RB(iULJ~R MEETING The cegular meetinq ot the Aneheim City Planning
Commi~sion wea called to order by Chairma ry at 10:00
a.m., June 13, 1983, in the Council Chembec, ~ quorum
being present and the Commisalon reviewed pldna of the
itema on today'a egende.
RECES3: 11:30 e.m.
RLCONVENE: 1:30 p.m.
PR~8ENT Cheirman: Pcy
Commisaioners: Bouas, B;~shore, King, La Claire, McBurney
11BSENT Commiseionera: Herbec
AL50 PRESENT Jocl Fick Asaistant Director f or P1Anning
Jeck White ~-eaistant City 1-ttorney
PAUl Singer Traffic Engineer
JAr.k Judd Civil Engineer Aasoci~te
Dean SherPr Associate Plannec
Edith Hacria Planning Cor~miseion Secretary
APFR4VAL OF MINUTES: Commiesioner Bouas offered a motion, seronded by
Commiesioner. I(ing and MoTION C1~RRIED (Comr~iissioner Herbat ebsent ) thet the
minutes from the meeti.ng of June 1, 1983, he epproved ea aubmitted.
~UBLIC HEARING. OWNER: L.C. SMULL, 17631 Fitch, Icvine, CA 92714. A^vENT:
JOSEPN T. WALTHOUR, 17631 Fitch, Irvi.ne, CJ- 92714. PCOperty described ae rn
ircegularly-ahaped parcel of land consisting of npproximately 2.8 acrea and
Eurthec deaccibed as 1300 East Katella Avenue.
Mi, to C-R to permit a 4-story cortaneccial office building.
There wa~ no one indicating their presence in opposition to subject request
and althuugh the ataff report was not cead, it is ceferced to and made a pact
c;f the mtnute~.
Rict~ard Ogleaby, Business Pcoperties, 17631 Fitch, Irvine, agent, explained
this requeet was made by at~ff due ta varioue cequests for conditiondl use
permite in the l~naheim Stadium area and the need to make the zoning consistent
and further expla±ned they ace proposing a 70,U00 square foot f ou r-atory
office building.
Responding to Commisei.onec Ua Claire, Mr. Oglesby explained they have not
deaigned any proposed eigning Eor the project, but understand there are
uertain restcictione by the City. He etated they are not proposing a
0559H 83-325 6/13/83
Mr. Oqleeby referred to Condition No. 6 reletinq to their leir share of
cectain ofE-siCe improvemenCe end aervicea purauen t to an eeseeament diatrict
oc benefit area to be hereinatter eetablished Dy the City, pureudnt to
Development Agreement No. 83-01 between the City ot Anaheim and the Anaheim
8tedium Aasocirtes and pointed out the condition cequires thet thia be done
prior to the iseuance of building pe~mite and explained thelr concern Chat
this asseesment diatcict isAUe might not be cesolved prior to their deaire to
pull building permite.
Jack White, Assiatent Clty Attorney, explained the purpoae of the condition ie
to require the owner to irrevocably consent to the cceatlon of the diatrict
end to p~y their fair ahare of the cost and if th e distzict has nct been
created at such time the permit is requeeted, th c would not be a problem.
Mr. Oglesby atated they would agree to that requicement= however, lie would
like to reEer to two recent State of Ca~~fornia co urt deciaions pertaining to
assessment diatricta, particularly one in San Dieg o.
Jack White etated the City ia obligated u~der the Development Agreement witl~
Anaheim Stadium Asaociates to create an aase5~ment mechaniem to provide
financing for certain off-site imnrovements .~.ch as traffic signale, e~c. and
the City would be requiring exec~ytion and rec~rdat.ion of an agreement which
would obligate the c~7er to participate to the extent legally permiasible.
Mr. Oglesby rpplied they are willing to otipul~te to comply wic that
ACTION: Cammisaioner La Claire offeced a motiun, seconded by Commissioner
Bouas and Mc-TION CARRIED (Commisaioner Flerbat absent), thet the Anaheim City
~~lar,;i+;y Commiseion has reviewed the proposal to reclassiEy subject property
fr~;~u the ML (Industrialr Gimited) Zone to khe c-R (Commercial, Recreation)
~c~r,e on an irreg~;larly-shaped parcel of land consiating of approximately 2.8
ac:ee. 1~aviny a frontage of appruximately 578 fee t on the aoutheast side nf
KRt~llu A•~^nue and further described ab 2300 E. Katella t,venue; and does
::creby appro•~^ the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an
enviconmental impact report on the basis that thEre would be no signific:ant
individual aw cumul~tive adverae environmental impact due to the approval of
this Negakive Daclaration since the Maheim General Plan designates the
~vbject pruperty for commercial reccentional land uQes commensucate with the
pcoposal; Lhat no aensitive environmental impacts are involved in the
pcopoeal= that the Initial Study aubmitted by the petitioner indicates na
significant individual or cumulat've aaverse environmental impacts; and that
the Negati~~~ Trclaration substantiating the foreg oing findings is on €ile in
the City of Ai.aheim Plar.ni.ng Department.
Commiaaioner La C1Aire offeced Resolution Nc. PC83-.110 and moved for its
passs~e an~+ ac3opCiun that the AnAheim City Planning Commission d~es hereby
grant kecl~¢aiiication No. 82-83-33 subject to Interdepartmental Committee
!~, :~>:t call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
"' "'; • NONE
MINOTLS, 11N11H~IM CITY PL11NNlNG COMMI$SION. JI1NB 13 ~ 1983 __ _ 83-J27
1-neheim, CA 92804. 1-GENT; ALVIN A. SUGI-RM7~N, 8071 &later 1-venue, 3uite 210,
Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Property deacribed as r rectengulerly-ehaped
percel of land conblsting of ~pproximeiely 0.8 ac~e end furthec described as
2752 Weet E3a11 Road.
RS-1--43,000 to RM-1200 tn conatruct A 22-unit apdctment complex.
There wds no one indiceting their presence in opposition to sub~ect request
end although the ateff report was not cead, it ia ceferred to e~nd mude a part
c: the minutes.
Alvin Sugarman~ Agent, was preaent to answer any quEStions.
Jack White, Assiat.ant City Attorney, asked that Condition No. 6 be reworded as
follows: 'That the owner of subject propecty, by recorded deed, shall
irrevocably offer ta deed to the City of Ant+heim a strip of land 53 feet in
width from the centerline of the street elong Ball Roed and 30 feet in width
fr.om the centecline of the street along Sharon Circle, for street widening
ACTION: Commiasioner King offered a mocion, secundPd by Commiasioner Houas
and MOTION CARRIEA (Commi~sioner Herbst abaent), that the Anaheim City
Ptanning Commission tias reviewed the propoeal to reclasaify subject propecty
from the RS-A-43,000 (:•:sidential, Agricultural) Zone to the RM-120U
(Residential, Multiple-F'amilyl ZonF to construct a 22-unit apartment complex
on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consieting of approximately 0.8 acre
located at the southeast corner o~ Ball Road and Sharon Circle and f~rther
described as 2752 W. Ball Road; and doea hereby approve the Negative
Declaration from the requirement to pcepare an environmental impact report on
the basis that there would be no signiticant individual or camuletive adverse
environmental impact due t~ the approval of this Negative Derlazation since
the Anaheim Genecal Flan designa tes the subject property for medium denuity
rPSidential land uses commensurate with the proposalt that no aensitive
environmental impacts are involved fn the proposals that the initial Study
submitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individual or cumulative
adverse environmental impactas a~nd that the Negative Dec~aration
substant•iating the foregoing findinga ia on ffle in the City of Anaheim
Planning Departmenk.
Commissioner King offered Feanlution No. PC83-111 a~d movPd for its paseage
and adoption that the 1-naheim C ity Planning Commission does hereby grant
Reclassification '~o. 82-83-34 subject to 7nterdepartmental Committee
recommendetions i~. luding the change to Condition No. 6.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was paesed by the following vote:
Aneheim, CA 92807. AGFNT: J1-M~S E. CROSBY BNGINE~RING, INC., 1820 E. Deere
Avenue, 3uite 100, 3ante Ana, C~ 92705. Propecty described ea an
icregularly-ahaped peccel of land conaisting of appcoximerely 31.0 actas
generally locac~d south and east of the intRraection of Santa Ane Canyon Road
an~ the proposed eoutherly extension of Weir CAnyon Road.
To establish a 2-lot, 234-uiiit ftM-3000(SC) Zane subdlvision.
~There waa no ~ne indiceting their presence in oppasitlon to subject request
and although the ataff report was not read, it is referred to and made a part
of the minutes.
Robett Galloway, Kaufman and Broad, Inc. ref~rred to Intecdepactmental
Committe~ recommendation No. 21, stating that no p~blic or pcivate street
grade shall exceed 10! except by pric,r approval of the ChieE of the Fire
Department and the Engineecing Division and explained they do propoae a street
through the centec of the pro~ect with a grad~ of 11.80 which does provide
good circulation. He explained the grade in accesa of lli has been discusaed
with the City Traffic Engineer and he agreed it would r.ot be a problem and
that he had discusaed it again a little while ago with the City Traffic
~ngineer and he still feels khe seme way. He stated the only staff inember to
discuss the grade was a representative from the Sanitation Diviaion wh~ had
indicated goinq down the grade cc~uld be a problem far their trash vehicles.
He stated the grade ia not as steep as some in Anaheim and there is another
way out of the area; and that it had been suggested they cul-de-sac the street
at the south end which would eliminate part of the prob.lem, but it would
reduce circulation on the balance of their property. He stated they would
like for the Commisaion to allow the grade for thet amall poction of the
street since the grade on Santa Ana Canyon Road cannot be changed and even
relocating the street to th~ eaat, would not solve the problem.
Mr. Galloway referred to Condit:~n No. 18 relating to the special fdcilities
agreement requiced by Rule 15-D of the water Utility Rules, Ra~ea and
Regulations and stated they have been before this Commission many timea and
this will be the last tract map to be approved and this ia the first time that
condition !as been included and he did not know how it would affect this
Mr. Gdlloway referred to Condition No. 22 regarding drainage assessment fees
end atated ae part of their General Plan of Developmant, they will be
furnishing the drainage facilities and paying for them.
Concerning the dedicdtion and improvement of the 10-foot wide equeatcian and
hiking trail (Condition No. 26), Mc. Galloway skated he thougtit the standard
width fot trails wae from 3 to 10 feet and pointed out the trail is being
built atong Santa Ana Canyon Road and vazies fcom 7 to 10 feet in width and
asked if it would be in conformance with thp City's requirements.
Reqecding the cequirement in Condition No. 27 to pcovide eech pucchAaer with a
copy of the E3euec RAncii Genec~l Plnr of Development, Mt. GalloweY expl~i~ed he
underetood th~y would only have to pcu:~ide the informetion pertaining to the
zoning and land usee and they nevec inten~cd to publish the entire book for
distribution for eech purche~se.~r.
Mr. Ge11~waY referred to e condition included in other tract approvals
perteining to greding, dedication end improvement of the peck site whfch was
relocated ~nd auggest~d thet condition ahould be deleted.
it was noted that the 11.8• gcade of tt~e stceet wea ebout 700 feet long.
eaul Singer responded to Chdirmnn Fry that he had discu~sed the grade with the
epplicant for the past two yeara and it hes always been hie contention thal•
the grade proposes no treffic problems, providing the Fite D• artment end
Sa-~itetion Diviei.on have no problemt however, the Fire Aepa~ ent has a coupl.e
of reaervations and one ia not to atub-out the atreets until they are required
for accees.
Dean sherer stated the general question about the atreet grade was that the
Fire Uepartment and Sanitation Depertmenta do not like ta travel streets where
grades are m~re than 109i however, exceptione have been made for ahort
distancea only and the condition was included becausc the question was not
quite reaolved to thei.r satiefactic-n.
Mr. Sherer refecred to Mr. Gallowa;~`s comments about Condition No. 18 and
stated that ia a common condition on tracts in the canyon area, however
Kaufman bnd Broad will be require~ to submit a Public Pacilities Plan which
will cover the facilities needed for water and agreed the condition should be
Concerning Condition No. 22, Jack Judd suggested it should be included since
an assesament district will bt~ created and once the estimated coat for
facilities haa been figuced and compar.ed with the Bauer Ranch, their fair
share may or may not be required. Mr. Galloway et~ted this area does stand on
fte own and they will be paying for whatever is re~uired. It was pointed out
this acea will be included tn the a~saesament dietriat.
Dean Sherer referred to thz condition pertaining to thp equeskrian and tiiking
trail and stated it is a poli.cy of the City that the developer be required to
dPdicate tcails if an alignment is shown on the tentative tract and on thfs
tract it is an interim alignment and at some time in the future, the trail
will be moved south and the stanc~ard is for a 10-foot wide tcails however, he
did not think it would be a problem adjusting the condition to cead
7-to-10-feet wide. He stated staff ia more interested in the interim trail
being out af the right-of-way of Santa ~-na Canyon Road snd actually on subject
property even nn an interim basis and he thought the condition could be
setiafied with the developer wocking with the Parks and Rec.eation Department.
Commissioner La Claire sttstrd it is hec underetanding the developer is putting
in all the drainage for thia area, but eventually the Bauer Ranch property
owners will be included in the assessmeni district. Jack Judd stated it has
not been determined whether or not there will aciuAlly be any fees required
when the diatrict is formed. Commieaionec La claire etsted ahe ~tiought it
would actuelly benefit the developer to leave Cvneition No. 22 in becauae
ther~ may be a refund when the dietrict is Eorm~d. Jack Judd stated the
condition mey be e moot condition, but it ahould cemein since their coate may
exceed theic fa~ir ehere oE the diatrict.
Mr. Galloway atated there ia no question they will be reimbursed for the major
portion of the dr~inage fecilitiea when other prope-rtiea ere developed and
that was the ba~siE of the Public Facilitiea Plen.
Commisaioner La Claire referred to the gtade of the etreet with PAUl Singer
atating there ia a 12t grar~e on Serrano at Canyon Rim just as it gete to Nohl
Ranch Road, and Feirmont Boulevard ia also 12i, and the etreet taking the
place of Via E1 Eatribo exceada 15~. He ateted he can aee there could be
problema, not ao much with the emergency vehicles, but with the tcash
vehiclea, however, they could be rerouted through another development. He
gtaCed it is atill up to the Sai~itation Diviaion and the developer. He
explained this will connect to the tract to the aouth and the recommendation
to cul-de-s~c ttie stceet would not be prr~cticAl aince ik is needed foc
secondary access to the tcects to the aouth and west since they only have one
acces~ ko Santn Ana Canyon Road. Ne stated they have discuased alternative
locations for that atreet, but not much would be gained because the grade of
Santa .,na Canyon Road drops.
It was noted Environmental Impe~t i<eport No. 256 was pceviously approved by
the City Council June 8, 1982, for subject pcoperty.
ACTION; c'nmmi~siuner La Clair~ offered z~ motion, seconded by Commissioner
Bouas and M CcZON C]+ItRiED (Commissioner Herbst absent), thAt the Anaheim City
Planning Commia~'on dces hereby find that the propoaed subdivieion, together
with ita design ~id improvement, ia conaistent with the City of Anaheim
Genecal Plan, pur,uant to Government Code Section 66473.Ss and does,
therefore, approvE Tentative Map of Tcact No. 10985 for a 2-lot, 234 unit
condominium subdivision subject to thP following conditione:
1. That aho~ld l•his subdivision be developed as more than ane
subdiviei~n, each subdivfsio~ thereof shall be submitted in
tentatlve L~:~- f~c appcoval.
2. That in the event subject property ia to be divided for the putpose
of ea2er lease, or financing, a parcel map to record r_he approved
division of subject property shall he submitted to ar~~ approved by
the City of Anaheim and then be recorded in the Off~ce of the O~ange
County Recorder.
3. That all lots within this tract shall be served by underground
4. That prior to commencement of structural framing, fire hydranta
shall be insta3.led and charged as requirpa and determined to be
neceasary by the Chief of the Fire Depart~,.~=nt.
5. That all requirem~nta o! Pire Zon• 4, otherwise identified as Fire
~dminiatrative Ord~r No. ~6-01, ahall be met. Such requic~menta
include, but are not limited tos chimney epark erreeturs• pcotected
ettic And undec floor openinga, Claae C or better coofing materidl
and one hour fire reaiative constcuction og harizontel aurfaces if
loceted within 200 feet of edjacent bruehland.
b. That £uel bceake ahall be provided as determined to be necessery by
the Chief of the Fire Deparkment.
7. That native slopes adjecent to newly conatcucted homea shall be
hydroseeded with e low fuel combustibl~ aeed mix. Such elopes ehall
be sprinklered And w~eded as required to establish a minimum of 100
feet of. separation between flammable vegetation and any structur.e.
8. That trash storage areas ahell be provid~d in accordance ~r~ti
approved ~lans on file with the Strect Maintenance and Sr~~iitetion
9. That prior to isauance of a building pecmit, appropriate weter
assesement fees shall bP peid to the City of ~naheim, in an amount
as determined by the Office of the Utilities General Manager.
1Q. That prior to isauance of a building permit, appropriate park and
recreation in-lieu feea shall be puid to the City of Anaheim in an
amount as detetmined by the City Council.
11. That all private atreets ahall be developed in accocdance with the
City of Anaheim's Stand~rd Aetail No. 122 foc prf~ate streets,
including instellation of street name sic~na. Plans for the private
street lighting, as required by the standard detail, shall be
submitted to the Building Division for approvat and included wit~i
the buildiny plans prioc to the fseuance of build+~g permits.
(Private streets are thoae which provide Frimary access and/or
circulation within the project.
12. That prior to final tract map approval, street names shall be
approved by the City Plenning Department.
13. That temporary street name signs shall be inatallpd prior to any
occupancy if permanent street name signs havP not oeen inatalled.
14. That gates shall not be installed across 3ny driveway or private
street in a manner which may adversely ~_fect vehicular traffic in
the adjacent public streets. Installatf~n of any gatea within a
distance of forty l40) feet fram said public street rights-of-way
shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic
-----__~..____-- - a - - ~-~
15. Thet drainage of eubject praperty ehell be disp~sed of in e menner
eatiafectory to the City Engineec. zf, in the preparetion of the
eite, aulficient gcading i• required to neceaeitate a grading
permit, no work on greding will be permitted between October 15th
~nd April 15th unleee all required off-r.ite drainage fecilities have
~een instal.led end ere opecetive. Poeitive assurance ehall be
provided to the City thet auch dr3lneqe fecilities will be completed
prior to October 15th. Necessary right-of-way for off-site dr~inage
facilitiea shall be dedicated tc ~he City, or l•he City Council ahall
heve inltiat~d condemnetion praceedings therefor (thw coate of which
ahall be borne by the developer) prior to the commencement of
greding operationa. The required drainage facilitiea shnll be of a
eize and type sufficient to carry runoff watec~ originating fcom
higher propertiea rhrough subject property to ultimate disposal es
approved by the City En~ineec. Said dteinage fecilitl~s shall be
the firat item of construclion and shall be complet~d and ne
functional th;oughout the tract and from the ~~~netre~m boundary of
the property to the ultimat~ point of spoeal prior to the issuance
of any final building inapections or occupancy per~ita. Drainage
district reimbursemcnt agreementa mav be made available to the
developers of sai.d property upon theic requeat.
16. Thet grading, excavation, and all olher conscruction activities
shdll be conducted in such a manner so as t~ minimize the
poesfbility af any silt originating from this project being cacried
into the Santa Anr River by storm watet o•.iginating from or flowing
through this p~ojec~.
17. That ceasonable land~caping, i.ncluding irrigation facilities, ahell
be installed in the uncemented poction of the parkwa5~ o~ any
arterial atreet and any interior oc collector stceet where there ie
an adjacent slope to be maintained by the Homeownere Aseociation.
The HomeownQrs Asa~ciation ahal: assum~ the reaponsibility for
maint~na ce of said p~rkway landsCaping.
18. That prior to final tract map approval, the original documents of
the covenants, conditions, and restrictiona, and a lettec addcessed
to the developer's t'tle company authorizing recordation thereof,
shall be submitted co t~~e City Attorney's Office and approved by the
City Attorney's Office and Bngineering Division. Said documents, as
approved, will th~n be filed and recorded in the Office of the
Orange ~ounty Recorder.
19. That vehicular aacess righ, . except at approved access points, to
Santa Ana Canyon Road and h adowridge shall be irrevocw~bly offered
for dedication to the City of Anaheim pc'~r to apFroval of a final
tcact map.
20. That no public or private street grades ~hall exceed 11.88. The
11.8t grade ae ahown on this mae is appcoved for this subdi~•ision
21. That ptior to final trect mep epproval, tha owner of euh;;ec~
propecty ahall paY nPPropriate QrAinage aesasament feea to the City
of Anaheim in en amount ea determined by the City Engineer. seid
fees may be waived by City Council in conjunction with approval of
the emended Public Eecilitiee Pldn Eor the Bauer Rench.
22. That appccval oE the f~nal Map of Tract No. 10985 ia subject to the
completion of Recleasificetion No. 77-78-64.
23. That the peCitioner ahell present evidence thet the proposed
subdivision shall provide, to the extent feeaible, for futuce
~assive or natural heating ot cnoling opportunitiea in the
subdivision prior to the issuence of building permita.
24. That prior to final tract mep approval, ell puplic facilitiea
(including equesttian and hiking trdil location) propoaed ~i~her
within oc adjacer• to the pcoposed subdivision shell be designated
to confocm to ~he Publlc Facilitiea Plen for Develcpment of the
Bauer Ranch ~~s adopted by City Council on March 17- 1981, ~nd any
furthec amendmentR pertaining to eaid plan.
25. That prior to or in conjunction with final tract map rE ~~rdation,
the owner's) of subject property uhall dedicate and impcove a
10-Eoot Mide equestrian and hiking trail as shown on the Equestrfan
and Hiking ~i~rail8 Componenk of the ~naheim Genecal Fldn end also
that a bond in an amount and form ~atisfactory to the City of
~naheim ~hall be poated with thP City to guacantee the installation
of said impcovements in accordan~e with standard plsns and
specification~ on file in the Office of the City Engineec. Seid
intetim txai.l may vary from 7 to 10 fee'. in width where approved by
the Parks and Rec[eation Departmentr..
26. That the seller shall provide the purchaser of eart~ dwelling unit a
copY ~f the Land Use and Zoning Elements of the Bauer Ranch General
Plan ~f Development.
Z7. That prio: to ffnal s~.ree'. s.nap~ctions, 'No parking for atreet
swee~ing' signs eha:l be installed as required by the Street
Maine~nance ar,d San:tation Divigjon and in accordance with
apecifications c7 file with sdid division.
2A. That t`e aeller shall provide the purchaser of each residential
dwel?'~g with written informacion concerning Anaheim Municipal Code
Sec~~,n 14.32.500 pertaining to "Part:ing reatricted to facilitate
stc ~l• sweeping`. Such w:itten informatio~ shall clearly indicate
whe~ on-street parking ia prohibit~:d and the penalty for violation.
2g. That prioc to fina.l tcact map approval, final sQecific plana shall
be submftted to tl~a Planning Department and approved in accordance
with provisiong of Chapt~r 18.85 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, the
"pC• Planned Cnmmunity Zone.
30. Thet any apacimen tree removal ahall be aub~ect to the tree
preservation regulations in Chapter 18.84 of the anaheim Municipel
Code, the "3C' Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone.
31. Thet prior to iesuence ~f bu~lding pecmite, the applicant ahall
present evidence satiafectory to the Chief Building inapector that
the cesidentidl units will be in conEorm~nce with Noise Ineulation
Standarde apecified in the California ~dminietretive Code, Title 25.
32. That pcior to isauan~P ~f h~~ilding permits, the applicant shell
pceaent evidence tory to the Chief BuildiRg inepectoc thet
the propos~d pro~~ in conformance with Council Poli~.y Number
542 'Sound ~ttenuati~• in Resi.dentlal Projecte•.
33. That 811 street dedicetions and improvements within Tract No. 10985
eh~ll be made in accnrdance with proviaions of Section 17.08.390,
Anaheim Municipal ~^~p.
34. That prior to approval ot a tinal map, the develaper of subject
pcoperty shall cecord an egreement with th~ City obligating the
developer and/oc futuce homeowner's association to install and
matntain a water supply system to serve thoae areas within subject
tract located above an elevation of 600 feet. Said agreement shall
be aubmitted to the Water Engineering Division for transmittal to
the City Attocney foc review and appca~al prior to cecocdation.
Jack White, Asaistant ~ity Attorney, presented the writtpn tight to appeal the
Planning Comm:^sion's deciaion within l0 days to the C1ty Council.
NOS. 10967 THROUGH 10978
Anaheim, GA 92806. ~GENT; LINB AND HILLERUD, INC., 2065 Huntington Drive,
San Marino, CA 91108. Properky described as an icregularly-shaped parcel o:
land consisking of approximately 346 acres located southwesrerly of Nohl Ranch
Road between ~he intersection of Nohl Ranch Road with Canyon Rim Road and
Serrano Avenue.
To re-establish .2 tracts consfating of 207 RM-2400{SC) units, 327 RM-3000(SC)
units, 25 RS-HS-22,000(SC) units and one open space ts~t.~'"
It was noted the petitionec has requested a two-week c~ntinuance.
ACTION: Commissioner eouas offered a motion, seconded by ~ommiasfoner King
and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Herbst absent), that consideration of the
aforementioned matter bE continued to the regularly-scheduled meeting of June
27, 1983, at the request of the petitioner.
Ro~d, /175, Tuceon, Acizon~, 95705. *coperty ~eacribed ~a a
reCtAngulerly-ehdped parcel of land consiating of epproximately 9,774 aquAre
feet located at the aoutnweat corner of Romneya Drive and Cherry wey ~nd
further describe~ as 1232 WeRt Romneya Drive.
To retein e second-family (granny) unit.
There was one person indicating her presence in oppoaition to subject cequpsc
and elthougt~~ the etaff report was not read, it is rEferred to and made a pact
of the minutes.
Matcel Mayec, agent, wru preaent to answer any questiona.
Sherry Pignone, 1181 Crown, Anahe~m, Chaicperson of the Patrick Henry
Neighborhaod Council, stated she is not opposed to this request, but is not in
PAVOr of it either. She stated this property has been A rentAl property for a
number of years and there ia an ap~rtment unit built on the rear and in the
pest~ there have been several people living there almos~ like community living
and there was an automobile repair ehap on the propecty. She atated it wes
advectised for sale as havinq cenlal units for income and the ownec was not
told the apartment wae built w.ithout permita. She stated ahe wAS conaerned
about ahat would happe~ in the Cutuce if this requesk ie approved, especielly
if the owner decides to move. She stated she was told thece was a group ~f
people which included three families wt~o want to purchase the property and use
it as cornmunity-type 1lving.
Mr. Mayec stated when he lived at this property, it wae used as a g[anny unit
for his parents and later hia mather-in law and the problems were created by
the person he sold the property tot however, he has since r.epossesaed the
property, evicted the tenants and hiced a real estate office to scteen the new
tenants; and that the new tenant ia renting the pcoperty with an option to buy
and is interested in cleaning up the property.
Mr. Mayer cesponded to Chairman Fcy that he originally sold the prope[ty four
years aqo and r,he units were existing when he first bought it eighteen years
Responding to Commiseioner La Claire, Jack White explained the City's
ordinanc~ relating to the number of people living in the same unit was
declared unconatitutional by the State Supreme Court and the only control is
that they have to be living as a single housekeeping unit and there are
Housing and dui2ding Code provisions relating to the number of aquare footage
that each p~ceon has Co have available in a dwelling unit.
Mr. Mayer explgined to Commissioner eouas that the pnol house is no lonqer
~'INUTBi3._ 1-N11HBlM CITY PL~NNING COMMI~3$IVt7. JUNE 13. 1983 ___ 8_3-336
Cha~icrosn Pry stat~d ttie only unit there now ie the grannY unit b~hind the
Mr. Mayer explained to Commiseioner Bushore that the peceon h~ aold the houee
to rented it out Co tenantia and when he owned the proparty, hie pe:anta lived
there. Commissionec 8uehore atated the petitioner ie requestinq khe Planning
Commiaeion to make something legal thet wAa illegal in the :Eirst place and
sinc~ the peiitioner hae hed to reposaess the prope~ty, the rental ia needed
to make the moctgage peymenta aince the buyec hr~d pu:chaeed it at a higher
mort•gage baeed on the fact Chat the rental unit wae there.
Commissioner I.~ C1Aire stated thia unit cloaec meets the cciteria for a granny
unit than eny the Commisaion hae aeen; that ehe is in favor of keeping thp
gcanny unit beceuse there is a needr nnd that it will be allowed, if il• ic
approved, under the conditional use permit end if there is a pcoblem, the
permit can be cevoked.
Jack Whfte 3tated ~ne af the conditions wlll be thal tlie ownet record a
covenant on the propecty restricting the use to one oc two ad~lt persons both
over the age of 60 and anX violation would be enforceable by the City or by
way of criminal complaint and revocation of the use permit.
Responding to Chaicman Fry, Dean Sherer explained when the ~roperty was
inspecred fouc years ago, there were outstanding Code violationst howevec, one
of the conditions of approv3l is that the unit be brought to minimum building
Code atandards.
Jack White stated a correction ahould be made to the staff report wherein
suthurity for appcoval o£ this uae per~nit would be undec Government Code
65852.1 cat.her than as shc~wn.
ACTION: Commisaionec La Clairc uffered a moti~n, seconded by Commissioner
King and MOTION CARRI~D (Commissioner Herbst abaen*_), chat the Anaheim City
Planning Commiseion has reviewed the pcopoaal to reCain a second family
(granny unit) on a cectangularly-shape9 parcel of land consiati.ng of
approximately 9,744 square £eet located at the southweat cotr.ec of Romneya
Drive and Checry Way and fu:ther desaribed as 1232 Romneya Drivet and does
hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the zequirement to prepare an
environmental impact report on the basis that there would be na significant
ir~dividual or cu;nulatfve adverse environmental impact due to t}~e appr.oval o~
this Negative Declaration since the 1lnaheim General Plan designates the
subject property fo~~ medium density residential land uaea commensurate with
the proposalt that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the
proposal; that the Inftial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no
significant individual or cumulative adversp enviconmental impactst and that
the Negdtive Declaration subatantiating the foregoing findinga is on file in
the City of Anaheim Planning Department.
Commissioner La Claice offered Resolution No. PC83-112 and moved for its
passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commiesion does hereb,y
qrant Conditi.onal U~n Permit No. ZA53 subjcct to condition~ that the
additionel unit will 5e for onQ or Cwo poraone ov~r 60 yeara ot a~e and
subject to inkerdepdrtmental Committee recommendations.
On ro11 cell, the focegoii.~ ceeolution wea paeeed by the ~ollaaing vate:
ChaicmAn Fry ~tated he Eelt the Commiaeion hed qone along with this request
because the propecty ia locate~i on a corner lot 4nd it is a vecy deep lot and
the unit muat be brought ~p to 4~de a~nd tiie whole Nroperty must be cleaned up.
Commis~ioner BuahoGe explained even though he realizes thie type oE unil. ia
needed for aenior citize~s~ he still teels there ie a princtple involved and
the Commisaion ie being asked to corcect som@thing that was wrong et the
beginning and this ia actually circumventing the State ordinance which allows
the crpdtion of gcanny unita.
Jack White, Asaistant City Attorney, preaented the written right to appeal the
Planning Commia8lon's decision within 22 c,aye to the City Council.
Anaheim, CA 92805. Property described as 0.4 acre loc~ted at the southeast
corner of Broadway and Indiana Streets and furthec described as 904 West
To permit a bed and breakfask inn in the ItM-2400 Zone.
There were twelve pecsons indicating theic preaence in opposition to aubject
request and although the staff ceport was not read, it ia ceferred to and made
a part of the ~.iinutes.
Margaret Hawley, 9U4 W. Broadw~ay, owner, explalned her family experienced thfa
bed dnd bceak£aet concept while they lived in Europe and they had auch
favorable ceaults staying in these type facilities that they did not even
think of going to a hotelt that the advantage in getting to know the culture
and cuatnms of the people in the foreign rountry, etc. She atated subject
property has a.arge home and facea eraadway and her neighbor on one aide
favors the re4.~st and two ~n the c.thec side on Indiana favor it and all three
of these neighbors face directly on Bcoadways that ahe has four cooms
availablr but has no intention of renting four cooms every nightt that it is
not a hotel or motel, but is an alternative for d femilyt that they had a
:arge family, but most of them have gone and she personally would like to have
aome ~f that chdtter and activity back in the house. She atated in May she
op~ned her home to the Anaheim HisturiCal Society and they had a lot of
favoreble comments on how larqe and homey the houae is and sh~ thought this
would give s~me people the oppoctunity to share their home.
Mru. Hawlsy oteLeQ th~y t~tl Anah~im ia a qreet town and offe~a a lot oi
attractiione to vieitors and ~lso the Olympius ~re coming and there io a
dafinite need foc accommodationa for vi~itora from the United Sketea end from
other countries.
David ~lexendor, 314 S. Indiene, atated he purchaeed hie home about 10 weeke
ago beceuse he w~a ~mpreseed with tho quietn~se o~ khe neighborhood and he
Pelt witt~ a bed end bceekf~at inn in the neighburhood, it will no long~r be
quiet end he alen doea not want the atrange element in the neighborhoo~
becauae they will not know who bolonga end who doeen't. He ateted they also
do not want the trafEic in the ellel and note~ the 'Pratfic Engineec hAs
augge~ted that all tr~ffic be cc~ited through the alley which would be right
pASt hia bedroom window.
Cerol Tabor, 315 S. Indiena, stated ahe would be very concerne~ about the
parking since they need the space in front of their own home. She atat~d ahe
has talked to people who ar.e Eemiliar with `he bed and breakfASt inns in
Europe and they do edvertise witt~ signa out front and she did not want that
type oE advectiging around her neighborhood. She stated Broadway is a very
busy atreet and there cuuld be trefiic problems with people slowing to look
foc thie *eaidence and this City provides one of the most selective areas Eor
overnight stay with hotels end ~notela everywhere.
Alvin Johnaon, 9C0 W. Braadway, indicated concecn Lhat if this is appcoved
everyane in the area will want ta put up aigna advertieing their pcofession.
He atated they have all worked hacd to maintain the residential h~ritage of
the neighbochood and w~ndered how long it will be before this a~ea will atart
to look like the 500, 600 or 700 block of South Harbor. He atated he did not
think a~y commercial uses should be pPrmitted in this residentidl dcea and
stated he would coneider thiA as a commercial use.
Mr. Chance, 415 S. Indiane, atated he has lived at this addcesa for 35 yeare
and wanted to point out that the alley was not 20 Eeet wide, but is actually
about 17-1/2 feet wide and he did not think the cement block wall would last
very long with a nacrow alley. He referred ta Paragra~h 11 which indicates
khe pcopo~ed use conforms more closely to the Code definit.ion of a hotel where
aecommodations are provided either daily or weekly to tourfsta or visitors.
He stated they do not need this type of uae in a residenti~l ar.ea.
Macgacet Ferguson, 411 S. Indiana, stdted they consider this one of the nicest
areas in Anaheim and that they have a lot of young people living in the
neiqhborh,od with severel young childcen and she was concerned about them
playing in the area, perhaps running acrosa the alley with the traffic in and
Mra. Hawley stated this will not be a day in/day out four-:oom rental and
thought it would be a aporadic type thing. She referred to the recommendation
of closing the driveway and aeked if that meant her driveway for her personal
vehicle would be closed. Dea~ Sherer explained the main concern wes that the
driveway would be hezardous for vehicles to turn off er4adway and accese
should be off the alley only. He stated he thought this meant the driveway
would be closed to everyone, includiny the ownec.
Jack White furthar •xplained cloeing th~ dciveway would meen ceplscing it wikh
itandaCd curb and gutter. He atated thet la not ~ncluded ae one of the
recomme~-ded conditione, eo th~ Cammiosian mey wiah to coneider whether or not
they feel the drivewey ehould be cloaed.
Commieaioner King atated the Traffic Engineer expla:ned it wae a auggeation
only. Commi.aeloner King steted he would like to eee the driveway remein open
beceure three perking spaces are needed to be provided on the drivewey.
Mra. :I~wley statp~ ehe would like the drivoway left apen. Concerning traffic
in the area, ehe ~taked she did not see a big problem becauae the alley goes
ecross ta Indiena and both of thoae homea ere owned 5y her and her husband.
Respondin~ to Commiasionec euuae, Mrs. Hawley atated she did not know how she
will advertise this businesa, however, tt~ere will be no aigns. She etated if
ahe geta thia approval, she will re~pond to aome of the articleA ahe has read,
but theC thia is a nice home end they would like to shere it. She stated
there are six bedroome in the hauee and she currently has two childcen home,
with one or poeaibly both expected to leave eaon.
Commiasioner Buehore atated Code will permit a certain emount of aigning by
rigtit, with Dean Sherer stating Code would ~llow two aquare feet of s~gning on
the exterior wall.
Mra. Hawley stated she would be willing to atipulate not to put up any uigna.
She state~ t~er mein reaeon for wan*_ing to do this is becauae her hous^_ is
empty and ahe would enjoy meeting other peop.le, especially fcom foceiqn
countciea. Reaponding to Commieaioner Buahore as to how to scceen the gueats,
Mrs. Hawley replied ahe would have ta.find out about that if thia is approved,
slnce ahe hes never done it befoce. Cunsmisaioner Buahore referred to the
requirement under Condition No. 1 requiring that the building be brought up to
exiating standard building Codes with plumbing, Plectrical, wdtec~ etc.
Dean Sherec atated this condition will requice the propecty be br~ught up to
the minimum Gity Codes, including any permits necessary from the Health
Department, if food ie going to be secved. He explained the petitioner will
have to work with the Building Department far an inspection which would
determine what needs to be done to bring the property up to Codes.
Commiasioner Bushore stated that could require new electrical wiring,
handicapped bathroom f~cilitiea, fire escepes Erom the second floor, fire
extinguishers, pogsibly a hendicapped ramp on the porch, etc. He stated the
owner will aleo have to collect ~n occupency tax. Jack White explained the
tax report would have to be filed evecy 30 days and the tax would have to be
paid on a 30-day basis. He explained the tax rate ia 8~ as of July lst.
Commissioner Bushore statQd che last similar requeat which was appcoved was a
little diffecent because the petitioner had resettcched the situation and knew
how often reports had ta be filed, ho~ to ecceen the gueats, etc. and pointed
out this could attcect undeeirable guests. He steted in order to protect the
neighbarhood, if thie is approved, he would reaommend that it be limited to
two yeare. Ile eteted he would think it might cost 35,000 to f10,000 to bring
thir bui]dinq up to Code And added he thought this ie cealiy e commercial
1-CTION: Commiseioner Kinq offered a motior~, sscon ded by Commissioner McBurney
end MOTION C1-1tRIED (Commiaeio~ec He~bat ebse~t), that the Anaheim City
Plan~ing Commieeion hae reviewed the propo8.+1 to pecmit d bed end breakEest
i.nn in the RM-2400 (Reeidential, Multiple-Ft-mil,y) Zone on e
rectangulerly-ahaped percel of land coneiating of approximately 0.4 ecre
located et the southeaet corner of Braedway and In diana Streets and further
deacribed es 90~ W• 9roadwayt and doea hereby approve the Negative peclaretio~
from tha cequicement to prepece nn environmental impaet report on the besis
thet• there would be no significant individua~. or cumulative adverse
environmentAl impect due to tiie approvel of t.his Negative Declaration aince
the Anaheim Genecel Plen desipnates tl~e eubject pr operty for low medium
reaidential land ueee c~mmensucete with the p~oposalt thet no senaikive
environmental impacts ere invnlved in the propoaal; !:hat the Initial Study
submitted by the petitionec indicatea no gig nlfica nt indlvidual or cumulative
advecae ~nvironmental impactat ~and that the Ne~gative Ue~:laretion
eubstentiating the foreyoing findinys is on file ~n thc~ City nf 1lneheim
P1Anning Deprctment.
C~mmiasioner King offered Resolution No. PC83-i13 and moved for !te passage
and adoption that the 1~naheim City Planning Cor~mission dec!~ hereby grt~nt
Conditional Uae Permit No. 2454 for a period o!' two yeats, to expire June 13,
19~4, and aubject to the petiti~ner's stipulation that there ~hell be no
extarior advectising signa on ttie property and eubject to lnterdepartmental
Committee recamm4~ndations.
On roll call, the foregoing ceaolution was pd98~ed by the following vote:
Commissioner La Claire stated to those present in oppoaitfon, that even though
the Commission did not mention the signing, tcaffic, elley. parking, children,
etc. they clid take them into consideration and t hought bbout them quite
carefully which was one of. Che reasons f or tbe two-year time limit. She
steted if in two yeacs it appears Chis is a detriment to the neiqhborhood, it
will no longer be in op~ration and the Commiasio n would not have voted in
favoc if they had ~:elt it would adversely afEect the neighborhood.
Jaclc White, Aseiatant City Attorney, presented t he written right to appeal the
Planniny Commission's decision within 22 days to the Cit,y Council.
PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: HBNRY MANN, 3982 ~lann Road, Huntinqdon Valley, PA
GREENHALGH, 261 S. Figueroe Street, Suite 300, Los ~ngeles, CA 90012.
Property desccibed as an irregularly-shaped paccel of land coneieting of
approximately 0.28 acre and fu 'tier descx ibed as 2~35 West Woodland Drive.
To ptrmit cetAil selee and o!licea in !h~ ML Zone with waiver o! minimum
numbec of parking epeces.
It was n~ted the petition~r had requeated e continuance to the meeting of July
11, 1983.
1-CTIONc Commieaionec King otfeced a motion, eeconded by Commiasionec Boude
and MOTTON C1-RRIED ICommiseioner Herbat abaent), thet conaideretion o! the
af or~~mentioned item be continued to the reqularly-scheduled meeting of July
11, 1963, at the requeat of the petitionec.
RECESB: 2:55 p.m.
RGCONVENED: 3:05 p.m.
ITEM N0. 8
A. VJ-RII-NCF N0. 3225 - Request from Clarinda Williamson, (Tiffany'e
Fa~mily Reataurant) for termination of propecty locdted ~t 1060 West
Katelle Avenue.
1-CTION; Commiasioner K~ng offered Resalutlon No. PC83-114 and moved
for its pesaege and edoption thet the Anahetm City Planning
Commission does hereby terminate Variance No. 3225.
On rall call, the foregoing reaolution was passe~l by the following
B. RECLASSIFICATIGN NO. 82-83-29 AND VARIIINCE NO. 3325 - Request from
P. M. Rhodes 6 Bruce Galdman for review and e-pproval of revised
plt~ns for. propecty located at 949 North Citron Street.
There were ~iqht persone indicating their preser~ce in opposition to
aubject request and although the ataff report was not reAd, it ie
refecred to and mad~ a part of the minutes.
Bob Gilbert, 4552 Lincoln, agent, was preaent to answer any
William Jolissaint, 101 N. Citron, stated this reclasaification from
single-fa~:ily to multiple-family residential does not meet with
their a~proval end the variance For 20 f eet pravided on all aides
except the north, does not meet the City of Anaheim's Codes. He
stated ne would not like to think the City of Anaheim would permit 9
units being built in this partieular area with four single-family
residentia~ homes on the south and four on the north. He stated his
property is located on the nocth end pointed out thia ia not a
vecant lot, but is developed with a aingle-femily residence, even
though it is not b:::~g properly m~intAined at the present time.
Mc. ~oliss~int oteted he rpu~~ted a pexmit to build a garege on the
8outh eide of h1e pcopetty 35 yeare eqo which wea granted and now
thia developer ie propoeing a 6-foot high well one foot from hia
properky line end he would have proDlema getting in end out of hia
vehicle. Ne ,~tated he realizea thia ie hie problemt but that it
wesn't e problem 3F yeacs ago when the permit wes gcenCed to build
the ga~rege.
Mr. Joliasaint stated he ie not in favoc of thp variance ellowing
these 9 units beceuse of tha treffic thet wil.l be genecated with 18
new cer owners and three vieitor packi~g space~ and pointed out it
ia har~l to q~t in and out of that erea now beceuse of the
congestion. tte et~ted t~e firmly believes this will deatroy the
neighbonc~+od snd pointed out the ~recedent hAa elceedy been set on
the corner of I.averne and Citron where aparCmenta were permitted.
He steted thoae apertments ace en asaet ta the community, but that
was vacent land and thia property ie not vacrnt and ie lerge enough
for a single-fdmily residence and all the other praperties in the
area are single-family and they do not want this in their
neighborhood. He stated he hde lettera to p~esent from some of his
neighbore who could not attend the meeting and elso some phot.ographa
showing the traffic congestion as it cucrent.ly exista. ye added he
did not bleme the properky owner from wanting to $ell the property,
but did not think this de~•~lo~ment ahould be allowed at the expenae
and beauty of Anaheim, particulacly thi~ area ~n North Citron.
Dave Cooper, 923 N. Winter, st~ted he would like to object
atrenuously to these unitst that thece are nine residents on Citcon
between Laverne and La Palma, not counting the apartmenta and he wae
aoncerned that if these apartmente are permitted, the other properly
owners would want to do the same thing which would meen up to 60
additianal units in that area. He stated he was also concecr~ed
about the buildings being built on the praperty line and thought
thia would open "pandora's box". He asked the Commiesion to think
about this very carefully and to lieten to the wishes of the people
in the area.
William Gorrell, 956 N. Winter, steted about 18 months ago, there
was a series af ineetings regacding the development of the proposed
apartments on Cftron and the Winter Skreet residenta played a very
determining part in those discuseions; that the consensus of the
residenta on Winter Street was that they do not object to the
development of the property with apa~rtments or condominiums,
praviding they are developed within the guidelines eateblished 18
months ago requiring they be single story with a buf~`er zone betwcen
the reaidential properties and the proposed units and that the
reeidents righks were not encroached upon with noise, air pollutior,
or viaual intrusion. Hr etated the original pldns anked fnr seve~al
waivers which encroached upon their righta and brought the Wintet
Street cesidents out in mass to object, but the revised plans do .tiot
leave a lot to object to, ae far as the Winter Street cesidents are
concerned. Be added he felt most of the reaidents on Winter Street
agree wfth him= however- theic primary concern ia that the 6-foot
wel~ is not high •nough end they would like to $ee en 8-Eoot high
wall. H~ atated they would el~o like aome eaeur~ncea that there
will not be any aubeequent encroechments into the 20-toot ~andscaped
buffer en~ noted ;he ociginal plans show bsrbecuee, pathways, etc.
end they would like to Aee that kept ~ pure landecaped eted.
3usenne Leater, 9J1 Autumn Drive, stAted she reelizes that the
General Plen ehowa changee for Citcon 3treet, but ahe would like to
eee the development more in line with whar, is thRre and with some
c~ntinuity inatead of developing apartmenta and having eingle-femily
homes end condominiums because ehe felt that would lmpact the
neighhorhood. She edded ehe would rather have condominiume than
apartments, berause homeowners ere more responsible for their
pcoperty then someone renting. She etated she is also concerned
ebout the 20-foot landac~ped area, becauae ahe felk ~eople w~~ld eet
up picnic tablcs, barbecues, etc. aince their space is very limfted
and they wtl.l have no place Eor recreation except. in that lendaca~ed
area. She stated the people on the north will be encased becAUSe of
the shape of the property aince it curvea into the back oE their
h~mes and the driveway will be clght et the property line. 5he
et~ted again she realizea that somethiny will be developed i~ this
area, but they would juat like to see aomething a little more
compatible with the neighborhood to khe north, south and weat with a
better flow down Citron and not have diffecent types of development
throughout the area because then it doea nnt look like a
.Jack Dick, 949 N. Citron, stated using the property toz ~
single-family residence would not be using it to ite maximum
potential and 9 units makes tlie project more affordable and less
units would meke the price range out of the range for this
neighborhood; that Citron ia a buay street, but he felt this pcoject
would enhance the praperty ~~p and down Cikron. He aCated ihe
neighbor immediately to the south w~nts to develop his property and
does not object to this pcoposal and the neighbosa further south are
also talking about developing their proFerty.
Mr. Gilbert apologized for having to submik reviae~ plans and stated
they were not aware af the strong feelings about single-~tory units
and were completely unpcepared fot the opposition. He explained
they are only aEking for ene variance that has to do with the
setbeck on the north side and it is completely in accordance with
City standarda in r,he Rt~1-300U Zone end the variance is necessary
because that property is still zoned single-family even though it is
in the Generel plan for low medium residential. He stated the
property owner on the south aide eigned the original petition asking
that the property be reclaesified, but it is not beinq processed
because he has no development plan et the present time and he has
indicated he is nat concerned with the project ~s it is proposed
nnw. He stet~d there was a 1R:c of oppasition at the City Council
meeting because it was fndicated that the same plen was being
pres~nted even though they had prepared a new plan and the
opposition was basically to the two-atnry units. He stated tr~ey ate
willing to pcovide the 8-loot wall on the west side as requeated by
tha property owneca. Conc~rning tretfic he ateted it mAy be hatd to
b+ack aut a~to thet atc'ek nowr but they r~ill be bu~lding to pcivate
street atendsrd• which will ellow sntfcing the stceet in a normal
n~annec aa oppoeed to beckinq out which will alleviate many
~roblems. He atated theY ~re proposinq 9 aingle-story, Z-bedroom,
950-equare loot unit~, 1-1/3 batha unil•s and expect them to fall
wfthin the City's afiordeble huusing qui8eline$ but Ghey are not
requeeting eny s~ec~tic bonua boceuse ot thek and are going in at
the zoned deneity and ace aaking foc no waivec on that isaue.
Commisaioner King clarified tt-at t-~e cecreationel-lelsure epace le
over Code requiremRnt with Mr. Gilbect teplying thet the 20-foot
landsca~+ed buEfer is included in thet calculation and that nothing
ie proposed for thut buffer area~
Commieaioner King stated~g~~ ~odkhetp[ojecteand~pointedwout that door
to the eouth is not opp
houae has no windowa on that slde, eo thece should not be a
problem. Mr. Gilbert stated ~~e understands that property owner
intenda to ~evelop and he t.tiought there could be another gara9e
backed up to thi~ one which ~+ould provide a 20-foot buffer to the
next pcoperty to the south a,nd he felt thls pl~n could work all the
way down the street.
C~mmisaioner King $twt~uadtbe$vez,yecompetiblpuwithnthe~neighborhood.
end he thought they
Mc. Gilberti responded to Commiac~ionec Bouas, that t.he garagea will
have doora•
Commissionec Bouas askµd if the propetty owne~s on the south had
signed the petition oi.~~osing the project. Kr. Gilbgrk reaponded
that that property awr~er had aignrd the petition to have Council
property reclassifiP~a but thdt he t~a~ sNaken r,t the City
meeting indicating h~a was nnt sure now the zero lot line would
affect his property.
Commissioner Bushore referred to the drainage problem, pointing out
when the Braille Institute developed their propecty on North Dale,
cucbs and guttecs were ins~alled, but the dcai~age problem was
caused south af that development and he thnught this could be a
aimilar situation, if thie i~ not properly taken care of. He added
he thought there would be water sitting thece because there fs no
place for it to drdin and on Dale Street a tempocacy asphelt curb
~nd driveway weee instAlled. Jack Judd atated he was not familiar
with the situation ~n Citron Street further south and did not know
if it has curbs and gutters.
6/13/ 83
MINUTBB. ANAHBIM CI~Y PLANNING C„~,qhIM1E~IQN. JUNB 13 f 1983 ,_ 83-, 3~5
Mr. Gilbort atateQ he hA+~ looked et the flow line which ia to the
eouth and there are no curba and guttecs end it doee~ not eppe+~r
ehece~ will be ~ problsm.
Commiesionec 8uahore not~ed four propertiea would be Af~ected by the
drain,~ge and it is • real problem now sncl he thought A ronditio~
ehould be added that the flow lines to the south ehould be teken
eere ot. He stated l8 rnonthg ago chia pcopecty was ~oned for low
medium residential bece+uae the arNa was deterinreking and the l~~te
were too large foc einr.~le-femily reeidences end chenges ehould be
done in a proper mannRC which ia the reason for praviding the
guidelinee. He eteCe~~ he thought thie ie the type o~ pra~eck the
Commiesion had in min~! nnd Celt it would increase the propPr.ty
vel~as and enhance the erea And 9 condominium unite would f.e better
then 12 apsrtments. He $teted they will be ir~dividually ~~wned aiid
an asaociation would teke care ~f the common aceas. He ritAted he
felt, however, thece will be children playing in that landscaped
Mr. Gilbert atated the t~asic difference is the 200 foot depth oi the
ACTI^N: Cortunisaioner King offered a motion, seconded by
Commiss~ioner Buehore and MOTION CARRIED (Cummiesioner Herbst
ebsent), that the Anahei:n City Planning Commieaion does hereby
ceconunend to the City Council that cevised plans be npproved in
conjunction with Reclaseification No. 82-83-29 and Variance No. 3325
on the basis that the ptopecty i.s unique in aize, ahepe, topography,
lacation and aurcoundinga and denial wauld depcive property of
priv~ileges being enjoyed by the properties in the aame zone and
Commissi~ner La Claire auggested a condition be added to the
reconm~endet~vn to the City Council that the drainage be satiefactory
to the City Engineec with .1ack Judd pointing out that ita already a
condition included in tne ceclesaification apptoval.
Jack white pointed out thie m~tter will automatically be before the
City Council and the public hearing aet for July 5, 1983, and that
the Commiasion's recommendation will be forwarded to the City
Council before thst meetinq.
C. VARIANCE N0. 3329 - Request ~or Nunc Pco Tunc Resolution amending
Resolution PC83-72 for pcaperty located at 129 South Olive Street.
ACTION: Commissioner King offered Resolution No. PC83-115 an~ moved
for its passege and adopt3,on that the 1-naheim City Pl.anning
Commiaeion do~e hereby grent nunc pca eunc r~aAlution ame~dinq
Re~olutian No. PC83-72 qranti.nq Veriance No. 3379.
On roll edll, the foregoin~~ r~eoluC~an wsa peeeed by the Eollowing
D. Jack White explained the need to gr~ant a resoJ,ution cl4rifying
Planning Commisaion meeting dates and times.
ACTION; Commiealoner King offered ReBOlution No• PC83-115 relatinq
to dntes and timea of regu.ler Plenning Commisaion meetings.
On coll call, the foregoing resolution was paesed by rhe foll.owing
Commiasioner McBurney indicated he is concerned about the proposed jail site
~.n the canyon erea and that he would like to protest it and felt the
Commission ~hould go un record opposing it.
Jeck White etated the normdl procelure would be for the Planning Cammission ko
recommend to Ctty Council thdt they teke a~tand for or egainet the project
rather than the Planning Commiesion making the atatement and communicating
direct]y with outside age~cies.
Commissioner McBurney stated this is the seme Board of Supervisora that wishes
to eliminate the coadway syakem through the hill c~cea and pointed out if that
roed had been oper.ative, they could have saved quite a few homes durir.g the
recent fire.
Joel Fick, Assistant Director for Planning, stated the City Council has
a~lready gone on rPCOrd opposing the jail site faciltties and n letter wae
draft eeve[el months ago and sent to the Boatd of Supervisors expreasing their
opposition. He added that goes back to the time when the site was conaidered
in the weir Canyon area and originally they were looking at a aite on the S~-VI
property, and the City Council expressed opposition to thoee sites and the
Aoard of Supervi~ors abandoned cnnsideration of those sites and directed
County ataff to atudy the sites at Gypaum Canyon and Codl Canyon. He atated
Council directed ataff to prepace a status report for the jail site and
landfill site and a memorandum was aent tu the City Cauncil explaining the
etat~s of the County's study. He stated the other aitea were eliminated from
the County's study and the only two siteg being studied are at Gypsum and Cnal
Canyons. ~e sCated he will include a copy of that letter in the Commissio~'s
next packet.
Commieaion~c La Cleire etated mayb~ th~ Ciiy ehould enn~x the propecty e~ eoon
es po~aibl• beceuse it appeaca Aneheim doeR not have much clout with the Bosrd
of 9uperviaora. Joel ~ick oteted thece have b~Rn aevecel annoxation
diacueaiona and two members of the eoard of Supervieoce ere on the Local
~qency ~ormation Commiaeion ~nd cequeste for annexetion in that sree must have
prnperty ownec pceferenee and many have not expresae~ an inter~at in
ennex~tion, buk the Dauglea Reneh owner~ ece intecested in annexationf
howevvr, the owners o! the Wallace Ranch ere not inter~ated in ennexation. He
ateted ataff hae met with the Icvine Company explocing the annexetion iaeue
end their vi,ewpoint et thiA time is that annexatlon to the City of Aneheim
aould be premature until they do moce deEinitive lend uae atudiea for their
Commisaioner La Claire atated she thinke the ciCizens of the City of Anaheim
should be made aware of the problem~ thp City ia heving with the Boerd of
Supexvieora aince Aneheim seome to be tArgeted for county facilitiee and ehe
Eelk there ie ceel danger to the area.
Joel Fick eteted the Antire etaff agrees wirh that camment dnd when the site
was under conaideration et Weir Canyon, ataff pointed out to the City Council
that numeroua inquiries were received since people lived in cloee proximityr
however, an the Gypeum and Cndl Canyon sitea, only two inquicea were rECeived
and khe iseues were in the newapaper. He etated st~ff cecommended to City
Council that they meke an effort to aee that peoplP wece notif:ed and he
believed the Public information Office hed contacted the newspapers.
ADJGURNMENT: There being no further business, CommissionEC McBurney offered
a motion, seconded by Commisaionec King and MOTION CI-RRIED
(Commiesionpr Hecbat absent), thet the meeting be adjourned.
The meeting was adjo~rned at 3:Sp p.m.
Respectfully eubmitted,
.i~ ~ , ../ ~ t-'Id~t.1.c~,
Edith L. Haccis, S~cretary,
1-naheim City Planning Commisaion
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