Minutes-PC 1994/03/07,n
1. The proponents in applications which are not contested will have flue minutes to present their
evidence. Addtional time will be granted upon request if, In the opinion of the Commission,
such additional time will produce evidence Important to the Commission's consideration.
2. In contested appflcatlons, the proponents and opponent will each be g(ven ten minutes to
~.,, present their case unless additional time is requested and the complexity of the matter warrants.
d , ~ The Commission's considerations are not determined by the length of time a participant speaks,
but rather by what is said.
3. Staff Reports are part of the evidence deemed received by the Commission In each hearing.
Copies are available to the public prior to the meoting.
4. The Commisslon will whhhold questions until the public hearing Is closed.
5. The Commission reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing ff, in its opinion, the ends of
fairness to all concerned will be served.
6. All documents presented to the Planning Commission for review in connection wkh any hearing,
Including photographs or other acceptable visual representations or non-documentary evidence,
shall be retained by the Commission for the public record and shall be available for public
7. At the and of the scheduled hearings, members of the public will be allowed to speak on items
of Interest which are within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commisslon, and/or agenda ftoms.
Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of five (5) minutes to speak.
1a. E A M71~CATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (Previously Approved] I Approved
ib. RECLASSIFICATION NO.93-9405 (Readvertised) Approved
1c. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 14886 (Readvertised) Approved
Schultz, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805
AGENT: fCAUFMAN AND BROAD, 180 N. Riverview Dr., Ste. 300,
Anaheim, CA 92808
LOCATION: Property is approximately 20 acres generaliv
bounded by Lincoln Avenue to the north. East
Street to the east. Broadway to the south and the
Atchison-Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad right of
wev to the west.
Request: Petitioner requests an amendment to condiions of approval by
deleting a condftlon of approval (pertaining to the recordation of a
covenant) from Reclassification No. 93.94-05 and transfercing said
condition to Tentative Tract Map No. 14866.
Brent Schultz, Project Manager, Anaheim Redevelopment Agency. Requesting
to amend conditions of approval on the Area 5 entitlements, specNicaily the
Reclassification conditions regarding the School District Covenant, that it be
deleted and moved to the Tentative Tract Map conditions, in order to give the
agency sufficient time to acquire the remaining parcels and then they can
record the covenant. They will then have ownership of the complete site. They
hope to record the Tract Map some time in June.
ACTION: Approved request as follows: transferced Condition No. 1 of Resolution
Nu. PC94-1 granted in conjunction with Reclassification No. 33.9405 to
the conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 14866 and further
required that Condtion No. 1 be completed prior to recordation of the
final tract map to read as follows:
(Continued on next page)
Page 2 ~
1. That prior to recordation of Final Tract Map No. 14866 an
unsubordinated covenant shall be recorded with the Office of the
Orange County Recorder agreeing to provide the buyer of each
dwelling unft wfth written information obtained from the schod
district(s) pertaining to possible overcrowded condftions and busing
status of the school(s) serving the dwelling unft. A copy of the
covenant shall be submitted to and approved by the City Attorney
prior to recordation. A copy of the recorded covenant shall be
submitted to the Zoning Division.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Henninger absent)
Page 3
REALTY ADVISORS, 665 S. Figueroa Street, Ste. 3500,
Los Angeles, CA 90017-2543
MANAGEMENT, 865 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA
LOCATION: 5620 E. Santa Ana Canvon Road. Property is
approxfmateiy 10.63 acres located at the southwest
comer of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Imperial Highway.
Request: To permft an 8,710-square foot semi-enclosed restaurant with
on-prernise sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages and roof-
mounted equipment wfth waiver of minimum number of parking spaces.
Cont(nued from the January 10, 24, and February 23, 1994, Planning
Commission meetings.
Sandra Quilty, Commercial Center Management. They manage the property In
question for Endowment. They have taken care of the issues that came up at
ttie meeting 2 weeks ago.
Commissioner Messe asked K they have read all of the condftions of approval
Imposed by the Police Department?
Ms. Quilty explained she has read them and discussed them wfth Officer
Page 4
Greg Hastings, Zoning DNision Manager, stated Condkion No. 11, on page 10,
,-~ needs to be tied to a timing and that condkion Is required to be comptled wkh
prior to commencement of the actNky or prior to final building and zoning
inspections whichever occurs first. That would be a new condkion.
ACTION: Approved NegatNe Declaration
Approved Waiver of Code Requirement
Granted Condkional Use Permk No. 3658 as follows:
ModtFled Condkion No. 11 to read as foliows:
11. That prior to commencement of actNity authorized by this
resolution or prior to final building and zoning inspections,
whichever occurs first, subject property shall be developed
substantially in accordance with plans and specifications
submkted to the Cky of Anaheim by the petkioner and which
plans are on file wkh the Planning Department marked Exhibk
Nos. 1 through 3.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Henninger absent)
Page 5
18021, Anaheim, CA 92817
LOCATION: 6270 E. Santa Ana Canvon Road. Property is
approximately .94 acre located on the south s'de of Santa
Ana Canyon Road. and approximately 515 feet west of the
centerline of Fairmont Boulevard.
Request: To permft a 4,415 square foot private educational facility (pre-
school to 3rd grade) and a 4,372 square foot church with waivers of
minimum landscape setback adjacent to a residential zone boundary
and minimum setback of institutional uses adjacent to a residential zone
Continued from the February 23, 1994, Planning Commission meeting.
OPPOSITION: 5 people
Dcug Brawn, 151 S. Quintana, Anaheim. The building was placed against the
wssteriy line. He went to the neighbors who were most affected by the project
and requested that they contribute to the design of the project In order that the
butlding be most compatible with their residential use. They designed a project
that was effectively placed against their property line and therefore, giving them
permanent privacy.
He came before the Planning Commission July, 1992 and ft was passed by a
substantial margin. It was later over fumed by the City Council tacause
someone who was not included in that consideration in his estimation, went to
the City Council and received a no fee appeal. It was reheard and over fumed.
The primary concerns were that the property had 5 variances. The property is
developable by rights. He can develop ft as ft fs with no CUP and no variances
wfth a minor modff(cation. The only variance he is asking for is a relaxation of
the standard of the 10-foot landscape from the westerly property Ilne to 7 feet
of landscape setback.
Page 6
He had an architect prepare the landscape plans. This landscape plan
~~-, complies with the landscape ordinance required for parking and frontage with a
min(mum of one 15•gallon tree provided for every 20 feet of frontage along
Santa Ana Canyon Road as well as substantial coverage throughout the site.
The question before the Commission is basically a land use question. He is
applying on behalf of two users, whn he has secured for the property, for
condftional use permits for the rear and front buildings. The rear building Is a
proposed Montessori school. It will be operated by two women who presently
res(de in Yorba Linda and Anaheim Hills. They operate a Montessori school in
the City of Carson. That school is almost identical as the one they are
proposing on this site. They have patterned this operation after that one in
terms of the size of the playground, parking and traffic considerations, etc.
The lower and upper floors of the building to the back would be for the
exclusive use of the Montessori school. Its eventual application would be to go
from Infant care through grade 3 which is extremely crftlcal in the City of
Anaheim and the Anaheim Hills area.
The front building is also a two story structure. The lower floor is a proposed
use for a church. He has provided no floor plan as the use is not yet
designated. It will probably fall to an office user based on the other uses that
are in the she at thb present t(rne. The advantage of the two proposed users is
they compliment each other in terms of non Interference of traffic. The
preschool will be closed on Saturday and Sunday and the church will be open
on Sunday. It will also have some minor office use, perhaps 5 or 6 staff
members using the offices durfng the week. Wednesday night they have an
educational and fellowship session after the olosing hours of the Montessori
The middle building Is proposed as an office use. He has a tentative user,
although that is not yet committed. The use will be extremely low Impact.
He was handed a copy of a letter that was presented to the Planning
Commission which he had not addressed. He was Izte to the meeting because
he went back to the drafting table and produced the Information requested. He
will post it on the board at the appropriate time.
Mrs. Sydney May, 8215 E. Summerset Lane, Anaheim. He has owned and
operated a Montessori School In the City of Carson for 16 years; it Is In a
Commercial zone and very similar to the proposed site. In the 16 years she
has been in operation, she has never had one person complain about the
children's noise.
It is not just a day care center per se. 1t is ::n educational instftution. They do
serve children from 2-1 /2 through 4, then Kindergarten upwards. At the
beginning of their operation, they will not have older children because they will
not have time to build up their clientele.
Page 7
The Montessori School puts emphasis on education more than play.
his, Montessori children are not outside on the playground nearly as often as a day
care center. They will not have a big Impact on She neighbors in the adjoining
homes. When they are out on the playground they go out by classrooms, so
there would be a maximum of 20.24 children out at a time.
Peggy Meadows, 6275 E. Rio Grande DrNe, Anaheim Hills. She is one of the
persons that opposed Mr. Brown's plans before. There are five of them up on
the hill and their property directly hooks onto this piece of property. Mr. Brown
did come to their Homeowner's Association meeting; he was very nice and
showed them the plans the way they are sitting on the lot; they worked it out
and came to an agreement.
She noticed that he has the air conditioners on the roof. They really oppose
this. They feel the air condkioning noise will be right in their bedroom
windows. She explained when you 11ve on a hill, the noise echoes up the hill.
She expressed her concerns regarding the elevation. He has made a
suggestion to buy the SAVI Canal from the City. If he is going to elevate his
building on the SAVI Canal, they are talking about another 4 feet plus the
height of the building which is 32 feet. That is 36 feet. She thought she had a
house with a view. Her only view would most likely be of a second story
The school concems her with all of the whistles and the noise. She thinks K
will be extremely noisy.
She has no problem with the church. She thought there would be a parking
problem. She also has not seen a proposal for a fence between the horse trail
and her property and his property. That would be on the south sldo. She
asked that he finish the horse trail whore the shopping center left off. They
brought h up to the shopping center and stopped ft.
Dave Glessley (phonetically spelled), Pastor, Hope Community Church, 22700
SAVI Ranch Parkway, Yorba IJnda, CA. They would see themselves as
temporary tenants in the proposed sfte. There are 3 primary segments of their
They have a staff of 3, therefore, there would be a staff of 3 people working out
of that site during normal working hours.
Sunday mornings would be the heaviest usage and the heaviest usage would
be between 6:30a.m. and 12:OOp.m. on Sunday mornings when they hold
services and the educational classes.
The largest segment of the mldrveek programming would be on Wednesday
evenings after 6:OOp.m. with occasional meetings on other nights of the week.
Page 8
The Sunday morning usage, as well as the Wednesday Evening is off hour
usage, therefore, they did not think the traffic would present a problem.
As far as adequate parking, they would seek a reciprocal parking agreement
with the Hughes market and hopefully that would alleviate that anxiety.
Susan Sigmond (address not given). She read a letter from the Board of
Directors of the Anaheim HIIis Business Coalition Into the record.
Ray Pontius, 6276 Calle Jaime, Anaheim Hills, CA. Mr. Brown has been
coming to the Commission time after time to check things out to see ff they are
going to ..e approved or not. He expressed his concerns regarding the Iine-
of•sight. He submitted a list of 7 names objecting to the school. He added
the noise abatement study has not been done properly.
He did not feel Mr. Brown had everything put together in order to go forward
wfth the project. He did not object to any project that makes sense or to
anyone making a dollar, he Just did not want h to impact the community.
He referenced the staff report and expressed his concems regarding several
hems. He thought they should continue this item.
Chairman Peraza stated that staff has recommended a continuance.
He read an excerpt from a letter into the record from an attorney on Calle
~-, Jaime.
He asked for aline-of•sight approval so that the neighbors can get an idea of
what the line-of•sight would do to this property.
He stated several of the people in the Immediate area have said they would Tike
to see this building placed on the west side instead of the east side of the
Comm(ssioner Mayer asked if he objected to the noise of the children playing
on the play ground?
Mr. Pontius stated yes, from 6:OOa.m. to 6:30p.m. There Is nc objection to the
church or the offices. The ob;ections he had from the 7 people are regarding
noise; and cars coming and going. He expressed concern regarding crossing
over the Santa Ana Canyon traffic during the hours the children are going to be
dropped off and picked up at the school.
He further expressed his concerns regarding getting approval from Hughes
Market for overflow parking from the church.
Page 9
Dan Huffman, 6275 Calle Jaime, Anaheim. He lives on the street directly west
n of the property in question. He has a problem with ail 3 businesses being
sftuated on the property the way they are. NI of the buildings on the east most f
boundary of the property would face towards the west in a two story fashion 3
and would look directly down on his street where his children and other
children play. He lets them play out in the street unsupervised and he lands to
like that. He bought on a cul~e•sac street.
The original plans were for the building to be on the west most boundary of the ~,
property with no windows on the back side of the building so they would have
complete prvacy. That ruling was overturned. His recommendation would be
that those plans be reviewed once again to see if they cannot get the
businesses, the property owner and all of the residents to concur with
positioning of the buildings.
Commiss(oner Mayer asked that staff explain the proper designation for this
property. One of the gentleman was surprised to hear that this was already
approved for Commercial use.
Jonathan Borcego, Senior Planner, stated the property was recently rezoned
within the last year from the RS-A-43,000 (Residential/Agricultural) Zone to a
Commercial Zone which was consistent with the City's land use designation on
the General Plan for the property. The current designation of CL (Commercial
Limited) which the property now has, would allow for retail uses, restaurant
uses and general offices uses. The reason this is before the Commission today
as a public hearing is because the types of uses they are proposing right now.
The church and the school) roquire a conditional use permit and are not
permitted on the property by right.
Mr. Brown went to the exhibit board and explained their position on the SAVI
Canal. He is proposing to acquire ±he remaining 25 feet which was not
abandoned through this project which will make the lot a little bit wider then
what ft is. Without the acquisition of the SAVI Canal, the lot is extremely
There is a substantial grade differential between the SAVI Canal as one walks to
the back of the SAVI Canal. He is not going to build on top of that, he is going
to cut down 10 to 11 feet and remove the soil. The majority of the soil will be
exported. The back wall of the building will become a retaining wall. This
keeps the elevation of the building down. T,~is shows the projection ofi his roof
line to the Hughes roof line. He elaborated further.
He addressed the windows that would be facing the property. He explained h
will intrude on their privacy until the landscaping matures. One must recognize
that these windows across the top of the property are not windows where
offices will be. This is not roof•mounted equipment. Instead he is building the
building 9 feet higher then ft has to be In order to house the equipment under a
built up roof which means the only places where the air condftioners will be
able to breathe is from the corners of the b:dldings.
Page 10
The southedy elevation of the building is completely closed at the air
~ condkioning Ilne so no air condkioning noise goes up the hlli.
He explained there are very few buildings in compliance wkh the roof-mounted
equipment ordinance in Anaheim HIIis. Most of the buildings are screened in
some fashion. He is nearly completely mkigating the noise output by enclosing z
k by Ircorporating k into the building. They become air handlers in the roof.
He made some further comments relative to the line-of-sight.He stated there is r
no roof-mounted equipment-k is attic mounted equipment.
He will be building the buildings. They are here to ask the Planning
Commission whether or not these uses will be detrimental to the neighbors. I
He made a trip to the Cky of Carson wkh the acoustics engineer who dkl a '
decibel level check on their operating facility to determine what ks operating
level was and made recommendations in order to mkigate that.
The woman from the Anaheim Ckizen's Coalkion addressed a matter which is
true. The hardscape and other surcoundfngs of the she will affect the
transmission of noise. These kids are going to playing on a grass or bark or
combination of grass/bark sand covered playground which is not a transmitter
of noise. They are not going to be playing on blacktop or PCC, but on grass
which is an absorptive device.
In addklon, k Is shown on tho ske plan that the back wall is a crib wall rather
than a concrete retaining wall which would be noise transmitting. In the crib
wall is planted clinging vines which is a noise absorbing factor. It was
designed that way. Addkionally, against Peggy's property line, or the horse
trail, is a 6-foot high block wall which is a further noise abating device and k is
He is a student of acoustics and is familiar with k, however, he did not use his
own Input. He used a study from a registered engineer to support the findings
regarding noise transmission. They are operating substantially below that
which is permitted by the City of Anaheim.
He wants to keep the buildings to a sandblasted gray finish which means they
will take the existing blocks, sandblast them, use a concrete detail around the
French windows. They will be glad to put on some roof canopies as needed.
These are things that can be worked out with Planning staff. He is willing to
show the exact precise plans.
Commissioner Mayer asked how many children would be on the playground
playing at any one time and for what periods of time these children would be
on the playground and how k is supervised?
Ms. May explained her current school opens at 7:OOa.m., however, they are
proposing to open earlier because people In Anaheim Hills have to drive a lot
further distance to the their job location so they are going to need early
morning day care. She explained they can modify that if it becomes a
Page 11
Normally In the moming, they do not go outsi:le, they go Into the classroom.
~ They do not go out onto the playground until approximately 8:30a.m. and there
it is only for 1/2 hour. They go out room by room and no more than 24
children at a time. In the moming between 9:OOa.m. and 11:30a.m. (12:00
noon being lunch time) each class will have a 15 minute playground time. In
the afternoon, the children under the ages of 5 years old are napping. The
kindergartners will be out for approximately 1/2 hour for lunch.
Between 3:OOp.m. and 4:OOp.m., the children remaining may go out onto the
playground for approximately 20 minutes; they will come back in and do day
care activities. The Kindergartners will go out for approximately 20 minutes
and after 4:30p.m. or 5:OOp.m., there will be no one on the playground in terms
of actual playing. The parents come at staggered times from 3:UOp.m. on.
Mr. Brown stated the buildings are not attached. They are proposing to adjust
5 existing lots down to 3 legal lots. There is sizemic deflection between each
building and they all have their free standing walls.
He addressed the cypress trees and stated that the difference between 7 feet
and 10 feet is not critical. It does allow the buildings to be shaped a little more
normally on a very narrow and long parcel.
He referenced item 27 (1 ). There is not a parapet wall. He explained they
must have a minimum of 5 feet of any opening to a property line. The ultimate
design, if h is desired by the Commission that it be restructured, is that they
put some other canopies to raise the relief on the building.
Paul Pachuda (phonettcaliy spelled), 2796 'B' Victoria Drive, Laguna Beach, CA.
He is representing the owner of the Hughes Market s`ropping center known as
Anaheim Shopping Village which is adjacent to Doug Brown's parcel. He was
actually here for another matter.
He heard the gentleman representing the church mention they would work out
a parking agreement with them. Overall they would like to see the property
developed and the uses submitted were floe. They do have some concern
about the parking. They do not want to be in a situation where they are having
to regulate the parking on Sundays for their tenants. However, they would like
to see something worked out. He hoped that they could get involved in this
somewhere to make sure that no parking spills over into their center, and if it
does, at least they are able to regulate it.
Commissioner Messe asked Ms. May (operator of the Montesord School) if that
was the school where the acoustic study was performed and how many
children did they have?
Ms. May explained it was and they have 105 children.
Page 12
Commissioner Messe asked how many would they have at this new school?
Ms. May stated they would eventually like to have approximately the same
number, however, they did not see that happening for about 2 or 3 years.
He asked for clarification N 105 would be maximum?
Ms. May stated she thought 100 would be the maximum.
He asked for some statistics on the school in Carson Ciry.
Ms. May ex~!ained their current school Is preschool, kindergarten through 4th
grade. They are requesting that the proposed school go through third grade,
but it may just be pre-K and kindergarten.
Commissioner Messe stated he noticed the acoustic study was done only
involving preschool and kindergarten.
Ms. May indicated that was correct, because in the beginning she did not
foresee having any elementary school age children.
Commissioner Messe stated they are not worried about the beginning-h is the
end they are worried about. tie was concerned about the dHference In the
number of children and whether first graders make more noise than
Ms. May stated actually not. When the acoustic engineer came out he also did
a study on their older children and they were exactty the same. She did not
believe it was included in the report.
Commissioner Messe stated he was surprised ft was not included in the report
so they could conclude the same thing,
Melanie Adams. Public Works•Engineering Department, stated there were two
conditions of approval from the Public Works Department that did not make k
into the staff report. These were given to Mr. Brown at the February 10th
Interdepartmental Committee meeting. One is related to the lot line
adjustment and the other one is related to a Water Quality Management Plan.
She read them into the record as follows:
1. That prior to issuance of a building permit, a lot line adjustment shall be
submitted to the Subdivision Section and approved by the Ciry Engineer and
then recorded in the office of the Orange County Recorder to adjust the
property line such that any new building conforms to the Zoning Code and
the Building Code. The Lot line adjustment shall be in substantial
conformance with the approved site plan and shall Include the same number
or fewer legal parcels then currently exists.
Page 13
2. That prior to grading plan approval, the property owner shall submit a Water
Quality Management Plan specifically identitying best management practices
' that will be used on•site to control predictable pollutants from storm water
run-off. The plans shall be submitted to the Public Works Department,
Subdivision Section, for review and approval.
Chairman Peraza stated that Mr. Brown mentioned, page 5, number 12, that that
was not proposed at this time.
Mr. Borcego stated that may be a carry over from the last report that was written on
the property. There is one other thing he would like to clarify about the roof. In
paragraph no. 27, he real(zes there is not a parapet roof and that the equipment
they are proposing Is completely concealed within the building. Their contention
was that the equipment does not have to be placed up at that levoi and ff ff were
placed on the ground (which Is a possibility) that would eliminate the need for that
third story which would reduce the height by approximately 8 feet. If that were
done, it would probably be a lot easier for the building to accommodate a different
roof style. Something that would be more consistent with some of the other roof
styles with a pffched roof.
Chairman Peraza asked staff ff they were still recommending to continue this order
for submittal of revised plans and are they asking for east and west elevation
Mr. Borrego stated Mr. Brown did submit one elevation that they had not previously
seen and that was the last elevation. He has addressed some of staff's concems.
However, there are some other issues that they would need to explore. The
architectural style that he has shown and even his alternative is exactly what they
are looking for. There is still the Issue of the 3 free standing signs which he is
showing on his plans which staff does not think are a good idea. If you interpret
the Code the way it is written, he would not be able to have them anyway.
Freestanding signs in the Scenic Corridor Oveday, according to the Sign
Ordinance, are only permitted for retail centers and this would not be considered a
retail center.
Commissioner Messe asked about the space between the buildings? Is that just
dead space?
Mr. Borrego stated based on his conversation with Mr. Brown, his concerns have
been alleviated. There is a going to be a wall which comes out and encloses that
area and will run the full height of the building. There should be no debris pile up
which was their concern. The wall fs shown on the plot plan, but ff you take a look
at the west elevation you can see that it appears to be one continuous wall and
you do not have 3-foot breaks.
Commissioner Caldwell asked ff Mr. Brown could address the Issue on the air
handling equipment, i.e., placing ft on the ground and eliminating the 8•foot height?
Mr. Brown explained occasionally kids walk up and drop rocks Into the curcent
ground mounted equipment. The ground mounted equipment Is not preferable.
Page 14
His ske fs so narrow and so small that he challenges them to find a location where ~i
ground mounted equipment can be placed where it does not aesthetically Interfere.
The height of the building is built so a man can service the air
condRioningequlpment. When the building is built against the property along the
back, all you see is the freeway sound wall. That elevation is invisible ftom
anywhere except from a comer of Villa Burgers.
Commissioner Messe asked what the resident's of Rlo Grande see on the roof
when they look down? ~
Mr. Brown stated they see a nice finished roof with nothing. The roof he proposes
is a charcoal colored roof which is a lot more attrdctNe.
Commissioner Caldwell explained there is some concern about the compatibility of
his drawings. He would like to see the finished drawings.
Chairman Peraza stated the parking seems to be a big concern to the neighbors
and to the market. He added the representatNe from Hughes did not seem to
know about the agreement.
Mr. Brown stated he would not approach them until it becomes a matter of
consideration. It could be reciprocally done so that stairs are produced so when
people go to the church they would patronize the shopping center. They have nct
addressed that because ft is not a consideration. At present tnere is plenty of
parking provided. It is not just the parking, there is ail of the overflow of the
~- Sunday morning parking which is not used by anyone else in the center. The
~ Montessori school abandons this parking on the weekend. There is a lot of self
contained parking or. the site. It is a formatNe church right now and parking is
more than what ft needs.
Commissioner Messe asked ff he would st(pulate that the second story would never
be used as sanctuary space.
Mr. Brown indicated he would. Once the second floor does have a specified use,
he will have to produce a traffic study ff h intensifies the use.
Commissioner Messe asked for clarification as to how may dba's were allowed at
the property Ilne per the sound ordinance?
Greg McCafferty, Planning Department, stated 60 dba.
Commissioner Messe stated he found the sound study to be Inadequate. There is
vory little detail on the number of children and the age group of the children is
different then what Is going on in this project.
Mr. Brown explained the noise study was based on similar data that they picked up
from the existing school.
Page 15
Commissioner Mayer asked about planting the cypress trees closer together so the
maturity growth would achieve a barrier socneR
Mr. Brown stated this plan was designed by a landscape architect and he will
accept his recommendations. As the trees get bigger they need a Ifttle more room
when they fll! out. Planting them closer together map be counter productive to
what the ultimate goal is which Is to make a permanent landscape barrier. The
landscape architect wail specify what is required in order to achieve that harder.
Commissioner Masse asked for clarfflcation ff the cypress trees were going to be a
minimum 8 feet tall?
Mr. Brown clarfffed they would be minimum 8 feet tall at planting.
Commissioner Caldwell asked how long h would take for them to get the final
drawings together? '~
Mr. Brown answered 2 weeks.
Commissioner Caldwell asked fora 2 week continuance in order to see flnat plans.
Commissioner Mayer stated she would like to see the other part of the of the
sound study that the school operator said was done, but not included that
compared the other grades.
Commission Taft asked start to evaluate the feasibility of putting the roof•mounted
r.., equipment on the ground.
ACTION: Continued subject request to the March 21, 1994 Planning Commission
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Henninger absent)
Page 16
4a. c`EQA MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Previously Approved Approved
4b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3266 Readvertised Approved amendment
to conditions of
OWNER: ANAHEIM DISPOSAL INC., Attn: Richard B. Winn, it31 N. approval
i Blue Gum Ave., Anaheim, CA 92815
COUNTY OF ORANGE, Attn: Jim Pfaff, 320 N. Flower St.,
Ste. 400, Santa Ana, CA 92703
LOCATION: 2780 Cast White Star Avenue. Property is approximately
1.9 acres located at the northwest corner of La Palma
Avenue and Blue Gum Street and further described as
2780 E. White Star Avenue.
Request: To amend a condition of approval pertaining to the time
limitation of a previously approved household hazardous materials
collection facility operai!ng in conJunction with arecycling/resource
recovery transfer statlon.
Jim Pfaff, County of Orange, Integrated Waste Management Department. The
purpose of their readvertisement Is because the household Hazardous Waste
program was recently reassigned to the Integrated Waste Management
Department from the Orange County Fire Department.
In the development proposal it Initially stated that the hours of operations were
from Monday through Sunday from 7:OOa.m. to S:OOp.m. with a maximum of
two employees. He clarified that they operate Monday through Saturday from
9:OOa.m. to 2:OOp.m. for members of the public only. They are open hours
prior to that and some after that in order to take care of the site. Otherwise, for
the public, they are open 5 hours a day, Monday through Saturday.
Commissioner Messe stated the recommendation is that this permit is to
terminate April, 1996. He asked if they could make this a longer period of
Page 17
Mr. Pfaff stated the length of time fs uncertain at this time. Ideally they would
like to continue without a cap or an endir date; this facility will go on for a
number of years. They do want to proviae this program to all citizens In
Orenge County.
Commissioner Messe stated they initially put a time limitation on this because
they were not ,ure how ft was going to operate, however, ft seems to have
operated quiti+ successfully and it is a value to the public to have them be able
to get rid of Hazardous waste. He asked H there was any reason that staff saw
for a Iimtation as stringent as this?
Jonathan Borrego, Senlor Planner, stated he did not think staff would be
opposed to extending this further to meet the applicant's needs.
Commissioner Caldwell asked fo: clarification ff the applicant did not want any
termination date?
Mr. Pfaff stated ideally !hat is what they would prefer. This is the terms and
condtlons they have for the other two sites that are currently operating and
they also will be opening a fourth sfte in the City of Irvine with the same term
and condition, i.e., it will continue to operate until such time as they close.
They do not anticipate closing for a number of years. At that time they will
have to satisfy other regulatory agency requirements in the process of doing
those closures.
He explained this is a regional collection center. They encourage individuals
~., that INe in the general vicinity of the facility to go ahead and patronize that
~ particular facility. It is available to all Orange County residents and residency Is
required In order to participate.
Commissioner Caldwell stated this Is a heavily regulated use and it seems to be
a waste of time for them to come back every three years.
ACTION: Approved Mitigated Nega?Ne Declaration
Conditional Use Permit No. 3266 -Approved amendment to conditions
of approval (deleted Condtion No. 12 of Resolution No. PC90-89 in Its
VOTE: 6-0
Page 16
5a. CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Previously Approved Approved
5b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3623 Readvertised Recommended
approval of revised
OWNER: FRANK MINISSALE AND SARA MINISSALE, 111 S. Mohler plans to City Council
Drive, Anaheim, CA 92808
LOCATION: 111 S. Mohler Drive. Property is approximately 1.49
acres located at the southwest comer of Santa Ana
Canyon Road and Mohler DrNe and further described as
111 S. Mohler Drive.
Request: Petitioner requests review of revised plans for a previously
considered convalescent facility.
OPPOSITION: 2 people spoke/A petition was submitted with 67 signatures In
~,, Frank Minissale, 111 S. Mohler Drive, Anaheim, CA 92808. It was suggested
__ to him at the last meeting that he retain an architect; cut the facility down to
80 beds and increase the parking to 64 spaces. All of the entries are in the
back away from Mohler DrNe; the trash receptacles are approximately 300
feet from Mohler Drive; the size of the rooms have been increased; all double
beds and full baths wfth a full tub in every room. It is a very fine facility.
Susan Slgmond, 6312 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road, Suke 157, Anaheim, CA.
She read a statement prepared by the Board of Directors of the Anaheim Hills,
Citizen's CoalRion Into the record. Concerns Included a comprehensNe
landscape plan demonstrating planting and hardscape which are compatible
wfth ne(ghboring properties; color scheme; and are balconies decorative or
functional on the north facing the side of the building?
Rod AgaJlan (phonetically spelled), 120 S. Mohler Drive, dlrec0y across the
street from Mr. Minissale's project. He submitted a petition of ind(viduals
opposed to the project. He stated staff indicated in the staff report that traffic
would not present a problem. He gave some details and expressed his
concerns regarding the number of employees, daytime visitors and deliveries.
Page 19
He stated the only person who gains is Mr. Mlnissale. The losers are the
residents that live in the area. He was opposed to a commercial venture
across the street that would be operating 24 hours a day. He expressed
concerns that the value of their property will go down.
At the meeting Mr. Mlnissale was directed to try to work with his neighbors.
When It went to Council, h was the last thing they Bald. He has tried. He
even contacted the architect and asked him for a copy of the elevation. He
would not give the elevations to him. The architect asked Mr. Minissale and
Mr. Minissale told him do not gNe him anything.
The real estate market is depressed and when h turns around, he could build
homes on that property and sell them. He was apposed to fuming ft into a
commercial venture. He did not even ask his neighbors what they would like
including the color code or landscaping.
Mr. Minissale gave some background on the homes across the street. Mr.
AgaJanian does not want anything there. They must take into consideration
that the land on which he lives is designated for a CUP. He was pleased with
the architect's design. Once the facility is built, there will not be that Influx of
traffic. He gave some details on the traffic study he did. The traffic will be
Dave Amestoy, Architect, 1125 E. Whiting Avenue, Fullerton. They fully intend
to have a landscape archtftect design the landscaping for the facility when
they go to final working drawings. At this time it is generally not common to
~~ do a full landscape design for a preliminary design of this sort.
Far color they are looking at a grayish building with a gray concrete file roof
(with a slate appearance) with a white accent to compliment the gray. They
are trying to make it look as residential as possible for this type of building.
The balconies on the north side will be functional.
Alfred Yalda, Traffic Engineering, stated the intersection of Mohler Drive and
Santa Ana Canyon will operate at Level of Service A which is a very good
intersection as far as the traffic is concerned, i.e., it clears the traffic at that
intersection. Since the proposed driveway Is about 100 to 200 feet, the area
south of the Intersection will not have an impact. It will bring addtional cars,
but that street Is designed to take additional cars.
Commissioner Messe asked for clarification as to the numbor of employees
per shift and what hours would these shifts be breaking?
Page 20
Mr. Minissale explained he would advise the operator to break the shffts so
,~ that the first shift will have to start at 7:OOa.m. so it will not Interfere wfth the
' school traffic which starts around 7:30a.m. Quitting time will be 3:30p.m.
which is one-half hour after the school closes. The school traffic totally
disappears at 3:17p.m. The third shift will get off around 11:OOp.m.
He explained there will be 28 employees total. That includes 3 cooks full time;
5 kitchen helpers; one helper in the dining room; 8 nurses (3, 3 and 2 for each
of the three shfffs); a manager; two bookkeepers; activities director; and a
Commissioner Caldwell asked what the maximum number of persons would
be on a shift at any one time?
Mr. Minissale Indicated the morning shift would have the most (19 persons).
He added most minimum wage workers come by bus.
Commissioner Caldwell asked ff they would get a landscape plan?
Commissioner Messe stated they should put that in the conditions of approval,
that they review, for approval, a final landscape plan.
Commissioner Caldwell stated any sfgnage would also come back as a Report
and Recommendation kem.
Commissioner Taft stated without an operator, they are really speculating on
the operations and he does not feel comfortable approving this based on Just
speculation. He felt they were too premature on voting on this.
Commissioner Messe stated if they had an operator and they approved it, that
operator could change the condftional use permit_g goes along wfth the land.
They are recommending approval or denial to the City Council.
Mr. Hastings explained that City Council has the original set of conditions and
the Planning Commission can add additional conditions to their motion to the
City Council.
Commissioner Caldwell stated they could condition it as to the maximum
number of employees.
Commissioner Tak did not want to limit it to an unreasonable number of
employees. He reiterated they are a little premature.
Commissioner Boydstun stated tha last couple of years she has spent a lot of
time In one of these facilities and they are not going to find that all those
employees dr(ve-ff you have 20 employees they will not have 20 cars. They
come wfth someone or ride the bus. A large part of these employees are low
Income employees, i.e., the housekeepers, etc.
Page 21
Commissioner Caldwell stated Mr. Min(ssale was wise enough to hire an
~ archftect. It appears to be a beautiful facility that will fit in from a residential
point of view. He shares in their concerns as he lives in Anaheim also. He is
happy to see all of the things that he has done. They will definitely condition
this to Include a landscape plan and a sign plan. He Is !n agreement with this
particular proposal and he is going to recommend to Cky Council that they
approve h.
Opposftlon. He asked for a copy of the elevation and Mr. Mlnissale stated he
would get him a copy.
Commissioner Mayer stated she felt this was a vastly Improved proposal and
she was very pleased to see Mr. Minissaie took most of their suggestions and
had them implemented. ~~
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
Recommended approval of revised plans to Ciry Council in;luding
the following recommended conditions of approval:
1. That a landscape plan shall be brought back to the Planning
Commission as a report and recommendation item for review
and approval.
2. That a sign program shall be brought back to the Planning
Commission as a report and recommendation item for review
and approval.
~~ 3. That the working shifts shall break at non-peak traffic hours.
4. That the total number of employees shall be Iimked to thirty
five (35).
VOTE: 5-1 (Commissioner Tait voted no and Commissioner Henninger was
,, ~'' ~.
Page 22
6a. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Previously Approved Approved
6b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.3462 Readvertised Approved
OWNER: WEIR PARTNER'S LTD., 10 Corporate Park, #220, Irvine,
CA 92714
Redhili Ave., Ste. 210, Costa Mesa, CA 92626; Greg
Collins, 2910 Redhill Ave., Ste. 210, Costa Mesa, CA
LOCATION: 761 South Weir Canvon Roed. Property is approximately
11.9 acres located at the southwest comer of Weir Canyon
Road and Serrano Avenue and further described as 761 S.
Weir Canyon Road.
Request: Petitioner requests modiflcation of Conditional Use Permit No.
3462 to permit a 975 square foot expansion to apreviously-approved
child day care c::nter and further requests modiflcatlon to a condition of
approval pertaining to the maximum student enrollment.
t ;
Greg Collins, representatNe for Wefr Partner's, 2910 Redhili Ave., Sufte 210,
Costa Mesa, CA.
They are proposing to expand a previously approved day care facility. It is
currently 7,425 sq. ft. It is In an existing shopping center on the corner of Welr
Canyon and Sorrano. They have a waiting list and would like to expand their
facility to an existing sufte next door which is an additional 975 sq. ft. for a total
of 6,400 sq. ft.
In regards to the vehicular access and parking, on page 4 of the staff report,
the facility actually decreases the p: rking demand.
The conditional use permit, previously approved, limits the number of enrolled
children to 144. The proposed use would Increase or have a maximum limit of
180 children; 118 would be preschool and kindergartners (ages 2-5) and 62
after school care (ages 6-12) with a maximum of 15 employees.
Page 23
He explained the number of children using the playground area will not
/1 change. It will not increase.
The Department of Social Services goes out to the facflky and physically
Inspects k to determine the usable square footage and that is how they
establish the maximum number of children that can be enrolled In the school
and determines how many children can use the playground area.
Staff recommended that subject request be continued for compliance with
Code requirements and conuitions of approval. He referenced the attached
memorandum from Code Enforcement. They received a copy and
unfortunately, were not aware of some of the Issues. They are certainly willing
to comply and work with staff and Code Enforcement to alleviate the
Commission's concerns. They ask that this does not impact the approval of
the day care center. He briefly went over the list.
Concern was expressed about having a cable and metal barrier. It was
determined that this was already taken care of.
Commissioner Messe asked Code Enforcement to report back in 30 days
relatNe to the clean-up of the hems discussed.
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
~, Approved modH(cation to Conditlonal Use Permit No. 3462, as
i requested
VOTE: 6.0 (Commissioner Henninger absent)
Page 24
100 Cherry Hill Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054
AGENT: GRIFFITH COMPANY, Attn: Thomas Foss, 2020 S. Yale
Street, Santa Ana, CA 92704.9974
LOCATION: 1244 N. Lemon Street. Property Is approximately 8.12
acres located on the east side of Lemon Street and
approximately 830 feet south of the centerline of
Commercial Street.
Request: To permft the manufacturing of road base material from
recycled asphaltic concrete and one 160 square toot modular office unit
wtth waiver of maximum fence height.
Continued from the February 23, 1994, Planning Comm(ssfon meeting.
Tom Foss, GrifFlth Company, 2020 S. Yale, Santa Ana, CA.
Greg McCafferty clarified in regards to the permit, h is actually 90 operational
days, I.e., they can crush rock at that location for a period of 90 days. The flue
or 10 day Increments do not matter as long as they do not exceed those 90
calendar days.
Commissioner Messe suggested that they clean up the language in the
mkfgation monftorfng plan.
Page 25
r-~ Mr. McCafferty stated this is an addition to the third mitigation measure and is
worded as follows:
'Bald period of time may be divided into smaller Increments provided the total
operational period at the she does not exceed 90 calendar days in any given
ACTION: Approved Mitigated Negative Deciaratian
Approved Waiver of Code RequlremenC
Granted Conditional Use Permit No. y"~63 with the following
change to Mftigation Monitoring Progrwm No. 0075
Added the foilowing wording to the end of the third Mitigation
Bald period of time may be divided into smaller increments
provided the total operational period at the site does not exceed
90 calendar days in any given year.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Henninger absent)
Page 26
CORPORATION, 1853 W. Ball Road, Anaheim, CA 92804
AGENT: ANDREW YU, 1853 W. Ball Road, Anaheim, CA 92804
LOCATION: 1301 S. Empire Street. Property is approximately 2.97
acres located on the west side of Empire Street and
approximately 700 feet south of the centerline of Ball Road
and further described as 1301 S. Empire Street.
Request: To reclassify subject property from the RS-A-43,000
(Residential/ Agricultural) Zone to the RM-3,000 (Residential, Multiple-
Family) Zone to construct a 2-story, 40-unit, condominium complex.
Continued to
March 21, 1994
IN FAVOR: 4 people spoke In favor
OPPOSITION: 4 people spoke (n opposition
Frank Deluna (phonetically spelled) 19142 Sierra Maria, Irvine, CA. He is
assisting The Living Stream in getting this project processed. The General
Plan will allow RM-1200 or RM-2400 or RM-3000. They are applying for RM-
3000 which is the lowest density. This would allow 43 units and they are
proposing only 40 units. They are designed as attached single-family housing.
The project will be tailed Grace Gardens. The owners want to put in the
highest quality of landscaping to try to Improve the surrounding area.
John Wells, Architect, John Wells and Associates, 4320 Campus Drive,
Newport Beach. He is available for questions from the Commission.
Paul Onika (phonetically spelled), 1565 W. Chanticleer, Anaheim; Ronald
Cangus (phonetically spelled), 2121 W. Chalet, Anaheim; Frances Bali, 1819
W. Chanticleer, officer with Living Stream Ministry; Andrew Yu, 1853 W.
Castle, officer of Living Stream.
Page 27
Commissioner Caldwell asked if Mr. Cangus was familiar with The Living j
r-~ Stream ministry and Mr. Cangus explained he is one of the main editors and j
has worked for Living Strew n far 20 years.
Commissioner Caldwell asked Mr. Onika if it was the same for him and Mr.
Onika indicated k was.
Mr. Ball explained that the parking for the condominiums is not a problem. It
is all taken care of in the plan. The property will be gated fo: security
reasons. Only people who live there will be able to enter. The accusations
towards the people are not related. They do have conferences and when that
happens they make arrangements with Francis Scott Key School or with the
property directly across the street (trident) from their meeting hall including
their own parking lot. These conferences take place twice a year.
Mr. Yu explained they are not planning on carrying on any church activities of
any kind on this property. It is strictly to be developed as private residential.
They do have members who would like to move Into the area. There would
be a possibility that those people will buy these places. They wanted to make
ft clear that there Is no intention of making a church or having any church
related activities. They do have a rec building and it Is to be used strictly for
the ones who will be living there.
They do not anticipate an over crowding in the parking. The amount of
parking in this plan is more than adequate. There should be no overflow or
spilling Into the street and this project should enhance the neighborhood.
Bryan Deilo (phonetically spelled), 2111 Chalet, Anaheim, directly behind the
proposed project; David Gogliano (phonetically spelled), 1416 Amerwick;
Father Joseph Nedakov (phonetically ^^^"^~), Pastor of St. Justin Martyr
Church; Clyde Eldridge, 641 S. Neptune.
The previous speakers were all members of the church; there are a lot of
people in the neighborhood who totally object to the this project; parking is a
serious problem; overflow parking Into the school parking lot; people walk
through the tract to their church; there are people in the middle of the road
with flashlights directing traffic; graffiti is out of control; gang members are a
problem; doing this for the money; it will not benefit the neighbors; wi!I try to
pre sell to church members; would like to see zoning stay the same; must be
an error in the study because in the surrounding land uses they are not
mentioned (St. Justin Martyr Church located directly across from proposed
project); they have 2,500 registerd members.
Mr. Deluna stated they wot!Id like to keep the comments directed to this ~i
project as a development. The required parking is 3 stalls per townhome-•two
enclosed and one open. Parking should not be an issue. There is security
Page 28
Their intention Is to build a better than normal project In an effort to enhance A
.-~ the community. This Is the closest thing they can get to RS-5000. These are
RM~000 attached single•famiiy homes with very high quality construction.
Commissioner Caldwell asked if they gave any consideration to building
single-family homas7
Mr. Deluna stated ft was looked at. Because of the RM-1200 on the north and
west side, ft would be difficult to soli single-family homes. The purpose of this
protect Is to provide the transition from the RM-1200 to the RS-5000. It is the
lowest density they could expect to get in here.
This is in conformance with the City's General Plan and k does provide a
transiion from the high !tensity of RM-1E00 down to the RS•5000. This is the
lowest medium density you can get. They are proposing only 40 units and
RM-3000 allows 43 without a density bonus. He could understand opposition
ff they were trying to get RM-1200 or RM-2400 which would allow 69 units. He
was having a hard time understanding why there was any opposition.
Commissloner Caldwell explained that we have more multi-family housing in
Anaheim now then they have single-family units. They have seen the
problems with tho same type of ;;evelopment. Move some of your members
Into single-family homes and give them a back yard. He would like to see
~„ them change their proposal to single-family.
~ -
Mr. Deluna stated he did not think it was very realistic to expect any developer
to put single-family there. There were 3 other offers besides the one from
Living Stream and each one of those were contingent upon getting approved
RM-1200 or RM-2400 zoning. One of the reasons they chose them as a buyer
is because they were proposing a less dense project and they wanted to sell it
to Christians. As ?developer he knows they would try to get the most units
he could get.
Commissioner Messe asked for clarification if these units would be open to
sales to everybody and not Just to Christians?
Mr. Deluna Indicated it would be open to all and added they cannot restrict
religious oriented meetings in the rec building.
Commissloner Tait stated they are asking for a reclassHication. If it were
already zoned for the condominium protect he would probably approve it, but
ft {s not. He would be willing to rezone to an RS-5000 but in Ileu of the school
overcrowding, he is hard pressed to push it to the RM-3000.
Commissioner Messe asked if Commissioner Tait would ask for a General Plan
Amendment and Commissioner Taft stated he would have to.
Page 29
Mr. Deluna stated he spoke with Mr. Borrego and ft seemed that the staff was :;t
,^ pleased that a protect like this was coming through. It was even lower than
what the General Pian allows.
Commissioner Tait stated this Is a tough one and he asked ff they could get a
continuance on this. He was having difflculry making a decision on this.
Mc Deluna stated ff ft is required that this be RS-5000, he did not think any
developer would buy ft.
Commissloner Caldwell stated then that will be 40 less families. In the flatland
area of Anaheim, that will be more of a plus. They cannot take care of the
problems they have now. This development will not make ft batter.
Commissloner Boydstun stated at this hearing, all they are looking at is
zoning. At a future time they would look at what was going to be put on
there. She knows there is a real problem in the schools. She agrees with Mr.
Deluna that going with RM-0000 does make a buffer between the RM-1200.
They just did the same thing to make a buffer for new housing that
Redevelopment is putting In. They feel this makes a buffer also. This Is
probably the best they are going to get. It would have to meet Code if they
changed the zoning. She has no problem with it.
Commissioner Messe agreed. It offers a transition between the existing RS-
5000 and the existing RM-1200.
,,, Commissloner Boydstun stated she would love to see 20 single-family homes,
~ however, she knew Mr. Deluna was right, i.e., it would not work and they
would not sell. This will give a buffer to those houses that are on the 5,000
lot. It will be a gated community which gives ft more security then normal
Commissioner Messe stated he hears some mixed emotion on the
Commission and he asked Nir. Deluna if he wanted a continuance.
Mr. Deluna indicated he did not.
Commissioner Mayer would like for them to come back with RS-5000. There
is a tremendous traffic and parking problem in that area. She was not
prepared to vote today.
Chairman Peraza stated he agreed with Commissioners Boydstun and Messe.
Commissioner Caldwell asked for clarification as to what process they use to
Inftiate a GPA to this piece of property/?
Commissioner Caidwell/Taft offered a motion to agendize a GPA for property
included in Reclassification No. 93-94-08.
Page 30
Mr. Deluna asked for clarffication if the property owners were responsible for
the GPA. They do not want a GPA.
Commissioner Boydstun explained they want to discuss ff to see ff they want
to start proceedings for one and then the City w0uld be doing h. The owners
would not be paying for it.
ACTION: A nw olutlon was offered to Approve Reclassification No. 93-94-09 and
failed to carry with a tie vote (3-3), Commissioners Caldwell, Mayer and
Taft voted no; and
A resolution was offered to Deny Reclassfficatlon No. 93-94.08 and
failed to carry with a tie vote (3-3), Commissioners Boydstun, Peraza
and Messe voted no.
Subject request was continued to the March 21, 1994 Planning
Commission meeting in order to have all commissioners present.
MOTION: Commissioner Caldwell offered a Motion seconded by
Commissioner Taft and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Henninger
absent) that the Anaheim City Planning Comr ,lssion does hereby direct
staff to agendize a general plan amendment :ur the property located at
1307 S. Empire St:eet for discussion.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Henninger absent)
Page 31
9b. VARIANCE N0. 4245
Beach, CA 90803
No action
AGENT: HARRY S. WEINROTH, P.O. Box 1566, San Juan
Capistrano, CA 92693
LOCATION: 6330 6396 East Santa Ana Canvon Road (Anaheim
Hills Shopping Vlliage). Property Is approximately 5.97
acres located at the southwest corner of Santa Ana
Canyon Road and Fairmont Boulevard and further
described as 6330 -6396 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road.
Request: Waiver of permitted type of shopping center and Identfficatlon
signs in the Scenic Corridor Overlay zone to construct two (2) 60-
square foot interior illuminated freestanding monument signs with
multiple-tenant identffication panels.
IN FAVOR: 3 people spoke
Harry Welnroth, agent for Redondo Investment Corporation which owns the
subject shopping center. They were here a little over a year ago when they
were granted them a variance approval for a monument sign. The owner and
tenants were not too happy with what was approved.
The sign as approved was only 4 feet in height. The square-foot area of the
sign was acceptable, however, Indirect ilghting was proposed and a certain
color scheme. There were no names for the tenants. They had not asked
for that at that time. In meeting with the tenants, after they got the approval,
it was indicated that the sign would not be acceptable as far as they were
concerned unless they could have same of their names on the sign to
indicate where they are.
Page 32
There is a concern about this. The shopping center is situated higher than ~~,
~ the road on Santa Ana Canyon Road at that location. The stores are set s
back over 200 feet from the street. At one part of the center there Is an ~
adobe building that had to be retained that blocked the view of the shopping c
center. The tenants are not visible from the street and that is the need for ;
the monument sign, j
In addition, the owner is concerned about the inability to have interior
illuminated signs because there is a great deal of vandalism. He has had
indiroct lighting for the existing monument signs and the lights point towards
the signs-they do not last.
The only way it Is going to be successful is to Ilght them from the interior.
They are here on a variance mainly because they think they have a unique
situation because of the topography and the way the center was designed.
He mentioned there were several shopping centers located within a
reasonable distance from their center on Santa Ana Canyon Road that have
large, tall, signage. He eluded to the AAA signage. (5' x 12'). Staff is
asking for earthen tones. He referenced other signs in the area and gave
some further details.
They are asking to be treated equally and therefore, are asking for a
variance. They feel it is warranted. They would like to have a sign of less
than 40 square feet on each side. They have 2 signs proposed and they are
only asking for one side. In total, they are not talking about more than SO
,,, square feet of actual sign area--not the wall. The way staff As measuring h, it
i would be 120 square feet. They are asking for interior illumination; that the
colors be primary colors and not earthen tones. They ask that they be
allowed to have up to 6 tenants to be shown on these signs. They are not
Interested in the name of the shopping center-that does not mean anything.
Paul Pachuda (phonetically spelled), 2796'6', Victoria Drive, Laguna Beach.
He does the leasing for the Hughes Market Center and the Anaheim Hills
Shopping Village and have done the leasing for that center and several other
centers in the area since about 1990. He gave some background.
It is very difficult for their tenants to compete with other centers in the area
because the topography and the unfts are set back so far. They are not
located at the hub of things and they get far less traffic.
Many of the tenants could not make it today, but they have signed a petition
requesting that the variance be accepted.
At the end of this year several leases are coming due and they may lose
them unless they can be as competitive as the rest of the centers. Even with
their lower rates, it does not help without the foot traffic. He felt the
monument sign would help and so did the tenants.
Page 33
Tom Carter, 5365 Vfa Epaiina, Yorba Linda, CA. He stated in July of last
year he purchased a travel agency located (n the center. They have been in
operation i:,r 8 months. They are in the red. Most people do not know he
is there. He would like to be able to identify the location of his business at
Santa Ana Canyon Road with a sign. He urged the Commtsslon to consider
their plight.
Cher)d (speaker's last name not audible). Owner of Color Studio and
Beauty Supply in the Hughes Market shopping center. She explained in
1993 she spent over $7,000 in advertising. It is a lot for a small business.
She emphasized It is very important to be on the monument sign In order to
stay in business. They asked every customer how they found out about
them and invariably they say word of mouth and that they had no Idea they
were in that center.
Solomon, Manager for Hughes Market. He has been working for Hughes for
17 years and he has been at this location for one year. Their business Is
down and their profft is down. He asked them to consider letting them put
up a sign. Most of the small businesses depend on the Hughes Market.
Chairman Peraza stated there are 22 businesses and he wanted to know ft
they ware planning on splitting up the 12 spaces?
Petitioner. The cost of building these monument signs is quite expensive
($10,000 to $15,000) for each monument sign. There will be a charge made
to the tenants of how ft is going to be done. He did not know the exact
details. Those tenants that are willing to pay the charge will determine who
will get the slots. All of the tenants have not Indicated they wanted to be on
the sign.
Chairman Peraza stated he thought he heard dftferent.
Petftioner. He explained ft will be Iimfted, so only those tenants who are
there will be selected.
Petitioner. All of the tenants signed the petition for the sign. The landlord
will pay for the price of actually building the sign. They have not figured out
they are going to apportion who gets on ft. Obviously those tenants who
showed up and stood before the Council will get preference.
They are going to charge to be on the sign. The motive is not to make a
profit on the s(gn, but to keep the tenants in business.
Commissioner Boydstun asked for clarification if he wanted 2 signs, one at
each entrance?
Page 34
.Speakaa He Indicated one at the corner of Fairmont and Santa Ana Canyon
~ and one at the entrance. The other entrance is off of Fairmont. They do not ~
want one on Fairmont because the traffic on Fairmont is not that heavy. 6&
Each sign will only be one sided. The access from Santa Ana Canyon is only [
eastbound. They will only be able to house t2. They can rotate tenants and
another possibility would be to sell sign space. Some of the tenants do not
need h.
Commissioner Messe suggested to have Hughas on the sign that was
approved and let them do the drawing for the rest of the center and have the
internal signage take care of the rest?
rSpeaker. He did not believe the draw for Hughes would be sufficient for the
rest of the tenants. Not at the sales level they are doing now. They definitely
want to have Hughes on the sign. They think the tenants need to be on the
sign and so do the tenants.
Commissioner Boydstun asked for clarification if they wanted a sign similar to
the Auto Club sign.
.Spoakerr He indicated that was correct.
He also explained there is an on-going graffiti problem and they have a
problem with the Indirect lighting on the monument sign. They break the
lights off.
~~ Commissloner Boydstun stated the Auto Club sign is a nice looking sign. ~ ~
today's business they certainly need the recognition.
Commissloner Messe suggested they change the Sign Ordinance then.
Commissloner Caldwell stated we are only a few signs away from ending this
recession. Everytime he turns around rnore people come in and say
because of the recession they are going in the hole. We have a good Sign
Ordinance. You cannot miss the Hughes Market. People know the shops in
their area and the majority of business is drawn from those people. When
business is not going well it looks like the Ciry is trying to drive people out of
business. If the business is not doing well, he did not think a sign would
save them.
Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, stated they did receive a letter related to
this request. He distributed it to the Commission and to the applicant.
Commissioner Boydstun asked if the Auto Club had a variance on their sign?
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager, stated he believed it did. He gave
some further background.
Page 35 ~
Cheryl. In the Festival Shopping Center, they have 4 monument signs. She
~ finds wfth this particular center, people do have a problem flnding her shop.
Hughes is no longer exclusive to the residents. Times have changed and
thoy have Ralphs, ~% ~^~s and Alpha Beta. It is completely different then ft use
to ba. It is impertt~e that they have the sign.
Commissioner Caldwell understands that Cheryl has a small business, but
Hughes Market is not. '
Chairman Peraza reminded them that the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Tait asked staff for an explanation of the Festival signage.
Mr. Borrego explained when the Festival was developed, ft was developed
under a Specific Plan and ft was designated as a reg(onal shopping center
and because of that there was some special consideration given to the
signage that was permitted. He was not sure of the ecact count of existing
monument signs. There are a number of businesses in there that do not
have any visibility whatsoever and do not have any advertising on the street
as well. He explained that the smaller users are not on the free standing
Commissioner Caldwell stated the question is do we want to step outside of
our curcent sign ordinance or do they go back and study ft?
Commissioner Tait asked what was approved out there now that is not built?
"~ , Mr. Borrego stated there was a sign variance which was granted. He
clarified that ft was not limited strictly to externally illuminated signage. There
was a provision for Internal illumination, but the Internal illumination to be
used was a halo lighting where the backing of the sign Is actually opaque
and only the letters are translucent. So rather than have the entire sign lit up,
it is just the letters that are illuminated.
He wanted to clarify also that the reason they had gone with earth tones on
that particular sign was, at the time the original sign was proposed, the
backing of the sign face was proposed to be red. The letters were proposed
t., be yellow. They felt ft was totally inconsistent with all of the other free
standing signs. He was sure there was some area for compromise.
Unfortunately, they do not have control over the bus benches which are In
the public right-of-way and have no control over the advertising.
Commissioner Messe asked for clarification ff the new ordinance would allow
identification of the primary user and if they changed the name to The
Hughes Center then they could have the Hughes Center and then one other
Page 36
Mr. Hastings stated that would be possible. He explained he would have to
take a closer look at the Code, however, the Intent would be to have the
name of the center and then put a major tenant with that. That would
probably meet the letter of the Code, however, that Is not the Intent.
Commissloner Caldwell stated he is trying to stay within the Code and quit
beating h up and changing h. We have seen what happens. Anaheim HIIIs
was suppose to be a sparkling place where we did not relive all of the errors
we previously made.
ACTION: Denied Variance No. 4245
VOTE: 5-1 (Commissioner Boydstun voted no and Commissloner
Henninger was absent)
I ~
Page 37
OWNER: LEDERER ANAHEIM LTD., Attn: Les Lederer, 1990
Westwood Blvd., 3rd. Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90025
LOCATION: 1440 South Anaheim Boulevard (Anaheim Indoor
Marketplace). Property is approximately 14.74 acres
located north and east of the northeast comer of Cerritos
Avenue and Anaheim Boulevard and further described as
1440 South Anaheim Boulevard.
Request: To permit a pawn shop in conjunction with a Jewelry store
within an existing indoor swapmeet facility.
r... John Schroeder, General Manager, Anaheim Market Plaza, 1440 South
Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA. The proposal for a pawn shop is not at all
what they have in mind. The proposed business is for jewelry only. The
store owner already operates a Jewelry store located at the main entrance of
the Market Place. The visual Impact would be that one or two of his display
cases would hold used jewelry instead of the new Jewelry that is there now.
Neither the store owner nor the Market Place Management want a full blown
pond shop within their walls. The store owner asked that them to bring this
request before the Co~nmfssion to meet a community need in these tough
economic times.
GNen the limitations they have already placed on the store owner, they do
not foresee a negative impact on the community at all and urged their
Commissioner Boydstun asked for clarification H they would (ust be handling
Jewelry and no guns?
Mr. Schroeder indicated Jewelry only.
Page 38
ACTION: Approved NegatNe Declarat(on
Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 3665
VOTE: 6-0 (Commfssfoner Henninger absent)
Page 39
Box 761, Temple City, CA 91780; MARSHALL L. and
JANE P. SHOEMAKER, TRUST, 1214 Await Drive,
Mountain View, CA 94040
AGENT: MR. KAZUHO NISHIDA, 11166 Vence Blvd., Culver
City, CA 90230
LOCATION: 125 North Brookhurst Street and 2217 West Llncoin
Avenue• Property is approximately 1.6 acres (on two
parcels) located north and west of the northwest corner
of Lincoln Avenue and Brookhurst Street with Parcel 1
having a frontage of approximately 160 feet on the west
side of Brookhurst Street and Parcel 2 having a
frontage of 190 feet on the north side of Lincoln Avenue
and further described as 125 N. Brookhurst Street and
2217 W. Lincoln Avenue.
Request: To reclassify subject property from the CH (Commercial,
Heavy) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone.
Request: To permit afull-service carwash with related retail sates area
(4,244 sq. ft.) and aself-serve automated car wash (1,656 s.f.) or+.
Parcel No. 1 with an automobile tube/oil change facility (2,652 s.f.) on
Parcel No. 2 with waiver of minimum landscaped setback adjacent
residential zones, maximum number of freestanding signs, minimum
distanca between signs, permitted location of freestanding signs and
permitted encroachments Into required yards.
Granted, unconditionally
Approved, in part
Granted, in part
(Continued nn next page)
Page 40
IN FAVOR: 1 person F
Tim Bundy, representing the petitioner, stated this is in order to convert the ~
existing car wash Into something better than what k is now.
He referenced the staff s recommendatlons. There are some circulation
issues they are trying to deal wkh that require some identification from
Lincoln Ave. as well as from Brookhurst to delineate to the customers, the
types of services that are being provided.
Along Lincoln Avenue, there are two driveways to allow access on the she to
facilkate two different types of car wash uses. There is an automated system
and a hand wash system. In order to provide adequate indication of which
drNeway to use for which particular use, there would need to bs the two
signs along Uncoin Avenue specifically to eliminate some of the cross
circulation tratflc that typically happens on a car wash ske.
They are proposing a sign along Brookhurst that was designated as a 9' x 9'
sign in order to be visually observed along Brookhurst as you are travelling
south above an existing block wall of an adjacent commercl2l ups.
They are being required to take a portion of that block wail between their
property and Ranchko Street which is on the north side and mova that into a
,,., landscaped area. The primary concern is to provide a nice visual screen to
1 . ; the residential area to the north and keep k out of the setback area.
They feel there is adequate justiflction for the signage along Lincoln and in
addkion they feel the landscape plan they are proposing has been addressed
in more ways then what the Code requires to address the visual Issues along
the she.
Robert Linn, Redevelopment Commission, however, not speaking as the
Commission formerly. They dealt wkh this matter last week. These issues
were brought up at their meeting and the Planning Commission has their
recommendatlons. Their primary concern was the landscaping on the back
side and the need for a buffer as well as the high signs and the eMra signing.
They d(d not feel k was that necessary.
Commissioner Messe asked k their Commission discussed the signage
Mr. Unn indicated that was correct and stated they brought the plans in. The
cross traffic was not mentioned in the presentation. He stated someone wkh
some experience putting up a single sign could take care of that problem.
Page 41
. •y
Commissioner Caldwell stated he did not see a reason for variance "A." If i
they are that close, they can give us the 10 feet and stay within Codo. He
referenced the signa~e. He stated he understands there is going to be a
problem. There will be 2 uses coming in off of Lincoln. He prefers to see
them put up one sign identffying the businesses that occur on the property
per Code and then put smaller monument signs which would direct the
people to the exact service they wanted to use. Then they would not have to
step outside of the rules and reguiatlans. The~+ are very lenient in the flatland
area of Anaheim.
Commissioner Messe stated he was concerned about the Impact of the
vacuum motors on the residential neighborhood . They did receive the noise
study which was self performed, but he thinks they should look at that with a
professional acoustical engineer. Their reading shows 45 feet to the
property line which is 72 db. He was not certain what scale they were
reading. It is scary to think of that neighborhood being under that constant
Commissioner Boydstun stated they had a car wash a few mcnths ago and
they said they were able to put noise makers In the ground (the vacuums)
and this drowned the sound.
Commissioner Messe agreed and stated they acoustically dampened the
sound that was created and they also had a problem being close to
r residential. An Independent acoustic study showed that these particular
motors would not affect the neighborhood.
Mr. Bundy explained the owner did the evaluation himself, based on the car
wash he owns in Culver City. The report indicated what he is using to Justify
the numbers.
In particular, the vacuums on the northwest portion of the site are probably
the ones that will rreate the most concern and they are backed up against a
6-foot wall which will help somewhat, but not entirely. There is the possibility
of providing an enclosure that wraps around the motors to dampen the noise
without going to the expense of putting them below grade.
In addftlon, they are having to deal with some very specif<c parking
requirements. Due to the narrow inlet to that lot, they had to minimize the
dimension between the property line and the landscape curb to allow the
traffic to come in to get the proper dimensions t'or the drive aisle. There Is a
way they could modify that from a-foot to a 10-foot. There is the property
line just to the west of Brookhurst abutting the north side. (He pointed to the
site plan for clariflcatlon).
Mr. Bundy went to the exhibit board and a discussion took place between
Mr. Bundy and the Commission regarding this issue.
Page 42
Commissioner Caldwell stated as you come Into the driveway off of
~ Brookhurst, there is the first group of parking and then an island. That
property immediately north of the first group of parking is Commercial
property and behind that on the other side of the Island is residential. That is
wh:,re he wants to see the 10 feet. The Commission should at least give
it~ose people who own the home there, the minimum Code requirement
because it is their duty to them.
Further discussion took place regarding the exhibit. It was determined there
were only 7 spaces where they needed the variance.
Discussion took pace regarding the block wall.
The owner is willing to landscape on the other side of his property to
accommodate not only the vines they are proposing, but he proposed to
provide some sort of turf. He would maintain it with his Irrigation system until
such time the City decides to put in a sidewalk. The owner Is trying to bend
over backwards to come up with a nice site and provide a nice emiironment
for the car wash.
Chairman Pereza asked if they could do it wish one internal sign for
Mr. Bundy stated someone suggested combining the two monument signs
Into one and then have a couple of smaller directional signs on•sfte. He
asked for direction o~ the directional signage.
~~ Jonathan Borrego, Sailor Planner, stated typically they would define a
directional sign to ~.omething that is not intended to draw people off of the
street to do business at a particular location. He c!arifled they would expect
a directional sign only to guide those people who were already on the
property. They co~Id stipulate as to what the language should be.
Commissioner Caldwell asked if there was a Code for the directional signal.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager, stated their Code Indicates not
more than one such sign (entrance or exft sign) not to exceed 3 square feet
in area and a maximum height of 4 feet shall be permitted at each driveway.
Commissloner Tait asked H this was a Texaco Station? Commissloner Taft
explained that his firm worked for Texaco and he would have to abstain. He
Kazuho Nlshida, 12619 Indianapolis St., Los Angeles, CA. He Is the person
who is purchasing th(s property. He has a car wash in Culver Cfty. He has
been in business for a number of years and he wanted to speak about the
sign and circulation problem.
Page 43
He explained the car wash in Culver City is a full service car wash. It has
~ one tunnel. It has one drhreway for an entrance and one driveway for exit
wkh a very large sign. Despke that, they get people coming Into the exk
driveway Instead of through the entrance. If is a very slow day k does not
create too much of a problem, however, they are going against the traffic.
All of the cars on the "kiss oft" area, I.e., all of the cars that are pointed in the
same direction, all go out the exit driveway. i
They are going to have an exterior car wash on one side, and full service on
the other side. If a car comes in on the wrong driveway, they will try to
accommodate it, but it can create a problem in a car wash with only one
tunnel and one function. It would really minimize the problem ff they cou~d
have very clear signage and a definite identification fn the minds of the
customers that this driveway is only for ride through.
He explained a smaller directional sign (3 square feet) may do it for the
majority of people, however, he thought for a fair number of people, they are
going to miss it.
Commissioner Caldwell explained they are trying to stay within the Code
Mr. Borrego suggested they could bring their overall sign package back to
the Planning Commission as a Report and Recommendation item before they
pull their building permits. That condition was attached to the car wash
application which the architect had considered on Ball Road a couple of
~, years ago. Wkh car washes, they tend to find a lot of accessory signs that
are placed on the premises to guide people to certain areas of the facility
and also for the pricing, etc. They could take a look at the directional signs.
Commissioner Caldwell asked about the vacuums.
Commissioner Messe stated they have to be at 60 db at the property line.
They are better orr if they do an acoustic study.
Mr. Nishidl, stated when he spoke with the vacuum rep at Culver Ciry, he
Bald there have been car wasnes that enclose the motor section. He
elaborated. There have beer car washes that have enclosed the entiro area
over the air exhaust and motors. It cuts the noise down quite a bit, however,
he was unable at the tune to get the names of the car washes who had such
a setup so he could measure. He was considering building something like
that for his carwash anyway. He will go ahead and do that and measure the
difference at that time. They can also get a professional noise study done.
Melanie Adams, Public Works-Engineering, stated the agent was talking
about sidewalks on Ranchito Street. She wanted to make k clear that it was
Code requirement when they develop Parcel 2, for the construction of
sidewalks. If they were looking for relief of that Item, they would need to
r:.~Ke application for a waiver to the Ciry Engineer.
Page 44
Mr. Bundy Indicated that was news to them. Would landscaping still be
~-^ allowed to accommodate some of the other concerns?
Ms. Adams stated she was not familiar wfth the layout on that street.
Typically h would have the landscaping adjacent to the street and then the
sidewalk behind it. She was not certain of the situation on that street. If
there was a possibility of some flexibility, they could put their landscaping on
the back side.
Sorne further discussion took place regarding this matter between the
Commission and Mr. Bundy.
Mr. Hastings stated reciprocal parking and access agreement between the
two properties shall be recorded prior to issuance of a building permit.
(Between Parcels t and 2).
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
Granted Reclassiflcation No. 93-94.07, unconditionally
Approved, in part, Waiver of Code Requirement as follows:
Approved Waiver A for the first eighty four (84) feet on the extreme
northeast comer of Parcel 2 (at the property line of the residents).
Parcel 2 will stay the same as it Is on the plan and as you go west the
next 81.45 feet, h shall go from its present position and will average a
ten foot width across that portion.
`~^•; Denied Waivers B, C and D (they were deleted at the public hearing)
Approved Waiver E
Granted, in part, Conditional Use Permft No. 3687 and added the
following condRions of approval:
That prior to the issuance of a building permit, an acoustical sound
study shall be conducted on subject property to demonstrate the
sound will not exceed what is permitted in the noise ordinance.
That a sign program shall be submitted to the Planning Commission
as a report and recommendation Item for review and approval.
That an unsubordinated reciprocal access and parking agreement, in
a form satisfactory to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with the
Office of the Orange County Recorder. A copy of the recorded
agreement shall be submitted to the Zoning DNision.
VOTE: 5.0 (Commissioner Taft declared a conflict of Interest and
Commissioner Henninger was absent)
Page 45
303E N. Oceanvlew, Orange, CA, requests termination of Variance No.
780 (original zoning action - to establish a service station). Property is
located at 1905 East Lincoln Avenue.
CON~i fl NS OF APPROVAL: AI Scappaticci requests a two month
retroactive extension of time to comply with conditions of approval for
Conditional Use Permit No. 3583 (to permit rental and outdoor storage of
semi-truck trailers, minor maintenance/repair and use of a modular office
building wfth waivers of (a) minimum landscape requirements (b)
required parking lot landscaping and (c) required improvement of
outdoor storage and parking areas. Property is located at 1860 South
Lewis Street.
Commissioner Messe stated there was a great deal of testimony today about
t ^ the parking conditions at the Living Stream Church. He lives in that
neighborhood and he has on several occasions, seen what ft can do. It Is
very massive with parking encroaching into the neighborhoods. He asked if
there was a CUP that they could look at?
Mr. Borrego stated someone did take a look at that during the hearing.
There is a conditional use permit for the church. There was no parking
waiver granted for the church. One of the things they should take a look at
is to make sure that the floor plan they submitted is in fact what they are
actually utilizing out there. It is feasible that there have been some changes
in the way they have that setup to accommodate the additional people.
Commissioner Messe asked if they could agendize some kind of a staff
report from Code Enforcement?
Commissioner Mayer asked if that would tell a maximum occupancy for the
areas thoy use. There are a lot of people.
Commissioner Messe stated they also asked at the last meeting to agendize
the library parking lot.
Page 46
Ms. Adams stated it will be on the next agenda and her Manager will be
"~'~ making that presentation.
Chairman Peraza stated they will adjourn to March 21, 1994 at 10:OOa.m.
(Brown Act and Library).
Agend(ze discussion for shopping center Commercial signs. (2 meetings from
ADJOURNED AT 6:07 P.M. TO MARCH 21, 1994, at 10:00 A.M. -WORK SESSION
Page 47