Minutes-PC 1982/06/28Civic Center
Aneheim, ~elitornia
June 7~, 1982
R~GUL71R ?t~e regular meeting o[ the 11nst~eim City PJ.enninq Cetnmisoic+n
I~ETING wse c~slled tc~ ocder by Chairman Bushnr.e+ at 10:00 a.m.
June 28, 1992, in tl~e Counoil Chna~ber, e qunrwn be~inq prseent
and the Crnnmiselon reviewdd plnne at the itema on t~.dey's aqer~de.
ABS1~.T1T t
J1T.w~7 PRR8RNT:
Reeeses 11s~0 e.~.
Reconvene: 1:d5 p.m. t~,r public teetimony
Cheirmens L~uehortt
Mnika Eantnlehti
Jnck White
Jey Titue
Deen Shere~z
Paul Singer
Pemele 8tnrnes
Aa~aistant Diz•ectnr f~r Zc~ning
1-seletent City Attnrney
Office Rnqinenr
AeaiKtent P1AnnQr
Tref.fic Engineer
Planning Ccunmiesion SecrAt.ary
Fr~ Ten~re
PLSOGB OF ALLSc:IANCE TO THE F1,JwG LL°~ BY - Cr~rta~.ianioner Fry
11PPROVAL OF THE MINt7TE8 - Commiflsioner Kinq off.ered a n~tion, seconded
by Com~aissioner Houae nnil MOTION CARRIEU, *het the a~inutea lrcxn tha moatinqs
of June :, end June lA, 1982, be approved with cArrectione to the Juna 2nci
en~!~ti.nq, Aage 318, to includa a deACription af Cha location oT Tent~ative Map
of Trect ~to. 11600 (Hevision N~. 1) end Page 334 to ehow Coam-iesianers K.ing
~nd Beznes agreeing wiCh Coa~miesioner Herbot.
PU81.IC NtJ1RING• OWNBR: PI-TRiCi11 H. C}U~PEI.L, 808 North l~naheim 8oulevard,
1-neheim, Cl~ 92805 ~nd DONW.D A. JACOBSON, 166a West Broadway, 11nal~eim, CA
92802. AGENT: CLAUDE D. BROCK, 203d ii. Linroln 1~venue, Buite A, ]lneheim, C11
92801. Property described a• s rectangularly-~hapad pt+rcel of land conaietinq
ot epproxio~e~tely .24 acr.e, 808 North Anaheim Aoulevard (L.O.R.D.S. Ministries).
Continued lron the meeting of June 2, 1982•
Ther• WArs apgroximet~ly Piva p~opla pre~eent indicating their concern to
subjact reque~t, and elthouqh the utwft report was not rdad, it ia referrod tn
and made a part ot th~e sai.nuta~ .
-_ ~~.J
~. 4 ~ ~~ ~~
MINVT1t8, 1-N1IFIEIM CITY PI.7INNINO Gc'~9+1=88IQN, Juno 28, 1982 Paqs 8~-356
Pastor Fork~l.l, 747-1/~ N. Philadelphi~ &treat, 1-neheim, ~oted thay were herR
on a cc~ntinuence o! khe meeting of June ?., 198Z. •nd they were ready to
re~pond to q~~e~tion~ which had been rai.ed at thet me~eting. Hs etdtad they
haQ a meeting with prop~rty ownere in the area on ~une 23, 1982, et Pae'a
Plumbing •nd he would l:ke~ to •ubmlt a copy o~ the itema they had eqramQ upon
ko the P1~-nninq Cononirsion. He s~i~ it basicelly .:overa overythinq the
1~lenni.n~ Comrnission roquestad ae woll sw the aurraunding propexty av~mers. He
eeid they aer~e currently obiaining bide on ~he fenee anA they hed obtainad
edditional ~-arkinq !hz•ouqh an egreement with MoarE~';~ ~ycle Center, une of thefr
Chairtnan Bu~hora requeated thet th~ letter tr~m Poe'e Pl~inq bQ rea.i and the
applicant reed the followinq let~er thet Adt17'QA! ttie cancerns one-by-one.
1lpplicant etated the mReting was he.ld +~L 81E N. Anehei.~n Boulevard, Anaheim,
Wadnoadey, June 23rd et 9:00 a.m. anci all cnncerned property ownors were
"De~r Pr~pe~rty (h~rnerA ~
Z'hie is to inform y~u af the proqre~s thac. haa been
made regarding tha caapleints y~u have vo~ced betor~
ttie Mafieim Ci.ty Council.
A meeting wae held at 816 N. Anaheicr Bonleverd, Maheita
on WedneBday, .Tune 23rd at 9 a.m. 7~11 concern~d
proparty owners were pra~ent. The itoms discussed,
vhich vera felt to be otfeneive to the reaid~ants
a~jacent to seid property, were the follc+wing:
l. Unpleaeant ador trom traeh container.
2. Inventory :ln lull viow ot neiqt~tx~rs.
3. Us~ ot roof for atoraq~e.
4. Gen~r~l tilfinese of ell storaqe aree.
Theso f~ur items were diecueaed 1n detail end we
arrived at the foliowing concluaione, which seem
L•o provide a reesonable
solution to the probletns in queation.
1. Trash bin will be emptied daily and bins
rotated on a xaqul~r basis for tharouqh
2. Damaqed or apoiled tood to 1x put in pibstic
baqs sacurely sealed.
3. Grounde to be clenned with weter as olten ae
naeded to prevent odor.
4. 1- chei~ link fence, acc~ptable to the City a!
Anahesim will be inetalled before Julx.~tl,
1982 pro~vided ~t is approvad by'the City.
5. All it~a~a stored oa rao~ t4 be rau~oved.
Pa4tor Louia Foricall aill a-onitor th~a ectivity ot his
em~playees more closely to ansure the clesnlines~ of tha
entiro storaqa ar~a.
~ --' ww~M.a+w.d:x-w~eeMr+.
~ ~`i
i t
MINl1T'!!S, 11N11NQIM CITY PLJ-NNIpC COMMI88~4N, June 28, 1982 Pa~~e 92-357
Ne lael thet Lord'a Mtnietr.iee ia a vory Wotthy
miniRtry that is definitely meetinq • r~ea.l naed in our
City to many paaple who ere le~s fartunata then we. 1
pray thi• ministry ~aill continue to proAper !or the
qood af a~l in our community.
Jerry L. Pvo, Freaident,
P~'~ Quelity Plua~ing, xnc."
Paat~r !*orkall ~tAted L.hey felt thny could work out e ao).utian +,rhich would he
/Ai~.BfdCtr~ry tu the neighkx~rhood ineludinq coricerna expreseed !n ~ me~morandum
by 8hirley PArnall.
Wi.l.bur Parnell, 11S ~. North Strnet, Anehc~m, steted they hed aqreod on
evsrythir.g Mr. Fark~ll had atetedt howgvc~•, he did havn anoth~r area of
concezn and chat w,ae whore on the prop~rty w~uld the fcnce be: loceted, ae ho
lelt if it wes ld inche~ in lrum the preperty lino ir. w~~uld create a treEfic
problem. He tseid if it le moved beck pas~~d the d~r o! tt~n dxepery ohop,
they wo~~1d not hev~ a craftic prahl~, but the mie~ian would loae etoraqe
epace. HQ said maybe thh fence should bo Ei to l0 f.eet ine~~eod ~t 6 leet sa
they vrou2d have mc~re atoreya ~pacA.
Rito Medrid, 2373 Coronet, Anaheim, ope:etor o!' the cirape~ry ahop expreesed hia
cancer~s ~ith e high fence becauee it would hide aomeone tryinq t~ breek into
hie ahap. ~:e s~ld h~ maiinteine~9 a lerqe inventary in hi~ building. Mr.
Forknll said he wae reque9tinq bidA for a 6 fnot hiqh f~:nca with three ntrendt
of barl,~sd wire to atop enyon~ frocn climbing over ~.he tc.,,.
Commiosloner Soue~ asked hrnv ~any perking space~ he hud acquired with the
cycle eshop egreemene nnd Mr. Forkell repliod ie woul~r give them epproximetely
20 adA.it.ional apac~A.
Commisaioner BouaA a~ked .tP they wauld k~e ~erPormin~~ weddinge end thr_
applicant atetod t~a di~ rot enticip~ta holding wedding ceremonies.
Chairmefn Bughore eeY.ed if a raciprocal parking sgreemenC with the C~/C1E ehop
ehould bc+ mnre farmaZited and ~7eck White eaid yee.
Chairm~n Hu~har~e nnteci thet with the edditional rerkinq aF-acee they had a
total oi' epprnxia-xtely 33 spacee which vould kx+ ~enauqh .for thie project.
Gha~rmen Bushore expre~sed concern th~t the fenr_~ rrould make it diftlcult !or
traeh truckm an~l l.ire trucks ta qet int~ ~hs erea.
C+~nmiesioner Nerbet noted hi~ ccncezn sbout tre~f.ir backing up in the alley.
1-pplicant said they heva tried to eet 20-minute int~xvele t~r food pick-up to
help al~evt.et~ this probleas howe~ver, Chay could chanqe thie to every 30
n-ieutes end entarce the echsdule.
Ccxnmieoianer Herbat e~ked Paul 8~nq~r if the qete locetlon would crnuse s
aatAt~- prnbl.em and Peul 8inqer etated thN tratfic woul.d t~e~~ically b~n !n the
elloy anA very slow end ~.heretore not e eafety problem.
Cheirau~n Au~hore noted Mr. F'orkell had aqrw~d eo raen~v~ ril itAms nCared on
the root, tra~h wcmld be cleared dAi.ly, stnreqe er~ee woiild he screeined end
A~Nr.eT.ied fcx~d woulci be conceelaci in bage end t~nx~e.
Mr. fnrkell dteted he also he~1 peet contr~l ecnninq thn firet Mondey o~' every
Cc~mmieelrn~r Herbet m~ked S: tt~r.y had livinq quertere c~n th~ premiae~.
Appllcant sta.•ed th~y hed s nure~ry er~d ona ronm in the h~ek wtth bunk b~dA.
He eaid that iE someone wee~ down an~~ nut they wnuld lrt thom ~tay. Ne etated
he hed o~e man living there nr,ti-. H~ a~i.d he was I~Uking ir~to rentinq a h~u~e
for thie pur~one.
Chairmen [TUnhore eeked h~+w .onq he ~}A8 been nt h.hie loc~tion end applicnnt
stated c~ince April 1, 1~+~~, ~nd ~hat h18 lesc~e wan ~ar tw~ maro yeurs.
Cheirmen E1u~hore ~aker ~.~:_~ canr. if !~e aoulcl tiavo any ob jectione if they
included the items +s~~ ~-~~~ ~ u~n and tie t:h+.+ cc,nc~itianal use ~rmlt t~~ e
twa-yeer period of t-s~~ l~pr~ _:-ent said he did not 2iave any ob,~ectic.n sa long
ne h~ had the ~ight -~- ~:~~e.~c eqein with e request et that tima.
1~CTIONt Cans.lAai-•^*~^~ *yrr~~s ~:~fterecl e motion, eeconded by Commi~eeioner King
and MOTION C11RR.L~-t~, '_~~~. °~tP J-neheim ~ity F~lan~inq Cornmiesion has reviewed the
pr~poael Lo reta~r~ ~a~«r -r, and food dlntribution center in the CG
(Cc~erciel, Gener~+= ~~nf: vith w~ivr.r ~! minimum number o! pezkiny apacea end
permitted etor+~ge r.- ~~r,tanqulnrly-eheped parcel of ~and cansiatinq of
epproximetely .24 -.=:-8, ~r+~ving a tr~ntega of a~proximetaly 100 feet on the
Qaat eide ~~f ~alx««.~n ~+~everd, having a mexi~um depth of eppr~oximately 109
!'e-et end being lc~r+~ •apprnximatoly 93 Peet north of tho centerlirse of North
Street (8h6-Ei08 !+larr_s. 11~ahei~a Boulevard!~ and does hereby approve the Nmqative
Decleration fram tM~ requirea~ent to prepaia en envir~nmental impact report an
Che basia thst t!~~•+~uld be no eiqnificant individuel o. cwaulat.ieve edverse
Anvironmental i~c* ~nue t~ the spproval o! thie Neqetive Declaret.ion eince
tha 1-nahei~r. G~ra: ~1an d~sl.qnaten the gubjact prop~rty for qenei~el
ccxmaerciel land +~~s coamr ~suret~ with the proposalt thet no sensS.tivs
envirana-ontsl i.a~s~c~ts ar< invulvad in the propoealt that the inltial Study
subiu:r_ted by t1~~ ~etit.ianer indica~~ee no significant individual or• cu~ulative
adverse ~nvironr_,tal impacter And thnt the Negativ~e Declaration
sutista~rt~atinq the ;Coregoing findinqs is on file in the City o! An~.heim
Planning [~prrtmen~•
Cowioa~asiorner Bern~tre olferAd a motl.on, aeconrled by Commiesian~r Fzy and M4TION
~I!!D, ttas~ the Aneheim City Plenninq Caa~miealon doea hAreAy gr~nt Wsfver n!
Code r.eqvirements on the basie ot th~ ~inurue-1 ne~ure of the aparati~n and the
re~iprocsl pazkinq aqreex~ent qol.nq ta !~ obtained in acec~rdanae ai.th th~ City
ltttorney'n wisheA, applicent~ aqrees~nt not to use parking epsaes for staraq~s,
end that atnzwqe area would be scraenad.
MINUTIL8, J1NA1{1CIM CITY PI,11M~2NG COM!lI88ION, June 28, 1982
Paqs 82-359
Coma~i~sionst Bern~a otPered Rssolution PC82-125 end mr~ved f.or 1ta pee~Aqe end
sdoption thet the Anaheia~ City Planning Cc~mmi4sien dues hhra~by grrant
Candit~on~2 Use Pertnit No. 2342, for a pariod of twc~ yeere, end aubject ta
Intsrdepertm~ntel Canonittse recanrnendetlone, Lncluding th~ additional
conclitions list~d es Item No. 17 in tl~e etelf repnrt with revisLona of No. 4
Lo reed es tallow~: "TheC the epplicant sha11 nt.tein, end et ell t.tmee duri;~q
uae af the conditionel uee pero-it, meintain pArking eqx~eea~nts witti one or
r~ore o! the eurrounding praporty owndre f.or a minimum of not l~as then 20
perkinq aparee to be ueed end eveileble during church t~ervlrew and with the
stipulstion that tr~eh 1s to be cleared deily, siaraqe are~ will be ecreaned
by tr!ncinq, discerded food to be canceeled in baga and boxes, raof atoraqe to
ba remc~ved, lreezer to be ueed l~or all periahet~le items, pest cantrol to be
maintained~ including reta end mice, and thet there will. be nnly one per4on
eliowed to remein overniqht on Che pre~rtin~~ for eecurity purpo~os.
On roll call, the foraqr~ing rosolution weg p~aeed hy tha follc~winy votei
Jeck White, Aseietent City ~lttorney, preaonted the writt~n riqht to appeni the
Pldnning Commiesion'e deriYion within 27. daya to th~ City Council.
jTEM N~• 2 EIR CATSGOttICAI: ~XEMpTION-CL1-53 21 ~1Nn VAR211NCE N0. 3257
p~~IC y~ARING• OWNSRe ON[ER G. BURNS, BT 11L, 1239 N. Herbor 8ou~everd,
Anaheim, C.11 92801. Property descr.ibed as a rec~.anqularly-elaped parcel of
lend conaist~.ng o! ep~roxiiaately 0.3 ecre, 1239 N. Hart~r eoulevard fRuetic
N'loriet ) .
There wee no one indicatinq their pr~senee 2n oppoaition to aubject ze-qu~st,
and al*houqh th~ ateff re~+ort wae not reed, it ie referred t~1 end meide e part
of the minuLes.
Mr. And Mrs. O. G. Burne, 1234 N. Harb~r Boulevsrd, oamers of Ruetic Florist,
steted that dua ta the current econaoy they could not etford tT-e weter
asae$aaaent, etre~et liqhte, tree fee ~ar tfi' cost to move theiz aiqn. He asid
thay had coene betore the Coa~aisgion .ln March to obtai~ a vari~nce in order to
retain their fzeeat~ndinq siqr~ and their outdoor di~pley ot llowore. Mrs.
Surne said wl~en they agreed to aeove t.~e siqn •o Lhey could k~aep their outdoor
flower display, they did not know it would be eo exper~~ive.
TH8 PUBLIC HS]-RING it11B C~,pggp.
Cfu~.~wan Bushore not~d they hed alraady agra~d to mova the siqn and trie iesue
befora the Caan~i~si,cm today w~a th~ a~;e~~nt l~es wNich. are xaquired ot
a~ve~-ona in Lhe City o~ 1lnuhei.a~.
.~., :~.. . .~~;.,_. :~ ,
, ~~
rs MINU'PEB. AN~IHEIM CITY PLANNINa COMMI88iON, Juna Z8, 198~ Pega 82-3b0
Mr. eurn• ~aid thsre N~A • p~rmit i.4tued end aak~rd why ths l~~a ware not
co7,laatod at th~C time.
Mnike 8antelahti, 11~Nistant Dir~c*.or for Zoning, ssid e psrmit wa~ applied
tor but n~ c~l.l was made tor the finel inspectlon.
Jack 14hite, 11s~i~tant City Attorn~ey, ateted t}~d Bub~ecC of thl.a h~earinq wes
Condition Nas. 1, 2 a~nd 3 0! Verience No. 37S7 and no eppeal had baen mede !or
the moving ~! r.he eign.
Mr. end Mrs. burna stat~d eq~in thay eoulA not efford to pay the seeeasment
Alter coneidereblA rliacussion the P1Anning Caaenisaion fElt they co~zld d~lete
Condi.tion No, 2 end at soma future date, whon e buildinq permit would be
requ~red, Conditinn No. 2 could be reimpoeed.
Dcen S1-erar, Assistanc Plenner, edvised applicent to rame to the Planninq
C3egert:m~ent end they would discun~s th~ lacacinn af the er,iating freastAndinq
It wsa note~ the Plannir,g Director ar hi~e authorised repreRenteiive hae
det:er~ained that the propoaed pro~r.ct fe11s within Cho det.inition ot
Categoricel G+~cetpptions, Clase 21, ee daftned in the 3tete Environmental Impact
R,~pc>rt GuidellnQS and ie, therefore~, cetegoricelly exempt trom the r~quiremerit
to prept~re en EIR.
ACTIONi Commiesioner Herbst offerecl Resolution N~. PC82-126 and mov~d for ite
paaaage and adoption thdt t.he Aneheim City Plenning Coauniesion doea hereby
qrent Vertence N~. 3257 de2etinq C~ndition No. 2 froae Resolution No. PC82-48
tor street liqht. fee on the basia it can be reimposed et e ti.iae when
edditianal work is dane on the property, the water r.asesamant foes and the
street tree feee will b~ paid.
On roil call, the toregoinq reaolution was pessed hy Lhe following vote:
Jack ylhite, ~saiatant City l~ttorney, presented tho writt~~ right to ~ppeal the
Planninq Coamisai~n's deciaian vithin 22 deyg tn the CiCy Council.
IT8l1 NO. 3 SNVI1~A~tT11,L Il~tP11CT R8P0lII' NO. 196 ( PRBVZOU8L° ApPRONED
TENTATTV~ 1~l11P OF TW-CT ~tOg. 9601, 974~ and 974~ ( RR1~pVERT28ED) s
Suite 106, Orange, C11 92568. 11iI.~SN'i': LINp MT~ qILL1~R~Ip~ ZNC., I515 Nuntingtc+n
Drive, 9an 1larino, C~1 g110@. Prr~perty io desrribad as an irrs~~ularly-ahaped
parcel of land coaai~ting of npproxiawtely aZ.S acrss at ths nnrtheest cornez
o! Canyon tttm ~d aad Pairmc-nt 8oulsv~,rd, with epproxia~te lr~anteq~• ot 99S
fe~t oa the north •ide of Canyoa Ria-tEaad and 2G0 ~eet on the aest side ot
Pairmaat Boulwud.
MltitJTtA, 7W11H~iM CxTY PL11I~1NIN0 COMM288ZON, Jun• 2A~ 198~ Pr~e 82-3b1
A~QUtST 7'O RE•i8T,11sLI8H !1 ~0-tAT, AS-H~X-Z2, OOd ( 8C ) BINdLB-}'11MILY ZflNE
Th~rs was no c+n~ indic~~inq th~ir pre~~nca~ in oppo~ltion to ~ubj~ct rpu~st,
and al.th~uqh th~ st~!! report waa not r~~d, it ia r~f~rrad to •nd m~ds a part
of ths ~rtinuts~.
ttcy MsY~ipyr~, Town snd Country C~nt~r, Orenq~, z~apres~ntinq Boul~vard
D~volopa~nt Coenpany, Inc., atated th~y acqui:~A thi• prop~rt3• troa llnahsia
Hillt •pproxim~t~ly 3 y~ar• aqo whil• th~ mark~t wau ro).attv~ly ~tronq. H~
•aid nov+ th~ aierk~t he~ shitted downward~ a~d th+~y h~v~ not bs~n abl• to
record th~ Er~et map. H~ s~id th~y w~r• hop~lul thinqs would improv~ and th~y
would •till lik~ Co proc~~d with th~ pro)~ct. HR stat~4 th~ t~ntativ~ wnuld
oxpire on July 2nd and kha~t i~ vhy th~y are makinq thi• r~qua~t. H~ ~a~d ~h~y
could coag~ly with ell condition~ ~~tlorth in th• aCstt report a• w~~l a• those
agr~ad to in th~ previou~ r~ccxamendrilon~.
It was not~d that Bnviranmantai ia~ct R~part No. 196 war pr~viou~ly appr~a~d.
11CTIONi Coaua-i~~i~oner HArbst o!lered ~ motion, s~c~nd~d by Coami~sion~z
McB n~y and MO-rION C1IRRIED, that tho 11nah~io~ City Pl~nning Caani~sion dooa
hereby tind that th• praposed aubdivi~ion, togn~th~r vith ita desiqn sctd
inaprov~sat is consist~nt with th• City ot 11nah~im Gener~l Plan, pur~uaa~ to
GovarnmMnt Cod~ Seation 66~?3.5~ and dos~, th~r~tor~, •pprov~ ''i'~ntativ~ Tract
Map No~. 9601, 974~ and 9745 tar a two-y~ar pariod to re-oatabl~~h a 31)-loC,
RJ9-RS-22.Q00 (8C) Sinqla-t~uaily Zon~d subdivi~ion subjact to ~h~ follnwinq
t ~d! MO. l601 ' ' .
1. That thv apprc+v~) of Tentative Map of Tr~ct No. 9601 Is qr~nted subJect
to tt~r. completlon of Reclesslflc+~tton No.7f,-7i-4~1.
1.. That should thls suhdivislon he devAlap~ci As mnr~ t~~,~in onn subcilvtalon,
eacl~ subdiviston thereof sf-nll be submirtecl in ;~nt:~tivc form fo~
3. That all lots wlthin this tract shalt bA served hy un~icr~lround
4. That priar to th~ Int mduction of An ordinancA a fInA1 trACt mt~p of
subjuct property sha11 be submltted to end apprnved hy the City Councll
and then be rncorded ln t-~e Office of tha Orrng~ Caunty Kec~rder.
S. Th~t t1~e or(ginal ct~cuments af any propose~l covnnants~ cnn~fltlons~ ~nd
rostricclons~ ~nd a letter addressed to d~veloper's tttle cnm~ai~y
aut~~orizing rocordatlon tt~areof, shall b~ submitted te the Clty
Attorney's Offlce and appr~ved by tt~~; City Att~rnr.y'4 of~lce an~~f
Enginoering Division prlar to the final tract m+~p +~n~rc,~~al. Satd
d~cumnents. as a~provud~ shall be ftled ~n~i recorde~l in th~ Office of
~fie Orangn County Rccorder.
6. That prtor co filing t'~e final tr~~ct r.u~p. the applicant s~h~ll submit to
the City Attorney for approval or dcnf~l a complete syn~psis c.f the
pr~posr.d functloning of the opcra~ing Corpo~~t~~~ tncluding, hut n~t
1 imiteJ to, tl~e articles of incorperatlon, bytarrs~ pr~pesr.cl methods of
management~ bonding to insure maintc~n~nce of ccxnnon prnpertY ~n~
bu(ldings, and such other informatton as tlie City Attorney maY deslre
to protect tl~e City. its cltlzens~ and thr. purchasers oF tli~: ~roject.
7. That streGt nart+~s ah~ll be approv~d by the Ctty Planning ~~:partment
prior to approval af a finat tract m~p.
8. 7hat tt~e owner of subjact property shal! pAy t~ th~ City of Anrheim the
approp~latc park and recreatlon In-lteu fees as d~termined to be
spproprlatc by the Ctty Council~ satd fees to he pal~~ ec Che timc the
building pertnit is Issued.
1. That drainage of said proparty shell be disposad of in a manner
satisfactory to the C1ty Engineer. If, In the preparatlon ~f thr, site,
sutficlent grading ls requlred to necessitate a gra~llne~ penriit, no work
on grading wtll be permitted betwe~n Qctober 1Sth and A~prll 1$th unless
a~ll rcqulred off•sltA drainage facitities have bean installed and are
oper~tive. Positive assurance sh~All be provided the City that such
drainage f~citities will be cnmpl~ted prlar to ~Jcto~er 15:h. Necessary
rtghi-of•way far off•site dralnago tACilitles shall be deAica±ed to the
Clty~ or the City Councii shal) have Inicieter~ condomnation proceedings
th~hfor (tM ao~ts af ahleh sh~11 b~r born~ b~r tF+~ d~wlap~r) prtor to
th~ a~-c~+R ot q~radino op~~~tlo~n. Th~ ~pul~~d a~~ln~.qe
fecilltles sfiall ba of a size and iype sufficlent th c~rry runoff
watsrs orlginating from higher prap~!rtiies through s~~lc1 pr~p~rty to
ultimato disposal a~ approved bv th~ City Engin~er. Ssid drAln~~n
f~clllties shall be tl~e first item c,f c~nstructlon and shali h~
complntnd and be functlon~l thr~u~t~out the tract ~n~1 frem the
downstroam boundary of the prop~-tY t~ the ultim~te p~int of dis~ns+~l
prior tn the issu+~ncQ of any ftnal bullding Inst1ecttons or ~ccu~~ncy
permtts. Dreina~a district re:lmbursen-ent agr~ements m~y he madA
avallabla to the dcv~lopnrs of sAid property upon thpir r~~uest.
10. That g~ading~ excavatlon, and all other constructt~n activitles shall
be condu~ted in sucl~ a mannor so as to mintmlze thes possihtilty of any
sllt ari~inating from tlits pro,~act being cerried lntn th~: Sant~ An~
Rlv:r by scorm water originAting frcxn or flowtng thr~ugh this proJrct.
11. If permanent screet namc signs have not been Install~d~ temn~rary
strect nama slgns shall be Install~ci prl~r M any ~r,r.up,~ncy.
12. ThAt fire hydrants shall be installnd and charg~~i as requir~~ and
determinerl to be nec~ssary by tltie Chle~ of th~ F1 r•e De~Artm~!nt prt~r to
commr;nc~mcnt of structu~al framina.
13. That any fla9 lots shall tiave a mtnimum fronta~e of 2~ feet.
14. That the prnperty ownar(s) af Tract No. 774~-~ ~7~i5 ~nd ~b~t shall
jointty participate in t~~e payrtwsnt for the Irtstallatton of ~rafflc
slgnals ax the in[ersectfon of Fairnxmt 6nul~v~rd and Canyon Rim Road
(25. - estlmaCed to 5e 51~~~J~O), f~r a total estimated c~st of $1~~~,~9
(exa~t cost tc~ be dQtarmined by the 7rAfflc F.nc~ineer at th~ ttme of
payment) to h~ patd prior to ttie issuance of a bull~iing permit or at
such further time as the Clty Councll may grant.
iy. That in ac«~rdance witli th~ rcquiremcnts of S~ctinn 1Q.n2.~47
pertalning to tho Initlal sale of residenCial hcxnes in the Clty c~f
Anahrim Pt~nning Area "t~", th~ seller shall pr~vi~e e~ch b~ver wtth
written infonriation concerntng the Anahelm Generr~t Pl~n and the
existing ronin~ withl~i 300 feet of the bound~rles of subJect tract.
1G. That Clie developer of s..i~ject tract enter into a Spnctal Factllttes
Agreement wltti the City for watar facillCf~s in the Iligh Elevation
System~ as required by Ruin 158 of the 4iater Utilitv Rates~ Rules and
~~. i~
~ ,
T~tet IN. !7~-
1. that the approval nf Tm~tative Map of Tract No. ~744 is grankad subJact
to the completion of Reclassificatlon No. 76-77~40.
2. Th~t should thls subdlvision be daveloped ss more than ona subdivision~
aach subd~vision thereof sha11 be submitred in tentstive form for appr~val.
3. That in accordence with CItY Council policy~ a six-foot~ open~ decoratlve
wall sheli be constructed on the south property 1(ne seps~ating lot Nos. I and 5
through 9 from Cenyon Rln+ Ruad and on the west property line separating Lot Nos.
10 and 11 frvm Fairmont Boulevard~ except that for corner Lot No. 1, said wall
shall be stepped down to a helght of 30 inches in the requtred frant yard secback
and ex~::pt that pedestrian opanings shell be provided in se(d walls where cul-de-sacs
abu* t:~~e planned highway rlght-of-way llne of the arteriel highway. Reasonable
landsca~~ing~ Including irrigatlon fdcilitles, shall be installed in the uncemented
po~tion oi the arteriai highway parkway thc full distance of said walls~ plans for
si~id landscaping co be submitted to and subject to the approvel of the Superincsndent
c~f Parkway Maintenance. Fallowing instellation and acceptance~ the City of Anahelm
shel) assume the responsibility f~r maint~nance of seid fendscaping.
4. That all lots within this tract shal{ be sarved by underground utilities.
5. That a final tract map of subject property shell be sulxnitted to and
appr~ved by the ~icy Councfl and then ba recarded in the office of tt~e Orange
Cnunty Recorder.
6. That the cove~ants~ condltions, end restrittions shall be submitted to
ar.d approved by the City Attorney's Office prior to City Coun~,l approval of the
fina) tract map and~ further, that the apprqved cuvenants~ condi[ions, and
restrictions shall be recorded concurrencly with the final tract map.
7. Thet prior to filing che fi~al tract map~ the applicant shall subm3t to
the City Attarney for appraval o~ denial a complete synopsis of the proposed
fu~ctioning of the oparating co~poration including. but not limited to, che
articles of Incorpo~ation, bylaws, proposed methods of manageme~t~ bondi~g to
insure maintenanct of comnan property and ~uildings~ and such other information
as the City Attorney may desire to protect the City. its citizens, and the
purchasers of the pro}ect.
8. That stre~et names shal) be approved by the City Pla:~ning Department prior
to approval of a final tract map.
9. That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pay to the Clty of Anaheir~
the appropriete park and recreation i~-lleu fees as determined te be appropriaec:
by the City Council~ said fees to be paid at the time the t~~ilding permit is issued.
10. That drainage of said property shall be disposed of in a manner satis-
facto~y to the City E;~c~ineer. If~ in the preparation of tha site, sufficient
grading is reQuired to necessitate a grading p~rmit, no werk on grading will be
._ _ . .. .... ,_... ... . .~. ._ __... ~ .._ . __
~tH~h3~:~n± ._.». .. ......
~ ~ ~~~
. ~~
, -~p~riaitt~d b~tws~^~n octob~r lSth and Ap~ti Isth u~l~~s ~I1 r~qutr~d off-~it~
drat~w~ faciiitl~s have bMn inat~lled ~nd •r• op~~~tiv~. Positiv• ~ssur~nc•
shall be provtded the City that such drainage facllitlos will be complst~a prlor
to Octobe~ 15th. Necesaery right-of-wey fo~ off-aite dreinege fecilitles sheli
be dediceted to the City, or tha City Cou~~cil shall hevo i~itiated condemnetio~
pruceedings the rafor (thn costs of which shsil be borne by the daveloper) prior
t~ the cosnmenc erncnt of yreding aperatlons. The requtred dr~inege facilit{es
shall be of e site and type sufficlent to cerry runoff waters originating frwn
higher properties through said property to ultimate dispos~i as approved by th~
Clty Engineer. Seid dreinege facilitiet shall be the ftrst Item af construction
and shali be cw.ripleted and be functlonal throughout the tract and from the
downstream boun dary of the property to the ultimate point of dispasal prior to
the issuance of any F(nal building inspections or accupancy permlts. Drainage
dist~lct reimbu ~soment egreements may be made available to the developers of said
prope~ty upon t hc i r request .
11. That g ~ading, oxcavation~ and ell other cnnstruction activities shall
be condutted in such a manner so a~ to minimlze ~he possibility o~ any silt
originating from this proJect being carried into the Santa Ana River by storm
weter origlnat i ng from or f Iowing through this proJect.
12. if pe rmanent straet name signs have not beei~ installed, temporary screet
name stgns shal 1 be instolled prior to any occupancy.
13. That f ire dydrents shall be installed and chargcd, as requ(red and
determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department~ priar to cortmence-
ment of structural framing.
14. That any flag lots shall have a minimum frontage of 20 fect.
15. That t he property owner(s) of Tract Nos. 9744~ 9745~ and 9601 shall
jointly participate in tho payment for the install~tion of traffic signats at
the intersection of Fafrm~nt Baulevard and Canyon Rim Road (25~ - estimated to
be S10~000), f or a total astimated cost of $10,00U (exact cosc to be determiend
by the Traffic Engineer at the time of payment) to be paid prior to the issuance
of a building permit or ac such further time as the City C~uncil may grant.
16. I~ ac cordance w(th the requirements of Section 18.02.047 pertai~ing to
the Initial sale of residential homes in the City of Anaheim Pl~nning Area "B",
the seller shail provide each buyer with wrltten information .onCe~ning the
Anaheim Genera 1 Rlan and the cxisting zoning within 300 feet of the boundaries
of subJect tract.
17. That t he developor of sub,ject tract enter into a Special Facilities
Agreement with the City for water facilities in th~ High Elevatlon System~ as
required by Rule 15B of the Water Utility Rates~ Rules~ and Regulations.
; :~ ~.
~` ,
~C~ ~
1. That t1~A approvel of Tentat~va Map of Tr~~ct No. 97~+~ Is gr~nted sub{ect
to tl~o cam~tetlon of Reclassificatien No.7(~-77~bn
2. Thet sl~ould this suhJiviston be developed as rn~re~ tt~+~n on~ subAivtslon~
each s~bdlvislon thereof sh~ll be suhmitterJ ln t~ntAttve ferm fer
3. Tt~at all lots wlthln tt~is tr~ct shall be serveA hy unclergr~und
4. That prlor t~ the tntroductton a` ~n ardinence a fin,~l tr,~ct msp nf
sub.jact prope~ty shali be submltt4J t~ an~! approved by th~ Clty Ceuncll
and ttien be recorded in the Otftcn of th~ Orenge Co~mtY Recnrdar.
5~ Thot tha ariqinal documents of eny pr~posed covennnts, con~tttl~ns, ~nd
rastrictlons~ and a Ictt~r a~idr~ssed to drtv~inp~r's tltle cc~mpAny
authorizing record~~tton thereof, shall be submitted t~ the Citv
Attorney's Office and npprnved hy chQ C(ty Att~rney's offtce ~nci
Enginaering Divtslun prtor to the ftn~l tract mao ap~rovr~l. 5~~~1
documnents, as approved~ sh~ll be fileci anc~ recc+rde~i In th~ Office of
the Orange County Ftecordar.
6. That prlor to filing the final tr~ct ma~~ che appllrrnt shall suhmit to
the Clty Attorney for appr~val or d~ni~l ~a compl~te svn~psls ~f the
proposed functloning of the oper~ttnq corparatl~n includinq, but nat
limlted to~ the articles of incorn~r~tion. byl,r~rs~ pre~sed methocis of
man~gert~nt~ tx~nding to insurr. mAlntenance of c~xnr+x,n nroperty and
buildtngs, and such other informatlon as t-~e City Atterney maY ~leslre
to prote~t the City. (ts citizens. ~and the purchASers of thp prnJect.
7. That street names shal) be approved by the C{ty Rl~nntne~ ~ep~rtment
prior Co approval of a final tract map.
$. That the owner of subject property shal) paY to the Clty of Anahe'm the
appropriate park and recreatlon in-1 ieu fees ~~s dete~nntn~d tcr be
app~opriate by the City Counctl~ satd fees t~ be pAtd at the tlme the
buitding permit ls issued.
9. That drainage of satd p~operty shall be dtsposn.d of tn a m~nner
satisfactory to the City E~gineer. If, in the pr~paration of the site,
sufflclent grading Is requtred to necessitat~ a grAdina ~ermit~ n~ work
on grading will be ~ermitted between Octeber {;tt~ and Aprtt 15th un!~ss
all requireJ off-stte dratnage facilitfes have been Installed 3nd are
operative. Posittve assurance shaii ba provided th~ CitY that such
drainage factlities will be con~pleted p~tor to Qctober 1Sth. Necw_ssa~ry
rigt~t-of-way for off-site drainage facillti~s shall b~ d~dtc~ted to the
City~ or the City C~uncit shali have initiated c~nd~mn~tinn proceedings
thereTOr (tha costs of whtch shali be bo~ne by the ~ievelapar} prlor to
the caewnencement of grading operattons. Th~ requtra,d drAina~~
,.. _....~--~
~ ~. ~' `. ~
M I NUTE S~ ANAHE I M C I T Y P V-Nft 1lN1 COMw11 S810N ~ y~n~ Z8, 198Z Paq~ 8~-367
~ftilities sfiatl ba af a sl~c and tYPe sufficinnt t~ cRrrv rune~f
watsrs originattng fr~xn hlgh~r propert~es tl~ro~~~h s~t~i p~~p!~rty t~
ultimnt~ dispoaal es Appr~v~d by the Clty Ennin~~r~ Sai~1 ~~r~tn+~q~!
f~clilttes shali ba tt~e flrst ItAm of c~nst~uctt~n ,~n~ shni- be
c~mpletcd anci be functl~nal through~ut ti~~ tract an~1 from th~
downstreom boundary of tha nroperty to ttie ultimr~t~ ~nint nf dtsu~sal
prlor t~ tf~o issuance of any flnAl bulidinq ins~~!ctt~r.s er or.cuprncy
permits. Qralna~ge dlstrtct relmbu~seme!nt agraement ~ n~t+v be made
aveilAbte tr, the develop~rs of said propArty upon thPir request.
1~1. That gra~ling. cxcavation~ and ell oth~r canstructien actt~•itt~s shall
be cnnducteci in such a mAnner so as eo minimtze the posslbt l i ty of rny
silt originating from thls proJect b~ing c+~rrled (nt~ thp Sant~+ ~n.~
Rlver by starm wator origi~Ating tron or flowinc~ thr~ugh this ~r~ject.
11. If permanent siraet nam~s 51gns h~ve ~ot been inst~llncf~ t~r+por~ry
street narr~ signs shalt he installed prior t~ any ACCUnAf1rV.
12. That fi re I~ydrants shall be installed and charqPd AK ~~quir~ri and
datcrmi nad to bes necessary hy tt~e Ch 1 ef of the FI re Oepa-•tment prier t~
ccwnmencemrnc of structural framiny.
1J. That any fleg lots sh~ll hA4f` a mintmum fronta~~ o` 2~ feet.
14. That thc property owner(s) of Tract No. 97~~t+, :'-7'1~ti ~~~ '~~'11 shal l
JolntlY partlctpate in tha payr-~nt For r~~ inst~ll,~ti~n of traffic
signals at the intersaction of Fair•~nt Beul~v~rd an~i Canyon Rim Roa~1
(2~~ - estinsAtcd to b~ $11,1~0)~ for a total estfmat~d cost of $lO~A~O
(exact cast to be determined by th*_ Trafsic E~~ineer ~t the ttme nf
paymant) to b~ patd prlor to the Issubnce c~f a hu11~11nq pcmit e~ at
such f urthe r t 1 nM as the C i ty Coun^ 3 1 rnaY ar~nt .
1y. That in accordance wit~~ the requtrer~nts of Se~~i.~r ~~i.01.~1~7
pertaining to the 6nitlal shlc of rAslde;itl3i hc~m~~s ir t~ Ci~y ~f
Anaheim Plar~ning Area "B", the seller shall provide each buy~~ ~+it~
wrttten information con~erning the l~n~he(m Genera! Flan ~nd i}~e
cxisting zor~ing within 3~J feet of the ~.~~undartes ~; subj~ct t~act.
16. That tho ~ieveloper of subjcct tract enter Into a Sp~ctal Fac111ties
Agreoment with tt~e Ctty for watnr facilities in the 1~Igh Elevation
Sysrem~ as requtred by Rule 15B of the Water Utillty Rates~ Rules and
~ ~~
'~ ~+.~
MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PtiJ411N1N6 CQlWISSION~ Jun~ 18, 1981 P~p~ 8~'367
1~cilttles sha~ll be of a size And typR sutficinnt t~ cnrry ~une~f
waters ortqlnatin g from hlghe~ prop~rtles thr~~iAh snir! pr~pnrtY t~
ultlm~te dlspos+~) as ~ppmvAd by the Ctty En~in~~r. 5~+1~1 ~i~~In~qR
fsc) l i t i~s shal l be the fi rsc t t~m of c~nstructi~n .~n~1 sh.~l l he
compl e ted and bo f unc t I ena 1 th rough~ut tl~e t r~r. t en~i f rom ti~e
downst~r.am tx~undAry of tt~a pr~partv to th~ ultlmate pnint A~ f~I4nA~8I
prio~ t~ ttie Issuance of any fin~l hulidinq I~sp~ctlons or ectup~nCy
permtts. Oralnage dlstrict reimbursement ag~e~snent~ ~Y h~' m~~~
avallAble t~ the develop~rs of sald property upon t~~Pir request.
1~J. Th~t gra~ing, cxcavatlon~ and ~11 other constructi~n activttles shail
be conduc teci I n s uch .~ rrMnne r so ~s to mi n i mi ze the p~ss 1 b I 1 t ty of ++nY
sllt ortginating fram this proJ~ct being c~rrled Intn the Sant~ Ana
Rivor by storm water origtneting fro~ or flowlnq through this p~oJect.
11 , If permanent str~et namr. slgns have not heen inst~i lncf, te~porary
street nam~ signs shal i he Instal l~c! prior tn ~ny oc;cu~~ncv.
12. That fire hydrants shall be installe~f anci ch~rqed .95 requtre~i and
determin~3J to b~s necessary hy the Chicf of thQ Fire DepArtrr~ent prier tn
con~n<em~;~t of structural framing.
13. That any fl~y lats shall t~v~ a minimum front~~1~ of Z~ feet.
1~~. Thbt :~c ^~ •.y owner(s) of TrACt No. ~17~~4~ `311i5 and 9C~1 sh~il
,jointlY ,.. •'. tt~ 1n thc payment for th~ tnstallAtlon of traffic
;qnals at t~ ~ •'3~cti~n of Falrnnnt Boulev:~rc1 ~n~i Canyen Rim Ror~~i
~~- est'm~tcci to be S1!1.~~d~. for a iotnl estimAt~d cost of 51~~0~~
F.~xact cost ta he tfet~rMinaA by the Tr~ffic Enqinear at the time ~f
payment) to be pald p~tor to tt~e (ssuance ef a hut I~ilnq perr+tt o~ at
such further timfs as t-ie CttY Counctl rn~y gr~nt.
ty. That 1n accordanee with the requlremcnts of Sectien 1Z.02•147
pertalning tn the initial s~+le of r~siAe;ntial homr.s in the City of
Anaheim P1Anning Ares "B"~ the seller shai) previcle er~ch huyer wlth
written information concerning the An~heim Gencr~l Plan ~nd the
existing zoning wlthin 3~1~ feet of the bouredaries e~ subJect trr~ct.
16, ?hat the developer of subject tract enter into a Sprsctai Facilltles
Agreement wlth t~e City for water F~ciltties In the Migh Elevatlo~-
System~ as requt~ed by Rule 15D ol` the Wate~ Ut111tY Rates. Rules and
~ ~~ ~
MINf1T~8, AN1-HZIM CITY PLJWNING COMMISSION, Jun• 28, 1.982 Page 8~-368
..__.._....~-_._ ------~--
pUBLI~ N~1IRSNG. OWNERt J1-CK C. 11ND DORIS N~ CNOU, 17771 Fitch Street,
Ireina, C1~ 92714• 11c:1CNTi Z71C HEI~180N, B.D.H~ 6NTBitPA,~8t8, 2731 E. Regal Perk
Dri,va, 1lnaheim~ C11 92806. Prc+perty deo~~ribed s• an irraqularly-sheped psrcel
a! lund consieting o! approxiauitely 1.69 ar.ra aouth and ws~t o! the oouthwest
corn~r ot 1G+telle Avenue end L.owi~ Straet, 710 B. Ket911e 11~~enua
There wsa no an~t indicntinq their presence in oppoaition to •ub~ect request,
and although tfie ~teft report wes not read, it ie ralerrecf to and maido a part
of the~ aiinutee.
Mark Brody with th~ F. T. C. located on Kntelle 1-venue, l~nah~itn, architect for
the project, introducad Mr. Stave P'ox, m~nsger o~ Ghippendeles nnd Mrs.
Than~s Dimelante one o? the ownera of Chippendale.. He etated renovation ot
the tacillties we~ ~dequately deeczibed in the stalf report. He wnid f.t would
be a club conte:ning dancinq and lieve a high caliber multi-tnedie show, the
interior would ba designed es e high tech fncility ancompaseing uee of
advAnced sound eystetas And edvanced technical liqhtinq syatems. Sxterior will
remain ~s is exr~ept !or returbishinq landeceping end new siqninq.
Mr. 3teven Fox, 202 eroadway, ]-nahei~, and Mra. Thomae Dimela~nte, 16918
Lampeon 8treet, Fountai~ Velley, were eveilable t~ an~wer questiona.
Chalrtasn Buehore asked appticant~ t~ f•:cplain n male dance re`View.
Mr. Fox stated it wns e F~iqhly th~atrical, well chorsuqraphe9 show for the
entertainme~t of nll agee, 21 through 90.
Cocaeaieeioner lCing aaked 1! they v+ould heve mud wresiling end M!r , Fox said they
did not intand to at r.hie time.
Commissioner Boua~ aske@ if th ~~w was every night and i! ic was ~ienited t.o
female patrons.
Fle. L~melante said currently they are planninq to heve three niqhts of ladies
only aad the rost o! the time would be for both mal~s nn~ '~utles.
Caonmi~eioner Bouea esked ~hem to oxp3.sin the rastaurant part oP tha operation.
Ms. Dimnlante eaid t~ey vwu~d be 3Qrving finqer lood, which r+ae required by
AHC, but doubted if they vrauld have lull iood •ervice.
Chaixman Sushore asked if there would ba any nudity~
Mr. Fox seict it aas lika an o!f Sroadr-ey show and ~hera wauld be no nudity.
Chairmn Buohor~ ana CcSaai.aaloner• lCing and !ry a~cpressed their canaern Kith
the loastion bring so clqsa to Disneyland. Tl~ep nated they wente^ ~• Protsat
llmah~ia~'• r~putatiore.
~ ~ ~
MINUT~8, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINCi COMMI~38ION, June 28, 1982 PagA 92-369
Mr. !'ox ~t~tad tha~t he did not fs~l *_h~ir ahow wa~ obj~cti.onable and not~d it
was ~aheduled to be shown on prime time Nationel kel~vieion.
Cc+aimiesionar Herbat aal.d h~ l~lt e permit !or e public dAnce ?~ell b~emed ta be
misie~ding in this ca~e.
Mr. Fox atated they would b• open !or d~ncing alter the ehow.
Conuniseioner Narbet e.ked how much timA would be spent doinq the ehow versus
tttne epent for ~ublic dsncing.
Mr. i~ox ~Aid the show would ldst l~ea than two h~urs And the remaining lour or
mnre hours would he !or denciny. He noted they wauld be ~pen lrom 6:00 p.m
until 2:00 n.m.
Commi~sioner Bnrnes aske~d it they would b~+ having any wat T-shirt conte~te or
a contest o! a similnr nature end Mr. Fax replirrd they would not and noted tha
paople on stage would be prof~eoionele.
Conanioeloner McBurney aeked whet other typ~a o! anter.tsinment were planned for
the future.
Mr. Fox eaid thay would have AF10M8 that wc~uld appeal to bot.h mele and lemsle
sudiencea, And ^tt~ted they did not leel they w~uld uffend enyone.
Coaralasionar Fry etated he wad oppoaed to thio operetion qo~nq inta the nrea
so cl.ose to Dienaylend and the qateway to Anah~im.
Jack White aeked if the aqe restriction o! 21 wae impoe~yd by 718C. Mr• Fox
anawered it vrea.
Jaak White a~ked it they were femilier with 1-nsheim Adult Entertainment
Husineas Ordinance, Crapter 18.89 at the Mtvnicipal CodR. Mr. Fox said yes.
Mr. iihite eeked if they rrould be willing to stipulake thet thei: ~ctivitiee
would not be coveced by the activitias specilied in that Ordinance and Mr. Fox
aaid yee.
Chairman Bushore said he lelt it was not in an eppropriate locetion.
Coadaiasianer Barnes note6 ths loc~tion ~s tvao mile~ lrom Disneylend and up
over the lreeway, which the lelt iaalated th~ location from thm Disneyland
area. She said ahe had t•lked to people who had s~en th~e ~hovrs at
Chippendales and they !clt it was a hiqt~ quality ahow of prolessional dancera.
Coami4~ioner Herbst no~od it was in tho induitriAl ~rea af ths com~nunity end
he did not le~l the Disneyland ares rrould be sxpanding on tAat eida o! ~he
xreeway. Ha stated he hed no ob)ectiQna to the usa and that thay should havs
a chencet hrn+eves, shoul4 any caaplaints about th.is oparaelon caaer before the
Caoa~ioaion, hs woula dafinikely vote to repesl thia aonditional utta ~rmit.
...,.,. ... . . ... ..,.. ~~....,~ ..,..~~....,.~_. .,.~.,,.:;~
,~,~,~..,.,. _~,~,~...,,~W.R~.,~.~ ,~ ~~~,.~.,.~,n.,~~..,~.., .:::~. .:: .....: ...: . ....: . -- _ __._..
MxNVTS8, ~N)~-HEIM CITY PL/1Nt~ING COMMISSION, June 26, 1982 Paqe 82-370
ACTIONs Gor~onisaloner 9ernee otferad e motion, secanded by Coaimieeioner Aouee
and MO'['ION CARRI~D, thet the Anahaim City Planning Commission hsa reviowed the
proposel to convart an exinting two-etury, 7,018 ~quere foot reat~urant. with
d~ncinq and ber tecilita.a~ to e publi Cfence hell with en admieolon cherge on
an irrRgularly-shepad p~rcel ot lend consi.ting of approximetely 1.69 ecree,
located south encl west of the eouthwert cornor of. KatAlln Aver.ua nnd Lewis
3treet, having a lrontage o~ epproximately 175 l~et on tho aouth aide o!
Ketelle l~venue and e lrontsge of 68 f~et on the weat side of Lewie Straet ani~
turthor deecribed ea 710 ~a+~t 1Catelle Avenue (Chippendelen)t and doas her.eby
approve the Negetiv~ DeclnrrCi.on fr~m the requirement to prepare an
envir~nmentnl. impact report on the t~ nie thet khere would be no significent
individuel or cumulative eciveree environment~l impact c1u~ ta tho ap~roval of
thie Negative Dealarntio~ aince the Anaheim Generel Plen deniqnetea the
subject property far genarnl..induetrial land usea r.ommensuret~ with the
prapoBelt thet na aenAitive environmental impecte ~re lnvolved 1n the
propnasl~ Chet Lhe Initiel Stucly ~cubm.itted by t.he pec.itioner indicetes no
sign9fir.ant inAividuel or rumul~civc ndv~rer~ environmentrl i.mpectsj And that
the Nr.gative DeclaraCion Aubntantiatinq the EorRgoing fincllnqs ie on filQ in
ths Ci.ty uf An.xhelm rlAnning bnpertment.
Canan:isalonar 8~rnes ol'fere+d Rc~esolution No. PCH2-1'2~ end m~ved for itn paeeage
and a~fopti~n thnt tt~P Anaheim City t~lanning Cc~omiAe.ton doea hereby grant
Conditional Uee Permit Na. 234~3 tU convcrt aa rxiatinq two-atory, 7,019 a+quere
foot restourent wit?~ dancing an~ h,oz faciliCi~P t.o a public danco h~ll with en
acfa~ieeion charqe nub ject. t~ Interde}Hrtmontal Cou~ni tLen reconunendations, end
including en ad~iil.ian+-1 "ondician, tio. 3: "Tliar the epPlicent shell apply for
and obte4n approvel nf +~ publlr: clen~ce hall permit purauant to the raquiretaents
of Chapt$z 4.16 of k.he F~nahelm Muniripal Code" and adding e new Condition, Na.
4r "Thet no activitx ahe.l be permltted whicl~ wnuld otherwise quelity the uae
es en ndult Dus~nesa pu~rs~ianr. ta Chept~r 2~.89 of the Anaheim Municiperl Code"
end that exS.sting Coraciiti~n fM. 3 he renumbeced As Conditi~n No. 5 nnd will
now read: "That Cc~ndition Nos. 1, 2 and 7 elwve mentSoned ehell be cc~mplied
with prior to final building and zaninq inspections", and enrrectfone by
1-ttarney to the steff re~xirt that Mnheim Municipal Code Soction Nuenber ahown
on Peqe 4-+~ sfianld be d~lete~ snd the corre~t number pr.~perly inaerced,
18.03.03U.010, ~hich ~s the corTact C~de S~ction rh~e penait is iseued
purs~aant to.
On rol: rell, the far~qoLng raoolution wae peseed by the Pollrnoinq vote:
NOE&: CCM~fMI&SIaTlERSs SUSHORFi. !'R! , lCI!:c;
AB$~!f?': CplMMI6SZfJNBRS: Npi4~
Jack Wh.ite, 11sQlet~ent 1;i~.y !•ttoxney, presented the written riqt~t to eppRSSl the
Pianning Co~noaission'a decieic~n within Z2 dnye to the City Council.
~ ~; ~~
Besch, CA 92660. Praperty .'~ dc~acribed es an irraqularly-ehsped pArcel o!
land CfJh~~Yting af approximstely 9.96 e~ree et the northwest corner o! Romneya
Drive and Coronet Avenue.
There were approximetely tive peopla preeent i.ndi.cetinq their intereat in the
subject requeet, end elthouqh the eteff zeport wea not reed, .it ia rePerred to
and made a part of the minutee.
It wes noted the eppllcant wee nat preePnt.
~-GTIONs Cheirmen Buehore offered e moti~n, seconded by Commi~sianer Herbet
and MOTION C1~RAI~b, that the nbove-mentic~ned ikam be continued for four weaks
to the meeting of July 26, 1982.
7-nnika Santslahti, AeaiaCant Director for Zoninq, etnted FSeldetone had
indicated by telephone theC they hed cunflicting businees out of town. She
noted, however, the adoption ~! aaning nn this property would bQ heard at the
Council meeting tomorrow (June 29, 1962). She ateted Cauncil had receiv~d a
deted leCter prepered by the hcxneo~mers aseocistion eaking !or 1~ coneideration
of sevexel itetae reletive to the maintenance ~bliqations of this property in
cor.nection with the exietinq haneovmers ansocietian. 8he said anyone present
todsy u~y wish to attend totc~rrow's Cauncil taeetinq .tn order to voice thoir
concerns to the City Council, eve~ Lhouqh thie item would appeer tc~erd~s the
end of the egenda.
C.t~air~aan Bushor~ asked if there was anyone present aho would like to ask a
epecific queetion regarding this item.
Sob Luti, 2015 Caa+pasa Lane, Vice-president ot the homew+~lezs aasocietion,
stated they really hnd no qualar with the rezaninq. He aaid they did have
concerne vith reapect to the letter extendinq the time thmy r+ould have c,n the
reetrictione and condition$. He •eid thay felt tHeCween themsolves and
Fieldstone they had sqree~! on tha rastrictiens end conditiona and they Mould
be qetting Cogathe: moon tor linalizetion. He aaid they r+oulfl lika the
Coamiasion to conaid~r tham in the tinal saninq ection.
Jack White, A~sintant CAty AttorTe~y, stated it snunded like a continunnce
wc~uld be benaficial for both nides.
Mr. LutY~~tated they vere conaer~~d about the 50-day time parlod and said they
would b~ p,resant at th~ Council m~reti~nq tomorrow.
Chairma~ 8ushare a~ked i! the 60 day tieAa p~riod Mas in ratarence ta the~ lxem
they war~ hearinq tod~y.
Nr. Lut~ stated h~ wa• r~lerriag to itea~ 20 throuqh 26 f.n tha stalf r~port
whic3- han ~ b0 d~y ~ioa ~riod Aurinq which n~itt»r o! the parkies could g~i
tcagathtr and aa,td thsy hadl aain~ • iftt~r to tha~ •ltsct.
,~ ~ ~ ~
MZNUT68, ANAHEIM CITX PI.~INNIN(i CONM188ION, June 28, 1982 Peq~ 82-372
J~ck White •aid whan thi~ M~~ originelly spprov'd !t war approved with
ba~ically the sems condition• w.tth a b0 dAy tiroe limit pariod which hae lang
aince pa~ted. He ssid it wes their undere~~ndinq Ri~ldstone had r.ontinued ~o
vrork with the •s~ocietion and it wa~ qood to h~e~r that pArhaps s mutu~l
aqre~msn~ had been re~chad. Hs p~id t.his tent~tive tr~ct t~sp wa~ basicelly
identf~cal ta th• one praviou~ly approvod except thaC it braaks the property up
into ~nial~ar ~ections for purposas af financlnq. Zf it is epprowd, ons of
the etaff propa~el~ for Canaissian's consiQeretion would be to reinetitute
tho~e eame conditions and whether 66 days i• eppropriate or not, is sanething
thst can be diecussad et tha~ ttae. In eddition, with reqerds t~ the exioting
ordieanca caninq up *omorrow, sa the Aseistnnt Dir~ctor for 2oning mentioned,
it ~+:.qht be well edvlsed ~or a zepressntetive of Lhe aseocietion to be+ ther~
ta vaice their roncerne ep regerding the time 11mit whiah haa pae~ed.
PUBLIC HBI~RING. OWNER: E. O. end Phyllie M. Rodoffer, P.Q. Box 246A, Newport
$each, C11 92660. AGENT: H11RRY C. BCHRKY, 1H2O E. Gerry 8treet, Suite 106,
Santa l~na, C11 9?.705. ~raperty described as en irreqularly-ehaped parcol of
land r.onsiating of epproximetely 6.1 acrea lc~cated north and eaet of the
northeast corner of Oranqewood Avenue and Snntn Cruz 3treet, 1501 Eaet
Ornngewood Avenue.
There wes no one indiceting their presance in oppoaition to subject rec~ueet,
end althouqh the etePf repc~rt waa not rRad, it is referred to end madR a part
o! the tninutes.
Flel Holly, rRpreeenting Rr~de~fer. Inveatenents, 1820 E. Gnrry Avenue, Sante 11ne,
~aid they would like to be allowed to run e phased project on the property.
Jdck White, 11,saiatar.t City 1lttorney, etated the project was belore the
Plnnninq Commlpsian because Code r~quired all lots in m propo~te~i aubdivision
to abut either a public etreet or allsy and the petitioner propoeed to
~ubdivide property inta four pnrcels, with t~+o parcels not having tha required
frontage, since this i• lass then five parcelo it ia hsndl~d through the City
~r-qinaer's Office Uy a parcel aiap so you are not approvinq e subdiviaion, but
actin~g upon tha requested varisnce !or the required etreet frontaqe.
~ ~ ~ ~.
MZt1t1T1C8, AIi11H1lIM CITY PL1-NNING COlRMISSIOti, June 29, 1982 Paq~ 82•373
1~CTION: Comtaissioner Mc~lurnsy ofler~A a motion, caaonded by Cc~mmis~inn~r Xinq
and MOTIOt~I CI-RRI1l~, that th• 1-nsh~lm City Planninq Comn+laeion hs• r~visv~ed tha
propooal to ettiabli~h a four lat •ubdivlsion wikh wt~iver o! required lot
lrontaq~ an nn ir~~;~tArly-thapod parcal of lend conai~ting of apgroximstely
6.1 acxes, ~xated north and eest ot the norths~st corner of Oranqawood 1lvenue
snd 8enta Crua $treet, havinq e frontege of approxim~.tely 6A teet on Che north
eide ot Orenge-waod 7-vanua and a frontaqe ~! spproximately 70 feet on the east
eide of Sante Crus ~straet 1.501 E. Oranqar+ood 1-venue, and Aoe~ hereby epprove
the Neqeti~ie Decla:etion frotn the requirement to prepere an environmentnl
imp~ct report on the besis thet theza would be no aiqniticant individuel or
cutnuletive ac:ver~e envirnnmentel impect due to the npproval o! this Negative
Ik+clnration sinca the 1-naheim General Plan deei~netes the subject pr~perty fer
cotnmeraiel proleesional land usee commensureta r+ith the proponalt thet no
sensitive environmental impecta are involved in the propoeelt that the Init.:al
8tudy ~tuba-itted by the petitioner indicnteu no eiqnificant individuel or
cusnulative adversa environmental impactat and Lha~ the Neqative Declerati~~n
aubeLentiating the toregoing Pindinqe ie on fi.la~ in the City of Mehelm
Planninq Depertment.
Coanniesioner McBurney affezed Reeolution No. PC82-1.28 and moved for its
passaqe nnd edoption thet the Meheim City Plenning Commiseion doe• hereby
qrant Variance No. 3279 an the hasie of the epecial circumatancee whic~F~ are
applicable to proprsrty such ae its size, she~ and topography and euhject to
Interdepartmental Comtaittee rescomenendatione.
On roll cell, the loregoinq reso~ution was pae0ed by the toll~winq vote:
,~,...._ `~..~.._. - - -
PUBLZC H8JIRING. Oi4NER: IMFERIAI, PRpPERTIES, 3188 Pullman, Coata Mesa, Cl~
92626. AGBNTs 2.71MPPOST PIZ21~, 1585 Sunland Laine, Coeta t~sa, Cl~ 93626.
Property described ae an irregularly-aheped percel o! land consiating of
approxia-ately 775 fee~t on the north side of Santa~ 1-na Canyon Road, 5765-H,
5769-A Santa Ana Csnyon Road fLamppoet Pizze).
There wes no one indicatinq thefr presence in agposition to subject request,
end nlthouqh the stalf repork wae not reed, it is re+ferre~ to and made a- p~rt
of the minutea•
Dominic Petroaki, 1647 Mbun~ain View, Fullerton, and Sc~b 9Eilee, current owner
o! Lamppost P1zze- at 1737 S. 1Catelld, Oranqa, and who vill be the owner of the
on~ in llnahelm Hille w~ere present to ensNer any questions.
Mr. Stiles stated that most af their buainess occurred after 6s00 p.m. and
that only 6 af the 37 storee in the center zema,tn ~pen after that time Qo he
felt there vrould not be a problem in grsnting the parking waiver they wero
MINUTaB, 11N11H3IM CI'PY PLIWNING CdMMI88IdN, June l8, 1982
Peqe 82-374
Coean~i~sionar McAurney atnCed h• concurrsd witli the Qpplicants outlin~ of the
parking ~ituatian.
Garoatssioner Herbsk eteted ha wantsd the lend owner• to bo eware that eny
oth~r rentela c~.i-ig into th~ center at e leter date thet vrou1Q increaee
perking afCer. 6s00 p.m. might be deniod.
Cheirnwn eushare eeid he lelt the landownere underst~od that tect.
11CTION: Cammieeioner King o!lered a motion, aeconded by Caaimieaioner P'ry and
MOTIOM C1IRRIEU, thet the Andheim Ci.ty Plenninq C~xnmipsion hes re~viewed t.he
propnsal to permit on-sele beer and wine in a propoaed reeteurent with e
waiver o! tninimutn number of perking epacee on nn irreyularly-shnped percel of
lend consiating nf appraximetely 1Q ecres, hnvinq e fz~nteqe o! epproximately
775 feet on the north side of Sente Canyon Roed, hnving e meximuai depth of
npproximetely 630 teet nnd be!ing locatad appioxiau+tely 415 feeC eeat ot the
centerline ot Imperinl Hicthwey (5765G-H, 5769-1~ 8anta Ane Canyon Rnad
(Lemppoet PSZLd)~ e+nd d~ee hereby npprove the Negative Decleration trom the
requir.ement to prepnre nn environmentel impect r~port or- tho bneis thnt there
would be no siqnificant individual oz cwaulative edverae environmentnl impact
due to the approval o! this Neqetive Declaratlon eince the Aneheim General
Plan designatee the auDject property for qeneral commercinl lnnd ueee
commensurate with the proposalr that nn senaitive environmental impecte are
involved in Che propoual~ that thA In~tiel Study aubmitted by the petitioner
indicetea no eiqnificnnt individuel or cumuletive edver~e environ~aentel
impectsf and that the Negatlve D~cleration esubstentinf.inq the loreqolnq
findinge is on file in the City of Xnnheim Planninq Department.
Commiasioncr King offored a motion, aeconded by Comcaiesioner 8ouae nnd MOTION
CARRIED, that the ?-naY-eitn City Plannin5 Gocm~iasion doea hereby grant waiver of
code requirement on the basis of the variety of businesaes iT~ the ahopping
center and the fact the majority were not open in the, eveninga.
Conrmiasioner Ring offered Reso~ution No. PC82-129 and moved for ite paasage
ar~d ndoption that the Anaheim City Plnnning Coami!ssion does hereby qrant
Conditional Use Permit No. 2348 subject to IntRrdepnrtmentel Comu-ittee
On roll call, the foregoing reaolution was paseed by the following vote:
PUSLTC HEARII~IG. OWNBR: J.R. AND GEN$VA SCHOL2, 900 West Jede Way, Anaheira,
C11 93805. AGRNT: LYNN H. OLIVER, 819 South Eliclid 8treet, Anaheim, CA
92802. Property deacribed as a rectanqularly-ahaped parcel of land consistinq
oF approximately 0.3 acre on the west side of Euclid Street, 819 South Euclid
Street (Roberta Rooat).
~ ~ 4l . ~
MINUTaB, lWAH1CIM CITY PY.ANNIN(i COMMI288ION• June 28, 1982 page 8Z-375
There w~ra two peopl• tndicating their pr~oence in oppoaition to eubject
request, and slthouqh th• sLa!! rapor.t wes not rand, it is relerred to end
mnde s psrt o! the eninutea.
Ted Andareon, 300 S. Herbor Eloulevard, Suite 914, I-naheim, reprasonting
epplicant Mr. Oliver, ~sid the request belore the Commission was to curtail
operetiona of. a restaurent nnd permi~ a cocktail lounge. Ho seid they did not
anticipate sny chenqe in the+ clientale that petranicod the tecility. He said
he wss availeble to enawer nny queeti~ns.
Ruth end William McHein, 1711 W. Crone, Anaheim, eaid considereble noiee is
heerd from the establishment late et niqht, eepecial~y during the e~uroaer
months with the do~ra open. They aaid patrone ueed the alley when leevinq
wnich rune by their house end nu-ny times throw bottlea into thair yard. Ma.
McBain steted they hed celled the pol.ice on n~ui-erous occasions due to fiqhte
in the elley. 3he eaid they were eleo bothered by alarma qoinq otf in the
middle o~` the night.
Mr. Andereon eaid he di.d n~t thlnk their cammente were well tbken at thle type
of heeri.ng and there wae no evidence to eugqeat that the number of petrons
would be increasecl by their requested uee. He stated he and h;a cllent had
met with Mx. Paul 3inger todey Go diacuas the fact thet Exhibit No. 1 had been
altered alightly and the siqn et L•he entrence closest ta the+ building would be
an entranca only siqn and the entrance furtherest awey from the building r+ould
hnve en exit only sign with errcwo in the eppropriate direction painted on the
pavem~nt. He seid Mr. Sinqer wes in concurrence that would allc~viate the
probl.em he hed eerli.er envieioned.
Commissioner Herbst atated thia was ths proper pl~ce for some~ne to brinq u~
the fact a perticular uae was annoying end disturbinq to them.
Coannis~aion expreseed thelr conce~rns with the problems thie ~stabliahment wes
Chaircaan Bushore noted it Was proper for the Commission to aek for certain
conditinne, so they could Approve a perticuler uae. He said they needed to
determine if the rcqueated uee would add or detract froai the current probletna.
Mr. Anderson eaid the lood eervice at the preeent tic~e wae very limited. He
gaid his client wae ready to take whatever reaaonable ateps were neceaeary to
eliminate eny complninta by the neiqhbors, in terme of excessive noise or
other problems that aiiqht be enviaioned. He aaid that perhaps a~ aiqn on the
pramises requesting the patrons to mi~iiaize thQir noiae when lenvinq would be
of saae benefit.
Coam~issioner xing a~id perh~ps a block wall along the alley property line
~-ight help aolve the probimm.
Glen Oliver, 2083 Silean Drive, llnaheioa, stated he did not think a blxk Nall
would alleviete the problead. `
~ ~~~
MINUT~B, 1W11HE2M CZTY PLANNiNG COMMI88ION, June 28, 1982 Paq~ 82-376
Connn.io~ioner earne~ etated she lelt e biock MAll miqht help eliatinata oome o!
thA noise in the alloy. She asked h~r th~y proposed to alleviete noise coming
o»t o~ ths bex.
I~tr. Oliver ssid ha did not heve the doar open but sametima~ patrons would open
the door when the band was pla~yinq. He eAid he did not wnnt to get into the
expense of putti~q up p b~.pClt wall. He ~oted there weo ~thar traffic goinq up
and down the alley b~sidea hie cuatomere. He saiQ if he hed ta eliminete
parkinq atells !oz a block well he woul.d lo~e customere.
Chairmen Bushore aaid if the eniddle parl:inq Rtella were moved forwerd where
the applicnnt n~w had nothing, it would crmate e u•ahsped parking lot with the
tratfic qoinq out ~nto Buclid rather thnn the a21ey. He also noted thdt the
City doee hava n sound ordinance and that nolee cannot exreed ~artein decibele.
Mr. Olivor raqueetad e twa-week continuanc~.
AC'PIONr Caamtiesion~z Barnes offered a motion, Aeconded by Coamiiasioner Fry
+~n3 MOTIpN C7~RRiED, that the 1lnehelm City Planning Comrniseion doeet hereby
continue consideretion o~ the eforetaentf.oned item to khe reqularly-acheduled
meetinq of July 12, 1982, et the requeet of the petitioner.
Chairmen 8uehora pa].nted out to those present in opposition that no naw notice
would be eenk nnd edvieRd them to cnll the Planning Depertment to be aure the
item would be on the Ju1y 1Zth eqende.
AnAhgim, C11 93805. 11GENT: JOHN VpGT, p.0. Box 249, E1 Toro, CA 92630.
Property described ae an irregulerly-ehaped parcel o! land consieting o!
approximetely 1.25 ncres, 512 Enet Vera~ont l~venue.
Thare were approximately fivQ people indicatinq their preeence in oppoaition
to subject request, and althouqh the steff report was not read, it is referred
to an~ atade a part of the minutee.
~ ~;~ ,,,,~
MINUTE8, ANANEIM CITY PLJINN1NCi COMMi8SiON, Jun• Z8, 1902 Paqe 82-~77
Willism Toormina, said he and hi• ~~th~r Yinc~nt awn~d th~ prop~-rty a t Sl~t
1Cast V~rmont ~nd not~d th~y were here with a"cirendiether" situ~tion in t~rma
o! the propsrt. ~+ patt u~e. Ns s~id th~ir lirm had occupi~d the proper ty !or
epproxitnately thtrty yeero but now Nish~d to rent the lacility eo they h~d
m~vod to e new locetion. N~ seid th~y w~re not ankinq tor anx exceptions that
had not been given to other Wusin~ssea. He noted thi~ ~it• would be en cl.oeed
with e 6-loot hiqh chatn link fenc~. Hs said the building wes currentl y
run-dor+n but would be repainted end th~y would b~ replectng th• planter boxns
in the lront o! th• buildinq. H~ seid etelL reconm~ended they move the
eseterly lence htsck approxiatately 40 feett however, that sree would not be
uaed sa en antrRnce or ex.it axcep~ in caae of nn eme:,~~ncy. H• aaid th~ tow
truck would be uainq Lhe weetern ~rtion of the property t~a enter Rnd thet th~
qet~ wee back 50 feet lrom the atreee. He eeid he would like the lanas cepinq
t~erm ecross tho front be poetponed until thoy developed the property !u rther
and at that time tt~ey would demolieh the srructure whlch i• there and build e
new modern induetriel type building. I1e e~id they would be cleeninq up the
exieting landocapinq.
JoF~n Voqt, Cednr Ridge, Irvine, aqent for landloa•d xnC tenent, wee pres ent to
nnawor questione.
Devid Markin, Vice-Preeident en3 Controller of Jnter~tete ~ngineerinq, said he
was familier with the "Gzendtathar" cleuse. He sa.td Intorgtnte owned s evAn
buildinqs on Vermont Avenue, repreeenting nn investment of eeverel mill lone o!
doller~. He said they hAd ~ombined with interetnte Electro~~ice snc5 were proud
of their !`acility and they would brinq pote~ntial cui ,~c~era to touz the
tecility. He said they etrongly objected to the petitionara proposal and felt
tihe petitioner sho+~ld he sub~ect to the same conditione ea other bueine ~see in
the erea~. He seid the "Grsndtether" clauae shoul~! not be paased onto n ew
Rich 8eamus, (Secretery coulcf no! verify name) Qcecutive 1ldminiatretor !or
Interatate Electronica, aaid they have apent a qroat deal ot caney each yeer
in twth desiqning and fnaintnininq lendsceping for aosthetic appearmnce and
pleaeing surroundinc,~s bc~th for the locel ~ople +~nd amployaea working
conditiona. HQ said they viqorouely objected to the request that the
landsceping eetback tae waived. He sai~ he was concerned about eafety. He
nated, on occasions, they have had vehicle loadiny truake in the "no parkinq"
zone, unloading cara end encroeching on Lheir eqrees nnd inqresa ceusin g
employees t~ go into the wrong elAn of the drive to qet out et which po int
they r~re unable to see. He said this wa,a detinite2y a siqnificant aafaty
hesar.d. He seid he felt the businese qoinq into that location would need e
high fence nnd protection aqai~et acxneone en•arlnq the property and damaginq
Mir. Beamu• submittad pho~oa for the reco:d, which were ~aken last Friday
marn~ng ~! the petitioner's lence, ehowing how it compared with thoae of the
aurround'ing propertiea.
i+. `
MII~iUT~B, 1W~1NtIM CITY PLJ1NI~lINO COi~iM288ION, June 26, 198Z Psg~ 82-37A
J~cob 61e91a, 75~ N. Topska 8tra~t~ Mahsim, •aid h• had liv~d in 1lnaheim !or
•pproxin-at.ly 30 yaaxa ~nd ha hed rmntel~ ecros• the street lrom this
project. Ne s~iQ he would lika to know if the suto repair shop we~ gainq Co
includs body ~hop, paintinq, etc. N~ eeid he wa• c~nc~rned for the b~n~lit o!
hi~ rentars ebout th. 24•hour tawing ~4rvice. Ha ateted in the past Mhen it
wa~ u~ad ar Anaheia- Disposel, auiny timea employees parked occupyinq the entire
par.king s~ction on hi• eide o! the atreat, leavinq n~ p~ece !or hi• kmnent's
visitors to park. Hs seid h~ would appr~ciete the G~mmisaion takinq theae
it~ma into consider~tion when enekinq their deai.ion.
Mr. Taormina said th~y did not went nny exception~ to ~ny rules or laws in the
City thet had not been qranted to othez propertias in th~ eree. H~e eeid they
adiuired tlie surrounding fneil itiee end thay wi.shed to updete thai.r. n to lo~~k as
qoed. Ne eaid he was not awera of the unloedinq o! vehiclAe in th• "no
parkinq" zone. He eal.d ~her• woul~! b~ nn body or ~ein~ing work done end that
all the parking would ba inslde the fenca. Ha a~id i,t their requmst wes not
approved, they would close the building end lack tha gatea end taaintain it
with no tenante.
Cheiripen 8ushore esked petitioner ta respond to the que~tion raqxrdi~q 24-hour
Mr. Teormina eeid that after 1:00 p.m~ tlie tnK truck would be! dispat~h~c! irom
the drivers house. He aaid there wc~uld b~ 71 ~trlpe~d pa-rking npnce~ and the
towinc~ service did not expoct awre than 12 car~ at an,y one kiaie on aite. He
said when a wreck la brouqht to ttie ~ite it is ueually cnoved to en insurance
yard within 2 or 3 dnys.
Chei.rmar. Buahora eRked where the repair ~mrk waa to be done. Mz. Taormina
steted it would be donA in the ^hop area partion ina~de of the buildi.nq.
Chairman Buahore esked if cars brought in efter 7s0~ p.m. miqht be unloade~l in
the beck of the facilitie• and Mr. Tar~rmina replied yes.
Coa~lsaioner lCiny said hm did nat like the candit~on af the lence a~nd he v+ould
ssk that it a11 be brouqhC up to etandard.
C~anaisaloner Herbst ~tated Mr. Tnore~ina aea putting in e new iecil.ity that
cou1Q be thera for years ~-nd he wanted to knc~w why lt could not be l~ndaceped
to Coda.
Mr. Taormina aaid they could, but they would be e~iminatinq the tront parking
Commissionsr He~'at sa~.d i! the praperty wa~ praperly Ncreen~d with ~ new
fenaa includl.nq alaks, landecaped in lront with e~Ate satback, yau r+ould have
drivaway acc~AS so you would not have to park in the atxeet.
Mr. T~c~ra+ina nated ther~e .rar a w~ll in thet lc~cation. Ha seid thay would bQ
willing to put in ~ bar~n, it th~~ is what tho Cc~a~iaaion wiohad, ?xr~t h• talt
thsy would bd 1~lt Mith an •tfici~nL parkir-q lot.
Cow~ission discusssd variow alta~astivss with rssp~ct to la~~scapinq and
P~~4 •
MINtlT88, l1NAHtIM CrTY PL11N1~1INti CONMISBYON, Jun~ ~8, 1992 P~q~ 8Z-379
Mr. T~orain~ r~qus~•tad a two-w~ak centinu~na~ in ordar to subait revi~ed plano.
ACTIOt~Ie Coaunis~ioner McBurnAy o!l~red a tnotion, secanded hy Cammi~sioner !'ry
and MOTION Cl1RRIaD, thet th• Anahaim City Planninq Cotemistion doaa h~raby
continue consid~retion o! the alorsmentionad item to th• reqularly-~ch~duled
meeting o! July 12, ~~992, st the reque~t o! the petitioner.
Chairman 8ustiara pointed out tn those praaent in opporition that no new natice
would be ~ant out end advi~ed them to cell the Piann.ing Department t~ be eur~
the item ~rould be on the July 12th aqende.
ITB~M N0. 10
The following Reporte and Recommendationn ataff reporta were presented but not
A. CUNbITI0N11L USE PERMIT N0. 2211 - Requeat f~r extenaion oP time Prr~n
Williarn E. Uhl for property located at the south~aet corner of
Frontere 8treet end Gleaeell 8treet.
1-CTION: CoQaniaaloner 1Cinq otfered a c-otion, seconded by Comtn.tesioner
Fry end MOT20N CARRILn, th.~• '~^ Anaheim City Plnnninq Coa~nission
doea hereby qrent a~ retroectiv•~ ~~.~e-y~ar extension of time for
Conditional Use Permit No. 2211 to expire on Flay 1B, 1983.
8. CONDITZONI-L US8 PERMI'~ NO. 2238 - Raquest !~r extenaion of time from
Roqer C. Stull f~r property lx~ted et 1776 Weet Penhell Way.
ACTIOI~: Cotaaieeioner Kinq offered e n~tion, aeconded by Conm~issioner
Fry and MOTION C1~RRIED, that the Anaheia~ City Planning CoamaiASion
doos hereby qrant a one-yeaz extension o! time !or Conditional Uee
Pormit No. 2238 to expire on July 27, 1983.
C. CUNDITIONIIL USE PERMIT NO. 2098 - Reque~st for termination trom Mel
Goldemith for property located at 1520 N. Lenwn Street.
Commiasioner 1Cinq oftered Resolution Ne. PC82-130 and awved for its
pessaqe and adoption that the Mah~im City Planning Coanaiesian does
hereby t~erniine~te Conditional Use Permit No. 2098.
On roll call, the loreqoinq reeolutioa waa pasaed by the followinq
~ ~ ~~ ~.:~
MINt1R'~8, J1N11HExM CITY PLANNINfi ~W~WI88ION~ June 28, 1982 P~ge 8~-380
D. V1IRIANCE N0. 464 - RRq~e~ti !or t~rmination lrom Meurice
Finto !or proporty locatad at 914 S. Harbor 8oulevsrd.
11GTZONt Co~atni~~ionsr Kinq o!l~red R~aolution No. PCBZ-131
and~movad !or ita passaqe and edoption thet the llndh~im
City Planninq C~mmission dcses her~by tertainate Verianca No.
On roll ca~l, tha lore going resolution wae pea,~ed by the
tollowing vote:
E. VARIANCS N0. 3277 - Nunc Pro 'i'~~nc Resalution to correct
Reeolution No. PC82~96 pertatn~ng to Snvirr~nmentel Imgect
ACTION: Coraoalasionez King offazed Re~.~lution No. PC82-132
nnd a~oved !~r its pes~sage and edoption thdt the Anah~im
City P1Anninq Commiasion edopt the ebove-mentionnd
resolution thsr~by a~ndinq Reaolutlon No. PC82-86.
F. RECIJ188IFIC11TZOt~I N0. 81-82-18 - Nunc Pro Tunc ltesolvtian
daletinq Condition Nc~. 13 ot Resolution No. PC82-.104
pertaininy to ehsred access.
ACTION: Coaa~iesioner King offered Ftee~lution No. PC82-134
snd moved tar its paa saqe end edoption thet the Anaheim
City Plsnn~r~q Commiss~er~ adopt the ebove-mentioned
reaolution thereby de 2eting Condition Nu. 13 of PC82-104.
Gonaniseioner Bouas olfered a motlon, •econded by Cocamisnioner Fry
and MOTIOl~1 C7IRRIED, that Chairs~en BUBhAfe be nppo.inted to the Ferks,
and Recreatfon Con~i~sian.
It Mas the qe~neral. canc.naus ot the Coaimission that Chairmnn 8ushare
and Coeamiasion~r MeBurney vou 1 d atte~d th~ Leaqua of Citien ~eting.
~ ~~ :
MINUTEB, 1hN71HL~IM CITY PL1-t~it~lxNG COMMI88ION, Juns 28, 198~ Paqe 82-381
O!' 1.98Z•8
it was no~sd ths termp of
Tempar~ end S~ar~tary o!
expi.res on Juna 30, 1982•
raid o!licere.
pM7-N, CH71IW~111N PRO
ot~'i ce !or th~ Chairau-n, Chairman Pro
the Aneheim Ci.ty Planninq Comn~ission
~nd theretors, it we~ in orAer to slect
It was the qsnaral concansus ~rChairtaa ~n iesion that Cortanissioner
Herbet should act se tenaporerY
C!{11IRM1-N - Tamporery Chairmen Flerbst noted that naninetions war~ in
orrlar for the o!lice o! Chairman o! the Maheim City Plenning
Coam-iseion far the 1982-83 fiecal year.
Cocmmieeioner Bouas numinated C~miniseioner Fry as Chairmen.
Coauniseioner King ofter~d a muti~n, eeconded by ConnniASioner Boues
end MOT20N CAPRILD thAt tha nominetions be end hereby ere alused.
Comn-issioner 9arnes oftered a motion, seconded by raamissioner
McBurnoisAel cted~ChairmanDof theMAn+~heimhCity~PlanninqgCon~niseionnd
for the 1962-83 fiacal yeer.
Chairmnn Fry aRSUmed the ChRir.
CHAZRMAN PRO TEKPpR~ -~ai1°~^ ~y noted thet nonsinationa aare in
order !or tha olfic~ of Cheirmen Pro Tempore o! the Aneheim City
planninq Coma-iasion for the 1987.-83 tiacal yar~r.
Comotiesioner 8uehare nomi.n+~ted Coaauia~inner Bouaa es Chaireaan Pro
Teutpore .
Caa~n-issioner 1Cing off~red a motion, seconded by Coe~nissioner. Barne~
snd MO'.~IOt~1 CARRIEb. thet the nc~minati~ns be and hpreby are cloeed.
Co~ai~~ioner Auahore ottered e nation, second~d Dy Cemm.i~eloner ICinq
end MOTION GARRIED VNAl~Ii~d'JSLY thet C~aa-issioner Bouea b9 and hareby
ia electaA Chairwoaaan Pro Teaipore o! the Mahelu City Planninq
Camaission !or the 19B2-83 tiscsl year.
Chairman Fry noted that~h: ~ c~Ynpldnning Commissionr ~or the aftice
o! Searstary oi the 1-n
Cap~ml~sionar 8arnas noainated 1Cdith Harzie as Sacr~taxy.
Cotoa-is~loner Bo~.u~s otfere8 • awtion, swcond~d by Comais~lyn~r 1Cin9
and MQTION G-RRZE6• tha,t the ~o~altu~tion~ be w~d har~by a~re clo~~d.
Co^re~is~ionar 8u~hore otterod s w~tion, ~eco~dir~ bY ~ooaisalonar 1CSnq
~riQ ~Iaq GJ~, ~y ~pAtillWt38LY th~t 6dith HarYi• be and h~raby 1•
i~~ ~aheia ~ity plannl.np Cwu~i,saion t~ax tha
~lected eecrstary o ~
1982-83 f ~.sc~.l ywrr .
i. . -
..., ~
Paq~ e~-3A~
N2NtT1~~ 11N1~~M CITY PtaNNSNO C~+~MISS2~' J~t Z8~ 1982
~(t~~ Th~r• b~inq oo ~urth~r bu~in~s~o~°~ian~rn~llou~~r~na
pl~~r~a s t~otion, .•cona.e by
IqTION CA1tAI1R~~ that th• a~ekinq b~ adjourn~d.
'~h• w~Mtinq wa• ad ja~urn~d sL 4 ~~5 p.m• to 6 t i-0 p•m• ,
July 6, 1982, ~+ork •eeslon to t~ h~id in th~
aonfer~no~ room ~t tha 71Mhc.ia Stedium.
pS t lta
Re~psctfully •ubaittsd,
a~mala Starn~s, Secr~tary Pro T~a~pore
Maheim City i'lsnninq Coorais,~ion