ZA 2009/06/11ci~~ oF ~~~~~~~ zo~~~v~ ~~~~~~s~r~,~~r~~~~~~~~ T"hursday, June ~~q 2009 - 9:30 a.rr~. Council Chamber, City Hall Easfi 200 South Anal~eim BoufeVard, Anaheim, Ca(ifornia T~-IE NEXT ZONiNCa ~DMIINISTF8E4TOR 11~EETtNC l~ SCH~DULED FOR THl1RSDAY, JUNE 25, 2Q09. Tl~~ sche~'uled Zon~ng Adminisfrator ~ne~t~ng for Thut~sday, Jua~e ??, 2009, has ;been can~ellec~ as no cases rn~~r~ fil~d for td~e rneeting date. CERTI~ICATION OF P05TfiVG I hereby cer~ify tha~ a complete capy of this ag~nda was posted at ~~~ 0~~~ (,~ ~~1 ~° ~~ Location: COUNC[L CI~AMB~R DISPLAY CASE AN~ (TIM~) (DATE) COUNC[L f31SPl.AY KI05K SIGf~E~: ~- $ If you challange any one af these City of Anaheim decisions in court, you may be limited to raising only thase issues you or someone else raise~ at the public hearing described in ~his notice, or a wri~~en corres~ondence deli~ered to the Zoning Administratnr nr City Cauncii at prior to, th~ public hear~ng. In cornpliance with the American With Disabifity Act, if you need special assisfance to participate in this ' meetir~g, piease contact the Piannir~g a~partment, (714} 765-5139. Notificatian 48 hours prior to the I meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrang~men#s to ensure accessibility to this meeting, Page 1 ZAf361109 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2009 06/11109 06l25l09 07/09/09 07l23l09 0~~06~0~ 08/20l09 09/03109 ~9117109 ~ oro~fo9 10/15/09 10/29/09 '{ 1/12/09 11I25I09 (W~dn~sday) 'i 2f'i Q109 ~ 2i2~~o9 ~c~~G~E~~~j Page 2 ZA061109