Minutes-PC 1994/06/13ACTION AGENDA
MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1994
1. The proponents In applications which are not contested will have five minutes to present their
evidence. Additional time will be granted upon request if, in the opinion of the Commission, I
such additional time will produce evidence important to the Commission's consideration.
2. In contested applications, the proponents and opponent will each be given ten minutes to
~- present their case unless additional time is requested and the complexity of the matter warrants.
~ The Commission's considerations are not determined by the length of time a participant speaks,
but rather by what is said.
3. Staff P.eports are part of the evidence deemed received by the Commission In each hearing.
Copies are available to the public prior to the meeting.
4. The Commission will withhold questions until the public hearing is closed.
5. The Commission reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing If, In its opinion, the ~
ends of falmess to ail concerned will be served. ~
6. All documents presented to the Planning Commission for review in connection with
any hearing, including photographs or other acceptable visual representations or
non-documentary evidence, shall be retained by the Commission for the public
record and shall be available for public Inspections.
7. At the end of the scheduled hearings, members of the public will be allowed to speak
on hems of Interest which are within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission,
acid/or agenda items. Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of five (5) minutes to
Page 1
^ ib. RECLASSIFICATION NO. 93-9409 Withdrawn
393 East Walnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91188
LOCATION:I 441 Norlh Lakeview Ave. (Kaiser Permanents Medical
Center) Parcel A: Subject property is a rectangularly-
shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 9.45
acres, located at the northwest corner of Riverdale
Avenue and Lakeview Avenue, having approximate
frontages of 628 feet on the north side of Riverdale
Avenue and 710 feet on the west side of Lakeview
Avenue, and further described as 441 North Lakeview
Avenue (Kaiser Permanents Medical Center). P ra cel B:
Subject property is an Irregularly-shaped parcel of land
consisting of approximateiy 3.56 acres, having a frontage
of approximately 310 feet on the east side of Lakeview
Avenue, having a maximum depth of approximateiy 576
feet, and located approximately 435 feet north of the
centerline of Riverdale Avenue, and further described as
460 North Lakeview Avenue (Kaiser Permanents Parking
Petitioner requests reclassfflcatlon of the western and southern portion of
subject property (Parcel A) from the RS-A-43,000(SC) (Residential,
Agriculture; Scenic Corridor Oveday) Zone and the CO(SC) (Commercial
Office; Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone to the CL(SC) (Commercial,
Limited; Scenic Corridor Oveday) Zone.
To permit a 588,245-square foot expansion to an existing 289,794-square
foot medical center (including a 387,000-square foot parking structure,
165,000-square foot addition to the existing hospital, a 20,700•square foot
central plant building, and a 8,200-square foot communication building)
with roof mounted equipment with waivers of required interior setback for
institutional uses adjacent to residential zone boundaries, required parking
lot landscaping, permitted number and type of monument signs, permitted
number of wall signs, maximum structural height, required setback from
an arterial highway, and required landscaped screening adjacent to an
arterial highway.
Continued from the meeting of April 4, 1994.
Page 2
ACTION: Accepted petftioner's request for h•Rhdrawal of subject request.
VOTE: 6.0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
Page 3
TARSADIA INC., 650 Town Center Drive, Ste. 1910, Costa
Mesa, CA 92626
AGENT: ELFEND & ASSOCIATES, INC. 610 Newport Center Drive,
#1290, Newport Beach, CA 92660
LOCATION: 1742 and 17°4 S. Clementine Street. 1730 1733. 1743 and
1755 S Zevn Street 1753 and 1745 S Anaheim Boulevard
and 201 W I(atelia Avenue.
SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 93-01: Request for consideration and adoption of
a Specfic Plan for the proposed Hotel Circle Specific Plan which
includes 450 rooms with accessory land uses (which may Included a
15,000-square foot dinner theater) within two (2) hotel buildings located
immediately adjacent to three (3) previously approved hotels containing
653 rooms for a total of 1,12: roams. Incorporated within the Specific
Plan is a Public Facilities Plan which consists of maps and text setting
forth the proposed infrastructure and public facilities.
Request for adoption of zoning and development standards and design
guidelines to set forth standards, procedures and guideiines for the
development of hotels and other related uses within the Specffic Plan
area. Property is approximately 6.8 acres with frontages of
approximately 246 feet on the east side of Clementine Street, 576 feet on
the west side of Zeyn Street, 100 feet on the east side of Zeyn Street,
285 feet on the west side of Anaheim Boulevard, and 254 feet on the
north side of Katella Avenue.
approval to City
Council with changes
to conditions of
Continued from the May 16, 1994 Planning Commission meeting.
OPPOSITION: 3 people spoke in opposition
HELD ON MAY 16, 1994. (Continued on next page).
Page 4
~ Frank Elfend, Elfend and Associates, 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1290, Newport
Beach, CA. He stated he would like to make some brief comments and explain exactly
what has transpired since their last Planning Commission meeting and discuss it in the
context of 4 specific areas.
The first area are changes made to the Specfffc Plan that have been made in conjunction
with their meetings and discussions with staff; secondly, they would like to briefly discuss
the CEQA Issue; thirdly, they would like to comment on the staff report because they think
there is some information in there that needs some clarification; and fourth, they would like
to talk about the Mitigation Monitoring report that has substantially Increased.
He stated during the last few weeks, they have basically made eight major modifications to
their Specific Plan, all which in the final analysis, have an Impact in the bottom line in
proforma of this project.
He stated they have agreed to the Katella Redesign which has been proposed by staff as a
CEQA Mitigation 'Measure whereby the revised Deveiopment Standards which are now
included in the package, reflects the alternative development proposal of less density.
He stated they have deleted the density transfer provision of the Specific Plan based on
staff's request; they have clarffied and Increased the setback aiong Haster Street or
Anaheim Blvd.; they have agreed to delete the future expansion area, exhibits and
discussion from the documentation; they have further defined with staff, the vacation
ownership provision of the project; as requested by Commissioner Henninger, they have
provided standards far aesthetics and landscaping for the parking structure; they have
Increased setback and landscaping along Zeyn Street for that area that is directly visible
from Katella; and they have agreed, although ft Is not provided currently In any Code, to a
layered landscapln~ for the project along Its Interface areas of Katella and Clementine and
Haster/Anaheim Blvd.
He stated, therefore, all of those changes have occurred. Many of those were discussed
publicly, some after meeting with the staff and their discussions with them. He added they
felt these additional modifications would further enhance the plan and the project.
Secondly, they provided the Cfry wfth a Response to Comments which were primarily
provided by the Disney Company. Also, their client has retained special CEQA counsel, Mr.
Bill Ross of Ross and Scott. He noted he was present at today's hearing. They retained
Mr. Scott at substantial cost to their client based on the statements made in the Latham
and Watkins letters.
He stated they went back and took a look at the Disneyland Resort EIR. He submitted
copies for the Commission's review. He explained that is just a part of the cumulative
analysis that was prepared by Disney. He stated if they look at the cumulative analysis,
tables and exhibits, they would find out that their project was clearfy evaluated as it related
to area wide infrastructure and other related CEQA matters.
Page 5
He stated of interest, there is a letter they had sent to the Ciry. He was sure they probably
~"°~ recalled that they participated in the process and were told publicly by Disney and by the
City In the context of responding to comments that they made at that time, that that
evaluation was included in Disney's EIR for this project.
He stated this is an Important piece of information because as we know, Disney is
suggesting that we start over again In the environmental process and evaluate this project
because there has not been adequate study or the Mitigated Declaration is not complete.
Clearly the information in that document and the letters they have sent to the City suggests
He submitted a letter for the public record. He stated in May of 1991, they spoke with the
Planning Department (this was when the City was initiating their CR Area Resort Specific
Plan) and ff they look at the last two pages, he highlighted the area of their understanding
and there was communication back to them from the City at that time from Mary
When the City went through this process of coming up with the Resort Area Specific Plan
or CR Area Specffic Plan, they wrote the City and Bald our client has cooperated with the
City; they participated in and were provided with assurances from the City vls•a-vis the new
Zoning Code that when they adopted the new Zoning Code, they adopted wording which
allowed the assemblage of parcels as presently proposed. They basically have participated
in all of the studies and provided Input. As a result of that, they were told by staff and the
City Council, that this project would be exempted from the CR process-from the CR Area
Specific Plan, mainly because, again, ff was their intent to work with the City, assemble
these parcels and do a separate Master Plan and Specific Plan as provided for in the new
Zoning Code. He added, this is something he would like for them to consider In the
t• context of his comments to follow.
He referenced page 8, under the Specffic Plan Zoning and Development Standards, Section
II, second paragraph, item no. 16, of the staff report, second sentence. He read the
sentence Into the record. He stated their development standards for the project are their
own Zoning Code and they would comply with those as set forth. He stated understand
that ff they would have some proposal which was outside of that use which was
anticipated, they then would comply with whatever standards were in place.
He referenced page 10 of the staff report, the column dealing with density. He stated when
he reads letters from the Disney Company which discussed density, he has the Impression
that they are completely aware of what their proposal entails. One of the columns Indicates
that Hotel Circle as submitted, including the existing uses and approved uses, is 1103
rooms. As a result of their discussions with staff and concurrence, they have agreed to a
modified project Including 969 rooms which of course does not have the corresponding
He stated there is one other number which he thought was relevant since there could be
one other column, and that would be permitted under the existing CR Code, their existing
approvals and that which is built. He stated ff you include 375 rooms which are currently
permitted, 364 which is provided visa-vis the Katella Hotel CUP, 130 for the Crystal Suites
which is existing and 139 for Peacock Suites, that comes out to 1,028 rooms.
~ Page 6
The point is tha plan which they are submitting and asking the Planning Commission and
~. City Council to approve, is less than what they wcuid bu8d ff they developed the property
by right and had the CUP extended as h has been for the fast several years. He added it is
a substantial mitigation in that context.
He referenced page 15. He stated there are 3 issues That they feel are unresolved. He
would like to communicate their position to the Planning Commission for their
consideration. The first one has to do with the process for approval of the She Plans.
He stated this is a very unique project. He explained 8 is unique to the extent that they are
proposing to create an Integrated proposal; reduce density over that which is currently
permitted and somehow provide the type of proposal that will aesthetically be more
He further explained in exchange for that Specific Plan they are asking for some
consideration from the City on several areas. He explained this is an Important one to
their client and that is right now he would be able to go directly for, and obtain a building
permit without any addklonal potential discretionary review by the Planning Commission
and ultimately by the Ciry Council. He stated he understands how the Planning
Commission feels about that and he knows in the past when there are special
circumstances they have at least consklered h and it has been considered in the past. He
added he makes this comment Just as a piece of information.
He stated en June 21, 1993, when the Ciry Council considered Disney's proposal, they
raised the question regarding their ability to be able to at least have some public
information about how the largest parking structure in the wodd would be viewed from the
~- hovels that would be built-forget the ones that were proposed, but the ones that were
already existing. They asked the Ciry Council and Tom Wood answered the question
whether or not they would be able to see the final parking structure elevation that would be
submitted and ultimately built.
He stated in doing so, the Planning Commission approved, and the Ciry Council approved,
a provision whereby that parking structure did not have to come back to this body or any
body for additional review once they approved ft. He would like for them to at least
consider some type of similar situation for their client, and given what they have seen to
date, would prefer not to go through a similar circumstance once again.
He stated the second comment has to do with compact parking spaces. He stated they
had a meeting with Joel Fick and John Lower and they do not have any objection to the
wording since it was his understanding from that meeting that there was a discussion of
these design constraints and, therefore, the staff would look favorably upon their
recommendation or request.
He stated the thins hem is the wall signage on Clementine. He stated although the first
item was one that was brought up by the Planning Commission, these are changes that
have occurred since their last Planning Commission meeting. He stated the third one deals
with an additional sign that they would like to have on Clementine and there were two
reasons for that request. He stated one of reason is if they have driven the area, they think
the addftlonal sign is warranted. Secondly, when they take the proposed use across the
street to a monorail or some kind of people mover system, they feel having that sign makes
sense as well.
~ Page 7
He stated previously k was permitted by right and subsequently there is addkional wording
!'~ regarding a hardship. Onb of the questions that he asked to the Planning Department was
H this proposal is approved, and H their client desires to construct this project, they are one
of the few builders that have actually built anything and Inkiated their proposal.
He read an article in the Los Angeles Times on June 10, 1994, that indicated that Disney
was at least a year away from even announcing they were going to do the prefect. He
further stated ff Disney's protect is not built, but were to come in before that time, from the
standpoint of their client at least, they may not be able to demonstrate that hardship
because the Disney Company may have decided not to move forward wkh their project.
They would like the permission, by right, as k was previously proposed, to be able to have
that third sign wkhout having to demonstrate that right under the circumstances.
He referenced page 18 of the staff report, under Section V, Environmental Analysts, hem
no. 27, where staff recommends the Initial Study contain the following modifications. They
have agreed to delete the future expansion area.
He stated the second thing has to do with deleting any discussions of the Impacts of the
Disney Rosort SpecHic Plan on their project. It is the City's document and ff they want us
to delete k, they will delete k. However, they are concerned about that. They have made
their comments and have stated publicly to the City Council, and they will do so to the
OCTA, that they believe k should be in there, but k is the City's Mitigated Negative
Declaration and ff they want k to be deleted they will do so, but they think it fs relevant.
He referenced page 19. He stated one of the tasks that was requested by the Planning
Commission at their Iasi meeting to staff, was to go back and look at the Mkigatlon
Monitoring Program that was provided for Disney's project and decide which Mitigation
Measures were applicable. He clarified he was referring to the third paragraph. He
believes staff has done that because the size of the Mitigation Monitoring has more than
doubled in terms of what they are required to do.
He further stated since that has been Included, they are not comfortable with a statement
neither in this section nor in the Mtigation Monitoring report which Is preserved indicating
that there may be more than what is provided in the Mitigation Monitoring report. The
Intent of having that revision (he believed tt was Commissioner Henninger who asked far it)
was so that they understood exactly what Mitigation Measures those would be and they
would not be faced wkh having to ascertain which ones would be applied to them.
He referred the Commission to the Conditions of Approval. He stated k the Commission
were to check the minutes, some of the comments that they are going to make are Issues
which they believe were resolved since staff concurred with their statements at the time.
Ha referenced Condkion No. 2. They had indicated that those underground utilities would
be on-ske as opposed to ones that were off-site. Staff had concurred that Greg Hastings
had indicated that fn fact was the Intent of that condition, yet in the revised wording k is not ~
provided as such.
Commissioner Messe stated k says "that all new development in the Specific Plan Area."
Mr. Elfend stated that will be Tine and as long as k is clarftled for the record. i
6-13.94 ~
Page 8
He referenced page no. 24, Condition No. ?_0 regarding on-site landscaping. He read the
condftion into the record. First of all, staff has not included in this package, their concept
for layered landscaping and that Is what Disney has proposed. The Commission is well
aware there are some existing uses which either have no landscaping or have landscaping
already and these are going to Integrate somewhere in between the two. H(s client agreed
to provide layered landscaping as they have been told they need to in ilia staff report in the
attached information. They would prefer that this refer to that as opposed to the
Commercial Recreational Area, (Anaheim Resort Specific Pian) which he has indicated to
him. He added he can submft the letter the City sent back to them K the Commission so
desires that they would be exempted.
He referenced page no. 26, Condition No. 40 regarding the installation of a 20 Inch water
main. This condftlon was discussed previously and there seems to be a difference of
understanding as to exactly what that conditlon should provide for. It was their
understanding that them would be some type of development permitted on thla project
wthout the need to extend the 20" water main at some phasa basis and subsequent to that
provision of so many rooms, and that there would be the provision of a fee to be paid in
conjunction wfth the other Improvement and this would all be provided in a study that
would be prepared. He stated that fs what he thought they had last time after they had
public comment on it from staff. It is what he thought they had ir, the fnter(m period which
would provide for some phasing and study thereto.
He referenced Condition No. 58, page 28 of the staff report regarding fair share payment
for all services and infrastructure. He stated this again is what ho refers to as a wrap
around condition. He read the conditlon Into the record. He stated as long as they refer
that to the attached Mft(gation Monitoring report, they would not object, however, they Just
want to know what to do.
He referenced condition No. 63, page 29 of the staff report which states: That prior to
placement of an ordinance rezoning subject property on an agenda for City Council
consideration, Condition No. 54, above mentioned shall be complied with. He stated
condftion No. 54 is the foe for the Mitigation Monitoring plan. He stated he did not think
their client would be comfortable paying a fee for this project until it was approve;. He
added he thought there could be a provision for paying the iae for the Mitigation Monitoring
process, but not before ft is placed on the agenda. He asked that it be deleted.
He referred to the Mitigation Montoring Plan. He stated this project involves 450 rooms
and more than one hotel. It is a project that has several hotels. To the extent that this
project Is burdened to pay for Improvements, which are required in conjunction wfth
someone elses project, they have some concerns. They are not opposed to paying fair
share, when that fair share Is something that their project creates or has some nexus as
opposed to something that was created for a project which is many, many times the size of
Tarsadia's proposal.
He stated as he mentioned earlier and as a concern they have, some of these provisions
and Mitigation Measures, which were taken directly from Disney's approved Mitigation
Monitoring Program, are required purely because of Disney's project. And, if Disney's
proposal/project is not commenced until sometime in the future, as indicated by Mr.
Moreland's comments (s sometime at the end of next year, he wants to know how this
particular proposal can move forward and pay any fee without any program in place?
~; Page 9
He stated surely his client, for 450 rooms, is not going to put together for the City, a
~, program based upon that size of development as k simply is not reasonable. Therefore, -
they would like to get some clarffication on that. i~
He referenced page 1 of the Mtigatlon Montoring Plan, Mitigation Measure No. 1. He i
asked that this be deleted.
He referenced page 4 of the Mitigation Monitoring Plan. He stated some of these
comments have to do with what is presently provided vie-a-vie the Code. Some are new
Mtigatlon Measures that are being provided as a result of what the City has asked Disney
to do which Is for a much different project than this.
He referenced the second Mitigation Measure, page 4 regarding the installation of water
lines for reclaimed water for landscape irrigation and other purposes. He read the
Mitigation Measure Into the record. He stated there are several condftions that have been
added and why would his client object to them. He stated ff you take every single request
and you add them up on a piece of paper, then that is when they begin to add up and
become a new tax on business. He stated obviously, his client would prefer not to have to
Install two lines.
He stated this Is also true of an 8-foot high perimeter under "Noise," the second comment.
He stated he stood ~~p before the Planning Commission and City Council and discussed
construction Impacts from the largest parking structure in the world. They asked, during
the night time when people are sleeping In the hotel rooms, there would be some way to
reduce the noise and the pouring of the concrete. He stated it does not matter ff you have
an 8-foot barrier or not.
He stated they were told there was really no Impact of noise or any construction and that ft
was all covered by the Code. This is another item, which individually Is not significant, but
cumulatively it is in terms of adding cost to this proJcct.
He referenced page 7 of the Mitigation Monitoring Plan, the first Measure. He stated In
discussions of this project with the Flre Department, he was not aware this project had this
type of Impact in any way, shape or form. He stated to make this project participate in a
fair share for fire protection, which w(II be provided for the Disney Project, they find that to
be somewhat onerous. They asked that ft be deleted.
He referenced page 9 of the Mitigation Monitoring Plan under "Water." He stated even the
most onerous condition that they applied on this project previously, did not refer to this
project being mandated with improvements that would be on Harbor Blvd. He stated here
again, this would refer back to their earlier statement and that Is allowing this project to
move forward on some phase basis ff there is going to be an area wide need and that area
wide need should be provided in some subsequent assessment which this project will
participate to the extent that ft Is applicable. He stated when there is an Improvement that
has to be made and they are attempting ~~i bring in another land owner that will pay for
that, that Is a different consideration.
He referenced page 10 of the Mtigation Monitoring Plan under `Water," the third Mitigation
Measure regarding the need to have dual piping if and when ft ever happens.
Page 10
He referenced the fourth measure, page 10, regarding the timing, i.e., "continuing on an
~ ongoing basis during project operation.' He stated ff they have been out to this particular E
project, there are two existing hotels that are built. tie did not think their client would €
object to providing Information to the Ciry, but when you talk about continuing h on an ~
ongoing basis during project operation, when and ff his client wanted to sell those
properties, he was not exactly sure how they would communicate to a potential buyer that
they have to provide this continuing information about the use of sprinkler heads, self
closing valves on drinking fountains or low flow shower heads in hotels. He stated some of
this they could definffely provide, but on an on-going basis each year, he think it is
extremely cumbersome on business.
He referenced page 11, the first Mtigatlon Measure under "Water." He read the last portion
of the measure Into the record regarding undergrounding all utilities In the Anaheim Resort. ~
He stated since they took them directly out of the Disney Resort EIR, he assumes this is ~
Just a typo.
Commissioner Messe stated that must be a typo because the Ciry Is undergrounding the
entire City. He asked 'rf anyone was from Utilities? ~
Ms. McCloskey stated the Anaheim Resort means the entire Anaheim Resort Area and
those lines which are going to be undergrounded per the City's undergrounding program,
the existing program, that Is what they are talk(ng about except the on•site lines that would
normally be undergroundnd per normal construction.
Commissioner Messe stated their City undergrounding policy is extensive throughout the
Ciry and has nothing to do wffh the Anaheim Resort. I
Ms. McCloskey indicated that was correct.
Commissioner Messe stated this Mitigation Measure should Indicate that.
Mr. Elfend referenced page 15, the final Mitigation Measure regarding recycling of certain
materials. He stated they do not have any problem doing that, It is just a monitoring and
an administratNe process of how they report that to the Ciry during this on-going period.
He referenced page 22, under Visual Resources and Aesthetics, the socond Mitigation
Measure regarding participating in a landscape assessment and maintenance district. He
read the measure into the record. He referred back to his earlier comments. He assumed
that it the City adopts an area wide program, that they would Include all properties and at
that time they would participate. However, this Specific Plan is suppose to be exempted
from any assessment district fees, land use, and density relating to the Anaheim Resort
Specffir, plan.
He referenced pages 22 and ..^.3 under "Cultural Resources," Mitigation Measures 1 and 2.
He stated the other two comments they have refers to the need for a an archaeologist and
paleontologist on the site ff the Ciry deems that is necessary. He stated this is a fairly
standard Mitigation Measure, however, it is cumbersome and is a cost that will be Incurred
in addition to additional exactions which are associated with this protect.
Page 11
Commissioner Messe stated he thought they covered that the last time and they Bald that
~ the archaeologist must be present only at the pregrading conference.
Mr. Elfend agreed.
He referenced page 24, the first Mff(gation Measure under Transportation" regarding paying
a traffic and transportation Improvement fee to the Ciry of Anaheim. He read the last part
of the condition into the record. He stated he could not Imagine accepting a condulon that
is that vague. Furthermore, when the Ciry adopted a transportation Improvement fee, it
was his understanding that the fee would address the need for other than site specific.
Traffic fees would relate to development within the Ciry and as such they could not agree
to participate in all applicable reirnbursement or benefit districts. They would be waving ~
their right without even knowing what they are. It is a wrap around condtion that is
onerous at a minimum.
He referenced page 24, second Mtigatlon Measure under Transportation" that they will
participate in a clean fuel shuttle program. He stated that is another condition which again
IndNidually doos not seem slgnfficant, but cumulatively ff they are added up on one page
there are substantial new fees that are being created while it seems to him that the Ciry Is
attempting to encourage the redevelopment of property in that area. He referenced page
25 under Transportation," the first Mitigation Measure. He stated there Is a provision for
TDM (transportation Demand Management program). He stated they understand the
threshold requirement for AOMD is 213 rooms. The information was provided to him today
where you have to have this type of TDM program.
He exp!ain~d on an Individuel basis, neither of these hotels are going to fit that criteria
where you would have to Institute this type of program. There again, it Is a burden. He
read into the record under Timing': and, ongoing during project operation. He stated you
are going to have someone that is going to operate a hundred room hotel that is going to
be faced wffh these types of requirements that they really would not be faced with ff it was
not for the fact that they were trying to integrate this into a master plan as opposed to
developing the properties IndNidually. He added that they consider this. He added this
would essentially address their comments.
Chairman Peraza stated for the record they did receive some letters asking for an extension
of time to review these plans.
George Mlhlsten, representing the Disney Company. He stated the project as indicated in
the staff report Is 969 rooms. The Initial Study needs to be redone to reflect the 969
He stated as they have previously indicated, they believe a Mitigated Negative Declaration
is not appropriate in this case and they Incorporate their comments that they made at the
prior hearing.
He stated he would like to specffically raise a couple of Issues which have been touched on
by the applicant today. First, the applicant's own Air Quality Analysis specifically states that
this project will exceed the applicable threshold requirements of the Air Quality
Management Plan. By deflnffion, that Is a significant impact and, therefore, renders the
~ Page 12
Issuance of a Negative Declaration inappropriate. He suggested that a review of their Air 4
~ Cualiry Study will indicate statements where they admit they have exceeded some of those {
He stated, in addition, he woutd at least like to comment on the cumulative analysis that
has been discussed at length by the applicant. He referenced page 7 of the Response to
Comments and stated the applicant's own response to comments specifically Incorporates
by reference the Disneyland Resort Cumuiative Analysis. He read ft into the record. He
pointed out that this was factually Incorrect. The Disneyland Resort SpecK(c Pian
Accumulative Analysis found that five areas would in fact have signfficant unavoidable
impacts: transportation and circulation, air quality, construction impacts Including
transportation, air quality and solid waste and energy. By definition the Council has already
concluded that those cumulative Impacts were insignificant and unavoidable and could not
be mitigated and, therefore, a statement of overriding ronsiderattons had to be adopted.
He stated he will let the City Attorney explain how the City can now adopt a Mitigated
Negative Declaration by Incorporating by reference significant Impacts which are not
In addition, and most Importantly, in two days this City will have before it, in a public
setting, the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan. Many of the Mitigation Measures and Issues
which were raised here today are presumably Incorporated or covered in the Anaheim
Resort Specific.
He stated they think it is imperative that this Commission and this body have before ft, the
analysis of what is contained in the Anahelm Resort Specific Plan that will, with the Disney
Resort Specific Plan, provide for the guidance for the next 20 years. To have this Specific
Plan area be a black hole in the context of the Disneyland's Resort Specific Plan, and
Anaheim Resort Specific Plan, in terms of guidelines for development, does not seem to
make a lot of sense. It Is very Important that those issues be before this Commission and
they hope that staff will report to the Commission with respect to many of those issues.
He stated they suspect, although they really do not know, because they have not had an
opportunity to review this document as no one has, that many of the issues which are
talked about today are Issues that are going to be issues in the Anaheim Resort Specific
Plan. For that reason, they believe that analysis is critically Important.
He stated lastly he would note that many of the Mitigation Measures which the applicant
has proposed to be deleted, were critical (n the analysis of the cumulative analysts for the
Disneyland Resort. If those Mitigation Measures are deleted or significantly modified, then
whatever the basis of the analysis for concluding that the Hotel Circle Specific Plan
deserves a Mtigated Negative Declaration is Invalid. They respectfully request their
consideration of these issues.
Doug Moreland, Director of Development for the Disney Development Company, 1313
Harbor Blvd., Anaheim, CA. He complimented staff for addressing many of the concerns
raised at the last Planning Commission hearing and for recomr,~er~ding revisions to the
Specific P:sn. They still have a few concerns which he will address today. However,
before he speaks about those concems he had a few observations he wanted to make.
6- i 3-94
Page 13
He stated the City has been adopting planning documents that will transform the -~
~ Commercial Recreation Area Into a world class destination resort over tho past 4 years. He
stated last Thursday the American Planning Assoc(ation recognized the Cfty's planning
efforts when they gave the City the Focused Issue Planning Award for the Disneyland
Resort. The award panel stated the following: This protect represents a classic textbook
case of utll¢ing the landscape and streetscape as elements of unHlcation, screening and
scale mediation. The extent of detail and the attention to pedestrian scale are exceptional
In the Specific Plan. Techniques such as tree density guidelines and design hierarchy
concept of the Interface between the public and private spaces are transferable to other
Specffic Plans. The plan is of the highest quality in every respect, ft sets the standards.
That is the standards far the CRA area.
It is Important for Hotel Circle to conform to those design elements that are a part of the
Ciry's vision for recreating the Commercial Recreation Area into a world class destination
resort. The new Anaheim Resort is going to be released on Wednesday. Doos Hotel Circle
conform or not with what is going to be coming out in two days?
Their presentation today is predicated on the assumption that the staff recommendations
and Mftigation Monitoring Plan a!e adopted as part of the Specific Plan. There are 3 basic
Issues that he wanted to discuss.
The first Issue Is dealing with setbacks along Clementine Street. He referenced the exhibft
and stated the existing CR Zoning has a 30-foot setback requirement along Clementine
Street. Hotel Circle is proposing a 10-foot minimum setback and the Disneyland Resort
Specific Plan has a 20•foot setback requirement along Clementine and the Anaheim Resort
Specffic Plan, they do not know yet.
He stated the Residence Inn which is Just north of Hotel Circle has a series of 2-story'
buildings that at the peak of the roof is a maximum of 25 feet in height. He stated the
setback varies from 10 to 30 feet. These are non-contiguous buildings so there are lots of
landscape areas surrounding each of the buildings are you view it from the street elevation.
He stated the Crystal Suites, which is the existing Hotel and Hotel Circle along Clementine
Is 6-stories and 68 feet. He stated when you drive by there is approximately 25 feet from
behind the sidewalk to the face of the building and it has very nice landscaping. He stated
after the road Is widened that will be reduced to around 10 feet or more.
The next building that is proposed adjacent to the Crystal Suites is proposed at 12-stories
and 132 feet in height and they are requesting for it to be setback 10 feat from behind the
He stated what you have here is a scale differential between the Restdence Inn which does
have a few buildings at 10 feet, but most of them are setback furthar than what Tarsadia is
requesting. Disney feels that the Design Guideline requiring a 20•foot setback should be
adhered to along Clementine.
For the next issue, he submitted some photos which shows the 2-story buildings and the
much larger building.
Page 14
He referenced the staff report and Indicated he wanted to discuss the Interior property lot
~. lines. He stated adjacent to the Residence Inn, the Hotel Clrcie SpecNic Plan is proposing
to build a now defined 4-story, 48-foot maximum height parking structure with a zero
setback on the property Ilne.
He stated adjacent to the Motel 6, the Hotel Circle Specific Plan is proposing to build an
8-story hotel maximum 66-feet tall with a 5-foot setback. He explained in 5 feet you can
only put in very minimal landscaping.
He stated the next issue is not part of this section, however, it applies to this. He stated in
terms of parking structures, subterranean parking structures can also have a zero setback
from property lines. He stated he was not quite sure how the elevation, which has been
included in the Hotel Circle Specific Plan, shows landscaping in front of the parking
structure. (Copies were handed out).
He explained ff you have zero setback from the property line, you cannot put landscaping
in front of the parking structure and if you have subterranean parking that also has a zero
setback, and trees will not grow on top of a subterranean parking structure unless they do
something about adding planters and dirt. Therefore, there Is a problem between what is
shown on the elevation and the actual sftuation which Is proposed in terms of setbacks.
He stated a compromise would be interior lot lines where the applicant owns both pieces of
property. They could have zero setbacks, but on the perimeter where they are adjacent to
other property owners they should be required to have the 10-foot setback which is
required curcently in the Commercial Recreation Area Zone and is also required In the
Disneyland Resort.
He stated in the area of parking there are a couple of Issues. One has to do with
restaurants that are contained within the hotels. He explained currently the Hotel Circle
SpeciFlc Pian allows fora 5,000 square-foot restaurant to have zero parking spaces
provided for that use. He further explained that the CRA Code requires 14 spaces per
1,000 square feet of gross floor area of eating and drinking areas. The Disneyland Resort
requires one space per 10 feet of eating and drinking capacity.
He stated what is provided in the Disneyland Resort is approaching the same issue that
Hotel Circle is trying to get at, I.e., most of the people that are staying In the hotel v+ill
probably eat in those restaurants, but there are still a few people who ~,iay decide tr use
those restaurants who will come on-site and need parking spaces. Therefore, the
Disneyland Resort provided for reduced parking because of that situation, but ft did not
have zero parking spaces.
He stated in terms of meeting and banquet space, the Hotel Clrcie Specific Plan has that as
an allowable use, but ft has no parking requirements stated for ft. The curcent CR Zoning
requires 10 spaces per 1,000 square feet and the Disneyland Resort had a requirement of
6.7 spaces par each 1,000 square feet of area. He stated if this fs going to be an allowable
use then it needs to have Its parking addressed in the Specific Plan.
He stated possibly the most Important issue, and it already has been raised by Mr. Elfend,
is the future processing for approvals. He stated the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan
requires hotels In the hotel distr(ct and any associated parking with those hotels, to come
back before this Commission as a Report and Recommendation item. He stated they feel
6-13-94 i
~ Page 15 t
the amount of detail that has been given here is not great enough for the Planning
r Commission Just to give this a blanket approval and not see any future plans. He F
recommended that the Commission require the future Site Plans to come back for a Report li
and Recommendation.
He stated they just went through that process with the Disneyland Administration
building-it is not an onerous process to come back before the Commission and it would
give the Commission the comfort that the plan Is being implemented per the City's vision.
He stated he has the feeling that a lot of the variances and setbacks and a lot of the
special conditions that are being requested are due to the density of the project. Further,
when you look at the density of other hotels in the Commercial Recreation Area, you can
see Hotel Circle was 162 rooms per acre and is now down to 142 rooms per acre. He
explained the Residence Inn to the north is 32 rooms per acre; the Anaheim Sheraton is 45
rooms per acre; the Anaheim Marriott is 70 rooms per acre; the Pan Pacific Hotel is 110
rooms per acre; the Anaheim Hilton is 113 rooms per acre; and the Disneyland Resort is 58
rooms per acre.
He stated he Is not questioning whether or not Tarsadia gets 142 rooms per acre, he is
questioning H ft requires all of these variances in terms of setback in order to achieve that
density, and maybe the density is too high. If they are required to follow the setback
requirements, they may not be able to build all of that.
He stated it is Incumbent ff this area is going to have a vision and is going to become a
destination resort in the future, that this vision can only be realized through the
Impiernentatlon of the standards and the guidelines that the Ciry has been steadily
adopting, over the past 4 years, to improve the appearance of this area.
He stated the Planning Commission is making decisions today for our ch~idren and their
children's children. There have been many mistakes made over the past 35 years. He
asked that they please do not repeat those mistakes. They would urge the Planning
Commission to revise the Hotel Circle Specific Plan to Incorporate their concerns.
Mr. Elfend stated there were some comments made by Mr. Mihlsten, Disney's Agent, regarding
CEQA that their counsel Mr. Bill Ross could answer for the administrative record.
He made reference to Mr. Moreland's comments and stated Mr. O'Connell's comments, coming
from a competing interest in the CR Area, he accepts those comments under that criteria.
Mr. Moreland's first comment refers to the fact that they should wait until the City adopts the
Anaheim Area Resort. This is a project that basically has been held up by the City because of
Disney's Resort Specific Plan.
When they came in to do the Environmental Impact Report, which they had inftially proposed to do
before they substantially down s(zed the project, and before Disney's plan was approved, they were
told that they could not do it because they needed a cumulative analysts for Disney's proposal and
those numbers were not available so they could not proceed.
Page 16
There were moratoriums that were enacted in this area; then there was a new Zoning Caie; then '
r"~, new Design Guidelines and now there is another new Specific Plan. They obviously feel they have
participated in ail of the other studies and thsy have done the best Job they can. Staff has
recommended approval and they feel comfortable with the proposal as presented. He was sorry
that the Disney Company does not, therefore, they see no reason to waft another 6 months to a
year or however long ft takes for the City to adopt another plan. He did not know how many other
plans they were going to adopt, but they did not feel that they had to waft for this addtional one.
Mr. Elfend stated he would like to discuss Mr. Moreland's comments about Clementine. Most of
the Commissioner's have been out to the site, and recognize ff you go to the Clementine Hotel,
which is the Crystal Suftes, ft has a 10-foot setback and looks pretty nice. If you go to the
Residence Inn, they have a 10-foot setback as well. Therefore, the setback on Clementine,
exclusive of the fact that ft is the largest parking structure in the world accommodating 12,000 cars,
a 10-foot setback Is consistent with what is out there presently and their clients agreed to Increase
the landscaping as staff has recommended.
He referenced the comment by Mr. Moreland regarding the interior lot line. Mr. Moreland's
information was incorrect. Right now if you walk the property, you have an approximate 5-foot
setback on the Residence Inn and the Motel 6 side, and there is a wall which is on the property
He stated there Is also some fairly substantial landscaping that exists on that side, i.e., on their side
of the'pro(ect" He did have slides, however, he chose not to show them. He added ft fs
substantial in terms of the amount of trees.
They are proposing an additional 5 feet on their side which would be 10 feet total with a wall and
~-. not zero as Mr. Moreland suggested. There is also no subterranean parking as Mr. Moreland
suggested on that sfte. They think that is a sufficient buffer. Staff has been out there to take a look
at ft and thought ft was reasonable as well. Mr. Elfend stated Mr. Moreland made a comment about
the density. Once again the Disney Company will decide the future densty of all other
developments in the CR Area.
For the Commission members who have been out to see both the Crystal Suites Hotel or the
Peacock Suftes Hotel, the Peacock Suites Hotel received an award from Anaheim Beautiful. It was
given an award for the way k looked because the landscaping was aesthetically pleasing.
The density of that particular hotel, as well as the Peacock Suites, is somewhere between 160 and
180 rooms per acre. As staff has Indicated in their staff report, the proposed density for this project
overall is 142, so it is even less than what Is presently permitted.
He stated he would have Mr. Ross make his comments about CEOA, only for the administrative
William D. Ross, Law Flrm of Ross & Scott, 520 S. Grand, Sufte 300, Los Angeles, CA 90071. He
stated he would like to briefly comment concerning remarks of the opposition's counsel on 3
principal areas In CEOA.
~ Page 17
He explained the first one Is dealing with respect to the project's description as dealing with 969
^ unfts. He thought that is one of the principal basis for arguing that a Mitigated Negative Declaration
is inappropriate. They dealt with that specifically in their communication to this Commission. They
are really talking about 653 hotel rooms; 269 that have already been built and 384 that were
previously analyzed In an EIR that has been certHfed at 293.
That gets to the comments that there is a "black hole" environmentally. They respectfully differ.
There has been specific analysis on each of these proposed Incremental increases. That relates
directly to the comment on the sufficiency of the Air Oualiry Analysis and exceeding the threshold
ilmftations of the district on a per hotel room basis.
The Mitigation Measures proposed which begin on page 69 of Initial Study specifically addresses
that and go into Mitigation Measures that are to be Imposed so that threshold level is never met.
That is precisely the Intent of what a Negative Declaration and what a Mitigated NegatNe
Declaration should do under CEQA Guideline, Section 15070, i.e., changes or modifications to the
project are Incorporated Into the Mtigated Negative Declaration.
He believes that all of this then relates to the prior analysis on the issue of is there adequa~e
information before the Commission? If the Commission looks at those specific portions of the
analysts they will find that the Mitigated Negative Declaration, as recommended by staff, is in fact
the appropriate method to analyze this. This should address the specific Issues raised by Mr.
Mihlsten and he noted respectfully, that given the prior analysis, there is specific environmental
analysis on the proposed Incremental Increase in the Specific Plan.
~ Commissioner Henninger stated for the record there are 2 or 3 letters on file noting the volume of
the staff report and asking for a continuance so that there is adequate time to review this.
Commissioner Henninger stated he has approximately eighteen specific comments on conditions of
approval and mftigations. He sensed that this was a lot to deal with in the public hearing. He
thought there might be good reason, after the discussion, to give staff time to review this further.
Commissioner Meese stated he would like to see it taken care of today. He asked staff for their
Joel Fick, Director, Planning D;partment. He stated they would be happy to go over the issues.
There were 2 specific questions that were raised several t(mes during the Initial testimony. There
was a specfic request for deletion of a condition or Mitigation Monitoring Measure. One of them
was Condition No. 63 (Condtions of Approval, page 29).
Commissioner Henninger stated Condition No. 54 dealt with the payment of a fee or to establish
the Mitigation Monftoring Program prior to agendizing this item on the Council agenda.
Mr. Fick stated that is correct, and their recommendation would be that Condition No. 63 be
deleted as requested since it Is addressed in the other condition.
~ Page 18
Secondly, there was a request that the first Mitigation Measure, referred to as a wrap around
~"~ Mftigation Measure, and a carry over from the Last staff report, be deleted. Having said that, k
obviously emphasizes the importance of leaving in tact the other Mftigation Measures for which the
Negative Declaration relies upon in this report.
Commissioner Henninger stated one of the comments that was made, for Instance, you have a j
water mtigation and k talks about using low flush toilets and shower heads for water conservation,
and the condkion says to build the hotel that way and then continuously maintain those during the
operation of the hotel. He stated k obviously emphasizes the importance of leaving in tact the
other Mitigation Measures for which the Negative Declaration relies upon in this report.
Commissioner Henninger stated there was a comment made, that for instanco, you have a water
mtigation and k talks about using low flush toilets and shower heads for water conservation, and
the condkion says to build the hotei that way and then continuously maintain those during the
operation of the hotel.
He further explained that CEQA does require you to monitor the Mitigation Measures that you put
forward in the plan. Since that is an ongoing requirement of the project, they felt that was the
easiest way to monitor k, i.e., to do k on an annual basis through the submktai of a letter to the
Planning Department demonstrating that they are continuing to comply.
Commissioner Henninger stated in regard to the 14 or 15 other comments, regarding the Mftigation
Measures, are the Mtigatlon Measures appropriate as they are currently dratted?
Ms. McCloskey indicated they were.
.- Commissioner Masse asked even a Mitigation Measure such as duplicate water lines for the
potential for reciaimed water, Is that appropriate for something this size?
Ms. McCloskey stated the reason staff retained that measure, which is a measure that was included
in the Disneyland Resort Specit(c Plan, was that this project basically used that EIR as the basis for
their Mitigated Negative Declaration and that is one of the Mftigation Measures that was included
within their Mitigation Monkoring Program. Further, in their own Initial Study that they submtted
Independently, they also talk about using reclaimed water as a way to conserve water In their
Specific Plan area.
Commissioner Messe stated logically what they are talking about in reclaimed water is for
landscaping use only. They do not have the vast landscaping that Disneyland Resort has.
Ms. McCloskey stated they had that included within their Initial Study, i.e., that they submitted k to
supplement and support the information.
Commissioner Henninger asked k they plan on having some sort of system of del(vering reclaimed
water generally to properties in the Recreation Area?
Ms. McCloskey stated she knows there are plans at the County level. They are examining the
feasibility of making reclaimed water available to th(s area and the thinking is when that does
become available to the extent feasible, that properties could Install dual piping now to
accommodate that in the future. She further explained at a minimum when that water is available
then they will be conditioning and recommending that the projects do tie Into that. It (s a benefit to
them financially as well as to the environment of conserving the water.
~ Page 19
She suggested that Dlem Vuong speak to them about where the plans are as far as the County on
r providing that type of facilfty.
Diem Vuong, Water Engineering Manager with the City.
Commissioner Henninger asked H they have plans of providing a source of reclaimed water i
generally In the CR Area?
Mr. Vuong Indicated they do. He explained in conjunction with the Orange County Water District,
In the year 2000, they are starting to have the reclaimed water rome from Fountain Valley and to
the river and will be spreading at Anaheim and then they will provide a line between 8" to 12' which
will serve the entire CR Area. They felt the best thing right now wouid be to have everything ready
to accept the water, rather than having to modify it ten years later. By then the cost may be a lot
He stated with dual piping you have to have 2 separate systems wfth two separate meters. If they
do it right now the cost is minimal. After the building is built and needs retrofitting, the cost could
be horrendous.
Commissioner Henninger stated then this would basically be usi~d for non contact landscaped
Mr. Vuong indicated that was correct and stated that inr.,ludes the flushing toilet. He explained that
the City of Irvine does have some flushing toilets currently in use. In the next ten years they hope
they have enough information so they have an approval on those.
~. Commissioner Henninger stated he had him somewhat convinced when he was thinking landscape
architecture, because h seems like that would be fairly easy to provide a separate system because
Ii is essentially a separate system and that may be teed out of the existing water meter and then
later retrofitted with a new water connection, however, ft sounds like having a separate water
system in the building itself seems a Ifttle onerous.
In summary, Mr. Vuong stated they will look at that and it depends on the situation. He explained it
depends on the flexibility and the cost involved and they would have to look at the plan.
Chairman Peraza stated how about the mitigation for an 8-foot portable construction barrier along
the street scenes?
Commissioner Henninger stated he remembers that came out of an issue because at the Disney
Resort they were adjacent to some residential areas and this particular project does not have any
residential near it.
Ms. McCloskey explained basically that was a construction impact section Mitigation Measure that
again is being applied to all the other properties in the Commercial Recreation Area. It is not only
for noise, but for public safety as well. It is a Mitigation Measure that was identified in the
Disneyland Resort Specific Plan. It was not particular to one street, for instance over by Walnut. It
was applicable to the entire Disneyland Resort Area as well as anything included within that
property Including the CR Overlay properties. It is a Mitigation Measure that has been Incorporated
Into the Anaheim Resort EIR that is about to be released.
~ Page 20
Commissioner Henninger askod H this was like a wood view screen like you see around a
,~ construction site in most cities?
Ms. McCloskey indicated that was correct.
Commissioner Messe stated before they continue with the nlitigation Monitoring, there was one
question that was brought up that Mr. Elfend did not answer. He asked the Engineering staff about
the parking standards for restaurants. There was an indication by Mr. Moreland that there is a
5,000 square•foot restaurant with no parking and no parking for banquet and meeting rooms within
the SpecKic Plan.
~tohn Lower, Traffic and Transportation Manager, stated the restaurants are addressed on page 20
of the zoning and Development Standards. It Is spelled out that restaurants will cater primarily ~oin-
house guests and there will be no advertising signage on the exterior.
Commissioner Messe asked about meeting and banquet rooms.
Mr. Lower stated as they understand it, there are no banquet facilities provided. He explained that
the meeting rooms are seen as part of the hotel operation.
Commissioner Messe asked for clarHfcatlon that they were not entitling Hotel Circle to have any
banquet facilities?
Della Herrick, Associate Planner, stated it does not specif(cally exclude, but is listed as a permitted
use. None are shown on the plans that they submitted.
Commissioner Messe stated ff it is a permitted use, they do not have parking for it.
Ms. Herrick stated they do not have parking that will refer them to the underlying CR Code or the
Anaheim Resort Code. if there is nothing addressed in this Code as it stated before, then h would
revert back to the CR which will be superseded by the Anaheim Resort.
Commissioner Messe stated then in essence, they do not have banquet facilities and ff they do
occur, they will have to furnish parking?
Ms. Herrick Indicated that was correct.
Commissioner Henninger asked how many hotel/motel or vacation ownership resorts are there in
this protect?
Ms. Herrick explained that they are looking far 331 units.
Commissioner Henninger stated he is on page 20 at .030. Mr. Moreland was talking about a 5,000
square•foot restaurant. What this actually says is that one restaurant/coffee shop per hotel/motel
or vacation resort will be allowed without additional parking.
Ms. Herrick stated what she meant by vacation ownership was that they decided earlier that H they
did a vacation ownership, the whole hotel or whatever, would be a vacatlcn ownership unR,
meaning that k would not be a mix of hotel and vacation ownership.
Commissioner Henninger asked how many hotels were on the site that fall under this?
Page 21
Ms. Herrick explained they would be allowed one per each hotel.
r Commissioner Henninger asked for clarification ff they were talking about 25,000 square feet of
restaurant use that has no parking?
Ms. Herrick explained the only restaurant that they showed them was the free standing one-the ~
other ones they have not indicated they are going to have that much restaurant space.
Commissioner Henninger stated to allow 25,000 square feet of restaurant wfth no parking
associated wfth it seems Ilke an 2wfui lot of restaurant without benefit of parking. He stated he was
not even comfortable with 5,OOD square feet and 25,000 square feet begins to sound Iik~ qufte a bft.
Ms. Herrick stated you must remember that the hotels are existing, so we are only talking about 3
Comrissioner Henninger stated they may be existing, but presumably they have parking with them
Mr. Elfend stated as a point of order so the Commission does not get lost, there Is only one and his
clients indicated they would agree to only one restaurant as shown.
Commissioner Henninger recommended that they amend the language so ft shows one. He
Indicated he was referencing (page 20 of the Specific Plan, Paragraph .0303.
Commissioner Messe clarified then ft Is one restaurant/coffee shop?
Commissioner Henninger stated gas for the whole Specific Flan area, ft is 5,000 or lesE
1 ^ Commissioner Henninger stated he was a little troubled with the initial comments regarding the
Planning Commission review of this. He probably would not be qufte so uncomfortable ff ft had not
been prefaced with the comment that really what governs here is the design criteria listed in this
Zoning Standard. Regardless, it sounded like they could be faced with a situation where the
existing Site Plan, which has been shown to them, is discarded and that some alternate Sfte Plan
which conforms wfth this Specftic Plan might be proposed. There was a fairly detailed comment
prefacing all of this discussion that basically said that. Given that, he is not comfortable seeing this
come back.
Commissioner Messe asked H he was comfortable with staff's recommendation?
Commissioner Henninger indicated he was.
Commissioner Messe agreed and stated he was comfortable with staff's recommendation and
verbiage on page 15, (a). That would necessitate a change in the Specific Plan language.
Commissioner Henninger indicated ft was on page 2, top of the second column where ft would say
Just `Planning Commission' and delete "/Planning Director."
Commissioner Messe stated however, it does permit changes to be reviewed by the Planning
Director later on.
Page 22
Mr. Fick explained that the Intention there (and it really was the ap^!icant's request) was to clarHy
almost exist(ng procedure on hems that the Commission has previously approved. Anytime a
building plan would come in, staff would review that in effect for substantial conformance to ensure
that the Planning Commission's aprroval was upheld.
Commissioner Henninger stated it does say tin substantial conformance' on page 9. It says
substantial conformance with the provisions of the Speclilc Plan. He stated they should probably
amend that to say substantial conformance with the previously approved Final Slte Plan.'
Ms. Herrick stated if the Commission would look on page 15, the wording stall had was to also
change that second section to add 'previously approved by the Planning Commission.'
Chairman Peraza asked about the wall signage on Clementine Street. He stated h may be years
before the Disneyland Resori takes shape. They are allowed 2 signs, however, they are asking for
Commissioner Henninger stated he thought the justification for having a third sign was that one of
the signs might be blocked by a monorail, or some other Improvement that was going to be built
by others. He stated until that is built, he did not think he needed the third sign.
Mr. Fick stated they viewed all of these items as being clarifications of their understanding based
upon prior meetings. They did make it very clear when they Initially meant that it would really be a
function of the Commission's comfort with the level of de . 1. That basically, at least now, reflects
their recommendation of what h s~iould contain.
He stated t`~ compact parking space Issue was discussed about a particular bay where there was
known design constraints and Traffl;; Engineering indicated a willingness to work with the applicant.
The third hem r~gardlrg the wall slgnage really did revolve around there being an obstruction, and
that this particular hotel should be different with respect to other hotels in the area for an addftional
sign. They view this more as a clarification that there would be a demonstrated hardship visa-vis
construction by Disney or whatever the blockage would happen to be. Tha sign would be
legitimately Headed and from their viewpoint that Is the time that k should be considered.
Commissioner Messe referenced page 24 of the conditions. The applicant again referred to staff's
reference to the Commercial Recreation Area, the Anaheim Resort and the landscaped concepts
and asked that they show that the landscape plans submitted comply with and are compatible with
the graphics that are fn the staff report. He asked ff there was any problem with that?
Commissloner Henninger stated that is a fair request.
Mr. Fick explained that that was the app:lcant's request. They believe that the language that
requiros the landscaping to be compatible and consistent with those guidelines is equally
reasonable and will be applied reasonably. That is their recommendation on that item. They really
do want to Insure that there is a cone' ?ency of streetscape in terms of landscaping and slgnage to
the extent practical.
Commissloner Messe stated in all honesty, they may have gotten an award for a plan that they
have not seen yet, but ro one has seen this p{an.
~ Page 23
Mr. Fick explained the award that was referenced earlier was actually for the Disney Resort Specific =;
Plan and Environmental Impact Report.
Commissior,..r Messe Indicated he misunderstood.
Commissioner Henninger asked for clarification if he was saying that he did not think k was
adequate to hold them just to the graphics that are contained In these reports?
Mr. Fick indicated that was correct.
Commissioner Henninger stated there was some discussion about the parking structure and they
heard there might be subterranean parking under where the screening trees are going to be and
then they heard rebuttal testimony that there was no such obstruction that would prevent these
trees from growing.
Ms. Johnson stated for clarification there is no subterranean parking on t~~ ~ original proposal. This
graphic on Attachment "E" is the new proposal and it will have a 5-foot ; :~ck along interior line:.
She explained the only time h would ever go down to '0" would be on the petitioner's own property
when he is abutting another one of the parking structures or hfs parking lot. She added against the
Marriott, they will have 5 feet.
Commissioner Henninger suggested they add a condition that says there will be no obstructions,
subterranean or otherwise that would prevent the full maturity of the proposed landscape screens.
Commissioner Henninger referenced the water line and Condition No. 40, page 26. He does
remember some discussion at the last hearing and staff made the comment that at least some
portions of this development could go forward before the water line was put in place. He asked fl
' they had changed their mind?
Ms. McCloskey slated she spoke and worked with Mr. Vuong on the Mitigation Monitoring Program
and the language in the new Mitigation Measure concerning the water services. She stated h could
supersede this condtlon of approval and can be deleted. Basically, what the new Mtipation
Measure requires, is that prior to the first building permit that there be an agreement. (She clarified
she was referencing page 9 of the Mtigation Monitoring Program). She explained that the entire
first measure would supersede and reflects the language that is needed per the water system for
the protect.
Commissioner Henninger stated this is one of the conditions that the applicant ob)ected to.
Ms. McCloskey Indicated that was correct.
Commissioner Messe asked then ft is a pure fair share?
Ms. McCloskey stated ft may or may not be. It will depend upon what the subsequent study would
identify. If it is needed In the project, then it would go fonrrard, and they would need to provide it,
otherwise K would be fair shared depending upon what the analysis indicated.
Commissioner Henninger stated then we can delete Condition No. 40 because R is taken care of
in the Mitigation Monitoring Measure?
~, Page 24
Ms. McCloskey stated there would be reimbursement back from others ff their fair share exceeded-
~ ff there was reimbursement due back.
Commissioner Henninger addressed Mr. Fick and stated he suggested that they take out Condition
No. 63. He referenced Condition No. 54. He stated that was basically the same condfion. He
asked what the appropriate timing for payment of this fee would be?
Mr. Fick stated condition No. 54 contains the appropriate tlming.
Commissloner Henninger asked prior to the adoption of an ordinance approving this Specific Pian?
He asked Mr. Elfend ff he was comfortable with that?
Mr. Elfend's response was not audible.
Commissloner Messe stated the Ordinance comes about after the approval of the project.
Mr. Elfend stated they would probably suggest that after the referendum period has expired or at
some point thereto.
Commissioner Henninger stated that would be 30 days.
Mr. Elfend indicated that would be fine.
Mr. Fick stated that would be acceptable.
Commissioner Henninger stated they should probably say 60 days after adoption.
~^. Mr. Fick stated 60 days after the adoption or prior to the Issuance of a building permit.
Commissioner Henninger stated there was a clarification desired on Condkion No. 58. That
clarification was to make sure that this condition related to the Mitigation Measures that are
attached in this Mitigation Program Attachment'C.'
Ms. McCloskey stated that Condition No. 58 may now be deleted. She explained ff the Mitigation
Measures stay in tact and the program they set forward, Condition No. 58 would no longer be
necessary. It will be part of the Mitigation Monitoring. They believe everything that would be
applicable to this project is included in that Monitoring Program now.
Commissioner Henninger asked if they had a condition of approval that says that they will conform
with the Mitigation Monitoring Program attached as Exhibit "C"?
Ms. McCloskey stated State law requires that.
Commissioner Henninger stated ff probabiy does not hurt to double a condition ff like that. He
../4 "
suggested they amend Condition No. 58 to say that.
Mr. Eliend stated or you just add !t in Condition No. 54.
Commissioner Messe stated or Condition No. 53.
Page 25
Mr. EIlend stated somewhere around there. ~
Commissloner Henninger stated to add it in wherever it is appropriate.
Commissloner Messe asked for clarfffcation on page 11, the undergrounding Issue. He referenced
the first sentence.
Commissioner Henninger asked ff this was the public right-of-way directly fronting the property?
Ms. McCloskey stated this is their actual hookup.
Commissloner Messe stated he did not think that sentence actually said that. He asked should k
bo "to the puN.ic right-of-way" rather than "in' the public right-of-way.
Ms. McCloskey stated `to'the public rlghtof--way.
Commissioner Henninger asked Ms. McCloskey, you did not want them to underground those
facilities that went by their property in the streets or did you?
Ms. McCloskey stated they should clarify that with Utilities.
Commissioner Henningar stated they have heard that they did not like these open ended
mitigations that occur on page 22 where ft says that the property owner shall participate in the
landscape assessment or maintenance district if one is established. He asked what other way is
there to get everyone on board? They do have an awful lot of landscape In the Resort Area and
they will need to have an Assessment District, so what other way is there to get everyone on bard
.- other than to have this sort of condition? The same could be said for Condition No. 24, the second
~ item, regarding transportation.
Commissioner Taft referenced page 25 of the Mitigation Monitor(ng. He asked ff that is anymore
restrictNe than the AQMD requirement under Regulation 15?
Mr. Lower stated no, they do nut see ft as being more restrictive. The Intent is to have an
aggressNe ride share program for this major a;nployment center and to participate in programs that
would be put in place by the Aran Transportation Management Association.
Commissioner Messe stated ft is supposedly only for hotels of over 213 rooms?
Mr. Lower stated he believed he did say that as rotated to Regulation 15, but that is separate from
what we are asking for here.
Commissioner Taft stated his concern was that he did not want it anymore restrictive than the
normal AQMD regulation.
Commissioner Henninger asked are they asking hotels, for instance, like the Hilton? Are they
participating in a program like this under some means?
Mr. Lower sated they are hopeful that they will participate in the Transportation Network once ft is
commissioner Henninger asked ff they figured out a way to hook them?
~ Page 26
Mr. Lower stated they will not need a hook. They will see it is to their benefit to a+rail themselves of
~ programs to help them achieve thn Air Quality mandates, one of which is Regulation 15.
Commissioner Henninger asked Is this the sort of program that he would envision being on any
hotel proposal that came through of this size?
Mr. Lower stated in this area and in the Stadium area.
Commissioner Taft stated he would like to see the landscaping plan in a Reports and
Recommendations item.
He referenced the dual piping for the hotels. He stated he has never heard of that before. He has
heard about ft far golf courses for landscaping, but to require a hotel or any building is speculatNe
and seems somewhat unfair.
Commissioner Henninger stated he thought they could do that for the landscaping. The
landscaping would be easy to do.
Ms. McCloskey stated there are two measures. One deals strictly with landscaping and the other
talked about the structures. They could leave the /andscaping one !n tact and take the structure
Commissioner Tait stated that would be flno.
Commissioner Henninger asked Mr. Elfend if he would like to respond regarding the Transportation
~ Mr. Elfend stated whether his client would or would not participate, for discussion purposes, he was
sure would be determined at the date when the City would bring forth the Assessment District.
They would participate as any property owner and he was sure that the City would set some timing
for its Implementation. He explained the reason they are not happy with that Mftigation Measure is
not necessarily so much that they are not going to comply with ft, but ft is the timing of ft. He
stated ft is dffflcult to agree to something that you cannot see. He added that is something that the
City is going to go through in their process and they will participate.
Commissioner Henninger asked staff N it would be appropriate on each of these condftlons where
the property owner is agreeing to participate in sort of a blind way In Assessment Districts, if they
should add language to say that they will participate on terms no better or worse than similarly
situated property owners? He thought aerhaps their main concern is that they not be put at a
disadvantage by this.
Mr. Fick stated they would like to review that with Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney. He stated
clearly the Intention is that they would Just be paying their fair share which he thinks is similar to the
intent he is referring to.
Commissioner Henninger stated he had no commitment to the language.
~ Page 27
Ms. Mann explained she believed the Intent of having the ayreement of the applicant to participate
^ in whatever future Assessment Districts are set up for these particular things, ff they distinguish this 3
property from other properties that may at the time that such assessment district is adopted, be
already constructed. The intent is that this property is Intended to be included in whatever
Assessment District is set up for these particular types of Improvements for tha area and to make R
clear that there Is not going to be a grandfathering.
She further explained ft would obviously be, as would be required of any assessment type of
instrument or mechanism that was set forth on a fair share basis, because they would not be
permitted to assess a property more than fts fair share for whatever benefits were being received.
Therefore, the fair share, ff that is the concern, they could certainly add fair share language since
that would be an Integral part of any assessment procedure they had, but what this would do is
clarify that this property would be intended to participate in whatever process fs finally utilized.
It Is noted by thr Secretary that tape no. 3 malfunctioned at this point for approximately 5 minutes.
Mr. Elfend stated he wanted to make a statement for the record. He stated the question they
raised earlier, given the uncertainty, he does not share the opinion of the Deputy Cfty Attorney.
Ms. Mann stated they could enter Into an agreement to participate In the future and that would
suffice until the project was in place.
Commissioner Henninger stated do they have something similar in the Stadium Area?
Ms. Mann stated ft is similar, but not the same.
.- Commissioner Henninger stated if they want something to happen before the building permft, then
~ they could enter into some agreement to enter into something in the future.
Ms. Mann stated that is a way ft could be handled.
Ms. McCloskey stated the Mftigatlon Monitoring requires that they participate, therefore, that would
be agreeable prior to Issuance of the building permft that they enter into an agreement.
Commissioner Henninger stated these agreements will be done on a fair share basis.
Mr. Fick brought up an hem discussed earlier on page 11. He stated it is o.k. to say "to" the
public rfg~ r•of-way.
A brief discussion took place regarding the overriding considerations.
It Is noted by the Secretary that the tape is back on.
Commissioner Messe stated right before the Pledge of Allegiance they were handed a letter from
Best, Best and Krieger relative to schools and what this project would mean to the High School
District. He asked Ms. Mann ff she received a copy of the letter and ff there was an answer to that
Ms. McCloskey stated there is a Mftigation Measure on page 17 that did cover the school issue.
She read the measure Into the record.
Page 28
Commissioner Henninger stated staff has said that where there is not a specific parking
~ requirement mentioned in this Specific Plan, then they fall back on the CR requirements?
Mr. Fick explained since that is both their understanding and their belief is the applicant's
understanding, their suggestion would be that maybe a statement like that for everybody's
clarification be added.
Mr. Elfend stated that is correct. If h is not in the standards for development, then it would defer
back as so stipulated In the staff report,
Commissioner Henninger stated with regard to banquet facllitles-there are no standards?
Mr. Elfend stated for the record, there are none proposed and !f they were proposed, he was told
by his client that they would comply with the standards of either the CR or the Yo be adopted'
subsequent plan by the Ciry.
Commissioner Henninger recommended they add a condition that makes that clear.
Ms. McCloskey stated there were also two Issues that were raised in a letter received from'~he Walt
Disney Company. One was concerning fair share funding for police personnel and equlprnenl.
They did not specH(caily add a Mitigation Measure In that regard. The City will be addressing ;he
police personnel and equipment through the revenues befog generated through to the Ciry by the
project and other projects in the area.
Relative to the second Issue that was raised concerning fair share funding or the construction of
baseline transportation improvements will be addressed by John Lower. She added they did
r, Include a Transportation Improvement Fee requirement as well as the requirement to participate in
l any benefR or reimbursement districts. She believed that did provide for a fair share participation
from the project.
Mr. Lower stated what they currently have in place is a city wide Traffic Impact and Improvement
Fee Program. fie explained that was calculated on the basis of the actual cost of transportation
Improvements and then was reduced by 68%, so there Is a 68% shortfall that is going to have to be
made u~ somewhere. He added they do envision some type of district being put in piece.
Ms. Mann clarified that all of the actions taken are in the form of recommendations to the City
Council. It is the City Council who will be making the final decision on the SpecHic Plan and all of
the hems that are before the Commission.
Ms. Mann asked fi there was specific direction to add a condition of approval that the applicant was
required to comply wfth the Mitigation Monitoring Program?
The Planning Commission indicated that was correct.
6.0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
Scheduled for consideration by the Ciry Council
6-t 3-94
Page 29
ACTION: Recommended approval to City Council of Mftigated Negative Declaration
~'`~, Recommended approval to City Councii of Spec~fc Plan No. 93-01 fi~cluding Zoning
and Development Standards, Design Guidelines and a Public Facllfties Plan) with
changes to condRlons of approval as discussed at the public hearing.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
~ 1
3a ~EOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION (Previously Approved}
3c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT_NO. 3500 (Readvertised)
Trustee, 3910 E. Coronado St., Unft B, Anaheim, CA 92807
to condftions of
INC., 310 W. Orangethorpe, Placentia, CA 92670.6972
LOCATION: 4001 East La Paima Avenue. Property Is
approximately 0.95 acre located on the northeast
comer of La Palma Avenue and Van Buren Street
and further described as 4001 East La Palma
To delete condftions of approval pertaining to off-site parking and time
Iimftation for a previously approved industrially related office building with
minimum number of parking spaces.
Jack Anderson, 310 W. Orengethorpe, Placentia, CA.
Commissioner Messe stated ft was his understanding, that the company that occupies this building
has 40 employees at the present time.
Mr. Anderson stated actually they have 35 employees at the present time and a maximum of 40
Commissloner Messe suggested they put a 1lmitation on the number of employees because he
was asking for a parking waiver.
Mr. Anderson Indicated they would not ob)ect. He clarified there are actually 46 on-sfte parking
spaces, but the staff report Indicates 46 spaces.
Page 31
ACTION: Approved CEQA NegatNe Declaration
~ Approved Waiver of Code Requirement
Approved request as follows:
Deleted Condition Nos. 5, e, 9 and 11 of Resolution No. PC92-80;
Amended Condhion No. 6 at Resolution No. PC92-80 to read as follows:
6. That the proposed office uses shall be limited to the following Ilsted uses and that an
unsubordinated covenant, reviewed and approved by the City Atto-ney's Office
so-limiting said uses, shall be recorded in the Oiflce of the Orange County Recorder, a
copy ..~ which shall be submitted to the Zoning Division:
1. Accounting -Bookkeeping, CPA Firms or temporary CPA Firms
2. Advertising
3. Appraisers
4. Banks
5. Brokers -Real Estate, Business Opportunities, Etc.
6. Business System Companies
7. Communication Consultants
8. Computer Analysis Firms
9. Credit Reporting Agencies
10. Designers -Industrial, Interior, Graphic
11. Development Companies
12. Facility Maintenance and Planning
13. Insurance Companies/Agencies
14. Inventory Services
15. Leasing Companies
i6. Management Consultants/Companies
17. Marketing Research
18. Personnel Agencies
19. Quality Control Analysis
20. Sales ONices (which serve the Industrial area)
21. Secretarial and Business Services
22. Any use permitted under Zoning Code Section 18.61.020 "Permtted Primary Uses
and Structures," and subject to all conditions of Bald Section.
Each individual use shall require the written approval of the Zoning Division prior to
occupancy which approval shall only be gNen when it Is demonstrated that such use is
eRher an expressly permitted use in such zone or meets the criteria of Section "Conditional Uses and Structures" of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
Added the following condition:
That there shall be a maximum of forty flue (45) employees.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
Page 32
4a. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 281 (Previously Certified) Approved
4b. REVISED SITE PLANS FOR TRACT NOS.13513. 13514. Approved
13515. 13516. 13517, and 13518
PLAN SP88-2 1Deveioament Area 101)
OWNER: BALDWIN COMPANY, Attn: Ron Freeman, 16811 Haie
Avenue, Irvine, CA 92714
LOCATION: Tract Nos 13513 13514 13515. 13516. 13517. and 13518
,(Development Area 1011 of The SummR of Anaheim Hilis
SoecNic Pian (SP88-21. Property is approximately 85.7
acres, located at the eastern terminus of Bailey Way, and
being located approximately 550 feet east of the centerline of
Taylor Court,
Petitioner requests approval of a revision to the previously approved site
plans for Tract Nos. 13513, 13514, 13515, 13516, 13517, and 13518 within
The Summit of Anaheim Hills Specific Plan (SP88-2) In order to construct
155 single-family structures ranging from 3,395 to 3,911 square feet.
OPPOSITION: 5 people spoke
Ron Freeman, Senior Vice Presioent for the Baldwin Company, 16811 Hale Avenue, Irvine, CA.
92714. He stated they are requesting approval of the remaining lots within Development Area
101 of the Summft of Anaheim Hills project to allow a Site Plan revision to allow them to
construct the proposed homes that were approved by this body and by this Ciry Council for
Tract No. 13266.
He stated they note that staff's recommendation fs positive with the lack of one tract which they
have requested be excluded from the approval. They would like to see all of the tracts
approved as revised Site Plans to build a new Summii Point proposed project. He did not see
a need to discuss any of the Issues that they have been over during the past number of months
regarding the plans, however, he would open himself to questions. He reiterated he would like
all of the tracts approved with the revi~ai Site Plans.
Doug Mahaffey, respresent, 1 the homeowners group who retained him for purposes of
presenting some information nth on some legal points, as well as some factual issues. He
has taken the liberty of preparing a 4 page memorandum of his points. He submitted copies to
the Commission.
~ Page 33
Mr. Mahafey stated from an overview, the Commission is familiar wfth the history--originally a
.-, 10-unk revision until Tract No. 13266 came in front of the Commission which was subsequently
approved by the City Council on May 17th. This is a follow-up proposal apparently wfth the
same architectural plans now drastically expanding the proposal to 155-unfts as opposed to 10.
Fundamentally the issue they are addressing in opposition to this is the expansion to what was
originally 10-un~'~ and now to 155-unfts and the effect that is going to have on the archtectural
He stated there are really 4 ports that he has raised in the written memorandum that he will
summadze. The first has to do wfth the Environmental Impact Report. In the staff notos under
Recommendations, they reached the conclusion that the Environnental Impact Report is
adequate. They do not comment on what investigation went into that Environmental Impact
Report analysis nor do they provide any foundation for that.
Their comments have to do with the Public Resource Code Section 2157.6 that makes the State
law the limitation of the Environmental Impact Report use for 5 years after certH(cation. He
explained after the 5 years has expired ff there is a finding of no substantial changes or new
information then that certification can be continued or there can be an amendment or
supplement to the Env!ronmental Impact Report. Here they find no evidence that the staff has
done anything other than to say that they found no impact. The homeowners do believe that
the traffic flow would have an Impact. Specifically where they are proposing these 155-unfts, ft
appears to have no rear access, at least that they have disclosed.
He stated ff you look at the plan, there is a road that does access K from the rear that is
currently a dirt road. The homeowners are prepared to testHy that they have seen 4 wheel
vehicles use that and in fact during one emergency exit they exited that direction. He stated
one of the conditions they would like to suggest be implemented Is that a study be done, or a
confirmation made, if they are going to have heavy construction going on, not just with
10-units, but 155-unfts at one time that there be a requirement that the traffic flow be directed
away from the existing homes and aK~ay from the established families.
They take the position under the Resource Code that this is a substantial change-you now
have a developer whc did not complete the original plan. They maintain it was economics and
in any event they have now slowed down the progress substantially according to what they
originally proposed and was approved. Now they are coming in after the fact. They are
building smaller home, 155 at a time and they suggest there is a substantial environmental
impact that needs to be considered.
He stated the second point they would like to raise has to do with how these specific new
homes archftecturally comply. That has been addressed somewhat in great detail in the
previous proposal, but they do not believe that the Commfsslon had the benefit of looking at
the actual blue prints. One of the homeowners, Marey Penny, brought the blue prints and
would like for the Commission to at least compare the two different blue prints to determine
whether or not the Commfsslon believes there is compatibility or not.
He stated on that note, the Specific Plan does require that there be an actual architectural
compatibility. He stated that is not in all City Plans. This Specific Plans are unique in some
respects in that it actually includes this element of architectural compatibility and makes that a
very signff(cant feature to approval of a revision of a plan.
~,.i Page 34
He referenced a San Diego case called Martinez it was a Specific Plan that had some similar
!-` language. What does the word "adverse effect" mean? It went onto say that 'adverse effect' is
an cbjective analysis. One of the things that ft held Includes economic evaluation, i.e., is ft
going to be economically detrimental to the current use or not economically detrimentaf7
He stated the Anaheim Specttic Plan en this issue specttically includes the language that there
must be an :•,thancement, i.e., that the General Specific Plan is to enhance communfties overall
long term value.
He stated the homeowners want the Commission to look at the traffic; blue prints and
economic impact.
His fourth and final point is the staff report's recommendation that one way to meet middle
ground to make both sides a little mor In harmony, is to make this nev proposed 155 lots
identity separate. He stated that is In comment 4 of the staff report's recommendations where
they say they recommend that there be a separate identity or Independent identffication of the
existing Tract No. 13415. Point no. 4 is what do they have in mind specHically when they
suggest to the Commission that they "remain Independent of the tract type construction
proposed to the remainder of the Development Area."
The homeowner's suggestion on that is that there needs to be a gate at both sides and the
reason ; , ff you are going to cal' something an independent community and one community is
partially gated, you cannot make the other community Independent without having some
physical identhiwtton barrier between the two.
He explained that vbuld serve two points; one that would undermine what one of their biggest
concems is which is the economic impact to smaller f,ones; and ft would suffice the need of
the staff s comments that there needs to be a separate identffication.
He expressed his concems regarding having tract style homes next to custom homes. He
wanted to make ft clear far the record that this appeared to be inconsistent and on that basis
they abject to the proposal. He stated they would like some guidelines on how to make their
tract independent and they would like Baldwin to catstruct a gate on both ends.
The following individuals commented on the 4 points that Mr. Mahafey brought up:
Marey Penny, 8125 Oxley Court. Ms. Penny submitted blueprints for the Commission's review;
Mary Ellen Dwyer, 1059 S. Taylor Court; she commented on the reality of the resale values of
the homes and what the gated community would effect; Diane Shanken, (phonetically spelled),
1062 Sunstream Lane; she INes In Tract No. 13514 which are all custom homes; she demanded
that they he separated; she commented on the overall effects of the proposal in conjunction to
where she INes.
Page 35
~ Mr. Freeman, stated in response to a number of the Issues that were raised, some of them
clearly are not grounded in any sense of responsibility from a building standpoint. In reference
to the comment about constructing 155 homes at one time is not physically possible from a
financing or a construction standpolnt. They have come back to the Commission with a
request to revise all of their Site Plans because they all have previous approval of the old
product type, so this is nothing more than a request to amend the rest of their tracts to make
them consistent with the previously approved tract which would be their model complex tract.
In additicn there was a comment that the 155 homes would generate additional traffic. He
explained they will phase in the construction of all of those units as financing permits.
He further explained these are not new lots. They have been approved In the SpecNic Plan
since 1988 and a!I Summit Point residences are aware of the fact that there would have been
as many as 213 units within the Summit Point Project. To claim t4 ~qt these are additional
houses above and beyond what they understood to be built do~_ Prot seem to coincide with the
understanding of their review of the Speciflc Plan document.
He stated there were some floor plan comparisons submitted between the product Summit
Springs and the new Summit Point plans. He did not see how this i~ even an issue in that the
compatibility between the two Summit Point projects has already been determined. He would
like to stay away from the issue of trying to review compatibility since that seems to have been
determined both at the Commission and very overwhelmingly at the Council level.
The staff report recommending the separaticn of Tract No. 13514 from the rest of the proposed
revised She Plans is difficult if impossible to do because of so.ne traffic flow conditions. Thera
are :-riJacent tracts to Tract No. 13514 which are not graded yet. Homes in those tracts under
the scenario of being proposed would be the new Summit Poir,i homes immediately adjacent to
a proposed old Summk Point home, so there really is not any separation from a value
standpolnt that they are discussing. It appears to them that ii is not possible to separate the
entire Development area into a subsection. It was conceFeed as one Development Area In the
Speciflc Plan and they have proposed and received approval on a limited basis for a
compatible structure to go in that Development Area and thoy believe that the Development
Area Rself should stay as one harmonious contained community. He clarified there would be a
second guard gate at the end of the Summit Point Community. He explained there is one
existing now and the other one is -;:,t there because they are not in the construction phase that
would entail the construction of that guard gate.
;fie stated the reforeiice to "tract style" versus "custom" homes is a misnomer as well. In the
first 30 homes that they built, they built them in a tract style and by that he means they built
them ail-23 at one time and then another 10 as financing dictated. They did not allow
wholesale, custom changes to those houses as they are not a custom builder. The proposed
new product is in tl;e same construction theory as the existing. They are both very nice
upscale homes, but to try to categorize the first set of homes as truly custom homes is truly a
misnomer as they were built in tract style conformance. He requested that they move to
approve all of the tracts as proposed revised Site Plans.
Ms. Penny stated the petitioner made a comment that the original homes they bu(It were built
tract style and there wero not custom changes to be made, however, she made many custom
changes in her home approved by the Baldwin Company.
Page 36
i'` Nannette Minnow, t~71 S. Taylor Court. She stated they put $75,000 to $100,000 of upgrades
through the Baldwin Company before closing escrow on their home. She stated anything they
wanted and they pail the price, they were allowed to do. They were sold as semi-custom
homes and they were given the approval going through them and paying their prics to do the
upgrades. ~
Commissioner Henninger asked about the construction access.
Mr. Freeman stated they would make every effort to try to come around the back way ff
possible. The problem is there are hundreds of feet difference in elevation and should there be
any Inclement weather they will not be able to access the tract.
Commissioner Henninger asked if there was some way in there right now, I.e., a dirt road?
Mr. Freeman stated there Is an area that is rough graded and is not anywhere what he would
tali a drNable road for heavy equipment in any kind of wet weather at all. He stated they
would like to accommodate the neighbor's concerns from a construction access standpoint.
However, he cannot allow himself to be closed off and not be able to reach his tracts because
of rain.
Commissioner Messe stated then when weather permitting, they will come in the back way4
Mr. Freeman indicated that was correct, but he did not want to limit himself by saying ite would
solely come up that way. He stated they would have to remake the road.
He also stated that the proposal of a manned security gate at this time is not something they
would agree to. He stated there is a gate that his field staff is suppose to keep locked.
Commissioner Henninger stated then there Is some access, however, k is not adequate to
serve as a construction road and they are willing to upgrade h to serve as a construction road
that would work dudng the dry seasons?
Mr. Freeman stated they would certainly be willing to do that.
Commissioner Caldwell asked ff they had a chance to see the 3 sets of plans that the
homeowner's submitted?
Mr. Freeman stated he did not.
Commissioner Caldwell stated that the plans resemble the Summit Springs more than they
resemble the Summit Point homes. He asked Mr. Freeman to comment on that.
Mr. Freeman stated extensive review by the C'dy's own staff has Indicated that the Summit Point
II plans are compatible with the Summit Point I plans. That does not necessarily mean that
there cannot be a tie-ln between Summft Springs {n either of th;,se plans.
~ Page 37
Commissioner .^,tidwell asked H he felt, based on those plans, that the Summft Point II homes
~ more resemble Summft Springs than the original Summft Point homes? Or did he even want to
answer the gt~astion?
Mr. Freeman stated that is asking him to make a subjective comment that is not part of the
proceedings here today.
Commissioner Caldwell stated his feelings have not changed. They are not compatible and
would have worked much better if they would had downsized the Summft Point homes and
changed them to make them fft In with their marketing strategy to sell the rest of those lots In
these hard economic times. But Instead they have taken Summft Spring homes and made
some relatively minor changes to the exteriors and, therefore, they are not compatible in his
He stated the Plans show cleady that they resemble the Summft Spring homes and not the
Summft Point homes. To him that is significant. To the Council ft obviously was not signfticant
except for one member and to four members of our Planning Commission ft was not
signficant. They still remain, to him, clearly Incompatible and there will be a tremendous
difference between the existing homes and the homes that they Intend to build and that is why
he voted against them before and the reason he will vote against the project again.
Commissioner Messe asked about Tract No. 13514. He asked if there are 26 or 27 lots?
Mr. Freeman stated there are a total of 26 lots in the tract.
Commissioner Messe asked how many lots had been sold?
Mr. Freeman stated they have sold 7 lots to date.
He asked how many of those have been built upon?
Mr. Freeman stated 5. One owner who built a custom home, and the other 4 they served as
the general contractor to build for the homeowner who bought the lot and obtained their own
construction financing.
Commissioner Henninger asked if those 4 were built in plans s(milar to the models they had up
Mr. Freeman stated the old Summit Point, yes.
Commissioner Messe stated then there are 2 lots under ownership that have not been built
Mr. Freeman stated to his knowledge, one lot is for sale.
Commissioner Messe stated then roughly 28% of the lots have been sold or built upon.
Commissioner Henninger asked how that compares with the existing tract that has been
approved for different floor plans?
~ Page 38
Mr. Freeman explained there would be 10 houses that would be new Summft Point and 4 old
~ Summft Point, so that is roughly the same breakdown. He stated as an addtlonal comment,
the reference made to building the 10 homes, they only plan on moving forward wfth the model
complex at this point, and not the additional 7 within that tract. The approval of the existing
Tract No. 13266 had in ft, the old Summft Point models and now will have the new Summit
Point product, so you already have a precedent of a blending of harmonious archftectuml
considerations wthin the boundaries of one tract. He stated all of the other tracts do not have
any homes in them yet and would be completely the new product, but Tract No. 13514 would
have a mix of the two Summft Polnt products.
Commissioner Henninger asked out of that there is only one home that is bulit that is a pure
custom home?
Mr. Freeman indicated that was correct.
Commissioner Henninger stated a number of them got up and took a look at the street layout
In response to the comments regarding trying to separate off the old area from the new area.
He asked staff to explain whether that is a viable concept.
Jonathatt Borrego, Senior Planner, stated he would defer the question of the gates to Alfred
Yalda, Traffic Engineering, but in looking at the existing tract layout he would say there Is one
sftuatlon where the tract boundary runs In the middle of the street. It would be more dffflcult
because there would not be any provision for any sort of a turnaround area. In other words
you would just have the gate in the middle of the street with no turn-around area. He stated
some of the other tract boundaries happen at street Intersections and in those instances there
would be room for aturn-around.
Alfred Yalda, Traffic Engineering, stated he has not looked at that so he could not make any
comments. Initially when he spoke with Kevin Bass, Planning Department, there are two areas
that could provide a gate as Mr. Borrego mentioned, but one area does not have a tum-around
area. Also the question would be what Impact is it going to have on the whole tract because
he beileves at the entrance there is already a gate.
Mr. Freeman stated the existing entrance for Tract No. 13266, which is the tract off of Serrano,
and which has been prior approved by the Commission and the Council, has a manned, gated
Commissloner Henninger asked for clarification if there was a second gate planned?
Mr. Freeman stated ft would be at the very upper portion of the overall She Plan.
Commissloner Henninger stated the purpose of that was to try to gate off the entire group of
Commissioner Henninger addressed Kevin Bass and asked about staff's suggestion to Leave
Tract No. 13514 essentially out of this application. He asked what he saw when he went there?
Page 39
Kevin Bsss, Planning Department, stated Tract No. 13514 has scattered houses that are
developed. Four of the 5 homes are the old Summit Point floor plan. It was his understanding
that these homes were built as a custom type of project in the sense that the homeowner
bought a custom lot; retained his own financing and then through his decision, built a custom
home which happened to be similar to what was already built out there.
Commissioner Messe asked if he saw any difference between those homes and the Initial
product that Summit offered?
Mr. Bass stated not visually.
Commissioner Caldwell asked ff he saw a problem?
Mr. Bass stated the concept of Tract No. 13266, which was previously approved, was model
homes facing model homes at the beginning of a tract where you have 2 groups facing each
other. Here you have a separation of homes an and attempt at custom or widely varied ~
frontages. He believed with the implementation of Mr. Freeman's program that you would not I
have that vaded street presentation for that tract and you would no longer have that custom
He further stated whether or not the homes could be built more on a custom feature, or wfth
extreme elevation changes or front elevation changes to give that custom feel, he has not seen
plans to that effect. He believed the intent was for custom homes and thought that you would
see various types of homes built as opposed to a tract where you have 3 styles of homes being
r-- Commissioner Caldwell asked if he was saying that the Summit Point II homes are built on the 1
street where there Is asemi-custom version of the estate style tract that is built on Taylor Court I
and Oxley and that they would not blend well?
Mr. Bass stated he did not have any plans that would show that they would look well or nat.
He was concerned about the Intent. He explained the Intent of custom homes is that they
would be different from each other. There are only 3 elevations proposed by Baldwin with their
new Summit Point. Considering only 5 homes have been built and the remaining would be
built via only 3 elevations, it is difficult t~~ conceive whether or not it will work. Therefore, he
falls back on the Intent which was originally approved for the varied street frontage because he
has no other plans to review.
Mr. Freeman asked ff the elevatoa+ comment made in terms of plan type as in plan 1, 2 and 3
because they are proposing at least 3 if not 4 elevation plans for each of the 3 plans.
Mr. Bass explained he is looking at more than Just materials. He is looking for actual structural
Mr. Freeman wanted to clarify that not only 3 plans were being built with one elevation. They
are proposing 3 plans and each of them have multiple elevations.
P.^ge 40
Mr. Borcego stated the dffference between Tract Nos. 13266 and 13514 was in 13266 when that
modHication was approved, I.o., the only existing homes were the three or four model homes
which were lined up on the one side of Bailey and there was not an opportunity to have homes
plunked down on a checkerboard effect, but he thought that was the case with Tract No. 13514
and that the existing homes are scattered throughout the tract so what you would have is a
true mix and there would not be a need for separation.
He stated you could make an argument that a mix would be preferable to having one skle of
the street lined up with one style and the other side of the street lined up wfth a different style.
Mr. Borcego stated that could be the case, however, they were a little concerned about some of
the existing homes (Tract No. 13514) which were sold with the idea of that being a custom
development area where that was not the case In with Tract No. 13266.
Commissioner Henninger commented that there are 26 lots and 19 left wfth twelve different
Commissioner Taft stated they like states Idea, but they do not see where they have the
authority to implement something like this once they say they are compatible.
Commissioner Messe stated this is clearly a different tract and that fs where he is having a
ACTION: Approved EIR 281
Approved revised she plans with the following added conditions:
l That the construction road at the northeast corner of the Development Area be
upgraded to be suitable for dry weather travel. Furthermore, said road shall be the
primary means of construction treffic (weather permitting).
That the revised site plan far Tract No. 13514 is hereby approved, provided, that a
minimum of twelve (12) different elevations be used within the remaining lots.
That the 4-car garage option shall be limited to a maximum of 2596 of the units wfthin
subject tracts (wfth the exception of Tract No. 13514).
VOTE: 4-2 (Commissioners Boydstun and Caldwell voted no and Commissioner Mayer was absent)
Page 41
OWNER: WILLIAM TAORMINA, P.O. BOX 309, Anaheim, CA 92815
AGENT: DAVID STOLL, 327 N. Anahelm Bivd., Anahelm, CA 92805
LOCATION: 423 North Anaheim Boulevard. Property is approximately
1.08 acres located on the southwest corner of Anahelm
Boulevard and Sycamore Street.
ReclassH(cation from the CG and PD-C Zones to the CL Zone. To permft a
bicycle racing track with accessory uses, including a recall area,
conresslon stand, and picnic area.
William Taromina, P.O. Box 309, Anahelm, CA 92815. He stated he was here to talk about
children and bicycles. He described some of the motivation as to why he would Involve
himself in a project that involved children and bicycs and why he was personally motivated
to do something to preserve what quality of Iffe in the neighborhood.
His personal motivation as a property owner is that it is basically a con.inuation of what he
has been trying to do personally during the past 12-15 years relative to trying to clean-up
his neighborhood. He personally has spent over 3 million dollars over the past 15 years
purchasing property; bulldozing bars; tearing down buildings that were not compatible with
what he thought was appropriate for the area; and removing tenants that got gut of hand.
He added this has cost him all of the energy he had.
He explained when he purchased the Elk's Club about 7 years ago, after a long court
battle, his goal was to restore the building and make it Into a community center and donate
it to the Ciry. He never had the opportunity to do that because about 6 months prior to the
close of escrow and before he owned the property and had insurance, the building was
burned to the ground. He ended up having to tear the building down, not because he
wanted to, but because structurally the concrete would not hold itself up In an earthquake
and they had to remove the building.
~ Page 42
He stated that forced him to another way of thinking. He wanted to put senior housing on
~ the property, but was unable to obtain ffnancfng for such a project. He stated instead of
leaving the property vacant, he chose the alternative of children and bicycles. He stated
he would like to bring business to the area downtown and he would like to network this
particular development with the other developments that are going to be happening soon.
He clarffled that they absolutely want to respect the neighboring property owner's and their
concems. He emphasized ff they cannot address and mitigate everyone of their concems,
they will not open this facility. This is an absolute statement. He was sure ff anyone knows
his reputation, ff he makes a statement, he is not going to go back on his word. Property
rights; property ownership and quiet enjoyment of a person's property is paramount and all
they are trying to do is enhance and make better something that is presently just a vacant
Clayton John, President of the American Bicycle Association, 9831 S. 51ST Street, Phoenix,
AZ. He stated they have been involved with bicycle motorcross since 1977 when they were
formed and have over 200 tracks throughout the United States and over 65,000 members
stretching from Hawaii and Alaska, to California to Connecticut. He gave a brief history of
the sport and emphasized that it is a family sport. Membership is comprised of children
from age 3 to adults age 60.
He stated a controlled atmosphere is provided where every rider has certain safety
regulations that they have to adhere to and on a track that is designed for skill with safety
in mind. They handle boys as well as girls: their Job is to come up with the rules for the
sport that governs the sport and make it uniform throughout the United States.
He stated they are excited about this new fac(liry coming into Anaheim and are very
pleased to see a community that Is Interested in taking the youth and gNfng them a piece
to realize family values.
Mark Thomason, 160 S. "B' Street, Tustin, CA. He explained the basic design behind the
track was to create a track that is basically surrounded by landscaping, picnic area and
something that would enhance the beauty of the City. He stated the tract is approximately
10 feet below the street level and cannot be viewed from the street. The Idea Is to create a
small park setting where children and families gather. He stated there would be
concession stands; small retail shops to sell BMX gear; bike rental and food facilities. It
accesses their main parking facili' ~ which is 74 parking spaces. He emphasized that 90%
of the time that will be all of the parking they will need.
Dave Stohi, trar;k operator, 17256•D Mission Road, Tustin, CA. He stated his objective is to
take 2 vacant lots that were doing nothing for the Clty and allow them to do something
where they could gNe back to the City, along with the youth, which is the future of our City
and surcounding cities.
They looked at many different sports including football, basketball and soccer, but there
was always someone that was left out. They came across BMX by driving past the Orange
"Y" BMX track which is located off of Chapman off of the 55 Freeway. He stated they found
a sport that is family oriented and everyone participates.
He stated one of the problems that had been addressed in the past was the parking. They
~ Page 43
made a model and ft shows that the parking is adjacent to the property and their access is
~'~ through the back area so there would be no need to park on Sycamore or Anaheim Blvd.
As the archftect stated, 95% of the time this will be ample parking. They have offered two
off-site parking locations wfthin walking distance to the site for additional parking which
would give them almost 100 addtlonal parking spaces which is more than they were
required to have.
They want to give the youth a place to come; keep them off the streets and not be hassled
by peer pressure. They can participate in a sport that will actively affect their mind and
their body and gNe them a place to come and feel safe along wfth any and ali neighbors
that are welcome to come by to watch. They really want to do something posftive for the
Commissioner Caldwell asked Mr. Stohl is he has operated a BMX track before?
Mr. Stohl explained he has not operated a BMX track before, but he has his own business
in Anaheim for about 5 years. He has ran other businesses in the past. This will be his
baby. He will be there from morning to right. He passed out some brochures. He also
has a pager no. that Is listed In the brochure. This will be his full time obligation.
Commissioner Caldwell asked if this was anon-profit entity?
Mr. Stohl stated they do want to make some money off of this. The one thing that they are
striving to do is to give back to the community. He will be working very closely with the
YMCA, YWCA, the boys club, the girls rlub, the Parks and Recreation Department and the
local schools, etc.
He explained they want to give the children the opportunity to strive for something. Some
tracks in other areas have goal programs, i.e., If you become the no. 1 student for that
semester they get a bike. If you do well and get all A's they can race for free. They want
to encourage excellence in school and on the track.
Mrs. Desiree Thomas, 117-1 /2 E. Sycamore Street, Anaheim, CA. She stated she has been
a resident for the past 28 years and she is concerned about this operation. She Is very
pleased that they want to do something to encourage the youth, but she is also very
concemed about the problems that might evolve from this.
She is here representing her grandmother, Mrs. Josephine Lopez, who lives at 117 E.
Sycamore Street. They received a notice in the mall which did not share much information
as to what is going to be there concerning the retail area, concession stand and the picnic
area. This Is her primary concern.
She stated she is against the bicycle track as to where they want to place ft. They do not
need anymore drinking parking lot problems. Mr. Stohl shared wfth her that there would be
no alcohol. There Is no 100% guarantee that there would be no alcohol. Whenever there
is a sporting event there Is alcohol. She stated adjacent to the area, down the street, there
is the Guadalajara Restaurant and that is a 24 hour restaurant that does serve alcohol. iF
they do not have alcohol when their child wins, then they will want to celebrate.
~ Page 44
She brings this up because she has encountered dangerous problems in this area with
~ bullet holes in her bedroom walls; she has had a theft and an undescribable incident on her
8 year old son's birthday. A gentleman broke into their son's bedroom and molested him
in his own room. This was due to alcohol In the parking lot. They supposedly had security
officers walking the premises, but nothing was seen and nothing was done. Her main
concerns are the drinking and the traffic congestion. Sycamore is a narcow street She
She asked why did they need to build this track in a quiet residential area. She
understands they want to get children involved and chinks that is wonderful as she is a
mother of three herself. She asked H they could build this near a Commercial araa? She
asked about the affordability to all children to access the track. She asked H Mr. Taromina
and the Commission could reci,; sider putting in something else?
Casey Chen (phonetically spelled), P.O. Box 2868, Anaheim, CA 92804. He represents the
owner of the property at 410 N. Lemon, a 24-unit apartment complex adjacent to the
parking lot to the wart of the proposed project. He Is of the same opinion, I.e., he
welcomes the facility in Anaheim although he does not think it is compatible in this
There are two aspects. He fs concerned about the noise it will generate. Right now ft is a
nice, quiet residential neighborhood. He does not see how they can alleviate the noise
problem. He is concerned about the P.A. system and the crowds.
He is also concerned about the traffic that this will attract from the neighborhood. The
property is fronting Anaheim Blvd., however, the parking lot dips into the residential
neighborhood. The parking will be accessed from Adele Street which is essentially a
residential street. He did not see how that street could accommodate this kind of traffic
He expressed his concerns regarding the lighting. What will the operating hours be? Will it
operate into the late evening? Will the lights shine into the bedrooms of the apartments
along the western property line of the project? He Is strongly against the location of the
Esther Viljk, 1296 No. Lighthouse Lane, Anaheim, CA. She is representing herself, her
sister and her father. They own properties at 122 W. Sycamore which is directly adjacent
to this proposed site; 505 N. Zeyn Street which is 2 houses north of the site; 511 N. Zeyn
Street which Is across the street from the site and apartments on 316 N. Lemon Street
which is less than 1/2 block away from the parking structure on Adele Street.
She stated many cf the neighbors on Zeyn Street did not receive notffication about todays
meeting. Her father found out that the North Zeyn block had not been notHfed about the
hearing. They own 2 properties and received only 2 notifications.
She stated they are opposed to this particular project primarily because they feel there is
an attempt to bring into a residential area, something that is Commercial. This belongs in
an Industrial area and does not belong in an area that backs up against residential.
~ Page 45
She expressed her concerns regarding the lighting. The staff report indicated that fire
~ facility could remain lit as late as 10:OOp.m. Tlrat will intrude on the privacy of the homes
and the tenants that they have, in particular at 122 W. Sycamore. There is also no stated
opening time and she would Tike to think that the facility would not open at 6:OOa.m. to
B:OOa.m. in the morning and operate until 10:UOp.m.
Sha expressed her concerns regarding noiss and the 20-foot tower that is directly adjacent
to the bedrooms at 122 W. Sycamore which would pose a problem. She understands that
the tower has a platform and with the P.A. system and ampliffcatlon they might have, that
noise will directly either carry Into the Sycamore property or directly up Zeyn Street.
She agreed parking is a problem and Sycamore is a very narrow street. She explained
Adele Street is hidden from Anaheim Bivd., so those poople driving up the street to look at
this park like setting will turn directly onto Sycamore Street congesting that area. They
already have the free clinic on the corner that does not have any parking, so Sycamore
Street is heavily used for that. This will complicate that particular problem.
She referenced the parking structure off of Adele Street. She stated she understands there
Is a walkway that takes the users from the Adele Street parking lotto the stn!cture ftse!f
which means K Is directly cutting the corr,ars of her father's property at 122 Yf. Sycamore.
She has a very sincere concern for the amount of noise; the fumes from thc~ cars and what
happens when the 74 space structure parking lot is full.
Safety is another concern. If you have individuals utilizing Sycamore Street as the primary
access to this'acility you are talking about children who potentially could run out Into
Sycamore Street. She added accidents could increase on that street as well. She did not
notice anything in the staff report regarding attendance or capacity restrictions. if this
project should be approved, this is something that needs to be addressed.
She added ff the idea is to look for a picnic area and an area where families can go and
spend some time, Pearson Park is just down the Street and she does not feel that this
particular area is suited for this type of a project. She stated she Is also representing an
individual who resides at 407 N. Anaheim Blvd. that is also in opposftion, but was unable to
attend today. She submitted a letter for the record stating opposition. It was noted later
by Chairman Peraza that k contained 4 signatures in opposition to the proposed project.
Steve Cervantes, 427 N. Claudina, Anaheim, CA 92805. He stated he has resided there for
21 years. He stated the proposed project is located right behind his house. He stated he
is totally for the project and ff he were a kid he would want to go there. He was speaking
on behalf of his family. He stated they are on the corner of Claudina and Sycamore. He
stated they just widened Anaheim Blvd. and did not see why it would be too congested. As
to the parking, they could Just let everyone know where it Is. If the families bring their
children, he was sure they would be responsible enough to not let them run Into the street.
Jim Romero, 521 N. Zeyn, he is opposed to this project only because it is in the wrong
area. They have 2 large lots next to the Savon/Vons area that is open and it would be
perfect at that location. There are a number of reasons by the interdepartmental
Committee that made stipulations and the first five are his points exactly.
Page 46
He does appreciate Mr.1'aromina's concern with the children ir, tf~ neighborhood. If this
~ project does not go through, he would propose that he build a teen center at this location
e^•; he would volunteer two Saturdays a month or evenings a month to teach the children ~
how to use a computer. He noted he was a comprder technician with Hughes Family
He stated you have to use a little common sense. If something went wrong, there are too
many homes in the area that the law enforcement agencies would have trouble taking care
of a problem. If it was next to dons and Savon, ft is wide open and there would be no
problem whatsoever. It is a good concept but thought ft was in the wrong location.
Mr. Taromina stated every point that was made was valid and he would like to attempt to
answer those concerns with the 3 individuals he brought wfth him.
Mr. Stohl stated the points that were brought up were very good. He stated when they had
their staff meeting he was asked ff he planned on selling alcohol and his first response was
no. The reason Is parents and alcohol wfth children in sports do not mbc. They will never
attempt to soli alcohol at their functions. He does not believe in that.
He stated people can go anywhere and drink. He has no control over that. If they are at
his facility and they are drunk ar being obnoxious they will be asked to Iea~•e. If they do
nut leave the pollee will be called and they will be taken away.
He stated anyone is allowed to ride there. The only stipulation Is to be a member of the
American Bicycle Association. They offer a $5.00, 30 day trial membership. Almost
,- everyone can afford $5.90 and ff they cannot, they will work with them. They are trying to
do something for the underprivileged and ff they cannot afford ft, they are going to try to
figure out a way to get into ft at no charge.
This would allow them to give them a 30 day trial where they can attempt to see ff they Ilke
ft or ff they do not. They will work every way they can to get ti19 bike and accessories they
need so they can participate not only at their track but at any track across the Unfted
States. He stated tho $5.00 fee covers all of the in: urance and ff by chance something
would happen, they are fully covered.
Mr. Taromina stated these next comments will be In regards to Mr. Chen's comments.
These comments were in regards to compatibility, specifically noise from the crowds, P.A.
system, traffic on Adele, and lighting.
Mr. Thomason referenced the noise from the crowds. He stated there are a lot of things
they have done to eliminate the noise from going Into the residential areas. One of them Is
to set the track 10 feet below the street level in order to keep some of the sound from
distributing. The other way would be to have a landscaped buffer which would ?Iso absorb
some of the sound. The sound wall they are required to put up will be lushly landscaped
since the area directly adjacent is residential.
~ Page 47
He referenced the P.A. system. He stated they will have speakers directly adjacent to the
r^~ bleachers so that they do not have one stage that is blaring all of the sound in order to
reach everyone. They will have specters next to all of the bleachers so they can keep the
sound at a minimal level so everyone can hear k.
He referenced the traffic nn Adele Street. He stated he does not think that will be an Issue.
The parking lot is very accessible and they can access the parking lot. They have worked
h out so they can take a IIttIe parcel of the auto shop's land so they can access the
property without accessing their property. They have worked that out and it will be right
around the corner from the track and as people said before, you get a lot of repeat
business so they will know where the parking lot is.
He referenced the lighting. They have strategically placed the 12•foot poles of lighting. All
of the lighting i~ pointing out towards Sycamore Street and Anaheim Blvd. away from the
the residential. They are all located at the back of tt~,: property and are pointing away from
the residential areas.
Mr. Taromina referenced Ms. vilJk's comments and stated the lighting has been addressed;
the noise was addressed with regard to the 20-foot towers. He passed a Bowes digital
audio speaker to the audience.
He stated the parking on Sycamore was addressed by Mr. Thomason with respect to the
fact that there are 74 spaces. The parking study done by Mr. Singer indicated that would
be adequate. He stated as a side note, the off-site parking as referred to In the parking
study will be utilized by all of the employees and k is just up the alley approximately 1/4 of
a block south at Adele and Anaheim Blvd. There is a used car lot and a body shop behind
r~ h.
He stated the comment regarding the danger for children pointed out by Ms. Vllkj was very
appropriate. He did not know how to address that because he knows when he takes his
children he holds their hand or they are Insida of the gate. That is something he Just does
not know how to speak to. He added yes there will be more children around and yes than
will be more children on bikes. He has no answer for that particular problem.
He :'clad one other comment from Ms. Viijk which was excellent, was access from
Sycamore. He explained on the corner of Sycamore and Anaheim Blvd. there is a small
sign monument and some palm trees. He explained that is a pedeetilar, entrance only.
People will not be able to bring their bicycles. There will be a sign that states no bicycles
allowed. It is a person gate only and that is not for public entry relative for bicycle
participants. But Indeed people can walk through the gate on foot.
Commissioner Masse asked tha~~ the only bicycle entry is through the parking lot?
Mc Taromina answered :hat ~:~ correct.
Mr. Taromina stated ff there is a parking problem with respect to off-site parking, it is
probably going to occur on Adele aid Lemon. Ms. VilJk does own property than and they
are very sensitive to that.
Page 48
He referenced Mr. Romero's comments regarding the teen center. He explained he
~v originally proposed a teen center before the building burned down. That was exscUy what
he wanted to do. When the building burned down they had to remove the buiiding and he
could not afford in terms of cash flow to build a building like that. Instead they have
chosen to build an Anaheim Community Center through public financing and other
methods end k is going to be built adjacent to City Hall.
Commissioner Henninger stated there is a note here about the outdoor P.A. system which
is normally not allowed. He asked with the P.A, system in place will this she be able to
meet the normal noise Code requirements?
Greg McCafferty, Associate Planner, stated for extended periods of time k is 60 dBA, but
for residential uses, the General Plan calls for 65 CNEL at the property Ilne.
Commissioner Henninger asked if they knew U this proposal would meet that or not?
Mr. McCafferty stated wfth the evidence submftted wfth the Initial Study, ft is not conclusNe.
Commissioner Henninger asked how they would find that out?
Mr. McCafferty stated there was public testimony given today that there may be some noise
impacts so they could request that a noise study be done. He stated U they are in
compliance wfth the one section on sound amplilicatlon, ft does not necessarily mean they
will meet the other suund requirements of the General Plan.
Commissioner Messe asked about crowd noise. He stated although the track is below
grade, the bleachers come up to grede and he thought H they ask for a noise study ft
should address crowd noise also.
Commissioner Henninger stated I~iftially the Traffic Department was asking for a
continuance so they could work out the traffic problems. They have heard the testimony
and asked what their thoughts were?
Alfred Yalda, Traffic Engineering, stated they are not opposing this specific project,
however, they do not think Y~ Is appropriate for this area due to the fact there Is no parking
directly to this sfte. He stated for anyone to find the parking they have to go down
Anaheim Blvd. and look for parking and that would create congestion and a concern about
people crossing the street.
He asked Mr. Taromina iF they were going to have tournaments and national events that will
generate more than what they are proposing? He asked where are those people going to
park and how will that be taken care of? They, as staff, are recommending 129 parking
spaces and not 79 parking spaces. If parking is provided adjacent to the prnnerty then it is
approp~late, but not having different parking areas and then tell the employees to park 2
blocks away. Also how is the overflow parking going to be resolved? The safety of their
citizens is of great concern and also people driving down Anaheim Blvd. will all of a sudden
have problems wfth children crossing Anaheim Blvd., Adele and Sycamore Streets v:fth their
~ Page 49
Commissioner Messe addressed Mr. Taromina and stated he noticed the present parking
n lot was not a part of the application and asked ff there was any specific reason why?
Mr. Taromina stated they have always considered that one parcel of land. The County
Assessor has it as one tax bill, so ff was an oversight and not fntentionall~ left out, but
certainly he can modify his application or do whatever is necessary.
Commissloner Messe stated all ff would take is so+r.9 farm of agreement that that would be
the parking lot.
Commissioner Henninger asked Mr. Taromina if there was a BMX facility Ilka this one that is
in the middle of a residential developed area that they could go look at?
Mr. Taromina indicated there was. He had some aerial photos of the one in Orange.
Commissloner Henninger stated ff that is the one at the YMCA, ff is much more separate
than this one. It is shielded from the adjacent residents by the YMCA building itself and
then k has a freeway as a neighbor on one side and then ball fields and a school on the
other two sides. He asked ff there (s one that Is really in the middle of a developed urban
Mr. John stated there is one in Chandler, AZ which is completely surrounded by residential
housing with the exception of the two streets that intersect the residents. The only thing
that separates the residents from the track is a 5-foot concrete buffer wail on one side and
nothing on the other side.
,,. He further exN wined they did have to make some sound changes so he knows the sound
they are projecting to use will be no problem because the sound is directed right at the
people view(ng ft and is not thrown up into the air to travel. They have used that in the
Chandler area in that particular place when those houses completely encompassed the
Thsy have overtwo-hundred tracks a,.~ they have over 7,000 events that they sanction a
year and abcut 11 of them are in tight residential areas. Some of them are grandfathered,
i.e., they were there first and the residents bull[ around h. In cases like that they adapted to
what was there to meet the needs of the people (n the area.
Chairman Peraza asked in the Chandler facility where the homes are, do they complain
about crowd noise?
Mr. John stated they use to have some problems, but that one is completely above ground.
They have a 1,000 seat bleacher. It is quite a bit larger at 1.25 acres. They had some
complaints a couple of years ago, but they use to have one central announcing system
from a pole in the middle that blasted out. At that time they had sound engineers come in
that do golf tournaments and events such as that. They did a study based on how far they
were from the residents and put in speakers similar to the one they have here today right at
the bleachers and they have never had a complaint since.
Chairman Peraza asked what the address was for the Chandler track?
Mr. John stated at Fry and McQueen in Chandler, AZ.
~ Page 50
Commissioner Henninger stated ha greatly respects the intentions behind this project. He
~., Is worried that while ft is a great project, ft is not qufte in the right place. He thought they
should look a little more into the noise Issue and have a better sense of the parking before
they go forward.
Mr. Taromina stated he would agree because he would want them to be confident in any
decis(on they make. He would stipulate to a noise study and to answer Mr. Yalda's
question with respect to the spacial event parking aspect, he would add that to their
existing parking study. He thought it was very appropriate that full disclosure be rnade and
tests of noise and everything they could possibly think of be done, therefore, he has no
problem wfth that at all.
Chairman Peraza stated he would be travelling to Arizona on the 23rd and would be there
Friday and Saturday morning and would be able to take a look at that facility.
Commissioner Henninger asked what the schedule was at the Orange "Y" and would they
be operating that track right now?
Mr. Taromina stated they operate on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from about 5:OOp.m.
to about 9:OOp.m. It is located east of the 55 Freeway, south of Chapman behind the
baseball held.
Commissioner Messe asked with the off-she parking lots that are shown on the parking
study and with the only bicycle entrance being on that comer, then you know what will
happen on Adele? People are going to use the street as much as they can.
Mr. Taromina stated that is true. They could paint the curb red or do whatever he can in
front of the properties he owns. They could work with the neighborhood to make sure no
o^ ;,arks there and have people police ft. They have to train individuals to use the parking
lot. He added those are very valid questions.
Commissioner Caldwell asked for clarification ff the track was dirt?
Mr. Taromina stated N. s clay material similar to adobe.
Commissioner Caldwell stated then there is no dust problem?
Mr. Taromina indicated that was correct.
Mr. Caldwell stated ft is also a relatively expensive sport. A used bike can run $300 plus
the gear. If they are going to address the children In our area that are in need, they do not
have $300 for a used bike and all of the gear. He asked how they were going to address
Mr. Taromina explained that is what the bike rental shop is for. For .25 cents or a price of
a video game, they can rent a bike for an hour including the protectNe gear. Hfs son
brought forward his bike for the Commission to view.
Ho explained their goal Is to purchase 200 bikes from GT Bike in Santa Ana and have them
available for Individuals to buy on installment.
Page 51
Commissioner Henninger suggested that this be continued for 2 weeks and come back
~, wfth a noise study.
Jonathan Borcego, Senior Planner, stated he would recommend ff they were going to
continue this, that ft be continued for 4 weeks to July 11, 1994, and wfth the noise study ft
typically takes some time to get the data together and then some additional time for their
staff to review ft. They would like the opportunity for staff to take a look at comparable
facilities to get a better feel for the issues.
The request was amended'to 4 weeks.
Mr. Borcego stated the issue of notification came up earlier and in taking a look at the ffle ft
looks like they did notify ail of the people within that block. fie explained some of them are
absentee property owners and ff someone were to go door to door, the tenant themselves
may not have received notice, but their records do show that the property owners upon
Zeyn were notified. He clarified they will not be doing a renotfficatlon for the July 11th
Commissioner Messe stated if the Adele parking lot had been included in the application, a
great many more people would have been notified.
Mr. Borcego indicated that was corcect. fie added ff the Commission desires they can
renotffy the public. It wes determined that the public would be renotifled.
Mr. Taromina stated he will bring a video next time of various sites while the (acpfties are in
process. They can compare noise levels with ft.
~_ Commissioner Caldwell suggested that Mr. Taromina talk with the neighbors and set up a
meeting and go over the issues with them.
ACTION: Continued subject request to the July 11, 1994 Planning Commission meting in
order to conduct a noise study and re-notify neighboring residents.
VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioner Boydstun declared a conflict of Interest and Comrr:;ssioner Mayer was
Page 52
OWNER: LEDERER ANAHEIM LTD., 1990 Westwood Blvd., 3rd Floor,
Los Angeles, CA 90025
AGENT: JOHN SCHROEDER, 1440 S. Anaheim Bivd., Anaheim, CA
LOCATION: 1440 South Anaheim Boulevard (Anaheim Indoor Market
Place). Property is approximately 14.74 acres loca!ed north
and east of the northeast corner of Cerritos Avenue and
Anaheim Boulevard.
To permR a private outdoor roller hockey rink in conJunciion with an
existing Indoor swap meet facility.
John Schroeder, General Manager for The Anaheim Indoor Marketplace, 1440 S. Anahelm
Blvd., Anahelm, CA 92605. He stated he agrees with all conditions except Condition Nos.
2 and 3 having to do with the traffic light tee as well as transportation improvement fee
being assessed on this project. By his calculations, the size of the project and square-
footage by this assessment, the fees would run in excess of $15,OOD to $20,000. He stated
it is Imperative that these fees be waived because the project is not viable. He explained
that the construction is being funded by donations.
Commissioner Henninger asked staff about the two conditions. This proposal is for an
outdoor, open air use and these square-footage figures seem to relate to an actual building.
Alfred Yalda, Traffic Engineering, stated they have a new Traffic and Transportation fee
since last August and this use will intensify the use of the property and, therefore, they are
required to require the fee far this property. He explained there are two fees involved. One
is the traffic signal assessment fee which is used for City wide improvements for their
existing traffic signal and the second fee is a traffic and transportation impact fee which will
be used to improve the intersections throughout the City.
~ Page 53
He stated the way the ordinance Is written, there is no section as far as if ft is a non-profft ;{
~ organization to get exemption. He explained the only body that could waive the fee is if y
they appeal it to the City Council. He did provide the applicant with a copy of the
ordinance and the resolution which Indicates how they could apply for exemption.
He further explained in this case the fee was based on the trips, i.e., 2.0 trips per 1,000
square feet at $679.00 per trip.
Commissioner Henninger asked for clarification if they would have to appeal this or is there
a separate waiver process they would have to file for?
Mr. Yalda staled he believed there was a separate waiver they would have to file for the
exemption of the fees only.
Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, stated there are three ftems in the ordinance that would
possibly be applicable. The first one is the situation where the fee does not apply at all and
that would be for a use that would be substantially the same as what was being used
before, such as ff something is being reconstructed. It does not appear that this fits
squarely Into anyone of those.
The second item is that she is told that this property is i~ the Redevelopment Area. The
Redevelopment Agency has paid millions of dollars tow trds street Improvements and has
been making in-lieu payments for certain properties in Fedevelopment areas based upon
the Agency's determinations of the conformance and th a benefit to the Redevelopment Plan
for the benefit of the citizens of Anaheim, so that may b e a possibility.
~.. The third one would be the fee adjustment or the waiver that Mr. Yalda spoke about and
that would be an application to the City Council far a reduction or adjustment to that fee or
a waiver of the fee. however, it would be based upon the absence of a reasonable
relationship or nexus between the transportation Impacts of that development and either the
amount of the fee charged or the type of facilities to be financed, so that would be the
argument that would need to be made.
Commissioner Messe asked if there was Just going to be cne restroom and if so was ft
going to he a unisex facility?
Mr. Schroeder stated ft is not that there is not restroom facilities for females within the
Marketplace, but in trying to keep the plan down as low as possible, they did Just provide
the restroom and locker room facilities for one sex.
Mr. Borrego stated there are days (he believed Tuesdays) that the Marketplace is closed
and he was not sure ff thfs facility would be operating during that time, and if so, then that
could pose a problem.
Commissioner Messe asked if his days of operation would Include Tuesdays for the roller
Mr. Schroeder stated he believed that the; could Include Tuesdays, He stated in fact their
soccer facility does stay open when the leagues are scheduled during the times when the
Marketplace is not open and they do have access to the facilfties at that time.
Page 54
Commissioner Taft asked ff there are co-ed leagues?
Mr. Schroeder indicated he has not gotten into the development with tho Disney Goals
program as far as what their suggestions are in the development of the leagues. If he were
to anticipate a guess, he would say they would offer it from existing programs.
Commissioner Caldwell stated then ff does not specffically exclude females?
Mr. Schroeder stated absolutely not.
Commissioner Caldwell stated they were putting up somewhat of an impediment to female
participat!on by not providing facilties for their use at least not faciitles that would be
convenleitt to the track that you are providing for the boys.
Mr. Schroeder stated they do have both male/female and co-ed leagues for the indoor
soccer that they have in operation right now. Since they do not have changing facilities or
specific restroom facilities for those operations, those questions have never come up
Commissioner Henninger stated why not make ff cheaper for yourself and not provide a
locker room for the boys?
Mr. Schroeder stated he would be speaking for too many people at this point and perhaps
It would be easier to Isolate and provide an additional facility rather than to delete them.
He clarified the plans ":ere not set in concrete.
He stated k is their opinion that in order to draw the type of people that will be able to
if finance through the league fees etc., that this facility has to be top notch and to delete that
would make it much like any other facility where they could play in a park or a play ground.
Ms. Mann stated the applicant may want to look at the provisions or have their attorney
look at the provisions under the Civil Rights Act with regard to an estabflshment that Is
setting Itself out to provide this type of service to the public and then discriminating upon
the basis of gender and the facilities that it is providing.
Commissioner Henninger stated lets either have !ocker rooms for both or locker rooms for
Mr. Schroeder stated he would stipulate to complying with all of the rules that Selma Mann
is indicating.
Commissioner Henninger asked for clarification if there was going to be any alcohol?
Mr. Schroeder indicated none at all. I :~,
Commissioner Henninger asked ff he was going to have security?
Mr. Schroeder stated they already have securfry around the Marketplace and they will have `
some assigned to keep an eye on that area as well.
Page 55
Commissioner Henninger asked when the Marketplace is closed and th(s is in operation,
~''~ will you have security?
Mr. Schroeder stated they have at least one security guard on duty at all times. If there are
people on the field for Indoor soccer, they would continue that for the roller rink. ~
He suggested they add three conditions. One regarding security to the satisfaction of the
Anaheim Police Department; no alcohol beverage consumption; and a condition that says
either no locker rooms or locker rooms for both sexes.
Ms. Mann suggested that they use licensed, unKormed securky guards that are expressly
for this purpose and no other.
Mr. Schroeder indicated that is all they use.
Ms. Mann stated with regard to an issue that may be outstanding about street
Improvements with the original conditional use permit, there may be :,ome issues that are
unresoived wfth regard to that and she Just wanted to be clear that any decisions that are
being made by the Planning Commission on this are not intended in anyway to be a waiver
or any sort of a decis!on that is intended to suggest that approval of this particular
application has anything to do with any unresolved Issues on the conditional use permit
relating to street improvements.
Commissioner Messo stated there may be a nexus that says they should not approve this ff
they knew what those unresolved issues were.
.-. Ms. Mann stated there was no ins from Public Works-Engineering, however, she did
~ understand from speaking to one of the other attorneys, Malcom Slaughter the City
Attorney's office, that there is a dispute in place right now with regard to the bond having
to do with the street Improvements for the project.
Commissioner Henninger asked H she wanted to add a condition?
Ms. Mann stated she felt she had Insufficient information to formulate a condition and so k
is on the record, that this is an outstanding Issue and that the applicant Is aware that K the
matters are not resolved that there certainly is a possibility that the entire CUP may be
called bank for consideration.
Commissioner Henninger stated he would add a finding to the conditional use permit that
the approval of this conditional use permit has no Impact on existing conditions of approval
on any of the previous CUPS on th(s property.
Page 56
ACTION: Approved CEOA Negative Declaration r!
~ Granted Conditional Use Permtt No. 3688 with an added finding that the approval
has no Impact on existing conditions of approval of previously approved
conditional use permits.
Added the following conditions:
That licensed and uniformed security guards shall be provided to tha satis(actton of
the Anaheim Police Department,
That no alcohol beverage consumption shall be permitted.
That either two (2) locker rooms be provided (accommodating both sexes) or none I
at all.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
l i
Page 57
P.O. BOX 1214, Tustin, CA 92681
AGENT: JOHN SCHWART2, 5022 Lincoln Ave., Cypress, CA 90630
LOCATION: 2731 West Lincoln Avenue. Property is approximately 0.51
acre located on the north side of Lincoln Avenue and
approximately 199 feet east of the centedine of Syracuse
To parmit sn automotive lubricaticn and tune-up facll;ty wkit coin-operated
car wash facilities with waiver of required site screening and minimum
landscaped setback adjacent to a residential zone boundary.
John Schwartz, 5022 W. Lincoln, Cypress, CA. He referenced page 7, Item no. 23, °d." He
stated staff requested that they move the Iube building 3 feet off of the westerly property Ilne.
He believed h was because of graffiti due to the wall. He stated he has a lot of walls in that
area--there are 3 other walls. He stated ff there is graffiti, he takes it off immediately. The
facility operates 7 days a week and the graffiti will not sit there for even one day.
He explained right now the building sfts on the proper., Ifne, however, ff they think there is a
problem he may be able to move It one foot. On the property next door, the curbing is ~
approximtely 1 fcot to 1-1 /2 foot where K is like a no mans land and he could still put in some
shubbery and a sprinkler system In and plant some vines on that side, but he prefers not to
have to move fi over 3 feet.
Commissioner Henninger asked how he would get access to h ff it is right on the property line
to maintain that side of the building without tresspassing on the neighbor's property?
Mr. Schwartz explained there is a parking lot next door so it is really not tresspassing. He
emphasized that they will maintain the building and there will be no graffiti on it.
Page 58
,,.o, Mr. Schwartz stated for clarification it is not atune-up shop, it is strictly a 10 minute lube and fit
', oil facility.
Commissioner Henninger asked what the harm was of moving the building over 3 feet?
Mr. Schwartz explained because of the traffic pattern and the car wash there is a staging area
that Juts the building out. It would not create a major problem but he foresees on Saturday
and Sunday when there aro more cars to get washed, he would prefer not to have ft Jutting
out. If there is one car or two cars stacked far the car wash, ft would Just work better that
Commissioner Messe stated the bays for the tune-up facility are facing north and south at
Lincoln Street. He asked ff there was a way he could intensify the landscaping with a couple
of larger trees in the landscape planter on Lincoln in front of the facility!
Mr. Schwartz stated they could do a better job of landscaping, however, the facility is very
clean when you look Into ft and they do not have anything hanging and there will Just be the
two cars parked inside. Most of the work is done from underneath.
Commissioner Messe explained that lately they have been trying to only approve those types
of facilities where the direction of the bays are facing the street.
Chairman Peraza asked staff ft he did not want to move ft 3 feet, could he move ft back closer
to the other building?
~, Mr. Borrego explained that would be another s:+t:~native, however, the only problem with that
is ft he does push the building back so that ft would be In line with the existing commercial
building to the left, then ft may impact his traffic flow into the building. He stated ft would be a
lot easier just to pull ft back 3 feet. He explained ft was not only for the concept for pulling ft
off of the property line 3 feet and graffiti preventing landscaping, but Just to provide some
visual relief from the 25-foot high block building that would essentially be built right up next to
the property fine and be visible to the traffic on Llncoin Avenue. He added k would create a
landscaping buffer to the building wall since there are not any windows or anything else
proposed on that elevation.
ACTION: Approved CEQA Negative Declaration
Approved Waiver of Code Requirement
Granted Condftionai Use Permit No. 3690 with the following added condition:
That dense tree planting shall be provided along the western edge of the front
landscaped setback area to further screen the service bays.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissionsr Mayer absent)
Page 59
COLLEGE BLVD., # 525, ORANGE, CA 92668
LOCATION: 3550 East La Palma Avenue. Property is approximately 5.20
acres located south and east of the southeast corner of La
Palma Avenue and Grove Street and further described as
3550 East La Palma Avenue.
To permft an indoor volleyball training center with waiver of minimum
number of parking spaces.
,-. Charlie Wado, 8057 Larson, Garden Grove, CA. He referenced page 7, Condition No. 4
~, regarding installation of sidewalks along La Palma.
o. ian Bargeman (phonetically spelled), he works for Investment Building Group who owns
the property in cuestion, 500 N. State College Blvd., Suite 525, Orange, CA. He stated
Condition No. 4 is requiring a sidewalk to be installed in front of the property. He brought
a copy of a letter that is addressed to them from the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and
signed by Larry Hftson, dated February 26, 1993.
He stated in the letter the Redevelopment Agency commits the City to bu(Id the sidewalk in
front on La Palma Avenue for this property. This was set forth in a stipulation where they
granted an easement to the City for an electric utility and they requested that they replace
the landscaping back to fts original placement, and put the trees and the irrigation system
back. He explained they have done that although they have had to spend some addftional
money because the Irrigation system has not worked well to this date. He stated ft has
been over a year and they are waiting for the City to do what they agreed to do in the Flrst
place. He was sure ft was just a misunderstanding.
Commissioner Henninger stated the frontage listed on the map is 405 feet and the letter
references 175 feet. He asked if the rest of the sidewalk was Ir, place?
~ Page 60
Mr. Bargeman explained the way the City put together the utility easement, is thy;
undergrounded the electric utfifffes from Tustin which is the street immediately :o the east
where all of the widening and other Improvements took place. They took it down half way
through their property Just across their access onto La Paima. He stated it was his
understanding that they were going to continue to dig that all up and it does not make
sense to put in a sidewalk in when it is going to be torn up sometime in the next year or
The sidewalk that was specffically addressed was something they asked for because there
is a public bus station on the east property line and ft is better than having people stand on
the wet grass and mud during the winter time to catch a bus. .
Commissioner Henninger suggested that they change Condition No. 4 and Instead of
saying 'as required by," say "to the satisfaction of the City Engineer." It sounds like he has
a commitment on part of this and he may have a good point on the other and ff he does
have a good point, he could probably work things out with the City Engineer.
ACTION: Approved CEQA Negative Declaration
Approved Waiver of Code Requirement
Granted Conditional Use Permit N~. 3689
Modffled Condition No. 4 to read as follows:
,., 4. That sidewalks shall be installed along La Palma Avenue to the satisfaction of
y the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications
on fiie in the Office of the City Engineer.
VOTE: 6.0 (Commissioner Mayer absent)
DISCUSSION ITEM: Request for appointment of an alternate to the Continued to
Underground Utilities Committee. June 27, 1994
JUNE 27, 1994 AT 11:00 A.M.
Page 61