Minutes-PC 1983/01/24RSfiULAR M~ETING OF TH$ ANANRIM CITY PLIINNINa COMMISBION RBfiULAR MlSETING The re-qular maeting o! the Anahoim City Plenning Commisaion wae celled to nrder by Chairman Fry at 1Or00 e.m., Jnnuary 24, 1983, in the Council Chambmr, a quorum beinq present e+nd the Commisa~ion r~viewed plans o! the itema on today'a aqende. RECE88: 11i30 a.m. RECONVENE: 1:30 p.m. pREgEN'I~ Cheirmen: Fry Commieaionere: Bouae, Buehore, Herbat, King, Le Claire, MeBurne~- AggENT Conmiasionsres None ALSO I'RESENT Ronald Thompeon Annika Santalahti Joel Fick Jack White Jay Titus Paul Singer Oean Sherer Mary McCloskey Edith Herris Plenning Director Assistant Dlractor for Zoning Aesiatant Director for Planninq Aesiatant. City Attorney Office ~nqineer Treffic Enqineer Associate Planner Aseistar.t Planner Flanning Commisaion Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ~ommisaioner King offesred a motion, seconded by Commigaioner Bouas and MOTION CARRIED, that the minutes of the meetiny of Januery 10, 1983, be apgroved ae submitted. ITEM N0. 1. EIR NEGATIVE DECI,ARATION, WAIVER Ok' CODE REQUIREMENT AND CUNDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2380 PURLIC HEARING. CWNER: LEO FREEDMAN, 468 S. Raxbury, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. AGENT: CARL KARCHER ENTER]?RI3ES, P.q. Box 4349, Annheim, CA 92803. Property deacribed as an irregularly-shaped garcel of ldnd cousistinq of approximately 0.37 acre located at the aoutheast corner of Freedman Way and Harbor Boulevard, with approximate frontages of 135 feet on the eouth side of Fre~dman Way and 100 feet on the eaet eide of Harbor Boulevar8. Ta permit a semi-enclosed fast-food restaurant with waivere of mini~~um nwnber end type of parking epaces and minitaum land8caped setback. Coatinued from the meetinqs of NovembAr 29, and December 13, 1982. There wda no ons indicating their presence in opposition to subject requeat and althouqh the atatf report waa not read, it is referred to and made a part ot the minutes. 83-29 1/24/83 M7NUTE8, ANAI{EIM CITY PLJINNING COMMISSION, JANUARY 24, 1983 83-30 Commieeioner Mceurney declared a conflict of intarest as dnfined by Aneheim City Plenning Coma-iasion R~solution No. PC76-157 edapting a Contlict of Intereet Code !or the Planning ~ommiesion end Government Code 3ection 3625, et saq., in that he le an employeo of thQ petitioner •nd pureuAnt to the provieions of the above C~des, declared to the Chairmen that he wne withdrawing from the heorinq in cannection wi~h Conditional Uee Permit No. 2380, end would not take pert in eitT~er t.he diecuseion or the voting thereon and had n~~ discuaead this metter with nny member of the Plenning Connnission. Thereupon Coauniaeioner Mceurney left the Council Chember at 1s32 p.m. Commissioner Bouas declared a conflict ot interest as detined by Anaheim City Planning Commiesion Reaolution No. PC76-157 adopting a Conflict of intereat Code for the Planning Commission end ~overnment Cade Section 3625, et seq., on the basis thet she owne stock in the company and pursuan~ to the provieions of the above Codes, declered to the Chairman theLahe wae withdr.ewinq from the heering in connection with Conditional U~o Permit No. 2380, and wuuld not tAke pert in Aither the diacuaeion or the votinq thereon and had not discusaed this matter with any metnbez of the Planning Camtniasion. Thereupon Commisaioner B~u~a left the Council Chamber et 1.:32 p.m. c:ommissionPr Bushore declared a conflict of interest as defined by Anaheim Clty Planning Commission Reaolution No. PC76-157 adopting a Conflict of Intexest Code for the Planning Commission and Goverr~ment Code Gection 3625, et seq., on the basis that he owns stock in the company and receives a commission as a real eatate agent and purauant to the provieions of the abovo Codeg, declared to the Chairman that he was withdrawing from the hearing fn connection wikh Con~itional U:~e Permit No. 2380, and would n~t take par.t in either the discuasion or the voting thereon and had not diacueaed th3s matter with any member of the Planning Co~nisaion. T'hereupon Commisaioner Hushore left the Council Chamber left at 1:32 p•m. Horst Schor, representing Carl K~rcher Enterpri.aea, atated they are hoping this proposed restaurant will be an architec'tural landmark for the City of Anaheim and it will be a 2-story happy family-type place in keepinq witli the general theme of the area. Hg explainec! there is a problem with parkinq ~nd they Feel they are hampered due to the size and ahape of the property and that any use proposed for. this property would have the sane congtraints. He explainod they are proposing 17 compact car spaces and 8 reyular size spacea; however, there are over 200 parking spaces available at the Hyatt Hotel and that the hotel representatives have agrQed to 1et them use the parkingt however, they have not been able to get a written rAciprocal parking agreemenr.. He stated if the pazking at tY-e hotel is examined at any time, it would indicate there ie adequate parking and they feel to require over 100 spaces for thia 234-seat restaurant would be excessive. He added that since this is to be a fataily-type restaurant, customera would b~ arriving with more than twa people per vehicle. He axplained this restaurant would have sit-down facilitiea and take-out service, eo there will be A quick turn around and peopLe will not be staying long. He noted there iR also a lot of pedeatrian traffic in khat area and they have mede a st~idy which indicdtes 63~ of their cuatomers would be walk-in tr.affic. Mr. 5chor stated thay did meet with Melodyland repreeentntives and have an undezctandinq they can provide more parking stalls, if required. He referred to the City's long range plans to establish a parking suthority aeseasment distri~t to provide a reqional parking facil.ity and etated they would be~ MINUTEB, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINO CdMM288I0N, JANU~RY 24, 1983 83-31 willing to meet with the City ~ttorney and entsr into an agreement to participate in •uch e parking a~~es~ment dietrict. H• •teted it will take about ona year from tha data ot approval to construct the building, eo there would ba time to eeteblish a parking authority and in the menntime th~y can uee the excees p~rking nt the Hyatt Hotel. TNE PUSLIC HE1-RING WAS CLOSED. Reaponding to Commiesianer Herbet, Mr. Schor eteted they wi.ll have 15 empl~yees there et eny one ti.me. Commi.ssioner Herb~t was concezned whet would happnn if t'he Hyatt Hotel. wea t-ostinq n larqe convention or meetinq. Mr. Schor raplied thQy are confident thet 638 oP their bueineas would be walk-in cuatomoze and thQy are willing to Ceke thi~ chance. Commiasionar Herbst stated if 638 of the pat.rona were walk-in cuetom~ra, there would still be a ehortaqe uf perking apeicea. Mr. 3chor stated under the ordinance that is correct, but they feel the parkfnq requlrements for thia facility ere exceesive. Commi.ssioner Herbst pointed out the cepacity is Por 224 pereon» and Mr. Schoz atated they do not think that at any one time they would have the entire placo filled with the take-out servir,e beirig utilized at the same time. Coamiiealoner Herbet stnted a qood restaurant that servea qood food at. reasonable prices in that area would be extremely busy, eapecially on Friday nighta with people waitinq to get in. Mr. 8chnr replied they believe there is adequate pnrking at Che hotel and tn the future if the hotel parking need:~ are expanded, they would be abld to use Melodyland parkinq and participate in the pe~rking authurity. Commiseioner Herbst atated wlth 224 seats and 63~ of the people walkinq in, they would ntill need 35 spacea and the hotel and Melodyland parkfny are located pretty far away and that he could not juatify a hardship for this variance. Mr. Sc:~or etated they feel customere would find e plece to park somewhere in the area and the rnunber prapoaed is all they can reall} provide. Commisoioner i,a Claire sugqested reducing the number of seats. She atated she agreed there would be a lot of welk-in traffic and there ie room foz a waiver, but just felt the requested waiver ia too lar,qe. 3he stated she thouqht touriets seeing that it is a place where they coula eat without spending a lot of caoney would be drivinq around in the area looking for a place to park, croatinq a parkinq and traffic problem. She determined there is no pa-rking pern-i~ted on Freedman Wa~-. M.r. Schor pointed out there is exceee parkix~g at the miniature qulf course but they aannot enter into any arrangement becauae their lease expires in two years. He atated they would be willing to reduce the seatinq capacity to 200 atid not increase it until additional parking can be provi~ded through another means, either at the minieture golf caurae or a parking structure. Chnirn-an Fry stated he tinde himself in a dilemma with thia requeat for a parking waiver which ie quite a bit out of line and pointed out that about aix montha aqo a hotel expnnsion was requested with n car rental aqency and a amall delicateseen and tho Planning Camaia~sivn had required the developer to MINUTBR~ l1l~ANEIM CITY PL11PiNINfi COMlII88ION~ ~TANUARY 24, 1983 83-32 elia-~na-te t.hst portion b~cause it di.d not mee~t the parkinq requirement end he vrould lind it very di~licult to qran~ a waiver o! thia site. H• steted ha wn• suxe Cerl Karcher Snterpri~ee would not go into this inv~ntment unleee they !'it aasured it r+ould bs a succ~esj but thet he ia very uncomforteble with the perking eituation, espeaially without e reciprocal perkinq ~groement end did not believa juet reducinq the occupancy would do eny good. Commineioner Herbet eeked Trel.lic Enqineer, Peul Sir~qer, if any thought has been qiven to th~s parkinq district with the petitionei participating in a parkinq structure of some sort. Paul Sin3ex responded thet a qredt deal of thought hes been qiven tn that aituetion, but he haa no poeitive intormation nve~ilable at this time. He ntnted there ia a task force formed to coneider the ent.ire Disneylend/Convention Center aree (CR District) end they will be aubmitting n report. Commiesioner Herbst stated if a parking structure ia located at ~r nebr the Conventian Center, it will not do thie businas~+ any qood. He at.ated even though the Pl.anning Cocamission is not aupposed to eet precedents, he knowa that developers do look nt tho record anct do review past actiona. He stated he would need to see a reciprocal pezklriq aqreement bofore he coul.n grant thia requeet. Commisaioner La Claire euggeat~s:~ i~Rdorqround parking. Mr. Schur replied that becauae of the siz~ of property, the area needed to provide the up and down ramps would make it infeesible. He atated thh~l~a~he~eeWioglehstill find waya type fecility where parki.ng ia not pzovided, Pe P ta get there. Mr. Schor requested a two-week continuancc ir. vrder t~ make an effort to meet with the Hyatt repzesentatives. AC'rION: Commisaioner Ki.ng offered a moCion, seconded by Com:aissioner La Claire and MOTION CARRIED (Commisaioners Boues, Bushore and McBurney absent), that the matter be continued to the meeting of rebruary 7, 1983, at the reque~t of the petitloner. Commiseioners eouas, Bushore an~l McB~arney returned to the Council Chamber at 1:55 p.m• QTn v~nTSVP: nECI.ARATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2407 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNE1i.Se El0{ON CO., U.S.A., P•0. Box 16118, Long Beach, CA 90806. AGENT: MURRAY'S/AD$IJ~IAN ENTERPRI3ES, INC., 740 W. Santa Barbara, Los Anqeles, CA 90037. Property deacrS.bed as an irregularly-ahaped parcel of land consistinq of approximetely 0.43 acre located at the southoa•' corner of aranqewood Avenue and State College Boulevard, 2100 S. State ~'lege Boulevard (Murray's)• To retain e travel and tiaket aa1~3 aqency in the I~ Zone. Continue.3 from the meetinq o! Januery 10, 1983. T'here vras no one 'ldi^.atl~a their preaence in oppoaition to eubject requeat and although tr.c~ ~.a ' .,~rt wns not read, it is referred to and made e part of the ~ainutes ~ MINUTaB, ANIINEIM CITY PLAI~iN2Na Cq~MI86ION, J11NU~RY 24, 1983 83-33 Meryann Towna~nd, reprasentin~ r.he ownar of Muzrey'~, ^tatea the owner ha~ bean hospitalised end atked her to repre~ent hitn. 8he ststed the property still bstonq• to EXXON but is i.n oocrow end they erA trying te obtain the entiru property. THL PU8L2C HSARING W118 CLO$EG. Cheirmen Fry ste~ocl tho Commiseion •pec.ificelly eeked the owner to be praeant and it is unlortunate thet he is ill~ however, the Commiseion is sti11 upeet over the lack o! proqrese becouse he haa had over two yeare to teko cere of everything. He etat~d he ia personelly inclined to deny thie reque~t. hIA. Townoend stntdd severe' ~>f the impravements have been eccaaplished, but thet son~ of the improvementa ehould be mede by EXXON ~inca they still own the property and it would not rru~ke sense tr invest ~20,000 to ~30,000 in improvementa whiah would have to be renaved when ~ new buildinq is conai~ructed. Responding to Commissioner t~ouaa, ehe explained the•r expact to qet en anewer from SXXON in eix months and would beqin constr~actiori immediately. Daan Sherer, Aeeociate Ptanner, read a letter from EXXON received on Jenuary 19, 1963, which indicatee they have not mede the final decieion ee to future plans for this property. Cammiaeioner Bushore Ateted tii~ information is that xhis property ie not in eacrow. Ne ateted he has been aqeinet thi$ une Por the laat two years e~nd th~uqht it is a poor use for the erer~ and is poor planning. ACTIONs Commiesioner Bushore otfered a motion, aeconded by Coaunisaioner Kin~ end MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planninq Commission has reviewed the proposal to retdin a travel and Cicket sales eqency in the ML (Induetrial, Limited) Zone on an irreqult~rly-shaped parcel o~ land coneisting of approximately 0.43 acre located at the southe~st corner of Oranqewood Avenue and Stete Colleqe Boulevnrd (2100 3. 5tete Colle~e Boulevard (Murray's))t and does hereby approve the Neqetive Decleration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impnct r~sport on tt:e basis ::hat thare would be no siqnificant individual or ~mulative adveree environmental impact dne to the approval of ttiia Negative D~claretion eince the Anaheim General Plar. 9esiqnates the s~xbject property for gen~srel industrial land usea commensurate with t1~e proposalt that no sensitive envizonmental impacts are involvcd in the propoaelt that the Tnitial Study submitted by the petitioner ir~dicatea no eiqnifica~t in./ividual or cwaaulat+.ve a8veras environmental impactss and that the Negetive Declaration aubstantiatinq the fozeqoing findinqe is on file in ~.he City of Anaheim Planninq Department. Comtnieaioner Bushore of`nr.ed Reeoluti~n No. PC83-15 ~nd moved for its paseaye and adoptiun that tt~e AnahQim Gity Planninq Commiesion doee hereby deny Conditionel U~e Permit No. 2407 on the ba~ie that the petitioner has not complied Nith the original conditione o! `•he conditional usa permit nllowing the use ae s temporary uss nnd that thi~ is nat an appropriata use for this aren. On roll call, the lozeqoing resolution waa passefl by :he follovrinq votes AY88 s 80U118, BO~HORE, FRY, BBRBST, t- "' ".: , Ll- CT.l-IRE, 1~lC BUla18Y NOEB: 'NONE 1~BSEliTs NOlig MINU'M;B, AN11H3IM CZTY P?.~1NNINa COM.M788IQN, JANU1-R'. Zo, 1983 83-34 Prior to votinq on tha ator~mantion~d r~solut~on, the Cortuni~sion bri~tly Ciscur~ed tho~• itea~~ wfiich wsrR aondition~ o! th• oriqinsl aonditional ua~ p~rmit aith Com~uui~~ion~r Buahor~ indicatiny he would make tho~• oriqinel conditions • lindinq o! thi• re~olu~ion !or denial. RASpondinq to Me. Townsend concarning EXXON'a responaib.ility in caaplyinq with thaAe improvsasnts, Chsirnbn Fry pointeA out the Planninq Coaimis~ion can not q~t involv~d in en iesu~ which is between the leesor and leea~e. Comvai~sion~z H~rbst painted out ths oriqinel c~nditional us~ p~rmit was grenta~l in Dec~nber o! 1980, with the owner etipuletinq to tak~ care ot ths improv~msnts within 90 daya, which hns not been done, and that would includA brinqiny tha preeent building up to code requlrementa. Jaek White, 1-esietant City l~ttorney, presented the written riqht to nppeal tha Plnnninq Coma-ission'4 deci~ion within 22 dayq to the City Council. ITEM NQ. 3. $NVIRONMENTIIL ZMPJICT REPORT N0. 252~ I~IIIVBR OF CODB REQUIRElMBNT, CaNDITI0NJIL USS pBRMIT NO. 2400, ADQPTION OF piCVBLOPNBNT AGRSLMRNT N0. 83-O1, ORANt38WO0D BLOC:K M]-BTER PLIItJ~ D3CLAWITION OP COVEN11NT8~_ CO[~IQITIONB, 81-98I+~i~iTB AND RESTRICTIONS A-ND OTHER RELATED OPBRATING DOCiJMENTB PUBLIC HEARING• OWNRR: CITY OF 11NJWEIM, P~O~ Bc~x 3222, 1lnaheim, CA 92803. AGBNTt AN1lHFIM ST7IDIUM A3BOCI1ITES, c/o C, C 6 F STADIUM PROPBRTIEB, 911 Wilshire, BUITE 1010, Loe 1lnqales, CA 90017. Pr4perty deecribed ae an irreqularly-shaped parcel o! land conalstingof apprnximately 20 acrea, having n lrontaqe ot approximately 852 leet on the north side nf Oranqewood Avenue, approximetely 1310 feat east of the centerline ot 8tete College Boulevard and further described ae the Anaheim Stedium complex. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST: To conetruct n coaunorcial r,omplex in the PR Zone with on-sale alcohalic beveraqes and outdoor dining lncilities and with waivers of maxiaum nun~er of emall car spaces and rninimun- number o~ pnrk..ing spaces. DEVF•LOPMENT 1-GREEI~4:NT NO. 83-01 - To be coneidezed for a recommendation to City Counail, Oranqewood Hlock Master Plan, Develapment ]~graement 83-O1, Declaration of Covonants, Conditions, Baeements and Reatrictione, and other related o~retinq aocua~ente . Thare aere two persona indicatinq their presence in opposition to subject requeot snd althouqh the atalt report was not read~ it i8 relerred to and m+ide a part o! the minutes. Joel Fick, J-ssistant Director for Plenninq, explained thia proj~ct has been reviewed by all opezating depertments and etaf f recommende approval of the actions ae set lorth on Paqe 3-h o~ thR Staff Report~ John Wasaon, Cabot, Cabot and Forbes, repreeenting Anaheim 8tadium 1lgeocintes, praeantad slides of the pr4poued project, pointinq out thia propoael only pertaina to the 20-aare Oxangawood Blxk and is the reault o! •everal diffarent et:udies. He poi.nted out the relocetion of the Stedium entry road, NINUT~B, AN71lIEIM CITY PI.i1I~iNIN~i COMM288ION, J11NUl1RY 24, 1983 83-35 indioatinq it i~ n~a~~sary to k~~p th~ o!!io• ~nd •tadium tr~flic ~~parat~ snd not~d th~r~ vrould b~ ~ o~ntlict o! tho~• Lraltic• only lour ttaw~ a y~er and pointed out ths north/~outh o!!io• aac~~^ road •nd o~fic• di~tribution road which wi11 di~tribut~ tr~!!ic to th~ lour q~raq~~. H• bri~lly di~au~sed the pha ~inq plan, notinq the proj~ct~ get 1eLqar v-ith •ach pha~o. Mazi• Peiks, 8kidnwrs, Arinqr and Merrill, pr~sented ~ev~r~l ~ilide• of the propo~ed proj~ct, noting they tried to provide individual identitie~, clu~t~ring !or op~n apaca, wall d~fined bounderi~o, cl~ar organisa~ion, vi~ual unity, sesy s~seso~bility !or th• proj~ct and tha stadium, and psdestrian oriantation. H• pointed aut the op~n epace around tha parkiny ~tructures and buildinga and the raajor north/aouth perk in tha middle. Mr. Paika briafly reviewed ths li.rst phaoe o! tt.~• clevelopment and the ground level p1anA !or the firet phase with tha outdoor eatinq and dinlnq lacilities and explainad the lirnt phnse developtnent will include one-half. o! the entire park. He pointed out tha terrecAS o! the buildinq and tha exteneive lanascaping. He prasented en ov~rall viaw of ahat the project miqht be after alteznate developmenC of all tour phasea. Mr. Waeson atated there are 1.5,553 parking atalls n~w at the atadium - 7,263 on City property and 8,0~0 on 1~SA proparty of which 2268 etells nre on the Orangewood Blxk, includinq the Stadium entry roadt and thst Phase I will diaplnce 1,284 atalle and add 1,200 in the Phase I qareqe !or e total availnble a! 15,469 and that the Ground I.sasa requires that 15,000 he providad tor certain eventa at the 8tadium, ao there would be e surplue of 469 epacag and there would be nn excen• ot 3,70U spacea after ultl.mate developmant. Rick Snuve, DKS .~sociates, stated the exieting Stedium has one o! the best trn!!ic accees patterna in thp United States !or qettinq in and out o! the Stndium and they heva tried to maintain that xhile superi.mposing the o!lice complex. He pointed out the d~tailed on-eite circulaticn plan and etnted they did eurveya durinc~ the baseball gamee, ~ootball q~nes, etc. and found that the exietinq Stadium road on Orangewood sometimes quell-''{~p and blxka the through tra!lic, so they have deeiqned n 9Q0-foot entry road end the exiatinq road ie only 550 feet with eiqht gataa and they are proposinq thirteen qatae. He preaented a slide showinq the four south-bc~und lanee !or 8tndium exitinq only and nated thnt the existing axit hac only thrce lanest and that there will be two traffic eiqnale with the north eiqnal providinq pedeatriax~ croasing end the otfice accees road has five tra!!ic lanea. He stated every poaeible event scenario has been thouqht of and they think the roadway system will work very well. Ha pointed out all traffic entering will have to qa through ~he toll booths, eo tha parkinq will be cantrolled and durinq eventa office uoere will use intarior circulation roadwaya and not contlict with the Stadium usera. He stnted the traffi.c impact report looked at 29 adjncent intereections, as tar away as 1-1/2 milea, and the offica buildinq wouln impact eiqht o! thoee intersectiona and tvro would be impacted in the future without any office buildinqa and that they have propoued a comprehensive mitiqation proqram for those eiqht locatione~ and thnt Oranqewood Avenue would be w~dened to six lane., providinq an extxa lax-e over the 8anta ~a River bridqe. He ~tated conflicts of a baeaball game e~nd office trr~tfic toqether woul~l only happen Mhen thare is a weekday a~ternoon haseball game ar a weak-niqht lootball qame and that vrould be betwaen 0 to 4 times a year and duxinq nwst StaBium events there aould bs no conflict with otfice uses. MItiUTt~, 11N11!lSIN CITY PLANNING CGMIMI88ION, J11NU7-RY 24, 1983 83-J6 I4r~ N~tson •tat~d durinq th~ ~tudy r~saion ln~t we~k, th• Planninq Connni~sion indic~t~d aonc~rn abouti elevator s in th• parkinq qar~y~s •nd that their company has r~studi~d that •ituation dnd it vrould appoar edditional •levators r-ould b~ r~quired in the lir~t ph~~• parkinq qarag~. Mlr. wa~~on th~nk~d the City ~ta~! and the Planning Coauni~~ion and stalt e~p~cially, iadioati~q th~y havs baen as oupportivn so any •t~!! he hae .ver b~~n involved Nith. Azthur Petter~on, 7lssistant to the Chainaan o! the BoarA, Calitornia 11nqa1~, ~tated the thing that disturbs the 1-nqels tih• npst is that no cl~ar delinition of the inqre~a and eqress hao be~n mwde and a~ked why the exit rosd, dizectly lrom the 8tadium to Orangewood, cannot be u~ad for inqress ao well and ~uqqaeteQ it is becauae thet wau ld contlict with otfice hour~. He etated the Angsls hope ta draw thraa mi111on people this year, but he would havo cloubta on that drewi.nq power i! it beccaiea ditficult to ~et in and out of the 8tadium. He stated Anaheim's pr oudast boast ie that they hava built n atadium under plans end specilicetions set down .in the beginni~~q and that people eommend the Stadium, as it now s tends, and the parking lacilitia~ as they are now. He etnted he wns concerned ebout where the people will go etter they have antered the lonq entry road bdcausa they will be in the ~urthest poeaible part o! the S~adium. He eteted probably the wc~xat part o! thia ie that the Commisaion is only conaiderinq one segment o! Che property e-nd after the ultimate development with hiqh-r ise office bu.ildinqs ell alonq State Colleqe Boulevard and in thet very impor tnnt Orangewood lot bigger problems will be created !or the far,s. Mr. Pattereon stated they have only seen these plana here and it wae sugqeated at the work sesaion that it wou 1 d be n good idea to a-aet with ~he Anqels to ahow them more detail lnet week, but that hne not occurredr however, there ie a meeting scheduled for Thursday o! this week. He etete d hi• only intereet is in the fans, but they nre also intereeted in the City and that he, Mr. Bavasi and Mr. Autry have done conaider able to help the City get moneyt that they used to pay tha ~160,000 minisae 1 rental fee, but now pay well over ~1,000,000 to the City and that tha City collectad ~1,000,000 lrom concesei~ne ia 1981 and will obtain that much or nsore fran 1982. He atnted the Anqela expect to have 3,000,000 lan8 thia year arad the Rams v-ill have about 750,000 tans~ and that this is one of the great~st atadiwas in the United Statea and will attract more eports people in the futurA, but erecting buildinqa and conatraininq the parkinq even more, will be detrimental. He stnted the Stadium wac built for the Mqals and they welcomed the Rame to ]~r-aheim and ther~ will be other sportinq cu stomere for the Stadiwn in the futura, but new cuatotnare wi.l]. loak a~, what ia happeninq now and at the fact that tha parking will be cut into smallar pieces. He etated they will be aatistied with the 12,0~0 parkinq apaces, but not includinq the perking atructure, because with crowda o! 50,000 or 60,000 people who have atayed until the last man is out, to try and diapsrae auid qet out of s parkinq atructure will have a diificult time end he lelt they will lose fane and lose the whole core of what hae~ been s very succass~ul entarprise ovar the past live or six years. Mr. Patterson tha:ilced the Planning Commaisaion !or allowinq him to speak and staCed he hoped the Coma~iseion will take a hard long look at the future over and above this 20 acres whare fs~ns vrill be ehunted nround throuqh the new toll gatee. He noted tana parkinq under the big "]-" will have a lonq walk. 8a ~. + MIt~lUTSB, l1N~NSIM CITY PLIINNINC COMM28920N, Jl1MJI1RY 14, 1983 83~37 •tat~d th~y will b~ takinq away mor~ purkinq spac~~ th~n indio~t~d. H~ not~a tih• perkinq r~quir~nt wa~ ~~t at 1Z,000 sp~c~• bscaus• at th~ timR it Ma• not knovm that th• olub would b~ a• ~uco~~slul a• it i~, but right na+ th~y ~ra v~ry oucc~solul and the Ram• ar• •ucc~~slul and thi~ will mak• ie rouqh to q~t into and out o! tha Stadium. Lloyd Lechter-b~rq, Property M~naqer, 1Cquit~c Prop~rti~s, •tat~d they own lour larq~ induetrial parks, two on th~ carn~r o! 8tate Colleg~ snd 1Cat~lla and one on Oranqawood in Oranqa, juat acro~~ the lreaway and the larqe 1lnahaim Stadium Collaga Park diractly aczoes the street lr~n~ the 8t~diua- on Peoilicia and State Gollsge. He statsd thsy are vary conc~rned ubout tha parkinq and on day~ when qames wsre going on durinq busine~s hours, i-a haa ~pent the entire w~ekend trying ta patrol hie property nnd ssked who is going to pay tor tha maintenance and demeqs thet teksa place on all their proparties. He stated he has a raeponsibility to hie tenants end hes had to chein hie ereaa durinq bal.lqames. He etsted a tr~mendoue amount oi dameqe i~ dane and it i. a real problera anQ he ha• hdd to brinq eecurity per~onnel from other areas to tasintain control over tha cr.owd and protect their property end he thduqht eliminating any portion o! the parkinq would create~ a terzible burden, not only on adjacant proparties, but up t~ two or three miles awsy. Responding to Chairman Fry, I~lr. Lechtenberg eteted the induetrial park on Pacificio wae built in 1978, end it joine Goldenwest Husineae Park which they have s~ld, but cont.inue to meneqe. Mr. Waseon etnted they ara very concernad ebout the operntion ot the Stadium and have spant about one nnd three quarter million dollsre in the laet two yeare studyinq that operation so they could lully underatsnd i.t and a Circulation Mnnegement Plan has baen submitted which .hows what the pereon workinq on the parking lot will do in a21 eituations. He sta+:ed people are aent to fill up di!lerent portions of the lot durinq ~vente. Ha etatcd they met on Septemb~r 21, 1982, with Mr. 8avaai and went thr~ua~~ a aia~ilar presentation and were not contronted with oppc~sition at thst point, but felt now that the lingels have had time to think about the situatian, another saesion is needed to talk about how the plan works. He atated he feele contident that the Anqels' concerns hnve been addressed. Hs stnted the Stadiwo etalf hes been ~he watehdoq over the eituation and that they are vary aware of the Anqela', Rune' and city'e concerne and want everythinq in the aree to work well. Mr. Wasaon r~eterrad to adjacent property or+nere' problems with eecurity durinq events and etated he did not think thoe• comments were really directed at thie development, but to the aventa. He added they hnve similar concerns about what would hnppen when there is A rock concert qoinq on with certain typee of people waitinq !or the event end they will be in the aecurity buainese themselvas for certain situatione nr~d realizt that people who have property eround a major aporta tnciliLy mu~c recoqnize they will have those problems. THB PUBLIC HBJIRING W7-8 CLOSBA. Commiasionar Hu~hore camplimented statf aad the developer on all the work that has gone into this project. !ie stated hie only queation, aPtar r~viewinq all tha dacumenta submitted, pertain to the denaity o! parkinq. He atated he felt a davelopmant this near tha 8tadium, vith psopla workinq in otiices who would be ~nvi.tinq their lriende to qo with them to the Stadium evants, would leave MI~IU'1'E8, 71N~11iZ~M CZT!f PIJ1tit~llNG COMMI88ION, J11N1J11RY Z4, 1983 83-38 their vehiol~• in th~ struotur~~ ~nd arti~ad tiho q~aa~t and thet att~nd~no• probably would qo up b~oau~• o! tihi~ d~v~lo~Qaisnt. H• atated h• r~~lia~• property own~rs on th~ p~ri.phsz,IR~. o! th• 8t~diwa do enoountsr ~~ouri~y probl~m~ when th~r~ i• a larq~ ovent b~caut~ a lot o! p~opl• do try to lind a tree spao• to park end ha know~ th~r• ha~`b~~n a lat o! canplaint• wh~n ther• has b~~n ~ rock ooncarL at th~ 8tadiwa. H• ~tat~d h• hop~d bhe parking ~tructur• would not cauee p~opla to not. att~nd th• qama~. H• stat~d thi~ pisn laok• very qood ta him, but ha i• wond~rinq i! th~ actual numb~r of ~pac~s i^ ad~quete sinca the proj~ct will be 1,007 apac~s •hort and not~d that a p~rkinq structuz~ ~psc• cost• about 1~6,500 Nhiah would ba an edditionel 6.5 million dol~ar~ for thi~ projaat and vrondarad it thez• st-ould be a~ aondition inolud~d that i! the parking n~~ds are qreat •nough, ther• should be soaa built-in msaaure to acc~cam~odate additionnl parkinq. Commi~sioner Herbst a~ked the maximum number o! vehicl~a at an ]-nq~l gama, wond~rinq how otten the lot is actually lillad. Paul Sinqer repli~d that thera are 16,500 spacaa available at the ~tadium and they have been lilled occasionnlly !or Anqel gamea. Comn-iasioner Herbat otated he is concerned because 670 spacea will be eliminated during Phase Z constxuctian aad that the two roadwaya will uae n~ore area than will be gained, in addition to the epacas loet because of the buildinq and asked if they will be buildinq the garage at the same tima they build the buildinq for Pheee I. Mr. Wsaeon replied that he is not preparad to a-ake a total canmitment on that iaeue, pointinq out aqnin, legally they are required to prov.ide 15,000 speces !or the Rams and 12,000 for the Anqels. Commi.ssioner Hsrbst indicatQd concern ior the Anqe~a when they axceed the 12,OQ0 speces. Mr. Wasaan rapliad when Oranqewood ie built out, the overall parking supply will be 3,700 more spacea than presently sxiats. Commi.ssioner Herbat potnted out the entire pr.o3act could qo on until the yeer 2000 and whan canatruction ia atarted, parkinq will be elimiaa~ed. Mr. Wasson etated with the leqal requirement !or speces, thay cannot do the construction durinq the Rams saason without their parmisaion beaauee that would be encroachinq into thair number. Comminaioner Herbat stated the Rame play 8 to 10 home qames at the Stadium and the 1-nqels play approxinately 80 hoiae qanie• and he lelt the parking qarage should be conetructed first. He added he felt the per~kinq is handled very vrell by lilling certain partiona o! the lot firet, but he wae still concerned about the lonq renqe eftect the davelopment v+ould have on the ~nqlea over the naxt 10 yeare. Concerninq the elevators, Ca~misaioner Herbst atated he did not think juet ad~ttng anothar elevator will solve the probiem and that escalators or ramps will be needed. Regarding the v-idaning o! Oranqawood, Caaaaieaioner H~rbat stated he noted that would aot be accomplished until the third phase and thet would msan tearinq up the corners twice and ha thought that woald be paor planninq and that nll impxovaments ahould be done at tha same tiare. Klp~g~ 11l11~t~Iy CITY pW1NNIN0 COMMII88ION, J11NL1ARY Z4, 1983 83-39 Cornni~~ian~r Kinq ask~d about cov~ring Ghe pas~aqew~y lran th• o!lic~ Duildinq to the p~rkinq ~tructur~s !or p~dastirians. t~lr. Mla~~on r~pli~d th~ir l~~linq ha~ nAt ahsng~d on that i~~ue b~cau~• th~ bad vnather in oouthsrn Calilornia is not a major prot ~m. H• ~xplain~d they will h~va an opportunity to r~ctity th~ situation, howavar, i~ it is a problem with th~s lir~t buildinq and they could add that l~aturs in luturs buildinqs. R,~~ponQinq to Commissiunsr Herbat, Mr. Wa~~on expleined they will have to hav~ a Mastnr Plan !ox ths Stats Colleqe site to th• City by 1993. Commia~lonsr Herbet indicat~d concarn sbout rtia sita of ths 8teta Collega project with Mr. Was~on r~sponding skudies indicnte the 8teta Co11Aq~ ~ite would bs a taaximum o! 2 to 3 million equare l~at. Con~niosioner Harbst asked whet the impact would be an the whole stre~t pe~ttszn around the 8tadium alter ultimnte developu-ent. Paal Singer, Trattic Enqinaer, responded that tha petitioner !or the aonditional ::ae permit on the northweet corner o! Orangewood snd Stata Collaqe wae aakad to pey tor a atudy ot the sraa ~~~ determine the ultimate saturetion poasibilities of hiqh-oflice+ complex n on the nntire area and thnt etudy, whan corapleted, will enawer all the questions. Commissioner Herbet atatad the development o! thia 45 acres will generata another 16,000 people and houeinq neec~s will be increaeed. Mr. waeson agreed abaorption ie e criticel question. Responding to Coamnisaioner Harbat conc.erninq the aewaqe eitustion, Joel Fick explained two lattezs were received froea the Ornnqe County Snnitation Diatrict which basicelly indicated the diatrict feels currently they can hendle the aewage qeneratad trom this projectt however, other in-till projecte throuqhout Oranga County, could result in posaiLle overloading. He etated the Oranqe County Sanitation Dietrict's atef! did indicat~ a etudy is bainq conducted of the entire regional ayatea- and the reaults ehould t~e avail~-ble in nppzoximetely 6 monthef howevnr, bated on current intormation, ~!-ey leel it coulcl be handled today. Commi~sioner Bouas aqreed thAt the parkinq atructure ehould be bui1L lirst because it would be unfair to tti~ conanunity not to have adequate parkinq at the Stadium and eliminatinq parkinq spaces would put wore people out into the induetrial areee and aurroundinq areaa. 3he statnd she ie also concerned nbout the developera not meetinq with the Anqele' representatives and felt the Anqele' concerne ahould certainly be satisfied. She atated ahe felt, however~ that after the Angels review the plans, they will realize iti will b~ bette~ in the long run. Chairman Fry etated he believea the propoeed entry of! Or.angewood would be an improvement ovar vrhat is existinq nnd ha did not balieva the aaere addition ot a psrkinq atructure would eolve the parking problema and he could not believe that a parkinq structurc o! thie mngnitude would be proposed with only one elevator. He sugqeuted the elevatora be eliminated and rampa conatructe(t eo that people wl.11 not b~ vraiting for elavators. He aqreed the parkinq atructure should be constructed at tha same time the tirst office canplax is construatad. Mr. Waeson atated the parkinq struc~ures were oriqinally proposed to bave betMean 2 or 3 elevators dependinq upoe their height, and they ara propoeinq 3 or 4 elavatore insteatl. [rIxNUTgB, 11Ii11HEZM CITY pLANNINa COIRtlI88I0N, J1INUARY Z4, 1983 83-40 Jo~l !'iok st+~t~c1 •t.. h~• qiv~n consid~r~bl• thouqht to the short-t~rm and lonq-t~rm p+~rking n~sd• and point~d out condition no. 42 on paq~ 3-n o! the ~ta!! r~pork has b~en propos~d to reotity the parking probl~ms that could po~iibly b~ or~at~d by th• Oranq~vrood d~velopment. 7lnnika 8~ntalnhtii, 11ssi~tant Oireotor !or Zoni~g, a~ked that th~ ota!! report bs oorr~ct~d on pag~ 3-~ under the chart included in paragraph 13 to raad "~RBach o! the lour o!!ia• parkinq gnrnqes eaay contain up te 10,864 square l~wt" in~~~aa af 10,000 squar• ~eet es indicatedt and on paq~ 2 0! the attaahment 7- (mamc iraa Jim 1-rm~trnnq to th~ City Manager/8lanning Commi.esi.on) •eaond paragraph, lina 8, chanqing the numbur "2,118,480 ~quar~ feet to 2,161,396 equare laet". Commieeloner Ls Claira aeked tar clarification rsqnrding tha elimination o! parking epncea snd relerrad to tha numbar~ as ahown in tha eta!! report on paqe 3-~. Paul Singer, Traffic Enqinesr, pointed out thut stter the conetruction o! Phsee 4, thare will be s substantiel inaraaee in the nun-ber ot perking •pacas over snd above what ie •xietinq at the pressnt tin-e. Commimsioner La Claire asked how meny times ell the parking epaaee aould be o~cupiad and stat~ad aho ie trying to necertain whether or not it will be n~cessary to build the parking etructure with Phnse 1. Mr. Wassan stated currently th~re is n~aximu~a at lour times a year when th~+ parkinq lot would be lilled to its capacity and there would not be a contlict between the Stedium trat~tc and the offica tratfic. He etsted i! the 1-nqals w~ra in the pleyotfe or series, then there •:.~~uld not be enouqh parkinq anyway. He stated with the 8 to 10 Rama hoa-e-qaeaee and basebail playofta or eeries qaaiee, there could be about 14 times a yeaz when the parkinq lot would be lilled ~o capacity. Commiasioner Herbst stated durinq conatruction there would be e bigger losa of parkinq apa~ces and pointed out Annheim is probably qetting to be the eports capital of the world and he thouqht the parking aituetion ie vary important, and he telt to start takinq parkinq away lrom the Stadium now would mean that everyone would autfer. He atated he realizea the City is coanaitted on this project but that ail these parking situations muat be taken into consideration. He etated he would still like to have the garaga atructure built lirst, ao that the parkinq spaces would be replaced im~ediately because there ia qoinq to be a qreat deal o! parkiaq loet durinq consCruction and he felt this would halp the Angele and solve part o! thair problema. He stated the 3tadium is succesaful becausn it ie centrally locatec! and draws tans from Snn Bernadino, Pomcna, San Dieqo, etc. Mr. Wagson pointec~ out there is information on Paqea 11 through 13 0! the 8IR pertaininq to the d~msnd for parkinq r+ith data providad perta~ninq to the Angals baeeball qameo• Chairman Fry clarified with Mr. Singer that parkinq spacee exietinq at the present time at the Stadium are all etandard siae parkinq spaces. Ha stated ha thouqht the City ahould take amall car spacas into considara~tion and pezmit a certain percentaqe ta be !or ccmpact cara, pointinn out it is poasible that more spaces could be picked up by re-stripinq the parking lot. !!r. Singer pointed out there is a problem im m~rkinq parkinq apace8 and mixinq sma~ll car spacaa with larga cax apacea and it has to be done vary carefullyt ~ P~~41 MItQUT38~ 11N1111~IN CITY PLAt1NING CGMMI882GN, J11NI171RY Z4, 1983 however, it i• e po~sibility, but it would r~quirm r~Pavinq o! th~ loL. H~H. sta~~d 10• ~uldOr• pir~•~-no~xecu~tiv~adsai~ion bytthe Dir otorYa~xtheiStadium. add~d tihi• ~N R,~sponQing to Ch~irmaa ~'rY reqsrdinq ~i:• o! ~pacs~ in th~ pr'opcs~Q Puskinq •tructur~~, Mr• Nas~on repli~d the City'~ Code woald p~rmit 3S• compsat ~pscao ar-d tihey ar~ rsqu~~tinq 50• end tha~ti~in aout~ hat9car caapani~~ehaveaaes to dsal with th• cars o! th• luture, pQ 9 mandate trom th• Environm~ntal Protection 1-qenoy to nNOt aertain a~ileaqe r~quirsmen~h ~ehicleaawill9not~ba5whatew Par~g~a~inq~today,~ans that th• desiqn o! 42 and Conwissionar Buahore asksd for clarilication regarding Condition No. the stat~a»nt which etat~kin~aedacesacurrently requl.redXby Codeaandtthesnumber batween the rumber o! P+~ p for the parking wsivers are qranted." Joel Fick clarilied thet the developer ie requesting s wai.ver from the current Code req~affmcansrequireiadditionalnspaces orlredaei~gnvupito t e pr~sent Code. luture e Commieaionar Harbst pointed out this o!lice complex would have accees to the 15,000 atnlls on the Stadiua- parking lot which is eomethinq no other hiqh-rise otfice coaaplex has. Ha et.ated he ie concerned about those tew timea there would be e fillad parking lot for an 1-ngel qame becauae i~c~geaienused outside treated right, they will come beck. He asked how many spa the Stadium durinq big evente, with Mr. Waeeon responding it is estimated that 6,000 apaces on the outside are utilized. He pointed ou~ these will be well~desiqned parkinq structurea and he did not think requiring fana to uee theee parkinq structures ehould be coneidered ae mietreetn-ent to the fans. Commiasioner Buehoxe etated he wants to make aure the City has the tool to correct the situation if there is m prablem in the future so that the taxpeyer will get the niaximum benefit. He etated in the future thexe may be a baaketiball complex located ther~ and there could ba tMO eveate qoinq on st one time. Mr. Wasson stated when the State Colleq~~s~he eituationuiaianddc uld rectity Co~n-iesion will ba dble to see exactly any mietakes at that time. Cocamisaioner La Claire atated the Traffic Enqineer has indicated that ~-s the phasea are developed, par.kinc~ will be increased rather Chan decreased and if properly deaigned, there will probably be nwre people parking in the etructuzes and lesa pazking in the eurroundinq area. She stated ahe realizea the people in the eurroundinq industrial area may heve a t~roblem occasionally, but theYen the~ ur hasedd heirnpropertiesnand~thatapropertYwvalu sthav~ was there at y P really increased becauae of the Stadiun-• t~lr. Wneson expleined the surrounding property owners in tha area will be the largeat recipients of the value addad by tha imp~'ovem~ente t.hat will be put into the area as a result of this davelopment. Commissionsr tlcBurnay gtated that parkinq structures have been deaiqaed to increase the nuinber dg Parkinq epaces and also tha City has the tool of restripinq the existinq Stndium garkinq lot to increase the number of etalls i! requixed, so he lelt the parkiag problems can be resolved. :~ i ~ i , MINUTEB, 71N11HEIM CITY PLJINNINfi COMMI88IOt1 ~ J11t~NARY 24, 1983 83-42 ACTi0N8: Coauaissianer Herb~t o!l~r~d R~solution No. PC83-16 and mov~d !or it~ pa aa~~qa and aQopiion that ~h• 1-neh~im City planninq Coamai~sion do~s h~reby oertily Environm~ntal Iu~pact R~port No. Z5Z and adopt a Statomenti o! Ov~rrid~nq Conaid~rations, inaludinq r~spon~~• to oomiasnt• r~a~ivad. On roll call, th• lor~goinq ro~olutiion wa• passad by the lollowing vote~ 11YB$t BOUAB, BU8HOR8, FRY, HER88T, 1CIN0, LA CLAIRE, MC 8URN8Y NOl~B: NON$ ]~888NT: KONE Commission~r Harbat o!lared a motion, aeconded by Commisaioner McHurnay end MOTION C1IRRIBD, that tha Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion doe~ hereby grant waivers o! coda requiramdnt on tha baais that ultimete development on the entir• eita will provide an increased number o! parkinq epacas and elso on the basis that the parkinq etructure Por Phase 1 0! the devalopa-snt will be con~tructed prior to or conjunctively Mith the Phase 1 o!lice comglax. Commissioner HerbRt oltarad Resolutian No. PC83-17 nnd moved !or its pesenqe and ndoption that the Anaheim City Planninq Comtalesion doee hareby qrant Condi,tional Use Permit No. 2400 subject ta the condition thet the parking atructure !or Phase 1 shall be conatructed prior to or conjunctively with the office cotnplex and that the widening o! Oranqewood Avenue between the ingreae and egrees road~ shall be coa-ploted at the ~nu~a time as the other improva~aante on said street durinq Phase 1 rather than duxinq Phase 3, as proposedi and that the parking structure shall include ram~a or ascalators and subject to 2nterdapartmental Committee recommendatione includinq e revieion to Condition No. 43. On roll call, the loreqoinq re8olution was pasaed by the tollowinq votes AYEBs HOUAB, BU$HORB, FRYr t1ER88T~ KYNG, LA CLAIRE, MC HURNBY NOE$t NONE ABSENTs NONE Coaamiecsioner Herbat etated he would like for the Planning C~iseion to have ari opportunity to reviaw the tinal preciee plans. Cousaieeioner La Claire askad if it would be acceptable if the developer could lind other parkinq available rather than construct the pnrkinq atructure. Commissioner Herbst etated he felt the structure ehould be built with the liret buildinq becauee this may be the only buildiaq ever conatructad. Commiseloner Nerbst otfared a n-otion, saconded by Gommiasioner McBurnay and MOTION C1-RRIRD, that Condition No• 43 be amended ae followe: "That the final pracise plans shall be eubmitted to the Planninq Depart,ment for review and dppzoval by the Ttlanning Commission," and that this should be included in the gravious ::esolution. Commisaioner Hexbat offerad a motion, eeconded by Comvaieaioner Bouns and l~ip~Ipp ~7-RRIEp, that the Annheim City Planninq Commi~sion does hereby recommend ta the City Council that the Orangewood Blxk Master Plan entitled "Correctionn and l~dditions to Uze~nga~+ood Bloak Maeter plan" be app~ovad and that aaid Mastar Plan ahall include the requirement that the parking atructure tor ths P~ase i coa~lex ~hall be constzucted pacior ta or conjunctively vrith the Phaae i huilding. ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~'-,,"1 ~ ,. ... ~. _ ,1 ~~ . ' '~ ' ie'~w~ MIt~1I1Tl~8~ ANIWRIM CITY PLANNING CONMI88ION~ JAN011AY Z4~ 1983 83-43 Commi~sio~~r H~rbat oli~c~d a mokion, ~econd~d by Coaimiasion~r eousa end MOTION Cl-RRIgD, th+~t the 1lnehsim City Pl~nning Coaa~i~~ion doea h~«by recomm~~d to th• City Councii the~ D~v~lop~aeet Agr~~ment No. b3-O1 be approv~d on th~ basi• thet kh• propoa~d agr~~m~nt ia conai~tent with tihe ci~n~rel Pisn o! ths Ci~y of Anaheim end eny epplic~bl• apacilic pient and ia competibi• with th~ usea authori~ed in end tih• regulations pr~accib~d !oc th~ applicable soning diotrict, and ia compatible with the ordecly d~velopment o! prop~rty in th• auccounding ~r~ast and is not otharwise detcimental to the health, ialety and g~nscai w~ltare of the citiaena o! l-naheim end ~loo, inciuding c~quicsments pectaining to the timing of the conatcuction ot the parking etcucture end elao c~vtew o! linel pldna by th~ Planning Commission. Commissioner Herbat ottered e motion, seconded by Commie~ioner pouas and MOTION CJ-RRIED, thae the 1-naheim City Planning Commiseion doea hereby recommend to the City Cauncil that the Declaretion of Covenants, Conditiona, eseements and Reetrictiona ceieting to the proposed developmertt be approvad. Commiaeioner Herbet offered e moCion, aeconded by Commisaioner Bouae and MOTION C1-RRIBD, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby request thst the City Council ceview the nctione of the Planning Cotamission on Conditional Uae Permit No. 2400 end EIR No. 252 purauant to Section 18.03.080 of the Anaheim Municipel Code and in conjunction with Council's action on the Orengewood Block Master ~l~n, Developme~t 1-greement No. 83-O1, Decleretion of Covenenta, Conditions, Eaeements and Reetrictions and Any othec relaCed operating documents being conaidered. Jack White, AAaietant City ~-ttotney, expl.ained nocmally there aould be e 22-day appeal period for the conditional uae permit end environmental impact reports howev~r, eince the Commisaion has cequea~ted that the City Council ceview their actiona, the matte~ will be aet for public heering before the City Council and new noticea will be sent in the s4me mannec as for todey's hearing. RLCESS: There wes a fiftee~ minute recesa at 3:~5 p.m. RECONVBNE: The meetinq was reconvened et 4:00 p.m. ITEM N0. 4. BIR NEGIITIVE DBCW\RJ-TION AND RECL113SIPICATION NO. 82-83-19 PUBLIC HEARING. REQUESTED BY '1TiE CITY OP ANIWEIM, 1~i,ANNING COMMISSIQN~ P.O. Box 3222, 1-na~hexm, C]- 92803. The subject properties coneist of eight mobilehome parka on e combined totel of approximately 136 acres as follows: Portion 1~: Del Prado is a rectangulerly-shaped parcel of land containing approximately 13.6 acres located on the east eide of Euclid Street, approximately 646 feet south of the cente[line of Cercitos 1~venue, h+~ving a frontaqe of approximetely 468 feet on Euclid Street. Portion B: &atellite llobilehorae Park, is an irregulerly-ehdped parcel containing approximately 16 acrea, having a frontaqe of approximately 1100 feet on the east side of 8aster Street, the northerly boundary of subject property being lacated approximetely 195 feet south of the centerline of lcatella 1-venue rrith a maximum depth o! approximately 600 feet. Portion C: Planta~ion Mobile 8etatea, is an irregularly-sheped p.srcel containinq approxia-ately 10.7 ~cres located on the southwest side af ltanchestec 1-venue approximately 720 feet eouthaast of the centerline~ of Ratella Way with a frontege of approximately 60 feet on Manchester. ~' MINUT38~ 1-NIWEIM CITY pL11NNIti4 Ct)NMI88ION~ J~NUARY 24~ 1983 83-44 Portion D: D~l R~sy Mobile Estat~~, ia an irreqularly-shapad parcal o! lan- Q containing approxiau~t~ly 10 aar~~, loaatsd on t.he ~outhwo~t siQ• ot Msnoh~star Aveau~ approxim~tely 1600 l~~t narthwn ~t o! ths aent~rlin• of Oranq~vrood 7-vsnue havinq a lrontaq~ o! appraximati~ly 130 laet on th• ~outhr+e~t ~id~ of Menche~tsr 1-v~nue. Port~ion Ee Pond~rota Mobila E~tatea~, io en irregularly-shaped parcel con~ tai q approximat~ly Z4.35 acr~s, having s lrontaqa o! approximately 525 ls~t on the ~outhv-est sids o! Manchester !~v~nus snd •xt~nding wesb~rly to Lewis titraet, and a lrontaqe o! approximetsly 841 foet on Lewis 8trast, th• eouth~rly boundaxy o! subject prop~rty beinq located approximatsly 4d5 laet north o! the centerline ot Chapman 1lvenue as measur~d alonq the anst riqht-ol-vray lina o! Lewis Street. Portion F: Orange arove Mobile Villeqe, ie an irregularly-shdpee parael con- tairiinq approximately 4.8 acree locatad on tha waet aide o! E:arbor Boulevnrd ~spprox3mately 625 leeC north o~ the centerline of Ball Road, having a lrontaqe of epproximately 210 leet on the r+aet eide of Harbor Soulevard. Portion G: Sunkist Gardene, ie an irreqularly-shaped parc~l of land con~ taining approxi~nately 32 acras loceted northeasterly of the inte:eaction of Cerritoa Avenue nnd 3unkiet Btreat, havinq a frontaqa ot approximntely 983 leet on kha east uide o! Sunkist 8treet and hevinq a meximum depth ot approximetely 1335. I+ortion H: Orange Tree Mobile Park, ie an irrequlerly-shapad percel con~ taininq approximately 25 acres lccated on the eaet aide o! Douqlaes Road approxin~ately 1080 feet north of the centerline of Katella ~-venue with a frontege of approximately 1135 feet on the east side o~ Douqlaeg Road. To place the Mok+ilehome Park Overlay Zone on the eight above+mentioned mobilehome parks. There were approximately seventeen interestad peraons indicatinq their presence to aub~sct requast and although the staff report wae not read, it is referred to and made a part ot the minutea. Dean Sher~er, Araietent Plannar, explained the addrees ehould ba corrected for Del Ray Mobile Estatea to 1949 Mnncheeter Avenue, rather than 1849 as indicated on the statf report. Commiseioner Buehore 8eclared a conllict of interest perta~ninq to PalEel No. 6, Orange Grove Villaga located at 1009 Harbor Houlevard, ae detined by Anaheim City Planninq Cowoaisaion ReBOlution No. PC76-157 adoptinq a Conflict ot InteYast Code !or the Planninq Coenmisaion and Govarnment Code Section 3625, et seq.~ on the basia that he is the real e~atate aqent for the property owner and purauant to the provisions of the abovs Codes, declared to the Chairman that he waa withdrawing from tha hearinq in connection with Tentative Map of Tract No. 11780, and w~ould aot take part in either the discusaion or the votinq theraon and had not diecuemed thie matter Mith any member ot the Plaaning Commisaion. Thareupon Commissionar Suahore 1Rft the Cauncil Chamber. Glenn Thompson, 1307 8. Euclid Street, llnahaim, asked that n decision pertaininq to the Oranqe arove l~obila Villaqa be pootponed !or two waake so ha MINUTEB, 11N11HEIM CITY PLIINNINQ COMM288ION~ J71NL1ARY Z4, 1983 83-45 oould di~cus~ th~ ~!loct th• Ov~+rlay Zon~ vrould hava on th• pra~~nt soninq Nith l~qal coun~~l. He •xplain~d he had had indication that thi~ park would not be includ~d in thio recla~sitiaation and had not r~o~ived tha notia~. 7lnnika Santalahti, J~asiatant Dir~ctor !or Zoninq, expl.ain~d thar• will ba more parks to be recla~sitied and that this park could ba exaludad lran thia reala~siliaation and includ~d in the next on~. 1-CTION: Commi~sioner lCinq o!lered a n-oti~n, sacondad by Caauniasioner Bouee and~MOTION C1-RRIED, Ehat canoidmretioa o! ths Oranqe Grave lbbil~e Villaqe be exclud~d lrom Raclassilicati.on No. 82-83-19. Conaaiteionar Hushora returnad L:ha Council Chamber. THE PUBLIC HBl-RING WAS CIASED. There wnt e~ reeponse trom the eeventeen paople in th~ eudiance to Coaaniseioner La C~aira that they really did not underetand what thie Overlay Zona meana. Jack White, Aeaiatant City Attorney, briefly reviewed the Mobilehome Park Overlay Ordinance (MPH) and ChairmAn Fry added that it will qive the reaidante a little mdded protection so that e- park owner could not just give them a 30-day notice to move v~ithout qoinq throuqh certein procedures. Comaniesioner La Claire pointed out to thoee present that they can get a copy of the ozdinance at the Planninq Department counter and someone in the Planninq Depnrtment could explain the ordinance to them. ACTIONs Commissioner Kinq otfered a awtion, aeconded by Commisaloner Bouae, and MOTION C1~--RAISU, that the Anaheim City Plaru~inq Conuaieaion has reviewed the proposal to secleasity eubject propertiea from the RS-1--43,000 (Residential, Aqricultural) Zone to the RS-A-43,000 MHP (Residential, Agricultural, Mobile Home Park) Zone on Parcel A(Del Prado), a rectanqularly-ahapAd percel o! land consieting of approximetely 13.6 acrea lxated on tha eaet eide of Euclid Street approximatel~- 546 feet south o! the centerline ot Cerritos Avenue~ Parcel B(Satellite !~lobilehaae Park) an irreqularly-shaped parcel of land consiatinq nf approximately 16 acres• havinq a trontage of appz~oximately 1100 feet on the east side of Haster Street, the northerly boundary of subiect propazty being located approximately 195 leet south of the centerli~ Qt l(ritella Avenue, Parcel C(Plantation Mobile 8state) an irreqularly-~a-ped parcel containinq approximately 10.7 acrea located on the eouthwest eide of Manchester Avanue approximately 720 teet aoutheast of the centarline of Kntella Way with a lrontnge of approximataly GA teet an Manchester, Pnrcel D (Del Ray Mobile Eetates) an izregularly-ehaped parcel of land consistinq of approximately 10 ncrea, loaated on tha aouthwee~t aide o! Mancheeter Avenue approximately 1600 feat northwast o~ the center.line ot Orangewood Avenue, Parcel S(Ponderoea Idmbile 8etatea) an irregul~zly-shaped parcal consistinq approximately 24.35 acrea, having a lzontaqe o!' approximately 525 feat on the eouthweet eide of Mancheeter Avenue and extendir.q west~rly to Lewis Street, and a lrontage of approximately 841 fe~t on Lewis Street, Parcel G(Sunkist Gardens) an irreqularly-shaped parcel of land conaieting of app~oximately 32 acrea located northessterly of the intereaction ~~~f Cerritos ~-venue and Sunkiat Street, havinq a trontagm ot approximately 983 tQ~t on the aaat aide of Sunkist Stxeet and Parael H(Oranqe Trae Mobile park) an irregularly-e~aped parcel containinq approximately 25 acra• located on the east aide of Douqlaes R~ad appxoximataly ~.080 fsat north ot tha centarline o! Katalla Avenuei and doss hareby apprave the Neqativa Declaration lrom the raquiramsnt to prapare ~~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTEB ~ 11NlWEIM CIR'Y P'La1tiN INti COMMI88IOt~1 ~ J11N~111RY Z4 , 198a 93-46 an snvironm~ntel i~qpaot r~port on th~ baai~ that th~r~ would be no siqnilicant individual or vumul~tiv~ edvsr~• ~nvironmantal impact du~ to bha ~pproval o! ~hi~ N~qative 1~alaration •inv• th• 7-naheim ~ienerai Plen d~aiqnat~~ para~l 1- !or m~dium den~itiy reaid~nLi.al l~nd uro~, Paro~l• 8, C and D!or ooaro~rolaZ r~ar~ation is~d us~a, Parc~l B!or meQiwn density r~~id~ntial land uoes, P~rc~l Ci !oz low, m~diuta-d~n~ity land usas and Parosl H!ox general indu~trial land u~e~ commenourat• aith th• propossit that no sansitiv~ ~nvironm~ntal ~mpeat~ ar• involv~4 in th• proposalt thst th• Iaitial 8tudy submitted by tha petitioner indicat~s no signiticant individuel or aumul~tive adv~rs~ enviranuNntal impact~t and that the Naqativs D~alara~ion ~ubatantiating the loragoing l4ndinqs i• on ~ile in the City of 1-n~heim Planning Depertcaent. Conanieeloner 1Cing o!lared R~solution No. PC83-18 and moved !or ite passaq~ an(! adoption thet the AnahAim City Planning Commi~.ion doea hareby qrant Rsclessilication No. 82-8~-19, in part, deletinq parcal 6, unconditioaelly. On roll cell, the loreqoing re~alution waa passed by the folloarinq vote: 1-ySBs BW11S, BUSHORB, FRY, H8R88T, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNSY NQBSs NONE 1-888NT: NONE Jack Whita, Aesietanti City Attorney, praeented khe writtan riqht to appeal the Planninq Commission's decision within 22 dayA to the City Council. ITEN! N0. 5. EIR NRGATIVE DECLARATION AND RBCI.ASSIFIGTIOtd NQ. 82-83-18 PUHLIC HEARIN6. REQUE8T8D SY THE CITY OF ANAH~IM, PLIWNING COI~+tIBSION, P.O. Box 3222, ]lnaheim, CA 92803. Property deacribed as a rectanqularly•shaped parcal of land consiating of epproximately 1.04 acreB located at the northeast cornar oi North Stre~t and Claudina Straet and lurther deocribed ae 201, 207, 211, 215, 219 and 225 EasC North Street. RB-7200 to RM-2400 There were approxiaiately eleven persons i~dicating their presence in opposition to eubject request and althouqh the statf report wae not read, it is rePerred to and made n part of the minutes. Dean 3harer, Aesxiate Planner, axplained aubject patition was initiated by st~f~ at the requeat ef six (5) property owners ot eubject propertiee. He explained the aqent eubmitted a lettnr siqned by six property awmers in thie block requeatinq the reclassitication. He stated the nerv zoning would parmit a eecond unit to be constructad on sech of the lots. Bob Speake atated he wae the property rnmer who iaitiated the petition for thia ace~~ning and aince then, aome o! the people have objected. He stated he is aot qoing to build a lot of unita un the property, but wants to cvnatruct a sinqle unit. He etated he haa baen at thie location fur saventeen yeare and vrould 11ke to haer what the oppoeition has to sa~y. Marrill Van Wagonsr, 215 E• North 8traet, stated if ls~c. Speaka builde a 2-story unit adjacent to thesr property, they Mould lose iheir privaey in the baakyard and she doea aot want har proparty re~oned. She claritiad ah~e had signed e petition requeatiing thie reclaaeitieation, but that had }aeen a mistake and she had x~ot euider~tood ahat ah~ Mes siqaing. 8h~ stated she does aoti want anymore autaa-obila• in the araa. MINUTSB, lW1~1SIM CI'PY PI+~-titilNQ COMI~lI88ION, J71Np~RY 14, 1983 83-47 1la~es e~ru~i~, Z07 ~. North Str~~t, Msh~ia, •t~t~a •h• •iqn~d the p~tition r~quertinq this real~s~ilic~tion bu~ d~cid~d l~t~r eha~ ~h• should not have •ign~d it b~aau~~ th~y do nct hav~ snauqh perki~nq. Sh• add~d l~t~r the peopl• who liv~ on Mill• Driv• ~nd tho~~ in the 700 and 8~0 block• o! Claudina and Philad~lphiR came over with quo~tion~ r~qardinq tha aation. 9h• ~tat~d they all •iqn~d Mithout thinking, but th~y did ~-ak Ilr. Sp~~k~ ~a •xplain th• plans on sevoc~l occaai~n~. 8he stat~d l•h~y are v~ry muah aqain~t having thi~ propertr r~soned and do not wank the com~~>tion and suqqa~te~ waiting 10 or 15 years b~Lore resoninq the prcp~rty. Mrs. Bertha Mac I.achlen, 219 E. North 8txast, 7-nahoim, •tstad ahe~ aiqned the petit•ionr but did not roalise that it was ~o includa tha ei~tire blockt that Mr. Speaka telked to har ~bout buildinq a 4--caz qeraqe with 2 uni~s ebovt~ it, so ha would havo extra ir:ome altar he rstirea. Sha stat~d she is concesned beceuse she did not know what wou1Q ba built on the cornez ~ext to her and if this is approved, enything could be built there. 8he steted she hs• lived thera !or 23 years end keepo her property well ~°aintain~d and did not want ~~1yo~ne to build cheap epartment• next door. 8he Atated, in addition, she was concernad about conqeAtion and parking. Mrs. 1lqnee Erickson, 301 8. North Street, Aneheim, etated ~he did not agrae or di0aqree with this racla~eilication and thouqht nr~t peopl• had undarstood it to be the rezoninq of Mr. Speakee pr~perty only, but if thie ie epproved, anyona could atart to build a second un.iC on their pr.operty. She etsted there are only ainqle-tan~ily reaidencea in this area and the area is being rejuvenated and several people have spent a lot oi aoney on thsir pseoertias and allowinq this aecond unit aould be detrirental because of parkinq and would br.ng too meny fatniliea into the area and they are- opposed to it. De+n Sherer, 1-saociate Pisnner, explAined the ~ity did raceive a letter signed by six varifi:.! proF+erty owners requesting this raclassiticationt however, the ar:tion wes initiated at Che raquest of one single property ownmr who did have a ~+rittan consent trom the othere. tie etated he was quit~ surpzised that three of the eix owners havo decided to dr~p o~at o! the action and that the Planning Commiesion has khe option of dRnyinq thR 6ntire request or npproving the rexoning oP any aingle lot. Mr. Speake stated hee did disaues thia fully with hia neiqhbors rnd they were in agreement end there a~rd only about 12 or 15 housas in the araa which have not been zoned for multipla-family residential uaes. He ~tated he hopes hia neiqhbors are not mn3 at himt however, he would like to make an iavestrtient on hiu property on which he cnn qet a return. TH8 PUBLZC E3FJIRING W1-8 CIASED. Chairman Fry etatad the lots in this block are bet+ter than averaqe, in eize, pKCept fAr the two end lots and he aaswned some people do not object to an individual situation, but do object to the rezoninq of the eatire block. Con~niseloner Herbat etated in certain aitustione, rezoninq hae bean allowed where there has been lot adeambly whera a project could Tie built tt~Lt would not be detrimental to the area, but he did not think thie area is ready for re:oning and the tia~inq ia not rights howsver, in the luture with land asaembly, it could be a possibility. He addad if apartments are permitt0d on thesa singla-lemily lota nor, it would lorego any rehabilitation in the future and, in hio opinion, spproval o! this xequeat !or juet Mr. Sgeake'a property vrould be ~pot soninq. ~ . MINUT$8, 11NAHxIM CITY PI.IINNINt3 COMMISSION, J11NU11RX 14, 1983 83-48 R~spondinq to Ce~ami~sion~r L~ Claire r~qardinq r~c~nt 8tate legialation p~rmittinq qrsnny housinq, Jaok Nhit~, Aa~istant City Attorn~y, explain~d th~r~ vrer~ tvro raaent law• en~ated, on• providss tha~ ~tt~r January 1, 1983, a~yone aan aonstruct a s~oond re~idential unit on th~ir singl~-lamily sonad prop~rty i~ tha unit camplia• with s~ wral crit~ria •uch a~ the ~is~ ot th~ unit (mu~t b~ und~r 675 •quar• l~at), and it aust ba ut~d ao a rantel unit !or one or two p~r~ons (both ov~r 60 year~ o! ag~) ~nd th~t th~ unit• mu~t comply with all th• ~~tback~, h~ight and dsn~ity rtquir~arnta o! th• underlyinq toningj ana tha~: th• s~cond law provideo that a~econd unit ba ellowed which coa-pli~s with ail requirua~ntis, other than d~n~i~y, i! a conditional uea pormit is grant~d by th• City and that law bscome~ e!lsctive alter July 1, 1983, and that thas~e lewa would override local jurisdiction~. 11CTIONr Co~amienionar Harbet o!lersd s m~tion, aecondad by Coannieoioner King and MOT20N CARRIED, thet the 1lnahaim City Planning Comaaiasion hes raviewed the propoeel to pers-:t realassitication oi 4uDject proparty lrom the RS-7200 (Reaidential, Stn~~ls-Fa~nily) 2ons to the RM-2400 (TLe~id~ntiel, Mull•iple-Famtly) ti.une an e rectangularly-shaped parcel o! land con~istinq o! approxitaately 1.Qd e~:rea l.oceted at the northeaet corner o! North Street and Clau9ina 8treat and lurther described aa 201, 207, 211, 215, 219 end 225 E. North Streett and doas hereby approve the Nsgative Osclaxetion tram the requirement to prepdre an envirormtental impect report on the baeis that there vrould ba no signiticant individual or cumulative adverse onvironmentel it~aCt dua to the ~proval ot thie Neqative Declaration aince the J-nahe.im General Plen desiqnatee the subject property for medium denaity residen~inl land uees co~nneneurate with the propoeelt that no senaitive enviroruaentel impacte are invnlved in the proposalt thet the IniGial Study submitted by the petitionsr ~ndicates no signilicant individual or cumulstive advers4 environmentel impactet and that the Neqative Declaration substantiatinq the loreqoinq findings is on file in the City of Aneheim Plenning Aepartment. Commisaloner Herbat otfered Resolution No. PC63-19 and moved for its pas~aqe ~.nd adoption that the Anahsim City Planning Commiaaion does haraby deny Feclasaitication No. 82-83-18 on the baeis that the azea ie not riqht for rezoninq dt this time and there are other ways within the new State laws under whSch ~ha property ownar might be able k~ accomplish what he wants. On roll call, the foreqoinq reaolution wau passed by the followinq vot~e: AYESs BOUAS~ BUSHORE, FRY, HERSST, KING, I.A CI.~IRE~ MC BUR1~lEY NOEB: NONE ABSENTs NONE ;Jack Wh1te, Aseistnnt city 1~etornay, prese,nted ths v+zitten riqht to appesl the Planninq Commioeion's decision within 22 days to the City Council. ITEM NO. 6. 8IR NEGi+TTVB D8CWIRATI~ , l.'•!D CONDITIONl1:~ USE PSRMIT t70. 2409 PUBLIC HRARING. OWNER: ROGB~t C. AND ANN R. 3TIJLL, 1801 Penhall Way, Anaheim, C11 92801. 11GENT: SOUTHSRN PACIFSC COt~lI1NIC11TION8 COMPIINY, 433 Airport Bou~evard, Suite 424, Durlinqame, CA 9401(1. Propdrty doscribed as a ractangularly-ehaped parcal of land consisting o! appx~oxl~mately 2.56 acrea, 1776 West Penhall WaS' To permit a 180-loo+t hiqh communications towsr in tha ML Zone. MII~UTSB, 112~tANEIM CITY PL11NltINO COMNI88ION• J11NUJ1RY ~4, 1483 83-49 Thsr• Ma• no on~ indicating their pr~asnce in oppo~ition to ~ubjeat requ~st snd elthouqh the •ta!! r~port MA/ not read, it i~ r~lerr~d to and mud~ e part o! th• minutes. J~rry Martir-, Sc~uthern Pacitic Ccwauniaetions, 433 1-irp~rt Boul~vard, Hurlinq~m~, Calilornia, •xpla~ned this will b~ a aoaanuni c~tion~ repsat~r sita s t~chnioel op~ratinq cent~r, tor handling ell incon-inq/c~utgoinq tsle~hona c~lls. Mr. Martin clarili~d !or Chaira~sn Fry that this tower wi 11 be conatructad rathar trian th• one r~cently approved !or the Cal-Fad builc!1nq. Commis~lon~r Bu~hora telt tha o~hez conditi~nal u~e permi t recently approved on Cr~aaent Avenue ~hould be terminsted with Dser- Sharer , Associate Plann~r, pointinq nut that CUP la atill in the eppaal period~ hovrev~r, once it is linalised, tha ownsr could r~qu~st tarmination. Jeck White, l~~eistant City Attor.ney, euqgestad that a condition be added to thi~ appruvel raquiring thnt that Conditional Uee Pera-.it No. 2402 be t~rminated beitora buildinq permita are issued. ACTION: Cona~issioner Herb~t offarad a motion, aac~nded by Commiasioner King and MOTION CARRIRD, that the 1-naheim City Plenning Cacnai asion has reviewed Lhe proposal to permit e 180-fo~t hiqh coanauniaationa tower in the NII. (Industrial, Limited) Zone on ~ rectanqularly-$haped p~rcel ot land consisting o! approximat~ly 2.56 acra, havinq a lrontaqa o! approximstaly 400 leet on tha eouth aide o! Penhall Wdy and lurthar described as 1776 W. Fenhall Wayt an3 doea hereby approve the Neqative Daclaration from the requirement to prapare an environmental impact report on tha besis that there would be no siqnif icant individual or cumuletive ntlverae environmental impact dua to the approval o! thia Neqative Declaration eince the AnnheLa General Plan ddsiqnetea the eubject property !or qenAral industrial lend usee commeneurete with tha propoealt that no sensitive environmentnl impacta are i:avolved in the propoeal~ that the Initial Study submitted by the pe~it ioner indicatee no aiqnit~icant individual or cumuletive adverse environmes~tal impactst and that the Neqative Declare~tion subetantiatinq the foreqoinq t ind~ngs ia on file in the City o! Anaheim Planninq Departsaent. Co~aiesioner Herbet ottered Reaolution No. PC83-20 and ninved for ita pasaaqe and adoptio~: that the 7~-naheim City Planning Comaiission does hereln• gr.ant Condltional Use Permit No. 2409 subject to Intardepartmental Committee recaamaendationa inclu3ing a c~ndi:ion that the ovmer ehall suba-it a letter requeetinq termination ~f Conditional I1ee Perait No. 2 4 02 prior to obtaininq building permits. On roll call, the foreqoing resolution was paesed by the followinq vote: Ayggs $OtJAS, SU3HORS, FRY, HERBST~ KING, L11 CLAIRE~ MC BURNEY NOESs NONE Ag88NT s Y~ON$ Jack White, lhesietant City Attornay~ prasented the wr ittea riqht to appeal the Planniag Commission'e decision vrithin 22 days to the City Council. ! s t NIMlTSB, 11l17-HEIM CITY PL11N1iIU1G COt~WI88I0N, J71NU1-RY 2~, 1983 83-50 xTlM NO. 7. EIR N~fil1TIVS D~CIJ-R]1TIOl~1 11ND VI1RI11l1C~ NO. 3318 PUSLIC IiE1-RI11G. Oi/NERB~ CH710-SHONa GH~1, ET 111.r 9166 Helm J-wnua, 1-ountain V~il~y, CA 92708. 71GSNT~ ~R~NX CK~TI ~ 18019 Sky Park Circl~, "E", Zrvina, Cl- 9Z714. Prop~rty d~scriMd as a rectanqularly-ahaped parael of land con~i~tinq o! approxin-rt~ly 1.97 aar~e, 2171 South Herbor Boulav~rd (Harbor Inn Travelodq~). Waiv~r o! minimum nwnber o! parking apaces to conetruat a lobby and o!lice add~tion to an .xi.sLing motel. Thsrs wa~ no ona indicatinq their pxesance ~n oppotition to eubject raquapt snd althouqh the stalt ~~port wa• not read, it ie rsterred to and meida a pert o! the minutea. Frank Chui, agart, expininad thia property currently ha• 128 units snd thay would like to expand the property to include a lobby. THE PUBLIC HSARING WllB CLOSED. 1~CTI~N~ Caamission~ King otlerad a motion, seconded by C~naissioner Bouea and MOTION Cl-RRIED, that the ]lnaheim Ci~y Planning Co~mniovion has reviewed the proposal to construct e lobby and oftice addition to an existing motel with w~ivar o! minimum nwabsr ot psrking spetcee on n r~ctanqularly-~heped parcel ot land coneistinq ot npproximately 1.97 ras, havinq approximate lrontaqee of 315 ~eet on the weat eide o! Harbor Boulsvard, and 315 leat on the enat siae of Mnllul Dri~e and turther described ar~ 2171 South Harbor Soulaverd (Harbor Inn Travelodqe)t and does hereby approve tha Neqative Daalaration from the requirement to prepnre an environmental iatipect report on the basls that there would be no eiqniticant individual or cumulative advarae environmentnl impaat due to tha approval of this Neqative Daclsration eince the Anahaim Genarel Plan designntar the subjact property !or qeneral commszcial land uoas commansurate with the proposalr that no sensitive environmental iaq~ects are involved in t'~~ propoaalt that the Initial Study submitta d by the petitioner indicatea no siqnificant individual or cumulative adveree environmental impactat and that the Ne qative Declaration substantiatinq the foreqoinq ~indinqa is on file in the City o! Anaheim Plnnninq Department. Cammiasioner Kinq olfered Resolution No. PC83-21 and naved for its passege ~^d adoption that the Anaheim City Planninq Cao~mission doee hareby grant Variar. No. 3318 on the basie that the request is minimal and that the parkinq spsces, as propoaed would exceed the parkinq r~quiremente of the newly adopted parkinq ~ordinance and subject to Interdepartmental Commaittea recommendationa. O~n roll call, the Poreqoinq resolution waa passad by the following vutea hYES s BOU71S • BUSHOR~ . FRY , HERSST ~ RING , LA CLAI RE ~ NC BZIRNSY N088s NONE ABSENTs NONB Jack White, l~eeistanx City l~ttornay, preaented t2+ wzitten right to appeal the Planning Conm~iseic+n'e decision within 2Z days to tha City Council. ~ ~},, i 11I:IUTEB, lINAHEIM CI'Y'Y PLAZZNIti(i COMMlI88IOti~ J11NU11RY Z4, 1983 83-51 xTEM N0. 8. EIR Nm(il1TIVE DECL)1A11TION 1WD V11RI71t~CE NO. 3319 .~..~~..~..~~... ~USLIC HEJIRINCi. 01itiERB+ JOHN /-ND 111~t1~13 1CR11.T]-CIC, P.O. Box 3716, 1lnaheim, C~1 9Z803. Prop~rty d~aarib~d a~ a rectanqularly-shap~d parcal o! land con~i~tinq o! approximstely 11,956 aquara fs~t. 1106 Ws~t Narth Stre~t. Waiv~r• o! mininoun- lot a:•sa, minimum lot width and rsquired lot lronteqa to sstablish a 2-lot subdivision. Thara ware •ix~ean peroons indicsting their pr~~ence in opposition to .ubjaati reque~t and although the atelf raport waa not r~sd, it is rat~rred to and n-ade a part o! the minutiss. John Krajscic, 1006 Campbell, owner. was pres~nt to snswer eny questions. William Voes, 1104 W. Narth Straet, 1~rtaheim, pres~+nted n•tition aiqned by 42 rasidenta who are against putting another houae on this proparty and indiceted 29 0! those peopls who ~iqned the p~tikion wer~ on the list of property or+ners within 300 leet o! subject property. He statad he is oppoeed to the requeot becsusa moet o! the housee in tha sree ere sinqle-fsmily rssidenca~ and that they all have the aame emount of property and that lagt Sunday there w~re 4 tc 5 vehicles parked on that property, nven an the lront lawn, and he wae cancerned with addl.tional conetruct ion, there would be more cars. cl.aude Wilaon atated he liveu just west of subject property and that everybody as in oppoeition to the request end it eppeers the owner bouqht the property intending to make thie proposal mnd thai. i! he had lived there !or a lonq time and then wanted to build an ndditional u~iit, they might be more conaiderate. Ted S+ems, 1128 W. North Street, Anaheita, atdted hia lot is just as Diq as aubjact property end that he alao has saae qrandchildren that he would like to build a unit for and he lelt approvinq this requeet would etart a precedent and ttRnt he i.s thoroughly against it. Ha atat~d thay do not need more housas in this area, but do need more side~+niks to keep the elsmentary school children off the etreeta. Mr. iCrajacic etated thie property hns been dedicated !or aidewalks and his ie the only property with sidewalks. Ha etatad tha property has a cizculnr driveway and it ie dangarous to back out onta the atreet, even thouqr it was built to the City's specificationa and that ia the reaaon care were parkeJ on the :awn. He stated he moved that house on the property and that ha Mas had a lot o! calla lrom people eonqratulating him on the beautitul job. He stated 2 or 3 property owrers have been qiven permiasion to do this same thing in that area. THE PUBLIC HBARING WAS CLOSED. Commisaianer La Claire pointed out that property owners can build an additional unit on their property und~r racently enactad State laks under certafn circuiastancas !or a relative, etc. but ahe could not eee any rea4on to qrant the Maiverm since this ia a sinqla-tamily area and the reaidenta are oppoted to the requeet. ACTIONs Commiasioner La Claire oftered a motion, seco:~ded by Cemeaissioner go sau~ nd MOTIpl~1 C1IRRIEA, that the Anaheim City Planninq Commireion has reviewsd tha propcysal to eatablish a 2-let subdiviaion rrith waivera o! mi~nimum ~~. MINt1TS8, 71N11}tEIM CITY Pl.ANNIpG COMOII88ION, JANIJIIRY 24, 1983 83-52 lat •r~a, oainimum loti width and rsquir~d lot lrontage on a reatangularly-~hap~d para~l o! land consistinq o! approxiiaat~ly 11,956 squara le~t, h~vinq a lrontiaq~ o! ~pproxia-etely 9S te~t on th~ ~outh sid~ o! Noith 8tr~~t and lurth~r d~~cri2»d a~ 1106 W. North Sls~~ett and doa• h~r~by approve the N~qativ~ Daalaration lran tha r~quir~n-~nt to pr~para an env~.ronm~ntel impacL r~port on th~ ba~i• thet ther~ ~+~ould ba no •iqnilicenL individual or cuaaulativ~ adve:a• •nviror~m~nt~l impact due to ths approval o! ~.hi~ N~getiva D~ciaration since the 7~nRh~im aensral Plan ~!~~ignata• th• subject prop~rty !or loa d~n~ity rasidantial land ua~• comm~ns~irats with tha proposalt th~t no ~~n~itive •nvirona~sntal iu~aots ara involved in th• propa~alt that th• Initial 8tudy nubmittad by the p~titioner indicaC~~ no signiticant individual or cumulntiva adveXte environmental impacta+ and that the Neqntive Dsclaration substantiating the foreqoing lindings is on lila in the City o! Anaheim Plenninq Department. Commiasionsr T.a Cl.airs offerad Resolution No. PC83-22 and a-oved !or its paasaqa and adoptton that ~he Anahelea City Planninq Cocmni~~ion does hereby dany Variance No. 3319 on the ~asis that no hardship waa demonotrated partaining to tha proporty'~ topography, ~ize~, shape or surrounding. On rall call, the fareq~.inq resolution wes paesed by the follawinq vote: AX88: BOUAB, BUSHORB, FRY, IlERBBT• KING, L11 CLAIRE, MC BURNLY N0~8s NONB A888NT: NONE Jack White. 1lsaietant City A~ttorney, prasented the written riqht to .~ppeal the Planninq Commissian'a deciiion within 22 days to the City Gouncil. ITEM NO. 9. ENVIRONMBNTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 253 (BRr.'VZOUSLY APPROVED) AhD TENTATIVE MA~ OF TRACT NO. 11830 PUBLIC HEARING. O~WNSRS s ALBBRT BOkCH11RD, ICENNBTF! L. L1IRSEN, 5915 Hurcherd !-vanus, Los 1-ngeles, CA 90034, AND ROY W. W-BEB, 2651 W. Lin:oln 1lvanue, Anaheim, CA 92801. 11GENT: GFELLBR DL~VSI,OPMEN".' COlIPANY, 228 N. lrlain Street, Tustin, G 92680. Property described aa conelating of •evernl parcele totallinq approximately 19.57 acres, 2925 West I.,incoln Aver.ue (Lincoln Beach Mobile Mnnor Park). To establiah an 8-lot, 639-unit, RM-1000 Zone eubdiviaion. There were several interestad persanm indicatinq their presence to eubjeat request and althouqh the sta!! report was not read, it ie reterred to and made s pazt of th~n minutos. Ralph 8parqo repreaenting the Gleller Development Company, 228 N. Main Street, Tustin, wns preaent to ensv+er any queetions. Jaak White, Aseistant City Attorney, explained the Planninq Co-.a-is~ion hae already held a public hearinq to approve the zoninq end variance !or the conatruction of the 639-nnit coadominium complex on tha property known as the Lincola Hsach Mobilehoma Park and it ip requirad that tha City approve a subdiviaion map which allows parcalization o! the eubject property. He statad this is no di!lereat than tha projact p~evi~~ely approved and appa~oval today viould in no May permit deviation lran what has already been approved and the aritmria impoaed, ona of which vrould be t}~3 adaquata p~ovision made for the relocation and paymant ot reloaation costs to tha tsnan..~. MINUT88, J-NIWEIM CITY PLJ1NNIt8(i COMM288IaN, J1-NU11RY 24, 1983 83-53 A. J. Defatio, 8paa• 34, e~kad it av~r,yone vrould bs nave~ at one *ima or i! tha tsnanto ~-~ould M movad in pha~e• a~ tha proj~ct ie built. Jaak WhitQ ex~.'ained the condition o! the re~olution provides '~et relocAtion b~n~lita shell bs paid to each mobilahocua owner prior tn th• issuRnc~ o! sny huildinq permit !or any phase o! tha developeant othor than pha~e^ 1 and 2 which nr• on property thaC does not involve the mcbilehom~ t~nante and al~o thet any mobilehane ovmer who relocate~t lran the perk nt any time elter the dats o! i~suance o! grading permita !or any phase n! tha devalopiaant, ~hall be paid benefiEa at the eaaie time ea he tarmf.natss the tananc,y providing thet a mnxic-utn o! lOt of the mobilahome pw~k owners are a!locded that prepayment. He atated tha deta for tl~a payiaent o! the remaining 9Q1 wo~ld be prinr to the iaeuence o! buildinq permit. !or any pha~e other than phasas 1 or 2 or prior to July 1, 1985, whichsvar ~ccurs lir~t, so the tenanta ~here now would ba allowad ta ramein until such time ar development starts at their phese et which time they would be requirad c be relocated and peid. Mr. Defazio queetioned tha 125-mile radius~with Chairman Fxy explaini~q that 125-mile radiue does not mean thnt an,yone hae t~ be moveci 125 milee awsy, but does allow that in the dvent a person wishes to a-ove to a park in Sdn OSego, they would still be peid. Mr. Defezio indicated he now underatnnds that is juat a sefeguard. It was noted Environtnental Impact Report No. 253, Recleeeii~cation No. 82~83-4 and Vsriance No. 3306 (to conetructi a 639-unit condominium cot~lex with waivers of a) required lot frontage, b) maximwa atructurnl height, c) ~ninimum lloor erea, d) minimum landecnped setback, e) m'.nidaim rearedtional-leisure aren, !) minimum distance between buildings and, g) minimum number and type of parking epncee) was approved by the Planninq Coc~aission on Nov~a~ber 29, 1982. The applicant now requests aFpraval o! a tentative trect a~ap for the aubdiviaidn of the proparty. ACTIC1Ns Commieaioner Herbat offexed a motion, aeconded by Coam~iasioner McBurtiey and MOTION CARRiED, that the Anaheim City Planninq Commiaeion doea hereby lind that the proposed subdivieion, toqetl~er with l.ts design and improvement, is coneistent with r,he City o~ Anaheim Genexal Plan, ae required by Gavernment Code Seation 66473.5t nnd theet purauant to Government Code Section 66427.4 the P~anninq Comn-isaion doea hereby tind that the aubdivider is being required to take stcpa to mitiqate eny siqsiilicant adverse impact of the convereion on the nbility o~ dieplaced mobilehome park ree.Ldente to find adequate space in a mobilehome park in that they will be providinq replacement houeinq and ter~ants will be o!lered firet right of refaeal on a aondominium unit and every effort will be made to mnke th8 units affordable to tenanta desirinq them aT~ thr~t tenants mny hdvg the option of beinq relocated ~o a:~ew proposed ehelter mobilehome park currently beinq examined~ and therefore, does approve Tentative Map of Tract No. 11830 to eatablish an 8-lot, 639 uait RM-1000 (Reeidentinl, Multiple-Family) Zone eubdi•~ision, subject to the followinq conditions. 1. That trash storage arnae ehall be provided in accordancp with npproved plans on lile with the O!lice ot the Exacuti.ve Director of Public Worke. 2. That firo hydre~nts ahn],l be iastalled and charqed ns required an, determined to ba naceasary by the Cbief o! the Fire Depart~uent prior to com~aencement o! structural lraming. MIliUTaB~ IINIWEIM C~TY PIJINNING CdQ1I88ION, J71NL1~RY 24, 1983 83•b4 3. T'het ~ubj~c'_ p~op~rty ~hall b~ served by underqround utiili~ie,~. 4. That drain~q~ o! ~ubj~cr prop~rty ~hail b~ dispossd o! in a mann~r satisfactory to ~he Cit.~ Bnqine~r. 5. In th~ ~v~nt thet •ubj~ct prop~rty i~ to be divid~d !or the purpo~e ot ,~ale, l~as~, or financing, s pe~xcal aap shall bs epproved by the City o! 1-nah~im eu~d b~ rsoordad in th• Ottic• o! the Oranqe County Raoord~r. Ths approvel o! a paroal map, or the i~auancs o! building permits to sllow the con~truction ot 0aid projact in c~ore than one phas• a! dav~lopiaant, ahall be 0ubject to the completion o! traeh removal !or tt^ area cow rad by said pha~e o! deWelopmsnt in accordance with the approvud Trash Removel Plan. 6. Thet the ov,~ner of subject property ehall pay to the City o~ 1-neheim the appropriate park and racreation in-lieu tees as datertained to b~e appropriete by the City Council, said lAOS to be pnid at the tims the building permit ie i~~uad. Alt~rnntively, the ows~er may conetruct improvamenta at City parks. Such improvaa~nts ahell ba ma3e only i~ epprov~d by tha Park~ and Recraation Departmant. 7. That al.t privete streeta ehell be developfd in accordance aith the City of Anaheim's ~tandnrd Detail No. 122 !or private etreeta, includinq inetallatioa o~ street neme siqrsg. Plana !or the privAte etreet liqhting, as required by ".he atandard detail, ehall bR submitted to the Buildinq Divieian !or epproval and incluston with the buildinq plane prior to issuence oP buildinq penaits. (Private streets are those which provide primary acceas nnd/or circulation within the project.) B. If pera~nnent street name siqns tiave not basn inatalled, temporsry atra~t name siqna shall be installed prinr to any ~ccupancy. 9. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay the tza!!ic siqnal aaeeaement fee (Orc~inance No. 3896), in an amount as ~eiermined by the City Council, for each new dwellinq unit prior to the issuance of a building permit. 10. That an o!lsite etorm ~Irain to the Carbor. Creek Flood Control Channel as approved by the City 8nqineer ahall be conetructad and operational prior to the start of any qradinq ot Area 3 unlesa previously required by the Ci~~~ $nqineer ae a reeult of material found in the grading of Area 2. 11. That the of~aite sanitary sewer ahall be conatructed and ~unctional prior to any occupancy of Area 2 unlese required by the ;:ity Bnqineer at an earlier time. 12. That r.o or.-site drainage ahall be permitted to flow onto Lincoln ]~venue . 13. That the design of on-site dralnaqe atructures shall bn approvad by the City 8nqinear pzior to the start of any gradinq on euL~jact site. MINU'PEB, AN11ElEJM CITY P'I.7INNINCi Cf~alI88I0N, ~ANUARY 24, 1983 83-55 ~.4. That e~eparats qradinq plan ~hall be pr~par~d snd •pproved by tha City 1Cnqin~~r !or •ach oonttruotion pha~• and an 1-i Graded Pl~n •hall b~ pr~par~d, certiti~d, and apprav~d !or •ech phas~ prior to ~tart o! gradinq on th• n~xt phaa• or at •uah oth~r lat~r time• a~ msy be suthor~z~d by th~ City Engin~~r. 15. That the aeiler iball provide tha purcha~er o! ~~ch aondotainium unit with written intormation concerning ]-nahaim Municipal Cod~ 14.32.500 pertaininq to "parking ra~trictsd to lacilitate ~tra~t ~a~epinq." Such written intonnation will clsarly indicate when on-strs~t parking i:. prohibitsd and the penelty tor violation. 16. That "No Parkinq !or Straet Sweepinq" eigna shall be inatalled prior to linal etramt inspection as rsqulred by the Public Works H~cocutive Diractnz in accordance with epacilicationg on lil~ with the Straet Ma~ntenanae Divieion. 17. That appropriate water aseessment feee as dsterminad by the O!lice ot Utilitiea Genara2 ~laruiger ~hall be paid to the City ot Anaheim prior to the ieeuenca o! a buil.ding pez~rnit. 18. Thet the msdinn ialand modilication in Lincoln l~venue ahall be completed prior to any ocaupancy i~~ Phase 1. 19~ That a compreheneive on-eita vehicular acceas and pnrkinq plen which, unlese otherwise epproved by the City Trattic Engineer, ahall show tandem perkinq along only one eida of each drivawey aisle shall be eubeaitt~d by the daveloper/owner for revi~w and approval by the : City Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance o! buildinq parmits. ~ 20. That a detailed Trash Remnvnl Plan shall be eubmitted by the ~ developer/owner for review end approval by the City and other ~ ~ concArnAd public aqencies prior to approval of qradinq plans oi ~ iseuance of building permita, whichever occurs first, tor any area ~ or phau~~ of such development upon Which aaid land~ill currently exiets. 21.(a3 That the owner(s) of the ~subject property ahall pay to eacn nabilehome o~+ner as identified in th~ conversion impact report relocation benefita in the reepective amounte as set ~orth on Bxhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this refer~nce, or auch other henefita ae mutually aqreed upon betwmen the park owner aad the mobilehome owner. Saia relxation benelite ahall be paid to eacr. mobilehome owner, and proof ther~ ~f eubmitted to City in a form satiefactory to the City Attorney, prior to the issuance ot any buildinq permit Por eny phase or portion of the paroposed development other th~n theae portiona identitied ae Phase 1 and Phese 2 ae ahown on the Phasinq Ptan, bfieet 4, Raviaion No. 1 of plnne~ on lile in the Planning Department o! the City of Anaheim, or prior to July 7., 1985, whichever occure fi.rak. (b) Thati not withmtandinq eubp~ragraph (a) nbov~, any mobilehome rnmer who raloaatea from the park at any time atter tha data at iesuance of grading permit~ for eny phaee ot the deralopment shall bs paid said relocation benafita contamporaneous v~ith the termination o! edch tenan~cy provided, however, that such MI1Rt1T~8, AN~IM CITY PL~INNING COMNI88ICN, J111~tU7~RY Z4, 1963 83-56 Rdvanoa payment~ pursuant to thi• .ubp+~r~qraph (b) n~~d not b~ m~d~ at any time in a~vana~ o! th~ d~t• oth~rvri~~ ~ati lorth in ~ubparaqraph (a) to awr• tl~an t~n p~rcent o! auoh nwbil~hoa~ rnmara. (c) Th~t tih~ amc~unt o! •a1d r~location benalite puyabta to ~~ah mobil~ho~ne ownsr pureuant to •ubparagraph (a) or (b) above, •hel~ ba ~ncreased by an anaunt aqual to any inarease in tha Consutner Prlca indax !or Urban Wege Eernar~ nn~. ClAriciil workv.s, All itemA, Lo~ Anqelea-Long neach Mstropolitan Ar~a (1967~100), published by the Unitad State• Department o! Let~or, 8ureau o! Lsbor SLatistice ("Index"), vrhich is publishcd nearest to th• date o!' thia resolution as canparsd to the Index mosi recently publiahdd prior to the dets ot payment o! said relocetion b.~nefita. (d) That the ownar o! the subject property ahall poat a parlormance bond in nn amount na torm eatietectory to th4 City Attorney to gu~rantes ~`e payment o! said relocati~r~ hen~fit~. 22. That prior to iseuance o! buildinq permits, th~ applicant ahell preeent evidence aatisfactory to the Chie! Building lnspector that the proposed project le in conlorcnance with Council Po11cy No. 542, 8ound ~ttenuation in Reeidential Projects. 23. That prior to isauance ~! buildinq permite, tha applioant ahnll present evidance setiafactory to rhe Chief Building Inspector that the unite will be in conlormance with Noise InAUletion Rtandards spueitied in the Cnlifornia l~chainistrative Code, Title 25. 24. That should thia subdSvixion be 8eveloped ee aare than one subdiviaion; each aubdivieion thcreof ahatl be eubmitted in tantative f~~rm !or approval. 25. That the origin~l documents of the covenanta, conditiona, and reatrictione and a letter addres~ed to the developer's titla compnny atiithorizing recordation theraof, shall be submitted to h'~e City Attorney's Ottice and approved by City l~ttorney's Of e, Public Util+.ties Department, Huilding Division, and the 8n. ne~erinq Division prl.or to the tinal tract map appzoval. Said documents, as zpproved, ahall be recorded in tha O!lica ot the Oranqe County Recorder. 26. That atreet r-amea ehell be epproved by the City Planning Department grior to approv~: o~ ~ tinal tract map. ~ ~' i~ \ y . ' MINUT=8 ~ 111i1WEIM CI^aY P'L~1NlIINO CONMI88ICN r Jl1NOlUtY Z4. 1983 83-Sy 1pCNI8IT "i." pRQpQSED TENIINT ttEI.OCJ-TION 8!N!l2T8 ~-p1~ROXIMI-TE N0. OD' BIN~iLB AR TO'PI1L pROpCB=D P11YllE'NT Sp11C~ NpNBER YR8 IN P11RlC D00ffi+E 1fIDS ~ p ~5,4S3 ; 1 e 10 ~ ~~p~pp) 3,91~{ ; ~ Z p 5,472 .~ 16 D 4,9?9 ; 4 ~ S t EXPI-NDO ) 3,866 5 ~ 5,402 6 1~ p 4,644 ; 7 S 15 S ( ~XPAN130 ) 4.287 ; ' 8 5 8 ~~,~pq~ 4,450 9 p 5,466 10 ~ s 4,411 l~ 4 D 5,084 ~ 12 ~ D ; 5,370 13 16 u 4,946 14 13 D 5.321 ~: 15 l~ s 4,134 ~ 16 1 p 4,674 i 17 14 0 ~ 18 ~'~ b ; 4,194 19 6 ~ + 20 EMPTY p 5r~96 ~' 21 6 p 3,954 ; 22 3 g 2.927 ~ 23 4 ~ 5,272 ~ 2~1 4 D 5, 068 25 14 p ~ 5,455 26 10 p 5,374 27 4 p 3,186 ~ # 28 4 p 5,g19 29 16 D 5,168 30 13 ~ 3,949 31 10 p 3.872 32 4-1/2 p ~,029 33 Z~' D 5.069 ~d 13 ~ 4,969 35 ~3 D 5,285 36 4 D 6,280 37 10 D 4.783 38 4 p 4,b'll 39 4 D 3,859 40 5 D 4,/42 41 8 D 5,382 42 l~ D 4,784 43 18 D 5,60C 44 5,044 45 Z D 5,944 46 __~.._._._.,~._._,....,~.r,-~~--,..- -- ~._....._..w ..~,..,.,~,~.....n,.~.,.........~...~ _ _ ...._._, ... .. _ , _._ . _ ,._... _ .~_...~,~ ~._ ._..~ ,~ _ ^'w.~:'_ ..n'^`,'.,."'v;`^P:~~ ^~ ~ / ~ ) MZNOTIlS~ 11N11p~IN CITY pId11~NZt~fi CO1~I88I~t~l~ JlA1~N71RY Z4, 1983 83~38 d~ 16 ~ 5,61~ 48 5 S 3,864 49 lZ D S,lZ~ ~0 4 8 4~G87 S1 10 8 3,3b6 ga 4 ~ 4,780 53 SMPTY ~ 54 a D 5,189 55 14 8 5,776 56 ~y ~ 5 8 3,935 16 D 5,014 13 D 5,052 60 5 8( 8XP11ND0 ) 4, 57.4 61 16 D 5.370 62 16 8 (8XP71ND0) 3,987 63 5 D 5,150 64 5 8 4,330 6~ 5 D 4,879 66 13 D 5,511 67 l~ ~ 5,054 68 S D 5,1b4 69 4 Q 5,245 70 16 S (EXPA~IDO) 3,642 71 B D 3,664 7~ 13 D 4,800 73 5 D 3,83_ ~a 10 ~ 4,924 75 5 D 4,802 76 14 D 4,802 77 13 ~D Y~qiZ 78 10 D 4,554 79 5 s 3,817 80 10 D 4,289 el 10 D 3,66a J2 5 D 3,780 83 p,KpTq ~ 84 14 D 5,~5I 85 5 D 5,060 86 10 D 4,194 87 15 D 4~928 88 10 D 5,306 89 4 D 4,872 90 4 D 4,902 91 15 D S,Q78 92 4 D 5,653 93 3 8 4,283 ~4 3 D 4,922 95 3 D 4,737 96 lu D 5,022 9'1 13 p 5,s^35 98 l~ ~ 4,402 99 13 D 4,945 100 10 S ~,400 301 10 8 3,120 () , ,. 83-59 ~p~~l~ 11~i~1H~sIN CxTY PIJIPINING CONt1I88I0N~ Jl1lf~J11R1!' R4, 19@3 ~•930 10~ 13 D 4,OlZ 103 p 4,794 104 10 D 4,970 105 8 5,001 106 ~o p 4,554 107 8 (BXp11Npp) Z,907 108 3 ~ 4,T09 109 1 8 4, Z83. 110 4 U 4,Z07 111 4 4,983 112 13 ti 4,73« 113 8 0 5,51a 16 16 8 I 8XPl1ND0 ) 4~ 8 3 O 115 116 ~TY p 117 ~TY ~ 5,546 6 MONTHB S ( 8XP)-NDO ) 3, 8 38 119 14 D 4,679 120 8 MONTHB D 5,242 121 12 1~ s (~tpANDO) 4,38~ 122 D 4,090 123 4 $ 3 r 903 ~.24 16 D 5,222 125 4 TpTl1i, pl~YM8NT8 l~560 MINUTES• AN11H8=M C='PY pLJ1NNING~ CbMMI$BION, Jl1NUARY 24, 1983 83-60 ITSM NO. YO REPORTS 11ND RRC~MM8ND11TION8 Z'he lollowiaq Reporte end R~ao~am~ndstiono •ta!! report• wore pr.eeented but noti resd. p. VARIANCS N0. 3241 - Raque~t fran Michael R. 8nqle/C. Robext Langslet 6 Son, Inc• !or an oxtanoion o! time, p~operty laaated nt the southweotarly cornar of Santa l~r-a Canyon Road and Fairmont Boulevard. ACTION: Con~iosioner Kinq o~tsred a mation, secon8ed by Commiseioner Herbst and M~TION CARRI$D, that tha Anaheim City Plenning Commiesion does hersby qraat a one-yaer retroac~iv~ extensi~n o! time tor Varianca No. 3241 to axpire on Noven~er 2, 1983. B. VAItIANCB N0. 791 - Requeat from Fred E. Hartmen, Jr., !or termination o! Variance No. 791 f~r property located at 1040 North Mdqnolia. Commiseioner Kinq oftered Resolutioa No. PC83-22 and aaved tor ite passaqe and adoptian that the Anaheim City Planning Comn-ieei~n doea hereby terminate Variance Nu. 791. C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2186 - Request from Che+rles and Cnrol Pdncheri !or an exteneion ot time for Conditional Use Permit No. 2186, property l~ceted at 3601 E. Miraluma Avenue. ACTIC~7: Co~aiesioner King affered a mntion, secondc~d by Cocm~isaioner Herbat and MOTION CARRIED, that tha Maheim City Planninq conaaiasion doee hereby qx'ant d~~-year extension ot ticne for Conditional Use Permit No. 2186 to expire on March 23, 1985. p. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2293 - Requeat from Michael W• ~`~~ielocatednn extension of tim~: Eor Conditional Use Pernti.t No. 2293- pr pe Y at 1400 S. Harbor Houlevazd. ACTION: Commiesioner Kinq oftered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Herbet and MOTIUN Cl~RRIR~. that the 1-naheim City Planninq Commiseion doee hereby qrant a retroactive one-year extension of tiwe for Conditional Uae Permit No. 2293 to expire on Decembez 31, 1983, with the atipulation that the westerly driveway on Mancheater Avenue nnd the nartherly driveway :,n Harbor Houlevard be reawved and replacad with a staroval ofrthegtitaer dnd sidewalk within a per.iod of ninsty (90) daya of app extension by Plaruiing Com~nigaion. g, ~gApDO~IMENT NO. 82-1A - Requegt to a~bandon n former Southern Californin Edison Company electrical easement acquired by tha City o! Anaheim, As successor, located west of Beach Boulevard, north of Stonybrook Drive. . ~ ~ ~ ,~ 83•61 MIMITZa- 1~iAH~xM CITY PLlllll'1Ip0 COMMISBICN. J11N~J~1RY Z4, 1983 It w~~ nol~d th~ pl+~t-ninq Dis~otar or hiN authoris~d r~pre~~ntativ~ haa 9~t~ra~in~d t?-at th~ propo~~d proj~al. l~il~ aithin th• ~tinition o! Cat~qoriaalr~xa ia~lin~~ ~ndsis, tt~~ •lor~a aateqorioaily~x~mp~tromllh~ Impaot R~po r~qul.r~n-anti to pr~para •n EIR. ~~Ippi Coani~~ion~r Kinq o!l~r~d a nw~~~n, sacond~d by Caatni~~ion~r H~ ~eco~am~riANto~t s~CityhCouacil~approval1ot Abandonrua~nt~Nio•~e2R11-~as her~by r r~oommsnd~d by th~ City 8nqineez. ~, l-el-NpC~NMENT 'NO. 82-611 - Mqu-est to abandon a public utility s~eenMnt !or water facility purpo~~s acquir~d by the City o! 7-nah~im, loc~t~d on ih• weet side o! Soloa-on Drive, south o! Sante Ana Canyon Roed. ~C"rION: Commiesloner King o!lared e motion, 0econdAd by Commiesioner Herbst nnd M~TION CARRIED, thaL tho Anah~ovaliof AbandonmentNOSa82n611~aa heraby reaommand to the City Council app rec~mmended by the City Engineer. ADJOURNMENTs ~tion,~eec4ndedubyhCozatnissioner Kin~g~and MOTIONrCARRIEDeYthet the meeting be adjourned. The meeting wna ~djourned at~' 5:05 p.m• Respect~ully aubmitted, ~.~.~.~, ~° ~~~- Edith T. Herris, Secretary Anaheim City Plenning Commission SLHslm