Minutes-PC 1993/06/28t~ ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1993, AT 10:00 A.M. PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW PUBLIC HEARING (PUBLIC TESTIMONY) 11:00 A.M. 1:30 P.M. 10:00 - 11:00 WORKSHOP REGARDING: THE ANAHEIM PLA7A PROJECT COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, PERA7A, TAIT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: MESSE PROCEDURE TO EXPEDITE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. The proponents in appiications which are not contested will have five minutes to present their evidence. Addkional time will be granted upon request if, in the opinion of the Commission, such addkional time will produce evidence important to the Commission's consideration. ~"' , 2. In contested applications, the proponents and opponent will each be given ten minutes to present their case unless addkional time is requested and the complexky of the matter warrants. The Commission's considerations are not determined by the length of time a participant speaks, but rather by what Is said. 3. Staff Reports are part of the evidence deemed received by the Commission in each hearing. Copies are available to the public prior to the meeting. 4. The Commission will withhold questions until the public hearing is closed. 5. The Commission reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing k, in ks opinion, the ends of fairness to all concerned will be served. 6. All documents presented to the Planning Commission for review in connection wkh any hearing, including photographs or other acceptable visual representations or non-documentary evidence, shall be retained by the Commission for the public record and shall be available for public inspections. 7. At the end of the scheduled hearings, members of the public will be allowed to speak on kerns of 'Interest which are wkhin the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, and/or agenda kerns. Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of five (5) minutes to speak. j~ i 1 AC062893.WP ~ 1~ Page 1 1 ;; ~~ ;; 1a. FINAL SU PPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0. 316 Approved 1b. RECLAS SIFICATION NO.92-93-05 Granted uncond. 1c WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Approved 1d. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3568 Granted 1e. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT N0. 93.01 Continued to 7/26/93 OWNER: CALIFORNIA STATE TEACHERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, A PUBLIC ENTITY, 7667 Folsom Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95826 AGENT: O'CONNOR REALTY ADVISORS, INC., Attn: Mike Str1e, Vice President, 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90025 DONAHUE SCHRIBER, 3501 Jamboree Road, Ste. 300, Attn: Brad Deck, Vice President, Development, South Tower, Newport Beach, CA 92660 LOCATION: 444-690 North Euclid Street. Property consists of two Irceguiady- shaped parcels of land: Parcel 1 consists of approximately 38.25 acres bounded on the north by Crescent Avenue, on the east by Loara Street, on the south by the Santa Ana Freeway (Interstate 5), and on the west by Euclid Street (Anaheim Plaza). Parcel 2 consists of approximately 8.82 acres located at the northeast corner of Crescent Avenue and Euclid Street, having approximate frontages of 620 feet on the north side of Crescent Avenue and 640 feet on the east side of Euclid Street. To consider certf8cation of Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 316 (Anaheim Plaza Project). To reclassify subject property (Parcel 1) from CG (Commercial, General) to CL (Commercial, Limited). To permft the phased construction of a commercial retail center with an indoor entertainment facility, an automotive repair and parts installation facility in conjunction with a major retail tenant, semi-enclosed restaurants (outdoor dining/food court), and an auditorium/community meeting room wkh waiver of minimum structural setback abutting an arterial highway, permitted encroachment into required yard areas, landscaping of required yards, parking lot landscaping, maximum sign area, maximum number of freestanding signs, maximum area of freestanding signs, minimum distance between freestanding signs and/or roof signs, maximum height of freestanding signs, maximum number of roof signs, maximum area of roof signs, maximum height of roof signs and maximum height of Illuminated roof signs. To consider Development Agreeement No. 93-01 between the City of Anaheim and the CalHomia State Teachers Retirement System, a public entity, relating to the development of the subject property. RECLASSIFICATION RESOLUTION N0. PC93-72 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC 93-73 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT RESOLUTION NO. Page 2 t-~ FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE '. CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. It is noted by the secretary that Commissioners Peraza and Taft declared a conflict of Interest and, therefore, did not participate in the discussion. OPPOSITION: None IN FAVOR: 2 PETITIONER: Richard Bruckner, Redeveiopment Manager, Community Redevelopment Agency. Ne made a brief presentation regarding the revRalization of the Anaheim Plaza. He recommends to the Planning Commission that they approve this plan. He referenced the Residents fc~~ Anaheim Plaza (R.A.P.) and stated their Executive Committee has wholeheartedly endorsed the plan. Brad Deck, 367 Magnolia Street, Costa Mesa, CA, Donahuo Schriber, representing California State Teachers' Retirement System, (CALSTRS) and the redevelopment and leasing of the Anaheim Plaza. He stated the agency entered Into an owner participation agreement with CALSTRS on Decomber 15th of last year. The majority of their efforts have been towards trying to achieve a 70% lease up commitment which was one of the milestones set forth in the owner participation agresr,~ent. He elaborated and indicated they have made significant progress to date. He stated their schedule is to try and solidffy their entitlement efforts to try and obtain approvals to move forward wfth the demolition and construction of the project starting this fail so they can deliver a building pad to the mayor tenants around February 1st wfth the thought they would open in the fall of 1994. David Berkson, principal of the SWA Group, landscape architects and urban designers, 560 Broadway, Laguna Beach, CA. He gave a slide presentation on their concept approach to the project. Reubin Andrews, Graphic Solutlons,1750 Kettner Blvd., San Diego, CA. He stated there is an exposure to Highway 1-5 which is fairly unique and will be a definite asset they could develop. Strong tenant identification will also need to be provided. They were impressed with Mr. Berkson's notion of the agrarian past of Anah, im. They have sought for ways to integrate the signage and the graphics wfth the landscape archftecture and the archftecture. He gave a slide presentation and elaborated on the selection of the colors; the history of graphics and the locations of signage. IN FAVOR: The following individuals spoke in favor of the project: Elward W(seman, 1246 Dwyer Drive, Anaheim, CA. He Is the Chairman of the Executive Committee of R.A.P.; Midam Kaywood (former City Council member and member of the R.A.P. Committee). ~ Page 3 ~,.~ THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. DISCUSSION: Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager, stated for the purposes of the Growth Management Element Analysis, the departments have indicated that there are no addklonal growth management element Issues beyond those that are addressed in the EIR. Air qualky cannot be mkigated to a level of insignkicance and, therefore, a Statement of Overckling Consklerations has been prepared for Planning Commission ~doptlon In conjunction wkh the supplemental EIR. He read amendments to condkion nos. 2, 5 and 6 as noted under "Action' Chairman Henninger stated there was a question this morning regarding Waiver "E' and Waiver `K" regarding what those square-footage areas ficluded and what they dki not include and whether they needed to amend those numbers. Petitioner. He stated there was inquiry as to what the square-footage limitation of tenant signs would be on the trellis. The sign plant kself defines a maximum Ilmk to those signs which is essentially 20% of the wall area and that Iimk would be 4,200 feet, Chairman Henninger asked k that applies to the signs that staff is calling roof signs because they project over the top of the roof which Is hidden behind the parapet. The pettioner indicated that was correct. Chairman Henninger asked k they were comfortable wkh the numbers that were in the '' waivers or would they like to amend them. Pettioner. The numbers were consistent wkh their sign plan. Commissioner Caldwell stated they like to encourage foot traffic. The perimeters of this park have whatever landscape and there is a sklewalk, a curb and street. He stated he wanted to add a condklon that they have parkway landscaping between the street and the sidewalk wherever possible. Petitioner. They were prepared to recommend that wkh 2 possible exceptions. One is the block where Chilli's and Marie Calendars are located and because of the widening it is nat physically possible. Secondly, the block to the south where there will be an addkional take as the off-ramps come on. In the ultimate conflguretion they believe they can achieve that. They have not seen the final elevations for those off-ramps and do not know what the slope is going to be in that area. They concur wkh what Commissioner Caldwell is recommending. They do not have information at this time to make that determination. Everywhere else they will have no problem wkh that condkion. Natalie Lockman, Public Works-Engineering, stated generally their standard requires that in front of commercial properties the sidewalk be full width. However, under special circumstances, as long as the property owner was maintaining those landscaped areas in tha public right-of-way under an agreement with the City, then they would have no objection to that. The Cky cannot take on the landscape responsibilftles. ~ Page 4 Petftfoner. Mr. Wiseman, Chairman of R.A.P., commented that the vegetation along ~ Loam near Westmont be low enough so cars can see over ft and avokl accklents. In any case, that will be reviewed by the Cfty Engineer and betaken care of in a review of the final documents. Pettioner. Clarified that the 4,200 square feet for tenant signs on the trellis would be an addftNe number to the Anaheim Plaza sign which is on top of the trellis. Chairman Henninger asked for clarification ff the appropriate number in Section E really is approximately 15,000 square feet instead of 9,600? The petiioner indicated that was correct. Discussion took place regarding Justification of the sign waNer which was included in the staff report. Chairman Henninger stated perhaps they should add a condftlon that speciflcaily says they will conform wfth both the plans and the sign program they have presented to the Planning Commission. Mr. Hastings stated the sign plan, as presented, is an exhibft wfthin the file currently and it would be fled to that. The Commission may ask that ft be tied to specific exhibits rather than substantial conformance and the Redevelopment people will be looking at that for conformance. He added you can definitely tail out a separate condftion asking that the signs that are being presented be in conformance wfth what you have seen. Chairman Henninger stated he would like to do that as a separate condft(on Just so they all remember ft in the future. Commissioner Mayer stated she had some concerns regarding the public transportation bus access and there has been, until recently, a heavy flow through that area of public transportation. She did not see that addressed on the plan. Petitioner. At the moment they are studying a transportation terminal template that would be located in the northeast comer of the site directly behind the two 25,000 square•foot buildings. As yet, they do not have anything deflnftive to report. Commissioner Mayer asked for clarification ff there were going to be places for people who use public transportation on the site? Pettioner. They would like to Incorporate something like that In the protect, but as of right now they do not have a definite plan. They will be looking at that concept and ft would not only be for pubiic transportation, but also for tour buses and those kinds of vehicles as a means of addftional access. ~~ Page 5 i ACTION: 1. Certified EIR 316; adopted the Statement of Overriding Conskferations and ~ Mkigation Monftoring Program No. 56-A. 2. Granted Reclassification No. 92-93-05 uncondftionally 3. Approved Waiver of Code Requirement 4. Granted Condftional Use Permft No. 3566 wfth the fdiowing changes to condftions: I Modffied Condition No. 2 to read: 2. That all automotive repair, service or parts instaliatlon activities shall be conducted wholly within the enclosed service bay area and ihat no vehicles shall be stored or parked outside the building overnight. Modffied Condition No. 5 to read: 5. Tenant (dentfflcation shall be Iimfted to one (1) roof or wall sign per ~! tenant, per building face, however, any sign placed on or affixed to the space-frame structure, whether above or below the roof line of the building, shall be limited to not more than twenty percent (2096) of the face of the tenant lease space. Modffied Condtion No. 26 to read: 26. That no illuminated roof signage shall be visible to the residential areas to the east and north. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS WERE ADDED: 1. That parkway landscaping shall be provkled between the street and the sidewalk, where possible, on all three directions, Crescent Avenue to the north, Loam Street to the east and Euclid Street to the west. Said parkways shall be maintained by the property owner. 2. That subject property shall conform with both the plans and the sign program presented to the Planning Commission at their meeting held on June 28, 1993. 3. That the property owner shall provide transit access either on-site or adjacent (out on the street) and with OCTA to provide maximum i accessibility to the she. 5. Continued Development Agreement No. 93-01 to July 26, 1993. VOTE: 4-0 (Commissioner Messe absent; Commissioners Peraza and Taft declared a conflict of interest) ~ Page 6 2a. CE NEGATIVE DECLARATION Continued to 2b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT July 12, 1993 2c. rONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3614 OWNER: SIDNEY E. BICKELTRUST, P.O. Box 10697, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 LOCATION: 701-711 S. East Street. Property is approximately 1.79 acres located on the west skle of East Street and approximately 190 feet north of tho centerline of South Street. To permit a charter bus storage and repair/maintenance facility wkh incidental sales activity wfth waiver of Ilmitations of permitted outdoor uses and required screening of cutdoor uses. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: 4 '~ PETITIONER: Paul Downs, 234 E. Lincoln, Anahelm, CA. Sydney Bickel, owner of the property, P.O. Box 10697, Costa Mesa, CA. OPPOSITION'S CONCERNS: The following persons spoke In opposition to sub)ect request: Ron Banderras, (phonetically spelled) 711 S. Dawn, Anaheim; Marilyn Helm, 700 South East Street, Anahelm; Dan Powers, CB Commercial Real Estate (no address given); Anthony J. Glass, 1212 E. Westbrook Place, Anahelm; Betty DeShaner (phonetically spelled), 601 S. Dawn Street, Anaheim. Petitions with a total of 32 signatures were submitted in opposklon to this project. Following are the major concerns: 1. The usage will Impact heavily on the homes along East and South Streets. The business usage pricy to this was a 7:OOa.m. to 4:o0p.m. or 8:(10a.m. to 5:OOp.m. Monday through Friday, 5 day a week operation. The previous operation is compatible to the residential character of the neighborhood. 2. The new usage would Impact severely on the current Integrity of the neighborhood. ~ Page 7 3. Anaheim has started in fts program Vision 2000, its commftment to maintaining the lntegrfty of neighborhoods and reversing or deteriorating the blight in resklential and commercial area. Placing this facility here would directly violate this commftment. ACTION: Continued to July 12, 1993 In order for the applicant to have an opportunity to speak wfth his partner and talk to the Commission about Iimfting the repair times to 5 days a week from B:OOa.m to 6:OOp.m.; work wfth staff on the wash bays and the dump station. Greg McCafferty, Advanced Planning, suggested that some of the issues relative to the traffic and hours of operation and diesel fumes should be discussed some more and possibly mftigation measures formulated. Discussion took place iF there Is going to be a wash rack and a dump station. The number of buses may be reduced from 35 as ft will cut into the available ~ parking on the sfte. Chairman Henninger suggested that they Iimft pcwored equipment to the inside of the building. Commissioner Boydstun expressed concern rega;d!ng the warming up of buses; they should have something on the she plan that would put it clear at the back of the lot to get ft as far away from the houses as possible. Chainnan Henninger suggested where the exlMing chain link fence is, perhaps they could install a noise wall Instead of the chain link fence in order to buffer the noise. Page 8 ~a r,~: d !~ 3a, c'EgA NEGATIVE DECLARATION I Grapnted~ 3b. RECLASSIFICATION N0. 92-93.10 OWNER: LEONARD J. LAWICKI, 1691 S. Euclid Street, Anaheim, CA 92802: JAMES J. FORNATOR and MI'+RION R. FORNATOR, 603 S. Adria, Anaheim, CA 92802 LOCATION: 1707 and 1713 West Sallie Lene. Property is approximately 0.44 acres located on the north side of Sallie Lane and approximately 110 feet west of the centerline of Euclid Street. To reclassHy subject property from the RS•7200 to CL Zone. RECLASSIFICATION RESOLUTION NO. PC93-74 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PL4NNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: 2 IN FAVOR: 1 ;'_ PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Leonard Lawicki, 1691 S. Euclid Street, Anaheim, CA. The primary reason for the reclassification is to utilize the rear suction of the of 1707 Sally Lane to put a cement pad to accommodate parking that was requested by his neighbor from Westview Services. It is a non profit organization that teaches and accommodates learning disability people to function and be retrained in order to be able to eam an Income. IN FAVOR: Jim O'Gahwa, (phonetically spelled), Westview Vocational Services, 1655 S. Euclkl, Anaheim, CA. In favor because ft would permit up to 12 vehicles. Vehicles are now parking on EucikJ Street. OPPOSITION'S CONCERNS: Kevin Moore, property owner at 1702 S. Vama (on the comer). He is opposed to the reclassfflcatlon. Both Sallie and Varna have no sidewalks at all, so all of the pedestrians are walking in the street through the residential area. A shopping confer was recently built on the northwest corner. He expressed his concerns regarding traffic. Julie Miller, 1737 Sallie Lane approximately 4 houses down from the property in question. She had a copy of her letter and a picture of the commercial property across the street. She expressed her concerns regarding tagging, traffic and safety issues relative to the chtldren. L, Page 9 f ) ( ~, REBUTTAL: Mc Lawicki stated he has been a resident in the area for the past 25 years and h(s office is located on Sallie Lane. He stated he has no contrd over tagging or hornless people and ft is something that is prevalent throughout the cfty and county. He has repainted the block wail across the street several t(me~ wfth the neighbors. He addressed the opposfton's concems regarding the increased parking. He explained ft does not add traffic ft removes automobiles from Euclid Street for the employees who work from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The facility is not utilized on Saturday and Sunday. He has been a good neighbor for the years that he has been there. He has developed the property from a single-family home; he has maintained his office and he has tried to maintain the status and integrity of that area in the years since he has been in that building. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Boydstun asked Alfred Yalda, Traffic Engineering, what could be done to stop the traiflc going through the area. Could ~ stop sign be put at Sallie Lane and Varna? She did not real(ze there was access from file center Into the resklentlai area. Mr. Yalda explained they could deflnftely study the intersection and see ff ft meets their warrants for a stop sign and H ft does, they will go ahead and Install a stop sign. Cominissiner Boydstun expressed her concems that there are no sidewalks in that area and ff traffic is cutting through they could be placing their children in danger. Further discussion took place regarding the various traffic concems and how ft might be resolved. Chairman Henn(nger stated there does appear to be a circulation problem and he asked how they could prohibft people from taking a sfic. t cut? Mr. Yalda stated perhaps they could post some areas 'One Way" or prohibft some tum(ng movements to discourage people from taking short cuts. He suggested they get a petition signed by all of the residents. He explained Hone or two of the residents disagree then there could be problems. He asked the neighbors to wrfte and explained exactly what the problem is. Fie added a lot of times they do have a solution. Commissioner boystun asked Mr. Yalda to do the traffic count this week so they could post some stop signs. L. Page 10 ~. c y Mr. Yalda agreed and stated they could have the signs installed sometime this week. Commissioner Taft suggested that they post a maximum speed signage. ACTIQN: 1. CEQA Negative Declaration -Approved 2. Reclassiftcation No. 92-93-01 -Granted VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Messe absent) Page 11 (•` 4a. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved 4b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Approved 4c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3611 Granted in part OWNER: CYNTHIA L. FLORIANI, 217 N. Emily Street, Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: 217 North Emily Street. Property is approximately 0.15 acre located on the west side of Emily Street and approximately 145 feet south of the centerline of Cypress Street. To permit a537-square foot "granny unit' in conjunction wfth an existing single-family residence with waiver of maximum lot coverage and minimum number of parking spaces. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC93-74 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION: Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, asked that a condition be added. (See below under CUP). ACTION: CEQA Negative Declaration -Approved Waiver of Code Requirement -Approved in part (Waiver of maximum lot coverage DELETED) Condkional Use Pernik No. 3611 -Granted Add the follwing condition: 1. That the granny unit shall not be independently metered for public utilities. VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Messe absent) Page 12 a h ~'t ~• Approved Approved Granted for 7 years (to explre on June 28, 2000) OWNER: ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF ANAHEIM AGENT: THOMAS MEYER, 222 N. East Street, Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: 222 N. East Street. Property Is approximately 8.2 acres located at the southeast comer of Cypress Street and East Street. To permit 3 portable classrooms (2,880-square feet total) in order to expand an existing private elementary school with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC93-76 5a. CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 5b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT 5c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3813 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Jergen Mocheski, (phonetically spelled), 2000 E. Chapman Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92631. Suggested some wording for clar8ication. He referenced Condition No. 1. Would Ilke to Insert the words "tor the elementary school." THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. DISCUSSION: Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, stated the 436 number was based on the elementary schod enrdlment flgure~ that were given to staff unless the Planning Commission was also Interested In Ilmlting the overall enrollment to Include the day care and preschool uses on the property. That figure then would be Increased by 205 students beyond the 436. Chairman Henniger suggested they expand the condftlon to say 436 for the elementary school; 80 preschool children and 125 day care children. Mr. Borrego stated they are recommending a time limitation on the temporary trailers and the CUP will expire based on the current conditioning in 1997. It was also noted that ff the trailer Is going to be In place longer then ono year, then those trailers are required to be fire sprinMed under their city ordinance. Page 13 Mc Macheski stated the concern he would have is Iimfting the preschool to 80 and the extended day-care. He explained the eMended day-care is not an additional number that is added to the day school. Prior to the beginning of the schod day or following the end of the school day, some of the children whose parents work, arrive on campus early or leave late and they have made provisions to accommodate these parents. He explained h is not an additive number. Discussion took place regarding the three (3) portable trailers. Their goal is that in 7 years they would be in a position to bum the mortgage for the building and start something new. Further discussion took place regarding the time period of the CUP. It was determined that the CUP would be granted for a period of 7years. ACTION: CEQA Negative Declaration -Approved Waiver of Code Requirement -Approved Condkional Use Permft No. 3613 -Granted The following conditions were modified as follows: 1. That the student enrollment per semester shall be limited to a maximum of 436 elementary students. 2. That approval for the subject three (3) portable classrooms is granted for a period of seven (7) years from the date of this resolution (to expire June 28, 2000). The following condftion was added: "That fire sprlnklors shall be installed as required by the Fire Department.' VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Messe absent) .~~. Page 14 ;f ~; LOCATION: 3200 East Caruemer Avenue. Property is approximately 5.89 acres located on the south side of Carpenter Avenue and approximately 80 feet east of the centedine of Shepard Street.(Camelot Golfland). Review of revised plans to permk a 3,482-square foot children's play area within an existing amusement faciltiy. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. PC93-n 6a. CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION (Previously Approved) Approved 6b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1215 (Readvertlsed) Recommended approval of revised OWNER: FRED B. KENNEY, 3200 E. Carpenter Avenue, Anaheim, CA plans to City Council 92806 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Fred Kenney, Camelot Goifland, one of the owners located at 3200 E. Carpemter Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92806. They are proposing to install a children's play area inside the existing arcade building. THE PUBLIC HEAP.iNG WAS CLOSED. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Boydstun asked ff they would be removing some of the arcade equipment? Mr. Kenney explained they recently added onto their arcade building. Part of the space is designated fer arcade games, but is not currently being used. It is an upstairs space and the people want to be where the action is and that is on the lower level. They always wanted to do someth(ng for the smaller children under 6. ACTION: CEQA NegatNe Declaration - ApprovYl Condkional use Pernik No. 1215 - (Recommended approval of revised plans to the Ctiy Council). Note: There will be no appeal period since this hem will be automatically going to Ctiy Council. ~ VOTE: 6.0 (Commissioner Messe absent) Page 15 7. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO 14353 - REOUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME Approved TO C9MPLY WITH CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: (to expire 7/16/94) G. Thomas Tyo requests aone-year extension of time to comply wkh condkions of approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 14353 (a 55-unk air- space condominium subdNision) to expire on July 16, 1994. Property is located on the east side of Anaheim Hilis Road, approximately 1,560 feet south of the centerline of Santa Ana Canyon Road and is a portion of Tract Map No. 8905. B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1564 (READVERTISED TO PERMIT A Approved KIDDIE CARNIVAL) -REQUEST FOR RETROACTIVE EXTENSION OF TIME (to expire 4/6/94) TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Court Huish requests a one-year retroactive eMenslon of time to comply wkh condkions of approval for Conditional Use Perms: No. 1564 (expansion of an existing amusement faciiky) to expire on April 6, 1994. Property is located 1041 N. Shepard Street. C. PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT PERTAINING TO AGE LIMITATIONS Recommended FOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS. draft ordinance for adoption to City Council D. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.727 -REQUEST FOR TERMINATION: Terminated Betty B. Feldman requests termination of condkional Use Permk No. 727 (to permk the expansion of an existing rest home). Property Is located at 205 E. Mills Drive. TERMINATION RESOLUTION NO. PC73.78 MEETING ADJOURNED AT: 4:15p.m. Page 16 ., ~3 :z