Minutes-PC 1982/09/08~~ ~ ~~ ~
RIDGULAR MIB1tiTINCi The regul~r msetinq o! the Annheim Gity Plenninq Ccrosnie~ion
wes celled to arQer by Ghsirman Fry ~t 10i00 a.m.,
8eptetnbez 8, 1982, in the Coun~?il Chamber, a quorum be.ing
present end the Conm-isaion reviewed plans of the it~me on
today'• agendn.
p~gg~ Cheirman ~ Fry
Connnieoioneres Boues, Bushore, Herbet, King, MrBurr~ey
(Coumti.eaioner Herbnt errived et 1:35 p.m,1
fCoam~i.seioner Bouaa errived at 1s40 p~m•)
Canmieaionersi Le Claire
J-nnikn 3antalahti
Jeck White
Ja~y Titus
Shirley Land
Deen Sherer
Edith Nnrrie
Aesietant director !or Zon ing
Aesietant City Attorney
O~tico Engineer
Trnffic ^nqineerinq Aesist2+nt
Asaocinte Planner
Planninq Cammission Secret ary
Commieeioner Fry
AppROVAL OF MINUT$Ss Coamdi~sioner Kiny offered a motion, eec~~~ded by
Commiesioner McBurney and MOTION CARRISD (Commissloners Bouas, Herbat and
La Claire abnent), that the minut~e of the meetinq of Auquat 23, 1982, be
approved as submitted.
Anahaim, Ctelifornia 92802. AGSNT+ W]hLTER C• H~tG, 3315 Garden Terrace,
Hacienda Heiyhte, California 91745. Propei':y described ae an
irregularly-shaped parcel oP land coneletinq of approximately 3.3 acr se, 2045
South Harbor Boulevdr~ (Reqency Hotel).
To permit a 6-story, 64-toot high, 488-room hotel with acceseory uses and
on-sale of alcoholic beveraqea and waiver of minimum nuatber of parking spaces.
It wea noted the petitioner had requested a tour-wsek continuance.
ACTION: Commiesioner McB+.irney ~ffered a motion, eecoaded by Coanniaeioner Kinq
and MQTIC~] CARRIED (Bouae, Herbet dnd La Claire abs~nt), 'Ghat coneideration of
the above-n-entioned niattnr be continued to the meeting of October 4, 1982, at
the requeat of the p~titioner.
pVHLIC N~l1~RIN(i. Ot4NSRs WINSTON 7NDU8TRI~L PROPBRTISS, 2201-11 Eaat Winston
Road, l-nnh~im, C11 92806. A(iaNTi R1-YMOND ORT2?, 507 N. (irand, Santa 1-na, c:A
9Z804. Pxoperty described na a rectenqulnrly-shaped paroel of lsnd aoneisting
of epproximetely 4.7 .~cres, 2211-I Eaet Wineton Rr~ad.
To pe~nit an eutomobile upholatcry shop in th~ MQ. Zone.
'i'hera wee no one indicating their preeence in oppoaition to subject requost
and nlthough the stalf re~rort to the Pl+~nning Canmission weo nat read at the
public heaririq~ it is ref~rrud to nnd a-ade a part o! the minutea.
Reytnond Ortiz, eqent, wae present to anewer eny queetione.
Commiaeioner Buehoro eskecl Mr. Ortiz to stipulete that there aill bes no
vehicles aL•ored outside~ Mr. Ortiz replied the leasing otficer hed made that
reeCriction very clenr and that ho would only be working on one or two
vehicles at a time and all work would be done ineide the facili~y nnd no
vehicles will be stored outeide the facility.
Commissioner Herbst errived et 1:35 p.m.
ACTION: Ccmm-isaioner King otfered e motion, sec:onded by Commit~aioner McB~~rney
and MOTION ~;ARRIED (Cammiseioners Bouea and Ln Claire abaent, Commi.»aioner
Herbst abete~ininq) that x.hcs Anaheim City Plenninq Commiasion hes review~d the
propoanl to pes'n-it dn automobile uphdletery shop in the ML (Industzial,
Linited) Zor.e on n rectanqularly-ahaped parcel ~f land conaiating ~f
approximately 4.7 acres~ ha~•ing a frontage of approximi-tely 3~0 feet o:~ the
north side of Winston Road, and further deecribed ao 2211-I Eeat Wineton Roadr
and doea hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the rQquirement ta
prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there would be no
aignificant individual or C:U~'~~~LZlL'aVe a~lveree environmental impact due to the
approval of thie NegaLive ~.~eclar~tion R'nce the Anaheim General Plan
deeiqnetea the sub~ect property f~r q~nezal induatrial land useg commensurate
with the propc salt that no senaitive ~~+~ironmentel impacts are involved in the
proposal; that th~~ Initial Study suba~itted by the petitioner indicatea no
siqnificnnt individua.l or cun-ulati.ve advsrse environmenCal impactas and that
the Negative Declaration subatantiatinq the foreqoinq findinqs is on file in
the City of Anaheim Planning Departtnent.
Commiseioner lCj.nq offered Resolution No. PC82-161 and moved for its passage
and edoption that the Anaheim City Plaaning Commiasion does hereby qrant
Conditional Use Permit No. 2364 subject to the petitione~r's stipulation that
all work will be conducted inside the facility end that no vehicles shell be
atored outside the facility and aubyect to Interdepartmental Comm-ittee
On roll call, the foreqoing reso2ution wae passed by the following vate:
AgggNT= I,7~ (S.AIRg, (BpUl-S e~rrived at 1s40 p.m• )
~ ~. ,i '~.~
MINUTESr 11l'1l1HEIM CITY PI.~-IdNZN(i COI4~lT88I0T1, S~4T1iMHBR 8, 1992
p~gg= 11NTONIO H. tt)-N(iSI.. ~CT 1-L• 318 N. 8terduet 1-vonue,
4U8LIC HICARING. P. 0. Sox 148,
Placentis, CA 92670. !-GENT~ 8T1CpN1~N N~ BW-~~'ORD & A880Ciy_shapad percal o!
Placsntin, C1~ 9267~• pxoperty d~scribad as +~ rsctnngu
land coneisting ~P wpproximat~ly 1.5 acree, 1450 North Rsd Gum Street.
To xetain contract~rs' b;°~ni~~=lAndecapedisetback,tc)
rec;uired lot frontege~
and d) raquirad enclosure o! outdoor ueae.
Thsre wes no one
and elthouqh thc
public hear.ing•
lollowinq: e)
me-ximum lence height
indicating their preeence in appositio~i to subject requsst
staf! reP~reatto endpma~f~ia9pa~°f~~he minutes~read at the
it i~ ref
pean Sherer, Aneociate planner, et,nted the Rede~~mit~subjectmtosthen
recommended approval of this conditionel use p rt, but
stipulations end conditiona listed on Paqe 3-e of the Ste£f. Repo
recommencle8 denial ~f the waiver.
1-ntonio Rt+ngel, owner. explained thie conditional use permit is needed in
ordex for them to c~~~nWBedg~~ntedaint1970aandptheynwauld like to split tha
propertyt that a pe
F•operty into three parcels. Ne explained thOePUfoiithe~lastntwelveiyear8~rag
and the propcrty has been ueed for that purp
Chairn-en Fry read Paraqraph 19 of the Stalf Roport wherein tho conditiona oP
approvdl af Conditional Usehinr~wit othelpr pertYnandcthereehave~beendcodeted
the owner hae not done Anyt ~n cna~per shells, keeping o! swine, etc. and
violatione with people living
aaked if the property oaner p:ans to clean up the property.
Mr. Rengel etnted he has not been able
the use is temporary stornge and there
thnt there are to+o people livinq there
to qet building pe='n-itat that most of
are free-etandinq et.orage sY~eds and
to take aare of the property•
peen Sherer explnined this situation came to staff'e attentintoafourrparcglef
an application for a parcel map to subdivide this property
two et which would not have frontage on ~s dedicated streett nhine~ectiondof
prepared to qo ahead with the variance request~ however, upo P
the property, diecovered Pee~tvNo~a1153B foundfcertainiconditionsrwereunotn
qranting Conditional Use
coaaplied with and felt a new °Ppirintithathalldviolationstbe•nbate8xnndine
staff recommende conditions requ g ~ He explained the applicent etay not
requiring eite screeninq and landacepinq lication.
have been aware of statt'e intent wit1~ this new dpp
~.,' 4 ~ ~J'
Cc~nanisoionar Nerbat euqgseLed s Cemporary delay of this heari.ng in order !or
th• applic~nt to review this ~te!! r.eport. He statad h• had looknd nt t':e
proparty end it ia a maa• and the induetriai area has chanqed and it ir time
this property i• cleanad up and prop~rly screened eo that adjoininq pr~perty
ownere will no« be ebls to see it enQ el.o that ths propsr oetbacke must be
provided. He added he would be wi,llinq to ofter a metion !or epproval if the
applicant is wil.ling to aqree to nll the conditlonm, k+ut he would not be in
fnvor of the waivere.
Mr. Ranqel egreod he wuuld like a tem~x+rery deley until later in the meetinq
end stnted meybe hia aeeociete would be preaent by then.
Jack White, AssistAnt City Attornay, resporided tu Commieaianer Bush~re that if
it ie determined thet the conditions o! approvel heve not bean coalplied with
for a conditional uae permit within the time apacified or one yenr, whichevar
ie leseer, then the pertnit would be deemed termineted.
Coannissioner Buahore atated ainc~ the property ie actually q~ing to be
eubdi.vidad into fnur percels, it might be more eppropriate ta consider e
conditionel use permit for this nppl~cant's portian of the property only nnd
hear the other tYiree percels separately, because o! the paet Qroblems.
Jack White atated the application was tor e cond:tional use permit, contingent
upon the percelization of the four lota, nnd a pPrmit does qo with the land
and nnyone would hove to comply witt~ the conditioner however, if L•he concern
is thnt there mey be a ditferent use, this request could be denied And the
parcelization requirod firatr however, by epprovinq thls conditiona]. uae
permit, the City can require that khe improvemente be mnde for the entire area.
Corrv~ ,saionar Bushore etr~ted he hns no problem with parcelization of .lnnd,
pr~ i~:ed the lendecaping and ecreening nre provided, but questioned the wisdom
of x~lanket epproval an four 8itterent parcels aince it ie not known haw they
will be developed and ~elt that ehould be dealt with on a ceee-by-case basie.
Jeck White etnted the Planning Cowniseion can impose whatever conditions they
feel ecceptable and reaeonnble that would apply to all four parcele and it the
operetor ie unable to comply or proposes a difPerent use, he can ~pply Por n
m~ditication or a new permit and wovld be required to comply with wha~tever
:~itians are imposed.
r+C~rIONs Coatmiseioner Herbet oftered a motion, ~econdod by Coaanieaioner Bouas
ancl MOTION CARRIED (Commiseioner La Claire absent), that conaideratian of thia
matter ba continued unt:' later in koday's hearing.
Following the hearinq on Item No. 4, Mr. Ranq-el explained he hne read the
etat! report and is willinq to comply with tt.e recoamasnded stipuletion~ and
conditione and will cleen up the property and :.ako ell the improvements.
Responding to Cnmmfasioner Bueh~re se to when t2~e~ee thinga could be
eccompliehed, Mr. Ranqel etnted one portion of the ataff report indicates 60
daye and another indicates 90 days.
~~ ~:~~~ :~
MINUTaB, AN11HffiSM CITY PLANt~IINCi COMFtIS8I0N, 8aPT1EM8BR 8, 1982 82-464
Dean 8har~r explained s condition was omitted l:~oen the atat! repc+rt and ehould
bs addad a. lollow~t "That Condition No~. 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 10 ehall be
canpletad prior to epproval o! final parcel map or within e period o! 90 daye
lrom approval ot Lhie conditinnal use permit by the Plnnninq Com~niseian,
whichever occurs lirat". He furth~r explained i! the own~r do~e not g~
lorward with tha psrcel map, he would ~till he required to comply with the
condition and i! he does qo forwnrd with t~ psrcel map, could not qet
epprovel until the conditions are met.
Connnieaianer Herbet ateted he eeea no problem if the petitionar is willinq tn
comply with all the etipulations within 90 deys.
Dean Sherer clariiied thut the Commiaeion is coneidering recommending epprovnl
of Wsiver (a), al]owinc~ the eubdivieion without lut lrontaqee, but denyinq
waivere (b), (a) and (d).
Coauniseioner Herbet clarified that the petitioner underatcod the requirement
perteininq to the tight-of-way easemente being approved by the City Attorney's
Office tor thoee lota without atreet frontaqe.
Jack White explained that norma~lly waivera woulc~ be approved under the
conditional uee permit end if a conditional use permit is not required, n
varie-nce will be proceseEd nnd that the approval criteria for approval ia the
eame either wny.
pean Sherer explnined to Chairmen Fry the waivez of :neximum fence heiqht
pertning to the Fi-foot high fence adjacent to the street end it ahould be
relocated out of the required s~tback.
ACTION: Commieaioner Herbat offered a motion, seconded by Caamiseioner Bouas
and MOTION CARRIED (Commieeioner La Claire abeent? thet the Anaheim City
Planninq Commiasion hes reviewed the proposal to retain contraotors' storaqe
yard with waiver of required lot frontaqe, oainimum landscaped setbnck, meximum
fence heiqht dnd required enclosure ot outdoor uaea on n rectanqularly-shaped
pnrcel of land consiating of approximntely 1.5 acres, havinq ~~ frontegre of
approxiaately 150 feet on the eaet side of Red Gwn Street And lurther
deacribed as 1450 North Red Gum Streett and does hereby approv~ the Neqative
Dwclaration from the requixement to prepare an environmental impact report on
the basis tha~ there wauld be no siqniticant individual or cuiaulative adverse
environtaental impact due to the approval of this Neqative Declaration since
the Anaheim G~eneral Plan desiqnetes the aubject property for qeneral
induetrial lnnd uees conaaeneurata with the proposalt that no aen~itive
environmental impacte are involved in the proposalt that the Initial Study
s~bntitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individuai or curnulative
edverse enviranmental impecta~ and tht~t the Negative Declaration
eubatantiaLing the foreqoing tindinqa is on file in the City ot Rnaheim
Plnnninq Department.
~~ ~~~ ~~
Comtnissioner H~rbot oftered e motion, •~cond~d by Commi~oioner Souaa and
MOTION C1IRRIEA (Coemission~r Ls Claire absent), that th. Anah~im Ci.ty Planning
Go~aaai~~ian doeo har~by grant waiv~r i~) on th~ baoi~ that clenia?. would deprive
eubjeot prop~rty ot privileg~a ~njoysd by othsr property in the same zone end
vicinity end denying aaivera ib, c and d), on the ba~f~ that the patitioner
e~i~ lated nt the public hear~.ng to comply with c~da rmquirements !or minimum
le~ndACapod setback, au~ximum tence heiqht nnd requir~ed eneloeur.e of outdoor
Commis~i.onar Herbet oltered Res~lution No. PC82-162 end moved !or its paasage
and adoption that the Anaheim City Planninq Commi~alon doAe hereby qrant
Conditional Use ~ermit No. 2366, in part, eub~ect to the peCitioner'e
etipulations to reloeete the 6-loot high pl.ywood ldnce adjacent to Red Oum
Street to ~rovide a 5-foot wide minimum fully izrigated landecapdd eetb~ck and
to provide requlrAd ecreeninq of outdo~r usee by a masonry wall or a chain
link t~nce with redwood or cedar slate And that ell autetandiny code
violutione ehall be abated within 90 deye, including the pereone livinq in
cemper shella and the keeping o! ewine on the property nnd aubject to
Interdepertnu~ntal Committe~+ recommendations inaludinq en edditionel Condition
No. 11s Tt~at Condl.ti.on Noes. 2, 3, 7, e, 9, 10 and 11 shell be complnted prior
ta epproval of final pnrcel nwp or withl.n a period of ninety (90) deyg of
appr~vdl o! this conditionel use permit by the Plenning Cort~niaeion whichover
occure first.
On roll call, the foregoing resulution wAS peseed by the following voteo
Jeck White, Assietant City Attorney, presented the written riqht *o a~peal the
Planning Conimission's decial.on within 22 dnye to the City Gauncil.
~ a w ~ ~.
MINUT88, 11N71Ft8IM CITY PI,~NNING COMMiT88ION, SL~PT3MBSR 8, 1982 82-466
92630. 11(iSNR't DON1-VON A. V'1~N OV~R, 11691 Nmw Zael.~nd, Cyprepe, Cl- 90630.
Proparty de~cri.bed ae an irregularly-.hapad garcel of ldnd consisting o!
approxitmtely 2.0 dcres, 2972 E. Le Pelmn Avonue.
Ta permit retail eeles of epartinq qoode in the ML Zone.
There was no one indicating their preaence in oppoeition to aubject requeet
and although the staP~ report to the Planninq Commission wae not read at the
public henring, it id referred to and made a part of the minutee.
Oean Sherer, Aseociate Planner etated the Redeveloptnent Comcniesion had
revi.ewad thie mattsr at their. meeting thie morning and recoa~ended approval
(3 - 1 vote) aubject to conditions.
Robert Ven Over, eqent, etetad they wish to put in a retail sportinq qoods
etore, using lOS of the squere lootaqe involved and would be cnterinq to the
profesaional fisherman and hunter end will not be catexinq to younq people.
He sfiated tha property is alreedy beinq used ea a warehouae and thay can
handle bulk merahandiAe euch as shot for. reloadinq end that e l~t of alub~a huy
it in volume. He ddded their traffic will be after normal working h~urs ar.d
wi.ll not conflict with the heavy industrial traff.ic in the erea.
Mr. Van Over referred to the recommendation to cloae the driveway up~e3te the
truck loadinq dock end atated that would make 90i of the building ur.usable and
they would not want to cmnply with that reconanendation. He added thnt most oP
th~ traffic is into the warehouse and truckinq aspects ~f the b~~sinees and is
in the early morninq hourss however, in a rare instancc if thetr neiqhbnr had
d 45-loot trailer in their loading dock a~~~! they needed to back a 45-foot
trailer into thia loadinq dock, it would be impossible under the existinq
conditions without using the 36-foot driveway +~nd the whol.e buildi.ng would be
affected by closinq that driveway.
Responding to Caeuaiesioner Herbet, Mr. Van Over explained 10~ of the total
squere footage would be devoted to thie ret+~il operation nnd 208 of the dollar
value would be froca thie buainesa, exQlaining the warehousing operation is the
mainstay of the bueinesa and that they dietribute Granny's Potato Chips from
their warehouse end that these are two separate businesees.
Respondinq to Commiseioner Rouae, Mr. Van Ovar explained they would only
advertise in trede journals euch ae Weetern Outdoor Magazine, etc. and thnt
would be on a small sca-le and thet there would be n~ bannera, etc. He
explained to Com~niseioner Bushore that these twa businesses have no~hinq to da
with each other end that they have the exiating epace in the warehouae which
could be eaeily made availeble tor a sportinq gooda etore where they need room
~or b~:lk merchandlee euch as decoye, etc., and this is a family ~peration and
he has been in the epor~inq qoods buainess for seven yeara.
Commiaeionar Buehore asked if the agent had been made aware ot the Planninq
Caam~ission's c:oncernn reqardinq ratail usR in the ~ndustrial zone.
~ ~ ~~ ~
Mr. Van Ovar raplied he realies~ bulk tra!!ic i~ not we~nted in that erea, but
that will not be s aoncsrn hare beoauee the most vahicles he would have nt eny
ona ti~^e .ould be eiqht to ten.
. ,sioner Hushore pointed out n eimilar type operation for a qolf etore hed
..~ denied just down the etreet b~ceuse i! theee type requests are
contl.nually approved, this will become e retail area breakinq down the
inteqrity ot the ~eone and he did not see where thie ~peration would do eny
qood far the indueLrial area. Fie explai.ned the Traffic Enqineer has
recomm~ended cloeing the dr.iveway and that the nqent had admitted thet would
a~fect tha warahouae bueinese. fie added tnixinq ueae brinqe in ditferent
traflic rnquire~nente which is the reeson t~r the Traffic Enqineer'e
recommendntion, end theae little thinqs have a cumulative effect.
Commieeioner Herbst steted if thie wns wholesalinq of en ltem made on the
premiaea,it would be en accepteble use as long as it was not more thnn 15i of
the business, but that thie is a totally new busineee qoing into a t~tally
different operetion now bei.ng canducted. He nqreed this would be openinq the
door to future probleme.
Mr. Van Over stated becauee of the volwaQ raquired, this u$e would not b~
suitable in a commercial center.
Conmaiasioner Buehore stated eportinq ga~d itema could be warehoused at thi~a
location and transported to a~~othgr outlet in a coma~ercial ar.ea and that
enythinq could be etored there as long as it does not create a fire hr~znrd and
meete the Fire Deper~ment's npproval.
Mr. Van Over stated that w~uld be impossible to do with the staff he preoently
has end that there would be only two or three people runninq the operation.
He reaponded to Coma-issioner Herbat that the liours of ~per.atlon for the retai2
operation would be 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. end that thAy will sell ehot and
powder for r~loading and t~untinq and fishing qenr !or the proteBai~nal baes
Jack White, Asai.stant City Attorney, stated this location is in the Canyon
Znduetrial area and there aro special rulea which apply, auch as a conditional
use permit for co~mmercial $niee would be appropriate only if the use primnrily
aervee and ie compatible with the industrial customers, so the Cocamission
ehould make that detertnination.
Chairman Fry etated he doea not think this use would serve the induetrinl
community and would primarily be fo.r the qeneral public'a usage~
Commiasionsr Herbst asked if the petitioner wnuld be allowed to handle the
mnasive shot as long as it ie no more than I5l, with Jack White reepondinq
that the product hea to be manufactured on the pren-ises.
'~ ~ ~~
Mr. Van Ov~r stcted tha huntar loads the •ho~ himsel! so it i~ not done on the
premi~~s. He explainad ~:hey will repair lishing and huntinq equipaent on the
1~CTION~ Commie~ionsr *tuahore o!lered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Souas
an McI~OTSON C1IRRIED ((:onaniASioner La Claire absant ), that the 1lnaheim City
Planning Cc~cnmi~sion has review~d t~he pr~~posal t.o permit retail sel~e ot
eportinq qood~t in the MlL (Industr,ial, c,imi.ted) 2one on nn irrmgularly-sheped
percel o! land consietinq o! approximately 2.0 acres loceted on the aouth side
ot La Paln-e Avenue nnd lurther desc.ribed ae 2872 ~eat I.e Palma Avenuet and
does hereby approve the Negetive Declaretion trom tha requirement to prepare
an environmental impect raport on the be01e thet there would be no siqnilicant
individuel or cumulative ndveree enviz•onmentel impact due ta the a-pproval o~
this Neqative Declaration since the Aneheim (3eneral Plan deeiqnates the
eubject property for qenernl. industriel land uses cocnmeneurate wit~~ the
propoealt that no eeneit~ve environmental impects aza involved in Che
proposa~lt that the Initial 3tudy eubmitted by the petitioner. indicates no
siqnificant individual ox cumuletive advaree environmentAl impactat And that
the Negetive Declaretion aubetantiating the ~oregoinq findinqe is on file in
the City of Anaheim Planning Depertment.
Coa~missioner Buehor.e offered Regolution No. PC02-163 nnd m~vRd for i.ta paesaqe
nnd ndoption that the Anaheim City Planning Conanission doee hereby deny
Conditionel Une Permit No. 2368 on the baeia that the proposed uee Kould not
pr3marily serve and be compatible with the surr~~i~nding industrinl area end
thie is tt-e wrong l~cation for thia ty~pe busineee.
On roll cnll, the foregoinq reaolution wae peesed hy the following vote:
Jack White, Asaistant City Attarney, preeented the wr3tten right to appeal the
planninq Couaaiseion's decisicn within 22 daye to the City Council.
~' i
MINITr68, AN]-HEIM GITY PI.IINNIN4 COMM28820N, 8EPTI~MBER 8, 1982 82-469
PUBLIC Hl~AR2Na. OWNl~R: RICHARD B. tiAN80N, ET ~I,, 1751 W. Rdnneya Drivs, MD,
11nah~im, C11 92801. AGBNT: J08~PH RICICMAN, x04~ Ra.inbow Ut-i ve, Santn Ana, Cl-
92705. Froperty described na a rectanquler.ly-sha~ed percel of land coneistinq
ot approxitndtaly 5001 aquare feat, 125 South Herbor Bouleverd.
To permit commerciel uae of two residantinl structur~s with weivere af the
Pallowing: s) required location of pnrkinq s~acee end b) required numbar end
type o! perking spacee.
Thare wee ona pereon l.ndicating hie preeence in oppoeition to subject requee*
and althaugh the eteff report to the Planning Coa~miesion w~e not read at the
public hearinq, it ie r.eferred to end mnde e pez•t o~ th~ -,inutes.
Jos~ph Rickmen, e-qent, explnined they wiah lo convert an r~xisting
aingle-family reatdence into ineurance office~s and that the re+~r residence
will eventuelly be c~nverted into nn ~ffice building.
Jim Grilfith, 524 W. Cheetnut Street, presentod ~ petition Aiqned by li~teen
res!dents on the atre~et, npposinq the request for perking waiver. He atatsd
~he vaa~nt lot acroer~ th9 etreet has a rlqhk-to-negotiate approved by the
Redevelopment Aqency and a two-etory otfice complax ie propoeed for that
property and thay feel this office camplex will impect the etreet with
overtlow pnrkinq and r~oted the etreet is alreedy being 118e(I !or pdrkin~. Ne
etated they feel tlig npplicant should comply with all requirements.
Mr. Grittith atated he pereonally opposes the project and convereion from
r.eeidential to oftice uaea at a time when housea are nt a premium and there
F eeeme to he an abundance o! office apaces, noting the ex:etinq buildinq
~ adjacent to City Hall hea e siqn edvartlainy space for leaee end aleo the E1
Camino Bank Building has e s±qn. He stated he aldo leels this will impose en
- additional traffic load on the otreett t'~'., there ere more than twenty siaall
, c.hildren in the neighborho~d and they do not feel they ~1eed additional traffic.
He atated he ia in the procese of restorinq hia raeidance an~ aould like tu
know if Cheetr:ut will be cor~vert~d like thie, piece by piece, becauee if that
is tlie plan, he will chnnge his plans.
Chairman Fzy stated there ia no way to anawer that question and he would hope
that i~ not the way Chestnut Street will be developed.
Mr. Rickman stated he would not want buein~asee naxt to his house either;
however, the property is already zoned end there ia no reciuest for rezoninq.
He etated they have the required number of parking apacea on the property and
thie project will eliminate some of the parking problems on the street. He
explained they would probably never need cnc~re than two or three pnrking
apeces. He etatec] this uae ehould not create nee-rly the traffic that any
othar busiaess would generate. He atated he did not se~e how the proposed
two-story office building would have any beering on this project.
~µr `~
~ w.,~
Mr~ Ri,ckman rel~rr~d to th~ Tra!!ic Bnqine~r'r rocooansndation that ona ap~ae
be eliml.natsa 1»aause th~ two end spacss arR oub~tanaarcf. Coauais~ion~r Herbst
pain~.d out the proposed parktnq ordinanoe will re~olv~ that probleca by
allowing oompact car parkinq spacea. Oean Sherer, Associata Planner, stetad
i! pern-its ar~ requ~eted attor the new parkinq ordint~no~ is adopted by the
City Council, thare will be no problam, but it is not know~: when that
ordinance will be adopted.
Canimissioner Herbst stated he telt thie property ehould probably ba deeignnted
CO rdther than CG.
Dean Sherer ststed cortuaercial generel ~oning would ello~+ oflice uses on this
property by riqht and this conditionnl use permit ie only for the office uae
cf Lhe residentinl etructures.
Cononieeioner Herbst eteted e conditionel uee pezmit could be tied to npecitic
use~e and he, lelt beceuae tha property is zoned amm~-e~i~i~Foula beltieddtoetheae
beinq converted to of~ices, the conditionel use p
apecilic uaea.
[dr. Rickman eteted they would want. to use the front buildinq f~r insuz'ance
oftices only and would like to meintain the reer residences !or residential
purpoees for a period of timn.
Jack White, Aegiatant City Att~rney, explained any usea permitted in the CG
Zone w~uld be permittad.
Commieaioner Herbst eteted he did not think qeneral commercial ueas should be
allowed in residential etructurea. He suqqested the front atructure be
limited to insurance offieee and approval granted tor the rear atructure when
a uae ie estnbliehed•
Jack White stated thie is the due procesa hearing when the neighbors have the
riqht to know what uses nre propaeed and no public hearinq would be required
under Rc+ports and Recaamnendations and the neiqhborhood could not object and
whatever uaes ere qoing to be percnitted ahould be deaiqnated at this time.
Coanniseioner Bouna dsked if the agent ie thinki.ng of any paiticular uses nt
this timES ~or the rear structura, with Mr• Rickman replying they are
considerinq profe~eional offices for that atructure. He aqx'eand8remo9elin
o!lice could not be permitted because of the lack of paxking 9
would bci prohibitive.
Commiesioner Herbst suqgegted limiting the ~ront etructure to enqineerinq,
attorneys, ineurance, etc. Mr. Riclanan stated t?~ere ia a conditlon to coHeert
the rear buildinq befor.e finalizinq the p~snaits on the front etruature.
etated there ie a housing shortaqe and it would be a r~hame to convert the rear
buildinq to prole+seional offices at thie time and they would like an extension
o! that con~ition Eor one year and indicnted they are Killinq to poat a bond.
Jack [4hite atated that could be donet that the code relatea to non-contorminq
usea and eince this would be allowed under a conditional uee~ permit~ it vrould
not be aonsidered nnn-confortainq and the commercial and reaidential uses could
ba mixed.
__....__..~..__.,~ ..
~"`,, ' . . .,l
MINUTBS, ANJ-HEIM CITY PIJ1NNIt~16 CAlMM1I88IOt1 r 81~PTbMHBR 8 ~ 1982 82-471
tl~r. Rickmsn f.elt thet woula givs the noighbor^ on Cha~tnut a buflar. Ha stated
he undarstand• all the property on the north side o! Ghastnut 9treot is ~eoned
tor p+irking.
l1CTIONs Co~nrti.ni.oner Harbat o!lered a motion, eaconded by Caan~iseinner King
end MOTZON C1lRRI8D (Com~ai.sion~r La Clsire absent), thet th~ Aneheim City
Planninq Commission hae reviewad the proposnl to pe+rmi~ commnercie.l use of two
re~sidantial atructure• with waiv~re o! required location of parkinq spacea end
required number and typ~ of. parking apaces on n rectanqulerly-ahaped percel of
land coneisting af approximetely 5001 equare fcet located et the norkhw~st
corner o! Che~stnut 8treet nnd tlarbor Eoulevard and lurther deecribed 125 3outh
Harkx~r Soulevardt and doee hereby approvo the Neqetive Decleration i'ran the
requirement to prepare en environmental impact report an the bneis that there
would be no siqnificnnt individual or cwtnuletive edveree envir.onmental l.mpect
due to the apProval of thie Neqative peclaration eince the Anaheim General
Plan deeiqnatea the eubject property for generel commer.ciel land uaes
commeneurete with the proposal~ thet no eenaitive environa-ental isnpacte are
involved in the propasalt that the Initial 8tudy aubenitted by the petitioner
indicntea no eignificent individuel or cumulative adverse environtnentel
impactas nnd that the NegetivQ Decleration eubstdntiatinq the foreqoing
findings is on file in tha City of Aneheim Plenning Department.
Comn-iesioner Herbot offered a motion, seconded by Comc-isai~ner 8ouas and
MO'I'ION CARRIED (Com4ttles.ioner La Claire absAnt), that tho Anaheim C1ty Planning
Co~unission does hereby grant waivQre (a and b) on Che basis of the aize of thP
pro~erty due to the proposed use, the parkinq sgncea w~uld be adequate aince
the cuetomere would only be in the office for a ahort period of time, and
denial would deprive subject property of a p:i~•ilegH enjoyed by other
properties in the s vne zonc nnd vicinity
Comu-iasioner Herbat offered Resolution No. PC82-164 +~nd moved for its passaqe
and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Comn-ission does hereby qrant
Condition$1 Use Pe~nit No. 2369 to pe.rmit the front etructure to be uaed for
commercial office uses limited to enginoering, insurance, and attorneys rnd
that the re+sr atructur~ shall be used for resider. ial purpoaes indefinitely
until it ia converted to commerc3al uee at which time a nPw public hearing
would be required and subject to Interdepa~rtmental ~onnnittee recoaanendations,
deletiny Condition No. 5.
On roll call, the foreqoinq resolution was pasaed by the following vote:
3ack White~ Aseiatnnt City Attorney, preaented the written right to appeal ths
Planning Comn-ission's decieion within 22 days to the City Council.
Commieeioner Ha:bat po~.nted out this use as nn insurance office would probably
be one of the liqhtest uses that cauld be proposed on this property since it
is zoned for coaunercial usas.
; ~i
~~ . ,
MINi~EB, Ht4111iEIM CITY M.~INNING COMMI68ION, 81lAT~tSER 8, lyBZ 82-47Z
PUHLZG Ha1-RING• OMN1CRt 0~~:' ': J. 11ND CONSTANCIR J. CiI880N, Z15 8. St~te Coll~qd
Hlvd., '+naheim, C!1 92805. 1-~ENT~ PHILI~IP 1-. Zyn+laiel, 300 8~ Harbc~r Blvd.,
Suita 8~ 1, 1-nsheia~, CA 92805. Property d~ecribAd ~~ s rsctangularly-ahaped
parce~l o! land conpietinq ot epproximntely 0.14 acre, 3Z4 N. Oall l~ed.
To permit an otfica uao in s residential atructure.
There was no ona indicating their presa~c• in oppoeition to subject raquest
and elthouqh the •tatt raport t~ the Planninq Coam-ieeion wae not r~ed et the
public hearinq~ it ie reterrad to and a~ad~ a pert of the minutee.
Jack White, Awwistant City Attorney, expleined t.he aub ject property is
cur.rently 2oned RS-7200, with e r.eeolution o! intent to the CO Zon~, and one
of the conditione of approval of this permit is that the aoning to coaamerc.iel
office being finalized end, if that occur~, Lhe Code 3ection relerred to in
ttie atetf report ~hould be chenq~d to lie cleri.lied thi~ chanqe
would not eff~ct the legdl edvertisement c~f this project~
Richard Bozech, eqent, was preaent to enswer any questions.
Reepondinq to Commiealonar Houae, lrlr. BOLdC11 explnined this will be otfices
f~r attorneys end no medicnl nlfices are proposed.
ACTI04~1s Commieaioner King offered a motion, 8e canded by Conmiasioner Herbat
end MOTION CARRIED (Commieeioner Le Claire abaen t), that t..he Aneh~ im City
Plenninq CoQUnission has reviewed the propoa~i to permit ~n ~lffce use in a
reeidential etructure on e r~ectdngulerly-eheped perc~l of lend con aistinq of
npproximately 0.14 acre hnving a front~qe o! approxi.metely 64 teet on the
auuth side of Eall Road and f.urther deacribed n a 324 Weet Bt~ll Raa dt end doea
hereby approve the Negative Oaclsration trom the requirement t~ pr apara an
anvironmental impact report on the basie that th ere would be na s i qnificant
individual or cumulnti~e adverae environmental impect due to the aipproval ot
thie Neqative Declaretion aince the Anaheim Gene zal Plen deeiqnat~ea the
subject property for commercial professional land uses commensura te ~rith the
proposalr that na aenaitive environmentnl impact e nre involv~d in the
propoealt that the Initial Study submitted by the petl.tioner indi cates no
significant individur~l or cua~ulative adverse environmental impactst nnd that
the Neqetive Declaration subst~.antiatinq Lhe for e goinq findinqa is on file in
the City of Ariaheim Plenninq Depertment.
Cocnaissioner King offered Resolution No. PC82- 165 and moved for ite paseaqe
and adoption thet the l~naheim City Planninq Coamnisaion does hereby grant
Condittonal Use Per~ait No. 2370 aU' ject to Interdepartmental Coca~itte~e
On roll call, the foregoing reeolution was pas sed by the followinq vote:
Jeak White, l~esistant City Attorney, pree~nt~sd the written riqht to appeal the
Planning Ce~eaiesion'e deciAion within 22 days to the City Council~
MINU'T~$r 7u'1AHExM CITY PI~NNINO COMMI9$2QN, B~PT~IB~R 8, 1932 82-473
1lneheim, C1- 92802. Pr operty described a• a rectenqularly-eheped parcel of
land consiatin4 0! approximatety 0.42 acre, 231 W~ Ketelle Ilvenue (Tex4co
Service 8tntion).
To retain sutomobile s~lee in ronjunction with an a,cioting sutomobilo rental
aqency and service ats tion with weiver ot prohibited aigns.
Thmre wae ne one indi cnting their presenee in ~p~~ition to subject requeet
and althouqh the etn! t rep~rt to ~he Planninq Comtnie~ion was nat reed et the
public hmnring, it is referrnd to enc' mede a part of the minutes.
David Capelouto, ?10 E. Monroe, Oxenqe, aqent, wes present to enswer eny
Harold R. Stokee, Attorneyr 330U Irvine Bouleva~rd, Nevrport Suach, re~erred to
Condition No. 1 requi ring an irrevocnble offer to dedicate a 45-foot atrip of
lend elonq Clementine Street and stated that would be taking eway
apprnxitrately 2139 ec:vare toot r~f sub ject praperty and added there will be no
extraordinnry ar eubs tantial increase in the trafllc llow and no reaeonable
relationehip betwF:n this applicati.on and the requirement for dedication. HQ
etated there is a ne qativo declarati4n on file dnd Pareqrnph 21-d of the staff
report indicentea a f i nding mus~ be niade thac the trnffic yenernted by the
pzopoaed use will not impose e-n undue burden on the etreets and highways
deeigned nnd improved to cerry the tra~tic in the ereA. He ateted
Heztz-fient-A-Car ope ration does sell cars on the edjacent property. He
referred to Resolution Nu~ 72-74 wherain the Planning Conaaission qranted th~e
conditional uae permi t to the Hertz operr~tion fur theae same activities and
there wes no requirme~t for a 15-fuot dedicntion on that property. He atnted
they feel Condition lvo. 1 is not a proper isaue for thie CUP epplication.
Mr. Stokea relerred tu Condition No. 4 requiring that the westerly drivewdy on
Katella be closed, noting there are two ontranc9a on K~Celln wh:ch e~ter the
Texaco Service Stati on nnd closing one of those driveways would create a
traft~c problem; and also closing the ~xiveway on Clementine would be
unreasonable end a burden on the propertV owner na well as those people uainq
the property tQ eith~r rent a car or purchase gasoline.
Mr. 8tokes added th~y have no problem complyinq with the requeat for tr~eh
enclosur~ nreae, etc . but do object to the ninety-day time lin~it imposed with
Condl.tiorie 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Coam'Aaioner Kinq ref~rred to the requeat to nllow portable signs and
sugy~:sted stiakere be placed ineide the windowa o! the vehicle$, shawinq the
expected a~ileage, coat a! veh~.cles, etc. inetead ot siyns on top of cars.
Mr. Capelouto responded thet they do have the portable atickers on the
veh~cles and reaponded to C~msaiseioner Suehoxe that their cocipany doea own the
vehicles thnt are tor ~ale and he doea not brinq in vehicles from othez
aqencies to se12.
~ ~~r~ ~~
MxNtlTte, ANl1li1CIM CITY PL11IiNINC3 COMlII88IQN, SRPT~IBBR 8, 1982 82-474
Conuai~~ion~r Hushor~ notsd almost ~v~ry o~r on th~ lot i~ edvertised !or uAle
and r~t~rzod to th~ H~rt~ oper~tion whers th~r.e i~ mryb• on~ vdhicle lacing
Cl~msnti.i~e !or sAla and maybe one lsaing lCat~lla.
Mr. Capelouto ttetad all ot khsir zantel car• ar~ !or aal~ et any time snd
that Hsrts only put~ sign~ nn two or thras o! their aar~, but +~11 of. thre
vahicles north of thie proparty are !rr s~le.
Crnnmiesioner Bushoro atatad the di!lerencs is thet Herts does not qive the
impre ~~ion that tha cars ar• all !or ~sala.
Mr. Capalouto explained the Zoninq Snlorcament O!liaar h+rd etopped beca uea tho
signs we~rs put out by the service etation. Ha explsin~d he owna the e~ervice
stetion, but it is leesed and operated by eomeone else.
Commie~ioner eushore atatod he sees no problem with thie uee if the ei q~na e r e
limit~ed to one or two becauae thle looks lfke e ueed car aalas lot rattaar then
a anr rentel agency end thAt ia whet ie ~aue~ng the pru~t,em. Regerdin q the
dedication, he explsined Convantion Way will ev~+n~ual]y connect with
Clementine nnd he would •uggeet that Che dedication be made cond'hiona 1 ly to
t~e tnkan if end when the etreet ie widened.
Commieaioner Kinq atated thet he did nc~t leA1 the southerly drivewsy eFaould be
Shirley Lend, Aasietant Tro~~~~ Enqineor, responded that thQ traffic
conditi.ane on C.lementine are changing becauee of ~ievelopmant nnd the freowny
ramps. She atated the Txnflic Enqineer has deked that the drivewnve b,e cloeed
becauee they ere located too close ta the intereection•
Cemmiseioner King eteted it the gaeoline cuaton-ere ere torced to qo through
th6 northern driveway, they would not be tredinq et this station very long and
he felt closinq the driveway would detinitely be a hardahip on the epp 11cen t.
Chairman Fry stated there are actually three eepsrate uaes on thid property,
sezvice etation, car rental and cnr ealee.
Commiesioner Herbet atated these three operatiane nre impactinq the proparty
and the operator will have to give up eowathinq. He ateted he will not
eupport the request without the irrevocat~le ofler of dedication and hG did not
think the property owner is bei~g discriminated aqeinet b~anuee n lot of
property ownerg have had to dedicnte street wideninq property.
lkr. Stoke^ atated the Department o! Motor Vehialee Stete of Gal~fornfe~
regulates c:er rentel aqencies and they ara allowed to sell vehicl~e~. He
atated i! requiring the dedication iB an imperative issue, w`~e ~djacent
property owner with a aimilnr ~+rn-it nhoul.d have the eune requirements. He
~tated requirinq the dedicntion of th~e applicant only is a~elective activity.
Coma~iseion~r Buehare suggeeted hhe npplicant c~ight vish to withdzaw tlrae
appl3cation i! he ie not willing to dedicate the property and figura out
another los~ conapicu~s any to •ell the vehicles.
~~ . ~. ~ ~
~. ~
Comaie~ioner 8ou~-• poin~ed out that Hoztc doe~ not have a qaoolin• operation
et their lscility !or th• qaneral public and •h• wa• not •ur~ i! there ware
•ny plans !oz vridaning th• stre~t when th~y epplied !or theix permi~.
Mr. Stokes indicetad he wae tryinq to alarily that thare is no evidenae thie
activity ~rill inorea~• tha tre!!ic llow bec~u~e there i~ no chnnqa in whet ia
now baing done and thsy l~eel thi• is a lorcad dsdication withaut oompensetion.
Dsan ~4her~r, Aa~oeiete Plannar, stated the Hertz oparntion did have e uxe
permit agproved in 1972 and thay wer~ not required to maka ths dedicntion
bsceuse a t that time that portion of Clementine wea de~iqneted as e Collector
8treatt however, in July 1979, the City Council amended the Genernl Plnn
Sesignati ng it ae en Arterial Highway.
Commissioner Hu~hore seked how meny vehicles ere on the premieea st the
presant tims, with Mx. Capalouto replying there ere approximataly eighteen et
the prea ent time. He etated they have ninety vehiclee that nre maintnined
either at thie facill.ty in Analieim or ~n their Ontario property.
Cammiesioner Buahore polnted out the meximum allowed ie twelve dnd euggeete6
tn+~ybe s cloeer look ehould be taken e+t this operetion.
Mr. Cepe 1 outo explnined the 8con~-Rantal o eretion is no lonqer there.
Mr. 3tokees replled to Commiseioner Kinq thnt the applicent ha~ no objection to
removing the portabl~ aigna, but ia mora concerned about cloainq the two
driveweys .
Coum~isei onar Buehore agreed cloaing the two driveweys would be detrimentel to
the prop~ rty beceuse of the smount of traffic going in and out of the aervice
etation and the rental agency.
Commisaioner Herbst noted the petitioner ie requestinq automobile aalas ~n
conjunct i on with the previously approved rental aqency, n~ting the plnna
indicate d a maximum of twelve vehiclea and now the petitionez is indiaating
there A r~ eometimea 18 or more vehicleE and pointed out any time there are
more than twelve, chere ie a violation ot the con~9itiondl use pertait.
Dean She rer pointed out they are currently allowed a maximwn of fifteen
vehicles on the premisea.
Mr. Cape 1 outo explained that they cnn use the two garaqe bays, natinq only
t.heir vehicles are repaired at this qaraqe. He explained employees park at
the east end of the property.
C~uaiaeioner Buehore stated the qaeoline ealea are incidental to the rental
ope:ation with Mr. Capelouto aqre~einq.
Jack White, Asaiatant City Attorney, explained the law pravides that tha
dedication of the land tor public improvementa must bear a reasoneble
relationship to the public needa creatad by the propoaed d~velopment enS khe
Commiaaion must detezmine whather or not the praposed use for which thie
conditianel uae permit ie required ie a uee which crentes public need for the
conditiozss beiag requested. He explained that is precisely the reeson
another pxoperty may not have been raqu~red to make mueh a dedication.
,~~~, ~.
Conmairsi~nar 1Cing aaksd i! dadiaatinq a t3-loot •krip would put the clisnt out
o! busino~~, with Mc. Stoke• r~plyinq that they lael it i~ an unreaeonable
requ~~t and it vrould al~o r~strict tha number o! v~hicl~~ and would be
d~~rimsntal ta ths car rental bu~in~es. Ha stated th~ CiCy l~ttorney'e
oomm~~ntr wera ~exactly whaL h• was tryinq to point outt thst this i~ e
continuaLion o! an ectivity which has baen thsre since 1969 end opsreted by
this epplicant eince 1978 and thera ha• not been a tremendoue impact~
Mr. Capelouto aeked if the number o! vehicles permitted on ~the proparty would
be roduced if he made the dmdication.
Reaponding to Comaiie,ionar Herbet, Jsy Titue, Otlica Enqi.near, axQleinRd hu
doea not heve n specilic date tor the widenlnq of Clementine. He clerifiad
the condition is not nsking !or immediat~ dadication, but en irrevocnble ofter
of dedicetion whici~ will become effective whesn the etreat ie widened end thet
would clepend on other development in the ar~a. Ha expleined the improvementa
would l~e made at the ai~y's expi+nse. He point~d out the motel acroes the
atreot wne required to dedic+~ke tha 45 feet on Clementine ao thie is not an
isolated case.
Commisefoner Herbat pointed out if the property owner ever decidea to change
the uee o! that property end the atreot hed tc+ be wi.dened to accommodate that
uae, the owner would be required to pny for the improvements.
Connniseioner Kinq stated t17e Planning Comnission hee recommeaded in the past
that service stationa should be on a 150 x 150-foot lot dnd reducing the size
of this property by 13 feet would makR the lot smaller than recommended for e
service atation. Hp did not aqree that this sorvice etetion is an incidental
use because it is v9iy busy.
Comzaiseioner Herbat ateted when this wes appraved for a sprvice atation, it
wae o! adequate size but now it ie being impacted by a car rentel nqency end a
car sales agency and thie is probabl}~ one of thQ heavtest impacted service
station lots in town.
Mr. 3tokes etated the s+ervice station ia leased nnd thie is a dual purpc.ss on
the lot and is an ectivity ia~portant to the property owner and is not really
incidental and ie not just servinq the rental care, but servinq the genernl
Mr. Capelouto stated h~ had meant it wae incidental to the ce+r rental bueinese
and averaqee about 75,000 gallons og qaBUline per month and he thought that
wae about averaqe for a gae station.
Commiae~ioner Bu~hore pointgd out if the petitionar does away with the portable
eslqne, he has a permit to rent the vehicles and if the sales are done in an
inconspicuoue maaner in conformance with the California Vehicle Code, then th~
petitioner would have no probleat with this uee and should withdraw the requeet
sf.x-ce he does not wish to dedicate the property.
~~ f.., ~ ~
Mr: Stokes atated i! thay •r~ raquirad to qet rid ot tha siqns altugether that
would be anothar saloctive action becaus• Nertz, next door, hea eigno on thei.r
vahicles. Ha statsd they will be ealective ee to the number c! siqne
aaoording to the wishee of tha Planning Commission. He stated Hertz h~s a lot
mors ~tigna on weekmnda.
Mr. Cap~louto atated the northern part af tha property dooa look like a r.nr
lot, but the portion on Kate]la doee not.
Commieaioner Bauae augqested new eigninq to explain the operation which would
attrect buyera without putting the siqns un t~p o! the vehiclee.
Mr. Capelouto dqraed it ia a reeaoneble requeet to eliminate e lot of the
eignst that Hertz usually hes eix or aeven eigne on top of their vehicles on
waekendet however, he f~1t three or four e3gna would be reasonable for thie
operetion ~n weekends.
Commisaioner Buehore Ateted 1ie would preaume Hertz does not have permi~g.lon to
have portable siqne with Dean Sherer roplying they ~lo not. have a vari~ncp.
Cc~mmisaioner Bushore stated if these thrw.e or four signs are allawed, the
applicant has glr.eady said that Nertz is in vi~lation and he felt this w~~uld
just open the dnor to a lot more requests. Ne added thia is a special area in
the City and referred ta his suqgestion that the app].icant come up with a less
conspicuaus way of selling the car~. He stated he does not want to deny the
petitioner the right to sell the cars bec~+use he knnws all the rental aqencies
do sell cara on a r.egular baeia, but he does not war~t khi~ property to become
a used cer lot. He stated he doea not eee how the petitioner. can live up to
his originel pQrmit which allows fifteen vehiclea F~ecause it would be
imposaible if Y~e ~wns ninet.y vehiclea dnd the weekends are busy and these cars
hnve to be moved around. He stated mayt,e the ges atation Ehould be
eliminated. Fie added he woul.d not vots for the portable siqns.
Mr. Capelouto stated the Zaninq Enfor.cement Officer had indicated that Hertz
had the rigt~t to sell the vehicles and he would 7ot want to poirt a finger at
Dean Sherer clarified that Her~x does have the riqht to sell the vehicles but
not to put portable aigns on top. He explained this applicant hgs app:oval by
Council to have a maximua- of fitteen rental atitomobiles on the property at any
one titae and this zequent is not to increase that number, but to maintain the
fifteen and aleo allow him to aell thoae fifteen vehicles in eddition to
havinq the portab7.e siqns. He stated he believes the Comcnission is not
willinq to qo alonq with portnble aiqns but probably will approve tho uae of
aellinq automobiles, ae lonq ea the number doas not exceed the fifteen
oriqin~nlly approved.
~ l `'j! ~
1~CTION: Commi~~ioner Herbat olforeA d pao~lon, ~econded by Commie~ioner
McBurney end MOTION C~RRxaD (Conaaitsionar La Clairs abnent), thet the Anaheim
City Planninq Conuniasion h~o rnvieWed the propoeal to rotain automobile ealas
in conjunction with an axistinq rental aqenay and •arvic• atetian with waiver
o! prohibited eiqns on a racCanqulerly-ahaped parcel of land consietinq o!
approximately 0.4Z acre locateQ at tha nartheast cornar o! Katella 1~v'nue and
Clementine straet snd Purth~r described en 231 Weet Katella Avenuer and do~s
hereby approve the Negative Declaretion trom the r~quirementi to prepnre nn
envi.ronmantal impact report on the bseie thet there would be no eiqnilicant
individual or cumulativa adv~rse environcnental ieqpact due to tha approval o!
thia Neqative Declaration since the ]~naheim Ganerel Plan deaiqnetee the
eubject property !or commerciel recrdati.on land uses commeneurate with the
proposalt that no seneitive environmentnl icipacts nre involved in the
propoealt that the Initial Study ~suba~itted by the petitioner indicates no
siqnificnnt individual or cumulntive adveree environmentdl impactet end that
the Negetive Declare~ion subst+snti~ting the foreqoing findinqa is on file in
the City of Anaheim Planning Department.
Commisaioner Herbet oftered a motion, seconded by Conuoiasioner McBurney and
MOTION CAARIED (Commiseioner La Claire absant), thnt the Aneheim City Planning
Commiasion doea hereby deny the requeet tor wniver of. code requirament on the
beeia that no hardship wee demonstrateA.
Commisaianer Herb~t offered Resoluti~n No. PC82-166 and moved for ita pnssaqe
and edopti~r- that the Anaheim City Planninq Commiseion doos hereby grant
Conditional Uae Permit No. 2371, in part, denying the roquested weiver and
subject to Interdepartmental Conunittee recom~endatione, deleting Condition Na.
4, requirinq the two drivewaye to be cloaed on the baeis that due to the
service etAtion operation, the drivewaye ere needad for safety.
On roll call, the foreqoing resolution was pessed b~! the followinq vote:
Jack White, Assistant City Attorney, presented the written right to appeal the
Planninq Comtaisaion's decision within 22 days to the City Council.
RTSCESS There was a ten-tainute receas at 3:25
RECONVLNE 3:35 p.m.
PtJBLIC HEARZNG. OWNER: R]~YMpND G. 3PfiHAR, ET AL, 6937 Avenida De Bantiago~
Anaheim, CA 92807. Property described as an irreqularly-ahaped parc~l af land
consistinq nt epproxima~ely 1.8 acre, 5750 E. Le Palmn Avenue.
To permit on-sale alcoholic beveragea in a proposed reataurant.
It was noted the petitioner had requested a two-week continuance.
ACTIOei: .Commiseioner 1Ctng oflered a motion, seconded by Commisaioner McBurney
and MO'xION CARRIEA (Commies~oner I,~+ Claire abannt), thet coneideration ~f the
efoxe-mentioned item be continued to the reqularly-acheduled meeting of
September ~0, 1982.
MIN[1TE8, 11N11HtIM CITY pI.ANNIN(i COMWI88ION, J3EPTEMtH6R 8, 1982 82~479
C11 92660. J-(iSNT: 1-l.Ati HOI.MaB, 261 8. Solomon Driva, Aneheim~ CA 936(17.
Prop~rty descrlbed ee an irreqularly-dhep~d parcel of lend c~nsistinq o!
appraximately 10 ucres, 5781 Se~nta Ann Cenyon Aned (Pit aerbecue Reetaurent).
To permit a walk-up wind~w at en existing reateur~n* witti waiver of minimum
number o! perking epacea.
There wea no one indicating their preaence in oppoaition to eubject request
and elthough the etef! report to the Plann~ng Coaimlaei.on wee not reed ~t the
public hearing, it is reterred to end mede a part of the minutee.
Alnn Holmes, 261 So~omon, aqent, was preaent to answer nny questions.
Mr. Holmes expleined three compect cdr parking epeces cou~d be provided etter
the window is conetructed.
ACTION: Coauniasioner McBurney ~ffered e motion, seconded by C~nm~ssioner
Herbst and MOTION CARRIEU (Commisaioner La Claire nbsent), that the Anaheim
City Planninq Coa~miaeion has reviewed the propoeal to pezmit a walk-up window
at an existing restaurant with waivar of minimum nuinber of parking spacea on
an irreaulerly ehapod percel of land coneiating af approximately 10 aczes,
having d frontage of apuroximately 775 feet ~n the north sides ot Sentn Ana
Canyon Road and further deacribed as 5718 3anta 1-ne Cenyon Roa~dt e+nd does
hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an
environmental impact report on the basis that there wnuld be no siqniticnnt
individual or cumulative a~dverse environmental impnct due to the appraval of
this Neqative Declaration since the Anaheim Generel Plan designetes the
subject property foz qeneral cc~mwercial lend uaea commensurete with the
proposalr th8t no sensitive environtaentnl impacte are involved in the
pro,posalJ that the In~tial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no
siqnificant individual or cumulative adverse ~nvironmental impactst and that
the Neqative Declaration substnntiatinq the foreqoinq findfnge .te on file in
the City of Anaheim Planning Department.
Commiasioner McHurney offered a motion, aeconded by Commissioner Bouas e-nd
MQTION CARRIED (C~nm-issioner La Claire absent), that the Anaheim City Planninq
Commi.esion does hereby grant the request for wdiver of minimum number of.
parkinq epaces on the basis that the change in use will actually decresse the
need for parkinq becmuse the customer flow will be increaeed and on the basis
that denial would deprive aubject property of a privilege enjoyed by other
properties in the satae tone and vicinity.
Coam~ieai.oner Mceurney offered Reeolution tio. PC82-167 and moved for its
passage and adoption ~hat the Anaheim City Planning Conmiission does hereby
qrant Conditional Use Pera-i:: No. 2372 subject to Interdepaxt.~aentnl Coma~ittee
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the fo2lowinq vote:
ITEM N0._10 ___~IR. N_EGIITIVE 0$CI,~7-~t1~TION~ RSCL~88IFICATxON N0. 82-83-7,` W1-IVSA
Bouleverd, M100, Aneheim, Cl- 9280d. 1~aENT s TttE SO~JTHL1-ND CORP. , 1240 S.
8tat• Colleqa ~oulevnrd, Anaheim, CA 92804. Property described ee en
irrequlerly-ehaped parcel o! lnnd consiatinq of approximetely 0.37 acre, 775
N. Laat Street (7-Eleven Stare).
To parn-it a conveniance n-arket with qasoline sales and weiver of a-inimum
number o! perking apacea.
There wae one peraon indicnting his presence in opposition to subject request
and nlthouqh the eteff raport to the Planninq Cotomiesion was not read at tho
public hearinq, 1t ie referr.ed to nnd mede a part of the minutes.
Peul Mula, 1240 Ste~te Colleqe, Annheim, stnted thia requeat ia to add one
qeeoline diepenaer to service a maxim~im of two vehicles at one time et this
aonvenience merket whict~tias been in businees eince 1974 end noted it ie not
ane of their hiqh volume storee. He atatad they woulA anticipete ebout 1/3 of
tJ~o avAraqe 75,000 qallon per month ellocation for en averaqe $ervice stetion.
Mr. Mula referred to tt~e recoramended Condition No. 2 requiring that the
exisrinq driveways on La Palma and North be moved weaterly from East 3treets
that concerning rhe driveway on North Street, there is no record of any
accidents at that intersection ar ima~ediately adjacent to the driveway and
moving it a few feet ia an extremely costly venturet and noted the totel for
both Conditiona 2 and 3 represents a cost nf abc~ut ~18,000 which would prevent
them fron- putting a dispenser in et this location.
Reqardinq the driveway on the nozth eide o£ the property on La Palma, he noted
it was sugqested that driveway be moved weaterly; however, there is a major
problem becaus~ the property owner to the west has not dedicated that portion
of La Pelma and the praperty line extende out inta the eastbound travel lane,
thus blockinq the view of the driveway and the further westerly it ie rnoved,
the more it wauld enhanr,e the possibility of an accident. He atated in
researching the number of accidents at that intersecti~n for the pest three
yeare, they could only find two a~ccidente which had anything to do with their
property. He stated he felt movinq the dxiveway would be detrimentnl to the
t.raffic ~low.
Concerninq Condition No. 3 for e raised median on La Palma, Mr. Mula noted the
Traf.fic $nqinesr had requested a median 250 feet ir, length and that their
property is approximately 130 feet from the intersection and they would have
no problem exten~'ng the median for the 130-foot length of their property
which would prevent anyone from turninq lpft.
Jim Lucey, 1217 E. La p~la~a, atated he objecta to increasinq this fast food
businese because of the noiae and lack of control at the aitet that now they
have tractora and trailers all through the niqht coininq in from the aren to
the north of the freeway and it is noisy.
~ ".,~~ ~
Chairman Fry pointed out this is not e raetnursnt.
Mr. Luosy atated he livea directly ecroes the stroet and this is a laet food
restsurant or e 7-Elsven Store serving hot lood and trucko and cars are in and
out a11 niqht and exe loud and there i• hnt-rodding up and down Centar lrom
tihat lucation. He added i! thio ie npproved, the median atrip would be e muat
beanuee the truak• coming south on East Street ignore siqne and cut diaqonally
acrosa the interrsction inta the 7-8levan driveway. He added he hes had to
put up a fence to keep t1~e trash q~nerated by the 7-Eleven etore out of hia
yardt that the 7-Eleven Store hae bean a poor naighbor and thnre ere no trash
cene or any e~tempt to qat the peuple to diepona ot thoir tranh and thet wae
not e~roblem belore the 7-Elaven Store wae there.
Mr. Luc~y eteted that ie e bsd ir~tereection and there ar~ frequent eccidents.
He etated he would ahellenqe the negetive declazation on the bnsis there le
noiea and trash qenernted and edded they Y-ave the Raymoncl eettling baei.n
acroes th~ street enw he did not know if epilled qesoline would nfPect it. He
stated he elso challenges the Comtniesion to consider the residente who own
homes and are trying to live in a~eacelul neiqhborhood. He adcled eo far,
this Commission ie attempting to "apot zone" thet neighborhood.
Mr. Mula stated they are in the qrocery bueinase and thie is a 7-Eleven &tore
and they do offer aanclwiches just like a lot of major grocery atorae, but iL
ie not a fast food business like McDoneld'a. t!e atated the 8outhland
Corporation hee always enjoyed a yood working relationship with Police
Departmonts and is surprised there is a problem and noted 7-Eleven ia not
aware of thet problem and will do whatever is neceaeary to correct it.
Regardinq a raised center ciivider, he indicated he hae not said they would not
aqree ta put in a center divi.der, but they are ob~ectinq to the whole 250-foot
length and thought going to their proparty line, epproximately 130 feet from
the intersection, would certainly reeolve the prable~ae fndicntad by Mr. Lucey
relative to large trucks crossing the atreet, etc. He etated if this ie
approved, when they do put in a center divider, it will solve nn innaediate
problem relative to accidenta at the intersection.
Com~niesioner Kinq asked if air and water will be furniahed for the customera
if this is approved•
Mr. N~ula atated City Counail approved Condition~l Use Permit No. 2285 on
Februnry 23rd for a 7-8leven Store at Gilbert and Ball and requi.red that they
inatall those facilities, which they have doneE however, they hAVe found that
95• of the usaqe has been by the hiqh school students aaroes the str~et and
there has been a constant problem with vandaliem coeting approxia-atelj $100
per month. He etated they will consider thoee facilities if it is the only
way to qet this requeat approvedr but that it has been a costly problem.
Mr. Mula explained one pwap will dispense three grades of gasoline and can
serve two vehicles.
--- ~
~ ~ ~
Connniesioner Ruehore etatsd ha has been in that •tore end what tha oppo~ition
has ~aid ia truet and thet oanvanience a-arkste atartad out aa a good idea, but
over the years they have turnad out to be beer and wine outlsta and an arcade
!or the younqster~+ and a le~t tood oparation, and all o!' thoee di!lerent
aapacta he+ve added to the cumulative etfect nnd halp~d to dacline the qeneral
area and addinq one more uee, suah aa qa,olina sales will heve a lurther
a!lect and the more uaes allowad contribute to tra~tic probleme, which ie tha
reason the Trn!!ic Enqineer has auqqeated relocation ot the drivewaye and the
raiaed median. Ha stated the Couun!esion haa atatieti~a o! tra~~ic accidente
at that intereection ovar the pae~ three yeare. He etate+d the Commiseion has
only apprnvad two convenience markets nnd thay were both in the Dieneyland
area whare they were needed.
Commissioner Herbst atdted in the paet the Planning Commiesion denied a
service etation on thie corner and at aeveral ~ther locationa on Eest 8treett
however, they were approved by the Ctty Council dnd he thouqht there were
thirteen from Ball Road to Orengethorpe nnd since then they hnva all closed
which proves there is no need tor q~~oline in that location. He etdted he hds
opposed service atetians eelling convenience qooda becauee it 1s a dudl uae
and also there are markats in the eren Rnd a service atation acroas the street
and he thouqht approva7. ~f thie .requeet would be~ gi.vi~g this proparty owner a
privileqe being denied othera. He atnted he felt this ie probnbly one of the
worst corner.s iri the City for this typs use. He added he did live in that
area for 27 years and knowa thie is not a safA corner under any conditions
without adding any rnore uaea.
Commiasioner King edded the property at Gilbert and Ball wae largcr for the
convenience market and he did not think thie property is large enough to
accommodate this use.
Mr. Mula stated he is not prepared to deal kith alcoholic beveraqe control
iasues or amueement qame isaues and felt if those iesuea are a problem, they
should bo dealt with through the City orclinances and the Alcohalic Beveraqe
Control Board.
Mr. Mula stated thir~ is not e mejor gaeoli.ne installation and that they do not
anticipate an increase in the activity. He stated gasoline stetions nre
closed because of the increaeed cost of property, taxes and the decrease in
the me~rqin per qallon of gasoline sold and their corporation is looking to buy
thoae corners where there are closed gas atations and put in combination
7-Eleven convenience iaarkets and qae etatinns. He etated approximetely 2600
of their 7,000 7-Eleven stores have qasoline pumps. Nx. Mula $tated putting
in the medfan divider will help ~he existinq si*.uatiun.
Commiasioner Herbst atated moat cf theae 7-Eleven operations heve qone to
24-hour operationa and thia property ie adjacent to a reaidential area and he
felt thie does interfere with the neiqhb~r's sleep with motorcycles, trucks
and care comi.nq in and out. He referred to the City's Noise Ordinance and
stated exceeding the noiee amient level at niqht, a motorcycle ~-ould be
extremely loud and if the noise continues and the neiqhbora continue to
complain, the use could be proven e nuieance.
~'~ ~..t ~
Mr. Mula stntad he io aware o! noise problsms sinca he ia ad~ACant to a busy
hi.Qhway end a ya~olina pw~p would ba on the othor sid~ of the ~tore, eway lrom
the resid~nces snd he 8id not think tha tra!!ic qenarated at niqht would be
nny mora than thoee people coming to the atore enywdy and he did nat think it
would bei any louder et the qe. pumpe than et tha ~tore.
Chsir.man Fry asked if the houra of operetion were etipulated in the originel
approval of Variance 2590.
Canm~iaeioner McBurney stated he aqrees with tho opposition but wanted to point
out that thie ie nn opportunity to try and correct a hezardaus eituation
becauee ut ernne point the City will hnve ~o put in the medien, but was not
eure i! edd~ng thie uae would offset that benefit.
Commie~ioner Herbat felt add±ng the qasoline would increase the bueinees late
et night nnd he wes concerned ebout the neighborhood.
Commiseianer Buahore felt requirinq the medien wauld help tralfic in the
intereection, but the whole intereection ie the problem becduae some of the
properties bave not been dediedted and c+there have dedicated a much lonqer
partion and, in fect, the intersection is not properly aliqned.
Mr. Mula etated they will be more thr..n happy to extend the median divider from
the intersection 130 feet.
Commiasioner Herbst asked if they would consider reducinq the~ houre of
operation to close at 11s00 p.m., indicating that ~.s the only way he could
vote for appravnl.
Mr. Mula stated he is not prepared to make that conunitment
Chairman Fry atated he felt the 24-hour operation ia the problem.
Commiaeioner Huahore atated a-aybe thie market should be converted back to a
convenience market without tre arcede qemes or the gasoline sales becauee that
is part of the problem and that is why the Commission is not willing to qrant
the qasoline ealea. He stated arca~le games nre not any Fart of a conveni.ence
market and do contribute to the problem anfl if those problems did not exiet,
the Commission miqht look at thie requQet fox qasoline sales in a different
Respondinq to Commisaioner Bouas, Mr. Mula explained they have eiqht similar
operations in Anaheira and have gaeoline sales at one and have experienced no
problem that they are sware of.
Commissioner Bouas noted hhe operation at Gilbert and Aall has a lot more
Mr. Mula stated when that was agproved, the City Council requeated that
criteria be established for dun]. use gasoline/conveniant stores and he was
asked to wait until thet criteria wae eatablished.
Coma~isaionex Herbst stated the commfteaent on their existing operetion wae 7
a.m• to midnight.
~ti ~
~~~ 4, , ~
MIpUT38, 11N11HEIM CIZ'Y PL11NP1ING Cd4lI88ION, SSPTlII~tHSR 8, 198Z 8Z-484
Mr. Mula ptal:sd ha understood khat wa~ ahang~d the next yeer.
Annika Santalahti, 1-~sistant Oir~ctor tor Zoninq, dtnted sho reoniled the time
limit plue the eale ot alcoholic bevaraqa w~e considereA later and wae
Commissioner Herbst stated he !'eels this ie a very importent i~sue, end the
racords should ba r~eeerched becaus~e i.t would eflect the way he votee on this
Chairman Fry eteted thet would be e aeperate ection end thie action.
Con~ni~aioner Bushore referred to ataff'e mamorandum dated September eth
reqerdinq criterin for convenience markate and atnted he c11d not think thie
location meets very au-ny af thoee reconanendetions auch as, tninimum site of
property to be 150 foot by 150 foot with driveweya located awny froca the
intereection, and the locetion of the gae pumpe. He pointed out there ere
four housee directly facinq the pump l~cation.
It wae noted this plan doea meet the landscaping requirementa.
Comtnieaioner Buehora ateted he cannot e~uoport the rrquest and he did not think
a continuance ah~~uld bo qranted in ordeL f~i the petit3oner to discuas the
houra of operation. He stated the Plnnning Cot~mission denied a
roclaaaification requeat in 1970 on the baeis it would be "ap~t zoning" and he
felt, in all fairneas to the neighborhood, the zoning ehould be left exactly
as it is.
ACTION: Conwtisaionei Hushore offered a motion, aeconded by Caamissioner
McBurney and MOTION CARRIED (Conimiesioner I,a Claire absent), that the Anaheim
City Planninq Coaunigsion has reviewed the propoeal ta recldaeity subject
property f.rom th~~ RS-7200 (Residential, Single-Family) Zone to the CL
(Commercia~, Limited) Zone to permit a convenience nusrket w~th gasolir-e salea
with waiver of minimum number of parking sgaces on an irreqularly-ehaped
parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.37 ecre located et the southwest
corner of La Pnlu~a Avenue and Eaet Street and further described as 775 North
East Streett dnd dce~ hereby approve the Neqr~tive Declaration frcmt the
re~quirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the b~sie that there
would be no eiqnificant individua~ or cumulative Adver~e enviroruoental ia~pact
due to the appr~vel oP this Neqative Declaration since the Anaheim General
Plan de~iqnates the sub~ect property ~or medium density residential land uses
connnensurate with the propoealt th~t no sensitive enviroruaental impacta are
involved in the proposali that the Initial Stucly submitted by the petitioner
indicatas no significant individusl or cumulative adverse environmental
impactss and that the Negative Declaration substentiating the foreqoing
findinqs ie on file in the City of Anaheim Plannirig Department.
Commisaioner Suahore otfered Reeolution No. PC82-:~a anli utoved for its pagsage
and ndoption ihdt the Annheim City Planning Commission doea hereby deny
Reclassificakion No. 82-83 -7 on the basis it w-ould be coneidered spot zoning.
On roll call, the loreqoinq resolution wes paesed by the following vote:
~ ~ ~
MINI)TEB~ 71NAHEIM CI'1'Y PIl1NNIliO COMM28820N, BaPTEMB3R 9, 1982 82-d85
Caanni~sion~r Su~th~rs o!l~r~d a raution, ~eoonded by Conani~rionor H~rb~t and
MOTiAl~1 Cl1RRIlID (Comai~~ion~r La Clai.r~ ~bs~nt), thst th~ An~h~im City Planning
Coanni~sion do~• h~rsby deny r~qu~st !or w~iv~r o! codQ r~quir~aaent on th~
ba+~is that no hard~h~p was d~n~on~tr.~t~d prrtair~ing to th~ prop~rty loaetion,
~i~ee or topogr~phy.
Commiarioner Buohoze o!larad Ra~oluCion No. PC82-169 and mov~d !or its pas~ags
anQ •!loptior that the 1-nshaita City Planr~inq Commisaion c9o~o heraby dsny
Conditional Usa Pera-it No. 236~ on th~ basis that the use will ~dv~rs~ly
attact tha sdjoining l~nd u~~s and that the ~ise And ohsps o! tha ait~ is not
adequat~ to allow tiho proposad use end thet the tza!!ic qen~reted by the
propoAOd usa will iaapAes an undue burcSen on the etrsets and hiqhways and be
detrimantel Co the p~ac~, health, ~at~ty and general wella~r• o! tha citisens
of th4 City ot Anaheim.
On roll call, tha foraqoing reoo].ution wds pessed by the~ lolloNinq votes
Jeck White, Aeeiete-nt City Attorney, presanted the writtdn right to appeal the
Planning Camniseion's deci.elon within 22 deys to the City Counail•
Commiasion~r Herbet asked staff to reaearch the records to eecertain whether
or not the houre of operation have been violated pertaining to the exiatinq
use fp: a 7-~leven market nt thin location.
M2NUTE8, 11N71H$IM CITY ALl~1NNINti Cd!lMI88ION, PRPT~aR 8, 1982 82-a86
PUBLIC H8JIRZNG. OWNBRe IBaRH11M1 11LI ATA, 26371 1-vuzy P~rkway, Miseion Vie jo,
C7~ 92675. 11GaNTi TALAT RApW11N, 26371 l~vary Perkw+~y, Mi~sion Vis jo, CA
92675. Propar:y deecribed ee a rrctangulerl.y-ehepad par.cel u! land conoistinq
of approximetely 0.42 ecre, 172` y. Brookhurst Straet.
To permit e convenience merket with gaeoline sele..
Thare were two psrROne indicating the~r preeence in opposition to subject
requeat and nlthough ~he ate~t report to ~he Flanninq Coa~miseion wa.e not read
at khe public heering, it ie re~erred ~o end mede a part of the m,inutes.
Talet Ra9wen, 3312 W. First 3treet, 3ante Ana, etated thia property cannot
continue ta be opezated as a ges station only because of the decrease in the
margin Eor qasoline salest that they purchaee~l the property in 1981 an~t
intended to contlnue the operet.ion as a qae stetion h~:t ~uund ii ie impoasi.ble
to do busin~ssa based on the gae incom~+. H~ eteted they woulci like to have a
c~nvenience market with sor~e automobile ncceReory abl.es, including a~utocnobile
parta, wexes, batt~riea, etc. and tha t they plen to continue to aell
qnaoline. He a~ated this m3rket will not coa-pete wi.t.h eny other mnrkot in the
area and will not cause any traflic probleme beceuse they agreed to cloae the
one .irivewayr and that there will not be very much noise. HQ poi.nted out the
area is mostly commercial. He added if thie request ie not granted, he will
b~ forced to close the facility.
Harmon Mdwan, general mnneqer at 17 25 S. Brookhurst, stated he would like the
rsquAat qranted b~ceuae it w~uld be very cnnvenient to have the qxa atation
and market together f.or the cunsua-er so thoy can ahop et one place nnd thouqht
it would help the community. He ata ted they cann~t eurvivs on gas ealea only,
gointinq out there is a lot of compe tition end they hnve had to drop the
pricee. He atated the only aolution they have been aLle to find ie to open a
market to aell small ftems. He added they are willing ta comply wiL•h nll City
Chairman Fry stated this Coaanission is not ellowad the privilege of
considerinq the econnmics in these requeste and muat review theee projects on
a land use standpoint only.
James Horat, 2176 Crestwood Lane, r~tated there ie a Standard aervice etation
o~i the corner of erookhurat and 1Catella which sells batteries and autoanobile
parta and a market for food xnd aspi rin, etc. about 30 yards from thi.a stet~on
which closes at 11:00 p.m. He stated they heve robberies in the nef.ghborhood
naw and do n4t need another little market which would impact their
neiqhborhood and cause young people to hang around conatantly. H~ stated th±s
is a bad area and they do not feel they need this market in that locakion
because of the impact o~ crime, etc.
Norman 3hadow (eecretnry cuuld not veriPy name), stated he owns the market
about 30 yards away fram the service etetion and hae been there eince January,
1982, and that he lives in Rialto becauee he adnnot afford to live in Anaheim
and is trying to make a livinq here.
. ~
s^ E ~
~!. 6~ '~
Mr. Aedwan etate+d the •ervioe statior~ do~e have ~ame e~tocaobile pexte and
aca~tsorimst how~v~r, thsy Nill not b~ lurniehinq any labor or any
instullation and ths buyer must insta 11 it th~maalves or qo to a service
•tatic+n. Na •tat~d th~re i• no reason tor younq people to h~ng around in thet
arsa bscause th~y will not br providing vid~a gam~s, atc. He etated there ie
no ons taarket that can provide all th' need~ tio all cuetomer~ at nne time. He
atated thay hava all varietiae o! lood available !or the conswner in that aren
alrendy and that thay will not ba cowipetinq. Ha statad they heve dbnut 400
auetomere per dey for qa~ but they would like to be eble to provide them
tha services o! purchaaing batterioe, 1~oaee, etc. at ona etop.
Gortueiesioner Kinq asked ebout closin g the drivewey, with Mr. Redwan noting the
tniddle drivaway will be iieleted. Commisaloner Kinq pointed out thnt they do
provide air and water to their cuetomAre end eeked i.f they will continu~ t,o do
shop work. Mr. Redwan replied they wi.ll not ba doing any repeir work.
Comiaisaioner Kin~ eeked if they are allowed to park cnre along the wall
running north and south of the wdat property .line. Mr. Mdwen explained tha~t
is not their property behind the wal l~
Commiseioner Herbet etat.ed sarvice s tations used to provide aervices such ea
air tor tires, water for betteriea, windshiold cleaning, oil check, etc. and
every etation he has owned in the pa st provided these services and made more
prot~it from those servicea than on t?~e gasoline. He atated thesse oamere want
to go into campetition with their ne ighbor. who already hne a merket and aeked
i! they would objoct if thet neiqhbor wanted to put qasoline in front ot his
store. He noted the ~tdtion wae al 1 owed there to aervice specific auatomers
and tha market ia there to sdrve specific cuetomers and now, becauae the
station ia experiencing prubleme, th ey want to infringe ~apon the othez
buainesses. He telt to make the service etation pralitable, they need to
provide the aerviaes. Ne stated he would not vote for chanqr~a in the uae to
intertere with the other uaes, hecause he ie op~sed to ellowing e convenience
market in a shop~inq center like th i s becnuae that would be grenting a
privileqe denied to others eince service etationa were allowed right out on
the etreet to meke it eney for the traveling public to purchase qas.
Chairman Fry stated the isaue shoul d be land use only with Ca:mnisaioner Herbat
replying he felt dual uae of the ln nd is a land use issue.
Mr. Radwan etate8 if the public is willinq to pay ~1.50 por qallon Por
gasoline, there probably will be mor e statione, but under this econoa~ic
atrees, everyone is trying to cut pricea to etay competitive and they are
having n marqin of 1 to 2 cents per gallon and they cannot provide window
washing, air checks, etc. on that uiarq~n.
Coamtiseioner Bouas aeked i! beer and wine would b9 aold and also what ather
itaas ai11 be sold. Mr. Radwmn stated if the Alcoholic Beveraqe Control BoArd
allowe them to sell beer and wine, they will, but any profit from thoee sales
will be donated to a charity due to their reliqion. He reaponded to
Commie~ioner Bouas thnt they will b~ selling spark plugs, soda pops, emall
qroaery items, etc. but mainly they will be eelling automobile parts and
.. w,.
\. . `', ' ~~
Commi.~sionax 8ushor• •tat~d und~r the CL Zone, a convsnience a~arket w~auld be
gorn-itted without Ch• qasoline •ales and kh~t ia the nain i~sue nnd the res~on
!or this r~qua~t.
Dean Sh~rsr, 11~~oci~te Plann~r, exI :ained the ovmar ha~ a aondiCional use
permit !or a qadoline station and i! he wsnta to opan ~ conveniencA market, he
he-a to ato~ e~lling gasolins unles s ths parmit i~ qranted.
Commissioner Bushora notmd one o! the recomn-endetione is thRt the owner
shall have a aeperate ~ttendant on duty at ell times for the diapeneinq of
qasoline end eskad why that is necc3eeery i~ thie le a self-earvice operation.
Desn 8herer clerilied that conditi on ie recomtnended on all theoe types o!
reque~ta and la a requirement eo th ere ~rill be at loaet ona ft~"-time employee
aveilable in cese there is n probl ~n-ouch as someone dropping n ho~e, atc.
Mr. Redwnn respondod to Commiasioner Buahore that the repeir tecility hae
alread,y been cloeed.
Commieeioner Ruat~ore etetecl every stetion rnmer he hee over known, did not
make his prolit from aQlling gaeol ine, but from the repair work and other
inst~-llatione and qas anlea we~e i ncidental to his repeir eervice. He asked
the hours o! operation now with Mr. Andwdn replyinq they are open lro~ 7:00
e.m. ta 11:00 p.m. and they would probably stny opnn 24 hours e dey etter the
tirst yeer if this ie profit~b?.e.
Commiseioner Bushore stated he fel t th~y need to meke a deciaion whether or
not to uae the lnnd for a qasaline service etntion nnd relet~d aervicee or a
convenience mnrket because he ~e a not lika dual usee. H~+ ateted he knows
what that neighbor.hood is llke an d it does have socao problgms now, and the
neighbore are c~ncerned about the cumuletive affect.
Mr. Radwan stated he would like to dis cu»s thia matter with hic advisor and
make a choice between ~aeoline an 1 ea or a n-arket and nsked for a continuance.
Chairman Fry stated if the petiti oner aakes a choice, he will not need a
conditionel use perm.it because he ie allowed Lo do one or the other.
Comm~iseloner Herbst steted they ca n continue the present opAration and handle
the autoa-otive parts without any problem.
Mr. Radwan r~tatad he aould like ttze opportunity to come beck.
ACTION: Chairman Fry ~tfered a n~tion, seconcted by Conmtiesioner McBurney and
MpTZpN CARRSE~ (Commiseioner La C lai.re abaent), th~t considerati.on of the
agorementioned matter be continued to the reqularly-scheduled .~eetinq of
October 4, 1982, at ths re~uast o! the petitioner.
~rt u : ~~
ITl~1 t~0 12. 1lIR CATIDCiORICAL lCXEMpR'ION-CLA86 11 IWD VJ1R~11NGE N0. 3293
PUSLiC KEJ-itIt7G. OWN6R: T,2I-TR]S1~OAY8 1U380CIAT68, 2222 Corinth 1-w+nue, i.os
I-nqdles- CA 90064~ AG3NT~ M8• A86IE DU!'!'Y~ 2121 W. Cre~cent 1-venua, NH,
l~nahsimr C7- 9~801• Propsrty d~~cribed e~ sn irr~qulerly-thspad pa-rc~l ot lnnd
coneistiinq o! approximetely 9.2 acr~e, 7Q0-720 North Velley Streat.
Wsivaru o! permitt~d locetion ~an8 maximu~n height to retein a lroeetending sign.
There was no ona indicetinq their pr~sence in oppoeition to subject request
end althouqh the etaLt report to the Plenning Caa~mission wt~s not reed at the
public hearing, i.t is relerrad ko end nwde a part of the minutee.
1~b~iQ Dufty, egent, 1118 PerRqrino Place, 1-naheim, roa~d a prepared statement
(~apy o! whioh ie in the P1aRriing Department fi.lea) indiceting thay leel they
hsve en obliqation to the 97 indlvidual buelneesee which occupy 123 c~uites in
ttais perk whoen eurvival dependa on locetion~l identityt that the park ie~ not
ors e heavily trav9led arkery and without the lreeway eiqn, the location
idenl.ity is m.inimeli that the eiqn ie 40 feet hiqh, which le necegeary due to
t?~ae re~lrodd between the eign end the Senta Ana Freawayt thet they leel the
requeet im justifiQd bneed on the preccsdent o! Veriance No. 2973, grent~d
October 3, 1977, for A 48-l00~ hiqh ~reQ-atending siqn on the property
centiguoua to subject propertyt that. the aign ~s Placed not to he a~
iz~lrinqement on e cesidential erea to ttie north acrose the freewey and t1~e
Cs~mmiseioner King Rtated hg c~uld eaeily aee the hardehip here and lorcing the
applicant to remove the eiqn does not n-~ke sense and Cc~mmissioner Horbst
agreed, eapecialla~ since there is no edjoining ueeble property.
=t was noted the Plann~ng Di~ actor or hie authari~ed representative has
detertnined that the propc~eed projeat falle within the definition of
Cateqorical Exemptione, Claas 11~ ns detined in the State Enviroruaental Impact
Repozt Guidelines end is, theretore, cetegorically exempt from the requirement
to prepare an EIR.
~r~ ,.
!-CTIpN: Commieaioner•ottered Resolution No. PC82-170 and moved !or its
pasaege and adoption that the Anaheim City Planniny Commisaion doas hezeby
grnnt Variance No. 329a on the basis of the aize nnd ehnpe o! the px'operty and
on the basis that this siqn lies been exiating tor six years and haa not had a
detritoeiital ePfect on the surroundinq erea and due to the location of the sign
relative to ite..urroundinq and angle and due to walle and qreenery at the
Torth side of the propezty and the railroa~t track, the residente tu the north
are n~t disturbed nnd eubject to Interdapartmental Cona~-ittee recommendations.
~oeami.seioner Buehore asked that a gtipulation bn added to the resolution that
the si~ will only b~ ueed to advertiee avQilab3e epace in the complex And
would not adveztis~a individ~al producta with Ms. Dutfy agreeinq to that
On roll call, the loragoinq resolution aas ~nssdd by the following vote:
N~EB: NONffi
ABgEt~Ti' s LA CLi-II~
~ `~.~
MINUTEB, 11Ii11Nl~IM CTTY pIJ1Nt~1ING Cq~tlII88ION, 91CPT8MBER 8, 19H2 H2-490
ITEM N0. 13. EIR C11T300RIC11L 1lXEMPTION-CLA88 5 11ti0 VIIRII-NC8 N0. 3291
PU!lLIC HgJ1RINt3. OWNER: 1~MNK N. ~1ND lMRT~t11 WIBR, 6707 Eucslyptue Drive,
J-nahsim, G 9Z807 and JBNNY 8. YIM, 9~7 8. Hadin Court, Anaheim Ca 92807.
Property deacri!»d as an ixr~qularly-ahapsd parc~l o! land aonsiating o!
approximately .66 ecre, 6707 Euce~lyptus Drive.
Waiver o! mnximum fence heiqht to penait e tennia court.
There wes no o~a indiceting their preeence in opposition to subjer,t request
+~nd elthouqh the etaf! report to the Planning Commission wae not read et the
public hearinq, it is referred to and made a pert oP the minutes.
Mnithe Wiee, proparty owner, wde preaent ta answer nny questions.
C.ommieeioner McBurney clarilled the varience is neceaoary becauoe code permits
a maxianun lenca heiqht o! 42 inchee in the requlred 10-foot eetbeck adjecent
to a private ecceaA eesement and the plane indicate a 12-loot high chain link
tence enalosinq the proposod tennia court located 1 to 3 feet lrom tha
eaeterl.y property lir-e adjecent to the Sucalyptus Drive, s priv~te road.
Dean Sherer, Aeaaclete ~lnnnez, explained the location of this court is
actually in an erea defi.ned by code aa e front yerd which requirea a 25 toot
Ms. wiee refezred to comments by ths Tr+~tfic Enqineer reqarding clear
vehicular line-of-aiqht and expleined there esre only four h~usas on the
privete street. Dean Sherer claz~ified the 'Treflic EnqineAr had reviewed che
~lans nnd has deleted that recocnnendation.
It was noted the Plenninq D.irector or hie authorized repreaentative has
datermined thnt the proposed pro~ect falls within the definition of
Cateqorical Exemptions, Class 5, ns defined in the State 8nvironmental Impact
Report Guidelines end ie, therafore, ceteqorically ~xempt fro~a the requirement
to pr.epare an EIR.
ACTION: Conmaieeioner Herbet oftered Reaolution No. PC82-171 and moved for ita
pnseege and adoption that the Annheim City Planning Commieaion doea hereby
grant Variance No. 3291 on the basis that denial would deprive subject
property o! privileqae enjoyed by other propertios in the same zone and
vicinity end aubject to Intordepartmental Committee recota~endations.
On roll call, the foreqoing ree~lution Nas pa~••asd by the followinq vote:
MINUTEB, 11Nl1NEIM CITY PLJII~iNZNG COMMZ8820N, SEPTl:1A86R 8, 1982 82-491
ITaMI NO. 14
8tsf! raports on the lollowinq wera presentad but not reud:
1~.. CONDITIdN11I. U88 PllRMIT NO• 1825 - Ibsque~t !or termination lrom Carl
iYellace~, Robert 8chuller F[ini~trie4, o! Condition~+l Uee Permit No.
1825 for prap~+rty locetad on the eouth eide of. Orenqawood 1lvenue,
npproxiawtely 437 leet nn the eest eida o! Lawis 8treet, end 236 leet
on the eouthweet eide o! Manchester Avenue.
It wae noted th+~t City Council termineted Conditi~nAl. Uee Pezmit No.
1825 at ~hair reqularly-scheduled meetinq of Auguet 24, 1982,
(Reaolution No. 82-439)rtherefore, no action by the Planning
CooQrtiasi.on wae neceeanry
B. CONDITZONAL tJSE PERMtIT N0. 888 - Requeat for nunc pra Cunc reROlution
unending Reeolution No. PC81-197•
Followinq the Planning Commnission meeting, it was detcrmined thnt NO
ACTION wee neceasar.y on the abovo-mentioned matter.
C. CONpITIONAL USE PERMZT N0. 2100 - Requoet for an exteneion of time
fran Judy Ptahuta, McDonald's Corporetion tor property at 119 Weat
Bell Rond.
Commisaioner King olfered e motion, seconded by Commisaioner McHurney
and MOTION CARRIED (Comn~is~ioner Lai Claire absent), that the Anaheim
City Planning Coam-ieaion doee hereby qrant a retroactive one-year
exteneion of titne for CAnditionnl Use Pera-it No. 2100 to expire on
August 11, 1983.
U. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2090 - Requeet for an extension of time
from Harvey Owen, for property located a~ 1160 North Krnemer
&~uleverd (Oscar's).
Cocoa~iaeioner King offered a motion, seconded by Coauiesioner McBurney
and MOTION CARRI~D (Ce~mmiasioner La Claire absent), that the Anaheic-
City Planning Commisaion does hereby qrant a retroactive one-year
extensi.on af tl.me for Conditional Use Permit No. 2090 to expire on
June 2, 1983.
~ ' ~
B. CONDITIONIIL U8~_ PERMIT N0. ~093 - Reque~t !or en sxt~n.ion o! times
tr~om Robert S~nchet tor prop~rty located at 911 South Sylven Str~et.
Canmis~ioner King ot~ered a e~otion, ssconded by Cammi~sionar McBurnoy
and MOT20N CARRISD (Ceadrtissioner La Claire aboent), that th• 1lnehe.lan
City Planninq Conaniseion does h'r~by qrant a two-yoar r~troa~ative
extansian o! tin~e !or Conditional Use Permit No. 2093 to expire on
June 30, 1984.
F. CONDITTONAI. U8B PE1iMIT N0. 22b8 -~~quest !or nn extension o! time
fran Gena 1-. and Katie M. Albin, for propsrty located nt 354
Orangewood Avenue.
Cammission~r Kinq o!lered a motlon, saconded by Commisaioner McBurney
and MOTION CARRIED (Commia~ioner ~s C'aire ab~ent), th~t the Anahaim
City Planning cnmmission dosa hereby grant n retroactive one-yedr
oxtenaion of time !or Conditional Use Permit No. 2248 to expire on
J~uquat 2•-. 1983.
G. CONAITIONAI. USE PERM7T N0. 1985 - Request for tern~ination frum Douq
Gnrnee, l4outhweat Leaaing +snd Rentnl Inc., for property located at
1843 Mountni.n Vi~w Avenue.
Commi.tisioner Kinq offered Reaolution No. PC82-172 and moved for it.e
passage and ndoption thet the !-naheim City Planning Caem-iesion doas
hereb~~ terminete Conditional Uee Permit No. 1985 previously approved
undex Reaolution No. PC79-117.
On roll cnll, the foregoing resolution was paseed by the following
A0.TOUIiNMENT: There being no furt!~er bu~ineea, Coma-issioner Herbat oftered A
motian, secanded by Commissionpr McBurney and MOTION CJ~-RRIEn
(Coamtissioner La Clair~ abaent), that the meeting be adjnurned.
The meetinq was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
Respecttully sub~aitted,
~ A,,~,~ ~ `~k'~iV~'~'s~
Edith L. Harris, Searetary
Anaheim City Plenninq Commission
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