ZA 2009/04/02/ : . ,~ _t'1 ^ ~ ~ ~ , II , Council Chamber, Ciiy Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard ,4naheim, California For record keeping purposes, if you wish to make a statement regarding any item on the agenda, please complete a speaker card in advance and submit it to the secretary. Anv writin.ps or documents provided to the Zoning Administrator reqardinq anv item on this agenda (other than writings leqally exempt from public disclosure) will be made available for public inspection in the Planninq Department located at Citv Hall, 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California, during reqular business hours. • Call 7o Order - 9030 a.rn. • PubBic Corrirnents • Consent Calendar • Public Hearing Iterns • Adjournrr~ent You may leave a message for the Zoning Administrator using the following e-mail address: twhite@anaheim.net H:\TOOLS~ZAAdmin~,ZAFiles~ZA040209).doc An~6~~aooo Zoni~g Aelm~nostrator Agenda -~.30 Ao . Publoc Commen o This is an opportunity for members of fhe public to speak on any item under the jurisdiction of the Anaheim Zoning Administrator or public comments on agenda ifems ~rith the exception of public hearing items. Consent Calendaro There will be no separafe discussion of these items prior to action being taken unless the Zoning Administrator, staff or the public request the item to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. inaates ° I7'E O. 1 A Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Zoning Administrator Nleetings of February 5, February 19 and March 19, 2009. Note: Nleeting minutes have been provided to the Zoning Administrator and are available for review at the Planning Department. Re~o and ~cornanend~t6ons. one ZA040209 Page 2 of 4 Pubi~~ Fle~r~~~ I~~rri: 9TE NO. 2 AD 6 IST Al"IVE ADJl1~T ~1° O. 200~-00311 . Rober Nigogosyan Trust 8235 Zitola Terrace Playa Del Rey, CA 90293-7833 PPLICA 1'o Dave Tanizaki 601 Glenoaks Boulevard, Suite 201 Glendale, CA 91207 L.OCATIO e 1~95 est Katel6a Avenuee Property is Request for a variance to permit an 8 to 9 foot high wrought iron fence that exceeds the maximum fence height. Project Planner.~ Della Herrick DHerrick@anaheim. net J °T T Y, Y 14, 2 :3 . a (The scheduled Zoning Administrator meetings for Thursday, April 16 and April 30, 2009, have been cancelled as no cases were filed for the meeting dates.) ZA040209 Page 3 of 4 CER~°IF9CA°~00~ OF POS°TI~G I hereby certify that a complete copy of this agenda was posted at ~ o~ J~~ _~ Location: COUNCIL CHAMBEFd DISPLAY CASE AfVD (TINIE) (DATE) OUTSIDE DISPLAY KIOSK SIGNED: / /~ If you challenge any one of these City of Anaheim decisions in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or a written correspondence delivered to the Zoning Administrator or City Council at prior to, the public hearing. In compliance with the American With Disability Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department, (714) 765-5139. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting wilf enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. 04/16/09 (Cancelled) 04/30/09 (Cancelled) 05/14/09 05/28/09 06/11 /09 06/25/09 07/09/09 07/23/09 08/06/09 08/20/09 09/03/09 09/17/09 10/01 /09 10/15/09 10/29/09 11 / 12/09 11/25/09 ~vvednesday) 12/10/09 12/24/09 (Cancelled) ZA040209 Page 4 of 4 ~ , r Rg ~2 ~ ~ RnA-4 1 DU EACH R~'3 DEL REY VACANT N APTS ; W 24 DU ~ ADJ 2~&OIXit t n „ RCLF65-66~14 ; C-G ~ " ~'CUP e724 ~ ~s GG M , ~ VAA3590~„ SMALL ~ , `st~,v-~~ '~ SHOPS OFFIGE t w•5HOPS SPACES KATELLP- AVENUE ~135~~ a~ae~me~ao~eo~~e~ee~ee~se~es~ee~em~ee~~a~oo~a~~ao~ao~ao~NA~ E~~'C'~~~~~~~`Se~ea~ae~eu~oa~oe~on~ Adrninistrative Adjustrnent No. 200~-00311 1 ~95 ~/est Katella Avenue 10724 ~~a ~ ~ ~ s --~ ~s~ ~,~ i : 1 ~ ' ~'#~,~ ~~~" - ~ ~ `~~~ r " y~" ~ ' i~ ~ ~ ~`~~ 1.`'.~.-~ . _ ~, i~~:3i g~~~~" , ~~~ i ~ iib ~~ ~ ~' F;. ": ` ~ 1-. ~ ~" ~~ ~ W ~~~"~ ..~~ Z ., e'~.~ - ' ( ~~iY"'i. y ~ . ~ ~ s~J~' ~~ i ~, e ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ Nh ~:^ ] ~ t ~~r;' ~~+ ~ ~ ~~= ?3~Yi~:, ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ . ~~~'F, ~ ~ "~ . ~" ~ . u~r+~ iv~ . r ~r- ''~ ~~.- ~ ' ~ ~'~ ~''~' ~~°~~'' ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~.. " 0 ~ '~ ~ R ~ ~, ¢n ~ ~ mve' X~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ' ~~ ~ ~ ~ , ~~ ~~.,~ _ ~ ~ . 1„= i ~£ r ~ ~,~_ _ ~ ' ~ ~ k , ~~~°~ ~ 1895 lnlest Katella ~4venue io~24 TE N .2 Z ST A E A T 200 S Anaheim Bivd Suite #162 Anaheim, CA 92805 Tel (714) 765-5139 Fax (714)765-5280 www anaheim net City of eirn LA ~ G E T NT A'TE: 2, 2009 I+, O: PI, iVG SE CES AGE ELLA CI~, P O CT PI.~ E SIJ~ CT: AI) I1~1IST TI ST ENT 1~T0. 200~-00311 I.OC~iZ'IOl\T: 1895 West ICatella Avenue PI,ICE4N"a"/I'ItOP~ ~'~' O E12: The property owner is Rober Nigogosyan and the applicant is Dave Tanizaki. Q S'T: The applicant is requesting a vanance to pernut an 8 to 9-foot high wrought iron fence that exceeds the maximum permitted fence height ~AC G OiJ : Tlus property is developed with a commercial building that is leased to the Orange County Deparhnent of Education. The General Plan designates this property and properties to the east for Residential Corridor land uses and the property is zoned C-G (General Commercial). The General Plan designates properties to the north and west for Low Density Residential land uses. The City of Garden Grove is located to the south across Katella Avenue. P OPOS • The applicant proposes to reta.in an existing 8 ta 9-foot lugh wrought iron fence located witlun the requared setbacks along Katella Avenue and Nutwood Street. The fence is setback 10 feet from Katella Avenue and located on the property line adjacent to I~lutwood Street A~1 YSIS: Code permits a maximum 3-foot high fence witlun the front 15 feet along Katella Avenue and within 10 feet along Nutwood Street. The applicant instalied the 8 to 9-foot high fence to deter vandalism that was occurring on the property and to provide a safe and secure site for the school staff, students, parents and visitors. Code permits a variance for maximum fence height by an Administrative AdJustment. If no vmtten oppositaon regarding the variance is received during the required 10-day notification period wluch ended on March 28, 2009 at 5:00 p.m., the Zorung Adirunistrator may grant this Administratave Adjustment. If written opposrtion is received during the 10-day notification period the applicant can withdraw the request or request that a public heazing be scheduled. ADNIINIST1iATIVE t~DNSTn~,r,NT NO. 2008-00311 Apri12, 2009 Page 2 of 2 Staff has received no written opposition to this request. CONCLITSIO~Te Since no written opposition has been received, staff recommends approval of the Administrative Adjustment request subject to the attached resolution. Respectfully submitted, Conc ed by, ~ ~~~v ~~ ~~ Seruor Planner 'ng Services Manager t~ttachanentso \ I 1. Draft Resolution U The following attachments were provided to the Zoning Administrator and are available for public review at the Planning Services Division at City Hall. 3. Plans 4. Photographs of Property ~~ RESOLLTTION IVO. ZA2009-*** A'TTAC ENT N . 1 A RES~LUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY ZOIVING ADMINISTRATOR AI'PIZOVING A CEQI-~ CATEGORICt~L EXENIPTIOI~T AND AD~IINISTRATIVE !-~DJUSTIvIE1VT I~TO. 200~-00311 (1~95 WEST I~AATELLA AVENUE) WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Zoning Administrator did receive a verified Petition for Administrative l~djustment for certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California shown on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the petitioner requests a variance to permit an ~ to 9-foot high wrought iron fence that exceeds the maximum permitted fence height; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Zomng Administrator did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on Apri12, 2009 at 9:30 a.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1~.60 "Procedures", to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Zoning Admmistrator, after due inspection, investigahon and study made by rtself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evadence and reports offered at said hearmg, does find and deternune the following facts: That the applicant requests a variance from the following to retain an 8 to 9-foot lugh wrought iron fence: (a) SECTION NO. 1 ~.62.040 020.0203 Nla.ximutn fence height (_3 foot high fence permitted within the required front yard setback, ~ to 9-foat high fence proposed) 2. That the above-referenced administrative adjustment has been duly noticed. 3 That I do hereby find, pursuant to Section 1~.62.040.060 (Findings) of the Anaheim Nlunicipal Code, that the request is hereby granted in accordance with Subsection 1~. of the Anaheim ~/Iunicipal Code which permit a variance of maximum fence height in connection with admirustrative adjustments 4 That no written opposition was received ruing the requ~red 10-day notification penod which ended on IVlarch 2~, 2009. -1- ZA2009-* * * VJI-~EREAS, the proposed project falls within the definition of Categorical Exemptions, 5ec~ion 15301, Class 1(Existing Facilities), as defined in the State CEQA Guidelines and is, therefore, exempt from the requirement to prepare additional environmental documentation. NOW, THERE~OIZE, ~E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Zoning !-~dministrator does hereby grant subject petition for t~dministrative Adjustment. BE IT FURTHER 1ZESOLVED that the applicant is responsible for paying all charges related to the processing of this discretionary case application within 15 days of the issuance of the final invoice or prior to the issuance of building permits for this project, whichever occurs first. Failure to pay all charges shall result in delays in the issuance of required permits or the revocation of the approval of this application. THE FOIZEGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Anaheim City Zoning Administrator meeting of Apri12, 2009. Said resolution is subject to the appeal provisions set forth in Chapter 1~.60 "I'rocedures" of the Anaheim Municipal Code pertaining to appeal procedures and may be replaced by a City Council Resolution in the event of an appeal. ANAHEINI CITY ZONII~tG ADMINISTRATOR ATTEST: SECRETARY, ANAHEINI CITY ZOIVING ADNIINISTRATOR STAT'E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUIVTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Eleanor Morris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Zoning Administrator, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City of Anaheim Zoning Administrator held on P~pri12, 2009. II~1 WITNESS ~THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of April, 2009. SECiZETARY, f~NAI~EIIVI CIT~' ZOI~IIVCCp AD~IINIST~TOR -2- ZA2009- ~ I~ 66~99 ST T ST ~1T NO. 200~-0~3~ 1 -3- ZA2009- ~ ~I~' 66~99 CO ED CO ITIONS OI+ ~1PP1~OV ST T ST NT' ~TO. 200~-~0311 No. I Cond~~aons of r~pprov~l I ltesponsi~le for ~~---°~---- The subject properly shall be developed substantially in Planning accordance with plans submitted to the City of Anaheim by the applicant and which plans are on file with the Planning Deparlment marked Exhibit No. l, and as conditioned herein. 2 The approval of this application constitutes approval of Planning the proposed request only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Niunicipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement. -4- ZA2009-