Minutes-PC 1995/07/24~pa.~ -~i ~" -~ ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION July 24, 1995 11:00 A.M. - PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW 1:30 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARINGS BcGIN (PUBLIC TESTIMONY) COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: BOSTWIGK, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: ONE VACANT SEAT YER STAFF PRESENT: Selma Mann, Jonathan Borrego, Maggie Solorio, Danielle Masciel, Melanie Adams, Greg Hastings,Bruce Freeman PROCEDURE TO EXPEDITE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. The proponents in applications which are not contested will have five minutes to present their such additional timeiwiU produce evidence pmportant to the Commission'sfconsideration ion, 2. In contested applicattions, the proponents and opponent will each be given ten minutes to present their case unless additional time is requested and the complex'~~ of the matter warrants. ~- The Commission's considerations are not determined by the length of time a participant speaks, but rather by what is said. 3. Staff Reports are part of the evidence deemed received by the Commission in each hearing. Copies are available to the public prior to the meeting. 4. The Commission will withhold questions until the public hearing is closed. 5. The Commission reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing if, in its opinion, the ends of fairness to all concerned will be served. g. All documents presented to the Planning Commission for review in connection with any hearing, shalldbe9 stained by the Commissionf orbthe publicereco d and shall be avaitab a forpubiicdence, inspections. 7. At the end of the scheduled hearings, members of the public will be allowed to speak on items ~f interest which are within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, and/or agenda items. Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of five (5) minutes to speak. AC072495.WP 1 ~~ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 1234 -REQUEST FOR Determined that the SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE DETERMINATION TO proposed use is nit pFo~; IT A TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTER (INCLUDING in substantial ~TOMOTIVE ncPAIR IN TRUCTI I`S : Calffornia Career conformance, Schools, Attn: Chuck Emanuelle, 3y~ 'vi. Cerritos Avenue, Bldg. (without prejudice) 7, Anaheim, CA 92805 requests substantial conformance determination to permit a technical training center .(including automotNe repair instruction). Property is located at 1100 S. Claudina Place. Chuck Emanuelle explained they are currently located at 332 W. Cerritos and have a conditional use permit, approved en February 6, 1994. They are adjacent to a mobilehome park and the wall which separates the properties is only 5 feet tall and the homes are about 10 to 15 feet away from that wall. Any actNiry is easily seen or heard by the mobilehome park residents. He stated they have been looking for another facility and wanted to stay in Anaheim. They think they have found a building which they feel meets their requirements at 1100 S. Claudina. He explained the dividing wail is 7 feet high and it is 30 feet long and the garage is 20 feet long. He stated they are proposing to do automotive repair training at that location and most of the activity will be conducted Inside the building. There would be an occasional need for automobiles to be outside but they would be to the north an additional 80 feet. Any actNity would be at least 160 feet away from the apartments to the north. He stated the original CUP noted the ML Zone allows industrial training centers as a matter of right and they are asking for compliance based on the original conditional use permit. Acting Chairman Messe stated automotive uses require a conditional use permit and the original CUP does not mention automotive uses. He thought there would have to be a separate public hearing in which a conditional use permft is considered for this use to see how close the training would be to the apartments to the north and how they are going to treat the garage door. Mr. Emanuelle stated they understand the situation but part of the problem is that it is very difficult to find property which meets their requirements and this property does. He explained the landlord wants a tenant who can move in there fairly qu(ckly. He stated they are requesting to be able to acquire a business license so they can move in and then they would be willing to go through the CUP process after that and ff there are any restrictions imposed, they would comply. He explained ff thsy wait, they would not be able to move in until December, and the landlord has said he has other tenants interested and he would probably lease it to them. Acting Chairman Messe stated he did not think the Commission has any jurisdiction over issuance of business licenses. He asked ff they have applied for a business license. Mr. Emanuelle responded they are asking for the ability to apply for a license now prior to the granting of a conditional use permit. 7-24-95 Page 2 , °~.. Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, stated ft is her understanding that the Business License Division would be looking to ensure that whatever application for a business license comes before them is in conformance with zoning. If the decision is that ft is necessary to have this readvertised in order to change ft so ft is in conformance wfth the Zon(ng, there would be no way to grant a license until that is done. in time fo Bhe next me ling but ft cou d be re-advertised forthe mieetingtof August 21 Id be readvertised Mr. Emanuelle stated he has been talking wfth Jonathan in Planning and this was the first opportunity to bring this out. Commissioner Messe stated he did not see any way to vote on this today without a public hearing. Mr. Emanuelle stated they will not make any changes to the building. Commissioner Henninger offered a motion finding that the proposed use is not in substantial conformance. Acting Chairman Messe added this action would be taken without prejudice. Commissioner Henninger added wfthout a commitment, he felt this seems like a good location for this use and the CUP needs to be amended to allow ft and some conditions added. g, ONDITI NAL E PERMIT N0. 768 -REVIEW OF REVISED A ans wi h addtional LANDSCAPE PLAN AND PROPOSED FREESTANDING P _ FREEWAY-ORIENTED SIGN PLAN: Gary M. Graumann, Post changes Office Box 7458, Menlo Park, CA 94026 requests review of revised landscape plans and proposed freestanding freeway- oriented sign plan in conjunction wfth Conditional Use Permit No. 3768 (to permft industrially-re{ated sales in conjunction with a proposed 144,000 square foot electronics sales facility). ?roperty is located at 3370 East La Palma Avenue. Gar, Graurnann, agent, stated they are here to discuss both the freeway-oriented sign aiant there have landscaping plan for the project at 3320 E. La Palma. With respect to the landscaping p besn substantial changes to the plan. In reviewing the ?tanning Commission comments and the Redevelopment comments, and working wfth the Code as to the number of trees required, which is something they are willing to do, and to maximize the greenbelt effect from the freeway, the plans submitted have three different breaks in the parking lot. He explained they considered the particular needs of this tenant and for security they want to maintain the additional lights in the parking lot to make ft safe and inviting for all the customers. 7-24-95 Page 3 ,, ;_9-., Concerning the freeway-oriented signs, he stated in working with the Redevelopment Agency, they have been able to work out a substant~l compromise as to what the applicant wanted, and they are ~,~ proposing a352-sq. ft. sign 40 feet a~ve the first grade level of the freeway closest to the property. Commissioner Henninger asked where the sign sits in relationship to the drive aisles. He thought it appeared there was Just a spot shown where the old pole sign would go and now the new sign has two poies. Mr. Graumann stated they will have to redesign where they want the sign located. He explained the sign is approximately 22 feet high and has two poles on the outer portion of the sign. He added they want to have safe and very easy circulation in the parking lot for the customers. Commissioner Messe asked ff they are talking about relocating that sign. Mr. Graumann stated they want to keep it in the same general location and ft may be a relocation of the parking lot and fney will have to look at it from the standpoint of not losing any parking spaces. Commissioner Henninger suggested movi~~g it back and putting one of the poles in the end of the drive aisle and one pole between two parking spaces. Mr. Graumann stated the poles would have to have ballards for protection. Commissioner Sostw(ck stated he thought there was a question about trees on the end closest to the freeway rather than trying to plant four trees in each of the end aisles or the middle aisles where they have four trees grouped together. He stated taking some of those out of there and putting one larger tree in each of the far ends to give some type of landscaping toward the freeway would be appropriate. Mr. Graumann stated they discussed that with the Redevelopment Agency and thought with the freeway being 6 to 8 feet higher, ff they plant trees closer to the freeway, the site view is limited as the trees get larger. He stated the front door is being changed to the south side and in the future they want people to see the front and they want to maintain the greenbelt effect looking through the screening. He referred to Caltrans requirements regarding the height of the landscaping in that area. He added they want people's eye to go to the greenbelt and then to the building and see that that is the front of the building. fie stated the four trees shown are all 15-gallon trees per Code and over time, he did not think a person would see a massive amount of trees there and have an unsightly view. He thought it would create more greenbelt. Commissioner Henninger asked ff the trees in the parking lot will have a 4x4 planter around them and if they will be fully irrigated. Mr. Graumann responded that is correct, and added currently there are 16 trees along La Palma and they propose to maintain the landscaping along La Palma. He added his only concern is the vehicular and pedestrian traffic since there is an interchange there and a bus kiosk. Commissioner Henninger asked 'rf the objection to planting trees next to the freeway is that they would eventually grow and block the view of the building. He asked about putting in landscaping planters with shrubs that would grow to six feet. Mr. Graumann responded the objection he would have would be installation of irrigation and disrupting the existing parking lot which has had 30 years o.:~~mpaction. 7-24-95 Page 4 '4-., Commissioner Henninger pointed out they would be trenching out there for installation of electrical ~~ utilities. Mr. Graumann stated they would be trenching for electricity but the ditch would not have to be as wide and there would be seepage of water, etc. Commissioner Henninger stated this landscaping plan is considerably better than the first proposal. He added he did not quite understand the comments about the trenching and thought the irrigation could fit in the same trench as the electrical utilities. Commissioner Meese asked how many Tight standards are proposed and Mr. Graumann stated some of the rows will have three standards and some will have two. was noted by Commissioners Messes& Peraza that therehwould be a trench~forg hatisign,i'as wiellt~ It Commissioner Bostwick noted ft would require a deeper ditch, but it would not have to be any wider. Mr. Graumann stated because the trench is going to that pole, maybe he could put some hedges, flowering ground cover, etc. in that location, versus going all the way down each one of those rows. Commissioner Henninger asked about four planters there rather than just the one for the sign, pointing out he is talking about adding four planters at the end of one of those parking bays, noting there are seven sows and he is suggesting planters at the ends of four aisles. Mr. Graumann responded they will consider that alternative. MOTION: Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Peraza and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioners Boydstun and Mayer absent and one vacant seat), that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby approve the revised landscaping and sign plans wfth the following changes: 1. That four (4) of the seven proposed parking aisle end bays closest to the freeway shall be landscaped with shrubbery. Said landscaping shall be fully irrigated. 2. That the proposed freeway-oriented sign shall be relocated, or the adjacent drive aisle reconfigured, in order to allow unobstructer' +ehicular circulation around the base of said sign. C. CONDITIONAL USE PEIRMIT NO. 103 - REQUEST FOR and/or modificatt~on INITIATION OF REVOCATION OR MODIFICATION roceedin s PROCEEDINGS: Initiated by the City of Anaheim, Code P g Enforcement Division, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805 request for initiation of revocation or modffication proceedin~~s for Conditional Use Permit No. 103 (to permit an 18- unit motel). Property is located at 500 S. Beach Boulevard. Bruce Freeman, Code Enforcement DNision, explained the Calico Motel is being brought before the Commission for possible modification and/or termination of their CUP. He explained this is based on 7-24-95 Page 5 ~, extensive police activity, as well as Code Enforcement action against the property which continues to date. He stated they ask that this matter be set for a public hearing. b ACTION: initiated revocation and/or modffication proceedings based on the staff report and summary of service calls of Anaheim Police Department. p, REFINEMEN T PE IFIC PLAN N0.94-1 AND FINDINGS Recommended OF FACT: Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, 201 S. Anaheim approval to City Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805 requests refinements to Specific Plan Council No. 94-1 and associated findings of fact. Property is approximately 2,645 acres generally abounded by the Orange (57) and Riverside (91) Freeways, Orangethorpe Avenue and Imperial Highway. Commissioner Messe declared a conflict of Interest. rer oast that anyxcanisiderat v be given) nethe form ofha recommenda~ n to the City Counciwould q PUBLIC COMMENT Tom Kieviet, Farano and Kieviet, Attorneys, 2100 S. State College Boulevard, Anaheim, explained they are here on behalf of Mr. Kim Johar of Mr. J's restaurant, 1074 N. Tustin. He stated he was present to ask for clarificatlon and possibly a continuance in view of the fact their firm was just approached by the applicant last Friday. He added they are not aware of the proposed changes to the Specific Plan for the Canyon Industrial Area. For clarification they have questions primarily on Item 4a and 4b, deletion of alcohol sales, apparently for drive-through and drive-in restaurants, but appears to leave in the section of the proposed code that allows alcoholic on-premise anti consumption facilities whether or not they are integrated within a restaurant. He stated they would like to confirm that alcohol sales will be permitted under the new code as recommended whether or not there is a restaurant, as long as it is by way of a conditional use permit. Commissioner Henninger stated he thought that was true. Greg Hastings responded regarding 4a that the intent is to basically allow drNe-in or drive-through restaurants without alcohol and it was basically overlap and there was no charge in the Intent. There are two code sections and one reads, "restaurant with alcohol sales, drive-in or drive-through service" and the other section which is proposed would remain the same which allows alcohol beverage without or integrat~ad within a restaurant. It was clarified a conditional use permif would still be required. Commissioner Henninger stated the language at the bottom of 4a is included in the Specific Plan and the words "wfth alcohol sales" are being stricken because it was felt that the use was covered by this language. 7-24-95 Page 6 ~' . ..~ Mr. Kieviet referred to 4b and asked for clarification and stated they are proposing to eliminate the section that was by condiional use permft for amusement and entertainment facilfties involving the legal assemblage of persons, etc. from certain areas of the new Canyon Industrial Area and they wcuid like clariffcation. He added Development Area 5 which would include Mr. J's is zoned CL, and that zone did allow this kind of use by CUP. He stated he understood that the new Specffic Plan would not allow this use in Development Area 5 and they would be looking perhaps to retain this use as part of Development Area 5 in the event Mr. J's had to qualify under that section. Mr. Kieviet stated his request for clarification is to confirm whether or not this section would exist or can exist in Development Area 5 and if ft is possible for them to seek a continuance to discuss wfth staff and/or Commission the advisabilfty and desirability of including ft in Development Area 5. Greg Hastings responded the wording was actually for the other development areas and ft was inadvertently included in those areas. He did not believe Area 5 had this language. He added currently this provision is nowhere to be found in the Canyon Industrial Area and Mr. Kieviet is correct in assuming that the commercial limited zone was used as a base zone for Development Area 5. However, the uses are not the same as they would be in other areas of the City which has commoer niate ~n an area whicheisnstilltconsidered to be an industrial based areahat would be most app p Commissioner Henninger stated the Commission is being asked to make a recommendation to the C'~ty Council for these changes to be included in their public hearing on the Specific Plan on August 8 and suggested Mr. Kieviet bring these concerns up at that hearing. ACTION: Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Peraza and Motion Carried (Commissioner Messe absent) recommending approval to the City Council. E, NDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3566 -SUBSTANTIAL Determined to be in CONFORMANCE: Donahue Schriber, Attn: Ernie Weber, 3501 substantial Jamboree Road, Ste. 300, Newport Beach, CA 92660 requests conformance substantial conformance review of the design and layout of the multi-tenant food court sign in conjunction with Conditional Use Permit No. 3566 (to pemift the phased construction of a regional shopping center). Property is located at 500-600 N. Euclid Avenue. Jan Woven, General Manager, Anaheim Plaza, was present to answer any questions. ACTION: Determined to be in substantial conformance with previously approved plans. Greg Hastings, added currently there is 420 sgtft. andlthattis showntilin thenstaffreporti but ft was not square feet. He the staffs intent to limft ft to that amount. 7-24-95 Page 7 ,, - 0-, Continued to 2a. CEtiA NEGATIVE DECLARATION August 7, 1995 2b. RECLASSIFICATION NO.9495-10 2c, WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT 2d. 1CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3772 OWNER: CHRYSLER REALTY CORP., 1450 W. Long Lake Road, Ste. 280, Troy, MI 48098 AGENT: R.A. BEEHLER, 14252 Culver Drive, Ste. A-349, Irvine, CA 92714 LOCATION: 1120 South Anaheim Boulevard. Property is approximately 3.8 acres located at the northeast comer of Ball Road and Anaheim Boulevard. To reclassify subject property from the ML, CH, CG and PLD-M (Umited Industrial) (Commercial Heavy) (Commercial General) and (Landscape District, Manufacturing) Zones to the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone. buses and adminbstrative officescwith waiver ofraequired parking of a of landscaping. Continued from the June 26, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. RECLASSIFICATION RESOLUTION NO. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Continued subject proposal to the August 7, 1995 Planning Commission meeting in order to allow the petitioner to complete the redesign of the proposed terminal in order to incorporate the required 15-foot dedication. VOTE: 4-0 (Com?rissioners Boydstun and Mayer absent and one vacant seat) 7-24-95 Page 8 ,, = 'i~. 3a. CEQe NEGATIVE DECLARATION (Previously Approved) Continued to ~.1 3b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3417(Readvertised) August 7, 1995 OWNER: A.G. CASSIS, 413 Sharon Road, Arcadia, CA 91007 AGENT: ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL IMAGING MEDICAL GROUP, Attn: Dr. Sim C.Hoffman, 585 S. Knott Street, Anaheim, CA 92804 LOCATION: °"~-°O~ South Knott Street Property is approximately 0.68 acre located at the northwest comer of Knott Street and Orange Avenue. Petitioner requests amendment to conditions of approval pertaining to the time Iimftation for a previously approved mobile medical unit within an existing shopping center. Continued from the July 10, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. -------------------------------------- FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Continued subject proposal to the August 7, 1995 Planning Commission meeting in order for the applicant to be present. VOTE: 4-0 (Commissioners Boydstun and Mayer absent and one vacant seat) 7-24-95 Page 9 tYi 4a. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT°~EPORT NO.31T (Certification Pending) 4b. coFriF~C PLAN 914-1 (Readverfised) OWNER: Initiated .by City of ANAHEIldi PLANNING COMMISSION, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, C/0 ATTN: Michael Welch, Anaheim, CA 92803 LOCATION: The proposed acre 2,645 Northeast Area Specffic Plan project area is generally bounded by the Orange (57) and the RNerstde (91) freeways, Orangethorpe Avenue and Imperial Highway and includes the Canyon Industrial Area and properties within and surrounding the boundaries of Redavelopment Project Area Alpha. To add development standards for freeway-oriented signs within the specific plan area. SPECIFIC PLAN RESOLUTION NO. PC95-84 Recommended to the City Council the inclusion of the proposed sign standards --------------------------------- FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None Commissioner Henninger stated this is city-initiated and the staff report does a good job explaining it. PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion recommending to the City Council the inclusion of the proposed sign standards. ACTION: Determined that the previously recommended EIR 317 is adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for subject request. Recommended to the City Council the inclusion of the following sign standards in the previously recommended Specific Plan No. 94-1: The intent of this section is to permit freeway oriented identification signs by conditional use permit, only for those businesses which serve the needs of the freeway motorist such as service stations, motels, restaurants, or those retail businesses of area wide significance. This section shall be limited to parcels adjacent to the north and south side of the 91 Freeway or associated freeway frontage roads between the Santa Ana Riverbed and the 57 Freeway. 7-24-95 Page 10 ~} 4a. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO•Readvert sed) lion Pending) 4b. SPECIFIC PLAN 941 ( OWNER: Intiated by City of ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSION, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, C/0 ATTN: Michael Welch, Anaheim, CA 92803 LOCATION: The proposed acre 2,645 Northeast Area Specffic Ptan project area is generally bounded by the Orange (57) and the Riverside (91) freeways, Orangethorpe Avenue and Imperial Highway and Includes the Canyon Industrial Area and properties wthin and surrounding the boundaries of Redevelopment Project Area Aipha. To add development standards for freeway-oriented signs within the specffic plan area. SPECIFIC PLAN RESOLUTION N0. PC95-84 Recommended to the City Council the inclusion of the proposed sign standards --------------------------------- FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None Commissioner Henninger stated this is city-initiated and the staff report does a good job explaining it. PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion recommending to the Ciry Council the inclusion of the proposed sign standards. ACTION: Determined that the previously recommended EIR 317 is adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for subject request. Recommended to the City Council the inclusion of the following sign standards in the previously recommended Specific Plan No. 94-1: The intent of this section is to permit freeway oriented identification signs by conditional use permit, only for those businesses which serve the needs of the freeway motorist such as service stations, motels, restaurants, or those retail businesses of area wide significance. This section shall be limited to parcels adjacent to the north and south side of the 91 Freeway or associated freeway frontage roads between the Santa Ana Riverbed and the 57 Freeway. 7-24-95 Page 10 Freeway Oriented Sign Defined ~...) A freestanding identification sign whose height, location and sign copy are designed in a manner which permits identification from adjacent freeways. A freeway oriented business sign shall only be permitted for retail businesses of area wide significance or for those serslvnce s at ons, motels the immediate need of the highway motorist (e.g. and restaurants). Business Qualified for Freeway Oriented Signs Freeway oriented businesses as described above which have a minimum building square footage of 50,000 s.f. or a minimum of 3 acres for vehicle sales lots and a freeway frontage of no less than 300 linear feet. Maximum Number of Freeway Oriented Signs There shall be no more than one freestanding freeway oriented sign per parcel. The sign shall be limited to identifying the business occupying the site. Location of Freestanding Signs on Parcel Freestanding sign shall be located in the landscape setback area, perpendicular to the freeway and shall be located approximately midway between side property lines within the middle 20% of the property frontage. Maximum Height of Sign Maximum height of the freestanding sign shall be limited to 35 feet above finish grade of the closest freeway tans. Maximum Width of Sign Maximum width of the freestanding sign, including sign support structure, shall not exceed 20 feet. Maximum Sign Panel Area The area of each face of a double faced freestanding sign panel shall not 7-24-95 Paye 11 •, exceed 150 square feet and be in the form of a maximum 10' high x 15' wide sign panel. ~~ Sign Structure The sign shall be supported by a two post structure. The posts and associated framing or metal skin shall not be less than 25% of the total sign width. The sign panel shall be recessed into the sign structure on each side 4 inches. No riders or attachments shall be added to the sign structure. Sign Graphics Graphics shall be limited to the sign panel only. Lettering including logo, shall constitute not more than 60% of total graphic area with background 40%. Lettering shall be limited to the name of the business. Sign Materials Sign panel materials shall conform to the establis'ned sign design criteria of the City. The sign support structure shall be constructed with high quality materials as approved under the conditional use permit process. The sign structure shall be of a similar color of the associated business building. Sign Illumination Signs shall be internally illuminated. Illumination shall be limited to lettering and logo only, no background illumination. ~/OTE: 3-0 (Commissioner Messe declared a conflict of interest, Commissioners Boydstun and Mayer absent and one vacant seat) 7-24-95 Page 12 ~, 1 5a. CEG1A NErATNE DECLARATION (Previously Approved) Approved Readvertised) Granted 5b. VARIANCE N0.4269 ( OWNER: RUDOLPH M. BRACHO, ROSEMARIE BRACHO, STEPHEN C. WILLIAi`JIS, and MONICA HORMAZA WILLlAMS, 18997 Villa Terrace, Yorba Linda, CA 92686 LOCATION: 122 South Walnut. Property is approximately 5,750 square feet located on the east side of Walnut Street and approximately 300 feet south of the centerline of Center Street. Waiver of maximum number of bachelor units and minimum structural setback to retain a 590-square foot bachelor unit above a detached 3-car garage. VARIANCE RESOLUTION NO. PC95-85 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: 1 person spoke/2 letters received Rudy Bracho, owner, explained this request is for the conversion of apre-existing structure in the rear of a 3-bedroom home into an apartment. The variances are for parking space size and setbacks ar~d there was concern about degradation of standards. He added he thought this is a compromise that would work and that is to convert this unit to a bachelor apartment. He added the property is very nice and with this unit, adequate parking will be provided on site, and added they plan to keep the property nice. OPPOSITION: Henry Sanchez, 1120 W. Chestnut, stated he is opposed to this change even though it has been scaled down because they already have a heavy mix of apartments and the problems that come with apartments. He stated approval of this would set a negative precedent for their neighborhood. He added he is also opposed to the variances because the landlord has broken the rules of development and he did not think their intent was to build this as a bonus room but was meant to augment their 7-24-95 Page 13 income. He stated also the property has been rented even after the ruling by the Planning Commission and in view of those discrepancies, he did not feel they should ~--' be granted this variance. Mr. Bracho stated they did meet with Mr. Sanchez to discuss their intent. He stated they had no intention of doing anything wrong and were misled. He stated a Code Enforcement Officer pointed out the problem and explained this is the process they needed to go through and it has taken a long time. He stated nothing was done intentionally to break the law nor to deceive the neighborhood. Regarding the comment about a bad precedent for the neighborhood, Mr. Bracho stated the neighborhood is mixed with apartments and he felt this is one of the finest properties in the neighborhood. Their direct neighbors do share a RM1200 status and which this construction he thought they will have more living space and mare parking and will be contributing less to the congestion than their neighbors. Commissioner Henninger asked what they were thinking they were going to build in the beginning and what advice they received and if they thought this would be another unit when they first started Mr. Bracho stated they made a conscious decision to tear down something that was unsafe and did not fit their needs. At that time they decided to build a 3-car garage in the rear of the property. When he consulted the builder he showed him the value of adding something on the top and it was a wise decision. He stated he built a S- car garage and game room. Subsequently, he left the property and was given some advice by the property manager and explained he did live on the property when he built the garage. He stated he moved out and rented the home and the property manger suggested the room be used for housing in order to get paid for it. He stated it was built in 1989 or 1890 and it is very nice. Bruce Freeman, Code Enforcement, stated this matter was brought to their attention because of the multiple meters on the property in October 1994. The property owners were notified that the rear unit was not built as a rental unit and the property was not zoned for multiple-family units. The property has been inspected and the permits have been signed off; however, the property still is in violation because it is a rental unit. He added he spoke with the tenant this morning and they have lived there consistently for the last 12 months. He stated they consistently write tickets for vehicles parked in the yard at that location. There is a 2-car detached garage and another single garage without a door as well as an extensively long driveway. Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, stated regarding the economic hardship expressed by the applicant, there are findings included on page 4 of the staff report which describe what needs to be the case in order for this type variance to be 7-24-95 Page 14 ranted and financial hardship is not one ereb ethers li oan unusual c rcumstance and 9 valve that is put into the Zoning Code w y itself, such as the size, the there is something that is chsuactests'that the Zoning Code may not be ed b I other grade or the location which g9 that is us Y applicable in a fair way which doesn't prevent its use in a way e and not an ~ people in the neighborhood in the sa be a characteristhc of the propnrtyd to e • ant present and the characteristic has to royal, the applic ` economic issue. She added if the Commission isvch ch would justify such a waiver. } should identify the characteristics of the property ; licant knows that economics really { Commissioner Masse stated he thought this app' do not play a role in the Commission's denisi ustii'ICation tohoffer. strictly based on licant has a y 1 land use. He asked if the app Mr. Bracho stated he has none associated o~~ referredto other st uctures in the down; and that he thought the first stae re has lots of room and plenty of parking neighborhood. He explained this prop rty nd the roperty next door is congested and run down and he did not understand i a p this is denied. Commissioner Henninger asked if he is innic utnl g that the two adjacent properties on either side of his property have two dwells g ace and it has Mr. Bracho stated there is a duplex next door that has ones nrthe ear. The duplex eo le living in front and five or six pgeop lain maybe five or six p p limited parking and the nei hbors on both sides comp on the other side ark in the street. about having top this Commissioner Peraza stated the Commission received two letters concerning property. ommissioner Henninger stated those letters ar sn Ding on heret t one talks about t C lain about wha g osition that of this property and don't comp negative precedent for the neigon this small of and thislpttoposal stnotfor more they are against more building arentl not building. He added he is worried about th hisr a ant recommended r app s tesymony that this was an innocent expansion wh ro riate.g He did not see a problem with this understanding that it was not really app p le would think they could build things particular proposal, but is concerned that peop rove them. and then get the Commission to retroactively app Commissioner Peraza stated that is a bee n vetN voclalhborhood. Commissioner Masse added that neighborhood has 7-24-95 Page 15 ~ ~~ Commissioner Henninger added he thought that neighborhood is going to be changed by Caltrans and asked what those plans are. Bruce Freeman stated he meets regularly with Caltrans and OCTA representatives and the major'~ty of the changes are occurring along Cherry :Street to the west and the properties along Cherry all the way to the alley are being taken as well as the apartments and the other units on the left side of Cherry and most of those properties have already been demolished. Commissioner Henninger asked about the Caltrans plans where Walnut intersects Broadway. Mr. Freeman stated he did not think there is a lot of activity at that location. It is his understanding that the plans are to remove the curved portion of the freeway and installing a new off-ramp onto Lincoln which is also taking a number of the properties on Lincoln. Melanie Adams, Public Works -Engineering, pointed out Walnut will be cul de sated so there will be no access from W~ gut to Broadway. Mr. Bracho sated that sounds like a good change and should help things because they have had a lot of drive-by traffic between Broadway and Lincoln. Commissioner Henninger stated this is the second hearing and the applicant is having to change what he built considerably in order to have a bachelor unit and he is tempted to allow this with those changes. He felt the Commission has made it difficult enough for this applicant so that others will see it and not try to do the same thing. Commissioner Messe asked if there is a way to impose a ~.ne car restriction on this. Commissioner Henninger suggested adding a condition that says "no parking on the lawn" with a Code Enforcement inspection payment required. Commissioner Bostwick pointed out the conditions are imposing considerable fees in order to keep this as a rental unit. Selma Mann asked that characteristics applicable to the r-operty be stipulated. ACTION: Determined that the previously approvecl negative declaration is adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for subject request. Granted Variance No. 4269 with the following 2 added conditions: 7-24-95 Page 16 1, That all parking shall take place in the designated parking areas. ~.~ 2. That the owner/developer shall pay for the cost of monthly Code Enforcement inspections if deemed necessary by the Code Enforcement Division. VOTE: 3-1 (Commissioner Peraza voted no, Commissioners Boydstun and Mayer absent, and one vacant seat) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. 7-24-95 Page 17 6a. CE(aA NEGATNE DECLARATION Approved ~._ .l 6b. VARIANCE NO. 4276 Granted OWNER: WILLIAM C. and VINCENT C. TAORMINA, P.O. BOX 309, Anaheim, CA 92815-0309 AGENT: RICHARD B. WINN, P.O. Box 309, Anaheim, CA 92815-0309 LOCATION: 2820 E. White Star Avenue. Property is approximately 1.3 acres located at the northeast corner of La Palma Avenue and Blue Gum Street. Waiver of required parking lot landscaping and permitted encroachment into required yards to construct a private employee parking lot for regional material recovery facility. VARIANCE RESOLUTION NO. PC95-86 `-- FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None Richard Winn, agent, representing Taormina Industries, stated they propose installing an employee parking lot in the northeast corner of the La Palma/Blue Gum intersection. This is the second phase of their development. He explained they have not been able to complete the first phase on the southeast and southwest corners of La Palma and Blue Gum. He added they tried to accommodate the Fsedevelopment Agency's desire to have the i?lue Gum/La Palma intersection be the western gateway to that area. He added they will apply this pr~nosal to the other three corners as well so it blends harmoniously. The first proposal is for the setback and the fencing is to be on the right of way line rather than 5 feet behind the right of way line on La Palma and they have no problem with that, nor with the color of the fence. They would like to use the greenbelt area and additional plants in lieu of the interior islands in the parking lot. 7-24-95 Page 18 ~ ~. He stated they are precluded from access to La Palma or Blue Gum because of the ,~ ~ proximity of the intersection and their intent is to access it for their own employees ~ ~ from White Star. By overplanting the landscape areas on the perimeter rather than the interior islands, it would give them better utilization of the site. PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Messe asked about the billboard and if it is to be removed. Mr. Winn stated consistent with the developments on the other corner immediate to the west, when development is permitted, they would remove the billboards. Commissioner Messe asked where the existing units would be relocated. Mr. Winn stated a lot of this is conditioned on development on the south side of tl'~e street. They are well aware of the Commission's disappointment of the unsightliness of that entry area and they would like to clean that up. They are not going to move them to the other side of the street. He noted they are in the process of acquiring some property where they will be relocated. Commissioner Bostwick stated he can appreciate their desire to overplant around the perimeter, but he would worry about low shrubbery that would block visibility since this is not a secured or locked area. Commissioner Messe asked if the current landscape plans show the overplanting being proposed. Mr. Winn responded it is not shown to any great extent because the plan has been changed from the berm with the fence on top of the berm to bringing the fence back to the property line. They will have to revise the landscape plans. Commissioner Henninger asked if we are ever going to require the landscape planters in the parking lots and the current landscape plan show varying berms and thought with berms continuously around it would block the view of the cars. He explained he was considering asking for that type berming rather than interior landscaping. He questioned whether security was a reason not to do that. Mr. Winn stated they would be open to some type of modification to that idea and noted there is some change in grade and asked if the berm was built to the edge. Commissioner Henninger thought there is room for atwo-foot high berm with landscapinv on top of the berm and that is at the minimum areas. The circulation 7-24-95 Page 19 ~ h ~, plans show places where the drive aisles are wider than necessary and some of that area could be transferred into landscape setback. Melanie Adams, Public Works-Engineering, pointed out the ultimate right of way is 32 feet, with the curb 20 feet from the centerline. Ms. Adams explained when the industrial area was first developed, sidewalk waivers were granted, but since then, it was felt sidewalks would be helpful for people using buses, or persons with handicaps, etc. Sidewalks are now being required in that industrial area. Commissioner Henninger referred to the landscape requirements recently enacted and felt maybe they should be reviewed. Commissioner Messe agreed the industrial landscape requirements should be reviewed. Commissioner Henninger indicated he was tempted to go along with this request if they berm up around the perimeter more to hide the parking lot. He suggested a two-week continuance in order for the applicant to submit revised plans. Commissioner Henninger offered resolution for approval of Variance 4276 with an added condition that prior to the issuance of the building permit to build the parking lot, the applicant shall submit a revised landscaped to be approved as a report and recommendation, and the revised landscaping plan shall include the increased berming around the perimeter sufficiently tall to screen the parking lot. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Granted Variance No. 4276 with the following added condition: That prior to the issuance of a building permit, a revised landscaping plan (including the location of the proposed fence) showing increased berming around the perimeter shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval by the Planning Commission as a "Report and Recommendation" item. VOTE: 4-0 (Commissioners Boydstun and Mayer absent and one vacant seat) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. 7-24-95 Page 20 ~, , ~_ ~ 7a. CE~A NEGATNE DECLARATION(Previously Approved) Continued to 7b. WANER ~F CEDE RE~UIREMEN ~ August 7, 1995 7c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.2602 Seed)adverti OWNER: JOHN WOLBERT, P.O. BOX 280, ORANGE, CA 92666 LOCATION: 127-133 West Hill Place. Property is approximately 0.75 acre located on the north side of Hill Place and approximately 90 feet east of the centerline of Iris Street. To permit the expansion of a previously approved 40 bed board and care facility to allow a total of 49 beds. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Continued subject proposal to the August 7, 1995 Planning Commission meeting in order to advertise a parking waiver in conjunction with subject request. VOTE: 4-0 (Commissioners Boydstun and Mayer absent and one vacant seat) 7-24-95 Page 21 S '~ `, f 8a. V 8b. CE(~A NEGATNE DECLARATION (Previously Approved rOND TIONAL USE PERMIT N0.2090 (Readvertised) 9 j expire 8-26- O''J11NER: HARdEY S. OWEN, P.O. BOX 1034, TU~~TIN, CA 92681 AGENT: BOBBY S. OWEN, 1788 S. Euclid Street, Anaheim, CA 92806 LOCATION: 1160 North Kraemer Boulevard. Property is approximately 0.9 acre located on the east side of Kraemer Boulevard and approximately 242 feet south of the centerline of Coronado Street. Petitioner requests modification of a condition of approval pertaining to the limitation of time of a previously-approved public dance hall in conjunction with a restaurant. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. _ PC95-87 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None Commissioner Nlesse stated they keep the place looking nice and asked if there have been any Code Enforcement or Police problems at this site. Bruce Freeman, Code Enforcement Division, answered there have been no problems. ACTION: atlas uate totserve as the~equired enveonmental documenltation for q subject request. Approved subject request. Amended Condition No. 5 Resolution No. 7-24-95 Page 22 .~ .., PC80-92, granted in connection with Conditional Use Permit No 2090, to read as follows: "5. That the use is hereby granted for a period of three (3) years, and shall expire on August 26, 1997. VOTE: 4-0 (Commissioners Boydstun and Mayer absent and one vacant seat) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the written 22-day appeal rights. _. 7-2495 Page 23 i •~' ~. r.. 9a. CE~A NEGATIVE DECLARATION gb. WANER OF CODE REGIUIREMENT 9c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.3778 OWNER: ROSCOE AND WINIFRED GONKLIN, 3030 Terraza, Fullerton, CA 92635 AGENT: ALEXANDER DRAKE HIBBS, INC., 1200 N. Jefferson, Ste. A, Anaheim, CA 92807 LOCATION: 831 835 North oz mater) 0.52 acredlocated Property is app Y on the west side of Anaheim Boulevard and approximately 255 feet south of the centerline of La Verne Street. To establish an automobile glass tinting and electronic trouble shooting facility with waiver of required parking lot landscaping CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. Continued to August 21, 1995 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Continued subject request to the August 21, 1995 Planning Commission meeting in order to revise plans and to readvertise subject request to include a proposed auto repair business in an adjacent unit. VOTE: 4-0 (Commissioners Boydstun and Mayer absent and one vacant seat) 7-24-95 Page 24 1 ~ ~a DISCUSSION: Commissioner Henninger requested that a w:.rkshop be scheduled to discuss the new parking lot landscape standards. ~.t ADJOURNED AT 2:50 P.M. TO THE AUGUST 7, 1995 PLANNING COMMIS510N MORNING WORK SESSION AT 9:30 A.M. Res ectfully subm0itted, Edith L. Harris Planning Commission Support Supervisor -24-95 Page 25 ~ ~'n TS ~7': "'` `~..ii~7C`7..4 r ~J,~ c `''"+ ~ ~ ~ ~''- ' "'N~4g" S t a~ `W 47 2 r0, ~2 .2 r ~1 ~".~T~p 3~~ ~x *r+ ,~r'1, ~ l~7 +: 1' 'rt ~" ''Y 6 ~ Y i x ~ ~ ~ ~ " ' ~ ~ ~~ ~~ I z/ p .1 c t r ~ "~ r ~~ /mar cY`N, '+~,~ i ~r ' ~ r _ ~ ~ r ti , +y~y ~ ~, .. i y y ' + ~ r r .1 ~ "c $< ~C''~: x f~ ~-+' , , ~ ~, +; . 7 .F s}r~. '' 2'.r';vt 41 . _ t ' ';, ti;, ~,r ~~ _ t 6 ~ ,. ' `; ::.', ,, r~~, ... ., l`~ ,. ~; .,1.1 Y ~ .. ...~.i.-7 .~.. ti .. .~~~...t,. ...i%s5 ~. ~,+.e~~t~ ~r.'r. ~'4v^. ,. (,. ...z~~G .. ;',~ ..~~~.,.eRk.., _r ~ ~ 24 ... ., ,xS~;: ~ M_.. ~..~...7}k