f2ECJLAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Anaheim City Planning
CommiAaion wa~ called to order by Chairwoman Bouas at
10;0U a.m., April 2, 1904, in the Counci.l Chamber, a
quoru~r being present dnd the Commiasinn reviewed p1anA of
the iteme on today's agenda.
RECESS: ].1;30 a.m.
RECONVGNE; 1:30 p.m.
PRBSEtJT Chairwoman: F3auas
Commissioners: Dushore, Fry, H~rbst, King, La Claire
ABSFNT Commiasionere: Mci3urney
ALSO PRESE~NT Annika Santalahti
Jack White
Jay Titus
Paul 6ing~r
Jay TAShiro
Greg Hastinga
Kendra M~rCies
h.dith Hac[iE
Assistant Director for Zoning
AssieCant City Attorney
~ffice Engineer
Traffic Engineec
Asaociate Planner
Assistant Planner
Assistant Planne~
F~lanniny Commisaion Secrptacy
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissio~er King offered a mokion, ~econded by
Commissioner Fry and MOTION CARRIED (Commiasioner McE3urney absPnt), thut the
minutes of March 19, 1984, be appr~ved as subrtiitted.
P.O. Box 308, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Propecty described as an irregularly-shaped
parcel of land cdnsistfng of a~proximately 37.2 acres located at the southwest
corner of Sunka Ana Canyon Road and Weir Canyon Road.
To permit an 18-lot, planned commercial office and light industcial comp].ex
that includes a hotel, restaurant and drive-through financial insti~ution wikh
waiver of maximum building height.
Continued from February 22 and March 5 and 19, 1984.
There was no one indicating their presence in opposition to sub7ect request
a:-d although the stafE CP.pOCt was no~ read, it is ref~rred to and made a part
of the minutes.
84-157 4/2/84
Ecank Rice, Itegional Managex, Kaiaec Development Co., 2122 Palamac Airport
koad, Carls~ad, explained their compuny purchased Lhis 37-acte pACCel from
Kaufman and Broad (K 6 B) late last yeurr that K 6 n will cohtinue tu develop
the residential portiona of the Bauec Ranch, but have no involvement in this
projectr that thia pro~ect wi11 be a we11-planned, high~yuality, caref.ully
implemonted commeccial office and induatrial development and will contribute
aigniflcantly to the tax and employment base of the City generating about
$225,OU0 ner year in property tax revenues; and r.hat iE a hotel is develo~ed,
it wil.l generate about $400,000 per yeAr in additional City tax revenuea, and
about 2,50U people will bn employed in this Nroject at ultimate development.
Mr. Rice stated they are only requesting a waiver of the 35-foot height
limitaCion ot the Scenic ~acridoc Ordinance for cert~in dea:gn~ted lots and do
~ot believe r_he 3-oc A-story heights wauld ue in con£lick with the Scenic
Corridoc Ordinance and tt~at tt~e proposed height would not discupk the natural
scenic beaUty ~L thE area becau~e there will be heavily landscaped setbacka
and embankments which will minimize any r-egative visu~l and aesthekic impact.
Several alides were presented showiny the pro~osed project and the view with
the heavily landscaped b~nk.
Mr. Ri.ce stated the elevated location of the site ~nd the heavily landscaped
embankrnents and landscaped areas will soften buildings and they think it will
reduce their scale No that a 3-or 4-story buildings will laok very differenk
than expected.
He ~tated the statf report sugge3ts that a height waiver wou.ld be precedent
setting, but t.frey have a different opinion because most of the commercial
develapment in the area is going to be concentrated near their project ~nd it
is unlikely that it ever will impact other portions o£ the Scenic Corridor.
He stated it is theic under~tandiny that precedent has already been set w.ith
l•wo height waivers which were granted in 1977 and they did not lead to a rayh
of new requests for waivers and he did not think approval of this ~aiver would
lead to new ceyuests.
He stated it was yuggested that it mxght mak~ more sense to evaluate Lhe
height waivers at a later titt~e on a lat-by-lot basis; however, they believe
this i~sue Should be addresse~ today on a comprehensive project basis and not
on a piecemeal basis when individua], buildings are proposed. He stated they
are developersof the entire site and are proposing increased heights for only
those lots for which incceased heights make sen~e and the lcts being discussed
were pointed out on the plans (Lots 1 through 9? adjacent to the major roads
(Weir Canyon and Santa Ana Car~yon Roads) and are generally located at the top
of embankments. ~e stated they are also away Irom the residential areas at
the southwest and they feel a auperioc project would result if the Commissi~n
grants the waivers koday on a systematic, comprehensive, in-advance basis. He
stated granting the waivers roday will reserve the right for the Commission tn
review and approve final site plans for each and every lot prior to issuance
of building permits.
Responding to Commissioner Bushore, Greg Hasking~, Assistant Planner, stated
that two pret~ious variancea approved were for a church steeple and clack
tower. Comm~asioner Buahore stated even though the Planning Commisaion is not
supposed to set precedents, thia petitionec haa just referred to those two
appcovals as being precedents.
Reaponding to Commission~c H~rbat, Mr. Rice stAted at this time, khey intend
to develop khe ma~ority oE lots themselves, but no developer could guar~ntee
that they could build out every project given the way market and economic
conditions are today and they would ho~e that if the ecu~iomy ctays strong,
they will be able tu be L•he buil.der of the entire pcoject.
Commissionec Herbst stated he has a problem giving blanket approval for height
waivera without seeing the buildings proppaed for the pr~perty. He pointed
out this petitioner c~uld decide to sell the property to someone else and he
thought the pro~ect shuuld be approved without the height waiver and the
Planning Commisaion shouJ.d see ~he building~ as they are designed because
times do change.
Mr. Rice otated the Commission will have the right to review bath thc
architQctural and site plans for any buildinys proposed for any of the lot~
and they are interested now in being able to know, with certainty, that th~se
lots which do warrant slightly higher treatment, da have that right, so they
can begin looking at all the lot~ fronting on Weic r.anyon Road in a
comprehens~ve way, but if it is left that each project has to come in again
for approval of height waivers~ it will impose a greac difficulty on them to
try to make the project as high quality as tliey woula hope for.
Responding to r.ommissioner Bushore, Mr. RicE stated somNOne in his office
talked with someone about a church with the Latter Day Seints, but they have
had no further discussions with them and they have no inkentions of having a
Commiasioner Bushore stated he received the word that Kaiser was perfectly
willing ~o sell one of the lots off as a church, providing thcy would pay the
price that everyone e2se would pay. Mr. Rice stated he personally had a
conversation with someone about it and that was not the impression khey
intended to convey.
Commissioner Buahore stated apparenl•ly there is some misinformation going
around and it doesn't soun~ like a very well-planned development. He added
that was not to say he would have a problem ~ith a church on the propetty,
bec~~use tt~ere are church needs in the canyon area.
Mr. Rice stated they feel it is a well-Lhought-out-plan and explained they are
not propusing any specific building development on any single lot, but are
here to obtain approval for a conditional use permi~ and waiver oP building
height; and that a conditional use permit is needed because the City's current
Zoning Code does not permit the development of a high-tech R and D building
and they were advised this is the propec procedure and decided to request the
height waiver and other basic criteria for the projects at the same time. He
added they are not only asking for heighk waivers on a few of the lots, but
are asking fur th~ Commission to say that those back lots near the residential
area should not be a].lowed a height waiver. He stated he understands they
will have tu come back as each individual Ioc i~ developed with a specific
final eite plan a~d epecific building plans. [ie etated ~he Commiasion would
be acknowiedgi.ng the hardship of thia eite with its elevated character which
will allow the developer to economically develop this 650,000 equere feeL•
which was anticipated by the environmental impact report for thia pr.oject.
Commiaeioner Bushore atated the environment•nl impact report talked about a
maximum ~ot~ntial build-out and thece were no specifi.c densities as to num~er
of units that would be allowed under the Flanned Community Development. He
seked which flood plain this property is located in and it wAS noted it was
not in any flood plain due to ita elevation.
Mr. Rice stated therP is comprehensive gradinq go~,ng on in th~t area and the
site is currently higher than SantA Ana Cnnyon Road and with the new
aonfigucation of the ruqds, it will be even higher and one of ehe thrusts of
their request for the w~iver was khe fact that those roadL are lowec in
elevation ~~nd the buildings are higher and a 5-story building would look like
a 1-story building to someone driving on the road and the height wAiver is
requested on the front portion oE the praperty unly and tlio~e lots adjacent to
the residential areas will basicAlly look over the tops of buildinqa.
Kendra Morries, As~iotant Planner, st•ated under lhe ori~inal Planned Community
Zoning for tt~is parcel, there was a condition that final apecific plans for
each lot be Aubmitked to the Planning Commiasion far review and approval prior
to the issuance of building permits o: prior t~ thE cecordation of a final
parcel map, wtiichever occur~ first. She stated the conditional use permit
does, in fact, address specxfic ~ses and buildin~ sizes on the plans. Slie
stated the appli.cant's plans for deve2oprtient of the property a:e apecifically
defined in terme ot the uses that wou~d ultimately be there in the staff
report and the confiyuration a.llowa toc a numb2r of uses on dif•ferent lots,
but they are speciEically delineated as to the type of uses which could
actually accur on khose lots.
Commissioner Bustiore clarified he wants a definition of R& D because there
are some khings that could go in there by right which the Commission would not
want to see.
Kendra ~orries stated under the canditional use permit section of Ehe Code,
t:~e applicant is applying for the designation of planned commercia~ offices
and light industrial centers, which are allowed provided Lhe uses ace
integrated within a single development that has an overall site area of 5
acres and a common private traffic circulation, and light xndustrial uses
consist of light manufacturing, processing, and packaging, servicing, or
fabrication or the following: laboratocies, pharmacPUticals, cosmetics,
publishing companies, scfentific equipment, assembling, drafting instruments,
electrical or electronic equipment, research and development and teaching lab,
scientific labs, aound equipmenk and supplies and other similar uses as
expressly approved by the City. She added it does not allow retail uses under
the R & D definition.
Commissione~ ~ushore stated his concern is that he does not want to see a lot
of piecemeal induatrial uses that do not actually fit in with the regional
shoppinq center and he can see tha~ happening with this project. He asked if
it could be controlled with the filing of certain CC&R's which would prohibit
1964 84-16'1
that type of thing. He eLdted he would not approve r~ny height w~ivece unt:l
he aeea the building plona and sees the pads and how the upper hillside .ta
going to be graded Und what the people are actually qoing ro aee~
Camrnissioner La Claire slAted she ia not oppased to the concept oE thia
project, but it is very difficult tu viaualize a 4-story 63-foot high building
when thece t-re none in the canyon area and l•he Commisaion is r,ot fbmiliar with
the way it will be yraded. She stated Anaheim does not have an archi`.ectural
review board and thcre is a building at the corncr of Imperial and Nohl Ranch
Road which is out oE ecale with the entire ar.eA And it is an eyeaore, even
though it would be fine i.f it were on the slopea of Newport Beach.
5he added if thia developer had complete architectural contcol and the
Comminsion knew their track record a~ a company, they might be more willing to
appcove khis. She atated she doea not want to aee the lots one at a ti.me and
would rather aee the dpveloper take the respunsibility and thouqht the
Commission is just a little afcai.d becau~e they do nok t~ave the control. Mr.
Rice atated regardless of whether or not they build out every lot, they will
have architectural control and will prove, aa ttiey have in nll their projecCa,
t:hat they take great pride in controlling not only the architecture of L•he
individual lot, but that it relates to th~ building next to it. He ~tated
they want this approval su they can plan the wt~ole project and they need thie
approvxl to set the design guidelines for everything that i~ built on those
C~mmissioner Ga Claire stated she passea that aren often and it is hard ~o
visualize it ~oing 60 miles per l~~~ur down the freeway ~1nd she would lihe to
see some drawings showing the line-of-sight from Weir Canyon. Mr. Rice stated
he thought the appropriate time to have been concerned about the Scenic
Corridor was when the grading plans were appr~ved; that the impact on che
Scenic Corridor has already been estab~iahed by approval ot the massive
grading which is essentially underway now and the issue ai whether or. not the
building is 1 or a more stories high is negligible compared to tt~e grading
that is already approve~. Line of sight drawings were presented and it was
pointed out the occupant would be seeing txeea and not buildinqs. ElP stat.ed
if this waiver is not approved, it is possible that someone to whom they might
sell a lot, would come back and pcopose a high-rise building on a lot where it
does not belong. He stated they ace really asking for a restriction that only
tho9e certain lots where it makes sense will have a slight~y higher height anci
they do not want to be the master developer of a project whece someone could
cvme in and obtain a height waiver.
Commissioner Herbst asked what type of control the developer will have af~er
the lots ace c~ol.d. Mc. Rice stated regardlea~ of how many lats they sell~
they wi11 reserve CC6R's contcols. Comrr.issioner Herbst stated that does nat
give the City any conttol. Mr. Rice atated if this is approved, the
Commisaion will have approved a serie~ o£ heiyht res~rictions which would
limit the heights on the back lots.
C~mmissloner Hecbst stated the Commir~sion has been through this befoze and if
this developer sells those lots 4 or 5 years in the future and 2 or 3-~tory
buildings have already been built in the £ront, the purchaser uf those lota
would havo his architect draw up plans for 5-story buildings and then point
out thece are 5-atocy buildings juet down the street, and thp~ the CC6R'8 will
become o civil problem between the purchASer and the developer. Fle Atated the
Planning Commission ie not au~posed ta aet a precedent, but it happens a11 the
time. He stated he ia opposed to this request becau~e tt~ese things huve
happened before.
Mc. Rice stnted the Commission wou~d be l.n a stronger position if th~Y would
re£er future developers to this heacing when tt~e height .issue had been
discussed= and it would be a p~rt of the public record that the height
restrictions were placed an those lots where the ~lanning Commission thought
it made sense and the person who bought the back lot thinking they were going
to get the heigh~ waiver should have researched the situation.
Commissioner Bu~hore atated that contradicts the petitioner's opening
statement regarding the Lact that the Pl.anning Commission had granted waivers
back in 1977. He stated the petitioner had said the Commisaion had approved
the yrading plan and added tin ccenter,cbutathepactual gradingeplantwasould be
moved far the regional shopp 9
appcoved by the City Enyineer's Office.
Commisaioner eushore stated the developer. has requested this height waiver so
his de~elopment can be seen and it has nothing to do with the grading. He
stated the City will have to live with the situation out there after this
developer sells the lots and m~ves on down the road; and that there is a
Scenic Corridor Ordinance with a height restriction and pcobably if the lot
was sold to a church, ~he Commission would approve a waiver for a steeple, b~~t
he would not vote for this-
Mr. Rice stated Commi3sioner Bushore I~as implind that they intend to go in and
build a cuuple of buildings and leave and he has attemptPd to indicate that
they intend to ~hephecd this project through c~n a cumprehensive basis. He
stated with respect to the comment about precedent setting, th4~t the precedent
set today would be that the Cotnmiasion deli~erated no~ ~~ a lot•-hy~lot basis,
but on tiie basis of the entir.e project.
Comniissioner Bushoce stated the Commission, as Planners, has to plan for the
best and for the worst because if someone came along Gnd of£ered to buy all 18
lots as they currently exist under the parcel map and there was reasonable
enough inducement, he thought this developer would wa~k away fcom the project
~omorrow and the purchasec could come back and change the whole stcucture. He
addpd thp Commission has approved pruject after project which was never
constructed or totally changed.
Mr. Rice stated their interPst in requesting the height waiver is to make it a
better project and to give the City a planning tool to keep the higher uses
wt~ere they should be and the other uses where they should te; and that there
is no assurance that c~ameone elae will not at s~me point, be involved with
this proPerty. He 3tated tt~ey think ik is g~od planning to establish certain
fundamentals for a project of this scala with coad sizes, lot sizes, landscape
requirPments and signage and with those big cor.straints imposed on them, they
will ~~c~alop a high qua.lity project, but if the Commiss?on denies them the
right to talk in advance about cectain nominAl heigl~t i~~creas e P, lhey will
continue to meke an e[Eort ta do n high q~»lity project, but it will he much
more difficult.
Commis~!oner La Clnire etated ahe agreed with a lot of what t h e~otitlaner has
~aid and r~he likee tu aee a planned development, but the prob lem is thdt she
is airaid Chis develaper. is g~i~~g to aell the project and the Cummiseion will
be atuck wiCn future develapers coming in end anking for a lo t oE waivers.
5he atated she is not. nfraid of 4 stories nex~ to the EreewAy, but hes some
doubts about the corner of Yieir Canyon and Monte Vista becaus e ahe just c:t~nnot
visua.lize 60 feet instead oE 25 [eet.
Mr. Rice ataCed the slides pcobz-bly show bes~ whak it wnuld 1 ook like becauae
that corner h~as banks on aoth sides and a regiona] shopping c enter is acrostt
the street and ~he reaidential area would b~sically look over thr top af the
buildinc~s becauae of the elevations oE the site.
Commissioner Bushore stated if there were residents liviny th ~re now, there
would be a lok of people opposing this rec;uest and ahances a r e the huildings
will be there before these h~mea are ir and if the people had knawn what they
would be looking down on, thw_y Frobabl~ w~uld not be buying t hose premium
lots. He stated he did not ~hink any of the Commissi+~ners are ugAinst nlanned
development, but want to see khe CC&k's e~pecify the uses tha t are going in so
it can be controlled.
Commissioner Fry stated ii this ia approved for 63 feet, it c ould either be 4
stories with 15-1/2 feet ur 5 stories with 12-1/2 feet. t~ir. Rice stated their
application specifie~ 4 stories arid they dr ~ot intent to co n struct anything
over 4 stories.
Commissioner La Claire stated st~e did not want to make a jud g ement on this
today and would like to take these plans And view the eite. Mr. Rice stated
he would be happy to give her a taur af the pcoperty. He res ponded to
Chairwoman Douas tP,~t they are now in the process of selectin g an architect to
start building design for a.100,000-squace foot building which would not be on
any of the lot~ in question and would be on the lots with no height waivers at
Chairwoman Bauas asked how they will control what goes ir an d asked why they
could not come in and cequest a 10-story building. Mr. Rice stated typically
they have CCSR's for. all their pcAjects which are ~et up wit h an architectural
re~iew committee and a number of guidelines are set up in th ose CC&R's;
however, they have not put height restrictions in their CC&R•s, but would make
it clear tu whoever buys khe lot that they had the height re sCrictions. He
stated they have never implied to anyone that they can get a dditional height
and they are interested in kceping it to those certain lots. He stated there
is no foolpcoof legal way to guarantee that, but he thought the power is that
today the Comm±ssion is looking at the whole project and ag r ees that for this
project these are where the height limitations chould be, o t herwise the
Coma~ission will be subject each and every time a developer c omes in to
p~litical pressure and tu arguments being made on a case-by- case basis.
Comtnissioner Herbat stated they are calling this a planned commeccial
development and are asking that specific lots to designated with height
waivers and asked wt~at legal tool the City wauld have to sa y that certain lots
should have 4 storiea or 5 stories.
Jeck White sCAtad it ia hie opinion thdt thE ~lAnning Commisaion hAS the
con~rol in that thQ maximum any doveloper can build is to the mAximum height
limitation in the ord~nance and cantrary to what he has heArd today, legally
there ia no auch thing in zoning as pr~cedQn~ and Qach parcel ia looke@ at
individuall y; however, if t.hat daean'C seem sufficient ~s contcol, thece ie no
reasan why a condition could not ~o ndded cequirxng the cecordation oE a
cavenant ag ~inst ~he paccels thdt will not have the heiqhC waiver which will
run in ~he iavor of the ~ity and which wlll, on the record, indicate thAt ~he
hPigh~ limi t for those parcels i~ a certAin number o£ feet and the owner of
thP pcopert y would have notice of the Code requirem~nto and the specific
intenti~n of ttie City of Anaheim to limit that parcel to the h~ighk impoaed
anu to cha n ye that limit wau19 reyuire a variAnce from the Cit~ and ~he
expressed r emoval ot the cove~ant•.
Commi~sion er Nerb~t stated coi~trACtote developing new pro~ertiEa a.lways
reseacch tt~e Plannin9 Uepartme~t recu~ds and if thal• ~ight wac c~ranted to
anottier property owner, it in tia.9 Eor the Commission or Council to deny those
reyuestr~ a nd he reAlizea precedents are not supposed to be set. Ne atatec3 he
likes the idea af a covenant, so t~~~~t when the ~roperty ic sold, ~he buyer is
notii-ied. Mr. Ftice statEd they would have no objection to recor.ding a
Commissioner La Claire statecl she iitill doer~ not want to make a has~y deciaion
a»d would 11ke to look at L•tie pcoper.ty. Mr. Rice etated he would have no
objection to a c~ntinuance and explained this matter has bee~ continued Erom
the last t h~ee meetxngs in an attetn~~t to explain the project which ia
apparently not, a typical project for this Ci.ty. He aEked if the height issue
could be r~eparate~ fcom the other isaues and the bal~nce of this propoeal
acted on t aday. Jack White stated this is one inteyrated appl.ication for a
eonditiona 1 use permit and a~s a pact of that pecmit, there is a reque~k for a
waiver of tieight. ].imito, therefore, the approvals need to be r.ombined and the
actfon ta k en an both at one time.
Commissio n er Herbst stated t~e would like to have ttie uaes for the research and
cievelopme nt tied inko the conditional use permit because it is vague.
CommisaionF~r }3ushore agreed.
Jack Whit~= suggebted if specific u:~s are approved by the Planning Commission,
tho~e uses as ta tt~e inCi.vidual lol•e involved would alao be recorded against
the prop~ tty so the subsequent purchaser would t~ave knowledge the uses arp
al~a lirt~ited.
Mr. Rice slated the CC~R's to be recurded with tt~e property would specify not
only the t~eight, but the al.ternative uses Eor each lot; and they would have no
objection s ta l•hat restriction.
~ommissio ner D~~shoce stated he thaught it is impecative to spell out the uses,
especiall y those fronting on Monte Vista because there will be a lot of demand
for a lot of different uses and they need tn be pruhibited rigF~t now.
Commissio ner. Hecbst stated he is concerned about the uses that would be
allowed u nder the research and development designation and asked if there will
be any medic~l offices allowed because rhose are the khings that change the
piceure when it comea to purkiny. Mc. Rice Aaked 1E ~he Commission wou].d like
to oet ~.p a tour oC the pcoperl•y and it was pointed out if the Commieoion~re
wi~h to tour the pcoperty in a group of 4 ur more, a eFecial meeting wou'ld
have to be called Eor that purC~oae, or L•hi~ i~~eekinq would hav~ tu be adjourned
to a epacific date and t ime, or they could do it i.n grbups of 3 or leoa.
Commi.eai~ner l~a Claice stated she would rather cAll the petir.iwner'a oEfice
and set up an individual tour~ Commisaioner Bushore stated he did not want to
get a gutded tour and would ~~ot want t~ meel• with anyune on a one-to-one huais
outaide a public hearing .
Commissione~ tlecbet atated he was not i.nterested in touriny the property.
Jack White atatad there is no legal problem if the ~urpose ir l•o tour r.he
property, but thare wou 1 d be a problem with meel•ing and discussing the project
outsicle the public hearing.
Ac:lUN: Commisaioner H e rb~t offered a motion, seconded by Commi~sioner F'ry
and MOTION CARRIF;D ( Cammi~sioner Mr,Burnoy abaent ), thnt the Anr,heim City
Planning c:ommisalon does hereby continue coneideration of the r~forementSoned
matter to the meeting of Apci.l 1G, 1984, at the ceque3t of the petltioner.
PUBLiC HEARING. OWNERS: PkOJECT ANAHEIM, 2740 W. Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA
92801, AT'PN: WARREN S. '.'~~. AGENT: uAN JOIIN HUANG, 4790 F.. Pac.tfic Coa~t
Nighway, Lon9 E3e.9ch, CA ;~ .•~. Property described as a rectangularly-ahaped
paccel of land consf~ti n g ot approximately 2.62 acres, «740 West Lincoln
Avenue (Anaheitn Town and Country Mntel).
To permi~t a 46-apACe recreational vehi.cle pArk in conj~nction with an ex.isting
motel with w~ivers of m~xin:um structurAl heiyhk, mii;imum landscapec3 setback,
reyuired sike screening ana maximum fence height.
Continued from March 19, 1984, in order to readvertisE.
There w.ere four peraor.s indicating their presence in opposition to s~bject
request and although the staff report was n~t read, it ts ceferred to and made
a part of ti~e minutes.
Joe Kitashima, a~chitec t, stated the plans have been rFVised relocating the
restroom and ].aundry b~ ilding to the southwest corner of the property; that
}~is preliminary plan has bee,^, submitted ko show what the grade of the property
wil.l be and it ie indicated that they will cut approximately one foot off the
rear of the property 1 i ne to bring the g ade approximately to or adjacent to
the elevation oE the pr operty next door to the east; and there was concern
regarding the block fence, specifically the residents to the east af the
property indicated they wanted a t~igher fence and they had indicated they
would be willing ko put up an b-foot s~lid f.ence which would consist of a
6-fvut high block wall with ~ 2-fook hiyh wooden Eence an top. He explained
the reason for that proQosal is mainly the ccst of the concrete b~ock wall a~~d
they Eeel an 8-faot wal 1 ~rould be dangerous as fa~ as the winds were
concecned. He explained th~ 8-foot fence would be adjacent to the existing
residence ta the east and wuuld be 300 Eeet from the cear of the property
going north and wau.ld terminate a pproximAtely where the front residence ie
located and the rest oE the f.ence would be 6 f.eet high ae ~riginAlly pl~nned
fcom that point to the street. He stated khey will have six RV spaces 15 feet
away from the eASt property lin e.
Gary Woode, 2726 W. Lincoln, sta ted his pcoperly io ta the east and preaented
A ietter signed by those not pre sen~ tndic~ting their request for khe
following modificationR if the perm.t ie~ appcoved: (1) a 10••foot high masor~ry
wall as meaeured from the petit i oner's gtound level to be built on their aide
oE the property lino ad~uining t he tesidential property (2) an 8-foot hlgh
masonry wAl.l as n~easured from th e petitioner's ycound level to be built dn the
side of the property adjoining t hR commercial or nursery property in f.ront
(and presented a map ~howing t~ie nutsery) and stated they would rather have a
10-foot wa11 the whole length of the property, but realized that would
prabably be aekinq to~ much, (3) a 10-foot widF ].andscaped setback on the eASt
side next ko the residential propecty to be maintained as required by Code and
would include the entire front e xcept fot the first 147 Eeet from the etreet
adjacent C~ the nur~ery and they would not ob~ect to a 3-foot setback adjacent
to the nursery; however, they wo uld ask for 15-gallon trees to be planted on
5-foot centers ~long the east p r operty line to help reduce the noise. He
atated they ar~ concecned ~about noise and exhAUSt fumes and about L•he:r
privacy and sec~urity and st;fety oE the residents; and that the park will be
open 24 hours a day, 7 days a w e~k. He sta.ed the ground level is between 3
to 5 feet higher and it will be difficult to lower Chat grade due to existing
buildfng~ on the property and t h at is the reason for determining the height of
khe wall as measured from their c~roUnd level.. He stated it is nAt uncommon
for recreational vehicles to ha v e windows r.hAt could over2ook even an 8-foot
wall; and there are children in Lhi~ neighborhood and they do not wanl•
strangers looking into their ba r ky~rds. Regar.9ing r~erurity and safety, he
stated they alceady live in a h i gh crime area d~e to the motels and the
tcet~passing of adults and chi.ld r en would affect ~heir insurance. He stated
this park will be run by a corpo ratian and the,y are wor.ried that it may not be
managed properly and during the i r slow periods, there may be people who would
stay longer than the 29 days. H e stated they would ask th:.t the wall be built
beEore other construction begin s, so that heavy trucks would not be att.empting
to enter theic dri.veways. ye s t ated there .ts already a pzoblem wikh
congestion on Linco:n due to th e lack of parking spaces on the street caused
by neighbociny motels.
Mr. Woo~s stated one of the Comr.tissioners at the last meeting stated an 8-foot
wall would not be sufficient and each of the neighburs feel that for their own
protection and ~rivacy, a 10-foo t high masonry high wall, as measuced Erom the
RV park ground level, is ess~nt i al and they feel a 10-foot wide landacaped
setback must be maintained the ~ ntire len~7th of the praperty, except wiiere it
borders the nursery.
Helen Dewey, 2726 W. Lincoln, s t ated sh~ believed they should have a 10-foot
high fence because cecreatianai vehfcles are not all the same sfze and some
would be bigger and could look o ver the fence. She stated she feJ.t since they
are residents, they should have a little more consideration. She added they
are concerned about fumes and e x haust and also the fact that the park uill be
open all night.
Commiasioner Pry atetied he believed Mr. Wooda had eluded to the foct that d
Planning Commisaionnr had said an 8-foot high block wall wauld not be adequ~te
and he did n~t think an 8 oc even 10-foot high wal~ had been diecussed by ~he
Commiasion. Commissioner Rushore indicated he thought he hnd diacuased a
higher wall.
Ms. Dewey stated she had told ~evernl pvople About the 2a-t~ouc uae of the rar~
at~d they were simply horrified that would even be ~onaidered and felk there
should be an 11 o'clock curfew. She aaked it the petitioner proposea a fence
or a wall.
Chair.woman ~ouas pointed out the petitioner had indicated it would be a G-foot
wall wil•h a wooden fence on top.
Ms. [,ively stated she did not think a b'lock and wood wall w~uld look good and
did not think it would be very aoundproof. She explained her house ts the
clunest ~o the park and L•hat ahe ia very concerned.
Mary Woods, 2726 W. Lincoln, stated she would still like to have a 10-Coot
high wall.
Mr. hitashima stated if they construct the wall prior to construction, it
would probably be damaged and would probably have to be rebuilt and the normal
pcocedure is to clear the site, do the grading, compact it, and then build a
wall. He stated reviaed plans should show the fence will be 8 feet high, b~~t
lhat 6 feet will be concrete blocks and 2 feet w~uld be a wood fence £or a
total of 8 solid feet. He stated it was their contention that the fence is
required between the commercial and residential uses, but the property in
front, which is appcoximately 30U feet long measured from Linr.oln to the
residence~ is a N~hole3ale nursery and he did not see why an 6-foot fence would
be necessary in that area. He explained the height of Che fence would be
measured from l•he highesk elevation on either. side.
Chaicwoman Bouas stated the opposition is saying the nursery is only back 147
feet. Mr. Kitashima stated he measured the site and it is approximately 300
feet from th~ ptoperty line on Lincoln all the way back to the fi.rst residen:e.
There was a brief discussion regarding the location of the nursery and Greg
Hastings pointed out it ap~ears on the City map that the nursery and homes are
all located or- the same lot.
Mt. Kitashima stated he thought the whole idea of the f-ence was to shield the
residence and not the yar.d. Responding to Chairwoman Bouas, Mr. Kitashima
explained he did go over and talk to one of the neighbors, but the others were
not available.
Commissioner La Claire asked the opposition why they feel the fence snould be
extended. Gary Woods stated they are planning to have a wal]. all the way to
the str2et and they have no pro~lem with that, but are concerned about the
height and would like the 8-foot wall to be extended the entire length of the
property and they would want it to be 10 feet ad;acent to the houses.
4/ 2/84
Cammisaioner La Claire pointod out subject pcoperty is Abouk 3 or 4 feet
higher than ttie neighbar's praperl•y and adding an 8-font well would make it an
11-foot wall from their side dnd she thought thAt would take cer.e of the
n~ise. Sho otated the property is commerclal and if ther~ was a tall building
there, an 8-foot wall would not cut out all the noi~e. She stated th~ other
~oncern was the visual impact with peop].e looking over the wall and ahe
thought the only way to solv~ that prablem would be with landecAping and the
pekitioner is propoaing landac~ping and trees. She stated ahe thought it ia
reasonable to expect an 8-fuot wall Adjacent to the hou~es, but not beyond
that. She stated the comtort etation has been moved to the other aide And the
petitionec has given up quite a bit oE propecty adjACent to the houses, so
they will not be impacted in a close nannPt.
Chairwnman Bouas ~t~ted the petitione~ has n~t agreed to an 8-foot wall.
Paul Sinyer, Traffic ~ngineer, atated there should be no wall or any typE~ oE
conslruction foc 8 feet back from the aidewalk.
Commissioner Bushore stated he wAH the Commiasioner wl~o mentioned that a
10-foat wall might be reasonable with ~ 5-Eoot setback, but with the grade
separation, the neighbors would actually have a 13-foot fence and he thouyht
the 8-fnot ~~all would be adequal•e nince the pet:tioner moved the spaces back
15 feet. He stated if a normal-si2ed motorhome wAS parked within 5 feet of
the fence, the uccupants cou~d look over the top of the fence, but the 15-foot
setback will prevent that, but pointed out there is still a 5-foot setback
adjacent to the first home and the occupants of: the motorhome will be able to
look over that fence. He stated 15 feet is adequate, but because there is na
playground, the childrQn will play in the 15-foot area and they will be
playing with fcisbees end balls that will go over the fence, but felt with the
8-foot wall and the .15-foot setback, there wi.ll not be a visUal intrusion and
the cf,ildren will not be able to climb ovec the wall.
Chairwoman Bouas ratated she felt the ~all needs to be solid block and not have
waod on top.
G~ry Wood stated they plan to lower Cheir pKOperty grade by one foot, so it
will be a 10-foot wa11 and not an 11-fo~t wall. Co~missioner Herbst stated an
8-foot fence will ~olve the sound problem and he did not agree with a 6-foot
block wall with a 2-foQt wooden top. He stated he also recommended IS-gallon
Cypress trees on 5-foot centers because in two years, they will be 20 Leet
tall. He stated the 8-.foot fence has to be built to Code and will be
structurally sound. He added he does not agree with where they are proposing
to s~op the 8-foot fence and felt it should go at least to the end of the
nursery for 149 feet back and then it could be lowered to 6 feet at that
point. Sam John Huang, agent, stated the original permit was for a 6-foot
fence for 38 spaces and that he could go back to the original plans. He
st~ted he would be willing to construct an 8-foot high wall for only 300 feet.
~ Commissioner Hushore stated the wall should be extended 10 or 20 feet north to
protect that firbt house. Commissioner Herbst clarifie~ he would want to see
~,~ the 6-Eoot wall started 8 feet back from the ~treet for 144 feet and then the
8-foot solid masonry block wall ~hould be star*_ed from that point for the
remainder of thP e~stern praperty line and then the 15-gellon Cypress trees
should be pl~nted on 5-foot centers along that wsll.
Cummiseioner Huahare gtat~d if thib is tipproved, the.ro ahould b~~ condl.tionR
Added r~quicing f:hat the mnximum stay be limited to ar~e, 29-d~~y period and
thAt no tents would be ollowed and that no wheel~ would be remov~d from the
vehic~er~ nnd th~t no akirtings would be installed ~n the vchicleR and no
per.manent oc temporary Atructure~ would be pecmitted on the individudl spaces,
except the ~atios a~ uhown on the plan~.
Mr. Haung ~tated he undecstanda the additional conditione end explained
sometimes gue~ts would atay a week or a month, but they would not Accept any
permanent guests.
Concerniny the 24-hcur oper~-tion, it was noted thAt people would be allow~d t•o
come and go during the night, but that the ~Efice wo~~.ld not be open 24-hours a
day. Commissioner E3ushore explained usually there i~ a sign te111ng the late
arrivala to park in ~ny apace~ tht~t appear to be vacant and regi~ter and pay
their Leea in the morning. He e~tated the yues~.s go to Oisneyland which is
open until 1:00 a.m. in the summer and there i~ n~ way tc prevent them irom
coming bACk in. tie stated most ~t+rk~ impose a~~und rect.rlcl•ions on the park
themselvcs becauoe they do not want the guest~ to distucb each other. Mr.
Haung r~tated there will be no game coam on the premi~ea.
Chairwoman Douas clarified that the petitio~er agreed to the 8-foot ~olid
block wall ~~ithout any wood fencing on top.
ACTION: Commiasioner Herb~t offered a motion, aeconded t~y Commissioner King
and MUTIQb' CAI2RIf;D (Cnmmis~ioner Mat3urnry absent), that l•hE An~heim City
Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to permit a 46-space
recreational vehicle park in conjunction with an existing ;notel with waivers
of maximum structural height, mini.mum landscaped setback, required sire
screening and maximum fence heigt~t on a cectangularly-shaped parcel of land
consisting of approximately 2.62 acres having a frontage of a~proxi.mately 1~0
feet un the south side of Lincoln Avenue and fucther described as 2740 W.
Lincoln Avenue; and does hereby approve the Negativ~ Declaration upon finding
that it has ronsidered the Negative Declaration tog~ther with ~ny comments
received during the public review process and ~urther finding on the basis of
the Initial Study and any comments received ttiak there is no substantial
evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment.
Commissioner Herbst offered a mo~ion, seconded by Commissioner Fry and MO'PION
CARRIED (Commissioner McBurney absent), that the Anaheim City Planning
Commission dnes tiereby gra-~t waivers Uf Cnde requirement on thc~ basis that
there are s~ecial cixcumstances applicable to the property such as size,
shape, tapography, location and surroundings which do not apply to other
identicall.y zoned pcoperty in the same vicinity; and that strfct application
of the zoning Code deprive3 the property of privil.eges enjoyed by othec
propertfes in the identical zane and classification in the vicinity and
subject to Interdeparkmental Committee recommendations.
Commissioner Herbst offerPd Resolution No. PC84-53 and rtioved for its passage
and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commission daes hereby grant
Conditional Use Pexmit No. 2543 on the basis the petitfonec stipulated at the
public hearing to provide a 6-foot hlqh solid m~sonry wall as measured 8 feet
from the sidewalk for 144 feet adjacent to the nucsery and an 6-foot high
aolid block wall for kh~ balrnce oE the eastern pcoperky line and to plant
i5-gallon ~ypceas trees on S-foot centern along Aald 8-foot wa?1 end Eurther
hae agresd that the maximum otay for gueats shdll be limited te one 29-day
period pursuant to the City's Transient Uccupancy Tax Urdinance and thet no
tente shall be allowed and that no wheels shall be removed fram the vehicles
and no skirkinga inska.lled on the vehicles And no pecmanpnk or temporary
structutQ~ inatelled on the indtvidual ep~ces. Said (~ermit is gcanCed
puca-iant ~o khe Anaheim Municipol Cod~ Sec~ione through and aubject to Interdepartmental Committee recommer.dations.
Un coll. cu.ll, the foregoing resolution wns Fasaed by ~he followiny vote:
Jack Whit2, As~istant City Attocney, pteaented the written right to appsal the
!~lAnning Commission'o deciaion within 22 days to the City Council.
RECESS: 3:?.0 p.m.
RECONVENE: 3:3U p.m.
PUBLIC HF.ARING. OWNERS: ANN PREN'rICE, 1101 Reseda, Anaheim, CA 92806.
AGENm: MOH7~ OIL CORP., P.O. eox 221.1, TuHtin, CA 9Z680. Pr~perty described
as an irregularly-shaped paccel of land consisting of approxima~ely 0.5 acre
locattd at the southeast corner of I.incoln A~~enue and Sunkist Street, 2500 ~.
~incoln Avenue (Mobil Service StaCton).
To construct a convenience market with gasoline sales and ~ff-sale beer and
There was no one indicating their presence in opposition to subject request
and although the staff repart was not read, it is referred to and made a part
of the minutes.
There was one person indicating her ~~resence in oppositian to sub}ect request
and alth~ugh the sta£f report was not tead, it is reFerred to and made a Part
of the minutes.
It was noted the applicant was nut present.
Ann Prentiss, 1101 S. Reseda Street, Anaheim, explained she is the owner of
the property at 2500 E. Lincoln and would like to request a continuance so she
would have moce time to contact Mobil Oil Corp~ration and explAined she did
not have enough time tu review the situation and that they Fiad not contacted
hex regarding this situation.
Jack White, Assiskant City Attorney, explained Mobil has a lease on the
property and as a lesaee, under applicable lawe, are entitled to act as the
agent for the owner in filing a conditional use p~rmit application and the
actual owner does not necessarily have to agree with the application.
Commisaioner Hecbst stet~d he would have no problem yranting a cont~nuance,
but wanted to point out the Planning Commis~ion has gone on cecord oppoaing
gasaline and beKr and wine salee.
A~TIUN; Cotnmissioner Herbnt ofPered a motion, secanded by Commissioner King
And MOTION CARRI~D (Commissioner ~;cBurney absent), that the Anaheim City
Planning ~ommi.asio~ dnea lie~eby continue considecatiion oE the aforementioned
matter to the reyularly-schPduled mceting of April 16, 1984.
Anaheim, CA q2801. ~roperty desccibed as a rectangularly-ahaped parcel of
land consisting of approximatFly 6375 squace feet, 415 South Kroeger Street.
To pe:mit a 6-unit senior citixens a~artment comglex in the F2M-1200 2one.
7'here was no one indicatin~ their presence ir oppusition to subjecl request
a~~d althougt~ the atafE report was riot read, it is ra;ferred to and made A pact
of th~ rninures.
Gceq L~Bond, Continen~al Pacific Enterprisea, architec~s and engineers,
Project Deaigner, 1426 N. Burton P1aGe, Anaheim, atated they are propoaing a
6-unit senior citizen housing project pnd it either e~ti.sfie~ oc exceeda other
projecta ir~ dPnaity, parking spaces per ~init. a~arl leisure-recreati~nal area per
unit. lie atated there are apartment complexe~ on either side of the property.
Responding to Gonmissioner Bu~hotp regarding the location of the nearest bus
stop, Mr. L~ Bond stated they are proposing the type of clientele that will
have a vehicle, so one parking space has been pravided per unit and explained
they are not proposing a care-type facili~y. He stated he noticed the ~ge
cestriction would be 62 yeats of age and al.so believed that is a State of
California restriction. Ne ~tated the Planning Commiseion nnd City Council
are guing to be having a hearing to di.scuss senior citizen ~~ousing skandards
in the near future.
Responding to Chairwoman Bouas, Mr. La Bond stated ~hex cannot really
guarantee that the occupants would only have one car per unit, but they did
c~mpare it with other senioc citizen projects which requiced .8 spaces per
unit and they are providing o-.e space per unit. Responding to Commissioner
Bu~hore, he stated they would rent to a husband and wife, but thought m~st
likely the tenant would be a single person.
Commiasioner Bushore stated he did not think tnis project could be compared to
other senior citize~ projecte, because they expect the kenants to have
vehicles and in other projects the Commission expected them not to have
vehicles; and that se~ior citizen projects should be close to public
tranaportation, shopping, medical services, etc. and he thought this is an
impro~er area for senior aitizen housing.
Ct~eirwoman Houae ateCed the Commieaion will be meeting with the Council on the
lOth of April to establi~h aomc~ guidelines Eor senior citixe~ tiousing and
askod if the petitioner would like to continue thia k~e~ring until after that
Commiadioner Herbst stated this project ia not c1aRe to services and
facilities which ttie Commission would normally look for in a aenior citizen
projectj and that he knows l•here is a need for aeniac citizen houaing, but he
would prQfer to have some real guidelines beEore appcoving anymore projecl•s.
Commissioner eushore stated the petitionec is assuming the senior citizens in
this project will drive cArs and he thought this project comes cloee to
~opyiny everything else khat has bEe~ approved in the past for seniot citizen
projects and this will sirt~ply be a cegular apartment complex approved under
the senior citizer~ auspices.
Commissi.oner Bushore st~ted the intent of tl~e work se~asion ia Co come up with
eome propose~d yuidelines in order f~r staff to pcepare an ordinance and it mAy
be a lot longer than this petitioner wants to wait and hE th~ught, bnsed on
previous discussion t~day and f~ the past, that tt~ia project will probably not
meet the criteria anyway. He added he thought the peti.tioner has the right to
know that and dfd net want him to go away khinking he can come back in two
weeks and get approval.
Commisaioner Herbst stated he wauld want a centinuance in order to hr~ve more
input and some guidelineB to follow and to qiv~e the petitione[ an opportunity
to review the input.
ACTION: Commissioner Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Fry
and MOTION CAFRIED (Commiasioner Mc6urney absPnt), that the Anaheim City
Planning Commiasion does hereby continue consideration of the aforementioned
matter to the meeting of April 16, 1984, in ordec for the Planning Commissi~n
to meet with the City Counc.il to d:.scuss senior Gitizen housing standards.
Anaheim, CA 92a07. AGENT; EMIL BENES, 14081 Yorba, Tustin, CA 92680.
Propecty described as an irregular2y-shaped parcel of land consisting of
approximately 1.2 acres located at the southwest cornec nf 5anta Ana Canyon
Road and Mohler Drive, 111 South h~ohler Drive.
RS-A-~43,000(SC) to CO(SC)
Waivers of minimum landscaped building setback and maximum building height t~
construct two (2) c~mmercial office buildings.
There were fifteen persons indfcating thQir presence in opposition to subject
request and although the staff report ~ras not cead, it is referred to and made
a part of the minutes.
~ ~
Emil Benea, agent, at~ted the Seven-Gablea Redlty Campany is a succeasEul
bueinesa with offices located on Newport Avenue in Tuatin end they aurrently
have a branch office in the Canyon P1azA Center in Anaheirn Nills and wiah to
locnte a larger tacility for theic operakiun in that area. He stated they are
pcopoaing to conatcuct a f~cility equsl to the one they cutrent•ly have in
Tustin and preaented photographs uf the ex~sting facility. He etated they are
interested in this site beaauae there is a limited amoune of commercial land
~vailahle oE a size amall enough foc them to dFVelop a facility. He expldined
the current zoning is RS-A-43,000 and they are requeating a rezoning And
General Plan Amendment. He explained they are proposl~g two buildings and
expla~ned the aite is very irregularly-shAped ancl is bounded by SAnta Ana
Canyon Koad, Mohler Drive and by a junior higt~ schuol on khe soutn. He
ex~lained the ~ceni~ Corridor Uverlay Z~ne reyuires a 100-fnot setback from
Santa An~ Canyon Road and they only have one Access point at Mohler Drive to
the property.
Mr. Benes stated they would nevet allow doctore or dentists in this project
because of the traEfic and parking constraints and would probably lease moatly
to real estate oriented usea such An attorneys, accountanta, etc. Mr. Benes
stated they would like to delete the request f~r waiver of height limitation
and conform to Code and explained l•hat waR an error on their part.
Mr. Benes reFerred to the condition requiring a masonry wall along the
boundary between the junior high school and this prapecty and explained there
is a 15-foat slope Erom this site to the top of the playfield at the school
And it is currently landscaped with a chain link fence existing on the top and
he thouyht to put an additional wall at the bottom would serve na purposc• and
they would cequest that condition be deleted.
Phil Joujon-Roche, 450 Via Vista, Anaheim, stated he ~s repreaenting the Santa
Ana Canyon Pro~erty Owners Association and ex~lained their assor.iation was
founded in 1969, basically to preserve the rural atmosphere of the Santa Ana
Canyon; that they have RS-HS-22,000 Zoning and A lot of their members have
horses and they have worked very hard to cultivate a bridle trail system and
when the property was annexed to tt~e City in 1972, they worked very hard te
keep the hillside zoning and in 19~G the resolution of intent was finalized
for the RS-HS-22,000 Zoning. Mr. Jouj~n~Roche read three g~als of the Canyon
Area General Plan: (1) encaurage and maintain living areas which preserve the
amenities of hillside living and which retain the over-all low density
3emi-r~ral and uncongeatpd character of the Santa Ana Canyon area, t2)
maintain the integrity of each land use by locating compatible land uses
adjacent to each other and preventing incompatible land uses, and (3}
~iscourage strip comrnercial development. He added he Eelt all khree of these
goals ace being trampled and totally ignored by this proposal because it
pcoposes to put the commercial establishment in tt~e h~art oF a low density
residential established community. He stated the Traffic Engineer is
recommending widening Mohl.er Drive to 40 feet which will eliminate the bridle
trail which they have worked hard to get on khe ea~t side. He stated they are
concerned about the safety of the school children as they walk to school past
this high traffic area if this is approved and also tt~e large parking lot will
be illuminated at night, and they do not have any lights in their residential
area cucrentiy so this will not be compatible. He stated Anaheim sh~uld work
hAGd to preserve what little half ecre ~atu there dre in the ~cea including
Peralta t~ills, Anaheim Hills And Mohler Drive And explained there are about
700 acrea left which is about 1 syuate mile out of the original 40 sq~~~re
milea and thece ie a demand for this type product.
C. A. Arnold, 120 S. Mohler Dcive, Anaheim, presented pictures of the Mohlec
Drlve/Santa Ana Canyon Road intecgection. He stated tie lives directly across
the atreet from the propecty in queation And has major concerns about the
value of his property and explained his home is 5,100 aquare feet and they
paid ~550,000 foc it a~d purchased ik with thp un~ecstanding that the prope[~y
in question was zoned cesidentially and the pictures submiCted ~o indicate
ther the area is residential and there are only two paccels in the area which
have not. been dpveloped. He at~ted they feel they would i~ave a loas oE value
of lheir pr~perty and also a loss in terms of the enviru«mental impacts on the
pcoperties in the area. He sta~ed uaeically they moved there to have the
rurA1 setting and that setting will be removed wikh this type development and
they wi11 suffer a loss of privacy and would not be able to get in and aut of
their driveways. He referred to the staff report which indicates there is a
vacAnt lot acr~ss the street from aubject property directly north. He stated
that is not true beca~se hio house is located directly north. Ile stated also
the staff report .indicateu traEfic on Mohler Drive i~ minimal and pointed out
it is the only ~ajor artery up tt~e hill for about 200 homes and that hi~ son
counted cars between 10 and 11 a.m. on Monday morning and 106 cars passed
their home and during thp time the school i~ beginning and endiny, ~here Are
approximAtely 360 cars going up and down Mohler Drive so it is a significantly
travelled artery. Eie stated he is disappointed t';at the neighhors even had to
apeak because he understands this property has come up before for commercial
uses and this is obviuusly a reaidential area and it is unfartunate the
hameowners association has ko come do~n and defend themselves. He atated in
1977, the Canyon Area General Plan was adopted with the homeowners and the
City's input and basically is a good plan and is 1•,eneficial to the City and
the homeownecs and he hoped it is maintained.
Kathy Andres, 150 S. Mohler Drive, e~plained the location of her propecty on
the map submitted and expiained they have lived in the area for 10 years and
purchased their home to live in a residential rural area and that they have
two horses and if this request is approved, the horse trail will be eliminated
and there will be no way for t~er children to get their horses down to the
horse trail system. She stated it is difficult tn get in and out of theic
driveway now because of the tcaffic and adding this facility would make it
worse because realtors do have caravans and adding more realtors would add
n~re people going up and down the street. She staked there are three areas
within 100 feet of her home that could potenkially become commetcial praperty
if, in fact, this area was rezoned and she would be 1and~ocked with commercial
property on two sides and st~e would request that the Commission not approve
this rezoning because r.his is a commercial drea and there are other
residential ar.eas in the Canyon.
Frank Doty, 7431 Mill St•ream Circle, Anaheim, pointed out the atea on the
General Plan explaining this is a loop street arid has about 200 homes and many
of them ase very valuable and the petitioners have stated thece is a lack of
commercial property and they are coming into this area which is clearly a
single-family rural area and effectively aisrupting it. He stated there are
two propecty owner associdtions within this area, the Santa Ana Canyon
F~roperty Owners Aas~ciatior~ and the Del Giorgio Property Ownera Aasociation
and that officers of both aAOOCiationa have authocized him to atate ~hey are
vehemently oppoaed to thia re9ueat. He explained within a short time since
pcopecty ~wners received notice oE this public hearing, petitions were
cicculated to the 200 homes in the ArP.3 and they hAVe 243 signatures. He
stated he was sure if they had hAd more time, they could have g~tten 1008 of
the ptopecty owners to aign ~he petition. He stated the mai~r aoncern of the
propecty ownecs is the maj~r change if thia particular petition ia granted.
Pamela Frazer, 485 S. Counl:cy Hills Road, Anz+heim, stated as ahe circulated
the petiti~na for the neighbors signaturea she found they were concerne~3 about
the traEfic flow. She stated the commeccial development will be coming into
the acea with the Weir Canyon developmentt however, .~11 three corners of the
intersection of Mohler Drive and Santa A-~a Canyon Road are preAently
reaidential and they~ would like to aee the fourtti corner rraintained as
re~sidential and to keep commercial trafEic moving east rath~r khan stop~ing in
their acea. She pointed uut the existing stop sign and eXplained traffic
alteady backs up around a dangerous curve, blocking driveways and stated she
has waited 15 minutes at times when school was in session to get out onto
Mof~ler Drive and the increased traffic from a comm~rcial area would cause a
majoc problem and a danyer ro the children walking to and from school. She
stated she heacd talk of widening the stceet to 4.lares and i.t is obv.ious the
traffic flow would increase if this is approved and that is what they are
trying to prevent because they want to be a single-family residential area and
was t~ keep the commer.cizl traffic further east.
Frank Minissale, owner, stated he currently resides on the property and has
lived there for 26 yeacs; t.hat all the development in the Saiita Ana Canyon
area at one time or another had opposition. t~e stated he gave the sidewalk
easements to the school district even though his children never went ta that
school. He stated his is the only residential zone between Mohler Drive and
Fairmont and there is a sign right now on Fairm~nt which indicates property
for sale zoned for a 40,000-~quare foot office buildinq and that office
building would not have th~ pleasant architectural design as proposed for this
property. He stated the Seven Gables Rea].ty Office on Newport Boulevard looks
;just like another home. He stated he has tried to sell this property for
1-1l2 years as residential and he has had people intere~sted who wanted to put
in a pre-school or ~omething simi.lar that would cause more traEfic than the
proposed use. He stated a real estate office has very little traffic and when
he went to their offices a few times, he only saw two customers. He stated
the traffic flow Ls going to be there whether this is approved or not and if
this is developed for residential or commercial uses, the new owners will have
to put a right-turn lane in and pay for it, even though the entire community
is goiny to use it and that is not fair and that will mak~ it even harder to
develop as residenti~l. He ~tated they have a valid concecn thaC this is
going to devalue their propertyt but that property values have not decreased
in that area and this will not devalue theic property.
Larry Hatfield, Presfdent, Hatfield Development Corporation, 129 E. Lincaln
Avenue, Anaheim, stated he is developing the property dnd it is their clear
intent to produce a product that is compatible to the area and to the
hot~eowners and it is very important to mitigate any of the impacts to the
MINUTES, ANAHEIi~t CITY P'LANt,.;NG :OMMlSSION, ApRIL 2, 19$4 ___ _ 84-176
reei.dentt~. Ne staCed they have been locked into khe upper acceas off Mohler
Driv~ even thaugh tl~at was nat what they desiced and he thought the r.raffic
flow cnn be add~esaed given the opporturiity. Ne etated there is an iron-clad
rule that the~e will be no accese ko Sc~nta Ana Canyon Road ~nd he underatands
the reaeoning, but they will Lry ta mitigate the problems that do come up. !~e
statecl t;hey have been building in Orange County f.or 12 yeare, but thiP
particular site probably hes more problems than coul~ be mitigated fcom a
sing.le-£amily residential standpoint and it doean't lerid itse]f, in his
opini.on, to single-family zoning.
Gene Secre~t, 121 S. r_anyon Crenk, Anaheim, stated he was beEore the Planning
CommiHSion About 2 years ago for thirteen lots in Anaheim Hill~ and those lots
conformed in evEry way and were approved and then there wos litigation and
they had to count birds and rabbits instead of cars and children walking to
school. He etated thiy is A loss of pconomi.c advantage Eor the property
owners and will be a very beauti.ful building; however, approval would bp
setting a precedent in the Sanka Ana Canyonj Hnd the petitioners are saying
there is no avail~blQ commercial land readily developable; but Weir .^.anyon is
being developed and he thought there is more than enough available property.
He stated the Seven Gable building in Tustin :s a striking building in
appearance, but is a commercial butlding on commercial property and regardless
of what the build:ng looks like, if it is not resic~ential, it does not belong
in a residentiai. area. He adde~i it would be seCting a[~rec~:dent and the City
of Anaheim should n~t allow this situation to develop.
Mr. Min.issa?e stated he never applied foc conunercial zoning before.
Mr. i3enes stated they have 1.i~dicated a bridle L•rail easernent on the plans.
Regarding parking dnd cicculat:.on, he stated they would be more than happy to
con~ider taking access off Santa Ana Canyon Rodd, but diri not think the City
Tceffic Engineer would approve. Concerning available commercial property, he
stated th~ere is probably cammercial property available, but not of a size this
developer could develop. He stated conr,erning traffic, because of the type o~
operation, there will probably be less conflict with a professional of£ice use
because of l•he tirt~e people would be arriving and leaving than there would be
with a pure commercial use.
Corrmissioner Herbst stated one member of the opposition made a camment about
why t-hey had k~ come to thiA heariny and explained this is one of the
processes we have to go tl~rough; that averybody has the ciqht to ask for
anything they want on their pcoperty before the Planning Commission and the
neighbors also have the right to oppoae that request and this is a right he
will fighE for For the rest of his life. He stated he was one of the
Commissioners on the Hill and Canyon TASk Force and the developers,
homeowners, City Council and rlanning Commissi.on had many meetings over the
two-year period and did come to the conclusion there were certain areas that
should be commercial and r..ertain areas that should remain residentia2. He
believed this particular area has to remain cesiiientia~._ He stated he would
commend the developer~ for presenting a project that ta as suitable as
anything could be, if there was going to be commercial development on that
property, but because of the traffic aituation, he did not t:iink this propNrty
would b~~ auitable. Na added thAt Mohler nrive is not gaing to be wi.~~nod,
~ven though the TrAfflc Engineec would lik~ to ece it widened and pointed ou'
it is vory nercow. He atated accesa to thib ~:operty is not very good, but
acr,es~ tu Santa Ana Canyon Road hAd boon l.imir_ed for many good reaeona end
many access requests for 5anta Ana Canyon ttua~ hae been denied over the years
and theX could nat give acceos now to ~hi~ owner. He ateted tFer.e are homes
b~~king up to Santa AnA CAnyon Road all along ard ~his ia no differPnt than
the ones acrase the a~ceet or the ones down khe atreek and t:hia development
will imPact that cornec. He pointed ~ut he did not t;~ink there are any plens
Eor signalizati.on. PAUl Singer, Traffic Engineer, stated signalization will
be avoided As long as poasible.
Commiasioner Herbnt stated he thought this wuuld be detrimental to the area
and this properky, if it wua rezoned, would be pure 'sp~t zoning" for
cornmercial oEfice and he cauld not vate for that.
it was clarified that the property ia currently zoned RS-43,000 and that the
RS-HS-l0,0U0 was approved, but never finalfzed. Commiasioner Buahore asked if
the Seven Gable~ had a sign on the corner ~elling ti~e property and aAked if it
ie being advertf~ed as residenkial 43,000-or 22,000-s~uare fo~t lota, or if it
is being advertised as commercial pcopecty.
Mr. Minissale etated he understands it is bei.ng sold as residential, w1.th tt~e
possib:lity of creating three lots. He expla~ned he had the property far ~ale
with Coldwell ~anker for approximately 4 months and had no offers and he was
tcying to divide ir. into thcee equal lots And khat he had told them to sell
the whole thing as one lot if they could, to someone who could try to get tlie
zone changed to estabiash a pce-school or some aimilar use. He stated he
tried to aell it himaelf for a year and had the aign indicating it w~s three
lots and he did have aeveral people wanting to put a pre-scho~l on the
property since there was alceady a achool next door; and then he pu~ it up for
sale wxth Seven Gables Realty and they advertised it Eor about 7 days and then
decided to purchase it foc their building in that area.
Conmi~sioner eu~hore scated it seems there is some confusion regardiny the
zoning and explained l-he rea] oning is RS-A-h3,000 and tht:re was a zoning
action about 10 years ayo which was never finalized and he has heard a lot of
talk about commercial zoninq.
Mr. Minissale stated the sign on his lot will show t~e had tcied to sell it fot
residential purposes and that many people who have looked at it do not want it
because it is in clr,se pr.oximity to the achool and he has never had a bonafide
offer on the pro~erty as residential.
Commisafonec La Claire stated she was nn the Task Force for the Canyon Acea
General Plan and it was fi~~alized in 1974 and the aim was to keep the rural
atmosphere und she couid understand why the neighbors are upset decause it is
the gateway to ~heir community and a commercial develop:nent or. that corner
would :uin what r.r~ey have there now and shQ tt~ought commercial on that corner
was just out of tl~e question.
ACTION: Commigsioner La Claire offered a motion, aec~nded by Commiseioner
K~ng and MOTION CARKI~G (Commisaioner McBurney absenrl~ that the Anaheim City
Planning Commiasion has reviewed the proposal to change L•he curre~t hillside
estat.e density residential deaignAtion to commerc~al profeasional And to
rezone the propecty from RS-A-43,000(sC) (Reaidential-Agricultural Scenic
Corridor Overlay) Zone to C'0(SC) (COmmercial, oEfice And Prnfeasional Scenic
Carridor) Zono to conatruct two cammerc:al office buildingR with waivers of
minimum landscaped building aetback and meximum building height on an
irr~gularly-shaped parcel of land conaiAling of Approximately 1.?. acres
located et khe southwest corner of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Mohler Dri~•e and
further described as 111 South Mohlet ~riveJ And dAes heceby approve the
Negative Declaration upon finding that it has c~~nsidered the Negative
Declacatian together ~vith any comments received during the public review
proceas and further Einding on the besi~ oE the initial Study and any comments
ceceived that there is no subatantial evidence that the praject will have a
significant effect on the ~nvironment.
Commissioner Ga Claire offered Ree.olution PC84-54 and moved for its paosage
and adoption that the AnAt~eim City Planning Commiasion doen hereby deny
request for General Plan Amendment No. 192 on the basis that commercial
profe~sional deaignat.ion is not appropriate at this time and it does not
conform to the Canyon Area General Plan designation.
Un roll call, the foregoing reaolution was passed by the following vote:
Commissioner La Claire offered Rpsolution No. ~C84-55 and moved for its
passage and ado~tion that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
den}• ReclessiEicatinn No. 83-84-22 on the basiA that the area is not ~uitable
for commercial uses, and that General Plan Amendment No. 192 ~edesignating the
propcrty to commercial pcofessional designatian was denied.
On roll call, the foreqoing resnlution was pas~ed by the following vote•
Commissioner La Claire offered Resolution No. PC~4-56 an~ moved for its
pas~sage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
deny Variance No. 3385 on the basis that there ar.e no speci~l circumatances
applicahle to the property suci~ as size, ahape, topogr~phy, location or
surroundings which d~ not apply to identicelly zoned properties in the
vicinity and on the basis that the general plan am~ndment and reclassification
were denied permitting commercial uses on the property.
On roll call, the foregoing resolut:ion was passed by the following vote:
~ack White, Aaeiatant City ~ttarney, preaenred the wcitten tigh t to app~el the
Planniny Commi~sion's decieion within 22 deys to the City Counc il~
Anaheim, CA 92807. Property describcd as a rectangularly-~hape d parcel of
land consiating of approximately 8500 square feet, ~~aving a fro ntag e of
approximately 58 feet on the north side of Lincoln Avenue, appr oximately 27U
feet east of the centecline of Olana Way, 2203 Eaat Lincoln Av e nue.
RS-7200 to C0.
'ro permit a professional office use in a residential structure.
Th~re wae n~ one indicating their presence in oppoaition to Au bject request
and although the st$ff report was not read, it ia referred to a nd made a part
of the minutea.
Ferrell A. Weber, owner, explained he is an attnrney with oEfic es presently in
Long Beach and it was hio intention when he purchased thie propecty to open An
of£ice hAre in Anaheim and he is ceyuesting a zone change and c onditionai use
permit to pecmit the office. Ne referred to the Area Aevelapment Plan 113
adopted September 25, 1973, wh,ich indicates that this was the propoaed plan
far this proPerty on the north side of Lincoln between sunkist and State
ACTIOP~: Commisaioner Ki.ng ~fferea a motiu~., seconded by Commissioner Herbat.
and MOTION CARRIED (Commissione[ McBurney abaent), that the An aheim City
Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal ta ceclassify su bject property
from the RS-7200 (Single-Family Residential) 2one to the CO (C ommercial,
Office and Professional) zone to permit a professional office use in a
re~iJential stcucture on an irregu]~cl~-rhaped paccel of land consisting of.
approximately 8500 aquare £eet, having a frantage of approxima tely 58 feet on
the north side of. Lincoln Avenue and further deacribed as 220 3 East Lincoln
Aven~~e; and does hereby appcuve the Negative Declaration upon finding that it
has conaidered the Negative Declaration together with any commentA received
during the public review proceas and further ftnding on the ba si.s of the
Initial Study and anX comments received that thEre is rio subs t antial evidence
that the project will have a signi~ir,ant effect on the enviro nment.
Commissioner King offered Resolutic,n Ho. PC84-57 and maved £o r its passage and
adoption that the Anahefm City Planninq Commission does hereb5 grant
Reclassification No. 83-84-25 subject to interdepartrt~ental Co.nmittee
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the foll owing vote:
Comrnissioner King of:fered Reaolution Na. PC84-58 end maved for ita paseage and
adoption that the Aneheim C ity Planning Commission does hereby grnnt
Conditional Uae Permit No. ~554 pursuant to Anaheim Municipal Code Section
~8.03.p3.030 through lA.Us. ~30.035 and subject to Interdepartmental Cammittee
On roll call, the f~regoing rea~lution was passe~ by the follGwing vote:
Anaheim, CA 92804 and DUAN E PREDERICK AND SALLY ANN PETERSEN, 600 S. Nutwood,
Anaheim, CA 92804. AGFNT: JOIiN KING, 19522 Independence, Lane, Huntington
Deach, CA 92646. Propecty is deacribed as A rPCtangularl~~-ahaped parcel of.
land consiyting of approx innately D.78 acre, 3538 W. Savanna Street.
RS-A-~3,000 to the RM-120 0
Waivers of: (a) maximum s tructural height, (b) minimum Cloor arQa, (c}
minimum landscaped setbac k,!d) permitted encroachment into fcont yard and (e)
permitted location of tan d em parkinq spaces to constr.uct a 28-unlt apartment
There was nn one indicating their presence in opposition ro subject request
and although the staff rep ort was not read, it is referred lo and made a part
oP the minutes.
John Kinge agent, stated t his is an attempt to provide 28 nice units with
underground parking and a nice screened trash area in the front. He explained
the project was difficult because they had to leav~ an openir~g high enough for
handicapped vans and inei d e the parking structure there are two handicapped
parking spaces. He point ed out the recreational-leisur.e areas pcovided on the
plans. t~e stated he felt they met the spirit of the Anaheim ordinances in the
fact that they have prova.ded 28 units and they aWer~ge over 700 square feet
even though some are smal 1ec. He atat~d he was before the Planning Cammission
2-1/2 yeacs ago Eor a pro ject on Orange and Webstec Street and some of the
designs in these units we re the cesult of the imput of the Gommission at that
time. He stated this .is a nice building with good security and parking with
tandem parking o~~ ~ach s i de of the common aisle in the basement and the
Tra£fic Engineer r~as told him even though it was unusual, he felt it was
essentisl].y good and tha t he would support it end the Fire Department gave
tentative approval on th e basis the building will be sprinklered and the trash
bins in front were added upon recommendation from the Sanitation Division.
Commissinner Bushore sta t ed the Webster and Orange psoject was not a bad
project, but asked what h appened to this project and added he did not think
the petitio~.er tiad met t he spirit of the ordinances with five waivers
requested and he did not like the size of the unite or the location of the
__ l
tceah encloaurpa in the front setback and he did not like dauble tandem
parkin~ on two eide~ '~ecause he hae aeen it in other pro~ecte and it doea not
Mr. King stated the tcaah enclosures are behind the setback and the
obstruction shown in the setback is the hAndicapped ramp nnd elevator. Greg
Hastinga, Assistan~ Planner, stated t.rash ~nclosures enccoach two feet into
the setback. Mr. King ceferred to eike development statistice on ~age 7-b of
the ataff repoct noting khe differenee between cequiced and ptoposed is
minimal. Commiasioner Bushore suqgested the peti~ionec requeat a two-week
con~inuance and revise the plans.
Commisaioner Herbst pointed out usually the City doe~ allow a certain
percentage of bachelor units in a project, buL- this plan is almoet one-half.
He clarified that the minimum size foc 1-bedroom unite is 700 square feet and
825 square feet fo~ 2-bedroom units. He atated he agreed khat the traRh
enclosure b~nuld not be in the setback and agreed tandem parking ia not the
best situatfon. Fir ~tated he thought the project would be just averbuilding
the propecty.
Commissioner La Claire atated even though somP oE the variances are minute,
the project really is tAO much for the properl•y and she understands why he is
trying to do it- but could not agree. Mr. King stated in order to give people
the recreational amenities, L•hexe has to be a way to pay for it and this is a
very very expensive recreational facility proposed.
Commission~r La Claire suggested not providing the cecceational facilitie~
evsn though they are ni~e to have, buk it would force people to park on tt~e
street because they do not want to pull into a tandem space if they will be
going out again and the parking would impact the whole stree~. She stated she
does no~ lik~ tandem spacea, particularly in apartments, because a lut of
people share ap~rtments.
Commissioner La Claire referred to Page 7-f. Condition No. 4 cequiring the
developer to put in the drainage facilities, and asked if he had been awAre of
that requirement.
Responding to Commissioner Fry, Jay Titus, Office Engineer, stated the
drainagE system has not been constructed and when the property at the end of
the street was developed in auena Purk z number of years ago, it was intended
that the facilities would be installed by the developer of that property, but
it was never done. He stated there has been a number of properties developed
along the atreet since that time, and it was the intent when tho~e properties
were developed that the drainage would be put in by th~ othec property nwner.
He stated the draina~e now has to be taken care of and there ia still
suificient undeveloped property and a reimbui~ement agreement could be
established and as the other proFerties do develop, they will contribute an~
re~mbucse the developer who pays foc the drai~age at this time.
CAmmissioner La Claxre suggested the developer might wish to review the
drainage situation because there is a drainage problem on Savanna Stre~t and a
continuance would be in order.
Commisaioner Bush~re etat~d he thought the Commiasion was trying to keep ~he
density on the aouth aide of Savanna Street leas khan the north side because
of the drainage and the property next door ia zoned RM-2400 and thia request
is for R~-1200 and oth~r propertiea are RM-3000. Greg Nastinga cesponded that
thie pcoperty ia right on the border. Commiesioner eushore stated a General
Plans is general, but because of the aingle-family reaidencea in the areA, he
thought thaL• was the intent And wAS eurpriaed there w~s no opposition to this
request. Kendra Morr.ies stated there has been a General P1An Amendment
relating to the surrounding area, but thie property is designated ~okh
l~w-medium ~nd medium denRity on the Gcneral P~an, ao ~taff thought a request
for either would be appropriate.
Commissionec La C'af.re stated tt~e fact that the intent was ho k~ep the density
low, wAS a good point ~nd she thought it might be time to review this area
again in termA af wtiat is there and maybe change the designation ao we won't
h~ve this problem in the future. Mr. King atated he would like to request a
two-week continuance because of the st~rm drain situation. Commissioner
Bushore clar.ified thet the mattec would not have to b~ readvertiaed to approve
a le~ser zone. Commissioner HerbFr, stuted it appears the property is being .
overbuilt And the developer should delete the waivers.
ACTION: Commissioner King of.fered a motion, seconded by Commissianer Bushore
and MOTION CARRIED (Commiasioner McBurney absent), that corisidecation of the
aforementioned item be continue~ to the regulacly-acheduled meeting of April
16, 1984, at the request of Che pelitioner.
Avenue, Stanton, CA 90680. AGENT: J. WARD DAWSON, 2808 E. Katella Avenue,
t201, Orange, CA 92G67. property is desccibed as a reckangularly-shaped
parcel of land consisting of appraximatel,y 1.0 acre, 1668 South Nutwood Street.
Maivers of maximum structural hFight and minimum ~Lcuctural setback to
construct a 26-unit apartrnent complex.
There were ten persons indicating their presence in opposition to sub~ect
request and although the staff report was not read, it is ceferred to and made
a part of the minutes.
Ward Dawson, agent, stated they woul.d like to request that the waiver of
minimum sl•ructural setback be deleted. He stated they have just about
exceeded all the minimum Code requirements and feet thfs is a good project.
He refecred to Condition No. 13 regarding the zamp and explained they have had
theic engineer working on that duri~g the lasr week and was sure they can
miCigate it to meet.the Treffic Engineer's approval and stated the 178 grade
was an error on their part.
Paul Si~ger, Traffic Engineer, stated the primary ptoblem here is not the 178,
but the 28 explaining it has to be a minimum of 20 feet back from the sidewalk.
Mr. Uawson stated their engineer does have the proper information and he
thought the problem could be mftigated. Commissioner Herbst stated he would
likE to see a set of plana to reflect the changes and a~ked if the petitioner
would like to request a continuance.
Mr. Dawson asked if the plans cc:.ld be apprcved if they agceed to ~atisf,y that
Nancy Hollis, 1715 S. Nutwoo~, Anaheim, presented a petition containing
approxima~ely 133 signatures re~uesting that any development on that property
be stopped and also preaented letters oE oppoaition and A letter ~rom the
Stake of California regarding environmental i,~pact report guidelines. She
reviewed some of the requirementa For the environmental impact repoct and
explained the opposition did nat want a negative declaration approved on this
project. She referred to the populatian den~ity, And unit factors and stated
this is near the burned-out area and their popu~ation icom ttie 1980 census for
the square mile from 8rookhurst to Buclid and 0~11 to Katella ts approximately
8,394 people. She reviewed the density in the general area and also the
increase i.n traffic and tt~e drainage and sewage problems. She stated the
pcoject. will have t~~ have a pump for the undergr.ound parking to pump the water
out onto the already "lo~ded street. 5he staCed they are also concerned about
the debris And felt it might clog the pump and create a catch basin in ~he
parking area and Ahe did not think any of the tenants would pork there and
would be parking on the street. She stated there i~ a water preseuce pro~l~m
now And also the aewage is handled through the Garden Grove Sanital•ion
District and was installed over 40 years ago for single-family homes for
probably 20,ODU peaple and is total?y inadequate. She referred to the
tuck-under parking and stated it is not really ver.y rea.ligtic and stated the
noise and pollution will be major prableme.
Ms. Hollis stated thak properL•y was never intended for apactments and they
feel these units should be denied and an environmental impect report shou.ld be
Ralph Sarno, 1703 'D" Heritage Circle, Anaheim, presented petitions containiny
38 signatuces from the people of Her~tage Circle indicating concern regard'nny
the wall height to kEep unwanted noise and tcash out, the number of stories
proposed and the number af parking spaces. He explained they have 4 parking
spaces per uniC at Heritage Citcle and he thau9hk there sr~ould be more parking
per unit at the proposed project. He stated they have a hard time now getting
out onto Nu~wood from Heritage Circle and suggested the curb be painted red
approximately 30 feet in each direction to their entrance. He stated this
pr~ject would be inconsistent with the area and not compatible with the
single-family and multiple-family, ~wner-occupied dwellings and the open space
and landscaping ate also concarns. He stated the proposal does nat meet the
parking Code and the use ~f tandem parking is very questionable. He stated
south from where he lives, t.here is a nursery and he ~hought that property
could be s~ld next and they would want to put in 50 units.
Phil Lochhaas, 1661 S. Nutwood, AnahEim, stated he is an architect, but was
here as a hameowner and wants to presErve the value of his property and the
quality of the neighborhood. He stated his main concern is with traffic and
one of the driveways for this property is directly adjacent and parallel to
the opening of Heritage Park and that would become a direct conflict for
access onto Nutwood. He stated ramping the driveway up to Nutwood would be a
pcoblam becauAe with a wall, the drivar would not be able L•o see, especielly
if ~here Are cars parked along the skreet And he th~ught with tandem parking,
there will be cars parking on the atreet. He s~eted he also hAS some concecna
with aight linee end visual privacy due to the fact that windows do face
directly ecroas the street encroAChing on the neighbora' privacy.
Rita Ray, 1927 Chateau, Anaheim, stated she drives down Nutwood a lot and
won't dcive down Euclid which ia one reason traffic has increased and she
thought apartments r.ight in the rtiiddle of that reaidential area wou.ld not be
fairt that there are other unaold lo~s in Anat~eim nnd it waa her impcesaion at
the City Council meetings that they wanted to put the highest density possible
to provfde afFordable housing on these lata. She ptesented the classified ads
from the Sunday Register for the Anaheim area only, showing apartm~nts for
rent and stated apattments are nct needed in this area. She refecred to the
npartments being built at Euclid and Ball and Atatpd they do not look g~ad and
~lso referred to t}~e 13-foot setbeck and asked if that would be measured
vertically or horizontally. She stated Mr. Katz, the propecty owner directly
south, is deEinitely opposed ta this, but co~ld not attend this meeting today.
It was clarified the property was zoned RM-1200 and no variancea or waivera
were requesl•ed and the petitioner could construct apartments on the property
without a ~ublic hearing.
Patricia Huth, 1'101 S. Nukwood, Anaheim stated she ie adamantly opposed to
this apartment and does not want 2-story apartments facing her; and that this
is a residential area and Hecitage Homes are aingle-fami].y dwellings facing
Nutwood with no windows. 5he stated they acs secviced by 6 schools in the
acea and ti~e heaviest traffic on Nutwaod is between 7 and 8 in the morning and
again from 3 to 6 in the afternoon and cArs travel fast and they cannot get in
and aut oi their driveways during these hours. She stated th~y are concerned
a~out the flooding on Nutwood and about traffic and safel•y of their children.
Mr. Dawson stated it wAS pointed out this property is zoned for apartments and
they have desiyned a project th~t is well within the requirements except for
the waiver of the maximum structural height; and that Nutwood is an arterial
highway and they did front the pcoject onto Nutwood. He stated the opening~
on the ends are to give the project some enhancement, but those windows could
be eliminated and noted the tandem parking conforms to Code. He atated the
property is already zoned RM-1200 and khey are bounded by RM-1200 on the north
an~ east and that fs their hardship.
Commissioner Bushore pointed out this is actually 2-1/2 stories because of the
subterranean parking. Annika Santalahti, Aesistant Director fo~ 2oning,
explained an area of 123 by 180 feet out of a total of 203 by 220 feet would
be the permissible 2-story area, without any waivers, and clarified 2 stories
is the maximum height for apartment units and if they meet Code, there would
be 25 to 308 fewer uni~s.
It was clari`ied that the townhouses are single and 2-story units ar~d Kendra
Morries stated there were a number of waivers approve8 for the Heritage
Vil]age complex: building height, frontege of lota on a public stceet,
minimum building sixe area, minimum dietance between bui.ldings, maximum wall
height, etc.
Commissioner La Claice atated there are 2-atory unita in thAt area and the
prnper.ty is zoned RM-1200s however, ahe did ~ot want• to i~pact the AreA with
parking. She stated she was concerned about the viaual intruHion on the
2-atory homes in the area.
Ph~l Lochhaas pointed out hia property un the map explaining it is across the
atre~t from subject pr.operty, the thicd lot south of Baloam facing Nu~wood and
khe houses along thAt street ace all i-story and the 2-story homea are 80 to
lOQ feet back fcom the street.
It wao clarified the proposed atructure ~ill be 31 feet high and a
single-family r.esidence could be between 16 and 28 feet.
Commissioner He:bst stated this property is zoned for apArtments, but he
thought thNre is room for compramise and the front line of the apactments
should go back ~xngle-atory for a certain distance from the street and pointed
out the Commiscion has allowed less than the 150-foot aetback in many
Annika SAntalahti clarified the waiver is for the west and south and it will
be about 70 or SO feet to the close~t str~cture which is about 1/2 the
diskance required for the 150-fook setback.
Commissioner La Claire stated since the townhous~c were requiced to ~et back,
this project should also be requiced to cet back. Commisaioner Bushore stated
they should set back 80 to 90 feet from khe curb on the east aide of the
There was a brieE discussion regarding revision of the plans a~~d Mr. Dawson
atated he could nol• design khe eam~ type unit3 unless the size of the units is
decreased. Commissioner Bushure stated iintil the Commission sees the plans,
they would nok have a reaction to the size of the units, t,ut if they were cut
down to some miniscule amount to accommodate the density, •h~ C~mmission may
not be satisfied. He pointed out Che single-story should be set back 90 to
100 feet from the street curb.
Commissionec Fry cuggested the Commiseion come up with a compromise whereby
all units that set wfthin 100 £eet of the centecline of Nutwood would be
single-story and the balance could be 2-story.
Commiasioner La Claire stated that would L•~ke it 130 €eet Erom ~he
single-family structure to the west which ~he thought would be acceptable
since there is only a 20-foot difference and they could move them 20 feet and
not even have to come in ~or appcoval. Mr. Dawson responded that would
probably be their choice and they would like a vote to see if it is around and
if it isn't, they can build without waivers.
Annika 6entalahti etdted on an il•em like this, if the Commiseion ~pproves it
with the on~ wAivec granted in pact esaentiallx requiring revised pl~ns, the
City Council will expect to aeo the rev~sed plans and a modified etaff report,
so it ie really Uetter for the Planning Comm~asion to aee the plans ahead of
time becauae Council becomes concerned whether Gommi~eion actually viewed the
revision and they could recommend it be brought back to the Commisaion and
that aould Add enather montti ta the process.
Commisaioner Herbst pointed out ~f thi~ cequest is denied, the petitioner can
build apartmente and confcrm to Code and stated he would offer a motion
denying the ~egative declaration.
Commissionec Bushore atated he did not think khe negative dFClAration should
be denied because the E~roject ~oes meet the zoning nnd denaity.
CommieRioner La Claire stated she aympathize8 with whaC the developer is
trying to do, but the City ts trying to keep this area as nice as possible and
the cnndominium~ wece built one-story on the front and mhe did not think khis
should be treated any differently.
ACTTON: Commissionec Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
6uohore and MOTION CARRIF.D (Commisaioner McBurney ~bsent)~ that the Anaheim
City Planning Commiasion has reviewed the proposal to construct a 26-unit
apar~mQnt complex with waiver of maximum atrucrucal height and mini~um
structural setback on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consiating of
approximately 1.0 acre, havinq a frontage of appcoximately 220 feet on the
east side of Nutwood ~nd Eucther described ac 1668 South Nutwood Street; and
does hereby approve the NegativE Declaration upon finding that it has
considered ti~e hegative Declacation rogether with any comments received d~~ring
the public review ptocess and fucthec findiny on Che basis of the znitial
Study and any commenta received that ttiere ia no aubstantial evidence that the
project will have a significant effect on the environment.
Commissionex La Claire asked Mr. Dawson if he was sure they would not want to
request a continuance in order to discuss reviaion of the plans.
Dr. Dawson stated they would like to request a four-week continuance.
ACTION: Commissioner Hecbst offered a motion, seconded by Commiasioner Fry
and MOTION CARRTED (Commissioner McBurney absent), that cansideration of the
aforementioned matter be ~on~inued to khe regulazly-scheduled meeting of April
30, 1984, at the request of the petitioner.
Commissioner Herbet suggested the petitione~ contact the neighbors prior to
submitting the cevised plans.
Chairwoman Bouas pointed out the nei9hbocs would not be notified of the
cQntinued hearing.
Commissioner Fry left the meeting at 6:05 p.m. and did nok retusn.
~ECESS: 6:05 p.ni.
RECONVENE: 6:10 p.m.
LANDSMAN, 8441 Fox Hills Avenue, Buena PArk, CA 90621.. Property deacr.ibed as
an irregularly-shAped parcel of land conaisting of Appraximatel.y 0.45 acre,
1777 West Glencrest Avenue.
Waivers of (a) minimum site are pec dwelling unit, (b' minimum floer area Qf
dwelling unit and (c) minimum numher And type of parking spaces to eetain an
illegal apartment unit.
There was no one indicating their pc~Rence in oppositlon to subject requeat
and although the staff report was not readr it ia refercpd to and made a part
of the minutes.
Norman Gluth, agent, explained the pro~erty is not :larye enpugh to provide
120Q square fe~t per unit with 17 units and he would like to cetain thak 17th
unit which is currently occupied by a bachelor who has been there more than
4-1J2 yeacs and the waivecs requested are minimal. He stated tl~e property is
adjacent to commercially zoned property and the owner of thp commercial
property does give parking, by permit, to people who live in the apartments
and condominiums in the area. He referred to photographs taken At 11:00 a.m.
on a SatGrday morning ta show the alleys were empty. He stated they feel
denial of the waiver wnuld deny the property of A privilege enjoyed by other
propertiea in the same zone and vicini~y. He referred to a 4-unit complex ~t
the weat end of the block which ha3 only .1 parking space per unit.
Responding to Conmiiesioner Buahore, Mr. Glutih srated this action is the reault
of a letter from the City becau~e someone reported the illegal unit about one
year ago.
There was a~rief discussion concecning approval of a nrevious request in that
same area.
Commissioner Herbst stated the same unit has been there for 20 years and h~s
evidently not been a problem and removal now would create more of a hacdship.
He added he doe~ not approve of this type of action; however, and it is
i~legal even though it is close to meeting the City's standards for a b~chelor
Commissioner Aushore stated it looks like the whol~e intent was to do this and
he knows other bui~ders have done this in khe area, but in the other instance
where it was upproved, the property was changing hands and the appraisec
caught it and the owner refused to buy it unless it was approved. But in this
case the owner knew it five years ago and took the chance that someday it
might catah up to him and now it has caught up, so t~e actually created the
hardohip for himself by acceQting it five years ago. He added he could not
approve it because it would just add insult to injury. He stated there could
be a parking problem on the street itself And asked about the situati.on on
atreet sweeping day and stated he wouJ,d like to see the alley on that day.
Commiasionec ~d Claire etated thete is a parking problem on all the ekreeta
around thal• area. She aekPd if he planned to aell the property with Mr. Gluth
resp~nding he had no plane to sell in the iinmediate future.
Commissio~er La C1airF stated ahe thought some compcamise could be ceached to
allow this gent:emen to keQp the unit until he nella l•he property.
Cummissioner Busi;ore suggested recordinq a covenant so khnt it would be on the
kitle report so that when the properCy is sold, it would have to be converted
hack to garages.
Mr. Gluth staCed he wou~d preLEr that che variance be granted. He explained
the eacrow, when he purchased the property, was a cather difficuit one and an
attempt to clear this mattec up would have ~ust made it more cumplicated.
Commissioner La Claire ~tated the parking k~othets her because there are only
19 spacea existiny and parking in khat acea is not goinq to get better.
4ommissioner buahore stated the last ~eyuest was for an 8~unit apartment
complex made into 9 units and looking at all those individual lots and
buildings, he f~lt there are probably far more than 3 illeyal units in that
area and they are all contributing ko the ~roblem.
ACTION: Commissioner Herbat offered a motion, aeconded by Commissiuner King
and MUTION CARRIED (CU~missionz[s Fry and McBurney absent?, that the An~heim
City Planning Cummission has reviewed the proposal to retain an illegal.
apartment unit with waivers of minimum site area per dwelling unit, minimurn
Eloor area of dwelling unit and minimum number and type of parking spacea on a
irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.5 acre having
a frontage of approximately 50 feet on the norCheasterly terminua of Glenctest
Avenue and furthec describea as 1777 West Glencrest Avenuer and does hereby
approve the Negative veclaration upon finding that it has consideced the
Negative ~eclaration together with any comments received duriny the public
revie~~ process and further finding on the basis of the Initial Study and any
comments ceceived that there is no substantial evidence that the pro~ect will
have a significant effect on the environment.
Commissioner L~~ Claire stated she would consider approval with a covenant
because she f~~ls sorry foc the person who has been living there 4-1/2 years.
Mr. Gluth stated the fact that the unik wa~ illegal was not revealed to the
tenant at the time he leased the unit; however, he is aware of it now.
Commissioner Herbst offered Resolution No. PC84-59 and moved fot its passage
and aaoption that the Anaheim City Planning Cammisaion daes hereby ~cant
Variance No. 3387 granting waivers (a) and (~) on the basis that there ~ire
special circumstances applicable to the property such as afze, shape,
topo9raphy, location or surroundings, which do not apply to other identically
zoned propecties in the vicinity; and strict application of the Zon~ng Code
deprives the property oF privileges enjoyed by other properties in identical
zoning classification in the vicinity and gcantin~ waiver (c) on the basis
that the parking waiver will not cause an increase in traffic congestion in
~he immediate vicinity nor ~dversely affect any adjainin4 land uses and
granting of the parking waiver under the conditions imposed, if any, will nat
be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and genecal welfare of the
citizene oT the City of Rnaheim nnd subject to the prAperty owner recording ~
covenant on the proporty that the illegal unit will be converted back into a
garage when the propeKty is sold and subject to Interdepartmental Committee
Commissioner Bushore ~tated the owner could sell the pcoperty by land contract
and no~ get a policy of Title i~surance and pointed out the only time this
covenant wuuld ehow up would be when there was a preliminary title research
and a policy ackually isauedt however, aomeone could etill buy the property
bnd not get a policy title inaurance. ~ack Wtiite, Assiskant City Attorney,
atated khe propecty could be transferred and kherP is nothin~~ in that
transaction that would preclude the tranaf.ect h.,~uec, it could reverL• to
becoming an illegal unit at that time.
On coll ca11, the foregoing resoluti~n wao pASaed by the foll~wing vote;
Cummiseioner Bustioce clarifted that a time lirnit should be added to the
condition requiring a cove~ant and it waa the general consensus of the
Cammission that a 60-day tim~ limtt would be appropriate.
Jack Wh~te, Assistant City Attorney, presented the written cight to appeal the
Planning Commission's decision within 22 days ,r,o the City Counci.l.
A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2300 - Request from Michael L. Crowe, (Arita
Sales Co.) for an extension of time for Conditional Use Pecmit No. 2300,
property located at 2720 East Rega1 Park Drive.
ACTION: Commissioner King offere~ a motion, seconded bti~ Commissioner La
Claire and MOTION CARRIED (COmmissioners Fry and McBurney absent), that
the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby gcant a retroactive
one-year extension of time for Condxtional Use Permit No. 2300 to expire
on March 8, 1985.
8. CONDYTIQNAL US~ PER~IT N0. 33 - Reyuest :rom Lawrence Jett, McC.lellan,
Cruz, Gaylucd and Associates for termination of Conditional Use Permit
No. 33, property located at the southwest cornec of eall Road and Harbor
ACTION: ~ommissioner King offered Resolution No. PC84-60 and moved for
its passag~ and adoptio~ khat the Anaheim City Planning Co~mniasion does
hereby terminate Conditio~~al Use Permit No. 33.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the fo~lowing vol-e:
C. New Billboar.d Regulations and Draft Ordinancea
The sta~E report to the City Manager/City Council/P1Anning Commisaion
datQd April 2, 1984, was preaer~ted~ but not cead n~ting that Che Planning
Department recammends that City Council d~ny tt~e dc~[t ord~nancea
pe~taining to Chapteca 4.U8 end 18.05 amending the Zoning Code pertaining
to billboards in Anaheim.
Commissioner Bushore stated t~e was pArticularly interested in the
Planning Director's comments regarding the curtent sign ocdinance pnd
that the same individuals tequesting the changes now are the same
companiea and individuals who sttongly aupported the clianges in AnAheim's
ocdinances ~evecal yeara ago to remove appr~ximately 30 ireeway
billboards in Pxch~nge for the presc~nt billboards at arterial
interoections. He atated he Eelt these proF~sed changes would set the
City back 20 years.
Commissioner Hecbst stated he has been a Planning Commissioner f~r many
years and the City hae tried fax many years to delete signs and it
disturbs him that these c}~anges would be going back to tre same thing
with billboards causing `air pollution'.
He stated he is thoroughly c+ppQSed to tl~ese changes; that Anaheim is
probab].y one of the most lucrative cities fc~r signs because ft has the
most people, the moak visfturs, and the moEt recceational areas and he
felt billboards do not belong along the freeways. He added he has fought
to clean up the signs in tt,is City for many years and did not want to see
the City go backwards and start all over again and he co~ld not support
this ordinance.
Commissioner Bushore stated newspapers are tcaditionally for free
entetprise to its utmo~t and when they put editorials in the newspapec
that the City is settiny itself back, that should tell the City someth~ng.
Commissioner La Claice stated right now Anaheim ifi a convention city and
it is clean and nice and the entrance to Oranqe County through Anaheim is
very nfce and Anaheim gets a lot of revenue from the conventions and she
thought allowing more freeway billboards could have an affect on the
number of people coming to this acea.
Commissioner Herbst stated he khought if the City wou2~ put this change
Qn the ballot and allow the citizens tu vote for billboards, it would go
down to a resounding defeat.
Cnmmissionec La Claire stated she thought if the City Council does
approve thie, they wil] b~ known in the future as the ones who
te-esta~lish~d bi:"~oards.
_ _ . "'~
There being no lurt•her busineae
motion, seconded ~ ~ Commi,asiosiec Herbat offered a
(Commissionere ~r y Co~~i$sioner King and MUTION CARRI~p
Ad;nurned to a apeciz.l wor~krge~sionewith thetCite
held on April 10 meeting be
- 1984, at 1:3U p,m~ Y Gouncil to be
The meetiny wao Ad~ourned at 6:35 p.m~
R~epQCkfully submitted,
; ~~rG~ ~ ~~
ACTION; Commisaioner 8ushore offeced 4 +v' 84-1 ~
LA Cl~ire and MOT20N CAl2RI~p mQtion, s~conded b
that thQ Anaheim C~tX P1anningcC mmi$eionrdoe~ y ~ommisetoner
Y and McBurn~y absent),
City Council de~y the ntteched dreft ordinenc~ehereby eecommen~ thnt khe
4•~$ and 18.05 e~mending the Zoninq Code perC°~nin
~nahFim and dicect ataff to PertAinin 9 rO cheptec
Chepter 3.20 e~tAblishln '~odify the drAft or~i~,nr~ncebillboarCs in
$quar~ footage oF billboatdnainn,~al buetress license kaxehasedion the
q ~~.
EcJith L. Harris, Se~retAry
Anaheim Ctty P,lanning Comn;ission