Minutes-PC 1983/09/07;:~ ,
RBGULAR MBBTING The c~gular m~eting of the Anah~tm City planninq
Commisoion was ca11Qd to order by Chsirwom~~ Bouse et
10:00 ~.m., &eptomb~c 7, 1983, in ths Council ~hamber, a
quorum b~ing prensnt end th~~ Cammission caviewed plene of
the items on todey's agenda.
RECESS: 11:3U a.m.
RECqNVEN~: 1:32 p.m.
PRESENT Chairwomen: Ho~as
CammiSaioners: '~ hare, Fry, Herbet, King, ~a C],eire,
ABSLNT Comtnie~ioners: None
J-L50 PRESENT Annike Santalahti AseJ.etant Director for Zoning
Jael Fick Aasi~tent Directoc for Planning
Jack White t~eaiatant City Attorney
Jdck Judd Civil Engineering Aasociate
Dean Sherer Aseoci~te Planner
Edith Harris Planning Commiasion Secretery
APPROVAL OB MINUTES: Dean ~herer, Asenciate Planner, asked that the minutea
of the August 22, 1983, meeting be corrected on Page 536, Action for Item
13-~-, sub-parngrdphe (a) and (b), changing khe etreet from erookhurst to
Crescent Avenue.
ACTION: Commissioner La Claire offered d motion~ seconded by Conunissioner Fry
~nd MOTION CARRIED thnt the mi~utes from the meeting of August 22, 1983, be
approved as corcected on Page 536.
Fountain '/alley, CA 92708. AGENT: gLl-IR PAVING, INC., 4071 E. La Palma
l~venue, Suite B, Anaheim, CA 92807. Property deecribed es an
frregulacly-shaped parcel of land conaisting of approximately 4.3 acres
located at 1101 Richfield Road.
To permit a portable aephalt concrete plant in the RS-1--43,000(SC)(FP> Zone.
Continued fcom Ju1y 25, ar~d August 22, 1983.
There were appcoxima~tely twenty-five pereons indicating their presence i~
oppoeition to aubject re.~quesk and although the staff ceport wes not read, it
is cef~rred to an:: made a part of the minutea.
Ben DAy, agent, explained a tra-ffic study ha~s been prepered by Weaton Pri~gle
and Assxiates and a noise etudy hae been prepeted by J. J. Vt-n Houtont that
they heve thoroughly reviewed the findings and recommen~ations of tho8e
reports and are willing to strictly comply with the recommendationa. He
atated as of August 29th they completed the total inatellation af ths noise
barrier eround the end of Che plant to significently reduce the noise of the
83-538 9/7/83
opetakion o! ~he p~a~t, end also as o! ~uguat 29th th~Y inatalled ~oiee
suppression equipment on the plAnt itaelf to help reduca the noiae. He stated
prior to ~ugust 29th they did cun some long houre end work one nigh~ without
the nolae auppceaeion equipment.
Mr. Dey atated in the earl.+ stag~s of developmenk there were some pcobleme
thst had to be reaolved e~d they did hAVe some minoc equipment ~roblema, but
heve mede meny neaeesary impcovemente And will be meking m4ny more.
Weston Pcingle, Tr~ffic Eng!neer, 2651 B. Chapman, Pullecton, stated thia
operetion wuuld generate appcoximately 280 daily truck trip~ ~nd 15 employee
trips pec dayl thet the truck tripe would be equally eplit between Gakeview
and Tuatint that they will utilize the levee ecceas coed and deliveriea to the
site would generelly come in from Lakeview ofE the 91 Fceewey and out-going
metecials would be to the weet under the Rivereide Freeway onto Tuetin AvenuA
at the interchange ~rea. He ateted thece will be very little trafEic on the
local streets and the truck tripa will be epread uniformly ovec the day from
6:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m. He atated obviously khis ia not a lACge volume oE
traffic and they will be utilizing artecial streets designed for this type
Mc. Pringle stated rhe intersection of Ftichfield and Tustin ia not currently
developed which createe a si.t~ ,.~roblem and beaause of thet they feel truck
tcaffic going out Richfield should only make cighc turna. He ntated they have
recommendcd the levee toad ahould be mainteined as the prim~cy ingreae and
John Van Houton Rtated hie office ~s in Anaheim and that he is a regietetec9
professional engineer. He stated tt~~y di~: take aeveral noise measurementa
net~c khia t~spha~lt plant, right on the ic~~e eoad edjacent to the southern
boundary end alao at the nearest cesidentiil locar.ion to the Routh acrosa the
Santa Ana Rivect that they started their w~~rk on August lst and mede
meaauxements at both of these locationa anc obaerved the noiee and activities
of the plant at the reaidential location. 9e atdted there was 24-hour
meaeurement on a number of occasions be~wee~ 1-uguat let and J-uguek 29th, and
during that time el<~ir Paving was taking me,~sures to teduce the noise by
putting up a barciec and inatalling a noise suppressor. H~ atated when they
first took the measucementa from the resident~w~ location on August lst, the
noise level wae clearly in excPss of the Orange Co~nty noise standards of 55
dbs during the day and 50 dbs during the night~ however, the l~st measurement
on Auguat 29th indicated that the noise had been reduced to the ambient noiae
levels, which would be the backgcound noiae assnciated with the fceeway, which
is a good diatance away, and general activities in the acee which ere pretty
minor. He stated they made three recommendatio~a which 81aic Paving has
actually completed or ia in the process of doing and those recomm~ndetiona
were: ~1) the hours of operation should be ~imited to 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
with no operation permitted on a Sunday, (2) thak the noise barrier ~~laced
around the burner should be maintained in its pces~at condition end location
and (3) that the manufacturer of the proto-type silencec ahould continue to
improve its effectivenesa.
Mr. Uey presentPd several slides of the ectual plant and also a model of the
ple:t showing the barrier and silencec, Thr~ slides showed the general area
including the resi3ential homes and the rock crushing operation on prcperty
adjacent to thie property and the etockpiles of materiala for this operntion.
Ken K~ccy, 1371 ~. Alderdale, RtAtfd hio home is ~uat acrose the civer from
Blaic Paving and he hee besn e reeident in 1-naheim for tour y~arat that he is
not aqeinot Mc. Dey, Bleic Psviny, or hia operation end woul~ like to see him
be pcoaperoua ar~'. aucceasful and be able to wotk long hourst but that they
would like for him to do that in eome other location. He ateted the noise hae
been loud since he has been in opecation and l~rgely Lhe noiee hee been com.ing
fcom the blaet fucnace, but ther are ~ lot of other noiees and the tcucks Are
not quiet and do eound their -rne and he hae been Awakened on a number of
occasiona since hie bedcoom ;~~ in the reac of the houae. He edded he auapects
there are othe[ pollutanta _hen just noise and preaented eome reporta fot the
Commisaion to cead which 'ave to do with noise and pollution.
Mr. Kerry etated he mo•~~d to thia locatinn becruse he thought it wes Laitly
quiet and beceuse it tacks right up to the Santa AnA River and bikc idntlofnd
the freeway noiaea are not reelly noticeable. He etated putting a p
Kerry referced
thie neture fnto their neighborhood ia really the issue. Mr.
to the etaff repor~, Pareqraph 19, regardir~• complaints received from property
ownece on Richfield Road near La Pelme Avenue and p~inted out the report does
not me~tion theic reaidential area which is dicACtly to the south,
ap~coximately 1,000 Feet fcom the plant. He steted there are no proteetive
barciera other than the one erected by the petftioner betw~en them and the
plant becaus~ it is just across a flat civerbed and the noise is not just with
the plant itself, but from Che tcucka, the public addresa system, etc. He
stated complainte from theic area ahould be in the reco[d.
Mr. Kerry st+~ted they felt the location of their house was pco~,ably the best
way to get faitly close to nature because of the animel, fowl and plant life
like thia in tt~at area,
of the riverbed and they felt tcying to put a plant
takes away all those at~ributes. He staked they can hear the noiBHeistated he
their house and it is imposaible to er-tertr~in outside the house.
was not sure that aince the noiae auppresaions had only been completed on
August 29th, that ft ht+s been proven they will be able to auppreas the noise,
and that they wauld iike for the Commiasion to cunsidec this very aeriously.
He pointed out they have a11 come to the meeting to show theic auppott against
thie pcoject.
Kevin Lucas, 4305 Aldecda]e, ~otated for every pecson pcesenti indicating thefc
opposition, tl~ece are 4 or 5 athers wha could not attend the meeting and ther~
is much suppoct on theic sidE: against the problem. He stated he is a
registered cespicatory the~api.st and works at Kaiser-Canyon Genecal Hoepital
which is very close to his horne. He referred to the erticles presented to t'.~e
Commission for their review regarding pollution, especially sulphur dioxide
bnd its effecta, especia:ly to people who are exercising and pointed out thie
plant is fairly close to the bike tcail where a lot ~f people do exercis~, He
stated he has a pool in his backyard and he has noticed a film of a black
subetance on his paol since thie plant has been in operation. He read f om
the~ medical acticles preRented. (Copies requested by Secretary from Mr. Lucas
for file.)
Robert Thompson, 4408 E. Bluewater Circle, Anaheim, etated his residence is
probably further away than anyone else's and if anyone was to be able to hear
the traffic noise, it would be him, but he does not hear traffic noise and
does hear the noi~~ ~m BY~+ir Pevin. continuaermits,iebecause they havebbeenry
concecned puttin~ ., in Mr. Day regarding p
violated several times, by Mc. Day'a own admiaaion thak t.hey heve operated et
night. Mr. Thompson referred to the article cegecding medical problams cauaed
by the pollutentg and expleinad his wite haa sathme which is eggr~vated by
thi8 plant. He etaked the bihe trail wae planned iM its prea~ent location for
the enjoyment of evecyona and this plant i.s becoming an eyesoce which deFcats
the purpaae of the whole idea and the toxicants in the air completely destroy
th• ~ffect. He atated the map prepered ~y the petitioner completely
eliminates their whale area. He steted this type p1Ant ie obviou~ly needed,
but he felt it ahould be moved to a moce suitable locetion. He retdrKed to
the comments that the plent will be oPereting from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and
eteted they ece eontinually opecakiny paet thet t~me and even during thoae
haura it is intolerahle.
Cerolyn Baina stated it was from her home thet quite a few of the measuremcnts
were madet that she hes tried to be open and wait until tt~ey had all the eound
barriera in befoce deciding whethec or not shp wanted elair Paving theret
however, ahe has decided that she doea not w~nk them there. She read a letter
from Mr. and Mra. Parks, 4350 E. Alderdele and al:~o a letter from her e~n her
huaband. Copiea of letters are on file in the Plnnning Department.
Mactin Baina state~ they live directly acrosa from this plant, appcoximately
600 feet away. He etated the S~uth Coast Air puality Management District
permit indicates thie plant must not burn m~re than 3,740 gallons of fuel az
oil per day ~r not over 5,3a6 gallons of propane per day which is a lot of
fuelt that they procesa ove[ 3,000 tona per day and they sre sbout 600 or 7Q0
feet away with no protection. He stated the Tcaffi~ Engineer hea indicated
there will be 280 tcuck tripa per day and if the~ are worki.ng 11 houra per
day, between 6;00 a.m. an~ 5:00 p.m., that is approximately 25-1/Z truck tri~e
pec hour or one every two o[ three minutes and he thought that would be a lot
of traffic. He stated the last two days a visitor at his home has bee~
awakened by the noise. He stated property values ahould be coneideted and
there is no doubt that with this plant, property values will be decr.:ased and
thece ia a precedent for thfs which is Hubect vecsus PorCland Cement.
Debca Lucas, 4365 1-l~lerd~le, skated the neiqhbochood u9sd tn be quiett
however, on several occasions aince Blait Paving has gone into ogeration, her
entice family Fas been ewakened duriny the nighk by very louc: cumbling and
noises directly associated with Blair Paving and khat _hey have had to call
the police so they could get ~ack to sleep. She exptainrd what ~ typical day
would be like for her family with the noises, odora f:om tar, sulphur, etc.
bl~ck soot on the swimming pool, irritation ta the eyes, throat, etc. and
urged the Commission to have Blair Paving movs thefr portable asphalt plant to
an area where they would not disturb anyone's life. She pointed out a
petttion was previously submitted with over 300 siqnatures people who want
elair Paving out of thefr lives.
Mrs. Philippi, 4353 Alderdale, atated she and her husband moved to this acea
because Anaheim has a reputation for very high atandards and quality living
end that they are proud of their neighborhood. She stated duting the las~ two
years a beaukiful new park, a new fire atation, a refurbished Kaiser Hospital
and a recently completed medical complex adjacent Co the hospital :zave been
added ar.9 that the homea are well kept. She stated the entite City is
something to be proud of with ~he redeveloped do~+ntown, t':e Angela, the
proposed ~-mtcek Stetion, ekc. and stated they ere not aqainst growth. 8he
referred to induetriee in the area end ot~ted moet of those bueineea apent
milliona of dollare to constcuct c~ermanent buildiaga and provide landecaping
end cont.cibute to the cevenue of the City. Sha esked why they need to heve a
bueinesa in their beckyard which will offc~ nothing but e amall amount of
revenue, pointing out they will not be building a permanent building andl wi11
not provide landacaping and not even be required to peve or improve eny rodde
]ea~~ing to the site. She steted they underetend that the buc~inese muat remein
pcrtable because of the high danger of flood in that area and ata~ted ahe wauld
v~enture to say there ls no poesible way thet elair P,:ving would be able to
movR out af the erea~ in cese oE a flood end thought thousanda of gellona of
fuel, chemical3 and caw materielr, could waoh into the Santa Ana Rivec and
endanger all of Anaheim. She stated deily the mountains of raw materials ~row
end they a[e building a levee which would cause more flooding thcough their
neighborhood. Sho stated if they ace ellowed to remAin, they will be running
280 truckloada in and out of that eite per day and noted they have seen
LLrst-hand the damage that can be done to the streete by theae trucka becauae
theic buaineas is loceted on Chapman Avenue in Orange and the 18-wheel trucks
from Conrocks have deezcoyed the r~ada and caused accidents.
Ma. Philippi stated the traffic report indicatea they will be using Lakeview,
Tustin and La Pelma A~enue, but their tr~~~~ks are often seen on Riverdale which
is the main access to the:r ceaidentisl a•~a and as of Monday morning t~~~ce
will be 370 small children croasing Riverdale in the path of 16-wheel trucke
going to achool and she did nol• think an 18-wheel truck loaded, traveling 45
to 50 miles Per hour, could avoid a collision with a small child or group of
children. She atated a~ thig ~~oint, they fear for their childte::'R lives, not
only through lung damage from dangerous chemicels, but fcom truck traffic
hazarda. Ms. Philippi stated Mr. DAy had admitted to her that on tw~~
diffecent occasions an employee had turned the burner up too high cauaing all
the windows in thei~ homes to rattle foc half an hour until 6:~0 a.m. when
someone called him to tell him what to do and asked if ot~~er empluyees would
be handling chemicals oc doinq jobs they did not know about and as~e~i if a too
high flame in a wrong area could cause an explosian which would add to tha
hazards. She stated the view is about as eppealing as a landfill= that they
burn almost 5,000 qallons of fuel dail.y causing dangerous anisslons which the,y
have been cited for by the SCAQMD~ that the trucks endanger their li~~es; that
the noise is very unsettJing: thar. th~ lack af slEe~ is R:/ERtJ~lly C~Olf1g to
take its tollj thet they arE hear.ing four 15-horeepower :notors, a
10-hoc~epower asphr+lt pumpl $.75 horsepower bucn~~rt a 15-horsepower blower, a
7.5-horaepower belt feedert a 30-horsepower bucket elevato[; a 30~kilowatt
electric heatert a 2-hocaopowcr air-lock, ve:n feeder with a l.-hor~~Ppower
blower, thxee 3-horsepower screw conv~,ora, a 5-horsepower dust combining
ecreen, a 40-haraepower afr compceas . aad a 125-horaepowP~ blower thet spins
thz drum mixec.
Ma. Philippi s~ated that they .annot utilize their backyards or pools with the
present operation and pointed out the peCitioner is asking for an expansion
and this wou.'.d aftect their property values and thetr health and well-being
even more. She stated they are asking that Blair Paving be denied their
pErmit and they should be required to move out of the area since tiheir unit is
supposed to be portable and it should not be difficult to locate another piece
of property more auitable for this type of bueinesa.
James Lowaon stated he liveo on the !ac eest end of ~lderdale which ie
probebly one~qu~rter mile away from rhe claeest houee of people complaining.
He peaoed out a copy of hia oppoaition commenta. He eteted he, like moet
paople who bought homee elong ths rivecbed trail, wece easuced by the
developec in 197~ th~t the riverbed treil dnd greenbelt would be developed end
the Aand and gravel opecation would be cequired to vacete end that now, diter
13 ye~rs thoy heve left tha eite, but t~king their plACe is Bl~ic Paving which
has Lhe potential to cceete more problemat thet tceneportation ar.d atorage of
chemicele credtea a pcobability of epillage for leter ground weter pollutiont
thek trenspoctetion ~nd atorage of fuel hea cat~atrophi~ •~~~~"ent potentialt
that the rPmoval of any weste producke would have to ed outt thet
transportetion, stockpiling and re-distribution of raw •sed materiel~
cceetes e constant dust pcoblemt that consta~t diecherge into the air makes
any air they breath moce polluted probably cauaing lung or health problema
laCer on with curtent pcoblRma for children, senior citizens or pregnant
women= that tl~cce have been many complaints ta the SCAQMD cegarding thia
operetiont that constant noiae problems include but ar~ ~~~~ limited to roars,
rumblea, clatter and general racket, not ~nly Ecom the plent itaelf, but from
all -.he aupporting trucke and other heavy equipment operating to keep the
plant running. Hp atgted this persistent ~nd intenae noiae qenecating fcom
tt~is operation is of such intensity that it is virtually impossible ko have
any windowa open until the plant shuts down and o~tdooc activities aannot be
puraued while they eze cunning due ta the obnoxious odors. He stated the
money spent for City secvices to investigate and coccect problems or eppease
their complaints would be excesaive, noting that there have been numerous
complaints to the Police Department already concerning this opecation and that
thece will be traffic problems caused b~~ the t•ru~ks becduse of left hand
turna inta and out of the riverbed area. He staLed the intent of the Zoning
Ordinances is to insure and attract a nuisance-fr4e environment and preserve
~roperty values and this asphalt refinecy is not ~ttcactive and is deFinitely
a nuisance and will assuredly decline Fcoperty value and for those reasons he
would ucge the Commission to deny the cequest.
Agatha Kerry referred to a letter dated A~igust 31 cegarding a lack of
consideration and respect they have received as homeowne~s in relationship to
this plant which is located about 1,000 feet frcm their homes. She stated
1,000 feet may not seem close, but they feel it is too close to their
residenkial area; that the,y have suffered from air pollution and high levels
of noiae during all hours of the day from ~:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. including
weekendat that 9 neignbors signed a complaint on August 26th about pollution
and thak Mr. Heney, the engineec who filed the complaint with SCAQMD, stated
Blair Paving had been cited on August 25th (the day before) for smake
emission, but they could not get a capy of that citation until it has gonp to
couctt that there is a petition on fi~e in the Planning Department with over
300 signatures and asked why thak was ignored. She s~ated ~hey aent out 100
fl,~ra on August 21st notifying concerned citizens in the area of the heering
set for August 22nd and they called the Planning Department Office to verify
the time and date at 10:00 e.m. on August 22nd and was told the meeting was
not cancelledt that they came to the Auguet 22nd meeting with neighbors and
were told at the meeting that the matter would be continued untfl September
7th becauae Mr. Day needed more time to justify hia operations that nathing
has been done for the homeownere in the area and ik has been over 2 monthas
that Mr. Day called her expreasing his concern regarding the problems he
created Lor th~ic reaidRntisl srea by telling har he 18 putting in aound
b~rciecs to prev~nt exceseive noiee end indicerad he underatcod her taelings
regarding thd heslth of her child and that ah~ had tnld him th~t he could not
underetend hec feelin9a b~cauee he does not live in the erea end i~ not
pollutin9 his children'e eir with tar vepore or chemicele that h~rt the eyas
And noatrile and he aontinuoualytfromheaclyimorning until~late~etinightteandve
noiae which goea on
thAt he euntinued to opecete at full produc:tion dur~ng the week when e wae
cited for pollution which resulted in more compleints due to mote pollution on
Auguet 26= thet Mr. Day did not etop full production to alleviate the
ceaidentidl rrea of a noiae he created when he knew he needed to inatall
ailencece and that heecannotcsto~cduettthetptilowsnovet$theeciverbed~~ndtcucka
dnd bulldozers and
affecte theic health.
Ma. Kerry stated ehe undecstands thece was n reading between 5;00 and 7:00
p.m. on Au~ust 29th and Mt. Day was present and at thdt time thedidWheac~the
howevec- they
trucks or bulldozera moving with exceasive noise;
noiae the ne~temo ~ice at 7u308a.mOtandninsiatedithey document~theinc~omplnint.
khey called h p
Ma. Kerry stated they pucchased their home becauae it backed up to the bike
trail and n~t a pollution factory invading their evecy waking and working
mamenti that she ia conce[ned about her two-year ol.d daughter and will not
tolerate anymore of Mr. Day's abusESt that hie actione t.~ve epoken louder than
his ~~ordas that on September 6th (yesterday) ehe and her husband hRard the
Blair Paving trucks, bulldozers and other machinea before 5 ~'clock in the
morning and it e^ems his concern is obviously short-lived and asked how long
ik will be before Mr. Day forgeta he is opeGe~ting in a flood zone with storage
of chemicals. She stated thie is a portable plant and if it is too difficult
for him to move now, then it shnuld not oe allowed in a flood zone to begin
Karen Schomer, 4421 E. Bluewater Circle, referred to a letter she sent to the
Commisaionerst how~ever, ahe would like to point out that the petitionec is not
operating uhder morningwandihashheardathetnoisehafter 5e00dptmemandeittdoes
before 6 in the
become very much a nuieance.
Jack WhiGe, nssiatant City Att:orney• pointed out thP Commissionecs did receive
several letters in opposition and thosp lettera are available for the
petitioner to review if he so desirea.
" Mr. Day etated they really have impcoved the traffic flow and reduced the
' noise since the beginning of their productiont that the decibet level in the
~ backyards of the homes on Alderdale prior to the noiae suppreasion measures
~z was about 59 decibels and after the installation, it was lowered to about 52
or 53 decibels which is a slgn~ficant reduction and stated the ambient level
ie about 50 decibels. He stated prior to August Z9th they did run the plant
at night and extremely long hours trying to teat the plant to see what naise
He stated since August 29th they have not
~ levels they would be creating•
started before 6:00 a•m• Sf~thevSound Eagineer.p$He stated•they did$n theven
, S wece the recomraendations o
operake the ~nt on the 6th (yeaterdey), however, tl~e neighbor to the eest
wm~ operetiny hie pl«nt. Regarding the SCAQMD situstion, ha etated they did
heve a maltunction on one occaeion end there wse eome •blue smake• emigeiona
end he callod in a breakdown to the SCAQMD and aeked far time to get the
probl.em resc?ved nnd there wae some pollution et that time. He atnted thece
wae ~n air qualicy expect at the previous hearing who testified how stcingent
the South Coeet Air Quality Menegement Dietrict cequir3mente ere and they are
probwbly one o: the tougheat in the country and moet pacticulerly on aulphur
oxide. He explAined when bucntng propane, there is abeolutely no aulphuK
oxi~le emiea+~ns cnd with diesel fuel, under hie pecmit, the r.equirement is
that he only buy fuel thAt conteins lese than 1/4 of li of sulphut. He
expleined t~e ha$ not burnFd diesel aince July 14th and .040 greins total
emi.ssion is all that is permitted which is leae then 150 pounds totel fac the
whole deyi that the air qu,~lity febric fi.lter eyetem on their plent cost ovec
1/4 million dollAra a~nd the plant will pollute leas than 100th of what the
traffic on the freeway would pnllute. He etated he has agreed and ie more
than willing to do whatever ia required and will reatrict his hours of
oFeration to days on.ly, even though it will restrict his busineas not being
able to do freeway work at night. He stated the residents at the closest
point are about 1200 feet eway and when those houses wece built in 1971, there
wae a rock crushing plant on this property and it has ~ince left beceuse the
e~urce of materiel was compl.etely dug out end this is an area which permits
thi8 type of uae. He atated since Auguet 29th he has tried to operate within
the limits he ia requesting and stated the truck trips given are a maximum and
they have only qotten to 800 on a couple of occasions and an an average day,
there ia approximately 50 loada out and 50 loads in and on some days, as
little aa ten and t!~e plant haa not been runniny et all in the last two days,
but the average would be 1500 or 1600 tona of total product procluced with 2
gallons of Fuel pet ton being used or about 3,000 g~llona per day.
Commiseioner Hetbst stated accocding to the existing permit, the hAUre of
opecation were to be from 6:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. and asked why he had exceeded
those houra without appcoval. Mr. Day atated he had talked to ataff about
running his plant so he could test to see if he could run at night and
explained he only ran the plent one night.
Commissioner Herbst stated the neighbore ace being awakened at night and it
sounds like the petitioner has been operating past 5:00 until rather late into
the night, many nights. Mr. Day stated they have ~een operating until 7:00 or
8:00 and on occasion until 9:00 p.m.
Commissionet Hecbst ceferred to the black tarry aubstance the neighbara hbve
referred to in their pools, with Mr. Day replying that had no~ been verified
by the SCAQMD and they have been out to check it.
Commiesioner Le Claice stated ahe wae out to one of these hor~es and saw the
black depoaite and cannot understand where they came from. Mr. Day stated he
has never heard of this happening and would be surprised if they are cceating
the problem.
Commi~sionec Nacbst htst~d originally thie ua~ wae ko b~ e emelt operation and
it app~acq that ehe petition~r has oxcaeuod the permit dce~tically. He stated
in n~eny cases, conditional usea ace all right providing thay do ndret~eck the
haalth end welfece of the n~ighboce and tt~et ~hia us• is ellowed in thi8 zone
only by e conditional use ,~~cmit end tha resec~ for a conditionel use pecmit
is to cequica e public heACing to ceceive the neceeeacy information. He
stated it appesce this operetion ie effecting the health And welfece oE this
neighbochood end unlesa eome protectlon can be provided From the dieael tcuck,
he could not vote foc this reyuevt end wou]d egree thet the operation ahould
be moved.
Mc. Day stated he did not requeat the originel permit, and the firat time he
cAme before the Comm~esic;n waa to reyueet a cha~ge Erom the porteble conccete
batching plant to a portable eaphalt plant end the increese in the number of
truck Lripa to approximetely 48 loadat and at thet time hia interpretation of
the loada was the finiahed pcoduct a~~u that wAS what he thought he would need
to ehip out of thet plent per day and th~re may have been a mietake becauae
there is Alao the incoming matPrial which will automatic~lly double the
numbe[s and that in two weska after khe plant was in oper~tion, he Aaw the
potentiai of needing some additional trucka and wrote a letter ta etdff
requeeting 70 loada exiting the plant E~r day. He ateted cight now they
average 20 or 30 or eometime 5~ loads exiting and he has not exceeded the
pecmit level. He etated as far as the houra of opecetion, eome mistakes have
been made by hia p~srsonnel, but he has coccected thet problem And will
continue to enforce~ the houra and stri~tly adhere to the conditiona of the
permits end that the numbec of loads going aut is not any moce th~n originally
agreed to.
Commissioner La Claice atated the original eatimate was different to the
Planning ~ommissionr a~d that 289 ttips per day is quite diffe~ent than 48 per
dey. She stated the Commission did have concerns when this was orig~nelly
approved dnd that ia one of the ceasons the permit wae limited to one yeer=
and the Commission tt~ought it wUUld be a amell batching operationt however, it
has not turned out that way and th~t ahe wants to see thie bueinese succeed,
but that it ie creating too much of a hardship on the neighbors. She
clarified that the original permit is not before the Planning Commission
today. She state~ she carefully reviewed the sound and traffic reports and
was out to the area across fcom the site and realized ahe would be very upset
if ahe lived there and stated these people had a nice quiet area, buk now it
ia very noisy.
Commissioner La Claire referred to Paragraph 25 pertaining to the findi:~gs of
fact required because of the flood plain overlay zone and stated when this
permit was originally approved, the commisaion did not have any infocmation
about this matter and did not know this finding was required, but she could
not vote foc approval of the negative declaration because she did not knaw
about the ef~ect on the edjaining land uses.
Commiasioner La Claire stated anothec finding of fact is that the propo3ed uae
will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and growth and development
in the area ~here it is proposed to be loceted and ehe felt this situation is
already affecting the homeownecs in the area. 5he stated ehe understands the
petftioner's position and aympathizes with him, but felt he has brought moet
oi hio problema on himaalt becauae kh~ Commission votod on on~ thing end told
him it would b~ on a ons-yesc trial besie with 48 tcuck loade pec d~y and tliat
isn't enywh~re nAar the eams ~i.cture •~ what i~ qoing on now end that tihere
ace cancerns and queationa about aic pollution and other ~sctora.
Mc. Udy etated on~ laad o! ~iniahed product c~eaC~,~ 1 truck trip~i howev~c,
they ace on~y cceat+~g approximetely 60 loade of ~iniahed producC end the
original aetimete waa for 48 loado of tiniahed product.
~ommisaioner [~ry atated if he had know~ that the one load of tiniehed product
meane fouc othe[ tripe, ha would not hsve voked for the permit in the first
Commieaionet Hecbat etated Planning Commieaionecs ace lend plennere and do
know whaC tripa per day means and when eomeone aays there will he 48 tripa per
dny, the Commisaion knows whet they ere talking about. lir. Day ata:ad he
misunderatood that eituation.
Commisaioner La Claire ateted she wlahed thie operation could be succeasful
without being a herdehfp on the neighboca, but she could not vote for approvnl
of thie pro~ect.
Commiaeioner Bushore stated the petitioner ia actu~lly operating under
Conditional Uae Permit No. 2207 and the concrete batching plant is actuelly no
longec there and on March 7th the Commission granted the petltioner pecmiasion
to change the uae for one year and asked whether or not the one year would be
meaaured Erom the beginning of the original CUP No. 2207.
Dean Sherer, ~saociate Plennec, ateted CUP 2207 was grant~d foc one yea~r in
1981 in con junction with a poctable concrete batch plant and subaequent ko
that, the petitionec requested an amendment to permit inc reasing the number of
truck loads pec day and changir~g the natuce of the use to a portnble asphelt
plant and it wns gr~nted for e one-year period.
Commiesioner Buehore asked about CUP 2113 on the property to the east and
a8ked if that concrete recycling ie still going on.
Mr. Day atated that is on the adjecent property and it difEers fcom the
asphalt plant in that concrete is ectuelly recycled by breaking it up and
crushing it. He stated their trucks are coming and going all day long and
explained nothing is melted ia theic operation nnd there ie no heat process at
Commiaeionec Buehore asked if it ie posaible that aome of the noise could be
coming From the operation of the adjacent property. llr. Day replied there ia
no way to tell the difference. He explained theirs is a cruehing operation.
He aeked if changing the houra of operation would make hia operation more
amenable to the neighbora, pointing out he has boen in theic bac;kyards and
there ie a small amount of noise.
Commisaioner La Claire stated ehe was in the AC@d on Saturdey and she had
received a phone call about 8:15 e.w-. and when she acrived +~bout 9:40 a.m.,
the plant had been shut down, but the~~: ~res a lot of truckat thdt sbe w~s fn
._4 ry
~ i S
~ Y ~
the house !or abour 20 minut~a and aaa ~leo in thalc backyard and she reelly
lelt ~he neighbor• heve s pcoblem with nois• from the tcucka. She s tated the
.ound otudy indicatee a aiqnit~aa~t nais~ level and ahe doe• heve a lot of
questiona about that etudy beceu~e it eaid tha nbise lavel would be 1 or 2
ebove th• ambient level end thet ahe has been ther~ when there wes no noise
and could not underatend how, with all these trucko added, it could be only 1
oc 2 ~bove.
Mr. Day stated he would be willing to limir, the houra of oper~tion t ucthec and
cut down the number of rruCk trips. Ne atated if this cequest ia de niad, he
will probably be put into bsnkruptcy because he doesn't hdve anothe r pl~ce to
move this plant And also about 1~0 employeee would be out of work, i ncluding
paving crewe, gr.ading crewa, truck drlvecs, etic.
Cheirwomen Bouas axpleined he currently has ~ pecmit ko operete unti 1 March,
i~ he can live within thoae restrictione.
Commiesionec La Claire eteted the Commisaion nppcoved thet requeat baeed un
the infocmation pceaented bX the Fetitioner that it would not affec i the
neighbor$, etc. She atated tt.e Commiasion carea about the petitione r, but
they aleo cace about the neighbaca and pointed out ega~n the petitioner etill
has a conditionAl uae permit with cectein stipuletions.
Responding to Commiesionrr Buahore, Dean Sherer explained there ie a City
ordinance limiting construction to atart befoce 7:00 a.m.= however, in thie
instance the applicant has Conditional Use Permit No. 2207 to permit operdtion
between 6:U0 e.m. an~ 5:00 p.m., Mondey through Seturday.
Mr. Day stated he cealized the origin~l permit was for one year, but that one
of his cnmpetitors is auing the City right now againat that Conditi onal Use
Permit No. 2207.
Commiseioner Bushore atated he wanted it on the cecocd that the pet itioner
knew that hia pecmit was foc one yeer. He atated the Commisaion is not
denying him that original permit and he can atill aperate under th~ t permit.
Commissioner La Claire steted if anyone exceeds a conditionel use permit, it
can be revoked, eapecial2y ahen there ~re so many opposed and point ed out she
felt the neighbore will be watching this operatlon.
Keith Waldon, attocney for Blair Pavinq, atated he would like to have the two
engineecs reports and rhe diagrams, slides and models included in t he record.
He atated when those homea were built in 1971, there was an operati en that was
noisy and intrusive on that areas and that operation ceased because the raw
materials was ext~aueted and those families who bought those homes i n 1971 knew
of the exietence of that plant and recognized it could have an affect on their
property values and quality of life And, in addition, an adjoininq land owner
has a similar operatiort thet was apptoved by thia Commission and has been in
operation for many yeara. He atated it seeme that Blair Paving ope rdtion is
being singled out.
Commissioner euahoce atated those matters are not a part of thia hearing and
the Cammission is reviewing this request for Conditional Use Permi t No. 2474
and the other usea are not included.
1 ~
Mr. Weldon atated kh i a area has be~n zoned !or thi$ type uae and he ie eware
that conditional use permite are requiredt end thet tho~e operations heve
exieted in this ersa end ar~ those types ot ~lAnta whiah people probably would
cathec not aee next t o theic homee.
Commiasionec Le Clai re steted the petir.ioner hea mede hia own problem here.
Mr. Waldon aaked if it would be poaeible to approve the pecmit before the
Commission and include khe exact tecma of Conditlonel Uee Permit No. 2207
relating to the 48 t ripa per dny, etc. ~:o the new permit would be exectly the
eame a~ 2207 bec~use that original pecmi.t ia being attacked by a courk
ptoceeding and, in h ie o~inion, there wes pr~bebly some pcocedurel problem
with the isauance of thet permit which could cause the permit to be ~evoked
~nd in order to bvoi d continuing litigat.l.on and ~nymore hearinga beEoce this
body, he thought it would be ~air and hiio client wou2d accept the same tecma
as Canditional Use Permit tio. 22U7. He explained the pcablem with the
ociginal permit was with the proceduces and the noticea which were not
pcoperly made end t h at thia hearing hea b~een properly noticed and the preper
proceduces have bee n followed.
Commissioner Bushore stated a new EIR Negative DPcluKation would have to be
adopted in order to approve the new permit based on Che infocmetion ceceived
today pQrtaining to the truck tripa, no:se. etc.
Mc. Weldon atated a 11 the evidence should t-e coneidered, but based on the
Commission's stateme nts cegardiny the numbe~r of truck tripa per dey and
regazdless of what Blair Paving would like to do, they would have to limit the
aperation to the oc i ginal permit and that could be mdde a part of the new
conditional uae periait.
Chairwoman Bouea st ated with the iacts the c:ommiseion has neerd, it would be
herd to approve the EIR Negative Decleration.
Commissioner Herbst atated the City of 1-naheim advertises thre~r ways: eending
out notices to property ownera wfthin 300 :eet, advertiaing in the newspapers
and p~sting the property. Ke stated he doubted the propecty own~±rs across the
rivec received noti ces of CUP No. 2207. He stat~d one of the reasuns :for
requiring a conditi onal use permit is to give the Commisaion a handle on the
use so they will f i nd out what is heppening and determine whethec or ~ot the
operatian is causing a problem. HQ stated if thnt permit was before the
Commisaion today, i t would he-ve to be denie~ based on the information received
from over 1,000 fee t away. He pointod out tlse Commieaion could atill Actually
revoke Conditional Uee Permit No. 120~ because they are in violatiun of the
conditions right now.
Mr. Wgldon stated t here will be etrict compliance to the n mber of truck trips
per day requirement , etc. and that he hes heard etetements that certain
pollutante can cause certain problemaJ howeve~r, this plant is under the
auapices of the Sou Lh Coast ~-ir Quelity Manaqement Dietrict and they are very
atrict and have po 1 ice powers and could shut down khis operation in one day,
if they wanted to, so the neighbors ere pcotected on that iasue. He stated
the Commission shou ld limit themaelves to testimony regarding the truck trip
isaue and the sound ieaue and that axpect te~timony hae been preaented today
indicating that thoee are wall within tha legal r~quitements And ~hey ar•
voluntatily aqreeing to limit the numbec o! trucke to the numbeHltatated 48
Commiaeion thought wee ceesoneble when the permlt wea iasued.
tripa par day i~ not unreasonabl• an8 i~ 1/tth the numbec set focth in the
traffi. cepoct and if those conditi.ons ece included, the neighbace would be
completaly covered. Ne stated he did not think it ie Eeir to aesume that the
condition~ ere going to be violeted at thie time.
Comn:isaionera Fry and Herbet etaGed the conditions are being violated right
naw. Commiesioner Nry ae~ked how the attorney could ~atand there Hea~~A~edeone
a atatement aftRC all thia testimony has been presanted today.
o~ the things t~al~~o thei peace8theelth,~safetytdndQgenerel welfarepofmtheWill
not be derclmen
Commissioner Le Claire stated ahe underatAnds what the attocn~y is aeying and
$he aympathizes, but this is A new ba~lgeme and the Commiasion muet make
certain findings which she did not khink they could make beceuse thece are a
lot of questi~na which cannat be anawe[ed. She steted the Commi88pllution.t
make the findinga aince they do not heve all the facta cegarding p
She atdted they could not approve o[~ the requirementcfor~an~environmentalte
h~+ve been brought fotth which aupp
impact ceport.
ACTIpN; Commisaionec La Claire offeced a motion, aeconded by Commisaioner Fry
and MOTION CARRIED, that the ~-naheim City Planning Commisai~n disappcoves the
proposed neqative declaration for tt,e project which !a a porteble asphalt
conccete plant in the RS-A-43,000(PP) (Residential, Agriculturel Scenic
Corridor Blood Plai.n Overlay) Zone located at the southerly terminus of
Richfield Road and further deacribed ea 1101 Richfield Road upan the finding
that the Planning Commission has conaidered the proposed negative declaration
together with any commenta received during the public review pcocess and
furthec finding on the basis oi the initial study And any commenta received
that there is subatantial evidence that the project will have a significant
effect on the envir.onments and on the basie that aufficient evidence was not
submitted to ahow that the pcopoaed project, alone or in combination with any
existing developments, will not endanger life, will not aignificantly restrict
the carrying capacity of tt~Q regulatory floodway, will not incteaee flood
heights and will not increase ~he velocity of f lnodwatec.
Commiasioner La Claire offeced Resolution No. PC83-152 and moved for i.ts
paseage and adoption that the, Anaheim City Planning Commission doea hereby
deny Conditional Use permit No. 2474 on the basis tha 2207eha$icauseduae
previously approved ~.: der Conditional Use Permit No.
detrimental effects on the residential area acrass the Santa ]~ne Rivec to the
south from this riant's operation, truck noise, pollution and abnoxious odores
and that the p~opoaed expanded uae would increase the detrimental effectss
that the Pr~hescitize ns~and wouldtbemdetrimentaletoethe,sucrourtdingf~ty end
welfare of
On coll call, the foregoing resolution was pdssed by the following vote:
_ .. .
_.._ ___ ~.. ......_ . _ , ,
--~ ~~. _ _-._ -.~_.._.._..__._ -
~ack White, AasiatAnt City Attornsy, pceesntod th~ written cight to app~el the
Planning Commisaion's deciaion wi~hin 2Z days to the City Council.
Commiesionar Herb.t ateted he would liko to c~queat skaFf to moni~or the
operetion under Conditionel Uco Permit Na. 2207 ta eee that tba petition~r
atrictly adherea to the conditiona of epproval. He etated he will be on~ oP
the ~iret to recommend revoking that p~rmit if the conditions are violated.
Commiaeionar eushore aaked staEf to investigate end datecmine if the adjacent
propecty could be ceueiny part of the problem. Deen ~hecec explained steff
hed no~ received eny complainta about the opecation under Conditionel Uae
Permit No. 2113.
ACTION: Commiesioner Herbst offeced a motion, eeconded by Commieaioner La
Claire end MOTION CARRIED, thet the P1Anning Commission doee heceby in8truct
staff to inve~ti.gate the operetion under Co~ditional Uae Permit No. 2213,
pcopecty located ed~dcent to subject property.
PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: NORBERT A. W~TERS, 12132 Morrie Lene, Garden Grove,
CA 92640. Property deacribed es an ircegularly-shaped parcel of l~nd
consiating of Approximately 0.40 ecre on the north side of Ball Roed,
approximetely 280 feet eest of the centerline of Sunkist Street and
immedietely west af ~he Orange (57) Pceeway.
RS-A-43,000 to CL.
Continued from August 8, ~nd 22, 1983.
It was noted the petitioner has requested a two-week conkinuance.
ACTION: Commiseioner La Cldire offered e motion, ~econded by Commissioner
King and MOTION CARRIED, that consideration of the aforementioned matter be
continued to the regularly-scheduled meeting of September 19, 1983, at the
requeat of thp petitionec.
Garden Grove, C~ 92640. Propec~y described as an iccegularly-shaped paccel of
land conAiating of apgroxim~tely 1.40 acrea on the narth ~ide of 8a11 Road,
immediately weat of the Orange (57) Freew~y.
To pecmit an 8U-unit motel anc; co.^.ktail lounge with waivers of minimum
atructural setback, maxi~u~ a:ructural height and permitted location of
freeatanding siga.
Continued from ~uqust 8, And 22, 1983.
Zt was noted the petitioner has requgated a two-week continuance.
~ i
C-~TIDNs Commi~~ion~r La Claice otf~red a motio~, aeconded by Con~niASionor
King and MOTION CARRI~D, that coneid~ration ot th~ alocementioned m~ttet be
oontinued ta th~ csgularly-achedu]~d meetinq of Septambec 19, 1983, at th~
requeat of the p•titioner.
RG~ESSt 3:20 p.m.
RBCONVENE: 3z30 p.m.
Or~nge, CA 92667. AGENT: JOS~M OZYP, 7227 Cedac, Sen Bernardino, C~ 92406.
Property described as an irregularly-ahAped pdreel of lend coneieting of
epproxim~tely 1.48 acres having e frontago of epproxim~tely 230 feet on the
weet eide of Herboc Boulevard, 1251 North Harbor Boulevard.
CG to CL
To ~ermit a 3-story, 120-room mote~.
There was no ane indicating th~ic presence in opposition to eubject cequest
and althouyh the staff ceport was not tead, it is ceferred to and made a pact
of the minutes.
Josam Ozyp, ngent, expleined the Commlasion requ~sted they aubmit revfaed
plans ahowing a 3•foot easement to be granted to the City accoss the northerly
portion of the property to allow a walkway and aleo tn aubmit e line-of-aight
plan ehowing the intrusion on the neighbora nccose Raleigh Street. She
explained they have complied with those requestas howevec, they wece not clear
regarding the outcome foc the walkway, but aould agree to do whatever the
Commission approves.
Commisaioner McBurney refFrred to a memorandum from the Police Department
regarding the welkway with Ms. Ozyp responding she wes aware the Police
D~partment is recommending deletion of the walkM~ys however, ahe ie aware of
the neighbocs' concerns also. Chairwoman Bouas referred to the fact that
CALTRANS cejects the walkway and apologized for aeking the petitio~er to
reviae the plans.
ACTION: Commiasioner King offeced,a motion, seconded by Commiseioner Fry and
MOTION CP-RRIBD, that the ~naheim City Planning Commiasion does hae reviewed
the proposel to recl~seify aubject property fcom khe CG (Coiameccial, General)
and RS-7000 (Residential, Single-Fdmily) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Limited)
Zone to permit a 3-atory, 120-room motel located on an irregularly-ehdped
parcel of land consiating of approximat~ly 1.48 acres, h~ving a frontage of
appcoximately 230 feet on the west aide of Barboc Boulevard and further
described as 1251 North Herbor Boulevardt and does hereby approve th~ Negative
Declaration upon the finding that the Planning Commission ha~ ~onaidered the
propoaed negative declaration together with any comments received during the
public review proceas and further finding tbat on the basie of the initiel
study and any conunente received that there ie no substantial evidence that the
project will have a eignificent effect on the environment. 9~7~83
Commisaion~c La Cl~~re clacifi~d that the revised planr a~ submittMd wili be
epproved ~ubjact to the eliminetion ot the walkwey. She pointed out th•
petition~~ haa ~ubmitt~d another e~t o! plano which may have be~n kh~ic ficat
Ma. Osyp stated acrually with the reviosd plana, they increaaed land~ceping
and made Adjuatmenta in the perking atalle and would work with atat! to
pcovide edditional lendeceping and more parking apacos.
Jeck White explained the cevise~ plana with the 3-foot welkway eliminated ~nd
additi~mal landeceping provided should be ~p~roved subject to the approvel of
th~ Plenning depactment.
Commiseioner King offered Reeolution No. PC83-1S3 and moved for tts paseage
end adoption thet the Anaheim City Planniny Commt~eion doea heteby grant
Reclesaification No. 83-84-2 subject to Int~rdepACtmental Committee
On roll call, the foregoing reaolution wee pasaed by the Eollowi.ng vote:
Commisaioner King offered Resolution No. PC83-15~ and moved foc its paesage
and adoption that the Aneheim C1ty Planning ~:ommiesion does hereby grant
Conditional Use Permit No. 2482 subject to ti~e 3-foot proposed walkway being
eliminet~~d fcom the revised plans ~nd subject to Intordepartmental Commitk~e
On roll call, the focegoing reao]~.tion wae passed by the following vote:
Commiseioner Herbst explained that the Planning Commfasion had epprAVed
cevised pldna with khe wdlkwaY~ eliminated on the basis that the Police
Department and Traffic Depart.ment recommended against having the walkway and
also on the hasia thdt C~LTRI~NS would noC allow aaceas to their property.
Stceet, Anahefm, 92802. ~roperty deacribed as a rectangulArly-shaped parcel
oY land coneisting of approximetely 6800 square feet on the west side of
Euclid Stceet, approximately 315 f.eet south of the centerline of Broedway and
further described a~ 401 South Euclid Street.
RS-7200 to ~L.
,L1tz,N,UT~B. l1NAHBIM CI~ pl,~- NIN CQ~MI88i~( N --~'SS4
To p~rmit commaGCi~l u~• of a~e~id~n+:iel etructuc~ Mith wai.v~ra of minimum
number o! peckinq sp~cea and r~quic~d location oE parkin9 spacas.
Ther• was no one indiaating th~Lr pca$~nc• in oppooltion to •ub~~ct requ~st
and elthough the ots!! c~porr waa n~t r~ed, ir i.o referred to snd mad• e part
of the minuteo.
Hele~ Pierca~ 401 South Euclid, aq~7nt, explainsd thay hav• pucchaaed this
r~aide~a~ and would like to converk the gerage into e word proceeainq/typin~
$ervice and that they plen to livc~ in tha ceaidence.
Regerding the packing, Commiesianer King eaked if tt~ece would be more than o~e
euetome~ on th~ pcemises +at o~e time. Ne. Piecee csaponded she doubted there
would be moce than one and ahe ~+ould b~ the on~y peraon wocking thar~.
Commiasionac La Cleire etat~sd c-he sees i~o pcoblem with tr~ie. Commissioner
He[bLt sta~ted, however, paving tha fcont of the ~esidence foc packing bothers
him~and pointed out there are aeveral houaes along thie etreet end Allowing
th~ could be starti,ng A pceaedent. He atated this is one reaaon perking is
w,~ted in the rear and he would rather give the petitioner a wa~iver of Code
•~--c~irQmant for parking and limit the use tu thia pacticular uae than to heve
+_t~r i~cont paved.
~!+~c-. ~a~e etated that she would like that becau~e they do not anticipate mote
-:~ha~n cse+~ to tWO persana coming into the cesidencR during one week.
'-a~wf~ioner Ktng sCeted Eive houees south of this propecty, all have cdra
-~w~a out front, so allowing this aould not deteciorete the erea.
o+~s+n Sherec at+ated the 8~pacea cequired wae calculated on thR whole atcuctare
a~.i.rig used, plus the garage, since the buainRes could ~xpand into the
rs+~idencet howevec, with the stipulation that would not occur, ataff would not
h~ave objection to a lesser number of epaccs.
Commiasioner Huahure etated the Coiamiesion is trying to help the petitioner
because they realize with a residential use, parking would be allowed out
frontt however, he felt the Commission f,s oppoaed to changing the zone to
commercial lip~ited, because thet would ellow other usea. de atnted the only
~ortion to be used for commercial uaes is the garage.
Re~ponding to Conunissioner La Claire, Dean Sherer stated none of theae homea
h~ve been ceclaeaified. He explained ths condition~l use permit ie neceasary
to allow commercial use out of a reaidentiel structuce.
JACk White, 1~asietant City Attorney, stated there is a propoaed Condition No.
6 Which limits the use of the property and it ie ni$ o~.inion th~+t is not t~
leg~lly enfocceable condition because once the property haa been reclassified,
the uae of the property cannot bg limited and any uae permikted in that zone
would De allowed. 8e further explained the conditional use pescmit is btought
under a ps~rticulac section of Code which allows as A conditional usa, this
type of uae in the zone being praposed and stAted the ~uestion ia wh~ther or
not this use would be allowed in the existinq aone.
Commia~ioner Bu~hore r~fecred to s reside~ce at about 600 S. Harbor which waa
grnnted e reclsa~ificetian with e reetrict~d uset howevqr, the pcoperty was
let~r remodsled which changed the whole etmnaphere. He ateted changing the
ton• allowe diffecent aetbaaka, etc.
Commiasioner La Clair• steted 4he did not think the Commiaeion hae any
objectione to a conditionel use pacmit to allow thie Qetitioner to opereke one
wocd procesaor. Me. Pierce explainod ahe did not think ehe would have vecy
many cuetamera beca~~se ehe would tnke a pro~ect such ee a manual which would
teke her ~ week to complete. She stated they heve improved the pcoperty end
diecuea~d thie with hec neigribor ~o the reer and they welcome ihem to the erea.
Commisaioner Le Claire seked i.f thece ie ~nywdy to allow this without changing
the 2one. Jack White stated tl~ie pe-rticulet use is e permitted conditional
use in the CL 2one and cettain ~~thec zones, but it is not a conditional uee
allowed in the RS-7200 Zonet therefore, there is no authocity in the Code to
gra~nt the conditione-1 uae pecmit without reclaRaifying the property. He
explained the conditional ug~ is the comnercial uee of the structure end the
~:ode allaws home occupationa aubject to compliAnce to certein cciterie such es
Che numbec of vehicles per dey, eigna, etc. and if the petitioner can meet
trat criteria, she can have a ho~r~e occupation.
C~edn Sherer stated she has cuatomere coming to ~nd from the etructure, so ehe
w~~uld not qualify for a home occupetion permit. He at~ted ~n the pest, the
P.l.anning Commioaion has approved thia kind of use and drapped the request for
rEtclaeaificarion, but that the City 1-ttorney's Office has eince detecmined
th,at conditional usee ehould be Ln the zone they belong in and in this case,
th,at would be the commeccial zone. He auggested that the tecleesification be
CO i.nsteed of CL which would limit the uses to office uaes.
Jac~; White responded the pcoblem ie that the reclaesification has been noticed
as R:~-7200 to CL end he agrees that ~L i.s a lesa intense zonet however, there
is e legal question es to whethec or no1: ther~ would have been adequate notice
to th~~ public. He added if the notice had been worded to CL or a leea intense
zone, then certainly the pcoperty could be reclas~ified to CO without
Commias~ioner Bushore suggested adding word processing to Lhe pecmitted uses.
Jack Whi.te explained adding this use to the RS-7200 Zone would take the
adoption of an ocdinance which would take two readings and 30 days to become
Commieaio~~er Herbet stated the ~ommiseion hds been down-zoning pcopecty for
years. Hr•.~ sCated he would feel comfocteble approving a less intenae aone.
P.eapondfng to Chairwoman Bouas, Dean Sheret etated it would k~ke 4 weeke to
readvertise this pcopos~l.
Commissioner Bushore atated the petitioner could go ahead with her business
with a home accupation permit ae long as she did not ha~re people come to the
home. Jack White explafned there ia no such thing wa a home occupation
permit~ thar the p~tition~r would heve to regietec that 4h• wi~has to conduct
e buaineea lcom har home and ehar• is a whole liet of ccit~rie ahe would hsve
to me~t, euch ae vecy limitod amounte uf vehicuiar enQ pede$trien tca~fic,
eigns, etc.
Commisaioner Buahare auggeated the ,~etitioner comply with the home occupation
cequiremente with Me. Pierce ca~lyi~g they could not put up a eign end they
wiah to have e eign aince that ig tl~e only way they E~idn to ettcect buaine~s
and it would be a small siyn.
Dean She~er ateted fcom whet he underatende about the buaineae, he did not
think tfie petitioner would qualify ~or a home occupaCion permit end in thia
inatance, the Planning Commiasion would have to rezone the property to CO
since ahe wente to convert the gecage end Chen read the list of uees allowed
under the ~0 Zoning.
Commiesioner Herbat steted he ie co~cerned about rezoning the propecty and
waiving the pnrking requirements eince the petitioner could sell th~ property
in the future.
Jack White stated if this property is reciaseified, the petitionec does not
have to exerciae the conditioral uae pecmit and any use permitted in the zone
would be allowed. He explained the w~ivers Are ~eing requested in connection
with the conditional use permit ~nd if khe petitioner complied with all Code
tequirements, she cen h~ve whatevet uses are permitted in that zone.
Dean Shexer stated there ie a condition propoeed that BAyA zaning is not valid
until the conditions of the CUP are met. He stated he believee the Commiseion
is safe to g~ ahead with the cezoning to CO (Commercial, Office).
Annika Santalahti stated in order to uae the ceeidential structure for a
commercial use, the owner would hav~ to have a conditional use permit and in
order to uae the property undec the nea zone, the pcoperty would have to be
redeveloped with a commercial building end in practical terma, with the aize
of the lot, the development stendarda would have to be adhered to and the use
of ~he property would probably be a residence and something requiring a
con~jitionel use permit, so in practical terms, the p~~titionet would have to
liv~s under the conditional uae permit regacdlese of khe undeclying zoning.
Comsnieatonec Herbat stated he felt the CL Zone is impractical and CO is more
practical. He stated maybe this should be reviewed aad Commissioner Ld Claire
suggested including this area in the next Genetal Plan Amendment to see about
doing something about the whole area.
Dean Shecer atated there is an Area Development Plan fot this area, but
unfortunately the land assembly has not occurred end individual owners are
looking for interim uses.
Commiasioner eushore $tAted these two properties were foc eale together and
this petitioner hae bought this property separately. Ms. Fierce etated this
property was sald aeparately because the propertiee were not deep enough to
develop anything commercial.
;~ .~~
Commis~ioner Buahore stsked pcob~bly th~ reaidencea will be there tor a long
tiu~e and he did not went to maks ths same miatakes thet were mede on
Commigeionec Herbat etat•ed he etill leels comfocteble with the CO Zone with
.Tnck White teeporiding thet wi~hout giving pcopec notice t~o rezone a~~operty
to C0, a redeonsb~e Acgument could be mede that the eurcounding property
awnecs heve been dunied due ~coceas. He atated the eaeiest way to handle it
is to have the wordl.ng on the legel notice th~t the intent ie to rezone the
pr~perty to CL or a leas intenae zone. Commisaionec Herbet auggeat~d ataff
could include that woxding in future notic~e.
AnnSka Sentalahti explAined in moet inatencee, thie type rezoning he~s occucred
in reaidential zonee euch ae a condominium zone whecein the zone ellows
single-family development end the uses are permitted in the zone rnd ahe did
not think the Commisaion has seen very meny in the commeccial zone.
Deen Sherer steted atdff cei: ceadvertise for khe meeting of Octobec 3rd and
the petitioner could talk to staff about the home occ~petion regietretion and
operate undec that criteria u-itil the permit ia granted.
Responding to Ms. Pierce, Commi~~eioner Hecbst expleined the CO Zone ia more
appcopriate because the zoning wi:l atay with the property and the diffecence
between CO and CL limita the uees ta office usrs and that she could atill
ceside on the pcemisea.
~CTION: Commissioner King offered a motion, secondecl by Commiasioner McBurney
and MOTION CARRIED (Commisaioner Buxhoce voting no), that conaidecati~n of the
aforementioned matter be continued to the regularly-scheduled meeting of
Oatober 3, 1983, in order for the petition to be ceadvectiaed.
;~~TIpN: Commissioner tiecbat offerad a m~tion, seconded by Commissioner King
and MOTION CARRIBU, that the Planning Commisaion doee hereby instruct staff to
include the wording in future lega: notices pertaining to lesa intense zones.
Street, 1300, 1-ndheim, CA 92805. AGENT: AMIL SH~-B, 2545 Woodland Drive,
Anaheim, CA 92801. Property described as an irr~gularly-shaped parcel of land
consisting of approximately 0.35 acce loceted at the southwest corner of
Chestnut Street and Harbor Boulevard.
CG to CL to construct a 2-story commerci~l oft'.:e building.
Thece was no one indicating their presence in oppoaition to sub~ect request
and ~lthough the staff report was not read, it is r~ferred to and made a part
of the minutes.
Commissioner McBuxney declared a conflict of intereat as defined by An+~heim
City Planning Commiasion Resolution No. PC7b-157 adopting .1 Conflict of
interest Code for the Planning CoAanission end Government Code Section 3625, et
seg., in that he had a financidl interest in the property next door and
pureuent to the proviiione o! the abov~ Codes, decla~ed to khe Chair~oman thsk
he waa withdrawing from the h~arinq in con~ection with R~clasaification No.
83-84-5, and would not tske pact in eithar the diocusaion oc~ the voCinq
theceo~ and hed not diecusaed thie matter with any member of the Planning
Commis~ion. Thereupon Commissioner McBurney left the Council Chambec at 4:07
Commisaionec suahoce declared e ~~nflict of inkeceet As Aefined by Anaheim
City Planning Commission Reeolutiar. No. PC76-157 ~dopting a Conflict of
Interest Code for the Planning Commis:ion and Government Code Section 3625, et
$eq., in that he ie e contractual egent for the Redevelopment Agency and
purauAnt to the provisions of the above Codea, declaced to the Chairwoman thet
he wAa withdrawing from the hearing in connection with Reclaesification No.
83-84-5, and would not take part in either the diecugaion o[ the voting
theteon and hed not discusaed thia matL~r with eny mnmber of the Planning
Commisaion. Thereupon Commissionec eushore left the Council Chember et 4:07
Mike Welch, Anaheim Redevelopment ~g~sncy, explained thie propoaed project can
be constructe4 under t~,e exieting zone and both the CL Zoning end the Agency
guidelinea have been incorporAted into the design and they are aeeking to
upgrade the existing zone and s~ek e mora comPdtible zone. He atated undec
the D~velopment rgceement, the uaes allowed in the CL Zone would be permitted
provided there is aufficient on-site ~~arking and ahould other commercial uses
be propoeed in the future not meetiny additional parking cequireme~ta, the
owner would be required to request a waiver of c~de requicement.
Dean Sherer explained the Redevelopment Commission did review this pr~iect
this morning and recommended approval t~o the Planniny Commiasioc~.
Responding to Commissioner Herbat, Mr. h~elch expleined the Red~velopment
Agency does not own the exieting atructure on adja.cent pcopertyt thak the
properties that formecly faced on Harbor Boulevard were pu:~chased for the
Harbor Boulevard widening and that houee was on Cheatnut Str~~et ~nd was not
requiCed for that widening.
Dean 5herer stated the plan does conform to Codet however, it does not meet
the Planning Commission's policy for a 20-foot landscaped buffer on the
8outherly portion and no landacaping is required and tha~ the north parcel is
zoned CG (Cer~n~ercial General) and no landscaping ia cequiced. He stated there
is a residential ptoperty to the west Nhich is zoned RM-1200.
Commiasioner La Claire pointed out Carl's Jr. to the south does not have e
buffer or landscaping.
Responding to Commiseioner King, llr. wlelch etated the ~hain link fence is on
the edjacent ptoperty and there will b~ a wall conatr~xcted adjacent to it.
ACTI N. Commioalon~r Kinq otFecRd a~.otion, a~conded by Commiesioner Rry end
MOTION CAR1t160 (rommi~a~oner• Buahor• and McBurnsy absont), th~t the Aneheim
City Plenninq Commie.ion haa cevi~wed the pcopo~~l to re$one eubject pcopecty
from CG (Commerciel, Genacal) to CL (Commeccial, Limitsd) 2one to conutru~t e
two-atory commerciel office buildin~ on an irregularly-shaped percel oF land
conaieting of approximetely ~.35 ecro located at the eouthwest cocner of
Cheetnut 8tceet en6 .larboc eoulevard and doe• h~ceby approvo the pcoposed
Negetive Decl4cation on the Pindiny rhat it t~as conaidered the Negetive
Declecatton ~oga~hec with any commenta received during the public review
pcoceae anu fur~her finding on the basi$ of the Initiel Stuay and eny commente
received that there ie no eubatentii~l evidence that the project will heve ~
aignificdnt effect on the environment.
Commiseioner King offered Resolution No. PC83-155 and movRd for ita paaeage
end adoption tha~ the ~naheim City Plenning Commiseion doea hereby grant
Reclesaification No. 83-8~-5 aubject to Interdepertmental Committee
On roll ~all, the focegoing c~solution wda pasead by the following vot~a:
Commissioners Bushore and McBurney returned to the Coui~cil ChAmber ~t 4;16 p.m.
OWNER: JKG COMPANY, 1461 Nocth Red Gum Street, Aneheim, CA 92806. ~GBNT:
MORLEY TRUCK ~INES, INC., 1001 North Gcove Street, An~heim, CA 92806.
Pcopecty described es an irregularly-shaped parcel of land con8lating of
apptoximetely 1.07 acxea, 1461 Nocth Red Gum Stceet.
To pecmit a truck and treiler repair facility in the ML 2one with waiver of
required encloaure of outdoor usea.
There w~s no one indicating their preeence in oppoeition to subject requeat
aad although the etaff report wae nut read, it ie referced to and made a par.~
of the minutea.
Don P~ul, agent, was preaent to anawer eny queationa.
Mr. Paul referred to the requirement for a percel map and expleired he h~d
discuesed the situetion with Annika Santalahti and determined that would not.
be necessary aecauae they are just leesir3 the property foc ~ 4-year period
and it ia not a ground lease.
Jeck White sxplained the condition esys that in the event euch e property is
diviGed for purpoees of sale, lease or financing a parcel map to cecord the
appcoved diviaion eha11 be submitted and thet it does not absolutely require
...+.~..---~-- ~-
one snd h• rhought iti would b~ appropciat~ to 1~AV~ the conQlt~on in. Ne
atat~d neith~c th~ City Bnqine~c nor th• City A~torn~y'a OlEic• h~~ hed s
chance to c~vi~w ths leAS~ iteel! to d~tecmin~ wheth~r oc not a laa~• would
conatituta di~iaion of ehe pcop~cty for purpos~~ of the Subdivision Mep 1-ctt
how~ver, th~y would be h~ppy to r~vi~w the leaAa.
Mr. Paul explained there era two buildinga on this one pcopecty and thi~ will
actually be a sub-leaae gituation and aAked that Condition No. 3 be eliminated
becnuse with the bui.lding lease, th~y obviously do not netd a parc~l mep.
Jack White stated it wes indiceta~d ducing the Interdepertmenta~l Committee
meeting that this wauld be A ground lenaet however, i! thet ie not the
situstion and this is e leaee foc the commeccial building only, thet condition
could be eliminatad. He explained Conclitione 1 end 3 could be elimineted
eince there is no gcound lease involved.
Commiesionec Herbet clerified that all work will be pertormed ineide the
atructuce. Mr. Peul etated most of the trucke ece atep-v~nsi howevec, there
are aome long trailera which would protrude into the yacd and that moet work
would be done inside.
Responding to Chairwomen Bouea, Mr. Peul expldined the plastu` peReBandrthe
lnstalled a numbec of yeacs ago in the fence for scceening p p Y
will not be changing them if this ie approved.
Commisdioner Buahore asked if ther~ ia a diatinguiahment between the number of
parking spaces Eoc the two usee with Mr. paul replying that tl~e two tenants
have agreed to ahere the perking. He etated thie ie a m~intenance yard for
the owner of the Mocley Truck Linea.
1-C_ TION; Commiesionec Herbat offered a motion, ~eeonded by Commisaioner Pcy
and MOTION CARRIED, that the 1-naheim City Planning Commisaion has reviewed the
proposal to permit a truck and trailer repAir facility in the ML tInduatrial,
Limited) 2one with waiver of r~equired enclosuce af LoXamatelye1.07 ncrea,
irregula~rly-ahaped parcel of land consisting of app
having a frontage of approximately 142 feet on the weat side of Ped Gum`SOVeeet
and further deacribed as 1461 Norrh Red Gum Stceett and doea heceby app
the Negative Declaration upon finding that it has co~sideced the Negative
Declaration together with any commenta received ducing the public review
pcocexs and fucther finding on the basis of the Initial Study and dny comments
ceceived that thece ie no substantial evidence that the pro~ect will have a
aignificant effect on the environment.
Commiasioner Herbat offered a motion, seconded by Conunisaianer Pcy and MOTION
CARRIBD, that the Anaheim City Planning Cnmmiasfon does hereby grent waiver af
Code requirement on the basis that there are special circumstan~°a applicable
to the property such as eize, ehape, topogcaphy, location of the aurroundinge
which do not apply to other identicelly zoned propecty in the vicinity and
strict applica~tion of the Zoning Code deprives the property of privileges
enjoyed by othec properties under identicel zoning classification in the
Commiasion~r b~cb~t o!!*c~d R~~olukion No. pC83-iS6 snd moved !oc its pa~a~q~
end ~doption that the An~h~im City Planning Commio~ion doea h~reby qrant
Co~ditional Ue• P~cmit No. Z485 aubj~ct to Int~rdmpartm~ntal Conunitte~
r~comm~ndetion• deleti~q Condition~ 1 end ~.
On coll call, the to~egoin~ ceaolution was paseed by th~ following votes
Commiasionec Buehote clerified thak th~ Front portion of the property ie a
contractor's atorage yard.
Dean 8herec pointed out that the Redevelopmant Commieaion hed ceviewed thia
request thie morning end recammended epprovel to the Plenning Commission.
PUBLIC H~IUtING. OWNERS: JOSEpH i BARBAA~ S~HAGEN, 1118 South Orengethorpe,
Fullerto~, CA 92633. ~GENT; MAL~K 6 NEVERTITY MJ-TTA, 7890 Lacasa Way, Buena
Park, CA 90620. Pr.operty ie dRSCribed ae a rectangularly-ahaped parcel of
land coneisting of approximately 1.09 Acces, 471 South Brookhurat Stceet.
To permit on-sale beec end wine in a propoeed restaurant.
There was no one indicnting their presence in oppaeition to aubject request
and although the eteff report w~s not ceed, it ie referred to and made a pact
of the minutes.
Malnk Matta, ~gent, wae present to an$wer eny queations.
ACTION; Coa~miseioner King offered a motion, seconded by Coauaisaioner Fry and
MOTIO~ CARRIED, thet the ~naheim City Planning Commieaion has ~eviewed the
proposal to permit on-sale beer and wi~e in e propoaed restaurant on a
rectangulerly-ahaped parcel of land conaiating of approximetely 1.09 acres,
having a frontage of approximately 144 feet on the west aide of Bcookhurat
Street and further described as 471 South erookh~rst Street: and doe~ hereby
approve the Negative Declaration upon finding that it has coneidered the
Negative Declaration together with any comments received during the public
review procesa and further finding on the basis of the Initial Study end eny
comments received that tt~ece is no aubatential evidence that the project will
hsve a aignificant effect on the environment.
Commiasioner King offered Resolution No. PC83-157 and maved for ita pessage
and adopLion that the Aneheim City Planning Commis~ion does hereby grent
Conditional Uae Pecmit No. 2487 eubject to Interdepactmental CommittPe
On roll call, the foregoing resolution waa paesed by the following vote:
N088: NONE
PUBLIC NBJIR2NG. OWNBR.Si KYU i YOUNG SOOx YUN, 13043 Magnolie 1lvenue, Cerden
Grov~, CA 9a"644. AGBNT~ LONa DUC LE, 1810 iieat Rding~rr, Santa 1-na, C11
9Z704. Prop~rky deaccibed a~ e r~ctanqularly-aheped parcel oE lend conaiating
ot epproximately 0.9 acr~, 505-5Q7 South Bronkhucat &tr~et (Aits R~stsurent),
To expand s public dance l~all with on-eale beer.
There was no one indicaLing their presence in oppoeition co aubject request
and although Che ataff cepoct wse not read, iL ie referred to and made e pert
of khe minutes.
Long Duc Le, egent, expleined ~hey ere ~equesting e permit for dancinq on the
weekendo (Friday, Sat~~rdey end Sunday) for Vietnemeee end the houra of
operetion will be Thut 3day 8s30 to 11:30 and Fridey and Saturday from 8:3Q to
1:30 a.m.
Mr. Duc Le responded to Commiasioner Le Claire thdt they will r~ot be selling
any food and may charg ~ admiaeion at tne door.
Reaponding to Chairwoma n Bouae, Ms. puc I.e ex pldined they ere not open right
now and they will be a ble to aerve 150 people.
Commi~aioner Fry asked if thia r,ould be consi dered an ad ult entertainment
businesa. Jar.k White ~xpleined there ere mul titudee of definitiona of adult
businesa in the Code and one is thAt if the buainesa is reatricted in age to
persona over the age of eighteen, unle8s it i s A ceatcic tion required by the
A2cuholic Beverage Control eoa~rd, and another ie the type of ettice the
cuetomere or the entert aineta might wear and he did not believe thie busfnees
would qualify as an ad u lt businesa.
Mr. Duc Le stated the f acility is not open and they are remodeling the
exiating unit which ha~s been cloaed for e~5out Lwo weeka. He responded to
Chairwoman Bouds thet he has not had a busine~-s like thi s before in this
Commieeionec Buahore asked about the three-year time period on the previauely
approved permit. Dean Shecer explained if the Commission wiahes a time limit
on the permit, they should include that io their approval ancl that the kwo
existing permits will b~ terminated. Conuni.seioner Bushore sCaCed he voted no
on the originally requested permit becauae he had concerns ebouk what could
happen. it was noted t here heve been no compl ainta filed ebout the aite.
Mr. Duc Le responded to Commiesioner Bushore t hat the lease is for 5 yeazs,
Cortunisaioner La Claire statec3 several Commiesionere are concerned about the
uses however, she is not opposed t~ granting it for a period of 1 year to eee
how it gaes. She etated if the club causea any trouble, e~ 3-year time limit
would be a long time to have to put up with it.
hIN~1T~8. ~1N11NBIll C~TY PLIINNING COMMI88ZQ~N 83•563
Mr. puc L~ t~apond~d hc thouyht h~ hed already paid !oc e 3-y~ar p~riod~
Conrni~aio~e~ Buahore ~xpl~inod th~ Commisalon' e biq conc~rn la givinq beer and
MiM permit~ eo danc~ hell~ Nh~r• no Eood is ~~rv~d. Mc. Duc L~ stat~d h• hea
s Daor end wine lic~ne• alc~edy in eente ~-ne end the people workiny at th~
tac ilitY will be oxp~riAnced.
Coaonisaioner Harbat clarifi~d thet rhia i~ a new ownec and thi~ locetion was
al r eedy allowed a 3-yaer permit lor~hie •eme type u 8e end ii th~re are
co~splainta, the Commission can r~voke the pecmit. He steted the petitionsc
hes tnvested a lot of monay in the propecty and he f e lt A 1-yasr iime limit ia
no t economicnlly feeeible.
Cowunisaioner Bushore atated if it ia the i~tent tin approve this [equeet and
aslc tar termination of the othec permite, should the condition~ of the ather
pe rmlt be inoluded in this permit, euch ea requiring thet the rear dooc be
cloaed at all ti.mee during busineee houra end esked if there wae a condition
restricting the right to charge admissi~n.
Dean Sherer expleined the only conditione included on the ott~er parmits wag
tbat dancing wa8 to be permitted only on ~riday, Sdturday and 8unday and the
rear doors were to be cloaed at all t imea.
Chalrwoman Bouaa asked if thia eelablishment will ae open at eny othec times.
Mr . Duc Le atated those ere the only haura they will be open foc da~ncing and
he did not know what they would be doing L•he othe[ houre. He added they had
coneidered allowing cluba and other ocganizatione to uee the fecilitie+e for
Ctaairwoman Boua~e etated if thie permiC is ep~roved, the establishment will
only be allowed to be upen on Thuredays, Fridays, SaturdAy$ and Sundaye a~nd 1E
~t~ey want to be open eny ather time, they would have to come back to the
Commiesion foc fur~her review.
.Tack White stated thia means they ca~nnot have a beer ber f rAm 10;00 a.m. to
6:00 p.m. and then have dancing after thet. Mr. Duc Le stated he hed planned
~o allow cluba to uee this eetabllshment f~,r mG~~i:.~e maybe once a week or
once a month.
.Tack White explained this condit.lonal uee permit iB be~ing applied foc for the
sale and coneumption of beer on the premiaeRt howeveL, i~ appeers uaing the
f acility es a meeting hall w~uld requir~ anokhe~ coaditional use pecmit.
Commiasionec Herbat sugge8ted dllowing him to have a meeting hall with dancing
and the sale of beer only during certein houca.
Dean Shecet stated typically the hours of o~eration are limited for the sale
of beer and dancing end they cen uee the f~cility for othet usee at other
timea and that staff can notify the J-lcoholic Bsverage Contcol Board of the
t~ours of operation.
Jack White stated the approval ehould be For dancing and on-sale beer with
~ertain houra set forth and whdteve~ else occuca on the property can be worked
cut with staff. He atated the notice was for e dance hall and that ie the
pldnning Conunisaion' e jurisdiction.
9/ 7/83
h ~ ~ _i
T~$. A~1~!l6IM_ CITY_ PL~tiNINQ COM~4IB~SI9N 83-56
C N: Commi~~ic~nac H~rb~t o!f ~c~d e mokion, a~cond~d by Coaimiaaioner King
and MOTION C1-RRIBC, that rh~ Ana~~im City Ple~n~nq Commission h~a r~V~lM~O tho
propos~l to ~xpend a public denc• hall with on-,~ale b~~r on a
r~ct~ngularly-ehapfd p~cc~l oi 1 and con~i~ting oE approximately 0.9 acr~,
heving e fcontaye ot appcoximel~ ly 1Z0 L~et o~ th~ w~at aids o! Brookhucet
8tre~t anQ lucther deeaciDod as 505-507 south Brookhurot str~et (Rita
R~ataucnni)t and doea heceby epp rove ths N~gative D~clacation upon ~inding
thdt it has coneideced the N~qat iva D~cieration together with eny commente
recsived during the public review proceaa end tucther Finding on the basie of
rhe initial stuCy end eny comme n to received thet there ie no aubatantial
evidence thet the proj~cC will have A aiq~ificant effect on the environment.
Commiae~oner Herbat oEfeced Reso lutian No. PC83-158 and moved for ita peasege
and edoption thet the 1-neheim Ci ty Plenning Commiseion doee hereby gcent
Conditional Uea Pecmit No. 2489 for s period oE 3 yeare to expire September 7,
1986, end eubjecl• to Interdepartmentel Committee recommenderione, including an
additionel condition limiting t he houra of opecation from 8:30 p.m to 11:30
p.m., Thursdays end sundaye and 8:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m., Friday and seturdays,
end an additionel condition tha t the rear dooc shall ramain cloeed et all
times during buainesa houre~
On roll c:all, the foceyoing res olution was passed by the following vote:
C~~ 3ioner Herbat temporacily left the Council Chamber.
e~UBLiC HEIIRING. OWN~RS: ROCKY 1-. TA1tANTELLO, ET 11L, 3931 MacActhur, S~site
102, Newport Beech, CA 92660. AGBNT: J~1CK W. LESTER 225 N. Hollenbeck,
Covine, C1- 91723. Properky desccibed as an ircegularly-ehaped parcel of ldnd
consisting of apptoximetely 1.2 acree, 3339 East Orr~ngethorpe Avenue (Poppa'N
To expand an exieting resteuraat with on-sale beer and wine.
There was no one indicatir~~ the ic presenae in oppos:tio~~ to subject request
and although Che etaff report was not read, it ie referced to end made a park
vf the minutes.
.Tnck Leatec, agent, wae preaent to ans~er eny queetione.
1-CTION: Commiselonec King offe red a mokion, seconded by Commissioner Fry and
MOTION C1-RRIED (Commisaioner He rbst absent), that the Anaheim City Plenning
Commiasion hde reviewed the proposal to expand an exiatiing restaurant with
on-sele beer and wine on an irr~gularly-ehaped parcel of land consieting of
apptoximately 1.2 acrea located an the weat side of Miller Street between
Orangethorpe 1-venue dnd Crowths., ~-aulev~rd dnd fucther descrihed as 3339 Edat
~ .; ' .
Orany~thorpor +~nd doea hec~by apptov• the N~qakive Decleration upon lindinq
khat it hea consideced tha N~gativ~ D~ciaraeion toyeth~c v-ith any coannsnt•
rsc~ived ducing th• public cevi~w proc~ao and furthec findinq on the ba,~is of
ths Initisl Study end any commenta r~c~~v~d that thec~ i~ no subatantial
~vidfnce that the project will hsve e 4lgniticant •Etect on th• enviconment.
Commiesionac King offec~d Resolution No. PC83-159 a~d movtd for ite pasraga
and adoption that Ghe 1-neheim City Planning Commiasion doe~ heceby qrant
Conditionel Uae Permit No. 2490 aubject to intecdepectmant~l Committee
On roll call, the foregoing reaolution wee pss$ed by the lollowing votf:
Commisaionec Herbst returned to the Council Chdmber.
Hills, CA 9Q212. AGENT: SAMBO'S RESTAURANTS, INC., 6400 Cindy Lane,
Carpinteria, CA 93013. Property described as a reatangularly-aheped parcel of
land conaisting of Appcoximetely 0.61 acre, located at the aouthweet corner of
Orenge Avenue end Bcookhuret Street, 605 South Brookhurst 3treet (Season's
To permit on-sale beer and wine in an existing restaurant with waiver of
minimum number of ~prking epacee.
Thete was no or.e i:~c~icating their preaence in opposition to subject request
and dlthough the ataff report wae noC cead, it is referrcd to and made a part
af the mfnutes.
Steve Dees, 16623 Daiey Avenue, Pountain Va~ley, explained the} wish to edd
beer and wine to their cxi~ting menu.
Responding t~ ~.;,:.mieaionec King as to whether or not they have an agreement
with their neighbor for parking, Mr. Deea explaine~ the packing atudy hy Greer
and Company was ~ubmitted and they to4" into account parkinq bainy combined
and there was no problem if the reata~.=ss,t pArking did overfiow into their
areA= that the bank closes at 3:00 p.m. and a lot of their reataurant business
would be in the evening. He stated they have talked ta the nnighbora about en
agreement and they have a verbal agreement.
Mr. Deea explained the number of seats would remain the same o; be reduced.
Commisaioner La Cl+~ire asked if the petitioner could obtain a~arftten
reciprocal pArking agceement with Mr. Dees responding he did not think that
~. ,
would be a problem. Commisaionar La Ciaire etat~d ah~ would like to heve khet
in the cecocd becaus~ oi paot problems.
Commissioner Fcy atated thec• haa been rn existing reataurant operating under
the seme procedure for mAny yeace and thare have bean no problema.
Commiaeionec Le Claire etAted tor the City's beneEit, khere ehould be e
wrftten dgreement wiCh th~ adjacent pcoparty owner.
ACTION: Commiasioner Ls Claire oPfered e motion, seconded by Commi~sioner
Ki nd MOTION CARRIED, thet the Aneheim City Planning Commiseion has
ceviewed ehe pcoposal to permit on-eale beec end wine in en exiating
reateurant with waivec of minimum numbec of packing apaces on e
cectengulerly-ahaped parcel of lend co~siating of app[oximately 0.61 ecre,
located et the southweat corn9c of Orange 1-venue and BrookhuraC Street dnd
furtlier described as 605 South Brookhurat Streett and does heteby appcove the
Negative Declacation upon finding thet it hea consideced the Negative
Declacation together with any comments received during the public review
pcocesa and fucther finding on the baeis of tF.e Initial Study ~nd any comments
received thet thece ie no substantial cvidence that the project will have a
signi.ficent effect on the environment.
Commlesioner La C1Aice offerod a motion, seconded by Commiaelanec Fcy and
MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commiasion does hereby gcant
waiver of Code requirement subject to the petltioner'a etipuletion to provide
a reciprocal parking aqreement with the adjacent pcoperty owner ta the aouth
and grdnting the waivec on the basis that the parking veriance will not caus~
an increaee in traffic congestlon in the immediate ared noc adversely affect
any adjoining land uses and that the granting of the perking varience and the
conditione imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health,
safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim.
Jack White recommended that a new condition be added to the approval of the
c~nditionel use permit requiring thdt the property owner enter into a writte~
agceement with the owner of the property to the south, said agceement to be
appcoved by the City Traffic Engineer and ths City Attocney's Office and ahall
remein in effect at all times during the exercise ~f this conditional use
permit provlding fot the use of no leae than 3S additional parking spaces for
the r~staurant which is the subject of this application.
Mlr. White further explained that could be a reciprocal parkinq agceement
permitting both parties to use each other's parking or an agreement ta ai~ply
allow ~he restaurant to use the bank's parking.
Commissioner La ^laice offeced Resolution No. PC83-160 and moved for its
passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planninc~ Commission does hereby
grant Conditinnal Us~ Permit No. 2491 subject to Interdepartmental Committee
On roll call~ the foregoing resolution was paeaed by the following vote:
~ r
Mc. De~+~ clerilied thet the perki.ng s9r~~ment would be b~tw~en the two
property owneca and not th~ individual bu~ineaa operAtors.
Streot, Tusti~, C/- .1680, 1-TTENTIONi R11LPH BPARGO. Pcoperty described as
aeveral. paccela af land coneiating of approximately 19.57 acree, 2925 Weat
Lincoln rvenue (4incoln Bedch Mobile Msnor Pack1.
To eatablish an 18-lot~ 639-unit, RM-1000 Zone aubdiviaion with wsivec of
requited lot Erontage.
It was noted tt~e pekitionec cequested a two-we~k conCinuence.
.ACTION; Commisaioner La Claire offered a motion, aecnnded by~ Commisaioner
King dnd MOTION CAFtRIRO~ that co~sideration of the aforementioned matter be
eontinued to the regularly-acheduled meeting of September 19, 1983, ak the
requeat of the petitioner.
A. CONDITI~NI~L USE PERMIT NOS. 1166 and 1645 - Requeat from Micheel L.
Val~n, Pun Tour Bus Company, for a retroe~ctive extenaion of time for
prvpecty locatea at 304 Katella W~y and 1825 Mountain View 1-venue.
Jac~ White, Aasistent City Attorney, explained thie ia not a public
heeringi however, the Commiseion normally doea hear teatimony from
anyone wishing to aQeak.
John Schultz, 1844 Hasket, Satellite Mobilehome Park, SpACe 51,
stated he was hece in 1979 f.oc thiA same purposet thr-t he submitted
t~o complaints to the Planning Depertment on June 23, 1983, a~gainat
Lhe Pun Bus Company located at 304 E. Katella Wayt that one of the
com(~laints was agafnst Conditional Uae Fecmit Nos. 1417, 1166 a-nd
1645 bpcause of excessive noises generated ~ram the busea, long
periods of engine idling time causing excaseive fumee, blowfng of
hocns and sometimea noiae fcom n public address eyskem being used at
unreasonable hours. He stated these exceseive noises are created
between the houcs of 11:00 a.m. and midnight and 1:00 a.m. to 7:00
a.m. He etated the second complaint was made approximetel} fouc
months ago because the Fun 9us Company hAd an exceESive number of
buaes and moved them over to the property at 1833 end 1839 Mountnin
View which fe right next doot to where they are presently located.
He stated ~ new petmit has not been iaeued by the Planning
r,orranission to pRrmit a bus rerminal on that property. He refexred
to Variance No. 2621 (to permit a truck stotage t~rminal). He
stated the permit nt 304 E. Kate.lla was ociginally to permit a bus
stocage area and light maintenance for about 20 bt;~es.
" i
t s
N I C TY PLI- ING C 1 +~
Mc. schult~ atieted h• wouid recommsnd that ceaaaneble houca o!
op~cation ahould be eatabliahed .i~ce there heve been probiema since j
1g76. H• ~tated he is th• only p~raon prea~nt to op~ak in
oppoaition~ but ha knoha th~~• ece a number mor• who would like tio
be pceaent. He statsd th~a~n 1979emandaha teltntheyYwillckeepd
compared to ahat waa thece i ~
Mc. Schultz stated the busea being parked et 1833 and 1839 Mountein
View ~re being packed against thebu~~thatnhetand hie wifedace from
about 6:30 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.,
retired and eometime8 like to eleep 1sCer. He ~tated with ali the
problems created by the properky at 304 B. Katelle~, they feel thet
if d pecmit is granted for the pcopecty on Mount~in View, the
tcoublee will be doubled~ that the Fun Bu~ Company agreed to wock
with them end right noa the noiae hae diminiahed, but that will not
last foc long. He atated they have no pcoblems during the day, but
they are not Rleeping then.
Mr. Schultz atated he has wcitten infcrmation dating back to 1976 of
the hours, the viaits by the Police, the contects with the Fu~ Bue
Company and othe~ information and that anyone can cevf.ew those
Mr. Schultz ateted they ere propetty ownecs within the pack end
cannot just oveethisiproblemethat isdexistingeindtheirebacky~rdk/
but do not 1
Tony Guy„ Vice President, Town Tour/Fun Bue Company, stated they
have had a conditional use permit eince 1974 end have been operating
at this location for ovec 13 yearsi thdt he person~lly dfacussed the
situation wi~h Mx. 3chultz on two occasionst that there have been
some recent improvemente and he did discuss the SLedictable1andMthey
Schultz yesterdayt that theic opecation is vecy p
start about 6:00 ~.m. when the buaes depert a~nd then they retucn
during the early evening houres that they have been doing some
servicing on 11:e busra in that generel area such ae fueling,
cleani.ng, poaitioning, etc. ~nd they have had some difficultiies with
nAise, but everaleneighbarseibuttheMthought1Mr.eSchultzthadHbeenathe
they heve a
only ~ne to complain.
Commissioner Herbat etmted he thought there was a mep of the acea
preaented ducing the previous heacing and the petitioner agreed to
pnrk the buses in a cectain configuretion a certain distance fxom
the fenc~. Mr. ~ gtdted there ia a 20-foot bufihAVe~gomervanshe
fence and presented photographs ahowing that they
patked neet the fence, but they do not cause excesaive noise, and no
busee are patked thece and the we~lle a-re about 7-1/2 feet high and
landacapiog has been planted. He etated they acquired the prooetky
next door and it ie ueed only for parking vehicles and is not used
for cleaning or ~auaednforeparkingttrucksrand light vehiclea$ition,
that propertY aas
,. ~_
~...._.~. __._...._.._......___w_._.._... ~.. ,~_.wn..w......,..,....:..~.~..z,.,M~:.~,:-~,~;.. ._..
i ~
Cotami~aionet Hecbet atated he thought a conditionel uas permit would
ba requir~d !or u~e of thet propecty !or perking buaea, indicati~g
h• thought it wa• commeccial pcoparty. l~nnika 8s~talahti explained
according to ths map, tt~~ propsrty inan~diataly •outh haa a
ceaolution o! intenL to commarcisl, but ie ~till zaned c~aidentielly
end any expaneion of tha buB terminel should hava a conditionel uae
Mr. Guy~ atated they will file wha~tevec ia nmceaoary.
Commiaeioner Herbet etated theca must be a problem thare or Mr.
schultz would not be c:omplaining and nAted the noise has diminished
right now, but it io beceuee of this cequeat for an exteneion of
time. Mr. Guy etated they ere juet ending their buaiest eeeson
right now and their activity l~avel ia ~uet diminishingt end that
they are aware of their reeponeibilitiee to the ne.ighbothood and do
everything to keep the nAise level downt end that he underetande Mr.
Schultz's posikion de ~ ceticed citizen who likes to aleep late end
go to bed eacly.
Commieeionec Bushore and Mceucney left the meeting at 5;10 dnd did
not ceturn.
Commieaioner La C?.eice stated the Commieaion ie trying to figure ouc
juet how much of a problem there is. She asked the earliest times
anyone would be on the lot doing any kfnd of wock. Mr.,,G~~
cesponded n~rmelly th~iy would begin about 6:00 a.m.t however, there
are isolated inciden~d where they might heve to have a vehicle
leave eerlier, but thet would mecely be etarting of the buses and
leaving immediately.
Commisaioner Le Claire asked iE thooe buaea thet have to leeve eerly
in the morning could be packed further away from the reaidences.
Mr. Guy reeponded that would be hard aince they do not know whAt the
apace`~requirements would bet that thry operaCe undec the authocity
of the Californid Public Utilities Commisaion and the Zntetatate
Commerce Commisaion and have a cesponaibility to fill their line
service requfremente. He explained normally they have crews in the
area washing/cleaning and refueling the buses until ebout midnight.
Mr. Q~. responded that they have the unusual circumstances about 10~
of the time when they would start before 6:30 a.m.
Mr. Schultz stated Nr.,-G~ is new with the company and explai~ed the
servicing goes .n every night uhtil midnight and then from 1:OU a.m.
to 7:00 e.m.s and th~t hie compleint ia running Lhe busea and
creating fumea and noise. He stated he has records ehowing when the
complainte were being made.
Commissioner La Claire asked Mr. Schultz to present copies af his
written records ~Eor the file.
R~sponding to Cotami~aioner La Clair~ aa to th~ ~oar~~t bus~s to Mr.
Schult~'a home, Mc. ~uy ateted he waa not auc~ o! th~ sxact loc~tion
ot Mc. Schult$'a mobi ehom~, buti h• would think they ac• about 20
E~ek awey and tihe only thing in that atea would be the busea brought
in in tihe sv~ning snd then laav~ fcom ther~ in th~ morniny nnd the
cleaning, faelinq and maintenance i• quite e distanc• away.
Commissioner La Claice atated thece waa a setback on tha originel
conditionai uae pecmit. Commieaioner Pcy atated he thoughk the
washing facility had to bs relocated. Commisaioner La Claice atared
ahe khought the petitionec wAS inatcucted Co atert the buees a
certain diatance fcom the property linea aleo.
Annika Sentalahti atated khece was s requirement on the e~cond
conditionel use permit that no buaee could be kept sny closer then
50 feet and that thec~ be a 10-foot landecaped buffer~ however, the
firat conditionel uae permit had no timed conditiona of any
Commiseioner La Claire stdte9 thet would mean n~ buoea are to be
st~rted up any closor than 50 feet from the property line end she
thought that wds one of the violdtione taking plece.
Annike Santalehti read from the reaolution, 'Thet for furthee
protection of tl~e adjacent mobilehome park residents, no atorage,
parking, or placement of buaea ehall be pecmitted within 50 feet of
the west pcopecty line.'
Mr. u~~stated they aeerched thei: filea befoce .oming to thia
meet~ng and was not able to find any materiel that gave these
restcictions and if staff will provide him with copies of that
information, they will comply.
Mr. Schultz stated ther~ ace two diffecent propetties end the
50-fout setbeck appliea to tne property at 304 E. Katellat however,
ther-a is no permit on the property next door at 1833 and 1839
Mountain View and they are operating there illegally.
It was noted the petitioner has agreed to file whatever is necessacy
to get the permit on that property.
Anntka Santalahti etated the petitionec ~ill get written
notification that they need to apply for a conditional uae germit to
expand their activities and it will go throuqh the publfc hearing
procedure of the Planning Commiasion, end the pcoperty ownets will
be notified. She asked Mr. Schultz to qive his name and addceas to
ataEf so he will be notified since he is not a groperty owner.
~CTION: Commissioner ~erbst ~ffered a motion, seconded by
Commiseioner King and MOTION G-RRIED (Commisaioners Buahore and
Mc9urnRy absent), that the Anaheim City Planniag Commission doea
hereby grant one-year retraactive extenaione of time for Conditional
Use Permit Nos. 1166 and 1645 to expire on August 16, 1984, aubject
~o the p~tition~r's atipulation to abide by the oriqinal conditian~
pertaininq to the houc• o! op~c~tion, bus packing loaation end noi~e
of th• original permits and al~o that the patitioner Ahell epply for
e conditional uR~ parmit on the sd~acent prop~rty.
Mt.~Guy)pointed out thst th~ lo~ation of the pcoperty is incorrsctly
indiceted in the stef! repart and ahould be 304 Katella wAy r~ther
than 340 Katella Wey.
B. CONDI_ TIONAL U3B PBRMIT N0. 2263 - Requeet from Melville J. Mc Leen
for an ext~inaion of time for propecty loceted nt 1310 Nocth Miller
ACTION: Commieaionet King offeced e motion, seconded by
Commiesioner Hecbst end MOTION CARRI~D (Commissionecs Bushore and
MaBurney abaent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion doee
hereby grent a one-year retrodctive extension of time for
Conditional Use Permit No. 2263, to expire September 21, J 94.
C. CONDITIONJ-L USE PERMIT N0. 2104 - Reyueat fcom Georqe T. Nichols for
an extenaion of time for property located ~t 919 Sou;:h Knott 3treet
(The French puacter).
Annika Santalahti, Asaistant Direct~r f~r Zoning, explained Code
Enforcement staff had gone out ta inveatigate this aite on Priday
and several r.oticee of violatian were isaued and she wasn't sure
which tenants were involved. She aeked that this metter be
continued for two weeks eo the eitudtion can be reviewed.
ACTION: Commissioner King offeced a motion, seconded by
Commisaionec Hecbst and MOTION CARRIED (Commi,esionece Bushore and
McBurney abaent), tha~t thQ Anaheim City Planning Commiasion does
her~by continue consideration of the aforementioned matter to the
meeting of September 19, 1983, at the request of the Planning
Department etaff.
D. T~:~TATIVE MAP OF__TRACT NOS. 10963 and 10984 - Request from Richerd
L. eiegle for an e:•ter.sion of time foc property located at the
southeast cornec of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Weic Canyon Road.
Annika Santalahti, Assistant Director for Zoning, cequested a
two-week continuance on this matter.
~-CTION: Commisaioner La Claire offered a motion, seconded by
Commissioner King and MOTION CARRIED (Commiesioners Bushore and
McBurney absent), that consideration of the aforem~ntioned matter be
continued to the meeting of Septembec 19, 1983, at the requeat of
the Planning Department etaff.
~ ,~.
i j
MtNUT60. 1-NAHBIM CITX PLIINNING COt~lIBl3ION~~ ,~,._ 83-572
B. COND2TIONJ-`Uii6 PQRMIT N0. 2400 - R~quest lrom John Weson, Cabot,
Cabot end Porbe~, foc finel design plana !or the Phaa• 1 o!lice
buildinq on propecty loc~ted on khe notth eid~ of Orangewood Jlvanue,
epproximately 1310 feet es+~t of tha centarline o! Stete College
eoulevard and lurthar deecribed ea the Aneheim Stsdium complex.
Joel Pick, 1-saietant Dfcector Por Plenning, presented the etatf
cepoct to the Planning Commiasion noti~g Conditional Ctae Permit No.
2~00 was granL•ed in Febtuacy of thia yeAr by the City Council end
Condition No. 43 of that p~rmit ep~cified that Pinal design pla~ns
for ea~ch proposed office building and parking gacege shall be
submitted to the plenring Department for cAView dnd appcovdl by the
Planning Commieaion prior to ieauance of building permite. He
etated the final deeign plena foc the fi~et office building were
submitted to comply with thet condition. He eteted in addition to
the pl~nQ eubmitted and the modela and dcawings, repcesent~tivee
from the devoloper ~nd erchitecta a~ro preeent to answec any
Chairwomen Bou+~s aeked Red Patteraon to eit cloaer t~ the front so
he could aee the models and exhibits and not to hesitete if he hed
any questions.
Michael Ruahman, Cabot, Cabot and Focbea, expleined they are heKe
today to explein tha Einal design plans for the first office
building. He etated it ia theic intent that there wouJ.d be autfece
parking for the ~irst offic@ building and when the second office
building is constructed, the first thing they would have to do ia
conatruct the garage foc the ficst office building, so for aeverel
yeare there would be surface parking only and no gacage plans ~re
being submitted.
Mavis Pice repreaenting Skidmoce, owens and Merrill, architecte,
pregented elides of the overall ma-ster plan and the first phase
office building, the stadium, a rendering of all four buildings, a
view from the Stadium of the firet phase office 5uildin~, a view
from the center of the project, a close-up fXOm the center looking
into the buildinga, views of the models going west on Orangewood,
and the ~nodel view from the center of the project ahowing the
gardens. He explAined one-half of the propaeed garden will be
developed in this phase. He stated the pro;yect consists of an
18-story building, plus ~ penthouse, and th.at the building will be
250 feet tall and consist of 403,000 gross square feet. He
explained the types of materials to be use~.~ for the building a~nd
landacaping and presented sampl.ea of such materials.
The Commission reviewed the model displayed in the front of the
Council Chamber.
Chafrwoman 8ouas stated this looka like a most outskanding building.
Y ~
Commiaaioner Herbst etsted ha ia •till a little disappointad 4hat
Orangowood will h~v~ to b~ torn up twice. He ateted he thought
mon~y would be iaved by dev~loping it to itia ultimate in th•
beginning and ateCed he did not like the idea of the antrenc• eo the
8tedium hsv~ng ta ba tocn up twice. He etated he thought thie ia a
beautiPul developmsnt and that it will not be detrimentsl to th~
Stadium, end i! it ie done properly, it can be a goad mecriegm
between the two, but etill thought the ingrese to the Stadium is
vecy vecy impoctent.
Commisaloner Fcy saked ebout the inaeta on the exterior of the
building, with Mc. Pice expleining the ecchitecture of the
building. Commiseioner Fry f~lt with the indentAtions on the
outside and the windowa, the building will get extremely dirty
beGau~e of the Sante Ana Winde betw~en the montha of October end
becembet nnd the rnina between Janunry end March. Mr. Pice ateted
the panels will be aloped ao that moet dirt ~nd duet will come off,
but they did not feel this buildfng will be aomething th~t anyone
would not be proud of.
Mr. Ruehmen explained the packing which includea the entry switch
and all the landscaping.
Mr. Pica pointed out the new acceas road to the Stediu~ and
explAined around the building there will be berms of earth to ehield
the packing from the view of d peraon at ground level.
Paul Singer, Traffic ~ngineer~ responded to Commissioner Herbst that
the parking has been taken care of in tt~e canditions outlined by the
Council and the only thing that needs to be done is to work out the
specific methods of hAndYing traffic during those few times when th~
office is still in use at the same time the Stedium is operAtional,
but that is ar- operational problem.
He stated the pcoject de$ign is perfectly acceptable.
Responding to Cammiseioner Pry as to the length of the collectac
road goinq into the Stadium from Orangewood, Mr. Rushman reaponded
it would be about 1300 feet long and stated it increases the
stacking capacity by 50f nnd Paul Singec stated it alao increases
the capacity of the cxieting gatea.
Red Patteraon stated he was not speeking for the ~ngels, but as an
interested person, and aeked if the developer had a slide showing
wh~t the project would look likp if they only build this one
Mr. Rushman ex~lained Sk£dmore, Owens and Merrill have not been
retained far any of the other office buildings, but thece was a
achematic design done for an office garage to be used in conjunction
with the parking aonsultants, but that is etill subject to change
because they are not submitting plans f~r a garage. 8e stated there
fs a elide show~ ~rom the Stadium which showe Lhis building and
garag ~.
~ •{
83 S7
Mr. Pett~raoo ~~ksd how ~uch of th• Du~ lot and how ~uch ot th~
prop~cty th~y would b• usinq toc thie d~v~lopm~nt. Nr. Ruahman
r~aponded th~t c~~e bu~ lot will b~ ahifted to o loc~tion to th•
north ot th~ Stadium, ;w:~ o!f K~l~lla ~t th• vory btyinning. Mr.
PaCter~on saked if th~ tlet aurfac• perkiny toc th~ 18•story aftice
~!ldln9 will be wh~re tha bua lot now •xiet• or will it b~ movod
more toward the Diy A.
Mr. Ruehmen expl~ined th• ~urtace perkinq will be to th• north end
weat of th~ ofPlce building 4nd pointed uut the parkinq on the
model. HR stated the perking will be 2.78 •pacea per 1,000 qroea
aquere feet of office building and he thought thet would b• ebout
1125 or 1127 apecea and there w~ll be e good deal o! edditional
parking in~medietely ~djaaent to it, but ~he landaceped packing meeta
the 2.78 specea.
Mr. Patteraon eaked 1E only one building !e conatructed, how much
4cceage vill be takan up with the building, ldndaceping and
parking. Mc. Ruehman ~eaponded thet would be nppcoximately 10 to 12
acres. Ne skated kha four office buildi~ga end gbragea utilizee ZO
acres. Mr. P~ttereon asked how mu~ epace will be loft after th~a
building ie constructed. Mr. Ru~hman responded that the building
end surface parking require rouqhly 10+ ~ccea. He stated ~fter
Phese 2 when the firet two office buildinga end geregea ere
constructed, about 10 acres would be used, eo the Amount of land
cequired won't change between ~haees 1 end 2 end not until they get
into Phase 3 would they get into much ebove the 10 ecr~s.
Commieeioner Herbet pointed out this pa.cing will still be eveilable
for Rams and Angels games.
Mr. Rushman atated on weekends, a amall amount of apeces will be
available for people working on A weekend and the remsinder would be
availeble foc Stadium use snd could ortly be ecceased through the
entry road through the toll booth.
Commisaioner La Claire aaked how much acreage would be u~ed for the
whole pcoject end what happens to the eccese road. Mr. Ruahmen
explained the access road would be moved only once and it will be
completed in exactly the configuretion it will be forever et the
vety beginning.
Commisaioner Fry asked; barring no unforseen circumstances, what the
atarting date would be. Mr. Ruahman responded they plan to start in
early spring of 198~.
Responding to Coaimissionec La Cl~ire, Mr. Rushman stated they have
had very serious diecussione with e number of tenants and the
reception to A project like thie in north central Orange County h~s
really been better khan they had hoped end he thouqht the City and
A&~ would be deltvering a product the market place ~s ready for.
~ ,,~;
, ~~
NI„ NI1T~~il~N~itM CITY PW101NINa C~NI8820N ~ 83-'~7'S
Chairwom~n Bouaa stati~d thi~ looks lik• +~ b~~utilul product and will
b~ ~oa~ethinq w~ c~n b~ proud ot.
JaCk whit• auqq~at~d Conuni~~ion'r ~ct~ons b~ !ot •pprov~l ot th•
li~al d~~iyn plana !or th~ Phas• 1 ottic~ buildinq oi the or~nq~wood
Block D~v~lopm~nt in •ccordance with Condi~ion No. 43 ot Conditiona~l
Ua• P~cmit No. Z400.
1-CTZON: Commi~alon~c !cy alter~d a motion, •eco~d~d by Commi~sion~c
Kinq and MO'riON CJ-RRIBO ~Cammi~sion~r~ 9ushoce end McBurney abaent),
that ~he Aneheim City Planning Commia~lon do~s h~c~by approve the
tinel desiqn plan tor Phas~ I O!lice Building o! the Orenq~w~od
Blxk D~velapm~nt in accocdance with Condition No. q o! Conditionel
Uaa Pormit No. 2400.
11DJ0URNlIENT: Z.~ece beiny no lucth~r businese, Commia,ioner Fry oileced a
motion, $~conded by ConnnieAion~r Hecbat and MnTION CARR~ED,
that the meeting ba adjourn~d.
Tha meRting wds adjoucnec! r~t 6:02 p.m.
Reapectfully submitted,
~I~t,v 'Q , ~ ~ C
Bdith L. Harrie, Secretary
Anaheim City Planning Commiasion