Minutes-PC 1983/01/10R3~i~lLAR MEl!'PINO Ot THR JINANE2M CITY PL7INNING COMMI88IpN R30t11W1R !Q='PING Th• r~qular w~tinq o! the 11nat:~, im City Planninq Commi~~ion Na• aall~d to ord~r by Cha~ira~n Pry at 10:00 ~.a., Jenuary 10, 1983, in th• Council Chamb~r, a quorum b~ing pr~~ent end th• Commis~i~n ~~vi~wed plen~ o! the items on toQay's eqsnde. R8CB88: 11:30 a.m. RIECOI~VEN1! s 1 t 30 p.m. PR3$8NT A88SNT AL80 PRESENT Cha'caisn: Fry Coam~iselonera~ 8ouae, Hushore, H~rbet, Kinq~ Le Claire, McBurney Coaaaisalonera: None Mnike 8antnlahti Jeck Whit~ ~ay Titu~ Peul Sinqar Geen Sharer 8dith Harris 11e~istant Director for Zoning As'i~tant City Attornay O!lice 8nqineer Tratlic Bnqineer 1laaociete Planner planning Comeaiarlon Secr~tary APPROV~I. OF MSNUT83: Commi~~ion~r Boun• otferad a motion, saaonded by Commisoioner McBurnoy end MOTIOtd C1IRRIBb, that th~ minu~.ae o! +ths maetinq o! Novemb~r 29, 19A2, be approvad subject to corrections on page 6a7, paxagraph 5, lina 1 chenging the word pxoperty to problem and deleting the second probeblyt correcting the CL Zone tn CO on line 5, paqe 628~ correctinq "157-bedroan" to "157^bed" in paraqraph 4, line 12, pag~ G33; nddinq the word hospital to line 3, ,ps.raqraph 2, peqa 639 and corractinq the word exceptable to acceptable, line 4, parnqrnph 2, page 639. Commi~sioner King o!lered a awtion, •econded by Co~am.issioner McBurney and MOTION CARAiBD, that the Anaheim City Planninq Commission doas hareby approve the minutea o! the meatinq of December 13, 1982, subject. to correctione on pag~ 656, pnragraph ~, line 5, changing .89 to .98t paqs 665t and paragraph 3, line 8, changinq 45 to 4 or 5. I'~'SM NO. l. EIR N~GATIV$ DECIJ1RATtON 11ND Vl-RZANCL N0. 3300 (R811DV~RTISBD PUBLIC EIBARING. OWNERB: WZLLI7IM J. CLJIRK, 2751 W. Pacitic Coast Higl~May, Nawport S~ach, G 92663. AGBNT: DENNIS BOLBINGER, 2025 W. ConawnWealth Avenue "C", Fullsrton, C]1 92633. Property d~~cribad aa an irregularly-shaped parc~l o! land consisting of approximately 5.2 acrea and locnted at 1231 8. Palm Way. Waivers o! maximum etructural h4lght and permitted typa o! parkinq spacea to construct a 168-unit apartmwnt com4Plex. 83-1 1/10/83 ; MINUT~b, Ati71NEIM CITY PLANNIN~ COMM~88ION, Jl~NU11RY 10, 1983 83-2 Ther~ wa~ no on• indioetinq xheir pre~~nc• in oppo~ition to sub~eat requsat snd ~lthouqh tih~ atielP r~~ort wa• not r~ad~ it i~ relerre~l to and made a part o! th~ minut~~ ~ Danni~ Bol ~inqar, aqant, wa• prasent and sxplained th~y hav~ rsvis~d plane ohanging the numbar o! unit• lrom 13Z to 168 b,y +sddinq another portion a! proparty v-hich aas ~riqinslly intended !or aoaua4rcinl ueas. He explainet! they hav~ bs~n abl~ to pruvide the raquirad munbe.r o! parking speces in adAikion to twu additi onal ~pac'a b; using the tendem par.king concept• THb PUSLIC HEARING WA8 CLOSED. AC_ TIONi Coaunissionor Herbst o!lered e~ moti~n, escondecl by Co~amiesioner Kiny and MOTItki CARRIED~ khat the Anahein~ City Planning Commiesion fias reviswed the propo.el to conetruct a 168-unit apnrtMent compl~.x with weivere o! meximum •tructura]. heiqht nnd permitted type of parkiny speces on a~n irraqul~r ly-sheped percel of lend consisting o! approximntely 5.2 ~crea located at the northaest a4rner oP Palm Lane and Euclid Street and lurther desaribod ae 1231 9outh Palm Wayt and doea hexaby epprove tha Neqntive Declaret ion trom tha rsquirament to prepere an environmentel impact report on the baeis khat there would be na eignificant individuel or cumulative adverae environme ntal impact due to the approval ot thi~ Nogative Declaratian sincw the 1-nehe im General Pla~ das~qnAtee the eubject property !or medium denaity reaident i nl uaes land uaee commeneurate with the proposalt that no eensitive envixonmentnl impacte are involved in the prAposelt thnt the Initinl 8tudy subtni:ted by the pet~tioner in8lcatea no siqnificant individual or cwaulative ad~~eree e nvirnnmentel imp~.:ts~ and that tha Negative Declarstion eubstantiating the Poreqoinq findinge ie on file in Che City o! l~naheim Plenning Department. Commi.ssioner Herbet oflered Resaluti~n No. PC83-1 and moved for its pessaqe and adoption that the 1lnaheim City Planning Commission does hareby grant Varia~nce No. 3300 on the Tsaeis that denial would deprive aubject property of privileqea en joyed by ott-ar properties in thn same zone a~d vicinity and aubject to Interdepartmental Coaunittee recomn-andatiane. On roll call, the loregoing re~olutian wna pasaed by the lolloainq votes AYEB: $OUAB, BUBNORE, FRY, H8R83T, ICxNG, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOE3s NONE AHSENT: NONE Dean 3herer, Aseaciate Pla»ner, asked thnt parngraph no. 9 en page 1-c be Gorrected to ehow thn~ the revised plane indicate 330 parking epaces inetead of 328 parkinq spaaeB . ITgM NO. 2. EIR NEGATIVE DBCLARATION, RECLA88IFICATION N0. 82-83-10 ANb VARIANCB NO. 3307 PUBLIC EIBARING. QWN8R8: Rl-YMOND M. MA9CIEI', ET AL, 1127 W. North 8treet, ]~naheim, CA q2801~ AGLNTs ~ARY MP-BCIEL. 420 S. Suclid Strec~t, Anaheim, C1~ 92802. Property deecribed as a rectanqularly-ahaped paY'cel of land conaisting of approximstely 4,960 oquara feet located at 304 W. Venaont Avenue. MINqT1L'8, 1-N71HtIM CITY i~f.AtINING COMMI882Qt1, JANUIIRY 10, 1983 83-3 Naiv~r• o!i ~a) maximuc~ •truct~arel h~iqht, (b) minimum l~ndaoap~d e~tt~aak, (o) psrtaitted typ~ o! parkinq spao~s and (d) r~quired •ar~ening o! parkinq ldcilitie~ to aonstruct e 2-uni t epartaqant oasplex. Continu~d lran ths m~e+tinqs o! i~ovsaiber 1~, 29 end D~a~mber 13, 1982 There was ona peraon indicatinq hsr pzo~encs in oppoaition to •ubjact rsqu~st snd althouqh kh~ eta!! report v+~~ not r~ad, it i• ralerred to and msde a p~rt o! tha minutes. Oary It~~ciel, owner and nqent explalned they have rmvi~ed th• plan• !or a duplex rether than a triplex an d hava eliminatad the tandwm parkinq and provid~A tao pszkinq epac~s for each unit with a 20-loot bnek-up epace tor turn-arannd erea. Marilyn Helm, 2Z8 W. VermonC, P-partment 1-, l~naheia-, exgl.sined she is not eo much opposinq the projsct because the revi~lon does tona down the oriqinsl subraitted plan considerably and it is satiefactory, howove+r, her bedroom will be within 5 teet ot th~ parkin q eree nnd she would like to requast that a 6-loat hiqh block wall bs const zucted on the asot property line extendinq from ths eouthern boundary to withi n 8 feet o! tht eidewalk to ncreen the nolAe o! the vehicleot that currently there is a 5-toot high block wall elong part of the property line, but ehe wou 1 d like that wnll axtended to 6 feet hiqh end lenqthened to within 8 leet og th@ eidewelk with a 36-incti hiqh wnll provided in the Q-foot erea adjacent to the eidawelk ae requirAd by the City Tratlic Snqineer. Ma. Helm preaented a Letter eiqned by her neighbc~rs in 1lpartment B nnd a~so by the preperty owner indicating they egroe with her raquest. Mr. Masciel state8 they heve no objection *_o e fence but would 1lkQ to construct a wa~len tence eince this ie a parking aren and vehicle4 could bump into the wdll and a wooden fen~e would be oasier to repair end would not be +an eyesore. THE PUBLIC HEARZNG WA3 CL03ED. Com~aiseioner Herbst etnted he does not aqree beceuee a wooden tence doee not contirol sound. Mr. Maaciel noted thet area will only be used !or parking and th~ere will be no one uainq tha t wide o! the buildinq, with Coaimisaionex Herbst pol~~ntinq out the opposition ia concexned about the noiee o! vehicles 5 feet from their bedroom windowa. Coemaieeioner Bouas atated a wooden tence vrould look worsn when aomeone ruazs into it than a block wall. Sh~ stated the people livinq there wi.l2 be usinq that azea ana she did not thin7c they will be runninq their vehicles into the wall. Commiasioner Suehore stated th~ Commisaion ie auqgeetinq the petit.~ner conetruct an additional 38-!es t of block wall wt~ich he did not leel will be requiresd beceuse the bedroom i~ located adjacent to the pa~rking area. Cosamissioner La Cleira sugqested the block wnll be constructed to the landacapod nres 20 f-at lrora the norl:hern property line bacause whoaver ia backing out ot those parkinq spaces nnd turning around would bn rewing their enqinen anQ creatinq a rnoise psoblam. She stated ehe did not leel a Woodan fance would eontrol the noise an~i neither would landscaping. ~~ C ~ MIHUT38, M171HBIM CxTY PLI1NNItiG COMMI88ZON, .T11NU1-RY 10, 1983 83-4 Peul Sinqer, Tra!!ia Enqineer, point~d out thet he had di~cuaa~d thia l~nce with M~. H~lm ana thAti ~he had suqqested ~hrubb~ry bs planied ediscent to ti19 'idewalk sr~a, but that tihs new parkinq stiandard• will re~l~ct no ohrubbezy ~traveinq within Lhat arae Co provid~ ~iqht vi~ihillty !or tra!!ic sal~ty and khat any l+~ndaoaping providad ahould bs qround cover only so that the driver aould ba able to •.e pedastrian~ on th• •idav+alk e~ he is sxltinq. A(.'TIONt Conur-i~~ioner La Claire oitarsd a motion, secondad by Con~-i~sionar 8oua~t and MOTION CARRIBO, that ths 1~naheim City plenninq Cosanaiasion hae reviaaad th~ proposel to recla-s~ily oubjact property lrov~ RS-]--43,000 (R~ssidantial, Aqriculturnl) to RM-1200 (Reaidsntiel, Multiple-Femily) to car~struct a 2-unit spartment complex with waivers of ineiximum etruaturel arcal~ encl requirad dczeeninq of parkin~ lacilitioa on ~ rsctnngularly-shaped p o! land consistinq o! epproximetely 4960 aquare leet hevinq a frontnge of e~pproximately 40 laet on the •outh si~le o! Vermont Avenus and turther dee,:zibed e~ 304 W. VermonC Avenuet and doee hereby epprove the ltegative DecAaratian lrom tha requ.irsa+ent to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis Chat thera wouLd be no siqniticant individu~l or cumulative adveree environmental. impect due to the appraval of this Negativ~ Dwclaretion since tha Anaheim G+~nernl Plan deeiqnntea the subject property tor medium denaity reaidential lqnd ue~s oomnensurste with the propoealt thet no seneitive environmentel lmpacts are involved in the propaeala that the initial Study aubn-::tted by the~ pe+titioner indicatea no eignilicent individual or cu~aulative adveY'se environmental impactef and th4t the Neqative Declaretion eubet.antiatinq the loregoing lindings is on tile in the City ot 1lnaheim Planninq Depdrtmc+nt. Comwieaione: La Cl~ire otfered Reaolutinn Nu. PC83-2 end moved tor its paeenqe and adoption that the 1lnaheim City planning Coma-ission doe• hereby grant Recle~aification No. 82-83-1'1 aubject to Interdepartmentsl Goma-ittee reconaoendations includinq a c~ndition khet a 6-loot hiqh block wall shall be canstr.ucted along the east property line to the lan~iscaped area 20 leet lran tha north property line. On roll call, the t~•regoinq reeolution was preeed by the tollowinq vote: AYES s HOUl18. BUSHOREr FRY, HBR88T, ICING. 1+1- CLAIRB~ MC BURNEY NOES: NONS AB8$NT t NONE CommissionRr La Claire otfered R~ssoluti~n No. PC83-3 and awved for ite pasaaqe and adoption that the Annhei~- antinplwaiveraC (~andQ ( dgoon the~bnsisa t the Variance No. 3307, in part, qr 9 narrow parcel and denyinq waivera (b) and (c) on the basis that those waivers vrere deleted by the petitioner on the ravised pl~ns and suDject to Interdepartmental Comtaittee rer_oaAmendations. On roll call, the foreqoing resolution was paeeed by the following vote: !-yEB: BpU1~8. BUSHOAE~ PAY, NERSS'I'. ICIT'1G~ LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES : *10A1E ABBENT: N0~11E Jack White, Aseiatant City Attorney, presented the vrritten right ta appenl the Plaruiinq Co~nuaiesion's decieion within 22 days to the City Council. MINUTBB, 11NAH1CIM CITY PLI~NNINa COMMI88ION, JANU7IRY 10 , 1983 83-5 EIR NEOATIV~ ~ECL11R11TION, W~IIVER OF CODE FUBLIC HE~1R~N0. OWNSRB: RODBRT I~. AND ETH1~~ L. W8T2LSR, 31722 Paseo Terraza, San Juen Cepiatrano, CA g2675. A4ENTe DAVa CARL80N, P.O. Box 819, ~lnaheim, C1~ 92A05. PYOperty ciascribed ns a r~ctenqularly-ahaped percel o! land consisting o! epproximeitely 0.36 ncra located et the aouth~ae~t corner o! Ball Rond end Hesch Houlevard. To permit a drive-through reet~urant with waiver c~! minimum number o! parking ~peaes nnd minimum length ot driva-throuqh lene. Continued Prom the meetinq o! Drcemher 13, 1982. There w~e no ono indi.cating their pregenc~ !.n oppoeition to subject requeat and although the ~teft r.eport wa~ not reed, it ie rafer.red to nnd mnde n part of thn minutee. Bob Morriam, Dave Carlson A$eociates, P.O. Box H19, Anaheim, CA 92805, expleined the plane liave been redesigned tu include n steckinq Lane i.n excega o! 160 feet end Gwo additionel perkinq epacas. THE PUBLIC HEARING WA3 CLOSED. ACTION: Comniaeioner Herbat offered n motion, secondec3 by Commiesioner Kinq and MOTION CARRIED, that tha Anaheim City Plnnning Commiseion hae reviewod the progosnl tp permit n drive-throuql~ reateure-nt with waiver of minimum number of parki.nq spaces end minimum lenqth of drive-through lane on a rectanqularly-sheped parr.el of lnnd coneist'~q of nppraximately .36 acre located on the southeant corner o! Bell RAed and Beach Boulevard; and does heseby npprov~ the Negative Declerntion lrom the requirement ta prepare an environmental impect report on the basis that there would be no siqn.ificent inclivi~ual or cumulative adverse environment.al impnct due to the appr.oval of thie Neqative Declaration since the Anahei.c~ General Plnn deeiqnntee the eubject property for general coaamarcial land u9ee comcaenaurnte with the propoet-lt that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposalr U'-at the Initial 8tudy eubmitted by the petitioner indicetes no eiqnif.icant individual or cumulative adverAe enviranmental impactst end that the Naqetive beclnration aubetnntiating the foregoinq findinqe is on lile in the City of Anaheim Planninq Department. Commiseioner Herbet offered n aation, eeconded by Commiseioner McBurney and MO"~ION CARRIBD, that the Anaheint City Plnnninq Comtaisaion does hereby grant waiver of code requirement on the basie that subject restauraret is located adjacent to a shoppinq center end there will be no parkinq impact on the aurroundinq a~•ea and on the basie that danial would depri.ve subject property of privileges enjoyed by other propertiea in the satae zone and vicinity. Commiseioner Herbst olfered Reaolution No. PC83-4 and moved for ita passaqe end adoption that the Anaheim City Planninq Commission does hereby qrant Conditional Use permit No. 2393 subject to Interdepartmeatal Committee recommendationa. On roll call, the ~oreqoinq resolution aas pasaed by the followinq votas 1~YRSs SOUAB. HUSEiORE~ FRY, HERBST, 1CING, LA CLAIRE, l~IC HURNL-Y NOBS: NONE AH$ENTs NONE MINUTS$~ ~N1W6IM CI'PY I+LJINNING COMMI8820Nr J~1NUJIRX 10~ 1983 63-6 ITBM N0. 4. EIR NS(i11TIV8 ~1ND Vl1RI11NC8 N0. 3317 R8CW188I!"ICATZON NO. 71-72-44 ( RE11QV. PUBLIC HEARING. OWNSRB~ TEXACO ANIIHSIM NZLL~, INC., 380 Anah~im Nills Rosd, 11n~heim, CA 92907. 1108NTi THB QUNBTON HI~LL COMII~IINY, 380 )-naheim Hill~ Ro~d, Anaheim, C11 921~07. Property descriMd es (Portion A) an irregularly-sheped parcel o! land con~i~t~ng o! approximetely 675 ecres in the &~nte 1-na Canyc~n ~outh of 8anta Ans C~nyon Rned batween Aneheim Hill~ Road and 41eir Cnnyon ttoad, extending ~outh~rly to approxin-etely the Sante 1-na Mountaino separaCing the citiea e! 1lnaheim and Oranqe and turthar de~cribe~d ae the Aneheim Nills Plsnned Community and (Portion B) deecribed aa en irregularly-~haped parcel of lend coneisting o! approximetely 7.9 acrms heving e lronteqe of approximately 420 leat :,n the eoutheaet aide o! Berrano 1-venue and epproxiroetely 125 leet northeest of the centerline of Hidden Canyon Road. kECLA88IFiC11TI0N RltQUEBT: Requoet !or en amendment to City C~uncil 1~esolution No. 72R-208 to euaend ths Zoninq Elament of the Plnnned Coa~munity !or Andhaim Hilla end to inr.reaee the ecreaqe of the Annheim Hilla Pletnned Community. VARII-NCE REQUE8T: Weivere ofc (e) minimum l+xnd~caped aetback, (b) type o! perkinq apnces, (c) required locetion of parkinq epacea~ end (d) raquired slte screening to construct n 36-unit aondominium aon-plex. There were three persons indicatinq thair preaence in oppoeition to ~ubject requeet nnd althaugh the ~ta!! report vras not read, it is ralerred tA and made a part of thR minutes. (;eorqe Meta~n, repreeentinq ~ha Guneton Hall Company, explained the request ia to conetruct e 36-unit condominium complex on a slte of wfiich a portion wes uaed by the City ot Annheim tor a subterranean rAServoir and pump station= that all of Sarrano Avenue fr~m Nohl Rencl~ Roa~l to Cenyon Rim RAad has b~en built out in accordance with plene adopted in 1972 and that thi$ is the only undeveloped site on Sarrano Avenuet and tt-at they have added approxidsately 2.4 acrea to the area covered by the Genezal Ple+n of Devnlopcaent adoptad in 1972. He etated the eite Por the condominium developmer.t wae previouely deoignnted on t~e General Plan for commercial u~ses. Concerninq the waivere, !~z'• Mnson explainad the eite ie unique becauae there vras an easement granted to the City ~any yanrs ago wher~ it wae anticipated to be the entry road tor Hidden ~enyon Ii~ad which ~ies aubsequently moved easterly eo tha property ia odd-ehapad at the southwesterly corner. Mr. Maeon etated they are requeating a waiver ~or S6 covered carports inetead of 72 required nnd they will be providing a total of 96 parkinq apaces and only 90 spaces are required by code end that only 1 unit would have a carport loceted appxoxiau~tely 115 teet aaay. He stated they are al~o requssting a weiver o! scrsening wa~ll be~cause o! contoura and a1~peA in the imnediate nrea. M~-zylou Miyaahiro, 6971 Killian-s Circle, Maheim, presented a petition siqned by the hameormere who live in clo~e proxira.f.ty to the p~oposed p~ vject v-ho are flpposa8 to this request. Sha ststed ahe notiaed the sl.qn on Friaay, Janunrl 7, 1983, and waa nble to get this anany oignetures within a two-hour period and sh~e f~lt if soaMSOne hsd been able to spend more time, they could heve qotten a lot more signetuze• in oppositian. She statefl sll tha homeowi~er.s in 1lnaheim ~f:.~ MINUT38r A1dl1H1SIM CITY PL~-NNINfi COMMZSBION, JANUIIRY 10, 1983 83-7 Hills f~el the ar~a i~ ~lr.ady satur~tad Mieh condoiainiwna end townhomes ~nd ~h~ rural etmosph~re i.a grsdually di~appe~rinq. Sh~ statad th~r• woul.d bs more peopi• presunt i! th~ time o! the m~~tinq w~s ditl~rsnt, b~oau~• 1~30 in tht altarnoon is not a good tima ~ince moet p~opl• work and aannot att~nd. firaae 1-ll~n, 5901 E. Tiber Driv~, Anahaim, statad it saame in the la~t 3 or 4 years mo~tly aondaminlums or townhousaa h~ve b~an built in 1-nehei~a Hille and that thoy puroha~~d in that aree for the country stn+osphera and do nnt want to ee~ any mora aondominiuuns or trnmhomes built in Anaheim Nill.~. Miks Duckworth, 7023 Co~umbua, l~naheim, stated they w•r.e concerned becau~s. ot th~ lack o! noticet that thay were also concerned about the hiqh deneity and do not Paal it ia naeded in this area. Ne statad they are also conc~rnod about the valus o! kheir property and the tral~ic patt~rn becauee he did n~t leel the roade coald handla the edditional treffic, especially Hidden Canyon, sinae thare ere al.reedy a numbar ot nccidenhs on t,hat strset bea+~ueo it is ~tee~p and windinq. Ne eteted moet of the homeownera moved to thie nrea beceuae there were no condotainiuma snd they understood condominiuma could not be built there becauee o! the undarqround weter resarvoi.r. Ha added thay ara concerned ebout the long-ranqe plans !or tha erea. Mr. Meson reeponded that Serreno Avenue wag plenn9d from Nohl Mnch Road to Canyon Rim R~oad for 2000 unita which wee epp~oved in the General Plen oP Development and to dnte, all this area has }~een developsd except for this property nnd with thia ndditional 36 units, there will be lees then 60~ of th~ totnl units dnticipated. He adc9ed thesm units will not add any more tralPic to Hidden Cenyon Rcnd ~si~ce there ie no eccees from thie Qite to Hidden Canyon. He explained .for approximately 10 years thie site hae baen deaignated for coaunercial use end ha Lelt tha restaurant romtemplated for this aite would create more traffic than this re~identiel project and he felt from studies he haa eeen that tha atreeta ere more than adequate for the housinq units end the deneitias are far below the density comtemplated. THS PUBLIC HEARING S~TA3 CIASED. Commissioner Bushore etated he felt carporta in that nrea for thie type project would dounqrt~de the erea and he also did not like cara parkinq on top of the reaervoir becauee people v+ould be chnnging their oil, etc. He atnted hs did not like adding the odd-ahaped parcel just to get the denaity and he hoped the other Commieaionera would aqree because thie 1s not the direction he would want to see Anaheim Hills tekinq in the future. Mr. Mason stated the reaervoir was designed to allow parkinq and at the time 1t was converyed to the City, there wae a very substantiesl reduction in the value, and he did not think there was any reason to think that veh~clea on top of the raservoir would in nny way affect the weter auppXy. Concerninq the comments reqardinq downgredinq of the area, Mr. Mason etated in the laet 3 yeara ]~naheim Hille, Inc• has been virtunlly unable to market any siqni~icant number of haasinq unite becnuee prices of h~uaee in that area are just way out of reach of the a-nrket that existst and thet these units aill bca sa~aller and deaiqned for the entry lavel houae buyors. He atated he felt thia project r-ould compars nary .favorably nrchitacturally with vfiat ie alrendy buiit in the area. MINUT38, 7Ct~'11H1~IM CITY P2.11NNIN0 COMMISSIUN, J71NUl1RY 10, 1983 83-8 Mr. Meoon sta~ed thi~ ares aits on a knoll which io ~bove 8srrano Avenue and att~r it i~ d~voloped, v~ry littl~ o! tha inaiQe o! the~ dav~lopasnt w111 be vi~wrd from th• ~trASt. He did not think car~,orts wou~d downqrada ths erea. H~ statad mo~t avm~r~ a! condominiwa hou~inq todny lind that cerport~ aza equally acaeptabls and carporta are a n~~Lhod used to re~uce the priae ot houeinQ. Re~ponding *o Ch~irman Fry, Rey Auerbach, Weter Enqineeriny Manager, City o! ~-neht+imr •tated Ch• resarv~ir roo! was desiqr~ed !or parking ao part of the negotintion when it was obteined lrom Ansheim Hills, ]:nc. and Maheim Nille, Ina. does hav~ an easement over it .tor parkinq and lendec~pinq purpo~er. Hs statad there was concern nbout traeh ~rucks havi,ng acaeee over tha rmservoir anA he r-ould have to vari~y that it wee desiqne+d to ecaocnaodete such vehiales, but did not believe there wae a problem. He axplein~sd the rmcorde and cnlculstions on thia project sre with the consultant a~id hav• not boen revi~wed. Comc~issionar Herbst aaked it any access through the top is enti.ipnted tor maintenance or repairs, with Mr. Auerbech rasponding that thoy do hava acaess hatches built in, but thare ie a raaiote poeeibility that they would have to do repeir wnrk ineide the reservoir. Commissioner La Claira etnted aho hes been on the Comnai.esion ~or about 6 years and Was involved in the Tesk Force which developAd tho Generel Plan !or the Anaheim Hills area and that ehe nlao livea in Anaheim H111s and i.s vsry larailiar with this area. 3he etated she realiaee thie property wna deeiqn~ted !or cot~aArcial uaee and thet all development of the er.ea ae e planned community has already bean approved, eo thei•e will be more Condominium developwents, but ahe did not feel this is a qood ar~a for commercial prop~r.=~3' and it would be cnuch better ae residentialt however, ehe did not think thi~x particular projact haa the qeiality that should t~a req,iired in thet araa. S~. atated Aneheica Hille is not en i.deal area for yaunq lamilies to purchase ~~M~,.',~- lirat hame dne to the hiqh cost of developoent. Sha statad eha did not li#rw the cnzpnrts even though tha new ozdinance will allow eome carports. Sl~e atated the peopls ~n the area would like eomething that would not lower the~.'a psoperty valuea. 3he stated, however, she ia nat oppoaed to condoa-inium developa-ent . Cocm-iesianer Herbst atated t~iia site was designated for commercial uea b~E~n thexe aas any deveiopaent in Anaheim Hills to eatiaty the needs of the g~o~-le in the area, but that that has now been taken care of ~+ith the co~aerci.sl developcaent nt the end o! Serrano and he did not think m~y aonim~roial nsP ehould be allowed on thie site. He stnted l-naheim H~ils, Inc. and the ~iey ~~f 1~nrheim mede a coma-itment to keep this a hiqh cuality area nnd that th1~s i~ the entrance t~ e~ne of the uwst expensive homea in Ar~akrei.m e~d :gr~ople ~-itr view lota above will be lookiag down on thie project end ha did rot t'hink thia type pro~ect would fit into t.he area. 8e sLAted in •addition he would like to be aure alter raviewinq the calculations that ths rsservoir oas~ aupport the parking o! vehicles end agread brinqinq the hills.t<ie inta tb~e proie~'t to incr~aee the ~lensity is not acceptable. Ha addait !he d~ not thir~k the praviaus developere of Anahaim Hills, Tnc. would be~ve e~ren considered such n pro~ect. ReQponding to Chairmnn Fz~y as to what h~ telt could b~ developed on this site, Cammissionar Herbst sta~ed the deneitq aould not hava been reaehed without u~si~q the reaervoir !or parkinq and without adding the hillside and withaut MIMITSB, AN1~Fi~2M CI7'Y PLIINNINO COMMZ881UN, JANU~IRY 10, 198~ 83-9 h~ving th• c~rport• aa~y lrom th~ units. Hs sta~~d h~ hs• alv-ey^ M~n oppos~d to c~rporCs !or coti~Qaa~ini~ua d~v~lopmsnt• b'aaur~ people who own ~h~ir hon~ss li.ke to have a clos~d qaraqs. He pointr,d ~ut ona ovm~r would hav to walk up to 11.5 t~~t to hi~ aarport. H• ~teted he wnuld liks to se~ kh• q~r~qer attach~d, ~v~n though h~ r~elizsd they wou1B not• be+ nbl• to qet thi• dansity. R~spondinq to Commi~sioner Houas, Mr. M~~on ste-ted thay anticipats th• oondominiums would be priced between ~85,000 and ~95,000, •o Chat the younq people aan altord thea- becau~a th~y tsel thi~ vn~uld edd vigor to the community. Mr. Me~on reterrdd to e let~er lrom Boyla Enqine~ring to the City oP 1lnaheim Water Dspnrtment~ clatad November 24, 1980, which indiceted the desiqn load o! the r~~ervoir would permit the tnp o! the tank to rie uead !or parkinq ot eutomobilss, plud one 20-ton truck load, anll that the welle o! tha raeervoir ere not deaic,~ned for e atructuze and any structure aould havm to be 20 leot eway lrom Cha reservoir anA that thie project meets Chat criteria. Concarning the eddition c~! the hillside ta the propert;, Mr. Mason expleine8 thet hillside Pormed the nekurnl hill on th6 beck ot thte project and the hill to tha oast and south will be preservad. He pointed out tlie expensive homes are quite a distanca lrom this project. iZeap~ndinq to Commissioner Boues, Mr. Mneon stnted h~ hed not contnctad the neighbors concerning thie project be~ause hio experionce with homeowner.a hsa not bsen qood. He etnted in deaiqning the project, the designer must try to meet the homeowner'e needs and everyone hae a different view. Chnirman Fry saked Mr. Maaon if he would like n vote on thie pro~ect e+e propo~ed today or if he wc~uld like a continuenct in order to subtait revieed plans. He pointed out if a vote ie taken todey and ts for denia~l, ~+etitioner would heve the riqht rf appeal t~o th~ City Council. Mr. Meson stated they cannot construct e project with hel! the ~ua~ber o! units that cen be sold in t~ay's market because there is no demand !or thnt type of product. Comraiesioner La Claire staCed she did not think a condoa4lnium project would be bad in that locetion, considering the altarnative which is commarcial, and asked i! garaqes aauld be includad with theee units, rather then carports. Mr. Mason reecponded i! the proble.a is merely a queeCion o! carporte, he can conatruct qarages and noted the carports ~nre deeigned eo that they can be translora~ed into qsreqse and he could build additional qeraqes to cneet code. Coaamiesioner La Clair• stated she sees this as an apnrtment complex. Shb state3 the Commieaion ha• baen workinq hard for a long tima to kgep l~naheim Hills a nice place to live nnd do not want to eee it downqrndad just becnuse riq'nt nov+ th~a economy ie bad. She stated the Commi.8alon has qiven e lot of vari.nncee and coald meke an is~ue about tha denaity, but ara really more concexned ebou~ the quality ot the project. Mr. I~ason xesp~ndad that thay could accamaodate garaqes, but they r+ould not ba attachad to tha units, with Comotis~ioner La Claire raterrinq to other quality condominium projects in Anahaim Hills. MIpVT=g~ 11p71H1~iN QITY PLJ1NIOING OOMMI88IQtir Jl-N~JARY 10, 1983 83-10 Canmis~ionax Herb~r suqq~~ti~d n~aYl» •n snvironm~ntsl impact r~part would b• required in ~hi~ instana~ to teo ahat th~ e!lect would be. Commi~sionar La Claire ~tat~d sirsc• all thi• arsa ha~ eireedy beon planntd ~nd th~ ~ubetruature• d~~iqned !or a a~rtain d~nsity end since the reoent approval o! a hotpital, whioh will hava qu~lta an imp~-ct on th~ r~sourae~ and mewe:r syetea-, the City i~ probably in d po~ition to naad en update o! tho envirorupental iaapact raport ta lind out what tha cumulativa atfect will bs. Com~aissioner eushors etated also i! tha epps'ovefl tentativa tract maps are qoing to be r~mappaA, updatea will ba neeAed on sll ot thaee tracts. Conmaissionar McHurney point.ed out the Caunal.ss3on doae not even have any idea what the elevations look like with Mr. Meeon reepondinq the el~vatione wera presented to ataf~. tiommiesionar Herbst ata-ted he wante to aee the cnlculationo on ti-e deeiqn og the walla oP the re0ezvoir. He etnted hs is qettinq the impreseion lrom Mr. Maeon that they dan't care about the value o! the property ebova and below thi^ project and juat wnnt to dAaiqn the px~ojact for todmy's marketplace, but the City ie coaaaitted to keepinq Maheim Hilis a high quality area. Mr. Mason asked i~ it ie the erchitecturel quality, ^ize of the unite~ etc. which it~ coneidered the downqrade. Comuiieaionesr Buehore stated thi.a is a eimilar project to what the Commieeian sees everydey in other areas o! the City, but that khim +~rea is e Plnnned Cemmunity and the whole Coauaiesion fi-as reacted naqatlvely to this project. Mr. Maeon stated ha can redegign the garaq~ea. but not reduce the dansity. Chairman Fry stated the Coanniasion is not rea.lly conc~rned about the denaity, but the overall appeerance of the project• 1+lr. Mae~on asked for e 30-day continuance in order to see i! they can redaeign a di!lerent project. ACTION: Commisaloner NcBurney offered a motion, eeconded by Commisaioner Bushore and MOTION CARRIBD, thet conaiderstion of the atoramentioned taatter be continued to the regularly-act.eduled mestinq of Februery 7, 1983, at the request of the petitioner in order to eutnnit revised plans. ITEM NO. 5. ENVIRONN~NTN~ IMPACT REPOR'I' N0. 189 (pRL~'V. APPROVSDI AND RBCI.ASSIFICATION N0. ti2-83-17 PUBLIC HSARING• ~WNERS= ANIIHSIM RSD~~p~~T ~SN~' 76 8outh Cl~udina Street, Suite A400, Anaheim, CA 929~5• 1~GENT: GARY MA3CIEL, I127 W. North Street, l~-nahoim, CA 42801. Property described as a reatanqulnrly-shaped parcel of land coneistinq ot dpproximately 0.9 acre located at the southea~st corner of Cypresg Street and Hnrbor Boulevard. RM-1200 to CO to permit constructi.on of a 2-story ottice buildinq. There waa no one indicatinq their praeence in opposition to subject request end although the atatf report aas not read, it is reterred to and tnade a parE o! the minutea. \ 83-11 Mlti~'PEB~ MI7IHEIM GITY PL~7INNING COMMI88ION• JIWU7IRY 10, 1983 Mik~ welah~ 1lnaheim itedsvei~pmsnt 1-q~ncy, wer pr~a~nt tio answ~r ~n.y qu~otions. Comml~aAioner 8u~hora declar~d a contliat ot intarest a• dolined by 1-nehsim City Planninq Coamai~~~inn Ra,olution No. PC76-1.57 adoptinq a Conllict o! Int~re~t Ca~l• !or tha Planninq Com-ai~~ion and Ciov~rnm~nt Code 8ecti.on 3625, st ,~eQ., on the be~ie h~ is an saqui~tion aqent !or the Red~volopa-ent Agency and pursuant to ths provinions o! th~ abow Cocles, dsclared tio ths Chairman that he wa~ withdravrinq lrom th~ hsari.ng in connsction aith T~ntativs Msp ot Traat No. 117~0, a-nd v+ould not tak~ part in eithsr the discuasion or the voting thar~on nd hTher•uponsComeniesioner Buahoreileltnthe~COunGil Chamb°rn°tin2f~5 Con~i.si p~m. THE PUaLZC H8)~R~NG WAS CIASRQ • It aae noted Environmental Impact Repoxt No. 189 wae previoualy certitied by the City Council an Nov~mber 23, 1976, in conjunctian with Aedevelopment Project Alphe. ACTION: Commiesioner Kinq oltezed Resolution No. PC83-5 efnd moved for ita paesaqe ~°a sificationhNo.t82-83a1?isuk~jectptonlnterdepartmental~Committee qrant Recins recommendationa• On roll call, the foreqoing resolution wda peased by the followinq vote: AYESs BOUAS~ FRY, HERBST~ KING. LA CLAIR~. MC BURNEY NOES: BUBHORE ABBSNTt NONB Comm~issioner Hushore returned to the Council Chamber nt 2:40 p•m~ I~I N0. 6. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARI~-TION 1'-N~ R8CLA3SIFICATZON NO. 82-83-14 PjJBLIC HEAP.ING • O~WNERS : D~N~LD sTRIC1~ND AND tURRIETT STRIClQ.~AND ~ 4570 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. AGENT: BILL Pti$LP3~ 1a59 rcelaofvland Orange, CA 9266?. Proparty described ae a rectangularly-ehape pa consiatinq of approximately 0.23 acra lxated at 522 W. Vermont Avenue• RS-A~43,000 to RM-1200 to ~erinit construction ot a 6-unit apartm0nt complex. Theze wae no one indiaatinq their presence in opp~gition to subject requeat and nlthouqh the eta~f report was not resd, it is referred to and made a part of the minute$. ent, wae present to anaMer any questions anfl explained thi.e 8111 Phelps, eQ o ect would have been presented area needs to be upgraded and that thia p~' j without any wnivere, but that the etandards were chenged. The new parkinq ordinance was discuesed with it beinq note~ any projects submitted betore th~e ordinance gose into eitect would not havb to be revised. TH8 PUBLIC HRARING WAS CLOSBD. l ~ MINUTIRB, 11N71HEIM CITY PLAlININa COMMISSIDti, J7~NOARY 10, 1983 83-12 ACTION: Coannisaionor 1Cing olf~r~d • enotion, s~oond~d by Caeamiaaioner MaBurney and dPION C11RRI80, thet th. 7-nehaim City Planninq Commi~~ion ha~ reviswad the proposal to rac1~A~1ty ~ubj~at prnp~rty troA the RB-J--43,000 (R~~idsntial, l~qrioulturel) Zsn• to ths RM-1200 (R~~idential, Muitiple-!'amily) Zone to conetruot a 6-unit epartment building on e r~etanqulazly-~hap~d perc~l o! land oonsistiing o! approximatsly .23, acre• havinq a lrontaqe o! approximataly 58 leet on tha south sids ot Vaarmont Avonue, having a maxia~um d~pth o! apprGximately 171 l~st end lurthqr dsacribed aa 522 W. Varmont 1-v~nue~ snd does hereb,y approve the N~gative peclaration lrom tha rrquiremonC to prapare an environmental impact report on the baeis that there would be no aignifi.cant individual or cumulative ndver~e environinental impact due to the npproval o! this Neyative Declaration since tha l~naheia t3ener+al Plen desiqnates tha subject property !or conanercial recreation and/or m~dium denai.ty reeidential land ue~ea commeneurate with the proposnli thet no eensitive environmental impacte nre invulved in the proposalt thst tha initisl Btudy su}~a-itted by the petitionar indicatee no eiqni~icant individuel or cumulativa ndverse environmental impactst and that the Neqetive Declaration eubstnnt.iatinq the loregotnq findings le on lile in the City o! Anaheim Planning Depertmenk. Commissioner lcing oftored Resolution No. PC83-6 and moved for its passaqe and edoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commiesion doea hereby qrant Reclaeeification No. 82-83-14 subject to Interdepartmental Cominittee recommendetions. On roll call, the loreqoinq resolution aas pesaed by the followinq vote: AYESs SOUAS, BUSHOR$, PRY~ HSRBST, KING, L11 CLAIRB, MC BURNEY NOESs NONE ABSSNTs NONE ITEM N0. 7. EIR CATBGbRIC11L EXEMPTION-CLA3S 5 11N0 VARIIINCB N0. 3314 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERB: RONALD K. MOSN AND MARY J. MOEN, 1723 FtuChertord Street, Anaheim, Cl~ 92806. Property deacribed ee an irregularly-ehaped parcel o! 1.nnd conaietinq ot approxi~uaC41y 5,235 equaxe teet loceted at 1723 RuthArford Street. Waivera of maxiaium site coveraqe and minimum eide yard e~etback to cangtruct nn addition to a sinqle-family rasidence. There was no one ~ndicatinq their presence in oppoeition to subject request and dlthough the staff report was not read, it is reterred to and c-ade a part o! the minutee. Ronald Moen, owner, referred to the Tratlic Sngineer's reaaomendation ~or a roll-up qarege door and pointed out both he and hie father-in law have compact cara and they @id not feel thie would be necessary. THB PUBLIC HEARING WA3 CLOSED Respondinq to Cunm-iss~onnr Kinq, Mr. Moen explained hd had discussed thie ~roposal with his n~ighbors and they are ecgeeable. It was note9 the Planninq Director or his authoriaed repreaentativa hae determined that tha proposeS project lalls within the dafiai~ion o! ~ > MINUTEB, 11N718ZIM CITY PI+ANNIN(i CUMMI88ION, Jl1NI711RY 10, 1983 83-13 Cati~qorioal 3x~mptions, Cla~s 5, a~ d~finad in tha State Environmeti~tal Impaat Rsport Guid~linAR and is, th~ratore, oat•goricaliy axeeapt lrom th~ rsquirement to prepaxe an BITt. ACTIONs ~oaaa~is~loner 1Cinq oltAr~~ R~soluhion No. PC83-7 and moved for its pa sr a~ anQ adnption thnt tha 1-naheim City Planning Coam-i~sion lloas hereby qrant Vari~nc• No. 3314 on th~ bsais ot th• sise and shaps o! the prop~rty and on th• be~i~ that denial vrould da~riva subjeat prop~rty ot privilegea enjoyed by other propartis• in the sams $one und vicinity and eubjact to Intardepertmsntal Committee recort~sndation~, deletinq Condition No. 3. On roll aall, tha for~qo7ng resolut.ion wae pasomd by the ~ollowing vote: AYEBs 80U118r BUSHORR• FRY, HSRBST, KING, L11 CLAIRE. MC BUANEY N0~8s NONE AB8$NT s NO~IE ITEM N0. 8~ EIR CAT~GGORIC7IL EXEMPTIQN'CLAgB 5 11@1L VA1tIANCB N0. 3315 pSJBLIC HEARING. OWNERB: WILLIAM ~. LE VSCICE 1udD MARGAR~T '~~ LE VECKB, 700 N. Helena 8treet, Anehei.m, CA 92805. Property deacribed ee n zectenqularly-~haped parce~ ot land coneistlnq of appruximately 0.3b ncre located at the northeaet cornor oi Wilhelmina Str~et and Helena Street, 700 North Helena Street. waivere at: (a) permi.tted type of nccesaory living qunrtare, (b) minimum side yard setback and (c) minimum ~ear yard setback to construct an addition to a single-lamily reeidence. Thexe was no one indicating their preaence in epposition to subjact requeet and althouqh the atatf report wae not rend, it is re'erred to and a-eae a part of the minutea. Rr~bert Williatas, aqent, was present to anawer any questions. TEiE pU$LIC HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Reepondinq to Cocm:iesioner La Clnire, Mr. Williams explained the etnirway qoee to the maid'e quarters in the re+~r and clarified that uni'~asibilit ~o~ rented to anyone else. Mr. Williame nsked if there would be a po Y brinqinq the buildinq directly to the propertY line aince it is possib~e ~he alley would be widened in the luture, pointinq out that everyone el.se along the alley has built to the property line. Dean 3herer, Associate Plnnner, explained tha petitionex could file !or nnoths_ va:iancs at a later date, buti that request could not be considarad today. It was noted the Planning Directior or his authorited repreesntative has d0tazmined that the proposed project ~alls aithin the detinitl.on of Categorioal Sxemptione, Class 5, ass defiand in the BtAta Bnvironanental impect Repoxt Guidalinas nnd is, therelore, cateqorieally exempt from the requirament to prepare an EIR. F MINUTEB, l1I~U1~16IM CITY PLJINNING COMM288IO~N, J11Nt111RY 10, 1983 83-14 11CTION~ Coa~misoion~r MaBurney o!!•r~d R~solution No. PC83-8 snd caovsd !or it~t pa ss a~ and edoption thaL th• 1-nnhsim City Planninq Condaiasion does h~raby qrant Vari.ana~ No. 3315 on the ba.is that d~nisl would d~priv~ subjeat prop~rty o! privileqes bol.nq ~njoyad by other propartiss in the ~ame mmone and vicinity and subjsct to Int~rdepartmen~al Conwuitts• recommsndation~. On roll aa11, tha loraqoinq resalution was passed by th• tollA+rinq vote: 11YS8t HOU118, BUBHORS. FRY, NERBST, 1CING, LA CI.AIRB, MC BURNSY NOSB: NONS A88ENTt NONB ITEM NO. 9. 8IR NSGIITIVS DECLIIRATT.ON AND CONDITYONAL US$ P~RMIT N0. 2402 pUBLIC HEIRING. OWN8iL4s H1~MP8'~BAD COMPAN'i, 4676 Admiralty Way, Mnrine Del Ray, CA 90291. AGENTs 80U`.CHERN PI~~IFIC COMMUNICI~TION COMPIWY. 433 Airport Slvc3., Suike 4Z4, Burlinqamc~, GA 94010. Proparty deecribed ea a rsctanqularly-sheped parcel of land consietinq of epproxin-a-tely 8.82 acrea located at the northenst corner ot Crescent Avenue, 1695 We~~ Crescent Avenue (Calitornia Federal Savinga). To permit 13-foot hiqh roof-mounted antennae in the CL Zone. There was no one indicetinq thair presenae in opFosition to subject request and althouqh the etaff report was not read, it ia referred to and rtusde a part af the minutee. Jerry Mnrtin, Southern Paaific Communication Company, steted these antennaa are for tranemisaion o~ long diatance telephone communicetions. THE PUBLIC HBARING WAS CL058D. Reepondinq to Canmiesioner Huahore, tqr. Martin stnted the antannas wi.ll be approximately 13 feet above the screening. t~e explained they will be xemoving the exiating time and terapernture clock, which ia 2U to 25 feet +~bove the acreen and that the screen will remain. Commisaloner Sushore clertfied that the substructuze of the ai.tennaa will not be Been. iiosponding to Commiasioner La Claire, Mr.. l4artin atated there will ne no interterence oi televiaion nnd telephone reception. ACTIONs Cowmissi~ner 1Cing olfered n motion, seconded by Co~amiesioner S~uas and MOTION C7~RRI8D• that the Anahe~~aa City Planning Commission hne r~viey+ed the propoeal to permit 13-toot high ro4f mounted antennAa tn the CL (Commercinl, Limlted) Zone on a rectanqularly-s'~aped pRrcel o! land aoneistinq ot approxi!aately 8.82 acree loca*.ed nt the northeast corner of Cre~cent Avenue and Suclid Stxeet and turther daecribed as 1695 W. Crescent l~venues and does hareby approvn the Neqative Declaration from the requireeeent to prep+~re an environmantal impact report on the basie that there would ba no eiqnilicant individual or cumulrtive adverse environa-ental im.,oact ~ue t~ the approval o! thia Naqativ~e Declaration e~ince the Ana~heim Generel Plan deeiqnaten the subject pro!~erty !or ganarel camme=ciai lar~d uses commen4ure.te with the proposalt that no senaitive enviY'ormrsntal impacts are involved in the NINUT~B~ 71NI1H~1M CITY PIJINNING COl~IM128aI0N, J71NU11RY 10, 1993 83-19 prapo~ait lhet th~ initial 8tudy ~ubmitt~d by tih• p~tiition~r i~~iivat~s na •iqnilio~ne individual or cumulativ~ adv~r~• ~nvirona~nt~l impaat~t and thet ths N~q~tiw Doolara~lon sub~tantiatinq th~ lor~qoinq lindinq• i• on lil~ in th~ C1ty o! 11neh~im pl~nninq A~p~rta-~nt. Cocdmission~r Kinq o!lor~A Re~olution No. PC83-9 and mav~d tor its paseaq~ and adoptl.on th~t the Anah~im Clty Pldnninq Comml.~~ion doa• her~by Qrant Conditional Uee Pwr~ait No. 2402 aubj~ct to int~rdepartmenial Comn-itto• r~ooannand~Ciono~ On roll cell, ths torsgoinq resolution was ps~~ad by ths lollowing votai ~1YS8: BOUAB~ BLIBHORS, FRY, HSR88T, KING, Id1 CLIIIRR, MC $URNEY N01CS t NONE ]-BS$NT t NONB REC838r There wa~a a tan mir-ute rec~ss at 2~55 p.m. RECpNVENB: Theeseeting wae raconvanad et 3:U5 p.m. ITSM N0. 10. ~IR NB(3ATIV8 DECL1-RATION, Wl1IVSR OF CODB REQUIREMl~NT ANA CONDITIONIIL U8B PBRMIT NO. 240:! PUBLIC NgARINO~ OWN~RSs L1- MANCHA DEV. PROPEATIS3, LTD., 15720 Ventura 81vd., N600, Bncino, CA 91336. I~OSNT: UNITED OUTDOOR ADVBRTISZNG, 1717 Oranqewood Avenue, 3uite A, Oranqe, CA 92668. Property ~iercribad as a rectanqularly-ehapQd percel o! land consistinq o! approximately 0.51 acre located at the northwest corner o! Ball Road end Besch Soulevard, 965-995 8outh eeach 8uulavard. To pera~it a billboard in tha CH 7one ai.Gh waivezs ~t maximwn diaplay arse an~ ona-ximum height• ~'here were three persona indicatinq their pre~enca in oppoaition to subject requeat and although the etatf report wa. not read, it is reterred to and mads a pe.xt uf the minutes. Gennia Ratron, United Outdoor J~dvertisinq, atated they ara proposing to erect a billboard ati Hall Roed and Beach Boul~vard and that they will ramove tao exi~ting billboarda o! over 900 squars leet lraa the site. He presented photoqraphs ehnwing the old billboards• He explainad thia will be+ a sinqle-faced eign rather than a double-taced siqn ns indicatsd in the etsff report !or atotal square footaqe o! 672 leet• H• stated thia is tha only type of aiqn th~ir compsny makee and tha City ordinance allorra a 300-square loot siqn. He explainad they are raque~tinq a 42-loot hiqh sign becau~e there ia nevr developa~nt goinq in on this aite and tha~ they want to be eure ?`-eir siqn ie above t2iat development. Hn stated thay leel th~~ variance ehauld be gran~ad beceuee thare will ba leas siqn• on the pr.opert~~ and the location of the sign le batter. John Gantie,907 3. Beach Boulavard, A~naheim, oKr.er/operstor o! Dimitri'a Restaurant, e~ated they have Qona a tremendoua jo?~ improvinq this aita, but h~ talt the sign a~ould be detrimentsl eince thai~ has :~een so much improvemsnt. fie stiated they hav~ spsnt about ~25,000 ~n landecapinq and improvaments oa thair rastsurdnt and telt a 48-loot wide sign ie ju~t too larqs. MINUTlB, AN71H32M CITY PLJINNINO COMM1s8ZON, J7-NUAR7~ 10, 1483 A3•16 Pnt~r Narno!!, 1309 Iri• Str~~t, 11nah~ia~, staleA h~ own~ the propsrty ~ust tio th• w~~t and l~1L th~y ~hould b~ re~triated to iust on~ billbaard on thet pxopsrty. H• ~xpl~insd he only has on~ ~6-loot hiqh pols siqn end i! this prop~xty i~ allawed to hav~ mor• than on~ billboard, hi~ •ign cannot b~ eaen~ Jim Ganti~, aperatar of Dimitzi's, ~tated thay have contributad to thit ar~e !or Z5 yaar~ ana aetploy 75 p~opl• Rnd do ove r one million doll.ar~ worth ot bu~ine~s p~r y~sx• He steted he leel^ th~ davelopment on ths cornsr i~ e plus, but thouqht a 48-loot siqn i~ iust too biq and ia not conducive to the ar~s. 1rtr. 1C,atron stat~d the eiqn is e nwdern, sinqla-polr aign snd thezo will be 1~~• signaq~ than belors end it will be a paintad bulletin siqn, whi--h is qenerelly usad by loaal businesaea. He eta tad they ~e el thi• siqn 4~11 improvs the naiqhborhood and i! thi~ 1a not permitted• tha property owner will just nsk to put tha other two aiqns ba~ck up and that thi• sign will not block sny o! the neighbors' siqna. THB PUBLIC H~11R.ING WAS CLOSED. Coamnis~iondr Herbet stated thnlr company mey not make e siqn that meets the City ordinaneea, but that the City ord~nancea were not deaiqned to meet the siqn company criteria. He ste~ed tha Plann ing Commission has been vehemently opposed to eiqns of t1~is eize and in some i netencee, C ity Council has overrulsd the Planning Commisai.on'e decisiont however, he lelt thia would be a detrimanL to the neiqhborhood and is not neceesa ry~ Cammissioners King nnd La Cleire agreed and Comiaisaloner La Claire steted ehe hns nevar voted tor one o~ these aiqns beca uee there is a eiqn ordinance end the Coauaiseion ie trying t.o clean up the CiLy~ ACTIONs Conmaieeionar Le Claixa o!lered a motion, secondec! by Kinq nnc9 MO'i'ION CARRIED, that the 1-naheim City Planninq Co~ieeion has reviawed the propoeal to permit n billboard in the CH (Coamercia 1, Nnavy) Zone wlth wsivex^ o! aaximum diaplay aree end maxia~um heiqht on a rectanqulerly-ehaped parcel oP land eonsistinq ot approximately 0.51 acre located at the nozthwast corner o! Ball Raad end Beach Houlevard and fuxt.her deecribed as 965 to 995 Beach Boulevardt and does hereby npprove the Ne qative Declarntion lrom the requireuaent to prepare an environmental imgact report on th.s basie that there would be no eiqniticant individual or cumulative edverse envirorw~ental impect due to the a~proval of this Negative Declarat~on since the Anaheim General Plan desiqnates the subject property tor general coma-ercial land uses comwensurate with the propoeali thet no sensitiva environmental impacts are involved in the proposalt that th• Initial Study aubmitted by the petitioner indicatas no aiqniticant individual or cumuletive adverse envirorunentel impactat end thst the Neqative Daclaratior~ substantiatinq the loreqoinq findinqe is an tile in the City o! ~na-heim Planninq Depart~nant. Commiesionar La Claire o!lared e motion, seconded by Comn~iaeionar tierbet and MOTION CJ-RRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Coamisaion Eloee hsreby den,y the raque~t !or Waiver o! code requiremant on the basis that a hardehip partaining to ths size, ahape, or location o! the property was aot demonstrated by the petitioner. MINVTtB, 11N11HEIM CI'1'Y PLJINMINfi CONMI88ION. JANUARY 10, 198~ 83-17 6 Coaunission~r I.a Clair~ o!l~rsd R~~olution No. PC83-10 and moved tor it~ ps~saq~ and adoption that th• 1-n~h~im Ci~y Planninq Commis~ion acas h~r~by d~ny Conditional U~~ Permit Nn. Z403 on ths be~is that the ~ic~ oi the ~iqn iar exc~~d• maxumum cod• r~quirament ~nd will edver~ely a!lsct t~e~ adjoininq land uss• and qrovrth and d~v~lopment o! tha arsa. On roll call, tha lorsqoinq r~oo]ution ws~ pepsed by th~ tollowi s~y vot~: AYESt BOUAS, HUSHORB, FRY, HSRBST, KiNG, LJ1 CLl1IRB, MC BURNEY NOEBt NONE ASSENT: NONB Jdck White, As~ietant City Attornay, presented the written riqht to eppeal the Planning Cr~nmieeion's decision within 22 days to the City Counc i l~ ITSM N0. 11. EIR NEGATIVE DBCLJ1R11TION AND CQNDITIONAL UA8 PSRM= T NO• 2404 PUBLIC HEARING. OWN6R9: EAST ]-N1UiBIM BHOPPING CENTBR ASSOCIAT~B, 200 "A", Baet Lincoln Avanue, Anaheim, CA 92806. AG6NTSs MA1tIE TU THI NGUYG''~ AND WILLIAM D. RUNNEALS, 10021 P'owler Dzive, Westminnter, ~A 92683. Proporty dascribed na en irregularly-shaped parcel o! la,~d coneisting o~ approximetely 15.5 acres located nt 2130 Eaet t.incoln Avenue, M34. To permit a physio-thernpy maseage fsaili.ty. There was one person in~iicatinq his presence in oppoaition to svbject requeat and althouqh the statf report wae not r~ed, it is xeferred • ar~d msde e pert of the minutea. Samuel 1Cupper, with Wyland and A~sociates, Attorneys, A00 N. Tu~tin Avenue, Suite 4Q0, Sente Ana, expleinad the requeet ie to percnit a businase known ee tt~e Colleqe Acupreaeura Centsr to provide theraputic maseaqes amd that the location Pelle clearly within the perimeltare in the City ordinamcea which statee s 1) "ThAt e bueineee~ ot thie typ~e caust be located qreatcr t.hnn 400 leet fraa any reeidential. arear 2) that no other ndult bueineases sh~ll ba within 1000 feet and 3) it ahall not }~e within 1000 leet o! ~nny reliqi ous inetitution. Sergeant Jamee Brantly, represe»ting 1-naheim City police Uepartment. atated the Police Dapartment has sutxaitted a menw recoumaendinq denial of this request and the dapartment has not changed that opinion. He steted one of the ~pplicants, Mrs. Nquyen, formerly operated the Tender Touch Maseage Parlor at 219 8. Stata Col.lege, Anahaim, and an Lwo occasions a vice ot! i.cer entered the location and obtained solicitation of prostiitution from Lwo of the employAea and those eolicitatione hava been adjudicated in the courtss t2'se liret defandent submittinq a 415 plea to the court and e conviction on the second dafendent of violetion of Section 6~7 0! the Penal Code, which ia solicitetion for prostitution. Ne stated they be2iave the isauance of a co~ditional uee permit at this location arould be ddtrimentnl to the community. Mr. Kupper stat+ed •.he purpoes o! the ordinanca ia to prevent t2~e lxation of aay edult businesb within d concentreted area and that they ar~ aoa-plying Nith that ordinance. Raqarding the previously mentioned police act3vitiea, ha explained avan the Po7.ica Department raport wiil ehow that ths arresting officers wera told they could not have whnt xae deaired becauae the manaqer wag on the premiees nnd would not allow such activitias. He steted Ms. Nguyen MINpTtB, 11NA1i'6=M CITY ?I.71NlixNG COMMI88ZAR, JANUIIRY ~.Q, 198~ 83-18 is tryinq to ~~tablish ~ t.h~rap~utic wa~~aq~ l~oility and that the nama ha• b~sn ahanq~d lrom bh• T~nder Touch ko Coll~g~ 1lccups~etor C~ntar. Ne •xplein~d th~r• will b~ no clo~~d doors and th• laoility will be lully 1iqhL~d ane! ChMre will be ~winqing aale doors. N• stet~d th~r• Ma~ an insp~ction and th~r• vnr~ two minor violatione, which ha~e bs~n re~oiv~d nnd th~ ~mploy~~ who v-a• •sr~sLad on e pr~viou• eharq~ no lanq~r aork~ !or thic •atabli~hm~nt. THE PUBLIC HE1-AINO M1A9 CLOSED. Chairmen Fry stRted h~ lelt i~ is str~nnqe thet a therepeutic ~m~~a-4e perlor v-ould b~ apan until midnight. Commi~~ioner euehare stated the Cca~mission has A1MA~-6 look~d at the hours o! operetion and in instancso whare pora-it• were qranL•ed, they wer• slloved !or s limited peri.od of tiine such as e thrae ysar period. Mr. Kupper stated hs was aware the Co~amission ha~d epproved the ~apane~e physio-therapy lscility !or a thre~ yaer period. Cammi~sioner Buahore asked the detinition o! acupuncture physi~o-therepy a~d also the numbn~r of roort-e end the desiqn of the roaaa ond whsther or not there would be curtaine or doore. Mr. Kupper etated there would be e taaximum o! thrae operators ~Sr shitt. Fte stated that acupressoz ie di!larent th~n acupuncture. Concerninq the h~ure oi operation, he eteted people all work di~terent houra and he did n~t eea any problem with stayinq open until midnight. Coa~missioner Herbeti stated he haa n problem with their uee at this locatf~on and that wtth the Police Departanant report, ha vould have a problem votinq in fr..or o! this request• Cocuaissioner King statAd his vote would bo based on the Police flepartmenG r eport . l~lr. 1Cupper etated the !ir ~t Pul~.ce Det~artment activity mentioned was adjudicated ao tiqt~:rbina the p~ace n~1 tha a~cund activity Mss not even fined and there was no ~robati~n or jaii ~~ante~ce and it ame very clear that t~~e ma,~eeuee relt~eafl to do what waa a8ked because it wa. contrary to the p~.icy of the eetabli~hment and for a~uginess to be open for three years and only have two police activitias, would indicate that this waa a vary claan operAtion. lu:TION: Commiseioner Hushore oftered a motion, seconded by Co~-aiecioner Kinq and~MOTION C]-RRIBD, that the Anaheim City Plannlnq Commisaion haa revievred the proposal to permit 8 phyeio-therapy mnsseqe tacility on an irreqularly-shaped parcei of lsnd con~istinq oi +~pproximately 15.5 acree having lrontaqea o! approximetely 775 feet on the south sida ot Lincoln l-vanue and turther desoribed as 2130 8. Lincoln 1-vanue, Unit 34i a.nd does hereby app~ove the ~iegatine Declarntion l~rom the raquirement to prepare an environmental impact rspozt on ~e baeis thnt thera vrould be no signiticant individual or cwaulativa adveree environmental impact dua to the approvnl af this Neqntive Declaration aince the Anaheim Ganeral Plan deaiqnatee tha eubjact groperty for qeneral co~-ercial land usee coomuensurate Mith tha propoaa~lt that no saneitive eaviron~ental icapacte ara innolved in the proposslt that the Initial 8tudy 83-19 MIpVI'38~ 11lipH1EIN CITY PT.11Nl1ING OOMMI88IONr J1~~~RY 10~ 1983 ~uba~l,tt~a by the psti~ioner inQiaae~A no ~iynilic~nt individu~i or cumul~tiv~ adv~rM ~nvirona~s~tial i~apaat~ i and ehat the N~qa~iv~ D~olsraLion ~ub~tantiatin9 th~ tox'~4oing linQinqe i~ on !i 1• in th~ City o! 1-r~ah~l.m Planninq Wp+-rlan~rt• Cv~ani~sion~r Sushors o!l~r~d R~soluti.on No. PC83-11 and mov~d !or its pas~aqe +~nd adopt:nn that th~ 7-neh~iro City Planninq Ca~nmi~~ion does hor~by dsny Conditianel U~s P~rmit No. 2404 an the ~~::tabliehm~nt vrosuldhor~at~~an op~ration and ot- th• basi~ that thi.r typ additionel burden on the taxpay~r~~ On roll oall, ths loraqoinq r~aolution wa~ passed by ths lollowinq vote: ~1YESt BOU118, BUSiiORE• FRY. HERHST, K1~'1G~ ~+~- CL1-IRS, MC BURNSY NOESt NONE 11B88NT t NiJNB Jack Whit~~, 1-saistnnt City Attorney, pres~ntsd ths written riqht to appeal the Planning Commiasion'e decisinn within 21 days t~ t.he City Council. ITEM NU. 12~ SIR NB~ATIVE DECLARATION MiD CO~1pYT'LONAI. U8E PERMZT N0. 2406 PUBLIC HLARING. OWNER.S= INSILCO FINANCII-L AND IiSALTY CORPORATION, 2500 S. Atlentic Boulevard. Loa Anqelee. CA 90040. IUGENTs R~BBRT L• p[~F'fITT~ SSCOND CAR RSt1TAL, 1020 N. Narbor Houleverd- Fullerton, CA ~1b32. Property d~ecriDad na an irreqularly-shaped percel o! land consieting p~ epproximately 0.35 acre locetad at the southeaet corner o! Linc:oln a-venue and Manchester 1-venue, 1440 Weet Lincoln Avenue. To permit an automobile rental aqency in the CG Zone. There wae no ona in8lcating their prasenca in oppa~ition to subject request snd althouqh the sta!! report wae not raad, it is relerred to and made a part ot the minutera. Bab Proffitt, agent, stated they have 35 to 40 vahicles and 80 to 90s of thea- are on ~ha rnad and that they hope to havs appzoxiro+~tely 50 vehicles operating out of thie location. He steted they have a business in Fullerton and have been there !or eiqhteen monthe and need a larger lacility whare they can work on their vahiclee inside. IYlr. ProPfitt raferrad to the Interdepartmentel Caemittee rec~~auaendatione, r Condition No. 3 pertaininq to straet liqhti~g which must be inst+~ll~d pr or o commencinq the dctivity and stated they v~rould like to have that waived until aftar he beqina hio operation. He rslerred to Condition No. 5 and stated he would likc to be alloxed to chain the tvro drivewaye. rath9r than remove them as was allovred to Sudqat Rent-A-Car on Harbor Bonlevard recently • He relerred to Condition No. 7 and etated he would like to increaa~ the nuiober to 20 vehiclee bacause gsnerally the majority o! the vehicles are on the road, but there ia A possibility there could be more c-n aite• THE PUHLIC HF.~-RIt~iGC i~AB CIASED. ~1 ~ .r JMIUARY 10, 1983 93~~0 MINl7'PS8• 1W11H3IM CITY PIJ1NNiN~i COMMI8810Nr Coawi~sion~r 1lu~hore ~ttiat~d i! this i• approvaa, h~ wante~ th~ pr+tirion~r to b~ aW~r• thst 11nah~im do~~ hav~ • bann~r ordin~nc~. H• explainea h• has l~en He •~atad thi~ p~~t ~~ =~oility in lull~rton ~~~ h~~ ~~°~ ~o!lrth~~lr~~NaY,end this is an sit~ is looat~d riqht vrh~re tra!!ia is CO~as a lot o! vehicl~ typ~ use~ and sntryaay to Ar-ah~im anA ~hi~ ar~a alx~ady ~~ibla snd wanted the h~ lslt limiting th• n~r Qi v~hicles wouldrb~ sa~ it ~uld ba on principle p~titionsr ko know ~:enslvoted ~qeinst thia p po on~y ~nd nothing p~ µ~. pro!litit atat~d they ar• running +~ reesonably clean operation in 1*ull~rton ent will and thi~ prop~rtY has bean vacent !or s~ tima nnd eny tha d~v~he property rovament. He etated they intend to claan up b~, will bs an inq~ end no~e!! the majority ot busin~s~~• in C.he area sre sutamob~l~ ralate usss suoh ae the tire store and muttler shop. Coauaissionar 8ushore etat~nted he thoughtetheepeuse there nre ~o meny suc titioner cou18 probably bond uses tl~ere alrendY• He a rovad. !or tha street Lighting and go ahead with his activities, i! thie is app Deen Sherer, Aasociate Plann~r, ateted the petitionar could poot a bond to quaran*ee the inetellationt ~hat the aondition ptopoaed raquires installation belore commencea-ent ot ectivity, but the Plsnninq Cocnmiesion can epecify tha time. will bc~ workinq ~sponding to Commissioner Buehore an tMi~°~ warktnqtAnhtheir owtt vehiclest on vehiclee, Mr. Prot~itt replied they doin very much heavy n-echanical work. Ha atated and that they wi21 not 1~e 9 rtormed ineide the ~ey rrould be willinq to ^tipulate thnt all aorkea1eLA ba p~ facility. He explained the lease i• !or three y eeted a six-month period in order to close tha east nnd ~~•„~missioner 1Cing sugg ~aining that Budget Rent-J--Car wae qiven .,r•th dr~veways.lwiwithethathcandition• one year to cooap Y have not had any Respondinq to Cac~nissioner Herbst,,ae '~caueettheyahavetonly been in business need to sell any vehicles in the ~ ~ a need to se17. a tor a short timsr however, in the fu~~a there maY •-ehicle• Comaiiasioner Haxbst stated he would not want to see any vehicles aold on tnnt corner. ndin to Coma-issioner Kinq concerninq the banner announci~t~ediand it Respo 9 opening~ Mz'• pr~ggitt atated hh was not aware this was no p~ Will be removed. Comcaieeioner H~rbs~. yrated he felt the dri•+ewaYe must be cioseletelyhremoved satisfection of thn City Traftic Snqinleinn°~"re ~ laebe M~i~9 to camPlY~ within one yeaY. with Mr• Proffitt rep y 9 even thouyh he did not understand vfiy• ~ema~isaionsr La Claire exple-i.ned the trafftc at thazO ed with ditferent bad ana it hae been lound the saswi~°~blemision sites app aeeesses have ereated tralfic p M.ir. pro!litt atetad he aould be aillinq to ootaply with the co:-ditione, if qiyen adaq~te time. MINI1Ta8, 11NlW6IM CIT1~ PL~INNINa COMMI8810N, JANUIIRY 10, 1983 83-Z1 1-CTION: Commis~~on~r La Clair~ oft~r~d e motiion, ~~condeQ by Commiosioner Ki nd MOTION CARRIED, tihat th• llnah~ita City planninq Commi~eion hss r~vi~w~d tht propo~al to p~rm~t an automabila r~nt~l eqency in th• CG (Cocam~raial, Oen~ral) Zon~ ~n ~n irroqularly-she~ed p~rc~l o~ lsnd aonsiatinq o! eppraxinNt~ly 0.35 acr• loc~tsd at the ~outheast corner o! Lincoln AvAnue and Manohest~r Avsnus and lurthor d~soribad a~ 1440 ~i. Lincoln Hv~nu~i and aoo~ h~r~by approv• the Neqativ~ Daclsrek.i~n lrom the r~quirement to pr~pare •n ~nvironmental imFwct r~part on the b~~is that thera would b~ nn oiqnilicant individusl or oumulativa edverse anvironmentel impact due to the epproval o! thia Neqetiva beclaration sinc~ the 1lnahaim GenMr~l Plen designates th~ subjact propsrty !or q~naral commeraial land u~ee co~ameneurate with the propo~ell tihst nA eensitive environaantial laipectA are l.nvolved in the proposalt that the Initlal Study eubaittad by the putitioner i.ndicat~a no eiqniliaent individuel or cumulativa adverss anvironmantal impactst and that the Negntive Declarstion eubetnntiatinq the toreqoinq lindinge is on tile in the City of Anahei~m Plenning Department. Commissioner Le Claire oftered Reeolution NA. PG83-12 and moved for ite pas~aqe end ndoption th~t the Anaheim City Planning Commieeion doee hereby qrant Conditionnl Uae Permit No. 2406 nubiqct to Interdepnrtmental Committna rec~mmendetione, a~mending Condition Nos. : 5 end 7 in thAt the number o! vehiclea ehall be increased to 20 and that the permit shall be qrented !or a period o! three yeare. Prior to voting on the aforementioned rasolution, it wae clarified thdt ell repair work will be done ineide the facility and the petitioner understood the weaterly and northerly driveways ahall be cloaed with chaina or in e~aanner snti~tactory to the Traflic $nqineer imnediately and ehall be removed and replaced within a one year poriod nnd that e bond ehall be e+~ated to guarantee instnllation of ~he atreet lights. On roll call, the foreqoinq resolution was passed by the lollowing vote: AYSB: BOUAS~ HUSHORE. FRY, HER~STr KSNG, LA GLIIIRE, MC BURNEY NOESs NONE 1~SSSNT t N6N8 TT4Y Nn_ 17_ ETR ntEGATIVE DECLI-RATION 1~iD CONDITION)~--L USE PERMIT NO. 2407 PUSLIC HEARING. OWNERS: EXXON CO., U.S.A., P.O. Box 16118, Lanq Beach, Cl- 908Q5. AGSNTs MURRAY'S/ADBLM11A1 ENTBRPRISEB, INC., 740 W. 3anta Barbara, Los Anqe].es, CA 40037. Property described ae an irreqularly-shdped parcel of lnnd canaisting of approximately 0.43 acre located nt the southanet corner of Oranqewood Avenue and State Collaqe Souleverd, 2100 S. State Colleqe Aoul~-ard (Murray's). To retain a travel and tickat salea aqency in the ML Zone. There was no one indi.cntinq their presence in oppoeition to subject rec~tiest and although the staff report was not read, it is raferred to and made a part of the minutes. Jerry MclCinney, Denco Construction Cnrporation, etated their company has been cont.z'acted by Mr. ~ldelu~an oP Murray' a Ticket l~gency to prxeed with improvementa on the pzopartyt that the petitionera have done a cextain amount of the ~ i MINUTEB, J1N11FtlIM CITY PLANNIN~i COMN2882tx1, JANUARY 10, 1983 83-22 improv~ment~ end t~av~ b~an in n~qotiation~ with 8xxon to purchs~a ths property and haw rs~ahed en aqr~~n~ant~ that th~ drivewaya have been blocked o!! but not r~movad and r~plac~d with n~w curb and qutt~rs~ how~v~r, they hsv~ bids out on that ph~~• ot th~ aan~truction ana vrill procaed riqht away~ thet the storaq~ tenks hav~ b~sn r~m~v~dt thet the krash anclosure ha~ not beien oonstruete8 aa yat, but th~y h~v~ an egr~emant with thf restsurent ta the ..,uth !or the trashr and thst the pueap i~lands end canopys hav~ been r~mov~d. Na ~teted Mr. Adalmun wanted to purahaee ~he ~opert,y balora h• tore down tha building to build e n~w one end thet hs i• in ~inal neqotiations now. THE PUBLIC HBARIN(i W118 CL08ED. Rd-eponding to Commiseioner Houea es to huw long it should tnke to accomplish theea khinq3, Mr. McKinnay etet'd their canpany has bean tolfl to prxeed with curbs nnd gutters, end planters. He ateted the pnrking lot hea Already baRn striped, but there ia no contrect to demc~lish the buildinq. Coauni~aioner La Claire retorred to the racomn+endetion by etef! that nll improvements be accompliahed within a 90 dey period. Chairme~» Fry stated he will vote againet this requ6et because two yeazs aqo the Cacunission wae pzomised thnt thia would ba dn addition to the erea and that a lot of improvemonte were to be made and that the building wauld be c~mpletely reaadeled end r~pnired and that has not be~en done~ He eteted there is still no root on the ofPice portion of the buildi-~g and the plnce i$ a real meea and the petitioner knew he was a leeaee ahen he eterted this use. Cemmisaioner La Claire agree~! but telt elnce he hea a contrnc.t, thAt he may be plenninq to camplete tho aork. She suqqested approvel eubject to the 90-day complianca condition. Cheirmen Fzy and Cotnmieaioner Huehore telt the petitioner hae had two yenre to ro~ke the improvements end ehc~uld not be qiven any more time. Comraiesioner Boues stated thie ?iece of property is not desirahle for eery many ueee nnd ehe telt the pe!titioner ahould be qiven the 90-day time extenaion. Comuiiesioner Buahor~ atated the Cawaiseion has control over what would be eatabliahed on thnt property and smaller propertiea nra in deme~nd in that area. Coamaieeioner La Claire st~sted sh~ could not see where 90 daya wou~d hurt ana-thinq eince it has already been 2 yenre, with Commissioner eouas pointinq out the building really needs to be taDcen care of. Follrn+inq a brief diecuseion, it :.~ s felt the matter ahould be continued in arder !or the petitioner to be preaen~ to Answer the queations. ACT20Ns Com~u~aiesioner La Claire offered a wotian, secvnded by Commissionar lCing and MOTION GRRISD, that consideration ot tha aforementioned item be continued to the ~neeting o! January 24th ia order for tha petitioner to be preaent. i ~ NI[dl1Te8, 1W1-HEIN CITY AT.ANNINfi COMMI8820N, J71M))1RY 10, 1983 83-~3 ITEM NO. 14. EIR NICGATIVE DECLARIITION, ~471IVER O!' CODB RaQUIREK~lt~IT AND ~.~....~ .~.r.~_~ PUBLZC HE11ItINa. ONNBRSs 11NTFUN118I08 NICK 11NU EP'!'IR 1-. !'OSIURIB, 112 Calle Dies, Anahsim, C11 92807. Prop~rty described aa a rsctenqularly-~haped perael ~! land oonai~ting ~! approxima~ely .84 ecr~ located et tha norLhwest cornar o! La Palma AvAnuA end Lak~viaw 1lvanu~. To parmit an induetrial/coa~merciel o!lice building and a driva-throuqh rustaurant in ths ML(8C) Zone with waivar oP minimum lenqth of drive-throuqh lane. Thera wee no ane indicatinq thair prseencs in oppoaition to subject requeet and although tha eta!! report wae not read, it ie rel~rred to and mede s pert of the minutea. Anthaneaios Foakarie, owner, was preeen~ to anRwer nny que$tions. TH$ PUBLIC HSARING W118 CIABBD. Reeponding to Commiseioner Herbet, Paul 3lnqar, Traflic Sngineez, etat~sd hR has racommended e median ba conetructed on Lekeview l-venue tar n dietance o.t 200 laet north o! the intersection and that the Redavalop~aent c:c~missi~n recomaaended that a medin~ be insCalled along La Palma Avenue and in order to accomplish tneir requirements, it would have to be butwesen 300 ~nd 35Q feot lonq. Richard Sorden, En~ineer, explninad they have aqreed to the Lahdview a-edien but have not heard anything about a medien on I.s~ Palma 1-vsnu~a. Coaaaiesioner Herbet steted that corner is one of the husi+eat corr~ora in the area end ha lelt thin would create a traffic problem. M~r. Borden a~ated they would be losing a lot o! property for etreet improvements. Coaimissioncr La Claire stated that property is doaiqnated for cormnercial oftice uaee. Dean Sherez, Aaeociate Planner, explained in 1981 CUP No. 2258 For an olf.ice building aaa qranted by the Planning Comaisaion which wae riqht on the corner of this property and thie proposal will cover another 150 feet of property. Nlr. Borden stated the previouely appraved CUP we4 ~or a diffarent owner and explained they knew the property was ioned ML when they purchased it. Dean Sherer ststed the current zone is still aqricultural and a portion is r+ithin the County ot Orang~ and thexe is a reeolution af intent to i.ndustrial zoning, which vrould ha~ve to be linelizefl before any improvements could be built on the property and the previousl.y approved CUP wde foz nn otfice building oa the cornar ot La palma and Lakeview and the new owner could axerciae that CUP, bnt thi~t ie a di~farent proposal which includes more propsrty. .~::~",~:~. i? MIN~J'l+ag~ J-N11q3IN CITY ALANNING COMMI88IOld. J11NU71RY 10, 1983 83-Z4 Connni~sion~r N~rb~t stataQ it is a known lact thet all ~tresta hav~ ta b~ wid~n~d vrli~n th• ~prop~rty i~ improv~d and that aanr-at b• ju~tilivation !or • hardship anll el~o evey propsrty ovmar has to inotall auxbs and gutters. H~ ~~cplain~d 140 lest !or a drive-thrc~uqh lan~ is r~quirad b~hind the ord~r boerd. Commiesioner La Clair• stated ~he pa~se~ that corner lraquently and thet thio is auppoaed to be nn industrial ar~s and th~ra ars A LOt o! la~t lood plac~~ in tha araa and referred to aeveral and stated thir is ric~ht in the aanker ot ths industrial araa and is one o! the busi~~t cornars in tha ar~a +rnd thnt the Coamission is txyinq to keep comciarcial uses out o! the industriel azea. Mr. Foskarie~ etated he leals there i~ a need for a re~teurant at this location. Ne eeked i.! the ocrnar of Lakeview and Le Palma is canmercial ne it was aold to him a~e contaaralel property and thet he purchaeed additional property in order to heve it lnrge enouqh for a drive-throuqh reetaurnnt. Comraissioner Hu~hore steted no one hea ever cubmittad an application for a resteurant an that pz'operty. He clnrilied the petitioner hse eutxaitted n list of oflice usae and brietly discuesad those proposed ueae. Mr. Foskeris etated he can leaae the other building for induatrial u0ee and that would be no problem, but he would like to have perraiseion !or the drive-through reataurant. Dean Sherer atatud there is an orderinq device e}aown in the plan end the pldne do n-eet code requiremente for tha stncking lane and no weiver would be naeded. Commisaioner La Claire statad ehe could not vote for this uae hecnuae thie ie an induetrial area and the City is trying to attract industry to thie a.ea and conm~ercial ueea ahould be locate9 in commercial area8. 8he atated ehe thouqht commercial offiae us~es would be better suited !or thie corner. Mr. Foeknris stAted there are a lot of restaurants located in industrial aresa nnd reterred to Costa Meea nnd Irvine• Commiesioner Herbat stnt0d he wante to protect the in8ustrial areas ne anuch as anyones howevnr, regteuzanta have been allowed in industriel areea and this restaurant would aerve the people who work in the area. He atated he did not think thie restaurant would bn qettinq nny busineea from the lreeway. He added this would be in the middle of the area and thie corner would be good for this type of buainess and felt if the road is impr~ved with center dividers, it +~ould be ncceptable. Commiaetoner Bushore indicat~d he wae concartiod about the traffic, with Commiasioner Herbst pointinq out tha Redovelapment Aqency has reconmended r~ divider in both La ~a Loa and Lakeview. Commissioner Bushore atated he thouqht dividera in both gtreets would be basd with thia type bueinesa. MINUTE$, 11N1-HEIM CITY PL71tQNINO COMMI88ION, J1INUARY 10, 1.983 83-25 Re~pondit~q to Cotami~~ioner Herb~t, Psul Sinqar ~tated at thia ticas he i~ not piaaning to r.stricti u-turn~t how~ver, tho~s plans oould chanqe in the lu~.ura. Coam-iteioner euehore atated in Buena Park, a~nter dividars have been in~tallad at Lincoln and 1Cnott snd Beaoh snd J-rteaia, i.n ~rant o! MaDonald~, and avon though tho~e •stabli~hmants aze not loo~ted on the cornar, they are suinq the City !or lose o! income. Reepondinq to Conuniesioner La Claire, Paul 8inger explained traltic could not tnake lelt turns otf Lakeview into thia lecility becauee there would be e tnedian island and a cuetomer would have to make a lett turn at ths interaec~ion and tihen a right turn into their driveway. Commieaioner Le Claire etnted ehe thouqht this buainoes would impact this corner too much. ACTIONs Commisaioner Herbst o!lered e motion, secondad by Coaimia.;ioner Kinq nnd M~OTION CARRIED, thnt the Aaahnim City Plnnning Commieaion hae reviewed the propoedl to permit nn industrial canmercial oltice buildinq end a drive-through reetaurant in the ML(SC) (Industzidl, Limited Scenic Corri.dar Overlay) Zone with waiver of cainimwn lenqth of drive-throuqh lane on a rectanqularly-ehaped parcel o~ land consisting of dpproximetely .84 acre located dt the northweat corner o! La Palma Avenue and Lekeview ~-venuet nnd duea heYeby approve the Neqative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the besis that there would be no significant individual or cumuletive adverse environmen~al impact due to the approval of this Neqa~tive Declaretion eince the Anaheim General Plan deeiqnatee the subject property for qeneral industriel land uses cc,mmensurate with the propoealt thet no aenaitive enviroruaental impacte are involved in the propoaalJ that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicatee no aiqnificant individual or ctuaulat.ive edverae environmental impactat a~d that the Neqative Ddclaration substantiating t~e foregoinq findinqs ia on file in the City o! Anaheim Planninq Depnrtment. Commiesioner Herbst olfered Resolution No. PC83-13 and moved for i~s paesaqe end ddoption that the Anaheim City Planninq Conm4iasion does hereby qrant Conditionnl Use Permit No. 2408, in part, denyiaq the waiver of code requiremant on the basis that subsequent to the public hearing, it was detez~-inad that eaid waiver was not required and aubject to interdepartmental Committee recommendntions includinq an amendment to Condition Nc~. 10 requirinq a 350-foot lonq median island to 2x ir~stalled in La Palma Avenue as recommended by the Redevelopment Commiesion. On roll call, tha ~aregoinq resolution was pnssed by the followinq vote: AYEB: HOUAB, HBR83T, KING, McHURNSY NOEB: HUSHORE, F'RY, I.A CLAIRE ABSENT: NONE Jack White, Assistant City Attorney, presented the written right to appeel the Planairq Comm~ieeion's deciaion within 22 daiye to the City Council. MINUT88, 11N11HBIM CITY PLANNIN(i CONMII38ION, J11NU1-RY 10, 1983 83-26 ITaM N0. 15. aNVIROt~MENTIIL IMPl1CT R$PORT N0: ~48 (PRSVIOUB~ LY CERTiPI8D, RECL1188IFIC1ITION NO. 81-82-17 ( Rll7~DV8RTI8ED ) 1~ND V1IRIANCIE N0. 3305 PUBLIC NE71RIN0. OWNERB: 11NAHBIM UNiON HIaH SCHOOL b28TRICT, 501 Greocent Way, l~naheim, Cl~ 92803. 11GbNT: P7-CB8bTT8R HOl~B, iNC., 4540 Campua drive, Newport 8saoh, CA 92660. 11TTENTIONr FRBD KINGDON. Prop~rty de~cribad as an irregularly-shaped parcel o! lanQ aon~lating o! approxin-ataly 6.1 acres, located •outh and east o! tha ~outhaa,t corner o! Lincoln J-vanue and Citron 8trset, heving a lrontage o! approximately 269 leet on the sout.h aide of Lincoln Avenua and a lrontage o! 402 leet on the eaet eide o! Citron Street, and further clescribed es the northerly portion of the lorca'r Fresnont Junior High School eike. RECLA38IFICATION REQt1~8Tr RM-1200 dnd CC to RM-3000. VARIANCE REQUEBT: Waivera of: e) miniemim lot are~ per dwellinq unit, b) mitt~mum fJ.oar area, c) required impr~vemant oP ee~~dck areas nnd d) type of parkinq apacae to conetruct a 96-unit condominium complex. Subject petition was continued irom the mestinge af Novea~ber 1 and November 29, 1982t however, were eubsequently withdrawn at the Decamber 13, 1982, meetinq at the requeat of the petitioner. Theretore, there ie no further ection required by the Plenninq Commiseion. ITRM N0. 16. ENVIRONMEN'PAL IMPACT REPORP N0. 249 (PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED), RECLASSIFICATZON N0. 81-82-16 (R$ADVERTIBED) AND V~RIANCE N0. 3304 PUSLIC HEARING. pWNERSs ANAHEIM UNION RIGH 3CHOOL DISTRICT, 501 Crescent Wny, Anaheim, CA 92803. AGENT: PACBSETTER HOMES, INC., 4540 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Property deacribed as a rectangula-rly-shaped parcel of land consistinq of approximately 9.6 acrea, bounded on the north by Broadway, enst by the Library end Polic~e Department, south by Santa Ana Streetr and west tay Citz•on Street, nnd further described as the lormer Fremont Junior High 3chool playfield. RSCLASSIFICATION REQUEST: RM-1200 to RM-3000 VARIANCE REQUEBT: Waivers of: a) minimtina lot drea per dwellinq unitc, b) minimum floor area, c) required improvement of aetback nreas, d) type of parkiny apacea and e) required locntion of parkinq epacee to conatruct a 168-unit condominiwn complex. Subject petition was continued from the n~e~tinqe af November 1 nnd November 29, 1982r however, vrere aubsequently withdrawn et the December 13, 1982, meeting at the zequest of the petitioner. Therefore, there is no furtl~er actian requirad by the Planning Commiaaion. MINU'1'~8, 1-t~1l1EplYM CITX PLJINNING CQM~lI88ION, J1INUARY 10, 1983 83-27 ITEM NO. 17 RBpORTB 11ND RBCOMM~ND71~ TIONB A. A87-NDONM3I~iT N0. 8Z-4A - R~quaet tron~ City o! 1-nah~im to abandon a pox~tion ot a wati~-rlin~ ~a~aca~n~ acquired by th~ City of 1lnahsim, l~csted east o! Carpenter 1-venus, oouth o! La paLaa l~vsnue at 3285 Carpsntar 1-v~nu~. It wao notad the Planninq Dirsctvr or hia authorizad repre~n ketiva hae d~tera~in~d that ths propo0ad project lells within the detinition of Catsgorical Exemptions, Claaa 5, ee datinsd in tha 8tato 8nvironmental Impact Raport fiuidelinee and ie, theratars, cntcqorically exempL lrom the requirement to pr.pare an EIR. ACTION: Commiesionar Kinq offer~d a aaotion, saconded by Caanaieeioner He- rb and MOTION CARRIED, that the l~~nheim City Planninq Caaml.ssion doea hereby recommend to the City Council that 1-bandoruaent No. 82-aA ba approved as recommsndad by the Ciky Eaqineer. 8. TEtJT11TIV8 M7-P OF TRI~CT NO. 11079 - Request !'rom I~dwin J. Carattini !or an extaneion o! tirae, property located at 3633 Wast Bnll Aaed. ACTIONs Commisaioner Kinq otfered a motion, eeconded by Canmiseioner Herbet and MOTION G1RRI8Dr that the Ansheim City Planninq Commieelon doea hereby grant a one-ye~~r retroactive extension of time for. Tentetive Map of Tract Na. 11079 to expire on December 30, 1983. C. VARII-NCS NO. 3241 - Request froon Michael R. Bngle/C. Robert Lanqalet & Son, Inc. !or an extenaion of time~ ps~operty located at the eouthweeterly corner o! Senta Ana (:anyon Road and Fairmont Boulevard. Dean Sherer, Asaoaiata Planner, explained the Otilities Department haa requeeted that this ~aatter ba continued until .anuary 24, 1983, in order ~or them to neqotiate with tha applicant for underqround utilitiea. ]1CTION: Ccbmmiasioner Kinq o!lerad a aotion, seconded by Coam~issioner La Claita and MOTION CARRIED (Commise~oner Herbst vottng no). that conaideretion o! tha afora3mentioned mnt~er be continumd to the meeting of January 24, 1983, ~t tha request ot ~he City Utilities Department. D. CONDITIONAL USE PERMII~f N0. 1359 - Requeet lr~m Dan L. ltowlend !or ext na eion of time, property locaLed at 1700 South Harbor BoulevArd (Hyatt House Hotel). Coaimie~sioner euahore stated ha would not want to see thia conditianal uae permit extended because it hae been in aflact aince 1972 and since thdt time~ many codes, especinlly parking, have chanqed nnd he would want to review the plans accozding to today's standa~rda. Annika 8antalahti, 1lssistant Disector for Zoninq, statad there hc~s been a fair aaaunt ot construction activity on that p~opexty and she did not believe the projeat as oriqinally approved could be built toflay. ', ~ ~ ~ Y~• ; MINUTE8, lUqltiSlM CITY P'L111~1NIN4 C0~88IO1~1~ J11NiJARY 10, 1983 83-Z8 I~CT=Ot~~ Coaa~i~sion~r sushor~ o!l~rsd a motion, •~oond~d by Cano~i~~rion~r H~~rbit and MOTION C7-RRIICD, that th~ 1-nah~im Cl.ty Planninq Commi~~ion doe~ h~r~by d~ny the requ~st !or a r~troaaLiv~ on~-y~ar •xt~n~ion ot tim~ !or Conditional q~~ ~srlnie No. 1359 on the b+~~ia that tha oriqinal plan• w~z~ approv.d ovsr tea y~ar~ aqo and many oanditions hav~ ahanq~d during that p~riod. 8. NTJNC PRO TIJNC R1~GOLUTIOIV - 111~NOiNG R880L~)TION NOB. BC87.-143, PC82-150, PC82-1S2, and PC82-160. ._,._~ - R~qu~st !or a nunc pro tunc rsaolution to oorr~ot the 8nvirontasntal impact Fiading paraqraph on •ach o! tha elorem~ation~d Raoolutions. ~CTIONi Commiesianar Kinq oflered Rasolution No. PC83-14 end nwved !or it pn4saqa and adoption that the llnaheim City Planninq Commiasion doeo hereby grant a nunc pro tunc re~tolution amendinq R~solution Noa. PC82-143, PC82-150, pC82^152, and PC82-160 amen3lnq tha Bnvironc~antal Impact Paraqraph. On roll call, the loreqoinq resolution wae pasaed by the lollowinq votai AY88t BOUAB~ SUSHORR, FRY, HBRSST, XING, L1- CLAIRE, MC SURNEY NOESs NONB 1188ENT s NONB AD.70URNMENT: 1'here beinq no further bueinase, Conuaiarsioner Herbst a~tered a nwtion~ eaconded by Commnis~loner La Claire and l~OTION C.?~RRIED that tha meetinq be adjourned to a work aession to be held on Menday, Jamiaury 17, 1983, 7:00 p.m. to discusa atadiua~ area development. The u~eetinq aas adjourned at 4s40 p.m. ReapectFully e~~'~mitted, ~~ ~ ~4~~ti Sdith L. Eiarrie, 8ecretAry Anaheim City Plannlnq Commiasion RLH t La