REGULAR MEETING 9he regular meeting of the Anaheim City Planning
Co~;mission was called to order by Chairwoman La Claire
at 1U:00 a.m., February 19, 1986, in the Council
Chamber, a quorum being present, and the Commission
~evi~~ed plans of the items on today's agenda.
xECESS: 11:30 a.m.
RECONVENED: 1:35 p.m.
Chairwoman: La Claire
Commissioners: Bouas, Fry, Herbst, Lawicki, Messe,
Commissioner: None
Annika Santalahti
Malcolm Slaughter
Jay Titus
Paul Singer
Dan Schiada
John Poole
Sqt. Jim Brantley
Greg Hastings
Edith Harris
Assistant Director for Zoning
Deputy City A~torney
Office Engineer
Traffic Engineer
Associate Traffic Engineer
Code Enforcement Supervisor
Police Department
Associate Planner
Planning Commission Secretary
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Fry o£fered a motion, seconded by
Commissioner McBurney and MOTION CARRIEU that the minutes from the Planning
Commission meeting of February 3, 1986, be approved as submitted.
9'L801. Property described as a cectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting
of approximately 0.27 acrP, located at the southeast corner of Catherine Drive
and ~uclid Stceet, 1636 Catherine Drive (Kidde Kotner Nursery).
RS-72UU to CL or a less intense zone.
There was one person '.ndicatir~g his presence in opposition to subject request
and although the staff report was not cead, it is referred to and made a part
oi the minutes.
Robert E. Laudec, 1754 Catalpa Aven~~e, Anat~eim, explained they have been
operating this business at this location since 1958 and wish to upgrade the
propecty, and that the use will remain as a nursery school after the
improvements are made, and they feel this school makes a good buffer for the
66-120 2/19/86
Frank Reitzel, 840 N. Euclid Street, Anaheim, explained he owns the adjacent
commercial propecty to the south and his structure is developed on the
ptoperty line; and that his p[oblem is being able to maintain the north wall
ot his property because he does not have access and he has not been able to
communicate with tne petitionet. He pcesented photographs of the property.
He stated he has no problem with the rezoning and thought being able to
maintain his building would upgtade the nurser.~ school pcoperty.
Mr. Lauder stated they developed their pcopecty 28 years ago and there was no
development next dooc, and that the property next door was developed just
prior to the requi.rements for setbacks. He stated the 4-foot fence was thete
and has been left thete and that on a Sunday in the past the fence was taken
down and not put back togethec vecy ~ell by the neighbor so he could put
fiie-proof paint on that side of the building. He stated the fence is needed
because there are 2 and 3 yeac old children in the yacd. He stated they have
done this three times and ibuthhe hastnotthadlanysgenuinercontacthbyWthem,be
willing to wock with them,
Commissionec Fr,y asked why the fence is needed because he thought it would be
a hazard and suggested that it be removeu.
Mc, Lauder stated that 'l and 3-year old childcen need a fence~aintingainlthat
needed to pcotect the other building because the childcen do p
area. He stated 2 year old children cannot climb the wall, so it would not be
a hazacd.
~hairwoman La Claice stated, evidently, maintenance of the neighbor's building
has been an on-going problem, and she thought in the interest of being good
citizens, they both should be able to get together and work out the problems
because it could become a fire hazacd with leaves and trash accumulated behind
the fence.
Mr. Laudec stated if the neighbor had requested pecmission and agreed to
teplace the fence aftec the impcovements had been made, he would not be
opposed. He stated they could do the maintenance on Saturdays and Sundays,
when the childten are not there because the school is not open.
F1c. Reitzel responded to Chairwoman La Claire that t~e has owned his property
si:ice 1981, and that he was not the ownec who did the things Mr. La~der had
indicated. He stated he did tcy to tcim a bush on a Sunday and Mr. Laudec had
ordecea him off the pcoperty.
Co[mnissioner Messe stated Mr. Lauder has just indicated that he would work
rrith the neighbor.
Commissioner Lawicki asked about the possibility of removing the fence between
the building and the neighboc's pcoperty and noted the concern was that the
ckiildren could paint on tne building. Mr. Reitzel stated removing the fence
would help eliminate the leaves accumulating on the ground and he would have
to face the pcoblem of children writing or painting on the wall if the fence
was removed. He stated he would be willing to work with Mr. Lauder on
replacing the fence, if he could be allowed access for maintenance.
Responding to Chairwoman La Claire, Mr. Lauder stated he would be willing to
work with his neighbor to resolve the pcoblem. Chairwoman La Claire stated
she would rely on both gentlemen's goed faith to work together.
ACtION: Co:nmissioner idcBUrney offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Messe and MOTION CARRIED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission has
reviewed the proposal to reclassify subject property fcom the RS-7200
(Residential, Single-Family; Zone to the CL (COmmerciaoximatelea0.27nacre a
rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of appz Y
located at the southeast corner of Catherine Dcive and Euclid Street and
further described as 1636 ~atherine Drive lKidde Kocner Nursery); and does
heceby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding that it has considered
the Negative Declaration together with any comments received during the public
review process and further finding ~R the basis of the Initial Study and any
comments received that there is no ~ubstantial evidence that the project will
have a significant effect on the environment.
Commissioner McBUrney offered Resolution No. PC86-47 and moved for its passage
and adoption that the Anaheim City Plannin9 Commission does hereby grant
Reclassitication lJo. 85-86-22 subject to interdepartmental ComTittee
On coll call, the fotegoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
Malcolm Slaughter, Deputy City Attocney, presented the written tight to appeal
the Flanning Commission's decision within 22 days to the City Council.
Duzango, Anaheim, CA 92808. Property is described as an irregulatly-shaped
parcel of land consisting of approximately 1.4 acres located at the northwest
corner of the westerly terminus of Martella Lane and Martin Road on the
southeast side ot Santa Ana Canyon Road, 111 South Mattin Road.
Waiver of maximum structucal height to const~uct a 2-story, single-family
ACTION: ~ommissioner Bouas offeced a motion, seconded by Commissioner Lawicki
and MOTION CARRIED that consideration of the aforementioned matte~ be
continued tu the regulacly-scheduled meeting of Macch 3, 1986, at ~he request
of the petitioner.
PUBLIC tiEAItING. OWNERS: JACK BENNETT, ET AL, 1230 S. West Street, Anaheim,
CA 92802. AGENT: SOU'Pti COAST BUILD~RS, 647 Camino de los Mares, San
Clemente, CA 92672. ATTN: BOB KRAUSE and DANIELSON DESIGN GROUP, 31732 Rancho
Viejo Road, San Juan Capisttano, CA 92675. Propecty described as a
rectangulacly°shaped parcel of iand consisting of approximately 4.62 acres,
1230 W. West Street (currently Anaheim Junction R.V. Park).
To permit a fast-tood and dinner house complex with waivers of minimum
landscaped setback and minimum number of parking spaces.
There was no one indicatiny their presence in opposition to subject request
and although the staft report was not read, it is referred to and made a part
ot the minutes.
Roy Nunn, 31U11 Paseo Valencia, San Juan Capistcano, architect, stated the
waiver of minimum landscaped setback is requested because they wish to be able
to allow parkiny in the setback i.n order to maintain a lacger setback for the
building and pcovide par'r,in9 near the main entrance. He explained they are
pcoposing the building at 78 feet fcom the pLOperty line, and if they do not
have the packing in the setback as proposed, the building would only be 20
feet fcom the ptopecty li~e, and they would have to move all the parking to
the rear of the building. He stated besentedaphot graphstofstheVSite and the
encroachments into the setback, and p
adjacent properties.
Concerning the packing waiver, Mr. Nunn stated they have revised the squace
footage of the building on the plan to reflect 258 compact spaces and
presented copies of the ce~ised plan. Ne stated originally th~y had intended
to have 35$ compact spaces, but are providiny 258, in conformance with staff's
cecommendation. He stated their peak traffic is during lunch time and that
West Stceet is designed to handle the traffic when Disneyland closes and their
peak traffic is at a different time; and that they have heavier traffic at the
dinner houc, but it is more spread out, and that information is all contained
in the traffic report. He stated the tcaffic study shows that their packing
is adequate and noted that this ~s a unique use and there is nothing in the
Zoning Urdinance that ~eally addresses this type use. He explained they will
have two full service cestaurants, similar to a food-park type use, with
several small restaucants with a common dining acea and that they are
considering having bands and live entertainment.
Peter Nozero stated he is the current owner of this propecty and wanted to
make sure that is undecstood since the notices did not indicate that, and that
he also wanted to be suce tha.t any lettet cequesting termination of the
existing conditional uFe permit is signed by him.
Annika Santalahti stated the termination of the existing conditional use
permit is cequiLeownecbshouldsnake thatrrequest.1SShenexplainedlthe ownerits
and the propecty
shown is Jack Bennett, et al. Mr. Nozeco indicated the title report does not
st~ow him as owner, but he has a zecotded memotandum indicating he is the owner
at the pre~ent time. 2/19/86
Mr. Nunn stated otiginally the petition was submitted in Mr. I~ozero's name;
however, the title of the property shows Mr. Bennett, et A1, as the owner and
staff requested it be changed.
The 5-foot landscaped area was discussed, with Commissionec McBUrney pointing
out there is moce landscaping proposed foc this property than on the property
next door. Commissioner Herbst stated he telt this lack of landscaping would
hurt their own business and felt the building needs beautification in the
fronk, He stated with the size of this parcel, it would be hard for him to
justify such a variance.
Mr. Nunn stated they could either put the building at 78 feet from the
property line with the cars in front or put the building at 20 feet with the
landscaping. He explained the~• do not want a lot of parking in the Eront, but
would like a little parking to i~:dicate the property is being used.
Commissioner Iierbst suggested a driveway without parking and then the driver
could drop off his guests and drive around and park in the rear, similar to
what is done in othe~ restaucants in town. He stated he thought eliminating
all the landscaping in the front will make it look like a large black-topped
parkin, lot.
Commissioner McBUrney stated they would lose moce parking by using that area
as a drive-through in front of the restaurant. Mr. Nunn stated they would
have to move the building to the 20-foot setback in order to obtain adequate
Commissioner Bouas stated the walkway takes away some of the landscaping.
Commissioner Fry stat.ed he would ratl~er have the building set back as propusec~
and Commissioner Bouas agreed. It was noted there is 5 feet of lan~°~aping
adjacent to the building.
Chairwoman La Claice stated the Commission has denied similac requests and
referced to the McDonald's request to encroach into the setback in that area
and they were denied and not even allowed to have their playground equipment
encroach into the setback. Commissionez eouas pointed uut the Disneyland
Hotel and Emerald Hotel have parking adjacent to West Street.
Commissionec Fry stated the precedent has been set in the area and he did not
think this request is too far out of line and Lasically, every business on
that street has parking in front. He stated again he would rather have the
building set bac~c and noted aZso, there is 5 feet of landscaping in front of
the building and he felt that was adequate.
Mr. Nunn explained there will be two entrances, one in the front and one in
the rear and at lunch, tcaffic will be entering the rear. Commissioner Bouas
stated she felt the main concern is the lack of landscaping.
Mz. Nunn stated there is 8 feet of landscaping in the rear and front and they
could reduce those to 5 and by moving the sidewalk, will add an additional 6
feet to the landscaping setback.
Chairwoman La Claire stated variances are supposed to be granted on the basis
of the size, shape and topography of the property and she did not see
justification because this is a large area and suggested maybe the restaurant
is just too big. Mr. Nunn stated they have reduced the size of the building
twice in order to comply with the 258 small car space criteria. Chairwoman La
Claire suggested the 5-foot landscaped area and 3-foot sidewalk area in the
rear be moved to the front, with Mr. Nunn stating they would like to have the
5 feet of landscaping in the cear where most of the people will be entering.
Chairwoman La Claire stated she would like to see the Disneyland acea upgraded
as buildings are torn down in the future and that that area is being improved
by the elimination of signs, etc. and pointed out a lot of the tourists come
to this area of the City and she would like to see more landscaping in the
front and does not want the building to be any closer to the property line
than proposed.
Ftr. Nunn stated they could eliminate the sidewalk, reduce the landsc~ping in
the rear and increase the landscaping in t.he front. He stated again, they
have reduced the squace footage of the building by about 500 square feet.
Commissioner Herbst asked if there would be a hang-over of the cars into the
landscaped area. Mc. Nunn responded they are proposing full-size parking
spaces and do not anticipate over-hangs and that they would have to install
wtieel stops. He stated they can provide at least 10 feet of landscaping
across the front. He stated they want the landscaping because that is part of
the design of their building.
Commissioner Herbst- stated they have just overbuilt the project fcom the very
Commissioner Messe stated revised plans were submitted at this meetii~g and
asked if there were any changes other than the reduction of the squace footaye.
t9r. Nunn responded that was the only change and asked if thece~- .d be a
problem in the future moving the building to the 20-foot setback line if they
cannot wock out the landscaping. Chai~woman La Claire stated she wants the
landscaping in the front because of the tourists coming into the area .•~d the
need to upgrade that area and added she does not really care what happens in
the cear because she was sure the petitioner would take care of that area.
ACTION: Commissioner Herbst offe~ed a motion, seconded by Commissioner
McHUrney and [90TION CARRIED that. the Anaheim City Planning Comrnission has
reviewed the proposal to permit a fast-food and dinner house complex with
waivers of minimum landscaped setback and minimum number of packing spaces on
a rer,tangulacly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 4.62 acres,
havin9 a frontage of approximately 325 feet on the east side of West St:eet
and further dESCribed as 1230 W. West Street; and does hereby approve the
Negative Declaration upon finding that it has considered the ~7egative
Declaration together with any comments received ducing the public review
process and further finding on the basis of the Initial Study and any comments
received that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a
significant effect en the envirenment.
~ ~
Malcolm Slaughter ref.ecred to an earliec discussian pertaining to the legal
owner of subject property and ex~lained accordir.g to the title report
submitted by the applicant, the title report only insures a lease-hold
interest and that shows the owners to be Tuttle and Ber.nett, subject to
certain exceptions which purp~rt to be an assignment oi the lease interesc
from Anaheim Junction Assaciates to Anaheim Limited Partnership and anothe:
lease between Anaheim Junction Campgrounds and Web Service Company, Inc. He
stated he does not know who those pacties ace and that according to the Tax
Assessor's OEfice, apparently the person b:ng billed for taxes is a Mr.
Schl4nd trom Pecalc.a Hills. ye stated t•1r. Nozero's name doesn't show up on
any of the records; however, that doesn't mean he doesn't own the property or
pay the taxes. He stated obviously if the person applying for the permit
doesn't have the right to the usE of the property, he cannot execcisP the
rights ytar.ted by the Plannir,g C:ommission.
C:ommissioner -9esse suggested making tltis approval subject to verification of
ACTIUtJ: (:ommissionec Herbst offered a motion, seconc3ed by Cummissioner
t4cFiurney and MOTION CARRIED that the Anaheim City Planning c'or~Tission does
t~ereby grant waiver ta) on the basis that 15 feet of la.ndscaping wi.ll be
provided in the front setback adjacent to West : et with 10 feet between the
paLkiny area and street and 5 feet adjacent to ~uilding; and granting
waivec (b) on the ba~is that the parking waivet :~.11 not cause an ?~crease in
tratf_c con9estion in the :mmediate vicinity nor advers~;:ly affect any
adjoining land uses and granting of the parking waiver undr: the conditions
itnYosed, if any, will not be decrimental to the peace, he~!th, safety and
general welface of the citizens of the City of Anaheim.
Commissioner Herbst ottered kesolution No. PC86-48 and moved for its passage
and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commission u~es hereby grant
Conditional Use Permit Nu. [7b1 pursuant to Anaheim Municipal Code Sections
18.03.U3U.030 thcough 18.03U.030.035 and subject to Interdepartmental
Committee recoinmendation~.
On rcll call, the foreyoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
ABS~idi: NONt
Malcolm Slaughter, D~~gu~y City Attorney, presented the written right to appeal
the Plannin9 Commission's decision within 22 days to the City Council.
Annika Santalahti suggested modification cf Condition No. 8 to read: 'That the
property ownec shall furnish the City proof of ownership.." so that when the
termination letter does come in for Conditional Use Permit Pn~. 1317, there
will be valid pcoof showing that the same person signing the letter is the
Chairwoman La Claire offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Mcl~urney and
MOTION CARRIED that Condition No. 8 be modified as suggested.
Malcolm Slaughter stated the present structures on the pcoperty will have to
be temoved befoce any facilities can be constructed and demolition of any
building requires building permits for the demolition.
Commissioner McBUrney asked if staff would accept a Lot Book Report instead of
a Title Report be~ause a Title Report can be very expensive. Annika
Santalahti explained the condition will read: '...acceptable proof will be
required° and a Lot Book repo~t may or may not be acceptable, and that will be
determined by the City Att~cney's Office.
_:eights, CT 91748. AGENT: ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, 76 S. Claudina,
~300, nnaheim, CA 92705, ATTN: LISA STIPKOVICH. Property described as a
rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.7 acre
located at the northeast corner of Center Street and Philadelphia Avenue, 261
E. Cente~ Stteet (vacant).
CG (COmmercial, General) Zone to the RM-1200 (Residential, Multi?le-Family)
To permit a 10-stocy, 75-unit senior citizens "affordable" apartment complex
undec the authority of State Government Code Section 65915 with waivers af
minimum number of parking spaces, minimum building s±te area per dwelling
unit, minimum floor area, minimum recreational-leisure aceas, minimum
recceational-leisure activity space, minimum structucal se~back and required
site screening.
Request fac waiver of Council Policy ido. 543 pertaining to residential density
There was one person indicating his presence in opposition to subject request
and although the staff repor~ was not read, it is ceferred to and made a part
ot the minutes.
Commissioner Fcy declar.ed a conflict of interest as defined by Anaheim City
Planning Commission Resolution No. PC76-157 adopting a Conflict of Interest
Code for the Planning ~ommission and Government Code Section 3625, et seq., in
that Anaheim Memorial Hospital will be the sponsor uf this project and he is
Chairman of the Buard for Anaheim Ftemorial Ho~pital and pursuant to the
pr.ovisions of the above Codes, declared tu the Chairman that he was
withdrawing irom the hearing in connection with Reclassification No. 85-86-23
and Conditional Use Petmit No. 2763, and would not take pa:t in either the
discussion or the voting t.hereon and had not discussed th::~ matter with any
membec of the Planning Commission. Thereupon Commissioner .':y left the
Council Chamber.
Commissionec eouas declaced a possible conflict of inter.est as defined by
Anaheim City Planning Commission Resolution No. PC76-157 adopting a Conflict
oE lnterest ~ode foc thE Planning Commission and Government Code Section 3625,
et seq., in that she has been vecy involved with Anaheim Memorial Hospital and
could Y~ave prejudice and pursuant to the provisions of the above Codes,
declaced to the Chairman that she was withdrawing from the hearing in
connection with Reclassification No. 85-86-23 and Conditional Use Permit No.
27b3, and would not take part in either the discussion or the voting thereon
and had not discussed this matter with any member of the Planning Commission.
Thereupon Commissioner Bouas leEt the Council chamber.
Lisa Stipkovich, Assistant Executive Director of Community Development
cepresenting the Redevelopment Agency, and the acchitect Cliff Allen, were
present to answer any questions.
Ms. Stipkovich ex~lained this is a l0U$ aEfordable 10-story, 75-unit senioc
citizen apactment complex; that the Redevelop~nent Agency has a Disposition and
Development AgreemEnt with Anaheitn t9emorial Hospital, which is the non-profit
sponsor, for a 202 Section 8 Housing Project. She explained a 202 Section 8
Pcoject is a federally-funded and subsidized project which means that the 75
units will be housing for people who are over 62 years of age and they will be
receiving a direct subsidy fcom the federal government for their rent; that
the sponsor is a non-pcofit entity and the Agency has an agreement with them
giving them cights to the site and alsu, the Agency will add cectain amenities
to the project• ovec and above wfaat HUD pays for; and that, basically, HUD pays
for the basic rectangulac-shaped building and the Agency has cequested that
balconies be added and that an exterior skin be built beyond the balconies to
add a different material and more of an architectucal interest to the
building, and the Redevelopment Agency has agreed to add cectain enhancements
such as landscaping and other minor improvements to make this a more livable
and attractive project in the downtown area.
Commissioner Herbst stated he is conc2rned because the parking spaces will not
be assigned, and he felt senior citizens who do have vehicles need a specific
space to park a~d that their pcoposal is for them lo have parking in the
structuce next door which is se•ieral stories in height and he would like to
see spaces definitely assigned for individual units.
Ms. Stipkovich stated they had not planned to assign tt~e spaces in the
structure because it is a public parking structure and at the present time, it
is under-utilized and there is no packing problem.
ConMissioner fie~bst stated in the future ti~~ parking stcucture will become
full, and a parking vaeiance is being r~quested on this project with spaces
being assigned off-site in the structute, and he was concerned that if there
was a concert or something going on in one of the other facilities downtown
which have use of that structure, the structure would fill and then the people
who have a space to which they would be entitled would not have a place to
park when they get thece.
Lisa Stipkovich stated there would be 41 spaces assigned foc this project in
that structure and in ttie Euture when those problems arise, spaces will have
to be assigned; howevec, it is a difficu]t polieing and monitocing problem and
the Agency prefers to avoid that as long as possible. She stated when it get~
to the point where there is insufficient parkir~g in the structure and there
are complaints fcom any of the use[s with signed leases, they would then have
to assign the spaces. She stat~d at the present time it is a first-come,
first-served situation. She clarified that the 19 spaces proPosed on-site was
all that could be accommodated and also, that is all that is required by HUD.
She stated the parking lease is part of the immediate Disposition and
Development Lease which specifies that they do have 41 spaces leased to them
in that structuce and that they will be assured that 41 spaces are available.
She stated the agreement has been executed and is in effect and has been
approved by the Agency.
Commissione~ Hecbst stated he would want a statement included in that approval
that if and when thece is a need to assign parking spaces in the future, tt:e
Agency wiil have to take care of that. Ms. Stipkovich stated the Commission
can also include a condition that there is a signed lease with the Agency for
41 spaces and that 41 soaces will be provided.
Commissioner Hecbst stated it bothers him that a senior citizen living in the
building next door woulU have to lock for a parking space in a 4-story
structure, and then have to cacry their grocecies or whatevec they have next
aoor trom Wherever they can tind a space and he felt spaces should be assigned
on the ground floor.
Lisa Stipkovich stated assigning spaces on the ground flooc would be a problem
because the businesses who lease spaces would also want their spaces assigned
on the ground tloor because oi the customers who would be coming in and out
an~ not staying as long as the senioc citizens. She added when they get into
assigning the spaces, the Agency will have to wotk with everyone who has a
lease and work out a plan that is agreeable. She stated there ace two
elevators and the one on the east will be very convenient for the people
living in the proposed complex. She stated she does not have the authority to
guarantee that 41 spaces would be assigned on the first floor and that would
have to be taken back to the Agency and Redevelopment Commission and all the
leases would have to be reviewed. She stated there will always be 41 spaces
available to the senior citizens, but whece they would be located would be
somethin9 that would have to be worked out.
Commissioner McBucney stated the condition should read: '...that spaces would
be assigned as conveniently as possible, closest to the east elevator'. Ms.
Stipkovich stated when spaces ace assigned, people will not pack in their
assigned space, but will look for a more convenient space, so the assigned
spaces ate not used and it becomes quite a problem to monitor.
Responding to Commissioner Messe, Ms. Stipkovich explained the sponsor is
bas?.cally the developez and in order to be a developer in the 202 Pro9ram,
which is a direct l.oan from the Federal Govetnment, the sponsor mnst be a
non-profit developer and in tli~s case, it is a joint venture between Anaheim
Memorial Hospital and tt~e ~ational Retirement Foundation, and the loan is a
40-yeac loan from HUD.
Chairwoman La Claire stated she has always wondered why high-rise pcojects are
not being built and felt this would be a way to provzdc some affordable
units. Sne stated she would like to see this project bu~lt, and that she
definitely feels the parking situation should be reviewed carefully because
senic~r citizens need to know whete they are going to park.
Lisa Stipkovich stated right now there is a tremendous number of senior
citizen~ using the packing structure, and one of the reasons for the parking
structure was the overflow of parking in the existing seniors project and
theze ase many senior citizens in that project who have cars, and she was not
aware of any problem. She stated about one-half of the cars parking in there
now belung co senior citizens and they do pull into the first availahle space
and many park near the east elevator.
Commissioner Herbst stated he is in favor of this project, even though it is
going to be dcastically subsidized by the taxpayers, and felt the people have
the right to know this is being developed on City property that was bought and
paid foc by the Redevelopment Agency and any building that was to go on that
pcoperty was supposed to be a tax benefit to help rebuild downtown Anaheim,
but noM this property will be taken completely off the tax rolls. He stated
he thinks this is a good project and it gives the senior citizens a chance to
be in an area where they need to be, but the people need to know that all of
Anaheim will be subsidizing that project.
Commissioner Lawicki stated the same people who will ba benefitting from this
project probably have contributed over the years by paying their taxes to the
~ity and thought it is a trade-off. He stated he has no problem with the
parking not being assigned at this time because when the need arises, it will
be addressed. He stated he would have no problem as long as it is specified
that the spaces will be located in the most convenient spot nearest the east
elevator on whichever floor.
Commissioner Messe stated he teels it is a good project and one that is needed
bacause of the number of people on the waiting list and stated it was known
for yeats that high-cise development was coming to downtown Anaheim and felt a
high-rise ordinance should be developed for the Commission to use to make sure
the development proceeds in order. He asked about staff's review of the EIR.
Annika Santalahti pointed out the standard paragraph celating to the negative
declaration was omitted trom the staff report; however, an Initial Study was
Lisa Stipkovich res~~onded to Commissioner Herbst that in order to qualify to
live in this project, a senior would have to be 62 yeacs of age or older and
be a low income senior citizen, which is 508 of the median income for the area
of appcoximately $11,000 for one person or less and once a person qualifies
tliey will receive a rent subsidy and they would pay 308 of their income for
rent and HUD would pay the difference between ~he 30$ and the actual rent.
A~TIJN: Commissionec Herbst offeced a motion, seconded by Commissionec
McBurnNy and MUTION CARRIED i~ommiss~oners Bouas and Fry absent) that the
Anahei 'ity Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to reclassify
subje ropecty from the CG (Commercial, General) Zone to the RM-1200
;i~esiu~. =ia1, Multiple-Family) 'LOne to permit a 10-sto~y, 75-unit senior
c:cizen'S `affordable' apartment complex with waivers of minimum number of
parking sYaces, minimum building site acea per dwelling unit, minimum floor
acea, minimum recceational-leisure areas, minimum recreational-leisure
activity space, minimum structural setback and requiced site screening on a
cectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of appcoximately 0.5 acre
located at the northeast co~ner of Center Sandedoesdhe[ebydapptovestheet and
fucther described as 261 B. Centec Street,
Negative Declacation upon findcomments received ducingethehpublictreview
Declatation together with any
process and further finding on the basis of the Initial Study and any comments
ceceived that there is no substantial evidence that the pcoject will have a
signi~icant effect on the environment.
Commissioner Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner MrSucney and
MUlIUN ~ARRIED (~ommissioners Bouas and Fty absent) that the Anaheim City
Planning ~ommissi.on does hereby grant waivec of Code requirement waiver (a) on
the basis that a lease agreement :or 41 spaces off-site will be executed and
that the spaces will be asso the easthelevatocsWClosest toetherproposedareas
as convenient as possible
project and granting waive~s (b) through (g) on the basis that there are
special ciccumstances applicable to the pcoPerty such as size, shape,
topogzaphy, location and ~urroundings which do not apply to other ±dentically
zoned propecty in the same vicinity; and that earb~totherlpropertiestin theing
Code deprives the pcoperty of pcivileges enjoy Y
identical zone and classification in the vicinity.
Commissioner He~bst offered Resolution No. PC86-49 and moved for its passage
and adoption that the Anatieim ~ity Planni~g Commission does hereby gcant
Conditional Use Permit tJO. 2763 pursuant to Anaheim Municipal Code Sections
18.U3.OSO.U3U thcough 18.03.03U.03~ha~aWhen7the r.eedharisestinnthesfuture, the
stiYulation at the public hearing structure will be specifically
41 off-site parking spaces in the parking
assigned to tenants of this comglex in a location as convenient as possible to
the east elevators; and tucther that appcoval is based on the findings ~ocer~
tt~e project is reasonably accessible to necessacy services, including g
stores, tcansit stops, medical facilities and banks; and further yranting
waivers (d) and (e) on the basis that the Anaheim Senior Citizen Center and
Washington Community Centecs are located nearby (just north and northwest of
subject property) and subject te Interdepartmental Committee cecommendations.
On roll call, the tocegoing resolution was passed by th~ following vote:
Commiss;one[ Hecbst offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner McBurney and
:•tUTIUN CARRIED (COmmissioners Bouas and Fry absent) that the Anaheim City
Planning Commission does hereby cecommend to e[tai~in `to residentialedensity
requested waivec of Council Policy No. 543, p 9
bonus, should be granted on the basis that this pcoject is 1008 affordable as
identified in Government Code S;rr.•.ion 65915.
RECONVENED: 3:00 p.m.
Commissionez Bouas and Fcy ceturned to the meeting.
Palma Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92805. AGENT: MASSOUD MUNSHIZADEH, 795 Victoria
Way, Placentia, CA 92670. Property described as an irregularly-shaped parcel
of land consisting of approximately ~.43 acre, 1260 East La Palma Avenue.
Waivers of maximum stcuctucal height, minimum landscaped setback, minimum
stcuctural setback and required type of parking spaces to construct a 10-unit
apactment compler..
There was no one indicating their pcesence in opposition to subject request
and although the staEf rep~-: was not read, it is referred to and made a part
of the minutes.
Massoud Monshizadeh, 795 Victoria Way, was ~resent to answe[ any questions.
Dr. Ronald Ccowley, 1700 Raintree Road, Fullerton, explained this is a
lU-unit, 2-story project witn eight 2-bedcoom, 855-square foot units and two
3-bedroom 952-square foot units. He explained the first waiver for maximum
structural heiyht pertains to the 150-foot setback r.o single-family zoning and
is necessary because of the narrowness o~ the site. He stated the actual
landscaped area will be ~~inimum of 16 foot 6 inches to 25 feet and felt that
it within the standard averaye of 20 feet. He stated the waiver of maximum
structural setback is necessary also because of the narrowness of the property
and a waivec of required type of parking is necessary because they propose one
enclosed cacport Loc eactz unit and the remaining parking is left open.
Dr. Cto~•ley stated they endeavored to discuss the plans with the neighbors on
evety boundary and have come to an agreement with everyone they talked with.
He stated one of the concerns is with the 2-story structure and the invasion
ot the privacy of the single-family homes which are to the east and south and
it was requested they screen the windows and they have provided 6-foot high
balconies and thought it would be very difficult for a pecson to see over
those balconies. rie stated they have talked to the neighbor~ on the east side
and pceserted a signed statement of concurrence from the neighbors on the east
and indicat2d their pcimar,y ~oncern was the location of the enclosed parking,
so they will shift the enclosed parking approrimately one space so they will
provide the maximum amount of privacy.
He stated they talked to the neighbors to the south ard they would like to
build a 7-Eoot high fence to the south because tha~ ..s wiiat the neighbor
wants. He staced that neighbor was also concerned tt.at ~he individual parki,~g
spaces shoul~ be screened, and they have agreed to the s~~reening of the
packing on three sides from the roof down to approximately 50$ or 3 or A f.eet
from the base, so that they will not have pcoblems with people backing into
the wall. He stated the greenbelt area to the south will have large trees
which will obs~ure any visibility of ~he 2-story str~cture.
Rudolph Blanchard, owner, 515 Century Drive, Anaheim, stated he is in favcc of
this cequest because this has been the only developer to show any interest in
coming before the Planning Commission to develop that property and that area
is deteriocating very rapidly. He stated this will put more tax benefits into
the City.
Leo R. Coda, 712 Yoplar Place, stated he has lived at this address for over 30
years and he is objecting to this development because it will be a major
deviation Lcom the General Plan and will compl.etely negate the General Plan
for the whole area. He stated this is about the third time he has been before
the Planning C:ommission concerning development of this property. He stated
the City Council has granted extens:ve variances on all these parcels along La
Palma and he felt if this vatiance is granted, other awners will refer to it
when developing their property. He stated the owner of the property is
interestpd in the ability to make a profit; that these are minimal apartments,
obviously designed for the economically disadvar.taged people in the community;
and that there will not be enough parking spaces pcoposed and this will
encourage over-occupancy. He stated prior to this, the developments have beer~
Yor condominiums and this will be the first apartment project and in his
opinion, the owner soon will forget the building and just worry about the
rental income and he was concerned what it will loak like in 3 or 4 years. Fie
asked ttie Commission to deny this request.
Mr. Monshizadeh stated he and Dr. Crowley discussed the project with Mr. Coda
last night and M[. Coda told them there were thcee different families living
in one house across the st~eet; and that his house is approximately 250 feet
away from the proposed project. He stated the last time he met with Mr. Coda,
his concern was whether or not thece was a request for a parking variance and
he had indicated he would not object since there was not to be a waive~ of
parking requested.
Dr. Crowley stated housing is needed for the disadvantaged, but thes~ units
will not be affordable.
Chairwuman La Claire stated she looked at this property and the surrounding
pcopecties and she feels La Palma is being developed very nicely. She stated
the house next door to this lot is in really bad condition, with weeds
actually growing over the top of the roof and suggested the Code Enforcement
Otticers should :investigate to see if there ?s a safety hazard at that
location. She st•ated all the condominium and apartment pcojects along La
Palma have upgradetl the area and she felt this developer hti~ gone out of his
way to make sure everyone is protected and the variances requested on this
property are not as great as others that have been granted in that area. She
stated there is no one on either side of the property objecting to the request.
Commissioner Fry stated there are 3-1/2 homes adjoining this property on the
east side and not one person is objecting and that is wnere the 150 foot
setback has the most effect.
Commissionec Herbst asked about storage in the parking structures. Mr.
MonshizadQh sta~ed they will provide storage cabinets in the carports. Dr.
ccowley responded to Commissionet Hetbst that the cazpozts will be enclosed on
all three sides, but not all the way to the g~ound and that storage cabinets
could be put in, but he wanted to keep the bottom po~tion open if possible.
He stated the existing wall on the south is 6 feet high and he was not sure
the neighbocs would want to change that wall.
Commissioner Herbst stated the 6-foot wall wou.ld not buffet the sound. Dr.
Crowley stated he would make the wall 7-feet high, but thought it would be
difficult to match the existir,g walls in the neighborhood and there are r~o
objections to the proposal. Commissionec Herbst stated the back wall of the
carpocts should be solid to b~ock off noise and fumes from the vehicles.
Dr. Ccowley stated they would like to leave them open so people do not drive
into the walls and they would also allow a clear view oftheicgexisting fences.
He stated he thought the neighbors would prefer to keep
Annika Santalahti stated if the ~ommission is considering approval of this
subject to a 7-foot fence, the matter should be readvertised. She stated in
the past, in some instances, where plans were s~bmitted signed by the
neighburs, staff has allowed fences over 6 feet, but it takes 1008 concurrence
by all the pcoperty owners. She stated there snould be a condition that the
wall to the rear of the carpocts be solid.
Dr. ~cowley stated they would be willing to provide solid walls on the cear of
Lhe carports.
Commissioner Herbst stated there ate 13 parking spaces which are open with
only 4 enclosed and s~ated he is concerned about the vehicles backing up to
thcse homes and he did not think the neighbors ace aware of the noise and
fumes that will be created.
Annika Santalahti stated there will be one enclosed space fot each unit and
that is much less than the Commission is used to seeing.
~ommissioner Herbst asked about thh fenceng Drr Crowleyestated they willlot
being built up making a 4-foot hig
guacantee that the fence will be 7 feet fcom the hig~est gcade.
Commissionec Lawicki stated dicectly behind his block wall thece is a 111-unit
apartment complex and dixectly abutting the wall thece is a lo*_ of automobile
parking and thece is no buffec and those apattments have been there for 10
yeacs and in his opinion, it does not create a ptoblem fot him or his family.
Carl Zylstra, 714 Poplar, stated he is not really in favor of 2-story
apartments, but these developecs have pcesented something he can accept and
they have agreed to construct a 7-foot high fence and stated maybe l~e would
cathet have an 8-foot fence. He stated he has a large yacd, but wasn't sure
it could accommodate an B-foot high fence.
Chairwoman La Claire stated there will be carpocts with a solid wall, with the
7-foot high fence adjacent to that. Mr. ZylstandSthatdis1why~heewouldllike to
than the wall ana he looks down on everything
have a highec fence. He stated he wants to hide as much of that 2-story
st~uctuce as he can because he ceally does not want it there.
Annika Santalahti explained undec the Zoning Code, a detached carport with a
solid wal: on the back could actually be constructed on the property line, but
Commission has not looked favorably on a wall like that next to single-family
zoning and that is the reason for the setbacks. Commissioner Herbst stated he
still thinks sumething should be done about the 6-foot wall fronting those
three homes and the developer should work with those propecty owners to the
east to do whatevec is possible for them.
Annika Santalahti noted if the developer obtains approval Erom all the
adjacent propecty owners for construction of a 7-foot block wall separating
the two uses, it would be acceptable to the staff.
Commissioner Fry asked if the plans indicate that there is an existing block
wall on the east. Commissioner Bouas askea if the neighbors to the east were
aware of the conditions and asked if the higher wall was discussed with those
neighbocs. Mr. Monshizadeh responded that a higher wall was not discussed.
He explained there will be landscaping next to that wall and that the
neighbors were concerned about the size of the trees and he has agreed to
plant 15-gallon trees.
ACIION: Commissioner Fry offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bouas and
MOTIUN CARRIED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the
p~oposal to constcuct a lU-unit apartment complex with waivers of maximum
structural height, minimum landscaped setback, minimum structucal setback and
reyuired type of parking spaces on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land
consisting of approxinately 0.43 acre, having a frontage of approximately 94
Yeet on the south side of La Palma Avenue and further described as 1280 East
La Palma Avenue; and does heceby approve the Negative Declara~ion upon finding
that it has considered the Negative Declaration together with any comments
rec~i:~e~ during the public review ptocess and iurther finding on the basis of
the Initial Study and any comments received that t'ere is no substantial
evidence that the ptoject will have a significant effect on the enviconment.
Commissionec Hecbst offered Resolution No. PC86-51 and moved for its passage
and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant
Variance No. 3537 on the basis that there ate special circumstances applicable
to the property such as size, shape, topogzaphy, location and surroundings
whi.ch do not apply to othec identical2y zoned pcoperty in the same vicinity;
and that strict application of the Zoning Code deprives the property of
privileges enjoyed by other properties in the identical zone and
classification in the vicinity and subject to Interdepartmental Committee
On roll call, the Lore9oing cesolution was passed by t.he following vote:
Malcolm Slaughter, Deputy C:ty Attorney, oresented the written cight to appeal
the Flannin9 Commission's decision within 22 days to the City Council.
Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649. Property described as an irregularly
shape~ parcel of land consisting of approximately 1.6 acres located north and
west of the northwest corner of Ba~l Road and Rnott Street, 919-959 South
Knott Street.
Pursuant to Code Section 18.03.U91, the Police Department and Code Enforcement
section of the Planning Depactment have initiated this public hearing in order
that the Planning Commission may consider modification of Conditional Use
Yermit No. 617 to terminate one of the two existing restaurants established in
connection with said conditional use pecmit.
There was no one indicating their pcesence in favor of the requested
revoca*_ion ar~o seven persons indicating theic presence in opposition to the
revocation and althou9h the staff report was not cead, it is referred to and
made a part o~' the minutes.
John Poole, Code Enforceme~t Supe~visor, City ~f Anaheim, explained this
hearing was scheduled aftec the City received a petition signed by 63 tenants
who live in the apart~~nts immediately north of the subject property and also
a letter from the owner of the service station locaced on the cocner of the
same shopping complex. He pce~ente~ r.he petition and letter fot evidence and
also a memorandum from the Chief of Palice of the City of Anaheim concerning
illzgal activities of that business.
Mr. Poole stataa Cond;tional Use Permit No. 617 was granted by the Plannin~
Commission on septem~er 22, 1964, to establish one Italian restaurant with
on-aale beer at 9~5 ~. Knott Street, which is cucrently Radio City, and a
second restautant wirh or:-sale Iiquor at 919 S. Knott and a third cequest for
a Hof•fbrau with beer was denied.
Sergeant Jim Brantley, representing the Anaheim Police Departmer.t, stated the
ABC license for Radio City was issued about Match 1981, and at that time, the
Police Depart~ent protested the issuance of thac license at that location;
that in the same complex a similar business called "Woodstock' was opened in
ly7y, and that Woodstock was the victim of an arson and was closed in 1983,
puzsuant to actions by the City of Anaheim and also, Radio City was the victim
oi arson in tJOVember 19b5, and that the Police Depar.tment feels the operation
ot Radio City during the time they have been in that iocation has been
detcimental to the health and welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim
and it has attracted people, particulacly un the parking lot areas, directly
to the south ot the business and adjacent to the business, which makes it a
nuisance and that there have been apo:.oximately 87 police contacts over the
4-1/2 years they have been in that locatien, with 35 in 1985, and the Police
Department feels the conditional use permi.t for that particular business
should be revoked.
John Poole stated since the fire and Radio City has been closed, there have
not been any police contacts or Code enforcement complaints, and in contacting
the tenants, their concern is that the business not be allowed to re-open. He
explained the business has been clased for about 3-1/2 monthZ~19~86
Pete Williams, one ot the pcincipals of L~lE ~~D Corpocation Yhbehanuthishe
business known as Radi~o City at this locatirn, explained 9
business ia early 1931, at thi.s location and since that ~~Tc ~hey have
developed a reputction in the ~ommunity for being a venue f~r loca' artists to
perform, and r.ow it is the oniy venue which has :heJ'nti~~c~sc~i-%~a y~~00nti1
where locai musicians can pecform and tk~ey were in
the fite in ivo'?oit~bet. He stated durin~? the operzt•ion, he ~~"°ean~'onversations
contacts with t.he ;:eighbor.s, both ~io~ci~ nnd south, and also~^~ ~r,~` he has
with the Police De~.artment, :.n:.'.~idin9 ~he Watch Commander,
written letter:. to the Police Da-=artment and ths City Council mc:.bers and a
letter to the Planning Commissiun about the use. He presented exhibits to the
Commissioners roc their review. He stated when he opened Aadio City, there
was an establi:,hment next door call~~d "9loodstock" and historically, thi~
location has e~cperienced problems oan~`F,~ose prublemslwerelgenerally vanoalosm
the north, the Del Amo Apactments,
and noise and they wece aware of the pr.oblems when thty upened and the
neighbors were contacted.
t4t. Williams cefecred to the exhibits submitted ati~d st~ted the f~tst page is a
list of r~].ice contac*s aed in just two days, there were thicteen contacts
associated with Woodstock and that Sgt. Brantley and John Poole seem to feel
that 87 pvlica contacts in a period uf five yeacs is out of the urdinary and
he is not sute that is out of the oCdinary, even though he realizes it is not
perfect and not good, but that about h5,000 people a year use rhat
establishment. He stated, un*urtunatPly, the problems that weie there through
the years tainted their reputation.
M=,, ivilliam:~ stated he does not want to blame weiihseti$y~~r businessponbfire;
because sum_ti~^,CS =F Y~u blame too natd, they
howe~ec, al! the pr.oblems wece not caused by their establishr~1ent,. and the
Woodstock establishmenC was denie~ permission to rec,pen b~ :. ° City, and at
that time a petit.ion wa~ circulated amcne the neighbo~= ~•r.d they intercepted e
copy of that petition and stated he sent ~ copy c~f thar, petition wi~h a cu~e~
leel-er which is Exhibit h~. 3 and rEad the ge~ition as follows:
'We, the unuecsig~:Pd are iesidents of, or have businessesn~e~hetP~riodner
ot Knott and Ball Road in T^aheim and we have b2en enjoy' S
since Septembe~ lst,. since the establi:~hment kWeWWill encourage you not
closed. since the atmos~~here is so 9ood now,
to renew any li.cer.~~es for that establishment so we can roblemseace t~iecy
the peace and auiet that presently exist_,. The major p
noise from the location and the rowdiness af the Woodstockhetendan,ere~3
believe the current situation is excellent and should nc~ 9
by reopening Woodstock".
He added their business was in full c~peration at tiatSt`.romdthe~Losr~rge:les
Exhibit No. 'l which consisted of 10 Fages of cli~p 9
Times about various a~tists more articles~i.nath_apaPereandttheakina~of•music
stated there have been many
they present is quite varied.
Mr. Williams stated they did not get the information a1•out this h2acing until
:.ate Thucsday and atated ci~e whole hearing was instigated by a petition signed
by 63 people in the Del Amo :partments. ~f= ~t",ed Randy Lewis, re[~orter from
the LA Times, interviewed Nancy Morton, ";ja~ jPer`a~i~:htha~~r~manked her whytshe
called h::r hin~.~;~ and th~~t she is u ti~°w 9
cir~ulated the petition; ar~d that e:~e c:: ~p~~ ~~d thai: the tenz•ncothadlmgdho~ou.c
calls in one night to the Poli~e Depactrient ami she wris jus_ p -
tenants and i:hat when she cailed the C:ty: sk:e ~as told to circulatc: j
petition, tl~=_ atated tha 'couc calls tha• came wer~ after Radio City was
closed. He :,tated scaff :~as indicatea Lrat there have been no p~oblems at
that locatioi eince Radio :ity closed; hvwever, that there ~re four or fi.r~.:
police ~atrol= thtough that location on a nightly basis, t: stated the
opecator oY the Y.actoons and Kapers esta5lishment feel.s ~he police go thrvugh
there because of the ptof~lems at the Rehearsal Studio which is not subje:~t to
the condition,~l use permit and is an establishment where uns~oervised bands
zehearse and t.hat they sit outside and drink and their cliente;e is hard to
dif~erentiate fcom Itadio City's clientele, except xadio Ci~y's c.lientele i
;upervised. He stated among the 87 police cont.acts, 35 are for r~~in~rs in
possession et alcohol and tha~ h~:- occucred in the parkiny lot.
He stated M:. roaci~ has been in the riqi~t clut.~ busine~s ''~r 16 yeats and has
only been cit~~a ~nce tor serving a mit,oc( Lki~ `hlotsand`thosescitatior~aswould
po:;session of ~lcohol were madr i:i the p"~ 9
prov~ they do aot serva mi.nors. he st~~EC? he did not think the same thiny
could be saic'. ~-^-= ~aheim Stadiur becau~e minors can drink beer thece and
can go to a co^F• =orcecc at the Stadiw~~uess if~Disneyland'~s,parking~lotaandt
do that in t.~iis iJCd\.lOR and :~e would g
the Stadiur.~'s parkir.g ~ots ~.rece patrohadd87 policeycontacksginlriveryea~sla He
87 ar~ests a we2k and that they have roblem, but tnat the pi^^.lem tias been
stated he is not saying tnecP is no F
exaggerated by the stafE anti t!ia Pulice Department.
He stated the Po:lice Depar~me!;t has been directlY cunpecSadultsoinrthelaeea.
nume~ous clubs which are 5c:erally patrcnized by y g
He state~ whil~ they we~e ~`p~n and Woodstock and theSWatch~Commanderhhad2said
Commander and as~..~d hoW everyth:ng was going
thin9~ were bea:~r.iful. He stated ihey have an armed secucity guacd they H:.Y
to pacrol thei: parl:ing lot durin~ peak hours and t~e is responsibl? for a lot
of the Police contacts hinself bec,.;use he works very closely with tne Pol.ice
Aepartme~it. H~: acideG 59~. Brantley d?d :...~ e:~en know they had an a~med guard.
H? ~tated the ~taff reFo~'.: indicates thece have be•~n rio problems at th~
location, t,ut sound consultants were sent to thei:~ :ocat:ioa after thFit'
operation was closed to check the noisc. level. He sta`.~ad the sound peo~:le
tested *_he rehearsal studio and the level was 87 deci.~.~ls; that ;:wo jears ago,
they erYeared :,efoce the Commi~.'ion requesting a condi~ional use pelannin to
probably No. 2212, to permit a cocktail license because they Wererade it which
temodei the facility and spend one-quarter million do.lla~s to upg
would hGve made the clientele older and tt~e Commission recommendeci the pecmit
be gcanted, but the Cit,y Council denie.: it becVaneHouteneASSOCiatesatandetheir
io~ation and that soun~ tests were ordeced by but when the
establishment tested at 56 decibels which is iiormal conversation,
noise consultants moved to other locations in the same complex, the noise
levels wece loudeF. He stated theyWhpcht~onsistedeofaadspecialewallerbaffle,
recomrtiendations o_ the sound study
saund-pLOOfing, etc. Z/19/66
He ceferred l•o a lettec he sent to tt~e City Attorney, aated January 27, 1982,
indicating that they had asked for shared financial responsibility from the
neighboring establishments with negative results; that it was their intention
to have their officers patrol the e~tire parking lot, even though they were
paying foc it alone. He stated the letter also pointed out that they had
insulated the entryw<-•y as recommended in the staff report and had contracted
to have one rear door completely sealed for sound reduction and they had put
in a complete new wall benind the bandstand. He stated no one has contacted
him about ar.y problems and the first he learned was when he read in the
newspapee about Mcs. Morton's petition. He noted none of the signers of the
petition are present and he felt maybe they were not that much against the
Mr. Williams stated he called Mrs. Morton and the subject property ownec, Mr.
Smith, and offereo suggestions for resolving the problems; that Mrs. Morton
indi~ated that the r.oise level had not changed at all since Radio City had
been closed because of the tire and she had indicated she was trying to
protect hec tenants, but did not want to put anyone out of busi~ess and that
the var.a:lism maybe had gone down somP and indicated they are willing to
cooperate with anyone who is willing to coopecate with them to cesolve the
proLlems. He stated he had talked to her eaelier and asked her to call if
there were any Yroblems and t~rs. Morton l:ad said she could ~ot pinpoint Radio
~ity as bPing the cause of any problems, but the City had told her the
petitio~ was the way tu go to gek the matter resolved.
Mr. i~illiams stat.ed the:e is a 12-foot high fence behind the Radio City
?stablishment which was desigr.ed to go all the way to the end of the property
tu Mnott Avenue; and tt~at the apartments are north of that wall; however, once
thF: wa~.l gets behind the other businesses, it. deteriotates and is not 12-feet
hi.gh and that some ~f the patrons of the Rehearsal Studio and Kartoons and
Kape:~. a~parently jump the wall and cause various problems, but that doesn't
hap;~:~ whpre Radio City is located because tk~e wall is 12 feet high at that
~oint, lie statee `1,r~ have discu~sed the problem with the owner of subject
pcoperty and the ~wn~r of the apartments and they have agreed to share the
Financial burden ol rebui].dino ttaat wall behind the establishment to 12 L•eet
oll the way. He added or;e problem is genera~ed hy traffic and that the
ap~rtment ownec is cons;.derir,g pueting up a w[ought iron access gate which
wiil kee,p all the trafii~ Aut ?xcept tenants who are issued a p:astic card for
f~cess. He addea t4rs. Moi~ton has his telephone numbec and can contact him if
chere ar~ any other problerns or requests.
~r. William stat~d stafi has recommended that the permit be modified to
terminate their use, but he did not think, legally, they are affecting the
health and s~fety of the ~eighborhood. He stated the question is wnether. or
not their business is wocth the extra trouble with police patrols, etc. that
it causes, and added theirs is the only establishment in that location which
lias made an attempt daily to be coopecative with the neighbors and has reached
out to the neigt~bors, the City Council and Planning Commission to do whatever
is necessary to help tesolve the pcoblems.
Lar.cy R. Smith, 17046 Marina Bay Drive, Huntington Beach, California, owner of
si~bject property, stated he has faith in his tenants and that the tenants of
Radio City are extremely cooperative and will do almost anything to resolve
a~y problems.
He stated he as the ownet is willing to do anythir.g that the Planning
Commission and ~'ity Council recommends regarding the wall, or the parking lot,
etc. He stated in the past, Radio City has had an armed ~,3uard in the parking
lot and he would indicate that if additional armed guatds are needed and Radio
~ity is not prepared to ~ay Foc them, that he, as the landlord, is prepared to
pay ~or an additional guard and will do whaL•ever needs to be done to the wall
behind the recording studio.
Malcolm Slaugnte~ asked the length of the lease Mr. Smith cesponded Radio City
has 3 or 3-1/2 years to go on tY~Cir lease and he has not found a rsason not to
extend their lease, depending on the outcome of this revocation haaring.
Malcolm Slaughter stated foc the recotd that there was a letter of protest
submitted as evidence by the Code ~niorcement Supervisor from xen-Kurt's, an
adjacent business opecator. He stated there is a minor error in the staff
report on Page b-d, Page 12, SubFaragraph (Ei, last line which should *ead:
'health oc satety, or so as to constitute a!~u:sance".
Responding l-o Chaitwoman La Claire, Sec~eant Scantley stated the 35 police
contacts in 1y85, are not necessarily calls to the Police Depa~tment, but are
incidences which have occurred on the property on which Police raports have
been tiled in the City of Anaheim and most of the 35 incidents in 1985,
a~parently did occur in the packing lot aajacenC to Radio City and the arson
is their o~an fire. He stated without the reports to review in fcont of him,
he did not know whethec or not Lhe calls wece made by their own seeurity guard.
Chairwoman La Ciaice ~tated the last sentence in the memo from the Chief of
Police indicates the contacts were made at Radio City and asked if there is
anyway to really tell whether oc not they Nere actually at Radio City or just
the common parking lat. Secgeant nrantley stated without ceviewing the
individual repocts, he had no aay of telling if t}ie calls were initiated by
the Pul_ce Department or whether they wece calls for service from Radio City
or someonP else; that there a~e two ABC Licenses existing at that location,
one is foc Kartoons and Kapers, which is a Type 48 License ~ahich means that no
one under 21 years of aae is allowed in the establishment; and that the ABC
License fot Radio City is a Type 47 License, which allows anyone, under
certain circumstances, to ent~c the establishment and once inside, there are
rules and r~9ulations, and a Type 47 License requires thet they have a bona
fzde restaurant and that has been a concern to the Police Department. He
added he spoke tu hen Kelly, District Administrator for tht Alcoholic Beverage
Control Board in Santa Ana, and apparently there i~ an uncesolved
administrative action against Radio City because they have nut been co~~plying
with the 47 License by not having a bona fide restaurant on their premises.
Cummissioner Fry stated if he is to take I4c. Williams' testimory at face
value, then he must apply those same principles to the testimony and letters
that. were subm'.tted and he would take it for granted that the people who
si9ned the petition probably ~id sa believing that if they signed tne
petition, they would not have to appear and he will accept that as being
sinr.ere. He s~ated also he must considec the lettec wcitten by the adjscent
propecty owner, Mc. William Sammons, and he is vecy concerned about the
comments made in that letter in that Mr. Sammons states he d2~19/g6realize the
extent to which they have been inconvenienced until Radio City closed its
doors several months ago; that their property is free of broken glass and
debris anu he no longer employs two peoyle on the night shift for safety and
security. He statea it would appear to him that this establishment has
created a ve~y serious problem in that location and maybe they are not 1008
responsible toc the problems that are going on, but they are certainly part of
it and this location has been a problen and has been reviewed at least once a
year and he thougi~t it was time for tha Commission to do something about it.
Commissionec Messe asked if City staff or the Police Department reptesentative
would like to respond to a~y of the comments. Jonn Poole stated that property
has beer~ a continual problem for the last 4 or 5 years since he has been
ceviewing it; that atter Woodstock did leave, the problesas wece fewe~;
however, he would cornpa~e that with two people speeding ~own the stceet and if
one gets stopped, the other one slows down; and that complain~s from this
location did slow down after Woodstock left, but last year the numbec of
c~~mplaints went up again and the complaints have only been about Radio City.
Sergeant Btantley stated the records ceflect that Woodstock closed in 1983,
with y inciden~es occuc~ing at Woodstock in 1583, 13 occurring at Radio City
in 1963, and i2 in 1964, and 35 in 1985, and even with the employment ~f a
security guard, which t1r. Williams addressed, the problems seemed to increase.
~hairwoman La Cla?re asked Setgeant B.:tley if he felt thece is a problem
with the Kartoun and Kapers establishm~nt and the Rehearsal Studio. Sergear.t
Brantley responded that he is primaril~ responsibllity for the enforcement of
ttie AE~'s laws, but it is his opinion that because Kartoons and Kapers caters
to the over-age-2l-crowd, tne~ cectainly do not have the problems that Radio
City seems to generate and that his unit does not become involved in t~e
Rehearsal Studio operations.
Commissioner Herbst stated this property has been hefore the Commission
numerous times and usually becaus~~ ~f probl~ms and at one time, the applicant
wanted to put in a cocktail lounge and the City Council denied the request and
he asked if Conditional Use Permit No. 617 was discussed at that time with
Council being made aware that there must be a bona fide restaurant in
operation at that location. Iie stated probably Conditional Use Permit No. 617
should never have been allowed to continue at that location.
Annika Santalahti stated when the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use
Permit ~lo. 2212, which was ultimately denied by City Council, appacently
because of th~ puclic input regarding the noise problem, Commission made a
recor,Niendation th~t a sound study be pcepared; and that the sou~~d study ~as
prepaced; however, the City Council denied CUP No. 2212. She added the
Council minutes reflect that it was noted the Council approval for beer and
wine was in conjunction with a testaurant; and that there was a lot of public
testimony taken on July lh, 1981, and it was noted that that location aas a
problen acea and there were indica~inn; from the Folice Department that they
knew it was a problem area; that thee< :~ere residents and business owners who
testified of r_hose problems. She stated it was noted at that time that there
was a possibility that it some of the problems were no°resolved, the Council
coi~Id also hold a hearing to show cause why the permit shoul~ not be revoked,
and that meant Woodstock and French Quarter at that time. She added the
Council did not discuss the resta.urant aspect, altt~ough it was specifically
brought up to them and it was clarified that there was to be on-sale beer and
wine in conjunction with a bona fide restaurant. ~~14/R~
Commissioner Herbst asked if a dancing permit wa~s approved for this location
by the City. Annika Santalahti stated dinner dancing is permitt?d in
conjunction with a bona fide restaurant. Mr. Williams stated they have a
dancing permit; th~t 258 of their establishment is the kitchen area and that
there is an unfinished administrative hearin9 with the ABC regarding the
restaucant. He stated the dancing permit was approved prior to 1978 and
possibly in 1964.
Responding to Commissioner Bouas, Mr. Williams stated the menu includes
spaghetti, rigatoni, pizza, ravioli, ling~ine and crab legs.
Responding to Commissianec bouas, Mr. Williams sta`ed the security guard is
used at peak houcs from about 7:30 p.m. to about 1:00 a.m. and when there was
a special engagement. He added one of their proposals is to increase the
security guard's hours.
Commissioner Hecbst stated most of the information presented by the applicant
was 3 to 4 years old. Mr. Williams explaineo he was t:ying to show t~.he
difference when Woodstock was there and when it wasn't there and the r.lippings
from the newspaper were just a few of the ones available. He pointed out the
colur,inist who wcites those articles, Por the L.A. Times, P~r Beat column is
present if the Commission has any questions.
Commissioner Lawicki asked if there was a sepacate dining area when the
establishment was operating with a menu and meals being served by waiters.
Mr. Williams responded there was that type of operation and that tt~e kitchen
represents 258 of the floor area and the dining area represents 30 to 40~ of
the floor area. He explained the layout of the facilities with the dining
area being raised and that the chairs are moved from the dining area down to
the stage area when t.he patrons have finist~ed eating. He stated the dinner
hours are from about 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and the kitchen is closed at
10:0U p.m.
Commissione~ Herbst stated he has been on this Commission for 20 years and
this location has probably caused more problems than any other in the City and
he did r~ot believe they have been operating a bona fide restaurant and that he
would re~ommend that the City Council revoke Conditional Use Permit No. 617.
Malcolm Slau9hter stated the ~ommission may be the final acting body on this
matter, unless it is appealed to the Council and the Commission should go on
record with the proper _*indings as set forth in the Code on which they are
basing their decision to either tecminate or modify the conditional use permit
and that the staff's recommendation has not been to terminate the entire
conditional use permit, but only thak poction relating to Radio City at 545
South Knott.
Commissioner Herbst stated that would be his intent. Mr. Williams stated he
agcees that that area has been a problem but he di~ not think it has been all
Radio City's fault and they have ~ffered to work with th~ aeighbors behind
this location at the Del Amo Apartments. He asked if they could be allowed to
continue on good Yaith for possibly one yeac foc review at the end of one year
to see if the problems can be resolved.
Chairwoman La Claice stated she understands Mr. William's concerns; that
obviously irom :.:~e testimony from the Code Enfarcement Officec and the Police
Department, there is a problem at this location and that the Commission did
not know th~re was a problem before, but obviously the Police Department did
know there was a problem because there were 35 incidences in 1985, and even if
everything t9r. Williams has saia is true, there is still a problem and she was
concerned about the incidences of minors in possession of alcohol and drunk in
public; and that she is not against rock music, and music is not the issue,
and a lot of young people are atttacted to music, and maybe the operation, is
being conducted in the manner as presented and that it is on the "up and up'
and maybe they have been duing everything they can to make it that way, but in
this case thece is ss:.ill a problem. ShE stated she believes Radio City is at
least partly respor.sible for the prublem and that the al-her businesses are
partially responsible and that the City will be 1~oRing at those othec uses.
She states she would agcee with Commissioner Hetbst and in the meantime the
operators of Radio City have a chance to go over their material and appeal
this decision to the City Council.
A~TION: Commissioner Herbst offered l:esolution No. PC86-52 and moved for its
passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
modify Conditional Use Pecmi~ No. 617 to tecminate the portion of the permit
allowing the opetation of the Radio City (one of the two restaurants approved
in connection with said conditional use permit) located at 945 South Knott
Stceet on the basis that the use for which the approval was granted has been
su execci~ed as to be detrimental to the public's health or safety or so as to
constitute a nuisance.
Commissioner Hecbst sug9ested the propecty owner continue with his plans to
inccease the height o£ the wall behind tne other establishments in this center
ana tt~at the other uses might have to be reviewed for modification or
termination if the problems continue.
Chairwoman La Claice as~.ed iE a Police Report was submitted for the other uses
at this location and on the activities since this establishment has been
closed. She asked the Code Enforcement Officer to get some input from some of
the neighbors, and added, she in~ends to go out and speak with them herself.
Chaicwoman La Claice stated the use has been detrimental to tne public health,
safety and welfare of the citizens o,`. the City of Anahein as evidenced by the
~stimony and documentation presented.
Un roll call, the foregoing resolution ~ras passed by the following vote:
Malcolm Slaught.ec, Deputy City Attorney, presented the written right to appeal
the Planning Commission's decision within 22 days to the City Council.
Commissionet Messe explained his negative vote was because he ~id not feel
there was enough infotmation given by the Police Department and that the
petition in question ceally addcessed as much the recording studio as it did
Radio Cj~ty's establishment. He states he would have voted in favor of a 6 or
12 month extension af the permit and then watch it very closely.
Mr, williams stated they were not given a copy of the petition and were not
allowed to look at it and were not give~eaarepwhen someonelis accusing you of
stated it is really unfaicear atythe meetin9.
something and does not app
p, P05SIBLE CODE AMENUFI~NT - Request from T. Steven Rolland, president of
Straight Shooter, Inc., pertaining to 'indoor shooting ranges and
training facilities" in the Canyon ".ndustrial Area.
Annika Santalahti, Assistant Directoc foc Zoning, stated this is a
request for a shooting cange lnot a riflestablishing possiblylaashooting
cequested from the Commission regacding
range in the NorLheast Industrial Area; and that the use is not permitted
in any zone in Anaheim, either conditionally oc by right. She stated the
applicant is looking at a pcopecty in that area and staff was very
concecned ~hethet the1COmmission felt this aodin bothecanon industrial
because of ~ommission s concerns voiced ceg 9
She stated staff has oftered three choices: (1) that the use would
appcopriately come in under Section of the Municipal Code,
which specifically discusses uses not oth~helCanaon~IndustrxalhAreacto
Commission may wish to considec amendin9 Y
include shooting tanges as a special conditional use or (3) whether
Commission feels that this use is enr_icely inappcopriate in the Northeast
Industrial Atea.
Annika Santalahti stated tdunicipal Codimitstand if3a.conditionaltuseiring
or discharge of firearms in the City roved, the conditions of that Code
permit is filed which is ultimately aPP ara ra h which
Section will have to be satisfied. She added thece is a p 9 P
tefers to recreational facilities app[oved by City Council.
Steven Rolland, p=esident of Straight Shootec Inc. was also present.
Commissione[ McBurney stated unless thiinuointawhereoitdwouldrbe allowede
zoning, it would be very difficult to p P
Annika Santalahti stated Mr. P.olland's letter did discuss why industrial
property is favorable foc this use and it was staff's feeling that this
is not a self-evident kind of land use.
Commissionets Fcy and McBurney stated they have no problem with this
Chaicwoman La Clai*_e stated she has a Shebstatedtpeopleswho ownggunslate
conjunction with the shooting range.
accustomed to having to drive some distance to a fiting range ar.d she was
not sure this type use belongs in the City. ShE added she could pzobably
go along with it, if it did not have the sale of handguns.
Annika Santalahti stated a petition for a conditional use permit would
have to be filed ana that Would have to be included.
Chairwoman La Claire stated she thaught better use should be made of that
property because of the area and noted there ace commercial offices,
dealetships, etc. being built there and that is some of our most
expensive industrial land.
Commissioner Messe stated he is also opposed to this type use and pointed
out the information submitted by the applicant indicates less than 108 of
the gross cevenue will be from retail sales and he thought if that was
the case, they would not be in business very long. He stated he is
opposed to the retail sale of handguns.
Commissioner Hecbst stated he realizes they need a large building and
thete might be a place Yor it, but the use must be compatible with or
service the industcial users in the industrial zone.
He statea this use does nothing to service the industrial community. He
stated this is a prime industrial area and should be put to a better use.
A~TIOtJ: Chairwoman La Claire offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Messe and MOTION CARRIEU (Commissioners Fry and McBurney voting no) that
the indooz shooting ranges and training facilities should not be
permitted in the Canyon Industrial Area because this is one of Anaheim's
prime industcial aceas and this use does not service the industrial users
and is not compatible with the industrial co:nmunity.
ADJOURNMENl: Chairwoman Le Claice ofYered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Fry and MOTION cARRIED that the meeting be adjourned.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
,~~~~ ~
Edith L. Harris, Secretary
Anaheim City Planning Commission