Minutes-PC 1982/07/26~ ~
~. ' ~ ~ ~
Rll~UL71R MEETING The reqular meeting o! tha An~haim ~ity Planninq Coern.i~eion was
call d Co ordar by Chairv+an !-ry •t 10:00 •.~n. , July 26, 1982,
in the Cnuncil Chawber, e c~-or.u~a beinq present and the
Coa~niesion zeviewed plens o! th~ item~ on todey'~ aqencla.
PR88ENT Chsirmans !'ry
Commiealonsre: itarna~, 8ouns, Huahore, Narbwt, Kinq, McBurn~sy
A88LNT Commi~eion~rs: None
ALSO PRF3ENT 1-nnike S~ntelnhti
Frank I.owry
Mac Slauqhtar
Jey Titue
Peul 8lnqer
Denn Shorer
l~endre Morriea
eob Kellay
~dith Harrie
1-asistent pirector for Zaninq
Seni~r ]~~eiotent City Jlttorne,y
Deputy City 1-ttorney
Office Sngineer
Traffic Enqin~er
Aasistant Plenner
Aaeietant Planner
Aesociate Planner
Cammu~ity Develonment Specialist
Plenning Cnpuaiseion Secretery
PLF.DGE OF ALL8GIIWCE TO TNE FL11G T.l;p HYs Coaenisaioner Fry
Chairman Fry conqr.:.ulatad Cherlene Barnee on hor rec~nt marrieqe and
expJained her n~me ia now Charlene i,s Claire.
11PPAUVIIL Ol~ MINtP!'~S: Com~aiseioner King oftered n nwtion, seconded by
Commissioner McBurnay an~ MOfiSON ~11RRIED, that the n~inut~a of the~ m~eting of
July 12, 1982, be epproved es eubmitted.
11ND TL~NTATIVL M11P O~' TR11CT NO. 11818
PUBLIC H8/1RING. OWNSR: FIELD89'ON8 COl~ItNY, 13 Corporate Plaza, Newpart
Heach, CA 92660. Fraperty ia daacribed as an irrequ2erly-shaped p.~rctl of
land consiating of epproximetely 9.96 acree located t tha northrroat cornar of
Rosmeya Drive and Coronet 1-vnnue, havinq apprexiaaate trontagea o! 200 ta~t on
tha north aide af Roan~ye Driv~ and 1<95 tuet on the south side of Coronet
Avemie anfl an irreqularly-ahaped paresl of land ~t tha southeaet corner o!
Medical Center ~rive and Coronet ]lvaaue.
Request to ree~ubdivide previouely eppraved Tentative Tract No. 11637 co
eetablish e 7•• ^-t, 105-unit condaminium ~ubalivision.
The,re wa~s no ene indiceting thair pr~senca in oppaaition to subject requ~ak
and elthough the at~t! raport to the Plsnninq Caminiusion ras not read at the
public hearinq, it i~ rRterred to rnd awde a part ot th• minutas.
U+~vs L+~ngloia, repr~a~ntinq !'ialdstone Company, axple:ned thay are r~qu~~tinq
to divid~ Lhi• propwrty in ordar to develop it in incra.•snts snd explain~d
they hav~ workad out •greem~nt• with th~ City Council and homeown~r
a~~ociation, vrhich have bean aco~ptad by boLh sides. H~ rsqu~eted thst
Canditian• No. 19 threuqh 27 be daleted inaemuch as they peztain to the
syr~em~nt which thay heva worksA out with th~ CiLy Council.
Dean Bherer, 1-i~i~tant P:annhr, explained •tetf does concur vith deletinq
Cond.ttion~t No. 19 through 27 and aould requeot thst s new cond:tion be added
wherain the trsct wculd t,e approved s::bject to the eqreed upon condit'ons and
etipulstiona of an aqraeuiant between the appllcAnt and the City o!. 1lnaheim,
det~d July 6, 1982.
It wae noted thet Enviruna~et-tal Impact R~+port No. 113 wes previoualy appravea
by the~ City Cauncil March 1F, 1974, in conjunction wiCh approv~l af the
1-nahein~ 3horee 1Planned C~mm~un ity .
11CTZONs C~emniaaloner Nerbst oftezed e neotion, eeconded by Commisaioner Souae
end MOTION CJIRRI.ED, that the 1lnaheim City Planning Coaunisaion doen hereby find
that propo0ed subdivigian, toqether with ity desiqn and in~provemant, is
consietent with the City of Anaheim Genere2 Plen, purauant to GovernmRnt Code
Section 66473.Si end doea, theref~~re, e~piove Tentative t~p of Tract No. 11818
tor r~ 7-lot, 105 unit condoa-ir.lua- 8ubdivision e~ubject cn the fallowing
1. That the approval of Tentative Ml~p of Trect No. 11918 la grantad
sub~ect to the appr.ovel of Variance No. 3Z38.
2. Thnt should thia subdivision bs devalopad as more than one
eubdivision, Qach aubdivi.eion thereof ehsll tx eubmik*ed in tentative
form for approva:.
3. Thet nll lots within ~his trsct shall b~e eerved by underqround
a. Tt~at the :~riginal docum~ents of the covenai,ts, condit.ions, and
roatrictions end a letter addreesed to tha developer's title coapany
authorizinq recordation thereof, shall ba sub~aittod to the C:ty
l-ttorn~y"s Otfice and epproved by City 1-Ctorney'a Oftica, Public
Utilitiee Depe~rttaent, Suilding Division, and Lhe Enqinaerinq Division
prior t~ the final tract sap approvul. Seid docua~ente, as epproved,
ehali be recorded in kh~a Ottice o! tha Ordnqa County Rscc~rder.
5. T~et street nemas ah~ll b~ approved by Lhe City Plsnninq t~partaant
prior t4 approvsl o! e linal tract map.
6. That krash otoraga azeas ahall ba provided in accordance vith
approvad plans or. fi.le with the O!lice of the Executive Dirertor ot
Public Norke.
7. That fira hydrante ~ha11 bm inetalled and chazq~d es requir~d anfl
d~tera~ia~d to bs neceasary bp the Chie! o! th~ tire D~partsient prior
tb co~su~nc~t~t ot strurtaral lraainq.
~ I ~' .l Y
MINtJT~B, 11NAH1~IM CI'PY PLIINNING COltM1I88ION, JULY 26, 1982 82-370
9. That di•sinage of subject property ahell ba disposed o! in s manner
satisl~atory tc- th• Cit1~ Enqineer.
9• Th~t ~ha own~r o! •ub j~ct proparty a}iall psy tn the City ot 11n+~hoim
th• approprieCe park end racrsation in-li~u tean ~s daterralned t~ be
~ppropriete by the City Council, said fse• to be paid at the titn~ the
Lmildinq permit le i~sueQ.
10. That all ~+rivet~ ~treeta shell be devalop~d in eccordence with tho
city of Anaheim's Stendard Detail No. 122 !ar priv~te etreet~,
in••~uAinq installetiun o! streat name eigns. Plene !or the private
~,~reet lighting, a. required by the~ etandard detail, aha11 b~
eub~nitted to the euildinq Division for approval enrf incluelon with
the buildir.q plene prior to iaeuance a! buildinq ~rmits. (Private
streets nre those which provide~ primary ecce~o a/or circulation
within the pr~~jeat. )
11. I! perutnnanC atreet naroe aiqns heve not been installed, t~mpa:ery
etreet neme aiqms ahall ba in~talled prior to any occupancy.
12. That the owner(e) of. subjact prepetty ehell pay the traffic siqnal
aaaesumdnt !ee (Ordin~nca No. 3896), in a~: uaount ea determined Dy
ct~e City Cnuncil, for each now dwellinq unit prior to the iasuance o!
e buildinq parmit.
13. That eppr~priatm weter asaessa~ant teea ae deteraain~d by the ulficg e!
Utilitiee Generel Mnneqer shsll b~e paid to the C1ty nf Aneheita pri~r
to t1~e iseuance o! a building perml.t.
14. That prior to i~nuance oP buildl.nq permits, the epplicant sh+~ll
pr~eent evidence eatiafactory to the Chief Bui:ding Inspector thet
the propc~,sed pro~PCt Su in cc~nlormenc;e with Council Policy Number
542, Snund At.tenua~ian in Residential Prniects.
15. Thnt prior to iseuence o! building perw~ita, the epplicant she11
preaent evidence eatiefactory to thn Chie~ Buildinq Inapactor that
the uni,.s wil.l be in contora~anae with Noioe Insuletf.on Stenderd•
specified in the Celitornis 11c~ainiatrative Code, Title 25.
16. Thet the propoeed ~ubdivision ehall provide, to th• axttnt faaaible,
!or pas~ivs or natural heating and coc~ling opportunitiae.
17. Thst tre~th ~toreg~ ax~er p}1l111 be providad in accardanca Mlth
approved plane on file with kha Olficd nt rhe Executive Director o!
Pulalic Marko.
18. Thet ~ubj~ct property shall be rarv~d t~y undarqround utiliti~s.
19. Tl~et subjsct tr~ct appxov~l i~ •ubject to aqreed upon atipulations
and aqreawnt betwe~n th~ devalopar/ovner end th~ City ot Jlnaheiai,
o~id aqrserant and c~nditians having been approvod on July 6, 1992,
by the City Council.
s ~
KINUTSg, 1W11q~IM CITY PLJ11~fliIT,G COMM2882~1, Ji1I.Y 26, 1982
Cow~ais~ioner 8unhor• e~ked *~i~a~ i~ plann~A f~,r Racraa~ion L.c~t Nn• 6~nd I,ot
No. 7 witJ~ Mr. L~-nqloi• expl~ininq theae ard smparata lot• bd~~+use it would
~implity prxe~~inq the praject throuqh t;~~ Dep+~rtmwnk o! Rael B~tete. He
sxplal,nsd khere vroulA b~ one oet o! CCilt~ eQminist~ra~ by the hc~neormer'e
associ~tion ~nd thAt Lat No. 7 is an th• oth~r eide of Caron~t Btr~et,
adj~c~nt to th• Madicsl Cantnr parking lot and it would probably be deeded to
th4 Msdical Center.
l~V ~ .r~.r
PU9LIC HEIIRING. OWtiERs G~OPGE M. KU80, 2988 Lynroeee UrivR, Anaheim, C11
9280A. 11GENTs TH8 81-RISIC COM[P11NY, 180U2 9kypRrk Clrcle, Irv~ne, C11 92714.
Property ia de,scribe+d es a rectengulerly-shaped p~rcel ot lend coneieting of
~pproximately 1.7 acre4 lacated at the northArly terminue o! Hayr+ard 8tr.eet,
721 South HeACh Souleverd.
Request to conetruct e 35-unit effordable condoeninium co~aplex with waiveza of:
a) aainimwa lat eree per daellinq unit, b) a-aximu~n atructurel height, c)
minimum inndecaped setb+dck, d) minimu~~ eideyerd eetbeck, e) Mininnia-
recreation-lei~~ure ar.ee and f? require~ aczeaninq of parkinq fecilitiee.
There were two persona incilcetiny their preeence in oppc~eitlon to subject
request and ~lthouqh the att~ff. r~~port to the Planning Cotarniasior aea not read
at the public t~earinq, it is referred t~ end mede e pert of the minutoe.
Jim Bar.~sic, aqr~nt, stated he haa canplc+Ced hie firat effordable project in
the City ~.° ~-r~aheim, "Cinnamon Hc~llow" on Citron 5tre+st, which wae the first
new a!lordeb:~ housfng ds+velopc~d end wae n vety eucceeaful project. He
expleined thie property lies just to the eouth of a 60-unit condoa-inium which
they are curr~sT~:ly conBtruc*.inq called "Wind River", o! which 1/2 of the unita
are etacked flr- unite deeiyned for the first time buyer.
Mr. Bari.sic Rxplnined ac~ese ta thie project vould be HAyr+ard Street and Ron-e
~lvenue out to We~tern llv~nues thst they would like to build 35 awderntely
pricad condaminitms to~~ f.iret titn~ buy~ret that people are willing to accept
that lif~style if ... au,xna the opportunity to own their own hame and that they
are ottering ceztein ettwnitiee euch as air-conditioninq, fireplaces, etc., and
that he likee~ the site heceuae oP ita rnsidential charmcter and acceae. Ne
st~sted thera ia a lar,qe atrawberry field adjacent to this property to the west
Nhich irt master planned !or mndium density reeidential and t~- the second
vacant parcel will be a p+srking lot f~r en adjacent motel. He ~tated t is
property le eurrounded hy hiqh deneity uees, plus AR animel hospitel and
bettinq ceges and it would ba difficult to develop wlChout the veriances.
M2NUTE8, ~1t1~1HEIM CITY Px.J1NNI1~Ki COlM[MIa~IUN, Jt1L.Y 26, 199~ p2-372
Nallace 0'Rei21y, 727 8. Heya~rd Strset, nxplsinod his property adjof.ns
subject praperty on a dssd-end at:~e~t and thera are a lut of l~ttle children
in the neiqhborhood. He steted th• c~unity is basic~lly landlocksd with
str~ets snd this propoaal i• tor 41~ hiqher density ~nd o11 the t.ratlic aould
bR in end out of the ona arm~. He steted khe parkinq would be miniaal and tha
total ~ireinaq~ vrould be out an H~yw~rd 3treet. He •tated e let of vehieleo
ar.+ •;~,inq to be parked outeic~e the ~inite and thay arQ only providing 16
pa~Kinq spaces and a~ll viRitore would be parking in lront of residentiel
r~•operty in the neiqhborhood. He atated they are n~king pertni~sion to have e
i6-foot wide riqht-of-way ~ese~ment fur r.c~nqtructi~n and asked why th~y cot~ld
not qoC inqresa and eqrea~ ~ut o! that proparty. He 4tated he felt thie would
be putting e lot of tratfic into the erea and iC wuuld be hnrd for the Police
end Fire Lk~partmenta to eervice thoae unita N~ aaked it tho garaqes would
heve doora or if they vrould heve r.erports, relatinq to problems wi.th f.ires,
rabberiea, atc. with carports. l~e atdted t~e i~a not in tdvor of tfiase units.
George 8ore11, :~0~'~ Rome, Anaheim eteted he la very m~~ch distur~,ed about the
cul-de-eec being inat~ll.ed et the en~ of Haywerd since t.he Planninq Coamiesion
and City Council eeverel yeaxe aqo agr.eed ko continue Hayward Stzeet. He
state~l he e-qreed that thie project could be n firetrep ~nd v+ill be a hazerd to
the whols cem~nunity. !le poi~~ced out there are garagee propoeed underneath the
condominiutna end if a fira breeka aut in a cer, it would be extz emAly
dangerous. Ne eteted, furthermore, it ie aln-ost one-hslf mile from nny n~ei.n
ntreat and is presently difticult t.o qet out to eeach Boulevard or Ball Road
nnd it ie a lonq way to the Fire De~pertment. He etated they ere concerned
with streeta beinq crowded with weekend lerge vehicles. He- sta~ed 70 or onore
vehicles conteatpleted to cane in end ~at of the project everydey MQ11~,CI be An
exceaeive amount of traftic for the R-1 c:oam~unity. He e~aCed they di.d not buy
n home on ~eech Ac~ulevard or Ball. Rnad and decid~d to buy property in thig
locetion tc~ gat away Prom the t:a~fic conqeetio~~ end are now beinq invited to
pnrticipate in an nddition to their cc~aunlty which ~nauld r.rente ndditional
tralfic. He nteted he •!id not underutand how they could ask for aeven
veriances. He refe~:red to Che chart enclosed with the F'~ft re~j.+ort ahowinq
locetions of low-con~t housing end nnted there ai'e four laceted in thie Area
already and he felt askinq for ~ne ~wrr r+ould be askinq for toc~ cauch becaust
they have had their ahere o! low-cor~t h~~usinq.
Mrs. Borell etated nhe feels very ar_ronqly that t,hi~ propoe~l needa further
study. She atated ~!che thought the undevelop~d property to the west ia owned
!~y the same o~mer ar~d could bn developed end did nat fewl it would be wiae to
put everything in tl~~et Iittl~ drea. She nated they h~ve ~ achool and park in
~h.. area and felt tl~~oae eho~ild be conaider~ed. She statod etie felt Anaheim
does need high de~ne:lty property in eome arena, but did not feel they ehould be
lumped togethez irt c~ne area. Sh~ etated she wcs ld requeat the Planni~-g
Comm~iasion to qive this nome additional study.
Mr. Birieic etated it is hard to caunter the points brought up by peaple who
takg time to c~oa~e davn and exprrss thair protest. He stated he has been on
both sidea ot the iss~e and it ia haxd t~ aeiqh both eiclea. He etated
sometimes the Pic~nninq Coam-isaion Y.as to 'aok at the alt~rnatfve uses that the
proper~ty could be put to because it doea not aLay vacant foraver. He stated
he ia in the business o! trying to provide housing .hat people could aflord to
~ t .,~ ~
F~:. Bari~ic etated ths Kubo family does own tha praperty directly to the eest
but it is leesed to e nur~ary at tht preeent time e~d ths proparty to ths
no:~h ±s oaned by a company af which he is e qen~r31 paztnez end he does not
know who owns the proparty t~ tha veat.
Mr. Barisic etoted t}:~re i^ no queation but Chet thie project wi)1 inrreeee
th• tre!!ic but he was not aure that 25 young couplee woula qenP~ate n
detriwental atnount of traflic end that qv~..~ion would heve to ht+ reterzed to
the City Treffic Enqineer. He noted Cinnemon NQLLOM and W:nd ~tiver Projecta
heve bosn developad with dead-and streetar that this is an in-fill property
with certein canfinemants end khe only ecrrne to Beech Bouleverd would 1~ vte
a 14 qr 15-looe eesement end thet ia not. aetiaf+~etory For provl.ding pertnanent
ingraws and e~rese b~ecaune it ia too nerrow. Ne did not think it would be
passible to get additianel right-oi-way tor ecr.esa to Beach boulevard. He
ateted h~ thouc,~ht the project doea meet City rt:qnirem~nts for parking •nd
etnted there ie no d~u:t that on certain occealonA t:her~ nw.y be exceeaive
parking and that eome pe~~ple mey park on the puT~'+c etrc:rt.A. He added th~t i~e
could Cake eway part of the lendscap.ing dnd open ~pece and add more perking.
Concerninq drainacie, Mr. AeriRic explained t~e juet coenpleted building a catch
basin ju8t to the north in Hayward Street for Lhe project they are developing
to the north and that khe off-site dreinaqe wtll not go any turther than Romo
or Haywnrd Street and there are cntch beaire on both nide4 of Hayw+a=d. Ne
atated the qareqes do all have doore end thet he would never build unita wlth
Reqardinq the comwent that theae u~ita Kould be n fire trap, he statdd he was
not interested .tn building fi..: trepe and tltnt theae projects will be built
enti:ely ro meet the Code requirements of th~r Fire Department, Bvilding, etc..
with twa an-eite fire hydrants. tle eeated theea will be atacked, flet units
and unite will be over the top of the perkir~ spaces end the only other way to
Alleviete that preblem would be to ttiild three-story unita and he did not
think thet woul~l h~ nttractiva and would probably be more ot a f'ze hazerd.
Concerniog treffic, Mr• 8erlaic statsd thay do have an aqreea~ent with the Kubo
family that ~~iring conetructi~n ~ad riuring salee for e twelve-month period,
they will have exclueive rlght to use the esaemcnt for inqreas and eqreae for
conetructian ancl sa~ee purQc,,ee ~nly encl that it would be controlled very
carefvlly and there w+ould not be dirt haulers moving up and dnKn Hayward an~~
Rome Streets durinq construction.
~~ncerning alternate uses for the property, he P~at.ed it could be developed as
a motel, ahich would be a lot less -~rective than n reaidential neiqhborhood,
noting these will be attrective unit and that people purchasina property
rrould take pride in o+ming it. He eteted a porti~n ~f the property is e2reaciy
~ster planned for apartments and he lelt candaminiu~as with private hoaie
~+~+n~rehip would b~ e tar better develo~xnent.
"~, ,~
Commis~ioner 8ushore askad Mr. 8arisic how he would vlew thi• F•t~.~;.:~t as e
City o! Orany~e P].anninq ~onuais~ion~r it it wae beinq propo,ed in that city.
Ha statAd that s con~truction eessment !or salas and ~n~truction i~ b~inq
provided end thet this ~roiect ehould huve two sntrencas~ and that tho earisic
C~mpany doeit contr~l the property to thQ north und has an opportunity to
provida another accesst ~hat he underst~nde he weuld not w+~nt thi• project to
qo throuqh that praject, b~it by the saaae taken,theoe property nwnera do not wanC
ndditional tretfic to qo through their aree. Ne stated tha developer hee the
opportunity to provide that accesa.
Mr. Barisic Axplainod wh~r, he had firet looke~i et thie property three yeere
aqo, n etreet wae ehown qoing throuq~~ ~-nd there wae no Ney the property could
be developedr howaver, after Mr. P{etlo~k purcheAed the property~ thr idee of
axtending the street wae dropped because thRre w4s no reaean to meka .. etreet
ta qa nowhere. He stated if h• ware e Canmieeloner, he would look tor enother
opportunity far inqreaR and eqreea and there ie ~a way to the 1aoa~edietR east or
west, buk the burden of ,.he coat to devml~p tl~e ecc@e~a to the weet could n~t
be borno b,y this pro,:~ct, even if tha landrnmere woul~! epprove it. H~ stated
bince he le develop~ng the property next door, ha would not like an accees
throuqh thor~s becnuso there w~uld be e lot o! people cc~ming in end ~ut. He
steted thle property has hiqh vivibility from Bearh Ekiuleverd, '-~~ if ho wae
buyinq a home, h.~ wauld not went tn liva on Beaut, ~oulgverd. He atated he
euppoAee anythin~: ia poesible and he probably ~•uld ecquire an easetn~nt to
Beach 9oulevard,,f he wes willing to pay snough nwney, but that he could not
put in an accees today because it fe preaently uhder l~~~e.
Conimieaioner euntiore aakhd how ~he deneity bonus could be ~~istified. Ne
etated the Planninq Cama-iasion has hent over beckwards to '~elp the developers
with these effordable projects and have lound out that atter the escrows have
c`.oeed,there ie no conL•rol over khe re-aa:~ anc~ the Cit} Co~~n.:il hes dec.ided
to hold deneity bonuaea to e 25t maximum nnd thnt it h~~a u~en the intent to
see that these projects are not rll put intc; otia erea to make it e hiqh
denaity erea and now this request +e for onp r!qhr next t~~ another ~ne. He
stated there ~re needs in this City for hougleg r,nd thet the Planning
Coamaission is tryinc~ to help create houainq but no ~~ne, can afford to buy the
uni.ts agter they are cona~tructecl r*~d crcatinq housinq has created oth~r
probtems. He etA~ed as lone, as i:. is Cuuncil policy, he would not vote for e,
waiver of thr,t policy.
Mr. Harisic etated tlae m.rket doea not call !or ~125,000 condominiums or
~200,000 aingle-fen-ily hones, but for haueing that people can afford to buy.
He st ~ted evEry th, in~; he is Mrorkinq on ,ov -a qeered towarda FhA and Vl~
financinq pro~.ams and these will be for 30-year fixed rate loa~ns.
Commiasione: Bushore etated ha had votvd for the abendorunent of Hayward 3treet
becau$e it r+AS takinq two sa~aller lota and making one larqe lot. He atateci
the p. ablen~ i~s really created by putting t~o ~eu~h deneity or. that one a:aA and
100 units ie a lot ~f deneaty for that nrea and that. he can see a+ Iot o!
problema created.
Mr. Harisic explained in warking with the Houaing 1~uthority, it was learned if
more than 30• of the unita hava re-sala controls, they could not be fcderelly
linanced. He atated thoy are askinq !or a denaity bonue of 40t and that 25t
would be norwal, eq t}~eir rtiquest i+a e-ctuelly 15f. He atated he aould be
willinq to put re-sale contzole oa 10 of the unite.
MIfiUTEB, 1W1-1iYIN CITY PW-NNINri C014I288ZON, JVT.Y 26, 198Z 82-J75
Canmi~alon~r H~rb~t aak~~ •bout tl~• oriqinal aelling prica~ with Mr. Bazs~ic
axplalninq thay heve qiven prica• to the Hou~tnq Authority nnd he lelt ha wili
ba~ abl• to live with those initi~l price~ with rs-sale control~ dafinitely an
10 0! th~ units. H~ exglein~d tha oriqinel eelling prics~ wauld b~e lrom
lcate 7~damB, Radevalopment 1lqency, explsinad thet no unita would be controlled
originallyt th+~t Mr. Berleic has fndiceted initial seles prices end if h• cen
etick with those pricoe, all units would be aonsidered eftordable at 120• o!
the median incaae in Ortnqe Countv.
Re~pondinq to Cnaaai~si~ner He ~e+~n 3herar explained the propar~y ie under
reaolution ~f intent to R1~1-120U.
Coaanissioner tterbet ateted thie would actuelly be a down-zorinq since
aparLment houa~s could be built on thet property. He added cr~ndominium o~merA
do ehow more interest in tha nren eince they heve actually mado an inveetment.
Comoniseioner Aushore etated under tha ~1~9 rulea if a 41t deneity t~onus waa
granted, there woul.d he reenle contr~l ~n 14.3 units, nnd under the ~ew rules,
1/3 could have reeale controle, or 11,6 unite and Mr. Be:isic hes eaid he wes
ailling to etipu=ete to 10 unfts with r~enle c;ontrols. He adcied he could not
aee any reaeon not to provide an accesa eaaea~ent ainca Hayward Street was
nbandoned making the property more ueehle end valuable and since the same
propezty owner owns the property to the eest..
Cotamissioner MrBurney e..ked the minlmum requirement for a pri.vate street curb-
to-cur.b, with J~y~ Titun, Offic~s Engineer, replyinq it weuld be 28 feet
cur.b-to-curb without eny ~arkinq an the street.
Commieai~ner La Claire steted she wae conrerned about the dreinnqe ~nd the
~raflic but if Haywa~rd doea qo throuqfi, there would be even a-ore traffic. She
asked if the drain~ge issuee+ have t~een aetisfactorily answered.
Jay Titua, Office Enqinoer, replied there ia a catch b+iein just. north o! R~mE
Avenue on the west aido o! HayMex'd Street. He explained it w~-~uld pick up
NAt.~!! fxom thS.e project And the project currently being built ta the north.
Coaoniseioner. HerbRt aaked if any recrertional vehicle parking ia propoeed with
Mr. Barisic repl}• nq that nona is propoaed.
Commiseianer Herbst stated he livze in an ezea whera there is na recreetienal
vehicle parking and realizes aha+t can happent tt~at he would be con4erned about
recreational vehicle pnrking on Hayward Street an9 woald like to aee aomething
done about it. He ata Ad the CC&R s could be worded to not allow parking in
the area and he th~uqht this wae en area Chnt ahould be corrected. Mr.
Barisic stated r~acreational vehicle parking epacRS coul~i be provided.
Cop~is~ioner Herbat ste~ted he thouqht the project hae a lot of inerit but it
should not be developed at the exgenee of other people in th• co~unity. He
stated ha did not think therf io a o+ajor problam with 35 unite and there ia a
nead for aftozdsble houeing•
MINUT~8, AN1~H~IM CI'1'Y FLl1NNIl0(3 Cd+1M-TSSZON, JULY 26, 1982
.7+~y Titus stat~d obvio+~ely thie project would Frut taore traflic onto R~a~e
7lvenua and that th~ streat could handl~ additional tralff.c,but froa+ en overel~
kraffic uelety atendpoint, it would ba nwre hasazdoua to heve aaceas ~!! Reach
than through Roma because of the megnitude ~t traftic currdntly ~n Beech
Commissioner I.a Cl.~ize steted thera are sane drawbe+cks to this pro j~ret ~ that.
ehe i» worriod about the der~sityr 1~awever, it iA 100~ aflord«ble end
aft~rdahla in thie case meens the unit~ aill txi aellinq traen ~77,000 up to
t~bout ~t80,000, which la coneiderAd e~lordnhle in OrangP Count,y, ~nd thet
people buying theae unit^ will hdve to make =15,000 to ~4U.~~Shepateted she
quAlify for lc~ane end this vould not be eubsidized houeinq•
would nqree wich Comn-iseionez I~erbst that if thie project ie deni~d, with the
resolution ot intent to RM-1200, there could be 55 to 60 e~~ertment units
conatructed without any approvAl from this Pler.nlnq Con~-is11~~n nnd there le +~
diffeXence in psrking requir.emen~e in apartmPnte and conclominiumq (Dean Sherer
noted thet 1.5 F,arking s~eces ere required for 1-beuroan ap+irtment unite nnd 2
speCes are requi~Qd fur :-bedroan ut~its) Connniesioner I.e Cleir~ c~ntinued
that thia meane these would ba enclosod yaragex with edd.i.tionel pek'king
provided !or queats. She stnted there would be more parking, leaa ur~ite, und
these would also bo homea~+nere• Sha stated there hev~ been irtetances where
neighhore heve opposed projects which were danied and lec~~r ~ther projee~:a
tiave come in and the neiqhbors were sorry thnt they liad objected to the f:.r.st
proposnl8, which ie e probleM the P~anning Co~ca.loRion _onst+~ntly ~aces ~ 5t-d
$tatad the City ot 1lnahe:m does need houeingr however, ehe is concerned ebout
the 41! denaity bonus r+fiich i~ qu~.te highs that thie would be 1~0• affa:deble
project initial.ly and r+~ould t~ave reaale controls on 33-1/3~ of the uni':s• She
stated she thouyht the project ie wPll designed er~d oflers protecti.on to the
homeownera in the nree r~nd to thE }?eaple wh~ ~+'ould he livinq in the unita.
She stated the only khinq she c~~~ild aee that would bene~it t,he area nv~re would
be if ia nothinq ie built and ehe does not see that happ~ning anc~ could see a
more dense project such as epr~rtmenta.
Coadnissioner Bushore asked abaut the traffic count~vedn juatVnox'th oP 'this}'with
Boulevard and Pall Road noting a pzoject waa epp~etc~d thie project ahould qo
its only accesa out to Beach Boulevard. He sugq
beck to the diawinq bor~id f r revisio~s to the acceas, with possible rlqht
turn$ in and riqht turna nut on Beach 8oulevard.
Kr. Sarisic stated he ^.nn wark with ~tnf'f tn ~aravide a numbesr af RV perkinq
epecea, indicating he thouqht 3 or 4 spa.cea would be about the right ratio !or
this project without i~npactinq the! site plan. (Com~ni~sioner ~t-shore Aqreed
thnt l0i RV pazking spacee would be ress~nable).
Commiseioner I;arbst ikinedinhfronteofnother8peoplasohoaeslandathatnthe~f tre
problesn af people pa ' y
~ssocietion would After a recourae if there is a problem•
p:,u1 Singar, Tratfir Lnqineer, steted there fs a divider at that. point in
Leach eaulevard nnd aacass from Beecl~ would be right in end right out v-hich
rrould incr~aee the t~usnt-er of u-turns on Bet+ch Boulevard. He at:ated presently
there are 46,000 care on Beach Boulevard which is obviously a subatantial
aneoun`_ ~a! traftic and ia aubstantial~y awre than on Ball Road which carriee
19,3UU. He stated he thc~uqht !t aould be sater to not heve the acceea dnto
Setich Boul.vazd.
~iINU^.'E8~ ~.N~tM CiTY PI+JINNING G~1lII88ION, Jt1I.Y 26, 198Z 82-37~
c:oadaie~ioner 8u~hore stat~d he thought mo~t o! h's conaerne had beAn answer'd
cxaert the denaity.
ACTION: Comwieeionex Harbst o!lered a motion, ~acondoc! by Cumn-iosionar
I,a Claire +~nd MOTI~1~1 C~-RRIED, thet the l~naheim City Plenninq Comm:~ssion hea
raviewed +.hA propoeal to racl~sgily subieet propariy lrom tha CL (CammArcial,
Limitdd) end RS-A-43,000 (Reaidontiel/1-qricultural) Zone to the RM-3000
(Reaidantial, Multiple-Family} 2one to permi.t conetruction of a 35-unit
aftotQeble ccxnplex with wr.iv~re o! minimum lot area per dwel.ling unit, maximwm
atructura~l height, minimum landacapad setback, a.lnimua~ eidayard eetback,
ia.inimum recreation-leieure aree end required ~creening o! parkiny fanility end
end rioes hereby appzove ~he Negetive [~claration from the requirement tQ
prepare an envirotunental impact report on thR basis that there woul' be no
siqnificant individunl or cumuletive adverae environ~nental impect due to the
approval ot thie Negetive Decleretion aince the Anehdim General Plan
designatae the subject property tor mediua~ deneity residential le-nd usee
coauneneurate with the px•c~poeel~ thet no eeneitive envir~nmental impacte era
involved i.n khe gropo8alt thet the Initial Btudy sutnnitted by the petitioner
indicetee no significent individuel or cumulative adverse environmental
impactat end thet the Negetive D~claretion aubstantiating the foregoing
findinqa i.s on ftle in the City uf Anaheim 1'lanninq Dep+~rtment•
Commiesioner Herbst olfered R~solution No. PC82-141 and moved far ita ~~+asaqe
and adoption thet the Anaheim City Planning Camn~iealon d4es horeby qrant
Reclaeeification No. 82-83-1 subject Ca Interdepartmentnl CommiCtee
pn roll call, the fnreqoing resolutian was pesaed by the following vote:
Conualasioner H~rbat offered a moti:-n, aecnnddd by Coam+issinner McBurney and
MOTION CARRISD (Conmaiesionez 8ushore votinq no), that the Anaheim City
Planning Caadai~~ion doea he~reby qrnnt ~aivers o! Code reqvirement (a thtough
f) on ~he basie thnt afforduble housing projects have been granted Chrouqhout
the City and denial wauld depzive subject prapezty of pzivileqea enjoyed by
other properties in the same sone and vicinity.
ComQniaainner Herbst oPPer~d Re~alution No. PC82-142 ar:d awved for ita psseege
and adoption that the Annneim City Planning Coamiission doee hereby qrdtit
Conditi~nal Use Permit No. 2354 subject to the petitionar's stipulatioa to
pravide 4 on-site recreatiansl vehicie perkinq speces witt~ aeaended CCiRe snd
subject to the projact being 100• alfor3able !oz initisl seles and 30s o! the
unite to hev~ re-sele controls end eubjact to Interdepertmentel CaoMaittee
Prank I.ow'ry, 8r .~ssiatant Ci.ty 1lttorney- ~gke~d that the CGiF s tx+ eub ject to
epprovel oi th~ City 1-ttorney's O!lice.
MINUTSB, AN11li1~IM CITY FZANri2N~3 COMMI88ION, JLTLY ~6, 1982 92-3~8
CaanaiN~ioner HerbNt edded tl~et tha •tipuln~icn thet 100~ of ths unite would be
nftordable initially ~hould bs includsd in the zasolution.
On roll ~all, the loreqoinq re~olu~ion war pae~ed by th• talla+ing vot~:
Coaariiseioner Herbat o!lored e aaotion, secondad by Ca~issioner lCir~y end MOTION
C7IRRIEb (C~nieaioner Bu~hore voting no), that the 7-naheim City Planning
Commiesion does heraby raco~ams~d !n the Clty Council thet Council Policy No.
543 pertaining ta denaity banueee be weivecl.
D~^n Sherer, preeented the ~rritte~ right ot a~pael.
r,ONDiTi0N71L USE PL;RMiT NO. ~356
P[TBL'C HEJIRING. OWA1SRe l~SEL ~G C11ROL A. MPNDBZ, 1004 N. Lec~on Stroet,
1lnaheim, CA 92801. 11G8NT: LAWR4~NCB HUClQ,EY, 611 Civi.c Centex Drive Wee~ ,
Santa l~ne, C7- 92701. Propezty describad ae an irreqularly-shap~d percel of
lana coneieting of approx.tm~ately 0.14 ecro located at the aoutheast aocner of
1V-a~eim Houleverd and I.emon Strc~~t, 1039 N~ Annheim Boulevard (Cash 11uto
Request ta retain e uaed auto sales lot in the CG (Coaaaezcial, Generel) Zane
wlth waiver o! minimum number of parking npaces.
It wes noted the applicant ..ras not prsnent,
11('TION Coa~miasianer 1Cing atf~red s aotion, aeconc7ed by Conaaissioner. Harbst
end MUTION C1IRRIEp, that .r,oz~eideration o! the aforementioned itam be aor-tinued
to the raqul.erly-schedulec~ ~Re~inq o! l~ugunt 9, 1982, in orddz foz tF.;
applicant to be preseat.
ITEM NO. 4 ~IR NEGATIVE DF :.'L]ldiATipN ~1llp CONDITI01~1]-L USB PERM7T NO~ 2357
I~tTBLIC HE!-RING. OWNEIt~ CLYDE K. IKUT71, P,O. Hox F740, Buena Pe~rk, C11 90620.
11G~v'~': 1CAREN O1CURl1, P.O. Hox 6740, Buene Park, CA 90620. proper~y dascribed
se a rectanqularly-shapesd parcel of lnnd conaistin4 of appzaximat~ly 2.9
a,;res, 2521-N Weet La Palma Avenue (Farrell Courier, Znc.1.
Requeat to retoin a courier aervice in the M~L tl~dustrial, Limited) Zone.
There~ +rea no one ir-dicating their pzesence in oppoaition to subgt~t requsst
ancl althouqh the stalf report to tha Planning Cc~am~isaion was not reed a! the
publl.c haaring, it ie relerra8 to and e~xde a part of the minutea.
John 8cha!ler, 2440 Grayvill, 1.s N:brs, ~tatod ~hey entared into an ~greament
ta leas~ thie project with full knanvledqe that r,hey hed 10 v~hicle~ and he has
s copy o! the lease pertaining to the numbe:r ot vehicle~ v+hich indic~L~s they
wil] have no more then 5 vehicles parked outside Auring busine+es hours. Ha
~ei~f they do park the omploy~es vehicls~ in~ido the buildinyf the-t thay have 19
emplayee^ end tour.teen have vehicl~r two have motorcycles and ona comee to
work by bicycla and thsk is vnrkod inside th~e hui.ldinq.
Rec~pondinq to Cownisaioner McBur~ey, Mr~ 3chaffer expleined five vehicles can
be parked inside enQ e~:cording to the lnase aqrnemen2, theY ere Allowed to
park live vehiclee outside. He ex pleined cuzrently they are parking sevcral
vehicles in the renr and eevcrel i r the lront end do not perk c+n La Pelme
becauea wt~en they triod to park on Le Pelma, they have qotten e ticket.
Commiesioner McBurney expleined h~ le tryinq to conaider what w~uld happen if
avery emplolee hed a vehicle. Mr. Schafter responded the nu+x~mum number o!`
emrloyeee wauld be eight at nnyon~ kime.
Daen Sherer, Asffiistant Planner, explained the complaint waa regerding pazking
on eite in the induetriel com~lex -
Mr. Schatfer indica~ted he t1~c~ught it wes probably the~ neighbor to the north
who made the coatpleint ~nd expl.e: ~aod they do meke every akternpt to c:ontrol the
eituetion Dut there is a short period nf tia~e r+hen there iA en overle~ ~f
parkinq end Chey mave the vohicl~s~ eround ea t~s to nor. block the area.
iteepondinq ko Commiesloner Ln Cla ~re, Mr. Schaffor explained thez~e nre eiqht
to ten vehicl~s in the Field aver ydeyt thet thny hnve tr+o different shifte end
Chey havt estntliehed routeet tha t th e dr~vers are qane fivo to eiqht houre.
He explained chey da r~at have rad 3o contactt ar.d that thia ie a benk courinr
eervice with eatablished routea.
TLeepondS.nq to Cocmaiesioner La Cls sra, Mr. Schntfer explained thay hava ten
vehicles in the bueinesb and the drivazo do not come l~ack ~n until they have
fini.shed their zoutei and thet th~re rvauld never be e tim~e wt~en nll employeea
would chanqe shilte at the samG t im~•
Cvaomisaioner Nerbet ne~ked i t the nusaLx~r nf ewploye~a includ~ a-anaqea~e~t
pereonnel. Mr. Schaffer r~s8pondcd they have two inaneyers r~nd aleo responded
to Commissioner Elerbat that the 1 ength of the leaee is one yanr.
Comtaisaloner Herbst stated he r-ould tsave na objection to qranting the pez~a~it
!or a p~riod of on~a ysar si.nce a con dirional use permit can Le reviswed for
revor,ation at anyt~ae•
Nr. Sch~ftar explained they aoul d prok-wbly not be thare pao~ t.he lenqth of
the lsa~e slnca thay ++re expand inq and nsed to r~locata ta a larr,er tacil i.ty.
ACTIONi Cuaoeis~ioner Herb~t otl~rod a motion, oacondsd by Coaraissioner Boues
enQ~MO'!'ION C11RR2~D. ~h~t the 1lnaheim City planning Coavni~~ion hAe reviewed the
prApo~~l to retain a courier serviaa in tha !Q. t:::dusiri~l, Limited) Zdns on e
r~ctenqularly-shaped para~l of lend consietinq o! approximntaly 2.9 ecree,
havinq a Prontaq~ o~ epproxitnately 275 feet on tha north side of La Palms
Avenue, h~vi~q a auximum depCh o! epproxiaw t~ly 470 leet and further Aescribed
e• 2521-N West T~ Palma Avenue (Farrell Courier, Inc.1t and does harsby
epprova the Negetive Daclaretion lr~m the raquiremant to pr~Par.e an
environmental impact raport on Che baais thaC there wnuld be no siqnificent
indivldual or cumulative edvarse environ~entel impact due to the~ approvdl o!
this Neqative Dacleration sinca the An~heia- General plen d~signntea the
subject proporty for qenaral induatxial lend uses cammenaurate with the
propoeel~ that no sansitive environments~ impecta sre involved in the
proposel~ that the Initial 8tudy sutm-itted by the petiti~ner indicatas no
uiqnificant individue~l or cumulativE edveree enviranmentel ic~pactsJ and that
the Negativa Deelare~ion subetantietinq thce Poreqc~ing finding~ ie on file ln
the CiCy of Anaheim Pl~nn:nq Depertme~t.
Commiesioner Nerbst ~fPozed Reeolution No. PC82-143 and en~vecf for Lte peeeage
end edo~tion thet the Anaheim City Planninq Coma+iasion c~o~:s hereby qrant
Conditlonal Une Per~nit No. 2357 for a period of one yee~ eubjoct tn the
petitiondr's atlpulation to ~rk live vehicles inside tha facility end eubject
to Interdepartmental Camnittee recornnu~ndaki~ns.
On roll c~+ll, the foraqoing reso2ution was passed b,y the following vate:
2358 ~
PUBLZC HE7IRING. OWNSR: GIPOAGE IURES, 229 W. T.as Tunae Drine, Arcedia, CA
9I006. l-GF•Nfs STIINLEY ~'. WONG, 1275 S. Oekland 1lvenue, Pasadena, CA 9I106.
Properky deecribed as an irreqularly-ehape~! parcel of land conaistinq of
approximately 0.6 ~cre locetsd at tha southwent corner of 5outh Stteet ead
State Colleqe B4ulevard, 801 South State Colleqe Bouleverd (Crecker Barrel
To p~rrt-it an-aale alcoholic beveragea in an ex~ating re$teurant.
Thert rrere t~o per~one indicating th~ir prssence in appooition to subject
r•~~~est end elthouqh tha ataft report to the Planning Coamiasion wa~ not reed
at Che public hearing• it ie reeerrea ta and mede a part of the iainutee.
Michael Narrie, 15071 Palling Ridga Drivb, Chino, explained thia requeat le
for per.miasion to aell :lcohnlic bev~rages at the Crecker Ssrrel Re~taurantr
that thay have sarved t~e~r and wlne !or three yea~z• and ~+ould like permiasion
to ssll liquor.
MiNtJTRB, ANAHIliM riTY PT.ANNiNta Cc7[~IiaBiON, JUi,Y 7S, 1992 82-~81
Georg~ Collina, 18Z4 1!. Die~na, •teted he io ~ot ~q~inat the pstiiloner havinq
e liqaor lic~ns~, providinq he take• nace~s~ry st~p~ to keep e sanite~ry
~purat:-on, ~uxplaining ror thraa years thay h~v• washed gerbwgt+ csns ~nd dishes
AnA Lht~ soapy weter rans in the driveway end Aown tha stredt. Hm ex~,leined
they hevs aak~d him to cle~n it up and he hs^ not ~.akon care af the problem.
He etat~id he ha~ con~ncted th~r City departments end the reata~ur~nt hs~ been
given nutices oP vial~tion.
Mr. Narris explainRd the Crncker 8erral hAS been in buMinass et t1~ie lac:atinr.
for thre~v yeere and they do not meke it a prer.tice t~- MAe}1 cana ~ut into the
perkinq uron and ta his knor+lodqe n complai:~t had nav~r been lodged until l~nt
Friday when tha Nealth Department c~ma out end did a thorouqh inspection Kn~l
indicated there aas Nater running ncroea tho pazkinq lat and directbd hin~ to
eatve thA problem. Ne ststed it was po.intnd out to the Nealth Inspector that
the weker waH n~t tloainq from in~i~le the r~eeteurant anc! ronteined no sorpr
and thet the eour.ce ves condenentinn f r.xn th• air can~i.tioner on the roof. Ha
ateteH it did appeai• the wrater wae coe~inq lram ineide the reataurant throuqh
the reer door. He ~;teted thie was the firet co~pleint thay havo ever had and
thet eitue~~~i~n is L~~ing reaolvad end the air conditioninq units will have new
drainsge pt.ng plecqd undexneath them.
Commideiono:r 1(ing et~+tad aince the water problen~ hdg been res~lved, he sees
nothing wro~ig with the e~yplication.
F,esponding to Commir~eionpr Nerbot, Mr. Harris explatnad thet th~ ei~~
conditioning condensat~.on wauld be dlrected into the egar_r.
It wds noCed the ?lanr~ing Dire+ctor nr hia authozized represent~tlve hee
deterc-ined thet the proposRd proj~ct falls within the detinitio~i ot
CAteqorical I~acemptions, Claas 1, ae detined in the State EnvironeientAl Impnct
Rsp~zt Guidel.inea and is, therePore, ceteqc~rically ~xeaipt from the requirereent
to prepere arA BIR.
1-CTIAN: Conwa.ieaioner King offered fLeeoluti~n No. PC82-144 end moved for ita
pnssage end adoption that the Aneheim Ciiy Plar.ninq Comaiesion doea heroby
grant Condi.tlonal UBe Permit No. 2358 aubject to the petitioner'a stlpulation
to rAaol~+e the current water run-off problem nnd aubject ta Intardepartmentdl
Coamnittee recommendationa.
On roll call., the foregoing resolution was pagsed by the followinq vok~s
Frank Lrn+ry, Br., Aeaistant City 1-ttorney, augqeAted that the netghbors
rontact Mtr. &1qarly o! the County Nealt`~ Uepsrtment or the City Attarney'a
Oftice t~ thara a:e any further watdr runolt problema.
M~p~8, 11A1111iZIM CITY PI.ANNING COMWI98ION, Jl1LY 26, 1982
ITEM N0. b E
. ns~ PEIWIT N0. 2359
2-A3-3~ M712V1LR OF
pUAI.IC H$11RIN~~ CliAN1~R= STl-NLL~X F. AND SYLYIJI C. tAQNG, 1g06 E.dSou=c~Str~fet-
AnaheionsistingO~f approximately`O~4eecz~~a1906tCaot1&ou~h`8treet~
land c
To permin~t~rCOd~e=Tki.ngtlepnceea b) r~quired loceti~neofiperking spnces end
mi n imua~ M~
c) requlred sit~ ecreeninq•
Thare werA two pPrsons indicatinq their pres9nce in op o~~si~n~wesbnettread
reque~st end althUUqh the Rteff report to the Plenning
nt the public hearing, it is referred to end aiede a part of the minutea.
MLchrel Narrie, 15001 Ralling Ridge ~rive, Ch.ino, eketed ttiia requeN~ is th~t
thoy be ellowed to uee thie ~raperty carrent~y soned reaidentiel es n privete
bookkeeping otfice for the Cz~+cker Serrel Reataurnnta end indicated it ie
locatad directly edjrcent ta the Cracker 8arrel Reataurant on 3tete College.
He atated this ia a eingle-[emily rea:dential structure now and thnt they
purchesed the proper~y about Aix a~ntha ago wf.th tho intention of turn;ng it
into u bookkeepinq office end in tho future the rdar aree af this hasne will be
used foz the expanaion of the Crecker earrel parking lot. Ne explained thie
in a 1/2 acre residential l~t and there ie sufPicient room !or additional
parking for the casteur.ant. He explelned the a~ljoining p~operty to the aouth
ie currently zoned coenn-ercially. He explnined they hev~~~ncerdnd~stillpappeers
since thay purchasod 1t, but it haen't chdnyed ir~ appe
ho be a sinqlo-family residence and that he intenda to keep it that way
because he does not aant ~n~es pdoplc call.inq into the otfice, etc. He
Pxplnined this locntion ie convenient tn h1s resteurent an3 Anaheim ie the
home bege since it is e qood cantral locetion.
Mr. Harris explained edAit.ionally ohforwardawithgplanaatoaaxpendfparkingrtorg
requizemRnt until he 1e ready to q
the zestaurent in the rear, eddinq that if it ig decided thia residence aannot
be ueed for the bookk.eepiny oftice, it could bs converted to a resid@ntial
structurP in the f.utu,re• He explnined thare would be no siqns on the building
and it does heve a 50-foot wide nnd lonq drivewny and they could park dt lnaet
three v~ehicles in the driveway. He explained he has three fullWici~~ employees
and would not need any additionel employeee toz many years and the only other
He axplained he
pezson who wcnild coae to the facility would be hi~eelP.
aperates neven zeateurs~t~keddat~thiHafacilit~ at ne tia+ecwould beerhree.
iaaximum number ot cazs pa
Coaa-issioner Kinq stated he 11kea th~s projer_t anci thnuqht it make-~ good
sanae. Commissioner Harbst disagraed and stated the petitioner is ~equestinq
a~ r~eclasaitication and that he would not want it reclesaifled unlese thp lot
line between thia property and the one on State College ia eliminatec].
otherwise !t could be us~d Lor coam~erciel uae in the future. H9 ata~ed he
vrould not r+nnt co~m~ercial facing South Stree~t
MINUTI'Sr #~~AHSIM C1TY P:G11Nl1IlIG CaMMIABIOti~ .TIJLY Zb, 198Z 8a~3s3
Mr. H.rria expl~in~d he doean't or+n the propc~rty on th• tront wh~re khe
Ct~cker 8arrel Mstwurent is lecatec~. H~ r~u~~ted thet Ch• canQitional uo•
pwrait b~ i~~ued tor a:•~stricted number o! yoaz~, or whenev~r thqy caay vac~ty
tha pren~i~as.
Coaunis~ion~r H~rbst explainwd a reclaw~ificst~on could not be limiCad by time
with prenk Lowcy r.sponding a tim~ lin-it cannot be impoaeA. Hs eeked i! there
is any opposi':ion to thir requu~t.
George Colline, 1.824 Diane. eteted he would like to pr~eent e p~tition lrom
th~ proparty ownurs directly adjacent and acroas the aCreet. He etated they
would request that if thi.o reclesaificAtinn ie granted, that khe I+etitioner ip
required ko eaeet the requ.lremente for a eix-!~t hi gh block w+sll in order to
protect the r~eidenta trom the vehicle liyhts in th~ parking lat and tn qive
them nwze pri•~ec.-y. Ne eteted thie ia a gooA reAtauzant and ther~ sre a ln*_ of
paople qoing in end out but thet the neighbors do not went to be disturhed.
Mz~. Harri~ explei.ned he i~c not reque~ting in Lh.is conditional uee permit to be
ello•~ad to put parkinq behind the ;~c+use ar expand the Cracker Hdrrel perking
at this time and he i5 rec{uF~tinq a wr~iver r,f the f~ncc kx~c~use hr. really dceA
not havc aGc~ss fmm th~ restxurnnt t~~ thn t,ack uf the ~~ra~.~erty an~l
they will not be drivinq ners back ther.: and Chio will juat be e Lonkkeep~ng
officQ. He expl.ained when they d~ expanQ the parking, they will certeinly
inst~sll t~e block wall; and that he does ~at want to bo e disturbance to hia
neighbors biacauee Chey ere his cuatcxa~rs•
Mr. Kinq etated the problesn is with reclassiticetinn and Co~anieA~,oner Mc~3urney
stated tha twca qo hand in hand nnd !f thto le epproved- the Planninq
Coa~eaisoion will have no control over whether or not the wa11 vill b~,
conatructed. He Rteted he wonld agrue with Mr. Herbst concerning the
reclaseitication. Ftr. 1Cing painted out there ia a henvy qz'owth of shrub~ end
txees ~sn tho west property line and e block wall wauld not be nece,~eary.
Frank Loti+ry, Sr. Aaeiata.nt City 11tt~rney, atated it the Planning Cam~aie~ion
determinea that this is an eppropriete eree !or this usa, he wont~ recwamend
approval of the condit~onal use permit and denial of th~ reclaeeification.
Co~nni.ssioner Herbst stated the reclaesi~ication wovld bothez~ him unless the
two properti~e are tied toqe+Ghez, oCharwiee this would be considered "epot
zoninq" in a reuidentinl area.
Mx. Hasris explained that he had requeated a reclassification Decauea that was
hla lnfozyeatinn from atafl.
Dean 8herer, 11so1stant Planner, explai.n~d when thare is a xequa~t to aonvnrt a
ze~sidentiax atructura to r;o~ercisl usa• Lhe petitioners ara edvieec! to
request e raclaasiticsti~~n, but the Planninq Co~isalon alwsys haa the
opportnn~ty to dsny ths requost or r~claasify the proparty to a lea~ intense
uae or just approve tt.e u~e parmit i! they ~o deaire.
i ~ ".. ~
MINUT88, ~1t~1Afi1CIM CITY PLIINNING CU1~0~1288ION, JVI.1! 26, 199Z 8Z-]84
Coaraission~r Herbat suqqa~tod the r~cl~s~ilicetion b~ requast~d in the luture
Mhen the p~titioner doas havo title ta the propfrty in the frant.
Mr. Harris etated it coat hi.a- n lat o! money to epply !or thip
r.eclneeitication. He expleined the lease terto on the Cracker Sarrel
Re~taurent is ten yeara.
l~f."TION: Conaniesioner Kinq ~ft~rad e awtion. ~econded by Comaiis~ionsr Herbst
And MOTiOt1 C1IWLTSD that the 1lneheim City Plenninq Conaiasion hes rsviewed the
propoeal to reclassify eubject preperty lrom th~ R~•1~-43,000
(Reside+ntiel/llqricultural) Zone ta tha CL (Coannerciel, Limited) Zone !or
ccmmercl.e~l uee ot a residenti.al etructure with wnivere oP minimun~ number of
perking spacee, required loc~tion o! perkinq epacea and required mite
screQning on e rectenqulerly-ahape~! parcal of land coneieting of ~pproximately
0.4 ecre, having a f.z~ntaqe of approximately 112 teet on the south side o!
8outh Street and :urthe.r doacribed ee 1906 Ts. l3outh 3treett and doee hereby
approve tha Neqative Der.ler~Gion frc~m the requiren+ent to prepare en
enviro~uaental impect report on the iw eie that there would be no siqnitiannt
indlvidual or cumulative adverse environmentel impact due to the approvel oE
thie Neqetive Qecleretion ~-inre the 1-neheia General P1an dasignatea the
subject property for generel conanerciel lencl uaes c~mmenaurete with the
proposalJ that no senaitive environmentel iatpa4ta ar•e involved in the
prcpoeali thet the Initi.al Study submitt~-d by the petitioner .indicatee no
eiqnilicant individuel or cumulative adverse envir.ortan~ntel impactst and ~het
the Neqative Declaratian eubestentiating the foregofnq findinqa ie an f.ile in
th4 City of Nnaheim Planning Departo~nt.
Coaimiesioner Kinq offered Resolution No. PCH2-145 and a~oved for 1.ta passage
end edoptfon that the Aneheim City Plenr~inq Coaomisaion does hereby deny
Reclaasificetl.on No. 82-8]-3 un the~ beeis thet it would be conaidered epot
zoning in the sinql.~~family residantial azea to thFa north and west, and the
property takes access from South 5f.rr-.et.
On rolt cell, the foregoing reanlution wes paeaed by the followinq votes
Camaisaiuner 1CS.ng offer~d a moCion, eecanded by Coam-ies:aner McBurney end
MOTION CARRISD, that the 1lnaheim City Plenn:ng Coum-isoion doea hereby grnnt
waiver (a) of code requizement on the baeie that this ie a temporery situation
and the r~ataurant parking lot vrill be er,panded to include the rear of 1906 $.
Eiouth Streat, and the aize and ahape of t~.e property is udequate ko penalt the
proposed use and durinq thia 1nt~srval a!ew ot~fice employeea can park their
cera on th~ reataurant parkinq lat, if ~ecea4ary= qranting weiver (b) on the~
b~sie that thia ia a t~tporary situation and qrentinq waiver (c) on the basia
that the wes~ property lin~ is covered rrith heavy treee and ahrubhery and a
black wal' is not con~iskent with th• suzroundinqs.
Commisrianer ]Cinq otiered A~e~solution No. ~CBZ-146 and moved for ite pa-ssaqe
and adoption that the ~nahei~m City Planning Commission doee hereby gxa:~t
Conditianal Uas Permit No. 2359 aubject to InterA~partment•al Caamittee
~:~: s ~ ~~`
M~~~g, ~~IM CITX PL1-NN'X~Gi CQ~MS88ION, JU1.Y 26 ~ 1982 82-385
Coarnis~lon~r Hsrb~t ~tsti~d th~t A chndition~l u~~ parmit goei Nilh th~
prop~rty unl~~a it in r~atrict~d with a tim~ limik ~nd th~t `~e wc~uld lika to
s~~ a S-y~~r t1.a~a 1la~it i~po~~d on thi• use pst~ait •nd Coa~ai~sioner Kin9 edded
a S-year tima limit to the ~t~ow res~lution.
On roll call, ths f.or~gofnq re~olution Mas pe~sed by thn followin~ voto:
1-Y~'3t COl4~ISSI~Nl~RSs BOUA3. BUSHORI~~ FRY~ NSR86T, KIN~t'sr I.~1 C7..AtIZ$.
~~gg= Th~ere wns a ten minuto recese at 9:05 p•m•
RECONVfiNE: The caeeting waa reconvened at 3a15 p.m•
PUBt.IC H3A'+tING. O~WNERs RaGER J1. & BAFBI-M ~1. SSV~RSC'N~ P.O. Aox 2058,
Huntington BeaGl~, CA 5~2b47• 1-GSNTc J61-N SPRZNG~R, 2821 Khike Stnr ^J"~
1-naheim, C~ 92806. Proparty deacribed as an irraqularl.y-aheped purc~:. of len9
conelstir~g of appr~xia-etely 2.1 ecrea loceCed at the nartheAet corner ot White
Btar Avenue and Blue Gum Street, 2821 White Star Jlvenue "J" (Jaan's Senfi+ich
Ta pers-it on-sale beer in an existinq eenr2wich ahop.
Thera wes no one .indiaet.ing the.ir. preeence in oppoeitf~n t~ eubject reyuaer
end nlth~*uqh the stni'! report to the Planni~q Commi~eicn ves nat read nt the
pub?.,ic hesring, it io ref~arred to and ~acle a part of the minute».
Je~n Sprinqer, pekiti~ner, was pres~nt to nn~wer sny questions.
~.:aaa-iesioner Bu~hore asked if the petiEioner wAe +~M-++re af the l~a}aility
3.nvolved !.f ehe aexvAd beer to persons wfio retuxnecY :o work and were involved
in nn •ccident, pointinq ~ut this ia an industrial s~~ne r+here peopie will be
wo:king with mechinery, etc.
Me. Sprinqer replied ahe was aware of the liwbillty.
It waa noted the Planninq Director or his a~uthorized repceaentetive has
determined ~hat t~'~e pzoposed pzo~ect tellr wit,hin the detinition of
Cat~qorical Sxaa~ptions, Class 1, ae defined in the State Envira~ntal imp~acc
R~port Guidtline~ and ir, thsretare, categorice-lly exempt froa~ t~e~ r~quiraw~nt
to prepa~re an xIR.
~ - ~ ~'~,.
PUALIG H~1IRING. OWNIER~ STl-NLIlY F. 1-NQ SYLVIA C~ aONG, 1906 !E. 8oukh 8treet,
Aneheim, G 92805. Property described a. A rect~nqul.arly-ehaped percel a!
lend ~:ansisting of approximstoly 0.4 ecra, 1906 ~aei 8outh Stree~.
To p~rmit the cotnmercial uae of a residential etrueture with weivera ote a)
minirnum number. of perkinq epace~, b) require~~ locetion of parking epeces an3
c) xequired eite ecreening.
There were Cwo ~reon~ indicatinq thetr pt•esence in opposi~ion to subjact
recSUest and althauqh the etrft re~c~rt to the Plenning Commirseion wae not reed
at the public hearing, it ia relerred t~~ end made a part of th~ minutea.
Mi.chael Herrie, 15001 Rolliny Ridge Dri.ve, Cl~ino, eteted tliie recrieat is thet
they be allowe~! ~o use the pronerty curren4ly s~ned residential es a private
bo~kkeeping of.fices f.or the Cracker Harrel Restaurnnt~ and indicated it ia
loceted directly ad~ecent to the Cracker Bnrrel Reateurant on Stnte Collego.
He etatec] thie ie a single-femily r.eaidentlal etructuro now end that they
purchased the pz~operty about etx montha ag~ with the intention of turning it
into e hookkeeping otfice end in the PlltlirQ the rear area of thia home will be
ueed tor the expansion of the Czacker Berrel parking lot. He expleinnd t!-is
is a 1/2 acr.e zeaidenti.A~ lot. and thore is sufficient rooca for edditional
parking for th~ resteurant. He explained the adjoining property to the eouth
is currently zaned aommerci+~lly. He explained they have impr~ve+d the property
-since they pur.::haeed it, but it F:ean't chanqed in eppearnnce and etill appeera
t~ be a single-femily r.esidenr~~ and th,+t he intende t~ keep it that way
~"'~ beeause he doea not want sales pec~p?e callinq into the o!lice, etc. He
explaine~7 th.iR 1or_ation .is convenient to hie r.eekeurent and Anaheim is the
home bese sincF it is a qood centrel l~cetion.
Mr. Karris explained addiLionally thay are aeking for a waiver of the parking
r.equirement until he is reedy to go forward with plane to expand parkinq for
the restaurant in tlie rear, addi.ng thet if it ie~ decided this residence cannot
be used for the bookkoeping office, it could be .onverted Co a residantial
structure in the future. Ne explained there wou1C be no siqns on the building
and it doee have a 50-foot wide end lonq driveway and they could park et leaet
three vehiales in the driveway. Hs explained he haa thrae full-time employees
and would not need eny edditional empl~yeeec for eanny yeara and the only other
pexson who would come to the far.ility would be him~self. He explained he
operaten seven reatauranta and te occasionally i.n the office but that the
maximum number ~~f cars pazked dt th.is facility at one time would be thzAe.
Coauaissi.aner Kinq stated he lik~s the project anci thouqht it makes qood
senae. Coma~iseioner Herbet disagreed and stated th~ petitioner ia requesting
a reclasa~ficetion and tha~ he would n~t want it reclassified un~ess the lot
ltne betr~reen this proparty and the ore on 3tate Colleqe ie eliminated,
otherwis~ it could be ueed for commercial use i.n the tutur~. He stated he
rro~ild not want comaerci~l facinq South 8txeet ~
Ntr. Harris expLained ha cloesn't own the proparty on tha lront whare tha
Cracker 8~rre1 Aestnurant ia 2ocatad. HA r~queetad that tha conditionel ue~
psrmit b~s itsued lor. a ra~txictsd nua~ber of years, or whenevez thsy meiy vscete
the prataises.
Cammieoiun~r Hez•bat axplsined a reclassitication coul.d n~t be limited by time
vith Frank 1.owry respondirq a time limit ce~not be imposed. Ne aeked if there
i. any oppoaition to thie request.
Georqe Collins, 1824 Diane, stated he would like to preeent e petition ~rom
the property owners directly adjacent nnd acroea the etreet. He ateted they
woulli requcest that if thie reclne~iPicetion ir~ granted, thet. the petitioner ia
required to meet the x~equirements for n six-foot high block wal.l in order to
protect the r.eei~lenta from the vehicle lighta in the parki.nq lot and to give
them more privacy. He statad thie is a quod reataurant and there are a lot raf
people qoinq in end ouk but th~,t the neighbore do not went to be diaturbed.
Mr. Harris explained he is na~ requesting in thie conditinnnl use permit to be
allowed to put parkinq behind the houee or expend the Crecker Barr~7. ~rking
nt this L'ime and hc~ i;: reyuesting a waivPr of t:he f~nce txyrause he r.c~ally r3ocs
not have acces~. from r.he r.estlurant tc~ t.h~~ k~ack of the 1>rc~perty and
they will not be driving car.e back there and this will just be e 1xx~kkeeping
officR. He expleined when they do expand the perking, they will ca:•teinly
inatall the blc+ck wall~ and thdt he doee not want tn be a diaturbance to his
neighbore becnuee they ere hie cust~ne+ra.
'Mr. Kinq atated the problem is wlth reclae~ification and Coamisaloner McHurney
stated the two qo hnnd in henc] end i~ this ie apprnved, the Plan:~ing
Commieei~n will hevc no control over whether or not the wall will be
constructed. He ~tnted he would aqree with Mr. Herbst concerning the
reclaaeificatfen. Mr. Kinq point.ed nut there is a h~eavy growth of ehruba and
trees on the aest p.roperty line and a block wall would nat be necessdzy.
Frank Lowry, Sr. Assietent City l~ttorney, a*_ated if the Planning Caaaission
determines t.hat thia is en eppropriate area for this use, he wauld recoaimend
approval of the conditional use permit and denial of ths reciasaification.
Conmiseioner Herbst stit~ted the reclassif:cation woulcl bothex him unle~;s the
two p:operties ar~ tied toqethgz, otherwiae this vrould be conaidered "apot
zoninq" in a residential aree.
Mr. Harris explained th~t he had requested a reclessificntion because that was
his intormation f;om etnfl.
Dean Sherar, Aaaiatant Planner, explained when there is a request to cor-vert a
residential atructure to commercial usa, the ~etitioners are advised to
request a reclASeitication, but the Planniaq Com~aiasion alwaya hastthe
opportuaity to deny tha requeet or reclessily the property to a lase intense
uae az just approve the uaa perrmit i~ tney eo deaire.
~. ` ~~.~.
Coannission~r Horbet suqgestad th• raclaseifinRtion be ruquested in tha tuture
when th• petitiuner does hava litle to the property in the lront.
Mr. Hnrris statad 1t cost him a lot oi monay to a~.~ply !or thie
reclaesili.cati~n. Ns sxplained the leaee term on the Crncker Enrrel
Restaurant ie ten yeare.
ACTION: Cou~zniseioner King of.tered e motion, aoconded by ConmtieRionar Herbat
end MOTION CARRISD ~hat the 1-neheim City Planning Commiaeion hea reviewed the
propoeal to reclessify eubject properCy lr.om the R3-A-43,000
(Reeidential/Ac~r.icultural) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone for
commercinl uae of e reeidential etructure with waivars of minimuta nutnbar af
perking spaces, r.equired locetion ot pnrking apacea end r.eqiiired site
ecieeninq on e.rectangularly-ahAped parcel o! lend coneistiing of approximate].y
0.4 ecre, heving n frontage nf epproxlmately 112 feet on the aouth eide of
8outh Street end further deacribed na 1906 E. South Streett end does hereby
approve thn Ne,q~tive Decleretion from the rRquirement to prepare nn
environmontel impect report on the tM sie that th~re frould be no aigniliaant
individual or cumulative adverae environmentel impact due ta the npprovel o!
thie Negative Declaration aince the Aneheim General Plen desiqnates the
aubject property for gen~ral commercial land uses commer.surete with the
proposalt thet no aensitive environmentel impects are involved in the
propoealt thet the Initiel 8tudy submitted by the petitioner indicetes no
siqnificnnt individual ar cumul.ativa adverse environmental impactet and thnt
the Negative Declnratf.on aubstantiating the foreg~inq lindinqa ia an file in
th9 City of Aneheim Planninq Departn-ent.
Commiesioner King offer.ed Resolution No. PC82-145 nnd moved for ita pesanqe
end edopt•ion that the Anaheim City Planning ~~~auniesion does hereby deny
Reclnssiticatian No• 82-83-3 on the bn~sie theC it r+ould be considered spot
zaniny in the sinqle-family residential ar~a to tt~e north and wc3st, and the
progerty takes access from South 5treet.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution ~reA pasaesd by the following vota~:
Commiasiuner Kinq ofPerQd a motion, seconded by Coamtiseioner McBurney and
MOTION CARRIEC, that the Anaheim Cir.y Fl.anninq Commis~ion doea hereby qrant
waiver (a) of c~de requirement on the basis thet this 1e n temporary eitue-tion
and the reataurant parktng lot will be expanded to include the rear of 1906 E.
South Street, and the size and shape of the property is adequate to permit the
proposed use and during thie intervnl a few off.ice employees cen pnrk their
cars on the re~staurant F,ark~ng lot, if necesearyt yranting waiver (b) on the
basis that this is a temporary aituat~on and granti•~q waiver (c) on the bnsis
that the weet groperty line is covered with heavy trees anA shrubYery and a
block wall ie not consistent with the aurroundinga.
Commissioner King offered Reaolution No. PC82-146 and moved foz its passaqe
and adopti~n thet the Anahefm City Planninq Comwieeion doea hereb~+ qr.ant
Conditionel Use Permit No. 2359 subject ta Interdepartmental Committee
~ ~~ '~
MINUTaB, 7W11H8IM CITY PI.J~NNINC# COM1M288ION, JVLY 16, 198~ 8Z-385
Com-ai~~ion~r Hsrbat atat~d that a conclltional use permit qoos witt- the
property unlese it ie rc.rricted r+ith a tim~ limit and khat he would liks to
s~• a 5-year tima limlt i.mposed on this use pezmit and Catmniesioner lcinq sdded
a S-year tima limit to thm above resolution.
On roll call, tha !'oreqoing reeoluti~n waa paseed by th• loliowinq vo~a:
RECE88s There was R ten minute receae et 3:05 p.m.
RECONVLrNE: Ttie meetiny waa reconvened at 3:15 p.m.
xT~M NO. 7
Huntington Beech, CA 92647. AG~NTs JF.~-tt SPRINGER, 2821 White St.er "J",
Annhgim, CA 92806. Property deacribed ne an Lrreqularly-shaped puzcal of land
coneisting ot approxiiaately 2.1 acrec located et the northeast corner of White
8tar Avenue and Hlue Gun- 3treet, 2821 White 3tnr Avenue "J" (Jean's Sandwich
To permit on-sale beer in an exfatinq eandwich ahop.
There was nc~ one indicatinq their presence in oppasitton t~ eubject requeat
dnd although the staff r.eport to the Plan-i~nq Cortm-iseion was not read at the
public hearing, it ia referred to and caade a part of the minutes.
J~an Sprinqer, petitioner, wa~a preeent t~ nnawer any questions.
Commissioner BushorP asked if the petitioner was aware of the liability
involved if ahe served beer to pe~~sone who returned to work and were involved
in an eccident, pointinq out th!a is an induatrial zone where people will be
working with machinery, etc.
~lR. SprinqPr replied she waa aware of the liability.
It was noted the Plnnning Director or his authorized representdtive hae
determined thet the propos~d praject ftslla within the definition of
Categorical Exemptione, Clans 1, aa defined in the Stete Environmental Tmpact
Report Guidelines and is, thurefore, categoricdlly exempt from tha requizement
to prepare an BIR.
]1CTIqN: Commissionar LA Claire olfered l~esolution Na. PC82-lA7 a~nd moved tor
ite pae~aqe and adoptl.on tha~ the 1lnaheim City Planning Comcaiaeion does h~reby
grant Conditional Use P~mnit No. 236U suL~ect to Interdepartmantal Canmittee
On rall cnll, the forsqoing rasolution wan paaedd by tha following votes
Ana Can;yon Rodd, Mnheim, CA 92807. AGBNT: HA.T.ASI-LEVINSON &
ASSOCIATES-D11VID L. LEVINS~N, 1671 (B) E. Lincoln Avenua, Ozenga, C1~ 93665.
Property ie descrlb«d e~e a r~ectangulerly-sheped pezcel of land coneistinq of
a~pproximately 4.2 ecrea loceted an the east eide of 3olomon Drive between
3nnta Ana Cenyon R~>ed end Conatantine Road, 5900 East Santa Ane Cnnyon Roed
(Hephatht~ Luthernn Church).
There were three pereone indicatinq their preeence i~ opposition to sub~ect
request end elthouqh the statf report to the Planning Commiasion wae not rAed
et the public hearing, it is referred to and made a paxt af the minutee.
David Levinsc,n, architect, explained they are p:opoaing to ndd kindergarten
through 8t~~ gr~de, and n future pre-school tacility end sanctuery. He stated
the intent of thia project wea approved in 1976, but the interprttation on the
plans did n~~t clarify the neage of future clessrooma. He referre.: tc.
Paraqraph 15 af the etaff repo~•t wherein the ataft would recommend the
proposed playqround ba loceted in a mor.e centraliZed location ta the propoaed
classroan buildinqs in such a manner s~ the buildinqs would servs ae a buff.er
to the existi.nq homes. Fie atatdd they are trying to keep the atmos~here of
the courtyarci and influ~nce of the recreatianal area r~way fzom the claserooms
and felt that the 85 foot distar.ce and the hee,vy row of Eucelyptus trees are
an adequate bu!ler. He etated they are planni.nq to put in a 6-Poot high bl~ck
wall alonq the easterly property line.
Marilyrx Bunton, 149 Leandro, stated she would like to know what the exact
plans are for the block wall eeparatinq the constructior~ noiae and the school
noise from thtsir homem. She stated they ere concerned about the noise and
aecur~.ty of the area. ShQ atated there is a prc.•blem currently behind their
hom~~s with children liqhting matchea, etc. She stated ahe would likE to know
exactly where dnd when the wall will be built and ehe pointed out Paragraph
No. 9 of the etaff repvrt i^dicates ~hnt plans show a 6-foot hiqh block wall
and wooden fencee alonq portiona of the east property linee abuttinq
sinqle-Pamily zone.
Mel Gxeen~ 135 Leandra, etated his proparty i. imvaediately sast ~~ Rubject
site e.nd hP ie concerned about the residential integrity ot the neiqhborhoc~d
and th~ nuise level. He atat9d he felt kinderqarten throuqh 8th grede school
would cr~aate a lot of noise and did not think there ie enough room tor that
number of stud~nta.
Mr. :;i~~n ~tat~~] th~r~ i~ anothar c'~urch locat~d acro~~ tha ~tze~t, th• 8an
Antoni.o Cat}olic Churah, end they hav~ e traffic pzobl~m with conqestion on
Sundayo and th~y have difliculty geltinq lrom their araa to BAnta I1na Canyon
Road becau~• people ars parking on both eidma of the atre~t. He, stated he
lelt wlth enore ectivities at this church, tra!!'ic in ~he neiqhborhaod woald be
inoreaaed and statad aqain ho did not think thare is anouqh room.
Andy Nquyan, 1~1 8. Leandro, indir,stad he hed presonted a letter to Dean
8herer bacauee of his communicat•lon hnndicap and asked thet the lett~r be read
inta the minutes. Dean iiharer ra~sd the lollowing letter:
I am writing regardinq the propoeed conditionel uee permit on
the aite ndioininq our propertias.
I note thet Lha total e~rea oP the exiating Church end propoaed
echoal ia only 4.2 acr.es. Thi.e a~ppeare to be inadequate to
provide necessary fACtlitiea to accocmodate 370 stud~nts. It is
difficult to imagine thet Conditional Use Permit No. 2361 mnkcss
edequete prnvieion for open apace and parking areae for the
propos~d echool. Approval of thirs pro~ect w211 create street
parking problems as well ~s a traffic hnzard to the children in
the neighborhood. It is recota~ended that the plan addresa
parking facilities needed f~r tt-e school aeparate from the
existinq pnrkinq f~cilitiea for the Church. To aubetentiate how
critical the parking and traffic probleau~ ere preadntly, I would
like to point out that whenever the Church hae nny ceremoniee
(wesddinqs, funernls) cara overflow ontn tTie atre~eta creatinq
conqeetive problems.
ConseqUently, I oppase the apprpval of C.U.P. N~. 2361 hecnuse
of the nuisance of nolse, traffic and inad6quatg parkinq
Such an a.pproval on said C.U.P. would be qrosaly unfeir to my
neighbors and myself. Not only would it ~ubstantially
depraci.te the value uf our propertiea, it would create
uncomfortable conditions for us• The reeidentieJ. ataeosphere
would be entirely lost. The quiet and peace would be no more.
I have been informed by M*. Dean Shesor of the City Planning
pepartment thet an Environmental Intprct Report for this C.U.P.
wil.l not be require~' because it is a Church project.
i would like to know the reasoning for the waiver of the EIR.
is the City Pla~ininq Department showing disregard for California
Environtnental Quality 1-ct (CEQA) dnd l~ections 21080.5 of the
Public Resourcee Code? ~ection 21100 and 21151 indicnte that i!
eigniticant environmental effecta are caused by a project, an
EIR sha11 be requireA. Hence, I am requestinq that an EIR be
..,.,s„~.•.,-....-~-n•,.iT•,T._ .
MZNUT38, 71t111t1EIN CI'~l'Y PLJ11~11iINfi COMl~fI88ION• JULY 2~, 19A1 8Z-98 8
i~tranyly urq~ th~ propo~~d C.U.P. No. Z361 !or privat~ day
8ohool lran xind~rqart~n throuqh qrad~ 8 b~ d~ni~d. How~v~r, a•
~ matt~r o! l~ir plry to th~ Churoh, i wouid con~i~l~r a• en
alt~rnativ~ th~ ap~proval ot a Dl-Y CJ1Rl! CENT~R on~y with the
tollawinq condition~ prior to apprnval.
1. 1-urnish an Environew~ntel impact R~port to id~ntity all
impact~ and propo~~d mitiqation me~~urA~. llddition~lly
raquize the fallowinp:
a. Conrtruct a^ix (6) foot d~oorativ block wall
alonq tha pro~ecte eAStarly bound~ry (thi• block
v-all ehall not obstruct th~ public util.ities
b. Pravide ad~quate opan spac~ with landsceped qrsen
belt end parking lots for ~c1~oo1 utatt, childran
and parents•
c. Installation o! a tre!!ic aiqn~l et the
intersection nf Santa Ana Canyon Road end 3olomon
81nce the Envirorsmental Asaeaament nnd the staff report
have not yat been completed, theae above requast9 should
be viewed ns prelitninary suqgestian8 and comments.
Thank you very much for your time nnd considerati.on to the
ebove req~este.
Raspeatfully yaurs,"
Andy Nguyen
Mr. Levinson stated reqarding the block wall some of the proparty ovmars did
conetruct s wall on their rear property linss end they will qo ahead and
install the 6-loot block wall prior to constxuction on the property line.
Concerning the trnffSc concerns, Mlr• Levinoon stated the echool will only be
operatinq until mtd-a~tternoan and would not be in aes~ion on Sundaye. He
atnted they will t+e adding additionel parkinq epacea to tha aouth whiah should
take care o! che parkinq problem on 8undays and thsre would ba no ovezlap
between the church oparation r.~d the eahool oparatian ae fer as treffic ie
conuerned. He stated they do have tnore than adequate parkinq per the coda !or
tha future church expanaion.
Mr. Levinion atatad thay did not teel that an environmental impact raport ie
requirad for thl.s type projectt that the property ia cur.~ently vacant and
l.hare will be na tree removal end that the uae ahould be+ c~patibla rrith the
surroundinq erea. He stat~rd tha Catholic Church acrosr the street hae
developed lurther to the south and 'ne did not see wt-are this expanaior would
hav~e an in~paat on the iurroundinq F~ropartiss and thi• pro j~ct would inarwase
tha parkl.aq a`sich ~thould raliave purt of the problems. 8e statsd he s~es no
nted !oz a tra~tic signal b~caus~ t.hare is on~ 100 yarda to the west and an
additional eignal wauld cs~ata allditivnal probleaas.
Co~acais~ion~r H~rb~t ~tatad he Qc~~s hav~ saoe very •~riou~ doubt• about this
proj~ct, ssp~cially th• way th~ huildinq• ar• loc~ted with the plsyqrovnd
directly adj~oent to th• oinqls-lamily }~~mus. H~ ~teted a simil~r probl~m
with another churah M~~ di~aus~sd ~t the previoue Plenning Coam~is~lon meatinq
regardinq noise lram th• childr~n playinq. Hs stated the homeownere ~+wre
ther~ lirst and thi~ is ~omethinq th+~t should be considered. He Pelt by
r~arrenqinq tha buildinqs, to provida a bulfar, tha project would be aore
t~s~i.ble, aspeci~lly Classroom Noe. 7 and 8 and thouqht they ~hould bR ~wung
around p~rallsl with tha other buildinqa with th~ playyround in lront. He
st~tad unlaMS thie chsnge cen be a-ade, he cannot v~ke !or epproval this
projsct beceuAe thera heve baen probleme with othar schools end the nolsa ~!
playground~ is conetant. tie skated the neiqhbore are entitled to th e ir
privecy. Ne relerred to the eaeement end esked where the tence would be
Mr. Levinson explel.ned the fance wauld Ua loceted on the north ~ide o f the
easement at~n `hat the eesement would be mainteined by the church.
Cotutalesioner Herbet nakec] if they e+re plenning any edditional landecaping with
Mr. Levinson raplying there would be~ lendecaped buffezm. F~ st~ted ba~ically
th4y did not foel lt was neceesary to cume back in !or tt-e conditiona 1 uee
permit since the originAl concept wne appr~ved.
Cot~iesioner Herbat sugqested theae plans be revisad, takinq the nei ghbore
into coneideretion.
Mr. Levinaon ntated the 85-toot wide portion is the narrow end of th e
playqround a~nd recreational aree and there would only be a maximum of l40
studenta in the kindergdrten throagh eth qrade with no more than thr~ e
claesrooms on the playground Rt any one tiu~e. Commisaloner Herbst pA inteQ out
the atalf report indicetes there would be a maxinium unrollment o~ 370 students
end it was claritied that 100 studente wauld Le in pre-echonl and 24 Q in the
kinderqar.ten through 8th grade with Mr. Levineon indicatS.nq the atef f ruport
ia ~ncorrect.
Coma-ieeionor Nerbet stated prac:tically every church echool that has been
approved has had a n~ise problem and felt aince thie project ie just beinq
developed, it can be d~saiqned to pzovide a barcier.
Mr. Lev+.nson pointed out they do heve n high denaity of Eucaly~.~ue treea,
with Coan~isaionar Herbst replyinq the Lucalyptue treea do not block noise,
even though they look nice.
Conm-ie~eioner La Claize eteted she was on the Caaimiaelon in 1976 when this was
approved and there wna no mention of kindergarten through 8th grade at thnt
time, and the requesk was ~~r a pre-sahool. She ndded tl~e placement o! the
builaqngs to provide a bu!!er was diecuseed at that time. Sha ntated she also
hae questione about the parkinq end understood froea the opposition thet there
ia a parkinq problem in the area, ~o evidently it ia caused by both churchee
and risked if the proposed parking aould take care ot the parkinq problam on
Ther• wa~ e roepon~~ lro~n the ~udi~no~ that th~y h~ve a totnl of 1.64 parking
•pacss and +~ oonqr~y~tion o! 250 !or two s~rvicas.
Comaai~sian~r eu~hora pointsd ont th• racenm~endation for the propossd perking
ordinance will h~ve an incr~ssA nwnber ot Apecse required for churchea in the
Daan J4h~rer ~xpl~ined curr~ntly parking reqiiirsmante sre based on ane epacs
!ox every 5•eat• and th+-t thoy ars proposinq a 400-eeet eanctuary and on thet
ba~i^ thay have met tha p~-rking requirsmenta n~ the current code. He
~xplainad th~ Linac~tt Law Oreenapen Parking Study pro~oe~ee thet the
requira~aenta bo besaA on overlepping eitusttons.
Psul Singer, Tra!!ic Bngineer, e~xpl~fne6 the pr~~poaed perking arainenca
propoRee .~ spac~es per eeet and .5 •pacee foz •ach attandae n! e Bun~dy 8chool
thst convenee within 30 minutes of the ending of the leet church eervice nnd
this ie u alight incr,eese.
Commissionor McBurney Pelt adding edditionsl parkiny apaces would .~lleviate
some o! the perking problema in the erHe. He atated it appeere that et leeet
3 or 4 houees or Leandro are ~~inible from the perking l~t and it eppeare there
ie a qrade dl~ference with the houe~es beinq above+ the qrRde r~f the perking lot
and suqqeeted e taller wnll than 6 feet.
Chairman Fry euggested the petitioner r~ ~eset e cantinuence becauee it appears
a vote on this project today would not : fnvorable. He expleined the
Conunission ie auggesting that the clneeroome be turned eround to provide a
bufler to the eingle-lacnily propertiea and as portion of the block well be
higlier where the grade is different.
Coromiselonar Buahore asked how much playqraund erea ie required !or tha
proposed nucnber of studants and it waa noted thero ere xio euch requirements
for the kinderqazten throuqh eth grade studento.
Mr. Levinson etated the children would be+ on the playqround on a rotation
baeie and ti~.at peoplA who live next to public achools have atudento on the
Comtnieeioner Busl~ore pointed out thet public schools are required to hnve a
larqe a~maunt of playqround !or each student nnd he wa$ not aure whet that
requirement wns, but it ie conaid~rable, and thie ie e very small aree nnd
becauRe of that situatiun they w~uld have ta rotate the etudente, which meane
the neiqhbors in this area would be exposed to the noiae o! chil~ren
practicnlly all day ionq.
Mr. Levinson daked i! th~ aite plan le redeaiqned and the building rotated to
creete a lendecApe buffer to the east, if that wou18 aetiafy the code
requirementa reqarding the rotntion of the recees perioda.
Commi~~ioner Bu~hor• suqq~sted that he come baak in r+ith ~rnn~ liquras as tc
how many •tud~nt• would b~ out on th~ plsyyround at rac~so at ons time and !or
how lonq. He ~tat~a he reooqniz~~ that some peopl~ ere dissatiotied aith tha
public education ~i~~ ~re andrm~r~wo! th oe peq'~est~•enc~ feltzpoenibility
~~ell and th~re wil he v+ould
saae atandardau~ho~s~dsb°~f lookHin~oasomee~ort~olnnta~ndard~~to in~ure that tha
lik• to hav~ • gq ~und +~nQ that there is ad~quat•
stud~nte do have adeQ~sRt~ recreationaL playqr
separation providad tor the neighbore.
Coma-iasion~r Herbst r eterred to the pArkinq lot ad~oining the playqround Area
and asked if the par k ing lot will be used ~e a playc~'ound end h4w the pnrking
lot and playqround ar ea~t will be aeperated.
There was a respon~re frocn a pareon in the e+udience thet they will be~ heving
besketball caurta on the parkii~g lot, eo it will be ~.-sed !or recese.
Commieaioner Le Clni re staeatimetionU as tokthe~locationt~tetho Eucalyptus the
wall and aleo eee a rough to ~ done with that ~and•
treee and axectly what is going
Mlr. Levineon a~sked tor a two-week c~ntinuenr.e, and Chaizman Fry pointed out
uf thi~ week.
plens would have to be aubmitted by Friday
A~TIpN: Con+mieeioner King otfered a mntion, aecanded by Cnmmissioner Herbat
nnd MOTION CI~RRIEO, that consideratiun of khea afoqe~menAt~the requeat ofntheufld
to the reqularly-sckaaduled meeting of Auquat 5~
RT N4. 253 , RECL7+89: '"i CATIr?ti NO'
ITFM NO. 9- BNVIROoldKENTAL IMPACT REPO ,~.._------- ^--
~k .,-~, ,915 evrcherd
piJBLIC ttEl-RING. U~ii'1ER=90A~+~g ~Y~w H~88 p~~x~w ~Llncoln Avenue~ Anaheim,
Ave.. !•n9 r~~y~~^g, ~ INC., 22A W• I'9e1n &treet,
Tuetin, C]- 926~,Q, attns Bob Reese. Property consiete of. s~v~eral pa~rcels
rnxlr~aa tely 19.57 acres, havinq e~ fronteg~ o! aPPr~ximately 660
total'.inq app
feet on the north 81o1n~BeachcMobileeMenor)n8 further dsscribed ae 2925 Wes
Linco2.n ]1venua (Linc
~1... ~
MINUT88, 71NAHBIM CITY I+L7-NNINl3 COMMII88IqN, JULY 26, 1992 82-392
Ther~ ware approximat~ly liv~ p~r~ona indiasting th~ir presence in opposition
to subj~at raqu~st and epproximately 45 p~opls indiceting th~ir pret~~oa in
lavor a! subjsati r~qusstt •nd althouqh tha tta!! r~port to the Planning
Commission wa~ not reed at th~ publio haaring, .it i~ r~lerred to and made a
psrt o! the+ minute~.
Bob Reese, a'xecukiv~ Vice Preeident, OPeller Davelopment Comp~ny, and Doug
f~lell~r. were preeant to en~wer questions. Mr. Reate paeued out n list o!
currant mohilehome perk reaident• nnd etated there aru e number o! isaues
involvAd in thie park convarsion dnd that he doew not expect a decieion to be
made todey, but wanted to explein where they sLand on the mejo.r ieeues. He
oteted they started working on this project 2-1/4 yearo ega and purchesed the
laasehold interest on April 29, 1990~ th+~t the leaseholder operatse the parkt
that thay enterod into en eqreement to purchdee tha edjoining prop~rty
directl.y to the weet on MAy 31, 1981. He etated they heve met with thR
tenents et the perk three different timee, end aleo met with the 8teerinq
Committee becaune it is hArder to deel with the lerqer qroup, enc! moat
recen~ly met with the entire group on .TunQ 23 to koep them up to dnte on whnt
is hdppening with th~ eite.
Ne atated mejor issuea are acceee, traeh removal, phaeinq o! the development,
surroundinq property, sewer, atorm draln, eetback from t}~~ E~ro~~osed aingle-
family reelAencee befiind to the north, etc. He stnted they have propoeed
mitiqeting meeeures for relocating the park tanarita.
C~x-cerning ecceas, Mr. Reeea eteted thie eito is located on Lin~oln Avenue,
leae then 1/6 mi.le trom the intezeection ot Lincoln and eeacht that oriqinelly
entrance was proposecl directly off tha center of the project, but they have
worked with the City Planninq end Traffic Departments end .it wae decided to
move the entrance further lrom the Lincoln dnd Beech ~ntersection. (He
pointed out tha proposed accees on the exhib~t.)
He aCated one of the mejor thinge they hed to contend wlth wae circulation for
emerqency equipmentt that this ie an extremely denBe uae and the circulation
allowe movement of the trucks treely throuqh tho sitat that there ere areae
where buildinqe ere further thnn 150 feet and they had tn meet other lire
codee such as tlre hydrente end sprinklers in the unita.
He stated the tresh re~aovel and depth oP the aite is a major iseue, explaininq
n county landfill (3parks and Rainas) was opezated at this location in 1958
end the County qavt approval to dump approxia-ately 420,000 cubic yara: af
txeah in this eite and efter the dumping wee con~pleted, the site wae ueed ae a
mobilehome parkr thet as n reeult of the trnsh dumped there, there has been a
tremendous amount nf settlinq in the park in aome areas and level.ing of tha
mobilehomee hae been a f.ull-time job. Ne expleined thie lendfill had treeh
dumpeQ there and not qarbaqe, ao the odor will be ditlerent. He atated a
portion o! the d+voap was excavated on adjecent property to the enst when the
apartmenta vrere conetructed four or five yeare ago. He stated c:rescent Jr.
Hiqh School wae sold to the Ponderosa Coiapany 1-1/2 yeara ago nnd they have
qone ti.hrough the approval proceas in the City o~ Buene Park'for a
aingle-family detached projactr that ~.he property to the weat ia a typiaal
etrip commercial center runninq the full length of the propertyt a~nd tha~t.to
the aouth is Lincaln Avenue.
,~ . ~
MINUT$S~ 7~td1U#EIM CITY PLANNZNfi COMMI$820N, JULY 26, 1982 82-393
Mr. R~e~• ats~wd in ord~r to ~coompli~h the trernendous amount o! removal catto
and tha o!t-sita impr~vsment costs, th~y hed to devslop e pha~ing ~lan~ thet
the lir~t phesa o! 100 unita will b~ where no tr~sh will have to be removed an
the uppar. la~t-hand corner ot tha proparty and pointod out the pheainq pl~ni
that they h~d tha opportunity to eoquire the go~•cart property and it will be
dav~lopad lir,t ^o thay can otler unit• to the mobilehotne park ~enantet ehAr.
the firot three phaea~ witl bs on aolid ground in order to qenerate edequate
lunde to qo torwnrd wi~h the trash removelr ~+nd thet they estimate the pheeing
wfll taka epproximately 5-1/2 to 6 years to build out.
He stated they have epproeched the County o~ Oranqe tor permiasion to remove
the traeh end ~ubmitted e report to the ~ulid Wente Menaqement Depertmant end
they will he eubaiittinq n report to the Boerd of SupRrvieora end x~equestinq
permiaeion to remove the trash over the peri,od o." timee apecifiedt that the
trash removel will be done in phasea to accommadato the C~unty's ability to
nccommodate the treeh at tho landtille. He etated they expect to receiva the
permisei~n soon. Na added the pheeinq also providea them time to build eome
uni~e end work on the re~locetion perks which will require the pr.oper
Qnvironmentel report and thnt is elready in proceea.
Req+~rding off-aite improvemente, M.r. Reese exp.lained they are concerned wi.th
two mejor improvemente - sewar And the atorm drain. He st~nted according to
eity stalf, the sawere are neer eapacity now and an epproximate 3,000-equare
foot sewer line will be required, end the aeme holde true of the ~torm drain.
He atnted they feol they ahould be contributing to the coate of thd oewer and
atorm drain, but that the etorm drain has been a problem forever and that fecs
shoul.d be charqed to other develapera to buiid up nn easesament diatrict which
would aeem more appropriete than them pr.oviding the entire eyetem. He asked
thut the Planning Comm,asion look hard et the storm drain iasue.
Mr. Reeae pointed out the three-story buildinqs on the back of the groperty
and noted it hes been augqested that esubstantial sised trees t,e provided along
the block wall adjacent to the prapoeed sinqle-family residences to be
conet•ructed on the Cr~acent Jr. Hiyh Schoo2 aite.
Mr. Reese stated one o~ the mnjor ieeues is the mitiqation measures for the
relocntlon of the park tenantst thnt he thouqht everything has beem m~de
fnirly clear to the tdnantet that they are qoinq to allow firBt riqht of
purchase of the unita to be constructed in Phases 1, 2 and 3 at n cost below
market, roughly the reduction would be th~ r.ost P~r relocating their coaches,
about ~3,000 for picking up and ID~~vinq a single~-wide coach and setting it up
~*~ anothez site and about ,''.4,000 for a double-wide coacht ar~~i thet rental
-~~-,.ts will be offered to thoae who cannot afford to buy at e reduced rate. He
etated they plen to provi~e resntal units for 5 to 10 yeara for the really
hnrflship cases at n rQte equivalent to what a good park would be, and thie
will be donA ~n a onF •c •~-one bcsie.
Mr. Reeee steted he sat throuqh the hearinqe on the Westwinds Mobilehome Parkt
however, thio ie a more dif~icult site to develop and relocate the tenanta and
thay are tryinq to make the best out ~f e lousy si.tuation, but do not want to
renlly be a Sante Clau~ either, and hoped no one is expectinq a free lunch.
He stated everyone is th~re on a month-to-month leese as~d he thought most
tenants knew about the landfill, elthough he was aure there were soma who did
not even ~.. ~ about it.
Mr. Reese re~errsd to the enndition xmyarding park fees Rnd explsined the~y
would emount tn ~356,000, and stated he would liks to auqgest thet th~y be
allowed ta work with the Parks Departnusnt nnd liqure out aome other
nlt~rnativs packaqa to provide •ome reQuced tees end/ar ot:h~sr amenitie~.
Concarni.ng the re~~ stion parks, Mr. Rseee explRined Gleller Development
Compeny i~ ecting ..e tha City'a agent for prep~retion o! the environmental
impact reQorte on t.he Banta Ane River park eite whlah will bu eant to the city
for commente thia woek. He atetad the other eite being considered is the
8horb Well Site which ia currently in tha City'a hend nnd is being reviewed
and would be aent to the 3tate Clearinghoaee end thnt will be a 45-Aey proceea.
John Daly, Golden Str~te Mobilehomeowner's League, etnted he lives ,n e
m~bilehome at the Pecific Suneet Park at Lincoln end Beach anc~ is quito
conceznad about thie high-ri$e development, which with the roo_° will probebly
be 45 leet high, nnd aeked whnt effect it will have on ell preaent a~rvices in
the aree such es Police, Fire, etc., noting ho lelt thia could he-ve quiCe en
effect an the other reaidenta in the erea. He asked wh~t effe~~~ the~se tell
buildinge will heve n the air flow in the e~rea, and ~also what the shadow
eftect will be. He neked abnut the infrinqement upon their privacy, and noted
ther.e wauld be tell treea to block the aingle-lamily renid~nt'a view ~P thia
complax, but noted th~ resid9nta in thie complsx will b~ able tU look ri.ght
into the neiqhbor's backyerde, awimming poole, bedroc-im ~~rindowa, et~:.. He
eeked ebout the city's revenue from thie project. He statod traffic on
Lincoln Avenue ia already ~vertexinq the street end a8ked how thia development
will eftect the treffic. He etated thery ia at leest one r~cc,ident per wdek on
the corner of Lincoln nnd Beach nnd there have been f.atali.tiau. He atat~ed he
is quite concerned nbout the increaso traffic flow.
Mr. Uely stated he would egree something neede tU tx.~ dor~e wi~h thin site to
help theee tenants, but felt the developer's affera ere bare eninimwn offering
to allow them to buy into e bnchelor apartment when they heve been living in
full eize mobilehomea.
He stetPd hc did n~t think this ma~ny wsivexs ahould be necessary a,nd ahould
nat be ellowed and the pzoject ehould bc built to code requirements.
Harol.d Nelson, 309 N. Helair, steted he wet~ concsrned about the vacant lot
juet west of hia propertyr end thet he hed thouqht this praject perteined to
the mobilehome park primerily. Ha eteted he wae concerneci about the removal
of the traeh and noted when the epartments r+~ere r,a~structed, the smel]. wns
terrible nnd the neighbors hnd to keep their windowe and duors clo$ed end
could not use their yards et all and there wae a change !.n the movement of the
land and he had to cal~ th~s Orange County Health Llepartment. He stated tho;~
have methene gas geepinq into their yerdB and nny kind of removal of the trash
could create late~ze2. movement ot thc: gas and creete additional problem~s. He
stated becauee af the lateral movement of the qaeeq and the aeepage, k'hey have
had trees deetroyed.
Mr. Nelson etated he ia also concerned about traffic on Lincoln, and alen
ebout perkinq, and noted thla will create a lot of additional traffic ir. the
~ i
H• a~ked whnt constitutst modsrets pric~d housinq. and d~.ated hs io concerned
ebou~ ~ccsss !or the Fir• Department. ~
Lyr~etta Walla, 8paoe 170, ~~ated she ia not appoAad to ~ha conv~z~ion, but
they bouqht a 12-year old cosch last m~nth and it was etated on Fage 9 that
ralocation oosta w111 be peid to tenentr~ moving to dnother mobi.lehotns park,
but th• p~titioner has indicated 100• o! the re7.ocetion coate wil.l be peid
only to thoe~a tenantr there belore Auquat of lnat yeer.
Mr. Aea~s• sta~ed tha EIR includae letters trom the ngenci~ss invelved in
providing •ervicea (Fire, Police, ate.) and he did n~t think thnee "will
eer~~~" lett~rs would have been le~ued i! th~ere wng e problem.
Frank Lowry, 3r, Aeet. City A~torney, left the meeting at 5:00 p.m.
Msc Sleuqhter, Aset. City Attorney, ~ttiended the remaindez o! the :ne~tinq.
Mr. Raeee pointed out on one of the exhibite the view ~rom e two-etory
e~tructure to the three-etory structure they nre proposing, end eCeted the
treea will do their job in providing a buffer, end noted fifty fant is plenty
of room Por ~+ large t~oxsd tree tn be planted. He gteted he d!d not think e
38-loot hlgh bulldinq, even with a peAked roof, will 4ffect the air flow
Concerninq the queetion regarding revenue to the city, Mr. Reeee etated he
thought the expected revenue is just above "brr_~k even". He stnted he did not
have a report of the number of trnffic accidente, but wea aure the city could
provide that informetion. He added they did spend e lot ot' time with the City
Tratfic Enqineering Departmont and they aeemr~d to think the streeta in the
area could han8le the trdffict that et the pxeaent time, the peak loed in the
intersection is at 70i in the morning and e~ter the project it would be at 80
to 93t.
Mr. Reeae etated if the relocation parke t+re epproved, thay will be
reaponaible for the costs df pickinq up and aettinq down the coechea 100• and
far the lodging expenses tor thoee niqhta that it is being moved.
He stated their canpany would not build anythinq that ie eubstesndard And they
have a very high deqree of intaqrity when it comem to develop~a~ant. He added
the city codae do not reelly ~.ddreea tfie denaity propoeed here which ie the
reasofi for the requeeta for waivers.
Mz'. Ree~;e 8tated the reterence tqade to trash removel involved the site next
doort tl~et he did not know if any reaearch w~sa done before the tresh wea
excavated= but that no one knew it was qoing to be evdcueLed until they
etartii~q arriving nt tt-a county landfills with the reawvnl. He eteted their
compan;i hae eane exp~rienee in thie type operation and has ramoved traeh from
a locat.ion in Irvine and it wea nbre smelly than this ie expected to be. He
statad thay will make a~very attempt to pick it up the best way possible, but
obviou~ly whan it is done, there will be o8ore. He added picking up the trnsh
will eolve the methane qes proble~a. He atated they axp~ct to do the first
phaae o•: :~aah recwval in the eecond quartsr of 1985, removing a~pproxieaately
80,000 c~.bic yarda, and the seaond phase aould b~ in 1986, rAa-ovinq
approximateiy 160,OQ0 cubic yarda, with 180,000 cubic yarQa to be removed in
Mr. its~re sxated th• ma~or entranae to ths projact is the only point wh~re
they could ackually locati~+ ~ti.
i~plying to tho per~on's aonunent~ who l~as juet movad into ths paxk, l~lr. R~aee
etatsd pos~ibly they did not do their hom~vrork, but he did n~t think with a11
the t~lk qoing on in that paik that thsy aould not hev known th~t thi•
propoenl wes beinq a-ede~ that the relocation perks c~n only accomm~odete eo
many caechaa and thsy have 120 other people to ba worried ebout ~nd cannot be
conc~rned nbout enyone who jumped into the middle o! thls eitustion which hee
bm~en qoinq an !or two yAdre.
Cammissioner eushore stated he woulc3 like to eae c~pie~ af the egr~oments the
tennnte siqned to meke sure they were lully aware o! this ai.tuat.ton. He
etated he commer~de C3leller !or trying to come up with eoluti~ns, but everyone
kncras they ate qc~iiig to do this !or e profit~ however, he would quastion why
the Commiesion ie aven hearinq thie todey beceuae i.t hr~n bee~n known !or yaars
thn~ there ie a he~Alth pr~blem at thie Ait , end he rer~embexs many yenrs ago
henrinq ebout the Ainkinq qround. Ha etate~i he would aek how the clty could
allow this to go onr thet he realizee geaplo ere livinq there end thmre ie a
houeinq crisis, but also people's lives are in dsnqer~ and that if inethane gas
te killinq tre~e, it muet be killi.ng people end nek~a wliy the canditional ueo
permit hee not been revoked befor.e now.
He aeked if Paremedics will be nble to enter the parking etructure to •ervice
the units.
Mr. Reeee replied he did not think a Paramedia van would bo ebla to qo into
the parkinq etructurer but that nn amk~ul+ance could. (Chairman Fry pointed out
e~ Peramedic van could not enter the City Hell Parking Structure.)
Ccmmissioner Buehore etated the piineinq ia plenned to only besnefit the
developer nnd does not benefit the p~ople livinq on the periphery and it will
not begin until 1985 end asked whet quarantee the city has that the removal of
the traeh will ever teke place. He atated the developer could sell the
project after the firat three phases.
Reqardinq the park leee, CnmaiieBioner Sushore asked where the residante of
theas 8~0 unita will heve recreationnl areae beceuse the Gity does not have
the maney to provide it.
Conuniseioner Buahore daked if the storta drain is u~erely required beceuse of
this ~evelopment.
Jay Titug, Olfice Enqineer, stated thie pr~ject wi~1 put the stnrm drain over
the edqe~ that the oxistinq aewer ia neer its capacity and le handlinq the
load at thie time, but additional units cauld not be handled.
Com~niasionar Buahore asked about the shelter parks dnd wentad to be eure the
Ciky 1a not pr.ovidinq e benetit to the daveloper, rather than the tenanta.
Mr. Reese explained they have not cloaed ~scrow on either of theee sales, that
they hava sntered into eecrows to puzchase the leasehol8 ar-d land where the
park ia located and the adjoininq parcei and entered into the liret eacrow
1-pril Z9, 1980.
MINU'P68, 11N11HSIN CIT7f PLAt~lNINO COl~l288ION, JULY a6, 1462 82-397
Coauai~~ioner !lu~hor• ~t~t~d th~ RM-1000 Zane w~~ not ov~n b~inq aontsmpl~t~d
in 1980, snQ l~lt obviou~ly the Aovelop~r thc,ught this pro~~ct would b~
l~esibl• undsr the R1~l-3000 2ona. H~ edded h~ thcuqht th~ RM-lOQO Zon~ wa~
dasiqnad !or th• downtown ar~a~~ven though he thouyht thi• i~ probably s qood
looation !or it. He a~tk~d tha estimntsd co~t ~t movinq th• dirt in toQay'~
dollar~, end the ooAt p~r unit.
Mr. Re~ese replied th~ cost would be e~,proximetely ~6.1 mil.lion, or ~8000 per
Commissioner Bu~hora steted he ~urtt wsntn to be eur.e the~: something will bo
dona with Che properky end that it is not dpproved under the auspices o!
proteatinq 125 people with th~ developer mnkinq a tarri~i.c windlell on 810
unf.ts, which ie Cwica the deneity evar epproved~ nnd thet he wented to bo nure
creetinq emaller units wi11 not be cr.atinq elui,~ houeing and additionRl
Mr. Reese eteted because of the yite constreints wnd up-tront coete f~r the
sawer, storm drein, rslacetion {~f the tennnte, Atc., they will have to d~velop
the whola oite or nothing end there will hevo to be e lnt o! truet betwe~n
tham nnd tha city beceuee thie e linancing nightmere.
Commie4loner Buehore suqgeeted meybe this projec~ ehould bd approv~ad in p~hee~~e
end ~xplained h1e primnrX c~ncarn ie kt~et thd dump eito will nnt !~e ele~red
until 1995 and he wnuld like to aee thet e~ccompli4had es Aoon ea poeeib?e
becauee it ie a~ health h~uard. fio nekod wF~et ot~~er dwap aites thei: r.ompnny
hna cleared.
Mr. Reese responded thnt they hed cleared the pr~perty for the S~nn Jonquin
Golt Couree in Irvino which wae a dil.terc+nt kind of weste encl aleo m~,re recent
exparience reiaovinq toxi~ wa~te. He state3 the County'4 recent decision to
cher,qe for dwnping et the landlilla has increneh~ Che eetimatcsd coAta for the
treeh ra-noval. by nt leest ~il million.
Commiseioner Huahore etated the removal of thia dump aite ie e County and City
responAibility and they az'o looklnq to thia developer to aolve the prablem.
Reqarding the zoninq, Mr. Raese expleined they hed considered the 1tM-1000
Zoning froa- the beginning, nnd there wae never eny consideration !or RM-3000.
He addad the probl~em wes in acquiring the go-cAr~. slte which wes ariticel to
solving the circuldtion problem tor the Fire Uepartment. He reeponded ko
Chnirnten Fry that they will own the whol~ 20 acres in !ee aimple wfien the
escrows are finslized.
CotamiAeionar Herbst indicsted concern with removinq tha treeh in phaees
beceu~e then tiae eurrou~ding residents will ba expooed to the smell over a
longer Qeri.od ~t tims. He asked it the petitioner was Pamiliar with the Qite
recantly excs~•ated in Yorba Linda.
Mr. Reeae reeponded they '.+~r~ the ones who exaavated thst .ite and exFilatn~d
that Na• s ch~~mical was:e eita end the emalls staye~ tagother in the air and
oarrted !or a tong~r d:.stanae, •xpla~ninq the emolla from thl.e eite will
dieeipate once Ltiey ar~~ in the air quicker end net be es emelly.
C ~
MINUTa8, ~N1IHEIM CITY PL11Nt~lINa COMNII88ION, JULY 26, 1982 82'39A
Grnnmie~~on~r Herb~t ~tated 2~oth th~ City end thA property ov~mer will have to
give in thi• ~ituation and thouqht the City will havs to consider eharing in
the cotts af. the park ls~ee, ~tc., noting the P~e~ !or 810 units will ba
trem~nd~u~, nn~l sugqestecf maybe amaniti~s could 2ae providRd ~n~ide thie
l~ro~eot !or these tenant~~, rether than providinq monay !~r e- perk somewhnre
e24a end suqgasted reduci.nq the d~neity snd providing a~ora
recraationel-laisur~ erea, whi.ch would al~o helg the parkinq. Na addAA he
feele this praject ie nor.eesary for the heelth end eatety o! the co~¢nunity.
He stnted the only proble~m ie with tha parking end oper- epece, end he thouqht
n little help froen tha City could reeolv~ thaee probleme.
Comn-is~i~ner La Claire agreed the City has eome rasponeibility a~nd lelt thie
ie a prime example o! the City trying to help a priva-te developer by givinq
denaity bonuses, ~atc., but thet the City could nleo help in other wnye such ae
the eawer, etc. She ndded, however, she ie concernad nbout the phseinq
becauee conceivably thie develaper could eell the projact atter the firet
phnaeet thdt she knowa the intentione ar~ qaod, but thinga do happen end there
could come a point when it would not be teasible t~ qo ahend with the project.
Comtniebioner I.a Cleire stated it was her un~f~rstendinq that the relocatlon
(ehelter) parks would he set aside for those tenrints who could not be moved to
any other location because of heelth c~re problems, etc.
Mr. Reese replied they do have an agreement wi~.h tho City which providea ~het
the residente of Lincoln Bench will have firat riqht of refusel. He st~ted tie
would make eure the Comatiseion receivae a cop~ of the aqreement. He atated
there will be approximntely 130 apacos et th~: Shorb Wr.ll 81ta nnd 60 apacee et
the 8antn Ana River eite.
Commigsioner McBurney stated he was aonaex'--ed about the phaeinq of the traeh
rsmoval~ thnt he realizes that will be an expeneive operation and he woutd
hope that by the time the first phase ie completed, the econamy will have
chanqed ao that it could all be accanpli~hed in less than e year. He added he
wae also concerned about parking and he felt parking should meet Code
requirements. He auqgested since they will be diqqing down to cleer the
dumpeite, that anotl~er l,evel of underqround parking could be provided.
Mr. Reese replied that they have lcxked at diPferent wnye to use auch e
wonderful hole, but the coet o! bringiny in the dirt would be prohibi.tive and
that unclergr~und parki.ng would heve to havg elevatore, be lully sprinklered,
fully ventilated, etc.
Conanissioner McEurney Pelt elimineting a few of khe unite would open up other
areas tor parking en8 recreetion.
Commiesioner Nerbst brie~ly reviewed each of the requeeted waivers~ noting
lots are permitted on private etreeta throuqhout the Cityt that tha minin-um
floor aren would not be a problem since the request ie minimnlt that the
minimum landscaped »etback pertains to the partion alonq the back ot the
property where the queat paxking ie shownt thnt the recreational leisure areas
will conaist of a main area and patios of 100 sq. Pt. on the firat floor and
54 sq. ft. on the upper storiea, etc.
~ k '_~
Coam~issionar. Harbst aaksd i! any racr~ationel ~~ahicis perking rFaces ere
propoaed, With Mr. Re~a~ r~plyinq "no". Coaani-isioner Herbst added rv parking
ha• baen a problem in thi~ City, eapacially when ths projecte sre built with
less r.gular parking than raquired by Code. Mr. Ttosse replied they e:e
seekinq help lrom th~ City in beinq silow~d to provide tandem parkinq epaaes.
Ne added when thay return to the Commission, thay will addrese the petrkinq
is~ue in mora detail.
Commisaioner Buehore eteted he thouqht more of thie type project ie needed in
AnehAimt that he knowe pro~ecta with underqround pnrking wozk ~~ery well and if
we are q~inq to crQate houeinq, thie may be the way ta get it done. He stated
if the developer can improve the parking gituation anc! the r.ecrention areae,
he tihouqht averything elee c+~n be worked c:ut nnd thie mey '~e the start of
eomethinq thet can be used es a model tor f'uture developmb.~te. He atated he
did not wan~ the City to heve the liability and ~ugqeeted the develaper aork
on tha phasinq siCuetion end overall felt thie project vmuld benefit the City
and the reeldents.
Mr. Reeae stated the Commiseion hes given him some input nnd he would
definitely try to answer the concerns.
Doug Gteller, President, Gteller Development Company, eteted the pointa
discuased are points they have elready conaidered, but the prime concern seems
ro be thA phaaing plan nnd thet ia elso Cheir prime concezn• He stated there
is literelly no way to qive the City any guarantee that they could remove the
trash nt the front end oP the project becnuse they could not obtain loanat
that the key iseue in the remnval is the ability to sell the pro~ect quicklyt
that the County would like them to take ae long ee puseible to remove the
traeh because of their landfill situationt that they working contin;:ously
trying ~a refine the Froduct ao that it wi.ll aell fastert that one ot the ways
to sell the projecl. ie ~.o have a wider zange of unitst that they feel the City
could help by not requirinq them to make the inveetment for the improvements
and fees all at once, but permitting them to phaae thase fees as wellt that
the City can grant some of the waivera without any neqative impact on the
neiqhbore such as the parklnq and landecaped areae which are critical to this
devel~pment, noting some of the zequiremente are not really nacessary for the
type of buyer livinq in theee units. He added they will provide additional
infornation so that the Commission will be c~nfortable in their decisions. He
etated the quest parkinq spacna confortn to Code, but some of the resident
parking doee not conforms however, they feel very poaitive, basAd ~r-
experience with their other projects, that the parking will be adequate and
Code requirements ia excessive.
Cnncerning the recreational areas, Mr. Gfeller stated this ia one cf the
pricea the conaumer has to pay to live in his own unit, rather than rentinq an
apartmontj that i:e did not think nny new housinq being built in California in
the future is what we have been u,~ed to in the past. tie atated they will
bring back examples oi their other projects to sh~w ~hat it can work.
He stated if they can get cooperation fraa the City pertaininq to the off-site
improvec~ents (akorm drain and sewer), they aan nare accurately evaluate the
project. 8e stated thay can brinq back well prepared information ia one month
and would requeat d one-a-onth continuance.
11CTi0N~ Commiasioner Herbot olPared a motic.~, seoonded by Conanieaionar
Suahore and MpTiON C1-RRIED that cons:doretion o! thp sloramantioned matter be
oontinued to the raqularly scheduled aeetinq of Auqust 23, 1982.
Riverside, CA 92509. AOEIVTt ~RIC LEDERER, Coto Ue Caza, N114, Trabuco
Cenyon, CA 92678. Pr.aperty deecribed as a rectengularly-shaped percel o! land
cAnaistinq of epproximately 1945 equere feet, 942 North Cleudina Street.
S4a~vers o!: e) meximum lot coveraqe, b) minimum eideynrd setbeck, c) minimum
reerynrd setber.k end d) minimum type o! parking apacea ~o conatruct an
eddition to a eingle-Ftunily residence.
There waa no one indicating tt,eir presence in oppoaition to subject request
and althaugh the etaff report to the Planning Commieeion we.e not ree~d nt the
public heerinq, it is re~erred to and made a pert ot the minutea.
Eric Lederer, 31841 Via Oso, Trebuco Canyon, agent, and Larry Hallerman~23501
Vi~ Alandru, Trabuco Canyon, architect, were preeent to answer any questione.
M•r. Ledere.r stated the existinq lot ia very smell, 35'x55'~in a neiqhborhood
where the lata are lnzqer. He etnted there ie an exi.stinq atructure which ie
in bnd ehape and they would like to improve the dwellinq and add a aecond
atory makinq it lerqe enouqh to be usable and indicatad the waivere r~re
neceseary becauae of tl~e aize of the lot.
Cotnu~issioner I(~ng clarified that the etructure will remein a gingle-family
zesidence with Mr. Hallerman replyinq it would.
Commissioner Herbst clarified if the carport was not attAChed, it could be
built to the property line.
Commigsioner Mceuzney asked if the existinq etructure would aupport a eecond
story. Mr. Hallerman replied they hnve examined the etructure at~d it is
adequate to ~upport a aecond atory end they will also be adding other columne
to su~port thd aecon~ story.
Commiasi~ner Buahore pointed out that the structure will have to be brouqht up
to the minim~at buildinq codes and asked if t:he sewer will be connected to the
main sewer indicatinq it ie hi,e underatand.ing that thle proporty's sewer is
connectad to the property next door.
Dean Sherer explained when plans are eubmitted for plan check, the Enqineerinq
Department Nould review them and they wlll be required to corinect to the sewer.
~CTION: Conm-is~ionar Kinq o!lered a nation, •econded by Commi~~ioner Houa^
~nQ MOTION C1IARISD, t}~st the Anah~im Gity Planninq Coanaission ha• raviewed Lh~
prapo~al to oon~truct en eddition to a singl~-lamily residance with wsivsra o!
maximum lot coverage, minimuta sideysrd eetback, minimum rearysrd aetback and
minimtun type o! parking epacs • on a rectangulsrly-shaped parcAl o! land
cansisting ot approximately I945 squart leet, having a lronteqe o!
epproximately 35 leet on tha east side o! Clnudine 8tr~et, havinq a maximum
depth o! appraximataly 5S leet end lurther describad ns 942 North Clnudin~
Streett and does h~z~by approve tha Negative Ddcleration lrom the requirement
to prepare nn environmenkal impRCt report on the ba~ie that there would ~e no
aiqniliaant individual or cumuletive edveree environmentel impnct due to the
approval o! this Neqative Declaration since the Anaheim Cenerel Plan
deeignate~ the eubject proporty !or medium density land ueea comaensurnte with
the propoenl~ thAt no eeneitive environmental impecta are involved 1n the
proposel~ that the initial Study aubmitked by the petitionez indicatea no
signilicant individual or cumulntive adverse e~vironmental impactet end that
the Negative Declaration subetantietinq the toreqoing tindinqs ie on file in
the City of Annheim Planninq Depertment.
Cammieaioner King offered Reeolution No. PC82-148 and moved for its paseaqe
and ndoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commiseio~ doRe hereby qrant
Verianca No. 3284 on thc+ baeie ~~~at the structure is existing and due to the
extr.ea-ely small size and loaation of the property and denial w~uld deprive
~ubject property of a privileges enjoyed by other proper~iea in the same zone
and vicinity and khe project aill upgr~de the area and 8~1b~eCt to
Interdepartmentnl Coma-ittee recommendations.
On roll call, the foreqoinq resolution wdn peesed by the followiny vote:
Dean Sherer asked that Co:ldition No. 1 be deleted as Condition No. 2 should be
Na. 1, and that a new aonditfon be added thet eubject property w:ll be brought
up to the minimusa building Codet and that the conditione will be met prior to
final building and zoning inapections.
Chairman Fry neked the petitioner tu present a photograph of the proposed
structure after it has been completed.
Anaheim, CA 92806. Property deecribed as a rectang~:lerly-shaped parcel of
land conaieting of npproximate2y 7970 equare teet, 2333 Puritan Lnne.
Waivere of mininnnoa landacapnd aetback and minimum number and type of parking
epaces to conatruct a garage or carport.
~C: 't ,6 «*~
MxNUT1E8, 11NAtt~IM CITY PLANNINC~ COMMI89ION, JVLY 26, 1982 8Z-402~
Thara wsre approxia-~t~ly ~iqht p~r~on• indicaEinq th~ir pr~~~nae in opposition
to ~ubjuat r~quw~t and ~lthouqh thM ota!! r~port t4 th~ Planninq Conami~sion
wa• not read •t th~ public h~arinq, it i~ r~l~Yr~d to and mad~ a p~rt o! tha
Debrs Paterson, ownar, pr~sent~d a pttition siqned by neighboxs within 300
laet indicating they are in lsvor ~f thi• request end a letteti !i•~m one o! the
neighber~ who could not stten~l end a~ked that it bA placad in th• minut~• o!
thd meeting.
James ^oburn, 511 8. Colt, etatad he .ts hera simply to express aoncasn about
thm neiyhborhood in qeneral.. Hs atatad elter spendinq tiwo ,years ~earchinq tor
a eite to purchase, he salacted this site bacause it datinitely had certain
etandarde c~nc~rning landecaping, perkinq, etc. and he has lived thera for six
years. He stered he ia concerned that permitting this requeet will be
chanqing the n~iqhborhood end he lelt it coul.d be a downgrede to the
nei.ghborhood. HA eteted due to economic nmede,edditi~nal pereons could be
reaidinq in the home and edditional p+~rking would be required end it would
~~erate additional vehicle~e in the eree. He stet~d it is juet the qenaral
neture that he is objecking toa, and would chnn~Je the nature o! the
Mre. Charles Mbore etetRd ahe resides directly acraea the etreet at S00 8.
Pereqrine and the entry cloor on the west side ot the qaraq~ which ie directly
acrnss tha etreet lram h~sr fr~nt door and theze is a woman living in thers now
and when the door lu open, ahe can eee nll the way throuqh and, undoubtedly,
the ..~me thinq is tr.ue in return. She stated she wes concerned ebout the
carport to bo conRtructed and th~+ c~nditied cul-de-sac to bd a~nstructRd in
front a! har house and qnraqe.
Ms. Peterson stated thi.a is a dead-end street nnd qranting thia requeet would
not be a special privilage because thera ere others in the neighborhood. She
stnted this ie a corner lot and they ara the last houae on the atreet. 9he
stated a sone chenge ia beinq conaidered on the adjacent proparty to RM-1200.
She stnted her property does not hurt anyone else's property end she did not
believe anyone cauld say thie is takinq away from the looks of the
neiqhborhood bccause they have totally reconditionad the property end that
they da hava a 3~car driveway end do not have to worry about par.kinq ~n the
CommiBSioner Buehore ssked Ms. Paterson if she was t-ware ot the zoninq codes
when ehe had converted the pro~rty and i! she has a real eetate license. Ms•
Petereon reQlied ehe had ecquired the rRal estnte license aft~r the converoion
wae ~one. She stated alter ehe roalized :here wr-s a~ problem, ahe had
contncted the City and wae instructed that unlesa someone liled A complaint,
not to take nny action.
Cama-ieaioner Bushore aeked i! the wet bar could be considered a lull kitchen.
Me. Peter~on repliad there ig a eink nnd relriqeratar, but no etove.
MINLIT~6, IW11HaIM CITY PL11NtiING COM~l288ION, JULY Z6 • 1981 8Z-403
Coaaai~~ion~r 8uah~r~ asksd i! anyon~ i~ livinq in the conv~rt~d qar~ge with
Ms. Peterson r~plyl.nq ~h~ h~~ a lriend ~tiayi.nq with har now end •he has b~en
thare !or about 4-1/7 wo~k• but sh• do~~ not puy rent. She ~tated ehs has a
Qecorstor'~ licena~ and h~r lriend ha~ a paintinq licanes end thsy ~re
con~idering startinp a businese •ince r~nl e~tate is not doinq vnll et thie
Commis~ionex Buehora statsd betore a varisnce can be epprov~d, it muet bo
~hown ther• ie an unusual hazdehip on tha praperty nnd this is a typical City
lot and a typical trsct with a typical etructure mesting all tha cod~~ and he
hes not heard any unueull circumstnncee yet.
Ms. Petsrson stated it muet ba ehown thnt the ~one deprives her pr.cp~rty o!
privileges enjoyed by othmra and thera are other similar convex~eione in the
area, one directly scross the etreet.
Commiasioner 8uahore etated i! this reque,tt is yrnnted, there wi.ll be others
~eking tor the eame thinq and it would chenqa the entire area. He atated the
Pler~ning Comd~ieei~n hae never qranted auch e request beceuoe ol the precedent
thnt would be set and i~ ~t was approved, then they would be denyinq ot•her
people privileqes.
Me. Peterson atated ehe is willing to c~natruct n garage.
Coaanieeioner Buehore atated the only thing th~+t bothers him !e the exlsting
conversion. He atated there wae one auch requeet approvefl, but ~.hax property
had en extremely long driveway nnd the care were not psrked on the atreet and
it wae hendled with a deed reetriction the~. when the property is sold, it will
be conyerted beck.
Ms. Peterson etdted ehe will be glad to r~+corcl a dead reetriction. She etated
ehe is not planninq to auove and they neve~ ueed the qarage before it aas
converted lor. parking their vahiclea.
Coamnisaioner Bushore that ho has had sume pY-c.~ne cnlls on thie pro ject and
asked if this property was ever advertised !or rent. Ma. Peteraon replied she
has adverti.sed other propertiea but not thie property.
Coma-isaioner Hezbst etated tran lookinq at thct plane, thie sppears to be an
apartment with a livinq room, bathroom, bedroom and kitchen and it ia poeaible
it could be uaed ee an apartment. He etated he could not condone this
convereion nnd one haa never been epproved eince he has been on the Commiseion
for ~ittean years. He etated he is eurprised to eee how many people qo ahead
and add another room or convert their qarnqes juet because tbey nae~ the space
and then ask the Planninq Comm~ission to approva it. He stated the ordinences
are there to provide eatety !or all the citizene and to protect the
neiqhborhood. He atated anyone in the conatruction bueinese knaws there are
City ordinancee but they qo aheed and convert garaqea anyway and then aek the
Co~naisaion to agree wi~h tham. He aeked if this property has been inspected
by the Buildinq Depaztment.
ir18. Peteraon xeplied it has been inupected by Mr. Walp and by Don Berry and
both snid there would be no problem gettinq building pera-its if the vaziance
is approved, but there were a!ew thinye~ that would hava to be chanqed.
MINIJTICl3 r A1~lAH3IM CITY p7'+i-NNINC C~+II8820N, JTTI.Y R6 . 1962
Dean 9h~rer ~xplaineQ ther• wa• s aall !ox inepeetion an the property to soe
vrh~~h~r. or not lt could qu~lily tor buildinq parn-it• end the applicant we~
instructed tl~at c~rt~in awdilic~tions would hav~ to be mad~ b~fore p~rmite
could b~ is~usdt but t.hat th• ~tructure itssl! could quality !or building
Coam-iesioner Herbat eokad ebout the poesibility o! building a geraqs.
Pet~roon explained ahe hds submitted two plans, ona !or a carport which would
have a peak.d roo! and look like a qar+qe end a second plan !or inrtellation
o! enoChsr garaqe, but thero would be e 5-foot approach and they would need
a qareqa doer openar. She stated she would preter s cerpart and lelt it weuld
look better than ~nothar qaraga, but: there ie enough zoom to attech a
20' x 20' garaqe but ehe would only have e five-loot approach trom the
Daan Sherer explained thA code requirAe five epacee for a~ sinqle-lamilY
residence (two encloeed in the ge~:aqe, two in the driveway end one on the
atreet) ane if C.his varS.ence wne qrented for either the carport or the gern94.
there ~nu18 not be adec~lnte pr-rkirig spacee availeblo end a perking ~~reiver
would be reRuired.
Commieaioner Aushorr. auk~~l how long the petitioner haa been without a qnzaqe.
Ms. Patereon replied the yazage wes converted approximately in December.
Commissioner Buehore aaked what nsaurances the Coaunieaion hne thet they would
use a new garnge if one were conatructed. Me. Petersan replied they never
ueed their originnl garage.
Coamnieaioner Buehore statPd he ie sorry thia petltioner hns f~~llowed the
neighbc~r's leed and etated ehe would have the right to point the finqer to thQ
neiqhbors later.
Me. petereon explained her neiqhhors knew she was planninq to do the
convereion and she did not try to hide whnt ehe was doinq and it wats not
until after it was completed, that there was any complainta.
Commiasioner Siahare asked when her real eetate license waa acquired and Ma.
Peterson ropli~:d ehe received her lice~ee in Macch of thia year.
Cammiasionar Herbst aakad what the of~ice would be us~d for. Ma. Peterson
r~plied it would be used ~or her real estete and decoreting licenee and her
husband was ueing it as an office. She noted no on~ would be coming to the
Chairman FrY felt if the Plnnning Coam-iesion approved this request it would be
openinq a possible Pandora's Box•
Coaamissioner Buahore asked if the enviroruaental impact negative declaration
should be denied, if the request ia denied,with l.'hairmen Fry indicaCing he did
not feel ~.his would have nn adveree impact on the environment.
Frank Lov-ry. 8r• Assietant City Attarney, st.ted he waa cc~ncerned whether or
not this is a sinqle-t~nily dwellinq or a duplex on an R-1 proper•ky.
De+~n Sherer explained i! this requsat is denied th• propertp would bes
converted back to a aingle-lamily dwellinq.
11CTIOtic Connni~~ion~r HuthorA o!l~r~d • aotion, •~aond~d by Commis~ion~r lcinq
an Md~OTtOl~ C1-RRIED, that th~ 1-nehaim City Planninq Coami~sion h~s r~viewed the
proposal to con~truct a qsrRqe ~r carport with w~f.var~ o! m~ximu~d landacap~d
•etback, ~winimua- numbar and typ~ o! t+wrkinq •paces on a raatanqularly-ahaped
paro~l o! Iend con~i~ting of approximak~ly 7970 ~qua~e la~t locatsd at the~
northa~~t oorner oL Puritan Skreat enA lurther describ~Q a~ 2333 Purit~n Y,anet
and do~o her~by approva tho Neqa~ivs Doclaration lzom the requiremwnt t~~
pr~pare an snvironms~~tal impeat report on tha ba~sis that thera would )xe no
siqniticant individiiel or cumuletiva adver~~ onvironsnental impact due to tha
approval o! thia Nagativa Osalsration einae the Anah~itn General Plan
desiqnate e th• Subject progerty !or low dsnaity residantial land u~es
conmtenaur ete with tho proposelt that no sensitivo environmental impacta are
involvsd in the proposalt thst tha Initi.al Study eubmitt~d by the petltioner
indicates no signiticanx individual or cutnulative edvarse environmental
impectet and that the Neqativa Declaration substentiatinq the laregoing
li.ndinqs io on lile in the City o! 1lnaheim Plannir.q Department.
Cananiesioner Bushore o!l~ared Reeolution No. PC82~149 and moved foz ite paossge
end adoption that the Anuheim C~tty Planninq Cocmi.esion does hereby deny
Variance No. 3285 on the tMSie thet thare ie no unusual hmrdehip pertaining to
thie property ~ thet it is exac,tly the eame as other lote in the Rree and
appr~vaZ would aet nn undooireble precedent within the City.
Dean She rer aoked the Planning Commission for the period o! time in which the
property muet be reconvertad and it was the qenerr.l consenmus thet it could be
reconver ted within 90 daye.
On roll call, the foregoinq resolution wae paesed by the followinq vote:
Fzan:: lrawry, 3r. Assistnnt City Attorney, presented the written riqht to
sppeal the Plenninq Cocnaisaion'e deciaion within 22 dsys to the City Council.
Commiss i oner La Claire atnted she wou18 like the zoninq inspectore to survey
the iest of the homes in the area to see if they have been converted since it
is not fair for one petiLion to be denied while othere are allowed to continue
with their conversion.
ITEM N0. 12
, ~)
The lollowinq Reports and Recommsndationa sts!! reporto were praaented but not
11. TENTATIVE Ml11P OF TRACT NO. - Rsqumst toz one-y~ar extanaion o! time
lram Waltar L. Mooea, Tri State Engineering Co., on property loceted
at 629 Nieet Vermont Avenue.
ACTION: Connnissionar King offerad e abtion, seconded by Cammiesioner
Bauai and MOTION c:ARRIBD, thet th~ Anaheim City Planninq Coanniseion
doee heraby qrnnt a one-yenr extension o! time !or Tentativ~ Mnp o!
Tract No. 11400 to expire un Beptember 23, 1983.
8. TENTI~TINE h4.P OF TRAGT NOB. 10967 THROtIGH 10978 - ttequest !or an
extension oP time from Georqe F. Maeon, Jr., Th~ Gunaton Hall Co.,
Inc. on proporty locdted aouthweaterly of Nohl Ranch Roed batween the
intereection of Nohl Ranch Roed with Gsnyon R!m Rasd and 8errano
)~venue .
Commieaioner King oftered a m~tion, seconded Uy CommisRioner
Le Cleire end MOTION CARR2ED, that the Anaheim City Planning
Conaniasion doe$ hereby grent final one-yaer exteneione of time for
Tentative Mep of Trnct Nos. 10967 thrauqh 10978 (Revision No. 1) to
expire or~ August 11, 1983.
C. VARIANCE N0. 3242 - Requeat for approve-1 0! zevised plar.s for a
freeetanding siqn from We~ter Honq an property located et 2045 South
Herbor Soulevard.
C~rawiseioner Bushore offered a nwtion fo: denial.
Walter Honq, developer of Reaort Hotel, etated they have a variance
still in effect 23 feet from the south boundaryj that the Winery
Mueeum has n 7' x 9' siqn and they are required to put the eignaqe in
one place, so they wdnt to put this eiqn above it and tie it toqether
as ono siqn and the siqn area would atill meet Code requirement of
3S0 square feet. He atnted approval of the maeter plan shows the
final location is only 8 feet r.orth of the present lacation and tnia
sign is only temporary until the hotel project ia finiehed. He
explninr.d they plan to etart aonatruction in 6 to e months and he
would want the eiqn for lees than a year.
Mr. Honq stated the bank building ie 6000 square foot and the winery
utilizes 3,000 equnre feet and the photo buaines~ will utilize the
other 3,000 square feet.
Commissioner Herbet stated thp requeeL ia for a vari. ~ that
cnnnot be limited by ti.me restrictions.
( 1
MZt~1UTE8, AN7IHBIM CITY ~I.11N1iIN~i CW4lI88IOtd, JULY 26 - 198Z 8Z-407
Dsan 8her~r, 11~sistant Pl~nn~r, ~xpl~l.a~Q •~at! i• askinq tha plennl,nq
Commir~lon to aNke e xnoon~m~nd~tion to th~ CitX C~uncil~ thet Cammii~~ian
d~niad the oriqinal rwquett in Novembar 1981, ~nd it we• ~ub~equantly
qrant~d f.iy Counailt that stat! would lika a dat~nnin~tion a~ to whather or
not Coatai~~lon leel~ the ~iqn oon~ist~ o! on~ free~tanding ~iqn or two
frse~tandinq •iyn~ and i! it io une, maka a xecaamend~tion to Council th~t
it is in sub~tential contortaa~ae to what th~y have appxovmd.
Commissioner Herbet ~tated hs did not think ~t is in conlormanca end
Chairmen Fxy ateted it sppearr there ere thr~ee siqne.
Comniesionez euahora recortnnendad ~andinq it on to Council without e
raconunendati~n. Commissioner lierbst felt a recoe~endation 4hould b~
made sinee the~y are more thdn dout~ling the siza of the eigne.
Dick Hang, ntnted ho is also inv~lved in tha davelopment of thie
hotel~ end explained they heve a queetion about whnt the variance
reel~.y states ee to the aiae o! the eiqnt and that they are telking
nbc~ut locAtion riqht now.
Cooamissioner La Claire etated Commisei~n denied the oriqinel request
and this ie double thet request and sha could not vote far approval.
Walter Honq explainad the winery was the tizat bueineae to qo in and
now they are utilizing the reet of the property. Dick Hong expleined
they ere the new lesseas and the oriqinal vrriance was rec;ueeted by
the winery. He stated they just recently exercised thair leeaehold
Commisgioner La Claire stated they already have e lnrqer siqn thnn a
lot o! bueinessee. 3hA ndded if they control the property, they can
also control the aize nnfl locetion o! the signs.
Canmiesioner Bushore otfered a motion, aeconded by Co~atniagioner
La Clnire that the requeat be denied.
Walter Honq stated City C~unci.l's resolution specified the location,
but not the size ot the aign.
Annika Sa.ntalnhti, Assistant Direator !or Zoninq, etated Cauncil did
have n plan and it ie part of the resolution, retezred to ae an
exhibit, and the size mentioned in the stalf report is the eize
Council approved.
1~CTIONs The, vote wea taken and MOTION CARRIED on the previ.ous motion
b issioner Buehore ~hat the 1~-nnaheim City Planninq Comm~iseion
does hereby recrnnmend to the City Cou~cil tha~ the propoeed eiqnaqe
doee not contorm to oriqinal intent of Varience No. 3242.
~ ~ ,~p
~~ '~1
MIpUTt~, J1N11h3IM CITY PL11tQNZl~i COMMI88ION, JULY 2b, 198~ 8Z•408
Camaai~~ion~r 1lu~hnr~ ~sk~d ~ta!! to obesin intormation lrom the
~ohool di~trict partaininq to eh~ir •it~ d~v~lopment etandard~ per
otud~nk to b~ con~icl~re~! !ar dav~lop~nti o! privat• •chool~.
71DJOI1RNM1~1Ti Th~ra boinq na lurth~r hu~ine~s, Commioafoner Harb~t o!lared a.
taotion, •~aonQ~d by Coma~i~~ion~r Bouas and MOTZON CARR~~D that
th• m~~ting be adjournad.
The m~eting wae adjourned nt 6e25 p.m.
R~spectlully submittAd,
~? 4GL.l~~. ~ ~~`~w
Edith L. Harria, Secretery
Ar~aheian City Plsnning Commioeion