Minutes-PC 1995/05/01SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION May 1, 1995 \,. 10:00 AM. - PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW 1:30 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARINGS BEGIN (PUBLIC TESTIMONY) COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: CALDWELL STAFF PRESENT Greg l~astings Selma Mann Jonathan tiorrego Melanie Adams Greg !: cCafferty grace Freeman Alfred Yalda Margarita Solorio Zoning Division Manager Deputy City pttomey Senior Planner Associate Civil Engineer Associate Planner Code Entorcement Supervisor Principal Transportation a goer Sr. Word Processing Op PRQCEDURE TO EXPEDITE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS t, The propose ranted uplon trequest if hin the opfn on of the lommission, isuch addWonal timeiwill iproduce ev dance time will b g Important to the (`pmmisslon's consideration. 2, In contested applications, the proponents and opponent will each be given ten minutes to present their case unless additio fined be theiengtheof tme a pa cipla t speaks, buttratherrby what is said, mission's considerations are not determ Y les are available to 3. the publpic prior to the meetingidence deemed received by the Commission in each hearing. CoP ;, The Commission will withhold questions until the public hearing Is closed. 5, The Commission reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing if, in its opinion, the ends of fairness to all concerned will be served. 6 ~hotocraphs opothertacceptable visualgepresentations orrnon~documentary evidence ahallrbe retainued by the P g Commission for the public record and shall be available for public inspe ons. 7, At the end of the scheduled hearings, members of the public will be allowed to speak on Items of interest which are within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, and/or agenda items. Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of five (5) minutes to speak. AC050195.WP 05/01/95 Page 1 REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~) A. REGIUEST T DETERMINE CONFORMANCE WITH THE ANAHE~ Determined to be ENERAL PLAN FOR THE PROPOSED SALE OF COUNTY in conformance with WNED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. Requested General Plan by County of Orange General Services Agency, Attn: Donna Garza, i4 Civic Center Plaza, P. 0. Box 4106, Santa Ana, Ca 92702• Property is located at 1621 South Douglass Road. Continued from the April 17, 1996 Planning Commission B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 3666 - REQUEST F R Apprnved RETROACTIVE EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLY WITH (to explre 4-6-96) ^ONDITION5 OF APPROVAL: Convention Center Inn, Ltd. (c/o Bharat Patel), 1734 South Harbor Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92802 requests a retroactNe extension of time to comply with conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit No. 3666 (to permft an 84-foot high, 5- story, 312-snit motel complex, including the demolition of a 78-unit building and a 3,800-square foot restaurant, remodel of the existing 122-unit building, and construction of a 190-unit building and a 5,776- square foot restaurant) to expire April 4, 1996. Property is located at 2017 South Harbor Boulevard. It was noted the expiration date should be corrected in the staff report. C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 284 -REQUEST FOR INITIATION and or modfflcatt~on OF M DIFICATION OR REVOCATION PROCEEDINGS. City / Initiated request to initiate modification or revocation proceedings of proceedings Conditional Use Permit No. 284 (to establish a restaurant and cocktail lounge). Property is located at 420 South Brookhurst Street. ACTION: Instructed staff to initiate revocation or modification proceedings based on information provided by Code Enforcement. D. RE VEST TO DETERMINE CONFORMANCE WITH THE ANAHEIM ineconformance with GENERAL PLAN FOR THE PROPOSED SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1170 NORTH ANAHEIM BOULEVARD: the Anaheim Requested by the County of Orange General Services Agency, Attn: General Plan Donna Garza, 14 Civic Center Plaza, P. 0. Box 4106, Santa Ana, Ca I 92702. Property is located at 1170 N. Anaheim Boulevard. 05/01/95 Page 2 Continued to 2a. CEf~A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 21 May 15, 1995 ~,~ 2b. VARIANCE N0.4018 (REp,DVERTISED) INITIATED BY: City of Anaheim, Code Enforcement Division, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805 OWNER: John AcevOes 58/Plaza Square #JMOrange, CA 92666 LOCATION: approximately 0 29 a Bes located atrtheesouthwest comer of Midway Manor and Anaheim Boulevard. Request to consider the termination or modification of Variance No. 4018 (to establish a commercial use to a residential structure) pursuant to Zoning Code Section 18.03.091. Continued from the February 22, April 3, and April 17, 1995 Planning Commission meetings. VARIANCE RESOLUTION N0. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Mark Botich, Architect, 883 S. Anaheim Boulevard, speakln^, ohey just haverthe hl concerning corrections and bringing the building up to Code and getting all tho inspections, electrical to be done and aro calling for inspection tomorrow and once that is completed, they can call for building inspection. The delay was due to correcting the plumbing which was the gas 11ne and it had to ba thelele~ctricai wlas also due to the age and stomeuof the boxes thatwere there, were not grounded. The delay on Commissioner Messe asked about the unsightly curtain on the interior of the building. Mr. Botich responded that is going to be removed. They have ordered blinds but ttoey have not been delivered. The d d not feel ittshould be visible.s He thought the blinds will be delivered someetime thistweekpuipment inside and ACTION: The matter was continued for two weeks to the meeting of May 15, 1995, in order to allow the owner/permittee to: (a) Make the necessary plumbing, mechanical, electrical and/or building corrections an obtain final building inspection; and (b) Obtain the Certificate of Occupancy to legally occupy the structure for commercial office use. VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Caldwell absent) Mr. Botich stated he appreciates the cooperation of the Planning Commission. 05/01/95 Page 3 3a. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0.317 3b. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT N0.334 3c. SPECIFIC PLAN N0. S4-1 ftnciudina 2onina and Development Standards) INITIATED BY: CITY OF ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMi3SION, C/O Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, Attention: Michael Welch, 201 South Anaheim Boulevard, #1003, Anaheim, CA 92805 (A) Consideration of EnvironmentalRm~e ct p poi Agency) and prepared by the Lead Agency adoption of a Statement of Overriding Consideration. (B) Approval of General Plan Amendment No. 334 to amend the Land Use, Parks Recreation and Community Services and Environmental Resources and Management (Conservation/Open Space) Elements of the General Plan to establish consistency between the General Plan and the Development Areas ident~ied within the proposed Speciffc Plan, to amend the General Plan designation for the acreage within the boundaries of SP88~ (not a part of the subject Specfflc Plan as follows: t'iOntlnUed t0 May 15, 1995 A. Land Use Element 1) To add text to the General Plan Land Use Element recognizing that the Anaheim Northeast Area Specific Plan is an implementing zone for the Northeast Industrial Area; and that the Specific Plan establishes buildincf intensity for each of the development areas (i.e., industrial., Industrial Recycling, Expanded Industrial, La Palma Core, Transit Core and Commercial Areas). 2) To amend the General Plan Land Use Element Map for eighteen (18) areas within the Northeast Industrial Area as follows: Figure 1 - An approximate 113.5-acre area from the General Industrial to Business Offire/Service/Industrial designation. Subject area is generally located south of Miraloma Avenue, west of Tustin Avenue, north of the SR-91 Freeway and east of Miller Street. Figure 2 - An approximate 39.3-acre area from the General Open Space and General Industrial designations to the General Commercial designation. Subject area is generally located south of the SR-91 Freeway, west of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way and north of the Santa Ana River Channel. 05/01/95 Page 4 Figure 3 - An approximate 11.9-acre area ftom the General Open Space to the Consen-ation/Water Use designation. Subject area is l.~% generally located south of the SR-91 Free~rvay, west of the SR- 91 /Tustin Avenue interchange, north of the Santa Ana River Channel and east of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad right-of way. Figure 4 - An approximate 2.8-acre area ftom the General Open Space to the ueneral Commercial designation. Subject area is generally located south and east of the SR-91 /Tustin Avenue inter:,i-wnge. Figure 5 - An approximate 11.3-acre area from the General Industrial to the General Commercial designation. Subject area is generally located on the s~~st side of Tustin Avenue between La Palma Avenue and the SR-91 Freeway. Figure 6 - An approximate 8.0-acre area from the Conservation/V1later Use and General Industrial designations to the General Commercial and General Industrial designations. Subject area is generally located at the Tustin Avenue/Miraloma Avenue intersection, and north and west of sari intersection. Figure 7 - An approximate 2.1-acre area 'nom the Conservation/Water Use to the General ('bmmercial designation. Subject area is generally located between Orangethorpe Avenue and the Atwood Channel, and west of the City limits. Figure 8 - An approximate 7.9-acra area from the General Industrial `° to the General Commercial designation. Subject area is generally located immediately north (on both sides of Miller Street) of the Miraloma Avenue/Miller Street intersection Figure 9 - An approximate 46.8-acre area from the General Industrial to the Conservation/1Nater Use designation. Subject area is generally located south of La Jolla Street, west of the Carbon Creek Channel, north of Miraloma Avenue and east of Kraemer Boulevard. Figure 10 - An approximate 10.7-acre area from the General Industrial to the General Commercial designation. Subject area is generally located at all four (4) legs of the Kraemer Eoulevard/Miraloma Avenue intersection. Figure 11 - An approximate 10.7-acre area from the General Industrial to the General Commercial designation. Subject area is generally located at the r~ortheast, southeast and southwest comers of the Red Gum Street/Miraloma Avenue intersection. Figure 12 - An approximate 5.0-acre area from the General Industrial to the General Commercial designation. Subject area is Generally 05/01/95 Page 5 located at the northeast and southeast comers of the Blue Gum Street/Miraloma Avenue intersection. c_ Figure 13 - An approximate 52.9-acre area from the General Industrial to the rasner2l Commercial designation. Subject area is generally loarted south of La Palma Avenue, west of Shepard Street, north ref the SR-91 Freeway and east of White Star Avenue. Flgure 14 - An approximate 9.1-acre area from the General Industrial to the General Commercial designation. Subject area is generally located at all fou: (4) legs of the Blue gum Street/La Palma Avenue intersection. (This GPA has been deleted.) Figure 15 - An approximate 13.7-a,re area ftom the General Industrial to the General Commercial designation. Subject area is generally located at all four (4) legs of the La Palma Avenue/Richfield Road intersection. Figure 16 - An approximate 23.8-acre area ftom the General Industrial to the General Commercial designation. Subject area is generally located at all four (4) legs of the La Palma Avenue/Lakeview Avenue intarsection. Figure 17 - an approximate 58.1-acre area from the General Industrial to the Conservation/1lVater Use designation. Subject area is generally located south of La Palma Avenue, west of Fee Ana Street, north of the Santa Ana River Channel and approximately 570 feet east of the centerline of La Palma Avenue and Van Buren '~= Street. Figure 18 - An approximate 15.7-acre area from the General Industrial to the General Commercial designation. Subject area is generally located on the south side of La Palma Avenue, approximately 468 feet west of the ;enterline of La Palma Avenue and Imperial Nigh::ay, and north of the Santa Ana River Channel. B. Parks, Recreation & Community Services Element 1) To delete a proposed Community Park site designation from the Park Facilities Plan (Figure 5.1) of the Parks, Recreation & Communityy Services Element. Said site is located south of the SR- 91 Freeway, wcM of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe P.ailroad right-of-way and north of the Santa Ana River. C. Environmental Resource and Management Element 1) O en S ce - To delete an approximate 38.7-acre open space area deaicted on'he Environmental Resources and Management Open Space/Conservatio~~ Element Exhibit, generally located south of the 05/01/9.r Page 6 SR-91 Freeway, southeast and southwest of the SR-91 /'fustin Avenue interchange, and north of the Santa Ana RNer. (The proposed delration is necessary for internal consistency between the `~~ subject element and the proposed changes to the Land Use Element as identified in Figures 2-4 above). ss+nsenration - To make modffications to Water Use areas as depicted on the Environments) Resources and Management Open Space/Conservation Element Exhibit as follows: a) An appro~:imate 11.9-acre addition to the Water Use area adjacent to the Santa Ana River and generally located south of the SR-91 Freeway, west of the SR-91 /Tustin Avenue interchange, north of the Santa Ana River Channel and east of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way. b) Recognizing the approximate 184-acre Warner Basin as a Water Use area in addftion to it's Sand and Gravel designation. Subject basin is generally located east of Tustin Avenue, south of La Palma Avenue, west of Fee Ana Street and north of the Santa Ana River Channel. (C) Consideration and adoption of a Specific Plan identffying six (6) Development Areas for the Northeast area which currently encompasses 2,645 acres Including the Canyon Industrial Area as well as properties wthin and surrounding the bourxlaries of the Redevelopment Project Area Alpha. The Specific Plan anticipates a total buiidout area of 29.3 million square feet by the year 2010, of which 21.8 million square fee: is existing. Approximately 3.3 million square feet of this existing 21.8 million square feet is anticipated to be reconstructed. Approximately 7.5 million square feet is anticipated as new development. (D) Adoption of zoning and development standards to set forth standards, procedures and guidelines for the development of industrial services, corporate headquarters, research and development, supp offices and commercial retail areas to serve the demand for a wide variety of goods and services within the Specific Plan area as provided for in Chapter 18.93 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. The proposed Specific Plan zoning designation, SP94-1, would replace the current zoning designations of ML (Umited Industrial), RS-A-43,000 (Residentia~/Agricultural), and CL (Commercial Umfted). 05/01/95 Page 7 The proposed 2,645 acre Northeast Area Specffic Plan and General Plan Amendment project area is generally bounded by the Orange (SR-57) and the Riverside (SR-91) freeways, Orangethorpe Avenue and Imperial Highway, and includes the Canyon Industrial Area and properties within and surrounding the boundaries of Redevelopment Project Area Alpha. The 26-acres located at the southwest comer of Tustin Avenue and La Palma Avenue which is located wf~hln the boundaries of Specific Plan No. 88-3 (Santa Fe Pacific Plaza Specific Plan, also known as PaciflCenter) are not included within the boundaries of the proposed Specific Plan but are included within the boundaries of the proposed General Plan amendment area. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT RESOLUTION N0. SPECIFIC PLAN RESOLUTION N0. _- FOLLOWING IS A SI;MMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. IN FAVOR: 6 People spoke in favor of proposal with some concerns Commissioner Messe declared a conflict of interest. OPPOSITION: None PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Michael Welch, Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and Community Development Department, explained the Northeast Industrial Area Specific Plan represents about 2500 acres of the city's largest and oldest redevelopment project area established in 1973 and includes portions of the Canyon Industrial ~: Area adjacent to the boundary of the Specific Plan area. The documents represent a redirection toward `~ improving the fiscal and economic enhancement of the Northeast area. The documents include rewriting and a supplement to the existing Zoning Code, upgraded and improved corridor landscaping enhancement program to the 91 freeway and major arterials, establishment of new pattern of land use throughout the Northeast area including the industrial and commercial land use and a designation that will include a higher intense development area adjacent to the La Palma/Tustin intersection. The methodology used in the Specific Plan was one of first assessing the existing conditions and infrastructure and land use and historic development data of th(s area beginning in 1990. It was determined that a number of conditional use permits and variances through the planning and development approval process reflected a land use pattern that included a number of commercial and industrial businesses, retail, and corporate uses spread throughout the 2400 acres under the current industrial designation of the General Plan. They studit:i how best other land uses could be incorporated into the industrial area and came up wfth two recommendations. Looking at implementation of a new plan based on a corridor's approach of redesignating the La Palma/ Kraemer/ Tustin/ Lakeview corridors as commercial. The corridors approach was reviewed by the City Council and Planning Commission and the present concept and new land uses based on the pattern of development (referring to the General Plan Amendment exhibit and the Development Area exhibit) reflect new land use designations of that specific plan. The plan elements include design guidelines for development of new industrial expansion of existing manufacturing, and corporate business park uses, improving the marketability of existing land uses based on a marketing study that was prepared by the consultant. The development net growth is approximately 8 million square feet which is a low end estimate of what could theoretically be built out based on the Specific Plan Amendment. It is substantially less Intense than the present zoning or General Pian dssignation. This is a self mitigating plan in which the City and the Redevelopment Agency and others will seek 05/01/95 Page 8 to provide the necessary infrastructure to allow the development at this level to occur and to accommodate the long term development goals of the Cfty. '~ Another objective was optimizing the City's revenues In tenns of property tax reassessment in the future, looking towards maximizing sales tax and reducing the need for consuming ern-ironmental review. They are trying to streamline the development process and encourage uses that are consistent with the land uses in the new Cade. T andreflects an approach for the city to make this arealthe focusrofltheoCfty of tAnahe mi s Avenue Development P `, Program. Phillip Schwartze, Planner, representing two different interests, referted to the property located at the comer of Shepherd and La Palma and added he is supportive of the fact that the Commission is finally getting this spec'rfic ` plan undenNay and they have been working with staff during the last couple of yea ~~ t~y do have somle moves along. He thought ff this plan is adopted, ft will be a great help to that area, questions about things that have occurred in the last few days, however. He stated that property is vacant and ft is shown adjacent to some commercial property and they are suggesting that this she should have the commercial designation added. This sfte is right in front of the Camelot Miniat~ure~gdo that area, ft would make ft to get development started on that property and ff commercial could be expa possible for them to develop that property. He added he could show where the commercial could be taken from so that ft will balance. Mr. Schwartze stated there is an existing property located close to Mira Loma at the northwest comer of Rict~fleld and la Palma which is shown with a commercial designation and actually that is an existing building ndlustria pand they wouldl like ~ have the building which is part of that triplextcontinue to be shoewn asx~~~ "expanded industrial". Mr. Schwartze stated the only other thing is that throughout the months there have been a number of revisions to the document and he wanted to clarify that the uses which were shown in some of the older versions of the and that included offices and otheri uses.. He a~umed albl those uses conltinue to falltunderpindustrial ses and that would also include corporate offices. He added he hoped the Commission would make those two changes and that this Specific Plan is approved. 1131 N. Blue Gum, Richard Winn, Director of Safety, Health and Environmental Affairs, Taormina Industries, stated they are very supportive of this program, in spfte of differences. They have a couple of parcels located in this area and they will be significantly impacted in what they can do to deverticularl ,~ Pa maand Blue Gumton building and landscape setbacks from the freeway and arterial highways; pa Y the south side. The elevation of the La Palma overcrossing and the decline east of Blue Gum creates some hardships on the development of that parcel. He thought they will be back before the Commission for a variance but the 50-foot seiinck really creates problems for using that property consistent wfth their operations. Concerning signage, Mr. Winn stated he really did not understand ft and will need further information. Marion Byrean, owner of property at 2727 Coronada, stated he was interested in the effect of the recycling overlay on the land in that area. David Challis, 4420 East La Palma, stated he understood that area is zoned RSA-43000 and ft will be rezoned to CL He stated he has had his business there for 24 years and he did not think this would affect that business and thought ft would be compatible with the zoning. He stated he has 8 years left In his condtional use permit and hopes to get a conditional use permit without a time 11mft. He explained his business (s a storage facility for 05/01/95 Page 9 boats, motor homes and trailers. There was a public works project there recently and the Redevelopment Agency helped with that construction. He stated he has been trying to get a conditional use permit without time ~~ limits, but it has not been possible even though he has made dedications and done everything requested. Pat Anthony, 3166 E. Orangethorpe, stated she owns a 4unit apartment complex at this address and asked how this will affect her property. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Michael Welch referred to the comments regarding the property on Shepherd (Camelot) and stated at one time one of their concepts showed the extension of commercial along the La Palma Corridor which was more reflective of commercial development along La Palma and the freeway edge considerably east of where R is now. There was a refinement to that concept which would limit commercial along the freeway; and the property on Shepherd north of the Camelot property was the dividing Tins and it seemed that the division of that land use should be Carpenter Street to the south. The Intent was to reflect the commercial land use designation adjacent to the freeway to the (ntersection of Kraemer and La Palma. The intent was to confine it to that portion of the freeway edge and not extend it further east. Chairwoman Boydstun asked 'rf they could request a conditional use permft on that property to expand their operation. Mr. Welch explained the land use at Richfield/La Palma was based on the prop lines, nott oiwnership~~Their intent to the intersection at Richfield, and the boundary would have followed property of the concept was that it made sense at the intersection to have commercial land uses and that boundary could certainly be moved to accommodate their property. Chairwoman Boydstun asked about the recreational vehicle facility on Coronado? ;5~ Mr. Welch responded he understands that property is just west of the Lakeview Intersection and that is not within then would not change the zoningtand the busUness could stay just as ft is WHe added theerest ofhet properryc pia all the way to Imperial is zoned industrial. Commissioner Henninger asked ff recreational vehicle storage is a permitted conditional use in the industrial zone in the proposed specific plan. Mr. Welch responded ft is and stated the specific plan is very flexible and existing uses will be acceptable. Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager, stated this property would be rezoned to the specffic plan zone and the use would be "grandfathered" and further explained the ML Zone will go away and be replaced with the specffic plan zone. Chairwoman Boydstun pointed out to Mr. Challis that this will not affect his property. She explained 3 new business would have to comply with the new zoning, but this business could remain. Mr. Welch referred to Mr. Winn's questions and explained that they did work closely with the property owner and that this is an entrance to the area. They have drafted an Owner's Participation Agreement for ultimate development of the entire site which is approximately 20 acres. Concerning Ms. Anthony's question, Mr. Welch stated all the property along Orangethorpe which is within the specffic plan area is all zoned industrial. 05/01/95 Page 10 Greg Hastings painted out that Ms. Anthony's property is in the redevelopment area, but ft is not in the specffk: _, plan area. `-' j Concerning the recycling overlay at the far west end of the protect, Mr. Welch stated that is an overlay zone that allows the existing recycling facilities to remain. Presently a conditional use permft Is required and that use permft continues to be amended and modified as the operation, requires. This plan accommodates the long term program under zoning up to a certain level of vehicle trips and would allow the expansion of the existing facility by approximately 5096 in terms of volume being processed on a dally basis. The recycling zone will allow existing manufacturers to obtain low Interest loans through the State of Calffomia and the City's Economic e istin p recyclPinggbusir+.esses.i The zonteliallows expansion ofhexlsting recycing facilfties a~the Wesi end. mer>ts to 9 Chairwoman Boydstun reopened the public hearing in order to allow another property owner to speak. George Adams, Orange County Steel, reforred to a letter written on his behalf by Phil Anthony, and explained the proposed specffic plan talks about 'recycling facilfties", but does not talk about "processing centers' which would exclude the uses on their side of the freeway. He stated they were hoping that language could be added to inc1ud'e "processing facilfties" rather than just "collection facilfties". Mr. Welch stated the specific plan land use designation for cammerciai uses was at the direction of the City Counci! to accommodate long term commercial and freeway-oriented retail sales along that edge of the project of wa and that wa t ooked at as a long terimiland useewhich wasepreferred bylthe City CouncilthHe aldded heht Y would refer Mr. Adam's question to Iegai counsel. Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, said a letter was received from Mr. Adams with regard to the stipulations of the judgement that was entered into between Adams and the City of Anatieim. She stated actually for Development Area 5 there is a provision among the permitted temporary uses and structures which specfficaliy has incorporated the zoning they need to continue their use. There is nothing in the judgement itself or in the stipulation which gives the Adams' business any sort of vested right to continue in the existing business. That is going to be an independent decision of the Planning Commission and Cfty Council wfth regard to the zoning. It does say that provided all of the clean up obligations are performed, Mr. Adams, just Irkec~uresheThe provi ion owner, will be able to a fply for a new condftional use permit in accordance wfth city p the iopdeis found undepthetDevelopment AreaSprovisons so that the proviisions of the stipulations can be can up P complied with. Mr. Adams stated their only concern was that by not having ft covered in the General Plan, at the end of the period of time which is not very many years away, ft would be impossible for them to be able to continue the use. Also, ft would prohibit the use of the neighbor's property and he thought they are making plans for building new buildings now. Specifically, the order allows that they can reapply but ft would be very difficult to reapply ff it is prohibited by the General Plan. Chairwoman Boydstun asked ff that use would be prohibted by the General Plan. Greg Hastings explained the DBW facility is currently trying to get a condftional use permit under the existing zoning; however, under the proposed zoning for Development Area 5, they would not have the ability to apply far a conditional use permit under a large collection facility. The General Plan would be changed to commercial and the Development Area 5 provisions would preclude that use from being as ft is now unless there was a change to that in the zone. 05/01/95 Page 11 difficult and ft inst it when it comes r Adams stated he thought to change the General Plan back at a later date would ve CouncA from voting ro It would be M dficult to ever get R app and ~ felt that seems by allowing the use to be included doe ~ ~ uld be very C ve the right to reapply but his firm and up, but ff it is not covered in the General Plan, s they ha zoned right out of existence. The Court Order specifically say n s ifically e covered in the General Plan. He stated he understands about the collection facil , ccording to the definition of the collecti~sfa Ve ~endpoeucs amount should b tar e e ui ment and a the DBW firm are using 9 q P are using shredders and their neighbo says no powered equipment. He noted they . and handled now. of equipment. He thought ft should be looked .. ~ frontage and loner Henninger stated when this firs t a 8 a'or the C4ity. a~e~ ~entffied was the freeway Commisa imizing tha asked how the Plan addresses max from just east of Tuu ~~e av~~opmie~o~~ndards the freeway frontage along the 91 freeway the 57 freeway will be enhanced by Mr. Welch responded used as >t is now, unless there freeway edge to the 57 freeway and north along reclude that area from being whacchainge touthat in~ he zoneascaped setback top frontage represents in is Commissioner Henninger stated his question revolved around the asset which the fteewa if the plan does anything to maximize that asset in terms of bringing good businesses into gtaheim d asked to the area between Tustin Avenue e'Ida~a~mer and all tha south side ofNh A re rt f'those il' in terms of employment. At ona time there Mr. Welch referred ees there no pa particular. He referred to the downsizing of the Rockw have worked with the City of Anaheim to retain were 25,000 employees there b d Ro kwell Inte~ national and they 3000 employ parcels were declared surplus Y s Electronics and relocate large businesses within the regi with a large retailer in the region and pointed out Fry' He stated the City staff has been negotiating le of what the Redevelopment Agency and is a potential sales tax generator. He fomotehalong the freeway ~" Economic Development staff seek to p a ro erty to the west, he stated that ow n on that property along a freeway iedgento Regarding the Taromin p P to 0 m improving that property and over time will invest up ~ a Corridor there are other properties which show seghaps lea in9 the area. He referredrto last Along the l.a palm retained and others being recruited from p , nt of TRW in Riverside who sought to relocate to Texas and then announced last wee e existing businesses being or within this project area. Part of that a well as the week s announceme ment plan proposed, had decided to relocate to Anaheim on the La Palma Corn believed, was based on the w ~liserve this areaent of the city and the develop a 17 of commuter rail program that rofessional nfflce parking principal Transportation Planner, stake shot Id be reta nedhand on the P e offioe usesw ich are Alfred Y41da, that the existing C which is at the staff report recommending be changed to 3 spaces per 11a0tform inrDevelopment Area 4, requirements the parking required may ro osed commuter bay P La Palma Avenue. They recommend that the 5.5 per 1000 square feet of retail park ng within 1000 feet of walking distance of the p p the corner of Tustin and with public Works is appropriate. ment staff worked closely Devolop Division and long term capital improvements for th ovement h st rm e Mr. Welch stated Redevelopment Agency and Community traffic and intersection imp Engineering and the Traffic Engineering invested $45 million dollars into public improvements, including ins sewers and other public utilities and required infrastructure since the late 1970's. 5 dra 65/01/9 Page 12 As part of the implementation of this plan, the City and the Agency and other people that will be irnoNed in providing those r.Rcessary improvements to make this plan happen will need to significantly contribute to the improvement of trafti~ and transportation-related improvements. ~/ Mr. Welch pointed out the transit core area that Includes the PacifiCenter is really the focus and the most intense development area over time that would allow mixed use projects by right and would be rezoned to commercial office. The plan is based, to a great deal, on the ability to use the commuter rail program that is approved to provide ridership ftom employees that are presently located in the inland empire (Riverside/San Bernardino/Corona) and those areas into Orange County. The Redevelopment Agency has worked with the regional transportation system and they have approved in their pecuirementl inghati cen~ral area shou debe adopted and they would support the TrafficaEngineering new parking q recommendations in the other areas. (:onceming the commuter rail and transit improvements, Commissioner Mayer suggested language be added (Page 49 of the Specific Plan, .3.0) abort networking through the federal, state, regional and county programs that offer funding sources and guidelines for improvement and enhancement to landscaping and aesthetics at these gateway centers and specifically the commuter/metrorail station. There is an opportunity to enhance that through some other funding sources. The OCTA Aesthetics Guideline Master Plan is addressing that and approaching finalization, and it would be nice to have some language so that those two can be put together. She added San Diego has three under construction right now and they can make ft quite interesting and aood longortunity to~gef some additional funding n She t ought rightVnow, jusmatp atfio m issproposed.s like a 9 pP Selma Mann stated in connection with Mr. Adams' earlier comments, that he has been in full compliance with the stipulations to the best of her knowledge and has been removing the shredder waste from the property. ~. Bruce Freeman, Code Enforcement Supervisor, responded to Chairwoman Boydstun that they are removing the waste and providing the City with bills of lading on a weeMy basis. Commissioner Henninger stated in the past Camelot was a problem and asked ff that has been resolved. arise oc asionally during thelsummer, butrhe hasrnot hea deof any major concerns avid no complaints haven been received for some time. reoort and statement ofeo~er ideng onsideratonsmCommissioneBMayerCseconlded thetMotion and the motion t P carried. Selma Mann clarified that the motion included the findings indicated on page 30 and Section 5 of the staff report. Commissioner Henninger stated with regard to the GPA, he thought it makes sense that the designation for the area at La Palma and Richfield does not cut anybody's property in half. There is a existing development there desi tnation.uiHenasked thatparchange be mlade tosthe boundaryito inc ude c~~at whole propertys are another 9 Greg Hastings clarified that the Commission wants that to be within Development Area 2 which is the industrial base rather than Development Area 5 which is commercial. Commissioner Henninger responded that is correct. 05/0 /95 ~ Page 13 Commissioner Henninger stated regarding the area adjacent to Camelot, there are commercial facilities and there are recreational facilities which are similar to the commercial uses and it makes sense to extend that commercial designation one lot further to the east. was ncluded i nAreall which~ls theeindusMal area, and c atrified he is talking about thew de st p from they hotel. Commissioner Henninger stated he did not think the answer to his glare nioto the Taromtina facility as a fac Iity properly util?zing the fteeway ftontage was really very responsive, po 9 that appropriately uses freeway frontage. He though that could be recreational, but unfortunately, they have made a big investment there and it needs to stay. With regard to the area to the south, he thought in past workshops commercial uses along the freeway frontage had been discussed which would take advantage of all the people driving by on the freeway to be drawn to a commercial site. Commissioner Bostwick stated looking at the existing land uses and at the property owned by the State, which is a landfill, which he did not believe would be developed Into a commercial use without a great amount of economic investment, it seems reasonable to leave the existing zoning in that area fnr the present time. He c earto ttre otheriend further east todwheretFry's is located should probably be commaer IC from where ft is now, Mr. Welch stated they did discuss the land uses on the south side of the 91 Freeway that is shown as commercial wfth the City Council and it was strongly urged that that be long term retail sales and commercial oriented designation to Increase revenue to the City along that edge and that could be recreational vehicle, automotive related sales, etc. rather than industrial. Commissioner Henninger pointed out there are recreational facilities on the north side up to and including the bowling alley. ~ Mr. Welch stated there are those who believe the existing bowling alley is an interim land use and that long term development should be industrial. Commissioner Henninger noted there was a recent decision to locate Fry's in that area. 000 sq. ft. for retail and Mr. Welch stated the way the Code is proposed, there is a minimum requirement of 50, Fry's is a greater than 50,000 sq. ft. retail center. The edge at the other end was extended and did reflect a commercial land use. That was discussed at the work sessions and was scaled back based on direction to confine that commercial land use to the existing boundary. Ha added one could say that with the bowling alley and wfth Fry's and other uses, in effect, the edge is becoming more commercial as opposed to less commercial. He stated they are following the direction they were given. he accessn oints forget numbers of people into heesite~and expl nedthey would be codminga off la P Ima. P Mr. Welch stated the development plan has direct access off La Palma and also secondary access from the street located to the east of DBW. Commissioner Mayer asked if access would be proposed off Frontera ff commercial uses were intensffied on the south side. 05/01/95 Page 14 Mr. Welch stated they have reviewed potential development for the south edge of the 91 Freeway and understands that access and circulation for traffic and fire would require substantial dedication for some type of loop frontage road that would serve that property from both Frontera and most likely looping back toward the freeway or'e tedtretafl and comlmerlcial uses, including retailtrecreational vehtcl~es, boatsr an expa slon of ue automotive uses, etc. Chairwoman Boydstun agreed that the access there is very limited. Commissioner Bostwick added the prospects for getting a road through the county around to Tustin Avenue is probably nil. It is more practical for that land to be industrial. He thoubgu tthe trend has gonle that way.orCamelot and that he is not sold on commercial on the south side of La Palma, is going to want to expand and it might make sense to make that all commercial along there. Mr. Welch stated a land use could be supported as a condftional use with a time limit on that designation and proposed that the industrial land u; ~ `:.~ allowed by condftional use permit and that a time Iimft of 3 years be permitted like other CUPs with limits for review. He th~;rght that type of use could be allowed In that manner. ke to see that la d fusels as proposeed as reflecing loing term pohlcy and that may beoa way torallo~ They would consideration of this use. how dee Commissioner Henninger stated if they are talking about commercial on the north side of the freeway, p would it be and added he did not see it going all the way up to La Palma between the freeway and La Palma. He added people do find their way to the bowling alley and that is not easy. Mr. Welch stated most of the lots extending from La Palma to the freeway are deep lots and most of the industrial parcels had their buildings located near La Palma and parking to the south along the freeway. Most of that property in the past has been devoted to parking lot. One exception to that would be the bowling alley that incorporated the purchase of a smaller parking lot site. Commissioner Henninger asked how much of that parking lot is surplus and could be converted into some other in the o as9 and ft is co 9 eivableithat some of the buildingsr out theregoday m ght be removed, m Orange County P but the far er buildings such as Mr. Welch agreed that some of the smaller buildings could go that way, 9 Rockwell would stay. He referred to two properties at Mira Loma and Kraemer which are on the market for Vale by Rockwell and those are two-story buildings. Rockwell is aggressively seeking users of that property. 'They are seeing the industrial market respond very well during the past six months more towards the larger users in those larger buildings. An unidentified person pointed out to the Commission that Exhibits 19 and 20 of the Specific Plan do put the type of development mentioned as potential reconfiguration of the deep lots. Commissioner Henninger stated he thought this should be continued so staff can consider the Commission's comments and maybe have another hearing regarding this matter. He stated the south side does not have the demand for circulation like ii does on the north side. Mr. Welch stated they would be glad to continue this matter and work with staff and the Planning Commission to look at solutions for the freeway edge and fo- the area. 05/01/95 Page 15 the P ainninneCommissgons pse ous action relating to the E R The motionacaerried with ifive yes vo es.wfthdraw 9 `'~ The public hearing was reopened. ACTION: Continued subject request to the May 15, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. VQTE: 5-0 (Commissioner Messe declared a conflict of interest and Commissioner Caldwell was absent) Chairwoman 3oydstun asked that the Commission's suggestions for the south side be considered. r +~: 05/Ot/~ Page 76 `... 4s, CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 4b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3756 OWNER: CALIFORNIA STATE TEACHERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, 7667 Folsom Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95826; FRANKLJN D. COLE, 1111 Towne And Country Road, Ste. 39, Orange, CA 92662 AGENT: MARK WHRFIELD c/o Donohue Schriber, 3501 Jamboree Road, Ste. 300, Newport Beach, CA 92660; ERNIE WEBER c/o Donohue Schriber, 3501 Jamboree Road, Ste. 300, Newport Beach, CA 92660 LOCATION: ~QO North Eucli~+ cf.ppt Anaheim Plaza t n Shogaina Centerl. Property is approximately 9.02 acres located at the northeast comer of Crescent Avenue and Euc11d Street. To permft a 110-foot high cellular communications tower with a maximum of sixteen (16) microwave dish antennae varying i~ size ftom 2-feet to 10- feet in diameter, including an accessory equipment room CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. Continued to May 15, 1995 SR5709KD.WP Chairwoman Boydstun stated this matter will be continued; however, ff anyone wants to give input today, they can do that or wait until the matter is heard later. Grace Howard, Western National Property Management, stated they manage the Monte Verde apartments which are to the east of this property and this is the first she has heard about this. She stated she would like to have an artist's rendering of what would be there and what she would see from their 150-unit apartment complex. She asked what kind of impact it will have on her property. Chairwoman Boydstun stated ft is Commission's understanding that they are looking at some other sites. Jonathan Borrego stated the applicant has asked for a two week continuance. He added staff has some renderings in the file. Commissioner Bostwick offered his copy of the rendering given to the Commissioners for Ms. Howard to show her owner. Commiss~o f antennas on top,ts mar totheaCalifomia iFederal Bank Build ~gside and it is 110 feet tall and it will have a to 0 OPPOSITION: 1 perso~spoke It was noted one view on the rendering Is from the shopping center and one is from Westmont. 05/01/95 Page 17 Greg Hastings suggested that Ms. Howard contact Karen Dudley in the Zoning Division since she is the planner working on this project. `-~~ Commissioner Henninger asked ff this includes antennas mounted on roofs of buildings. Greg Hastings stated staff would like to explore that issue. They have had meetings with some of the carriers and they may wish to place these on buildings effher on the top or on the skies and there is new techndogy and staff would like to see these come in as a master program to see ff they are on tops or sides of buidings or freestanding. Commissioner Henninger asked ff the recommendation should include roof and wail mounted antennas. Mr. Hastings responded that should be included and worded to include any type of wireless communications, towers, or monopole facilities. He stated the master plan could be controlled by a condtionai use permit as well. ACTION: the appli~canttoesearch for aoltemative re5ocat~io5n sites~ng Commission meeting in order for M TI N: Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Messe and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Caldwell absent) that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby direct the City Attorney's Office to prepare a draft ordinance for immediate and direct submittal to the City Council for their consideration and adoption requiring a conditional use permit for cellular or wireless communications, towers or monopole facilities in all commercial and industrial zone and, further, that subject ordinance include an exemption for the existing cellular facilties being considered for relocation in conjunction with Conditional Use Permit No. 3756. ~ VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Caldwell absent) 05/01/95 Page 18 5a ~E(iA NEGATNE DECLARATION (Previously Approved) 5b. rONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3670 (Readvertised) OWNER: 10100SPioneerCBivdN~C 106SSaM..aCFe SpringsO, CA 109 650 AGENT: TAYLOR CAITLIN PROPERTIES, P.O. Box 3568, Huntington Beach, CA 92605-3568 Continued to bAPy 31, 199'5 LOCATION: 14 N Beach Boulevard (tormeriv The Electric Circus). Property is approximately 0.67 acres located on the east side of Beach Boulevard and approximately 1,050 feet north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue. Petitioner requests modification or deletion of conditions of approval pertaining to the Ilmitation of time, unffomted security, bar or lounge area, and code enforcement inspections to permit the on-premise sales and consumption of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with an existing ~staurant/billiard center with musical (live entertainment). CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Continued subject request to the May 31, 1995 Planning Commission meeting, as requested by the applicant. VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Caldwell absent) 05/01/95 Page 19 ~~ 6a, EOA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 11 6b. VARIANCE N0.4270 OWNER: ORE HOLDING COMPANY, 865 S. Figueroa Street, #3500, Los Angeles, CA 90017 AGENT: TRANSTAR COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE, 2115 W. Crescent Ave., #201, Anaheim, CA 92801; OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS, Attn: Jana Roberts, 1818 E. Orangethorpe, Fullerton, CA 92631 LOCATION: 2101 2121 West Cresce Avenue and 700-720 ~~°~~°V Street ITri Freeway Commerce Parkl. Subject property consists of two (2) irregularly-shaped parcels of land: Parcel 1 consists of approximately 3.4 acres located at the northeast comer of Crescent Avenue and Valley Street, having approximate frontages of 490 feet on the north side of Crescent Avenue and 240 feet on the east side of Valley Street. Parcel 2 consists of approximately 9.2 acres located north of the Orange County Flood Control Channel having a frontage of approximately 840 feet on the east side of Valley Street, having a maximum depth of approximately 890 feet acid being located approximately 360 feet north of the centerline of Crescent Avenue. To construct two freestanding monument signs with waiver of permitted number of freestanding signs. VARIANCE RESOLUTION NO. PC95-45 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. No action Granted Jana Roberts, Outdoor Dimensions, 1818 E. Orangethorpe, Fullerton, stated these two signs are existing on the property he foundaout that~hey wereano~t lab o to have the two signsasi cethe ordinan ehhas been c~hangfed.the permits, Basically, they would like to be able to continue to have the two signs. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Granted Variance No. 4270 with the findings shown on Page 4 of the staff report and with the following added finding: That special circumstances apply to the subject property due to its large size and the proximity of the Orange County Flood Control Channel which intersects the property and creates a natural separation of the two halves of the business park. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Caldwell absent) Selma Mann, Deputy Ciry Attorney, presented the 22 day appeal rights. 05/01/95 Page 20 rFne NEGATIVE DECLARATION Continued to 7a. May 31, 1995 ~~ 7b. CONDITIONA' "SE PERMIT N0.375fd OWNER: MO0 YEOL RAH and HWA JA RAH, 2207 W. Woodley Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92801 LOCATION: 2211 and 2207 West Woolley Avenue and 323 North Brookhurst Street. Property is approximately 0.60 acres located at the northwest comer of Woolley Avenue and Brookhurst Street. To permit an expansion of an existing child day care facility (in conjunction with asingle-family home). CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTfON. OPPOSITION: None PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Moo Rah, owner, explained this request is to use the em•,',ty building at 323 Norts eroonikhhas about 25 aThe emilpty building has been ato urce of graffiti and vandalism and is an eyesoireren, but Y She stated two thirds of the children attend school, and that parking is not a problem. She has a van and picks ~~. up some of the children at school and brings them to the facility. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Chairwoman Boydstun stated all the concrete in front bothered her and thought five parallel parking spaces could be provided there, plus a driveway and 12 feet would be left that could be bermed and planted with grass. She thought that would make it more eye appealing for that neighborhood. Ms. Rah stated she would comply with whatever the City requires. She explained she has a contractor to do the work the way the City had indicated. She responded to Commissioner Henninger that she did not think ali the parking spaces required are needed. Alfred Yalda, Principal Traffic Engineer, showed Ms. Rah a sketch of what Chairwoman Boydstun was talking about. Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, stated when the petitioner spoke with Planning staff last week, she indicated that she had contracted with someone to remove the landscaping at 2207 Woolley and staff had told her not to have the work done until after this action was taken by the Planning Commission. Staff had felt since the property is still used as a residence, the landscaping should remain. If she ever vacates the property, ft probably would be used as a residence again. Commissioner Messe asked how many parking spaces could be provided if the landscaping Isn't removed. Jonathan Borrego stated there were five spaces available on the property on Brookhurst; there were two garage spaces and the two spaces behind the garage at 2207 Woolley which they use now, and then there would be 05/01/95 Page 21 three spaces in front of 2211 Woodley, so there would be 10 ~,~aces and all the landscaping could be retained on 2207 Woodley, and there is no landscaping at 2211 at the present time. He stated the amount of concrete would ~~ remain the same but the parking would be restriped. He stated staff would recommend a continuance of four weetts so this matter can be readvertised for parking and landscaping waivers. Commissioner Messe suggested the applicant consider the suggestion proposed wtth landscape berm to hide some of the parking. ACTION: Continued subject request to the May 31, 1995. Planning Commission meeting for redesign and possible readvertisement of the project. VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Caldwell absent) .~ 05/01/95 Page 22 Approved 8a. ~EOA NEGATIyE DECLARATION Granted 8b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3753 OWNER: JAMES BOSTICK and ROSEMARY BOSTICK, 15856 Garden Bar Drive, Grass Valley, CA 95949 AGENT: JAMES H. ELROD, 373 EI Encanto Dfire, Pasadena, CA 91107 LOCATION: 2670E La Cre~+~ Avenue. Property is approximately 1.88 acres located on the south skle of La Cresta Avenue and approximately 785 feet east of the centerline of Blue Gum Street. To permit a truck maintenance facility with outdoor storage of vehiclas, fueling islands, vehicle washing facility, vehicle repair, and office uses. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC95- 6 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None Jim Elrod, Architect, stated he had read the staff report and conditions and that the owner is willing to comply with the conditions as proposed. +~ THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Henninger referred to the staff's recommendation for a berm and block wall Instead of what is shown currently on the plans and asked ff that is acceptable to the owner. Mr. Elrod responded it is not acceptable exactly as it is written. He explained he has in mind to provide a berm wfthin that 10-foot area and put a low hedge along the top of the berm. The purpose for the wrought iron fencing is to provide securely. The owner has a lot of expensive equipment. They would like to work with staff and come up with a Idea for the wrought iron fence which is very expensive and then put the berm in the middle of the 10- foovide a 3 ootlberm and maybe a 2 ort3tfoot high hedge with the w~oughtdiron fence behind the lberm and~he pro fencing would be 6-foot high. He stated the eye level w111 be at about 5 feet from the top of the sidewalk. They are in the middle of getting their grading plan right now and they will be berming the entire site on the front. Jonathan Borrego stated Code required any storage area to be completely screened from public view~and hned make sure thatseverythinglthaelt is sdtored onathe site is f ly screened fromfpubUc view a with the app Commissioner Henninger stated a condition cout Qbe~abd P anai g sotraff to fully sc eenthe sto ge fromff public applicant will have a landscape/fencing plan app Y view. u5/o1 /s5 Page 23 Mr. Elrod stated they have another request following this which is two lots to the east and they will fdiow the same theme as the result of this hearing on that property. They would like to keep some continufty since ft is ~,} owned by tra same owner. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Granted Conditional Use Permft No. 3753 wfth the following added condftion: That prior to iss~nce of a building permft, the applicant shall submft a landscape/fencing plan to the Zoning D(vision for review and approval by staff. Said plan shall demonstrate the complete screening of the equipment storage area from public view. VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Caldwell absent) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. L 05/01/95 Page 24 ( ~~ 9a. r'EtIA NEGATNE DECLARATION ~-.• 9b. WAIVER OF CODE REGIUIREMENT (DELETED) go, ^^o•',^o'ITI^"~AL USE PERMIT N0.3752 Q;JIfNIER: CATELLUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, 1065 N. ParfBCenter Drive, #200, Anaheim, CA 92806 AGENT: CALM=ORNIA DANCE ACADEMY, Attn: Danielle Long, 1265 N. Manassero Street, #307, Anaheim, CA 92807 LOCATION: 12x5 N Manassero Street Ste 307 and 308. Property is approximately 8.1 acres located at the northwest comer of La Palma Avenue and Manassero Street. To retain a physical fitness center (dance studio/school) with waiver of minimum number of parking. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC95-47 FOLLI'1WING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None Approved No action Granted, in part PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Danielle Long, owner, stated she has had a business in the industrial area of ;_.. Anaheim since 1990, and is applying to move 0.3 of a mile west of the original location. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Messe asked if the hours of operation shown in the staff report are acceptable and Ms. Long responded they are. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Took no action on Waiver of Code Requirement because waiver was deleted Granted, in part, Conditional Use Permit No. 3752 VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Caldwell absent) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. 05/01/95 Page 25 Approved 10a. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved ~~ 10b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Granted for 3 years 10c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3754 ('ro expire 5-1-98) OWNER: DOW'S ACREAGE, C/O KEWSKI PROPERTY, P.O. Box 6295, Garden Grove, CA 92645 LOCATION: 128-136 South Brookhurst Street. Property is approximately 6.99 acres located south and east of the southeast comer of Lincoln Avenue and Brookhurst Street. To permit a 6,500-square foot church within an existing shopping center with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RES~~LUTION N0. P 4 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Pastor Ray Valverde, Pastor of Victory Baptist Church, stated the building will be ul o the wi I have an office there.aThe chuc h is currently mreetng athashotel and it s getting t roncrowdedek and as y because their congregation has grown. '~ THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Chairwoman Boydstun asked ho~v many members they have and he responded there are about 130, including the children. Pastor Valverde clarified the hours would be 9 to 5, Tuesday through Friday, for the office and that the night meetings would start at 7:30 p.m. and go to about 9:00 p.m. on Friday nights, and on Sunday mornings from 10:30a.m. to about 12:30 p.m. Commi~~`~ner Messe asked if he had read the staff report and conditions and Pastor Valverde responded he had. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Approved Waiver of Coda Requirement Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 3754 for 3 years. Modified Condition No. 1 to read: That church services and congregational meetings shall be held no earlier than 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Caldwell absent) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. 05/01/95 Page 26 The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m., to the regularly scheduled morning sflssfon of Msy 15, 1995 at ~} 11:00 a.ni. Respectfully submitted, ~~?~ ~l. Edith L Harris Planning Cpmmissi~n Support Supervisor '~ 05/01/95 Pase 27