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Minutes-PC 1993/05/19
i,"? AC~~~N AGEN©A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1993 AT 1:30 P.M. ANAHEIM INN AT THE PARK HOTEL, PARK/PLA7A BALLROOM 1855 SOUTH HARBOR BOULEVARD, ANAHEIM CONTINUED FROM MEET/NGS on APR/L 28 & 29, 1993 .- Commissioners Present: eOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, h1AYER, MESSE. ~ PERAZA, TAIT Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: Tom YJood, Deputy City Manager, Jack Whke, City Attomey, Tom Winfield, Legai Counsel; Selma Mann, Deputy City Attomey; Joel Fick, Planning Director; Mary McCloskey, Deputy Planning Director; Linda Johnson, Senior Planner, Lucy Yeager, Senior Pianner, Russell McGuire, Assistant City Engineer, John Lower, Traffic and Transportation Manager; Edfth Harris, Planning Commission Support Supervisor; Jan Jensen, Senior Secretary; Joan Kelly, SWA (Consultant); Laura Forbes, MBA (Consultant); The staff report is part of the evklence deemed received by the Commission in the hearing. Copies are available to the ;public prior to the meeting. aa30028h.wp ~„/ 06/19/90 Page 1 { ta. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0.311 Rec. CertificxUon 1 b. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT N0.331 Approved 1 c. SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 92-1 {INCLUDING ZONING AND Approved DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. A DESIGN PLAN AND GUIDELINES. AND A PUBLIC FACILITIES PLAN) i-`~d. ANAHEIM COMMERCIAL RECREATION AREA HEIGHT STANDARD Rec. Adoption ORDINANCE APPLICATIONS INITIATED BY: THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY, Attn: Dnug Moreland, Director of Development, 500 South Buena Vista Street, Burbank, CA 91521.6400 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSION Per Planning Commission Resolullon No. PC93~9 LOCATION: The proposed protect area is generally located wfthin the City of Anaheim's Commercial Rea~eation Area adjacent to and southwest of the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5) and is accessible from Harbor Bou~evard, Baal Road, Freedman Way, Katella Avenue, West Street, Orangewood Avenue, Hester Street and Walnut Street (;see C-R Area/The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Project Boundary Map). A. The Specific Plan project area encompasses 546 acres, plus approximately 11 acres of right-of-way Improvements, generally west of I-5 between Ball Road and Orangewood Aven:se and east of Walnut Street. In connection wfth the project, Draft EIR No. 311 kfenttties on- and off-site Intersection Improvements ct the following locations: 1. Ba^ Road at Euclid Street, Walnut Street, West Street, Harbor Boulevard, gad AnanElm Boulevard; 2. Cerrftos Avenue at Walnut Street and West Street; 3. fCatelia Avenue at Euclkl Street, Walnut Street, West Street, Harbor Boulevard, Gementine Strriet and Hester Street; 4. Freedman Way at Harbor Boulevard and Clementine Street; 5. Orangewood Avenue at Harbor Boulevard and Hester Street; 6. Chapman Avenue at Harbor Boulevard; and. 7. Harbor Boulevard at Manchester Avenue. B. The General Plan Amendment project area encompasses areas wfthin and outside of the Specific Plan project area. Outskle areas include area wfthin and contiguous to the following roadways as further described In the General Plan Amendment No. 331 proposal: 1. West Street between I.5 and Katella Avenue; 2. Cerritos Avenue between Walnut Street and West Street; 3. Freedman Way between Harbor Boulevard and Hester Street; 4. Katella Avenue between Wainut Street and I-5; 5. Harbor Boulevard between I-5 and Orangewood Avenue; and, 6. Gementine Street between Freedman Way and Katella Avenue. C. The proposed Commercial Recreation Area Height Standard Ordinance pertains to the entire approximately 1,045.7-acre Commercial Recreation Area as shown on the GR Area/The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Project Boundary Map. 06/19/93 Page 2 PROPOSAL: (A) Environmental Impact Report No. 311 Request for certffication of Environmental Impact Report No. 311, Including a Statement of Overriding Considerations. Draft Envlronmi..~tal Impact Report No. 311 has been prepared for the project and circulated for public/responsible agency review in compliance wkh the Calffomia ^ Environmental Quaiky Act (CEQA) and the State and Cky of Anaheim CEQA Guidelines. Response to Comment documents (EIR No. 311 Vdumes 6A, 6B, and 6C) were made available for public review on Aprn 16, 1993. These documents include responses which address the public/responsible agency commenta on the Draft EIR, updated project information including project design modffications that have occurred since the release of the Draft EIR for public review in November 1992, a surnmary of project modffications that have been included to address concerns raised in comments on the Draft EIR, refinements and modifications which have been Incorporated into thr, text of the EIR and a copy of the Mftigation Monkoring Program for The Disneyland Resort. (B) General Pian Amendment No. 331 General Pian Amendment No. 331 is proposed to amend the Land Use, Circulation and Environmental Resource and Management Elements of the General Plan as fellows: (1) Land Use Element (the folowing amendments apply to properties wkhin the Specific Plan project area): a) To redesignate 5.7 acres located south of the southwestern comer of Katolla Avenue and Hester Street from Modlum Densky Residential land uses (permkting up to 36 dwelling unks per acre) to Commercial Recreation land uses; b) To add text to the General Plan Land Use Element recognizing that The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan establishes maximum Development Densky designations for the Hotel Distrrct (up to 5,600 hotel rooms for the entire district wkh up to 1,000 hotel rooms transferable to the Theme Park District} and for the GR Overlay (the maximum number of unks permktesl on a parcel in the C•R Overlay would be the following: 1) for parcels designated Low Densky - up to 50 hotel rooms per gross acre or 75 rooms, whichever is greater; and, 2) for parcels designated Medium Densky - up to 75 hotel rooms per gross acre or 75 rooms, whichever is greater; provided that forthose parcels that are developed wkh hotel/motel rooms which exceed the maximum density designation, the number of rooms existing on the date of adoption of The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Ordinance may be rebuilt or modified at their existing densky) and, c) To upgrade the Water and Electrical Distribution System Maps (including thr realignment of tho Edison Easement between Walnut Street and Harbor Boulevard or the north side of Katella Avenue), and to amend the Storm Drain and Sewer Maps. (2) Circulation Element (the following amendments apply to properties both wkhln and outside of the Specffic Plan project area): a) To redesignate West Street between Ball Road and I-5 from a Secondary Arteris Highway (4lanes, 90-footright-of-way) designation to a Modified Major Arterial Highwa (6 to 7 lanes, 98- to 110-foot right-of-way) designation; to delete a portion of We; Street south of Ball Road from the Major Arterial Highway (6 lanes, 120-foot right•o' way) designation and create a cultle-sac; to redesignate West Street between Cerrko Avenue and Ball Road from a Major Arterial Highway (6 lanes, 120-foot right-of-wad designation to a Resort Secondary Arterial Hlgh:vay (4 lanes, 95-foot right•of-Oval designation, between Cerritos Avenue and Katella Avenue from a Secondary Arteri~ Highway (4 lanes, 90•foot right-of-way) designation to a Resort Secondary Artert Highway (4lanes, 95-foot right-of-way) designation, and to change ks alignment ar name to Disneyland Drive from 1-5 to Katella Avenue; `.r I o5/1s/s3 Page 3 b) To relocate Cerritos Avenue between Walnut Street and West Street/Disneyland Drive approximately 1,000 to 1,100 feet northerly and to remove it ftom the Secondary Arterial Highway (4lanes, 90-foot right-of-way) designation and redesignate h to a Resort Local Street (2 lanes, 65-foot right-of-way) designation; ~ c) To redesignate Freedman Way between Hester Street and Harbor Boulevard from a Secondary Arterial Highway (4lanes, 90-foot right-of-way) designation to a Modified Major Arterial Highway (6 lanes, 113-foot right-of-way) designation; d) To create a new designation entkled 'Resort SmartstreeY (previously advertised as 'SuperstreeY) and to redesignate Katella Avenue between I-5 and Walnut Street ftom a Major Arterial Highway (6 lanes, 120-foot dght-of-way) designation to a "Resort SmartstreeY (8 lanes, 166-foot right-ofway) designation; e) To redesignate Harbor Boulevard between I-5 and Orangewood Avenue from a Major Artedal Highway (6 lanes, 120•foot right-of-way) designation to a Resort Major Arterial Highway designation (6 lanes, 144-foot right-of-way) designation; and, f) To redesignate Clementine Street between Freedman Way and Katella Avenue from a Secondary Arterial Highway (4lanes, 90-foot dght-ofway) designation to a Modffied Secondary Arterial Highway (4lanes, 87-foot right-of-way) designation; and, (3) Environmental Resource and Management Element (the following amendment applies to property within the Specific Plan project area): To eliminate the Agricultural Preserve designation for a58.0-acre parcel southeast of the intersection of Katella Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. (C) The Disneyland Resort Soecffic Plan No. 92-1 The proposed Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1 (including Zoning and Development Standards, a Design Plan and Guklelines, and a Public Facilfties Pian) would provkfe for the development of an International multi•day vacation destination resort including the construction of the Disneyland Administration Building (a 475,000 square foot building wfth an accompanying parking facility for 2,300 spaces); construction of the WESTCOT Center including the WESTCOT theme park (with up to 3.35 million square feet of development including attractions, pavilions, an amphitheater, restaurants, retail, and potentially some hotel development), hotels (up to a maximum of 4,600 new rooms plus 1000 rooms remaining in the existing Disneyland Hotel which will undergo extensive renovation, up to 420,000 square feet of meeting space and retail/restaurant space, and accommodation of 9,360 new parking spaces, with provision for up to 1,000 rooms to be located wthin the WESTCOT theme park), entertainment areas, internal transportation systems and two public parking facilities containing a maximum of approximately 34,300 spaces; and, designation of an area for future expansion to possibly Include a third gated theme park (analyzed with up to 1,250,000 square feet of building area and parking facilities containing 8,700 parking spaces). Ongoing internal modifications and renovation of the existing Disneyland theme park and Disneyland Hotel will continue as part of the Disneyland Resort. Also proposed is the establishment of the GR Overlay which would pertain to approximately 116 acres and would permit property in the Overlay to be developed with land uses consistent with the development program and standards for the underlying Resort District or be governed by the same land uses (I.e., permitted and conditionally permitted uses, etc.) as the GR (Commercial Recreation) Zone as set forth in Chapter 18.48 of the Anaheirn Municipal Code. As described in EIR No. 311, the proposed project also Includes the demolition and removal of some existing facilities as well as property acqulsttion for implementation of the off-sfte Infrastructure improvements. ~~ 06/19/90 Page 4 ;'~ Project design modklcatlons which have occurred sh~ce the release of the Drag EIR and Specific Plan in November 1992 Include a reconflguratlon of the West Parking Area and the designatlon of cast parkng facilkies (open parking lot and parking structure) south of Ketella Avenue and adjacent to Hester Street as well as more detailed project design features pertaining to the design of the parking faciikies. The zoning and development standerds contained in the Speci0c Plan document set forth minimum standards and procedures for the development of The Disneyland Resort as provided for in Chapter 18.93 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Also Incorporated wkhin the Speci0c Plan is a Public FacilRies Plan consisting of maps and text which set forth and address the timing and extent of future Infrastructure Improvements and services needed to serve the project. In addkion, the Specific Plan includes a comprehensive Streetscape Program to address special treatments for gateway entry points Into the area, median treatments, street trees and landscaping. D. commercial Recreation Area Heicht Standard Ordinance The proposed Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area Height Standard Ordinance would replace Map 1124 entitled, 'Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area Height Standard Guideline," which was previously adopted by City Council Resolution No. 80R-174 for the Commercial Recreation Area. ACTT N THE PLANNING COMMISSION, BY MOTION OR RESOLUTION AS INDICATED BELOW, WILL MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING THE PROPOSED ACTIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL HOLD ADDITIONAL PUBLIC HEARINGS AND MAKE THE FINAL DECISIONS. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0.331 GENERAL PLAN AME~:DMENT N0.331 SPECIFIC PLAN N0.92-1 SPECIFIC PLAN N0.92-1 ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ANAHEIM COMMERCIAL RECREATION AREA HEIGHT STANDARD ORDINANCE Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. ~~ MOTION RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION BY CITY COUNCIL (7 YES VOTES) RESOLUTION N0. PC 93-58 APPROVED (7 YES VOTES) RESOLUTION N0. PC 93.59 APPROVED (7 YES VOTES) RESOLUTION NO. PC 93-60 APPROVED (7 YES VOfi'ES) RECOMMENDED ADOPTION BY CITY COUNCIL (8 YES VOTES -COMMISSIONER PERAZA DECLARED A CONFLICT OF INTEREST) 05/19/93 Page 5