Minutes-PC 1994/12/12 ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1994 11:00 A.M. -CITY ATTORNEY PRESENTATION PERTAINING TO GIFTS AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST - ~, PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW -IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING PRESENTATION ~~ 1:3p P•M• -PUBLIC HEARINGS BEGIN (PUBLJC TESTIMONY) COMMISSIONER.' 'SENT: BOYD.SIUN, CN.DWaL, f I MAYER MESSE, PERAZA, TM COMAAISSfONERS ABSB~iT: NONE STAFF PRESENT: Grey Flastings Zoning Division Manager Selma Menn Deputy Gty Attorney Jonathan Bottego Senior Planner Melanie Adams f ,.sociate Gvil Engineer Greg McCetterty Associate Planner Bruce Freeman Code Enforcement Supervisor Allred Yalda Prindpal Transportation Planner Edith Hems Planning Commission Support Supervisor Margarita Solorio Sr. Word Pracessinp Operator PROCEDURE TO EXPEDRE PLANNING COMMISSION ?UBLJC HEARINGS 1. The proponents in applications which ere not contesteA wI!I have 11ve minutes to present thutr evidence. Additional Ums will be granted upon request if, In the opinion of the C~mm(salon, such additional time will produco evidence Important to the Commission's consideration. 2. In contested applications, the proponents and opponent will each be given ten m!nutes to prevent their mace unless additional Ume is requested end the complexity of the matter warrants. Tha Commfsalon's coialderations are not determined by the length of Ume a partidpant speaks, but rather by whet Is said. 3. Staff Reports are part of the evidence deemed received by the Commisaton in eseh hearing. Copies ere available to the public prior to the meeting. 4. The Commission will withhold questions until the public hearing is dosed. 5. The Commission reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing i1, in Its opinion, the end': of fairness to ell concerned will be served. 6. All documenU presented to the Planning Commission for review in connection with any hearing, including photographs or other aceeptabte visual representations or non~dowmantary evidence, shall be retained by the Commission for the public record and shall f>a available for public Inspections. 7. At the end of the scheduled hearings, members of the public will be allowed to speak on Items of Interest which ere within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, and/or agenda items. Each speaker will be allotted a maximum o1 Uve (5) minutes to speak, ne121294,wp e~ ta. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLAR~4TION Continued to 1 b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT January 9, 1995 tc. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3711 (Readvertlsed) OWNER: TEXACO REFINING 8 MARKETING, INC., Attn: Doug Elston, P.O. Box 7812, Universal City, CA 91608-7812 AGENT: FRED FIEDLER & ASSOCIATES, Attn: Patrick Fiedler, 2322 W. 3rd St., Loy Angeles, CA 90D57 LOCATION: 5650 E. La Palma Avenue (Texaco Service Stationl. Property is approximately 1.0 acre located at the southwest comer of La Palma Avenue and Imperial Highway. To permft an automotive service station with an accessory automated car wash, a convenience market, adrive-through restaurant (no seating proposed), ar~d beer and wine sales for off-premise consumption wfth waivers of minimum landscape requirements, permitted wall signs, permitted location of freestanding signs, minimum distance between freestanding signs, minimum number of parking spaces, minimum drive- through lane requirements, required setback from an arterial highway, and required improvement of setback areas. Continued from the August 22, September 19, October 31, November 14, and 30, 1994 Planning Commission meetings. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None Commissioner Taft declared a conflict of Interest. Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, explained the applicant has indicated they would be requesting a continuance on this hem; however, they are aware that because of the Permft Streamlining Act, the only way they can receive a waNer beyond today's meeting date is for the applicant and the Planning Commission to mutually agree to waive the requirements. ACTION: Waived the Permft Streamlining Act Continued subject request to the January 9, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Taft abstained) I 12.12.94 Pepe 2 2a. CEOA NEGAI7VE DECLARATION {Previously Approved) Approved 2b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3642 (Readvertised) Modified condkions of approval OWNER: DORIS K RICHTER, 5505 Garden Grove Blvd., X150, Westminster, CA 920'83 AGENT: OFELIA CASTELLANOS, c/o J.C. FANDANGO RESTAURANT, 1086 N. State College Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92806 LOCATION: 1088 North State Colleoe Boulevard (J.C. Fandangos Aestaurantl. Property Is approximately 9.07 acres located north and east of the northeast comer of La Palma Avenue and State College Boulevard. Petkioner requests modkfcation or deletion of a condkion of approval pertaining to the Ilmkation of time to retain a restaurant and nightclub expansion Including a public dance hall wkh on•premise sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. PC94162 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None Javier Castellanos, operator of Fandango's nightclub, explained they are requesting modfflcation or deletion of Condkions Nos. 4 & 6m of Resolution No. PC93-118 pertaining to Iimkation of time and days and hours of operation. Read the memorandum from Sgt Steve Walker, Anaheim Police Department, Vice, and do not agree wkh the recommendation, but can live wkh k. Requesting a modfflcatlon to the amendment made to CondfUons 6m of PC93-118 which reads as follows: 'The restaurant expansion shall be utilized for entertainment/dancing In accordance wkh the follow(ng Monday through Thursday 6 p.m. through 12 a.m Frklay through Sunday 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.' They are requesting that Condkion No. 6m be modHied to read as follows: 'Monday through Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 a.m' Reasons for this request was that they cater to weddings and prorate parties and at times they request to use the facilkies in the akemoon; and most private parties request to use the facilfties until 2 a.m. In order to cater to their customers, they need to modky the amendment made to Condkion No. 6m read as shown above. This is vkal in order for them to do business. 72.12.94 Paps 3 THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED Mr. Castellanos explained he has requested the modification to 10 a.m. to allow flexibility. He stated there are no limits on the operation of the nightclub and he has been operating that without any problem and would like for the expansion to have the same hours. Commissioner Taft stated he would not oppnse the hours with a one year time Iimft. Officer Gandy stated past problems were because they were renting ft out to same type of promoter who would sponsor some type of specialty night and the Police Department's concern Is that this business Is run as an adjunct to J. C. Fandango and that K is part of their business and not a separate business running under the guise of being part of J. C. Fandango. Commissioner Caldwell clarified the Commission's interpretation of a'prrvate part' is a wedding reception and in the past this facility and others in the city have been leased out to a promoter for a private party end that could be a 'hip hop' party with flyers aut all over Orange County. Mr. Castellanos stated he had explained to Officer Gandy that they were gi:l~g to stay away from any of those typos of parties. hie explained right now they are doing a lot of Christmas parties. A private party could be a retirement party, a wedding, etc. and they are going to stay away from the youth who like to do the 'hip hop' because they already know from past experience that it is not beneficial to the business or the community. Commissioner Mayer asked if they have private security for these private parties and Mc Castellanos responded they have their own security and private security. Commissioner Peraza asked if the Commission could impose a condition that he cannot lease the facility. Commissioner Henninger noted the petitioner has run a good business there for ttie past year. Commissioner Taft stated he would not vote in support of this request without that clean bill of health. Commissioner Peraza asked what the plans are for the trash enclosure, noting that was supposed to be refurbished and has not been done as yeL Mr. Castellanos stated he has requested that the property owner takE care of the trash enclosure and he will speak wfth him again. He responded to Commissioner Henninger that he will get that taken care of before he comes back in one year. ACTION: Found that the previously approved NegatNe Declaration is adequate to serve as the required ernironmental documentation for this request. Approved subject request, modHied Condition Nos. 4, Fm, and 7 of resolution No. PC93- a 118 to read as follows: j iz•iz-sn Pape 4 '4. The subject conditional use pennft is hereby granted for a period of one (1) year to expire on November 1, 1995. ~~ E That subJ9r' tusiness shall continuously adhere to the following condftions, as required by the Police Department: m. The restaurant expansion shall be utilized for enterta(nment/dancing (n accordance wkh the folowing limitations: Monday through Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. 7. That no flyers, handbills or other advertising displays shall be posted on public property (suci~ as utility poles or uNity boxes)) advertising subject establishment or any activities therein. The business owner shall reimburse tha [` o Fr,inrcamant otvtston for anv costs associated wfth the removal of such F ,nrlhnts within the CIN of Anaheim.' VOTE: 7-0 Selma Mann, Daputy City Attamey, presented the 22~day right to appeal the Planning Commission decision. 12.12.64 Paps b 3a. CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION I Continued to 3b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3732 January 9, 1995 OWNER: IJNDA KOSHKERIAN, VASKIN KOSHKERIAN, 1198 S. State College Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92806 LOCATION: 1198 South State Colieae Blvd• Property is approximately 0.52 acre located at the northeast comer of Ball Road and State College Boulevard. To permit the conversion of a service bay area within an existing service station Into amini-market with the uff-premise sale and consumption of beer and wine. CONDITIONAL I.ISE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: NONE PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Mr. Koshkerian, owner, explained he wants to make the service station bays into a convenience market. He was disappofnteci to see that staff s recommendation was for denial of the off sale beer and wine. The curcent trend in service statfens Is towards cornenience markets and away from garage business. This station is vary suitable for a convenience market and they need ft badly. It has adequate narking and circulation and meets other Code requirements. The Pdice Department rec•~~nmended denial of th~3 off sale of beer and wine because of over-concentration and crime issues. Staff's statements regarding over-concentration are incorcect and lack legitimate planning and findings. It seems City staff is trying to do the ABC's job and even ff k is determined there is over-rancentration, that is clearly within the jurisdiction of the State and not the City. The City has no ordinance which enables it to rely on other agenclas in the absence of any other planning-related land use Issue and the application should be approved unless the ABC recognizes there is an over-concentration in the area and then he was sure the application would be deniod by the ABC. Judging from the past, it seems the City will use any Tine of reasoning to justify denying such applications based on personal opinion and feelings. He thought H there was not an over- concentration issue, then the City would use a different non-planning Issue to deny the requests. If the City feels JustHied using the state law such as ABC for denying the planning application, he was sure they would not shy away from using a federal law towards the same end. He was at a loss as to the source and legal authority of the Police Department finding. The crime issue is non-existent. AHC has a formula for denial of an application which fappened to be in an area of reported crime exceeding 12096 of the average crime In the reporting city. In this case, the reporting crime agency for this District No.1828 in the City of Anaheim happened to be 121 incidents and in order for the ABC to deny the application, there must be more than 145 incklents which is 12096. The actual crime in that area happens to be 46 t2•tz.e; Pepe 6 incident: •~!~;ch for the most part includes bad checks, shoplifting, etc. which is 38% of the ~.y total. Fie referenced a memorandum from ABC, based on Anaheim Police reports. This cleady permits him to obtain the license from ABC; therefore, the City's reliance on the same formula to deny his request in lieu of legitimate land use Issues seems to be far-fetched. The City has no conclusive studies on hand which correlates the off sale of beer and wine from corn,enience markets as opposed to liquor stores and supermarkets as generating or contributing to any crime factors. He asked that copies of any such studies supporting ;.:a recommendation be provided. He believed before the City denies this or any other application routinely and outside the perimeters of the law based on reasoning which lacks legal authority and seems to be mere personal opinion or agenda, the City should contact the study surveyed wfth other jurisdictions such as Fullerta: where a new corneniance market was approved for him with beer and wine sales a few nt~Mits ago. Apparently the sale of beer and wine wfthin a gas station In Fullerton does not create a problem. Since the City has no substantial proof the sale of beer and wine from his station would cause any harm, then at least his application should be given the same benefit as the station which was approved at the last Commission meeting on Kraemer and La Palma which has far more controversial land use issues than this she. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioners Caldwell and Henninger asked for clarHicatlon regarding the applicant's comments questioning the Commission's authority to make this decision. Commissioner Henninger Indicated he understood him to say that perhaps the ABC's process preempts the Planning Commission In someway from making this type of decision. Se!ma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, answered the ABC does have exclusive jurisdiction over certain aspects of the sale of alcoholic beverages. There Is authority grved out with regard to zoning and that is the reason there is a conditional use pennk and that cr,n apply to this type of application. Any approval or denial needs to be based upon evidence on the record. The applicant has presented some evidence and ft may be that the Police Department has other evidence to present that would counter what has been presented by the applicant. She did not know that a specfFlc percentage, absent additional information, would be sufficient evidence of the record other than a percentage that was based upon studies that had been pertormed. She did not think the studies would necessan'ly need to have been pertortned in Anaheim, but studies that would support the type of IimRations an the form of bus!r+.esses that were approved in a particular area. There is zoning control over it to the extent that thero are figures provkled by the Police Department that have to do with crime rates that can be linked to the particular application before the Planning Commission. She thought that would be a valkl exercise of the Planning Commission authority. Just a blanket use of ABC formulas is not a valid exercise. Commisslonor Henninger clarified that Just the fact that there is high crtme rate in some areas, absent some nexus between that fact and the particular use being discussed, then the ` crime rate issue cannot be used to deny the request. Ms. Mann agreed Officer Gandy, Anaheim Police Department, stated there are 224 reporting districts in the City of Anaheim, and 121 Incidents is the average for each reporting district, and those crimes are ' what they consider Part I crimes which is basically burglary, arson, rape, robbery, murder, t2•tz•en i Peps 7 ~ i assault, etc. 121 is the average and he thought there were about 205 incidents that occurred in that area which puts this area at 7096 above the average. He stated the Anaheim Police Department does have concerns and reservations about the sale of alcoholic beverages from a gas station. In this case, there are already three liquor stores, 2 full Ilquor licenses and ; another beer and wine license wfthin 1000 feet of this sfte. They do not see a need for the sale of alcoholic beverages at this she. Commissioner Caldwell stated based on the statistics of the Anaheim Police Department, he would like staff to draw a correlation between Ilquor sales and crime. Officer Gandy responded at Bali and Euclkf there is an extreme number of liquor licenses, Just on that comer, and there seems to be a Inordinate amount of calls for services Just in the area where the Ilquor licenses are. He could not say without a doubt that ft is based on the liquor licenses being there but ft appears where the liquor licenses are, is where the calls for services are and that is where the reporting crime is. Commissioner Messe asked ff any studies have been done in other areas or other cfties relatNe to this Issue. Officer Gandy stated there have been studies in other cfties and ABC has some studies and based on the applicant's testimony today, he will attempt to get some of that information but does not have any information today. Mr. Koshkerlan responded to Commissioner Messe that he got his Information from the ABC. Commissioner Messe asked ff the figures the applicant has match the ones discussed by the Police Department and Mr. Koshkerlan responded they do not. He added he asked for the figures from the City but was told by Sergeant Walker that he would not get any figures from the Cfty . He talked to Officer Lopez who has INed In the area for 25 years and is a customer at this service station and he dki not think those figures were high and that this area, Balt and State College, is one of the safest areas and that it is a commercial area. The station has been there for two years and he did not think k has added to crime. Some of Anaheim's police officers did not feel that area has a 7096 average crime rate. Officer Gandy explained he could provkle infonmation regarding tho corcelation between the sale of alcoholic beverages and the crime rate, but ft depends on how long ft takes to get Information from the ABC or from other cities who may have obtained that lnforcnatlon. Commissioner Caldwell stated he thought ft would be difficult for the Planning Commission to make a decision wfthout having the facts before them and thought ft would be worthwhile to waft and look at those facts and figures before making a decision to see ff there is a nexus which supports the applicant's posftion or the Anaheim Police Department's posftion. Mr. Koshkorien stated he was told by U. Stephenson that they would have some crime figures today. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS REOPENED. ACTION: Continued subject request to the January 9,1995, Planning Commission meeting in order for the Police Department to provkle the Commission with information regarding the sale of alcohd and its relationship to criminal activity. ' VOTE: 7-0 Q~,I 12.12.98 Psps 8 4a. rEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION (Previously Approved) Approved 4b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3498 (Readvertised) Modified condkions of approval OWNER: WALTER T. AND HELEN W. COURTNEY, 504 N. State Cdlage, Anaheim, CA 92806 AGENT: SALVADOR MENDOZA, 500 S. Anaheim Bivd., Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: 500 South Anaheim BoulevaM. Property is approximately 1.1 acres locatad at the southeast comer of Anaheim Boulevard and Santa Ana street. Petkloner requests amendment to condklons of approval pertaining to the Ilmkation of time for a previously approved automobile repair facility wkh waiver of minimum number of parking spaces. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC94-163 --------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None Wally Courtney, owner, requested a fNo•year time extension. The tenant's lease Is up for renewal and he is requesting a fiveyear lease. ACTION: Found the previously approved NegatNe Declaration adequate to serve as required documentation for this request. Approved request, modkied Condkion No. 1 of Resolution No. PC93-53 to read as fellows: '1. That subject use permk shall expire on December 31, 1999.' VOTE: 7-0 Selma Mann, Deputy Cky Attorney, presented the 22 day appeal rights. 12.12.94 Pape 9 G 5a. E A N GATIVE DECLARATION (Previously Approved) 5b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3464 (Readvert(sed) OWNER: ANAHEIM HILLS ENTERPRISES, 5100 E. La Palma Ave., f Anaheim, CA 92807 AGENT: COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH of YORBA LINDA, 5100 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim, CA 92607 LOCATION: s+~~ €Ast La Palma Ave.. Suites 111 and 112. Property Is approximately 6.3 acres located on the south side of La Palma Avenue and approximately 3,560 feet east of the centerline of Lakeview Avenue. Petftloner requests approval of a 3-year retroactMe extension of time to retain a church in the ML(SC) (Limfted, Industrial•Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone. Approved Modffled condftlons of approval CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC94164 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None The agent was present to answer any questions. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. ACTION: Found the pre`_~'.ously approved Negative Declaration adequate to serve as the required documentation for this request Approved request, modified Condftion No. 17 of Resdution No. PC91-166 to read as follows: '17. That this condftional use pernft is granted for a period of three (3) years and shall terminate on October 21, 1997.' VOTE: 7-0 Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22•day appeal rights. 1z•12•ea Paps 10 6a. CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION (Previously Approved) Approved 6b. VARIANCE N0.2375 (Readvertised) Amended terms of approval OWNER: MARK J. WRIGHT, 1110 N. Mohler Drive, Anaheim, CA 92808 LOCATION: 180 North Mohler Drive. Property is approximately 0.14 acre located on the east skis of Mohler Drive and located approximately 470 feet south of the centerline of Celle Granada. Petkioner requests an amendment to the terms of approval for Variance No. 2375 prohibking 2-story homes to retain a second story room addklon. VARIANCE RESOLUTION irt). PC94-185 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY gp .HE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None/ 1 Interested person spoke Mark Wright, 180 N. Mohler Drive, explained his home was not originally zoned for a second story because of the size of the lot. Wkhin a few years after he moved in, he completed two bedrooms and a bath upstairs. The variance is necessary in order to make the addttion legal. John Bucheau, 220 N. Mohler, stated he has an klentical reskience and has the same problem and he purchased his home wkh the addklon already completed and when he went to get a pod penntt, discovered that the addkion requires that a variance be approved. He asked tt this variance is approved, tt h could include those homes in the same tract wtth similar skuations. Commissioner Messe stated in driving through the tract, tt seems to him that a tot of the residents are occupying the second floor and k is not unusual. Commissioner Henninger asked if this variance could be readvertised and the condklons changed. Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, responded the variance could be readaertised for the entire tract and then any potential environmental implications would be analyzed for the entire tract. Commissioner Messe stated Mr. Bucheau could apply for a variance as an indivklual or watt until the Cky goes through the process of reviewing the entire tract.. Commissioner Caldwell asked what would be the fairest and most expedient way to handle these requests. Jonathan Borcego, Senior Planner, answered k would be easier and less sffort for all the owners to readvertise and cortskier the entire tract tt the Planning Commission wisher to make that recommendation. 12.12-9a Pips 11 Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, explained in order for the Commission to look at a change for the entire area, there will have to be an eniironmental evaluation of the entire area and ff an indivklual property owner makes a request, the environmental review would be for that particular property only. It may be that there are cumuletNe impacts from the entire tract conditions being changed which are not evident at this time. She did not want anyone to think that this is something that will necessarily be done by the Commission. Mr. Bucheau responded he understood, and that several other property owners have this same situation. Commissioner Henninger asked if this matter could be continued to the January 9th meeting aril the conditions changed since this is the base variance which was for the whole tract Seima Mann explained the matter was advertised to retain a second story room addition. ACTION: Found the previously approved NegatNe Declaration adequate to serve as the required environrnentai documentation for this request Approved request -amended the following tens of approval of Variance No. 2375 to read as follows: That said variance be granted, in part, subject to the following conditions and further subject to the stipulation by the Developer that on the 6,000 to 6,500 square foot lots there would be no two-story homes and these homes would be limited to a maximum of 1,550 square feet of living space and contain no more than three bedrooms (with the exception of Lot No. 52 of Tract No. 7730). VOTE: 7-0 Jonathan Borrego responded to the applicant that the permits cannot be actually Issued until after 22 days, but the applicant can start the process now at his own risk. Selma Mann presented the 22 day appeal rights. Chairwoman Boydstun explained that the Planning Commission may not deckle to make this change for the while tract and suggested M any property owners are on a time Iimft, they may want to apply for an indivkluai variance. MOTION: Commissioner Caldwell offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Henninger and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby regi~3st that staff review the feasibility of deleting these terms from Variance No. 2375 which would remove subject limitations from the entire tract. ° 12.12.94 Paps 12 1~ 7a. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0. 281 (Previously Certified) Continued to 7b. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0. 15073 January 9, 1995 OWNER: THE BALDWIN CO., Attn: Ron Freeman, 16811 Hale Avenue, Irvine, CA 92714 AGENT: HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES, Three Hughes Road, Irvine, CA 92718 LOCATION: Tentative Tract Mao No 15073 wfthin Develooment Area 204 of The Summit of Anaheim Hilla Soecific Plan (SP88- ~ Property is approximately 8.16 acres located on the north side of Running Springs Road and approximately 480 feet east of the centerline of Sedona Avenue. Petitioner requests approval of a tentative tract map to establish a 8.16 acre, 36•lot single-family subdivision, Induding 35 resklentiai lots and one open space lot. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Continued subject request to the January 9, 1995 Planning Commission meeting In order for the applicant to work with the Public Works Engineering Department regarding grading Issues in Phase IV of The Summit of Anaheim Hills Specific Plan (SP88.2). VOTE: 7-0 tza2•ea Paps 13 8a. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0.281 (Previously CertiFled) Bb. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0. 15074 OWNER: THE i3ALDWIN CO., Attn: Ron Freeman, 16811 Hale Avenue, Irvine, CA 92714 AGENT: HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES, Three Hughes Road, Irvine, CA 92718 LOCATION: Tentative Tract Mae No 15074 within Development Areas 203 and 204 of The SummR of Anaheim Hills Specific Plan (SPee-21. Property is appro>~mately 7.1 acre located at the northwest comer of Oak Canyon Drive aril Running Springs Road. Continued to January 9, 1995 Petftioner requests approval of a tentative tract map to establish a 7.1 acre, 40-tot single-tamily subdivision Induding 39 residential lots and one open space lot FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Continued subject request to the January 9, 1995 Planning Commission meeting in order for the applicant to work with the Public Works Engineering Department regarding grading Issues In Phese IV of The Summk of Anaheim Hills Specific Plan (SP88-2). VOTE: 7-0 1z-1ze4 Pape 14 9. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0.317 -GENERAL PLAN No action AMENDMENT NO. 334. AND NORTHEAST AREA SPECIFIC PLAN N0. 941: Per the request of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, the subject hems will be rescheduled to an undetermined hearing date. Notification of public hearing for today's agenda was published in the Anaheim Bulletin and Anaheim H(Ils Bulletin on November 17, 1994, but will be republished and IndNldual notification to the property owners wnl occur, when the oew public hearing date is determined. B. GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY REOUEST• Request from the County of Determined to bR Orange General Services Agency, Kenneth fang, 14 CNic Center Plaza, 3rd in conformance Floor, P. 0. Box 4106, Santa Ana, CA 92702 to determine conformance wkh the Anaheim wkh the Anaheim General Pian for the proposed lease of office space for General Plan the County of Orange Health Care Agency. Property located at 555 North State College Boulevard. Greg McCafferty, Associate Planner, explained this a request from the County to locate their Field/Public Health Nursing Program to 555 North State College Boulevard. This is the base of operation for the nurses who visk patients in the communky and there will be no visks to the she. Planning Commission requested the following: That the Cfry Attomey determine k the number of alcohdic beverage licenses is an appropriate kem to be regulated through the Cky's General Plan or somewhere r<se (e.g. land use contrd ordinances). Subject determination to be discussed at the January 9, 1995 Planrdng Commission morning work/study session. That the Cky Attomey determine k the Planning Commission can establish a consent calendar for reports and recommendation hems. Subject determination to be discussed at the January 9, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. There was a y:.nerai discussion and k appears there will not be a quorum present for the scheduled December 28th meeting. MEETING ADJOURNED AT a:2o P.M. Resp tfully submktsd, G~ ~ ~Q'~c"`-~ dkh L Har(s Secretary 1242.94 Pepe 15