ZA 2009/05/14~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ Z~NING A,DNIINIS~°~ATOFZ ~GEND~ 1°hursday, 1VIay'i4, 2009 - 9.30 a.rro. Ca~ancil Chamber, Cify Haff Easfi 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Ar~ah~im, California T'HE ~IEXT ~ONING ~1DiVIINfST~T01~ IVrEET°6tVC~ ~~ SCh~EDIILED FOR Ti~IIRSDAY, NIA~ 2~, 2Q09. ?"lae s~he~u9ea1 Zorreng a4dmettisfrafor rr~~efrrtg for Thut-~~aY, ~!1'ay ~4, 2009, has ~ee~r canceffed as no cases were fifed ~vr ~he rrae~ting date. c~~~~~~caTio~ o~ Pos~ir~~ I hereby ce~ify that a corr~plete copy of this agenda was postied at ~ (~ ~°- ~~- ~~ Location: CC3UNCIL C~IAMB~R DISP~.AY CAS~ A[V~ (TIME (DATE) COUNCIL ~(SPLAY KIQSK SIGNED: ~, ___,,~_ ~ !f yo~ challeng~ any one of these City of Anaheim decisions irt co~rt, you rr~ay be limited to raising or~ly ihase issues yau or someo~e els~ raised at the public hearing described in this notic~, or a written correspander~cs delivered to the ~or~ir~g Administrator or City Council at prior ta, the pub[ic h~aring. In camp~iar~ce with the American With C7isabi[ity Act, if ynu need spaeial assistance to participate in this meetir~g, please contact the Planning bepartment, {714) 765-5139. (Votificatian 48 hours prior ta the meefing wifl enable the City ta make reasonable arrangem~nts to ensure accessibili#y to this meeting. Page 1 ZA051409 ~CHE~ULE 2409 05128{09 06/11/09 06/25/49 07/49/09 a7123109 O~IQ6109 Q8120f49 09I03109 09/17/09 '~ 0101109 10l'f 5109 10129/09 11/'f 2109 '91l25109 (~iledr~esdaY) ~ zi~ 0~09 12/24/09 (Car~celied) Pag~ 2 ZA051409