Minutes-PC 1992/10/05a{ ~ { ~ ~ ~ ltr _ ~ ~ - ::*~ ':,~~ ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1992, AT 11:00 A.M. ~.;na ; :_:~ •~:::~-<>_ PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW PUBLIC HEARING (PUBLIC TESTIMONY) ,~_~ `' 11:00 A.M. 1 :30 P.M. ~~~~. tr ~ r ,, ~;` t ~' e.,__ t~ COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA, ZEMEL COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: TAIT AND ONE VACANT SEAT STAFF PRESENT: BORREGO, FREEMAN, HASTINGS, JENSEN, LOCKMAN, MANN, SOLORIO, YALDA ~, AND REPRESENTATIVE FROM POLICE DEPARTMENT ' { PROCEDURE TO EXPEDITE PLANNING Cc~N~41SSiviv PUBLIC HI?Afiiivu 1. The proponents in applications which are not contested will have five minutes to present theiP evidence. Additional time will be granted upon request if, In the opinion of the Commission, such additional time will produce evidence important to the Commission's consideration. 2. In contested applications, the proponents and opponent will each be gNen ten minutes to present their case unless additional t(me is requested and the complexity of the matter warrants. The Commission's considerations are not determined by the length of time a participant speaks, but rather by what is said. 3. Staff Reports are part of the evidence deemed received by the Commission in each hearing. Copies are available to the public prior to the meeting. 4. The Commission will withheld questions untq the public hearing is closed. 5. The Commission reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing ff, in its opinion, the ends of fairness to all concerned will be served. 6. All documents presented o the Planning Commission for review (n connection with any hearing, induding photographs ar other acceptable visual representations or non-documerrtary evidence, shall be retained by the Commission for the public record and shall be available for pubec inspections. 7. At the end of the scheduled hearings, members of the public witl be allowed to speak on items of interest which are within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, and/or agenda items. Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of flue (5) minutes to speak. Anyone wishing to speak should fill out the fomts available in the rear of tho CouncN Chamber and submft them to staff prkx to the Heating. ACt00592.WP Page 1 i I r. ,~.c ti~ ~" `1 L~t l... ~ - :~,rr-,~:: - >, G+} - Y.r i 4.'~ - ~ ~~4 Continued t0 November 2,1992 ~• ~~NSmr~eNSFER REDDEST NO.92-02 .OWNER: t3ALDWIN COMPANY, ATTN: JEFF WARMOTH, 16811 Hale Avenue, Irvine, CA 92714 ~'". ~ ~ LOCATION: Davelooment Areas 104 105 202 203 204 205 206 and ~ r~x 207 of the s~~mmit of Anahetm_Hills SoecNtc Ptan SP88-21 ~x ;~ ,,~~-, Petitioner requests an amendment to Ordinance No. 4976 in order to amend '~~ Development Area 205 erxi 208 Zoning and Development Standards (Code Section -: Nos. 18.72070.040 anti to create one Development Area ,_ s: ~A,. ~' _ (Development Area 205) to penntt the development of a 270-un(t condominium complex. ~,~,' .r:. 't'o transfer a total of 163 untts ftom Development Areas 104, 105, 202, 203, 206 and ~.: i` 207 to Development Areas 204 and 205. ~:~ ;~,.,- Continued ftom the June 29, July 13, July 27, and August 10, 1992 Planning Commir,sion meetings. ACTION: Continued to the November 2, 1992 Planning Commission meeting in order that • petitioner may further address issues related to potential Impacts upon the existing Community Facilttles District. `. L- ~ti~:;a 10/5/92 Page 2 ~uy„~~ r .. r,5~ ,,~ o a 9 ; 7 `; "~~_n: R ~:7 t t~'~ } - }~~ ~~ u''~ ,~ ,~ `_` M, r ` ~CEOA"CATEGORICAL EXEMP71ON-CLASS 11 Continued to VARIANCE N '41 November 2,1992 ..~: ', ~ ~-~' ~ OWNER: REDONDO INVESTMENT COMPANY, Attn: C. Robert Langslet, ~_ General Partner, P.O. BOX 14478, Long Beach, CA 90803 ~: AGENT: H.S.W. ASSOCiA~'ES, Attn: Hany S. Weinroth, P.O. Box 1566, San :~:r Juan Capistrano, CA 92693 ~!, ~ ~= V'; LOCATION: 8330-6396 SANTA ANA CANYON ROAD. Property is approximately 6.6 acres located at the southwest comer of Santa Ana Canyon Road `x,`jy:,,^~;~" and Fairmont Boulevard. ~tt,~E `° Waiver of permitted type of shopping center kJentiflcations sign, maximum sign area and permitted location of freestanding signs to construct a 24square foot, u~~ ~::~ ' freestanding shopping center IdeMiftcation slgn. ,r,~~ tzs~ ~ ~ Coninued from the August 10,1992 Planning Commission mewing. Y~.; ~. ; VARIANCE RESOLUTION N0. ACTION: Continued to the November 2, 1992 Planning Commission meeting in order for the pethioner to further study potential sign plan revisions. • 10/5/92 Page 3 LOCATION: R vl on No 1 of Tentative Tract Map No. 12693. Property ;~ :', . is approximately 6.2 acres located on the north side of Sunset ~~ ` - Rkige~ Road and approximately 500 feet south of the ceMedine of ~:~.., .: Moonridge Lane.. To establish a 50-lot single-family detached residential subdhr(slon in The Highlands at Anaheim Hgis Specffic Plan (SP87-1) ».~ Continued ftom the September 9, 1992 Planning Commission meeting. ~r , ,~ t' FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE ~.l:, , CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. ' ° POSITION: None David Boyle, David A. Boyle Englneerfng, 2098 S. Grand, Santa Ana, CA, representing The Presley Company. iin stated there were no elevation changes; they are the same as the previous approval. • THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, stated that there were no grade changes beyond what was prevtcusly approved under the old tract map and that the structures they are proposing as part of the sfte plan approval do conform to the standards of the Specff(c Plan. ACTION: EIR N0.273 (Previously Certified) -Approved Revision No. 1 to Terrtative Tract Map No. 12693 -Approved and Flnal She Plan (Highlands of Anaheim Hllis Specific Plan {SP87-1) VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioner Taft absent and one vacant seat) ~' ~ ~ ~~n - x .... 10/5/92 Page 4 Y, ' { C 1t• ' J~ .* _ ~~ 7 r ,~+5, .~~~ qa,' i CEQA NEGATiiIE DECLARA'tFON APp~~ qb '` W R OF CODE REtiIIIREMENT App~~ ~Ac. CONDITIONAL USE PF~iMIT l10, 35.,52 Granted ~~ , OWNER: CHElh1 TSU LU/CHEIMh11N LU,13812 Gdderr~-est Street, #209, `f~~2~ Westminster, CA 92683 HS ~}~ ~ ~'~ ~~ ^•~ .. ~ AGENT: CLARK HILLS, 622 E Chapman Avs., Orange, CA 92666 ~F~ ~,~ I ; LOCATION: 2211 East Orarruewood Avg Property is approximately 3.82 acres - -:'+,~~~'> ~ Located on the north skis of Orangev~otxf Ave. and approximately 1300 feet east of the centerline of State Cdlege Bo~~l.~ard. ,,~,` ' To permk an Indoor/outdoor vdleybali dub wkh accessory uses: Including ~mi- endosed restaurant, nigMdub (wkh on-sale alcohd), billiards, fitness cer~l~r, ;tiro <~y'..`: • ; shop, and concession stand wkh waiver of permkted outdoor asea. '' ` ~~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC92-198 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. APPOSITION: None ` • Clark Hills, agent for V.B. qub, Inc., 626 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange, CA. He gave a brief presentation regarding their vdleyball dub. He explained they are trying to establish a vdleyball chub--the first one in the Unked States wkh added on heakh dub, sports bar, restaurant facilkies and a retaN center. It is being established by the U.S. Olympic vdleyball players and the pro wpeyball players as a new avenue to promote the sport of vdleyball. He added this is a prototype for the Unked States. They are asking to use the section behind the dub for outdoor vdleyball and that Is to promote the major tournaments for televisbn (ESPN sports channel) and that is why they need the outdoor section, i.e., to have the seating arrangements for the tournament crowds. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Greg Smkh, Stadium General Manager. He referenced the proposed service access and stated on the east side of the building, which would require an easement through the Stadium parking lot taking access to that service entrance, in his opinion would be impossible to grFrM as that p~perty Is leased through a Development Agreement that is currer>xly under litigation snd would deter the legal opinion to the Cky Attorney. Parking is an Issc.~s and they have spoken wkh the development representatives on the potential d using Stadium parking to help offset the need for parking on larger events for this athletic dub. 10/5/92 Page 5 +~ ~ ~ E~ ;~~e'r'}S'1'. :; Is feasible`and they woukJ entertain that opportunity, however. K shook! be noted that sited as to when they can offer their Stadium parking for additional parking for the ~..~~, , SpeCif ks~ily, under contract, they would not be able to lease any of the parking lot on Angel game '~"'~«. Rem game days. They would also be concerned about other events that they have at w,.:.. '(tt>e~$tadlum that would require full use of their parking lot where h would not be in their best Interest to'release any space for other uses. He stated they would take about 100 days off the 1 "~Mcal"ender where their parking lot would not be available to this athletic dub. ,~ ; „ ~ ~ RY. ;; Anaheim Pdice Department representative (name not mentbned for the record). He stated their !~ ~k ,_ `, „ commerns are outlined in the memo which is part of the staff report concerning the availability, ~ consumptlon and service of the alcohdk; beverages of the dub. He stated their concern is that, .~r,~_ . _` , that portion of the business is one that is contrdled and is limited to an area that fs contrdled by ' ' ~'~ `the boundaries of the business itself; that the consumptkxr and sale of alcohd does not Impact the neighborhood and that there be specific areas within the dub that these services be allowed s to`occur. ;~,: t,. , Mr. Hills stated they would work with the Stadium on the parking days and that they agreed to -the corrdftions as set forth by the Pdfce Department in their memo dated September 30, 1992. Commisloner Messe asked for dariflcatlon that on the 100 days mentioned by Mr. Smfth, that they will not have any tournaments on those days and Mr. Hills indicated that was correct. Access for restaurant delivery was discussed. Commissioner Peraza asked ff they had met with Parks and Recreation and Mr. Hills stated they have not but plan to because they plan to promote their dub teams through the recreation tournaments for the City of Anaheim. Commissbner Mess9 stated because they are in an industiral area they would not be permitted to hang banners or have balloons during tournaments and asked that the applicant to stipulate to that. Commissioner Zemel asked about justification for the outdoor use of the vdleyball courts. Mr. HAIs stated the outdoor courts are very Important to the operation of the facility; the maJorffy of their tournaments are on television and they do not have the facilities within the dub to facilitate the television properties. He stated also vdleybalt, from its inception, has been an outdoor sport. He explained Indoor courts are mainly! used for night time recreation tournaments for the City and for junior dub teams to practice and for the dympians to hdd their dinics. The outdoor courts are for maJor tournaments. Commissioner Bristd asked how many events they would hokJ per year and Mr. Hills explained i< woukf be difficult to say at this time, but probably as many as 50. Portlier discussion took place regarding the 100 days that the Stadium parking would not be avalable. • r) 10/5/92 Page 6 h .Wb 4 ti 4F i empFtasized that they have no problems wlth worldng their dates around the Stadium's ectteaue. ,. k': , ~'S:"~`~ Commisgbnet 2smel stated they must make a finding that there is some hardship irnolved to order to grant the outdoor use. x ,,. ~ h~ I i ~ Mr'~HNIs explained the buNding could not ever accommodate the spectators that would attend rr°~; ~~.~~ =these;toumaments because the courts are too dose together. 't ~t , Seima fNann, Deputy City Attorney, stated the hardship needs to be someth(ng that is based upon d~;,~~' a CfrBtaCtetistlC of the property rather than upon the economic impact of the proposed use; sorrietiring that has to do with possibly the location of the property, the grade, the shape of the lot or some d~aracterlstic of the lot itself. ~ ,., Commissioner Masse stated the geography of the appl~atbn is one that puts lt in juxtaposition to another recreational facility-very often the outdoor parking lot is used at that facillity and he would grant the wavrer based on that. .: F ~~, ~ ~ Mr, f3orre~ stated the City CouncN is authorized to waive the Special Evert permlt requirements Wand he asked if they wanted to predude that altogether through the approval of this application or ~ the City CouncN were agreeable to granting them a waiver of those requirements, would that - ` be alright as far as the Commissbn was concerned? Commissioner Masse stated he would leave that alone. Mr. Borrego suggested a minor modification to Condtion No. 2, page S of the staff report. He walled to eocpand the corxftion to indude the pro shop, fitness facility and concession stand. Those uses would also be expected to cease to exist ff in fact the vdleyball dub were ever terminated. In addition, he would like to add one corxition which would require the property owner to submlt a latter to the City requesting termination of CUP 2623. He referenced page 1 of the staff report and stated that CUP 2623 was to permit a 3-story professional office building on this property and on an adjacent property also. This was approved back in 1985 and would no longer be permissible under what Is being approved today. For housekeeping purposes they would like them to submlt a letter requesting termination of CUP 2623 and that would need to be done prbr to Issuance of a building permlt. ~rti~~ :'~ry+ Commisskx~er Masse asked if they were going to share this building with another tenant? Mr. HNls stated there Is a present tenant and they wNl take the rest of the bugding. Chairman Henninger suggested they add a condition replacing the service access or requiring an easement and perhaps that should bo approved by the Planning staff. He axated Condition No. 31n lts current language does not get exactly to the point. Instead of just coordinatlng wlth the Stadium staff, lt sounds like they nsed an annual agreement and that sttortld be to the satisfaction of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager. Commissioner Bristd asked about the shared parking, i.e., Was he cor~sklering other lots as well? 10/5/92 Page 7 tr t i ~~~N L L', t~ ~7~C' - Y~. xt,they have already approached some of the other facNiftes In the area and have greemertts with them for the times they cannot~use the Stadium parking lot. rloner Masse asked ff this facplty is parked adequately for non toumamenE days? . M~~ Yelda explained this is the first use Ilke this one in the nation, therefore, they do not have the ~;~~ experlerice. Overall, they felt cxuMortable with the parking, but he cannot precisely answer their F 'question because this is a combination of restaurant, bar, sports faciUty and health dub. 5 ~rt ~ ~' Mr. Hills stated this is the first one of its kind and they dkl have a traffic study done at the Traffic ~~ k DeparlmeM's request and they had more then enough parking for non event type situations. They 4~- ~"~ ~ .even have extra parking at the facGity when they do have events. ~t ,~ Mr. Yalda stated they dkl request addftlonal parking for events to be provided and also ft should be w@hin reasonable walking distance. ~t < ~ Commlasloner Masse asked ff they are looking for a reciprocal parking agreetneM between this ~~,~ .; .. ~`iapplicaM and h(s neighbors? Mr. Yalda stated not necessaruy reciprocal, but something that shows them whenever they have an event, i.e., some kind of contractural agreement. gCTION: CEOA Negative Declaration -Approved Waiver of Code Requirement -Approved Condftional Use Permit No. 3552 -Granted .~ Per revisions on page 8 of staff report. Condition No. 2: make the changes that would fndude the other uses such as the health dub, pro shop and ;,oncesalon stands, etc. Add condtlons imposed by the Anaheim Pdice Department that were attached to the staff report as fellows: 1. That there shall be no sales, service, or consumption of alcohdk: beverages fn the enclosed outdoor area between the hours of mkinight and 9:OOa.m. 2. That the outdoor area of the business shall be accessible through the Interior of the building only, except as required by the Fire Department. During special events, access to this area from the outside may be permitted, iF the entrance is supervised by an employee stationed at this entrance to assure that no alcohdic beverages are taken from this area. 3. That consumption of alcohdk: beverages in the outdoor area shall be restricted to spectators in the spectator viewing area. 4. That sales, service and consumptkxr of alcohdic beverages within the building shall be restricted to the bar, restaurant and spectator areas. 5. That signs shall be conspir~ously placed upon the premises informing all patrons of the above conditions. >:~ 10/5/92 Page 8 `! d~4•~w CarjL~~lr~' ,y f 1 '. l 'Y. 3L.~~ ~ ~ ~~( ~ , t ~r ~ Ttrat. ort Condittaon Na 3, it be changed to. read: 'That there tie an annual agreement between the parries as approved by the Cfty TrafNc and '' Trar~sportaUon Manager • ~~ ~~ ~ That they terminate CUP 2623 prior to Issuance of the buNding permit ~~,- ~ That plans be made to replace the access shown on the plans for tF.e resmu'ant and delivering to the restaurant (or obtain an easement from the City if possible). " That petitbner provide some assurance in the form of contractural parking agreements with some ofi the neighbors in order to take care of the overflow parking on an annual basis if there is a need for it `~"~~'~:' Add condflion that any freestanding sign be limited to a monument sign not to exceed 8 feet in height ~,. ;' yQ~: 5-0 (Commissioner Taft absent and one vacant seat fn , 1fi~ ~ ' I• 1. 10/5/92 Page 9 F'~~~~ _ . ti', A, ; i. `, i `!OWNER: SBD GROUP PROPERTIES, 901 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92703 AGENT: iGAZ igSHiMOTO, 211081 Mern C(rde, #122, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 ,, ~~° ~"~ ` LOCATION: ;1Q5 South Yitlareal Drive. Property is approximately 2.60 acres `~^ '~~~`~' ' ' ' located at the southwest comer of Nohl Ranch Road and Villa Real r f~~ ~', . ~T Orive. ~7R= ~' 3 ; ~ .~ To permit a Japanese Shiatasu/Massage center with waiver of minimum distance from a residential zone and school/institutional use. '~~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. PC92-119 't ~,: ~~ T. ,. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFlCIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None fCaz Kishimoto, 26081 Merit Cirde, Suite 122, Laguna Hills, CA. He is here representing the .~ owner, SBD Group properties. They are requesting to permit a Japanese Shiatasu/Massage Center at sn existing retail center at Villa Real and Nohl Ranch Road in Anaheim Hills. He explained that'the SPD Group owns the entire retail center and will also ovnr the Shiatasu Center. They brought in an NlustratNe entry and floor plan that gives a better feeling:.forthe quality level of we facnllty. Shiatasu Is a traditional and time honored Japanese ~ octfce of finger acuprASSUre and has been used for centuries for health maiMenacce by people of all ages. The operation will be qualified and reputable Shiatasu therapist during nomral business hours. It is a business catering specifically towanis the iamilly as a theraputic health related facility. The main obJedNe will be to provide healthy, relaxing and peaceful environment to elevate the future tenants as well as surround(ng communities. There is equal space allocateu for both men and women induding locker rooms, Shiatasu area and licensed male and S~emale therapists will t-e attired in a professional uniform. Regarding the distance requirements, they are surrounded by a hillskle that drops off to a 2-1 stops on 2 sides and is heavily shrubbed and fencod-to the right above them, they have a major arterial street, Vela Real and Nohl Ranch Road, which isolates them from the rest of the _ community. ;; t ~ ~'" 1Rt'~~R' ~.,:.,.. Approved Approved Granted for 2 years io/5/s2 Page 10 r4` J fA , 51 BUC HEARING-WAS CLOSED. ~ttative from the Pdir~ Department. Name not mentioned for the record. The Pdice tent has met with the owners, designers and attorneys for this project. The concern of Qepartment has been met and satisfied, i.e., that the represetrttatkxtsrnade here on the in be required during the Urtre that the business is operating. Ice Department has been satisfied with the percentages dedicated to men and women's portion of the business itself. If this is represented in the CUP, then the Pdice vent Is satisfied. ~.;- - ~~ Cho{rrnen Henninger asked far darffication as to what representations made them come to that ~< ~ ; conduston. The representative ftom the Pdice Department explained that the floor plan shows that the ' %~~' ` business has a section dedicated for women's spa and therapy as well men's therapy, spa, Y~ `lounge, pods, etc. It is very dose to 50/50 percent dedication to both men aril women and that ' tt' suggests that the business is Intending on servicing the community, not specffica!ly men or r ~~ . ''s7 sp~ficallywomen. ^y~. f Chaimten Henninger asked ff there were private rooms where the massage takes place? Pdk:e Department representative. Hs explained that is another area that is d concern to the Pdk:e Department. In the therapy areas, the tables are divided by men and women and each sedbn dedicated to men and women are not individual rooms, Le., they are open and ff there is privacy it is only to the extent that the men are separated from the women. • Chairman Henninger asked for dariflcation ff when they ask that they stick to these floor plans, one of the strong concerns is that these areas not be subdivkied into smolt rooms? The Pdice Department representative Indicated that was correct. Commissbner Messe stated then ff they ask for any deviation ftom the floor plans that have been provided then it would have to come back before the Commission? The Pdice Department representtive stated that would be his recommendation. Commissioner Zemel asked ff there was a time limit on this CUP? Commissioner Messe asked u there normal business hours would be from 10:OOa.m. to 9:OOp.m. and ff so, would the applicant stipulate to that? Mr. iashomoto stated 10:OOa.m. to 9:OOp.m. 7 days a week. ~;~;s Commissioner Zemel stated that his business seemed to be extremely professional and positive, however, good businesses suffer ftom the reputations of bad businesses sa'netimes and he was oomcemed about future ownership and thought there should be a time Ilmft on the CUP with a rerxawal ff there are na problems. Chairman Henninger stated he felt that was appropriate. 10/5/92 Page 11 y rc ~ ! ~' v rti . ~ - 33 -.. ~-~ Henninger asked who these therapists were licensed by? oto .eocplained they are indlviduaily arrredited through tho government of Japan and pone through an accrediatlon process here in Califomla. It wpl be reviewed by the artment and go through their process, however, the actual accreditation is through the it of Japan. ,Henninger asked if the therapists are going to be employees or Independent ~" z~ €~ V ~ . Mr. itlahlmoto stated they wpl be employes. f~ f~ ~'~ ~, : Chairmen Henniger stated then the word 'licensed" is inappropriate-ft should be "accradlated' Mr. Igshimoto indk~ted that was correct. ,~1 : , .Commissioner Zemel asked that he stipulate that they are "employees.' He suggested 2 years. w"~ ~. ' ;..;,ti _..:'`' ~~,QK: CEQA Negatlve Declaration -Approved ~ "- ~ Waiver of Code Requirement -Approved Conditional Use Permit No. 3549 -Granted for 2 years ' wkh posibility of future extensions of time; floor plans to be exactly as they are, and iF there Is any deviation from those plans they ~: must come back before the Planning Commission; that the i ; therapists will be employees and not independent contractors; and that the • applicant stipulate to hours from 10:OOa.m. to 9:OOp.m., 7 days a week. VOYE: 5.0 (Commisfoner Taft absent and one vacant seat) 1. ~. 10/5/92 Page 12 ~ }~ i.' r:"~ r 'z i '`°Eb ga.~~gQDENDUM N0.2 TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0.2i9 Approved ,66:A SANER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Approved 8c?-' CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.3550 Granted in part OWNER: SAVI RANCH ASSOCIATES, 450 Newport Center Drive, X304, Newport H ~ '," ; Beach, CA 92660 ~ ~ ~' -AGENT: GREGORY SIMINOFF ARCHRECTS, 20101 S.W. Birch Street, X210, x ~ Sa-rta Ana Heights, CA 92707 ~t~ . ~.,~ LOCATION: 1001 North Pullman Street. Property fs approximately 18.69 acres ~ ~~ Iccated south and west ~ the southwest comer of Old Canal Road and Weir Canyon Road. a~! ~,h To permit a 6-unit, 174,755-square foot commercial retail center (with building heights N~~~t`r ; In excess of 35 feet) induding two drNe-through restaurants, one fteestanding ,~S ~,:, ; restaurant with the on-premise sale and consumption of alcohdic beverages, an ,~ i~ automotf~re repair center and outdoor garden center wfth waiver of minimum number ~'~ of parking spaces, required she screening, minimum landscape setback and permitted roof mounted equipment. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC92-120 FOLLOVl9NG IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None Greg Siminoff, architect for the project, 20101 Southwest Birch Street, Suite 210, Santa Ana Heights, CA. He stated he is working with K-Mart on this project which is a shopping center at the SAVI Ranch area anchored by an approximately 117,000 square-foot K-Mart store with 2 major bu9dings and 3 pad buildings located on the far end of the parking lot; they have reviewed the staff report and the Mffigation Measures on this project and they are in substantial agreement. Tltoy do have a few questions that they would like to darffy. He referenced page 2 of the Mftigation Measures at the top of the page; he darffied that where R says '(approximately $400,000 in 1992 ddlars), that it is exactly $400,000 in 1992 ddlars. Mr. Yalda explained the reason they saki 1992 ddlars fs because when they come back fn tho year 2011 to build the rest of it, they could adjust h according to the inflation. He referenced page 10, item no. 2 of the staff report, and read off the second to last sentence regarding the maintenance and Ilabflity of the trail. He stated K-Mart does have a problem with accepting that Ilabpity ff ft is determined that the trail does cross the K-Mart sfte which is yet to be determined. He stated they are currently working wfth staff on elevations for the project; they are pretty dose to hav(ng some resdutions and they have been working wfth Hfllman Properties and other • 10/5/92 Page 13 x~~,,~ ~iiers In the area so that the center will come together as a unified center. K-Mart k idaRed about moving Into this area as ft is a very important site far them. HEARIfVFi WAS CLOSED. mean, Publk Works-Engineering, stated staff has some recommended changes to the leasures: the first one Is under Transportation. the 3rd Mitigation Measure. Add: to Issuance of building permits, a traflk signal plan shall be submitted to the s Section and bonds posted' The rest of the Mitigation Measure wUl remain. ~ ~ " The first Mitigatkn Measure under Air Qualky: 'b' (page 4j should be deleted . ~Z ~~~, ^ ~ Page 8 under~.Qg)(: The first Mitigation Measure-delete the wont "final'; it should read'Prior r ; fo grading plan approval' in both places. The Mitigation Measure should read: `The protect applicant shall submit a grading plan to be reviewed at each development phase.' The second Mftlgation Measure under Fl~,gyy should be deleted as it Is a duplicate of another '..Mitigation Measure. 'Chairman Henninger asked about the waiver of the roof-mounted equipment; the staff report i~lkates that the roofs of these buildings wUl be visible ftom the freeway because of the elevation dMference. He asked the architect what sort of archUectural treatment they are considering for the roof-mounted equipment? Mr. Siminoff stated they are planning on handling the roof-mounted equipment similar to the Festival Center, i.e., where they wUI maintain a uniform odor of roofing material and the equipment ,' ~ wUl be painted to match that and the equipment will also be screened by parapet walls. Chairman Henninger asked the applkant to compare this location to the location of the Festival Center In lama of its visibility to the fteeway? Mr. Siminoff stated the Festival Center is located on the otherskfe of the 91-Freeway-ft Is located above the freeway where they are below the fteeway; the Festival Center has more viewing of its rooftop equipment from a residential area versus where they are looking at landscaping and potententially landscaping into the Caltrans easement to maini<In screening between them and the freeway. They faei the screening provkled by landscaping behind their center and the elevation change between the freeway and the finished grade of their shopping center she wUl ?wally help to conceal those unUs. Chairman Henninger stated than for darification, except for the landscape screening, they will be easily visiL~e from the freeway and that the main way of hkling this roof-mounted equipment will be through painting it? Mr. Siminoff stated the freeway Is actually quite high above the K-Mart buUding; the rooftop is actually at a lower level then the freeway and with the parapet walls a person in a car is not going to look onto the roof necessarUy. Commissioner Bristd asked about the elevation ftom La Palma, f.e., are they higher or lower then the proposed site? >`.~ 10/5/92 Page 14 ~. `•'~ teh ~ { -., Mr. Ekxrego explained they wouk! have a concern; they could require that they submk sections ~; cominp;in f^.tm, a!I angles as far as the roof-mounted equipment Is concerned and not just from the;".freeway view, but front La Palma Avenue as well. n Henninger referenced the Flour-0aniet building and asked ff there was something they could do with this equipment other than just paint ff, i.e., can they endow it somehou/? f~'v`4• Mr Simirtoff stated they t~tdd look at options, but that K is very dffticttlt to do anything extensive ' ~f t.because the nature of how the building works and how this equipment has to lay out onthe roof- ~~. '~ It is'not located 11ke it is at Flour-0aniel where ft can be concentrated in individual areas; ft works ;~~ ~ more effidently and economically when it is spread out over the roof covering the areas that R ~~ ~„ ~ 1 fs. servicing. He stated they are currently working with staff on this and there is a condition that ~~~°' they do that. ,~~r, F,~` Commissioner Masse asked ff it was K-iVlart's intention to malntatn this as a single parcel? ,~. ` ,; Mr. Stminoff stated he was not sure; K would be K-Mart's Intention to develop the K-Mart building, a-,d whether that goes as a separate parcel or not, is not his determination. ~~ Commissioner Masse stated that would be a separate action that would come before them anyway Chairman Henninger recognized the presence of the representative ftom the Parks and Recreation Department. Dktlc Mayer, Park Planner, for the Parks and Recreation Department. He stated the trap is a standard condition that is put onto large developments such as reskJential developments or ®commercial developments such a3 this. He explained the reason they put the condition on is because they have the wherewithall to do the operation and maintenance of the trail, I.e., they feel that the liability Is theirs also, however, K does not restrict the City of Anaheim from the potential for assuming some liability also, but the main liability would be that of the developer. He added ff Is consistent with the pdicies they have developed in conjunction with this type of trap improvement. Commissioner Peraza asked ff Transportation had any corrections? Allred Yalda, Traffic Engineering Department, stated the latest should be in ftont of the Commission-the updated Addendum No. 2. He stated there was some calculation that was d>anged as far as Level of Service is concerned for a few intersections. Mr. Mayer stated they have klentffled two different aftemative alignments on the K-Mart property forthe traps alignment-in discussing that with Redevelopment and the archRectural representative from K-Mart they were not sure ff it was going to be feasible to do that; they knew they wanted to run a trap within the SAVI property, whether it was in the K-Mart one or ff K was the adjacent one ff ft was across the street. They were not sure so they wanted to kientffy the various dffferent things, i.e., take a look at their drawings, look at the project wph them and determine whether or net K was feasible. If K was not feasible then they would locate n someplace else wfthin this development. Chairman Henninger asked where this trail comes ftom and goes to7 • a '.:.. ~;t~~a 10/5/92 Page 15 ~~ 2..e.{f -~:t ,.-: explained n comes Gown from weir Canyon and.Sarrta Ana Canyon Road under the ~ouoxf :the Edison Substation area and then eventually ties to the river. The river tray is ~ sides.. He further explained R wpl cross the river in a wet crossing, but the actual inn;. Deputy CRy Attorney, asked H she could suggest a slight modiBc;ation to the Ihat indk~tes that ff R is not feasible, to the opinion of the Parks and Recreatbn Director, ~ndRion shall not apply. '~ Cl airtrten Henninger asked for the Commission's comments on the above suggestion by k! p:... ~' Ms: Mann. f~~~ ;~~;,; . , Conunlssbner Zemel asked for dariflcation about the realignment. F~~~ "~'~. , ~; ' Conunissloner Messe stated ff this trail fs realigned then this requirement will not be on K-Mart !f - . ft is aligned somewhere to the east. f~~^ r z Mr .Mayer stated they are leaning towards the other side of the street, but that depends upon "~` cerfaln things that they have to work out with Redevelopment so he did not want to prelude any optkxrs and when they met with the representatives ftom K-Mart they had no problems with that. Corixnlesloner Zemel stated for safety sake R needs to stay. Commissioner Masse agreed and stated this is something that they Impose on all developers be t resideMisl or commercial. AC71ON: Addendum No. 2 to EIR No. 289 -Approved Ms. Mann asked for a slight darfficatlon on the amrironmental, I.e., she is assuming that they are making the flrxiings that are suggested in the staff report, paragraph 14 on page 5. Karen Freeman, Planning Department, stated the environmental flndings are also on page 8, Rem no. 25 of the staff report. Planning Commissk~n may wish to note that even with the revisions that have been entered Into the record orally regarding the environmental documentation, these revisions represent only minor technical changes, therefore, finding no. 2 on page 8 !s stAl appropraRe. ACTION CONTINUED: Waiver of Code Requirement -Approved (With the understanding that roof-mounted equipment will come back to the Commission regarding the elevations). Condtional Use PermR No. 3550 -Granted in Part Changes recommended by staff in terms of the condRlons, i.e., CondRlon No. 2 that they are adding to the feasible in the opinion of the Parks and Recreation Department; and DENIAL of request for on-premise sale and consumption of alcohdk: beverages. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioner Taft absent and one vacant seat) 10/5/92 Page 16 ;~ ~ ~ : . ~t~~~ .,._... , • i 2 N , { p ~ .,,. ~. 1 . 1 rr ~ {'e ~ a ;'-; r( ~x ., Sr ,. ~?`~Fns:N~ aern-E DECLARATION ~°~Pp~+~ ""~ !b.~ ~nNnm eNet, USE PERMIT N0.3551 Granted ;~;;: OWNER: ANAHEIM HILLS FESTIVAL, 125 Chaparral Court, Ste. 202, Anaheim, CA 92808 AGENT: DZSC, dba Discovery Zone, 2250 Sherwood Road, San Marino, CA 91108 ~~h..~ LOCATION: 8tl28 East Santa Ana Canyon Road. Property (s approximately 85 f. , ~:.. acres located at the southwest comer of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Roosevelt Road. - To pennft a chgdren's recreational and fitness facility. ~.'' , CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC92-121 ~` ~ .~-, FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None Ann Ludlow (name not spelled for the record), 2250 Sherwood Road, San Marino, CA, representing DZSC dba Discovery Zone. They propose to open an iixfoor chGdren's playland. • The emphasis is cn fitness for children in a play environment and is for children 12 and under. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. ACTION: CEOA Negative Dedaration -Approved Corrdftlonal Use Permft No. 3551 -Granted Yom; 5-0 (Commissioner Taft absent aril one vacant seat) 10/5/92 Page 17 ~ ~ i 4,~~ ,. F _ ..., ,`' Continued to is NE~sTIVE DECLARATION October 19,1992 •r,wee~a~ernsr'nrn a~.e~12 OWNER: BRYAN INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES, 143 E. Orangethorpe Ave.,Anahelm, CA 92801; Edward L And Maris Vanagd,1510 N. State Cdlege, Anaheim, CA 92801 AGENT: GARNER CHOW ASSOCIATES, ARCHRECT, Attn: Jerry N. Gamer, 500 Sher Spur Rd., Ste. X111, Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274 ^(,';-; LOCATION: +~-142 North State College Boulevard. Property fs approximately 2.62 acres located at the northeast comer of Via Burton Street and .: State Colege Boulev?rd. i' To redassffy subject property ftom the h4L to CL Zone. To permit the cornersion of an existing 44,334 square foot industrial complex to a 9- urlt commercial retail center with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces. RECLASSIFICATION RESOLUTION NO. - ® FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. QpPOSITION: None Jerry Gamer, 500 Silver Spur, Suite 111, Palso Verdes, CA. He stated the appiicaM simply wishes to change the property at 1500, 1510-1540 ftom ML to CL They have looked at the staff report and agree with most even/thing in iL He stated during the staff meeting last week, they were asked by the applicant at 1500 N. State Cdlege to keep the existing trash endosure tha: they have. Tliey had proposed to move that trash enclosure in order to capture an additional parking space and give that she 60 spaces; the applicant indicates that his existing trash enclosure fs adequatd and is In good condition; and where It is currently located, it works best for his business uses. Joel McCray ftom the Sanftatlon Department irnestigated h and they agreed that it is alright the way h is. He did not have a written letter to that effect, however, he did have a telephone conversation and he believed staff can back that claim up. He added he brought it up because it would simply change the minimum number of parking that they are proposing 120 to 119. t~alrman Henninger stated that the existing conditlon accommodates their concern, i.e., it says that they are going to refurbish 4he trash storage area to the satisfaction of the Maintenance Division. ~ THE PUdUC HEARING WAS CLOSED. e• 10/5/92 Page 18 z .'# w .: ~..... ~' 1 :~ f rtt ~ tai f ~V,s kda, Ttatffc t.ngineering, stated the only ~m they have is ff the use changes, for ;7 roip furniture and. carpet to a higher generated traffic, they wii rwt have eraugh parking. ets they have redprocal parking for all of the sites; 2) the use of this be Ilmfted to only if use that Is existing now and ff there are any changes they shoukd come bads to the a view Conditlonal Use Permit and possibly a new parldng study. beer Masse asked to hear from the applicant because he has some of the same 3 ~~',:. . ~'.?~ lair. Gamer stated in dlscussbns ~' ith the staff and the owners, the owners have agreed that they "" * °` ~w1A limff the use of the to reta~ r uirements at 5.5 1,000 and that ff at an ime there ~ .;: - Pr~rtY ~1 f~ yt ~~' `- ~ Is an'applksation for a tenant to go Into that space that required higher Intensity parking, then h `~ ~>; would be up to the Commission to grant that. He stated it is defined fairly well on page 7 of the ~,v~ staff report at the very top of the page, l.e., item (d) that they are limited to 5.5 per 1,000 on the x:41 patfdnQ. " ,..}' ~~'' , ` fbmmissloner Masse asked ff he was willing to do a reciprocal parking arrangement among the - f~dings? ^~tf,, ,r,,; ; A~ Gamer explained that the buildings have existed in the present conditbn for 10-12 years and they have had reciprocal parking for all of that time. The property owner at 1540 is much ''` opposed to douding his title with a reciprocal parking agreement. He is not receptNe to that Idea. Cornmissbner Masse stated they are asking for a parking waiver of well over 60%; there would be a shortage of parking ff they Increased the parking usage that they have today. There could t be a problem. Mc Gamer stated they dkl submit a parking study that showed that the center is entirely full except for one space right now and that the parking required at anytime during the 7 days is extremely low-there are a lot of empty spaces. Commissioner Masse stated that is with today's tenants arrd with space that is not being used. Fie stated he was talking about the future and the petitioner is looking for the success of this development. AAr. Gamer stated that the amount of space that is not leased out is approximately 10-20% at the very most and there is adequate parking. Chairman. Henniger asked why they need a zone change when most of the property is successfully leased out? Mr. Gamer explained this applicant has substantial property holdings in that general area and they went through a zone d~ange at Lemon and Orangethorpe about 2 years ago. One of the reasons that he felt h was needed was at that time, in order to get a tenant to move Into his space, since ~ is an Industrial zone, he has to obtain a Condftfonal use Permit for each tenant and that is ' ambersome and he has had a hard time attracting blue chip tenants. He has been using his property for retell for over a decade and therefore, should have h zoned for retail in keeping with is use and that is what the General Plan calls for at that site. ` • 10/5/92 Page 19 tiiy~ ai '.r t ~l~ _ _ _ 4 _~,y J h ~~ rye ~ L~ '~Z'~t f men Henninger stated this condition regarding the type of retail use, how they would pd~e ~;~; „~~~ .. Borrego, Senkx Planner, stated that could be added as a condition to the Conditional „_,- . ;etmff, but typically the way it would be pdided would be when someone brings a business .K. se tothe, Zoning Division, which they are required to do before opening up any business in Vii; they always check the location and then they would research to see ff there were any tionsto the types of uses that could be located out there. nissioner Masse voiced his concerns regarding the owner not wanting to doud his title witit I~procal access and parking agreement-they are asking for a waiver of almost (i0% for h~~s"~'"' ~ .. ~~~ Mr. Gamer explained that the most serious vitiation Of the parking occurs at 1510 N. State :' Cdlege Blvd. and that the dimensions of that building are very, very deep which do not lend themselves to a lot of the retaq that would be of a higher use. He added you do have control ~l S~, from the owner's point of view over future use of the building and Its relationship to the parking. 7~'. .` Chairman Henninger stated anyone coming in for a Commercial use might get signed aff. Staff ~,k ' ' may not catch that there is a limitation here. He saki he may be more comfortable providing some sort of list of uses with this CUP and not changing the zone. He explained the problem Is tFiere (s an industrial (wilding on that site and it has been used well with these Commercial uses tM do not generate much parking. He added to have a nom~a! Commercial use wfth that little parking would not work at all. Mr. Gamer agreed and stated most Commercial tenants, ff they were envious of that sfte, would require, that the buiding be modified to better tit their uses and then that would trigger consideration for different parking. He added there are very few Commercial tenants that could use that building with those types of dimensions--ft is too small for larger users and too big for most more Intense uses. Commissioner Masse asked ff they would like a continuance to go back and speak wfth the owner about the reciprocal parking agreement? Mr. Garner indicated he would 11ke to go back and talk to the owner. He added they baskk~llly agree with everything else and that is the only Issue that fs outstanding. Commissioner Masse stated he remembers going through the Genral Plan change on this. He stated they are all In agreement with this, but K worries him that he does not have any kind of hard parking arrangement that would alleviate a future parking problem. gQjjQ~: Commissioner Zemel offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Masse (Commissioner Taft absent and one vacant seat) aril MOTION CARR~~D that consideration of the aforementbned matter be continued to the regularly-scheduled meeting of October 19, 1992 in orcler for the applk;ant to speak with the owner regarding a reciprocal access and parking agreement. • ~~ ~ ~. 10/5/92 Page 20 ~~~ _ ;r Jz ~ _ ~N i; ~ ~] .j~~NF ~. .C,r. - ~yb~ „ 9a~;°~CEOA`.NEGATIVE DECLARATION Continued to x9b~s~WAIVER~OF CODE REQUIREMENT October 19, 1992 9c.: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3547 ~~ OWNER: DAME AMAU REFUGIO AND ALICIA RUBALCAB Attn: D ni ~~~ ~ ~ A, a el -~; ~ Rubalcaba, 510 N. East Street Anaheim, CA 92805 ~ ! AGENT: JAMES RAMO, 1004 S. Hat`'~;way, Unit'P', Santa Ana, CA 92705 ?~,., ti v; ~~ ; ~, a ,? LOCATION: 500-530 N. East Street. Property is approximately 1.16 acres located at t r ; the northeast comer of Sycamore Street and East Street. i ~~ ~G,:.;^ ';; To permft the addition of a 780-square foot storage area to an existing commercial * ~ center with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces and maximum structural ~_~~. height within 150 feet of a single-family reskient(al zone boundary. ~-~~r ` CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. - FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE - CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. Thore were 3 persons indicating their presence fn opposition to subject request and although the staff report was not read, it is referred to and made a part of the minutes. '' ~ Jim Ramp, 1004 S. Hathaway, Suite P, Santa Ana, CA. He stated he is presenting the owner of the property located at 500-530 N. East Street and he is trying to obtain Planning Commission approval for a Condftlonal Use Permit to enclose the 2 existing buildings on his she for storage for the tenants. Additionally, they would like to add parapet to the existing buildings in the back where they are adJacent to the residential community right behind him and to the sloe of him whkh would screen off all of the mechanical equipment on the roof and upgrade the center. They would also like to add a walk-in freezer to the back of Binding A which would be approximately 15' X 9' and would self Contained. He stated in the staff report it says that the roof equipment for the freezer would be on top of the roof, but enevitably K would be in between the ceiling of the freezer and roof structure. qem Heinz, 1235 E. Sycamore, Anaheim, Ca. He stated he lives in the third house east of this complex. He stated many of his neighbors have lived there for 40 years plus and they have seen a steady downgrading of this property. He stated he understands this while complex is managed by one concern. In 1982 they had a stipulation of the parking lot and the drNew .. ~ to be changed so they could have bear and wine sale at the comer restaurant. He stated Horning was done about the sate of the beer and wine. As far as housekeeping goes, they have been very poor neighbors. Along the Sycamore side, there is a hedge alor;g the camrenfence store and it (s always full o'tresh and garbage. tf ~: . ~ . ~ ~~~~~ >M1 S. ^. 4t'rI` R iJn theyQlenwood side they have a junker stored between the fence and the building whk:h can be:seen`aver the fence; there has Never been any pairding or upgrading done in that regard. They~are asMng for a 25% reduction in parking, however, k is very crovxled now. They are using : the` space that will be used for the proposed building. ~w F S'f: George Calms, 602 N. Elmwood, Anaheim, CA. He stated he lives on •he comer of Elmwood and Glenwood which is the northeast comer behind this complex (across the street). He agrees with w~~ p ~; a Mr Heinz: They have tnwble wfth traffic and dirt and he is opposrJ to any addition to this project under those conditkx~s. 5l ~~'. Dale Heyne, 1240 Glenwood, Anaheim, CA. He does not want them to open another gate onto .,,~,,. `'„ "~''~~~ Glerryvood which they fought 30 years ago. They want to keep the wall in one place. a~ , ~n `:- REBUTTAL: ~ Mr. Remo stated he agrees that the center has not been kept up as far as the malsdenance for the trash pickup; he notka?d h and the owner is aware of ft. When they do coM.i;nue construction ~~ , of the' parapets in the back and on the side on Glenwood, he i~as agreed to desn up that side ~" of file building and the walls will not be opened up. He empasiaed that the existing wall that runs , ` ` along Glenwood will not be opened up for access. ` "~' '' He stated they have agreed, per the staff report, to close off 2 exLM!ny entrarrws to that she and put in additional parking to make up for what they are missing as required by the Zoning Department. He added ff they could get by with that by changing the parking layout and dosing off the 2 entrances, they could probably alleviate some of the traffic problems. ® THE PUBLIC HEARING W S CLOSED . A Chairman Henninger asked ff Code Enforcement had a chance to inspect the she? Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, stated from what he understands, they did not have a chance to go out to the sfte, however, they did indicate in the past there luive been some Code Enforcement concerns oii the property in regards to property maintenance. Chaim~an Henninger asked ff anyone though it would be appropriate to continue this for 2 weeks and get a Code Enforcement report? Commissioner Zemel stated he thought It was important that they address the Issues regarding trash, etc. Commissioner Masse asked about the parking study which was done by the applicant, i.e., h does not Indude the days of Saturday and Sunday which are the busiest days of the shopping center. He asked ff they were satisfied with this type of parking study and ff so could the applicant do one for Saturday and Sunday? Mr. Yalda, Traffic Engineering, stated that was fine with him-it was b;~wght r.o his attention that there was a lot of traffic on Saturday and Sunday which is very unusual, so a traffic count for that day would be appropriate. • 10/5/92 Page 22 .::~- '~;; ~~,... ~ , a+.~i'w~~ 4dS . jG.k. ' L n ~~ a` ~ ,•~ ~ '~ ; S , . ier~ e u'``~: i~^? `•' _ . ~z '. Conwniselo ier. Bristd also egfeed. There was a car there and the storage in the badr, there also `t~~fDe a lot of barrels and trash way beyond the height of the fence on both buNdirrgs. ~~>., ~~ .: - Issbrrer.Messe stated when th.9 applk~rit comes bads in 2 weeks, they world Iike some sssi ~ni~;that the oMmer wAI not only dean k up this one time, but to indude the periphery and tftn ~"p6uldng lot and everything else to maintain the deaNiness thereafter He asked for some type ~afirianagment plan. F . • ay ~,Mr Yelda stated the tra!flc study could be done this coming weekend and the Traffic Department y~, ~ •` -'cold respond to them within one day. ~r Mr Borrepo explained for dariflcation that within the CL (Commercial) Zone there is no provision =~~ x'> Lo allow arty outdoor storage so there should not be any storage around the exterior of the <`` , : pupdings or ever. out behird the buildings and hopefully wfth the addftlon of the storage area they are proposing, they will be able to move some of first sKOrage within the portion of the retail _<,~ ...canter as opposed to out back. `'~ . ggjQ~(: Commissioner Peraza offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bristd '' (Commissioner Tait absent and one vacant srat) and MOTION CARRIED that consideration of the aforementlorted matter be continued to the regularly-scheduled meeting of October 'f9, 1992 in order for the applicant to submft a revised parking study to indude Saturday and Sunday. YQTE: 5-0 (Commissioner Taft absent and one vacant seat) '• 10/5/92 Page 23 S} ... rf'1.,. ~~~.. .. r,_ ; ? w ~ i ~ r~. ~y~ ,; A..y,' C3ONDITION.es USE PERMIT NO ~S9 - REQUEST FOR PLANNING ~`; " COMMISSION REVIEW OF REVISED LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR ' .QF~aruiNOTrr~N OF SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE: Janet-Suharnoko requests review of revised landscape plans for determination of substantial conforrnance pertaining to Conditlonal Use Permit No. 3489. Property is located at 1556 West Katella Avenue. '_'~'' ''` - Continued from the September 21, 1992 Planning Commissbn meeting. s~; y','.., 9 ~. ~~ ' ' Dan HamxM, with the firm of Jarret-Suhamoko, 5514 Wilshire Bivd., 9th Floor, ,. Los Angeles, CA 90036. Y~~" ~ Chairman Henninger asked if the neighbors were noticed? M~,a,~ "'°~~ , , " , Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, stated they have and the Commission should have their correspondence. >nt~ "`';: Mr. Harmon stated they are basically in agreement with the staff report. He referenced hem no. 10 regarding the revised landscape plan. On the landscape plan they have shown 4 large trees-one 60' box tree and three 48" box trees. Under 'Recommendations" item no. 'c' regarding removal of subject trees; he spoke with Mr. Borrego and they do have a series of reasons for removing the trees which is outlined in a letter dated September 22, 1992. The Planning Commission acknowledged receipt of the letter. On behalf of the owner they are requesting to remove them; they are looking into trying to preserve the trees, however, because of soil conditions, and the necessary foundation of the building, they need to remove them. The owner has also requested, if possible, that they do not have to come back for an addftional hearing on this. Commisskmer Messe asked how large the trees are in the back that they are going to replace? Mr. Harmon stated 24' box trees along the west and south property lines-they are the Califomla Pepper trees. (Action continued can next ~:..da) i. Approved 10/5/92 Page 24 i .' c' ~ ~M T ~4 A`u:, ...... (y Commisskx~er Messe dfered a motkx~, seconded by Commissioner Peraza Com`misslorier Tait abserrt and one vacant seat) and MOTION CARRIED, that the ~~~y,.~,. ~.: . ~,Artahelm City Planning Commission does hereby approve subject request based upon the ~followirip. ~~ , . (a) The proposed use and building layout remains in coMomrance with the Anaheim Geroral Plan, zoning oniinanc;es and previously approved plans. ~~` '. (b) The revised landscape plans are in substantial conformance with the Planning ~' ~;~ Commission and City Council's approval for dense landscaping at the perimeter a=,.;. , of the subject property to provide a buffer between the subject project and the ~, • - ~, surrounding land uses. The revised landscaping plan increases the number of <. trees located at the perimeter of the subject property ftom 32 to 47. B, cnNnmeruet_ usE pERMlT NO 3262 - REOUEST FOR REVIEW AND Approved d~ ;r APPROVAL OF PHASING PLAN: Bob Michelson requests review and approval of Nu~''s" ; phasing plan to permit a COmmerdal retail center and scar-wash facility. Property is ~~ `' located at the northwest comer of Monte Vista Road and Weir Canyon Road. Continued from the September 21, 1992 Planning Commission meeting. C. VARIANCE NO 3189 -REQUEST FOR RETROACTIVE EXTENSION OF Approved TiME TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL• Frank Santiago (To expire 9/24/93) requests eons-year retroactive extension of time to comply with condftions of approval for Variance No. 3189 (waiver of required lot ftontage, minimum lot area, minimum lot width and minimum skis yard setback) to expire on September 24, 1993. Property is located at 900 N. West Street. D. COND117ONAL USE PERMIT N0.3449 - REOUEST FOR EXTENSION OF Approved (CUP to TIME TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Calvin C. l1n (Stadium expire 10/'d/93; Park West) requests a ons-year extension of time to comply with condftfons of Condition No. 11 to approval for Conditional Use Pemtit No. 3449 (to permit a203-unit single room expire 1/7/93) oxupancy (SRO) reskiential hotel) to expire on October 7, 1993. Property is located at 1360 S. Anaheim Boulevard. E. nONDITiONAL USE PERMIT N0.3123 -REVIEW FOR A SUBSTANTIAL Approved cnNt=nRM4NCE DETERMINATION WITH PREVIOUSLY APPROVED EXFIIBITS: Edward Snow requests review for a sututantfal conformance determination with previously approved exhibits for Conditional Use Permft No. 3123. Property is located at 500 S. Eudkf Street, Suftes C&D. It was noted that there will be no Planning Commission Work Session on October 12, 1992. The Planning Commission adJoumed at 3:10p.m. to the October 19, 1992 morning session at 11:OOa.m. '`' • 10/5/92 Page 25 a, e~z ~, U.,. . .