Minutes-PC 1982/07/06~r ~
July 6, 1982
Meeting called to orcler at 6~30 p.m. by Ch~itman Pro T~~}~re Bouea.
OTHERB PR88ENT: Ron Thumpac-n, Planninq birector
Jdel Fick, 1lssistsnt Planning Director
Peul Sinqer, Tr~ttia Snqine~r
Jeck Wtiite, 1lssistant City Attornay
Sdith Herri.e, Plenninq Ccx~ioeian Seczetery
Joel Fl.ck, l~asittant Director for. Planning, preeented sxhibit~ nnd explained
ti~e Ca?x~t, Cebot s~ Porbee propc~sed 1.9 mi111an a~quare l~aet of offica ipec~s
developnent plenned tor the Orangewood pnrtion ~a! tt,e area, pointinq out khe
main entranre ot the Stedium will be on thn eeat sidot thet 27p0 rar.kinq
~pacee will be displaced an the Orenq~wood eite nnd parklny qer~qae wi11 be
aonstructed to provide re.plecement parkinqt that they are lookinq et 3 parkinq
opecea per 1,000 ~quere toet ot ~ttice sp~ece with a possible reduction in the
tuture depending on com~,art cfire, et.c. He explained the dAVelopnent will be
done i~ phases over a 12-year perir~d, depending on the a~arket.
Mz. Fick explai~e+d Che developer will be looking to the Planning ~ondnisaion
for epprovel of the concept and reelly went to leave o~aon the apecific
architectural plans.
He explained they are planning about 80,Q00 squere feet of aupport coaaaercial
epace for resteurante, etc.
~'lanning nirector TLon Thompeon explained Cebc~t, Cebot b F~rbee want their
oriqinel leane axtended primerily !or the purpose af r~negatieting a better
deal and reterred to the 22-acre parcel originally praposed !or a sports arene
for basketball, etc. and e rtiajor hotel. He also explainad a caaenuter halipott
operation and elso tha fixed rail to interface with the AMTR1Ut etation are
propoaed. He e~cplained the City is currently rensqatiatinq the les~e with
CCxF and it is clnae to baing completed. He explained PB~R will be aubmitting
the environmental icapeCt r~port in the near tuture.
Joel Fick expl~ined CCiF wi11 make a future presentation of the project to the
Planni.nq Co~ission.
Ran Tho~apson expleined the r.eneqotiated lease will make a better aanetary
return ~or the aity b~ceuse even though tha property is sold, the city will
receive rent or- it. He axplained this 22-ecre parcel was part of the packaqe
which attracted the Rams to Maheim.
Goami~sioaer Herbst askad abaut the treftic lapact on drangewood, indicating
it appears there will be a lot ot traftic dwapsd onto Ora~geaood and esked i!
a frsawey raap ia baing prnposed.
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Paul Sir-q~r, Traliic Enqinesr, •xpleinwd th~ criticsl azss~ o! concern !or
thi.s dev~lopment will be circula~ion, pazking and acr,ess. He edded afficea
will c;anar~ke tac~r~ u!licss end h~ visu~lite~ thi~ es a hi.qh-rie• offic• area,
and circulstion ~+il.l be very coa-plex and ~utficient circul~tion aiu~t be
plenned. H• explainad OrengaMOOd could n~e handle ell tha tretfic ii it ws•
all dutaped onto it at on• timet thet edAi.tionel parkinq structuree will be
butl! on sit• anQ soa~e o! the treffic: wila. t~e coming and qoinq at Che same
time, and Xslerr.ed to e M~ndey night lootball. qeme ~tertinq et the se-me time
people are qettinq o!! work in the a~rea. He ate~ted ~qei.n thi.s cir~culati4n
will.Tiave to be thou~ht thxough very carefully, eugqestiny etsqq9xed houre
will hsve to be consid~red, etc. Ne ~teted he wi.ll be aeking the Commiasio~
to conei~er this vA•y caref~illy when they review tha SIR and tre!!ic otudiee.
Mr. Sinqer continued that 1.9 cn1111on squaro fee~ ot n!lice arace~ will
qenerate a lot af vehiclesi Cttiet the devel~per hea done nome etudieB end thay
heve a lidt of 27 ott-site improvementa coetinq approximet.ely ~4 m.illion, such
ns widening the Orangewood bridge and addinq e treffic signal Rt e m+~in
locetion end poeeibly an interior locetion. Hc stated the City 1s currently
under construction for a~650,OOU off-site impr~vemAnt consisting of
crnnputericed aignalization uf Orangewood, SteCo Collqe, Katelle and Orenge.
He explained this eiqnelizetion wil.l be autometicAlly camputed and aignale
ed~ueted es influxes ~f incominq and outqoing traftic are aenaed.
Mr. Thom~9on expleined other pogait,ilities for sccese lnto the area are bQing
considered, euch as Nawoll Stre~t.
Commiesioner Herbet asked the sCatue nf the 11i~I'RJ1K etRtion, with Mr ~ Fick
reeponding it iA expected t~ be ~~nder conetruction p~saibly in September. Rnn
Thdnpeon stated th~:~ 3tate did nat prec~as thn City's leet request for en
extension which hea c;sueed a del.ay, bvt Al~l1'RAK hae aqreed to stop in ~nAheim
Ccmm-iseioner llerbst aekecl 1! CC&F has a starting dete, and Mr. Fick r.eplied
they are indiceting they could potencially be leasing office epace wi~thin
1-1/2 years atter epproval. Tfie trafltc situation wns briefly diacuaaed, with
Mr. 8inqer replying they will have to have e qood iden o! the requiremente
betore atarting conetruction. Conm~isaloner Bushorc indicated ha did not think
the trelfic aituation ti+ould !~e as critical with construction eterting on
Orenqewood, as it wonl.d stnrting on Stato College. Mr. Singer stated he was
r~ot concerned with this particular development itselP, but with wt~nt it will
generate. He atated the conetruction of theae office canplexee will r~dd
traffic to the 57 freeway and consideretion will have to be give~ initially to
much a-ore than just thie one area. He stated the City will have to start
pushing for the extension of the 57 freeway dovm to the belach.
Joel Fick stated CC6F vill initially be aubo~ittinq a cand~tianal use permit
request to permit hiqh-r:.se offices, their maeter plnn of development and a
development agreement tor the t?ranqewood site to the Planninq Caain.iasion for
their approvel.
Ron Thompson explained the City's contraat with the Anqele requiroe 12,000
perkinq epaGes p~,r year, and the Ram's contract xequirea 3,600 a-ore spaces,
but the Ram'e avmer can waive thet reqvire~ment if it worka to her benefit. He
added the City vill have ~lexibility to put in replacea~ent parkinq•
`il ~ ~r•r ~ ~~ ~.J' ~ti--~
Cominirsionor H~rbst stat~d du~inq onnr~ruoLion, ehs immadi~te probl~m will b~
parkinq !or Raai'~ lootMll qaaa~. t~tr. Thcmp~on sxgl~ln~d rspl~o~nt ~rkinq
will b~ aon~truo~~d, but th~ City will b~ enkitlsd Co us• th• parkinq
atructuro~ durinq prms~.
Reqardinq th~ ~IR, Mr. ~'ick acplain~d it is continually b~inq upd~t~d and i•
v~zy ccapz•henaiv~. C~auni~sioner Herb~t ~uqQested that a work ss~~ion be held
to r~vi~W the ~nvironmsnt~l impsot r~post~ b~far~ it i• con~id~red at a publ~ic
hedrinq du~ to i!~ cc~-laxity. Mr. 81ng~r ~xpisined tho r~pori v-ill •ncaapa~•
th• ~rea b*tw~~n Ch~pm~n and A+~11 and 7-nahala aoulsvard with l~atella oro~~inq
and 1~~ thouqht to Nsin Streat in th• Or~nye area. N~ stated th• tratfic in
the Conv~ntion C~ntar dnd Di~neylsnd er~s will not ba ntl~vted.
Joel Fi~k explained ths considaration !or a a~~~ox hotel on th• Ornnq~wood aits
has been ebandoned at thi~ tim~ du~ to the oth~r hotel sctivity going on in
R'he me~ting wes ad journe~! at 7 e 15 p.m.
Reepectfully auba~itted,
Sdith L. Harris, 8ecretery
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