Minutes-PC 1993/02/22
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1993, AT 9:00 A.M.
11:00 A.M. 1:30 P.M.
STAFF PRESENT: Jonathan Borrego, Selma Mann, Greg Hastings, Alfred Yalda, Melanie Adams,
Greg McCafferty, Bruce Freeman, Jan Jensen, Margarita Solorio
1. The proponents in applications which are not contested will have flue minutes to present their
evidence. Additional time will be granted upon request if, in the opinion of the Commission, such
additional time will produce evidence Important to the Commission's consideration.
2. In contested applications, the proponents and opponent will each be given ten minutes to present
their case unless additional time is requested and the complexity of the matter warrants. The
Commission's considerations are not determined by the length of time a participant speaks, but
rather by what is said.
3. Staff Reports are part of the evidence deemed received by the Commission in each headng.
Copies are available to the public prior to the meeting.
4. The Commission will wRhhold questions until the public hearing is closed.
5. The :,ommisslon reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing if, In its opinion, the ends of
fairness to ail concerned will be served.
6. All documents presented to the Planning Commission for review in connection with any hearing,
including photographs or other acceptable visual representations or non-documentary evidence,
shall be retained by the Commission for the public record and shall be avaiiable for public
7. At the end of the scheduled hearings, members of the public will be allowed to speak on Items of
Interest which are wfthin the Jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, and/or agenda Items. Each
speaker will be allotted a maximum of five (5) minutes to speak. Anyone wishing to speak should
fill out the forms available in the rear of the Council Chamber and subm(t them to staff prior to the
AC022293.v~P , Page 1
~.,; '2ltih Irv J
.~C( C~
Granted in Part
Ste. 300, Santa Ana, CA 92707-8707
Reeves, 417 South Hill Street, Ste. 1100, Los Angeles, CA
LOCATION: 8205 E. Santa Ana Canvon Road. Property is
approximately 3.34 acres located on the north side of Santa
Ana Canyon Road and approximately 1050 Poet west of the
centerline of Welr Canyon Road.
To permft an automotive repair facility including the retail sale and
installation of automobile parts and accessories with waivers of minimum
setback adJacent to a freeway, permitted freestanding sign, permitted wail
signs and permitted roof-mounted equipment.
Continued from the January 11, January 25, and February 8, 1993
Planning Commission meetings.
Larry Reeves, Reeves Associates, Architects, 417 South Hill Street, Suite 1100, Los
Angeles, CA. He explained this item was continued from 4 weeks ago. A number
of comments came up in the meeting and a number of comments were made by
He stated, they are deleting WaNer "C" as they just need the one wall sign on the
front of the building and they do not need a sign on the east side.
He referenced page 10 of the staff report, item ~. He stated they have no problem
with requesting that all of thesa items be removed from the property and they will
do so.
He stated following their last meeting, they met wfth their neighbor (the hospftal)
and had several conversations relative to their concerns. They have subsequently
met wfth staff and they requested that they turn the building 90 degrees and move
h away from tha adJacent hospftal. Following the meetings wfth staff they
Page 2
forwarded a complete set of documents to the hospftal several days ago, therefore,
they did have a chance to review the documents.
He referenced the plans and gave some further details. The loading dock will be
enclosed completely so there will bo no noise. They are 120 feet away from the
property Ifne and they have added extra landscaping. They tried to mftigate any
sound or visual problems.
Concern was expressed about the view of the their mechanical equipment. He
referenced two sections of the building. The module In front of their building
encloses all of the air conditioning unfts and they are down 5-1 /2 to 6-feet below
the roof Ifne. They are 100% screened.
The second set of unfts are swamp coolers that sit on top of the service bays; this
section is looking the other way and they have built a screen completely enclosing
the unfts and they are down below the top of the parapet. They are also painting
them whfte.
Floyd Farano, Farano and Kieviet, representing Anaheim Memorial Hospftal, 2100
S. State College Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92806. Anaheim Memorial Hospital has made
a lot of contributions to the City of Anaheim. They are deeply concerned that the
City ought to look at ks land uses in this area. That is the essence of their
objection. He gave some background on how Anaheim Memorial acquired their
Bob Sloan, President and Chief Executive Officer of Anaheim Memorial Hosptal,
1111 W. La Palma, Anaheim, CA. He emphasized that they have been a strong
member of the community for 35 years. He gave some background and stated
they want to be a good neighbor. They are very sensftNe to the needs of their
patients and they wish to maintain this facility as a first class, quality hospftat in all
regards. They have won the Anaheim Beautttul Award in the past.
He stated people that go to their facilty are sick and are acutely sensftive to the
environment. He voiced his concerns regard(ng the smell, sounds and the
atmosphere. Regardless as to which way the bays face, ft Is their concern that the
patients will be exposed, in the sensftive state they are at, to the parking Ict and to
perhaps score changes of oil or parts, etc. There is a great deal that takes glace
there, therefore, they ask the Planning Commission to oppose this entire application
and the conditional use permft that is being requested.
Floyd Farano, asked whether the Cfty of Anaheim wants an 11 bay automobile
general full service facility in this location? Pep Boys has an excellent service and
is needed, however, ft is not needed and is not appropriate In this place. Pep Boys
serve largely those people who are repair and flc ft yourself people.
~/ Page3
Savoy Bellavia, Hutton Development, 201 E. Sandpointe, #300, Santa Ana, CA. He
explained Hutton Development is the original developers of the entire project. They
have sold parcels off individually and they have been developers individually. He
stated when Anaheim Memorial bought their property, they knew ft was retail
commercial and in fact, several of the usas were already in place and some were
in construction. This particular site was the only one that was still vacant.
He referenced the CC&R's and the restrictions on petroleum sales. He explained
Pep Boys is well aware of the CC&R's on the property and the attorney's on both
sides have looked at them Including the attorney's for Shell Oil. Those provisions
were put in the CC&R's for the benefit of Shell in order to protect Shell ~o that
another gasoline service station did not go on the she. He stated as far as motor
oil or petroleum, it does not pose any problem to the CC&R's or to the restrictions
they have with Shell Oil.
He stated Mr. Farano indicated that the 11 bays are now facing a futures
development sfte on the property. 1) They are not sure what will go there; and 2)
they do not have a problem wfth that. If something were to go in and they did not
want to look at service bays, obviously they would not go in. He Mated he did not
think it was of the hospftai's concern whether those bays are facing onto an
undeveloped site ff it is not their sfte.
Archftect for Pep Boys. Name not stated for the record. He stated Pep Boys
delivers wfth a 55•foot truck 3 times a week during business hours. There are not
a number of trucks; ft is controlled by the corporation and by computer at the main
distribution in the Cfty of Commerce. He added the truck is there for about 20
minutes and then ft Is gone.
He stated 2 years ago they started a process whereby they have their own trash
compactors wfthin the building. Most of the hems are broken down and are
delivered in containers from the main warehouse, but those items de came with
boxes. They compact all of their packing materials and send ft out in bails. they
do not use the trash enclosure to stack a lot of packing materials, ft is strictly for
day tc day trash. He stated filters have to be recycled. Pep Boys recycles
everything they use or take out.
He stated he has worked for Pep Boys for 9 years and maybe once in a while
something is delivered wfth a tow truck, but they do not do the kind of work that
people get towed in on. They install light service and they do not pull engines ur
transmissions. The Insurance requires that if any vehicle is on•sfte in the care of
Pep boys, the insurance will not cover a vehicle unless ft is taken inside the service
bays and locked up over night.
He did not think Pep Boys generated anymore cars then anyone else and if anyone
has visfted the sfte, frankly the smell from the fast-food is much more of problem
then the smell from automobiles and traffic. If the hospftal has a real concern, they
have a filter system that they can install on the cars that are bs~ng worked on and
the air that comes out of that is cleaner then the air that they sow breathe.
~,,,,~ Page 4
He stated they will install ballards at 6 feet on center along the parking area so the
~ truck cannot get Into any of the parking areas. They have a computer program as
tar as the truck being able to circulate on and off the site. The people in Pep Boys
who are responsible for deliveries have no problem with the way the site fs setup.
Mr. Borrego stated ff the Planning Commission does approve this project, there are
some modificat(ons to the condftions that they would like to make.
1. Add condtlon which would require that the pad area for the future phase of
the development be landscaped with a permanent IMgation system and
maintained by Pep Boys.
2. Add conditlon which would require that the roof-mounted equipment be
painted to match the color of the roof and that the roof-mounted equipment
not be visible from any public right-of-way or at ground level. He asked that
ft be Inserted Just to tighten up the provisions for the roof-mounted
Bruce Freeman, Code Enforcement had some language to be added.
'T'hat the inffial operation of subject facility shall be subject to one inspection every
otherweek by the Code Enforcement Division in orderto discourage <,utdoor repair
and to monitor outdoor storage in trash disposal areas. Tha cost of each
inspection will be subject to existing fees at the time the inspections are made.
These inspections will commence upon inrilal opening and ~~:~II extend for 3 months
unless otherwise addftional violatluns are found on the property and then request
that addftional Inspections be made past the 3 month period.'
Chairman Henninger asked ff at any time a problem came up, would they have a
series of inspections that they would have to pay for?
Mr. Freeman indicated they could da that.
Commissioner Messe asked ff 3 months was a long enough time?
Mr. Freeman stated what they have found in the past, is that management
practices are set up and ff their practices are to monitor the parking lot on a daily
or hourly t•,as(s, then those methods will continue. They are proposing 3 months
initially as a time frame, but ff they find they are having problems and the owners
are not maintaining the property then the inspections would continue and the
owners/operators would be subject to tt~e fees for each one of those Inspections.
Chairman Henninger asked ff they did a random inspection after one-year and there
was a problem, could they start fire inspectiuns again?
Mr. Freeman indicated they could.
~~ Page 5
Chairman Henninger stated he understands, but he did not hear that additional
!"` language. He asked that he include that language.
Commissioner Messe asked ff ft was possible that trash be picked up on a dally
Mr. Barrego stated the frequency of trash pickup is negotiable wfth Anaheim
Commissioner Messe asked the applicant ff he would be willing to have a condftion
that says that he would contract wfth Anaheim Disposal to pick up trash on a dally
The applicant indicated he would.
Mr. Borrego stated prior to issuance of a building permft, their sanftatlon plans will
be reviewed by the Sanftation Division to make sure ft meets thnir standards as
Commissioner Boydstun asked that a condition be added that no cars can be
parked on the lot ovemight.
Commissioner Messe asked about the future sfte.
Mr. Reeves asked what the Planning Commission would Ilke to see?
Commissioner Messe stated they would like ft to be fully landscaped wfth some
bushes, trees and lawn.
Mr. Reeves stated they would Tike to accommodate the Commission to an eMent,
however, iF ft is only going to be In there for a few months and they would hate to
go through the expense of fully landscaping ft only to remove ft. However, they
can work wfth staff to come up wfth some alternative. They have had sftuations in
the past where they have planted box trees and left them in the box so they can
be maintained, and they can also be removed. They will try to come up wfth a plan
that is acceptable to staff and the Commission. They will be happy to have
something more then Just a lawn area.
He stated there are probably 2 or 3 pages that specifically address the issue of
parking cars ovemight (n the lease. He explained being the land owner, they do
not want any type of vehicles stored o.. the lot over night.
Commissioner Messe stated ft does not hurt to condftlon ft.
Commissioner Messe referenced page 9 of the staff report where they discuss
parking light standards. He asked ff they could be more specfflc about the height
Mr. Reeve, stated he would have no problem coming up wfth signs In different
l„~ Page 6
Commissioner Baydstun suggested they post signs Inside the store by the cash
registers and outside that there be no working on cars in the lot.
Mr. Reeves stated they agreed to that last time and that would be fine.
Commissioner Boydstun suggested intematlonal signage.
Mr. Reeves stated ff they have about a 2096 minority, they try to match that
Commissioner Taft stated he would like the filtration system to be a condftion and
Mr. Reeves agreed.
Chairman Henninger asked where In the building were they planning on storing
used tires?
Mr. Reeves explained there is a used tiro coral outside that is totally enclosed wfth
a roof. They are stored away from the building due to safety reasons and they are
picked up every week.*
Commissioner Messe stated there is concern regarding the truck dock and the
visibility from Santa Ana Canyon Road. He referenced the landscape plan (the
road section past Roosevelt) which shows one large tree on efther side of the
corridor. He asked ff they could make those trees large crown trees?
Mr. Reeves stated they were going to rework the lot and add 2 more planters in
order to screen that one side. He explained ft does have an overhead door and
k is closed except when they are using ft. Trucks are there for less then one hour
a week as they just make the 3 deliveries. It will be closed 9996 of the time. Signs
are also posted asking the truck drivers to shut their motors off and they have
installed a door bell by the back door.
Commissioner Messe stated he was happy to hear that the Corporation was taking
some steps to Improve these conditions. He stated he does have some worcies
about this development, but wfth the precautions they are taking, ft appears as
though ft will be operated successfully wfth a goad deal of caution to the
surcounding area.
ACTION: CE~A Negative Declaration -Approved
Waiver of Code requirement -Approved in Part
GRANTED Waivers A, B and D and DENIED 'C'.
Condftional Use Permft No. 3581 -Granted
Wfth added condftlons as follows:
1. That a landscaping plan, including Ircigation facilities for the area that
is subject to future development, shall be submftted to the Zoning
Division of the Planning Department for review and approval. Said
landscaping shall be installed and maintained thereafter.
Page 7
~ 2. That the roof-mounted equipment shall be painted to match the color
of the roof and that the roof-mounted equipment shall not be visible
from any public right-of-way and/or at grc;;nd Level.
3. "That the initial operation of subject facility shalt be subject to one
inspection every other week by the Code Enforcement Division In
order to discourage outdoor repair and to monitor outdoor storage
in trash disposal areas. The cost of each inspection wiii be subject
to existing fees at the time the inspections are made. These
inspections will commence upon Initial opening and will extend for
3 months unless otherwise additional violations are found on the
property and then request that addftional inspections be made past
the 3 month period. If problems reoccur after the initial 3 month
period, the required inspections shall again be required and will
continue until the violations are corrected to the satisfaction of the
Code Enforcement Division. That the owners of the operation are
subject to the costs at that time.
4. That the height of all proposed parking lot light standards shail not
exceed twenty (20) feet and that said lighting standards shall be
pointed downwards.
5. That the :Ire storage area shall be fully enclosed.
6. That no cars shall be parked aver night.
7. That the owner of subject property shail contract with Anaheim
Disposal to pick-up trash on a dally basis.
8. That a filtration system shali be installed and operated while cars are
being operated during servicing.
9. That international signage shall be permanently posted both ins(de
and outside the prPmises prohibiting the servicing of cars by
VOTE: fi-1 (Chairman Henn(nger voting NO)
Page 8
110 E. Wilshire Ave., Ste. 305, Fullerton, CA 92632
AGENT: FARANO AND KIEVIET, Attn: Thomas G. Kieviet,
2100 S. State College Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92806
Attn: Sherman Baird, P.O. Box 8129, Anaheim, CA 9281?
LOCATION: 2222 East Howell Avenue. Property is approximately 3.3
acres located on the southwesterly side of Howell Avenue
and approximately 520 feet northwesterly of the centerline
of Katella Avenue.
Request for an amendment to or deletion to conditions of approval to
retain a recreation vehicle storage yard and on-site caretaker's unft
(including on-premises sales and Installation of recreational vehicle parts
and accessories) with waiver of permitted accessory uses and structures.
Continued from the January 11, and February 8, 1993 Planning
Commission meetings.
Tom Kleviet, Farano and Kieviet, 2100 S. State College Blvd., Anaheim, CA, representing
the current occupant of the property In question. This matter has been continued twice.
They have submitted the landscape plan as requested and does comply with curcent
landscaping requirements; and they have submitted Information to the City Attorney in
regard to their authorization to proceed with this request and they believe h is
They have reviewed the current staff report and find that the recommendation and the
condtions being proposed would b3 acceptable as set forth presuming that the
landscaping will be installed according to landscape plan, and that the condtlons they
have requested to be modified will be so modfied as requested.
Page 9
Chairman Henninger asked if there were some condftions in the staff report that he
would amended?
Mr. Kieviet stated as far as the condhlons proposed by staff in regard to their request,
they find them acceptable as drafted.
Chairman Henninger asked in those areas where they are going to remove the asphalt
pads, wilt some of those be turf grass and then other areas are going to be planters?
Mr. Kieviet stated they are going to have roses with decorative bark underneath the
roses and they will be planted in the ground.
Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, stated the only concern they had was they were still
a little unclear as to whether the asphalt was going to be removed totally (the asphalt
pads) including the area in which the planters are going to be located.
It was clarHied by the Commission that the asphalt pads would be removed.
ACTION: CEQA NegatNe Declaration -Approved
WaNer of Code Requirement -Approved
Conditional Use Pernik No. 1623 (Read.) -Approved
VOTE: 7-0
Page 10
Continued to
March 22, 1993
Mission Road, Alhambra, CA 91603
AGENT: AMER EL-ROUSAN, 1275 N. Gilbert Avenue, #100,
Fullerton, CA 92633
LOCATION: 1210 South State College BoulevaM. Unit'C'. Property
is approximately 1.36 acres located on the east side of
State College Boulevard and approximately 200 feet south
of the centerline of Ball Road.
To permft a cabaret within an existing sports theater wfth waiver of
minimum number of parking spaces.
OPPOSITION: 4 (Letters and petftions received in opposftion)
Roger Diamond, speaking on behalf of the applicant Amer EI-Rousan, 1275 N. Gilbert
Avenue, #100, Fullerton, CA 92633. He stated this matter was originally before the
Commission in July. Mr. EI Rousan inftlally applied for a condftlonal use permit to
operate a sports bar wfth alcohol at the location. He had the approval of the owner of
the shopping center. He stated they approved the project wfth the parking that is
available. The Commission did not want alcohol served, therefore, the Commission
granted the permft wfth the provision that the alcohol be deleted.
Mr. EI-Rousan started his business in November of 1992 and soon found out that his
business could not survive wfthout alcohol. He wanted to change and add to a sports
theater a cabaret type entertainment, but the City would not allow ft and Issued him a
stop notice saying ft was not part of the condftional use permft.
Mr. Diamond filed a law suit on behalf of Mr. EI-Rousan in the Orange County Superior
Court on December 1, 1992 challenging the constftutlonalfty of the Anaheim Municipal
Cade that required a condftlonal use permit in which allowed the Commission and the
City Council discretionary anproval.
~,.~ x/93
They contended In the lawsuk that to the extent the ordinance allowed this Commission
~ or City officials discretion to decide whether or not to grant the necessary permit, the
ordinance was unconstitutional. Shortly before the hearing on the injunction was set in
the Orange County Superior Court, the Anaheim City Council amended ffs ordinance to
correct tho defect !~ the ordinance to save'; from constitutional attack.
Therefore, the Judge felt that the ordinance they were attackinL for being unconsttutional
was no longer the operative ordinance, the City Council having changed h prior to the
hearing and the Judge said they should come back and apply for modification of the ~~
conditional use permit to allow the business they Intended.
Mr. Diamond told the judge that they did not trust the City because they felt for polftical
reasons the City would try to do something to stop the business because historically
these kinds of businesses have not been popular and they did not believe that City
officials would treat them fairly, but the judge felt they would and, therefore, he said to
go back and seek a condffional use permit.
He stated under the current staff report, there are actually less parking spaces required
then were required previously. He elaborated.
He stated his client was required as a condklon to getting the conditional use permit, to
repair the City curbs and sidewalks in the area. He did that at a $3,000 expense. The
land lord has approved the proposed use that he wishes to pursue d.
He stated ff he satisfied the parking requirement as a sports theater and this particular
business will not generate any additional customers because of thu occupancy load of
the establishment and because of the Ilmit on the number of patrons, they find ff hard
to believe that since all they are doing is changing the nature of the entertainment, that
suddenly more parking is required. They think that is something that cannot be Justified
logically, but is evidence that someone is attempting to find some basis upon which to
deny the application.
They noticed that staff has recommended that there be further studies. He stated under
a case called Ubrary One, Inc. vs. Superior Court and People vs. Ubrary One, it would
be unconstftutionalfor a Iicens(ng body or permft body to delay the consideration of the
application. His client feels that would be unfair. If there is concern about parking, the
most logical thing to do would be to allow the business to go forward and ff h turns out
parking is not adequate, this Commission would have the authority to revoke the CUP
or Impose conditions.
He stated rather then follow staff's recommendation to study other businesses at other
locations to see how they are doing, why not study the very business In question by
allowing K to operate and ff h causes a problem, revoke the CUP.
They reviewed a number of letters from opposing groups and they know that those
letters are basically dated before the public notice went out from the staff of the Planning
Department notffying the public of this public meeting. They have evidence that certain
public officials went out to the community and solicited opposition letters before the
official notice went out announcing the public meeting. They do r;ot believe that is an
appropriate thing for people to do in the City of Anaheim.
L,,~ Page 12
He stated the Anaheim Municipal Code speciflcally recogidzes, as it is constitutionally
!~` required to do that adult businesses have to be able to operate somewere in the City.
He explained a number of years ago the United States Supreme Court said that cfties
could regulate where in their City adult businesses could be located, but they had no
power to totally ban such businesses. Given that directive, the Anaheim City Council
passed a zoning ordinance declaring where in the City one could Iegaily operate such
a business. Given the restrictions of the ordinance, there are very few places where this
kind of business would be lawful.
He stated h is presumed that anyone who buys or leases property in a particular area
knows what the zoning is. Under the City's Adult Zoning Ordinance, an adult business
was allowed at this location, so anyone who bought or leased property or moved into
the area took notice that such a use would be possible.
They are in full agreement with ail of the condftions. Thoy will provide security; they will
provide parking; and no signs advertising the business will be posted. They do not see
on what basis the Commission could delay consideration and they do not see any basis
on which the Commission could deny the application other than improper
Dr. Denise M. Martin, 1210 S. State College Blvd., Suites D and F, Anaheim, Ca.
Located next door to the proposed Sierra Theater. She stated they collected ti0
signatures from the business community to the proposed she as well as family
community members and clients to the business area.
She stated they are deflnftely in opposition to the parking situation and the cabaret.
They feel that the use and the increased use of the parking area would be Inappropriate
::cause ft is over used as ft is. They are running very short on parking and there have
ism variances in the past that have allowed other occupants to come Into the area.
r;ow the parking lot is overflowing and people are beginning to park in the street and
In another plaza located across the street.
She expressed further concerns for her patient's safety, their families, eldedy and
severely disabled people. She is deflnftely opposed to the parking and having the
Sierra Theater there would cause more problems. They were never notflfed by their
landdord that this company would be open(ng up.
They have had to ask for assistance from the Anaheim Police Department to come and
help them with the homeless and people drinking in the parking lot and have them
removed. These people were harassing mostly female clients for money, etc.
She stated she did have a conversation with the owner of the theater about this problem
and he assured her that he would have some type of security wfthin his facility. He will
not have someone outside and that is where the problem Is. The owner can only control
what is happening inside his place of business. She feared the Police Department will
not be able to controi the problem. She was overall against this potential undesirable
element. She asked that the Commission help stop this problem from escalating. She
submitted the letters to the Commission and read a letter from Dennis Johnson from the
Pizza Parlor opposing the cabaret. She clarifled that oppostion was not provoked.
~„~ Page 13
Bob Whaler, 1240 S. State College Blvd., Anaheim, CA. He is the Building Manager for
~ the Sand Dollar Flnancial Plaza and he Is also responsible for all of the parking for all
of the properties.
He stated the Computer Learning Center has over 300 students. Most of them dfire
their own vehicles; they fill up the whole back and the sides of the lot. They do not have
a full building (66,00 square feet) and ff the building ever does fill up to its potential, the
parking would be devastating.
He stated he has submitted a letter stipulating that they do have minors in attendance
at the Computer Learning Center. He has a Real Estate school.
He voiced his concerns regarding the transients.
He stated he was very c~ncemed about the property devaluating wkh these kinds of
uses coming in. He is having a difficult time getting te:iants to look at the buiiding
because of word of a nude bar. Several of his terznts ~,re on a month-to-month lease
right now and they are eMremely upset.
Mr. Diamond brought up a good point. He rented this to these people because the
landlord needed rents. Anaheim hbs a 2196 office vacancy and k is tough out there. It
makes it tougher when a tenant comes in that is not right for this particular area.
Rick Roshan, 1240 S. State Coilege Blvd., Anaheim, CA. He stated he is a part owner
in the Sand Dollar Flnancial Plaza. He stated he was very concerned about the
devaluation of this property.
He stated there is an abundance of office space In Anaheim. The addition of this all
nude bar is a concern because people who have a professional business do not want
their business in the proximity of one of these eye soars. Parking is a big problem. A
theater requires much more parking then a sports bar. He referenced page 4, item no.
16 of the staff report. He stated he was shocked to see that they had no intention of
opening up as a sports bar.
Mansour Roshan,1240 S. State College Blvd.,Suffe 220, Anaheim, CA. He is a licensed
physician and opened his office in 1960. He is deeply concerned about having a nude
bar where there are professional people and where there is a school with young people
attending. There is also a liquor store next to the theater. The nude dancers have no
income from the club, therefore, they have to be a prostitutes. He stated 7 out 10 nude
dancers that are tested for the AIDS virus test posftive for the virus. He asked that the
Planning Commission consider rejecting this.
Mr. Diamond stated there have been some misconceptions presented about the nature
of the business. There is a similar business already operat(ng at Century Cfry in Los
Angeles. Century City is a very upscale Cfty. He elaborated. He stated the people who
go to these establishments are high income, high spending people-they are typically
business executives and professional people, they are not low lives. He stated h is
inaccurate to portray this as some sort of evil disease ridden business when h Is simply
not true. He elaborated further.
Page 14
He stated his client wants to improve the situation. He will provide security on the
~ outside and ff someone is approached by a trans(ent the security guard can step in. He
asked why not give them a chance? The Planning Commission has the power at their
disposal to terminate the CUP ff ft does not work out. It will employ people, ft will pay
taxes and ft will be an economic boom to the community.
He offered an exhibit, an addendum signed by the landlord. The landlord would be
concerned about losing tenants. Th(s is not a store in an area where every store is
owned by someone else. It is in a shopping center and the landlord has made a
determinatlon that ft is in the landlord's economy Interest to rent out the spac9 and
obviously the Iandiorrl does not want to lose other tenants.
The parking was approved previously and there will be no additional customers at the
location then what was considered last time. They hired a Traffic Engineer to conduct
a traffic study and submitted a report to staff. Staff has all the information ft needs. To
continue this to another time to allow further studies would not accomplish anything and
they would oppose that. The Planning Commission has enough Information to make a
decision; they believe that the law would require a favorable decision s!nce the
ordinance that gave them discretion has been replaced under compulsion of the U.S.
They urge them to act honestly and ethically and treat this matter under the law
considertng the Zoning laws in the City of Anaheim. The City can attach as many
conditions as they choose to make sure it operates propedy. His client is willing to start
his business later on in the day to avoid any possible parking conflict. He will start at
3:OOp.m. when the other businesses are wrapping up. If there is a problem, they can
further restrict the hours. He added it is simply not fair to totally ban the business
because of some perceived moral situatio~i because someone does not like the nature
of the business.
He stated these kinds of businesses are allowed under certain conditions so long as
zoning is complied with and zoning is complied with here. There are no additional traffic
or parking problems here.
Amer EI•Rousan, 1275 N. Gilbort, Fullerton, CA. He stated Dr. Martin and the others
tried to oppose the parking. He wanted to know why they did not oppose his parking
waNer when he applied for it in July of 1992? They do not seem to have a problem with
his parking waiver but they seem to have a problem with the nature of the business. No
alcohol will be served and they will have a security guard to make sure no alcohol is
brought in. He stated there will be signage placed in the hall stating no alcohol will be
allowed at anytime in the establishment.
He stated he d(d not see where it makes any dffference whether ft Is bikini, topless or
bottomless. He has attended some of these places-they watched the show and left.
He stated a security guard will be outside monftoring the parking lot. There are 4 or 5
people who drink next to the dumpster. He went out and cleaned behind the dumpster.
He called the Police on the people and the Police did not do the right thing about k.
The Police arrested them and the next day they were back laying around the dumpster
drinking wine and harassing the people.
Page 15 i
He stated they will work closely wfth the police and law enforcement agencies. He
~ urged them to give him the chance to operate. He will accept a probation period and
will give the Commission full nermisslon to terminate his CUP. He added any condition
that they Impose he will accept as long as they can always work together along with his
neighbors and everyone else.
Jonathan Borrego circulated file letter that was referenced earlier from the Computer
Leaning Center regarding the fact that they do have m(nors enrolled at their facility. Mr.
Borrego stated ff that is the case, the petition would have to be readvertised in order to
Include an addftlonal waiver from Code, i.e., minimum distance requirements ~f an adult
entertainment use from an educational instftution.
Chairman Henninger stated one of the hen+s they heard in the public hearing wes the
fear that this sort of use could be a catalyst for blight. He asked ff the Cfty has had oily
experience wfth this type of use?
Bruce Freeman, Code Enforcement, stated there is one area where there is a saturation
Ilmft on the number of alcoholic establishments, but he cannot think of an area
specifically relating to this Issue.
Commissioner Messe asked about the area of Ball and Knott? Mr. Freeman stated the
area of Ball and Knot is very run down specifically because of the vacant buildings and
the strip center for the last 9 or 10 years has not been occupied and the transients have
moved in and ft has continually been going down.
Chairman Henninger asked ff the CEQA Negative Declaration is appropriate here. He
knows a number of areas in the City that seem to be in danger of blight. There are a
number of Redevelopment projects in the City that have been put in place to address
that problem. The fear that people have that this may lead to blight could possibly be
correct. He wondered H perhaps ft should be the subject of some study. He suggested
a focused EIR.
Greg McCafferty, Associate Planner, stated CEQA does allow the analysis of economic
and social impacts when the results of a project would to some degree promote blight.
In other words, economic and social impacts can be considered, per CEQA, when the
project may result in the physical change in the environment and, therefore, deterioration
of property values, etc.
He stated there have also been some comments on the parking situation and comments
received during the public review process which certainly merfts further discussion in the
CEQA analysis and quite possibly a focused EIR would be appropriate in this case.
Chairman Henninger stated he heard some things at the previous hearing and he would
like to review his memory. He asked ft their was a request for alcohol and then
voluntarily withdrawn?
1„j 2/~~
Page 16
Mr. Borrego indicated that was correct and to clarify one point, the previously advertised
~"` parking waiver which went along with the inftial application was parked at the cocktail
lounge parking calculation. However, because the request for alcohol was wfthdrawn
by the applicant, he did not think ft would be accurate to say that there was a parking
waiver granted based on that higher parking calculation which was referred to earlier
because it could no longer be considered a cocktail lounge for the purposes of parking.
He statod there eras a parking waiver granted along with the original application,
however, based on previous conversations, and testimony given at the previous public
heariny, the Planning Commission specHically authorized the application to have
uniimfted kftchen area !vfthin the establishment and as such in approving the parking
waNer previously and review of the minutes, one of the basis for granting the parking
waiver was the fact that alcohol was not going to be served.
For the purposes of coming up with the parking calculation for the existing use, ft would
be probably more appropriate to look at the existing use as more of a restaurent than
a cocktail lounge for the purposes of the existing parking demand.
Chairman Henninger stated the other think he recalls is that there were people that Came
and protested the parking at that time and Mr. Borrego Indicated that was correct.
Commissioner Messe stated they know there is another place in Century City and one
in Stanton as wail. The parking study did not address the actual counts of these places.
He thought they needed more information on the potential parking problem that may
occur. He agrees with Chairman Henninger that the tear of blight is there and he does
not feel comfortable in granting a CEQA Negative Declaration. He stated they do need
to look at these types of operations and what type of parking problems do occur.
Commissioner Caldwell stated he was familiar w';h that comer and there are parking
problems and he would like to have further studies as well.
Mr. Yalda stated this is a special(zed use. If the Commission would Tike, they would ask
them to do two addftlonai studies and the numbers should be taken probably around
noon to 11:OOp.m. on both weekdays and Friday and Saturday as well.
Selma Mann, stated there is going to be a certain amount of del?y that is going to be
required in this Instance since ft is during the public hearing that the Commission and
staff have become aware that there is an educational facility that is utilized by minors-
not exclusively by minors, but is utilized by minors. The Anaheim Municipal Code at
Section 18.89.030, Subsection .020b indicates that no condftional use permit for an adult
entertainment business can be granted if the premises upon which such business is
proposed to be located is wfthin 1,000 feet of any lot upon which there is located a
church or educational instftution utilized by minors. Since that is the case, ft would be
Impossible for the Commission to proceed upon this application today. It would be
necessary to advertise the addftlonal waiver.
Chairman Henninger stated that sounds like ft is stronger then that, i.e., ft sounds Tike
prohibftlon. He asked if they should find that there Is a school wfth minors wfthin that
distance and deny this today?
Ms. Mann stated If that is the Commission's decision, yes.
Page 17
Ms. Mann stated upon discussion wfth Mr. Borrego and Mr. Hastings, past practice has
~ been to permit application for a waiver which certainly does not mean that a waver
needs to be granted and the findings will still need to be made for a waiver from any
provision of Title 18, so that even though this Subsection is stated in prohibitory terms,
that ff the applicant wishes to apply for a waiver and requests that, that past practice has
been to go zhead and process that type of a waiver. if the applicant does wish to go
ahead and process a waiver since k does appear there are minors at that educational
instftution, ft would be her recommendation, that at the same t(me the original conditional
use permft be readvertised so that H any clarifications are necessary with regard to the
original approval, they can be made and the specific findings made witl! regard to what
the parking waver that was granted was intended to cover.
Mr. diamond stated they do not agree that there is an educational institution for minors.
They believe there is no evidence before this Commission upon which such a finding
could be made. They have a copy of a letter dated February 22, 1993, Initialed by
someone that says they have a few students enrolled that are 17 years of age. This is
not a sworn statement and they do not know who this is and they do not recognize this
as being any evidence upon which the Commission could make a finding and they think
the ordinance would not ar!ply to this particular situation. They oppose this and they
think apparently ft Is a situation where people are scrambling around trying to find some
rationalization for denying the application.
Chairman Henninger stated what the applicant thinks of the letter and what the
Commission thinks of the letter are two different things.
Mr. Diamond stated staff has already stated that they comply with ail of the zoning.
Commissioner Henninger reminded Mr. Diamond that tho public hearing was closed.
Mr. Borrego stated for ciartticatlon, what they had in the staff report was information they
had before them up to the point the report was prepared. Staff did not have knowledge
that the Computer Learning Center had minors as a part of their student population until
this letter was presented to him just before the public hearing began.
Chairman Henninger asked if the staff report recommendation indicated that ih~y might
change their opinion when they hear the public testimony?
Mr. Borrego indicated that is correct.
Chairman Henninger asked staff, after hearing the testimony, what is their thought on the
need for a focused environmental study on this?
Mr. McCafferty stated the comme;l~s receved during the public review would merft at
least additional traffic and parking analysis comparing ft to 11ke uses in other cfties, and
~Isa whether the physical change is going to create some economic and social impacts
in the area, therefore, most likely, a focused EIR would be appropriate In this case unless
the Commission can make a finding to the contrary on the CEQA
Chairman Henninger asked Ms. Mann how to proceed.
~~ Page 18
Ms. Mann stated k would be her recommendation that staff proceed wkh advertising the
r-~ addkional waiver, that in view of the infonnatlon that has been presented here, this is not
subject to evidentiary requirements of having sworn testimony that they do have
sufficient information to suggest that there is an educational factlky that is utilized by
minors-k does not indicate that k would be utilked axclusNely by minors, but simply
that minors would be at the facnky. If k is discovered by staff that that is not the case
upon contacting the establishment, they can proceed according, I.e., k is not applicable
and that no waiver is necessary.
Chairman Henninger asked ff the environmental study was something they should direct
staff in order to to begin the process of doing a focused environmental review or should
they take a vote today on the Negative Declaration?
Ms. Mann stated they should diroct staff to possibly review the Inkiai study and see ff
addkional information is indicated and then come back to the Commission wkh a further
recommendation. It may be that there are changes to the protect that can be made that
would satisfy the environmental concerns and k may be a completely unnecessary thing
to have a focused EIR under the circumstances, but in any event, that would be
impossible to know until the requested information was provided. It would be premature
to be acting in one way or another at this point.
Mr. Borrego stated ff they do determine that an addkional waiver is necessary, they
would need a minimum of 4 weeks in order to proceed with their advertising
requirements and that would be the March 22nd meeting.
ACTION: Continued to March 22, 1993
Page 19
Management Co., 220 Congress Park Drive, Ste. 215,
Delray Beach, FL 93445
AGENT: RICHARD HALL, 5405 Morehouse Drive, Ste 310, San
Diego, CA 92121 and David R. Prochnow, 9528 Walker
St., Apt. 8, Cypress, CA 90630
LOCATION: 1891-1899 West Lincoln Avenue. Property is
approximately 10.46 acres located at the northeast comer
of Lincoln Avenue and Muller Street.
To reclassify subject property from the CG (Commercial, General) Zone
to the CL (Commercial, Limfted) Zone.
To permft an automotive repair and parts installation facility.
Granted for
5 yrs. & 10 mos.
(to expire
Dec. 22, 199E)
Arthur R. Proctnow, 4962 San Benito, Los Alamftos, Ca. He stated he generally agrees
wfth them, however, there are a few items that will be discussed by the landlord'b:..agent.
He gave a brief history of his operation.
Richard Hall, 5405 Morehouse Drive, Sufte 310, San Diego, CA. He is the agent for the
owners of the property, Nevada Holding Company. He stated they have a major
problem wfth Condftion No. 4. They asked the engineer to go to the location and survey
ft with the perspective tenant. He Is a small tenant and they did give him a very
favorable lease. He stated the sidewalk that was marked out was roughly 6096 to 7096
of the entire sidewalk around the facility and he is only leasing a 7,000 square-foot
building. The average cost of fixing this is in the $8,000 to $9,000 bracket. He stated
they would like to work out a compromise wfth the Cfty.
~,~,, page 20
He referenced Condition No. 8 regarding the closure of the two most westerly driveways
!'~ on Uncoln Avenue and most southerly drhraways on Muffler Street. He stated as much
as they would like to do a lease with the perspective tenant, they have a tenant already
there at the gas station with 5 years and 5 months to go and he cannot violate his lease
by dosing the entrances to his station.
Commissioner Messe asked ff they were e~erating now?
Mr. Hail stated he is not operating at this point in time, however, he has the opportunity
to start operating anytime he wants to.
Chairman Henninger asked for clarification as to when his lease expires and Mr. Hall
stated July, 1998. He stated at that time, the owners would be more then happy to
consider closing the entrances. Their only objection now is that they cannot break that
Commissioner Messe asked how much of the Lincoln frontage is in need of repaiR
Mr. Hall stated he did not have it broken down that way.
Alfred Yalda, Traffic Engineering, stated if the gas station is still operating, they will
withdraw that condftlon.
Chairman Henninger suggested that they leave ft in there, however, just change the
. timing. Perhaps December , 1998.
Melanie Adams, Public Works-Engineering, stated thelrcorcem is primarily removing any
hazardous condftlans, and that they have a full sidewalk on Lincoln Avenue. She stated
this was reviewed by the F7eld Inspector. They could take it one step further and have
ft rEViewed by the Field Engineer to have his determination on the amounts and Just take
out any hazardous condftions.
Ms. Adams stated if this Is approved today, and the applicant would leave his business
card, theywould make further arrangements to have this reviewed bythe Field Engineer.
Commissioner Messe asked where are they gong to store the used tires?
David Prodnow, 3962 San Benfto, Los Alamftos, CA. He referenced an exhibit he had
and explained that ft was inside the building and fully enclosed.
Chalmian Henninger suggested that they add a condftion that states that any used tires
will be stored fully inside the building.
Mr. Borrego asked to modify Condtion No. 12. The first sentence should read: 'That
prior to the commencement of the activfty authorized by the this resolution or within a
period of one year and then the continuation of the rest of the condition.
Chairman Henning;+r stated on Condition No. 12, strike no. 8, then Condition No. 8 is
to be changed with the timing to be completed by December of 1998.
'~,,,,~ Page 21
ACTION: CE~A Negative Dedaration -Approved
('~ ReclassHiration No. 92-93-04 -Granted
Condkional Use Permk No. 3589 -Granted for 5 years and 10 months .
1. Modify Condkfon No. 12 to read as follows: 'That prior to the
commencement of the activity authorized by the this resolution or
wkh(n a period of one year, Condkion Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9,10 and t t,
above•mentioned, shall be complied wkh. Extensions for further time
to complete said condklons may be granted in accordance wkh
Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
2. Added condkion: That any used tires shall be stored inside the
Ms. Mann stated wkh regard to Condkion No. 8 that requires improvements by
December of 1998. She was wondering what the Incentive would be to have that done
if the CUP is granted? If k is going to be a condklon, k does not seem 11ke there Is any
consequences to not doing k.
Commissioner Messe stated they could Iimk this CUP to that time. It was determined
that they would Iimk the time of the CUP to December, 1998.
Note: Condklon No. 8 is to remain the same. No changes as indicated earner In the
~ VOTE: 7-0
L./ Page 22
TERMINATION: Inftiated by the City of Anaheim. Request for termination of March 22, 1993
Condftlonal Use Permit No. 2649 (to permft on-sale alcoholic beverages in a
restaurant) Property is located at 518 South Brookhurst Street, Unft 7.
John C. Petry requests one-year retroactive time extension to comply with
condftlans of approval for Reclassification No. 89-900 (rezoning property
from the ML to CL Zone) to expire on January 3, 1994. Property is located at
1320 South Sanderson Avenue.
review of plans for substantial conformance for Condftlonal Use Pernik No. 3456
(to permft a 10•unft, 29-foot high, deck-type condominium complex). Property Is
located at 2865 W. Lincoln Avenue.
Presley Companies requests extension of time to comply wfth condftions of February 25, 1994)
approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 12685. Property location is Development
Area 4 within the Highlands at Anaheim Hills Specific Plan (SP67-1).
Commissioner Taft declared a conflict of Interst as he may live wthin 1,000 feet of
the tract in question.
SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE CL-Hf; ZONE. Attorney to prepare
a draft ordinance
Continued from February e, 1993.
Julie Mayer was appointed to the Underground Subcommittee.
Note: The Planning Commission Work Session scheduled for March 1, 1993 was cancelled.
1, '