Minutes-PC 1982/11/01: ~ ~
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REffV1~1R t1E~TIN(3 Th~ requl~r. m~~tinq of th~ 1-nahsia~ Ciky ?lanning CcxamiNrion
was call~d ta ~rder by Chairm~n Fry at 10i00 a.m.,
Nov~ab~r 1, 1987, in th~ Caunail Chaaibar, a quorum being
pr~s~nt and ths Coma-iseion reviewsd plans o! thR it~ms on
today'~ aq~nda.
RSCa88t 11r30 e.m.
RECONVENL-s 1 c 30 p.ta.
Chairman~ Fry
Boues, Bushora, Hsrbst, King, La Claire, McBurney
Ron Thomp.on
1-nniks 8entalehti
Joel Fick
Jack White
Jay Titue
Paul 9inqer
9hirley Land
Jay Taehiro
Oean l4herQr
Sdith Harrie
Plnnning Diractor
7-asi~tant Diractor !or Zoninq
~-esistant bir.ctor !or Plnnninq
l~saiatant City Attornoy
O!lice Snginaer
Tra!!ic Enqineer
Tra!!ic Bnqineerinq 1-asiatant
Aaaocl.ata Planner
1-asocinte Planner
Pldnning Commi~eion ffacretary
APPROVl1L OF MINUTSB: Commissioner 1Cinq o!lered a motion, eeconded by
Commieeionmr Bouns and MOTION CI~RRIED (Comvaiasioner McBazney abstaininq), that
tha minutes o! the maeting o! October 18, 1982, be approved a• eubmitted.
Huntington Haach, Cll 92647. 1-GBfIPs GRSG STUI~F, 2831 White 3ter l~venua,
"H", Ana~heim, Cl- 92806. Propertg described ae an irreqularly-shnped parcel
o~ laad consistinq o! approximately 2•1 ecree located nt the northeast corner
ot W"i~te Star J-venue and Blue Gum Street, 2831 White Star I~venue, Unit H(N88
eody and Peint).
To retein t+n automobile bndy and paint shop in the ML (Industrial, Limited)
Contiinued fr.~m the meeting o! October 18, 1982.
It wse notad tha petitioner has requeeted a 4-week aontinuance.
ACTZONs Com~ais~ioner Houas o!lered a motion, seconded by Comaniseioner
McBurney and MOTION CI~RRIBD, that consideration of the abovecisntioned matter
be continued to Novembar 29, 1982, at the requsst of the petitioner.
0207H 82-560
~ •
NINUTEB, 11N11Fi1lIM CITY PLANNItiI= CAldUl2$8ION~ t~OV1~M!lltR 1, 198Z 82-561
Nswporti e~ach, C~- 9Z660. Prop~rty dsecribed n~ an irrsgularly-shaped paroel
o!. land conaistinq o! e~proximately 0.59 Aara, located et tha southweat aornsr
o! psciliao l~v~nue and 8nnta Crua Street.
To pormit a canmarcial o!lice building in the ML (Inlfuetrial, LimiteC) Zone
with waiver at minimum lendscaped netbeck.
Continued lrom the meetinq of October 18, 1982.
It was noted the applicant has withdrawn tha request.
1-CTION: Commiseianer Kinq atleraA e caotion, seconded by Commieeioner McBurney
and MOTION CJ~RRI$D, that subject petition be wi.thdrawn et the requeet o! the
Anqelae, C1~ 90007. Property deacribed aa a zectenqularly-ehaped parcel of
land coneiatinq ot approximately 1.34 arres, havinq fron~eges ot approximately
160 leet en the north eide of Romneya Drive, 310 laet on the weet side of
Buclid Street nnd 150 leet on the south side of Medical Center Drive.
Waivar o! minimum landecaped aetback to conatruct an addition to an existing
cotnmercial buildinq.
Continued lrom the meetinq of October 18, 198Z.
There were two persona indicntinq thefr presence in opposition to aubject
requeat and although the staft z•eport wae not rend, ft ia relerred to and made ~
a part of the minuCes.
C. M. Thompson, 625 W. Kntelle, Oranqe, agent, explained they are requastinq
perinission to conetruct en addition to an existing 14,175-aquare toot
commercial building and wiah to trade ot~ excesaive lnndacepinq in the front
for the required landscapinq on Roianeya Drive.
Gaorqe Birnbnum, part owner, explainQd the existinq drivewdy on the corner of
Euclid end Romneya can only be utilized for the benef.it oP one tenant end it
is a very danqeroue eituation and thie addition would eliminate that driv~way
and alao provide additional landscapinq. He presented a colored map which
ehows that the propoaed lendacapinq for this project ia more than ather
propertiee in tha area. He also preaented photoqrapha of the area.
Dr. Thamaa ~. Nriqht, 1737 Msdicsl Csnter Driv~, stat~d he el~o own~ the
medical builQinq oooupi~d by Dr. Niseman nt 17Z0 Medieal Cant~r DriV~. Dr.
ariqht pr~sentad a•ke~ah ~! the property and eteted the doctor~ at Mert~n
Luthar Medical Cenler (in th~ quadrengle) are questioninq ths u~• and the
i~tent of ths building, indicetinq it is their impr~s~ion Chat a
multi-practice den~el clinic f~ qoing in on th~ corner whlah would increa~a
the traflic load Aub~tnntiaslly. He added he did n~t think ther' ara edequate
parkinq ~paaea to handle that kind o! proteselonal buildinq ~n thi~ commerciel
busina~• arsat that tihera aze nine bueinessee on that property lrontinq on
Euclidt and that the:a ara eiqhtoen doctor~ in the quadrangl.a who have
providad tor end mainteined an adequate perking erea and lael thia
profeseional uee in e commarciel zone would inlringe upon their parking arma.
He steted thera ie a M+~rtin T.uther Meclical Center Associetion of which all
doctore participete with tho ~xtre reaponeiLilitias for the parkinq ar~e,
includinq linbility.
Dr. Wright etnted they are also independent ownere o! e sewaqe ayetem which
hee to be pumped and litted into the Euclid outllow end that it ie elreedy at
capacity end they Foel thie propoaed use would increase that load. He stated
Mr. Birnbaum has a wriLten eqreement and eharee in the cost a! the sewage
systam. He added subject property ia hiqher nnd eny ovarload of the sewers
would be a problem tor the doctora in the quadrenqle. He stated he aleo hee
lettere ot oppoeition from Dr. Noaee and Dr. Metcalf. (LeCtars were not
aubmltted fnr tha tile).
Dr. Richard Hanaon, 1751 W. Roa~neye Driva, Suite D, Anaheim, stated almoat
daily they he~ve vehiciee parkinq in their deeiqnated parkinq ar~~a and
inadequate parkinq is e common compl.aint of patients and othc+re for the Martin
Luther Madi~al Centez. He edded he aleo feels the eew~sqe eystem ehould reelly
be inveetiqatadt that it is d unique+ syetem designed to lilt e~rerythinq up to
the Euclid main tr~unk end with thia edditional loed, it may not be adequate.
He ataked he hns estimated that the progoeed center wou]d reqi~irc parkinq Por
sn additional forty cars and he did not think the parkinq would accommodate
that tnany vehicles and this would infrinqe on the other bueineasea in thnt
Mr. Birnbaum e nlained they have not yet decided who will leaee thie lecility=
that there will be a profeasiAnal practice movinq in next doort and that they
have more than edequato parkinq right now, as noted in the Qtaft reportt lhat
the current parkinq problems are not trom their l~acilities, but lrom the Hest
Store'a cuatomers and aleo many doctora and patients uae their parkinq lot at
the pi~esent time. He etnted tF~e property used to be awned by onR owr~er and
when it was split many years aqo, they eigned prarking croae easements and they
were allowed to ehare each other's parkinqt and that the doctors have used
their parking cwre than they have uaed the doctor'e pa~rkinq, hut even iqnorinq
the cross eaaem~nte, they have more than adequnte parkinq apaces. He noted
they have discusaed the poesibility of profesatonal practice tenants moving in
next door, uainq thia portion o! the buildinq aleo, nnd atter checkinq with
the City statl, lound they would etill have ndequate parkinq. He added he
would queetion the awtivetion o! the doctors' oppo~ition to this requeet and
whether or not they ase really concerned about the parkinq or the aompetition.
MxNUTaB~ 11N~HEIM CIT7f PI.7INNINfi COt4lISSION, NOVRt~IeBR l, 198~ 82-563
Conc~rninq tha e~waq~ ay~tsm, Mr. 191rnbsu~a added hs cfid not think this
addikional 1950 squars leet vrould cr~at~ •ny overloa~d o! thet new~r ~ystam.
He r~larr~d ko l~tt~rs from the medio~l c~nter'~ property n-an-~~mant compeny
which lndicat~ th• s~waqe •ystem i• outd~ted and th~y wish to build a nsw
ey~t~m end have 4tk~d thsm ~o particips.tsl and that he had indicsted ha would
ba interestaa in payin9 his shara. H• addecl Mtr. Bravsnaan, who nunage~ the
cotnpany !or tihe doctors' aoeaplsx, has sg14 he will bt~ trying to get the City
ot' l~naheim to pay tor the neW sewer. He stated right noa tha aawer is on
their proper~y end removal o! it would give th~em more parkinq r~pscee.
Commiesioner Kinq pointed out the driveway ie d danqeroue eituetion ar.d that
this pzoject would eliminnte that drivaway. He stated he had lrequented this
eita when there wue a restaurant in thip location end there wne never a
psrking problem. He eteted tie would like to aee the driveway eliminate~l and
that he could eee e hardship for juatitication for the waiver.
Reapondinq to Commiesionor Le Claire, Mr. Birnbaum expldinad the exietinq
bueineasea consiste of n computer at4re, phar~acy, beauty ahop, emplayntent
agency, optician, trnvel aqency, bookkeeping oftice for nn anestheei~loqist, a
vacant spece which ie in the proceae ot beinq le+asad to a medicel laboratory
and there will be a profesaional prectice (dental clinic) cominq in in about
two wonths.
Responding to Commiesioner La Cl~ire, Dean Sherer, 1-aeociete Flanner,
explained the applicant indicated the 1950 additi.unal ec~uare :eet would he
devoted to a ~aedical or dental cll.nic rec~uizing twelve parkinq apaces, with
tha ramaindar af the eite requirinq aeventy-two parkinq spacee.
Thara was a brief discusaion concerninq the pazkinq calculations and it wae
determined that it is poseible the 3400-square foot nrea and this 1900-square
foot area were not both calculated !or a dental or medical clinic and it ia
probable that both areas will be utilized by the same practice.
Mr. Birnbaum atated he di~ tell ataff that it ie posaible the profeasional
prectice would occupy this additional apace.
dean Sherer sugqested i! the Planning Cocimieaion wishea to approve this
aetback request, it be approved sub~ect ta the condition that the P1$nning
Department staf! ahall approve the parking plans, Laeo~' on the aalculations o!
the lloor area to be used for eech individual uae and that it is possible a
~~arianae would be required tor parkinq, but that parkinq ia not a part of this
Commiseioner Hcrbet etated he was concerned because approvel of this request
could anean that the project could be built with inadeque~te parkinq and there
rrould be no aay to provide edditional parkinq after it is conetructed. He
added he ha• no objection to the enpansion ot the buildinq, as lonq as it doee
not create a hardship for the neiqhbors.
( ?
Mr. Birnbawa statsd the prole~~ional practics• mey n~t ~aov~ into tha
19S0-squar~ loot portion, but th~y would want Co continue with t:hs
oon~truation anyv+ay and he b~lisv~d there i~ room !or additional parking
•pac~s on th• lot and th~re aould b~ no need !or a p+~rking v-aiver.
Coaenis~ioner King steL~d thi• addition will not el.iminat~pval orthi• r•quest.
and that h~ aould like to qc~ ahead with a a-otion !ox app
Cocamis~ion~r Bushore pointed out no other vsrianoas hsve b~sn approvad for 5
or 6-loot landscaped bultar~ snd that they are thare beceuse c~! the widening
o! Raatneye, Eucli.d and Medical Csnter Driva. He etated he did not eae eny
Mr. Birnbawn eteted the hardet~ip would be that the existing driveway is
ue~lr~e bacause it eervee only on~ tanant and it they are re~uired to provide
e 10-loot lendscaped nrea, it wauld leeve a very nerrow spnce and aould not be
precticsl to Duild nn addition. Ha added he leele this is s very small
ditterence because most o! the premieas on tha block have only e 4-toot
~etback, includinq the doct~ra' ot!lcee preeent in oppoaition. Ha atated he
ie requaeting a sero satback and pointed out they aill have far mora
landeaepinq than enyone elae and far in exceas o! what is required.
Comm~iesion~r La Claire stated ehe wanted to know i! the recipr~cal perkinq
aqreement is now in etfect and what riqhte it permite becauae she hee been to
thnt shoppinq center on verioua occasiona and has eoen patients parki.ng itt
that parking lot.
Mr. Birnbaum etated forcaerly thie property Nas ovmed by Forest Lawn and they
have a parkinq lot directly behind the COdI[REL'C~dl center and another lot
behind that surrounded on three aides by the raedical center, but when the
property wae eplit, mutual croas easemente were provic]ed !or thie perkinq
lot. Ha auqgeated the croee eaeements could be elimineted end each property
could handla their own parkinq needs.
Comwiasl.oner La Claire stated she does not kncw who haa the parkinq problem,
but ehe ia concerned. 3he added ahe is also concerned ~bout tho sewer ayetem
and ahe would not want the City of Maheim to have to pay for a naw syatem.
Chairman Fry etated the sewer system is not the Commiasian'e problem or
concern and thie hearing perteins to the 10-foot setback only.
~onaaissioner La Claire stated the Cownission is rharqed with the
reeponeibility of the protection o! the he~ith, eafety and wellare ot the
citizens of the City of Annheim end she would like intormation if there fa
going to be a problem.
Commissloner Herbst stated thia variance is to penait an expnnsion of the
building and he could not vote to enlarqe it until he knowa there will be
adequate parkinq and knowa what is qoing to be in the buildinq. He atated it
ia known lrom past experience that medical facil.ities in a conaaercial area do
create problamn.
. ~ ~:n.,;~
a .~ ~,
Mr. Birnbe-um stated he aann~t lea~• ths pr~mi~~~ unla~o he c~n quarante. that
th~ lesse~ will b~ abl• to mov~ in. Ne •teted tha meQicsl spec~ in t,he Martin
LuCher Csnter is largsr then thi~ proj~oti and addad khere i• adequate parklnq
~vsn i! th~ 1950 ~quara l~st i~ u~sd tor a msdioal or dantel clinic.
Cammission~r Herbit etated ha wao not •urs that the parking Mrould ba adequste
and he could not vote !or itt Ehat i! th~ sntir~ area is u~ed tor caedical
purposes, the perking r~quirecnents would be eubatantially hiqher. He stetsd
the patitioner ia roque~ting a variance to axp+~nd th• building and thet hs
aould not see the hardahip to approve the v~riance.
Dean 8herer auqqeated the Pinnning Commission require the petitioner to
provide ata!! with n precise plt~n ahowinq whet uaes are proposed so thet the
parkinq raquiremente can k~~ properly calculated.
Coaunissioner i,+~ Claira atnted ehe is not oppaeed to the expension and
suggeeted that since Lhjn le e request ~~r a.etback wniver, and not a parkinq
w~ivar, it could be epprovad auh~ect to the etioulation that the ata!! npprove
the parking plana•
It wae noted the Planninq Director or hie a~ithorizad repraeentetive haa
~etermined that the propoeed project falla within the deti.nition of
Cateqorical Exemptione, Claee 5, as delined in the St~ste Environmental Impact
Report Guidelines and ie, therefore, cntegorical2y ex~mpt lrom the requirement
to prepare an EiR.
ACT~ON: Commiasionez King ottered Reaolution No. FC82-201 and moved tor ite
pa ge and adoption that tho Anahei.ia City Planniny r_o~~,,~gian does hezeby
grant Variance No. 3296 on the baais that denial would depri.ve eubject
property o! privilecXes enjoyed by other properties in the sarae zone ~nd
vicinity and aubject to the petitioner'e atipuleti.on that preciae plans shall
be submitted to the. Planninq Department tor ~pprovel ehowinq epecific usee
proposed for the cnmplex in order that perkinq calculationa can be proporly
made and subject to Interdepartmental Caaanittee racomraendatione.
On roll call, the toreqoing reaolution wns gasaed by the follovrinq vote:
Coma:laaioner La Claire indicated ehe aas still concerned about the private
eewar syatem +aith Jack Whi~a pointing out it ia a private system and it would
not be eppropriate !or the Planning Conm~ission to make an~+ recommeadationa.
Cotomiasioner Harbst clarified that hie atfirmative vate ~a subjeot to the
condition that staff will reviaw and epprove the parkinq plan~.
Jack White, 7~s~ietent C3ty 1~ttorney, pr@aented tha written riqht to appeal the
Plsnninq Commission's deaieion aithin 22 days to the City Co~xncil.
?UBLIC H81-RING. OWNSR• 71LB3R'P SORCHl1RD & 1CENN8TH L. L11R8~N~ 5915 Surchar.d
]lvenua, Los W-qele~, Cl- 90034t ROY W• N11-HB~, 2651 Wast Lincoln 1-venue,
7~naheim, C7~ 928()1. AOENTt GFEJ.,LER DSV~LOPMBNT COMPl-NY, INC., 228 Wsst Msin
Street, TuRti~-, CA 92680, Atts Sob Reesa. Propezty deraribed as e~
rectanqularly-ehaped parc~l o! land coneiRtinq o~ approximataly 19.57 ncras,
2925 W~at Lincoln Avanue (Lincoln Beach Mobile Manor Park).
gEr• SSIFICATION RIDQ[1E8T= RM'1200, CL dnd til3-A-43,000 to RM-1000.
VARIA.NCS REQUEBTi Waivers ot: a) required lot lrontage, b) maximum
structural hniqht, c) minimum floor area, d) minimum landecaped setbnck, e)
minimum recreational-leiaure area, t) rt-inimum dietnnce between buildinqa and
q) ntiniatum number and type of parking spacas to construct a 639-unit
condvminium oon~plox.
~ontinued lrom the meetinqs of Ju].y 26, Auqust 23, Beptember 20, nnd October
18, 1982.
There were thirty-five pereons indicatinq their presence in favor of the
requeet and two indicating their preaence in oppoeition to subject request and
althouqh the etaff reporr was not read, it is reterred to and made a part of
the minutes.
Hob Reeee, Gfeller Development Company, prasented copiea of docutnente eiqned
by moet tenants when they oxiqinally a~oved into the mobilehome park.
Nlr. Reeae explnined they have takan tt:e paat 1-1/2 months to review the sHee
plens after receiving several euqgeetions froa the Planninq Commission.
pointed out the new aite plane on ths wall and noted thd number o! units has
been reduced lrom 816 to 639. He pointed out the lour dilfehallvraro~uces (1)
2-atory condominiwas with tucked-under parkinq• 2) 3-atory, Y YP
units, 3) 3-story units over underqround parkinq and 4) condaminiuma with
e3ngle-aar qarnqee and tandnm parkinq spacea behind the qaraqe). He explained
they feel the ditference with thia plan ~',e that it presents n much solter look
from Lincoln Avenue. He pointed out pz~+.Wioualy there were 3 and 3-1/2 story
uniLs propoaed alonq the resr property lino and now there nre 2-etory unita
proposed, but they aze cloeer to the property line and the variance ie for
landeeape setback et 0 to 12 fe+et.
Concerninq the paxkinq, Mr• Reeee exPlained thay are requeatinq e waiver of
190 spaces leas than Code requirement which ia an improvement over their
previous plans. ~1e explained they are obviously dealinq with a difficult
aituaL•ion here by reducinq the height of the etructure lrom 4 stories.
Mr. Reeae explaine.d the buildinqs will be stucco with wood trim.
Mr. Reesn reterred ~o the condition requiring drainaq~ lees be paid and etated
they have studiad t'r:e storm water run-off problem which is currently exietinq
and they will be mox+e then hnppy to ehare in their fair aliare coet of putting
in the drainnqe syet<~m, i! some arrnnqement could be made to share those cnets
with some other pac-p7e in the ares. He explained they have other expc+nAes
auch as relocatinq tha tenanta ana removinq the trash.
. _,__-~_ _ ~_w~`~~.,,'VM"`"..~` ~
MYN~'P88, 11N11H3IM CY'!`Y pT~NNII~ ~~1is8I0N, NOV3~dHER 1, lyBZ 82-566
MINUTBS~ ~N~H~IM CITY P~~NNIN(i COMMIS$IONr N~~18SR 1, 1982 82-567
Cona~rninq the oondition raquirinq paya~ent o! park anQ recraation l~e~, Mr.
Rsose statad they would like to b~ rsli~vad of that burdsn whioh is ~280,000
!or the 639 unlte.
Den Farne, 8681 Bellaire 8treat, atatad ha lives juet autside 1lnaheim City
limits but piil ba eeverely impacted by the weAta removel lrom thie aite
bsceuee thay ere on tha down-wind side o! tihe park. He aeked what qusrantee
they will hav~ that they will ba prntected lram the odors.
Mr. Farne etated there ia an exietinq apartatent complex juet to the eaet on
the cornar o! Bellnira and Lincaln whicl~ alraedy hae a suvare parkinq problem
with cers alwaye parked on both eides,o! the street and in the industr.ial
complex and that thie project ia requeetinq a ehortaqe of 190 parking spacea
which would impoae 3 much more ssvera parking ~roblem in the nree.
Rick Wnreinaki representinq the City o~ Buena Perk Planninq Department, gtated
upon recaivinq notification thet this development was propoeed at this site,
t1~ey were very excited becauae the Crescent Junior Hiqh School site was
recently approved for 149 ainqle-lamily homes in their city and one of tha
major concerna wae the development of the old dump site and the re~oval of the
trash. He stated they were aleo happy becauee there is a lack of affordable
housing in the project area.
Mr. Wareinaki added the City ot 8uene Park !.s very familiar with the Gfeller
Compdny and they have devel~ped some very succeeelul projects in their cityt
however., attar reviewinq thie plan and the n•amber of waivere requeated, they
are concernad. He reterred to the waiver requested tur the 20-foot lan~scaped
setback adjacent to the north property line which abuts the sinqle-lamily
development in their city end a 2-atory buildinq proposed 12 feet from the
property line. He stated thia eubject property ie very reqular in
confiquration and similar to other propertiea in the anme zone and vicinity
and could be developed in complience with City Code requirements. He atated
they leel the developer ie t~ying to build a ver~ denee develo~xaent and qet
away lrom complyinq with City Codea.
He atated the second item of concern is the utilization o! tandem parkinq
spaces within the developmentt that they realize in today's cae~rket, with the
hiqh cost of property and tt~e need for affordable housinq, the uae of tandem
parkinq ie nn inqenious and goc~d idear however, the distance from the tandem
parkinq spaces to the unite they will aerve in thie plan ie subetantial which
will poae a functionnl proble~ and will be dif~icult for the people living in
those unite.
He referred to tihe requeatec~ waiver of ueable recreational-leisure area by 509
and ateted with the passaqe of propositiot- 13, citiee ere n~t able to provide
recreational facilitiQa and with 639 new familiee in the area with limited
recreational facilitiea, there will be problemsr and, in addition, the
developer has requested th+~t the park-in-lieu fnes be waived.
trt~c. ~lar~in~ki •tated thsy sro also cono~zne~d about ph~~inq o! ths traoh
rw~aoval. H~ ~tatsd th~y had rsquirsd the proteotion o! an imp~rni~able
m~eabr~na anvsrinq in t1~ei.r Ponderoaa Homea dsvsl~~snE end l~lt ren-ovai o! the
tr~sh all ~st on~ tim~ wauld bs a burden upon th~ re~id~nt~• but rearc~vinq it in
phs~e~ would a!lact ths psopts in the area .nd also the paopla buyinq the
uait~ in khe praj~ot ovur a.Lonq~r p~rio4 0! tim~. H• stated thsy laal tho
numbo.r o! varianc~a requASt.ed J.~ excessiva ana it srsma the nu~ab~r o! units
could be reduced in or.•r to provids e~i edaquats livinq snrironment in thie
Mr. Raesa respunded to the concarne reqerdinq odor and etated there are no
yuarantees that the odora will not miqretet however, their comp~ny hns had
experier-ce in handlinq trash r~moval, but thara will b~ odors. He ~tated they
will have to meet ever increasing end much atitfor eteta requiren-ents !or the
trash remov~l and thnt those requiraenentb ~re qottinq tiqhte: every yeer. HA
etsted they will br+ doing wl~atever they can to lessen the o~tors and make it ae
painle+as ae poe~ible.
Co~cerninq the existinq parking problem cauaed by the apartmonte, Mr• Reeae
etated they have plent~ o! roam to add parki.~g, but thnt is not a concarn o!
thie project. He eteted they ere propoaing lesa than Code raquirement ~or
perkinq but lelt !or the marke~ hey are idantityinq, there will be edequate
parking. He noted they ere not propoaing thes• unite !or young facnilies.
Concarninq the City o! Huena Park's concern~, Hr. Reess stated it must be
remembered there will be eubstentiel coets !or remo;~ing the tiraeh (6 million
dollsra) and al~o that they ~annot be everything for evwrybody and ~~-nnot
eolve every problem. He stete~3 he would 'like to be able to qo to the county
and qet approvai and permite for removal o~ the traah and fix thP fees becnuse
they are constantly goinq up.
Concerninq the 20-loot landecaped bulfer on the rear proporty line, Mr. Reese
~tated the butfers are nt 15 feet in some pYacee, but there are placea where
people would have to bacic out of their parking speces end ons buildinq doee
have a staircase whlch encroac~ee into that area. He noted the aide aeqment
lett at the top of the plan ie to be their haul route tor removir.q t1~e trash.
Concarninq the tanclem parking, he explained that iaeue vrsa reviewed with stat!
and thase tandem epacea will be assiqned to tha owners o! the units.
Mr. Reeae stated thie io not planned to bc a new lamily complex and they do
not anticipate many children nn~ felt even thouqt~ the recreation areas do nnt
meet Code, they will be adequate and they do not feet they should be require~
to pay the park and recreation fees.
Concerninq trash removal, he etat~d the only way the project makes aenee ie to
r.emove the trash in segmonts becauae they could nrt get a lender to tinance
the removal tor the entire site. He etated they wi21 be startinq with e small
phnse an8, hopetully, the citiaens buyinq there and the citizena livinq nr~und
there v+ill see tne lonq term benefit of the ultimate removal a8*heptrashta the
short term, 18-ta-22 workinq day perioda of etench ir removing
aegmant et n time.
Commieaionsr Le Clair~ aeked whet th• landacapad bufler ~~tbaoks would be tor
tha City o! Hu~na park. Riak Mer~inaki r~~ponded thst multipls-lsa~ily unit~
adjec~nt to sinqld-lamily unlts would requir• a 50-looL s~tbnck and the
landac~p~d ~~tback requiramAnt would b~ 10 leet end the othsr area ceuld be
utilitsd ~or 1-~tory builQinqs or parkinq.
D~Rn 8h~r~r, 11~~oaiat~ Planner . sxplainsd 1-neheim' a ordinance providea thst
ths 150-loot aetback can be reducad to 50 la~t es lo~q a~ there are no viauel
intrusiona into the sinqle-tsiaily ar~a.
Mr. Reese ~xpleined ell the buildinqs on th~ reer are side-on condition• ao
that the livinq rooea and major window• ar~ not towarda the ~inqle-family
re~identiei arae. He added th~y do have aduqunte apece to plent m~turo treea
and ahrubs and thsza ere 4 uni*:e whi.ch have windowq lnaing the sinqle-laenily
Coug Gleller ~tete~d both Buena Park nnd ]-neheim'e emtbeck requirament.e
primsrily relata to the ~einqle-femily dvreller noh havinq a vaet xow o!
buildinqe built at his backynrd wall looking inta his property and that with
one minor exception, their plan turns ell the buildinqa ao that the width ot
the bui181ngs that would be tacing the single family aree ie no wider than a
2-eto.ry family residence and t2~ey have not lined the etructuree up. He stated
there wae one instanoe+ where three unita a~re 11ne9 up, but they do heve e
qrenter eetbaak area with more r~m !or landaoapinq. He edded they hed
ecquired the property a~nd were we11 into working with Anaheim stat! at the
time tha Huena Park project caa+ae up and thnt they did ntter.' thoae hearinge c.o
point out their coacerRe.
Gommi.esioner L~ Cl~ire etated she le concerned dbout~ the ~arkinq and tt;at thia
reque~st la !oz quit8 a~~arience. 8ha added ahe thouqht ~his pro ject would t~
benefic.ial to the City of Anaheim in that the tresh ~aould be removed and ehe
reelizes the costs tor remoNal is grent and thet ~! all the projecte she eeeg,
this c,~e sho~.ild have juatification for waivere, b~at thet she is concarned
becausa there is alzeedy a parkinq problem in the neiqhborhood and ehe would
not want to ~urther impact th~ neiqhbors.
Chnirman Fry added be telt that is a cm jor concern of the v~hole Commission.
Com~issioner Herbst ngreed and stated the parkinq o~dinancee for apnrtmenta
+~nd condc~m.iniuma have bean conaiderad a~ varioue intervals throughout the
yeara and requiremente havA ba~n lowered ar raieed whenever neceaaaryt
hc+~.•~ver, he could n~t vote fo•- a lurther reduction becnuae he ICIfUN.: these
pazkir.q spacea will be needed. He addad a lat ot guest parkinq ~rill also be
needgfl nnd he lelt Secauae o! past problems Naiver fg) muet be eliminated. He
stated he recoqn sea tha need ~or the waivere becnuse ot the tremier-dous costs
oP renwving the trash and relocetion o~ the tenents. He stated the Cammie+sion
cannot vc~te on thi~ as it is because of other requirements ot the new
aabilehome park overlay zona ordina~ir,e p~~rtaininq to the relocatinn ot the
tennnte anS the ~act tt~ey must be notitied in writinq, etc. Mr. Reeae stated
thev became a•vnre ot that requirement today and would lika to reco~end that
th ~iect be approved today, sub ject to thdt reportt however, the tantati ~e
tract request will be coml.ng up in twc> •aeeks and he felt that would be an
appropriate time to preeant t2se report.
~' ,~ ~
Commis~lon~r H~rb~t nat~d thi~ i,~ a 639-unit proi~at and th~ Cornni~eion do~s
not aant to d~velr a 0ub~tandard ar~a whioh will a~usa probleco.~ !o~ th~ r~~t
o! tha ar~a and i~t did not th.ink it sh~uld bs approv~d with l~~a parkinq.
Mr. Re~ts ~tated the Cnmtais~lon hao approved projscts in the past whiah have
had 901 0! th~ r~quirsment. It wa• not,ecl thoa• a~pproval~ wsrs i~r hotsl~ or
motele beaau~a peopla arrive by plane or bus and th~ parking ii not r~quirad.
Commiesionsr Herbs~ stet~d the Coaaaiseion ha~ lound thnt the nreae are beinq
hurt with p~opla pezking on the ~treet: and pointed out ths~e will ba private
atr~ate in thie proj~et.
Com~aissioner La Claire auggeeted turninq the pro~ect ar.oun8, pointing out sho
would not be oppoeed to more 3-story unite with more parking provided.
Commisaioner Buehoro ateted he raalisae the deva~oper would like to hnve this
pro3ect epproved ae eoon ae poasibldt however, he alwo realizes this ia a
litt:e more complex than that~ tha~ ths City w.ill be~ qettinq n prolit lrom the
ddvelopmant o! the prc~perty by qettinq rid ot the old dwnp site which will be
envinq the taxpnyor money and, hopelully, the developer will ba ebl~ to derive
a aertain protit ~rom the projeett howaver, tha Cammiasion will be lett with
tha probleme ~~rented atter the project i~ eold and ths aeveloper ha$ moved
on. Ha stated he sits on the Park and Recrsntion Commiesion and they are
conetantly rvrestlinq aith the cutbe~ck of lunda and arR trying to maintain
adequate park lavele and it would be hard for him to reduce choee pe-rk lees in
queetion beaauae there are no reczeational areaa provided in the project and
t.hie wlll have an impact on the exietiny recreationel areas vhich are already
Chairman A.'ry etated he thinks thia Commieeion wanta thia project devaloped
worse then anything he has ever neen sinca he ha• been on the Comm~.ssion, but
thouqht the developer has discovered how far the Camn-isaion ie willinq to qo
and apparently are not willinq to band on some o! the issuee. He suqqeated
the petitioner requeat a continuance.
Con~iasioner I.e rlaire indicated ehe rniqht be willing to bend on the ~ark feea
beeausa she would like to help the developer since he is willinq to clean up
something !or the City of Anaheim.
Jack White, 1-saistant City Attorney, pointed out the pe-rk and recreation feoa
n:e a requireraent by ardinance and there fe no way the Commiasion can w+~ive
the payment of thoee feee.
Chairaen Fry expleined that the petitioner knew the Cocmaieeion's concnrna
which boil down to the parktnq aituation and also a siqnad nott~ication that
the e~cieting tenente muat be given.
Mr. Reeae aaked if thexe is a way to ~ix the pask ~nd racreation teea becauee
obviously they W117. be developinq thie property ~~ver a lonq period of time.
Annika Santalahti, 1-aeistant Director for Zoning, stated normally the fees are
collected at ~he time the building p~rmits ara issued and thay do qo up
xcasionally. She etated tnere ia another nusthod which has bean used,
wherein, it a deweloger ie able to proviAe improveaents o! a value equal to
the feda to be paid, it is conceivable that L:~ey could neqotiate with the
Parks and Reeommendation Depnrt~ent an8 the eondition could be amended to
cover that contingency.
Mr. Raese r~qu~.ted a lour-wesk aontinuanct~.
Jaak oihit~ statsd it is tih~ City'• porition thet th~ •xieting Conv.rsion
Impect Rsport ne~ds r~vi~ion in order to comply wikh the ordinance ahiah haa
be~n in ~!l~at !or ebout 10 dey~. H~ noted thi• will be tha lir~t davelopmsnt
unlsr that new provisior~ and ~hat the oriqinal report ~ubmittsd aas bas~d upon
the p:ior lavn and was pr~pared last Mayt and thst the nsw ordinancs doea
require more inlarma~tion and al~o requirea that the tsnents bs notilied o! ths
•vailaDility o! thi.s report st lsast 15 day bel.ore the hearinq on the report
b°f the planninq Commi~sion. He eddod it i~ h~• opinion that in order to
comply with th~ law, the Ralooation lteport and the benst~te that are goinq to
be paii ba approved in connection with tha roaoninq rathar ths.n the tentative
traat .xnp approval and tha psyment should be required pri.or to adoption a! the
reioning ordinance. He added there i~ eloo a propose~i revision to Condition t~o. 24 of
the reclnssiticetion,
Mr. Reasa asked i! the actunl paymAnt of th~ benatite is required nt the ti.ma
o! ths approval of the zoning, Mr• `ihita explained the ordinance expresaee
three el~ernatives tha,t aould occur prior to the earlier o!s (1) the
t~~•minati~n o! the tenancy by the park ~wnar, (2) the ndaption o! the
ordinance or (3) the iseuance o! buildi~.q pe=m~ts !oz any portion ot the
development which would rsquire the displacement o! ths mobilehome tAnant to
which the payment was to be made.
Com~aie~ioner Buehore etated it ie his underste-ndinq the intent o! the
or.dinance is to qet ttae tenanta taken cnre of even if ~hie ie to be a phased
Jack White further explained i! the development is ta be done in aeveral
phaaes, thaee tennnta would be taken care of ae they were beinq diepliced, aa
oppooed to dieplaainq part of tham now mnd payinq them later or requlring all
ot them to be pnid when only a portion ara beinq diaplaced whiah qive. the
developer the llexibility o! m3.nimisinq his paymenke.
Commiaeioner Hushore asked i.f that givae the tenants the abil~ty to work r+ith
the developez in n case ahere they wanted to leave the park now, even though
th9y would not be displaced until d l.ater p3~aee ot the developnent. Jack
Whi~e atated if the tenant choosea to leave noa, the prop~aed requirement
would not compel the developer to pay tho tenant until s~ time as the
ordinance was a8opted or the buildinq penaits lesuad, whic..ever occurred
earlier, but i~ the landlord requirea the tenant to awve, payment would be
required at that time.
Doug Gteller stated they are askinq for rezoning on the total parcal, even
thouqh it will be developed i.n phases, and asked it ~.hnt condition meana that
ahenaver th~ resoninq is approved for the tor.el project, they ai11 be required
to o-ake eny pgyments aqreed upon, with Jack White indicating that is correct.
` /~ , ~
MINUT~B~ ~~_~ ~i~ p~~I~ C~IB$ION, NOV3MB~R l~ 1982 8~-572
Gomotie~ion~.r Bu~hore stat~d he wa~ Chsira~an o! the K~ ll~home Task Forc~e and
on~ o! their mujor aona~rn• wa~ !or th~ tenants beirig mi~placad b~caus• o!
d~v~lop4amnt an4 th~ lnt~nt o! the ordinano~ wa~ that v-hen the propasty i~
goinq to bs aevslopsd, tha tenants b~ qiven th~ relocation b~nelit• a~p~cially
in e park like tihis wh~r~ no ona should ba livinq anyway snd, hopelully, thi•
will hatt~n th~ d~evalop~aen~ o! the prop~rty.
Mr. aleller responded that nothing aill ha~ten the Qevslopment o! the property
~mleso paople buy the unita. He statad ~hsir lixet thrse phases ~,r~ on
parcels that ere not curr~ntly ~oned !or n-obilehomest thet one in zoned
oomm~rcially in lront o! the ~ark, and the oth~r i• commercially zoned
property where the qo-cart ~scility is ~ocated, and the vacant land behind it
and he assua-ed tl-osa thr~e phases would ba aliowed bocauee they are not beinq
rezoned. Jack White responded i! ther9 i.s no raaoning, or reloc.ation o!
mobilohomes, there would be no reloc ion benetits required at this time.
Mr. Glaller responded thet th~• ia conaistent with what they believad
regarding the ordinanae esnd thet they underetand thnt once they ara raquired
to ramove any one o! the mobilahomes, they wau'~! be re~uired to pay i~ar any
ane who wanted to move and that is consietent with what they intgnded. H~
stated they ~rould be allowed to do the lirst three phases without any
relocation paymenta and if eoaieone did a-ove, they would incur thA liability,
bu~ could delay the payment until the actual rezoning.
Chairme~n Fry pointed out the petitianer h~a requested n foux'-week continuance.
ACTION: Commiseioner Herbst otfered ~ motion, seconded by Co~leaioner Bouae
and MOTION CARRIED, that consideretion of the eforementionea matter be
continued to the regularly-acheduled meetinq ot November 29• 1982, at the
requeet of the petitioner.
RECE88: 3:10 p.m.
RECONVENE: 3s20 p.m.
CommiASioner McBurney left the meeting and did not return.
. -~
PUSLIC H~1IRING. ONN8R8: EaPER11NZA VILL118, 14ZJ1 Chembsr~t Road, Tuttin, CA
92680. l~GENTe ROSBRT ~IIC1CaL80N, P.O. Bax 2303, Oran~s, Cl- 92669. Property
dosaribed a~ an irrPqularly-ahaped parcel o! land consi~ting ot spproximetely
7 nore~ (21 lots), havinq approximate lrontagas o! 470 lset on Marl,ta Lane,
490 f~st on f:h~ An~t sid~ o! Kelloqq Drive, 570 le~t on ths north eide o!
Oranqathorpa ~,venue nnA 520 ~eet on the wast sida o! Post Lane.
To permit a 21 lot, 97-unit e!lordable condominium convereion with waiver ot
minimum lot area per ~init, meximum eite coveraqe nnd minimum number nnd type
o! parkinq ~pecea.
There were two pereons indicating their preaence in oppoeition to subject
requeet and although ~he stR!! report wae not rend, it ie referred to and iaade
~ pnrt o! the minutee.
Bob Mickelson, 3823 Glneeell, Orange, atated they etarted thie pxoject over
one year aqo nnd did meet with the te~nenta and have ettempted to keep them
inlormed. H~e etated they heve tried to b~ aensitive to the passibii~ty that
some of the tenenta may have to move and have tried to qive ~hem ample notice.
t!r. Mickeleon etated this is a hiqh quality project and has the potential for
hiqh quality condominitun project. He steted these are 21 aeparately recorded
lote with 21 separnte buildinqa and the units rancJe fr~m juet under 1,000
aquare feet to juat aver 1,300 aquare feet and h~sve 1-]./2 bathe, two-caz
encloeed qaraqea, laundry facilitiea end seperate water heeter~.
Donna O'Brien, 5140 E. Marita "C", etated ahe is not ~pposed to the project
but thnt ahe ha3 received a letter indicating 24 unita out o! 94 units would
sell !or ~60,000 to ~90,000 nnd she would like to know who would qet tha
chance to buy thoee unite. She also aaked about the 5t discount !or current
reaidenta and the 5i for acceptinq the u*~it as ie and atated she did not think
they planned to do much upqrading anyway. She stated theae placea do need a
lot of work ins.idet that her 2-bedroaa, up-stairs, down-atairs unit has a~ beam
and lloors the~ nre off-tilt end the diahwasher rieeds to be replaced and she
lelt it is not fair ta the public to sell thasa unite at the market value
without ceally upgrading them. 3he statod she is willinq to buy one of these units
if they are willinq to !ix them. 3he ateted there fin enouqh parkinq if
everyone uaea the garaqss, but th~re ie an alley to the rear of her apartment
and thnre nre cnre always parked on tath sides and ahe felt if tho units are
aold, there would have to be park±ng rulea.
Mr. Mickelson stated the Housing stnf! can answer the queecions pertaininq to
the atlordable unita. He stated the affordable unita will be spread
throuqhout the project and the tenanta in the project wi.ll get the lirst
chance to quaZify for the a~~ordnble ur~its, based on tneir incame and ability
to aawrtize the loana, etc. He explained tr~e di.acounts amount to nbout ~8,000
to ~9,000 and there is a varyinq deqree of upqsndinq goinq on at this time ~nd
that the units will be repainted, recarpeted end a12 repairs be mede. He
added they were not aware of the tilting bsams or lloore and i! there ta
anythinq that neede to be repaired of s atructural nature, it will be done.
He stated the parking spac~s would be aseiqned in the qaraqe~ and would be
controlled throuqh CC&Re of the ho~neoaner's aseoclation.
Commi~sioner Herb~t claritied that Marits I.a ~~ is a public strest. He aqreed
Lhe p~rkinq can b~ controlled through tha CCiRa end s~ated h. thought this ie
probably e• qood a projact na he has aesn !or conversion and eppear~ to be one
o! the b~tter projact~ in 1lnaheimt th+st nor~aaliy when ons of theae complexae
is to be converted- there ar• a lot of people pres~nt in oppositlon who aru
qoing t~ ba diaplsced, but apperently the patitioner hn~ done hie hom~ework in
this instanca.
Tc~m Carruthere, Community Developa-ent Uapertment, stated the 24 unite which
will be converted to aftordab].e unita will be allacetad baeicnlly to the
people who liva there predicated on e tura-ula of pointe, takinq into
consideration the+Y temily income, number o~ members in the la~aily, etc. and
thnt it will be - dled by the Houainq Authority and thoee unite which ere not
sol8 to the tenan~y will be, sold on t.a open market, Atill es atfordable unite
lrom n liet the Houeinq Authority keap• on an on-qoing beais o! those people
who qualify !or atlordnble unita. Ha expleinad those peopl~ who live there
and wieh t~ epply f.or clualification, should make an application with the
Houeinq Authozity and they will be evalua~ted for qualitication. He pointed
aut there ~rill also be meet..nqa on sits.
Conaniseioner La Claire clnrilied thet thb relacation benefite were adequately
addressed in the intormetion preaented with Mlr. Mickelson clari.lyinq chenqes
were made bacaube the Housing Department sta~! hed required the leeser two
months or ~1,000 relocation ~xpenees, which they h+~d nqreed to end thet thAy
had aqreed thet a relxntion specialiat vrould be on-site but not lull tim~
because this will be done in amaller pheeea and e full time apecialist would
not be req~iired. He nxplained before a a~lea proqram etarts, tenants will be
qiven 180 days notice of intent to commenca the eales proqram e~nd they will be
able to qet copiea ot the Depertment of Reel Estnte Report and ths inlorma-tl.on
will be Availeble in the Mandqez's office.
It was not~d tha Planninq Director or hie authorized representative has
determi~ed that the proposed project fa11a within the detinition ot
Cateqorlcnl Facemptione, Claea 1, as detined in the State Environmentel Impact
Report Guidelines nnd is, therePore, categorically exempt from the requii•ement
to prepare an EIR.
ACTIQN: Cocimisaloner Herbst offered a saotion, aeconded by Commissioner Bouas
and MOTInN CA1tRIED (Commiesioner Mlc+-surney absent), that the Mahei~ City
Planninq Commission does hereby qrnnt aaivers of Code requirement on the besie
thnt denial would deprive subject property from privileqes enjoyed by other
propertiee in the same zone anfl vi.cinity.
Commisaionar Herbet otfered Ret+olution No. PC82-2U2 and n-oved for ita passage
and adoption that the Anaheia~ Gity Planninq Commission doea hereby qrant
Conditionnl U~e Fsrdiit No. 2391 eubject to Interdepertmental Co~mmittee
On roll call, the toreqoinq resolution was passed by the folla+ing vote:
~SSLNTs McBuxney
. 6. BNVIF`
IPay, 71nah~im, C.11 9Z803. 1-ciENT~ p11CE8E'M'BR HOM38, INC., 45A0 Campu~ driva,
Nswport D~ach, CA 92660. 11TTSNTIONt FRBD KZNCiDO'N• Prop~rty dsecrib~ud as sn
irreqularly-sheped parcel o! ranA consisti,nq o! appraximstely 6.1 acre~,
locattd snuCh and ea~t o! the south~a~t aorner o! Lincoln Avenue end Citron
etre~t, havinq a lrontaqa o! approximately 269 teet on tha south aide o!
Linooln ~-v~nue and ~ lrontaqe ot 402 l~et on th' east side of Citron 9tr~~t,
ar~l lur.ther Aescribed ae tha northarly por~i~n ot the former Frentont Junior
High School eite.
RF.CLA38IFICATION RBQU88T: RM-1200 and CCi to RM-30Q0.
VARIANCS RBQUSST~ Waivera of: a) minimum lot area per dwelling unit, bl
minimum floor area, c) required improve~ent o! setback area~ and d) type ~c
parking spaaes to conetruct a 96-unit condamintum complex.
wey, Aneheim, G 92803. AGSNTs P~CESETTER HOMES, INC., 4540 Campus Drive,
Newport Beach, CA 02660. Property described es e rectanqulerly-~haped parcel
of land consietinq of npproximately 9.6 acres, bounded on the north by
8roadway, anst by tha Librar; and Police Department, eouth by Sante Ana
Street, and west by Citran Street, end lurther d~scribed ae the lormer Fremont
Junior Hiqh Schoal piaylield.
VARI1lNCE REQiJE3Ts Waivars of: n) minimum lot erea per dwelling unit, b)
minimwa lloor aree, c) required improvement o! ^etback areas, d) type o!
paxkinq spaces and e) raquired location o! parkinq epacea to constr~:ct a
168-unit condomi.niwa complax.
There were three persone indicatinq their preaence in oppoeition to subject
requeet nnd althn~iqh the statf report was not raad, it ia relerred to and made
a part of t1:e minutea.
Comiaisalonar Huehore declared n contlict of intereet on Item No. 6 as defined
by 1-nahaim City Planninq Commission itesolution No. PC76-157 adoptinq a
Contlict oP Interest Code tor th~ Planninq Commi~sion nnd Govern~aent Code
Section 3625, et seq.~ in that he owne property at 702 W. Lincoln which is
adjoininq property and pursuant to t1~e provieions of tha above Codes, declared
to the Chairman that he vras v+ithdrawinq lrom the hearing in connaction with
Tent~*+.vA M~ap o! Tract No. 11780, and would not take pazt in e3ther the
discue,sion or the voting thereon and hdd not discuased this aiattor with any
membAr ot the Plsnning Comu-isaion.
I.andon Exl~y, Psc~s~t~sr Homa~, •tal.sd thsy hav~ done ~~rious evaluation of
pr~vioualy approved plans end tound th~t in Coday'e presant economic
condition~, th~ project it not l~a~ible. He stated thsy hav~ pursued a
r~vanu~ bond issu~e Nith Community Davslopme=~valdtoapr ~~ediwithbthe bondrt
lrom them to go to the City Councll !or app
iseus to linance this projset.
He etate9 tha nea plan doesn't have e lot o! chnnges, but thay have beaically
gona fran a hesvily watar-orientod pruject to a minin~ally water-orisnted
r-oject nnd eliminated the row housing elt~ct nnd th~OVe$ta~oaectnwouldghave
Ha explained a buyar o! a unit in thA pr°iveeshimdthe o~portunity to s~ll to a
to e~rn l~~4,900 a yaar and the radasiqn 9 rices would be eround
per~on earninq ~3~~000 a yeer and the basiG ealling p units that
~97,000 average. He noted there aill be eome eme-11 e!liciency type
will sell !or nbout ~65,000.
Mr. Exley etated they aubmitted Che ravised plan to the Citron Neiqhborhood
Council and they did not eeem to have any probleme with itt thnt each buyl~dinq
is nn 8-pl~x huilding but hea the appAarnnce o! d sinqle -lamily home.
etated they have built aimila~r projects in two other Orange County locatione
with qreat succeas and acceptebility.
Mr. Exley stated the basic groblem is the ~oi~~eat~uldlttavelcost ~8r000gpor
that the eubterraneen qareqes previouslY p Po
unit and the carports and raduction o! th~ watar orisntation reduced the ,price
o! the unite by l~15,000. He steted the bond iseuee are tied to incocae and
with a 11-1/2• bc~nd rnte, they can make the unit3 more atfordable.
Huqh Faulkner, 1631 E. Oak Place, Aneheim, stated he ia not totall.y oppoeed to
thie request but waa concerned becnuae oriqinally there was to be an 8-foot
hiqh wall (4 feet block and 4 feet wrought iron) and now the plans are !or in
12-foot carport wall adjacent to their property line and pointe8 out that,
fact, the eavc- of the houae is hanqing over the property linc+s however, the
petitioner h~s aqreed to put in a 6-foot wall but they fecl they need as much
as thay can qet beca~~se of the winda from the weet. He etated the petitioner
hae aqreed to cement that area and h~petully the cetnant wou)d be from the baae
of the house to the carports and tied int~ the drnin so that the wat~sr would
not accumulate. He atnted the petitioner has alao aqreed to chanqe the color
Faulkner referred
of the carporte to a lighter color to reflect the hent. blr•
to the t~:ash ~rea to the rear ot the third carport and stated he w~•uld like to
have that moved to the alley side 25 feet away because of odore and also he
would like~ to have the wall at lenst 4 feet hig:- ~e~auaa Q~entBtoithee from
the r~hiclee• He asked that the 5-foot erea prope j
aul-ue-sac be increne~d to 7 feet. He indiceted he was aleo concerned about
leav.,nq the area open and stated the petitioner hes indicated he would
conaidez putting n fence acroes the front and rear to prevent people trom
cuttinq throuqh the property•
MiNUTE a, 11N11H1t. '1 CITY PLANpINGI COMMS8820N, N~7V~D+IB1tR 1, 1982 82-5~7
~nniA Faulkner, 1585 fl. Chat~au, Meh~im, ~tet~d h~ reprssants his mothar Mho
iiva~ at S40 ~1. Ch~sLnut, enQ Lhat th~y liked the oriqinal plnn but b~liave
thi' revi~~d plan has chaapon~d tha quality ot th~ aev~lopmsnL, •ap•cially
with the carport~. He added he hsr not heard o! any aonllon-inium d~wlopmsnt
in An~heim with carpoxts. Ne raterred to thw pekitionar's coa~nan~ thaC the+y
have davsloped two similar project~ in a~har nreao and indicated ha would
s•uspect that aas thetr original intsnt enyway. Ne ~teted they are concerned
about the cazporte on the •e~t property line anU did not think thet would be
qood tor the at~~ole neiqhborliood.
Jae White, 809 w. eroedway, 1lnaheim, stated the ~slides snd pictures o! the
oriqinal propocal. were beeutitul, but now they will bo looking et cerporta,
pzobarly with tin raofe end he th~uqht the project has junt qone downhillt
thet this is n bue~utitul piece o! property snd he thouqht the property was
et111 in eacrow. NE~ pointed out the interest rate~s aerm ~ven hiqher when
oriqinal pl n~ wera submitted nnc7 npproved. He edded he did not r_hink this
pro~•ct woutd be enything ho would t~e proud to llve acroae the street lrom.
M,r. Exley atated he talt he hea a gooc~ lino of communicetion with Huqh
Faulknez an8 they ere ainr.ere in their intent to xesolve his concerne. t~e
etated he would not aqree that they have lower~ad the quality o! the project
beceueA it ie still a tine projectt thRt timos are a little ditferent er~d if
thay cnnnot qet a bond issue nnd Rome relie! on the projeat, t~ey ~-i.ll not t+e
able to qo ahead aith it.
Commiesioner Herbet etnted he thought the quelity of the project has been
lowerad and the reer~on he voted for the verianceq in the first place was
beCeuse it wa8 to be a high quality project end w~ta not encr~aching uPon tha
neighbors as much as this and i! hR hnd aeen Lhie project, he would not heve
alloaed variances. He steted the condoainitua ordinance does nllow ama'ter
units, but he could not agree with the parkinq beceuea condominium ownere 80
have a tendenay to have more things to be stored nnd atated he felt tha
pnrking could be controlled through the ~' •!ts•
Renpondinq to Commissioner Bouas, 1~'!r• ~,cley pointed out that their other
developmenta were Old Trabucn and Cedar Glen at E1 Toro and Trabuco. He
stated both of t:nese projects +~+ere a succeae and had no i:apact upan ths
Mr• ~xley clarlfied tor Commiesioner La Claire that there were no afPordeble
units in the original approval and that there are no affordeble Lnits in thfa
projectt ho~egver, they need the bond iseue ~n order to c;omplete the projectt
and *hat the 16 emall efticiency-type unitg r+ould eell !or ~69,500. tie
axplained the bond issue ia the State of Calitornia 1365, Mortqaqe-Backed
Bondt tha*_ they xill be requestinq to qet on the alZocation list and there are
28 citiea already on the liat tor 1983 and that thia would be a:ice way for
the City to provi:e hnusing aad it len't ck~eap ar a~ftordable, but it would be
an opportunity for some people Co have a nice place to live.
Coaanissionar La Clnir~ aqr~~d the projsct ha~ 1~~tK~ened sinrs she lirot saw it
anc! eha rhook i• quit~ g='s~t• She ctated the Com~nissian wao really thrill.ed
with the prevlou~ proj~ct which was luxurioua.
Cummissioner Boua~ pointed out that housing is needed in 1-naheim, e~en it it
is not luxuriou~.
Chnirtasn FrY atatad he ta1L aurn the da~:eloper had etu~lied tlie market eev~rsl
months ac,ro whan the orig~inal plen wae present~d~
Mr. Exley pQinted out thet a buyer ~roul~ hava to nu~ke in excesa o! ~44,000 in
or8er to et~ord ona of the unite praviously approved.
Chairmen Fry pointed out that discueeion hee been on Item N~. 6 and he would
open the public hearinq now for d:scueelon on Itesn No. 7.
Commise~.oner Buehore~ retu=ned to t1:e meetinq.
Cocamiseic~er H~rb~t ateted the saaie thing ~pj+:ies to Item No. 7 aa to Item No.
6 and he would na~ d~ree witn the open pbrking tor ~ondominiutns becauee it
wo~ild ~uat open t::~ door for luture conAominium .fa~~AloF+ere and woulci set a
Comiaisei4ner Bushore a~ated he has no contliat on It~em No. 7 and indicated ha
ui~dergtande with the revenun aonde~ the petiLioner would aek !or a certain
percenteqe ~rom the Coanty and pny 4 to 6 pointe tor the money which ia
non-retundnb~~, caer- in advance, and if the bonds eh~uld be iseued and are
nllocated to thia developnent, the ~`~l°perle who qualitywbetween~80 and rhe
cac.,iey at a cerr.ein percentage !or • ~e peoP
120t, but crly 16 of tha unitg are considered aftordable, which is r~ lonq way
lrcm 100~. Mr. Exley explained they are neking for 22 million dollara for the
whole projsct. Corocaissioner 8ushore stated the property to the north will be
developed prior to the property behind the Librnry and the accesp for thia
project is probably better then the previous pcojectt that even thouqh he
realizes this is o,`ly a concept, he lelt it is downqradinq the areat that the
downtown redevelopment ha$ not done very well, but this will not help it,
eepecially with carports because ~arages oen be controlled with CC&Rs. He
stated he felt the waivers were granted previously because of the quality of
the ~roiect.• He addo` ha is concerned abc~ut the accasa on Broadway which ia u
Aecondary etreet.
Commiseioner Buahore contin~g~ that as a tnx,~a-yer he ia concerned how this has
gonc~ on !or ovar a yo~r and n halY with the school diatrict se111nq the
property. He atated there are achool aites for saiw riy developere who could
not mak~e the projects and are noW tryinq to sell them to iaake a last buck. He
did not teel leeae:~n4 thP pro~ect, when things are auppoead to be qettinq
better, is i;'+e praper approach and the taxpayer is the o~e who euflers tha
burden in the endi nnd that the next developer would come back and aay tha~ he
paid t~ ~auch for the proparty and cann~t develop the pzoject. He etated he
won't vote on Item No• 6 and cdn't vote on Itsm No. 7 che way it atands.
!!r. mcley ~tetsd ho appreciated the Comeais~ion's tihouqhts, but thay 4houtd
rsm~mbsr th~ axt~rior o! the buildinq~ har not bean ahanqad and tha proj~ct ie
~ good quality pr.ojt~ct.
Cononiesioner Houa~ anked i! anythinq can be done about the carpc~rt situetl.on
with Mr. 8xlsy replying they could probably encloee tham et a probable cnet of
~1500 per unit.
Cheirman Fry atsted there seems to ba a qeneral coneeneus that t,he project is
dovmqrnding !or this erea.
Commisaioner Herbat st.ated he wou~d have a problam f~nding juetifiention !or
the wnivera bacauee this ie a larqe rectanqularly-shaped niece of property
with no herdehipe end they are n~t providing elfordable units which would meet
the 8tate req~•Lraments.
Commissianer bushore etated he did not understand v-hy th~y have not ~naked for
the bonds on the unite ~s oriqinally propoaed rather than downgradinq the
project. Mr. Exley explnir.ed it would take e~25,000 down payment to be abla
to purchas~ one o! those previous units.
Commlasioner Huehore atated that everyone ie tryinq to jump on the bandwnqon
and the only plscee~ tht~t tl~ese aftordnble placea are qoinq is i.n the oldar
sectione of town end that thie erea hae been going downhil.l and thie would be
contributing to thet trand.
Mr. Exley et~t~ed they would 11ke to requeet a 4-waek co~~tinuance to go back
end work with atalf to eee what revistona cnn be made.
ACTION: Caamtiesioner Herbet o!`fered a motion, seconded by Coaanieai~nor King
and MOTION CARRIED (Commieeionet McBurney abeent3, thnt conaiderntion ot the
aforementioned item be continued tc~ the regularly-acheduled meeting of
Noveniber 29, 1982, at the requeat of the petitioner.
RECL]\83IFICATIOt• N0. 82-83-9 AND V~1RI11NCE NO. 3301
92318. AGBNT: G.C. PROPERTIES, INC., 2152 Dupont, Suite 200, Irvine, C7~
92715. Property described as approximately 9.8 acres south r.n~ west of the
southwest co~ner of Lincoln Avenue and Rio Vieta Street.
RECL]l33IFICATION REQUESTs RS-J~-43,000 to RM-1200
VARIANCE RBQUESTs Waivere ofc a) maximum etructural height, b) minimum floor
~rea and c) required enclosure o~ carports tA construct a 274-unit apartment
There were approximately 18 peraons indicatinq their presence in oppoaition to
subject requset and althouqh the sta~f report was not read, it ie referred to
and made a part of the minuters.
MiNt1TE8, Alil-HIli!! C~TY PT.ANNINCi COMMi:,8i0N~ NONEMHQR 1, 19~2 ~2-58r'
Jon eu~s~, O.C. Properti~~, aq~nt, stated the request 1• to con~t ~t s
274-unit spartatent aomplax at Cfi~ corn~.r ot Lincoln and Rio Vist~ on ~ l~-acre
sit~t that thsre will bs approximetsly 100 2-b~Aroom units and :74 1-bedrooen
unit~, 78 0! which wil: be bach~lor unit~. Ha •tetad the Aetarn~inetian tio
construct ~hi• sis• unit Mas nurd• attsr a suxvsy Naa conducted o.~ 10
canpareble apartmant prajset• in the 1lnahaim eres•
l~tr, Busse exp~alned they are requesting e genaral plan rmendment *.~ chenga tF~e
de~iqnetion to m»lti-lamily residential and re~latsiticatior, to ~llow this
proj~ct, in addition to three wa~vers which they feal wi:'. not i. ~act the nrea
or the quality o! the pro~ect.
HQ Atated they era requeeting a waiver of minimum floor nrea to ellow them to
be able to a!lord tc~ build the project and ~tter the units at a ccnnpetitive
rent nnd they leel the size oi the units will be adequate and they ere
deaigned to be~ open end pleaeant.
Mr. BuRee stated they aie •slan re~{ueatinq ol+on carports as opposed to encloeed
pnrkinq because they nre leee expensive tv ~uildr and thAt they did cisit a
number vt projecte with encloAad c~verdd parking nnd with parkinq on both
sides of the driv~, it cletinitely creates n ttu~nel eltect. He added with open
oarports, people approachinq will be able to ese throuqh. He explnined each
unit v+ill have a 4' x 8' atornge erea which will be mora uaable.
He stnted they ace elso requestinq e waiver to build 2-atory unita ~rithin the
150-foot eetbeck of the ndjoininq sinqle-lamily area ao that they cen get more
unite. He explain~:i all the two-etory unita will be facinq nway from *he
eingle-family homes end there will be •:o windows• door$, balconfes, etc.
encronch~na on their pr.ivacy.
Pete Pitassi, Architect, Kiyotoki 1lssocintee, presented slides o! the propoeed
projeat an8 explained the loop drive, with main eca~ess ~tt Lincnln and
secon8ary access to Rio Viata, and other lenture+~ o! the project.
Mr. Hussa etated they got n liet of eurroundinq pr.operty or+ners ne eoon aa it
wae availnble and aent 50 lettera to etfected einqle-lemily propnrty owner~
tellinq them about the project and offerinq to meet wfth them. He etated they
did meet with 12 neighbore at Ed Cnrson's rea~dence and reviewed the plans,
end all aiqht o! the residents edjoining on the eouth were representedt that
the re$idaT-ts expreesed all their concerns, but basically their main concern
was that this ie an apartment complex.
He explnined three previous requeete !or commarcial development wpse approved
for this site (a rollez :•ink, a 8rive-through restaurant and an office
c~ndominium projeat) but were never buil.t and they feel the hiqhest and beet
uae !or the proparty would be mediwa denelty reeidential.
Mt. sas~• ~t~tsd ths main concern o! the ra~ia~nt~ vras ths h~iqht of the walit
that th~ra ie an exi~ting wall approxin~taly 6 lest hiqh which belongt to each
reeidenc~t Lhat the ordinance requires a 6-toot wall, but they do not •ee snY
need !or two wallri and that they would proviAA larqer, mora eaeture traes
which would provid~ a t~u!!ar eoonor. He added the r~sirlents unenimouely Pelt
a 6-loot wall rrc~uld not be aufficient and wnntec~ nn 8-foot wall. He etated
thay ara willinq tc construct an 8-~c~t conti.nuous well an their property
~tartinq et the 57 Frseway and tereainating at tha church pr~perty.
Regnrding the 2-etory Lmits closer thsn 150 !ee*_ to the aingls-temily hoa!ee,
Mr. Buese stated he understendo ths RM-3000 Code was recently chanqed to
permit 2-etory units within 50' o! ainqle~-family reeldential ne lonq ee there
are no opPhinqs.
He pointed out the moet recent commercinl development nppraved tor t~~at eite
(the Riverview 0!lice Coc~plex) had two etoriea nnd windowe lacinq the
sinqle-family homes within 75 leet. He pnseed ou* a brochuro ot that project.
Frenk Bereznay, 529 Cardift~ stated he hed been eelected to sunnnarize the
residents' c~~ncerns. He steted lie end three other ownera hAVe requeated n
continudnce af thia public heering. He stnted the property ownere are oppoged
to the rezoninq of the propartyt that their homea are 18~0 to 2000 e~quare feet
in eize and are ell on large lota and the developer is prapoeing a munber o!
475-aqunre foot unite in thie comp?.ex and that eize unit edjacent to their
larger homee would meke a aharp contraot. He etated the homeownera feel
c~ndominiwns wAUlc2 be better because they would be larger, less denee, nnd
blend in better with existing ho~aes.
He referred to the elide displayed ehowing the propoaed project ~nd noted 222
of the 274 (or 80~) units are below minimum xequireaentt tiint 13 0! the units
are within the 150-toot setbeck and are ver.y close to the residences and even
th~ugh ther.e are no windows, the reaidente will be looki.nq et a solid wall;
and that ti~ere will Y~e a patio facinq hie proprrty and the entrance ta his
house• He pointed aut the etaFf repart did identify that situation even
though the petitioner had indicated thet was not the caae and ho hae a~ letter
~zaon the develop9r indicatinq ther~ wauld be no window, daors or patioa facinq
einqle-~emily hoc-es.
Mr. Bereznay etated the reaidente feel there is no need for thie kind of
8ensity and they would lik~e to ::.ee thd eecand stary unite removed which would
be 17 unita or n 6.2+~ reduction.
He added the 8-foot wall which tlle petition~r aqreed to build ia very
iwportant to the residentst that the existinq fence is 53" meesured from the
higheet side and is very 9asy to jwnp over nnd d~es not offer any noiae
nbetement, aecurity or privacy.
Mr. Berezn~sy sknted they are concerned about Craffic becauae there is already
a problem and also the fact that the traffic will not be able to make turns on
Lincoln to qo to the 57 Freeway. He stated it ia possible all tra~fia from
this complex w1L1 uae Rio Vista to qet to the intersection.
He stated they are a18o conce.r.ne8 abo~.it rodants ahen the 89velopment begins
an~ asked that the entire bree bg treated to prenent tha yophers and ground
squirrels from migrntinq int4 the reaidential aree preaentinq a heal.th hazard.
M=N11T;8~ AA11-HELM CITY PIrAN1iINCi ~=dtMI88I0N, NO~MIHlR lr 1992
H~ ~tst~d Fh• r~sident~ er~ •l~o cona~rned at~out •tcurity and without Che
e-loot l~nc~ ~nyons aould qo ov~r th• •xi~tinQ wallt and thet Chey er.
oonoerned about t1~~ 13 bsohelor unit~ adjacant to th~ •inql~-laaily r~~ideno~•
and the n~' -~ that could be qen~rated !or th~ elderly and retirnd p~opl~ in
the n~ic, ..ood. He etat~d landsaapinq aould noi provida e bu~t~r.
Ed Csr~on, 2723 Purikan,l-nsh~im, stated t.~e proposed rollsr rink onaQ:n~ ~Qte
was not approved• He notwd petio• ers proposed in tl~• 20' ~pa~e •~~
thA ~iciql~• lemily residsnca~ xith larqe window~, etc. He steted they are
opposed to the proposad d~neity. Hd rel~rr~d to e patition aiqnee by 50
residents aaroea Rio Vieta Nho are oppooecl. f9ecretery tsn't sure whather or
not t.~e petition wRS nctually subesitted to Com~ais~io-i). He stat~d he lelt
carj~ort^ are visibla littex p~aces whethar they ax~ ~or apertments or
condomi n i uins .
Mr. Ed Jibl ite, 2719 Puritan, ]~naheim, st~ted the letter trom the dev~lopex
vreo recaived th~ iame dey thaY got the nutice trom the City enG they only had
gour dnyr. to prepnr~ eny c~~nments. ConcRrninq ths landsca~inq, he stated the
devalapes~ haQ originnlly propo~ad 8ucalyptus tr~es, wfiich the residanta
objseted to, but Aid egree to provide whetever landsceping ~hroveditortthi.s
denired. Concerning the reterence to the o!lice building epp
aite, Mr. J iblits expleinec! that would }~ave been on2y one building oriented
north and south .
Mr. Jiblits ra~err~d to wall air conditioners Nhich would be in the 13 unit4
cloee to t~enoiee~an8 he did n t/think enrecfo~tttence would help~thet75
decibel~ o
situeti~n very much.
Mr. JibllteQTgae8lntOzangeeC untycisctheeapertmentr~ott-Plexes^eurroundinqgCelt
crime rate
State Ful lerton nnd those are bachelor apartmnnts.
Dennia Brovm~ 525 Cerditt, atAted he supports the objections expres~ed, but
his main concern ie the carparte that ad~oin thai~t;rwillncreatetattunn lould
be enclosefl on three eides• QNle tuning theiravehicles, etc., would affact
effect and the noiee trom pe p
their tract.
John Henn ig, 2707 B. Puritan, Anaheim etated even thauqh the two-atory units
nre forty leet lraa~ the property line, the lov-er story is aithin 20 feet and
there are patios and walkway~ pratruding into thAt 2~ leet and that doesn't
pro~•{~s ~auch of a bulfert and ulso thexa are stairways on each enQ nnd sl~o a
balcony wtsich looks ovRr inta theic Uack yarda.
Reqard.tng the propoeed ot~ice building, Mr. Hanniq etat~d the clo~est building
to his paroperty wae over 75 2eet, but that o!lices do clome at 5 p.m.
~~ ~us~A etated they did not pur~u~ oondaniniuma bncaus~ th~sy w~uld not be
linancislly l~asibls bsceus~ landar~ sre not o!lerinq :30-y~~r fixod rata
uiortqeqea~ thet thsy wi.ll be addinq an epartmant compl~x to the An,~heim
ccnnmunity which aill renuin a• apartment• beaeuse it could not meet
oondaa~initun stendsrds and could not be oonv~rtadt snd thnt sa~allectuande aill
be th~ way of reeidential unit~ in ths tuture, but they are compa
provide more elticient spacet thet ever. tho~oved with emallartunl.t• thnn th~Y
stendard, five other pr~ject• have been epp
are propoeinqt thnt only 1/3 0! tha unit.~ proposed within 150 leet o!
sinqla-lAmily homss are two~!ltOx~' unitat that thoy ar• ewara there are
openinqs toward Mr. Bereznay'e property and ere working with the nrchitect to
provida eo~cR acreeninq eo there will be no u~+e~nings fecing hie praperty.
Concarning treftic, he explained the Tra!!ic Engineer did rsvlew the plan end
had no problem wlth the plant that Lincol~- Yvenue is intended tc+ ~en~ woulA
accees nnd riqht turn in and out ia the onl wsy the Tra!!ic Depa
nllow the desiqn.
Mr. Hueee eteted they will take cara of the rodent concern.
Regnrding aecurity, he edded th~y were told by the Planning staff that they
could not have a gated community.
Concerning landsceping, he statad he hnd proposad t~etter landecapinq Rtrictly
!or vieual purposes. trut they will put up the H-foot wall to contral noise•
He stateunitsya dTeatiosein thetZO-Poot bu~ter~strip esclonqbas thehmainthe
etorage P
building wall was at 20 leet.
He stated he thouqht the 8-!00! wall will teke care of noise from the nir
cnnditionersi that they hav~ retainRd the lirm of JJ Vnn Haoten and
Aseocintea, to do a eound study o!E the 57 Freeaay and Lincoln Avenue and they
will have the~a address the einqle-family residencee elea.
He atnted they intend to retain ownershipt thet their c~mpany ie a
wholly-owneai~u~eference~sflromtthe Fenants andidonotLintendnto havewill
require c
undeeiYable persons livinq in thene units.
Mr. Buese atated they will enclose the t•wo end walls of the carport on Puri.tan.
Com[aisaioner Herbst stated the previoue approvals far the reduced size of
unita were permitted !or 25~ of the unita~ and their request fa for 28! of tha
He stiated the design of thi8 project has not taken the sinqle-fan~i-lY
reaidences into coneideration at all and would impact the area even with the
driveweys and screeninqt and tne Q'to°t ~all wc~ul~ help, but the vehicles
startinq and leavinq at 4 or 5 a.m• would be an annoyanc$. He addedr~icularly
thouqht the projec~ could be redesiqned to protect the reaidents, pa
the units backinq up to the exiating homes• Ho s?~~~d he thought there would
be a considerable gradinq problem.
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MlTNUT88, 11N1WaIM CITY PLl-NNINO COMMI88ION, NdVIl~IBRR 1, 1982 82-58~
Ji~a Dalquist, ~ngineer, stetad th~re is no drainAqe problsm~ that khe praperty
vrill drein eo tha Neat~rly portion o! th• •ita and d 1~charg• into sn
underqrounA etorat arain in ths •tate riqht-ot-weyl and th4t the eit~ will bR
essentia).ly th~ sam~ level as t?~e ~d joining reeidentiel eraa~.
Mr. Bue~e r*.ated h~ beli~ved tl.~y have taken the eingla-lamily homes into
con~iderstion xnd oo~aplied with ti~a 20-loot lnndeaaped dree requirement.
Comnaiseioner Herbst stated there nre walkweya, etc~ i,n that 20-loot nrsa. Mr.
Buaea responded thara will be a eubstent iel emount o~ lnndocapinq in that
nrea and he hed underatood lroen etett that certein nctivities would b~
permitted within that area.
Commisei~nar La Claire auqqested relocating the bachelor uni.ta on the lett to
the treeway side o! the project. Mr~ Buaee reeponded there wae e problem
oreatinq acceas for emerqency vehlcles with that deaign.
Commiesi~ner lCing ateted he hoped the developer can make eome adjustmenta so
the project aan be developed beceune young aouplee and ~he elderly on lixed
income who cannot a!lord to purchaee a home need houeing and apartmente are
definitely needed.
Mr. Buase atated they hopo to be able to rent thounits et n lower rental
rate, poaeibly l~335 for e bachelor unit, up to ~500 tor a 2-bedre,~m unit.
Commissioner La Cleire asked i~ tho 8our~d Enginc+er had done any dtudiea to
determine i! a 2-story unit would block any o! the noiBe troa~ the lreeway.
Mr. Busee etated they do have 'ouna repo.rts and basically the 80 units at the
intereection of Lincoln nnd the freewey will have to be conditioned for
sound. He explained that ie a freewey of!-ramp and ie hiqnez and there ie not
a noise problem.
Coannissioner La Claire atated ehe un8eratande the neighbors' concerns abou~
havi~g apartmenta near thnir ho~nes but it hasn'tbeen tha experience that
there ie a crime problem, especinlly when ~hey are located in the betcer nreas.
Commissionar Herbet indiceted concern about the nua~ber o~ bachelor unita and
stated he has not obligation ro apertments on thie aite, but doea object to
the encrnachment on the neighbozat however, faltthat could be corrected. He
etated he does not ob~ect to smeller units, but telt this could eet a
Commissioner La Claire stated aha ha~ no objection to the roadway ~nd open
carporta becnuse there ta a bufler and an 8°foot wall, but she rrould be
concernen ab^~it the bachelor units on the left.
Cormalaeioner Buehore etated there are alxernativee and they couid still qe~
the ~leneity.
~ F
~ ~
MIN~T1tB, liWAH3IM CITY PL71t~iNINfi COW~1I88ION, NOV1QlHSR 1, 1982 62-585
Comm~~aioner H~rbat ~tat~d open carport~ haw be~n alloa~d in npartmsnts all
ov~r tha Clty and Ccx~i~~ion~r Le Clei.re ~t~ted it he• baen h~r expsrisnce
thet c.axpnrt• e~r• b~ttsr than garaqat in s~,artment coa~pl~xss because th~re ia
no aoc~aaulation o! tresh ~nd p~opl• do park in carport~.
Mr. Husse rtatect they rrould beqin oonstrvation v~ry quickly atter epproval,
~robsbly sometirtce in th• middle o! D~caniber.
Commissioner Bushore statad ha io concerned about all the dumping that is
qoinq on on that prop~rty noM and euqgssted a conetruction l~nce b~ inatallec!
Mr. 8usae esked tl~at the Commission act on th~a pro ject sub ject t~ the
reductien o! baahc~lor untts to 25t end Commisaioner Hsrbet stated he aould
prslar to ~ea the revised plana belore they qo to Council, painting out the
petitioner was mede aware ot the Plenninq Commieeion's policy.
ACTION: Commisaior~er Herbnt o!lered e moLion, secar-ded by Coaimiseioner Boues
and MOTION CARRIED (Commies~~.~nez McBurney abaent), thet consideretion of the
aforsmmn~ioned mntt~r be~ coritinued to the regulnrly-scheduled maeting o!'
Novemb~r 15, 1982, ,st tha reqt~eat o! the petitioner .
REC888 : 5 s 30 p.nT.
RECONVSN~: 5:~5 p.m.
Commissioner Herbet :lett the meeting and did not return.
PUBLIC HB~-RING. OWNERs WILLIAM J. CLl-R1C, 2751 W. : acilic Coast Hiqhway,
Newport Beach, CA 92663. AGENT: DBNNIS BOI~SINGBR, 2025 W. Ccaaeonwealth
Avenue "C", Fullerton, CA 92633. Proper.ty described as a rectangula~rly-ahaped
paxcel of land consieL-inq of epproxirtu~tely 3.7 acrea locetod et the northweat
corner of PaLa I.~ne and Palm Way, havinq ~ fzontaqe of approximately 430 feet
on the north aide of Falm Lane and a fr~ntac,~e of 380 feet oa ~he weat side of
Palm Way and further described ae 1231 Palm Way.
Waivers o~s a) minimum buildinq aite area, b) n-aximum atructural heiqht, c)
minimum number end type ot parkinq apnces to conetruct a 132-unit npartmont
There was no one indic~ting their presence in opposition to subject request
and nl.though the eteff report wns not read, it is re~erred to and n~de a part
of the minutes.
Dennis Aolainger, aqenr, explained thie praperty was in the April 1982, lire
and wi 11 be developed ~s a new pra ject with more moSern facilitiee t and that
the requeated waivers ~re mini~aal.
Coanma~sionar La Clsirs •tat~d the Caaaission i~ concerned ebout parkinq. Mr.
Bol~ing~r reopondad he 1• requ~stinq s 3• v-aiv~r and the only way to add moxe
parkinq epaces v-ould ba to r~Quce the number o! units.
CommisRioner Hu~hor• etated thera wes e tremendous parking problam belore tha
lire in thnt ar~a and thia plan hae 16 more unite then was there betore, with
e lese parkinq epacee and another pnrcel o~ property.
Mr. Boleinqar •tat~d the proparty has been aubdividod nnd they will ba
construatinq 132 units on 3.7 e~creat and thet there were lasa unit• on 7.9
ncr~s prsviouuly. Ha etated they woiild be willinq to develop a rever~e curve~
on Palm Lana and Balm Way to create parking erens in the right-ol-we~y and
ad~ust kh~ cidewalks end curb to retlect parking adjacent to the street whiah
would mea~n loeing aome landscaping•
Commiesioner Buehore steted thnt would require a lendscapinq eetback waiver.
Chnirman Fry stated the Coruniseian is concarnecl abo~it parking
egpecially i~ this area.
Annika Snntelahti axplained there ie no provision in thn ct~rrent Code for
emall carat that the progosed perkinq ordinance reade that 'l5t small cer
apaces !or the open ereas me+Y be ellowed by riqht and ehe anticipntes it will
be approved.
Mr. Bolninqer requeated a two-week conkinuance.
ACTIONt Con~aissioner 5uahore offered e motion, seconded by Commiseloner Kinq
nnd MOTION CARRIED (Coam-iesioners Herbst and McBurney ebsent), that
coneideration of the aforementioned eanttar be continued to the
regularly-echeduled meetinq of tvovember 15, 1982, at the r~sq+.~est o! the
PUBLIC HE!-RING. OWNERS: MICHA~L G~L1~ND~ 20221 Prsirie Strestr Chatsworth, CA
91311. AGENT: WILLIAM MFF. 20221 Prairie s~rcel,ofhland conaisting3uf•
Property described es an irreqularly-aheped pn
approximately 2.8 acres, having a frontaqe o! npproxin-ately 80 feet on the
south e~de o! Armando Street and a frontnqe of 203 feet on the north eide ot
La Mesa Avenue, havinq a au,ximum depth o~ approximately 512 leet and beinq
lxated approximetely 600 leet south of the centerline ot La Paln-a Avenue and
further described ae 1050 N. Armando 3treet.
Waiver of minimum nwaber o! parkinq epaces to expnnd a selt-etorage facillty.
There wae no ane indicatinq their preeence in opposition to aubjeot requeat
and althouqh the etetf report wee not read~ it i~s referred to and ~aede a~+art
o~ the minutes.
William Raf!- agent, stated they are owners o! a eelf-storaqe faeility on
eubject property nnd it presently has 6 parking spaces (62 required) under a
variance qrdnted 5 or 6 yeare ago to a previous ormerJ and that they are
pxoposinq tw~ addltional buildinqe and 69 perkinq epaces woulcl be required and
12 are proposed.
Dsan 9har~r, Assaclat~e Planner, esked that e aondition be added r~quirinq that
ths ovm~r dsed to tha City o! Aneheim a ZO-loot Nid• wateriine saaem~nt
throuqh th~ property ta the eatieteation o! tho Wat~r 8nqineerinq Department
prior to ia~uance ~,t building permits. !ia noted th~ waterline i~ existinq end
Mr. ftn!! agread wi.th ehat conditlon.
Mr. Re!! r~lsrred to Condition No. 2 and stated they diocusaad this with (iarth
Menqsa in tha Fir• Dapartm~nt and ha indiceted it they constructed e 4-hour
fira wall with no openinga in that on~e lonq buildinq, divi8ing it into two
buildings o! lese then 5900 equare leet each, thet would teke care of the
eprinkliny requirement.
Jack White, A~aietent City Attorney, ^uqqeated adding the followinq to
Condition No. 2, "or otherwiee be approved by the Chiet o~ ths Fire
ACTION: Commisetoner Auahore offered a motion, suconded by Coauniesioner. King
and MOTION CARRIED (Commissionera Herbet and McBurn~y ebaent), thet the
A.nnhaim City Planninq Commiesion hae reviewed the proposn2 to expand a
self-stor.aqe faci.lity with waiver of minimum numbnr of pnrkinq spaces on an
irreqularly-ahaped parcel of land consietinq o! dppro:cimately 2.8 acreu,
havl.nq a fz:atnqe o~ approximately 80 feet on the eouth side of Armnndo
Street, nppraximately 600 feet eauth o! the centerline of La Palu~a Avenue, and
further described as 1050 N. 1-rmnndo Streetr and does hereby approve the
Neqntive Declarntion from the roquirement to prepare nn environmentel impact
raport on the baeie that there would be no significant individuel or
cua-ulative adverse environmental impnct due to the approval of this Neqative
Decleration eince the Anaheim General Plan designatee the subjact property for
general industri~l land uaea commansurnte with the propoaalt that no seneitive
environmental impnctg are involved in the propuealt that the Initial Study
submitted by the petitioner indicates no siqnit.icnnt individual or cumulatine
adversa environmenta~l impactst and that the Neqntive Declbretion
subetantiatinq the foreqaing findinqs ie on file in the City of Anaheim
Planning Depnrtment.
Comcais~ioner Huahore olfered Resolution No. PC82-203 and moved for it~a paseage
end edoptian thnt the Anaheim City Planninq Commission does hereby ctrant
variance No. 3302 on the basie that this is a reasonable uee for, thia property
and the type of usa does not require very many parkinq epacea nncl subject to
Interdepartmentnl Committee recammendationa.
On roll call, the ~oreqoinq resolution wea passed by the following vote:
r ae. il. !I
. 3303
p~=C ~~~ ~ ~g~ = J~~pH ~p gL1,~ pplit~ELLY, 815 Mlodena 9tr~st,
Maheim, C~- 92801. Prop~rty ee~crLt~sd asare !e t~, 815rNorthaModenar8tx~et.
land consistinq o! approxia~ately 6074 squ
~isiv~rs o! ta~ximwuNalllendiroomaaaditi~n.~ r~~r yard setback to construct a
y-foot hiqh bloc
Th~ro MA/ na Qhe stalf~reporthwas otk~read,~it ~s~relerr d t~ndC~dee•part
and although t
o~ tha ~inut~s.
Ellan Ur~nnelly~ ownar, v+as preeent to enswar any queations.
It Nas noCed ths Planninq Directar or lile auth~rized repzeeentativa has
deterniined that the proposed project la~ll~ within the datinition of
Cateqorical ~~$tandeisCltheretore,dcateqoricelly exemptEtro~a th~nrequimement
Report Guideline
to prepare an EIR.
PC82-204 and tnoved !or
ACTION: Commi~eianer Buahore oftered R~~~olutiopl~nninq Connniesion does hereby
its paesage nnd adoption that the AnaheSan Ci~y
qrant Variance No. 3303 on theebao edtby~totheraproperties~in~thausametzone+ and
proparty of a privileqe beinq j Y
vicinity and subject to Interdepartmental Committee recomaaendationa.
On roll call, the foreqoinq reaolution wns paesAd by the lollovring vote:
]188ENT: HBRBST r Mc8URN81!
p~BLZC HEI~RING• ~g~~ p~'~I~ p~p$~~Igg~ Ip~•' 1517 North Fairviaw, Santa
Ana, C1~ 92706. AGSNT: WAYN$ L. PSTBRSOt~. P.O. Box 1122, Yorba Linda, C1~
9Z686. Froperty dascribad as an irreqularly-ehaped parcel of land consiatinq
og a~pproxia-ately 2•9 aares~ 3456 Sast Oranqethorpe 1-venue (Tha Unqamblinq
To permit tlze on-wainarfobeminimdumwnnuaber of parkinggspaceel for qambling
inatruction with
It was noted thnt stat~ has recommended that eubject petition be continued in
order that it can be readvertieed.
ACTION: Comml.asioner La Clsire offared a motion, Beconded by Coauaiesioner
lCinq and MOTION C1-RRxE~ tnu~toiLherregularlyaechedu ad meetinq o! November
aubject petition be conti
15, 1982, in order tha~ it can be readnertised.
; ~
` .~
I~ 13
A. AmCL~188I!'IC7ITION N0. 80-81-18 1-ND CQNDITION111. USE PdRMIT NO. 2144 -
Rwqu~eb lrom Dan L. ito~vland, for extan~lon ot tinN !or aYOperty looated at
the northwest cornar o! BroaGwsy and Philadelphia Streete.
11CTION: Conuai~~ioner King o!lerad e~ation, seconded by Cotmai~~ion~r
La Claire end MOTIqN C7~RRIED (Commis~ion~r Bu~hor~ ebsteininq,
Comm~.~sion~rs Herk~t and McBurney absent), thet the 1-naheim Gity Plenning
Coma-.i~tei.on d~~ss hnreby grant one-yeer extension~ ot time !or
Reclaa~~.lication No. 80-81-18 and Conditiona]. Ua~ ParQ-it No. 2144 to
expire on Now~a-b~ir 17, 1983.
Claritieation of uees permittad on praperty loceted et 627 Bouth Herbor
No action n~ceseaxy.
A. Tha foint meatinq with City Council concerninq the propoeed pt-rkinq
ardinance ~oae briePly diocuaeed, aith ~he dates of Decan~ber 6 nnd 7 b~eing
ecceptabLe to the Commiseion.
g. Annike 3antnlahti explsined Ran Svens o! the Anahaim City Fire Department
haa eqre+~d to maka e vide+o presentatian pertaininq to the re~cent lires et
the Coanriasion's morninq work aeseion on Noven~ber 15th and thnt the
Cocnmise,.onera should be preeent by 9:d5 n.m.
C. Chairn~d/.R Fry asked etalt to investtgate Murray'e Ticket 8ales otlic~ on
Btate ~olleqe Houlavard, pointing out he did nat think any oP the work ha~
been ~iccoraplished.
71DJOURNMIt~iT: There beinq no further businese, Commi~sioner Buehore
~ ottere8 a motion seconQefl by Commissioner La Claire and
MOTION CARRISD (Comtnissfonere Herbat nnd McBurney absent),
that t~he n~eettnq be adjourned.
The meetinq wae edjourned ~t 6:00 p.m.
Rmspecttul~y submitted,
~ ~ .
Edith ~,. Harri~, Secretary
1~naheim C1ty Plaaning Co~nission
BLHclat 11/1/82