Minutes-PC 1995/10/02SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 2,1995 11:00 AM. - PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW 1:30 P.M. ~• PUBLIC HEARINGS BEGIN (PUBLIC TESTIMONY) C~ ~~: BOSI'WICK, gOYDSiUN, BFnSTOL, ~ t~ESSE ~~~~ ABSENT; MAYER, PERII7J. peputy City Attorney STAFF PRESENT: G ~ Fla~ngs Zoning Division Manager Jonathan Borrego Senior Planner Melanie Adams ~~ciate Plan engineer Sean Gerber Assn Bruce Freeman principelf TrasportationePlanner Alfred Yalda Margarita Solorio Senior Secretary Gladys Wason Office Specialist PROCEDURE TO EXPEDITE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS t LmepwilPbe grarrlted uplo~trequest If h n rthe opi~nione of the ilCpmmission, isuch additional Lmeiwiil iproduce eviddence important tc the Commission's consideration. p, In contested appllcaLons, the proponents and opponent will each be given ten minutes to present their case unless addition ed be theeength of time a part c pant speaks, bun ether by wh t 1s said. mission's considerations are not determin y 3 Staff Rcports are part of the evidence deemed received by the Commission in each hearing. Copies are available to the public prior to the meeting. q, The Commission will wittihold questions until the public hearing is closed. 5, The Commission reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing it. in its opinion, the ends of tairnesa to all concerned will be served. g, All documents presented to the Panning Commission for review in connectio V dance, shall be retained by the photographs or other axeptable visucl representations or non-documentary Commission for Lie public record and shad be available for public insptti-lions. 7~ within the jurisdictioneof the Planning Con miss on rand/orlagenida itemsWeEach speaker will be allotted a maximum of five (5) minutes to speak. mn100295.WP '~ 10-2-95 Page 1 October 2, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~; 1. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Determined to A. ONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 3701 -REVIEW FOR ~ in substantial B TANTIAL CONFORMANCE DETERMINATION. Doug Brown, cortfomtance P.O. Box 18021, Anaheim, CA 92817-8012 requests a substantial ire 7-25-96) corrformance determination in conjunction with Conditional Use Permit (To exp No. 3701 (to permit achild-care facility within two temporary trailers with waiver of minimum structural sstback abutting a scenic expressway) to permit a private tutoring center (grades K through 12) within a temporary trailer facility. Property is located at 6270 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road. A I N: Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bostwick and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioners Mayer and Peraza absent) that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby determine that the proposed tutorial school is in substantial conformance with Conditional lican at the meeting: with the following provisions stipulated by the app 1. That there shall be no more than twelve (i 2) students and no more than two (2) teachers at any one time on the premises. 2. That students shale not drive to subject property. 3, That the use wthin the temporary trailers shall expire on July 25, 1996. Dr. Carlson, applicant, explained they are proposing to use the trailer facility as a tutorial area and h appears there were some reservations based on the possibility ofto sd u atento~estricth a ages there who would dfire to the site. He added they would be happy P and have parents drop off and pick up the students. Chairman Pro Tempore Meese stated one of the concerns was that originally this is a very sensitive Issue. Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, referred to the staff report and indicated when this hem was originally conskered by the Commission, there was quite a bit of public testimony. In processing the request today, there was no public notices involved wfth this request ~1nd staff would recommend that this matter be set for a public hearing and considered at a public hearing. Chairman Pro Tempore Meese stated the applicant would not have to apply for a new conditional use permit, and Mr. Borrego responded it would bo a matter of submitting a filing fee along with a letter and staff would then set it for public hearing. He added he understands ftom talking with Mr. Brown vacant by the endoof this weekmR could be agendizedffor the 0 t ber 30th mee ing. from the appl Commissioner Boydstun asked tf they were to stipulste regarding the parking that there would be no students drNing, would the public hearing be necessary. She added this use would have a lot 10-2-95 ~__ Page 2 October 2, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION less traffic than a preschool. Mr. Borrego stated another concem expressed by the surrounding property owners was loitering, etc. by students in the area. If there was an instance where that did occur, the neighbors would be upset that they were not notified of the change in use. when it isi overBShe did noises where thererwould be any oiterufng ftom tthe studentscked up cDhilde n and t~he~y wou d do leverything they tarn to i sure that there a~e no probiemsk up their Dr. Carlson responded to Commissioner Boydstun that ha did not know how many parking spaces there are currently because he has not seen the final plans but thought it was discussed with the Planners. He stated they will have a lot less students than the day care center and he thought there would be about 12 students there at a time which really Isn't very many. Thee will not be a playground as was there before when it was a day care center. He thought this use would have far less impact than it was before. Commissioner Henninger stated if time is of the essence here, does that mean they are going to get established in a mobile unit on the site. Dre ~rieoa r~escponded wfthlit ai un it the co swct on oft a lpermanent site is completed ices in ten t ey came nand requested a to porarry usle and asked howit was permitted facility and Mr. Borrego responded it was allowed by a condftlonal use permit and the permit as shown was only for the temporary trailers and not the perma~ cant use and tat is Just talking about hetemporary use.o Mrs Borrego resplondied that is icor ect.~o~s Commissioner Henninger continued that if they wanted to move Into the permanent building, there would be a similar concem regarding the use of the permanent facility. Mr. Borrego responded that staff has explained to the applica f 'ha new conditional use rpermk.n a permanent basis, staff thinks it la necessary for them to app y Commissioner Henninger stated they must be very close to the er±d of the temporary approval. Mr. Borrego stated they received a one year extension on the trailer in July, which terminates in July, 1996. Commissioner Henninger questioned whether the Commission could extend ft until July 1996 as being substantially in cor>fomiation with the stipulations they have heard, and that would give them they should be ve , ~ (ce to their ne ghbo s because they havela public hearing aheadtof theme 10-2-95 Page 3 October 2, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Dr. Carlson responded that would be very helpful to them. Chairman Pro Tempore Masse asked ff they would be willing to stipulate to a certain number of students and Dr. Carlson responded 'absolutely.' Commissioner Henninger stated there was a stipulation that they would not arrive by their own cars, and Dr. Carlson responded that is more than agreeable to him. Commissioner Boydstun added h is mostly younger children in these types of facilities who are being tutored. Dr. Carlson stated normally the tutoring is from kindergarten through 8th grade. Sometimes there might be high schod aged students who might be faltering and they would try and do something for them, but that is not their primary silent population. Chairman Pro Tempore Masse pointed out that was his main concern and that the operation letter submitted is very vague as to many of the operating perimeters. Dr. Carlson indicated he realized It was overly vague, but that he did write a much shorter one which he would be happy to submit. It says they would limit their students to no more than 12 at one time and no more than two teachers at a time and their primary cUent population consists of students from grades K through 8, and under certain circumstances, they might provkie tutoring services to older individuals. The hours of operation are substantially the same and they would not operate on Sundays, and primarily operate after school hours, Monday through Thursday. They would also like to be able to open on Friday and Saturdays. whethert erCommi~ssion could change the CUP t pnclulde those st pu atio s without a public hearing. Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, stated the closest the Commission could come to it would be to have the letter of the proposed operation of what is being submitted for substantial aoe foo binding onditionsy The only binding conditions are thosesplaoed on the original ~ there conditional use permit. which includesHhese stlpu at onsddoes sound ke it substantially conforms ascription Just received Commissioner Boydstun agreed as long as they apply for a new CUP when they move into the new building. Commissioner Henninger stated i< is Important for the applicant to understand that this is a temporary use approval until July 1996 and they will need a public hearing for approval to occupy the permanent building. He pointed out that has implications with the lease negotiations with the property owner. Dr. Carlson indicated he understood. 10-2-95 - Page 4 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION October 2, 1995 ~_ Commissioner Brl~'.cd refs ~ t that anddDrgCarlsor. testponded Doug Brown has indicted it is has been any activity raga g being worked on at this time. Commissioner Henninger moved that the Commission finds that the activity as described substantially conforms with the originally permitted activity. The motion passed with 5 yes votes. 10-2-95 Page 5 October 2,1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~. B, rnnF g6!ENDMENT NO.95-05; Donahue Schriber, Attn: Emie Recommended to the 1Neber, 3501 Jamboree Rd., Ste. 300, South Tower Newport Beach, CA City Counc~ the 92660, requests an amendment to Section 15 of Ordinance No. 5497 ordinance mtodffying pertaining to communication antennas. Subsection B of Section 15 of Ordinance No. 5497 Greg Hastings, Zoning DNision Manager, explained a short while ago, the Code was changed relatNe to cellular towers throughout the City. At the time there was one cellular user who was proposing to moving from wfthin the Anaheim Plaza Red nvelo~p S 9Nen o g ndfather that use in, ordinance being looked at at the same time, the opp. Ky provided it was going to be south of the freeway in an area that would have had setbacks from residential and arterial highways. The area that staff thought the antenna was going to go into was a Ilttle different area; therefore, what is before the Commission today is to amend the ordinance which would allow the cellular tower to be 80 feet from the freeway a Where this wod had suggested 200 feet from a freeway. Between the freeway and the property be located, there is a railroad right of way and staff is in support of this. This would effectNely take the tower out of the Anaheim Plaza area and put Into an industrial area south of the freeway. Commissioner Henninger moved that this item is exempt from CEOA under Section 15061b3. The motion was seconded and passed with 5 yes votes. Commissioner Henninger moved that the Commission recommend that the proposed ordinance be adopted by the City Council. The motion passed with 6 yes votes. 10-2-95 Page 6 October 2, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PIANN{NG COMMISSION ~- Determined that the C, CONDITIONAL U ES PERMIT NOB - SUBSTA sign plans are in subs- GONFOR""~NGE DETERMINATION REQUEST: Lance D. Alworth, ~~~ cor>fom~ance 990 Highland Drive, Ste. 300, Solana Beach, CA 92075, requests review of revised sign plans for substantial conformance in conjunction withro e~doeux~hib-~ with ~~is located a t 703-1709 South Stat College Boule ani.cility). pF Property Granted D sent ecSIF1CATION NO 82 9''--'~1 AND VARIANCE NO 4194 - pLANN'ur_ rnrululSslON SECRETARY REQUESTS NUNC. rr+0 T~ utf _ RIFSALl1TiON: Request rto correct legal descriptions. Property is located at 2001 West Folsom Street. NUNC PRO TUNC RESOLUTION N0. PC95-122 10-2-95 Page 7 October ~, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 2a. rEOA NEGATIVE DEr-~~aTION 2b. RECLASSIFICATION NO 9495-09 20 rnunmANAL Sl~_ E PERMIT NO 37~ OWNER: ~ncol~nDA enuei, Anahei/m, CA 92805yer,1225 W. AGENT: GLENN HELLYER, 1225 W. Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: ''^' S Anaheim Boulevard. Property is approximately 0.87 acre located at the southwest comer of Anaheim Boulevard and Broadway. To reclassify subject property from the CG (Commercial, General) Zone 3,075-squa a foot drive-through) restaurentiwithsan outdoorpatio area. Continued from the July 10, and August 21, 1995 Planning Commission meetings. RECLASSIFICATION RESOLUTION N0. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. Continued to October 16, 1995 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Continued subject request to the October 16, 1995 Planning Commission meeting as requested by the applicant. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Mayer and Peraza absent) ~ 10-2-95 Page 8 October 2, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENf3A, ANAHEIh1 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -' Approved 3a, ,gEQ4 NEGATIVE DECLARATION Denied 3b. VARIANCE N0.427~ OWNER: PIARTNERSHIPT433 N.SCa den Dfire,ll2th Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90210 AGENT: WESTERN TECHNICAL SERVICES, 1550 S. Sunkist, Suite "J', Anaheim, CA 92806 LOCATION: '~" South Maonolia Avenue (Citadel Ao rim nt . Property is approximately 4.59 acres located on the east side of Magnolia Avenue and approximately 333 feet north of the centerline of Broadway. Waiver of permitted accessory uses and structures and maximum structural height to construct a 42-foot high microwave dish antenna. Continued from the September 18, 1995 Planning Ccmmission meeting. VARIANCE RESOLUTION N0. PC95-123 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. APPOSITION: None Bob Jordan, Western Technical Services, was present to answer any questions. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Jonathan Sorrego, Senior Planner, stated they did check with the Utilities Department to determine whether or not there was a conflict between what they were requesting and the City's telecommunications program. On the surface, it did not appear that there was a conflict and that really was about the extent of the information. Commissioner Boydstun declared a conflict of interest in that she was not present fior the previous discussion. Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, recommended that this be viewed just purely as a land use matter, that this is an „pplication for a variance which requires very specific findings which are really unrelated to what the applicant's necessity is for the facility and those findings are set forth (n the bottom of page 4 of the staff report. The variance is an escape valve that is built into any zoning code andi~ uerto that there be two specific things, not just one. One is that there are special circumstances appl property and this is something that is inherent nature of the property such a to otherr idpenticalPly zoned location or surroundings, such as an odd shaped parcel which do not apply of civil es en o ed by properties in the area and 2; that strict application would deprive the property p e9 j Y L 10-2-95 Page 9 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION October 2, 1995 ~' other properties urxler identical zoning classification in the vicinity .... Chairman Pro Tempore Messe stated he did not see a justffication sheet ftom the applicant Mr. Jordon stated part of the problem he has encountered in other cKies is that nobody knows where to put it or what to do with iG The recommendation for a zone variance came ftom the Anaheim's Planning Office. He explained he came in and stated what he wanted to do and was given instructions by the Planning Department that this was the course of action he needed to take. He had conversati®ns with three different people in the Planning Department and there has been conflict between the three as to taketanother course.hHe agreed it dotes not seemto f within the guideline sor a variance. ~PPY to Commissioner Bristol stated he thought every Commissioner sympathizes with the applicant. He stated Mr. Jordan had indicated at the last meeting that he did not know whether the height could be reduced. Mr. Jordan stated they did some preliminary engineering and basically that includes the technology with microwave is line of sigh is required and they have io be able to see 10036 of each antenna The signs! is transmftted at the center point of the transmission, so with a 4-mile path, at 2 miles is the widest point of the beam. That could be a 12-foot diameter with 6-foot antennas at each end so the path has to clear that distance at the center as well. They have to do physical verification to see that there are no trees, buildings, or other obstructions which might fall within that area. Commissioner Messe asked ff the same result could be achieved with 3ground-mounted satellite antennas. Mr. Jordan stated the Idea of this technology is to eliminate that. He explained the problem is Ynat the Citadel is the property between that and their transmitter and the answer is that they cannot get any lower. He added there has been in the documentation a reference that this is a 42-foot tall antenna and the antenna itself is 6 foot in diameter on top of a 1 foot diameter pole, so h is no larger than a telephone pole and is actually shorter than most telephone poles. Commissioner Messe ncted the City of Anaheim is spending a lot of money getting rid of utility poles and would not want to see a new utility pole at every apartment complex. h1r. Jordan stated the technology is leading towards flberoptic transmission of the same service. He added he could say this would be a temporary installation, but could not say how Icng h would be. He oicationWthat ff ft would a0ow tom oreducei he height that they would do itr but that ~.vould bes speculatNe right now. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Chairman Pro Tempore Messe stated without justification he hear: reluctance on the part of the Commission and ha would move for approval of the negaYNe declaration. The motion was seconded and approved (5 yes votes) Chairman Pro Tempore Messe offered the resolution fcr denial of Variance ~~278 with 4he flgtion of the oning tCode does not deprive thisr property of priv~legesl a joyed by others. ~d~ app ~ 10-2-95 ~- Page t0 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION October 2, 1995 ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Denied Variance No. 4278 VOTE: 4-0 (Commissioner Boydstun declared a conflict of interest, and Commissioners Mayer and Pen3za were absent) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22 day appeal rights to the City Council. 10-2-95 Page i 1 October 2, 1995 ci uutnnARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION . ~. 4a, CEQA NEGATIVE nFCLARATION 4b. WetyER OF CODE REQUIREMENT' 4c. roNDITIONAa_ USE PERMIT N0. 3784 Continued to October 16, 1995 OWNER: JEFFREY GRADLOW, 10577 W6icins Avenue, L.os Angeles, CA 90024 AGENT: GENE MITCHELL, 624 S. Grand Avenue, #900, Los ~geles, CA 90017 LOCATION: '929 W°~ Ball Road. Property is approximately 1.36 acres located on the north side of Ball Road and approximately 130 feet west of the centerline of Gaymont DrNe. To permft an 80-foot high cellular communications tower with waiver of minimum structural setback (deleted). Continued from the September 6 and 18, 1995 Planning Commisslon meetings. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. _____~_ FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF 7HE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Continued subject regimen to the October 16, 1995 Planning Commission meeting as requested by the app VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Mayer and Peraza absent) 10-2-95 Page 12 October 2, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 5a, r'`E~A NEGATIVE DECLARATION (PREVIOUSLY APPROVED) 5b. rONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.34~ (READVERTISED) OWNER: MIIIRer~99P0 H gh and DrivenSte. 300, Solanao Beach CAie 92075 LOCATION: +~~ oath Adams Street. Property is approximately 3.3 acres located on the north side of Broadway at the southerly terminus of Adams Street. Petitioner requests readve!tisement of Conditional Use Permit No. 3454 to amend a condition of approval pertaining to permitted fteestanding signage. Continued ftom the September 18, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC95-124 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING GOMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None Approved Approved amendment to conditions of approval Marketing Manager for Hyrail Partners was present. He explained they are requesting approval to permit signage because they are having a difficult time because of the visibility wRh the current signage. THE PUBLIC HEARIPJG WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Henninger felt quite clearly this needs a little better signage. ACTION: Determined that the previously approved negaCNe declaration is adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for subject request. Approved amendment to the conditions of approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 3454. Modffied Condition No. 28 of Resolution No. PC91-48 to read as follows: "28. That any proposed freestanding sign on subject property shall be a monument- type not exceeding eight (8) feet in height with the exception of the sign located near the intersection of Manchester Avenue and Broadway which shall be a monument type sign not exceeding 12 feet in height as illustrated on Exhibit Nos. 5 and 6. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Mayer and Peraza absent) Selma Mann, Deputy Ctty Attorney, presented the 22 day appear rights. 10-2-95 - Page 13 October 2, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~__ , Continued to ~, CE(iA NEGATIVE DECLARATION October i6, 1995 6b. CONDITIONAL "SE PERMIT N0.3791 OWNER: Robertson BNd.,ILos 9 ~TGp ' IgpOC4.8, 120 N. AGENT: A. TERRANCE DICKENS, 120 N. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048 LOCATION: 120 North Lemon Street (Anahei~+ give-in/outdo4t swami meetZ.Property is approximately 23.13 acres located at the southeast comer of Durst Street and Lemon Street. To permit an outdoor odler-hockey rink in conjunction wlth an existing outdoor swapmeet. Continued ftom the September 18, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Continued subject request to the October 16, 1995 Planning Commission meeting in order to readvertise the proposed roller hockey facility based on the additional Information submitted by the petftioner. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Mayer and Peraza absent) i~ 1 U-2-95 ~ Page 14 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION October 2, 1995 ~. 7a. CE(iA NEGATIVE DECLARATION (Previously Approved) 7b. rONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO._2910 (Readvertised) Approved Approved expansion OWNER: MAHIN RASTEGARI, 1108 N. Acacia Street, Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: 1108 N Acacia Street. Property is approximately 0.36 acres located on the east side of Acacia Street and approximately 525 feet south of the centerline of Romneya Drive and further described as 1108 North Acacia Street. To expand an existing child-care facility from 24 children to 30 children. Continued ftom the August 7, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. COI'SDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC95-125 -------------------------------------- FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. IN FAVOR: 1 person spoke in favor OPPOSITION: 1 person spoke in opposftion Mahin Rastegari, owner, explained they would like to maximize their license with the State. She stated the State is waiting for City approval to Issue the license. They will have two lice~sas - one for pre-schoolers and one for infants. Chaim~an Pro Tempore asked how they got a license for 30 students when the Commission approved a conditional use permit for 24 students. Mr. Rastegari responded they made a mistake and asked for 24 students and did not know that the state would allow them to have 30 students because they have enough space. She added they have been working with 30 students since they opened and there has not been a problem. Ms. Cameron stated she is a very satisfied grandmother. Her two grandsons attended this schod. It is excellent and not crowded and they have very good teachers. Jacob Rastegari, one of the partners and owners of the property, stated he is against the application to have 30 children. When the business was started, he was told they would have a profit from the business, but he has only gotten headache and pain from that business. He explained she had 24 students approved, but she always had 30 to 35 children, and no one kno s~howocrowded itms.ti If shehwants to getilpaid for 30, she wID have 4~5 at least. r awhile and 10-2-95 Page 15 October 2, 1995 SUMMAR'~/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Ismar Rastegari, partner fn the property, husband of Mahin Rastegari who runs the preschod, stated his wife has all tha s7gro-In/sign-out sheets and there has never been more than 30 children. Mahin Rastegarl stated they usually save their sign-in/slgn-out paperwork per state regulations and the always save K for two years. She can prove they did not go over their Ilmft for the past two years. Chairman Pro Tempore Masse stated he still was not sure how she can have 30 chidren and the City only allowed 24. Ms. Rastegari responded she did not know either. She explained the state told them they were capable of handling 30 children. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Boydstun was concerned how they could have that many children over the number approved and she knows last year if she would have an emergency and needed to put one of her grandchildren in a day care center, even for an emergency, they would not take any children over the count because the State does check. Commissioner Bristol stated he has been on the site twice and has a concern and some of the Commissioners have more knowledge than he does but the electrical outlets he sees there are on raw plywood on the outskle and wondered ff that meets Code standards. Bruce Freeman, Code Enforcement Supervisor, stated h is his understanding the electricity was inspected by the Buliding Division and was in compliance when they were Inspected; however, that was applnsl coed by he Builds g Divisiontto ascertain) whether the a ar violat ons whicrh Ve the property pe were not seen two years ago. Mr. Freeman stated he recently inspected to see 'rf certain portions of the property were modified in anyway but was not looking for specific electrical or specific violations. Commissioner Bristol stated the license indicates that 26 children are allowed by the state ftom ages 2 to 6 and then four are allowed 2 years and younger. He added when he was at the site he saw the gate that slides back and forth to the alleyway and ft appears to be 5 to 7 Inches in one area and he could envision a child going underneath that fence. He asked if toddlers or children are ever in that area next to the fence. Ms. Rastegari explained they do not use that gate for the preschool purposes. The black gated noted that slidingrgate belongs~o tthe other gent eman and he has two child en~r plan and Chafm~an Pro Tempore Masse clarified he thought Commissioner Bristol is talking about the old pool area. Commissioner Bristd stated she has Indicated the kids do come out there to play and she says ft is about 4 inches, but he would disagree. Ms. Rastegari stated that gate was measured by the representative from the state before it was 10-2-95 ' Page 16 October 2, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~~ approved. Chairman Pro 7empore Messe stated this is something that the state oversees. Commissnowithin the next 30 daysanddtha9they would have t comply withiltheerecommendation inspectio of the Inspector within fi0 days. Commissioner Henninger offered the motions and resolution for approval. ACTION: Determined that the previously approved negative declaration is adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for subjact request. Approved expansion of the existing child-care facility to a maximum of thirty (30) children. Modiffed Condition No. 3 of Resolution No. 87R-349 to read as follows: •3. That the maximum day-care enrollment shall not exceed thirty (30) children.' Added the following condition: That an electrical inspection shall be conducted within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of this resolution and, any recommendations complied with within a period of sixty (60) days thereafter. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Mayer and Peraza absent) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22 day appeal rights. 10-2-95 Page 17 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION October 2, 1995 ~: 8b. rE(iA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLA S 21 8a. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 103 (Rsadvert(sed) Continued to October 16, 1995 OWNER: FU JUNG CHUNG & UNG C. CHUNG, 500 S. Ber+ch Bivd., Anaheim, CA 92804-1811; HENRY KUO & SHU I KUO, 9334 Rivos Ave., Downey, CA 90240 INITIATED BY: City of P.naheim, Code Enforcement Division, 200 S. Anaheim Bivd. Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: ~q0 Sosdh Beach Boulevard (calico Motell Property is approximately 0.36 acre located on the east side of Beach Boulevard and approximately 396 feet north of the centerline of Orange Avenue. City-inftiated request to consider revoking or modifying Condftional Use Permit Nc~. 103 (to permit an 18-unft motel) pursuant to Section 18.03.091 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. _ FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Continued subject request to the October 16, 1995 Planning Commission meeting !n order for the petitioner to be present at the hearing. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Mayer and Peraza absent) 10-2-95 Page 18 ~~ ~.. f October 2, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ga, CEOA NEGATNE DECLARATION gb. WAR'ER OF CODE REOUIREMEIVT gc, roNDl1'IONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3794 Approved Approved Granted OWNER: Maruino Escrow, 2030 Huntington Drive, San ~Marioo CA 91108 AGENT: ROBERT MICKELSON, 121 W. Rose Avenue, Orange, CA 92667 LOCATION: "~~^ East La Palma Avenue. Property is approximately 0.43 acre and loroxmatelt 420 feet east of h Pcen erline Avenue and app Y of Lakeview Avenue. To permft an automobile sales facility wfth waiver of permitted encroachments into required yard areas. ar~5.126 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. - FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None Bob Micketson, agent, agreed wfth the staff report, except Condition No. 1. He stated they were not aware that was going to be recommended. He passed out a exhibft showing where the 10- foot setback falls ff ft were required from the current right of way line. That street was widened by the City and the r;aht of way, sidewalk and curb and gutter was moved back which reduced the planter. It does restrict the display area considerably. He stated ft was pointed out by staff that the trash truck might have to back out onto La Palma and there isn't much of an aitematNe other than to remove three or four vehides on trash day and let the trash truck back Into that area and then drive out onto La Palma.They would prefer not to have the 10-foot setback in that area, but rather to enhance the other landscaping wfth 11ne some additional 4 or 5 palm trees in the existing landscape area. Along the eastern property where ft abuts the body shop, they are trying to get a separation and possibly they could put a in a planter with a hedge that would put a green strip and a couple trees there as well. He asked if that is an acceptable alternative to the Commission and staff. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Responding to Chairman Pro Tempore Messe, Mr. Mickelson explained the plan is pretty much to scalp, and there is 34 feet in that area front to rear. 10-2-95 Page 19 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION October 2, 1995 ~,, Commissioner Henninger asked about the utilities easement where it encroaches into the landscape setback area. Mr. Mickelson explained it is an easement and wfthin that landscape area, there is a large be hiddenewith andlsgpingtand tthat here is about 10to 12ffeethbetwee~n the structure and then property line. Commissioner Henninger stated the 10 feet of landscaping could tit into that easement and that he could certainly put 10 feet of landscaping on the east side. Mr. Mickelson responded they could do that, but would have to lose one parking space out that to where they show the 3- stripe and they could wrap the planter around to the east property line, foot wrought iron fence and could plant a hedge there. He apologized for designing this at the hearing, but did not know about it until this morning and was not prepared. Commissioner Henninger stated the waNer requested is for permitted encroachment into the required yard area and clarified that staff anticipated that this encroachment would use some of the landscape area. Mr. Borrego responded that is correct and that staff did not feel they would need a full 24-foot backup area for the display vehicles and, therefore, could widen the landscaping to provide 10 feet. Commissioner Henninger noted they show 34 feet on the plan, and the cars are 10 feet, so they only have 10 feet and don't have a full backup area in any case. He suggested requiring 10 feet of landscaping in the easement area, basically on the east and west sides with a couple of planter areas for palm trees where the display area is located. Mr. Mickslson clarffied the hatched area in front of the building shown as an easement is landscaped all the way back to the building and will be relandscaped with new plant materials. Chairman Pro Tempore Meese clarified he is including that landscaping, plus the additional of the landscaping on the east side, plus two palm trees in front of the display area. He thought the Commission should see the plans as a report and recommendation. Commissioner Henninger offered the motions and resolution for approval, approving the waNer of Code requirement based on the limited dimension between the building and the property line that has been created by the widening of la Palma Avenue. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Approved Waiver of Code Requirement Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 3794 Modffied Condition No. 1 to read as follows: That final landscape plans showing aten-foot wide landscape setback to the east and the west easement areas and two planter areas for palm trees in ftont of the auto display area shall be submitted to the Zoning DNfsion of the Planning 10-2-95 - Page 20 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PUINNING COMMISSION October 2, 1995 Department for review and approval by the Planning Commission as a Report and Recommendation item. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Mayer and Peraza absent) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. 10-2-95 Page 21 October 2, 1995 cr ra1MARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~,1 10a. GEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 10b. Sr9LD,T:O~`AL'~cr: pFRMIT NO. 3795 Approved Granted OWNER: ORE HOLDING COMPANY, 2115 Crescent Ave., #201, Anaheim, CA 92801 AGENT: MAHMOUD AL-KHALIU, 2543 Winston Ave., Apt. #C, Anaheim, CA 92804 LOCATION: Property consists of two (2) irtegularly-shaped parcels of land: Parcel 1 consists of approximately 3.4 acres located at the northeast roximate frontages of 490 feet Valley Street, having app on the north side of Crescent Avenue and 240 feet on the east skis of Valley Street, and further described as 2101-2121 West Crescenroximatel 9,•~ acres located Parcel 2 consists of app Flood Control Channel north of the Orange County having a frontage of approximately 840 feet on the east side of Valley Street, having a maximum depth of approximately 890 feet and being located approximately ti0 feet north of the centerline of Crescent, and further described as 700-720 North Valley Street (Tri Freeway Commerce Park). To permit a 4,052 square foot cultural center to be affiliated with a religious organization. a~~5-127 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION i FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. IN FAVOR: 1 person spoke in favor Abdel Omar, Enterprise Builders, stated he represents West Coast Islamic Society, a group of Muslims in the Anaheim area trying to having an Islamic Cultural Center. That this will mainly be for social gatherings and youth counseling and after hour activities during the week and on weekends. it will include some religious prayers which contradicts the staff report and they do ask to have Friday prayers from about 12 noon to 1 p.m. every Friday. They would like to change the times shown, if possible, to at least include Fridays from 12 until 1 p.m. He explained that is the only change to the staff report. Hassan stated he INes in Anaheim and that he has heard that some people are trying to start a cultural center here and that he supports the idea and personally volunteered his support because it is needed in that area. Plus they need a place to get literature. 10-2-95 Page 22 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION October 2, 1995 THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Chairman Pro Tempore Messe asked how many people would be attending the servicbs on Friday from noon until 1:15 p.m. Mr. Omar responded the number is limited to less than 40 right now, and they try to keep it below that number and ff they grow he thought the facility will not be large enough. If tf:e number Increases, they will be glad to take the next unit. Mr. Omar responded that they dki the Traffic Engineering approval based on the limited number, and explained that center is pretty empty right. Commissioner Bostwick pointed out presently there is a conditional use permit cn the property for a child day care center, and asked ff they will terminate that CUP. Mr. Omar stated that will support their plan; that their concentration is for the children and youth. Chairman Pro Tempore Messe pointed out that CUP should be terminated. Commissioner Henninger noted there is no discussion of the parking waiver in the staff report. Mr. Borrego stated he thought the information in the staff report may be incorrect in that they may have used some of the Information from the day care center; however, since that time, tho industrial parking requirement has been reduced dramatically and that the parking does meet Code. Commissioner Boydstun thought this would be a good location for this use. Commissioner Bostwick offered tho motions and resolutic~ for approval. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 3795 with the following changes to conditions: Deleted Condition No. 1 Modified Condition No. 2 to read as follows: 2. That the hours of open.:+on shall be limited from 6:00 p.m. t~ 10:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (wfth the exception of a prayer service to be held Fridays from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.), and 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday (except for office staff). Added the following conditions: That the owner of subject property shall submit a letter requesting termination of Conditional Use Permit No. 3713 (to permit a 4,542-square foot child day care facility) to the Zoning Division. 10-2-95 Page 23 October 2,1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANA~IEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION That the occupancy of subject facility shall be Iimfted to a maximum of forty (40) individuals on-site at any given time. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Mayer and faeraza absent) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. 10-2-95 Page 24 ~._ SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION October 2, 1995 11a. S~~a- N~ EGATIVE DECLARATION 11 b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3785 Continued to October 16, 1995 OWNER: LEMON PARTNERS, 1150 N. Lemon Street, Anaheim, CA AGENT: HANAN STANLEY/SUNWEST METALS, INC., 1874 S. Anaheim Blvd., ANAHEIM, CA 92805; JEFF FARANO, 2100 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92686 LOCATION: 1150 North Lemon treet. Property is approximately 1.5 acres located on the east side of Lemon Street and located approximately 900 feet north of the centerline of La Palma Avenue. To permit a large collection and recycling facility with waiver of permitted roof signs (deleted) and minimum number of parking spaces (deleted). CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. ,~ -------------------------------------- FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Continued subject request to the October i6, 1995 Planning Commission meeting as requested by the petitioner. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Mayer and Peraza absent) 10-2-95 Page 25 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION October 2, 1995 12a. EQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION (PREVIOUSLY APPROVED) 12b. ONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 2334 (READVERTISED) OWNER: CALIFORNIA AUTO DEALERS EXCHANGE INC., 16255 Ventura Blvd., #1100, Encino, CA 91436 AGENT: FARANO & KIEVIET, Attn: Thomas G. Igeviet, 2100 S. State College Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92806-6118 LOCATION: 1320 North Tustin Avenue (California Auto Dealers hn Property is approximately 34 acres located on the east side of Tustin Avenue and approximately 220 feet north of the centerline of Miraloma Avenue. Petitioner requests the amendment of a conditional use permit to expand an existing automobile auction and reconditioning facility wfth waiver of minimum landscaping requirements and permitted encroachment in to required setback. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF T"E PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. Continued to October 30, 1995 OPPOSITION: No one was present 1 letter was received in opposition from the City of Placentia Tom Kieviet, Attorney, 2100 S. State College Boulevard, explained they are trying to conform the City's approval with what exists on the site, and that they are looking to obtain an additional six acres for auto staging purposes under an existing conditional use permit He referred to a letter from the City of Placentia regarding additions! traffic problems and explained this will not really be an expansion because they have already been using that area and are Just now trying to come into compliance. There will not necessarily be more traffic generated. Commissioner Henninger stated the City of Placentia letter talked about an existing problem they saw with trucks parking on the street there. Mr. Kieviet stated he thought from reading the letter the concern was that additional traffic could ultimataly start impacting the Placentia streets if there was in fact true expansion of the facility. He thought the volume has decreased in the last couple of years. The site plan originally submitted had anticipated a possible small addition to the building that would create additional lanes, but 10-2-95 Page 2fi October 2, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~~, since then, budgetary constraints caused that to be removed. There are no plans to add any square footage to any butlding. He stated upon review of the staff report, etc., their concern would be with regard to the waNers requested and staff recommendations. With regard to Jefferson Street, the t ~nwouid I ke to s recommendation for approval of the waiver. With regard to Echandy lane, ey address the willingness of CADE to place landscaping in the existing area between the curb and the fence Ilne. They still would reques~a ~ tforexustinoges of sec~ity and in view of thecurvature approximately 6 feet ftom the curb, p Y P rP of that ~rafficwhttems on site are going to be affected and~it will inhibit their cue nt trafffc pattern internal pa to a point where a portion of their property will not be usable in an efficient manner for storage o automobiles. Mr. Kiineet ~Codehand theyifeei that will be aesthetically oomparableeto what existsh ehe now. fencel pe THE PUBIJC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Boydstun stated she thought the slats look terrible after awhile and thought the vinyl covering would be more pleasing. Mr. Kieviet stated he has been there on a number of occasions and the slats for th~t ~sfts off fence are not broken and they are adequately maintained. Furthermore, Etchandy the main dragr~a~ the event a sidewalk istever required tlhen they would befwilling to moveot e at this time a fence. Commissioner Henninger felt Traffic Engineering should Inspect this site on auction days. Chairman M o Bormre Dore esponded to his knowledgenthat hdashnot keen donentia regarding the letter and 9 Commissioner Bostwick thought the problem is that on auction day, the traffic spills over to all the surface streets, the car carriers park on all the streets and indNiduals move their cars ftom the auction area out onto the street until they can get a truck to pick them up, and K becomes a real traffic problem. He added ff there is some way to clean up the operation so that all the care carriers can get Inside the yard in some way. Mr. Kieviet stat~n fry ~ has been in the past due tolthe volume of business that istbein9 done is better no out there now. The applicant continues to try and monitor the operation and the vehicles and have contracted off sfte for additional parking on the auction day which is their primary busy day. Chairman Pro Tempore Messe asked ff there is anyway those carriers could be moved onto the 10-2-95 Page 27 '~... October 2, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~J~ sfte on that one day. Commissioner Henninger added this is an industrial area and the industrial streets are designed to have trucks unload and load. He thought the Traffic Engineering staff should irnrestlgate this and call the City of Placentia and see what their real concems are before the Commission moves forward on this request. Mr. Yalda stated Traffic Engineering worked wfth Code Enforcement on that area of Tustin and a few years ago there were a lot of problems with people parking even on the sidewalks. That area is red painted, 'No Stopping' wfth the signs posted so the Police Department and Code Enforcement can fully enforce ft. He added since that time, he has not heard of any problems, but they have not inspected that area on Wednesday and could visft the site and report back to the Commission. Mr. Kieviet responded to Commissioner Henninger that a delay would not hurt the opera: o~~. He explained on auction day in the morning when the dealers come onto the site is when the public parking area of the site gets most of its use. Around 3 p.m. and thereafter, when the auction is over, the transport vehicles are encouraged to come on sfte to load the vehicles that have been bought. Chairman Pro Tempore Messe stated the Commission understands theca are traffic concems at certain times, but thought the Commission should know what Placentia's concems are. He asked ff a 4 week continuance would be acceptable. Mr. Kieviet responded that would be acceptable. He stated for the record they are Just trying to gain approval for the existing operation and there will not be any expansion. He stated the letter from the Cfty of PlacenC~a within our City, to be Impacted a He addled that leadschim toil believe that theiralconcems are~~lly about expansion. Chairman Pro Tempore Messe stated ft might also mean that they are concerned because there is already a problem and ft could get worse. Melanie Adams asked about the landscaping proposed for the cul de sac. Chaimran Pro Tempore Messe responded he wants to leave the fence where ft is and landscape everything in front of that fence which is the public right of way. That would mean trees, vines, bushes, etc. per Code. Ms. Adams stated the Code calls for the landscaping behind the right of way line and she realizes ft is a short street and not heavily used and ft is a cul de sac but Engineering would not be encouraging people io plant new trees wfthin that limited 6 foot right of way area. She trying to get sidewialks bn therindusterial apeap This does notlleave rroom for the public we are Improvements. Mr. Kieviet stated to the extent that sidewalks are to be placed out there in future, they would move the landscaping and the fence onto the site. 10-2-95 Page 28 October 2, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~,,_,J ACTION: Continued subject request to the October 30, 1995 Planning Commission meeting in order for Traffic Engineering staff to inspect subject property on an auction day for any traffic problems and for staff to communicate with the City of Placentia to find out what their specific concerns are. VOTE: 5.0 (Commissioners Mayer and Peraza absent) 10-2-95 Page 29 October 2, 1995 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~~ Approved 13a. rEOA NEGATNE DECLARATION Granted 13b. CONDITIONAL rrSE PERMIT NQ~ 7~ OWNER: RoyRM~re,OLos AlamRitosECA 90 20 ~ Box 225, Attn: LOCATION: 1916 West Ball R .Property is approximately 0.98 acre located on the south side of Ball Road and approximately 200 feet west of the centerline of Nutwood Street. To establish a church within an existing 5,763-square foot wedding chapel. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT F~ESOLUTION N0. PC95-128 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: 1 person spoke in opposition Frank Deluna, agent,1942 Sierra Maria, Irvine, stated this facil'ty was granted a condfffonal use permit in 1966roval o us ft as a~chu hcmeeting hallCratherthan as alwedd ngichapel, Property, subject to app He stated the plans show no significant changes and they have almost twice as much parking as required. Dr. Mark Jackson, Sr. Pastor, Grace Missionary Baptist Church, located directly next to this wedding chapel, stated he thought tnis would have a negative impact on their community. Over the past 11 years he has witnessed several traffic accidents right on Ball and Nutwood. The most recent was last Sunday and a car crashed into the wedding chapel. He thought there has been an overall Increase in traffic on Ball Road. As a result of his visftation in connection with his own church, he has been asked ff he knows what is going on in the community causing the extra traffic and he knows that traffic is impacting their church. There are times their members have a hard time getting out of or Into their church parking lot. They asked for red zones from the City on both sides of the driveways on Ball Road. They have a hard time sometimes getting in or out. He added they have had times when pedestrian traffic is so heavy walking from Nutwood and Ball and they cannot get into their parking lot. They have also had a girl riding a bicycle struck by a car, but not hurt seriously. They have had people church meimbe s~i Ini August there was scar speeding through the parking lot and herhadlto wn actually move out of its way. 10-2-95 Page 30 October 2, 1:195 SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~,i Dr. Jackson stated they had a ballot vote at their church and everyone was against this. stated he understands Dr. Frances Ball, elder in the Church in Anaheim, 1819 W. Chanticleer, Jackson's concern about the traffic, but this problem will be much lessened by their church occupying the wedding chapel because a portion of their conThe~refo~e,`they will incrhease theirg chapel and the other portion will meet at the present facility. parking facilities by the number of parking spaces at the wedding chapel. It will also take the people hwas wfth their nieighborseand heyido share that~concerine to keep very god relations p CommissioneRoBaodydacross testreet t the east (Commissioner BostwiBck idarified fte s beY nd i 1855 W. Ball , the gas station on the north side of Bail Road.) Commissioner Boydstun asked how ma me bersewho would meet at this facility. ~ facilty. Mr. Ball responded they expect around 200 Mr. Deluna clarifiedt h d of at01855 W.rBa Road ~tHe stated there will be servicesuat 1855 W. Ball wedding chapel ins ea Road, but not for this group of people. He noted about 200 at each location. Commissioner Bostwick stated he can appreciate the problem of having people missing the driveway in that he has many people who pull in and park in his parking lot and walk to the business next door. ~ He added another problem is they are talking about evening and weekend services when traffic is ` somewhat less on Ball Road and maybe they might want to think about having right turns only out of the driveway since ft is very d'~fficult to make a left turn. C;,;nmissioner Boydstun suggested that could be added as a ^ondftion. Commissioner Bristol asked ff thebs when hewas there cation and Commissioner Bostwick responded he did not see red cu Mr. Deluna stated parking is allowed all up and down that street. They did ask the City to paint the curbs red right next to the driveways. Harry Goyer, residi so ntet9h ng tha p rtainstto the Church indAnaheimr There is Frances S ott sftuation is not jus Key School which Iht eThereoistStGJustinMMairtyr Churchtlthaths Just to theiwest and there is ch where his wife taug United Methodis tChe r a e askinghwould be of any consequence whats ever nutelrms o coul not see that wha Y increased activity or increased traffic. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. 10-2-95 Page 31 ~-- October 2, 1995 SUMtv1ARY/ACTION AGENDA, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~, Commissioner Bostwick offered motions and a resoltdion for approval as follows: ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Granted Condftional Use Permit No. 3793 with the following added condition: That the applicant shall post aright-tum only sign on the drNeway exiting to 13x11 Road. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Mayer and Peraza absent) C Attome , resented the 22-day appeai rights. Selma Mann, Deputy nY Y P MEETING WORK SESSION OF OCTOBERH 6,81995 AT811:00 A.M. ULPD PLANNING COMMISSION MORNING Respectfully submitted, p ~,~ ~ GLtJ~-~ Edith L. Harris Planning Commission Support Supervisor 10-2-95 Page 32 d ~ ~~ z,' r r ^` _~ ~.w vh ~` ~f ~3'~ 4~'vrS,b..r,!q~s ~ ,r ti~ 6~ 5ti~ ~,- ~ t S'(S' S^,r ~ ~ ~ tip. -~ P ra "E 4 a r .~"~ ''+~1+ -` j \S~R~~ r r ~. ~~ j r;~ ,4 .1 i ~ ~ t k r . n .t '~W~ ~ ~F`~~m; "ng.r '~ ~o.~ ~ r.r~ ~a„ -:.' ~a - s r "~ - ` Ti R ~ ~ *• •: ? t 1 ~ ,~r { ^ ' ~ 1 ~ ~' ~ .. ~ a ~ , ~' ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~~ Yi