PC 1984/07/09~EGULAR MEETING UF 'PHE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSTOti RE~ULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Anaheim Ci'cy Pl~~~ning Comm.'saion waA ~~~led to or.der by Ch~~irwoman eou~a ~t 10:00 a.m., July 9, 1984, in the Council Chamber, a quocum being present and the Commisaion ceviewed plana of the itema on today'R agenda. RECESS: 11:30 a.m. RECONVENE: 1:30 p.ni. PRESENT ChAirwoman; BouA~ Commissionecs: Bushoce, McBurney AHSBNT: Commissioners: None Fry, [ie~bat, King, La Claire, ALSO pRESENT Annika Santalahti Jac~ White Jay Tfku;~ Paul Sinyer Greg Hastings Edith Harris Aseistant Director :or 2oning Assistant City Attorney Office Gngineer Traftic Engineer AssiFtant Planner Planning Commission Secretary ELECTTOM OF 1984-85 PLANNING COMMISSION_C_HAIkMAN, CHAIRMAN PRO TEMPORE AND SEGRETARY It was noted the terms of affice for the Chairman, Chairman Pru Tempore and Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission expired June 30, 1984, P;~' therefore, it aas in ocder to elect said officece. CHAIRMAN ~ Commissi~ner King offeced a motion, seconded by Commissioner La Claire and MOTION CARRIED, that Commissioner Hecbst secve a9 Chairman f`or the Planning Commission for the year 1984-85. CHAIRMAN PRO TEMPOR~ - Commisaioner Fry offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Flerbst and MOTION CARR]ED, that Ct~arlene La Clai:e serve as Chairmar~ Pro Tempoce for the P~aening Cammiasion fur the year 1984-85. SECRETARY - Commisaioner King offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Herbst and MOTION CARRIED, that Editih Harris secve as Secretary for the Anaheim City Planning Commission for the 1984-85 year. Chairwoman Bouas commended l•he Zoning Divisian stafP and thanked tr~em for making her job as Chairwoman For the past year easier. Chairman Herbst assumPd the chair and congratulated Mary Bouas for her year as Chairwoman nE the Planning Commission. 89-425 7/9/84 _ , ..._..._....~~ MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PI,A1:tt:l~G CQMMIS810N, JUGY 9, 19A4„_, 8d-426 TTEM NO. 1. EIR NEGATIV~: DE;CLARATIQN ANb VARIANCE N0. 3386 PUBLIC H~ARING. OWNF.RS: AERNARp J. STAHI. AND B?LL J. NICKEL, 8151 Katella Aver~ue, Stanton, CA 90680. AGENT: J. WARD DAWSON, 2808 E. Katella Avenue, U201, Orange, CA 926G7. Prol~erty described as a rectangulerly-ahaped ~arcel of l~~nd ennsisting of approximately 1.0 acre, 1668 South Nutwood Street. Waivera o£ maximum structucal hefgl:t and minimum ~tructural ~etbar.k tn constcuct a 26-unit Aparttnent complex. Continued from Apri1 2, 30, May 14, 30, June 11 and 25, 1984. ACTION; Commissionec Bouas offered s moti~n, seconded by Commissioner Mc~urnev end MOTION CARRIED~ that aubject petition be withdrawn at the peGitioner's re~uest. ITEM NO. 2. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, RECLASSTPICATIQN N0. 83-84-23 AND VARIANCE N0. 3384 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: DOI~ C. AND TPMIRIS DUKE, 3538 W. Savanna Stceet, Anaheim, CA 9Z804 and DUP.NE FREDERICK AND SALLY ANN PETERSEN, GOU S. Nutwood, Ahaheim, CH 92804. AGENT; JOHN KING, 19522 Independence, Lane, Huntington 8each, CA 92646. Prop~;rty is described as a ractangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximal•ely 0.78 acre, 3539 W. Savanna Stceet. RS-A-43,000 to the RM-1200 Waivers oE; (a) maximum atructural height, {b) min.imum Eloor area, (c) minimum landscaped setback, (d) permitted encroachment into front yard and (e) permitted location of tandem parking spaces to co~stri~et a 28-unit apartmpnt complex. Continued fcom April 2, 16 and 30, 1984, and May 14, 30, June 11 25, 1984. ACTION; Commissioner Bouas offered a motion, seconded by ~ommissioner McBurney and MO'rION CARRIED, tha~ considera~ion of the above-mentioned matter b~ continued to the regularly-~cheduled meeting of July 23, 1984, in orcier for the applicant tc subrtiit revised plans. IiEM NO. 3. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2551 PUBLIC HEARINv. OWt:ERS: KAROLn K. AND KAREN L. OERTLE, c/o Capit~l Industrial Prnperties, 310 W. Orangethorpe, Placentia, CA 92670. AGi;NT: JEFF JILKA, 244 Briardale, Orange, CA 92665. Property described as a rectangularly-shaped parcel o` land consisting of approximately 0.62 acres located at the nnrthwest cornec of La Cresta Avenue and Red Gum Street~ anc~ further described as 1251 North Red Gum Street ("Mild Ta Wi1d')a Request to tetain an automobile customizing shop in the ML (Industriai, Limit~d) Zone with wai.ver of minimum number of parising spaces. Continued from the meetings of April 30, June 11 and '15, 1984. 7/9/~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION, ~ULY,9, 1984 ,_ _ 84-427 ACTION: Commiaciioner Bouas offeced A motion, aeconded by Commiseioner McBurney and MOTION CARRIEU, lhat conaideration of the afocementioned matter be continued to t:,e regulatly-acheduled mQeting of July 23, 1984, in or~er for the conditional uae pezmit to be readvertised to include addit~onal automobile repair relaCed bueineasea. ITEM N0. 4. EIR NE~ATIVE DECLARA:ION. RECLASS U~ICATION N0. 83-84-28 AND VAR1~ ANCE NO_,3397 READVERTTSED) pUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: RTCHARD JAMES AND KATHLEFN DIANNE BELIAKOEF, 3216 W. Orange Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92804 and WALTER K. AND ETH~L M. BOWMAN, 792F Cerritos Avenue, Stanton, CA 90680. AGENT: STGRI.ING K. CARLSON, 447 E. 17th Street, C~ata Mesa, CA 92627. Froperty describe~3 as an irregularl.y-ehaped parcel of land consisting ot approximately 0.62 eicr~~ 3208 and 3216 West Orange Avenus. N.S-A-43,000 to the RM-1200. Waiver of maximum strucL•ural height and maximum °~~nce height t~ construct a 22-unit apartment complex. Con~inued from the meeting~ oE May 3Q and June 25, 198a. There was no one indicati.ng theic presence in o~pofiition to subject requeRt and although the staff report was not read, it is ceferre~ to and made a part of the minutes. Sterling K. Carlson, agent, was present to answec aray questi~ons. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commiosioner Bushore ascertained that the lady who had opposed the project at the previous hear.ing had seen the new plans and was na J.onger opp~sed. Mr. Carlson explained she h~d seen the plans and is present today at the meeting and is not opposed. ACTION: Commissioner La Clair~ offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner King and MOTION CARRIED, that tI~E Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the prop~sal to reclassify subj~ct property from the RS-A-43,000 (Residential, Agcicultural) Z~na to the RM-1200 (Multiple-Family) Zone t~ cansttuct a 21-unit apartment cortiplex with waiver of maximum structural height and maximum fence height on an irrQgularly-shaped parcel of land consxsting of approximately 0.62 acre, having a fcontage of approximately 160 feet on the south side oE Orange Avenue and further described as 3208 and 3216 W. Orange Avenue; and doe~ hereby appcove the Negative Declaration upon f{nding that it has considered the Negative Declaration together with any comments received during the public review process and fucther finding on th~e basis of the Initial Study and any comments received that there is n~ substantiFl evidence that the project will have a aigni£icant effect on the environment. Commissioner La Claire o.ffered Resolution No. PC64-134 and moved far its passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commier~ion does hereby grant Reclassification iVo. 83--84-28 subject to Interdepartmental Committee recommendations: 7/9/25 ~ MINUTES~ ANAH~IM CITY pLJ1NNING COMMI&SION. JULY 9, 1984 84-428 Greg Hastinge, pointed out the str~tf would rec~mmend amending Condition No. 17 to include Condition No. 15 and Conditio,i 18 should include Condition No. 16. Mr. c:arlson indicated he hns no problem with thoee changee and Commiseioner La Claicp indicated she would include that in the reaolution. On ro11 call, the foregoing r95olution w3a pAesed by khe foll~wir~g vate; AXES: BUUAS, BUSHOR~~ Fk~l, HERBST~ KING~ LA CLAIRE~ MC BURNBY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Commissioner La Claire ofteced Resolution No. PC84-135 and moved f~r its passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning C:ommission does hereby grdnt Variance No. 3397 on the basis that there Are special circumstances applicable to L•he pro~er~y euch as size, shape, topography, loaation and surroundings whi.ch c3o not apply to other identically zoned prop~:ty in the same vicinitys and that otrict application of the Zoning Code deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in thE identical zone and clt~ssificarion in the vicinity and subject to interdepartmental Committee recommendations. Jack White pointed out the previous amendments to the condition~ sl~ould have been made with the variance reaolution rather than the ceclassification resolution. On ro.'.1 call, the foregoing resolution w~s pasaed by the fol]~wing vote: AYES: BOUAS, HUSHnRE, FRY, HERBST~ KING~ LA CLAIRE, MC BURN~Y NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Jack Wh:~e, Assirtant City Attorney, present~d the written right to appeal the Piannfng Commission's decision within 2?. days to the Ciky Council. ITEM N0. 5. EIR NEGATIVE AECLARATION, WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT AND CONDITIONAL U5E PERMIT NU. 2577. PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: LA JOLLA ASSOCIATES, 1A36 N. Hundley Street, Anaheim, CA 92806. AGENT: AUTOMOTIVE PERFORMANGE SYSTEMS, INC., ATTN: GAREZ'H W. NEUMAN, 620 S. Flower Street, Burbank, CA 91502. Property described as an irregular.ly-shaped parcel of land consisting oF approximately Q.31 acre, having a frontaoe of approximately 70 feet on the west side of Hundley Streetr and further deacribed as 1464 N~rth Hundley Street. Request t;o permit ~~n automobile repair facility with incidenkal retail sales of automobile parts and acce~ssoriea with waivec af minimum numher af parking spaces. ACTION: Commission~r B~uas offered a motion, ~econded by Cammissioner Bouas ofEered a m~tion, srconded by Commissioaer McHUrney and MOTION CARRIED, that consideration of the aforementioned matter b~ wi.thdrawn at the petitioner's request. 7/9/25 MINUTES, ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JULY 9, 1984 84-429 ITEM N0. 6. FIR NEGATIVE D~CLARA7'ION ANb CONDITIONAL U3~ P~RMIT N0. 2589 ~READV~RTISED) PU~LIC HEARING. OWNLRS: ROY D. TAYLOR, 711 Weat Imperial Highway, Brea, CA 92621. AGENT; GLENWOOD HOUSE, INC., 913 East WAlnut, Fullerton, C~ 92631, ATTN: PATRICIA A. T~LLEY. Property described as a rectengularly-ahap~d parcel oE land conaisti.ng of approximately 0.34 acre, 523 West Victor Avenue. To permit a 15-bed residential alcohol detoxification center in an existing single-fAmily residence. mhece was one pecson indicating his presence in oppoaition to Rubject re~uest and ewo peraons indicating their preaence in favor of subject request and alkheugh the atatf ceport was not read, it is refecred to and made a part of the minutes. Robert Husted, director, etatad he thouglit the facili.ty would add to the ~ommunity and the center wil.l aerve tt,ose people of lower incames who cannot afEord the more expenaive places for detoxiEication. He explained the progrem is funded thcough Orange County an~ the State and is licenoed by the State and is a reputable buaineas. Ron Webb, Or~nge Co~inty Alcotiol Program, stated this is one of the programs they fund locally in Ocange CounY.y to provide the services Go low-income residents and they have contracted with this pr~vider f~c approximately 7 years and they have done an excellent job and they do upgrade faciliti~s and they have a large impact on the individuals who are sxperiencin~ alcoholic abuse probl~ms. tie stated they have a very high recovery rate and that theic office does support L•f~is application. Jay Reynoso, 516 W. Victor, stated he did not think this is the ric,:,t place to detoxicate these persons because he has hie family there. Mr. Husted stated this is a three to five-day detoxification program and nnne of the cesidents go outside the facility and there is no impact ko the community whatsoever. He stated he has been doinq thio for 8 years with no problems and they try to do everything to aecure everyone's well-being in the community. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Buahore asked if this facility will have both male and female residents and Mr. Husted replied they will have both and generally operate three beds out of 15 for females. It was noted there are generally three staff inembecs on duty at all times ar~d thQy ace leasing the property for three yesrs. Commissioner Huahore asked if the Patrick Henry Neighborhood Council was noti£ied of this hearing and Greg Hastings responded the~~ were notifi~d and he was not aware aE any response. Mr. Husted stated he had had some disc~ssions with some of the neighbors. 7/9/~~~ MINUTES, AN~HEZ M CITX PLANNING COMMIS6i0N. JULY 9, 1984 84-430 Commiesionec Bu ~hore pointed out tho Central Cit,y is dividAd int o f~ve neighborhood c o uncilg and are funded thcough the Comrnunity elock Grant Eunda~ and thet hc wa s curinus whether or nok they had been notified t~n d apparently they were ~ot concerned since there was no tesponsc~. Commisr~ioner La CLaice +atated the property is zoned commercially and is surrounded by c ommerciel usNS, except acroas tiie al•reet. She at ated she is familiar with t his type progrAm and felt it would be a good use f or tt71a property becaus e the anly qther uae would be for many famil.ies ~ o move into khat houae and that would impACt the neigh5orhood more greatly s ince this operation will be well aupervised. Commissioner Buahore atated tie ttiought the permit should be limited to a 2 or 3 year period. ACTION: Commis sioner La Claice offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner McBurney and MOTION CARRIFD, that the An~heim City Planning C~rrtm iasinn has reviewed the p ropoaal to permit a 15-~ed residentia~. alcoholic d etoxification facility on a r Ect~ngularly-shaped paccel of land consisting of appcoximately 0.34 F~~.re having a Erontaye of approximately 119 feet on the north side of Vict~c Avenue and f.urther described as 523 West Victor Avenue; a nd does hereby apFrov~ the Negative Declaration upon finding that it ha~ consid ered the Negative Decla r a~ion together with any comments received during the public review process and Euxther tinding un the basiR of the Initial S tudy and any comments recei ved that there is no aubatantial evidence that th E project will t~ave a significant effect on the environment. Commissioner La Claire offered Reaolution No. PC84-136 and move d for its passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Comrt;ission d~ea hereby grant Conditional Use Permit No. 2589 for a period of three yea r s p~rsuant to Anaheim Munici pal Cade Sections 18.03.930,030 through and auDject to int erdepartmental Committee recommendations. Greg Ha~l•ings pointed out that aA required by the Zuning Coder t he Planning Director has detexmined that ttse ~erking spaces proposed ara: s.afficfent to meet the needs of th~ proposed far,ility.. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the follow i ng vote: AYES: BOUAS~ BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST~ KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNE Y I~OES: NOtrE ABSENT: NONE JacV. White, Assic;tant City Attorney, presented the written tiqht to appeal ~he Planning Commi sston's decision within 22 days to the City Coun~ i 1. ITEM NO. 7. E IR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AldD CONDITIONAL USE PERMI T NUe 2594 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: STANDARD OIL CnMPANY OF CAI~IEORNIAr 1201 S. :3etiCh eoulevard, La Habra, CA 90631. Pcoperty described as a reatangu larly-shaped parcel of land conaisting of approximately 0.42 acre, located a t the southeast corner of Lincv~n Avenue and Knott Street, 3450 West Linaoln Avenue (Chevron Service Stati on). 7/9/35 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING_ COMMISSION. JULY 9. 1984 8A-431 To permit e convenience mnrket with gasoline seles and off-aele beer end wine. There wae o~e peraon ~ndiceting his preaence in oppoaition to au~ject requeat end although the steff rep~rt was not cead, it ~$ referred to and made a patt of the ininutee. R. J. 511baugh, rd~tPAenting Chevcon~ stated thoy wish to remove the ~xiating service staCion at Nnott And I.incoln, including the outdoor advecl.iaing signs, and r.eplacing it ~~ith A gasoline only Eacility and a mini-mArtr that they met with the traffic engineer and feel they can mQet moat of his recommend~tiAnR. tle atated h~ r.ecognizes it will b~ an uphill battl.e to qet approval of the sale of beer and wine at this location. He asked why the Commiseion oppoaes t' sale of ~^:: and wine, explaining the same party cran pull into b l~.quor e,cor~ and purcha,~e the s~me thing and he has nevec oeen any consumed on the premiaes. Chaicman Nerbst otated alcohol and gasoline }ust 3on't mix and a person could consume the alcohol as they dr.ive away. He stz-ted he will not change his mind and noted law enforcernent officere are yaying we havp trouble witF~ drunk drivers on ouc roada and thie just makes it a convenience for them and that impulse buyinq is something the public is used to and they will purchase Che six-pack if ir i~ convenient. C~mmissionec Bouas atatPd the problem is the 'impulbp buying". Chttirman Herbst s~ate~ everyone is trying ta stop people Er~m driving while drunk and it is a problem all ovec the country. Mr. Silbaugh sl•ated he respects the Commisaian's opfnion. Commissioner Bouas stated this makes it easier for minocs to purchase beer als~. Mc. Silbaugh stated minors are reatricted Erom purchasing the beer and wine and the oper?tors would be subje^t to losing their licenae and have to pay a stiff fine. Commiosioner La Claice stated she has done '~er own private poll and haa talked to some teenagers and asked them where they got the beer and a major portion told her they purchased it st the mini-marts and she thdught a lot of these places have young people working in them and they don't check I.D.'s. She added she has been in the A.M. P.M. markets and they are not checki~g the I.D's and in n liquor store where the whole busineas is liquor, they wo~ld check the I.D.'s more closely. Mr. Silbaugh stated he is suzprised to hear what Commissioner La C:aire is saying because the operators are running a chance of loosing their ABC license. He stated the aale of beer and wine does normally determine the diffecence whether or not the operator is succeasful. Mr. Silbauqh referred to Condition No. 2 and stated they do not like to give ug drivewaysr however, it has been explained extensively. He stated he would like to close both of th~se driveways on Linco~n and place one in the middle which would be about 80 feet from the corner. He stat~:d it would involve maving a utilfty pole and fire hydra~'~, -~ut they could live with that. 7/9/25 MINUTES, ANAHBIM CITY PLATrNZNG COMMI:iSION, JULY 9, 1984 84-432 Peul Singer, TrafEtc Engine~r, auggeated th~t if the Plenning Commieeion wiahes to approva khis request, they should liave it atipulated that the location of thQ d~Lveway oR Lincoln could be mutually worked ouk, subject to npprovr 1 of the Traff ic Eng ineor. Mr. Si:baugh repl ied they would have no problem with Cha~ stipulati on. He ateted he would close the one on Knott cight n ext ro the turning r adius and close both on Lincoln, but put one b~tween Che two. Commissioner Bustioce stated he t~as nathinq againflt competition, but there are cectain things that juat dca not mix well together i~ retail salea and he waa sure if every liyuor store in town came in and want~d to sell gasoline, it would b e upsetting to the g aeoline companies. He e~tated ~or a long time the Commis sion opposed convenie nce markers with the aale of gasoline and not juat the sa 1 e of beer and wine. Ne statdd running A gas station and repaicing automobiles haa nokhing to da with kt~e sale of food and he thought maybe the Commis s ion should go bi~ck t o that idea hecause it is not a convenience f or the operator, but i~ a conveni~nce foc the oil cnmpaniea because the margins are r~o low foc the aelling of g asoline, they have come around to this so the operat or can exist on a lo~wer margin for sclling gasoline And make it up on the f oo d sales ~nd beer an d wine sales. He stated .tn the long run, in the free c ompetition syatem, ttYe one wh~ auffera is the public who goes In and Pays the inEl.ated prices for gasnline. He stated he will oppose the whole thing i n general. Mr. Sil baugh stated there ace no automobile repairs. He referred tu Condition No. 12 and asked if givin4 u~ t;hose var.iances will affect anything aubmitted here toclay. Greg Ha atinga cesponded I:h~ variances pertain to a roof aign and that would be r.emove d since the buildin~ will be torn down and the other variance ref ers to Ereestandir~g signs which wcre not included in the cite plans submitted. Annika Santalahti clarif•ied those particular variances were appcaved in connec tion with specific e xhibits and once the property is no langer developed in rha t manner, they have n~ variancea. John Le ceEerred tn liquor stores a~d othec markets in the orca w:io sell beer and wine and atated he is apposed to thie request Responding to Commissinner King, Mr. Silbaugh ~tat~~:d he will be williny en delet e the ceguest for th e sale of beer and wine. ACTION: Commiseionec King offered a motion, seGOnded by Commissioner McBurney end MOTION CARRIEA, that t he Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion has reviewed the propos al to permit a conve nience market with qasoline sales and off sale beer and wi ne on a rectangularl y-shaped parcel of land consistinq o~ approximately 0.42 a cre located at the s outheast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Knott Stceet and f u rther deacribed as 3 450 West Lincoln Avenuet and does hereby approve the t~egat i ve Declazation upon finding that it has conoider~d the t7egative Decla r ation together wi.th an~ comments received during the public review proce s s and further findirsg on the basis of the Ii~itial Study and any camments ceceiv ed that thece is no substantial evidence that the project will have a signi ~icant effect on the environment. 7/9/25 MINUx~S ~NANBIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 9 i9aq Q4-433 Comrnissioner King offered Resolution No. PC84-137 a nd moved for ite passage and adoption that the A~aheim City Planning Commission doos hereby grAnh Conditione]. Uae Permit No. 2594, in part, purauant to Aneheim Municipal Cade Sections thcough prohibiring the ofE-aal~ beer and wine and subjeck to Interdepertment~l Committoe recommenddtions. Jack White noted there ahould be a condition ndded indicating there ehould be no eale of alcoholic beverrges on the premises and also that Condition No. 2 should be modifled to show that the dciveway would be relor.ated on Lincoln Avenue subject to the approval of the City TraEfic Enginedr. CommiasionPr Hecbst atated he will support the motfon b~cause he feel thira will be quite an improvement for the area which is rebuildin~~s Ghat normally he would not support a canvenience market with gasoline salea~ but wouid s~;ppoct this request because this pArtieulac corne s would be completely refurbished And will be an improvement for the area. Un roli call, the foregoing resolution was pasaed by the following vote: AYES: BOUAS~ pUSIIORE~ FRY~ H~RDST~ KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NO~S; NONE ABSENT; NUNE Commiesianer La Claire thanked the petitianer for coo~erating with the Planning Commi~sion. ITEM N0. 8. EIR NEGATIVE_ DECLARA'1.4N, WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT AND CONDITIONAL UGE PERN'~ °v. 2599 PUBLIC HEARING. ~~' .~ ~OMMONWEALTH PINANCIAI~ CORPORATYON~ P. 0. BOX 764'18, LOS Arige ~, CA 9007a -'.~: UNITED SUITES OF AMERICA, INC., AT'PN: ROBERT F. FULLE}., ~50 New~~oct Centec Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Property des~:[ibe~! as an icregularly~shaped parcel of land consisting ~f approximately 6.34 acres located at the southeast cocnec of [~rontera Street and Glassell Stxeet. To permit a 7-atory, 212-room hotel complex and reataurants with on-sale of alcoholic beverages with waivers of minimum number of parking spaces and maximum structural height adjacent to single-family zoning. ACTION: Commisaioner Bouas offered a motion, secoi~ded by Commisafoner McBurney and MOTIUN CARRIBD, khat consideratior~ of the above-mentioned matter. be continued to the regularly-scheduled meeting of July 23, ]984, in order for the applicant to submi.t revised plans. ITEM NO 9. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, WAIVER OF CQDE REQUIREMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2586 PUBLIC HEARING. OWI~ERS: N. BRUCE ASHWILL & BARBARA E. ASHWILL, 5150 E. Pacific Coast Hi.ghway, Long Bench, CA 90804. AG ENT; THOMAS A. PHILLIPS b STEPH~N T. CONLEX, 1061 N. Grove Street, Anaheim, CA 92806. Property described as a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximatel~y 0.5 acre located at 1061 North Grave Street. 7/9/,2'S $~ MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY_PLANNING C0~ MMISSION1 JULY 9, 1964 __ _ 04-434 To retain an automobile end boat repair and restoration/upholetery fecility with waiver of minimu-n number o~ parking apacea. There wae no one indicating their presence in oppoai.tion to aub~ect requeat and although the ataff r.eport was not read, it is referred to and made a part of the i~~inutes. Thomas Phillips, agent, wa~ prenent to anaweK any yuoations and expleined he had been wocking closely wi.th Ruth McDonald, Code EnforcemenC Officer, and the City Tratfic Engineer foc about A months. THE PUElLIC HFARING WAS CLOSED. Res~onding to Commisaioner Buahare, Mr. Phillips stated they could n~t get a busineas license until they went through this process and have been operating 4 months without th~ license. tie atated they originally started to do services For L•he boat company down the atceet, but they are now trying tu sever that relationship. Responding to Commissioner Bu~ahACe as to where he gets his wock from, Mr~ Phillips etated they d~ advertioiny and by word-of mouth. He explained th~re are three different businesaes in the uame building: au~omotive repair, reupt~olstery work, and bo~t cepair. Commistzioner eushore poinLed out the parking demand study prepared by Justin T. Farmer Tranaportakfon Engineers, was aubmitted with several recommendations. Mc. Ph.illips respunded he has bepn working with the TraEfic Engineer and will comply with thoae cecommendations. He explained ~hey had an unusual etart in their busines~ and had more auto-robiles and boats than they t~ad anticipated and had no pl~ce to atore them, but they have worked out a schedule and will be having the vehicles picked up after they are cepeired and wi~.l be charging a daily atorage fee yo that people wi.ll pick them up in a hurry. He pointed out there ar.e other peopl~- ~:p and down the street who are abusing the atreet parking ~uch as Morley Trucks and Elimin~tor Boat Company. ACTION: Commissioner King cffered a mation, seconded by Commissioner MeBucney and MOTION CARR7ED, that the Anaheim City Plannir~g Commission has ceviewed the p,~oposal to retain an automobile and boat repoir and cestoration upholstery facility with waiver of minimum number of par+cing spaces on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of. ~' consieting of approximately 0.5 ~cre, having a fcontage of approxima ~i !45 feet on the west side of Grove ~tceet and .`urther desccibed as 1061 Nu:;.t~ Grove Street= and does hereby approve the Negat..ve Declaration upon finding that it has consideced the Negative Decleration together with any comments ceceived during t`~~ public review process and furkher finding on the basis of the Initial _;.:~dy and any comments rece~ved that there is no substantial evidence that the project will hav~ a significant effect on the environment. Commiseioner King offered a motion, se~onded by Commissioner Fry and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant waiver of Code requirement oz~ the basis that the parking waiver will not cause an increase in traffic conges~ion in the immediate vicinity nor adveruely affect any adjoining land uses and granting of the parking waiver under the • - _ ~25 MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISS20N, JULX 9. 1984__ 94-435 conditiana imposad, if any, will ~ot be detrimentdl to the peece, health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Annheim And subject to the p~titioner's etipulatian to comply wikh the recomrtiendationa of the Traffic Engineer concerning parking. Commiaeionec King offe[ed Reoolution No. PC84-139 and moved for its pAasage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commiesion does hereby ~rant Conditionel Use Permit No. 2586 pursuant to Anahe~m M~nicipal Code Sectiony through sub~ect to interdepactmental Committee recommendatlons. CommiRSionQr Hetbak askad the length of the lea~e with Mr. Phil].ips responding he has a two-year lease. Commissioner Nerbet indicated he would vote for appr~val of this request it it is tied to the lease. Commissioner King indicated he would include that in his ceaolution and it was noted the conditional use ~ermi.t should expire the same time the leaae expire~ which would be May 1, 1986. CommissionPr Buahore ankpd how boat repair secvices are permitted in tr-is area since it is Canyon Industrial Area. Annika Santalahti E~ointed uut boat repair is allowed in the Canyon Industrial Area. On roll call, the foregoing reaolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY~ kf~RaST, KING~ LA CLAIRE, MC BURNBY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Jack White, Assistant City Atkocney, painted out an additiuRal condition should be included thak the conditional use permit will expire on May 1, 1986. ITEM N0. 10 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT AND CONUITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2585 PUHLIC HEARING. OWNER5: RIDER INVESTORS, LTD., 18552 MacArthur Boulevard, Irvine, CA 92715, ATxN: DAVID MADRIGAL. AGENT: R. V. MORSE, 1287 'A' North Jefferson, Anaheim, CA 92807. Propecty des~ribed as an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.8? acre located at the southeast corner of Miraloma Avenue and Jefferson Street, 1287 'A' North Jefferson Street (Mocse Brothers R.V.). To retain a recreati~nal vehicle upholstery shop with wafvec of minimum num5ec of parking spaces. ACTION: Commissioner Bouas offe;=d a motion, seconded by Comm~ssionec McBucney and MOTTON CARRIED, that con~ideration of the above-mentioned matter be continued to the regularly-scheduled meeting of Auguat 20, 1984, in order for the applicant to submit additional information pertaining to two okher automobile repair related buainesses on subject property. 7/9/25 I ITEM N0. 11. EIR NEGATIVE DBCLI~RATION WAIVER OF COpE RE UIREML~N'T AND CQNDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2593 PUBLIC NEARING. OWNERS• DAVTD C. D'URSO & NIKKI Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92805. 4ropecty deacribe~ es parCel of land conRiating of approximutely 7.842 Pdlma Av~enu~. 6 G. MANUELL, 1547 E. Le- Paltna r~ rectangularly-ehaped squ~ce feet, 1547 East Ua Ta permit a retail plant nursery with waiver of required number of parking s~,aces . There was no '~n'~ gtaff$ceporthwus not~readriit~pS~Keferred~tauc~ndcmade~aep~rt and although the of the minutes. David U'Ur~o, petitionec, was pce$ent ta anawec ~ny qupstion. Z`NE PUfiLIC: HEARING WAS CLAS~;D• ACTION: Commisr~i~ner B~shore offeced a mat~on, seconded by Commissioner King and MOTIGN CARRIEU, th~t Che Anaheim City Planntng Commission has reviewed the pxppo$~-1 t~ per~nit A retail pla~~t nutsery with waiver uf requiced number of ~arking spaces on a rectangularly-ahaped parcel of land cooximatel ~70 feet on aplp[oximately 7,842 squace feet, having a front.age of app Y the north ~ide of La Palma ~+vFnue and fucthet described aa 1547 East La Palma Avenuet and does herebY approve Che Negative Declaration upan finding that it h~s conaidered the Negative Declaration together with any comments received da~ring the public review pcocer,s und fucther finding on the basis of the Initial Study anc]Wi~i }~~~Qiea~s.ignificantteffecke n thenenviconmental evidence t~ha~ the ~-roject ~Coinmiaeioner Buahore ~ffe~ed z~ motion,P~anning~Commiasion$doesrherebyngranta MOTION CARRIF.D, that the A,~aheim City waiver of Code requicement on the basis chat the parking wai~et will not cause an increase in traffic congestion in the immediate vicinity nor adversely affect any ad~oining land uses and granting of ~he parking waiver under the conditions imposed, if an,y~ will not be dNtrimental to the peace, health, safety and generalsW$~iaulattonhtocP=ovide aaa~cio ~lYpackirghinmthpafuturecif to the petitioner P neces~aCy. Commissioner f3u~hoce affered Resolution No. PC84-139 and moved for i~ts parsage and a~qption that the Anaheim City Plannfng Commisston doeA hereby gr~nt Conditional Use poumh~~e~03?030.0358usubjectAto InterdepactmentaleCommittee 18-.03.030. (330 :.hc g cecommendations. ~ammi~sioner La Clt-ire clarified l•hat the type of planks at this nursecy will be cactue type (aucculentss)• 7!~/25 MINUTES, ANAyEIM CYTY PL1-NNING COMMISSION~ JULY 9, 1~84 84-437 Greq Haskinga pointed out Condirion No. 9 requirea thet khe sign shell comply with requirements of the RS-A-43,000 Zona and thet that. zone only allows a 2-squAre foot identificatio~ eign. It wae pointQd out thet any incrense in the eizo oE aigns would require a vari~nce. an roll call, the Eoregaing reaoluti~n was passe~ by the following vote: AYES; DOUA5, BUSNORE~ ~R:, HERB~T~ KING~ LA CLAIRE~ MC BURNEY NOES; NONE ABSENT; NONF. I'PEM N0. 12. EIR NEGA'PIV~ OE~LARATJON, WAIV~R OF CODE REQUIRBMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMI2 N0. 2568 PUBLiC HEARING. OWNERS: ARTHUR H. Kf.PLAN, ET AL, 6922 Holl,ywood Boulevard, Hollywuod, ~A 90U26. AGENT; METROPOLITAN OUTUUOR ADVF.R'rISING, i01 E. Huntington Dcive, Arcadia, CA 91006. Property deacrib~d aa an irregularly-shaped parcel of land conRiating of appcox~maCely 0.46 acre, 2020 EASt Katella Avenue. To permil a billboard in the ML Zone wi.th wAiver~ of permitted location and maximum display area. There was no one indlcating Cheic presence in oppoaition to subject request and although the staEf rep~rt w~s not read, it ia ceferred ta and made a par~ of the minutes. Rudolpho Mantejano, and ~JeFt Varne, agents, were present to an~wer any questions. N1r. Mantejano stated the ataff report indicates thia is an ~pplication for a 1200-syuare foot ei.gn, but it is really only 672 square feetj that the staff reporl• also indicates this ie a double-faced signa however, it is a single-face sign facing the east. He stated the applicatinn meets the Code requirements exce~k it ia within 200 feet of Katella Avenue and exceeds the maximum sign area Allowed. H~ stated last year an applic~tion was denied; however, changes havp been made to accommodate tt:e City's wishea and explained the sign has been mo~•ed bacY, to meet the 5U-foot setback and it was originally proposed to be set back 25 fePt; that it has been moved to the west and is 108 feet from the easl• pcoperty iine and the o:iqinal application was proposed on the eastern property line; that this is an application for a smaller square footage sign and originally the heigril• was 50 Eeet and now is proposed for 35 feet. A super-imposed slide showing what the sign might look like was presented ehowing the view heading west on Katella. Mr. Mantejano explaincd the groperty is vacant at the present time and another slide was pcesented showing a sign which was about 700 feet eaat of subject propecty which is City-owned property and explained that sign is 1200 square feet and aloo it has extensions making it even larger and it is a double-faced sign. E3e explained that sign on City property is within 20Q feet of Katella and exceeds the maximum sign area and ie 50 feet high. He stated they feel there is 7/9/25 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION, JULY 9,_1984 ____ 84-438 sufEicient precedenta eet to ~llow a conaidecably amaller sign on property whicti is irregularly-ahaped. He otAted they have nat noticed any edvecse impact on the surrnunding area and therQ aill be no increage on the traffic or packing burden. THE PUaLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. CommissionHr ~ry stated in reality ~tiis ie a billboard and not a sign. Cummissionec McBurney ceferred to ~he Planning Commission's actions on previaus similar requeats and ~ointed out the ataff report on Pages 2-b and c outline th~se previous actiona. Mr. Mantejano atated he was awace oL the prev~ous a~tion on a aimilar propoRal for a sign on this property last year znd ~~Ated he had reviewed the ataff report. L'~mr.~iaaioner tlechst stated cegarding the sign on the Stadium properky pre~ented in the slides, the City Council approved that on their own and thQ Planning Commission had nothing to do with it. tle atated that the Planning Commigsioners are involved wiL•h land use and zoning controls and probably would have denied that ~ign on the Stadium property because they feel the City should live within its own Codes. ACTION: Commissioner Pry oEfered ~ motion, seconded by Commissioner Mc9urney and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim city Planning Cammission has reviewed the pcoposal to permit a billboard in the ML (Industri.al, Limited) 2one with waiver of permi~ted location and maximum display area on an irregularly-ahaped parcel of land con~iating of approximately 0.46 acre, having a frontage of approximately 98 feet on th~ south side of Katella Avhnue and fucther described as 202U Gast Katella Avenue; and does hereby ~pprove the Negativp Dec~aration upon finding that it has consideGed the Negative Declaration together wilh any comments received duKing the public review proces~ and further finding on the basis of t.he Initial Study and any commente recEived that there is no oubstantial evidpnce that the project will have A sigr.ificant efiect on the environme~t. Commissioner Fry ofFered a motion, seconded by Commissioner McBurney ~nd MOTTON CARRIED, that the Anaheim CiLy Planning Commission does heceby deny waiver of Code requirement on the basis that there are no special circumstances applicable to the pcoperty such as size, ahape, topography, location and aurruundings wF~ich do not apply to other identical.ly xoned property in the same vicinity. Commissior~er Fry offered Resolut~on No. PC84-140 and moved for its passage and aduption that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny Conditional Use Pecmit No. 2588 on the basis that this is not the proper place for a billboard and on the basis that other similar requests have been denied and that the use would adversely afEect adjozning land uses and the growth and devslopment of th~ drea and would be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the f.ollowing vote: AYES: BOUAS, BUSHORE~ FRY~ HERBST, KTNG~ LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NO£S; NUNE ABSENT: NON~ Jack White, Assistant City Attorney, preaented the written right ko appeal the Planning Commission's decision within 22 days to the City Council. MINU7'ES ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ULY 9 1984 84-439 Cliair.men H~rbat had to tempocarily leave the m~e~ing at 2:26 p.m. and r,hairwoman Pro T~mpure Le Claire asoumed the CHAIR. IT~M N0. 13. ~lx ~~EGATIVE U~CLARATION, WAIV~R OF COU~ REQUIREMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2596 PUHLIC NEARING. OWNERS; CALIFORNIA/ORANGB ENT~RPRISES, INC.~ 2914, 35G1 - 5th AvHnue, S.W., Galqary, Alberta, Canada T2POL4. AGENT: STEWART, GREEN AND ASSOCIATES, ATTN; pAVE CARLSON, 2316 E. Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92806. Pcopecty dePC~iu~~ fls an irregularly-~hap~d parcel of land consiating of approximate;y 27.11 acres located at the southeast corner of Lincoln Avenup and St~te Col!.ege 6aulevar~, 2156 ~ast Lincoln Avenue (East Anaheim Center). To permit on-sale alcohol in a propoEed cestAUrant with waiver of minimum number of park:ng spaces. Thece was no one indicating their preaence in opposition to subject request and although the ~tafE report wa~ not read, it is referred to and mAde a~art of the minutes. ~ob Stiles, representing Lam~ost Pizza, A85 Bluebird Canyon, Layuna eeach, was preaent to answer any questions. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Bushore pointed out the request indicate~ thia is to permit on-sale alcohol in a proposed restaurant and not on-sale beer and wine. Jack White, A~sistant Ciky Attorney, asked if the petitioner propasea to ae~l beer and wine or alcohol beverages wikh Mr. Stiles indicating they would nnly be selling beer and wine. Greg Hasringe, Assictant Pl~nner, pointed out thp application was actually foc the sale of beer and wine in a prop~sed restaurant. ACTION; Commis~ianer King offered a rnution, seconded by Cammiasioner Fry and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Herbst absent), that the Anaheim City Flanning Commission has reviewed the propnaal to permit on-sale alcohol in a proposed restaur~nt with waivec of minimum number of patking spaces on an irregularly-shaped parcel oF land consieting of approximately 27.11 acres located at the southeaet corner of Lincolr~ Avenue and State College B~ulevard and further described as 2156 East Lincoln Avenue (Eask Anaheim Center): and d~~es hereby appcove the Negative Declaration upon finding that ik has coneidered the Negative Declaration together with any comments received dur?~g the public review process and further finding ~n the basis of the Initial Study and any comments received that khere is no ~ubstantial evidence that the project will r~ave a siqr:xficant effect on the environment. Commiseioner King offered ~ motion, seconded by Commissioner Bouas and MOTTON CARRIED (Commissioner Herbst absent), that the Anaheim C:ty Planning Commission does hereby grant waivec o~ Code r.equirement on the basis that the parking waiver wi11 not cause an increase in traffic c~ngestion in the immediate vicinity nor adversely affect any adjoining land uses and granting of tha parkin9 waiver under the condikinns imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general wel£are of the citizPns of the City af Anaheim. 7/9~25 MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ JULY 9, 1984__ ____ 84-440 Jeck white at.ated ~n additionel condition should be included tha~ no alcoholic bevecaoas, excPpt beer and wine, ahall be aold or coneumed on khe Premises. Commisaioner King offeced Resolution No. PC84-141 and moved for ite passage And ad~ption that the Anaheim City Planning Commiasion does heceby grant Conditional Use Permit No. 2596 nurauant to Anaheim Municipal Code Sections through aubject to the restciction that no alcoholic beverages, sxcept beer end wine, ~hall be sold or consumed An the premis~s and sub~ect to Interdepartmental Committee cecommendations. On roll call, the £oregoing resolution wa~ ~a~sed by the following votc: AYES: BUUAS~ BUSHORE~ FRY~ KING~ GA CGAIRB, MC BUkNEY NOES: NONE AEiSENT: HBR'.ST ITEM N0. 14. EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMATinN-CL.ASS 11 AND VA.RIANCE N0. 3412 PUBLIC HEARING. OWN~R~: CALI~ORNIA/ORANGE ENTERPRISES, INC., 2914 One Calgary Place, 33U - 5th Avenue, S.W., Calya[y, C~nada, T2POL4. AGENT: STEWART, G12EEN ASSOCiATES, Z316 E. Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 9'1806, ATTN; KAR1. MEADER. Propetty desccibed as an ircegularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximaGely 27.11 acres located at the sautheast corner of Lincoln Avenue and State College 0oul~evard, 2008 East Lincoln Avenue (East Anaheim Center). Waiver of minimum distance between signs ~o construct ei~:~t (8) freestanding aigns. TheKe was no one indicating their presence in opposition to subject request and slthough the staff repart was not read, i~ is referred to and mgde a part of the minutes. Karl Meader, construction managec, Bast Anaheim Shopping Center, explained they are willing to remove and rPlinquish their reguest for sign No. 1 wh.ich is the roof aign on State College ~nd Lincoln which used to be the old Regis Hairstylists and the othex signs arF well under the. sq~are footage of sign face allowed by the Code ar~d the only vaciancP required i.s created by the fact that they have existing signs tl,a~ have been there for quite snme time. Respondfng to Chairwoman Pro Tempore La Claire, Mr. Meader pointed out sign No. 1 was an existing roo~ sign on State College and Lincolns however, they are willing ta delete that siqn; tt~at the first proposed sign is sign No. 2 located at the new driveway Prom Lincoln on the west and it will be a Ralph's sign; siqn ~~o. 3 is a pylon sign; sign No. 4 is an existing pylon that will face with K-Mart at the top which they propose to cemodel with a new face; sign No. 5 is an existing roof sign on Millers OutpostJ sign No. 6 is a proposed pylon sign= eign No. 7 is an existing sign for .Tolly Rog~r and it fs his understanding they are going to request that sign be changed to a monument~-type sign; sign No. B is an existing sign for Fullerton Savinqs along with the time and tempetatuce; sign No. 9 would be on Peregrine and is a proposed sign and he thought it would be a small sign for the Firestone store; sign No. 10 would be on Peregrine nnd pointed out signs 9 and 10 do not really ~/9/~$~ MINUT~S. ANAHEIM CITY__PI~ANNING COMMI3SION, JULY 9, 15184 ~w ,Y 84-441 require a variencet eign No. 11 is on State College Aoulevard, northwest cocner oF the now Relph's market ~nd it will be a Rrlph's pylon signt eign No. 12 ie a propoaed pylon sign for identiEicetion purpoaea for Fireatoner sign No. 13 is another pylon, matching the existing No. 4= and proposed sign 14 is a pylon located at the drive entrance north of the bank and they intend to use that Eor identification for all the ahopa in that area. ~ommissioner Herbet cetucned to t•.he meeting and assumed the CHAIR at 2;35 p.m. 'rNE PUaLIC HEARING WAS CLQS~D. Commissioner La Claire stated this ia a lot of signs and asked which ones would be deleted if only 4 or 5 were granted, pointing out there seema to be a sign propaaed at every driveway and even where the~e is nat a driveway. Mr. Meader stated they are willing to eliminate sign No. 1 which is an exiating sign and blao relinquish the second sign on Peregrine and the one in the midd]e of. the planter area on State College. He stated that would get it down to the 5 signs just mentianed. Ne stated the total square £ootage is well wikhin the Code and actually they would be allowed to have even more siyns. He clarified the Jolly Roger wants a monument sign because they ace ahanging theic image to a g~rden-type r.e~taurant with a glass encloced gazebo, etc. Cammiasioner La Claire ~eferred to lhe Jolly RogerA plan to conve~rk to a monuner~t sign in ocder to change their image and asked if the petitioner has considered such a cl~ange. Mr. Meauer ~tated he has no pcoblem with monument signs and explained they are r~ot tied ~nto any design of the aigns aa yet, other than the Ralphs and p~ssibly Firestone. Commissioner La ~laire stated the City has tried to promoke monument-tiype signs eapecially in the Canyon Industcial Area. Mr. Meader atated even the repetitive monument-type signs appear to be somewhat cluttered. Eie stated they are sincerely interested in the over-all look of this center and khey are ~ot asking for a variance because they want a lot of signing, but they do have specific needs Eer specific tenants and they have some spacing problems du~ to existing signs. He sCated eliminating sign No. 1 and sign No. 12 wi12 eliminate some of their spacing pcoblems arid they will be well within the Code along State Col2ege Boulevard. Commissioner Fry stated he has no objections tu the major identification signs, but find~ the other signs offensive and stated he sees no need for any signing on Peregrine at this time. Commissionec Bouas pointed out tihat Firestone could have a sign on the building. Mr. Meader atated they want a small freestanding sign so that people on State Colle~e Boulevard looking foc Firestone would realize where they are located. He responded to Commissioner La Claire that it is internally illsminated and that the size of the signs on the drawing is 150 square feet and they will stipulate to that size and he did not know whether or nat they would have a Firestone sign on that side of the building. He stated it was their feeling since they had to came in for a v~riance to include all the signs and did not think th~y even needed a variance for the signs on Peregrine. 7/9/25 MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMM_I_$SION,_JULY_91_~984_ i 84-A42 Commieaionec euohore aeked if. the d~veloper hae shown Fireato~a where the signa would be located, especially cince they ac~ atill in nggotiations and it has not been Einalixed that tt~ey will even be a tenant in the aentec. He atated Fireatone wants a sign on Peregrine, 5taCe College and Lincoln. ComRisaionec Bush~re stated it would make more sanse to incorporAte that sign on the aign on Lincoln and he could not understand why someone would want a sign on Pereg[ine wh:ch is a residential street and the back e~trAnce to the shopping centet. Commisaiuner La Claire atated if the algn ie interna~ly illuminated, it could be a problem for the people living across ttie street becauae it could illuminate their bedro~ma and living rooms at night. Mr. Meadec stated on one hand they ace being told there are koo many aigns on Lincoln and State College, yet they are being told they are noC alloa~ed to have any eiyns on Peregrine and that detinitely some signing is needed. Eje stated he is very concerned as to what the signa will look like an~ they do not want a large panel sign with all khe tenanta listed on them because it is hard to read and obviously All lhe mAjor kenants would like to hAVe their own aign and they are trying now ta make a compromise and yet the sign plan a~proved. Commissioner La Claire suggested incorporsting three tenants on each of the signs which woul~ eliminate ~ne-half oE the number requested. Mr. Meader responded tt~ey have only asked for 8 additional signe and if they eliminate the two on Peregtine and eliminate the one on the r.oof and the one on State College, that would be half the number r~quested and asked if that would be acceptable. Commissioner La Claire stated that would bp better and furlher explained she is not opposed to some signs, but is trying to keep the signs to a suitable number. She stated she would like to see no signa on Pecegrine simply because it is right acro~s tha stceet from a residential neighborhood and it would be disturbing unless they are lnw monument-type signs and nat lighted. Commissioner Herbat asked what signs would be allo~ed by Code. Annika Santalahti, Assistant Dicectoc for Zoning, explained the signs have to be located 300 feet from another freestanding sign anywhere else on the property and the maximum height would be 25 feet because of the nearby residential property. Commissionet Herbst sta~ed if this sign p~an is n~t apptoved, then a tenant could come in with a request f.os a sign as lang as ik meets all the Codes. Annika 5antalahti stated if this property has a variance on it for a signing program and in connpction with that signing program, Commisaion specifically allows a certain number of signs, those are the fteestanding signs that would be permitted and Commission can put whatever conditions they want on the approva~. Commissioner Herbst asked if someone else rented the b~ilding and came in later on~ if they could get ~he permits. Annika Santalahti stated the person checking for sign permits would pull ~~:~. file and read the resolution granting 7/9125 MINUTCS, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISS_ION~ JULY 9, 1984 84-443 the vdriance which would prohibit a s.ign above a certain hRight or tha~ there would be no aigna pvrmitted on P~r.eqrin~ Street, e~c. Commiasioner Buahorp stated he would be in agreement with the four eigna. Mr. Meader clarifie~ that tloey have propoeed eight new aigns and tha Commisaion ie naw talking about getting rid of tho exiating roof sign no thRy would be ge~ting five new pylon signs. He stAted they wi~l be f,aking the exieting roof aign and one pylon sign of.E State Culleg~ and L•wo off Peregrine. Mr. Meader ~sked iE PirPSCone would be allowed to have identification aigna on their building• Greg Hastinga sLated stoff would like clarification as to which signs to be deleted. It wa~ noted sign No. 1 would be d~leted and sign No. 12 would be eliminaLed and ~lso 9 and l.0 on Pec~g!~ne would be eliminated. It wAa nnted the roof eiqn on Mi11Qrs outpoot ~~11 stny and Commissioner La Claire suygested trying to incorpocate that sign into the other signs. Mr. Meader responded they have n~t had any diacussions with them, but d~ubted he c~uld convince them t~ change. Annika Suntalahti stated they could have a w~ll atgn Am~unting t~ 208 of th~ building w~ll. Mr. Meader stated the siyn criteria az~ required Eor thuHe people would be similar to the enclosed malls whic~ Are basically illuminated channel letters and none of the new tenants would be allowed to havo any canned-type aiqns; however, Ralphs and paseibly Fir.eatone would be an exception. lt was noted the Ylanning Directar or his autharized repreaentative has determined that the propased project falls within tt definition ~f Categorical Exemptions, Clasa 11, as defined in the State Envir~.nmental Impact Report Guxdelines arid is, therefore, categorically exemPt from the requirement to prep3ce an ~IR. ACTION; Commisaioner Bu~hore of£ered Resolution No. PC84-142 and moved for its passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commission daes hereby grant Vaciance No. 3412, in part, on ~he basis that the petftioner has stipulated to eliminate signs 1 and 12 and 9 and 10 on Peregrine Street and further on the basis that there are special circumatances applicable to the propert,y such as size, shape, topography, location and aurroundings which do not app2y to other identicall,y zoned property in the ssme vicinity; and that stcict application of the Zoning Cude deprives Lhe proQerty of privileges enjoyed by other proQECties in the identical zone and clasaification in the vicinit:y and subject to interdepart.mental Committee recommendations. Mr. Meader atated he would like to get this set up so that someone in the Plannina Aepartment does not isaue new sign ~>ermits without Eheir approval. Annika Sant~lahti stated the problem is that staff can make an effort to watch for sign permits, but that is not in the Buildin~ Divisian's cegulations. Commissioner Bush~re skate~ a there should be a c:,ause in the lease the developer would have with the tenants. Commissioner La Claire suggested "flagging` certain addresses or the mapa to bciny the restriction to the attention of the person checking for sign permits. Annika Santalahti stated the problem is the mannec in which the sign permits are granted. She stated 7/g/25 MINUTES, AN~HBIM CITY_PLANNING COMMIS~ION JULY 9 1984 84-d44 the only handle wauld be with the pecson who checke tt~e permits, but if that peraon is not present, there is always a chance it could be misaed. She added, hopeFully, having a variance on the property foc a freeetanding sign will eliminate any pogsibility oE that happening, but that would not have anything to du with a wall sf,yn. Commissioner Hecbst at~ted ths lecse ehould be flagged with big lettore to give kh~m their ~wn control. Mr. Meader stAted they have told all thei~ ten~nts that havinq the signing ~rogram avoids them having to come in individually to get pecmits. CommisRioner Bushore staked ttie r~ason for approval of a variance would be the trade-off of eliminating signe on Peregrine StrHet. Greg Haetinga as~ad if- the Commission wishes to allow the existing signs to be expanded. Commisaioner Buanare stated appraval would be ti~d to the plans as aubmitted, except th~ge ai~r~s eliminated. Mr. Me~der stated they would like to b~~~e the flexibility oF not having the aigns any lecgec, but being able to deaign them to fit the area. Jack White clarified that Condition No. 2 should be revised to read: 'That subject property should be developed substantially in acc~rdance with, and all fc~estanding signa on the property, including previously existing s~gns, shall comply with planF and apecificatione on file with the City o~ Anaheim, marked Exhibits 1 thtough 7. On roll call, the foregoing cesolution waA pasaed by the following vnte: AYES: BOUAS, BUSHORE~ FRY, H~RBST~ KZNG~ GA CLAIRE~ MC BURNEY NOE5: NONE ABSENT: NONE ITEM N0. 15. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION RECLASSIFICATION N0. 84-05-2 WAIVER UF CODE REQUIREMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2595 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: VISTA NOHL PLAZA, LTD., ATTN: SALVATORE F. GOTTUSOe 718 ~. Edna Place, Suite F, Covina, CA 91722. Property described as an irregularly-ahaped parcel of I~nd consisting of approximately 2.b acres located at the ~outhwest corner of Nohl Ra~ah Road and Villa Real Drive, having approximate fcontages of 272 feet on the south side of Nohl Ranch Road and 345 feet on the c~est side of Villa Real Drive. CL-HS(SC) to CL(SC) to permit a 46-foot high commercial complex including a semi-enclosed restaurant with on-sale aicohol with waiver of: (a) permitted sign content, (b) maximum nu~ber of sign ~isplay surfaces, (c) required sign placement, (d) maximum siqn area, (e) maximum building height and (f) required site screening. There was no one indicating their presence in opposition to subject requeat and although the staff report ~as not read, it is ceferred to and made a part of the minu~~s. Craig Combs, archikect, was present to answer any questions and explained the pcopertY is virtuallj flat and is isolated from surrounding properties and is 7/9/~~~ MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMIS6ION, JULY 9, .1984 84-445 eithec ebove or ho.low surrounding pcop6rties nnd it ie ane oE two pcope r ti~e in thie City zone~ CL-HS and that the project proposes a cetAil commecc i al centec with office spdce and also a fine dinner houae. He st~i~ld the b ulldtng will be 2-atorie~ built on a plaze level with parking underneath. He presented a rendering o[ the pcaject. Mr. Combs referred to the ataff repnrt., Candition No. 17, pertaininq to the roof mounted equipment and explained they aro proposing a fu11 roof buil d~ng with a$mall well through the mi~dle ~f the roof and there ia no way anyone could see into thek well fcom anywhere around Che propecty and they wou 1 d like to be Able to place their equipment in that well. Greg l~astings stAted if the well ia built into the roof and cannot be s een-it would not be consideced ~oof-mounted equipment and would r.omply wi~h th at condition. Mr. Combs refecred to Condition No. 24 restricting the poasibility of a medical or den~al use and stated he woul~ like that condition amended t o resd; 'That they would have to provide adequal-e parking in order to have medi cal or dental usea, $hould they be desired'. He explained at the presenk time thoy are not proposing medical oc dental uses. THE PU$LIC HEARING WA3 CLOSED. Commisbioner Herbst pointed out gtaff has recommended eliminating Condi tion No. 24. Cummissioner La Claire statPd she thought the project is !~eautiful and ascertained that this is the same developer as the one on Newport Boul e vAr~ (Pacific F~deral) and atated if this building is anything like that, it will really be an attribute. ACTION: Corr,missioner La Claire offered a motion, secorsded by Commissioner King and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim Ciky Planning GommissiAn has reviewed thp proposal to reclassify subject pcoperty from the CL-HS(SC) Zone (Commercial, Limi.ted, Hillside Scenic Corridor Overlay? Zone to CL(S~) (Commercial, Limited, Scenic Corridoc Overlay) Zone to pecmit a 46-foo t high commerclal complex including the aemi-enclosed restaurant wi~h oa-sale alcohol beverages and waivecs of permitted sign content, maximum number of sign display surfaces, required sign placement, maximum sign area, maximum b uilding height and required eite scceening on an irregularly-shaped parcel of Z and ~.onsisting of ~pproxirnately 2.6 acrea located at the southwest corner o f Nohl Ranch Road and Villa Real Drives and doeA heceby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding tl~at it has conaidered th~~ Negative Dec~aratio n tog~ther with any comments received during the puulic review process a nd further finding on the basis of the Initial Study and any commenta recei~ed that there is no substantial evidenae that the project will have a ~i~ n.ificant effect on the environment. Commissioner La Claire offerad Resolutian No. PC84-143 and moved for i ts passage and adoptian that the Anaheim City P.lanning Commission does he r eby grant Reclassification No. 84-85-2 subject to Interdepartmental Commit tee recommendations. 7/9/ 25 MINUTE3 ~NAHEIM CITY PLANN:NG COMMISSION JU~Y 9 1984 R~waa6 On roll call, the foregoing ceaol~tion wee paeeed by the Eollowing vote: AYEB: HOUAS, BUBHpRB~ FRY~ H£RHST~ KING, LA CLA IRE, MC ~URNEX NOES: NONE A88ENT: NONE Commiaeioner La Claira ofEered a motion, aeconded by CommiaPioner King an~ MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion dQOS hereby grant waiver of Code requirement on the basis that ~here Are opecilocationmandnces appli.cabla to th~e propecty such ae alze, shape, t opography, euzroundinga which do not appl,y to oth~r identica 1 1y xoned property in the same vicinityi and that atrict application af the 2oning Code deprives the property of pcivileges enjoyed by other propertie s in the identical zone and classification in the vicinity and auUject to Int erdepartmenttal Committee recommendationa. Gre~ Hastings stated stAff would recommend that Condition No. 14 ahoul~ be deleted. Commissioner La Claire offeced Resolution No. PC 8 4-144 and moved foT its passage and adoption ~hat the Anaheim City P1ann i ng Commission does hereby grant Conditional Uae Pecmit No. 2595 pursuant t a Anaheim Municipal Code Sections through 18.03.Q3U.035 and subject to Interdepartmental Committee reconunendations. On roll call, the foregoing resolutfon was pnssed by the follnwin~ vate: AYES: BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, KING~ LA C LAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Responding to Commisaioner Fry, Mr. Combs estima ted they would begin construction in 4 to 6 months. ITEM N0. 16. EIR CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 5 AND VARIANCE N0. 34(1~a PUBLIC EIEARING. OWNERS: MICHAEL S. SAMMONS AND DE$9I6 A SAAIMONS~ 1196 E. Radcliffe Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92806. Property d escribed as an rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consiating o f approximat~ly 5,000 square feet, 3196 T:ast Radcliffe Avenue. waiver of maximum lot coverage to canstcuct a r oom addition to a single-family residence. There was one person indicating his presence in appoaition to subject request anc~ although the staff report was not read, it is ceferred to and made a part of the minutes. Debbie Sammons, petitioner, was preser~t to answer any questions. Andrew Sobienr 3200 E. Radcliffe~ stated he has livod next to subject property c,n the east for 2-1/2 years and he would objec t to this addition b~cause of the high wall whic;h would block hia view of the aunnet and sunrise and reduce 7J9/25 MINUTB5. ~NAHEIM_CITY PLANNING CQMMI3SION, JUGY 9. 1984 94-447 the light to his kitchen eapecisl.ly in the winter when the aun is lower and ik would cut down th~ pcevailing bceeze end ceduce the afternoon aun in his backyerd and bacause of theae conditions it w~uld lower the salability and value af his property. He stated he did not want to 4tACQ at the side of an A-frame structure and euygested they uae a lowor prafile with a roof aimilar to the one they have now. Mo. Sammona presenCed photogr~phs taken from the oppoaition's backyacd and stated stcaight aheAd there is At leaRt a 35-foot high trce which is the full width of ttie enclosed patio room they t~ave now and even if ~hey bu~lt an addition as high as the two-~tory structure nexr door, lt atill would not block Anykhing Uecause the tree i~ blocking the view. She stated righk now they do have a flat roof. She presented a photogcaph of another addition ~n Radcliffe with a pitcl~ed roof which would almosc be equal t~ the one they are pr~posing. She stated the architect stated the pit~h tc the roof will only be 32 inches higher thAn th~ cuxrent ruof. She pointed out the tree would be much h~gher than that. She pointed out the view he w~u1d be Aeeing of the sunset on the phot~graph And stated she did nat think he would be seeing it anyway. Mr. Sobien ceviewed the photograph pr~sented with Commisaioner La Claire and explained the locaLion of his pcoperty, etc. Commissioner L~ C].aire exp:ained she wAnted to make sure khe photographs were taken fram the area as indicaked by the petitioner and that this was actually the view from Mr. Sobien's property. Commissioner Buahore pointed out the only waiver being cequested is maximum lot coverage and there is no waiver of h~eight or setbacks and stated if the builder had originally builk the house f urthec b~ck on the lot, this variance would not even be necessary. He stat~d he felt this is a reasonable request. It wAS noted the Planning Director oc his authorixed repres~ntative has detecmined that the proposed project fa11H wxthin the definitfon of Categorical Exemptions, Class 5, as defined in the State Environmental impact Repor.t Guidelines and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare an EIR. ACTION: Commissioner Bushoce offered Reaolution No. PC84-145 and moved for iks passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herehy grank Variance No. 3405 on the basie that the cequest is reasonable and also that there are special circum~tances applicable ta the property such as size~ shape, topography, location and surroundings which do not apply to other identically zoned property in the same vicinityt and that strict applicatian of the 2oninq Code deprives the prope[ty of privileges er~joyed by other properties in the identical zone and classification in the vicinity and subject to Interdeparkmental Committee recommendations. Commissfoner Bushore further pointed out the petition~r would have the right to build a'l-story stcucture. Commissioner La Claire asked if the Commissian should have her stipulate to not gaing any hiqher than 32 inches over the preaent roof. Jsck White stated approv::l would be based on plana as submitted and ~f the plans have a roof 32 inches above the existing roof, there would be 7/9/25 MINUTES, ~N~NEIM CITY PLANNING_ COMMISSION,_JU_LY__9, 1964__ _ _ _ _ _ __84-448 no problem. Commiaaioner 6ushore atated he does not care about khe height of the Fetitionor'e roof and he would not i.ncludg that as part of hie resolution. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: BClUAB, BUSHORE, E'RY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURN~Y NOES: NONE ABSENT: NON~ Jack White, Assiatant City Attorney, pcesented the written cight to a~peal the Planning Commisai~n's decision within 22 days to the City council. ITEM N0. 17. EIR NEGATIVE UECLARATION (pREV. CERTIPZED) A1Vll TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NU. 12147: PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: TEXACO ANAHEIM NILLS, xNC., c/o The Gunston Hall Gompany, 380 S. Anaheim Hills Road, Anaheim, CA 92807. AGENT: SALKIN ENGINEERING CORPOf2ATi0N, 17.15 E. Chapman Avenue, Qrange, CA 92660, ATTN: George Kerns. Property dN~cribed as an irr~gularly-ahaped parcel of land consisting oE approximately 5.4 acres, having a frontage of approxirautely 434 feet on the aouthea~t side of SecrAno Avenue, having a maximum dept.h of appcoximately 668 Eeet and being located approximutely I25 feet northeast of the centerline of Hidden Canyon Road. To establish a 9-lot, 7-unit, RS-NS-1p,000(SC) (Reaidential, Single-Pamily, Hi.llside, Scenic Cocridor Oveclay) Zone aubdivision. 1t was noted the EIR Neg~tive Declaratiun was preciously certified. ACTION: Commisaioner King of.fered a motion, seconded by Commiseioner McBurney and MOTION CARRIED, that. the Anaheim Ciky Plannirig Commission does hereby find that the proposed subdiviaion, together with its design and improvement, is consistent with the City of Anaheim General Plan, pursuant to Government Code Section 66473.5; and does, therefore, approve Tentative Map of Tract No. 12147 for a 9-lot, 7-unit single-family zone aubdivision subject to the following conditions; 1. That prior to isauancp of a building permit, primary water main fees shall be paid to the City of Anaheim, in an amount as determined by the Office of the Utilities General Manager. 2. That prior to final tract map approval, appropriate park ~nd recreation in-lieu fees Ahall be paid to the City of. Anaheim in an amount as determined by the City Council. 3. That prior to issuance of a building permit, the appropri.ate traffic stgnal asse~sment fee shall be paid to the City of Anaheim in an amount as detecmined by the City Council for each new dwelling unit. 4. That prior to final trect map approvalj special facilities fees shall be paid ~~ the Water Utility Division by the developer in accordance with Rnle 15B of khe Watet Utility Rates, Rules and Regula~ior~s. 7/9/25 MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIBSION. JULY 9~ 1984 84-449 5. That all private streets ahall be developod in accordance with r.he City of Anaheim's Standard Ueteil No. 122 for private Rtreete, includin~ installation of etreet name signs. Plana for the privdte street Zighting, as cequ~red by khe $tAna~ra a~taii, shall be submitted to the Building Division for appcoval and included with the building plana ~rior to the lesuance of building permits. (Private streets are those which provide primary acceas and/or cicculation within ~he project. 6. That prior ko f~nal tract map Appcoval, street namea shall be approved by thQ City Planning Department. 7. That temporary stcuet name signs ahall be inskalled pcior to any occupancy if permanent stre~t name aigna have not b~en installed. 8. That drainage of aubject property ahall be dispcaed of in a mannec satisEactory to the City Engineer. 9. That ahould this subdivielon be developed as more than nne eul~diviaion, each subdivision thereof ahal.l be suhmitted in tentative focm f~r ap~roval. 10. That all lots within this tract shall be served by undecground utilities. 11. That prior L•o commencement of structural fcaming, fire hydr~nts shall be installed and charged as cequired and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Pire Department. 12. That all requirements of Pire 'Lone 4, otherwise identified as ~ire Administrative Order No. 76-01, ahall be met. Such requirementg include, but are not limited to: chimney spark arrestora, protected attic and under floor openings, Cl.ass C or better roofing material and one hour fir~ resistive construction of horizontal surfaces if located within 7.00 feet of adjacent brushland. ~ 1~. That fuel breaks shall be provided as dPtermined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department. 14. That native slopes adjacent to newly const~ucted homes shall be hydroseeded with a low fuel combustible seed mix, Such slopes shall be aprinklered and weeded as reguir~d to establish a minimum of 100 feet of separation between flammable veyetation and any structure. 15. That prior to final tract map approval, the original documents of the covenants, conditions, and reatrictions, and a letter addreused to the developer's kitle company authorizing recordation theceof, shall be submitted to the City Attorney's Office and approved by the City Attorney's Office and Engineering Division. Said documents, as approved, will then be filed and recorded in the Office of the Orange County P.ecorder. ~/9t~~1~ MINUTES~ ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 9 1984 84-450 16. That pcior to £inal trACt map approvAl~ the preciae location, grade and dosign of the pcivdt•~ Rtreet shall be reviewed and a~proved by the City Traffic Engineer. 17. That gates shall not be installed acrose any driveway or private etreet in a manner which may adveraely affect vehicular traEfic in the adjacent public stceets. instellation of any gatea within a d~stance af forty (40) fest E~om said public Rtreet rights-of-way ahall be s~ibject to the review and approval of the City Traf~ic Engineer. 18. Ttiat prior to final Tract Map Approval, the vehiculac accesa rights, except at approved acceas points, to Serrano Avenue shall be dedicated to the Cit.y of Anat~eim. 19. Ttiat prior to final tract map approvel., the existing easement for public road purposes over Lot 'A• shall be abandoned and Eurther, that the existing easement for public uti.lity purposes ovec said lot s'~a11 be reduced in width to the satiefaction of the City Weter Division. 20. That prior to £inal tract map Approval, tha precise design and placement of the ~ccesa dciveway to Che public ukility easement for Lot "A" shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 21. That n~ public ar private stceet gradea shall exceed 10~ except by prior approval of the Chief of the Fire Department and the Enyineering Uivision. 22. That gradi.ng, excavation, ar~d all o*.her canstruction activities shall be conducked in such a manner so as to minimize the possibili.ty o€ any ailt originating fram this project being carried into the Santa Ana River by s~orm water originating from or flowing through this pcoject. 23. That prior to final tract map approval, finel specific plans shall be submitked to the Planning Department and approved in accordanCe with provisions of Chapter 18.85 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, the "PC' ~lanned Community Zone. 24. That prior to final tract map approval, the owne[ of subject groperty shall execute and record a covenant obligating the homeowners ass~ciation ta landscape and perpetually maintain said l~ndscaping fot Lot 'A'. ITEM N0. 18. REPORTS ANU RECOMMENDATIONS A. CONDITIONAL USE PEItMIT N0. 2361 - Request from Jeanne L. Blankenship for a one-year retroactive extensior~ of time, property located at 59G0 East Santa Ana Canyon Road (Hephatha Lutheran Church). 7/9/25 MINUT~S. AN~NEIM CITY PGANNING COMMISSION, JULY 9. 1964 84-451 Commiasioner Buehocg pointed out this conditionAl uae permit was origfnally gcented on a temparary basis. Greg H~etings, Asslstant Planner, aCate~ the tcallers were app~oved adminiatratively until co~btruction takea p1ecQ wikh Annika Santalahti, Assiatant Director for zoning, further explaining there wss n City Council Policy all~wing the Plonninq Director to approve the trailers. Commissi.onet Buehore stated he Eelt the Commiasion should k.now that wh~n the conditional uae permit was originally appcoved, it wae subject to plana and in his opinion they hAVe the right to have the trailera there tempocarily during construction, but it bothers him they are asking Eor an extension in order to finalize plans and Aktempt to secure pecmanent financing and comply with th~ conditions oE approval. He state~ he would go along with tt~e request this time, but i~ it comes back again he will t.ake a close look at it. Annika 5antalahti stated the trailera are approved on 6-month increments. Commissioner Buahore stated the chucch represent~tivea sho~i~d knaw the Commisaion is concerned and does expect them to show some progres$ and the echool cannok exist Chere f~revec in modular trailers. Commissioner La Claire atated aiie is concerned because when this hearing was held before the Planniny Commiasion, there was a lot of ~pposil•ian Erom the hotneowners and khey were concerned About the noiae and certa~n conditions were included in the approval auch as fencing, acreeningr ete. and she was not sure any uf this had been done. 5he ~tated the church ha~ had the school and buaineas now for one year and she felt m~ybe the Commissi.on should take a laok and get some representatives in to discusa the plans. Annika Santalahti stated tt~e staff can notify the petitioner of Commission's decision so they are aware of the concerns. Commissioner t.a Claire stated she would like to continue this matter in ordzc to hav~ the owners present because she was sure the people in the neighbarhood are not complaining because they are thinking certain things are going to be done. Commissioner Bushore st~ted he would lfke to hear fcom the church representatives because he is afcaid in order to secuce their fi.nancing, they will need to build up their enrollment to a certain point and that could take many yeacs because of the cost of construction, etc. ACTION: Commissioner McBurney offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bouas and MOTION CARRIED, thak consideration of the afore-mentioned mattec be continued to the meeting of July 23, 1984, in order for the petitioner to he preaent. B. REQUEST TO CONSIDER ELIMINAT:ON GF THE CL-HS(SC) (COHMERCIAL. LIM2mED-HILLSIDE SCENIr CORRIDOR OVERALY) ZONE DESIGNAT20N Property is 2.6 acres of undeveloped land ln~ated on the southwest corner of Nohl Ranch and Villa Real; and 3 acres of neighborhood commercial development located on the northwest corr.er of Nohl Ranch Road and Serrano Avenue. 7/9/25 MINUTES~ AN~~EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION. JULY 9. 1984 84-452 ACTION; Commission~r Buahore of£ered a motion, seconded by Commissioner King and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion does heroby instruct staff to prepare a~ ordinance in or~er to eliminate the C~-HS(SC) Zone designation and initiate a reznning of the p~~perty at the corner of Nohl Ranch and SerrAno Avenue to CL(SC). C. CONlli7'IONAL USE PEkMIZ' N0. 2093 - Requ~st From Robert Sanchex for A retroactive two-year extension oE time. Propacty located at 911 South Sylvan StrQet. Commisaionec 9uahore stated he would like to discus~ thie report because he understands there are at least two other aviaries adjacent to the progerty and the neighbors are not complaining becaur~e they are doing the same thing. He stated he would like for staff to investigate the si.tuation because he fel~ this is possibie there ia quite a commercial operation going on to supply pet etores. Commissioner Herbst stated the fact khat someone elae is doing something withuut a permit has nottiing to do with this request. Annika Santalahti, Assistant DireGtor Eor Zoning, atater] can ataff check the site to make su;e the aviary is developed in the manner approved by the Commiseion. Commissioner F3ushore asked that ~taff also check the okhec homes in that area. ACZ`ION; Commissioner eu,~hore oEfered a motion, seconded by Commisaioner King and MOTION CARRIED, that consideration of the afore-mer~tioned matter be continued to tt~e meeting of July 23, 1984, in order for staff to investigate subject property to maka sure it is developed in accordance with plans as agpcoved. D. PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT - Amendment to Subsection .200 of Section 18.48.050 of Chapter 18.48 of Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code pertainin9 to fast-food And drive-through restaurants in the CR zone. Commissioner hScBurney declared a conflict of interest as defined by Anaheim City Planning Commission Reaolution No. PCi6-157 adopting a Conflict of Intereat Code for the Planning Commission and Government Code Section 3625, et seq., in that he would have a financia.l interest in the outcome and purguant to the provisiona of the above Codes, decl.ared to ~he Chaicman that he was withdrawing from the hearing in connection with proposed code amendments, and would not take part in either the discussion or the voting thereon and had nut discussed this matter with any member of the Planniny Commiss:on. ACTION: Commissioner King offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Fry and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner McBurney abstaining) that the Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion doea hereby recommend to the Ciky Council that Subsection .200 of Section 18.48.050 of Chapter 18.48 of Title 18 2oniny be amended permitting semi-enclosed, drive-through and walk-up restaurants as conditional uses in the CR Zone. Commissioner La Claire clarified this amendment will simply allow those uses in the CR Zone subject to the appzoval of conditional use permits, so the Commission will still see the pians. 7/9/25 MINUTES, P-N~NBIM C1TY ~LANNING COMMIS3ION, JULY 9, 1984 04-A53 OTHEK DISCUSBION: Commisaioner La Cleire deked thdt the building on thQ corner of ~dnte Ana Canyon RoAd naxt to the Yorba Shopping Center. (the new AAA Building thet was tecently constructed) be investigated becauao it appeara to be mur.h larger than anyonP over thouyht it would be and it wcs her recollection khat khe petitioner had eaid the toof line wauld be even with the lotg behind but thet th~ roof line is wdy Abave thoae lota and a lot of people have com~lained about the height of the building. She added ehe would like to know {E the butlding wae conetruc.tQd in accordance with the plans that were spproved. Commiasioner Bushore asked Eot an CXCU3Qd ~baence an August 6, 1984, and stated he wds ju~t trying to make aure there would b~ a quorum preaent on that day. Commiasioner Bouas pointed ouC thAt Commiseioner Mc9urney had sent a letter requesting excused absencea on August 6 und Uctober l~th. Commisaioner Herbst asked if Che action on 18-9 on ~oday'~ mQeting will eliminate the red dots in the corner at Hidden ~anyon Road. Annik~ Santalahti stated this acl•ion will take off ~tie C1.-HS d~aignation. Commissioner Herbst stated thnt nite should be eliminated for commercial use complekely. Greg Hbstings explained that property ie currenkly zoned CL-HS and as of taday, that is the only CL-tfS property in the CiLy and there has been s~me interest in uses by ~etmit which are ullowed in thP CL Zcne. ADJOUKNMENT: There beiny no further bu~ine~s, C~mrt~iesioner Kinq oFfered a moL•fon, aeconded by Commisaioner La Clair~ And MOTION CARRIED that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Respectfully subm.itted, . ~ .~ ` Edith I.. Harris, secretary Anaheim City Planning Commission ELH:lm OU54m 7/ 9/,?~~ ~