1 ty
requ) ros developmrs to Include saae and there are some excess school sites and e
possib i'' i ty of them comtng up for sale end i f the city acts faet enough end comes uh
w 1 th money ~ they coul d cons 1 dar that poss I b 1 11 ty end he thought the cl ty shoul d
certainty be thtnking about meybe looking et these sltes for displeced perso~s who
prefer the mebllehome style of 1i vin9.
Mr. Noi~man st+~ted mabi lehome l iving is very effordable fo~ seniar cititens and the
school property Is worth e lot of money. I~e stated these people heve butit thl! city
and one day the Commissio~ers wt! 1 be o1d and if they do~'t heve money~ they would be
on streets too, and he dld not feel It Is feir to treat old people thls way.
Commissloner 8ushore stated he is putting himself In their positions and this Is not
only a problem In Anaheim, but is a probiem ecross the country.
Mr. Welgmann stated they are not asking for much~ Just r pl~ce of greund and it
doesn't have to be near Dts~-eyland or the ball park~ And can be property on the
outaklrts b~cause they don't llk~ the hustle and bustle.
Patrtcis Bayley~ Vice Chairpersor~~ lioustny Car~nlsslon~ stated she hAS been In city
hal l to publ ic heeringa ~~d watched for 7 or 8 years end supported the people from
Westwinds. She stated she has been wstching the actions of single-family
neighborfioods whenever tha sul~Jeet of multi•fami ly housf~g comes up, and suggestad
these mobilehome park residents get the suppert of the people in the single-family
neighborhood where a prospective senior citizens pro,iect w111 be built bY getting
than to see that they wtl! be go~d netghbon and it Is possibte thet when the rnetter
comes beforo the P 1 annt ng Car~mi s si or+ or C1 ty Gounci l~ those res i d~nts wl i l sdy they
want these peaPie in the neight~or4~cwd. She explatned she bases this suggestio~ on
her expcrier~ce after listening ta many mnny protests by singie-family nelghborhood
residents at Ptennlna Commisslo~ and Clty Cauncl) meetings.
Chalrman Tolar stated the Houstng Commissicm and Nou~:~g Advisory Committe~ have dorte
a tr+emendous amount of work putting this documtnt togethe~ and have done ~n excGllent
job and some of the suggesti4ns like the one Just nbde by Commissloner Bay1Qy w111
brtng about some of the ~nswers to the problems we have tn this ctty.
Mr. Wetgmen stated there a~e aetuallY 250 unlts for senlo~ citizans and therc ~re
25~000 sentor cttt=ens in Maheim.
Lorralne Al lison. uestv+inds, stated when tdlking to H~. Farano o~ a ~ne-to-one basis.
he has been very insulting and asked if they could meet with hlm as a g~up and
stated that he had t~id one res ident he could get her out ~nd did not have to do
anything for her.
Page 6
f ~ ? i
Commtsaloner Fry asked Planning pir~ctor Thompson or Executive Dl~actor of
Redeveiopn~nt Prlsst if havinq this d~cun~nt certlfled by the State of Califor~l~ Is
commi tt tng the ci ty to enyth ing.
Jo~) Fick explatned the context of the Housing Element la the prog~am ifsttng
revtewed whereln the programs are ide~ttfied which the city currently Is dotng~ the
P~og~ams the ctty wtll be dotng~ and the progrems which requlre furthe~ study.
Commtssloner Fry explalned hts concern tn whet the result wauld be if the clty does
not comp iy w i th those proq rans .
Chalrn~n Tolar stated he felt the question is really what commltment the city is
ni+~king by having the document certified. Ile add~d he thought this document (s a
requi~rt~nt by the state and is not e commttrnent hy ~he clty~ but that it fs a valid
questlon or concern. ~le stated disregarding the stnte's requtrament that the city
h~va an epproved ~lousing Elen~ent~ thls tity recognized th~ need two or three years
ago; thst he has h~d the p~ivtleg~ uf neeting with Planning Commissi~ners ~f other
ctties and feels Anahelm recognized thelr responstbiiTty long before the Housinq
Element was ever written en~ has accompl ished a lot of the things mentloned ~nd thts
city ls far advanced over lots of other cittes. Ile did nat thlnk the ctty wlil heve
any problems n~eeting the gaais of the Glement botause thev Are already allowinq
hlgh~r density~ smaller units~ denstty bonuses for low tn maderate Income housing~
etc., however, there (s no better proof than these restde~ts of Westwtnds who are
preaent that the city hasn't enswer~d all the prohlems.
Mr. Castaneda pointed out thtre Is a desclaln~r stat~ment included in the document
which sarys ( f a particular program proves to be unreascx~able~ tt can be dropped.
Commisstonesr Barnes stated page 1 of the doc~nt stAtes th~ aim of the Anahclm
Ilousing Element (s to plnpol~t ,..muntty housing needs which ls no differont and the
city will only strive to gct better and this element like th~ General Plan (s generai
i~ nature and these arr, the city's gaals And nb)ectives and cannot a1) be met, but
the city will not be In trouble tf they cannot mcet all of them.
Joel Ftck agreed and added that those actlons endorsed by the City Council represent
a future course of actlon for rneett~g the city's houstng nceds~ however, from tfine to
ttme~ (t mey be necessary to ad~Just ta chang~ng conditTons. Ne stated the state'~
gui ck 1 i nes Rrav1 de for the rev t ew process ahd t f there sre changes because of market
conditlo~s, etc,~ it is anticlpated there wlli be ch~nges to the Nousing Element.
Commtssianer Fry esked (f the~e is any penalty from noi accomplishfng Nhat has been
set when the dacumcnt is revised.
Joel Ftck answered that the Clty Attor~~.;y~s offtce couid answer that question at
Nonday's p~lic hearing and that is up to the courts to determine whether the city
has an adequatc Ceneral Plen and thet the endorsement by the stste that the ctty has
complled w~th the 1q77 guidelines would be beneficial in a court of lew. Ne
expialned the Roos btll actually says that by October ist. citles heve to adopot
housing elements either In accordance wlth gutaellnes or be certTfied and camply with
Page 7
the law and guldelines. Ila steted Anshetm la In a unique poaltlon having recelved
tha letter from tha atate prlor to the workshop and publlc hearing.
Norm Prlest~ Executive Otrector of Community Development~ st~ted moat housing
asststance programs in whfch they arc involved do requlre an updated~ adopted Naustng
Commisstone~ eushore asked Mr. Prl~st to explain wh~t Is betng done to create housin~
such as rehabilitation, etc.
Mr. Priest stated the most significant proc~ram in Community Developn~nt ts Sectio~ 8
Noustng which is an assistance program operating wlth exlsting units. Ile explatned
after a tenant 1~ certifled~ he is ablc to rent e unit with houstng Asaistance; that
there arc certatn limits upon the fetr market rents; and they heve 15~A of these
untts. Ila explained the tenants pays 25~ ond hloustng Authority pAys the b:lence. He
stated the basic difference In thetr programs ts the use of alock G~ants to da rrore
to a greater degree of ~ehebllttatlon of untts before providing far ~ental~. I~e
referred to 3~ eftercarc units for the disabled and explAlned there are 1t3 nare end
the Houstng Authorit~ budget from ~1UD Is ebouC S7~AOA,f10~ annually. Ile stated thty
are able to ass(st senlor cIt(xans an flxed tncomes enebling them to stay In thetr
unit and thet mnney is avallahle through a block grant of ~hout S2~Ot10,0~0 of which
40$ is used in housing rclat~d pr~c~~anK. Ne explalned the netc~±~~,orhood clean-up
prog~ams wheretn existing units are pnintcd end cleaned up. 11e referred to Section
312 Rehabi 11 tatian Progr~~m whtch uses I~lock Grant +~nd private funds f~r rerr~del ing
and rehabilitation programs and that this proc~rer~ wil) provide rehebilitation for
about 7,5~f1 units and they anticipate ~xccedln~ th~t number next year. He explalned
they are working with the Planning Oepartment staff to provide ~ffordable housing by
allowiny density bonuses~ etc.; that Pam Y.alser is the staff inertber specificlAlly
charged witf~ looking at such things. painttng out the proposed proJect at Impertal
and Orangewoc~d which wi11 provide 40 unlts~ and noted thls was a Block Grant proJoct
a~i~ Inv~olved a surplus site and land track r:ith ad,jacent owners and the units should
be svt~i 1 ab 1~s 1 n about a year.
Mr. Priest referrtd Co a s(te mentioned which wt~s recentty declared surplus a~d can
provide (n excess of 140 u~its for senior cittzens. Ile stAtad th~y are going lnto
axtensTve reconstructlon in dawntown and are constantly ct~ntacted by private
developers regarding vacant sttes to develop as afford:~~le unlts.
~le expla ~d they are looking at ways of providtng mnre apertment units gnd providing
homeownerships assistance through shared apprrciation~ etc. snd have w~rked with the
Board of Rea) cors and J ust received thei r al Ccrnate re{yort.
Commissianer tlerbst asked if there is anY program avallahle to assist these
mob 11 ehoir~e pa ric tenan ts .
Mr. Prtost stated they have tool:ed at alte~nate sites and the vac~nt site survey
~eeds to tdentlfy sites which would be availsble and could b~ used for mobilehomes;
however~ they are far enaugh slong to say they have a site.
Page 8
Commtssioner tle~bst ~tet~d th~ss psople need samething immedist~ly becsuse th~y have
to mrve in the next few months.
Mr. P~last stated they da ~ot h~ve e slte ta relocate thelr ooechea, but wilt check
and noted they h~ve tooked at cert~tn dtsplacements.
Lise Stipkovich~ t~ou:ing Msne9er~ explatned the Sectton 3 Rentel Atsistence Is
ellotted on a prtority basis and the present ~ccupancy policy would not allow these
ts~ants to be placed flrst on the llst~ however~ thelr names can be pieced o~ the
w~itl~g ltst~ but thera are no meens of prevtding assistrnce in the near future
becauso the walting itat Is quitc long.
Commlssione~ Qushore asked if these people have been advised ta get on the waittnA
list or even made aware that there ts a list. Ms. Stipkovich responded they hesitate
to retse people's hopes that there is assistancn av~ilable Immedlately because it
could take two to three ye~rs.
Respondiny to Commissioner Herbst's questlo~~ Ms. St(pkovlch expl~ined the dlffe~ence
between public actlon and prtvate actio~ ts that If the people are dieplaceci by ~
public agency such as the Redevelc~ mr.nt Agency~ they automattcally go to the •np of
the waiting llst. She explelned an elderly prefe~ence is given to anyone 62 or over,
law incomes p refe~ence Is giv~n to those persons aarning less than 512~~0f1 a yea~ or
paying mare thsn 25~ of the sala ry f~r houstng a~d there Is A large nuneber in that
Commissloner Nerbst stated in this in~tance the rrr~btlehome park is being converted to
condornintums and same publtc octlon Is required to accortnslish it and asked -f that
could be interpreted to give them p~ef~:ence.
Mr. Prtest replted HUO does nat consider code onforcement as public action. He
explatned the waiting iist Is no shorter than it was two o~ three years ago and they
do not see the backlog dropping.
Commissloner tlerbst esked if thcre ts some way to give these dis~laced persons
preference. Mr. Priest explalned the priortty system Is locally estabilshed by the
Ilousing Authority which is the City Caunci) and tt coutd be ch~nged by them.
Chainna~ Tolar po{nted out the Ctty Council has to Gonsider the reclassification of
this mubilehome park end since they set the ~ules as the Nousing Authority for the
prto~ity ilst~ he would suggest the Planning Commisston makc a recr~rnendstlon to them
that in speciflc cases such as thls, thbt they prioritize thesc tena~nts rather than
putting them on a 2 or 3 year waiting list. Ile feit ce~tatnly there is JustifiGatton
in this situ~tion for changing the rules.
Chalrrrwn Tolar stated the Commissian is suppose to he dlscussing thc I~ousing Ele-nent,
howeve r, this ro cocnmendatian could be cansidered as heing within the sc.ope of the
1lousing Eier+~e~t.
Commisstone r Barnes asked the status of SB 99 and (f the department ts doinq anythi~g
with redev~etopment constructlon loans.
Page g
Mr. Prlest replied (t ts not thei~ inLentlan to book st S~99 as ~ssible appltcalto~
to rssidential dew lopment and th• only eppllcation has bse~ fer a cortNnerci~l
bulldl~g. Hs st~t~d thei~ basic probl~m h~~ bsen one of sites ~nd referred to a
surplus psrk slte far ths eftercare f~cillty fo~ aento~ clttaena whtch ts befng
developad by the Mahsim Morta~ta) Ilospttal.
Commi:tloner Barnes stated eve ryone seems ta be opposed to hlgh-rlse developme~t of
anything over three atorles snd she felt this city is betng short-si~hted and she
falt a lot of houstng problems could be relocated with high-rise development end
a~ked if the Redavdlopmant Agsncy ts w~tching that proJ~ct, with Mr. Priest replying
they are working closely with that develo~er.
Mr. Priest stated fram a Planning and Zontng standpoint~ multl-story proaects make
ve ry poor housing units and theY would have to be carefully planned.
Commissianer Nerbst stated he vlsited a multl-stnry senlor housing complex In San
Otego and one in Pesadena and t~lked wlth ten~nts on th~ top floor and th~y were very
plaased wtth thn security and ~Ith the living quArters. He stated he was
dtseppolnted that the proposed 13•ntory pmJect was nesver huilt on ~emon Street. 11e
noted people around that area did not went a hlgh rtse across from ~ city perk.
M~. Prlest stated the~e is a good axample in Santr+ Ana, and added fmm a housinc~
standpoint~ they havc no problem with the high rise cc~ncept, but from a p{anning
standpoi~t th0re ~re traffic concerns end other tssues.
Commtssloner Darnns added many tenants In a sentor citizen proJect would not be
drtving cars.
Commissioner Tolar stated h~ feels the I~ousing Element gtves the Planning Comnissfon
and City Council thE 4pportunity to look ~t high rtse developments. tie stated he
felt there is room for that type development and hfgh rlsn complexes could answer
sort~ of the housing concerns. Ile stated he dtd not think this city has negated its
respo~sibtlity~ but (t is time the Councll a~d Commission took a stand and stood up
to be count~d and go agalnst public opi~lon because 7 0~ 8 stories developments for
seni~r citltens are needed.
Cortanisslaner Fry referred to the comments in the Ilousing Elcment aboui rent
stabtltzation ~nd ~ent co~trA1 and sskrd if it is reatly nec~ssary to use those
worris .
Lisa Stipkovich stated rent stabllization has teken place wlth Council approvai t~
some of their programs on multl-femily low interest lo~+ns where they have invested
below market rates and the awner agrees to set certai~ rents and keep rents at that
level for five yea~s. She felt rent co~trol should be considered under the category
ta be studied.
Commissioner Fry pointed ovt tt is unde~ thos~ areas to be studied and also areas to
be implemented.
Rage IJ
~ ~ ~
' ~ ~ ,? ~ ~ ~ ; .~
tl~. Stipkovich •ta~ed th~t is b~c~uss rent ~taAtll~~tton h~s ai~eady takon place in
lh~l~ prog~~n~t ~d hAVS b~an la~plmmentsd on a limlt~d ba~is.
Housln~ CoaMni~slona~ Pat~icl~ 8eyl~y :tated ~ha b.llevad the ;0-aft~r ce~e unTt: era
for ehe dt:abl~d and not sp~cifically :s~lar aitisans a~d explatned S~ct1oR 8
asststanos is dividad into th~ ald~rly, h~ndicapped and low income famfllss.
Commission.r To1ar stated hs felt this meeting ahould b~ adJourned ta the public
h~aring o~ Mand~y.
Ths mseting wes adJourned at 8:4~1 p.m.
Re:pectfully submltted.
Edtth L. Harris
Psge 11