Minutes-PC 1982/04/19~ 6
Civia Cent~r
1-ruihaia~, Californie
1-pril 19, 1992
REGUY.~-R Tho rsgulAr meeting ot tha Anahei~n City Pldnning Comrt~taeion
MEFTING waa cnllmd to ozder ti~ ChaS.rn~en t~unhc~re +~t ]~~on e.m.,
April 19, 1982, in '.::~~. Cnunril Chaaber, ~ c~orurn beinq presant,
and tt~e Commis~ion reviewed plar~ of the itome on Coday'r~ eqr~nda.
RecesAS 11000 d.r+.
Reconvene: 1:35 p.m. ~or. public ter~timc~ny.
PRESENT Ch~irmani Buehore
Commisafonars~ BouAS, F'ry, Hozbat, Kinq, Mct~urn~sy
N3SE~TiT Commie~i~nersi l~arnea
AISU PR~,;S~:NT Annika 5antalahti
JACk White
aay Titus
Faul Singer
Hob Ke lley
pean Shorer
E:ci~th Narris
AeAistant Dirc~ctor for ^oninq
Assistnnt City Attorney
oftice ~nqineer
Treffic Gnqineer
As9ociAte P1Ann~r
As~ietant Flannc~r
Planning Cortmisaion Secracary
PLEOGE A~' 7-LLE.GI~WC~ TO Tt1E: F7.a1G LED 8Y - Comn-isaioner Kin~.
APP:tOVAL OF MIN[J'PL:; - Coneniaqioner McBurnay nffered a rnotior~, aecvndod by
Contaies~At~ez douas ansi M~TI~ti C:ARRI£U (Cortsaiaeioner Barnes abr~ent) , that tt;e minutes
af the rteetings of March 22nc1 and April 5, 199?., be a~sprovad en suhnitted.
PEitMIT N0. 23Y4:
lll, Laa Angelea, CI- 90067. AGENT: M[R. A1~D MRS. ~. H. BI.~NCftARD, 12~ El Datada
Lar-e, Atuihc+im, C~ 92gG~. Praperty describod aa a rectancJularly-shape8 parcel o! lettid
consi~ting of appraximately 3.0 acres located at the northasst carnor of Serrano
Avenue +snd Nohl Kanch Road, 651.1 and 6513 Sexrano Avonue.
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f'~ :p~8ffiT..Ji~T~L..F~1.LT11RE S~AIFS IN Z`itL' NL ?.OO~T$. ` .~ , _ •,_,w, , ,
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T;iere were appraximstely eic~t peraonn present at the public hearing wlth b+o porson~
fndicating theiz presence in cspposition w suDiect ~rsquo~t, and although the stalf
report was not rsad, it ie referred to and sraAa a pe~rt ot the minutea.
Floyd Faxano, a~tCerney, ~~ p~ssent to anewar any quaatior~s.
Fred Augtin, 65A8 E. Carneqiu, l-naheian, esked where th+~ children would qe in r.ase o!
lire, r-oting the ea~erqancy va~icle ;~ccess would be !.n the playqround xrea.
$2-221 4/1g~82
~ ' ,
MItiUTES, AN11tt~:IM CITY PIJIN1~It~C COMMQSSI(1N• Aprii 1g~ 19g2
Qenn ~herer, A~sistant Plennor, floted thera ArA t,,ro crash getan, ano nt OACI1 entrance
(Sorrdno nnd Nohl Mnch Rorid) and the p1An~ do rwet the Fire Dapartmant'~ a~roval.
t~o atete~d l~e wQS not sure what the pl~n would be in c~ae o! fire t~ut wea ~ure thQ
ctiildron would bn taken nwAy fror~ the ecceee erea or thA fire area. ile expleined the
Fire Departmnnt rcx{uiro~ a 25-foot unnt~st~•uctad acc~~s tor enwrqency vehiclAr~ eo
~hare would not be any ewinqe c~r playground aquiprt+ent located in thet eccser erea.
Mr• Austin stated he would defy any Commissioner to live b~ck-t~o-heck to a plryqround
wlth 260 childron. Ne Rte~od ho thc~aqht thi~ aoul~t cnuee a trertwndous reduction in
property vAlue~. Mr. Austin re~Poncled tc~ Qiairm~n F~ushore that ho ia presAnt bc~cause
o~ tho sacond leg,~l notica.
M~atti+yn Johneon, 2~,Z4 Cdrnoqie, ,~nethoim, stated ho w~nte to voicG hir+ onpoeition for
saw~zel ro~~sonei t~iat t1»ro will hu esbout tWClve homcs, v~lueci et a~mxirtustely 2-1/2
to 3 million ciollrare, whieh wil.l be exposoci to loucl nolae end they woulc~ liY,o to koep
th~ir neighborhood the wey thoy purchnsad it nnd ho was sure thare would be e dreetic
nfP~ct on the qu~lity of their life= thet ho hne had plenty of apportunity to buy a
1~ot~- naar n Rchool 1Y he hed wa~nted to~ thet he had thouqht the rosalo vnlue of t}~eiz
homus would be lc~wered and he waa auxe not one Commi!eaian~r would buy a home with 2f,~
chil~iron in their b.zckynrdb. !te atated he Works at niqht and occaaionrlly qets home
at 7c00 a.m. and tlier~ arc five: others in tl~e neiqhborhood who Hork nt niqht and
notc~c~ there ar~ a~.so pollcc~ officers w}~Q 1i,~ ~n thaeo homes with varied h~urs. NE
etate~ he thouqht t.l~era mun~ b4 aome lagal action ta avoid ~ situr~tion guch ar~ this.
t"~• ~arano st~~ted Lha points rai~eci by the oppoeition t-re valicl~ that the Commisaion
and Covncil have taken thet~o factors into c;onaideration in ostt~blishinq roneg and
approprieta uscse withln thone zonQ». Nc L~~ted this prax,ert•; is in thr. ^L-FtS ?,one
and tlio Code lie~ta many uao~ which ere al.la~rQd as a matter of riqhtr tf~at the ~one
waa placed an tlie proporty beforo thesQ h~mes wer~ built and it is e part ~f the
General ~•:an r„~d the propcsrty wae elaay9 desiqnated for conmercir~l ueea an•~ m~ny usea
permitt.ad ~rauld be much more intonae thAn tha one proposed. He atated a school of
this type~ wnuld be an a~pr.cpriats use of thix zone, sub jprt to the apprnval of the
conciitional uae ~ermit, and thQ reasan for thia use Ficinq subioct to a condi~i~nr~l
u~se permit ie to anabla tho City t~ place neces~er,~ condiU.ons o~ it so it does nut
bocomc ofi'enaiv~e to the neighbozhood. Ne atetod echoala nre normally b~silt in
t'esidential neighborhoods e~nd not pl~ced in coer,rr~,srcidl or induetriel zone~a and noted
thera ie an elementary schaol Acros~ fror~ this prc~rty.
Mr. Farano preq~n~ed ph~toqrapha which depict the proparty itself. nnd the
surrouncting proq~erties nnd ,-~ointed out the ~ngl~9 From which the phetoqraphs wore
tAkon. 1!e exp7.sined thase pictures show a~ s~,abatanCial grade difference botwesn the
aubject ~zq~erty nnd the surrounding residenti~sl propertiea.
Mr. Fazano sta~ta9d itap~ortant conaidoretion ht~ to be placpd on not only the la~nd u~e
itaelP but on th~ credibilfty of the peoples who will be operatinq the school and
referre,~ to a l.ett,er Prom neiqhYx~ra next donr ta the P~.ecentia scha~l which had been
dietrl.buted. E!e pre_ :.~«e9 anatl~er latter from the Mayor of P1ACentiA. Hp stated it
is tt~~ir poaii.l.on that this schoal wiil ~e~t lower their. property value or bo
,~. ____ --~ ----...~._..,.~...~., . ~~.-.~, Ft- ~, ~ ..~,.. :-~ _-~. ~
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o!'lansivo Lo the neiqhbors to the surrounding renidential pr~,ortien And, in fact,
Ct~oy leel it will itnprove tho proporty velues ueceuee !.t ic~ n u~o thet ie bedly
neoded in that nroa. tie ~xplained th• petition prenented tw~ weok~ ecto wNS prapared
for the purpose of demcrosCz~etinq that thsro le n neod. 11a exPlainad there ar@
pe;renta preeont todey fr~m their oth~r echools who live in thi~ nren who are willinq
to N}~oak .
Mr. Fer~no =eFerred to proviouely eutimitted brochurea and intorrru~tion perteininq to
tho sc`inol and ita apRZntore ~nd steted regr~rd !or thu ~urrounciinq aron iA atrictly
unt~~rced try the operatoret thet the othar tdcilitiRS ara ienn+~cul~te ~~nd the gchools
ero woll orqa~nis.ed end the em}~loyeen are well educated ancf t}~o chilctren Are aell
aui~rviaed and hnw aomeono at~enclin~ te th~ir cohduct eltnoet every minute of the
ti mn .
Commisai~nc-r tlerbst statsd uRCS perMi.tt.e~ t,y a~~,rovel of conditianal ure pennits are
allowc~d only under cortein rnnditionn in cortnin ur.oaa aa that they can be
contxolled. tiQ stated th.ta property was desiqn~d a9 a aho~pir-y canter ancl sc~vnral
heari.ng~ wQZe hald whon ~k was approv~d so that tt~e neiqhbar9 woulcl bc~ getti.nq ~a
much protvct.ion as Jns~i2,la and Lhar~s was nevc~r nny conaicleration aiven to a achool
at ttiat location. He stAted thc achoc~l acrosa Cho eCroEt does not becY, up to any
homea and is complQtely isolnted= thnt therse hr~men are exc~neiv~e nnd it is ~eAible
thnt this uacs could lowQr the ~roj~~rty vrluest t~et the ?~~~ children c~ul~ annny
people ar~d there er~ ,~roplo aho move eway from that type situa~ion and when thev
purchdsac~ thaiy hoenes, there wae no echool. Na Rtnted he felt thia wc~uld he a ldnd
u~o pr~blom and tlio homes whicti back up to this ero not ~rotected hy the qrado. No
oddesd he did not think t?~e noie~± of children on tho pley~round vill be conkrolled and
he did not think a echool at thie location, et thA ex~nse of the neiqhhors, is
propa r.
ReaPondiny to Chairman Dush4re, Mr. Farano repliAd he did not tnik to eny of the
neighbors. 1{e st,ated rhis ia not Without precedence dn~i roferred to the Trq~A-Alonq
School on I..; Palera which ig alm~~t identical to this aLtuation and it backs up to
ainglo-fnmily rosidences. tie ateted he could not 9u,srantee thare wc~uld never ba ,~ny
noisQJ :hat tlipse people have been opexa,ting nimilar echoola for a lonq time and all
tho xeports ehow tl~ev hn~ reacpect for having a huainese which ~loes not impose upon
their rtQiyhkx,re ~cace er~d qui~t.
Chairman Hu~hore stateci the ComQni$aian realizas t?~ere .is a r~ecd for auch e school in
thia area a~nd asked t~r,o weeks aqo that this use be readvartisod to n~aY,~ ~ure that
~ho9a F~eo~1e on Quincy Circlo and Carrtiec,+ie knew what we~a t~eing pcoQoaed and everyone
wSthin 300 f~et of 4~he pro}~orty received nokic~,a. Ife otatcsd a r_onrlitionel uae per~nit
can be x~ev~oked if aclverse eonditians auch ea ~,b~.se creake a problem~ t.hat it waa
st~,~,ted the potitioners w~ould b~s entaring intn a 20-yd~z 2ease nnd he aould went to
ct-ution them that this t~ a queation~bla use an3 ~uet becauae a uso pRrm~t in qiven
does not mman i~ cannc~t be revaked. He s•.ated j,ermrnally he falt ie iA only feir to
c~ive them the or.~ortunity to pro~,re it can be acconplished, as pro~sad, but he aould
t ;s .
MIN~$r 1~Na-HBIM CITY PUINNING ~MlQSliIQN, 11p~~ 1 19, 198~ g~•~2~
be tho lirat aae to votee far r~vocAE~Ar1~ it' nsces~+~ry, and he fslt it i~ po~sibl~
thAt ~60 studonta could cr~eatis r~ problam.
Comiaiasianer. tic9urnay •tated he Aqr.eod tha ncipe+ fackor would be tha nant detrinMntal
thinq he+re, hut the Cananit~ion hae ta coneider the qradR dittarencs and th• peopla
buhind did nok tmel it Se l.m~artant anouqh to att.nd the meating. !ie eugqested
rRisinq tho block w~ll 2 or 3 faat W lurthec olimir~eta !he ~ound around th~
imrnediste playaround aroa. Mr. Farsno re~liod thay wc~uld he nctraeable to Chat
Cotrmiesi~nor Ilort~st statud oout~d tr~vels bt~aicnlly in n etr.eiqht line and eound
bnrriers car~ roduco noiso levals. Ile btatad it wauld bo her~l to dctorr-ine the noies
level o! 2G0 childxon in oxdoz for e~sound Anqinear tn take read.inqn. Hs a~ked if
the pntitionar would be willing to put i.n noi.ae ntto~~u++tiom m~a~uro~, as r~quir_ed,
after a sound ntudy ia dona efter the opetation hsn started.
Mr. Farano retarred to the pronarty and t.he roof toPs of tho t~+~-atory howtee ancl
etrted he did not think thoro aill be a noiKe problam, but certainly aft~r the
operation is in, th~y would be willinq to teke ~ look at it h~csune ths~ ~lo not w~nt
to ba d bothcr W thv rwiqht~or~ or to develun thoir ~arcar~ctia~.
Cor.anission~r ilort~at stntod th~re heva beon problems efter installi»q sound barriora
becausu the eound bou.+~ces of ~ thc baxriers end in eomo locations {~ee~le who n~wer
hcard itaoany noiee before haw compl~ine~l, go ha did not think it would be po~saihla
to detormine what the noisa lovele would ba untf 1 d~e Act~al aitu~tion hait l~een
tQatnd. tie stat~d he roalizes there is a need for this usa in thi~ area, but w~s
concerned about the propvrtv a+ners ~+~+ho aox~e there lirrt nna~l telt it is up t~ the
poo~le who axe going fn with a con~litional u~a pet~nit te protoct the~se people's
Mr. Farana atat:.1 i~Q yould agxee Mith the euggestion of L~kfng noi~~ ra+~dinge alter
Che oparAti~n is in foz about 3 montha to aee what n-iti~~ting correctione could be
made ,
Coma~iaeioner King at~ted tha pictures sha+ tho top ot the Mdl~ ~8 lev~l with the roof
tope and he thouc~t any noiso ~i:ld be over ihe toP of t~n houa~s.
Mr. Parano t'epl~ad he would agree that is true in swne aroris. tie explainerl the
chil~lren ~rould be on tha playgrour~d in ehifts, atarting at about 9~3(~ ~.m. and not
dveryone would be there at the seene time.
Mrs. Bl~ncherd, petitioner, stated the pre-school children eleep fresm 12:30 th 2i00
p.s~. and in the baginninq maat of.ths children would be in t,hat ege qroup and thera
would be no ona in the ynrd until A~3~ or 9~04 a.m. and in the Winter thare would be
no ane in tha ynrd efter A~3A or 5i00 p.r~.
Mr. Parano pointed out a portion ot thQ area khere the rac~f tap~ c~ze bnlow the f~nce
line and pointed out those hausers which aould be al~ected.
~ i
}. '.~
MINV'P~ES~ AN1-FlE2M CZTY pI.11NN2N(i COM1433ION, llpril 1~, 1~A:' A~-aas
Ch~irn~n eu~hcra •uqgs~t~d the p~tikioner agree to do a Raund study whon anrollarnt
roACha• 150 ~tudonta bsceu~e th~y aay not have un ad~quate nw~bar of •tudente in
thxee months ~o m+~ka the prop~r testa.
Commissicx~sr Il~rbst ~tatad 5A ahildren could make a lot of noisc+, cfepc+nding on ha+
many Aru in tho playqround et the samo tia+e~ and a etudy cauld pr~v~ thst che ~ound
b~rriors ar• not nace~oery, Uut tto lolt if the a~plicent t~grees to do the eaurtd
t~stinq in th• tuture and i! the eaund levale do not mset the mininium rec~uir.~ment~ of
the City'a sound ordinancee, the putitioner should be willing Co maka tho necemsary
corxectionu hut iC thay do not ac~ree to dd MT1At iR noceaeAry, thore ia no need ~o
have a sound study.
Cheirnwn IIushore suqqested kha appliaant contecc. t.o neighbor~ within .~e ye~r t~
detormine it there hdve been any probleme. tte et~ted tha Com~niasion ~~~~ ravoked ~aur
wa pa~niLs durinq thc leet f~ur yeare.
11C,_'~IONs Chaitman Bushore offerod a motion, aecc~nded by Con~irAion4r Y.inq dnd MOTIAN
C1-RRIED (Comniesionor Barnes being abs~nt), that the Aneheim City Plannin~ Commiasion
ha-e rsvi~red Che E~rppo8A1 tc~ permit a privete day-care end elementary educational
taciliiy (agen 2-1/2 yenre through 3rd qrade lavel) with e enaximum enrollment ~f 2F0
c2~ildren with waiver of t~+.nimum numhor of ~arking a~acos ~n a rect~nqularly-aheped
parcel oP lencl connisting o! apF~roximately 3 ecr~~ l~c~ted et the nortl~eaet corner of
Serra-~o Avonue and Nohl Rancf~ Road (6511 and h513 Serrerso Ave~ue) i and does hereby
npprove th~ Naqetive DeclarAtion Prom uie requir.ement ~o prep..ra en environmentel
impa~ct re~or. t on the basie that thore would be no sic~ni ticant indivi~u~-1 or
cwnulativ+n adverse environmental iapACt due to the Approv~-1 of this Neqative
Declaration aince the Andheim Generel Plan deeinnatea th~ Auh~~ct property tor
qsneral commercial lnnd ueae commensurate with the pr~pos~lt that nc~ eensitive
environmental impacts are involved in tho praEwsalt th~t the Initial. Stt~~3y submitted
by the petitioner indicatee no significant individurxl ar cumulative sdverse
envimnment~l impacta~t nnd tr~ak tt~e Neq~tive De~:1~raCton suhatantiatinq L~~~ fnreqoinq
findinqe is o~ file in the City of Anelieia~ Plenning Derarhnent.
Chainaan euahore oftered a motxcro saconded by Comnl.Aaloner Fry and N~TION CARRIED
(Coaaiisaioner sarnos being absont), that the Anahoim City Planning Ccnnnission doea
hereby gr~nt aaiver of code raquirement on the baais that the natare of the uae does
not gAnerate tho need for p+~rking spacee and the area to be used rrould ba deducted
from the commercie-1 uses reqsiring less parkin.q speces tor the entire conter.
Criaira~an 8uahore otfered Resolution t~o. PC82-66 and moved !or ita ~dssage and
adoptias~ th~t the Anahsim City Planninq Cononission daea hereby qrant Conditional U~se
Pex~eait No. 2314 subject to the condition that a sound atudy ~+ould be canducted
whenever enrollmont rnachea 140 etudonta and the petitioner cioess heroby agree to
c4taply witr~ the recoaunandation~ of t2~e 3ound Enqineer, i! any, and in ccunpli~nce with
Sectiortis 18.Q3.030i .031t .032~ .033~ .034 aad .03S, Title 19 of khe Anaheim
Muni.cipal Code and subject to Interdepart~nental Committee reccxinnendetions.
M~NU'rCS~ ~1tillFl~xM CITY PtJ-Nt~iNG COMMISSIf~t, 11pri1 19, 19A:? A~•226
Coaini~oioner Bows u~k~d thut thw nsiqhhor' e ocmc~rn rogardinq where the childra~n
would qo in ca~o a! tir~ shauld be enewured. Mr. f~ran~ re~lied that by State laa
lhoy would hava to hav~e scheduled lira drill~ end thoy would have eo havo ~ pl+~n~
subj~ct bo khs epproval o! the Fira Deparktnent, ns to whers Eho children woul~l qo.
On roll call, the toraqoinq resolution wAe pessed hy the follcywinq vote i
Jeck Whito, Aaei~tant C:ity Attorney, ~zenented tha writtcn ric~t to a~peal the
Planninq CocimiASion'e decinion within ZZ ~yR to the City Cuuncil.
~_ .~_...__
P~JALIC tIF.AR.ING. OWNERs NAURIC~ PINTQ, P.o. AAX 3421, Anahc~lm, G- 928(13. Af;£NT: LUT.
~LENA GARCIA, 1657 E3rae Doulovard, Fullarton, G1 92G~5. Aroperty deecr.ihed aa en
irrequletly-stiap~d Tusrcnl of 1~-nd consistiny of apptdxinw~ely ~.3 acre located at 9~4
S. Narhor Noulevard (Man Fetit Ceto) .
Th~re wa-e no one indicatinc~ thceir pr~eance in op~si~ion td subiRCt requeat, dnd
although the st~stf raport was »ot seact, it is refnrred to nnd mnde a pert of the
~ Dennia Alack, t~qent, explained thd aervir~ ~tation oper~-tor ek the previous heatinq
exproseed ooncxirnn that customere at Che rest~urnnL were uainq hia perkinq lott
ha+ot-or, becnu~e oi the presene perking axrrutgen~esnt, that !e no lonqer be:nq done and
his concerna ere rQally with a preacri~tive cneen+ent whici~ is not n part o! thi~
hQarinq. lie statod Mr. Pinto And thn arr_hitect are present to ansaer any question~ ,
Cha~irnnn 8ushore etated ~he Cor~niseion'e concerne are with the arcade beinq nsxt dnor
and with the fa:t that the ua~e waa expsndinq and the plan~ v-ere not tultilled a~nd
alao cenoerns wQre axpre~eed becauso oP thn winda+ between the arcacle and the
Mr. Black etate~l he wt-s not sure wha~t tha concerns woro with the t•wo est.ablxahments
be~ng together becaus+a there mre othar e~tablis}us~ents which aro toqether, such as
Shakoy's v+hicfi hns a~n arc~de.
Chairmsn 8ushare st~-~tad the landsca,~inq ancl trash encleriures are n+~a beinq insl.alled;
howevur, tho Con~iseion feela the l~ez +snd win~s lioer~sc next to an arcade could be A
probleaa bocauee there ia a winda+ where bner and wine could be passQd to the arcade.
~ ~
M2NUT~3, AN1111E;IM CITY PIJIHNING COhMIBSif~1, Aprii 19~ 1982 A2-229
I~tr. Dlack et~tod the windo~+ c~uld bo sscured and thet any reotaurant opezator would
not eerw ~lcaholic bovarscaas to thoe~ under aqe Rnd he did not believa food is
aerv~d into the azcedo at tha preeent Cl.rn~ and the arca~9e i~ e acperate enti.ty.
Coa~niseioner Bouss Fx~in~ed out the eta!! repart indicakas tha hour~ of op~ration
would be 11e0~ a.tn. to 1b:OQ p.tn. t ha+ewr, tha previous petittoner i.ndicated the
hou.s would be 7e00 a.m. to 2e0A p.m. Mr. Bl~ck Rtatad oriqinnlly tho p1Rns wer.e !or
a braakla~t/lunch oparati~m~ however, thoRe plena have chang~d and it vrill b~ e
luncl~/dinnor monu with the houre of o~zation from i1i00 e.m. to 10~00 p.m.
Q~airmnr~ 8uel~ore retwrrccl to thc~ outsicie tablee. Mr. 81nck st~tted the beer and wino
hus to bo con~urt~d ineic~e tho t~uilclinq.
Conoorning the windvw boWsen tt~e ta+o operation~s, Mr. t3leck. axplained that window
MAU1G~ b@ ueed tor meking changn only tor the ar~ade, and it cc~uld be elimineted. tte
steted the menayemant w~tcheg both a~erationa and th~y ere eop~xat~ e~s to their.
phyeical layout.
Commisginnor tterbst atated thQ ar.cada han cauaod sorrQ ~roblems in the ne~ighborhoocl
bocawo it is a gatherinq placo tor younq ~c~ople xnd f~e waul<1 w~nt the petition~r to
know that if d~er_o are any conq~letnta, he woul~ bQ the firnt L•n eay that beer should
not be servad at thie locntiun becauee of the ex~~arionce ot t?~-Q ~reR.
Contnigeionc+r King pointa~ out a conditional ~o ~srmit can be rnvoked at anytimm.
Commissionar fierbst stated hQ h~d looY.e~] et thi~ propcrr/ kodny anc~ feelA M.r. Pinto
ie inproving the pro~erty and the rQatnurant c~ne:a lcek nico an.l i~ it ia Twndled
properly, it will not bn a problem. He statr.d ±~~i ~re taxot>lom ha ha$ is with the
opesretor of the two premises being sure thet cltiere zh rx~ beer boinq Passed to tho
young people in tha arcade.
Mx. Fllack stated Mr. Pinto is very mindfu.l of hi~ 4yblzc~ationn and renponsibilit~~ ~
and has a.lrendy ineti~uted very- etriet rul~o ~ncj r~sali~en *_S.~s prr~'~tem.
It was noted the Planniny Uiractor oz hie authorixed repres.entaclve fine detArmin~d
that the p::.~oesd pro~eet falls within the detinition ot Car..eq~~ric:a7 Exee~stions,
Cla~;a 1, as del.ir~ed i ~ the State Enviro~mental im~ci ReporC (~~idal inas ~nd ie~.
therefore, cateyorl~2 i~- mxeapt frow the requiremant to pr~har*_ an EIR.
ACTIQtt: Conr,~iesfoner Hetbat offered Resolution No. PC82-E,9 and a-ovod for itas p~sssaqe
ar~d udoption tha:: the ~naheiea City Planninq Coe~enisaion cbea hereby qrant Oonditional
Uae Pertait No. 2307 in compliance with Sactiona 18.A3.~30t .031i .a32t .~73t .034 and
.035, Title 1~3 of the Anaheim Municipal Co~le t~nd subjeect to Interdeparbnentnl
CoRimittee rocx~n~nendationg with conditione No. 1 throuqh 4 beinq coaiplied with within
60 days.
On roll call, the foregeing reaolution aaa ~nsaed by thcs lolla+inq vote:
4/ 19/82
~ ,}
MIN17'1'~S~ ~-NIWfiIM CITY PIJINNINfi COlMISSIdi~ l~px'il 19~ 19A~ A2-?2A
IT~M N0. 3t F2A I:ATCQDRIGL ~~MPTIf1N-C1.ASS 11 1-ND Vl-RI11NC~ NQ. ~515 (REAOVERT2SEb) e
PUFiLiC Ii~RiNG. OWNERi DELDUN FR~FRTIFS, 9171 Wilrhlrs Houl~vard, BevorlY ttills, ~A
9(1210, Ac~NTe li1~ROLp ADED()R, 1~25 S. St~te Co~leqa Aeuldvrrd, Anahein+, G Q2AA6.
Prcpurty desct.ibed as e recta~~qularly-shaped parcel a! land consietinq o!
epproxitnstely 1.1 acres loceted nt 1~~5 South Ste~e Collaqe eoulev+~Ycl i4-DaY
Furniturae l,iquidatorn) .
PoCiti,~rear requests amendment to conditionR of Ap~rovHl pertaininq t., porcant~qe of
r~tail •aloa and outdoor advertisinq.
Thera was no one indicetinq tt~oir j~reac~ncw in oPpcx+ition to Aubiect r~quest, and
although tho stelf re~ort was not read, it i.a z~efertocl to and mado ~ pdrt of the
~inrolil AD~d4r, ay~snt, ex~lained he pro~oses to retain ten •opar.nte iiconees on tho
premiaoe and emend Condition No. 7 to permit 25• ret~il sa~lea inatoad of 20~ and that
he wnuld liko Condition tJa. A deleted to permit outd~or ~dvortieinq.
Ch~riz~n I~ushor~s etnted ho is co~cexnesd ebout thc eiqnr- on k?~Q huilding nc~w ahich are
in violation of the axiatin.q use parmit.
Mr. Abedor repliod h~ has asked to rc~ep wh~t eiyru; dre there ~nd a~uld nc~t be ~ddinq
any addizia~al aigna. Ne eteted t-o did not think there are that w~ny aiqna, but if
thoy bottae~ the City, ha would reduc~ ttiam. fle explaine3 thero aze two A' x 6' eic~ns
and ona ~' x 12' liqhtsd sign dnd a A' x R' tree-standing eiqn.
Comnissiener King statod there is e total of fitteen siqns and three which indicate
tho Lnci lity ia open to the publ.ic an~ pointed out the candi.tianal uae permit
prohibits edvertising.
tZeepondistg to Chdirman euahora, Hr. Abedor stdtred tempornrily they Ara open aev~en
deyn a~raek because this is a new bu~sinase. He explained the !e-cility war~ previously
Superior FuYniture and he wae pzeaident, but na+ ho i~ ropresenting 4-Day Liqaidators
whi.ch is not the same opezatlon and they +~rould pla-n to he open sQVen c~ys a week for
approxi.m~-tely 5~ to 90 days. Ne axplalned they not only eell to the puhlia but a7.so
repreaent different nwnutacturere and warehause tor thoee manufacturers Aucta ~e
C~mfort Sleop Shopa, Carpet Liquidatora, itc.
CotRnieef~er Herbst stateci the petitio~er is saying they uae 25+1 nf the florr epace
!or retall aales and he aould want to knaw Mhe~t percent of the total eales w„uld be
Co the pvblic.
Mr. Abec7or replied 100t ef their sales would be to the pud~lic but tho ma-nufacturers
roeke 75s of the.ir salos to a wholeaale vendor.
4/ 19/82
MINIITESr ANI~NCIM CZT1f PI.ANtiINd COMM234ION, J-}~r11 17, 19A?. 82-229
Coma~ie~ianer H~r~at st~ted if the pradutt was manutACtured on the rremi.~ee, the cywnar
wc~uld be allowed to sall 2S~ re G-il~ but this i~ 1~!1~ •alos Lo the public. tie atrted
he telt thie wauld be a lurniture •toro solling to the ~ublic in +~n inciuetri~-1 area.
Mr. 1-bedor ateted ev~rythinq iK dier.ounted ~snd t-hout 75t o! the selea atr, to clealerA
wikh rassle numbers ar~d khat th~y have nok rnally qotten the busineaa atartad as yet.
Zie stat~d this ares le not really induetrial enymore ar.d there ero r~t.~il ui+ora to
the oast and weet of this prc~perty and thet he can ~nly think of. one incluNtzial
oparation in this aree.
Co~nmiseioner tietbAt staCed thie appeare to be juat a furniture etore and is not a
aholosAle or wsruhouse operation in ita pro~ar mea~ninqr thRt wholeaele mean~s aellinq
to gomnone with a reoalP nurtbsr who renelle the proriuct in a diff.oront lacation nnd
thst he h~s no ob~ecti.ono to eome of rhe uia~Qa, but cf~ea o~b~ect to the eigns becnuee
this le e nica nroa And he felt any sign eF~ould be dono in good taate.
Mr. AL~oclor roplied hes is ecsriouely thinkiny of upqradinq thA aiqns t,oceuse they are
qettinq a- lot ~f presAUre from thQ 4-DnY Tire Sho~a to nnt use th~+t neune.
Chairm+~n ftushot~ aske<t if the propaqed use would ba thet the apaces are suble~sed to
tan differont individual.a who would then liquidate th~ir rt~rcha~ndiae. Mr. AbAder
replied they cb not suhlor~so the apaoee and iu.yt rapre~e~t the dific~rent compnniee.
He stated they nQOd different licensEa because the cor~anias advertise so~arAtc3ly and
pay their own taxes and aerry their c~wn insur.dncc.
Chairsaan Buahare clerifiacl thet one saloertwn cou14 AQ11 lrom anY of. the manulecturers
in the facility. F~e atatod the Caamission is qettinq a liktle concernecl ebout all
the siqn$ and ~int on huildingA or: Stets Colleqe f3AUlQVard because it is really
qettiny to look liko a cf.rcua. He referrod br± tt~ia op~ration'F advtsrtiaeaiant which
indicates they are juat qetti.nq started and etated it ia a littlQ hnrd to believe
what ia being saici si.nce the o~.~ration iR open eewn deys a weeY, and 100, of the
eales are to the puhlic. He atated everythinq thcs petitioner h~R aaid in the very
type of thing the Conmission wa~ conccrned aboutr that he can probahly go alonq with
the increeese from 20t to 25~, but he w~uld went the siqns rectuced. tie stated he was
not ev~en sure why this ig being heard because it saAms the petitioner is goinq ahead
full-apeed wlthout complyinh.
Commi.eeionar i~ing noted the hike shop ~croas thcs street ia inmaculate and thts
operation ia net coneiatent w~tt~ the other wsus in tha area.
Chairman 8u~horo statoa the ~dver.tisoment indica~tea pzices are less here becdue~ thia
operation is out of an old werehouae, but that this huildi:nq is not that old' and this
operation is qiving it the appearance of being a run~dawn operation.
Mr. A; •:,,r stated the buildir.ig is taonty yedra ald~ that the l.ettc3ring on the
buildinq is not a eign, in hia opinion, and that a aiqn would ba eomethinq that is
lighted and attechod ta the huilding.
'_ .r~
MINUT~.S, ANAt{~IM CITY PLANNIN(i COt~lISBxON• Aprii 19, 1982 A2-23A
Chairman 8ushore sta~ted d sign is an advsrtisennnt a,nd there could be aigns ~itheut
any lstk~ring and aaked what the petitioner is willinq to ~to to improve the imaqa
becsuse the Commisaion doea not want this imsqe poxtrayed in that community.
Mr. 7lbedor statad he would b~r willinq to paint out every eiqn on the Cmnt of the
Commi,~sionar Fsy stated thi.. i~ a rat.~i1 aparation even th~uqh ho mny bp ne111ng nt
wholeeaYe price~s und any warehous.ing cbno on the property is f.or the indiviclual
licensees !or thQ benetit of future rekail dd10A and the queseti~n is whAthAr ~r not
to pertnit thie kind o! operAtion in e~ quaei-indu~trial ar.~a.
Commiesioner Fry stated tho siqning alonq State Colleqe in becominq a circua rnd wi~l
be worRe the~n erookhurst or tlarbor if it continues and if the Cortn-iRSion do~an't want
to permit retail aalea in the indu~strial area, thie is a goocl place to ata~rt
prohibitinq it~ however, if it is allowed, ho would want to ~ee the Ai.gns off the
building ar-d a-11 Aiqning to conlorm to xoning x-oqua.rement~-.
Chairmen eushore referred ~~ Mr. Jim'e which w~s a nico operation on Dall 'Rcaad which
thn ConnaiASion wr~s still op. .~ed to because it waa in an indu~sGridl ~rea. 11Q eta~ted
this was industrial praperty in 1973 and atill ia en industriaY xan~.
Dean Sherer, Aasistant Planner, nxplained wall aiqns amounti.nq ta 2~~ ~f thc taco oP
the buildinq w~uld be permitted in the indut~trial xone t~nd that a ln~ ~aqu~are~ fcx~t
free-atanding sign would be perenitted.
ChAirenan eushore asked if Mr. Abedor could 1lve with the r~i~,m requi.rements and Mr.
Abedor replied he coulcl.
Jack White, Assiatant City Attorney, $tated it eppeara thnt 10~K oP tho buildinq is
devoted to retail sale purposes Wut only 25• 1A baing devotnd to ret.~+il sales +~ree
wh~ro customers acttially cane in nnd look at tlie f~irnieure, anc~ tha ath~sr 75t i3 to
warehouse the goals that are aold in that 75t are~+ ~-nd if t~hat is truA, the oonditian
ahoulc~ be claritied becaus~ currantly it xeads that 2~~ of the entire area would be
capable of havinq both the sales and warehouaing support tar thoae eales.
Chatx~nan Suahore stated he iR concerned with what is happening along State College
and if this is permitted, there will be other r~ueRLs. tie stated at the end af th3a
maeting ho wanted to hav~e a discussion as to ahat fs qoinq on in that area~ and how ifi
cen be rectifier~. fie etateci he would wsnt to leave thiR use permit as it sianda
which means the petiticmet has to show the City ~hat 20• of t~ia t~ueinesg is retail
and that aales tax has been collected on that 20~ ~d he ~+ould also want the aigns
brought fnto conforn-a~nce with Code.
Jack White asked 3.f the inteat would be to restrict t~ 2~~ bath the retail sales ~d
the war~housing area fox thoee retail salea or to restrict to 20• the retail sales
area and allow the w~rehc~using to be done in the other BFJ~ .
MxNUTES, AN111tEIM CiTY PIJ-NN2NC ODM~I2SSION, J-pril 19, 198Z 8Z-231
Conaniosioner Itart~st clsrified tha~ thin weuld be a eales ottic~ wi.th tlootr ep~ce +~nd
watehousing for lurnltur~ ~old et that location, indi.c~tinq that thi• whole operation
will be a~ retell fucility bec~~ue warahou~es normelly would be with txucka teking
lumiture tr snothsr location to bo snld, so thie ie leqally n total lurnitun ntore
retsil o}H-ra-tion in an industriAl aree.
Mr. Abedox statec9 he doen not thfnk thiR ie ~n induAtrisl ~r4a~ thet iC wds
induwtrial baalv~ y~~re Agn and the only thinq thet hdnn't chan~ed h+~o been the
zoning end thia vpedrdtion la the ~~me as Curtia Fuxniture which Nas closRd by the ~
City and now thero is another pera~n ~ealling ~urniture retnil in tha~t aAm~ location
+~nd th~ only thing that woulcl he accamlloh~d hera would be puttinq him out o!
Mr. Abedar state~3 he hse ~raeAnted the facce thR best ha can and ie ~ust runninq the
businse~ !or eomeone elee and will cto whatever the City roquirea And will qo out of
huainese i f thr+t 1s w1,At the City wAnts. f~o etated n lot of furnitura ~torea hAVe
c~rn~e out of buainess durinq tt~e laRt yenr and he thought maybe after thie hu+siness
yoks sCarted, it coul3 do aa much as 20~ reteil nnlea, hut ric,~ht na+ r~ue~t rb lOAt
just to atay in buainesn.
Coma~issirne~r l~ing aqrced thie aroa is not ~u~st induetrial and is chanqinq.
Mx. Abador pointed ~ut there is Tile Wozld ~n State Colleqe with l~~t rota~il snlos.
c.fiairtnan Buat~oro state~d the Comnieeion is gc~ing to dlscu~s that er.e+n later today and
try to d~ something ahour, the aituation. tie sta~ed it i~ nat hi~ intent to put
au~yone out of buainess and, unfaxtunetely, maybe tha CoeRniss~ion i~ takinq eoma of
their. lruetretionc+ out on diie petitianer anci they do realize thero ere othexa
ceusinq nrot-leme~ iti the ~ree. Ne clarifierl partitiona have dlready bPen inatelled in
tho fncllity ancl R0~ of the op~ration is davoted to ware}iouainq and 2~t to aalea
area. ile st~tod he would recommond loaviny that aa ik stands.
Mr. Abedor stated hQ has plane to tiava a manu~acturer of lov~e seaUs and sofan at thie
lxation w}~ich aould k,e more eweembly than ~~+nutacturtng.
Mr. King asked if thc ~iqns reelly enhanc:e ~e bueinesa. Mr. Abedor replied the
aiqns wnra a sugqestion of fi.ve or six af tt.e operatorg who were a~reid they would
not be recogni~.ed wit~iout the siqns. He state~i he did not think tha aigna hurt or
help the businass end that tliey did oost about S20A0 nnd he really dicl nc+t care if
they had to oome ~wn.
3t was noteif the P:anning Uirector or his Authoria.ed re3r~resentative has detern-ined
that tt~e proposed pro ject ~alls within the definf tion of Cetegorical Exempkione,
Class 21, as defined in the Stato F.nvironc~ental Impact Report Guidelines and ie,
therefore, cntegoricrally exesnpt fmm the requirement to pre~are an EIR.
ACT20N: Chafrman Buehore offerscl !tasolution t~o. FC82-7n and mowed for its passaqe
an dd a optian that tho Ana-heSm C:.ty Planninq Comtaiasion does hereby e~men~I Condition
1 . ~ I !!
~ ~
MINUTEB, A:i1-IiBiM C2TY FLANNiNG C~MN23SiON, Aprii 19, 1~~2 A2-Z32
No~. '! ar~d t3 of P].anninq conenission Rasolu~lon No. PC73-121 npE~rovacl in connactian
with Variance No. ~515 anc] that the ro~tsil sa~.es floor are~e~ ot ehe+ bui.lding remain a~
2~~ e~nd ElOt for mdnulacturing af1t~ MAlA~10l3f~f1~ and el~a thst tho slqning ehould
contorm to the •C~ndards ot the indwtriel aree Mhich o+ould pern+it "o~an" to the
p~lic niqns.
Chairaitn Dushare stated this is an indwtriel zcx~e and it doer~n' k mattar what ie
happaniny dcrose the •treet or on State Colleqet thet the O~nxniAnion cannot do rwre
!ar thi~ netitionaz than what they have dona !or other petitianars such ae Curtie
Furnitura. II• ~tated ha shiee aw~y lrom ~siqns o~ thi~ tvpe en~ edverti~ementes ot
thie Lype end lelt moet pev~-le would becau~se it apponr~ the lurniture to be sold
would nok be o! yood qu~lity.
~ Jack Whita asY.ed it thie nation meane Lhat only 2c1a would be devo~cy] te tha s+~lee
eree and EIO• devotod to Mt~rahoiasing !or that sales area, notinq tfint re~.-i3 edles
: 0
.f would icq~ly he would De reetrictod and it shc~uld be cleriti.c~d tc+ z~*n~l "~~~r teteil
` sales displsy ar'ea"• Fie noted thet Condition No. 9 cu~rently prohih~ts any
paen Shorer oxple~inQd the Cale doen not pmhil+it "open to t?tie~ 1-+~'~lir." exgtus, but tht~t
thase ~signa ehould only be used when retail r~sles hAVe h~~n !?~!x'z•iCtod through the
qrAnting of a~ conditi~nal uae permit•
Jack white auqqestcsd the conditione should bp aaiend~s~i Lo read "that the efqninq ahdll
be in conformance with the ML raquirea~ent~s", then t.he put~cic~nsr could hAVe "opan to
tho public" eigns as long as they meet thn a~i.nin+um re~l~lirernanr.e.
q~e~irman guehore clarified thnt his resolution wau2d rQnd thet Crx~dition No. 7 be
aaiended to re~d "that there shall ba nc+ mare thnn 201~ nt the bui2ding dewteQ to
retail sales are++ and 80~ davoCnd to waroh~uqinq f~r thnt rotnil Ralea axen ae
atipulatred to by the petiEioner", and Condit.lon Ho. e should zaad "that dll sicming
shall confarm to the ~tanddrd~s" .
On roll call, the foXegoin9 tesolution wa~ pa-~s~nd bY the follvr-in4 ~-ot.e:
t,~p~,r ~ Cr~h?QSSIONERS t NOA1~
Jeck White, AsAistant City Attorney, pre~ented the ~ritten right to appeel the
planning ~omnis~sion' a c:~ci~sion within 22 cSaya to the Ci~ty Council.
peu~ Shersr asked whethar ar not the Plann~.ng Conanisaion intended ta have a time
li~n,it for the eigna to contat~n- and Chairmen Bushore meked if 90 day~ v-ould be
adoquate, with Mr. l+bedor replyi.ng he coulci cc~oiplY Mith the aiqninq re~uiremente
within 90 days.
Jadc 11~ihhit~ c~xplained if there was no oppoaition that•could ber,ane a part of the
gECESS ~era wns A tan-oninuto reoe-ss at 3~10 p.m.
pE~Nt1~NE Tha ~asatiag was racar-vened ~t 3 s 2~ p.m.
MINtTP'E8, 1-NlUtETM CITY PLANNING COf41ISSI0N, Apxil 19, 1982 8Z•233
PIlgLIC Ii~RING. oWTJERr pELDUti ARAPBRT2~8, 9171 Wilshiro Roulev~rA, ~everly Fiille, G
9021A. AGE2iT~ ttl-ROLD AHEDOR, 1225 S. Stata College~ Hlv~cl.. Anaheim, CA 9?8c~6.
Arc~erty deacslbed as a~ctanyularly-sh~~d ~arcel o! land consieting ~f
~pproxim~tely 1.1 acres loceted at 1~2~ Soudi S~dte Celleqe Aoulovard (4-Day
F'urniture Liyuidators) .
It we~e noted the petitioner requo~ted thet ~ub~oct patiticm be with~lrawn.
ACTZC~Js ChAirman puaharQ olfered r~ motion, saconded by Canmi,s9l~ner Herbat and
MDTIpN CARRIED (C,om~niasioner T3arnas beinq abaont), that Auhject petition shall be
withdrawn at the requcsk of tho pcstitioner.
PU9I.IC tlf.1~RING. OWNER: T1iF.L~1A M. At10 HF.NRY B. WF.SS£W, 1717 W. T.incoln Avem~e,
Anatieim, CA 92~01. ProFwrty de~crihad as a rectnnqularly-r~haperl ~ercel nf ldnd
c~neiating of approximatoly .46 acre, 141 South Dala Av~nue.
12ECI.ASSIFZCATI(~1 REnIJE..~Tt Tt~-A-43r~A7 to A,-d-12~~.
Dean Shoror, A~sigtant Plannar, explained the petitionet hae juet ~resented a letter
requestiny a twcrwaek continuanco to tha meeting of May 3, .19R2.
ACTION~ Chairn~n Bushore oftorAd e nation, eecanded by Commis~sionAr Bouas ~nd t~TIOti
CARRI~D (Comtnia~ioner Barnes being ahaent), that the afore-mant.ioned item be
continued to thQ regularl~/-s~eduled mestin4 of M~y 3, 1982.
PUBLIC fIEAkING. OFMEA~ WILLIAM P. DRAGAN'.A, BT AI„ 2045 5. Ftarbor 8oulavard,
Aneheim, CA 92Ef02. A(~IT: WALTER C. t~Or1C, 3315 Carden 'lbrrace, itacionda Heigfita, CA
91745. Praperty deacribad a~~p.irregulerly-ahaped parcel of land consieting af
approximately 3.3 acrns, ZOQS Souttt Etarbor Boulevard.
PIINU'1~5, 11NAl1~IM C2'TY FIANNING COtMISAI~"iN• April 19~ 198Z Aa-234
There wure thrae persone indicet.inq their prasence in oppoeition ko e~~ject rec~v~,t,
and althouqh the stalf report was n~t read, it ie xeterred to end made a part ef the
Daniel tian, at~ornoy re~resantinq Wdlter end Dick tionq, wae preAent to enswer any
Ken Pfatg, 702 W. Lamark, preeentod a potition aiqncd by homeownRrR in th4 ~rae and
two tenante (32 eiqneCnrea) indicatiny thay ere rnncarnod nbout the ~roject beea~ise
rhey have b~!en through a ~itnilar aituation whe~n tho Merr~ott tiotel Was construct~d.
tie read tho petition, a co~y of which is in tho Plnnnin~ Depertmonk file9.
fio noted tho notico thay rec~oivoA indicnted the FIR No. wes 24~~ hor+aver, the ataff
report irdicr~tes it to he 254. ti~ referred ta Paqe 6-e of the ateft raport
pertnining to the re~uir.atnent for tho 6-loot wAll ~nd gtnt~d th~ plr~nting eree of the
Marri~tt ltotol was up onta the existing w~ll quite a hit and therR ie only ~out 4-
1/2 feet to the toP o! tho well and ~~-dna, pick-un trucY.e or rncr~ational vehicles
would bo much hiqhQr than the wall ~n~i they coul~t l~ok right into thQir b~ckynrd~ ancl
bedroocre. Ne etated they are very c;,naorned wn~~t thair privacy and hc± would ~ro~ae
a 10-toot high fenco behind th~ir exi3ting fence or ~~r le~ust a aall ? foet higl~er
thnn tho axiotiny fcnco. t!e atated in the past hh~s~ proF~erty own~r~ h~+va disked the
yround over to thr~ oxtent thAt where he can stend on t.heir pza~erty and put hia hends
on the wnll and looY, into his bsckyArd.
Mr. ?faff atated thay era also conccrnc~d aAout the bunY,er for th~ busc~s and would
like to s~e that eliminated bocause tha noi~~ and tumoa would h~ be-d near th~ir
badroome and they would never ho dblo to opr~n their windo-rs. tte wsa alAO concerned
ebout what dnmagea c:ould bo clone ta th~ir pr~~~rties during oonstr.uctf.on of tho
unclerqround pnrl.ing structuro with the axcnvation becausc~ thia is sa~ndy soil.
Mr. Shoening, 714 W, Lnn-ark, asked if the fence on the w~st pmperty line would b~
constructed prior to the mujor conatructSon. !te stated his property, Mr. Pf~ff.'s
propezty and Mr. McAlexdnder's pro~Qrty woul.d be the n+o~st affocted and ~.~nless certain
ttwasure~ are taken to exhau~k the fumee, they would be riqht inta th~xr t~ackyards and
bedrooma ancl Mr. Mr.Alexeu~der' 3 swimaing pc~al . Ne atated the rof~rencP to tho
lanclscaped sQtback from o to 20-feet is very vaque and they will waint to knaw
epcrifiaally what tihe l~ndecapinq will he. He stated they aould llikn to qet the
fence raised to at Ieaat A teet on their aide to provida tnore privacy. He atated
they are not opposod to this hot,e+l but want to have the protection they deaerve arid
aant to mako sure the excavation is ptoperly dane an~l the exhaust tumes are properly
ventileted to di~perse .n the atmosphere at the top af the hatel's hiqhest etructare.
t~e stated they Want the bus bunker moved becauae buaee stinY. and would b~ c~ominq in
and unlaadinq paseengera with their enqinee runni.nq in the middle of the niqht.
Walter i~ong, aqsnt, atated they will definitely have atarting timnr~ for cnnstruction
and will water down the du~at, which is a normal earth-meving operationi that they
will addrese the belevieien interfernnce problem as in tha caee of Marriottt that
abviously the trnsa and shrulo~ will act ms a bufYer upon the aoapletion of plnr~tinqt
4/ 19/E32
M2Nt)TFS. AN11ttEiM CITY PLJ~NNIN6 CAt~lISSION, April 19, 19A2 82-235
th~t tha ventilating systam desiqn will conf.orm to Cbdat that the underqrouncl qarage
wil~ bo ~leeigrned by structurel angineers and tha cantractor woul.d have ta teke
pracautions in excavating ~nd do whate+v~r retaining mea-surea aro roquired. Ttegeniing
khe reer !'enee, he stntad they w111 bo willinq tn provide .~. tho e-toot hiqh fonce.
Mr. t(ong st~Ced the bun}:er wi11 be dosiqned ao that noiae will not be ObiQCt.~Ol1lll~l@
to the neighborei end the axhaust ayatom will bo mechanice+lly deaiqned isnd Chie eeemed
to be the maet logical pldce !or it. F1r oxplnined the bufter would bo for etoreqe
and not !or loa~dinq and unloading o~' ~ass~ngora and thQ bunos would bu perked there
ovorniqhtt howav~or, t1~• loading and unl~ading r.~ne for busos ie in lront of the
projact and thie does contorm to the Traf.fic finqineor's recommendationa.
Mr. Honq state~l the Fire Departmr.nt requires a 2~-Ecx~t fire leu~e on the northern
bourtidary of the propeszty and they had to T'@YQCf1L@ the norLhorn buildinq 10 foet to
the soutl~, cutting off 22 feet to tho m.ain building, reducing thQ restdurant ~nd
rnnferenco arees so that 5d1 apaces ere reauired inAtead of 550 spdca~s as shown in
the ataff report nnd thmy aro asking for d 2~~~ re~duction, ar AlA pnrY.inq spscea.
Wsgt~rdinq Condition No. 10 ot the InterdeParttnontal Cortmitteo rerone~oncletiona, he
ateted they wauld like to bo able io p~y tha foe for that intersectian or pc~et e bond
at the tima of ocaupancy permita and e1RO if the project ia constructed in phases,
they would want ~o pdy thnt fee in phns~c~. Concerning Condition *10. 15, requiring
that the st~cuctuzes be fully aprinklered, he ~+teted they wauld hQ will.ing to oonply
with the Codet howevax, if they chnnge tho ~-lane and the sttvctur4s are only 3
~tAries high, the building woul.d nat have to be fully sprinklered.
Dean Shorer, 1-aeistant Plnnner, atated the staff report corzectly indicates tho
nuaber of apacoa requir.ed and pro~osed parking sp~ce~ of the official exhibit, ~
posted on the boarcl.
~1r. Honq etetod the plnns were eubmitted the naxt d~y aftc~r the last mnoting and
after calculnting the ayuere footeqe ot tt~o meetinq rc:ome, which should have been
7, 380 square feat, inatead of 7, 721 s~uare teot, the reduction in the required
parking would be 10 epaces.
Dean Shetur stated .*.o his kn~-ledge tho plans before the CaauniA~ion are t1~a officiAl
enhibits and hQ coul8 not tell the Plenning CorRniRSian !or eure that thQ nwnbers, a~
given by the ap~~licxnt, are cozract.
Mr. Han statad the discrepancy waa a calculativrs error ae~ a reault of ravised plana
and thQy would be happy to submit to the e~ctual nun~ers.
Mr. Ho~g clari ffed !or Comaissionor Fry that the plana on the board are the c:orrect
pleuta being discuaeed.
Paul SingQr, Traffic Enqineer, explained when he nnd tho dcvelaper ha~d diacuased
thsso two bus parkf.ng apeces, thia waa tho oniy logical piece to park two k~use~ and
M2NtiT68, At~J1H~iM CiTY PId-NNIN(i COMl25SYt~N, April l9, laA2 A2-~3h
he had sucp~eted e concs~ste bur~Y,ar that hne wilhin it a devico which the buse~ b~ck
up to and all the exhAUnt Pum~a are tn.ken aomewhRrn elee end burned and then
a~chsusted into the et~nosphere. I~a noted t1~is waa not includnd ae pert of the
conditians end should hAVe baen includad. tia expl~ina~ the hunker wou~d hevo a top
end three aides similar to a c.~rF-ort.
Mr. Sinqer sta~ted Cor~dition No. 10 should bs rewc.r..ed to reed "thdt r hond be poeted
for S10,000 at the time ot builc~ing permit~ t-nd either c~Ah ~r a lettor of credit be
presanted to the City a~t the time o! occupnncy f.or tho entir~ a~mount','• He explatnsd
hcs would profor thia to pheeinq bscauae by the tima t1~o hoto.l will bQ constructed, i.n
about 18-monthe, the City will probably iesua a contrnct tn improve the interseotian
on 1larbor and Ketelle.
Cotnmiasioner King augq~etQd an agreement t}iat if perYing ia not a~da~unte, it will bA
provided. Mr. Singer atatad he holir±ved an aqroenrnt eimilar to th~t with the 1lilton
Hotel should be provided re~uirinq tt~e dev+elopor to ngreo, uFxm alternatian of
findinc,~e, thnt if thQZO is a shortaqe of pe-rkinq, ha woul~ he abliq~tad to provido
that parY.ing.
Mr. White stetad tho City is the leasor of tho Hilton propo:ty and he thouqhc such a
conclitio~ would be leqal.ly edequete if tied to ~ppropr.letQ finciings and if the
fonmiln coul.d be ~terminod to nwke that detnrminaCion by the Traffic rngineer.
Mr. Hong atated Ghoy realixo the concrc~tn bunker war~ a p~rt of tho requiremant and
they ere willinq to comply and thet they alr~o Rqrea to provide tha ec~reetnAnt as
dit~cuased by the Ci.ty Attorney.
; Reaponding to Commissioner 9ouAS eoncerning the soth~ck, Mr. Iiong atated thore is a
2d- foot setbacl: averywhere excopt where thc t~unknr is locr-ted.
. Coma~iseirner ItQZb,yt etated all t)~e rootnA in the hotel h,sve winda+s overlookinq these
. paople's bdckyarda t~nd that bothers him because theya peopla own their honxa ancl hdve
beon there for a lonq time and thiA hol,el will !~! intrudinq on them and he felt they
deserved all the privacy thnt can ba aftorded the~. Ite etatcd he ig not in favc~r of
i: the bunker and felt it should be located somePlace olse on the Property because a 10-
- foot wAll will eliminate the neighhor'n sunshine, etc. tt~ stated this projoct has
nat be~ designod with conaideratian for the neiqhbors and this proiect will impact
that property to ita ultimate. !Ie stated im m~ny instances ~rhen pro jects overlook
other peopla'g beckyards, windows were not nllowed. Reqardinq the lar~dsceping, he
stabed it takea 5 years for any landacapinq t~~ d~sv~alap and he th~ught tnature traes
should be planted ar at least 1S-gallon plants. Ite atated the Me~rriott had been
loct-ted furthc~r away dnd U~e ~araqe atructure had been structurally ~nd
architrecturally de~iqned and a sound engino~r was conaultad z~eggrding the noise. i~e
atated he was not conoernad ebout a sound pxobleta in this aituation but waa concernod
about the bunker because of the exhauat ,~umes end he would ~qree tht~t buaes dd
MItiITPES, Aiy1}IEIM C2TY PI,ANNINCi C~M`II332AN, Apxil 19, 1~A2 A2-?37
Diak tiong ~tated the Marriott ilotel har windoaa~ nnd n~tod thia hotal would b~ eet
back 90 ~eat from the wAll. He etat~nd they hew oonf~rmecl tio the s~!tbecfc
r~uir~nbnta and i.t would he di!licult nat to havo windows on tha back.
Mr. Nan •teted the Marriotk ie mure then ~iv~ atorie~n Ao tha dnqle lc+oking into
snmaone elae'n badcyard ie aubstantiKlly reduced. tie ateteci he leols rhiA buildinq
ie uniqun catrpnre~9 to olher teller buildinqe in tlio ,~ree t~ecause ot the 9~-f.oot
setback area.
c~aizman Bushora ot•at~d hie initial reactian to thiA ~rojecL 1A that it wAe plnnned
to its ultimate and roally i~ jam~nod onto the pra~ertyi and thdt he waa n~t aure e
hot~l with this nurnber of units should be located in thiA areA with only one entre~nce
nnd exit cloae toqether and buaes would have to mnke e T-turn to qet out and he did
not think the Circuletlon ia verY qooc] for e S~D-rc~am notel heceuso it wauld q~nernte
n lot of trAffic.
waltar tiong atatnd they hev~ another 2~-foot driveway on the north whtch could
provide U-cizculation end clarifiod that it wa~s pravic~ad for A~ire lane, but coul~
be used for ~ccese. lie stat.c~d a f~ ve-story buildinq is not considered as a hiqh~~'~RR
ar~d thet is tha r^eaaon for the conPiguration. Iie stated ad jacent buildinga ere 12
storiea or higher.
Chairn~an Qushorn asY.od if the hobel eould be exp~ndad in the tuturQ a~d Mr. Hong
replied they t~r~ve no pians for expi-n~ion. Chairman Rushore anked how ~azkinq ~rould
bc expandoil in the fu~ure, if necc~agnry. Mr. ltong replied they aill be ruildinq in
two phnses so they will kna+ whether or nat the parkinq ir: edequate and if more
garkiny is need~ed, they will pmv~de Por it. Paul Singer etated thr. qround leval lot
could be etructurod eithar up or cbwn and clarifind the most logical place to expand
the paYfcing would be on tho re~r af tha lot.
Walter lionq stated they have a choice of particip~tirtg in a Parkinq Asaosement
Diatria'~. Paul Sinyer axplained the ci:y hns hired SRS to lc+c+k inta establishing a
parkinq asessement distrir.t.
C3~airman Bushore etated 1! there ia such a district established, this petitioner ie
forcing the City into allowing them to participatc rather than providinq additionaZ
apacea since the only place for e- parking $tr~cturo would be 20 feet from these
peop2e'$ homes and iC would be detrieoentel to these three property o4mers and would
be forcinq the City into buildinq a parking etructuze ~omeday.
Walter Honq statc~d t3tey are only usinq about one-third of tha rear portion of thcs
proQerty for the uriderground parking structure and could expand, if needed. He
pointed out the underground pa~rkinq and notQd the 20-Poat setback at ground level.
Chniratan Buehore atatec~ he doea not like the inqrens ~srid eqsc3r~s for the bu~ea,
wherein, they hnve to nuske a T-turn to qet back outt aT1Cj C,~1dt t1P_ baaic~lly likea the
project and would like to see the cocRnercial-recrention are~ Axpanded, but felt thie
coulc. poseibly be detri~ente~l tc~ the entire area.
MYNUT£5, 1-f7AltEiM CiTY PT,ANNiNG ODFAli832~N, Aprii 19, 19A: d2-23A
Commissioner Kinq ~uggeeted a barrier at tree~ t~ protect LhA haueen to the weet.
Comnissia~ur McAurney st^eod eccomn+odatione mu2~1 be medA l~eforahend to pmviAs
additionel psrkinq in the undarqround p~rkinq ~tructur~ using tho eeme ntructure by
pauring edditio»el lo~tings, otc.
C~auniueianar tierbet eaked if the proponod parkinq code w~s adclreseed in tha
calculetioa~~ toz thie pro ject by allowinq a cert~in ~erc~nte~ !or compect cers,
rocogr~izing thet by 1~85 cara will be smeil~er.
Uean Sherer etetod this projoct warc analy~ed h~ned on thn numher of npRCes requirad
vy curront Code~ thet undor the Lin~cott, l.aw, C,r~+ens~-r~ P~rking Stucly-, the tot.al
nun~bet o! spscoe would bo det.~rmined on critesria 8uch as nurnbor of roome, ntiank~er of
enplayaee, eCc. , ar~d alao tho f,ercenta~qe o! quente thnt miqht arzive by bu~, pl~na,
ote. , and tt~nt i t would be eonsiclerctd by a noperata tra !!ie stuQy attAChed to the
oonditional use Nrm~t and the total numher of specea for any netw hotel would be+
clotarmined throuqh a trafCic atud~-, but it would he difticult to nay ahat the tots~
number o~ roquired specen wou.td bQ on thie proi~ct uai.ng the propaeed raquired (7odo.
~^mnias.~oncr Ilerbst atatnd tho numhcr o! ca~l~act car sf~acer~ nllow~sd c~uld make a
..i'Lerence in tho way the clevetoper dev~ulaps the perkinq sttucture heceuse snace~
would be amaller. Ne eteted }ie thought it woul~l bo very importan~ to conaider thia
ainoe cnrs ere gctttinq an~llex.
~aul Singer statod Zlt was qre-nCed to tT-Q Hil~on Ho~el for com~,act r,~re.
Comniseianer Fry etated he did not think patrY.ing will be a problem. Commi~sioner
tlerbet a~ate~d ha in r»t aorried abaut pnxki.nq, but the nrw+ codo could chanqa the
figr•-,s and e littlQ innovativ~e daeiqn in the pnrking !structure oould mt-ke a big
di f~erence.
Cocamissioner Bouna stated if tfie pro ject ie done in tsro phar .~~, the dev~eloper would
prebably know if the parking is ~de~uate and bg ahls to cio something ab~ut it at khe~
point since it would affect the bueirv~QS.
Comeniasioner Iierbat stnted there are t~+o rtusjar probleirs with thie project~ 1) the
bua circulation e-nd the bunker locate,d riqht next to t2~esR propertiea and noted there
would be bue fwneal nnd 2) ~rould bQ the fonco, notinq after the Marriotk property wae
graded, the fence wae only 4 feet high and he falt these problems muet be resolved.
He asked how high Use neiqhbora would wsnt the lenon in their back y~rd, notinq it i~
not knorrn what ths till wrould 'ue.
Nt. Hong raferred tro the dreinege and att-ted the lot ~l~pea to the aeat ao th~y will
be p~npiny the weter to the front which ie an ongi.n~eering problem. Dick Honq stated
they have no pzoblem oorroctinq the height of the fwnce and aould ape~i [y ~e any
particular height ta satisty their neighbors.
I~aNtTl~B, ANJ1ItEiH CiTY PLi1NNING ColMi3Sic)N, Aprii 19, 19AZ A~-~39
Com~nis~ianar 11AZb~t a~ksd about th~ 1~-nducaping with Dick Flonq r~erlyinq thdy want ta
work wikh the nei~htx~re ~nd will ~pecity mc~ra ~+~+eciticelly to the r~~ntief~ction ~f
their neighbora.
cr~airman nushoro eugqested using the northarn ~ortion at the ~r.ar~orty tor A~ce~s.
Mr. 51nq~r statad unfortunat~ly uain~ thst accers~ Nould tr~n~ter the trmffic problom
onto Harbor 8ouleveird and ha recot~nendad thet a craah qate+ be ir~atelled so it would
uaed •xclwiwly for l~eding euppiias rathar than circul~tion.
Chairtnen 6uahore sugqoated thnt Inno bo us~d tar husc~s only for extt'Ihg. Nr~ Sinq~r
sknted he hes no problam with that suggestion, ~R lanq a!s t}~c~ rrsdiu.' can he prc+vided
for the t~usue to mnke Lhe carner and ~~roviAinq it wouid he ex~las9lvaly tor busee, hut
thdt it W~uld ba openinq enothar acceeo on tiarbor and tliat in whate he has tho
problem dnd ha would wAnt clrculntion to teke ~lace on the prorerty rnther than on an
artarfal strmet.
Cortuniseimer tlflrbet eakad why tho bunker is neodnd !ar parkinq the bueea. Mr. Singer
s~dtad that wAS hie suggeation. Cc-mminaionor }le:bst stat~d the Grand Ilotol and
Dinneyland tlotel b~th t~ew b~ise~s parkc~d on their ~~arkinq lota a~-~d scsgyest.ed parking
buse+e on this hotol's Hnrkinq lot. Mr. Singer atnte!3 there is no plaan to p~rk the
buses and this is the only loqicel plecez in ordor to eliminakr. intruaion on Chh
ne i ~hbo re .
Cammiaaionor tlert~et ntatcsd h~ does not folla+ the reaaoning ~st all~ thdt t2~e busee
hava to bm driven back to tt~e bunker and when tho winds blvw, t?~ere would he a
problom with fumos into theso pec~~le'» yarda. tfe atatad thc tsus~ee Rhould he pdtked
out ft^ont end tho neiqhbqrs ahould not have t~o put i~p with Chet .
Di.dc Ilony atated th~r~ is e spot dasiqneted as a walkway and greenbolt ~ran about
onc-half wey dorvn wherQ they oould probabl;~ parovide 1,e ~rking . He paint~d ouC thc
araa being diecueeed e,nd notod it is juat in Eront oY the five- rtory building.
idalter ilong $t~+tod the ventilation tor tfie unaerqround parking struc.tuze i~s dbOve
the roofline of tha S-stery bcilcL'ng.
(1~,aiYman Bushore atatod he wculd want to keep the huaes to the front of the property
a~~a~y from the neighk~ars and auggested eli.tnin~ting the buriker or relxating it to the
landacaped aree in tront of the 5-story building. He stated thc underground
structure can be properly angineerad 3o there would bo no prablem with cave-ins and
thaL khe fence ~should be eight leet high from th~ highe$r. grad~ lavel and fire
eprinklers must conply with the Fire Depazt~nt's requirsnean~s and the sterting time~
fos constructiar~ ihall ba no earlier than 7 a.m.
Dean Sheror stated st+~ff hes revie~+ed the plens and the parkinq spacee ag shown in
the statt report are carrect.
Chniraan Bushore atat.~d the landscapinq ahould be mature auid adaqunte+ to provide e
visvel barrier. Coesnissfone~c lcing etatad h~ cbea not like the cr~sh qate an the
1~N~TPG73, AN71FtBIM CITY FLi-NNT'rC• WMtISBION, llpcil 19~ 1982 8~-2,~n
notth and allvwinq ex~t anly et th~~ ~ocatlon would ~rovide better circulatian.
ChAirman Bwhore ngresd rhet accese ^hould he bwo• only axitinq and Oommiaei,~n~r
H.rb~t •uqgept-~Q u~inq a chdin in~te~d o! ~ crAr~h qet,~.
Mr. P!a!f complinrnied the Planning Commi~aion end ~tatad he think~ ~th~y have
accoapliehed what they cerai !ar und hope evsrythinq work~ out. Ilo e~kAd i! the bue~s
b~ing r~t.erred to will t~a lsrqe bu~e• or juet the ~m~nll shuttle bueee. Ite e~eted ho
thought buses circulating ~rour~d the building could croate a hed t'ume problem end it
wea noted th~ro would only ho ts+e buses ~er ~y and they would be le-rge busns.
Chairmau~ [~~shote etatod tha parking for thu buaos ~rill bo mnved to the tront of the
5-etory buildinq end elso ac:cess will bo provicleA throuqh the perki.nq lot ~o buisee
cetn get out lneter. Ilo ouqgeete~d i! Mr, Pfalf aeen huaee perkad in tho rear, hR
should r~part them bacauee thet would ba a violeticm ~f tho conditionel ue~e permit.
Mr. Pfa!! steted ~~,ac~ple who livo in thin arae are usually ver~ tolardnt, but thore
wes trouble witli tl~a et~ztl~.ng time~ duriny conatruction of the M1i-rriott.
~omtnissirner lierbet etated tha o{~poeition'n pQtition will bo a pert of. the
ccndi ki ono .
A~CTIONe Commissioner tt~ .bnt ofPArod a motion, sa~condnd hy C~mniASioner Mc~urnc+y and
MOTZQN CMR.IGp (Conmieai c.~cr Ilernee haing ah~ent3 th~t the Anal~eim City Planninq
Conmiesion oftor conaidQring EIR tso. 2S4 Eor tha propoaod R,ege~ncy Rasort Hotel and
revi.ewing evidon~R bath written und oral pr~nontc-d to e~plomBnt Dr~ft GIR No. 25q,
finde thaC CIR t~o. 25A ie in oomF,lia.nr:e Wir~ th~ Califo~-nia £.nvlronnwntel nuality l~ct
and with the City anA Stnte~ Cu.idelinos and potelntial ~nvironr+entml impectn can be
reduoed to ain inai.qnificdnt level hy conforn~noe with C'ity rl~n!+ ~nd policiee and
ordinanods, ~nd, therefora, baaod up~n ~uch inforau~ti.ion, the Planning ~ommiseion
certilies GIR No. 254.
Conmissioner Iterb~t ofPered n eiotion, eeccmded by c:ommis~ioner Fry end MUT20N CARRIED
~Cotauiiseioner E~arn~s boing abeent) , thst tho Anahaim City Planning Camtniaeion doe~a
hareby grant waiver ot code rsquiren~nt af miniimaa nu:nher ~f ~arkinq apaceq on the
besis thdt a certnin percentaqe ot the queste errive by transportation modee other
than private Automobile and denial would de{~rive aub ject pzo~scty o! privilege~
enjoyed by other praperties in the ean~ zonc and vicinity and denyinq waiver (b) on
the basie that ttie ~stitionQr has stipulated to relocat~ the concretc bunker thereby
delating the nead tor said waiver.
Coaoni~sioner tte~et offered Resolution No. PC-A2-71 and rmvesd for ita pesaaqe and
adcyption that the Anaheim City Plenning Conmie~ion doea hereby qrant Canditional Use
Penait No. 2322, sub jact to conditiona that en t3-toot high lenca ~hall be pr.ovided on
thn wast property line and that 15-qallon treea and shrubg shall be p~anted i.n the
~~-foot landscnped bulfer e~nd thet the petitioner cbea her~by Agree tv enter ~nto an
aqreemant to provida parkinq, if rec1uizeQ, ~s r,Int,oztnindd hy t}~e City Trdffic
Enginaer, nnd that a ~hrtn instead o! the cra~h gate ahall be provided on the arcess
on the nortliern pmpezt+l- line for axit~ng hueee only arid that bus parkinq ehall be
~ :
provided in frnnt o! th~ S•ttory bui~lding anc! sub j~ct to 2ntierdepart~nentAl Ooaim.itC~e
l~aecomrnendskions, including the condi~ic~ns that telavi~lon reception ineerlerence
:hall be dsalt with ae the devoloper'e expenee wnd that eeerting timne for
ccn~~xuction shall be no laEee than 7 a.m.
s'ack Whita not.~d thnt th• conditicm req~}irin9 tl'~• a9reement !or the perking and the
S10•000 !ee to be paid ~or th• intereeckia~ improv+nn~nt et Ka~talla and Itarbor e'~all
be included a~ suqqastad by the Tza!!ic ~nqineer.
an zbll call, t2~e loregcing resolution wde passed hy the !ol lowinq vote ~
Sac1c White, Assi~tent City Attorney, pr~een~d tho written riq!,t to n~eel the
F'lanning Commiaaion's deciaion within ~2 dayP to th~ City Councir.
F' Ut3LYC ~IEIIRING: owNFR~ BROO~iUAST VILL-f~ ~FVEIAP~ttT, 9779 oa1; Peas Road, Bevsrly
l~ills, CA 90210. Proporty deacribed ae an irrequlnr~y-ehaped parael of land
cone~'.e~inq of approximately 10.3 acreu, 1250 Soutl~ Brookhurst Str.eet (Drookhurst
vi~laqe) .
Z'l~e~ wt~s no one indicating their preeanco in o~position to aubjeat r~uest and
although the statf report to thr Planning Comnisaion w~~ not regd, it ie reterrod to
a.rd made a pert of the minutes.
Chairmnn 8uahore declared a conflict of intarest ae defi.ned by An~heim City Plnnning
Coc~iasion Resolution No. PC7~-157, adopting a Coritlict of Interaet Code for the
Planni,ng Cam~mission, ar-d c~overnment Code Section 3625 et aeq., in that he has a
contrdctual aqreement with the Community Houaing Authority and this deveioper has an
ea ffo~able pro ject agreemgnt with the Cana-unity F;ousinq Author~ ~:y and, purauar-t to
the provisions of the aibove codea, declared to the Chairman that he w~a withdr~wing
fzom the hearinq in oonnection with Vttri~snce No. 3120 ~nd would not take part in
eit2ier tha discussio~ or the v~oting thareon, and has not discusaed this matter w3th
~ny meniber of the Planninq Commi,saion~ Thereupora, Chairman Bushore left the Council
C~at~ber at 4:40 p.m.
S.ob Mickelson, 3823 Glaasell, Oranqe, expl~iaed he hed represented the owners of this
pxcperty in 1979 when thia pro ject wde originally approved and mdde a commitment to
t2~e Commiseion a~t that tirae that 31 additional parking epecea could be provided,
~N~S, ANAKEIM CITY PL7INNINff Of~t4tI83iON~ April lA, 19R2
howevsr, that wsa based on incosrect infortneCi~~ain ~~ge~n igwes~f+Aperkinq~speces~s
bvile Proia~~ we• n~t ss indicated on ~he ~P ~
`hotti and also he w~s not uware that control gat~ae would delinitoly ba e pert of
~ia project. N• epoloqi~~d tor thi• error and indicatmd ha Mould take tull
r•~epcnsibili.ty forthat enierz^epreeentetion.
E~ancdr Bo~jwch, 10A0 Weat LaPalms, Ane-heitn, Dsn Knrrland Associatee r Azchitect~s ~
explained th~y had diecoveted upon inspoction of the proiack undQr cxmetruct.ion that
aix parking spaces were actually deleted in 197~ enil incorporatod into the traah
Aroa, tire lanes end fire hydrant areaat that tho P1Rnning CoRenisAion rceolution
celled tor an additional 31 spA~ea for tho convereion, hut they beliave providing
those e~aces would bo d~triment~l to the pra~oct. tte pre~ented photogzaphe of the
pro~ect as it existe and ex~lained to provide the adclitional 31 specea, plue t1~o 6
spACes wh~~ were~ aa~eted from the originel project at the northeast aree, would
~equire parking ell the waY bc~ the eetbac}c, ns well as within E3 faet o! the
reeiciential living units to the eo~ith o! the pe~rking areat and would aliminAke~ tha
40-loot eetback to the security qate which ia pnrt of the aqreement with the Houstng
Authority t ar-d wauld eliminste the existin~ dual ACClIS9 divided hY n 1r~ncL~caped
island in the entrnnce elong E3rr~okl~uret, and placo accesa in conflict with p~rking
~ovements ~ and alea elimineto landsc~sped e+nd podc3etriah~ving tokwalkib tween~a~nd~
ho~ing units, placing tho pedesrrians in jeopardy by
behincl cara. Mz. t~o~sch et~ted pnrt of thefr eqreen~ent witt~ the }~~~~on~of thoty
rQqw{,rc~d a aQCOnd mnior pool and rocreetion +irea for the easterly p
pro jnct in the atea currently occupiced by ~+ tat-lot and playqround r~rea, and with the
locatfon of that area adjacent to the lnundry area, motl'-er8 could aupervisa their
children and the increase of parkinq would roduce the availrsble o~~en sPace below that
necASSary to provide t1~e ProPer 9QPc~ration for the diildzen to create a eafe
environment. HQ atat,ed in orcler tn arrtve at thesc essthelAhav ~also re~uestedna~24~
pot,entia: conflicts in traffic circulation and aafoty, Y
un~overed campact oar spacc waivers and that thcludA~u~to~5 t foratromPactr$p e~g•
revieed parking caie, currently undcr study, E
He stabed they will be adding 2A parking s~rce~s to the exiating parY,inq at the
project, rather th~n the 31 spdces previously stipule-te3d ~o.
C~ni~Bioner F'ry atatc3d previously approv~!d pro jects alloainq coanpact car spacea wer~
~dearri a ar~trientlor condocainiu~ oonQlex and theresis nothinq to preventeaAlarg t~e
~. h ~
vehicle lrom rerking in those spaces•
bir. Bousch replied that i$ one of the reasons they havie only requested 24~ and
explained thoae apaces will be diatributed throughout the project which will help
resolve that problem and the apaces will be designated for compact cars ottly.
Conatisaio~er pouas pointed out that since this would be a condominium project,
assiqned pnr3cing could be handlcsd throuqh their association.
MltilJ'PES~ AN111tEIM CITY P1.i1NNING CQM+Q83ION~ Apxil 19~ 19A2 82-~a3
i t was not~d tha BIR vra• prsviow ly Approved lor. thie pro ject.
ACTION: Coaaniseionet Il~rbst oi:er~d 1t~aolution Na. PC82-72 er~d mcv~ed tor ita p~ss~qe
etnd a~doptiia~ th+~t !ho Anahcim Gi ty Pleu~ninq Oommiesion Aoea hernby ~+mend Cha
prsvi~usly approwd Naiv~or o! n:,de requiret!+ent on Verier-ce ~~o. 3120 ~ertsini.nq to the
atiniu~a~+ nueeber ~u~d typ• of perking o~+eces, qrantinq a~ waiv~c+r for ~- lees ~pace~ then
prsviously ap~roveid pitih 24t of. thoss 29 epecea to bs de~i,qneted for cortpect ct-ze
on ly .
On rol! anll, t?~e foragoing roeolution wa~ ~en~od bv the lollowinq vote~
PUE~LIC fi~ARING. O4MERe FRO-PAR INVFSTTtF:N'TS~ 1290 N. Lnkevim+ Avenua,: An~h~im, ~ CA
92807. Proparty doscrib~d as a rnctanqul~rly-~he~ed perci+l of land consistinq ot
approximabely 2.A acree, 1Z40 North i~akaview Avenue (Slim's Ta+ing) .
Thorc waa no one indicating tha~r proaence in oppaAition to aubiect request, a~r~d
although the staf~ report wen not mad, it i~ referrQd to and mada a part ot the
Warren Williams, c.eneral Partr~er, S~im's 'ibwing, 1290 North La?:evimr, Anaheim,
explained thoy are Crying ta cl~zily pormitked user~ to allow a emell cliamentling
Respanding to Cocaniesioner Her.bst, Ms. Williemn explained th~ diamantling rortion oi
their business is v~ery emall far only about 50 vehiclea and thet porticm o! the
opeta~tiar~ is an tho front of the property, but cannot be seen from the street.
~sponding ta Commissl~er Mct~urney, Mr. willia~ explatned 94• of their bustness fs
wholesale at tho preaent time to t~ody sh~ps, etc., and 3 to St of their businesa is
re tai l.
Comni.ssioncr Nerbst stated the Plsrining Commisaion is ooncerned beCause ot the ols~
wradcing yard eppearanaes which have bacomss eyeaoree. Fie ~tated he rocogniza~ thare
is a need for th~B u~e- and nsked if thia operatio~- ia included in the oosapuber
n~stxask usod for lindinq automabilo body parte. Mz'. willi~a~s responded they are on
that "hotline" and actually some of the part~s will be deliv~ered from other
diaMantiing yarda~.
Ca~nissianer King asked i! the petttionex could sti~ulate to a detinite fiqura ~or
the eawu~t ot reteil sales. i~. Williama rea~onded he could limit the salee to 15~.
4/ 19/92
MINlT1E8, At~1WEiM CITY I~LANNINO COMMISSioN, April 19, 1992 AZ-2A4
He explainad kh~:^e ie oniy oae e~na:l sign (Z' x 3') which reade "Slim'n Disn~ntlinq".
~te respvndad to Chairtnan Auehore that h• did not objecC to a yeerly rovisw o! ths
it wa~s not~d the Planning Director er hiA auehorivad repraeantative h~s determined
thet the proposed pro~ect t'alle within the detinition o! Catoc~c~rieal Exemptions,
Cl+~s 21, as detinod in the Stato Environrn~+~~tel 2nQact Report Guidelinea and is~
thetotors, cAtngorically exen~t trom the roquirnnr~nt to prop+are an EIR.
ACTIONt Comenissioner t~erb0t ottered Reaolution No. PC82-73 ~nd mov~+d for its pasoaqe
and a~doptian thet the Aneheim City Plnnning Commiesion dose hernby find that
dutronqbile diamantling with rotatl sales of nalveged automc~bile parta in ccniunction
with the previously t~proved t~awing aervice and automobilc im~ound yard limitinq
reteil ealos to 15~, nut~ject ko yearly rnviea, is app~copriatP undar Conditic+na~ Use
Parmit No. 122G.
On roll call, the foregoing reeolution was paseed by the followinq vote:
~..~.~~ - - -
PUBLIC EiEARZNG. OWN~Rs nENtiIS A DIITT, 1005 N. Whittier Street, AnAhoim, G~ 92~i06.
Property c3escribed a$ u rectangularly-uhaped parcel of land consistinq ~f
approximately 82A5 square feet locatcsd At the nc~rthwest cor.ner of La Palma Avenue and
Whittier Stree~, 10~5 North Whitti4r Street.
Thera was no one indicatiing their preaence in oppoeition to aubjoct request, and
elthuuqh the ataff repor~ was not read, it is reterred to and made a part ~~ the
Denais Dutt, awner, stated Condition No. 1 of the ataff report requires that the
aoutherly driveway on Whittier Street be closed and that he wi21 need thet driveway
for access to tha n~w qaraqe becauso o~` two treea which ~re not sho~rn on the p1Ans.
He stetecl there is a driveway an Lec~a.in-i Avenue which ia not shawn ~n the drawinqs
arid that Paul Singcir has indicat~ed that Mould be acoeptable.
Chairn~an Buehore pointed out the 3rd drivaway is ehown on the ple-ns as au~bmitted.
Resgon8ing to Connnissioner H~rbat, Mr. Dutt expla3ned there i.s an oxistinq garage and
the room addition will have a qarage underneath it and the existinq driveway would be
used for t~ccess ta that new gardga. tte reaponded to Conmissioner t~erk~st that th~a
room Addition will not be an apartment.
~ ~' )
It wa• not~d the Planning Direceor ~r hia authorized reprasentative hae determined
thut the ~roposed pro ject l~slla aithin the delinition o! Catoqoricel Fx~mptione,
Clasa 5, ao detinod in the State Bnvironmental :nQnct iteporC Guidel.inee and is,
thorslor~, ceteqoriaslly ucan~t !'rom tho r.oeZ-~iroment to propar.o an F.IR.
A!C'TI~Ot~ r Canmiesiones r.ing oftored Raeolution No. PC'82-74 nnd moved far ite paei~t~ge
+snd edoPtlo~ thmt the Aneheim City Planning Oommiasi~n clc~es herehy gxRnt weiver (a)
on the baeis of the ~ecetian at tho property relatlve to bu~ ato~s, tre,apnssinq an
privsEe pt^oporty, traffic nni~e end also on tho bneis that the fence will noC
obsttuct ti~f.Pie~n line-ol-eiqh~ and granting w~iver (b) on the haeia cheC deniel
would clepriw subjoct proparty of pacivileqen enjoy~d by oth~sr. prc-pcerties in tho se~me
zone rind vicinity and eubject to Interdeparimental Cammitteo recommc~ndet.~ons,
de le ti nq Ccm di ti en No . 1.
Comni~eionar Nerbst noted that lanceA of this type have hecn allo~red for reeidentiel
prapertiea along arberiel highwaye in the past.
On roll call, the foregoinq reaolution wes paasod hy the followinq voCo:
tiO~a^ t CO MMQ ^~ I ONFRS t t70NE
PUHLI~ IiEARTNG: ONftdF.R: TftpMAS L. apX AND CliRISTINE K. WiI.I.2APtS, 6~2 Veronr Street,
Anaheim, C7~ 92804. rrapcsrty duacrir,ed as An irreguYarly-sha~wd percel of ldnd
eonaistinq of approximetely 7;30 aquare fest, ~,62 South Verons 5treet.
Thoro was no one pre~ent in opposition to aut,iect request, ancl althaugh the s~aff.
raport wAa not reed, it is referred to nnd mecle e pert of the minutea.
1'hotnas Cax, awner, was preaent to answer ar~y queetione.
it was notad the Planninq Director or his authorize~ representetive haa de~.ermined
thnt the ~roposed pro jeck falls within the clefinition of CatRgorical Rxemptions,
Cless 5, ae defined in the StaGe Environmental In~act Report c,tiidelir.es and fa,
tharefore, categorically exempt ftom the rer.~uizement to prRpere an EIR.
AC~'TIO~t~i: Comni.saianer Y.ing offered ReeoluCion No. PC$2-75 and movod for its paRaaqe
+u~d acbPti.an that the Anaheim City Planning Coma~ission does hereby grat~t Varia~nce No.
3266 on the bdsie that de~ial would deprive aubject Property of e privileqe enjoyed
by other pzvperty in the eaeae zone and vicinity and aub ject to Interdeparti+~ental
Cat~ittee recotanendations.
On roll call, the loreqoing reaolution was pass~ed by the followinq vote:
PUBIIC HEARING. OWNER: ANTHQNY SIGALOS~ 307~ E. Miroloma Avenua, Anaheim, CA 9280b.
Property described as s rectangulariy-shaped percel of land consisting ~f approximately
1 acre located et the northeast corner of Cerro Vista Dr(ve and Lao{a Way, 4625 East
Cerro Viat~ Driva.
There wes one person indlcating her presence tn oppositlon to subJect request, and
although the staff report was not read, lt is referred to ~nd rt-ade e pert of the
Tony Sigalos, owner~ sCated he wishes to removc seven Eucslyptus trees on the east
side of tht property in order to build a new home and gradin~ cannnt be flnished
unti) tha trees are removed.
Pem Serdella, 11~1 EI Dorado, Anaheim~ steted her property is adJacent to the row of
trees; thait numerous trce~ have bRan rerrbved in this er~a since she moved there five
years ago and she can now hear freeway noise; that she did not beliove the trees have
to be removed tn order to finish grading because others have worked around trees; that
she felt trees af equal size shouid be used to replace these t~ees; that these trees
are a buffer to the sunshine inta her living room and nated she has 16-foot high
ceilings and the back of her house is glass end in addition~ the trees provide shade
in he~ backyard. She stated she opposes the removal of these tr~es.
Mr. Sigalos stated Ms. Sardella's home is fc~r sele and noted these trees are on his
praperty and are 65 feat high w(th limbs and roots onto her property and explained
they could be a hazard, He stated if he did not remove these trees. he would have a
15-foot unusable a~ea. He stated he cauld not replace these trees with 6A-foot trees,
but thouyht this would be in improvement far the area.
There was a brief discussion concerning placement of the tennis cAVrts and Annika
Santalahti, Assistant Director for 2oning~ explained the Code was recently modified
to permit tenni~ courts to be constructed to the property line.
Commissioner McBurney w~as cancerned about darr~ging the wall on Ms. Sardella's praperty.
Mr. Sigalos stated he hes been informed the roots can be cut and the trees removed
without darnaging the wall.
Commissioner Nerbst stated Eucalyptus trees at one time were used for wind control
and were designated as specimCn trees because of the hill and canyon area, but they
do have a poor root system end blow over easily afCer rains and during winds and he.
thought the replacement of these trers would be beneficial to both properties. He
stated he does not feel a property owner should be responsible for praviding shade
on a neighbor's property.
ACTION: Commissioner He~bst offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner King and
M N CARRIED ~Commissioner Barnes being absent)~ that the Anaheim City Plannin9
Commission has reviewed the proposal to remove seven (7) specimen trees on a
rectiangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 1 acre located at the
northesst corner of Cerro Vista Drive and Leola Wey (4bz5 East Cerro Vista Orive~;
and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the requirment to prepare an
e~vironmental impact report on the basis that there would be no significant individual
or cumul~tive adverse envi~onmental impact due to the approval of this Negattve
Declaration since the Andheim General Pian dasignetes subject property for single-
femily reside~tisl land uses certrnensurate with the pra~,osal; that no sensitive
environmental impacts are invoived in the proposol; thet the Initiei Study submitted
by the petltloner indi~ates no significant indlviduel or cumulattve adverse
environmental impacts; a~d that the Negetive Qeclaratlon substantiating the foregoing
flndings is on file in the City of Anahefm Planning Department.
Jack White~ Assistant C(ty Attorney, explafned the approva) of this permit glves no
gua~entee to either party the abillty to remove the tre~s without causing dsmege and
If thn property is damaged~ the principles of common law will prevail.
Commisslonei Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner 8ouas a~d MOtION
CARRIEO (Cortimiss(oner Bernes being absent), that ti~e An~heim City Plannfng Commission
dots hernby find that reasonabic and practical development of the property on whlch
the treas ere located requires removal of the tr~es whose removal is saught and that
the character of the imnediate neighborhood in re~pect to forestatlon wlll not be
matertally affected by the proposed r~moval and does hereby recannend to the City
Council that a Spectmen Tree Removal Permit be grent~d for the removal of seven (7)
specimen trees at 4625 East Cerro Vista Orive on the cnndition that any spr.cimen
treas removed shall be replaced with the planting on the same parcel of a~ equal
number of trees fran the spncified list in the Scenic Carridor Overlay Zone~ more
particularly seven (7) Cupenia Anacardloides (Carrotwood) trees~ as spccified by
the petitioner.
Jack White, Assistant City Attnrney~ presented the written right to appeal the
Pianning Commission's decision within 22 days to the City Cauncil.
ITEM N0. 12
The following Reports an~ Reconxnendations staff reports were presented buc not read:
Request for further review and reccx~mertdation frcxn American National
Properties for property located ~t 2111 S. Manchester Avenue
(Orangewood Acres Mobilehome Park).
ACTION: Cammissioner Herbst offered a motion~ seconded by Commissioner
King and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Barnes being absent), that the
Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby continue the above-mentioned
matter to the regularly-scheduled meeting of June 14~ 1982.
B. CONDITtONAI USE PERMIT N0. 19z4 - Request for ratroaCtive extension of
time from J^ Raymon Bridges on property located at 1743 West Lincoln
M~. Bridges was present and explained he has purchased his partner's share
of this business and he believed all the complaints have been resoived and
the van with a cer s~at on top has been moved onto the property and the zar
sea t rertioved .
ACTION: Cortmissioner Fry offered a:a-Qtioq yecondad by Commissioner Herbst
and MbTION CARRIED (Cc+mmissioner Barnes being absent)~ that the AnahGim City
Planning Commissinn does hereby grant a retroective extension of time to
Conditlonel Use Permit No. 1924 to expire on January 3. t983.
C, VARIANCE N0. 3012 - aaquest for extensio~ of time from Karl Sator on
prop~rty located at 1180 North Tustin Avenue.
ACTION: Ch~irman Bushore offered a motion, seconded by Comm(ssloner Fry
snd M~TION CAaaIED (Commissioner Barnes being absent)~ that che A~aheim
City Pisnning Cnmmiss(on doas heroby grant a retroactiva extension of
time for Varience No. 3012 to expire on May 22, 19$2.
U. VARIAI~CC I~O. S00 - R~yurst 1'ar ;e;~minat ion fr;xn f. ~t. Patal or~ prope~ty
~ocated at 17 ~ S. ~lesc Screet.
Foliowing the Planning Commission meeting, it was determined that
Cerminrt(on of Variance lio. £;EO is no~ rr.cessory. There wi 11 ;,e no
future aclion by tt~e Pianning Commissinn on this request.
E. VARIANCE N0. 745 - Request for termination from F. Patrick Doyle on
prOperty 1~Cated et the norihrdst corner vf Euc~~d ~[reet ~rc @~11 Ro~+J.
AfTION; Commtssloner Ktng offerad Resaluti~n 'io. PC82-?6 and rnoved
fpr its passage and adoption that the Anehe~m City Planning Commission
does horeby terminats Varie-~ce No. 745.
On roil call, the foregoing resolution wss passed by the following votQ:
F. ABANOONMENT N0. 81-23~ - ReQuest from Mar;orie Mi,;e Le Ga~e to abandon
a portion of pubiic roa'.way, commonly known as Manth~ster Avenue lying
east of Haster Streec, norch of Katella Avenue.
The Pianning ~irector or his authorized representat~vG has determined
that the proposed projact falis within the definition of ~atagorical
Exemptions~ Class 5, as defined in the State E~R Guidelines and is,
therefore, tategorically exempt from the ~equirements to prepare an EIR.
ACTION: Commissio~er Herbst offer~d a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Fry and MOTION CARRIED (Conxnissioner Barnes absent and Chairman Bushore
and Gommissioner King absteined? that che Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby recoremend to the City Council approval of Abandonment No.
Sl-23A as recommenaed by the City Engineer.
G. ABANDONME_NJ NO• g1_16A - Request from John W, 2ylstra to abandon the
se~vice road at the southeast corner of 8~3~h Bouievard and Rnme Avenue.
The Planning Director or his authorized representative has determined
that the proposed project falls within the definition of Categorical
Exemptions, C1ass 5, as defined in the State EIR Guidelines and is,
therefore, categarically exempt from the requiresnents to prtpare an EIR,
AC710N: Commissioner Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Chairman
Bushore and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner 8a~nes being absent and
Commissioner King abstaining? that cha Anaheim Ctty Planning Commission
does hereby recommend to the City Counct! approval of Abandonment No.
81-16l~ as recortmendad by the City Engineer.
H. CONDITIONAL USE PERMiT N0. 2160 - Requast for clarificatlon of permitced 4
uses rom ana~ t~~ ey, unwest Met~is~ o~ propa~ty located st 187~+ South
Anahetm 6ouloverd.
H+m~n Stenley st~ted his original permit did not cover screp steal and ~
many cu'tomers do bring In sGr~p steel to sell. He explained there would ,
not be anything big and no c.rane and magnet would be used~ ;
ACTION: Ccrtmis~loner Herbst offered ~ motlon~ seconded by Commisaloner
c urnay and MOTION CARP~IEO~ (Commissione~ Barnes being abaent) that the
Anaheim City P1snning Commission does hareby grant the racycling of farrous
metals on the basis that thc conditions of approvai are strictly adhered
to and thet na crane with a magnet wiil be used.
ADJOURNMENT There bei~g no further business~ Commissloner Herbst offered a motlon~
seconded by Commissionar Bouas and MOTION CARRIED, that the meeting be
The meeting wns adJourned at 5~3~ p.m.
Rospectfully submitted,
L' ` ~ J~~~ifit~'~'~v
Edith L. Harris, Secretar~r
Anaheim City Planning Commission