Minutes-PC 1992/01/13 (2)•`7~zt x ` ~ f ~"r
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Date: JANUARY 13, 1992
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;.7 The regular meeting of the Mahetm City Planning Commission was called to osier at 10:00 am.,
~;~:~ January 13, 1992, by the Chaimnan in the Council Chamber, a quorum being present and the
~~'~ ==: ' Commission reviewed plans of the items on today's agenda.
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RECESS: 11:45 a.m.
RECONVENE: 1:30 p.m.
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~,~tf ° , , Bouas, Bristd, Henninger, Messe, Peraza, Zemel
ALSO PRESENT Greg Hastings Zoning Division Manager
Selma Mann Deputy City Attorney
Jonathan Bon'ego Senior Planner
Melanie Adams Associate Civil Engineer
Alfred Yalda Associate Traffic Engineer
Greg McCafferty Assistant Planner
J.+anet L ,lensen Senior Secretary
Margarita Solorio Word Processing Operator
AGENDA POSTING: A complete copy of the Planning Commission agenda was posted on January 10,
1992, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chamhers, and also in the outskJe
display kiosk.
Pubifbhed: AnahRim Bulletin .January 3, 1992
PUBLIC INPUT: Chairman Hellyer explained at the end of t6~e scheduled hearings, members of the
public will be allowed to speak on items of interest which are within the Jurisdiction of the Planning
Commission and/or agenda items.
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~}~ ~ AGENT: HAHMERICA INC., 616 E Ball Road, Anaheim, CA 92805. PROPERTY LOCATION: 616 East Bail Road.
~-=~ ~ Property is approximately 0.92 acre located on the south skle of Ball Road and approximately 220 feet east of the
~, „~ `;- r.- centedlne of Allec Street.
~ "'` l: To permlt motorcycle sales in conjunction with an existing motorcycle repair facility with waiver of minimum
`>=} ~~° number of parking spaces and permitted encroachments into requireE! yards.
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-There was one person indicating his presence in opposition to subject request and although the staff report was
~~ ``~ not read, lt is referred to and made a part of the minutes.
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`~ ~' ~ Peter Hahn, representing Anaheim Yamaha, stated they agree wlth ail the condltlons.
Richard Carter, t46 E. Orangethorpe Avenue, engineer for Bryan Industrial Properties, stated their comments
remain the same as presented at the last meeting and that they had submitted a letter.
Chairman Hellyer stated the Commission dkl receive the letter and lt is a part of the record.
Commissioner Messe stated Mr. Carter's letter talks about the existing shed structure and suggested a condition
requiring that the shed be Improved to meet the City codes and a building permit required.
Mr. Hahn agreed that condltion would be acceptade.
Commissioner Messe asked ff the petitioner could justffy the request for the new waNer so they can put the
motorcycles on display and explained the Commission has to make a finding before approving a waiver.
Mr. Hahn stated the business is dassffied by the DMV as a motor vehicle dealership and all the other dealerships
have displays in the front and in order to be competltive, they need to have the motorcycles displayed in front. Ha
" stated the Yamaha company also makes musical instruments and people drNing by would not see this as a
motorcycle dealership, plus that is not a retail area.
Commissioner Messe stated this business being in the wrong zone does not justify the waiver. He read the
required findings in order to approve the waiver and explained he would have a great deal of dffficulty making
those findings.
Mr. Hahn stated because they are in the light manufacturing area, people just drive by and do not see them as a
retail business wfth everything inskfe the store. He stated the plans show that 1/3 of the while building is retell
space and 2/3 fs storage and repair. He explained they cannot be in a retail area because of the noise from the
repair facility. He added the motorcycles would only be displayed during business hours.
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man Hellyer darffied that the applicant considers it a hardship because ff this business was in the retell area,
pair portion of the business would bfa a problem to the other businesses because of the noise.
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c:- CnmmLcainner Bristd stated flue nr shr meterovrJes take un nne of the narkinn snaraa aryl than there are five nr aM
A":Riotorcydes or other vehicles on the sidewalk and the plans show that they are going to move the vehtdes off the
'=.'°sidewalk to the front of the parking spaces.
~~ Mr. Hahn stated they plan to put the motorcycles next to the parking space so people can park in the spaces In
front of the doorway.
Commissioner Henninger asked ff the parking calculations included the spaces where the vehicles are displayed.
"`' Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, ~axplained it appears those two parking spaces which they are designating for
``display of the motorcycles were included in the parking count and as a result, there would be a loss of two
'additional spaces which would br!ng them down to 42 spaces being provkfed rather than 44.
Alfred Yalda, Traffic Engineering, stated one less parking space should not be any problem because this type use
usually generates a lot of motorcycle traffic, rather than automobiles.
A N: Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Peraza and MOTION CARRIED
(Commissioner Bouas abstaining because she had not listened to the tape of the previous hearing) that the
Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to permit the sale of motorcycles In conjunction
with an existing motorcycle repair facility with waivers of minimum number of parking spaces and permitted
encroachment into required yards on arectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 1.1 acres
having a frontage of approximately 204 feet on the south side of Ball Road, and being located approximately 220
feet east of the centerline of Aliec Street, and further described as 616 East Ball Road (Anaheim Yamaha); and
does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding that the declaration reflects the independent Judgement
of the lead agency and that it has zonskfered the Negative Declaration together with any comments received
during the public review process and further ftnding on the basis of the Inftial Study and any comments received
that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a signfficant effect on the ernironment.
Commissioner Henninger stated he visited the sfte twice today and that the store ~e directly behind the sidewalk for
the ten motorcycles was not offensive and he felt it was appropriate and that he does t:nderstand the argument
that most motor vehicle sales establishments do have some outdoor display and that these motorcycle
establishments are unique and not quite like a car dealership in that the motorcycles can be stored inskie at night
Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Peraza and MOTION CARRIED
(Commissioner Messe voting no and Commissioner Bouas abstaining) that the Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby grant waiver of Code requirement, in part, allowing 43 parking spaces and permitting the display of
ten motorcycles in the parking space directly behind the landscaping adjacent to the right of way on the basis the
majority of traffc to this type of use is by motorcycles rather than automobile, requiring less parking, and that the
parking waiver will not cause an increase in traffic congestion in the immediate vicinity nor advers4ly affect any
adjoining land uses and granting of the parking waiver under the conditions imposed, ff any, will not be detrimental
to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim; however further denying the
display of flue motorcycles in the second row of parking spaces; and granting the wab~er of permitted
encroachment into required yards on the basis that this type of use tradftionally has some outdoor display and
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JANUARY 13, 1992
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the~aare.special dreumstances applicable to the property such as ;;ixe, shape, topography, location and
'groundings which do not apply to other identically zoned property in the same vicinity; and that strict application
offle,Zoning Code deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the kfeMical zone and
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'"~"classfftcaElon in the vicinity.
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r ,-~ ` =_ Commissioner Messe stated h9 would vote against this'waNer because he did feel this use is consistent with the
~~` rest of that area and allowing this use would be premature and added he realized the Commission would be
z ~.~k~x reviewing the zoning on gall Road in the future, but h is not zoned for this use at this time and he could not Justffy
~,~~k m: this variance.
Commissioner Henninger offered Resolution No. PC 92-01 and moved for its passage and adoption that the
~7 . ; Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant Conditional Use Permft No. 3476, fn part, pursuant to
' ,+ Anaheim Municipal Code Sections through 18.030.830.035, and subject to Interdepartmental
=.~ .:-~:, ,Committee Recommendations, and including an addftional condition that the display of motorcydes ar+.d/or Jet akfs
r# ` 'y` shall be limited to a maximum of 10; and another condition requiring that the shods on the property shall be
,inspected for building permits and brought Into conformance with Codes, or shall be removed, and that ft should
be determined within 90 days whether or not they conform to Codes, and ff not, should be brought Into
conformance within sbc (6) months; and that all waste flukis shall be handled In strict conformance wfth Health
Departmern standards; and that the signage in front shall be repaired s'o there Is no evidence of the previous sign.
Jonathan Borrego stated Condtion No. 21s not applicable to this permit because the property's zoned industrially,
and is exempted from the street tree fees; and that Condition No. 14 should be modifled to read: "That prior to the
commencement of activity authorized by this resolution, or within 90 days, whichever occurs first, ....'
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the written right to appeal the Planning Commission's decision within
22 days to the City Council.
A I N: Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Messe, and MOTION CARRIED
requesting that staff present a report at the next corner+.ient work session regarding motorcyde uses to determine ff
ft is appropriate to provkle for motorcyde sales wRh outdoor display by conditional use pennff.
JANUARY 13, 1992
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~l?UBLIC HEAR{NG. OWNER: ROBERT D. and HAROLDENE WIENS, 7536 Vista Del Sd, Anaheim, CA 92808.
PROPERTY LOCATION: Property is approximately 11.4 acres located on the east side of Country H01 Road artd
approximately 830 feet east of the intersection of Country Hlll Road and Vista Del Sd.
Waiver of required street improvements on Country Hfll Road, to establish a 13-lot, RS-HS-22,000(SC), single-family
reskleMial subdivision.
~Y~ To remove ninety-five (95) specimen trees (including 5s dead trees).
There were five (5) people indicating their presence in opposltlon to subject request and although the staff report
~~~,' was not read, lt is referred to and made a part of the minutes.
f ~` ~ DavkJ Tanner, 223 62nd Street, agent, stated they have revised the plan to reflect a minor correction on Lot No. 10
j~u , in response to a comment from Commissioner Henninger regarding a split level lot; and that there are na other
corrections to the plan and the continuance allowed staff to bring the current M~~ frrto conformance with the prior
staff report. He stated they have requests for minor modifications to several condltions.
Commissioner Messe asked ff the conditions have to do wlth Country Hill Road and Mr. Tanner stated a couple of
the conditions refer to the payment of fees at recordation and they would request that a couple of those be pakJ at
issuance of a building permit He referred to Condition No. 5 and stated lt relates to Condtion No. 32 and tl,~t
condition asts those conditions which are to be finalized prior to recordation of the map and they concur with the
first part relating to the bond, but would like an addition on the first Ilne to read: "bond for and prior to Issuance of
building permits, pay a per lot service connection fee for the installation'.
Responding to Commissioner Messe, Mr. Tanner stated inltially their time frame was for a porlod of ten (10) years,
but they are accelerating that and are indicating they will build the protect out as the market will bear. He added
they think lt is appropriate to pay the fee when the service is rendered or immediately prior to lt rather than when
the map is recorded.
Commissioner Messe recommended that condiion read 'prior to the first building permit' and Mr. Tanner agreed.
Chairman Hellyer stated review of the conditions is going to require more time and he would like to wait until after
the public hearing is closed.
Ann McMillan, 7530 East Vista del Sd, stated her first concern Is the density, the second is the wkfening of Vista
del Sol and the third is concerns of the property owners. She stated regarding the density, that Mr. Wiens owns
11.4 acres and in November the homeowners concluded that of the six lots, only four have access to Vista del Sd;
that the lots were researched back to 1944 and the lots that do have access dkJ belong to the Wilcox family and
Mr. Wiens agreed wfth their findings and a plan was prepared showing the actual acreage that does have access to
Vista del Sd. She explained the original map dated the 5th of December shows 8.4 acres and that was because at
that time Mr. Wiens was seeking sixteen lots, and that he included his own home to get the sixteen lots and if that
was subtracted, there would be seven acres and using the Hillside density of the General Plan, at 1.5 units per
acre, which is more in keeping with the area, ten homes could be built on those seven acres.
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ated on Page 2 of the staff report, the total square footage of the 13 lots is 492,814 square feet for 11.3 acres
r.Wiens ignored the recopied easements and is using his total land to Justify the density. She stated once
p (s recorded, all the old lot lines cease to exist and his etrtire parcel has access to Vista del Sd at that time.
~;'~ She`stated using the 22,000 sq. ft. requirements, there could be 13 lots on the severe acres; that prior to the last
December meeting, and one reason staff dki not get the information the week before, Mr Wiens deckled to lower
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` ~ ,=;<:• < -the density from 16 homes to 13 homes and that was partly because of the homeowners' Input.
r ~ ' She stated in a sense he was not showing good fafth and had no other choice because he could not come up with
` eny easements showing he had a right to the full 11.5 acres and in reality, 13 lots can not be built on the 7 acres.
She stated he gave access to the Harpers' property four years ago and he had no legal right to do that and has
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` ~: = ~r .admitted that to the homeowner. She stated he was asked at the last hearing to bring the cul de sac back to his
`-"' ~,~-~;:'` property and he has not done that, so there could be potentially one or two more homes added to the density.
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> She stated the portion that abuts the Harper's property (s part of Mr. Wien's property which he does not even have
access to at this time.
She stated she realized that the Planning Commission cannot rule on this information, but she felt these things
needed to be a part of the public record. She addeu' the Harpers do not have access to the street, but they have
access to Mr. Wfen's property until his map is recorded and at that time, that will change.
She stated regarding the density, that ff the lots are granted, she would like to see a deed restriction on all the lots
and in particular, Lots 10 and 12, and that would run with the land to permit these lots from b.~ing divided again.
She stated originally there was a request for 23 or 24 homes on this parcel and the homeowners or. Vista del Sol
would like to know that future property owners might nut come back and try again to divide the property.
She stated she was sure the argument will be that this could never happen to these lots because they are hpiside
and not buildable and that is probably true, but ff that is the case, there is no reason not to put a deed restriction
on the property.
Regarding widening of Vista del Sol, Ms. McMillan stated when the area was annexed in 1971, one of the terms of
the annexation was that the road through the area be accepted by the City as is, similar to the Peralta Hills
Annexation; and that the intent was to keep the area rural in character. She added there are road easements, but
• these are private streets and they own the street and ft is part of their property and f< is part of their lot and they
pay the property taxos on the entire lot and the roads were in before the houses and the houses conform to the
existing street and the roads only ~•~erve the owners. She stated most of the streets in the Mohler area are F~rivate
send they have been allowed to retain the rural character in spite of development.
She stated Coyote Lane goes from 12 feet to 10 feet and Timken is 12 feet, Porto is 12 feet, Cook's Comer is 16
feet, Via Vista is 16 feet, Eucalyptus from 12 to 16 feet, and Vista del Sol is 15 feet at its narrowest. She stated
there has been mention of fire trucks and they have not have a problem with fire trucks getting up their street In the
past, and the narrowest part !s straight. She stated they are asking that the Commission not change the rural
ctsarecter of their neighbofiood and treat Vista del Sol in the same manner as the other private streets in the
Mohler OrNe area.
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Stie'stated she would like to have a condition added arior to approval, and that it should read: 'ln the e'rent of any
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., properiy_damage to trees, landscaping or structures which might occur as a result of development, that the
,;~.~;~devidoper would be required to repair or replace that damage to the origins condftion or to the owner's satisfaction
~~. ~arxJ that prior to construction, the developer be required to obtain a bond so that any repairs will be made in a
''~ <:;:;,timeiy fashion".
a~„ ~, ~ Site thanked the Commission for this public forum and stated she resized that withmrt h, this project may have
~,f;K , : been granted a year ago and could have been much dffferent than what it would be ff granted today.
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~^'^~h+~s - .Gene Wilson, 7511 Vista del Sol, stated originally when this tract was proposed, thore was talk of 5U,000 yards c;
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~ d(rt that had to be moved with 7200 truck trips, etc., and that they understand now that the dirt balances and there
~ r (s no need for export of the dirt. He asked ff the process would require an action ftom the Commission or ffty
~~ ,' ~ Council ff this tract is sold to somebody else and they deckle they no longer can balance the dirt.
,~' ' Melanie Adams, Assistant Clty Engineer, stated any grading greater than 100 cubic yards in the hillside area
ti~T,','-' requires a grading permit and requites a public hearing before the City Engineer, and that when the final grading
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~ plans are prepared, notices will be sent to all the property owners within 300 feet of the boundary of this tract and
h will be advertised in the newspaper. She stated everyone will be able to make comments about the grading and
be able to review the final figures in terms of cut or fill and ff there era any discrepancies, there is also a condftion
(No. 7) which Public Works has requested to be included requiring that the grading plan be In substantial
confomtance with what is presented to the Planning Commission with the trac! map.
Commissioner Henninger stated the condftion not to mc+ve dirt off the site was a mftigation for the environmental
impacts and that would be a condftion of the negative declaration.
Ms. Adams stated the mftigation is that they redesign the protect to eliminate Import/export of dirt and ff there Is a
deviation, it would be brought back to the Commission for review and reconsideration of the tract.
Greg McCafferty, Assistant Planner, stated ff they change the grading concept, ft is a change to the project, and
therefore, staff would have to reevaluate the CEQA issues, but as long as they balance the dirt, there is no
Mr. Wilson referred to Condition 31 c on page 14, and stated f< talks about having the private roads paved and that
is prior to the final building and zc,ning inspection and stated he thought it would be inappropriate to allow the
number of trucks required to construct 11, 12 or 13 houses up and down ttrat hill with the street in its present
condition. He stated he would like to see the street improvernents completed prior to Oral grading inspection and
". that would at least give a somewhat safe road for the trucks and workers.
Chairman Hellyer pointed out that would leave them with a wide street when the cansiructian is complet~xf.
Mr. Wilson stated regarding the Harper tract access, they agree with Ms. McMillan and that may end up being a
civil Issue.
Steve Cooper, 341 South Coyote Lane, stated ho did net see anything about requiring that shrubs be planted Nong
Vista del Sol so that he would not have to ses the headlights of the cars coming down the hill. He added ff trey
are going to plant something and it dies, the developer should be required to replace h.
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°~Flatper, 22480 Wlage gray, Canyon Height, stated she dropped off a packet of information for the
nmissionars and that ft included the map and an easement agreement between she and Mr. Wiens regarding
ess to her lot and also that she supports Mr. Wien's project. She stated she lnduded a letter to Mr. Wiens from
In'the packet, and that she is here to be assured that she does have access to her lot.
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s Mr. Martinez, 7540 Vista del Sd, stated he agrees with Ms. McMillan and Mr. Wilson and referred to a meeting this
"'~'~~,, , rrioming with Mr.Wiens. He stated he dkl not hear anything from Mr.Wiens since the last meeting and deckled to
contact him and added his property would be the most affected. He stated there is an 18 to 20-foot retaining wall
3(~~ proposed and that his trees are in the mkldle of one Of the 18-foot walls and he thought less than 18 feet might be
acceptable for a shorter distance, maybe 20 to 30 feet.
~~'~ Qave Tanner stated regarding the widening of Vista de! Sd, that Mr. Wiens would abkle by the standards set by the
~t.'~? ; - 'City, and thought the current plan does not reyufre the removal of any off-site trees on Vista del Sd an:l that h has
Y`~, a couple of short lengths of retaining wall on the McMillan and Martinez properties. He added those plans have not
changed since the last hearing.
Responding to Chairman Hellyer, he stated their preferred altemathre would be the 18-foot wkle street, klentffled as
Mr. Tanner elated the property owner would accept responsibility for any damages, but would like that to be
monitored by the City rather than the property owners.
Responding to Commissioner Messe regarding deed restrictions, Mr. Tanner stated they would comply with any
condition that is Imposed on everyone uniformly and he did not believe the McMillan property has the deed
restriction; that ft was not their intention to do that and he dkf not know why they should be singled out. He stated
they have no plans to come back in the future and subdivide this property.
He stated regarding grading, that they have a balanced plan and have to comply with the conrfltion for substantial
conformance and thought that would address those concerns.
He stated Mr. Wilson brought up a valkl concern about the Vista del Sol improvements and stated Mr. Wiens has
proposed making same interim improvements to the road, making ft passable for construction equipment, but will
defer final improvements until after the majority of the work fs done so that those improvements are not damaged
by the construction equipment.
He stated they had previously agreed to putting in the shrubs on Vista del Sol, and Mr. Wiens will guarantee their
st:rvival for a one year period, and added he did not see that listed as a condition.
He stated they will honor all agreements they have entered into with the Harpers.
Mr. Tanner stated they do not believe, based on their plan which has not changed, that there will be any trees
removsd from the Martinez property.
Greg Weller, Attorney, 2603 Main Street, Irvine, CA, stated both Orange Coast Title and their office have determined
that there is access to this subdivision via Vista del Sol, and Orange Coax-t Title will Insure that access. He stated
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the~title wfth all the easements is extremely complicated and they have researched it and found there was actually
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access.for;the previous subdivision at a higher density, but Mr. Wiens was willing to meet the concerns t e
°Commission and the neighbors and agreed to lower the density, so there is no question at this point about access.
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~r He,stated Mr. Wiens has provided an easement to the Harpers and Intends to honor all his commftments to the
~~,., ~ ~``~YHa'rpere, -and he though ft was the Comm'~sk~n's policy not to get irndved in Issues between property owners.
,~~, = He stated Ms. Harper indicated concern about the density and also that ff a subdivision is approved, h somehow
creates access rights which were not there before. He stated the recordation of this final map will have absolutely
~fr~; z ~ rio :Impact on existing easements and the additional rights which are not already there can not be created, and this
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;: ,~` ;,;,, > ; subdivision will not alter, expand or limit existing easement rights.
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~ He stated there are no plans to further subdivide any of these parcels, but he dki not think Mr. Wiens would like
}~fiz S ~~ his property to be encumbered to any greater extent than any other normal subdivision.
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Concerning bonding for damage, he stated certainly Mr. Wiens Is going to be responsible and post the bonds, but
'' ~ `` they would not want to be treated any dffferent or be singled out.
Chairman Hellyer asked the size of the property, and Commissioner Henninger asked ff Mr. Wiens' horse is
John Reiker, Hunsacker & & Associates, responded the property is 11.5 acres, exdusfve of Mr. Wiens' existing
house and explained when they originally filed the map, they assumed Mr. Wiens owned an easement for access
and 'hat there was no Iimttatior, as to what property that easement served, so the four parcels he owns at the end
of that easement were included in their map and the map has now be scalei down because of the questions
raised by the adjacent property owners, and at that point they conskfered including that house to maximize the
number of the units which could be served from that easement. He stated now they are back to their original
tentative asap buundary and are talking about two parcels that have access to that easement and h is 7.4 acres
which would serve 14.6 units and they are asking for 13 units on this map.
Mr.Relker further explained they induded the two parcels which have access ro Vista del Sol and induded the
additional acreage which Mr. Wiens originally purchased which has acx~s to Country Hill and combined h Into one
and reduced the number of lots to 13, so are below the projected maximum allowable.
Chairman Hellyer pointed out the staff report indicates 11.4 acres, and asked ff that is the correct size.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager, stated the map that was submitted shows 11.4 acres.
Mr. Tanner referred to Condftioi~ No. 1, widening of Country Hill, and stated they would suggest that condition be
deleted because their current plan does not involve that street. Regarding Condition No. 5, he stated ft is covered
in Condition No. 32 which Indicates a number of conditions are to be done prior to flnaiization of the tract map and
they would I!ke Condition No. 5 to be reworded to allow the applicant to actually pay the connection fees at the
time of issuance of the first building permit rather than at the time of recordation because those services will not be
used until the first building permit is obtained.
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:Hastings stated staff was not able to contact the Electrical Divisbn, and suggested since this condtolon may
requirement of tho Anaheim Rates, Rules and Regulations, pertraps ft could be worried that this condition
Is uhless the Anaheim, Rates, Rules and Regulations allows other cdlection.
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~~ ': Commissioner Henninger asked what that fee is for and Mr. Hastings responded he thought ft was for the actual
'~ ' > construction costs tho City Incurs and that is oudlned in the Rates, Rules and Regulations.
Mr. Tanner stated ft appears that they are to bond for the Installation of the in-tract underground electrical system
and that there is a fee in addftion to that; and that they are willing to bond and install the underground system wfth
their final map, but are asking to defer payment of the connection fee.
Mr. Hastings suggested the condtoion remain as written unless a deviation is allowed by the Rates, Rules and
Regulations. He added this condition has been required for quite awhile, an3 that Condition Nos. 8, 9 and 10 all
;.` relate to tract development.
Mr. Tanner referred to Condftion No. 15 (Park & Recreation fees) and Condition No. 16 (sewer fees) and stated
they would like those payments deferred to issuance of the building permits rather than recordation of the map.
Concerning Condition No. 21, pertaining to Country Hlll, he stated ff this applicant is not required to construct
Country Hill Road, they think that condition can be deleted.
Mr. Tanner stated Condition No. 22A (widening of Vista del Sol) refers to a minimum of 24 feet and deper+.ding on
the Commission's decision today, they would request that an appropriate number be Inserted and that their
proposal is for 18 feet.
He stated Conditions 24 and 25 refer td accepting discharge from Corto Road and this condtoion reflects a concern
presented by Mr. V'/illlams regarding the owner accepting runoff from his property and they agreed to accept runoff
ftom the Williams property, but this condition says from Corto Road. He added they would request this condition
be modified to read from the Warren Williams' property.
Melanie Adams stated the Engineering Department would request that the drainage provision not be restricted to
one property and added there are a few properties at the end of Corto Road which would be appropriate to drain
In the direction of this development. She added the Issue of proper drainage goes together wfth the grading plan
and she would request that that condftion remain in place and any other deviations be brought before the Cfty
Engineer when they have the final drainage plans prepared. She stated ff the applicant is not agreeable to the City
Engineer's decision at that time, the matter would be brought back to the Commission as a revised map for further
Responding to Commissioner Henninger regarding the sewer condtoion, Ms. Adams stated the sewer condtoion
should not be modffled because there are several lots to have sewer access and that sewer connection should be
made through Mr. Wien's property. She added ff they are dissatfsfled wfth the decision regarding the sewer, they
could bring the matter back to the Commission.
Mr. Tanner stated their intention was to provide an easement and a stub where a sewer could be constructed
across their property ftom the end of their sewer line to Mr.Williams' property so he would be able to provide sewer
to his lot and they agreed to that. He added Mr. Williams also Indicated that he had some drainage which
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parently,goes under his lot from some source and comes out on this property and they have no problem picking
;;any. drainage which outlets onto their property and intend to handle h appropriately, as long as they don't have
do any offsfte Improvements to someone else's property. He stated in order for the sewer to serve other
~per<tes, they would have to go through Mr. Wiens' property.
~* Commissioner Messe agreed and stated he dkl not see how they could design something when they dkJ not know
;::~ r the size.
r ~Ms. Adams explalned "designing to accommodate" means placing the sewer line at the proper elevation to
a'ooommodate other properties wfthout use of a pump and there is a basic minimum sizing and a few additlonal
units do not Increase the size. She explained also that Corto Road is about 1500 feet long.
~ ~
;~ ', Mr: Tanner suggested some wording be added to the condition requiring reimbursement and Ms. Adams agreed
~, ~ i ! "'that would be appropriate. She stated Engineering is looking for them to provide a stub at the boundary of their
~~•. ; property and not to extending it up Corto Road, so that in the future if there are connections for Corto Road, they
"`''~~ `:would be made without redesigning any sewers on Mr. Wiens' property.
:rr~_ ,
~`"° ,Chairman Hellyer stated he would rather leave the language the way it is until they found 'out what needs to be
' Mr. Tanner asked that Condition Nip. 27C (street lighting) be deleted because they have no street lighting; and that
Condition 27E refers to Country Hin.
He stated they previously had discussed with the Commission the installation of irrigation for the replacement trees
and have requested that it be 60 days after the completion of grading, and they would then either provkJe a
permanent irrigation system or a temporary line, and they don't know that they could complete the grading prior to
the time that they would be required to replace the trees.
Commissioner Bristol referred to Revision No. 3, A-1 and A-2 (widening of Vista del Sol) and asked the impact on
the existing residents and added he dki not see how they could make K 18 feet without removing some trees.
Mr. Tanner stated the critical areas are in front on the McMillan and Martinez properties and pointed out the
Improvement on the exhibit.
John Reiker, Engineer, stated Aitemative A-1 provides a 20-foot road all the way to the tract boundary, except for a
19-1/2 foot area by the pilaster on the McMillan property; that there would also be a requirement fora 1-12-foot
high wall along the N'cMilian property and a 2-1 /2 foot high wall along r~ortions of the Martinez property. He stated
Ntemate A-2 provides a 20-foot road which varies to 18 feet and back to 20 feet and the 18-foot alternative would
eliminate the need for the retaining wall across the McMillan property and reduce the wall height adjacent to the
Martinez property. He explained the road has an angle and they are not proposing the removal of any trees.
Commissioner Bristol stated he has measured h and can only see 15-1 /2 feet and asked how h could be angled so
nothing would be removed.
Mr. Rleker stated when they raise ttie grade of the road two feet on one side, it Is Into the slope and gains 21/2 to
3 feet.
~~ '.
~~. ~ ~:~,w~_
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JANUARY 13, 1992
Issloner Bouas asked the wklth agreed to by the Fire Department.
~,~Melanie Adams stated the Flre Department reviewed the plan for access for a fire truck or a paramedic unit and
r~ have. found that although the road proposed on efther alternative is narrower than what their standard calls for, h
.e. ~
s,~~~,, wAl not substantially delay their response time. She stated Public Works is looking for the street to serve marry
~~~ :- purposes. and the first priority Is emergency vehicles and that is why they would want the Fire Department to review
r ~ r ~- the revised plans. She stated the road does need to serve several purposes, including emergency vehicles, and
~~~~ two riehicles need to be able to pass and it should provide enough flat area where a pedestrian can walk and not
be in the roadway, and neither alternative provides that space; and a road should provide for proper drainage and
the drainage will be compromised on this road and the owner should be aware of that issue. She added the
eking road does not conform, but Engineering is looking for every opportunity available to make a safe condition.
3~ ~
Commissioner Zemel stated it appears that something is going to 6e done to that road, and suggested a condition
be added that no trees would be removed and have the homeowners most directly affected tell the Commission
whkh alternative they prefer.
Chairman Hellyer stated what is going to happen with the trees Is part of the plan and part of the record and if
there are any alterations, the applicant would have to come back before the Commission.
Mr. Recker stated at the previous meetings (September 23 and October 21) this was an area of significant
discussion and at the November 4th hearing, they asked to get direction as what the wkJth was going to be for the
street so they could continue their discussions wfth the property owners and the Commission's direction was for 20
feet which is Alternative A-1 and they have also presented Alternative A-2 which they believe is preferable to the
reskents over the 22-foot wide road preferred by the City. He agreed this Issue has not been resolved.
Commissioner Zemei stated he thought the Commission is leaning to one of these alternatives and he wanted to
know which one is more acceptable to the residents most affected.
Chairman Hellyer stated the Commission has the most recent letter ftom Attorney Hayes representing the Mc
MAlans and he has indicated that AftematNe A-2 is the more desirable altematNe.
Mr. Reeker stated he believed the property owners would prefer that the existing road remain the way it is and
maybe be resurfaced at the existing width and the Fire Department has indicated to the neighbors that they could
stAi serve the area.
Diane McMillan, 7530 East Vista Del Sol, stated of the two alternatives they were presented, A-:`would be their
preference because h is narrower, but they have measured h and it will not work without having trees die. She
stated in some areas, the distance between the trees is 18 feet or less.
Chairman Hellyer asked if the Commission does approve A-2 at a width of 18 feet with no trees to be removed, and
- then the developer finds that they can't do ft, would they have to come back before the Commission.
Greg Hastings stated if that is a condition of approval, then staff would hold them to ft and they would have to
come back before the Commission and that the Commission may allow them to come back under Reports and
Recommendations, but he thought that would be a public hearing.
~a4 ~:
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~;~`Dfir KAartinez stated he does not want any of his trees to be removed now, and he dkl not want any of th® trees to
~~ ,;;~
-...die";later end that he would go along with the 18-foot wkie road, but dki not know how they wou d a e to
rte,;:.,.-, .: -.
;r ,i., put, in a retaining wail to the mkJdle of the tree.
~~- ' Commissioner Henninger stated there have been a lot of hearings regarding this project and the plans are greatly
$;,. '',`; ': unproved and he though the developer had gone the extra mile and to ask anymore at this time would probably
~~~ ,go beyond the bounds of fairness.
{; f.;ommissloner Messe referred to the location where Vista del Sol takes a sharp angle turn, and asked if that
{~: ~. roadway now is 20 feet wide, or ff h is going to be widened to 20 feet and added he thought K should be tapered
prior to that turn.
r f; ~ Mr. Tanner stated right now the edge of pavement on both skies of the road in the mkfdle of the turn is at the
-~~ ~ `:.. - same location as their proposed road.
,,,~; , ' ' Alfred Yalda, Assistant Traffic Engineer, stated Traffic Engineering would prefer the road be 24 feet wide, but that fs
' ~. = 'the Commission's decision.
Commissioner Bristol stated he would Ilke to see the road width remain as is today.
II ` ` Melanie Adams stated that aftemative has not been reviewed by the Fire Department.
Mr. Rleker stated they did speak wfth the Fire Department and they have exhibfts showing those roads and the Fire
Department does provide service to many lots on 12-foot wkle roads and they dkl not say less than 18 feet would
be a problem. He suggested a modified condition which would Indicate that wherever feasible the road would be
wktened to a minimum of 18 feet, provided no trees have to be removed.
Chairman Hellyer stated the Commission is not going to redesign this project today and either Alternative A-1 or A-
2would have to be approved today.
Alfred Yaida stated after the tract is developed and the developer has moved away, theTraffic Engineering
Department gets the calls from the residerrts about the dangerous roads and suggested one of these aftematives
be approved, and at least provde enough room fortwo-way traffic.
Commissioner Henninger stated he thought the developer has gone the extra mne on this and that he is reminded
that there is an easement underlying here and the proposed road fs substantially smaller than the easement and he
thought it is a minimum road for safety purposes with one very narrow lane in each direction.
A i N: Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Messe and A~OTION CARRIED
that the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to establish a 13-lot, single-family resklential
subdivision with waiver of private street standards along Vista Del Sol, and waiver of required street improvements
on Country Hill Road, and the removal of a total of ninety-five (95) specimen trees; and does hereby approve a
mitigated Negative Declaration and adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Program pursuant to Section 21081.6 of the
Public Resources Code on the basis that the declaration reflects the independent judgement of the lead agency
and that the Planning Commission has considered the proposal wRh the mitigated Negative Declaration and
Montoring Program, together wkh any commants received during the public review process and further finding, on
'` H4i.S
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JANUARY 13, 1992
1 .~
~ ~~~
s of the Inftial Study, that there is no substantial evkfence that the project will have a significant effect on
{ ~ ,; Commissioner Henninger offered Resdution No. PC 92.02 and moved for Rs passage and adoption that the
i `, Anaheim Clty Planning Commission does hereby grant Variance No. 4155 on the basis that there is no reasonable
`~"_ relation§hfp between the need for the required dedication and Improvements and the type of development project
*.h~`, -. on which such requirements are imposed; and further, that vehicular access rights to Country Hills Road are
relinquished and subject to Interdepartmental Committee Recommendations.
~~ hn roll call, the foregoing resdution was passed by the folowing vote:
,;,,. ~ ~ , PERAZA, ZEMEL
~;~.,4~;~~:;-:: NOES: NONE
~`~ ` ":` ABSENT: NONE
Selma Mann stated the Code (Section 17.08.270) specifically requires that park fees be pakf upon approval of the
final tract; that Section 17.08.40(' requires fees be paid prior to the approval of final map and the variance
procedure has not been followed here and specific findings would need to tie made wfth regard to reasons
applicable to this particular development and it Is questionable whether those could be made in any event.
Commissioner Henninger asked if those two condtions could be amended to read that those fees would be paid at
final map or the developer could file for a waiver.
Commissioner Henninger stated Condition No. 21 should be deleted; and that the road shall be reconstructed as
shown on Exhibit A-2, and modifying the sewer conditions requiring reimbursement M this line is used by others.
John lifeker stated he understood Conditic~s 15 and 18 would remain as is.
Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Messe and MOTION CARRIED, that tho
Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find that the proposed subdNision, together with its design and
improvement, is consistent vrith the City of Anaheim General Plan, pursuant to Government Code Section 66473.5;
and does, therefore, approve Tentative Map of Tract No. 14185, Revision No. 3, fora 13-lot, single-family
subdNision, subject to the following conditions, (amending Condition No. 1 to require installation of the specimen
trees within 60 days after compleilon of the grading; modiflcailon of Condition No. 5, requiring compliance prior to
issuance of a grading permit or as otherwise required in Anaheim Rates, Rules and Regulations, Condtion Nos. 15
or 16 should be appropriately collected at issuance of the building permit:
1~ ~
That any specimen tree removal shall be subject to the tree preservation regulations In Chapter 18.84 of the
Anaheim Municipal Code pertaining to the "SC Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone.
That the legal owner of subject property shall dedicate and improve a ten (10) foot wkle riding and hiking
trail easement as shown on the Trails Element Map of the General Plan and as approved by the Parks and
Recreation Department The easement shall be irrevocably offered to the City of Anaheim on the final tract
map. Bonds shall bo posted prior to final tract map approval, in an amount and form satisfactory to the
~~ ~ .: ~ ,
n ~.3 _
~` ` City of Anaheim, to guarantee trail Improvement and maintenance. The trail Improvements shall be shown
on the grading plan.
#_ , , 3 * That subject subdivision shall be served by underground utilitles.
Y r 4. That the legal property owner/developer shall bond for and pay a per lot service connection fee for the
°' ~'"`t~' ' Installation of the in•tract underground e~te~rical systems prior to final map approval or as othervvise
y~ ~ ~' provided in the Anaheim Rates, R..les arni Regulations and Electrical Engineering Construction Standards.
S. That the legal owner of subject property shall provide public utility easements for on-site existing or
proposed City of Anaheim electric facilities on the final tract map. Other public utility easements shall be
~~ ~ submitted on a separate document prior to energizing the new facilities.
,~,_ ^; `. 6. That final grading plans shall be In substantial conformance with those preliminary grading plans submitted
i''' -`;°: for Planning Commission consideration. Substantial changes to saki preliminary grading plan shall t~
subject to a pubtlc hearing for revision of the tentatNe tract map.
7. That the legal property owner/developer shall provide and install underground conduits, substructures, and
related material per City of Anaheim Electrical Engineering Dra~n9ngs In accordance wfth the City of
Anaheim Electrical Rates, Rules, and Regulations for Underground Une Extensions.
t3. That the legal property owner/developer shall pay a fee in accordance wfth the City of Anaheim Electrical
Rates, Rules, and Regulations for the installation of cables, switches, and related material to be ins"called in
developer-provided conduit and substrucUres.
9. That the legal property owner/developer shall be responsible to pay a fee to rearrange/modify existing ~
electrical facilities which will be affected by Improvements to complete the development.
10 * That prior to commencement of structural framing, on-site fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as
required and approved by the Fire Department. Ai; all-weather road shall be provided to the hydrants at all
times, as required by the Fire Department.
11 * That an adequate, unobstructed fire truck tum-around area, as required and approved by the Fire
Department, shall be specifically shown on the final tact map. Said tum-around area shall be permanently
marked and maintained to the satisfaction of said Department.
12. That as required by the Department of Maintenance, all necessary National Pollution Discharge and
Elimination System (N.P.D.E.S.) permits shall be obtained prior to grading plan approval.
13. That the vehicular access rights to Country Hill Road shall be released a~xl relinquished to the City of
Anaheim o~ the final tract map.
14. That prior to final tract map approval, appropriate park and recreation In-lieu fees shall be pakl to the City
of Anaheim in an amount established by City Council Resolution.
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1b: That `prior to ftnal tract ntap approval, the appropriate sewer assessment lees shall be paid to the Cfty of
Y ` ~ Anaheim in an amount established, by City Council Rhsolutlon.
`1~ 16. That prior to final tract map approval, the appropriate drainage assessment fees shall be paki to the Clry of
- Anaheim in an amount established by City Council Resdutlon.
l~~fx~r:.;, 17.
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~` ~ '18.
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That prior to fnal tract reap approval, a grading plan shall be submitted to the Subdivision Section.
That prior to approval of the grading plan, a Save Harmless Agreement for grading on adjacent properties
and aocepting drainage .a; r~ adjacent properties shall be approved by the City of Anaheim and recorded in
the Offtce of Orange County Reccrder.
That prior to approval of the grading plan, an erosion and dust control plan shall be submitted to the
S~ubdlviston Section. 'The erosion and dust contrd plan shall be approved concurrently with the grading
plat.. The erosion contrd plan shall be updated during construction as required by the City Engineer.
Thai prior to ftnal tract map approval, pri\rate street plans shall be submitted to the Subdivision Sections
a. That the existing street improvements along Vista Del Sol, from Country H81 Road to the tract
boundary, shall be reconstructed as shown on Alternative A-2 to provide a minimum 18 foot
wide roadway and as approved by the City Engineer.
b. That the private roads within the tract shall be constructed in conformance with Public
Works-Engineering Standard Detail 118-0, except that type F curb shall be permitted, or as
otherwise approved by the Ciry Engineer.
c. That new curie-sacs must have a minimum 38' radius as required by the Flre Department.
That prior to final map approval, all lots shall be addressed from the new pnvate streets. Street n~riies for
the new private street shalt be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department.
22. That prior to final tract map approval, sewer improvement plans shall be submitted to the Subdivision
Section. The sewer wthin the tract shall be a public sewer. A fffteen foot wide sewer easement shall be
irrevocably offered for dedication to the City of Anaheim along the east and south property line of lot 5.
The sewer within Vista Del Sol shall be designed to accommodate a future connection from Corte Road.
The developer of the property may claim appropriate reimbursement tt the sewer line is used by others, as
provided by Section 17.08.430 of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
23. That prior to approval of the grading plan, a drainage stud~>> and storm drain improvement plans shall be
submitted to the Subdivision Section. The drainage study shall include provision for accepting drainage
from Corte Road.
1p 4
~~ v. ~. .
24 That,the legal property owner shall famish a Subdivision Agreement to the City cf Anaheim, in a form to he
,~~'. approved by the City Attorney, agreeing to complete the public improvemettts re~auired as conditions of this
ti'" map at the legal property owner's expense. Said agreement shall be recorder! ;,bncurrently with the fnal
,~~ map.
~ +'' ,
,i 25. That prior to fnal tract map approval, a maint~enanc^ cc~enant shall be submitted to the Subdivision
~ . Section and approved by the City Attorney's Office. The approved covenant shall be recorded concurrently
-~ ~ z''.'` ' .. with the final map. The covenant shall include provisions for maintenance of the following elements:
n Trail
,, ,, .,~: a. Hiking arm: Equestria
1 _;,; - b. Slopes
~~' ~ c. Private Streets
`~~ ' d. Private Drainage Facilities
` . F +26. That the developer shall be responsible for compliance and any diroct costs associated with the Mftigation
%:~4~' Monftoring Program established by the City as required by Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources e
,~ ~ „` .'
,, to ensure implementation of those mfl(gation measures kientffled in the Recommended Condftions of
'' `~'' Approval for the Mitigated NegatNe Declaration.
27. The petitioner shall site heavy equipment staging areas ar~d building material stockpiles away from ~
adjoining single family resklences to maintain construction noise at ecceptabfe levels. A rote to this effect
shall be included In the grading plan general notes.
28. Prior to grading plan approval, a comprehensNe slope landscaping, irrigation and fuel modification plan
shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. Saki plan shall incorporate
recommendations made by the geotechnical engineer responsible for the project. Native slopes adjacent
to newly constructed hcmes shall be hydroseeded with a low fuel combustible seed mix. Such slopes shall
be sprinMered and weeded as required to establish a minimum of one hundred (100) feet of separation
between flammatie vegetation and any structure. The first 30 feet from the structure must be irrigated.
The remaining 7C feet must be low fuel/fire retarciant landscaping.
29. That prior to the first final building and zoning Inspection, the following items shall be completed.
- a. All slope shall be graded.
b. All slopes landscaping and irrigation shall be completed and certified by the responsible landscape
~,~ -,
c. All private roads sha11 be paved.
j d. Building pads that do not have foundations built shall be hydroseeded, sprayed with a pofybinder
adhesive, or other erosion and control method as approved by the City Engineer.
30. That prior to final tract map approval, Condition Nos. 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, and
25 above-;mentioned, shall be complied with.
~.~ .
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.,,. •.
~ ~~.
31 * That approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the e~dent that ft
~ compiles with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal
F~ 'regulations. Approval does net include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of'che request
~~:, ; regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement. Conditions marked wfth pan asterisk
=r,.,,~ . (*) are required by established laws, codes, regulations and agreements and are, therefore, not subject to
f ~F.
` r'. Prior to voting on the removal of specimen trees, Jonathan t~orrego explained staff would renuest that the
~~M installation of those trees be tied to something other than the finalization of the grading because that could take
~ ~ ~; .. - some time, and suggested the Commission require replacement of the trees prior to the Issuance of any building
r { ~:, .permits and that the trees can not be removed until after the grading permit has been approv
A 'lu'
~~ ~~" i -
R Commissioner Henninger stated fn cases where there is grading and a building permit is not issued promptly, the
_~.~ .<_:::; condftion should say "the sooner of the issuance of the building permft or 60 days after completion of the grading
F., ` and that removal of the trees not take place until after Issuance of the grading permh.'
~, .
Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconder 1 by Commissioner Bouas and MOTION CARRIED that
pursuanx to Anaheim Municipal Code Section, the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
approve Specimen Tree Removal Permit Nos. 91-10 and 91-11 to remove ninety-five (95) specimen trees on the
bests that a reasonable and practical development of the property on which the trees are located requires removal
of the trees whose removal is sought, and that any specimen trees removed shall be replaced wfth the planting on
' the same parcel on a ratio of 2:1 from the specffled list in ire Scenic Corrk'or Overlay zone and subject to the
following conditions:
1. That prior to the issuance of a building perrr!it or wfthin 60 days of completion of rough grading,
whichever occurs first, the developer shall replace each tree removed along Vista Del Sol with two (2)
241nch box trees (chosen ftom the replacement list In Section 18.84.038.O~i0 of the Municipal Code) to
be located on the same parcel of land ftom which the specimen tree was removed. The developer shall
be responsible for replacing any trees which do not survive the first year. No trees shall be removed
prior to the issuance of a grading permit.
2. Tha developer shall provide the Plann!ng Department with documentation, (to be reviewed and approved
by the City Attorney's Office) chat he has the authority to remove trees not located within one boundary of
property owned by the developer.
3. That the developer shall be responsible for compliance and any direct costs associated with the
Mitigation Monitoring Program established by the City as required by Section 21081.6 of the Public
Resources Code to ensure implemerdation of those mitigation measures identified in the Recommended
Condftions of Approval for the Mitigated Negative Declaration.
, ~J~~'i
That approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that h
complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal
regulations. Approval does not Include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the
request regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement. Conditions marked wfth an
asterisk (*) are required by established !aws, codes, regulations and agreements and are, therefore, not
subject to negotiation.
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3.Mann referred to Item 19 on page 9 and stated h indicates the ftndings that need to be made for that kind of
K`and asked for dar'rfication.
Aann stated the Commission should indude the proper ftnd(ngs in their motion.
'Commissioner Henninger stated the reason for approval of the Specimen Tree Removal Permit is that reasonable
~:_.; and, practical development of the property on which the trees are located requires their removal; and that the
finding regarding Vista del Sd is tha' the existing development and topography combined with the layout of the
existing mature trees prevents a wkfer street.
M~ Z
~ r Seima Mann presented the written right to appeal the Planning Commission's decision within ten (10) with regard to
~` ~" `~~ ~' ' ~ the-tentative tract map and within 22 days on the rest of the actions.
-A: ,
~;"= , ` RECESS: There was a 10-minute recess.
~~, . ..
~° I USE PERMIT N0.3451
HAZEL C. JOHNSON, 1214 W. Katella Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802. AGENT: FARANO and IQEVIET, 100 S. Anaheim
Bivd., #340, Anaheim, CA 92805 PROPERTY LOCATION:
511 - 521 South Manrhacrpr Ave.: 500 - 520 South Walnut Street. Property Is approximately 2.1 acres
located at the southwest comer of Manchester Avenue and Santa Ana Street.
To retain an auto repair, towing and dismantling facility (including the storage and retail sale of used auto parts)
and a temporary offtce trailer with waiver of required Improvement of parking and outdoor storage area, minimum
structural setback ~:~nd Improvement of setback areas.
IE was noted there was a request that this matter be continued to the meeting of . hbruary 24,1992.
Commissioner Messe asked staff to notify the applicant that if this continuance request is granted, R will be last
ACTION: Commissioner Hellyer offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Messe and MOTION CARRIED that
conskieration of the aforementioned matter be continued to the regularly-scheduled meeting of February 24, 1992,
at the request of the petitioner.
~~~} ,.
Paste 20
U WA- d -
34~;~ COUNTIES OIL CO., P.O. BOX 4159, Orange, CA 92613 PROPERTY LOCATION: 1431 North Ravmond Ave.
°~~'== Pioperty is approximately 0.61 acre located at the southwest comer of Orangefair Lane and Raymond Avenue.
~r To permft an automobile service station with waiver of minimum structural setback.
~s'';.ti T There was one person indicating her presence in opposition to subject request and although the staff report was
not read, K is referred to and made a part of the m(nutes.
~~~ :Don Greinke, agent, stated they believe this is the best location for this building due to the size of the property and
~ the restricted access and there Is a one-way traffic pattern through this property and h is the best way for the
ti ~ .,
applicant to monitor the process. He added there is a similar buffding on Raymond with similar setbacks.
' Carol Rudat, 281 Old Bridge Road, stated they own the two adjacent properties to the west, 1100 and IIIO
Orangefalr, and there are two industrial buildings and they have never been notffied of this project until last week;
and that they are upset because this is a major change. She stated they are not opposed to having the gas
station remain, but there has to be changes. She stated she thought the process is wrong and people should be
notified earlier and explained she received her notice last week. She stated they have owned these two buildings
for 13 years and when they first purchased the property, it was under an all inclusive trust deed contract of sale
and during the frst seven year period, Southern Counties Oil took over the leasehold of that property and
'. explained Arco had the ftrst gas station facility on that property and the owner dkJ not forward the card to them
when Southern Counties requested the sale of diesel fuel. She stated the oil company has caused a major traffic
problem on that comer. She stated they don't want any other ramfficatir+as with the owner because he is leasing
part of the facility.
She stated they have a strong and sound background when h comes to environmental issues.
She stated the sale of the diesel fuel at this facility has caused major problems with the dual rigged trucks and
when they stop, their rigs are not empty. She stated their seven tenants ronstanUy contact them regarding these
She asked ff there are any diese! tanks proposed on the plans, that they can not be for rigs and can only be for
cars which use diesel fuel.
She stated Union 76 is closing 76 stations in Southern Caiffomia due to the environmental requirements and Exxon
is also starting to close some stations because they do not want to deal with the 1992 requirements. She stated
this is going to create additional traffic at the gas station. She stated the way this is designed means Avery vehicle
must turn onto Orangefair Lane in order to turn into the gas station and then exft onto Raymond and that comer is
going to be heavily used.
She referred to the proposed coin and cash collection on ttie comer and stated that can not be located there and
also they are against the trash bin Iccation right next to the frort of their building and there is a sbc-foot wall along
her building and that means there will be only Inches between his vwdll and this building.
~~'-'a .
_ _~ ~•
nary 13,1952 Page 21
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Stie~stated:the alr~d have a drains a roblem from his o onto their ro and his ro fs about
~.. _:..,
one; foot higher than theirs and uMH he finally put in concrete, the weight of the trucks would crack the asphalt and
'BRTutl.. - ..
wheritfey had heavy rain, the water was coming up in their bu0ding.
~~~ ,~ ..
,;+ She stated the concrete is cracked ftom these trucks and the concrete that has been poured for this new facility Is
~ ~~ not deep enough because ff ft cracks, and they have spills, it will go into the soil. She added they have ha sp s
and the gasdine was going Into the gutter.
°` ~ She stated per the Flre Department and through their insistence, they were able to get this company to install the
"sump cdlectors next to the trash bins.
She stated they have transients in the area and she did not think K is a good ides to have a 24hour gas station
and that h should be monftored and ff there is a problem in early momfng or late nigh hours, they should be
{`'~ aired to close ff.
~ ~
~~ , ,
'~ She stated when the tanks are remo~/ed, they want reports on the soil condftlons and ff the soil Is contaminated,
.they want the report and they waM testing on their property.
She stated they were told originally that they would not have automotive repairs there but they do have repairs
There now and ft looks trashy; and that they do not want anything that would devalue their property.
She added they will not permit anything to devalue their property and they feel this whole plan has to be revised
and that they need to be consulted on this before anything moves forward and ff not, they are going to have to
seek legal counsel.
Mr. Greinke stated regarding the diesel, the operations are already fn place. He added they will be placing a new
containment system which will be required in the future, so would be eliminating the risk of contamination.
He stated there is a containment system around the fuel islands and ff there was a spill, it would go into a
containment system and back to a holding tank. He stated they are planning to be able to handle eight vehicles
on the lot itselfi; that currently they have the ability to fuel two at one time and in the past others have waited In the
street and now they will be able to come off the street onto the property.
_ He stated they feet this is the best location for the building on the lot and people will not have to walk back and
forth between vehicles and there will be straight access ftom the fuel island over to the building.
He stated he thought most of the requests by the neiglioor are reasonable and there will be concrete throughout
the lot rather than asphalt.
He stated adding the restriction that there will not be any rigs allowed would not be acceptable.
He referred to the 24-hour monitoring of their access card facility which allows their customers to access the pump
from a card reader, and he did not think ff Is necessary to monitor that because their customers are trained to
operate the equipment and understand the procedures and they might come in when they are closed and they
could access the pumps. He explained that fs going on right now.
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i4HEIM~ CITY PLANNING r,~MMISSIOf+I, January 13, 1992 Page 22
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He~explalned~they have 60 other locations throughout the state with similar operations. He stated the trees are a
k~requiremen<of the City and they would like to change that requirement; that there is no wall between the two
,.propertlee; that they did what the City recommended and he was not sure what the concern is about the treas.
j x~ Contieming Condftlon No. 15, Variance No 2007 pertains to a sign and they would like to continue to have that
~~ .u~,°stgn there for freeway acxess and they are visible from the freeway. He added there is nM going to be arty repairs
;t~''' 'done at this location and no mechanical work will be done whatsoever.
Ms. Rudat stated when they took over this facility and were leasing it, they did not have diesel fuel permits and that
~" `'~ ' : ` is the reason for one notice. She stated they were functioning there without the diesel fuel and without the rigs and
they do not have two rigs wafting at a time now. She stated those rigs at that location, along with the way they
have the egress/ingress, she thought would be a catastrophe. She stated primarily she does not want the trash
"~' container up towards the ftont of her building and that is where ft Is located right now. Plus, she thought the
x~ ::v . .
r cashier's factliry is In a very unsafe location.
,.,.~ ` Mr. Greinke stated the trash facility certainly can be moved to the other skis of the property.
' He stated in the past they have had diesel rigs parking in the street, wafting to get in the drhreway and that is tho
purpose for the line, to allow 4 to pull fn and 4 behind ft, so they can have 8 rigs on the site. He added the
vehicles would no longer have to park in the center median waiting to enter the property, which they are presently
Chairman Hellyer asked ff the City has the right or obligation to Issue the permit for diesel fuel.
Mr. Hastings responded there is no City Zoning Code requirements pertaining to the grade of gasoline or fuel.
Commissioner Messe referred to the Fire Department's requirement regarding the attendant to supervise the sale of
gasoline at all times and asked ff that (s required by ordinance.
Mr. Hastings responded that is a requirement of the Unfform Fire Code and the Planning Commission has no
jurisdiction over that requirement. He added he would have to find out ftom the Fire Department ff they are
violating that requirement at the present time.
Mr. Greinke stated that has never been brought to their attention and they have had inspections of the facility by
the Ffre Department, and noted this procedure is quite common throughout the state.
<Mr. Hastings suggested rewording that condition to read, "unless otherwise authorized by the City Fire Marshal
just fn case there has been a change in the Unfform Flre Code.
Chairman Hellyer asked ff there is another location on the site where the office could be located. Mr. Greinke
stated it would have to be pushed back.
Commissioner Bouas asked ff the Fire Department had recommended this location and Mr. Greinke responded they
had made that recommendation for the visual benefit of the cash paying customers.
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EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, January 13,1992 ~ Page 23
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titian Borrego, Senior Planner, stated the representative from the Flre Department had actually masfa that
`~~mmendation at the Interdepartmental Committee meeting but that he was not sure iF ft had to be in tt>at
cular location. He added >f it could be achieved by relocating that building, h would meet the Flre Department
ilrements and eliminate the waiver at tha same time.
Greg McCafferty asked the need for the cashier kk~sk if there is a cam access procedure. Regarding the tank
4 ~ removal, he stated when the tank is removed, the Flre Department Inspects the sfte to make sure that if there is any
soB remediation required, that h is done in conjunction wfth the removal.
ix ~ ~ Chairman Hellyer stated with this proposal, the City is better off regarding the tanks and possible contamination,
'~~°' Y P 9 ogy, and Greg McCafferty agreed.
;,~,;;, ~; because the are uttin in the new technd
' -~ ~ Chairman Hellyer stated he has a problem with the office/kiosk location and both signs.
~^ S~
~,~~ , ,, Commissioner 8ouas stated there Is a lot of travel through our area and h does help to have signs to help people
c,,~~: get to where they need to be.
°~ Commissioner Messe asked about resurfacing and if h will all be concrete. Mr. Grelnke stated that is correct and
'T'AY-`' added currently the n>ajority of the property is paved with asphalt and R will be repaved with 6-Inch reinforced wfth
steel concrete.
Chairman Hellyer asked why they did not contact their neighbors.
Mr. Grelnke stated they were available arxi that this was advertised through the proper procedures with the City.
Commissioner Bristd referred to the two islands to the southeast and asked ff those are for premium leaded
gasoine, with the rest of the Islands are all diesel. He stated in coming off Orangefair Lane and clarified they do
not anticipate coming in off Raymond and Mr. Grelnke responded there will be signs indicating Raymond Is an exit
Commissioner Messe stated it would seem that building could be moved further down Orangefalr, and noted there
would be no big rigs using t;~e far island so they could squeeze it ln. He stated his other concern is the signage.
Chairman Hellyer referred to the trash enclosure and stated h seems to be possible to move the office to where the
trash is currently proposed and move the trash over towards the freeway, the southwest quadient, away from the
neighbor's office and it would be a lot less offensive than Rs present location. He explained he is talking about the
islands closest to Orengefair where regular gasoline and diesel are opposite.
Mr. Grelnke stated the four islands towards the freeway are diesel and the multi-product dispensers are closer to
the building on Orangefalr.
Commissioner Zemel indicated he had the same concerns mentioned by two Commissioners and Chairman Hellyer
stated he would not vote for the waiver, and it is the applicant's responsibility to redesign the project and also that
he would not approve the signs as proposed.
Mr. Grelnke stated there is a condition pertaining to the sign in the front which appears to be a recommendation to
change it to a monument sign, and it was stated that it is conforming. He added the company would ultimately like
to have sfgnage similar to their other establishments.
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Commmissioner Masse explained K has been the City's pdicy to change service station signs to monument signs
anil Mr Greinke stated ff they remove the sign in the rear, they would be eliminating all freeway access signs.
~~C Chalrriran Hellyer stated he thought the clientele already knew where they are located, and that they service local
r~is',5 clientele. Mr. Greinke stated they service both; that they have their own commercial accounts which use their ~rti,
•z, ., , :and then they sell for cash to other customers who might be driving down the street.
~w~ , :~ Chairman Hellyer stated their argument probably would be persuasive ff this was a new business, but that he
'" ~ ,recognizes they have been around for awhile and people already know where they are located. Mr. Greinke
~ ~ ~~'. responded for those customers traveling on the freeway, they would be a new business.
' ~^~~ Commissioner Zemel stated he drives a diesel motor home and he knows where all the diesel fuel is located, and
was sure professional truckers know where diesel stops are as well. He stated, additionally, he thought Caltrans or
~ _ DMV put up signs notffying drivers where the next available diesel facnfty Is located.
• ` Commissioner Masse stated it is the Commission's policy to ask for two restrooms in facilities of this type. I>Ar.
' ~,' i Greinke stated they proposed one restroom because of the vandalism that takes place and the maintenance
" gin; ' required, but they would entertain Instaliing another one ff desired.
Mr. Borrego stated urffortunately the existing sign was not shown on the plans, so whoever reviewed them may not
have been aware of fts ex(stence, but In reviewing the proposed freestanding sign on the comer, he thought there
was an earlier sign variance granted on the property and it appears a portion of that variance pertained to the
minimum distance required between freestanding signs, aid they are bringing the existing sign out on the comer
even closer to the existing freeway sign and as a result, that is !Mensfiyr~g the waNer which they previously had
granted and In that case, they would also need to advertise a waiver pertaining to minimum distance between
freestanding signs ff they want to retain the freeway sign.
Mr. Greinke stated he understands, but thought h would be the Commission's recommendation that h be removed
and ff that is the case, they would comply. He stated the canopy shown on the plans is listed as illuminated and in
' the report, it appears to be non-illuminated.
Chairman Hellyer clarified the only variance for signs is Nu 2007. He suggested a condftion be included ff this is
approved, that there be a termination of Variance No. 2007.
Commissioner Masse stated he did not think the Commission is ready to act on this request and that the applicant
- has to come back with some revisions, especially wfth regard to the specffic location of the building and the trash
' containers. He asked ff the applicant would Tike a continuance.
Mr. Greinke stated he would request a continuance and Mr. Borrego stated staff would recommend a minimum
four-week continuance to the February 10th meeting.
Commissioner Masse stated that would give she staff an opportunity to check with the Fire Department regarding
the unattended gasoline sales.
- ACTION: Commissioner Bouas offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bristol and MOTION CARRIED that
conskieration of the aforementioned matter be continued to the meeting of February 10, 1992, at the request of the
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Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, explained the proposed ordinance is the result of several
zone changes which occurred in the central Anaheim area within the last four years. He
stated originally this area was primarily zoned RM-1200 which is amultiple-family zone,
permitting apartment units at a density of one unit per 1200 square feet of lot area. He
steed subsequently lt vras rezoned to RM-2400 which Is also a multiple family zone, but
permits a lower density of one unlt per 2400 square feet of lot area.
He stated effective January 15, 1991, the area was further downzoned to RS-5000 which is a
single-family residential zone, primarily a result of several resklents In the area who ware
concerned about the number of apartments being constructed in that area. He stated at the
hearings which consklered the last downzoning to RS :5000, there was some concern by
both property owners and the Commission regarding the large number of existing duplexes
and as a result, lt was suggested that staff look at some type of overlay ordinance which
would permit two detached single-family reskences on certain single-family lots in that area,
provided they meet a criteria which would serve to protect the nature of the area in terms of
the older single-family residences, which are typically one-story homes.
He stated the Commission had several work sessions and this nrd!~•-r.=y is a result of those
work sessions. He stated the ordinance would allow the second units to be butlt on those
lots zoned RS-5000 if they also have a minimum lot area of 6000 square feet and provkled
that the lots have alley access. He presented an exhiblt showing lots which do meet that
crlteria and explained the lots colored 'orange' would meet that 6000 square foot and alley
access criteria; and the ones coored 'green' would not meet that criteria.
Margarita Solorio Interpreted the above information for the Spanish-speaking audience and
explained that those present would be allowed to speak and ask questions or present
whatever testimony they I~ad to offer.
Hertha McLaughlin, 219 E. North Street, stated she is opposed to the proposed ordinance
which would establish an overlay zone permitting construction of two detached single-family
residences on certain parcels of the land in the area generally bounded by La Palma to the
north, Union Pacffic Railroad right-of-way to the east, Cypress Street to the south and
Anaheim Boulevard to the west. She stated she has not seen the map, but that side INes In
the 200 block on the north skis of North Street and the three blocks from Anaheim
Boulevard to Olive Street have always been zoned RS-7200, for single-family, and have
never been included in any of the zoning changes which have taken place in the area and
she felt they should be deleted and left as they are.
She stated after more than 5 years trying to get the area downzoned, last year they got the
downzoning to RS-5000 and now this has come up again and that lt is again the developers
who are asking for this change. She stated fn most cases the developers do not live in the
area or in Anaheim and are only concerned about the profits, not the people, nor the
neighborhood. She stated this area has enough problems wlth overcrowding, with two or
N^ '• ~•
- - ,.
~„i ~~' more families in one house or apartment or living in a garage wfttsout proper sanitatbn,
,~ ~. , 9 Pa 9 P 9a 9s. pe, graffiti, stabbings sand shootings sand
~'~~"'` cousin ~ rkin roblems, as well as n do
>f-. _ klliings.
~~ She asked ff we want another Chevy Chase or Jeffry-Lynne area or have to have a pdice
'~: officer attend a Code Enforcement Officer in hls daily work. She stated Coda Er~fiorcemeM
';,` and the Pdice Department cannot keep up with h and asked why add more to what we are
~'" already dealing with. She stated she has lived in this area for 32 years and has sears all the
`~ changes take place. She stated as one example - a few weeks ago she woke up at 2 a.m.
to find seven pdice vehicles 1 /2 block ftom her house and this kind of activity is naR
uncommon in the area and she has seen and experienced all of this firsthand.
~,=, ,'
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She stated the area Is part of the downtown area, adjoining Heritage Place and all the new
redevelopment downtown; and that wfth the wkJening of Anahelm Boulevard, site thought
everything that can possibly be done to Improve the area should be done; but that crowding
more houses and more people will not do iL She added that would only benefit the
developers. She stated she is opposed to the overlay and asked that the Commisslon leave
the three blocks on the north slde of North Street, ftom Anaheim Boulevard to O11ve Street,
zoned RS-7200.
Chairman Hellyer stated those blocks are not affected by,this ordinance. He explained only
those blocks marked in orange would be affected.
Jonathan Borrego stated the overlay zone can only be applied to those properties which are
zoned RS-5000 and the property where she lives is actually zoned RS-7200.
Ms. McLaughlin stated she went to the Zoning Department and was tdd that ft that was
David Bailey, 742 North Claudine, Executive Vice President and co-owner of Dbcon Design at
292 Wilshire, stated the Chairman has indicated that Ms. Mclaughlin's property is not
affected, but everyone who INes in that area (green or orange) is affected by anything that
happens. (Chairman Hellyer stated he had corrected that from affected io included.) Mr.
Bailey continued it may not be included in this proposed change but ft is definitely affected
and Chairman Hellyer responded he agreed.
Mr. Bailey stated it has assn shown and he thought he could fill the Council Chamber with
people who are fed up with the developers coming into the area and totally changing the
whole community. He explained they have had several incidents with people putting in
duplexes which seems unimportant on the surface, and they are supposedly 'low income'
housing and rents are about $1000 per month and the majority of that rent is paid by HUD
and ft appears to r::any of the residents that HUD regulations take priority over City Codes.
He stated since they have put in several duplexes on Claudine, they have noticed a number
of inoperable cars which are dust sitting there and they get a lot of push carts ftom grocery
He stated the Code Enforcement offices close at 6:00 p.m., so ftom 6:00 in the evening until
the next morning, they are without any kind of protection and they only see the police in that
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He stated they do not deserve this kind of treatment; that they have worked hard ind in all
the places he has lived in Calffomia, he has never been to City Council meetings or any kind
of meetings as many times as he has had to come here. He stated he has elected
representatives and that he expects them to represent him; and that his property Is not paid
for by HUD and he cares about his property and did not think anyone who has no vested
interest in the community will do anything good for the community and the only vested
Interest any of these developers have is, `how many ddlars they can make".
He explained across the street from him, a house was bough the house for $130,000 and
that would have been affordable to almost anyone for $1000 a month, with a nice home and
yard and a decent place to live. He stated that person bought ft for $130,000, borrowed
$70,000 and is collecting $3000 a month and makes a $700 a month loan payment and that
is the reason these developers are doing this. He added they do not Ifve here and the
people who are renting these units don't care about the propp" .y or the community.
~~ .
neighbofiood when they come out with their guns drawn and their red lights on and they do
:', ~ not patrd the area regularty and there are numerous parking vitiations on a daily basis.
y {a.' He stated, two elderly people used to live next door to them and they were nice neighbors;
~~~s. - `that the house was sdd and new owners came (n and immediately a granny unft was
'`~"`'`= ` constructed to the rear which was rented and he though there were three dffferent families
s:'.:`,` there at different times. He stated they have no one to tum to about this and they have
parking problems at that same house and there are eight vehicles there now. He stated
they finally got the police to ticket them for parking across the drNeway and skfewaik and
on the lawn and they had an attitude that that was their property and they could do with it
whatever they wanted. He added the problem with that is that ft affects his property and
property values and affects the integrity of the neighborhood. He added the Northgate
Market is filthy and it stinks and now they want to put more into that area and that means
more vandalism and more trash and the City of Anaheim cannot support their needs now.
He stated they need more Code Enforcement Officers and Police Officers and they Head
police patrd on a regular basis and do not need any more development in that area. He
added ff anyone wants to see the area, he will personally take them to talk to some of his
neighbors who are e!deriy and could not be here today. He stated it is a hardship to take
time from his business to continually come here and say the same thing over and over
again and that is that the City can not take care of what we have now and he dki not think
anything should be added.
Rosa Togel, 760 N. Zeyn Street, stated she is speaking as a concerned citizen and is
dismayed to hear the Commission is consklering the overlay area consisting of the 96 acres
under discussion today and she cannot see the logic of making this change. She stated
Anaheim has great plans going for expanding Disneyland to the south and she is all for that,
but her problem is understanding the downgrading of this area after the long extensive and
expensive stt:dy to downzone many areas of Ar.4heim including this 96 acres.
Ms. Togel stated the area is already crowded with parking space at a minimum and asked
where the children will play, and asked ff that is in the alleys and streets. She stated
Anaheim used every angle possible to keep a prison from being built here and yet they will
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Hoary 13, 1992 Page 28 '
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~~., ~, , be practically building a crime factory to manufacture crime in this eastern ~rt of the city N
n;,h~ higher density fs allowed.
~ -,
~~~~>- ? She stated the Pdlce Department and Code ErrforcerneM say they cannot cover the area
properly as ft is; that hearing the sirens of the emergency vehides is commonplace; and that
- crowding more and more structures into the area unsupervised, will cause friction and
rebellion as people and families and children resort to drugs and violence to assert their
identfty. She asked H we can afford to encourage an atmosphere for the expansion of gang
.k ~ She stated she feels very strongly that we should be more concerned about Anaheim and
~~ ; also its cftlzens, especially the young with whom we will be dealing for many years to come.
~~ ,,. She added if the higher density is allowed, the area and conditions can only deterkxate and
~~~ she was sure those in dally contact wfth the sftuatlon are even more aware of this than she
-- is.
i ~~':-'
~;~~, : She slated the "Anaheim Beautiful' organizz::on is working very diligently to Improve the
t' appearance of all parts of the City and everyone should Joln to help achieve that goal and
' _~~~ not destroy on the one hand what others are making every effort to improve.
'-~~ ' ~ Agnes Erickson, 301 E. North Street, stated sh~a has been up here several times, and that
she has to fight this; that she is not doing ft for the three blocks they live in,and that she
_ belongs to Anaheim Beautiful and works with Code Enforcement and they are very good to
them, but they don't have enough help and that a few of them have worked very hard to
clean up all of Central City, not Just North Street. She stated it has gotten worse the last
several years and noted there was a killing right around her comer on Olive Street and r<ght
after that a car went through the living room and they have people who added onto their
garages and that with the deep lots, the Commission should have allowed them to build
onto the house, but Instead they allowed addition to the garage of a recreation room and a
bathroom and she felt that will be another living unit
She added that spoils the view for the neighbors and that there was a nice block wall, but
they have added a wire fence above the 5-foot stucco fence and then added green slats so
there is actually a 7-1 /2 foot fence between the yards.
She stated another neighbor had a nice brick fence and the neighbors put a wooden fence
on top of it, and her neighbor painted it so it would blend in better. She added these are
examples of things that go on in that area. She stated ff there Is large lot left, it should be
cleaned up so the kids can play there Instead of in the streets and alleys constantly.
' a'; She stated they have a lot of properties for rent or for sale in that area and there is not a
shortage of units. She stated they have a lot of emergency sirens and also helicopters flying
ovefiead disturbing them.
She stated she has come to Commission and Council meetings many times and has
information of how they wanted to make Anaheim beautiful and that is what they are trying
' to do and letting anyone add another unit on their lots, will mean 10 or 12 additforral people
living there and Code Enforcement cannot keep up with ft. She stated they wodc on
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~;~Y Saturdays and in the evenings and her husband has gone with them and showed them
.~~ , ' some of the problems in their area, especially from Olfvb to Topeka and there are shacks
. ~ buih in the back yams, and people sleep anywhere.
,~,~. She stated they have worked so hard to keep the area nice and they watch what is going on
and h is dose to downtown and it is really bad, referring to North Anaheim Boulevard as an
~"~ example: and referred to the red, black aril whfte checkerboard fronts because they could
5 ~~: _ not get any guklelines.
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Keith Oeleson, 321 N. Philadelphia, stated originally when this overlay zone was proposed, it
was with the kiss that downzoning this area was a necessity to try and maintain h at a
certain level and it is already overcrowded in enough places. He added they were
suggesting that ff a lot was big enough so that a front unft could be owner-occupied, and
rehabilitated with a unft behind it, which is allowed as a granny unit, h migh~ be an
acceptable way to save some of these large lots with smaller homes on there now. He
stated part of the kiss was that the existing house remain and be rehabilitated and he
thought that had been left out of the ordinance.
Commissioner Messe stated the ordinance indudes rehabilitation and Mr. Oeleson stated h
just says that the granting of any conditional use permit authorizing the construction of a
second dwelling unft may be contingent upon renovation.'
Chairman Hellyer stated the owner would have to apply for a conditional use permit and Mr.
Oeleson responded that leaves things open and from past experience, they are not usually
taken care of. He stated variances are granted because there is some hardship on the land,
and ft is known that variances are granted far too often in this city. He added they have
teamed that by bad example and these seven Commissioners may not all be here next year
and wording like that needs to be stringent enough to not be open for that kind of shift. He
stated he read the proposed ordinance carefully and referred to the maximum height
allowed in a RS-5000 Zone which is a two-story home and the original Intent in this area was
to match any new construction to existing densities. He added f[ is possible with this
proposed ordinance for an existing home to be demolished and then two-story structures
could be built.
He added he dki not think the proposed ordinance is restrictive enough with regard to
matching the existing conditions, as opposed to Just qualffying them to the RS-5000
standards. He stated what really ends up happening is that those orange lots are almost
zoned RM3000 and that is what they are trying to avoid by going to RS-5000. He stated
the original intent was to allow an owner-occupant to buy an existing small home on a large
lot and add an acceptable sized unit in the rear and make it an affordable possibility and not
just to allow two units ff the lot was big enough and had alley access.
Chairman Hellyer stated the spirit of this ordinance was to provide the opportunity for those
lots which exist in that area to be redeveloped and the original house to be rehabilitated to
help build up the area and also to assist that homeowner wito would rehabilitate an existing
structure by allowing one additional unit ff all the requirements were met, in that the lot was
the size it needed to be and ff everything else was accomplished in 4his ordinance. He
stated that is included in the ordinance, in the first two paragraphs, Description and
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Purpose, and that the language may not be tight enough but is in the spirh of what they are
~~;~~ trying to accomplish whkh is to allow the private sector to rehab that house ff it is needed
and the incenWe would be that they would be allowed to add a unff. He stated that unit is
not going to be a unit which would be used for "low rent because the requirements in this
• ordinance would not allow an owner to construct K cheaply and it will have to ba nice. He
-~ ' `' `~' ~ ^ stated those two paragraphs require that K show a sensRivlty to the nelghbofiood.
a=~:_' .
~,Y ~ He stated the language may have to be modffled and explained ft Is not the Commission's
r~F. _ ~' purpose to Increase the density arbitrarily in that area, but to bring up the standards of Ifving
'" ' on those opportunity lots.
~~=',~J , ` Commissioner Henninger stated there was a long series of public herrings reganiing the
ak downzoning of this property and it was originally zoned RM-1200, then RM-2400, and the
-- -
~ RM•2400 proved to be a problem and the though was that ff RM-24001s not the proper
".; ~r ~~~ ' zone, then what zone is the proper one and the answer to that was RS-5000, with this
k~z.,,- ''i overlay. He stated he thought maybe somewhere along the way, the purpose got misplaced
~'`~'' in this ordinance and the concepts of archftectural scale, character, style and compatlb0ity
, probably need to be echoed a little more strongly in the she development standards. He
~ agreed that the basic concept stemmed from the concept of some incentive to preserve and
renovate some of the existing residences and he thought it might be appropriate to say that
these second dwelling units shall be contingent upon the preservation and renovation of the
existing reskience.
Mr. Borrego stated that Issue w'as discussed at one of the work shops and he thought the
_ reason that wasn't included was because ff someone had a vacant lot, they would not be
able to come fn for two units.
Commissioner Masse stated that would be covered with the last two sentences indicating, as
determined by the Planning Commission. He added he thought the language should be
changed to 'shall". He stated the purpose of this was to have the ability to rehabilitate some
of the property that has declined and is aging to improve the area.
Chairman Hellyer slated the concem is that this Commission's present members know what
they want to do, but there is no protection in this language to echo that sentiment.
Commissioner Masse agreed that maybe the language should be modified and stated when
he read it, he knew what the Commission wanted to do, but thought maybe there is a
Chairman Hellyer stated he would agree with those present who are, indicating they agree,
that they do have reason not to trust the Planning Commission or tl~e City tracause of past
experiences, but that the spirit of this is to Improve t:.e area and do the right -hing by the
property owners and not to intensify the density.
Commissioner Bouas stated the reskients don't think a second unit is going to !morove fhsr
area and they do not want anymore units.
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t ~ Chairman Hellyer added the Commission recognized that the; a are going to be opportunity
;~ tots which In the absence of arty kind of Incertive for rehabtlitatlon will remain and ft may be
that they are owner-occupied and someone bough them back in the days when they were
zoned RM-1200 wfth the plan to put in multiple units and now they would have the
opportunity to add one unit. Ha stated ff they came to the Commission now and asked to
~~,`'',° do that, they would have to make major improvements to the existing property.
_-- _ Commissioner 2emel stated he wasn't around when this was previously voted on, but
'~`,'- concurred and added it was his hope that future Planning Commissions and the City Council
~> , ..
would not take a step backwards.
Commissioner Masse stated no developer came to the Commission wfth a suggestion for
this overlay zone and K was the Commission's Idea for a way to Improve the area.
Ms. McLaughlin stated the problem they are having Is with two or three families living in one
house, wfth a!i their vehides; that the kiss is good to improve the area, but wfth more than
one family in a single house, there is a major problem.
"`4'`~" Chairman Hellyer stated the Commission does not have the right to rontrd the number of
people living in one house and that happens everywhere.
Ms. McLaughlin stated she realized that but h has been very very bad in this area.
Mr. Baley stated he thought maybe there were good intentions, and that the people most
affected were left out and that he was not asked to participate and the first thing he heard
about this was the post card regarding this hearing. He stated the area shown in orange is
. a large part of the RS-5000 and that is not anything any of the owners anticipated.
He stated they did not want more density, but v-anted a dean, safe, peaceful place to live.
He stated h was saki the City did not have the fight to say three or four people could live in
a particular house and he would say that they do have the right, but do not have the ability.
He added the City does not have the ability to take care of what is in that area right now
and noted there are houses in there which are substandard right now.
He stated as a homeowner and business owner in this community, that this proposal is
issuing them out of the situation.
Chairman Hellyer stated those same properties referred to which are substandard are the
same properties which he referred to as opportunity lots which should be cleaned up and
the city is not going to do it, but would like to offer an incentive for the owner to do it .
Mr. Baley asked ff the City considers'deaned up" as demolishing one of those craftsman
homes and constructing a stucco cracker box.
Chairman Hellyer suggested Mr. Baley read the proposed ordinance and Commissioner
Masse stated he knows the fear is that the Commission is going to approve some more
projects similar to others approved in the past which were not good projects and that is not
the Intent of the ordinance.
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U4HEIt+A CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, January 13, 1992 Page 32
1 ~' Chairman Hellyer suggested continuing this hearing so the language can be modified as
~~~ , Cc~mmisstoner Bouas suggested these homeowners be invited to a future work session so
~•`i:~.: - that they can understand it and so they can participate.
~~~`~ Chairman Heliyer suggested an evening hearing so the people who want to be (rnoNed can
attend without taking off work.
'~'~~`~~ "'
1 It was noted the current proposed ordinance is attached to the staff report.
Borrego stated before this is heard before the Commission, it could be discussed at their
~"" " .
meeting at the Wash!ngton Community Center so they could understand what is being done
~" and if that is preferred, he would be more than happy to present the revised draft ordinance
' ~r " ` at one of their meetings.
~}F t
~' ~ ~ ~ `
Mr. Oelesons stated their meetings are held on the 4th Thurafay of the month, (the 23rd of
this month and the notices have already gone out.) He suggested K be discussed at their
~~`s~~', meeting on the 4th Thursday of March.
Mr. Borrego suggested continuing the Commission's action to the March 9th meeting so he
would have an opportunity to present to the citizens.
A I N: Commissioner Messe offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner eristd and
MOTION CARRIED that consideration of the aforementioned matter be continued to the
meeting of March 9th, 1992.
TIME: Melissa Arrabaca requests a one year retroactve extension of time to comply with
condftions of approval. Property is located at 1314 South Iris Street.
A I N: Commissioner Messe offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Henninger
and MOTION CARRIED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby approve a
one-year retroactive extension of time (retroactive to November 21, 1991) for Conditional
Use Permit No. 3084 to expire on November 21, 1992.
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Page 33 ~:,~
°~,~°'' ~ Belden (HOlman Properties), requests s one-year retroactNe extension of time to comply wfth
~ condftions of approval. Property is located at the northeast comer of Santa Ana Canyon
u- 2, Road and RNerview DrNe.
' ~'' ~ ACTION: CommissioneE Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bouas
and MOTION CARRIED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby approve a
.. " one-year retroactNe extension of time (retroactNe to December 19, 1991) to expire on
~~" December 19, 1992, subject to the compact parking spaces being redesigned as standard
s size spaces, to the satisfaction of the Tratfic and Transportation Managers.
~ ~~ ` Dwight Belden stated that condition regarding the parking spaces was brought up and they
'~' .r. ` compiled with that one year ago.
t; '£^~~
µ :: ' E. Lewis has requested termination of CondiUonai Use Permit Nos. 1009 and 1312 on
`°:~ property located at 641 South Western Avenue.
~ ~ ACTION: Commissioner Henninger offered Resoution No. Pr~2-03 and moved for it.~,
~~~ ' ~ passage and adoption that all proceedings in connection v h Condftional Use Permit Nos.
' 1003 and 1312 be terminated.
On roll call, the foregoing resouton was passed by the following vote:
TO AMEND RESOLUTION NO. PC91-84.: That the Planning Commission adopt a nunc pro
tunc resolution to amend the Resolution No. PC 91-84. Property located at northwest
comer of Weir Canyon Road and La Palma Avenue.
ACTION: Commissioner Henninger offered Resolution No. PC92-04 and moved for it.5
' passage and adoption that the Planning Commission adopt a nunc pro tunc resolution to
amend Resolution No. PC91-64.
On roll call, the foregoing resoution was passed by the following vote:
Melarle Adams, Assistant City Engineer, stated the last five conditions should read, 'prior to
the approval of the grading plan.'
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Page 34
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~~~, ' ' ' nr'°TED 1N COMMERCIAL ZONES.
~~~ „" Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Messe and MOTION
'~ ` °' CARRIED that the Planning Commission direct the Cfty Attorney's Office to prepare a draft
~' ~ ordinance incorporating wonting contained in the staff report (as fellows) and/or any
changes requested by Commission, and that the draft ordinance then be referred back to
Planning Commission for recommendation for adoption by the City Council.
~G ' recommends the fdlowing wording to amend Section 4.14.045
% ,
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~ .
"In the event said application is for an amusement device or devices which, together
' rfy
with any other such devices on the premLses, are of a sufficient number to qual
~` , saki premises as an amusement device arcade, said application shall be
~ accompanied by an amusement device arcade application fee in an amount as
~ ~ ''~ erm
established by resolution of the City Council. As used in this chapter, t
("~~:~- - "amusement device arcade' means any premises containing fNe~, or more
"~~°`' ' "
~;~ .
a ` amusement devices, or any premises wheraln not less than twenty five percent
floor area Is devoted to amusement devices, whether or not saki
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296 of t
devices constffute the primary use or accessory use of the premisr.1s. In addition to
the approval specffied in Section 4.14.040 hereof, saki appi:catia,~ shall be referred
to the Planning Director or his/r-er desitt~ by the
License Collector for the purpose of review and irnestigation. Upon receipt of said
application, th Planning Director or his/her deal n~~@
shall examine saki application and determine whether the premises are properly
zoned for saki proposed use. The premises shall be deemed properly zoned for said
use ff zoned commercial or ff said use exists pursuant to a conditional use permit
within any other zone. If the premises are not properly zoned for said use, the
application shall be denied. If the premises are properly zoned for said use, the
Planning Director or his/her deal nee shall mail
written notice of such application to each business or resklence located within a
radius of three hundred (300) feat from the particular-ryFer~tses buMd1~1 wfthin which
said arcade is proposed. A •+~1r~meD and a Nat of mellr~ addresses for the
UR r wtw .... .. .~ _-_ __ _
~ o~ ~,~,te~nd aCf.~~te by ach appNoent Or his/i-er deskX~. Saki notice
shall be mailed postage prepaid and may be addressed to "resident" or "occupant".
Failure of any person to receive saki notice shall not affect the validity of the
proceedings pursuant to this section. Saki notice shall specffy a date and place, not
less than ten (10) days from the date of mailing of said notice, within which
occupants or reskler+.ts may, in person by teleDhor-e or by mail, protest the
approval of said pemft. All such mafled protests must be received by the
Planning Director or his/her desit~ on or before
the date specified in the notice to be valid. Immediately following expiratio Planning
date for protests specified in said notice, the
Director or his/her deskxx~ shall approve or msv corditionaNv atxiro~ saki Permit
>~~~ ~A ~^
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~ 13, 1992
35 -
- unless a protest has been receNed from a-raaJerftty- .>~y 1Ne oeroert i~57i) or
~ of the businesses and/or residences located within a radius of three hundred
~- "
:, (300) feet from the particular ~1e~~ within which said arcade is
~:; '
proposed. In the evert of a ~ twenty 1Nep~,rt ~) or gt~t~r Protest,
<<' '' said permit shall be denied. The decision of the
Planning Director or his/her desianea shall be made in writing and a copy thereof
ma8ed or personally served upon the applicant.
x. ;
more members of the Ckv Oour-cN. The City Council shall hold a hearing upon any
such appeal and notice thereof shall be gNen to surrounding businesses and
reskfences fn the manner herelnabove provided. The City Council shall approve
said permit unless it finds and determines that eiti~ (1) said application fails to
conform to the requirement of this chapter, or (2) the property on which the use is
proposed is not properly zoned for said use, or (3) approval of saki permit would be
contrary to the public interest, health, safety, morals or general welfare. The
decision of the City Council shall be final "
Commissioner Messe offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Henninger and MOTION
CARRIED, that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the proposed
draft ordinance relating to permitted encroachments into the interior setback areas in the
"CR" Commercial Recreation zone be adopted.
RESTAURANT. ^roperty is lo~.~ted north and west of the northwest comer of La Palrr+~
Avenue and Imperial Highway.
ti;.~,.'`- Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bouas and MOTION
CARRIED that the Planning Commission approve submitted plans based on the following:
•:;. ;
(a) That the size and location of the proposed restaurant are consistent with Revision
No. 1 of the previously approved plans.
(b) That all roof mounted equipment will be screened from view, by the use of
- equipment :veils and screening walls.
(c) That the proposed signage will conform with current Code requirement unless
separate application for variance is approved by the Planning Commission and/or
City Council.
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Group) requests Planning Commission review of conditions of approval for a previously
approved vacation ownership resort Property is located at 1240 South Walnut Street.
Phil Schwartze, PRS Group, stated the conditions placed on Conditional Use Permit No.
3258 required that they come hack to the Planning Commission and explain how they
would respond to the various issues.
He referenced their letter dated December 20th that goes through all of the various
conditions and provides the response. He stated they have provided Information as to
how the building looks; how they propose to handle the various sales; the Issues on
parking and all of the other ftems.
He stated they were also asked to check with the Engineering Department and the traffic
engineers and others to make sure that ail of their plans conformed. He stated this
information was originally provided back in August. He added they are anxious to
proceed with the activity and are looking to move forward.
He stated whoever else is irnolved on this project would only be a sales agent for the
time share and the ownership would continue to rest wfth the Conestoga Partnership
which is Del Heil.
He stated there was a variance which they were asked to terminate and they have
forwarded that termination request.
He stated one hem that is outstanding and 1s not being requested at today's meeting is
the subordination agreement which is on the tract map and some other things that they
are working wfth in the City Attorney's office to get the details completed.
He explained ft is their intent(on to get the demdftion/building permit ftom the City
within the next few weeks or as soon as they can and then proceed wfth ft in order to
get as much accomplished prior to the summer as they can.
He stated they will start wfth the demolftion rehabilitation c" the existing building which is
the Conestoga Hotel and that is the first phase. He explained subsequent to that, the
two larger buildings and the demdftion of the Cattleman's Wharf Restaurant will take
He stated the name has changed from the Coral Reef and is now the Pacific Palms and
depending on who ends up as the sales agent, ft may have two other names before this
is completed.
Chairman Hellyer asked if the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) is an Issue?
He stated he believed that Mr. He0 and his attorney are still reviewing the City Ordinance
and they have not made any indication one way or the other about h.
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EIM;CITY PLANNING COMMIS810N, January 13,-1992 Page 37
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~ Mr. Schwartze stated for Instance, if one of the units is a time share unit and is used as
~' hotel unit for half of the year and then it is sdd, then a Transient Occupancy Tax is
.' ` ~
;.. .
collected as ff tt were a hotel room.
He stated he has not personally read the new Transient Occupancy tax ordinance and
,~~' had no further information.
~~<_`~ Selma Mann, Deputy City Attomey, stated at the time that this project was approved,
there was one ordinance that was in place with regard to Transient Occupancy Tax and
4,<`~,~ ' the time share units. She stated shortly after the project was approved, that ordinance
was revised to lndude sil time share units and not Just those that were being occupied
as hotel units subject to TOT.
' Commissioner Messe asked how do you cdlect TOT on n ownership unit?
~.~4r Chairman Hellyer stated it is real ownership and they hdd a Grant Deed and it is Fee
:;-, Simple title and they pay a pro rata of the taxes. He added ff the unit Is being occupied
;:•r,;•,.,. there should be no tax charged, however, ff ihat same unit is
by the fee simple owner
being occupied by someone else, then it Is a hotel room and should be charged
Commissioner Henninger stated this Is not a Commission issue and Chairman Hellyer
responded that item no. 6 makes it appear to be an Issue.
Commissioner Henninger stated that we are not the body that passes taxes around.
Commissioner Messe stated they are just locking to see ff they have complied with
condftion nos. 25, 26 and 27.
Commissioner Henninger asked Selma Mann, Deputy City Attomey, ff she was happy
wfth the ownership setup?
Ms. Mann stated the disclosure and biryer protection aspects of this type of approval are
really handled b1+ the Department of Real F_state and the~~ are much more sophisticated
In looking through :he documents and trying to determine what the best protection for
individuals are than the City Attorney's office. She stated they can look them over,
however, they could look fine to them, and that it Is a sale of a fee interest fn the
property, or fractional share, to occupy the property for a certain period of the year and
added there is nothing wrong wfth the structure that is set up.
Commissioner Henninger asked ff she was satisfied with the information that was sent to
her and she indicated she was.
Commissioner Messe asked the Engineering Department ff they had an opportunity to
review those reports associated wfth the conditions In terms of the engineering Issues
such as electrical and building?
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~_ ~ ._ Melanie Adams, Publk: Wa~ics-Engineering, stated she would not be able to speak to
those matters as far as the structure is concerned because that would be under the
~~;%1 !: ~ ° supervision of the buiding official.
Commissioner Messe stated they saw the reports and they are supposed to say that
they are adequate to comply with the conditions and wanted to know if anyone in the
,,. City has looked at the reports?
Ms. Mann stated she dkl not mean to suggest that there was anything questionable
about what was submitted in this protect. She stated they were certainly professionally
prepared documents, CC&Rs, a condominium plan, etc. and a structure is there in place
for a time share protect.
Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, orated there was a statement made in some of the
documentation that he had read that they had been submitted to John Quan in the
Building Department.
Mr. Schwartze stated In order to get the first buiidfng permft, there is a document that
was prepared by the archftect which is Architects of Orange and that was a description
of the building as it exists.
He stated this was the first time share in the City so a lot of the conditions were really
more applicalle to a condo conversion, therefore, they just took the condtions and
proceeded. He explained that new plans have to be submitted and then they must go
through all plan check and brought up to the current code, so the new building has to
meet whatever Uniform Building Code (UBC) is and the Building Department is
responsible for that.
He stated in addition, those plans have been reviewed and approved by thz Building
Department and they are ready to pull building permits as soon as the other conditions
have been met and the fees have been pakf.
A TION: Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
BQUaS and MOTION CA'r'~RIED that the documents submitted demonstrate compliance
with Condition nos. 25, 26 and 27. No action was taken with regard to the Transient
Occupancy Tax (TOT).
~~ °-
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'r Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Peraza and
r MOTION CARRIED that the Planning Commission has reviewed the Density Bonus
~~~ ~ Ordinance and Poicy and, therefore, recommends approval to the City Council. The
i"'~ following changes were read Into the record by Eric Nicoll, Community Development:
1. To expand the description of applicant under the Density Bonus Policy to be more
InclusNe regarding subsequent owners/developers or even current
2. To expand a category of conveyance which would cause tine affordability note to
be due and payable on a for sale condominium type protect with the density bonus
to include hems such as a contract sale or a change in occupancy.
A I N: Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Masse and MOTION CARRIED that the Planning Commission has reviewed the attached
amendment to the Senior Citiaens Apartment Ordinance (Amending Section 18.94.040
and adding Section 18.94.025 to Chapter 18.94 of Tide 18 of the Anaheim Municipal
Code) and recommends approval to the City Council.
Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, stated tf•~at there will be a correction on the Senior
Citizen's Apartment project, just in the numbering.
Lao ~. ,~ ~ ~
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Commissioner Henninger stated he would like to delete the reference to one of the goals
referencing hiring professional architects. He added their goal was to have good design
regardless of who does iL
Commissioner Masse indicated he brought out another matter concerning the width of
the corridors.
Eric Nicdl ;;fated he has three changes to the Design Guklelines that will be
Incorporated Into a recommendation to the City Council as follows:
1. Change the minimum width of walkways between rivo walls without windows from 4
feet to a minimum of 8 feet. It was noted that they would check with the Planning
Department on this issue.
2. To remove'professlcral consultant' ftom the listing on page 3 under objectives.
3. To correct a typographical error on page 9 to end of parentheses.
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ACTION: Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
'' Peraza and MOTION CARRIED, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of
the Residential Dosign Guidelines for Affordable Housing to the City Council subject to
the above listed changes.
ACTION: Commissioner Henninger offered Resolution No. PC92-05 and moved for fts
passage and adoption that the Planning Commission adopt a nunc pro tunc resolution
to correct the legal description in Resolution No. PC90-59.
On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote:
~~ ~ `6. DI SION:
ADJOURNMENT: The Planning Commission adJoumed their regularly scheduled meeting of January
13, 1992, to a public hearing to be held January 21, 1992, regarding Cypress Canyon at 9:OOa.m. in
the City of Anaheim Council Chambers.
There boing no further business, the meeting was adJoumed at 5:25p.m.
Respectfully submitted
E .,
Prepared by:
ith L Harris,
Planning Commission Support Supervisor
for Janet L Jensen
Senior Secretary
.ti .
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