ZA 2009/04/16C!1'~ OF ANAHE~ ~ONI~G ,~D~~NISTR~T`OR AGENDA Thursda A ri~ 16 2009 - 9:34 ~.rr~. Cour~ci! Charraber, City Hal! East 200 Sc~u~i~ ~nan~i€~ r~~uie~ard, ~,naheim, C~iiforni~ ThIE fVEXT ZONI~G A~MINISTRATO~ ME~TINC IS SCFIEDULED ~OR TF9URSDAY, ~4PRi~. 30, 2~09, I'he sc#~er~ufed Zoni~ag- ~4clministra~or mee~~r~g- for T'lau~°sday, ~iprdl 96, 20~9, has b~en cance#led as n~ cases v~~re fil~~ for ~h~ meeting c~~fe. CERTIFICATION OF POS~'ING I h~reby certify that a eomplete co~y nf this agenda was pasted at ~~~ ~~ -~ Locatian: COlJNC1L CHAMBER DISP~AY CASE AND {TIME} {~A"C~) COtJNC1L DISPLAY KIOSK SIGN~D: ...~. , .._.. e ~. ,... [f you chailenge any one of #hese City of Anaheim decisions in court, you may be limited to raising only thase issues you or som~on~; else raised at the public hearing described in this notiee, or a writt~n correspondence deliver~~ to the Zoning Adr~inistrator or City Counci[ at prior to, the public hearing. [n compliance with the American With C3isabi[ity Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meetir~g, please contact ~he Planning Departmer~t, (714} 765-5139, Notification 48 hours prior tn the rrie~ting will ~nabl~ the City to make r~asonabfe arrang~rr~ents to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Page 1 ZAQ416£?9 CHEDULE 2009 04/30/09 05/14/09 05/28/09 06/11/09 06I25/09 Q7fC}9149 47'123149 o~ia6~og 08/24/09 09103/09 091 ~ 7109 1010'~ 109 '! 01'~ 5109 10/29/09 'f 1/12fO9 1112~149 (vVedn~~daY) '~ Z110109 12/24/09 (Caracelled) Page 2 ZA041F09