Minutes-PC 1983/03/07RECiIJLAR MESTING OF THE 1-N11~iEIM CITY PLANNINO COMMISSION Rb~UL1-R Pffi1CTINa '1'he regular maa~ing ot tha Aneheim City Plar-ning Commission was called to arder by Chairman Fry at 10:00 a~ru., March 7, 1983, in the Council Chnmber, a quorum beinq preaent and tha Cotmnisaion rAViewed plane o! the items on todey'e egenda. RECE38: 11:30 e.m. RECONVENE: 1:30 p.m. PRESENT ABSENT Cheirman: Fry Comn-issionere: Aouas, Huehare, Hnrbet, Kinq, Le Cleiz~, McBurney (Coumnisei.oner Buehore arrived at 2:05 p.tn. ) Comtaiasioners: None AI,gp pFtEgENT Annikn Santalahti Joel Fick Jdck White Jay Titus Jey Tashiro Dea~ Sherer Edith Harris Aesistant Director for Zoning Aseisca~nt Director for Flanning Aasiatant CitX Attarney Oflice Enginear Associate Planner Asaociate Planner Planninq Commiaeion 3ecretary APPROVAI~ OF MINUTE3: Commiesionor King offered a ttwtion, seconc~ed by Connnisaioner Hezbet and MOTION CARRIED (Commiseioner Auahore abeent), that the minutes ~f the meeting of F'ebrunry 7, 1983, ba epproved ae corracted on Page 62 showinq Commiasioner McBurney abst~-ining and Coam-issioner Ld Clnire seconding the mctiQn for continunnce ot Condition~+l Use Permit No. 2380. ITEM NO. 1. BIR NEGATZVS DECLAR~TION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2380 :VER OF CODi: REQUIRSMENT AND PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: LEO FREEDMAN~ 468 S. RoxburY~ Heverly Hills, CA 90212. AGENT: CARL K1-R~CtiER ENTEI:PR18E8~ p•~• Sox 4349, Aneheim, C11 92803. Property deecribed as an irregul+~rlysheped parcel ~f land consisting of sppro~ia~ately 0.37 acre located at the southeaat corner of Freedman Way and Harbor Houlevard, with approxia-ate frontaqes of. 135 feet on the Eouth aide of Freedman Way and 100 feet on the east eide of Harbor Boulevard• To germit a semi-enclosed tast-food restaurant with waivers of mi.nimum number and type of parking spaces and minimum land8caped aetback. Continued from November 29, December 13, 1982 and Janua.ry 24, and February 7, 1983. It was noted the petitioner has requested that subject petition be withdrawn. ACTION: Commiesioner Herbet offered a motion, seconded by Coa~aiasioner La Claire and MO'PION CARtu$D (Commissioner Bushore absent), t~at aubject petition be withdrewn at ~he request of the petitioner• 83-129 3/7/83 ~ , r ~ MINUTa6 71N1WEIM CITY PL1-NNIN(i COMMIBE'ON M11ACl1 7, 1983 H3-130 ITEM N0. 2. 8IR NEGIITIVS DECL7IW-TZON (pW~VIOUSLY 71~PROVEQ) TENT)1TZV8 lr1A8 OF TAACT NO. 10674 (RaV18I0N NO. 1) AND R3 8T FOR J-PPROVAL OF RaMOVAI+ OF PUSLIC HEARING. OWNSRAi ~-ERDE pROPERTI$S, 6125 E. I.ateyotte, Scott~dele, l~rizone, 85251 anQ FRED STEVEtiBr 3180 FronC^ra, 11nah~im, C)1 928^6• roximat~l described ae an irrsqularly-shap~d peresl o! land conaistinq ot app Y 6.25 acres loaated nt th~ westezly tern~inus o! Euaslyptu~ Dri.ve, epproximat~ly 980 Leet southea~terly o! tha cantexline o! t3snta Ana Canyon Mad anA north o! Martclin Lane. Ta eetablieh nn 11-loL, RB-HS-22,000(8C) Zane eubdivieion and requeet for a,pproval oP removal o! apecimen tra~a. Continund lrom the meeting o! February 23, 1983. It wne noted the petitioner hed requested a two-week c4ntinuence. ACTION: Comn~issianer Kinq offered e crotion, eecondsd by Conuaisaioner Bouae ~,nd TION CARRIBD (Co~ami~sioner Huahore nbaent), that coneideration ot the efornmentioned matter be continued to the meeting of March 21, 1983. ITEM NO. 3. EIR NJ:GATIVE QECLARATION ANA GENE~L PLAN AMENDM~t~1T NO. 183 PUBLIC HF.ARING. REQUESTED HYs CITY OF 11N1-HSIM, 200 S. Anaheikt Houlevard, Anaheim, CA 92805. Property deecribed as approximetaly 2•6 ecrea located nt tha westerly tercainus of Wtiite 3tar Avenue end boundad on the southweat by the Riversidp (91) Freewey. To conaider the incorporation ot the eolid waeta facility dasiqnation on the Land Uae Element and to co,~sider designating eubject property ns e recycling/reeourcea r.ecovery tacility. There was no one indicatinq their preaence in opposition to eubject requeet end although the ataft report was not read, it is raterred to and made a part of the minutea. Jay Tashiro, l~seociate Planner, pxeaented the ataff report and explained thia is a City-initinted Ge!nerel Plan Amendment to amend the Land Uae Elan-ent of the General Plan and to considez the incorporation of the solid waste facility desiqnation which will include transfer station and disposal lac~lities and to congider desiqnating e 2.6 acre ~arcel located at the westerly tenainua o! White Star Avenue and Y,ounded on ~:he southwest by the Riveraide (91) Freeway as a recycling/reaources recovery trnnsfer f.acility, Mr. Tashiro explained effective January 1983, state law requirea that before the 5tdte Solid Management eoard can conaider or iasue e penait foz e solid waste lacility, the aite must be in contormance with the Solid Waste Management Plan, and the aite must be deaiqnated on the City'a General Plan, and adjacent land uaes muet be aompatible Mith the cIf epoeal facility• Commi.eaioner La Claire aeked it thia facility wc~uld technically be ccnsidered a eolid waste facility. Jay Tashiro reaponded the facility will ba a MINUT38, J1N71HaIM CITY ?L1INNINf3 COMMISSZQN, M~1P~H ~, 1983 83-131 r~ayclinq/ra~ourc~• ~ran~ler t~cilityi however, ths cisneral Plan de~iqnetilon •hould be ;olid watte lacility whioh wtyuld cover any athez leciliti~s thet may Niah to coat~ into tha City. He explaiaad any other lacility would h~ve to come betore tha Plsnning CoamileRion !or Rpproval~ Mr. Teahiro ~teted a lettar wa• r~caivwd lrom the N~~rth Strent Partn~rohip, e proparty ow+~er in the are~, which indi catea thay heve prableme with patantial tra!!ic congestion dnd •tated thoee concerne wera sddraeped when the oxiginal conditional use permit wss discuesed i n peceenber~ ACTION s Commiasioner Le Claire o!ler~d a cnotion, eecond~d by Commisaionor Kinq and MOTION CARRIEA (Commiseioner Huehore abeen~), that the 1~naheim City Planning Commisoion has reviewed t;.e proponal t~ amend the Land Ue. Blemant o! the Anaheim Gon~ral Plan to incorpornt~ the eolid waste lecility desiqnetion dnd to consider deeiqnating the 2.6 acre parcel locatQd nt the vranterly ~ezc-inus of White Star Avenue bounded on the eoutitwest by the :tiveraide (91 ) Freeway ae a recycling/reeourcea trnns ter tacilityt and daes hereby approve the Neqative Declaration from the requiremont to prepare en environmentel impect report on the baaia that there ~+ould ba no aignificent irdividunl or cumulative edverse environmental impect due to tho approvel of this Neqetive Declaretion aince the 1lnaheim Genernl Plsn deeignetes the eubject property for qe~-eral inrlustrial land uees comtncnaurate with the proposalt thnt no eenaitive environmental impacts nre involved in the propoealr thnt the Initial Study eubmitted by the petitioner indicntes no eiqnificant individual or cumulative advez•se anvironmental impactar and tha t the Negarive Declazation aubstdntie~ting the foreeJainq findings ia on file in the City ot Annheim Planning Departaient. Commiss~oner La Cl~sire offered Re~oluti~n No. PCA3-50 and n~aved for ita passaqe and adoption that the Maheim City Planning Coma-ission does hereby reconaaend ~o the City Council thet Exhibit A be approved for General Plan llmendment No. ls3 to incorporate the aolid vraske facility designation on the Anaheim General Plan and deaiqnate 2.6 ecres ae a recyclinq/resources recovery transfer facility and to find thdt the proposed uee and aita er.e compatible with the adjoining industrial lend use s and will not adversely affect the qrowth and dovelopa~ent of the area in which tha proposed ~acility will be located. On roll call, the foregoing resolution wae paseed by the followinq votei AXES: BOU113, PRY, HERB$T, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES : NOR~IE ABSENT : EUSHOIZE Jeck White, Asaistant City Attoxney, explained this ~eneral Plan Aarendmenk will auton-aticelly be heard by the City Cauncil and that the letter recaived in opposition will become part of the record. MI1~iUTEB, 11t'1AHEIl~I CITY Pf~1NNING COI~illI88i0N_~ MAt~:H 7, 1983 _ 83-13Z ITl~M Nd. 4. EIR N8f31-TIVt DI~CI.ARIITION (PREVIOUBLY APPRO~VBD) AI~IA CONDITIONAL U~E PERMIT N0. Z207 (R~110VERTI8E0) PUBLIC HEIIRING. OWNSRB: OMNGE COUNTY Wl-T8R QISTRTCT, A.O. Hox 83Q0, ~'ounte-in Vall~y, C11 91708. 11ti1~NTs 88N 9• OAY, 17300 Mi~rde S*.reet, Yorba Lind~, CA 92686 , Property d~ocribed as an irregulsrly-sheped parc~l aP land consietinq ot approximately 3.6 ecree havinq a frontaq~ o! approximately 120 faat on th. wesL •ide ot Rich~leld Roed epproximataly 1750 faet south o! the centerline of La Pnla-a Avanue. To ataend Condition No. 4 of Planning Coam~iosion Reeolution No. PC81-115 p~rteininq ta permittsd truck types and loads per dsy. There wae no one indicating their praoence in oppo4ition to subject requast and elthauqh the atslf repart was not rend, it ie reterred to and msde a part of the minutes _ Ben Day, Blaire Paving, 4071 S. I.a PaLnn Avenue, Aneheim, atated they wiah to eatablish a portable aephnlt plant and will be a~anufacturinq and recyclinq esphalt products. He stated they feal this ie n~i exc~allent location beceuse of ita cloae p=oximit.y to the recyclad materials directly ndjecent to this pzvperty and it in cloae ta thA metropolitan erea wl~ere ther4 is a lot af pavement recov~ry gc~ing on which will provide a aavir-qs to the City nnd to developere. He stated thie plant hee the latest state o! the ~rt tentures for good air quality ard has tha qreateet efticiency to ~zoduce quality producte. He explained they have ta qo throuqh a permit pzocess with the South Coast Air Quality Board and they ehould be heariny froa~ them in 11pri1 and their requiremente are atrinqent, but believa this plant aill meet those requirements. He stated the pravioua conditionel u~se pecmit wes lairly conservative in the number of trucks per day and they feel they will need additional trucks ~ THE PUBLIC HE~IiING WAS C1A3ED. Mr. Day ciari~ied they ere not usinq the property for this uee at this tiawt however, the adjacent property la beinq used for aaphalt and concrete recycling fox road base material8. Comm~iasioner La Claire atated Conditional Use Permit No. 2207 was approved far thir~ pzope+rty . Mr. D+~y explained that permit wae tor a portable concrete batch plant, but it wes never constructed and the leese lapsed and he hes e ne~w leaee arranqement with the water district. Commiaeioner I,a Claire eeked why this was not advextiaed as a new pern-it with Conditional i3ae Permit No. 2207 beinq termina~t~d. Dean Sherer explained the Code doee not really distinguieh between the tw~ uaes end etnff Pelt it could be lound to be i~ contormance with Conditional Uee parmit No. 2207 and the conditione cavld be modified to help this operation. Jack White, ~iasistant City ~-ttorney, etate~ epproval of thia xequeet to permit 8 trucka would satiafy the requirements of Condition No. 6 which provide? thet any additianal trucks et~all be subject to revtew and approval by the Planninq Commiesion at th~ requo~~ o! the petitioner. 1lINUT38, ~NAHSIM CITY pI.y1NNZNG COMM288ZON, W-AGI 7, 1983 83-133 Commi~sion~r La Cl~ire clerili~d th~t i! thi• i~ ~pproved, the petition~r vrc~uld be p~rmitted a aoncret~ batching pl.~nt in •ddition r.o eh• aaphalt, with Mr. Day clarilyinq thsy ju~t want to have •~phalt in~t~ed of oon cr~t~. Jeck Nhita stated the Planninq Ccma~iselon could dslst• C,on•iitlon No. 6 which provids• that on~ portabla betch lacility shall bs permittced~ 2t was notad e negative declaration was previourly epprovsd in conjunction with Conditi~nal Use Permit No. 2207. 11CTION: Coma-iseloner ICing o!ler~d Reaolution Na. PC83-51 ar,d awvad for its passaqe and adoptian that the Anahsim City Planning Commission doea heraby amend Resolution No~ PC82-115 tu nllow eiqht trucke with a m,~xiiaum ot six laada per dsy each to parmit a portable esphal~ plant subj~c~~.to the conditions previouely approved, except doleting Condition No, 6 and emending Condition No. 4. On roll cnll, ttie f~reqaing reeolution wee pessed by the foll~~wing vote: l1YSS t BOUAB, FRY, NfiR88T, KING, L11 Q.J-IRE, MC BURN~X NOEBs NONE ABSENTt BU3HORE Jack White, 7-ssiatant City 1-ttorney, pre~tented the writtan riql!t to eppeal the Planning Ccmmieslon's decision aithin 22 day• to the City Counc il. ITSM N0. 5. EIR NEGI-TIVE Q£CI.~RIITION AND RECLA3SIFICIITION N0. 92-~ 83!_24 PUBI..IC H~A1tING. INTTIATBD BY: CITY OF ANl-HEIM, 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard, l+naheim, CA 92805. Property described as app~oximately 1Q ecre ~ located east of the Ordnqe (5") Freewey end north of Iand includinq) the Sout.hern Pacitic Itailroed right-ot-wny. County of Orange 1- 1 to RS-A-43,000. There wae no orie indlcatinq their presence in opposition to sub ject request and althouqh the stetf report wes not zead, it is referred tn and made a part of the minutes. Dean Sherer, Aaeociete Planner, presented the ataff report to the Planninq Commieaion noting the City of l~naheim is requesting thia reclass^.ficetiou due to annexation. TH~ Pt1gLIC NEIIRING WAS CL08ED. Coa~niseioner McBurney asked i! ttiere are any siqns currently on this praperty. ~nnika 8antalahti, Assistant Dire~tor for Zoning, stat:ad she did not beliave there are eny aigns on the property nt the preaent t~.me and that GLTR11N8 requires that any billboarda alanq the freeway have to be in an industr~~nl aone~ howavar, ehe }~eliavae there is a proposal for a billboxrd on t,he railroad right-ot-vray on tha •outhern boundary. Mli~i[JTR8LAN112~82M CITY PLJ1liNIN~i COMl~tI88I0N, lRAACH 7, 1983 83-134 Jack White, As~istant City Attorn~y, ~t~ted Condition No. 1 should b~ del~t~d since the annexntion waa canplet~d la~t July. ~-CTI~Ni Commiosian~r 1Cing o!ler~d a aation, ~~conded by Codmissioner Harbat and MOTZOIi G-RRLaD (Commissioner Hush~re absmnt), that the 11nAh~im City Planninq Comn~i~~ion haa raviaw~~ a propo~al to r~clatsify ~ubjact property lran the County o! Orenge 7-1 (aenezel, J-qricultur~l? to RS-71-43,000 (ReeidentiAl, Aqricultursl) 2ona on an irregularly-shap~d p~rcel o! land coneiatinq o! approximetely 10 ncrer locatod a~st o! the Orange (57) Freeway to north o~ (~+nd includinq) the Southarn pacitic Rnilroad riqht-ol-way~ and doeu hern~by approve the Neqative Declaretion lrom ths raquirament to pre~ere an environmsntal impact reporti on th• beeie thst th~re would be no signiticant individual ar cumulntive adverse enviroruaental imp+-at due ~o the epproval o! thie Negativ~ Dscleration einca the l~nnhnim General Plen des.iqnates the eubject propertiy tor qaneral induetri.al land usee comeaensurate with the propoealt thet no sensitiva environmental impacta are involved in the propoaal~ thet the initial Study eubmitted by the petitioner indieatas no aiqniticant individual or cumulative ndvarse environc~ental iapact~r and that the Neqative Doclaretion eubatantiatinq the loreqoiny lindinqs is on file in the City of Anehaim Planninq Departs~ent. Commissioner Kiny of~ered Resolution No. PC83-52 nnd moverl for ite pa~seeqe end arloption that the Anaheim City planning Cocaniesior doee heraby qrant Realaseificatian No. 82-83-24 unconditionally. On roll call, the foragoinq reeoluti~n wes pessed by Lne following vote; AYES: BOUAS, FRY, HERB3T, KING, LA CLAIi2E, M(' BURi~IEY N08S: NONE A88ENT: SUSHORE IZ'~M NO. 6. EIR NEGJ~TIVE DECLAMTION AND RECI.~ISSIFICATION NO. 82-83-25 PUBLIC HEARING. INITIATED BY: CITY OF ANAHEZM, 200 3. Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, C1- 92805. Property deecribad ss apps~aximately 10 acree located east of the Oranqe (57) Freeway and north of (and including) the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way. County of Orange A1 to Mi.. There was no one i.ndicatinq their presence in opposition to subject request and althouqh the ataff report was not read, it is reterred to and made a part of the m.inutee. Denn Sherer, Associate Flanner, explPxned this is the snme property as diacussed in No. 5 and this reclaesif.ication is to the Industrial, Limited Zone. Z4IE PU$I+IC HEIIRING WAS CLOSSD. ACTION: Comoaissioner Kinq offered a motion, seconded by Commaiaeioner Bouas and MOTION Cl1RRI~D (Comsaiesicner aushore absent?, ~3t khe P-naheim City Ple~nninq Comaaiasion has reviewad ttse proposal to reclassity subject property 83-135 MIpUT3g, Ati)1}13IM CITY PI.1-NF12NG COM~MQ88ION W11iiCli 7. 1983 ~xom th• County o! Orsnq~ A1 (a~n~ral, J-qricultural) to M. (indu~trial, Lieai.tad) Zon• an irreg:+i~rly-sheprd paresl o! lan~! consistinq o! ~pproximet~ly 10 acr~a l~aa~ted e~it o! th~ Oranqa (57) Freaway end north o! (~n~V•i~h:udinql the Southarn Pacific 'tailroad right-ol-~+ayt snd doe~ h~r~by app N~rqativ Daal~r+~tion lrom th~ r~quirem~nt to prep~r• an onvironarntal ~a~sct report on the basis that thera vrould ba no rignificant lndividusl or cumulative adveras •nvironmental impact du~ to the approval o! thi• Negative Dscleration since the ~-naheim Gen~ral Plan deaiqnat~s the subjact property !or q~neral indu~trial lanc! useo commaneurete with th' proposalt that no sensitiva anvironmantal impacts ara involved in th• propo~alr thet the Initial 9tudy submittad by the patitioner indicate. no signiticant indivldual or cumulative adversa environmentel impact4t and that the Negative Daclsration ~ubstentiating the lar~qoinq findings is on lile in tha City of l1r-aheim Planninq Depertment. Conm~iaeioner King offered Re~solution No. PC83-53 and moved !or its pnseaqe snd adoption that the 1-nahei.m City Planninq Connaission doe~ hereby grant Reclassilication Na. 82-83-25 aubject to InterdepartmentAl Cammitte• recommendations. On roll cell, the foregoinq resolution wae passed by the follrn~-inq vote: AY~3: BOUAB. FAY, HBRBST - IUNG, LA CLl1IRE. MC EURNEY NOESs NONE AHSl~1T s BUBHORB IZ'EM N0. 7. EIR NEGATIVE DSCLARJITION AND CONDZTIONAL qSS PBRKIT N0. 2420 Sox 49414, Loe PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERSt NORtMN i~ IRMJ- M. 3T'1ZTZERr P.O, Anqelea, CA 90049. AGBNTs SRIC HEI.I+A.E• 1281 N. lcraemer, ]-naheim, CA 92806. Property described aa e rectanqularly-shepad parcel of land coneistinq o! approximately 0.5 acre located et 1281 N. Krneeaer 8oulaverd (Tire's Warahouse, Inc.) To retain retail ti.re salee in the ML ?,one. There was no one f.ndicatinq their preeence in oppoeition to subject request and althouqh the sta~f report wae not read, it is reterred to and au~de a part o! the a~inutes. Eric Helmle. President, Tire's Warehouee, 1281 N. Kraemer. Anahaim, e~cplained no ehanqes nra pr~posed and they have been operetinq thia businese at this site for four yearst that they took the site over from another tire caapnnY nnd now underatand that a canditional use permit is required. He pre~anted letters from three neighbora indicating they favored ttae project and atated he has received phone cella from other neiqhbors who indicated they would be aillinq to aupport the requeet, if neceeaary. THS PUffi.IC HSARING ~i3 CLOSBD. R,espondinq to Commieaioner La Claire, Mr. Helmle explained they recaived a Notice ot Violation in Novamber of 1982, and it t~ook thie lonq to file tihe sppllcation tincs the ovmer was out of town and tliare Md/ a problem obtaininq all the neeeasary intormation• ~, MINUTIlB~ AN1-HEIN CITY PLI1NNIt+K'i CC~WI86ION W-fC11 7 1983 83-136 Com~aisaioner La Cl~ir• clarifi~d that 25~ o! the buiin~~r i~ rstail an3 Mr. Helml. stipulaeed that rstail aales would navet exce~d 25t. l1CTIONc Cnmmission~r La Clair~ o!ler~d a mution, ~eoonded by Commi.~~ion~: ICi q end MOT20N CI-RRIED (Commi~~ioner Sushore eb~ent), thnt the 7-nsheim Cfty Planning Coa~iasion h~s raviaw~d ths propo~al to r~tein r~teil tire •ales in the [+Q. (Industrial, Limited) Zone on a ractenqularly-s hape d parce l o! l a n d conei~tinq o! dpproximatmly 0.5 ocre havinq a lrontape o! approximately 145 feet on tha west sida o! Krsemer Baulevard approximately 185 lset ~outh ~! the centarline o! Miralotne 1lvenue end lurth~r d~scsibed as 1281 N. Kraamar~ and doea hareby epprove the Negative Declarstion tram the requirem.nt to pr•para an environmental impact rapc~rt on khs baai• thnL there would be no eiqniticant individuel or cumulative adve~rse environmental impact due to th• epproval af this Neqative Decleration sinca tha ~-nahoim tienar+~l Plan deeignatee the aubject proFerty for gener~l induetrial lend uaea comm.neurate with the proposalt that no seneitiva environmu~ntal iapects are involved in the propoealt that the Initiel Study ouhe~itted hy the petitioner in8lcates no signiticent individual or cumulative edverse •nvironn-antal impactaJ and that the Neqative Declaration substantiating the loreqoing lindinga is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. Commiseioner La Claize affered Reeolution No. PC83-54 And moved for its passaqa and adoption thnt tha ~-naheim City Planninq Cuaaaiasion doea hereby grant Conditional Uae Pera-it No. 2420 subject to the petitioner'a stipulation that retail aalee ehall be limited to 25• ot the totel ea~1e~ volum~ and subject to Interdepartaiental Committee recommAndations. On roll call, the foregoinq resolution wes ~aesed by the following vote: AYRS: BOUAS, FRY, HERHST, KING, LA CI.AIR6, MC HURNEY NOES: NONE ABSEN'r: HUSNOR~ ITBM 1~10. 8. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION J-A1D C'ONDITIONI~-I. USE PBRMIT NO. 2422 PUBLIC HBARING. OWNER: MARIE B• PL+'I+i+$TIER. 3311 Devon Circle~ ~~n9024pon Beach, CA 93649. ~Gffi~]T: N.B. FAY D.C., P.O. Box 1340, Downey, Property deecribed as a rectanquldrly-shaped pnrcel o! land consistinq of approximately 6000 square leet located at 126 Narth Brookhurst Street. To permit medica]. office use of a residential structure. There wae no one indicetinq their presence in oppoaition to aubject requeet end although the staff report wa8 not read, it is rnlerred to nnd mnde a part of the minutea. Dr. Norman Fay atated he is li~ensed to practice chiropractic in Anaheim at 130 N. Brookhurst and this proposal ie to use the property next door (126 N. Brookhuret) as medical oflicee. TliB PUBLIC HBARING WAS CLOSED. MINUT~B. 1-I~111NEIM CITY PL~A1ti~t+Ki CONMI88ION, M~ACFI 7, 1983 83-137 R~~pondinq to Coma~i~~lon~r 8ouar, Dr. F~y clariti~d h• wiil livs o~n ths premia~g end Will be open l:rom 8t00 a.m. tio tnidniqht, 7 dayt a w~~k, bec~u~e hs •ervo• a• a supervi~or ~~~! the lacilities n•xt door and in order to abid~ by the letter o! the law, he should ba availAble th~ hour~ they sre op~n. R~o~+onding to Cot~aio~ioner Souas, Dr. Fay steted he live~ in Downey and has been retired but now prartiaas at 130 N. Br~okhurat. He stated he realiasa the houre lrom 8:00 a.m• to 12 midniqht see~m to be axtanded hours, but th~ra te not that much sctivity and he muat ba sveilnble during their business hours. Co~m-iaaioner King cleri~ied that a 10-foot landacapad aree will ba provided end that the two drivewaya w~ll be cloned. Responding to c'hairman Fry, pr. Fay e~xpleinad he eup~rviaee the operntion at 130 N. Braakhuret which is the Roman Spa dnd Maseeqe and t1:e at~orney'a o!lice requeeta thet e lic~nsed phyaician aithnr ba in attandance or write prescriptione tor people using thAt facility sr~d that his whole reason for applyinq for thin usage at 126 N• Srookhuret is to awko himsel! availnble to tha epn and explained the ape has been ~.n operetion for nixteen yaars. Cheirmen Fry etated he would have a problem approvinq this request with thaee hours of operation nnd asked how the property will be chanqed on the interior at 126 N. 8rookhuret. Dr. Fey explained two non-be+aring pertitioned wa11e will be constructed to raake a small waitinq room and c!irectly behind that will be an 8 foot by 8 Poot file and reception area end at the other end of the waiting room will be a hellway to the consulting roor~ or tzeatment room t+nd the reet o! the houae is edequate for a therapy ro~m, examination area and a bathroom. He explained there is a bedroan and kitcl~en which will be pert of hie living quarters and thet the qarage will be converted to a qymnaaiwn. He atated many doctors arc qettinq by without a nurse todey and he ie just building his practice and ~ to 5 pationts s day wi.~.l be all he can handle. Dr. Fay reeponded to Coan~nieaionsr Bouas that he ttas bean asaociated with the spn aince December 21, 1982. He atated the law requires that e phyeician be aupervising the treatment or write preacriptionr, eo he will either be there phyaicnlly or write e prescription. He stated r:he apa servicee uare thnn five persone per day. Jeck Whlte, Assistant City Attorney, asked if the petitioner plans to have a prfvate practice independent of the Roman Spa. Dr. Fay reaponded he applied for a practice and to supervise the apa and his private practice will be at 126 N. Braokhuret, so he will need ta apply for e aew license at that location. Jack White aecertained that independent oi whnt is done in reletionehip to thd re~erral of clients co the Itoman Spa or the referral of cliente to him, this pern-it vrill etill be needed 2aecause the petitioner intends to have a private practiae at 126 N. Broolchuret. Dr. Fay atated he will have his private practice at 12b N. Brookhurst and that r+uuld be eeparate from tha gpa, but he vrould atill fulfill his requirements at 130 N. Srookhuret for the spa. MIt1UTE8, 11N71HEIN CITY PLJ1NNIt~i COMMI88Idti, W1R~H 7 r 1903 83-138 Dr. Pay explain~d h• i~ lea~inq th~ p~ope-rty et ].Z6 N. 8rookhur~t on ht~ ~wn and it dooe not hir~qe on ths Romen 8pa and he would still •tay in busins~s sven i! the ~pa wao not th~re an~ i! h~ did nok hav~ thair r~lerral~. Ra~ponding to Coam~issioner eoue., Dr. F~y •tat~d ha h~o an agreataent with the praperty ovm~r n~xt door ~or scc~s• purpoaes ~and thny will have an •a~ec-ent drer+n up to aatistnction ot that raquir~+ment. Coam~is~ianer BuEhore errived at 2~05 p.m. Jack White stated e recordmd eanamant would qo wi~.h the propezty anQ tha •ubeaquant purchdser of the property or laseee of tha property would be on constructive notice nt that ensement and ~t wou~rt not b~ etfected by any change in tenancy ar oane,r~hip. Cheirman Fry atnted if this is appr~ved, there arill probal~ly be a rec~uirement that there be no doore on the treah.mant or axamination rooma end that the doore be replecod with curtaina. ACTIONi Commisxionr-v Herbet offered A motion, secondod by Comn-issioner King end MOTION CARR]:~fi, r.hat tha ~nahei~ City Plenning Coa~c-ission hee reviewed th~ proposel to perms~: ~ice1 office use oP a residentiAl etructure on a rectnnqularly-s~= pircel of 'snd cansiating af approxic~ately 6,000 equsre f~et heving e L`~{a=~~ ~f. approximately 69 leet on the east aide of Brookhurst 8treet and fur-tr-•«~. d~rsi~ed es 126 N. Brookhurst Streett and doea hereby approve the ti~~.- ve ~scs~azation from the zequirement to prepare an enviroruaemtT.y'. ''~~t ^~qvort on the baais thnt there would be no e.iqniticant individual ~~r 4=~+=~F~`l~v~e adverse environmental lmpact due to the epproval of this Negat..v~ '~;-iw•~tion since the Aneheim General Plan deaiqnatea the subject prc~='~- ~~~ g~neral comaaercial land uses commenaurdte with the proposal ; Ch~c- rrc ~nsitive environenentdl impscts nre involved in the proposel; e~c r!ne ~`nitiel 8tudy eu~nitted by the petitioner indicates no siqnificant ~~i=vudl~al or cumuletive edveree environmental impactsr nnd that the t~egati~ ~~-~z'ation aubstsntiating fhe loreqoinq fi.ndings is on f11e in the City of ~~m Planning Department. CommiRS:toner~~r~st offered Resolutian No. PC83-55 and moved for ite passage and ad~+tiw- t#+~t the Annheim City Plaru~inq Commieaio~t does hnreby qrant Conditio~l ~r ~ermit No. 2422 for a period of two years to expire March 7, 1984, ad~~sct ~o the petitioner'e atipulntion thsre will be no dours on the •xamina~tion ar trea ment rooms and subject to Interdepartmental Caaoaittee recomuiss~ ioe s . O~ roll cail, the foreqoiag reeolution was paeaed by the followinq vote: lk'~'aS: FR]i, HSRBBT, I.A CI+AIRE. I~4C BURNEY lIOBS,: BOUAS, BU3HORE, KING 1188~ : NO~IE Item Nos. 9, 10, 11 anc] 12 were considered et the beqinning of the meetinq. MINUT88. 11N1-HtIM CI'PY PLIINNINO COMMI88ION, MA~CH 7, 1983 __ 83-139 ITSM N0. 9. EIR N~fi11TIV$ b8C1J1R1~TI0N l1ND OONDITIONI-L USE pERMIT NO. 2410 pUBLIC HE7IRING~ OM1NERi ROSERT L. ZtJ1CERMi1N, 225 S1 Gamino Driv~, B~v~rly Hill~, CA 90212. 11(iaNTt 11TI.ANTIC RIC1iFIbI,D CO!'I?11NY, I-TTENTIONi C.V. HICK3, 300 W. (ilanoake 81vd., Clendala, G 91202. Praperty d~~cribed as a rectanqularly-sh4p~d p+-rcal of l+~nd aansisting o! approximately 0.46 ecre locetad st 610 S. Magnolia Avenua (11rco MPi~G). To retain convenlence se~es in an exi~ring service stati~n. ACTION: Commiseloner ~3ouas olfered a nation, seconded by Coaunissioner La Claire nnd MO'i'ION CARRIBU (Commis0lonar Buehore sbsont), that consideration o! the alorea-entioned a-atter bs continuod to Lhe reqularly-echeduled maeting ot ~pril 4, 1983, at the request o~ the petitioner. 7TEM N0. 10. EIR N~GIITIVE DBC2.11RATION 71NA CONDITIONAL USE PE1i!!I'~ N0. 2411 PUBLIC HSARING. OWNBRSs 1~RTHUR 8• WZLMSR~1 TRU3'P HANK OF 11I~RICA, P.O. Box 7980, Newport Baach, CA 92660, AT'PNi P?1UL POpNM-~4R. Trust O!licsr. AGENTs ATLANTIC RICHFIEI.D C0.• ATTNis C.V. HICKS- 300 W. Glenoaka Blvd., Glendale, CA 91202. Propetty deacribed as a rer,tangularly-ahaped parcel of land coneistiny oi ~pproxinietely 0.50 acre located at 1000 N. State Colleqe Boulevard (Arco MP&G). To retein convgniencp reteil sales in dn exiatinq service station. ACTIONs Commissioner Bouea otfered a motion, secondad by Cunanissioner I.~ a aCl ire and MOTION CARRIED (Coma-iseioner Bushore ebsent), that consideretion af the alorementioned mettez be continued to the reqularly-acheduled meetinq of April 4, 1983, at the rec~uest of the petitioner. ITSM NO. ].1. EIR NEGATIVL DH~CLARATION ANU CONDITIONAL U9E FEPMIT NO. 2412 PUSLIC HEARZNG. OWNSRS: ~-TLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPI~NY, 300 W. Glenoaka Blvd., Glendale, CA 91202. Property deecribed as e rectanqularly-shaped parael of land aonsisting of approximately 0.37 acre loca~ted nt 1700 Weet La Palmei Avenue (Arco MP6G). To retain convenience ret+~il gales in an exiatinq aervice atation. ACr TION: Commiseioner Houes affered a mo~i~n, aeconded by Conaaissianer La Claire and MOTION CARR.IED (Coam-isaionar Bushore absent), that conaideration of the atoretaentioned matter be continued to the reqularly-ncheduled meetinq o! April 4, 1983, at the requeet of the petitioner. ITBM N0. 12. 8ZR NEGl-TIVB D6CI.ARATION~ WAIVBR OP CQOB RBQ~7IRBM8NT l1ND COND TII ONlu. USE PRRMIT N0. 2413 PUHI.IC HEA~tING. OF1NERS: l~TI~NTIC R~CHpIELD COMPHNY, 3U0 W. Glenoaks Hlvd., Glendale, G 91202. Property de-ecribed as an irrequ].arly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.51 acre located at 3901 E. Rivardale Avenue (Arco MP&G). MIN~1'PEB. AN)1HEIM CITX PL~NNINfi COMMIB$IONr MAftCH 7, 1983 8„~0 To r~tain a conv~ni~noa mark~t at an ~xi~ting qa~olin~ ~~rvic• otation with waiv~r o! type o! light~r box •iqns. 1-CTION s Coa~altsionar Bouas o!l~red a motion, •~cond~d by Comaalasioner La Cl~ire and MOTION C11RRiSD (Comtaission~r Bu~hore ab~ent), that conridaration o! the alor~tnsntionsd matt~r b~ aontiinuad to th~ rsgularly-achaduled msatinq o! 11pri1 4, 1963, at the rsquest o~ the petitioner. Concarning Itam Nos. 9, 10, 11 snd 12, Commi~eioner H~rbat aaked that the daecxiption o~ th4 ua~s be clerified and not called convenience markets. Jeck White suqqeetad the dat~cription reads "to retain Pood and buvexage di~psn~era at an exi~ting qa~olin~ service etetion". Doan Sherer ateked thaea lacilitiae will be diopansing lood and bevaraqes other than throuqh vendinq machinea and they will have individual relriqeratars and erll lrom behind the countero. It waa noted s similar operation was e-pproved at flarbo.r and 1(atslla !or machines only. Commiaeioner La Cleite atated she thaught tne description wae misleadinq since it xtatAS the requeet wea to retain a uae and they have never had the use npproved in the Pirut plece. Dean Sherer replied ataf.f would try to caae up with a better description of the use. Jeck White exglained in the peat when a use we~ existi.nq, eteff has indicatad in the de~cription to retain rather than to periait, even though tha use would be there illeqally nnd pointed out other itema ~n the aqenda whiCh nre to retain a use. He stated he would have no problem in establishing e naw practice if that ia what the Planning Coa~miseion deaires. He stated sometin-ea i! the descriptton says to eetablieh e~nd the use ie alreedy there, tha public qeta confused ae to what is qoinq on. It was the qeneral conseneue thet eteff would try to come up with a better wxy to deecribe uses established. ITBM NO. 13. fiIR NEGATiVE DECI~ARATION, WAIVER Ot~ CODE REQUIREMENT AND CONDTTIONAL USE PBRMIT NO. 2a21 P~BLIC NEARING. OWNERSs FAR WBST SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, 4001 Mac Arthur elvd., Newp~ort Beach, C~- 92660. Property deecribed ae an irreqularly-shaped parcel of land consiatinq of approximately 1'2.2 aczea located at 5417 E. La Pelma Avenue (Nautilus Plua Health Spa). To permit a health epa in the MII.(3C) Zone wiCh waiver o! minimum number ot parking spaces. There was no one indicating their presence in opposition to subject request and although the ataff repart wa~ not read, it is referred to and made a pnrt of the minutea. Jerry Douderman, President of 8outhern California Nautilus Fitness Centeza, Inc., 19732 M~sc Arthur Boulevard, Irvine, explained they hnve fi•fe fitnese centers in Orsnge County and seven in Los Anqeles and San Bernardino ~ .» .' 83-141 MINUTEB, 11N7-liSIM CITY PL1-t~it~llNG COMMI88ION,~ ~~ 1983 Countie~. Hs statad the o~nt~r• y~nsraily includs naubilue equipm~nt, oomputarisad bicycla~, and aerobic danainq• Ha ~te-tad som~ o! tihe tecilitis~ hava physical th~rapy in conjunction with medioal doctor~, and rven thouqh thnt is not planneQ !or this !e-citiLy at this tia-s, he would like to be abl~ to hava that ssrvice it thsra is an inter~stad doct~r. THE PUBLIC H~ARING WAS CLOSED. Commiesioner Herbet stated a tra!!ic report was subtn.itted in conjunction with this request. Commiesionsr La Claire ntatsd it app~ara the tra!!ic is basically in the ever-inqs with Mr. Uoudarmnit claritying the heaviest traftic is at 6:00 e.m. t-~lors people go to work end atter 5e00 p.m• ACTION: Coa~ais~ioner Herbst offered a a-otion, eeconded by Coa~miasioner Kinq an MdlOTION CARRIED, that the Anahein- City Planninq Commis~ion has reviewad the propoeal to permit a health epe in the ML(3C) (Industriel, Liaaited•Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone with waiver o! mir-in~um nwnba~ Xi~p~giini2A2°acrasn nn irregulnrly-sheped parcal of land conaisting ot epp Y h~ving e frontage nf approximately 500 feet on the north eide of La Pelaa Avenue epproximately 2,020 feet weet of ttra centarline of Imporinl Highway and further deacribod ea 5417 E. Le Palma Avenuei end doae hereby approve the Negative Declaration trocn the requirement tu pregfare an snvironmenxal impaat report on the br,sis that there would be no siqnificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the ~spproval of this Neqative Declaration aince the Anaheim General Plan deaiqnaters the eubject property for qeneral induetrial land usea commensurate with the pr~posalt thnt no sensitive environa~entel inipacts are involved i.n the groposalr thr~t the initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no siqnificant individual or cumulative adverse enviro~uaental impectat and that the Neqstive Decleration substantiating the foreqoi,iq findings is on file in the CitY o~ Anaheim Planning Depertment. Commissioner Aerbst offered a motion, seconded by Conmaiseioner Bouas and MOTION CARRIED, that thc~ Anaheim City Planning Commiesion doas hezeby qrant waiver of aode requirea-ent on the besis that the heaviest houra of use will be in the early morninq and eveninq hours and on the basis thet the ~arkinq waiver will not cause an increase in traf~ic conqeatian in the ~nanediate vicinity nor advex8ely affect any ad~oininq land uaea end that the qrantinq o! the parking variance under the conditiona iaposed, if any, will not be detrin-ental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the citisens of Anaheim. Commissioner Herbst offered Resolution No. PC83-56 and a-oved for ita passag~! and adoption that the Anaheim City Planninq Comn~ieaion does hereby grant Conditional Uee Pezmit No. 2421 eubject to Interdepert,~-ental Committee recoromendations. On roll call, the foregoinq reeolution was paeBed by the following vote: ~Ygg: BpUAB. SUSHARE, FRY, k~ERSBT, KING, LA CLAIRE~ MC 9URNSY NOEB: NONE Aggg'NT : NONE MINtIT$$ AN71MlIM CITX pLA1QNIN0 COl~OlI88ION M11RiCH 7 1983 03•142 ITEM N0. 14. SIR_CATEfiORIC1IL 1lX3MP't'ION-CL7-88 5 1-ND VARIl1I~iC8 NO. 3324 P~TBLIC HSl1RIN(i. OioNERB s 1CENNiTH J. 1-ND BHARON E. THIE8I+~YER, 412 8. Nu~w~od, Anshaim, CA 92804. praperty de~crib~d aa a rectsnguZarly-shaprd parcal o~ land con~iating o! approximataly 6,'l74 ~quare leet loaated at 412 8. Nutwood 8tr~~t. Waivar o! minimua~ tront yard eetback to conetruct a rooa- addition. There was no ono indiaating their pr~aence in appc~s~tion to subject request and althouqh the staf! report was not redd, it is r~larred to and mad4 e part o! the minutas. Kan Thiesmeyer, owner, wde ,rssent to anewar any questinns. THE PUBLIC HEARING WA8 CLOSED. Commiasioner King aeked Mr. Thieemeyer i.f he hed cantacted hie nei.qhbor to the north. Mr. Thieen~eyer responded ha ha~d diecuased this with his neiqhbore and they 11nd not qiven him any neqative reaction. It was noted the Plnnninq Director or his authorized repreeentative has determined ~hat the propose~: pz'oject fnlle within the definition o! Cateqorical Exemptiona, Claes 5, es delineA in the S~ats Lnviranrnental Impact Report Guidelines and is, therefore, cateqarically exen-pt from the requirement to prepare an EIR. ACTIONs Coaimissioner King offered Reaolution No. PC83-:57 and moved for its passaqe and adoption that the Anaheim City ~lanninq C~oeunieaion dnes hereby grartt Variance No. 3324 on the basis that denial would ~egrive subject property froaa privileges enjoysd by nther propertiea in the eame zona and vicinity, and subject to Interdepartmentsl Cammi*_tee recoan+endations. Commi.Beioner Herbst asked thnt the lect the aubjeat praperty ie a reverae corner lot be added to the resolution. On roll call, the foreqoing resolution was paeead by the lollowing votes AYE3: SOUAS, BU3HORF, FAY, HBRBST, 1CINGr LA CLAI~- ~"1C BURNEY NOE.4: NONE 1~SSENT s NONE ITEM NO. 15. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND VARIANCE NO. 3323 pUBLIC HF.ARING. OWNER: MAAGARET JOUGLI~.RD. 2500 W. Mnll Place, Anahetm, CA 92804. Property deacribed ae en irreqularly-,shaped ~arcel of la~nd coneistinq of approximetely 6,185 square f~.,et located at 2500 W. Mall Plece. Waivar o! minimwn number and type of parkinq specea to retain a qaraqe conversion. There was no ~ne indicating thair presence in oppogition to subject request and althouqh the statf roport wss not read, it is relazx~ed to anci made a part cg the minutes. MINUT88. ANl1H8IM C2TY I+I.J1t~1'NING COMMI68ION, M~i 7, 1983 83-143 Marqaret Jouglard• ovmar, statod ~he wants ta use hcr qRraq~ as an o!lice !or e swimnaing pool contractinq bu~in~E$ on a temporery baai~. Sh• stat~d she had a oontraotior do soms Mork on ths hou~e, but now th~ garaqe door doeo not work even thouqh tha hardware is still the•a end the contrector is the parson who lil~d tha complaint. Sha etat~d sha would ha•~e to ~psnd quite a bit o! money to have tha gsrsg~ door put baak into vroxk~nq ordar. She explained she do~. not have paopls cominq into her otfica. TFig pUBLIC HI~IIRING WA8 Q.088D. Reepondi.nq to Coma-issioner Bouas, Mrs. Jouglard explain~d her tamily actually has lout vehiclear but only thzae are kapt nt this reaidsnce and with the extanded driveway, there is xoom !or three vehiclea. Commie~ionar Herbst statsd there were a lot of vehiclea parked in lront oP thie reeidence. Ma. Jouglard eteted the vehiclea probnbly balonqed to viaitore. Comn-issioner Herbst et+sted he could not vote for this variance becduse it was constructad illeqally. He stnted Code requirea off-atreet parkinq with two encloeed epaaes on each reaidential lot, but by violating the Code, the parkinq hes probebly posed n problem for the neiqhbore. He etnted if the petitioner wiahes to sell the residence, the garngg eauat be converted. tte stated i! the Comoa.ission approved somethinq like this~avery property owner would want the snme thing. Ma. Jouqlard stated she eeked for thie on e temporary besie and referred to a previoue hearing whero approval was qrented for two years. Conrniasioner Herbst explained that was for a conditional uae penait nnd not e varinnce. Com~aiasioner La Claire stated the variance is the problem si.nce it qoea with the land and there ie a parking problem with a lot of vehicles in the area. She explained conditionel use parmits can be revoked if there ie a problem, but a variance cannot be revoked. Jack Wtiite etated normally variances are granted qiving the xight to construct a new etructure with waivers and quite clearly, it would be inappropriate to cnnditior. it an e period o~ time, because once the time expired, the ettucture would have to be renwved. He stated i! the Commisaion wiehes to clrau~t thia variance on a temporery basis, he could gaghovide thatnafterhthecexpiration recor~ed e•;ainst the property which would pr date o! a certain per:od of t»me, the qarage would have tn be converted. He axplained the covenant would qive notlce to any eubaequent owner, in case trQ property chanqea hanris and thnt the riqht to utilize the garaqe !or this purpose is of limited durntion. Comonissioner Herbet stated the plr~na show that two walle have been conetructed within che qarage• Jack White stated those would have to be removed it the garage ssere to be utilized for parkinq again. Ms. Jouqlard stnta~ i.t would be ditficult to canduct her bueinesa from her hame if this ie denied becauae 2he qaraqe is hot in the sur~mer and cold in the winter• NINUT'!8, 7-td11EliIM CITY__PLMiNINO C011l11882C4i, W1ACl~ 7. 1983 8~-144 Cotnmis~ion~r Bu~hor~ ~G~t~d th~ ~nt~nt o! eh~ Hom~ Oooupation P~rmit i• th~t th~r• v+ould b~ no p~opi~ ooa~iaq inta th~ hoa~ !or that bu~in~~• u~~. Nr. Jougl~rd st~t~d ooaa~lonally a oust~om~r will oom~ th~r~, but normally th~y qo to ~h• cuetom~r's hoaia. Commis~ion~r Huihor~ a~c~rtained thet hvildiaq p~nait^ ar~ obtain~d !or any work don~ by th~- p~titionar'e n+imminq pool ooaipany and •tat~d h~ did not under~tand why th• petitiionsr did not havs ~he contr~ctor qat p~rtaits. Ms. Jouqlard •tat~d •ha h~~ a liaens• !or NMiniminq poolo +~nd did not knovr ~bout this r~quiremant. Commi~sion~r Bu~hore statiad th~ only time th• Camaio~ion har evar approv~d unythinq like this wss wF-en thers we• a handicapp~d perion involved ar.d th~y had purches~d the property with the illeqal convezaion becau~e o! th~ handlcapped parson and it Qid hnv~ a condition that when th~ hous• aao sold, the ge-r~qu would bt reconvdrtad. Ha •tatsd this would put an addttional park:;~g burden on the neighbors and h~ cuuld not condon~ the aonvar~lon, •specially aince thero ara all kinda o! garage convereione ell over the City and th• ownera would all be wanting tha sam~ epprovel. Cocmnieeioner Ln Cla~ire stated shs would not be opposad to grnntinq thi~ tor a period ot ti~ne+. Reepondinq to Coo~iaeioner Bouas, Ms. Jouglard atsted two yeara would be ad~quate. Commiseioner La Claire asked i! the petitionsr would try to have everyone park in their three spacee o!! the streat which would less.n the impact on the area. Ms. Jouqlerd steted she will talk to her vioitoro nnd noted there are quite a !ew viaitors because there are ao many peaple livinq at the hou$e. She 4teted ~he hae not had any problem wi.th her naiqhbora. 1~CTION: Commiesioner La Claire ottered a aiotion, secondsd by C~a~is.ioner McBurney and MOTION CARRIED (Co~mniasioner Bushore voting no), that ths ~nahein City Plaaninq Commiseion has revierrod the pi~oposal to ratain a qazaqe converaion with waivar of minimum nwot~er ot parking apaces on e irreqularly-shaped parcel of land consiating o! approximataly 6,185 equsre feet located at the eastarly terminus of Mall Placs and further described sa 2500 W. Mall Placet and doee heraby approve th~ Negativa Declaration trom tha requirement to prapare an environmental impact raport on tha basis that there would be no eigniticant individusl or cu~lati~•s adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Neqative Daclaratioa einr.e the 1~naheim Genera~l Plan desiqnates the subjact property tor low deneity rasidential land uses caoa~~naurete aith the prnposalt thst no aenaitive anvirocunantal impacts dre involved in the proposalt that the Initial Study submitted by the pet~tione. indicates na eiqniticant individua]. or cumiulativa advere~ environmental impactas and that the Neqative Daclaration ~ubstantiating the for~going findinqa is on lile i.a the City of 1lnaheim Planning Dapartment. Commiseloner La Claire oftared Reaolution No. PC83-58 and maved tor its paaeaqe and adoption thst th~ Anahaim City Planniaq Caaamission does hareby qrant Variance No. 3323 !or a period of t~+o yeara on ths basis of thi ~1I111r~1d1 NII~IU'1'E8, J1N11E1iIM CITY pL7-~NINO COl~D~288ION, M1111Cli 7• 1963 83-1~4 Comacnio~ion~r Huahor• ae,at~d th~ int~nt o! th~ tiom~ Ovaupatian P~ra~.tt i• that th~r~ vrould be no p~opl• cominq iato th~ haaa !or that bu~in~~~ ua~. M~. Jouql~rd stat~d oocaalona lly a vustan~r will com~ there, but norn~ lly th~y 90 to th~ au~taa~r' ~ haaa~. C~mmis~ionor euthor• aac~rtein~d that building paraiit• ar~ obtain~d !or any vrork don~ by ~h• p~titiossez'~ ~v-imminq pool company e~nd •tatad ha did not und~rstand why the petit ion~r diQ not hsvs the contraotor get p~rmit~. Ms. Jouqlard stat~d •he has a lio~ns• !or ~Minminq pools and did no~ knov+ about this r~quiremant. Coma~is~ioner 8uihora ~ta t~d xhe only tima the Coaimis~ion hes ever approv~d anythinq like this ~+e~ w"rien th~re wa~ a handicapped peraon involved and they had purchaeed the property with tha illaqal convarsion becauss o! the hanciicappad per~on and i t did have a condition that whon tha house was •old, Che qarage would be reconvertad. H~ statad thie vrould put an additional parking burdan on the ne iqhbors and he could not condone the aonver~ion, •opecially sinae ~here are all kinds o! garaqe conversions all over the City and the owners vrould all be wanting the satae approval. Coma~issioner Ls Claire steted ehe v+ould not be opposed to qrentinq this !or a p~riod o! tira~. Reapondinq to Commissioner Bouas, Mo. Jauqlard skated two yeara would be adequate. Commis.loner L~a Clei:~e a sked if the petitioner vrould Lry to hAVe everyone park in their thrae spacea o! ~ tha atreat which would leosen the impact on the area. M$. Jouglard steted she will talk to her vieitors nnd noted there are quita a ~ew vieitars because thare ere eo many people living at ths house. 8he steted she hns not had any prob lem with her neighbora. ACTIONs Commissioner La Claira o!lered a motion, seaonded by Co~maisainner McHurney and MOTION CARRIBD (Commissionar Bushore voting no), that the Hnaheim City Planninq Commission hee raviewed the proQosal to ratai.n a qaraqe convereion with waiver o! minimum nua~bar o! parking spaaes on a irragularly-ahaped parcel o! land consistinq oi' approximst~sly 6,185 equare feet located at the easterly terminus ot Mall Place nnd furthar described ae 2500 W. Mall Placet and doas heraby approve th~e t~l~qative Declaration lrom the requirement to prepare an anvironaaental impact report on tihe baeim that there would ba no eiqnificant individual or cua~ulative adverae anvironmental impaat due to tha approval o! this Negative Declaration sinae the l-nahuim General plan designatea the subjact property !or low den~rity reaidential land uaes coamanst~rate with tha p~opoaals that no sensitive environmantal impacta are involvad in tha proposalt that the Initial 8tudy eubmitted by the petitioner indicates na siqnilicant individuel or cuwulative a~lverae environmantal ~mpactst and thet the Naqetiva Daclaration aubstantiatinq the foroqoing fiadings is on file in the City o! 1-naheim Planninq Departmeat. Commiesior~er La Clair~e o!lared Rssolution No. PC83-58 and moved !or ite psasaqe and adoption that ths 1-naheim City Planninq Coamtiesion doe• heraby grant Va~z~iance No. 3323 Por a pariod o! tMO years on the baais of th~ unusual MltiLiTE$. ]1N1W$IM CITY pLANNING COMMI88ION, IMRCli 7,_1983 83-145 ~hap~ o! subi~at prop~rty and subi~at to th• petition~r'~ stipuldtion to r~quir~ p~rking o!! th• ~tr~~t wh~nsv~r po~sibl• end ~ub~evt to Znterd~partm~ntsl Comvaitt~~ r~oomnwndation~. Jaak Nhite aoked that tNO conciition~ b~ added ae follow~s "4. That th• variana~ vrould axpir~ two year~ lrom th~ ~lat• o! app~oval. 5. That v+lEhin sixty (b0) dayd lrom final date o! +~pprova~ a! tlil~ vari+snos, tt~a p~Litionor ~hall reaord a cov~nsnt aqe-inet th• prop~rty raquirinq ~hat th~ exieCinq garaqe conv~r~len ehall bo raconvezt4d to ellow ths atructure to ba u~ilited !or parkir-q ot twp conventional automobilee, not later tMan tv-o yaars trom dete o! approvel o! thie variance and aeid covenant ahall be approved hy the Cit~ 1-tt.orney's O~lica prior to racordation." On roll aall, the torequing resolution wan pnesad by the lollow~ng votas 1-7158: 80U118 r FRY, KING ~ L.A CLAIRE, MG BURNBY NOSSs BUBHORE, HERB8T A$BENTs NONE ITEM NO• 16 REPORTS AND RECOMMENDI~TIONS A. RECLA88IFICATION N0. 79-80-32 - Reque~t from Richard 8• Huston for sxtension of time !or property located on tha west aide of Harbor Bouleverd, approximately S52 Peet north of the centerline of Romneya Drive. l1CTION: Commiaeloner King o!lered a motion, seconded by Comr~-issioner Bouas and MOTION CARRIED, tha~ the Anah~im City Planninq Conuaiseion doea hereby approve extension ot tia~a !or Iimcla~sification No. 79-89-32 to expire on March 24, 1984. g~ ABJ-Nppt~il+~NT NO. 82-8A - Request from Redevelopment Aqency tA abandon portions a! certain allaye, Old Lincoln 1-venue, Claudina Stree~ and 8mily Street. It was natec~ the Planninq Director or his authorized represe~tative hns detera~ined tha~t the proposed project lalla within ths det inltion of Cateqorical Execaptions, Claea 5, as defined in the 3tate Envirc.~mentdl Impact Report Guidelines and ia, therefore, cateqorically exaapt from the requirement to prepare an EIR. ACTIpt~l: Com~nieaioner 1Cing otfezed a c-otion, aeconded by Co~rmieeioner Bauae and MDTION CARRIBD (Commieaioner Bushore abetaininq), ~hat the Anaheim City Planning Cammiaeion does hereby recommend to the City Council that Abdndanmsnt No. 82-81- be approved as recommended by the City ~ngineer. C. V7IRIANC$ NO. 3134 - iLequest from Duane Hlavnicka !or an extension ot time !or proparty located et 2648 I~ss~zil Avenue. ACTION: Commissioner 1Cinq offered a motion, aecondad by Ca~nmieaioner Bousa and t~JTION CAR1tIBD. that the llnaheim City Planning Conmtosion does hereby grant a retroactive one-year extension of time for Variance No. 3~34 to axpire on February 25, 1984. MINUTES, ]1NANSIM CITY PI.ANNINa COMMI88ION~ MARCH 7, 1983 _ 83^146 D. CONDiTiONJ~I. U8$ PERMIT N0. 2287 • Rsquest lrom Je!lrey L. Thompson (Cempinq World), !or clarilicetion o~ permitted uaes on prop~rty located et 866 S. `iaet Street. Je!! Thumpson, (3enorel Manaqer of Camping World, wae pre~ent to anewer any queatione. Cammiaeione r Buehore etet:ed when the original conditional uee permit wee diecuaeed, it wea etated there wc~uld be no overnight parkinq oP recreationa 1 vehioleet thet there are no reatroom Pacilitiee availablo after. the shop ia clomed and vehicles other tt~en thoee which ere eelf-conta.i ned ere permittec9 to park here~ and that there are five or eix cdmping are ae in the erea which hevo provlded recreationnl and rostroom facilitiey. Mr. '1'hompaon rRplie~d they are of~~ring a 24-hour service but da not went a campground. Commiesi~ner Susl~ore etated I~e underatands if the lot is not full, people can etny e s lonq eg they like. Mr. Thompaon roapnndod to Commiaeloner Buehore that they cin not have a dumping ata tion. Commisaioner. euehore etated he under etende occesi.onally people do dump water on the gtraet and there are reaidentiai t~omes acr~ee the street And regidenta heve seen thls occur. Mx'. Thompson atmteci they are willing to do whatever is nmcessary to reeolve the prublems and will police the lot if nec~asar.y. He stated they liave e lot of cur~tomere who travel quite a distance for their service and want to provide a place for t~1om to park. Commiesioner Bushore s*:~~.d he had observed their pnrk.inq lot in Newhall and it was completely filled end a lot of the vehicles were not self-conta ined. He stated he was concerned about Ghe security of the neighborhood. He stated he felt if those residents hdd known that campinq was going to be permitted at this location they wnuld have obj~±cted to tt~te uee. Ne staLed he felt the petitioner shou'.d e-:t'^^r have the repair facility and catalog sales or improve the ~:~.rp.srty for a crmpground. Cheirman Fry aqreed wikh Comcnisai~ner Bushcre nnd steted Ae wuuld not object to a person etayinq overniqht it his vehicle i~ being repa3_red. He recommended the matter be aet for 3 public hearinq. Annikn Saratalahti, Aseistant Director fur Zoning, stated the applicant would have to pay Fo:• readvertising for a public heari~iq. Commiseioner Bush~re clerified that he was the pureon who complained becauee same of the neighbors had complained to him. It was the qeneral conseneus of the Com~n.isaion that this matter should be set for public hearing so that property ownere within 300 feet would be aware of the requeat. __...~.__._...:, , ~ MINOT$8 ANAH~IM CITY PLANNIN(1 COMMISSION, MARCH 7, 1983 83-147 g, pEt~igtUL Pt.11N AMSNDNaNT N0. 182 - Request lrom the Flnnning Depairtment tor cler.itication ra qarding th~ appropxiete Exhibit deciaion recommondod to th• City Council at the February 23, 1983, m~eting. Joel Fick, AasistenC Director for Plnnninq, explnineA thie requeet is far clarilicstion re qerdir~g Che appropriate exhibit deeiqn rncommended Lor a~pproval by the Planni~q Commi~Bion to the Clty Council in conjunction with Generel Pla n Amendment No. 182. Commiesioner Herbet explnined }ie ha~i offered the resolution for commerci+~l olfice deeiqnation. ACTION: Commiss ioner Herbst ~tferod a motion, eeconded by Commiesioner King and MOTION CARR'!ED (Commieeioner Bushore and McHurney ebateining), that Exhibit A Amanded was approved i.n conjunction with General Plan Amendment Na. 1 g 2 et the Fobruary 23, 1983, meeting !or the Commercial office design~tion. F. C1~NYON ARI:A - Re ~idential denoiti~e nnd cumulative impacta requeatod by City Council. Joel F'ick, Aasi s tanC Directnr for Planninq, preaented a etaff report ta the Planninq Cam:nission reviewing the planning proce8a of the Anaheim Canyon Aree poi nting aut growth io proceeding within planned ranqea, thouqh at a somewhat slower pacej that the planne~l growth has been drlQC~llAtt~lY assesaed ~~nd no further cornpreheneive enviranmNnr_nl assesamen~ for th~ u~eim Hills erea is needed at thiB time. Nowever, specialized tnv'•• ~al ertd technical studies (i•e• tralfic) may be required for any eu~;:,~,~ ,•~ hroposed land uae alternatives to insure n hiqh quality of municip~ ~•.cos in all project areas. He added ataff would commend the Plann~ng Gommis sion on ite forward thinking and viqilance in such vital advanced planni ng iKBUea. George Maeon, Gunston Nell Company, etated over 40 environmental impact reports have been prepared since 1972 for this area, with 23 of those being since 197 7. He noted there have also been aubstant.ial reductiona in the approved denaitiea - from 15,000 to 9,600, or less than 80• of the authorized unit s, with ultimate developcuent of 8,500 on the A200 acresr that the ov~ral 1 denaity in thp oriqinal plane wae indicated as 3.5 unita per acre and the built-out portion today is at 2.5 units per acre. He stated there we re aome 1700 of the originally approved units not built because of cha n ges in the cwzket in the Anaheim Hilla Planned Community. Mr. Mason etated they are asking for consideration to prnvide the kind of houainq people are c3emanding and this atudy juat completed by staff demonatratee there are adequate facilities. He referred to traffic studiea which i nd~catPd as of Auguat 1980, all of the roads in the area are o~rating r~t Service Level A which is below desiqn capacity. He etated there is a problem at Itaperial and Santa Ana Ca.nyon Road, and mitigation a-ay be required at that interaecti.on. Commissioner Herbst etated this inf ~- atLion haa answered a lnt of Commiasion's queaLions. He stated, ': wrever, he ia concerned about traffic ,~ w MINUTSS 11N~t1~IM CITY PLJINNINO COMMI88ION~ M1-RCH 7, 1983 83~148 et Imperiel er,d what will heppen when the area is built out if Imparial, Serrano end Fairmont tra!!ic probl~+me sze not reeolved. Ha added if. 8errano hed be+en continued into Ornnqo, that would solve part o! the problom, but Aneheim Hilis Inc. did not do their pert. Mr. Maeon etetad the ba~i¢ probl~m is that there muat be ocononiic juetilication for the conatruotion o! roedwaya and thero is na wey Texnco-Anaheim Hills, Inc. could ever recovez An investmenc o! the kind required !or that aliqnment of 8errnno Avenue. Respondinq to Commissio~er Herbat, Mr. Mds~n etnted until th~ Bauer Rancl~ Aevelopment starts and the first aegmQnt of Weir Canynn Road is aonstructed, t:hey wi.ll not develop Areae 9 and ]0. Ne $tated he understanda from plenners ot the Douglae Ranch that they are ready to dincuse develnpment of that property. He ateted co~tects with repreactntatives of Kaufman and Brond indicate na decision hes beem m~de on the Bauer Ranch, but at the mua-ent they anticipete actually startinq physical wor.k before the and ~f this year. He atated they have had no indication of any planning activity on thA Wallace Ranch. Commiasioner Herbst atated with this information and with ataff'a indicetion that the Commission will be kept up to date regerding cumuletive effects of any additional projecta, he felt hie concerns have been anawered. He euqgeated Anaheim Nills, Inc. and other developers in the area contact Bruce NsstAnde, our representative, who ia interested in eliminating some of the r.oads from the CouT~ty P.oads Ganeral Plan which aro needed in the area and also auggeated the City staff and Planning Commissi~on contact Mr. Nestande. ACTIUN: Commissioner F~ +i%st offered a motion, second~d by Commir~sionc~r i,a C1r aire and MOTION CARRIED, that the previous cnotion rec~amtending that the City Council require an environmental impact report on tho cumulative impacta of any increased density in the Anaheim Hille area be rescinded on the baeis that information has been submitted indicatinq that facilities are adequake at the present ti.me and that additional information will be provided as requests arE ma3e. Prior to voting or ~• r~revious motion, Cotnmissioner La Claire stated ~here ie only a 2.. ~'•:ference between the units planned in Anaheim Hills in 1977 and the actual development. She stated we are on target and these fi,gur.es are based on the General Plan as it stands now and it ia posaible people will want to increase the den~ity ir. ~ future and that Cormission should have updates on tha EIR whenever an; :~uw project comes in. Joel Fick stated now that staff has developed thia quideline, evert• time a proposal is submitted, the infrastructur.es can be re-ev~luated. Concerning tr-e deletion of Serrano from the General Plan, Mr. Fick s;tated the county itt studyinq that deletion and an environmental impact report concerning thet de2etlon will be released in about a week and steff will evaluate that report and aubmit their analyeis to the Commisalon. ~ ~ MINiJTEB~ 11t~111H3IM CITY i+I~11NNINC COI~II88ION, M~1RCH 7, 1983 83•149 . ~ ~ ~........ ~... ..~~... ~ ADJOURNNlEt~Te Thar• bsinq no furth~r buaina~s, ~ommisaioner lCin~ o!lerad a motion, a~aond~d by Coamaia~ioner MoBurney and MOTION C1-RRIBD, that the meeting b• adjourn~d. Tha m~.~ing wa~ adjournad et 3:25 ~.su. Reopeatilully rubmitied, ~I~,~G~c. ~G v ~~"~ Edith L. Herris, 8ecra~ary Ansheim CiCy Planninq C~uaie~aion ELH:lm 0404N ~f~ ,> ,. ~,:; '- ` . .. ~ ~ ~ ~