ZA 2009/03/191~Yf. ~ ~~.. ~~~~~o~ or~~~~ ~nist~~to~ e~ a T~tarsday, ~~ch ~ 9, 2009 Council Chamber, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, California For record keeping purposes, if you wish fo make a statement regarding any item on the agenda, please complete a speaker card in advance and submit it to fhe secretary. Anv writinps or documents provided to the Zoninq Administrator reqardin4 anv item on this ar~nda (other fhan wrifinqs leqallv exempt from public disclosure) will be made available for public inspection in the Planninq Department located at Citv Hall 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, California, durin4 reqular business hours. • Call To Order - 9:30 a.m. m Public Comments • Consent Calendar • Public Hearing Items • Adjournment You may leave a message for the Zoning Administrator using the following e-mail address: twhite@anaheim.net H:\TOO LS~ZAAd m i n~ZAFi les~ZA031909 ).doc Anaheim Zoning Administrator Agenda - 9:30 A.M. Public Comments: This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on any item under the jurisdiction of the Anaheim Zoning Administrator or public comments on agenda items with the exception of public hearing items. Consent Calendar: There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to action being taken unless the Zoning Administrator, staff or the public request the item to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. ITEflA PIO. 1,4 Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Zoning Administrator Meetings of February 5 and February 19, 2009 Note: Meeting minutes have been provided to the Zoning Administrator and are available for review at the Pianning Department. Reoorts and Recommendations• None Request for Continuance to the April 2, 2009 Zoning Administrator meeting ZA031909 Page 2 of 5 ITEM fVO. 2 CEQA CATEGORICAL EXENiPTION. CL~.SS 1 AFlD VARIANCE MO. 2008-04767: OWidER: C& Z Partners Euclid, LLC P.O. Box 371105 Denver, CO 80237 APPLICANT: R & L Properties-Cerritos 13325 Artesia Boulevard Cerritos, CA 90703 LOCATION: 607-697 FJorth Euclid Street: Property is approximately 10.6 acres, located at the northwest corner of Euclid Street and Crescent Avenue, having frontages of 631 feet on the west side of Euclid Street and 744 feet on the north side of Crescent Avenue. Request to permit fewer parking spaces than required by Code to allow fast food restaurants within an existing commercial retail center. Request to withdraw application Project Planner.• Kim Wong KWong2@anaheim.net ,4DJOURN TO l'FIUI2SDAY, APRIL 2, 2009 AT 9:30 .4.~l. ZA031909 Page 3 of 5 CERTIFICATION OF POSTING I hereby certify that a complete copy of this agenda was posted at I Z~ 3 O prw 3- 12-C?9 Location: COUNCIL CHAMBER DISPLAY CASE AND (TIME)~ (DATE) OUTSIDE DISPLAY KIOSK SIGNED: ~yLa~.~-> If you challenge any one of these City of Anaheim decisions in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or a written correspondence delivered to the Zoning Administrator or City Council at prior to, the public hearing. In compliance with the American With Disability Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department, (714) 765-5139. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. ZA031909 Page 4 of 5 SC~~DULE 2009 04/02/09 04/16/09 04/30/09 05/14/09 05/28/09 06/11 /09 06/25/09 07/09/09 07/23/09 08/06/09 08/20/09 09/03/09 09/17/09 10/01 /09 10/15/09 10/29/09 11/12/09 11/25/09 (Wednesday) 12/10/09 12/24/09 (Cancelled) ZA031909 Page 5 of 5 - - - RM 4 ~~ ~m~~~Z ~~ ~iD.WI~IHOUSES ~ j ~ = V~j w SMALL C'~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ SHOPS ORIVETMRUflEST. flM4 < ~ ~ HOUSES ~~LL ~ W C1 w ~ ~ OPT(]MEfflIST ¢ OFFICES GREENLEAFAVE v ~ ~ ~ GG U OFiICES ~ TDN7JHOUSES ~ ~~ MEOICAL ~ ~ C~ ~~ ~ F! ~FFICEOWLOING W ~~ RM_4 TOWNHOMES ~ ~ ' ~. R&2 1 DU EACH RS-2 1 DU EACH ~ N ~ LAIIRELpL o z a ~ R&2 1 DU EACH ~FS i ou Enc rM ~'YT ~9 a so ioo ~ ree~ March 19, 2009 Subject Property Variance No. 2008-04767 601-697 North Euclid Street ' CRESCENT AVENUE 1 • w w enrvn R $-.j I PPHKING (~`-('j ° ~ ANAHEIM PLAZy ~ HOPPING CENTER 10~ w ANAHEIMPLAZA a x w SHOPPING CENTER ¢ o ¢ LL CG ~ - N SE NIOFGRQE N Q N ¢ ~5 nou 4 P GG e ~ ? MABIECALENDAP'S ' ~ cc RESTAl1RANT a e I e y RS -2 -10UE ACH I w i ,ossa March 19, 2009 Subject Property Variance No. 2008-04767 601-697 North Euclid Street ,ossa 0 50 300 ~c ~ Aeri~'~nne ~ I'i'~1VI iVO. 2 ZONIIVG A-DNiINISTIPA~'OR AGEIV~A REPOI2T City of Anaheim PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: MARCH 19, 2009 FROM: PLANNING SERVICES MANAGER HIMBERLY WONG, PROJECT PLANNER SUBJECT: VARIANCE NO. 2008-04767 LOCATYON: 607 - 697 North Euclid Street APPLICANT/PROPERTY OWNER: The applicant is R& L Properties - Cerritos, the property management group, and the property owner is C& Z Partners. REOUEST: The applicant has submitted a written request to withdraw their application to convert retail tenant spaces to fast food take-out restaurant spaces in an existing shopping center with fewer parking spaces than required by Code. This item was continued from the February 5 and February 19, 2009 Zoning Administrator hearings. Based on the written request by the applicant to withdraw their application, no further action is necessary by the Zoning Administrator. Respectfully submitted, Concurred by, ~ to~ ~ ~~2 ~i'is~ru~ Senior Planner Plamm~g Services Manager Attachment: 1. Withdrawal Request 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Suite #'162 Anaheim, CA 92805 Tel: (714) 765-5139 Fax: (714) 765-5280 www.anaheim.net ----Original Message----- From: richazdlee272@aol.com To: richazdlee272@aol.com Sent: Tue, 10 Maz 2009 5:56 pm , Subject: Re: Continuance Request Please WITFIDRAW the pazking vazaince applicafion for item number VAR2009-04767 we will resubmit at a later date Thenk you Richazd Lee