ZA 2009/02/05~ 4 P~PNEIM c~~~ O O ~ 2 U D ~ ~1~~ ~c~~ ~NDED ~~ ~ . . ~ ~~ 9 r , Council Chamber, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, California ~ For record keeping purposes, if you wish to make a statement regarding any item on the agenda, please complete a speaker card in advance and submit it to the secretary. Anv writinqs or documents provided to the Zoninp ,4dministrator reqardinq anv item on this aqenda (other than writinqs leqallv exempt from public disclosure) will be made available for public inspection in the Planninq Department located at Citv Hall. 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California, durinp repular business hours. ~ Call 1'o Orcler - 9:30 a.~va. • P~ab!'sc Cornrnents • Consent Calendar ~ P~obl~c Hearing Items • Adjourn~aent You may leave a message for the Zoning Administrator using the following e-mail address: twhite@anaheim.net H:\TOOLS~ZAAdmin~ZAFiles~ZA020509).doc Ae~ahei~a Zoraur~g Adrninistrc~to~° Agen~6~ - 9:30 A. . Publac Comr~e~ts. This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on any item under the jurisdiction of the Anaheim Zoning Administrator or public comments on agenda items with the exception of public hearing items. Corasent CaBeradar: There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to action being taken unless the Zoning Administrator, staff or the public request the item to be discussed and/or removed from the Consen4 Calendar for separate action. ~ inutes: IT"E O. 1A Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Zoning Administrator Nleeting of December 22, 2008. Note: Nleeting minutes have been provided to the Zoning Administrator and are available for revievv at the Planning Department. Re~o and Recornrr~~nci~t~ons: one Request for continuance to February 19, 2009 ZA020509 Page 2 of 6 Publ~c Hearina Items: 8°~E ~O_ 2 V~ V~~~ d~ Y~V~~~\NB1A~ B~bi~ B~~~9~9 V`~~~ ~~BYtl~ !/AR9ANCE NO. 200~-~~767: O NER: C~ Z Partners Euclid, LLC P.O. Box 371105 Denver, CO 80237 APPLICA~1': R & L Properties-Cerritos 13325 Artesia Boulevard Cerritos, CA 90703 LOCATBON: 601-697 orth Euclid ~treet: Property is approximately 10.6 acres, located at the north~nrest corner of Euclid Street and ~ Crescent Avenue, having frontages of 631 feet on the west side of Euclid Street and 744 feet on fhe north side of Crescent Avenue. Request to permit fevver parking spaces than required by Code to allow fast food restaurants ~nrithin an existing commercial retail center. IT'E O. 3 V~~i~~ V~ @~V~G9'li~~ ~60 ~~~~ 9 46~~~~tlm~ ~~tlYqr Vq A D VA IAaNCE . 200~-0~769: O ER: Richance Properties, Inc. P.O. Box 2003 Artesia, CA 90702-2003 APPL~CANT: Jonathan Park PA Architects 746 S. Los Angeles Street, #1104 Los Angeles, CA 90014-2186 LOCATIO : 909 North Euclid Streete Property is approximately 0.9 acre, located at the soufhvuest corner of Cafherine Drive and Euclid Street, having frontages of 230 feet on the south side of Catherine Drive and 202 feef on the ~nrest side of Euclid Street. Request to permit fevver parking spaces than required by Code to convert a furniture sfiore to a general retail store within an existing commercial retail center. Request for continuance' to February 19, 2009 Project Planner. Kim Wong KWong2@anaheim. net Request for continuance to February 19, 2009 Project P/anner.~ Della Herrick DHerrick@ anaheim. net ZA020509 Page 3 of 6 ~O~J TO THU S Y, FE U Y 119, 2~09 T° 9e30 0 0 ZA020509 Page 4 of 6 CERTIFSCAT90PV OF POSI"I~G I hereby certify that a complete copy of this agenda was posted at ~.~~ Q~°' ~~ Z~°~'`9 Location: COUfVCiL CHAMBER DISPLAY CASE AND (TIME) (DATE) OUTSIDE DISPLAY KIOSK G~ ~~~ SIGNED: If you challenge any one of these City of Anaheim decisions in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or a written correspondence delivered to the Zoning Administrator or City Council at prior to, the public hearing. In compliance with the American With Disability Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department, (714) 765-5139. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to thisnmeeting. ZA020509 Page 5 of 6 02/ 19/09 03/05/09 03/19/09 04/02/09 04/16/09 04/30/09 05/14/09 05/2~/09 ` 06/11 /09 06/25/09 07/09/09 07/23/09 0~/06/09 0~/20/09 09/03/09 09/17/09 10/01 /09 10/15/09 10/29/09 11 / 12/09 11 /25/09 (Wednesday) 12/10/09 12/24/09 (Cancelled) ZA020509 Page 6 of 6 l~err ~o. 2 GREEMLEAF AVE Rt~~ O.C.F.C.D. I Variance ~o. 200E-04767 I 601-6~7 ~oPth E~clid Street c-~ ~ s~ta~~ ~ SHOPS DRIVETHRU REST. ~ ~{^, ~ CG OPTOMETRIST ~ OFFICES H ~ O ~ ~ ~' fiAEDICAL ~ ~ OFFICES ~ nFFirF ai iu niNr W O.C.F.C.D. ~~ m~e C-c 1 QFi34 ~~~Pl.6~f~ ~9 ~~o~ ~U~)~C~ ~i0~9~P~'' ~ ~~~B~~c~ ~1~. ~~0~~~~~~~ ~~°~ ~~~ I ~~~~~ El~~~ld ~~~~~~ 1 L~694 o so ioo Reri81 Photo: r-~er ~ _---Juf~r 2006 ~~'~~ ~~0 2 Z~ ~~ ~~~TYS~' ~~ ~~E ~ ~O~T 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Suite #162 Anaheim, CR 92805 Tel: (714) 765-5139 Fax: (714) 765-5280 ~nn~.anaheim.net ~ Y ~'V ~1\ ~y JC ~~ ~ Il ~&~ ~ ~ S CTo V CE NOo 200~-04767 ~ LOC~T~ON: 607 - 697 North Euclid Street PIJIC 'I'/P O~EIi~'Y O :T'he applicant is 1~ & L Froperties - Cerritos, the property management group, and the property owner is C~i Z Pat-~ners. Q ST: 'The applicant is requesting approval to permit fewer parking spaces than required by Code to allovv fast food restaurants within an existing coznanercial retail center. I~CO AT~ON: Staff recommends that the Zoning Administrator continue this request to February 19, 2009 to aliow time for the parking study to be modified. Itespectfully submitted, ~~ ~ ~ ~ Senior Planrier Att~cla ~nts° l. Continuance IZequest s ~Ianager ~~~~~~0~ ~~r~~ r~°~'~C~~~-I[l~~T~' T~T~o 1 ~~om: richardlee272@aoi.com ~~nt: 1"hursdayt, January 29, 20Q9 4:17 PM ~"~: Kimberly Wonc~ ~ub~~c~: Fwd: continuance re~u~st -----C~riginal I~essage----- ~'roan: richardlee272@aol.com 'Tm: ~Cwong@a.~aheim.net ~ent: T1~u, 29 Jan 2009 3:59 pm S~abjec~: continuar~ce reqazest Please contin~e the Parking Varian.ce (~1~200~-04767) until Feb, 19, 2009 hearing. Thas~ks I~ichard L,ee R~iL Properties-Cerritos Inc. G~t instant access to the latest & rraost popular FR~E games while you browse with the Garaies Toolbar - Downioad iVow! Get instant access to the latest ~: most popular FREE games while you browse with the Games Toolbar - Download Now! ; ! ! L I ~ ~ > k~~Gl~i,°C3~G fisVE ~ ~ ~ ~_G I SNIALL SNOPS k `'-" RES'€F1URAf~T I I SP~PALLS~OPS or:n n 1 C-G S~A~L SFi~PS U ~~ ~ ~ v'i.' ~ ~ SN1fiLL SP;OFS ~ GG ~ RS-2 F2ESTRURRB~T LIQUQR STORE e-~ ~ CHIROPRAC ~ R ~ RS-2 ~ 1 pU EACH ~ Febr~ary 5, ~009 ~ubject Proper~y ~ l~~ri~nc~ ~o. 200~~0~7~~ C-G S{~A~~ SHOPS ~ N O N C-G DREVE THRU REST. o~ ~ m z~ j ~0~ ~or~h ~uclid Str~e~ i0fi95 ~~~~~~~lf ~, ~~~~ € ~le~j~~~ ~~~~~P~~' z a¢ tn ~.~~~°o~~~~~ ~~o ~~~~@~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~r~i~ ~~~~°s~ ~~~~~~ s 1 C3695 c so ,oo r4ePS~l P~tato. ~ ~ Feet i.~t.. ~nnc ~~~~~ ~~o ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ .~~~ .~ ~~~.~' ~0~~~~~~T: 909 IVorth ~uclid Stree~ ~~IC 'I'/P~OPERZ'~~ ~ R:.The applica.nt is Jor~atha.ri ~ark ~d ~~e pr~perty owner is I~Ta~on ~ierica, Inc. ~ S~': The applicant is r~ques~ing approval to pe~t fe~xrer parkin~ spaces tha.ai requir~d by ~ode to convert a fia~ih~re store a.nd ~o of~ice spaees to general retail uses ~rit.hiri a.a~ e~zs~i~g co~nercial re~al c~n~er CO ATI0~1e S~ff a°ecommends tYaat the Zoning 1~ ''strator contiriue this r~quest to Februaz°y 19, 2009 to a11ow tiix~e for the parking study to be rriodified. I~espectfially subrnitted, ~on ed by, ~,~ ~~ '' Sex~aor Planne~ 1 'ng Services 1VI~..n~ger A~~c-~ e~ts° 1. Contiraua.ric~ l~~q~zest 200 S. Anaheim Bivcf. Sui~e ~162 Anaheim, C~4 92805 Tel: (714) 765-5139 Fax: (714} 765-6280 w~rwr.anaheim.net ~,.~'~'~~~~~~~~~ °~' ~ ~~ G'e ~ ~~~j~~~: ~'i~a~: 9~~ E~zcli~ ~ro~: jo~athara park [~ailto:~r~s~or~~@att.~et~ ~eni: i~1~d~~sday, 3an~a~yy 2~, 2009 1:51 PT~`i ~a. ~ella. ~Ierri.~l~ ~ubject: 901 Ea~clid I~el~a, It was r~ce t~ rneet with yo~ yesterday arid work out ~e loadi~g ar~a so~ution for t~e above mentioned ~roject I have attac~~d revised site plan as discussed. please for~vard to ~irnl~y-~Iorn a.t~d !-~ssociates for their revision. I ar~ asking 2~reelcs continuu~c~ on the hearing so that re~isaor~s ca.n be irnpleflnented o~ tiralely fashi.or~ VJe ar~ ver~ greatf~l for your expediti~~s haradlin~ of thas }~roject P/~ architects 746 S. Los Angeles St STE 1104 I,os Angeles, CA 90014 arqstone@att.net 213-623-2~10 tel 213-45~-3304 fa~